Naval Reactors Facility
September 2022
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy
By Fluor Marine Propulsion, LLC
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NRF Environmental Summary Report
September 2022
Prepared For The U.S. Department Of Energy By
Fluor Marine Propulsion, LLC
Naval Reactors Facility
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Document Number: NRF-OSQ-ESH-01354
NRF Environmental Summary Report
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................ v
1.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 NAVAL REACTORS FACILITY ........................................................................................... 3
2.1 NRF Site History .............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Significant Accomplishments ........................................................................................... 3
3.0 DESCRIPTION OF NRF ...................................................................................................... 5
3.1 NRF Development ........................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Land Use and Demography ............................................................................................. 5
3.3 Geology and Seismology ................................................................................................. 6
3.4 Hydrology ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.4.1 Surface and Ground Water Sources ............................................................................ 9
3.4.2 Surface and Ground Water Use ................................................................................... 9
4.0 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS .................................................................................... 11
4.1 Past Operations ............................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Present Operations ........................................................................................................ 13
5.0 WASTE GENERATION AND CONTROLS ........................................................................ 19
5.1 Current Waste Management Programs.......................................................................... 19
5.1.1 Radioactive Waste Management ............................................................................... 19
5.1.2 Non-Radioactive Waste Management ........................................................................ 20
5.1.3 Remediation Programs .............................................................................................. 22
5.2 Past Waste Management Practices ............................................................................... 23
5.2.1 Past Radioactive Waste Management ....................................................................... 23
5.2.2 Residual Radioactivity................................................................................................ 25
5.2.3 Past Non-Radioactive Waste Management ................................................................ 27
5.2.4 Groundwater Monitoring ............................................................................................ 28
6.0 MONITORING PROGRAMS ............................................................................................. 31
7.0 ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ............................................................ 33
7.1 Remedial Action Areas .................................................................................................. 34
7.2 No Action Sites .............................................................................................................. 37
7.3 No Further Action Sites .................................................................................................. 37
NRF Environmental Summary Report
8.0 AUDITS AND REVIEWS ................................................................................................... 39
9.0 REGULATORY MATTERS ................................................................................................ 43
10.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 47
Number Title Page
Figure 1 Relation of NRF to the INL ................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 NRF Site Area Plot Plan....................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 NRF Waste Area Group 8 .................................................................................. 35
Number Title Page
Table 1 NRF Waste Area Group 8 Sites ......................................................................... 36
Table 2 Environmental Inspections/Visits of the NRF Site............................................... 40
NRF Environmental Summary Report
A1W Large Ship Reactor Prototype
CAA Clean Air Act
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CWA Clean Water Act
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
COCA Consent Order and Compliance Agreement
D&D Decontamination and Decommissioning
DOE Department of Energy
DOE-EM Department of Energy – Environmental Management
DOP Dioctylphthalate
ECF Expended Core Facility
EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FFA/CO Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order
FFCA Federal Facility Compliance Act
FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
HAP Hazardous Air Pollutant
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air
IDEQ Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
INL Idaho National Laboratory
IPDES Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
IWD Industrial Waste Ditch
LDR Land Disposal Restrictions
mrem millirem
mrem/hr millirem per hour
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NNPP Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program
NPL National Priorities List
NRF Naval Reactors Facility
PCBs Polychlorinated Biphenyls
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RI/FS Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
ROD Record of Decision
RWDS Radioactive Waste Disposal System
RWMC Radioactive Waste Management Complex
S1W Subsequent name for the Submarine Thermal Reactor Prototype
NRF Environmental Summary Report
List of Acronyms (Cont.)
S5G Advanced Water Cooled Natural Circulation Submarine Prototype
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act
SRPA Snake River Plain Aquifer
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
USGS United States Geological Survey
UST Underground Storage Tank
WERF Waste Experimental Reduction Facility
NRF Environmental Summary Report
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL), which includes the Naval Reactors Facility (NRF or Site), is
owned by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) and the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program
(NNPP). NRF has been operated for the NNPP by the Naval Nuclear Laboratory since the inception
of NRF in 1949. In 2016, the NNPP began using Naval Nuclear Laboratory” to refer to the collective
operations of the four DOE sites that perform NNPP work and the personnel operating at the
associated locations. NRF is located on approximately 4,400 acres of land within the 572,200 acres
of the INL, 54 miles west of Idaho Falls, Idaho. NRF provides the NNPP with unique capabilities for
research and development of advanced naval nuclear propulsion plants.
1.1 Background
For many years, NRF and INL subcontractors have conducted environmental monitoring to
demonstrate that NRF is being operated in accordance with environmental standards. The results
have been published in the NRF and INL annual reports provided to federal, state, and local officials.
These publicly available reports demonstrate that NRF monitoring practices meet and are often
stricter than the requirements of applicable laws and regulations. The monitoring results confirm
compliance with environmental standards.
1.2 Purpose
While the annual reports describe monitoring practices and results, they do not describe the nature
and environmental aspects of NRF work and facilities nor do they give a historical perspective of the
Site's operations. The purpose of this report is to provide this information as well as background
information, such as the geologic and hydrologic nature of the NRF, pertinent to understanding the
environmental aspects of Site operations.
1.3 Conclusions
The following conclusions may be drawn from this report and the annual environmental monitoring
NRF has had environmental control programs in place since critical operations began in 1953. The
objective of these programs has been to meet or exceed the requirements of laws and regulations
applicable at the time. NRF's performance in radioactivity control has established and maintained
levels of control that are equal to and in many cases more stringent than applicable requirements.
The maximum possible annual dose to a member of the public resulting from Site operations is
calculated by using conservative assumptions of release and human uptake. Such calculations show
that the dose is very small - approximately 0.00034 millirem (mrem) for 2017-2021. This is far less
than the approximately 366 mrem received by an average individual from natural background
radiation each year in southeastern Idaho, and is less than the approximate 3 mrem of additional
radiation exposure that an individual would receive from a single cross-country airplane flight.
There are isolated areas on the Site where controlled releases of low-level radioactive liquids were
made prior to 1979. The total radioactivity released to the soil over the operational life of NRF is
equal to the amount of naturally occurring radioactivity in the top 24 inches of native east central
Idaho soil covering a local area of equal size to NRF. Members of the public cannot come in direct
contact with any of the small amounts of residual radioactivity still present on the Site.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Current NRF practices for handling chemical wastes conform with applicable federal and state
requirements, as confirmed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Idaho.
In the past, chemical waste disposal was carried out according to industrial practices common to the
time; some wastes were sent offsite for disposal and some chemicals were disposed of on the NRF
Site. Consequently, some chemical residues containing heavy metals such as chromium, lead and
silver are detectable in isolated areas of soil immediately adjacent to some of the chemical disposal
areas. Although hazardous contaminants have been detected in these areas, the levels involved
are below regulatory requirements and do not pose a threat to members of the public.
NRF operations have had no significant adverse effect on the groundwater of the Snake River Plain
Aquifer (SRPA). Monitoring results indicate radioactivity at or near natural background levels, and
no contaminants, solvents, or laboratory chemicals attributable to NRF operations above National
Primary Drinking Water Standards were detected. Low levels of sodium and chloride (as in table
salt) previously used to soften the Site’s water, and nitrates, possibly associated with historic
industrial sewage discharges, are detectable in the immediate vicinity of NRF, at levels below the
applicable primary drinking water standards.
Investigations of past disposal areas have been completed in accordance with the requirements of
the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The
Hazard Ranking Score for the NRF Site was not high enough to warrant inclusion on the EPA
National Priorities List (NPL), also known as Superfund. Nonetheless, due to the higher Hazard
Ranking Scores of other facilities at the INL, the INL as a whole was placed on the NPL, and an
agreement (Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (FFA/CO)) was entered into by the EPA,
the State of Idaho, and the DOE by which the INL remedial activities will be completed under the
EPA and state supervision. A Comprehensive Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS)
was completed in 1997. Based on this study, remedial actions were selected for nine sites at NRF.
The EPA and Idaho Department of Health and Welfare concurred with the selected remedial actions
in the Record of Decision (ROD) signed in September of 1998. Remedial action field work has been
NRF operations and environmental performance have always been subject to continuous oversight
by resident representatives of the NNPP, a joint Navy/DOE organization. Periodic in-depth reviews
and inspections are also conducted by personnel from NNPP headquarters.
In addition to NRF and NNPP reviews and inspections, NRF environmental programs are inspected
by the State of Idaho and the EPA in accordance with their regulatory authority. No violations from
these inspections were identified.
In conclusion, after decades of operation, NRF has had no significant impact on the environment or
adverse effect on the surrounding communities. NRF has a well-defined program in place to protect
the environment, to comply with state and federal environmental requirements and interagency
agreements, and to address remediation of the isolated residues from previous activities.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
NRF has been operated for the NNPP by the Naval Nuclear Laboratory since 1949. NRF is a
laboratory site where prototype naval nuclear propulsion plants were tested, Navy nuclear operators
were trained, and reactor components and naval spent fuel continue to be examined.
2.1 NRF Site History
The original mission of NRF was to demonstrate the feasibility of propelling submarines with nuclear
power. In August, 1950, construction began on the Submarine Thermal Reactor Mark I, the first
facility at NRF and prototype of the reactor that eventually propelled the first nuclear powered
submarine Nautilus (SSN 571). Initial operation of the Submarine Thermal Reactor (later named the
S1W Prototype) under nuclear power began on March 30, 1953. The S1W Prototype was used
throughout its life to test advanced design equipment and new systems for nuclear propulsion
projects and obtain data for future generations of nuclear propulsion plants. After more than 36
years of operation, the S1W Prototype was defueled in 1989 and systems were placed in layup in
Following the S1W Prototype nuclear propulsion plant, two other prototype nuclear propulsion plants
were constructed at NRF. The Large Ship Reactor Prototype (A1W Prototype), built in 1956,
demonstrated the feasibility of operating two reactor plants to power one propulsion shaft. The
concept was then used to power Enterprise (CVN 65), the Navy's first nuclear powered aircraft
carrier. The A1W Prototype continued to test new and advanced reactors for naval applications until
its shutdown in 1994. Defueling and systems layup work were completed in 1999.
The S5G Prototype, built in 1965, was designed to demonstrate the natural circulation concept for
reactor cooling ultimately used in the Narwhal (SSN 671) nuclear powered submarine. Similar to the
A1W Prototype, the S5G Prototype was shut down in 1995 and defueling and systems layup were
completed in 1999. The S1W, A1W, and S5G Prototypes served an additional major function as
training facilities for Navy nuclear propulsion plant operators.
NRF also houses the Expended Core Facility (ECF). Built in 1957 and substantially upgraded since
then, this examination facility was designed to handle and examine naval nuclear spent fuel and
reactor components as well as material and fuel samples irradiated in test reactors at other INL
facilities. The examinations of naval spent fuel performed at the ECF are critical to the design of
longer-lived reactor cores, which results in the creation of less spent fuel requiring disposition.
Programs at the ECF that examine materials exposed to a nuclear reactor environment have
provided a wealth of information for use in future naval nuclear propulsion plant designs. The ECF
has other related functions: maintenance and repair work on NNPP radioactive material shipping
containers and has the capability and equipment to load fuel modules into dry storage canisters for
eventual shipment out of the State of Idaho to a permanent repository.
2.2 Significant Accomplishments
The technologies developed within the Naval Nuclear Laboratory and tested at NRF are among the
most valuable and sensitive military technologies in the United States. They constitute a critical
element in the nation's defense system, making possible the extraordinary capabilities of the nuclear
powered submarines and surface ships that today comprise more than 40 percent of the Navy's
combatant fleet. The S1W plant proved, with its successful simulated non-stop, submerged, full
power, voyage from Newfoundland to Ireland in 1953 that reliable nuclear propulsion of submarines
was feasible. The A1W plant successfully demonstrated that the power necessary to propel a major
NRF Environmental Summary Report
surface vessel could be attained using propulsion trains, each powered by two reactors working
together. As nuclear technology advanced, the S5G Prototype, housing a natural circulation reactor,
was built to test a simpler and quieter reactor design. NRF continues to provide the NNPP with
unique capabilities for research and development of advanced naval nuclear propulsion plants.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
3.1 NRF Development
When the Naval Ordnance Plant was built in Pocatello, Idaho, in 1942, the federal government set
aside a large tract of desert land in the east central portion of Idaho. Designated the Naval Ordnance
Testing Range, this land supported the test firing of large naval guns. When the acreage was
transferred to the Atomic Energy Commission in 1949 it was renamed the National Reactor Testing
Station and subsequently became the INL. The INL is a dedicated remote site for energy research
and development, particularly for nuclear-related activities.
