European Medicines Verification
System (EMVS)
European Pack Coding Guidelines
Version 4.0
July 2017
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Version 4
Revision History
V1.0 June 2008 Initial Release
V1.1 June 2008 Amended some typographical errors, added extra detail to the serial number
constraints and added information regarding the randomisation requirements.
V1.2 Aug 2008 Removed the background and abstract sections. Removed the SSCC section
(potentially applicable later in the project) and amended the serial number
constraints. Added section to define the human readable text requirements.
V1.3 Sept 2008 Removed a small amount of duplication. Cross referenced the code size
section to the GS1 specifications. Clarified the human readable text size
requirements. Corrected a small number of typos. Awaiting incorporation of
further clarification on the randomisation.
V1.4 Dec 2008 Provided information regarding the serial number randomisation criteria.
V1.5 Dec 2008 Amended the serial number criteria. Amended the human readable text
specification and scope. Amended the pack code size criteria.
V1.6 Jan 2009 Removed obsolete text from section 1. Removed paragraph from Product
code section referencing the use of the package level indicator initial setting.
Included some suggested clarifications from GS1. Added definition for
alphanumeric character range, comments about permissible code quality
standards. Amended randomisation section. Removed the requirement for
the batch/lot code to be placed at the end of the data set (due to the use of
ASCII encoding)
V1.7 Jan 2009 Amended text in section 1 regarding the minimum human readable content,
randomisation section definition of data retention period. Added clarification
regarding the human readable text requirements. Replaced the AI references
for Expiry and Lot mistakenly deleted from V1.6. Defined the use of, and
value of, the package level indicator digit in the GTIN/pseudo GTIN. Added
the reference to the GS character within the lot code definition. Amended
both GS character usage statements to ensure that GS is not appended to
the end of the code after the final field. Removed picture from the front page.
V2.0 Feb 2009 First official general release.
V2.1 May 2009 Added footnote to define a Pseudo GTIN to aide clarity.
V3.0 April 2011 Added section to define the additional element for national reimbursement
number inclusion
V3.1 Jan 2013 Added a) new GS1 NTIN rules; b) reference to other schemas such as PPN;
c) suggestions regarding placement of codes
V3.2 Jan 2013 Internal review
V3.3 Feb 2013 Added example of SN, minor changes throughout
V3.4 March 2013 Minor changes
V3.5 April 2013 Minor changes, WS-3 Approved
V3.6 June 2013 Wording on randomisation requirements in sec. 2.2 updated to provide
additional clarity
V3.7 August 2015 Wording revised to remove all but the technical detail. Randomisation
wording clarified. Serial number character set recommendation revised the
text. Revised the code quality level to be in-line with expected Delegated
Regulation requirements.
V3.8 April 2016 Amended serial/batch number character set slightly, added multi-market
V3.9 March 2017 Added amends from Medicines for Europe, corrected and update the NHRN
content, de-branded from EFPIA to become a joint industry publication.
V3.91 June 2017 Added amends from EFPIA (Bayer)
V4.0 July 2017 Added further amends to section 2.3 and 2.9 from MfE and released.
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Table of Contents
Revision History .................................................................................................................. 1
1. The European Medicinal Pack Coding Specification ................................................ 4
1.1 Recommendation of GS1 Standard / 2D Data Matrix ............................................. 4
1.2 Accommodation of National Numbers .................................................................... 4
2. Content of the 2D Code ............................................................................................... 5
2.1 The Product Code .................................................................................................. 5
2.2 The Serial Number ................................................................................................. 6
2.3 The Expiry Date ..................................................................................................... 8
2.4 The Lot Number (Batch Code) ............................................................................... 8
2.5 The National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN) ................................... 8
3. Pack Code Attributes .................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Multi-Market Packs ................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Pack Code Size ................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Pack Code Quality ............................................................................................... 10
3.4 Human Readable Representation ........................................................................ 11
3.5 Code Placement .................................................................................................. 11
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Industry Coding and Serialisation Team
1. The European Medicinal Pack Coding Specification
1.1 Recommendation of GS1 Standard / 2D Data Matrix
In February 2006, the EFPIA board recommended the adoption of a unique standard for the
coding of pharmaceutical product across Europe based on the Data Matrix ECC-200 to be
introduced on all secondary packaging of prescription products sold in Europe.
The pack/item code will be accompanied by human readable text. The human readable text
will be in a font and size that are in accordance with country
specific requirements or GS1 recommendations depending on
local requirement.
As new members joined the EMVO alliance, EAEPC and
Medicines for Europe have helped to make this document a
common industry guideline.
1.2 Accommodation of National Numbers
National numbers may be required within the code in specific situations. The GS1 General
Specifications have been extended to accommodate the inclusion of national product
. This capability is provided by the use of NHRN (National Health Reimbursement
Numbers) which can be added to the data content of the code using the appropriate
Application Identifiers (AI’s). This is described below in section 2.5.
Alternatively, in some countries, GS1 has allocated a range of GTIN’s (Global Trade Item
Numbers) specifically for use with that country. These are collectively referred to as NTIN’s
(National Trade Item Numbers).
See “EFPIA & GS1: a shared vision for product identification in the context of the EU Directive on
Falsified Medicines”, issued January 2012
Data Matrix ECC-200
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2. Content of the 2D Code
The recommendation for coding of pharmaceutical products is to encode in a Data Matrix
code a minimum of four items of data. The preferred code structure would utilise the GS1
standards and in particular would make use of the AI’s already in use throughout the supply
chain today. The preferred structure uses only four of the many AIs available to define
1. the product code,
2. the serial number,
3. the expiry date and
4. the lot number (batch code).
Some markets may require the addition of a national number to the code. This is described
in section 2.5.
2.1 The Product Code
The preferred (by manufacturers) implementation for the product Code is to use the GS1
GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) however the European Hub and thus EMVS supports
both GTIN/NTIN and PPN coding schemes.
The four critical aspects for the GTIN element are:
1) It must be preceded by the application identifier 01.
2) It must have a code length of 14 digits
3) It must use a GS1 standard checksum in the 14
4) It must adhere to the GS1 use for the first digit:
a. For a sales unit a 0 is required.
b. For identification of higher package levels the range is 1-8. (the value 9 has a
special defined meaning ref GS1 specifications.)
Where the GTIN is held by the organisation as a GTIN-13, to use this value in the 2D code it
must first be converted to a GTIN-14. This can be achieved by simply prefixing the GTIN-13
value with a zero ‘0’. This addition does not affect the value of the check-digit, any other
value of prefix would require the re-calculation of the check digit.
Note: Special Consideration NTIN (National Trade Item Number):
The GTIN number pool allows for the inclusion of national coding schemes (for example the
CIP-13 code in France, the post 2009 PZN in Austria, the Nordic Vnr or the extended
German PZN.) These codes are generally referred to as NTINs (National Trade Item
Numbers). Under special agreements with GS1, NTINs do not start with the company prefix
but with a GS1-approved country-specific prefix followed by the national license or
registration code, i.e. NTIN codes are not determined by the MAH but instead assigned by a
Number Issuer, Industry body etc.
The NTIN differs to the national identifier NHRN described below in section 2.5, The
National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN), in that NTINs are taken from the
GTIN number pool and their global uniqueness is therefore guaranteed. They formally
present as a GTIN and can generally be used as a GTIN
There are only some areas where the use of an NTIN instead of a pure GS1-GTIN requires special
consideration: Similarly, deriving GTINs for higher pack levels using the indicator digit is problematic: In the case
of a GTIN, this can be derived by the pharma company who owns the company prefix but in the case of NTINs,
companies do NOT own the prefix and would therefore be modifying a GTIN/NTIN that is not theirs to modify.
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Examples of NTINs in use in Europe and formation rules:
NTIN formation rules
908888 + PZN + check digit
3400 + CIP/ACL Code + check digit
4150 + 8-digit PZN + check digit
847000 + Codigo Nacional
Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway
704626 + Nordic Drug Code issued by Nordic
Number office + check digit
7680 + Code assigned by Swissmedic (consists
of 5 digits Product License number + 3 digits
Pack Size indicator) + check digit
2.2 The Serial Number
The serial number is preceded by the AI 21 and adheres to the GS1 specification where this
field is a variable length (up to 20) alphanumeric field followed by a Group Separator (GS)
character (to delimit it from the next field unless it is the last field).
It is recommended that three further modifications should be considered to aide consumer
The alphanumeric range shall include the digits 0-9 and the letters of the western
alphabet but exclusion of the following letters: i, j, l, o, q and u. (I J L O Q U) might
help avoid confusion with similarly shaped characters/numerics.
The serial number character string should only contain either lower case or upper
case letters, not a mixture.
Use of the extended symbols, as defined by the complete GS1 specification and
documented below, should ideally be avoided.
The serial number will be unique per product code (i.e. not per batch or per product code-
batch code pair).
If these recommendations are fully adopted, this gives a range of 30 different alphanumeric
character options, 50 combinations if only the letter confusion aspects is adopted. 62
combinations if the case limitation is ignored and 82 combinations if the full GS1
specification is utilised. All of these options provide an essentially limitless provision of serial
numbers per product SKU
Using the GS1 specification (which is the industry norm and also represents the most
mature standard available in the supply chain today), the permissible characters include the
digit value 0 to 9 inclusive. Letters A to Z inclusive in both upper and lower case and the
non-numeric, non-letter based extended characters:
Thus the GS1 scheme permits 82 character combinations. The full GS1 supported character
set is documented in the GS1 Standard Specifications section 7.11 figure 7/11-1.
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In order to provide a reasonable level of complexity within the serial number, the probability
that a valid serial number can be guessed should be less than 1 in 10,000 (i.e. < 0.0001).
The rationale being that a potential counterfeiter would have to make and distribute 10,000
uniquely coded packs and only have one of those packs get through the system as valid.
Also, in order to minimise the opportunity for a counterfeiter to estimate the randomisation
pattern from two or more samples, the following randomisation rules or equivalent apply:
Given a sufficiently large set of (randomised) serial numbers for a product, the
randomisation substrings of the serial numbers
have to fulfil the following randomisation
1. The randomisation substrings must be equally distributed. e.g. the serial number
substring should not contain fixed blocks of fixed digits.
2. Any randomisation substring must be independent of other substrings.
3. The randomisation substrings must not be built using an algorithm that is easy to find
out when knowing the given set of serials or a subset thereof.
Serial IDs shall not be reused within the longer of a) Exp Date +1 year or b) five years.
Examples that do not fulfil the randomisation rules:
Sorted ascending
Not random: generated
using incremental value of
Poor randomness: fixed
substrings „230“ and „07“
Manufacturers might want to compose the serial numbers e.g. of a header substring with fixed contents (e.g.
determining the production site) followed by a substring with variable contents containing the randomisation part
of the serial id.
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2.3 The Expiry Date
This field will conform to GS1 standards and is preceded with the AI 17. It is a fixed 6-digit
field with the digits representing YYMMDD. Organisations more used to a four-digit year
code will be required to truncate the code to the two least significant digits. This field being
of fixed length does not require to be followed by a GS character and in the interests of
minimum printed code size should not be followed by a GS. It is required to enter 00 for the
day when the day code is not specified/used and only a year and month identifier is used
e.g. YYMM00 (ref GS1 specifications section 3.6.11) and setting the day code to 00 implies
the last day of the specified month.
171215 = 15 Dec 2017
171200 = Dec 2017.
2.4 The Lot Number (Batch Code)
The lot number (batch code) conforms to GS1 standards and is preceded with the AI of 10
and is a variable length field of up to 20 alphanumeric digits followed by a Group Separator
(GS) character (to delimit it from the next field unless it is the last field). It is recommended
that the range of characters defined for the GS1 specification ( see section 2.2) is permitted
within the batch code as is already common industry practice, however where possible we
recommend to reduce the characters used according to the same guidelines described
above in section 2.2 for the serial numbers.
2.5 The National Healthcare Reimbursement Number (NHRN)
The updated GS1 General Specifications now makes provision for national numbers to be
accommodated within the GS1 standards. When a national number is held in this format in
accordance with GS1 standards, it will be called an NHRN (National Healthcare
Reimbursement Number).
It is not the intention for the NHRN to replace the GTIN, rather to allow national numbers to
be held and stored within systems and data carriers in a GS1 compliant way. This will allow,
for example, a GTIN and national number to be held in the same Data Matrix code so that
both can be captured with a single scan. In this way any stakeholder wishing to obtain the
national number for a product will be able to derive it based on the NHRN field.
The following Application Identifiers have so far been defined
(note that the NHRN part is
defined and controlled by the associated regulatory body or assigning organisation indicated
Application Identifier
National Healthcare
Reimbursement Number
variable length X
Germany (IFA)
variable length X
Brazil (Anvisa)
Additional NHRN AI’s can be requested through the GS1 GSMP.
The NHRN is usually assigned by a national authority to healthcare brand owners for
specific trade items and shall only be used for compliance to regulatory requirements where
the GTIN alone in a bar code symbol will not meet the requirements. Use of NHRN on the
item is controlled by and subject to the rules and regulations of national/regional agencies.
ref GS1 General Specifications Release 17.0.1 Jan 2017 Figure 3.8.17-2
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When a regionally specific NHRN AI is approved (as above), the overall variable length (i.e.
allowable number of characters) is specified by the national authority, with a twenty (20)
alpha-numeric characters maximum as noted in the general format above.
Where the NHRN is required, the data set will need to include more than four elements;
1. The GTIN (which will be provided by the manufacturing organisation)
2. The Expiry Date
3. The Lot Number
4. The Serial ID and
5. The NHRN.
In fact, it is possible to associate more than one NHRN with a given GTIN, dependent upon
regional and market needs, though in practical terms (size of code and associated issues
around printing and placement of larger Data Matrix codes) manufacturers will probably try
to avoid this.
3. Pack Code Attributes
3.1 Multi-Market Packs
Multi-market packs are those that can be supplied by the original manufacturer (or re-
packer) in an unaltered form to more than a single market. The simplest way to achieve a
common pack is where each market of intended sale is able to use the product code as the
identifier for the product. This is where a globally accepted coding scheme such as the GS1
GTIN provides great benefit. In this ideal scenario, each pack will be provided with a Data
Matrix code containing the four basic data elements only. In addition, the EMVS system
allows the product code (GTIN) and local reimbursement number to be linked at database
level further enhancing the advantages of a four element, GTIN only based code.
GS1 have published a very detailed guidance document covering multi-market packs
entitled Recommendations on a harmonised implementation of the EU Falsified Medicines
Directive using GS1 standards”
There will be circumstances where local market conditions require that the local
reimbursement number is included within the code.
As an example, a two market pack is supplied where one market is able to utilise the GTIN
directly and the other requires that a local reimbursement number is provided within the
code. If we take the market requiring the local reimbursement number in this example as
Germany, the Data Matrix code might contain (using the GS1 scheme):
Data Element Description
Application Identifier
Example Data
Product Code
Expiry Date
Batch Number/Lot Code
Serial Number
The data encoded into the Data Matrix code for this example would be:
The local reimbursement number, PZN in this example, is shown as the last element in the
code following the AI (Application Identifier) 710.
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The <GS> is a symbolic representation for the ASCII Group Separator character (ASCII
value 29).
3.2 Pack Code Size
The use of either rectangular codes or square codes is left to manufacturer preference and
the limitations of the printing technology available
The GS1 numbering specification for very small
healthcare items specifies the dimensions
shown in the table adjacent. It is recommended
that these targets are also employed on larger
healthcare items such as folding boxes and
Note: Small module sizes should be avoided
where possible to increase the readability of the
code and avoid the need to use specialised code marking equipment.
The pack code may be printed in either normal orientation or inverse to allow for coding
techniques such as laser ablation.
3.3 Pack Code Quality
The quality of the Data Matrix code printing applied to the pack should be 1.5 (C) or better in
accordance with ISO/TEC 15415:2011, and printed using ECC200 error correction and will
utilise ASCII encoding according to ISO 16022. The use of ASCII encoding is to ensure
maximal interoperability with code reading devices likely to be used in the field.
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3.4 Human Readable Representation
The requirement is that the fields of product code, expiry date, lot number (batch code) and
serial number shall be shown on the pack in human readable format.
If a national Code (national reimbursement number/NHRN) is also included, the human
readable representation of that value shall also appear on the pack.
Where the dimensions of the pack allow, the human readable elements shall be adjacent to
the Data Matrix code.
In the event that the sum of the two longest dimensions of the pack are equal to, or less than
10 centimetres, the human readable fields do not have to be applied.
In most cases, country specific requirements will prevail both in terms of character size and
format e.g. DD/MM/YYYY for expiry date etc.
Each field printed on the pack should be preferably prefixed according to the following
Field Name
Preferred Prefix
Product Code
Expiry Date
Batch Number/Lot Code
Serial Number
3.5 Code Placement
Learning from the EFPIA Sweden Pilot and from manufacturers who are already serialising
packs is that where to place the code on the pack is an important consideration:
Experience has shown that printing high-quality codes is one of the decisive elements
between successful implementation and failure. In addition to selecting the most appropriate
printing technology this requires manufacturers to ensure that the pack carton is suitable, i.e.
that the appropriate substrate is selected, that varnish-free areas are available, and that
there is enough free space on the artwork (including possible interaction with the chosen
tamper-evident technology).
Establishing good control over the packs as they are presented to the printer is a key
measure in achieving high and consistent print quality and enables successful operation of
the vision systems.
Also consider the implications of placing the Data Matrix in relation to other barcodes, as the
Sweden Pilot has shown that carrying codes in close proximity will lead to read errors.