International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
ISSN: 2456-7620 1388
Adaptation of The 3 Mistakes of My Life into the
Film Kai Po Che
Dr. Nagmani Alok
Senior Faculty (English), H.M.S., Darbhanga, Bihar, India
Abstract Chetan Bhagat is one of the most popular and renowned living authors of India. He is one of the
favorite novelists of young India and has many time been crowned as an icon of youth. His novel depicts the
youth with westernization and modernization in their life style and manners. His characters are social rebels
and stands for their vitality. His Three Mistakes of My Life: A Story about Business, Cricket and Religion gives
as idea of the major narrative strands. The three protagonists of the novel are raising entrepreneurs and the
plot revolves around their ups and downs of their business fortune. On the other hand the adaptation of this
novel Kai Po Che means ‘kite is cut’, is based on the novel “The 3 Mistakes of My Life”. It can be described as
a wholesome cinematic experience. The story has been set in Ahmedabad during the years of 2000 02, the
script of the film follows the lives o three friends Ishaan, Govind and Omi and their desire to own a
successful business and move out of a middle class root. The story revolves around their trials and travails as
they set up a sports goods business and a cricket coaching academy, and their encounter with the Muslim
world through ali, Ishaan’s talented cricket disciple. The movie gradually builds to a climax set during the
Gujarat genocide of Muslims during February March 2002.
Keywords Westernization, mordernization,, narrative, adaptation, cricket, genocide, etc.
Chetan Bhagat is one of the most mainstream and eminent
living creators of India. He is one of the most loved authors
of youthful India and has many time been delegated as a
symbol of youth. His tale delineates the young with
westernization and modernization in their way of life and
habits. His characters are social dissidents and represents
their essentialness. People are no more observed through the
old idea which arrange men are predominant and ladies as
sub-par. As by result of globalization and modernization
people are given their due spot and regard, in their own
keenness and capacities, they are believed to be working or
considering side by side. As per him all his lady characters
are solid and feministic. He needs his characters become
good examples for little youngsters. They ought to be ladies
of substance and not simply prop that occupy the space. His
The 3 Mistakes of My Life: A Story about Business, Cricket
and Religion gives as thought of the significant account
strands. The three heroes of the novel are raising business
people and the plot spins around their high points and low
points of their business fortune. The epic starts with the
creator getting a self destruction mail from an individual
named Govind in Ahmedabad. Bhagat gets astonished and
discovers the kid. He additionally comes to meet him to
know the purposes for his self destruction. The remainder of
the story is described by Govind. Govind, Ishaan and Omi
are beloved companions. Govind originates from a helpless
family with just a mother who attempts to make their living
by running a little hand crafted food shop. He adds to the
accounts by offering educational costs to understudies in
Math. Ishaan isn't acceptable in examines. His solitary
energy is cricket. His dad is furious with him since he left
National Defense Academy and got back. Omi has a place
with a steadfast Hindu Brahmin family; his dad is the
minister of a sanctuary. Omi is required to convey this
custom of turning into a cleric from which he needs to get
away. One day Govind chooses to introduce a shop selling
cricket stuff. Omi's folks permit them to lease a little spot
inside the sanctuary premises. While Govind deals with the
record, Omi and Ishaan run the shop. As Govind scored
hundred imprints in Maths in his sexually transmitted disease
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
ISSN: 2456-7620 1389
X, Ishaan demands Govind to instruct Maths to his more
youthful sister Vidya for her forthcoming clinical selection
tests. Govind concurs reluctantly. Vidya is a juvenile little
youngster who has no enthusiasm for Math or medication.
She needs tohave the opportunity to make every second
count. The shop works out in a good way for certain
vacillations. Anyway Govind needs to grow his business. He
sets aside cash and pays an underlying portion for another
shop in Navrangpura Mall which will be opening in no time
The primary slip-up of Gonvid Patel. Taneesha Kuishrestha
“What strikes you first about Chetan Bhagat’s
novels is the fact that this author writes about Indians and
for Indians. His characters are young, ambitious and
passionate and have the same moral, social and religious
dilemmas as many of the young Indians today. At the same
time their context and sensibility too is unabashedly Indian.
The new and the third Bhagat book, “The 3 mistakes of my
life", has all these qualities.”
On 26th January toward the beginning of the day,
individuals all over world were frightened to get the updates
on an overwhelming quake which demolished numerous
structures in Gujarat. Govind is devastated to see the state of
his fantasy shop in Navaranpura Mall, yet with the help from
companions and his mom he returns to taking care of his
little shop. Omi's maternal uncle Bitto mother an individual
from a Hindu Political Party and enthusiast of Parekh Ji, the
pioneer of this gathering regularly visits their shop. He
frequently hauls these children to his political gatherings.
Then Ishaan catches wind of a skilled kid named Ali who
hits a six at each ball. Ishaan looks at him yet Ali gets
exhausted after each fourth ball and has a cerebral pain. He
takes him to Dr.Multani who discloses to them that Ali is
honored with outstandingly quick reflexes and this squeezes
his mind. Ishaan chooses to mentor him, develop his
endurance and set him up to be a public cooperative person.
He gives Omi the duty of his eating routine as he is
malnourished. Omi first rejects Ishaan's proposition since he
is a Muslim and child of Bitoo mother's main adversary a
pioneer of mainstream party. He later consents to support Ali
yet stays quiet about everything. After significant preparing
there is improvement in Ali's endurance. Ishaan wishes to
take him to an India-Australia coordinate and acquaint him
with some compelling individual who could assist Ali with
turning into an effective cricketer. The three, alongside Ali
figure out how to arrive at the VIP hall in Goa. There they
meet an Australian cricketer Fred Li who sees Ali's ability
and vows to support them and masterminds frothier passes to
Australia. Ali gets a grant for cricket preparing in Australia
however on condition that he would play for Australia yet
Ali denies saying that he might want to play just for India. At
some point, while in Australia, Govind acknowledges he is
missing Vidya. He considers her and communicates his
emotions. Omi comes to think about their relationship yet
cautions Govind about the conventions of the general public.
Love blooms between the two. The trio, along, with Ali
comes back to Ahmedabad and return to their work. Love
arrives at its extraordinary among Govind and Vidya and on
her birthday they submit the offense of having sexual
connection the second error of Govind. He is embarrassed
about having a sexual illicit relationship with his closest
companion's sister. Sweta Paspulati argues that:
“It does make you think about certain aspects and
the feeling lingers with you for a long time. That is what you
would remember after many long years that you have read
the book and of course guys would remember the Cricket and
the girl.”
In the midst of every one of these occurrences
breaks out a common uproar when a train bogie conveying a
company of Hindu supporters, alongside Bitoo mom's child
Dheeraj was as far as anyone knows burnby Muslims. Hindu
fomenters drove by Bitoo mom consumed and slaughtered a
few Muslims in the neighboring towns. Ali descends for
every day practice to Ishaan. Ishaan took the kid to a
sheltered spot; an old structure where these companions
would accumulate now and again. Omi and Govind went
along with them as well. The horde arrives at the structure
requesting Ali is given over to them with the goal that they
could complete him as they had slaughtered his folks. The
three attempted their level best to control the horde. They
consumed a couple by blowing a chamber, however the
crowd was in furor. Omi gets unintentionally executed by his
mom when he attempts to spare Ali. At last, Bitoo mother
had Ali in his hold. Govind misses saving Ali by a brief
instant and Ali's wrist gets cut-the third misstep of Govind.
Bitoo mom gets slaughtered in the battle. Ishaan is angry
with Govind for intuition childishly and for his
postponement in ensuring Ali. He likewise finds Govind's
relationship with his sister and is frantic at him. Govind
reprimands himself for all the tragic occasions and attempts
to end it all however he is spared. His mom persuades Ishaan
to excuse him. Ishaan, with his sister, comes to meet Govind
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
ISSN: 2456-7620 1390
in the clinic and they become companions once more.
