39-04-01. Definitions.
Repealed by S.L. 1987, ch. 439, § 2.
39-04-02. Application for the registration of a vehicle - Contents - Penalty.
Application for the registration of a vehicle must be made as provided in this section:
1. Application must be made by the owner thereof using the legal name as evidenced by
a valid state-issued driver's license, identity card, or any other documentary evidence
that confirms to the satisfaction of the director the true identity of the owner, upon
appropriate forms approved or furnished by the department, and every application
must be signed by the owner and must contain the owner's county of residence,
address, and a brief description of the vehicle to be registered, including the name of
the maker, either the engine, serial, or identification number, if any, whether new or
used, and the last license number known, and the state in which issued, and, upon the
registration of a new vehicle, the date of sale by the manufacturer or dealer to the
person first operating the vehicle. When two or more owners are designated, at least
one of the owners must comply with the identification requirement in this subsection
and all names used must be legal names. The application must contain other
information as may be required by the department.
2. If the vehicle for which registration is sought is a specially constructed, reconstructed,
or foreign vehicle, the facts must be stated in the application. The owner of every
vehicle which has been registered outside this state shall exhibit to the department the
certificate of the title and registration card or other evidence as will satisfy the
department that the applicant is the lawful owner or possessor of the vehicle.
3. If the vehicle for which registration is sought is a new vehicle, no registration may be
issued unless a certificate of origin executed by the manufacturer of such vehicle is
attached to the application for registration or is attached to the application for the
certificate of title for such vehicle. If the new vehicle for which registration is sought is
of foreign manufacture, the certificate of origin must be furnished by the importer of
such vehicle. The manufacturer or importer of all new vehicles shall designate the total
shipping weight of the vehicle on the certificate of origin.
4. In applying for registration the buyer shall state the buyer's post-office address and
county and city or township of residence and the dealer shall make specific inquiry
relative thereto before completing the application.
5. If the registration is for a semitrailer tank designated as MC306, MC307, MC312,
MC330, MC331, or MC338, the applicant must show, upon request by an officer of the
highway patrol, the status of compliance with hazardous material rules of the United
States department of transportation or of this state. Violation of this subsection is
punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars.
39-04-02.1. Change of address.
Whenever any person after making application for or obtaining the registration of a vehicle
moves from the address named in the application or shown upon a registration card such
person shall within ten days thereafter notify the department of the person's old and new
39-04-03. Size of tires to be given in application when truck, combination truck, or
trailer registered.
Repealed by S.L. 1971, ch. 355, § 1.
39-04-04. Register of applicants to be kept by the department.
The department shall file each application received, and when satisfied as to the
genuineness and regularity thereof, and that the applicant is entitled thereto, shall register the
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described vehicle and the owner in books or electronic data processing files or on index cards
or film as follows:
1. Under a distinctive registration number assigned to the vehicle and its owner, referred
to in this chapter as the registration number.
2. Alphabetically under the name of the owner.
3. Numerically by the serial or identification number of the vehicle.
4. In the discretion of the department, in any other manner it may deem desirable.
39-04-05. Grounds for refusing registration.
The department shall refuse registration or any transfer of registration upon any of the
following grounds:
1. That the application contains any false or fraudulent statement or that the applicant
has failed to furnish required information or reasonable additional information
requested by the department or that the applicant is not entitled to registration of the
vehicle under this chapter.
2. That the vehicle is mechanically unfit or unsafe to be operated or moved upon the
3. That the department has reasonable ground to believe that the vehicle is a stolen or
embezzled vehicle or that the granting of registration would constitute a fraud against
the rightful owner or other person having valid lien upon the vehicle.
4. That the registration of the vehicle stands suspended or revoked for any reason as
provided in the motor vehicle laws of this state.
5. That the required fee has not been paid.
6. When any sales tax or motor vehicle excise tax, properly due, has not been paid.
7. For failure to maintain security for payment of basic no-fault benefits and the liabilities
covered under motor vehicle liability insurance on a motor vehicle as required by
chapter 26.1-41.
8. For failure to provide proof of payment of the heavy vehicle use tax due, as required,
to the internal revenue service.
9. When the vehicle is operating in violation of the provisions of the international
registration plan, international fuel tax agreement, or the unified carrier registration
10. When a motor carrier has been ordered out of service by the federal motor carrier
safety administration.
The director shall promulgate rules and regulations for refusal of registration of vehicles not
equipped as required by chapter 39-21.
39-04-05.1. Refusal to register vehicle - Revoking registration - Appeal.
1. If the department determines that an applicant for registration of a vehicle is not
entitled to registration, it may refuse to register the vehicle. The applicant has no
further right to apply for registration on the statements contained in the application
unless the department reverses its decision or its decision is reversed by a court of
competent jurisdiction.
2. The department may, after giving notice to the owner and an opportunity for a hearing,
revoke the registration of a vehicle if it determines that the vehicle is not entitled to
registration. The notice must be served in person or by registered or certified mail.
39-04-06. When registration rescinded or suspended.
The department shall rescind or suspend the registration of a vehicle for any of the
1. When the department determines a vehicle is unsafe or unfit to be operated or is not
equipped as required by law.
2. When the person to whom the registration card or registration number plates have
been issued makes or permits any unlawful use of the same or permits the use thereof
by a person or on a vehicle not entitled thereto.
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3. When the department finds that a vehicle is registered in accordance with a reciprocity
agreement, arrangement, or declaration and the vehicle is operated in violation of the
4. When the department determines that a motor vehicle is not covered by security for
payment of basic no-fault benefits and the liabilities covered under motor vehicle
liability insurance as required by chapter 26.1-41.
5. When the department is satisfied that the registration or registration card, plate, or
permit was fraudulently or erroneously issued.
6. When a registered vehicle has been dismantled or wrecked.
7. When a registration card, registration plate, or permit is knowingly displayed upon a
vehicle other than the one for which issued.
8. When the department determines that the owner has committed any offense under this
chapter involving the registration or the registration card, plate, or permit to be
suspended or rescinded.
9. When the purchaser or transferee of a vehicle fails to present the endorsed and
assigned certificate of title to the department for transfer and make application for a
new certificate of title within thirty days as required by section 39-05-17.
10. When the department determines a vehicle is operating in violation of the provisions of
the international fuel tax agreement.
11. When a motor carrier has been ordered out of service by the federal motor carrier
safety administration.
Any registration suspended for any of the above reasons must be restored upon compliance
with the laws governing vehicle registration.
Whenever a check is returned to the department for want of payment the department shall
rescind the registration of the vehicle covered by the check.
Any registration rescinded for want of payment of a check must be restored upon payment
of the registration fee and a reasonable cost not to exceed twenty dollars for the collection of the
check. If a returned check has a value exceeding one thousand dollars, the department shall
also collect an additional fee of one percent of the value of the check.
39-04-07. Department to suspend registration upon notice of theft or embezzlement.
Whenever the owner of any motor vehicle which is stolen or embezzled files an affidavit
alleging either of such facts, the department immediately shall suspend the registration of such
vehicle and may not transfer the registration thereof nor reregister the same until such time as it
is notified that the owner has recovered such vehicle. Notices given as provided in this section
are effective only during the current registration year in which given, but if during such year such
vehicle is not recovered a new affidavit may be filed with like effect during the ensuing year.
Every owner who has filed an affidavit of theft or embezzlement immediately must notify the
department of the recovery of such vehicle.
39-04-08. Number plates furnished by the department.
The department shall furnish to every motor vehicle owner two number plates for each
registered motor vehicle, and one number plate for each registered motorcycle, trailer, or
housetrailer. The department may, in its discretion, furnish only one number plate for each
registered apportioned vehicle licensed under the international registration plan as authorized in
section 39-19-04, truck tractor, or semitrailer.
39-04-08.1. Assignment of motor vehicle number plates.
Motor vehicle number plates may not be assigned as a reward for any political activity, in
recognition of any political affiliation or membership in any political party, or on the basis of
political favoritism. However, an elected state office may be assigned a single or double digit
number on a number plate as requested by that official. The department of transportation may
adopt rules governing the assignment of numbers on motor vehicle number plates in
accordance with this section.
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39-04-09. Director may design and issue number plates.
The director may design and issue plates of distinctly different color for each classification of
motor vehicle, and there must at all times be a marked contrast between the background color
of the plates and that of the numerals and letters on the plates. License plates must be acquired
from the North Dakota state penitentiary if the penitentiary has the facilities to manufacture
license plates. The director shall make a general issue during the biennium beginning July 1,
2013, and ending June 30, 2015, and continuing into the biennium beginning July 1, 2015, and
ending June 30, 2017.
39-04-09.1. Commemorative Lewis and Clark number plates.
Repealed by S.L. 2015, ch. 260, § 1.
39-04-10. Special plates for amateur radio station licenseholders.
Owners of motor vehicles required to be registered under subdivisions a and b of
subsection 2 of section 39-04-19, who hold an unrevoked and unexpired official amateur radio
station license issued by the federal communications commission, Washington, D.C., may
receive special plates. The plates will be issued upon application to the department,
accompanied by proof of ownership of the amateur radio station license, compliance with the
state motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and payment of
the regular license fee, as prescribed under the North Dakota motor vehicle laws. The special
plates will be issued in lieu of the plates ordinarily issued, and must have inscribed on them the
official amateur radio call letters of the applicant as assigned by the federal communications
39-04-10.1. Manufacturer's plate - Fee.
A resident factory representative of any motor vehicle manufacturer may procure from the
director a manufacturer's plate, which must be designed by the director, for a fee of one
hundred fifty dollars, which fee is for a twelve-month period. If such plate is procured at other
than the beginning of the registration period, such fees must be prorated on a monthly basis.
The procurement of such manufacturer's plate by a factory representative is in lieu of the
payment of any other registration fees, sales tax, or use tax on the motor vehicle used by the
factory representative in the course of employment for the period for which the manufacturer's
plate is current and valid. The manufacturer's plate may not be used by any person other than
the representative to whom it was issued, nor may such plate be used on any vehicle other than
that vehicle used by the factory representative in the course of employment. Upon the sale of
the vehicle for which such manufacturer's plate was issued, the plate must be retained by the
factory representative and used upon replacement vehicles subsequently acquired from the
manufacturer for use in the course of employment.
In addition to the foregoing provisions, a manufacturer of motor vehicles is entitled to use a
manufacturer plate on its demonstration vehicles. Such plate must be issued in the name of the
manufacturer and must be used solely for demonstration purposes only by the registrant or its
designated employees.
39-04-10.2. Special plates for mobility-impaired individuals.
The director may issue, without charge, upon application and payment of the regular license
fee, plates marked with the international symbol of accessibility for the mobility impaired, to a
motor vehicle owner possessing a parking certificate issued under subsection 4 of section
39-01-15. One set of plates per mobility-impaired individual may be issued to a vehicle the
mobility-impaired individual is not listed as the owner of if the vehicle is designated for the
exclusive use of transporting that mobility-impaired individual. This section is not applicable to
an applicant possessing more than one parking certificate issued under subsection 4 of section
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39-04-10.3. Personalized plates.
At the request of a registrant, the department may provide special license plates marked
with not more than seven numerals, letters, or combinations of numerals and letters, upon
application for a special license plate and payment of an additional fee of twenty-five dollars per
registration period, unless the plate is a gold star license plate or a prisoner of war license plate,
then there is no additional charge. A personal plate containing a restricted character may not be
renewed. The department shall make the special license plates authorized by this section
available for motor vehicles registered under section 39-04-10.6, trailers, travel trailers, and
motorcycles. The fee for the special license plates issued under this section for vehicles
registered under section 39-04-10.6 is a one-time fee of one hundred dollars. The special
license plates for motorcycles may contain not more than six numerals, letters, or a combination
of not more than six numerals and letters. In the event of sale or transfer of the vehicle, the
owner shall remove the special license plates in accordance with section 39-04-36. Upon
payment of the applicable transfer fee, the special license plates may be transferred to a
replacement motor vehicle.
39-04-10.4. Antique motor vehicles - License and fee - Use.
1. Any motor vehicle which is at least forty years old may be permanently licensed by the
department upon the payment of a registration fee of ten dollars. The department shall
design and issue a distinctive number plate for this purpose. In lieu of the distinctive
number plate, the owner of the motor vehicle may, at the discretion of the director,
display on the motor vehicle a number plate from the year in which the motor vehicle
was manufactured or in the case of military vehicles, military identification numbers.
The number plate from the year of manufacture or military identification numbers may
not be used in lieu of a distinctive number plate when it would create a duplication of a
number in the recordkeeping system of the department. A number plate from the year
of manufacture or military identification numbers must be legible and must be restored
to the satisfaction of the department. Notwithstanding section 39-04-11, only one
number plate needs to be displayed on a motor vehicle licensed under this subsection.
Motor vehicles registered under the provisions of this section may not be used in the
routine functions of a business or farming operation.
2. Any motor vehicle which is at least forty years old may, if not licensed under
subsection 1, be permanently licensed using a personalized plate issued under section
39-04-10.3, in which case a one-time fee of one hundred dollars is due.
39-04-10.5. Prisoner of war plates - Transfer to certain surviving spouses -
On the death of a prisoner of war to whom was issued a special number plate under
subdivision o of subsection 2 of section 39-04-18, the director shall comply with this section. If
the deceased prisoner of war was survived by a spouse, the director shall transfer the number
plate to that spouse's name, and the spouse may retain the number plate as an active plate. If
the surviving spouse remarries, then within thirty days of that remarriage, the surviving spouse
shall surrender the plate to the director. On receipt of a surrendered plate, on the death of the
surviving spouse, or if the deceased prisoner of war had no surviving spouse, the director shall
retire the number used on the number plate. On retirement of a number plate and at the request
of the survivors of the deceased prisoner of war, the director shall issue to the survivors one
commemorative plaque resembling the number plate that had been issued to the prisoner of
39-04-10.6. Registration of motor vehicles owned by collectors.
A person who owns a motor vehicle that is at least twenty-five years old but that is not
eligible for registration under section 39-04-10.4 may register that motor vehicle as a collector's
motor vehicle. The motor vehicle is eligible for collector's registration if it is owned and operated
solely as a collector's item and if the owner owns another motor vehicle the owner uses for
general transportation. A motor vehicle qualifies as a collector's item under this section only if it
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is operated on public streets and highways for the purpose of driving the vehicle to and from
active entry and participation in parades, car shows, car rallies, other public gatherings held for
the purpose of displaying or selling the vehicle, and to and from service or storage facilities. An
applicant for registration of a vehicle as a collector's motor vehicle shall file an affidavit with the
director that states the owner's name and address, the make, year, and the manufacturer's
identification number of the motor vehicle, and a statement that the motor vehicle is owned and
operated solely as a collector's item and not for general transportation purposes. If the director
is satisfied that the affidavit is true and correct, the director shall register the motor vehicle as a
collector's motor vehicle on the payment of a registration fee of sixty dollars. The registration is
valid as long as the collector's motor vehicle is owned by the person who applied for the
registration under this section. The director shall design and issue distinctive number plates for
collector's motor vehicles registered under this section. In lieu of the distinctive number plates,
the owner of the motor vehicle, at the discretion of the director, may display on the motor vehicle
number plates from the year in which the motor vehicle was manufactured. The number plates
from the year of manufacture may not be used in lieu of distinctive number plates when it would
create a duplication of a number in the recordkeeping system of the department. Number plates
from the year of manufacture must be legible and must be restored to the satisfaction of the
department. A person violating this section or a department rule regarding this section forfeits
the right to the registration provided in this section and any registration fees that have been
39-04-10.7. Special number plates for farm vehicles.
The director shall issue, without an additional charge, upon application and payment of the
registration fee, special number plates or validation decals making them distinctly different from
other number plates, to any person registering a truck or combination of trucks and trailers as a
farm vehicle under section 39-04-19. The director shall determine the form and size of the
special number plates or validation decals and shall adopt rules governing the issuance of these
special number plates or validation decals.
39-04-10.8. National guard number plates.
The director, in cooperation with the adjutant general, shall issue distinctive number plates
to members of the national guard. A plate issued under this section must bear the national guard
insignia designated by the adjutant general and the letters "NG" before the number. The director
may issue the plates to the owner of a passenger motor vehicle, a truck the registered gross
weight of which does not exceed twenty thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms], or a motorcycle.
On request of the director, the adjutant general shall certify those members of the national guard
eligible to receive the plates. On payment of all other fees required under this chapter for
registration of the motor vehicle, and payment of an additional fee of not more than five dollars
to cover the cost of issuing the distinctive number plates, the applicant is entitled to issuance of
the distinctive number plates. A registrant is eligible for distinctive number plates under this
section if the registrant is a member of the national guard or if the registrant has retired from the
national guard after twenty years or more of military service. On termination of the registrant's
eligibility, the registrant shall return the distinctive number plates to the director, who shall
reissue for a fee of not more than five dollars another number plate to which that registrant is
entitled under this chapter. The director and adjutant general shall cooperate in establishing
procedures to implement this section.
39-04-10.9. Law enforcement plates.
Upon request, the department shall issue identical plates that contain the word "SHERIFF"
for the vehicles used and owned by a sheriff's department and the word "POLICE" for the motor
vehicles used and owned by a city's police department. The plates must be in black letters and
on the designed background in use at the time of issuance. The plates must be provided at
actual cost. Notwithstanding section 39-04-11, the plates are the property of the law
enforcement agency to which issued. At an appropriate time, replacement of the plates must
occur whenever the designed background used by the state changes. Notwithstanding section
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39-04-11, a motor vehicle that displays a plate under this section must have a clearly visible
distinctive identification number on the rear of the vehicle assigned by the appropriate law
enforcement agency.
39-04-10.10. North Dakota veterans' number plates.
1. The director may issue distinctive number plates to individuals eligible for interment in
the North Dakota veterans' cemetery. The director shall issue a number plate under
this section upon receiving:
a. Payment of all other fees required under this chapter for registration of a motor
b. Payment of an initial fee of fifteen dollars of which ten dollars is to be deposited in
the highway tax distribution fund and five dollars is to be deposited in the
veterans' cemetery maintenance fund unless for a plate issued to a veteran who
has been awarded the purple heart, then there is not an initial fee; and
c. Verification of subsequent payments of an annual surcharge of ten dollars paid to
the adjutant general unless for a plate issued to a veteran who has been awarded
the purple heart, then there is not an annual surcharge.
2. The department shall collect the fees and the ten dollar surcharge under this section.
The department shall report to the legislative assembly on the funds collected under
this section during each legislative session. The department shall pay the funds
collected under subdivisions b and c of subsection 1 to the adjutant general monthly,
who then, within ten days of receipt of the funds, shall deposit five dollars of each
initial fee in the veterans' cemetery maintenance fund and the ten dollar surcharge
shall be divided with five dollars being deposited in the veterans' cemetery trust fund
and five dollars being deposited in the veterans' cemetery maintenance fund in the
state treasury. Investment of the fund is the responsibility of the state treasurer who
shall have full authority to invest the fund only in the same manner as the state
investment board is authorized to make investments. At the request of the adjutant
general, the interest in the veterans' cemetery trust fund must be deposited in the
veterans' cemetery maintenance fund for the purpose of funding salaries and
maintenance of the veterans' cemetery.
3. The veterans' cemetery trust fund may accept funds from private and federal sources.
39-04-10.11. Firefighter's association plates.
The director, in cooperation with the North Dakota firefighter's association, shall design a
decorative decal that contains an insignia representing service in the pursuit of firefighting and
which is to be placed on a distinctive number plate. On payment of all other fees required under
this chapter for registration of the motor vehicle, and payment of an additional annual fee of
fifteen dollars for deposit in the highway fund, the applicant is entitled to issuance of the decals
and plates. However, the director may not issue the decal and plates to the owner of a
passenger motor vehicle or a truck the registered gross weight of which exceeds twenty
thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms]. A registrant is eligible for distinctive number plates under
this section if the registrant is a member of the North Dakota firefighter's association. On
request of the director, the North Dakota firefighter's association shall certify those members of
the North Dakota firefighter's association eligible to receive the decals and plates. On
termination of the registrant's eligibility, the registrant shall return the decals and plates to the
director, who shall reissue for a fee of not more than five dollars another number plate to which
that registrant is entitled under this chapter. The director and the North Dakota firefighter's
association shall cooperate in establishing procedures to implement this section.
39-04-10.12. North Dakota future farmers of America foundation number plates.
The director shall design a decorative decal that contains the insignia of the North Dakota
FFA foundation to be placed on a distinctive number plate. On payment of all other fees required
under this chapter for registration of the motor vehicle and payment of an additional fee of ten
dollars, the applicant is entitled to issuance of the decals and plates. However, the director may
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not issue the decals and plates to the owner of a passenger motor vehicle or a truck the
registered gross weight of which exceeds twenty thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms].
39-04-10.13. Public or nonprofit organization number plate.
1. The director shall develop an organization number plate program for distinctive
number plates for qualifying public and for nonprofit organizations recognized by the
internal revenue service as tax exempt under 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3). When appropriate,
the department shall design a distinctive number plate to minimize the changes to a
single application of overlay on the left side of the number plate. The organization may
submit a design for the distinctive number plate for approval by the director. Upon
approval by the director and proper application with proof of a minimum of fifty
applicants and a one-time payment of one thousand five hundred dollars for a certain
organization's number plate, the director shall include the number plate in the
organization number plate program.
2. The following organizations do not qualify for an organization number plate:
out-of-state colleges and universities; groups within high schools, junior colleges,
universities, and technical schools, including individual boosters, athletic boosters, and
similar groups; unions; political organizations; religious organizations; groups that
promote racial or social disharmony; and public offices.
3. Upon proper application for a plate in the organization number plate program and
payment of all other fees required under this chapter for registration of the motor
vehicle and payment of an additional annual fee of twenty-five dollars, a qualified
applicant is entitled to issuance of a certain organization number plate. However, the
director may not issue the plates to the owner of a passenger motor vehicle or a truck
the registered gross weight of which exceeds twenty thousand pounds [9071.85
4. The director shall deposit ten dollars of the additional organization number plate fee in
the highway tax distribution fund and transfer monthly fifteen dollars to the proper
organization to support programs of that organization.
39-04-10.14. North Dakota gold star number plates.
1. The director may issue distinctive number plates to a surviving spouse, parent,
including stepmother, stepfather, parent through adoption, and foster parent who
stands or stood in loco parentis, grandparents, child, including stepchild and child
through adoption, and sibling, including half-brother and half-sister, of a member of the
armed forces of the United States who died while serving on active duty during a time
of military conflict. The director shall issue a number plate under this section upon
receiving payment of all other fees required under this chapter for registration of a
motor vehicle.
2. Plates issued under this section must bear a gold star emblem logo on the left side of
the plate and the letters "GS" before the number. The director shall cooperate with the
director of the department of veterans' affairs to design the gold star emblem logo. The
director may issue one set of plates per eligible owner of a passenger motor vehicle or
a truck the registered gross weight of which does not exceed twenty thousand pounds
[9071.85 kilograms].
3. On request of the director, the department of veterans' affairs shall certify those
surviving family members of deceased members of the United States armed forces
listed above as eligible to receive the plates.
4. Once declared eligible for a gold star plate, the department may not remove the
eligibility of a surviving family member.
5. Once a plate number is issued to an eligible family member, the department may not
assign the plate to another eligible person.
39-04-10.15. Patriotic number plates.
1. The director shall issue patriotic plates under this section upon receiving:
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a. Payment of all other fees required under this chapter for registration of a motor
b. Payment of an initial fee of twenty-five dollars of which twenty dollars is deposited
in the highway tax distribution fund and five dollars is deposited in the veterans'
postwar trust fund; and
c. Payment of an annual surcharge of twenty-five dollars of which ten dollars is
deposited in the highway tax distribution fund and fifteen dollars is deposited in
the veterans' postwar trust fund.
2. The department shall collect the initial fees and the annual surcharges under this
section. Deposits in the veterans' postwar trust fund under this section must be added
to the principal of the fund. Investment of the fund is the responsibility of the state
treasurer who shall have full authority to invest the fund only in the same manner as
the state investment board is authorized to make investments.
3. Patriotic plates must include a flag of the United States decal plate, bald eagle decal
plate, or boonie stomper decal plate.
39-04-10.16. Special vehicle license plates for volunteer emergency responders,
volunteer firefighters, and volunteer search and rescue personnel.
1. As used in this section:
a. "Fire department" means a certified city fire department, certified rural fire
department, or certified fire protection district that has filed a certificate of
existence under section 18-04-02.
b. "Volunteer emergency responder" means an emergency medical services
provider certified by the department of health and human services and the
individual's squad leader for a continuous period exceeding two years and who
receives an annual compensation of less than ten thousand dollars.
c. "Volunteer firefighter" means an active member in good standing with a North
Dakota fire department who has had a continuous membership for a period
exceeding two years and receives an annual compensation of less than
ten thousand dollars from the fire department.
d. "Volunteer search and rescue personnel" includes water and dive rescue
personnel and means an active member:
(1) Of an organization that at the request of a state entity, political subdivision,
or volunteer fire department deploys, coordinates, and uses available
resources and personnel in locating, relieving the distress of, preserving the
life of, or extracting an individual who is missing, trapped, or lost in remote
areas or waters of the state;
(2) In good standing and with continuous membership for a period exceeding
two years with an organization under paragraph 1; and
(3) Who receives an annual compensation of less than ten thousand dollars
from an organization under paragraph 1.
2. Upon application, the director shall issue red personalized plates to volunteer
emergency responders, volunteer firefighters, and volunteer search and rescue
personnel at no initial or annual cost to the volunteers. Qualified applicants are eligible
to receive one set of plates. Plates may not be displayed on a vehicle with a registered
gross weight exceeding twenty thousand pounds [9071.85 kilograms]. The first three
digits of the plate are the last three digits of the zip code where the volunteer's
department or organization is located. The remaining space may contain up to three
characters of the volunteer's choosing. This plate serves as an entrance pass to all
North Dakota state parks. In cooperation with the volunteer organizations, the director
shall designate qualifications and verification procedures for the plates issued under
this section.
3. On termination of the registrant's eligibility, the registrant shall return the plates to the
director, who shall reissue for a fee of not more than five dollars, and upon payment of
applicable registration fees, another number plate to which that registrant is entitled
under this chapter.
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4. If a registrant fails to return the plates to the director, the director, upon notification of
the registrant's ineligibility, may revoke the plates and reissue for a fee of not more
than five dollars, and upon payment of applicable registration fees, another number
plate for which the registrant is entitled under this chapter.
39-04-11. Display of number plates and tabs.
Unless otherwise provided by law, an individual may not operate a vehicle on a public
highway of this state unless the vehicle has a distinctive number assigned to the vehicle by the
department, and two number plates, bearing the distinctive number conspicuously displayed,
horizontally and in an upright position, one on the front and one on the rear of the vehicle, each
securely fastened, except number plates assigned to a housetrailer must be attached to the rear
of the housetrailer. Number plates assigned to a motorcycle or trailer must be attached to the
rear of the motorcycle or trailer and may be displayed vertically. When only one number plate is
furnished for an apportioned vehicle registered under the international registration plan as
authorized in section 39-19-04, truck tractor, or semitrailer, the plate must be attached to the
front of the apportioned vehicle or truck tractor and the rear of the semitrailer. The bottom of
each number plate must be at a height of not less than twelve inches [30.48 centimeters] above
the level surface upon which the vehicle stands. Each plate must be mounted in a visible
manner that clearly displays the distinctive number assigned to the vehicle and the name of the
state on the plate. As far as is reasonably possible, the plates must at all times be kept free and
clear of mud, ice, or snow so as to be clearly visible and all number plates, markers, or evidence
of registration or licensing except for the current year must be removed from the vehicle. All
vehicle license plates issued by the department are the property of the department for the
period for which the plates are valid. An annual registration tab or sticker for the current
registration year must be displayed on each number plate, in the area designated by the
department for the tab or sticker, in those years for which tabs or stickers are issued in lieu of
number plates.
39-04-12. Contents of number plates - Size of letters and numerals on plates -
Reflectorized - Tabs or stickers.
1. Number plates must be of metal or other suitable material bearing the name of the
state, either in full or by abbreviation, the number of the year, the slogan "Peace
Garden State" and a distinctive number for assignment to each vehicle. The distinctive
number may be in figures or a combination of figures and letters and must be of a size
clearly distinguishable by law enforcement officers and individuals generally. To reduce
highway accidents at night all number plates must be legible for a minimum distance of
one hundred feet [30.48 meters] to an approaching motorist by day or night with lawful
headlight beams and without other illumination. Each plate must be treated with a
reflectorized material according to the specifications prescribed by the department.
The department shall furnish for each annual registration a year plate, tab, or sticker to
designate the year registration. The plate, tab, or sticker must show the registration
year for which issued, and is valid only for that year.
2. The department may provide to an owner of a fleet of one hundred or more vehicles
number plates that are valid for as many as six consecutive years and that are exempt
from the requirements of evidence of annual validation. The registrant shall file with the
department a corporate surety bond in an amount the department determines to be
reasonable and adequate, and conditioned that the owner will pay the annual fee at
the beginning of each annual registration period for which the number plates are valid.
39-04-13. Duplicates to be obtained of number plate, tab, sticker, or registration card
if lost, mutilated, or illegible - Fee.
If any number plate, tab, sticker, or registration card issued under the provisions of this
chapter is lost, mutilated, or becomes illegible, the person who is entitled thereto shall make
immediate application for and obtain a duplicate or substitute upon furnishing information of
such fact satisfactory to the department and upon payment of the cost of issuing the duplicate
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item, not to exceed the sum of five dollars for each duplicate number plate, tab, sticker, or
registration card issued. The department may issue a duplicate number plate, tab, sticker, or
registration card at no cost to the owner when satisfied the vehicle owner did not receive the
original number plate, tab, sticker, or registration card which was issued.
39-04-14. Renewal of registration.
Every vehicle registration, except those described in sections 39-04-14.1 and 39-04-14.4,
under this chapter expires on December thirty-first each year and must be renewed annually
upon application by the owner and by payment of the fees required by law, such renewal to take
effect on the first day of January each year. An owner who has made proper application for
renewal of registration of a vehicle previous to January first but who has not received the
number plates, plate, or registration card for the ensuing year is entitled to operate or permit the
operation of such vehicle upon the highways upon displaying thereon the number plates or plate
issued for the preceding year for such time, to be prescribed by the department, as may be
required for the issuance of the new plates. If a previously registered motor vehicle whose
registered gross weight exceeds twenty thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms] is purchased
during the period the vehicle's registration in this state is expired, the registration fee must be
prorated on a monthly basis from the date of purchase to January first.
39-04-14.1. Renewal of registration of motor vehicles under certain weight.
Except as otherwise provided in this section, the registration of a motor vehicle whose
registered gross weight does not exceed twenty thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms] expires
on the last day of the month which is the anniversary of the month it was originally registered.
The registration may be renewed annually on application by the owner and payment of fees
required by law. The renewal takes effect on the first day of the first month of the registration
period. An owner of more than one vehicle qualifying for staggered registration under this
section may renew all of the owner's vehicles in the same month. The director shall prorate the
registration fees accordingly. If a previously registered motor vehicle whose registered gross
weight does not exceed twenty thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms] is purchased during the
period the vehicle's registration in this state is expired, the department shall collect the annual
registration fee under section 39-04-19 and shall issue registration that expires on the last day
of the month that is the anniversary of the month the vehicle was purchased.
39-04-14.2. Staggered registration for apportioned vehicles.
The director may establish a procedure for the implementation of a staggered registration
system for vehicles registered pursuant to the international registration plan. Procedures
established under this section may provide for a one-time collection of up to eighteen months of
registration fees.
39-04-14.3. Online registration renewal receipt showing compliance with registration
is prima facie evidence.
The possession of a receipt, via the department's online registration renewal service, is
prima facie evidence of compliance with motor vehicle registration laws, with reference to the
vehicle therein described, for a period of fifteen days from the date of the printed receipt.
39-04-14.4. Renewal of motorcycle registration.
Every motorcycle registration under this chapter expires on March thirty-first and must be
renewed every year upon application by the owner and by payment of the fees required by law.
The renewal takes effect on the first day of April. The department may prorate the initial
registration fee.
39-04-15. When registration fees become due and delinquent.
The registration fee for a vehicle becomes due as soon as the vehicle is used upon the
highways of this state. The registration for a vehicle becomes delinquent immediately upon
expiration of the prior registration.
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39-04-15.1. Installment registration of vehicles licensed for a gross weight in excess
of thirty-six thousand pounds [16329.33 kilograms] - Delinquencies - Penalty.
Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 423, § 2.
39-04-16. Penalty for delinquent registration fees - Exceptions.
Repealed by S.L. 1975, ch. 328, § 1.
39-04-17. Certificate of notary showing compliance with registration is prima facie
evidence - Penalty.
The possession of a certificate made out by a notary public or an authorized agent of a
licensed vehicle dealer who took the acknowledgment of the application when the vehicle was
first registered or required to be registered under the laws of this state, if such certificate shows
the date of application, the make, registered weight, and year model of the motor vehicle, the
manufacturer's number of the motor vehicle which such application describes, and further
shows that such notary public, or authorized agent of a vehicle dealer, personally mailed the
application with the remittance fee, is prima facie evidence of compliance with motor vehicle law
with reference to the vehicle therein described, for a period of seventy-five days from the date of
such application. Any violation of this section is an infraction punishable by a fine of not less
than fifty dollars.
39-04-18. Motor vehicles exempt from registration fees - Reciprocal use of state
highways by foreign licensed motor vehicles.
1. a. Except as provided in this section, a motor vehicle as defined in section 39-01-01
or a trailer operated or intended to be operated upon a highway, road, or street in
this state must be registered annually with the department.
b. A semitrailer or a farm trailer operated or intended to be operated upon a
highway, road, or street in this state must be registered with the department either
annually or permanently, at the discretion of the registrant.
c. A vehicle being operated on highways, roads, or streets of this state must display
license plates as furnished by the department upon payment of the fees
prescribed in this chapter.
d. Upon satisfactory proof to the department that a motor vehicle owned by a
resident of this state was not used upon any of the highways of this state in any
one or more years, the motor vehicle may be registered upon payment of the
registration fee for the current year.
e. A resident of the state of North Dakota, serving in the armed forces of the United
States for a period of time greater than one year, may relicense a motor vehicle
owned by the veteran without paying a fee or penalty for the intervening years
when the vehicle was not licensed, providing the veteran shows by suitable
affidavit that the vehicle was not in use during a year in which it was not licensed.
The vehicle must be licensed for the license fee applicable to the month of the
year in which application for license is made.
2. The following motor vehicles may be operated upon the highways, roads, and streets
of this state without being registered, under such limitations as are herein specified;
provided, however, that whenever the department determines that it is to the best
interest of the state of North Dakota and determines by reciprocal agreement or
otherwise that as great or greater privileges are not granted North Dakota residents
while traveling in other states or territories, the department may cancel or limit the
application of any exception to residents or motor vehicles from such other state or
a. Farm tractors as defined in section 39-01-01, special mobile equipment and road
rollers and other road construction or maintenance machinery that cannot be
operated on the highways and streets of this state in a normal operating manner.
b. Motor vehicles owned by or in possession of Indian mission schools, by this state
or any of its agencies, departments, or political subdivisions, including school
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districts possessing a motor vehicle or vehicles used for driver education
instruction, or by any entity located upon the international boundary line between
the United States of America and Canada used and maintained as a memorial to
commemorate the long-existing relationship of peace and good will between the
people and the governments of the United States of America and Canada and to
further international peace among the nations of the world; provided, however,
that the vehicles must display license plates provided by the department at actual
cost. Upon request, qualifying law enforcement motor vehicles must be issued a
license plate under section 39-04-10.9.
