219 Foxlake Drive (912) 541-0628
Statesboro, GA 30458
6/90 - 5/93 Texas A & M University, Doctor of Philosophy, Mathematics Education
9/87 - 8/89 Sam Houston State University, Master of Arts, Mathematics
9/85 - 8/87 Southwest Texas State University, Bachelor of Science in Education, Mathematics
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
9/96 - present Assistant (1996-2002), Associate (2002-2008), and Professor (2008–present),
Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences Interim Chair (2012-2015),
Chair (2015-2019)
Tenured (2000) position which includes teaching content and mathematics education
courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Other duties include providing
in-service teacher training and coordinating mathematics education content courses
with the College of Education methods courses.
Interim Chair and Chair duties have supervising scheduling, budget, assessment, and
hiring; conducting monthly department meetings and annual evaluations; representing
the department at COSM Council and other university functions as well as on the
statewide Advisory Committee for Mathematical Subjects (ACMS); working with
other colleges on curriculum issues such as new courses, teacher certification, and
transfer equivalencies; handling student complaints; and submitting department
annual report and other documentation required by the University.
Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ
9/93 - 6/96 Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Tenure-track appointment which included teaching content and mathematics
education courses. Other primary duty consisted of supervising student teachers.
Additional duties included working with other department members on state and
nationally funded grant projects involving teacher training.
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas
9/92 - 8/93 Administrative Assistant for one Department of Education and two Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board teacher training grants.
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas
9/90 - 5/92 Lecturer, Mathematics, Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences
Temporary appointment that consisted of teaching mathematics education, statistics
and developmental mathematics courses.
San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas
9/89 - 8/90 Instructor, Mathematics, Department of Mathematics
Revised //
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Tenure-track position that included teaching courses ranging from developmental
mathematics to business calculus.
Courses Taught at GSU
MATH 1111 College Algebra
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus (formerly Trigonometry)
MATH 1441 Calculus I
MATH 2008 Foundations of Numbers and Operations (formerly MATH 2031)
MATH 2010 Problem Solving for K-8 Teachers
MATH 3032 Foundations of Data and Geometry
MATH 3130 College Geometry
MATH 5130 Statistics and Probability for K-8 Teachers
MATH 5131 Basic Ideas of Arithmetic
MATH 5132 Basic Ideas of Geometry
MATH 5134 Discrete Mathematics for K-8 Teachers
MATH 5135 Algebraic Connections for K-8 Teachers
MATH 5232 Mathematical Applications Using Technology
MATH 6130 Fundamental Concepts of Arithmetic and Geometry
MATH 6230 Fundamental Ideas of Calculus
MATH 6030 Special Topics (formerly MATH 890)
Manipulatives, Technology, and Real World Applications
Algebra and Statistics for Middle School Teachers
STAT 1401 Introduction to Statistics (formerly STAT 2231)
MATH 1111, MATH 1441, MATH 3032, MATH 5130, MATH 5134, MATH 5135 and the two Special
Topics courses have been taught via distance learning.
Independent Study and Student Research
Supervised independent study for eight students since Fall 1996.
Served on the dissertation committees of Billy Lacefield, Cherry Ward, Donna Saye, Elizabeth Oliver,
Debbie Evans, Patia Crump, Lisa Norton Howell, Elizabeth Brechin, Kay Haugen, Cristal Jones,
Deborah Bowers, and Nicole Bernard, students from the College of Education. Each completed an Ed.D
in Curriculum Studies. (Fall 1999 to present)
Participated in Faculty Learning Community on Growth Mindset Spring 2022.
Lanier, S. M. & Taylor, S. E. (2004). When will I ever teach this? An activities manual for mathematics
for elementary teachers. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA.
Mason, D., Mittag, K. C.& Taylor, S. E. (2003). Integrating mathematics, science, and technology: A
skill-building approach. Allyn & Bacon, Boston, MA.
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Refereed Journals
Nguyen, H., Maher, E. M., Chamblee, G. E., and Taylor, S. E. (accepted) K-8 preservice teachers’
statistical thinking when determining best measure of center. International Journal of Education in
Mathematics, Science, and Technology.
Taylor, S. E. (2020) Using “The Price is Right” in your mathematics classroom. Reflections, 13, 4.
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (2015) Easy absolute values? Absolutely! Mathematics Teaching in the
Middle School, 21, 1, 49-52.
Zientek, L. R., Younes, R., Nimon, K., Mittag, K. C., & Taylor, S. E. (2013). Fractions as a foundation
for algebra within a sample of prospective teachers. Research in the Schools, 20, 1, 76-95.
Humphrey, P. B., Taylor, S. E., & Mittag, K. C. (2013). Developing consistency in the terminology and
display of bar graphs and histograms. Teaching Statistics, 36, 3, 70-75.
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (2011). Riding the Ferris wheel: A sinusoidal model. Problems,
Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (PRIMUS), 21, 5, 393-400.
Mittag, K. C., Taylor, S. E. and Fies, D. (2010). Mean, median, or mode: Which one is my pencil?.
Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 15, 548 553.
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (2010). Tennis balls, lines, and geometric transformations. Mathematics
Teaching in the Middle School, 15, 359 365.
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (2009). As the ball rolls: A quadratic investigation using multiple
representations. Mathematics Teacher, 103, 62-65.
