Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 1
Social Media Analytics:
Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Roosevelt C. Mosley Jr., FCAS, MAAA
The use of social media has grown significantly in recent years. With the growth in its use, there has also been a
substantial growth in the amount of information generated by users of social media. Insurers are making
significant investments in social media, but many are not systematically analyzing the valuable information that is
resulting from their investments.
This paper discusses the application of correlation, clustering, and association analyses to social media. This is
demonstrated by analyzing insurance Twitter posts. The results of these analyses help identify keywords and
concepts in the social media data, and can facilitate the application of this information by insurers. As insurers
analyze this information and apply the results of the analysis in relevant areas, they will be able to proactively
address potential market and customer issues more effectively.
Keywords. Social media, analytics, data mining, text mining, clustering, association analysis
Regardless of where you look, you can see an explosion in the use of social media. Online
communities have developed that focus on both personal and professional lives. Groups have been
formed that focus on every potential area of interest, including food, sports, music, parenting,
scrapbooking, and actuarial issues. It is estimated that there are over 900 social media sites on the
internet. Some of the more popular platforms are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and
YouTube. To help understand the explosion in the use of social media, consider the following
statistics which were compiled at [1] in January 2011 and by Danny Brown
on his blog at [2].
People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
There are 200 million registered Twitter accounts.
There are more than 70 million users of LinkedIn worldwide.
YouTube receives more than 2 billion viewers per day.
Seventy-seven percent of internet users read blogs.
The majority of the population is using social media in some form or another. Given the
substantial increase in the use of social media, there is a significant amount of information that is
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 2
being generated. As seen in the same sources referenced above, the volume of this content is
More than 30 billion pieces of content are shared each month on Facebook.
Every minute, 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.
As of December 2010, the average number of tweets sent per day was 110 million.
There are currently 133 million blogs listed on leading blog directory Technorati.
So not only are people joining and accessing social media sites, but they are also spending time
engaging in social media and creating a significant amount of content. As a result of this time spent
on social media and the information being generated, businesses have taken notice and are
attempting to leverage the power of social media to help them succeed. According to [3],
Two-thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100
websites have integrated with Facebook.
Many businesses now have established Twitter accounts in an attempt to connect with
current and potential customers.
Eighty-eight percent of companies use LinkedIn as a recruitment tool.
Corporate blogging accounts for 14% of blogs.
The commitment that businesses are making to increase their presence in social media is also
being shown in the resources they are committing to this effort. According to eMarketer, U.S.
marketers will spend over $3 billion to advertise on social media sites in 2011, which is a 55%
increase over what was spent in 2010, and 11% of what they spend on online advertising overall.
Also, according to, 50% of Chief Marketing Officers at Fortune 1000 companies
say they have launched a corporate blog because it is a cost of doing business today. So not only is
the corporate investment being evidenced by dollars spent but also in the time it takes to create and
maintain social media efforts.
Insurance companies have joined in this effort by businesses to use social media. The Customer
Respect Group (CRG) produces a monthly newsletter entitled “Social Eyes: The Insurer’s View of
Social Media.” [4] This newsletter focuses on trends and news related to the use of social media by
insurance companies. As part of the newsletter, CRG tracks the use of insurer social media sites.
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Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 3
One of the categories that is tracked is the use of Facebook. In the June, 2011 issue of “Social
Eyes,” CRG tracks 36 insurance company corporate Facebook pages that have a collective total of
over three million fans. CRG also tracks other insurance company-related Facebook pages, such as
advertising personalities or pages that are targeted toward a specific demographic. These ten
Facebook pages have over 5.7 million fans, with the largest being the Facebook page of Flo, the
Progressive Girl, who has just over 3 million fans. There is also a section in the newsletter that
tracks the Twitter followers and activity of 30 corporate insurance company Twitter identities.
CRG describes the different ways that social media is being used by insurance companies.
Insurance companies are using social media for broad purposes, such as communicating general
content and promotional advertising, but some are also using the platform to contact and
communicate with customers directly. In addition, insurance companies are using social media as a
platform for promoting and raising money for charities, i.e., donating to a particular cause for every
new fan or for every new Twitter follower.
The use of social media sites has grown significantly, and this fact is being recognized by
businesses, including insurance companies. In response, insurance companies and other businesses
are investing significant time and resources into establishing and maintaining a social media
presence. All of this is feeding into the exponential increase in the amount of data and information
that is being generated. This then raises a significant question. What are companies in general, and
insurance companies specifically, doing with all of this information? Every Facebook post, every
Tweet, every blog entry, every connection with social media generates a new data point, a new bit of
information that may be of value to insurance companies. This information might help an insurance
company service a policyholder better, connect with a potential new customer, identify a need or
concern in the marketplace, or uncover a competitive issue they may be facing. Social media
platforms provide opportunities for consumers to share their thoughts with a broader audience, and
in understanding how customers are feeling or what they are facing, insurers can better interact with
How can insurers access and begin to make use of this information? Based on the statistics above
related to the amount of social media content that is available, the task can be overwhelming. One
approach is for a company to hire a team of people to monitor social media sites for content that
might be valuable to a company. This would require the team to read through content, identify
information that the company may be able to use, and then to identify the proper channels through
which to route that information. While this can and is being done, the obvious challenge is that as
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 4
the amount of social media content continues to increase, more human resources will be required to
analyze it. This means either increasing the budget for social media efforts, or simply living with the
fact that you cannot analyze everything, thus potentially missing valuable information.
The purpose of this paper is to describe, through the use of a specific example, how data mining
and analytics can be applied to social media. Data analytics provides insurance companies with a
systematic, organized, and powerful way to analyze social media information and extract the valuable
information in it without needing to read through every piece of content. Using the power of
analytics, key areas of importance can be identified, and these areas can then be investigated further.
This can optimize the time spent by focusing the analysis on those areas that are of the greatest
potential benefit to the company.
1.1 Research Context
The context of this research will focus on data and text analytics. Since much of the data from
the social media sites will be text-based data, the process of preparing and analyzing the data will
focus on principles of preparing text data for analysis. The author was unable to find anything in
CAS literature that focuses specifically on the analysis of social media. However, a good discussion
of the principles of text mining in CAS literature is in a paper written by Louise Francis entitled
“Taming Text: An Introduction to Text Mining.” [5] Building on these concepts, there are some
unique considerations when analyzing text data from social media sites which will be discussed in
this paper.
1.2 Objective
The purpose of this paper is to describe, through the use of a specific example, how data mining
and text analytics can be applied to social media to identify key themes in the data. Specifically, this
paper will describe the analysis of Twitter posts related to the keyword Allstate. Allstate was chosen
purely based on the public availability of historical Twitter data. While this example helps to make
some of the points and concepts clearer, the purpose of this paper is not to provide a detailed
analysis of Twitter activity related to Allstate, but to demonstrate how analytics can specifically be
applied to social media information related to a property and casualty insurance company.
1.3 Outline
Section 2 will provide a general background and description of Twitter and will describe the data
used in this analysis. Section 3 will provide some general descriptive statistics about the data. Section
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 5
4 will discuss the steps that were taken to prepare the data for analysis. Section 5 will describe the
analysis of the tweets and also provide some insight into the results of the analysis. Section 6 will
outline some of the challenges associated with analyzing social media information. Finally, Section 7
will give applications of these types of analyses for insurance companies.
Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to send and read short messages of a
maximum of 140 characters. Twitter was created in March 2006 and was officially launched in July
2006. The growth of Twitter has been phenomenal, currently having reached over 200 million users
and handling over 200 million tweets per day. Users sign up for an account on Twitter, and once
they have an account they can begin to “tweet,” which is the terminology for sending a message.
