Effective August 2023
Mission:................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
WHAT IS DUAL CREDIT AND EARLY COLLEGE? ........................................................................................................ 3
Admissions Requirements: ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Tuition and Fees .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Waiver Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Meeting with a Dual Credit/Early College Advisor ............................................................................................................ 4
GRADE CHANGE REQUESTS ............................................................................................................................................ 4
FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) ............................................................................... 5
ACADEMIC POLICIES ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Exemption Letters ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Probation and Suspension ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Academic Suspension ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
CAMPUS RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Student Success Center ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ............................................................................................................................. 6
The Writing Center, Biology Help Room, and Math Help Room ...................................................................................... 6
JALCtext and Jenzabar One Communications+ ................................................................................................................. 6
ACADEMIC HONOR CODE ................................................................................................................................................ 6
GRADUATING SENIORS ATTENDING JALC AFTER HIGH SCHOOL ........................................................................ 7
Request a Transcript ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) .................................................................................................................................... 8
The Mission of John A. Logan College: “To enrich lives through learning and community engagement.”
The mission of the dual credit and Early College program is to give high school students who attend a John A. Logan
district high school, private high school or a home school student who resides in the John A. Logan College district the
opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school.
Students taking Dual Credit and Early College courses are known to gain:
An easier transition from high school to college
A greater likelihood of completing their college degrees
Cost savings for students and families
Real experience in the expectations of college-level work
Enhanced skills required in college success such as time management, critical thinking, and study skills
Early College students are enrolled in public high school, private high school, or home school, and also attend John A.
Logan College (JALC). These students receive college credit for their JALC courses, and may or may not receive credit
at their high school. Please contact your high school counselor for more information about high school credit.
Dual Credit is earned by students as high school credit and JALC credit at the same time. A student can receive dual
credit in a JALC class that is:
Type A: Taught at a high school by a college qualified high school instructor.
Type B: Taught at a high school by JALC Faculty. This type includes the dual credit cohorts taught at the
extension centers.
Type C: Taught by JALC faculty online, in a hybrid format, or via distance learning approved by an agreement
with the high school.
Type D: Taught at JALC during the school day by JALC Faculty with high school and college students (approved
by an agreement with the high school)
Students taking Dual Credit and Early College courses are known to gain:
An easier transition from high school to college
A greater likelihood of completing their college degrees
Cost savings for students and families
Real experience in the expectations of college-level work
Enhanced skills required in college success such as time management, critical thinking, and study skills
Admissions Requirements:
Dual Credit/Early College is limited to students attending a JALC district high school or a home school student residing in
the JALC district. High school students can begin taking courses and using the Early College waiver the summer after
their sophomore year. High schools must approve all dual credit and Early College registrations. The tuition waiver
expires when a student graduates from high school.
Students must
1. Apply to John A. Logan College as a dual credit student using this online application.
2. Make course selections in consultation with their high school counselor, Dual Credit advisor, or parent
administrator if home schooled.
3. Have placement test scores on file with the College. Most of our students take our Accuplacer test on campus or
at their high school with a JALC proctor. JALC also accepts qualifying ACT/SAT scores. To schedule an
Accuplacer test on campus, please visit the Testing Services page or click here.
4. Complete a registration form. You can fill out a registration form with your high school counselor and email it to
us, or you can complete the online registration form and make an appointment with our office to discuss what
courses will best fit your education plans.
5. Home school students must have an updated high school transcript on file with the dual credit office each year.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and fees are waived for all dual credit classes taught by high school instructors. Students pay fees for dual
credit taught by JALC faculty.
For all courses besides Type A Dual Credit, the Dual Credit/Early College waiver covers up to 8 credit hours of
tuition per semester. Students are responsible for all fees and course materials.
There is a technology fee of $5 per credit hour. An activity fee is applied when students take six credit hours for
fall and spring semesters of $65, and three credit hours in the summer for $40. There could also be individual
course fees. Those vary by class and can be found here.
Students are responsible for monitoring and paying all outstanding balances. If a student owes $200 or more at the
beginning of each semester, the student will be required to pay the balance below that amount before enrolling in
any dual credit or Early College courses.
Waiver Eligibility
Time eligibility chart for qualified students entering the Dual Credit/Early College Program:
Entering the program the summer before junior year 6 consecutive semester eligibility
Entering the program fall of junior year 5 consecutive semester eligibility
Entering the program spring of junior year 4 consecutive semester eligibility
Entering the program summer before senior year 3 consecutive semester eligibility
Entering the program fall of senior year
2 consecutive semester
Entering the program spring of senior year 1 semester eligibility
This chart is informational and may be modified if the Illinois Community College Board changes enrollment status
requirements for additional student groups.
