V1.1.1 (2019-02)
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD);
Protocol and data format of REST-based key delivery API
The present document has been produced and approved by the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) ETSI Industry Specification
Group (ISG) and represents the views of those members who participated in this ISG.
It does not necessarily represent the views of the entire ETSI membership.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
API, protocol, quantum cryptography, Quantum
Key Distribution
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ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (20
Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................ 4
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Modal verbs terminology .................................................................................................................................... 4
Executive summary ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
2 References ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Normative references ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Informative references ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations ....................................................................................... 7
3.1 Terms .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3 Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Key delivery API Specification Overview ............................................................................................... 8
5 Protocol Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 Common Specification ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Get status .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Get key ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
5.4 Get key with key IDs ........................................................................................................................................ 13
6 Data Format Specifications .................................................................................................................... 14
6.1 Status data format ............................................................................................................................................. 14
6.2 Key request data format ................................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Key container data format ................................................................................................................................ 16
6.4 Key IDs data format ......................................................................................................................................... 17
6.5 Error data format .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Annex A (informative): API function mapping to ETSI GS QKD 004 ............................................. 19
Annex B (informative): An example of how to deliver keys to multiple SAEs ................................. 20
Annex C (informative): Authors & contributors ................................................................................. 21
History .............................................................................................................................................................. 22
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
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This Group Specification (GS) has been produced by ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) Quantum Key
Distribution (QKD).
Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "need not", "will", "will not", "can" and
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"must" and "must not" are NOT allowed in ETSI deliverables except when used in direct citation.
Executive summary
The present document describes a communication protocol and data format for a quantum key distribution (QKD)
network to supply cryptographic keys to an application. It is intended to allow interoperability of equipment from
different vendors. A REST (REpresentational State Transfer) API is specified as a simple, scalable, widely deployed
approach that is familiar to a large developer community. The REST-based API specifies the format of the URIs, the
communication protocols (HTTPS), and the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format encoding of posted
parameters and responses, including key material.
QKD networks deliver cryptographic keys to applications. In order to ensure the interoperability of QKD networks,
QKD equipment, and applications from different vendors, a specification for a key delivery API from QKD networks to
applications is important.
Another Group Specification ETSI GS QKD 004 [i.1] defines an object-based remote function call-style API between
applications and QKD key management layer and provides key data streams with QoS functionalities for applications.
On the other hand, the present document defines a simpler key delivery API, which is a REST-based API using the
HTTPS protocol and data encoded in the JSON format to deliver block keys with key IDs to applications.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
REST-based APIs are simple and easy for developers to understand and are popular in many application domains. They
have a large developer community and many libraries, implementations, and guidance documents are available to the
community. REST-based APIs are lightweight and scale to the "Internet" level regarding both the number of nodes and
the number of applications.
It is hoped that this REST-based API specification for key delivery can encourage new entrants/developers into the
QKD market, to promote new applications of QKD, and to develop a business ecosystem for QKD.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
1 Scope
The present document specifies a communication protocol and data format for a quantum key distribution (QKD)
network to supply cryptographic keys to an application.
It is in the form of an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows application developers to make simple
method calls to a QKD network and to be delivered key material. It is intended to allow interoperability of equipment
from different vendors.
The QKD network can consist of a single link between a single QKD transmitter and a single QKD receiver, or it can be
an extended network involving many such QKD links. The API defines a single interface for the delivery of key
material to applications in both scenarios. It is beyond the scope of the present document to describe how a QKD
network generates key material shared between distant nodes.
A REST (REpresentational State Transfer) API is specified as a simple, scalable, widely deployed approach that is
familiar to a large developer community. The REST API specifies the format of the URIs, the communication protocols
(HTTPS), and the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data format encoding of posted parameters and responses,
including key material.
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] IETF RFC 7230 (June 2014): "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and
NOTE: Available at
[2] IETF RFC 7231 (June 2014): "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content".
NOTE: Available at
[3] IETF RFC 7235 (June 2014): "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication".
NOTE: Available at
[4] IETF RFC 5246 (August 2008): "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2".
