FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools for PC
Tools+ is an upgrade that adds the ability to create Microsoft Word templates and
reports, create radiometric panorama images, and record sequences from
compatible USB and Ethernet cameras.
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools can be downloaded from the FLIR Support Center website. A user
account is needed to download software and manuals.
FLIR Tools+
FLIR Tools for PC
If you connect a camera via USB while FLIR Tools is running a startup screen will
appear with links to common functions. Click the button to Import images from
View images in library will close the startup screen and show the image library.
Connect to live stream will display a live image from compatible FLIR cameras.
Check for updates will check for FLIR Tools updates. It can also check for updates
for certain FLIR USB cameras.
You can also import images using the Import button in the image library.
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools will read all the images and videos on the FLIR camera and display them
in the import window. IR and photo groups, MSX, and Fusion images will appear
“stacked” in the import window and in the library.
You can use the CTRL or SHIFT key on the keyboard to select specific groups to
import, or you can choose to import all the files from the camera.
UltraMax images can be automatically enhanced while being imported.
FLIR Tools for PC
The next step is to select a destination folder, or create a new folder, and then click
Import to complete the file transfer.
FLIR Tools for PC
All library folders appear on the panel to the left. The default folder is \My
Documents\FLIR. The Add button allows you add more folders to the library.
FLIR Tools for PC
Folders can be removed from the library by selecting the Options menu, then the
Library tab. Removing folders does not delete them from the PC, it just takes them
out of the FLIR Tools library.
FLIR Tools for PC
Images and sub-folders can be deleted if you right-click and select Delete.
FLIR Tools for PC
It is important to delete images from within the FLIR Tools library. If you delete them
from Windows Explorer the Tools database will show a blank record because it can
no longer find the images. You can right-click on these to delete them.
FLIR Tools for PC
The Clone option on the right-click menu will make an exact copy of an image
group or sequence (SEQ or CSQ) in your library.
The Extract Photo option will extract the visual photo from a fusion image and
create a separate JPEG file. Extract Full Photo will extract the photo using the full
visual camera resolution.
Extracting the photo is not necessary if you create reports using FLIR Tools or
Tools+. The FLIR software will automatically extract the photo for use in the report.
FLIR Tools for PC
Some camera models do not have a built-in visual camera. In this case, you can
create an image group manually by dragging a photo on top of its corresponding IR
image. The resulting image group will be the same as if the images were taken on
the same camera. You would need to copy and paste the photos into the image
folder using Windows Explorer.
You can right-click on a previously grouped set of images and click Ungroup to
separate them.
FLIR Tools for PC
To set the units in FLIR Tools, click the Options menu and click Units.
FLIR Tools for PC
You can double-click on any of the images in the library to view a full-size
radiometric image. This allows you to perform detailed measurements, adjust the
temperature scale, palette, object parameters and other settings, and save
FLIR Tools for PC
Many modern cameras can save images using one of the various Fusion modes,
such as MSX or Picture-in-Picture. Regardless of which mode was used, FLIR
Tools allows you to switch between MSX, Interval, Blending, and Picture-in-Picture
modes. You can also view the standard thermal image and visual photo.
FLIR Tools for PC
This shows the same image in the four different fusion modes. The second button
from the left will show the plain thermal image with no fusion.
FLIR Tools for PC
The level and span can be adjusted using the brackets under the image. You can
also automatically adjust the scale, and you can type specific numbers for the
maximum and minimum temperature if desired.
FLIR Tools for PC
The Adjust Region option allows the user to define a region of interest for the auto-
adjust, rather than using the entire image. This can be helpful, particularly for
outdoor electrical work, where the background is often a cold sky. When using this
mode the auto-adjust algorithm is applied to a small area of interest, excluding much
of the background. The result is better thermal contrast, which can help to identify
potential problems.
FLIR Tools for PC
The Digital Zoom allows the user to digitally magnify the image. If you hover over
the Zoom button some instructions will appear for zooming and panning. If you click
on the Zoom button you can reset to the full image.
To Zoom In and Out
Use CTRL + and .
Use CTRL and mouse wheel.
To Pan
Hold down Space and move mouse.
To Select Zoom Window
Use Alt and drag mouse to select zoom window.
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools offers a number of color palettes that can be applied to the image. Color
palettes can help with image interpretation in certain cases.
FLIR Tools for PC
The Color Distribution menu allows you to change how the colors are being
spread across the image.
Histogram Equalization is the most common mode used by most handheld
cameras. This can help to optimize thermal contrast, particularly when you have
small areas of relatively high temperatures compared to a cooler background.
Signal and Temperature Linear will linearize the color scale based on pixel values
or temperatures, respectively.
FLIR Tools for PC
Color alarms, also known as isotherms, can be added to the image from the
Palette menu. Alarm settings can be adjusted from the measurements table to the
right of the image.
There are also building alarms for detecting areas of potential moisture and
insulation problems.
FLIR Tools for PC
Spot meters, areas, lines, and difference functions can be added to the image.
Measurement results can be viewed in the table to the right of the image.
FLIR Tools for PC
Temperature information displayed about areas and lines can be customized if you
right-click and select the Local max/min/avg/markers menu. You can choose any
combination of parameters to display in the Measurements table. You can also
show or hide the min/max markers on the image.
FLIR Tools for PC
Emissivity, reflected temperature, and other object parameters can be easily
adjusted from the table to the right of the image. These parameters have an impact
on the accuracy of temperature measurements. Click Show All to display the
atmospheric temperature, humidity, distance, and external optics parameters.
FLIR Tools for PC
Local object parameters can help in cases where you have a variety of different
materials in the same image. You can set the emissivity for each measurement tool
to reflect the material being measured. Right-click on the measurement tool and
click Local Parameters. You can use local settings for emissivity, reflected
temperature, and distance.
If local parameters have been set an “i” symbol will appear next to the measurement
tool. If you hover over the “i” symbol with the mouse a small window will appear
showing the local parameter settings.
FLIR Tools for PC
Notes and text annotations can be added and saved with the image. The Note field
is meant for a brief note, perhaps describing your findings.
If you click the + symbol in the Text Annotations section you can add a row with a
label and value field.
If you click the + next to Import from template you can import text labels and
values from pre-defined text annotation templates. See the section on “Text
Annotation Templates” for more details.
If an image contains text from a camera then it will appear automatically.
FLIR Tools for PC
If an image was saved with a voice annotation in the camera, a playback bar will
appear in the table to the right of the image. Click the Play button to listen to the
voice annotation with your PC speakers.
If an image is saved with Meterlink data this will appear in the measurements table
to the right of the image.
FLIR Tools for PC
Click the Save button to save changes to the image. The image window will remain
open so you can navigate through the library images. Click Save and close to
return to the image library.
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools for PC
From the Templates tab:
Click to Import a TCF file. This can be a file created from an older version of
Reporter, or a file that has been exported from FLIR Tools.
You can also Create a new text template and add the desired values and fields.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you have an existing text template you can click the small “pencil” icon to edit the
FLIR Tools for PC
A text template contains a list of Fields (or categories) and Values (related to each
Field). You typically will have several values for each field. If you click on a field
you can type new text. If you hover over the field with the mouse you will see an
option to add a new row and to delete an item from the Template.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you select a Field from the left column you can begin to add/edit related Values.
These values are the choices that will appear when you select the field.
When you are done editing the template click Save As to save changes.
FLIR Tools for PC
The Export button allows you to export the text template as a TCF file. This
provides a way to share the template with other Thermographers, and can also help
if you move to a new PC.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you connect a compatible camera via the USB cable, or plug the SD card into the
PC, FLIR Tools will recognize the device and show a drive letter. When you are
ready to send the template to the camera simply click on the desired template file,
click the arrow button, and that will place the template in the camera memory. Now
you can disconnect and begin storing images with text!
FLIR Tools for PC
If you have the T6xx (P/N 55903, 55904) or T4xx (P/N 62103, 62104) or Exx
(P/N 645xx, 646xx):
1. From the Settings menu choose Save Options.
2. Choose Add annotation after saving.
3. Choose Save and Add Table or Save and add any annotation.
4. Select the text template you wish to use when saving images.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you have the T6xx, T420, T440, or Exx camera:
Preview the image.
Select Add (the + button).
Select Table.
Chose the desired fields and values.
If you have a Txxx, Bxxx (or similar):
Preview the image so the toolbar appears at the bottom.
Select the Notepad button.
Choose the first tab and select the desired values for each field.
FLIR Tools for PC
The same text annotation templates are available when editing the image in FLIR
Tools, regardless of whether the text is used in the camera.
Click the + next to Import from Template to display a list of text annotation
templates. From the pull-down menu choose the desired template. Then, choose
the appropriate values for each label. The image will be saved with the selected
text fields, and the text will appear in the report.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you click Options, then Report, you can configure the report logo and add header
and footer text for the report page. You can also select the page size.
The Show all parameters checkbox will display all object parameters on the report,
rather than just emissivity and reflected temperature.
The Extract digital camera photo…. checkbox will extract the visual photo from
fusion images and place it on the report page next to the infrared image.
FLIR Tools for PC
The first step of the report creation process is to select the images. If you hold
down the CTRL key you can select multiple, random images in the library. The
SHIFT key can be used to select a group of images; click the first image, hold down
SHIFT, and then click the last image in the group.
With the desired images selected, click the down arrow next to Generate Report
and click on the template or image sheet you wish to use.
FLIR Tools for PC
Each template has a different page layout, however most templates show the IR
image and photo, the measurements table, and any notes and text annotations that
have been added to the image.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you click on the IR image some additional options will appear to the right of the
page that control what is displayed:
1. The first check mark under object details allows you to show or hide the
measurement results table.
2. The second checkmark will show or hide the information around the IR image
border (date, time, serial number, etc.).
3. The third checkmark will show or hide the scale.
You can also change the logo that is shown on the page, or uncheck the logo box to
hide it.
FLIR Tools for PC
The insert new textbox button can be used to add a text box to the report page, for
additional notes about your findings. Just click the button to select it, then click and
drag anywhere on the page.
With the text box selected, the font options will appear in the panel to the right of the
FLIR Tools for PC
The insert new marker button can be used to draw arrows on the page. This is
often used to correlate a problem on the IR image with the visual photo, to make it
easier for the person reading the report to identify the location of the fault. Just click
the marker button to select it, and then click and drag to draw it on the page.
With the arrow selected on the page the color can be changed in the panel to the
right of the page.
FLIR Tools for PC
Even though the report is made, you can still edit the thermal image to make
changes to the scale, parameters, and measurement functions. Simply double-click
on the IR image on the report page. The image editor window is identical to what
you see when editing the image in the library. Any changes made in the report,
however, will not affect the original image in the library.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you click the arrow button in the lower-left corner it will show a list of cover and
content pages that can be added to the report. Click on the desired page to add it
to the report. You can also click the X button to delete a page.
FLIR Tools for PC
After a blank template page is added, you can drag and drop the desired image
group onto the page to add it, along with the measurement results and any text
annotations that were added to the image.
The order of the pages can be changed by dragging and dropping them in the
column to the left of the report page.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you click the Save button you can save the report in an editable format. You can
open this report at a later time and add pages, edit text, and edit the IR images
inside the report. We recommend always saving in this format.
The Export button allows you to save a PDF copy of the report. This is not editable
with FLIR Tools. We recommend using this option when distributing reports to
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools has the ability to connect to a variety of FLIR USB Video and Ethernet
cameras. An E60, T440, T640, A310, A35, and many other similar models can
connect. These cameras can stream radiometric video, allowing you to measure
temperatures on the live image, adjust parameters, and capture JPEGs that can be
post-processed and used for inspection reports. FLIR Bluetooth meters can also be
If a camera or meter is detected the Instruments section will appear automatically.
All thermal cameras and meters that are detected will appear in this list. If you click
on the lightning bolt button a live connection will be established.
FLIR Tools for PC
Once connected you can control most camera functions from FLIR Tools. If the
camera has electronic focus you can adjust the near/far focus, and you can auto-
focus. You can also perform a NUC, which will engage the internal shutter and
perform a non-uniformity correction.
