CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Internship/Externship Criteria Application
CA 282-R 2024
The CAI internship/externship component is a vital part of the culinary program. It is one of the final
pieces required for graduation. It is an eight (8) credit hour component, the largest credit class in our
curriculum. It is designed to provide a platform for the student to develop and hone the skills and
techniques acquired throughout the culinary program in a real world situation. It is still school, and all
program academic standards and requirements are still in place and will factor into your final grade.
I. All students are required to complete a 15 week intern/externship placement during their
fourth semester.
II. Intern/externship details and requirements are fully explained in the CAI
Internship/Externship Placement Agreement which all students need to execute prior to
III. Two types of placement opportunities are offered:
1. Industry Placed Externships (Externship) for qualifying students*
Externships can be paid or unpaid positions and are subject to external placement
criteria. Externships sites must be pre-approved by the Internship Coordinator +/or
Department Chair.
Examples of previous externship host sites:
Sundance Resort Little America Hotel Grand America
Communal Restaurant SLC Hilton Forage Restaurant
Chef’s Table The Homestead Resort Deer Valley Resort
Kneaders Bakery Great Harvest Bread Co. Harmon’s
2. CAI Placed Internships (Internship)
All CAI placed positions are unpaid and not subject to externship placement criteria. All
students who do not meet the externship placement criteria and/or have not properly
established an externship placement will be required to complete their internship at one
of the CAI internship positions.
Examples of CAI Internship Placements:
Canyon Park Café Hot Foods Cook Canyon Park Café Café Asst. Manager
Restaurant Forte Chef d’Partie CP Café Cold Foods Cook
Catering Production Assistant Bakery Production Assistant
Teachers Assistants (multiple placements) CP Café Grill Cook
IV. All students, regardless of the type of placement (CAI Internship or Industry based
Placement) must fill out a PLACEMENT AGREEMENT and complete all the stipulated
components of CA 282-R during the 15 week placement.
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Students wishing to complete an industry based externship, either paid or unpaid must meet the CAI
externship criteria outlined below…. PRIOR TO APPLICATION! Supporting documentation must be
attached to application submission. Each application will be reviewed by the CAI Internship Committee
and evaluated for eligibility.
No application for placement that requests a student’s current or
previous place of employment as a host site will be considered.
All candidates must meet all requirements to be considered.
I. Letter of Intent
Applicants must submit a one page letter explaining the placement opportunity and
how it will specifically benefit their career path and how the applicant has successfully
met the criteria requirements.
II. Academic Requirements
Applicant must have successfully completed ALL the required CA elements and class
work for the first two semesters of enrollment and be enrolled and on track to
successfully complete the third semester prior to applying. **
III. Grade Point Average
All applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or higher to qualify for industry based externship.
Copy of current Wolverine Track assessment will verify GPA & Academic standing.
IV. Professional Experience
All candidates must display a commitment to continue on in the industry; therefore
documentation of 200 hours of professional experience must be submitted with the
placement agreement application review.
V. Character
Students must possess the highest level of character, commitment and professionalism
to qualify for external placement. Documented participation in at least two (2) of the
following areas must be submitted to the review committee;
1. Professional Affiliations ACF, RCA, URA, or similar.
2. CAI Contributions and involvement Catering support, Restaurant, etc
3. Community Service / Involvement Chef a Child; Kids on the Move; Hunger, etc.
4. Extra-curricular Activities Supporting or assisting instructors with projects;
volunteering for department supported events; Pro-Start Career Day; Recruiting
Days etc…
5. Culinary Competitions or Student mentoring
VI. Letters of Recommendation
Applicants must submit two (2) letters of recommendation form chef instructors in
support of their request for external placement, confirming their ability to meet the
current demands of industry.
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Placement Details:
Internship/Externship is a vital part of the CAI program and the final requirement for graduation. You
should begin to address your internship at the beginning of your second year (third semester) and work
during the third semester to secure the placement that will best fit your career path.
These procedures and timeline are in support of that:
Registration Procedures:
1. Define your personal goals and objectives. What do I want to accomplish during this
placement? This is critical in helping establish a list of sites.
2. Meet with Internship Coordinator / CAI Advisor and discuss placement opportunities and
personal internship goals. Establish a list of possibilities. This should be done at the beginning
of your third semester.
3. Meet with placement sites / supervisors and discuss placement opportunities. If approved for
external placement, determine if it will be paid or unpaid. Discuss objectives & goals of both
placement site and student. Determine if site is CAI approved or seek approval of site.
4. Make final selection of placement site.
5. Properly fill out and execute the appropriate UVU Internship Master Agreement (Paid or
Unpaid) www.uvu.edu/internships
under the forms tab.
6. Complete the mandatory UVU on-line Internship orientation at;
7. Meet with host site supervisor and finalize agreed goals, objectives and job description.
Properly fill out and execute the Culinary Arts Institute (CAI) Internship Agreement with host
8. Bring originals of all paperwork to CAI Internship Coordinator for final approval. 1. Goals &
Objectives; 2. Signed UVU Master Agreement; 3. UVU Internship Orientation Certificate; 4.
Properly filled out and signed Placement Agreement
a. (Keep copies for your records / final portfolio.)
9. Bring signed paperwork to CAI advisor for registration override.
10. Register for CAI Internship at www.uvu.edu
Student Requirements:
Student academic requirements are outlined below. Keep in mind all CAI policies and standards
are in place during internship. All submissions must be typed to ASA standards and will be
graded as such.
All submissions need to be word documents, sent as attachments. Titled as follows: Student X
Journal Week 1; Student X Mid-term Evaluation; etc….. All materials will be graded in
accordance to CAI and University grading standards.
Student Requirements (Cont.):
1. Defined goals and objectives, specific to your placement. Must be received prior to registration.
Minimum of five and must include the following:
a. Establish the objective/goal. (i.e.: To be able to cook red meat to the proper degree of
doneness, on demand. R, MR, M, MW & W)
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
b. Define a plan to accomplish that objective. (i.e.: 1. I will work with experienced cooks to
learn the touch and feel of red meat throughout the cooking process. 2. I test meat with probe
thermometers and physically inspect meat in support of my training)
c. Define how your success will be measured. (I worked the grill station last Saturday night,
cooked 65 steaks to order and none were returned for over or under doneness.)
2. Detailed
journal entries that include job description & performance detail.
a. WEEKLY Journals should be written and saved in 2 word docs labeled midterm and
Final Journal. Your first six weeks are due in your word doc labeled midterm Journal
and must be uploaded to canvas before the due date posted in the canvas assignment
“mid-term journal”. You will then upload the second 5-6 weeks of journals for the “Final
Journals” assignment before the due date posted in canvas assignment final journals.
All weekly journals will be uploaded to canvas twice once in midterm and once for the
final. Please upload the 6 weeks in 1-word doc and not 6 week docs, thanks.
b. Journal entries should be detailed and include job performance specifics, menu items
detail, specials detail, operational detail, pictures and professional overview materials….
c. A journal entry template is included to assist you and must include your name; place of
employment; direct supervisor and title; position or station worked and the dates
covered by the submission.
d. Journal entries should also include any progress reports or evaluations done by site
supervisor during position rotations etc.
3. Mid-Term self-evaluation of host site. Due at the end of week seven (7), Sunday night, no later
than 11:59 PM. This is a check point to make sure you are on schedule and addressing your
goals and objectives.
a. The mid-term evaluation should include; 1) an honest measure of your progress towards
goals & objectives; 2) Any adjustment to your goals and objectives you feel are
necessary based on the first seven weeks’ work; 3) General overview and personal
assessment of your internship to date.
4. Mid-term intern evaluation by site supervisor. (Form included) Must be uploaded to canvas by
due date or a hard copy can be turned in to Wendy Farnsworth or Todd Leonard.
5. Final self-evaluation of host site. Exactly like the mid-term but it should include your final
justification for all your objectives / goals as well as the evaluation checklist. Did I accomplish
my goals? (i.e.: I now can cook a R steak to order during a busy dinner service) Due at the end of
week fifteen (15), Sunday night, no later than 11:59 PM.
6. Final intern evaluation by site supervisor. (Form included)
7. Final summary paper as defined in CAI Internship Criteria. (1/2 page per week of placement)
Final internship portfolio supporting documentation (actual menus, photos etc…if any) must be
turned in to internship director on the last day of class.
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Internship Grading Schedule
Goals & Objectives 10%
Weekly Journal “Mid term” upload 25%
Mid-Term Evaluations (Self & Employer) 20%
Weekly Journal “Final Journal” upload 25%
Final Evaluations (Employer & Self) 20%
All CAI grading is done in accordance with University Policy. The following definitions have
been outlined to help you better understand your grades. You will be reminded of these
standards throughout the program.
A, A- = Outstanding Achievement
The student demonstrates an exceptional mastery of the content. An “A or A-” grade is an
exceptional grade indicating distinctly superior performance of which very few students are
capable of achieving. The student demonstrates unusually sharp insight regarding the course
content and every aspect of performance is of exemplary quality.
B+, B, B- = Commendable Achievement
The student demonstrates an above average mastery of the content. A “B+, B or B- grade is an
above average grade indicating achievement of a high order. The student has exceeded the stated
requirements. The student demonstrated commendable insight regarding the course content and
every aspect of performance is of above average quality.
