Guide to Sanger
Sequencing at RAMAC
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Options for your sequencing needs .................................................................................................... 3
3 What is Sanger sequencing? ............................................................................................................... 4
4 Template preparation ......................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Plasmid template ........................................................................................................................ 5
4.2 PCR template .............................................................................................................................. 6
5 Sequencing reaction (with BDTv3.1) ................................................................................................. 10
6 Sequencing reaction cleanup ............................................................................................................ 12
7 Post capillary electrophoresis/Data analysis ..................................................................................... 12
8 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 13
8.1 Collection of common patterns in chromatograms .................................................................. 13
9 Appendix I suggested starting protocols ........................................................................................ 15
10 Appendix II submitting samples for our service ......................................................................... 18
10.1 Small batch size submission: any orders under 40 samples ...................................................... 19
10.1.1 Individual User Prep Use 1.5mL microfuge tubes ........................................................... 19
10.1.2 Individual Core Prep or Core Prep with ExosapIT Use 1.5mL microfuge tubes ............... 19
10.2 Large batch size submission: any orders over 40 samples ........................................................ 21
10.2.1 Plate User Prep Use MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate .................................. 21
10.2.2 Plate User Prep Plus Use any 96-Well V-bottom PCR Plate ............................................ 21
10.2.3 Plate Core Prep or Core Prep with ExosapIT cleanup Use any 96-Well V-bottom PCR
Plate .................................................................................................................................. 22
10.2.4 Plate Core Prep with Bead cleanup Use any 96-Well V-bottom PCR Plate ..................... 24
Welcome to the Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics Sanger Sequencing Guide. We are committed to
providing you with a world-class sequencing service and assisting you in achieving your research goal.
This guide will provide an overview of the Sanger sequencing process and our services and walk you
through each of the steps involved in preparing your samples for sequencing.
This guide is not intended to be comprehensive and is provided as a starting point. If you need in depth
information, please refer to:
i. DNA Sequencing by Capillary Electrophoresis (3
edition) - Applied
Biosystems/ThermoFisher Scientific
ii. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual - Joseph Sambrook, David W. Russell
If you are an experienced user of this technology, please go straight to Appendix II for details on how to
prepare your samples for submission to our sequencing service.
We can provide an end to end service or we are ready to step in when you are ready to go hands-off
with your samples. The following overview shows the different submission points. A detail submission
guideline for our standard services (Core Prep, Core Prep Plus and User Prep) is in Appendix II. For all
other submission, please contact us for further information or to make an appointment.
Figure 1 - Overview of Sanger sequencing service at Ramaciotti Centre
Sanger sequencing by capillary electrophoresis is the gold-standard DNA sequencing technique that is
used in many life sciences laboratories. Sanger sequencing is a method of DNA sequencing based on the
selective incorporation of chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides by DNA polymerase during in vitro DNA
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique used in molecular biology to amplify a single copy or a
few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of
copies of a particular DNA sequence. By including primers that flank the region of interest, PCR can
generate thousands of copies of the specific target.
Figure 2 - Overview of PCR (
A sequencing reaction is essential a PCR except only a single primer is used and fluoresce-labelled chain-
terminating dideoxynucleosides are used in the reaction. This will generate thousands of multi-length
fragments which match the target of interest.
Figure 3 - Overview of Sanger Sequencing (
One of the most important factors that contribute to successful sequencing is template quality. In this
section we discuss how to prepare templates for sequencing and assess their quality. In this guide we
focus on Sanger sequencing from plasmid and PCR templates. More information on other template
types can be found in the DNA Sequencing by Capillary Electrophoresis (3
edition). Please note that
direct sequencing on genomic DNA (gDNA) is not recommended (except bacterial gDNA) due to the low
ratio of the target to background DNA in gDNA.
When extracting plasmid DNA you can use commercial kits (Table 2-1) or use general methods such as
alkaline lysis (refer to resources such as Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual by Joseph Sambrook,
David W. Russell). The host strain used in the cloning step can affect template quality; it is therefore
advisable that you consult the manufacturer’s user guide to confirm compatibility before proceeding to
plasmid extraction.
In addition to using the appropriate extraction method to obtain high quality plasmid DNA, it is essential
that a single colony is used for extraction. A mixed population of plasmids (mixed template) will
sequence well but produce unusable data that is a combination of sequence from the two populations.
After extracting plasmid DNA you must ensure that it is intact and free of contaminants before
proceeding to sequencing. Please consult our Nucleic Acid Quality Control Document for further
information on the standard quality control steps that should be performed after DNA extraction.
Table 4-1 Examples of commercial products for preparing vector-based DNA (from DNA
Sequencing by Capillary Electrophoresis)
PCR is a one of the most common methods for obtaining targeted template for Sanger sequencing. By
designing target-specific primers you can selectively amplify the target region to obtain sufficient
template for sequencing. Successful PCR requires good quality input DNA and good primer design. In
most situations PCR will require optimisation to produce a strong single band product for sequencing
(i.e. high efficiency and high specificity). Generally, the higher the quality of your input DNA and the
better optimized the PCR protocol the more time you will save in the long run. This document does not
provide a guide for PCR optimization, please refer to the PCR manufacturer’s instructions or a source
such as the Life Technologies website.
i. DNA extraction
It is critical to use good quality genomic DNA that is free of contaminants in your PCR. There are several
different extraction methods and kits tailored to different sample types (Table 2-2). It is important to
select the right method/kit for your sample type. Use the recommended amount of input material
specified in the protocol to get best result.
Following DNA extraction, you must ensure that it is intact and free of contaminants before proceeding
to PCR. Please consult our Nucleic Acid Quality Control Document for further information on the
standard quality control steps that should be performed after extraction.
Table 4-2 Examples of commercial kits for DNA extraction (from DNA Sequencing by Capillary Electrophoresis)
ii. Primer design
A successful PCR for Sanger sequencing is one that produces a strong single product of the correct size.
To obtain this primers must be designed to ensure that they have excellent specificity. There are online
tools such as Primer3 to assist with design and provide you with more information on design. Regardless
of the utility of online tools you must optimize the PCR in the lab, as no predictive tools can guarantee
the success of the primer design for PCR and sequencing. Depending on the circumstances you may
need to use other approach such as nested/semi-nested PCR. Please note that if you want to use the
same set of primers for sequencing the annealing temperature should be comparable with the cycle
conditions of the sequencing enzyme (50°C).
Note: We offer a PCR design and optimization service, please contact us for a project-based pricing.
iii. PCR cleanup
It is essential that reagents used in the PCR are removed prior to sequencing. There are a number of
different ways to clean PCR products prior to sequencing, see below. Please select the method most
appropriate to your situation.
a) Gel purification Can be used to isolate and purify the target PCR band in a multi band PCR.
Commercial kits are available (e.g. Qiagen).
b) Enzymatic purification Removes excess PCR primers and unincorporated dNTPs. It is simple and cost
effective. Commercial kits are available (e.g. Exosap-IT).
c) Bead clean up Removes excess PCR primers and unincorporated dNTPs. It is simple to use, however
it requires a magnetic stand. Commercial kits are available (e.g. PCR clean up beads from Beckman).
d) Ethanol purification The most cost-effective way to clean up your samples, may be used for the
removal of salts and phenol. However, inexperienced users are at a higher risk of losing template. A
protocol for this method can be found in Appendix I.
e) Column purification - Removes excess PCR reagents, unused primers and unincorporated dNTPs. May
be used for salt removal. Commercial kits are available (e.g. Qiagen).
Note: We offer Exosap-IT clean up as a part of our standard service and a bead-based cleanup is
available for project-based submission. Please contact us for details.
iii. Quality checking your PCR
Before submitting your PCR product for sequencing there are two quality checks that should be
performed to ensure a successful outcome:
Checking that the PCR product is a single band
Testing that the product is free of contamination
Gel electrophoresis is simple way to visualize your PCR prior to sequencing. Gel electrophoresis reveals
the specificity and quantity of your PCR product. A good PCR produces a single product at a detectable
quantity (Figure 2-1). It does not however reveal information about other contaminants such as
proteins. It is recommended that you also read your sample on a spectrophotometer to detect
contaminants such as proteins and other organic chemicals. It is important to note that neither of these
methods will reveal contamination by salts, which can cause noisy data.
Contaminants that can interfere with sequencing:
Chromosomal DNA
Excess PCR primers, dNTPs, enzyme and buffer
Residual salts
Residual organic chemicals
Residual detergents
Agarose (from gel purification)
Suitable for Sanger
Multiple products
Figure 4-1 Example of PCR gel electrophoresis
There are a number of different sequencing kits available. We routinely use BigDye Terminator (BDT)
version 3.1 from Life Technologies. In our experience, BDTv3.1 can sequence a wide range of templates
of varying quality. However, the rule still stands, the better template quality the better data! As the
sequencing reaction is finely balanced adding more template to the reaction does not mean a better
outcome. The recommended input for sequencing reactions using BDT is outlined in Table 3-2. Template
input may require optimization.
The recommended thermal cycling protocol for sequencing reactions with BDT is outlined in Table 3-3.
Further details on the sequencing reaction can be found in Chapter 4 of the DNA sequencing guide from
Life Technologies. The standard protocol should work for most samples as the BDT chemistry is very well
developed. However, the quality of the sample and the primer design will determine the outcome: the
better the input, the better the output. Note that the standard annealing temperature for this kit is
C. Sequencing primers that require a significantly different annealing temperature may yield poor
results. It is possible to customize the cycling conditions of the sequencing reaction; you can do it via our
User Prep Service or request a project-based quote.
Table 5-2 Recommended input for sequencing reaction with BDT
Table 5-3 Recommended protocol for sequencing reaction with BDT
After the sequencing reaction, the final product must be purified before being run on the sequencer
(e.g. AB3730XL). This purification step is essential to remove both unlabeled and dye-labeled
components that can interfere with the electro-kinetic injection, electrophoresis and data analysis. The
purification can be done using various methods. The Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics offers the bead-
cleanup method as part of our User Prep Plus Service.
Figure 6-1 Example of the chromatogram of a clean sequence
Examples of alternative methods are BigDye Xterminator Purification (Life Technologies), spin-column
purification (e.g. Qiagen) and ethanol precipitation. These methods had different advantages and
disadvantages, please refer to the manufacturer’s protocol. Ethanol precipitation is a very cost-effective,
however it can be challenging for new users with the final product being lost in the cleanup process.
Please refer to Appendix I for ethanol precipitation protocols that we have successfully used.
Once the data is ready, you will receive an email from our server to inform you the data is ready for
download via your login. On the download page, you will have the choice of downloading the data in
various formats (e.g. chromatogram, text, fasta).
The data collection software does a very good job of translating the raw fluorescence signals into base
calls nonetheless it is best if you download the chromatogram and manually check your data before
performing any downstream analysis. By checking the chromatogram manually, you will be able to
ensure correct base calling and get information on the success of the sequencing reaction. Please refer
to our DNA sequencing software page for further information on software that can be used to view
Troubleshooting for Sanger sequencing can be split into two main areas; the template and the
sequencing reaction. It is of utmost importance that the input template is of good quality and at the
right quantity; refer to the previous sections on these topics. When you are confident that the input to
the reaction is good and not causing any issue, you can refer to the very informative sequencing
troubleshooting guide can be found in Chapter 8 of the DNA Sequencing by Capillary Electrophoresis 3
The Centre runs a sequencing clinic whereby users of our service can book one on one time with a
Sanger sequencing expert. Please contact us for further information or to make an appointment.
(Extracted from Chapter 8 of the DNA Sequencing by Capillary Electrophoresis 3
Figure 2 High quality sequence (TOP: Chromatogram; BOTTOM: Raw trace)
Figure 7 - Examples of common problematic chromatogramsand traces
i) Sequencing Protocol for ABI 3730 Capillary Sequencer:
100ng -500ng template (plasmid)
20-50ng PCR product
1ul Big DyeTerminator V3.1
3.2pmol primer
3.5ul 5x buffer
dH2O to 20uL
Note: ABI supply enough buffer for 1.5ul of buffer per reaction. Additional buffer can be purchased
Cycling conditions:
Repeat the following for 25 cycles, on maximum ramp speed:
96°C for 10 secs
50°C for 5 secs
60°C for 4mins
Hold at 4°C and hold until ready to purify.
ii) Purification Method - Ethanol/EDTA Precipitation (Plates):
This method is good for removal of excess dye terminators (unincorporated dye labeled terminators).
While this method produces the cleanest signal, it may cause loss of small molecular weight fragments.
To precipitate 20ul sequencing reactions in a 96 well reaction plate:
Remove the 96 well reaction plate from the thermal cycler and spin briefly
Add the following to each of the wells:
5ul of 125mM EDTA
60ul of 100% ETOH
Make sure EDTA reaches the bottom of the wells.
Seal the plate with aluminum tape and mix by inverting 4 times.
Incubate at room temperature for 15 mins to precipitate the extension products.
Note: Precipitation times shorter than 15 mins will result in loss of very short extension products.
Precipitation times longer than 24 hours will increase the precipitation of unincorporated dye
Use a plate adapter and spin plate at the maximum speed as follows:
1,400-2,000 x g for 45 min or 2,000-3,000 x g for 30 min
Note: Proceed to the next step immediately (if not possible, spin for an extra 2 mins before performing
next step).
Invert the plate to decant supernatant. Keep the plate inverted and spin up to 185 x g (line the
plate with papertowel), then remove from the centrifuge. The timing starts when the rotor
starts moving.
Note: Supernatant must be removed completely or unincorporated dye terminators will remain in the
samples and interfere with sequencing.
Add 60ul of freshly made 70% ethanol to each well.
With the centrifuge set at 4°C, spin at 1,650 x g for 15 min.
Invert the plate to decant supernatant. Keep the plate inverted and spin up to 185 x g (line the
plate with paper towel), then remove from the centrifuge.
Cover with aluminum foil, and store at 4°C until submission.
Note: Make sure wells are dry. You may use a speed-vac for 15 mins to dry. Make sure samples are
protected from light while drying.
iii) Purification Method - Ethanol/EDTA Precipitation (1.5ml tubes):
This method is good for removal of excess dye terminators (unincorporated dye labeled terminators).
While this method produces the cleanest signal, it may cause loss of small molecular weight fragments.
To precipitate 20ul sequencing reactions in 1.5ml microfuge tubes:
Pipette entire contents (20µl) of the extension reaction into a 1.5ml microfuge tube
Add the following to each well:
5ul of 125mM EDTA, making sure the EDTA reaches the bottom of the wells
60ul of 100% ETOH to each
Close the tubes and vortex briefly.
Leave the tubes at room temperature for 15 mins to precipitate the extension products.
Note: Precipitation times shorter than 15 mins will result in loss of very short extension products.
Precipitation times longer than 24 hours will increase the precipitation of unincorporated dye
Place tubes in micro-centrifuge and spin for 20 mins at 14,000 x g.
Note: Proceed to the next step immediately (if not possible, spin for an extra 2 mins before performing
next step).
Carefully aspirate the supernatants with a separate pipette tip for each sample and discard.
Pellets may or may not be visible.
Note: The supernatants must be removed completely or else unincorporated dye terminators will remain
in the samples.
Add 250ul of the freshly made 70% ethanol to the tubes and vortex briefly.
Place the tubes in the microcentrifuge in the same orientation as in the previous spin step and
spin for 10 mins at 14,000 x g (set the centrifuge temp at 4
C for this step).
Aspirate the supernatants carefully as previously.
Dry the samples in a vacuum centrifuge for 10 -15 mins or to dryness (alternatively, place the
tubes with the lids open in a heat block or thermal cycler at 90
C for 1 minute.
Close tubes and store at 4°C until submission.
Once you have set up your dnaLIMS account, please refer to the submission procedure base on the
batch size and required service type for your order. For all orders under 40 samples, please follow the
small batch size submission procedures (see 10.1). For above 40 samples, please follow the large batch
size submission procedures (see 10.2).
Figure 4 - Overview of Sanger sequencing service at Ramaciotti Centre
Summary of available services (selectable on dnaLIMS):
Small batch size: Individual tube samples submission (<40 samples):
User_Prep 10.1.1
Core_Prep 10.1.2
Large batch size: Plate submissions (>40 samples):
Plate-User_Prep 10.2.1
Plate-User_PrepPlus 10.2.2
Plate-Core_Prep 10.2.3 (with/without ExosapIT cleanup)
Plate-Core_PrepBead40 10.2.4 (with bead cleanup)
Plate-Core_PrepBead96 10.2.4 (for full plate with bead cleanup)
Submission for arranged project work only:
Project_PCR2DIR do not use unless arranged prior (contact us).
10.1.1 Individual User Prep Use 1.5mL microfuge tubes
Submit your order request online using the dnaLIMS system (see LIMS user guide).
Use “Enter Individual DNA Sequencing Requests” or “Upload and Import DNA Tube File”.
Select “User Prep” for Service Request.
Fill in all information.
Perform sequencing reaction and clean up using protocols suitable for AB3730 (see Appendix I
for our suggested protocols).
Label the sample tubes with the order number (generated at submission on dnaLIMS) and
consecutive sample number on the lid. For example, for order number 1234 with 3 samples,
label tubes as “1234-1”, “1234-2” and “1234-3”.
Please send samples and a copy of your submission confirmation. Send order by either courier
or express post (Australia Post) to ensure prompt delivery.
Alternatively, you can drop off your samples at our sample reception area weekdays between
8am and 6pm.
You will receive an email when your results are available. You can access your results via
dnaLIMS as per the LIMS user guide.
10.1.2 Individual Core Prep or Core Prep with ExosapIT Use 1.5mL microfuge tubes
Submit your order request online using the dnaLIMS system (see LIMS user guide).
Use “Enter Individual DNA Sequencing Requests” or “Upload and Import DNA Tube File”.
Select “Core Prep” for Service Request.
Fill in all information.
For Core Prep: Select No for EXOSAPIT cleanup.
Purified template and primer for each sample should be combined in one tube,
with minimum final volume of 10ul in 1.5ml microfuge tubes. Spin down tubes.
For Core Prep with ExosapIT cleanup: Select Yes for EXOSAPIT cleanup.
PCR products template and primers should be sent
separately in 1.5mL microfuge tubes.
Refer to the table below as a starting guide for template and primer concentration. The final
ratio of template:primer for submission may require optimisation.
Concentration (in
8 µL
20-50 ng/µL
2 µL
Please note that these template amounts are guides only and optimisation may be
Concentration (in
8 µL
100-200 ng/µL
80-160 ng/ul
2 µL
Please note that these template amounts are guides only and optimisation may be
Label tubes with the order number (generated at order lodgment processing in dnaLIMS) and
consecutive sample number on the lid. For example, for order number 1234 with 3 samples,
label tubes as “1234-1”, “1234-2” and “1234-3”.
A tube of primer should be sent per sample, labelled by the order number and the primer name.
Please send samples and a copy of your submission confirmation. Send order by either courier
or express post (Australia Post) to ensure prompt delivery.
Alternatively, you can drop off your samples at our sample reception area weekdays between
8am and 6pm. Please use Core_Prep no Exosap” box for orders with no cleanup or “Core_Prep
Exosap” box if your order require Exosap-IT cleanup.
You will receive an email when your results are available. You can access your results via
dnaLIMS as per the LIMS user guide.
10.2.1 Plate User Prep Use MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate
Submit your order request online using the dnaLIMS system (see LIMS user guide).
Use “Upload and Import DNA Plate File”.
Select “Plate-User_Prep” for Service Request.
Fill in all information.
Perform sequencing reaction and clean up using protocols suitable for AB3730 (see Appendix I
for our suggested protocols). Place samples in consecutive columns.
Send dried samples using MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate (Life Technologies) with
appropriate labelling.
Label plates with the order number or plate number (generated at order lodgment processing in
Please send samples and a copy of your submission confirmation. Send order by either courier
or express post (Australia Post) to ensure prompt delivery.
Alternatively, you can drop off your samples at our sample reception area weekdays between
8am and 6pm.
You will receive an email when your results are available. You can access your results via
dnaLIMS as per the LIMS user guide.
10.2.2 Plate User Prep Plus Use any 96-Well V-bottom PCR Plate
Submit your order request online using the dnaLIMS system (see LIMS user guide).
Use “Upload and Import DNA Plate File”.
Select “Plate-User_PrepPlus” for Service Request.
Fill in all information.
Perform sequencing reaction using sequencing reaction protocol suitable for AB3730 (see
Appendix I for our suggested protocol). Place samples in consecutive columns.
Send 12ul of the sequencing reaction product per sample using 96-Well V-bottom PCR plates
with appropriate labelling. Seal well.
Label plates with the order number or plate number (generated at order lodgment processing in
Please send samples and a copy of your submission confirmation. Send order by either courier
or express post (Australia Post) to ensure prompt delivery.
Alternatively, you can drop off your samples at our sample reception area weekdays between
8am and 6pm.
You will receive an email when your results are available. You can access your results via
dnaLIMS as per the LIMS user guide.
10.2.3 Plate Core Prep or Core Prep with ExosapIT cleanup Use any 96-Well V-bottom PCR Plate
Submit your order request online using the dnaLIMS system (see LIMS user guide).
Use “Upload and Import DNA Plate File”.
Select “Plate-Core_Prep” for Service Request.
Fill in all information.
For Plate-Core Prep: Select No for both EXOSAPIT cleanup and Bead cleanup.
Purified template and primer for each sample should be combined in each
well, with minimum final volume of 10ul. Use 96-Well V-bottom PCR plates
with appropriate labelling. Spin down plate. Seal well.
Place samples in consecutive columns.
For Plate-Core Prep with ExosapIT: Select Yes for EXOSAPIT cleanup and No for Bead cleanup.
The standard recommendation for PCR product is ExosapIT
For ExosapIT cleanup, the minimum sample volume is
10ul/sample. Send templates using 96-Well V-bottom PCR
plate with appropriate labelling. Spin down plate. Seal well.
Place samples in consecutive columns.
Send primer separately in 1.5mL microfuge tube.
Plate submission is default to single primer per plate. If
multiple primers are used in a single plate submission, please
group your samples by each primer on the plate and put the
primers layout in the comment box. Send primers separately
in 1.5mL microfuge tubes.
Refer to the table below as a starting guide for template and primer concentration. The final
concentrations for each project may require optimisation.
Concentration (in
8 µL
20-50 ng/µL
2 µL
Please note that these template amounts are guides only and optimisation may be
Concentration (in
8 µL
100-200 ng/µL
80-160 ng/ul
2 µL
Please note that these template amounts are guides only and optimisation may be
Label plates with the order number or plate number (generated at order lodgment processing in
Primer should be sent using 1.5mL microfuge tube, labelled by the order number and the primer
Please send samples and a copy of your submission confirmation. Send order by either courier
or express post (Australia Post) to ensure prompt delivery.
Alternatively, you can drop off your samples at our sample reception area weekdays between
8am and 6pm.
You will receive an email when your results are available. You can access your results via
dnaLIMS as per the LIMS user guide.
10.2.4 Plate Core Prep with Bead cleanup Use any 96-Well V-bottom PCR Plate
Submit your order request online using the dnaLIMS system (see LIMS user guide).
Use “Upload and Import DNA Plate File”.
Select “Plate-Core_PrepBead40” for Service Request. Or
Select “Plate-Core_PrepBead96” for Service Request for full plate submission.
Fill in all information.
For Plate-Core Prep with Bead: Select No for EXOSAPIT cleanup and No for Bead cleanup.
The bead cleanup addition is pre-set in these service request
For Bead cleanup, the minimum sample volume is 25ul/sample.
Send templates using 96-Well V-bottom PCR plate with
appropriate labelling. Spin down plate. Seal well.
Place samples in consecutive columns.
Send primer separately in 1.5mL microfuge tube.
Plate submission is default to single primer per plate. If multiple
primers are used in a single plate submission, please group your
samples by each primer on the plate and put the primers layout
in the comment box. Send primers separately in 1.5mL
microfuge tubes.
Refer to the table below as a starting guide for template and primer concentration. The final
concentrations for each project may require optimisation.
Concentration (in
8 µL
20-50 ng/µL
2 µL
Please note that these template amounts are guides only and optimisation may be
Concentration (in
8 µL
100-200 ng/µL
80-160 ng/ul
2 µL
Please note that these template amounts are guides only and optimisation may be
Label plates with the order number or plate number (generated at order lodgment processing in
Primer should be sent using 1.5mL microfuge tube, labelled by the order number and the primer
Please send samples and a copy of your submission confirmation. Send order by either courier
or express post (Australia Post) to ensure prompt delivery.
Alternatively, you can drop off your samples at our sample reception area weekdays between
8am and 6pm.
You will receive an email when your results are available. You can access your results via
dnaLIMS as per the LIMS user guide.
Fragment analysis measures the size of DNA fragments by comparing the unknown fragment to DNA
fragments with known lengths (the size standard). The size standard is combined with the sample of
interest and co-injected into the capillary electrophoresis system. Common applications include: DNA
fingerprinting, parentage analysis, microsatellites analysis, AFLP and ARISA.
To ensure that you obtain high quality data, it is essential that you have a robust PCR reaction that
requires considerable dilution before running your samples on the AB3730 machine (e.g. 1 in 100). This
will dilute out most of the excess PCR reagents, salt and potential contaminants in your samples. Excess
reagents and salt can interfere with the electrokinetic injection of the machine and lower the quality of
the data. Other contaminants, such as residual protein or detergents carried over from DNA extraction
can adhere to the capillaries of the array thereby adversely reducing the quality and life span of the
array. If considerable dilution of the sample is not possible we require our customers to perform a
cleanup step (e.g. ethanol precipitation) prior to submission.
Very strong signals are difficult to analyse and can cause similar negative impacts on the array as other
contaminants, so it is suggested that a 1:20 to 1:150 dilution series is completed on a small number of
samples to optimise prior to submitting large numbers of samples. If size ranges do not overlap within a
dye colour PCR products may be pooled or multiplex PCR used.
10.3.1 Options for Fragment Analysis:
Size standards:
Supported fluorescence labels:
6-FAM (blue)
VIC (green)
NED (yellow)
PET (red)
Note: Customizable primers with these labels are available from Life Technology.
10.3.2 Plate Fragment Analysis Use MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate
Submit your order request online using the dnaLIMS system (see LIMS user guide).
Use “Upload and Import Fragment Analysis File”.
Select “Plate-FA” for Service Request.
Select appropriate size standard.
Fill in all information.
Prepare a 1-3ul aliquot of each sample in MicroAmp™ Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate (Life
Technologies). Spin down plate. Seal well.
Place samples in consecutive columns.
Note: All samples are required to be diluted 10-fold or more, otherwise a cleanup step is required to
remove excess dye and reagents.
Label plates with the order number or plate number (generated at order lodgment processing in
Please send samples and a copy of your submission confirmation. Send order by either courier
or express post (Australia Post) to ensure prompt delivery.
Alternatively, you can drop off your samples at our sample reception area weekdays between
8am and 6pm.
You will receive an email when your results are available. You can access your results via
dnaLIMS as per the LIMS user guide.