The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science Volume 1, 95–101 (2023)
Poisson Modeling and Predicting English Premier League Goal
The English Premier League is well-known for being not only one of the most popular professional sports leagues in the
world, but also one of the toughest competitions to predict. The first purpose of this research was to verify the consistency
between goal scoring in the English Premier League and the Poisson process; specifically, the relationships between the
number of goals scored in a match and the Poisson distribution, the time between goals throughout the course of a
season and the exponential distribution, and the time location of goals during football games and the continuous uniform
distribution. We found that the Poisson process and the three probability distributions accurately describe Premier League
goal scoring. In addition, Poisson regression was utilized to predict outcomes for a Premier League season, using different
sets of season data and with a large number of simulations being involved. We examined and compared various soccer
metrics from our simulation results, including an English club’s chances of being the champions, finishing in the top four
and bottom three, and relegation points.
keywords and phrases: English Premier League, sports statistics, Poisson process, Poisson regression.
Association football, also commonly known as soccer in
America, is undoubtedly the most widely-played sport in
the world. Often referred to as the “king of sport,” football
can be played almost anywhere, from grass fields to indoor
gyms, streets, parks, or beaches, due to the simplicity in its
principal rules and essential equipment. Europe is known
to be the birthplace of modern football [6], and the Euro-
pean soccer culture is unlike any other. The Old Continent
is home to numerous top-level professional football leagues,
and the English Premier League (EPL) distinguishes itself
because of its competition quality, overall balance, and pop-
ularity. Some of the best football coaches and players in the
world come together to compete for the prestigious Premier
League trophy.
The EPL was founded in 1992, and over the last three
decades, we have witnessed numerous memorable matches
and countless outstanding performances by clubs and their
players. The EPL is currently a competition of twenty En-
glish football clubs. At the end of each season, the bottom
three teams get relegated to the second-highest division of
English football, in exchange for three promoted teams. A
Premier League season usually takes place from mid-August
to mid-May. Each team gets to play every other team twice,
once at home and once on the road, hence there are a total
of thirty-eight fixtures in a season for each team [8].
The most important aspect of the game of football is
indisputably scoring goals. Despite the significance of other
factors like ball possessing or disciplined defending, we have
to admit that the main reason we pay to watch soccer is
to see the ball being put in the back of the net. The rule
is very simple: in order to win, you must score more than
your opponent. In the Premier League, each match happens
within the span of ninety minutes (plus stoppage time), and
the match consists of two 45-minutes halves. Each team can
get one of these three results after each match: a win, a draw,
or a loss. If there is a draw, the two clubs receive a point
apiece, and for non-drawing matches, the winner is rewarded
with three points and the losing team gets punished with
zero points. Thus the club with the most points at the end of
the year will have their hands on the exquisite EPL trophy,
and the total points also determines the fates of teams in
the relegation zone [8]. This makes every single match so
critical, as losing one single point could end up costing a
team’s chance of winning a title or remaining in the top tier
football league in England.
In this paper, we attempt to use statistical methods to
model and predict goal scoring and match results in the
Premier League. We will first determine whether notable
aspects of goal scoring, namely, the number of goals scored,
the time between goals, and time location of goals in a
match, fit the characteristics of a Poisson process. We will
then use Poisson regression to predict what would happen in
the 2018–19 EPL season, for instance, which clubs are more
likely to win the title or get relegated, using different subsets
of data from prior seasons. The paper is outlined as follows:
We first introduce the data that we used for our analyses
in Section 2. Next, our methodologies are described in Sec-
tion 3. We then spend section 4 on our two main topics of
96 Q. Nguyen
this research – using the Poisson process to model goal scor-
ing, and utilizing Poisson regression to predict the 2018–19
season outcomes. Lastly, in Section 5, we give a quick sum-
mary of our results as well as discuss possible future work
related to this research.
The first dataset for our investigation simply consists of
match final scores of all Premier League games from its inau-
gural competition, the 1992–93 season, to the last fixture of
2018–19 season. The main attributes of this dataset are the
season, the home and away teams, and the number of goals
scored by each team. We rely on’s data
[4], which contains all Premier League match final scores
from 1993 to 2019. Each season has its own data file, and
we read in and then join the individual datasets together
to get our desired data table. We utilize this data to model
the number of goals scored and then to make predictions of
the 2018–19 season, using three different subset of seasons:
1) data from all seasons prior to 2018–19, 2) data from only
the 2010s, and 3) data from all seasons, but assigning more
weight to more recent competitions.
To obtain the data for the first two season subsets, we
simply filter out the seasons that don’t belong to the year
ranges from the initial table. For the assigning weight sim-
ulation method, our weight allocation approach is very sim-
ple, as we let the weight number be equivalent to the number
of times the data for a particular season is duplicated. We
have decided that the previous five years before 2018–19 are
almost all that matter. Thus, every season from 1992–93 to
2012–13 are given weight 1, then the weight increases by 1
for each one of 2013–14, 2014–15, and 2015–16. After that,
we have the 2 most recent years left and we multiply the
weight by 2. Our weight values are depicted in Figure 1.
Finally, since we are also interested in examining goal scor-
ing time and the time between goals in the EPL, data on
these two topics for Manchester United, a well-known Pre-
mier League club, are collected and stored in a spreadsheet
by ourselves. This data set contains five columns: minutes,
which is the point of time during a match at which a goal
is scored; matchweek, which is the fixture number of each
game; the stoppage time in minutes for both halves of each
game, and finally, the time between goals, which is the dif-
ference in minutes between the scoring events, taking into
account stoppage time. We collected these five variables for
all Manchester United goals during their 2018–19 Premier
League campaign [9]. In addition to the initial attributes,
we created a new variable for normalizing the goal scoring
minutes by dividing each one of them by the total minutes of
their respective game. The reason for re-scaling the minutes
is because the match total time varies, since we also take
into account stoppage time of football games, which means
some matches take place for a longer time than others.
Figure 1: Weight values across seasons from 1992–93 to
2017–18 for predicting 2018–19 season outcomes.
3.1 Goal Scoring and the Poisson Process
The Poisson process [3] is a stochastic process used to
model the occurrence of phenomena over a continuous in-
terval, which in most cases represents time. There are several
characteristics of the Poisson process that can be observed,
including, the number of events happening in a given time
period; the time between those events; and when (at what
point of time) the events occur. Playing a huge role in the
Poisson process is the Poisson distribution [1], which deals
with the number of occurrences of an event in a fixed period
of time, with a rate of occurrence parameter λ. Named for
French mathematician Simèon Denis Poisson, the Poisson
distribution is a discrete probability distribution that ex-
presses the number of occurrences of an event over a given
period of time. The probability density function of a Poisson
random variable X with parameter λ is given by
; x =0, 1, 2,... and λ>0, (3.1)
where X represents the number of occurrences of an event
in a given unit time period, and λ is the constant rate of
occurrence per time period. The mean and variance of our
Poisson random variable X, denoted by μ
and σ
tively, are
= λ and σ
= λ. (3.2)
Another key distribution in this process is the exponential
distribution [1], which has a strong connection with the Pois-
son distribution, in that if the number of occurrences per
interval of time are illustrated by Poisson, then the descrip-
tion of the length of time between occurrences are provided
Poisson Modeling and Predicting English Premier League Goal Scoring 97
by the exponential distribution. If we have a non-negative
random variable X that is the time until the next occur-
rence in a Poisson process, then X follows an exponential
distribution with probability density function
; x 0, (3.3)
where λ represents the average rate of occurrence and β is
the average time between occurrences. The mean and vari-
ance of an exponentially distributed random variable X are
= β and σ
= β
. (3.4)
Furthermore, there is a connection between Poisson and an-
other famous probability distribution the continuous uni-
form distribution [1]. If a Poisson process contains a finite
number of events in a given time interval, then the unordered
times, or locations, or positions, or points of time at which
those events happen are uniformly distributed on that con-
tinuous interval. The continuous uniform distribution is a
probability distribution with equally likely outcomes, mean-
ing that its probability density is the same at each point in
an interval [A, B]. A continuous random variable X is uni-
formly distributed on [A, B] if its probability density func-
tion is defined by
; A x B. (3.5)
In addition, X has mean and variance
A + B
and σ
(B A)
. (3.6)
We postulate that goal scoring in football can be modeled
by a Poisson process. According to the characteristics de-
scribed above, if goal scoring for a club happens at a certain
rate in a given time period, then a Poisson distribution can
be used to model the number of goals scored. Additionally,
the waiting time (in minutes) between successive goals can
be described using an exponential distribution. Moreover,
the time positions (or “minute marks”) in a game at which
scoring events transpire may be uniformly distributed. We
will explore these relationships in more detail in Section 4.
3.2 Simulating and Predicting Season
Outcomes Using Poisson Regression
Our second goal of this research is to use the method of
Poisson regression to predict the outcomes for EPL matches.
Poisson regression is a member of a broad class of models
known as the Generalized Linear Models (GLM) [5]. A gen-
eralized linear model has the general form
= g
+ β
+ β
+ ···+β
). (3.7)
There are three main components to a generalized linear
1. A random component, indicating the conditional dis-
tribution of the response variable Y
(for the ith of n in-
dependently sampled observations), given the values of the
explanatory variables. Y
’s distribution must be a member of
an exponential family, such as Gaussian, Binomial, Poisson,
or Gamma.
2. A linear predictor (β
+ β
+ β
+ ···+ β
which is a linear combination of the predictors (the X’s),
with the β’s as the regression coefficients to be estimated.
3. A canonical link function g(·), which transforms the
expected value of the response variable, E(Y
linear predictor.
Poisson regression models are generalized linear models
with the natural logarithm as the link function. It is used
when our response’s data type is a count, which is appro-
priate for our case since our count variable is the number
of goals scored. The model assumes that the observed out-
come variable follows a Poisson distribution and attempts
to fit the mean parameter to a linear model of explanatory
variables. The general form of a Poisson regression model is
+ β
+ β
+ ···+ β
. (3.8)
To make predictions for Premier League matches and to de-
termine what would happen in the 2018–19 season using
Poisson regression, we fitted two models to get the scoring
rates for every EPL team, 1) at home, and 2) away from
home. Here we are interested in evaluating the model equa-
tion at different values of the explanatory variables. Since
the link function for Poisson regression is the natural log
function, we would back-transform the equation with the
corresponding exponential function. This will then give us
the home and away mean (expected) scoring rates for every
EPL club, aggregated across all opponents.
After that, we executed a large number of simulations, to
get the hypothetical 2018–19 season results and then ana-
lyzed and compared what we got for each of the three subsets
of season mentioned in the previous section. For each sub-
set of data, we performed 10000 simulations, and this was
accomplished by randomly generating the match final score
for every team matchup, using the clubs’ average scoring
rates that we got from fitting the Poisson regression mod-
els, which returns a random integer for each team’s number
of goals scored. In addition, the number of points for every
match outcome based on the teams’ number of goals scored
were also calculated (see Table 1), as a side gets 3 points
if they score more than their opponent, 1 point if the fi-
nal score is a tie, and 0 points if the opposing roster has
more goals. For each simulated season (out of 10000 total
for each method), we tallied up the points, calculated the
goal differentials, and obtained the final standings for EPL
clubs (see Table 2). From this information, we kept track of
various metrics for EPL clubs and utilized them to evaluate
and compare the models and their predictions, which will
be discussed in the next section.
98 Q. Nguyen
Table 1. Simulation table of 2018–19 EPL matches. The two columns HomeScore and AwayScore indicate the number of
goals scored by the home and away clubs, randomly generated from their average scoring rates. The points each team receives
versus their opponent (3 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss) are determined from the match final score.
HomeTeam HomeRate AwayTeam AwayRate HomeScore AwayScore HomePoints AwayPoints
Newcastle 1.667 Arsenal 1.510 1 3 0 3
Bournemouth 1.474 Southampton 0.989 0 0 1 1
West Ham 1.429 Brighton 0.526 1 0 3 0
Fulham 1.413 Tottenham 1.256 2 3 0 3
Cardiff 1.053 Leicester 1.148 0 2 0 3
Table 2. Final standings for a simulated 2018–19 season. The
team ranks are arranged by total points, followed by goal
differential (goal scored minus goal conceded).
Rank Team Played Points GD
1 Man United 38 77 30
2 Chelsea 38 73 27
3 Liverpool 38 69 20
4 Arsenal 38 68 26
5 Leicester 38 62 9
6 Man City 38 61 10
7 Newcastle 38 56 5
8 Everton 38 56 2
9 Bournemouth 38 55 1
10 Southampton 38 53 0
11 West Ham 38 53 3
12 Tottenham 38 51 2
13 Wolves 38 48 5
14 Burnley 38 48 6
15 Cardiff 38 47 10
16 Fulham 38 40 9
17 Huddersfield 38 39 33
18 Watford 38 38 14
19 Crystal Palace 38 36 19
20 Brighton 38 24 27
4.1 Goal Scoring and the Poisson Process
For our first analysis of the relationship between the num-
ber of goals scored and the Poisson distribution, we used
Manchester United (MU) as our case of inspection. Our
question here was “Does MU’s distribution of number of
goals scored follow a Poisson distribution?” Table 3 and
Figure 2 are numerical and visual summaries of Manchester
United number of goals scored in every EPL season until the
final fixture of their 2018–19 campaign. To examine MU’s
number of goals scored closer, we divided the goals vari-
able into four levels: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 or more goals; and
also tally up the number of matches in real life from 1992
to 2018 having those goal values. From there, we obtained
the probability of Manchester United scoring each individ-
ual goal value, using the probability density function of a
Poisson distribution with mean λ =1.916 (see Table 3);
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of Manchester United’s number
of goals scored.
min Q1 median Q3 max mean sd n
0 1 2 3 9 1.916 1.405 1038
Figure 2: Histogram of Manchester United’s goals scored.
and then multiplied the probabilities with the total number
of matches of n = 1038 (see Table 3), to get the expected
number of matches for each number of goals category. The
counts for the observed and expected number of matches
are very close to one another, as illustrated by Table 4 and
Figure 3, which is a significant validation for us. The re-
sults from a Chi-square goodness-of-fit test (χ
p-value =0.984) further confirm that there is no significant
difference between the data’s and the empirical distribution,
hence the number of goals scored by Manchester United is
consistent with a Poisson distribution.
We were also interested in verifying the connections be-
tween the time between goals in a season and the exponen-
tial distribution, and the re-scaled goal scoring minutes in a
match and the standard uniform distribution. We continued
to use Manchester United to investigate these topics and ex-
plore their goal scoring time data described in Section 2.We
first plotted the cumulative distribution curve of our data
Poisson Modeling and Predicting English Premier League Goal Scoring 99
Table 4. Observed and expected frequencies of the number of
matches for each goal value, alongside their Poisson
Goals Probability Observed Expected
0 0.147 158 153
1 0.282 286 293
2 0.270 282 280
3 0.173 178 180
4 or more 0.128 134 133
Figure 3: Side-by-side bar graph comparing the observed
and expected matches.
and compare them with the reference distributions (expo-
nential and uniform), as shown in Figures 4 and 5.Aswe
can see, the differences between the curves in each figure are
marginal, which is a validation and gives us more reason to
believe in our claim that our goal scoring data are consistent
with the specified distributions. After that, we conducted a
Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test to confirm the fit
between our data and the hypothetical distributions – expo-
nential and uniform. Based on the test statistics and p-values
(D =0.089, p-value =0.679 for Time between goals vs. Ex-
ponential and D =0.085, p-value =0.731 for Time location
of goals vs. Uniform), there is insufficient evidence to sup-
port a conclusion that our data for the time between goals
and minutes of scoring are not consistent with the exponen-
tial and uniform distributions. Therefore, the time between
goals and re-scaled scoring time for Manchester United in
the 2018–19 EPL season are exponentially and uniformly
distributed, respectively.
4.2 Simulating and Predicting Season
Outcomes Using Poisson Regression
In this section, we discuss the results of our Poisson
regression models and simulations described in Section 3.
After fitting the models and conducting the simulations,
Figure 4: Cumulative distribution curves of time between
goals and the exponential distribution.
Figure 5: Cumulative distribution curves of the re-scaled
goal scoring minutes and the standard uniform distribution.
there are various analyses we could do, from comparing how
teams’ chances of winning differ across the three subsets of
data used for simulation, to analyzing which method gives
us the most consistent predictions compared to the actual
outcomes. In this paper, we focus on the title race and the
relegation battle in the Premier League, namely, the chances
of winning the league title and getting relegated for EPL
We first look at the chances of finishing first in the EPL
table at the end of the 2018–19 season for the “Big 6” in En-
glish football, which includes Manchester United, Liverpool,
Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City, and Tottenham (see Ta-
ble 5). Overall, it is clear that MU’s chance of having higher
ranks decreases drastically if we prioritize recent data over
just using data from all seasons. This is consistent with the
club’s situation in real life, as MU has not been doing well
lately, but was winning a lot prior to the 2010s. Their in-
town rivals, Manchester City, on the other hand, have much
higher percentages of winning the league in 2018–19 if we
focus on data from recent years. In fact, they were the cham-
pions of the 2018–19 EPL season. Similar to Manchester
100 Q. Nguyen
Table 5. Chances of winning the 2018–19 Premier League
title for the Big 6.
Team All Seasons 2010s Assign Weight
Arsenal 19.68 15.05 14.07
Chelsea 14.28 11.70 9.03
Liverpool 12.50 10.96 17.61
Man City 7.00 41.71 38.09
Man United 36.99 10.47 10.53
Tottenham 3.91 7.38 8.34
Table 6. Chances of getting relegated after the 2018–19
season for Premier League teams.
Team All Seasons 2010s Assign Weight
Huddersfield 69.15 72.91 71.03
Cardiff 49.99 54.38 53.47
Brighton 41.65 45.03 44.03
Burnley 31.60 43.38 33.34
Watford 26.28 17.24 15.82
Wolves 22.04 14.22 22.32
Crystal Palace 17.54 14.42 10.65
Fulham 9.87 7.91 11.74
West Ham 7.46 6.73 6.39
Southampton 6.49 5.23 11.65
Leicester 5.53 1.75 2.39
Bournemouth 4.76 5.46 5.80
Everton 3.48 2.17 3.63
Newcastle 2.40 8.78 7.41
Tottenham 1.02 0.16 0.08
Man City 0.38 0 0
Chelsea 0.15 0.09 0.13
Arsenal 0.10 0.04 0.06
Liverpool 0.10 0.05 0.02
Man United 0.01 0.05 0.04
United, our results for Manchester City also make sense,
due to the fact that City has emerged into an EPL title
contender over the last decade, but they were just an aver-
age team dating back to the old 1990s and 2000s days. It is
also notable that both assigning weight to more recent years
and using only data from the 2010s lower Chelsea and Arse-
nal’s likelihood of finishing first, whereas these two methods
increase Tottenham’s chance of winning the league, though
their winning chance is still the smallest in each category.
Next, we investigate the likelihood of getting relegated
after the 2018–19 season for EPL clubs. The relegation zone,
or the last three places in the final rankings, is where no
teams in the Premier League want to end up at the end
of the season, because after each season, the bottom three
clubs get relegated to the second highest division of English
football. The results from our three subsets of season data
(see Table 6) are pretty consistent with each other, with
Huddersfield and Cardiff essentially being the two “locks”
to play in the English football division below the EPL in
the following season. Brighton and Burnley also have high
Table 7. 40-point safety rule comparison between the three
subsets of season data. We tallied up the total number of
teams as well as distinct simulated seasons with teams being
relegated while having at least 40 points for each simulation
Subset Seasons Teams
All Seasons 3434 4424
2010s 2066 2470
Assign Weight 2346 2889
chances of being in the bottom three, although in reality,
both of these teams successfully remained in the league for
another year. The third team that got dismissed in 2019,
Fulham, does not have high chances of relegation in any of
the three simulation methods. Unsurprisingly, Big 6 teams
have the smallest chances of getting related from the EPL
at the completion point of the 2018–19 season.
On a related note, the 40-point safety rule [2] is an inter-
esting myth associated with the EPL’s relegation zone. Since
the league’s reduction in the number of teams to twenty
clubs before the start of the 1995–96 season, there have been
only three times that a squad got relegated despite hitting
the 40-point mark. They are West Ham in 2002–03 with 42
points, and Bolton and Sunderland both with 40 points at
the end of 1997–98 and 1996–97 seasons respectively. This
mythical 40-point mark has been crucial for the relegation
battle for many years, as subpar teams often view getting
there as their “security blanket” for remaining in the top
division of English football. From Table 7, using data from
2010s and assigning weight to recent years give us signifi-
cantly less number of both teams and seasons that violate
the 40-point rule than using data from every season prior to
2018–19. Therefore, the 40-point safety rule seems to hold
much better for the two simulations that focus on recent
data than the one with data from all previous seasons. This
actually makes sense, since in the past two decades in real-
ity, teams with 40 or more points at the end of EPL seasons
all survived from relegation, as the last time this rule did
not happen was the 1997–98 season.
Overall, we have found that Premier League goal scoring
fits the characteristics of a Poisson process. Our first result
was that a Poisson distribution can be used to predict the
number of matches with each number of goals scored. Addi-
tionally, the time between each individual goal in a season
can be described by an exponential distribution. We also
have evidence that the normalized goal scoring time posi-
tions after are uniformly distributed. We also used different
sets of data prior to the 2018–19 Premier League season,
namely, data from all seasons before, data from only the
2010s, and data from all previous years but assigning more
weight to recent competitions, to predict what would hap-
pen in the 2018–19 season. We got each team’s goal scoring
Poisson Modeling and Predicting English Premier League Goal Scoring 101
rate at home and away from home by doing Poisson re-
gression, and then performed simulations using those rate
parameters. Different team metrics like how many points
each team got and what place each team finished were be-
ing kept track of from the simulations, and then we make
use of those variables to analyze and compare our models of
different season data subsets.
In the future, there are additional topics we could explore,
1. Besides the number of goals scored, there are many
other factors that can be used to determine outcomes of
football matches. In future research, we could use various
factors to predict goal scoring and find out if they will be
as helpful as using just number of goals. We could look into
variables that are likely to contribute to the outcomes of
Premier League football matches such as clean sheets, pos-
session time, pass accuracy, shots on target, and numerous
other soccer statistics. On top of that, we could compare dif-
ferent models with different predictors and evaluate them to
find out which set of variables best predicts league outcomes,
and then use them to simulate and predict match results.
2. In football and many other sports, team performance
tends to vary throughout a season and across seasons. Some
Premier League teams have the tendency of getting hot in
early months, some clubs reach their peak during the mid-
dle period of the season, and a few others are more likely to
do better at the season’s home stretch. Winning and losing
streaks are also important factors in sports, as some clubs
are streaky, while others tend to be more consistent. Thus,
in future research, we could apply match results of EPL
teams from past games within the season, and maybe find a
way to emphasize winning and losing streaks, to predict the
outcome of later matches. As a follow up, we could inves-
tigate a model’s performance throughout the season. Some
models may work better and predict more accurate results
at certain times in the year than others.
3. In addition to predicting match results, another pop-
ular application of statistical modeling in sports analytics
is determining betting odds. We could use the probabili-
ties from our Poisson regression models and simulations to
calculate the odds of possible game outcomes for different
team matchups. We could also look into and compare differ-
ent types of bets such as over and under, money line wager,
or point spread; determining if it is a good idea to bet on a
match, and if so, how much profit we could win.
This work was completed as the author’s senior honors
thesis, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for earning
Departmental Honors in Mathematics at Wittenberg Uni-
versity in Springfield, Ohio. The author would like to ex-
press his special gratitude and thanks to his advisor, Pro-
fessor Douglas M. Andrews, for his many ideas, suggestions
and guidance throughout the research process. The author
would also like to thank the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science at Wittenberg University for provid-
ing him the valuable knowledge during his undergraduate
career, and for giving him the opportunity to participate in
the Departmental Honors Program.
All of the materials related to this research are available
on GitHub at
Accepted 12 July 2021
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Quang Nguyen. Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected]