LGC Report Generator
Summer Student Project
Ondrej Kafka
Section 1 Introduction
The LGC report generator is an interactive extension to Survey Pad (SP), a well-established software
within the CERN BE-GM group. SP primarily functions as a visualization tool utilized by surveyors
for visualizations of formatted text results of surveying-related calculations. It enables features like
inter-file hyperlinks, auto file formatting, and coloring or inspecting a file’s structure. As SP serves for
visualizations, the mentioned computations are performed by SP computing plugins such as LGC++
or Chaba. LGC is the basic building block for the LGC HTML report generator developed during this
The results from LGC used to be produced as a text file formatted by SP. Still, they didn’t allow for
much interactivity for users, such as sorting or interactive plots (histograms were displayed as text,
too). The lack of interactivity served as the primary motivation behind this project and remained its
central objective. Another objective was to produce a shareable dependency-free formatted results
file, as the pure text without SP formatting may often be hard to orient in.
An interactive demo can be found here.
Section 2 Pipeline and Surveypad Integration
The LGC HTML report generator is built on top of a pipeline provided by SP and LGC. Visualization
of this pipeline can be seen in Fig. 1. The data flow starts with an .lgc input file containing measured
values. SP then uses LGC to produce a .res text file with results and a .json file. This .json file is
then inserted into an HTML report template (previously built into a single file prepared for this step).
Then, upon opening, the report HTML file processes the .json data and renders all its interactive
features. Since SP also offers a browser-like environment so that the HTML interactive report file
can be viewed directly there.
Fig. 1: Pipeline of HTML report generation.
Moreover, since the file can be viewed inside the Survey Pad, mimicking browser behavior, SP can
then listen to hyperlink click events. This allows for implementing inter-file hyperlinks in HTML
reports, jumping from the report file to the input file. The links have to have a specific structure,
and if SP recognizes a link click with such form, it uses them to redirect users to a particular line in
the input file.
Lastly, the HTML file is produced as a single, dependency-free file in the output folder along with the
text results file. This file can then be easily shared, creating a straightforward channel for transmitting
the computation results in formatted and interactive ways.
Section 3 Implementation details
The report was implemented using JavaScript, namely React.js. As one of the objectives was to
compile all source codes into one file to make it easily shareable, another used framework was Webpack
with a custom configuration to produce a standalone offline-working .html file. The implementation
comprised about 3,500 lines of code, which was directly caused by the complexity of the data processed
before rendering the report. The structure of the .json file can be seen in Fig. 2. This structure is very
nested and follows the inner data structure of LGC, not the format needed for front-end rendering,
and thus needs to be heavily processed to obtain all the data required for rendering the front end from
all around the file. This processing is done only once upon opening the file. To prevent recomputing
and secure reasonable performance even for big files (cca. ten thousand observations), all of this
processing and other smaller computations use useMemo() function to cache the results and prevent
recomputing on each re-render.
For the sake of the maintainability of the code, all the paths to the data from the .json file used in
the front end are specified in a single file so that future maintainers don’t have to search for the way
of obtaining data from .json if the file structure changes. It just suffices to change the path. The
path syntax is similar to web paths, e.g.
measECHO/ i / d i s t a n c e s R e s i d u a l s /0/ fV alue ,
returning distance residual of ECHO measurement type, where the subparts are keys in nested dictio-
naries. However, not all of the displayed values can be found directly in the .json file, and in keeping
with the theme described above, I introduced a notation for calculating directly from paths using
exclamation marks, as can be seen in this snippet (three dots standing for missing parts of code):
e x p o rt c ons t generateDVERObsCols = ( ) => {
r e t u r n {
. . .
TGTLINE : f i e l d G e n ( . . . { path : " l k p : t a r g etP o s " } ) ,
CALC : . . . path : " ! d i s t a n c e s /0/ f V al u e !+! r e s i d u a l s /0/ f V alu e ! " . . .
} ;
} ;
The CALC value was computed by adding values from two paths. The snippet also illustrates another
feature: taking the link position from the precomputed lookup (lkp) table, where the key is the value
in the path. This feature is introduced since the lookup information is at a very different location than
the rest of the data when processing the current observation. It thus would create big textual and
performance overhead to use a normal path. The exclamation computation approach also supports
mathematical operations such as sqrt() or abs(). An example of full-column data definition can be
found in Fig. 3.
The source code for the tool implementation can be found here. It follows the classical React.js file
structure, as shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 2: Illustration of JSON complexity.
Fig. 3: Code strcture.
Fig. 4: Dependency structure of React.js codebase.
Section 4 Features Overview
This section briefly describes all the interactive features implemented in the LGC HTML report. All
the parts can be explored in an interactive demo here.
4.1 Header
The header contains all the file and computation metadata, some of which are obtained directly from
the .json file. Others have to be computed. Figure 5 shows an example of a header.
Fig. 5: Example of HTML report header.
4.2 3D points overview & Measurements overview
3D points overview contains all information about all the points introduced during the computation,
whether target or station position. Again, some of them are obtained directly from the .json file.
Others have to be computed using the notation shown in Section 2. An example of a table with 3D
points can be seen in Figure 6. Note that the table supports many interactive features, such as multi-
filtering, sorting, hiding columns, or just copying cells from the HTML table to Excel or .csv export.
Also, the highlighted values in the Position row are links to the input file evocable using CTR+click.
The measurements overview is very similar to the 3D points overview, capturing residual-related data
after optimization in LGC, split into two tables for residuals in millimeters or milligons.
Fig. 6: Example of table of 3D points.
4.3 Histograms
The Histograms section includes histograms of residuals split by units for each measurement type
used in the input. The number of bins is configurable by users. Users can also trigger stacking the
data based on the source from which the observations were measured. And then turn some of them
off, as seen in Fig. 7. The histogram also offers a list of observations in the given bin, and after
CTRL+click, a user is taken to the line of this observation. The second part pictures normalized
histograms of residuals merged from all measurement types normalized by their standard error, thus
unit less.
Fig. 7: Example of histograms section.
4.4 Observation overview
The observation overview section includes interactive tables of all observations for all measurement
types used in the input table. Note that each measurement type has a unique set of columns and units,
so the data must be separated into several tables. Besides regular highlighted links, this table also
offers additional information about the instrument via a tooltip invoked by clicking on the instrument
position in the table, as seen in Fig. 8.
4.5 Frames
The frame section has two parts, as there are two essential aspects of frames: transformations between
frames and frame structure. The first aspect is exploited in the frames table, which has the same
features as the previous tables. The structure is then shown in a dedicated interactive tree graph.
4.6 3D plot
The last part of the report is a 3D plot, which shows the users the 3D aspect of the introduced 3D
points. This part was meant to capture more information, but as the 3D visualizations will be done
in different software, it stayed only in a symbolic version.
Fig. 8: Example of observation overview.
Section 5 Conclusion
There are still more features that could be added, but I had three user feedback session and the
feedback has been positive. The result is a working version, which will be shipped with the next
Survey Pad release.