NRF was established in 1949, when a little over two acres of this testing station were cleared for the
Submarine Thermal Reactor (S1W Prototype). The location of NRF within the INL is shown in Figure
1. The developed portion of the NRF Site (Figure 2) is currently 89 acres in size. A major
construction project is underway on the east side of the NRF Site. This project is to construct a new
spent fuel handling facility. Once completed, this new facility will eventually replace most operations
within the ECF. The developed area of the NRF Site (Figure 2) will be updated when the project is
NRF includes decommissioned prototype nuclear propulsion plants (A1W, S1W, and S5G) and the
ECF. Supplemental buildings house administrative and training functions, mechanical refurbishment
and maintenance, boiler operations, temporary dry fuel storage, and warehouse functions.
Water for domestic purposes, fire protection, and landscape maintenance is supplied by several
wells. Electric power is supplied to the Site by the Idaho Power Company, Rocky Mountain Power,
and Montana Power Company. NRF also has its own sewage lagoon system on the northern
perimeter. Other support services required by NRF are supplied by activities on the INL Site.
3.2 Land Use and Demography
The NRF Site is located in Butte County. The INL also includes portions of Jefferson, Bingham, Clark,
and Bonneville counties.
The main population surrounding the INL lies to the east, along interstate highway I-15 and state
highway 91, which run generally north and south. The two largest cities (Pocatello and Idaho Falls)
are approximately 50 air miles from NRF. Most of the population is concentrated in communities to
the southeast: Pocatello and Idaho Falls each with a population of approximately 60,000; and
Blackfoot with 12,000. The entire area within a 50-mile radius of the INL contains a population of
approximately 176,000. This information is based on the 2020 census data.
Buses are available to transport workers to and from all Site facilities located within the INL boundary.
About 30 communities surrounding the INL provide personnel and services in support of INL
government projects. Small farming communities are located on the west central and northwestern
boundaries. Roughly 50 percent of the eastern boundary of the INL abuts agricultural land.
The INL is a major economic contributor to the southeastern Idaho economy. Several thousand
people are employed at the INL or as subcontractors, and much of the services and materials
consumed by INL activities are provided by local businesses.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
3.3 Geology and Seismology
The INL is located in the northeastern portion of the Snake River Plain. The Snake River Plain is a
U-shaped geologic feature approximately 300 miles long and 50 to 70 miles wide. Within its land
area of 12,000 square miles, the plain rises from an elevation of 2,300 feet in the west, near Boise,
to 6,000 feet in the east, near Ashton. The plain is bounded on all sides by mountains, some topping
12,000 feet.
The Eastern Snake River Plain extends southwesterly from the northeast corner of Idaho, near
Yellowstone National Park, toward the Hagerman-Twin Falls area. The Western Snake River Plain
extends northwesterly to the Idaho-Oregon border from the Hagerman-Twin Falls area.
The geological processes that produced the Snake River Plain are fairly recent by geologic
standards, taking place within the last 17 million years.
Reference 1 is an excellent source for data on the plain, a large geologic feature of basaltic lava
flows, which erupted from fissures and shield-type volcanoes. Although the geology of the basalt
appears simple, genesis of the plain, anomalies in geophysical data, and wide variations in
stratigraphy below the basalt reveal a complex geological system. Geological deposits in the Eastern
Snake River Plain consist of Recent to Pleistocene (within two million years) unconsolidated
windblown lake- and stream-deposited sediments overlying multiple layers of basalts and
interbedded sedimentary layers. The stream and lake bed sediments are comprised primarily of
sub-rounded to rounded gravels composed of all rock types represented in the adjacent mountains
as well as the local basalts. Deposition of this large quantity of gravelly material appears to have
resulted from sustained stream flows higher than currently exist, climatologically dating much of the
sedimentation to the late Pleistocene epoch.
Ten thousand feet of basalt layers interbedded with ancient stream and lake bed sediments dampen
or attenuate shock waves generated by earthquakes. Over the past 100 years, there have been
numerous earthquakes with a magnitude of 5.5 or greater with epicenters ranging from 58 to 176
miles from NRF (Reference 2). An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 on the Richter Scale hit the
west flank of the Madison Range some 116 miles northeast of NRF in August of 1959. The facilities
at the INL were shaken but not damaged. On October 28, 1983, an earthquake hit the west side of
the Lost River Range with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter Scale. This earthquake was 58 miles
west of NRF; again the Site felt the disturbance without sustaining damage. On March 31, 2020, a
6.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Central Idaho, approximately 105 miles northwest of the Site.
The earthquake was felt on-site but no injuries or damage were recorded. Work on-site was
temporarily stopped while buildings and facilities were assessed for damage. No damage was
The geology of the NRF Site is similar to that of the Eastern Snake River Plain and consists of four
basic informal layers. The surface layer consists of wind deposited silts and clays interspersed with
fine sand. The next layer consists of alluvial deposits that range from clean gravels with few fines to
well graded gravels with a sandy matrix. The third layer occurs as discontinuous clays that fill
topographic depressions in the upper-most basalt flow. Finally, the last layer is composed of a thick
sequence of basalt flows interbedded with sedimentary layers.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Figure 1- Relation of NRF to the INL
0 5 10 15
894 Square Miles
2315 Square Kilometers
890 Square Miles
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Figure 2 – NRF Site Area Plot Plan
NRF Environmental Summary Report
3.4 Hydrology
3.4.1 Surface and Ground Water Sources
The closest natural surface water to NRF is the Big Lost River. This river bed lies 1.5 miles east of
NRF and is dry for periods ranging from six months to five years or more. The Little Lost River flows
towards the INL from the north and sinks into the ground near the INL border seven miles north of NRF.
Groundwater in the Eastern Snake River Plain is contained primarily in one major unit known as the
SRPA. The SRPA is a large groundwater resource estimated to contain more than 1 billion acre-feet
of water, with a flow rate of 2 to 26 feet per day (Reference 3). The general direction of flow in the
SRPA is from northeast to southwest. At NRF, groundwater flow is generally from north to south.
The amount of water the aquifer can produce at a given location ranges from several gallons to several
million gallons per day. This range in production rates is due to variability of geologic properties in the
aquifer. Recharge to the aquifer is provided by underflow from the northwest portion of the plain and
by rivers that drain upland areas to the north, notably the Big and Little Lost Rivers and Birch Creek.
3.4.2 Surface and Ground Water Use
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) has investigated the hydrology of the Eastern Snake
River Plain in and around the INL. The major demands for groundwater in or near the INL are
agricultural irrigation and INL facility use.
NRF has six production wells (two of these wells are not currently being used) that produce sufficient
water for normal operational needs plus added reserve capacity.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
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NRF Environmental Summary Report
4.1 Past Operations
Four major installations are located at NRF. These are the three prototypes (S1W, A1W, S5G) and
S1W Prototype Plant. The Submarine Thermal Reactor, as S1W was first known, was the first
prototype of a submarine nuclear reactor and the first installation at NRF. To support work on the
nuclear reactor, a shielded cell, controlled water-shielded fuel handling area, and decontamination
facility were constructed within the prototype structure. Use of the support facilities was drastically
reduced in 1957, when the ECF was constructed with an improved capability for work on irradiated
core components.
The S1W Prototype Plant was in operation for 36 years. Extensive testing was performed on reactor
core components, including a series of experiments in 1955 for studying the effects of boiling
conditions in nuclear reactor plants. The tests, conducted according to preplanned procedures and
under carefully controlled conditions, yielded a large amount of core performance and survivability
data. In 1989, the S1W Prototype was shut down and all the fuel was removed.
A1W Prototype Plant. The A1W Prototype, constructed in 1958, had two nuclear reactor plants.
The A1W Prototype consists of a dual pressurized water reactor plant representing a portion of the
propulsion spaces of a large surface ship.
A1W was originally designed with two reactors used to supply steam to one propulsion plant. In
1967, the steam system was divided so that more independent operations could be conducted with
each reactor. This modification allowed either plant to operate for testing purposes while the other
plant was used for the training of Navy personnel, thus utilizing both reactors to their potential. In
1994, the A1W Prototype was shut down and all the fuel was removed.
S5G Prototype Plant. Construction of the S5G Prototype was initiated in 1961. This prototype was
a pressurized water reactor having the capability to operate in either a forced circulation or a natural
circulation flow mode, with cooling flow through the reactor generated by thermal circulation rather
than pumps. In 1995, the S5G Prototype was shut down and all the fuel was removed.
Expended Core Facility. Since 1957, the ECF has received, examined and prepared naval fuel
modules for shipment to the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center at the INL.
Shipments to this facility ceased in 2001, and current fuel modules are prepared for dry storage. The
ECF also specializes in the handling and examination of irradiated material samples from the INL
Advanced Test Reactor. These small-scale representations of fuel and core component designs are
used to provide test information for design personnel. The tasks are accomplished in controlled
water-shielded work areas. After removal from sealed shipping containers, the small samples are
transferred into shielded cells for a more detailed examination.
The only non-naval fuel examined at the ECF has been the reactor cores removed from the
Shippingport Atomic Power Station, the nation's first civilian nuclear power station. In the mid-1950s,
the Atomic Energy Commission requested the NNPP to develop Shippingport. The Bettis Atomic
Power Laboratory was the prime contractor responsible for this design. In 1987, the ECF examined
the final Shippingport reactor core, the Light Water Breeder Reactor design, and provided
measurement data which demonstrated that a reactor core fueled by uranium-233 and thorium-232
could breed more fuel than was consumed during the life of the core.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Cooling Towers and Spray Ponds. Two large spray ponds were built for cooling the S1W
Prototype, each with a capacity of 2,250,000 gallons. Both spray ponds have been removed.
The A1W and S5G Prototypes both had cooling towers used to dissipate the heat from the secondary
cooling system. During operations of these cooling systems, continuous blowdown of water at a rate
of a few gallons per minute was used to control concentrations of dissolved minerals naturally
present in the supply water. The blowdown water, which was not radioactive, was discharged into
the NRF Industrial Waste Ditch (IWD). The A1W cooling tower has been completely removed with
its concrete basin buried in its original location. The S5G cooling tower was dismantled except for
the concrete basin, which is used for the storage of emergency firefighting water.
Sewage Treatment Facilities. In 1951, a small sewage treatment plant was constructed consisting
of an Imhoff Tank, sludge drying beds (Figure 3, item NRF-21B), and an effluent drain field (Figure
3, item NRF-11). The drain field was used until 1955 for combined radioactive liquid effluent and
sewage effluent. In 1956, a sewage disposal basin (Figure 3, item NRF-21A) was constructed
southeast of NRF for sewage effluent. Radioactivity was inadvertently introduced into the disposal
basin in 1956. This sewage disposal basin was used until 1960 when the NRF sewage lagoons
(Figure 3, item NRF-23) were constructed on the north side of NRF.
The original sewage disposal basin and associated systems have been remediated as specified in
the NRF Final ROD signed by the EPA and State of Idaho in September of 1998 and as modified by
an Explanation of Significant Difference signed by the EPA and State of Idaho in 2002.
In 1972, the lagoons, constructed in 1960, were expanded to their maximum size. The sewage
lagoons were in operation until 2012 when a lined lagoon complex was constructed to meet the state
design standards for wastewater lagoons. In 2019, these old lagoons were filled in with clean soil
from the excavation associated with the project to construct a new spent fuel handling facility.
Leaching Beds. Prior to 1979, controlled releases of water containing low levels of radioactivity
were made to soil beds near the A1W and S1W Prototypes. The releases to these leaching beds
were made in accordance with standards applicable at the time, and no member of the general public
has ever received any measurable radiation exposure from the beds. The releases were
discontinued in 1979 when on-site facilities for recycling water containing trace amounts of
radioactivity became operational. The residual radioactivity remaining in the soil beds today cannot
be reached by members of the general public, as the areas have been capped and access is
controlled. Remedial actions were performed in these areas per the ROD.
Landfills. NRF maintained its own non-radioactive landfill operations until the early 1960s, when all
solid wastes began to be shipped to the landfill at the INL Central Facilities Area. These landfills
were typical for that era, containing garbage, construction debris, waste oil, solvents, scrap iron, and
asbestos. Most of the waste in the landfills was burned. The first NRF landfill was north of the S1W
Prototype. After this landfill was closed, a location on the west side of the facility and a large area
at the northeast corner of the facility were utilized for solid waste disposal.
During the time they were used, there were no local, state, or federal requirements governing such
operations. Remedial corrective actions for these have been completed in accordance with the INL
CERCLA FFA/CO. The remedial actions required that landfill covers be placed over the landfills and
monitored. The EPA and the State of Idaho oversaw these actions.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
The remedial actions implemented at NRF under the FFA/CO were used as an example of
successful application of CERCLA presumptive remedies by a December 1996 EPA directive
(Reference 4).
The initial CERCLA Five-Year Review for the remedial actions that were implemented for the inactive
landfill areas was completed in 2001. More recent Five-Year Reviews that provided updates for the
remedial actions implemented for the inactive landfill areas and remedial actions at other CERCLA
sites were completed in 2006, 2012, 2017, and 2022. All of these reviews, through the use of annual
inspections of the landfill covers placed over the inactive landfill areas and the ongoing review of
groundwater and soil gas monitoring data, concluded that the landfill covers continue to be effective
at containing contaminants by inhibiting infiltration of precipitation and by preventing direct contact
with contaminated soils and landfill wastes.
4.2 Present Operations
The NRF employs engineers, scientists, and support personnel for procedure preparation activities,
decontamination and demolition of obsolete facilities, and spent naval nuclear fuel and component
inspection and testing. The spent fuel program is supported by the NRF facilities described below.
Expended Core Facility. The ECF receives fuel removed from naval reactors for examination.
Since naval nuclear fuel is robust in nature and designed to meet the stringent operational
requirements for naval nuclear propulsion reactors in ships of war, the fuel maintains its integrity
indefinitely under the less demanding conditions encountered during storage. Measurements of the
corrosion rates for naval fuel designs have shown that naval spent nuclear fuel can be safely stored
indefinitely wet or dry with no adverse effects to the environment. In addition to spent fuel, the ECF
also receives irradiated materials testing specimens for examination.
The ECF is a single building about 1,000 feet long and 194 feet wide, with a 38-foot high bay running
the length of the building. The high bay contains 4 water pool work areas 20 to 45 feet deep designed
for safe underwater disassembly, examination, and analysis of radioactive components and
irradiation tests. The high bay area enclosing the water pools and servicing areas has four large
overhead cranes.
The water pools contain 3.2 million gallons of water, which is cooled to prevent algae growth and
enhance clarity. All this water is recirculated and filtered so no radioactive liquid is discharged to the
The ECF also contains several shielded cells for remote manipulation of radioactive materials. The
shielded cells are adjacent to the high bay area and are fully enclosed. These cells are maintained
at a negative air pressure with ventilation exhausted through charcoal and high efficiency particulate
air filters. The effluent downstream of the filters is monitored to confirm that emissions are very low.
The cells have been refurbished and updated to improve their working capacity.
Currently, construction of the new Naval Spent Fuel Handling Facility is underway. The facility will
be a 213,000 square foot, three-story structure to support operations involved in the management of
spent nuclear fuel prior to transfer to a permanent repository. The Naval Spent Fuel Handling Facility
will incorporate some of the capabilities that currently exist at the ECF and its support facilities as
well as additional capabilities for handling spent nuclear fuel received in newly designed shipping
containers. Future projects may also include other support buildings and infrastructure to increase
efficiency and effectiveness of managing spent nuclear fuel and to support operations at the Naval
Spent Fuel Handling Facility.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
All radioactive water generated at NRF is collected and processed through a filtration and ion
exchange system to remove particulate materials and reduce the radioactivity levels. The processed
water is then reused. The system filters and resin are disposed of as solid radioactive waste. All of
the essential processing facilities for liquid and solid waste are serviced by filtered and monitored
exhaust systems. All of the solid radioactive waste is disposed of in compliance with current
Spent Fuel Packaging Facility. The Spent Fuel Packaging Facility is presently capable of receiving
spent fuel directly from the ECF water pools. Baskets of spent fuel are loaded and seal welded into
Spent Fuel Canisters. These canisters are loaded into concrete shielded overpacks, and the loaded
overpacks are moved to a temporary dry storage facility.
The Spent Fuel Packaging Facility consists of three distinct facilities, the Overpack Construction and
Storage Facility, the Canal Dry Processing Facility, and the South End Extension. Pathways
between the facilities provide for movement of the overpacks using a combination of air pallets and
crawler transport vehicles.
Overpack Construction and Storage Facility. This facility contains an area equipped with a crane
and utilities necessary for constructing concrete shielded overpacks. Another portion of the facility
provides for temporary storage of loaded and unloaded overpacks.
Canal Dry Processing Facility. This facility is equipped with two cranes and receives spent fuel
directly from the ECF water pools and contains a loading station for placing the fuel into the canisters
and shielded overpacks. A canal connects this facility with the ECF water pools.
South End Extension Facility. This facility receives baskets of spent fuel transported from the
Canal Dry Processing Facility in a shielded container. The facility contains four stations located in a
single pit; two stations are for an inactive process and two are used for loading and sealing spent
fuel canisters and overpacks. The building contains a high bay with two overhead cranes.
Cask Shipping and Receiving Facility. In 2016, this facility began receiving shipping containers
loaded with canisters of spent naval fuel. The canisters were removed from the shipping container
and placed into concrete shielded overpacks that are temporarily stored in the Overpack Storage
Facility until a permanent off-site repository becomes available. The facility is a high bay structure
with two railcar bays, a pit with two ports for shipping container operations, and a single overhead
Chemistry Laboratories. NRF maintains a chemistry laboratory that performs chemical analyses,
radiochemistry, and isotopic identification. The chemistry lab is located at A1W for the support of
NRF operations, remediation work, ECF support, and environmental monitoring.
Boiler House. The first boiler house at NRF was located in S1W. A second boiler house was later
placed north of the machine shop. Both were replaced in 1958 by the existing boiler house located
north of the Administration Building. The boiler system included three diesel oil fired saturated steam
boilers (Boilers 1, 2 and 3) and all necessary auxiliaries. As of 2018, these boilers were removed
from service. NRF installed two new portable boilers, designated as Boiler 4, in late 2016 and Boiler
5 in 2017. These two new portable boilers are located to the south and to the west of the existing
boiler house. Steam is supplied to various Site buildings for heat. Fuel oil is trucked to the facility
and stored in two above ground 25,000-gallon storage tanks surrounded by concrete revetments.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Craft Support Buildings. To support planned facility maintenance, NRF has a Site services craft
shop. This shop has a fully equipped machine shop capable of handling most facility components.
Also located within the shop are a pipe fitting area, welding booths, sheet metal shop, rigging loft,
mechanics area, carpenter shop, paint shop, and a locksmith shop.
Sewage Treatment Lagoons. In 2012, NRF began operation of a 21-acre, dual-cell, lined sanitary
sewer lagoon complex. These lagoons were installed to replace the existing clay lined lagoons that
had been in operation since the 1960s. This sanitary sewage lagoon complex is located northeast
of the previous lagoons.
Warehouses. There are several different warehouses on site. Some of these are used for spare
parts and general warehousing. Others are used for the storage of records, radioactively
contaminated components, or by subcontractor personnel. Warehouses containing radioactive
material are controlled as Radioactive Material Storage Areas.
Industrial Waste Ditch. The IWD, an evaporative-percolation type wastewater disposal system,
was used to channel non-hazardous, non-sewage wastewater from stormwater, snowmelt runoff,
and NRF operations. The IWD follows the course of two old stream beds that have been connected,
straightened, and deepened by dredging. The large uncovered portion of the IWD is 3 to 10 feet
wide, running approximately 3.2 miles in length. Because discharges to the IWD have decreased
dramatically with the shutdown of the three prototype plants and the associated support equipment,
water, 1 to 2 feet in depth, generally occupies only the first 300 yards of the uncovered portion of the
Much of the IWD is located outside the developed area of the facility and supports a wide variety of
plant and animal life. Some portions of the ditch contained within the security fence include a
comprehensive network of underground pipes and small uncovered surface channels. The interior
network drains into a covered exterior culvert, a lift station, calming basin, a junction chamber, and
finally through an environmental monitoring station vault, then outfalls to an uncovered exterior
channel. The entire west main line of the interior underground system of the IWD was replaced in
2019. In addition, a majority of the north main line of the interior IWD was also replaced in 2022.
Investigations have been performed on the interior and exterior portions of the IWD. These
investigations were performed in accordance with the INL CERCLA FFA/CO. No remedial action
was determined to be necessary for these areas as documented in the NRF Industrial Waste Ditch
and Landfill Areas ROD.
In 2007, the IWD, which received industrial wastewater from site operations, was permitted as a
“reuse treatment system” by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). Prior to
issuing this Industrial Reuse Permit, no monitoring was required for this facility by regulatory
agencies. However, NRF has always monitored the IWD as a best management practice. This
permit required certain analytes to be monitored and it also stipulated the frequency they were to
be monitored.
In the fall of 2020, NRF completed the rerouting of industrial wastewater from the IWD to the non-
discharging, lined, evaporative sewage lagoons. On January 4, 2021, the IDEQ approved NRF’s
Industrial Reuse Permit Closure Plan and terminated the permit. This closure plan still allows the
operation of the IWD for storm water runoff, raw water, demineralized water, steam condensate,
chlorinated potable water, and heating/air conditioning condensate to be discharged. Now that the
IWD does not operate under a permit by the IDEQ, effluent sampling is not required at the IWD but
NRF Environmental Summary Report
will continue to be performed as a best management practice. NRF will continue to monitor
groundwater as required in the IDEQ approved Closure Plan.
Deep Wells and Drinking Water System. NRF has six deep wells that provide water for all
operations at NRF. Two of these wells are not currently being used. Five of the six wells are between
500 and 600 feet deep and one well is approximately 1,300 feet deep. Two wells (NRF-3 and NRF-
14) are used for drinking water. The other two working wells (NRF-1 and NRF-4) are used primarily
for Site production, lawn watering, and fire protection. One well (NRF-2) was used until 2006 for
drinking water, but is currently out of service with the intention that it could be returned to service in
the future if needed. The other well (NRF-5), which is out of service, is currently being used as an
observation well only.
Drinking water is monitored regularly and results from all samples were below the Idaho Rules for
Public Drinking Water Systems standards.
Fire Water Tank. A new 150,000 gallon fire water tank was recently constructed. This large tank is
needed to support NRF operations. Once commissioning of this tank is finalized, it will replace an
older smaller tank currently in use.
Demineralizer Facility. Many NRF operations require the use of demineralized water that is
processed from well water. Previously this process used large quantities of sulfuric acid and sodium
hydroxide for regeneration of the ion exchange resin used in the demineralizers. Prior to 1985, the
acid and basic reagent solutions were discharged directly to the IWD where the acid and basic
reagents self-neutralized in the channel. In 1985, a facility to neutralize these solutions and monitor
pH prior to discharge was put into operation, and direct discharge of demineralizer regeneration
solutions to the IWD was terminated. In 1997, a reverse osmosis water purification system was
installed, eliminating the need for ion exchange resin and the resulting regeneration solutions.
Hazardous Waste Management. Hazardous waste routinely generated at NRF is managed in
satellite accumulation areas in accordance with federal and state regulations. Once full, containers
are transferred to a Central Accumulation Area for less than 90-day storage. Hazardous wastes
stored in this less than 90-day area are manifested and shipped to an off-site EPA-permitted facility
for treatment or disposal by the INL.
Radioactive Waste Storage. NRF has temporary storage areas for the collection of radioactive
wastes. Until April 2021, NRF Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste was disposed at the INL
Radioactive Waste Management Complex (RWMC). The RWMC is an INL facility under the
cognizance of the DOE Idaho Operations Office. The RWMC has closed and no longer receives
radioactive waste shipments. The Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility located on
the INL now accepts NRF Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste. All non-CERCLA contact handled
wastes are shipped to commercial facilities for recycling, volume reduction, or disposal.
Mixed Waste Storage. Mixed wastes generated at NRF are managed in satellite accumulation
areas in accordance with federal and state regulations. Full containers of mixed waste are placed
in a Central Accumulation Area for less than 90-day storage. Mixed wastes are manifested and
shipped to an off-site EPA-permitted facility for treatment or disposal through the INL.
S1W Demolition. In 2019, an agreement was signed between the NNPP and the Department of
Energy Office of Environmental Management (DOE-EM) to perform decontamination and
NRF Environmental Summary Report
decommissioning (D&D) at the Naval Nuclear Laboratory sites. At NRF, the three nuclear prototypes
were identified for D&D. The D&D work will be performed by the DOE-EM, Idaho Cleanup Project
contractor, for the next several years. This agreement transfers operational, radiological, and
environmental responsibilities for the D&D work associated with the three prototypes to DOE-EM.
The S1W prototype, surrounding area, and support areas were formally turned over to the DOE-EM
contractor in January 2022. DOE-EM became responsible for compliance with all regulatory
requirements, any permitting, monitoring, and reporting activities associated with this project.
Therefore, this report does not provide any environmental information related to these activities.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
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NRF Environmental Summary Report
The NRF has never been a manufacturing facility; consequently, the total quantities of chemical and
radioactive materials handled on the NRF Site have typically been small. When sufficient quantities
are accumulated, asphalt, batteries, cardboard, clothing/laundry, computers/cell phones, cooking oil,
concrete, lead, light bulbs, mercury containing devices, petroleum oil, scrap metals, soil/gravel, and
toner cartridges, are shipped off-site for recycling. NRF continues to minimize the generation of
hazardous and mixed wastes to the maximum extent practicable.
NRF remediation activities, the ECF, and other support facilities have generated quantities of low-
level radioactive solid waste during their operations. A discussion of current and past waste
management operations follows.
5.1 Current Waste Management Programs
5.1.1 Radioactive Waste Management
Liquid and solid radioactive wastes are generated and controlled by Site operations. In addition,
NRF manages radioactive and chemically hazardous (mixed) wastes in accordance with regulations
in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) administered by the State of Idaho. NRF
has maintained a rigorous radioactive waste control and minimization program for many years. The
generation processes and the minimization program are described below.
Radioactive Liquid Waste. Federal regulations applicable to commercial nuclear industries permit
the discharge of low-level radioactive liquids if they meet concentration standards established by the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The DOE regulations also permit similar discharges of low-level
radioactive liquids. NRF has operated to a far more rigid disposal standard for many years. At the
NRF, water used for radiological purposes is collected, processed to remove the radioactivity, and
reused. No low-level radioactive liquids are discharged from NRF operations. The reuse processing
systems, include collection tanks and particulate filters, as well as activated carbon columns and/or
mixed bed ion exchange resin columns to remove inorganics. The water is reused in operations
involving radioactivity to the maximum extent practicable. The water reuse practices assure that
over 99.9 percent of the gamma radioactivity contained in liquids associated with Site operations is
removed and sent off-site for disposal. The remaining 0.1 percent is retained in the water that is
Radioactive Solid Waste. Solid radioactive wastes are generated at the NRF as a result of
operations, remediation, and maintenance activities. Included in this waste are process system
filters, expended activated charcoal and resin, contaminated components, pieces of insulation, rags,
sheet plastic, paper, filter paper, protective clothing, and towels resulting from radiochemistry and
radiation monitoring operations, and ventilation filters.
When practicable, solid radioactive waste is dismantled to reduce the volume that must be shipped
for direct disposal. Solid radioactive wastes are packaged and shipped in accordance with
requirements of the Department of Transportation. Remote handled wastes are disposed of at the
INL Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility. Contact handled waste is disposed of
through commercial waste processing vendors. In addition, some solid radioactive waste associated
with CERCLA removal actions is disposed at the Idaho CERCLA Disposal Facility located on the
Radioactive Airborne Effluents. Exhaust systems that service radiological facilities with a potential
to generate airborne radionuclides are designed and operated to ensure the control of airborne
NRF Environmental Summary Report
radioactivity. These systems utilize high efficiency filters for the removal of particulate radioactivity
from the exhaust air. Additionally, exhaust from fuel examination is passed through a second bank
of high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters as well as charcoal absorbers. Expended filters and
charcoal absorbers are disposed of as solid radioactive waste.
All exhaust system, HEPA filters are tested in place following installation, and routinely thereafter.
The procedure, called “DOP Testing”, is performed using 0.7-micron diameter dioctylphthalate
(DOP) aerosol particles. The installed filter must exhibit an overall collection efficiency of 99.95
percent or higher to be acceptable for use.
In addition, exhaust systems from radiological facilities are sampled for radioactivity. Monitoring
results are reported annually in the NRF Environmental Monitoring Report.
Radioactive Waste Minimization. NRF has also maintained a radioactive waste minimization
program. The program includes work to identify and eliminate the generation of radioactive materials
and its subsequent wastes. The volume of radioactive wastes generated varies each year based on
current work evolutions. NRF recycles, incinerates, and super-compacts radioactive materials
through its waste processing vendors when feasible.
5.1.2 Non-Radioactive Waste Management
Site operations produce a variety of industrial waste products including sewage effluent, chemical
wastes, boiler exhaust gases, and other products typical of a large laboratory facility. All such waste
products are controlled in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. In addition, NRF has
a hazardous waste minimization program. Each area is discussed below.
Non-Radioactive Liquid Waste. In February 2012, NRF began operation of a 21-acre, dual cell,
lined sanitary sewer lagoon complex. This sanitary sewer lagoon complex is located northeast of
the previous lagoons. These lagoons were installed to replace the existing clay-lined lagoons that
had been in operation since the 1960s. This lagoon system was constructed to meet the state design
standards for wastewater lagoons. A valve box located in the southern berm of the lagoon allows
wastewater to be directed to either one or both of the cells depending upon the volume of wastewater
being generated. A valve within an equalization line that is located at the opposite end of the lagoons
is used to stabilize the water level between the cells if needed. Treatment includes aerobic and
anaerobic microbial digestion of sewage, along with evaporation of water.
Non-hazardous, non-sewage wastewater from storm water and snowmelt runoff is routed to the IWD.
The IWD is a large network of covered pipelines and uncovered channels of various sizes located
within and outside the Site. In 1980, NRF eliminated discharges of water containing hazardous
constituents to the IWD with the exception of acid and base solutions which self-neutralized within
the ditch. Discharge of acids and bases was then eliminated in 1985 when a neutralization facility
was installed, and the IWD now receives only non-hazardous, non-radioactive liquid wastes. The
IWD supports a variety of plant and animal life that is attracted to the reliable water flow, a feature
not otherwise available in this area of the eastern Idaho desert.
A small quantity of other waste liquids generated from other Site operations is controlled by several
methods depending on the volume and nature of the wastes. Methods used to assure safe disposal
include (1) collection and transfer of wastes that contain hazardous materials or unusable mixtures
of oils and liquids to a permitted off-site facility for reclamation, incineration, or treatment, (2)
NRF Environmental Summary Report
monitoring and control of chemical constituents to ensure that concentrations in effluent water
comply with applicable standards, and (3) employee training in waste management requirements.
Chemical wastes defined as hazardous in accordance with RCRA are managed in accordance with
applicable regulations.
In the case of storage tanks containing environmentally hazardous materials, precautionary
measures are taken to prevent or retain any leakage. The measures include periodic inspections,
use of revetments or berms, sealing of drains as appropriate, inclusion of liquid level gauges and
alarms in selected tanks, and removal of underground tanks.
NRF has removed all known electrical transformers containing liquid polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) and disposed of them through appropriately licensed contractors. As a best management
practice, light ballasts containing PCBs are currently being eliminated or replaced. In addition,
samples are routinely collected on various materials prior to disposal to ensure no previously
unidentified PCBs exist.
Non-Radioactive Solid Waste. Non-hazardous demolition debris and other similar material are
disposed of in the INL landfill. The INL landfill is located approximately 10 miles south of NRF and
is operated in accordance with State of Idaho regulations.
NRF recycles as much material as practical. Most solid metal waste is accumulated and sold to a
scrap salvage vendor. In addition, aluminum beverage containers and cardboard material are
collected for recycling. No chemically hazardous wastes are sent to the landfill by NRF. Chemically
hazardous solids are controlled and disposed in accordance with the requirements of RCRA.
Non-Radioactive Airborne Effluents. Combustion gases from Site boilers are discharged through
elevated exhaust stacks. The boilers provide steam for heating and, therefore, are in maximum use
during the colder months. Regular opacity observations of emissions from the boilers confirms
compliance with applicable regulations. The grade of fuel oil used in the boilers is controlled and
monitored to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
Other emissions from the Site are associated with backup diesel generators. The diesel generators
are operated infrequently for tests and comply with applicable regulations.
Non-Radioactive Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention. NRF has a waste minimization
program that requires specific actions to identify and minimize waste producing operations, compare
minimization efforts year to year to demonstrate progress, and assess performance relative to waste
minimization goals. This is accomplished by establishment of strict procurement procedures,
substitution of non-hazardous materials where practicable, and other similar measures. A principal
component of the overall control program is the review of purchase orders prior to the acquisition of
chemicals at NRF. Purchase orders are reviewed to determine if the procurement of a hazardous
material is necessary, to assure excessive quantities are not ordered, and to determine if a suitable
nonhazardous substitute is available.
Typical waste minimization and pollution prevention actions taken in recent years include:
Recycling of lead acid batteries.
Careful control of the use of chemicals to minimize hazardous constituents and to minimize the
amount of excess chemicals that must be disposed of after completion of jobs.
Training of employees to understand the hazards and to follow the proper controls for the
potentially hazardous materials used in their jobs.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Replacement of fluorescent light tubes with non-hazardous substitutes.
Changing out PCB containing light ballasts with a non-PCB alternative.
The recycling of thousands of pounds of: asphalt, batteries, cardboard, clothing/laundry,
computers/cell phones, cooking oil, concrete, lead, light bulbs, mercury containing devices,
petroleum oil, scrap metal, soil/gravel, toner cartridges, and wood.
NRF stresses environmentally sound management of wastes selected for disposal or recycling. NRF
requires that contractors' practices conform to all applicable regulations and, when practicable, use
advanced disposal technology for NRF wastes.
NRF will continue to evaluate processes, such as chemical purchases and operations, to identify
ways to further reduce the generation of hazardous wastes.
5.1.3 Remediation Programs Remediation Under CERCLA
CERCLA, as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986,
requires all facilities to evaluate the presence of hazardous substances in former disposal areas and
rank themselves according to a national system that identifies facilities requiring prompt remedial
action. Federal and state agencies are responsible to review the self-evaluation and officially
establish the Site ranking. Facilities with high rankings are considered for placement on a NPL for
cleanup in accordance with direction from the EPA. Otherwise, sites are addressed according to
requirements of the state where the site is located. NRF completed the self-evaluation and submitted
the results to the EPA and State of Idaho in April 1988.
While the evaluation concluded that the NRF Site itself did not warrant inclusion in the NPL, the
combined ranking with other INL facilities resulted in placement of the entire INL Site on the NPL.
Accordingly, the State of Idaho, EPA, and the DOE have entered into an FFA/CO to remediate
inactive waste disposal sites. NRF conducted its remedial work under this FFA/CO. The FFA/CO
includes an action plan, which establishes the remediation priorities for the INL and certain
enforceable deadlines.
Prior to listing the INL on the NPL, NRF was conducting remedial actions at Solid Waste
Management Units and Land Disposal Units under provisions of the INL RCRA Consent Order and
Compliance Agreement (COCA). The COCA, issued by the EPA under authority of Section 3008(h)
of RCRA, coordinated activities aimed at investigating and, where necessary, remediating sites to
minimize potential harm to human health and the environment from past hazardous waste disposal
practices at the INL. The COCA was superseded by the FFA/CO. Facility Deactivation
In 1984, NRF established a program to deactivate and minimize the number of facilities and areas
requiring radiological controls. The program has accomplished the removal and decontamination of
many radiological facilities consisting of tanks, pipelines, soil, and structures.
In 2022, DOE-EM began planning for removal of S1W and A1W prototypes and associated buildings
at NRF. Demolition of the S1W prototype is expected to start in 2023.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
5.2 Past Waste Management Practices
Radioactive waste management practices have evolved over the years consistent with advances in
technology and changes in regulatory requirements. NRF has always maintained an environmental
program in accordance with the national standards in effect at the time. In 1979, NRF took action to
eliminate discharges of liquids containing even trace amounts of radioactivity. This action was not
required by rule or law. It was done because it had become feasible and was consistent with the
conservative engineering approach followed by the NNPP of minimizing releases of radioactivity.
Non-radioactive waste management practices evolved in a similar manner. Land burial of chemicals
on-site was conducted in the 1950s and 1960s, consistent with accepted practice across the country
at the time. On-site burial of even small amounts of such materials at NRF was stopped in 1966.
Current NRF waste practices incorporate all controls required by applicable federal and state
regulations. Each of these areas is discussed below.
5.2.1 Past Radioactive Waste Management
NRF has always been involved in handling radioactive materials and in maintaining a radioactive
waste management program. For example, requirements for treatment and disposal of solid and
liquid wastes were provided for in the design of the operating facilities. Features such as retention
tanks and evaporators for liquid waste, surface and subsurface facilities for temporary storage of
waste, and air cleaning systems using high efficiency filters were incorporated into the initial design
of the facilities.
Radioactive Liquid Waste. Liquid wastes were managed by a variety of methods. NRF has
complied with the then-existing limits for discharges of water containing low concentrations of
radioactivity since the beginning of Site operations in the 1950s. Water containing low levels of
radioactivity was discharged to specific, defined areas on NRF property that were monitored and
controlled. Water exceeding radioactivity concentration limits was not discharged directly to the
environment, but instead was processed through ion exchangers to remove as much radioactivity as
practicable, or diluted to permissible levels prior to discharge. The discharge of water containing
even trace amounts of radioactivity was discontinued in 1979.
Today, concentrations of radioactivity in the surface soils near the leaching beds are near
background levels. Approximately 33 curies are estimated to remain in the beds, out of the 345
curies released since Site operations began. There is no evidence that the radioactivity, except
tritium (See section 5.2.4, Groundwater Monitoring), has left the immediate area of the beds as
confirmed by sampling performed as part of the NRF Comprehensive RI/FS. The decrease in curie
content is due to steady decay of cobalt-60 and cesium-137, the major radionuclides of concern in
the leaching beds, with half-lives of 5.3 and 30 years, respectively. These areas were identified for
remedial actions as part of the NRF Comprehensive RI/FS and agreed to by the State of Idaho and
EPA in the ROD signed in September 1998. The remedial actions for these areas consisted of
placement of an engineered cover, institutional controls, and monitoring. The placements of the three
engineered covers over these areas were completed in 2004 and are now under institutional controls
with periodic monitoring.
Radioactive Solid Waste. Most of the radioactive waste volume generated by the NRF has been
low-level waste. Solid waste generated at NRF and sent to the INL waste disposal facilities were
characterized as follows:
Incinerable Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Radiation levels less than 20 millirem per hour (mrem/hr)
at the surface of each container):
NRF Environmental Summary Report
This type of waste consisted of paper and cloth wipes, protective clothing, wood and floor
sweepings. These waste were collected in waste cans, packaged in boxes and sent to the
Waste Experimental Reduction Facility (WERF) for incineration. The ash and residue were
shipped to the RWMC for disposal. Incineration of radioactive waste ceased in the fall of 2000.
Compactable Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Radiation levels less than 200 mrem/hr at the surface
of each container):
This included such wastes as contaminated equipment, air filters, and materials that exceeded
the radiation limits for incineration. These wastes were packaged in polyurethane bags and
transported by cargo container to the WERF for compaction. The processed wastes were then
shipped to the RWMC for disposal. In August 2001, compaction at the WERF ceased.
Size-reducible Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Radiation levels less than 100 mrem/hr at contact with
the item):
This included such wastes as contaminated equipment that could be segmented to reduce the
volume by at least a factor of three. Until August 2001, these wastes were packaged and
transported to the WERF for segmentation. The processed wastes were shipped to the RWMC
for disposal.
Contact-Handled Non-processible Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Radiation levels less than 500
mrem/hr at 1 meter from the surface of the container):
This included such waste as contaminated equipment that was not acceptable as incinerable,
compactable, or size-reducible waste. These wastes were packaged in boxes or drums and
sent to the RWMC for disposal. In October 2008, disposal of contact-handled wastes at the
RWMC ceased.
Remote-Handled Low-Level Radioactive Waste (Radiation levels greater than 500 mrem/hr at the
surface of each container):
This included such waste as irradiated metallic scrap. This waste was generated in the ECF
water pools and shielded cells. The irradiated metallic scrap was packaged in containers
underwater using remote handling equipment. Waste generated in the shielded cells were
placed in containers while in the cells, removed to the water pools, and placed in shipping
containers underwater. Specially designed shielded shipping casks were used to transport this
waste by truck for burial at the RWMC. The radiation levels on all shipments in areas
accessible to the general public were less than the limits imposed by the Department of
Transportation for radioactive material shipments over public highways.
NRF has also examined and tested fuel from nuclear-powered warships, the Shippingport
Atomic Power Station, and specimens that were irradiated in test reactors. These examinations
resulted in waste containing small amounts of irradiated fuel. The individual waste items
containing irradiated fuel from NRF did not consist of entire cores or whole fuel cells, which
were considered a valuable resource at the time and retained for reprocessing. Prior to 1971,
about 220 kilograms of mostly irradiated natural uranium was disposed of at the RWMC, in
accordance with the radioactive waste requirements at that time. In 1971, the Atomic Energy
Commission modified the requirements for low-level waste that precluded the burial at the
RWMC of wastes containing irradiated fuel. Accordingly, since 1971, NRF has not disposed
NRF Environmental Summary Report
of waste at the RWMC that contains irradiated fuel. In April 2021, the RWMC closed and
disposal of Remote-Handled Low-Level Waste moved to another INL facility in February 2023.
Radioactive Airborne Effluents. Ventilation air from radiological facilities is discharged to the
atmosphere through exhaust vents and stacks. Prior to release, air with significant potential to carry
radiological particulates is passed through HEPA filters and monitored to ensure compliance with
existing radiation protection guidelines. Additionally, exhaust from fuel examination is passed
through a second bank of HEPA filters as well as charcoal absorbers. The filtered air exhausted
from NRF radiological facilities typically contains less particulate radioactivity than that in the air that
was drawn into the facilities.
Monitoring of exhaust air has been accomplished through the collection and analysis of samples of
the effluent. Sampling techniques used include filter papers (for particulates), activated charcoal
cartridges (for iodine gas), and molecular sieve canisters (for tritium).
Overall, less than an estimated 1,100 curies of radioactivity have been released to the atmosphere
during the period of 1953 through 1989, with the majority occurring in the 1950s. Most of the
radioactivity (over 80 percent) consisted of the inert gaseous isotopes argon, krypton, and xenon.
These inert gases do not deposit on surfaces and are readily dispersed in the atmosphere. The
remainder consisted of smaller amounts of other beta-gamma emitting activated corrosion and wear
products, carbon-14, and tritium and trace quantities of fission products. Since 1990, airborne
emissions of radionuclides have typically been less than 2 curies per year, and annual exposure to
the public from these emissions has been less than 0.001 mrem per year. For perspective, federal
regulations allow up to 10 mrem per year exposure to the general public from airborne emissions
from DOE facilities.
In addition to the regular annual releases, a single release occurred in 1955 during the performance
of an engineering test to obtain information on the effects of boiling conditions in naval reactors.
During the testing, a specially designed and instrumented test assembly was subjected to carefully
controlled conditions designed to explore fuel element integrity beyond operational limits in effect at
the time. Small amounts of fission products were released from the test assembly, most of which
were retained in the primary coolant. A conservative estimate of the amount of radioactivity released
from the Site was 870 curies. The radioactivity remaining in this coolant went to the leaching beds
or purification media. The purification media was subsequently disposed of at the RWMC.
Conservative calculations indicate the maximum exposure to a member of the general public was
0.5 mrem, which is only five percent of today's general public annual exposure limits from DOE
5.2.2 Residual Radioactivity
There are several localized areas of soil on NRF property that contain small amounts of residual
radioactivity from historical liquid radioactivity releases. These areas were included in remedial
actions as determined by the Comprehensive RI/FS and agreed to by the State of Idaho and the
EPA in the ROD signed in September 1998. The specific affected areas that have undergone
remedial action are discussed below:
S1W Tile Drain Field and L-shaped Sump. This area consisted of a below-surface sump and
various underground, tile drain field pipes downstream of the sump. The drain field was likely used
between 1953 and 1955 for sewage and radioactive liquid discharges. The sump was isolated from
the drain field in 1955 and was used until 1960 as part of the sewage system. Sampling indicated
NRF Environmental Summary Report
that any significant contamination at the drain field was likely confined to within the pipes. Remedial
actions were completed in 2002.
Underground Piping to Leaching Pit. In 1955, a drain field was constructed south of S1W, adjacent
to the S1W Tile Drain field. The drain field was an underground, perforated pipe. This drain field
was used for radiological discharges after the S1W Tile Drain field was no longer used. The drain
field was used for discharges until 1960. Sampling indicated most of the contamination at this drain
field was within three to five feet of the underground pipe. Contaminated soil was removed from this
area. Remedial actions were completed in this area in 2003.
S1W Leaching Pit. In 1957, a pit was dug at the end of the underground, perforated pipe drain field.
This pit was known as the S1W Leaching Pit. The pit was used from 1957 until 1961 when it was
filled in with soil. An asphalt cover was placed over the leaching pit location in 1978 and was
removed in 2003 as part of the remedial actions. An engineered cover was constructed over this
area and completed in 2004.
S1W Leaching Beds. The first S1W Leaching Bed was constructed in 1960. The bed was an open
pond that allowed the water to evaporate or infiltrate into the ground. A second bed was constructed
in 1963 adjacent to the first bed. The beds originally received effluent from the S1W Prototype plant
and later received effluent from the S5G and A1W Prototypes and the ECF. The beds were used
from 1960 to 1979. Sampling indicated the extent of contamination in this area was primarily within
the soil directly below the leaching beds. As part of remedial actions, contaminated soil from other
CERCLA remedial action sites was consolidated into these beds. An engineered cover was
constructed over this area and completed in 2004.
S1W Retention Basins. The S1W Retention Basins were constructed in 1951. The basins were
two concrete structures, which received radioactive effluent from the S1W Prototype plant and later
received effluent from the S5G and A1W Prototype plants and the ECF. The basins were used as a
radioactive liquid storage facility prior to discharging the liquid to the discharge areas. One of the
basins is known to have leaked in 1971. The leak was directly below the basins. Remedial actions
were completed at this area in 2001. These actions included the removal of the basins and
associated contaminated soil.
A1W Leaching Bed. The A1W Leaching Bed was constructed west of NRF in 1957. The bed was
not an open pond like the S1W Leaching Beds. The A1W Leaching Bed was similar to a drain field
with underground, perforated pipes distributing the liquid to an area constructed of gravel and sand.
The bed was used continually from 1958 to 1964 for effluent discharges from the A1W Prototype
and the ECF. The bed was used sporadically from 1964 until 1972, when use of the bed was
discontinued. Sampling indicated that the extent of contamination at the A1W Leaching Bed was
limited to the soil within and directly below the leaching bed. An engineered cover was constructed
over the area and completed in 2004.
Old Sewage Basin. In 1956, a sewage basin was constructed to the southeast of NRF. The sewage
basin was an open pond. The basin was cross-contaminated with the radiological discharge system
in 1956. The basin was enlarged in 1957 and was used until 1960. The basin was then filled in with
soil. Remedial actions began at this site in 2000. An Explanation of Significant Difference to the
ROD was issued for this site in 2002 that modified remedial actions to include the construction of an
engineered cover over the area. The cover was constructed over this area and completed in 2004.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Sludge Drying Bed. The sludge drying bed was constructed in 1951 as part of the sewage system
at NRF. The bed was a concrete slab approximately five feet below the surrounding ground
elevation. The bed received sludge from the sewage system. The bed was suspected to have been
contaminated with radionuclides when the sewage system was cross-contaminated with the
radiological discharge system in 1956. Remedial actions were completed at this area in 2002 with
the removal of the bed and associated soil.
A1W/S1W Radioactive Line Near Butler Building 19. During the construction of the A1W
Prototype, a pipe was installed from the A1W Prototype to the S1W Retention Basins that allowed
radioactive effluents from A1W to be sent to the S1W radioactive discharge system. The pipe was
buried approximately six feet below the surface. The pipe is known to have leaked on one occasion.
During decontamination and decommissioning work at NRF in 1995, portions of the pipe were
removed and contamination was detected in the soil. Remedial actions were completed at this site
in 1999. Residual contamination was left in place in the soil. During the demolition of the adjacent
S1W Spray Pond #1 the residual contamination was remediated with agency concurrence. This
removal action was completed in early 2010.
Seepage Basin Pump-out Area. This site is an area that physically surrounds the sewage disposal
basin and was formed when the radioactively contaminated contents of the basin were pumped out
in 1958. Additional contaminated areas associated with the Seepage Basin Pump-out Area
(CERCLA Site NRF-43) were found in 2009 and 2010. These areas were remediated in 2012 by the
removal and disposal of soil with contamination above the CERCLA remediation goal. A minor
change to the ROD was issued with concurrence by the State of Idaho and EPA that documented
the remedial action.
5.2.3 Past Non-Radioactive Waste Management
Historically, NRF has used the IWD for disposal of large volumes of cooling water, and smaller
volumes of water containing low concentrations of heavy metals, acids and bases, storm water, and
snow-melt runoff. The acids and bases were self-neutralizing and hence rendered each other non-
hazardous. The ditch functioned in compliance with applicable standards throughout its use. Other
chemical wastes were disposed of by landfill, consistent with national waste management practices
of the time.
Since 1980, all chemical wastes have been packaged in approved containers and disposed of
through approved off-site disposal facilities. Acidic and caustic solutions from the regeneration of
resin used in a deionized water facility were discharged to the IWD, where they self-neutralized until
1985 when neutralization tanks were installed and these discharges were discontinued. In 1997, a
reverse osmosis system replaced the ion exchange resin for the deionized water facility thus
eliminating the need for acidic and caustic solutions completely.
Under the provisions of the INL FFA/CO, inspections, site characterizations, and geological
investigations have been performed on identified solid waste disposal sites. These areas include
pre-existing small depressions, as well as pits created by excavation to obtain building materials.
Consistent with common practices, the disposal areas were historically used for burning and disposal
of ordinary refuse (cardboard, paper, and other combustible materials). Evaluations indicate that,
with the exception of the low concentrations of liquids discharged to the IWD, most chemical wastes
were not land disposed. Confirming evidence of this has been provided by a review of facility
drawings and photographs dating from the 1950s. Characterization of these areas has shown no
significant effect on the environment, consistent with expectations. A remedial action that included
NRF Environmental Summary Report
the placement of covers on three landfill areas was completed. The covers provide additional
assurance of no potential future impact of these areas on the environment.
Cooling Towers and Spray Ponds. The S1W Prototype used two large spray ponds (capacity
2,250,000 gallons each) to cool its secondary water. These ponds leaked in the 1950s and 1960s,
introducing small amounts of chromium corrosion inhibitor into the soil directly beneath the structure.
Upon detection of small amounts of chromium in a nearby well being used to supply Site water
needs, the water supply was shifted to another well and the ponds were ultimately repaired.
Chromium was not used as a corrosion inhibitor in the spray ponds after 1966 and was not detected
at elevated levels in this well after the repairs.
In 1997, a decision was made to demolish the S1W Spray Pond #2. Additional data was collected
at Spray Pond #2 in preparation for demolishing the spray pond. Sample results showed slightly
elevated amounts of chromium. The qualitative risk associated with Spray Pond #2 was determined
to be low according to CERCLA guidelines. The spray pond has since been demolished and is a
CERCLA No Action site.
In 2008, a decision was made to demolish the S1W Spray Pond #1. Samples were collected from
this area in preparation for removing this structure. As with the S1W Spray Pond #2, sample results
for the S1W Spray Pond #1 showed slightly elevated amounts of chromium. The qualitative risk
associated with the S1W Spray Pond #1 also was determined to be low according to CERCLA
guidelines. The S1W Spray Pond #1 was then added to the INL Action Memorandum for General
Decommissioning Activities under the Idaho Cleanup Project. As such, it was demolished under a
CERCLA non-time critical removal action. The spray pond was removed in 2009.
The cooling towers for the A1W and S5G Prototypes used a process of continuous blowdown of the
supply water to control natural concentrations of solids, subsequently discharging purged water into
the IWD. In the 1950s and 1960s, blowdown water from the A1W cooling tower contained chromium
compounds used as corrosion inhibitors, however, the use of chromium compounds ceased after
1966. This particular chromium was nearly exclusively in the trivalent state instead of the hexavalent
form. Investigations of sediment in the IWD indicate that detectable chromium present in the
sediments is not migrating, and the levels are too low to have a measurable impact on the
The A1W Cooling Tower was demolished in 1995 with its basin buried in its original location. The
S5G Cooling Tower was dismantled in 1997 except for the concrete basin, which is currently used
for the storage of emergency firefighting water.
5.2.4 Groundwater Monitoring
NRF manages a comprehensive groundwater monitoring program under CERCLA to determine
what, if any, effects the operations at NRF have had on the quality of the groundwater. This
monitoring program, which is conducted in cooperation with the USGS, indicates that NRF
operations have not significantly degraded the quality of the groundwater. NRF data, in conjunction
with other INL groundwater data, is also used in an independent program managed by the USGS
that monitors groundwater on the INL Site. The State of Idaho INL Oversight Program co-samples
NRF and other INL groundwater monitoring wells on a periodic basis to verify programmatic
monitoring results.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
In addition, the USGS and the State of Idaho INL Oversight Program performs independent
groundwater sampling of the INL Site to ensure that INL operations, including NRF, do not adversely
impact the general public or the water quality of the SRPA. Results of these monitoring programs
indicate that no hazardous constituents or significant radioactivity associated with INL operations are
migrating beyond the INL Site boundary (Reference 3, 5, and 6). This monitoring provides an
additional confirmation that there is no significant adverse impact on the aquifer from NRF
Based on information collected during a 1994 fitness evaluation of the wells used for groundwater
monitoring in conjunction with a CERCLA ROD that defined monitoring requirements at NRF, the
NRF CERCLA groundwater monitoring network was established in 1995 by constructing six new
wells and eliminating seven existing wells that had been used in the pre-1995 (non-CERCLA) NRF
groundwater monitoring network. In 2007, well NRF-13 was removed from the CERCLA
groundwater monitoring network because of poor sample quality. In 2009, a new well (NRF-16) was
constructed to replace NRF-13. Based on concurrence by the IDEQ and EPA, well NRF-16 was
added to the CERCLA monitoring network in late 2010 and wells USGS 12 and NRF-7 were
removed. Of the 11 wells comprising the CERCLA monitoring network, 8 wells have been designed
specifically to monitor the upper portion of the SRPA near NRF. Although the remaining three wells
(built prior to 1990) included in the current CERCLA groundwater monitoring network draw water
from a larger portion of the aquifer (greater than 50 feet), they are used to supplement data collected
from the newer wells (built after 1995) in the current monitoring network.
Six additional wells are located within the NRF security fence. Two are classified as drinking water
wells (NRF-3 and NRF-14) and are monitored to meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water
Act (SDWA). Two are production wells (NRF-1 and NRF-4) used for the fire main system and lawn
watering at NRF. The remaining two wells are not currently being used for any water production
(NRF-2 and NRF-5). These six wells are not part of the CERCLA groundwater monitoring program;
however, samples from NRF-3 and NRF-14 are analyzed for metals and ions and confirm that
operations at NRF have had no adverse effect on the groundwater.
The 11 CERCLA groundwater wells were sampled on a routine basis for both chemical and
radiological parameters until May 2018. As of May 2018, NRF no longer samples monitoring wells
USGS 97, USGS 98, and USGS 99 as part of the CERCLA monitoring program. Data from these
wells consistently showed that the groundwater concentrations for constituents of concern relative
to the CERCLA monitoring program were at or near regional background levels. Future monitoring
of these wells will only be done on an as-needed basis to provide additional water quality information.
The remaining eight CERCLA groundwater wells will continue to be sampled on a routine basis.
Sample results indicate that radioactivity (except tritium) occurs in the groundwater at levels that are
at or near natural background levels. Tritium is found at levels that slightly exceed background levels
but are significantly below regulatory concerns.
Since the last report, no solvents or laboratory chemical concentrations were measured above
National Primary Drinking Water Standards.
Non-hazardous sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, and sulfate ions are detectable at
concentrations slightly above the natural background levels in the down-gradient monitoring wells.
The sodium and chloride ions (a saline mixture as in table salt) are present due to the previous use
of common water softening agents for domestic water treatment. This saline solution entered the
groundwater via the non-hazardous wastewater discharges to the IWD. Chloride concentrations
NRF Environmental Summary Report
exceeded secondary standards in NRF-6. The sulfate ion concentrations are below secondary
standards. There are no drinking water standards for sodium, magnesium, and potassium.
The secondary standard for aluminum and iron was exceeded occasionally in various wells over the
past few years. These samples were filtered to remove particulate matter and reanalyzed. Filtered
sample results were below the secondary standards indicating that the aluminum and iron were
attributed to sediment in the water rather than dissolved in the water. Secondary standards are
guidelines pertaining to groundwater constituents that may cause aesthetic effects in drinking water.
NRF-6 is nearest to the IWD and thus most affected by previous saline discharges to the ditch.
To summarize, no groundwater monitoring results exceeded National Primary Drinking Water
Standards, confirming that NRF operations have not had a significant impact on the environment.
Individual results of the chemical and radiological groundwater monitoring programs are found each
year in the annual NRF Environmental Monitoring Report.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
NRF maintains a comprehensive multimedia environmental monitoring program covering all aspects
of NRF Site operations. This program has been developed to detect any environmental effects of
Site operations that might occur and to demonstrate compliance with applicable federal and state
environmental requirements. Data from the monitoring programs has demonstrated that operating
procedures used at NRF adequately protect the environment.
The environmental monitoring program includes the routine monitoring of industrial (see Section 4.2
Industrial Waste Ditch) and sanitary liquid effluents, sediment, gaseous and particulate airborne
emissions, soil and vegetation, drinking water, groundwater, soil gas, and environmental radiation
levels. In addition to the routine monitoring, NRF has conducted extensive special monitoring of the
areas of the NRF Site potentially affected by chemical and radiological residues. Evaluation of the
environmental data indicates that NRF operations continue to have no adverse effect on the
environment. A detailed description of environmental monitoring program results is provided each
year in the annual NRF Environmental Monitoring Report.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
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NRF Environmental Summary Report
With respect to radioactivity, NRF has from its beginning monitored potential sources of releases of
radioactivity to the environment from the NRF in liquid and airborne effluents. Releases of
radioactivity have been at levels typically far below limits prescribed by the appropriate federal, state,
and local authorities and have resulted in no measurable radiation exposure to any member of the
general public.
Releases of water containing low levels of radioactivity to various disposal basins, leaching beds,
and retention basins were made principally in the 1950s and 1960s. NRF discontinued this practice
in 1979 and estimates the residual radioactivity at approximately 33 curies.
NRF has employed quantitative models that conservatively estimate potential exposures. These
models consider exposure pathways that include using water that has passed through the INL for
drinking and irrigation, breathing the air, and eating regional animal and vegetable food. The most
recent assessment shows that the potential radiation exposure to a member of the public from NRF
operations was approximately 0.00034 mrem for the entire year. Further, the dose is negligible when
compared to the naturally occurring background radiation dose of approximately 366 mrem per year
for residents of southeast Idaho. The dose is also much less than the approximate 3 mrem that an
individual would receive from a single cross-country airplane flight.
Since operations began, NRF has also monitored non-radioactive Site effluent water and air
consistent with state and federal regulations to ensure they meet the requirements of applicable
environmental standards. Results of all effluent monitoring confirm that the operation of NRF has
had no significant impact on the environment. In addition, current monitoring results indicate no
contaminants, solvents, or laboratory chemicals exist above National Primary Drinking Water
Standards in the groundwater in the vicinity of NRF. This is confirmed by independent monitoring
conducted by the USGS and the State of Idaho INL Oversight Program. Thus, NRF operations have
had no significant effect on the environment, including the SRPA.
Hazard ranking calculations performed according to federal guidelines for judging the significance of
chemical and radioactive residues have been conducted in accordance with federal law. These
calculations indicate that the NRF scores below the cutoff for designation to the NPL (Superfund) of
high priority sites requiring prompt action to protect public health and safety. While NRF did not
qualify for listing on the NPL as an individual facility, it was included with other INL facilities in the
FFA/CO and Action Plan signed in 1991.
Under the FFA/CO, 87 sites were identified at NRF for investigation to determine potential risks to
human health and the environment. Thirteen of the 87 sites were evaluated prior to the FFA/CO
under the COCA. The remaining 74 sites were assessed as CERCLA-type investigations. The
CERCLA investigations included Track 1, Track 2, and RI/FS type investigations. A Track 1
investigation involved sites that were believed to have a low probability of risk and sufficient
information available to evaluate the sites and recommend a course of action. A Track 2
investigation involved sites that did not have sufficient data available to make a decision concerning
a level of risk; for these sites, collection of additional data was necessary. A RI/FS is the most
extensive investigation and attempts to characterize the nature and extent of contamination, to
assess risks to human health and the environment from potential exposure to contaminants, and to
evaluate cleanup actions. In addition to the investigations performed for each site through a Track
1, Track 2, or RI/FS process, a comprehensive RI/FS was performed to assess the potential
cumulative, or additive, effects to human health and the environment from all sites at NRF.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
The NRF Final ROD signed in 1998 divided the 87 sites into 3 groups: 63 sites were determined to
require no action, 12 require no further action and 12 sites required remedial action. Remedial
actions have been completed at the 12 sites under 2 RODs signed in 1994 and 1998 by the NNPP,
the State of Idaho, and the EPA. The original 87 sites are shown in Figure 3 and listed in Table 1.
The monitoring data collected and CERCLA Five-Year Reviews performed at NRF continue to
support the conclusion that NRF operations have not had a significant impact on the environment or
adverse effect on the surrounding communities. NRF has a well-defined program in place to protect
the environment, comply with state and federal environmental requirements and interagency
agreements, and address remediation of isolated residues from previous activities.
7.1 Remedial Action Areas
The Remedial Action areas included nine sites identified in the 1998 ROD and three landfill areas
identified in the 1994 ROD.
Remedial Actions for the three landfill areas as documented in the 1994 ROD included constructing
three covers over the landfills and conducting soil-gas and groundwater monitoring. Construction
actions were completed in 1996.
The NRF Comprehensive RI/FS involved extensive sampling and risk assessment to determine
appropriate remedial actions for nine sites with historical radiological releases. These remedial
actions were agreed to by the State of Idaho and the EPA in the ROD signed in September 1998.
Remedial actions for the nine sites identified in the 1998 ROD included excavating soil above
remediation goals and consolidating the soil at the S1W Leaching Beds, demolition of concrete
structures, and removal of underground piping with disposal at an INL facility, constructing three
engineered covers over four of the sites, and soil moisture and groundwater monitoring.
Construction and remedial activities were completed in 2004.
Institutional controls have been established at the remedial action sites. These controls include
limiting soil disturbance, periodic inspections and maintenance, and land use restrictions.
In 2006, 2012, 2017, and 2022, CERCLA Five-Year Reviews were completed for the remedial action
sites. The Five-Year Reviews concluded that the selected remedies for the Remedial Action areas
were effective and remained protective of human health and the environment. Furthermore, data
indicate that activities at NRF have not adversely affected groundwater quality.
Groundwater monitoring programs conducted by NRF, the USGS, and the State of Idaho INL
Oversight Program indicate that radioactivity associated with NRF operations is consistent with
natural background levels in the groundwater around the NRF Site.
Since the completion of the remedial actions identified in the RODs, additional CERCLA actions have
been performed as noted in Table 1. These additional CERCLA remedial actions were typically
addressed through minor changes to the 1998 NRF ROD with agency concurrence.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Figure 3- NRF Waste Area Group 8
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Table 1- NRF Waste Area Group 8 Sites
REMEDIAL ACTION AREAS: (red) (Requiring Institutional Controls)
NRF-01, Field Area North of S1W (capped)
NRF-11, S1W Tile Drain field & L-shaped Sump
NRF-12A, Underground Piping to Leaching Pit
NRF-12B, S1W Leaching Pit
NRF-14, S1W Leaching Beds
NRF-17, S1W Retention Basins
NRF-19, A1W Leaching Bed
NRF-21A, Old Sewage Basin
NRF-21B, Sludge Drying Bed
NRF-51, West Refuse Pit #4 (capped)
NRF-53, East Refuse Pits & Trenching Area (capped)
: (
NRF-02, Old Ditch Surge Pond
NRF-03, ECF Gravel Pit
NRF-04, Top Soil Pit (COCA)
NRF-05, West Landfill (COCA)
NRF-06, Southeast Landfill
NRF-07, East Landfill (COCA)
NRF-08, North Landfill
NRF-09, Parking Lot Runoff Leaching Trenches
NRF-10, Sand Blasting Slag Trench
NRF-13, S1W Temporary Leaching Pit
NRF-15, S1W Acid Spill Area
NRF-16, Radiography Building Collection Tanks
NRF-18A, S1W Spray Pond #1
NRF-18B, S1W Spray Pond #2 & A1W Cooling Tower
NRF-20, A1W Acid Spill Area
NRF-24, Demineralizer & Neutralization Facility (COCA)
NRF-25, Chemical Waste Storage Pad (COCA)
NRF-26, Exterior Industrial Waste Ditch
NRF-27, Main Transformer Yard (COCA)
NRF-28, A1W Transformer Yard
NRF-29, S5G Oily Waste Spill
NRF-30, Gatehouse Transformer (COCA)
NRF-31, A1W Oily Waste Spill
NRF-32, S5G Basin Sludge Disposal Bed
NRF-33, South Landfill
NRF-34, Old Parking Lot Landfill (COCA)
NRF-35, Lagoon Landfill #1
NRF-36, Lagoon Landfill #2
NRF-37, Old Painting Booth
NRF-38, ECF French Drain
NRF-39, Old Radiography Area (COCA)
NRF-40, Lagoon Construction Rubble
NRF-41, East Rubble Area
NRF-44, S1W Industrial Wastewater Spill Area
NRF-45, Site Incinerator
NRF-46, Kerosene Spill (COCA)
NRF-47, Site Lead Shack (Building #614)
NRF-48, West Refuse Pit #1
NRF-49, West Refuse Pit #2
NRF-50, West Refuse Pit #3
NRF-52A, Old Lead Shack (Location #1)
NRF-52B, Old Lead Shack (Location #2)
NRF-54, Old Boilerhouse Blowdown Pit
NRF-55, Misc. NRF Sumps and French Drains
NRF-56, Degreasing Facility
NRF-57, S1W Gravel Pit (COCA)
NRF-58, S1W Old Fuel Oil Tank Spill
NRF-59, Original S1W Refuse Pit
NRF-60, Old Incinerator (COCA)
NRF-61, Old Radioactive Materials Storage & Laydown
NRF-62, ECF Acid Spill Area
NRF-63, A1W Construction Debris Area
NRF-64, South Gravel Pit
NRF-65, Southeast Corner Oil Spill
NRF-66, Hot Storage Pit
NRF-67, Old Transformer Yard
NRF-68, Corrosion Area Behind BB11
NRF-69, Plant Service Underground Storage Tank Diesel
NRF-70, Boiler House Fuel Oil Release
NRF-71, Plant Service UST Gasoline Spill
NRF-72, NRF Waste Oil Tank
NRF-73, NRF Plant Services Varnish Tank
NRF-74, Abandoned Underground Storage Tanks
Between the NRF Security Fences
NRF-75, Fuel Oil Revetment Oil Releases
NRF-76, Vehicle Barrier Removal
NRF-77, A1W Fuel Oil Revetment Oil Releases
NRF-79, ECF Water Pool Release
NRF-80 A1W/S1W Radioactive Line Near BB19
NRF-81, A1W Processing Building Area Soil
OU 8-09, Interior Industrial Waste Ditch
No Further Action site released for unrestricted use.
Former Remedial Action site released for unrestricted
Remedial action was taken by a minor change to the
Site not shown in Figure 3.
: (
(Requiring Institutional Controls)
NRF-22, A1W Painting Locker French Drain
NRF-23, Sewage Lagoons
NRF-42, Old Sewage Effluent Ponds
NRF-43, Seepage Basin Pumpout Area
NRF-82, Evaporator Bottoms Tank Release
NRF-83, ECF Hot Cells Release Area
Remedial action was taken by a minor change to the
NRF Environmental Summary Report
7.2 No Action Sites
Based on Track 1 and Track 2 investigations and the RI/FS evaluation, a “No Action” decision was
made for those sites with no source of contamination present or a source present that represents an
acceptable risk for unrestricted use. This “No Action” decision means no future evaluations or follow-
ups are required. Seventy sites have been classified as “No Action” sites or released for unrestricted
7.3 No Further Action Sites
Based on Track 1 and Track 2 investigations and the RI/FS evaluation, a “No Further Action” decision
was made for those sites with a source or potential source present, but for which an exposure route
is not available under current conditions. This “No Further Action” decision means that the site will
be included in a CERCLA review performed at least every five years to ensure that site conditions
used to evaluate the site have not changed and to verify the effectiveness of the “No Further Action”
decision. All monitoring data collected from the No Further Action sites are included in the CERCLA
Five-Year Reviews. Although no additional remedial action is required at this time, present
institutional controls, such as fencing and administrative controls on excavation, will be maintained.
If site conditions change, including present institutional controls, additional sampling, monitoring, or
action will be considered. Initially 12 sites were identified as “No Further Action” sites; however, this
number has been reduced to 6 when 6 sites were released for unrestricted use (equivalent to a No
Action site) through past CERCLA Five-Year Reviews and minor changes to the ROD. Six remaining
No Further Action sites continue to require institutional controls.
The most recent Five-Year Review for the No Further Action sites concluded that the selected
remedy for these sites is effective in limiting unauthorized access and excavation.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
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NRF Environmental Summary Report
The NRF Site uses a variety of training, controls, checks and cross-checks, audits, and inspections
to maintain high standards of environmental control. First, all personnel receive general awareness
training. Second, each worker is trained in appropriate controls as they relate to their specific job.
Third, written procedures must be followed verbatim. Fourth, dedicated technicians and supervisors
oversee all environmental monitoring and related work. Fifth, NRF maintains an audit program that
covers all environmental requirements and includes in-depth audits of specific areas. Sixth, the
NNPP maintains an on-site resident office with a technical staff, that audits and reviews NRF
environmental controls. The NNPP headquarters personnel also conduct periodic in-depth
inspections of these areas.
In addition, various aspects of the NRF environmental program are independently reviewed by other
government agencies. A complete listing of inspections performed since 1992 at NRF by the State
of Idaho or federal agencies is outlined in Table 2. No significant item of non-compliance in
operations has been cited as a result of these inspections.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Table 2 – Environmental Inspections/Visits of the NRF Site
Topic Date Agency
RCRA 2011 (May) State of Idaho
CERCLA 2011 (July) State of Idaho
Wastewater Reuse
2011 (July) State of Idaho
Air Emissions 2011 (September) State of Idaho
ECF Recapitalization 2011 (September) EPA (Region X)
CERCLA 2011 (September) State of Idaho/EPA (Region X)
Wastewater Reuse
2012 (September) State of Idaho
Air Emissions 2012 (September) State of Idaho
RCRA 2013 (May) State of Idaho
Wastewater Reuse
2013 (September) State of Idaho
RCRA 2014 (May) State of Idaho
CERCLA 2014 (May) State of Idaho
Wastewater Reuse
2014 (September) State of Idaho
IDEQ Visit 2015 (September) State of Idaho
IDEQ Visit 2015 (September) State of Idaho
Air Emissions 2015 (October) State of Idaho
Wastewater Reuse
2015 (October) State of Idaho
Sanitary Survey 2015 (November) State of Idaho
Air Emissions 2015 (December) State of Idaho
CERCLA 2016 (May) State of Idaho
Wastewater Reuse
2016 (October) State of Idaho
Emergency Response
2016 (November) State of Idaho
RCRA 2017 (June) State of Idaho
CERCLA 2017 (June) State of Idaho
Wastewater Reuse
2018 (March) State of Idaho
Air Emissions 2018 (October) State of Idaho
Wastewater Reuse
2019 (April) State of Idaho
RCRA 2019 (May) State of Idaho
RCRA 2019 (November) Department of Energy
CERCLA 2020 (February) State of Idaho/EPA (Region X)
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Topic Date Agency
Air Emissions 2021 (September) State of Idaho
Sanitary Survey 2022 (February) State of Idaho
CERCLA 2022 (June) State of Idaho/EPA (Region X)
NRF Environmental Summary Report
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NRF Environmental Summary Report
NRF has always responded promptly and effectively to conform to new environmental requirements
and will continue to do so. The following is a list of some of the major environmental laws that
regulate NRF operations:
Clean Air Act (CAA). The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 added the Operating Permits program
to the Clean Air Act on November 15, 1990. NRF participated in the INL Air Quality Tier I Operating
Permit (until January 12, 2018) but now participates in the INL Permit to Construct with Facility
Emissions Cap (from January 12, 2018, onward) relative to operation of various pieces of equipment
at the INL. NRF boilers and emergency diesel generators must comply with requirements in the
Permit to Construct with Facility Emissions Cap. NRF must also comply with all general provisions
of the permit, which includes recordkeeping, reporting, fugitive dust control, and visible emission
limits. The Permit to Construct with Facility Emissions Cap limits total INL emissions to 25 tons per
year of all Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) emissions and 10 tons per year of any single HAP, and
provides various limits on Criteria Air Pollutants. The EPA, under the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) 40 CFR 61 Subpart H, regulates radionuclide air emission sources at DOE Facilities. Annual
emission reports are provided to the EPA, as required by the regulations.
Clean Water Act (CWA). Storm water discharges to "Waters of the US" are required to be permitted
by this act. The INL is covered by the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) general
permits for discharges of storm water associated with industrial construction activities. These
permits specify storm water monitoring requirements and require Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plans, which identify best management practices used to minimize pollution of storm water runoff.
Storm water from NRF does not discharge to "Waters of the US". NRF does not have a hydrologic
connection to Waters of the US” and therefore there is no potential for storm water discharges to
reach regulated waters.
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). This
act, commonly known as Superfund, establishes requirements for the identification and location of
areas where hazardous materials have been released to the environment. NRF has prepared and
submitted documentation to the EPA and the State of Idaho concerning such areas, as required by
CERCLA. The submittal includes hazard-ranking scores calculated in accordance with EPA
methods used to judge the significance of waste sites. The ranking calculation concludes that the
NRF Site scores below the value that is used to determine whether a site warrants inclusion on the
NPL. An FFA/CO (also known as an Interagency Agreement) between the DOE, EPA, and the State
of Idaho has been executed since the combined score of all INL facilities qualified the INL for
inclusion on the NPL. The FFA/CO directs all remedial action activities to be conducted in
accordance with CERCLA. NRF participates in the activities outlined under the FFA/CO.
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). All federal agencies must
comply with the planning and reporting provisions of EPCRA. This subtitle requires facilities that
have extremely hazardous substances above their respective Threshold Planning Quantity to give
notice that these substances are present at that facility and to report releases of those substances
and other listed hazardous substances in excess of their respective reportable quantity. Reporting
is required for hazardous chemicals stored on-site in quantities greater than 10,000 pounds and for
Extremely Hazardous Substances present in quantities greater than 500 pounds or the Threshold
Planning Quantity (whichever is less) and toxic chemical emissions above threshold reporting limits.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Federal Facility Compliance Act (FFCA). This act requires DOE facilities to prepare plans for
developing treatment capacity and technologies for sites that generate or store mixed wastes; mixed
wastes contain chemically hazardous and radioactive constituents. These plans are needed
because adequate capacity for treating mixed waste to the standards required by RCRA does not
currently exist. The FFCA requires Site Treatment Plans to be submitted to the regulatory state or
the EPA for approval. As required by statute, the INL (including NRF) obtained Idaho State approval
for the INL Site Treatment Plan in October 1995.
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA). The Insecticide Act of 1910
established the first federal control over the use of pesticides. In 1947, Congress enacted the
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, which has been amended several times. By
1972, this law was virtually rewritten. This statute gave the EPA the authority over the field use of
pesticides and requires the registration of all pesticides used in the United States. The EPA restricts
the application of pesticides through a state administered certification program. Only state certified
commercial applicators or personnel under their supervision are allowed to apply restricted-use
pesticides at NRF.
Land Disposal Restrictions (LDR). The main purpose of the LDR program is to discourage
activities that involve placing untreated wastes in or on the land when a better treatment or
immobilization alternative exists. LDRs do not allow storage of restricted hazardous wastes, except
for the purpose of accumulating such quantities as are necessary to facilitate proper recovery,
treatment, or disposal. The amendments require that, prior to land disposal, all wastes meet
treatment standards based on the “best demonstrated available technology.”
Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, as amended, is intended to
protect birds that have common migration patterns between the United States, Canada, Mexico,
Japan, and Russia. Under this act, taking, killing, or possessing migratory birds is unlawful except
as permitted by regulation.
NRF is subject to a special purpose federal fish and wildlife permit that allows the removal or
relocation of a limited number of migratory bird nests under certain circumstances. The permit was
issued to the DOE and is applicable to all facilities on the INL. The permit requires the DOE to submit
an annual report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service of all migratory birds, nests, and eggs that were
intentionally taken and/or salvaged. NRF provides the DOE with information about permit activity
that occurs at NRF for inclusion in the report.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Significant construction, renovation, and demolition
activities are reviewed for their impact on the environment under the NEPA requirements as provided
by the DOE. Other physical construction projects or capital equipment that have the potential for
creating new emissions to the environment also receive a NEPA evaluation. Categorical Exclusions
and all NEPA documentation for NNPP sites, including NRF, are posted online at www.NNPP-
NEPA.US. This website is linked to the DOE website located at
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). This Act establishes requirements for the
proper treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes. Currently, the NRF Site operates in
accordance with the applicable RCRA regulations and is a generator under the INL RCRA
Permit. The INL RCRA Permit and RCRA regulations include descriptive information, identification
of hazardous wastes, and waste management methods employed at NRF.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA). This act revises and extends
CERCLA. CERCLA is extended by the addition of new authorities known as EPCRA of 1986. This
act is also known as Title III of SARA and provides for emergency planning and preparedness,
community right-to-know reporting, and toxic chemical release reporting. In compliance with these
requirements, NRF provides appropriate information to local emergency planning groups and
regulatory agencies in a comprehensive report submitted for the INL.
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The U.S. Congress enacted the Toxic Substances Control
Act in 1976. TSCA authorizes the EPA to secure information on all new and existing chemical
substances and to control any of these substances determined to cause an unreasonable risk to
public health or the environment. Unlike many other environmental laws, which generally govern
discharge of substances, TSCA requires a review of the health and environmental effects prior to
the manufacture of new chemical substance for commercial use.
Waste Minimization, Pollution Prevention, and Recycling Programs. The NRF waste
minimization and pollution prevention program promotes pollution prevention and waste minimization
by encouraging employees to reduce the use of hazardous materials, energy, water, and other
resources while protecting existing resources through conservation and more efficient use. The
program focuses mainly on process efficiency improvements, source reduction, inventory control,
preventive maintenance, improved housekeeping, recycling, and increasing employee awareness of
and participation in pollution prevention.
State of Idaho Water Quality Regulations. State of Idaho water quality regulations require
industrial wastewater reuse facilities to be permitted. In July 2007, the state issued NRF a permit for
use of the IWD to discharge industrial wastewater. This permit set limits and conditions in regard to
the type and amount of effluent that was discharged to the IWD. In the fall of 2020, NRF completed
the rerouting of industrial wastewater from the IWD to the non-discharging, lined, evaporative
sewage lagoons. On January 4, 2021, the IDEQ approved NRF’s Industrial Reuse Permit Closure
Plan and terminated the permit. Effluent sampling is not required at the IWD but will continue to be
done as a best management practice. NRF will continue to monitor groundwater as required in the
IDEQ approved Closure Plan.
Wildlife Collection/Banding/Possession Permit. The INL has a Wildlife Collection/
Banding/Possession Permit issued by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. As part of the INL,
the permit is applicable to NRF. This state permit goes hand-in-hand with the federal Migratory Bird
Permit issued to the INL by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The state permit restates the
permitted actions listed in the federal permit (i.e., move or destroy problem nests, dispose of dead
animal carcasses, salvage and possess carcasses) and provides that the State of Idaho also
sanctions the actions. The state permit allows some actions beyond the scope of the federal permit;
it also allows the trapping, banding, and possession of live animals.
Other Regulations. NRF does not anticipate any substantial future impact on Site operations from
regulatory developments in other areas. However, changes in environmental regulatory
requirements are continually reviewed to ensure all NRF operations remain in compliance with
applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
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NRF Environmental Summary Report
1. Bonnichsen, B., and R. M. Breckenridge, eds. Cenozoic Geology of Idaho. Idaho Geological
Survey. Bulletin 26, 1982.
2. EG&G Idaho Inc., Geosciences Unit Staff. Naval Reactors Facility Geotechnical Investigations.
November 28, 1988.
3. Bartholomay, R. C. and Twining, B. V. 2015, Hydrologic Influences on Water-Level Changes in
the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer at and near the Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, 1949-
2014: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5085 (DOE/ID-22236).
4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.
Application of the CERCLA Municipal Landfill Presumptive Remedy to Military Landfills.
Directive No. 9355.0-67FS, EPA/540/F-96/020, PB96-963314. December 1996.
5. Davis, L.C., Bartholomay, R.C., Rattray, G.W., 2013. An Update of Hydrologic Conditions and
Distribution of Selected Constituents in Water, Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer and Perched
Groundwater Zones , Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho, Emphasis 2009-2011: U.S. Geological
Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5214.
6. Rattray, G.W., and Wehnke, A.J., 2005. Radiochemical and Chemical Constituents in Water
from Selected Wells and Springs from the Southern Boundary of the Idaho National Laboratory
to the Hagerman Area, Idaho, 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1125.
NRF Environmental Summary Report
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Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
Regional Administrator
Office of the Regional Administrator
US Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 10
Remedial Project Manager
US Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 10
Oregon Operations Office
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
FFA/CO Program Supervisor
Waste Management and Remediation Division
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
State Air Quality Division Administrator
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
INL Settlement Agreement Coordinator
INL Oversight Program
Regional Administrator
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
INL Oversight Program Manager
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Idaho Operation Office
U.S. Department of Energy (3 copies)
Public Libraries
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
Idaho Falls
State of Idaho
Twin Falls
INL Research Library