Health Plan Management System
(HPMS) Basic Contract Management
User Manual
October 16, 2020
HPMS: Basic Contract Management User Manual Page i
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Getting Started .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
How to Access the Contract Management Dashboard and Select a Contract ....................................................................... 2
Locating this User Manual in the HPMS .............................................................................................................................. 5
Completing Basic Contract Management Tasks ............................................................................................................... 6
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
General Information ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Basic Contract Data .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Organization Marketing Data ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Plan Management Data ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Offshore Subcontractor Data .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Add/Update Alternative Care Settings (ACS) Data PACE Only ..................................................................................... 16
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Data ...................................................................................... 20
Health Plan Identifier (HPID) Data .................................................................................................................................... 23
View SNP Offerings ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
Part C and Part D Information ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Part C Data ......................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Part D Data ......................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) Information ............................................................................................................... 33
Contract Service Area ...................................................................................................................................................... 37
Contact Information ......................................................................................................................................................... 38
Contact Data ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Updating Existing Contracts ........................................................................................................................................... 41
CMS Contacts ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41
HPMS: Basic Contract Management User Manual Page ii
Table of Figures:
Figure 1: HPMS Home Page ....................................................................................................................................2
Figure 2: Contract Management Dashboard.............................................................................................................2
Figure 3: Select a Contract Number .........................................................................................................................3
Figure 4: Contract Management Dashboard.............................................................................................................4
Figure 5: Documentation Page .................................................................................................................................5
Figure 6: Contract Management Dashboard.............................................................................................................6
Figure 7: Update Basic Contract Data ......................................................................................................................7
Figure 8: Confirm Basic Contract Data ....................................................................................................................8
Figure 9: Update Organization Marketing Data .......................................................................................................9
Figure 10: Confirmation Pop up Organization Marketing Data .............................................................................10
Figure 11: View Plan Management Data ...............................................................................................................11
Figure 12: Offshore Subcontractor Information .....................................................................................................12
Figure 13: Add Offshore Subcontractor Data ........................................................................................................13
Figure 14: Offshore Subcontractor Data Updated Successfully .............................................................................14
Figure 15: Select Contract to Copy FROM ............................................................................................................15
Figure 16: Select Offshore Subcontractors to Copy TO ........................................................................................15
Figure 17: Confirm Offshore Subcontractors to Copy TO .....................................................................................16
Figure 18: Update ACS Data..................................................................................................................................17
Figure 19: Update ACS Data..................................................................................................................................17
Figure 20: Add ACS Data ......................................................................................................................................18
Figure 21: Edit ACS Data ......................................................................................................................................19
Figure 22: View ACS Data ....................................................................................................................................20
Figure 23: Update NAIC Data................................................................................................................................21
Figure 24: Update NAIC Data................................................................................................................................22
Figure 25: Update NAIC Data................................................................................................................................22
Figure 26: Confirm NAIC Data..............................................................................................................................23
Figure 27:NAIC Update successful ........................................................................................................................23
Figure 28: Update HPID Data ................................................................................................................................24
Figure 29: Confirm HPID Data ..............................................................................................................................24
Figure 30: HPID Update Successful ......................................................................................................................25
gure 31: Contract Management Dashboard.........................................................................................................25
Figure 32: View (Year) SNP Applications .............................................................................................................26
Figure 33: View SNP Application ..........................................................................................................................26
Figure 34: Update Part C Information ....................................................................................................................28
Figure 35: Confirm Part C Information ..................................................................................................................29
Figure 36: Update Part C Data Successful .............................................................................................................29
Figure 37: Update Part D Information ...................................................................................................................31
Figure 38: Confirm Part D Information .................................................................................................................32
Figure 39: Update Part D Data Successful .............................................................................................................32
Figure 40: Update MMP Information ....................................................................................................................35
Figure 41: Confirm MMP Information ..................................................................................................................36
Figure 42: Update MMP Information Successful ..................................................................................................36
Figure 43: View Contract Service Area .................................................................................................................37
Figure 44: Contact Data .........................................................................................................................................39
Figure 45: Edit Contact Details ..............................................................................................................................39
Figure 46: Update Contact Data Successful ...........................................................................................................40
HPMS: Basic Contract Management User Manual
Page 1
This manual provides step-by-step instructions for completing and updating basic contract
management data for new and existing contracts.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) system used to perform these online
activities in the Health Plan Management System (HPMS). The Contract Management / Basic
Contract Management module enables users to enter and maintain basic contract management
data, such as organization marketing data, Part C – and/or Part D – specific information, and
contact information. The HPMS is contract specific. Thus, entities with multiple contract
numbers must provide a separate HPMS submission for each contract number.
Note: The screenshots in this manual are not intended to display complete functionality and are
for demonstration purposes only.
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On the HPMS Home Page (Figure 1), select Contract Management from the top navigation
bar. Then, click Basic Contract Management from the flyout menu. The Basic Contract
Management Dashboard displays.
Figure 1: HPMS Home Page
On the Basic Contract Management Dashboard, (Figure 2) enter the Contract Number or name.
The auto-complete drop-down displays the contracts which match the entry.
Figure 2: Contract Management Dashboard
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Select the applicable Contract Number from the drop-down list. The Contract Dashboard
Figure 3: Select a Contract Number
The Contract Dashboard Page (Figure 4) displays all the key details of the contract, including
the Contract Information, Contract Attributes, and CMS Contacts. All applicable links
for the selected contract number display on the left side of the screen. This user manual
explains the functionality and purpose of these links.
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Figure 4: Contract Management Dashboard
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The current version of this manual is always available from the following HPMS location:
From the Contract Management Dashboard (See Figure 2), click Documentation section on
the left menu, select Basic Contract Management User Manual.
Figure 5: Documentation Page
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The Basic Contract Management section enables users to enter key contract data in the HPMS.
This data includes:
Basic contract information.
Marketing information.
Part C, Part D, and/or Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) organizational-function
Service area information.
Organization and plan contact information.
Special Needs Plan (SNP) data.
In general, users can enter data in the Basic Contract Management section throughout the year.
Organizations are required to keep this information as up-to-date as possible because it is used
for a number of different purposes, including public display in the Medicare & You handbook
and on
The General Information section enables users to enter both basic contract data and
organization marketing data.
From the Contract Dashboard Page for the selected contract (Figure 6), click Basic Contract
Data. (To access the Contract Management Dashboard, see Chapter I: Getting Started.) The
Update Basic Contract Data screen displays.
Figure 6: Contract Management Dashboard
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On the Update Basic Contract Data screen (Figure 7), enter the applicable data. Required fields
are indicated below the fields.
Note: Some data on the Update Basic Contract Data screen pre-populates, including: Type of
Organization, Type of Plan Offered, New Payment Bill Option / Demo Type Code (if Part D is
offered), and Legal Entity Name. Users cannot edit this data. If information is incorrect, contact
CMS as follows:
For H or R contract numbers: Submit questions to the Division of Medicare Advantage
Operations web portal at
For S or E contract numbers: Contact drugbenefiti[email protected].
For PACE contract numbers: Submit questions to the PACE web portal at
Figure 7: Update Basic Contract Data
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After entering data, click Submit. A confirmation pop up displays.
On the Confirmation Pop up (Figure 8), verify the data is correct, and click Confirm. To make
corrections, click Cancel.
Figure 8: Confirm Basic Contract Data
After clicking Confirm, the Update Basic Contract Data Page displays with a success message
Contract data submitted successfully.
The Organization Marketing Data section enables users to enter information that is critical to an
organization’s downstream marketing functions. The Organization Marketing Name, for
example, appears as the Organization Name in the Medicare & You handbook and on the website, so it is critical that it be correct and maintained over time. In
addition, the Organization Geographic Name and the Organization Website Address are
downloaded into the Plan Benefit Package (PBP) and display as plan data within this tool. Users
can update the data in this section (as described in Step 2 below) throughout the year.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (See Figure 6), in the General Information section of
the left menu, click Org. Marketing Data located in the General Information section of the
left navigation menu. (To access the Contract Management Dashboard, see Chapter I: Getting
On the Update Organization Marketing Data screen (Figure 9), enter applicable data.
Required fields are indicated.
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Figure 9: Update Organization Marketing Data
After entering data, click Submit.
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On the Confirmation Pop up (Figure 10), click Confirm. To make corrections, click Cancel.
The Update Organization Marketing Data page displays.
Figure 10: Confirmation Pop up Organization Marketing Data
To view Plan Management Data, on the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click Plan
Management Data from the General Information section of the left navigation menu. The View
Plan Management Data page displays (Figure 11).
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Figure 11: View Plan Management Data
All Medicare Part C, Part D, and Medicare-Medicaid Plan organizations using offshore
subcontractors should submit offshore subcontractor information and attestations to ensure that
sponsors have taken appropriate steps to address the risks associated with using subcontractors
operating outside the United States. Offshore subcontractors are organizations operating in any
country that is not one of the 50 United States or one of the United States Territories (American
Samoa, Guam, Northern Marianas, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) that have contracted
either directly with a Part D organization or with one of its downstream subcontractors.
Users must submit one attestation for each offshore subcontractor that the organization has
engaged to perform Medicare-related work for the Plan that involves receiving, processing,
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transferring, handling, storing, or accessing protected health information (PHI) of Medicare
beneficiaries. Users can add and delete offshore subcontractors, as well as edit offshore
subcontractor data, throughout the year.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click Offshore Subcontractor Data from
the General Information section of the left navigation menu. (To access the Contract
Management Dashboard, see Chapter I: Getting Started.)
To add new offshore subcontractor information, click Create New.
Note: If this is the first time an offshore subcontractor for your contract is being entered, only
the Copy from Contract, and Create New buttons display on the Offshore Subcontractor
Information screen (Figure 12).
After a user has added at least one offshore subcontractor, the offshore subcontractor grid
displays along with the View, Edit, and Trash Can icons for every offshore subcontractor.
Users can add a new offshore subcontractor in two ways: by adding completely new information
for the contract, or by copying offshore subcontractor information (including attestations) from
another contract to the contract.
Note: To copy data from one contract to another, skip to Step 3A.
Figure 12: Offshore Subcontractor Information
On the Create New Offshore Subcontractor screen (Figure 13), enter the Offshore
Subcontractor Information (Part I) and Precautions for Protected Health Information
(PHI) (Part II). Required fields are indicated.
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From the Create New Offshore Subcontractor screen (Figure 13), complete the Attestation of
Safeguards to Protect Beneficiary Information in the Offshore Subcontract (Part I) and
Attestation of Audit Requirements to Ensure Protection of PHI (Part II) sections by
responding “Yes” or “No” to each question/attestation.
Click Submit.
Figure 13: Add Offshore Subcontractor Data
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The Offshore Subcontractor Grid updates with the new data and a confirmation message stating
Offshore Subcontractor Data Submitted Successfully.
Figure 14: Offshore Subcontractor Data Updated Successfully
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To copy offshore subcontractor data (including attestations) from another contract, on the
Offshore Subcontractor Information screen (Figure 12), click Copy from Contract.
On the Copy Offshore Subcontractor pop up (Figure 15), select the contract from which the
user wishes to copy the offshore subcontractor data.
Figure 15: Select Contract to Copy FROM
On the Copy Offshore Subcontractor pop up screen (Figure 16), select the offshore
subcontractor(s) the user wishes to copy.
Figure 16: Select Offshore Subcontractors to Copy TO
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Verify the data on the Copy Offshore Subcontractor pop up screen (Figure 17). Then, click
Figure 17: Confirm Offshore Subcontractors to Copy TO
The Offshore Subcontractor Information page displays (Figure 14) the added offshore
subcontractor information and a success message Offshore Subcontractor Data
Submitted Successfully displays.
Organizations offering a Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) must add and/or
update information for all ACS locations where services are being provided. An ACS is any
physical location in the PACE organization’s CMS approved existing service area excluding
the participant’s home, an inpatient facility, or PACE center where a PACE participant receives
PACE center services on a fixed basis, during usual and customary PACE center hours of
operation, that supplement and do not replace services provided at the PACE center.
Information for a new ACS must entered in the HPMS at least thirty (30) days prior to offering
services at an ACS.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click Add/Update ACS Data from the
General Information section of the left navigation menu.
Note: The link displays for PACE users only. (To access the Contract Management Dashboard,
see Chapter I: Getting Started.)
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The Update ACS Data screen displays.
A user entering the first ACS for the contract sees a screen resembling Figure 18.
Figure 18: Update ACS Data
A user whose contract has data entered in the HPMS for at least one ACS sees a screen
resembling Figure 19.
Figure 19: Update ACS Data
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Upon click on Add ACS (Figure 19), a pop-up modal window Add ACS Data (Figure 20)
contract appears.
On the Add ACS Data screen (Figure 20), enter data and click the applicable
checkboxes. Required fields are indicated.
If the “Other services” checkbox is clicked, the user must enter data in the
corresponding textbox.
Click Choose to locate the ACS Attestation file.
The file must be in .pdf format
If a user is editing an ACS, a link to the previously uploaded file displays
next to Last Attestation File Uploaded
Figure 20: Add ACS Data
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Click the Trash Can icon located in the Action column (Figure 19) for the ACS which needs
to be deleted.
Click Confirm on the Confirm Drop pop-up window. The ACS data is removed from the
grid and a success message “ACS Data for the contract deleted successfully displays.
Click the Edit icon located in the Actions column for the ACS data (Figure 19) which needs
to be updated.
On the Edit ACS Data screen, make the necessary changes in ACS Information section or
PACE Center Services.
Every time the ACS Data is edited, the latest attestation file must be uploaded. A link to the
previously uploaded file displays next to Last Attestation File Upload.
Click Submit.
Figure 21: Edit ACS Data
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Click the View icon located in the Actions column for the ACS data (Figure 19) whose
details needs to be viewed.
After reviewing data, click Close to close the modal window.
Figure 22: View ACS Data
The NAIC Data section enables users to enter the NAIC number associated with the
organization. If the contract does not have an NAIC number, users must use the NAIC Data
section to indicate that there is no number.
On the Contract Dashboard Page (Figure 6), click NAIC/HPID Data from the General
Information section of the left navigation menu. (To access the Contract Management
Dashboard, see Chapter I: Getting Started.)
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Figure 23: Update NAIC Data
From the Update NAIC/HPID Data page (Figure 23), click Update NAIC Data. The NAIC Data
screen (Figure 24) displays. The following fields must be completed:
Contract NAIC Code:
If the contract does not have an NAIC code, click the “No NAIC” checkbox.
Parent Organization NAIC Code:
If the parent organization does not have an NAIC code, click the “No
NAIC” checkbox.
If the parent organization NAIC code is the same as the contract NAIC code,
click the “Parent same as Contract” checkbox.
Note: NAIC data entry cannot be completed until CMS assigns a parent organization to the
user’s contract in the HPMS. If CMS has not yet entered the information, a message to this
effect displays on the Update NAIC Data screen (Figure 25). CMS anticipates assigning new
contracts to the appropriate parent organization by early April. A user can click Final Submit
for an application in February even if unable to complete the NAIC data entry.
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Figure 24: Update NAIC Data
Figure 25: Update NAIC Data
After entering data on the Update NAIC Data screen (Figure 25), click Submit.
A confirmation pop up displays (Figure 26). If data is correct, click Confirm. To make
corrections, click Cancel.
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Figure 26: Confirm NAIC Data
After the user clicks Confirm, the Update NAIC/HPID Data screen displays a confirmation
message Contract Data Submitted Successfully.
Figure 27:NAIC Update successful
The HPID Data section enables users to enter the HPID associated with the organization. This
is an optional field.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click NAIC/HPID Data from the General
Information section of the left navigation menu. (To access the Contract Management
Dashboard, see Chapter I: Getting Started.)
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On the Update NAIC/HPID Data page, click Update HPID Data. On the Update HPID Data screen enter
the HPID (Figure 28). Then, click Submit.
Note: If two or more contracts enter different HPIDs for the organization-level HPID, the last
entry is used.
Figure 28: Update HPID Data
A confirmation pop up display. If data is correct, click Confirm. To make corrections,
click Cancel.
Figure 29: Confirm HPID Data
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After the user clicks Confirm, the Update NAIC/HPID Data screen displays with a confirmation
message “Contract Data Submitted Successfully” (Figure 30).
Figure 30: HPID Update Successful
Users can review SNP offerings.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 31), click View (Year) SNP Data
from the SNP Contract Information section of the left navigation menu.
Figure 31: Contract Management Dashboard
The View (Year) SNP Data screen (Figure 32) displays SNP offerings for the contract.
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Figure 32: View (Year) SNP Applications
To review the details of an SNP application, click the View icon located in the Action column. The View SNP
Application (Figure 33) modal window displays. After viewing the details, click Close to close the modal
window. To download the service area details, click Download .CSV.
Figure 33: View SNP Application
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The Part C and D Information section enables users to specify which organization(s) perform
functions (such as utilization review, sales, financial services, etc.) for the contract.
Note: While MMPs offer both Part C and Part D benefits, the Part C and D Information
sections do not appear for MMPs. See the MMP section below for how to enter MMP data.
The Part C Data section is applicable only if the contract offers Part C benefits. Users are
required to keep the data in this section up to date throughout the year.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click Part C Data from the Part C/D
Information section of the left navigation menu.
On the Update Part C Info screen (Figure 34), users must, at a minimum, enter one
organization name field for any function. Required fields are indicated.
If the organization performs a function, click the Yes radio button for the question “Will
the organization perform this function”. The organization’s name then automatically
populates under the first available Organization line. If users must add more
organizations, click the Add Organization button beneath the organization field.
To enter a function not listed, complete the Other Functions section(s). When using
Other Functions, enter a description of the function in the “Describe Other Function”
line. The remaining Other Functions are not required and can be used as needed.
Enter at least one organization name for all functions (except the Other Functions).
Users must also enter all contractors indicated as offshore in the Offshore Subcontractor
data section. (See the section above on entering Offshore Subcontractor Data).
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Figure 34: Update Part C Information
After completing all required fields (Figure 34), click Submit.
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A Confirmation pop-up displays. If data is correct, click Confirm. To make corrections,
click Cancel.
Figure 35: Confirm Part C Information
After clicking Confirm, the user remains in Update Part C Info page and a success message
Contract Data Submitted Successfully(Figure 36) displays.
Figure 36: Update Part C Data Successful
The Part D Data section displays only if the contract offers Part D benefits. Users can update
this section throughout the year.
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On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click Part D Data from the Part C/D
Information section of the left navigation menu.
On the Update Part D Info screen, enter data (Figure 37). Required fields are indicated.
When entering data to fields on this screen, keep in mind the following:
The Formulary Website and Pharmacy Website URLs are required fields for existing
sponsors. However, they are not required for the application-approval process.
If the organization has not yet developed these websites, enter placeholders in
these fields.
The organization must develop these websites, and the user must correctly
identify them on this screen by the time the organization enters into a Part D
contract with CMS.
This information must be updated because it is used in downstream HPMS
functions. For example, the Formulary Website URL is downloaded into the
PBP and displays as plan data in this tool.
If the user answers “Yes” to the question “Is your organization operating under a
confidentiality agreement with your PBM for the P&T Committee?” the user is attesting that
the organization is prohibited by contract from knowing the membership of the PBM P&T
If the user answers “No” to the question “Is your organization operating under a
confidentiality agreement with your PBM for the P&T Committee?” additional fields
display, requiring the user to enter the P&T committee members.
To add a committee member, click Add Committee Member (Figure 37). Then,
complete the required fields.
To remove a committee member, click the Trash Can icon appearing in the Action
column in the P&T Grid (Figure 37).
When completing the Organizations Providing Part D Functions section, users must, at
a minimum, complete the “Organization” field for any function. Required fields are
If the organization performs a function, click the Yes radio button to the
question “Will the organization perform this function?” appearing beneath the
function title. The organization’s information (Legal entity name) automatically
populates under the first available Organization line. Users must indicate
whether the applicant is an offshore subcontractor.
If the user must add more organizations, either click Add Organization button
beneath the organization field.
Users must also enter all contractors indicated as offshore in the Offshore
Subcontractor data section. (See section above on entering Offshore
Subcontractor Data.)
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Figure 37: Update Part D Information
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After completing the Update Part D Information screen (Figure 37), click Submit.
A confirmation pop up displays. If data is correct, click Confirm. To make corrections,
click Cancel (Figure 38).
Figure 38: Confirm Part D Information
After clicking Confirm, the user remains in Update Part D Info page and a success message “Part D
Data Submitted Successfully” displays.
Figure 39: Update Part D Data Successful
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MMP contracts display an MMP Information section in the left menu on the Contract
Management Dashboard. Users are required to keep the data in this section up-to-date
throughout the year.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click the MMP Information link in
the left navigation menu. Upon click on the MMP Information link, Update MMP
Information page (Figure 40) is displayed
When completing the Organizations Providing Medical Functions section in Update
MMP Information page, users must, at a minimum, complete the “Organization 1” field for
any Medical function. Required fields are indicated.
If the organization performs a function, select the Yes radio button to the question
“Will the organization perform this function?” beneath the function title. The
organization’s name (Legal entity name) then automatically populates under the first
available Organization line.
If users must add more organizations, either click Add Organization beneath the
organization text box to add one organization at a time.
Users must also enter all contractors indicated as offshore in the Offshore
Subcontractor data section. (See the section above on entering Offshore Subcontractor
When entering data in the Organizations Performing Part D Functions section of the Update
MMP Information screen (Figure 40), keep in mind:
The Formulary Website and Pharmacy Website URLs are required fields for existing
sponsors; however, they are not required for the application approval process. If the
organization has not yet developed these websites, enter placeholders in these fields.
The organization must develop these websites and the user must correctly identify them
on this screen by the time the organization enters into a Part D contract with CMS. This
information must be updated because it is used in downstream HPMS functions. For
example, the Formulary Website URL is downloaded into the PBP and displayed as
part of the plan data in this tool.
If the user selects “Yes” in response to the question “Is your organization operating
under a confidentiality agreement with your PBM for the P&T Committee?” the user is
attesting that the organization is prohibited by contract from knowing the membership of
the PBM P&T Committee.
If the user selects “No” in response to the question “Is your organization operating
under a confidentiality agreement with your PBM for the P&T Committee?” additional
fields appear requiring the user to enter P&T committee members.
To add a committee member, click Add Committee Member, and fill out all additional
required fields.
To remove a committee member, click the Trash Can icon appearing in the action
column in the P&T Grid.
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When completing the Organizations Providing Part D Functions section, users must
complete the “Organization” field for any function. Required fields are indicated.
If the applicant performs a function, click the Yes radio button for the question
“Will the organization perform this function?” beneath the function title. The
organization’s name (Legal entity name) will then automatically populate under
the first available Organization line. Users must indicate whether the applicant is
an offshore subcontractor.
If the user must add more organizations, either click Add Organization beneath the
organization text box to add one organization at a time.
Users must also enter all contractors indicated as offshore in the Offshore
Subcontractor data section. (See the section above on entering Offshore
Subcontractor Data.)
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Figure 40: Update MMP Information
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After entering data for all functions (Figure 40), click Submit at the bottom of the screen.
A confirmation pop up displays (Figure 41). If data is correct, click Confirm. To make
corrections, click Cancel.
Figure 41: Confirm MMP Information
Click Confirm, the user remains in Update MMP Information page and a success message “MMP
Information Submitted Successfully” displays (Figure 42).
Figure 42: Update MMP Information Successful
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The contract service area defines the geographic area in which the organization will provide the
contracted services. The ability to enter service area data is only available through the
application process. Instructions for changing the contract service area are provided in the
Online Application User Manual.
To view the contract service area (without making changes), on the Contract Management
Dashboard (Figure 6), click View Current Service Area Data from the Contract Service
Area section of the left navigation menu. The View Service Area screen (Figure 43)
Figure 43: View Contract Service Area
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Existing sponsors and applicants are required to maintain information for many contacts. Users
are required to keep this data up to date throughout the year.
It is critical to enter and maintain contract-level contact information because it is used for other
purposes within HPMS and other CMS systems, as well as in support of information displayed
publicly. A Contact Definitions link is provided in the Documentation section of the left
navigation menu of the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6).
Note: A user may not identify the same individual for all contacts. If a user enters a general
phone number, CMS requires specific extensions for the individuals identified. Under no
circumstances should a number lead to a company’s automated phone response system without
provision of an extension. In addition, all organizations must provide specific email addresses
for the individuals named.
On the Contract Management Dashboard (Figure 6), click Contact Data in the left navigation
All contacts applicable to your organization display in a grid format on the right side of the
screen. The list of contacts required will vary based on organization type and if the contract
offers Part C or Part D or both as shown in Figure 44:
Required contacts are indicated below the corresponding contact types.
The Edit icon is available for each contact type in the Actions column.
The Trash Can icon is available for the optional contact types in the Actions column enabling
the user to delete the contact details, if needed.
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Figure 44: Contact Data
To begin entering contact data, click the Edit icon located in the Actions column for the particular
contact type (Figure 44). Pop up modal window Edit Contact Details displays (Figure 45).
Enter the applicable contact information in the pop up modal window Edit Contact Details
displays (Figure 45). Required fields are indicated and vary based on contact type.
Figure 45: Edit Contact Details
After entering required data, click Submit.
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The Contact Data page displays with a success message “Contact Data has been updated
successfully(Figure 46).
Figure 46: Update Contact Data Successful
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Existing organizations must maintain their contract management data throughout the year in the
HPMS. The data within the HPMS is used for a variety of purposes, including, in some cases,
display on and within the Medicare & You handbook. Therefore, it is important
and required for organizations to review and update the data on a recurring basis to ensure it is
Contact Information
Area of Responsibility
Greg Buglio
Technical assistance with
HPMS Basic Contract
Management module.
Sara Walters
Technical Assistance
backup with HPMS Basic
Contract Management
MA Application Questions
Questions related to
Medicare Advantage
(MA) contracts.
SNP Application Questions
Questions related to
PACE Application Questions
Questions related to
Arianne Spaccarelli
Questions related to
sponsors offering Part D
and the Stand-Alone Part
D Plans (PDPs). Also,
questions related to
Employer/Union Group,
Direct, and Employer
Group Waiver Plan
(EGWP) contracts.
Marla Rothouse
Questions related to the
Capitated Financial
HPMS Help Desk
Technical assistance with
HPMS User Access Team
Questions related to
HPMS user access.
HPMS: Basic Contract Management User Manual
Page 42
Lori Robinson
Director, Division of Plan