Sample Feedback Forms
History ................................................................................................................ 2
English ................................................................................................................ 3
Philosophy ......................................................................................................... 4
Politics/ Social Sciences .................................................................................. 5
Life Sciences ..................................................................................................... 6
Physical Sciences ............................................................................................. 7
Mathematics/ Computing ............................................................................. 9
Title of Assignment
Who was to blame for the Becket dispute?
Knowledge and Understanding 70
Research and Evidence 72
Well done, your knowledge of the dispute and the
events surrounding it shows in your essay. It is clear
that you understand the main points of contention
(e.g. control over the Church), and you have
discussed these in an easily understood way.
You have clearly done your research for this
essay. You have considered the views of
different historians, and I am particularly
impressed by your use of primary sources
here. Remember, the people themselves are
‘contemporaries’ it is their writings that are
the ‘contemporary sources’. There were a
couple of places that needed a reference,
but you have generally added supporting
evidence and references where necessary.
Developing an Argument 67
Critical Evaluation 75
You have done a good job here of creating a
structured and flowing argument. You have
separated your argument into logical sections,
though I was a little unsure by what you meant
when you said ‘the Church is the reason for the
dispute’. It became clearer later on in that
paragraph, but make sure that you clearly explain
your points, as these may not always be obvious
to the marker.
Well done, you have considered a wide
range of views here. As I said, I am
particularly impressed with your discussion of
the primary authors, and your discussion over
the reliability of Gilbert Foliot’s letter highlights
the main issues we must consider as
Structure and Presentation 70
Language and Style 63
Well done, your introduction sets up the context
and explains why this is an important question to
consider. Although it is important to explain the
events of the dispute, the introduction could have
been shortened slightly to give you more room for
the main body of your essay.
Your writing is generally clear and flows.
Make sure to read through your work more
than once to avoid unnecessary grammar or
spelling mistakes. There were a few spelling
mistakes that clearly just came from typing. If
you had proof read these could have been
Title of Assignment
Why Should Music Lyrics be Classed as Poetry?
Knowledge and Understanding - 75
Research and Evidence 75
This is a superb essay that insightfully considers the
title question in relation to a number of topics
we’ve covered in class. Your confidence with the
material we’ve covered in class gives you an
authoritative but engaging tone. I’m particularly
pleased with your close analysis of music lyrics.
Great work.
Your analysis of music lyrics is excellent. Your point
about The Beatles’ use of the dactyl in ‘Lucy in the
Sky with Diamonds’ is a highlight. I’d be pleased
with this level of analysis from one of my university
students. I’m also delighted that you didn’t just
include secondary criticism but integrated it
neatly into the essay.
Developing an Argument 75
Critical Evaluation 77
Your introduction sets up the question in a
thought- provoking way but also clearly states
your take on the subject. Your conclusion closes
things off nicely by summing up your key points
and asking some poignant questions of critics who
argue that lyrics are unpoetic. All your points are
incisive and pertinent to the title question.
Critical evaluation is very important to this essay
question because you’ve not only been asked to
think critically about certain texts but also to
consider why and how we distinguish between
literary forms. For this reason, in dealing with this
question so masterfully you’ve shown very
impressive critical evaluation skills.
Structure and Presentation 75
Language and Style 75
The essay is structured and presented well. Well
done also for referencing the essay!
You have a very engaging writing style which
allows you to communicate your ideas with clarity
and sophistication.
Title of Assignment
The Moral Justification of Punishment.
Knowledge and Understanding 68
Research and Evidence 65
You demonstrated very good understanding of the
key issues and theories. Your explanations were clear,
and you covered most of the key points relating to
both consequentialism and deontology. Well done!.
On the other hand, there were some points that
needed further clarification. For example, you did
not explain the important difference between
normative and descriptive ethics and this led to
certain misconceptions. Kant did not advocate the
suffering of an offender as the main aim of
retribution, although making the offender suffer may
appear to be the key aim of punishment in
descriptive forms of retribution. In the future try to
double check the sources that you are using and be
punctual with all of your explanations (which were
the case for the most part of the essay).
