A Practitioner’s Guide to
Growth Models
Katherine E. Castellano
University of California, Berkeley
Andrew D. Ho
Harvard Graduate School of Education
February 2013
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Authored By:
Katherine E. Castellano, University of California, Berkeley
Andrew D. Ho, Harvard Graduate School of Education
A paper commissioned by the
Technical Issues in Large-Scale Assessment (TILSA)
Accountability Systems & Reporting (ASR)
State Collaboratives on Assessment and Student Standards
Council of Chief State School Of cers
Copyright © 2013 by the Council of Chief State School Of cers.
All rights reserved.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
This report has benefi tted from insightful comments and reviews from State Collaboratives
on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS) members, making it truly a product of
collaboration. We extend special thanks to several assessment experts who volunteered
their time and energy to improving various drafts. Their insights as practitioners enhanced
the utility of this report for its target audience. We thank Bill Bonk (Colorado Department
of Education), Beth Cipoletti (West Virginia Department of Education), Juan D’Brot (West
Virginia Department of Education), Gary Phillips (American Institutes for Research), and
Michelle Rosado (Connecticut State Department of Education) for their constructive reviews.
Bill Auty (Education Measurement Consulting) provided assistance through the drafting
process, and Frank Brockmann (Center Point Assessment Solutions, Inc.) provided design and
production assistance.
We would also like to acknowledge the support of SCASS advisors Charlene Tucker,
Duncan MacQuarrie, and Doug Rindone in providing feedback throughout the development
of this report. Their vision for clear and accurate descriptions of growth models improved the
content and the style of the document. Any remaining errors are ours.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
1 GROWTH AND GROWTH MODELS ................................................................................... 11
2 GROWTH: BEYOND STATUS .............................................................................................. 12
3.1 The Vertical Slice: Across-Grade Status ....................................................................................14
3.2 The Horizontal Slice: Improvement over Time .......................................................................... 14
3.3 The Diagonal Slice: Growth over Time ..................................................................................... 15
4 WHAT IS A GROWTH MODEL? ........................................................................................... 16
5 GROWTH MODELS OF INTEREST ...................................................................................... 17
6 CRITICAL QUESTIONS FOR DESCRIBING GROWTH MODELS......................................... 18
6.1 Question 1: What Primary Interpretation does the Growth Model Best Support? .................. 18
6.2 Question 2: What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Growth Model? ..................... 20
6.2.1 Gain-based models ......................................................................................................... 21
6.2.2 Conditional status models .............................................................................................. 21
6.2.3 Multivariate models ......................................................................................................... 22
6.3 Question 3: What are the Required Data Features for this Growth Model? ............................ 23
6.3.1 Vertical scales .................................................................................................................. 23
6.3.2 Profi ciency cut scores articulated across grades ............................................................ 24
6.3.3 Multiple cut scores articulated across grades ................................................................ 24
6.3.4 Large numbers of students ............................................................................................. 25
6.3.5 Multiple years .................................................................................................................. 25
6.3.6 Meaningful controls/covariates ....................................................................................... 25
6.4 Question 4: What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can this Growth Model Support? .... 26
6.5 Question 5: How Does the Growth Model Set Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth? .... 26
6.6 Question 6: What are the Common Misinterpretations of this Growth Model and Possible
Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems? ................................................. 27
7 ALTERNATIVE GROWTH MODEL CLASSIFICATION SCHEMES ........................................ 28
References (Part I) ....................................................................................................................................... 29
List of Comparative Studies of Growth Models ...................................................................................... 30
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
List of Reports Overviewing and Classifying Growth Models................................................................. 31
Summary Table ........................................................................................................................................... 32
PART II THE GROWTH MODELS ..............................................................................33
CHAPTER 1 THE GAIN SCORE MODEL ...................................................................................35
1.1 Primary Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 35
1.2 Statistical Foundation ........................................................................................................................ 36
1.3 Required Data Features .................................................................................................................... 37
1.4 Group-Level Interpretations .............................................................................................................. 38
1.5 Setting Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth ..................................................................... 40
1.6 Common Misinterpretations and Unintended Consequences......................................................... 41
CHAPTER 2 THE TRAJECTORY MODEL ..................................................................................45
2.1 Primary Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 45
2.2 Statistical Foundation ....................................................................................................................... 47
2.3 Required Data Features .................................................................................................................... 48
2.4 Group-Level Interpretations ............................................................................................................. 49
2.5 Setting Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth ..................................................................... 51
2.6 Common Misinterpretations and Unintended Consequences ........................................................ 53
CHAPTER 3 THE CATEGORICAL MODEL ................................................................................ 55
3.1 Primary Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 56
3.2 Statistical Foundation ....................................................................................................................... 60
3.3 Required Data Features .................................................................................................................... 62
3.4 Group-Level Interpretations ............................................................................................................. 63
3.5 Setting Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth ..................................................................... 64
3.6 Common Misinterpretations and Unintended Consequences ........................................................ 64
CHAPTER 4 THE RESIDUAL GAIN MODEL ............................................................................. 67
4.1 Primary Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 68
4.2 Statistical Foundation ....................................................................................................................... 68
4.3 Required Data Features .................................................................................................................... 71
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
4.4 Group-Level Interpretations ............................................................................................................. 73
4.5 Setting Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth ..................................................................... 75
4.6 Common Misinterpretations and Unintended Consequences ........................................................ 76
CHAPTER 5 THE PROJECTION MODEL .................................................................................. 79
5.1 Primary Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 79
5.2 Statistical Foundation ....................................................................................................................... 80
5.3 Required Data Features .................................................................................................................... 84
5.4 Group-Level Interpretations ............................................................................................................. 85
5.5 Setting Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth ..................................................................... 86
5.6 Common Misinterpretations and Unintended Consequences ........................................................ 87
CHAPTER 6 THE STUDENT GROWTH PERCENTILE MODEL ................................................. 89
6.1 Primary Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 92
6.2 Statistical Foundation ....................................................................................................................... 93
6.3 Required Data Features .................................................................................................................... 96
6.4 Group-Level Interpretations ............................................................................................................. 97
6.5 Setting Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth ..................................................................... 98
6.6 Common Misinterpretations and Unintended Consequences ...................................................... 100
CHAPTER 7 THE MULTIVARIATE MODEL .............................................................................. 103
7.1 Primary Interpretation ...................................................................................................................... 10 4
7. 2 Statistical Foundation ...................................................................................................................... 105
7.3 Required Data Features .................................................................................................................. 107
7.4 Group-Level Interpretations ............................................................................................................ 107
7.5 Setting Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth ................................................................... 108
7.6 Common Misinterpretations and Unintended Consequences ....................................................... 108
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 113
ABOUT THE AUTHORS ................................................................................................ 117
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Table 1.1 Example of a School Status Score ............................................................................. 11
Table 1.2 Example of School Status Scores across Grade Levels ............................................. 12
Table 1.3 Example of Within-Grade Improvement over Time .................................................. 13
Table 1.4 Example of Growth ....................................................................................................14
Table 1.5 Classi cation Scheme for Growth Models ................................................................. 18
Table 3.1 Example of a Transition Matrix ..................................................................................56
Table 3.2 Example of a Value Table ...........................................................................................59
Table A.1 Mapping Growth Model Terminology from CCSSO’s Understanding and
Using Achievement Growth Data to those in this Practitioner’s Guide ................... 110
Table A.2 Mapping Growth Model Terminology from the CCSSO Growth Model
Comparison Study to those in this Practitioner’s Guide .......................................... 110
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Figure 1 Intuitive Depictions of Growth .....................................................................................9
Figure 1.1 Illustration of the Gain Score Model ..........................................................................35
Figure 1.2 Different Distributions of Gain Scores with the Same Average Gain Score .............. 37
Figure 2.1 The Trajectory Model Makes Predictions about Future Student Performance,
Assuming that Gains Will Be the Same over Time ....................................................44
Figure 2.2 Illustration of the Trajectory Model at the Aggregate Level for
Three Students (A, B, and C)......................................................................................48
Figure 3.1 Illustration of a Test Scale Divided into Ordered Performance Level
Categories by Cut Scores ..........................................................................................54
Figure 3.2 Illustration of Possible Contradictions when Mapping a Vertical-Scale-Based
Defi nition of Growth onto a Categorical Defi nition of Growth ................................. 57
Figure 4.1 Illustration of the Residual Gain Model .....................................................................68
Figure 4.2 Group-Level Interpretations from the Residual Gain Model ..................................... 72
Figure 5.1 Illustration of the Residual Gain Model: Regression of Grade 4 Scores
on Grade 3 Scores .....................................................................................................79
Figure 5.2 The Projection Model: using a Prediction Line Estimated from one Cohort
to Predict Grade 4 Scores for another Cohort ........................................................80
Figure 6.1 Illustration of a Simple Linear Regression Line (that models the conditional
average) and the Median Quantile Regression Line (that models the
conditional median)....................................................................................................88
Figure 6.2 Illustration of a Heuristic Approach to Computing Student Growth Percentiles ......92
Figure 6.3 An Illustration of Percentile Growth Trajectories .......................................................97
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
If names are not correct, then language is not in accord with the truth of things.
If language is not in accord with the truth of things,
then affairs cannot be carried out successfully.
— Confucius
1 - Growth and Growth Models
Growth refers to an increase, expansion, or change over time. A common metaphor is that
of a child growing in height or weight, where growth is tracked easily as the change in
inches and ounces over time. Asked to pantomime “growth,” one might shrink into a crouch,
mimicking a small child, and then jump up and out with arms and legs spread, emphasizing
a two-stage, transformative process. Asked to draw growth, one might draw a graph with
an arrow starting in the lower left and pointing to the upper right. Implicit in this graph is a
vertical axis indicating a quantity of interest and a horizontal axis representing time. Figure 1.1
shows two of these intuitive representations of growth.
Figure 1
Intuitive Depictions of Growth
If growth models for educational policy followed this commonsense intuition about growth,
there would be little need for this guide. Instead, statistical models and accountability systems
have become increasingly varied and complex, resulting in growth models with interpretations
that do not always align with intuition. This guide does not promote one type of interpretation
over another. Rather, it describes growth models in terms of the interpretations they best
support and, in turn, the questions they are best designed to answer. The goal of this guide
is thus to increase alignment between user interpretations and model function in order for
models to best serve their desired purposes: increasing student achievement, decreasing
achievement gaps, and improving the effectiveness of educators and schools.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models begins by overviewing the growth model
landscape, establishing naming conventions for models and grouping them by similarities
and contrasts. It continues by listing a series of critical questions or analytical lenses that
should be applied to any growth model in current or proposed use. The remainder of the
guide delves systematically into each growth model, viewing it through these lenses.
This guide is structured like a guidebook to a foreign country. Like a guidebook, it begins
with an overview of central features and a presentation of the landscape before proceeding
to specifi c regions and destinations. Although it can be read from beginning to end,
a typical user may fl ip to a model that he or she is using or considering for future use.
Although the guide is structured to support this use, readers are encouraged to peruse the
beginning sections so that, following the analogy, they can appreciate the full expanse of
this landscape.
2 - Growth: Beyond Status
In the practice of modeling growth, the operational defi nition of growth does not always
align with the intuitive defi nition of growth. If this were a guide only for the growth models
that aligned with intuition, it would be a short guide that excluded a number of models in
active use across states. Although these models may be less intuitive, they often answer
useful questions about longitudinal data that “intuitive” growth models do not answer. To
be useful, a broader working defi nition of growth is necessary.
When de ning a term, it is often easier to begin with what it is not. Among all the
discussions of student and group growth using educational assessment data, there is one
underlying common thread — “growth is not status.” Accordingly, to develop a defi nition
of growth we must fi rst de ne status. Fortunately, defi ning status is a much easier task than
defi ning growth.
Status describes the academic performance of a student or
group (a collection of students) at a single point in time.
This simple defi nition of status provides a contrast that allows us to defi ne growth. Student
status is determined by data from a single time point and provides a single snapshot of
student achievement, whereas any conception of academic growth is determined from
data over two or more time points, taking into account multiple snapshots of student
achievement. With this distinction from status, a simple working defi nition of growth arises.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Growth describes the academic performance of a student or
group (a collection of students) over two or more time points.
Growth models, in turn, use some systematic method, usually mathematical or statistical, to
describe the academic performance of a student or group over two or more time points. This
growth defi nition is deliberately broader than the more intuitive defi nition of growth as the
change in academic achievement over time. The essential components of the defi nition are 1)
multiple time points and 2) a temporal distinction between at least two of these time points.
For example, the average of two student test scores from a fall and spring test administration is
not a growth metric, because the average is blind to which score came earlier and which score
came later in time. The following sections review additional conceptions of growth and, in turn,
growth models.
3 - Different Ways to Slice the Data: Status, Improvement, and Growth
This guide’s general defi nition of growth is an entry point into the tangled web of descriptions for
growth models. Table 1.1 below and the following Tables 1.2 to 1.4 all show the same hypothetical
aggregated data for a particular school but highlight different cells to emphasize additional
distinctions between status and growth. In each of these tables, the rows designate grades, and
the columns designate years. The cells contain hypothetical average Mathematics test scores
for all students in a particular school. In Table 1.1 in particular, the shaded cell reports 320 as
the average Mathematics score of 3
graders in 2007: a single grade at a single point in time, or
simply, a school’s status score for a particular grade-level. Useful contrasts and interpretations
arise when this cell is grouped with other cells in the table. Different groupings or “slices” of the
table support different interpretations about student performance, as we review below.
Table 1.1
Example of a School Status Score
Grade 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
320 380 350 400 390 420
400 450 420 450 480 500
510 550 600 650 620 620
610 620 630 620 650 660
710 780 750 750 800 800
810 810 820 820 810 840
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
3.1 The Vertical Slice: Across-Grade Status
A vertical slice through the data table as shown in Table 1.2 provides a representation of
school status across grades. Instead of a single shaded cell that summarizes achievement at
a single grade, this full shaded column summarizes 2007 school achievement across grades.
Descriptions of status are useful, but they represent a single point in time and do not allow for
growth interpretations. Although it may seem that differences across grades — from 320 to 400
to 510 and so on — imply growth, these are not the same students across grades, and all scores
occurred at the same point in time. The differences in these average scores are best interpreted
as differences in achievement across grades at a particular point in time.
Table 1.2
Example of School Status Scores across Grade Levels
Grade 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
320 380 350 400 390 420
400 450 420 450 480 500
510 550 600 650 620 620
610 620 630 620 650 660
710 780 750 750 800 800
810 810 820 820 810 840
3.2 The Horizontal Slice: Improvement over Time
Table 1.3 highlights a horizontal slice through the data table to provide a representation of
within-grade improvement over time. The shaded row in Table 1.3 describes 3
grade scores
from 2007 to 2012. Such horizontal slices are sometimes described as an improvement model
or a cohort-to-cohort perspective. Each cell in the row represents a different cohort of students.
Comparison of the cells, from 320 to 380 to 350 and so on, reveals change in achievement
at a particular grade level over time. These comparisons are commonplace in large-scale
assessment, from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) that reports on
the achievement of 4
, 8
, and 12
graders over time to state assessment programs that track
achievement within grades over time.
Instead of average scores, the cells could contain the more common summary statistic of the
percentage of students who are profi cient, that is, the number of profi cient students divided by the total
number of students in each grade times 100. An upcoming section reviews scales for reporting scores in
greater detail, but interpreting differences in profi ciency percentages across grades is rarely defensible,
let alone interpreting these differences as growth. Not only are the students different in each grade-level,
but there are likely to be arbitrary differences in profi ciency cut scores across grades.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Table 1.3
Example of Within-Grade Improvement over Time
Grade 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
320 380 350 400 390 420
400 450 420 450 480 500
510 550 600 650 620 620
610 620 630 620 650 660
710 780 750 750 800 800
810 810 820 820 810 840
A limitation of these within-grade comparisons, or the “improvement model,” is that the
students comprising the group do not stay the same from one year to the next. Thus, any
observed changes in performance may be due to the changing composition of the group.
This slice does describe a grade’s performance over time and represents growth in a general
sense. However, for the purposes of this guide, growth describes a particular student or
group whose identity remains constant. In short, for growth, time varies, but the student or
group does not. Because within-grade comparisons do not describe the same individuals or
a group comprised of the same individuals, this guide does not refer to them as indicating or
measuring growth.
3.3 The Diagonal Slice: Growth over Time
A diagonal slice through the data table as shown in Table 1.4 provides a representation
of growth over time. The shaded cells represent the progression of a particular group of
students over time and correspond with an intuitive defi nition of growth. The highlighted
diagonal in the table below represents average scores from a single group of students from
grade in 2007 to 8
grade in 2012.
In the case of Table 1.4, the diagonal represents averages from an unchanging cohort of
students; it uses matched student data for students who have scores at all time points.
Alternatively, these averages could include data from “mobile” students, who enter the
cohort for some, but not all, years, and students whose data may be missing at one or more
time points. This contrast is sometimes described as the longitudinal perspective (use data
for only students with all matched scores over time) versus the cross-sectional perspective
(use data for all students even those with missing values) on growth.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Table 1.4
Example of Growth
Grade 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
320 380 350 400 390 420
400 450 420 450 480 500
510 550 600 650 620 620
610 620 630 620 650 660
710 780 750 750 800 800
810 810 820 820 810 840
Growth models often use complete data and either ignore incomplete data or make
implicit or explicit assumptions about the missing data. An extensive review of missing
data approaches is beyond the scope of this guide, but we include brief descriptions of the
handling of missing data when models have particularly straightforward approaches. The
remainder of this guide introduces different approaches to interpreting student data within
two or more cells of diagonal slices that represent individual or aggregate growth over time.
4 - What is a Growth Model?
If growth describes the academic performance of a student or group over two or more
time points, then what is a growth model? A growth model, like a region of a country in a
guidebook, is best thought of as an entity with many components and features. A growth
model can use a statistical model, but a growth model is not solely a statistical model.
Moreover, some growth models are so statistically straightforward that they are best
described as a collection of calculations and decision rules, rather than as a formal statistical
model. This guide uses the following defi nition of a growth model.
A growth model is a collection of defi nitions, calculations, or rules that
summarizes student performance over two or more time points and supports
interpretations about students, their classrooms, their educators, or their schools.
This defi nition is broad and likely to be counterintuitive to at least two audiences. First, to
those with statistical training, modeling growth usually involves the estimation of a function
that describes and predicts individual growth trajectories. Unfortunately, such a restrictive
defi nition excludes many of the growth models in current practice and, more importantly,
dramatically understates the scope of their complexity and ambition in educational
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
accountability contexts. Second, to practitioners with limited exposure to these models,
a growth model may seem like a concise, perhaps even single-step procedure capable
of achieving many desired goals and outcomes. Such a defi nition overlooks the multiple
components of operational growth models and the complexity and judgment that are
required as they increasingly attempt to serve multiple purposes.
Through the systematic characterization of growth models that follows, this guide provides
an expansive perspective on the growth model landscape. However, this perspective is not
intended as an exhaustive or “correct” way to classify and assess growth models. Growth
models are quickly changing to meet the needs of local, state, and federal goals, reforms,
and policies, and this guidebook, like real guidebooks, may require frequent revisions.
However, the need for conscientious consideration of purpose, terminology, and defensible
interpretations is relevant regardless of the growth model or the driving educational policy
of the moment.
5 - Growth Models of Interest
The main chapters of this guide review seven individual growth models in turn. The
ordering of the chapters is primarily pedagogical, beginning with more simple models
and proceeding to more complex models. We attempted to select the most widely used
growth models and label them by their most common names. However, some models (i.e.,
the residual gain model) are less commonly used but serve as a conceptual “missing link
between contrasting statistical foundations. A list of equivalent or closely related models
is provided in each chapter. There is also an appendix relating these models to those
associated with Council of Chief State School Of cers (CCSSO) publications about growth
models. The seven growth models of interest in this report follow:
• Gain Score
• Trajectory
• Categorical
• Residual Gain
• Projection
Student Growth Percentile
• Multivariate
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
6 - Critical Questions for Describing Growth Models
In a guidebook to a foreign country, each region is described systematically through a series
of questions or perspectives: Where are the best places to eat? What hotels offer the best
value? Where are the best places to visit? This guide takes a similar approach by explaining
each model through a series of critical questions:
1. What Primary Interpretation does the Growth Model Best Support?
2. What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Growth Model?
3. What are the Required Data Features for this Growth Model?
4. What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can this Growth Model Support?
5. How Does the Growth Model Set Standards for Expected or Adequate Growth?
6. What are the Common Misinterpretations of this Growth Model and Possible
Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
Before describing the growth models themselves, Sections 6.1 through 6.6 of Part I discuss
these critical questions. Part II of the guide, Chapters 1 to 7, presents the seven growth
models by answering these six critical questions for each of them.
6.1 Question 1: What Primary Interpretation does the Growth Model
Best Support?
One of the central tenets of modern validity theory is that the target of validation is not a
model but a use or interpretation of model results. A model suited for one interpretation may
not be well suited to support an alternative interpretation. Thus, a natural starting point for
growth model classifi cation is the identifi cation of the interpretations that particular growth
models best support.
Growth models summarize — typically by quantifying — student performance over two or
more time points. They result in metrics that describe individuals and/or groups. This guide
identifi es three fundamental interpretations that growth metrics can support:
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
1. Growth Description: How much growth? A growth metric may support inferences
about the absolute or relative magnitude of growth for an individual or group.
2. Growth Prediction: Growth to where? A growth metric may support inferences about
the future status of a student or group given current and past achievement.
3. Value-added: What caused growth? A growth metric may support inferences about
the causes of growth by associating growth with particular educators (e.g., teachers or
principals) and schools.
This guide classifi es each growth model by the primary interpretation that the growth
model supports best. Two caveats are essential here. First, a growth model may support
a secondary or tertiary interpretation as well, and these are identifi ed in the respective
growth model chapters. Following the defi nition of a growth model as a collection of
defi nitions, calculations, and rules, it is not surprising that some growth models have been
extended to support multiple interpretations. Nonetheless, it is possible to identify a
primary interpretation that the growth model supports most naturally.
Second, although a growth model may support a particular primary interpretation, it may
not do so infallibly. A growth model whose primary interpretation is growth description
may not describe growth in a manner that all users might fi nd most useful. A growth model
that primarily supports value-added interpretations may not in fact isolate the average
value that a particular teacher or school adds to students. This is discussed further under
Question 6 that concerns common misinterpretations of models and threats to their use in
accountability systems.
An alternative approach to classifying models is by the more general purposes that
the model might serve. Such general purposes include using growth models to inform
classroom instruction, student learning, school accountability decisions, evaluations of
educators, and evaluations of particular programs and interventions. These purposes are
important but are farther removed from growth model output and therefore result in a
less straightforward classifi cation scheme. Clearer distinctions between models arise by
focusing on the interpretations that growth model metrics support directly.
Table 1.5 provides examples of growth models classifi ed column-wise by their primary
interpretations. The models are also classifi ed row-wise by their statistical foundations,
which are presented in the next section. A brief description of each model is also included.