Users can subscribe to other user’s tweets, a process known as “following.” These subscribers are
known as “followers.” By default, tweets that a user sends are visible to everyone; however, users
can also choose to send tweets specifically to their followers that will not be visible to the public.
Users on Twitter are identified by a user name, and this user name is proceeded by the “@”
symbol. When a user identifies another user in their tweet by their user name, it will be visible to the
public, and the user that is referenced will be notified by Twitter that they have been “mentioned.
If a user sees a tweet that is interesting and wants to pass the information along, they can “retweet”
the post, which is similar to forwarding an email message to a new set of users, in this case their
followers. Retweets will generally be identified with an “RT” that is embedded in the message.
Lastly, messages can be grouped by topic or type by the use of hashtags (#). A hashtag preceding
the topic will allow Twitter users to find tweets related to a particular topic when performing a
Twitter also has a location function. If users are tweeting from a mobile device, they can choose
to turn on their location, and their latitude and longitude will be captured with the tweet.
Tweets can be related to anything, but much of the content on Twitter is related to several key
categories. These categories were outlined in research done by Pear Analytics in 2009 on 2,000
tweets [6]. This study found that tweets were primarily related to six categories:
1. Pointless babble – 40%
2. Conversational – 38%
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 6
3. Pass along value 9%
4. Self-promotion – 6%
5. Spam 4%
6. News 4%
While these numbers are related to a study that was done two years ago when Twitter was not as
widely used as it is now, the general categorization of tweets likely still holds. As it relates to
insurance companies, the areas of interest would be categories 2, 3, and 6, which account for 51% of
tweets. Certainly, not all tweets in these categories will be useful to insurers, so the challenge is to
determine how to analyze the tweets in such a way that the important information is separated from
the information that is not important.
To demonstrate how this can be done, a dataset of insurance company tweets was identified for
analysis. was a web service that tracked and archived Twitter posts based on
archives that were set up by users. To track tweets related to a particular topic or user, users could
go to this site and establish an archive, and would track and archive those
tweets. On July 29, 2010, an archive titled #allstate was established. Tweets for this hashtag were
collected from this starting point, with the exception of about a five-week time period (to be
explained later). This analysis used tweets through August 12, 2011. [Author’s Note: Since the paper
was completed, was fully integrated into This site allows users to
archive social media data based on defined search criteria. However, archives established by other
users cannot be accessed unless explicit permission is given by the owner of the archive.]
The data that was captured from includes the following information:
: the username that sent the tweet
: the content of the tweet
: the date and time the tweet was sent (GMT)
Tweet ID
: Twitter identification number of the tweet
It must also be remembered that this data was captured based on the use of the hashtag Allstate.
Therefore, it will not capture every tweet that uses the word Allstate, but rather those tweets where
the user specifically identified Allstate as a keyword. Also, makes no guarantees
: latitude and longitude of the user
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that they capture all tweets that meet the archive criteria, so there could potentially be tweets with
#allstate that were not captured. While this may introduce a bias, the concepts for analyzing the
tweets are still valid.
There are a total of 68,370 tweets that were used as part of this analysis. The tweets used began
on August 1, 2010 and ended on August 12, 2011. The number of tweets by month is shown below.
Figure 1: Tweets per Month
As can be seen in the figure above, the number of tweets captured per month varied between
1,500 and just under 5,000 through January 2011, at which point the number of tweets increased to
10,000 15,000 per month for March through May 2011. June and July settled back to pre-March,
2011 levels. August 2011 only represents 12 days of tweets, so it was not a complete month as of the
time this paper was written.
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Throughout this paper, as will be described later, we will attempt to uncover concepts being
communicated in the data through the use of various data mining techniques. Generally, what the
uncovering of these realities does is create more questions which require more investigation to come
up with more complete answers. There are several questions which are apparent from Figure 1.
First, there seemed to be a significant increase in the number of tweets per month from March to
May 2011, followed by a decrease. In addition, as mentioned earlier, there is about a five-week
period during which no tweets were captured. We will address the issue related to the increase in
tweets later in this paper. Regarding the missing tweets, the author contacted to
inquire about the missing data. Early in 2011, there were some issues with the archiving servers, and
as a result some of them had to be taken offline for a period of time. The #allstate archive was taken
offline during part of January and February, and thus resulted in the five-week period during which
no tweets were captured.
What was interesting as well is that there were 40,258 unique users that generated the 68,370
tweets. This equates to an average of only 1.69 tweets per user. The Allstate corporate Twitter
identity generated the largest number of tweets at 1,169, which only equated to 1.6% of the total
tweets. Over 33,000 of the users made only one comment over the study time period, so the overall
conversation was not dominated by just a few users. In fact, the top 100 users only accounted for
13.4% of the tweets, and the top 1,000 users only accounted for 29.2% of the total number of
tweets. Even when looking at the traditional 80/20 rule (80% of the involvement comes from 20%
of the participants), this particular data falls significantly short of this criteria. The top 20% of the
users only account for 52.9% of the tweets.
This underscores one of the realities that underlie social media. The content is really driven by the
community rather than specific users. Certainly, there are users that are more active than others, and
this activity can be a source of interest for further investigation by a company. But overwhelmingly
what social media brings is a sense of the feeling of the community. And if the same sentiment is
being expressed by multiple individual users, then it may be something an insurer wants to pay
attention to.
In addition to looking at the trends in tweets by month, we also have summarized the tweets by
hour of the day to understand the most active times of day for the use of Twitter related to this
archive. Figure 2 shows the summaries by hour in Eastern Time.
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 9
Hour of the Day (Eastern Time)
Tweets by Hour of the Day
Figure 2: Number of Tweets by Hour of the Day
As can be seen from the chart above, the most active times for the use of Twitter for this archive
were between 11:00 am and midnight Eastern Time. This time period will represent the most active
time periods across most of the time zones across the United States. Therefore, this distribution of
time periods appears to be reasonable. There is still activity outside of this time period, but the tweet
activity is between one-third and two-thirds lower during the late night and early morning hours.
This type of information might be helpful to those that are responsible for monitoring, analyzing,
and responding to Twitter activity, especially if trends in the type of activity by time of day can be
There are other types of general descriptive statistics that can be calculated based on the data.
The goal in generally describing the data is to determine whether the data appears to be reasonable,
to determine the applicability of the data for the intended purpose, and to identify any potential gaps
or concerns with the data.
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 10
The analysis of social media data is heavily dependent on the ability to analyze text data.
However, there are some unique considerations in the analysis of social media data that make it
different than a normal text mining analysis. One major consideration is that social media data tends
to be informal, so issues with misspellings and abbreviations will be a larger challenge. In addition, in
the case of Twitter, there are certain symbols that actually do have a meaning and therefore extra
care needs to be taken in cleansing the text.
Much of the work required to analyze social media data will be spent obtaining and preparing the
data for analysis. This is not a trivial exercise, and the proper approach for a company will depend
on the ultimate purpose of the analysis. While the purpose of this paper is not to provide a complete
discussion on obtaining social media data, we have listed a few approaches here that the reader can
pursue further. As described earlier, the source of the data for this analysis is,
which is a service that captures and archives Twitter posts. There are third party applications which
can capture social media data from websites, and these applications appear to be both web-based
services as well as stand-alone programs. Developers can also create computer programs which
monitor and capture information from their social media sites. Programs also exist which scrape
information from screens, and this can be applied to monitoring and collecting social media data
from websites. Ultimately, companies will need to work with their information technology
departments to determine the best approach for collecting and storing social media data.
The first step in analyzing the text data is to remove all the punctuation and symbols. This
information generally does not add to the understanding of the text and will make it more difficult
to decipher the words that are part of the tweet. This information includes single and double
quotation marks, parentheses, punctuation marks, and stray symbols (dollar signs, stars, etc.). In the
initial data cleaning, the signs that actually have meaning for Twitter (@, #) were retained.
Once the tweet has been cleansed of punctuation marks and symbols, then the tweet can be
parsed into words. This parsing occurs by identifying spaces and using these spaces as the indication
of one word ending and another word beginning. The number of potential words will depend on the
source of the data. In the case of Twitter, posts are limited to 140 characters, so identifying up to 35
words for this analysis was sufficient. There are other sources of social media such as Facebook
where one will need many more words than this to capture all the content.
At this point, the data is structured in a manner shown below:
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 11
Table 1: List of Words in Rows
Tweet ID
Text of
Next, we want to determine the frequency of words present in these tweets. To do this, we stack
all of the word columns into one column, and then summarize the word frequencies based on this
combined column. This will change the data structure from tweets in rows to tweets in columns
with one word per row. In stacking these words, care must be taken to maintain the Tweet ID and
the word order, since this will be important later in the analysis. The structure of the data once this
transformation is made is shown below:
Table 2: List of Words in Columns
Tweet ID
Word Order
This data can then be summarized by word to determine the frequency of words in the tweets. It
is here that one will find many different types of words that may not be beneficial to the analysis,
words such as “a, an, the, in, I, on, and of.” Therefore, these words should be removed at this point
so they do not unnecessarily slow down the analysis. The top 10 words in this analysis are shown
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 12
Table 3: Top 10 Keywords
Pct of
allstate 70815 7.0%
insurance 16868 1.7%
Rt 9292 0.9%
jobs 6093 0.6%
arena 5327 0.5%
good 5132 0.5%
mayhem 5113 0.5%
like 4007 0.4%
The most prevalent keywords are not surprising. They are related to several different areas that
are important to insurance companies. Obviously, the term “insurance” would be expected. “Jobs”
appear to be an important topic in insurance company tweets, showing up in total over 10,000 times
in the dataset. In addition, there are two words in the top ten related to Allstate advertising,
including commercialsand Mayhem,which is one of the current advertising campaigns being
run by Allstate. Lastly, there are two words related to insurance company slogans present in the top
10, “good” and “like.
In addition to the analysis of the frequency of words present in the tweets, because tweets use
hashtags to identify keywords, an analysis of the keywords identified can also be undertaken. Based
on the #allstate archive, the top 10 hashtags are:
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2 13
Table 4: Hashtag Frequency
There are similar words present in the hashtags as there are in the keyword analysis. Five of the
categories are related to employment, including either “jobs” or “hiring.” Mayhem is also mentioned
here as well. The difference in this list that stands out is the hashtag “coupon.” After further
investigation of these tweets, they appeared to be coupons offered by either Allstate as they
participated in home shows or agencies offering coupons for local merchants.
A simple application of understanding the keywords that are present in tweets would be to set up
rules that are triggered by certain keywords. For example, one the keywords present in the data is
claims. This word could be a trigger for identifying insureds with questions or concerns about filing
claims or the claims process. Another keyword is quote. This could be a trigger to identify potential
customers who are looking for information on insurance prices.
There are two issues with the analysis of text data that can be corrected at this point. The first
issue is misspelling, and the second issue is different cases or variations of the same word. Again,
because of the informal nature of social media, misspellings are common. Also, as can be seen in the
top ten words, there can be different tenses or cases of the same word, as with “job” and “jobs.” In
each of these cases, the desire in the analysis is to reflect the intent of the user. In order to do this,
we want to either correct the spelling or make the different tenses consistent. Both of these issues
can be addressed using the same approach.
Two techniques were used in this analysis to identify spelling and tense or case differences. One
approach is the comparison of two strings by computing the Levenshtein edit distance (LED). The
LED is defined as the number of insertions, deletions, or replacements of single characters that are
required to convert one string to another. For example, the LED between “job” and “jobs” is 1,
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since the strings would be equal by either adding an “s” to the first word or deleting the “s” from
the second. Another approach to comparing strings is to calculate the generalized edit distance
(GED). The GED between two strings (string1 and string2) is calculated as the minimum cost
sequence of operations for constructing string2 from string1. In this calculation, different operations
have different penalties associated with them. For example, inserting or deleting a character to create
string1 incurs a penalty of 100, but the difference of a blank between the strings only incurs a
penalty of 10 points. In the case of the example above, the generalized edit distance between “job
and “jobs” is 100 points, since inserting or deleting an “s” incurs a penalty of 100 points. [Note: The
author used SAS™ for this analysis, and the specific SAS functions used were COMPLEV and
COMPGED. A description of the COMPGED word operations and the points associated with
each can be found at the following URL:
In the case of both distance calculations, the smaller the distance between two words, the more
similar the two words are. The keywords that are identified can be compared to the remainder of the
words to determine if there are misspellings, or if there are different tenses or cases of words that
are present. Based on an investigation of the distances, a cutoff point can be selected to investigate
further whether words can be considered as the same. Once these distances have been calculated,
then the list of words can be edited to correct the misspellings and to make word variations
The last step in the data preparation is to add to Table 1 a set of indicators based on the
identified keywords. Based on the keywords identified, an indicator can be added to the table that
indicates the presence of a word in a particular tweet. For this analysis, there were 116 keywords
identified, and so 116 indicators were added to the dataset that are either 0 or 1 depending on
whether the word was present. The structure of the final table with tweets by row is shown below.
Table 5: Example of Structure of Final Table
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Cramer’s V =
– n
In the data exploration phase, keywords are identified in the data and adjustments are made to
the data to prepare it for analysis. The purpose of the analysis of social media is to identify patterns
and trends that are present in the information which may be of further use to the insurance
company. To achieve this goal, we need to identify patterns and combinations of words that will
indicate themes and ideas. One step in doing this is a simple correlation analysis, which will identify
correlations between pairs of words. There are also two additional types of analyses that will be
performed on the data. The first will be a clustering analysis which will group tweets based on their
similarities or dissimilarities. The second will be an Association Analysis which analyzes the
occurrence of specific words together.
5.1 Correlation Analysis
The correlation statistic used was a Cramer’s V statistic for pairs of keyword indicators. Cramer’s
V indicates the level of association between two nominal variables. To calculate the Cramer’s V
statistic, assume a 2 x 2 matrix indicating the frequency of the combination of two words.
Table 6: Frequency of Word Combinations
Word 1 / Word 2 0 1
0 n
1 n
The notation n
represents the frequency of the combination of words in the dataset. For
example, n
counts the number of tweets where neither Word 1 or Word 2 were present. n
is the
total frequency for column j, while n
is the frequency for row i. Given this two-by-two table
structure, the formula for Cramer’s V can be simplified to:
The result is a number between -1 and 1. A value of -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, a
value of 1 indicates a perfectly positive correlation, and 0 indicates no correlation. The top 20
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combinations of words with the largest Cramer’s V statistics are shown below.
Table 7: Top 20 Cramers V Statistics
V Statistic
4 agency purchase 0.663
16 Farm neighbor 0.405
There are several categories of correlation that are apparent in this list. There are several
correlations which are related to competitors, including State Farm, Progressive, and GEICO. There
are also several pairs of words related to employment, including agency purchase, and jobs. There
are also pairs of words related to characteristics of the company, which include “good hands,”
“personal financial,” and “insurance company.” Another category includes entertainment and other
related items, such as “YouTube Jonas,” “YouTube video,” and “love basketball.”
The YouTube and Jonas categories related to a public service campaign that was sponsored by
Allstate in which the Jonas brothers participated. Love and basketball refers to a movie that
Dennis Haysbert had a part in. Haysbert is now a spokesperson for Allstate, which is the connection
to this dataset.
While the correlation is a simple approach that will begin to uncover combinations of words, it
does not give a complete picture of the words and concepts that may be present in the tweet. The
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Cluster Lift (word) =
Percentage of all tweets that include word
Percentage of tweets in a cluster that include word
most obvious limitation is that only pairs of words are compared in this example. Since phrases can
be up to 35 words long, understanding only the relationship between pairs of words will miss
concepts that are present. In addition, it is difficult to understand how many records are impacted by
certain pairs of correlated words because multiple combinations could be present in the same tweet.
This problem is addressed by techniques that determine the presence of combinations of words and
phrases, which are discussed in the remainder of this section.
5.2 Clustering
The next approach that can be applied to social media analysis is a cluster analysis. The clustering
procedure is based on calculating distances between observations and is used to segment databases.
Clusters are developed such that observations that are in the same cluster tend to be similar, and
objects in different clusters tend to be dissimilar. The clusters developed in this paper use the Ward’s
Minimum-Variance method. Using this method, the distance between two clusters is calculated as
the ANOVA sum of squares between the two clusters summed up over all the variables. The goal of
each step of the process is to minimize the within cluster sum of squares.
This method was applied to the 116 keyword indicators which were identified in the data
exploration phase. The results of applying this method to the #allstate archive resulted in 47
clusters, or 47 groups of observations that were combined based on their similarities. For each
cluster, there are several ways the output can be viewed to attempt to understand what the results
show. For each cluster, the percentage of tweets that contain each word is calculated, and from these
percentages it can be determined which concepts are predominate within a particular cluster. In
addition, the percentage of tweets in a cluster that contain a particular word can be compared to the
overall percentage of tweets that contain that word. This will help analysts to see where words are
showing up most, even if a keyword does not show up in a large percentage of tweets overall. The
percentage of times a word shows up in a particular cluster can also be ranked across all clusters,
which will also help the analyst see quickly where words are showing up most frequently.
To determine how important a word is in a cluster, we calculate a ratio called cluster lift.
This calculation provides an indication of how much more likely a word is to be in a particular
cluster than it is present in the dataset overall. The cluster lifts are shown in Exhibit 1. This is shown
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Number of
of Tweets
advertising 12,976 18.7%
agency 4,150 6.0%
arena 5,621 8.1%
blank 21,002 30.3%
claims 1,466 2.1%
competition 2,467 3.6%
description 5,499 7.9%
employment 2,327 3.4%
foundation 957 1.4%
news 662 1.0%
other 6,740 9.7%
praise 1,464 2.1%
quotes 1,807 2.6%
roadside 1,232 1.8%
for a selection of the keywords. We have highlighted cells with a cluster lift greater than 4.0 to show
the keywords that are prevalent in each cluster (4.0 was chosen for demonstrative purposes the
proper level of significance for a particular analysis should be determined by the reader). For
example, in cluster 18, the word “mayhem” has a cluster lift greater than 15, and the word “guy” has
a cluster lift of 5. Therefore, it can be reasonably concluded that tweets in this cluster have
something to do with Allstate’s commercial personality. In cluster 12, the term “good” has a cluster
lift of 12.8, and “hands” has a cluster lift of 19.5. This cluster thus has tweets related to the slogan
associated with Allstate.
Exhibit 2 shows the keywords for each cluster that are greater than the 4.0 threshold. Based on
the keywords present, the clusters can be grouped into general themes. In reviewing the keywords
from the cluster analysis, the tweets were grouped into the themes shown in the table below.
Table 8: Key Themes
There are several key themes which are present in the analysis. Ignoring the blank and other
categories for a moment (we will come back to them), the largest percentage of tweets are related to
advertising. More specifically, most of these tweets were discussing the Allstate commercials. While
there were some reactions on both sides, the majority of the tweets related to the commercials were
positive, with words being used like “funny,” “like,” and “love.” The next largest category was a
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category associated with the Allstate arena, referencing upcoming or recent concerts and sporting
events there. There were also a significant number of tweets related to employment with Allstate,
many describing opportunities as an agent, but some referring to employment opportunities with the
company. Many of these showed up in the categories labeled “agency,” “employment,” and
“description.” More detailed analyses should be performed on each of the significant themes to
determine the types of things, both positive and negative, that are being said about the particular
Once these general themes or concepts are extracted from the results, the right areas within the
company can be brought in to discuss what to do with the results. For example, given the significant
number of tweets regarding the advertising, the marketing department may be able to take feedback
from the comments posted by users to improve or build upon an advertising campaign. There was
also a theme related to claims. Claim department executives would most likely be interested in
hearing this unsolicited feedback that is being provided not to the company, but to a community of
millions of users. This information could be used by the claims department in a number of ways,
including improving the claims process and addressing complaints about claims handling.
As mentioned, the largest two categories are the missing and the other categories. The cluster
with no keywords occurred because there were no keywords in the tweets that met the threshold
that was set, which was four times greater than average. For the clusters in the other categories,
there were a collection of words that related to a number of different things, but no general theme
was identified. This will generally be the case, especially when dealing with social media data. There
will be a collection of posts or data elements that a text mining process may have some difficulty
classifying. Relating back to the Pear Analytics study, these could be tweets that fall into the
pointless babble, self-promotion, or spam categories. There are a couple of ways that these issues
can be addressed. The first is to try and do a more detailed analysis on these specific clusters,
analyzing the presence of keywords or running a separate cluster analysis on this subset. Another
approach is to use a rank of cluster lifts to find the most prevalent words in the cluster, whether or
not they meet the standard of four times the average.
When producing this ranking, which is shown in Exhibit 3, it can be seen that several different
concepts are present in cluster 21, which was the cluster that had no keywords that met the
threshold. The five words that had the largest cluster lifts are, in order: Northbrook, personal, rep,
claim, and April. As can be seen, these tweets represent a series of different ideas. Northbrook is the
location of the Allstate corporate headquarters, and there also appears to be some references to
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claim representatives as well. A combination of investigating some of the tweets as well as applying
some of these word and concept analyses to the tweets specifically within that cluster will help
uncover more detail in the cluster and potentially extract more information from those tweets.
It is also here that we can begin to see the reason for the increase in tweets in March, 2011. The
increase essentially came from several categories of tweets. There was a significant increase during
the time period of tweets related to employment and agency opportunities with Allstate, and there
was also an increase in the number of tweets related to current and future events at the Allstate
arena. There also appeared to be an increase in the number of tweets soliciting customers to receive
quotes for insurance during this period.
5.3 Association Analysis
Cluster analyses are helpful in that they create groups of data points that have a relationship with
each other, and these relationships can be examined in more detail to discover underlying concepts
in the groups. The cluster analysis does have some disadvantages, though. The first is that each data
point can belong to one and only one group. For examples like this one where Twitter messages are
by definition short, this will not be a huge disadvantage because most tweets will only be focused on
one concept. However, for social media outlets without such limitations, like Facebook or a blog,
you may have a case where multiple concepts and themes will be present in each data point. In this
situation, it will be difficult to assign data points to one and only one group. To address this, an
analysis that highlights combinations of words regardless of where they occur can also help an
analyst understand the key and important concepts in a body of text data.
