U.S.-Russian Report of Inspections under
Article VII of the Antarctic Treaty
and Article 14 of the Protocol
on Environmental Protection
January 23-28, 2012
United States-Russia Joint Inspection Team
United States Department of State
Part I – Introduction 4
Part II – General Conclusions 6
Part III – Antarctic Station Inspection Reports 8
Scott Base (New Zealand) 8
Concordia (France/Italy) 15
Mario Zucchelli (Italy) 22
Acronym List 28
Table of Contents
Members of the U.S.-Russia Joint Inspection Team at McMurdo Station
––––––– Part I – IntroductIon ––––––
Ross Sea Ice
he U.S.-Russia Joint Antarctic Inspection was conducted from January 23 –
28, 2012. This is the first joint inspection conducted by either country and
the first Antarctic inspection conducted by the Russian Federation. This was the
thirteenth inspection conducted by the United States since the signing of the Ant-
arctic Treaty in 1959. This report summarizes the observations and conclusions of
the joint inspection team.
The inspection was conducted pursuant to Article VII
of the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 and Article 14 of the
Protocol for Environmental Protection to the Antarctic
Treaty. The purpose of the inspection is to promote
the objectives and ensure the observation of the provi-
sions of the Antarctic Treaty. The U.S.-Russian team
reviewed adherence by Treaty Parties to their obliga-
tions, including with respect to limiting environmen-
tal impacts, ensuring that Antarctica is used only for
peaceful purposes and that Parties honor the prohibi-
tion on measures of a military nature.
The joint inspection team members came from multi-
ple U.S. and Russian federal agencies and institutions,
including the U.S. Department of State, the Russian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United States National
Science Foundation (NSF) and the Russian Antarctic
Expedition. The team members were:
Evan T. Bloom
Director, Ofce of Ocean and Polar Affairs
United States Department of State
Joint Team Leader
Vasily Titushkin
Deputy Director, Legal Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Joint Team Leader
George Blaisdell
Operations Manager, U.S. Antarctic Program
U.S. National Science Foundation
(During the inspection, Senior NSF Representative
in Antarctica)
Valery Lukin
Director, Russian Antarctic Expedition
Russian Federation
CDR Darin Liston, U.S. Navy
Political Military Advisor
United States Department of State
Sergey Tarasenko
Environmental Ofcer
Russian Antarctic Expedition
Russian Federation
Konstantin Timokhin
Third Secretary, Legal Department
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Susannah Cooper
Senior Advisor for Antarctica
Ofce of Ocean and Polar Affairs
United States Department of State
The joint inspection team arrived in the Antarctic
Treaty Area from Christchurch, New Zealand on
January 23. The team inspected Scott Base (New Zea-
land), Concordia (France/Italy) and Mario Zucchelli
Station (Italy). The inspection concluded on January
28, 2012.
The Antarctic Treaty, signed in Washington in 1959,
reserves the continent of Antarctica exclusively for
peaceful purposes. Moreover, it places science at the
heart of international cooperation on the continent by
guaranteeing freedom of scientic research, including
the sharing of research and scientic information. It
prohibits all military measures, including the testing of
weapons, the explosion of nuclear materials, and the
disposal of radioactive waste. The Treaty also pro-
vides a mutually agreeable arrangement for the issue
of territorial claims in Antarctica. The United States
and Russia played major roles in the negotiation of
this Treaty and participate actively in all aspects of the
Antarctic Treaty system. The Treaty has 50 parties,
28 of which are conducting signicant research on the
continent, thus entitling them to the status of Consul-
tative Party with the right to name inspectors.
The Environmental Protocol, which was signed in
1991 and came into force in 1998, designates Ant-
arctica as a “natural reserve, devoted to peace and
science.” It supplements the Antarctic Treaty’s basic
provisions applicable to human activity in Antarctica
and prohibits all activities related to Antarctic mineral
resources, with the exception of scientic research.
The U.S. Department of State coordinates U.S. policy
on Antarctica in cooperation with the National Sci-
ence Foundation, the federal agency that administers
the U.S. Antarctic Program, and other federal agen-
cies. It leads diplomatic efforts within the framework
established by the Antarctic Treaty.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federa-
tion ensures implementation of the Antarctic Treaty
and reviews all the related political aspects, both
national and international. The Russian Antarctic
Expedition, as a specialized body within the Russian
Federal Service on hydrometeorology and environ-
mental protection, manages national governmental
activities in Antarctica.
The inspection team greatly appreciates the support of
the National Science Foundation and its U.S. Antarctic
Program, particularly the staff of the United States’
McMurdo Station, who provided essential logistical
support for the inspection.
––– Part II – General conclusIons –––
Prince Albert Mountains in Victoria Land
he team was grateful for the cooperation provided by all three inspected sta-
tions. Each of the stations was well managed and impressive in terms of their
general facilities, professional character and dedication to science.
All three stations visited demonstrated a high level of
compliance with the Antarctic Treaty system rules.
These stations conduct a wide range of Antarctic
scientic research, including terrestrial and marine
biology, astronomy, glaciology, oceanography, envi-
ronmental monitoring, seismology, meteorology and
climatology, to name only a few. They also demon-
strated a keen interest in promoting and advancing
international scientic collaboration and have hosted
a number of foreign scientists in recent seasons. The
team was impressed with the high level of sensitivity to
protecting the Antarctic ecosystem.
Also notable was the emphasis placed by Concordia
and Scott Base in particular on energy and water ef-
ciency, as both stations were upgraded recently. Scott’s
use of renewable wind energy to provide for almost all
of its energy needs and cooperative energy relation-
ship with McMurdo Station substantially reduced its
use of hydrocarbons. Both Concordia and Scott Base
have developed energy monitoring systems to maxi-
mize efciency and reduce consumption. Concordia
and Scott Base also have established a comprehensive
water recycling system that signicantly reduces over-
all water usage.
Zucchelli, a comparatively older station, and eld
camps operated out of Scott Base have not benet-
ted from similar modernizations or efciencies. Zuc-
chelli’s management indicated that the station is totally
reliant on hydrocarbons for power, although Italy has
begun to look at the possibilities of using solar panels
or wind turbines. Similarly, Scott Base indicated that
its eld camps have yet to utilize improved energy
concepts practiced at the station.
All three stations noted the challenges of logistics and
funding Antarctic programs that confront many of the
Consultative Parties. As a result, the stations all dem-
onstrated varying degrees of international logistical
collaboration with other National Antarctic Programs,
while also indicating strong interest in expanding these
relationships to maximize efciencies. The stations
carefully review expenditures, particularly on fuel and
logistics, with an eye to identifying cost saving mea-
sures that could be applied.
Overall, the inspection team was very impressed with
the operations at all three stations, which have devel-
oped best practices that could serve as a model for
many national programs.
Our discussions at two of the stations – Concordia
and Mario Zucchelli – raised questions concerning the
ability to implement fully legal standards related to the
Environmental Protocol. We were informed that Italy
does not have implementing laws or regulations related
to the Protocol. As discussed in the report, this has im-
plications for ensuring compliance with environmental
rules by Italian citizens and by non-Italians participat-
ing in Italian science projects in Antarctica.
–––––– Part III ––––––
antarctIc statIon InsPectIon rePorts
Hillary Field Center, Scott Base, Ross Island
77º 51’ S, 166º 46’ E
JANUARY 24, 2012
Scott Base is the only research station operated by
Antarctica New Zealand and is the logistical hub for
New Zealand-supported scientic activities in Antarc-
tica and the Southern Ocean. Antarctica New Zea-
land is a Crown Entity with a Ministerial-appointed
board and structure. Antarctica New Zealand is
funded through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trade and the Ministry advises the Minister of For-
eign Affairs on its overall performance. Operated as
a year round station since its establishment in 1957,
Scott Base has had one major upgrade and numerous
small-scale refurbishments over the last 50 years and is
a modern and efcient facility.
The joint team began its ve-hour inspection at Scott
Base on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 12 p.m. Dr. Ed
Butler, Senior Antarctica New Zealand Representative
and Manager of Antarctic Science, led the discussion
and provided a tour of Scott’s facilities. The team had
intended to provide two days’ notice in advance of the
inspection, but when weather prevented the team from
ying to Mario Zucchelli Station, Scott Base gracious-
ly welcomed the team on the same day as the original
PhysicAl descriPtion
Scott Base is composed of a series of connected
structures, arranged parallel to the shore of Hut
Point Peninsula of Ross Island at the southernmost
point of sea ice in Antarctica (excepting Gould Bay
in the Weddell Sea). One large structure (called the
“hangar”) is separate from the main station. A small
separated building dating back to the original station
is preserved as a “museum” with historical displays. A
pair of small marine laboratories is also separated and
located immediately along the waterfront. Scott Base
is located about 1.8 miles (three kilometers) from the
U.S. Antarctic Program’s McMurdo Station. The two
stations are connected by a robust road.
Since the construction of the station in 1957 the main
station has been successively refurbished. The re-
construction program was completed ve years ago.
As a result the station building is a complex, unique
engineering structure in which the majority of vari-
ous technical services, research laboratories, and living
and service quarters are situated under one roof. Such
an approach has its advantages and disadvantages.
Among the advantages are energy saving and comfort-
able working surroundings. Disadvantages include the
risks and potential impact of local res on the whole
structure and related problems with evacuation. Many
Antarctic stations are composed of or centered on a
main central structure, and thus this “disadvantage” is
one faced by many stations and can be mitigated to a
large degree by administrative measures.
At this time, there are no plans to expand the footprint
of the station. Antarctica New Zealand has a plan to
continue to maximize station efciencies and support
for scientic operations, including during the winter
season. The Government of New Zealand subse-
quently informed the inspection team that in 2005 the
Board of Antarctica New Zealand made a decision to
freeze the station footprint and that all staff share bunk
rooms in summer to reduce the base footprint and
demonstrate a focus on reducing use of fossil fuels.
The Inspection Team took note of the sign at the top
of the road that descends to Scott Base that states
“Welcome to Scott Base, Capital of the Ross Depen-
dency.” The New Zealand Government subsequently
claried that the unauthorized sign was erected by
wintering over Scott Base staff. It is not an ofcial sign
and, in its view, modications made to it over the years
(e.g. the Scott Base, population and images of satirical
base activities, such as picnics) reect the good hu-
moured nature of the sign. Although the sign includes
some facetious elements and may reect, in part, a
humorous intent, it is quite prominent. Given that
the intent of the sign is perhaps unclear, and given the
differing views that exist over territorial issues in the
Antarctic Treaty area, relevant authorities may wish to
consider whether this is the appropriate sign to mark
the entrance to the station.
At the time of the inspection, 65 scientists and support
personnel were at Scott Base. The station usually has
32 scientic support members during the summer sea-
son, which runs from early October to mid-February
each year. Twenty-ve percent of these personnel are
associated with the New Zealand Defence Force. Each
summer, approximately 30-40 scientic personnel are
working at eld camps. Scott Base has a capacity of
86 beds and controls its program to meet this maxi-
mum. As Antarctica New Zealand participates in a
joint logistics pool with nearby McMurdo station and
strives to run an efcient operation, the proportion of
support personnel to scientic personnel may be lower
than at other stations of a similar size (approximately
1:1 compared to 1:3 or 4).
In recent years, 10-11 Antarctica New Zealand staff
deploy for the winter season. All personnel are re-
quired to have a medical screening prior to deploy-
ment. Antarctica New Zealand provides specic
advance training on rst aid, re ghting, search and
rescue (SAR), area management and environmental
protection in New Zealand.
There are 2-3 trained paramedics working at Scott
Base during most summer seasons, although they con-
currently ll other positions. The station’s small medi-
cal room has one bed and limited equipment. Serious
medical emergencies are referred to nearby McMurdo
Station for treatment. There has been one medevac to
Christchurch in the last ten years.
scientific reseArch
The main goals of Antarctica New Zealand’s scien-
tic research correspond to the main modern areas
of focus of the international scientic community,
including those of the Scientic Committee on Ant-
arctic Research (SCAR): life sciences, earth sciences
and physical sciences. Particular lines of research are
interrelated with the development of corresponding
science schools and science potential of New Zea-
land. Multidisciplinary eld research is performed
at Scott Base and its eld camps located within the
reach of the base’s logistical support network. These
research activities include physical oceanography, sea
ice, studies of biodiversity of the extreme Antarctic
environment, climate change, and geophysical pro-
cesses in the earth’s crust and in the magnetic sphere.
Some of these projects are performed year-round in
the geomagnetic huts, at the points of observation and
laboratories of the station, but most of them are at the
eld camps operated in the summer season. In the
2011/12 season, about 35 different scientic programs
were supported from Scott Base. Some projects were
conducted at several eld camps, while other projects
were conducted at only one camp.
Measurements of the state of the environment are
conducted by modern measurement equipment, some
of which are integrated into international observation
networks (i.e., World Meteorological Organization
(WMO), International Real-time Magnetic Observa-
tory Network (Intermagnet), Global Sea Level Observ-
ing System (GLOSS), etc.).
Representatives of several foreign Antarctic programs
(Australia, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Republic of Ko-
rea, South Africa, and United States) take part in the
science activities of the base. In previous years, repre-
sentatives of the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom
and Malaysia have also worked there. There are also
a number of joint scientic projects conducted at Scott
Base: sea ice research with Canada and the European
Space Agency, and glaciology with the United States.
In addition, New Zealand continues to take part in the
ANDRILL (Antarctic Geological Drilling) project.
New Zealand’s cooperation with scientists from many
countries is admirable and consistent with the scientic
objectives of the Antarctic Treaty. Such cooperation is
also a reminder that non-parties should be encouraged
to join the Treaty when their involvement, through
their scientists and/or other activities, reaches a signi-
cant stage.
tourist And ngo Activities
The observers noted that the number of tourist and
non-governmental activities in the Scott Base area
remains quite low – one vessel called in 2010 and none
in 2011, whereas in the mid-2000s the average number
of calls was three to four per year. (The decline might
have been caused by severe ice conditions in the area.)
New Zealand government support to tourist expedi-
tions to Antarctica is limited to humanitarian assis-
tance and basic hospitality (such as short visits to Scott
Base). Antarctica New Zealand maintains contacts
with New Zealand tour operators to ensure the tourist
ow is manageable and their visits are organized in ac-
cordance with Antarctic Treaty system requirements.
All outreach and journalist activity is conducted as
part of the National Antarctic Program.
The team noted as well the activities of Antarctic Her-
itage Trust (AHT), a non-prot Charitable Trust with
core corporate support funded by the New Zealand
Government (Ministry of Arts, Culture and Heritage)
dedicated to the preservation of four Ross Sea historic
huts and artifacts. AHT’s operations represent a con-
tinuous and long-term conservation project conducted
in close cooperation with Antarctica New Zealand
(e.g., using Scott Base’s storage facilities, performing
conservation works in one of the stations buildings
provided to AHT). According to the Government of
New Zealand, conservation funding is raised through
philanthropic international donors with all logistics
provided by Antarctica New Zealand under a regularly
reviewed Memorandum of Understanding. Nonethe-
less, the team believes more information from Ant-
arctica New Zealand on its collaboration with AHT,
including issues related to control over such activities,
would be appreciated.
logistics And oPerAtions
Scott Base has UHF, VHF and HF radio with repeat-
ers in the vicinity for voice communications, Iridium
satellite phone with voice and text capability, as well as
satellite voice and data links to the internet with voice,
data and email capabilities.
There are numerous vehicles at Scott Base, including
sport utility vehicles (SUVs), tractors, loaders, me-
dium- and small-size over-snow vehicles, snowmobiles
and quad bikes, as well as other types. New Zealand
is part of a joint logistics pool with the United States,
and shares use of U.S. Air Force C-17 and LC-130 air-
craft and contract Twin Otter and Basler aircraft. For
their contribution to the logistics pool, the Royal New
Zealand Air Force operates Boeing 757 and C-130
aircraft to and from New Zealand, conducting approx-
imately 15 total round trips annually. Scott Base also
has one contract Eurocopter Type EC130 helicopter,
operated and supported out of McMurdo Station.
This helicopter averages 150 missions per year with an
average 1.4 hours per mission.
Scott receives cargo and fuel supplies once per year via
the U.S. Antarctic Program’s (USAP) resupply ships.
Scott Base has no small boats.
Two marked gravel helipads are demarked close to
the station, but no other aircraft support facilities are
In 1958 the United States and New Zealand Govern-
ments signed a joint cooperation agreement whereby
the costs of operating logistics in Antarctica are shared
on a pro-rata basis between the two Governments.
As the two programs have developed since then, an
annual review of each party’s contributions is made
with emphasis on what each party can bring to the
joint pool and what that contributions value is to each
program. For example, New Zealand provides United
States’ aircraft access to Christchurch International
Airport and has recently developed a three-turbine
wind farm that provides approximately 15% of the
joint electric load of Scott Base and McMurdo.
Scott Base benets greatly from its proximity to and
collegial relationship with USAP. This is most notable
in the area of intercontinental transportation where
Antarctic New Zealand appears to have very limited
ability to provide ship resupply and limited capac-
ity for intercontinental airlift. Scott Base appears to
manage its dependence on a third party (in this case,
USAP) for some of its most critical operational needs
through a proactive, close, and continuous relationship
with the United States.
Fuel storaGe and use
Four fuel tanks, each with forms of secondary con-
tainment, hold Scott Base’s fuel supply. These tanks’
combined capacity is 16,500 gallons (61,000 liters),
which previous to the installation of the wind turbine
generators (see following section on power generation)
was only about one-tenth of a year’s quantity of fuel.
Now, this capacity equals approximately a year’s worth
of storage.
The four tanks are not co-located. This assists in
avoiding complete incapacitation in the event of a
catastrophic event. Fuel is delivered to each of these
tanks by truck from McMurdo’s tank farm. Scott
Base’s fuel is purchased and delivered through the U.S.
Antarctic Program (USAP). Antarctica New Zealand
remits funds directly to USAP to compensate for the
fuel it draws.
Team Leaders Vasily Titushkin and Evan Bloom with
Antarctica New Zealand Representative Ed Butler
Prior to the installation of the wind turbine farm, the
overwhelming portion the fuel fed generators that pro-
vided station electricity. Now, the majority of fuel used
(a mere fraction of the pre-wind-farm quantity) goes to
boilers that provide station heating.
Power GeneratIon and manaGement
Over the past three years, Scott Base has experienced
a dramatic change in how it provides power for its
activities. Prior to 2009, the base operated a tradi-
tional diesel engine driven power plant that operated
continuously. The system provided at least simple
At Antarctic New Zealand’s instigation, a wind turbine
farm (consisting of three generators) was designed,
installed and commissioned jointly with USAP. The
turbines came on line in December 2009. The wind
turbines are located on Crater Hill overlooking Scott
Base. A part of this project tied Scott Base’s and Mc-
Murdo’s power networks together into a “Ross Island
power grid.” The construction followed an Initial
Environmental Evaluation (IEE) done by New Zealand
that concluded:
“…the negative environmental impacts resulting from
this activity will be outweighed by the positive environ-
mental benets. The predicted reduction in fuel usage
and consequent reduction in greenhouses gases being
released to the atmosphere, combined with the reduc-
tion in the risk of an environmental incident through
less handling of less fuel outweigh the predicted im-
pacts the installation of the turbines will create.”
The wind turbines are providing more power than was
originally expected; the three wind turbines provide
100 percent of the amount of power needed by Scott
Base, and the remainder offsets the power needs of
McMurdo Station. This has been a successful exam-
ple of renewable energy planning in Antarctica.
water systems
Scott Base utilizes a reverse osmosis plant to produce
fresh water from seawater drawn by pipeline from
McMurdo Sound. Processed water is piped to a
family of storage tanks, where it is available for sinks,
water fountains, showers and all galley functions (e.g.,
dishwasher). Wastewater from these devices is routed
to a wastewater treatment plant. This plant uses
bio-degradation, centrifuge, and ltration to purify
water. The sludge is packaged for removal from the
continent, and the recycled water is plumbed to station
Wind Turbines on Crater Hill, overlooking Scott Base
toilets. Toilet efuent is routed back to the wastewater
treatment plant for purication and repeated recycling
to toilets. Waterless urinals are used throughout Scott
mAnAgement of dAngerous
Station management indicated the presence of am-
mable liquids and liquid nitrogen used in scientic
studies. Such hazardous and other toxic materials are
stowed appropriately in marked lockers throughout the
station. Spent chemicals and other hazardous materi-
als (e.g., batteries) are properly packaged, documented
and shipped back to New Zealand for disposal in
accordance with New Zealand laws and regulations.
The only item of concern (indicated by station person-
nel) was a switch-board inside a metal box with electric
cables connected that stood nearby another metal box
containing ammable liquids.
The station leader reported no rearms, radioisotopes
or explosives on station. He noted that explosives used
for the installation of the wind turbines were provided
by McMurdo Station.
emergency resPonse
Scott Base managers briefed the inspection team on
emergency response plans, search and rescue plans,
and re-ghting capabilities. Search and rescue, re
ghting capability and emergency response are in-
tegrally linked with USAP at McMurdo, but these
aspects are achieved in an equitable partnership and
could be performed adequately on an independent ba-
sis. The observers learned as well that the re incident
of 2009 at Scott Base created a signicant change in
approach to personnel training focused on individual
responsibilities for eliminating harm to persons, facili-
ties and the environment through risk identication
and management, but did not require modication of
re-safety procedures.
environmentAl Protocol
envIronmental ImPact assessment
The observers were briefed on the rules, procedures
and practices applied at Scott Base with regard to
environmental impact assessments (EIA). The sta-
tion management personnel demonstrated a high
degree of awareness of the requirements and also
informed the observers that New Zealand authorities
had recently adopted an Initial Environmental Evalu-
ation (IEE) covering Scott Base non-science activities
for the period of 2011-2015, with annual amendments
to highlight any seasonal change in activity that may
occur. It was explained that previously Antarctica
New Zealand had submitted annual IEEs, however,
due to the longevity of operations and the requirement
to maintain an ongoing presence in Antarctica, it was
decided to switch to a longer-term environmental im-
pact assessment. It was also underscored that one of
the advantages of such a mechanism was the ability to
assess the cumulative impacts and the operation of the
non-science program as a whole. This helps mitigate
impacts of the annual program in a more comprehen-
sive manner.
It was also noted that Antarctica New Zealand strictly
requires private or outside applicants seeking to carry
out activities at Scott Base to produce EIAs that are
subject to thorough review and, if necessary, further
amendments and/or redevelopment.
conservatIon oF Flora and Fauna
The station is located on the Ross Sea, and seals, pen-
guins and minke whales are often seen in the vicinity
of the station. Personnel follow strict guidelines to
maintain 10 meters’ distance away from any fauna,
although animals may directly approach personnel
and facilities. Antarctica New Zealand issues permits
for the taking of fauna for scientic purposes; in recent
years this has included research on marine life (e.g.,
sh) and penguins.
There is a small area near the station where mosses
and lichen have been identied. Although this area is
not marked, station personnel are made aware of the
location, and Scott Base seeks to keep the area free of
human interference. Consideration should be given to
making protection of this site more robust and formal-
All staff members receive training on how to minimize
the introduction of non-native species; educational
posters are also present in the station. Station man-
agement reported that there have been past cases of
ies being transported from New Zealand in damaged
beer shipments and that remedial systems have been
installed to help prevent the release of non-native spe-
Given the historical research and samples in the vicin-
ity collected by Robert F. Scott’s 1910-1912 expedi-
tion, there are data available to assist with long-term
studies on the impact of Scott Base on local ora and
waste manaGement
The Scott Base services supervisor provided the ob-
servers with the station Waste Management Hand-
book. Relevant information posters on the subject are
placed around the station and all Base personnel are
aware of the rules of waste management.
All wastes are separated into ve categories listed
Domestic liquids;
Food wastes;
All waste produced at Scott Base and in the eld is
returned to New Zealand for recycling and appropri-
ate disposal. Paper, cardboard, cans, and plastic are
compacted and packed for transportation. Incinera-
tion is not currently used at the station.
The only waste materials disposed in the Antarctic
are domestic liquids. The base operates a biological
wastewater treatment facility. Treated and disinfected
water produced by the facility is recycled for use in
ushing toilets, except a small amount that is released
to the sea.
The area of the base is quite clean. The team ob-
served that working and living areas in the station were
clean and well-lit.
area manaGement
There are several Antarctic Specially Protected Ar-
eas (ASPAs) and Antarctic Specially Managed Areas
(ASMAs) in the vicinity of the Scott Base (e.g. Arrival
Heights, Dry Valleys). It was reported that the respec-
tive areas are marked where possible and are being
regularly monitored. Since some of the protected ar-
eas are located close to regularly traversed paths, their
monitoring is of special importance in comparison to
more remote areas. The station leader informed the
observers of several inadvertent breaches of the areas’
regime (1-2 cases of trespassing per year). As reported,
none of the cases caused noticeable harm to the envi-
The training provided to the personnel with regard to
the environmental issues contributes to the preserva-
tion of the ASPA regime. It is worth noting as well
that New Zealand has provided to the Antarctic Treaty
Consultative Meeting (ATCM) its ve-year reviews of
the stations management plans.
Arms And militAry suPPort
The New Zealand Defence Force supports Scott Base
by providing some military personnel to ll a number
of positions. In the 2011/12 season these included:
four communications operators, two heavy plant
operators, one cargo handler and the Base Services
Coordinator. The Armed Forces Canteen Council
operates the bar and shop at Scott Base.
In addition to military personnel at Scott Base, as part
of the joint logistics agreement between New Zealand
and the United States, New Zealand military person-
nel assist with the USAP cargo ship ofoad. Light en-
gineering teams are also provided by the New Zealand
military on an as-needed basis to assist with general
construction work.
France/Italy – concordIa StatIon
75º 06’ 06’’ S, 123º 23’ 43’’ e
January 25, 2012
Concordia Station, located on the Antarctic plateau
at Dome C, is jointly funded, staffed and operated by
France’s Polar Institute (IPEV) and Italy’s National
Program of Research in Antarctica (PNRA - Italy)
through the Italian National Agency for New Tech-
nologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Develop-
ment (ENEA) under a cooperative agreement signed
by IPEV and ENEA in 1993. The station opened
in 1997 with the establishment of a summer camp;
construction of the year round facility was completed
in 2005. As one of the newest stations in Antarctica,
Concordia utilizes a number of highly efcient energy
and waste management systems that could serve as a
model for modernization of other Antarctic stations.
The inspection team’s three and a half hour visit to
Concordia began at 8 a.m. local time on Wednesday,
January 25, 2012. Sergio Sgroi, Summer Station
Leader (ENEA-PNRA), Claire Le Calvez, Technical
and Logistical Manager (IPEV), and Eric Bondoux,
Winter Station Leader (IPEV), led the discussion with
the inspection team and provided a tour of Concor-
dia’s facilities. The inspection team provided three
days’ advance notice of the inspection.
PhysicAl descriPtion
Concordia is built at Dome C on the East Antarctic
plateau and its altitude exceeds 10,600 feet (3200
meters). The remote inland location of the station
provides an excellent site for astronomy, astrophysics,
glaciology and atmospheric research. The station is
operated and occupied year round.
The station consists of three main structures intercon-
nected by above grade, hinged, enclosed passageways.
Two identical raised polygonal buildings are divided
for quiet and loud activities, respectively. The “calm”
building houses laboratories, lodging, communica-
tions, and medical facilities, while the “noisy” building
houses the kitchen, dining area, and some storage and
technical plants. Up to 36 personnel can be housed in
the main station buildings. The third main structure,
made up of stacked and adjacent interlocked shipping
containers, houses power and mechanical facilities.
Workshops, fuel storage tanks, waste management
containers and science support structures scatter the
area surrounding the main station with some science
facilities located up to 0.62 miles (one kilometer) away.
A self-sustainable summer camp with capacity to hold
46 persons and with water, power, and heat, houses the
summer overow population. This camp also serves as
Joint Inspection Team with Concordia Station Leaders
the emergency shelter for the station in the event of a
catastrophe to the main facilities.
According to station management, there are plans to
upgrade the external laboratories, which are currently
housed in containers, renovate the summer camp and
make improvements to the garage. EIAs will be con-
ducted as appropriate.
At the time of the inspection, there were 46 staff
members on station: 22 scientic staff and 24 logisti-
cal/support staff. The station has a capacity of 82
beds, but the maximum population in the 2011/2012
season was 75. The summer station leader is always
Italian, while the technical manager is always French
and the winter station leader usually rotates between
Italy and France each year.
Ten to fourteen staff members form the over-winter
crew. Historically, Concordia has had no military sta-
tion team members. All station staff members receive
medical screening in France or Italy (depending on
nationality) prior to deployment.
IPEV and PNRA provide training in advance of
deployment in their respective countries. Italy’s two-
week training program focuses on search and rescue,
rst aid, re ghting, environmental practices and
survival. The lecture material is given in electronic
format to every participant. France provides hands on
training for summer staff and written guidance to all
its personnel. The written guidance covers the Antarc-
tic Treaty and Environmental Protocol, living condi-
tions, medical information, communications and other
guidance for nationals living outside of France. In
addition, a meeting is organized for all the winter-over
members, French and Italian, in order to provide the
same information to the staff. Managers from PNRA
and IPEV make the presentations on the two orga-
nizations, life at Concordia, medical issues, and the
Antarctic Treaty and Environmental Protocol.
Concordia has a fully equipped medical facility, includ-
ing an operating room, dental suite, and one dedicated
sick room bed. The facility also has an ultrasound,
x-ray and electrocardiography (EKG) equipment.
During the summer season, Concordia hosts two
physicians – one research and one clinical – as well as
one nurse/anesthesiologist. During the winter, there
are two clinical doctors on station, and four other staff
members are trained on site to provide assistance to
the doctors.
The fact that Concordia Station is jointly operated and
managed by Italy and France was of particular interest
to the observer team. Such international cooperation
A Bulldozer Delivering Snow to the Power Plant
can set precedents for future Antarctic collaborations
by many countries.
The two countries manage their cooperation via a
Collaborative Agreement signed in 1993 by the direc-
tors of the two national programs and an intergov-
ernmental agreement signed by the two countries’
Ministers of Research. The Collaborative Agreement
establishes a steering committee of six members led
by the directors of the programs. The station leaders
informed us that, as a practical matter, the Steering
Committee has few formal meetings (which include
meeting before the start of the season, and planning
for science to be undertaken and logistics require-
ments). When important issues arise with respect to
station management, station leaders routinely seek
guidance from the two program directors, who consult
and then make a decision by consensus. The program
leaders do not rely on particular decision-making pro-
cedures, but are able to reach agreement efciently as
they know each other well.
The description of decision-making from the station
leaders indicated that the station beneted from a clear
cooperative attitude between the French and Italian
governments, and the national program leaders in
particular. The team wondered whether it would be
helpful for the two governments to establish further
procedures for the Steering Committee or beyond
those provided in the Collaborative Agreement, in case
of need in the future.
The team recognized that there are a number of posi-
tive factors that follow from more than one country
jointly operating an Antarctic station. These include
cost-effectiveness and budget-savings in running the
station, better opportunities for organizing integrated
and complex scientic research, and application of the
best available technologies and practices.
Nevertheless a number of difculties can and do arise
as a result of having dual administrative control of the
operational regime of the station. It was reported that
the French personnel at the station (as well as those
foreigners who work there under the auspices of the
French program) are to abide by French rules and the
Italians by Italian rules. This may create a situation
of legal ambiguity, as persons working together are
subject to different legal regimes. Moreover during the
visit to Mario Zucchelli Station the observers learned
that Italy in fact has no legislation implementing Ma-
drid Protocol provisions. Therefore it is hard to dene
what environmental protection regime applies to the
activities engaged in by the Italians, how they would
resolve important issues such as liability in case of
environmental damage, etc. (Further information on
this topic is provided in the section on Mario Zucchelli
Another noticeable aspect relates to inequality with
respect to salaries and insurance/benets programs
of French and Italian personnel, respectively, despite
the fact that personnel of both nationalities share the
same working environment and perform the same or
similar functions. The team thought this was an issue
that should be considered by any party contemplating
bilateral or multilateral cooperation.
scientific reseArch
The construction and exploitation of stations located
in the interior of Antarctica is a real challenge for
national Antarctic programs since only those with sig-
nicant scientic and logistical capabilities can accom-
plish such tasks. At the moment, only six countries
have such stations (China, France, Italy, Japan, Russia
and the United States). Concordia Station is one of
the outstanding examples in this eld. Built in 1997
primarily for the purposes of the European Project on
Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA), this station is now
shifting its scientic interests to astronomy, astrophysics
and atmospheric sciences. This station is located on
the Antarctic plateau where high level of transparency
of the atmosphere and long periods without clouds
make it one of the best places on Earth for astronomi-
cal research.
French and Italian Antarctic programs also conduct at
Concordia geophysical (seismology and geomagnetics),
microbiological and medical (physiology of human
body in extreme conditions) research.
The station hosts a number of international scientic
research programs with participation of the research-
ers from mostly European countries such as Denmark,
Belgium and the United Kingdom. The observers
were informed that such projects are carried out under
the auspices of either the French or Italian Antarctic
There are no eld camps supported out of Concordia,
although within 0.62 miles (1 km) from the station
there is a summer camp that serves as a safety camp
in winter, and, if necessary, there are summer science
traverses to perform glaciological studies. On the day
of the inspection one such traverse returned to Con-
cordia from Vostok station (Russia) having drilled a
100-meter borehole in snow-rm cover.
The team paid special attention to the situation involv-
ing the deep ice borehole at Concordia drilled under
the EPICA project, where liquid consisting of kerosene
(jet) and freon (F141B) was used to conserve the hole.
According to the information available, this liquid ap-
peared to be similar to the one used at the Vostok Sta-
tion drilling project where ecological effects of the liq-
uid had been a matter of thorough consideration at a
number of the Committee for Environmental Protec-
tion (CEP) meetings. It was noted that after comple-
tion of the EPICA project France and Italy conducted
random monitoring of the borehole (as reported to the
observers, most recently in the 2010-2011 season).
Meanwhile, the presence of hazardous liquid in the
conserved borehole is signicant and requires moni-
toring. The team learned that an unexplained and
un-investigated drop of liquid level has in the recent
past been suspected in the borehole. It is reasonable to
assume this uid migrated into the surrounding snow/
ice which would be considered a permanent release.
Although French authorities subsequently informed
the team that several measurement efforts indicate that
the level of drilling uid remains the same as after the
completion of the drilling activity, a management plan
for the borehole may be warranted to address envi-
ronmental responsibilities. Having considered this, it
may be desirable, in order to dispel any concerns of
the international community on this account, for an
additional EIA to be conducted if the borehole is to
be kept this way (and in this case provide for regular
monitoring of the borehole). However, if the borehole
is to be closed, relevant information could presented to
the CEP meeting in respect of the extraction of uids,
clean-up, etc. and corresponding contingency plan.
tourist And ngo Activities
It was not surprising to learn that there are no tour
operators arranging visits to Concordia, given the sta-
tions remote location. Team leaders noted that it was
the stations policy not to encourage non-governmental
visits. However, we were informed that a recent visit
of private individuals did occur at the invitation of the
French Foreign Ministry.
logistics And oPerAtions
Links include VHF and HF radio, Iridium satellite
phone with voice and text capability, as well as satellite
voice and data links with Internet, voice (VoIP), data
and email capabilities. The station has a small com-
puter lounge, VSAT for telephone, fax and Internet, as
well as VoIP conferencing room and medical telecon-
ference capabilities.
Logistical support of Concordia is performed only in
the summer season (end of November – beginning of
February). Due to harsh weather conditions (tempera-
tures below minus 58 degrees Fahrenheit/minus 50
degrees Celsius) for more than nine months per year,
the station functions fully autonomously and has ac-
cess to the outside world only through communication
Italy’s PNRA provides the air support from Italy’s Ma-
rio Zucchelli Station, and occasionally from Dumont
d’Urville, as needed, in the form of Twin Otter and/
or Basler aircraft. A private, third party contractor
(Kenn Borek Air, Ltd.) provides this air support.
France’s IPEV provides cargo support via three tra-
verse resupply convoys of 8-10 tractors. The cargo is
delivered via ship to Dumont d’Urville and transferred
to Cap Prud’homme, which serves as the continental
launching point for inland traverses. A typical con-
voy consists of two or three snow grading machines
leading six to seven tractors towing the cargo sledges.
Approximately 150 tons of cargo is brought on each
traverse, two thirds of which is fuel.
There are many different types of vehicles at Concor-
dia, including tractors, loaders, cranes, snowmobiles,
snow cats and pickup trucks.
e logistical support of Concordia presents a real
challenge since it is based on complicated management
scheme. Nonetheless this system appears to work
well, and there have not been any major perturbations
Fuel storaGe and use
The station utilizes diesel fuel for power generation,
as well as kerosene, petrol and other fuels as required
for vehicles. Concordia’s fuel arrives by tractor tra-
verse from Dumont d’Urville and is stored in bulk in
tanks inside specially constructed shipping containers
that have sealed tubs for their lower third. A spatially
removed supply of fuel is present at the summer/
emergency camp.
In addition to detailed written fuel transfer guidelines,
station personnel responsible for fuel management
receive specialized training for handling hazardous
materials and for spill prevention and clean up.
Power GeneratIon and manaGement
The station was designed for power production and
fuel consumption efciency. Maximum consumption
in the summer season averages 150 kilowatts. The
station has two diesel generators capable of generating
110 kW each and a third that generates 193 kW.
Waste heat from power generation is effectively used
to heat the station year round. The stations insulation
and ventilation systems, however, are so robust that
during the summer, station personnel open many of
the external windows to modulate heat. At the time
of the inspection, the team was struck by how many
windows at the facility were kept open despite the fact
that the outside temperature was below minus 20 de-
grees Fahrenheit (minus 30 degrees Celsius), and what
this implied for the station’s energy efciency. Station
management explained that Concordia is planning to
test solar panels at the summer camp in the coming
season and exploring other possibilities for renewable
energy use. If successful, solar generation of electric-
ity will reduce traditional power generation and its
associated waste heat and thus likely decrease the need
to open windows in the summer.
water systems
Fresh water is obtained by melting snow, which is
heated by the jacket water circuit. The snow is col-
lected from a designated collection zone and delivered
to the power plant by bulldozer. The extensive gray
Open Exterior Windows at Concordia Station
water recycling system (see following section on waste
management) reduces fresh water consumption levels.
mAnAgement of dAngerous
The station stocks and utilizes a limited amount of
chemicals. Chemicals appear to be properly managed,
stored and handled in the laboratory areas of the
Station. Concordia’s waste and recycling facilities are
properly marked and segregated for hazardous materi-
Station personnel reported that no weapons, radioiso-
topes or explosives are present on station.
emergency resPonse
The work of Concordia personnel in isolated winter
conditions require utmost reliability on the station’s
life-support systems, with a special emphasis on re-
sponding to re risks, technical failures and other life-
threatening incidents at those periods when external
assistance cannot be rendered due to weather condi-
tions. European Space Agency (ESA) involvement in
designing the station led to the use of several unique
space technologies and engineering solutions.
Like other stations in the interior of Antarctica (as in
outer space), Concordia is faced with the possibility
that receiving emergency assistance can be difcult
or impossible. In these circumstances, having all of
Concordia’s living facilities under one roof increases
the risk of casualties in the event of an emergency
situation. Concordia does maintain a “safety camp”
in winter (during the summer this camp supports
the population that cannot t in the elevated station)
which is stocked with food, clothing, heaters, small
generators and other necessary supplies. Nevertheless,
Concordia management acknowledges that personnel
would be in “survival mode” until rescued.
environmentAl Protocol
As discussed in the chapter on the team’s visit to Mario
Zucchelli Station, it appears that Italy does not have
in place laws and regulations needed to fully imple-
ment the Environmental Protocol. Because French
law governs French science activities at Concordia,
and Italian law governs Italian science activities, there
could be inconsistency in implementation of environ-
mental rules at the station depending on which nation-
ality is conducting the activity. This situation could
be particularly confusing in the event of application
Concordia Station Operations Center
of environmental rules to non-Italian or non-French
nationals participating in station activities, or future
science activities under auspices of other countries.
envIronmental ImPact assessment
The observers were informed that the stations “older”
buildings did not fall under EIA procedures, since they
were erected before Madrid Protocol became effective,
although a CEE was prepared for the construction of
the permanent station. It is worth noting nevertheless
that Italian and French teams independently prepare
assessments for their respective projects and in case of
joint projects the party that leads the project does the
It was reported that no EIA had been prepared for
new laboratories and a garage that are under con-
struction at the moment. The view was expressed
that these facilities will be based on sledges (and will
not include any water or toilet facilities) that prevent
causing signicant impact on the environment. Such
an approach, however, poses some questions since any
construction activity in such a remote and pristine area
as Concordia Station’s location might have a more
than minor or transitory environmental impact.
conservatIon oF Flora and Fauna
There is no known ora and fauna in the vicinity of
the station.
waste manaGement
The inspection team was provided with several docu-
ments concerning waste management procedures at
the base. Waste management plans are available at
www.ats.aq from both Italian and French parties.
Wastes are classied according to the European Union
waste directive and separated into the following cate-
gories: glass, paper, plastics, PET (polyethylene tere-
phthalate), aluminum, organic waste and mixed waste.
Separated waste is transported to Dumont d’Urville
via traverse and then shipped to Australia or to France.
IPEV, through an agent, obtains an import permit
from the Australian government for disposal of some
of Concordia’s waste in Australia.
Incineration is not used, except for small backup
“incinolet” toilets that separately process urine and
Wastewater is separated in two different systems: the
grey water system and the black water system. Con-
cordia operates modern plants designed together with
the European Space Agency to treat grey water, con-
verting it to potable water (although it is not consumed
but only used for personal hygiene applications). A
four-step treatment process including ultraltration,
nanoltration and two stages of reverse osmosis is
realized. Treated water from the black water sys-
tem is taken up by the grey water treatment unit and
recycled. Solid waste from the black water system
is containerized and removed from the continent as
hazardous waste.
area manaGement
There are no ASPAs, ASMAs, or Historic Sites or
Monuments (HSMs) around Concordia station. How-
ever, the station has established a marked clean area
free of human interference.
militAry suPPort Activities
None of Concordia’s logistical or scientic support
comes from military sources or staff. Military support
to Concordia Station occurs only in the logistics occur-
ring away from the station at Dumont D’Urville, Cap
Prud’homme and Mario Zucchelli. There, military
cargo handlers and mechanics are part of the team.
No military personnel were reported at Concordia Sta-
tion proper.
74º 41’ 42’’ S, 164º 07’ 23’’ E
JANUARY 26, 2012
Mario Zucchelli Station (MZS) was established at
Terra Nova Bay in the 1986/87 season by the Nation-
al Program of Research in Antarctica (PNRA), which
continues to operate the station today. The PNRA is
funded by the Ministry of Education, Research and
Universities. The stations logistical operations are
managed by the Italian National Agency for New
Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic De-
velopment (ENEA), which depends upon the Ministry
of Economic Development. The National Research
Council (CNR), which depends upon the Ministry of
Education, Research and Universities, oversees the
scientic programs. Mario Zucchelli is the only solely
Italian station on the continent, although it provides
signicant logistical (primarily air) support for Concor-
dia Station, which is jointly operated by France and
Italy. The 2011/12 season is the 27th Italian Expedi-
tion to Terra Nova Bay. MZS continues to be well
suited for the wide range of scientic research con-
ducted there. MZS is a summer-only station.
The inspection team arrived at Mario Zucchelli at
12:45 p.m. on January 26. Expedition Leader Franco
Ricci and the Stations senior management welcomed
the inspection team, led a discussion of station orga-
nization and procedures, and provided a tour of the
stations internal and external features. The inspection
team provided four days’ advance notice to the station.
PhysicAl descriPtion
The station is constructed on a large granitic outcrop
on the coast of Terra Nova Bay in the Ross Sea region.
It consists of a single, elevated T-shaped main build-
ing constructed of 110 modular containers. Given
the seaside location, in some seasons the staff must
repair water and/or ice damage that occurred over the
Adjacent to the main facility, there are two large work-
shops and storehouses. Other outbuildings host physi-
cal plants, wastewater treatment and three wooden
single-story bungalows that house recreational facili-
ties, overow and transient personnel (e.g., pilots) and
emergency berthing.
The station has a multi-position helipad. It also has a
reinforced concrete pier, constructed in the 2007/08
season, used in particular for supporting tender vessels
to achieve loading and unloading operations from the
Italian research and resupply vessel M/V ITALICA as
well as launch and retrieval of a small research tender
(SKUA). At this time, there are no plans for expansion
of the station, although there is some consideration
Mario Zucchelli Station Main Building
being given to the future development of wind or solar
power generation.
Mario Zucchelli Station has also recently developed
an ice runway for wheeled aircraft on a nearby glacier,
for which an IEE was conducted in 2007. This facil-
ity is only used when the annual sea ice in front of the
station deteriorates too much to support air operations.
The glacial ice runway is remote enough to require
helicopter transport between the runway and station.
At the time of the inspection, there were 83 staff
members on station. Of these, there were 28 scientists
(including 7 from Korea and 2 from New Zealand), 51
were logistical support staff, and four guests, including
two personnel from Concordia who were transiting
off continent for the season. The ratio of logistical
to scientic personnel was roughly 65 to 35 percent
respectively at the time of the inspection.
MZS can house a maximum population of 100 per-
sons. Although the facility has the potential to serve as
a year-round facility, at this time Italy has no plans to
do so.
All station staff and visiting scientists attend a two-
week pre-deployment training program in Italy. This
training includes familiarization with the Antarctic
Treaty and Environmental Protocol, environmental
management practices, rst aid, re ghting, com-
munications and safety practices. In addition, written
material and procedures are given to participants and
available online.
All staff members receive pre-deployment medi-
cal screening. The station also has a medical center
staffed by two doctors and one nurse for the major-
ity of the season. The clinic is equipped for surgery,
anesthesia and x-rays. Staff members needing more
advanced care are assisted at McMurdo Station or are
moved through McMurdo to New Zealand for treat-
scientific reseArch
The construction of Mario Zucchelli began in the
late 1980s as the principal location in Antarctica for
scientic research by the Italian Antarctic program. It
has been a summer station, and we were informed that
with the establishment of Concordia, it was agreed
that Concordia would have preference for winter sea-
son Italian Antarctic research, and thus MZS remains
open only during the summer.
The main directions of scientic research at the station
are the following:
- geological research, history of formation of the
Victoria Land and stratigraphy of sedimentary
rock of Ross Sea within the framework of inter-
national program ANDRILL;
- biodiversity research on the evolution and the
adaptability to the extreme Antarctic conditions
of living organisms of different marine and ter-
restrial kinds of ora and fauna. Marine biologi-
cal research is conducted both from aboard the
ship and in the coastal areas of the Terra Nova
Bay (also with the use of scuba technology);
- monitoring of chemical parameters of the envi-
- physical oceanography of the Ross Sea; and
- change of parameters of the environment.
Scientic research is conducted at a high professional
level with the use of modern equipment and tech-
nologies. MZS conducts meteorological surveys for
the Terra Nova Bay and Dome C regions, including
current data and forecasting using satellite technolo-
gies and mathematical modeling. There were no eld
camps operated in the 2011/12 season.
International cooperation is widely used in scientic
research at the station. MZS currently cooperates with
the United States, France and the Republic of Korea.
In the previous years there was collaboration with
Germany, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
The Italian Antarctic Program has an agreement on
joint scientic research and logistical support with the
Korean Polar Institute. For the most part, this agree-
ment is connected with the plans of South Korea to
build a year-round station on the coast of the Terra
Nova Bay in 2012-13.
Oceanographic research is conducted from M/V
tourist And ngo Activities
Station leaders reported that there was no tourist or
NGO activity at the station in this season. Indeed,
there have been no visits for the last two years. It had
been noted that when such visits occurred (usually on
board of the chartered icebreaker M/V KAPITAN
KHLEBNIKOV), there were strict rules for the tour-
ists: they were not allowed on the premises of the
station, except for restrooms and coffee, tourists dis-
embarked in groups not exceeding ve, and visits were
permitted only on Sundays or Saturday afternoons so
that they did not interfere with the scientic work of
the personnel. Station personnel reported that a single
adventure tourist approached the station approximate-
ly 6 years ago, but had only minimal interaction with
the station.
logistics And oPerAtions
The stations communication links include VHF and
HF radio, Iridium, Inmarsat satellite phone with voice
and text capability. Voice and data links to the rest of
the world are limited, provided through burst transmis-
sion over Inmarsat.
M/V ITALICA delivers supplies to the station and
provides the majority of the stations logistical support,
in accordance with the budget and the type of scien-
tic research approved. As necessary and based on
each seasons operations plan, the vessel may come to
the station several times during one season. The ship
anchors in the bay, then barges move cargo to the pier
where it is ofoaded by crane. The station has fuel
reservoirs that allow for three years’ autonomy without
resupply. M/V ITALICA then conducts several weeks
of scientic operations in the Ross Sea before return-
ing to the station to pick up material leaving Antarctica
at the end of season (e.g., scientic samples and equip-
ment; trash).
The personnel of the station primarily utilize USAP
aviation support for transfer from Christchurch to
McMurdo and back. Further transfer from McMurdo
to Mario Zucchelli is done via Italian contracted Twin
Otter planes or DC 3 BT 67 Turbo Basler supplied by
contractor (Kenn Borek Air, Ltd), and helicopters sup-
plied by Helicopters New Zealand. Near the station
there is a sea ice runway that is prepared every year for
wheeled aircraft but that must be abandoned in early-
to mid-December when sea ice integrity diminishes
naturally. Flight control, meteorological and commu-
nication support are provided within the joint program
of trafc control services from McMurdo and Mario
Zucchelli Stations.
There were a large number and variety of vehicles at
the station. These included trucks, re trucks, ambu-
lances, loaders, excavators, forklifts, tankers, snow cats,
snowmobiles, bulldozers, etc.
The station has one motor tender SKUA for conduct-
ing oceanographic experiments, and multiple small
rigid and rubber boats. A second motor tender was
in Italy for repairs, while a third tender from M/V
ITALICA was also on station.
Fuel storaGe and use
Zucchelli has three large double-walled steel fuel
storage tanks and several smaller tanks for equipment
refueling. Fuel – including gasoline – is transferred
from the ITALICA to the large tanks and by truck to
the smaller tanks. The station also has a fuel distribu-
tion unit (station) to refuel vehicles.
Power GeneratIon and manaGement
MZS has two diesel generators that produce 300 kW
each, as well as two smaller emergency generators.
Waste heat from both jacket cooling water and exhaust
gasses is recovered and used to heat the interior of the
station and to preheat sea water ahead of the desalina-
tion plant.
water systems
Fresh water is produced by a reverse osmosis desalina-
tion unit which utilizes seawater collected via an exter-
nal pump station. High pressure pumps driving salt
water through ceramic membranes produce desalinat-
ed water that is treated with a UV disinfection system
prior to being distributed to the station. A direct salt
water feeder supplies the stations internal aquariums.
mAnAgement of dAngerous
The station stocks and utilizes many chemicals used
for marine research and for monitoring the stations
environmental impact (e.g., discharge water quality).
Chemicals appear to be properly managed, stored and
handled in the laboratory areas of the station.
Station staff indicated that there were no rearms
present at the station. Though the documents pro-
vided at the station indicated that there were scientic
experiments requiring detonation of explosives for
geology and geophysics experiments, when queried,
station staff stated that there were no explosives on site
Also, the written information provided indicated the
presence of radioisotopes for biology and oceanogra-
phy experiments, although staff stated that none are
currently present. Italy subsequently claried that on-
station documents are general and did not reect the
fact that this year’s research projects did not involve
any explosives or radionuclide to be present on station.
emergency resPonse
Persons deploying to MZS complete a rigorous two-
week training period before leaving Italy. One week
is dedicated to “theory” focusing on survival, medical,
environmental, and safety issues (e.g., re ghting and
rst aid). A full week is spent in a snow/cold outdoor
setting practicing safe and productive operations.
The station practices every-other-week re drills and
performs simulation emergency exercises. The sepa-
rated structures (bungalows) present at the site provide
an emergency shelter that is likely adequate for the
summer period (which is the only time the station is
environmentAl Protocol
Station managers informed us that Italy lacks legisla-
tion needed to implement the Environmental Protocol
and thus Italian agencies would have no ability under
law to enforce Antarctic Treaty rules with respect to
Italian citizens or those participating in activities at the
station. The team viewed this as a signicant problem.
While it is true that the station would have some ability
to address failure to follow environmental rules, (e.g.,
by taking administrative action, such as terminating a
Aerial View of Mario Zucchelli Station
contract or denying future access to the Italian Antarc-
tic program) the inability of the Government of Italy
to prosecute persons for failure to adhere to environ-
mental rules could be an impediment to effective en-
forcement. This situation is particularly troublesome
given the prominence of Italy in Antarctic affairs,
clearly demonstrated by the major activities underway
at Mario Zucchelli and Concordia. However, team
leaders emphasized that they were quite proactive with
respect to implementing preventive measures to ensure
Upon reviewing the draft report, Italian ofcials in-
formed the team that:
Italian law n. 54 of 1995 that allowed for the
signature of the Madrid Protocol states, in
Article 2, that, “the Madrid Protocol will be
immediately put into execution”. is means
that, although the laws implementing the
Protocol are still missing, the Protocol and its
annexes are applied directly. e Ministry of
Foreign Aairs and the Ministry of Environ-
ment are currently working on a satisfactory
All of the participants in the Italian Antarc-
tic Expedition are to respect the Italian laws
and in particular the Italian environmental
regulations that are more restrictive than the
prescriptions of the Protocol, in particular
for what concerns the quality of euents and
environmental damage. e expedition leader
has, during the expedition, special powers that
allow him to take measures if Italian laws are
not followed. In eect, an accurate selection
process and adequate training of the person-
nel on environmental issues have proved to be
eective in ensuring compliance.
envIronmental ImPact assessment
The station conducts an ongoing air and water qual-
ity monitoring program, including of its incinerator,
to ensure compliance with relevant Italian laws and
conservatIon oF Flora and Fauna
Terra Nova Bay is home to a wide range of Ant-
arctic ora and fauna, including marine life, lichen
and mosses. All scientists must declare any activity
involving ora and fauna prior to deployment and
obtain a permit. Eight such permits were issued in the
2011/12 season. At the conclusion of this scientic
activity, the Stations Environmental Ofcer must be
informed of the actual (vice planned) outcome.
waste manaGement
Mario Zucchelli Station exhibits good waste manage-
ment practices with respect to recycling. Separation
of waste categories is well facilitated and understood.
All but paper and organic wastes are removed from
A number of sensitive and hazardous waste types are
consolidated in containers (some standard drums and
others shipping containers) in an area separated from
the station and not too distant from the shore. Given
the proximity of a skua colony to the station, and the
bold nature of this species of bird, station personnel
indicate that all containers and containment devices
are closed except when personnel are present and
actively accessing waste materials.
The station includes a large, two-stage incinerator.
Food, paper, cardboard and wastewater sludge are pro-
cessed by this facility. To be efcient, the incinerator is
operated in batch mode only when adequate stockpiles
of waste have been accumulated. This results in the
facility being turned on approximately once a month.
Rigorous monitoring of gases and ash are practiced to
ensure that combustion is complete and that solid by-
products are inert.
A complex wastewater treatment system exists at the
station. All wastewater is passed through a multi-
phase treatment process resulting in the release of
water with very low levels of organic and chemical
content. All sludge and solids removed are inciner-
ated. A vigorous monitoring program exists for waste-
water, as does for incinerator byproducts.
area manaGement
There are several Antarctic Specially Protected Areas
(ASPAs) in the vicinity of the Mario Zucchelli Station
(one of them is the marine protected area – “Terra
Nova Bay”). It was reported that the areas are not
marked as the number of visitors is limited and sta-
tion personnel are aware of these ASPAs. The team
stresses the importance of marking and monitoring
ASPAs wherever possible. The station leader stated
that, in the case of scientic activities in the ASPAs,
scientists obtain appropriate permits. Nonetheless, in
the context of the aforementioned absence of relevant
rules and regulations in the Italian legislation, this
poses some grounds for concern.
Italian ofcials subsequently informed the team that:
Any proposed activity is subject to an envi-
ronmental assessment prior to its approval.
Only once approved can the activity proceed.
e ASPA management plan is available on
site and ASPA access to scientists is provided
aer training on the associated environmental
militAry suPPort Activities
Eleven of 83 people on station at the time of our visit
were military personnel. These included one of the
station doctors, personnel to support boat operations
and ight operations (air trafc control and meteorol-
ogy), divers and mountain guides.
Terra Nova Bay
lIst oF acronyms
ANDRILL Antarctic Geological Drilling
AHT Antarctic Heritage Trust
ASMA Antarctic Specially Managed Area
ASPA Antarctic Specially Protected Area
ATCM Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting
CEE Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation
CEP Committee for Environmental Protection
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ENEA National Agency for New Technologies, Energy
and Sustainable Economic Development (Italy)
EPICA European Project on Ice Coring in Antarctica
HSM Historic Sites and Monuments
IEE Initial Environmental Evaluation
IPEV French Polar Institute Paul Emile Victor
MZS Mario Zucchelli Station
NSF National Science Foundation
PNRA National Program of Research in Antarctica (Italy)
RNZAF Royal New Zealand Air Force
SAR Search and Rescue
USAP United States Antarctic Program
The motor tender SKUA at Zucchelli Station