When different facets of a model support different interpretations, the models are classifi ed
in more than one column.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Table 1.5
Classifi cation Scheme for Growth Models
Primary Interpretation
Statistical Foundation
Growth Description Growth Prediction Value-Added
Gain-Based Model
Chapters 1-3:
Based on score gains and
trajectories on a vertical
scale over time
Chapter 1: Gains,
average gains, slopes
Chapter 3: Changes
and transitions between
Chapter 2: Extrapolation
of gains into the future
Categorical (a.k.a.
Transition, Value Table)
Chapter 3: Implicit
momentum toward
higher categories in the
Gains/Slopes as
Chapter 1.4:
links between
average gains and
Conditional Status
Chapters 4-6:
Expresses scores in terms
of expectations based on
past scores
Residual Gain
Chapter 4: Simple
difference between
status and expected
status given past scores
Student Growth
Percentile (a.k.a the
Colorado Model)
Chapter 6: Percentile
rank of status given past
Projection (a.k.a.
Prediction, Regression)
Chapter 5: Empirically
predicted future score
given past scores
Student Growth
Percentile (a.k.a. the
Colorado Model)
Chapter 6: Continuation
of current percentile
rank into the future
Chapter 4.4:
Establishes links
between average
status and
Multivariate Model
Chapter 7:
Uses entire student score
histories as an outcome
to associate higher-than-
expected scores with
particular educators
Generally not used for
this purpose
Generally not used
for this purpose
(a.k.a. EVAAS,
Cross-Classi ed,
Chapter 7
6.2 Question 2: What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Growth Model?
This guide also classifi es growth models by their underlying statistical foundation. Although
statistical methods can be intimidating and model descriptions can be opaque, we fi nd
that models can be classifi ed into one of three categories: gain-based models, conditional
status models, and multivariate models. These three categories make up the rows of Table
1.5, which cross-classifi es growth models by Questions 1 and 2. This table represents a
central conceptual framework for this guide. The following subsections briefl y describe each
statistical foundation in more detail and reference some of their corresponding models.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
6.2.1 Gain-based models
The fi rst type of statistical foundation underlies models that are based on gains, average
gains, or score trajectories over time. We call these gain-based models. A gain or gain score
is the simple difference between two scores at different points in time. The gain score can
be extrapolated over future time points to support predictions. When there are more than
two data points for an individual, the gain can be generalized over multiple time points by
averaging and expressing progress as an average change per unit of time.
A common feature to all gain-based models is an implicit or explicit recognition of a vertical scale,
a common scale that allows scores to be compared across different grade-level tests. Vertical
scales support interpretable score differences over the time and grade range of interest. A gain-
based statistical foundation is consistent with an intuitive defi nition of growth: the difference
between where one was and where one is. However, vertical scales are dif cult to design and
maintain, and many useful questions about performance over time do not require vertical scales.
This motivates a contrasting statistical foundation underlying a second class of growth models.
6.2.2 Conditional status models
The second type of statistical foundation supports interpretations about conditional status. The
word “conditional” implies an “if” statement, a kind of dependence, and, indeed, conditional
status recasts or reframes status with respect to additional information. Models that use this
statistical foundation address the question: How well does a student perform with respect to
expectations? These expectations are set empirically using the past scores of the student of
interest and other students.
Using this past information, conditional status models use a two-step process. First, given a
students past scores, they establish expectations about his or her current score. Second, the
students actual status is compared to these “conditional” expectations given past scores. The
use and differentiation of past and current scores allows this method to meet our defi nition
of a growth model. The phrase, “conditional status,” is a technical term arising from the
models’ referencing of student status in terms that are conditional upon past scores or, more
simply, in terms that consider past scores or take past scores into account. This foundation
is fundamentally distinct from models that have a gain-based foundation, where status is
evaluated over time instead of compared to expectations based on past scores.
Notably, conditional status models can reference current status to other variables in addition
to or in place of past scores, such as economic status, race and ethnicity, or participation
in specifi c educational programs. It is entirely possible to use a conditional status model to
describe status in terms of expectations set by less relevant variables like a students height
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
or shoe size. This observation does not invalidate conditional status models as growth
models but serves to emphasize how this statistical foundation supports a fundamentally
different conception of growth: status with respect to expectations based on past scores and,
potentially, other information.
A natural corollary of this defi nition of growth is that conditional status will change as
expectations change. Setting expectations based upon two past scores will result in a
different conditional status than setting expectations based on three past scores, and setting
expectations based upon student demographic variables will change a student’s conditional
status score even further. In comparison, gain-based scores will also change under inclusion
of additional time points. However, increasing previous time-points for gain-based models
allows for better estimation of average gains, whereas using more past scores in conditional
status models changes the substantive interpretation of the conditional status score. In sum, the
output of conditional status models is interpreted most accurately with full appreciation of the
variables that have been used to set expectations.
Conditional status scores can be reported on many metrics, from the test score scale to percentile
ranks. As an example, consider a student whose high current status places her at the 80
percentile (among all students). In spite of this relatively high score, this student’s past scores have
been at even higher percentiles. Thus, her current percentile rank of 80 is somewhat below the
empirically derived expectations given these past scores. One expression of conditional status is
the simple difference between her actual current score and the score that is expected given her
past scores. This describes the residual gain model in Chapter 4. Another approach expresses this
low expectation in terms of a percentile rank. This latter approach is known as a Student Growth
Percentile and is described in detail in Chapter 6. Table 1.5 displays conditional status models in
its second row, cross-classifi ed by the primary interpretations that these models support.
Chapters 4-6 review conditional status models and delve more deeply into the contrasts
between gain-based and conditional status models. Understanding these contrasts is essential
for accurate selection and use of growth models.
6.2.3 Multivariate models
The third type of statistical foundation is used primarily to estimate the “value-added”
associated with classrooms and schools. Table 1.5 displays multivariate models in its third row
and includes no models in the fi rst two columns, as this statistical foundation is not well suited
for growth description or growth prediction.
Multivariate models are distinguished by their complexity and their ability to use a large amount
of data and variables in a unifi ed approach. They require specialized and sometimes proprietary
software and training in the interpretation of model output. The models are designed to
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
produce classroom- and school-level “effects” that may be associated with teachers and
principals respectively. Formally, gain-based and conditional status models can be seen as
special cases of a fl exible multivariate model (McCaffrey, Lockwood, Koretz, Louis, & Hamilton,
2004). However, in practice, it is useful to locate multivariate models as a separate statistical
foundation. As Chapter 7 describes, the multivariate model has as its target of inference, not a
students gain or her conditional status, but her entire score history. This is clumsy for growth
description and growth prediction, but is particularly well-suited to leverage maximal test score
information for the estimation of classroom and school effects.
6.3 Question 3: What are the Required Data Features for this Growth Model?
The selection of a growth model can be motivated by both the advantages it offers and
the constraints it satis es. The selection of a desired model may necessitate alternative or
additional data structures. In some cases, the cost of meeting data requirements may outweigh
the benefi ts of the desired model.
In general, all growth models rely on the usual expectations for test reliability and validation.
These are not trivial requirements, but this section focuses on requirements for growth, above
and beyond the requirements for test score interpretations at a single time point. If low reliability
threatens interpretations of test scores at a single time point, the problems will only compound
as these scores are reconfi gured to support growth inferences. Similarly, all the growth models in
this guide require student data that is linked longitudinally over at least two time points.
This section reviews particular data requirements for the growth models considered in this
paper, including vertical scales, profi ciency cut scores articulated across grades, multiple cut
scores articulated across grades, large student datasets, multiple prior years of data, and
meaningful controls and covariates. Some requirements are more salient for some models
than others. It is useful to note, however, that in many cases, the integrity of the interpretations
from a growth model depends on the integrity of these data requirements. This is especially
important to consider when the growth model requires cut scores or vertical scales as standard
setting and even scaling, albeit to a lesser degree, involve judgmental decisions. The statistical
model or calculations of a growth model do not compensate for poorly defi ned vertical scales
or performance level categories. The principal data requirements for each model are reviewed
in the model’s respective chapter.
6.3.1 Vertical scales
Some assessments are scaled across grades with what is known as a “vertical scale.” A vertical
scale links the reporting test score scale across several grade levels so that a test score from
one grade can be meaningfully compared to a test score in a subsequent or previous grade
level. This type of scale contrasts with “horizontal” test score scales that support interpretations
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
for each grade level separately. Vertical scales are often more desirable than horizontal scales
due to the growth interpretations they support, but vertical scales require more rigorous design
specifi cations in test development to ensure a meaningful across-grade content continuum.
Moreover, in many cases, vertical scales are not possible for the subject matter tested. For
example, science classes may cover distinct topics in each grade and may not support an
interpretable cross-grade continuum of “science” knowledge.
Vertical scales are necessary for gain-based models and are implicit in intuitive notions of growth.
If a test has a defensible vertical scale, a user can take a simple difference of individual scores
over time and interpret this as a gain regardless of the starting point on the continuum. In some
cases, vertical scales are not formally supported but are implicit and loosely operationalized. An
example of this is the categorical model where no vertical scale is claimed, but transitions across
performance category boundaries are treated as gains, an interpretation that requires meaningful
linkages in cut scores defi ning the performance categories across grades.
6.3.2 Profi ciency cut scores articulated across grades
Some growth models afford growth predictions, often with inferences about trajectories toward
some future standard such as “Profi ciency” or “College and Career Readiness.” These models
proliferated under the Growth Model Pilot Program of 2005 (U.S. Department of Education,
2005) that required students to be “on track” to profi ciency. Most growth models do not
require a profi ciency cut score to make a prediction, but the prediction is ultimately referenced
to the cut score. In these cases, model predictions require articulated cut scores across grades,
in other words, profi ciency cut scores that maintain some consistent relative stringency or
pattern of stringency across grades.
Such cut scores are determined through standard setting procedures in which a committee fi rst
defi nes what profi cient students should know and be able to do and then sets cuts by taking into
account characteristics of the test scale, item content and dif culty levels, and the qualitative
description of profi ciency. For many growth models, this process requires consideration of the
defi nitions of profi ciency in all other grade levels. Without articulated cut scores, nonsensical
conclusions can arise, including a student who is on track to some future standard in one year
and three years, but not in two years (Ho, Lewis, & Farris, 2009). Lack of articulation leads to
unpredictable relationships between stringency of standards and the grade of entry, the time
horizon to profi ciency, and target year by which standards must be reached, respectively.
6.3.3 Multiple cut scores articulated across grades
Many accountability and evaluation policies focus primarily on students reaching a single
achievement level, usually designated as “Profi ciency.” Some policies also operationalize
performance levels that support fi ner grain distinctions at higher and lower score points.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Performance level descriptors may include Below Basic, Basic, Profi cient, and Advanced, and
some states include an even fi ner resolution of categories below profi ciency. Standard-setting
processes help to set these cut scores and elaborate on the descriptions for each category.
Categorical models, sometimes known as transition matrix models or value tables, use such
ordered performance level categories to determine whether students are making adequate
gains toward a standard. Such models rely heavily on the assumption that the performance level
categories have been articulated within and across grades. Moreover, the same performance
level category in different grades should refl ect the same relative degree of mastery. As an
extension of the previous argument for profi ciency cut scores, any growth model that uses
multiple cut scores to document growth must have well-articulated standards across grades to
avoid counterintuitive results.
6.3.4 Large numbers of students
Some growth models require large numbers of students to produce reliable estimates. This is
particularly essential for growth models that require estimation of several parameters, such as
the Student Growth Percentile (SGP) model. The SGP model involves estimation of hundreds of
parameters and thus requires large numbers of students to ensure that SGPs support appropriate
interpretations. A rough, general guideline for a minimum sample size for SGP estimation is
5000 (Castellano & Ho, in press), but the requirement depends on the inferences that the model
supports. Although 5000 is a comfortable size for many state-level datasets, some states may fi nd
instability if SGPs are calculated for particular districts, grades, or subgroups.
6.3.5 Multiple years
For growth models to support value-added inferences, they often need to accommodate
several years of test score data for the same educator, ideally with large numbers of students
for that educator. At the same time, students within each classroom require scores from many
prior years. As the stakes associated with the use of the growth model results become higher,
more data will be required to increase the precision of estimates.
6.3.6 Meaningful controls/covariates
Models that set empirical expectations based on selected variables, including all conditional
status and value-added models, are interpreted most accurately when there is full awareness of
the set of variables that have been used to set these expectations. In the case of value-added
inferences, accurate interpretation requires an understanding of how many previous scores
have been included and which additional student-, teacher-, and school-level variables have
been incorporated, if any. Possible variables include the percentage of students from low-
income families, the minority/ethnic composition of the school/classroom, and the percentage
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
of limited English profi ciency students. Incorporating these factors can bolster the argument for
the interpretation of teacher and school effects as “value added,” but the primary goal should
be adequate communication of the variables to understand the effects. By understanding that
value added is more accurately interpreted as an average student status beyond expectations,
the importance of understanding the variables that set these expectations becomes apparent.
6.4 Question 4: What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can this Growth
Model Support?
Growth models use student-level performance data from two or more time points. Accordingly,
a growth model can provide a number that characterizes a students growth. However,
practitioners are often more interested in group-level summaries of academic growth,
especially in the context of accountability and evaluation. In most cases, group-level summaries
are easily obtained by averaging student-level growth values for the students in a group of
interest, such as averaging over the students in a classroom or school. In other cases, such as
the case of the multivariate model, group membership is explicitly included in the model.
As policy, accountability, and evaluation decisions (such as for teacher effectiveness and school
accountability) are so often associated with the group-level summaries, the validity of group-
level interpretations is of paramount importance. Evidence supporting student-level growth
interpretations is important, but this evidence does not ensure that an aggregate of a student-
level metric can also be used for high-stakes purposes. In answering Question 4 for each
model, this guide discusses the group-level interpretations that each model can support and
describes the evidence needed for these interpretations.
6.5 Question 5: How Does the Growth Model Set Standards for Expected or
Adequate Growth?
A growth model can be used to set standards for expected or adequate growth in different
ways. All conditional status and value-added models set statistical standards for expected
scores. However, these expectations may not be aligned with substantive and policy guidelines
for adequate growth. In some cases, the choice of standard for growth performance can
be based on norms or performance by a clearly defi ned group of peers. This can lead to
judgmental decisions based on percentages, such as fl agging the top or bottom 10 percent of
students, teachers, or schools for further investigation.
Any standard-setting process involves subjective judgments. The necessity of these judgments
to the use of operational growth models is a reminder that operational growth models are more
than statistical models. Judgments are moderated by the stakes involved, the properties of
the model itself, student performance and impact data, and the theory of action for the policy
of interest. In each chapter, we review standard setting conventions in theory and practice.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Options include setting standards based on the test score scale for growth, standards based
on a norm-referenced percentage, or standards based on an aggregate-level metric for group
growth. All of these procedures support inferences about low, high, and adequate growth.
6.6 Question 6: What are the Common Misinterpretations of this Growth Model
and Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
When visiting a new region, tourists frequently begin with preconceived notions of what
they will encounter. These assumptions might be based on something they have heard,
read, or experienced. A useful guidebook is one that understands common misconceptions
and addresses them directly. As growth models are incorporated into educational policies,
some impressions of models do not align with actual model function, and some common
interpretations of model output may not be defensible. In answering Question 6, this guide
clarifi es common misconceptions of particular growth models that threaten the validity of the
inferences derived from their use.
It is also well established that the validation of an evaluation system becomes dif cult as the
stakes of the evaluation rise. A metric that is initially designed for informing instructional decisions
may be susceptible to corruption, infl ation, and gaming when it is incorporated into a high-stakes
system. A responsible guide is one that anticipates both positive and negative responses to
growth models. In answering Question 6, this guide also explores how growth metrics can be
gamed or distorted upon their adoption into a high-stakes accountability system.
This guide is about growth models, including, but not limited to, value-added models for school
and teacher accountability. A full review of the issues surrounding the use of growth models for
high-stakes accountability systems is not feasible here. Question 6 is an opportunity to identify
some of the most obvious concerns that arise in common growth models. For a fuller discussion
of teacher value-added models, we point to a number of other references that focus on this topic
more specifi cally.
We comment on this issue only briefl y here and in subsequent chapters.
Our fi rst critical question makes it clear that we consider value added to be an inference, not
a model. In the absence of a rigorous design where, among other requirements,
students are
randomly assigned to classrooms, no model can support value added inferences on its own.
The term is best considered to be a hypothesis that must be tested through the triangulation
of multiple sources of evidence. Nonetheless, many models are used to support value-added
inferences, and it is on this basis that we classify them, describe them, and, in this critical
question, identify their strengths and weaknesses.
See Reardon & Raudenbush (2009); Baker, Barton, Darling-Hammond, Haertel, Ladd, Linn, Ravitch,
Rothstein, Shavelson, & Shepard (2010); and Glazerman, Loeb, Goldhaber, Staiger, Raudenbush, &
Whitehurst (2010).
See Reardon & Raudenbush (2009) and Rubin, Stuart, & Zanutto (2004).
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
7 - Alternative Growth Model Classifi cation Schemes
This guide differs from many previous efforts at growth model classifi cation. It is not
intended as an authoritative classifi cation scheme. It is instead, as its title suggests, a guide
for practitioners, and it should not only aid understanding of growth models, but increase
appreciation for alternative classifi cation schemes. These alternatives are many, and we list
them briefl y in this section.
Some classifi cation schemes are more concise than the one presented here. An example of
this is CCSSO’s Understanding and Using Achievement Growth Data brochure (Council of
Chief State School Of cers, 2011). Others are listed later in this section. These schemes tend to
collapse categories across the critical questions we identify here, resulting in a simpler, one-
dimensional summary. Table A.1 in the appendix maps the classifi cation scheme from CCSSO’s
brochure onto the classifi cation scheme of this guide.
Other classifi cation schemes are focused on a particular critical question that we raise in this
guide. For example, the CCSSO Growth Model Comparison Study (Goldschmidt, Choi, &
Beaudoin, 2012) is an effort at comparing the empirical results of a number of different growth
models, assuming that all models were reconfi gured toward the goal of school “value-added”-
type rankings. Table A.2 in the appendix also includes a mapping of that classifi cation scheme
onto that of this guide.
Still other classi cation schemes are more technical, including those comparing value-added
models for teacher accountability (McCaffrey et al., 2004), and more specifi c in their primary
interpretations, such as the fi nal evaluation of the Growth Model Pilot Program that compared
growth models for growth prediction (Hoffer, Hedberg, Brown, Halverson, Reid-Brossard, Ho, &
Furgol, 2011). In contrast, this guide includes few empirical results. It represents a broader view
of the growth model landscape and highlights the similarities and differences that might be
most useful to practitioners.
This introductory chapter concludes with a list of comparative studies of growth models and
alternative growth model classifi cation schemes. Following this, a summary table reviews the
question-by-model organization of this guide and briefl y summarizes the answers to these
questions. The remaining seven chapters of this guide in Part II review each of the seven
growth models of interest.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
References (Part I)
Baker, E.L., Barton, P.E., Darling-Hammond, L., Haertel, E., Ladd, H.F., Linn, R., Ravitch, D.,
Rothstein, R., Shavelson, R.J., Shepard, L.A. (2010, August). Problems with the use of
student test scores to evaluate teachers (Economic Policy Institute Briefi ng Paper #278).
Council of Chief State School Of cers. (2011). Understanding and using achievement growth data.
Growth Model Brochure Series. Retrieved September 19, 2012, from http://www.wera-
Castellano, K.E., and Ho, A.D. (in press). Contrasting OLS and quantile regression approaches
to student “growth” percentiles. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.
Glazerman, S., Loeb, S., Goldhaber, D., Staiger, D., Raudenbush, S., and Whitehurst, G. (2010).
Evaluating teachers: The important role of value-added. Washington, DC: Brown
Center on Education Policy at Brookings, from http://www.brookings.edu/research/
Goldschmidt, P., Choi, K., and Beaudoin, J.P. (2012). Growth model comparison study: Practical
implications of alternative models for evaluating school performance. Washington, DC:
Council of Chief State School Of cers.
Ho, A.D., Lewis, D.M., and Farris, J.L.M. (2009). The dependence of growth-model results on
profi ciency cut scores. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 28(5): 15-26.
Hoffer, T.B., Hedberg, E.C., Brown, K.L., Halverson, M.L., Reid-Brossard, P., Ho, A.D., and Furgol,
K. (2011). Final report on the evaluation of the growth model pilot project. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Education, from http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/disadv/
McCaffrey, D.F., Lockwood, J.R., Koretz, D., Louis, T.A., and Hamilton, L. (2004). Models for
value-added modeling of teacher effects. Journal of Educational and Behavioral
Statistics, 29(1): 67-101.
Reardon, S.F., and Raudenbush, S.W. (2009). Assumptions of value added models for estimating
school effects. Educational Finance and Policy, 4(4): 492-519.
Rubin, D.B., Stuart, E.A., and Zanutto, E.L. (2004). A potential outcomes view of value-added
assessment in education. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 29(1): 103116.
U.S. Department of Education. (2005). Secretary Spellings announces growth model
pilot, addresses chief state school of cers’ Annual Policy Forum in Richmond
(Press Release dated November 18, 2005), from http://www2.ed.gov/news/
pressreleas es /20 05/11/111820 05.html.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
List of Comparative Studies of Growth Models
Beimers, J. (2008). The effects of model choice and subgroup on decisions in accountability
systems based on student growth. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa.
Buzick, H.M., and Laitusis, C.C. (2010). A summary of models and standards-based applications
for grade-to-grade growth on statewide assessments and implications for students with
disabilities (Educational Testing Service TS RR-10-14). Princeton, NJ: ETS. Retrieved
March 29, 2012, from
Dunn, J.L., and Allen, J. (2009). Holding schools accountable for the growth of nonprofi cient
students: Coordinating measurement and accountability. Educational Measurement:
Issues and Practice, 28(4), 27-41.
Goldschmidt, P., Choi, K., and Beaudoin, J.P. (2012). Growth model comparison study: Practical
implications of alternative models for evaluating school performance. Washington, DC:
Council of Chief State School Of cers.
Hoffer, T.B., Hedberg, E.C., Brown, K.L., Halverson, M.L., Reid-Brossard, P., Ho, A.D., and Furgol,
K. (2011). Final report on the evaluation of the growth model pilot project. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved April 27, 2012, from http://www2.ed.gov/
Sanders, W.L., and Horn, S.P. (1994). The Tennessee value-added assessment system (TVAAS):
Mixed-model methodology in educational assessment. Journal of Personnel Evaluation
in Education, 8(3): 299-311.
Tekwe, C.D., Carter, R.L., Ma, C., Algina, J., Lucas, M.E., Roth, J., Ariet, M., Fisher, T., and
Resnick, M.B. (2004). An empirical comparison of statistical models for value-added
assessment of school performance. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics,
29(1): 11-36.
Weiss, M. (2008). Using a yardstick to measure a meter: Growth, projection, and value-added
models in the context of school accountability. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
List of Reports Overviewing and Classifying Growth Models
Auty, W., Bielawski, P., Deeter, T., Hirata, G., Hovanetz-Lassila, C., Rheim, J., Goldschmidt, P.,
O’Malley, K., Blank, R., and Williams, A. (2008). Implementer’s guide to growth models.
Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Of cers.
