Mix the Baking Soda and Constarch
Mix the baking soda and cornstarch in a large mixing bowl. For
now, keep the citric acid set aside and do not mix it in. Use a
mixing spoon to break up any clumps.
Bath bomb molds
1 cup Baking soda
1/2 cup Citric acid
1/2 cup Cornstarch
Fragrance oil
Provided in kit:
Mixing bowl
Measuring spoons
Spoon for stirring
Food coloring (optional)
Not provided:
Add Essential Oil
Add the essential oil a few drops at a time into the mixture and mix
until fully incorporated. You may find that it's easier to use your
hands to incorporate the oil, rather than a spoon. If desired, you
can wear gloves to keep your hands clean.
Add the Coloring
Mix the color a few drops at a time into the dry mixture using your
hands. The more drops you
use, the deeper and more saturated the color will become.
Tip: If you're planning on making multiple colors of bath bombs
from this single batch, separate the dry ingredients into equal parts
in different bowls (you'll need to separate the citric acid as well).
Let the Balls Dry
The bath bombs need to harden before they can be used. Leave them
to dry overnight at room
Add the Water
Add water half a teaspoon at a time, stirring the mixture in after
each addition. Keep adding water until the mixture becomes the
texture of damp sand and will hold in a tight clump.
Add the Citric Acid
Add the citric acid and thoroughly combine until well-mixed.
Mold the Ball
Pack the two sides of your bath bomb mold full of the mixture.
Pack it tightly and slightly overfill. Press the two sides of the mold
together as tightly as you can. Gently pull off one side of the mold,
flip the ball over into your hand, and pull off the other side of the
Tip: Handle the bath bomb very gently, as the mixture is still
slightly damp and not yet hardened.
Smooth the Sides
Use the back of the spoon to smooth the seam of the ball where
the molds met.
More detailed instructions may be found at:
• Text your photo to 503-877-9893
• Email us at [email protected]
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