Substitute Senate Bill No. 283
Public Act No. 24-66
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General
Assembly convened:
Section 1. Section 8-265cc of the general statutes is repealed and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2024):
As used in this section and sections 8-265dd to 8-265kk, inclusive, as
amended by this act:
(1) "Aggregate family income" means the total income of adult
persons residing in the same household as the homeowner and any
other adult resident of the household, [declared by the homeowner as a
dependent for federal tax purposes,] from whatever source derived,
including, but not limited to, pensions, annuities, retirement benefits
and Social Security benefits, provided the authority may exclude from
income (A) reasonable allowances for dependents; [,] (B) reasonable
allowances for medical expenses; [, (C) all or any part of the earnings of
gainfully employed minors or family members other than the chief
wage earner, (D)] (C) income not regularly received; [,] and [(E)] (D)
such other expenses as the authority may allow;
(2) "Authority" means the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority
created under section 8-244;
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(3) "Mortgage" means a mortgage deed or other instrument which
constitutes a first or second consensual lien, including a reverse
mortgage or a home equity conversion mortgage, on residential real
(4) "Mortgagee" means the original lender under a mortgage, or its
agents, successors [,] or assigns;
(5) "Mortgagor" means a homeowner who is also the borrower under
a mortgage encumbering such real property;
(6) "Housing expense" means the sum of the homeowner's monthly
maintenance expense in a common interest community, [utility expense,
heating expense,] hazard insurance payment, taxes and required
mortgage payment, including escrows;
(7) "Financial hardship due to circumstances beyond the
homeowner's control" means a significant reduction of aggregate family
household income or increase in expenses which reasonably cannot be
or could not have been alleviated by the liquidation of assets by the
homeowner as determined by the Connecticut Housing Finance
Authority, including, but not limited to, a reduction resulting from (A)
(i) unemployment or underemployment of one or more of the
homeowners; (ii) a loss, reduction or delay in receipt of such federal,
state or municipal benefits as Social Security, supplemental security
income, public assistance and government pensions; (iii) a loss,
reduction or delay in receipt of such private benefits as pension,
disability, annuity or retirement benefits; (iv) divorce or a loss of
support payments; or (v) disability, illness or death of a homeowner; or
(B) (i) a significant increase in the dollar amount of the periodic
payments required by the mortgage; (ii) an unanticipated rise in
housing expenses; or (iii) expenses related to the disability, illness or
death of a member of the homeowner's family, but does not include
expenses related to the accumulation of credit or installment debt
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incurred for recreational or nonessential items prior to the occurrence of
the alleged circumstances beyond the homeowner's control; [in an
amount that would have caused the homeowner's total debt service to
exceed sixty per cent of aggregate family income at that time;]
(8) "Consumer credit counseling agency" means a nonprofit
corporation or governmental agency located in this state which has been
designated by the authority to provide homeowners' emergency
mortgage assistance program counseling. A qualified consumer credit
counseling agency must either be certified as a housing counseling
agency by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development
or otherwise determined accepted by the authority;
(9) "Foreclosure mediation program" means the Ezequiel Santiago
Foreclosure Mediation Program established pursuant to section 49-31m;
(10) "Periodic payments" means principal, interest, taxes, insurance
and, if applicable, condominium fees;
(11) "Lien" means debt secured by a lien on residential real property
pursuant to section 7-239, 7-254, 7-258 or 47-258 or chapter 205;
(12) "Lienholder" means the original lienor of a lien, or its agents,
successors or assigns;
(13) "Homeowner" means the owner-occupant of residential real
property; and
(14) "Residential real property" means [a] one-to-four family owner-
occupied residential real estate located in this state, including, but not
limited to, a single-family unit in a common interest community.
Sec. 2. Section 8-265ff of the general statutes is repealed and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2024):
(a) (1) Any homeowner who is a mortgagor may apply for emergency
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mortgage assistance payments under sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk,
inclusive, as amended by this act, if (A) such homeowner (i) has received
notice of intent to foreclose as provided in section 8-265ee, (ii) is sixty
days or more delinquent on a mortgage, or (iii) anticipates that he or she
will be sixty days or more delinquent on a mortgage based on financial
hardship beyond such homeowner's control, provided the authority
determines that such homeowner will be so delinquent, or (B) the
homeowner's mortgage is in forbearance.
(2) Any homeowner may apply for emergency lien assistance
payments under sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as amended by
this act, if such homeowner (A) has received notice of the lienholder's
intent to foreclose the lien, (B) is sixty days or more delinquent on the
debt secured by a lien, or (C) anticipates that he or she will be sixty days
or more delinquent on the debt secured by a lien based on financial
hardship beyond such homeowner's control, provided the authority
determines that such homeowner will be so delinquent.
(3) As part of the application process, the authority may refer the
applicant to a counseling agency approved by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(b) If the homeowner applies for emergency mortgage or lien
assistance payments under sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as
amended by this act, the authority shall, no later than eight business
days after the date of receipt of such application, notify all of the
mortgagees and lienholders listed on the application holding a
mortgage or lien on the homeowner's real property.
(c) The homeowner shall apply for a loan on the form provided by
the authority. The homeowner shall complete and sign the application
subject to the penalty for false statement under section 53a-157b.
(d) The homeowner shall provide the authority with full disclosure
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of all assets and liabilities, whether singly or jointly held, and all
household income regardless of source. For purposes of this subsection,
both of the following are included as assets:
(1) The sum of the household's savings and checking accounts,
market value of stocks, bonds and other securities, other capital
investments, the value of any portion of pensions and retirement funds
[valued in an amount greater than] in excess of one hundred thousand
dollars, personal property and equity in real property including the
subject mortgage or lien property. Income derived from family assets
shall be considered as income. Equity is the difference between the
market value of the property and the total outstanding principal of any
loans secured by the property and other liens.
(2) Lump-sum additions to family assets such as inheritances, capital
gains, insurance payments included under health, accident, hazard or
workers' compensation policies and settlements, verdicts or awards for
personal or property losses or transfer of assets without consideration
within one year of the time of application. Pending claims for such items
must be identified by the homeowner as contingent assets.
(e) The authority shall make a determination of eligibility for
emergency mortgage or lien assistance payments by the date thirty
calendar days after the date the homeowner's application is received by
the authority. During said thirty-day period no judgment of strict
foreclosure or any judgment ordering foreclosure by sale shall be
entered in any action for the foreclosure of any mortgage or lien any
mortgagee or lienholder holds on the homeowner's real property. No
emergency mortgage or lien assistance payments may be provided
unless the authority finds that:
(1) The real property securing the mortgage or underlying the lien is
residential real property that is the principal residence of the
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(2) Payments, including amounts for taxes and insurance payments,
including mortgage insurance, or for charges, assessments and fees
associated with a condominium or common interest community, as such
terms are defined in section 47-202, or any combination of such
payments, whether or not such payments are made into escrow or
impound accounts as reserves, owed by the homeowner under any
mortgage or lien on such real property have been delinquent and the
mortgagee, taxing authority, unit owners association or lienholder has
indicated to the homeowner its intention to foreclose;
(3) The homeowner is a resident of this state and is suffering financial
hardship which renders the homeowner unable to correct the
delinquency or delinquencies within a reasonable time and make full
mortgage payments or payments on the debt secured by the lien. For the
purposes of subdivision (7) of this subsection, in order to determine
whether the financial hardship is due to circumstances beyond the
homeowner's control, the authority may consider information
regarding the homeowner's employment, credit history and current and
past household income, assets, total debt service, net worth, eligibility
for other types of assistance and any other criteria or related factors [it]
the authority deems necessary and relevant;
(4) There is a reasonable prospect that (A) a homeowner who applies
for emergency mortgage assistance payments will (i) be able to resume
full mortgage payments on the original, modified or refinanced
mortgage within sixty months after the [beginning of the period in]
monetary default for which emergency mortgage assistance payments
are provided in accordance with a written plan formulated or approved
by the authority and pay the mortgage in full in level monthly payments
of principal and interest, subject only to payment changes as provided
in the mortgage, by its maturity date, or (ii) have sufficient equity to
repay the mortgage and emergency mortgage assistance payments at
the end of the time period for which such assistance payments are
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provided, and (B) a homeowner who applies for emergency lien
assistance payments will be able to bring the debt underlying the lien
current and resume regular payments to the lienholder for the tax,
water, assessment or usage charges underlying the lien after payment
by the authority of emergency lien assistance payments;
(5) The homeowner has applied to the authority for emergency
mortgage or lien assistance payments on an application form prescribed
by the authority which includes a financial statement disclosing all
assets and liabilities of the homeowner, whether singly or jointly held,
and all household income regardless of source;
(6) Based on the financial statement, the homeowner has insufficient
household income or net worth to correct the delinquency or
delinquencies within a reasonable period of time and make full
mortgage payments or regular payments to the lienholder for the tax,
water, assessment or usage charges underlying the lien;
(7) There is a reasonable prospect that the homeowner, as determined
by the authority, will be able to repay the emergency mortgage or lien
assistance [within a reasonable amount of time] under the terms of
section 8-265hh, as amended by this act, including through a refinancing
of the mortgage, and the authority finds that, except for the current
delinquency, any homeowner who is a mortgagor has had a favorable
residential mortgage credit history for the previous two years or period
of ownership, whichever is less. For the purposes of this subdivision, if
a homeowner has been more than thirty days in arrears four or more
times on a residential mortgage within the previous year, the
homeowner shall be ineligible for emergency mortgage assistance
payments unless the homeowner can demonstrate that the prior
delinquency was the result of financial hardship due to circumstances
beyond the homeowner's control. In making a determination under this
subsection, the authority may consider information regarding the
structure of the mortgage, its repayment schedule, the length of time the
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homeowner has lived in his or her home, and any other relevant factors
or criteria it deems appropriate;
(8) The mortgagee or lienholder is not otherwise prevented by law
from foreclosing upon the mortgage;
(9) The homeowner has not mortgaged the real property for
commercial or business purposes;
(10) The homeowner has not previously received emergency
mortgage or lien assistance payments from the authority, except that (A)
a homeowner who has previously received mortgage assistance
payments shall be eligible to reapply for mortgage assistance if the
homeowner has reinstated the mortgage and the homeowner is not
delinquent for at least six consecutive months immediately following
such reinstatement, and (B) a homeowner who has previously received
lien assistance payments shall be eligible to reapply for lien assistance if
the homeowner has brought the debt underlying the lien current and
the homeowner is not delinquent on regular payments to the lienholder
for the tax, water, assessment or usage charges underlying the lien for
eighteen consecutive months immediately following the date such debt
is made current;
(11) The homeowner is not in default under the mortgage except for
the monetary delinquency referred to in subdivision (2) of this
subsection; and
(12) The homeowner meets such other procedural requirements as
the authority may establish, provided the authority shall not prohibit a
homeowner from participating in the program solely on the basis that
the homeowner received a discharge of debt through a bankruptcy
filing and did not reaffirm such debt.
Sec. 3. Subsections (a) to (e), inclusive, of section 8-265gg of the
general statutes are repealed and the following is substituted in lieu
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thereof (Effective October 1, 2024):
(a) If the authority approves a homeowner for mortgage assistance
under the provisions of section 8-265ff, as amended by this act, the
authority shall make [monthly] emergency mortgage assistance
payments, which may, at the discretion of the authority, be in the form
of monthly emergency mortgage assistance payments, lump sum
emergency mortgage assistance payments or any combination thereof.
Such payments shall be made directly to each mortgagee secured by the
homeowner's real property [for a period not to exceed] in a total amount
that does not exceed the amount of sixty months of emergency mortgage
assistance payments, which amount shall include any such payments
that the authority provides to reinstate a homeowner's mortgage or lien
to a current status with the initial disbursement of an emergency
mortgage assistance payment, either consecutively or nonconsecutively,
except no such payments shall be made after sixty months have passed
since the date of the initial payment. The total monthly payment made
by the authority, to or on behalf of a homeowner under subsection (c) of
this section, shall be not more than twenty-eight per cent of one hundred
forty per cent of annual area median income, as published by the United
States Department of Housing and Urban Development, divided by
twelve. Upon receipt of payment in full from a homeowner of the
monthly amount established under subsection (b) of this section, the
authority shall pay to each mortgagee the full amount then due to the
mortgagee pursuant to the terms of the mortgage without regard to any
acceleration under the mortgage. Such payments shall include, but not
be limited to, principal, interest, taxes, assessments and insurance
premiums. The initial payment made by the authority to each
mortgagee may be an amount which pays all arrearages, [and pays]
reasonable costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the
mortgagee in connection with foreclosure of the mortgage, and, if
approved by the authority as part of a restructuring of the mortgage
debt, a sum to reduce the principal balance of the mortgage to an
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amount that will cause the homeowner to have a reasonable prospect of
resuming full periodic mortgage payments following the disbursement
of all emergency mortgage assistance payments provided by the
authority under this subsection.
(b) A homeowner on whose behalf the authority is making
emergency mortgage assistance payments shall, during the period in
which such assistance is provided, make monthly payments to the
authority in lieu of the homeowner's monthly mortgage payments. Such
payments to the authority shall be: [in] (1) In an amount which [will]
shall cause the homeowner's total housing expense to be [less than or
equal to thirty-five] not greater than forty-five per cent of the
homeowner's aggregate family income; or (2) if greater than the amount
described in subdivision (1) of this subsection, in an amount which shall
cause the ratio of the homeowner's total housing expense to aggregate
family income to be not greater than such ratio for the one-year period
immediately preceding the date when the homeowner experienced the
financial hardship beyond the homeowner's control. The homeowner
shall make such payments to the authority not later than seven days
before each mortgage payment is due to the mortgagee.
(c) The amount by which the emergency mortgage assistance
payments made by the authority to the mortgagee exceeds the payments
made by the homeowner to the authority shall be a loan in that amount
made by the authority to the homeowner. Any such loan shall be
evidenced by such documents as the authority may require and [shall]
may be subject to repayment with interest, if any, and secured as
provided in section 8-265hh, as amended by this act.
(d) The authority shall establish procedures for periodic review of the
homeowner's financial circumstances for the purpose of determining
the necessity for continuation, termination or adjustment of the amount
of emergency mortgage assistance payments or adjustment of the
payments by the homeowner pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.
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Payments shall be discontinued when the authority determines that,
due to changes in the homeowner's financial condition, the payments
are no longer necessary in accordance with the standards contained in
section 8-265ff, as amended by this act, the maximum amount of
emergency mortgage assistance payments allowed under subsection (a)
of this section has been provided or the sixty-month period [of eligibility
for such payments under subsection (e) of section 8-265ff] established
under subsection (a) of this section, during which one or more
emergency mortgage assistance payments were provided, has expired,
whichever is sooner. [, and a] A foreclosure of the homeowner's
mortgage may, at any time thereafter, proceed without further
restriction or requirement under sections 8-265cc to 8-265hh, inclusive,
as amended by this act. The authority may adjust payments by the
homeowner pursuant to subsection (b) of this section based on a review
under this subsection.
(e) If the homeowner fails to pay to the authority any amounts due
under subsection (b) of this section within seven days of the date due to
the authority, the authority: (1) May, at the discretion of the authority,
nevertheless advance emergency mortgage assistance payments to the
mortgagee; and (2) shall, upon the homeowner's request, review the
homeowner's financial circumstances to determine whether the
delinquency is the result of additional financial hardship due to
circumstances beyond the homeowner's control. If the homeowner does
not demonstrate to the satisfaction of the authority that the delinquency
is [not] the result of additional financial hardship due to circumstances
beyond the homeowner's control in the homeowner's financial
circumstances, the authority [shall] may terminate emergency mortgage
assistance payments and the foreclosure of the homeowner's mortgage
may, at any time thereafter, continue without any further restriction or
requirement under sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as amended
by this act. If the delinquency is the result of a change in the
homeowner's financial circumstances, the authority may modify the
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homeowner's required monthly payments to the authority.
Sec. 4. Section 8-265hh of the general statutes is repealed and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2024):
(a) Upon approval of emergency mortgage or lien assistance
payments, the authority shall enter into an agreement with the
homeowner for repayment of all such assistance with any interest as
provided in this section. The agreement shall provide for [monthly
payments] repayment by the homeowner after emergency mortgage or
lien assistance payments have ended and shall be subject to the
following provisions:
(1) [If the homeowner's total housing expense, including projected
repayments for assistance under this section, is greater than thirty-five
per cent of the homeowner's aggregate family income, repayment]
Repayment of the emergency mortgage or lien assistance payments
shall be deferred until [such total housing expense, including projected
repayments for assistance under this section, is less than or equal to
thirty-five per cent of such aggregate family income;] the homeowner
(A) transfers title to the homeowner's residential real property, other
than a transfer to another mortgagor under the same mortgage pursuant
to a dissolution of marriage or by devise, descent or operation of law
upon the death of a homeowner, (B) ceases to occupy the residential real
property as a principal dwelling, or (C) obtains new mortgage loan
financing, other than home improvement mortgage loan financing for
repairs necessary to preserve the residential real property, which
increases the amount of mortgage debt to an amount that is more than
the amount of mortgage debt that encumbered the residential real
property at the time when emergency mortgage or lien assistance
payments were initially approved under section 8-265ff, as amended by
this act; and
[(2) If repayment of emergency mortgage or lien assistance payments
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is not made by the date the mortgage is paid in full, the homeowner
shall make monthly payments to the authority in an amount not less
than the monthly mortgage or lien payment until such assistance is
(3) Interest shall accrue on all emergency mortgage and lien
assistance payments made by the authority at a rate based upon the cost
of funds to the state periodically determined by the State Treasurer in
consultation with the authority. Interest shall start to accrue whenever
the homeowner is required to commence repayment under this section.]
(2) (A) The authority may, at the discretion of the authority, elect to
enter into an agreement with the homeowner to provide that (i) interest
on emergency mortgage and lien assistance payments made by the
authority shall be payable from time to time or accrue, and (ii) if such
interest accrues, such interest will compound periodically or accrue as
simple interest.
(B) For any such interest that accrues, (i) the rate of accrual shall be
established by the authority in accordance with the authority's
procedures, and (ii) such interest shall start to accrue at the end of the
sixty-month period established under subsection (a) of section 8-265gg,
as amended by this act, during which one or more emergency mortgage
assistance payments were provided.
(b) Repayment of amounts owed to the authority from a homeowner
under the provisions of sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as
amended by this act, shall be secured by a mortgage on the
homeowner's real property, provided said mortgage shall not be
deemed to take priority over any other mortgage or lien in effect against
such property on the date the emergency mortgage is recorded. The
authority may allow subordination of its mortgage if such
subordination is required to permit the homeowner to obtain a home
improvement loan for repairs necessary to preserve the property.
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(c) The authority [shall establish written procedures for] may, at the
discretion of the authority, waive any right of the authority to conduct
periodic review of the homeowner's financial circumstances to
determine the amounts of repayment required under this section.
(d) All moneys received by the authority from homeowners for
repayment of emergency mortgage or lien assistance payments shall be
paid to the authority, deposited in such funds or accounts as the
authority may establish from time to time for such purpose and be used
solely for the purposes of the program established pursuant to sections
8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as amended by this act.
(e) Any homeowner who misrepresents any financial or other
pertinent information in conjunction with the filing of an application for
emergency mortgage or lien assistance or modification of such
assistance, may, at the discretion of the authority, be denied assistance
and required to immediately repay, either in a lump sum or in
installments, any amount of assistance already made together with
interest at the maximum per annum rate allowed under section 37-4.
The mortgagee or lienholder may, at any time thereafter, take any legal
action to enforce the mortgage or lien without further restrictions or
(f) The authority may take any action it deems appropriate to recover
emergency mortgage or lien assistance when the homeowner fails to
repay such assistance under the terms and conditions established under
this section.
Sec. 5. Section 8-265ii of the general statutes is repealed and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October 1, 2024):
(a) The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority shall adopt
procedures in accordance with section 1-121 to implement the
provisions of sections 8-265cc to 8-265hh, inclusive, as amended by this
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act. Such procedures shall include the establishment of a process for
notification to eligible homeowners of the availability of funds under
sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as amended by this act, and for
notification to the mortgagee or lienholder that an application has been
received by or on behalf of the homeowner and of the authority's
determination of eligibility.
(b) The authority may, from time to time, adopt procedures in
accordance with section 1-121 to establish an aggregate limit on the
amount of emergency mortgage assistance payments that a homeowner
may receive under sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as amended by
this act.
Sec. 6. Subsection (b) of section 8-265kk of the general statutes is
repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective October
1, 2024):
(b) If funds are not available to provide emergency mortgage or lien
assistance payments to homeowners in accordance with sections 8-265cc
to 8-265kk, inclusive, as amended by this act, the authority shall [notify]
post on the authority's Internet web site a notice for the benefit of all
mortgagees and lienholders and shall [not accept] thereafter discontinue
accepting applications for emergency mortgage or lien assistance
payment. Upon [receipt of] posting such notice, [from the authority] and
until [mortgagees and lienholders receive a further] a subsequent notice
[from] is posted by the authority on the authority's Internet web site
disclosing that such funds are again available and applications for such
assistance payments are again being accepted by the authority, [:] (1)
[Mortgagees] mortgagees may commence foreclosure actions without
first providing the notice set forth in subsection (a) of section 8-265ee, [;]
and (2) the foreclosure of mortgages and liens by mortgagees or
lienholders may continue without any further restriction or requirement
under the provisions of sections 8-265cc to 8-265kk, inclusive, as
amended by this act.
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Approved May 28, 2024