McCaffrey, D.F., Lockwood, J.R., Koretz, D., Louis, T.A., and Hamilton, L. (2004). Models for
value-added modeling of teacher effects. Journal of Educational and Behavioral
Statistics, 29(1): 67-101.
O’Malley, K.J., Murphy, S., McClarty, K.L., Murphy, D., and McBride, Y. (2011). Overview of student
growth models (Pearson White Paper). Retrieved March 29, 2012, from
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Gain Score Trajectory Categorical Residual Gain Projection
Student Growth
Brief Description
Describes growth
with simple
differences or
average gains
over time
Extends gains or
average gains in a
predictable, usually
linear fashion into
the future
Defi nes growth
by transitions
among status
categories (e.g.,
Basic, Profi cient,
Advanced) over time
Describes growth
as the difference
between current
status and
expected status
given past scores
Uses past scores to
predict future scores
through regression
Percentile rank of
current status in a
reference group of
students with similar
past scores
Uses entire
student score
histories, including
other subjects
and teachers, to
detect higher than
expected student
scores associated
with particular
Aliases, Variants,
Close Extensions
Growth Relative
to Self, Raw Gain,
Simple Gain, Slope,
Average Gain,
Trajec tor y Model
Standards Model,
Gain-Score Model
Transition Model,
Transition Matrix
Model, Value Table
Residual Difference
Model, Covariate
Adjustment Model,
Regression Model,
Percentile Rank of
Regression Model,
Prediction Model
The Colorado
Model, Percentile
Growth Trajectories,
Conditional Status
Percentile Ranks
Sanders Model,
Tennessee Model,
Layered Model,
Variable Persistence
Model, Cross-
Classifi ed Model
How much has a
student learned on
an absolute scale?
If this student
continues on this
trajectory, where is
she likely to be in
the future?
How has this
student grown in
terms of transitions
through categories
over time? In which
category will she
likely be in the
How much higher
or lower has this
student scored than
expected given her
past scores?
Given this student’s
past scores, and
based on patterns
of scores in the
past, what is her
predicted score in
the future?
What is the
percentile rank of a
student compared
to students with
similar score
histories? What is
the minimum SGP
a student must
maintain to reach
a target future
Is this teacher
associated with
higher scores for
his or her students
than expected given
all available scores
and other teacher
Q1: Primary
Growth Description Growth Prediction
Growth Description
and Growth
Growth Description Growth Prediction
Growth Description
and Growth
Value Added
Q2: Statistical
Gain-Based Gain-Based Gain-Based Conditional Status Conditional Status Conditional Status Multivariate
Q3: Required
Data Features
Vertical scale Vertical scale
Articulated cut
scores across years
and grades. Values
for value tables.
Implicit vertical
An interpretable
scale. Assumptions
of linear regression
must be met.
Interpretable future
scale or future
Large sample
sizes for reliable
For high-stakes
uses, many years
of student data
required for stable
teacher effects.
Q4: Group-Level
Average gain
Average trajectory
or percentage of
on-track students
Average across
value tables or
percentage of on-
track students
Average residual
Average future
prediction or
percentage of on-
track students
Median or average
SGP, percentage of
on-track students
Only group-level
Teacher- and school-
level “effects”
Q5: Setting
judgment about
adequate gain or
adequate average
gain. Requires
understanding of
the scale or can be
Set by de ning a
future standard and
a time horizon to
meet the standard.
Set by de ning cut
scores for categories
and values in value
table. Requires
judgmental cut
scores to defi ne
adequacy of both
individual and
aggregate values.
judgment about
adequate residual
gain. Requires
understanding of
the scale or can be
Set by de ning a
future standard and
a time horizon to
meet the standard.
Requires judgment
about an adequate
SGP or median/
average SGP.
Predictions require a
future standard and
a time horizon to
meet the standard.
Standards required
to support
absolute or relative
distinctions among
effects, e.g., awards/
sanctions to top/
bottom 5%.
and Unintended
Intuitive but
dependent on
vertical scales
that can impart
between growth
and initial status
or socioeconomic
status. Can be
infl ated by dropping
initial scores.
Less of an empirical
prediction than
an aspirational
and descriptive
Requires defensible
vertical scale over
many years. Can
be in ated by
dropping initial
Loss of
information due to
categorization of
scores. Requires
careful articulation
of cut scores across
grades and years:
assumes an implicit
vertical scale. Can
be in ated by
dropping initial
Not a “gain”
but a difference
from actual and
expected status.
Violations of
linear regression
assumption can
lead to distortions.
Can be infl ated
by dropping initial
The “projection”
metaphor can
be confused
with “trajectory”
when it is in fact
a prediction.
predictive accuracy
can diminish
incentives to
address low-scoring
as the percentile
rank of gain
scores. Sometimes
overinterpreted as
supporting value-
added inferences.
Can be infl ated
by dropping initial
Naming fallacy:
calling a metric
does not make it so.
Can be unreliable.
Detached from
theories about
improving teaching.
Can be infl ated
by dropping initial
Summary Table
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The Gain Score Model
The gain score model is a simple, accessible, and
intuitive approach that primarily supports
growth description. As its name suggests, it
is a gain-based model, and it serves as a basis
for more complex models like the trajectory and
categorical models as well as some “value-added”
models. The gain score model, also referred to
as “growth relative to self” or “raw/simple gain,
addresses the question
How much has a student learned on
an absolute scale?
The answer to this is the gain score: the simple
difference between a students test scores from
two time points. For this difference to be
meaningful, student test scores from the two
time points must be on a common scale. If the
two time points represent two grade levels,
then the common scale should be linked to a
developmental continuum representing increased
mastery of a single domain.
Question 1.1:
What Primary Interpretation Does the Gain
Score Model Best Support?
Of the three primary growth model interpretations
— growth description, growth prediction, and
value-added — the gain score model supports
growth description.
The gain score model describes the absolute change in student performance between
two time points. This is sometimes called “growth relative to self” (DePascale, 2006) as
the student is only compared to himself or herself over time.
Aliases and Variants:
• Growth Relative to Self
• Raw Gain
• Simple Gain
Trajec tor y Model
Primary Interpretation:
Growth Description
Statistical Foundation:
Gain-based model
Gain score – on the common
test score scale
Data: Vertically-scaled tests
and test scores from two
time points
Group-Level Statistic:
Average Gain – describes
average change in
performance from Time 1 to
Time 2
Set Growth Standards:
Determining a minimum
gain score needed for
adequate growth
Operational Examples:
experimental designs
Quick growth summaries
A basis for trajectory models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The sign and magnitude of a gain score are important in indicating a student’s
change in performance. The magnitude of the gain indicates how much the student
has changed, whereas the sign indicates if the gain was positive, signifying
improvement, or negative, signifying decline. Gain scores require an understanding
of the underlying test score scale in order to be interpreted meaningfully. A 350, a 375,
and a difference of 25 carry little meaning unless the scores and the gain refer to well-
understood locations on an academic or developmental scale. When the scale is not
well known or understood, the gain score can be referenced to a norm or standard, as
described in Section 1.5.
Gain scores can be generalized to more than two time points through the calculation
of an average gain or a slope. An average gain is equivalent to the difference between
the initial and current scores divided by the grade span. A slope is found through a
regression model that estimates the best-fit line through the trajectory. This use of
regression to describe scores relative to time contrasts with the use of regression in
conditional status models, which use regression to describe current scores relative to
past scores.
Question 1.2:
What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Gain Score Model?
The statistical foundation of the gain score model is, as the name suggests,
a gain-based model.
The gain score model produces gain scores, which are sometimes referred to as
raw gains,” “simple gains,” or, just “gains.” A gain score is found using test scores
from two time points as follows:
Gain Score = Test Score at Current Time Point – Test Score at Previous Time Point
= Current Status – Initial Status
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Figure 1.1
Illustration of the Gain Score Model
Grade 3
Grade 4
Gain Score Model
Gain Score = Grade 4 Score – Grade 3 Score
= 375 – 350
= +25
F igure 1.1 illustrates the gain score model calculation using data for a student in Grade 3 in
2010 and in Grade 4 in 2011 on a hypothetical mathematics test. The horizontal axis represents
time, and the vertical axis represents the test score scale. For test scores from both the Grade
3 and Grade 4 assessments to be shown on this continuous scale, these two assessments must
share an underlying vertical scale.
The solid, black dots in Figure 1.1 mark a particular students test scores. This student,
represented with stick fi gures, earned a score of 350 in Grade 3 and 375 in Grade 4. The gain
score is illustrated by the vertical difference in these two scores, which, as shown in the fi gure,
is 375 – 350 = +25. The reporting scale for the gain score is the common scale of the two test
scores. Combining the positive sign and the magnitude of the gain score, this student gained
25 points from 3
grade to 4
grade on this hypothetical state mathematics assessment.
Question 1.3:
What are the Required Data Features for the Gain Score Model?
The gain score model requires student test score data from at least two time points from
tests aligned to a common scale. The student test score data must be linked over time,
requiring unique student identifi ers.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Gain scores require scores for students from at least two time points. The database requires unique
student identifi ers that are constant over time, and group-level identifi ers are necessary to support
group-level analyses. Even given these data, interpretations of gain scores are only appropriate if
the test scale is designed to support meaningful differences in test scores. If the scores from the
two time points are on different scales, then such a difference is not interpretable. Accordingly, the
scores from each time point must be on a common scale. This context is sometimes described as a
pretest/posttest design, where the pretest and posttest are either the same test, making their scales
equivalent, or are carefully developed tests that share content and technical specifi cations that allow
them to be equated and placed on a common scale. In contrast, when the scores are from different
grade-levels as in Figure 1.1, their shared scale is typically called a vertical scale.
Vertical scaling is a dif cult enterprise, and casually or poorly constructed scales are a serious threat to
the use and interpretation of gain scores and models based on them. To construct a defensible vertical
scale, test designers must invest considerable work during the test development process to set content
specifi cations that span a developmental continuum. Other requirements include items that meet these
specifi cations, administration of tests to an appropriate sample of students during the scaling process,
attention to statistical models for creating the vertical scale, and evaluation of the results of the scaling
(Kolen & Brennan, 2004). Poorly designed vertical scales can result in serious distortions, including ceiling
effects that artifi cially restrict the gains of initially high scoring students or spurious relationships between
gains and initial status. This may lead to the illusion that high scoring students have greater gains than
low scoring students, or vice versa, when this may not actually be the case. A well-designed vertical scale
will minimize ceiling effects, support defensible interpretations about the relationship between gains and
status, and be anchored to a substantive domain through which growth can be well understood.
Gain scores are sometimes accused of having low precision and reliability. However, reliability, like
validity, is best expressed in terms of a desired purpose. If the primary interest is in ranking individuals
by gain scores, then gain scores are often problematic and are best derived from tests that themselves
have high reliabilities or data from multiple time points. If the magnitude of the gain is the target
of inference, rather than relative rankings, gain scores are both appropriate and can have suf cient
precision (Rogosa, 1995). Finally, if group-level, or average gain scores are the target of inference, then
gain scores can support precise inferences provided that the underlying vertical scale is defensible.
Question 1.4:
What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can the Gain Score Model Support?
Gain scores can be aggregated to the group-level by taking the average of a set of students’
gain scores. Average gain scores describe the average change in performance for the group.
Similar to student-level gain scores, average gain scores are best suited for growth description
at the group level.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The gain score model supports simple calculations of group-level statistics. Most commonly, the
group-level summary statistic for a set of students of interest, such as in a particular classroom,
grade level, school, or district, is the average of their individual gain scores. This summary statistic is
typically referred to simply as an “average gain score.
Average gain scores provide descriptions of group-level growth. They describe how much the
students in that group have improved on average. A near zero average gain score indicates that
either all students had near zero gains or that there was rough balance between positive gains and
negative gains that average to near zero. A positive average gain score indicates that students,
on average, made positive gains, whereas a negative average gain score indicates that students
generally declined in performance.
Simple summary statistics are often insuf cient to support full inferences about the distribution of
student growth. Graphical displays of student gain scores often provide a clearer picture of the
overall growth of a group.
Figure 1.2 illustrates a simplistic case in which two groups of students have the same average gain
score but the distributions of gain scores are quite distinct. Both groups of three students have
an average gain score of +2, as shown by the thick, vertical line at +2. In Group 1, shown in panel
(a), all three students have the same gain score of +2. In contrast, in Group 2, two students have
slightly negative gains of -2 and one student has a large positive gain of 10. Although both groups
have an average gain score of +2, this single summary statistic provides a limited depiction of the
distribution of growth of these groups. These coarse averages are best disaggregated when the
primary purpose of reporting is the support of teaching and learning.
Figure 1.2
Different Distributions of Gain Scores with the Same Average Gain Score
Gain Scores
(a) Group 1
Gain Scores
(b) Group 2
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
An extension of the gain-score model involves using gains as outcome variables in regression
models. These models predict growth through individual, classroom, and school variables, and
they identify relationships between these variables and magnitudes of growth over time. These
types of models can be used to support value-added interpretations. For example, schools or
classrooms associated with higher levels of average growth may be investigated to understand
the mechanisms through which this growth may have occurred. However, although no model
can support value-added inferences on its own, gain-based models are particularly poorly
suited to value-added inferences given their dependence on vertical scaling properties.
Vertical scales are typically developed to support growth description and not causal inference
about growth. For example, in certain curricular domains, vertical scales often refl ect increased
variability in student achievement as grade levels increase. This is consistent with a positive
correlation between initial status and growth, where higher scoring students in any particular
grade are predicted to make greater gains into the future. This is a useful observation for the
design of instruction, but an undesirable feature for value-added models where giving credit to
higher growth for higher-scoring students seems unfair. This is a reminder of the fundamental
importance of specifying the intended interpretations and use of growth models.
Question 1.5:
How Does the Gain Score Model Set Standards for Expected or
Adequate Growth?
Value judgments can determine cut points for “low,” “typical,” and “high” gain scores
at the individual and group level. Growth expectations can also be norm-referenced
by comparing students’ gain scores to the growth distribution of a reference group. A
standard can also be set by anticipating whether a student or group is on track to some
criterion in the future.
The simple gain score is an index of absolute growth, expressing how much a student grew on
an absolute scale. Students, teachers, parents, and school administrators may want to know not
only “how much” a student has grown, but also if that growth is “adequate” or “good enough.
As with most growth models, a standard setting committee composed of qualifi ed, informed,
and invested stakeholders can be charged with defi ning adequate growth. The magnitude
of the gain score may not be suf cient to communicate the adequacy of growth. Intuitively, it
may seem clear that negative gains are inadequate, but to ensure that all data users interpret
the gain scores in a uniform manner, clearer reporting categories may be required. These
categories can be determined in three different ways: 1) scale-based standard setting, 2) norm-
referenced standard setting, and 3) target-based standard setting.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Scale-based standard setting involves setting cut points on the gain-score scale to differentiate
among gains, for example, “negative,” “low,” “adequate,” and “high” growth. For determining
appropriate cuts on the gain score scale, a standard setting committee may consider the
empirical distribution of gain scores to avoid setting unrealistic standards. Although the
committee could decide to use the same set of cut scores across grades, the pattern of
changes across grades would be unlikely to support common standards, as different gains are
likely to vary across grade level. Similar procedures could be completed at the group level for
classifying average gain scores as low, typical, or high group growth.
Norm-referenced standard setting uses a distribution of gain scores from a “reference group
to set expectations about adequate growth. This reference group can be a static “norm
group” sampled from some representative population. Alternatively, the reference group
can be updated, defi ned each year based on current, operational student performance. A
natural reporting metric is the percentile rank of each gain score in the reference group, where
a student whose gain is above 75 percent of the reference groups gains receives a growth
percentile of 75.
In this case, the effective reporting scale is the norm-referenced percentile
rank scale, and a standard setting committee can identify where cut scores are located on
this scale. As with scale-based standard setting, these norm-referenced standard setting
procedures can be applied at the group level to set expectations for adequate group gains
relative to the distribution of all groups’ average gain scores.
Target-based standard setting classifi es students/groups as making adequate growth by
determining if they are “on track” to some target standard at a future point in time. For
instance, a target may be defi ned as reaching the profi ciency cut point in a particular grade
level or exceeding the “College and Career Ready” standard by a particular grade. This
intersects with the primary interpretation of growth prediction, and the trajectory model
(described in the next chapter) uses the gain score in precisely this way. This extension to the
gain score model assumes that students continue on their growth trajectories over time, making
the same gains each year.
Question 1.6:
What are the Common Misinterpretations of the Gain Score Model and
Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
The gain-score model aligns well with common intuition about growth over time. Biases
and distortions can be introduced through poor vertical scaling. Gains can be infl ated by
artifi cially defl ating prior scores.
This contrasts with the Student Growth Percentile (Chapter 6), where the reference group is defi ned
empirically by a subset of students with similar past scores. In this case, the reference group is a full
distribution of current or past gains.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The gain score model aligns closely with intuitive notions of growth. However, there are
a number of shortcomings of gain-based descriptions that do not follow from common
intuition about gains. First, simple gain-based approaches use only two time points and can
be unreliable with respect to individual comparisons of gains. For more robust information
about an individual’s growth trajectory, more than two time points may be required. This
is generally addressed by using multiple time points and fi tting a simple regression-based
estimate of an individual slope over time, resulting in an average gain score for an individual.
More advanced estimates of individual growth curves can be supported with multiple time
points, nonlinear trajectories, and latent growth curve analyses. These are natural extensions
of the simple gain-score model.
Second, properties of the vertical scale may lead to correlations between initial status and
growth that are poorly suited for accountability metrics. For example, some vertical scales
refl ect the observation that variability in individual achievement increases over time. In
these cases, high scoring students are more likely to make greater gains than lower scoring
students. Although this may be a valid interpretation on a particular developmental score
scale, it may be poorly suited for accountability metrics, where expectations for higher and
lower scoring students may be required to be equal. On the other hand, these differential,
scale-based expectations for lower scoring students may be precisely what the accountability
model should refl ect. If the vertical scale is well developed, it may refl ect the reality that it
is more dif cult for lower scoring students to catch up without adequate intervention. The
interactions between scaling decisions and growth expectations must be evaluated with
respect to the inferences and actions that the growth interpretations support.
Third, a vertical scale that is poorly designed will have biases built into the scale. In these
cases, associations between initial status and growth may be spurious, and expectations
based on growth will be similarly unrealistic for higher and lower scoring students.
Hidden ceiling and fl oor effects will lead to an inability of high or low scoring students to
demonstrate their true growth. In general, the considerable reliance of the gain-score model
on responsible vertical scaling leads to greater dependence of results on scaling properties.
When there are weaknesses, they are likely to arise accidentally, but they are dif cult to
detect without thoughtful exploratory data analysis.
Finally, another feature of gain scores can be manipulated more cynically when gain scores
form the basis of high-stakes accountability decisions. It is apparent from the calculation of
the gain score that a student can have a higher gain by increasing his or her current score.
This is a desired response to accountability pressures. However, it is also possible to reverse
this — a student can have a higher gain by decreasing his or her previous score. This could be
achieved by distorting reporting, but also more systematically by pushing less experienced
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
teachers to early tested grades. Although this may appear cynical, this guidebook would
be incomplete without a comprehensive presentation of both intended and unintended
consequences of each model as it may function in practice.
DePascale, C.A. (2006). Measuring growth with the MCAS tests: A consideration of vertical scales
and standards. Dover, NH: National Center for Improvement in Educational Assessment,
from http://www.nciea.org/publications/MeasuringGrowthMCASTests_CD06.pdf.
Kolen, M.J., and Brennan, R.L. (2004). Test equating, scaling, and linking: Methods and practices
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
Rogosa, D.R. (1995). Myth and methods: ‘Myths about longitudinal research’ plus supplemental
questions. In J.M. Gottmann (Ed.), The analysis of change (pp. 3-66). Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The Trajectory Model
The trajectory model is a natural extension of the gain score
model. Like the gain score model, the trajectory model is
gain-based, but instead of describing growth, the trajectory
model is used primarily for growth prediction. The model
uses student gain scores to predict student scores in some
future year. The trajectory model, as the name suggests,
assumes that a student will continue on his or her same
trajectory, which is usually operationalized as an assumption
of linear growth. That is, a student makes the same gains
each year. For instance, if a student gained 3 points this
year, the trajectory model predicts that he or she will gain 3
points in each subsequent year as well. The trajectory model
answers the question
If this student continues on her trajectory,
where is she likely to be in the future?
An additional and sometimes essential component of
models for growth prediction is a determination of whether
future predicted performance is satisfactory. Trajectory
models can support this determination by providing an
on track” trajectory for each student into his or her future
as well as a “predicted” trajectory based on the students
observed gains. The on-track trajectory is formed by
determining the annual gains needed to meet a target score
in x years. A comparison between a student’s predicted and
on-track trajectory can support a decision about whether a
student is making adequate gains toward the future target
score. This is discussed further in Sections 2.2 and 2.5.
Question 2.1:
What Primary Interpretation Does the Trajectory Model Best Support?
By assuming that past gains will continue into the future, trajectory models provide
predictions for future scores. They support growth predictions.
Aliases and Variants:
• Growth-to-Standards Model
• Gain-Score Model
Primary Interpretation:
Growth prediction
Statistical Foundation:
Gain-based model
Predicted future score — on
the common scale of inputted
test scores
Data: Vertically-scaled tests
from an initial time point to
the fi nal target time point and
observed test scores from two
time points
Group-Level Statistic:
Average slope, or percentage
of students “on track” to
reaching profi ciency in x years
or average trajectory
Set Growth Standards:
Defi ne future standard and the
maximum time until standard is
Operational Examples:
NCLB Growth Model (e.g.,
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas,
Florida, and North Carolina)
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
In the gain score model discussed in the previous chapter, the gain score — the difference
between current and initial status — describes growth as the change from a previous time
point to a current time point. The trajectory model uses this gain score as the basis for a growth
trajectory extending into the future. Figure 2.1 illustrates this process.
Figure 2.1 uses the same hypothetical student’s data from Figure 1.1, where the gain score was
illustrated. As shown by the solid, black dots, this student earned a score of 350 in Grade 3 in
2010 and then a score of 375 in Grade 4 in 2011. The vertical distance between these scores
corresponds to her gain score: 375 – 350 = + 25 from Grade 3 to Grade 4. For this gain score
to be an interpretable quantity, the scores at Grades 3 and 4 must be expressed on a common
vertical scale. If this scale also underlies tests at subsequent grade levels, gains through
subsequent grade levels will also be interpretable quantities.
Figure 2.1
The Trajectory Model Makes Predictions about Future Student Performance, Assuming
that Gains Will Be the Same over Time
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Trajectory Model
+25 (Observed Gain Score)
+25 (Predicted Gain Score)
+25 (Predicted Gain Score)
From Grade 3 to Grade 4, Figure 2.1 displays the student’s actual, or observed, gain.
Accordingly, the gain score from Grade 3 to Grade 4 is labeled the “Observed Gain Score.
These two points alone comprise the gain score model from the previous chapter. The
trajectory mode requires the additional assumption that this student will continue to make
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
positive gains of 25 points each year. In this way, trajectory models support visualization of the
students achievement trajectory from now into the future, as illustrated in Figure 2.1. This line
has a positive slope because the student made positive gains; if she had made negative gains,
then the line would have a negative slope. The trajectory could be extending past Grade 6 by
continuing in this way — adding 25 points to the student’s previous score to obtain a predicted
score in the subsequent grade — as long as the grade level assessments are all on the same
vertical scale.
The vertical scale suggests that the difference of 25 points each year is comparable over
time. This desired property is known as an equal-interval scale property, where differences, or
equal intervals, share the same interpretation over the applicable range of the scale. Physical
scales for height and weight generally support this property: a gain of 5 pounds is equivalent
regardless of whether the individual originally weighed 120 pounds or 220 pounds. However,
test score scales generally have weak arguments for equal-interval scale properties. It is dif cult
to argue that an achievement gain of 5 points in Grade 3 is the same as an achievement gain
of 5 points in Grade 8, for example, because the material learned in the two grades can differ
substantially. The argument becomes more dif cult to support as the scale spans more grade
levels. From this perspective, the trajectory is more defensible as a descriptive and aspirational
prediction than it is as an empirical prediction.
Figure 2.1 helps to visualize how trajectory models answer the key question they address: If
this student continues on her trajectory, where is she likely to be at some point in the future?
Trajectory models are appealing because they predict growth along a linear trajectory, which is a
straightforward way of extrapolating from an observed linear change. The intuition aligns with that
of physical momentum or even Newton’s First Law — an object in motion tends to stay in motion.
Question 2.2:
What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Trajectory Model?
Trajectory models are an extension of the gain score model that extrapolates from student
gains to predict future performance. They are gain-based models.
Of the three statistical foundations presented in the introduction (gain-based models,
conditional status models, and value-added models), trajectory models have a gain-based
statistical foundation. Unlike the gain score model, which typically involves computing a single
or average gain score over observed time points, the trajectory model extrapolates from
observed gains to future time points.
The extrapolation of gains to support predictions is usually linear, as shown in Figure 2.1.
However, in some cases, a nonlinear, curving predicted trajectory is warranted. If scales are
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
designed to support these nonlinear trajectories, then these nonlinear expectations can
be built into the extrapolated trajectory. If, for example, there is a known acceleration in
trajectories due to the design of the vertical scale, a gain can be algebraically accelerated
in future years to match the assumptions of the vertical scale. In these cases, the statistical
foundation is still fundamentally gain-based, as this accelerating factor is applied
fundamentally to the observed gain. The key feature of gain-based models is the centrality of
the gain to all calculations and inferences.
Another straightforward extension of the trajectory model is an averaging of the gain across
multiple observed time points. The previous section noted that the gain-score model is capable
of supporting average gains over more than two time points. These average gains can be
extended in a linear fashion into the future to support predictions. These average gain or slope-
based models use average gains over a given unit of time and extend them in a linear fashion.
When the vertical scale supports this averaging of gains, these averages over multiple time
points result in more robust estimates of student trajectories than simple gains over only two
time points.
A contrasting use of the trajectory model involves “resetting” the trajectory after each year
of data collection, using only the two most recent years of data to establish a gain-score and
a linear extrapolation. This approach sacrifi ces robustness in the estimation of a linear trend
for simplicity and ease in explanation. If the vertical scale properties do not hold over multiple
grades, this approach can theoretically minimize the distortion imparted by poor vertical
scaling; but in these cases, the best approach would be to select a model that does not require
a vertical scale.
Question 2.3:
What are the Required Data Features for the Trajectory Model?
The trajectory model requires student test score data from at least two time points and
a common, vertical scale that underlies all observed and predicted test scores from the
initial observed score to the future unobserved prediction.
The trajectory model is a gain-based model whose primary supported interpretation is growth
prediction. The only student data it requires are student test scores from two time points. The
difference between the two test scores is the students observed gain score, and this gain is
extrapolated, usually linearly, into the future. Accordingly, this model requires that test scores
from all observed and future time points of interest are linked to a common vertical scale.
Vertical scales facilitate comparison of scores from one year to the next. If the tests from
the two time points are on different scales, then their score differences do not meaningfully
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
relate to changes in performance over time. Using different test scales is analogous to a
scenario in which an individual takes the temperature one day in Fahrenheit and the next day
in Celsius, and then takes the difference of the two temperatures on different scales. This
simple difference is dif cult to interpret and cannot indicate whether the temperature has
risen or fallen due to the differences between the scales. In this simple case, the conversion
of the scales is well known, and a simple linear conversion can locate them on the same
scale. Vertical scaling is less simple, particularly when the nature of the achievement being
measured changes fundamentally across grades. Calculating a gain score or trajectory is in
this case more akin to subtracting temperature on a Fahrenheit scale from humidity on a
percentage scale, where no simple conversion either exists or is reasonable.
Compared to the gain-score model in the previous chapter, trajectory models are generally
more dependent on vertical scales. This is because vertical scales become more tenuous
as the grade span increases. For a simple gain-score model with only two adjacent grades,
the vertical scale may be well supported. In contrast, trajectory models extrapolate from
observed gains to future status in even higher grades. There, the argument for a common
scale can be more dif cult to support, particularly if the achievement measured in the higher
grades cannot be mapped meaningfully to achievement measured in the lower grades.
Depending on the uses of growth predictions, trajectories across particularly large grade
spans may warrant caveats. Evaluation of the vertical scale is necessary across the entire
range of grade levels through which the trajectory model extends.
Question 2.4:
What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can the Trajectory Model Support?
The average gain score for a group can be extrapolated as if it were for an individual,
supporting group growth prediction. Alternatively, each student may be classi ed as
on track” by his or her individual trajectory. This can be aggregated to a group-level
interpretation about the percentage of students who are on track.
The trajectory model supports group-level interpretations in at least two ways. One
approach concerns average gains and average predictions. This requires calculation of the
average gain score of the group. The gain is extended into the future to illustrate as if it
were an individual trajectory, but it can be interpreted as the predicted average trajectory
of all students in the group. A second approach begins with a straightforward standard
setting approach described in the next section. This approach classifi es a student as “on
track” to a future target cut score if the student predicted status exceeds the cut score at
the grade of interest. These student classifi cations can be aggregated into a “percentage of
on-track-students” statistic.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Figure 2.2
Illustration of the Trajectory Model at the Aggregate Level for Three Students (A, B, and C).
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
33% (1 out of 3) of
students are “On Track”
Target Cut Score in
Grade 6
Average Trajectory
(based on Average Gain
Score from Grade 3 to
Grade 4)
Figure 2.2 illustrates both of these group-level methods for the trajectory model. In this
gure, the trajectory for the student used in Figure 2.1 is displayed as the line with score
points denoted by the letter “B.” Two additional students, A and C, are part of this students
group. Groups are a general construct and can be formed by students with a common
teacher, school, school district, or demographic subgroup. For simplicity, assume that these
three students comprise all fourth graders in a particular school. The average trajectory for
these three students is shown by the thicker black line with open, black dots denoting the
average scores at each time point. For both the students and the average trajectory lines,
the fi rst line segment connecting the scores from Grade 3 to Grade 4 is solid because it
corresponds to observed gain, whereas the line segments between Grades 4 and 6 are
dashed because they correspond to predicted gains.
Calculation of the average trajectory proceeds by taking the simple average of the three
scores at each of the four time points, then simply connecting the dots. An alternative and
algebraically equivalent formulation involves 1) taking the average scores of the observed
time points in Grades 3 and 4; 2) connecting these two points to depict the average observed
gain (the solid, bold line); and 3) extending this gain in a linear fashion through Grades 5
and 6 (the dashed, bold line). The average observed gains for students A, B, and C are +30,
+25, and -10, respectively. The average gain of +15 is the group-level average gain, and the
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
trajectory shown in Figure 2.2 is the visual representation of this gain of +15 extrapolated in a
linear fashion over the next two grades.
Figure 2.2 also shows a target cut score, set through a process described in the next section,
that is established at 440 in Grade 6 and marked by a gray asterisk. The location of each
students predicted Grade 6 score can be compared to this line, and it is clear that only student
As predicted score exceeds this future standard. An alternative description of group-level
growth prediction is that 1/3 or 33 percent of students are on track to the future standard. In
practice, because students are either profi cient, on track, or not on track, the percentage of
on track students is either added to the percentage of profi cient students or expressed as a
percentage of nonprofi cient students who are on track Hoffer, Hedberg, Brown, Halverson,
Reid-Brossard, Ho, & Furgol, 2011). The suf ciency of these percentages can be compared
to minimum required percentages of profi cient and on-track students (for example, Annual
Measurable Objectives) that are set by other policy committees. The importance of standard
setting is emphasized in this next section.
Question 2.5:
How Does the Trajectory Model Set Standards for Expected or
Adequate Growth?
The adequacy of predicted student (or group) growth can be determined by the slope
of the student trajectory or the student’s predicted future status. At the group level,
expectations can also be set on the average slope, the average predicted future status, or
the percentage of students predicted to be on track to meeting a target future status. To
identify any particular target future status, a time horizon must also be designated.
The trajectory model can support a variety of standards for expected growth. At the individual
level, the slope of the trajectory can be compared to a standard, but this is equivalent to setting
a standard on gain-scores, and this is described in the previous chapter. A more common
approach, related to the model’s primary interpretation of growth prediction, is to compare an
individual’s predicted future status to a standard. For any individual trajectory, this comparison
requires two pieces of information: the time horizon to meet the standard and the cut score at
that time horizon. Following the previous section, this could be expressed as 440 by Grade 6.
These standards follow from policies that might dictate, for example, student profi ciency, or
that students should be college and career ready by high school graduation. Profi ciency in
lower grades may take the form of college readiness cut scores in Grade 12 that are articulated
down through earlier grades. Trajectories can be compared with target cut scores to evaluate
whether students are on track.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Here, it is worth noting that there are two seemingly different but actually equivalent
approaches to evaluating on-track status. First, the gain score can be extrapolated and
compared to the future target cut score. In Figure 2.2, for example, this results in a statement
like, “Student B has a gain of 25 points and is on track to a score of 425, which is below the
target score of 440.” Alternatively, the required gain could be calculated by comparing the
future cut score with the initial status, calculating the required gain, and comparing this to
the student’s actual gain, resulting in a statement, “Student B gained 25 points this year
but needed 30 to be on track to a score of 440.” These two formulations are algebraically
equivalent and should not be considered to be different models.
For trajectory models, the selection of the time horizon to meet a cut score is just as
consequential a standard setting decision as the selection of the cut score itself (Ho, Lewis, &
Farris, 2009). A longer time horizon to reach profi ciency is generally more lenient and realistic,
and a shorter time horizon is generally more stringent. Time horizons can be set by a fi xed
number of years from the time a student enters the data system. In Figure 2.2, the student
must be profi cient within three years of entering the system. If profi ciency is required before
exiting a school, the horizon can be set, for example, as “three years from entry into the
system or by graduation, whichever is sooner.” As a student progresses through grade levels,
an additional decision must be made about whether to have a fi xed time horizon for each
student or allow the time horizon to shift and effectively reset, always staying, for example,
two years ahead of the students most recent completed grade.
Whenever cut scores in different grades serve as targets for a trajectory model, these cut
scores must be articulated, that is, they must share a common meaning and, ideally, a similar
level of relative stringency across grades. Without this articulation, counterintuitive results
follow, including students who are on track to profi ciency in Grades 4 and 6 but are not on
track to profi ciency in Grade 5. The issues of time horizons and articulated cut scores arise in
any model for growth prediction that sets standards in terms of a future cut score.
Expectations can also be set on adequate growth at the group level. A groups average
trajectory can be extrapolated to determine if, on average, the students in the group are
predicted to meet/exceed the future target score. This was illustrated in Figure 2.2. The
average trajectory in this illustrative example results in a predicted average Grade 6 score that
is lower than the target Grade 6 score. Groups whose averages are not predicted to meet the
target future score could be deemed as “not making adequate growth,” and groups whose
averages are predicted to meet the target could be deemed as “making adequate growth.
In contrast, standards can be set on the percentage of students who are predicted to be “on
track.” In practice, this percentage can be combined or cross-referenced with the percentage
of profi cient students. Each student can be classifi ed into one of four mutually exclusive
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
categories: 1) profi cient and on track, 2) profi cient and not on track, 3) not profi cient and
on track, and 4) not profi cient and not on track. Under a status model such as the original
incarnation of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), only the fi rst two categories counted
positively for a school. A growth model can count the fi rst three categories positively, or it
may count only categories 1 and 3. The former approach, one that takes the union of status
and growth, was a popular strategy among states using the trajectory model for revised
NCLB purposes (Hoffer et al., 2011).
Question 2.6:
What are the Common Misinterpretations of the Trajectory Model and
Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
The trajectory model is aligned with user intuition about growth over time. However, it
is deeply dependent on the underlying vertical scale, and the model can create unusual
incentives to artifi cially lower initial scores, infl ating gain scores and thus trajectories.
Trajectory models are intuitively appealing because they allow for growth predictions
that follow an assumption of linear growth over time. However, extrapolated predictions
based on linear growth are not empirical as much as descriptive and aspirational, and the
prediction requires thoughtful construction of an underlying vertical scale. Just as gain-
score models can be distorted by vertical scales, trajectory models with poorly developed
scales can have ceiling effects, fl oor effects, and spurious relationships between initial
status and growth.
The equal-interval property assumed of vertical scales, where a gain in 25 points from
Grade 3 to Grade 4 is assumed to be equivalent to a gain in 25 points from Grade 7 to
Grade 8, can be more salient here than in gain-score models due to the extension of
trajectories across a large grade span. In extreme cases, the predictions from trajectory
models can extend to future score points that simply do not exist. Student C in Figure 2.2
is predicted to have an extremely low Grade 6 score that may not even be possible on the
Grade 6 test. A nonsensical trajectory does not invalidate trajectory models but motivates
thoughtfulness in reporting and use of model results.
Finally, as in the gain-score model, trajectory models that function in isolation can motivate
not only increases in current scores, but decreases in past scores, as both will augment
gains and increase predicted trajectories. A simple approach to diminishing this “fail-fi rst”
incentive is the application of a status model in conjunction with a growth model, where the
artifi cial defl ation of earlier scores is only an advantage if the scores do not fall below the
status-relevant cut score.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Ho, A.D., Lewis, D.M., and Farris, J.L.M. (2009). The dependence of growth-model results on
profi ciency cut scores. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 28(5): 15-26.
Hoffer, T.B., Hedberg, E.C., Brown, K.L., Halverson, M.L., Reid-Brossard, P., Ho, A.D., and Furgol,
K. (2011). Final report on the evaluation of the growth model pilot project. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Education, from http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/disadv/
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The Categorical Model
Categorical models characterize growth in terms
of changes in performance level categories from
one grade to the next. They are also referred to as
transition models, transition matrix models, or value
tables. These names are often used interchangeably,
although the term “value table” typically refers
specifically to categorical models that assign
differential values or weights to transitions.
The categorical model is a gain-based model that
is fundamentally similar to the gain score model.
Instead of expressing gains as the change in scale
score points from one year to the next, the categorical
model expresses gains as the change in performance
level categories from one year to the next. This
results in a large reduction in information about
student scores, as the entire range of score points is
substantially reduced to a small number of reporting
categories. Positive gains are associated with moving
up one or more performance levels, whereas negative
gains are associated with moving down one or
more performance levels. In this sense, categorical
models support growth descriptions like the gain
score model. Although, compared to using the scale
score, performance level categories are coarser and
information is lost, the categorical model is easy to
describe and explain, particularly if the category
defi nitions are relevant and well understood.
Categorical models also implicitly support growth
predictions. Transitions through past categories
can support predictions about student location in
categories in the future. Categorical models can
address both of the following questions:
Aliases and Variants:
• Transition Model
• Transition Matrix Model
• Value Table
Primary Interpretation:
Growth description and
growth prediction
Statistical Foundation:
Gain-based model
Metric/Scale: Change in
performance level categories
(categorical scale)
Data: Performance levels
articulated across years
(implicit vertical scale),
student status expressed by
performance level, and values
for transitions if value tables
are used
Group-Level Statistic:
Percentage of students
on track” to profi ciency or
average value across value
Set Growth Standards:
Defi ne cut scores for
performance levels and values
for value tables; specify rules
for students being counted
as “on track”; establish what
average value is good enough
Operational Examples:
NCLB Growth Model (e.g.,
Delaware and Iowa)
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
How has this student grown in terms of transitions through
performance level categories over time?
In which category will she likely be in the future?
An advantage of categorical models is their conceptual simplicity. However, they can
rely on a large number of explicit and implicit judgments. Some accountability systems
prefer to value certain transitions between performance levels more than others,
resulting in a categorical model that is often called a “value table.” There is also a series
of less obvious judgments involved in setting the cut scores that delineate each category.
These decisions require consideration of several issues, including the transitions
that receive weight, the differential weighting of transitions, and cut score articulation
across grades.
Question 3.1:
What Primary Interpretation Does the Categorical Model Best Support?
Categorical models can support both growth description and growth prediction.
They describe how much students grow from one year to the next in terms of changes
in performance level categories. Categorical models can also implicitly or explicitly
predict the category a student will achieve in the future, under an assumption of
linear progress across categories.
Categorical models support growth descriptions and growth predictions. Like both
the gain score and trajectory model, the categorical model is based on a
conceptualization of growth as an increase in score points from one year to the next.
The fundamental distinction between the categorical model and the other gain-based
models is that the categorical model uses score points that are expressed as a small
number of performance level categories as opposed to using the tests’ entire score
point scale. Performance level categories are often ascribed names like “Below Basic,
“Basic, “Pro cient,” and “Advanced” that denote varying degrees of mastery. The
numerical test score scale is divided into these ordered categories by cut scores on the
test scale. Figure 3.1 illustrates this for a hypothetical test scale that ranges from
100 to 200 points.
Figure 3.1
Illustration of a Test Scale Divided into Ordered Performance Level Categories by Cut Scores
Below Basic Basic Profi cient Advanced
120100 150 185 200
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
As shown in Figure 3.1, ordered performance level categories are just a “chunking”
of the numerical test scale. A student who earns a score of 125 is in the “Basic”
performance level, as her score falls between 120 and 150. The scores of 120, 150,
and 185 are cut scores that divide the four performance level categories. In the usual
standards-based testing scenario, a standard setting committee would determine
the cut scores with careful consideration of the test scale, item content and difficulty
levels, student performance on the items in the tests, and the qualitative descriptions
of each category. In this example, they are chosen for illustration. Before cut scores
can be determined, the categories must be carefully defined so that they relate to
distinct skill sets and mastery levels. Simply dividing the scale into a set of categories
is not useful unless each category provides useful information about a student’s
achievement level.
To implement a categorical growth model, performance levels are ideally articulated
across grade levels, meaning that they are defined with qualitative descriptions and
cut scores that reflect not only within grade mastery but a continuum of mastery across
several grade levels. The same set of category names are usually used in each grade,
but the qualitative descriptions of the categories differ across grades as they reflect
different skill sets and ability levels. Accordingly, the cut scores that distinguish among
the categories may vary in relative stringency across grades. This is discussed further
in Section 3.5.
After articulating cut scores across all the grade levels of interest, the decisions
supported by the categorical model can be illustrated by a “transition matrix.
Table 3.1 gives an example of a transition matrix for the change in performance level
category from Grade 3 to Grade 4 for a state mathematics test. In this illustrative
example, each grade-level test scale is divided into four categories — Below Basic,
Basic, Proficient, and Advanced — like in Figure 3.1. The cells along the diagonal are
shaded grey. These shaded cells correspond to cases in which a student maintains the
same performance level category in Grade 3 and Grade 4. The cells below the
diagonal correspond to cases in which a student goes down one or more performance
levels from Grade 3 to Grade 4. The remaining cases, the cells above the diagonal,
represent growth or moving up one or more performance levels from Grade 3 to
Grade 4. A student, represented by a stick figure, falls in one of these cells — in the
first row and second column. This student scored at the Below Basic level in Grade 3
but in the Basic level in Grade 4. This change in performance level from Grade 3 to
Grade 4 signifies that the student improved, grew, or increased in terms of achievement
level categories.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Table 3.1
Example of a Transition Matrix
Performance Level in Grade 4
Level in Grade 3
Below Basic Basic Profi cient Advanced
Below Basic
Profi cient
Table 3.1 illustrates the use of categorical models for growth description. This simple table
shows the student of interest increased one performance level category. Within the Grade
3 domain of mathematics, the student only had a Below Basic understanding and mastery
of the material. However, in Grade 4, she has improved to a Basic understanding of Grade 4
mathematics. Ostensibly, in terms of achievement level categories, this student has grown.
Interpreting a change in achievement level categories as growth can lead to some
counterintuitive fi ndings. To clarify these fi ndings, it can be useful to imagine a vertical
scale that underlies the achievement level categories across grades. This is shown in Figure
3.2. One counterintuitive fi nding is that the maintenance of an achievement level over
time represents a kind of stasis. This may confl ict with commonsense notions of growth, as
maintenance of a standard across grades generally requires growth, as shown by the green
student in Figure 3.2. This confl ict is generally resolved by observing that interpretations of
achievement level categories across grades are more relative than they are absolute.
A second counterintuitive fi nding is that similar levels of growth over time may or may not lead
to a change in categories. As Figure 3.2 shows, two students (represented by the green and red
stick gures) who make the same absolute scale score gains can either maintain the profi ciency
category or rise from Basic to Profi cient depending on their starting point and their position with
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
respect to the cut scores. This is explained by the loss of information that arises from dividing
the score scale into a small number of categories. As a corollary, a change in categories can be
associated with a very wide range in actual gains, simply due to where the student happens to be
within the coarse category regions. For example, the blue student scores at the very bottom of
the scale in Grade 3 and then at the upper boundary of the Profi cient category in Grade 4. The
red student scores at the top of the Basic category in Grade 3 and the bottom of the Profi cient
category in Grade 4. The categorical model treats these two students’ gains as equivalent.
Figure 3.2
Illustration of Possible Contradictions when Mapping a Vertical-Scale-Based De nition of
Growth onto a Categorical Defi nition of Growth
Grade 3 Grade 4
Score Scale
As the previous discussion demonstrates, the categorical model affords growth interpretations
through the articulation of achievement level categories across grades. Although this does not
require an explicit vertical scale, the resulting interpretations of results assume that a vertical scale
exists. Through the articulation of cut scores across grades, the categorical model creates an implicit
vertical scale. Even if a performance level happens to describe different domains across grades, the
implicit assumption is that an increase in achievement levels is desirable and interpretable as growth.
If the categorical model supports growth interpretations, it is essential that the performance
level categories are carefully defi ned and are vertically aligned over an underlying achievement
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
continuum. If scores at the top of the Basic category refl ect markedly different achievement
than scores at the bottom of the category, then the category should be further subdivided into
ner categories, or alternatives like trajectory models should be considered.
To support growth predictions, categorical models can include the assumption that
transitions across categories will continue in a linear fashion over time. This is a coarser,
categorical version of the trajectory model that assumes that students continue to make the
same gains each year as they have in recent years.
If a student improves one performance
level category from last year to this year, it might seem reasonable to then assume she
will improve one more performance level category next year. In our illustrative example,
our student of interest went from Below Basic to Basic from Grade 3 to Grade 4. Thus, if
the student continues to make such growth, we would predict that she would move up yet
another performance level next year and be Profi cient. Rules can be set to label students as
on track” to reaching a desired performance level, such as Profi cient or College and Career
Ready. Section 3.5 discusses these rules further.
Question 3.2:
What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Categorical Model?
The categorical model is a re-expression of the gain score model using performance level
categories instead of scale scores. It is implicitly a gain-based model of growth.
The categorical model and the gain score model (Chapter 1) are similar in concept, although
they express growth on different scales. The gain score model requires that each grade level
test be linked to a common vertical scale, allowing for scores across grades to be comparable.
It then defi nes gain scores as the difference in scale score points from one year to the next. In
contrast, the categorical model requires that each grade level test scale be divided into distinct
achievement level categories that have accompanying qualitative descriptions of the skills and
mastery level students at that level should have. It then defi nes gain scores as the difference in
performance level categories from one grade to the next.
Gains in the categorical model can be expressed qualitatively, for example, “She was Below
Basic in Grade 3 and Basic in Grade 4.” The gains can also be expressed numerically, as in “a
gain of one achievement level.” The range of possible gains is substantially reduced from the
gain score model to the categorical model. The gain score model uses the entire range of
possible score scale points, whereas as the categorical model collapses the score scale into a
far smaller number of categories.
Categorical models allow for fl exibility in the assignment of numbers or values to each
category or to each transition. In the previous example, the transition could be weighted by
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
the number of categories that each student changed. This numerical assignment would result
in any increase of one performance level to correspond to a gain of +1, any decrease in two
performance levels corresponds to a gain of -2, and so on. In contrast, all positive transitions
might be valued as +1 regardless of how many categories a student jumped. In other cases,
certain transitions might be valued higher than others.
A categorical model that uses careful assignment of different values to each transition is
often referred to specifi cally as a “value table.” Table 3.2 provides an example of a value
table. In response to the allowance of growth models under the Growth Model Pilot Program,
Delaware, like several other states, adopted a categorical model for determining accountability
calculations under NCLB. In this example, there are four performance level categories below
Profi cient. Any non-profi cient student that gains in terms of achievement level categories
receives a particular number of points. Students that reach the desired performance level
category of Pro cient receive the highest weight of 300 points. For the remaining positive
transitions, larger jumps and jumps starting from performance level categories closer to
Profi cient are weighted highly. For instance, a student transitioning one category from Level 1A
to Level 1B counts for 150 points, whereas a student transitioning one category from Level 1B
to Level 2A counts for 175 points.
Table 3.2
Example of a Value Table
Year 2
Year 1
Profi cient
Level 1A 0 150 225 250 300
Level 1B 0 0 175 225 300
Level 2A000200300
Level 2B0000300
Profi cient0000300
Source: Delaware Department of Education. (2010). For the 2009-2010 school year: State
accountability in Delaware. Retrieved from,
The choice of values for a transition matrix can depend on several factors, such as policy and
accountability decisions, the number of performance levels, the perceived dif culty in making
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
certain jumps in performance levels, and the time horizon for reaching a desired performance
level. The relative advantage of the value table is that it can set clear incentives for schools
for particular achievement level transitions. Although the accuracy of individual growth
reporting and prediction may degrade due to the loss of information into broad categories,
the categorical model can clearly communicate the relative priorities of educational policies.
Section 3.5 further delves into important considerations when setting values.
Question 3.3:
What are the Required Data Features for the Categorical Model?
The categorical model requires student achievement levels at each time point of interest.
These achievement levels are defi ned by cut scores and qualitative descriptions relating to
student profi ciency. Interpreting the transition between achievement level categories as
growth requires an implicit vertical scale.
The categorical model only requires student test scores reported in achievement levels
like Basic, Profi cient, and Advanced. The mapping of scores to achievement levels requires
decisions about the number of achievement levels, the descriptions of these levels in terms
of student performance, and the cut scores that divide the achievement categories on the
score scale.
State testing programs commonly set achievement level cut scores in the process of
test development. However, these categories may be insuf cient for supporting growth
interpretations in a categorical model. If a state decides to use a categorical model for
reporting growth to profi ciency but only has three performance levels currently in place
— Basic, Profi cient, and Advanced — then a student cannot be deemed as “on track” to
Profi cient without actually reaching the profi ciency performance level. If a Basic student
moves up one level, that student is not on track to profi ciency, that student is simply
Profi cient. In these situations, it is useful to subdivide the Basic category to facilitate fi ner-
grain tracking of student progress toward profi ciency.
An essential requirement of the categorical model is that achievement levels must be
articulated across the grade levels for which the growth model is applicable. Cross grade-
level performance levels are linked in several fundamental ways. First, tests in each grade-
level of interest must have the same set of performance levels. In other words, if the Grade
3 levels are Low-1, Low-2, Intermediate, Profi cient, and Advanced, then the Grade 4 levels
must also be Low-1, Low-2, Intermediate, Profi cient, and Advanced and likewise for all
other grades of interest. Second, although the cut scores that classify students into each
of these categories may change for each grade-level, compared to the other performance
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
levels, a particular performance level should correspond to the same relative achievement
level each year. Moreover, the performance levels in and across grades must be aligned to
some underlying continuum of mastery. Under these conditions, it is meaningful to attach
interpretations of progress or growth to a change from Low-1 in Grade 3 to Low-2 in Grade
4. Once such interpretations are made, however, even if the tests do not have an explicit
vertical scale, model users are implicitly assuming a vertical scale exists across all the grade
levels of interest.
Question 3.4:
What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can the Categorical
Model Support?
At the group-level, the two most typical statistics reported for the categorical model are the
percentage of students “on track” to a desired performance level, like profi ciency or college
and career readiness, and the average transition value over all the students in a group.
Like the trajectory model, the categorical model is often implemented as a way to monitor
and incentivize progress toward a desired performance level, such as profi ciency or college
and career readiness. Accordingly, a natural statistic to summarize group-level growth
under this model is the percentage of students on track to the desired performance level.
An alternative group-level statistic, particularly when weights are differentially attached to
transitions (see Table 3.2), is the average transition value for all the students in the group.
The percentage of on-track students describes group growth in terms of progress toward
a desired goal. If a large percentage of students is making progress, this suggests that the
group is generally improving with respect to a future standard. As with trajectory models,
the percentage of on track students is either added to the percentage of profi cient students
or re-expressed as a percentage of students eligible to be on track. These percentages can
themselves be compared to benchmarks such as Annual Measurable Objectives or other
minimum required percentages.
Another useful feature of value tables is that average values for groups are interpretable as
a kind of average growth. For a simple case where a value table’s cells correspond to the
number of categories a student has gained or declined, the average over all students is the
average gain in categories for that particular group. More generally, value tables like those in
Figure 3.2 can be compared against the value scheme, in this case, a 0 to 300 scale, to gauge
whether students are generally making transitions toward the desired target. An additional
standard setting procedure may be used to determine whether averages of value tables are
suf cient for particular groups.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 3.5:
How Does the Categorical Model Set Standards for Expected or
Adequate Growth?
The categorical model is more dependent on judgmental standard setting procedures
than most growth models. The scores that support growth calculations are achievement
level categories determined by standards. Additional judgments must be incorporated to
determine which category transitions are suf cient or what value they should be assigned.
A third level of standard setting may be useful for evaluating whether group-level average
growth is suffi cient.
In categorical models, growth is operationalized as a transition between categories. Any
increase in a category may be deemed as adequate. Or, a relative value can be assigned to
each transition as in Table 3.2. The value table framework adequately captures the scope of the
standard setting task. It also illustrates the amount of control that policy designers can have in
communicating the desired incentive structure to stakeholders.
In simple models where any category gain is suf cient, an additional implication is that the
student is on track to successively higher categories in the future. In this way, the categorical
model functions as a coarse trajectory model, where a gain of one category is extrapolated and
assumed to extend to future time points until profi ciency is eventually met.
For group growth, whether the growth statistic is the percentage of on-track students or the
average of value table scores across students, separate standard-setting procedures will be
required to establish whether these group growth magnitudes are suf cient.
A feature of the categorical model is that no intuitive standard for growth arises naturally from
the model. There is instead a degree of control in the form of the value table. The value table is
at once transparent in its dependence on user input and deceptive in its coarseness and in its
functioning as an implicit vertical scale.
Question 3.6:
What are the Common Misinterpretations of the Categorical Model and
Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
Although categorical models do not require a vertical scale in a strict sense, the
articulation of multiple cut scores across grades represents an implicit vertical scale that
requires the same critical attention as vertical scaling. The grouping of scores into coarse
categories leads to a loss of information in reporting both status and growth.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Although the categorical model does not require a vertical scale in the strict sense, the previous
sections have demonstrated that growth interpretations from categorical models require
interpretation of the articulated cut scores as an implicit vertical scale. If a transition from Below
Basic in one grade to Basic in the next grade is interpretable as growth, then the cut score must
share some common meaning across grades, not just in relative stringency, but in the content
domain as well. If the model also assumes that a transition across one category boundary
predicts a transition across subsequent category boundaries, then the categorical model acts
as a coarse trajectory model and requires the same attention to its underlying vertical scale.
The grouping of the scores into categories leads to a loss of information both in the reporting
of scores and the description and prediction of growth. As Figure 3.2 demonstrates, the
categories represent a kind of relative stringency that may or may not confl ict with user intuition
about growth. More problematically, a broad range of implicit gain scores will be mapped into
the same transitions, and gain scores that are equal lead to a category gain in some cases and
not in others. These facts suggest that the reporting of categorical model results should be
limited or withheld at the student level.
At the school level, the categorical model is clearer than other models in its communication of
differentiated incentives for different transitions, particularly when values in value tables are
carefully considered. Although the values may seem arbitrary, they are no less arbitrary than
assuming that gain scores should count equally, as the gain score model generally does, or that
students should be on track to a particular standard by a particular time horizon, as a trajectory
model can do. However, because the categorical model shares the same underlying statistical
foundation as gain score and trajectory models, it also shares the undesirable feature where the
artifi cial defl ation of initial scores (in this case, categories) will infl ate the observed transitions of
students. This can be seen in Table 3.2, where, in any given column, points are maximized when
students are in lower initial categories. This is the same underlying, “gaming” mechanism that
can infl ate gain scores and trajectories in the models in the two previous chapters.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The Residual Gain Model
The residual gain model can be motivated by concerns
about the gain scores used in the gain-based models,
particularly the purported low reliability of gain scores
and ceiling effects for high-scoring students. The
residual gain model uses linear regression to determine
expected current status for students at different initial
scores. These expectations are derived empirically
given past scores. The residual gain is simply each
students observed current status minus his or her
expected current status. This difference between
observed and expected outcomes is commonly
referred to as the “residual” in regression terminology.
Residual gain scores represent the amount students
scored above or below what was expected given their
past performance.
Residual gain scores support growth description by
answering the question
How much higher or lower has
this student scored than expected
given her past scores?
Because residual gain scores are the differences
between observed and expected current status, they
are also on the same scale as the current test score. They report current status in terms of,
or “conditional upon,” past scores, making them a conditional status model instead of a
gain-based model.
Although the statistical model used in computing residual gains sets a statistical expectation
for growth, residual gain models may require additional judgmental standards to determine
what amount of residual gain represents “adequate” growth. This is described in Section 4.5.
The following subsections address each of the six questions of interest to further elaborate on
this model, particularly as it stands in stark contrast to the gain score model.
Aliases and Variants:
• Residual Difference Model
• Covariate Adjustment Model
• Regression Model
• Percentile Rank of Residuals
Primary Interpretation:
Growth description
Statistical Foundation:
Conditional status
Metric/Scale: Difference
score (on the current-grade
score scale)
Data: An interpretable scale,
linearly related test scores
Group-Level Statistic:
Average residual gain
Set Growth Standards:
Setting expected or adequate
residual gain score
Operational Examples:
Evaluating a treatment
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 4.1:
What Primary Interpretation Does the Residual Gain Model Best Support?
The residual gain model supports growth description by describing how much higher
or lower a student scored than what was expected given her prior year’s score.
The simplest form of the residual gain model involves setting expectations for current
scores based on only one set of previous scores. In this case, the residual gain model and
the gain score model can use the exact same data but describe growth in a fundamentally
different way. Instead of describing how much a student changed this year from last year as
the gain score model does, the residual gain model describes how much higher or lower a
student scored this year than expected given last year’s scores.
The residual gain model uses a statistical model known as linear regression to set empirical
expectations for current scores given past scores. It is useful to note here, however, that
linear regression in the residual gain model is for describing current scores given past
scores and not for predicting future scores given current and past scores. This distinction is
apparent when contrasting the residual gain and projection models in the next chapter.
Question 4.2:
What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Residual Gain Model?
Although the name “residual gain model” suggests that this growth model is gain-
based, it is actually a conditional status model. Gain-based models involve taking a
difference between current and past performance. In contrast, the residual gain model
takes the difference between current performance and expected current performance
given, or conditional upon, prior performance.
The residual gain model uses linear regression to calculate expected current scores given
past scores. These expectations are statistical and empirically derived. Unlike the gain
score model, scores from each included grade level do not need to be from vertically
scaled assessments. This section explains the statistical model underlying the residual gain
model for the simplest case of using data from only one prior grade level as a predictor
in the linear regression model. However, it is straightforward and common to include
greater numbers of previous grade scores, and the regression model is also fully capable of
incorporating demographic variables to establish expectations as well.
Linear regression is a useful statistical method that supports prediction of an outcome
variable, in this case, the current score, using one or more other predictor variables, in
this case, one or more past scores. The choice of predictors is generally motivated by
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
associations between the predictor and the outcome, so that knowing a value on the
predictor variable provides information about the value of the outcome variable. In this
case, because relationships between past and current scores are generally moderate to
strong and linear, the model often fi ts the data well. Linear regression provides expected
values for the outcome variable by fi nding the line that best fi ts the averages of the
outcome variable at each level of the predictors. This is most readily understood with an
example and a graph, which follow for the residual gain model context.
The following example assumes a small group of students currently in Grade 4 with test
scores from the current grade and the previous grade, Grade 3. For purely illustrative
purposes, suppose there are only 8 fourth graders in the group of interest. Figure 4.1(a)
provides a scatterplot of these students’ Grade 3 and Grade 4 scores. The 8 students
are represented by 8 solid dots. The horizontal position of the points is determined by
the students Grade 3 score and the vertical position by the student’s Grade 4 score.
This plot shows that students earned scores of 345, 350, or 355 in Grade 3, but earned
scores ranging from 335 to 385 in Grade 4. The solid black line in Figure 4.1(a) represents
the output of the linear regression model, a line that predicts Grade 4 scores given
Grade 3 scores.
This line represents the best fi t of the average Grade 4 score across all Grade 3 scores, in
this case, all 3 of them. Unsurprisingly, the line goes roughly through the middle of each of
the three vertically aligned sets of points at the Grade 3 scores of 345, 350, and 355. The
line therefore represents the expected Grade 4 score at each possible Grade 3 score. For
instance, in Figure 4.1(b) a dashed horizontal arrow from the linear regression line shows
that at a Grade 3 score of 350, the expected Grade 4 score is 364. This result supports
an interpretation like the following, “Students who earn a score of 350 in Grade 3 are
expected, on average, to earn a score of 364 in Grade 4.
Fitting the linear regression line is only one step in the residual gain model. Figure
4.1(b) illustrates the next step that results in residual gain scores. The residual gain score
is found by taking what is commonly called the residual, or the difference between
the observed score on the outcome variable and the expected score on the outcome
variable. In this example, this difference is between students’ observed and expected
Grade 4 scores. Figure 4.1(b) shows this difference for a particular student who earned
a score of 350 in Grade 3 and a score of 375 in Grade 4. This students expected score
is empirically derived from the regression line as 364. The students residual gain is the
simple difference between the observed and expected score as follows:
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Residual Gain Score = Observed Grade 4 Score – Expected Grade 4 Score
= 375 – 364
= +11
The students residual gain score of +11 indicates that he scored 11 points higher on the
Grade 4 test than expected given his Grade 3 score of 350. A negative residual gain score
indicates that a student scored below his/her expected score. Graphically, the residual
gain is visually represented by the vertical distance between any point and the regression
line. Students above the regression line have positive residual gains, and students
below the regression line have negative residual gains. This illustration demonstrates
that the residual gain score does not truly represent a gain, a change in points from one
grade to the next, as in the gain score, trajectory, and categorical models. Instead, it is
achievement beyond expectations given past scores.
Figure 4.1
Illustration of the Residual Gain Model
Grade 4
Grade 3
(a) Step 1
Regression of Current Grade 4 Scores on Prior Grade 3 Scores
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Grade 4
Grade 3
(b) Step 2
Computing Residuals
Residual Gain Score =
Observed Grade 4 Score –
Expected Grade 4 Score
= 375 – 364
= +11
Question 4.3:
What are the Required Data Features for the Residual Gain Model?
Residual gain models, and conditional status models in general, do not require test
score scales to be linked across grades. This is due to their emphasis on conditional
status, that is, status beyond expectation, instead of growth over time. Like any
growth or status model, residual gain models require appropriate within-grade scales.
The assumptions of linear regression must be met, including linear relationships
between current and past scores and similar amounts of variation in current scores for
any particular past score. When these latter assumptions are not met, more fl exible
regression models can be used.
By framing growth in terms of conditional status, the residual gain model is applicable to
a broader range of test score data than gain-based models. The scores of interest do not
need to be linked on a common vertical scale across grades, and the model can easily
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
accommodate more than one prior year of data if desired. Although the various grade level
test scores do not need to be linked on a vertical scale, they do need to be linearly related.
One approach to evaluating this is through plots of the current grade level scores against
each of the prior grade level scores, where the relationship should look linear, roughly
like Figure 4.1. When there are nonlinear relationships, inaccurate expectations and thus
inaccurate residual gains can result.
An additional requirement of regression models is that the conditional variability of outcome
scores should be similar across different levels of the predictors. In Figure 4.1, this can be
visualized in terms of the spread of points around the regression line at each vertical slice,
345, 350, and 355. At each level, the overall variation should be similar. In the case of Figure
4.1, it may seem as though the variability at the score level of 355 is smaller, that is, the
points are clustered closer to the line, but the sample size is far too small to make such a
determination. However, in a large sample situation, when the variability is not equal across
predictor values, higher scoring students may have far more or less variable residual gain
scores than lower scoring students. This may be an observation that refl ects reality, but if it is
instead an artifact of the scaling of the test, an alternative regression model, like those used
in Student Growth Percentiles, may be warranted.
To understand why vertical scaling is not required of conditional status models, it is most
helpful to reframe the nature of the growth that these models measure. This growth is less
a fi xed quantity that is being estimated and more a comparison between status and a key
concept: expectations. These expectations can be based on prior year scores from a single
grade, as in Figure 4.1, or a collection of prior year scores from multiple grades. However, the
regression model does not consider these prior grade scores as a trajectory over time, but an
unordered combination of facts that generate an empirical expectation.
In the context of a newborn growing over time, the gain-based approach tracks the
weight over time, from 8 pounds to 9 pounds to 10 pounds at one, two, and three months,
respectively, for example. The conditional status model asks instead, given that the newborn
was 8 pounds at one month and 9 pounds at two months, how much heavier is she than
expected at three months? We could also add, given that this newborn is a girl, and breast-
fed, and from the United States, how much heavier is she than expected at three months?
Each variable that is added, or conditioned upon, changes the expected weight at three
months, and it is clear the variables that set these expectations need not be on the same
scale. For example, it is clear that the sex and nationality of the newborn are not on the same
scale as the outcome. The regression model is a tool for setting expectations, and, as such,
it does not require the variables that set these expectations to be on the same scale as the
outcome or each other.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 4.4:
What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can the Residual Gain
Model Support?
The residual gain model supports simple group-level statistics through averaging.
The residual gains of a group can be averaged within a grade, although comparison
of averages across grade levels requires a common across-grade scale. The average
residual gain score represents the average amount students in the group scored above
or below expectations given their past performance.
Several group-level statistics can be computed for the residual gain model to summarize the
performance of all students in a group. The most typical summary statistic is the average residual
gain for the students in a group. As a technical point of reference, it is worth remembering that,
across the entire dataset to which the regression is applied, the average residual is always zero.
In Figure 4.1, with a hypothetical group of 8 fourth grade students, the mean residual gain score
across all 8 students is zero. This should be intuitive. If the regression model is working properly,
the average expected value should be the same as the average observed value. However, for any
subgroup of the 8 students, the mean residual gain score is not necessarily zero.
The sign and magnitude of the average residual gain score refl ects the average status of
students in the group of interest, above and beyond expectations. Figure 4.2 helps to illustrate
group-level performance as measured by the residual gain model. Figure 4.2 is a reproduction
of Figure 4.1(a), but, in this case, there are circles around some collections of points to indicate
different groups, in this case, hypothetical small classrooms of students. One set of students is
labeled as “Group A” and another as “Group B.” The three students in Group A have varying
prior Grade 3 scores, but all have points above the regression line, indicating that all of these
students have Grade 4 scores greater than expectations based on Grade 3 scores. Their
residual gain scores are about 10.51, 10.64, and 5.77 from left to right in the fi gure. The simple
average of these three residual gain scores is around 9.
This average residual gain of 9 can be interpreted as, “Students in Group A, on average, scored
nine points higher than expected given their prior year scores.” In other words, given their Grade 3
scores, on average, these students exceeded expectations for their Grade 4 test by 9 points. Group
A is thus labeled as a “High Residual Gain” group in Figure 4.2. In contrast, Group B’s two students
performed worse than expected given their initial scores. Both of these students have points that lie
below the regression line and thus have negative residual gain scores. These residual gain scores are
about -14.49 and -9.36, which results in an average residual gain score of around -12. On average,
Group B’s students scored about 12 points below expected on the Grade 4 test given their Grade
3 scores. Relative to other students with the same prior Grade 3 scores, these students performed
worse on the Grade 4 test than expected, making them a “low residual gain” group.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Figure 4.2
Group-Level Interpretations from the Residual Gain Model
Grade 4
Grade 3
Group A –
High Residual
Gain Group
Group B –
Low Residual
Gain Group
This example is rather simplifi ed as it involves extremely small groups comprised of students who
had either all negative residual gain scores or all positive residual gain scores. In practice, groups
will likely have a mixture, but summary statistics like the mean, median, and standard deviation of
residual gains can summarize the patterns of student status beyond expectations for groups.
A more formal statistical approach to simple averages of residual gains is known as the
covariate adjustment model. Instead of growth description, the covariate adjustment model
primarily supports value-added interpretations. It is called a covariate adjustment model
because it adjusts expectations about current status using various predictor variables, just as
the residual gain model does. It contrasts with the residual gain model by providing formal
group-level estimates of group status compared to a baseline by explicitly incorporating group
membership variables in the model. These group-level estimates can support discussions about
whether group membership, whether it is to a classroom or school, predicts student test scores
above and beyond past scores.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The intuition behind the covariate adjustment model is nearly identical to that supporting
Figure 4.2. Classroom and school estimates from covariate adjustment models are in fact
strikingly similar to averages of residual gain scores in practice. However, the covariate
adjustment model fi ts separate regression lines for each group and compares these lines to
each other, where higher lines imply higher status beyond expectation. This is a statistical
improvement over the ad hoc, two-step approach of averaging residual gains after the
regression model has been fi t.
The underlying similarities between the residual gain model and the covariate adjustment
model allow for deeper insight into the use of these models for value-added interpretations.
The residual gain model is used for growth description. This growth is best described as
status above and beyond expectations set by other variables. At the group level, an average
residual gain is a statement about a group’s average status beyond expectations. The covariate
adjustment model supports both a statistical and substantive extension of the averaged
residual gain approach. The statistical extension is an improved method for estimating average
status beyond expectations. The substantive extension is the assumption that this average
status beyond expectations is the value that the educator or school adds to the average test
scores in the group.
Question 4.5:
How Does the Residual Gain Model Set Standards for Expected or
Adequate Growth?
The residual gain model references expected status given past performance. Such
expectations are statistically defi ned and do not relate to what amount of growth is
adequate” in an accountability setting. Value judgments can be made by an informed
committee about thresholds for adequate student-level and group-level (average) residual
gain scores for particular grades and subjects.
As a linear regression model, the residual gain model sets statistical expectations for current
performance given past performance. Accordingly, this model allows for computations of
how much students deviate from an expected level of performance, resulting in residual gain
scores. However, the residual gain score in and of itself does not indicate whether improvement
was “good enough” in the settings of accountability or evaluation. Such judgments require
additional input by invested stakeholders.
One approach involves selecting a standard and operationalizing it as a cut score on the
residual gain metric. The cut score can be set on the scale itself if there is clear understanding
of what 5, 10, or 50 points above expectations actually means on the score scale.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Alternatively, the standard can be set normatively, such as defi ning the top 30 percent of
residual gain scores as exceeding expectations. Alternatively, the residual gains can be sorted
and reported as percentile ranks, resulting in percentile ranks of residuals. In practice, these
percentile ranks of residuals are very similar to Student Growth Percentiles (Castellano & Ho,
in press). This normative approach can support comparisons of residual gains across different
grades and subjects.
The residual gain model sets expectations empirically for a particular group of interest. By
defi nition, for this group, approximately half of the residual gain scores will be positive and
the others negative. Setting standards on a fundamentally relative metric may be undesirable
as, ironically, growth over time will be dif cult to measure. An alternative approach involves
assuming that residual gains will persist over time into the future, and comparing these future
scores to future cut scores. This extension shifts the primary interpretation of the residual gain
model from growth description to growth prediction, but it allows for standards to be set on
the residual gain metric that are free from the “tyranny of averages” where approximately half
of students will always be below average.
Question 4.6:
What are the Common Misinterpretations of the Residual Gain Model and
Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
The residual gain model is something of a misnomer, as it is less a gain than it is status
beyond expectations given past scores. When assumptions of the linear regression model,
including linearity and common outcome variance across prior scores, do not hold, residual
gains can be systematically distorted for higher or lower scorers.
The residual gain model is not a central feature of any active state accountability systems,
although it serves as a basis or helpful contrast for many active models, including its close
cousin, Student Growth Percentiles. Its most natural extension, the covariate adjustment model,
is one of the most common models supporting value-added interpretations. The model is often
used in experimental research where there is interest in the effectiveness of a treatment in a
pretest/posttest design.
An obvious misinterpretation of the residual gain model would be to assume it describes
growth over time in a similar manner as the gain-score model. As this section has
demonstrated, the residual gain is a fundamentally distinct quantity from the gain score. It is
a difference between an actual score and an expected score. The expected score is derived
empirically from past scores and will change if different combinations of variables are used to
establish expectations.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
If residual gain scores were used in a high-stakes system, the model assumptions — linearity
and common outcome variance across prior scores — become more important. Violations will
lead to systematic relationships between initial status and the average and variability of residual
gains. More generally, residual gain models, like gain-based models, share the property that
may incentivize “gaming” the system by artifi cially decreasing students’ initial scores so as to
increase their residual gains. This can be visualized in Figure 4.1b, where points that shift to
the left, that is, declining in initial scores while maintaining current scores, will have a larger
residual gain. Of course, unlike gain-based models, the shifting of points changes the empirical
expectations, thus this strategy only works if these shifting points have a negligible effect on
the regression line.
The empirical derivation of expected scores using extant student data is a reminder that
residual gains are based on the performance of their peers. It follows that expectations will
change if different students were included in the regression analysis. This is a property of all
conditional status metrics. The word “conditional” emphasizes that any growth interpretation
is conditional on prior performance — not just of the student of interest, but all students in the
cohort of interest. Returning to the example presented in this chapter, a student who is in fourth
grade next year could earn the exact same Grade 3 and Grade 4 scores as a student in this
year’s cohort, but receive a different residual gain score if the students in general performed
differently. In particular, if the relationship between current and prior scores is distinct from
the one presented in Figures 4.1 and 4.2, the fi tted regression line will be different, resulting in
different expected scores and, in turn, different residual gain scores.
Castellano, K.E., and Ho, A.D. (in press). Contrasting OLS and quantile regression approaches
to student “growth” percentiles. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The Projection Model
The projection model, sometimes known as the prediction
or regression model, is primarily used to project or predict
scores in a future grade, supporting growth prediction. It
fundamentally answers the question
Given this students observed past scores,
and based on patterns of scores in the past,
where is she likely to score in the future?
The projection model relies on linear regression to
answer this question. The model uses test score data
from a past cohort of students who have already
completed the future grade of interest to estimate a
prediction equation. This equation is then applied to
the data for a current cohort of students to predict
their future scores. A necessary step in establishing a
projection model is the determination of a time horizon
to which the model will predict future status.
The predicted future status can be evaluated with respect
to a future standard such as “Profi ciency.” Predicted
status above this standard can support the judgment that
the student is “on track” and making “adequate growth.
Question 5.1:
What Primary Interpretation Does the Projection Model Best Support?
The projection model uses a statistical technique to predict future scores from current and
prior year scores. It is specifi cally designed to support growth prediction.
The projection model is designed to predict student test scores in a future grade. Relying on the
statistical tool of linear regression, this model allows for interpretations like, “On average, students
with a score of 110 on the Grade 3 mathematics test and 250 on the Grade 4 mathematics test
have a predicted Grade 5 mathematics score of 275.” The predicted scores can be compared
against a target score, such as the future grade’s profi ciency cut score, to support interpretations
about adequate growth.
Aliases and Variants:
• Regression model
• Prediction model
Primary Interpretation:
Growth prediction
Statistical Foundation:
Conditional status model
Metric/Scale: Score scale of test
in the future target grade level
Data: Interpretable future
scale or future standard
Group-Level Statistic: Average
future prediction or percentage
of on-track students
Set Growth Standards:
Defi ne future standard,
minimum time until standard
is reached
Operational Examples:
NCLB Growth Model (e.g.,
Ohio and Tennessee)
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The projection model and the trajectory model both support growth prediction; however the
projection model operates under fundamentally different assumptions and data requirements than
the trajectory model. A simple way to describe the contrast is that the projection model is more data-
driven, whereas the trajectory model is more scale-driven. The projection model uses regression to
maximize the predictive accuracy of the model. If a variable does not contribute to the prediction of
future status, the regression model will assign it a lower weight. In this way, the projection model is
informed by the data and results in an equation that maximizes predictive accuracy.
In contrast, the trajectory model is scale-driven. It relies on the construction of a vertical scale and the
assumption that a linear extrapolation of observed trajectories is defensible. Because it is less reliant
on data-driven predictions, it is, as noted in Chapter 2, more of a descriptive and aspirational model
than an empirical model.
The projection model approach to growth prediction can be taken to a mercenary extreme. Any
available variable can be used to increase predictive accuracy, extending beyond previous test scores
in the same subject to test scores from different subjects, demographic variables, and classroom-
and school-level variables. If predictive accuracy is the primary goal, inclusion of these variables
can be well motivated even as it becomes detached from an intuitive idea of growth. If the model
is intended to create incentives to maximize student growth, prediction may be less important than
communicating information that supports educator efforts to increase student growth.
Question 5.2:
What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Projection Model?
The projection model is an example of a conditional status model. Given current and past
scores, the model predicts a future status. Unlike gain-based models, growth is not defi ned
as an increase in some quantity over time. Instead, current and past scores are used as
unordered inputs to a weighted prediction equation for future status.
The projection model, like the residual gain model, uses linear regression for prediction and the
setting of expectations given past scores. Unlike the residual gain model, the outcome variable
is not the “current” year score but a future score for which a prediction is desired. Although both
the residual gain model and the projection model use linear regression, the differences between
the models are more substantial than, for example, the difference between the gain-score and the
trajectory model. The projection model is not an “extension” of a residual gain score in the same
way that the trajectory model is an extension of a gain score. The residual gain model describes the
difference between current status and an empirical expectation for current status. The projection
model establishes an empirical expectation for future status, period. The next paragraphs review
the example used in the previous chapter and adapt it for the primary goal of growth prediction.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
As was noted in the previous chapter, the residual gain model provides a score for each student
that denotes how much a student scored beyond expectations given past scores. In the
simplest case, only one prior year score is included in the regression. The current year score is
the outcome variable and the prior year score is the predictor. Figure 5.1 illustrates this scenario
by reproducing Figure 4.1(b), where a small group of eight Grade 4 students has their Grade 4
scores plotted on their Grade 3 scores. Each point in Figure 5.1 represents a student, where the
horizontal location of the point is determined by the Grade 3 score, and the vertical location is
determined by the Grade 4 score.
In the residual gain model, the prediction of the outcome variable is an intermediate step
on the way to the residual gain score calculation. The predicted outcome is for the current
year score, which has already been observed for this set of students. The interest is in the
distance between the observed outcome and this predicted or, more specifi cally, expected
outcome. This difference between the observed scores and expected Grade 4 scores is called
a “residual” in the context of regression and a “residual gain score” in the context of this guide.
The projection model, in contrast, focuses on the prediction itself, but for a different set of
students who have not yet taken the Grade 4 test.
Figure 5.1
Illustration of the Residual Gain Model: Regression of Grade 4 Scores on
Grade 3 Scores
Grade 4
Grade 3
Residual Gain Score =
Observed Grade 4 Score –
Expected Grade 4 Score
= 375 – 364
= +11
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Figure 5.1 illustrates the computation of the residual gain score for a particular student. This
student earned a 375 in Grade 4 and a 350 in Grade 3. It is clear from the graph that the
student scored higher than the other two students who also scored a 350 in Grade 3. The
regression line establishes the students expected Grade 4 score at about 364, 11 score points
below the observed score of 375. The residual gain score for this student is +11, indicating a
score that is 11 points higher than expected given past performance.
The residual gain model allows for growth description for the students used to fi t the regression.
The projection model, on the other hand, takes the linear regression fi tted for one cohort
of students and applies it to another set of students who have yet to reach the future grade
of interest. Using the same example, we may switch our primary interpretation from growth
description for current Grade 4 students to growth prediction for current Grade 3 students. The
current Grade 3 students will not enter Grade 4 until the next academic year. Their Grade 4 scores
are not known, but their Grade 3 scores are. However, the prediction line in Figure 5.1 can be
estimated from the current Grade 4 students who do have data. Then, this line, which was used to
provide expected Grade 4 scores for the current fourth graders in the residual gain model, can be
used to predict the future Grade 4 scores of the current third graders.
Figure 5.2
The Projection Model: Using a Prediction Line Estimated from one Cohort to Predict
Grade 4 Scores for another Cohort
Grade 4
Grade 3
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
To illustrate this prediction process, Figure 5.2 reproduces the exact same prediction line
estimated in Figure 5.1. Although this line is estimated using the scores of the students shown in
Figure 5.1, these students are no longer of interest and are not shown. Instead, their prediction
line is used to predict Grade 4 scores given current Grade 3 scores. Figure 5.2 illustrates
predictions for students earning Grade 3 scores of 350 and 356. From the previous discussion,
the expected or predicted Grade 4 score is 364 for students who scored 350 on the Grade 3
test. This is illustrated by the solid arrow going from the Grade 3 score of 350 to the regression
line and then from the regression line to the vertical axis at the Grade 4 predicted value of 364.
The regression line allows for Grade 4 score predictions based on any possible Grade 3 score, not
just for students at the score values of the cohort from which the line was derived. For instance,
Figure 5.1 contains no students in the current Grade 4 cohort who scored a 356 on the Grade 3
test. However, a student in the current Grade 3 cohort may have a score of 356, and this student
will still have a prediction, 382, as shown in Figure 5.2. This calculation is supported by a prediction
equation that is the output of the regression model. In this example, the prediction equation is
Predicted Grade 4 Score = -677.667 + (2.974)*(Observed Grade 3 Score)
where -677.667 is the intercept and 2.974 is the slope or regression weight for the prior
observed Grade 3 score. Any student with an observed Grade 3 score can be entered into
this equation to fi nd a predicted Grade 4 score. For instance, entering 350 and 356 into this
equation for the “Observed Grade 3 Score” will return the predicted values shown in Figure
5.2. It is clear that this regression equation can only be estimated using data for students who
already have Grade 4 scores. The projection model thus requires longitudinal data from a past
cohort of students that have test scores in all predictor and target grades.
Figures 5.1 and 5.2 are the simplest versions of the projection model where there is only one
predictor. In practice, projection models make predictions much farther into the future than
one year and use more than one year of data as a predictor. With a large enough longitudinal
dataset that spans 6 grades, a prediction equation can be estimated to support predictions
for current Grade 5 students on the future Grade 8 test. In such a scenario, the current Grade
5 cohort may use scores in Grades 3, 4, and 5 to support their predictions. The prediction
equation takes the following form:
Predicted Grade 8 Score = Intercept + [a * (Observed Grade 3 Score)] +
[b * (Observed Grade 4 Score)] + [c * (Observed Grade 5 Score)]
Here, a, b, and c are simply placeholders for the estimated regression weights. The intercept
is the predicted Grade 8 score when the Grade 3, 4, and 5 scores are all zero, which does not
mean that zero must be a possible score for each grade-level test. The intercept is needed to
anchor the regression line and is usually not an interpretable value in a practical setting. In this
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
case, and any case in which there is more than one predictor, it is no longer possible to graph
the relationships in two dimensions, however the intuition of fi tting a model to set expectations
and maximize predictive accuracy still applies.
Question 5.3:
What are the Required Data Features for the Projection Model?
The projection model does not require vertical scales underlying different grade level
tests and can accommodate as many predictor variables as are available. The model does
rely on regression assumptions, such as linear relationships between predictors and the
outcome, for predictive accuracy. The projection model also requires longitudinal data
over a signifi cant grade span. To obtain a prediction equation for a future target grade,
the model must use a previous cohort of students with longitudinally linked data from the
earliest grade that supports prediction to the target grade of interest.
The projection model is fl exible in the types of variables it can accommodate, but is demanding
in terms of the data required to produce growth predictions. The model is more fl exible than
gain-based models in not requiring a vertical scale, and many prior years of data can function
as predictors along with non-test-score variables, if desired. However, with greater numbers
of grade-level and subject area tests included as predictors in the model, the percentage of
students with missing data will be higher and may need to be addressed through “imputation
of missing values, where missing data are estimated according to assumptions.. Missing data
will be an issue with both the current cohort that requires prediction and the previous cohort
that supports the prediction equation.
The projection model requires selection of predictor variables and the future target outcome of
interest. Once these are selected, a cohort must exist that has longitudinally linked data for all of
these variables. In the example in the previous section, where three recent grades of data are used
to predict an outcome three years into the future, the model requires longitudinal data spanning six
years. This past “reference” cohort will generate the prediction equation. There is also a requirement
that this reference cohort be substantively similar to the current cohort. Substantive differences
between the cohorts may result in an irrelevant regression equation and poor prediction.
The use of the regression model requires attention to regression model assumptions. Like the residual
gain model, the projection model assumes a linear relationship between the outcome variable and the
predictors. If there are nonlinear relationships, this will degrade the overall predictive accuracy of the
model and may lead to inaccurate predictions for students with particular patterns of scores.
Finally, if the projection model’s predicted scores are compared to standards in that particular
grade, some articulation of standards across grades is necessary to prevent counterintuitive
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
ndings. For both the trajectory and the projection model, highly variable standards across
grades can lead to nonsensical results where, for example, students are on track to profi ciency
in Grades 6 and 8, but not Grade 7.
Question 5.4:
What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can the Projection Model Support?
Projection models result in predicted scores that can be aggregated to average predicted
scores. Alternatively, individual students can be classifi ed as satisfactory or “on track” to
some future standard based on their predicted future score, and a group-level statistic can
be the percentage of students who are on track to reach the future target score.
The projection model can produce two useful group-level statistics — an average predicted
future score and a percentage of students “on track” to some future standard. The projection
model uses the estimated prediction equation to provide predicted scores for all students.
These may be averaged for a group of interest. Other summary statistics, like the median
and standard deviation, can be used to describe the central tendency and variability of the
predicted scores of a group. Using the example from Figures 5.1 and 5.2, if a particular group
of interest has three students with Grade 3 scores of 350, 350, and 356, these can be readily
inserted into the prediction equation. The Grade 4 predicted scores are 364, 364, and 382
respectively, and the average predicted Grade 4 score is 370.
This average can be interpreted as, “Based on their Grade 3 performance, the students in this
group have an average predicted Grade 4 score of 370.” This average predicted score can be
compared against a future standard, such as the Profi cient cut score in Grade 4. If the average
predicted score is above the target score, then, on average, the average student in the group
is predicted to exceed the standard. Standard setting committees could also determine cut
points for which average predicted scores might correspond to “low,” “typical,” or “high
group growth.
If an individual’s growth to a standard is the primary focus of accountability, the predicted
status of each individual can be compared to the future standard. If a student’s predicted status
is higher than the future standard, that student can be considered to be “on track.” Group
performance can be summarized by the percentage of students in the group who are predicted
to meet or exceed the future standard. If, in our example, the Grade 4 standard of interest
is a profi ciency cut score of 375, then only one of the three students is predicted to exceed
this target, resulting in the group having 33 percent (1/3) of its students on track. Additional
standards could be set for gauging whether this percentage is adequate.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 5.5:
How Does the Projection Model Set Standards for Expected or
Adequate Growth?
The projection model returns a predicted future score for each student. This score can
be compared to a target cut score or otherwise evaluated for adequacy. Similarly, the
aggregation of predicted scores for a particular group, for example, into an average
predicted score, can be compared to a group-level standard, and the percentage of
students on track to the target cut score can be compared against some desirable threshold.
The trajectory and projection models both support growth prediction and offer predicted
scores on the scale of the test at the target grade. These scores can be compared to the
relevant cut score at the target grade. This may be a cut score that has been previously set
for another purpose, or it may be an alternative cut score established with explicit attention
to the role of growth prediction. The decision rule is then as simple as deeming students as
on track” if their predicted score exceeds the standard. Finer grain categorical distinctions
are also possible. There may be multiple standards for both students’ predicted scores and
for groups’ average predicted scores. These additional cut scores could distinguish among
different levels of growth, such as “low,” “typical,” and “high.
Like the trajectory model, growth predictions can be updated each year that new data
become available. Students transitioning to a new grade may use the prediction equation that
includes the most recent grade as an additional predictor. A decision also needs to be made
about whether the time horizon for prediction should be a moving window of, say, three
years, or if it should diminish with each year the student is in the growth model. This might,
for example, require a student to actually reach a standard (instead of merely being on track)
within three years or before graduation from the school, whichever is sooner. As with the
trajectory model, the number of years to the target time horizon of interest is a consequential
standard setting decision.
As each year brings new data, the prediction equations themselves may be updated. It
may be more desirable to fix prediction equations for multiple year windows instead of
recalculating them annually. In spite of a possible degradation in prediction accuracy,
fixing prediction equations keeps two students with identical score patterns from having
different predictions from one year to the next. Instability in prediction equations is akin
to instability in standards and may be minimized to allow standards to gain consistent
meaning over time.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 5.6:
What are the Common Misinterpretations of the Projection Model and
Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
The metaphor of “projection” can imply an extension from a current trend, thus
the projection model is often incorrectly assumed to function like the trajectory
model. Pursuing a goal of prediction can lead to diminishing returns for the goal of
incentivizing growth.
The word “projection” is consistent with both prediction and the extrapolation of
a line, thus the projection model is often assumed to work the same as a trajectory
model. Instead, the two contrast starkly, and no trajectory over time is modeled or even
recoverable from the construction of the projection model.
When the cohort that estimates the prediction equation differs from the cohort whose
scores are predicted, poor prediction and systematic distortions can be introduced into the
model. The prediction equations will also tend to degrade over time as the relationships
between grade-to-grade scores change with shifting instruction and accountability
structures. More generally, violations of the linear regression model, including nonlinearity
of relationships between target and predictor grades, will have similar negative effects on
prediction accuracy.
Finally, strict adherence to the goal of predictive accuracy is likely to diminish the
formative potential of this particular model. First, maximizing prediction motivates the
incorporation of ancillary predictor variables that may have weak substantive justification,
like including scores from other subjects or demographic variables. These will improve
prediction but are poorly aligned with intuition about classroom learning. Second,
teacher response to a student with low predicted growth does not follow from the model,
particularly when so few of the variables are under the teachers direct control. Trying to
maximize the accuracy of future predictions seems at odds with the classroom goal, which
is, ideally, rendering predictions for low-scoring students inaccurate. When multi-predictor
prediction equations show that no score on any single test is sufficient to raise a low-
projection student to an on-track designation, the predictive accuracy of the model seems
to diminish the incentives to teach these students. Although a status model layered over a
projection model can provide more hope for these “condemned-by-prediction” students,
gain-based alternatives like trajectory models may allow for improved incentives while
preserving a reasonable level of predictive utility (Hoffer, Hedberg, Brown, Halverson,
Reid-Brossard, Ho, & Furgol, 2011; Ho, 2011).
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Ho, A.D. (2011). Supporting growth interpretations using through-course assessments. Austin,
TX: Center for K–12 Assessment & Performance Management, ETS, from http://www.
Hoffer, T.B., Hedberg, E.C., Brown, K.L., Halverson, M.L., Reid-Brossard, P., Ho, A.D., and Furgol,
K. (2011). Final report on the evaluation of the growth model pilot project. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Education, from http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/disadv/
growth-model-pilot/gmpp-fi nal.pdf.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The Student Growth Percentile Model
The Student Growth Percentile (SGP) model offers a
normative foundation for the calculation and interpretation
of growth. Although this model uses a relatively complex
statistical framework, the procedure is open-source,
well described, and explainable with accessible, visually
appealing graphics (Betebenner, 2009). Because the SGP
model is a relatively recent and popular development, this
chapter will offer a particularly detailed exposition.
Damien Betebenners SPG model (Betebenner, 2010b)
involves two related procedures resulting in 1) student
growth percentiles, which will be referred to as “SGPs,
and 2) percentile growth trajectories (see further discussion
of Betebenner’s model in the following pages). These
primarily support interpretations of growth description
and growth prediction, respectively. SGPs locate current
student status relative to past performance history and
thus use a conditional status statistical foundation. SGPs
answer the question
What is the percentile rank of a
student compared to students with
similar score histories?
