1 Magic Items
These are the magic items available for forging in the game, using a mage with the appropriate magic skill and requisite number of magic
gems. Some magic items are not listed here which cannot be forged, only found by chance.
key meaning
Path Magic path skill required to forge (also determines cost)
Rng Range
Att Attack
Def Defense
Dmg Damage
Len Length
Enc Encumbrance
Prot Protection
CR Cold Resistance
FR Fire Resistance
PR Poison Resistance
SR Shock Resistance
AP Armor-Piercing (protection halved)
AN Armor-Negating
Ldr Leadership
RP Research Points
Str Strength
Prec Precision
MR Magic Resistance
+Path Magic skill boost
Aff Res Affliction Resistance
Forging costs: Path requirements determine the forging cost of magic items. If multiple paths are needed, gems of each type are used. 1
level = 5 gems/slaves, 2 levels = 10, 3 levels = 15, 4 levels = 20, 5 levels = 30, 6 levels = 40, 7 levels = 55, 8 levels = 70.
Example: The Sword of Many Colors (Earth 4, Astral 3) requires 25 Earth gems and 15 Astral gems to forge.
You will not be able to forge a unique item that is already in existence.
One handed weapons: Magical Trinkets (Construction level 0)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Fire Sword F1 0 1 1 10 1
Ice Sword W1 0 1 3 6 1
Ice Lance W1 0 1 2 3 3 Can only be used by fliers or mounted
Sling of Accuracy A1 40 5 0 12 0 Str not added
Blacksteel Sword E1 0 2 2 9 1
Enchanted Sword S1 0 1 2 8 1
Enchanted Spear S1 0 2 2 7 3
Hardwood Club N1 0 1 1 5 1
One handed weapons: Lesser Magical Items (Construction level 2)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Burning Blade F1 0 2 1 12 1 On hit: Flames
Mace of Eruption F2 0 2 0 11 1 On dmg: Flame Eruption
Sword of the Five
F1W1 0 3 4 8 1 Reinvigoration 2, cost: 2 fire gems + 2 water gems,
Nation restricted
Spear of the Morrigan D1A1 0 3 2 6 3 Partial life drain, On dmg: Decay, Nation restricted
Mercybrand F2 0 1 1 7 1 Fear +5, Inquisitor, Patrol Bonus 10, On dmg: Flames of
Mercy, Nation restricted
Ice Mist Scimitar W1A1 0 2 3 8 1 Cold Res +10, On strike: Ice Mist
Coral Blade W1 0 2 2 9 1 Hit Points +8, On dmg: Draw Blood
Stinger E1 0 2 1 7 3 AP
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Sword of Sharpness E1 0 2 2 10 1 AP
Axe of Sharpness E1 0 2 0 11 1 AP
Main Gauche of Parrying E1 0 2 6 4 0
Smasher E2 0 2 0 16 1 On hit: Shatter
Star of Heroes E2 0 4 -2 12 1 On dmg: Break Armor
Dwarven Hammer E3 0 0 -1 8 1 Forge Bonus 2
Eyecatcher E1W1 0 -2 0 -5 0 AN, On dmg: Eyeloss
Faithful E1S1 0 2 4 7 1 Luck, Aff Res 1
Bane Blade D1 0 1 2 7 1 On dmg: Decay
Hunter's Knife N1 0 2 1 4 0 AP
Thorn Spear N1 0 2 2 5 3 On dmg: Strong Poison
Shillelagh N1 0 1 1 5 1 Luck, Retinue 1 Sprite, Nation restricted
Sprite x1 HP 2, Str 3, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 7, Def 18, MR 14, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 10, FS, SS, Fly, Glamour,
Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Useless Kick, Elf Shot
Vine Whip N2 0 3 0 0 4 Max 1 dmg, On hit: Entanglement
Knife of the Damned N1S1 0 4 1 4 0 AP, Cursed, Curses wielder, On dmg: Curse
Jade Knife N1B1 0 1 0 1 0 Sacrifice Bonus 2, Nation restricted
Anemone Mace W1 0 4 1 -2 1 On hit: Anemone Poison, Nation restricted
Sceptre of Authority F1 0 1 0 0 1 Command 25, spell: Combustion
Thunder Whip A1 0 0 0 2 4 Shock Res +5, Max 1 dmg, On strike: Chain Shock
Rod of the Leper King D1 0 1 0 0 1 Diseased, Undead Command 50
Duskdagger D1S1 0 3 1 3 0 AN, On dmg: Draw Blood
One handed weapons: Greater Magical Items (Construction level 4)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Frost Brand W1 0 1 2 8 1 Cold Res +5, On strike: Small Area Cold
Sword of Swiftness W2 0 2 4 10 1 2 attacks
Elf Bane E1S1 0 3 0 12 1 AP, On dmg: Slay Magic
Herald Lance S2 0 1 1 6 3 Inspirational +1, Triple dmg vs undead and demons,
spell: Solar Rays
Serpent Kryss N1 0 2 1 4 0 AP, Poison Res +5, On dmg: Death Poison
Snake Bladder Stick N1 0 0 1 5 2 AN, Str not added
Thistle Mace N2 0 -1 -1 3 1 Nature Magic Bonus 1, On dmg: Strong Poison
Whip of Command N1 0 3 0 1 4 Inspirational -2, Command 100, Task Master +3, Max 1
Rat Tail N1 0 2 0 0 4 Animal Awe +4, Task Master +1, Max 1 dmg, On hit:
Greater Fear
Summer Sword N2E1 0 1 2 11 1 Supply Bonus 100, spell: Tangle Vines
Fire Bola F1 -1 2 0 0 0 On hit: Fire Bonds
Wand of Wild Fire F3 0 1 0 0 1 spell: Fireball
Cockerel Scepter F2 0 2 1 6 1 Triple dmg vs undead and demons, spell: Holy Pyre, On
hit: Cockerel Blindness, Nation restricted
Lightning Spear A1 0 2 2 5 3 Shock Res +5, On hit: Shock
Vajra S2 0 2 0 5 0 Shock Res +10, spell: Lightning Bolt, On hit: Shock,
Nation restricted
Rune Smasher W2F2 0 2 1 7 1 Penetration Bonus 2
Starfire Staff S2 0 1 0 0 1 Astral Spell Range +25%, spell: Star Fires
Flesh Eater B1 0 4 -1 14 1 On dmg: Chest Wound
Heart Finder Sword B2 0 4 2 10 1 On dmg: Heart Finding
One handed weapons: Very Powerful Magical Items (Construction level 6)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Fire Brand F1E1 0 3 0 8 1 AP, Morale +2, Fire Res +5, On strike: Small Area Fire
Axe of Hate N2 0 4 0 13 1 Poison Res -15, On dmg: Fatigue and Disease
Dragon Sceptre F2 0 -2 0 -2 0 Dragon mastery 1, spell: Flame Bolt
Rod of the Phoenix F4 0 -2 0 -2 0 spell: Incinerate
Evening Star F1D1 0 6 -2 10 1 On strike: Fire and Weakness
Star of Thraldom A1 0 6 -2 10 1 On strike: False Fetters
Shadow Brand D2E1 0 4 1 12 1 AP, On strike: Leeching Darkness
Blood Thorn B3 0 2 0 4 0 Blood Magic Bonus 1, Partial life drain
Demon Whip F1B1 0 4 0 2 4 Max 1 dmg, On strike: Small Area Fire
One handed weapons: Unique Magical Artifacts (Construction level 8)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
O'al Kan's Sceptre F2 0 0 0 0 1 Fire Spell Range +25%, Cold Res +5, Command 50, spell:
Fireball, On strike: Small Area Fatigue
Unquenched Sword F5 0 4 1 22 1 AP, casts: Heat from Hell, On strike: Small Area Fire
Ember F2W2 0 5 4 15 1 Fire Res +10, Cold Res +10, On strike: Small Area Frost
and Fire
Winter Bringer W2 0 -2 0 -2 0 spell: Falling Frost
Dawn Fang E1S1 0 3 3 10 2 Aff Res 1, Magic Res +1, Awe +1, Triple dmg vs undead
and demons
The Summit E4 0 12 6 28 1 AP
Mage Bane E6 0 5 6 10 1 Magic Res +5, Tainted, On dmg: Unconsciousness
The Tartarian Chains E4F2 0 3 -2 5 2 2 attacks, On hit: Enslavement
Twin Spear S1B1 0 2 2 10 3 AP, Luck, Command 50, spell: Call Lesser Horror
Twin Spear S1D1 0 2 2 10 3 AP, Luck, Command 50
The Sword of Aurgelmer S6 0 2 2 13 1 Luck, Curses wielder, Morale +4, casts: Will of the Fates,
On dmg: Curse
Rod of Death D1 0 2 0 10 1 AN, Undead Command 20, Str not added, spell: Control
the Dead
The Sickle whose Crop is
D6 0 4 4 5 1 AP, On dmg: Decay
Sceptre of Dark Regency D6 0 1 0 0 1 AP, Death Magic Bonus 2, Death Spell Range +50%,
Fast Aging +3, On dmg: Major Life Drain
Sword of Injustice D4 0 3 2 6 1 Priest Bonus 1, casts: Protection of the Sepulchre, On
dmg: Decay
Woundflame D4 0 4 5 8 1 Diseased, On dmg: Plague
Picus's Axe of Rulership D2E1 0 5 -2 12 1 On hit: Armloss
The Sharpest Tooth N2S1 0 2 0 3 0 AP, Poison Res +25, Assassin Patience +2, On dmg: The
Deadliest Poison
Sceptre of Corruption B4 0 1 0 0 1 Cursed, Command 50, Tainted, spell: Bane Fire
Procas's Axe of Rulership B2E1 0 3 -2 14 1 On hit: Armloss
Dimensional Rod S3 0 1 1 0 1 Quickness, Cursed, Astral Magic Bonus 1, Astral Spell
Range +25%, Tainted, On hit: Dimensional Shift
Two handed weapons: Magical Trinkets (Construction level 0)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Enchanted Pike S1 0 3 1 9 5
Two handed weapons: Lesser Magical Items (Construction level 2)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Holy Scourge F1 0 5 -2 6 2 2 attacks, Triple dmg vs undead and demons
Black Halberd E1 0 1 2 12 3 On strike: Bane of Heresy, Nation restricted
Greatsword of Sharpness E1 0 4 4 15 2 AP
Halberd of Might E1 0 2 3 16 3 Strength +4
Hammer of the
E1 0 -1 -3 25 3 On strike: Small Area Stun
Lightning Rod E1 0 2 4 3 3 Corpse construction Bonus 3, Shock Res +15
Bane Blade D1 0 2 3 10 2 On dmg: Decay
Doom Glaive D1S1 0 2 2 16 3 On strike: Small Area Curse and Decay
Thorn Staff N1 0 3 5 5 3 On dmg: Strong Poison
Gloves of the Gladiator N2 0 2 1 3 0 Strength +3, Magic Res +1, 4 attacks
Just Man's Cross F1 45 4 0 12 0 AP, Triple dmg vs undead and demons, Str not added
Trueshot Longbow A1 50 30 0 12 0 Str not added
Ice Pebble Staff W3 0 2 4 3 3 Cold Res +5, spell: Numbness
Piercer E1A1 35 10 0 12 0 AN, Str not added
Black Bow of Botulf D1 45 5 0 12 0 Str not added, On dmg: Feeblemind
Staff of Flame Focus F1 0 2 4 3 3 Fire Spell Range +25%
Two handed weapons: Greater Magical Items (Construction level 4)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Flambeau F3 0 4 2 13 2 AP, Fire Res +5, Triple dmg vs undead and demons,
spell: Holy Pyre, On hit: Fire
Midget Masher E1 0 3 1 20 2 Double dmg vs smaller
Implementor Axe E1D1 0 2 0 10 2 AP, Fear +10
Skull Standard N2D1 0 -2 -3 1 4 Mun, Fear +5, spell: Panic
Thunder Bow A2 40 3 0 0 0 AN, On strike: Small Area Shock
Golden Arbalest A1E1 55 10 0 15 0 AP, 2 attacks, Str not added
Vision's Foe A1D1 50 10 0 13 0 AN, Str not added, On hit: Eyeloss
Staff of Corrosion W2F1 0 2 4 3 3 spell: Acid Bolt
Wraith Sword D2 0 2 3 11 2 Partial life drain
Skull Staff D2 0 2 4 3 3 Death Magic Bonus 1
Vine Bow N1 35 0 0 5 0 Str not added, On hit: Entanglement
Two handed weapons: Very Powerful Magical Items (Construction level 6)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Rime Hammer W2A1 0 5 1 21 3 Cold Res +10, On strike: Freezing Mist
Treelord's Staff N5 0 2 4 3 3 Awaken Vine Men Bonus 1, Nature Magic Bonus 2,
Nature Spell Range +25%, Forest Survival
Staff of Elemental
F4W4 0 2 4 3 3 Elemental Bonus 1, Elemental Spell Range +25%, Fire
Res +5, Cold Res +5
Carmine Cleaver F2E1 0 4 1 18 2 AP, Fire Res +5, On dmg: Burn Flesh
Bow of War A1 40 0 0 8 0 Mun, 13 attacks, Str not added
Staff of Storms A5 0 2 4 3 3 Corpse construction Bonus 5, spell: Lightning Bolt, casts:
Storm, On hit: Shock
Staff of Elemental
A4E4 0 2 4 3 3 Stoneskin, Elemental Bonus 1, Elemental Spell Range
+25%, Shock Res +5
Demon Bane W2 0 5 2 15 2 Fire Res +15, Hit Points +5, Double dmg vs demons
Wave Breaker W3 0 3 3 10 3 Water Breathing, 3 attacks, casts: Friendly Currents
Gate Cleaver E3 0 -1 -1 29 2 AN, Siege Strength +50
Moon Blade S1 0 4 5 13 2 Double dmg vs magic beings
Ethereal Crossbow S1 45 5 0 999 0 AN, MR
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Jellyberd S1F1 0 2 3 0 3 Protective Force 20, On strike: Jellyberd Poison, Nation
Banefire Crossbow D1 45 2 0 10 0 AP, Curses wielder, Str not added, On strike: Area Decay
Ivory Bow D3A1 50 2 0 12 0 AP, Undead Command 5, 3 attacks, Str not added, On
dmg: Decay
Standard of the Damned D4 0 -2 -3 1 4 Mun, Fear +5, spell: Drain Life
Banner of the Northern
S4 0 -2 -3 1 4 Mun, Magic Res -2, casts: Light of the Northern Star
Hell Sword B2F2 0 5 1 14 2 Fire Res +10, Partial life drain
Two handed weapons: Unique Magical Artifacts (Construction level 8)
Name Path Rng Att Def Dmg Len Special properties
Sword of Justice F3S3 0 3 4 15 2 Priest Bonus 1, Fire Res +5, spell: Prison of Fire, On
strike: Small Area Fire
Bow of the Titans A3S2 100 100 0 22 0 AP, Air Spell Range +25%, Strength req 18, Str not
added, spell: Seeking Arrow
Tempest A5 0 5 6 15 2 Shock Res +15, spell: Thunder Strike, casts: Storm, On
strike: Chain Lightning
Trident from Beyond W3S2 0 2 3 13 3 Water Magic Bonus 1, On dmg: Soul Slay
The Stone Sword E5 0 4 7 10 2 On strike: Area Petrification
Hammer of the Forge
E5F3 0 1 0 20 2 Forge Bonus 4, On strike: Small Area Fire
The Sword of Many
E4S3 0 3 5 17 2 Elemental Bonus 1, On strike: Killing Light
The Oath Rod of Kurgi S2B2 0 3 5 5 3 Spell Range +25%, spell: Horror Mark, On dmg:
The Flailing Hands D2 0 4 -1 10 2 Death Magic Bonus 1, Penetration Bonus 1, Magic Res
+1, 2 attacks, On hit: Fear and Cold
Sun Slayer D6 0 5 6 13 2 Death Magic Bonus 1, Fear +5, spell: Drain Life, casts:
Darkness, On strike: Area Death
Harvest Blade B3N1 0 10 -5 16 0 Gone Berserk, Cursed, Morale +2, Fear +5, On strike:
Leg Chop
Infernal Sword B1F1 0 4 4 14 2 AP, Fire Res +5, On dmg: Banish to Inferno
The Staff from the Sun S5F1 0 3 3 4 3 Fire Magic Bonus 1, Fire Spell Range +50%, Fire Res +5,
Temp Fire Gems 1, On strike: Area Fire
Shields: Magical Trinkets (Construction level 0)
Name Path Prot Def Parry Enc Special properties
Blacksteel Tower Shield E1 23 -2 9 2 Cannot be used by mounted units
Blacksteel Kite Shield E1 29 -2 8 2
Enchanted Shield S1 17 -1 7 1
Raw Hide Shield N1 13 0 4 0
Shields: Lesser Magical Items (Construction level 2)
Name Path Prot Def Parry Enc Special properties
Weightless Tower Shield A2 16 0 8 0 Cannot be used by mounted units
Weightless Kite Shield A2 21 0 7 0
Lead Shield E2 23 -3 6 3 Magic Res +4
Shield of Valor E1A1 21 -1 8 1 Air Shield
Crystal Shield S3E2 30 -4 7 4 Cannot be used by mounted units, casts: Power of the Spheres
Eye Shield N2 16 0 5 0 Eye Vengeance 1 v MR
Ice Aegis W2 21 -1 8 1 Cold Res +5, Ice Protection 1
Shields: Greater Magical Items (Construction level 4)
Name Path Prot Def Parry Enc Special properties
Golden Hoplon F2 23 -1 9 1 Fire Res +15
Charcoal Shield E2F1 26 -1 5 1 Fire Res +5
Lucky Coin S2 19 0 4 0 Luck
Shield of the Accursed S2B1 21 -1 7 1 Defence Skill +3, Horror Mark Attacker 5 vs MR
Vine Shield N2 13 0 5 0 Entangles attacker
Totem Shield N1S1 13 0 4 0 Curses attacker
Shields: Very Powerful Magical Items (Construction level 6)
Name Path Prot Def Parry Enc Special properties
Shield of Gleaming Gold E1F1 23 -1 9 1 Awe +1
Scutata Volturnus A1E1 21 -2 9 2 Shock Res +5, Cannot be used by mounted units, casts:
Shocking Grasp
Lantern Shield D2F1 23 -1 6 1 Fear +5, Magic Command 1, Retinue 3 Corpse Candle
Corpse Candle x3 HP 4, Str 4, Prot 0, Att 19, Mor 50, Def 19, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 20, SS, Float, Ethereal,
Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Bane Burst
Shields: Unique Magical Artifacts (Construction level 8)
Name Path Prot Def Parry Enc Special properties
Immaculate Shield F3S2 23 -1 9 1 Blessed, Priest Bonus 1, Awe +2
Barrier E4 40 -2 11 2 Strength +4, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Cannot be used by
mounted units
The Aegis E5 17 -1 7 1 Fear +5, Petrify Attacker 1 v MR
Shield of the Dawn E3S2 30 -2 9 2 Aff Res 1, Magic Res +1, Fire Res +5, Awe +1
Armors: Magical Trinkets (Construction level 0)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Blacksteel Plate E1 17 -1 2
Blacksteel Full Plate E2 24 -3 4
Berserker Pelt N1 9 0 0 Gone Berserk
Enchanted Ring Mail
S1 13 -1 1
Armors: Lesser Magical Items (Construction level 2)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Fire Plate F1 16 -1 2 Morale +2, Fire Res +5
Robe of Missile Protection A1 3 0 0 Air Shield
Lightweight Scale Mail A1 11 0 1
Mirror Armor A1W1 13 -1 1 Magic Res +3
Weightless Scale Mail A2 11 0 0
Copper Plate A1 13 -1 2 Shock Res +25, casts: Charge Body
Shambler Skin Armor W1 9 0 1 Water Breathing, Air Breathing
Dire Wolf Pelt N1 8 0 1 Attack Skill +1, Defence Skill +1, Cold Res +5
Kithaironic Lion Pelt N1E1 15 -1 1 cost: 3 nature gems + 2 earth gems
Armor of Souls B5 16 -1 1 Blood Magic Bonus 1, Magic Res +5
Ranger's Cloak N1 5 0 0 Stealth Boost +30
Armor of the Five
E1A1 17 -1 2 Magic Res +1, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Cold Res +5, cost: 2
earth gems + 2 air gems, Nation restricted
Armors: Greater Magical Items (Construction level 4)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Red Dragon Scale Mail F2 16 -1 1 Morale +4, Fire Res +15
Chain Mail of
A2 19 3 2
Silver Hauberk A2E1 17 -1 1 Air Shield
Brightmail Haubergeon A1E1 13 0 0
Elemental Armor E2F1 19 -3 4 Fire Res +10, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +10
Blue Dragon Scale Mail W2 16 -1 1 Morale +4, Cold Res +15
Robe of the Sea W3 3 0 0 Water Magic Bonus 1, Water Breathing, Air Breathing
Shroud of the Battle Saint S1 9 0 0 Blessed, Cursed
Robe of Shadows S2 3 0 0 Stealth Boost +20
Shademail Haubergeon D2E1 13 0 0 Stealth 20
Green Dragon Scale Mail N2 16 -1 1 Morale +4, Poison Res +15
Armor of Twisting Thorns B3N2 13 -1 5 Cursed, Nature Magic Bonus 1, Blood Magic Bonus 1, Poison Res +5
Armors: Very Powerful Magical Items (Construction level 6)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Armor of Knights E1 23 -1 2
Marble Armor E2 16 -1 3 Stoneskin
Stymphalian Wings E4 17 -4 3 Flying, Trample, Attack Skill -4, Fear +5, Cannot be used by
mounted units
Rainbow Armor A1N1 11 -1 1 Reinvigoration 3, Magic Res +2
Robe of the Magi A5B5 3 0 0 Magic Bonus 1, Reinvigoration 5, Tainted
Robe of Invulnerability D4 4 0 0 Invulnerability 25
Rime Hauberk W2 16 -2 2 Cold Res +5, Ice Protection 1
Jade Armor W2E1 16 -1 4 Quickness
Bone Armor D4 7 -3 3 Soul Vortex, Cold Res +5
Hydra Skin Armor N2 12 -1 1 Limited Regeneration 10%, Poison Res +15
Armors: Unique Magical Artifacts (Construction level 8)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Aseftik's Armor E4 28 -3 4 Cursed, Morale +8, Magic Res +3
Monolith Armor E4 30 -8 10 Limited Regeneration 10%, Morale +10, Cannot be used by mounted
Armor of the Dawn E3S2 20 -1 2 Aff Res 2, Magic Res +1, Fire Res +5, Awe +1
Robe of Calius the Druid N3 4 0 0 Magic Res +3, Fire Res +10, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +10, Stealth
Boost +20, Water Breathing
Fenris' Pelt N4 16 0 1 Gone Berserk, Cold Res +5, Mountain Survival, Swiftness 50, casts:
Armor of Virtue S3 16 -1 1 Blessed, Awe +4, Returning on Damage
Flesh Ward B4 0 0 0 Cursed, Blood Magic Bonus 1, Reinvigoration 2, Strength +4,
Damage Reversal 2 vs MR, Cannot be used by inanimate beings,
Pebble Skin Suit B4E1 0 0 0 Stoneskin, Cursed, Earth Magic Bonus 1, Limited Regeneration 10%,
Strength +2, Cannot be used by inanimate beings
Helmets: Magical Trinkets (Construction level 0)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Blacksteel Helmet E1 24 0 0
Enchanted Helmet S1 15 0 0
Helmets: Lesser Magical Items (Construction level 2)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Dragon Helmet F1 22 0 0 Morale +5, Fire Res +5, Darkvision 50
Crown of the Shah F1A1 9 0 0 Cursed, Priest Bonus 1, Inspirational +1, Command 100, Magic
Command 25, Undead Command 25, Can only be used by a certain
type of units, casts: Fanaticism, Nation restricted
Crown of Lead E1 9 0 0 Magic Res +1
Horror Helmet D2 22 0 0 Fear +5
Black Laurel D2 0 0 0 Lictor Summoning Bonus 2, Nation restricted
Ivy Crown N1 0 0 0 Awaken Vine Men Bonus 1, Forest Survival
Horned Helmet N1 22 0 0 Mun, weapon: Gore (att -1, def -1, dmg 0)
Ice Helmet W1 18 0 0 Cold Res +5
Helmets: Greater Magical Items (Construction level 4)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Flame Helmet F4 5 0 0 Fire Magic Bonus 1, Reinvigoration -3
Huaca Headdress F2 9 0 0 Inspirational +1, Command 25, Magic Command 10, Undead
Command 10, Nation restricted
Helmet of Heroes F1E1 19 0 0 Inspirational +2
Winged Helmet A4 22 0 0 Air Magic Bonus 1
Crown of Command S2 9 0 0 Inspirational +1, Command 50, Magic Command 25
Spirit Mask D2N1 10 -1 0 Magic Res +1, casts: Frighten
Mistletoe Garland N1 0 0 0 Luck, Poison Res +5
Headdress of the Bull N1 8 0 0 Strength +2, Retinue 1 Buffalo, Nation restricted
Buffalo x1 HP 43, Str 22, Prot 5, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Hoof, Gore
Crown of Bones D2 9 0 0 Inspirational -1, Undead Command 75
Helmets: Very Powerful Magical Items (Construction level 6)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Spirit Helmet A3 20 0 0 casts: Lightning Bolt
Iron Face E4 23 0 0 Ironskin
Crown of the Titans E2F1 9 0 0 Size +1, Inspirational +1, Command 50
Starshine Skullcap S2 8 0 0 Astral Magic Bonus 1, Magic Res +2
Crown of the Magi S4W2 9 0 0 Magic Command 10, Fast Casting 30
Skullface D5 18 -1 0 Death Magic Bonus 1, Undead Command 10, spell: Horde of
Wraith Crown D5 9 0 0 Undead Command 50, Darkvision 100, Retinue 5d6 Longdead
Helmets: Unique Magical Artifacts (Construction level 8)
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Crown of Overmight F5E3 21 -3 2 Cursed, Strength +5, Inspirational +1, Command 100, Protective
Force 30, casts: Charm
Amon Hotep F5S4 9 0 0 Cursed, Magic Res +5, Fire Res +15, Awe +5, spell: Mummification
Helmet of Perfection W3A3 25 0 0 Awe +5, Inspirational +3, Eye Vengeance 1 v MR
Helmet of the Dawn E2S1 23 0 0 Aff Res 1, Magic Res +2, Awe +1
The Jade Mask D6N3 20 0 0 Death Magic Bonus 2, Regeneration 5%, Magic Res +3, Poison Res
+15, Fear +10, Darkvision 50, spell: Rigor Mortis, Nation restricted
Crown of the Ivy King N2 0 0 0 Barkskin, Awaken Vine Men Bonus 2, Limited Regeneration 5%,
Poison Res +15, Animal Awe +5, Forest Survival, spell: Awaken
Vine Men
The Crown of Despair D2 9 0 0 Cursed, Death Spell Range +25%, Fear +5, Death Gems 1/month,
Divine Reanimation Bonus 2, Ritual Reanimation Bonus 4,
Darkvision 100
Name Path Prot Def Enc Special properties
Crown of the Fire King F4 9 0 0 Cursed, Reinvigoration -1, Fire Res +25, Magic Command 25, Heat 3,
Retinue 2 Fire Elemental
Fire Elemental x2 HP 14, Str 16, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 8, Ethereal, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, NNEat, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +50, Cold Res -5, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 6,
Wpn: Flame Strike
Crown of the Frost King W4 9 0 0 Cursed, Cold Res +25, Magic Command 25, Chill 25, Retinue 2 Ice
Ice Elemental x2 HP 31, Str 17, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Aff Res 4, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ice Protection 1,
Chill 4, Wpn: Fist
The First Crown S4F4 9 0 0 Cursed, Master Ritualist 1, Awe +5, Tainted
Boots: Magical Trinkets (Construction level 0)
Name Path Special properties
Boots of Long Strides N1 Map Move +6, Swiftness 100
Boots: Lesser Magical Items (Construction level 2)
Name Path Special properties
Chi Shoes A1 weapon: Chi Kick (att 0, def 0, dmg 0)
Boots of the Behemoth E1 Trample
Boots of Giant Strength E1 Strength +5
Birch Boots N1 Cold Res +5, Mountain Survival, Winter Move
Ranger's Boots N1 Reinvigoration 2, Stealth Boost +20, Forest Survival
Boots: Greater Magical Items (Construction level 4)
Name Path Special properties
Brimstone Boots F1E1 Strength +4, Fire Res +15, Waste Survival
Winged Shoes A2 Flying, Fly Speed 20
Earth Boots E2 Earth Magic Bonus 1
Boots of the Messenger N1 Reinvigoration 3, Map Move +9
Boots: Very Powerful Magical Items (Construction level 6)
Name Path Special properties
Boots of Quickness W2 Quickness, Map Move +12
Boots of Stone E2 Stoneskin, Mountain Survival
Boots of Youth B2 Reinvigoration 3, Slows Down Aging 90%
Boots of the Spider A1 Mountain Survival, Forest Survival, Swamp Survival, Waste Survival, Winter Move,
Boots of Seven Mile Strides N2 Map Move +18
Boots: Unique Magical Artifacts (Construction level 8)
Name Path Special properties
Boots of Antaeus E4N1 Earth Magic Bonus 1, Reinvigoration 5, Limited Regeneration 10%, Map Move +6
Sandals of the Crane S1 casts: Blink
Boots of the Planes S5 Tainted, spell: Teleport
The Boots of Calius the Druid N4 Reinvigoration 10, Map Move +9
Misc: Magical Trinkets (Construction level 0)
Name Path Special properties
Ring of Fire F1 Fire Res +15
Ring of Tamed Lightning A1 Shock Res +15
Ring of Frost W1 Cold Res +15
Bear Claw Talisman E1N1 Morale +2, Strength +5
Name Path Special properties
Rabbit Foot Charm S1 Twist Fate
Skull Talisman D1 Undead Command 5, Retinue 1 Longdead
Longdead x1 HP 5, Str 10, Prot 8, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 12, MR 9, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11, Inanim, Und,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Broad Sword
Snake Ring N1 Poison Res +30, spell: Poison Touch
Slave Collar B1 Cursed, Morale +20, Assassin Patience +1
Misc: Lesser Magical Items (Construction level 2)
Name Path Special properties
Burning Pearl F1 Attack Skill +4, Fire Res +5, Assassin Patience -1
Fire in a Jar F1 Cold Res +5, Temp Fire Gems 1
Ring of Warning A1 Warning 5, Patrol Bonus 10
Ring of Levitation A1 Floating
Owl Quill A1 Research Bonus 6
Eye of Aiming A1 Cursed, Precision +8
Amulet of Missile Protection A2 Air Shield
Amulet of Breathing A2 Water Breathing
Gossamer Cloth A2N1 Perceived Army Size -25 units
Ring of Water Breathing W1 Water Breathing
Flask of Holy Water W1 Bless (sacred units only)
Clam of Pearls W1N1 Temp Astral Gems 2
Bracers of Protection E1 Defence Skill +2, Protection +2
Lodestone Amulet E1 Magic Res +2
Wound Fend Amulet E1S1 Aff Res 2
The Pebble Pouch E1 Size req 4, Strength req 20, Number of hands req 2, weapon: Boulder (att 0, def 0, dmg
Stone Bird E1A1 weapon: Stone Bird (att 0, def 2, dmg 9), 4 attacks, Str not added
Cat's Eye Amulet E1 Darkvision 50, Stealth Boost +20
Pendant of Luck S1 Luck
Champion's Skull D2 Gain Experience 3/month
Effigy of War D1N1 Perceived Army Size +50 units
Handful of Acorns N1 Magic Command 1, Retinue 3 Vine Man
Vine Man x3 HP 17, Str 11, Prot 7, Att 9, Mor 50, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 8, FS, Magic, Mindless,
PAmph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Fist, Fist
Barkskin Amulet N1 Barkskin
Cat Charm N2 Defence Skill +4
Enormous Cauldron of Broth N3 Supply Bonus 100
Ring of the Warrior B1 Morale +2, Attack Skill +5
Imp Familiar B1 Cursed, Research Bonus 3, Undead Command 1, No Forge Bonus, Retinue 1 Shadow
Imp, Tainted
Shadow Imp x1 HP 7, Str 8, Prot 5, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 13, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 7, Demon, NNEat,
Stealthy, Stealth 20, Wpn: Pitchfork
Soul Contract B3F1 Cursed, Undead Command 10, No Forge Bonus, Summoner 1 Devil, Tainted, cost: 90
blood slaves + 5 fire gems
Misc: Greater Magical Items (Construction level 4)
Name Path Special properties
Medallion of Vengeance F1 Explosion on Death 20 AP dmg (AoE 10)
Pills of Water Breathing A2 Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points
Dancing Trident A1 weapon: Dancing Trident (att 0, def 1, dmg 19), Str not added
Storm Spool A1 Corpse construction Bonus 2, Shock Res +15, Overcharged 1 AN capped dmg
Wall Shaker A3 Siege Strength +25, spell: Panic
Name Path Special properties
Bag of Winds A5 Air Magic Bonus 1, Magic Command 1, casts: Summon Lesser Air Elemental
Flying Carpet A3 Army Flight 14 size pnts, Fly Speed 20
Dancing Shield A1E1 Protective Force 20
Enchanted Mirror A2 Perceived Army Size +75 units
Cauldron of the Elven Halls A3 Perceived Army Size -75 units
Amulet of the Fish W1A1 Air Breathing
Manual of Water Breathing N3W1 Gift of Water Breathing 50 size points
Girdle of Might E1 Reinvigoration 3, Strength +3
Crystal Matrix E1S1 Communion Master
Slave Matrix E1S1 Communion Slave
Amulet of Antimagic S1 Magic Res +4
Spell Focus S1 Penetration Bonus 1
Eye of the Void S1 Cursed, Penetration Bonus 2, Magic Res -2, Spirit Sight, Tainted
Stone Sphere S2E1 Tainted, spell: Astral Window
Crystal Coin S2E2 Astral Magic Bonus 1
Amulet of the Dead D1 Undead Command 5, Divine Reanimation Bonus 2, Ritual Reanimation Bonus 2, spell:
Animate Skeleton
Skull Mentor D2 Research Bonus 14
Bane Venom Charm D2 Diseased, Reaper 10
Horn of Valor N1 Inspirational +1
Acorn Necklace N1E1 Luck, Shock Res +15
Endless Bag of Wine N1 Supply Bonus 50
Amulet of Giants N1 Size +1 (max 4)
Lychantropos' Amulet N2 Gone Berserk, Cursed, Limited Regeneration 10%, Strength +4, Darkvision 50
Ring of Regeneration N2 Limited Regeneration 10%
Amulet of Resilience N2 Reinvigoration 5
Cornucopia N3 Supply Bonus 50, Temp Nature Gems 2
Miraculous Cure All Elixir N5 Disease Healing 1
Astral Serpent N1S1 AN, Poison Res +5, weapon: Astral Serpent (att 3, def 0, dmg 3), Str not added, On
dmg: Death Poison
Sanguine Dowsing Rod B1 Blood Searcher 1
Brazen Vessel B5 Blood Magic Bonus 1
The Heart of Life B3 Cursed, Reinvigoration 10, Poison Res +5, Slows Down Aging 50%, No Forge Bonus,
Cannot be used by inanimate beings
Lifelong Protection B2 Cursed, Undead Command 5, No Forge Bonus, Tainted, casts: Summon 2 Imps, cost:
40 blood slaves
Blood Stone B3E2 Earth Magic Bonus 1, Temp Earth Gems 1
Water Lens W1 Water Spell Range +25%, Temp Water Gems 1
Misc: Very Powerful Magical Items (Construction level 6)
Name Path Special properties
Lightless Lantern F1 Research Bonus 12, Darkvision 100, Tainted
Skull of Fire F1D1 Fire Magic Bonus 1, Cold Res -5
Barrel of Air A4 Gift of Water Breathing 150 size points
Mirror of False Impressions A4 Command -20, False Army
Water Bracelet W1 Water Magic Bonus 1
Bottle of Living Water W2 Magic Command 1, Retinue 1 Water Elemental
Water Elemental x1 HP 27, Str 18, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 50, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 12, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +12, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush, Crush, Crush
Sea King's Goblet W3 Gift of Water Breathing 100 size points
Name Path Special properties
Mercury Barrel W1E1 Magic Command 1, Retinue 1 Living Mercury, Nation restricted
Living Mercury x1 HP 48, Str 28, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush, Crush
The Copper Arm E3F1 Cursed, Extra Arm
Crystal Heart E2S2 Cursed, Communion Master, Extra Life, Cannot be used by inanimate beings
Stone Idol E2S2 Heretic 3
Eye Pendant E3D3 Warning 5, Disease Healing 1, Patrol Bonus 10
Arcane Lens S3 Spell Range +25%
Eye of Innocence S2 Cursed, Stealth Boost +40
Ring of Wizardry S7 Magic Bonus 1, Penetration Bonus 1
Ring of Sorcery S6 Sorcery Bonus 1, Penetration Bonus 1
Elixir of Life N2F2 Slows Down Aging 80%, Extra Life
Pocket Ship N3A2 Army Sail 200 size pnts, Ship Size 4
Moonvine Bracelet N3S1 Nature Magic Bonus 1, casts: Summon Vine Man
The Black Heart B2 Cursed, Morale +2, Assassin Ability, No Forge Bonus, Cannot be used by inanimate
Blood Pendant B2 Blood Spell Range +25%, Strength +2, Darkvision 50
Ring of Returning S3 Returning on Damage
The Heart of Quickness B2F1 Quickness, Cursed, Reinvigoration 2, Cold Res +5, Poison Res -5, Fast Aging +2, Map
Move +12, Cannot be used by inanimate beings
Misc: Unique Magical Artifacts (Construction level 8)
Name Path Special properties
The Ruby Eye F3 Cursed, Fire Magic Bonus 1, Water Gems 2/month
Fever Fetish F1N1 Diseased, Fire Gems 2/month
The Ark F5S5 casts: Ark
Amulet of the Doppelganger A2 Seduction Ability, Stealth 50
The Flying Ship A5 Army Flight 500 size pnts, Fly Speed 26
Igor Könhelm's Tome A2D2 Corpse construction Bonus 10
Tome of High Power A2S2 Air Magic Bonus 1, Astral Magic Bonus 1, Spell Range +50%, Tainted
The Magic Lamp A5F4 spell: Summon Jinn
Krupp's Bracers E2 Reinvigoration 3
Draupnir E5 Gold Production 200/month
The First Anvil E6 Master Smith 1
Holger the Head E1D1 Supply Bonus -3, casts: Grow Headless Hoburg
Percival the Pocket Knight E2N1 casts: Grow Knight
Alchemist's Stone E1F1 Fire Res +5, Cold Res +5, Alchemy Bonus 50
Gate Stone E7S7 spell: Astral Travel
Atlas of Creation E5S5 Earth Magic Bonus 1, Nature Magic Bonus 1, Astral Magic Bonus 1, Tainted, spell:
Record of Creation
Bell of Cleansing W2 Fire Res +5, casts: Cleansing Chime
Orb of Atlantis W4E1 Water Magic Bonus 1, Magic Command 10, Gift of Water Breathing 200 size points,
spell: Summon Lesser Water Elemental, casts: Friendly Currents
The Astral Harpoon S5B1 spell: Astral Harpoon
The Forbidden Light S5F5 Cursed, Fire Magic Bonus 2, Astral Magic Bonus 2, Fire Res +5, Cold Res +5, Fire
Gems 1/month, Fast Aging +1, Tainted, casts: Solar Brilliance
Nethgul S3W2 casts: Nethgul
The Black Mirror S4B2 Curses wielder, Magic Res -4, spell: Mind Hunt, casts: Disbelieve
The Horror Harmonica S5D4 Morale -2, Tainted, spell: Call Horror, casts: Wailing Winds
Tome of the Lower Planes S3B2 Blood Magic Bonus 1
Carcator the Pocket Lich D4 Research Bonus 4, Undead Command 20, casts: Grow Lich
Name Path Special properties
The Ankh D5 Shock Res +5, Tainted, casts: Life after Death
Disease Grinder D3F1 Convert Disease to Death Gems 1
The Black Book of Secrets D2B2 Death Magic Bonus 1, Blood Magic Bonus 1, Fear +5
The Green Eye N2 Cursed, Penetration Bonus 2, casts: Sleep
Wondrous Box of Monsters N4 casts: Grow Monster
Fountain of Youth N3F3 Slows Down Aging in Province 75%
Midget's Revenge N1W1 Size +1, Attack Skill +3, Defence Skill +3, Strength +2, Hit Points +10,
Invulnerability 20, Maximum size 1
Soulstone of the Wolves N6E1 spell: Call of the Wild, casts: Howl
The Chalice N5S3 Slows Down Aging 100%, Healing 5, spell: Banishment
The Tome of Gaia N2E2 Earth Magic Bonus 1, Nature Magic Bonus 1
The Protection of Geryon B3 Cursed, Banish Killer, No Forge Bonus, cost: 30 blood slaves
The Manual of Cross Breeding B3N3 Adept Cross Breeder +20, Tainted
The Gift of Kurgi B5 Flying, Cursed, Curses wielder, Fear +30, Protective Force 20, Storm Immunity,
Tainted, spell: Send Lesser Horror, casts: Call Lesser Horror
Ardmon's Soul Trap B3S1 Reinvigoration -1, Strength -2, casts: Open Soul Trap
Tome of the Forgotten Masons E5B1 Cursed, Mason, Tainted
2 Battlefield Spells
These spells can only be cast in battle. Any summons gained through battle magic exist only as long as the battle lasts - they are not
permanent. Stats for these summoned creatures are listed immediately below the spell statistics. Spells in the Divine school require no
research. They are available to all nations with priests. The Holy level of the spell corresponds to the level of the priest needed to cast it.
There are a few national spells (such as those of Ulm and Jomon) that require both skill in Holy magic and another magic path. In these
cases, the caster must meet both requirements.
key meaning
Fat Fatigue
Rng Range
AoE Area of Effect
Pre Precision
Dmg Damage
NoE Number of Effects
AN Armor-Negating (ignores protection)
AP Armor-Piercing (uses half protection)
NUW Not castable underwater
MR Magic Resistance negates
MR- Magic Resistance negates easily (target gets +4 to roll)
BF Entire battlefield affected
Mun Mundane (non-magical for purposes of hitting ethereal beings)
BE Battlefield enchantment. Battlefield enchantments are canceled if the caster dies or leaves the battle.
Und Undead
Spells costing 100 fatigue or greater require one gem of the primary path. For every full 100 additional fatigue, a spell requires another
gem. So for a spell costing 700 fatigue, like Arcane Domination, 7 gems are required (plus several more are probably advisable just for
fatigue reduction).
Fire Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 0 Fire Flies F1 20 30+ 0 -1 6 6 AP, NUW
Evo 1 Burning Hands F1 5 1 1 0 13+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 1 Fire Darts F1 20 30+ 0 4 10 3+ AP, NUW
Alt 2 Combustion F1 10 30 0 100 0 1 NUW
Alt 2 Resist Cold F1 10 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 6 Blindness F1 20 20 0 100 0 1 MR
Conj 3 Summon Lesser Fire
F1 100 1 0 0 0 1 NUW
Fire Elemental x1 HP 11, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 7, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +50, Cold Res -5, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Heat 5, Wpn: Flame Strike
Conj 5 Will o' the Wisp F1 100 0 0 0 0 2 NUW
Will o' the Wisp x2 HP 3, Str 3, Prot 0, Att 20, Mor 50, Def 20, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 22, SS, Float,
Ethereal, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Flame Burst
Ench 1 Protection from Fire F1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Ench 3 Fire Shield F1 20 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Thau 2 Bonds of Fire F1 20 20 0 3 0 1 NUW
Evo 1 Flame Bolt F2 20 45+ 0 2 22+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 2 Fire Blast F2 20 7+ 1 0 14+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 2 Sulphur Haze F2A1 20 30 4+ 0 1 1 AN, NUW
Evo 3 Fireball F2 20 35+ 1 1 16+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 6 Flame Eruption F2 30 7+ 15 0 14+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 8 Pillar of Fire F2 20 100 1 0 34+ 1 AP, NUW
Alt 3 Immolation F2 20 0 7 0 12+ 1 AP, NUW
Alt 7 Phoenix Pyre F2 20 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Alt 8 Conflagration F2 20 30 10 100 0 1 NUW
Conj 3 Phoenix Power F2 20 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 5 Flame Ward F2 100 15 15 0 0 1
Thau 3 Rage F2 20 30 0 100 0 1 MR, Mindless immune
Thau 8 Hydrophobia F2 100 30 5 100 0 1 MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, Mindless
immune, NUW
Evo 2 Flare F3 50 45+ 1 1 19+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 4 Fire Cloud F3 20 30 3+ 1 6 1 AP, NUW
Evo 5 Falling Fires F3 20 30 3+ 1 15 1 AP, NUW
Alt 5 Cold Resistance F3 100 15 15 0 0 1
Alt 5 Incinerate F3 20 30 0 100 18+ 1 AN
Alt 5 Solar Eclipse F3S1 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Alt 6 Boil F3W1 20 30 1 100 9+ 1 AN, UW
Conj 5 Summon Fire Elemental F3 100 1 0 0 0 1 NUW
Fire Elemental x1 HP 20, Str 20, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +50, Cold Res -5, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Heat 8, Wpn: Flame Strike
Thau 4 Prison of Fire F3 30 30 3+ 2 0 1 NUW
Alt 8 Warriors of Muspelheim F4 200 0 BF 0 0 1
Conj 7 Living Fire F4 200 1 0 0 0 4+ NUW
Fire Elemental x4+ HP 14, Str 16, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 8, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +50, Cold Res -5, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Heat 6, Wpn: Flame Strike
Ench 4 Flaming Arrows F4 100 0 BF 0 0 1 NUW
Ench 6 Heat from Hell F4 200 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Ench 8 Fire Fend F4 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Evo 7 Fire Storm F5 500 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Evo 9 Flame Storm F5 100 40+ 40 0 15+ 1 AP, NUW
Air Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Alt 0 Air Shield A1 10 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Evo 1 Shocking Grasp A1 3 1 0 0 18+ 1 AN
Alt 1 Charge Body A1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 1 Aim A1 5 5+ 1 5 0 1
Alt 2 Phantasmal Warrior A1 10 5 0 0 0 1
Phantasmal Warrior x1 HP 1, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Phantasmal Weapon
Alt 2 Mirror Image A1 10 0 0 0 0 1 AN
Conj 2 Summon Storm Power A1 10 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Conj 3 Summon Lesser Air
A1 100 1 0 0 0 1 NUW
Air Elemental x1 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 50, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 34, AP 24, Fly, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Trample, NNEat, Aff Res 99, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Wpn: Lightning Swarm
Ench 1 Windrunner A1 10 0 0 0 0 1 AN
Ench 1 Protection from
A1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Ench 2 Flight A1 20 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Thau 2 Steal Breath A1 20 30 0 5 40+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Evo 2 Lightning Bolt A2 10 40+ 0 4 14+ 1 AN
Evo 2 Shock Wave A2 10 2 6 0 9+ 1 AN
Evo 5 Orb Lightning A2 20 20 0 0 5 1 AN
Alt 1 False Fetters A2 10 15 2+ 0 0 1 MR
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Alt 3 Mistform A2 10 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 4 Wind Guide A2 100 0 BF 0 0 1 NUW
Ench 3 Gift of Flight A2 20 10 1 0 0 1 NUW
Ench 5 Thunder Ward A2 100 15 15 0 0 1
Evo 3 Mist A3 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Evo 4 Thunder Strike A3 50 100 1 2 26+ 1 AN, NUW
Evo 9 Chain Lightning A3 30 25 0 0 5+ 3 AN
Alt 3 Ghost Wolves A3 10 5 0 0 0 2
Phantasmal Wolf x2 HP 1, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 26, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Phantasmal Weapon
Alt 6 False Horror A3 10 5 0 0 0 1
False Horror x1 HP 1, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 13, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 28, AP 4, Fly, Ethereal,
Inanim, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Storm Immunity,
Wpn: Phantasmal Claw, Phantasmal Claw
Conj 5 Summon Air Elemental A3 100 1 0 0 0 1 NUW
Air Elemental x1 HP 14, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 16, Mor 50, Def 16, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 34, AP 30, Fly, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Trample, NNEat, Aff Res 99, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Wpn: Lightning Swarm
Ench 6 Arrow Fend A3 100 0 BF 0 0 1 NUW
Thau 5 Confusion A3 10 30 1 3 0 1 MR, Mindless immune
Evo 5 Storm A4 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Alt 5 Phantasmal Army A4 100 4+ 0 0 0 25+
Phantasmal Warrior
HP 1, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Phantasmal Weapon
Conj 7 Living Clouds A4 200 1 0 0 0 4+ NUW
Air Elemental x4+ HP 10, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 34, AP 26, Fly, Ethereal,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Trample, NNEat, Aff Res 99, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Wpn: Lightning Swarm
Ench 7 Mass Flight A4 200 0 BF 0 0 1 NUW
Ench 8 Thunder Fend A4 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Evo 6 Wrathful Skies A5 200 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Alt 7 Fog Warriors A5 300 1 BF 0 0 1
Evo 7 Shimmering Fields A6 200 25 50 0 10+ 1 AN
Ench 8 Mists of Deception A6 200 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Water Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 0 Freezing Touch W1 10 1 0 0 9+ 1 AN, NUW
Evo 1 Slime W1 20 30+ 1 2 0 1 MR, NUW
Evo 1 Geyser W1F1 5 20+ 1 3 6+ 1 AP
Evo 1 Water Strike W1 20 35+ 0 2 13+ 1 UW
Alt 2 Resist Fire W1 10 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 2 Quicken Self W1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 2 Ice Shield W1 20 0 0 0 0 1 UW
Alt 4 Liquid Body W1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 6 Frozen Heart W1 20 25+ 0 100 10+ 1 AN, Inanim immune
Conj 2 Summon Water Power W1 20 0 0 0 0 1 UW
Conj 3 Summon Lesser Water
W1 100 1 0 0 0 1
Water Elemental x1 HP 21, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 9, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +6, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 1 Protection from Cold W1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Ench 2 Water Shield W1 20 0 0 0 0 1 UW
Ench 2 Breath of Winter W1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Ench 6 Water Ward W1 100 15 25 0 0 1 UW
Evo 1 Cold Bolt W2 20 50+ 0 3 19+ 1 NUW
Evo 1 Acid Spray W2F1 20 2 3 0 10 1 AP, NUW
Evo 2 Cold Blast W2 20 7+ 1 0 19+ 1 NUW
Evo 2 Rain W2 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Evo 3 Acid Bolt W2F1 30 35+ 1 3 16+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 6 Cleansing Water W2 20 30+ 4+ 0 5+ 1 AN, NUW
Evo 7 Ice Strike W2 20 30 22+ 1 18 1 NUW
Alt 3 Numbness W2 20 25 1 100 0 1
Alt 4 Quickness W2 20 20 1 1 0 1
Alt 4 Slow W2 20 30 1 100 0 1 MR
Alt 4 Encase in Ice W2 20 25 1 100 0 1 UW
Alt 8 Quickening W2 100 20 9+ 0 0 1
Conj 4 School of Sharks W2 100 0 0 0 0 10+ UW
Small Shark x10+ HP 2, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 4, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 14, Aqua, NNEat,
Stealthy, Wpn: Bite
Ench 5 Winter Ward W2 100 15 15 0 0 1
Thau 1 Desiccation W2 20 30 1 100 0 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Evo 3 Freezing Mist W3A1 20 30 4+ 1 1 1 AN, NUW
Evo 4 Acid Rain W3F1 30 30 4+ 3 12 1 AP, NUW
Evo 5 Falling Frost W3 20 30 5+ 0 17+ 1 NUW
Alt 5 Fire Resistance W3 100 15 15 0 0 1
Alt 5 Bone Melter W3N2 20 25 1 3 Death 1 Mun, MR
Alt 6 Wave Warriors W3 100 15 5 0 0 1
Alt 7 Prison of Sedna W3 100 25 6+ 100 0 1 UW
Conj 5 Summon Water
W3 100 1 0 0 0 1
Water Elemental x1 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush, Crush, Crush
Conj 6 Shark Attack W3 300 1 0 0 0 1 BE, UW
Ench 5 Friendly Currents W3 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, UW
Thau 3 Sailors' Death W3 20 30 1 1 14+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Thau 4 Curse of the Desert W3 30 30 5 100 0 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Evo 7 Acid Storm W4F1 300 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Alt 8 Liquify W4 20 30 3 100 Death 1 MR-
Alt 8 Warriors of Niefelheim W4 200 0 BF 0 0 1
Conj 7 Living Water W4 200 1 0 0 0 4+
Water Elemental x4+ HP 24, Str 16, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +9, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush, Crush
Ench 5 Quagmire W4 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Ench 6 Grip of Winter W4 200 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Ench 8 Frost Fend W4 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Evo 9 Niefel Flames W5 200 40+ 25+ 0 10 1 AN, NUW
Ench 9 Demon Cleansing W5 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Earth Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 0 Flying Shards E1 30 30+ 0 0 10 4+ Mun, NUW
Evo 3 Magma Bolts E1F1 20 30+ 0 2 25+ 3 NUW
Alt 1 Fists of Iron E1 30 1 0 5 16+ 1+
Alt 1 Earth Grip E1 10 20 0 5 0 1
Alt 2 Resist Lightning E1 10 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 2 Stoneskin E1 10 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 2 Armor of Achilles E1 40 15 1 3 0 1
Alt 3 Ironskin E1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 4 Temper Flesh E1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Conj 3 Summon Lesser Earth
E1 100 1 0 0 0 1
Earth Elemental x1 HP 26, Str 15, Prot 7, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 15, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 8, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Aff Res 4, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Fist
Ench 2 Flying Shield E1A1 20 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Thau 3 Iron Will E1 20 25 1 100 0 1 Mindless immune
Evo 2 Rust Mist E2W1 30 30 6+ 0 0 1 NUW
Evo 6 Magma Eruption E2F2 50 30 4+ 0 22+ 1 NUW
Alt 1 Earth Might E2 20 20 1 0 0 1
Alt 2 Earth Meld E2 60 25 5 3 0 1
Alt 5 Iron Warriors E2 40 15 1 2 0 1
Conj 3 Summon Earthpower E2 20 0 0 0 0 1
Thau 1 Farstrike E2S1 5 50 0 5 17+ 1
Evo 4 Blade Wind E3 80 35+ 0 0 14 40+ Mun, NUW
Evo 5 Gifts from Heaven E3S1 50 100 1 -3 150 3 NUW
Evo 7 Rain of Stones E3A1 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Alt 4 Destruction E3 40 30 6 3 0 1
Alt 4 Curse of Stones E3 300 0 BF 0 0 1 MR-
Alt 5 Lightning Resistance E3 100 15 15 0 0 1
Alt 5 Maws of the Earth E3 100 30+ 7+ 3 15+ 1 AP
Alt 5 Shatter E3 20 15 0 100 35+ 1 AN
Alt 6 Iron Bane E3 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Alt 7 Marble Warriors E3 100 15 25 0 0 1
Conj 5 Summon Earth
E3 100 1 0 0 0 1
Earth Elemental x1 HP 50, Str 24, Prot 10, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 18, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Aff Res 4, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Fist, Fist
Cnst 3 Legions of Steel E3 40 15 25 0 0 1
Ench 3 Strength of Giants E3 40 15 25 0 0 1
Evo 5 Earthquake E4 300 0 BF 0 8 1 Mun, AP, NUW
Alt 8 Ground Army E4 200 0 BF 0 0 1
Conj 7 Living Earth E4 200 1 0 0 0 4+
Earth Elemental x4+ HP 34, Str 18, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 16, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Aff Res 4, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Fist
Evo 9 Meteor Shower E5S4 300 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Alt 6 Petrify E5 40 30 1 100 Death 1 AN
Alt 9 Army of Gold E5 300 0 BF 0 0 1
Alt 9 Army of Lead E5 300 0 BF 0 0 1
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Cnst 7 Weapons of Sharpness E5 20 15 25 0 0 1
Astral Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Alt 0 Twist Fate S1 10 0 0 0 0 1
Evo 1 Star Fires S1 20 35 0 2 5+ 2 AN, NUW
Evo 3 Magic Duel S1 100 100 1 100 Death 1 AN, Mindless immune
Evo 3 Healing Light S1N1 20 30+ 1 100 10 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, Mindless
immune, NUW
Evo 4 Nether Bolt S1D1 15 35+ 1 2 20+ 1 AP, MR
Evo 7 Nether Darts S1D1 15 30+ 0 0 15+ 15+ AP, MR
Alt 1 Personal Luck S1 20 0 0 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
Alt 2 Cheat Fate S1 20 10 1 0 0 1
Alt 3 Luck S1 20 10 1 2 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
Alt 4 Body Ethereal S1 30 5 1 0 0 1
Conj 3 Power of the Spheres S1 100 0 0 0 0 1
Ench 1 Resist Magic S1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Ench 3 Astral Shield S1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Thau 1 Blink S1 10 0 0 0 30 1
Thau 1 Communion Master S1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Thau 1 Communion Slave S1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Evo 1 Arcane Bolt S2 20 40+ 0 3 10+ 1 AN
Evo 2 Solar Rays S2 20 40+ 1 100 12+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 5 Stellar Cascades S2 20 35 5 100 25 1 AP, NUW
Thau 1 Horror Mark S2 20 50 0 100 0 1 Mindless immune
Thau 2 Returning S2 200 0 0 0 1 1 AN
Thau 2 Mind Burn S2 20 100 0 100 12+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
Thau 4 Paralyze S2 20 100 0 100 60+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
Evo 5 Astral Geyser S3 20 50+ 1 0 0 1 AN, Mindless immune
Evo 6 Astral Fires S3F1 20 40+ 4+ 100 10 1 AN, MR
Alt 6 Control S3 100 25 0 100 0 1 AN, MR
Alt 6 Battle Fortune S3 100 15 5 5 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
Conj 4 Light of the Northern
S3 200 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Ench 4 Astral Healing S3 100 0 BF 0 2 1 AN, Inanim immune, Mindless immune
Ench 4 Antimagic S3 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Ench 6 Opposition S3 20 25 0 100 Death 1 MR
Thau 5 Soul Slay S3 20 100 0 100 Death 1 MR, Mindless immune
Alt 7 Doom S4 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Alt 8 Will of the Fates S4 400 0 BF 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
Thau 6 Enslave Mind S4 20 100 0 100 0 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
Thau 7 Vortex of Returning S4 300 0 BF 0 1 1 AN
Evo 8 Astral Tempest S5 200 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Ench 7 Solar Brilliance S5 500 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Thau 8 Soul Drain S5D5 500 0 0 0 0 1 Mindless immune, BE
Alt 8 Time Stop S6 100 0 0 0 104 1 MR
Ench 8 Unraveling S6 600 0 BF 0 0 1 MR
Alt 9 Arcane Domination S7 700 0 BF 0 0 1 AN, MR-
Thau 9 Master Enslave S8 800 0 BF 0 0 1 AN, MR-, Mindless immune
Death Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Alt 0 Hand of Dust D1 10 1 0 0 6+ 1 AN
Evo 4 Bane Fire Dart D1F1 20 30+ 0 4 15+ 1 AP, NUW
Alt 1 Skeletal Body D1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 2 Weakness D1 20 25 0 3 3 1 AN, MR
Alt 4 Stygian Skin D1W1 20 0 0 0 0 1 Inanim immune
Conj 1 Spirit Curse D1 100 50 0 100 0 1
Conj 5 Ghost Grip D1 10 25 0 3 25+ 5
Conj 5 Corpse Candle D1F1 100 0 0 0 0 3 NUW
Corpse Candle x3 HP 4, Str 4, Prot 0, Att 19, Mor 50, Def 19, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 20, SS, Float,
Ethereal, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Bane Burst
Ench 1 Animate Skeleton D1 30 5 0 -2 0 1
Longdead x1 HP 5, Str 10, Prot 8, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 12, MR 9, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11, Inanim, Und,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Broad Sword
Ench 1 Animate Dead D1 20 5 0 -2 0 1
Thau 1 Dust to Dust D1 20 30 1 0 22+ 1 AN
Thau 1 Decay D1 20 25 0 3 0 1 MR
Thau 1 Frighten D1 5 50 1 5 0 1 AN
Evo 3 Shadow Bolt D2 20 35+ 0 3 10+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune
Evo 4 Bolt of Unlife D2 20 30+ 0 1 20+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Mindless immune
Evo 5 Shadow Blast D2 100 35+ 6+ 0 20+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune
Alt 1 Hand of Death D2 5 1 0 0 40+ 1 AN
Alt 5 Enfeeble D2 100 25 6+ 3 2 1 AN, MR
Alt 8 Disintegrate D2 10 30 0 100 Death 1 AN, MR
Conj 4 Summon Lammashtas D2 100 0 0 0 0 2
Lammashta x2 HP 15, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 16, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Fly, Ethereal,
Und, Amph, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 20,
Wpn: Wraith Sword
Ench 3 Raise Skeletons D2 40 5 0 -2 0 3
Longdead x3 HP 5, Str 10, Prot 12, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 12, MR 9, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11, Inanim, Und,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Broad Sword
Ench 4 Raise Dead D2 40 5 0 -2 0 10+
Ench 5 Horde of Skeletons D2 40 5 0 -2 0 6+
Longdead x6+ HP 5, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 9, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11, Inanim, Und,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Broad Sword
Thau 5 Control the Dead D2 20 25 1 0 0 1 AN, MR
Evo 6 Blast of Unlife D3 20 30+ 1 0 15+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Mindless immune
Evo 6 Bane Fire D3F1 30 45+ 1 1 55+ 1 AP, NUW
Evo 7 Stygian Rains D3W2 200 0 BF 0 0 1 Inanim immune, NUW
Alt 5 Invulnerability D3 20 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 6 Soul Vortex D3 40 0 0 0 0 1
Thau 4 Terror D3 10 30 5+ 1 0 1 AN
Thau 5 Leeching Darkness D3 20 30 3+ 1 6 1 AP, MR, NUW
Thau 6 Wither Bones D3 50 30 6+ -1 16+ 1 AN
Evo 6 Wailing Winds D4A1 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Evo 7 Cloud of Death D4 10 30 9+ -3 6+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, NUW
Evo 7 Wind of Death D4A1 100 0 BF 0 0 1 MR-, NUW
Alt 5 Drain Life D4 10 30 0 100 14+ 1 AN, Inanim immune
Alt 6 Skeletal Legion D4 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Alt 6 Darkness D4 400 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 6 Rigor Mortis D4 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Ench 7 Life after Death D4 400 0 BF 0 0 1 Mindless immune
Thau 7 Plague D4 100 25 1 0 0 1 MR, Und immune, Inanim immune
Evo 8 Vortex of Unlife D5 20 30+ 5+ 0 16+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Mindless immune
Ench 9 Fields of the Dead D5E2 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Alt 7 Bone Grinding D7 100 0 BF 0 3 1 Mun, AN
Thau 9 Undead Mastery D7 700 0 BF 0 0 1 AN, MR-
Nature Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 0 Sleep Ray N1 20 1 1 0 0 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune,
Mindless immune
Evo 1 Vine Arrow N1 20 30+ 0 0 14+ 1 NUW
Evo 2 Web N1 20 25+ 2 2 0 1 Mun
Alt 1 Eagle Eyes N1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 1 Poison Touch N1 5 1 0 0 10+ 1 AN
Alt 1 Resist Poison N1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 1 Barkskin N1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 3 Protection N1 20 20 1 100 0 1
Alt 3 Mossbody N1W1 20 5 1 0 0 1
Alt 4 Elemental Fortitude N1 10 0 0 0 0 1
Alt 4 Swarm N1 100 0 0 0 0 20+
Large Ant x20+ HP 1, Str 1, Prot 1, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 3, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 4, FS, Magic,
Mindless, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Sting
Conj 1 Tangle Vines N1 20 20 1 2 0 1
Conj 4 Maggots N1 100 25 0 100 50 1 Mun, AN
Conj 6 Summon Sprites N1A1 100 1 0 0 0 6 NUW
Sprite x6 HP 2, Str 3, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 7, Def 18, MR 14, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 10, FS, SS, Fly,
Glamour, Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Useless Kick, Elf Shot
Ench 1 Poison Resistance N1 5 0 0 0 0 1
Ench 1 Healing Touch N1 20 1 1 1 30+ 1 AN, Inanim immune
Ench 2 Gift of the Hare N1 20 15 1+ 0 0 1 AN
Ench 3 Heal N1 20 15 1 5 30+ 1 AN, Inanim immune
Thau 1 Fascination N1 20 15 0 100 100 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
Thau 1 Seven Year Fever N1F1 30 25 1 2 0 1 MR, Und immune, Inanim immune
Thau 1 Curse N1S1 30 50 0 100 0 1
Thau 4 Touch of Madness N1 30 20 1 0 0 1 AN, Inanim immune, Mindless immune
Evo 3 Sleep Cloud N2 20 30 3+ 3 26+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune,
Mindless immune
Evo 4 Breath of the Dragon N2 20 20+ 3 -1 5+ 1 AN, NUW
Evo 7 Storm of Thorns N2 20 35+ 0 0 15+ 7+ NUW
Alt 2 Enlarge N2 20 10 1 0 0 1
Alt 4 Shrink N2 20 20+ 1 0 0 1 MR
Alt 5 Wooden Warriors N2 50 10 5 0 0 1
Alt 7 Curse of the Frog Prince N2 20 25 0 100 0 1 MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, Mindless
Ench 2 Personal Regeneration N2 20 0 0 0 0 1 Inanim immune
Ench 4 Poison Ward N2 100 15 15 0 0 1
Thau 2 Sleep N2 20 35 0 100 0 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune,
Mindless immune
Thau 3 Panic N2 20 30 5+ 1 0 1 AN
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 4 Rage of the Cornered
N2 20 20 3+ 0 0 1 AN, Animals only
Thau 5 Charm Animal N2 20 20 0 100 0 1 MR, Animals only
Evo 5 Poison Cloud N3 20 30 4+ -1 1 1 AN
Evo 5 Healing Mists N3A1 20 30 9+ 3 2 1 AN, Inanim immune, NUW
Evo 6 Stream of Life N3 20 40+ 1 2 40+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune
Alt 6 Army of Giants N3 100 10 10 0 0 1
Alt 7 Creeping Doom N3 100 0 0 0 0 70+ NUW
Frog x70+ HP 1, Str 1, Prot 1, Att 5, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 3, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 4, SS, Magic, Mindless,
PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Tiny Bite
Alt 7 Mass Protection N3 100 1 BF 0 0 1
Alt 8 Polymorph N3 200 25 10+ 5 0 1 MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, Mindless
Conj 4 Strength of Gaia N3E1 20 0 0 0 0 1
Conj 5 Howl N3 300 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Ench 3 Regeneration N3 40 15 1 0 0 1 Inanim immune
Ench 4 Haste N3 100 15 25 0 0 1 AN, Inanim immune
Ench 5 Foul Vapors N3W1 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Thau 4 Wildness N3 20 30 1 3 0 1 MR, Animals only
Thau 5 The Ravenous Swarm N3 100 1 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Thau 7 Charm N3 30 25 0 100 0 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
Conj 8 Wild Growth N4 40 20 10+ 0 0 1
Ench 7 Serpent's Blessing N4 100 0 BF 0 0 1
Ench 8 Mass Regeneration N4 200 0 BF 0 0 1 Inanim immune
Thau 5 Growing Fury N4 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Ench 6 Relief N5 100 0 0 0 0 1 BE
Ench 9 Gaia's Blessing N5E2 300 0 BF 0 0 1
Thau 6 Syllable of Sleep N5 20 30 25 0 0 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune,
Mindless immune
Thau 8 Beast Mastery N6 400 0 BF 0 0 1 AN, MR-, Animals only
Alt 9 Army of Rats N7 500 0 BF 0 0 1 MR
Blood Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Blood 0 Bleed B1 100 30+ 0 0 0 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune
Blood 1 Blood Burst B1 200 35 1 5 11+ 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 1 Blood Heal B1 100 0 0 3 50 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 1 Sabbath Master B1 100 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Blood 1 Sabbath Slave B1 100 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Blood 1 Reinvigoration B1 100 0 0 0 200 1 AN, NUW
Blood 1 Summon Imps B1 100 1 0 0 0 5 NUW
Imp x5 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 6, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 15, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 7, Fly, Demon,
NNEat, Fire Res +15, Cold Res -5, Wpn: Claws
Blood 1 Blood Boil B1F1 50 25 0 3 11+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune
Blood 2 Banish Demon B1 100 30 0 100 Death 1 MR, Und immune, NUW
Blood 3 Leeching Touch B1 20 1 0 0 15+ 1 AN, Inanim immune
Blood 4 Hellfire B1F2 100 25+ 3 0 9+ 2 AP, NUW
Blood 7 Leech B1 100 30 1 100 25+ 1 AN, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 9 Damage Reversal B1 100 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Blood 2 Agony B2 100 40 4+ 2 1 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 3 Pain Transfer B2 20 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Blood 4 Blood Lust B2 100 0 BF 0 0 1 Und immune, NUW
Blood 4 Call Lesser Horror B2S2 200 5 0 -2 0 1 NUW
Lesser Horror x1 HP 22, Str 12, Prot 15, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 100, AP 4, Ethereal,
Magic, Amph, NNEat, Fear +10, Darkvision 100, Spirit Sight, Storm Immunity,
Wpn: Life Drain, Astral Claw
Blood 5 Hellbind Heart B2 100 30 0 100 0 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune, NUW
Blood 5 Summon Illearth B2E2 200 1 0 0 0 1 NUW
Illearth x1 HP 50, Str 24, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 18, Prec 0, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14, Inanim, Magic,
Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Regeneration 15%, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Fist, Fist
Blood 6 Harm B2 100 50 4+ 5 2+ 1 AN, MR, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 2 Hell Power B3 300 0 0 0 0 1 NUW
Blood 6 Call Horror B3S3 300 5 0 -2 0 1 NUW
Mind Slime Horror x1 HP 28, Str 14, Prot 10, Att 18, Mor 30, Def 16, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, Float,
Ethereal, Magic, Amph, NNEat, Reinvigoration 2, Fear +10, Spirit Sight, Damage Reversal 2 vs
MR, Invisibility, Mag: S5, Wpn: Weakness Tentacle, Weakness Tentacle, Weakness Tentacle, Weak-
ness Tentacle, Weakness Tentacle
Blood 7 Blood Rain B3 300 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
Blood 8 Rush of Strength B3 100 0 BF 0 0 1 NUW
Blood 8 Life for a Life B3 199 100 0 100 40+ 1 AN, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 9 Infernal Prison B3F1 200 35 0 100 0 1 AN, NUW
Blood 9 Claws of Kokytos B3W1 200 35 0 100 0 1 AN, NUW
Blood 5 Bloodletting B4 400 0 BF 0 1 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 7 Purify Blood B4N1 300 0 BF 0 0 1 NUW
Priest Spells
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Div 0 Blessing H1 0 15+ 5+ 100 0 1
Div 0 Banishment H1 0 25+ 4+ 0 4+ 1 AN, MR, Restriction Non-specialized God
Div 0 Ashes to Ashes H1 0 25+ 4+ 0 4+ 1 AN, MR
Div 0 Purifying Water H1 0 25+ 6+ 0 2+ 1 AN, MR, Restriction Water God
Div 0 Pull from the Grave H1 0 25+ 4+ 0 4+ 1 AN, MR, Restriction Earth God
Div 0 Wind of Memories H1 0 30+ 8+ 0 2+ 1 AN, MR, Restriction Air God
Div 0 Final Rest H1 0 25+ 2+ 0 Death 1 AN, MR-, Restriction Nature God
Div 0 Decree of the
H1 0 25+ 4+ 0 4+ 1 AN, MR, Restriction Death God
Div 0 Stellar Decree H1 0 30+ 8+ 0 2+ 1 AN, MR, Restriction Astral God
Div 0 Sermon of Courage H2 0 25+ 10+ 100 0 1
Div 0 Smite Demon H2 0 25+ 0 100 15+ 1 AN, MR, Und immune
Div 0 Holy Word H2 0 25 0 100 100 1 MR
Div 0 Holy Avenger H2 0 0 0 0 0 1
Div 0 Divine Blessing H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1
Div 0 Smite H3 0 30 0 100 10 1 AN, MR, Restriction Non-specialized God
Div 0 Heavenly Fire H3 0 30 0 100 10 1 AN, MR
Div 0 Watery Death H3 0 25 0 100 10 1 AN, MR, Restriction Water God
Div 0 Word of Stone H3 0 25 0 100 10 1 AN, MR, Restriction Earth God
Div 0 Heavenly Strike H3 0 50 0 100 10 1 AN, MR, Restriction Air God
Div 0 Word of Power H3 0 100 0 100 10 1 AN, MR, Restriction Astral God
Div 0 Syllable of Death H3 0 25 0 100 10 1 AN, MR, Restriction Death God
Div 0 Word of Thorns H3 0 30 0 100 5 1 AN, MR, Restriction Nature God
Div 0 Claim Life H3 0 30 0 100 20 1 AN, MR, Und immune, Inanim immune,
Restriction Blood God
Div 0 Fanaticism H4 0 0 BF 0 0 1
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Div 0 Divine Channeling H5 90 0 0 0 0 1 BE
National Spells: Marverni (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 3 Awaken Tattoos N1H1 20 20+ 5 100 0 1
National Spells: Sauromatia (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Conj 1 Call Ancestor D1 20 1 0 0 0 1
Ancestral Spirit x1 HP 1, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 11, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 12, Float, Ethereal,
Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Paralyze
Conj 7 Wrath of the Ancestors D1 100 1 0 0 0 20+
Ancestral Spirit x20+ HP 1, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 11, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 12, Float, Ethereal,
Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Paralyze
Ench 3 Awaken Tattoos N1H1 20 20+ 5 100 0 1
National Spells: T'ien Ch'i (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 5 Celestial Chastisement S3 20 20 0 100 8+ 1 AN
Conj 1 Call Ancestor D1 20 1 0 0 0 1
Ancestral Spirit x1 HP 1, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 11, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 12, Float, Ethereal,
Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Paralyze
Conj 7 Wrath of the Ancestors D1 100 1 0 0 0 20+
Ancestral Spirit x20+ HP 1, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 11, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 12, Float, Ethereal,
Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Paralyze
National Spells: Abysia (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 5 Inner Furnace F3 100 0 BF 0 0 1 MR-, Mindless immune, NUW
Evo 5 Liquid Flames of Rhuax F3E1 20 30+ 1 0 24+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: Caelum (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 6 Parting of the Soul D1A1 40 30 0 100 15+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
National Spells: Pangaea (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 0 Tune of Fear N1 5 0 25 0 0 1 AN, Mindless immune, NUW
Ench 0 Tune of Growth N1 5 0 25 0 0 1 NUW
Ench 0 Tune of Dancing Death N1 5 0 25 0 31+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune, NUW
National Spells: Agartha (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 5 Liquid Flames of Rhuax F3E1 20 30+ 1 0 24+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: Fomoria (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Conj 8 Dance of the Morrigans D5A2 400 0 0 0 0 1 BE, NUW
National Spells: Vanheim (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Conj 6 Summon Valkyries A3D1 100 1 0 0 0 7 NUW
Valkyrie x7 HP 12, Str 11, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 12, Def 16, MR 14, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 28, AP 13, Fly,
Glamour, Sacred, Stealthy, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Light Lance
National Spells: Helheim (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Conj 6 Summon Valkyries A3D1 100 1 0 0 0 7 NUW
Valkyrie x7 HP 12, Str 11, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 12, Def 16, MR 14, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 28, AP 13, Fly,
Glamour, Sacred, Stealthy, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Light Lance
National Spells: Kailasa (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 6 Celestial Music S3 100 1 BF 0 0 1 NUW
National Spells: Yomi (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Alt 6 End of Weakness E2 100 0 BF 0 0 1 Und immune, NUW
National Spells: Xibalba (age 1)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 2 Break the Third Soul A1 20 30 0 5 20+ 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Third Soul A1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
Thau 2 Break the Second Soul E1 20 30 0 5 0 1 Mun, AN, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Second Soul E1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Mun
Thau 2 Break the Fourth Soul D1 20 30 0 5 0 1 Mun, AN, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Fourth Soul D1 20 20 0 2 0 1 Mun
Blood 2 Break the First Soul B1 20 30 0 5 0 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 3 Gift of the First Soul B1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
National Spells: Ermor (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Div 0 Unholy Command H1 0 10 0 0 0 1 AN, MR-
Div 0 Unholy Protection H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Power H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Protection H2 0 10 10 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H2 0 10 10 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Power H3 0 10 5 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1
Div 0 Protection of the
H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1 MR-
Div 0 Power of the Sepulchre H4 0 0 BF 0 0 1
National Spells: Sceleria (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Div 0 Unholy Command H1 0 10 0 0 0 1 AN, MR-
Div 0 Unholy Protection H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Power H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Protection H2 0 10 10 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H2 0 10 10 100 0 1
Div 0 Apostasy H3 0 50 0 100 0 1 MR-
Div 0 Unholy Power H3 0 10 5 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1
Div 0 Protection of the
H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1 MR-
Div 0 Power of the Sepulchre H4 0 0 BF 0 0 1
National Spells: Ulm (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 3 Iron Darts E1H1 10 40 0 5 13 3+ AP, NUW
Evo 6 Iron Blizzard E1H1 50 30 0 3 10 30+ AP, NUW
Thau 5 Tempering the Will E3 20 0 BF 100 0 1 MR-, Mindless immune
National Spells: Marignon (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 4 Holy Pyre F2 20 40+ 23+ 1 7+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: T'ien Ch'i (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 5 Celestial Chastisement S3 20 20 0 100 8+ 1 AN
National Spells: Abysia (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 5 Inner Furnace F3 100 0 BF 0 0 1 MR-, Mindless immune, NUW
Evo 5 Liquid Flames of Rhuax F3E1 20 30+ 1 0 24+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: Caelum (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 6 Parting of the Soul D1A1 40 30 0 100 15+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
National Spells: Pangaea (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 0 Tune of Fear N1 5 0 25 0 0 1 AN, Mindless immune, NUW
Ench 0 Tune of Growth N1 5 0 25 0 0 1 NUW
Ench 0 Tune of Dancing Death N1 5 0 25 0 31+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune, NUW
National Spells: Asphodel (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 0 Quick Roots H1 0 30+ 1+ 100 0 1 AN
Ench 0 Regrowth H2 0 30+ 2+ 100 0 1 AN
Ench 0 Mend the Dead H3 0 30+ 0 100 50+ 1 AN
Ench 0 Puppet Mastery H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1 AN, MR
Ench 0 Carrion Growth H4 0 0 BF 100 0 1 AN, MR-
National Spells: Vanheim (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Conj 6 Summon Valkyries A3D1 100 1 0 0 0 7 NUW
Valkyrie x7 HP 12, Str 11, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 12, Def 16, MR 14, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 28, AP 13, Fly,
Glamour, Sacred, Stealthy, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Light Lance
National Spells: Bandar Log (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 6 Celestial Music S3 100 1 BF 0 0 1 NUW
National Spells: Ashdod (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 4 Strange Fire S2F1 20 40+ 3 1 8+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: Xibalba (age 2)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 2 Break the Third Soul A1 20 30 0 5 20+ 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Third Soul A1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
Thau 2 Break the Second Soul E1 20 30 0 5 0 1 Mun, AN, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Second Soul E1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Mun
Thau 2 Break the Fourth Soul D1 20 30 0 5 0 1 Mun, AN, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Fourth Soul D1 20 20 0 2 0 1 Mun
Blood 2 Break the First Soul B1 20 30 0 5 0 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 3 Gift of the First Soul B1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
National Spells: Pythium (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 2 Gift of the Sacred
N1H1 20 15 3 0 0 1
National Spells: Lemuria (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Div 0 Unholy Command H1 0 10 0 0 0 1 AN, MR-
Div 0 Unholy Protection H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Power H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Anathema H2 0 50 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Protection H2 0 10 10 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H2 0 10 10 100 0 1
Div 0 Apostasy H3 0 50 0 100 0 1 MR-
Div 0 Unholy Power H3 0 10 5 100 0 1
Div 0 Unholy Blessing H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1
Div 0 Protection of the
H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1 MR-
Div 0 Power of the Shadelands H4 0 0 BF 0 0 1
National Spells: Ulm (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 3 Iron Darts E1H1 10 40 0 5 13 3+ AP, NUW
Evo 6 Iron Blizzard E1H1 50 30 0 3 10 30+ AP, NUW
Thau 5 Tempering the Will E3 20 0 BF 100 0 1 MR-, Mindless immune
National Spells: Marignon (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 4 Holy Pyre F2 20 40+ 23+ 1 7+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: T'ien Ch'i (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 5 Celestial Chastisement S3 20 20 0 100 8+ 1 AN
Conj 1 Call Ancestor D1 20 1 0 0 0 1
Ancestral Spirit x1 HP 1, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 11, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 12, Float, Ethereal,
Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Paralyze
Conj 7 Wrath of the Ancestors D1 100 1 0 0 0 20+
Ancestral Spirit x20+ HP 1, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 11, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 12, Float, Ethereal,
Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Paralyze
National Spells: Jomon (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Div 0 Teaching Sign H1N1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Div 0 Fear-not Sign H1A1 0 15 2+ 100 0 1
Div 0 Welcome Sign H1F1 0 5 0 100 0 1 MR-
Div 0 Earth-touching Sign H1E1 0 20 0 100 Death 1 AN, MR-, Und immune
Div 0 Meditation Sign H1W1 0 0 0 0 15 1
National Spells: Agartha (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Alt 5 Iron Marionettes E3 100 30 25 100 0 1
National Spells: Abysia (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 5 Inner Furnace F3 100 0 BF 0 0 1 MR-, Mindless immune, NUW
Evo 5 Liquid Flames of Rhuax F3E1 20 30+ 1 0 24+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: Caelum (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 6 Parting of the Soul D1A1 40 30 0 100 15+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
National Spells: C'tis (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Div 0 Protection of the Grave H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Power of the Grave H1 0 20 1 100 0 1
Div 0 Protection of the Grave H2 0 10 10 100 0 1
Div 0 Royal Power H3 0 10 5 100 0 1
Div 0 Royal Protection H3 0 0 BF 100 0 1 MR-
Div 0 Power of the Reborn
H4 0 0 BF 0 0 1
National Spells: Pangaea (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Ench 0 Tune of Fear N1 5 0 25 0 0 1 AN, Mindless immune, NUW
Ench 0 Tune of Growth N1 5 0 25 0 0 1 NUW
Ench 0 Tune of Dancing Death N1 5 0 25 0 31+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune, NUW
National Spells: Midgård (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Conj 6 Summon Valkyries A3D1 100 1 0 0 0 7 NUW
Valkyrie x7 HP 12, Str 11, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 12, Def 16, MR 14, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 28, AP 13, Fly,
Glamour, Sacred, Stealthy, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Light Lance
National Spells: Gath (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Evo 4 Strange Fire S2F1 20 40+ 3 1 8+ 1 AP, NUW
National Spells: Ragha (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 6 Parting of the Soul D1A1 40 30 0 100 15+ 1 AN, MR, Mindless immune
National Spells: Xibalba (age 3)
School Spell Name Path Fat Rng AoE Pre Dmg NoE Special
Thau 2 Break the Third Soul A1 20 30 0 5 20+ 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Third Soul A1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
Thau 2 Break the Second Soul E1 20 30 0 5 0 1 Mun, AN, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Second Soul E1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Mun
Thau 2 Break the Fourth Soul D1 20 30 0 5 0 1 Mun, AN, NUW
Thau 3 Gift of the Fourth Soul D1 20 20 0 2 0 1 Mun
Blood 2 Break the First Soul B1 20 30 0 5 0 1 AN, Und immune, Inanim immune, NUW
Blood 3 Gift of the First Soul B1 20 20 0 0 0 1 Und immune, Inanim immune
3 Summoning Rituals
The following spells summon one or more creatures as their main effect. The important statistics for each creature are listed, along with
the path, school, and gem requirements for each spell, as well as any special information. All of these spells are rituals. Spells that summon
creatures during battle are not rituals and are listed under Battlefield Spells. The section entitled "Nationals" means that the spells listed
can only be cast by the indicated nation. Spells which are available to more than one nation are repeated under each nation.
key meaning
School school of magic
Alt Alteration
Conj Conjuration
Const Construction
Ench Enchantment
Thaum Thaumaturgy
Blood Blood Magic
Path magical paths
A / S / B / E Air / aStral / Blood / Death
E / F / N / W Earth / Fire / Nature / Water
H / ? Holy / Random path
Cost Number of gems required for casting. The type of gem matches the primary path (listed first).
Rng Range in number of provinces. No range means it takes effect where it is casted.
Dmg Damage
HP Hit Points
Str Strength
Att Attack
Mor Morale
Def Defense
MR Magic resistance
Pre Precision
Enc Encumbrance
Mv Movement
MM Map Move
Amph Amphibian
Aqua Aquatic
Pamph Poor Amphibian
NNEat Need Not Eat
Und Undead
Magic Magic Being
Inanim Inanimate Being
AP Armor-Piercing (protection halved)
AN Armor-Negating
FS / MS / SS / WS Forest/Mountain/Swamp/Waste Survival
DV Darkvision
SlR / PiR / BlR Slash/Pierce/Blunt Resistant
CR / FR / PR / SR Cold/Fire/Poison/Shock Resistance
Mag Magic paths for commanders than can cast spells
Fire Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Bind Scorpion Beast F1E1 2 - - NUW
Scorpion Beast x1 HP 44, Str 16, Prot 16, Att 12, Mor 15, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 3, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 8, WS,
Poison Res +15, Darkvision 100, Wpn: Claw, Scorpion Tail
Ench 4 Terracotta Army F1E1 10 - -
Terracotta Soldier x10+ HP 7, Str 10, Prot 10, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Fire Res +20, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Spear
Conj 2 Summon Fire Ants F2N1 10 - - NUW
Fire Ant x10+ HP 21, Str 14, Prot 14, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 5, Prec 4, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 14, WS,
Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Stealthy, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Sting
Conj 4 Summon Fire Drake F2 7 - - NUW
Fire Drake x1 HP 28, Str 15, Prot 10, Att 10, Mor 14, Def 7, MR 13, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 10, AP 9, WS, Fire
Res +15, Wpn: Bite, Drake Fire
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Summon Flame Jelly F2 6 - - UW
Flame Jelly x10+ HP 25, Str 7, Prot 0, Att 5, Mor 50, Def 5, MR 20, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 10, AP 4, Float, Magic,
Mindless, Aqua, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15,
Wpn: Flame Sting Tentacles
Conj 6 Summon Fire Snakes F2 9 - - NUW
Fire Snake x5+ HP 25, Str 13, Prot 9, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 5, MM 12, AP 8, WS,
Magic, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +15, Heat 3, Wpn: Fire Flare, Venomous Fangs
Conj 5 Summon Summer Lions F3 20 - - NUW
Summer Lion x5+ HP 44, Str 17, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 20, WS,
Ethereal, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Fire Res +50, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Heat 3,
Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 6 Summon Flame Spirit F3 30 - - NUW
Flame Spirit x1 HP 15, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 12, Float,
Ethereal, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +50, Cold Res -10, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Heat 4,
Retinue 1d6 Will o' the Wisp, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: F3, Wpn: Flame Strike
Conj 8 King of Elemental Fire F5 50 - - NUW
King of Flames (x1) HP 54, Str 20, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 9, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14,
Ethereal, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +50, Poison Res +15, Darkvision 100, Spirit Sight, Heat 10,
Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Wpn: Flame Strike
Air Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Cnst 1 Corpse Man Construction A1D1 1 - - NUW
Corpse Construct x1 HP 25, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 5, MR 4, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 6, Inanim, Und,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Overcharged 1 AN
capped dmg, Wpn: Fist
Conj 3 Call of the Winds A2 10 5 - NUW
Black Hawk x41 HP 5, Str 5, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 12, MR 5, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 4, FS, MS, Fly,
Wpn: Talons
Conj 3 Summon Amphiptere A2N1 3 - - NUW
Amphiptere x1 HP 45, Str 17, Prot 11, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, Fly,
Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs, Spray Poison
Conj 4 Summon Wyverns A2 4 - - NUW
Wyvern x2 HP 35, Str 15, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 7, MS,
WS, Fly, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Bite, Barbed Tail
Conj 4 Summon Gryphons A2 10 - - NUW
Gryphon x5+ HP 44, Str 16, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 15, MS,
WS, Fly, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 5 Summon Spring Hawks A3 20 - - NUW
Spring Hawk x5+ HP 7, Str 6, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 50, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 34, AP 2, MS, Fly,
Ethereal, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Storm
Immunity, Wpn: Lightning Swarm
Conj 5 Contact Draconians A3 45 - - NUW
Draconian Chief x1 HP 52, Str 19, Prot 10, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 10, MS,
Fly, Poison Res +15, Ldr 40, Wpn: Venomous Bite
Conj 6 Summon Great Eagles A3 10 - - NUW
Great Eagle x5+ HP 52, Str 18, Prot 7, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 14, Enc 3, MM 40, AP 8, MS, Fly,
Siege Strength +10, Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Talons, Beak
Ench 5 Watcher A3E1 5 - -
Watcher x1 HP 75, Str 20, Prot 20, Att 5, Mor 50, Def 0, MR 14, Prec 25, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 50,
Wpn: Lightning
Alt 7 Phantasmal Attack A4 8 4 - Anonymous
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Phantasmal Warrior x25+ HP 1, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Phantasmal Weapon
Conj 8 Queen of Elemental Air A5 50 - - NUW
Queen of Clouds (x1) HP 45, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 0, MM 40, AP 30, Fly,
Ethereal, Glamour, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80,
MagLdr 40, Wpn: Thunder Fist, Lightning Swarm
Water Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 3 Claymen W1E1 5 - -
Clayman x5+ HP 15, Str 13, Prot 6, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 10, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Regeneration 10%, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Hammer
Alt 6 Manifest Vitriol W2F1 2 - - NUW
Green Lion x1 HP 34, Str 16, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 18,
Ethereal, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Bite, Claw, Vitriol Breath
Conj 3 Summon Yetis W2A1 15 - - NUW
Yeti x5+ HP 46, Str 22, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 8, MR 13, Prec 8, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, MS, Cold
Res +25, Chill 3, Wpn: Rock, Sticks and Stones
Conj 3 Summon Cave Cows W2E2 4 - - NUW
Cave Cow x5+ HP 32, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 8, MR 7, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 8, NNEat,
Darkvision 100, Wpn: Bite, Corrosive Spit
Conj 4 Summon Ice Drake W2 7 - - NUW
Ice Drake x1 HP 41, Str 17, Prot 13, Att 10, Mor 14, Def 7, MR 13, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 10, AP 8, Cold Res
+15, Wpn: Bite, Drake Frost
Conj 4 Summon Sea Serpent W2 5 - - UW
Sea Serpent x1 HP 70, Str 18, Prot 10, Att 15, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 8, Prec 10, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 20, Aqua,
Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Ench 4 Vile Water W2 4 - - NUW
Gelatinous Cube x1 HP 50, Str 16, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 5, MR 13, Prec 0, Enc 0, MM 10, AP 2, Magic,
Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Fire Res +15, Cold
Res +5, Poison Res +15, Stealth 25, Wpn: Acid
Conj 3 Call Kraken W3 3 - - UW
Kraken x1 HP 60, Str 16, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 6, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 8, Recup,
Aqua, Stealthy, BlR, Darkvision 100, Stealth 20, Wpn: Tentacle, Tentacle, Tentacle, Tentacle
Conj 5 Contact Sea Trolls W3 15 - -
Sea Troll x5+ HP 52, Str 22, Prot 8, Att 9, Mor 12, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Amph,
NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Poison Res +15, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Claw
Conj 5 Summon Winter Wolves W3 10 - - NUW
Winter Wolf x5+ HP 13, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 26, MS,
Ethereal, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Chill 6,
Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Contact Naiad W3N1 35 - -
Naiad x1 HP 10, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 9, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, Recup,
Amph, Stealthy, Awe +6, Gift of Water Breathing 30 size points, Ldr 40, Mag: W3N3,
Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Naiad Warriors W3N1 30 - -
Kydnid x15 HP 10, Str 9, Prot 15, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 6, MM 16, AP 12, Recup,
Amph, Awe +4, Wpn: Bronze Sword
Conj 6 Summon Bishop Fish W3 15 - - UW
Bishop Fish x1 HP 17, Str 9, Prot 3, Att 7, Mor 9, Def 5, MR 16, Prec 7, Enc 4, MM 10, AP 10, Sacred,
Aqua, Darkvision 50, Ldr 40, Mag: H3, Wpn: Fist
Conj 6 Sea King's Court W3 55 - -
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Sea King x1 HP 63, Str 24, Prot 10, Att 11, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 8, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Amph,
NNEat, Regeneration 15%, Poison Res +15, Water Gems 1/month, Darkvision 50, Gift of
Water Breathing 30 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3, Wpn: Mace
Conj 7 Summon Asp Turtle W3 13 - - UW
Asp Turtle x1 HP 91, Str 25, Prot 22, Att 9, Mor 18, Def 6, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Trample,
Aqua, Fear +5, Wpn: Bite
Conj 7 Summon Catoblepas W3D2 15 - - NUW
Catoblepas x1 HP 75, Str 24, Prot 8, Att 8, Mor 16, Def 6, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 6, SS, Poison
Res +25, Fear +10, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Hoof, Gore, Gaze of Death
Ench 6 Hidden in Snow W3D1 75 - - NUW
Unfrozen Lord x1 HP 30, Str 17, Prot 11, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 14, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, Und,
NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Chill 3, Ldr 40, UndLdr 80, Wpn: Bane Blade
Unfrozen Mage x1 HP 20, Str 15, Prot 14, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, Und,
NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: D1?4,
Wpn: Quarterstaff
Unfrozen Warrior x10 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 11, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, Und,
NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Chill 3, Wpn: Flint Sword
Unfrozen x15 HP 25, Str 16, Prot 11, Att 11, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, Und,
NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Chill 3, Wpn: Stone Spear
Conj 6 Streams from Hades W4D1 40 - -
Kokythiad x1 HP 10, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 9, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, Recup,
Amph, Stealthy, Fear +5, Darkvision 100, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15, Ldr 40,
Mag: W3D3, Wpn: Fist
Conj 8 Queen of Elemental Water W5 50 - - UW
Queen of the Sea (x1) HP 65, Str 18, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Recup,
Magic, Aqua, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80,
MagLdr 40, Wpn: Crush
Conj 9 Call Ancient Presence W6N4 25 - - NUW
Ancient Presence x1 HP 197, Str 26, Prot 6, Att 16, Mor 30, Def 7, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, SS,
Und, Magic, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Regeneration 20%, Fire Res -10, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Wpn: Devour, Steal Strength
Earth Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 1 Summon Cave Grubs E1 8 - - NUW
Cave Grub x5+ HP 52, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 7, MR 7, Prec 5, Enc 5, MM 10, AP 5, Magic,
NNEat, Siege Strength +10, Wpn: Corrosive Bite
Conj 2 Summon Ogres E1 10 - - NUW
Ogre x5+ HP 26, Str 18, Prot 11, Att 10, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 8, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 14, MS, Cold
Res +5, Wpn: Great Club
Conj 3 Summon Cave Crab E1W1 2 - -
Cave Crab x1 HP 54, Str 20, Prot 22, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 4, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 10, Amph,
Darkvision 100, Wpn: Crab Claw
Conj 4 Summon Cave Drake E2 5 - - NUW
Cave Drake x1 HP 58, Str 19, Prot 22, Att 8, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 5, MM 10, AP 7, MS,
Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite
Cnst 3 Clockwork Soldiers E2 8 - - NUW
Clockwork Soldier x5+ HP 7, Str 11, Prot 18, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 11, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Reinvigoration -15, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Cold Res
+15, Poison Res +25, Darkvision 1000, Wpn: Broad Sword
Cnst 5 Clockwork Horrors E2 10 - - NUW
Clockwork Horror x10+ HP 5, Str 12, Prot 18, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 18, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Reinvigoration -15, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Cold Res
+15, Poison Res +25, Darkvision 100, Wpn: Blade Hand, Blade Hand
Cnst 7 Mechanical Men E2 15 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Mechanical Man x10+ HP 8, Str 12, Prot 18, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +15, Poison Res
+25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Broad Sword
Alt 6 Iron Pigs E3N1 10 - - NUW
Iron Pig x7 HP 15, Str 12, Prot 20, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 10, FS,
Trample, Shock Res -5, Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Summon Fall Bears E3 15 - - NUW
Fall Bear x5+ HP 53, Str 19, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14, FS,
Ethereal, Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Claw
Conj 5 Contact Trolls E3 15 - - NUW
Troll x5+ HP 35, Str 22, Prot 15, Att 10, Mor 12, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -10, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Great Club
Conj 6 Contact Hill Giant E3 3 - - NUW
Hill Giant x1 HP 106, Str 28, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 16, Def 6, MR 9, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 18, MS,
Wpn: Grab and Swallow, Great Club
Conj 6 Troll King's Court E3 55 - - NUW
Troll King x1 HP 42, Str 24, Prot 24, Att 11, Mor 14, Def 7, MR 17, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
NNEat, Regeneration 15%, Fire Res -10, Darkvision 50, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: E3,
Wpn: Maul
Cnst 5 Crusher Construction E3 15 - - NUW
Crusher x1 HP 110, Str 25, Prot 24, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Stone Fist
Cnst 9 Siege Golem E3 20 - - NUW
Siege Golem x1 HP 165, Str 30, Prot 24, Att 9, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +15, Poison Res
+25, Spirit Sight, Siege Strength +100, Wpn: Shatterfist, Shatterfist
Ench 5 Enliven Gargoyles E3A1 10 - -
Gargoyle x5+ HP 12, Str 13, Prot 20, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 28, AP 8, Fly,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Ench 6 Enliven Statues E3 20 - -
Living Statue x10+ HP 15, Str 15, Prot 20, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Stone Spear
Ench 6 Hidden in Sand E3D1 75 - - NUW
Dust King x1 HP 30, Str 17, Prot 10, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, WS,
Sacred, Und, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 80, Wpn: Kopesh
Dust Priest x1 HP 20, Str 15, Prot 7, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, WS,
Sacred, Und, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Ldr 10,
UndLdr 40, Mag: E1D2H2?3, Wpn: Quarterstaff
Dust Warrior x10 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 10, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, WS,
Und, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Wpn: Kopesh
Dust Walker x15 HP 25, Str 16, Prot 10, Att 11, Mor 18, Def 14, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, WS,
Und, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Wpn: Spear
Ench 6 Hidden Underneath E3D1 75 - - NUW
Released King x1 HP 12, Str 17, Prot 26, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11,
Inanim, Und, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +15, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 40, UndLdr 80, Wpn: Fossilized Hatchet
Released Sage x1 HP 8, Str 16, Prot 20, Att 11, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11,
Inanim, Und, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +15, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: E1D2?2, Wpn: Magic Sceptre
Released Warrior x10 HP 10, Str 16, Prot 27, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11,
Inanim, Und, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +15, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Wpn: Fossilized Sword, Fossilized Hatchet
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Released One x15 HP 8, Str 16, Prot 27, Att 11, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11,
Inanim, Und, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +15, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Wpn: Stone Spear
Cnst 9 Iron Dragon E4F2 30 - - NUW
Iron Dragon x1 HP 150, Str 25, Prot 24, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 12, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 28, AP 7, Fly,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Trample, PAmph, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Cold Res
+15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Bite, Tail Sweep, Dragon Fire
Conj 8 King of Elemental Earth E5 50 - -
King of Mountains (x1) HP 130, Str 27, Prot 20, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, MS,
Magic, PAmph, NNEat, Regeneration 5%, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40,
Wpn: Fist
Astral Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Cnst 7 Golem Construction S3E2 30 - -
Golem x1 HP 85, Str 25, Prot 6, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 18, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Mag: S2, Wpn: Fist
Thau 5 Telestic Animation S3 5 - -
Telestic Animate x1 HP 40, Str 10, Prot 12, Att 5, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, Sacred,
Inanim, Magic, Amph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, MagLdr 40, Mag: H2,
Conj 6 Ether Gate S4D1 90 - -
Ether Lord x1 HP 25, Str 16, Prot 12, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 2, MM 18, AP 15,
Ethereal, Magic, Amph, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 40, Mag: S3D2?1, Wpn: Moon Lance
Conj 8 Call the Eater of the Dead S4D4 50 - - NUW
Eater of the Dead (x1) HP 180, Str 20, Prot 4, Att 10, Mor 30, Def 4, MR 18, Prec 4, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 8, Recup,
Und, Trample, PAmph, NNEat, BlR, Regeneration 10%, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear
+5, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Crush, Steal Strength
Conj 9 Call Abomination S5W2 25 - -
Abomination x1 HP 266, Str 20, Prot 5, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 8, MR 20, Prec 8, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 6, Magic,
Amph, NNEat, BlR, Regeneration 10%, Poison Res +15, Fear +10, Darkvision 100, Spirit
Sight, Wpn: Life Drain Tentacle, Life Drain Tentacle, Life Drain Tentacle, Gaze of Death
Cnst 9 Juggernaut Construction S5 25 - -
Juggernaut x1 HP 200, Str 20, Prot 20, Att 5, Mor 50, Def 5, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 10, AP 4, Sacred,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, Trample, PAmph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Mag: H3, Wpn: Buff
Death Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Spirit Mastery D1 4 - -
Dispossessed Spirit x15+ HP 1, Str 1, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 11, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 12, Float,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Paralyze
Ench 1 Reanimation D1 3 - -
Longdead x10 HP 5, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 12, MR 9, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Spear
Ench 2 Revive King D1 3 - - NUW
Mound King x1 HP 7, Str 12, Prot 12, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 25,
Inanim, Und, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 80, Wpn: Light Lance, Hoof
Conj 1 Black Servant D2 5 - -
Black Servant x1 HP 18, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 11, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Stealth
20, Wpn: Life Drain
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 2 Summon Shades D2 8 - -
Shade x5+ HP 10, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Float,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Steal Strength
Conj 3 Revive Wights D2 20 - -
Wight x5 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 19, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Bane Blade
Conj 3 Revive Bane D2 7 - -
Bane x1 HP 23, Str 17, Prot 19, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 40, UndLdr 120,
Wpn: Bane Blade
Conj 6 Summon Ghosts D2 14 - -
Ghost x5+ HP 20, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Float,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Life Drain
Ench 3 Create Revenant D2 9 - - NUW
Revenant x1 HP 15, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 9, Mor 30, Def 7, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 6, Inanim,
Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 10, UndLdr 80,
Mag: D1, Wpn: Fist
Ench 6 Reanimate Archers D2F1 5 - - NUW
Longdead Archer x10 HP 5, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 9, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Fist, Banefire Bow
Alt 4 Arouse Hunger D3 8 5 - NUW
Ghoul x19+ HP 10, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 8, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
NNEat, Poison Res +25, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Poisoned Claw
Conj 4 Summon Shade Beasts D3 15 - -
Shade Beast x15+ HP 12, Str 11, Prot 3, Att 11, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 12, Prec 0, Enc 0, MM 28, AP 18, Ethereal,
Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Reanimating Bite
Conj 6 Summon Spectre D3 22 - -
Spectral Mage x1 HP 25, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: D1?2, Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 7 Summon Mound Fiend D3 28 - - NUW
Mound Fiend x1 HP 20, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 15, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 80, Mag: D3H2, Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 8 King of Banefires D3F4 50 - - NUW
King of Banefires (x1) HP 54, Str 20, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 9, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14,
Ethereal, Und, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Heat 5,
Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Wpn: Banefire Strike
Ench 4 Behemoth D3 10 - - NUW
Behemoth x1 HP 104, Str 22, Prot 7, Att 7, Mor 30, Def 6, MR 13, Prec 0, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Inanim,
Und, Trample, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Tusk
Ench 5 Pale Riders D3 10 - - NUW
Longdead Horseman x20+ HP 5, Str 10, Prot 10, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 25,
Inanim, Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Light Lance, Hoof
Ench 6 Ziz D3A2 5 - - NUW
Ziz x1 HP 78, Str 20, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 13, Prec 13, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, Fly,
Inanim, Und, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Chill 10, Siege Strength +10, Patrol Bonus 10, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Beak, Talons
Ench 7 Carrion Reanimation D3 10 5 -
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Soulless x100 HP 15, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 5, Mor 50, Def 3, MR 5, Prec 4, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 6, Inanim, Und,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Fist
Ench 7 Leviathan D3W1 12 - - UW
Leviathan x1 HP 143, Str 28, Prot 19, Att 6, Mor 30, Def 3, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Inanim,
Und, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +10, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Revive Bane Lord D4 12 - -
Bane Lord x1 HP 42, Str 19, Prot 20, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 14, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 40, UndLdr 160,
Wpn: Bane Blade
Conj 7 Harvester of Sorrows D4 20 - -
Harvester of Sorrows x1 HP 66, Str 18, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 34, AP 8, Fly,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +15, Spirit
Sight, Reaper 10, Stealth 25, Wpn: Life Drain
Cnst 9 Poison Golem D4E2 35 - -
Poison Golem x1 HP 85, Str 25, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 18, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Reaper 10,
Wpn: Fist
Conj 7 Call Wraith Lord D5 40 - -
Wraith Lord x1 HP 33, Str 15, Prot 22, Att 16, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 13,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Ldr 80, UndLdr 120, Mag: D3, Wpn: Bane Blade
Ench 8 Lichcraft D5 30 - - NUW
Lich x1 HP 15, Str 13, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 30, Def 10, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Inanim,
Und, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res -10, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 10,
UndLdr 80, Mag: D4, Wpn: Magic Sceptre
Ench 9 Army of the Dead D5 10 3 -
Longdead x40+ HP 5, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 12, MR 9, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Spear
Conj 9 Ghost Riders D6 5 4 - Anonymous
Longdead Horseman x33 HP 5, Str 10, Prot 10, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 25,
Inanim, Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Light Lance, Hoof
Conj 9 Legion of Wights D6 30 - - NUW
Wight x20+ HP 20, Str 16, Prot 19, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Bane Blade
Nature Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 1 Summon Sea Dogs N1W1 3 - -
Sea Dog x5+ HP 14, Str 10, Prot 7, Att 11, Mor 11, Def 10, MR 6, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, Amph,
Wpn: Bite
Conj 1 Summon Crocodiles N1W1 4 - - NUW
Crocodile x5+ HP 23, Str 14, Prot 12, Att 10, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 7, SS,
Wpn: Bite
Conj 2 Pack of Wolves N1 2 - - NUW
Wolf x10+ HP 8, Str 9, Prot 2, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 26, FS, MS,
Stealthy, Wpn: Bite
Conj 2 Summon Horned Serpents N1 4 - - NUW
Horned Serpent x5+ HP 29, Str 13, Prot 11, Att 14, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 12, AP 8, FS, SS,
Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 3 Awaken Vine Men N1 1 - - NUW
Vine Man x3 HP 17, Str 11, Prot 7, Att 9, Mor 50, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 8, FS, Magic,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Fist, Fist
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Awaken Algae Men N1 1 - - UW
Algae Man x3 HP 12, Str 11, Prot 14, Att 9, Mor 50, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 8, FS, Magic,
Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Fist, Fist
Cnst 3 Construct Manikin N1D1 12 - - NUW
Manikin x10+ HP 12, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 7, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, FS, Inanim,
Und, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Sleep Vines, Claw
Conj 1 Summon Animals N2 10 - -
Wolf x15+ HP 8, Str 9, Prot 2, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 26, FS, MS,
Stealthy, Wpn: Bite
Conj 2 Summon Killer Mantis N2 8 - - NUW
Killer Mantis x5+ HP 18, Str 14, Prot 10, Att 13, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 5, Prec 4, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 16, WS,
Magic, Mindless, NNEat, Stealthy, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Mantis Claw, Mantis Claw
Conj 3 Pride of Lions N2 10 - - NUW
Great Lion x10+ HP 20, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20,
Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 3 Summon Sea Lions N2W1 10 - - UW
Leocampus x10+ HP 27, Str 16, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 6, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 22, Aqua,
Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 3 Summon Bog Beasts N2W2 8 - - NUW
Bog Beast x5+ HP 32, Str 15, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 8, MR 7, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 8, SS, Poison
Res +25, Wpn: Venomous Bite, Poison Spit
Conj 4 Summon Leogryphs N2 12 - - NUW
Leogryph x10+ HP 23, Str 16, Prot 5, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 22,
Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 4 Summon Swamp Drake N2W1 8 - - NUW
Swamp Drake x1 HP 44, Str 17, Prot 14, Att 10, Mor 14, Def 7, MR 13, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 10, AP 8, SS,
Poison Res +15, Poison Barbs 5 AN dmg, Wpn: Venomous Bite, Drake Gas
Conj 5 Summon Manticore N2E2 5 - - NUW
Manticore x1 HP 62, Str 20, Prot 11, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 18, MS,
WS, Fly, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Stinger, Claw, Flick Barbs
Cnst 5 Construct Mandragora N2D1 10 - - NUW
Mandragora x5+ HP 25, Str 15, Prot 5, Att 9, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, FS, Inanim,
Und, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Sleep Vines, Sleep Vines, Claw
Conj 4 Awaken Vine Ogres N3 3 - - NUW
Vine Ogre x2 HP 55, Str 18, Prot 9, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 5, MR 5, Prec 4, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 12, FS, Magic,
Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Fist, Fist
Conj 4 Summon Kithaironic Lion N3E1 5 - - NUW
Kithaironic Lion x1 HP 31, Str 18, Prot 18, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 22, FS,
Magic, SlR, PiR, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Weak Poison
Conj 5 Spirits of the Wood N3 8 - - NUW
Woodland Spirit x10+ HP 10, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 12, FS,
Ethereal, Recup, NNEat, Stealthy, Regeneration 20%, Poison Res +15, Awe +4, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Steal Strength
Conj 5 Contact Forest Trolls N3 10 - - NUW
Forest Troll x5+ HP 26, Str 19, Prot 11, Att 10, Mor 11, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 14, FS,
NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -5, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Great Club
Conj 6 Forest Troll Tribe N3 37 - - NUW
Troll Shaman x1 HP 26, Str 19, Prot 11, Att 10, Mor 11, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 14, FS,
NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -5, Darkvision 50, Ldr 10, Mag: D1N1?1,
Wpn: Quarterstaff
Conj 6 Contact Forest Giant N3 2 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Forest Giant x1 HP 66, Str 24, Prot 10, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 9, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 16, FS,
Wpn: Great Club
Conj 6 Contact Lamias N3 5 - - NUW
Lamia x5+ HP 14, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 12, FS, SS,
Regeneration 50%, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Life Drain
Cnst 5 Wooden Construction N3 5 - - NUW
Lumber Construct x1 HP 70, Str 20, Prot 12, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 7, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Fist
Conj 3 Call of the Wild N4 15 4 - NUW
Wolf x30 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 2, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 26, FS, MS,
Stealthy, Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Awaken Sleeper N4 10 - - NUW
Sleeper x1 HP 26, Str 17, Prot 18, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 19, MR 15, Prec 15, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 15,
Recup, Inspirational +1, Ldr 120, UndLdr 40, MagLdr 80,
Wpn: Enchanted Spear, Javelin of Flight
Conj 7 Animal Horde N4 25 - - NUW
Wolf x100 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 2, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 26, FS, MS,
Stealthy, Wpn: Bite
Conj 7 Awaken Ivy King N4 30 - - NUW
Ivy King x1 HP 63, Str 19, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 16, Def 7, MR 16, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 12, FS,
Magic, PAmph, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Awaken Vine Men Bonus 3, Poison Res +15, Animal Awe
+5, Ldr 40, MagLdr 40, Mag: N3, Wpn: Fist, Fist
Conj 6 Contact Lamia Queen N5D2 25 - - NUW
Lamia Queen x1 HP 15, Str 12, Prot 6, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 14, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 12, FS, SS,
Regeneration 50%, Poison Res +15, Ldr 40, Mag: D2N1?2, Wpn: Oath Rod
Conj 8 Faerie Court N5 40 - - NUW
Faery Queen x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 7, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, FS, Fly,
Glamour, Recup, Magic, Stealthy, Disease Healing 1, Ldr 40, MagLdr 40, Mag: A3N3,
Wpn: Fist
Ench 7 Awaken Treelord N5 35 4 - NUW
Treelord (x1) HP 250, Str 15, Prot 20, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Awaken Vine Men Bonus 3, Fire Res -5, Retinue 2d6 Dire Wolf, Ldr 10,
Wpn: Branch, Branch, Branch
Thau 8 Call the Worm That Walks N5 30 - -
Worm Mage x1 HP 10, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 30, Def 10, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 6, FS,
Recup, Amph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Reinvigoration 2, Regeneration 10%, Poison Res +5,
Invulnerability 15, Ldr 10, Mag: N3, Wpn: Fist
Conj 9 Awaken Tarrasque N6 25 - - NUW
Tarrasque x1 HP 245, Str 27, Prot 19, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 4, MM 10, AP 8, SS,
Recup, Regeneration 10%, Supply Bonus -10, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Wpn: Bite, Claw, Tail Sweep, Dragon Gas
Blood Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 1 Bind Shadow Imp B1 4 - - NUW
Shadow Imp x1 HP 7, Str 8, Prot 5, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 13, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 7, Demon,
NNEat, Stealthy, Stealth 20, Wpn: Pitchfork
Blood 1 Bind Fiery Imps B1F1 2 - - NUW
Fiery Imp x5+ HP 7, Str 8, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 9, Def 12, MR 13, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 7, Demon,
NNEat, Fire Res +15, Cold Res -5, Wpn: Pitchfork, Throw Flames
Blood 2 Bind Bone Fiends B1D1 3 - - NUW
Bone Fiend x5+ HP 15, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 50, Def 13, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Blood 4 Bind Serpent Fiend B1 2 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Serpent Fiend x1 HP 22, Str 12, Prot 8, Att 12, Mor 16, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 14, SS,
WS, Fly, Demon, NNEat, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Blood 5 Awaken Dark Vines B1N3 12 - - NUW
Dark Vines x2 HP 126, Str 19, Prot 9, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 5, MR 15, Prec 0, Enc 0, MM 10, AP 4, FS,
Magic, Mindless, NNEat, BlR, PiR, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Tentacle, Tentacle, Tentacle
Blood 2 Bind Spine Devil B2 3 - - NUW
Spine Devil x1 HP 25, Str 15, Prot 13, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 15,
Demon, NNEat, Poison Barbs 5 AN dmg, Wpn: Venomous Claw, Venomous Claw
Blood 2 Bind Fiend B2 5 - - NUW
Fiend of Darkness x1 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 10, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Claw, Venomous Claw
Blood 3 Bind Devil B2F2 7 - - NUW
Devil x1 HP 35, Str 14, Prot 8, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Fly, Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Cold Res -5, Heat 3, Wpn: Trident, Barbed Tail
Blood 3 Bind Frost Fiend B2W2 6 - - NUW
Frost Fiend x1 HP 25, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 17, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res -5, Cold Res +25, Ice Protection 1, Chill 3,
Wpn: Ice Rod, Frost Blast
Blood 4 Bind Storm Demon B2A2 7 - - NUW
Storm Demon x1 HP 20, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 10, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 17, Prec 14, Enc 2, MM 34, AP 12, Fly,
Ethereal, Demon, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Wpn: Thunder Fist, Lightning
Blood 5 Bind Demon Knight B2E2 8 - - NUW
Demon Knight x1 HP 20, Str 15, Prot 22, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 17, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 28,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Lance, Broad Sword, Hoof
Blood 5 Send Lesser Horror B2S3 9 6 - Tainted, NUW, Anonymous
Belly Maw Horror x1 HP 27, Str 15, Prot 10, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10,
Magic, PAmph, NNEat, Fear +5, Darkvision 100, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Weakness Tenta-
cle, Weakness Tentacle, Weakness Tentacle, Weakness Tentacle, Belly Maw
Blood 7 Blood Rite B2D2 11 - - NUW
Vampire x1 HP 12, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 11, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Und, NNEat, Stealthy, BlR, SlR, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -5, Cold Res +15, Poison Res
+25, Darkvision 100, Invulnerability 25, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 6 Bind Ice Devil B3W3 88 - - NUW
Ice Devil (x1) HP 76, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 18, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 14,
Demon, Fire Res -5, Cold Res +25, Ice Protection 3, Chill 3, Ldr 120, UndLdr 80,
Wpn: Magic Staff, Barbed Tail
Blood 7 Father Illearth B3E4 85 - - NUW
Father Illearth (x1) HP 130, Str 27, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 8, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, MS,
Magic, NNEat, Regeneration 15%, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40,
Wpn: Fist
Blood 7 Curse of Blood B3D4 77 - - NUW
Vampire Lord x1 HP 15, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Und, NNEat, Stealthy, BlR, SlR, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -5, Cold Res +15, Poison Res
+25, Darkvision 100, Invulnerability 25, Dominion Summoner 1+ Thrall, Ldr 80, UndLdr 80,
Mag: D3B3, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 5 Horde from Hell B4 44 4 - NUW
Imp x25 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 6, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 15, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 7, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Cold Res -5, Wpn: Claws
Blood 5 Bind Succubus B4 66 - - NUW
Succubus x1 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 13, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Spirit Sight, Invisibility, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 7 Bind Arch Devil B4F2 99 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Arch Devil (x1) HP 62, Str 19, Prot 12, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, WS,
Fly, Demon, Fire Res +25, Cold Res -5, Heat 3, Ldr 120, UndLdr 160,
Wpn: Fire Brand, Barbed Tail
Blood 9 Send Horror B4S5 20 6 - Tainted, NUW, Anonymous
Mind Slime Horror x1 HP 28, Str 14, Prot 10, Att 18, Mor 30, Def 16, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 6, Float,
Ethereal, Magic, Amph, NNEat, Reinvigoration 2, Fear +10, Spirit Sight, Damage Reversal 2
vs MR, Invisibility, Mag: S5, Wpn: Weakness Tentacle, Weakness Tentacle, Weakness Tenta-
cle, Weakness Tentacle, Weakness Tentacle
Blood 6 Ritual of Five Gates B5 28 - - NUW
Fiend of Darkness x1 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 10, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Claw, Venomous Claw
Blood 7 Plague of Locusts B5 88 4 - NUW
Demonic Locust x9 HP 29, Str 14, Prot 19, Att 15, Mor 16, Def 8, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, WS,
Fly, Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Poison Res +5, Heretic 1, Wpn: Stinger
Blood 8 Bind Heliophagus B5 111 - - NUW
Heliophagus (x1) HP 55, Str 17, Prot 10, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 16, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Reaper 5, Invisibility, Ldr
10, UndLdr 80, Wpn: Bane Blade, Barbed Tail
Blood 9 Infernal Forces B5F2 50 - - NUW
Devil x7+ HP 35, Str 14, Prot 8, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Fly, Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Cold Res -5, Heat 3, Wpn: Trident, Barbed Tail
Blood 9 Infernal Tempest B5A2 50 - - NUW
Storm Demon x7+ HP 20, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 10, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 17, Prec 14, Enc 2, MM 34, AP 12, Fly,
Ethereal, Demon, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Wpn: Thunder Fist, Lightning
Blood 9 Forces of Ice B5W2 50 - - NUW
Frost Fiend x8+ HP 25, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 17, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res -5, Cold Res +25, Ice Protection 1, Chill 3,
Wpn: Ice Rod, Frost Blast
Blood 9 Infernal Crusade B5E2 50 - - NUW
Demon Knight x10+ HP 20, Str 15, Prot 22, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 17, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 28,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Lance, Broad Sword, Hoof
Blood 9 Forces of Darkness B6 50 - - NUW
Fiend of Darkness x14+ HP 30, Str 15, Prot 10, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Claw, Venomous Claw
Blood 9 Bind Demon Lord B8 150 - - NUW
Lord of Hell (x1) HP 177, Str 30, Prot 13, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 10, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +10, Blood Slaves 3/month, Spirit Sight,
Heretic 5, Summoner 5 Slave of Belphegor, Ldr 160, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Fist
National Rituals: Arcoscephale (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
National Rituals: Ermor (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Contact Lar N1 16 - - NUW
Lar x1 HP 14, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 12, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 18, AP 14, FS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Recup, Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus 10, Poison Res +15, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 10, Mag: W1E1N2, Wpn: Fist
National Rituals: Marverni (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Sounder of Boars N1H1 20 - - NUW
Great Boar x20 HP 20, Str 15, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 8, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 16, FS,
Sacred, Trample, Wpn: Gore
Conj 5 Contact Boar of Carnutes N1E1 7 - - NUW
Great Boar of Carnutes x1 HP 58, Str 21, Prot 10, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Sacred, Trample, Dominion Summoner 1+ Great Boar, Ldr 40, MagLdr 40, Wpn: Gore
Conj 3 Sloth of Bears N2 10 - - NUW
Great Bear x10+ HP 40, Str 19, Prot 8, Att 9, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, FS, MS,
Wpn: Claw
National Rituals: Sauromatia (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 9 Daughter of Typhon N5D2 30 - - NUW
Daughter of Typhon (x1) HP 220, Str 19, Prot 13, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 12, AP 10, SS,
Sacred, Recup, BlR, PiR, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -10, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Wpn: Lesser Heads, Lesser Heads, Lesser Heads, Lesser Heads, Immortal Head
National Rituals: T'ien Ch'i (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Heavenly Fires F1S1 10 - - NUW
Demon of Heavenly Fires
HP 24, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Wpn: Flaming Fist, Flaming Wheel
Conj 4 Celestial Hounds A1S1 5 - - NUW
Celestial Hound x2 HP 25, Str 17, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 20, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 6 Call Celestial Soldiers A2S1 15 - - NUW
Celestial Soldier x5 HP 38, Str 18, Prot 18, Att 15, Mor 15, Def 14, MR 15, Prec 15, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 16,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Glaive
Conj 3 Heavenly Rivers W1S1 12 - - NUW
Demon of Heavenly Rivers
HP 32, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 12,
Sacred, Magic, Amph, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Great Club
Conj 1 Celestial Servant E1S1 3 - - NUW
Celestial Servant x1 HP 48, Str 24, Prot 4, Att 9, Mor 14, Def 8, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 12, Sacred,
Magic, NNEat, Supply Bonus -3, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Rake
Conj 6 Contact Huli Jing N2 30 - - NUW
Huli Jing x1 HP 11, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 8, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 8, FS,
Stealthy, Stealth 40, Mag: N3?1, Wpn: Dagger
Conj 3 Ambush of Tigers N2 10 - - NUW
Tiger x10+ HP 21, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 3 Herd of Buffaloes N2 10 - - NUW
Buffalo x5+ HP 43, Str 22, Prot 5, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Hoof, Gore
National Rituals: Machaka (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Herd of Elephants N2 25 - - NUW
Elephant x5+ HP 61, Str 20, Prot 11, Att 9, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 6, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Tusk
National Rituals: Mictlan (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Summon Jade Serpent W2 5 - -
Jade Serpent x1 HP 62, Str 17, Prot 12, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 10, FS, SS,
Sacred, Amph, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 7 Summon Tlaloque W4 60 - - NUW
Tlaloque of the East (x1) HP 48, Str 19, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 16, Sacred,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus 50, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Quarterstaff
Conj 1 Summon Jaguar Toad N1H1 1 - - NUW
Jaguar Toad x1 HP 21, Str 11, Prot 3, Att 7, Mor 12, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 6, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Poison Spit
Conj 6 Contact Couatl N1S1 40 - - NUW
Couatl x1 HP 20, Str 11, Prot 5, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, FS, SS,
Fly, Sacred, Magic, Poison Res +15, Inspirational +1, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: S3N3H2,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 3 Summon Jaguars N2H1 25 - - NUW
Jaguar x17 HP 19, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 8, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 5 Summon Monster Toad N2 2 - - NUW
Monster Toad x1 HP 57, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 7, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 7, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw
Blood 2 Bind Beast Bats B1 8 - - NUW
Beast Bat x3 HP 19, Str 12, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 3, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Blood 4 Bind Jaguar Fiends B1F1 13 - - NUW
Ozelotl x3 HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
Blood 5 Contact Civateteo B2D2 36 - - NUW
Civateteo x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 80, UndLdr 80, Mag: D1B1H2, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 6 Bind Tzitzimitl B2S2 10 - - NUW
Tzitzimitl x1 HP 43, Str 18, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 20, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Pincer, Scorpion Tail, Stellar Bolt
Blood 6 Contact Tlahuelpuchi B3 42 - - NUW
Tlahuelpuchi x1 HP 17, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
NNEat, Stealthy, Darkvision 100, Assassin Ability, Assassin Patience +2, Stealth 10,
Mag: D1N1B2, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 7 Contact Onaqui B4 101 - - NUW
Onaqui x1 HP 31, Str 14, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 15, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Blood Searcher 2, Retinue 2 Beast Bat, Dominion
Summoner 1+ Beast Bat, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: D2N1B3H1?1,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs, Claw, Claw
Blood 8 Rain of Jaguars B6F2 40 - - NUW
Ozelotl x14+ HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
National Rituals: Abysia (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Contact Scorpion Man E1F1 12 - - NUW
Scorpion Man x1 HP 42, Str 14, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Pincer, Stinger, Enchanted Sword, Plague Bow, Gaze of Fear
Conj 2 Summon Spectral Infantry D1F1 5 - - NUW
Smoulderghost x5 HP 15, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 16, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Ethereal, Und, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Wpn: Spectral Axe
National Rituals: Caelum (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Call Ahurani S2W1 12 - - NUW
Ahurani x1 HP 14, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Recup, Magic, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +15, Awe +2,
Spirit Sight, Disease Healing 1, Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10,
Mag: W2H1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Summon Yazatas S2 15 - - NUW
Yazad x6 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 16, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +2, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 7 Call Fravashi S3 30 - - NUW
Ancestral Fravashi x1 HP 35, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 4, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Awe +4, Mag: A3S2H3,
Wpn: Sacred Circlet
Conj 6 Call Celestial Yazad S4 40 - - NUW
Yazad of Justice x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +3, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80,
MagLdr 10, Mag: F3S3H2, Wpn: Fist
Conj 8 Call Amesha Spenta S5 60 - - NUW
Spenta of Plants (x1) HP 39, Str 13, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15, Ldr 120,
MagLdr 80, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Call Daevas D2F1 15 - - NUW
Daeva x3 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 5 Call Jahi D3F1 15 - - NUW
Jahi x1 HP 14, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Spirit Sight, Stealth 20, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Claw
Conj 6 Call Yata D3F2 40 - - NUW
Pairika x1 HP 14, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Stealth 20, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 40, Mag: F2D2B3H2, Wpn: Claw
Conj 8 Call Greater Daeva D4F2 60 - - NUW
Daeva of Evil Intentions
HP 44, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 18, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15, Stealth 25,
Ldr 120, UndLdr 80, Wpn: Magic Staff
National Rituals: C'tis (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Contact Scorpion Man E1F1 12 - - NUW
Scorpion Man x1 HP 42, Str 14, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Pincer, Stinger, Enchanted Sword, Plague Bow, Gaze of Fear
Conj 7 Contact Couatl N1S1 40 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Couatl x1 HP 20, Str 11, Prot 5, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, FS, SS,
Fly, Sacred, Magic, Poison Res +15, Inspirational +1, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: S3N3H2,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 4 Sacred Crocodile N2W2 8 - - NUW
Sacred Crocodile x1 HP 73, Str 21, Prot 14, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 7, SS,
Sacred, Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Summon Monster Toads N2 8 - - NUW
Monster Toad x3 HP 57, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 7, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 7, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw
National Rituals: Pangaea (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
National Rituals: Agartha (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Rhuax Pact F1E1 2 - -
Magma Child x5 HP 17, Str 12, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Magic,
Mindless, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Wpn: Flame Strike
Ench 5 Living Mercury W1E1 5 - -
Living Mercury x1 HP 48, Str 28, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush, Crush
Conj 3 Barathrus Pact E2 2 - -
Earth Elemental x1 HP 34, Str 18, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 16, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Aff Res 4, Poison Res +25,
Spirit Sight, Wpn: Fist
Conj 3 Bind Penumbral D1E1 1 - -
Penumbral x1 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 3 Revive Cavern Wights D1E1 8 - - NUW
Cavern Wight x3 HP 31, Str 17, Prot 16, Att 11, Mor 17, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 20, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Bronze Glaive
Conj 5 Bind Umbral D2E1 2 - -
Umbral x1 HP 68, Str 22, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Life Drain
National Rituals: Tir na n'Og (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Contact Cu Sidhe N2 8 - - NUW
Cu Sidhe x7 HP 26, Str 15, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite
National Rituals: Fomoria (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 2 Summon Black Dogs D2 8 - - NUW
Black Dog x20 HP 14, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 9, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 24, Stealthy,
Darkvision 100, Stealth 20, Wpn: Bite
Conj 4 Summon Barghests D2 10 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Barghest x9 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 26, Sacred,
Stealthy, Darkvision 100, Curses attacker, Stealth 20, Wpn: Venomous Bite
Conj 6 Summon Morrigan D2A1 4 - - NUW
Morrigan x1 HP 17, Str 13, Prot 14, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 20, MR 16, Prec 15, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Glamour, Sacred, Und, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Wpn: Spear of the Morrigan
National Rituals: Vanheim (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
National Rituals: Helheim (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
Conj 4 Brood of Garm N2 10 - - NUW
Jotun Wolf x5 HP 30, Str 23, Prot 9, Att 13, Mor 17, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Cold Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Bite, Claw
National Rituals: Niefelheim (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
Conj 4 Brood of Garm N2 10 - - NUW
Jotun Wolf x5 HP 30, Str 23, Prot 9, Att 13, Mor 17, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Cold Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Bite, Claw
National Rituals: Rus (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Firebird F1S1 2 - - NUW
Firebird x1 HP 8, Str 7, Prot 2, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 14, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 6, FS, MS,
Fly, Magic, Fire Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Flame Burst
Conj 5 Summon Zmey F2 8 - - NUW
Zmey x1 HP 45, Str 16, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 7, MS, Fly,
Fire Res +15, Wpn: Bite, Bite, Bite, Fire Breath
Conj 2 Summon Simargl A1 1 - - NUW
Simargl x1 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 7, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Send Lady Midday A1D1 10 5 - NUW
Lady Midday x1 HP 7, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 20, Fly,
Ethereal, Magic, Stealthy, Fear +5, Assassin Ability, Assassin Patience +2, Stealth 20, Storm
Immunity, Wpn: Plague Scythe
Conj 7 Contact Cloud Vila A4 40 - - NUW
Cloud Vila x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 14, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Stealthy, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +5, Seduction Ability, Healing 1, Stealth 10,
Storm Immunity, Mag: A3S1N2, Wpn: Fist, Lightning Strike
Conj 4 Summon Rusalka W1D1 16 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Rusalka x1 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 12, Und,
Amph, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Seduction Ability, Stealth 20, Gift of Water
Breathing 10 size points, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: W1D1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 4 Send Vodyanoy W2 20 4 -
Vodyanoy x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 11, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 20, Aqua,
Stealthy, Ldr 40, Mag: W3N1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 6 Contact Beregina W3E1 35 - -
Beregina x1 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, Magic,
Amph, Awe +3, Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3E1N2,
Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Send Bukavac W4 5 4 - Anonymous
Bukavac x1 HP 112, Str 22, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 7, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 12, Magic,
Trample, Aqua, Fear +5, Wpn: Gore, Tentacle, Tentacle
Conj 3 Contact Sirin S2 8 - - NUW
Sirin x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Stealthy, Stealth 10, Ldr 40, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 4 Contact Alkonost S2 15 - - NUW
Alkonost x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Shock Res +15, Awe +5, Inspirational +2, Ldr 40, Mag: H3, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 5 Contact Gamayun S3 25 - - NUW
Gamayun x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Research Bonus 6, Awe +3, Ldr 40, Mag: A2S2H2, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 4 Summon Likho D1 10 - - NUW
Likho x1 HP 14, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 8, FS, Stealthy,
Stealth 20, Wpn: Claw, Curse
Conj 3 Summon Bears N1H1 10 - - NUW
Great Bear x7 HP 44, Str 20, Prot 8, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 8, MR 8, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, FS, MS,
Sacred, Wpn: Claw
Conj 7 Contact Mountain Vila N4 40 - - NUW
Mountain Vila x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 28, FS,
MS, Sacred, Stealthy, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +5, Seduction Ability, Healing 2, Stealth 10,
Mag: A2S1N3, Wpn: Fist, Vine Bow
Conj 8 Contact Leshiy N6 60 - - NUW
Leshiy x1 HP 24, Str 14, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 12, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 14, FS,
Magic, Magic Bonus -1, Cold Res +5, Ldr 10, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2W1E2N3, Wpn: Gore, Fist
National Rituals: Kailasa (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Apsaras S2 3 - - NUW
Apsara x3 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 15, MR 14, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +4, Wpn: Kick
Conj 5 Summon Gandharvas S2 18 - - NUW
Gandharva x6 HP 25, Str 15, Prot 18, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 11, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +2, Wpn: Falchion, Kick
Conj 6 Summon Kinnara S3 25 - - NUW
Kinnara x1 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 3, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 11, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +3, Inspirational +1, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2S2H2, Wpn: Kick
Conj 7 Summon Siddha S4 35 - - NUW
Siddha x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 9, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 100, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +3, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2S3H3, Wpn: Fist, Kick
Conj 8 Summon Devata S5 45 - - NUW
Devata x1 HP 28, Str 17, Prot 18, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 120, MagLdr 10, Mag: A3S2H3,
Wpn: Spear, Falchion, Axe, Kick
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 9 Summon Devala S5 55 - - NUW
Devala x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +4, Inspirational +1, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: S3H4, Wpn: Kick
Conj 9 Summon Rudra S5 55 - - NUW
Rudra x1 HP 32, Str 18, Prot 18, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 34, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Research Bonus -20, Forge Bonus -5, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Fear +5,
Mag: F3A3D3H1, Wpn: Apotropaic Sword, Kick, Plague Bow, Lightning
Conj 4 Contact Yaksha N2E1 25 - - NUW
Yaksha x1 HP 28, Str 17, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +1, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: E3N1H1?1, Wpn: Falchion, Kick
Conj 4 Contact Yakshini N2W1 25 - - NUW
Yakshini x1 HP 23, Str 15, Prot 1, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +2, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3N1H1?1, Wpn: Fist, Kick
National Rituals: Lanka (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 2 Host of Ganas D1 12 - - NUW
Gana x20 HP 10, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 12, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Spectral Club
Conj 5 Summon Vetalas D2 10 - -
Possessed Corpse x10 HP 22, Str 16, Prot 12, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, Inanim,
Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Mace
Blood 1 Summon Rakshasas B1 10 - - NUW
Rakshasa x3 HP 28, Str 19, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Blood 2 Feast of Flesh B1N1 50 - - NUW
Praghasa x15 HP 35, Str 22, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, Supply Bonus -7, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Mace
Blood 3 Summon Asrapas B2 11 - - NUW
Asrapa x3 HP 19, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Demon, Mag: B1H1, Wpn: Athame, Kick
Blood 4 Summon Rakshasa
B2 25 - - NUW
Rakshasa Warrior x5 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Iron Cudgel
Blood 5 Summon Sandhyabalas B2D1 30 - - NUW
Sandhyabala x3 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -10, Wpn: Moon Blade
Blood 7 Summon Samanishada B3D1 35 - - NUW
Samanishada x1 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -10, Assassin Ability, Stealth 20,
Ldr 10, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Moon Blade, Duskdagger
Blood 6 Summon Dakini B4A1 81 - - NUW
Dakini x1 HP 23, Str 15, Prot 12, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Damage Reversal 1 v MR, Ldr 40, UndLdr 10, MagLdr
10, Mag: A3D1B3H2, Wpn: Athame, Kick
Blood 8 Summon Mandeha B5D2 133 - - NUW
Mandeha x1 HP 65, Str 24, Prot 15, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 16, FS,
Fly, Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -10, Fire Res -10, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 40, Mag: A3D3B2H3, Wpn: Flesh Eater
Blood 8 Summon Danavas B5 75 - - NUW
Danava x3 HP 92, Str 24, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 17, Sacred,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res -5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Mag: H2?2,
Wpn: Unholy Sword, Unholy Spear, Unholy Axe
National Rituals: Yomi (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Konoha Tengus A1E1 5 - - NUW
Konoha Tengu x5+ HP 12, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Katana, Lightning Strike
Conj 5 Contact Dai Tengu A2E1 55 - - NUW
Dai Tengu x1 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Ldr 80, Mag: A3E1N1H2, Wpn: Quarterstaff, Lightning
Conj 1 Summon Kappa W1N1 3 - - NUW
Kappa x3 HP 15, Str 13, Prot 15, Att 10, Mor 12, Def 9, MR 8, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 10, Recup,
Amph, Wpn: Claw, Koppo
Conj 5 Contact Nushi W2N1 25 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Nushi x1 HP 10, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, SS, Awe
+3, Ldr 40, Mag: W3D1N2, Wpn: Claw
Conj 4 Summon Shikome D2 8 - - NUW
Shikome x8 HP 15, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -5, Fire Res +5, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Ghost Rending Claw, Ghost Rending Claw
Conj 6 Summon Gozu Mezu D3 7 - - NUW
Ox-head x1 HP 46, Str 20, Prot 18, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 4, MM 22, AP 16,
Demon, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Gore, Soul Catcher
Conj 4 Ghost General D3 10 - -
Shura x1 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 17, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 15, Prec 11, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Ldr 80, UndLdr 120, Wpn: Bane Blade
Conj 2 Summon Karasu Tengus N1A1 3 - - NUW
Karasu Tengu x3 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 14, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 13, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 14, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Katana, Lightning Strike
Conj 3 Ambush of Tigers N2 10 - - NUW
Tiger x10+ HP 21, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
National Rituals: Hinnom (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Mazzikim N1 3 - - NUW
Mazzik x8 HP 9, Str 9, Prot 6, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 15, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, WS, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Claws
Conj 5 Summon Lilot N4 25 - - NUW
Lilot x1 HP 22, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 13, WS,
Fly, Demon, Stealthy, Stealth 15, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 3 Summon Se'irim B2 23 - - NUW
Se'ir x5 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 16, WS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Claw, Claw, Gore
Blood 4 Summon Shedim B3A1 23 - - NUW
Shed x3 HP 40, Str 15, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Wpn: Thunder Fist, Lightning
Blood 9 Release Lord of Civilization B8 177 - - NUW
Grigori (x1) HP 66, Str 21, Prot 14, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear
+10, Spirit Sight, Damage Reversal 3 vs MR, Invulnerability 30, Stealth 20, Ldr 120, MagLdr
80, Wpn: Fist
National Rituals: Ur (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Summon Ugallu A3 24 - - NUW
Ugallu x1 HP 30, Str 18, Prot 3, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 18, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Spirit Sight, Storm Immunity, Ldr 80, MagLdr 10,
Mag: A3, Wpn: Apotropaic Dagger, Apotropaic Mace, Bite
Conj 7 Call Anzu A4 6 - - NUW
Anzu x1 HP 72, Str 20, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 40, AP 8, MS, Fly,
Fire Res +10, Shock Res +15, Siege Strength +10, Patrol Bonus 10, Storm Immunity,
Wpn: Bite, Talons, Water Breath, Flaming Breath
Conj 4 Summon Kusarikkus E1 6 - - NUW
Kusarikku x2 HP 34, Str 20, Prot 9, Att 13, Mor 16, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 16, Sacred,
Magic, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Apotropaic Spear, Gore
Conj 8 Call Apkallu S5 60 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Umu-apkallu x1 HP 36, Str 18, Prot 1, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Research Bonus 10, Shock Res +15, Disease Healing 1, Ldr 120, MagLdr 40,
Mag: A3W3E2S4N2H2, Wpn: Fist
Conj 3 Herd of Buffaloes N2 10 - - NUW
Buffalo x5+ HP 43, Str 22, Prot 5, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Hoof, Gore
National Rituals: Berytos (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Summon Telkhine W5A2 69 - -
Telkhine x1 HP 53, Str 19, Prot 8, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 16, Amph,
Air Magic Bonus 1, Water Magic Bonus 1, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Reaper
5, Army Sail 999 size pnts, Ship Size 4, Ldr 80, UndLdr 80, MagLdr 40,
Mag: F2A3W3E3D2?1, Wpn: Bite
Conj 3 Summon Mazzikim N1 3 - - NUW
Mazzik x8 HP 9, Str 9, Prot 6, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 15, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, WS, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Claws
Conj 3 Herd of Elephants N2 25 - - NUW
Elephant x5+ HP 61, Str 20, Prot 11, Att 9, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 6, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Tusk
Conj 5 Summon Lilot N4 25 - - NUW
Lilot x1 HP 22, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 13, WS,
Fly, Demon, Stealthy, Stealth 15, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 3 Scapegoats B1 8 - - NUW
Se'ir x2 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 16, WS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Claw, Claw, Gore
Blood 6 Call Melqart B3F2 99 - - NUW
Melqart x1 HP 69, Str 24, Prot 19, Att 15, Mor 15, Def 18, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 18, WS,
Sacred, NNEat, Supply Bonus -20, Fire Res +8, Fear +5, Blood Searcher 3, Sacrifice Bonus 1,
Ldr 160, Mag: B3H3?2, Wpn: Dawn Blade, Gore
Blood 4 Summon Shedim B3A1 23 - - NUW
Shed x3 HP 40, Str 15, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Wpn: Thunder Fist, Lightning
National Rituals: Xibalba (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Summon Chaac A4 75 - - NUW
Chaac of the South (x1) HP 32, Str 18, Prot 3, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Supply Bonus 25, Shock Res +15, Storm Immunity, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Thunder Axe, Lightning
Conj 3 Summon Sacred Scorpion E1D1 2 - - NUW
Sacred Scorpion x1 HP 48, Str 17, Prot 17, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 7, MR 12, Prec 3, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 8, WS,
Sacred, Poison Res +15, Darkvision 100, Wpn: Claw, Scorpion Tail
Conj 3 Summon Jaguars N2H1 25 - - NUW
Jaguar x17 HP 19, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 8, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 7 Summon Balam N4 60 - - NUW
Balam of the West (x1) HP 49, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 24, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Ldr 80, UndLdr 10, MagLdr 10, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Blood 2 Bind Beast Bats B1 8 - - NUW
Beast Bat x3 HP 19, Str 12, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 3, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Blood 4 Bind Jaguar Fiends B1F1 13 - - NUW
Ozelotl x3 HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 7 Contact Onaqui B4 101 - - NUW
Onaqui x1 HP 31, Str 14, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 15, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Blood Searcher 2, Retinue 2 Beast Bat, Dominion
Summoner 1+ Beast Bat, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: D2N1B3H1?1,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs, Claw, Claw
Blood 8 Rain of Jaguars B6F2 40 - - NUW
Ozelotl x14+ HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
National Rituals: Atlantis (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 6 Summon Monster Fish W3 10 - - UW
Monster Fish x1 HP 128, Str 25, Prot 12, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 6, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 16, Aqua,
Fear +5, Wpn: Swallow
National Rituals: R'lyeh (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 5 Enslave Sea Trolls S3W2 15 - -
Slave Troll x5+ HP 52, Str 22, Prot 16, Att 8, Mor 12, Def 9, MR 12, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 14, AP 14, Amph,
NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Poison Res +15, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Coral Glaive
National Rituals: Therodos (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Summon Telkhine W5A2 69 - -
Telkhine x1 HP 53, Str 19, Prot 8, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 16, Amph,
Air Magic Bonus 1, Water Magic Bonus 1, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Reaper
5, Army Sail 999 size pnts, Ship Size 4, Ldr 80, UndLdr 80, MagLdr 40,
Mag: F2A3W3E3D2?1, Wpn: Bite
Conj 0 Call Ephor D1 7 - -
Ephor x1 HP 7, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 9, Def 8, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Float,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 40, Mag: H1, Wpn: Paralyze
Conj 0 Call Spectral Philosopher D1 11 - -
Spectral Philosopher x1 HP 7, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Float,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 10, UndLdr
10, Wpn: Paralyze
National Rituals: Arcoscephale (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
National Rituals: Ermor (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 0 Revive Lictor D2 3 - - NUW
Lictor x1 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 16, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Sacred, Und, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Battleaxe
Conj 0 Revive Censor D2 4 - - NUW
Censor x1 HP 23, Str 17, Prot 16, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Sacred, Und, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr
120, Wpn: Battleaxe
Conj 0 Revive Acolyte D2 10 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Acolyte of Eldregate x1 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Sacred,
Und, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 80,
Mag: H1, Wpn: Poisoned Claw
Conj 0 Revive Bishop D2 16 - - NUW
Bishop of Eldregate x1 HP 23, Str 17, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Sacred,
Und, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 120,
Mag: H2, Wpn: Poisoned Claw
Conj 0 Revive Spectator D2 12 - -
Spectator x1 HP 25, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: D2, Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 2 Revive Wailing Lady D2 15 - -
Wailing Lady x1 HP 20, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Wail
Conj 3 Lictorian Guard D2 10 - - NUW
Lictor x5 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 16, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Sacred, Und, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Battleaxe
Conj 0 Revive Arch Bishop D3 23 - - NUW
Arch Bishop of Eldregate
HP 25, Str 18, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Sacred,
Und, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 160,
Mag: H3, Wpn: Rod of Death
Conj 0 Revive Dusk Elder D3 20 - -
Dusk Elder x1 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 16, Def 17, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 10, UndLdr 40, Mag: F1S1D3?1, Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 5 Lamentation D3 50 - -
Wailing Lady x5 HP 20, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Wail
Conj 8 Lictorian Legion D4 35 - - NUW
Lictor x25 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 16, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Sacred, Und, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Battleaxe
Ench 6 Ermorian Legion D4 15 - - NUW
Longdead Legionnaire x50 HP 5, Str 11, Prot 10, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 13, MR 10, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 11,
Inanim, Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Spear, Javelin
Conj 7 Great Lamentation D5 66 - -
Wailing Lady x14 HP 20, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Wail
National Rituals: Pythium (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 7 Heavenly Wrath S3F1 35 - - NUW
Angel of Fury x1 HP 49, Str 17, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Blood Vengeance 4 vs MR,
Invulnerability 20, Wpn: Holy Scourge
Conj 6 Contact Harbinger S4 25 - - NUW
Harbinger x1 HP 35, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 20,
Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: A3H2, Wpn: Fist, Heavenly Horn
Conj 7 Angelic Host S5 50 5 - NUW
Angel of the Host x6 HP 17, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 17, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15,
Wpn: Flambeau
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 9 Heavenly Choir S7F2 144 - - NUW
Seraph x1 HP 77, Str 21, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Awe +7, Spirit Sight,
Sight Vengeance 1 v MR, Invulnerability 30, Ldr 160, MagLdr 80, Mag: F4A4S4H4, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Contact Lar N1 16 - - NUW
Lar x1 HP 14, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 12, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 18, AP 14, FS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Recup, Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus 10, Poison Res +15, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 10, Mag: W1E1N2, Wpn: Fist
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
National Rituals: Man (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 2 Summon Black Dogs D2 8 - - NUW
Black Dog x20 HP 14, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 9, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 24, Stealthy,
Darkvision 100, Stealth 20, Wpn: Bite
Conj 4 Summon Barghests D2 10 - - NUW
Barghest x9 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 26, Sacred,
Stealthy, Darkvision 100, Curses attacker, Stealth 20, Wpn: Venomous Bite
Conj 3 Summon Cu Sidhe N2 8 - - NUW
Cu Sidhe x7 HP 26, Str 15, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite
National Rituals: Eriu (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Contact Cu Sidhe N2 8 - - NUW
Cu Sidhe x7 HP 26, Str 15, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite
National Rituals: Ulm (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Contact Iron Angel E5S2 25 - - NUW
Iron Angel x1 HP 63, Str 22, Prot 26, Att 16, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 20, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
NNEat, Magic Bonus -10, Reinvigoration 4, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Halt Heretic +9,
Wpn: Sword of Sharpness, Divine Grasp
National Rituals: Marignon (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 7 Heavenly Wrath S3F1 35 - - NUW
Angel of Fury x1 HP 49, Str 17, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Blood Vengeance 4 vs MR,
Invulnerability 20, Wpn: Holy Scourge
Conj 6 Contact Harbinger S4 25 - - NUW
Harbinger x1 HP 35, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 20,
Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: A3H2, Wpn: Fist, Heavenly Horn
Conj 7 Angelic Host S5 50 5 - NUW
Angel of the Host x6 HP 17, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 17, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15,
Wpn: Flambeau
Conj 9 Heavenly Choir S7F2 144 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Seraph x1 HP 77, Str 21, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Awe +7, Spirit Sight,
Sight Vengeance 1 v MR, Invulnerability 30, Ldr 160, MagLdr 80, Mag: F4A4S4H4, Wpn: Fist
National Rituals: Mictlan (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Summon Jade Serpent W2 5 - -
Jade Serpent x1 HP 62, Str 17, Prot 12, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 10, FS, SS,
Sacred, Amph, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 7 Summon Tlaloque W4 60 - - NUW
Tlaloque of the North (x1) HP 48, Str 19, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 16, Sacred,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus 50, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Quarterstaff
Conj 1 Summon Jaguar Toad N1H1 1 - - NUW
Jaguar Toad x1 HP 21, Str 11, Prot 3, Att 7, Mor 12, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 6, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Poison Spit
Conj 6 Contact Couatl N1S1 40 - - NUW
Couatl x1 HP 20, Str 11, Prot 5, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, FS, SS,
Fly, Sacred, Magic, Poison Res +15, Inspirational +1, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: S3N3H2,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 3 Summon Jaguars N2H1 25 - - NUW
Jaguar x17 HP 19, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 8, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 5 Summon Monster Toad N2 2 - - NUW
Monster Toad x1 HP 57, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 7, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 7, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw
Blood 2 Bind Beast Bats B1 8 - - NUW
Beast Bat x3 HP 19, Str 12, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 3, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Blood 4 Bind Jaguar Fiends B1F1 13 - - NUW
Ozelotl x3 HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
Blood 5 Contact Civateteo B2D2 36 - - NUW
Civateteo x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 80, UndLdr 80, Mag: D1B1H2, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 6 Contact Tlahuelpuchi B3 42 - - NUW
Tlahuelpuchi x1 HP 17, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
NNEat, Stealthy, Darkvision 100, Assassin Ability, Assassin Patience +2, Stealth 10,
Mag: D1N1B2, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 7 Contact Onaqui B4 101 - - NUW
Onaqui x1 HP 31, Str 14, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 15, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Blood Searcher 2, Retinue 2 Beast Bat, Dominion
Summoner 1+ Beast Bat, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: D2N1B3H1?1,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs, Claw, Claw
Blood 8 Rain of Jaguars B6F2 40 - - NUW
Ozelotl x14+ HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
National Rituals: T'ien Ch'i (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Celestial Hounds A1S1 5 - - NUW
Celestial Hound x2 HP 25, Str 17, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 20, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 6 Call Celestial Soldiers A2S1 15 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Celestial Soldier x5 HP 38, Str 18, Prot 18, Att 15, Mor 15, Def 14, MR 15, Prec 15, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 16,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Glaive
Ench 5 Living Mercury W1E1 5 - -
Living Mercury x1 HP 48, Str 28, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush, Crush
Conj 1 Celestial Servant E1S1 3 - - NUW
Celestial Servant x1 HP 48, Str 24, Prot 4, Att 9, Mor 14, Def 8, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 12, Sacred,
Magic, NNEat, Supply Bonus -3, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Rake
Conj 6 Contact Huli Jing N2 30 - - NUW
Huli Jing x1 HP 11, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 8, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 8, FS,
Stealthy, Stealth 40, Mag: N3?1, Wpn: Dagger
Conj 3 Ambush of Tigers N2 10 - - NUW
Tiger x10+ HP 21, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 3 Herd of Buffaloes N2 10 - - NUW
Buffalo x5+ HP 43, Str 22, Prot 5, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Hoof, Gore
National Rituals: Machaka (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Herd of Elephants N2 25 - - NUW
Elephant x5+ HP 61, Str 20, Prot 11, Att 9, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 6, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Tusk
National Rituals: Agartha (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Rhuax Pact F1E1 2 - -
Magma Child x5 HP 17, Str 12, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 8, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Magic,
Mindless, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Wpn: Flame Strike
Conj 4 Olm Conclave W1E1 20 - -
Olm Sage x1 HP 24, Str 11, Prot 5, Att 8, Mor 12, Def 8, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 4, MM 10, AP 7, Sacred,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +15, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 40, Mag: W2E1,
Wpn: Life Drain, Mind Blast
Ench 5 Living Mercury W1E1 5 - -
Living Mercury x1 HP 48, Str 28, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 14, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Aff Res 99, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Crush, Crush, Crush
Conj 3 Barathrus Pact E2 2 - -
Earth Elemental x1 HP 34, Str 18, Prot 8, Att 10, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 16, Prec 3, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 10, Inanim,
Magic, Mindless, Trample, Amph, NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Aff Res 4, Poison Res +25,
Spirit Sight, Wpn: Fist
Ench 1 Attentive Statues E2 4 - -
Attentive Statue x2 HP 13, Str 13, Prot 22, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 14, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Patrol
Bonus 5, Wpn: Granite Sword
Ench 3 Enliven Sentinel E2 3 - -
Sentinel x1 HP 25, Str 16, Prot 22, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Sacred,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Patrol
Bonus 10, Wpn: Granite Glaive
Ench 5 Enliven Granite Guard E3 12 - -
Granite Guardian x1 HP 75, Str 22, Prot 22, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Sacred,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Patrol
Bonus 10, Wpn: Granite Glaive
Ench 6 Enliven Marble Oracle E3D1 35 - -
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Marble Oracle x1 HP 85, Str 22, Prot 22, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Sacred,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Mag: H2,
Wpn: Stone Club
Ench 8 Hall of Statues E5 30 - -
Sentinel x20+ HP 25, Str 16, Prot 22, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Sacred,
Inanim, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, SlR, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Patrol
Bonus 10, Wpn: Granite Glaive
Conj 3 Summon Penumbrals D1E1 6 - -
Penumbral x4 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 3 Awaken Shard Wights D1E1 15 - - NUW
Shard Wight x5+ HP 35, Str 17, Prot 16, Att 11, Mor 17, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Shard Glaive
Conj 5 Summon Umbrals D2E1 8 - -
Umbral x4 HP 68, Str 22, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Life Drain
National Rituals: Abysia (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Contact Scorpion Man E1F1 12 - - NUW
Scorpion Man x1 HP 42, Str 14, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Pincer, Stinger, Enchanted Sword, Plague Bow, Gaze of Fear
Conj 2 Summon Spectral Infantry D1F1 5 - - NUW
Smoulderghost x5 HP 15, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 16, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Ethereal, Und, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3, Wpn: Spectral Axe
National Rituals: Caelum (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Call Ahurani S2W1 12 - - NUW
Ahurani x1 HP 14, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Recup, Magic, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +15, Awe +2,
Spirit Sight, Disease Healing 1, Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10,
Mag: W2H1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Summon Yazatas S2 15 - - NUW
Yazad x6 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 16, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +2, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 7 Call Fravashi S3 30 - - NUW
Ancestral Fravashi x1 HP 35, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 4, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Awe +4, Mag: A3S2H3,
Wpn: Sacred Circlet
Conj 6 Call Celestial Yazad S4 40 - - NUW
Yazad of the Sky x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +5, Awe +3, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, MagLdr 10,
Mag: A4S2H2, Wpn: Fist
Conj 8 Call Amesha Spenta S5 60 - - NUW
Spenta of Fire (x1) HP 44, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 18, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability
15, Ldr 120, MagLdr 80, Wpn: Magic Staff
Conj 5 Call Daevas D2F1 15 - - NUW
Daeva x3 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 5 Call Jahi D3F1 15 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Jahi x1 HP 14, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Spirit Sight, Stealth 20, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Claw
Conj 6 Call Yata D3F2 40 - - NUW
Daeva of Shooting Stars x1 HP 17, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40,
Mag: S3D3H2, Wpn: Claw, Stellar Bolt
Conj 8 Call Greater Daeva D4F2 60 - - NUW
Daeva of Destruction (x1) HP 39, Str 13, Prot 10, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15, Ldr 120,
UndLdr 80, Wpn: Fist
National Rituals: C'tis (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Contact Scorpion Man E1F1 12 - - NUW
Scorpion Man x1 HP 42, Str 14, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Pincer, Stinger, Enchanted Sword, Plague Bow, Gaze of Fear
Conj 7 Contact Couatl N1S1 40 - - NUW
Couatl x1 HP 20, Str 11, Prot 5, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, FS, SS,
Fly, Sacred, Magic, Poison Res +15, Inspirational +1, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: S3N3H2,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 4 Sacred Crocodile N2W2 8 - - NUW
Sacred Crocodile x1 HP 73, Str 21, Prot 14, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 7, SS,
Sacred, Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Summon Monster Toads N2 8 - - NUW
Monster Toad x3 HP 57, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 7, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 7, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw
National Rituals: Pangaea (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
National Rituals: Asphodel (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 0 Carrion Centaur N1D1 8 - - NUW
Carrion Centaur x1 HP 24, Str 15, Prot 2, Att 7, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Sacred, Recup, Inanim, Und, Magic, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr
40, UndLdr 120, MagLdr 10, Mag: H1, Wpn: Sleep Vines, Sleep Vines, Hoof
Ench 0 Carrion Lady N1D1 16 - - NUW
Carrion Lady x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 9, Mor 10, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 9, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Recup, Inanim, Und, Magic, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, PiR, Poison Res +25, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 10, UndLdr 80, Mag: N1H2, Wpn: Sleep Vines, Hoof
Ench 0 Carrion Lord N3D2 35 - - NUW
Carrion Lord x1 HP 53, Str 19, Prot 2, Att 8, Mor 16, Def 8, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, FS, Sacred,
Recup, Inanim, Und, Magic, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, PiR, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 10, UndLdr 160, Mag: D2N3H3, Wpn: Sleep Vines, Sleep Vines, Club
National Rituals: Vanheim (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
National Rituals: Jotunheim (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
Conj 3 Summon Glosos D2 13 - - NUW
Gloso x9 HP 28, Str 15, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 18, FS,
Sacred, Trample, Stealthy, Fire Res +25, Darkvision 100, Heat 3, Stealth 10,
Wpn: Poisonous Gore
Conj 4 Brood of Garm N2 10 - - NUW
Jotun Wolf x5 HP 30, Str 23, Prot 9, Att 13, Mor 17, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Cold Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Bite, Claw
National Rituals: Vanarus (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Firebird F1S1 2 - - NUW
Firebird x1 HP 8, Str 7, Prot 2, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 14, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 6, FS, MS,
Fly, Magic, Fire Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Flame Burst
Conj 5 Summon Zmey F2 8 - - NUW
Zmey x1 HP 45, Str 16, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 7, MS, Fly,
Fire Res +15, Wpn: Bite, Bite, Bite, Fire Breath
Conj 2 Summon Simargl A1 1 - - NUW
Simargl x1 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 7, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Send Lady Midday A1D1 10 5 - NUW
Lady Midday x1 HP 7, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 20, Fly,
Ethereal, Magic, Stealthy, Fear +5, Assassin Ability, Assassin Patience +2, Stealth 20, Storm
Immunity, Wpn: Plague Scythe
Conj 7 Contact Cloud Vila A4 40 - - NUW
Cloud Vila x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 14, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Stealthy, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +5, Seduction Ability, Healing 1, Stealth 10,
Storm Immunity, Mag: A3S1N2, Wpn: Fist, Lightning Strike
Conj 4 Summon Rusalka W1D1 16 - - NUW
Rusalka x1 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 12, Und,
Amph, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Seduction Ability, Stealth 20, Gift of Water
Breathing 10 size points, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: W1D1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 4 Send Vodyanoy W2 20 4 -
Vodyanoy x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 11, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 20, Aqua,
Stealthy, Ldr 40, Mag: W3N1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 6 Contact Beregina W3E1 35 - -
Beregina x1 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, Magic,
Amph, Awe +3, Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3E1N2,
Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Send Bukavac W4 5 4 - Anonymous
Bukavac x1 HP 112, Str 22, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 7, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 12, Magic,
Trample, Aqua, Fear +5, Wpn: Gore, Tentacle, Tentacle
Conj 3 Contact Sirin S2 8 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Sirin x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Stealthy, Stealth 10, Ldr 40, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 4 Contact Alkonost S2 15 - - NUW
Alkonost x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Shock Res +15, Awe +5, Inspirational +2, Ldr 40, Mag: H3, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 5 Contact Gamayun S3 25 - - NUW
Gamayun x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Research Bonus 6, Awe +3, Ldr 40, Mag: A2S2H2, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 4 Summon Likho D1 10 - - NUW
Likho x1 HP 14, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 8, FS, Stealthy,
Stealth 20, Wpn: Claw, Curse
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
Conj 7 Contact Mountain Vila N4 40 - - NUW
Mountain Vila x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 28, FS,
MS, Sacred, Stealthy, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +5, Seduction Ability, Healing 2, Stealth 10,
Mag: A2S1N3, Wpn: Fist, Vine Bow
Conj 8 Contact Leshiy N6 60 - - NUW
Leshiy x1 HP 24, Str 14, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 12, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 14, FS,
Magic, Magic Bonus -1, Cold Res +5, Ldr 10, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2W1E2N3, Wpn: Gore, Fist
National Rituals: Bandar Log (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Nagas W2E1 20 - - NUW
Naga Warrior x6 HP 19, Str 13, Prot 16, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 12, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 9, MM 12, AP 10, SS,
Sacred, Magic, Amph, Poison Res +10, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Hypnotize, Falchion, Venomous Fangs, Poison Spit
Conj 4 Contact Nagini W2E1 25 - - NUW
Nagini x1 HP 18, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 11, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 4, MM 12, AP 8, SS,
Sacred, Magic, Amph, Water Magic Bonus 1, Poison Res +10, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr
10, Mag: W1E1N1H1?1, Wpn: Hypnotize, Fist, Venomous Bite, Poison Spit
Conj 5 Contact Nagaraja W2E2 30 - - NUW
Nagaraja x1 HP 25, Str 14, Prot 16, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 9, MM 12, AP 10, SS,
Sacred, Magic, Amph, Water Magic Bonus 1, Poison Res +10, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, MagLdr
10, Mag: W1E1N1H2, Wpn: Hypnotize, Falchion, Venomous Bite, Poison Spit
Conj 6 Contact Nagarishi W3E3 40 - - NUW
Nagarishi x1 HP 22, Str 13, Prot 8, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 4, MM 12, AP 10, SS,
Sacred, Magic, Amph, Water Magic Bonus 1, Poison Res +10, Spirit Sight, Ldr 10, MagLdr
10, Mag: W2E3S1N1H1?1, Wpn: Hypnotize, Kryss, Venomous Bite, Poison Spit
Conj 3 Summon Apsaras S2 3 - - NUW
Apsara x3 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 15, MR 14, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +4, Wpn: Kick
Conj 5 Summon Gandharvas S2 18 - - NUW
Gandharva x6 HP 25, Str 15, Prot 18, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 11, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +2, Wpn: Falchion, Kick
Conj 6 Summon Kinnara S3 25 - - NUW
Kinnara x1 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 3, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 11, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +3, Inspirational +1, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2S2H2, Wpn: Kick
Conj 7 Summon Siddha S4 35 - - NUW
Siddha x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 9, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 100, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +3, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2S3H3, Wpn: Fist, Kick
Conj 8 Summon Devata S5 45 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Devata x1 HP 28, Str 17, Prot 18, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 120, MagLdr 10, Mag: A3S2H3,
Wpn: Spear, Falchion, Axe, Kick
Conj 9 Summon Devala S5 55 - - NUW
Devala x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +4, Inspirational +1, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: S3H4, Wpn: Kick
Conj 9 Summon Rudra S5 55 - - NUW
Rudra x1 HP 32, Str 18, Prot 18, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 34, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Research Bonus -20, Forge Bonus -5, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Fear +5,
Mag: F3A3D3H1, Wpn: Apotropaic Sword, Kick, Plague Bow, Lightning
Conj 2 Host of Ganas D1 12 - - NUW
Gana x20 HP 10, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 12, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Spectral Club
Conj 5 Summon Vetalas D2 10 - -
Possessed Corpse x10 HP 22, Str 16, Prot 12, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, Inanim,
Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Mace
Conj 4 Contact Yaksha N2E1 25 - - NUW
Yaksha x1 HP 28, Str 17, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +1, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: E3N1H1?1, Wpn: Falchion, Kick
Conj 4 Contact Yakshini N2W1 25 - - NUW
Yakshini x1 HP 23, Str 15, Prot 1, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +2, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3N1H1?1, Wpn: Fist, Kick
Blood 1 Summon Rakshasas B1 10 - - NUW
Rakshasa x3 HP 28, Str 19, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Blood 2 Feast of Flesh B1N1 50 - - NUW
Praghasa x15 HP 35, Str 22, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, Supply Bonus -7, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Mace
Blood 3 Summon Asrapas B2 11 - - NUW
Asrapa x3 HP 19, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Demon, Mag: B1H1, Wpn: Athame, Kick
Blood 4 Summon Rakshasa
B2 25 - - NUW
Rakshasa Warrior x5 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Iron Cudgel
Blood 5 Summon Sandhyabalas B2D1 30 - - NUW
Sandhyabala x3 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -10, Wpn: Moon Blade
Blood 7 Summon Samanishada B3D1 35 - - NUW
Samanishada x1 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -10, Assassin Ability, Stealth 20,
Ldr 10, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Moon Blade, Duskdagger
Blood 6 Summon Dakini B4A1 81 - - NUW
Dakini x1 HP 23, Str 15, Prot 12, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Damage Reversal 1 v MR, Ldr 40, UndLdr 10, MagLdr
10, Mag: A3D1B3H2, Wpn: Athame, Kick
Blood 8 Summon Mandeha B5D2 133 - - NUW
Mandeha x1 HP 65, Str 24, Prot 15, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 16, FS,
Fly, Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -10, Fire Res -10, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 40, Mag: A3D3B2H3, Wpn: Flesh Eater
Blood 8 Summon Danavas B5 75 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Danava x3 HP 92, Str 24, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 17, Sacred,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res -5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Mag: H2?2,
Wpn: Unholy Sword, Unholy Spear, Unholy Axe
National Rituals: Shinuyama (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Aka-Oni F1D1 10 - - NUW
Aka-Oni x4+ HP 14, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 10, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -2, Fire Res +5, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Great Club, Throw Flames
Conj 3 Summon Konoha Tengus A1E1 5 - - NUW
Konoha Tengu x5+ HP 12, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Katana, Lightning Strike
Conj 5 Contact Dai Tengu A2E1 55 - - NUW
Dai Tengu x1 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Ldr 80, Mag: A3E1N1H2, Wpn: Quarterstaff, Lightning
Conj 2 Summon Ao-Oni W1D1 10 - - NUW
Ao-Oni x5+ HP 14, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 10, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -2, Cold Res +5, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Great Club, Cold
Conj 5 Contact Nushi W2N1 25 - - NUW
Nushi x1 HP 10, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, SS, Awe
+3, Ldr 40, Mag: W3D1N2, Wpn: Claw
Conj 4 Summon Oni E1D1 12 - - NUW
Oni x5+ HP 24, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -3, Spirit Sight, Wpn: No-Dachi, Javelin
Conj 1 Summon Ko-Oni D1 7 - - NUW
Ko-Oni x5+ HP 9, Str 10, Prot 3, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 12, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 7, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -1, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Club
Conj 5 Summon Kuro-Oni D2F1 10 - - NUW
Kuro-Oni x4 HP 24, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -3, Fire Res +5, Poison Res +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: No-Dachi, Throw Flames, Poison Spit
Conj 6 Summon Oni General D2F1 20 - - NUW
Oni Shugo x1 HP 30, Str 17, Prot 21, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 9, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Research Bonus -4, Supply Bonus -3, Fire Res +5, Poison Res +5,
Spirit Sight, Retinue 1d6 Wolf, Ldr 10, UndLdr 40, Mag: D2?1,
Wpn: No-Dachi, Throw Flames, Javelin
Conj 6 Summon Gozu Mezu D3 7 - - NUW
Ox-head x1 HP 46, Str 20, Prot 18, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 4, MM 22, AP 16,
Demon, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Gore, Soul Catcher
Conj 4 Ghost General D3 10 - -
Shura x1 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 17, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 15, Prec 11, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Ldr 80, UndLdr 120, Wpn: Bane Blade
Conj 8 Summon Dai Oni D4F1 45 - - NUW
Dai Oni x1 HP 50, Str 20, Prot 19, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 16, MS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Research Bonus -12, Supply Bonus -5, Fire Res +5, Poison Res +5,
Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Retinue 1d6 Wolf, Ldr 10, UndLdr 120, Mag: F2E2D3H1?1,
Wpn: No-Dachi, Throw Flames, Javelin
Conj 2 Summon Karasu Tengus N1A1 3 - - NUW
Karasu Tengu x3 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 14, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 13, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 14, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Katana, Lightning Strike
Conj 6 Contact Kitsune N2 30 - - NUW
Kitsune x1 HP 5, Str 5, Prot 2, Att 11, Mor 7, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS, MS,
Stealthy, Stealth 40, Mag: N3?1, Wpn: Bite
Conj 3 Ambush of Tigers N2 10 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Tiger x10+ HP 21, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
National Rituals: Ashdod (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Call Malakh S2 9 - - NUW
Malakh x1 HP 13, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +4, Spirit Sight,
Invulnerability 15, Stealth 20, Mag: H1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 6 Call Hashmal S3F1 21 - - NUW
Hashmal x1 HP 27, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight,
Invulnerability 20, Inquisitor, Ldr 120, MagLdr 80, Mag: H2, Wpn: Flame Strike
Conj 7 Call Arel S4N1 39 - - NUW
Arel x1 HP 33, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 10, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Poison Res +15, Awe +6, Spirit Sight,
Healing 3, Invulnerability 15, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: N3H3, Wpn: Fist
Conj 8 Call Ophan S5F2 49 - - NUW
Ophan x1 HP 55, Str 20, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 27, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Inanim, Magic, Trample, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Poison Res
+25, Awe +6, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 50, Mag: H3, Wpn: Flame Strike
Conj 9 Call Merkavah S7F3 222 - - NUW
Chayot x1 HP 55, Str 18, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Astral Magic Bonus 6, Magic Bonus -6, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15,
Poison Res +15, Awe +7, Spirit Sight, Sight Vengeance 1 v MR, Invulnerability 25, Ldr 160,
MagLdr 80, Mag: F4A4E4S4H10, Wpn: Fist
Conj 6 Dirge for the Dead D3H1 25 - - NUW
Ditanu x1 HP 53, Str 24, Prot 18, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 17, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 18, WS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +6, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5,
Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40, Mag: D1H1?1, Wpn: Dawn Blade, Gore
Conj 8 Banquet for the Dead D4H1 55 - - NUW
Malik x1 HP 63, Str 24, Prot 16, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 18, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 18, WS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +8, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Spirit Sight, Ldr 120, UndLdr 120, Mag: D2B2H2?2, Wpn: Dawn Blade, Gore
Conj 3 Summon Mazzikim N1 3 - - NUW
Mazzik x8 HP 9, Str 9, Prot 6, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 15, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, WS, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Claws
Conj 5 Summon Lilot N4 25 - - NUW
Lilot x1 HP 22, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 13, WS,
Fly, Demon, Stealthy, Stealth 15, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 3 Summon Se'irim B2 23 - - NUW
Se'ir x5 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 16, WS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Claw, Claw, Gore
Blood 4 Summon Shedim B3A1 23 - - NUW
Shed x3 HP 40, Str 15, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Wpn: Thunder Fist, Lightning
National Rituals: Uruk (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Summon Ugallu A3 24 - - NUW
Ugallu x1 HP 30, Str 18, Prot 3, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 18, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Spirit Sight, Storm Immunity, Ldr 80, MagLdr 10,
Mag: A3, Wpn: Apotropaic Dagger, Apotropaic Mace, Bite
Conj 7 Call Anzu A4 6 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Anzu x1 HP 72, Str 20, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 40, AP 8, MS, Fly,
Fire Res +10, Shock Res +15, Siege Strength +10, Patrol Bonus 10, Storm Immunity,
Wpn: Bite, Talons, Water Breath, Flaming Breath
Conj 4 Summon Kusarikkus E1 6 - - NUW
Kusarikku x2 HP 34, Str 20, Prot 9, Att 13, Mor 16, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 16, Sacred,
Magic, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Apotropaic Spear, Gore
Conj 8 Call Apkallu S5 60 - - NUW
Umu-apkallu x1 HP 36, Str 18, Prot 1, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Research Bonus 10, Shock Res +15, Disease Healing 1, Ldr 120, MagLdr 40,
Mag: A3W3E2S4N2H2, Wpn: Fist
Conj 3 Herd of Buffaloes N2 10 - - NUW
Buffalo x5+ HP 43, Str 22, Prot 5, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Hoof, Gore
National Rituals: Nazca (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Condors A2 9 - - NUW
Condor x10+ HP 18, Str 12, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 8, Prec 14, Enc 2, MM 34, AP 6, MS, Fly,
Sacred, Stealthy, Shock Res +15, Siege Strength +5, Patrol Bonus 20, Stealth 100,
Wpn: Talons, Beak
Conj 5 Summon Huacas S2 15 - - NUW
Huaca x5 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 15, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +2, Storm Immunity,
Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 5 Summon Supayas D2 10 - - NUW
Supaya x5 HP 10, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 16, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Float, Ethereal, Sacred, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Storm Immunity, Wpn: Spectral Spear
National Rituals: Xibalba (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Summon Chaac A4 75 - - NUW
Chaac of the North (x1) HP 32, Str 18, Prot 3, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Supply Bonus 25, Shock Res +15, Storm Immunity, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Thunder Axe, Lightning
Conj 4 Summon Jade Serpent W2 5 - -
Jade Serpent x1 HP 62, Str 17, Prot 12, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 10, FS, SS,
Sacred, Amph, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 1 Summon Jaguar Toad N1H1 1 - - NUW
Jaguar Toad x1 HP 21, Str 11, Prot 3, Att 7, Mor 12, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 6, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Poison Spit
Conj 5 Summon Monster Toad N2 2 - - NUW
Monster Toad x1 HP 57, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 7, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 7, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw
Conj 7 Summon Balam N4 60 - - NUW
Balam of the East (x1) HP 49, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 24, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Ldr 80, UndLdr 10, MagLdr 10, Wpn: Bite, Claw
National Rituals: Atlantis (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 6 Summon Monster Fish W3 10 - - UW
Monster Fish x1 HP 128, Str 25, Prot 12, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 6, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 16, Aqua,
Fear +5, Wpn: Swallow
National Rituals: Pelagia (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 6 Summon Daktyl E3A1 30 - -
Daktyl x1 HP 9, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 10, Mor 12, Def 10, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 6, Sacred,
Magic, Amph, Master Smith 1, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, MagLdr 10, Mag: A1W1E2?1,
Wpn: Enchanted Hammer
Conj 5 Summon Hekateride N3W1 30 - -
Hekateride x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, Sacred,
Recup, Magic, Amph, Supply Bonus 20, Awe +6, Inspirational +2, Ldr 40, UndLdr 80,
MagLdr 40, Mag: W2N3H2?1, Wpn: Fist
National Rituals: Arcoscephale (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
National Rituals: Pythium (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Contact Lar N1 16 - - NUW
Lar x1 HP 14, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 12, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 18, AP 14, FS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Recup, Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus 10, Poison Res +15, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 10, Mag: W1E1N2, Wpn: Fist
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
Conj 9 Daughter of Typhon N5D2 30 - - NUW
Daughter of Typhon (x1) HP 220, Str 19, Prot 13, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 12, AP 10, SS,
Sacred, Recup, BlR, PiR, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -10, Poison Res +25, Fear +10,
Wpn: Lesser Heads, Lesser Heads, Lesser Heads, Lesser Heads, Immortal Head
Blood 1 Orgy B1N1 1 - - NUW
Satyr x1 HP 15, Str 12, Prot 2, Att 12, Mor 11, Def 12, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 15, FS,
Recup, Stealthy, Seduction Ability, Ldr 40, Wpn: Fist, Hoof
National Rituals: Lemuria (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 0 Revive Shadow Tribune D1 8 - - NUW
Shadow Tribune x1 HP 6, Str 6, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 13, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Float,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80,
UndLdr 80, Mag: H1, Wpn: Paralyze
Conj 0 Revive Lemur Centurion D1 5 - - NUW
Lemur Centurion x1 HP 25, Str 13, Prot 19, Att 14, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Ldr 80, UndLdr 120, Wpn: Short Sword
Conj 0 Revive Lemur Senator D2 15 - - NUW
Lemur Senator x1 HP 28, Str 14, Prot 8, Att 15, Mor 14, Def 15, MR 16, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Chill 3, Ldr 80, UndLdr 120, Mag: H2, Wpn: Steal Strength
Conj 0 Revive Lemur Acolyte D2 11 - - NUW
Lemur Acolyte x1 HP 20, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 17, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5,
Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Magically Attuned Research, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: D1H1,
Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 0 Revive Lemur Consul D3 25 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Lemur Consul x1 HP 33, Str 15, Prot 19, Att 16, Mor 30, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Chill 3, Ldr 120, UndLdr 160, Mag: H3, Wpn: Short Sword
Conj 0 Revive Lemur Thaumaturg D3 20 - - NUW
Lemur Thaumaturg x1 HP 25, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5,
Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Magically Attuned Research, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: S1D2H2,
Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 0 Revive Grand Lemur D3 50 - - NUW
Grand Lemur x1 HP 25, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 20, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5,
Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Magically Attuned Research, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: S2D3H3?1,
Wpn: Magic Staff, Life Drain
National Rituals: Man (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Summon Bean Sidhe D1 25 - - NUW
Bean Sidhe x1 HP 13, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 12, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 13, FS,
Ethereal, Glamour, Und, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Assassin Ability, Assassin Patience +2, Spell Singer, Stealth 20, Mag: A1D1?1,
Wpn: Claw, Wail of Doom
Conj 2 Summon Black Dogs D2 8 - - NUW
Black Dog x20 HP 14, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 9, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 24, Stealthy,
Darkvision 100, Stealth 20, Wpn: Bite
Conj 4 Summon Barghests D2 10 - - NUW
Barghest x9 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 26, Sacred,
Stealthy, Darkvision 100, Curses attacker, Stealth 20, Wpn: Venomous Bite
Conj 3 Summon Cu Sidhe N2 8 - - NUW
Cu Sidhe x7 HP 26, Str 15, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite
National Rituals: Ulm (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 0 Sanguine Heritage B3D3 44 - - NUW
Vampire Count x1 HP 14, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Und, NNEat, Stealthy, BlR, SlR, Regeneration 10%, Fire Res -5, Cold Res +15, Poison Res
+25, Darkvision 100, Invulnerability 25, Dominion Summoner 1+ Thrall, Ldr 80, UndLdr 80,
MagLdr 40, Mag: D2B2, Wpn: Life Drain
National Rituals: Marignon (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 7 Heavenly Wrath S3F1 35 - - NUW
Angel of Fury x1 HP 49, Str 17, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Blood Vengeance 4 vs MR,
Invulnerability 20, Wpn: Holy Scourge
Conj 6 Contact Harbinger S4 25 - - NUW
Harbinger x1 HP 35, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 20,
Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: A3H2, Wpn: Fist, Heavenly Horn
Conj 7 Angelic Host S5 50 5 - NUW
Angel of the Host x6 HP 17, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 17, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15,
Wpn: Flambeau
Conj 9 Heavenly Choir S7F2 144 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Seraph x1 HP 77, Str 21, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Poison Res +15, Awe +7, Spirit Sight,
Sight Vengeance 1 v MR, Invulnerability 30, Ldr 160, MagLdr 80, Mag: F4A4S4H4, Wpn: Fist
Blood 1 Bind Harlequin B1 1 - - NUW
Demon Jester x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 5, Att 11, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 8, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Claws, Sticks and Stones
Blood 7 Reascendance B4S1 88 - - NUW
Fallen Angel x1 HP 49, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 25, Ldr
120, UndLdr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: F3D3B3, Wpn: Dark Fire Sword
National Rituals: Mictlan (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Summon Jade Serpent W2 5 - -
Jade Serpent x1 HP 62, Str 17, Prot 12, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 10, FS, SS,
Sacred, Amph, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 7 Summon Tlaloque W4 60 - - NUW
Tlaloque of the West (x1) HP 48, Str 19, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 16, Sacred,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus 50, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Quarterstaff
Conj 1 Summon Jaguar Toad N1H1 1 - - NUW
Jaguar Toad x1 HP 21, Str 11, Prot 3, Att 7, Mor 12, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 6, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Poison Spit
Conj 6 Contact Couatl N1S1 40 - - NUW
Couatl x1 HP 20, Str 11, Prot 5, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, FS, SS,
Fly, Sacred, Magic, Poison Res +15, Inspirational +1, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: S3N3H2,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 3 Summon Jaguars N2H1 25 - - NUW
Jaguar x17 HP 19, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 8, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 5 Summon Monster Toad N2 2 - - NUW
Monster Toad x1 HP 57, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 7, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 7, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw
Blood 2 Bind Beast Bats B1 8 - - NUW
Beast Bat x3 HP 19, Str 12, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 3, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Blood 4 Bind Jaguar Fiends B1F1 13 - - NUW
Ozelotl x3 HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
Blood 5 Contact Civateteo B2D2 36 - - NUW
Civateteo x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit
Sight, Ldr 80, UndLdr 80, Mag: D1B1H2, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 6 Bind Tzitzimitl B2S2 10 - - NUW
Tzitzimitl x1 HP 43, Str 18, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 20, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Pincer, Scorpion Tail, Stellar Bolt
Blood 6 Contact Tlahuelpuchi B3 42 - - NUW
Tlahuelpuchi x1 HP 17, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 0, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
NNEat, Stealthy, Darkvision 100, Assassin Ability, Assassin Patience +2, Stealth 10,
Mag: D1N1B2, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 7 Contact Onaqui B4 101 - - NUW
Onaqui x1 HP 31, Str 14, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 15, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Blood Searcher 2, Retinue 2 Beast Bat, Dominion
Summoner 1+ Beast Bat, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: D2N1B3H1?1,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs, Claw, Claw
Blood 8 Rain of Jaguars B6F2 40 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ozelotl x14+ HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
National Rituals: T'ien Ch'i (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Celestial Hounds A1S1 5 - - NUW
Celestial Hound x2 HP 25, Str 17, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 20, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 6 Call Celestial Soldiers A2S1 15 - - NUW
Celestial Soldier x5 HP 38, Str 18, Prot 18, Att 15, Mor 15, Def 14, MR 15, Prec 15, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 16,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Glaive
Conj 1 Celestial Servant E1S1 3 - - NUW
Celestial Servant x1 HP 48, Str 24, Prot 4, Att 9, Mor 14, Def 8, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 12, Sacred,
Magic, NNEat, Supply Bonus -3, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Rake
Conj 3 Herd of Buffaloes N2 10 - - NUW
Buffalo x5+ HP 43, Str 22, Prot 5, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 7, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 18, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Hoof, Gore
National Rituals: Jomon (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Aka-Oni F1D1 10 - - NUW
Aka-Oni x4+ HP 14, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 10, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -2, Fire Res +5, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Great Club, Throw Flames
Conj 3 Summon Konoha Tengus A1E1 5 - - NUW
Konoha Tengu x5+ HP 12, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Katana, Lightning Strike
Conj 5 Contact Dai Tengu A2E1 55 - - NUW
Dai Tengu x1 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Ldr 80, Mag: A3E1N1H2, Wpn: Quarterstaff, Lightning
Conj 1 Summon Kappa W1N1 3 - - NUW
Kappa x3 HP 15, Str 13, Prot 15, Att 10, Mor 12, Def 9, MR 8, Prec 8, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 10, Recup,
Amph, Wpn: Claw, Koppo
Conj 2 Summon Ao-Oni W1D1 10 - - NUW
Ao-Oni x5+ HP 14, Str 13, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 10, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -2, Cold Res +5, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Great Club, Cold
Conj 5 Contact Nushi W2N1 25 - - NUW
Nushi x1 HP 10, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, SS, Awe
+3, Ldr 40, Mag: W3D1N2, Wpn: Claw
Conj 5 Contact Kaijin W3 25 - - UW
Kaijin x1 HP 19, Str 12, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, Amph, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Ldr 10, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3E1N2,
Wpn: Enchanted Net, Mighty Yari
Conj 5 Summon Ujigami E1S1 8 - - NUW
Ujigami x1 HP 22, Str 14, Prot 17, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 16, Prec 13, Enc 6, MM 16, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Inspirational +1, Ldr 120, MagLdr 80, Mag: H2,
Wpn: Katana
Conj 4 Summon Oni E1D1 12 - - NUW
Oni x5+ HP 24, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -3, Spirit Sight, Wpn: No-Dachi, Javelin
Conj 6 Contact Tatsu E3 19 - - NUW
Tatsu x1 HP 42, Str 17, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 34, AP 14, MS,
Fly, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Poison Res +15, Storm Immunity, Ldr 40, Mag: ?2,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs, Claw, Spray Poison
Conj 7 Contact Yama-no-kami E4 28 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Yama-no-kami x1 HP 29, Str 18, Prot 16, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, MS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Regeneration 10%, Spirit Sight, Retinue 1d6 Wolf, Dominion
Summoner 0+ Wolf, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2E3N2, Wpn: Quarterstaff
Conj 6 Summon Kenzoku S1E1 9 - - NUW
Kenzoku x1 HP 26, Str 15, Prot 17, Att 15, Mor 16, Def 15, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Awe +2, Ldr 80, MagLdr 80, Wpn: Enchanted Katana
Conj 1 Summon Ko-Oni D1 7 - - NUW
Ko-Oni x5+ HP 9, Str 10, Prot 3, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 12, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 7, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -1, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Club
Conj 5 Summon Kuro-Oni D2F1 10 - - NUW
Kuro-Oni x4 HP 24, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -3, Fire Res +5, Poison Res +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: No-Dachi, Throw Flames, Poison Spit
Conj 6 Summon Oni General D2F1 20 - - NUW
Oni Shugo x1 HP 30, Str 17, Prot 21, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 9, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14, MS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Research Bonus -4, Supply Bonus -3, Fire Res +5, Poison Res +5,
Spirit Sight, Retinue 1d6 Wolf, Ldr 10, UndLdr 40, Mag: D2?1,
Wpn: No-Dachi, Throw Flames, Javelin
Conj 6 Summon Gozu Mezu D3 7 - - NUW
Ox-head x1 HP 46, Str 20, Prot 18, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 4, MM 22, AP 16,
Demon, NNEat, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Gore, Soul Catcher
Conj 4 Ghost General D3 10 - -
Shura x1 HP 20, Str 16, Prot 17, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 16, MR 15, Prec 11, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Ldr 80, UndLdr 120, Wpn: Bane Blade
Conj 8 Summon Dai Oni D4F1 45 - - NUW
Dai Oni x1 HP 50, Str 20, Prot 19, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 16, MS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Research Bonus -12, Supply Bonus -5, Fire Res +5, Poison Res +5,
Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Retinue 1d6 Wolf, Ldr 10, UndLdr 120, Mag: F2E2D3H1?1,
Wpn: No-Dachi, Throw Flames, Javelin
Conj 4 Contact Jigami N1 10 - - NUW
Jigami x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 14, MR 15, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 12,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Supply Bonus 25, Ldr 10, MagLdr 10, Mag: N2,
Wpn: Quarterstaff
Conj 2 Summon Karasu Tengus N1A1 3 - - NUW
Karasu Tengu x3 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 4, Att 14, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 13, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 14, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Katana, Lightning Strike
Conj 6 Contact Kitsune N2 30 - - NUW
Kitsune x1 HP 5, Str 5, Prot 2, Att 11, Mor 7, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS, MS,
Stealthy, Stealth 40, Mag: N3?1, Wpn: Bite
Conj 3 Ambush of Tigers N2 10 - - NUW
Tiger x10+ HP 21, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 5 Contact Mori-no-kami N3 21 - - NUW
Mori-no-kami x1 HP 9, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Magic Bonus -1, Spirit Sight, Ldr 50, MagLdr 10,
Mag: E1N3, Wpn: Dagger, Short Bow
National Rituals: Agartha (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Nightmare Construction F1D1 2 - - NUW
Flame Barrel Nightmare x1 HP 12, Str 16, Prot 15, Att 11, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 10, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 24, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Hoof
Ench 4 Flame Corpse Construction F1D1 1 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Flame Corpse x1 HP 14, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 6, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25,
Wpn: Short Sword, Short Sword
Ench 2 Iron Corpse Reanimation E1D1 2 - - NUW
Iron Corpse x5+ HP 15, Str 12, Prot 16, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 9, MR 7, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 6, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25,
Wpn: Short Sword, Short Sword
Ench 2 Reanimate Ancestor E2D2 3 - - NUW
Iron Ancestor x1 HP 25, Str 14, Prot 19, Att 11, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 6, Inanim,
Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Ldr 10, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Short Sword, Short Sword
Ench 6 Ktonian Legion E2D2 15 - - NUW
Iron Corpse x30+ HP 15, Str 12, Prot 16, Att 8, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 7, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 6, Inanim,
Und, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25,
Wpn: Short Sword, Short Sword
Conj 3 Summon Penumbrals D1E1 6 - -
Penumbral x4 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 3 Awaken Shard Wights D1E1 15 - - NUW
Shard Wight x5+ HP 35, Str 17, Prot 16, Att 11, Mor 17, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Shard Glaive
Conj 5 Summon Umbrals D2E1 8 - -
Umbral x4 HP 68, Str 22, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 14,
Ethereal, Und, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Life Drain
Conj 5 Awaken Sepulchral D2E1 4 - - NUW
Sepulchral x1 HP 69, Str 24, Prot 16, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 12, MR 15, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Sacred,
Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Obsidian Glaive
Conj 6 Awaken Tomb Oracle D3E2 30 - - NUW
Tomb Oracle x1 HP 85, Str 24, Prot 4, Att 10, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Sacred,
Und, Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Ldr 40, UndLdr 80,
MagLdr 10, Mag: E3D3H3, Wpn: Quarterstaff
Conj 8 Hall of the Dead D5E1 25 - - NUW
Shard Wight x20+ HP 35, Str 17, Prot 16, Att 11, Mor 17, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 18, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Chill 3, Wpn: Shard Glaive
National Rituals: Abysia (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Contact Scorpion Man E1F1 12 - - NUW
Scorpion Man x1 HP 42, Str 14, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Pincer, Stinger, Enchanted Sword, Plague Bow, Gaze of Fear
Ench 5 Reawaken Fossil E2D1 10 - -
Fossilized Giant x5+ HP 17, Str 22, Prot 26, Att 12, Mor 50, Def 7, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Inanim,
Und, Magic, Mindless, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +5, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +25,
Wpn: Fossilized Sword
Conj 2 Summon Abysian Ancestors D1F1 5 - - NUW
Smoulderghost x5 HP 15, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 16, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 7, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Ethereal, Sacred, Und, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Heat 3,
Wpn: Spectral Axe
National Rituals: Caelum (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Call Ahurani S2W1 12 - - NUW
Ahurani x1 HP 14, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Recup, Magic, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +15, Awe +2,
Spirit Sight, Disease Healing 1, Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10,
Mag: W2H1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Summon Yazatas S2 15 - - NUW
Yazad x6 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 16, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +2, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 7 Call Fravashi S3 30 - - NUW
Ancestral Fravashi x1 HP 35, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 4, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Awe +4, Mag: A3S2H3,
Wpn: Sacred Circlet
Conj 6 Call Celestial Yazad S4 40 - - NUW
Yazad of the Stars x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +3, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, MagLdr 10,
Mag: A2S4H2, Wpn: Fist
Conj 8 Call Amesha Spenta S5 60 - - NUW
Spenta of Plants (x1) HP 39, Str 13, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15, Ldr 120,
MagLdr 80, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Call Daevas D2F1 15 - - NUW
Daeva x3 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 5 Call Jahi D3F1 15 - - NUW
Jahi x1 HP 14, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Spirit Sight, Stealth 20, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Claw
Conj 6 Call Yata D3F2 40 - - NUW
Pairika x1 HP 14, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Stealth 20, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 40, Mag: F2D2B3H2, Wpn: Claw
Conj 8 Call Greater Daeva D4F2 60 - - NUW
Daeva of Aging (x1) HP 39, Str 13, Prot 7, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Invulnerability 15,
Stealth 25, Ldr 120, UndLdr 80, Wpn: Fist
National Rituals: C'tis (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Contact Scorpion Man E1F1 12 - - NUW
Scorpion Man x1 HP 42, Str 14, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 5, MM 22, AP 12, WS,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Poison Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Pincer, Stinger, Enchanted Sword, Plague Bow, Gaze of Fear
Ench 0 Revive Grave Consort D1 10 - - NUW
Grave Consort x1 HP 35, Str 16, Prot 10, Att 11, Mor 30, Def 7, MR 17, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 20, AP 8, Sacred,
Inanim, Und, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Mag: H1, Wpn: Claw
Ench 0 Revive Tomb Priest D2 16 - - NUW
Tomb Priest x1 HP 40, Str 16, Prot 11, Att 11, Mor 30, Def 7, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 20, AP 8, Sacred,
Inanim, Und, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 10, UndLdr 120,
Mag: H2, Wpn: Claw
Ench 0 Revive Tomb King D3 23 - - NUW
Tomb King x1 HP 50, Str 18, Prot 11, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 17, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 20, AP 8, Sacred,
Inanim, Und, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, UndLdr 160,
Mag: H3, Wpn: Snake Staff
Conj 7 Contact Couatl N1S1 40 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Couatl x1 HP 20, Str 11, Prot 5, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 10, FS, SS,
Fly, Sacred, Magic, Poison Res +15, Inspirational +1, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: S3N3H2,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 4 Sacred Crocodile N2W2 8 - - NUW
Sacred Crocodile x1 HP 73, Str 21, Prot 14, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 7, SS,
Sacred, Wpn: Bite
National Rituals: Pangaea (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Awaken Hamadryad N4 25 - - NUW
Hamadryad x1 HP 110, Str 13, Prot 18, Att 8, Mor 30, Def 0, MR 18, Prec 8, Enc 0, MM 0, AP 2, FS, Magic,
NNEat, BlR, PiR, Research Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Retinue 3d6 Harpy, Ldr 10, MagLdr 40,
Mag: N3, Wpn: Branch
National Rituals: Midgård (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
National Rituals: Utgård (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Awaken Draugar D2 12 - - NUW
Draug x3 HP 30, Str 14, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 17, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 10, Und,
Amph, NNEat, Cold Res +25, Poison Res +25, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Chill 3,
Wpn: Broad Sword
Conj 3 Summon Glosos D2 13 - - NUW
Gloso x9 HP 28, Str 15, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 9, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 18, FS,
Sacred, Trample, Stealthy, Fire Res +25, Darkvision 100, Heat 3, Stealth 10,
Wpn: Poisonous Gore
Conj 4 Brood of Garm N2 10 - - NUW
Jotun Wolf x5 HP 30, Str 23, Prot 9, Att 13, Mor 17, Def 10, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 28, FS,
Sacred, Cold Res +15, Fear +5, Wpn: Bite, Claw
National Rituals: Bogarus (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Firebird F1S1 2 - - NUW
Firebird x1 HP 8, Str 7, Prot 2, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 14, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 6, FS, MS,
Fly, Magic, Fire Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Flame Burst
Conj 5 Summon Zmey F2 8 - - NUW
Zmey x1 HP 45, Str 16, Prot 13, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 7, MS, Fly,
Fire Res +15, Wpn: Bite, Bite, Bite, Fire Breath
Conj 2 Summon Simargl A1 1 - - NUW
Simargl x1 HP 13, Str 11, Prot 7, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 12, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Patrol Bonus 10, Wpn: Bite
Conj 5 Send Lady Midday A1D1 10 5 - NUW
Lady Midday x1 HP 7, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 10, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 20, Fly,
Ethereal, Magic, Stealthy, Fear +5, Assassin Ability, Assassin Patience +2, Stealth 20, Storm
Immunity, Wpn: Plague Scythe
Conj 7 Contact Cloud Vila A4 40 - - NUW
Cloud Vila x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 14, MS,
Fly, Sacred, Stealthy, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +5, Seduction Ability, Healing 1, Stealth 10,
Storm Immunity, Mag: A3S1N2, Wpn: Fist, Lightning Strike
Conj 4 Summon Rusalka W1D1 16 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Rusalka x1 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 16, AP 12, Und,
Amph, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Seduction Ability, Stealth 20, Gift of Water
Breathing 10 size points, Ldr 10, UndLdr 10, Mag: W1D1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 4 Send Vodyanoy W2 20 4 -
Vodyanoy x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 11, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 10, AP 20, Aqua,
Stealthy, Ldr 40, Mag: W3N1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 6 Contact Beregina W3E1 35 - -
Beregina x1 HP 8, Str 9, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 10, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 10, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 12, Magic,
Amph, Awe +3, Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3E1N2,
Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Send Bukavac W4 5 4 - Anonymous
Bukavac x1 HP 112, Str 22, Prot 15, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 7, MR 14, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 12, Magic,
Trample, Aqua, Fear +5, Wpn: Gore, Tentacle, Tentacle
Conj 3 Contact Sirin S2 8 - - NUW
Sirin x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Stealthy, Stealth 10, Ldr 40, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 4 Contact Alkonost S2 15 - - NUW
Alkonost x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Shock Res +15, Awe +5, Inspirational +2, Ldr 40, Mag: H3, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 5 Contact Gamayun S3 25 - - NUW
Gamayun x1 HP 12, Str 8, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 13, Enc 3, MM 28, AP 5, Fly,
Sacred, Research Bonus 6, Awe +3, Ldr 40, Mag: A2S2H2, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Conj 4 Summon Likho D1 10 - - NUW
Likho x1 HP 14, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 8, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 8, FS, Stealthy,
Stealth 20, Wpn: Claw, Curse
Conj 7 Contact Mountain Vila N4 40 - - NUW
Mountain Vila x1 HP 15, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 13, Def 16, MR 17, Prec 13, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 28, FS,
MS, Sacred, Stealthy, Shock Res +15, Cold Res +5, Seduction Ability, Healing 2, Stealth 10,
Mag: A2S1N3, Wpn: Fist, Vine Bow
Conj 8 Contact Leshiy N6 60 - - NUW
Leshiy x1 HP 24, Str 14, Prot 5, Att 12, Mor 12, Def 11, MR 14, Prec 8, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 14, FS,
Magic, Magic Bonus -1, Cold Res +5, Ldr 10, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2W1E2N3, Wpn: Gore, Fist
National Rituals: Patala (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Summon Apsaras S2 3 - - NUW
Apsara x3 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 15, MR 14, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +4, Wpn: Kick
Conj 5 Summon Gandharvas S2 18 - - NUW
Gandharva x6 HP 25, Str 15, Prot 18, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 11, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +2, Wpn: Falchion, Kick
Conj 6 Summon Kinnara S3 25 - - NUW
Kinnara x1 HP 30, Str 15, Prot 3, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 11, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +3, Inspirational +1, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2S2H2, Wpn: Kick
Conj 7 Summon Siddha S4 35 - - NUW
Siddha x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 9, Mor 15, Def 9, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 100, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +3, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: A2S3H3, Wpn: Fist, Kick
Conj 8 Summon Devata S5 45 - - NUW
Devata x1 HP 28, Str 17, Prot 18, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 5, MM 16, AP 14,
Sacred, Magic, Awe +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 120, MagLdr 10, Mag: A3S2H3,
Wpn: Spear, Falchion, Axe, Kick
Conj 9 Summon Devala S5 55 - - NUW
Devala x1 HP 20, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 15, MR 18, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +4, Inspirational +1, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: S3H4, Wpn: Kick
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 9 Summon Rudra S5 55 - - NUW
Rudra x1 HP 32, Str 18, Prot 18, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 5, MM 34, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Research Bonus -20, Forge Bonus -5, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Fear +5,
Mag: F3A3D3H1, Wpn: Apotropaic Sword, Kick, Plague Bow, Lightning
Conj 2 Host of Ganas D1 12 - - NUW
Gana x20 HP 10, Str 10, Prot 0, Att 10, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 12, Prec 10, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12,
Ethereal, Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Spectral Club
Conj 5 Summon Vetalas D2 10 - -
Possessed Corpse x10 HP 22, Str 16, Prot 12, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 9, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 9, Inanim,
Und, PAmph, NNEat, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight, Wpn: Mace
Conj 4 Contact Yaksha N2E1 25 - - NUW
Yaksha x1 HP 28, Str 17, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +1, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: E3N1H1?1, Wpn: Falchion, Kick
Conj 4 Contact Yakshini N2W1 25 - - NUW
Yakshini x1 HP 23, Str 15, Prot 1, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Magic, Awe +2, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: W3N1H1?1, Wpn: Fist, Kick
Blood 1 Summon Rakshasas B1 10 - - NUW
Rakshasa x3 HP 28, Str 19, Prot 5, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Claw, Claw
Blood 2 Feast of Flesh B1N1 50 - - NUW
Praghasa x15 HP 35, Str 22, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, Supply Bonus -7, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Mace
Blood 3 Summon Asrapas B2 11 - - NUW
Asrapa x3 HP 19, Str 13, Prot 1, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 14, Sacred,
Demon, Mag: B1H1, Wpn: Athame, Kick
Blood 4 Summon Rakshasa
B2 25 - - NUW
Rakshasa Warrior x5 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 10, MR 13, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -5, Wpn: Iron Cudgel
Blood 5 Summon Sandhyabalas B2D1 30 - - NUW
Sandhyabala x3 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 13, MR 14, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -10, Wpn: Moon Blade
Blood 7 Summon Samanishada B3D1 35 - - NUW
Samanishada x1 HP 30, Str 20, Prot 15, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 12, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 4, MM 16, AP 10, FS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Supply Bonus -4, Fire Res -10, Assassin Ability, Stealth 20,
Ldr 10, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Moon Blade, Duskdagger
Blood 6 Summon Dakini B4A1 81 - - NUW
Dakini x1 HP 23, Str 15, Prot 12, Att 11, Mor 13, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Damage Reversal 1 v MR, Ldr 40, UndLdr 10, MagLdr
10, Mag: A3D1B3H2, Wpn: Athame, Kick
Blood 8 Summon Mandeha B5D2 133 - - NUW
Mandeha x1 HP 65, Str 24, Prot 15, Att 15, Mor 18, Def 10, MR 18, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 16, FS,
Fly, Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus -10, Fire Res -10, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 40,
UndLdr 40, Mag: A3D3B2H3, Wpn: Flesh Eater
Blood 8 Summon Danavas B5 75 - - NUW
Danava x3 HP 92, Str 24, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 12, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 17, Sacred,
Demon, NNEat, Fire Res -5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Mag: H2?2,
Wpn: Unholy Sword, Unholy Spear, Unholy Axe
National Rituals: Gath (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Call Malakh S2 9 - - NUW
Malakh x1 HP 13, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 11, Mor 15, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Awe +4, Spirit Sight,
Invulnerability 15, Stealth 20, Mag: H1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 6 Call Hashmal S3F1 21 - - NUW
Hashmal x1 HP 27, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +25, Shock Res +5, Awe +5, Spirit Sight,
Invulnerability 20, Inquisitor, Ldr 120, MagLdr 80, Mag: H2, Wpn: Flame Strike
Conj 7 Call Arel S4N1 39 - - NUW
Arel x1 HP 33, Str 14, Prot 0, Att 8, Mor 10, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 9, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Poison Res +15, Awe +6, Spirit Sight,
Healing 3, Invulnerability 15, Ldr 80, MagLdr 40, Mag: N3H3, Wpn: Fist
Conj 8 Call Ophan S5F2 49 - - NUW
Ophan x1 HP 55, Str 20, Prot 21, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 27, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Inanim, Magic, Trample, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Poison Res
+25, Awe +6, Spirit Sight, Patrol Bonus 50, Mag: H3, Wpn: Flame Strike
Conj 9 Call Merkavah S7F3 222 - - NUW
Chayot x1 HP 55, Str 18, Prot 0, Att 15, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 15, Enc 1, MM 40, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Astral Magic Bonus 6, Magic Bonus -6, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15,
Poison Res +15, Awe +7, Spirit Sight, Sight Vengeance 1 v MR, Invulnerability 25, Ldr 160,
MagLdr 80, Mag: F4A4E4S4H10, Wpn: Fist
Ench 5 Memories of Stone D2E1 10 - -
Fossil Warrior x5+ HP 17, Str 22, Prot 26, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 7, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 12, Inanim,
Und, Magic, PAmph, NNEat, PiR, Fire Res +5, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +25, Spirit Sight,
Wpn: Fossilized Sword
Conj 3 Summon Mazzikim N1 3 - - NUW
Mazzik x8 HP 9, Str 9, Prot 6, Att 11, Mor 9, Def 15, MR 13, Prec 10, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 14, WS, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Claws
Conj 5 Summon Lilot N4 25 - - NUW
Lilot x1 HP 22, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 13, WS,
Fly, Demon, Stealthy, Stealth 15, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40, Wpn: Life Drain
Blood 3 Scapegoats B1 8 - - NUW
Se'ir x2 HP 28, Str 16, Prot 7, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 9, Enc 2, MM 16, AP 16, WS,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Claw, Claw, Gore
Blood 4 Summon Shedim B3A1 23 - - NUW
Shed x3 HP 40, Str 15, Prot 8, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 11, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 12, Fly,
Demon, NNEat, Shock Res +15, Wpn: Thunder Fist, Lightning
National Rituals: Ragha (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Call Ahurani S2W1 12 - - NUW
Ahurani x1 HP 14, Str 11, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 12, MR 16, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Recup, Magic, Amph, NNEat, BlR, SlR, PiR, Cold Res +5, Poison Res +15, Awe +2,
Spirit Sight, Disease Healing 1, Gift of Water Breathing 20 size points, Ldr 40, MagLdr 10,
Mag: W2H1, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Summon Yazatas S2 15 - - NUW
Yazad x6 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 16, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +2, Storm Immunity, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 7 Call Fravashi S3 30 - - NUW
Ancestral Fravashi x1 HP 35, Str 13, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 13, Enc 1, MM 34, AP 4, Fly,
Ethereal, Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +15, Awe +4, Mag: A3S2H3,
Wpn: Sacred Circlet
Conj 6 Call Celestial Yazad S4 40 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Yazad of Justice x1 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, Fire Res +15, Shock Res +10, Cold Res +5, Awe +3, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80,
MagLdr 10, Mag: F3S3H2, Wpn: Fist
Conj 8 Call Amesha Spenta S5 60 - - NUW
Spenta of the Earth (x1) HP 39, Str 13, Prot 11, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Magic, NNEat, Supply Bonus 100, Shock Res +15, Awe +5, Spirit Sight,
Invulnerability 15, Ldr 120, MagLdr 80, Wpn: Fist
Conj 5 Call Daevas D2F1 15 - - NUW
Daeva x3 HP 16, Str 12, Prot 12, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 14, MR 14, Prec 12, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 14, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Wpn: Magic Lance
Conj 5 Call Jahi D3F1 15 - - NUW
Jahi x1 HP 14, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 30, Def 12, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 13, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Fire Res +5, Spirit Sight, Stealth 20, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Claw
Conj 6 Call Yata D3F2 40 - - NUW
Daeva of Shooting Stars x1 HP 17, Str 12, Prot 0, Att 13, Mor 14, Def 13, MR 17, Prec 12, Enc 1, MM 22, AP 12, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, Fire Res +5, Shock Res +5, Fear +5, Spirit Sight, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40,
Mag: S3D3H2, Wpn: Claw, Stellar Bolt
Conj 8 Call Greater Daeva D4F2 60 - - NUW
Daeva of Discontent (x1) HP 39, Str 13, Prot 11, Att 14, Mor 18, Def 13, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 1, MM 28, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Supply Bonus 100, Fire Res +15, Fear +5, Spirit Sight,
Invulnerability 15, Stealth 25, Ldr 120, UndLdr 80, Wpn: Fist
Conj 3 Herd of Elephants N2 25 - - NUW
Elephant x5+ HP 61, Str 20, Prot 11, Att 9, Mor 8, Def 8, MR 6, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 18, Trample,
Wpn: Tusk
National Rituals: Xibalba (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 Summon Chaac A4 75 - - NUW
Chaac of the East (x1) HP 32, Str 18, Prot 3, Att 14, Mor 30, Def 14, MR 18, Prec 14, Enc 2, MM 22, AP 16, Fly,
Sacred, NNEat, Supply Bonus 25, Shock Res +15, Storm Immunity, Ldr 40, UndLdr 40,
Wpn: Thunder Axe, Lightning
Conj 4 Summon Jade Serpent W2 5 - -
Jade Serpent x1 HP 62, Str 17, Prot 12, Att 14, Mor 15, Def 8, MR 15, Prec 10, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 10, FS, SS,
Sacred, Amph, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Conj 3 Summon Sacred Scorpion E1D1 2 - - NUW
Sacred Scorpion x1 HP 48, Str 17, Prot 17, Att 13, Mor 15, Def 7, MR 12, Prec 3, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 8, WS,
Sacred, Poison Res +15, Darkvision 100, Wpn: Claw, Scorpion Tail
Conj 1 Summon Jaguar Toad N1H1 1 - - NUW
Jaguar Toad x1 HP 21, Str 11, Prot 3, Att 7, Mor 12, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 6, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +15, Wpn: Claw, Poison Spit
Conj 3 Summon Jaguars N2H1 25 - - NUW
Jaguar x17 HP 19, Str 15, Prot 4, Att 13, Mor 13, Def 10, MR 8, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 20, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Darkvision 50, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Conj 5 Summon Monster Toad N2 2 - - NUW
Monster Toad x1 HP 57, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 7, Mor 14, Def 6, MR 5, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 16, AP 7, SS, Sacred,
Trample, Poison Res +25, Wpn: Claw
Conj 7 Summon Balam N4 60 - - NUW
Balam of the North (x1) HP 49, Str 17, Prot 6, Att 14, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 3, MM 22, AP 24, FS,
Sacred, Stealthy, Ldr 80, UndLdr 10, MagLdr 10, Wpn: Bite, Claw
Blood 2 Bind Beast Bats B1 8 - - NUW
Beast Bat x3 HP 19, Str 12, Prot 4, Att 11, Mor 12, Def 13, MR 15, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 3, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Wpn: Venomous Fangs
Blood 4 Bind Jaguar Fiends B1F1 13 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ozelotl x3 HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
Blood 7 Contact Onaqui B4 101 - - NUW
Onaqui x1 HP 31, Str 14, Prot 6, Att 12, Mor 14, Def 11, MR 18, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 15, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Stealthy, Blood Searcher 2, Retinue 2 Beast Bat, Dominion
Summoner 1+ Beast Bat, Ldr 80, UndLdr 40, MagLdr 10, Mag: D2N1B3H1?1,
Wpn: Venomous Fangs, Claw, Claw
Blood 8 Rain of Jaguars B6F2 40 - - NUW
Ozelotl x14+ HP 33, Str 16, Prot 6, Att 13, Mor 30, Def 11, MR 16, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 28, AP 25, FS, Fly,
Sacred, Demon, NNEat, Wpn: Bite, Claw, Claw
National Rituals: Atlantis (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 6 Summon Monster Fish W3 10 - - UW
Monster Fish x1 HP 128, Str 25, Prot 12, Att 12, Mor 18, Def 6, MR 13, Prec 5, Enc 2, MM 10, AP 16, Aqua,
Fear +5, Wpn: Swallow
National Rituals: R'lyeh (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 6 Contact Void Spectre S3 25 - -
Void Spectre x1 HP 16, Str 15, Prot 0, Att 12, Mor 15, Def 14, MR 20, Prec 14, Enc 0, MM 22, AP 8, Float,
Ethereal, Und, Magic, Amph, NNEat, Stealthy, Cold Res +15, Poison Res +25, Fear +5,
Darkvision 100, Spirit Sight, Stealth 30, Ldr 10, UndLdr 40, MagLdr 80, Mag: S4,
Wpn: Life Drain, Mind Blast
4 Global Enchantments
The following spells are global enchantments, and thus are classified as rituals. The gem requirements listed are minimums: players can
choose to use more gems when casting, which makes globals harder to dispel. Spells with the NUW special cannot be cast underwater.
Fire Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 8 The Kindly Ones F6N4 40 - -
The caster unleashes the Erinyes upon the world. The Erinyes are three horrible spirits of vengeance that punish those who
slay innocent women. In elder times, they upheld the ban against Blood magic, but they have since returned to the
darkness whence they came. They are sometimes called the Eumenides, the Kindly Ones, but their true names are Avenger
of Murder, Grudging Anger and The Unrelenting One. They will continue to hunt down murderers and Blood mages until
the world is free of these evildoers. Sinners will hear the horrible baying of the sisters and madness will strike them unless
they are found and most gruesomely slain by the sisters. The Kindly Ones remain in the world until the enchantment is
dispelled or the three of them are slain.
Ench 6 Eternal Pyre F6 80 - - NUW
A huge blazing pyre lights up the landscape. The pyre never burns out and the heat is strong enough to create twenty
magical gems imbued with Fire power each month. The enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Thau 7 Purgatory F6 60 - - NUW
Holy fire will strike undead enemy creatures in the God's Dominion. The more powerful the Dominion, the more undead
will be killed. This enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Evo 8 Second Sun F8 80 - -
The caster creates a huge ball of fire in the sky. This Second Sun will always shine, day and night, resulting in severe
effects across the entire world. Provinces will become hotter and drier every turn until the Second Sun is destroyed. This
enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Air Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Evo 6 Perpetual Storm A5 70 - -
An enormous storm will rage constantly over the entire world. This will reduce the income of all land provinces. Supplies
are scarce, as transportation is difficult and sailing and flying is impossible. All mountain passes are unusable during the
perpetual storm and shooting in battle is very difficult. The enchantment lasts until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Thau 7 Dark Skies A5 50 - - NUW
Black clouds billow forth and cover the lands of your Dominion. All enemies under your Dominion will perceive the
heavens as dark and oppressing. The stronger the Dominion is, the more fearful the skies. The dark skies severely lower
the morale of those affected. The enchantment lasts until it is dispelled or the caster dies. The darkness also gives slightly
lowered attack and defense skills to units without darkvision.
Thau 8 Gale Gate A5 60 - - NUW
The caster opens a rift in space creating a gate into a realm of storms. Huge amounts of aerial magic are effectively
channeled through this gate, producing twenty Air gems each turn. Not all of the powers of the Gale Gate can be
harnessed though. Hurricanes and storms will be randomly unleashed upon provinces not controlled by the caster. The
enchantment lasts until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Alt 8 Fata Morgana A7 90 - -
Under the fata morgana life seems much easier and everyone is happy. Phantasmal Warriors will assist the local defence in
defending the province against invaders and enemy scouts will be fooled by illusionary armies. All provinces in friendly
dominion will be affected by the fata morgana. The enchantment lasts until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Water Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 7 Ghost Ship Armada W4D3 60 - -
This spell will awaken the dead Admiral Torgrin and make him fight for your cause. The Admiral will attack random
coastal provinces controlled by your enemies. The enchantment lasts until it is dispelled, the caster dies, or the Admiral
and his armada are defeated. If the Admiral is not completely defeated, the entire armada will be renewed for the next
Ench 8 Wrath of the Sea W5 70 - -
The sea will rise and flood all coastal provinces. Provinces that are struck by the flood will have their income reduced. The
enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Ench 7 Thetis' Blessing W5 50 - -
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Allows all troops in the world to enter the sea. The enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Evo 8 Maelstrom W6 80 - - UW
A huge magical maelstrom is created in a sea. The maelstrom constantly sucks in huge amounts of water and filters out its
magical essence. This results in a huge amount of magic gems for the caster. Each month 15 water, 5 astral, 3 air and 1 of
each other gem type is generated. The enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Alt 7 Sea of Ice W6 80 - -
All lakes, seas and rivers in the world are frozen by this powerful enchantment. This makes travel between land and sea
impossible, except by magical means such as teleportation. The frozen seas also stop Vanheim and other seafaring nations
from sailing. The enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Conj 8 Guardians of the Deep W6 60 - - UW
Sea monsters will help the local militia defend underwater provinces for as long as this spell is in effect. The monsters
require some small degree of leadership and guidance, so a small local defence is required for the enchantment to have any
effect. The global enchantment will last until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Thau 8 Lure of the Deep W6 70 - - UW
Sirens will start to emerge from the deeps when this powerful enchantment is cast. The Sirens will sing to enemy troops
and lure them down to certain death in the deeps. The lure is most persuasive in coastal and sea provinces with strong
friendly Dominion. Inland provinces and provinces within an enemy Dominion are not affected at all. Nations that can
recruit Sirens will find that this is cheaper while this enchantment is in effect. This global enchantment can only be cast in
an underwater laboratory and it will last until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Evo 9 Celestial Rainbow W7N5 80 - - NUW
This ritual creates a rainbow large enough to be seen from everywhere in the world. The mage can direct where he wants
the rainbow to appear and by doing this huge amounts of gold can easily be collected at the base of the rainbow. While the
rainbow is in place luck will increase in all the caster's provinces. Once the luck is positive in a province the luck of the
rainbow will protect it from hostile spells. The more luck in a province, the greater chance of hostile spells failing.
Thau 7 Vengeful Water W7 70 - -
Water in friendly dominion will animate and try to kill enemy commanders whenever possible. This will be more effective
in provinces with a rich water supply than in dry provinces. This global enchantment will last until someone dispels it.
Earth Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Cnst 7 Forge of the Ancients E5 80 - -
The ancient forge of the Great One's servants is reconstructed. The magic of the forge will reduce the need for magic
essence when forging magic items. It also enables mages to create more powerful items.
Cnst 9 Mechanical Militia E5 80 - -
Mechanical Men will help the local militia defend their provinces as long as this spell is in effect. The constructs require
leadership and guidance, so a small local defence is required for the enchantment to have any effect. The global
enchantment will last until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Ench 6 Riches from Beneath E5 70 - -
Resources are much easier to come by in provinces under friendly Dominion. This global enchantment will make it possible
to produce military units much faster than before. The enchantment lasts until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Ench 7 Earth Blood Deep Well E6 80 - - NUW
A well, deeper than any other, is created. This well does not bring water, but rather blood from the Earth itself. This
Earth Blood is then made into magical Earth gems that can be used for magic rituals. Each month 20 earth gems are
generated. This global enchantment lasts until it is dispelled or the caster dies.
Astral Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Evo 6 The Wrath of God S5A3 70 - -
With this enchantment, lighting will strike the enemies of the God, no matter where they are. However, the lightning bolts
strike most powerfully in provinces where the God has a strong Dominion. In provinces with a high turmoil scale more
thunderbolts strike. The enchantment lasts until the caster is killed or someone dispels it.
Ench 5 The Eyes of God S5 50 - -
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
This enchantment enables the mage to see all provinces in the world. Dominions can be seen in great detail and so can
discovered magic sites, but income cannot be determined exactly. Inside the God's own Dominion troop movements can be
seen in great detail and enemy illusions and phantasms are dispelled. Patrolling units will find it much easier to detect
enemy scouts and to quell unrest. The historic records for all nations can also be accessed. The enchantment lasts until
someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Ench 7 Stellar Focus S5 30 - - NUW
This spell focuses the light of the night sky into a crystal sphere. The light in the sphere is so intense and pure that pearls
will start to grow from it. The light is powerful enough to produce five Astral pearls per turn. The spell lasts until
someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Evo 9 Strands of Arcane Power S7 70 - -
This mighty enchantment enables the caster to project his mind to many distant places at once, via strands of arcane
power. While projected, the caster will only be able to sense and affect magic, but this still makes it possible to search for
magic sites and enemy mages. The caster will be able to project himself into all provinces that have a friendly Dominion.
Magic sites are more elusive when searching in this way and a very powerful mage is required to find those that are well
hidden. Mages are usually able to stay hidden from the projected mind if they have a good magic resistance value. If an
Astral mage is found, a battle of the minds will ensue. Only one will leave it with their mind intact. Other mages cannot
try to retaliate, but neither do they risk losing their sanity in the process. However, they will be subjected to a minor Mind
Burn attack if they are found.
The enchantment lasts until the caster is killed or feebleminded or the enchantment is dispelled.
Ench 9 Arcane Nexus S8 150 - -
This mighty enchantment absorbs magical energies worldwide to replenish the caster's magical resources. Half of all magic
gems used to cast spells and to create magic items will be absorbed into the Arcane Nexus and collected by the owner of
the enchantment. The purity of Astral and Blood magic makes it impossible for the Nexus to absorb any magic when these
types of spells are cast, but all other types of magic will have some of their power absorbed by the Nexus. Even when no
spells are cast or no items are forged, the Nexus will absorb some ambient magic energy from the world. The spell lasts
until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Death Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 5 Burden of Time D5 70 - -
This evil enchantment will make everyone in the world age at a highly accelerated rate. Unrest will increase in the entire
world and soldiers will soon become crippled and useless. While this enchantment is active, the world will become more
and more desolate until everyone dies. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Thau 6 Foul Air D5A1 75 - - NUW
The air will become polluted by a deadly disease when this enchantment is cast. Anyone who is wounded will instantly
become diseased due to the foul air. This enchantment affects all land provinces in the entire world and will last until
dispelled or the caster dies. Unrest will increase worldwide while the enchantment is active.
Conj 8 Well of Misery D6 80 - -
This mighty ritual is a blessing to units across the world. Diseases, old age, suffering and pains are all drained of some of
their essence. All malign energies are siphoned from the world and concentrated in the Well of Misery, effectively giving
the caster a huge income of magical gems of Death. Each month 21 death gems are generated. Tax revenue is also slightly
increased in all provinces of the world. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Alt 9 Utterdark D9 100 - -
The world is covered by a blanket of utter darkness. All living beings must use torches to see even a few feet in front of
themselves. Undead, Demons and blind beings are unaffected by the darkness. All provinces except caves and deep seas
have their income and resources reduced by 90 percent. During the perpetual night, forces of darkness and roaming shades
will attack enemy provinces. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Nature Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 5 Mother Oak N5 50 - - NUW
The oldest and mightiest of all oaks in the realm is enchanted to become the greatest oak there ever was. The Mother Oak
produces magical acorns that can be harvested and made into Nature gems. Each month 10 nature gems are generated.
The enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Ench 8 Haunted Forest N5D1 60 - - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Vines will merge with anyone killed in the God's Dominion, creating an undead Manikin. The Manikin will fight any
enemies of the God for a short while before it is totally dissolved by the vines. Undead or inanimate beings are not affected
by the spell. The enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Conj 7 Wild Hunt N6 50 - -
The caster unleashes the Wild Hunt upon the world. The Hunt is led by the Lord of the Hunt, an ancient deity of the wild
roaming the woodlands in search of those who have offended the wild and its inhabitants. When the Hunt has been called,
powerful priests of enemy faiths will be hunted down for as long as the Lord is not slain.
Ench 7 Gift of Health N6 50 - -
This gift grants excellent health to all loyal subjects inside the God's Dominion. The gifted ones receive extra hit points,
grow old more slowly and may even heal permanent afflictions. The enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the
caster dies.
Conj 9 Enchanted Forests N7 90 - - NUW
All forests will start to whisper the hymns to the pretender that controls this enchantment. This will spread dominion to
the places where false pretenders were worshiped. When a forest has the right dominion it will start to attack instead of
whispering hymns. Enemies in that province or neighboring provinces will be attacked by forest creatures. A strong
dominion or high growth scale helps the effectiveness of the attacks and wastelands are never attacked by the forest
creatures. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Ench 9 Gift of Nature's Bounty N7 70 - -
All life in the God's Dominion is blessed. Grain grows more quickly, the mustard tastes better, the ducks are fatter and all
living creatures mate and give birth to young. The income of lands under the God's Dominion is greatly increased. The
enchantment lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Blood Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 7 Astral Corruption B6S6 166 - - NUW
This horrible ritual is the cause of Blood magic being banned in ancient times. With an awesome sacrifice, the fabric of
astral space becomes tainted with blood. All spell casting uses the tainted Arcana and attracts the attention of Horrors.
Every time a non-Blood magic ritual is cast or a magic item is forged, there is a chance that a Horror will follow the arcane
flow and attack the mage. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
Blood 8 Blood Vortex B7 166 - - NUW
This horrifying ritual creates the blood vortex. A churning pool of polluted blood that roars horrible yet terribly alluring
songs. The song of the vortex is heard by all mortals in the world, whispering sweet melodies of death and carnage,
beckoning all people to come bask in its crimson presence. Its song is especially strongly felt by those whose blood is
suitable for blood rituals, summoning them to the site of the ritual. The mortals that enter its presence stare dumbfounded
on the waves and swirls in the vortex, or throw themselves heedlessly to drown in the bloody swirls. The master of the
ritual then collects suitable victims to use in other rituals. Eventually, when no life is left in the world around the vortex,
it dries out and dies. Provinces with strong influences of order will be less affected by the beckoning and those with strong
turmoil influences will be more drawn to the vortex.
Blood 9 The Looming Hell B8 150 - - NUW
Devils will appear in the dreams of some unfortunate enemies whenever they try to sleep. These Devils, through various
threats, will try to persuade their victims to sell their souls and join in the killing of their own commander. The strength of
the threats depends on the strength of the God's Dominion, but extreme courage is always required to defy the Devils. The
Devils are totally powerless if they are unable to persuade any victims, which may well happen should the enemy
commander be more feared than they are. The spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
National Rituals: Niefelheim (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 6 Illwinter B5W3 120 - - NUW
The caster sacrifices the blood of innocent virgins in an attempt to revive the old Rimtursar, ancient giants of terrible
might and the ancestors of the Jotun. The giants are slow to awaken but their presence will cause blizzards, wolf attacks
and severe cold all over the world. The Illwinter is the most feared of all omens and unrest will increase worldwide. The
spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
National Rituals: Yomi (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 6 End of Culture F5 60 - -
This is the End of Culture for the entire world as the dominion of Yomi will spread chaos into neighboring provinces.
Spawn rate of Oni, both from temples under friendly dominion and from Oni generals will be greatly increased.
National Rituals: Xibalba (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 8 Theft of the Sun D6F3 70 - - NUW
Since the disappearance of the Sun, the Zotz have longed for the warmth and reputed splendor of the celestial entity. With
this spell the sorcerer lures the Sun from its heavenly abode to once more travel through Xibalba during the night. But the
intent is a malicious one, for once the Sun has entered the labyrinthine caverns of Xibalba it is led astray and trapped in
the Cavern of the Sun, giving its splendor to the Sun Guides and its fiery magic to the Ah K'in. With only the moon and
the stars lighting the sky, the world is plunged into darkness. As long as the enchantment is active Xibalba gains 10 fire
gems and 5 astral gems each month. Unless a Second Sun is active the world will be dark and income reduced worldwide.
National Rituals: Jotunheim (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 6 Illwinter B5W3 120 - - NUW
The caster sacrifices the blood of innocent virgins in an attempt to revive the old Rimtursar, ancient giants of terrible
might and the ancestors of the Jotun. The giants are slow to awaken but their presence will cause blizzards, wolf attacks
and severe cold all over the world. The Illwinter is the most feared of all omens and unrest will increase worldwide. The
spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
National Rituals: Utgård (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 6 Illwinter B5W3 120 - - NUW
The caster sacrifices the blood of innocent virgins in an attempt to revive the old Rimtursar, ancient giants of terrible
might and the ancestors of the Jotun. The giants are slow to awaken but their presence will cause blizzards, wolf attacks
and severe cold all over the world. The Illwinter is the most feared of all omens and unrest will increase worldwide. The
spell lasts until someone dispels it or the caster dies.
5 Other Rituals
The spells listed here are rituals which do not summon creatures and are not global enchantments. This is an artificial distinction for the
purposes of the manual, only. For game purposes, all rituals, whether summoning or not, are subject to the rules for rituals and are treated
as such.
Rituals marked with anonymous can target the enemy without them knowing who cast the ritual or where it originated from. For some
rituals the enemy might not even be sure if it was a random event or a hostile ritual.
Rituals marked with limited can only be cast once per target province. Multiple rituals can be cast if they target different provinces.
Fire Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 1 Distill Gold F1 1 - -
The alchemist distills gold from minerals. The process is time consuming and requires the alchemist to use fire gems. Every
extra gem spent gives the alchemist several pounds of gold. Skilled mages produce even more gold.
Alt 3 Inner Sun F1S1 1 - - Und immune
This spell provides a mage a way to retaliate when attacked by undead warriors. When the mage is slain, a shower of light
will shoot forth from the body and burn all undead beings in the vicinity. The Inner Sun spell is a ritual and will last until
the mage is killed.
Alt 5 Transmute Fire F2 1 - -
The alchemist transmutes fire gems into gold. Every extra gem spent gives the alchemist several pounds of gold. Skilled
mages produce even more gold.
Thau 3 Augury F2 2 5 - NUW
The caster pours oil on a pile of soil from a distant province and sets it ablaze. The flickering flames will reveal all hidden
sites of fiery power in the province.
Evo 3 Fires from Afar F3 10 3 15 AP, NUW, Anonymous
The mage fires a row of flame bolts towards an enemy army camp located in a province far away. The more units present
in the camp, the greater the chance of hitting a target. The spell can also be used to harass a besieging force or the
defenders of a castle. A scout or a scrying spell will be required to see whether the spell was successful or not.
Evo 4 Breath of the Desert F3A1 5 5 - NUW, Anonymous, Limited
The caster curses a distant province with a dramatic rise in temperature. The mage can target any province of his choice
and those affected will not know who has cast this spell upon them.
Thau 5 Pyre of Catharsis F3 4 - - Inanim immune, NUW
Catharsis was once the spirit of the Purifying Flames. He would cleanse bodily sicknesses of those who exposed themselves
to his flames. Since his corruption by the Daevas and the wicked Mainyus he no longer controls the Purifying Flames and
any powerful fire mage can wield his flames. With this ritual the caster sets himself ablaze on a pyre of Purifying Flames.
The flames burns away any diseases he carries, but the caster is likely to suffer terribly from the flames unless properly
Evo 4 Fate of Oedipus F4 75 - -
The caster punishes a mage for having claimed the Eyes of God. The mage's eyes are blasted by brilliance, his eye sockets
emptied forever, and the Eyes of God no long observe the world. This spell can only be cast if the Eyes of God
enchantment is active.
Evo 9 Volcanic Eruption F4E3 15 6 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster unleashes a volcanic eruption upon a distant province, destroying the lands and killing one third of the
Ench 7 Dome of Flaming Death F4 8 - - NUW
An invisible web of Fire magic is created over the entire province where this spell is cast. Any enemy spells cast into the
protected province will trigger the deadly trap. A powerful blast of fire will find its way to the enemy mage and burn him
and possibly also the laboratory to cinders. A good luck scale helps to protect against having the laboratory burnt down.
The more magic gems put into the spell, the longer the dome lasts. If the mage who cast the dome dies, the dome dissolves
instantly. The dome does not stop enemy spells that pass through it, but it may stop the enemy mage from ever casting
spells again.
Thau 5 Raging Hearts F4 10 5 - Anonymous
Fury will start to grow in the hearts of all people in an entire province. Those affected will soon start to kill and plunder
their fellow citizens. A mage can target any province of his choice and those affected will not know who has cast this spell
on them.
Evo 9 Flames from the Sky F5 30 3 15+ AP, NUW, Anonymous
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
With this spell, the mage hurls a maelstrom of flaming spheres towards an enemy province. The flame storm will strike an
enemy army camp within the province with enormous force. Most likely, the majority of the units present in the camp will
die from this powerful attack, but since the entire army is rarely gathered in one camp at a given time, only half of the
target province's army can be expected to be struck by the flames.
Ench 6 Vafur Flames F5 10 - - NUW, Can only be cast in forts
This spell recreates the legendary enchantment of Asgård. The fortress is surrounded by a ring wall of enchanted flames.
The flames are able to read the intentions of those who approach and will let friends pass safely through. Flying beings are
able to pass over the flames.
Air Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 4 Cloud Trapeze A2 3 5 - NUW
The caster swings himself up and away with incredible speed, landing in a province far away.
Thau 4 Auspex A2 2 2 - NUW
The caster listens to the winds and observes the flight of birds. The winds will carry legends of magical places and ancient
storms. If the winds are correctly interpreted, the caster gains knowledge of sites of Air power in a distant province. This
spell cannot be cast at an enemy province.
Evo 4 Hurricane A3 5 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster unleashes a violent hurricane upon a province, devastating the countryside. The hurricane will appear as a
natural event. Unrest will increase and part of the population will die.
Ench 3 Seeking Arrow A3 4 3 8 AN, Anonymous
The caster sends an enchanted arrow across the world to find a suitable heart to penetrate. The arrow will target one
leader in a province of the caster's choice.
Conj 5 Raven Feast A4 3 5 - NUW
The caster summons an unkindness of ravens and sends them into a distant province to feast upon the newly dead. The
ravens consume the rotting corpses and return to be slaughtered for the raw death essence they then contain. Provinces
struck by plagues or containing recent battlefields can give the caster large amounts of Death gems. All unburied dead in a
province are consumed. Enemy provinces can be targeted.
Ench 5 Trade Wind A4 10 - - NUW
The caster creates a perpetual stable wind in a coastal province that enables merchants to quickly sail to and from the
province. The trade wind increases income from the province by 25 percent for the duration of the enchantment. The spell
lasts longer for every gem spent on the ritual. The enchantment remains if the province is captured.
Conj 5 Wind Ride A5 10 3 - NUW
The Air mage summons a whirlwind in a province of his choice. The whirlwind will try to find a commander in the
province and transport him to where the Air mage is located. This spell is an effective way to rescue cornered commanders,
but it can also be a very effective way to get enemy commanders out of the way. Large beings are difficult or impossible to
lift, as are powerful Earth mages.
Ench 6 Dome of Solid Air A5 20 - - NUW
A dome made out of air is created over the entire province the mage is in. The dome will protect the province from many
spells that originate outside the warded province. While undisturbed, the spell will last indefinitely, but if a spell passes
through the dome, or if the mage who cast the dome dies, it will shatter instantly. The dome has an 80 percent chance of
stopping any spell that tries to pass through it.
Water Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 4 Voice of Apsu W2 2 3 -
The caster conjures the dreams of Apsu, the Fresh Water Underneath. He has knowledge of all sweet water. The voice of
his dreams, when rightly interpreted, reveals sites of Water power located above the surface. The dreams will find their
way to everyone living in the targeted province and the magical sites will no longer be hidden.
Conj 5 Voice of Tiamat W2 8 4 - UW
The caster conjures up the dreams of Tiamat, the Raging Sea. She has knowledge of all that lies underneath the sea. The
voice of her dreams, when rightly interpreted, reveals all sites of Elemental power in a sea. The dreams will find their way
to everyone living in that province and the magical sites will no longer be secret. This spell can only be cast under water.
Thau 2 Scrying Pool W2 2 5 - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
The mage will enchant a pool of water to provide images of a province far away. The more magic gems spent on the
scrying pool, the longer it will last. The information gained by scrying is much more accurate than a normal scout can
Alt 4 Wolven Winter W3 5 5 - Anonymous, Limited
The caster curses a distant province with a dramatic fall in temperature. The mage can target any province of his choice
and those affected will not know who has cast this spell upon them.
Evo 7 Murdering Winter W5 40 4 8 AN, Anonymous, Limited
A sudden, furious blizzard will strike an enemy army camp in a province of the mage's choice. The blizzard is very
powerful and will kill most normal men unless they are located in a hot province. The spell will be extremely powerful if it
is cast in a very cold province and almost useless if cast in a very hot province. The spell has a very large area of effect and
most of the enemy army is likely to be affected. Commanders have access to the good tents and will take reduced damage
from the cold.
Evo 9 Tidal Wave W5 15 6 - Anonymous
The caster unleashes a huge tidal wave upon a distant province, destroying the lands and killing the people. Forty percent
of the population will die and unrest will increase.
Ench 6 Frost Dome W5 15 - -
A frost dome is created over the entire province where the spell is cast. Any spells cast into this dome will trigger the
deadly trap. A powerful frost blast will find its way to the enemy mage and freeze him to death. Every spell cast into the
dome has a 30 percent chance of being destroyed by the frost dome. The more magic gems put into the spell, the longer it
will last. If the mage who cast the dome dies, it will dissolve instantly.
Earth Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 2 Alchemical Transmutation E1 1 - -
The alchemist transmutes base metals into precious ones. The process is time consuming and requires the alchemist to use
earth gems. Every extra gem spent gives the alchemist several pounds of gold. Skilled mages produce even more gold.
Alt 4 Blight E2D1 5 5 - Anonymous
The caster unleashes a blight upon a distant province. Five percent of the population will die, unrest increases and eighty
pounds of gold must be used to feed the starving.
Alt 6 Earth Gem Alchemy E2 1 - -
The alchemist transmutes earth gems into precious metals. Every extra gem spent gives the alchemist several pounds of
gold. Skilled mages produce even more gold.
Thau 4 Gnome Lore E2 3 3 -
The caster bestows the knowledge of the gnomes upon himself and uses it to find places of Earth power. The spell will find
all magic Earth sites in a friendly province of the caster's choice.
Alt 8 Wizard's Tower E4 50 4 -
The caster raises a tall impregnable stone tower from the ground in any friendly province within range. It is very difficult
to break down the walls of this tower, but the administrative facilities are not to the same high standard.
Alt 7 Iron Walls E5 10 - - Can only be cast in forts
The caster transforms the stone walls of a castle into iron walls, effectively increasing the Defence by 1000 points. The
alteration lasts longer if additional gems are used in the ritual. The enchantment will end if the caster is killed.
Alt 6 Crumble E5 20 4 -
The caster unleashes great power upon a besieged castle. The walls of the castle will fall apart and debris will crash down
upon the unwary defenders. The walls will take 250 points of damage, or more, if the caster is exceptionally powerful. Each
skill level beyond five reduces the Defence value of the fortress by 25 additional points.
Conj 8 Earth Attack E5 5 4 -
A huge Earth Elemental will appear in a province of the caster's choice. Here, it will travel under the ground and search
for enemy commanders. When it finds one, it will rise out of the ground and strike it down. The Earth Elemental
disappears when it has completed this task or if it can't find an enemy commander. The elemental can only find targets
that are grounded, thus floating beings will never be attacked by the elemental.
Ench 7 Lion Sentinels E5 30 - - Can only be cast in forts
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
The caster sculpts eleven statues of lions and enchants them with powerful magic. Ten of them are placed outside the
castle walls and the eleventh on the courtyard. Order and prosperity flowers as the lions sentinels protect the inhabitants
and guard them from harm. Should the castle be attacked the lions will come to life and attack the besieging army. The
lions are magical beings and require magical leadership. Should the lion in the courtyard be destroyed the lions will
crumble, unless a mage can take command over the remaining lions.
The enchantment increases the order scale by +1.
Thau 6 Melancholia E5 20 5 -
The caster curses a province with melancholia. The populace becomes depressed, cynical and listless. Peasants don't care
about harvesting and let their livestock wander. Craftsmen only work when they feel like it and soldiers tend to desert
unless whipped into obedience. Even the temples are left untended. The scale of production is set to Sloth 3 and there is a
chance, depending on magic resistance and morale, that soldiers will desert. The Dominion of the local god might decrease.
Astral Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Evo 1 Astral Projection S1 2 7 -
The caster's mind is separated from his body and travels the Astral Planes in search of military information. His mind and
body are connected with a silvery cord, which can be detected by unfriendly Astral mages. Once detected, the cord of the
mage can be severed - a traumatic experience indeed. Each casting of this ritual allows the mage to scry on one province.
The use of extra magical gems increases the duration of the ritual.
Evo 3 Arcane Probing S1 3 4 -
The caster projects his astral self in an attempt to locate sites of Astral power. This spell can only be used to search for
magic in friendly provinces.
Conj 5 Acashic Record S2 10 10 -
This spell lets the caster access the acashic records to find out the history for one nation. The spell must be targeted on a
capital to give any useful information.
Ench 5 Ritual of Returning S2 3 - -
The mage will return to the home citadel at once if he is wounded. The spell lasts until the mage actually has been
wounded and returned home. This ritual will result in swift death for a mage if the home citadel has been conquered by the
Thau 3 Astral Window S2 3 6 -
The caster opens an arcane rift through which he can observe distant lands. The rift closes after a while, but the duration
can be prolonged if extra magic gems are used in the casting. Each casting of this ritual allows the mage to scry on one
province. The information gained by this spell is much more accurate than a normal scout can provide.
Alt 5 Baleful Star S3 7 7 - NUW, Anonymous, Limited
The caster invokes the great Maleficent and forces the evil star to take a conjunctive position in the heavens above one
province, causing unfortunate events and evil deeds to occur. Anyone exposed to the evil star risks getting cursed for the
rest of his life.
Conj 6 Acashic Knowledge S3 25 10 -
This spell lets the caster tap information from the memory of the Spheres to reveal the presence of all magical sites in a
given province. The spell cannot be used to find magic sites in enemy provinces.
Ench 5 Dispel S3 30 - -
This enchantment enables a mage to destroy an active global enchantment. The power of global enchantments is often
boosted with the use of additional gems. This number of gems must be matched in order for the dispel to work.
Thau 3 Teleport S3 2 6 -
With this spell, the mage can transport himself to almost any province in the world, only those very very far away are out
of range for this ritual.
Thau 4 Vengeance of the Dead S3D1 3 5 - MR, Und immune, Mindless immune
The mage will contact the dead souls of all the people or creatures that the target has slain. These dead souls will then be
guided to the dreams of the target, where they can attack him in a horrible nightmare. The mage will ensure that the
target is pulled strongly into the nightmare, so that he stays dead if the dead souls are successful in killing him. This spell
does not work on mindless or undead beings and the target must have slain units in combat for the spell to work. One
province is chosen for the spell and the greatest butcher in that province will be targeted for the nightmare.
Evo 6 Mind Hunt S4 2 6 - AN
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
The caster's mind is separated from his body and travels the astral planes in search of enemy commanders' minds. His
mind and body are connected with a silvery cord, which can be detected by unfriendly Astral mages. Once detected, the
cord of the mage can be severed - a traumatic experience indeed. Each casting of this ritual allows the mage to find and
attack one enemy commander in a specific province. The attack will be either a Mind Burn or Soul Slay spell, depending
on which spell the caster knows. There will be no attack if he doesn't know either of those spells.
Ench 6 Dome of Arcane Warding S4 10 - -
An astral dome is created over the entire province that the mage is located in. The dome will protect the province from
many spells that originate from outside the warded province. The more magic gems put into the spell, the longer it will
last. If the mage dies, the dome dissolves instantly. The dome has a 50 percent chance of stopping each spell that tries to
pass through it.
Thau 5 Gateway S4 10 6 -
The caster creates a rift in the fabric of space, allowing him to step through with all troops under his command and enter a
distant laboratory that has been prepared for the gateway. The gateway can only lead to a lab controlled by the same
nation, and it closes as soon as the troops have passed through.
Thau 6 Imprint Souls S4 25 5 -
The people of a small village in a remote province will have their minds gradually broken down. When they are entirely
lobotomized, their minds will be imprinted with religious zeal towards the rightful Pretender God. When the conversion is
complete, they will attack the province in an attempt to conquer it and serve their God to the best of their abilities. This
is a very dangerous process, many people die and most of the survivors are not fully restored with the proper religious zeal.
A skillful mage and extra penetration skill from magic items will help in successful conversion of the villagers.
Thau 7 Divine Name S5 25 - -
The caster inscribes a divine name on a piece of paper and places it in the head of a mindless being. The being is gifted
with an artificial mind and commanding abilities. The caster can also inscribe the name on the forehead of a willing target,
increasing his mental faculties and making him a commander.
Thau 9 Astral Travel S5 25 5 -
The caster creates a rift in the fabric of space, allowing him to step through with all troops under his command and enter a
distant province.
Alt 9 Wish S9 100 - -
This ritual taps the primal powers from beyond the Spheres. By projection of his own will upon the Principle of Beginning,
the caster can affect the very processes of creation and receive an answer to his wish. There are many things to wish for,
but the outcome is not always good. If you want something good and safe, you can try wishing for an artifact or magic
Death Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 3 Dark Knowledge D1 4 3 -
The caster summons a spirit of the Underworld and coerces it to reveal knowledge of sites of Death in a distant province.
The spell can not be used to find magic in enemy provinces.
Ench 4 Twiceborn D2 10 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
With this ritual, the necromancer enchants his own body to protect himself from death. If the necromancer is slain, he is
revived as a Wight Mage in the province where the ritual was cast. For the ritual to work, the province it was cast in must
be in friendly hands when the necromancer dies. This spell does not work on undead, demons or inanimates.
Ench 7 Ritual of Rebirth D4 15 - - NUW
The caster of this spell revives a previously slain hero via the ancient Ritual of Rebirth. The ritual mummifies the dead
hero before bringing him or her back to life. Only great heroes from the Hall of Fame can be resurrected by this ritual.
The ritual can be performed multiple times on a single hero. Inanimate or undead beings are not affected by this spell
Conj 8 Manifestation D5 4 4 - NUW
With this spell, an Ashen Angel is summoned with the promise of an opportunity to kill a commander in this realm and to
bring his soul back to the Lord of the Netherworld. The Ashen Angel will appear in a province of the mage's choice. There
is a 50 percent chance that a commander is deemed suitable for the Ashen Angel. If no suitable commander is found, the
Angel will return to the mage and kill him instead. A commander who is horror marked runs a greater risk of being chosen
by the Angel.
Thau 6 Leprosy D5 10 4 - MR, Und immune, Inanim immune
The mage conjures forth a wasting disease upon an enemy army in a distant province. Diseased targets will never regain
any lost hit points and will take damage every season they are alive. Undead, demons and inanimate beings are not
affected by this spell.
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 8 Stygian Paths D5 15 10 -
All lands are connected to the Underworld and every location in the Underworld corresponds to a location in the lands of
the living, but time passes differently in the Underworld. By traveling in the Underworld, great distances can be covered in
a short period of time. When this ritual is cast, a gateway into the realm of the dead is opened. The necromancer then
leads his followers on dark paths through the Underworld to emerge in a faraway province. The journey, however, is not
free from risk: no one is allowed to leave the lands of the dead. Everyone using the Stygian paths risks injury or even
death by poisoning, spirit attacks or fates even worse. Stealthy units are less likely to be detected by the guardians of the
Thau 8 Black Death D5 15 5 - Anonymous
The necromancer curses a province with the Black Death. This plague will kill thousands upon thousands of people. The
spell is targeted at the general population and will probably not affect the military units in the province.
Conj 9 Tartarian Gate D7 10 - - NUW
The caster opens a gate to Tartarus and releases a dead Titan or Monstrum imprisoned in that horrible place. The Titans
were gods in ancient times, but were defeated and imprisoned in Tartarus aeons ago. The dead Titan once had tremendous
powers, but the imprisonment in the realm of perpetual pain might have destroyed the mind of the ancient god.
Nature Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 6 Transformation N2 8 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The caster is transformed into a random monster. Some monsters, such as fire drakes, are closely attuned to an element or
other magical path. If the caster successfully transforms into such a being he might gain magic power. Also the casters new
body is young and healthy. The transformation is not without risk, however, as the caster's mind and body may be
damaged in the process. A luck scale increases the chance that the transformation is successful. Sometimes a failed
transformation can result in the form of a mindless being and usually mind and magic abilities are lost as a result. But
sometimes a being with powerful magic can retain his magic ability as the magic is too strong to let the absence of a mind
stop it.
Thau 3 Haruspex N2 2 3 -
The caster opens the bellies of newly slaughtered animals and observes their livers. The state of the livers reveals distant
locations of Nature power.
Conj 5 Winged Monkeys N3S2 10 5 - NUW
The caster summons a troop of winged monkeys and sends them away to fetch a commander from a distant land. The
monkeys will try to grab and fly away with the helpless commander, but will attack if the target is too heavy. The
monkeys are afraid of mages and will never try to snatch a mage from the ground. The monkeys leave after they have
accomplished their mission.
Conj 6 Locust Swarms N3 8 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster unleashes swarms of locusts upon a province. The locusts will cause panic, consume crops and cause the loss of
100 pounds of gold in taxes. The swarms will appear as a natural event.
Ench 8 Dragon Master N3 30 - -
The caster claims lordship over all serpentkin. Every time the caster summons a Drake, Wyvern or Sea Serpent, not one
but three beasts will heed the call.
Conj 5 Vermin Feast N4 6 4 -
The caster makes vermin like rats and cockroaches (or shrimps and crabs) attracted to the supply stores of a besieged
castle. The vermin will make sure that the supplies do not last very long. The more gems spent in this ritual the longer it
will last. Having more than one Vermin Feast ritual active on the same province will not add to the effect and the ritual
has no effect on an unbesieged castle.
Conj 7 Living Castle N4W1 40 4 - UW
The caster conjures a castle of living kelp and algae. The castle can only be created in a friendly sea. This spell cannot be
cast above the waves.
Thau 4 Cure Disease N4 5 - - Inanim immune
This ritual cures a unit from disease, an affliction that otherwise is certain to result in a quick and early death. The target
unit must be in the same province as the caster.
Thau 5 Gift of Reason N4 20 - - Mindless immune
This gift grants commander status and a sharp intellect to any one being. The target unit must be in the same province as
the caster. Mindless units cannot be affected by the spell.
Ench 5 Faery Trod N5 20 10 - NUW
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
The mage leads his army into a magic forest to find a Faery Trod. The army follows this strange path through faerie lands
and will finally arrive in a distant forest. Both the source and destination provinces must be forests for this spell to work.
Navigating on the faerie paths is a tricky adventure and it might be that you won't emerge exactly where you planned.
Ench 6 Forest Dome N5 10 - -
Vegetation will grow into a dome that covers the entire province where the spell is cast. The dome will protect the
province from many spells that originate outside the warded province. If left undisturbed, the forest dome will last forever.
However, if a Fire spell is absorbed by the dome, it may catch fire and be destroyed. If the caster dies, the dome will
wither and die. The dome has a 30 percent chance of stopping each spell that passes through it.
Thau 6 Beckoning N5 20 4 - MR
The caster awakens the forces of the wild, which call out to lure the unwary. Those who fall prey vanish into the
woodlands, never to be seen again. The Beckoning will only work in forests and forest beings are immune to the call. The
Beckoning targets up to one third of the soldiers in a land, but those who are strong of mind or duty will resist the call.
The maximum number of units affected by this spell depends on the level of the caster.
Blood Rituals
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 2 Bowl of Blood B1 5 5 - NUW
The caster fills a bowl with blood, mixes it with soil from a distant land and observes the five signs. The signs will reveal
all sites of blood power in that province.
Blood 3 Cross Breeding B1N1 15 - - NUW
Hundreds of different creatures from mice to humans are magically cross-bred and grown in an effort to produce a powerful
monster. Most offspring die early, but some survive and are bound to serve their creator. Luck is required to breed the
more powerful creatures.
Blood 5 Wrath of Pazuzu B1A3 15 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster unleashes an infernal tempest from the realm of Pazuzu upon a province. The storm is anything but natural
and Shedim, servants of Pazuzu, can be heard bellowing in the gale. The storm causes unrest and devastation upon a
Blood 6 Rejuvenate B1 10 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The mage drenches himself in the blood of ten young girls in an attempt to become younger. Each offered girl will make
the caster one year younger.
Blood 3 Blood Feast B2 5 - - Inanim immune, NUW
The caster has learned the recuperative secrets of cannibalism. In a gruesome ritual lasting a month he consumes the blood
and feast of ritually purified sacrifices. The blood feast requires copious amount of flesh and blood of unpurified victims as
well however, so the populace in the province where the caster resides is slaughtered in great quantities. The flesh and
blood of the victims rejuvenates the caster, healing him of all or at least most afflictions. Bloodmages who partakes too
often in blood feasts often develop uncontrollable cravings for human flesh. The ritual does not work on inanimate beings.
Blood 4 Blood Fecundity B2N2 10 - - NUW
The mage performs a great blood ceremony in order to increase the fertility of the land. The spell lasts longer if more
slaves are sacrificed.
Blood 8 Improved Cross Breeding B2N2 20 - - NUW
Hundreds of different creatures from mice to humans are magically cross-bred and grown in an effort to produce a powerful
monster. Most offspring die early, but some survive and are bound to serve their creator. Luck is required to breed the
more powerful creatures.
Blood 5 Rain of Toads B3N1 20 5 - NUW, Anonymous, Limited
The caster creates a horrible omen, turning the falling rain in a target province into toads. The target province will suffer
from unrest and misfortune. Soldiers stationed in the province will risk becoming diseased when dead toads fester in the
Blood 7 Send Dream Horror B3S4 15 6 - Tainted, NUW, Anonymous
The caster sends a Defiler of Dreams to attack a distant province. The Dream Horror will project nightmares and feed on
the emotional distress of its victims. Unrest will increase in the province until the Horror is found and slain. Dealing with
horrors is not without risk however and the caster of this ritual might attract some unwanted attention.
Blood 8 Horror Seed B3S4 25 6 - NUW
A Horror is sent to possess a far away enemy. The Horror hides its true self and spreads its evil ways, marking and cursing
soldiers in the province. The most horrible ability of the possessing Horror is to infect living soldiers with Parasitic Horrors.
These Parasitic Horrors sooner or later break the mind and body of their host, transforming them into full fledged Horrors.
Should the host of the Master Horror be slain, the true Horror will manifest and attack everything alive.
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Blood 7 Dome of Corruption B4S4 20 - - NUW
The caster seals a pact with Horrors. The Horrors create a dome that protects the province from most spells (75 percent
protection) that originate from outside the warded province. Trying to cast a spell through this dome is very dangerous
and might drive the casting mage insane. The pact has a downside too, which will become apparent to mages living under
the dome. The creators of the dome will occasionally attack and consume a mage. The dome will dissolve instantly if the
caster of this ritual dies.
Blood 3 Infernal Circle B5 5 - - NUW
The caster creates a circle with infernal symbols drawn in the blood of virgins. Blood rituals cast from the circle with have
their range increased. The circle will dissipate eventually, but the more blood slaves used for the circle, the longer it will
Blood 6 Infernal Disease B5 5 5 -
This ritual starts with a month of scribing complex magic symbols and eventually culminates with the sacrifice of five
young girls. When the ritual is finished, a Disease Demon is bound and ordered to attack an enemy commander wherever
in the world the caster chooses. The demon is very deadly and should be a sure way to kill an enemy.
Blood 8 Three Red Seconds B5 120 4 - NUW
The caster summons a horde of Imps and commands them to raise a fortress. In three red seconds, a mighty citadel is built
in a province of the caster's choice.
National Rituals: Arcoscephale (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Monster Boar N3 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster summons a monster boar and sends it to a distant province to ravage the land. The boar is a descendant of the
monster boars sent by the Lady of the Hunt to ravage the farmlands of obnoxious peasants. The boar will cause unrest in
the province until it is found and slain.
National Rituals: Marverni (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Monster Boar N3 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster summons a monster boar and sends it to a distant province to ravage the land. The boar is a descendant of the
monster boars sent by the Lady of the Hunt to ravage the farmlands of obnoxious peasants. The boar will cause unrest in
the province until it is found and slain.
National Rituals: T'ien Ch'i (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 5 Internal Alchemy W2S1 10 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The mystics and hermits of T'ien Ch'i have always been obsessed with longevity. Internal Alchemy is a method to
transmute the inner self instead of external substances. Meditation, severe asceticism and breathing techniques are used to
access the inner cinnabar fields in an attempt to alter them. Often the alchemist feeds on cinnabar, transmuted quicksilver,
the most highly regarded alchemical substance, during the process. The transformative nature of the cinnabar might also
transmute the mind of the hermit. Each casting of the spell deducts 15 years of age.
National Rituals: Abysia (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 6 Hellscape F4 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster calls on the fires of Rhuax to curse a distant province with blistering heat. Smoke and wildfires will erupt as the
very ground will burn with unnatural heat. The Hellscape will appear as an unnatural event, but those affected will not
know who has cast the curse upon them.
Blood 3 Infernal Breeding B2 25 - - NUW
The Warlocks of Abysia have experimented with crossbreeding since they first discovered blood magic. Under the influence
of infernal magic Abysians, humans and giants are crossbred with demons, salamanders and other beasts. In the early days
most of the experiments were conducted on Abysians, but the wars with Hinnom made the blood of giants occasionally
available. In later times humans and humanbreds have dominated the breeding stock and abysian crossbreds are rarer.
Due to the creation process many Hell Spawn suffer from various afflictions and early aging.
National Rituals: Caelum (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 7 Call of the Drugvant D4F1 15 4 - NUW, Anonymous
The Drugvant are the People of the Lie, those under the influence of evil intentions. With this ritual the caster lets loose
the will of the Destructive Spirit upon a remote land. Falsehood, wickedness and violence will spread in the province and in
its wake Daevas will come. Unrest is greatly increased and the province is attacked by bandits and a host of Daevas.
National Rituals: Pangaea (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Monster Boar N3 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster summons a monster boar and sends it to a distant province to ravage the land. The boar is a descendant of the
monster boars sent by the Lady of the Hunt to ravage the farmlands of obnoxious peasants. The boar will cause unrest in
the province until it is found and slain.
Alt 0 Grow Fortress N4 35 - -
This ritual forces nature to form a complete fortress in a matter of weeks, sturdy enough to rival stone walls. Defenders can
stand on the walls and fire missiles from the parapets. This ritual can only be cast in forests or shallow seas, where nature
has plenty of material to build from.
National Rituals: Agartha (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 4 Mirror of Earths Memories W2E2 5 10 -
A Agarthan Oracle ventures down to the Womb of the Earth and gazes into the reflections of the First Pool to gain
knowledge of subterranean sources of magic. The spell reveals all magic sites of earth, fire, water and death in a distant
cave province.
Alt 9 Unleash Imprisoned Ones E6D4 100 - -
Since before the founding of Agartha there has been a forbidden chamber under the Roots of the Earth. Agarthan legends
tell of three dark gods of an earlier age imprisoned with the help of the first Pale Ones. The Seal was strengthened with the
souls of thousands of Pale Ones who gave their lives to protect the world from the Imprisoned Ones. Now the Seal seems to
be weakening and a there are rumors of a crack in the Seal. Some Oracles of the Dead have heard silent whispers in their
dreams. Whispers of promise. A promise to spare the Agarthan people if the Imprisoned Ones are released. The oldest and
most influential of the Oracles of the Dead has spoken against it, but desperate times need desperate measures, and the
whispered promise has not been forgotten.
National Rituals: Yomi (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 0 Hannya Pact D1 6 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The Namanari seals a pact with the Oni Kings, giving up her humanity to become a Chunari. The Chunari gains powers in
death and fire magic and a demonic nature. Jealous and greedy for power a Chunari will sooner or later strengthen her
pact with her masters losing her humanity altogether.
Conj 0 Greater Hannya Pact D2 12 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The Chunari seals a second and final pact with the Oni Kings, giving up the last shreds of humanity to become a true
Hannya. The Hannya gains further powers in death and fire magic. A fiery aura and a serpent tail are also given to her to
remind her of who her true masters are.
National Rituals: R'lyeh (age 1)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 3 Mind Vessel S3 15 - -
This ritual puts a part of the Aboleth's mind in the humanlike vessel that has been bred for this purpose. After the ritual
the vessel will have little left of its own mind and the Aboleth part will have to guide it along. After the merging of minds
the vessel will be able to use its old magic knowledge as well as that of the Aboleth. The state of the Aboleth is constantly
influencing its vessel and should the Aboleth die the vessel will not survive for more than a few days at the most. An
Aboleth can not share his mind with more than one vessel at a time.
National Rituals: Arcoscephale (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Monster Boar N3 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster summons a monster boar and sends it to a distant province to ravage the land. The boar is a descendant of the
monster boars sent by the Lady of the Hunt to ravage the farmlands of obnoxious peasants. The boar will cause unrest in
the province until it is found and slain.
National Rituals: T'ien Ch'i (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 5 Internal Alchemy W2S1 10 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The mystics and hermits of T'ien Ch'i have always been obsessed with longevity. Internal Alchemy is a method to
transmute the inner self instead of external substances. Meditation, severe asceticism and breathing techniques are used to
access the inner cinnabar fields in an attempt to alter them. Often the alchemist feeds on cinnabar, transmuted quicksilver,
the most highly regarded alchemical substance, during the process. The transformative nature of the cinnabar might also
transmute the mind of the hermit. Each casting of the spell deducts 15 years of age.
Cnst 5 Thousand Year Ginseng N1 8 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The mystics and hermits of T'ien Ch'i have always been obsessed with longevity. During the Time of the Bureaucracy and
the prevalence of herbal medicine, one means to this end was found. The Thousand Year Ginseng will give the imbiber
longevity and good health and is the closest to immortality one can come without practicing Internal Alchemy. Each
casting of the spell deducts 5 years of age.
National Rituals: Abysia (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 6 Hellscape F4 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster calls on the fires of Rhuax to curse a distant province with blistering heat. Smoke and wildfires will erupt as the
very ground will burn with unnatural heat. The Hellscape will appear as an unnatural event, but those affected will not
know who has cast the curse upon them.
Blood 3 Infernal Breeding B2 25 - - NUW
The Warlocks of Abysia have experimented with crossbreeding since they first discovered blood magic. Under the influence
of infernal magic Abysians, humans and giants are crossbred with demons, salamanders and other beasts. In the early days
most of the experiments were conducted on Abysians, but the wars with Hinnom made the blood of giants occasionally
available. In later times humans and humanbreds have dominated the breeding stock and abysian crossbreds are rarer.
Due to the creation process many Hell Spawn suffer from various afflictions and early aging.
National Rituals: Caelum (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 7 Call of the Drugvant D4F1 15 4 - NUW, Anonymous
The Drugvant are the People of the Lie, those under the influence of evil intentions. With this ritual the caster lets loose
the will of the Destructive Spirit upon a remote land. Falsehood, wickedness and violence will spread in the province and in
its wake Daevas will come. Unrest is greatly increased and the province is attacked by bandits and a host of Daevas.
National Rituals: Pangaea (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Monster Boar N3 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster summons a monster boar and sends it to a distant province to ravage the land. The boar is a descendant of the
monster boars sent by the Lady of the Hunt to ravage the farmlands of obnoxious peasants. The boar will cause unrest in
the province until it is found and slain.
Alt 5 Fort of the Ancients N4 35 - -
In ancient times, Pangaea made its forts not from mud and mortar but bramble and birch. This ritual forces nature to
form a complete fortress in a matter of weeks, sturdy enough to rival stone walls. The ritual can only be cast in forests or
shallow seas, where an appropriate amount of vegetation can be found.
National Rituals: Asphodel (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 0 Grow Fortress N4 35 - -
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
This ritual forces nature to form a complete fortress in a matter of weeks, sturdy enough to rival stone walls. Defenders can
stand on the walls and fire missiles from the parapets. This ritual can only be cast in forests or shallow seas, where nature
has plenty of material to build from.
Ench 4 Dark Slumber N4D2 15 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The Caster calls on the wrath of the forest to engulf a village in a distant province. The villagers succumbs to an
enchanted sleep and walks into the woods to die a dreamless death. Vines and roots begin to grow and reanimate the
corpses. Within days an army of manikin emerges from the woods to claim the province from the living.
National Rituals: Nazca (age 2)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 2 Eyes of the Condors A2 1 4 - NUW
The Condor is sacred to the people of Nazca. It is considered a messenger of the sun and herald of storms. No other bird
can soar at such heights, thus Condor scouts are rarely seen and almost impossible to catch. With this ritual the caster
borrows the all perceiving eyes of the Condors and send the sacred birds to a distant province to scry.
Ench 5 Geoglyphs S3E2 18 - - NUW
The Coyas of Nazca, daughters of the Moon, are accomplished students of the stellar bodies and their connection with the
earth. They have discovered means to amplify the influence of the planets on the terrestrial sphere through vast geoglyphs
inscribed on the bare ground. As long as the enchantment of the geoglyph is active magic in the province is increased as
are the ranges of rituals. Enemies fighting in a province with an active geoglyph are more easily affected by magic and
have their magic resistance reduced. It is only possible to cast the ritual if you can see the land from above. Thus only
flying mages can cast the spell. For the enchantment to be effective the geoglyphs must be exposed to stellar lights, so it is
only castable in barren lands.
National Rituals: Arcoscephale (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Monster Boar N3 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster summons a monster boar and sends it to a distant province to ravage the land. The boar is a descendant of the
monster boars sent by the Lady of the Hunt to ravage the farmlands of obnoxious peasants. The boar will cause unrest in
the province until it is found and slain.
National Rituals: T'ien Ch'i (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 5 Internal Alchemy W2S1 10 - - Und immune, Inanim immune
The mystics and hermits of T'ien Ch'i have always been obsessed with longevity. Internal Alchemy is a method to
transmute the inner self instead of external substances. Meditation, severe asceticism and breathing techniques are used to
access the inner cinnabar fields in an attempt to alter them. Often the alchemist feeds on cinnabar, transmuted quicksilver,
the most highly regarded alchemical substance, during the process. The transformative nature of the cinnabar might also
transmute the mind of the hermit. Each casting of the spell deducts 15 years of age.
National Rituals: Abysia (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Alt 6 Hellscape F4 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster calls on the fires of Rhuax to curse a distant province with blistering heat. Smoke and wildfires will erupt as the
very ground will burn with unnatural heat. The Hellscape will appear as an unnatural event, but those affected will not
know who has cast the curse upon them.
Blood 3 Infernal Breeding B2 25 - - NUW
The Warlocks of Abysia have experimented with crossbreeding since they first discovered blood magic. Under the influence
of infernal magic Abysians, humans and giants are crossbred with demons, salamanders and other beasts. In the early days
most of the experiments were conducted on Abysians, but the wars with Hinnom made the blood of giants occasionally
available. In later times humans and humanbreds have dominated the breeding stock and abysian crossbreds are rarer.
Due to the creation process many Hell Spawn suffer from various afflictions and early aging.
National Rituals: Caelum (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 7 Call of the Drugvant D4F1 15 4 - NUW, Anonymous
The Drugvant are the People of the Lie, those under the influence of evil intentions. With this ritual the caster lets loose
the will of the Destructive Spirit upon a remote land. Falsehood, wickedness and violence will spread in the province and in
its wake Daevas will come. Unrest is greatly increased and the province is attacked by bandits and a host of Daevas.
National Rituals: Pangaea (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Conj 5 Monster Boar N3 10 5 - NUW, Anonymous
The caster summons a monster boar and sends it to a distant province to ravage the land. The boar is a descendant of the
monster boars sent by the Lady of the Hunt to ravage the farmlands of obnoxious peasants. The boar will cause unrest in
the province until it is found and slain.
Alt 5 Fort of the Ancients N4 35 - -
In ancient times, Pangaea made its forts not from mud and mortar but bramble and birch. This ritual forces nature to
form a complete fortress in a matter of weeks, sturdy enough to rival stone walls. The ritual can only be cast in forests or
shallow seas, where an appropriate amount of vegetation can be found.
National Rituals: Ragha (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 7 Call of the Drugvant D4F1 15 4 - NUW, Anonymous
The Drugvant are the People of the Lie, those under the influence of evil intentions. With this ritual the caster lets loose
the will of the Destructive Spirit upon a remote land. Falsehood, wickedness and violence will spread in the province and in
its wake Daevas will come. Unrest is greatly increased and the province is attacked by bandits and a host of Daevas.
National Rituals: Atlantis (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Ench 5 Send Tupilak D3W1 5 5 - NUW
The Tupilak is an artificial animal made from various animal cadavers. It is able to take the appearance and attributes of
any of its composite parts. Most Tupilaks are made from bears, ravens, seals and reindeer. This gives the Tupilak battle
prowess and the ability of flight. After it has been created, it is given the task of hunting down and killing a specific enemy
commander. Then the Tupilak will fly, run and swim across the world in order to find its prey and kill it.
National Rituals: R'lyeh (age 3)
School Ritual Name Path Cost Rng Dmg Special
Thau 6 Dreams of R'lyeh S4 4 10 - MR
This spell can target the dreams of an enemy commander anywhere in the world. It will pull his dream through the Void
Gate in R'lyeh and into the other world. Here the caster will manifest himself in the dream and kill the bewildered target.
The spell does not work on mindless beings or those who never sleep.
Acashic Knowledge (ritual) 86
Acashic Record (ritual) 86
Acid Bolt (spell) 17
Acid Rain (spell) 17
Acid Spray (spell) 17
Acid Storm (spell) 17
Acorn Necklace (item) 11
Agony (spell) 22
Aim (spell) 15
Air Shield (spell) 15
Alchemical Transmutation (ritual) 85
Alchemist's Stone (item) 12
Ambush of Tigers (ritual) 42, 50, 56, 62, 69
Amon Hotep (item) 8
Amulet of Antimagic (item) 11
Amulet of Breathing (item) 10
Amulet of Giants (item) 11
Amulet of Missile Protection (item) 10
Amulet of Resilience (item) 11
Amulet of the Dead (item) 11
Amulet of the Doppelganger (item) 12
Amulet of the Fish (item) 11
Anathema (spell) 27
Anemone Mace (item) 2
Angelic Host (ritual) 53, 54, 66
Animal Horde (ritual) 39
Animate Dead (spell) 20
Animate Skeleton (spell) 20
Antimagic (spell) 19
Apostasy (spell) 25, 27
Arcane Bolt (spell) 19
Arcane Domination (spell) 19
Arcane Lens (item) 12
Arcane Nexus (ritual) 80
Arcane Probing (ritual) 86
Ardmon's Soul Trap (item) 13
Armor of Achilles (spell) 18
Armor of Knights (item) 7
Armor of Souls (item) 6
Armor of Twisting Thorns (item) 7
Armor of the Dawn (item) 7
Armor of the Five Elements (item) 6
Armor of Virtue (item) 7
Army of Giants (spell) 22
Army of Gold (spell) 18
Army of Lead (spell) 18
Army of Rats (spell) 22
Army of the Dead (ritual) 37
Arouse Hunger (ritual) 36
Arrow Fend (spell) 16
Aseftik's Armor (item) 7
Ashes to Ashes (spell) 23
Astral Corruption (ritual) 81
Astral Fires (spell) 19
Astral Geyser (spell) 19
Astral Healing (spell) 19
Astral Projection (ritual) 86
Astral Serpent (item) 11
Astral Shield (spell) 19
Astral Tempest (spell) 19
Astral Travel (ritual) 87
Astral Window (ritual) 86
Atlas of Creation (item) 12
Attentive Statues (ritual) 56
Augury (ritual) 83
Auspex (ritual) 84
Awaken Algae Men (ritual) 38
Awaken Dark Vines (ritual) 40
Awaken Draugar (ritual) 46, 59, 60, 72
Awaken Hamadryad (ritual) 41, 45, 52, 54, 58, 65, 72
Awaken Ivy King (ritual) 39
Awaken Sepulchral (ritual) 70
Awaken Shard Wights (ritual) 57, 70
Awaken Sleeper (ritual) 39
Awaken Tarrasque (ritual) 39
Awaken Tattoos (spell) 24
Awaken Tomb Oracle (ritual) 70
Awaken Treelord (ritual) 39
Awaken Vine Men (ritual) 37
Awaken Vine Ogres (ritual) 38
Axe of Hate (item) 3
Axe of Sharpness (item) 2
Bag of Winds (item) 11
Baleful Star (ritual) 86
Bane Blade (item) 2, 4
Bane Fire Dart (spell) 20
Bane Fire (spell) 20
Bane Venom Charm (item) 11
Banefire Crossbow (item) 5
Banish Demon (spell) 22
Banishment (spell) 23
Banner of the Northern Star (item) 5
Banquet for the Dead (ritual) 63
Barathrus Pact (ritual) 45, 56
Barkskin Amulet (item) 10
Barkskin (spell) 21
Barrel of Air (item) 11
Barrier (item) 6
Battle Fortune (spell) 19
Battlefield Spells, list of 14
Bear Claw Talisman (item) 9
Beast Mastery (spell) 22
Beckoning (ritual) 89
Behemoth (ritual) 36
Bell of Cleansing (item) 12
Berserker Pelt (item) 6
Bind Arch Devil (ritual) 40
Bind Beast Bats (ritual) 43, 51, 55, 67, 76
Bind Bone Fiends (ritual) 39
Bind Demon Knight (ritual) 40
Bind Demon Lord (ritual) 41
Bind Devil (ritual) 40
Bind Fiend (ritual) 40
Bind Fiery Imps (ritual) 39
Bind Frost Fiend (ritual) 40
Bind Harlequin (ritual) 67
Bind Heliophagus (ritual) 41
Bind Ice Devil (ritual) 40
Bind Jaguar Fiends (ritual) 43, 51, 55, 67, 76
Bind Penumbral (ritual) 45
Bind Scorpion Beast (ritual) 30
Bind Serpent Fiend (ritual) 39
Bind Shadow Imp (ritual) 39
Bind Spine Devil (ritual) 40
Bind Storm Demon (ritual) 40
Bind Succubus (ritual) 40
Bind Tzitzimitl (ritual) 43, 67
Bind Umbral (ritual) 45
Birch Boots (item) 9
Black Bow of Botulf (item) 4
Black Death (ritual) 88
Black Halberd (item) 4
Black Laurel (item) 8
Black Servant (ritual) 35
Blacksteel Full Plate (item) 6
Blacksteel Helmet (item) 7
Blacksteel Kite Shield (item) 5
Blacksteel Plate (item) 6
Blacksteel Sword (item) 1
Blacksteel Tower Shield (item) 5
Blade Wind (spell) 18
Blast of Unlife (spell) 20
Bleed (spell) 22
Blessing (spell) 23
Blight (ritual) 85
Blindness (spell) 14
Blink (spell) 19
Blood Boil (spell) 22
Blood Burst (spell) 22
Blood Feast (ritual) 89
Blood Fecundity (ritual) 89
Blood Heal (spell) 22
Blood Lust (spell) 23
Blood Pendant (item) 12
Blood Rain (spell) 23
Blood Rite (ritual) 40
Blood Stone (item) 11
Blood Thorn (item) 3
Blood Vortex (ritual) 81
Bloodletting (spell) 23
Blue Dragon Scale Mail (item) 7
Body Ethereal (spell) 19
Boil (spell) 15
Bolt of Unlife (spell) 20
Bonds of Fire (spell) 14
Bone Armor (item) 7
Bone Grinding (spell) 21
Bone Melter (spell) 17
Boots of Antaeus (item) 9
Boots of Giant Strength (item) 9
Boots of Long Strides (item) 9
Boots of Quickness (item) 9
Boots of Seven Mile Strides (item) 9
Boots of Stone (item) 9
Boots of the Behemoth (item) 9
Boots of the Messenger (item) 9
Boots of the Planes (item) 9
Boots of the Spider (item) 9
Boots of Youth (item) 9
Bottle of Living Water (item) 11
Bow of the Titans (item) 5
Bow of War (item) 4
Bowl of Blood (ritual) 89
Bracers of Protection (item) 10
Brazen Vessel (item) 11
Break the First Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Break the Fourth Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Break the Second Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Break the Third Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Breath of the Desert (ritual) 83
Breath of the Dragon (spell) 21
Breath of Winter (spell) 17
Brightmail Haubergeon (item) 7
Brimstone Boots (item) 9
Brood of Garm (ritual) 46, 59, 72
Burden of Time (ritual) 80
Burning Blade (item) 1
Burning Hands (spell) 14
Burning Pearl (item) 10
Call Abomination (ritual) 35
Call Ahurani (ritual) 44, 57, 71, 75
Call Amesha Spenta (ritual) 44, 57, 71, 76
Call Ancestor (spell) 24, 27
Call Ancient Presence (ritual) 33
Call Anzu (ritual) 50, 63
Call Apkallu (ritual) 50, 64
Call Arel (ritual) 63, 75
Call Celestial Soldiers (ritual) 42, 55, 68
Call Celestial Yazad (ritual) 44, 57, 71, 75
Call Daevas (ritual) 44, 57, 71, 76
Call Ephor (ritual) 52
Call Fravashi (ritual) 44, 57, 71, 75
Call Greater Daeva (ritual) 44, 58, 71, 76
Call Hashmal (ritual) 63, 75
Call Horror (spell) 23
Call Jahi (ritual) 44, 57, 71, 76
Call Kraken (ritual) 32
Call Lesser Horror (spell) 23
Call Malakh (ritual) 63, 75
Call Melqart (ritual) 51
Call Merkavah (ritual) 63, 75
Call Ophan (ritual) 63, 75
Call of the Drugvant (ritual) 91, 92, 94
Call of the Wild (ritual) 39
Call of the Winds (ritual) 31
Call Spectral Philosopher (ritual) 52
Call the Eater of the Dead (ritual) 35
Call the Worm That Walks (ritual) 39
Call Wraith Lord (ritual) 37
Call Yata (ritual) 44, 58, 71, 76
Carcator the Pocket Lich (item) 12
Carmine Cleaver (item) 4
Carrion Centaur (ritual) 58
Carrion Growth (spell) 26
Carrion Lady (ritual) 58
Carrion Lord (ritual) 58
Carrion Reanimation (ritual) 36
Cat Charm (item) 10
Cat's Eye Amulet (item) 10
Cauldron of the Elven Halls (item) 11
Celestial Chastisement (spell) 24, 26, 27
Celestial Hounds (ritual) 42, 55, 68
Celestial Music (spell) 25, 26
Celestial Rainbow (ritual) 79
Celestial Servant (ritual) 42, 56, 68
Chain Lightning (spell) 16
Chain Mail of Displacement (item) 7
Champion's Skull (item) 10
Charcoal Shield (item) 6
Charge Body (spell) 15
Charm Animal (spell) 22
Charm (spell) 22
Cheat Fate (spell) 19
Chi Shoes (item) 9
Claim Life (spell) 23
Clam of Pearls (item) 10
Claws of Kokytos (spell) 23
Claymen (ritual) 32
Cleansing Water (spell) 17
Clockwork Horrors (ritual) 33
Clockwork Soldiers (ritual) 33
Cloud of Death (spell) 20
Cloud Trapeze (ritual) 84
Cockerel Scepter (item) 2
Cold Blast (spell) 17
Cold Bolt (spell) 17
Cold Resistance (spell) 15
Combustion (spell) 14
Communion Master (spell) 19
Communion Slave (spell) 19
Conflagration (spell) 14
Confusion (spell) 16
Construct Mandragora (ritual) 38
Construct Manikin (ritual) 38
Contact Alkonost (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Contact Beregina (ritual) 47, 59, 73
Contact Boar of Carnutes (ritual) 42
Contact Civateteo (ritual) 43, 55, 67
Contact Cloud Vila (ritual) 46, 59, 72
Contact Couatl (ritual) 43, 44, 55, 58, 67, 71
Contact Cu Sidhe (ritual) 45, 54
Contact Dai Tengu (ritual) 49, 62, 68
Contact Draconians (ritual) 31
Contact Forest Giant (ritual) 38
Contact Forest Trolls (ritual) 38
Contact Gamayun (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Contact Harbinger (ritual) 53, 54, 66
Contact Hill Giant (ritual) 34
Contact Huli Jing (ritual) 42, 56
Contact Iron Angel (ritual) 54
Contact Jigami (ritual) 69
Contact Kaijin (ritual) 68
Contact Kitsune (ritual) 62, 69
Contact Lamia Queen (ritual) 39
Contact Lamias (ritual) 39
Contact Lar (ritual) 41, 54, 65
Contact Leshiy (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Contact Mori-no-kami (ritual) 69
Contact Mountain Vila (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Contact Nagaraja (ritual) 60
Contact Nagarishi (ritual) 60
Contact Nagini (ritual) 60
Contact Naiad (ritual) 32
Contact Nushi (ritual) 49, 62, 68
Contact Onaqui (ritual) 43, 52, 55, 67, 77
Contact Scorpion Man (ritual) 44, 57, 58, 70, 71
Contact Sea Trolls (ritual) 32
Contact Sirin (ritual) 47, 59, 73
Contact Tatsu (ritual) 68
Contact Tlahuelpuchi (ritual) 43, 55, 67
Contact Trolls (ritual) 34
Contact Void Spectre (ritual) 77
Contact Yaksha (ritual) 48, 61, 74
Contact Yakshini (ritual) 48, 61, 74
Contact Yama-no-kami (ritual) 68
Control (spell) 19
Control the Dead (spell) 20
Copper Plate (item) 6
Coral Blade (item) 1
Cornucopia (item) 11
Corpse Candle (spell) 20
Corpse Man Construction (ritual) 31
Create Revenant (ritual) 36
Creeping Doom (spell) 22
Cross Breeding (ritual) 89
Crown of Bones (item) 8
Crown of Command (item) 8
Crown of Lead (item) 8
Crown of Overmight (item) 8
Crown of the Fire King (item) 9
Crown of the Frost King (item) 9
Crown of the Ivy King (item) 8
Crown of the Magi (item) 8
Crown of the Shah (item) 8
Crown of the Titans (item) 8
Crumble (ritual) 85
Crusher Construction (ritual) 34
Crystal Coin (item) 11
Crystal Heart (item) 12
Crystal Matrix (item) 11
Crystal Shield (item) 5
Cure Disease (ritual) 88
Curse of Blood (ritual) 40
Curse of Stones (spell) 18
Curse of the Desert (spell) 17
Curse of the Frog Prince (spell) 21
Curse (spell) 21
Damage Reversal (spell) 22
Dance of the Morrigans (spell) 24
Dancing Shield (item) 11
Dancing Trident (item) 10
Dark Knowledge (ritual) 87
Dark Skies (ritual) 78
Dark Slumber (ritual) 93
Darkness (spell) 20
Daughter of Typhon (ritual) 42, 65
Dawn Fang (item) 3
Decay (spell) 20
Decree of the Underworld (spell) 23
Demon Bane (item) 4
Demon Cleansing (spell) 17
Demon Whip (item) 3
Desiccation (spell) 17
Destruction (spell) 18
Dimensional Rod (item) 3
Dire Wolf Pelt (item) 6
Dirge for the Dead (ritual) 63
Disease Grinder (item) 13
Disintegrate (spell) 20
Dispel (ritual) 86
Distill Gold (ritual) 83
Divine Blessing (spell) 23
Divine Channeling (spell) 24
Divine Name (ritual) 87
Dome of Arcane Warding (ritual) 87
Dome of Corruption (ritual) 90
Dome of Flaming Death (ritual) 83
Dome of Solid Air (ritual) 84
Doom Glaive (item) 4
Doom (spell) 19
Dragon Helmet (item) 8
Dragon Master (ritual) 88
Dragon Sceptre (item) 3
Drain Life (spell) 20
Draupnir (item) 12
Dreams of R'lyeh (ritual) 94
Duskdagger (item) 2
Dust to Dust (spell) 20
Dwarven Hammer (item) 2
Eagle Eyes (spell) 21
Earth Attack (ritual) 85
Earth Blood Deep Well (ritual) 79
Earth Boots (item) 9
Earth Gem Alchemy (ritual) 85
Earth Grip (spell) 18
Earth Meld (spell) 18
Earth Might (spell) 18
Earthquake (spell) 18
Earth-touching Sign (spell) 28
Effigy of War (item) 10
Elemental Armor (item) 7
Elemental Fortitude (spell) 21
Elf Bane (item) 2
Elixir of Life (item) 12
Ember (item) 3
Encase in Ice (spell) 17
Enchanted Forests (ritual) 81
Enchanted Helmet (item) 7
Enchanted Mirror (item) 11
Enchanted Pike (item) 3
Enchanted Ring Mail Armor (item) 6
Enchanted Shield (item) 5
Enchanted Spear (item) 1
Enchanted Sword (item) 1
End of Culture (ritual) 82
End of Weakness (spell) 25
Endless Bag of Wine (item) 11
Enfeeble (spell) 20
Enlarge (spell) 21
Enliven Gargoyles (ritual) 34
Enliven Granite Guard (ritual) 56
Enliven Marble Oracle (ritual) 56
Enliven Sentinel (ritual) 56
Enliven Statues (ritual) 34
Enormous Cauldron of Broth (item) 10
Enslave Mind (spell) 19
Enslave Sea Trolls (ritual) 52
Ermorian Legion (ritual) 53
Eternal Pyre (ritual) 78
Ether Gate (ritual) 35
Ethereal Crossbow (item) 4
Evening Star (item) 3
Eye of Aiming (item) 10
Eye of Innocence (item) 12
Eye of the Void (item) 11
Eye Pendant (item) 12
Eye Shield (item) 5
Eyecatcher (item) 2
Eyes of the Condors (ritual) 93
Faerie Court (ritual) 39
Faery Trod (ritual) 88
Faithful (item) 2
Falling Fires (spell) 15
Falling Frost (spell) 17
False Fetters (spell) 15
False Horror (spell) 16
Fanaticism (spell) 23
Farstrike (spell) 18
Fascination (spell) 21
Fata Morgana (ritual) 78
Fate of Oedipus (ritual) 83
Father Illearth (ritual) 40
Fear-not Sign (spell) 28
Feast of Flesh (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Fenris' Pelt (item) 7
Fever Fetish (item) 12
Fields of the Dead (spell) 21
Final Rest (spell) 23
Fire Blast (spell) 14
Fire Bola (item) 2
Fire Brand (item) 3
Fire Cloud (spell) 15
Fire Darts (spell) 14
Fire Fend (spell) 15
Fire Flies (spell) 14
Fire in a Jar (item) 10
Fire Plate (item) 6
Fire Resistance (spell) 17
Fire Shield (spell) 14
Fire Storm (spell) 15
Fire Sword (item) 1
Fireball (spell) 14
Fires from Afar (ritual) 83
Fists of Iron (spell) 18
Flambeau (item) 4
Flame Bolt (spell) 14
Flame Corpse Construction (ritual) 69
Flame Eruption (spell) 14
Flame Helmet (item) 8
Flame Storm (spell) 15
Flame Ward (spell) 15
Flames from the Sky (ritual) 83
Flaming Arrows (spell) 15
Flare (spell) 15
Flask of Holy Water (item) 10
Flesh Eater (item) 2
Flesh Ward (item) 7
Flight (spell) 15
Flying Carpet (item) 11
Flying Shards (spell) 18
Flying Shield (spell) 18
Fog Warriors (spell) 16
Forces of Darkness (ritual) 41
Forces of Ice (ritual) 41
Forest Dome (ritual) 89
Forest Troll Tribe (ritual) 38
Forge of the Ancients (ritual) 79
Fort of the Ancients (ritual) 92, 94
Foul Air (ritual) 80
Foul Vapors (spell) 22
Fountain of Youth (item) 13
Freezing Mist (spell) 17
Freezing Touch (spell) 16
Friendly Currents (spell) 17
Frighten (spell) 20
Frost Brand (item) 2
Frost Dome (ritual) 85
Frost Fend (spell) 17
Frozen Heart (spell) 16
Gaia's Blessing (spell) 22
Gale Gate (ritual) 78
Gate Cleaver (item) 4
Gate Stone (item) 12
Gateway (ritual) 87
Geoglyphs (ritual) 93
Geyser (spell) 16
Ghost General (ritual) 50, 62, 69
Ghost Grip (spell) 20
Ghost Riders (ritual) 37
Ghost Ship Armada (ritual) 78
Ghost Wolves (spell) 16
Gift of Flight (spell) 16
Gift of Health (ritual) 81
Gift of Nature's Bounty (ritual) 81
Gift of Reason (ritual) 88
Gift of the First Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Gift of the Fourth Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Gift of the Hare (spell) 21
Gift of the Sacred Swamp (spell) 27
Gift of the Second Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Gift of the Third Soul (spell) 25, 27, 29
Gifts from Heaven (spell) 18
Girdle of Might (item) 11
Global Enchantments, list of 78
Gloves of the Gladiator (item) 4
Gnome Lore (ritual) 85
Golden Arbalest (item) 4
Golden Hoplon (item) 6
Golem Construction (ritual) 35
Gossamer Cloth (item) 10
Great Lamentation (ritual) 53
Greater Hannya Pact (ritual) 91
Greatsword of Sharpness (item) 4
Green Dragon Scale Mail (item) 7
Grip of Winter (spell) 17
Ground Army (spell) 18
Grow Fortress (ritual) 91, 92
Growing Fury (spell) 22
Guardians of the Deep (ritual) 79
Halberd of Might (item) 4
Hall of Statues (ritual) 57
Hall of the Dead (ritual) 70
Hammer of the Forge Lord (item) 5
Hammer of the Mountains (item) 4
Hand of Death (spell) 20
Hand of Dust (spell) 20
Handful of Acorns (item) 10
Hannya Pact (ritual) 91
Hardwood Club (item) 1
Harm (spell) 23
Haruspex (ritual) 88
Harvest Blade (item) 5
Harvester of Sorrows (ritual) 37
Haste (spell) 22
Haunted Forest (ritual) 80
Headdress of the Bull (item) 8
Heal (spell) 21
Healing Light (spell) 19
Healing Mists (spell) 22
Healing Touch (spell) 21
Heart Finder Sword (item) 2
Heat from Hell (spell) 15
Heavenly Choir (ritual) 54, 66
Heavenly Fire (spell) 23
Heavenly Fires (ritual) 42
Heavenly Rivers (ritual) 42
Heavenly Strike (spell) 23
Heavenly Wrath (ritual) 53, 54, 66
Hell Power (spell) 23
Hell Sword (item) 5
Hellbind Heart (spell) 23
Hellfire (spell) 22
Hellscape (ritual) 90, 92, 93
Helmet of Heroes (item) 8
Helmet of Perfection (item) 8
Helmet of the Dawn (item) 8
Herald Lance (item) 2
Herd of Buffaloes (ritual) 42, 51, 56, 64, 68
Herd of Elephants (ritual) 42, 51, 56, 76
Hidden in Sand (ritual) 34
Hidden in Snow (ritual) 33
Hidden Underneath (ritual) 34
Holger the Head (item) 12
Holy Avenger (spell) 23
Holy Pyre (spell) 26, 27
Holy Scourge (item) 4
Holy Word (spell) 23
Horde from Hell (ritual) 40
Horde of Skeletons (spell) 20
Horn of Valor (item) 11
Horned Helmet (item) 8
Horror Helmet (item) 8
Horror Mark (spell) 19
Horror Seed (ritual) 89
Host of Ganas (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Howl (spell) 22
Huaca Headdress (item) 8
Hunter's Knife (item) 2
Hurricane (ritual) 84
Hydra Skin Armor (item) 7
Hydrophobia (spell) 15
Ice Aegis (item) 5
Ice Helmet (item) 8
Ice Lance (item) 1
Ice Mist Scimitar (item) 1
Ice Pebble Staff (item) 4
Ice Shield (spell) 16
Ice Strike (spell) 17
Ice Sword (item) 1
Igor Könhelm's Tome (item) 12
Illwinter (ritual) 81, 82
Immaculate Shield (item) 6
Immolation (spell) 14
Imp Familiar (item) 10
Implementor Axe (item) 4
Imprint Souls (ritual) 87
Improved Cross Breeding (ritual) 89
Incinerate (spell) 15
Infernal Breeding (ritual) 90, 92, 93
Infernal Circle (ritual) 90
Infernal Crusade (ritual) 41
Infernal Disease (ritual) 90
Infernal Forces (ritual) 41
Infernal Prison (spell) 23
Infernal Sword (item) 5
Infernal Tempest (ritual) 41
Inner Furnace (spell) 24, 26, 28
Inner Sun (ritual) 83
Internal Alchemy (ritual) 90, 92, 93
Invulnerability (spell) 20
Iron Bane (spell) 18
Iron Blizzard (spell) 26, 27
Iron Corpse Reanimation (ritual) 70
Iron Darts (spell) 26, 27
Iron Dragon (ritual) 35
Iron Face (item) 8
Iron Marionettes (spell) 28
Iron Pigs (ritual) 34
Iron Walls (ritual) 85
Iron Warriors (spell) 18
Iron Will (spell) 18
Ironskin (spell) 18
Ivory Bow (item) 5
Ivy Crown (item) 8
Jade Armor (item) 7
Jade Knife (item) 2
Jellyberd (item) 5
Juggernaut Construction (ritual) 35
Just Man's Cross (item) 4
King of Banefires (ritual) 36
King of Elemental Earth (ritual) 35
King of Elemental Fire (ritual) 31
Kithaironic Lion Pelt (item) 6
Knife of the Damned (item) 2
Krupp's Bracers (item) 12
Ktonian Legion (ritual) 70
Lamentation (ritual) 53
Lantern Shield (item) 6
Lead Shield (item) 5
Leech (spell) 22
Leeching Darkness (spell) 20
Leeching Touch (spell) 22
Legion of Wights (ritual) 37
Legions of Steel (spell) 18
Leprosy (ritual) 87
Leviathan (ritual) 37
Lichcraft (ritual) 37
Lictorian Guard (ritual) 53
Lictorian Legion (ritual) 53
Life after Death (spell) 21
Life for a Life (spell) 23
Lifelong Protection (item) 11
Light of the Northern Star (spell) 19
Lightless Lantern (item) 11
Lightning Bolt (spell) 15
Lightning Resistance (spell) 18
Lightning Rod (item) 4
Lightning Spear (item) 2
Lightweight Scale Mail (item) 6
Lion Sentinels (ritual) 85
Liquid Body (spell) 16
Liquid Flames of Rhuax (spell) 24, 26, 28
Liquify (spell) 17
Living Castle (ritual) 88
Living Clouds (spell) 16
Living Earth (spell) 18
Living Fire (spell) 15
Living Mercury (ritual) 45, 56
Living Water (spell) 17
Locust Swarms (ritual) 88
Lodestone Amulet (item) 10
Luck (spell) 19
Lucky Coin (item) 6
Lure of the Deep (ritual) 79
Lychantropos' Amulet (item) 11
Mace of Eruption (item) 1
Maelstrom (ritual) 79
Mage Bane (item) 3
Maggots (spell) 21
Magic Duel (spell) 19
Magic Items, list of 1
Magma Bolts (spell) 18
Magma Eruption (spell) 18
Main Gauche of Parrying (item) 2
Manifest Vitriol (ritual) 32
Manifestation (ritual) 87
Manual of Water Breathing (item) 11
Marble Armor (item) 7
Marble Warriors (spell) 18
Mass Flight (spell) 16
Mass Protection (spell) 22
Mass Regeneration (spell) 22
Master Enslave (spell) 19
Maws of the Earth (spell) 18
Mechanical Men (ritual) 33
Mechanical Militia (ritual) 79
Medallion of Vengeance (item) 10
Meditation Sign (spell) 28
Melancholia (ritual) 86
Memories of Stone (ritual) 75
Mend the Dead (spell) 26
Mercury Barrel (item) 12
Mercybrand (item) 1
Meteor Shower (spell) 18
Midget Masher (item) 4
Midget's Revenge (item) 13
Mind Burn (spell) 19
Mind Hunt (ritual) 86
Mind Vessel (ritual) 91
Miraculous Cure All Elixir (item) 11
Mirror Armor (item) 6
Mirror Image (spell) 15
Mirror of Earths Memories (ritual) 91
Mirror of False Impressions (item) 11
Mist (spell) 16
Mistform (spell) 16
Mistletoe Garland (item) 8
Mists of Deception (spell) 16
Monolith Armor (item) 7
Monster Boar (ritual) 90, 91, 92, 93, 94
Moon Blade (item) 4
Moonvine Bracelet (item) 12
Mossbody (spell) 21
Mother Oak (ritual) 80
Murdering Winter (ritual) 85
Naiad Warriors (ritual) 32
Nether Bolt (spell) 19
Nether Darts (spell) 19
Nethgul (item) 12
Niefel Flames (spell) 17
Nightmare Construction (ritual) 69
Numbness (spell) 17
O'al Kan's Sceptre (item) 3
Olm Conclave (ritual) 56
Opposition (spell) 19
Orb Lightning (spell) 15
Orb of Atlantis (item) 12
Orgy (ritual) 65
Other Rituals, list of 83
Owl Quill (item) 10
Pack of Wolves (ritual) 37
Pain Transfer (spell) 22
Pale Riders (ritual) 36
Panic (spell) 21
Paralyze (spell) 19
Parting of the Soul (spell) 24, 26, 28
Pebble Skin Suit (item) 7
Pendant of Luck (item) 10
Percival the Pocket Knight (item) 12
Perpetual Storm (ritual) 78
Personal Luck (spell) 19
Personal Regeneration (spell) 21
Petrify (spell) 18
Phantasmal Army (spell) 16
Phantasmal Attack (ritual) 31
Phantasmal Warrior (spell) 15
Phoenix Power (spell) 14
Phoenix Pyre (spell) 14
Picus's Axe of Rulership (item) 3
Piercer (item) 4
Pillar of Fire (spell) 14
Pills of Water Breathing (item) 10
Plague of Locusts (ritual) 41
Plague (spell) 21
Pocket Ship (item) 12
Poison Cloud (spell) 22
Poison Golem (ritual) 37
Poison Resistance (spell) 21
Poison Touch (spell) 21
Poison Ward (spell) 21
Polymorph (spell) 22
Power of the Grave (spell) 28
Power of the Reborn King (spell) 28
Power of the Sepulchre (spell) 25
Power of the Shadelands (spell) 27
Power of the Spheres (spell) 19
Pride of Lions (ritual) 38
Prison of Fire (spell) 15
Prison of Sedna (spell) 17
Procas's Axe of Rulership (item) 3
Protection from Cold (spell) 17
Protection from Fire (spell) 14
Protection from Lightning (spell) 15
Protection of the Grave (spell) 28
Protection of the Sepulchre (spell) 25
Protection of the Shadelands (spell) 27
Protection (spell) 21
Pull from the Grave (spell) 23
Puppet Mastery (spell) 26
Purgatory (ritual) 78
Purify Blood (spell) 23
Purifying Water (spell) 23
Pyre of Catharsis (ritual) 83
Quagmire (spell) 17
Queen of Elemental Air (ritual) 32
Queen of Elemental Water (ritual) 33
Quick Roots (spell) 26
Quicken Self (spell) 16
Quickening (spell) 17
Quickness (spell) 17
Rabbit Foot Charm (item) 10
Rage of the Cornered Rat (spell) 22
Rage (spell) 15
Raging Hearts (ritual) 83
Rain of Jaguars (ritual) 43, 52, 55, 67, 77
Rain of Stones (spell) 18
Rain of Toads (ritual) 89
Rain (spell) 17
Rainbow Armor (item) 7
Raise Dead (spell) 20
Raise Skeletons (spell) 20
Ranger's Boots (item) 9
Ranger's Cloak (item) 6
Rat Tail (item) 2
Raven Feast (ritual) 84
Raw Hide Shield (item) 5
Reanimate Ancestor (ritual) 70
Reanimate Archers (ritual) 36
Reanimation (ritual) 35
Reascendance (ritual) 67
Reawaken Fossil (ritual) 70
Red Dragon Scale Mail (item) 7
Regeneration (spell) 22
Regrowth (spell) 26
Reinvigoration (spell) 22
Rejuvenate (ritual) 89
Release Lord of Civilization (ritual) 50
Relief (spell) 22
Resist Cold (spell) 14
Resist Fire (spell) 16
Resist Lightning (spell) 18
Resist Magic (spell) 19
Resist Poison (spell) 21
Returning (spell) 19
Revive Acolyte (ritual) 52
Revive Arch Bishop (ritual) 53
Revive Bane Lord (ritual) 37
Revive Bane (ritual) 36
Revive Bishop (ritual) 53
Revive Cavern Wights (ritual) 45
Revive Censor (ritual) 52
Revive Dusk Elder (ritual) 53
Revive Grand Lemur (ritual) 66
Revive Grave Consort (ritual) 71
Revive King (ritual) 35
Revive Lemur Acolyte (ritual) 65
Revive Lemur Centurion (ritual) 65
Revive Lemur Consul (ritual) 65
Revive Lemur Senator (ritual) 65
Revive Lemur Thaumaturg (ritual) 66
Revive Lictor (ritual) 52
Revive Shadow Tribune (ritual) 65
Revive Spectator (ritual) 53
Revive Tomb King (ritual) 71
Revive Tomb Priest (ritual) 71
Revive Wailing Lady (ritual) 53
Revive Wights (ritual) 36
Rhuax Pact (ritual) 45, 56
Riches from Beneath (ritual) 79
Rigor Mortis (spell) 21
Rime Hammer (item) 4
Rime Hauberk (item) 7
Ring of Fire (item) 9
Ring of Frost (item) 9
Ring of Levitation (item) 10
Ring of Regeneration (item) 11
Ring of Returning (item) 12
Ring of Sorcery (item) 12
Ring of Tamed Lightning (item) 9
Ring of the Warrior (item) 10
Ring of Warning (item) 10
Ring of Water Breathing (item) 10
Ring of Wizardry (item) 12
Ritual of Five Gates (ritual) 41
Ritual of Rebirth (ritual) 87
Ritual of Returning (ritual) 86
Robe of Calius the Druid (item) 7
Robe of Invulnerability (item) 7
Robe of Missile Protection (item) 6
Robe of Shadows (item) 7
Robe of the Magi (item) 7
Robe of the Sea (item) 7
Rod of Death (item) 3
Rod of the Leper King (item) 2
Rod of the Phoenix (item) 3
Royal Power (spell) 28
Royal Protection (spell) 28
Rune Smasher (item) 2
Rush of Strength (spell) 23
Rust Mist (spell) 18
Sabbath Master (spell) 22
Sabbath Slave (spell) 22
Sacred Crocodile (ritual) 45, 58, 72
Sailors' Death (spell) 17
Sandals of the Crane (item) 9
Sanguine Dowsing Rod (item) 11
Sanguine Heritage (ritual) 66
Scapegoats (ritual) 51, 75
Sceptre of Authority (item) 2
Sceptre of Corruption (item) 3
Sceptre of Dark Regency (item) 3
School of Sharks (spell) 17
Scrying Pool (ritual) 84
Scutata Volturnus (item) 6
Sea King's Court (ritual) 32
Sea King's Goblet (item) 11
Sea of Ice (ritual) 79
Second Sun (ritual) 78
Seeking Arrow (ritual) 84
Send Bukavac (ritual) 47, 59, 73
Send Dream Horror (ritual) 89
Send Horror (ritual) 41
Send Lady Midday (ritual) 46, 59, 72
Send Lesser Horror (ritual) 40
Send Tupilak (ritual) 94
Send Vodyanoy (ritual) 47, 59, 73
Sermon of Courage (spell) 23
Serpent Kryss (item) 2
Serpent's Blessing (spell) 22
Seven Year Fever (spell) 21
Shademail Haubergeon (item) 7
Shadow Blast (spell) 20
Shadow Bolt (spell) 20
Shadow Brand (item) 3
Shambler Skin Armor (item) 6
Shark Attack (spell) 17
Shatter (spell) 18
Shield of Gleaming Gold (item) 6
Shield of the Accursed (item) 6
Shield of the Dawn (item) 6
Shield of Valor (item) 5
Shillelagh (item) 2
Shimmering Fields (spell) 16
Shock Wave (spell) 15
Shocking Grasp (spell) 15
Shrink (spell) 21
Shroud of the Battle Saint (item) 7
Siege Golem (ritual) 34
Silver Hauberk (item) 7
Skeletal Body (spell) 20
Skeletal Legion (spell) 20
Skull Mentor (item) 11
Skull of Fire (item) 11
Skull Staff (item) 4
Skull Standard (item) 4
Skull Talisman (item) 10
Skullface (item) 8
Slave Collar (item) 10
Slave Matrix (item) 11
Sleep Cloud (spell) 21
Sleep Ray (spell) 21
Sleep (spell) 21
Slime (spell) 16
Sling of Accuracy (item) 1
Sloth of Bears (ritual) 42
Slow (spell) 17
Smasher (item) 2
Smite Demon (spell) 23
Smite (spell) 23
Snake Bladder Stick (item) 2
Snake Ring (item) 10
Solar Brilliance (spell) 19
Solar Eclipse (spell) 15
Solar Rays (spell) 19
Soul Contract (item) 10
Soul Drain (spell) 19
Soul Slay (spell) 19
Soul Vortex (spell) 20
Soulstone of the Wolves (item) 13
Sounder of Boars (ritual) 42
Spear of the Morrigan (item) 1
Spell Focus (item) 11
Spirit Curse (spell) 20
Spirit Helmet (item) 8
Spirit Mask (item) 8
Spirit Mastery (ritual) 35
Spirits of the Wood (ritual) 38
Staff of Corrosion (item) 4
Staff of Elemental Mastery (item) 4
Staff of Flame Focus (item) 4
Staff of Storms (item) 4
Standard of the Damned (item) 5
Star Fires (spell) 19
Star of Heroes (item) 2
Star of Thraldom (item) 3
Starfire Staff (item) 2
Starshine Skullcap (item) 8
Steal Breath (spell) 15
Stellar Cascades (spell) 19
Stellar Decree (spell) 23
Stellar Focus (ritual) 80
Stinger (item) 1
Stone Bird (item) 10
Stone Idol (item) 12
Stone Sphere (item) 11
Stoneskin (spell) 18
Storm of Thorns (spell) 21
Storm Spool (item) 10
Storm (spell) 16
Strands of Arcane Power (ritual) 80
Strange Fire (spell) 26, 28
Stream of Life (spell) 22
Streams from Hades (ritual) 33
Strength of Gaia (spell) 22
Strength of Giants (spell) 18
Stygian Paths (ritual) 88
Stygian Rains (spell) 20
Stygian Skin (spell) 20
Stymphalian Wings (item) 7
Sulphur Haze (spell) 14
Summer Sword (item) 2
Summon Abysian Ancestors (ritual) 70
Summon Air Elemental (spell) 16
Summon Aka-Oni (ritual) 62, 68
Summon Amphiptere (ritual) 31
Summon Animals (ritual) 38
Summon Ao-Oni (ritual) 62, 68
Summon Apsaras (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Summon Asp Turtle (ritual) 33
Summon Asrapas (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Balam (ritual) 51, 64, 76
Summon Barghests (ritual) 45, 54, 66
Summon Bean Sidhe (ritual) 66
Summon Bears (ritual) 47
Summon Bishop Fish (ritual) 32
Summon Black Dogs (ritual) 45, 54, 66
Summon Bog Beasts (ritual) 38
Summon Catoblepas (ritual) 33
Summon Cave Cows (ritual) 32
Summon Cave Crab (ritual) 33
Summon Cave Drake (ritual) 33
Summon Cave Grubs (ritual) 33
Summon Chaac (ritual) 51, 64, 76
Summon Condors (ritual) 64
Summon Crocodiles (ritual) 37
Summon Cu Sidhe (ritual) 54, 66
Summon Dai Oni (ritual) 62, 69
Summon Dakini (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Daktyl (ritual) 65
Summon Danavas (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Devala (ritual) 48, 61, 73
Summon Devata (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Summon Earth Elemental (spell) 18
Summon Earthpower (spell) 18
Summon Fall Bears (ritual) 34
Summon Fire Ants (ritual) 30
Summon Fire Drake (ritual) 30
Summon Fire Elemental (spell) 15
Summon Fire Snakes (ritual) 31
Summon Firebird (ritual) 46, 59, 72
Summon Flame Jelly (ritual) 31
Summon Flame Spirit (ritual) 31
Summon Gandharvas (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Summon Ghosts (ritual) 36
Summon Glosos (ritual) 59, 72
Summon Gozu Mezu (ritual) 50, 62, 69
Summon Great Eagles (ritual) 31
Summon Gryphons (ritual) 31
Summon Hekateride (ritual) 65
Summon Horned Serpents (ritual) 37
Summon Huacas (ritual) 64
Summon Ice Drake (ritual) 32
Summon Illearth (spell) 23
Summon Imps (spell) 22
Summon Jade Serpent (ritual) 43, 55, 64, 67, 76
Summon Jaguar Toad (ritual) 43, 55, 64, 67, 76
Summon Jaguars (ritual) 43, 51, 55, 67, 76
Summon Kappa (ritual) 49, 68
Summon Karasu Tengus (ritual) 50, 62, 69
Summon Kenzoku (ritual) 69
Summon Killer Mantis (ritual) 38
Summon Kinnara (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Summon Kithaironic Lion (ritual) 38
Summon Konoha Tengus (ritual) 49, 62, 68
Summon Ko-Oni (ritual) 62, 69
Summon Kuro-Oni (ritual) 62, 69
Summon Kusarikkus (ritual) 50, 64
Summon Lammashtas (spell) 20
Summon Leogryphs (ritual) 38
Summon Lesser Air Elemental (spell) 15
Summon Lesser Earth Elemental (spell) 18
Summon Lesser Fire Elemental (spell) 14
Summon Lesser Water Elemental (spell) 16
Summon Likho (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Summon Lilot (ritual) 50, 51, 63, 75
Summon Mandeha (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Manticore (ritual) 38
Summon Mazzikim (ritual) 50, 51, 63, 75
Summon Monster Fish (ritual) 52, 64, 77
Summon Monster Toad (ritual) 43, 55, 64, 67, 76
Summon Monster Toads (ritual) 45, 58
Summon Morrigan (ritual) 46
Summon Mound Fiend (ritual) 36
Summon Nagas (ritual) 60
Summon Ogres (ritual) 33
Summon Oni General (ritual) 62, 69
Summon Oni (ritual) 62, 68
Summon Penumbrals (ritual) 57, 70
Summon Rakshasa Warriors (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Rakshasas (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Rudra (ritual) 48, 61, 74
Summon Rusalka (ritual) 46, 59, 72
Summon Sacred Scorpion (ritual) 51, 76
Summon Samanishada (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Sandhyabalas (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Sea Dogs (ritual) 37
Summon Sea Lions (ritual) 38
Summon Sea Serpent (ritual) 32
Summon Se'irim (ritual) 50, 63
Summon Shade Beasts (ritual) 36
Summon Shades (ritual) 36
Summon Shedim (ritual) 50, 51, 63, 75
Summon Shikome (ritual) 50
Summon Siddha (ritual) 47, 60, 73
Summon Simargl (ritual) 46, 59, 72
Summon Spectral Infantry (ritual) 44, 57
Summon Spectre (ritual) 36
Summon Spring Hawks (ritual) 31
Summon Sprites (spell) 21
Summon Storm Power (spell) 15
Summon Summer Lions (ritual) 31
Summon Supayas (ritual) 64
Summon Swamp Drake (ritual) 38
Summon Telkhine (ritual) 51, 52
Summon Tlaloque (ritual) 43, 55, 67
Summon Ugallu (ritual) 50, 63
Summon Ujigami (ritual) 68
Summon Umbrals (ritual) 57, 70
Summon Valkyries (spell) 24, 25, 26, 28
Summon Vetalas (ritual) 49, 61, 74
Summon Water Elemental (spell) 17
Summon Water Power (spell) 16
Summon Winter Wolves (ritual) 32
Summon Wyverns (ritual) 31
Summon Yazatas (ritual) 44, 57, 71, 75
Summon Yetis (ritual) 32
Summon Zmey (ritual) 46, 59, 72
Summoning Rituals, list of 30
Sun Slayer (item) 5
Swarm (spell) 21
Sword of Injustice (item) 3
Sword of Justice (item) 5
Sword of Sharpness (item) 2
Sword of Swiftness (item) 2
Sword of the Five Elements (item) 1
Syllable of Death (spell) 23
Syllable of Sleep (spell) 22
Tangle Vines (spell) 21
Tartarian Gate (ritual) 88
Teaching Sign (spell) 28
Teleport (ritual) 86
Telestic Animation (ritual) 35
Temper Flesh (spell) 18
Tempering the Will (spell) 26, 27
Tempest (item) 5
Terracotta Army (ritual) 30
Terror (spell) 20
The Aegis (item) 6
The Ankh (item) 13
The Ark (item) 12
The Astral Harpoon (item) 12
The Black Book of Secrets (item) 13
The Black Heart (item) 12
The Black Mirror (item) 12
The Boots of Calius the Druid (item) 9
The Chalice (item) 13
The Copper Arm (item) 12
The Crown of Despair (item) 8
The Eyes of God (ritual) 79
The First Anvil (item) 12
The First Crown (item) 9
The Flailing Hands (item) 5
The Flying Ship (item) 12
The Forbidden Light (item) 12
The Gift of Kurgi (item) 13
The Green Eye (item) 13
The Heart of Life (item) 11
The Heart of Quickness (item) 12
The Horror Harmonica (item) 12
The Jade Mask (item) 8
The Kindly Ones (ritual) 78
The Looming Hell (ritual) 81
The Magic Lamp (item) 12
The Manual of Cross Breeding (item) 13
The Oath Rod of Kurgi (item) 5
The Pebble Pouch (item) 10
The Protection of Geryon (item) 13
The Ravenous Swarm (spell) 22
The Ruby Eye (item) 12
The Sharpest Tooth (item) 3
The Sickle whose Crop is Pain (item) 3
The Staff from the Sun (item) 5
The Stone Sword (item) 5
The Summit (item) 3
The Sword of Aurgelmer (item) 3
The Sword of Many Colors (item) 5
The Tartarian Chains (item) 3
The Tome of Gaia (item) 13
The Wrath of God (ritual) 79
Theft of the Sun (ritual) 82
Thetis' Blessing (ritual) 78
Thistle Mace (item) 2
Thorn Spear (item) 2
Thorn Staff (item) 4
Thousand Year Ginseng (ritual) 92
Three Red Seconds (ritual) 90
Thunder Bow (item) 4
Thunder Fend (spell) 16
Thunder Strike (spell) 16
Thunder Ward (spell) 16
Thunder Whip (item) 2
Tidal Wave (ritual) 85
Time Stop (spell) 19
Tome of High Power (item) 12
Tome of the Forgotten Masons (item) 13
Tome of the Lower Planes (item) 12
Totem Shield (item) 6
Touch of Madness (spell) 21
Trade Wind (ritual) 84
Transformation (ritual) 88
Transmute Fire (ritual) 83
Treelord's Staff (item) 4
Trident from Beyond (item) 5
Troll King's Court (ritual) 34
Trueshot Longbow (item) 4
Tune of Dancing Death (spell) 24, 26, 28
Tune of Fear (spell) 24, 26, 28
Tune of Growth (spell) 24, 26, 28
Twiceborn (ritual) 87
Twin Spear (item) 3
Twist Fate (spell) 19
Undead Mastery (spell) 21
Unholy Blessing (spell) 25, 27
Unholy Command (spell) 25, 27
Unholy Power (spell) 25, 27
Unholy Protection (spell) 25, 27
Unleash Imprisoned Ones (ritual) 91
Unquenched Sword (item) 3
Unraveling (spell) 19
Utterdark (ritual) 80
Vafur Flames (ritual) 84
Vajra (item) 2
Vengeance of the Dead (ritual) 86
Vengeful Water (ritual) 79
Vermin Feast (ritual) 88
Vile Water (ritual) 32
Vine Arrow (spell) 21
Vine Bow (item) 4
Vine Shield (item) 6
Vine Whip (item) 2
Vision's Foe (item) 4
Voice of Apsu (ritual) 84
Voice of Tiamat (ritual) 84
Volcanic Eruption (ritual) 83
Vortex of Returning (spell) 19
Vortex of Unlife (spell) 21
Wailing Winds (spell) 20
Wall Shaker (item) 10
Wand of Wild Fire (item) 2
Warriors of Muspelheim (spell) 15
Warriors of Niefelheim (spell) 17
Watcher (ritual) 31
Water Bracelet (item) 11
Water Lens (item) 11
Water Shield (spell) 17
Water Strike (spell) 16
Water Ward (spell) 17
Watery Death (spell) 23
Wave Breaker (item) 4
Wave Warriors (spell) 17
Weakness (spell) 20
Weapons of Sharpness (spell) 19
Web (spell) 21
Weightless Kite Shield (item) 5
Weightless Scale Mail (item) 6
Weightless Tower Shield (item) 5
Welcome Sign (spell) 28
Well of Misery (ritual) 80
Whip of Command (item) 2
Wild Growth (spell) 22
Wild Hunt (ritual) 81
Wildness (spell) 22
Will o' the Wisp (spell) 14
Will of the Fates (spell) 19
Wind Guide (spell) 16
Wind of Death (spell) 20
Wind of Memories (spell) 23
Wind Ride (ritual) 84
Windrunner (spell) 15
Winged Helmet (item) 8
Winged Monkeys (ritual) 88
Winged Shoes (item) 9
Winter Bringer (item) 3
Winter Ward (spell) 17
Wish (ritual) 87
Wither Bones (spell) 20
Wizard's Tower (ritual) 85
Wolven Winter (ritual) 85
Wondrous Box of Monsters (item) 13
Wooden Construction (ritual) 39
Wooden Warriors (spell) 21
Word of Power (spell) 23
Word of Stone (spell) 23
Word of Thorns (spell) 23
Wound Fend Amulet (item) 10
Woundflame (item) 3
Wraith Crown (item) 8
Wraith Sword (item) 4
Wrath of Pazuzu (ritual) 89
Wrath of the Ancestors (spell) 24, 27
Wrath of the Sea (ritual) 78
Wrathful Skies (spell) 16
Ziz (ritual) 36