Each motor vehicle loaned or furnished by a licensed North Dakota motor
vehicle dealer to a school district in North Dakota to be used exclusively for
instructing pupils in the driver education and training program conducted by the
school district will be assigned an official license plate. The license plates must be
used only on the motor vehicles furnished by dealers and used in the driver
education program, and for no other purpose except for garaging and
safekeeping of the motor vehicle.
A person may not use a driver education motor vehicle bearing official
license plates for any purpose other than driver education course instruction. A
person is not in violation of this subdivision if the person is required by the dealer
or a school administrator to house or otherwise protect the vehicle at the person's
home or other facility.
c. Motor vehicles registered in any other state or territory when coming into this
state a distance not exceeding twenty miles [32.19 kilometers]; provided,
however, that such motor vehicles have displayed thereon the current license
plates issued by the state or territory in which they are registered and provided
further that the owners or operators thereof are not residents of this state. Nor
may such vehicles be required to pay any other tax, and no registration fee or tax
may be required when such vehicles do not leave the incorporated limits of any
city while in the state of North Dakota within a zone circumscribed by a line
running parallel to the corporate limits of any city or contiguous cities and twenty
miles [32.19 kilometers] distant therefrom. This section does not prevent trucks
from coming into the state such distance as shall be necessary to reach the
nearest railway shipping station. For purposes of this subdivision, an individual is
a resident of this state if the individual is gainfully employed or engages in any
trade, profession, or occupation within this state and owns, leases, or rents a
place of residence or otherwise lives within this state for the purposes of
employment, or regardless of domicile or any other circumstance, remains in this
state for a period of at least ninety consecutive days. For purposes of this
subdivision, a resident does not include a student at a university, college, or
technical school in this state or a daily commuter from another jurisdiction if that
jurisdiction exempts the vehicle of a daily commuter from this state from
registration in that jurisdiction under a reciprocity agreement.
d. Motor vehicles owned and operated by the United States government, or any
foreign government, or any of their agencies or departments; provided, however,
that such motor vehicles must display identification plates.
e. Passenger motor vehicles registered in any other state or territory; provided,
however, that such motor vehicles have displayed thereon the current license
plates issued by the state or territory in which they are registered and provided
further that the owners or operators thereof are not residents of this state. For
purposes of this subdivision, an individual is a resident of this state if the
individual is gainfully employed or engages in any trade, profession, or
occupation within this state and owns, leases, or rents a place of residence or
otherwise lives within this state for the purposes of employment, or regardless of
domicile or any other circumstance, remains in this state for a period of at least
ninety consecutive days. For purposes of this subdivision, a resident does not
include a student at a university, college, or technical school in this state or a
Page No. 13
daily commuter from another jurisdiction if that jurisdiction exempts the vehicle of
a daily commuter from this state from registration in that jurisdiction under a
reciprocity agreement.
f. Motor vehicles owned and operated by a manufacturer of motor vehicles when
such motor vehicles are operated or moved such distance as may be authorized
by the director from the factory where manufactured or assembled, to a depot or
place of shipment or other point of delivery; provided, however, that such vehicles
have displayed in plain sight the name and address of the manufacturer and a
written permit from local police authorities.
g. Motor vehicles owned and operated by a licensed North Dakota motor vehicle
dealer from a railway depot, warehouse, salesroom, or place of shipment;
provided, however, that such vehicles have displayed in plain sight the name and
address of the dealer and a written permit from the local police authorities.
h. Motor vehicles owned and operated by nonresidents engaged in harvest of
agricultural products from June first through December thirty-first of any one year;
provided, however, that such motor vehicles have displayed thereon a decal or
other means of identification issued by the director upon payment of a fee of fifty
i. Vehicles owned by nonresident military personnel stationed in this state and
operated by such military personnel or their dependents, provided such vehicle is
registered in the state or territory whereof such military person is a resident, and
provided further that current license plates from such state or territory are
displayed on such vehicle.
j. Motor vehicles not exceeding twenty-six thousand pounds [11793.40 kilograms]
registered gross weight owned and operated by a disabled veteran under the
provisions of Public Law 79-663 [38 U.S.C. 3901], a disabled veteran who has a
one hundred percent service-connected disability as determined by the
department of veterans' affairs, or a disabled veteran who has an extra-schedular
rating to include individual unemployability that brings the veteran's total disability
rating to one hundred percent as determined by the department of veterans'
affairs is entitled to display either a distinctive license plate or a standard plate
that does not identify the veteran as a veteran or disabled veteran which is issued
by the department at no cost to the qualifying veteran or surviving spouse or any
other distinctive or vanity plate purchased from the department by the qualifying
veteran or surviving spouse. This exemption applies to no more than two such
motor vehicles owned by a disabled veteran at any one time. A surviving spouse
of a disabled veteran who is receiving United States department of veterans
affairs dependency and indemnity compensation is eligible for the exemption
under this subdivision for one vehicle. If the determination of disability or service-
connected death occurs subsequent to the qualifying veteran's death through
application of a law that renders a surviving spouse of a qualifying veteran eligible
for United States department of veterans affairs disability and indemnity
compensation, the determination for purposes of the exemption under this
subdivision is presumed to precede the veteran's death. Sufficient proof of receipt
of United States department of veterans affairs dependency and indemnity
compensation includes correspondence directed to a surviving spouse of a
qualifying veteran by the United States department of veterans affairs which
indicates the surviving spouse is a survivor of the qualifying veteran and is in
receipt of United States department of veterans affairs dependency and
indemnity compensation.
k. Motor vehicles having not over two axles and not being used in combination
owned and operated by nonresidents and any motor vehicle or combination of
three axles or more operated in this state pursuant to a proportional licensing or
other agreement or arrangement with any jurisdiction having motor vehicle
registration authority.
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l. Motor vehicles owned and operated by a resident building mover or by a resident
well driller; provided, however, that such vehicles are used only for moving
buildings or building-moving equipment, or are used only for drilling water wells or
moving water well-drilling equipment; provided, further, that such vehicles display
a license plate issued by the director upon the payment of a fee of twenty-five
dollars for two axle trucks, fifty dollars for tandem axle trucks and single axle
truck-tractor units, and seventy-five dollars for each tandem axle truck-tractor
Any vehicle which has been issued this special motor vehicle license may be
registered under the regular motor vehicle registration law, by payment of the
difference between the amount paid for the special motor vehicle license and the
regular registration fee for such vehicle.
Any vehicle which has been issued this special motor vehicle license and is
found being operated upon the highways of this state without being equipped with
special house-moving or well-drilling equipment shall forfeit the fee paid and, in
addition, must be required to register under the regular motor vehicle registration
law of this state. None of the above limitations may be construed as restricting
the operation of the special licensed vehicle when such operation would not
require a greater fee than that paid for this operation.
m. Any trailer, semitrailer, or farm trailer when the gross weight, not including the
weight of the towing vehicle, does not exceed one thousand five hundred pounds
[680.39 kilograms] and it is not for hire or commercial use, or when used to
transport recreational vehicles or boats and it is not for hire or commercial use.
n. Any vehicle which is driven or moved upon a highway only for the purpose of
crossing the highway from one property to another. The crossing must be made
at an angle of approximately ninety degrees to the direction of the highway.
o. Passenger motor vehicles, house cars, or pickup trucks not exceeding twenty
thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms] registered gross weight owned and
operated by a resident who, while serving in the United States armed forces, was
a prisoner of war and has received an honorable discharge from the United
States armed forces is entitled to display a distinctive license plate issued by the
department. This exemption also applies to any passenger motor vehicle, house
car, or pickup truck not exceeding twenty thousand pounds [9071.84 kilograms]
registered gross weight subsequently purchased or acquired by such a former
prisoner of war. This exemption applies to no more than two motor vehicles
owned by a former prisoner of war at any one time. A surviving spouse of a
former prisoner of war who has not remarried retains the exemption of the
deceased veteran who qualified under this subdivision for one vehicle.
p. Motor vehicles not exceeding twenty-six thousand pounds [11793.40 kilograms]
registered gross weight owned and operated by a veteran who was awarded the
purple heart is entitled to a distinctive license plate issued by the department.
This exemption applies to one motor vehicle owned by a veteran who was
awarded the purple heart.
39-04-18.1. Failure to register upon gainful employment.
A person operating a motor vehicle in violation of subdivision c or e of subsection 2 of
section 39-04-18 shall purchase an annual registration for that motor vehicle for a fee that is not
discounted from the appropriate amount listed in a table in section 39-04-19. A law enforcement
officer may issue a registration for that vehicle and shall remit the registration fee to the
department of transportation. The department shall provide for evidence of registration to be
issued by a law enforcement officer enforcing subdivision c or e of subsection 2 of section
39-04-18.2. Temporary motor vehicle registration - Fees.
1. Any owner, lessee, or operator of a motor vehicle who is employed in this state on a
temporary or full-time basis may choose to purchase a temporary registration permit in
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lieu of registering the vehicle pursuant to section 39-04-18, if the vehicle displays a
valid registration and license plate from another jurisdiction and is properly insured.