NOTE: Available at
[5] ETSI RFC 8446 (August 2018): "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3".
NOTE: Available at
[6] IETF RFC 8259 (December 2017): "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange
NOTE: Available at
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
[7] IETF RFC 4648 (October 2006): "The Base16, Base32, and Base64 Data Encodings".
NOTE: Available at
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] ETSI GS QKD 004 (V1.1.1): "Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Application Interface".
3 Definition of terms, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms apply:
Application Programming Interface (API): interface implemented by a software program to be able to interact with
other software programs
key: random digital data with an associated universally unique ID
key container: JSON data format containing key data
NOTE: As specified in clause 6.3.
Key Management Entity (KME): entity that manages keys in a network in cooperation with one or more other Key
Management Entities
master secure application entity: Secure Application Entity that initiates a request to a Key Management Entity for
one or more new keys that can subsequently be requested by a Slave Secure Application Entity specified in the request
QKD Entity (QKDE): entity providing key distribution functionality including acting as an endpoint for the
distribution of keys to at least one other QKD Entity using QKD protocols
QKD link: link connecting a pair of QKD Entities
QKD network: network comprised of two or more Trusted Nodes
Quantum Key Distribution (QKD): procedure or method for generating and distributing symmetrical cryptographic
keys with information theoretical security based on quantum information theory
Secure Application Entity (SAE): entity that requests one or more keys from a Key Management Entity for one or
more applications running in cooperation with one or more other Secure Application Entities
slave secure application entity: Secure Application Entity that initiates a request to a Key Management Entity for one
or more keys based on one or more key IDs that were previously delivered to a Master Secure Application Entity
Trusted Node (TN): node containing trusted equipment including one or more Key Management Entities and one or
more QKD Entities situated within a security boundary
web API: Application Programming Interface that can be accessed using HTTP or HTTPS protocols
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
3.2 Symbols
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
API Application Programming Interface
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
IDL Interface Definition Language
IETF International Engineering Task Force
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
KME Key Management Entity
OMG Object Management Group
QKD Quantum Key Distribution
QoS Quality of Service
REST REpresentational State Transfer
SAE Secure Application Entity
TLS Transport Layer Security
TN Trusted Node
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
URL Unified Resource Locator
UTF-8 UCS Transformation Format 8 bits
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
4 Key delivery API Specification Overview
This key delivery API is a REST-based API, a simple request and response style API between a SAE and a KME. SAEs
request KMEs to deliver keys and KMEs deliver the keys. Calls to the API on a KME are intended to be made by SAEs
with a point of presence within the same secure site as the KME they are connecting to. The QKD network may deliver
common shared keys to SAEs in different sites.
Optical switches, encryption modules, and security management systems are examples of SAEs.
Keys are generated and shared securely with QKD technology by KMEs. Key management methods used by KMEs and
how KMEs relay keys securely in a QKD network is outside the scope of the present document.
A QKD network can consist of a single QKD link, or it can be an extended network involving many such QKD links.
An example of a QKD network is shown in Figure 1. Installing and configuring a QKD network, registering a new
trusted node or QKD link into a QKD network and removing them from a QKD network are QKD network
management issues and outside the scope of the present document.
Each KME shall have one or multiple QKDEs to connect with other KMEs via QKD links. KMEs shall be able to
distribute keys to other KMEs. In each Trusted Node, there shall be at least one KME. One or multiple SAEs may
connect with a KME within a Trusted Node. It is assumed that each Trusted Node is securely operated and managed.
Each trusted node shall be located in its site. SAEs shall be located with its connected KMEs in its site. The API
between SAE and KME shall be used within a security boundary in each site.
KMEs shall provide Web API server functionality to deliver keys to SAEs via HTTPS protocols.
Each KME shall have a unique ID (KME ID). A KME ID shall be unique in a QKD network. The format and the
assignment of KME IDs is outside the scope of the present document.
SAEs make HTTPS requests to KMEs to get keys and status information.
