Frequently Asked Questions for Dual Credit and Early College
What is Dual Credit and Early College?
Early College students are enrolled in a- public high school, private high school, or home school, and also attend
John A. Logan College (JALC). These students receive college credit for their JALC courses, and may or may not
receive credit at their high school. Please contact your high school counselor for more information about potential
high school credit.
Dual Credit is earned by students as high school credit and JALC credit at the same time. A student can receive dual
credit in a JALC class that is:
o Taught at a high school by a college qualified high school instructor
o Taught at a high school by a JALC instructor
o Taught at a JALC instruction site during the school day with high school and college students (approved by an
agreement with the high school)
What are the benefits of Dual Credit and Early College?
Students taking Dual Credit and Early College courses are known to gain:
An easier transition from high school to college
A greater likelihood of completing their college degrees
Cost savings for students and families
Real experience in the expectations of college-level work
Enhanced skills required in college success such as time management, critical thinking, and study skills
What are the costs?
Tuition and fees are waived for all dual credit classes taught by high school instructors. Students pay fees for dual
credit taught by JALC faculty.
For Early College courses, the Early College waiver covers up to 8 credit hours of tuition per semester. Students are
responsible for all fees and course materials.
There is a technology fee of $5 per credit hour. An activity fee is applied when students take six credit hours for fall
and spring semesters of $65, and three credit hours in the summer for $40. There could also be individual course
fees. Those vary by class and can be found here.
Outstanding bills must be paid below $200 before a student can register for the next semester.
When can I get started?
High school students can begin enrolling and using the Early College waiver the summer after their sophomore year.
High schools must approve all dual credit and Early College registrations. The Early College waiver can be used for six
consecutive semesters beginning the summer after sophomore year, and expires when a student graduates from high
What do I need to do to register for classes?
To register for classes, students must:
Complete the Dual Credit/Early College Application for Admissions on the JALC website.
Have placement test scores on file with the College. Most of our students take our Accuplacer test on campus or at
their high school with a JALC proctor. JALC also accepts qualifying ACT/SAT scores. To schedule an Accuplacer test on
campus, click here.
Complete a registration form. You can fill out a registration form with your high school counselor and email it to us,
or you can complete the online registration form and make an appointment with our office to discuss what courses
will best fit your education plans.
We will also need a copy of your high school transcript.
How do I find your office?
We are located in C207. If you
enter through the West Lobby
where the clock tower is
located, you can go straight
down C Wing and we will be
on the left. For an interactive
campus map, click here.
Can I get an Associate’s
degree while I am in high
This is possible in some special
situations. Schedule an
appointment with our office to
discuss your options and
degree requirements.
How does transferring credit
Most Illinois colleges and universities accept our courses as core or elective credit. We are happy to help you with
this process, and we also recommend contacting the transfer school directly to see how each of our JALC courses
will transfer to that school.
To send an official transcript to a college or university, go to Admissions and Records on the homepage and
click Request a Transcript.
How do I add, drop, or withdraw from a course?
To make a schedule change, complete a form with your school counselor, or email us at dual[email protected]. We
cannot make schedule changes over the phone and you cannot make changes yourself online.
You have the first 5 days of summer semester and the first 10 days of fall or spring semester to drop a class with a
100% refund if it’s a Full Semester class. Block classes (ORI 100) have a shorter period. If you drop a course at 100%,
the course will be completely removed from your college transcript.
Withdrawals are allowed after the last day to drop with a 100% refund, and throughout most of the semester. If you
request to withdraw from a course, you will receive a W on your transcript. Withdrawals remain on your
permanent record and do not affect your college GPA, but could affect your federal financial aid if you withdraw
from too many courses.
What happens if I get a bad grade?
You can request to have a dual credit or Early College grade changed to a W on your transcript by completing a grade
change request form. Grade Change Requests change cannot be reversed.
College Readiness and Student Life Office Contact Information:
Location: C207
Phone: 618-985-2828, Extension 8312