One of the techniques that can be applied to highlight combinations of words is association
analysis. Association analysis has its background in market basket analysis. It is used in retail
environments, such as grocery stores or pharmacies, to identify items that tend to be purchased
together. This allows stores to optimize the layout of their store and potentially increase sales by
cross-selling or up-selling customers. This analysis determines the likelihood of a combination of
items occurring together as well as a confidence around the projection. Ultimately, the association
analysis produces a set of if-then rules (if item A is present in a transaction, then item B will be
present as well), and the lift associated with the rule.
There are several calculations that are made as part of an association analysis to determine the
strength of relationships. The support is a measure of how often items occur together.
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Support =
All transactions
Transactions that contain items A & B
Confidence =
Transactions that contain item A
Transactions that contain items A & B
Expected Confidence =
All transactions
Transactions that contain item B
Confidence measures the strength of the association by measuring how often item B is present
when item A is present.
The Expected Confidence is the proportion of items that satisfy the right side of the if-then
association rule. This provides the expected presence of Item B if there was no relationship between
Items A and B.
The lift can then be calculated as the ratio of the confidence (4) to the expected confidence (5).
The higher the lift, the more the presence of Item B is influenced by the presence of Item A.
Applied to text mining, transactions would be the text field, and the items would be the words
themselves. More specifically, in this analysis, a transaction would be a tweet, and the items would be
the words in the tweet.
There can be literally thousands of rules generated from an association analysis, and for this
example the author calculated 2,000 rules. The lift of the association rules ranged from a high of
140.21 to a low of 11.6. This means that we could calculate more than 2,000 rules and still generate
rules that have a significant lift. Exhibit 4 shows an extract of the rules that were generated as a
result of this analysis. As indicated above, many of the rules were associated with jobs and
employment, so these were excluded those from this extract. The extract shows the statistics
described above and a description of the rules. For example, notice Rule Index 281. The left side of
this rule is TV, and the right hand of the rule is “Mayhem & ad.” The expected confidence is .9%,
meaning that Mayhem & ad only appear in only .9% of the tweets. However, when the word TV is
present, Mayhem and ad occur in 50.9% of the tweets, as shown in the confidence percentage
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column. The lift for this combination is over 55. As a result of reviewing these rules, subjects of
tweets can be identified. Tweets that satisfy these rules can be identified and the sentiments that are
being expressed related to these topics can be explored further.
The results of an association analysis can also be viewed using a link graph. A link graph displays
the rules by using nodes and links. The size of the node varies based on the number of transaction
counts (in this case, tweets) that the rule relates to, and the color and thickness of the line varies
based on the strength of the relationship. Exhibit 5 shows an example of the entire link graph based
on the analysis of the tweets. As you can see from the graph, there is a large mass of nodes and links,
and then a number of nodes and links that surround the big mass. The big mass of links in the
middle relates to a series of job, employment, agency, and financial opportunities with Allstate or its
agencies. There was a significant amount of activity during this time period related to these
opportunities, and tweets with the same or similar content were sent many times over the time
period. Obviously, more detailed analysis would need to be done on this group to determine the
value of the information here.
Exhibit 6 shows the link graph zoomed in on the top left. This zoom represents a collection of
words related to “good,” which is the most prevalent word in this set of rules. Looking at this group
of tweets, there are actually a couple different themes being represented here. The first is the Allstate
slogan, “You’re in Good Hands.” The other concept is the State Farm slogan, “Like a Good
Neighbor, State Farm is There.” So even though these tweets are related to the hashtag #allstate,
there are a number of references to their competitor’s slogan in these tweets. Many of these tweets
were related to tweets of customers expressing their opinions regarding the different companies, and
some were even related to jokes that were circulating around Twitter regarding the two insurance
Exhibit 7 shows a zoom on the right side of the link graph. Here, there are several association
rules created related to competitors (State Farm, GEICO, Progressive), and several related to the TV
ads (Mayhem, TV, ad). In addition, there were a couple of other rules that highlight specific areas of
interest related to Allstate. One was related to the Allstate “X The TXT’ campaign, which involved
the Jonas Brothers. This was a campaign to highlight the dangers of texting while driving. Many
tweets were sent that expressed a positive reaction to this campaign. There was also a rule related to
$1 billion.This was a reference to the purchase price that Allstate paid to acquire Esurance. This
news was tweeted about pretty heavily for a short time period when the acquisition was made public.
Again, the purpose of the association analysis is to highlight words and concepts that are coming
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Number of
USA 3693 94.3%
Canada 58 1.5%
UK 44 1.1%
Gulf of Mexico 25 0.6%
China 22 0.6%
through in the data. Once these areas have been highlighted, the company can decide how this
information should be disseminated and applied. For example, the mixing of slogans might highlight
an opportunity to more clearly define the brand, while the interest in jobs and employment with
Allstate might help develop a targeted recruiting campaign.
Although not covered in this paper, as an extension to this analysis, sequencing can also be done.
A sequence analysis looks not only at the association of words within phrases, but also analyzes the
order of the words within the phrases. This analysis then provides the likelihood of particular word
orders and phrases, which can potentially give further insight into the content, especially when re-
ordering words may change the meaning of a phrase. The investigation of sequence analysis is left to
the reader.
5.4 Geographical Information
The Twitter location information that is available from mobile Twitter applications can save
where the user was when the tweet was sent. The user generally has the option to turn location
services on or off. In this analysis, 3,918 tweets have location information saved with them, which is
5.7% of the tweets. Associating the tweet with the location can have obvious applications for an
insurance company. There could be claim implications, especially if a customer is somehow using
social media right after a claim happens. Also, if there are multiple users within a certain
geographical area that are tweeting about the same issue (premium quotes, for example), this may
identify a concern or an opportunity for the company.
Exhibit 8 shows a map of the locations of the users for the tweets where the location was
populated. The top five countries are shown in Table 9. As to be expected, most of the tweets
originated from the United States and Canada. There were also a small percentage of tweets that
were sent from the United Kingdom and China, and even some from the Gulf of Mexico.
Table 9: Top 5 Countries
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We also focused our attention on specific states that were generating lots of tweets. There were a
large percentage of tweets in several states including Virginia, Washington, and Illinois that were
related to financial representative and agency opportunities with Allstate. Many of the tweets from
Illinois were users talking about and checking in from events that were going on at the Allstate
Arena. There were also a few tweets related to roadside assistance help in several states. A large
number of the location tweets were related to Foursquare check-ins, which allows users to check in
at particular locations, and these check-ins can then be passed through Twitter.
While the value that can be gained from analyzing social media data is great, there are challenges
associated with social media analyses which will require further exploration. One of the first
challenges will actually be accessing and collecting this information. As we discussed earlier, there
are applications available which will allow companies to begin collecting and analyzing social media
data, and companies may also have the ability to build internal programs that do this. The key is to
make sure that the data is being collected in a consistent and complete matter, and that it is easily
accessible for analysis.
There are also challenges in analyzing social media as it relates to analyzing text data. One of
these challenges relates to the context. There are many times when a Facebook post or a tweet is
simply a response to another post or tweet. Depending on how the user is responding or what a
company may be tracking, the information that is being responded to may or may not be available.
To the extent that it is not available, this creates a challenge for the analysis to understand exactly
what this information means. If it is available, the challenge becomes connecting the right set of
social media data together to be able to understand the broader context of a conversation. This is
not a trivial exercise, and there is still emerging work being done to improve the analytics in this
In this analysis, we are assuming that each tweet has equal weight. However, there are reasons
that one might want to weight tweets differently. One reason is because users have different
numbers of followers, and a tweet from a user with 1,000 followers is likely to be seen by more users
that a tweet from a user with 100 followers. So a tweet could be given a higher weight given the
influence of the person sending the tweet. Another reason for giving a tweet a higher weight may be
the fact that it is a retweet. If it is a comment that other users are agreeing with, it can spread faster
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and influence more users. So the number of followers and number of retweets should be considered
in the weighting of the tweets.
The focus of this paper has been about determining the subject matter associated with a tweet.
Another challenge in terms of the analysis of social media data is understanding customer sentiment.
Words in a tweet are simply that, words. They do not carry the normal emotion that is present in a
face-to-face conversation, in which case the listener could detect happiness, sadness, sarcasm, etc.
There are things that users attempt to do to try and convey different emotions (smiley face, sad face,
“lol,” TYPING IN ALL CAPS, etc.), but even when a person reads an electronic communication
they might get the sentiment wrong. Depending on the forum being analyzed, there are a number of
understood rules that communicate different things, such as changing the font color to indicate
sarcasm. While this analysis focused on the words being used, to understand sentiment would
require a more thorough investigation into the ways that users communicate sentiment, and then
attempting to capture those sentiments within the data in a structured way. This is another
challenging area where there is still work to be done.
Another issue inherent in social media data arises from the fact that social media data is
unfiltered. There are no system edits that ensure the social media data that was captured is accurate,
and this may result in false information and statements that are driven by pure emotion rather than
fact. This will make the process of sifting fact from fiction a delicate one. However, companies can
guard against this by not simply accepting all the things that come out of a social media analysis, but
filtering the results through their overall understanding of the business. Also, generally for a trend to
show up significantly in a social media analysis, there has to be more than a few users making
statements, but multiple users expressing similar sentiments that cause it to rise to the top.
Ultimately, it will be very important for the analyst to consider the source of the data in the
interpretation of the results.
Typical actuarial predictive modeling analyses are based on historical data that is usually at least
three months old and could be at least a year old. Also, typical actuarial predictive analyses are
repeated relatively infrequently. Generally, it is at least a year until an analysis is repeated, and could
be even longer than that. In order to be able to apply the results of a social media analysis in a timely
manner, the analysis will need to occur frequently, and as close to real-time as possible. Trending
topics can literally begin in an instant and can become widespread very fast, and if the analysis
occurs too long after the topic is trending, it may be too late for the company to do anything useful
about it. Therefore, the analysis will need to be automated such that it can be updated quickly and
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the results reviewed in a timely manner.
Lastly, the world of social media is not limited to those that use the English language. This will
especially be true for companies that have an international presence, and even true for companies
that function solely in the United States. The concepts discussed in this paper apply generally to
other languages. However, if a company has social media data which includes information in
multiple languages, the differences in the languages will necessitate at least a separate initial analysis.
This analysis could then be combined later if it is possible to translate the words and sentiments into
one language.
As can be seen in the discussion above, there are a number of things that come out of the
analysis of social media. A number of different techniques can be applied to understand the words
and combination of words present in each tweet, and how active and popular these particular topics
and conversations are. Ultimately, the result of this data-mining exercise will be an identification of
trends in the social media conversation, and as a result of the identification of these trends, there are
a number of ways that an insurance company can apply this information.
One area of application is in customer service. Some of the tweets in the analysis were related to
claims, and depending on the content of the analysis, this information could be used to address
potential concerns or questions regarding the claim process. There could also be questions raised
related to policy information or provisions in a social media forum, and identifying and proactively
addressing these issues gives the insurer an opportunity to provide superior customer service to their
Another application of social media analytics would be a better understanding of customer
sentiment about the company. One example of this is the customer reaction to company advertising
campaigns. As customers provide feedback on advertising and commercials, for example, companies
can use this raw, unsolicited feedback to make their marketing programs more effective. Also, if
customers are particularly happy or unhappy with a company about a particular issue, it provides the
company with an opportunity to attempt to proactively address this issue before it takes on a life of
its own.
Social media analytics would also allow the insurance company to gather competitive intelligence
from several different perspectives. In this analysis, there were some users that were very vocal
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about their preferences of one insurance company over another. While an entire strategy cannot be
based on the feelings of a few current or potential customers, if customer sentiment begins to build
for or against the company or a competitor, this can be understood and the company can react to it.
Also, in this analysis, there were obviously some users who may have been employees or agents of
other companies that were soliciting customers. These trends can also be identified and monitored,
and could potentially provide insight into competitive issues.
From a broader perspective, the use of social media can be used to identify broader trends in the
market that the company may be able to take advantage of. One example of this might be an influx
of social media data that suggests more people are looking for quotes or shopping for insurance in a
particular area, or identifying concerns with finding affordable insurance in a particular area. Again,
this could be brought forward to the right area within a company and proper steps taken to respond
to these market trends.
As can be seen all around us, the use of social media has grown significantly, and has transformed
the way that people interact. This growth in social media has led to an increase in the amount of
information that is being generated, and this information provides insight to companies, including
insurers, related to their business. Analytics can be applied to social media to identify key words and
phrases that are being expressed, and these findings can be used by insurers to assist in managing
their business, and to interact more effectively with current and potential customers.
The author acknowledges Gary Wang and Nick Kucera for their review and for comments that improved the paper.
[1.] Staff, “Social Media Statistics: By-the-Numbers, January, 2011, 24 Jan. 2011,
accessed 22 Aug. 2011,
[2.] Brown, Danny, “52 Cool Facts About Social Media,
Danny Brown.
[3.] Browne, Sean, “Statistics: Social Networks will Receive 11% of Online Ad Spending in 2011,
3 Jul. 2010, accessed 22 Aug. 2011, <>.
Marketing, 20 Jan. 2011, accessed 22 Aug. 2011, <
[4.] Customer Respect Group, “Social Eyes: The Insurers’ View of Social Media,” Volume 1, Number 5. July, 2011.
[5.] Francis, Louise A., “Taming Text: An Introduction to Text Mining,Casualty Actuarial Society Forum, Winter
2006, pp. 5188,
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[6.] Kelly, Ryan, “Twitter Study Reveals Interesting Results About Usage40% is ‘Pointless Babble,’” Pear
Analytics blog post,
[7.] Twitter StudyAugust 2009,” August 12, 2009, San Antonio, TX: Pear Analytics,
Biography of the Author
Roosevelt C. Mosley, Jr. is a principal with Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. Roosevelt has 18 years of
experience in the property and casualty actuarial field, including over a decade of experience in the application of
advanced analytic techniques to insurance companies. Roosevelt is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a
Member of the American Academy of Actuaries. Roosevelt’s experience in the area of insurance analytics includes
rating, underwriting, claims, and marketing.
Cluster insurance rt
arena good mayhem
ob like
hands car company auto financial guy lol agent
1 0.519 7.879 1.778 0.000 0.741 2.333 0.000 17.635 0.054 0.722 0.627 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.805 2.426 0.216
2 0.300 0.082 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.631 0.010 0.000 0.043 0.097 0.022 0.036 0.113 0.038 0.014 24.915
3 1.471 0.572 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.142 0.259 5.575 20.240 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 0.002 7.879 0.598 0.000 0.000 0.399 0.325 0.000 0.000 0.252 0.420 0.118 0.123 0.453 0.780 0.000 0.237
5 0.169 1.697 2.118 0.018 0.047 0.149 0.055 1.287 3.412 0.175 0.289 0.000 0.046 0.000 2.702 25.118 0.105
6 0.000 0.000 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.315 0.000 0.000 0.194 1.097 0.121 0.308 0.000 0.456 0.000 0.050
7 0.313 0.000 1.335 0.063 0.047 1.990 0.081 17.635 0.000 0.641 0.407 0.083 0.015 0.000 2.384 0.343 0.138
8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.055 0.000 0.000 0.054 0.122 0.056 0.000 0.000 0.222 0.000 0.000
9 5.215 0.408 0.000 0.000 0.222 0.000 0.641 0.057 0.000 0.000 0.714 13.089 22.112 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.951
10 5.196 0.484 0.014 0.000 0.036 0.000 1.555 0.065 0.007 0.014 0.000 19.571 0.008 5.789 0.017 0.019 3.778
11 4.715 0.183 0.037 0.000 0.120 0.045 0.000 0.103 0.055 0.000 2.054 0.118 13.177 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.147
12 0.000 1.447 0.145 0.000 12.888 0.212 0.079 3.092 0.420 19.540 0.221 0.020 0.022 0.007 0.506 2.517 0.144
13 0.036 0.791 0.177 3.909 0.190 0.268 0.411 0.366 0.264 0.000 0.229 0.000 0.459 0.071 0.318 0.087 0.175
14 3.824 0.274 0.174 0.000 0.234 0.000 0.162 0.132 0.208 0.013 22.076 0.524 1.056 0.042 0.345 0.274 0.691
15 3.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.967 0.000 10.148 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 0.040 7.757 0.396 0.000 13.737 5.165 0.307 0.137 0.222 0.151 0.171 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.208 1.266 0.098
17 0.000 0.027 0.000 10.828 0.114 0.000 0.027 0.280 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.095 0.087 0.000
18 0.000 0.510 0.000 0.000 0.073 15.496 0.024 0.052 4.322 0.012 0.354 0.012 0.000 0.037 5.055 0.969 0.075
19 0.263 1.080 0.215 0.000 0.231 1.639 0.095 17.635 19.066 0.141 1.061 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.587 3.079 0.000
20 0.000 6.399 0.000 0.000 13.737 0.000 0.000 17.466 0.000 0.000 17.084 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.073 0.000 0.000
21 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.721 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.226 0.000 1.874 0.610 0.000 0.000
22 0.248 2.412 0.434 0.000 12.896 0.000 0.000 12.476 0.000 1.994 8.410 0.000 0.451 0.000 1.406 1.025 0.172
23 2.929 0.614 0.818 0.000 0.190 0.350 0.000 0.532 0.479 0.049 1.997 0.279 3.611 0.000 0.548 0.978 0.414
24 0.356 1.074 0.290 0.000 13.113 0.352 0.000 15.831 0.000 3.553 3.261 0.460 0.000 0.000 0.261 2.854 0.576
25 0.379 0.849 0.110 0.013 0.046 0.000 0.133 0.000 19.066 0.056 0.338 0.000 0.032 0.000 2.517 0.000 0.036
26 0.000 0.641 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.190 0.028 0.000 0.031 0.880 0.613 5.607 0.033 0.000 0.120 0.081
27 0.000 7.879 0.000 13.135 0.066
0.000 0.038
0.034 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.044 0.192 0.000
28 5.215 0.494 0.231 0.013 0.000 0.000 1.967 0.021 0.009 0.047 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.129 0.415 0.218 1.575
29 0.046 0.669 12.772 0.000 0.048 6.392 0.162 0.490 0.106 0.023 0.181 0.000 0.006 0.000 3.791 1.176 0.015
30 4.087 0.234 0.438 0.000 0.027 0.010 0.497 0.081 0.579 0.064 0.015 0.093 22.112 0.041 0.045 0.133 0.167
31 5.215 0.124 0.000 0.000 0.432 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.000 17.696 0.159 7.211 0.243 0.000 0.000 0.000
32 0.402 2.072 2.735 0.000 0.346 0.000 0.062 0.750 4.143 0.462 0.139 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.267 5.854 0.000
33 0.029 0.077 0.053 0.073 0.019 6.543 0.000 0.122 0.662 0.000 0.123 0.056 0.031 0.029 0.096 0.105 0.106
34 4.874 0.110 0.060 0.000 0.128 0.000 0.000 0.330 0.000 0.000 20.219 4.819 12.193 0.000 0.000 0.117 0.000
35 0.395 1.441 1.631 0.000 0.057 0.664 0.065 1.641 0.660 0.241 0.164 0.000 0.055 0.000 0.378 3.331 0.000
36 5.215 1.828 0.247 0.000 13.623 0.086 0.876 1.413 0.105 14.628 1.220 0.670 2.993 0.000 0.444 1.110 0.350
37 0.401 1.556 0.164 0.000 0.070 0.119 0.203 0.136 0.244 0.100 0.679 0.000 0.340 0.000 0.235 0.580 0.065
38 0.002 0.000 0.000 13.135 0.082 0.005 0.028 0.267 0.000 0.007 0.062 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.327 0.000
39 5.215 1.602 5.247 0.000 0.114 15.303 0.000 1.829 2.136 0.081 3.664 0.671 1.009 0.000 4.954 0.834 0.210
40 5.170 0.310 0.056 0.000 0.060 0.068 0.000 0.154 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.177 0.193 0.270 0.000 0.000 0.221
41 0.000 0.000 0.411 0.338 13.737 0.538 0.816 0.976 0.294 0.000 0.369 0.078 0.114 0.027 0.561 0.970 0.326
42 0.208 1.050 12.308 0.000 0.119 3.780 0.069 0.580 0.132 0.000 0.420 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.423 3.303 0.000
43 0.780 0.447 0.000 0.000 0.071 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.114 0.104 1.824 2.872 0.000 0.000 0.000
44 1.134 0.690 2.199 0.000 0.166 0.234 0.120 0.586 0.230 0.000 1.067 0.061 0.534 0.000 1.110 0.379 0.230
45 3.187 0.297 0.000 0.026 0.709 0.000 3.853 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.044 4.935 0.044 0.901 0.000 0.050 0.854
46 0.069 3.204 0.106 0.000 0.023 0.077 0.459 0.000 0.000 0.032 0.328 0.033 0.037 0.171 0.228 0.042 0.335
47 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.029 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.000 0.043 0.146 0.000 1.264 0.045 0.050 0.166 0.445
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2
Exhibit 1
1 352 rt like look please foundation
2 1,823 jobs job agent gravy hiring exclusive start state
3 468 auto financial home esurance quotes online news billion business answe
4 3,416 rt
5 1,453 lol black ***
6 503 going after
7 1,464 like look
8 725 tickets quote may rosemont people save year_w first
9 309 insurance company auto free geico more quotes claim progressive quote busines
10 2,702 insurance company financial personal rep agency purchase
11 344 insurance auto free home rates best quote online life save safe driver
12 2,994 good hands *** always roadsid
13 289 time great show night year_w after concert last
14 1,466 car coverage accident
15 268 car auto free geico today rates esurance best great progressive coverage save look bad
16 258 rt good mayhem guy more progressive money team bad last roadside
17 1,446 arena chicago tickets show may rosemont tonight live glee concert
18 1,685 mayhem commercial guy hot hilarious
19 416 like commercial man lmao off night voice look
20 314 rt good like car state farm girl watch work neighbor statefarm
21 21,002
22 147 good like car state farm girl watch work neighbor
23 796 state geico farm rates progressive life april bad
24 88 good like watch work neighbor bad statefarm
25 2,089 commercial funny lmao voice
26 627 auto home after safe win
27 1,045 rt arena chicago show off tonight live office glee concert first
28 4,150 insurance agency purchase
29 3,416 commercials mayhem love hilarious
30 1,516 insurance auto online life states motorcycle
31 509 insurance car auto state free geico today rates quotes check quote coverage online save driver
32 635 commercial guy lol love man black *** voice basketball always
33 720 mayhem check youtube video jonas
34 214 insurance car company auto state geico farm today quotes coverage may life accident
35 1,214 man black voice
36 362 insurance good hands may life *** alway
37 390 check help news driving team safe drivers foundation
38 2,841 arena tickets show may tonight live glee concert
39 241 insurance commercials mayhem guy
40 229 insurance free quotes coverage life year_w motorcycle
41 777 good team roadside
42 578 commercials funny lmao
43 194 sales esurance more online claims billion answer mone
44 331 free geico esurance check progressive save statefarm
45 504 company sales hiring agency service bad
46 605 today foundation
47 455 free help service roadside
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2
Exhibit 2
1 2 3 4 5
1 foundation please like look rt
2 exclusive agent gravy start jobs
3 answer esurance billion financial home
4 rt game never foundation check
5 lol *** black commercial still
6 after going game tonight still
7 like look better please really
8 people quote year_w tickets save
9 progressive quotes quote auto more
10 company purchase rep personal financial
11 quote free auto life best
12 hands good always roadside ***
13 last night year_w show after
14 car accident coverage drivers insurance
15 rates progressive save today geico
16 money progressive roadside good last
17 rosemont chicago tickets arena glee
18 mayhem guy hot commercial hilarious
19 commercial like look night voice
20 neighbor girl watch work statefarm
21 northbrook personal rep claim april
22 neighbor farm state work good
23 farm state bad april geico
24 statefarm neighbor like good bad
25 commercial funny lmao voice hilarious
26 home win auto after safe
27 chicago tonight arena office concert
28 purchase agency insurance motorcycle home
29 commercials hilarious mayhem love guy
30 auto states online motorcycle life
31 quotes rates drivers car free
32 basketball love guy black ***
33 video youtube jonas check mayhem
34 coverage farm geico state accident
35 man voice black never lmao
36 always hands good *** may
37 driving safe foundation team help
38 glee arena concert tickets live
39 mayhem commercials insurance guy best
40 quotes coverage year_w motorcycle life
41 good team roadside bad look
42 funny commercials lmao mayhem lol
43 online sales esurance money answer
44 geico progressive statefarm save esurance
45 sales hiring bad agency company
46 today foundation check great rt
47 free help service roadside quote
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2
Exhibit 3
Confidence(%) Confidence(%) Support(%) Lift
Count Rule LeftHandofRule RightHandofRule
0.632 73.391 0.618 116.070 422 neighbor ==> there & like & good neighbor there & like & good 73
0.754 86.831 0.618 115.194 422 neighbor & like ==> there & good neighbor & like there & good 78
0.754 81.043 0.682 107.516 466 neighbor ==> there & good neighbor there & good 110
0.771 79.174 0.618 102.644 422 neighbor & good ==> there & like neighbor & good there & like 134
0.888 91.053 0.760 102.486 519
onas ==> xthetxt
onas xthetxt 135
0.834 85.502 0.760 102.486 519 xthetxt ==> jonas xthetxt
onas 136
0.771 75.130 0.632 97.402 432 neighbor ==> there & like neighbor there & like 177
1.762 99.167 0.697 56.273 476 financial & answer ==> esuranc
financial & answe
esurance 277
0.921 50.911 0.777 55.299 531 tv ==> mayhem & ad tv mayhem & ad 281
1.527 84.420 0.777 55.299 531 mayhem & ad ==> tv mayhem & ad tv 282
0.700 37.679 0.618 53.855 422 like & good ==> there & neighbo
like & good there & neighbor 295
1.639 88.285 0.618 53.855 422 there & neighbor ==> like & good there & neighbor like & good 296
1.041 52.679 0.777 50.620 531 ad ==> tv & mayhem ad tv & mayhem 311
1.762 88.516 0.733 50.229 501 answer ==> esurance answer esurance 323
1.639 81.913 0.689 49.968 471 neighbor ==> like & good neighbor like & good 331
1.399 65.843 0.897 47.056 613 video ==> youtube video youtube 364
2.122 87.639 0.809 41.294 553 state & car ==> farm state & ca
farm 530
0.924 38.138 0.809 41.294 553 farm ==> state & ca
farm state & ca
2.122 80.923 0.950 38.130 649 state & insurance ==> farm state & insurance farm 588
1.174 44.759 0.950 38.130 649 farm ==> state & insurance farm state & insurance 587
2.355 89.597 0.618 38.045 422 neighbor & like & good ==> there neighbor & like & good there 590
1.527 57.837 0.853 37.886 583 ad ==> t
ad tv 595
2.355 88.889 0.632 37.744 432 neighbor & like ==> there neighbor & like there 602
2.355 87.430 0.682 37.125 466 neighbor & good ==> there neighbor & good there 648
0.826 30.318 0.809 36.727 553 state ==> farm & ca
state farm & car 665
2.670 98.050 0.809 36.727 553 farm & car ==> state farm & car state 666
2.122 77.138 2.059 36.346 1,407 state ==> farm state farm 673
2.670 97.034 2.059 36.346 1,407 farm ==> state farm state 674
2.670 96.434 0.950 36.121 649 insurance & farm ==> state insurance & farm state 702
2.355 83.130 0.700 35.299 478 neighbor ==> there neighbor there 738
2.128 58.010 0.700 27.258 478 progressive ==> geico progressive geico 955
0.973 23.359 0.886 23.999 605 love ==> basketball love basketball 1141
3.791 90.977 0.886 23.999 605 basketball ==> love basketball love 1142
0.733 14.359 0.697 19.582 476 financial ==> esurance & answe
financial esurance & answe
2.355 38.571 0.632 16.378 432 like & good ==> there like & good there 1493
1.639 26.849 0.632 16.378 432 there ==> like & good there like & good 1494
5.676 90.558 0.618 15.954 422 there & neighbor & good ==> like there & neighbor & good like 1550
0.682 10.882 0.618 15.954 422 like ==> there & neighbor & good like there & neighbor & good 1549
5.676 90.377 0.632 15.922 432 there & neighbor ==> like there & neighbor like 1553
0.700 11.140 0.632 15.922 432 like ==> there & neighbo
like there & neighbor 1554
5.676 88.368 0.689 15.568 471 neighbor & good ==> like neighbor & good like 1573
5.676 84.522 0.711 14.891 486 neighbor ==> like neighbor like 1613
5.676 83.883 0.632 14.778 432 there & good ==> like there & good like 1629
0.754 11.140 0.632 14.778 432 like ==> there & good like there & good 1630
0.632 8.470 0.618 13.396 422 good ==> there & neighbor & like good there & neighbor & like 1725
0.700 9.354 0.682 13.369 466 good ==> there & neighbo
good there & neighbor 1728
7.141 91.081 0.777 12.754 531 tv & ad ==> mayhem tv & ad mayhem 1766
0.853 10.883 0.777 12.754 531 mayhem ==> tv & ad mayhem tv & ad 1765
0.950 11.642 0.849 12.256 580 good ==> like & hands good like & hands 1886
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2
Exhibit 4
Association Analysis
Link Graph
Exhibit 5
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2
Association Analysis
Link Graph
Exhibit 6
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2
Association Analysis
Link Graph
Exhibit 7
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
Casualty Actuarial Society E-Forum, Winter 2012-Volume 2
Social Media Analytics: Data Mining Applied to Insurance Twitter Posts
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