Connecting to Fox Servers
CS department has set up Linux server for instructional use. These servers are called
"Fox" servers, which is how we will be referring to them as.
There are 4 servers set up for student use. In order to connect to them using SSH, you
will need to use the IP addresses (not hostnames). Following are the IP addresses:
o Fox01 -
o Fox02 -
o Fox03 -
o Fox04 -
You can connect to any of the servers. They all share the same file hierarchy. Meaning,
your files will be available and be synced on all servers.
Username - your abc123
o If you already had an account, your password will be the same as last semester.
o If not, the default password will be your BANNER ID (without the @). Please
change your password right away using the "passwd" command.
Once you are on the UTSA network (more information in a separate document), you will need to
connect to the Fox servers using a Secure Shell (SSH) connection. Following are some of the
ways of doing this:
Windows - OpenSSH
o OpenSSH is the open-source version of the Secure Shell (SSH) tools used by
administrators of Linux and other non-Windows for cross-platform management
of remote systems.
o OpenSSH has been added to Windows as of autumn 2018, and is included in
Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019.
o Please go through this link for more information -
o Run Command Prompt
o Type "ssh {abc123}@{ip-address}".
o Replace "{abc123}" with your abc123 without curly braces.
o Replace "{ip-address}" with the IP address of the Fox server you are
trying to connect to.
o Upon pressing enter, it may ask you to accept security certificates, please type
o Next, it will prompt for password, type it there. Upon success, you will be in the
Fox server.
o To close the connection, type "exit" and press enter.
Mac / Linux
o Run Terminal
o Type "ssh {abc123}@{ip-address}".
o Replace "{abc123}" with your abc123 without curly braces.
Replace "{ip-address}" with the IP address of the Fox server you are
trying to connect to.
Upon pressing enter, it may ask you to accept security certificates, please type
Next, it will prompt for password, type it there. Upon success, you will be in the
Fox server.
To close the connection, type "exit" and press enter.
Windows - MobaXterm
If you prefer to use a Graphical User Interface (GUI), MobaXterm is a tool that
can be used to establish a Secure Shell (SSH) connection.
You can download MobaXterm from here -
If you will be using the UTSA VDI, MobaXterm will already be loaded on
the desktop.
Double click the icon. If asked for admin access and if you do not have it, press
'Cancel'. It will still allow you to use the application.
Following is how the application will look like.
Click "Session" from the top left corner. In the tab that is opened, select "SSH".
In the "Remote Host" text box, enter the IP address of the Fox server you would
like to connect to.
Select the check box to the left of "Specify Username" and in the text box anter
your abc123.
Click "OK". This will open a session, i.e., a black terminal window.
NOTE: When you are typing a password, it will not appear on the screen and the cursor will not
move. But rest assured the password is being typed.