The measurement range can be changed, and you can adjust the frame rate.
These options will vary depending on the camera model.
FLIR Tools for PC
The pause button allows you to pause the live video stream. The camera button will
capture a radiometric JPEG to your image library. Since it is radiometric you can
process it using FLIR Tools, allowing you to measure temperatures, adjust
parameters, and create inspection reports.
FLIR Tools for PC
The real-time image is fully radiometric, so you can make scale adjustments,
change the palette, measure temperatures, and adjust object parameters. If a
JPEG is captured it will save all of the settings and measurement tools that are
present on the image.
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools can playback and analyze previously recorded SEQ and CSQ files.
As with any standard radiometric JPEG, you can easily measure temperatures,
adjust the thermal tuning, change emissivity and other parameters, and add text
annotations to the sequence. All of these changes can be saved with the recording.
FLIR Tools for PC
If you click the x1 button the playback speed can be adjusted to play forward or
backward up to 60x times the original speed. The play buttons in the center of the
toolbar will play the recording, and you can step forward/backward by one frame.
The camera type, date, time, and other data shows in the panel to the right of the
FLIR Tools for PC
The camera button below the image allows you to extract any frame from the
recording to your image library as a radiometric JPEG. This can be analyzed using
FLIR Tools and can be used in a report.
You can also convert the sequence to an AVI file, which is handy for sharing with
others who do not have the FLIR software.
The loop button will automatically replay the sequence.
FLIR Tools for PC
Temporal Plots can be a convenient way to analyze transient events.
Plots can be created using any measurement tool. Just right-click on the tool, click
Plot, and then click the item you wish to plot. In this case we are plotting the
maximum temperature of Area 1. The graph is drawn automatically without having
to replay the entire sequence.
FLIR Tools for PC
More than one tool can be plotted on the same graph. To add more tools simply
right-click on the next tool and choose the Plot menu again. Repeat this process for
each tool you wish to plot.
This graph is plotting the maximum temperature of three different areas.
FLIR Tools for PC
Plot data can be easily copied from FLIR Tools as text and pasted into other
programs like Microsoft Excel for more detailed analysis.
Just right-click anywhere on the graph, click Copy, and click Data to copy the plot
data to the Windows Clipboard. Now you can start Excel and paste the data into a
new spreadsheet.
Each row represents a plot point in the graph. The data is broken up into columns
showing the date, time, and temperature for each measurement tool.
FLIR Tools for PC
Temperature data for an image, or for any measurement tool, can be exported to
CSV format. This is a comma-separated text file that can be read using Excel.
FLIR Tools for PC
When exporting an image, area, or line, the text file will contain an array of
temperatures for each pixel.
When exporting from an SEQ or CSQ, each frame from the recording is exported to
a single CSV file. Column A contains the frame differentiator.
FLIR Tools for PC
The FLIR Tools PC software can be used to update firmware for a variety of
handheld Thermography cameras.
FLIR Tools for PC
Firmware updates can be done via the USB connection. Once FLIR Tools is
installed, power on the camera and connect it to the USB port.
When possible use the camera power supply, or ensure that the battery is fully
charged before performing a firmware update. Updates can take up to 20 minutes
depending on the camera model.
FLIR Tools for PC
If FLIR Tools is running when the camera is connected a splash-screen will appear
with several links to common functions. Click “Check for Updates” from here, or
click “Help, Check for Updates” in FLIR Tools.
FLIR Tools for PC
The splash-screen for the K-Series is slightly different, you must click “Configure
camera” and then “Check for updates”. You can also click “Help, Check for
Updates” in FLIR Tools.
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools will notify you if any updates are available for the software and the
camera. If the camera is already registered simply click “Update” and follow the
steps. If not, a button will appear prompting you to register the serial number first.
FLIR Tools for PC
The K-Series firefighting cameras can be configured using FLIR Tools. When
connected via USB click the Configure Camera button from the splash screen. The
configuration window has two tabs. Click the User Interface tab to select the
desired configuration mode. You can also choose to add a custom boot logo to the
FLIR Tools for PC
FLIR Tools for PC