C+, C = Acceptable Achievement
The student demonstrates average aptitude of the content. A “C+ or C” grade is an average
grade indicating that a student has performed satisfactorily in all aspects of their work. The
student has adequately met the stated requirements. The student demonstrates acceptable
insight regarding the content and overall performance is of average quality.
C- = Marginal Achievement
The student demonstrates a below average mastery of the content. A “C-” grade is a below
average grade indicating that a student has not fully met the stated standards of the course. The
student demonstrates minimal insight regarding content and the overall performance is of
marginal quality.
Below C- = Failing
The student demonstrates little to no mastery of the content. An “F” grade is a failing grade
indicating that a student has not met the stated standards of the course. The student
demonstrates insufficient insight regarding content and the overall performance is not worthy of
Note: Any course grade with a score below C- must be repeated.
Institute Letter Grade Scores
A = 95 100%
A - = 90 94.99%
B + = 87 -89.99%
B = 84 -86.99%
B - = 80 83.99 %
C + = 7779.99%
C = 7476.99%
C - = 70 -73.99
Below C- = course must be repeated
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Journal Entry Week 1
John Q. Public (intern)
XYZ Country Club
Paul Bocuse, CEC Executive Chef
Thomas Keller, CSC - Direct Supervisor
Sept 10-14, 2023
Mon Sept 10_____________
Pantry Station
Job description …… blah, blah, blah / details
Duties for the day…… same
Specials……. same
Comments….. same
Tues Sept 11_____________
PM Grill Station
Job description …… blah, blah, blah / details
Duties for the day …… same
Specials ……. same
Daily overview …..
Suggestions ….
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Student Name_____________________________
Student Evaluation of Site
HOST SITE______________________________ SITE SUPERVISOR___________________
Rate the Following
Does Not
I received an adequate orientation to my job.
I was given adequate training.
I received assistance when I asked for it.
I felt comfortable asking questions.
I received on-going feedback.
I had regular meetings with my supervisor.
My supervisor was available and accessible.
I gained a realistic preview of the culinary industry.
This internship has confirmed my career goals.
The work I performed fulfilled my expectations.
I was able to assume additional responsibilities.
I was treated fairly.
There were ample opportunities for learning.
The work I performed was a good learning experience.
I am now better prepared as a culinarian.
I applied my school training in a real world situation.
Rate the Following
Needs to
Learning experience.
Workplace atmosphere.
Professional standards.
Quality of workmanship.
Relationship with fellow employees.
Relationship with supervisor.
Other Comments / Suggestions:
Student Signature________________________________ Date______________
Dates of Internship________________________
Supervisor___________________________ Company_________________________________
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Student Name________________________________
Extern/Intern Performance Evaluation (circle one) Mid-Term Final
Is thorough and accurate with work assignments.
Manages time and energy well.
Meets time lines.
Uses common sense and shows good judgment.
Demonstrates specific skills necessary for the job.
Completed all assignments within time frames.
Quality standard meets expectations.
Is enthusiastic.
Is cooperative, flexible, and adaptable.
Is open minded, willing to learn.
Demonstrates problem solving ability.
Accepts and makes positive use of criticism.
Is a team player.
Willing to go the extra mile.
Willing to help in other situations.
Willing to help other employees.
Work Habits
Is punctual and dependable.
Works clean.
Is quality driven.
Dresses in a professional manner/to company standards.
Follows through.
Production speed.
Is pleasant to work with.
Follows directions/methods
Did the intern accomplish his/her learning objectives? Yes No
What new skills or improved skills were developed?
Greatest strengths/weaknesses?
Supervisor Signature____________________________________
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Student Name_____________________________________
Student Evaluation Form
1. List five things you’ve learned while on internship that you will continue to use at your next
position. Be descriptive and include detail.
2. If you had one thing that you could do over or take back that happened while on internship,
what would it be? Describe the event and what you’ve learned from it.
3. In hindsight, what could you have done or taken advantage of that would have made your
internship more valuable to your development as a culinary professional? (Please be honest)
4. In hindsight what do you think the internship host site could have done to make your placement
more valuable for you?
5. Would you recommend this site to other future interns? Why or Why not??
Signature______________________________ Date_________________
Intern Name _________________________________
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Externship Placement Application
Please complete the application below and supply
required supporting documentation.
Student Information:
UVU Student ID__________________________________
Contact number__________________________________
E-Mail address__________________________________
Home Address __________________________________
Externship Site Information:
Company Name__________________________________
Business Address__________________________________
Externship Position__________________________________
Executive Chef / Direct Supervisor__________________________________
Contact number__________________________________
E-Mail address __________________________________
Externship Period:
____Fall Semester 20___ ____Spring Semester 20___ ____Summer Semester 20___
Externship Eligibility Criteria:
___Letter of Intent Acceptable____ Unacceptable_____
___Academic Standing Acceptable____ Unacceptable_____
___ GPA Acceptable____ Unacceptable_____
___ Professional Experience Acceptable____ Unacceptable_____
___Character Acceptable____ Unacceptable_____
___Letters of Recommendation Acceptable____ Unacceptable_____
Approval: __________________________________ Date: ____________
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
UVU CAI Based Internship Application
CA 282-R Fall 2018
The intent of this agreement is to outline and acknowledge the specific responsibilities of both the CAI
student (“intern/extern”) and the Placement site (“host”) during the placement period.
Student Information:
UVU Student ID__________________________________
Contact number__________________________________
E-Mail address__________________________________
Home Address__________________________________
Emergency Contact Person__________________________________
Contact number__________________________________
E-Mail address__________________________________
Placement Site:
Internship Position__________________________________
CAI Placement Site__________________________________
Chef / Chef Instructor__________________________________
Contact number__________________________________
E-Mail address__________________________________
Internship Period:
____Fall Semester 20___ ____Spring Semester 20___ ____Summer Semester 20___
Approval: __________________________________ Date: ____________
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
UVU Culinary Arts Institute
Placement Agreement
Articles of Agreement:
1.1 All internship sites must be inspected and approved by the CAI internship coordinator or the
Institute Director prior to entering into any placement agreement.
1.2 All sites must meet state and local health code standards and prove to operate a professional,
safe and sanitary establishment at all times.
1.3 Placement site and UVU policies must be adhered to during the placement period. Any
violation of these policies will result in disciplinary action up to termination of placement and
possibly expulsion from the CAI.
1.4 The internship period is one, 15 week semester as established by the university; Fall, Spring or
Summer semester.
1.5 Internship period will require a minimum of 30 hours of weekly employment or service.
1.6 Both host and intern/extern agree to immediately inform CAI internship director of any issues
that may arise during a placement that may affect the success of the intern partnership.
Host Articles:
Host site agrees to:
2.1 Properly train and orient interns/externs, including company policy and site safety prior to the
commencement of placement.
2.2 Assist intern/extern in establishing realistic goals and objectives for placement period,
including a general job description prior to commencement of placement.
2.3 Supervise intern/extern at all times during placement.
2.4 Rotate intern/extern to multiple areas of the culinary operation when and if possible.
2.5 Complete a performance review with intern when position or stations are changed.
2.6 Complete mid-term and final evaluations of intern/extern progress and performance.
2.7 Keep intern/extern aware of performance and progress throughout the placement with
continued communication and feedback.
2.8 Complete confidential CAI placement summary / evaluation and electronically send it to the
CAI internship coordinator at the end of each placement.
2.9 Allow a minimum of one site visit by the CAI coordinator during placement period.
2.10 Perform a detailed exit interview with intern upon completion of internship.
CAI Intern-Externship Placement Agreement & Packet
CA 282-R Summer 2021
Student Articles
Intern/Extern agrees to:
3.1 Have properly and completely executed the CAI Internship requirements and UVU Internship
Master Agreement
to the execution of this agreement.
3.2 Represent UVU and the CAI in a professional manor at all times and adhere to University Code
of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in termination of this agreement and expulsion from the
3.3 Fulfill all the requirements stipulated in this CAI Intern-Extern Placement packet to the best of
their ability.
3.4 Keep the CAI internship coordinator and host site supervisor informed of any and all issues
related to this placement.
Supply coordinator with documentation verifying continuous employment throughout
the period.
(i.e.: pay stubs, W-4, etc.)
Intern: I, , agree with and accept the academic requirements and
placement assignments as outlined in this agreement and in the CAI internship requirements packet. I
understand and will adhere to the internship registration procedure. I will complete all work and
academic assignments to the best of my ability. I accept the obligation of confidentiality procedures and
code of conduct. I understand that a grade for this internship will not be issued until all academic and
work related assignments are satisfactorily completed. I fully understand that I am serving this
internship-externship at the discretion of the employer.
Site Supervisor: I, , have discussed this internship-externship
opportunity with the intern and we have agreed upon the assigned components listed above. I agree to
provide assistance, training, and consultation to the intern/extern in order to progress toward achieving
the defined goals and objectives. I agree to meet with the intern regularly and do progress evaluations
and performance reviews. I understand that a mid-term and final employer evaluation need to be
completed and are a vital component of assessment; I will complete the evaluation form, meet with the
intern to discuss the evaluation, and return the completed forms by the requested dates.
Intern / Extern Student Signature____________________________________
Intern/Extern Site Supervisor Signature ____________________________________
Intern/Extern Coordinator or Institute Director Signature__________________________________
Academic Advisor Signature____________________________________
Date: __________________