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (2008). The sum of the parts: A hands-on activity for sequences.
Mathematics and Computer Education, 42, 44-51.
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (2006). Hitting the bulls eye: A dart game simulation using graphing
calculator technology. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 12, 116 - 122.
Mason, D., Fies, C., Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (2004). How scientists communicate with numbers.
Texas Mathematics Teacher, 53, 14-21.
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (2003). Mathematical mysteries: Grab bag activities for estimation,
measurement, and problem solving. Texas Mathematics Teacher, 52, 20-24.
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (2001). Seven wonders of the ancient and modern quadratic world.
Mathematics Teacher, 94, 349-350,361.
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (2000). The evolution of a graphing calculator course for preservice
mathematics teachers. Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers,
April 2000, 1 - 19.
Available at
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (1998). Using a scoring rubric to evaluate statistics problems. Texas
Mathematics Teacher, 46, 11-13.
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (1996). Teaching statistics at the middle school level using student
generated data sets. Texas Mathematics Teacher, 44, 3-4.
Taylor, S. E. (1995) [Review of the Sharp EL-E300]. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle Grades, 1,
Conference Proceedings
Saye, D. B., Brown, D. K., Roberts, L. F., Taylor, S. E. and Nessmith, C. M. (2001). Graphing
calculators: Do we really want our college algebra students using them? In Goodell (Ed.),
Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate
Mathematics. (pp.357-361). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (2000). Activities for a mathematical modeling course. In Goodell (Ed.),
Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate
Mathematics (pp. 429-439). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Taylor, S. E., Mittag, K. C. & Coleman, M. W. (1998). So you’ve got calculator training, now what? In
Goodell (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Technology in
Collegiate Mathematics (pp.452-455). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Taylor, S. E. (1996). Integrating projects into your curriculum. In Goodell (Ed.), Proceedings of the
Eighth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. (pp.414-415).
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Mittag, K. C.& Taylor, S. E. (1996). Integrating calculators and content in a preservice mathematics
course. In Goodell (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighth Annual International Conference on
Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. (pp. 268-271). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Taylor, S. E. (1995). Calculus using the Sharp EL-9300C. In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. (pp. 468-472). Reading, MA:
Why teaching residuals is important in the curriculum (with Kathleen Mittag) submitted
Comparing and contrasting linear functions and linear models (with Kathleen Mittag) in preparation
Contributing author for “Demos with Positive Impact”--an NSF supported project. The activity can be
accessed at
Dick, T. P., Clark, J. M., Ogden, S., Taylor, S. E., and Wright, C. (2021) Panel Discussion: AP Calculus
from those in the know. Teachers Teaching with Technology International Conference, Virtual
Taylor, S. E. (June 2017) Exploring lines and geometric transformations. Math/Science Partnership
Grant Workshop, Dublin, GA
Taylor, S. E. (February 2012) Systems of equations from middle school to high school. Teacher Quality
Grant Workshop, Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. (January 2011) Activities for the middle school curriculum. Teacher Quality Grant
Workshop, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. (February 2010) Connecting algebra and arithmetic. Teacher Quality Grant Workshop,
Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. (December 2009) Algebra in the middle school curriculum. Teacher Quality Grant
Workshop. San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. (May 2009) Connecting algebra and geometry. Teacher Quality Grant Workshop,
Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. (February 2009) Statistics in the Algebra I curriculum. Teacher Quality Grant Workshop,
Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. (February 2009) Teaching statistics with real world data. Beijing Normal University
Mathematics Conference, Beijing, China
Taylor, S. E. (February 2008) Sequences and functions in algebra. Teacher Quality Grant Workshop,
Huntsville, TX
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Beauford, J., Mason, D., and Taylor, S. E. (July 2001) Panel discussion on the integration of
mathematics, science and technology. Conference on the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching,
San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (July 2000) Gas laws applications with technology. Conference on the
Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, TX
Saye, D. B and Taylor, S. E. (May 2000) Modeling activities for algebra. Regional Teachers Teaching
with Technology Conference, Savannah, GA.
Taylor, S. E. (November 1999) Activities for the middle grades. Association of Mathematics Teachers
of New York State, Buffalo, NY
Taylor, S. E. (December 1996) Integrating math, science and technology for middle school. Columbus
Regional Mathematics Collaborative, Columbus, GA
Taylor, S. E. (March 1996) Using projects in the classroom. Teachers Teaching with Technology
regional conference, Philadelphia, PA
Taylor, S. E., & Mittag, K. C. (June 1991) Using the TI-81 in statistics. Conference on Technology,
Houston, TX
Mittag, K. C., & Taylor, S. E. (January 1991) An introduction to the TI-81 for trigonometry and
statistics. Conference on the Teaching of Secondary Mathematics, Huntsville, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (November 2022) Mean, median or mode? Which one is my pencil.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Baltimore, MD
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (November 2022) Game show mania! Simulations for the classroom.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Baltimore, MD
Taylor, S. E. (October 2022) Game show mania! Simulations for the classroom. Georgia Mathematics
Conference, Eatonton, GA
Ogden, S., Hyers, K., Shay, B., and Taylor, S (September 2022) Panel discussion of the 2022 AP
Calculus reading. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Los Angeles,
Eisenreich, H, Taylor, S., Maher, E., Michalski, G., and Nguyen, H. (March 2022) Fostering a growth
mindset in mathematics: Reflections from a faculty learning community. Department of
Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, Statesboro, GA
Eisenreich, H., Nguyen, H., Michalski, G., Taylor, S. and Stehr, E. (February 2022) Helping college
students foster a growth mindset in mathematics: Reflections from university faculty who
participated in a faculty learning community. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons
Conference, Savannah, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (February 2022) Linear models vs linear functions: A mathematical
conundrum. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (February 2022) Game show mania! Simulations for the classroom.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA
Chamblee, G. E., Nguyen, H., Maher, E. M., and Taylor, S. E. (November 2020) Preservice K-8
teachers’ interpretation of mean in a contextualized problem. School Science and Mathematics
Association Annual Conference, Virtual
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2019) Let’s have fun using hands-on activities to generate
linear functions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Salt Lake City,
Stehr, E. M., Nguyen, H, Chamblee, G. E. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2019) Conceptualizing and
interpreting mean and median with future teachers. Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher
Educators, Eatonton, GA
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2019) Let’s have fun using hands-on activities to generate
linear functions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Nashville, TN
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (October 2019) Game show mania! Simulations for the classroom.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Nashville, TN
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (July 2019) Sum of the parts: A hands-on activity to model sequences.