You used many sources from the handbook and also
conducted some external research. Well done. Try to
be consistent with referencing all of your sources
correctly. For instance, in one of your arguments
against retribution you referred to malicious
satisfaction as one of its negative corollaries. This was
argued by Nietzsche who you did not reference
while developing this argument. Also there were
some references that you could have added while
criticizing retribution (e.g. Murphy 1988-retributive
Developing an Argument 67
Critical Evaluation 68
You had a clear main argument which you
developed nicely by reaching a conclusion that
came as a result of your critique of retribution (which
was very good), and by advocating utilitarianism.
You also had a clear opening where you stated the
aim of the paper and your main argument.
Moreover, you used most of your references in
relation to developing an argument, and not merely
for writing a report style essay which is what we want
to avoid. Overall, I felt that the essay had a sense of
purpose. Well done!! As a rule of thumb always ask
two questions after referring to a source, or finishing a
paragraph. Why did I write this paragraph? And how
does it help in the development of my main
Your critique of retribution was very good indeed, and
served the purpose of developing your main argument. On
the other hand, your evaluation was quite one-sided since
your negative remarks focused mainly on retribution and
not on utilitarianism. In this way, you did not refer to, and did
not respond to any relevant counterarguments. For
example, Kant argued that ‘justice would cease to be
justice’ if we apply consequentialist principles in the practise
of punishment. How would you respond to this remark?
Therefore, in the future you have to identify counter
arguments and respond to them. This will improve your
evaluation, and also strengthen your own argument. It is
important that you give equal weight in presenting both
arguments and counter arguments. This can be done by
employing a personal dialectic. You could have imagined
that you support retribution instead of utilitarianism in this
essay. How would the retributivist persuade the utilitarian
and vice versa?
Structure and Presentation 69
Language and Style 68
Your structure and writing flow were very good. Your
paper was succinct, organised, and easy to read.
Well done. Moreover, you used many linking phrases
and transition words. Most of your paragraphs were
written succinctly and with a sense of purpose.
You used many academic expressions and verbiage.
Well done. Your vocabulary can certainly be
enriched, therefore I would advise you to read
academic material, and learn new ways of
expressing your views. Keep in mind that language
facilitates thought, and the more you enrich your
vocabulary the better you are going to be in terms of
expressing your thoughts clearly and concisely.
Politics/ Social Sciences
Title of Assignment
“Given the current political and social context in the UK, do you think
it is a good time to stand up for human rights? Do you think they still
matter today?”
Knowledge and Understanding 74
Research and Evidence 73
In your essay you have demonstrated an excellent
understanding and knowledge of the topic and
justified very well the material used through very
interesting examples. All of the materials used in the
essay are relevant to the specific essay title as well
as to the general topic of human rights. Overall,
You have shown clearly your understanding about
how and why human rights must be protected.
You have shown excellent evidence of research of
relevant material to support your arguments. You
included information from a rich variety of
interesting sources for the essay question and
therefore you have shown clear evidence of
further reading beyond the materials provided in
the Course Handbook.
Developing an Argument 78
Critical Evaluation 77
The arguments in the essay were exceptionally
well-developed, consistently clear and well-
justified. The material used was critically analysed
and well-developed in order to support your
arguments on the topic. You sufficiently engaged
with your examples and developed a convincing
argument and/or made links between the different
ideas presented. Overall, your position on the topic
is clearly established and is developed effectively
and consistently throughout the essay.
The essay moved beyond a mere description of the
topic and the student provided a very good critical
analysis of the material used and supported the
arguments raised through interesting examples.
You have effectively presented your ideas in an
interesting and critical manner and you have
presented a good quality and variety of examples
to do so.
Structure and Presentation 78
Language and Style 76
The essay is very well-organised and well-
presented. The ideas presented in the essay are
nicely divided into paragraphs and there is a
logical flow of your arguments throughout the
essay. The links between the ideas presented in the
essay were effectively linked together in a nice
way. The essay also has a clear and well-written
introduction and conclusion.
The language used throughout the essay was
appropriate and relevant to the topic and general
theme of the course. Key terminology from the
course material was also used, which added more
value to the quality of essay as a whole. In general,
the writing style was clear and easy to follow.
Life Sciences
Title of Assignment
Why don’t some drugs make good medicines?
Knowledge and Understanding 55
Research and Evidence 55
It would be good to see more detail in both
articles (e.g. what exactly were the side effects
in part A and how exactly did it cause damage
in part B). You have used a range of subject-
specific vocabulary throughout your work.
Good extra research from a range of sources. It
would be good to demonstrate critical
evaluation by analysing the reliability of the
Developing an Argument 58
Critical Evaluation 50
You have given reasons given for your opinions,
which helps successfully develop your
Links between your different ideas could have
been stronger (e.g. the enantiomer chemistry
from tutorials and how this relates to your essay)
You have presented the key information
accurately, but need to develop your
evaluation by explaining your opinion and
interpreting the sources in greater detail.
For example, if you’ve presented a fat, explain
why that suggests that some drugs make good
Structure and Presentation 58
Language and Style 58
Good referencing
Don’t add anything brand new to the
conclusion (zopiclone as an alternative).
You have structured your work logically into
paragraphs. To develop, you could improve
your introduction by introducing your main
argument, in addition to providing an overview
of the subject of the essay.
A few small spelling/grammar mistakes make
sure you proofread carefully.
In academic writing, avoid contractions like
Physical Sciences
Title of Assignment
Case Study: I am a mother to a 4-year-old child. My child has been having
recurring pain in their abdomen. We went to the doctors and our GP has
referred my child for an MRI scan at a nearby hospital.
I do not know much about MRI, and I am concerned about my child having
this scan. How does MRI work and is it safe? Are there any other options?
What will show up on this scan? Should I be worried?
Based on your knowledge from this course and your own wider research write
a formal essay evaluating the use of MRI in current medical practise referring
to the case above.
If marks have been deducted (e.g. late submission, plagiarism) the PhD tutor should give an explanation in this
Knowledge and Understanding - 68
Research and Evidence - 69
There is a really good demonstration of knowledge!
The explanation of how MRI works is very clear and
scientific terms are used accurately. There is
justification throughout, for example, a clear
explanation of the benefits and negatives of contrast
agents, and a clear reason as to why this is relevant to
the case study. The content is relevant to the topic
and refers back to the case study really well! There
are a few times where you could have mentioned the
abdomen being the area of investigation but
generally it linked to the case study really well! In
general a great understanding well done! There are
some issues of accuracy, for example the paragraph
about ADC is not all that clear and contradicts itself
when referring to necrosis fast diffusion happens in
necrosis (high ADC, bright image) you say this
correctly and then in the next sentence say the
opposite, it could also be a bit clearer when referring
to distinguishing between benign and malignant
There is evidence of extra research, which is well
written in your own words, for example where
you referred to the incident of metal objects in
the scanner room in India. This is great to see!
You also reference the occurrence of side
effects for contrast agents this is a great use of
extra research and fits in very well with your
argument. It was great you also did some
research on MRI scanners and explained how
kings’ hospital have a ‘spaceship’ – this is good
research and relevant to the case study of the
young child. There are times where you could
have added in some more references for
example the information on ADC and DWI. Also
it would have been good if you had backed up
your points on CT with some references.
Developing an Argument - 64
Critical Evaluation - 62
There are clear sides to both arguments and they are
presented well. There is justification to your points
(sometimes backed up by research) this is brilliant!
There is a clear introduction and conclusion which
bring your points together really well, clearing
establishing a point of view on the matter based on
your research. There are times when it could flow a
little better, and your arguments could be more
There is evidence of critical evaluation, for
example when you mention contrast agents and
refer to the likelihood of these side effects. You
develop on your arguments well, for example
not just stating that metal cannot be taken in the
scanner but explaining why and giving an
coherent. You mention staying still, motion and
sedation all good points, but they could be put
together in a more logical order. Try combining similar
arguments and creating a logical flow between each
point you make.
example of the dangers. It is good you
mentioned size of the patient being a factor, but
you could have mentioned how this case study is
for a young child and so not likely to be an issue.
It is also good to comment on the reliability of
the sources and context. For example, you could
explain how the metal incident is uncommon
and did not happen in the UK. You could also
comment on how the Kings’ hospital ‘spaceship
is a good idea, but not many hospitals have this.
Structure and Presentation - 69
Language and Style - 71
It is clearly presented in paragraphs and double-
spaced! There is a clear introduction and conclusion.
Your arguments are in clear separate paragraphs!
There are times when the arguments could flow better
and be in a more coherent order.
There are no spelling errors, and generally very
good grammar! In general there is a formal tone,
and technical language is used correctly
throughout! It is not written in the first person and
is easy and clear to read! The paragraph
explaining ADC could be slightly clearer and
more formal, but otherwise it was very well
Mathematics/ Computing
Title of Assignment
Does Facebook Control the World?