Study Abroad in Business
For all Business Majors
Business is global, and Kelley provides you with opportunities to explore unique cultures and learn about business
practices in other countries. As a result, you’ll broaden your perspective of the global marketplace and make
connections, friendships, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Financial Planning
The cost of studying abroad is generally similar to the that of
IUPUI tuition.
Most nancial aid can be applied to the cost of IUPUI and
IU-sponsored programs.
Many scholarship opportunities are available through IUPUI,
external organizations, and the Kelley School of Business
Academic Planning
How does study abroad t into my plan of study?
Business students have the ability to build in a semester or
short-term program (e.g., spring break) that ts within the
four year plan of study. Meeting with an advisor is highly
If no Kelley Indianapolis or Bloomington programs t within
your plan of study, contact a Kelley advisor to seek out non-
business programs that will enhance your Kelley degree.
What courses will I take while abroad?
There are a number of business-related programs that oer
courses that t within your business degree plan. These
programs oer courses that t within your general education
It might be possible to take Business major courses abroad, but students must meet with a Kelley advisor to
plan and determine what program oers the appropriate courses for their major and degree requirements.
Planning is essential.
Can I do an internship while abroad?
Many of the Kelley study abroad programs oer for-credit internships as either required or elective component for
the program. The internship experience varies depending on program location and not every program requires
students to know the native language. For specic information on the study abroad internship programs please
contact ksbabro[email protected].
“Budapest’s history is so dierent from
ours. I know I’m going to get a very
dierent perspective on life.
–Molli Fisher BS ’16
Marketing and International Studies
Program Options
Business Programs
France: Strasbourg
Business in Europe
Coordinated by the University of Strasbourg, this summer
program consists of two courses: European Integration and
Business in Europe completed over four weeks in the summer.
This program also includes visits to international companies and
international institutions.
Completes international dimension and three credits of
200-level general education
United Kingdom: London
International Business in London
An introductory program (spring break) designed to broaden
students’ understanding of business in the global marketplace by
immersing them in a multicultural environment including visits to
leading global companies.
Completes three credits of international dimension
Spain: Barcelona and Madrid
The Business of Sport
This spring break program is designed to broaden students’
understanding of cultural similarities and dierences by
combining their skill set of business knowledge with their interest
in athletics. Students will be exposed to a culture that values
dierent types of sport than what Americans are used to and
will see a passion and sport-centric attitude that is much more
evident than in the United States.
Completes three credits of international dimension
Business Semester Programs
Through our semester programs, you can spend 16 weeks
immersed in another culture. See yourself as a business person in
a global context, develop your communication and team-building
skills, and earn business credit toward your Kelley degree at the
same time. Find out more at
Other Programs
For more information on other business programs please contact
Eric Raider
Associate Director of Student Engagement
(317) 274-2731
Steps to Study
1. Talk with your academic
advisor to see how
study abroad ts with
your degree plan.
2. Check out the
IUPUI Study Abroad
website to explore
program options and
3. Meet with the Study
Abroad Advisor to make
study abroad a reality
and discuss its benets.
4. Start applying for
scholarships & nancial
aid. You don’t have to be
accepted to a program
to apply!
5. Apply to your program!
Contact Us
General Study Abroad
(317) 274-2081
Accounting, Finance, and Supply
Chain Management majors
Australia: Sydney
Spain: Barcelona
Netherlands: Maastricht
Human Resource Management,
Management, Marketing majors
Denmark: Copenhagen
China: Shanghai
Hungary: Budapest