by Ashley Cukier
The Court of Appeal this week handed down its decision in Manchester City Football Club
Ltd v The Football Association Premier League & Ors [2021] EWCA Civ 1110, the latest
judgment to consider the difficult tension that exists between the generally confidential
nature of sports arbitration and the desirability of transparency where matters of public
interest arise.
In December 2018, the Premier League (the “PL”) commenced a disciplinary investigation into
Manchester City FC (“City”), following widely-publicised reports of confidential documents
having been obtained from a hack of City’s email servers relating to alleged breaches
of UEFA’s financial fair play (“FFP”) regulations. The PL contended that the media reports
suggested breaches of the PL Rules. During the course of its investigation, the PL requested
documents and information from City, under Rule W1 of the PL Rules (a wide power entitling
the PL Board to “inquire into any suspected or alleged breach of these Rules”). City objected
to the disclosure request.
In October 2019, the PL commenced an arbitration against City, pursuant to Section X of the
PL Rules, for a declaration and/or a determination that City was obliged to provide the PL with
the sought documents, and an order for specific performance of City’s contractual obligation
to deliver up the documents in question. City disputed the jurisdiction of the arbitrators
appointed, submitting to the tribunal that, on a proper construction of the PL Rules, the PL
had no power to institute a Section X arbitration in respect of its claim for the documents and
information. By an award dated 2 June 2020, the arbitral tribunal rejected City’s challenge
to its jurisdiction (and to City’s submission that the tribunal did not have the appearance of
impartiality), holding inter alia that it had substantive jurisdiction to hear the PL’s claim.
Shortly thereafter, City issued an application in the Commercial Court, challenging the
tribunal’s jurisdiction under s.67 Arbitration Act 1996 (“the s.67 Challenge”), and, alternatively,
contending that the tribunal was tainted with apparent bias (“the s.68 Challenge”) such that
Transparency 1 - 0 Confidentiality?
Manchester City v The Premier League
in the Court of Appeal
the appointed members should be removed under s.24 of the 1996 Act. Meanwhile, against
this background, the Section X arbitration continued. In July 2020, the tribunal rejected City’s
arguments resisting disclosure, and – in November of last year – ordered City to provide certain
documents and information to the PL and to make certain enquiries of third parties. The
tribunal’s order was stayed pending the determination of City’s application in the Commercial
The Commercial Court (Moulder J) handed down judgment on 17 March 2021, dismissing
City’s application (“the Merits Judgment”). In respect of the s.67 Challenge, the judge
concluded that the language of Rule X2 of the PL Rules (permitting ‘all disputes’ to be
determined by arbitration) was not limited by Section W of the PL Rules. In respect of the s.68
Challenge, which was also dismissed, the judge – applying the decision of the Supreme Court
in Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd [2020] UKSC 48 – held that City’s
challenge did not satisfy the test that a fair minded and informed observer would conclude
that there was a real possibility that the arbitrators were biased. Permission to appeal to the
Court of Appeal was refused.
The Publication Judgment
On handing down judgment, Moulder J indicated that she was minded to publish the Merits
Judgment (the substantive hearing of the application having been heard in private, pursuant
to CPR r.62.10). Both parties filed written submissions opposing publication. On 24 March
2021, Moulder J handed down judgment on the issue of publication (“the Publication
Judgment”), rejecting the submissions opposing publication and determining that the Merits
Judgment should be published. In doing so, she summarised the key principles relevant
to the case before her, derived from the judgment of Mance LJ (as he then was) in City of
Moscow v Bankers Trust [2004] EWCA Civ 314, as follows:
i. “Whatever the starting point or actual position during a hearing [in other words
even if the hearing is in private under CPR 62.10], it is, although clearly relevant, not
determinative of the correct approach to publication of the resulting judgment” (per
Mance LJ, at [37]).
ii. “Further, even though the hearing may have been in private, the court should, when
preparing and giving judgment, bear in mind that any judgment should be given in
public, where this can be done without disclosing significant confidential information.
The public interest in ensuring appropriate standards of fairness in the conduct of
arbitrations militates in favour of a public judgment in respect of judgments given
on applications under s.68. The desirability of public scrutiny as a means by which
confidence in the courts can be maintained and the administration of justice made
transparent applies here as in other areas of court activity under the principles of Scott
v. Scott and article 6. Arbitration is an important feature of international, commercial
and financial life, and there is legitimate interest in its operation and practice…” (at [39]
emphasis added [by the judge]).
iii. “The factors militating in favour of publicity have to be weighed together with the
desirability of preserving the confidentiality of the original arbitration and its subject-
matter” (at [40]).
iv. A party inviting the court to protect evidently confidential information about a
dispute must not necessarily prove positive detriment, beyond the undermining of its
expectation that the subject-matter would be confidential (at [46]).
Moulder J determined that publication of the Merits Judgment would not lead to the
disclosure of “significant confidential information”, noting (at [14]) that the only confidential
information that would be disclosed was the existence of the dispute and the arbitration. In
circumstances where it was already public knowledge that the underlying investigation (into
alleged breaches of the PL Rules) was taking place, and where there was nothing about the
details of the underlying dispute in the Merits Judgment, the expectation of the parties of
confidentiality in arbitration was a factor to be taken into account, but not determinative –
even where both parties were opposed to publication. As to whether publication would result
in real prejudice or significant detriment to City, the Judge’s conclusion was that where such
investigation into an alleged breach of the PL Rules was already public knowledge, even
if it attracted media interest, it was difficult to see any real prejudice from disclosure of the
existence of the dispute itself, particularly where the substantive details of the underlying
dispute are absent from the Merits Judgment.
Concluding her judgment, Moulder J stated that it was desirable for any judgment to be
made public in order to ensure public scrutiny and the transparent administration of justice,
provided this could be done “without disclosing significant confidential information”. In this
regard, the judge explained that the confidential nature of arbitration had to be weighed
against the public interest in ensuring appropriate standards of fairness in the conduct of
arbitrations, and that – in this instance – the desirability of public scrutiny and the transparent
administration of justice outweighed any competing considerations against publication, so
that the Merits Judgment (and the Publication Judgment, by corollary) ought to be published.
The Appeal
Having been refused permission to appeal by Moulder J, City sought and obtained permission
to appeal from Males LJ in April 2021, on two grounds. First, that the Judge erred by ordering
publication of the Judgments; and Second, in the alternative, that the Judge erred by failing
to stay publication of the Judgments pending the conclusion of the PL’s investigation. The
PL offered conditional support for City’s position, stating that any order as to privacy should
be subject to an exception, that the PL should be entitled to rely upon the Merits Judgment
in other relevant proceedings between it and other member clubs, and to disclose it to such
other member clubs as a clear confirmation by the Commercial Court that the PL is entitled
to bring specific performance proccedings against member clubs under Section X of the PL
A Senior Court of Appeal (Sir Geoffrey Vos MR, Sir Julian Flaux C, Males LJ) dismissed the
appeal, adjudging that Moulder J had made “the correct evaluative assessment in ordering
that the Merits Judgment and the Publication Judgment should be published”. The Chancellor
(giving the lead judgment with which both the Master of the Rolls and Males LJ agreed)
explained the Court’s “series of inter-related reasons” for dismissing the appeal as follows:
First, publication of the Judgments would not lead to disclosure of significant
confidential information. What was to be disclosed consisted of little more than the
existence of the dispute and the arbitration “in circumstances where it is already public
knowledge that the underlying investigation by the PL is taking place” and where the
Merits Judgment itself did not disclose “any details of the substance of the underlying
disclosure dispute”.
Second, the Court declared itself “unimpressed” with City’s argument that publication
was not in the public interest because the club’s complaint was specific to City’s case.
As the Chancellor explained: “there is a legitimate public interest in how disputes
between the PL and member clubs are resolved”, citing, also, the recent judgment of
HHJ Pelling QC in Newcastle United FC v The FA [2021] EWHC 450 (Comm), where
the judge noted the public interest in an application under s.24 AA 1996 (dealing
with an allegation of apparent bias) because “there is a public interest in maintaining
appropriate standards of fairness in the conduct of arbitrations”.
Third, the fact that both sides opposed publication was “of some weight”, but actually
required the Court to be careful “not simply to accept the parties’ wishes without
Fourth, insofar as the Merits Judgment confirmed the entitlement of the PL to
claim specific performance against member clubs, this was “of public interest and
significance”, a point indeed underlined by the ‘condition’ that the PL had attached
to its support for the appeal (that it should be entitled to rely on the Merits Judgment
in other arbitration proceedings against other member clubs). Insofar as the parties
had an interest in confidentiality, this was “far outweighed by the public interest
in the publication of an important judgment on the scope of Section X of the [PL]
Rules”. Whereas the PL’s desire to have “the best of both worlds” was commercially
understandable, such desire was an “eloquent demonstration as to why publication of
the Merits Judgment is in the public interest”.
Finally, City’s contention that publication would cause it prejudice or detriment was
to be treated with “considerable scepticism”. The suggestion that press interest or
speculation might disrupt the investigation or arbitration – both of which were
being conducted by “experienced professionals” – was “entirely fanciful”. The similar
suggestion that speculation and press comment might damage the club’s relations
with commercial partners was deemed “unconvincing”, given that any commercial
partner would conduct its own due diligence, which would reveal the existence of the
investigation and the dispute.
Adding a short additional judgment of his own, Males LJ underscored the particular public
interest in judgments where the court exercises its jurisdiction to set aside or remit awards for
substantial irregularity under s.68 of the 1996 Act:
65. More generally, it seems to me that public scrutiny of the way in which the court
exercises its jurisdiction to set aside or remit awards for substantial irregularity under
section 68 of the 1996 Act is itself in the public interest. In City of Moscow Mance LJ
addressed a concern that publication of judgments would upset the confidence of the
business community in English arbitration. He was sceptical about the extent to which,
if at all, this would be so. I share his scepticism, for two reasons. First, the business
community will see that, just as in this case, Commercial Court judges can be trusted to
ensure that genuinely confidential information is not published. Second, publication
of such judgments will confirm the pro-arbitration stance consistently taken by the
English courts and thus will enhance the confidence of the business community in
English arbitration. It will demonstrate that the section 68 gateway is a very narrow one,
not only in theory but in practice, and that it is only in cases of real injustice that arbitral
awards can be successfully challenged in the English courts.
Males LJ concluded his judgment with the following pointed observation – in relation to the
delays in the investigation itself – as a further support for publication:
66. Finally, the Club has been anxious to emphasise before us that “the arbitral
proceedings relate to an ongoing and confidential investigatory and disciplinary
process which is still in its early stages”, and that it may be that no charges will ever
be brought against it. While that may be true, it seems to me that this is, if anything, a
factor which tells in favour of publication. This is an investigation which commenced in
December 2018. It is surprising, and a matter of legitimate public concern, that so little
progress has been made after two and a half years -- during which, it may be noted, the
Club has twice been crowned as Premier League champions.
Whilst the Court of Appeal’s judgment must to a large extent be confined to the particular
facts of the case – and the rather unusual way in which the issues therein reached the Court of
Appeal – it nevertheless contains important guidance for sports law practitioners as to when
the courts will be prepared to intervene to remove the cloak of confidentiality from sports
First, where the matters in issue are already – to a greater or lesser extent – public knowledge, and
where publication of significant confidential information can be avoided, the confidentiality of
the arbitral proceedings themselves is not to be presumed. This is particularly the case where
the matters in issue relate directly to the manner in which disputes involving sporting bodies
(such as the PL) are resolved. Indeed, conceptually, it is difficult to see why such principle
should only be confined to the largest and best-known sporting bodies such as the PL, and
might not – also – apply in respect of smaller, or lesser-known, bodies whose decisions and
decision-making processes might be of public interest (and indeed could conceivably ‘affect’
more participants than the rarefied populace of PL clubs).
Second, and more generally, the Court of Appeal’s judgment underlines the particular public
interest that is likely to be found in relation to s.68 challenges. Given the proliferation of such
challenges in sports arbitration, this judgment constitutes a warning to parties in sporting
disputes and sports law practitioners alike: challenges for bias or apparent bias under s.68
open the door to publication in a way which might never have been envisaged – or intended
– by the parties at the commencement of the arbitral proceedings.
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The judgment of the Court of Appeal constitutes the latest in a series of recent decisions in a
sporting context where publication has been ordered, despite the ostensible confidentiality
of proceedings.
In Premier Rugby Limited v Saracens Limited [SR/201/2019], the decision of the tribunal,
chaired by Lord Dyson, was published despite regulation 16.1 of the Premiership Rugby Salary
Cap Regulations providing for confidentiality (the parties eventually agreeing to publication
of the decision in light of the pronounced media interest in the case). More recently still, in
Barnsley Football Club Limited v Hull City Tigers Limited, the arbitral tribunal assented to
Hull’s request that the award (in relation to a transfer agreement) be made public, despite
there being no obligation to publish under the relevant EFL Rules, and notwithstanding a
series of objections by Barnsley to publication.
Whereas the Court of Appeal’s decision in Manchester City v The Premier League cannot
properly be deemed to signify a ‘trend’ in sports arbitration in favour of publication, the ever-
growing public interest in off-the-field developments and decision-making within sport is,
perhaps, an indicator of a direction of travel, towards publication where appropriate. What is
undoubtedly clear – as reiterated by the Court of Appeal – is that parties in sporting arbitrations
presume confidentiality at their peril:– even where both parties might wish to preserve it.
Ashley Cukier is a commercial barrister whose practice encompasses a
wide range of commercial and civil fraud litigation, company, insolvency
and sports law matters. He is ranked by Legal 500 as one of the ‘Top 10
Under Eight Years’ Call’ for Commercial Litigation, where he is described
as a “Rising Star”; and he was this year named by Chambers & Partners as
one of two ‘Up & Coming’ juniors in Sports Law, where he is described as
technically outstanding […] very calm and assured and extremely good
with clients”.