Application for the temporary registration permit must be made in the manner and form
prescribed by the department. The temporary registration permit must bear a
distinctive number assigned to the vehicle and an expiration date. At all times the
operator shall ensure that the temporary registration permit is displayed and clearly
visible on the vehicle in a manner prescribed by the department. Motor vehicles
temporarily registered under this section may be registered without a title transfer or
imposition of motor vehicle excise tax. The operator shall keep evidence of registration
from the other jurisdiction in the motor vehicle and provide evidence of registration to a
law enforcement officer or the department, upon request.
2. Motor vehicles temporarily registered in this state must be furnished a permit as
a. Passenger vehicles, pickups, vans, and trucks not exceeding twenty thousand
registered gross weight pounds [9071.84 kilograms] temporarily registered in this
state must be furnished a permit upon payment of sixty dollars for six months or
one hundred twenty dollars for twelve months of required registration.
b. Trucks or combinations of trucks and trailers weighing more than twenty thousand
registered gross weight pounds [9071.84 kilograms] temporarily registered in this
state must be furnished a permit upon payment of the following fees:
Weight Six-Month Fee Twelve-Month Fee
20,001 - 42,000 $220 $440
42,001 - 62,000 $380 $760
62,001 - 82,000 $530 $1,060
82,001 - 105,500 $900 $1,800
c. Motorcycles temporarily registered in this state must be furnished a permit upon
payment of thirty dollars for six months or sixty dollars for twelve months.
d. An additional fee of ten dollars applies to each temporary registration permit.
39-04-19. Motor vehicle registration fees and mile tax.
Motor vehicles required to pay registration fees or a mile tax shall pay the following fees:
1. Nonresidents electing to pay mile tax in lieu of registration, when authorized to do so
by the department, shall pay a fee of twenty dollars for a trip permit which is valid for a
period of seventy-two hours. All fees collected under the provisions of this subsection
must be credited to the state highway fund.
2. Motor vehicles required to be registered in this state must be furnished license plates
upon the payment of the following annual fees; however, if a motor vehicle, including a
motorcycle or trailer, first becomes subject to registration other than at the beginning of
the registration period, such fees must be prorated on a monthly basis. The minimum
fee charged hereunder must be five dollars:
a. Passenger motor vehicles:
1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th and
Gross 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 9th and 12th Subsequent
Weights and 6th Years Years Years Years
Less than 3,200 $73 $65 $57 $49
3,200 - 4,499 93 81 69 57
4,500 - 4,999 111 94 79 63
5,000 - 5,999 142 120 98 76
6,000 - 6,999 175 146 117 89
7,000 - 7,999 208 172 137 102
8,000 - 8,999 241 199 157 115
9,000 and over 274 225 177 128
A house car is subject to registration at the rates prescribed for other
vehicles under this subdivision modified by using the weight applicable to a
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vehicle whose weight is forty percent of that of the house car, but not using a
weight of less than four thousand pounds [1814.35 kilograms].
A pickup truck is subject to registration at the rates prescribed for other
vehicles under this subdivision by applying the shipping weight of the vehicle to
the fee schedule. At a minimum, the registered gross weight displayed on the
registration card for a pickup truck must be twice the shipping weight of the
vehicle. Unless otherwise exempted by this chapter, the owner of a pickup truck
shall request the registered gross weight of the pickup truck be increased to
ensure the registered gross weight is sufficient to include the total weight of the
vehicle and any load transported on or by the vehicle. For purposes of this
subdivision, a pickup truck is a motor vehicle with a manufacturer's gross vehicle
weight rating of less than eleven thousand five hundred pounds [5216.31
kilograms], with an unladen weight of less than eight thousand pounds [3628.74
kilograms], and which is equipped with an open box-type bed not exceeding nine
feet [2.74 meters] in length.
b. Schoolbuses, buses for hire, buses owned and operated by religious, charitable,
or nonprofit organizations and used exclusively for religious, charitable, or other
public nonprofit purposes, and trucks or combination trucks and trailers, including
commercial and noncommercial trucks, except those trucks or combinations of
trucks and trailers which qualify for registration under this subsection or
subsection 5:
1st 7th 10th 13th 20th and
Gross Through Through Through Through Subsequent
Weights 6th Years 9th Years 12th Years 19th Years Years
Not over 4,000 $71 $58 $53 $50 $49
4,001 - 6,000 76 63 57 51 50
6,001 - 8,000 81 68 61 52 51
8,001 - 10,000 86 73 65 54 53
10,001 - 12,000 91 78 69 56 55
12,001 - 14,000 96 83 73 59 58
14,001 - 16,000 101 88 77 62 61
16,001 - 18,000 106 93 81 64 63
18,001 - 20,000 109 96 83 65 64
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th, 10th, 13th and
Gross 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, and Subsequent
Weights and 7th Years 12th Years Years
20,001 - 22,000 $139 $113 $100
22,001 - 26,000 191 161 145
26,001 - 30,000 252 210 188
30,001 - 34,000 318 263 235
34,001 - 38,000 379 312 278
38,001 - 42,000 440 361 320
42,001 - 46,000 501 409 363
46,001 - 50,000 562 458 406
50,001 - 54,000 632 516 457
54,001 - 58,000 693 565 500
58,001 - 62,000 755 614 543
62,001 - 66,000 815 662 586
66,001 - 70,000 876 711 628
70,001 - 74,000 937 760 671
74,001 - 78,000 998 809 714
78,001 - 82,000 1,059 858 757
82,001 - 86,000 1,182 963 844
86,001 - 90,000 1,304 1,067 931
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90,001 - 94,000 1,426 1,172 1,018
94,001 - 98,000 1,548 1,277 1,106
98,001 - 102,000 1,670 1,381 1,193
102,001 - 105,500 1,792 1,486 1,280
c. Motorcycles, fifteen dollars.
3. Motor vehicles acquired by disabled veterans under the provisions of Public Law
79-663 [38 U.S.C. 3901] are exempt from the payment of state sales or use tax and, if
paid, such veterans are entitled to a refund. This exemption also applies to any
passenger motor vehicle or pickup truck not exceeding twenty-six thousand pounds
[11793.40 kilograms] registered gross weight but shall apply to no more than two such
motor vehicles owned by a disabled veteran at any one time.
4. a. Each trailer, except a semitrailer or farm trailer, required to be registered under
this chapter must be furnished registration plates upon the payment of a twenty
dollar annual fee. A trailer, semitrailer, or farm trailer not required to be registered
under this chapter must be furnished an identification plate upon the payment of a
fee of five dollars.
b. A semitrailer or farm trailer required to be registered under this chapter must be
(1) Permanent registration plates upon the payment of a permanent registration
fee of one hundred twenty dollars. The permanent registration is valid until
ownership of the semitrailer or farm trailer is transferred, assigned, or if the
semitrailer is destroyed or otherwise completely removed from the service of
the owner; or
(2) Annual registration upon the payment of a twenty dollar annual fee.
c. Upon the request of a person with a trailer or farm trailer to whom a registration or
identification plate is provided under this subsection, the department shall provide
a plate of the same size as provided for a motorcycle. The department shall
provide notification of this option to the person before the replacement or
issuance of the plate.
5. Trucks or combinations of trucks and trailers weighing more than twenty thousand but
not more than one hundred five thousand five hundred pounds [more than 9071.84 but
not more than 47854.00 kilograms] which are used as farm vehicles only, are entitled
to registration under the following fee schedule and the provisions of this subsection.
Farm vehicles are considered, for the purpose of this subsection, as trucks or
combinations of trucks and trailers weighing more than twenty thousand but not more
than one hundred five thousand five hundred pounds [more than 9071.84 but not more
than 47854.00 kilograms] owned, or leased for at least one year by a bona fide
resident farmer who uses the vehicles exclusively for transporting the farmer's own
property or other property on a farm work exchange basis with other farmers between
farms and the usual local trading places but not in connection with any commercial
retail or wholesale business being conducted from those farms, nor otherwise for hire.
In addition to the penalty provided in section 39-04-41, any person violating this
subsection shall license for the entire license period the farm vehicle at the higher
commercial vehicle rate in accordance with the weight carried by the farm vehicle at
the time of the violation.
1st, 2nd, 7th and 9th and 11th and
Gross 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th 10th Subsequent
Weights and 6th Years Years Years Years
20,001 - 22,000 $111 $97 $83 $65
22,001 - 24,000 116 101 86 67
24,001 - 26,000 124 107 90 69
26,001 - 28,000 135 115 96 73
28,001 - 30,000 144 123 102 77
30,001 - 32,000 159 136 113 86
32,001 - 34,000 169 144 119 90
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34,001 - 36,000 179 152 125 94
36,001 - 38,000 189 160 131 98
38,001 - 40,000 199 168 137 102
40,001 - 42,000 209 176 143 106
42,001 - 44,000 219 184 149 110
44,001 - 46,000 229 192 155 114
46,001 - 48,000 239 200 161 118
48,001 - 50,000 249 208 167 122
50,001 - 52,000 269 226 183 136
52,001 - 54,000 279 234 189 140
54,001 - 56,000 289 242 195 144
56,001 - 58,000 299 250 201 148
58,001 - 60,000 309 258 207 152
60,001 - 62,000 319 266 213 156
62,001 - 64,000 329 274 219 160
64,001 - 66,000 339 282 225 164
66,001 - 68,000 349 290 231 168
68,001 - 70,000 359 298 237 172
70,001 - 72,000 369 306 243 176
72,001 - 74,000 379 314 249 180
74,001 - 76,000 389 322 255 184
76,001 - 78,000 399 330 261 188
78,001 - 80,000 409 338 267 192
80,001 - 82,000 419 346 273 196
82,001 - 84,000 429 368 316 272
84,001 - 86,000 449 385 330 284
86,001 - 88,000 469 402 344 296
88,001 - 90,000 489 419 358 308
90,001 - 92,000 509 436 372 320
92,001 - 94,000 529 453 386 332
94,001 - 96,000 549 470 400 344
96,001 - 98,000 569 487 414 356
98,001 - 100,000 589 504 428 368
100,001 - 102,000 609 521 442 380
102,001 - 104,000 629 538 456 392
104,001 - 105,500 649 555 470 404
6. A motor vehicle registered in subsection 5 may be used for custom combining
operations by displaying identification issued by the department and upon payment of
a fee of twenty-five dollars.
39-04-19.1. Registration of soil and water conservation vehicles.
Trucks or combinations of trucks and trailers owned and operated by a bona fide resident of
this state, but no more than one truck tractor and lowboy trailer unit, of a gross weight of
twenty-four thousand one pounds [10886.67 kilograms] or more and used exclusively in soil and
water conservation work or exclusively for township road construction work that results in direct
benefits to agriculture, shall be furnished license plates upon the payment of one-half the annual
fees for such corresponding weight as provided in subdivision b of subsection 2 of section
This section is not applicable to any trucks and trailers used in road construction work, the
contract for which is in excess of three thousand dollars.
39-04-19.2. Electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle road use fee - Definitions.
1. In addition to all other fees required under this chapter for registration of a motor
vehicle, the department shall collect at the beginning of each annual registration
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a. An electric vehicle road use fee of one hundred twenty dollars for each electric
vehicle registered.
b. A plug-in hybrid vehicle road use fee of fifty dollars for each plug-in hybrid vehicle
c. An electric motorcycle road use fee of twenty dollars for each electric motorcycle
2. As used in this section:
a. "Electric motorcycle" means a motor vehicle that has a seat or saddle for the use
of the rider, is designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with
the ground, and is propelled by an electric motor powered by a battery or other
electric device incorporated into the vehicle and not propelled by an engine
powered by the combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel, including gasoline, diesel,
propane, or liquid natural gas.
b. "Electric vehicle" means a vehicle propelled by an electric motor powered by a
battery or other electric device incorporated into the vehicle and not propelled by
an engine powered by the combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel, including gasoline,
diesel, propane, or liquid natural gas.
c. "Plug-in hybrid vehicle" means a vehicle drawing propulsion energy from an
internal combustion engine, an energy storage device, and a receptacle to accept
grid electricity.
3. The department shall deposit any moneys collected under this section into the
highway tax distribution fund.
39-04-20. Additional fees required of trucks.
Repealed by S.L. 1995, ch. 450, § 1.
39-04-21. Fees for motor vehicles first registered in state.
When a motor vehicle first becomes subject to registration during the calendar year, the
registration fee must be for the remainder of the year prorated on a monthly basis, one-twelfth of
the annual registration fee for each calendar month or fraction thereof. Penny adjustments must
be carried to the next even dollar. Temporary registrations must be issued in such manner as is
prescribed by the director of the department of transportation.
39-04-21.1. Trailers, semitrailers, farm trailers - Registration fees prorated - Excess
weight registration.
Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 427, § 3.
39-04-22. Motor vehicle exceeding registered gross weight for which licensed not to
be operated on highway - Exception.
Except as otherwise provided by law, a motor vehicle, or a combination of motor vehicles,
may not be operated upon the highways of this state when the gross weight exceeds the
registered gross weight for which the vehicle or combination of vehicles was licensed. Any
person violating the provisions of this section will be required to license such motor vehicle at
the higher legal rate in accordance with the weight carried by the motor vehicle at the time of the
violation for the entire license period. However, such registration may not be construed to
authorize the movement of loads in violation of chapter 39-12.
39-04-23. Registered motor vehicle transporting property may change registration to
higher or lower registered gross weight.
Any owner of a motor vehicle transporting property who has licensed the vehicle for any
gross weight limitations may change the registration to a higher registered gross weight
limitation by the payment of the difference between the fee required for the new registration and
the fee paid for the registration under which the vehicle is being operated. The fee must equal
one-twelfth of the annual higher registration fee less one-twelfth of the registration fee already
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paid, the difference multiplied by the number of whole and partial calendar months remaining in
the registration period. In no event may the fee be less than five dollars.
39-04-24. Director to determine weight of motor vehicle when manufacturer's weight
Any motor vehicle not having an advertised manufacturer's weight shall pay a license fee
based upon the actual weight as determined by the director from satisfactory proofs submitted
to the director. Any truck not having a manufacturer's advertised load capacity shall pay a
license fee in accordance with the schedules provided in this chapter and applicable thereto
upon its load capacity as determined by the director upon satisfactory proofs submitted to the
39-04-25. When seasonal registration of passenger buses permitted.
Repealed by S.L. 1983, ch. 423, § 2.
39-04-26. Registration of vehicles transporting property - Based on registered gross
weight - Minimum gross weight - Exemption.
The registration and license fee for a motor vehicle or for any lawful combination of motor
vehicles used for the transportation of property must be based upon the registered gross weight
of the motor vehicle or combination of vehicles. The minimum gross weight for which the motor
vehicle or combination of motor vehicles can be licensed is double the unloaded weight of the
motor vehicle or combination of vehicles and, subject to the minimum, the owner of any motor
vehicle or combination of vehicles in the application for license shall set out the gross weight for
which the owner desires a license. The gross weight of any trailer, semitrailer, or farm trailer
may not be included in the minimum gross weight for which a vehicle must be licensed when the
vehicle or combination of vehicles is not for hire and when the gross weight of the trailer,
semitrailer, or farm trailer being towed does not exceed twenty-four thousand pounds [10886.22
39-04-27. Manufacturer or dealer to give notice of sale or transfer.
Repealed by S.L. 1975, ch. 328, § 1.
39-04-28. Motor vehicle and motorcycle dealers licenses - Fees - Additional number
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 285, § 14.
39-04-29. Certificate of title to be delivered.
Repealed by S.L. 1981, ch. 378, § 38.
39-04-30. Cancellation of licenses.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 285, § 14.
39-04-31. Bond required.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 285, § 14.
39-04-31.1. Imposing fees in lieu of truck-mile tax.
Repealed by omission from S.L. 1959, ch. 289, § 15.
39-04-32. Used car lots - Location.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 285, § 14.
39-04-33. Dealer permitting license to be used by another dealer - License revoked -
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 285, § 14.
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39-04-34. Dealers to furnish information to registrar.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 285, § 14.
39-04-34.1. Transfer of certain powers to public service commission.
Repealed by S.L. 1953, ch. 237, § 7.
39-04-35. Dealer to file list of used cars with registrar - Fees paid on used cars by
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 285, § 14.
39-04-36. Transfer of registered vehicle - Removal of number plates - Transfer of
number plates.
1. Whenever the ownership of a vehicle registered under the provisions of this chapter,
chapter 39-18, or chapter 39-29.2 is transferred or assigned, the registration of the
vehicle expires and the transferor shall remove the number plates.
2. Upon applying for the transfer of the registration and paying a five dollar fee, a person
who transfers or assigns to another person the ownership of a registered vehicle may
receive credit for the unused portion of the fees paid for the transferred vehicle. The
transferor must use a number plate previously removed pursuant to subsection 1,
regardless of whether there is any license fee credit remaining. If the number plate has
become lost, stolen, or mutilated, the transferor may apply for duplicate plates. The
department may establish procedures that permit the transferor to assign the credit to
the transferee if the transferor is the spouse, a sibling, or a lineal ancestor or
descendant of the transferee. Any remaining credit on a vehicle owned by a leasing
company must be credited to the lessee. One-twelfth of the annual fee must be
credited for each month of the registration period remaining after the month in which
the transfer is made. The credit may not extend beyond the original expiration of the
registration. Except as provided in section 39-04-44, the credit must be applied to the
registration fees for a replacement vehicle. The transferor shall apply for the transfer of
registration within thirty days of the purchase of the replacement vehicle.
3. Except as otherwise permitted in this chapter, before the transferee of a registered
vehicle may operate the vehicle on a highway, the transferee must apply for and obtain
a new registration of the vehicle, as on an original registration. To provide the
transferee adequate time to obtain a new registration, the director may provide for the
issuance of a temporary registration certificate to permit the transferee to operate the
vehicle for thirty days after the date of acquisition. The certificate must be printed on
the reverse side of each vehicle registration card and must be available to the
transferee from licensed vehicle dealers, law enforcement agencies, and motor vehicle
branch offices. The vehicle may be operated for five days from date of purchase
without a plate or certificate of ownership if dated evidence of ownership is carried in
the vehicle. The evidence of ownership must be in a form as prescribed by the
39-04-37. Violations of registration provisions.
It is unlawful for any person to commit any of the following acts:
1. To operate, or for the owner thereof knowingly to permit anyone to operate, upon a
highway any vehicle the registration of which has been canceled or revoked, or for
which the registration fees required in this title have not been paid, or which does not
have attached thereto and displayed thereon a number plate, plates, or validation tabs
assigned thereto by the director for the current registration period, subject to the
exemptions allowed in this title.
2. To display or cause or permit to be displayed, or to have in possession, any
registration card, registration number plate, or validation tabs knowing the same to be
fictitious or to have been canceled, revoked, suspended, or altered.
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3. To lend any registration number plate, registration card, or validation tabs to any
person not entitled thereto, or knowingly permit the use of any registration number
plate or registration card by any person not entitled thereto.
4. To fail or refuse to surrender to the department, upon demand, any registration card,
registration number plate, or validation tab which has been suspended, canceled, or
revoked as is provided in this chapter.
5. To use a false or fictitious name or address in any application for the registration of any
vehicle, or for any renewal or duplicate thereof, or knowingly to make a false statement
or knowingly to conceal a material fact or otherwise to commit a fraud in any
6. To operate, or for the owner thereof knowingly to permit anyone to operate a motor
vehicle on a highway if the owner is employed in this state on a temporary or full-time
basis, is a resident of the state, and does not have a temporary registration permit
when required under subsection 1 of section 39-04-18.2. As used in this subsection,
the term "resident" means a resident as defined under subdivision e of subsection 2 of
section 39-04-18.
39-04-38. Taxes or fees provided for to be in lieu of other state or local personal
property taxes.
The taxes or fees provided for in this chapter are in lieu of all other personal property taxes,
either state or local, upon such motor vehicles and upon any trailer or semitrailer for which a
certificate of title is required to be issued and has been issued pursuant to the provisions of
chapter 39-05.
39-04-39. Distribution of registration fees collected.
Any moneys in the registration fund accruing from license fees or from other like sources, in
excess of the amount required to pay salaries and other necessary expenses, in accordance
with the legislative assembly's appropriation for such purposes, must be promptly deposited in
the highway tax distribution fund which must be distributed in the manner as prescribed by law.
The state treasurer shall transfer annually from the highway tax distribution fund to the ethanol
production incentive fund an amount equal to forty percent of all sums collected for the
registration of farm vehicles under subsection 5 of section 39-04-19 except that no transfer may
be made in an amount that would result in the balance of the ethanol production incentive fund
exceeding seven million five hundred thousand dollars.
39-04-39.1. Distribution to local highway funds.
Repealed by S.L. 1967, ch. 304, § 8.
39-04-39.2. Refunds of registration fees.
No refunds of registration fees may be made, except when the vehicle has been improperly
registered or when the vehicle has been destroyed.
39-04-39.3. Motor vehicle registration fee collection agreements with home rule cities.
The governing body of any incorporated city that has adopted the home rule provisions of
chapter 40-05.1 and the department may enter into contractual agreements under which the
department may collect any motor vehicle registration fees assessed by the city. Agreements
entered into under this section must provide for an agreed-upon amount to be allowed the
department for services rendered in connection with the collections. Any agreed-upon amount
collected must be deposited in the motor vehicle registration fund. The department shall deposit
with the state treasurer all money collected under this section and shall accompany each
remittance with a certificate showing the city for which it was collected. The state treasurer,
quarterly, shall pay to the city auditors of the several cities the money to which they are entitled
under this section.
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39-04-39.4. Refund of registration fees.
Any owner of a motor vehicle, if such motor vehicle is returned to the manufacturer under
the provisions of chapter 51-07, may claim a refund in the amount equal to the unused portion
of the fee upon the vehicle, computed pro rata by the month, one-twelfth of the annual fee paid
for each month of the registration period remaining after the month in which the vehicle was
returned, provided the number plates and validation tabs issued for the vehicle are returned to
the department.
39-04-39.5. Allocation of portion of registration fee.
Repealed by S.L. 2005, ch. 40, § 15.
39-04-40. Officers to enforce the provisions of chapter.
The highway patrol and all other road or police officers shall enforce the provisions of this
39-04-41. Penalty for violation of provisions of chapter.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter for which another penalty is not
specifically provided is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
39-04-42. Construction contract truck registration - Penalty.
Repealed by S.L. 1975, ch. 106, § 673.
39-04-43. Antique automobile - License and fee.
Repealed by S.L. 1981, ch. 378, § 38.
39-04-44. Credits on destroyed vehicle.
1. Any owner of a motor vehicle licensed in this state, if such vehicle is permanently and
involuntarily destroyed, may during the same year or following year claim a refund in
an amount equal to the unused portion of the fee paid, less five dollars, upon the
vehicle so destroyed, computed pro rata by the month, one-twelfth of the annual fee
paid for each month of the year remaining after the month in which such vehicle was
so destroyed, provided the number plates, registration card, and certificate of title are
returned to the department. If the number plates or registration card assigned to the
vehicle are destroyed, a refund may be obtained upon furnishing information of such
fact satisfactory to the department. Upon receiving the certificate of title, the
department shall issue a salvage certificate of title.
2. If a vehicle is withdrawn from a proportionally registered fleet during the period for
which it is registered, the registrant of the fleet shall notify the department. The
department may require surrender of cab cards and other identification devices with
respect to the vehicle. If a vehicle is permanently withdrawn from a proportionally
registered fleet because it has been destroyed, sold, or otherwise completely removed
from the service of the fleet operator, the unused portion of the fees paid with respect
to the vehicle must be applied against liability of the fleet operator for subsequent
additions to the fleet during the registration year or for additional fees upon audit. If at
the end of the registration year there remains an unused portion of fees paid with
respect to the permanently withdrawn vehicles, the unused fees must be applied
against registration fees for the registration year immediately following the year during
which the vehicles were permanently withdrawn. The used portion of fees of a vehicle
permanently withdrawn from a fleet is a sum equal to the amount paid with respect to
the vehicle when it was first proportionally registered in the registration year, reduced
by one-twelfth of the total annual proportional registration fee applicable to the vehicle
for each calendar month of the registration year including the month the notice of
withdrawal is received by the department, except that no unused portion of fees of less
than five dollars may be considered or applied. If an unused portion of fees cannot be
applied against registration fees for the registration year immediately following, an
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application for refund of the unused portion may be made to the department, which
shall adopt rules as may be required for payment of the refund.
39-04-44.1. Transporter's license and registration card.
A vehicle otherwise properly registered may be used for transporting other vehicles not
registered provided that the transported vehicle has displayed a transporter's license plate and
the transporting vehicle carries a transporter's registration card. The fee for the transporter's
license plate and registration card is sixty-five dollars per year.
39-04-45. Driveaway transporter registration.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-46. Driveaway transporter registration - Expiration.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-47. Driveaway transporter registration - Display.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-48. Driveaway transporter registration - Application.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-49. Driveaway transporter registration - Fee.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-50. Motor vehicle department powers.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-51. Penalties.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-52. Driveaway transport license fees - Effect.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-53. Noncompliance - Effect.
Repealed by S.L. 1963, ch. 265, § 7.
39-04-54. Registration card - Issuance - Contents - Signing.
Upon registering a vehicle, the department shall issue to the owner a registration card which
must set forth all of the following:
1. The date issued.
2. The registration number assigned to the vehicle.
3. A description of the registered vehicle, including either serial or identification number.
4. A space for the signature of the owner.
5. The name of the owner.
6. Other statements of fact as may be determined necessary by the department.
39-04-55. Registration to be carried in or on vehicle - Inspection - Penalty.
The registration issued for a vehicle must be in the driver's vehicle or on an electronic
device in the possession of the driver or, in the case of a housetrailer or mobile home or a trailer
or semitrailer, regardless of when such vehicle was acquired, inside or on the vehicle, at all
times while the vehicle is being operated upon a highway in this state. The registration is subject
to inspection by any peace officer or highway patrol officer. Upon request of an inspection by
any peace officer or highway patrol officer, a driver may produce either a registration card or
electronic registration as provided by the department. An electronic registration must be
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designed so that there is no need for the registration holder to relinquish possession of the
device, in which the electronic registration is installed, to present the registration, or for the
individual to whom the registration is presented to access the verification system to confirm the
validity of the registration. Any person violating this section must be assessed a fee of twenty
dollars. However, a person cited for violation of this section may not be found to have committed
the violation if the person, within fourteen days after being cited produces and displays to the
office of the prosecutor where the matter is pending, a registration valid at the time the person
was cited. A peace officer or highway patrol officer, upon citing a person for violating this
section, shall inform the person that a violation will be considered as not having occurred if the
person produces and displays a valid registration in the manner provided in this section.
39-04-56. Altering or forging registration card - Penalty.
It is a class C felony for any person to:
1. Alter with fraudulent intent any registration card issued by the department;
2. Forge or counterfeit any registration card purporting to have been issued by the
department under the provisions of this chapter;
3. Alter or falsify with fraudulent intent or forge any assignment of a registration card; or
4. Use any registration card, or assignment, knowing the same to have been altered,
forged, or falsified.
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