First aid tips and preparation guidance to
limit damage and protect your mission
First, Do No Harm
A critical principle of medicine applies
equally well to cybersecurity incident
responses – Do No Harm.
Organizations face many pitfalls that can
dramatically increase the negative impact
of an incident.
This guide is designed to help you manage
a cybersecurity incident while avoiding
common errors, increasing both the
effectiveness and efciency of your incident
response efforts.
Incident Response Reference Guide
First Aid for Major Cybersecurity Incidents
o Technology
o Operations
o Legal
o Communications
During an Incident
o Operations
o Technology
o Legal
o Communications
Preparation pays offPreparing for a major incident can reduce
damage to the organization, as well as reduce incident cost and
management difculty.
Operationalize your incident management processesManaging
major cybersecurity incidents must be part of standard business risk
management processes.
Coordination is criticalEffective cybersecurity incident
management requires collaboration and coordination of technical,
operations, communications, legal, and governance functions.
Stay calm and do no harm in an incident Overreacting can be as
damaging as underreacting.
Unfortunately, most organizations are likely to experience one or more major
incidents in which an attacker has administrative control over the IT systems that
enable your business processes and store your critical business data.
This is a “rst aid” style of guidance for cybersecurity to help you:
1. Prepare for a Crisis – Reduce risk to your organization with key preparations.
2. In a Crisis – Immediately limit potential damage to your organization.
This includes tips and guidance for technical, operational, legal, and
communications aspects of a major cybersecurity incident.
While these top-level tips and practices may be valuable in managing a crisis,
each incident is unique and complex. This rst aid kit is not designed to provide
complete and response and recovery guidance. There are no guarantees,
expressed or implied, in this document. For comprehensive guidance and
specialized advice, we recommend the following:
• You should consider engaging professional assistance
for an active major incident.
• You should review NIST Special Publication 800-184 “Guide for
Cybersecurity Event Recovery” for additional preparation guidance
This guidance is primarily targeted at individuals in the roles of Chief
Information Security Ofcer (CISO), General Counsel, Communications/PR Lead,
and Chief Information Ofcer (CIO) and immediate colleagues, though many
other roles and stakeholders will also nd this information valuable.
Many organizations will experience a major
incident or must respond to difcult questions
about preventing, detecting, and successfully
managing a cybersecurity attack from customers,
partners, and the board of directors.
A 2016-2017 EY survey showed that 87%
of board members and C-suite members
lack condence in their organization’s
level of cybersecurity.
This document is designed to help you better
manage these challenges, improve your
program with the benet of our experience, and instill condence in your ability
to manage a major incident. This is based on our collective experiences across a
wide range of Fortune 1000
companies and government agencies.
Given the recent spike in cybersecurity threats and the difculty of defending
against them, organizations must focus on how to get the most return on
their security investments. The greatest security return on investment will
come from prioritizing your security efforts and budget to increase an
attacker’s cost, as this will deter opportunistic threats and slow (or ideally stop)
determined adversaries.
Preparing for and executing a well-planned response can increase an attackers
operational cost and dramatically reduce the business impact of a major
cybersecurity incident to your organization.
of board members and C-level executives
hve said they lack confidence in their
organization’s levels of cybersecurity.
of responders have had a recent
significant cybersecurity accident.
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About Us
Microsoft has been helping enterprise customers discretely
investigate and recover from major incidents for over a
decade. Additionally, Microsoft provides secure products and
platforms, security products and features, guidance like this
documentation, and cybersecurity consulting solutions to help
our customers. Primary contributors are Mark Simos, Lesley
Kipling, and Matt Kemelhar.
Edelman’s Data Security & Privacy helps companies navigate
the increasingly complex environment surrounding the
collection, use, and protection of corporate and personal
data. The group assists companies by enhancing trust and
advancing brand, reputation, and competitiveness through
communications and stakeholder engagement. We work with
companies across a variety of sectors to prepare for data
incidents, manage security and privacy issues, inuence the
policy agenda, and dene leadership positioning. Primary
contributor is Leigh Nakanishi.
EY Cyber Threat Management services, delivered through the
Advanced Security Centers help clients complicate (increase
effort necessary for threat objectives to be completed), detect,
and respond to real-world attacks in the context of their own
business and improve their overall cybersecurity posture.
These services can be delivered through a traditional advisory
approach or a managed service offering through Cyber as a
Service. Primary contributors are Chris White and Bryan York.
Major Cybersecurity Incidents
A security incident is an event that affects the condentiality,
integrity, or availability of information resources and assets in the
organization. An incident could range from low impact to a major
incident where administrative access to enterprise IT systems is
compromised (as happens in targeted attacks that are frequently
reported in the press).
A security incident frequently results in a breach of sensitive
information, but it sometimes results in operational/data
destruction instead. A breach of personal information has
specic legal requirements in many jurisdictions.
These types of incidents can become very challenging to deal
with for organizations that are not equipped or trained to deal
with managing a major crisis operation.
Our teams have observed signicantly better experiences with
managing a major cybersecurity incident for organizations that
integrate with existing disaster recovery plans/exercises and use
of crisis management mechanisms like the Incident Command
System (ICS).
This guidance is focused primarily on the
Respond and Recover phases dened in the
NIST cybersecurity framework. For guidance on
preventing and detecting major incidents, see
“Fortune favors the prepared mind.”
Louis Pasteur
This section is designed to help you think through and
plan key aspects of building or updating your enterprise
breach response plan across these key functions:
• Technology
• Operations
• Legal
• Communication
Many organizations are more likely to face
disaster related to cyber attacks than to re,
earthquake or ooding.
Good preparation for responding to a cybersecurity
attack can signicantly reduce the business risk of
an attack and the difculty of managing the response
and recovery.
This section provides what preparation elements have the
greatest impact on responding to a cybersecurity attack,
based on experience.
The preparation for response and recovery of a major
cybersecurity incident should include steps to protect
against, detect, and respond to an incident.
For Protect and Detect preparation, we
recommend you follow the Microsoft
securing privileged access (SPA) roadmap
of technical controls focused on common
attack methods used in major incidents at
To prepare to respond, we recommend the following:
Identify High-Value Assets (HVAs) – You need to identify
the critically important business assets and their technical
composition (servers, applications, data les, etc.). This
inventory of HVA components is critical for recovery plans
to rapidly assess, contain/isolate, and recover these critical
assets during an incident that spreads through the production
environment. This identication will also be useful for
prioritizing protective and detective controls for these assets
and identifying threats to them.
Conrm Reliable Software Deployment – Validate that you
can rapidly execute scripts/installers on all endpoints. In our
experience, incomplete or unreliable software deployment
systems can signicantly hamper recovery efforts.
Threat detection and monitoring capabilities – Conrm that you have
access to tools and skills that allow you to detect advanced attackers in your
environment. These capabilities are constantly evolving, but an advanced
program currently would include:
Event correlation and analysis
Integrated threat intelligence
User and Entity Behavioral Analytics
Ability to detect with both Indicators of Compromise for historical patterns
and Indicators of Attack for evolving techniques
Machine learning analytics
The most critical basic detection capabilities are called specically in the
SPA road map (above).
Investigation and Forensic capabilities – Conrm that you have access to
advanced tools and skills to investigate targeted attacks that include
malware analysis and attack activity analysis that can produce a
comprehensive attack timeline. You can get access to these capabilities
by purchasing tools and hiring analysts or you can retain access via external
entities or professional services.
Track and analyze response costs – To enable better risk management,
you should keep a record of the costs involved in responding to the incident.
This should include both direct costs (external services, credit reporting for
customers, etc.) and the cost of the time your team spends on investigation
and recovery, as well as the negative impact on your organization’s business
and mission.
Validated backup and recovery capability for critical data – For example,
preparing for a destructive attack that deletes or encrypts data (such as
ransomware) requires that you have validated your ability to recover critical
data using an ofine and/or ransomware resistant backup capability (such as
Microsoft Azure Backup).
Create technical documentation/automation – Write and validate technical
documentation (and/or automation) for procedures that are frequently required
during a security incident, including:
Compromised account recovery procedures that include consideration of
Levels of condence on account compromise (active attacker use, account
credentials exposed on known compromised host, suspicious account
behavior, etc.)
How to validate whether accounts were tampered with using ofine
backups, change logs, or other systems of record
Whether to reset password or rapidly recreate account
How to handle potential conicts/integration with the Identity
Management system during any account recreation
Compromised host recovery procedures for both workstations and
servers. This should include:
Host OS (and Application) rebuild procedures
Cleaning procedures and criteria for when to clean vs. rebuild (if “cleaning”
a host is deemed acceptable at your organization)
Network segregation and isolation procedures including the ability to
Search and monitor internet egress point logs for attacker Command and
Control (C2) channels
Block attacker C2 channels at internet egress points
Isolate high value assets from other endpoints in the production
environment (such as compromised workstations and servers) if feasible.
Network segregation and isolation procedures including the ability to:
Search and monitor internet egress point logs for attacker Command and
Control (C2) channels
Block attacker C2 channels at internet egress points
Isolate HVAs from other end points in the production environment (such as
compromised workstations and servers), if feasible.
We have learned that performing password resets and C2 channel
blocking alone is ineffective without also detecting and removing
attacker malware from hosts
Managing a cybersecurity incident is a challenging
event full of technical complexities, unknown
variables, and elevated emotions. Because of
the potentially severe impact on your business
operations, a clear business case can be made to
divert efforts, resources, and time to conducting
the planning and preparation necessary to survive as a business during a cyber
In the recent EY GISS survey, 57% of organizations rated business continuity
management (BCM) as their joint top priority, alongside data leakage/data loss
US NIST has published a useful document with many important considerations
that highlights the need for preparation:
From http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-61r2.pdf
This section is designed to help reduce organizational risk by sharing learnings
and recommended practices for operations.
of organizations rated BCM as their
joint top priority, alongside data
leakage/data loss prevention
Adopt Incident Command System (ICS) for Crisis Management – Major
incidents represent an organizational crisis and require a temporary command
structure to manage them (if you don’t already have a permanent function for
this). ICS is used extensively in natural disasters and has proven itself extremely
valuable in multiple cybersecurity incidents.
Establish a Framework – Conrm that you have a framework that denes your
incident response program.
Exercise Your Crisis Process – Establish a recurring schedule to exercising
crisis teams and processes on relevant scenarios across all responsibility
levels. This schedule should include exercises of individual components
as well as tabletop exercises that include all stakeholders (including legal,
communications, and organizational leadership). You should also validate non-
intrusive technical procedures including backup recovery and threat detection
tools during these exercises.
Emergency Approval Process – Conrm you have a streamlined emergency
approval process for handling rapid changes during an emergency/incident
(e.g., authority to judge/approve rapid change proposals and provisions to
capture changes and feedback through process afterward).
Establish Clear Guidelines for Escalation – Document thresholds for when
internal investigations should escalate to specialists and external investigation
teams. These can be based on time spent, complexity, unknown malware,
specic adversary, etc.
Executive Leadership Team
Incident Command Lead
Liaison Ocer and Team
Welfare and Safety
Planning Finance &
Because of the complexity of modern organizations, the ideal response
program will vary from industry to industry and organization to organization.
The general attributes of a strong incident response and recovery program are:
Strongly integrated with:
Business priorities and leadership
IT Operations
Business Continuity Management and Disaster Recovery
Context from internal and external sources
Continuous learning culture and processes:
Postmortems performed and lessons learned integrated
Regular exercises and red team validation
High level of familiarity with response framework by all stakeholders
Detailed technical recovery instructions (or automation) for IT and
Security Professionals
Technical Readiness for major incidents:
Access to technical prociency with security systems and business
critical systems
Access to experience on operational, communications, and legal
aspects of security incidents (via internal teams and/or partnerships/
retainers with external organizations)
The stronger programs we observe have learned these key lessons:
Just buying more tools does not equal better security.
Buying tools without having time and skills to use them
is a waste and a distraction.
Enabling every log source will only drown you in data, increasing
the size of the haystack instead of nding more needles.
Placing your security staff in a dual role with IT operations
diminishes their effectiveness.
You can reduce the cost of an incident by preparing your staff
and scheduling availability of required resources.
Capturing lessons learned is critical to success, as you will see the same
attackers and techniques over and over again.
These questions will help you identify how ready your organization is for a
managing a major incident.
Do you have a good understanding of your HVAs
(processes, data, hardware, identities)?
Do you currently have enhanced controls
in place for your HVAs and most likely
avenues of attack?
What are your high-probability attack
vectors? What attacker techniques are
most likely to be used for agressors to
gain initial access and then begin to
attempt secondary levels of attack to gain
persistence or elevated levels of access?
Can you measure the impact to your
business resources and reputation if you
don’t invest in preparation?
Do you have a security operations center focused on detecting and
responding to cyber threats?
Do you have a designated security team and response workows for
handling known threats?
Do you have a documented, socialized and exercised process in place for
incident response?
Are your people given the proper training and time to investigate
cyber threats?
How effective are your tools at detecting cyber threats?
For additional context and background, please visit
do not have, or only have an informal,
threat intelligence program.
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are concerned about poor user awareness
and behavior around mobile devices.
Of all the major costs and risks associated with managing a security incident,
the potential hit to brand and reputation and loss of customer trust could be
the most damaging. According to Edelman’s security study, 71% of global
consumers said they would switch providers after a company they rarely
used suffered a data breach. Beyond reputational impact, poorly managed
and communicated security incidents can affect employee morale, as well as
lead to regulatory pressure and litigation.
Americans proved most loyal to the
companies they do business with, yet
say they are likely to
change brands after a data breach
of global consumers would
after a company they rarely
used suffered a data breach
of global consumers
about their experience
of global consumers
posted online
about their experience
Expectations are changing as cyber attacks increase. Organizations are not
necessarily expected to prevent security incidents (though this depends on
the nature of the risk), but they are expected to effectively manage the fallout
of a cyber attack. There is a growing consensus that even organizations with
highly sophisticated cyber defense systems can fall victim to an attack, and that
companies should be judged by how well they manage an incident rather than if
they can prevent one from occurring in the rst place.
Effectively communicating around security incidents requires careful planning,
as well as an understanding of the unique dynamics inherent in cybersecurity
issues that make them different from other types of crises. Unlike traditional
crisis issues where transparency and speed are often the right course of action,
there is great risk in communicating initial ndings and details because the
complex nature of forensics investigations make facts uid. This dynamic leads
to an increased potential to disclose information early in the response process
that turns out to be incorrect later. This could lead to a loss of credibility,
additional news cycles, and increased negative coverage.
Below are several steps organizations should consider taking now to be
prepared to handle a potential incident.
Appoint a communications lead to be part of the core incident response
team and conrm he or she understands the response process and
cybersecurity. In the moment of a crisis, precious time and energy is spent
identifying who is leading on communications and who will speak on
behalf of an organization. There are unique nuances with communicating
cybersecurity incidents and investigations that a strong communications
lead must understand to be effective. By having him or her as part of the
core team, communications and reputation management is more likely to
be properly represented during the decision making process.
Develop a communications portion of existing incident response plans,
including clear ownership and approval processes. Many companies have
technical incident response plans that outline how to investigate and
remediate an issue. What’s often missing is a communications-centric
portion to manage the complex calculus of deciding what to disclose to
whom and when.
Map the stakeholders that may need to receive communications regarding
an incident including customers, media, partners, regulators, employees
and vendors. This includes conrming the company understands its
contractual obligations to inform certain partners or customers. Often
incidents may not require disclosure to regulators or consumers, but
they still need to be shared with enterprise customers in a timely matter.
Understanding these obligations ahead of an incident can save valuable
time during a live incident.
Develop draft media holding statements and other materials for the
major types of incidents that are of most concern to your company. These
statements are intended to be used with the press during the early stages
of an investigation when many of the details of the issue are still unknown.
It’s also important to develop key communications considerations for each
of the incidents, which can help guide decision-making when an incident
occurs. For example, if and under what circumstances the company would
pay to remove ransomware and how would they position this decision to
key stakeholders.
Host a table top exercise with members from the entire incident response
team to test how they would react to the media, customer, and regulator
attention due to an incident. These tabletops are often best done in
conjunction with outside legal counsel and are intended to focus not on all
the non-technical aspects of incident response.
Legal counsel increasingly plays a critical role in proactive cybersecurity program
development, deployment, and execution. As with any compliance regime,
cybersecurity lawyers provide legal advice regarding statutory, contractual, and
regulatory duties, as well as recommendations on managing and mitigating
legal risk that may result from audits, investigations, or litigation. Experienced
regulators now expect that organizations will prepare for an incident and will
evaluate their regulatory enforcement decisions through that lens.
The following are some of the key aspects of proactive legal work ows
in cybersecurity:
Designate a Cyber Lead from Legal. Much of cybersecurity incident
response preparation involves evaluating and managing legal risk. With
no overarching cybersecurity law, counsel should draw from a patchwork
of statutes (e.g., state notication statues), regulations, government
enforcement proceedings, settlements, and guidance, and litigation trends
to assess risk. Legal counsel (internal and/or external) should also be
positioned to “direct” certain incident response preparation activities and
to retain outside forensic and communications experts to maximize the
likelihood that their proactive and reactive work is covered by the attorney-
client privilege.
Review Policies and Public Statements. If you say you do it, you’d
better do it. That goes not only for public representations (e.g., privacy
statements, service representations), but also internal security policies.
These policies and public disclosures should be regularly reviewed to
represent the current state, and avoid unnecessarily grand or denitive
statements about a company’s cybersecurity program (e.g., “we have bank-
level security” or “we have state-of-the-art cybersecurity”).
Develop an Incident Response Plan. The Incident Response Plan is the key
operational document that pulls together different aspects of a company’s
response to a security compromise or data breach. Regulators and plaintiffs
focus on not only the technical security measures in place, but also the
speed, efciency, and effectiveness of the company’s response when facing
a cyber attack. Expert cyber counsel craft operationally effective processes
that reect the latest insights from regulators and litigated cases with an
eye toward building a narrative of diligence while avoiding inadvertent
admissions of liability or creating ad hoc standards that are neither
reasonable nor attainable.
Conduct Cybersecurity Assessments and Tests at Legal’s Direction.
Results from these assessments are among the rst requests by regulators
and plaintiffs. Because organizations often cannot implement all of the
recommendations that arise out these assessments, teams must make risk-
based judgments around remediation and mitigation efforts. Legal counsel
(inside or outside) should retain cybersecurity consultants to conduct
penetration tests, vulnerability assessments, etc., and scope and direct their
work in very close collaboration with IT Security, thus protecting related
communications, work product, and deliberations under legal privilege.
Reports should be prepared sparingly, and only at the direction of counsel
to minimize discovery risks.
Conduct Regular Board Briengs. Directors cannot fulll their duciary
responsibilities if they are not aware of the risks. Accordingly, boards
should be regularly briefed on cybersecurity risks, and provided with
sufcient information and expert assistance in understanding and assessing
cybersecurity risk, so that they can effectively manage cybersecurity risk.
Manage Third Party Vendors. Third parties with access to the corporate
network or personal data about customers/employees expand the attack
surface and often represent the “weakest link.” During the diligence
phase, vendors should be evaluated based on the risks that they present.
Agreements should be negotiated to include security standards that
vendors must comply with; a clear process on how vendors will investigate,
cooperate, and notify affective individuals; and legal protections
(indemnication, limitation of liability, insurance, etc.) for when an incident
takes place. Finally, organizations should develop an audit, review or
certication process to test vendors’ compliance with security standards.
In a crisis
“There cannot be a crisis next week.
My schedule is already full.”
Henry Kissinger
Keep calm – Incidents are extremely disruptive and can become
emotionally charged. Stay calm and focus on prioritizing your efforts on
the most impactful actions rst.
Do no harm – Conrm your response is designed and executed in a way
that avoids loss of data, loss of business critical functionality, and loss
of evidence. Avoid decisions can damage your ability to create forensic
timelines, identify root cause, and learn critical lessons.
Be Accurate – Conrm anything you share to the public and to customers
is correct and truthful.
Get help when needed – Investigating and responding to attacks
from sophisticated attackers benets signicantly from deep expertise
and experience.
Like diagnosing and treating medical disease, cybersecurity investigation and
response for a major incident requires defending a system that is both:
Critically important (can’t be shut down to work on it)
Complex (typically beyond comprehension of any one person)
During an incident, you must strike several critical balances
Speed: You must balance the need to act quickly to satisfy
stakeholders with the risk of rushed decisions.
Sharing information: You must inform investigators,
stakeholders, and customers while limiting liability and
unrealistic expectations.
This section is designed to lower risk to your business in an incident by
identifying common errors to avoid and providing guidance on what actions you
can take rapidly that both reduce risk and meet stakeholder needs.
Technology – Investigation Phase
Must Identify Scope of attack
operation – Most adversaries use
multiple persistence mechanisms.
Identify Objective of attack, if
possible, as persistent attackers will
frequently return for their objective
(data/systems) in a future attack.
Don’t upload les to online
scanners – Many adversaries monitor instance count on services like
VirusTotal for discovery of targeted malware.
No modications – Unless you face an imminent threat of losing business-
critical data (deletion, encryption, exltration), do not start recovery
operations until the investigation is complete.
Don’t investigate forever – You must ruthlessly prioritize your
investigation efforts (e.g., only perform forensic analysis on hosts that
attackers have actually used or modied). In a major incident where
an attacker has administrative privileges, it is impractical impossible to
investigate all potentially compromised resources (which may include
all corporate resources).
Share information – Conrm that all investigation teams (including all
internal teams and external investigators) are fully sharing their data with
each other.
Access the Right Expertise – Conrm you integrate people with deep
knowledge of the systems into the investigation (internal staff or external
entities – like vendors – as needed), not just security generalists.
Legal check – Check with your legal department on whether they plan
to involve law enforcement so you can plan investigation and recovery
procedures appropriately.
Your response capability will be negatively impacted – Plan for 50% of
your staff operating at 50% of normal capacity due to situational stress.
You may never be able
to identify “patient zero” as the
data required for this may be
deleted before the investigation
starts (attacker covering tracks,
logs rolling, etc.).
Technology – Recovery Phase
Don’t boil the ocean – Limit response
scope to conrm recovery operation can
be executed within 24 hours or less (plan
a weekend to account for contingencies
and corrective actions).
Avoid distractions – Defer long-term
security investments like implementing
large/complex new security systems or
replacing antimalware solutions until after the recovery operation. Anything
that does not have direct and immediate impact on the current recovery
operation is a distraction.
Never reset all passwords at once – Password resets should focus rst
on known-compromised accounts (from investigation) and potentially
administrator/service accounts. If warranted, user passwords should be
reset only in a staged/controlled manner.
Consolidate execution of recovery tasks – Unless you face an imminent
threat of losing business-critical data, you should plan a consolidated
operation to rapidly remediate all compromised resources (hosts,
accounts, etc.) vs. remediating compromised resources as you nd them.
Compressing this time window will make it difcult for attack operators to
adapt and maintain persistence.
Use Existing Tools – Research and use the capabilities of tools you have
already deployed (software deployment, antimalware, etc.) before trying to
deploy and learn a new tool during a recovery.
Avoid tipping off adversary – As practical, you should take steps to limit
the information available to adversaries about the recovery operation.
Adversaries typically have access to all production data and email in a major
cybersecurity incident, but in reality, most attackers don’t have time to
monitor all your communications. When required, we have successfully used
a non-production Ofce 365 tenant for secure collaboration for members of
the incident response team.
The rst recovery attempt
may not fully succeed, so
you may have to try again.
Operations – Investigation Phase
Stay focused – Conrm you keep
the focus on business-critical data,
customer impact, and getting ready
for remediation.
Coordination and role clarity
– Establish distinct roles for
operations in support of the crisis
team and conrm technical, legal
and communications teams are
keeping each other informed.
Business perspective – You should always consider the impact on business
operations by both adversary actions and your response actions.
Consider ICS for crisis management – If you don’t have a permanent
organization that manages security incidents, we recommend using the ICS
as a temporary organizational structure to handle the crisis.
The show must go on – Conrm the daily security operations are not
completely sidelined to support incident investigations. The normal work
still needs to be done.
Avoid wasteful spending – Many major incidents result in organizations
purchasing an assortment of expensive security tools in a panic that are
never deployed or used. If you can’t deploy and use a tool during the
investigation, defer acquisition until after the investigation is nished. Also,
consider your ability to hire/train/retain people for any rare or specialized
skill sets needed to operate or gain value from the tool.
Access to deep expertise – Conrm you have the ability to escalate
questions and issues to deep experts on critical platforms. This may require
access to the operating system and application vendor for business-critical
systems and enterprise-wide components (desktops, servers, etc.).
Expectations for the ow of
information between stakeholders
will vary without clear guidance
and input from senior incident
response leaders
Operations– Recovery Phase
Clear Plan and Limited Scope – Work
closely with technical teams to build
a clear plan with limited scope. While
plans may change based on adversary
activity or new information, you should
work diligently to limit “scope creep” of
additional tasks.
Clear Plan and Ownership – Recovery
operations involve many people doing
many different tasks at once, so designate
a clear project lead for the operation for crisp decision-making and good
information to ow among the crisis team.
Stakeholder communications – Work with communication teams
to provide timely updates and active expectation management for
organizational stakeholders.
Know your capabilities and know your limits – Managing major security
incidents is very challenging, very complex, and new to many professionals
in the industry. You should seriously consider bringing in expertise
from external organizations or professional services if your teams are
overwhelmed or aren’t condent in what to do next.
Capture lessons learned – Build and continually improve role-specic
handbooks for security operations, even if it’s your rst incident without any
written procedures.
Executive and board-
level communications for
incident response can be
challenging if not practiced
or anticipated.
Managing communications during a live incident presents unique challenges
when compared to other types of crisis that companies can face. What a
company knows about the scope of the information lost, how long attackers
have been in the system and conrmation that remediation steps were
successful in keeping them out of systems, will drastically change over the
several weeks it takes to conduct a forensics investigation. As a result, there is a
real risk of communicating inaccurate information regarding an incident that can
ultimately lead to greater reputational damage for the organization.
While the fact pattern of each incident will require its own strategy, there are
several key principles to keep in mind when making these decisions.
Focus on actions not outcomes. Early in an incident, focus communications
on the actions your company is taking to investigate and remediate the
security incident. This often includes steps like notifying law enforcement,
hiring forensics experts to help in the investigation and any general steps
being taken to remediate the issue. Avoid disclosing numbers or otherwise
scoping the incident until there is forensic certainty around these facts.
Keep customers as your north star. In all messages, focus on how you
are helping to protect customers versus going into detail about how the
incident happened or who was behind it. Often the media will want to know
more details about the attack itself or other facts that would help produce
a more interesting or sensational story. However, these details often do
little to help address customers’ concerns or needs. Focusing on providing
actionable guidance is likely to be more helpful to your customers, as
well as regulators who are often most interested in how the company is
protecting its constituents.
Keep media interactions transactional. The goal during a security incident
is to contain news coverage of the event and conrm that the key messages
of the company appear in stories. The most effective way to achieve these
goals is to provide the media with written statements and only grant media
interviews with a spokesperson if necessary.
Leverage your owned properties. Creating a single online destination
where those interested in an incident can get accurate and updated
information can help streamline communications. The information posted
on this site can include a customer message from company leadership, Q&A
we expect customers to ask, as well as links to other resources that may be
helpful to customers.
Effectively managing communications goes well beyond just sharing the right
external messages. Several other actions must also be considered as part of an
effective response process.
Brief internal audiences. Conrm that any customer-facing employees are
briefed about the incident and provided with the appropriate talking points
or escalation processes, should they get questions.
Monitor the conversation. Develop crisis-specic traditional and social
media monitoring to detect media leaks early in an investigation and
then to understand the sentiment once an issue is disclosed. Without a
good accounting of the conversation, it’s difcult to make decisions as an
incident unfolds.
Consider steps to regain or earn trust. While not always required, it’s
important that your company consider if there are steps it should take to
regain customer trust after an incident is concluded.
For more information regarding communicating about security incidents, please
visit http://www.edelman.com/expertise/data-security-privacy/.
A cybersecurity incident presents a variety of challenges in terms regulatory
compliance, statutory and contractual notication obligations, and managing
risk of ensuing litigation and regulatory enforcement proceedings and
investigations. As a result, legal counsel increasingly plays a critical role in
incident response, as well as proactive cybersecurity program development,
deployment, and execution.
Early engagement of legal counsel to direct an investigation can substantially
assist in identifying these obligations and managing legal risk from regulators,
plaintiffs, shareholders, and industry groups.
There are several key principles to keep in mind for compliance with legal
obligations, while managing legal risk:
Maintain Condentiality and Protect Privilege. Legal counsel (internal
and/or external) should be positioned to direct the investigation and
response efforts, generally in close partnership with the IT security lead,
to identify legal obligations and manage risk. With counsel leading the
investigation, communications and work product are covered by legal
privilege, which adds a signicant level of condentiality protection
to the investigation and response efforts. Legal should further retain
cybersecurity and communications experts necessary for response, thus
covering their work product and communications under the privilege. The
privilege creates a “safe place” for responders to facilitate the fact-nding
mission and thoughtful discussion regarding risk, without fear that these
deliberations will be second-guessed by regulators and plaintiffs counsel.
Identify Legal Statutory, Contractual, and Other Obligations. Statutory
legal obligations are constantly shifting as statutory notication obligations
are amended and (re)interpreted, changing the data elements and events
that trigger notication obligations, and creating so-called notication safe
harbors. Moreover, contractual and industry rules often are broader than
statutory obligations and not subject to safe harbors. The decision to notify
– as well as what to communicate – is made even more challenging by the
reality that forensic investigations are often inconclusive and the evidentiary
record imperfect. Consider these judgments carefully in light of changing
legal interpretations, as well as accepted and expected practices.
Take Care Regarding Post-Breach Actions/Statements. Understanding
what to say – and what not to say – is critical to managing legal risk.
Plaintiffs regularly use post-incident actions and communications to
make arguments about the nature of the incident, the scope of affected
individuals, and harm that have keep their suits alive in court. In addition
to communications and messaging requiring signicant and substantive
input from the communications team, all communications and post-breach
accommodations to affected individuals should be carefully vetted by legal.
Engage Law Enforcement. Engaging law enforcement is now a key
consideration in incident response. Not only is it often an important piece in
the communication narrative, but it is often required depending on industry
(for example, certain government contractors) and type of data affected (for
example, by major card brands in the case of a credit card breach). Properly
facilitated law enforcement engagement can also sometimes be leveraged
to delay statutory notications, gain additional information regarding the
incident, and help determine root causes and/or data compromised. Legal
should coordinate such outreach, at a minimum, to negotiate and manage
legal process law enforcement uses to gain information for its investigation.
Keep Executives/Board Members Adequately Informed. Increasingly,
shareholders and regulators are scrutinizing C-suite and board members
involvement in and oversight of cybersecurity incidents. Updates to
executives and board members must balance the quality and quantity
of information to enable them to carry out their duciary responsibilities
and exercise business judgment, while avoiding overloading them with
technical details.
List of References
“If you protect your paper clips and diamonds with equal vigor, you will
soon have more paper clips and fewer diamonds.”
–Attributed to Dean Rusk
1. National Institute of Standards and Technology Framework for
Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.1 January, 2017
2. National Institute of Standards and Technology, https://www.nist.gov
3. National Institute of Standards and Technology Guide for Cybersecurity
Event Recovery https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-184
4. Microsoft Securing Privileged Access Roadmap,
5. Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, www.microsoft.com/sir
6. EY Global Information Security Survey 2016-2017,
7. Edelman Privacy Risk Index, http://www.edelman.com/insights/
Contact Information
Microsoft Enteprise Cybersecurity Group (ECG)
EY Contact Information/Instructions
Edelman Contact Information/Instructions
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