In order to receive a certificate or degree from the College, students must complete at least half of their program at the
College’s approved instructional sites (Carterville main campus, Du Quoin, or West Frankfort Extension Centers) or
Meeting with a Dual Credit/Early College Advisor
After meeting with a high school counselor, students are encouraged to arrange an appointment to meet with an Advisor
in the Office of College Readiness. The Advisor can provide valuable insight to careers, programs offered at the College,
and assist students interested in pursuing a degree after attending John A. Logan College. Contact the Office of College
Readiness at (618) 985-2828, Ext. 8312 to schedule an appointment.
In general, high school students enrolled in dual credit courses are considered JALC college students and must follow the
same course enrollment and withdrawal policies. However, the DCQA allows institutions to adopt policies to protect the
academic standing of students who are not successful in dual credit courses. JALC allows students to submit a Grade
Change Request Form for any college courses taken while in high school. Forms may be completed on the College
Readiness webpage at any time after the student’s final grade is posted. Forms will be reviewed by the Assistant Provost
for Student Affairs. If approved, the applicable earned grade will be changed to a “W” on the student’s official JALC
transcript and will no longer be factored into the student’s JALC grade point average. Once changed to a “W” students
may not request for the grade change to be reversed.
Student records are maintained in a manner that protects the privacy of students and provides eligible students access to
the information recorded. FERPA (PL92-380) provides that education institutions allow students to withhold from
disclosure certain information regarded as public directory information. When completing the dual credit/early college
application, all students waive their right to privacy and grant John A. Logan College official permission to share
information regarding their performance with their parents, legal guardians, and/or high school personnel.
Exemption Letters
To receive an exemption letter for a class a student does not qualify for, a student must meet all of the following
requirements after taking two Accuplacer Tests:
1. Test Score within five points on applicable portions of the placement test
2. Minimum of a B grade in all prior, relevant high school coursework
3. Written consent of the dual credit instructor
Probation and Suspension
As stated in the John A. Logan College Student Guidebook:
Probation: A student who fails to maintain the required cumulative GPA (2.0) will be placed on probation for one
semester. Probation is only a warning status. While on probation, the student is eligible for Pell Grants, ISAC monetary
awards, scholarships, outside awards, or veterans' benefits.
If, after the probation semester, the student does not have the required cumulative GPA of 2.0, the student may remain on
probation if the semester GPA is at least 2.0.
If, after the probation semester, the student does not return to satisfactory academic standing or qualify to remain on
probation, the student will be placed on academic suspension.
Academic Suspension
Failure to meet any of the aforementioned procedures will result in academic suspension subject to appeal to the
Academic Progress Review Committee. Academic suspension is a state of involuntary separation of the student from the
institution for a period of one calendar year.
Probation and Suspension is NOT recommended for ANY student at John A. Logan College and can harm your academic
For more information on the Academic Policies, please see the Student Guidebook.
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center is full of resources to assist students in their academic endeavors. There are three different
programs found in the Student Success Center, including: Campus Tutoring, TRIO Student Support Services,
and Disability Support Services. Each of these programs offers students a variety of services to help them meet their
educational goals. Visit their web page to find out more about all their programs, especially the free tutoring and
workshops that are offered each semester.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
John A. Logan College supports the terms of the ADA of 1990 and according to the rules and regulations of the state of
Illinois and the federal government, will make reasonable accommodations to ensure that college facilities are accessible
and in compliance with employment practices. Students should make a request for special accommodations to the
college’s Student Success Office.
The Student Success Center is located in room C219.
The Writing Center, Biology Help Room, and Math Help Room
Sometimes you don’t need a full hour of tutoring support. John A. Logan College has three resources to help you in
English, Biology, and Math and all assistance is free of cost. The Writing Center is located in room C214 and will offer
writing assistance in any college course. The Biology Help Room is located in room C243A and will help students in
their biology courses. The Math Help Room is located in the Student Success Center, room C218-C223. Students can
stop by either Help Room without an appointment.
JALCtext and Jenzabar One Communications+
JALCtext is JALC’s alert notification system that sends text messages to your cell phone. Students and parents can stay
informed of campus closings, and emergencies by signing up online here, or through admissions. Jenzabar One
Communications+ is a form of notification for students only. Students will be asked to “opt in” via myJALC to receive
those notifications regarding registration, billing, campus events, and more. Instructions to “opt in” are in the Getting
Started Packet.
Academic honesty is vital to building a community of trust that advances the mission of the College and helps students
achieve their personal and professional goals. Academic dishonesty erodes that trust and has long-lasting corrosive effects
on individuals and the institution. Our policies and procedures provide serious consequences for academic dishonesty, but
also allow students and faculty to rebuild trust when it is lost.
Every student at John A. Logan College has a responsibility to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty including, but not
limited to, the following:
1) Plagiarism: The intentional or unintentional use of another source of written words or ideas as one’s own.
Unintentional plagiarism usually results from inadequate documentation of sources.
2) Multiple Submission: Submitting the same or significantly similar academic work for credit multiple times
without instructor permission.
3) Cheating: An attempt (successful or not) to gain an unfair advantage in academic endeavors, or to assist or protect
someone else who has cheated. Cheating includes submissions generated by artificial intelligence services unless
the use of these services is clearly part of the instructor's intent for the assignment. Examples of artificial
intelligence services include chatbots, text generators, music generators, art generators, automatic programmers,
language translators, and virtual assistants.
4) Falsification, fabrication, or misrepresentation: The creation or alteration of data, research, or resources/citations
in connection with an academic assignment or records.
5) Copyright infringement: The unauthorized or unlawful use of copyrighted work. Such as when a copyrighted
work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the
permission of the copyright owner.
6) Lying: Intentionally making false or misleading statements.
7) Outside Sourcing: Submitting any paper or academic work that was purchased or otherwise obtained from an
outside source, which includes (but is not limited to) a commercial vendor of research papers, a file of research
papers or tests maintained by a student organization or other body or person, or any other source of papers or of
academic work that was authored or prepared by a person other than the student who submitted it.
8) Complicity: Aiding another person in committing an act of academic dishonesty. Resolution When an instructor
identifies any form of academic dishonesty (as defined above), the instructor will inform the student of the
violation by completing the Violation of Academic Honor Code form. The instructor shall determine the
appropriate sanction(s) for the particular offense.
The following three sanctions, alone or in combination, may be imposed by the instructor for offenses or violations of the
Academic Honor Code:
1) Reprimand/Warning
2) Rewriting/Redoing the assignment
3) Failing Grade. Student may receive a failing grade on the assignment, for a component of the course, or the entire
If the student acknowledges his/her actions and accepts the instructor-imposed sanctions, the matter shall be resolved, and
documentation of the incident will be forwarded to the Assistant Provost for Student Affairs for record keeping. More
serious sanctions may be recommended by the instructor under the College’s Student Disciplinary Action process.
Before meeting with an advisor or registering for class(es) after high school:
1. Visit the JALC website and click the “apply” button in the upper right corner or click here.
2. Complete the “First-time Freshman Application.” (Even if you have taken dual credit/early college courses, you
must still apply as a first-time freshman)
3. Call the Advisement Office for an appointment with an academic advisor.
Request a Transcript
Two Ways to Order Your Transcript:
1. Online: John A. Logan College has retained Credentials Inc. to accept transcript orders over the Internet. Please
visit the Admissions and Records page on the JALC website or click here to start your order. If you are
uncomfortable placing an order over the Internet, you can call Credentials Inc. at 847-716-3005 to place your
transcript request. There is an additional operator surcharge for placing orders over the telephone.
2. In Person at the Admissions and Records Office: You may order college transcripts in person in the Admissions
Office (C201) at John A. Logan College during regular business hours. You will need to fill out an order form and
pay the transcript fee in the Bursar’s Office. When possible, requests should be made well in advance of the date
when the transcript is needed. If you would like to pick up your transcript in the Admissions Office please bring a
photo id for identification purposes. If you would like someone else to pick-up your transcript, please notify the
Admissions Office and send a letter giving permission to the person picking up the order.
For electronic orders, John A. Logan College charges $8.00 per transcript. Students may also order transcripts in person in
the Admissions Office or have orders mailed for $8.00 per transcript.
Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)
John A. Logan College is a participant in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a statewide agreement that allows
transfer of the completed Illinois General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) between participating institutions in
Illinois. Completion of the transferable General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) at any participating college or
university in Illinois assures transferring students that lower division general education requirements for an associate or
bachelor’s degree have been satisfied. A database is maintained that contains all of the statewide IAI articulated courses
at each participating institution. Students who plan to transfer at some point during their college career should access this
IAI information on the IAI website.