Conference on the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (July 2019) Let’s have fun using hands-on activities to generate linear
functions. Conference on the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2018) Let’s have fun using hands-on activities to generate
linear functions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Seattle, WA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2018) Let’s have fun using hands-on activities to generate
linear functions. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Kansas City, MO
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2018) Discrete vs. continuous. Model vs. function. What’s the
difference. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (July 2018) The why, when, where, and who of residuals. Conference for
the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (July 2018) A hands-on activity to discover what derivatives and
integrals physically represent. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston,
Taylor, S. E. (April 2018) Problem solving is more than solving problems. National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics Annual Conference, Washington, DC
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2017) Fun hands on activities to generate linear models.
Georgia Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (July 2017) Two fun hands on activities to generate linear models.
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Fort Worth, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (July 2017) Let’s play The Price Is Right and connect to statistics.
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Fort Worth, TX
Taylor, S. E. (April 2017) What makes residuals so special? National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (November 2016) Students have fun rolling a die to discover the Central
Limit Theorem. American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges National Meeting,
Denver, CO
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (October 2016) Problem solving for middle grade preservice teachers.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2016) Let’s play The Price Is Right and connect games to
statistical concepts. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (March 2016) Residuals: Why and how to teach them in your statistics
class. International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Atlanta, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2015) What is my scientific calculator good for? Georgia
Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2015) Too hot! or too cold! An integrated hands-on
investigation. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Taylor, S. E. (April 2015) What are residuals and why to do I need them? National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics Annual Conference, Boston, MA
Taylor, S. E. (November 2014) Easy absolute values? Absolutely! National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Regional Conference, Richmond, VA
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (October 2014) What are residuals and why to do I need them? Georgia
Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (April 2014) Know when to roll them: A real and complex numbers
activity. National Council of Teacher of Mathematics Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (February 2014) Why are residuals important? Conference on the
Teaching of Mathematics 6-12, Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. & Chamblee, G. E. (November 2013) Differences in professional development for
elementary teachers vs. high school teachers. School Science and Mathematics Association Annual
Conference, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (October 2013) Residuals in the common core. National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (October 2013) Dart mathematics: Using paper, Nerfs, graphing
calculators, and SMART boards. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional
Conference, Las Vegas, NV
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (October 2013) Dart mathematics: Using paper, Nerfs, graphing
calculators, and SMART boards. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional
Conference, Baltimore, MD
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (October 2013) Roll your way to understanding quadratics. Georgia
Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Nguyen, H., and Taylor, S. E. (October 2013) Coordinate algebra: From patterns and sequences to
functions. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Darley, J. W., Nguyen, H., & Taylor, S. E. (October 2013) Are word problems “problems” for K-8
preservice teachers? Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Eatonton, GA
Taylor, S. E. (April 2013) Easy absolute values? Absolutely! National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Annual Conference, Denver, CO
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (February 2013) Why, what, where, and how to use residuals.
Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics 6-12, Huntsville, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2012) Analyzing residuals in coordinate algebra. Georgia
Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Taylor, S. E. and Lanier, S. M. (October 2012) What’s different in 6-8 geometry, probability, and
statistics. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Eatonton, GA
Taylor, S. E., Lanier, S. M., and Darley, J. W. (October 2012) How common core is changing what we
teach at Georgia Southern. Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators, Eatonton, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (July 2012) Sum of the parts: An activity for sequences. Conference fro
the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (January 2012) Riding the Ferris wheel: A sinusoidal model.
AMS-MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings, Boston, MA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2011) Altitude and atmospheric pressure: See how they’re
related. School Science and Mathematics Conference, Colorado Spring, CO
Chamblee, G. E. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2011) Professional development of high school teachers-A
Georgia US DOE MSP grant. School Science and Mathematics Conference, Colorado Spring, CO
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2011) Riding the Ferris wheel: A sinusoidal model. National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
Taylor, S. E. and Grasse, M. (April 2011) Data analysis? What about graphical analysis? National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Indianapolis, IN
Taylor, S. E., Mittag, K. C., and Zientek, L. R. (February 2011) Using real data for z-scores and
confidence intervals. Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics 6 12, Huntsville, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2010) Is my pencil normal? National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Regional Conference, New Orleans, LA
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Taylor, S. E. (October 2010) What is an “average” pencil? Georgia Mathematics Conference, Rock
Eagle, GA
Lanier, S. M. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2010) Basic skills testing in Math 2008. Georgia Association
of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Rock Eagle, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (April 2010) Tennis balls, lines and geometric transformations. National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. San Diego, CA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (February 2010) Mean, median, or mode: Which one is my penci?
Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics 6-12. Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E., Mittag, K. C. and Zientek, L. R. (October 2009) Bar graphs and histograms: What’s so
hard to understand? School Science and Mathematics Association. Reno, NV
Mittag, K. C., Taylor, S. E. and Zientek, L. R. (October 2009) The Ferris wheel goes round and round.
School Science and Mathematics Association. Reno, NV
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (October 2009) Hands on exploration of transformations. Georgia
Mathematics Conference. Rock Eagle, GA
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (October 2009) Modeling Ferris wheel motion. Georgia Mathematics
Conference. Rock Eagle, GA
Taylor, S. E. and Grasse, M. (April 2009) Developing algebraic thinking by exploring linearity.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. Washington, DC
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (February 2009) Riding the Ferris wheel. Conference on the Teaching of
Mathematics 6 12. Huntsville, TX
Chamblee, G. E. and Taylor, S. E. (November 2008) Georgia’s new high school mathematics
curriculum: What is it? School Science and Mathematics Association. Raleigh, NC
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (November 2008) Have a ball exploring parabolas. School Science and
Mathematics Association. Raleigh, NC
Taylor, S. E. (October 2008) Using a tennis ball to explore lines. Georgia Mathematics Conference.
Rock Eagle, GA
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (April 2008) The amazing tennis ball activity. National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. St. Lake City, UT
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (February 2008) Exploring parabolas using physical models. Conference
on the Teaching of Mathematics 6 12. Huntsville, TX
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (November 2007) Integrated mathematics and science hot wheels activity:
Determining speed, velocity, and acceleration. School Science and Mathematics Association,
Indianapolis, IN
Chamblee, G. E. & Taylor, S. E. (November 2007) Georgia’s new grades 6-8 mathematics curriculum:
What is it? School Science and Mathematics Association, Indianapolis, IN
Taylor, S. E. (October 2007) Data analysis and probability GPS in Grades 6-8. Georgia Mathematics
Conferences, Rock Eagle, GA.
Taylor, S. E. & Saye, D. B. (March 2007) The sum of the parts: A hands on activity for sequences.
Teachers Teaching with Technology, Chicago, IL
Taylor, S. E. & Chamblee, G. E. (October 2006) Meeting K-8 pre-service math requirement changes via
cooperation between education and mathematics faculty. School Science and Mathematics
Association, Missoula, MT
Taylor, S. E. & Ottinger, T. P. (October 2006) Data analysis in the 7
grade framework. Georgia
Mathematics Conference, Rock Eagle, GA
Taylor, S. E. (April 2006) Hands on modeling activities for your classroom. National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO
Taylor, S. E. (February 2006) Graphing, geometry, and probability. Teachers Teaching with
Technology, Denver, CO
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Mittag, K. C & Taylor, S. E. (January 2006) Modeling activity to develop sequential, power and
exponential functions. Mathematical Association of America, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. & Lanier, S. M. (October 2005) Having a ball with probability. Georgia Mathematics
Conference, Rock Eagle, GA
Chamblee, G. E. & Taylor, S. E. (October 2005) Incorporating algebraic thinking in upper elementary
classrooms. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Rock Eagle, GA
Chamblee, G. E. & Taylor, S. E. (October 2005) Bridging algebra and algebraic thinking in middle
grades. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Rock Eagle, GA
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (March 2005) Hands on modeling activities. Teachers Teaching with
Technology, Washington, DC
Taylor, S. E. (February 2005) Playing darts the quiet and painless way. Conference on the Teaching of
Mathematics 6-12, Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (January 2005) Enhancing Teaching and Learning of Quadratic Equations
by Using Handheld Technology. Mathematical Association of America, Atlanta, GA
Taylor, S. E. & Saye, D. B. (October 2004) Hands on learning stations for the math classroom. School
Science and Mathematics Association, Atlanta, GA
Taylor, S. E. & Saye D. B. (October 2004) Fun with measurement and estimation. Georgia Mathematics
Conference, Rock Eagle, GA
Taylor, S. E. (May 2004) Websites for algebra students and teachers. First Annual Southeast Georgia
P-12 Mathematics Conference, Statesboro, GA
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (April 2004) Integrating math, science and technology in one lesson: it
can be done. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (March 2004) Fun with probability. Teachers Teaching with Technology
Conference, New Orleans, LA
Taylor, S. E. (February 2004) Darts, craps, and happy meals. Conference on the Teaching of Secondary
Mathematics, Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. and Saye, D. B. (October 2003) Darts, craps, and happy meals. Georgia Mathematics
Conference, Rock Eagle, GA
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (March 2003) Darts, craps, and happy meals. Teachers Teaching with
Technology Conference, Nashville, TN
Taylor, S. E. (February 2003) Discrete mathematics ideas for the classroom. Conference on the
Teaching of Secondary Mathematics. Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. and Saye, D. B. (November 2002) Modeling activities to make math fun and interesting.
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Orlando, FL
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (May 2002) Investigating atmospheric pressure.
Math/Science/Technology Conference, Savannah, GA
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C (November 2001) How in-depth do you want to be with your technology?
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Baltimore, MD
Taylor, S. E. (October 2001) Mathematical mysteries. Georgia Mathematics Conference, Rock Eagle,
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (April 2001) Who says you can’t have math, science, and technology in
the same lesson? National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (April 2001) Seven wonders of the ancient and modern quadratic world.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
Taylor, S. E. (March 2001) Low tech or high tech: You decide. Teachers Teaching with Technology.
Columbus, OH
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (November 2000) Seven wonders of the ancient and modern quadratic
world. International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Atlanta, GA
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (November 2000) Integrating math, science, and technology.
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Atlanta, GA
Taylor, S. E. and Saye, D. B. (October 2000) Fun problems for middle school geometry. Georgia
Mathematics Conference, Rock Eagle, GA
Taylor, S. E. and Saye, D. B. (March 2000) Incorporating modeling activities into algebra. Teachers
Teaching with Technology, Dallas, TX
Saye, D.B., Brown, D. K., Roberts, L. F., Taylor, S. E. and Nessmith, C. M. (November 1999)
Graphing calculators: Do we really want our college algebra students using them? International
Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, San Francisco, CA
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (November 1999) Mathematical modeling as a part of college algebra.
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, San Francisco, CA
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (October 1999) Integrating math and science in your classroom.
Georgia Mathematics Conference. Rock Eagle, GA
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (July 1999) Integrating math, science and technology. Conference for the
Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Dallas, TX
Taylor, S. E. (April 1999) Grab bag activities for the middle grades. National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA
Taylor, S. E. (January 1999) Ideas for your AP statistics classroom. Teachers Teaching with
Technology conference, Chicago, IL
Taylor, S. E. (January 1999) Survey design in statistics. Conference on the Teaching of Secondary
Mathematics, Huntsville, TX
Fischer, E. M. & Taylor, S. E. (January 1999) Mathematics courses via interactive television.
Mathematical Association of America Meeting, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (November 1998) Ideas and activities for a mathematical modeling course.
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, New Orleans, LA
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (November 1998) Integrating mathematics and science activities including
technology for pre-service teachers. International Conference on Technology in Collegiate
Mathematics, New Orleans, LA
Taylor, S. E., Springer, G. T. and Mittag, K. C. (July 1998) A heart rate lab activity for statistics.
Conference on the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K.C. (July 1998) Manipulatives and technology for middle grade teachers.
Conference on the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (April 1998) Integrating math and science for middle grades. National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Washington, DC
Taylor, S. E. (April 1998) Calculators and content for preservice teachers. National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Washington, DC
Taylor, S. E. (March 1998) Balancing concepts and technology. Teachers Teaching with Technology,
Nashville, TN
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (November 1997) So you’ve got calculator training, now what?
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Chicago, IL
Mittag, K. C. and Taylor, S. E. (November 1997) Analyzing student heart rate data. International
Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Chicago, IL
Taylor, S. E. and Mittag, K. C. (July 1997) Manipulatives and technology for middle school. Conference
for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E. (July 1997) A lab activity to analyze student heart rate data. Conference on the Teaching
of Mathematics for the 21st Century, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E. (February 1997) An extended project for precalculus or statistics. Teachers Teaching with
Technology, Philadelphia, PA
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Taylor, S. E. (January 1997) Generating data sets to use in the classroom. Conference on the Teaching
of Secondary Mathematics, Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. (November 1996) Does technology training enhance mathematical concepts and ideas?
International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Reno, NV
Taylor, S. E. (July 1996) Content and calculators in a secondary preservice course. Seventh Annual
Conference on Technology, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E. (April 1996) Integrating technology based projects into your curriculum. National Council
of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, San Diego, CA
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (April 1996) Using graphing calculators in educational statistics courses.
