PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 11
(* Indicates where changes in language were made to this appendix)
The information described in Parts 1 through 5 below must be made available on the
institution’s accreditation website. The URL for the institution’s accreditation website must
be submitted using the SB 488 Certification Submission Form. This form will be accessible to
institutions just prior to the first submission date of April 26, 2024.
Institutions are strongly encouraged to make their accreditation website open to the public
without requiring a username and password to access. If open public access is not possible,
the username and password must be made available to the public. Google Docs, Dropbox,
Word documents, or PDFs with links will not be accepted in lieu of an accreditation website
and will be returned for resubmission through an accreditation website.
All pathways leading to a credential must be reflected in a program’s submission. It is up to
the institution to determine whether to submit a single submission reflecting all pathways to
a credential or separate submissions. Whichever avenue is chosen, it must be clear to
Important: Where links to syllabi or documentation are required, these links must be
bookmarked to the exact location where the information is located. For instance, links to
candidate handbooks are required for Submission Requirement 3.3b, 4.2b, and 5.2b, but all
require different information from these handbooks. Each link should go to the specific
section for the information requested. This will allow reviewers to find the necessary
information quickly and easily and minimize the number of additional requests for
information to the institution/program.
Submission Requirements for Part 1 (The following information in Part 1 is to submitted using
the SB 488 Certification Submission Form)
1.1. Institution Name
1.2. Dean or Director of Teacher Education Name and contact information
1.3. Primary contact(s) for questions and subsequent follow up communications from the
Commission regarding the literacy certification process, including contact name, title, email,
and phone number. Institutions may list up to 2 individuals. Note: The institution’s Dean or
Director of Teacher Education will receive all formal communication as well as the named
PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 12
1.4. Credential program type addressed in this document. (i.e., Preliminary Multiple Subject,
Education Specialist: Mild Moderate Support Needs).
1.5. List of all pathways offered by the institution for this credential (e.g. student teaching
traditional, intern, residency).
1.6. Affirmation by the Dean or Director of Teacher Education of the following statements:
I have read the materials being submitted and authorize their submission for the
purposes of certification pursuant to SB 488 (Chapter 678, Statutes of 2021).
I understand that what is included in this submission process represents selected
aspects of the new literacy standard adopted by the Commission. I understand that the
information submitted represents the information specifically required for literacy
certification as indicated in Education Code section 44259(B) (4)(A) and (B).
I understand that all Preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, Education Specialist,
and PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction Credential programs must be fully aligned with all of
the applicable literacy instruction standards and TPEs, not just those required for
certification, by July 1, 2024. I further attest that the program and all associated
pathways represented in this submission have undergone a full review by our faculty
and staff and are, or will be, fully aligned to the new literacy instruction standard by July
1, 2024.
I understand that beginning July 1, 2025, all Preliminary Multiple Subject, Education
Specialist, and PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction credential candidates will be required to
take and pass a Commission-approved Literacy Performance Assessment that is
embedded in the program pursuant to Education Code 44320.3 and is based on the
literacy instruction standard and TPE Domain 7.
Submission Requirements for Part 2
2.1. Provide a table listing all required courses for each pathway offered for this credential type
where literacy instruction is the primary coursework focus. Institutions may also list other
required courses where literacy instruction is not the primary focus but in which some of the
content in Standard 7 and TPE 7 is covered. (Note: Not all of Standard 7 and TPE 7 will be
reviewed during the literacy certification process, but this information will be helpful to
understand the design of the program with respect to literacy instruction.)
A sample table for a Preliminary Multiple Subject credential program is provided below as
guidance for all affected programs.
PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 13
Note: If some of the literacy preparation content is addressed in a program’s ELD coursework
and clinical practice experiences, please also include these courses in the table where
Pathway (Examples) List of all required courses
where the primary focus is
literacy instruction
(Hyperlink the course title to
the current syllabi)
List of any other required
courses where literacy
standard 7 and TPE 7 are
covered but are not the
primary focus of the course
(Hyperlink the course title to
current syllabi)
Multiple Subject Student
Teaching Residency Program
Multiple Subject Student
Teaching Traditional Program
Multiple Subject Teaching
with Middle School Emphasis
Multiple Subject Intern
Multiple Subject plus
Bilingual Authorization
Concurrent pathway
2.2. Briefly describe the process (i.e., committee established, specific faculty review committee
work, academic senate approval, etc.) used to review the program to ensure alignment with the
new literacy instruction standards and teaching performance expectations. If this process
differed by pathway, please describe the process for each pathway. Note who was involved in
this effort. Institutions may respond with a table indicating each pathway. The following table
provides an example of how this information could be provided.
Pathway (Examples) Process used for internal
program review to ensure
alignment with new literacy
standards and TPEs.
Identify staff who engaged
in this process and titles
(program director, faculty,
site-based personnel, etc.)
Multiple Subject Student
Teaching Residency Program
Multiple Subject Student
Teaching Traditional Program
Multiple Subject Teaching
with Middle School Emphasis
Multiple Subject Intern
PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 14
Pathway (Examples) Process used for internal
program review to ensure
alignment with new literacy
standards and TPEs.
Identify staff who engaged
in this process and titles
(program director, faculty,
site-based personnel, etc.)
Multiple Subject plus
Bilingual Authorization
Concurrent pathway
For the remaining requirements in Part 2, please include the full language of the prompt with
your response.
2.3. Describe how the program has ensured that faculty teaching the literacy instruction
courses understand the requirements in SB 488, the new standards and TPEs, and the evidence
base supporting them. If this response differs by pathway, please respond for each pathway.
2.4. Describe how the institution/program has provided opportunities for faculty teaching these
courses to engage in professional learning to ensure that they are prepared to teach new
content as required by SB 488, the standards, and the performance expectations. If none has
been provided to date, provide information about the implementation plan for specific
professional development and learning that will take place. If these responses differ by
pathway, please respond for each pathway.
2.5. What steps has the program taken or will take in the coming months to communicate to
mentor/cooperating teachers and other PK-12 partners the new requirements of SB 488, the
new literacy instruction program standards, TPEs, and upcoming performance assessment
requirements? (meetings, notifications, handbook updates, etc.)
2.6. In what ways did the program’s process for reviewing its coursework and clinical practice
requirements against the new standards and TPEs include individuals with expertise in literacy
instruction for multilingual/English learner students?
2.7. Provide links to syllabi that demonstrate that the English Language Arts (ELA) and Literacy
Standards, English Language Development (ELD) Standards, and English Language Arts/English
Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework are required and central components for
candidates in literacy instruction coursework. These links should be bookmarked to the exact
place in the syllabi where this occurs. Multiple links to different sections of the same syllabus
are acceptable.
Below is the language from Education Code Section 44259 (b)(4)(A)(i) and (B).
44259 (b)(4)(A)(i) contains the following requirements:
PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 15
…satisfactory completion of comprehensive reading instruction that is research based and
includes all of the following:
(i). The study of organized, systematic, explicit skills including phonemic awareness, direct,
systematic, explicit phonics, and decoding skills.
(B) For purposes of this section, “direct, systematic, explicit phonics” means phonemic
awareness, spelling patterns, the direct instruction of sound/symbol codes and practice in
connected text, and the relationship of direct, systematic, explicit phonics to the components set
forth in clauses (i) to (v), inclusive, of subparagraph (A).
Submission Requirements for Part 3
Part 3 addresses candidate preparation to provide effective literacy instruction consistent with
the above requirements.
If there are differences in candidate preparation for these TPEs across the pathways offered by
the institution, please indicate these differences and ensure they are clearly labeled.
3.1. Program/Coursework Coverage of TPEs – Submission of Table 3.1 (provided in the
appendices). Course coverage of Foundational Skills TPE 7.5 with links to specific content
within course syllabi.(See Appendix C-F, as applicable to each credential program)
3.2. Coursework Coverage of Standard 7 – Provide a narrative with links embedded to specific
location(s) in course syllabi addressing Standard 7a describing how the program prepares
candidates to teach foundational skills and the coverage of the above knowledge and
skills (TPE 7.5), as specified in the excerpt from the Education Code. Please be concise.
Suggested length no more than 1000 words.
3.3 *Clinical Practice: Ensuring Opportunities for Candidates to Practice Teaching
Foundational Skills – Provide direct links to evidence demonstrating how the program
provides opportunities for candidates to practice teaching students foundational reading
skills. The standards require that candidates are provided opportunities to practice
foundational reading skills that are appropriate for the children and/or students they are
teaching in their clinical practice experience. This does not mean that candidates must
practice or be observed teaching every individual foundational reading skill in their
clinical practice setting (see PSA 24-08). This documentation must include all the
3.3a. Communication/Agreement with Districts regarding clinical practice – Direct
link(s) to locations in sample MOU(s) with LEAs or other documentation provided
to districts outlining opportunities that must be provided to candidates in clinical
practice settings (appropriate setting, information about expectations made
available to administrators and mentors at the school site, etc.). This
documentation must include information for mentor/cooperating teachers
about the expectations for candidates to take and pass a Commission approved
literacy performance assessment that includes a focus on foundational literacy
skills and the additional cross cutting themes in literacy.
PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 16
3.3b. Candidate Information – Direct link(s) to location(s) in candidate handbooks or
materials explaining the new standards, TPEs, and performance assessment
requirements demonstrating that candidates have been provided accurate and
timely information about what is required during clinical practice related to
foundational skills.
3.3c. *Candidate Clinical Practice Opportunities – Direct link(s) to locations in any
clinical practice observation tools/assessments, if available, that document
where candidates are practicing teaching these foundational reading skills to
students and are being provided formative feedback to guide improvement.
Below is the applicable language from Education Code Section 44259 (b)(4)(A)(ii):
…satisfactory completion of comprehensive reading instruction that is researched based and
includes all of the following:
(ii) A strong literature, language, and comprehension component with a balance of oral
and written language.
Submission Requirements for Part 4
Note: If there are differences in pathways offered, please indicate these differences and
identify the relevant pathway.
4.1. Program/Coursework Coverage of TPEs – Submission of Table 4.1 (provided in the
appendices) which includes identified TPEs related to a strong literature, language, and
comprehension component for candidates along with a balance of oral and written
language. These include TPEs 7.6, 7.7, and 7.8. (See Appendix C-F as applicable to each
credential program).
4.2. Clinical Practice: Ensuring Opportunities for Candidates to Practice a strong literature,
language, and comprehension component with a balance of oral and written language.
Provide links to evidence demonstrating how the program ensures that candidates are
in clinical practice settings that allow them opportunities to practice TPEs related to oral
and written language, as applicable to the credential program. This documentation must
include all the following:
4.2a. Communication/Agreement with Districts – Direct link(s) to specific
location(s) in sample MOU(s) with LEAs or other documentation provided to
districts outlining opportunities that must be provided to candidates in clinical
practice settings (e.g., appropriate setting, information about expectations made
available to administrators and mentors at the school site) related to the TPEs
related to oral and written language including 7.6, 7.7, and 7.8, as appropriate to
the credential program.
PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 17
4.2b. Candidate Information – Direct link(s) to specific locations in candidate
handbooks or other materials explaining the new standards, TPEs, and
performance assessment requirements demonstrating that candidates have
been provided accurate and timely information about what is required during
clinical practice related to the TPEs listed in 4.1.
4.2c. Candidate Clinical Practice Opportunities Direct link(s) to specific
location(s) in clinical practice observation tools that ensure candidates are
practicing teaching these skills and are provided formative feedback to guide
Education Code 44259 (b)(4)(A)(iii) and (iv) read as follows:
…satisfactory completion of comprehensive reading instruction that is researched based and
includes all of the following:
(iii) Ongoing diagnostic techniques that inform teaching and assessment.
(iv) Early intervention techniques.
Submission Requirements for Part 5
Note: If there are differences in pathways offered, please indicate these differences and
identify the relevant pathway.
5.1. Program/Coursework Coverage of TPEs – Submission of Table 5.1 (provided in the
appendices) which includes specific TPEs related to diagnostic techniques that inform
teaching and assessment as well as early intervention techniques. (See Appendix C-F as
applicable to each credential program).
5.2. Clinical Practice Opportunities for candidates to learn about diagnostic techniques that
inform teaching and assessment and early intervention techniques.
*5.2a. Direct link to location(s) in sample MOU(s) or other documentation
provided to LEAs that include explicit reference to efforts that will be made to
provide candidates with opportunities, as practicable, during their clinical
practice to learn about, and where possible, observe, how schools/teachers are
using screening and diagnostic techniques to inform teaching and assessment
and early intervention techniques, as appropriate to the credential and as
identified in the TPEs and standard.
5.2b. Links to specific location(s) in candidate handbooks or materials that
describe for candidates what is expected of them with respect to learning about
diagnostic techniques as well as early intervention techniques.
PROGRAM SPONSOR ALERT 24-01: Literacy Instruction Certification Required by SB 488 Page 18
*5.2c. Links to specific evidence showing how candidates are provided
opportunities to learn about and, where possible, observe how schools/teachers
are using screening and diagnostic techniques to inform teaching and
assessment and early intervention techniques, as appropriate to the credential
and as identified in the TPEs and standard.
5.3 Incorporation of California Dyslexia Guidelines
5.3a. Coursework – Explain how the California Dyslexia Guidelines are incorporated into
the program for all candidates. (300 words or less).
5.3b. Coursework – Provide direct link(s) to specific location(s) in course syllabi where
the content of the California Dyslexia Guidelines is clearly identified.
*5.3c. Clinical Practice
Explain how the program provides, to the extent practicable, opportunities for
candidates in clinical practice settings to observe and practice the concepts and
strategies included in the California Dyslexia Guidelines. Given that not every candidate
will have a child with dyslexia in their clinical practice setting, describe steps taken to
provide other opportunities for these candidates to practice strategies identified in the
California Dyslexia Guidelines. (See 5.3f below)
Additionally, provide all of the following evidence:
Ύ5.3d. Communication/Agreement with Districts Direct link(s) to sample MOU(s) or
other documentation describing expectations for clinical practice settings related
to providing, to the extent practicable, opportunities for candidates in clinical
practice settings to observe and practice the concepts and strategies included in
the California Dyslexia Guidelines.
5.3e. Candidate Information – Direct link(s) to location(s) in candidate handbooks or
other candidate material that explains the program expectations around the
California Dyslexia Guidelines.
*5.3f. Provide direct links to specific evidence showing how candidates are provided
opportunities to learn about and, where possible, observe how schools/teachers
use the skills described in California Dyslexia Guidelines (may be combined with
5.3c above).