WHEREAS, the Indianapolis Airport Authority Board (“Authority”), pursuant to
I.C. 8-22-3-11 is authorized to adopt a schedule of rates and charges, and to collect same
from all users of Authority’s Airport facilities, and
WHEREAS, the Authority desires to enact reasonable rates for the use of Airport
facilities and services commencing November 11, 2008 that will be effective through and
including December 31, 2008 and enact new rates for the use of certain facilities and
services commencing January 1, 2009, and
WHEREAS, the Authority has considered a number of factors in determining
reasonable landing fees and space rental rates including the following: the projected
revenues, expenses, and need for capital projects and comparisons with the rates of other
airports, and
WHEREAS, representatives of the Airport Authority have held discussions with
representatives of many of the Airline companies serving Indianapolis International
Airport (“Airport”) regarding such factors, and have received the advice and comments
of all Airline companies serving the Airport,
NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of the Indianapolis Airport
Section I – The following terms are hereby defined as follows:
A. Air Carrier
A person, company or corporation operating a commercial air
transportation system by aircraft for the purpose of carriage of persons,
cargo, mail or other property.
B. Aircraft Remote Parking Areas
A portion of the passenger terminal apron and other remote apron areas at
Indianapolis International Airport designated for the parking of diverted
aircraft or overnight aircraft.
C. Airport
The “Airport” means the Indianapolis International Airport.
D. Airport Terminal Building
The Colonel H. Weir Cook Terminal Building at the Indianapolis
International Airport.
E. Certificated Air Carrier
A person, company or corporation operating a commercial air
transportation system pursuant to the provisions of Federal Aviation
Regulation Part 119, Part 121, or Part 129.
F. Certificated Gross Landing Weight
The maximum certificated gross landing weight in 1,000 pound units as
approved by the Federal Aviation Administration for landing of an
G. Commuter Air Carrier
A person, company or corporation operating a commercial air
transportation system pursuant to the provisions of Federal Aviation
Regulation Part 119 and Part 135 on a regular published schedule of
aircraft arrivals and departures utilizing the Airport Terminal Building.
H. Contract Day
The term “Contract Day” shall mean each twenty-four (24) hour period or
fraction thereof for which an RAC rents an automobile to a customer.
I. Customer Facility Charge or CFC
The term “Customer Facility Charge” or “CFC” shall mean the charge to
be collected by each RAC and remitted to the Authority pursuant to
Section IV (N) hereof.
J. Customer Rental Transaction
The term “Customer Rental Transaction” shall mean a single rental
transaction with a customer for a consecutive number of Contract Days.
K. Deplaned Passenger
“Deplaned Passenger” (or “Deplaning Passenger”) shall mean a person
arriving at Indianapolis International Airport by aircraft as a paying or
non-revenue passenger.
L. Enplaned Passenger
“Enplaned Passenger” (or “Enplaning Passenger”) shall mean a person
departing Indianapolis International Airport by aircraft as a paying or non-
revenue passenger, but not including a passenger on an intermediate stop
at Indianapolis International Airport.
M. Executive Director
The person appointed by the Authority as Executive Director, or the
Executive Director’s designee, responsible for the operation, maintenance,
and management of the Indianapolis Airport Authority’s Airport facilities.
N. General Aviation Aircraft
All civil aircraft except that of Scheduled or Non-Scheduled Air Carriers
and Commuter Air Carriers.
O. Ground Transportation Provider
A company or person, other than taxi operators, that provides ground
transportation services for hire from the Airport Terminal Building
utilizing a limousine-sedan, van, mini-bus or charter bus vehicle.
P. Landing
The term “landing” as used herein shall mean the termination of flight of
an aircraft upon a runway at Indianapolis International Airport.
Q. Military Aircraft
All aircraft operated by any branch of the Armed Forces of the United
R. Non-Based Employee
The term “Non-Based Employee” shall mean an employee employed by a
tenant of the Indianapolis Airport Authority who resides in the
Indianapolis metropolitan area, but whose primary employment base is a
city located outside of the State of Indiana.
S. Non-Scheduled Air Carrier
An Air Carrier that does not operate aircraft on a regular, published arrival
and departure schedule.
T. Non-Signatory Air Carrier
The term “Non-Signatory Air Carrier” shall mean an Air Carrier providing
air transportation of passengers or property by air to and from Indianapolis
International Airport which has not executed the Authority’s March 2001
form of Agreement and Lease of Premises for the use of and for
occupancy of space at Indianapolis International Airport.
The term “RAC” shall mean any auto rental company who leases office
space, counter space, buildings or real property for the operation of the
rental car business at the Airport.
V. Scheduled Air Carrier
An Air Carrier that operates aircraft on a regular, published arrival and
departure schedule. .
W. Signatory Air Carrier
The term “Signatory Air Carrier” shall mean an Air Carrier providing air
transportation of passengers or property by air to and from Indianapolis
International Airport which has executed Authority’s March 2001 form of
Agreement and Lease of Premises for the use of and for occupancy of
space at Indianapolis International Airport, as amended.
Section II
– The following schedule of rates, fees and charges is hereby created
and established for operators of aircraft using Hendricks County Airport, Eagle
Creek Airpark, Metropolitan Airport, Mt. Comfort Airport and the Downtown
A. General aviation aircraft not operating on a regular schedule shall pay a
fuel flowage fee of $0.06 per gallon of fuel delivered into the fuel tanks of
such aircraft.
B. Military aircraft shall pay a fuel flowage fee of $0.06 per gallon of fuel
delivered into the fuel tanks of such aircraft.
Section III – The following schedule of rates, fees, and charges is hereby created
and established for operators of aircraft using Indianapolis International Airport:
A. General Aviation, Military Aircraft & Non-Scheduled Air Carrier
1. General aviation aircraft not operating on a regular schedule shall
pay a fuel flowage fee of $0.06 per gallon of fuel delivered into the
fuel tanks of such aircraft.
2. Military aircraft shall pay a fuel flowage fee of $0.06 per gallon of
fuel delivered into the fuel tanks of such aircraft.
3. Operators of Non-Scheduled Air Carrier aircraft operating under
Federal Aviation Regulation Part 119, Part 121, or Part 129 shall
pay a landing fee of $2.96 per 1,000 pounds of Certificated Gross
Landing Weight for each aircraft for each landing.
4. Operators of large aircraft as defined in Federal Aviation
Regulation Part 125 shall pay a landing fee of $2.96 per 1,000
pounds of Certificated Gross Landing Weight for each aircraft for
each landing.
5. Aircraft operated by carriers pursuant to Federal Aviation
Regulation Part 91, Part 119, or Part 135, on a regular schedule
and pursuant to an Airport Use Agreement, shall pay a basic fee of
$150.00 per month per aircraft and a fuel flowage fee of $0.06 per
gallon of fuel delivered into the tanks on such aircraft. In the event
that the total Certificated Gross Landing Weight for each aircraft
operated by such carrier shall average 250,000 or more pounds per
month, such carrier may petition Authority to pay the rates and
charges established by subparagraph A(3) of this Section in lieu of
the charges established by this paragraph.
B. Scheduled Certificated Air Carrier and Commuter Air Carrier
1(a). Scheduled Certificated Air Carrier and Commuter Air Carrier
[Effective November 11, 2008 through and including December 31,
Space Rentals
: An annual space rental charge per square foot of area is
hereby levied upon all Signatory Scheduled Air Carriers and Signatory
Commuter Air Carriers and Non-Signatory Scheduled Air Carriers and
Non-Signatory Commuter Air Carriers (collectively “Carrier”) for
occupancy of space in and near the Airport Terminal Building at the same
aggregate rate that was paid by Carrier for the space occupied in the
concourse or area occupied by Carrier at the former Airport terminal,
located at 2500 S. High School Road, Indianapolis, Indiana as follows:
Tenant Financed Space
Non-Signatory Signatory Non-Sig. USAir Leased
A. Ticket and Bag Claim $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
B. Office or Club Room $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
C. Hold Rooms $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
D. Operations Space-Air Cond. $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
E. Operations Space-Non-Air Cond. $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
F. Baggage Make-up $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
G. Covered Storage $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
H. Open Storage $89.75 $107.03 $74.69 $91.97 $60.84
I. Aircraft Apron $ 2.05 $ 2.05 $ 2.05 $ 2.05 $ 2.05
Signatory Non-Signatory
A. Ticket and Bag Claim $74.69 $91.97
B. Office $74.69 $91.97
C. Hold Rooms $74.69 $91.97
D. Operations Space-Air Cond. $74.69 $91.97
E. Operations Space-Non-Air Cond. $74.69 $91.97
F. Baggage Make-up $74.69 $91.97
G. Covered Storage $74.69 $91.97
H. Open Storage $74.69 $91.97
I. Aircraft Apron $ 2.05 $ 2.05
One-twelfth (1/12) of an annual rental charge shall be due and
payable monthly on the first day of each calendar month, in
advance. The Executive Director may assign such space to the
airlines from time to time at his discretion, and in accordance with
their needs.
1(b) Scheduled Certificated Air Carrier and Commuter Air Carrier
[Effective January 1, 2009]
Space Rentals: An annual space rental charge per square foot of area is
hereby levied upon all Signatory Scheduled Air Carriers and Signatory
Commuter Air Carriers and Non-Signatory Scheduled Air Carriers and
Non-Signatory Commuter Air Carriers for occupancy of space in and near
the Airport Terminal Building as follows:
Signatory Non-Signatory
A. Terminal $95.00 $132.64
B. Office or Club Room $95.00 $132.64
C. Hold Rooms $95.00 $132.64
D. Operations Space $95.00 $132.64
E. Baggage Make-up/Bag Claim $95.00 $132.64
F. Ticket Counter $95.00 $132.64
G. Aircraft Apron $ 2.62 $ 2.62
One-twelfth (1/12) of an annual rental charge shall be due and
payable monthly on the first day of each calendar month, in
advance. The Executive Director may assign such space to the
airlines from time to time at his discretion, and in accordance with
their needs.
2. Baggage Claim, Baggage Make-Up and Inbound Baggage Set-Off
[Effective January 1, 2009]
i. Twenty percent (20%) of total bag space square footage, including
baggage claim, baggage make-up, and inbound baggage set-off,
shall be allocated equally among those Air Carriers leasing gate
1. Space allocation shall be completed based on the number of
Air Carriers leasing gate space each December 1 for the
following calendar year.
2. If the number of Air Carriers leasing gate space increases
or decreases after December 1, an adjustment will be made
for the month in which such Air Carrier began or ceased
leasing gate space at the Airport and the charges to the Air
Carrier for the remainder of the year will be adjusted
ii. Eighty percent (80%) of total bag space square footage, including
baggage claim, baggage make-up, and inbound baggage set-off,
shall be allocated to each Air Carrier based on each Air Carrier’s
percentage share of total Enplaned Passengers at the Airport over a
twelve month period, November 1 through October 31 of the
previous year, prior to the calendar year for which the rates will be
iii. Charges for Signatory and Non-signatory Air Carriers will be
assessed and paid at the Signatory and Non-signatory terminal
rental rate, as appropriate.
3. Landing Fees: There are hereby established and levied landing
fees upon each Non-Signatory Air Carrier using Indianapolis
International Airport, a landing fee of $2.96 per 1,000 pounds of
Certificated Gross Landing Weight of each aircraft for each
landing. Signatory Air Carriers shall pay a landing fee of $1.95
per 1,000 pounds of Certificated Gross Landing Weight of each
aircraft for each landing. Each Air Carrier subject to the landing
fee provisions of Section III of this Ordinance shall electronically
provide to the Executive Director, on or before the tenth (10
) day
of each month, an accurate verified report of landed weight, as
prescribed by the Executive Director, and concurrently with
transmittal of said report, tender payment in the amount of landing
fees for that Air Carrier’s operations at the Airport during the
preceding month. Landing fee charges shall be due on the first
) of the month and payable no later than the fifteenth (15
) day
of each month for the preceding calendar month of operations.
The report submitted by Air Carriers shall include, but shall not be
limited to, (1) Air Carrier’s total number of landings by type and
model of aircraft and Certificated Gross Landing Weight of each
type and model of aircraft, (2) the total number of Enplaning
Passengers and Deplaning Passengers, and (3) the amount in
pounds of freight, mail, and other cargo carried or transported by
the Air Carrier for such month. Such reports shall be subject to
review and audit by the Authority, and Air Carrier’s records with
respect to such reports shall be retained for three (3) years.
4. Law Enforcement Services: Each Air Carrier boarding passengers
from hold rooms utilizing security screening at Indianapolis
International Airport shall pay to the Indianapolis Airport
Authority the sum of $0.10 per Enplaned Passenger. Each Air
Carrier shall maintain a daily record of the number of passengers
departing by its aircraft from Indianapolis International Airport.
Within thirty (30) days following the close of each calendar month,
each Air Carrier shall submit to the Authority a report of passenger
embarkation for the prior month together with payment calculated
as aforesaid. Such reports shall be subject to review and audit by
Authority, and Air Carrier’s records with respect to such reports
shall be retained for three (3) years.
5. International Arrivals Building and Ramp:
a. International Processing Fee
: Users shall pay a minimum
service facility fee of $100.00 per flight, or $3.00 per
person processed, whichever is greater for use of the
inspection area and reboarding lounge in the International
Arrivals Building.
b. Inspection Area
: When used separately to accommodate
special events or functions, the user shall pay a fee of
c. Reboarding Lounge: When used separately to
accommodate deplaning or enplaning passengers or for
special purpose or function, the user shall pay a fee of
d. International Arrivals Ramp: A parking fee of $200.00 per
24 hours or fraction thereof shall be paid by aircraft
operators who utilize the International Arrivals Ramp for
overnight parking or extended aircraft parking.
6. Aircraft Remote Parking Areas: Aircraft operators parking aircraft in
the designated overflow apron areas shall pay $200.00 per twenty-
four (24) hour period or fraction thereof.
7. Gate Use Fee
: Air Carriers using aircraft gates and/or associated
facilities for passenger handling and aircraft operations shall pay
the following fees per flight:
More Than 3 but
a. Terminal Facilities Up to 3 Hours Less Than 9 Hours
Hold Room & Loading Bridge $300.00 $600.00
Aircraft Apron $100.00 $200.00
Operations Space $ 65.00 $130.00
Ticket Counter, Bag Make-Up
and Public Address System $ 65.00 $130.00
Bag Claim $ 65.00 $130.00
More Than 9 Hours 18 Hours to
but Less Than 18 Hours 24 Hours
Hold Room & Loading Bridge $1300.00 $2800.00
Aircraft Apron $ 200.00 $200.00
Operations Space $ 260.00 $520.00
Ticket Counter, Bag Make-Up
and Public Address System $ 260.00 $520.00
Bag Claim $ 260.00 $520.00
More Than 3 but
b. Terminal Facilities Up to 3 Hours Less Than 9 Hours
Hold Room & Loading Bridge $150.00 $200.00
Aircraft Apron $ 50.00 $200.00
Operations Space $ 65.00 $130.00
Ticket Counter, Bag Make-Up
and Public Address System $ 65.00 $130.00
Bag Claim $ 65.00 $130.00
More Than 9 Hours 18 Hours
but Less Than 18 Hours to 24 Hours
Hold Room & Loading Bridge $ 600.00 $1400.00
Aircraft Apron $ 200.00 $200.00
Operations Space $ 190.00 $380.00
Ticket Counter, Bag Make-Up
and Public Address System $ 190.00 $380.00
Bag Claim $ 190.00 $380.00
Section IV – Ground Transportation Concession & Other Fees at Indianapolis
International Airport
A. Taxicabs/Operating Agreement and Concession Fees
1. Taxicab owners or operators must have an operating agreement
with the Indianapolis Airport Authority and pay a fee of $500.00 in
advance for each six (6) month period that the operating agreement
is in force.
2. Taxicab owners or operators shall pay a concession fee of $1.00
per loading operation of passengers at the Airport. Taxicab owners
or operators may assess a maximum pickup charge to Airport
passengers of $0.50 per loading operation at the Airport.
3. The minimum taxi fare for trips originating at the Airport shall be
B. Ground Transportation Agreement Fees
1. Fees.
Any person or company operating a business, an integral
part of which involves persons or baggage being regularly
transported between Indianapolis International Airport and a motel,
hotel, parking lot, or auto rental office situated off Airport property
in vehicles owned or operated by the person or company providing
the service, or subcontractor thereof, shall pay the following fees
and charges and at the discretion of the Executive Director; said
fees and charges may be prorated to a convenient calendar date.
a. Hotel and Motel Vehicles
1. An annual registration fee of $210.00 per vehicle.
2. A trip fee of $0.50 per vehicle used for transportation of
customers from the Airport not to exceed the product of $2.50 per
room multiplied by the number of rooms available for overnight
b. Off-Airport Car Parking Companies
A fee of ten percent (10%) of all sales and fees for the parking of
automobiles, courtesy vehicle shuttle transportation, valet parking
services, and automobile services as follows:
1) washing and waxing
2) detailing or interior cleaning
3) oil, lube and filter
4) bulb repair or replacement
for its customers arriving, departing or using Indianapolis
International Airport.
c. Off-Airport Auto Rental Companies
A fee of ten percent (10%) of all sales or fees for the rental of
automobiles and services as follows:
1) time and mileage
2) unused voucher revenue
3) CDW allocated inclusive
4) loss damage waiver
5) personal accident insurance
6) extended liability protection
7) personal effects coverage
8) protection plus
9) fuel service option
10) fuel recharge
11) intercity fees
12) coupons
13) baby seat revenue
14) navigational systems
15) additional driver
16) under age driver
17) ski racks
18) cellular phone commission
19) change of equipment
20) miscellaneous vehicle revenue
21) airport fees
for its customers arriving, departing or using Indianapolis
International Airport.
2. Audit. Any person or company by acceptance and use of a Ground
Transportation Agreement issued by the Airport Authority agrees
that the Airport Authority shall have the right to inspect and audit
such person’s or company’s books of account and other records
pertaining to its business operations at Indianapolis International
Airport which books or account and other records shall be retained
by such person or company for a period of three (3) years.
3. Termination of Ground Transportation Agreement
The Executive Director may terminate a Ground Transportation
Agreement for failure to allow an audit as provided in Paragraph 2
above or for violation of any rule, regulation, or ordinance of the
Airport Authority or of any federal, state or local law or ordinance
upon the failure of the person or company to comply with or
correct said violation, within seven (7) days after receipt of written
notice from the Executive Director or his designee.
C. Scheduled Bus Service
Scheduled bus owners or operators shall pay a negotiated fee per month on
inter-city routes.
D. Other Ground Transportation Providers
Ground Transportation Providers shall pay the following trip fees for
vehicles use for transpiration from the Airport:
Vehicle Type Per trip fee
Limo-Sedan $1.95
Van $2.20
Mini Bus $2.50
Charter Bus $10.50
E. Special Events
Any operator or owner who does not have an operating agreement with the
Authority that is providing ground transportation for a special event or
convention shall pay a fee of $33.00 per vehicle for each day such vehicle
operates at the Airport.
F. Ground Transportation Booth Fees
The fee for use of booths in the Ground Transportation Center located
adjacent to the Parking Garage is $260.00 per month
G. Automatic Vehicle Identification
Any operator or owner operating commercial motor vehicles at the Airport
and subject to the fees of this Section IV shall (prior to operating at the
Airport) equip such motor vehicles with Automatic Vehicle Identification
Transponders provided by Authority and pay a $50.00 deposit therefore
which deposit shall be refunded upon the return of such Transponder in
good condition. Any operator or owner of commercial motor vehicles
required to be equipped with an Automatic Vehicle Identification
Transponder shall be subject to a penalty of $1,000.00 per day for each
violation for failure to install on and operate a commercial motor vehicle
with the Automatic Vehicle Identification Transponder provided by
H. Conference and Meeting Rooms
The Executive Director shall have authority to set fees for the use of
conference rooms at the Airport.
I. General Concession & Service Fees
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, limited liability company or
any other business entity providing services or concessions on the Airport
shall be required to obtain a Use Permit or other written Agreement from
the Authority and to pay the appropriate fees specified in the Use Permit
or Agreement for the service or concession to be provided.
J. Public and Employee Parking Lots
1. [Effective November 11, 2008 through and including December 31,
2008]The following parking fees shall be paid by persons who utilize the
public or employee parking lots at Indianapolis International Airport
located at 2500 S. High School Road, Indianapolis Indiana:
a. Parking Garage
i. First 30 minutes -0-
ii. Each one-half hour after first 30 minutes $ 2.00
iii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $22.00
iv. Lost ticket – minimum charge $22.00
b. Short-Term Surface Lot
i. Minimum charge (0-2 hours) $ 4.00
ii. Each additional one-half hour $ 1.50
iii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $16.00
iv. Lost ticket – minimum charge $16.00
c. Tiger Express
i. First thirty minutes -0-
ii. Minimum charge $ 8.00
iii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $ 8.00
iv. Lost ticket – minimum charge $ 8.00
d. Economy Lot
i. First thirty minutes -0-
ii. Minimum charge $ 6.50
iii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $ 6.50
iv. Lost ticket – minimum charge $ 6.50
e. Corporate Connection Lot
i. Minimum charge $ 9.00
ii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $ 9.00
f. Business Park
The rate for the Business Park shall be determined from time to
time through negotiation with the Authority and Business Park
g. Employee Parking
i. Surface Lots
(A) Based Employees: A parking fee not to exceed
$18.00 per month per based employee parking permit.
(B). Non-Based Employees: A parking fee not to
exceed $25.00 per month to be paid on a quarterly basis. A
$2.00 charge for each credit card transaction.
ii. Garage
A parking fee not to exceed $100.00 per month for based
iii. Corporate Connection
A parking fee not to exceed $50.00 per month for based
2. The following parking fees shall be paid by persons who utilize the
public or employee parking lots at Indianapolis International Airport
located at or near 7800 Col. H. Weir Cook Memorial Drive,
Indianapolis, Indiana:
a. Parking Garage
i. Each one-half hour $ 2.00
ii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $16.00
iii. Lost ticket – minimum charge $16.00
b. Long –Term Lot
i. Minimum charge $11.00
ii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $11.00
iii. Lost ticket – minimum charge $11.00
c. Economy Lot
i. Minimum charge $ 7.00
ii. Maximum each twenty-four hours $ 7.00
iii. Lost ticket – minimum charge $ 7.00
d. Discounts, Incentives and Other Special Programs
The Executive Director shall have the discretion to develop and implement
discount, incentive or other special programs for the Airport parking
garage or lots that may have the effect of reducing the daily rates set forth
under paragraphs 1 through 3 of this Section.
e. Employee Parking
i. Surface Lots
(A) Based Employees: A parking fee not to exceed $18.00
per month per based employee parking permit.
(B) Non-Based Employees: A parking fee not to exceed
$25.00 per month to be paid on a quarterly basis. A $2.00
charge for each credit card transaction.
ii. Garage
A parking fee not to exceed $100.00 per month for based
K. Customer Facility Charge
1. Each RAC shall pay a fee for each Customer Rental Transaction of
$3.00 per rental car Contract Day for a maximum of fourteen (14)
Contract Days.
2. The Customer Facility Charge shall be shown as a separately
itemized charge on each customer contract for such RAC and
described as “Customer Facility Charge” or “CFC” with a footnote
approved by the Authority explaining the abbreviation.
3. Each RAC must hold the CFC revenues collected by it in trust in a
fiduciary capacity for the Authority. All of the CFC revenues
collected and held will be considered the property of the Authority
and will not be considered Gross Revenues of the RAC. Each
RAC shall hold CFC revenue collections in a custodial capacity, in
which the RAC has no interest other than that of custodian, and
shall not hold or have either an ownership or equitable interest in
said CFC revenues collected.
4. Each CFC shall be collected from all customers of the RAC,
including customers receiving complimentary or discounted auto
rentals from the RAC and without regard to whether that customer
is using the Airport facilities.
5. Each RAC shall maintain records and controls that are sufficient to
demonstrate the accuracy of the CFC revenues collected and the
amount of CFC revenue collections remitted. These accounting
records must be made available for inspection and examination at
all reasonable times by the Authority or a duly authorized
representative(s). Should travel to an RAC’s out-of-state offices
be required in order to conduct such an examination or inspection,
all reasonable costs incurred by the Authority or their duly
authorized representatives including, but not limited to, airfare,
meals, lodging and local transportation, shall be paid by such
6. Each RAC shall provide to the Executive Director no later than
October 1
of each year, a statement showing such RAC’s
projected Contract Days for the forthcoming year.
7. The Authority reserves the right to adjust the amount of the CFC,
at such times as it deems necessary, upon sixty (60) days prior
written notice to each RAC.
8. No RAC shall be entitled to any rights of offset or other reduction
in the requirements herein and shall remit all CFC revenues
collected to the Authority regardless of any amounts that may be
owed or due to such RAC by Authority.
9. It is understood and agreed that all CFC revenues required to be
collected by an RAC may be pledged for or dedicated to the
payment of airport bonds or other obligations pursuant to the
applicable bond documents, and such other costs as agreed to by
the Authority.
10. Each RAC shall remit the CFC revenues collected to the Authority
at the address provided in the current RAC Agreement and shall
pay such revenues in U.S. dollars without exchange for foreign
currency. Each RAC shall timely remit its CFC revenue
collections to the Authority.
11. Within ninety (90) days after the end of each year, RAC shall
employ a certified public accountant (hereinafter ”CPA”) who
shall provide an unqualified written statement to the Authority
stating whether in the CPA’s opinion the CFC revenues collected
by the RAC, and the number of Customer Rental Transactions and
Contract Days during the preceding year pursuant to this
Agreement were remitted and provided to the Authority in
accordance with the terms of this Ordinance. Such statement shall
contain a list by month of the CFC revenues collected, the number
of automobile rental days and number of Contract Days as shown
on the books and records of the RAC that were used to determine
the payments made to the Authority during the period covered by
the statement. An electronic copy of the annual CFC report shall
be submitted to the Authority with the annual CFC statement.
Each RAC shall make payment of any additional amount due as
reflected in the CPA statement to the Authority at the time the
CPA statement is provided to the Authority.
12. Each RAC shall furnish to the Authority, on or before the fifteenth
) day following each complete calendar month a statement
certified by such RAC and prepared in a manner satisfactory to the
Authority, of the CFC revenues collected, and the number of
Customer Rental Transactions and Contract Days that occurred
during the previous calendar month. The CFC revenues collected
shall be remitted by the RAC to the Authority by the 15
day of
each month for the preceding calendar month of operations during
the year.
Section V – Fingerprinting and Criminal Records Check
A fee of $45.00 shall be paid by each person requesting issuance of an Airport
identification badge that requires fingerprinting the person and conducting a criminal
record background check of such person.
Section VI
– Proviso
Nothing contained herein shall prevent or restrict Authority from entering into a
use agreement with any airline company that provides for a credit or assessment in the
event that actual income or expenses fall short of projected levels.
Section VII
– Compliance
As a condition precedent to the right of any aircraft operator to use Indianapolis
International Airport, it shall comply with all of the reporting and payment requirements
hereinabove set forth. Any such aircraft operator failing to comply with said
requirements shall be barred from the use of any of the facilities of the Airport.
Section VIII – Delinquent Payments
For all payments due to the Authority pursuant to the provisions of this
Ordinance, other agreements with Authority, or any funds payable to Authority, there
shall be added interest computed at the rate of 1½% per month from the due date of such
payment, same to be assessed whenever any payment shall become thirty (30) days
overdue and provided that the aggregate monthly interest for such overdue account
exceeds ten dollars ($10.00).
Section IX – Review and Modification
The rates, fees, and charges herein established are subject to review and
modification by Authority from time to time to properly reflect the costs of the
construction, operation, maintenance and expansion of Airport facilities.
Section X
– Severability
The provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable and if any of the provisions
hereof shall be held to be unconstitutional, invalid or illegal by a court of competent
jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining provisions
of this Ordinance.
Section XI
– Ordinances, or parts thereof, of the Indianapolis Airport Authority
that are inconsistent with the terms of this Ordinance 4-2008 are hereby superseded.
Section XII – Effective Date
Sections III.B.1(a) and IV.J.1. of this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect
on November 11, 2008 and remain effective through and including December 31, 2008.
Sections III.B.1(b) and III.B.2 of this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on
January 1, 2009. All other Sections of this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on
November 11, 2008.
Enacted this ________ day of ________________, 2008.
Randall L. Tobias, President
Lacy M. Johnson, Vice President
Alfred R. Bennett, Secretary
N. Stuart Grauel, Treasurer
Kelly J. Flynn, Member
Shirley M. Haflich, Member
Michael B. Stayton, Member
Robert H. Voorhies, Member
) SS:
I, Alfred R. Bennett, the duly elected, qualified Secretary of the Indianapolis Airport
Authority, Indianapolis, Indiana, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and
complete copy of an Ordinance adopted by the Board of the Indianapolis Airport
Authority at a regular/special meeting of said Board held at its offices at Indianapolis
International Airport on _________________________, 2008, and that said Ordinance
has not been amended, rescinded or revoked.
AIRPORT AUTHORITY this _______ day of ________________________, 2008.
Alfred R. Bennett, Secretary