Govind vows to pay for Ali's treatment. Ali completes
medical procedure which turns fruitful and he by and by
begins rehearsing cricket. The book closes with Govind
consenting to enable the writer to compose a book on his
three errors.
This tale depends on the genuine episodes and adjusts
with genuine occurrences like Gujarat quake, 9/11 assault,
Godhra damage and uproars too accept cricket matches. The
book gives close to genuine depiction of why numerous
understudies scorn Math, a sort of insider perspective on
political decision legislative issues and Gujarat revolts, the
difficulties and contrasts individuals face while pursuing
huge dreams and then some. The book mirrors the run of the
mill life in Ahmedabad old city, where individuals have their
own needs and mirrors the ordinary business outlook of
Gujarati people group and the effect of common uproars.
In this novel, the setting is the city of old
Ahmedabad which however urban, is yet not as cosmopolitan
city the same number of India's other metropolitan urban
communities. It has the characteristics of modest community
and old world in pols or settlements with conventional Indian
family unit foundation. The characters are youthful, aspiring
and energetic and have a similar good, social and strict
problems the same number of the youthful Indians today.
Simultaneously, their unique circumstance and
reasonableness also is audaciously Indian. Chetan Bhagat has
explained minutely the attitude and the expectation for
everyday comforts of the individuals living in the pols. The
development of the region (inhabitants in it) is with the end
goal that they have to turn on tube-light in any event, during
daytime hitch shows the crowed pols and thin boulevards in
the old city where individuals need to live. Bhagat has
reliably depicted the humble community mindset in India.
They are principally inspired by others lives. The main
activity of ladies living in pols is the tattle. In the novel,
individuals concoct the tattles like the hypothesis about Omi
turning out to be inept on the grounds that a cricket ball hit
him or that Ishaan was tossed out of NDA and didn't flee or
that Govind became unfeeling the day his father left the
home. Everybody in the pol discusses these things however
they are pointless and good for nothing. Sandhya Iyer in her
review says :
The last few chapters especially go out of hand.
One knows Chetan's a big fan of Bollywood and believes that
much like a Hindi film that must have action in the end, a
novel too must have its share of blood and gore to make it
wholesome enough. First of all, Bollywood itself is moving
away from formulaic fares so Chetan's jumped in a bit late
here. Secondly, there is no emotional resonance or reasoning
to any of the violence that takes place in the temple, with the
Hindus trying to attack Ali with Ishan and others trying to
save him.
All the primary characters having own enthusiasm
and fixation in the novel reflects specific class of youth and
their concern. The tale mirrors the state of little scope
business and their issues, the Indian legislative issues,
common partitions, collective mobs, cricket rage in India
alongside mentality of the present youth to these issues.
Govind recounts to his story as a piece of telling his three
errors that lead him to self destruction.
Abhishek Kapoor's executive film "Kai Po Che",
signifies 'kite is cut', depends on the novel "The 3 Mistakes
of My Life". It tends to be depicted as a healthy artistic
encounter. The story has been set in Ahmedabad during the
long periods of 2000 02, the content of the film follows the
lives o three companions Ishaan, Govind and Omi and their
craving to claim a fruitful business and move out of a white
collar class root. The story rotates around their preliminaries
and struggles as they set up a games products business and a
cricket instructing foundation, and their experience with the
Muslim world through ali, Ishaan's skilled cricket pupil. The
film slowly works to a peak set during the Gujarat massacre
of Muslims during February March 2002.
Kai Po Che is an exceptionally smooth film,
flawlessly shot and altered. It has some magnificent
exhibitions by the principle entertainers, and some extremely
contacting minutes. A portion of different minutes that there
are no unimportant logical discourses on Hindu Muslim
Bhai chaara, the film sends avery solid message for non
savagery, it creates some extremely charming and reasonable
characters like Omi's dad a Hindu non collective
sanctuary cleric, Vidya, Ishaan's sister a fiery Gujarati
young lady who doesn't stop for a second to make a first
move with a man she prefers, and afterward obviously Ali
the peaceful youngster having a decent bating expertise in
the sport of cricket. Sudhish Kamat says:
“Kai Po Che reminds us of another mostly fantastic
approximation of India- Mani Ratnam’s Bombay, a melting
pot of culture and boiling communal tensions. A film that
resorted to a Utopian ending after neatly facing off one
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(5)
Sep-Oct 2020 |Available online:
ISSN: 2456-7620 1391
community against another, through strategic character
types in microcosm of India”.
Notwithstanding all that is going for the film, I have
seen that Kai Po Che is a dangerous film past its story
structure and even illustrative personality of governmental
issues. Truth be told somehow or another the film does fairly
well in its introduction of the Muslim people group. The
Muslims are obviously partnered with the mainstream
Gandhian ideological group, Muslims are not indicated using
weapons of any sort in the film in actuality the overall
powerlessness of Ali's dad when their home is assaulted by a
traditional of Hindu horde is extremely moving. The Hindu
are appeared to make the primary move regardless of
whether it is the pulling down of Ali's pajama in the play
area by a lot of menaces, or the overall lack of care and
refusal of help to Muslims after the seismic tremor. It was an
alleviation to not perceive any visuals of meat shops, people
continually performing namaz, or heaps of burqa wearing
ladies. Truth be told one could even overlook the ever
present skull tops. Kai Po Che produces a white washed
rendition of the narrative of the Gujarat destruction of 2002.
The issue with this film is that it makes the Gujarat massacre
of 2002 acceptable to the crowd. The destruction devoured in
a brief peak, wher at long last the compassion isn't even with
the people in question. Truth be told new 'casualties' are
made Ishaan, who forfeits his life for Ali, Omi, who has
just lost his folks, presently coincidentally winds up
slaughtering his closest companion and goes through ten
years in prison and Govind, who loses his companion and
Vidya, who loses her sibling.
A main point of interest with the movie is that the
brutality executed on the Muslims is straightforwardly
connected to the train misfortune at Godhra station in which
around 60 individuals passed on. The unpredictability of
those connections and the ensuing enquiries into the
Sabarmati Express fire are not something that the movie
producer even alludes to. We as a whole concur that the train
fire at Godhra station was an extremely lamentable
scene, yet we likewise realize the issue is significantly more
convoluted. I am certain that the filmmaking group had done
through examination into this, yet they picked the state line.
They pick practicality over genuineness.
In Kai Po Che, the brutality against the Muslims is
pitched as an unconstrained erupt in light of the fact that
supposedly the Muslims of Godhra burnt the Sabarmati
express in which numerous guiltless individuals kicked the
bucket, including Omi's folks. The film portrays Omi's
fierceness against the muslims, his total conviction that it
was the Muslims who murdered who executed his folks, and
henceforth the defense for assaulting the Muslims in
ahmedabad. The Film denounces Omi's savagery. Surely it
asks Omi to be a superior individual. Yet, the simple reason
impact connection among Godhra and the Gujrat program
and the oversimplified connection among activity and
response that the film sustains is inadmissible to me. No
correct reasoning individual the producers, pundits crowd
will say that brutality is something worth being thankful for,
however canister the film, the characters are apparently
lenient of flare-ups, unconstrained upheavals of youth, and
slip-ups that assume the state of mass killings, assaults,
plunder and obliteration of property. Vinayak Chakravorty
comments that:
Kai Po Che uses its runtime well, regaling with a
simple story of dreams even as it touches the complexity of
modern India's most shameful socio-political chapter. The
film is among Bollywood's best so far this year.”
The film effectively coordinates compassion with
the three companions All feeling is ascribed to Ishaan,
Govind and Omi. After the peak we overlook the
mercilessness of this pre-arranged brutality; we even
overlook that it was pre-arranged. The brutality on the
Muslims isn't despicable any longer, yet Ishaan's demise is.
The film has a reasonable message that it has been ten years
of that occurrence, presently it's an ideal opportunity to
excuse, overlook and proceed onward.