American Educational Research Association, New York, NY
Taylor, S. E. (March 1996) Using technology in a pre-service content course. Teachers Teaching with
Technology, Jacksonville, FL
Taylor, S. E. & Mittag, K. C. (January 1996) Activity based strategies for problem solving. Conference
on the Teaching of Secondary Mathematics, Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. (December 1995) Calculator activities for the middle grades. National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
Taylor, S. E. (November 1995) Integrating projects into your curriculum. International Conference on
Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Houston, TX
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (November 1995) Integrating calculators and content in a preservice
mathematics course. International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Houston,
Taylor, S. E. (August 1995) Integrating projects into your curriculum. Conference for the Advancement
of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. (August 1995) Calculator activities in the middle grades. Conference for the Advancement
of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Mittag, K. C. & Taylor, S. E. (August 1995) Activity based strategies and problem solving in middle
school. Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. (July 1995) Using a fraction and statistics calculator in developmental mathematics. Sixth
Annual Conference on Technology, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E. (April 1995) The Sharp EL-E300 middle school calculator: An introduction and ideas for
use. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Boston, MA
Taylor, S. E. (January 1995) Calculator activities for middle grades. Conference on the Teaching of
Secondary Mathematics, Huntsville, TX
Taylor, S. E. (November 1994) Calculus using the Sharp EL-9300C. International Conference on
Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Orlando, FL
Taylor, S. E. (October 1994) An introduction to the Sharp EL-9300C graphing calculator. Association
of Mathematics Teachers of New England, Burlington, VT
Taylor, S. E. (October 1994) Integrating the Sharp EL-E300 middle school calculator into the
curriculum. Association of Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Concorde Hotel, NY
Taylor, S. E. (October 1994) Statistical competencies of prospective elementary and middle school
teachers. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Tulsa, OK
Taylor, S. E. (October 1994) An introduction to using the Sharp EL-E300 in the middle grades. Third
Annual Carolinas Conference, Charlotte, NC
Taylor, S. E. (October 1994) Using the Sharp EL-9300C graphing calculator. Third Annual Carolinas
Conference, Charlotte, NC
Taylor, S.E. (July 1994) Using the Sharp EL-E300 in the middle school. Conference for the
Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, TX
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Taylor, S.E. (July 1994) An introduction to the Sharp EL-9300C graphing calculator. Conference for
the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E. (July 1994) An introduction to the Sharp EL-E300 in the middle school. Fifth Annual
Conference on Technology, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E. (July 1994) Using the Sharp EL-E300 in developmental mathematics. Fifth Annual
Conference on Technology, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E. (April 1994) An introduction to the Sharp EL-E300 middle school calculator. National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN
Taylor, S. E. (February 1994) Linking graphing calculator technology to mathematics topics. National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics Regional Meeting, Richmond, VA
Taylor, S. E. (November 1993) An introduction to using the Sharp EL-9300 in calculus. Association on
Mathematics Teachers of New York State, Buffalo, NY
Taylor, S. E. (November 1993) Calculus with the Sharp EL-9300. International Conference on
Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Parsippany, NJ
Taylor, S. E. (July 1993) TASP topics using the TI-81 and TI-82 calculators. Fourth Annual Conference
on Technology, Houston, TX
Taylor, S. E., & Mittag, K. C. (August 1992) Games and simulations for probability and statistics.
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching, San Antonio, TX
Taylor, S. E. (April 1992) Math as it relates to careers. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Annual Conference, Nashville, TN
Mittag, K. C., & Taylor, S. E. (November 1991) Using the TI-81 in statistics. Trinity-Brazos River
Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall Conference, College Station, TX
Mittag, K. C., & Taylor, S. E. (November 1991) Games and simulations for probability and statistics.
Trinity-Brazos River Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics Fall Conference, College Station,
Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant (GaMSP) Co PI (with Greg
Chamblee) This grant was a two-year grant to work with 3
grade teachers on their transition
from Georgia Performance Standards to Common Core State Standards. Duties includes writing pre
and post tests, analyzing survey data to create the instructional portion of the workshop, and teaching
the two-week summer institute and follow up meetings. Two-Year Funding Total: $341,076 (July
2011 June 2013)
Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grant (GaMSP) Co PI (with Greg
Chamblee) This grant was a two-year project to train teachers for Math I and Math II, the new 9
and 10
grade high school mathematics courses. Duties included writing pre and post tests, teaching
the summer workshops and follow up meetings, analyzing data to plan future meetings, and
conducting on-line learning community meetings. Two-Year Funding Total: $329,540 (July 2009
June 2011)
University System of Georgia Grant Co PI (with Patricia Humphrey) This grant was to co-write an
on-line course for the new K-5 Endorsement being offered at the system level. Duties included
writing instructional materials and assessment items for the course. Total Funding: $6728 (Fall
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Georgia Department of Education Mathematics Science Partnership Grants (GaMSP) - This grant was
awarded to the Heart of Georgia RESA and Georgia Southern is a sub-awardee on the grant. Duties
included working with College of Education and College of Science and Technology faculty to train
middle school teachers on the new Georgia Performance Standards. Total Funding: $338,656
(January 2005 July 2007)
PRISM (Partnership for Reform In Science and Mathematics) is an NSF grant awarded to the University
System of Georgia. Georgia Southern University is one of four partners in the grant. Duties are
both at the regional level and the state level
State level reward committee (July 2004 September 2007)
This committee examined the reward structure for higher education science and mathematics
faculty who work with P-12 schools through the PRISM grant.
State level institute planning committee (Spring 2004)
One component of the grant is to hold system-wide two-day institutes and this committee plans
those institutes.
GSU mini-grants (Summer 2005 Summer 2007)
Two mini-grants as PI and 7 mini-grants as a mathematics consultant.
Served as a consultant for Enhancing Education Through Technology grant. This grant implemented
on-line algebra instruction to work in conjunction with classroom instruction. (Summer 2001 -
Summer 2004)
Co-PI of Georgia Eisenhower grant to train middle school teachers in teaching algebra. Funded in
summer 2002. Implemented Spring 2003. Co-PI was Greg Chamblee from the College of
Education. Total Funding: $10,542 (Summer 2002 Spring 2003)
Assisted in implementing an American Association of State Colleges and Universities grant awarded to
the University System of Georgia. USG awarded smaller grants to Georgia schools and GSU’s
award was for developing alternative teaching strategies for College Algebra. (Spring 2002)
Served as a consultant for a Department of Education Technology Innovation Challenge Grant. This
grant worked with teachers in five states to develop on-line activities for teachers. (Fall 2000 -
Spring 2002)
Assisted in planning three Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Eisenhower grants. Grant
preparations were Spring 1999, 2000, and 2001 with instruction during the summers of those years.
These grants also required follow up meetings that lasted through the 1999-2000, 2000-2001, and
2001-2002 school years. Duties included serving as an administrative assistant and consultant for
the grants, assisting participants in writing activities, providing instruction to the participants,
planning follow-up meetings and serving as an instructor at those meetings. (Summer 1999 -
Summer 2002)
Served as an administrative assistant and consultant for a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Eisenhower grant. Organized participants and instructors, carried out administrative and secretarial
duties, and assisted participants in writing activities. Additional duties included assisting in the
planning of follow-up meetings and serving as an instructor at those meetings. (Summer 1998 -
Summer 1999)
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Received travel grants for conference travel from Hewlett-Packard, Texas Instruments, Casio and Sharp
Electronics totaling over $50,000 (1996 - present)
Selected as a host for a Regional Teachers Teaching with Technology conference. The GSU
Mathematics Department hosted a two-day conference on the use of technology in the classroom.
Total grant award: $3000. (May 1997)
Project Staff for SysTeMS (Meeting the Challenge of Systemic Change Through the Effective Use of
Technology in Science and Mathematics). Duties included researching, writing and editing project
materials. Also assisted in preparation of proposal. (Spring 1995 - Summer 1996)
Planning and Development Consultant with the TRANSIT-NJ project. Duties included working with
project staff to develop materials, assisting in the planning of follow-up meetings and serving as an
instructor at follow up meetings throughout the school year. (Fall 1994 - Summer 1996)
Instructor for TRANSIT-NJ summer program. Duties included instructing participants on appropriate
calculator use and activities for the middle school. (Summer 1994 and 1995)
Instructor with the State Systemic Initiative (SSI) Project Site at Montclair State. Activities included
working with the technology aspect for the 5 - 8 teachers. (Summer 1994 and 1995)
Obtained 75 Sharp EL-E300 middle school calculators for use in two SSI summer programs. (Summer
1994 and 1995)
Received $967 Travel Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee (Spring 2014)
Received $1000 Travel Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee (Spring
Received $609.39 Travel Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee (Spring
Received $500 Service Grant from GSU Faculty Service Committee. (Fall 2008)
Received $542 Travel Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee. (Spring 2006)
Received $409 Travel Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee. (Spring 2003)
Received $500 Service Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee to buy
supplied for technology conference co-sponsored with Armstrong Atlantic State University. (Spring
Received $1500 Summer Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee to fully
develop ve new courses being offered in the Mathematics Department (Summer 2000)
Received $380 Travel Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee (Spring 2000)
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Received $500 Development of Instruction Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare
Committee (Fall 1998).
Received $450 Travel Grant from the GSU Faculty Development and Welfare Committee (Fall 1997).
To GSU (University Level)
Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Student Success and Post Tenure Review (January September
To GSU (College of Science and Technology/College of Science and Mathematics)
Course and Curriculum Committee (Fall 2010 Spring 2012)
Member of P-5 Math and Science Endorsement Committee (Fall 2008 Fall 2012)
COST Post Tenure Committee (Spring 2009 Spring 2010)
COST Tenure and Promotion Committee (Fall 2002 and Fall 2006)
COST Advisory Committee (1998-1999)
To GSU (College of Education)
Served on search committee for Chair for Teaching and Learning (Fall 2012)
Served on search committee for assistant professor of mathematics education position (2010-2012)
Worked the COE administration to develop application for the new K-5 endorsement submitted to the
Professional Standards Commission. (Spring and Fall 2010)
Worked with COE Faculty on new mathematics courses for Area F and Early Childhood and Middle
Grade Program of Study. (2006 - 2007)
Served on search committee for assistant professor of middle grades position (2006 - 2007 school year)
Supervised student teachers (2005 2010)
Worked with College of Education faculty to prepare and submit the application packet for a P-5
mathematics endorsement from the state. (2005 - 2006)
Conducted PRAXIS I and II workshops for teacher education majors. These three-hour workshops were
held on Saturdays each semester to prepare students for the test. (2003 - 2006)
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Served on two Standards Based Teacher Education Preparation (STEP) Committees, a cooperative effort
between the College of Education and the Department of Mathematics (Spring 2001 - Summer
Organized a one-day workshop for local mathematics teachers as a follow up to the April 1998
workshop. The focus was to provide an overview of mathematics expectations of students coming
to GSU and how local high school teachers can better prepare their students mathematically. (April
Organized a one-day workshop for local mathematics teachers. The focus of the workshop was to
provide an overview of mathematics expectations of students coming to GSU and how local high
school teachers can better prepare their students mathematically. (April 1998)
Teacher Education Advisory Committee (1997-2001)
To the Department
Interim Chair (Fall 2012 2015)
Associate Chair (Fall 2010 Summer 2012)
Coordinate scheduling, training and evaluation of Graduate Assistants
Member, University Assessment Platform Committee
Assess transfer credit for mathematics courses
Oversee elections in conjunction with the Elections Committee
Comprehensive Academic Program Review Committee (Fall 2022)
Eagle Undergraduate Mathematics Conference Organizing Committee (even years since 2014)
Colloquium Committee (Fall 2019-Spring 2020)
Tenure and Promotion Writing Group (Fall 2019-Spring 2021)
Course and Curriculum (2009-2012)
Search (1997-1998, 1998-1999, 2006-2007, 2010-2011, 2011-2012)
Chair (2005-2006, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012)
Graduate Coordinating Committee (2005 - 2008)
Steering Committee (2005 - 2006)
Mathematics Education Search Chair (2004-2005)
Tenure and Promotion (2004-2005, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2011-2012, 2020-2021)
Chair (2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2020-2021)
Mathematics Tournament Committee (2001-present)
Junior High Test Chair (2004- 2019)
Governance Document Task Force (2003-2004)
Post Tenure Review Chair (2002-2003)
Scholarship (2002-2003)
Department Chair Search (2001-2002)
Department Chair Search (1997-1998)
Mathematics Education (1996-present)
Chair (1997-present)
College Algebra (1998-1999)
Teachers Teaching with Technology (1996-1997)
Foundation Grants (1998-1999 and 1999-2001)
Chair (1999-2001)
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Alumni Committee (1999-2001)
Advisor for Golden Key International Honor Society (2002-2003)
Advisor for Mathematics Majors with Teacher Certification (1997-2000)
Co-advisor for Mathematical Association of America Student Chapter (1997-1999)
To the Mathematics Education Community
Member of the Advanced Placement Calculus Test Development Committee (July 2018 June 2022)
Reader (1996 2002), Table Leader (2003 2016), Question Leader (2017 2018), Exam Leader
(2019), and Assistant to the Chief Reader (2020 2022) for the Advanced Placement Calculus
Exam. (1996 - present)
Secretary of the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (October 2015 October 2017)
President-Elect/President/Past President of the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators
(October 2009-2013 and October 2019 to present)
Program Chair for the Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics 6-12 (Fall 2014 Spring 2016)
Selected by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics to serve on the program committee for the
regional NCTM meeting in Richmond, VA, November 2014 (Summer 2013 November 2014)
Selected by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics to serve on the program committee for the
regional NCTM meeting in Dallas, October 2012 (Summer 2011 October 2012)
Selected by Georgia Department of Education to serve on the K-12 Mathematics Advisory Council
(May 2010 September 2020)
Selected by Georgia Department of Education to serve on the End of Course Test Standards Setting, Test
Item Selection and Analytic Geometry Standards Setting Committees (December 2009 - present)
Writing team for P-5 Mathematics Endorsement. Plan courses to be offered, write learning outcomes
and objectives for three courses, co-writer for one of the courses. (Summer 2009 Spring 2010)
Program Chair for Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Conference. (2008
Member of the Program Committee for the 2009 Georgia Mathematics Conference. (Spring October
Member of the Program Committee for the 2008 Georgia Mathematics Conference. (Spring October
Co-chair for the first Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators one-day conference in
October 2007. (Spring and Summer 2007)
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Trainer for Georgia Department of Education. Train teachers around the state to teach the new 9
mathematics curriculum. (Spring and Summer 2007)
Writer for Georgia Department of Education standards for Discrete Mathematics course for high school
students. This group was charged with writing performance standards and tasks for the state to use
in training teachers to teach the new course. (Spring 2007)
Writer for the Georgia Department of Education 7
grade framework. This group wrote an extensive
outline for 7
grade teachers who are teaching using the new Georgia Performance Standards for the
first time. (Spring 2006)
Secretary for a newly formed organization, Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators.
(January 2006 October 2007)
Member of the Local Arrangements Committee (LAC) for the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics annual meeting in San Antonio, TX in April 2003.
Program Co-Chair for the annual Georgia Mathematics Conference in October 2002. The conference is
sponsored by the Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Served as co-chair with Jane
Barnard from Armstrong Atlantic State University (Spring 2001-Fall 2002)
Reviewer for a new statistics book by McGraw-Hill. (Fall 2002)
Co-sponsor of mathematics/science/technology conference with Jane Barnard of Armstrong Atlantic
State University held in Savannah in May 2002.
Delegate to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics national meeting (April 2000-April 2002)
Reviewer for Addison-Wesley texts. (Fall 1999 -Fall 2001)
Member of statewide writing team assembled to write the curriculum for four courses for in-service
middle grade teachers who lack 12 hours of mathematics background. (Fall 1999 and Spring 2000)
Provided in-service training for mathematics teachers at Southeast Bulloch High School on the use of
graphing calculators. (Summer 1998)
Selected as a participant for the writing team for a new Teachers Teaching with Technology Short
Course. This new course will be for college faculty to train pre-service teachers. During the one
week writing institute, I was also selected to serve as an editor for these new materials. (Summer
Reviewer of manuscripts for the Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics journal Texas Mathematics
Teacher. (1997 - 2002)
Coordinator of the regional Teachers Teaching with Technology meeting held on the GSU campus.
(May 1997)
Curriculum Vitae: Sharon E. Taylor Page
Beta testing for new calculators (Casio, Hewlett-Packard, Sharp Electronics, and Texas Instruments)
Reviewer of manuscripts for the NCTM journal Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. (Spring
1994 - present)
Assisted in the coordination of exhibitors at the annual Conference on the Teaching of Secondary
Mathematics in Huntsville, TX. (1991 - 2000)
Award for Excellence in Contributions to Instruction, August 2008
College of Science and Technology Award for Excellence in Teaching, August 2007
Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Mathematical Association of America
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics