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Guide to Solvent Schemes
of Arrangement for the
Insurance Industry
1 January 2015
Solvent Schemes of Arrangement
Home Jurisdiction Scheme Advisers
Arig (UK) Company UK PwC
Arion Company Bermuda PwC
Aviation & General Company UK PwC
Blackfriars Company UK PwC
Camomile Underwriting Agencies For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
UK None
CEAI Certain business Belgium PwC
City General Company UK PwC
City General (Ex Generali Assurances Générales Business) Company UK None
Colonia (Ireland) Company Ireland Ernst & Young
Crombie (UK) Company UK KPMG
Deutsche Rück UK Reinsurance Company Ltd Certain business UK KPMG
Dunedin Pool
(4 companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
(4 companies)
Dutch Aviation Pool
(18 companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Netherlands PwC
(18 companies)
EAUA Pools
(13 solvent companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Various KPMG
(13 companies)
European Re of Zurich Certain business Switzerland PwC
E W Payne Excess of Loss Pools
(82 companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Various KPMG
(82 companies)
FIGRE Company UK PwC
Global General Certain direct insurance business (2006) UK PwC
Global General Certain reinsurance business (2008) UK PwC
Global General Company (2011) UK PwC
GLOBALE Rückversicherungs-AG Certain business Germany PwC
Global London Market Pool
(5 companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Various PwC
(4 companies)
KPMG (1 company)
Gordian RunOff (UK) Company UK Deloitte
Great Lakes Re (UK) Certain business UK PwC
Harrington International Certain business Bermuda KPMG
Hassneh (UK) Company UK PwC
HIR (UK) Company UK RSM Robson Rhodes
Hopewell International Company Bermuda None
(5 companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Various PwC
(5 companies)
ING Re (UK) Company UK PwC
Korean (UK) Company UK Ernst & Young
La Metropole Certain business of UK branch Belgium PwC
La Mutuelle du Mans Assurances Certain business of UK branch France Scottish Lion Underwriting Agencies
Lakewood Company UK PwC
LaSalle Re Company Bermuda KPMG
Lion City Run-Off Private Company Singapore KPMG
Ludgate Company UK PwC
(1) This table includes Solvent Schemes of Arrangement that have become legally effective. The information contained in this schedule has been derived solely from statutory notices and other data available from national newspapers, industry
journals and appropriate scheme web-sites. The information has not been independently verified by PwC.
(2) In some cases certain policies have been excluded from the scope of the Solvent Scheme of Arrangement. Full details are provided in the relevant Solvent Scheme of Arrangement document.
Guide to Solvent Schemes
of Arrangement for the
Insurance Industry
1 January 2015
Solvent Schemes of Arrangement
Home Jurisdiction Scheme Advisers
Malayan (UK) Company UK Chiltington
Mariner Reinsurance Company Limited Company Bermuda KPMG
Marlon Certain business UK PwC
Meadows Indemnity Company Limited Company UK Ambant Limited
Mercantile & General Re Company UK PwC
Minster (7 companies) For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Moorgate Certain business UK KPMG
Mutual of Omaha (UK) Company UK PwC
National Insurance & Guarantee Corporation Certain business UK PwC
Nichido Fire & Marine of Japan UK branch Japan None
NRC Re Company Bermuda PwC
NRG London Australian branch UK None
NRG Victory Australia Company Australia None
Osiris Company UK KPMG
Oslo Re (UK) Certain business UK KPMG
Oslo Re ASA Certain business Norway KPMG
PanFinancial Company UK None
Pender Mutual Certain business Isle of Man KPMG
QBE Re (UK) Certain business UK PwC
Quincy Mutual Fire UK branch USA Begbies Traynor
Ramus Company Bermuda PwC
Reliance National Asia Re Company Singapore Ernst & Young
Reliance National (Europe) Certain business UK KPMG
Scottish & Commonwealth Company Bermuda PwC
Scottish Eagle Company UK PwC
Seven Continents Company Bermuda KPMG
Sphere Drake Certain business UK PwC
SRO Run-Off Company Bermuda PwC
St Helen’s Trust (5 companies) and, in relation to Prudential
Assurance, certain London Market business
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
(5 companies)
Tanker Company UK PwC
Transcon Company Bermuda PwC
Tokio Marine Europe Insurance Limited Certain reinsurance business UK None
Trent Company Bermuda PwC
Trident Pool
(2 companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
(2 companies)
Trimark Pool
(47 solvent companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Various KPMG
(47 companies)
Unione Italiana (UK) Re Certain business UK PwC
Walton Company Bermuda KPMG
WFUM Pools
(14 solvent companies)
For full details of companies and/or business
included in the scheme please go to
Various PwC
(6 companies)
KPMG (8 companies)
Winterthur Swiss Certain business Switzerland None
Insolvency Procedure Organisation
Provisional Liquidation Date of Provisional Liquidation Provisional Liquidators
Återfőrsäkrings AB LUAP – UK Branch 1 July 2002 (ended on 14 November 2013) PwC
Home UK Branch 8 May 2003 Ernst & Young
Independent Insurance 17 June 2001 PwC
Run-off Scheme of Arrangement Current Dividend Scheme Administrators
BAI (Run-off) 5% PwC
Chester Street 3% PwC
Drake 65% Deloitte
(8 companies) See note (1) KPMG/McGrathNicol
Undeclared Ernst & Young
36.9% (final) PwC
New Cap Reinsurance Corporation Limited
65% for insurance creditors, 56% to others Bentleys Corporate Recvoery
OIC Run-Off (formerly Orion) and London & Overseas
58% PwC
Paramount 40% PwC
Valuation Scheme of Arrangement Current Dividend Scheme Administrators
AA Mutual International
31.4% (final) PwC
AFG Insurance Undeclared Ernst & Young
Andrew Weir (converted from run-off)
49.65% (final) PwC
Anglo American (converted from run-off)
100% (final) KPMG
72.6% (final) PwC
Bermuda Fire & Marine (converted from run-off) 90% Ernst & Young
Black Sea & Baltic
57.69% (final) PwC
100% (final) PwC
Bristol Re
55.1% (final) PwC
Bryanston (converted from run-off) 60.61% (final) PwC
Chancellor (converted from run-off) 42.1% (final) Deloitte
Charter Re
90.58% (final) PwC
Compagnie Europeenne de Reassurances
0.52% (final) PwC
English & American 48% KPMG
Folksam International (UK) Undeclared PwC
Fremont (UK)
38.34% (final) PwC
23% (final) PwC
Highlands Insurance Company (UK) Limited 100% to direct creditors, 15% to cedants PwC
88.8% (final) PwC
Insurance Corporation of Singapore (UK) (converted from run-off) 100% to general creditors (final) PwC
KWELM (converted from run-off) K-86.41%, W -100%, E -100%, L-90.25%, M-76.42% (final) CJ Hughes and CG Reynolds
Marina Mutual Insurance 34% (final) Grant Thornton
Municipal General Insurance
111.5% JB Stephenson and GR Gadsby
New Cap Reinsurance (Bermuda)
33.85% (final) Ernst & Young
North Atlantic 27.11% (final) PwC
Pacific & General Insurance 20% (final) Grant Thornton
Pan Atlantic 6.93% (final) Grant Thornton
Pine Top
24.9% (final) Ernst & Young
93.04% (final) PwC
Scan Re (converted from run-off)
80.5% (final) Ernst & Young
Sovereign 97% (final) KPMG
Stockholm Re (Bermuda) 36.37% (final) Deloitte
Taisei Fire & Marine
62% Ernst & Young
Trinity (converted from run-off) 76.75% (final) PwC
UIC 134% (final) Grant Thornton
United Standard 64.94% (final) PwC
Guide to London Market
Insolvencies since 1989
1 January 2015
(1) Companies subject to English & Australian Schemes of Arrangement (dual run-off and estimation scheme)
(All in liquidation in Australia and Provisional Liquidation in England)
HIH Casualty & General Insurance Ltd: Australia 43.72%; creditors with Insurance claims that are not in Australia: 41.62%; Non Insurance claims in Australia: 33%; Non Insurance claims not in Australia: 30.5%
FAI Insurances Limited: Australia 69.2%; creditors with Insurance claims that are not in Australia: 10%; creditors with Non Insurance claims in Australia: 12%
FAI General Insurance Company Limited: 60.5%, and to creditors with insurance liabilities 62.48%
World Marine & General insurances Pty Limited: Australia 100%
Companies subject to Australian Schemes of Arrangement (dual run-off and estimation schemes)
(All in liquidation in Australia)
CIC Insurance Limited - 70%, and to creditors with insurance liabilities 71.2%
FAI Traders Insurance Company Limited 17.5%
FAI Reinsurances Pty Limited - 100%
HIH Underwriting and Insurance (Australia) Pty Limited Australia 19.81%, and to creditors with Non Insurance claims 19%
(2) This scheme relates to business written by The Home Insurance Company through the AFIA Pool.
(3) Scheme exited via compulsory liquidation handled by PwC. No additional dividend.
(4) This scheme is a hybrid scheme comprising a 'reserving phase' and a 'cut-off' phase. For queries please contact [email protected].com
(5) Certain claims are presently being paid in full by OIC Run-Off and London & Overseas.
(6) Scheme exited via compulsory liquidation handled by the official receiver. No further dividend expected.
(7) Scheme terminated in 2007 and now subject to members’ voluntary liquidation handled by KPMG. Payment percentage remains 100%.
(8) Also in liquidation handled by PwC.
(9) Company was dissolved on 31 May 2007 following settlement of all liabilities within the Scheme.
(10) Scheme exited via compulsory liquidation handled by PwC. Final additional dividend of 2.78%.
(11) Company in liquidation in France. The French liquidator is M. Jean Claude Pierrel.
(12) The scheme of arrangement in relation to the company's direct insurance creditors has now been terminated. A separate scheme of arrangement for reinsurance creditors became effective on 22 September 2011 and the deadline for
submitting claims 20 March 2012. All submitted claims have now been agreed.
(13) Scheme closed and company dissolution achieved via a members' voluntary liquidation handled by KPMG Singapore. No dividend was paid.
(14) JB Stephenson and GR Gadsby, the Scheme Administrators to Municipal General Insurance are assisted by Mazars LLP. The Scheme closes on 4 February 2015 and there is a Court hearing on 9 February 2015.
(15) Also in liquidation handled by Ernst & Young.
(16) Scheme exited via compulsory liquidation handled by Ernst & Young. No dividend was paid.
(17) Payments pursuant to the Reorganisation Plan for international reinsurance creditors.
(18) Joint appointment with David Buchler.
(19) PwC’s role in respect of these estates was to collect in the assets. PwC has now concluded their role and funds have been passed to the Belgian liquidator. Despite the liquidation remaining open, there will be no further distribution to
creditors. The Belgian liquidator is Jean Michel Derick:[email protected].
Contact Details
PwC is one of the leading firms of advisers to the insurance industry. If you have any questions in relation to Schemes of Arrangement or insurance
company insolvencies, please contact one of our team:
Dan Schwarzmann Alan Augustin Nigel Rackham Andrew Ward Clare Whitcombe
+44 (0) 20 7804 5067 +44 (0) 20 7804 4098 +44 (0) 20 7212 6270 +44 (0) 20 7213 3197 +44 (0)20 7804 4844
Insolvency Procedure Organisation
Liquidation Current Dividend Liquidators
Belvedere Insurance (Bermuda) 15.5% (final) KPMG
Continental Assurance
Nil (final) PwC
Dai Ichi Kyoto Reinsurance Company SA
Funds remitted to Belgian liquidator PwC
Kobe Reinsurance SA
Funds remitted to Belgian liquidator PwC
National Employers Mutual General (NEMGIA) 37.58% (final) KPMG
Oaklife Nil (final) PwC
7 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2RT
Telephone number: +44 (0) 20 7583 5000
Facsimile number: +44 (0) 20 7212 7500
You can also visit our website:
This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No
representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, its members, employees and agents do
not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it.
© 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. All rights reserved. In this document, "PwC" refers to the UK member firm, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. Each member firm is a separate legal entity. Please see for
further details.
Guide to London Market
Insolvencies since 1989
1 January 2015