Each SAE shall have a unique ID (SAE ID). A SAE ID shall be unique in a QKD network. The format and the
assignment of SAE IDs is outside the scope of the present document.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
All communications between SAE and KME shall use the HTTPS protocols (with TLS version 1.2 or higher) (IETF
RFC 7230 [1], IETF RFC 7231 [2], IETF RFC 7235 [3], IETF RFC 5246 [4], IETF RFC 8446 [5]).
KMEs shall authenticate each request and identify the unique SAE ID of the calling SAE.
Data in the message body of HTTPS requests from SAE to KME and HTTPS responses from KME to SAE shall be
encoded in JSON format as per IETF RFC 8259 [6].
The SAE making an initial "Get key" request is referred to as the Master SAE for the key(s) returned. An SAE making
a subsequent "Get key with key IDs" request is called the Slave SAE for the key(s) returned.
Applications shall communicate Key IDs between SAEs as necessary for their operations but how they do so is outside
the scope of the present document.
The present document makes the following security assumptions about the use of this API with a QKD network:
each Trusted Node is securely operated and managed;
this API is used between SAEs and KMEs within a secure site;
each SAE is secure;
each KME is secure.
Figure 1: Example of QKD network
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Figure 2: Use-case of key delivery API
Figure 2 shows a use-case illustrating a way the key delivery API can be used. KME A and KME B are either connected
by a direct QKD link or a QKD network comprising multiple QKD links. SAE A is connected to KME A. SAE B is
connected to KME B.
KME A and KME B exchange and store keys and each key delivered is assigned a universally unique ID. SAE A
(master SAE) can initiate secure communication with SAE B (slave SAE) according to the following steps:
Step 1: SAE A calls the key delivery API method "Get key" with the SAE B ID of the slave SAE to get keys
from KME A. KME A delivers to SAE A key materials with the associated key IDs that are (to be) shared with
Step 2: SAE A notifies SAE B of the key IDs. This communication between master SAE and slave SAE is
outside the scope of the present document.
Step 3: SAE B calls the key delivery API method "Get key with key IDs" with the SAE A ID of the master
SAE and the notified key IDs information to get the identical keys from KME B. KME B delivers to SAE B
the identical key materials with the identical associated key IDs that are shared with KME A.
Figure 3: Use-case illustrating multiple SAEs connecting to each KME
Figure 3 shows another use-case illustrating how the key delivery API can be used. Multiple SAEs are connected to a
single KME.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
5 Protocol Specifications
5.1 Common Specification
The common specification is as follows.
Table 1
Name Description
SAE shall connect to KME using HTTPS protocols (with TLS version 1.2 or higher) (IETF RFC 7230 [1], IETF
RFC 7231 [2], IETF RFC 7235 [3], IETF RFC 5246 [4], IETF RFC 8446 [5]). At the connection establishment, mutual
authentication between SAE and KME shall be performed. SAE shall verify the validity of a certificate the KME
possesses and shall confirm the KME ID of the KME it is connecting to, based on the certificate. Unless the KME ID
has been verified in this manner the SAE shall not proceed to use this API with the KME. KME shall verify the validity
of a certificate the SAE possesses and shall confirm the SAE ID of the connecting SAE based on the certificate. Unless
the KME ID has been verified in this manner the KME shall reject the connection from the SAE. After the mutual
authentication, the SAE may call API methods on the KME. The list of API methods shall be as follows.
Table 2
Get status https://{KME_hostname}/api/v1/keys/{slave_SAE_ID}/status GET
Get key https://{KME_hostname}/api/v1/keys/{slave_SAE_ID}/enc_keys POST (or GET)
3 Get key with
key IDs
https://{KME_hostname}/api/v1/keys/{master_SAE_ID}/dec_keys POST (or GET)
How to install or upgrade the certificate on each KME and on each SAE is outside the scope of the present document.
5.2 Get status
The specification of the "Get status" method shall be as follows.
Table 3
Overview Returns Status from a KME to the calling SAE. Status contains information on keys available to
be requested by a master SAE for a specified slave SAE.
Parameters Name Data type Description
{KME_hostname} String (in URL) Hostname or IP address of the KME. A port
number may be specified separated from the
hostname or IP address by a colon
{slave_SAE_ID} String (in URL) URL-encoded SAE ID of slave SAE
Request data
model (from SAE to
Response data
model (from KME
Status (see clause 6)
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
Get status may return error responses as follows.
Table 4
Bad request format.
- Unauthorized.
Error on server side.
5.3 Get key
The specification of the "Get key" method shall be as follows.
Table 5
Overview Returns Key container data from the KME to the calling master SAE. Key container data
contains one or more keys. The calling master SAE may supply Key request data to specify
the requirement on Key container data. The slave SAE specified by the slave_SAE_ID
parameter may subsequently request matching keys from a remote KME using key_ID
identifiers from the returned
POST (or GET for specified simple requests only (see clause 6))
Parameters Name Data type Description
{KME_hostname} String (in URL) Hostname or IP address of the KME. A port
number may be specified separated from the
hostname or IP address by a colon
{slave_SAE_ID} String (in URL) URL-encoded SAE ID of slave SAE
Request data model
Key request (POST only; see clause 6)
Response data model
Key container (see clause 6)
Requested number of keys provided to SAE are removed from key pool stored in KME.
The "Get key" method may return error responses as follows.
Table 6
Bad request format.
- Unauthorized.
Error on server side.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
5.4 Get key with key IDs
The specification of the "Get key with key IDs" method shall be as follows.
Table 7
Overview Returns Key container from the KME to the calling slave SAE. Key container contains keys
matching those previously delivered to a remote master SAE based on the Key IDs supplied
from the remote master SAE in response to its call to Get key.
The KME shall reject the request with a 401 HTTP status code if the SAE ID of the requestor
was not an SAE ID supplied to the "Get key" method each time it was called resulting in the
return of any of the
being requested.
POST (or GET for specified simple requests only (see clause 6))
Parameters Name Data type Description
{KME_hostname} String (in URL) Hostname or IP address of the KME. A port
number may be specified separated from the
hostname or IP address by a colon
{master_SAE_ID} String (in URL) URL-encoded SAE ID of master SAE
Request data model
Key IDs (POST only; see clause 6)
Response data
model (from KME to
Key container (see clause 6)
Specified keys by Key IDs provided to SAE are removed from key pool stored in KME.
The "Get key with key IDs" method may return error responses as follows.
Table 8
Bad request format.
- Unauthorized.
Error on server side.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
6 Data Format Specifications
6.1 Status data format
Status data format is used for a response data model of API "Get status" method. JSON data format of Status shall be as
Table 9
string KME ID of the KME
string KME ID of the target KME
string SAE ID of the calling master SAE
string SAE ID of the specified slave SAE
integer Default size of key the KME can deliver to the SAE (in bit)
integer Number of stored keys KME can deliver to the SAE
integer Maximum number of stored_key_count
integer Maximum number of keys per request
integer Maximum size of key the KME can deliver to the SAE (in bit)
integer Minimum size of key the KME can deliver to the SAE (in bit)
max_SAE_ID_count integer Maximum number of additional_slave_SAE_IDs the KME allows. "0" when the
KME does not support key multicast
object (Option) for future use
An example of Status data format is as follows.
6.2 Key request data format
Key request data format is used for a request data model of API "Get key" method. JSON data format of Key request
shall be as follows.
Table 10
integer (Option) Number of keys requested, default value is 1.
size integer (Option) Size of each key in bits, default value is defined as key_size in
Status data format.
additional_slave_SAE_IDs array of
(Option) Array of IDs of slave SAEs. It is used for specifying two or
more slave SAEs to share identical keys. The maximum number of IDs
is defined as max_SAE_ID_count in Status data format.
extension_mandatory array of
(Option) Array of extension parameters specified as name/value pairs
that KME shall handle or return an error. Parameter values may be of
any type, including objects.
extension_optional array of
(Option) Array of extension parameters specified as name/value pairs
that KME may ignore. Parameter values may be of any type, including
"key_size": 352,
"stored_key_count": 25000,
"max_key_count": 100000,
"max_key_per_request": 128,
"max_key_size": 1024,
"min_key_size": 64,
"max_SAE_ID_count": 0
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
Examples of Key request data format follow:
All items in the Key request data format are optional and the JSON data format of Key request may be empty.
When Key request would be empty, an SAE may submit the request using the GET access method with no message
Where "number" and/or "size" are the only items in the Key request data format, the SAE may submit the request using
the GET access method by specifying "number" and/or "size" as request URI parameters as string data.
EXAMPLE 1: An example URL for such a request using the GET access method is as follows:
In all other cases, the SAE shall submit the request using the POST access method.
A KME may return keys in response to requests where key size is not a multiple of 8. Where a KME only supports key
size being a multiple of 8, it shall respond to requests for key request data where the size parameter is not such a
multiple with a 400 error response with the message "size shall be a multiple of 8".
"additional_slave_SAE_IDs" is used for specifying multiple SAEs. In the case where "additional_slave_SAE_IDs" lists
at least one SAE ID, the identical key material shall be shared not only between master SAE and slave SAE, but also
shared with other slave SAE(s) specified in "additional_slave_SAE_IDs". How to handle the
additional_slave_SAE_IDs is up to KME, but Annex B shows an example.
Key request data format defines two types of extension fields: "extension_mandatory" and "extension_optional". Both
may be used for introducing new parameters / vendor specific parameters to Key request data format for future use.
"extension_mandatory" is used for defining a list of extension parameters that a KME shall handle to be permitted to
return keys in response to the request. If a KME does not support one or more of the extension parameters supplied in
"extension_mandatory" the KME shall return a 400 error response with the message "not all extension_mandatory
parameters are supported". If a KME supports all the extension parameters within "extension_mandatory" but is unable
to deliver the requested keys meeting all of the requirements they specify the KME shall return a 400 error response
with the message "not all extension_mandatory request options could be met".
"number": 3,
"size": 1024
"number": 1,
"size": 4096,
"additional_slave_SAE_IDs": [
"number": 20,
"size": 512,
"extension_mandatory": [
"abc_route_type": "direct"
"abc_transfer_method": "qkd"
"extension_optional": [
"abc_max_age": 30000
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
"extension_optional" is used for defining extension parameters that may be ignored by KME. KME may handle all
optional parameters defined in "extension_optional" or it may ignore one or more optional extension parameters. If a
KME ignores one or more of the optional extensions parameters within "extension_optional" KME may return any
response it would otherwise have given (including a 200 OK response including Key container data format if
appropriate) or it may return a 400 error response with message "not all extension_optional request options handled".
"extension_mandatory" and "extension_optional" may convey any kind of information from SAE to KME.
EXAMPLE 2: The type of key required or information about the future desired quality of service.
"extension_mandatory" and "extension_optional" may be used to pass named parameters of any type with any name as
long as it is specified as valid JSON.
Future versions of the present document may specify reserved parameter names for parameters within
"extension_mandatory" and "extension_optional" and their usage. To reduce the risk of conflict between extension
parameter names vendor specific prefixes ending with an underscore should be used for extension parameter names
until they have been added to the present document. A group of vendors may choose to adopt a common prefix ending
with an underscore where they have agreed to share one or more common extension parameters.
EXAMPLE 3: Company "Abcdefg" can choose to introduce vendor specific extension parameters named like
"abc_xxxxx" and "abc_yyyy".
EXAMPLE 4: SAE can request a specific type of key to KME. In some use-cases the type of route used can be
important. A abc_route_type of "direct" could be defined by a vendor using the prefix "abc_" to
request keys shared between adjacent Trusted Nodes connected by a single QKD link and a
abc_route_type of "indirect" defined to request keys that are relayed using more than one QKD
link via at least one Trusted Node other than those to which the SAEs connect using this API. SAE
can request "direct" abc_route_type keys as an "extension_mandatory" parameter if "indirect"
abc_route_type keys are not acceptable for the application. If SAE prefers "direct" abc_route_type
keys but "indirect" abc_route_type keys are also acceptable, SAE can call specify "direct"
abc_route_type within "extension_optional".
6.3 Key container data format
Key container data format is used for a response data model of API "Get key" method and "Get key with key IDs"
method. JSON data format of Key container shall be as follows.
Table 11
Keys array of
Array of keys. The number of keys is specified by the
"number" parameter in "Get key". If not specified, the default
number of keys is 1.
key_ID string ID of the key: UUID format (example: "550e8400-e29b-41d4-
key_ID_extension object (Option) for future use
key string Key data encoded by base64 [7]. The key size is specified by
the "size" parameter in "Get key". If not specified, the
"key_size" value in Status data model is used as the default
key_extension object (Option) for future use.
object (Option) for future use.
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
An example of Key container data format is as follows.
"key_ID_extension", "key_extension", and "key_container_extension" are used to return additional information about
the key ID, key, and key container respectively. Sometimes, these extension values may be used to convey information
relating to extension parameters supplied within "extension_mandatory" and/or "extension_optional" in the Key request
data supplied in a call to the "Get key" method.
6.4 Key IDs data format
Key IDs data format is used for a request data model of API "Get key with key IDs" method. JSON data format of Key
IDs shall be as follows.
Table 12
Items Data type Description
array of objects Array of key IDs
key_ID string ID of the key: UUID format (example: "550e8400-e29b-
key_ID_extension object (Option) for future use
object (Option) for future use
An example of Key IDs data format is as follows.
In the case where a single key ID is specified and no extension is specified, SAE may make the request using a GET
access method with no body message. Otherwise the SAE shall use the POST access method with Key IDs data format
for Get key with key IDs API.
"keys": [
"key_ID": "bc490419-7d60-487f-adc1-4ddcc177c139",
"key": "wHHVxRwDJs3/bXd38GHP3oe4svTuRpZS0yCC7x4Ly+s="
"key_ID": "0a782fb5-3434-48fe-aa4d-14f41d46cf92",
"key": "OeGMPxh1+2RpJpNCYixWHFLYRubpOKCw94FcCI7VdJA="
"key_ID": "64a7e9a2-269c-4b2c-832c-5351f3ac5adb",
"key": "479G1Osfljpmfa5vn24tdzE5zqv5CafkGxYrLCk8384="
"key_ID": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
"key": "csEMV9KkmjgOPF90uc54+hykhg6iI5GTPHlP9PjgLVU="
"key_IDs": [
"key_ID": "bc490419-7d60-487f-adc1-4ddcc177c139"
"key_ID": "0a782fb5-3434-48fe-aa4d-14f41d46cf92"
"key_ID": "64a7e9a2-269c-4b2c-832c-5351f3ac5adb"
"key_ID": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
EXAMPLE: An example of an access URL using the GET access method for Get key with key IDs API is as
In the case where two or more key IDs are specified the POST access method shall be used. The POST access method is
used to support multiple key IDs or extension field defined in Key ID data format in Get key with IDs method.
If a KME is not able to return one or more keys specified in key IDs data format, the KME shall return a 400 error
response with the message "one or more keys specified are not found on KME".
6.5 Error data format
Error data format is used for an error response data model of API "Get status" method, "Get key" method, and "Get key
with key IDs" method. JSON data format of Error shall be as follows.
Table 13
string Error message
details array of objects (Option) Array to supply additional detailed error information specified as
name/value pairs. Values may be of any type, including objects.
Examples of Error data format follow.
"message": "key data access error"
"message": "not all extension_mandatory parameters are supported",
"details": [
"extension_mandatory_unsupported": "abc_route_type is not supported"
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
Annex A (informative):
API function mapping to ETSI GS QKD 004
The present document is a REST-based key delivery API. It is a request-response style API comprising of HTTPS
protocols and JSON data format. It provides three methods: Get status, Get key, and Get key with IDs. By calling Get
key, an application (master SAE) gets block key materials with key IDs. The key IDs are sent to an application (slave
SAE) that can be connected to a different KME. The application (slave SAE) calls Get key with key IDs and obtains
identical block key materials.
On the other hand, ETSI GS QKD 004 [i.1] defines an OMG IDL remote function call-based application interface. It
provides three primitives for applications: QKD_OPEN, QKD_GET_KEY, and QKD_CLOSE. By calling QKD_OPEN
API, an application creates a session and gets a key stream ID. Then by calling QKD_GET_KEY with the key stream
ID, the application gets a key from the data stream. The key stream ID is sent to an application on the other side. The
key stream ID is used to get identical key from the identical key stream by the application on the other side. By calling
QKD_CLOSE API, the application destroys the session.
One can consider that the present document is an easy implementation of ETSI GS QKD 004 [i.1]. It is possible to map
API defined in the present document into the ETSI GS QKD 004 [i.1] application interface model, as follows.
Table A.1
GS QKD 014 (the present document)
GS QKD 004 [i.1]
API Description Method Description
Get key API To get block key materials with
associated key IDs
1 QKD_OPEN To create a session and to get key
stream ID
2 QKD_GET_KEY To get key material from the
specified key stream ID
3 QKD_CLOSE To destroy the session
2 Key ID
Outside the scope 4 Key stream ID
Outside the scope
3 Get key with
key IDs API
To get block key materials
corresponding to the specified
key IDs
5 QKD_OPEN To open the session corresponding
to the specified key stream ID
6 QKD_GET_KEY To get key material from the
specified key stream ID
7 QKD_CLOSE To destroy the session
In this mapping, the key stream ID (in ETSI GS QKD 004 [i.1]) is used as the key ID (in the present document).
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
Annex B (informative):
An example of how to deliver keys to multiple SAEs
The present document provides an optional parameter for Get key API to specify multiple SAEs (see clause 6.2). With
the optional parameter, master SAE can specify one or more additional slave SAEs that are also authorized to retrieve
identical copies of the requested key(s). The implementation of this functionality is optional for a KME. The way in
which the underlying QKD network and KME deliver keys to multiple SAEs is outside the scope of the present
document. However, the following is a simple example of how keys might be delivered to multiple SAEs.
SAE A (master SAE) can initiate secure communication with SAE B (slave SAE) and SAE C (slave SAE) according to
the following steps:
Step 1: SAE A calls the key delivery API "Get key" with the SAE B ID and the SAE C ID of the slave SAEs
using additional_slave_SAE_IDs option field to get keys from KME A. KME A generates key materials with
the associated key IDs and delivers the key materials to SAE A that are (to be) shared with KME B and
Step 2: KME A securely transfers the generated key materials to KME B using QKD keys shared via QKD
link #1 between KME A and KME B. Then, KME B securely transfers the received key materials to KME C
using QKD keys shared via QKD link #2 between KME B and KME C.
Step 3: SAE A notifies SAE B and SAE C of the key IDs.
Step 4: SAE B calls the key delivery API "Get key with key IDs" with the SAE A ID of the master SAE and
the notified key IDs information to get the identical keys from KME B. KME B delivers to SAE B the
identical key materials when requested with key IDs matching those notified by KME A.
Step 5: SAE C calls the key delivery API "Get key with key IDs" with the SAE A ID of the master SAE and
the notified key IDs information to get the identical keys from KME C. KME C delivers to SAE C the
identical key materials when requested with key IDs matching those notified by KME A.
Figure B.1: Example of how to deliver keys to multiple SAEs
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
Annex C (informative):
Authors & contributors
The following people have contributed to the present document:
Yoshimichi Tanizawa, Toshiba
Other contributors:
Martin Ward, Toshiba
Hideaki Sato, Toshiba
Vicente Martin Ayuso, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Alejandro Aguado, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Oliver Maurhart, Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Alan Mink, Applied Communication Sciences - Vencore Labs, Inc.
Norbert Lutkenhaus, University of Waterloo
Momtchil Peev, Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH
Bruno Huttner, ID Quantique SA
Catherine White, British Telecommunications plc
Graham Wallace, Senetas Europe Limited
Joo Cho, ADVA Optical Networking SE
ETSI GS QKD 014 V1.1.1 (2019
Document history
V1.1.1 February 2019 Publication