Renewing Your
2021 Dealer
License & Plates
An informaonal handout from MADA
       If updates are
required to the informaon listed on your renewal, note
the changes on the applicaon. In this instance, its best to
mail your paperwork to MADA so we can work with you and
the state to get the changes made. There may be addional
paperwork required - and renewing online with the changes
could cause delay or prevent renewal. We will review your
paperwork for accuracy before hand delivering it to the
state. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience.
It is now more important than ever to keep accurate
inventory of plates/tabs and report any lost or stolen plates.
¤ To  at renewal me, submit
an addional plate request (Form AR-0036) along with
proof of inventory to support your request.
¤ To , specify the exact plate
numbers you will no longer use. Space is provided on the
renewal applicaon.
¤       are subject to
standard $5 replacement fees and procedures. Form AR-
0036 would also be used for these situaons.
¤ Addional or replaced dealer plates may be hard printed
with the year “21” and will require new tabs. The state is
using the current stock unl depleted.
¤        
Tabs will be automacally processed and mailed for
dealers with an acve mul-year license.
CARS e-Services
is expected to open for the dealer license renewal cycle on
September 21. Once it opens, dealers may renew online with
or without the paper renewal from the state.
¤ There is no PIN access code required.
¤ Only the  can access renewal acvity.
¤ The state hopes you are logging in on a regular basis
to manage your account, but if not, the login become
inacve aer 12 months of inacvity. If this happens
please contact MADA for assistance.
A current copy of a dealership’s cercate of liability
insurance (ACORD) must be in your e-Services account at
all mes. It is suggested that dealers also provide a copy at
renewal me. This can be uploaded when renewing online,
or include a copy with your mailed renewal. Two reminders
regarding the cercate:
¤ Under the automove liability secon Any Vehicle” or
All Owned Vehicles” must be marked.
¤ The state suggests that dealers ask their insurance
provider to make the “State of Michigan - Business
Licensing Secon” a cercate holder to ensure the
informaon stays current with the state.
Dealers who renew online have the opon to renew for 1-4
years at a me (with all fees paid up front; no refunds). Those
in the middle of a mul-year renewal cycle will not receive
paperwork from the state at this me.
¤       Check the expiraon
date on your current printed wall license to be sure. The
state’s online database within CARS e-Services also lists
license expiraon dates.
¤ 
Give MADA a call. We will contact the state
on your behalf and make sure you get the paperwork.
¤ The Michigan Department of State will mail (via USPS) your
renewal packets - including supplementals - to your main
lot. It is separate from this MADA mailing.
¤ Completed renewals should be submied by Nov. 16, 2020.
¤ !! The state is
now renewing plates with TABS each year.
No longer will dealerships receive new dealer plates each
year. Instead, you will receive tabs, similar to Michigan
resident plate renewals. A few things to know:
Tabs will be mailed once a dealers renewal has been
processed and issued.
Tabs should be placed at the TOP RIGHT CORNER, and
can be placed on dealer plates upon receipt. (Motorcycle
tabs are placed at the boom right.)
Questions? Contact Jean Quinn • Phone: (800) 292-1923 • fax: (517) 351-3120
Please Note