Simplistically, SGPs describe the relative location of a
students current score compared to the current scores of
students with similar score histories. The location in this
reference group of “academic peers” is expressed as a
percentile rank. For example, a student earning an SGP of
80 performed as well as or better than 80 percent of her
academic peers.
A strict implementation of this procedure would seem
to involve the selection of “academic peers” that have
identical previous scores. This is impractical and imprecise with large numbers of prior grade scores.
Regression-based methods can address this problem, but, as described in previous chapters, linear
Aliases and Variants:
The Colorado Model
Percentile Growth
Trajec tories
Conditional Status Percentile
Primary Interpretation:
Growth description
Growth prediction
Statistical Foundation:
Conditional status model
Metric/Scale: Percentile rank
(whole numbers 1 - 99)
Data: Set of psychometrically
sound tests over two or more
grade levels in a single domain
and large sample sizes
Group-Level Statistic: Median/
mean SGP – describes the
average/typical status of students
relative to their past performance,
or percentage of students on-
track (to a future standard)
Set Growth Standards:
Requires judgment about an
adequate SGP or median/
average SGP. Predictions require
a future standard and a time
horizon to meet the standard.
Operational Examples:
NCLB Growth Model (e.g.,
Colorado and Massachusetts)
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
regression methods require 1) assumptions of linear relationships between predictors and outcomes
and 2) equal variability in current scores across prior-year scores. The computation of SGPs involves a
more fl exible statistical tool called quantile regression that loosens these requirements to fi t a broader
range of test score distributions in practice. The software that estimates SGPs is open-source and
freely available in the statistical software package, R.
Figure 6.1
Illustration of a Simple Linear Regression Line (that models the conditional average) and
the Median Quantile Regression Line (that models the conditional median)
Grade 4
Grade 3
Regression of Current Grade 4 Scores on Prior Grade 3 Scores
Linear Reg Line
Median Quartile Line
A simple linear regression model, like the one shown by the solid black line in Figure 6.1, results
in a single line that represents the best prediction of an outcome variable (current status) by a
predictor variable (past performance). Equivalently, this line represents a “conditional average,
the average value of the outcome at each level of the predictor. In Figure 6.1 and in real data, the
line represents an approximation of the conditional averages — a best guess about the value of
an outcome given a predictor.
Instead of fi tting one line for the conditional average, the SGP model fi ts 99 lines, one for each
conditional percentile, 1 through 99. As a point of reference, the 50
line is the line for the
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
conditional median, and it is shown by the dashed black line in Figure 6.1. Typically, for real
statewide datasets, the median quantile regression line and the simple linear regression line will
likely be closer together than they are in this illustrative example, which is based on a very small
dataset. This conditional median line represents the best guess about the median of an outcome
given a predictor, just as the usual regression line represents the best guess about the average of an
outcome given a predictor. Points closest to this conditional median line will be assigned an SGP of
50. For instance, two students actually lie on this line — the middle Grade 4 scoring student of the
three students who scored 345 in Grade 3 and the lower Grade 4 scoring of the two students who
scored 355 in Grade 3. These two students will receive SGPs of 50. Students at points above the
conditional median line will be assigned SGPs higher than 50 according to the conditional percentile
lines to which they are closest and vice versa for students at points below this line.
For illustrative purposes, this chapter explains the empirical calculation of SGPs in a simplistic
case with limited data. This empirical method is analogous to operational SGP calculations and
provides intuition about the statistical machinery underlying SGPs. We refer the interested reader
to the SGP R package and references by its primary author, Betebenner, for a full description of
operational SGP computations.
An extension of the SGP model known as “percentile growth trajectories” supports growth
predictions. The approach has similarities to both the trajectory model and the projection model,
where SGPs are extrapolated and assumed to be maintained over time. This prediction helps to
answer the question
Assuming the student maintains her SGP over time, what will her future score be?
This future score can be compared to a target future standard to support an “on track”
designation. In this standards-based context, an alternative framing is captured by the question
What is the minimum SGP a student must maintain to reach a target future standard?
When determining whether students are “on track,” these two questions are functionally equivalent.
Determining whether a students predicted future status exceeds the future standard is equivalent
to determining whether the student’s trajectory exceeds the minimum required trajectory. This
equivalence was established in the context of the trajectory model in Section 2.5. Both the trajectory
model and the percentile growth trajectories procedures involve an assumption of students continuing
on their same “growth” path. The trajectory model operates under the assumption of linear growth,
where students maintain constant gains each year. The percentile growth trajectories, in contrast,
assume students maintain constant ranks with respect to their academic peers each year.
The percentile growth trajectory procedure is also similar to the projection model, in that growth
See Betebenner (2009; 2010a; 2010b).
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
predictions require data from a cohort of students that has already reached the target grade
of interest. These reference cohorts provide the hypothetical trajectories for each student’s
extrapolated SGP over time. However, percentile growth trajectories are less data driven than
the projection model. Previous data are used to estimate where consecutively maintained SGPs
will lead into the future, but the data are not used to predict whether or not students will actually
consecutively maintain these SGPs. Thus, percentile growth trajectories, like the trajectory model,
make an aspirational, descriptive assumption that a measure of growth is maintained over time.
Question 6.1:
What Primary Interpretation Does the Student Growth Percentile Model
Best Support?
The SGP model supports growth description with SGPs and growth prediction with
percentile growth trajectories.
This guide considers growth models less as coherent packages than as collections of defi nitions,
calculations, and rules. The SGP model is an example of this, where SGPs describe growth
through one procedure, and percentile growth trajectories predict growth through an additional
layer of assumptions. These latter assumptions include students’ maintenance of SGPs over
consecutive years. The distinction between SGPs and percentile growth trajectories is analogous
to the distinction between the gain-score model and the trajectory model, but this chapter
discusses both given the unfamiliar statistical machinery that they both share.
SGPs describe the relative performance of students by comparing their current scores to those of a set
of students with similar scores on prior grade-level tests. The SGP metric expresses this relative status
in terms of percentile ranks. Typically, SGPs are expressed as whole number values from 1 to 99. By
creating norm groups of students with similar past scores, both low- and high-performing students
can theoretically receive any SGP from 1 to 99. In other words, SGP models will typically have zero or
near-zero associations between status and SGPs, a unifying feature of conditional status models. In
contrast, gain-based models can have these associations built into the vertical scale, ideally to refl ect
true changes in the variability of student achievement over time. From the perspective of growth
description, these associations may be desirable to the extent that they refl ect true growth over time.
From the perspective of evaluation for accountability, these associations may seem unfair.
If the desired use of the growth model is to predict future student performance, the SGP model can be
extended to provide percentile growth trajectories. These trajectories assume that students will maintain
their SGPs through to the future, continuing to obtain scores at the same relative rank with respect to
their academic peers. In practice, 99 different percentile growth trajectories can be computed starting
at each score point and continuing into the future. For a group of 30 students who happen to have
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
30 different current scores, there will be 30 x 99 = 2970 possible trajectories, 99 for each student. The
predicted trajectory for each student is the one that corresponds to his or her current SGP.
Each percentile growth trajectory assumes that a student at a particular starting score will have a
particular SGP and maintain that SGP each year. In this way, the percentile growth trajectory that
corresponds to a student’s actual SGP will lead to a predicted score in the future. This score can
be compared to a target score at a time horizon, or, equivalently, the student’s actual SGP can be
compared to the SGP required to reach the target future score. The derivation of these trajectories
is described later in this chapter.
Question 6.2:
What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Student Growth
Percentile Model?
The SGP model is a conditional status model.
SGPs represent conditional status. They re-express a student’s current score as a percentile rank
in a theoretical distribution of students with identical past scores. This statistical foundation is
best understood through an illustration of the computation of SGPs. The SGPs currently used by
states like Colorado and Massachusetts rely on a statistical tool called quantile regression. The
term “quantile” is general and includes “percentile” as a special case, and, in fact, the statistical
method underlying the SGP model is more literally “percentile regression.” We begin with a
heuristic example that introduces the central idea supporting interpretations of SGPs — the
academic peer group. Although this is not precisely the way SGPs are estimated in practice, it is a
useful intuitive aid that supports understanding of the actual procedure.
Figure 6.2 introduces a longitudinal dataset for a cohort of Grade 4 students with one prior year
of Grade 3 scores. Like the conditional status models from the two previous chapters, SGPs can
accommodate scores from any number of prior grade levels and other non-test-score variables as
well, but this one-prior-year case will suf ce as an illustration. The initial Grade 3 score scale has
scores ranging from 200 to 300 and represents the “initial status” of students in this cohort. Arrows
are located at Grade 3 scores of 220 and 280 to focus exclusively on the students who earned these
particular Grade 3 scores. Six students earned a score of 220 on the Grade 3 test, and six other
students earned a score of 280. These students are represented by stick fi gures located above their
current” Grade 4 score on a score scale that ranges from 250 to 350. In each set of students, one
student earned a score of 310 on the Grade 4 test, which, in this hypothetical scenario, refl ects an
above-average score. Although these two students earned the same current Grade 4 score, they
are in different relative positions among their “academic peers,” their peers with the same Grade 3
scores. The percentile ranks of these two students are displayed in boxes above their heads.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Figure 6.2
Illustration of a Heuristic Approach to Computing Student Growth Percentiles
250 270 290 310 330 350
220 240 260
Initial Grade 3
Current Grade 4
Percentile Rank = 75
280 300
250 270 290 310 330 350
Current Grade 4
Percentile Rank = 42
The percentile ranks of these two students are heuristic estimates of their SGPs, their percentile
ranks within their group of “academic peers.” The percentile rank calculation follows simply
from their ranks. Given the small number of students in each group of academic peers, we use
the following percentile rank formula that has a slight adjustment for small, discrete variables.
Percentile Rank =
Number of students below Score + (.5 * Number of students at Score)
Number of students in the academic peer group
This formula allows for calculation of any students percentile rank relative to their academic peers by
simply counting the number of students below and at the student’s score. Among the six students
who scored 220 in Grade 3, the student who scored a 310 in Grade 4 has four students scoring
strictly below her and only one student, herself, scoring at her score. Her percentile rank is then
Percentile Rank =
Number of students at or below 310 + (.5 * Number of students at 310)
Number of students in the academic peer group
4 + (.5 * 1)
×100 = 75
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
This supports a statement like, “This student performed as well as or better than 75 percent
of her academic peers.” Among the six students who scored a 280 in Grade 3, the student
who scored a 310 in Grade 4 has two students scoring strictly below his score and only himself
scoring at his score. His percentile rank is then
Percentile Rank =
Number of students at or below 310 + (.5 * Number of students at 310)
Number of students in the academic peer group
2 + (.5 * 1)
×100 75
This supports a similar statement, “This student performed as well as or better than 42 percent
of his academic peers.
The SGP model does not actually divide students into groups with identical past scores. This
heuristic approach would result in intractably small groups when there are multiple prior year
scores. With one prior year as in Figure 6.2, the numbers of students with the same prior year
scores may be large. However, with two or more years, the numbers of students with the exact
same prior year scores will dwindle and become unsupportable as a reference group. Instead,
the SGP model performs a kind of smoothing that borrows information from nearby academic
peer groups to support the estimation of percentile ranks. Even though increasing the number
of prior year scores will diminish the sizes of groups of students with identical past scores, this
borrowing of information allows for continued support of SGP estimation.
The actual calculation of SGPs involves the estimation of 99 regression lines,
one for each
percentile from 1 to 99. In Figure 6.1, this can be visualized by 99 lines that curve from the
lower left to the upper right and try to slice through their respective percentiles at each level
of the Grade 3 score. For example, the 50
regression line is given by the dashed black line
and estimates the median Grade 4 score at each Grade 3 score. This line passes through
the central score of the trio of students who scored 345 in Grade 3. It does not pass exactly
through the central score of the trio of students who scored 350 in Grade 3 because the line is
pulled upwards by the students who scored a 355 in Grade 3. This median regression line can
support interpretations like, “Students with a Grade 3 score of 350 have a predicted median
Grade 4 score of 365.” Accordingly, students with Grade 3 scores of 350 and observed Grade
4 scores of 365 have a SGP of 50. The 90
regression line will lie above the 50
regression line
Technically, the SGP model estimates regression lines only when there is a single prior year score. With
two prior year scores, these are regression surfaces in a three dimensional space. With three or more prior
year scores, these are regression hypersurfaces in multidimensional space.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
and may, for example, predict a Grade 4 90
percentile of 375. Students that are closest to the
regression line will be above the median regression line shown in Figure 6.1 and will be
assigned an SGP of 90.
This SGP of 90 indicates that this student performed as well as or better than 90 percent of her
academic peers. In practice, this will be an estimate that not only estimates percentile ranks
for students with the exact same previous scores, but also borrows information from “nearby”
students with similar, but not identical, past scores. This frames the academic peer group as
more of an academic neighborhood. This is illustrated by the fact that that median regression
line in Figure 6.1 does not go directly through the central score for students who scored a 350
in Grade 3; rather, the line is pulled up by the students who scored a 355 in Grade 3.
This metaphor extends to all conditional status metrics. SGPs, like residual gain scores,
describe growth in terms of relative status in an academic neighborhood. This conditional
status is normative and cannot be interpreted in terms of an absolute amount of growth on any
developmental scale. If there is an underlying vertical scale score with sound properties, there
would be no way to tell which SGPs, if any, would be associated with negative growth. Conditional
status is also dependent on the defi nition of the academic neighborhood, which changes with the
addition of additional prior grade scores or other predictor variables. These are not shortcomings
but reminders that conditional status metrics support a contrasting perspective on growth.
Question 6.3:
What are the Required Data Features for the Student Growth
Percentile Model?
The SGP model requires test scores for large numbers of students to support stable
estimation of SGPs.
Part of the appeal of SGPs and other conditional status metrics is that they do not require
test scores from multiple time points to share a common vertical scale. The SGP model is also
more fl exible than the residual gain model in that neither linear relationships nor common
outcome variance across predictor levels is required. However, this fl exibility can come at a
cost, as SGPs require estimation of large numbers of parameters for the 99 regression lines.
This requires suf cient data. A loose rule of thumb is to include at least 5,000 students,
but, like all guidelines, this can depend on a number of factors; in this case, it depends on
the interrelationships between the variables and the number of prior years of data included
(Castellano & Ho, in press).
Estimation tends to be most problematic for outlying students on
one or more test score distributions. These students can receive highly unstable SGPs as there
are too few students in the same academic neighborhood to obtain stable relative ranks.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 6.4:
What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can the Student Growth
Percentile Model Support?
SGPs are often summarized at the group-level with a median SGP that represents the
SGP of a typical student. It is also possible to use a simple average of SGPs for a group.
In either case, aggregated SGPs provide descriptive measures of group growth. In the
context of growth prediction, percentile growth trajectories can support calculation of
percentages of students predicted to be on track to reaching a desired standard.
The SGP model provides useful norm groups for describing student status. However, school
administrators and policymakers are often more interested in summary measures of student
growth than individual growth results. SGPs can easily be aggregated for any group of students
by taking the median or mean of the SGPs. In practice, median SGPs are the most common
aggregate SGP metric. The median function is motivated by the fact that SGPs are percentile
ranks and are thus on a scale that is generally not recommended for averaging (Betebenner,
2009). Others have shown that averages or averages of transformed percentile ranks can in some
cases support more stable aggregate statistics (Castellano & Ho, in press). Castellano, K. E. (2012).
Contrasting OLS and quantile regression approaches to student “growth” percentiles. Journal of
Educational and Behavioral Statistics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.3102/1076998611435413
These simple aggregates of SGPs support descriptions of group growth, whether the groups
are classrooms, schools, or districts. They summarize the distribution of SGP with an average or
typical value from the group. These measures can thus be described with statements like, “The
average fourth grade student in School A performed as well as or better than 55 percent of her
academic peers.” SGPs are generally not recommended for the support of causal, or value-added,
interpretations on their own (Betebenner, 2009). That is, they are not recommended in support
of interpretations like, “The fourth grade teachers at School A are the cause of this higher-than-
expected performance.
SGPs for a group can also be summarized by other statistics and graphical displays. These can
augment simple averages to provide a fuller picture of the distribution of SGPs for particular groups.
Additionally, the relationship between group SGPs and group status can be displayed to communicate
the distinction between high and low average status and high and low average growth.
In the context of growth prediction, percentile growth trajectories can be summarized at the
group level by calculating the percentage of students who are designated as on track to the
target future score. This is described in further detail in this next section.
For further information, this Colorado Department of Education website includes examples of
attractive SGP-related graphics summarizing school and district performance:
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 6.5:
How Does the Student Growth Percentile Model Set Standards for
Expected or Adequate Growth?
Like the residual gain model, the SGP model sets empirical expectations for growth through
the estimation of percentile regression lines. However, this statistical machinery is not
suffi cient to determine which SGPs are “good enough,” and additional standards may be
desired to support interpretations on the SGP scale. For growth prediction, percentile
growth trajectories can be compared to a future target score, such as the Profi cient cut
score in a target grade level. They can also be used to determine the minimum SGP a
student must maintain to reach the future target score.
An essential step in implementing most growth models is the defi nition and communication of
adequate growth. These determinations are useful at both the student and the group level. The
Colorado Department of Education (CDE) uses SGPs of 35 and 65 to distinguish among low,
typical, and high growth (CDE, 2009). In contrast, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education (MDESE) defi nes 5 growth categories at the student level: Very Low,
Low, Moderate, High, and Very High. These are delineated by SGP cuts of 20, 40, 60, and 80
(MDESE, 2009). These classifi cations support growth reporting and accurate user interpretation
of SGPs. At the aggregate level, median SGPs can also be evaluated with respect to standards,
where the most common standard in practice is a simple cut score set at 50 that delineates
groups with higher and lower growth than expected.
A higher-level standard setting approach arises from an extension of SGPs to support growth
predictions. These “percentile growth trajectories” can support inferences about student
trajectories toward a particular standard, such as Profi cient or College and Career Ready.
Percentile growth trajectories combine aspects of the projection and trajectory models.
Like the projection model, percentile growth trajectories are found by estimating regression
equations using cohorts of students who already have scores from the future target grade
level. These prediction equations are then applied to students whose future trajectories are
of interest. Like the trajectory model, percentile growth trajectories assume that students
will maintain constant gains each year. For percentile growth trajectories, a constant gain is
the maintenance of the same SGP each year into the future. This is akin to an assumption of
continued relative gains.
The trajectory model can both predict a future score and report the minimum gain necessary to
achieve a future standard. Similarly, percentile growth trajectories can predict where a student will
be in the future and also report the minimum SGP that must be maintained to reach the future
target. Percentile growth trajectories can also report a range of future outcomes associated with
the maintenance of different SGP levels. Figure 6.3 reproduces a plot from a presentation by
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Betebenner (2011) that shows a range of percentile growth trajectories for a student. These plots
are rich with information about student status, growth, and predicted growth.
Figure 6.3 shows one student’s observed Reading scores from Grades 3 to 6 with predictions to
Grade 7. This student is currently in Grade 6, scored a 609 on the reading achievement test, is
Profi cient, and given her scores in Grades 3, 4, and 5, scored an SGP of 90. In the next year, there is
a distribution of colors — green, yellow, and red — showing where the student is predicted to fall
if the student scores a high, typical, or low SGP next year. These predictions are constructed from
percentile growth trajectories one year into the future. Although all 99 percentile growth trajectories
are not specifi ed in the fi gure, the color bands summarize the span of trajectories across the SGP
range. The color classifi cations are based on Colorado’s SGP cut scores of 35 and 65.
Figure 6.3
An Illustration of Percentile Growth Trajectories
66th - 99th
CSAP Reading
Scale Score
36th - 65th
1st - 35th
Part Proficient
Scale Score
Achievement Level
Growth Percentile
Growth Level
Grade 3
Part Proficient
Part Proficient
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Next Year
Source: Betebenner (2011). Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://ccsso.confex.com/ccsso/2011/
webprogram/Session2199.html. This fi gure was generated using the “studentGrowthPlot”
function using the SGP package and R software. Several states are currently using this package
to produce student reports for their state assessment programs.
Figure 6.3 also shows that the student will continue to be profi cient if she has a high SGP,
but a typical SGP will result in a decline from profi cient to partially profi cient. A particularly
low SGP could result in a decline to the “unsatisfactory” category. The fi gure emphasizes the
importance of standard setting, not only in the defi nition of high, typical, and low growth, but
in the articulation of standards across grades. The fi gure also masks an essential assumption
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
underlying the plot: a vertical scale underlies all of the grade level tests. Without an assumed
or actual vertical scale, these kinds of plots cannot be constructed. With a vertical scale,
alternative gain-based models become possible and represent useful contrasts.
Question 6.6:
What are the Common Misinterpretations of the Student Growth
Percentile Model and Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in
Accountability Systems?
Student Growth Percentiles are often incorrectly assumed to describe an absolute amount
of growth in a normative frame of reference. They are instead a relative metric in two
ways, both with respect to the variables included as predictors and with respect to other
students in the model. Group-level SGPs may be overinterpreted as value-added measures
when they are not intended to support these inferences on their own.
A literal interpretation of a growth percentile is one where growth is expressed as a percentile
rank. This might entail describing an absolute growth measure like a gain score in terms of its rank
relative to other gain scores. This percentile rank of gain scores is a gain-based expression that is
a natural extension of a gain-score model. In contrast, SGPs represent a relative metric in at least
two ways. First and most intuitively, like any percentile rank, SGPs describe growth normatively
with respect to a particular reference group. Second and less intuitively, the SGP — and any
conditional status approach to growth — defi nes status relative to other variables in the model.
In the case of SGPs, these predictor variables are the prior grade scores that set expectations
for current status. As such, adding or removing prior grade variables will alter SGPs, because
expectations about status will change when expectations are based on different pieces of
information. Of course, gain-based models will also change as prior-grade variables are
added, but the quantity estimated in gain-based models (the average gain or slope) generally
improves as more information is added. In conditional status models like SGPs, the addition of
information fundamentally changes the expectations and therefore the substantive defi nition of
the quantity being estimated.
As an example of this, assume that a fi fth grade student with a prior year of fourth grade data has
an SGP of 90. Say that a research analyst uncovers an additional previous year of data from third
grade, recalculates all SGPs, and fi nds that the student now has an SGP of 50. Is the students true
SGP 50, 90, or somewhere in between? There is no single answer to this question. The SGP of
90 compares the students current status to academic peers defi ned by fourth grade scores. The
SGP of 50 compares the students current status to academic peers defi ned by third and fourth
grade scores. If it seems that more grades allow for an improved defi nition of academic peers,
then why not improve the defi nition further by including demographic variables?
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Expectations change based on the predictors used to set expectations, thus there is no
immediately obvious answer to the question of which SGP is “true.” In contrast, if a student
gains 10 points from Grades 3 to 4 and 90 points from Grades 4 to 5, there is a clearer
argument for averaging these gains to obtain an average gain. This is not an inherent advantage
of gain-based models or a disadvantage to conditional status models. Conditional status should
depend upon the variables used to set expectations, and this is preferred if there is substantive
interest in these expectations. The distinction emphasizes that these two statistical foundations
support fundamentally different conceptions of growth.
Like gain-based models and, more directly, residual gain models, SGPs can be arti cially
increased by defl ating initial year scores. In the intuition of SGPs, this defl ation changes the
academic peer group of students to one that will tend to be lower scoring, resulting in an infl ated
SGP. As a corollary, this will also infl ate percentile growth trajectories. As with other models, these
incentives can be diminished through a thoughtful combination of status and growth model.
Betebenner, D.W. (2009). Norm- and criterion-referenced student growth. Educational
Measurement: Issues and Practice, 28(4), 42–51, from http://www.ksde.org/LinkClick.asp
Betebenner, D.W. (2010a). New Directions for Student Growth Models. Dover, NH: National
Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. Presentation dated December
13, 2010 from http://www.ksde.org/LinkClick.aspx?fi leticket=UssiNoSZks8%3D&tabid=4
Betebenner, D.W. (2010b). SGP: Student Growth Percentile and Percentile Growth Projection/
Trajectory Functions. (R package version 0.0-6).
Betebenner, D.W. (2011). New directions in student growth: The Colorado growth model. Paper
presented at the National Conference on Student Assessment, Orlando, FL, June 19, 2011,
from http://ccsso.confex.com/ccsso/2011/webprogram/Session2199.html.
Castellano, K.E., and Ho, A.D. (in press). Contrasting OLS and quantile regression approaches
to student “growth” percentiles. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.
Colorado Department of Education (CDE). (2009). The Colorado growth model: Frequently
asked questions. Retrieved April 27, 2012, from http://www.schoolview.org/GMFAQ.asp.
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE). (2009). MCAS
student growth percentiles: State report. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://www.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
The Multivariate Model
The multivariate model is designed for the primary
purpose of supporting value-added inferences for teachers
and schools. It supports answers to questions such as
How much better or worse did the
students in a particular classroom perform
when compared to expectations given
1) students’ scores in other grades and subjects,
2) average district scores for each
grade-subject combination, and
3) other teachers who are previously or
currently teaching the same students?
The term “multivariate,” meaning multiple variables,
arises from the model’s consideration of all student score
variables, past and current, as a simultaneous target for
modeling. Through this complex web of students moving
through classrooms, schools, and school districts over
time, statistical expectations for student performance
are set. Higher or lower than expected performance can
be directly related with students’ particular teachers or
schools, resulting in estimates for each teacher or school.
These estimates are often interpreted as causal
effects — the teacher or school’s direct contribution
to average student performance. These inferences are
generally dif cult to support using model results alone.
For simplicity, we will explain the underpinnings of the multivariate model using classrooms
and their teachers as the target of inference. In many models, including the popular
Educational Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS) (Sanders & Horn, 1994) that we will
use in this chapter as our prototypical multivariate model, these teacher associations are
assumed to persist undiminished into the future. This persistence suggests that the student
performance attributable to a students third grade teacher persists into fourth grade, fi fth
Aliases and Variants:
• Sanders Model
• TVAAS/Tennessee Model
• Layered Model
Variable Persistence Model
Cross-Classifi ed Model
Primary Interpretation:
Statistical Foundation:
Usually a standardized
(standard deviation unit) scale
Data: Generally no vertical
scale is required; multiple years
of data are recommended for
teachers and students
Group-Level Statistic: Teacher
Set Growth Standards:
Standards required to support
absolute or relative distinctions
among teacher/school effects,
e.g., awards/sanctions to top/
bottom 5%.
Operational Examples:
Ohio and Tennessee
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
grade, and so on. This is sometimes called a layered model, in a reference to the layering
of estimated teacher “effects” onto a particular student over time. It is possible to relax this
assumption using a “variable persistence” model (McCaffrey, Lockwood, Koretz, Louis, &
Hamilton, 2004).
The EVAAS model sets expectations for any particular teachers students by considering
all of these students’ scores, usually in a fi ve-year window, both before and after the
students enter and leave the teachers classroom, and including all scores in other subjects.
In addition, the district’s average scores are factored into the expectation, as well as the
teacher estimates from all of the students’ other teachers over time. The EVAAS model and
multivariate models in general are capable of incorporating other student-, teacher-, and
school-level demographic or structural variables, although this is not done operationally
(Ballou, Sanders, & Wright, 2004). The EVAAS model is complex, requires highly specialized
and proprietary software, and is dif cult to explain without reducing teacher estimates to a
simplistic “value added” (causal) inference.
Question 7.1:
What Primary Interpretation Does the Multivariate Model Best Support?
The multivariate model supports value-added interpretations by expressing a teacher’s
students’ performances in terms of their average distance from expectations. These
expectations are set by considering students’ other test scores, average district
performance, and the other teachers that the students have had.
The primary outputs of interest from the EVAAS model are teacher-level, not student-level
estimates. These estimates are found using equations for each grade and subject test
that are connected through the covariance matrix, a summary of the interrelationships
between test scores over grade levels. The multivariate model improves upon the
covariate adjustment model (see Section 4.4), which also models “effects” for groups, by
incorporating more information: over time, across subjects, and across other teachers.
The intuition underlying the multivariate model is that a student’s entire score history
can be affected by membership in a particular teacher’s classroom. As a heuristic device,
imagine that we wish to estimate the added value associated with being in a particular
classroom at a particular grade. We can take all the students who passed through that
classroom and compare them to students like them, taking into account scores on other
tests and the other teachers that they have had. Average differences between the score
histories of students with this particular teacher and the score histories of other students
can be described as a “teacher effect.” This is only a heuristic that understates the
complexity and assumptions of the multivariate model considerably, but it illustrates how
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
this model can support interpretations about the contribution of teachers to student test
scores. The EVAAS model can be applied to multiple cohorts, and a more stable estimate
for a teacher in a particular grade and subject area can be calculated by pooling teacher
estimates from different cohorts together (Braun, 2005).
These estimates can support value-added interpretations. This assumes a causal
attribution of the difference between actual and expected classroom performance to the
particular teacher for that grade and subject. It is best to supplement these estimates
with other sources of information when evaluating the teachers effectiveness. For
instance, the EVAAS model does not take into account the specific strategies and lesson
plans that teachers utilize, preventing understanding of the mechanisms that might
underlie added value (Braun, 2005). Although the EVAAS teacher estimates undergo a
great deal of scrutiny and may have higher reliability than, say, classroom observations,
triangulation of multiple sources of information is always desirable when making high-
stakes decisions.
Question 7.2:
What is the Statistical Foundation Underlying the Multivariate Model?
As the name suggests, these models use a multivariate statistical foundation that allows for
simultaneous consideration of many years of student scores as well as scores in other subjects.
From a more advanced statistical perspective, the gain-based and conditional status
models are actually restrictive special cases of the multivariate model, which in its most
unspecifi ed form represents a useful unifying framework. From a practical perspective,
and as the model is operationalized, the multivariate foundation is a stark contrast to
the foundations underlying gain-based and conditional status models, which result in
substantially more interpretable output. The advantages of the multivariate statistical
foundation include the opportunistic use of data, not only over time but also across
subjects and for students with missing data, to maximize information about the students in
teachers’ classrooms. The model is also fl exible enough to allow for the layering of teacher
estimates onto any given student’s scores in a way that simpler models cannot. Alternative
forms of the model can include an estimate of the fading out of teacher associations over
time in what is known as a variable persistence model (McCaffrey, et al., 2004).
To help visualize the mechanics of the EVAAS model, the following layering of equations
demonstrates how each student’s grade-level score is decomposed for the simplest case
of a single school system, a single subject, and a single cohort of students with Grade 3 to
Grade 6 scores:
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Student i’s Grade 3 Score = Average Grade 3 Score + Grade 3 Teacher Estimate
+ Individual Student Error for Grade 3
Student i’s Grade 4 Score = Average Grade 4 Score + Grade 3 Teacher Estimate
+ Grade 4 Teacher Estimate
+ Individual Student Error for Grade 4
Student i’s Grade 5 Score = Average Grade 5 Score + Grade 3 Teacher Estimate
+ Grade 4 Teacher Estimate + Grade 5 Teacher Estimate
+ Individual Student Error for Grade 5
Student i’s Grade 6 Score = Average Grade 6 Score + Grade 3 Teacher Estimate
+ Grade 4 Teacher Estimate + Grade 5 Teacher Estimate
+ Grade 6 Teacher Estimate
+ Individual Student Error for Grade 6
These equations demonstrate the persistence of a teachers estimate into each subsequent grade-
levelthat is, the Grade 3 teacher estimate is carried over to Grades 4, 5, and 6, and, similarly, the
Grade 4 teachers estimate is carried over to Grades 5 and 6, and so on. A variable persistence
model would allow the magnitude of a prior grade-level teachers estimate to decrease over time.
It is not easy to deduce from the above equations precisely how the teacher estimates are
estimated. A detailed explanation of this statistical model is beyond the scope of this chapter.
However, it is useful to note that in the fi rst grade-level included in the model, the teacher
estimate is not adjusted for any prior performance or other “historical factors,” such as
demographic or economic variables. Thus, these historical factors are confounded with the Grade
3 teacher estimate and should therefore be interpreted cautiously (McCaffrey, et al., 2004).
Disadvantages to this statistical approach include a lack of parsimony and clarity in model
interpretation. Gain-based models align with intuitive notions of growth over time. Conditional
status models align less well to intuitive conceptions of growth, but it is not dif cult to imagine
an expected score empirically determined from past scores and a referencing of actual
performance to expected performance. The conditional interpretation from the multivariate
model is aggregated to the level of teachers or schools, and the expectation is based on 1)
not only past scores but future scores after students leave a teacher’s class, 2) not only same-
subject scores but all available scores, and 3) a layering of other teacher associations from all
teachers who have ever had each student in their class. Although it is easy to casually abstract
these scores to “value added,” the more rigorous interpretation considers the variables that set
the expectations, and these variables are numerous with complex interrelationships.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 7.3:
What are the Required Data Features for the Multivariate Model?
The multivariate model is very fl exible in terms of the data it can utilize. Generally, it
can accommodate a large amount of test score data from multiple grade-levels and
subjects. Moreover, as this model is primarily for producing group-level estimates
(e.g., for teachers or schools), students not only need to have unique identifi ers but
also identifi ers for all of their teachers, schools, and districts over time so that these
associations can be tracked in the model.
Without the need to report student-level growth results, the sample sizes of interest
pertain to the number of test scores for students in each teacher’s classroom over time.
The ef ciency of the model in using available data usually results in a substantial
improvement over covariate-adjustment models, although this can also sacrifi ce
interpretability of model results. A vertical scale is not required for most uses of the
multivariate model, but standard deviation units are assumed to hold consistent meaning
across grades and subjects. Due to the assumption of persistent teacher effects, their
magnitudes, expressed in standard deviation units, are assumed to stay constant across
the test score scales of different grades and subjects.
Question 7.4:
What Kinds of Group-Level Interpretations can the Multivariate
Model Support?
The multivariate model is designed for group-level interpretations, particularly at the
classroom level, although school and district level interpretations are also possible
through minor reconfi gurations of the model.
Generally, teacher or school estimates from the EVAAS model are most appropriate for
identifying teachers who may benefit from additional professional development and for
identifying schools for further investigation as they may be underperforming. In these
cases, the group-level estimates serve as a screening tool that selects teachers or
schools that may need additional resources (Braun, 2005). Value-added interpretations
of the group-level estimates should be triangulated with other sources of information,
such as teacher portfolios and classroom observations. Given that the entire focus
of this chapter is on group-level interpretations, we do not expand on this topic
further here.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Question 7.5:
How Does the Multivariate Model Set Standards for Expected or
Adequate Growth?
The “value-added” scores are most often interpretable in terms of standard deviation
units with respect to a baseline average centered on zero. Relative comparisons of value-
added scores are possible, such as fl agging a certain top and bottom proportion for
further investigation.
The multivariate model results in a distribution of educator or school estimates. These are not
interpretable on an absolute scale and must be interpreted normatively. Standards may be set
by selecting a top or bottom proportion or identifying a number of standard deviation units
away from a reference point. Additionally, statistical signifi cance tests can be conducted to
support inferences about an educator’s estimate being higher or lower than a particular target
cut score to a degree of statistical signifi cance.
Question 7.6:
What are the Common Misinterpretations of the Multivariate Model and
Possible Unintended Consequences of its Use in Accountability Systems?
The interpretation of value-added scores as actual value that a teacher has added is an example
of a naming fallacy — naming a metric “value added” does not necessarily make it so.
Ascribing causal effects to teachers is generally not warranted by educational data designs. It
is more precisely a deviation from expectations associated with the class of students, where
the expectation is set by student scores and students’ past and future teachers from other
classrooms. This more disciplined interpretation can allow for an interpretation of the “teacher
effect” in context and a deeper exploration of plausible alternative explanations for high or low
scores. Moreover, some studies have found that the most extreme ranks — those at the very
top and bottom — are unreliable (Lockwood, Thomas, & McCaffrey, 2002), which could have
substantial implications for high-stakes decisions focused on the very top and bottom ranked
teachers. In addition, often only a small fraction of teachers, 33 percent or less, are found to be
reliably different from the average teacher in a district (Braun, 2005).
Like conditional status models, multivariate models do not allow for intuitive growth
interpretations but instead represent an enhancement of status interpretations by incorporating
a reference point, an expectation based on other information. Like incentives for gain-based
models, a teacher is incentivized to maximize the scores of the students in his or her class. The
teacher also benefi ts if the scores of his or her students are artifi cially defl ated in every other
classroom except that teacher’s own.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Ballou, D., Sanders, W., and Wright, P. (2004). Controlling for student background in value-added
assessment for teachers. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 29(1), 37-65,
from http://web.missouri.edu/~podgurskym/Econ_4345/syl_articles/ballou_sanders_
value_added_JEBS.pdf. doi: 10.3102/10769986029001037
Braun, H. (2005). Using student progress to evaluate teachers: A primer on value-added models.
Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, from http://www.ets.org/Media/Research/
Lockwood, J.R., Thomas A.L., and McCaffrey, D.F. (2002). Uncertainty in rank estimation:
Implications for value-added modeling accountability systems. Journal of Educational
and Behavioral Statistics, 27(3): 255-270.
McCaffrey, D.F., Lockwood, J.R., Koretz, D., Louis, T.A., and Hamilton, L. (2004). Models for
value-added modeling of teacher effects. Journal of Educational and Behavioral
Statistics, 29(1): 67-101.
Sanders, W.L., and Horn, S.P. (1994). The Tennessee value-added assessment system (TVAAS):
Mixed-model methodology in educational assessment. Journal of Personnel Evaluation
in Education, 8(3): 299-311.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Growth model classifi cation systems, like growth models themselves, serve multiple purposes. Two
documents associated with this guide deserve special attention for their growth model classifi cation
systems, the CCSSO Growth Model Comparison Study (Goldschmidt, Choi, & Beaudoin, 2012) )
and the CCSSO Understanding and Using Achievement Growth Data brochure (Council of Chief
State School Of cers, 2011). CCSSO’s growth brochure was intended as a concise review of growth
model principles, and the Growth Model Comparison Study is more empirical, more technical, and
focuses primarily on school-level accountability metrics. In contrast, The Practitioner’s Guide to
Growth Models represents a middle ground, an in-depth overview of the growth model landscape.
The distinct purposes of these three documents lead to different growth model classifi cations. This
appendix summarizes the contrasting growth classifi cation schemes.
The CCSSO brochure identifi ed fi ve basic types of growth models: Categorical, Gain-Score,
Regression, Value-Added, and Normative. These fi ve growth model types are listed and related to
this guide’s terminology in Table A.1 below. For instance, this guide also reviews Categorical and
Gain-Score models but emphasizes that the Categorical model is a type of gain-based model that
creates an implicit vertical scale. This is elaborated fully in Chapter 3 on the Categorical model.
The Practitioner’s Guide treats the Regression model as a statistical approach that underlies many
models. Regression is essential for all models that use the conditional status statistical foundation,
from Projection Models to Student Growth Percentiles. Regression, as a statistical technique, also
supports Multivariate models. Although a Regression model refers in practice to Projection models
for growth prediction and Covariate Adjustment models for value-added inferences, this guide uses
regression” in reference to the statistical technique.
Finally, this guide uses “normative” to refer to the referencing of scores to a norm group, that is,
a reporting technique, and not a particular model. Although Student Growth Percentiles report
scores on a norm-referenced metric, other growth models are also capable of reporting different
conceptions of growth in a norm-referenced fashion.
Table A.2 below presents the 9 growth models reviewed in the Growth Model Comparison Study.
One of the uses of this guide is to help to contextualize and explain the observed differences
between growth models when they are applied to real data. An important conceptual distinction
between the Practitioner’s Guide and the Growth Model Comparison Study is that the latter focuses
on a single purpose, a “value-added” type of ranking, at a single level of aggregation — the school
level. In contrast, this guide includes multiple purposes, including growth description and growth
prediction, and multiple levels, including the student, teacher, and school levels.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Table A.1
Mapping Growth Model Terminology from CCSSO’s Understanding and Using
Achievement Growth Data to those in this Practitioner’s Guide
Understanding and Using
Achievement Growth Data
Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Categorical Æ
Categorical Model and Type of Gain-Based Model
Gain-Score Æ
Gain Score Model and Type of Gain-based Model
Regression Æ
A statistical approach that supports many models, Residual
Gain, Projection, Student Growth Percentiles, Covariate
Adjustment, and Multivariate
Value-Added Æ
A purpose associated with many models, particularly
Covariate Adjustment and Multivariate Models
Normative Æ
A reporting metric associated particularly with Student
Growth Percentiles, but more broadly applicable
Table A.2
Mapping Growth Model Terminology from the CCSSO Growth Model Comparison Study
to those in this Practitioner’s Guide
Growth Model Comparison Study
Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Simple Gain Æ
Gain Score Model and Type of Gain-Based Model
Fixed Effects Gain Æ
Type of Gain-Based Model
True Score Gain Æ
Type of Multivariate Model
Covariate Adjustment with Æ
School Fixed Effects
Covariate Adjustment Model
Covariate Adjustment with Æ
School Random Effects
Covariate Adjustment Model
Simple Panel Growth Æ
Type of Multivariate Model
Layered Model Æ
Type of Multivariate Model
Student Growth Percentile Æ
Student Growth Percentiles (in the Student Growth
Percentile Model)
Growth to Standards Æ
Trajec tor y Model
See CCSSO (2011).
See Goldschmidt et al. (2012).
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Auty, W., Bielawski, P., Deeter, T., Hirata, G., Hovanetz-Lassila, C., Rheim, J., Goldschmidt, P.,
O’Malley, K., Blank, R., and Williams, A. (2008). Implementer’s guide to growth models.
Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Of cers.
Baker, E.L., Barton, P.E., Darling-Hammond, L., Haertel, E., Ladd, H.F., Linn, R., Ravitch, D.,
Rothstein, R., Shavelson, R.J., Shepard, L.A. (2010, August). Problems with the use of
student test scores to evaluate teachers (Economic Policy Institute Briefi ng Paper #278).
Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://epi.3cdn.net/724cd9a1eb91c40ff0_hwm6iij90.pdf.
Ballou, D., Sanders, W., and Wright, P. (2004). Controlling for student background in value-
added assessment for teachers. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 29(1),
37-65. Retrieved March 30, 2012, from http://www.epi.org/publication/bp278/.
Beimers, J. (2008). The effects of model choice and subgroup on decisions in accountability
systems based on student growth. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa.
Betebenner, D.W. (2009). Norm- and criterion-referenced student growth. Educational
Measurement: Issues and Practice, 28(4), 42–51.
Betebenner, D.W. (2010a). New Directions for Student Growth Models. Dover, NH: National
Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. Presentation dated December
13, 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://www.ksde.org/LinkClick.aspx?fi leticket=
Betebenner, D.W. (2010b). SGP: Student Growth Percentile and Percentile Growth Projection/
Trajectory Functions. (R package version 0.0-6).
Betebenner, D.W. (2011). New directions in student growth: The Colorado growth model. Paper
presented at the National Conference on Student Assessment, Orlando, FL, June 19,
2011. Retrieved March 29, 2012, from http://ccsso.confex.com/ccsso/2011/webprogram/
Braun, H. (2005). Using student progress to evaluate teachers: A primer on value-added models.
Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service. Retrieved March 30, 2012, from http://www.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Buzick, H.M., and Laitusis, C.C. (2010). A summary of models and standards-based applications
for grade-to-grade growth on statewide assessments and implications for students with
disabilities (Educational Testing Service TS RR-10-14). Princeton, NJ: ETS. Retrieved
March 29, 2012, from
Castellano, K.E., and Ho, A.D. (in press). Contrasting OLS and quantile regression approaches
to student “growth” percentiles. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics.
Colorado Department of Education (CDE). (2009). The Colorado growth model: Frequently
asked questions. Retrieved April 27, 2012, from http://www.schoolview.org/GMFAQ.asp.
Council of Chief State School Of cers.(CCSSO). (2011). Understanding and using achievement
growth data. Growth Model Brochure Series. Retrieved September 19, 2012, from http://
Delaware Department of Education. (2010). For the 2009-2010 school year: State accountability
in Delaware. Retrieved on April 29, 2012, from http://www.doe.k12.de.us/aab/
DePascale, C.A. (2006). Measuring growth with the MCAS tests: A consideration of vertical
scales and standards. Dover, NH: National Center for Improvement in Educational
Assessment. Retrieved on March 29, 2012, from http://www.nciea.org/publications/
Dunn, J.L., and Allen, J. (2009). Holding schools accountable for the growth of nonprofi cient
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A Practitioner’s Guide to Growth Models
Katherine E. Castellano, Ph.D.
University of California, Berkeley
Katherine E. Castellano is an Institute of Education Sciences postdoctoral fellow at the
University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Castellano manages operational assessment projects for
the Berkeley Evaluation and Assessment Research Center and conducts research related to
multilevel models and student growth models. She is particularly interested in the properties
of student growth percentiles at the individual- and aggregate-level and how this popular
metric compares with other regression-based approaches. Dr. Castellano has consulted for the
National Opinion Research Center on the Final Report on the Evaluation of the Growth Model
Pilot Project and has interned at Westat, the United States Department of Energy, the National
Center for Education Statistics, and the Educational Testing Service (ETS). She received the
2010 ETS Harold Gulliksen dissertation fellowship and was awarded the L.B. Sims Outstanding
Masters Thesis award in 2008. She earned her Ph.D. in educational measurement and statistics
from the University of Iowa, where she also completed her masters degree in statistics.
Andrew D. Ho, Ph.D.
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Andrew Ho is an Assistant Professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He is a
psychometrician interested in educational accountability metrics, an intersection of educational
statistics and educational policies. He has studied the consequences of profi ciency-based
accountability metrics, the validation of high-stakes test score trends with low-stakes
comparisons, and the potential for alternative accountability structures — such as “growth
model” and “index systems”— to improve school- and classroom-level incentives. He has his
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and his masters degree in Statistics from Stanford University.
Dr. Ho has been a postdoctoral fellow at the National Academy of Education and the Spencer
Foundation. He is also a recipient of the Jason Millman Promising Measurement Scholar Award
from the National Council on Measurement in Education.