801 W. Michigan St., BS4090 — Indianapolis, IN 46202 — tel 317.278.0506 — fax 317.278.6126 — www.kelley.iupui.edu/cpo
For-Credit Internship Program
BUS-A380 / BUS-X480
Application Deadlines
These deadlines indicate the latest date to have turned in the Application Form, Learning Contract and discussed your
internship with the CPO Internship Coordinator.
Spring 2013: Feb. 4, 2013 Summer 2013: June 26, 2013 Fall 2013: Sept. 16, 2013
Course Options
Application Steps
Program Requirements
To participate in the For-Credit Internship Program, both the student and internship must meet certain criteria.
Student requirements:
— Completed and passed I-Core
— GPA of 2.5 or above
— Work at least 160 hours during the internship
Internship requirements - The internship must:
— Support the Internship & Learning Objectives in the Learning
— Support the student in completing the course required project
— Be supervised and evaluated
— Provide substantive work experience (<20% clerical)
— For Accounting Majors only
— Internship must be Accounting-related
— Will count towards Accounting degree
— For all non-Accounting Business majors
— Internship must be related to your major
HR Majors: Will count towards HR major requirements
All other BUS majors: Will count as a business elective course
1. Fill out the Application Form and Learning Contract (complete with student and employer signatures).
2. Schedule a meeting (face-to-face or by phone) with the Faculty Advisor to discuss your internship and potential proj-
ects, and complete the Project Proposal Form.
3. Turn in the Application Form, Learning Contract, and Project Proposal to the Career Planning Ofce.
4. Register for the course within 5 days of receiving formal approval and authorization from the CPO.
5. Any late fees associated with registration will be waived.
Both A380 and X480 are 3-credit hour courses and will be taken for a letter grade. The coursework includes:
— Preliminary meeting with Faculty Advisor to discuss internship expectations and project
— Outline for the course project (~10% of nal grade)
— Completed course project (ex: research paper, formal presentation, etc.) (~75%)
— Daily journal entries (~10%)
— Student/Employer evaluations (~5%)
— No retroactive credit will be given for prior internship experience
— Students are allowed to complete only 1 For-Credit Internship (there is no limit on the # of non-credit internships)
— This program is for undergraduate students and non-MSA students completing 150 credit hour CPA requirement only
— Internship can be either paid or unpaid
Emily Murphy
Assistant Director, Career Planning Ofce
tel 317.278.0506
fax 317.278.6126
Ken Wendeln, BSEE, MBA, MPA
Ofce Location: BS4006
tel 317.278.3209
801 W. Michigan St., BS4090 — Indianapolis, IN 46202 — tel 317.278.0506 — fax 317.278.6126 — www.kelley.iupui.edu/cpo
For-Credit Internship Program
Project Proposal Form
Discuss project options with your employer and bring this form with you to your initial meeting with the Faculty Advisor.
A nal copy of this form must be signed and dated by the student, employer, and faculty advisor upon reaching an
agreement on the required course project
1. Prior to the student’s initial meeting with the Faculty Advisor, the student should prepare a list of possible project
opportunities to discuss during the meeting.
2. The student and Faculty Advisor will come to an agreement on an acceptable project.
3. The student will review the proposed project with the employer and both must sign & date the form.
4. The student will return the form to the Faculty Advisor, who will then sign & date the form for nal approval.
Steps to Complete
Project Description:
What do you expect to learn from completing this project?
What value does this project bring to the employer?
What person(s) in the company will be supporting your completion of this project?
I agree to abide by the terms of the Project Proposal stated above. Failure to complete the agreed upon project may
result in the student failing the project component of the course.
Student Name:
Employer Signature:
Student Signature:
Employer Name: Date:
Faculty Signature:Faculty Advisor: Date:
801 W. Michigan St., BS4090 — Indianapolis, IN 46202 — tel 317.278.0506 — fax 317.278.6126 — www.kelley.iupui.edu/cpo
For-Credit Internship Program
Application Form
Student ID:
Human Resources
International Studies
Supply Chain Management
Company Name:
City, State:
Intern Supervisor:
Intern Title:
Hours per week (approx.):
Intern Status: New to the organization
Currently employed by the organization
Previously employed by the organization
Attach a job description with information on work tasks and responsibilities.
Note: If the student is currently working/returning to work for an organization, the position must contain additional duties
that are above and beyond their current/previous duties or Academic Credit may not be granted.
I afrm that the above information is complete and accurate. Any changes to the internship will be communicated to both
the Internship Coordinator and Faculty Advisor.
Student Name:
Employer Signature:
Student Signature:
Employer Name: Date:
(circle one)
801 W. Michigan St., BS4090 — Indianapolis, IN 46202 — tel 317.278.0506 — fax 317.278.6126 — www.kelley.iupui.edu/cpo
For-Credit Internship Program
Learning Contract
1. Application of classroom theory to outside work experiences.
The student will gain an understanding of the relationship between classroom activity, a professional work environment,
and their career goals.
2. Gaining practical work exposure.
The student will be exposed to ‘real’ job situations relevant to their major, and will better understand their strengths and
areas for improvement. Assimilating and adapting into a professional role will provide the student with a window into
the career/industry that interests them.
3. Development of professional/personal attributes.
The internship experience will add additional skills and values to the student’s knowledge base. Ideally, the student will
have the opportunity to develop and demonstrate action-oriented problem solving, critical thinking and persuasive
business communication skills. Through interaction with, and observation of, professionals of varied backgrounds and
levels of business experience, the student will mature more rapidly and develop the interpersonal skills essential to
building a successful career.
4. Development of career goals.
The student will be able to make more informed judgments regarding career paths, companies, industries, work
Environment, required competencies, personal style and t, as well as ‘next steps’ in career selection and progression.
Internship Objectives & Student Learning Outcomes
Student Acknowledgement
I agree to:
Adhere to all employer policies
Make every effort meet the Internship Objectives & Student Learning outcomes during the internship
Notify the Faculty Advisor of any changes to the internship, including a change in position, major responsibilities, etc.
Contact the Faculty Advisor prior to early termination of the Internship
The employer is under no obligation to hire me upon completion of the internship or graduation; nor am I required to
work for the employer upon completion of the internship or graduation
Complete all required coursework
Employer Acknowledgement
I agree to:
Provide a work environment which supports the Internship Objectives & Student Learning Outcomes
Support and assist the student in completing their course-required project
Maintain a safe and healthful working environment
Set goals & objectives for the student
Evaluate the student’s job performance and provide constructive feedback
Complete the employer evaluation at the end of the semester
Student Name:
Employer Signature:
Student Signature:
Employer Name: Date:
Kelley School of Business Acknowledgement
Kelley agrees to:
Provide guidance to both the student & employer in supporting the Internship Objectives & Student Learning Outcomes
Review & discuss the internship application with the student prior to granting approval
Review the student’s academic record & provide guidance/counseling prior to granting approval
CPO Signature:Career Planning Ofce: Date: