Est. 1833
Est. 1833
Me s sag e f roM t h e Pr e s i d e n t
Dear Mercer Graduate:
On behalf of the entire Mercer University community, I congratulate you on the occasion of your graduation. You have
achieved one of the most signicant goals of your life, and you have added immeasurably to the intellectual and spiritual
foundation on which you will stand in the years ahead.
You may be receiving your rst Mercer degree, or perhaps your accomplishment represents your second or even third degree
from the University. Whichever it may be, you share a common bond with all of the graduates today of having made real what
was once an aspiration. As a graduate, you are entitled to feel a strong sense of fulllment as you reect on your hard work and
personal commitment.
With each passing year, you will nd that memories of your Mercer experiences will grow to mean more to you. As you reect
on the friendships, the learning experiences, the joys and the frustrations of the time you have spent at Mercer, you increasingly
will come to realize that the University is a part of your life forever.
Commencement is a rewarding time for the faculty and staff as students move beyond the University to continue along
their life’s path. The measure of a university is not the accolades accumulated from popular college guides and national
rankings. The true measure is the transformation our students experience that prepares them to be intelligent, thoughtful and
compassionate leaders who are committed to making a positive difference in their community and the world. We encourage
you to stay in touch with the University in the years ahead.
We are grateful that you chose to pursue your educational goals here and that you always will be a part of Mercer University.
William D. Underwood
Me rc e r Un i v e r s i t y co M M e n c e M e n t s
Approximately 2,257 students will participate in Mercer University’s 2024 commencements.
To make graduation a special day for these students and their families, Mercer University will conduct ve ceremonies in May.
Each ceremony will be unique and will reect the schools and colleges represented.
school of Medicine
Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 2:00 p.m.
Hawkins Arena, University Center, Macon Campus
school of law
Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 10:00 a.m.
Hawkins Arena, University Center, Macon Campus
Sunday, May 12, 2024 | 12:00 p.m.
Gas South Arena, Duluth
College of Nursing | College of Pharmacy
College of Health Professions
Sunday, May 12, 2024 | 5:30 p.m.
Gas South Arena, Duluth
School of Business | College of Education
College of Professional Advancement | School of Theology
Monday, May 13, 2024 | 8:00 a.m.
Five Star Stadium, Macon Campus
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Business | School of Engineering
College of Education | College of Professional Advancement
School of Music | College of Health Professions
ta b l e o f con t e nts
Mercer University coMMenceMents
Mercer TradiTions .......................................................................................................................... 6
UniversiTy Honors .......................................................................................................................... 8
scHool of Medicine coMMenceMenT .............................................................................................. 15
scHool of law coMMenceMenT ...................................................................................................... 21
aTlanTa coMMenceMenT cereMony i ......................................................................................... 25
College of Nursing
College of Pharmacy
College of Health Professions
aTlanTa coMMenceMenT cereMony ii ......................................................................................... 31
School of Business
College of Education
College of Professional Advancement
School of Theology
Macon coMMenceMenT ................................................................................................................... 39
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Business
School of Engineering
College of Education
College of Professional Advancement
School of Music
College of Health Professions
Message froM THe alUMni associaTion .......................................................................................... 48
PHi BeTa KaPPa ZeTa of georgia .................................................................................................... 49
Mercer UniversiTy Profile ............................................................................................................. 50
eMBleMs (Mace and seal) ............................................................................................................... 52
acadeMic regalia ........................................................................................................................... 52
Medallion of PHi KaPPa PHi ........................................................................................................... 53
alMa MaTer (Macon and aTlanTa) .............................................................................................. 53
officers, deans and Board of TrUsTees ........................................................................................ 54
scHools, colleges and oTHer enTiTies .......................................................................................... 55
s P i r e s a n d to w e r s
Each fall, part of new student orientation includes a trek up a combination of ladders, spiral staircases and
wooden stairs in the Godsey Administration Building, the Macon campus’s oldest structure, to reach the
tower overlooking campus. Students write their names, graduating years and sometimes favorite messages
anywhere from the rst stairwell to the actual tower. In addition to the majestic spires adorning the
Godsey Administration Building, the Macon campus skyline is also known for the spires of Willingham
Auditorium and Newton Chapel.
Pi l g r i M a g e t o Pe n f i e l d
Since the early 1900s, Mercer undergraduates have been making the trip from Macon to Peneld
to celebrate the founding of Mercer University. The Pilgrimage to Peneld, as the tradition is now
called, has evolved over the years from a celebration for graduating seniors to an integral part of the
Mercer rst-year experience.
Peneld, which is located in rural Greene County, was the home of
Mercer from 1833-1871. It was named after Josiah Peneld, a Savannah
merchant, who challenged the Georgia Baptist Convention to match
his $2,500 contribution and support an educational institution. The
Convention, fueled primarily from Jesse Mercer’s nancial contribution
and leadership, met the challenge and opened Mercer Institute in 1833.
It was renamed Mercer University in 1838.
Today, at Peneld, students participating
in the Pilgrimage nd the original University
chapel, the foundation of the rst University academic
building, and a cemetery that includes the gravesites of Jesse Mercer,
as well as a number of former University presidents, trustees and leaders.
J e s s e M e rc e r P la z a
Statues of Jesse Mercer sit casually on benches in the middle of Mercer’s
Macon and Atlanta campuses. The youthful-looking founder of Mercer is staged
at a sideways angle, looking ready for a conversation with a passing student.
Occasionally, the statue’s head is rubbed by a frantic or uneasy student,
hoping the tradition of good luck will work on an upcoming exam.
During nals, trafc past Mercer’s respected namesake increases
The statues in Macon and Atlanta are encircled by quotes from
Jesse Mercer, personally selected by Mercer’s 17th president, Dr. R.
Kirby Godsey.
Me rc e r tr a d i t i o n s
6 | M e r c e r T r a d i T i o n s
Mercer University is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the South
and over 191 years has developed a number of cherished traditions.
Since the statue was installed on the Macon campus in 1995, this area in the main Quadrangle has become one of the
most visited sites on campus by students and alumni. The statue, sculpted by Don Haugen of Marietta, was duplicated on the
Atlanta campus in 2005. Beginning in 2009, rst-year students, as part of Fall Convocation, and graduating seniors, as part of
Baccalaureate, began processing past the Jesse Mercer statue on the Macon campus, rubbing his head at the beginning of their
academic careers and at the conclusion of their Mercer tenures.
The statue was unveiled in 1995 in conjunction with the reintroduction of the tradition of Founders’ Day. The statue was
paid for by a Student Government Association fund established specically for constructing the Jesse Mercer statue.
f o U n d e r s da y
For a university that is almost two centuries old, Founders’ Day is bound to be special.
While the annual celebration has a checkered history, the tradition is as strong
as ever today. Founders’ Day began in 1891, 20 years after the University
moved from Peneld to Macon. At that time, Founders’ Day was a
celebration centered on Jesse Mercer’s birthday. Mercer’s two competing
literary societies, Phi Delta and Ciceronian, each brought in a speaker to
honor the heritage of Mercer and its founder.
Founders’ Day remained a signicant annual event for Mercer for the
next 40 or 50 years, according to Dr. Doug Pearson, vice president and
dean of students. The occasion had different formats during this period,
ranging from political events attended by state governors to all-day
historic celebrations.
While this tradition remained strong during the early- to mid-1900s,
interest began to wane in the 1950s and 1960s. By the end of the 1960s,
the tradition had been completely removed from the University calendar. The absence of Founders’ Day lasted until the mid-
1990s. At that time, the Student Government Association brought the event back to the Macon campus.
ri n g i n g t h e ti f t b e l l
When Tift College merged with Mercer in 1986, the alumnae of the Forsyth
women’s school were apprehensive about Mercer’s commitment to honor the Tift
heritage. Mercer had joined with the Tift College Alumnae Association to create a plan
to honor the historic institution, but when Mercer closed the campus in 1987, that
concern was heightened by many members of past classes.
Then-President Dr. R. Kirby Godsey acknowledged the challenges of merging
Tift into Mercer, especially following the closing of the school. During that period of
the late 1980s, he continued to stress Mercer’s commitment to honoring the legacy
and heritage of Tift.
That persistence paid off for Mercer and Tift alumnae, primarily through
the partnership of past alumnae and current Mercer women participating in the
Tift College Scholars Program. This program provides scholarships, leadership
development and, most importantly, mentoring from Tift alumnae to 125 women attending Mercer, which also named its College
of Education for Tift in 2001.
The preservation of the Tift legacy is a combination of the heritage of Tift and the momentum of Mercer. Part of this history
and tradition is the ringing of the Tift Bell, which was relocated to the Macon campus after the merger. Tift graduates began
ringing the bell in 1959 as part of commencement festivities.
Me r c e r T r a d i T i o n s | 7
8 | U n i v e r s i T y Ho n o r s
n March 1999, Judge Grifn B. Bell was awarded the Distinguished Service Award in Trusteeship by the Association
of Governing Boards and Universities. The longtime Mercer Trustee was one of two national honorees selected from
the 50,000 board members who volunteer their time to higher education. The University, in Judge Bell’s honor, was
presented a $10,000 unrestricted cash award. At its April 2000 meeting, the Mercer Board of Trustees voted to use
the award to establish the Grifn B. Bell Award for Community Service. This award is presented annually to deserving
graduating students from among Mercer’s 12 schools and colleges.
the honorable griffin b. bell
Originally from Americus, Grifn B. Bell graduated cum laude from Mercer University’s School
of Law with an LL.B. degree in 1948. He practiced law in Savannah and Rome, before joining the
law rm of King & Spalding in Atlanta as a partner in 1953.
In 1959, while a senior partner at King & Spalding, Judge Bell was appointed Chief of Staff by
Georgia Gov. Ernest Vandiver. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy appointed him as a judge of
the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. After 15 years of service on the Court
of Appeals, Judge Bell returned to King & Spalding. He resigned from the rm to become the
72nd Attorney General of the United States on January 26, 1977, following his nomination by
President Jimmy Carter.
He served as U.S. Attorney General until August 16, 1979, when he returned to King & Spalding, serving as chair of
its Policy Committee. An active counselor and advisor to leaders in Congress, the U.S. Attorney General’s ofce and U.S.
presidents, Judge Bell’s inuence was wide reaching. He is recognized as one of the country’s great Americans. Judge Bell
died January 5, 2009, at the age of 90.
gr i f f i n b. be l l awa r d f o r
co M M U n i t y se rv i c e
Un i v e r s i T y H o n o r s | 9
2024 gr i f f i n b. be l l awa r d r e c i P i e n t
ciandra calhoUn
College of Health Professions
During her time at Mercer, Ciandra “CiCi” Calhoun has made her mark on the community
and campus as a servant leader and role model. She now graduates from Mercer’s physician
assistant program with a Master of Medical Science and previously earned a Bachelor of Science
in business administration with a concentration in marketing at Georgia Institute of Technology.
Calhoun has a heart for service and she has made time for numerous volunteer activities amid
her rigorous academic coursework. She has worked with refugee patients at Grace Village Medical
Clinic in Clarkston, provided care to migrant farmworkers at the Georgia Farmworker Project
in South Georgia, cared for homeless patients during Lazarus Health Day in downtown Atlanta,
participated in nearly all of the physician assistant program’s service-learning offerings, and
volunteered at admissions outreach events.
She was selected as a 2022-23 Physician Assistant Education Association Student Health Policy Fellow and chosen
as the recipient of the inaugural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Scholarship from the Georgia Association of Physician
Assistants. In addition, Calhoun helped to establish the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee in Mercer’s
Department of Physician Assistant Studies during her tenure as diversity chair of the Godsey-Matthews Society.
She believes in compassionate care and has sought to inspire the next generation of physician assistants, including
as a mentor to middle and high school students through the Project Access pipeline initiative. She also presented a
workshop on “Becoming a Physician Assistant: Education, Resources and Condence” during the 2023 Georgia Health
Occupations Students of America State Leadership Conference.
Calhoun has a desire to improve health equity in underserved communities and foster a more diverse and inclusive
environment in her eld. As a National Health Service Corps Scholar, she will dedicate the rst several years of her
career to working in an area with a shortage of health professionals. She wants to focus on women’s health and be an
advocate for policy changes to improve maternal health outcomes in Georgia.
To view past Grifn B. Bell Award for Community Service winners,
wa l l a c e od e l l dUva l l
ex c e l l e n c e i n le a d e r s h i P awa r d
The Wallace Odell DuVall Excellence in Leadership Award at Mercer University recognizes the outstanding
leadership of a graduating senior from one of the University’s undergraduate schools and colleges. For award
consideration, students must be recommended by a faculty or staff member and nominated by their respective dean.
Eligible candidates must demonstrate the abilities to motivate and inspire the condence and trust of others, while
possessing vision, intelligence, integrity and common sense, and having a good academic record. The selected recipient
receives a nancial award.
Wallace Odell DuVall (1901-1993) was an Atlanta attorney who spent most of his career in the banking industry.
He served as secretary and attorney of the Atlanta Building and Loan Association, which later became Georgia Federal
Savings and Loan Association, of which DuVall became chair of the Board of Directors and chair of the Executive
Committee. A generous benefactor and longtime friend of Mercer University, he was a founding trustee of Atlanta Baptist
College, which merged with Mercer in 1972 and became the University’s Atlanta campus. He served three terms on
Mercer’s Board of Trustees, 1972-77, 1978-83 and 1985-90. The Dean’s Suite at the Law School is named for him, as well
as an academic building on the Atlanta Campus, where his portrait hangs.
10 | Un i v e r s i T y H o n o r s
benJaMin sMith
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
It wasn’t long after stepping onto the Macon campus that Benjamin Smith started nding
ways to get involved at Mercer. In addition to excelling academically by obtaining dual degrees
in biology and communication studies, he has taken on many leadership roles, approaching each
with joy, kindness and dedication. His warm personality has made him well known and beloved
across campus, leading his classmates to choose him as the 2023 Homecoming King.
He has earned the respect, admiration and ear of his peers, advocating for their needs and
often emerging as a voice of reason. With the Student Government Association, Smith was
elected as a freshman senator; class president for his sophomore and junior years; chair of the
organizational affairs committee; and student body president for his senior year.
He also has served as a resident assistant, peer advisor and member of the orientation leadership team, as well as a
member of the student leadership team and Mercer experience team for the Ofce of Undergraduate Admissions. He has
been involved in the Baptist Collegiate Ministries, including as treasurer, and participated in Mercer On Mission trips
to Rwanda and the Republic of Georgia. In addition, he’s a member of Phi Eta Sigma and Omicron Delta Kappa honor
Smith has bled orange and black over the past four years, demonstrating his love for Mercer in every action. He has
proven himself a compassionate and collaborative leader with a heart for serving others and making a difference.
To view past Wallace Odell DuVall Excellence in Leadership award winners,
th e Ja M e s t. Mc af e e , Jr ., en d o w e d vi s i o n
a n d le a d e r s h i P sc h o l a r s h i P fU n d
The James T. McAfee, Jr., Endowed Vision and Leadership Scholarship Fund recognizes outstanding leadership
abilities of a junior, senior or graduate student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Business, College
of Education, School of Engineering, School of Music, College of Pharmacy, College of Health Professions, College of
Nursing, School of Medicine, School of Theology or College of Professional Advancement.
James T. McAfee, Jr., (1939-2004) provided strong leadership to Mercer University as chair and a member of the
Board of Trustees. He was a generous benefactor of the University, and Mercer’s School of Theology in Atlanta is named
for him and his wife, Carolyn McAfee Bruner, a life member of the University’s Board of Trustees. A nationally recognized
leader in the health care industry, he served as chair of Hallmark Systems, Inc., an Atlanta-based health care ownership
and management rm. He also was chair of the board of Baptists Today. He was a graduate of Union University in
Jackson, Tennessee, and Georgia State University in Atlanta. He received honorary doctorates from Union in 1990 and
Mercer in 1999.
The James T. McAfee, Jr., Endowed Vision and Leadership Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 by his wife
and son, J. Thomas McAfee, III, a graduate of Mercer’s School of Business and a member of the University’s Board of
Un i v e r s i T y H o n o r s | 1 1
nathaneal barrow
College of Professional Advancement
Nathaneal Barrow, who was born in Tucson, Arizona, but raised in Macon, dreamed of being
a superhero. In common story lines about superheroes, some lose their powers and regain them,
some sacrice themselves to save others, and some overcome childhood traumas or tragedies.
Barrow has lived all of those story lines.
Barrow did not graduate from high school and immediately enroll in college. He initially chose
to serve his country by enlisting in the military. Barrow received multiple awards, including the
Army Service Ribbon for Excellence in Leadership Development, Non-Commissioned Ofcer
Professional Development Ribbon, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, National Defense
Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with Campaign Star and
NATO Medal for service in an imminent danger zone of hazardous duty.
While deployed to Afghanistan and on patrol outside of Kandahar, Barrow’s convoy triggered an IED buried in the
road that sent the vehicle rolling into a ditch. He sustained severe injuries to his lower back, pelvis and abdominal organs
that required numerous surgeries and eventually led to his medical retirement at the rank of sergeant. Barrow was in a
wheelchair at one point and told he would never walk again. He said he felt like he went from being a superhero to being
nothing at the age of 25. Suffering from chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder, Barrow found himself falling into
a dark hole and reaching for whatever might relieve the physical and emotional pain. He began to self-medicate with
addictive substances, and his downward spiral accelerated after he lost his brother to suicide in September 2021.
Barrow amazingly mustered the courage to push back against the darkness surrounding him from his injuries, combat
trauma and brother’s death. He entered a cognitive behavioral therapy program, and, after 18 months, was cleared to
graduate from the program. The lead therapist requested that he continue to attend the meetings to offer his example,
wisdom and support to new veterans joining the therapy group. As Barrow attended therapy sessions as a mentor to the
newer members, he realized his life’s work — to become a counselor to veterans struggling with the same kinds of issues
that he experienced.
Barrow completed a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the College of Professional Advancement in December
2023 and began his master’s program in clinical mental health counseling in January 2024. He is the inaugural student
from the College of Professional Advancement to receive the McAfee Vision and Leadership Scholarship. In his letter
of nomination, Dr. Craig McMahan wrote, “Nathaneal Barrow has endured some of the most painful and traumatic
experiences anyone could imagine. By his own fortitude and the grace of God, he is turning these nightmares into dreams,
the dreams of helping others. I am condent that he will use his experience and Mercer education to lead others through
their own darkness into the light.”
Matthew sMith
School of Business
Matthew Smith, from Macon, is graduating from the School of Business with a Bachelor
of Business Administration degree in management. While a student at Mercer, he was elected
vice president of the Student Government Association and helped allocate funding to student
organizations and clubs as part of the organizational affairs committee. Smith has been actively
involved in the Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) leadership team, serving as outreach
coordinator to maintain consistent communication with peer groups and assisting with the
guidelines of weekly messages. He has represented the University positively to prospective
students and their families as a member of the Ofce of Admissions’ Mercer Experience Team.
Smith, whose parents met at and graduated from Mercer, and his two siblings, who are also
graduating in the Macon commencement ceremony, “bleed orange and black,” according to his nomination letter from
Dr. Doug Pearson.
Faith is important to Smith. He has grown up in Vineville Baptist Church in Macon, where he sings in the choir,
assists with the children’s sermon on a rotating basis and assists with youth events. He graduated from Mount de Sales
Academy in 2020 with a diploma endorsement in business. He participated in theater, basketball and tennis and was a
member of the Student Council.
12 | Un i v e r s i T y H o n o r s
In summer 2022, Smith traveled with a Mercer On Mission team to Rwanda, where he helped teach university
students how to create marketing plans and promoted entrepreneurial development. He also traveled with BCM during
spring break 2023 to the Dominican Republic, where the Mercer team partnered with Holt’s House of Hope.
Throughout his college career, Smith has been a coach with Macon-Bibb Tennis, leading private lessons and
mentoring young people. Working with children and youth through tennis helped Smith realize his dream of starting a
nonprot that would create an after-school program that centers on physical and spiritual development.
Smith gained experience with a local nonprot organization as an intern with United Way during fall semester 2023.
He contacted potential businesses for campaign involvement, prepared and executed campaign kickoff events and
assisted in auditing the local schools’ campaigns. Smith intends to earn a Master of Business Administration degree on
Mercer’s Atlanta campus to gain the skills and acumen to create a nonprot that offers after-school sports and activities
to children and youth and also incorporates a devotional time.
To view past James T. McAfee, Jr., Endowed Vision and Leadership Scholarship recipients,
lo U i e d. ne w t o n ge n e r a l ex c e l l e n c e Me d a l
The Louie D. Newton General Excellence Medal is presented to the graduating student who best exemplies
scholastic achievement, personal integrity and character, service to the campus community and a commitment to spiritual
values. The award is named in honor of Dr. Newton, Mercer alumnus, former Mercer professor, Christian journalist,
distinguished pastor and renowned denominational leader.
Jose l. garcia-esPinosa
School of Business
Jose L. Garcia-Espinosa is a giver who has left a positive mark on the Mercer and local
community during his undergraduate career. A double-major in accounting and nance with
a minor in marketing, his intellectual curiosity and genuine love for learning have inspired his
peers and enriched his classrooms. With a humble and generous nature, he gladly and without
hesitation organized study groups, offered peer tutoring, shared his talents and took action when
he saw a need.
He has immersed himself in academic and extracurricular opportunities at every turn, always
bringing his contagious smile and unmatched energy to the table. Garcia-Espinosa was a senior
portfolio analyst for Mercer’s Student-Managed Index Fund, director of communications for Beta
Alpha Psi accounting honor society, director of nances for Phi Delta Theta fraternity, treasurer of the Prosthetics and
Orthotics Club and director of service for the Financial Management Association, which he and other seniors helped
revive from dormancy. He was also inducted into the Beta Gamma Sigma international business honor society.
Garcia-Espinosa served as project manager for Trafck Jam — a fundraiser for MU Miracle’s Bearthon — and was an
enthusiastic member of the Mercer Maniacs, Mercer Car Club and Mercer marching band. In addition, he was a camp
counselor and student council member for Jay’s Hope 4 Kids with Cancer, and since he is uent in Spanish, he was an
English tutor for parents of high school students in Bibb County’s English to Speakers of Other Languages program.
Garcia-Espinosa’s academic excellence and commitment to bettering his community have positioned him to be a
mover and a shaker in his future.
To view past Louie D. Newton General Excellence Medal winners,
Un i v e r s i T y H o n o r s | 1 3
al g e r n o n sy d n e y sU l l i va n Me da l
The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Medal is presented to the graduating students who best exemplify excellence in
character, leadership, service to the community and commitment to spiritual values. This medal was established by The
New York Southern Society in 1925, and at Mercer University in 1926, in memory of Mr. Sullivan, a great humanitarian
and philanthropist.
JaMyah coMbs
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jamyah Combs has served her community with the utmost compassion, integrity and respect,
exemplifying Mercer’s mission and values in the process. A global health studies major with
double-minors in anthropology and sociology, she has made assisting others a priority and has
demonstrated strong moral principles and honesty in her actions.
Through art and advocacy, she has supported initiatives to foster a welcoming multicultural
community at Mercer and to promote diversity and inclusion. Combs has served as president of
the Mercer International Bears Association and secretary of the Mercer Community Health and
Promotion Scholars.
In addition, she completed Mercer’s certicates in Applied Social Justice and Peace Corps
Prep and was a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and Phi Beta Kappa honor society. She was an ambassador
for Mercer’s Ofce of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives, a student mentor for the Minority Mentor Program and a
participant in Mercer On Mission trips to Tanzania and Mexico. She was part of a collaborative effort to develop an
exhibit commemorating the 60th anniversary of integration at Mercer that was displayed in the Frances Sewell Plunkett
Gallery. She also worked with Mercer student artists to create a moveable canvas mural celebrating the representation of
minority cultures and reclamation in the Macon-Mercer community.
Combs is a gracious leader who is dedicated to engaging with and improving her community. With her determination
and passion, she has a bright future ahead as a change-maker and an advocate.
williaM cUMbia
School of Theology
Helping others have a better life is both a passion and a priority for William Cumbia. He
completed his Master of Divinity with a certicate in interfaith dialogue online at Mercer’s
School of Theology in December, while simultaneously living and working in Europe to change
the world through other endeavors. He also holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in
marketing from the College of William and Mary.
Cumbia has served as the coordinator for migration issues for the European Baptist Federation
since 2021 and a eld coordinator for a partnership focused on refugee work with the Baptist
General Association of Virginia since 2019. For four years, he worked with Project Gemeinde
Baptist church in Vienna, Austria, as an intern and refugee integration leader.
In these roles, his focus has been working with Farsi-speaking refugees in Vienna and migrant populations from across
the Middle East and Africa seeking safety in Europe. He has become a Baptist leader on issues of migration, refugees and
asylum seekers and worked to support the hospitality and care of Baptist churches who have welcomed displaced people
across Europe and the Middle East.
Cumbia has a genuine love for people and feels a calling to help those who have been marginalized by war and
religious persecution, as well as LGBTQ+ people who have been ostracized by their communities. He has supported
fundraising for many relief efforts, and he often puts the needs of others before his own.
Cumbia is a Mercer Bear on a mission, and his combined experience and knowledge have set him up to continue to
change the world for the better.
To view past Algernon Sydney Sullivan Medal winners, visit
14 | Un i v e r s i T y H o n o r s
Jo e a n d Je a n he n d r i c k s
ex c e l l e n c e i n te a c h i n g awa r d
The Joe and Jean Hendricks Excellence in Teaching Award is a University-wide award given at Commencement to
an outstanding teacher at Mercer. Personal attention to students and a focus on superior teaching are distinguishing
characteristics of a Mercer education, and this award elevates and honors these values. The award is named for two of
Mercer’s greatest teachers. Dr. Joe Hendricks and his older sister, Dr. Jean Hendricks, are both legendary at Mercer for
their dedication to students and for their ability to engage students in transformative learning and discovery.
Dr. Jean Hendricks, a 1942 graduate of Tift College, earned her Ph.D. from Florida State University, served as chair
of the Department of Psychology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and was the beloved dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences in Atlanta. Dr. Joseph Hendricks, a 1955 graduate of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
earned his Ph.D. from Emory University, taught in the First-Year Seminar program for 32 years (both Jean and Joe were
instrumental in creating this long-running program), founded the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences and taught for years in the Department of Christianity in the College of Liberal Arts and
The Joe and Jean Hendricks Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes a full-time teacher in one of Mercer’s 12
schools and colleges who best exemplies the qualities that distinguished Joe and Jean Hendricks as teachers and mentors
to generations of Mercer students:
– Challenging and inspiring teaching in and out of the classroom;
– Active engagement of students in the process of learning, discovery and leadership; and
– Caring mentoring to motivate students and junior faculty to achieve their highest aspirations.
The award carries with it a $5,000 stipend.
balint kacsoh, M.d., Ph.d.
School of Medicine
Dr. Balint Kacsoh inspires those around him to seek a deeper understanding through
education. He joined the School of Medicine faculty in 1992 and is a professor of histology and
physiology in the Department of Biomedical Sciences.
Born and raised in Hungary, Kacsoh holds an M.D. from Semmelweis University of Medicine
in Budapest, Hungary, and a Ph.D. in medical sciences/endocrinology/physiology from the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He came to the United States at age 27 and has been teaching
since 1979. He has extensive knowledge in histology, molecular and cellular biology, anatomy,
embryology and physiology.
Caring about students as individuals is the centerpiece of Kacsoh’s teaching philosophy. He is
always available to them and pairs his high expectations with support and encouragement.
He creates a dynamic and engaging learning environment and individualizes his teaching as the setting permits. He
delivers difcult material in an understandable way while also fostering curiosity, urging his students to be active learners
through problem solving and critical thinking.
Kacsoh has received numerous teaching honors while at the School of Medicine, including the Outstanding Faculty
Award, Outstanding Basic Science Faculty Award and Hooding Award. In 2019, he was named the inaugural recipient of
the Dr. Anna N. Walker Teaching Award.
sc hool o f Medi cine
co MMenc e Ment
16 | sc H o o l o f Me d i c i n e
Presiding ...................................................................................................................................... William David Underwood, JD
The President of the University
Call to Order ......................................................................................................................................... Paul C. McCommon, JD
Academic Procession* ......................................................................................................... Mercer University Pipes and Drums
Invocation* .................................................................................................................................. James Charles Elder, Jr., DMin
Pastor, First Baptist Church, Columbus
Trustee, Mercer University
Welcome ..................................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Greetings from the School .................................................................................................... Jean Rawlings Sumner, MD, FACP
Dean, School of Medicine
Greetings from the Board of Governors ..................................................................................... Jennifer Tarbutton, MD, FAAP
Chair, School of Medicine Board of Governors
Trustee, Mercer University
Introduction of Speaker ............................................................................................................................... D. Scott Davis, PhD
Commencement Address .............................................................................................................................. Caylee Noggle, MA
President and CEO, Georgia Hospital Association
University Honors ...................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Special Awards ...................................................................................................................... Jean Rawlings Sumner, MD, FACP
Conferring of the Degrees .......................................................................................................... The President of the University
Master of Family Therapy | Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences
Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences | Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Health Sciences | Doctor of Medicine
Awarding of Diplomas
........................................................................................................... Jean Rawlings Sumner, MD, FACP
Hippocratic Oath
............................................................................................................................. J. David Baxter, MD, FACP
Senior Associate Dean, Savannah
Special Programs Recognition ........................................................................................... Edwin Walker Grimsley, MD, MACP
Senior Associate Dean, Macon
Military Recognition .................................................................................................................. Don K. Nakayama, MD, FACS
Senior Associate Dean, Columbus
Alumni Welcome ....................................................................................................................... Kenneth W. Jones, MD, FAAFP
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Ofcer, Atrium Health Floyd
Special Music, Here I Am Lord ............................................................................................................... Melanie Buckner, DMA
Composed by Dan Schutte
Benediction* ................................................................................................................................. James Charles Elder, Jr., DMin
Academic Recession** ...................................................................................................................... Jonathan Alan Poe, MMus
Director of Music and Liturgy, Christ Church (Episcopal), Macon
Paul C. McCommon, JD
*The audience is requested to rise. **The audience is requested to remain in place until the completion of the academic recession.
Military Promotion Ceremony will be held in Hawkins Arena immediately following – Invitation Only.
sc hool o f Medi cine coMMenc eMent
Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 2:00 p.m. | Hawkins Arena, University Center, Macon Campus
Sc h o o l o f Me d i c i n e | 17
Caylee Noggle
Commencement Speaker
Caylee Noggle is the president and CEO of the Georgia Hospital Association (GHA). Prior to joining
GHA in August 2023, she served as the commissioner of the Georgia Department of Community Health
(DCH). Previously, she served in a variety of roles in the Ofce of Governor Brian P. Kemp, including as
the state’s chief management ofcer, interim chief of staff and deputy chief of staff for operations. She was
the rst woman in Georgia history to serve in a chief of staff capacity to the governor.
Before joining the Kemp administration in January 2020, Noggle served as president, interim president,
chief operating ofcer, and chief nancial ofcer for the Georgia Student Finance Commission. She holds
a bachelor’s degree from Millikin University and a master’s degree in college student affairs from the
University of Arkansas at Little Rock where she served as a nancial aid ofcer before moving to Georgia.
She played a central role in the state’s COVID-19 operational response, coordinating stafng
augmentation for health care facilities statewide, facilitating the Alternate Care Facility at the Georgia World Congress Center and
leading cross-agency efforts to plan and deploy vaccination and testing sites. During her tenure at DCH, she led efforts to implement
several new Directed Payment Programs that secured over $1 billion in new funding for hospitals around the state.
Noggle has previously served as director of the Physical and Economic Development Division in the Governor’s Ofce of
Planning and Budget where she handled budget and policy oversight for more than 20 state agencies. She also served as coordinator
of First Year and Academic Support programs at the University of West Georgia.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Georgia Lottery Corporation and a 2022 graduate of Leadership Georgia. She is
a past recipient of GASFAA’s Outstanding Service to Students Award and NASPA’s Graduate and Professional Student Award. She
and her family live in Atlanta and are members of Oak Grove United Methodist Church.
Co m m e N C e m e N t Pa r t i C i Pa N t s
FaCulty marshal
Andrew Benesh, PhD, LMFT
Interim Program Director, Master of Family Therapy Program
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
James E. Drummond, PhD
Director, Master of Science in Preclinical Sciences Program
Associate Professor of Microbiology
Christy C. Bridges, PhD
Director, Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Program
Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Anne Montgomery, PhD
Director, Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Health Sciences
Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine
Don K. Nakayama, MD, FACS
Senior Associate Dean, Columbus Campus
J. David Baxter, MD, FACP
Senior Associate Dean, Savannah Campus
Edwin Walker Grimsley, MD, MACP
Senior Associate Dean, Macon Campus
Roberta J. Weintraut, MD, FAAFP
Associate Professor of Family Medicine
18 | sc H o o l o f Me d i c i n e
arnold P. gold foUndation
leonard tow hUManisM in Medicine awards
A key component of medical education is the compassionate and humanistic care of patients.
In support of that premise, the NBI Healthcare Foundation initiated the Humanism in Medicine Awards
to recognize and honor graduating students and faculty members who have demonstrated the highest
standard of compassion and sensitivity in their interactions with patients. Mercer University School of
Medicine graduating students and the faculty have, respectively, chosen a faculty member and a student
who embody empathic, sensitive and respectful behavior in providing patient care.
20 2 4 fa c U lt y hU M a n i s M i n Me d i c i n e awa r d
Kristen Kettelhut Kahrmann, MD
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
20 2 4 st U d e n t h U M a n i s M i n Me d i c i n e awa r d
Chandler L. Cubbedge
dr. anna n. walker award
for teaching excellence
The Dr. Anna N. Walker Award for Teaching Excellence was developed in 2018 upon Dr. Walker’s
retirement and is deemed the highest award bestowed on a School of Medicine faculty member. The
award acknowledges Dr. Walker’s exceptional contributions to the School of Medicine and will annually
recognize a faculty member who is an outstanding teacher and mentor dedicated to Mercer’s mission.
20 2 4 awa r d f o r te a c h i n g ex c e l l e n c e
E.S. Prakash, MBBS, MD (Physiology)
Professor of Physiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences
sc H o o l o f Me d i c i n e | 19
Master of
faMily therapy
Matthew Dylan Barecky
Byron, Georgia
Lauren Belding
Peachtree City, Georgia
Toni LeNaye Belin Ingram
Atlanta, Georgia
Julia Amy Bondeson †
Suwanee, Georgia
Kelsie Dow Boyd †
Atlanta, Georgia
Kyana Sherie Brown †
Douglasville, Georgia
Michael Scott Clanton
High Falls, Georgia
Jenny Andrea Contreras
Atlanta, Georgia
Jasmin Alexandria
Copeland †
Thomasville, Georgia
Nicole Trina Del Vecchio †
Decatur, Georgia
Amanda Wilkinson
Tucker, Georgia
Bailey Lane Everett
Valdosta, Georgia
Rachel Marie Forrister †
Carrollton, Georgia
Olivia Nichole Greathouse
Perry, Georgia
Raekwon Grin †
Atlanta, Georgia
Michelle Anne
Hawksworth †
Woodstock, Georgia
Dayva Esperanza Hubbard †
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Brandon Barron Jacobs
Coee Springs, Alabama
Ayana Janelle Johnson
Detroit, Michigan
Tatyana Raven Jones
Fairburn, Georgia
Grace Dianne Lee †
Claremont, California
Deidreè Erin McVane
Macon, Georgia
Harrison Mitchell Parker
Dublin, Georgia
Eliza Anne Philbin
Palm Coast, Florida
Mary Kathleen Pickard
Macon, Georgia
Raven Elizabeth Pittman
Macon, Georgia
Kianna Porter-Simons †
Locust Grove, Georgia
Audrey Elaine Pugh †
Gray, Georgia
Krishna Priya Rayala
Cumming, Georgia
Janai Nicole Scott †
Macon, Georgia
Meredith Bailey Simmons †
Atlanta, Georgia
Ariyana Raechelle Smith
Warner Robins, Georgia
Ashley Alexandra Smith
Atlanta, Georgia
Ja’vya Jazmyne Smith
Frederick, Maryland
Deja Rae Tharpe
Macon, Georgia
Rachel Katharine Frances
Zimmerman †
Bloomington, Illinois
Master of
science in
Hashim Akhtar
Martinez, Georgia
Sahar Anis Ali
Forsyth, Georgia
Alexandra Isabel Bernard
Tifton, Georgia
Jordyn L. Carson
Marietta, Georgia
Victoria Amber Dawkins
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Ikponmwosa Jerey
Jonesboro, Georgia
Ashiana Clare Furtado
Douglas, Georgia
John David Gaddis
Conyers, Georgia
James Edward Harper III
Tignall, Georgia
Erica Latrese Holland
Macon, Georgia
Alauna Meré Hunt
Houston, Texas
Angel Chinelo Ibezi-
Duluth, Georgia
Mariah Johnson
Decatur, Georgia
Asia Bethany Laconico
Forsyth, Georgia
Gabriel Joshua Lockhart
Acworth, Georgia
Douglas Stephen Morris
Peachtree City, Georgia
Akash Jagdish Kumar
Macon, Georgia
Dhaval K. Patel
Warner Robins, Georgia
Tanisha Patel
Sylvester, Georgia
Jordan Michelle Simmons
Claxton, Georgia
Advaith Sunil
Columbus, Georgia
Melissa Tchomtchoua
Bafoussam, Cameroon
Trang Ngoc Vo
Lilburn, Georgia
Master of
science in
Jacob Andrew Allen
Columbus, Georgia
Lloryn Jahnee Cylin †
Hampton, Georgia
John Paul Escate
Kissimmee, Florida
Tyler Faircloth
Savannah, Georgia
Stan Patrick Heath
Tybee Island, Georgia
Hunter Baley Tinker
Atlanta, Georgia
doctor of
philosophy in
rural health
Herman Benjamin West †
Roberta, Georgia
doctor of
Muhammed Subhi
Ayman Al Jabi
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Delon Alaine Altherr
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Yazan Alwawi †
Centerville, Georgia
Neel Atawala
Albany, Georgia
Sara Catherine Auger
Tifton, Georgia
Sarah Bakr
Locust Grove, Georgia
Matthew Ryan Beblowski
Statesboro, Georgia
Rictavious J. Bowens
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Logan Douglas Brookshire
Rockmart, Georgia
Randall Cody Brown
Macon, Georgia
Kelby Flournoy Bulles
Barnesville, Georgia
Cody David Carrell †
Monroe, Georgia
Steven Henry Carroll
Towne Lake Hills, Georgia
Latisha Tamika Pryor
Oglethorpe, Georgia
Justin Byoung Choi
Kennesaw, Georgia
Courtney Elizabeth Civelli
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Seth Andrew Clary
Odum, Georgia
Carlyle Miller Cone
Cumming, Georgia
Chasen Hall Cottle †
Tifton, Georgia
Chandler Lee Cubbedge
Guyton, Georgia
Aditi Ashishkumar Dave
Suwanee, Georgia
Benjamin Dale Day
Bainbridge, Georgia
Nicole Elizabeth Doetch
Saint Marys, Georgia
Kaitlyn Elizabeth
Canton, Georgia
William Vann Downs
Statesboro, Georgia
Nigel D’Souza
Alpharetta, Georgia
Courtney Thomas Dunlap
Augusta, Georgia
Brooke Barker Eck
Culloden, Georgia
Macie Adele Edwards
Hamilton, Georgia
Natalie Kate Goodman
Savannah, Georgia
Shaquita Tashon Greene
Savannah, Georgia
Christina Grace Gross
Thomaston, Georgia
Kimberly Autumn Gunby
Stapleton, Georgia
Evan Elizabeth Hall
Donalsonville, Georgia
Chandler Shackelford
Fitzgerald, Georgia
Hannah Marie Hardwell
Rome, Georgia
Ethan Elliott Harrison
Dublin, Georgia
Neill Bickersta Hatcher, Jr.
Columbus, Georgia
Sage Marie Havrilla
Thomson, Georgia
Abigail Lane Haythorn
Wrens, Georgia
Jay Alex Hilton
Habersham, Georgia
Christopher Hogue †
Evans, Georgia
Kaitlyn Denise Holder †
Gray, Georgia
Nicholas Adam Howard
Conyers, Georgia
Eric Wayne Hua
Macon, Georgia
Austin Joe Huddleston
Franklin, Georgia
Huey Huynh
Gainesville, Georgia
Sean Henry Jackewicz
Savannah, Georgia
Sally Elizabeth Jones
Rome, Georgia
Kayla Diane Kelley
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Nathaniel Kim
Kitchens †
Sandersville, Georgia
Thao Thi Le
Grayson, Georgia
J’Lynn Jerome Louise Lewis
Fayetteville, Georgia
William Wells Lundy
Cedartown, Georgia
Nicholas William Maron
Cumming, Georgia
Zachary Ryan Massey
Lake Park, Georgia
Haley Elisabeth Matthews
Jasper, Georgia
Alicia Monique Denise May
Dublin, Georgia
Kathryn Elizabeth McGraw
Milton, Georgia
Hannah P. McQueen †
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Veronica Ariel Mize
LaGrange, Georgia
Alyssa Marie Mott
Canton, Georgia
Kendra Denise Moore
Midland, Georgia
Webster Kohen Newsome
Washington, Georgia
Brandon Tran Nguyen
Loganville, Georgia
Yvonne Giang Nguyen
Warthen, Georgia
Rachel Catherine Nissen-
Evans, Georgia
Sláine Sinéad O’Bryant
Sautee Nacoochee, Georgia
Stormy Marlowe Orlin
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Abigail Summer Owens
Rochelle, Georgia
Avani Ashok Patel †
Tallapoosa, Georgia
Tirth Parag Patel
Snellville, Georgia
Yash Bharatkumar Patel
Warner Robins, Georgia
John David Patton, Jr.
Colbert, Georgia
Austin Daniel Peigh †
Guyton, Georgia
Amanda Paige Porter †
Kennesaw, Georgia
Christian Buchanan
Robertson †
Savannah, Georgia
Rachel Fricker Sauls
Hahira, Georgia
Emily Todd Schlottman
Macon, Georgia
Melanie Shanlin Shoemaker
Watkinsville, Georgia
Michelle Diane Simmons
Hawkinsville, Georgia
Cullen Dane Smith
Butler, Georgia
Jason Campbell Smith
Brooks, Georgia
Joncel Stephens
Smyrna, Georgia
Alexis Grabow Strahan †
Savannah, Georgia
Gabriella Lea Stribling
LaGrange, Georgia
Brooks Ashmore Stroud
Macon, Georgia
Anish Pankaj Sutaria
Suwanee, Georgia
Haaroon Mohammed Tariq
Alpharetta, Georgia
Claire Marie Tibbetts
Rome, Georgia
Rachel Brineman Toller
Canton, Georgia
Brittany Nha Y Tran
Ila, Georgia
Abby Alaine Unger
Willacoochee, Georgia
Boris Milutin Velimirovich
Milledgeville, Georgia
Kyle Gary Fitzgerald Wicker
Austell, Georgia
Cason Buzzell Wilkin
Macon, Georgia
Alicia Marie Williams
Riverdale, Georgia
Danielle Dee Windom
Ball Ground, Georgia
Sabrina Rose Worrell-Fraser
Covington, Georgia
Larson Zettler
Clyo, Georgia
school of Medicine
candidates for degrees
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society |
Gold Humanism Honor Society | † Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
I do solemnly swear and afrm in front of my faculty and colleagues
as witnesses that throughout my life I will adhere, at all times, to the
Mercer University School of Medicine Student Code of Honor and
Professional Conduct and that I will keep that code and this oath:
I pledge to uphold and honor the principles of honesty, integrity, and
professionalism which are required for the practice of medicine and will accept
my responsibility to keep these principles along with the consequences should I
fail to do so.
I will hold those who taught me this art dear, and will freely teach this art to those
who wish to learn it. I will impart knowledge of the art to my own students.
I will use scientic foundations, which will benet my patients according to my
greatest ability and judgment, and I will knowingly do no harm or injustice to
them. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity. The health of my
patient will be my rst consideration. I will prevent disease whenever I can, for
prevention is preferable to cure.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan.
I will not knowingly prescribe any drug that would do harm.
Into whatever homes or institutions I go, I will enter them for the benet of the
sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption.
Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my
professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep
in absolute condence, as considering all such things to be private. I will respect
the secrets, which are conded in me, even after the patient has died.
I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or
social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient.
So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be
granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the
respect of all people for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and
violate it, may the opposite be my fate.
May I always act so as to preserve the nest traditions of my calling and may I
long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
hiPPocratic oath
20 | sc H o o l o f Me d i c i n e
(Me rc e r Un i v ersity sc h o o l of Me d i c i n e ve r sion)
sc hool o f law
co MMence Ment
sc hool o f law coMM enceMe nt
Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 10:00 a.m. | Hawkins Arena, University Center, Macon Campus
Presiding ................................................................................................................................................. William David Underwood
The President of the University
Prelude .......................................................................................................................................................... Jonathan Alan Poe, ’16
Director of Music and Liturgy, Christ Episcopal Church, Macon
Academic Procession* ......................................................................................................................................... Jonathan Alan Poe
Invocation* ................................................................................................................................................................... Sarah Gerwig
Professor of Law and Director of Experiential Education
Welcome .......................................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Greetings from the Law School ............................................................................................................................ Karen J. Sneddon
Dean and Professor of Law
Introduction of Speaker ........................................................................................................................................ Karen J. Sneddon
Commencement Address ........................................................................................................................................ Ivy N. Cadle, ’07
Managing Shareholder, Baker Donelson Law Firm
Student Awards ....................................................................................................................................................... Jeannie Zipperer
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Special Recognitions
George Waldo Woodruff Award of Excellence ..................................................................................................... D. Scott Davis
Reynold J. Kosek, Jr., Excellence in Teaching Award ............................................................................... Savannah Holley Hall
Editor in Chief, Mercer Law Review
Conferring of the Juris Doctor .............................................................................................................................. Karen J. Sneddon
Presentation of the Class of 2024 ................................................................................................................... Caitlin Marie Verrillo
President, Student Bar Association
Hooding Ceremony ......................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Karen J. Sneddon
Benediction* ................................................................................................................................................................ Sarah Gerwig
Academic Recession** ........................................................................................................................................ Jonathan Alan Poe
* The audience is requested to rise.
** The audience is requested to remain in place until the completion of the academic recession.
22 | sc H o o l o f la w
ivy n. cadle
Commencement Speaker
Born and raised in Swainsboro, Ivy Cadle, ’07, graduated cum laude in 2000 from the University of
Georgia with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology, and a Master of Accountancy in 2002. He earned
his juris doctor from Mercer University Law School in 2007.
Cadle started his career in Macon as an associate with Baker Donelson. He is now the ofce managing
shareholder for Baker Donelson’s ofces in Atlanta and Macon. In his practice, Cadle is a renowned “dirt
lawyer” who litigates issues surrounding real estate, eminent domain, land use, zoning and conservation
easements. Cadle’s litigation skills have been recognized by The Counselors of Real Estate, an
international association of trusted advisors who nd solutions to complex real estate challenges. Before
law school, Cadle served as an audit associate at a big four accounting rm in Atlanta. He is a certied
public accountant. In 2022 and 2015, Cadle’s pro bono work was recognized by Baker Donelson. His many
other honors include being listed in The Best Lawyers in America
in the area of Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law (2021-
2024) and Litigation - Land Use and Zoning (2023-2024); selected to Georgia Super Lawyers in the area of Eminent Domain (2018-
2024); and awarded Mercer University School of Law Young Alumni Council Volunteer of the Year Award (2023).
Outside of the ofce, Cadle is a highly sought-after speaker and committed volunteer to Mercer Law School, the Macon legal
community and the State Bar of Georgia. At Mercer Law School, he serves as an adjunct professor, teaching accounting for lawyers.
Additionally, he routinely volunteers for moot court preparation, mock interviews and as a guest speaker.
Cadle’s bar service began with the Macon Young Lawyers Division where he served as president. From 2017-2018 he was the
president of the Macon Bar Association, and from 2016-2017 he was the president of the William Augustus Bootle Inn of Court.
At the same time, Cadle was extensively involved in the State Bar of Georgia Young Lawyers Division (YLD) where he received
the Award of Achievement for Outstanding Service to the YLD in 2014, the Award of Achievement for Outstanding Service to the
Bar, Leadership Academy in 2013, and the Award of Excellence for Dedication to the YLD in 2022.
Cadle continued his volunteer work with the State Bar of Georgia where he was elected to its board of governors in 2017 and
its executive committee in 2019. He was elected to the ofce of secretary in 2021. On June 8, Cadle will be sworn in as the 62nd
president of the State Bar of Georgia.
Cadle’s home is in Macon where he lives with wife of nearly 22 years, Leslie L. Cadle, ’07, and their chocolate lab, Stella. When
he is not dealing with land issues, Cadle takes to the sky. He is an aviation enthusiast and currently holds a multi-engine commercial
pilot certicate with an instrument rating.
sc H o o l o f law | 2 3
co M M e n c e M e n t Pa r t i c i Pa n t s
Mercer Law Students
Bonnie Carlson
Assistant Professor of Law
James P. Fleissner
Professor of Law
Ishaq Kundawala
Associate Dean for Academic Aairs
and Professor of Law
Michael D. Sabbath
Professor of Law
Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne
Associate Dean for Strategic
Initiatives and Professor of Law
Katie Powers
Assistant Dean of Advocacy
Pamela A. Wilkins
Associate Professor of Law
24 | sc H o o l o f la w
Caroline Diane Abbey *
Dawsonville, Georgia
Kaelyn Renee Aills
Fort Collins, Colorado
Anika Akbar *
Norcross, Georgia
Joseph Henry Anderson *
Covington, Georgia
Katie Anderson **
Johns Creek, Georgia
Lauren Ray Andrews *
Sandersville, Georgia
Kester Y. Avila
Columbus, Georgia
Lucy Badillo
Moultrie, Georgia
Jaylee Nicole Bass **
Adel, Georgia
Danielle J. Bayles
Port St. Lucie, Florida
Jake Beninato
Boynton Beach, Florida
Bryce Overton Biggersta
North Augusta, South Carolina
Phillip Owen Blackmar *
Columbus, Georgia
Emma Leigh Blue *
Rincon, Georgia
Jordan Stephanie
Bracewell *
Dublin, Georgia
Morgan Elizabeth Brady
Valdosta, Georgia
Benjamin Howard
Brewton, Jr.
Augusta, Georgia
Montgomery E. Campbell
Rockford, Illinois
Mary Alex Carter
Valdosta, Georgia
Catherine Ruth Churchill
Panama City, Florida
Patrick Charles Edward
LaFayette, Georgia
Taylor Grace Cocke
Rincon, Georgia
Matthew Cooper
Atlanta, Georgia
Shelby W. DeMeyers
Augusta, Georgia
Nayelli I. Diaz
Pembroke Pines, Florida
John Ronald Dickey *
Rincon, Georgia
Tara Lynn Dow
Tampa, Florida
Hunter S. Duke
Warner Robins, Georgia
Tessola Monaé Duncan
Marietta, Georgia
Olivia R. Durkin *
Darnestown, Maryland
Amanda Chandler
Savannah, Georgia
Daniel D. Farnham
Warner Robins, Georgia
Taylor Noelle Farnsworth
Kathleen, Georgia
Sarah Michael Farrington
Bainbridge, Georgia
Ellie Madison Gravitt
Gainesville, Georgia
Grin Daniel Green *
Ringgold, Georgia
Stephen Jeerson
Greenway, Jr. **
Marietta, Georgia
Richard Joshua Gregory
Ganey, South Carolina
Savannah Holley Hall *
Blakely, Georgia
Lawson Andrew Haynes
Suwanee, Georgia
Lauren A. Herrin *
Patterson, Georgia
KaitLynn Leigh Isley **
Dallas, Georgia
Thomas H. Johnson III
Pine Mountain, Georgia
William Johnston
Atlanta, Georgia
Guy Hayes Kenimer, Jr.
Columbus, Georgia
Luckshume Boyee
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Zara F. Khalid
McDonough, Georgia
Caleb John Kot *
Johnstown, Pennsylvania
Eesha Manoj Kumar
Cumming, Georgia
Ariana A. Laboy Mena
Grovetown, Georgia
William Jackson Latty *
Gainesville, Georgia
Walker Vaughn Lee
Douglas, Georgia
Rebecca Ruth Lindsey *
Leland, North Carolina
Jerey Wayde Lovingood
Murphy, North Carolina
Hannah Grace Marchant
Charleston, South Carolina
Michael Randy Marshall
Gainesville, Georgia
Morgan Padgett Mathis
Rome, Georgia
J. Patrick Matthews
Athens, Georgia
Jake McCarthy
Covington, Georgia
Elizabeth Eileen McDaniel *
Hawkinsville, Georgia
Zachary Edward Mikos
Atlanta, Georgia
Christain Faith Miles *
Jackson, Georgia
Tyler M. Morris
Jackson, Georgia
Avery Mitchem Morrison
Milledgeville, Georgia
Ana Karina Muñoz
Fayetteville, Georgia
Ricardo Jorge Nunez
Marietta, Georgia
Riya Rajendrakumar Patel
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Natalie Bayley Peek
Atlanta, Georgia
Jacob Michael Pennanen
Brownstown, Michigan
Kayla Lya Pfeifer **~
Savannah, Georgia
Laura Amanda Picott
Atlanta, Georgia
Eleanor Everett Porter
Allendale, South Carolina
Saqib Mohammad Qadir
Macon, Georgia
Miller Peterson
Robinson, Jr.
Columbus, Georgia
Jordan Benjamin
Miami, Florida
Mary Janet Scarlett *
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Kirsten Paige Ehlers Scott *
St. Louis, Missouri
H. Madison Short *
Atlanta, Georgia
Erin Olivia Sinatra **
Bonaire, Georgia
Teressa Sue Sizemore **
Leesburg, Georgia
Willie Sizemore *
Leesburg, Georgia
Julie Elaine Skinner
Eagle River, Alaska
Jessie Anne Smith *
Talbotton, Georgia
Wood Smith
Hazlehurst, Georgia
Josie R. Sorohan
Cumming, Georgia
Jonathan Allen Tabor
Woodstock, Georgia
Emily Grace Talbot
Roswell, Georgia
Grayson T. Thomas
Valdosta, Georgia
Sydney A. Thompson *~
Blakely, Georgia
Grace Elizabeth Townsend *
Statham, Georgia
Samuel E. Tucker
Marietta, Georgia
Caitlin Marie Verrillo
Omaha, Nebraska
Hunter Lee Wallace *
Grin, Georgia
Rebecca Ashley Wallace
Macon, Georgia
Jacob Holland White
Atlanta, Georgia
Benjamin Butler Williams
Athens, Georgia
Blake C. Williamson *
Waynesboro, Georgia
Simone Patrice Wilson
Detroit, Michigan
Spencer G. Wiseman
Nokomis, Florida
James Dongyoung Yoo
Sokcho, South Korea
Peter A. Zachos
Niceville, Florida
Charlsie Elizabeth Mann
Augusta, Georgia
Jillian Elizabeth Wimberly *
Cochran, Georgia
Final grades for graduates are
not due until June. Degrees and
honors will not be determined
or become nal until all GPAs
of students are computed in
June. The program reects
those graduating students
who, based on grades earned
in the rst ve semesters, are
likely to receive honors when
nal grades are calculated.
school of law
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Anika Akbar
Joseph Henry Anderson
Katie Anderson
Lucy Badillo
Phillip Owen Blackmar
Emma Leigh Blue
Mary Alex Carter
Catherine Ruth Churchill
Tessola Monaé Duncan
Olivia R. Durkin
Daniel D. Farnham
Taylor Noelle Farnsworth
Ellie Madison Gravitt
KaitLynn Leigh Isley
Thomas H. Johnson III
Luckshume Boyee
Zara F. Khalid
William Jackson Latty
Walker Vaughn Lee
Michael Randy Marshall
Elizabeth Eileen McDaniel
Ana Karina Muñoz
Riya Rajendrakumar Patel
Natalie Bayley Peek
Kayla Lya Pfeifer
Jordan Benjamin Rosenblatt
Mary Janet Scarlett
Teressa Sue Sizemore
Grace Elizabeth Townsend
Caitlin Marie Verrillo
Hunter Lee Wallace
Rebecca Ashley Wallace
Blake C. Williamson
Simone Patrice Wilson
certificate in advanced legal writing, research and drafting
The Certicate in Advanced Legal Writing, Research and Drafting is awarded to students who have completed intensive advanced-level
writing workshops spanning the nal two semesters of law study, as well as advanced training in legal research and drafting.
20 2 4 awa r d re c i P i e n t
Stephen Jeerson Greenway, Jr.
george waldo woodrUff award of excellence
The George Waldo Woodruff Award of Excellence is Mercer Law School’s most prestigious award. Given to
the graduating student who has the highest GPA at the end of ve semesters, the award honors George Waldo Woodruff,
distinguished businessman, proponent of education and friend of Mercer University School of Law.
at lanta coMM enceMe nt
ce reMony i
college of nUrsing
college of PHarMacy
college of HealTH Professions
26 | aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i
at lan ta co MMenceMent
Sunday, May 12, 2024 | 12:00 p.m. | Gas South Arena, Duluth
Presiding ................................................................................................................................................. William David Underwood
The President of the University
Academic Procession* ........................................................................................................................................... Alvin Roy Blount
Invocation* ....................................................................................................................................................... Penny Loraine Elkins
Executive Vice President
Welcome .......................................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Greetings and Words of Encouragement ................................................................................................... Thomas P. (Tom) Bishop
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Special Music ......................................................................................................................................... You’ll Never Walk Alone”
Rogers and Hammerstein
Chary LaShonn Williams, vocalist
Bachelor of Music, Class of 2013 and MBA, Class of 2024
Message from the President ............................................................................................................ The President of the University
Conferring of the Degrees
College of Nursing ............................................................................................................................ Dean Tammy Diane Barbé
Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Master of Science in Nursing
Doctor of Nursing Practice | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Pharmacy ........................................................................................................................ Dean Brian Louis Crabtree
Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Master of Science | Doctor of Pharmacy | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Health Professions .................................................................................................... Dean Lisa Murphey Lundquist
Master of Medical Science | Master of Public Health
Doctor of Public Health | Doctor of Physical Therapy | Doctor of Psychology
University Marshal .......................................................................................................................................... Susan Whitley Miller
Professor of Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy
Presentation of Graduates ..................................................................................................................................... Sharon Lim Harle
Assistant Vice President, Ofce of Alumni Engagement
and University Special Events; Reader
Alumni Welcome ............................................................................................................................................. Penny Loraine Elkins
Executive Vice President
Benediction* ..................................................................................................................................................... Kellie Raiford Appel
Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
Academic Recession** .......................................................................................................................................... Alvin Roy Blount
* The audience is requested to rise.
** The audience is requested to remain in place until the completion of the academic recession.
aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i | 27
University Marshal
Susan Whitley Miller
Professor of Pharmacy Practice
College of Pharmacy
co M M e nc e M e n t Par t i c i Pa n t s
thoMas P. (toM) bishoP
Greetings from the Mercer Board of Trustees
Tom Bishop serves as chair of the Mercer University Board of Trustees and is currently in his third
ve-year term on the board. A Double Bear, Bishop earned his undergraduate degree from the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 1982 and his J.D. from Mercer Law School in 1985. He is retired chief
compliance ofcer and deputy general counsel for Southern Company Services, and for more than 20
years served in senior executive positions with the Southern Company and its subsidiaries, including
Georgia Power. He previously served on the Executive Committee of the State Bar of Georgia Corporate
Law Section, as a member of the Board of Governors of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, as a member
of Gov. Nathan Deal’s Judicial Nominating Commission, and currently serves as a trustee of the Georgia
Legal History Foundation. He is past national president of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and currently serves
as trustee and chair of the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund. Bishop has been a member of the Mercer Law
School Alumni Board in addition to his service on the University’s Board of Trustees. He and his wife, Darla, have a son, Tyler, who
also holds undergraduate and law degrees from Mercer, and a daughter, Darian, who has an undergraduate degree from Mercer.
facUlty Marshals
Patricia J. Troyan
Associate Professor
College of Nursing
Leisa L. Marshall
Clinical Professor
College of Pharmacy
Jill Mattingly
Chair and Clinical Associate Professor
of Physician Assistant Studies
College of Health Professions
banner bearers
Linda Ann Streit
College of Nursing
Martin J. D’Souza
Professor and Director of Graduate Programs
and The Center for Drug Delivery
College of Pharmacy
Nannette Turner
Associate Dean and Professor
College of Health Professions
28 | aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i
Bachelor of
science in
Ansley Pamela Anglin *
McDonough, Georgia
Raihana Shabnam
Lithia Springs, Georgia
Christian Miles Barnes
Adamsville, Alabama
Ramatoulaye Barry
Atlanta, Georgia
Lauren Marie Bennett
Snellville, Georgia
Adriana Christine Boice
Johns Creek, Georgia
Morgan Paige Bradford
Forsyth, Georgia
Deanna J. Brown
Mableton, Georgia
Lakeisha Brianna Bryan
Queens, New York
Laura Nicole Buckman
Canton, Georgia
Jocelin Damara Cano
Alpharetta, Georgia
Andrew Martin Castaneda
Alpharetta, Georgia
Ayleen Castillo-Magana
Stockbridge, Georgia
Allison Claire Chaee *
Holly Springs, North Carolina
Isabella Marie Chavez **
Suwanee, Georgia
Ji Yun Choi
Hoschton, Georgia
Courtney M. Clark *
Senoia, Georgia
Curshuna Meshay Clark
Atlanta, Georgia
TaKesha Monique Clifton
Madison, Mississippi
Rotricia S. Coley
Atlanta, Georgia
Sean Philip Collins
Phenix City, Alabama
Reza Kaylyn Copeland
Hampton, Georgia
Katerina Marie Creel *
Silver Creek, Georgia
Brenda Lee Cruz
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Anbria Ramaija Daniels
Rockmart, Georgia
Chelby LeAnne Davis
Americus, Georgia
Kaynal Davis
Decatur, Georgia
Kelly Huban Davis *
Atlanta, Georgia
Zaria T. Davis *
Dunwoody, Georgia
Safreen Sikander Dayani
Peachtree City, Georgia
Takarus Nathaniel Deas
Ellenwood, Georgia
Delaney Nicole
Detamore **
Atlanta, Georgia
Jean Smith Devine **
Atlanta, Georgia
Keli Katrina Dziuba *
Cumming, Georgia
Erin Anne Elmore ***
Covington, Georgia
Abby Caroline Esslinger *
Cartersville, Georgia
Jazmine Nichole Faircloth *
Acworth, Georgia
Malaysia DiJanay Farmer
Loganville, Georgia
Jessica Feliz
McDonough, Georgia
Ashley Rebecca Fender
Buford, Georgia
Taylor Camille Gardner
Warner Robins, Georgia
Isis Iman Garner
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Aqeelah Marie Gilford
Atlanta, Georgia
Maleah Felise Gilliard *
Atlanta, Georgia
Jasmine Angela Goode
Acworth, Georgia
Taylor Goree
Jonesboro, Georgia
Bryanna P. Gourrier *
New York, New York
Allison Elise Green **
Valdosta, Georgia
Mary Woodru Grin **
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Digue Dio’ Guilavogui, Jr.
Stonecrest, Georgia
Jennifer Stephanie
Norcross, Georgia
Jacob Rodney Harrison *
Dacula, Georgia
Imani S. Hence
Elkhart, Indiana
Kacie Hernandez
Buford, Georgia
Stephanie Herrera *
Conyers, Georgia
Jordan Katherine-anne
McDonough, Georgia
Michael Alexander Hinson
Buford, Georgia
Somer Angelina Hobby
Atlanta, Georgia
Zachary Allen Hogarth *
Marietta, Georgia
LaNeish Morgan Holland
Brookhaven, Georgia
Chandler Marie Hooks-
Hoover, Alabama
Makenzie Anne
Hostetler ***
Lilburn, Georgia
Peyton Howell *
Athens, Georgia
Maya Hudlin
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Hakimata Ibrahim
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Courtney L. James *
Conyers, Georgia
Brittani Raqual Johnson
Atlanta, Georgia
Tayler Nicole Jones
Atlanta, Georgia
Misty Jordan
Covington, Georgia
Emmanuelle Laura Jules
Maplewood, New Jersey
Carter Leigh Juskevich
Port Angeles, Washington
Ivy Mumbi Kani
Woodstock, Georgia
Sierra Autumn Keck-
Vollmar **
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Sharon Ye-Eun Kim
Atlanta, Georgia
Ellery Jean Krut
Roswell, Georgia
Christiana Beth Kusovska
Fayetteville, Georgia
Cassidy Lynn Lake **
McDonough, Georgia
Taylor Jeanette Larios
Temple, Georgia
Salena Mai Linh Le *
Cartersville, Georgia
Amanda Leigh Lee
Roseville, Michigan
Briana Taylor Lesniak
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Kayla Jessica Lewis
Jamaica, New York
Emely Linares *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Delores Beatrice Lloyd
Atlanta, Georgia
Tylar Emilie Loiseau
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Savanna Marie Long **
Forest Park, Georgia
Ann Marie Longley *
Snellville, Georgia
Mary Doty Conyers
Lyness **
Marietta, Georgia
Stephanie Shanice Lacey
Mableton, Georgia
Maya Noelle Maragh
Douglasville, Georgia
Leana Marie Marshall-
Pearlington, Mississippi
Paula H. Matthews
Brookhaven, Georgia
Octavia Kimil McBride
McDonough, Georgia
Meredith Lee McBurnett
Dawsonville, Georgia
Michele Najah McCord
Jersey City, New Jersey
Velvet Lavern McDonald
Fayetteville, Georgia
Shaveen Iviann McKen *
Queens, New York
Jordan Blue Mecredy *
Lilburn, Georgia
Allison Meisinger *
Atlanta, Georgia
Maurice Bernard Miller
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Amy Eveth Miranda-
Conley, Georgia
Ogechukwu Nissi Mogbo
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Lauren Ashley Moore-
Cleveland, Ohio
Kara Elyse Morand ***
Buford, Georgia
Kariyah Muhammad
Columbus, Georgia
Nsamba Cynthia Mutanda
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Summer Joy Nacke
Jeerson, Georgia
Moreen Nakalungi
Bonney Lake, Washington
Dung Hoang Nguyen **
Da Nang, Vietnam
Hieu Huynh Thanh Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tracy Nguyen
Suwanee, Georgia
Uyen Xuan Hoang Nguyen
Saigon, Vietnam
Shafarrah Nobles
Warner Robins, Georgia
Alan Tate Norsworthy
Dunwoody, Georgia
Han Wool Oh
Duluth, Georgia
Stephanie Parra
Braselton, Georgia
Avani Narendrakumar
Patel **
Macon, Georgia
Jainy Patel *
Marietta, Georgia
Sabrina Pena **
Reno, Nevada
Ruby Pham
Alpharetta, Georgia
Abigail Phiri
Duluth, Georgia
Kathryn Elizabeth Placek
Suwanee, Georgia
Emily Faye Pollock
Macon, Georgia
Alexandra N. Potterton
Chicago, Illinois
Skylar M. Price *
Evans, Georgia
Jessica Peutz Reams
Sandy Springs, Georgia
Jordan Shawntell
Cleveland, Ohio
Cara Breanna Rimer
Woodstock, Georgia
Olivia Lorelei Robbins **
Atlanta, Georgia
Dorian Carol Rodriguez
Atlanta, Georgia
Ojas Onil Rozario
North Attleboro, Massachusetts
Arianna Nichole Sunshine
Rome, Georgia
Carin R. Saxlund
New York, New York
Nyvelle Cheyenne Scales
Atlanta, Georgia
Carrie Lashaye Scott
Villa Rica, Georgia
Carly Virginia Settles
Atlanta, Georgia
Jakleen Wadie Shehata
Woodstock, Georgia
Sandra Shirk
Atlanta, Georgia
Ana Gabriella Shults *
Kennesaw, Georgia
Nida Sohail Sikander
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Meghan Elizabeth
Fayetteville, Georgia
Emily Spears
Palm City, Florida
Mia Skye Spinola
Jesup, Georgia
Starr Jenet Spongia
Pompano Beach, Florida
Taylor Alexandra Stoddard
Marietta, Georgia
August Dawn Streater
Kennesaw, Georgia
Molly Katherine Sullivan
Cumming, Georgia
Luke James Synn
Atlanta, Georgia
Audrienne Ariel Thomas
Snellville, Georgia
Jessica Blair Thomas
Canton, Georgia
Laney Elizabeth Tootle **
Metter, Georgia
Eric Trinkowsky *
Coral Springs, Florida
Wenddy Vang
Stockton, California
Leah Joyce Waagen
Canton, Georgia
Peyton Taileferro Watkins
Atlanta, Georgia
Dora Lynn Weihe
Dunwoody, Georgia
Leigh Hannah Welles
Alpharetta, Georgia
Jerri Rene Westray *
Cumming, Georgia
Olivia Wetzel
Naples, Florida
Madison Wilkins *
O’ Fallon, Illinois
Ashle’ Meshell Williams
Ellenwood, Georgia
Marissa Jénae Williams
Johns Creek, Georgia
Terris Paul Woodard
Hampton, Georgia
Turnuf Miriam Yohannes
Atlanta, Georgia
Jamea Zilanis *
Chicago, Illinois
Master of
science in
Joyell Bailey
Grayson, Georgia
Melissa Justina Belowers
Perry, Georgia
Eliza Janes Boswell
Watkinsville, Georgia
Sarah Michele Boyd
Braselton, Georgia
Maria Veronica Cedeño
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Kourtney Danielle Chang
Queens, New York
Katherine Maria Chavarria
White, Georgia
Emily Seonjae Chung
Duluth, Georgia
Kristen E. Cornelius
Acworth, Georgia
Emily Hiebert Dambrin
Atlanta, Georgia
Claire Alexandria Daniel
Alpharetta, Georgia
Sabrina Narae Downing
Loganville, Georgia
Liudmila Dzmitranitsa ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Elizabeth Gaord
Atlanta, Georgia
Jasmine Catherine Khan
Atlanta, Georgia
Asmira Hajric Khashan
Grayson, Georgia
Frank Fanxu Lin
Suwanee, Georgia
Cowanda Lynn Muse
Fayetteville, Georgia
Tahmina Naseri
Atlanta, Georgia
Jasmine Ashvin Patel
Gainesville, Georgia
Erin Pollock
Washington, Georgia
Emily George Price
Tucker, Georgia
Emily Brooke Rains
Atlanta, Georgia
Hannah Elizabeth
Longwood, Florida
Salena Shah
Atlanta, Georgia
Hope Murphy Snow
Brookhaven, Georgia
Linda Joy Sosebee
Forsyth, Georgia
Robby Scott Talley
Dillard, Georgia
Olita J. Tuopay
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Alicia Nikole Turner
Atlanta, Georgia
Karina Minelly Vasquez
Dacula, Georgia
Mariam Zachariah
Floral Park, New York
doctor of
Julianne Ellenore Austin
Duluth, Georgia
Folashade A. Dada
Auburn, Georgia
college of nUrsing
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i | 29
college of PharMacy
Bachelor of
science in
Loryita Qiana Acey
Lithonia, Georgia
Kendall Taylor Boyd
Whigham, Georgia
Deandra Lata Bradley
Columbus, Georgia
Christel Michelle Buck
Riverdale, Georgia
Kayla Detonia Day
Lithonia, Georgia
Caylee Marie Durden
Statesboro, Georgia
Mackenzie M. Farmer
Newnan, Georgia
Adrian Ghadrdan
Atlanta, Georgia
Dannica Cheyenne
Blue Ridge, Georgia
Jaznique Raquel Joseph
Covington, Georgia
Tia Karout
Meis Al Jabal, Al Jnoub,
Tessa R. Kemp
Dubuque, Iowa
Mardiyah M. Khoulani
Damascus, Syrian Arab
Yidan Kong
Beijing, China
Christopher J. Lam
San Jose, California
Thompson Tri Von Lê
Stockbridge, Georgia
Jillian Marie Mitchell
Carrollton, Georgia
Franklin Chidubem Muoka
Anambra, Nigeria
Vy Hong Nguyen
McDonough, Georgia
Ameera Noorani
Duluth, Georgia
Alexandria Michelle
Winder, Georgia
Vishvaben Patel
Atlanta, Georgia
Uyen Thao Pham
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Akshita Pulla
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Jyles Ariadne Trinidad
Atlanta, Georgia
Silviya Yordanova
Peachtree City, Georgia
Master of
Tyanna Tane’a Brown
Albany, Georgia
Jordan Cunningham
Miami, Florida
Sarah M. Dare
Atlanta, Georgia
Rachel M. Deryck
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Manjusha Jaya
Marietta, Georgia
Jaslyn C. Joseph
Statesboro, Georgia
Mia Roberts
Douglasville, Georgia
doctor of
Fadi Abdelnaser Abdallah
New Orleans, Louisiana
Mariam Sadaq Alsuweydi
Buford, Georgia
Troy Lamar Ashe
Dublin, Georgia
Sahar Amouzegar Asli
Atlanta, Georgia
Lolade A. Ayedun
Lake in the Hills, Illinois
Zewdie Chanyalew Ayenew
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
David Harrison Baker, Jr.
McDonough, Georgia
Emily Kate Bennett **
Watkinsville, Georgia
Richa Prem Bhagat
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Shiv Kamleshkumar
Orange, California
Andrew Tuo Bi
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Janese Bibbs *
Elgin, Illinois
Istiaque Biswas
Clarkston, Georgia
Jose Arnaldo Bristol
Guayama, Puerto Rico
Trevor Joseph Bruno **
Warner Robins, Georgia
John D. Butgereit
Powder Springs, Georgia
Morgan Denae Butts
Americus, Georgia
Erica Chiamaka
Ellenwood, Georgia
Janel Amber Cole
Frederiksted, Virgin Islands
Julia Grace Corbin
Roswell, Georgia
Esther Marie Delgado
Guayama, Puerto Rico
Jared M. Denning
Locust Grove, Georgia
Rachel M. Deryck
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Rachel Mary-Elizabeth
Mableton, Georgia
Monica Xuan Thu Duong
Atlanta, Georgia
Precious Ekwebelem
Dallas, Georgia
Kayla Marlene Ellis
Duluth, Georgia
Marrissa Chante Lynette
Atlanta, Georgia
Melissa Elaine Frazier
Cuthbert, Georgia
Allison Georgescu **
Snellville, Georgia
Daria Gibson
Nassau, Bahamas
Tiany Nicole Gilchrist
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Ashlea Victoria Gordon
Savannah, Georgia
Andrea J. Green **
Cartersville, Georgia
Gaige C. Grin
Macon, Georgia
Robert D. Grossman
Evans, Georgia
Eyerusalem Leulseged
Haile ***
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Aana M. Hampton-Ashford
Fayetteville, Georgia
TaNia Harper
Indianapolis, Indiana
Hayley Darlene Harrod ***
Macon, Georgia
Pressley Smith Herndon
Rome, Georgia
Dawson L. Hilliard
Rome, Georgia
Jenny Elizabeth
Kennesaw, Georgia
Haseena Hussain **
Alpharetta, Georgia
Anh Thuc Huynh ***
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Chanecia Renyce Jackson
Atlanta, Georgia
Jermiya C. Jackson **
Douglasville, Georgia
Arion Lashae Johnson
Atlanta, Georgia
Kristen R. Jones
LaMarque, Texas
Jaslyn C. Joseph
Statesboro, Georgia
Carson Lee Kantoris *
Woodstock, Georgia
Ramtin Karimaei
Roswell, Georgia
Fatima M. Khoulani **
Lilburn, Georgia
Hyo Min Kim *
Daegu, South Korea
Joonhee Kim
Suwanee, Georgia
Khine M. Ko Ko
Tucker, Georgia
Oluwadamilola Kuku
London, United Kingdom
Kendra Patrice
Langham ***
Birmingham, Alabama
Christine Nhu Minh Le *
Norcross, Georgia
Euijin Lee ***
Marietta, Georgia
Alyssa Nicole Leonard
Marietta, Georgia
Bianca Leroy
Douglasville, Georgia
Paula Vanessa Lince
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Amela Ljaljic
Jackson, Michigan
Xavier A. Malavé Padilla
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Abigail Brianna
McBrayer **
Bremen, Georgia
Yania C. Mendoza Bristol
Guayama, Puerto Rico
Taylor Justice Merritt ***
West Green, Georgia
Rosalyn Selena Minton
Jacksonville, Florida
Josiah Moore **
Jackson, Mississippi
Chasity C. Mosby *
Memphis, Tennessee
Natalie Carole Novak **
Loveland, Colorado
Foluso Omotola Ibukun
Dallas, Georgia
Whitney Nicole Ofton **
Blakely, Georgia
Victor Okine
Gainesville, Florida
Aratiben Patel
Villa Rica, Georgia
Hiral Manish Patel ***
Tifton, Georgia
Raveena Manish Patel ***
Tifton, Georgia
Reshma B. Patel **
Macon, Georgia
Yash Kaushikbhai Patel
San Diego, California
Darlaine Paul
Seaford, Delaware
Truc Pham **
Lafayette, Louisiana
Tarik Winston Prince
Canton, Georgia
Sasha Rehmani ***
Mableton, Georgia
Stephanie Zoe Rivera-
Jacksonville, Florida
Mia Roberts
Douglasville, Georgia
Jill Shallenberger
Dallas, Georgia
Jennifer L. Smith **
Helena, Alabama
Joshua Jacob Story *
Newnan, Georgia
Chantel L. Strahorn *
Kennesaw, Georgia
Nina Su
Atlanta, Georgia
Avinash Sukhu
Snellville, Georgia
Thong Ta *
Peachtree Corners, Georgia
Kaitlyn Elaine Therrell *
Perry, Georgia
Asha Athyal Thomas
Tucker, Georgia
Mariazoila Torres *
Atlanta, Georgia
Jacqueline Xuan Nhi Tran *
Norcross, Georgia
Ha Nguyen Trinh ***
Hanoi, Vietnam
Eduardo Emmanuel
Vega Baja, Puerto Rico
Truc Vo **
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Tiany Vu **
Norcross, Georgia
Shelly Vyas *
Warner Robins, Georgia
Nickolaus Zayne Widner
Jakin, Georgia
Katie Elaine Williams
Canton, Georgia
Savannah Lee Wright *
Gainesboro, Tennessee
Bailee M. Yoels **
Atlanta, Georgia
Marlena Sydel Young
Atlanta, Georgia
doctor of
Priyal Vishnu Bagwe ~
Mumbai, India
Andrea J. Green
Cartersville, Georgia
Rama Avinash Kashikar
Pune, India
Richard Darien Khusial
Queens, New York
Smital Rajan Patil ~
Mumbai, India
Tanishka Satyajit Saraf
Mumbai, India
Sharon Vijayanand ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Derquis Johnson
Greenwood, South Carolina
Robyn Leigh Johnson
Aiken, South Carolina
Immani Jaleel Mays
Palmetto, Florida
Madison Lester
Stinson ~
Carrollton, Georgia
doctor of
Ai Kato ~
Kobe, Japan
Lynn Diane Long
Dublin, Ohio
Preethy K. Mathew
Atlanta, Georgia
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
30 | aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i
college of health Professions
Master of
Lauren Rebecca Adams
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Kerri Garcia Agee
Douglasville, Georgia
Dustin Kody Arnold
Smyrna, Georgia
Clara Dawn Arroyo
Big Cabin, Oklahoma
Meghan Mae Barber
Statesboro, Georgia
Emily Donna Becker
Tucker, Georgia
Caitlyn Rae Beeman
Palmetto, Florida
James Michael Berry
Cumming, Georgia
Tucker Maclane Bungton
Gainesville, Georgia
Ciandra Régine Calhoun
Douglasville, Georgia
Keyana Monique Cardoza
Hickory, North Carolina
Joyce Eunbee Cho
Savannah, Georgia
Cassandra Chu
Sandy Springs, Georgia
Carlie Faith Daniel
Dublin, Georgia
Mackenzie Grace Daniels
Hateld, Pennsylvania
Shayna Patricia Dehmler
Rochester, New York
Mohan Dong
Beijing, China
Caitlyn Rose Dziuba
West Bloomeld, Michigan
Emma Leanne Fairlie
Alpharetta, Georgia
Catherine N. French
Dudley, Massachusetts
Alexis Anne Hada
Malibu, California
Johnathan P. Harkins
Kathleen, Georgia
Gregory Bryce Hinkle
Chickamauga, Georgia
Katie Lauren Holliday
Kennesaw, Georgia
Hannah Catherine
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mariam Khalid Ishaq
Kennesaw, Georgia
Daniel Alan Johnson
Atlanta, Georgia
Amanda Elizabeth Kelley
Leesburg, Georgia
Jordon C. King
Snohomish, Washington
Johanna Daisy Knowles
Madison, Georgia
Min Kyung Ko
Seoul, South Korea
Emily Theresa Krause
Atlanta, Georgia
Pedro Antonio Landaverde
Dalton, Georgia
Luke Joseph Laurich
Batavia, Illinois
Casey Robert Lawrence
Bogart, Georgia
Vivie Shang Lee
Livingston, New Jersey
Elyse Lim
Ringgold, Georgia
Mariah Christine Lowman
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Chelsea Jade Mackay
Savannah, Georgia
Annabelle Grace Miller
Marietta, Georgia
Alysha Naran
Duluth, Georgia
Jenna Anne Nash
Canton, Georgia
Elijah Netjes
East Grand Rapids, Michigan
Sarah Elizabeth Nowicki
Villa Rica, Georgia
Ashley Simone Park
Brookhaven, Georgia
Dilan Kalpesh Patel
Rome, Georgia
Samantha Denise Pollock
Leesville, Louisiana
Elizabeth Brennan Quirk
Atlanta, Georgia
Arturo E. Reyes Banos
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Matilde J.Z.Y. Rodgers
Alpharetta, Georgia
Jordan Wesley Rogers
Woodstock, Georgia
Rachel A. Shaughnessy
Greenville, South Carolina
Sarah Evans Shealy
Columbus, Georgia
Erika Liu Sheng
Marietta, Georgia
Sydney Mariah Smith
Canton, Georgia
Emily Spangler
Fredericksburg, Virginia
Kathryn P. Steinhaus
Alpharetta, Georgia
Jacqueline Ella Terrini
San Luis Obispo, California
Emily Christine Thomas
Gainesville, Florida
Emma Maria Tierney
Reston, Virginia
Stee C. Tokpah
Waxhaw, North Carolina
Patricia Mila Mei T.
Mount Prospect, Illinois
Maria Donnina Sophia
Cleveland, Georgia
Alyssa Walters
Cumming, Georgia
Jamie Robin White
Evans, Georgia
Charlotte Lee Wood
Danville, California
Kellie Elise Wydrinski
St. Augustine, Florida
Master of
puBlic health
Nida Ahmed ~
Richardson, Texas
Maame Kwedwuwa
Tema, Ghana
Chaitanya Guru Avvaru
Suwanee, Georgia
Lolade A. Ayedun
Lake in the Hills, Illinois
Isadora Monteiro Barros
Salvador, Brazil
Josqueline Burden
Columbus, Georgia
Angelina M. Callaway
Macon, Georgia
Shakeria Tane Collins
Milledgeville, Georgia
Kylie Rose Copeland
Rome, Georgia
Rebecca Evanne Dajuste
Buford, Georgia
Iyanuoluwa O. Daomi
Riverdale, Georgia
Ilan Marie Davis ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Courtney Shabrekia
Albany, Georgia
Sophia Rose DiOrio
Maryville, Tennessee
Rachel Mary-Elizabeth
Mableton, Georgia
Monique K. Ellis ~
Oak Point, Texas
Merrick Li Gessler
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Vanessa Adrinique Green
Minneapolis, Minnesota
April Diane Hawk
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Jermiya C. Jackson
Douglasville, Georgia
Arshpreet Kaur Tiwana
Eastvale, California
Zion Samuila Kenan
Loganville, Georgia
Akil Krishna Kotamarti
Johns Creek, Georgia
Amy Arnold Lambert
Atlanta, Georgia
Joelie Kathleen Lepp
Marietta, Georgia
Madison Taylor Lydon
Elyria, Ohio
Shonali J. Makadiya ~
Suwanee, Georgia
Marlon Miquell Moxey
Nassau, Bahamas
Miracle Palmer
Atlanta, Georgia
Hiral Manish Patel
Tifton, Georgia
Mili A. Patel ~
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Raveena Manish Patel
Tifton, Georgia
Megan Elizabeth Pitts
Concord, Georgia
Briana Pryce
Stockbridge, Georgia
Sasha Rehmani
Mableton, Georgia
Cli McGregor Rimpel
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Naomi Samson
Lilburn, Georgia
Hauwa Shai
Kennesaw, Georgia
Shravani Sirsat
Buldhana, India
Sherly Esther Smith
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Asha Athyal Thomas
Tucker, Georgia
Nicole Elizabeth Walker ~
West Hempstead, New York
doctor of
puBlic health
Mary Catherine Pambid
Nürnberg, Germany
Haley M. Brand
Shreveport, Louisiana
Susana Marlyn Carlos
Denver, Colorado
Mellanese Cobb
Atlanta, Georgia
Zuri J. Dale
Houston, Texas
Brittany Renee Daniels
Chicago, Illinois
JaNee Lanice Demery ~
Faireld, California
Chaliava Fowewe
Stonecrest, Georgia
Tatyana Yvette Gardner
Springeld, Illinois
Wayne Anthony Hairston II
Washington, District of
Carly Jean Johnson
Arlington, Virginia
Vasantha Kasinathan
Alpharetta, Georgia
Vyjayanti Kasinathan
Alpharetta, Georgia
Mandana Malyani ~
Marietta, Georgia
Crysta Airiana Meekins
Richmond, Virginia
Mikeisha Oldson
Decatur, Georgia
Cathony Amber Reid ~
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Juan Pablo Sanchez
Washington, District of
Christopher Thomas
Macon, Georgia
Desiree Shantai Smith
Lauderhill, Florida
Kirsten Noel Smith ~
Woolwine, Virginia
Stacia Wilson
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
doctor of
Brett Helms Beavers
Columbus, Georgia
Brady Jacob Berman
Suwanee, Georgia
Gary Kyle Brown
Cochran, Georgia
Erin McKenzie Chatham
Ellijay, Georgia
Riya Susan Cherian
Buford, Georgia
Kylie Rose Copeland
Rome, Georgia
Kery Danh
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Joni F. Davis
Atlanta, Georgia
Michael Tyler Davis
Collierville, Tennessee
Morgan Jazmine Devero
Macon, Georgia
Isabel Frances Eigenbauer
Hoschton, Georgia
Victoria Fan
Dublin, Ohio
David Matthew Fletcher
Tampa, Florida
Caitlin Rose Forkin
Fayetteville, Georgia
Ashley Kathryn Godwin
Duluth, Georgia
Anna Caroline Hardy
Commerce, Georgia
Lauren Ashley Kean
Gallatin, Tennessee
Kyle A. Kipping
Alpharetta, Georgia
Kyra Morgan Kumbalek
San Antonio, Texas
Joshua C. Maxson
Auburn, Alabama
Caliope Antonia Katerina
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Anthony Wayne
Norman III
Sacramento, California
Sidney Ugonna Otiwu
Buford, Georgia
Raegan Alexandra Perrine
Columbus, Georgia
Colin Thomas Poole
Hoschton, Georgia
Kip Anthony Potter, Jr.
Cullman, Alabama
Jenna N. Rao
Columbus, Ohio
Sarah M. Roach
Palatine, Illinois
Lucy Catherine Rodriguez
Jacksonville, Florida
Margaret Phyllis Schad
Marietta, Georgia
Kathleen Clare Schwab
Sarasota, Florida
Elizabeth Courtney Shockey
Woodstock, Georgia
Claudia Lauren Smith
Avon, Ohio
Jordan Lee Smith
Gainesville, Georgia
Mariat Thankachan
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Matthew S. Wild
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Christen P. Yi
Suwanee, Georgia
doctor of
Isadora Monteiro Barros
Salvador, Brazil
Elise Barile
Indialantic, Florida
Bianca Allene Castellano
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Stephan Tucker Jackson
Daddis ~
Ontario, New York
Olivia Marie Demario
Atlanta, Georgia
Shakera Monique Latimore
Bradenton, Florida
Elana Leibovitch
Parkland, Florida
Shaqueena B. Moore
Jonesboro, Georgia
Ronnise Denitra Owens
Atlanta, Georgia
Olympia Papageorgiou
Atlanta, Georgia
Leandra Owusu Prempeh
Roselle, New Jersey
Cristina C. Robles
Boynton Beach, Florida
Courtney Rogowski
Macomb, Michigan
Alexis Smith ~
Delaware, Ohio
Sherly Esther Smith
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jordan Imani Taylor
Marietta, Georgia
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
Participation in the graduation ceremony does not necessarily represent conferral of the degree. Degrees are awarded at the end of the term in which all requirements are met.
Honors printed in the program and announced at the commencement ceremony are based on grades earned at the time of program publication and may not reect nal honors.
at lanta coMM enceMe nt
ce reMony ii
scHool of BUsiness
college of edUcaTion
college of Professional advanceMenT
scHool of THeology
32 | aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i i
at lan ta co MMenceMent
Sunday, May 12, 2024 | 5:30 p.m. | Gas South Arena, Duluth
Presiding ................................................................................................................................................. William David Underwood
The President of the University
Academic Procession* ........................................................................................................................................... Alvin Roy Blount
Invocation* ........................................................................................................................................... Clark Gregory DeLoach, III
Dean, School of Theology
Welcome .......................................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Greetings and Words of Encouragement ................................................................................................... Thomas P. (Tom) Bishop
Chair of the Board of Trustees
Special Music ......................................................................................................................................... You’ll Never Walk Alone”
Rogers and Hammerstein
Chary LaShonn Williams, vocalist
Bachelor of Music, Class of 2013 and MBA, Class of 2024
Message from the President ............................................................................................................ The President of the University
Conferring of the Degrees
School of Business ......................................................................................................................... Dean Julie Ann Petherbridge
Bachelor of Business Administration | Master of Accountancy
Master of Business Administration | Master of Science
College of Education .......................................................................................................... Dean Thomas Raymond Koballa, Jr.
Bachelor of Science in Education | Master of Arts in Teaching
Master of Education | Specialist in Education | Doctor of Philosophy
College of Professional Advancement ........................................................................................ Dean Priscilla Ruth Danheiser
Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Science | Master of Science | Doctor of Philosophy
School of Theology ............................................................................................................... Dean Clark Gregory DeLoach, III
Master of Theological Studies | Master of ArtsMaster of Divinity | Doctor of Ministry
University Marshal .................................................................................................................................................... Jody M. Blanke
Chair, Ernest L. Baskin, Jr. Distinguished Professor of
Computer Science and Law, School of Business
Presentation of Graduates ..................................................................................................................................... Sharon Lim Harle
Assistant Vice President, Ofce of Alumni Engagement
and University Special Events; Reader
Alumni Welcome ............................................................................................................................................. Penny Loraine Elkins
Executive Vice President
Benediction* ..................................................................................................................................................... Kellie Raiford Appel
Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
Academic Recession** .......................................................................................................................................... Alvin Roy Blount
* The audience is requested to rise.
** The audience is requested to remain in place until the completion of the academic recession.
aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i i | 3 3
University Marshal
Jody M. Blanke
Chair, Ernest L. Baskin, Jr. Distinguished
Professor of Computer Science and Law
School of Business
co M M e n c e M e n t Pa rt i c i Pa n t s
Brett Matherne
Associate Dean and Associate Professor
School of Business
Karyn Allee
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education
College of Education
Fred Bongiovanni
Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies
and Chair of Liberal Studies
College of Professional Advancement
Denise M. Massey
Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling
School of Theology
facUlty Marshals
Nik Volkov
Associate Professor of Finance
School of Business
Jay Feng
Professor of Education
College of Education
Vikraman Baskaran
Associate Professor of Informatics
College of Professional Advancement
David G. Garber, Jr.
Associate Professor and
Director of Distance Learning
School of Theology
banner bearers
thoMas P. (toM) bishoP
Greetings from the Mercer Board of Trustees
Tom Bishop serves as chair of the Mercer University Board of Trustees and is currently in his third
ve-year term on the board. A Double Bear, Bishop earned his undergraduate degree from the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 1982 and his J.D. from Mercer Law School in 1985. He is retired chief
compliance ofcer and deputy general counsel for Southern Company Services, and for more than 20
years served in senior executive positions with the Southern Company and its subsidiaries, including
Georgia Power. He previously served on the Executive Committee of the State Bar of Georgia Corporate
Law Section, as a member of the Board of Governors of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, as a member
of Gov. Nathan Deal’s Judicial Nominating Commission, and currently serves as a trustee of the Georgia
Legal History Foundation. He is past national president of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and currently serves
as trustee and chair of the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund. Bishop has been a member of the Mercer Law
School Alumni Board in addition to his service on the University’s Board of Trustees. He and his wife, Darla, have a son, Tyler, who
also holds undergraduate and law degrees from Mercer, and a daughter, Darian, who has an undergraduate degree from Mercer.
34 | aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i i
of Business
Sonja D. Banks
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Taushay M. Banks
Atlanta, Georgia
Tiany Sherrell Barnwell
Miami, Florida
Joshua Dylan Brown
Hampton, Georgia
Seree Francois Brown
Conyers, Georgia
Ashley Carpenter
Grin, Georgia
Yolanda Collins
McDonough, Georgia
Emily DeAnn Davis
Vidalia, Georgia
Steven P. Dilbeck **
Villa Rica, Georgia
Amber Lee Feagins
Denton, Texas
Rachel Elizabeth Floyd
Manseld, Georgia
Randy Allen Forbes
Columbia, Maryland
Samantha Foret **
Rabun Gap, Georgia
Metasebia Getahun **
Snellville, Georgia
Erika L. Harris
Powder Springs, Georgia
Max Jordan Hershberg
Macon, Georgia
Charles J. Hilbers
Roopville, Georgia
Rayvon Hinds-Stallings
Bronx, New York
Dywanna Holmes Harris
Decatur, Georgia
Cassandra Hopkins *
Atlanta, Georgia
Makayla Danielle Huskey
Douglasville, Georgia
Luke Irwin
Canton, Georgia
Wayne C. Jackson
Warner Robins, Georgia
Marla Herlinda Johnson
Temecula, California
Monique Y. Johnson
Covington, Georgia
Jane Kim
Duluth, Georgia
Michelle Annette
McDonough, Georgia
Tiany H. Lindley
Perry, Georgia
John Joseph Mancuso
Vernon, New Jersey
Joslyn Nicole Martin
Kathleen, Georgia
Kasey Danielle McClure **
Rutledge, Georgia
Tonya Evette McNair
Augusta, Georgia
Angela Morgan
Stockbridge, Georgia
Shante Turner Nasir
Richmond, California
Richard Owens III
Cartersville, Georgia
Maria de Lourdes Pineros
Peachtree Corners, Georgia
Lauren Elizabeth
Pitkins ***
Canton, Georgia
Jalen A. Reese
Greenwood, South Carolina
Laneesha Shuntrice
Grantville, Georgia
Rosemary Reid
Macon, Georgia
Brandon L. Russell
Kathleen, Georgia
Elizabeth M. Shockley
Warner Robins, Georgia
Mia Chanel Smoak
Atlanta, Georgia
James Elwood Stephens *
Greensboro, North Carolina
Brandie Marie Stewart
Winston, Georgia
Kiana Monay Toliver
Brooklyn, New York
Tamyra Travis *
Locust Grove, Georgia
Arianna Trejo
Dallas, Georgia
Stephani Leigh Vessell
Hampton, Georgia
Sarah Sherie Waddy
Powder Springs, Georgia
Angela Lynn Weathers
Hoboken, Georgia
Sarah Christine White
Columbus, Georgia
Sulita Marie Winston
Atlanta, Georgia
Master of
Aishah Amerali
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Reece Baldwin
Waxhaw, North Carolina
Silvia Barceló
Sant Boi de Llobregat, Spain
Diemeleou Boua Kouao
Emmanuel Bile
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
Adrian Mitchell Butts
Eatonton, Georgia
Claudette Chason
Athens, Georgia
Victoria Elizabeth
Dawsonville, Georgia
William Edward Doll
Macon, Georgia
Shari-Ann Danielle
Kingston, Jamaica
Ademola Olubunmi Edun
Atlanta, Georgia
Alan Rafael Felipe Dilone
Atlanta, Georgia
Karis Fisher
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Tomeka Giddens
Locust Grove, Georgia
A. Grayson Gilbert
Sandy Springs, Georgia
Summer Michele Harvey
Dunwoody, Georgia
Amanda C. Howard
Fayetteville, Georgia
Ruiling Huang
Chengdu, China
Dynahsty Vajarie
Samantha James
Newnan, Georgia
Autumn Johnson Pate
Lizella, Georgia
HyeEun Kim
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Nguyen Uyen Lam
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Marsha Leopaul
Snellville, Georgia
William Garrett Liming
Statesville, North Carolina
Madison Marchant Carroll
Hazlehurst, Georgia
Naseefah McDonald
Smyrna, Georgia
Bethany Suzanne Moore
Atlanta, Georgia
Tate Ogburn
Auburn, Alabama
Shelia Sapp Olander
Hiawassee, Georgia
Ankita K. Patel
Winder, Georgia
Robert Atlee Pearson
Rome, Georgia
Justin Lee Phillips
Hampton, Georgia
Alexa Elizabeth Ponder
Atlanta, Georgia
Roshanna Janai Rash
Pooler, Georgia
John Kenneth Robinson III
Mobile, Alabama
Andrew Ross Shepherd
Johnson City, Tennessee
Amari Simone Slack
Newnan, Georgia
Kayla Elizabeth Soltys
Gainesville, Virginia
Jasmine Khiandra Nicole
Cartersville, Georgia
Govindan Madhu Veliyath
Atlanta, Georgia
Rina Tokhi Yuness
Roswell, Georgia
Master of
Ginika Anachebe
Jonesboro, Georgia
Mario D. Anderson
Mobile, Alabama
Advaita Angira
Leesburg, Georgia
Ogechi Jennifer Anyanwu
Powder Springs, Georgia
Lewis Peter Ashe
Columbus, Georgia
Emma Asim
Grayson, Georgia
Theodore Alan Attila
Watervliet, Michigan
Nicole Nabors Bailey
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Antoine Ballard
Powder Springs, Georgia
Genesis Pamela Barberan
Kennesaw, Georgia
Mariama Barry
New York, New York
Erich Phillips Bauer
Atlanta, Georgia
Ryanna Carmelita
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Garren Ridge Belower
Warner Robins, Georgia
Courtney Alexis Bennett
Ellenwood, Georgia
DeShaun Christopher
Chicago, Illinois
Joseph Cole Bostwick
McDonough, Georgia
Atlantis Boyd
Savannah, Georgia
Simone Nubia Bromeld
Decatur, Georgia
Elizabeth Brown
Marietta, Georgia
Gabrielle Nicole Brown
Dunwoody, Georgia
Natasha Maria Bullay
Atlanta, Georgia
Brandon Jamal Bynam
Columbus, Georgia
Alan Campbell
Canton, Georgia
Jodian Jastine Campbell
Conyers, Georgia
Ryan Catlin
White, Georgia
Kelsea Marie Cawthon-
Jackson, Georgia
Gracie Ann Champaign
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Fredrick G. Cherry
Scooba, Mississippi
Hyemi Cho
Seoul, South Korea
Maya Dyese Conyers
Washington, District of
A’tiana Angelique Cooper
Newport News, Virginia
Joshua Scott Cranford
Warner Robins, Georgia
Diamond Shanae Crutcher
Monroe, Georgia
Kimberly Allison
Kansas City, Missouri
Hillary Denetrea Curtis
Ocilla, Georgia
Shannon Samaria Daniel
Marietta, Georgia
Kendal Wright Danielson
Bonaire, Georgia
Layne Elizabeth Davis
Macon, Georgia
Whitney Mei Jun Dees
Lucedale, Mississippi
Riley Devault
Woodstock, Georgia
Abibatou Diallo
Fairburn, Georgia
Alexandria Elisabeth Dill
Atlanta, Georgia
Caroline Bower Dotson
Cumming, Georgia
Jennifer Diane Dugan
Macon, Georgia
Kealon Gregory Edwards
Conyers, Georgia
McKenzie Alysa Mae
Carrollton, Georgia
Ransome Eke
Columbus, Georgia
Chidurum Oniyiyechi Ekeke
Fayetteville, Georgia
Tayler Ellis
Atlanta, Georgia
Emily Ann Farrow
Orlando, Florida
Darnell Jay Fisher
Atlanta, Georgia
Andrea LaTisha Fitzhugh
Atlanta, Georgia
Phillip James Fiuza Lima
Marietta, Georgia
Rayshun Fleming
Miami, Florida
Grant Clements Flynn
Pine Mountain, Georgia
Princess Marie Forbes
Smyrna, Georgia
Kyle Wright Foucrier
Huntington Beach, California
Kateria Brianna Fragher
Augusta, Georgia
Quentavious Rashun
Harrison, Georgia
Leo James Frangis
Atlanta, Georgia
Shaun Christopher Gaskin
Warner Robins, Georgia
Alexa Diane Gibb
Lone Tree, Colorado
Lauren Brittany Gibbs
Macon, Georgia
Zyquieria Chanel Gibbs
Cuthbert, Georgia
Eriana Sandri’a Monee
Hartsville, South Carolina
Grin Edward Gluck
LaGrange, Georgia
Megan Lee Green
Fayetteville, Georgia
Sayyed Zaman Haider
Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan,
Sarena Hale
Minter, Alabama
Amber Lynn Hall
Macon, Georgia
Anthony Marquavius
Calhoun Falls, South Carolina
Joshua Emanuel Harris
Covington, Georgia
Jarius Christian Hart
Perry, Georgia
Lilly Lynn Hegwood ~
Milton, Georgia
Durrell Marte Henry
Loganville, Georgia
Devon Jamal Heyward
Goose Creek, South Carolina
Tommi Hicks
Atlanta, Georgia
Zachary Scott Hiers
Cumming, Georgia
Monica Monique Hodge
Eastman, Georgia
Jennifer D. Holland
Sheridan, Arkansas
Willie Holmes Linard
Jacksonville, Florida
Amanda Ashley Houts
Trenton, Georgia
Grace Christine Hunt
Monticello, Georgia
Jochebed Efosa Temitope
Atlanta, Georgia
Adrienne Camia Jackson
Leesburg, Florida
Elham Nassir Jemal
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Olivia Marie Jenkins
Macon, Georgia
Piaman Jhattu
Columbus, Georgia
Alicia Monique Johnson
Jackson, Mississippi
Timothy Edward
Johnson, Jr.
Warner Robins, Georgia
Tini N. Johnson
Lithonia, Georgia
Kierra Nicole Johnson-
Atlanta, Georgia
LaTonya Mariana Jones
Hinesville, Georgia
Passion L. Jones
Augusta, Georgia
Fernandez Wendol Jordan
Macon, Georgia
Mamadi Kaloga
Dallas, Georgia
Taj Anneca Kirby
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Lauren Grace Koppelmann
Evans, Georgia
Kizzi Lawanda Laster
Douglasville, Georgia
Adrian Nicole Lawrence
Evans, Georgia
Jurnee Simone Levett
Snellville, Georgia
Samantha Maria Lewis
Dahlonega, Georgia
Paul Robert Long, Jr.
Villa Rica, Georgia
Danny Tafere Maheri
Atlanta, Georgia
Raven Brittney Mahoney
Dalton, Georgia
school of bUsiness
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
Bachelor of
science in
Awyana D. Adams
Macon, Georgia
Regina Diane Alston **
Lithonia, Georgia
Hafeez Unissa Amreen
Alpharetta, Georgia
Caitlin Elisa Aquino
Monticello, Georgia
Natasha Nicole Arnett
Covington, Georgia
Angela Banks
Atlanta, Georgia
Karley Suzanne Bareld
Social Circle, Georgia
Renee Brown *
Monroe, Georgia
Angel Patricia Cook ***
Douglasville, Georgia
Mia LaCretta Coward
Riverdale, Georgia
Shanika Markee Curry
Chicago, Illinois
Monica Lolita Daniel
Grin, Georgia
Darshandria Monique
Grayson, Georgia
Elarge Drake McKenzie **
Covington, Georgia
Caitlynn Sollenberger
Fallin *
Thomaston, Georgia
Amanda Lauren French
Senoia, Georgia
Daniela Garcia Zarco **
Morrow, Georgia
Candi Lee Gilmore
Jackson, Georgia
Som R. Gurung **
Snellville, Georgia
Ashley Nicole Hansen **
McDonough, Georgia
Dawn Leslie James
Lilburn, Georgia
Allison Jones-Eason *
Covington, Georgia
Casance Ykeikaus
Kendrick **
Molena, Georgia
Erica Langford
Atlanta, Georgia
Sarah Danielle Martin *
Covington, Georgia
Janese Nicole McGee
Atlanta, Georgia
Tanya Shelleca McIntosh
Douglasville, Georgia
Kalonda M. McKnight **
Covington, Georgia
Lydie P. Menard
McDonough, Georgia
Loretta Mikell
Douglasville, Georgia
Adam Mobley *
Hampton, Georgia
Madison Mobley
Hampton, Georgia
Stephanie L. Monroe
Bronx, New York
My’Asia Shantal Mutch *
Waynesboro, Georgia
Stephanie Elizabeth
Nollman *
McDonough, Georgia
Rachel Anne Oswell
Winder, Georgia
Nairobi Iris-Raeterice
Otis-Mimbs ***
McDonough, Georgia
Amy Renee Phillips
Locust Grove, Georgia
Toshira Elizabeth Pryce
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Ally Nicole Ramsey
Grin, Georgia
India Nicole Scott ***
Jonesboro, Georgia
Briana Sears
Fayetteville, Georgia
Meriam Mary Sedyame *
Covington, Georgia
Elizabeth Coleman Shivers
Jackson, Georgia
Kelsey Lane Smith
Grin, Georgia
Latoria Strickland
Newnan, Georgia
Caekelia Sutton-Watkins
Atlanta, Georgia
Aschlun Camielle Taylor *
College Park, Georgia
Michael Jason Teufel *
Decatur, Georgia
Melody Yvette Toles
Decatur, Georgia
Imaobong Sunday Udoa
Jonesboro, Georgia
Harshita Vohra
Conyers, Georgia
Angie LaFaye Walker
Decatur, Georgia
Timara Janay Walker
Douglasville, Georgia
Mykeia Watson
McDonough, Georgia
Ovelett M. Weise **
Peachtree Corners, Georgia
Heather White
Monticello, Georgia
Amber Naviana Williams
Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Jennifer Arlene
Woodard **
Conyers, Georgia
Deloris L. Wright
Conyers, Georgia
aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i i | 3 5
Michael Robert Malinovsky
Atlanta, Georgia
Abby Nicole Mathews
Woodstock, Georgia
Ayanna Elizabeth McDue
Lithonia, Georgia
Melanie McKinney
Aiken, South Carolina
Grace Kathleen Mendez
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Jaquisha Merritt
Decatur, Georgia
Kahlil Miller
Columbus, Georgia
Matthew Eric Miller
Roselle, Illinois
Rosalyn Selena Minton
Jacksonville, Florida
Bénédicte Mbuyi Mupanda
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic
of The Congo
Blyss Sheja Musonera
Grayson, Georgia
Samantha Lynn Nelson
Midway, Georgia
Linda Davis Newman
Dacula, Georgia
Kerby Joseph Noel
Dublin, Georgia
Gerrick Denard Norris
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Ralueke Chidalu Orizu
Atlanta, Georgia
Madeleine Haley
Columbus, Georgia
Daniel Padin
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Micaiah Paige
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Dhruv Nilesh Patel
Athens, Georgia
Disha Patel
Atlanta, Georgia
Krupa Pravin Patel
Macon, Georgia
Sheetal Bistesh Patil ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Matthew Ryan Peaster
Perry, Georgia
Pecchata Phy ~
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Pablo Plancarte
Columbia, Kentucky
Joshua Viktor Prather
Lilburn, Georgia
Savana Kathleen Prock
Cleveland, Tennessee
Erin Elizabeth Randall
Spring, Texas
Katherine Mary Ray
Jesup, Georgia
Tyler Sean Rehl ~
Cumming, Georgia
Stephanie Zoe Rivera-
Jacksonville, Florida
Emily M. Robert
Cumming, Georgia
Piper Nicholle Robinson
Atlanta, Georgia
Shannen Nancy Roy
Duluth, Georgia
Tracy Russell-Gonzalez
Johns Creek, Georgia
Favour Anuoluwapo
Buford, Georgia
Benjamin Lukas Salyer
Cleveland, Tennessee
Audrey N. Schuette
Roswell, Georgia
Suhas Seetharam
Macon, Georgia
Emma Marie Sewell
Marietta, Georgia
Monea’ L. Shepherd
Perry, Georgia
Zachary Wade Simmons
Valdosta, Georgia
Larry Bon Sims III
Augusta, Georgia
Samuel Ford Smith
Acworth, Georgia
Mateus Nelson Souza
Kennesaw, Georgia
Daniel Suthers
Savannah, Georgia
Aaron Christopher Svare
Macon, Georgia
Albert Taylor, Jr.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Akeria Jhane’ Thomas
Warner Robins, Georgia
Jordan Taylor Thomas
Plaineld, New Jersey
Tireq Dekarlus Thorne
Fayetteville, Georgia
Lindsay Michaela Tillman
Thomasville, Georgia
Aime Michelle Todd
Dallas, Georgia
Kali Ann Todd
Longwood, Florida
Ke’Brina Annette Townsend
Prattville, Alabama
Tia Trawick
Macon, Georgia
Quentin Maurice Tucker
Detroit, Michigan
Gregory Ryan Turner
Perry, Georgia
Nancy Chinenye Uwaekwe
Powder Springs, Georgia
Nathan Louis Varlack
Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands
Jocelyn Ilsa Velez
Miami, Florida
Jasmine Latrese Venable
Walkertown, North Carolina
Melyce Wagner
Fairbanks, Alaska
Matthew Thomas Walters ~
Suwanee, Georgia
Angela Waltman
Luthersville, Georgia
Jace Tyler Washington
Evans, Georgia
Morgan Rebekah Waters
Mobile, Alabama
Demone Thomas Webb
Warner Robins, Georgia
Luciana Lara Wi
Wilmington Island, Georgia
Chary LaShonn Williams
Hinesville, Georgia
Gregory Antone Williams
Atlanta, Georgia
Amanda Santia Willingham
Atlanta, Georgia
John Wood
Milledgeville, Georgia
Jendayi Barri Wright
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Elizabeth N. Yavnel
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Lydia Abate Zewide
Smyrna, Georgia
Master of
Mohammed Abdul
Rahman Akbar
Hyderabad, India
Mohammed Nihal Akmal
Bangalore, India
Mario Andres Alcaraz
Pachuca de Soto, Mexico
Ravi Teja Annabathina
Chandrapadu, India
Shahzad Anwar
Okara, Pakistan
Hadia Balde
Atlanta, Georgia
Mohammad Basil
Atlanta, Georgia
Pooja Bolla
Hyderabad, India
Kavya Chandran
Chennai, India
Nikitha Reddy Chennuru
Naidupeta, India
Latonya Cox
Tacoma, Washington
Benita E. Dadson
Accra, Ghana
Michel Dedje
Yopougon, Côte d’Ivoire
Hemasree Diguva Sodum
Atlanta, Georgia
Lila Rose Fraser ~
Lyme, Connecticut
Priya Manoj Gandhi
Pune, India
Maria Isabel Gomez Mesa
Popayán, Colombia
Jazmine Kathleen Green
Chicago, Illinois
Abhishek Gundala
Hyderabad, India
Maria Krista Aggabao
Dallas, Georgia
Aishwarya Sanjay Katale
Nashik, India
Adebola Damilola Koya
Douglasville, Georgia
Tae Yong Kwon
Seoul, South Korea
Gary Lee
Atlanta, Georgia
Karim Liaquat
Karachi, Pakistan
Ragan Taylor Victoria Lyman
Fortson, Georgia
Madelyn Spain Mauro ~
Cumming, Georgia
Nehanth Moganti
Visakhapatnam, India
Monish Kumar Naidu
Atlanta, Georgia
Pranay Naik
Harare, Zimbabwe
Bach Xuan Nguyen
Hanoi, Vietnam
Nhan Van Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tam Phuong Nguyen
Orlando, Florida
Trang Thi Thuy Nguyen ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Sanelisiwe Amanda Nkomo
Atlanta, Georgia
Nilufar Mansurjon Kizi
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Yewande Adetorera Oluleye
Snellville, Georgia
Oyinkansola Aishat Oyinloye
Atlanta, Georgia
Pavan Kumar Perumalla
Atlanta, Georgia
Jayden Dominique
McDonough, Georgia
Najahmé Ridley-Boggans
Syracuse, New York
Arthur Rincon de Freitas
Goiânia, Goias, Brazil
Sowndarya Saini
Utnoor, Adilabad, India
Ella M. Sanders
Atlanta, Georgia
Vaneeza Fatima Shad
Atlanta, Georgia
Fazal Hyder Shaik
Stockbridge, Georgia
Antara Singh
Hyderabad, India
Sajjiynie Suraweera
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Syeda Mehdi Fatima Lubna
Norcross, Georgia
Niharika Tewari
Atlanta, Georgia
Uyen My Tran
Nha Trang, Vietnam
Qi Wang ~
Suzhou, China
Goutham Yallapu
Hyderabad, India
Hamza Yousaf
Atlanta, Georgia
Robert Edwin Lee Zell
Woodstock, Georgia
college of edUcation
Continued –
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
36 | aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i i
Master of arts
in teaching
Christopher D’Shawn
Atlanta, Georgia
Katlin Marie Abram
Macon, Georgia
Matthew Gregory Adams
Fairburn, Georgia
Tiany Lasha Alexander ~
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
James Lee Allen
East Orange, New Jersey
Kelsey Rae Arnold
Jonesboro, Georgia
Lori Sundberg Ashman
Roswell, Georgia
Talahia Nicole Barden ~
Atlanta, Georgia
LaTonya L. Bledsoe
Carrollton, Mississippi
Derrick Clemente Boone
Atlanta, Georgia
Clinton Boyd, Jr.
Riverdale, Georgia
Antonio Lamar Brewton
Metter, Georgia
Taylor Yvette Bridgeforth
Fort Washington, Maryland
Danielle Elizabeth Bryant ~
Riverdale, Georgia
Alexis N. Bullock
Marietta, Georgia
Monica Joy Burton
Queens, New York
Ashley Bynum
College Park, Georgia
Krystal Nicole Cansler
Smyrna, Georgia
Christy Michelle Seay
Carpenter ~
Marietta, Georgia
Byron Carroll ~
Covington, Georgia
Corey Christian
Chapman ~
Marietta, Georgia
Michael C. Clayton
Peachtree Corners, Georgia
Semaj Nasir Collins
Rex, Georgia
Suanteuan Cooper
Oakland, California
Jamie Beth Crowley
Marietta, Georgia
Jasmine Nichelle Daniel
Atlanta, Georgia
Lauryn Elizabeth Davidson
Buford, Georgia
Ashley Dolores Davis ~
McDonough, Georgia
Kiarie Aimetria DeGroat
Atlanta, Georgia
Charri Felyce Doyle ~
Covington, Georgia
Cinthya Denisse Juárez
Atlanta, Georgia
Brittany Ann Engel
Colbert, Georgia
Nickie Evans
Grin, Georgia
Tasia Breairre Garrett
Albany, Georgia
Marisol Gentry
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Khadijah Lenea Glover
Decatur, Georgia
Steven R. Greer
McDonough, Georgia
Kevin Dante Guyton
Jonesboro, Georgia
Lewis B. Hall, Jr.
Savannah, Georgia
Jason Montez Hancock
Atlanta, Georgia
Angie Lynnette Handy
McDonough, Georgia
Zahria Brooke Harris
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Bria Nicole Harrison
Decatur, Georgia
Zana C. Harvey
Dayton, Ohio
Bethany Michelle Haynes
Lebanon, Ohio
Rikita Henderson
Marietta, Georgia
Darian Maurice
Augusta, Georgia
Madolyn Elizabeth Hicks
Macon, Georgia
Precious Lachae Hicks-
Mitchell ~
Snellville, Georgia
Dana Lauren-Ashlee
Augusta, Georgia
Melody Ann Hudson
McDonough, Georgia
Amanda Grace Hunter
Warner Robins, Georgia
Symphoni Jacobs
McDonough, Georgia
Chelsea Brianna Johnson
Fayetteville, Georgia
Nayo Yejide Johnson
Raleigh, North Carolina
Sarah Renee Johnson
Kingsland, Georgia
Brittany Kajencki
Denver, Colorado
Brittany Amber Michelle
Lithonia, Georgia
Denaya Shalice Key
Atlanta, Georgia
Tameka Annabelle Kuar
Loganville, Georgia
Donneia Lawson
Decatur, Georgia
Yvonne Lynn Lawson
Stockbridge, Georgia
Joel Jacob Lindsey
Stuart, Virginia
Alexandria Katherine Long
Atlanta, Georgia
Amalia Louis
Douglasville, Georgia
Casey Leigh Mantuano
Vidalia, Georgia
Steven Martinez
Locust Grove, Georgia
Brian Matthews
Decatur, Georgia
Crystal Lavette McDow ~
Spencer, Oklahoma
Jacquia Shaunte Melvin ~
Norfolk, Virginia
Mary Miae Mikula
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Caitlin Deeann Miller ~
Waycross, Georgia
Kenneth Murrah
Mitchell, Jr.
Decatur, Georgia
Shantia Moss
Atlanta, Georgia
Jessica Marie Neal
Cedartown, Georgia
Andrea Newman
Meggie ~
McDonough, Georgia
Annie Ngo
Alpharetta, Georgia
Natasha Kjersti Nolan ~
Alpharetta, Georgia
Claire Penney
Manchester, New Hampshire
Francheska Carnita
Douglasville, Georgia
Omar Rasul
Birmingham, Alabama
Shana Marie Reese
Atlanta, Georgia
A’Maya Nicole Rhodes
Loganville, Georgia
Norman Smith Richards ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Jabrina Nicholl Riddle
Savannah, Georgia
Jamelia Robbins Obu
Decatur, Georgia
Salema Robinson ~
Camden, New Jersey
Summiya Muhammad
Villa Rica, Georgia
Tamara Robinson
McDonough, Georgia
Kerry Lynn Roderick-Bush
Providence, Rhode Island
Celina Rodriguez Moran
Loganville, Georgia
Georgette Rosser
Atlanta, Georgia
Marc Russo
Roswell, Georgia
Crystal Schissel
Atlanta, Georgia
Keyarra Chantise Scott ~
Pineland, South Carolina
Lateasha D. Seals
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Staphia Kasmine Sellers
Morrow, Georgia
Sharron Long Shepheard
Powder Springs, Georgia
Jeremy A. Sheppard ~
Lithonia, Georgia
Carmen Mickialia Shytle
Charlotte, North Carolina
Sandricka Simmons
Atlanta, Georgia
Karmen D’Layne Sims
Jeerson, Georgia
Marie Antoinette Singleton
Lithonia, Georgia
Annesa Amirah Smith
Covington, Georgia
Lauren Nicole Smith
Lithonia, Georgia
Maya Kierra Smith
Thomaston, Georgia
Shamia Latreena Smith ~
Brooklyn, New York
Whitney Spencer ~
Brewton, Alabama
Sally Ruth St. Vrain
Alpharetta, Georgia
Harmoni Camille St.
Jacksonville, Florida
Danyel Nikoyl Stancil
Covington, Georgia
Hannah Jackson Stewart ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Nakenya Michelle Stockdale
Kennesaw, Georgia
Reshma Sultana
Marietta, Georgia
Zoe Margaret Taylor
Fort Worth, Texas
Erica R. Terrell
College Park, Georgia
Tammy Anita Thomas
Conyers, Georgia
Aaliyah S. Tillman
Hazlehurst, Mississippi
Brendan Tyner
Woodstock, Georgia
Lakeshi Renea Ussery
Atlanta, Georgia
Kim Ngoc Thuy Vo
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Rickey Willis Waddell ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Claresa Jennifer Waight
Miami, Florida
Nikita Michelle Walker
Atlanta, Georgia
Rebecca Joy Weems
Carrollton, Georgia
Janecha Necole Welch
Tucker, Georgia
Asia LaShun White
Ellenwood, Georgia
Kendra Williams
Jonesboro, Georgia
Simone S. Wills
Decatur, Georgia
Dabney Arina Eugenia
Douglasville, Georgia
Master of
Teany Shanell Austin
Sylvania, Georgia
Roberta Axson
Milledgeville, Georgia
Patricia Batasha Baker
Macon, Georgia
Beverly Banning
Jonesboro, Georgia
Veena S. Black
Atlanta, Georgia
Brian Marvin Bryant ~
Fayetteville, North Carolina
Vanessa Carter ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Annette Marie Castleberry
Dallas, Georgia
Emily Elizabeth Cefalu
South Lake Tahoe, California
Chloe Adel Chambers
Molena, Georgia
Nicole V. Clay
College Park, Georgia
Kristen Gail Cowart
Cartersville, Georgia
Marion Elizabeth Proctor
Bluton, South Carolina
Denise Ann Fraser ~
Boston, Massachusetts
Hannah Denise Gattereau
Boston, Massachusetts
Amari Imani Glover
Orlando, Florida
Jessica Margaret Herndon
Forsyth, Georgia
LaTrina R. Howell
Milledgeville, Georgia
Sondra Latoria Hubert
Atlanta, Georgia
Lois Ann Hu
Statesboro, Georgia
Adeel Iqbal
Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Isia Islam
Hyannis, Massachusetts
Theresa Lee James
Moultrie, Georgia
Darren Emil Johnson
Augusta, Georgia
Shana Johnson
Lithonia, Georgia
Carmela D. Jones
Atlanta, Georgia
Jennifer Kersey
Jackson, Georgia
Ja’net Lovelace
Stockbridge, Georgia
Tracy Martinez
Fort Mill, South Carolina
Asia Monday
Ellenwood, Georgia
Mohana Suresh Nair
Peachtree Corners, Georgia
Subira A. Nisbeth
Atlanta, Georgia
Jena Camille Palmer
Waynesboro, Georgia
Kimberly Nicole Petty
Young Harris, Georgia
Curtis Pryor
Augusta, Georgia
Morgan Rigsby Ratts ~
Valdosta, Georgia
Rashanda Ladorn Ravenel
McDonough, Georgia
Catherine Richards ~
Long Island, New York
Sheddrick Terrance Risper
Macon, Georgia
Cayce Rose
Lithia Springs, Georgia
Amy Towns Sammons
McRae, Georgia
Mary Margaret Schulte
Atlanta, Georgia
Katherine A. Sherman
Atlanta, Georgia
Rosalyn Simmons-Farid
Rex, Georgia
McKenzie Leigh Snyder
Jackson, Georgia
Cierra Thomas
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Madalynn Viola Thomas
Young Harris, Georgia
Natalie Alexis Townsend
Douglasville, Georgia
Malawi B. Watson
Snellville, Georgia
Giandra Davida Watts
Albany, Georgia
Tomeka Watts
Conyers, Georgia
Cynthia Dianne Watts-
Skinner ~
Woodstock, Georgia
Thaia Wheatt
Atlanta, Georgia
Rennata Wilson
Macon, Georgia
Grace Lindsay Woodall
Hampton, Georgia
specialist in
Sterling Monet Ancrum
Columbus, Georgia
Amber Shaunell Nicole
Fairburn, Georgia
Eria Markisa Kenyetta
Brooks ~
Lanett, Alabama
Eryn Brown
McDonough, Georgia
Summer Ashley Bullock
Gary, Indiana
Laura Celeste Canepa-
Johns Creek, Georgia
Natalie Kay Coleman
New Lebanon, Ohio
Melissa Jo Cone
Grin, Georgia
Whittney Danielle Conley
Atlanta, Georgia
Shakenya Dol
Loganville, Georgia
MaKita Yvette Edwards
Snellville, Georgia
Brittany Renee Frazier
Dayton, Ohio
Courtney A. Fullwood
Bolivia, North Carolina
Sela Audrey Hagle
Cumming, Georgia
Jaylon Correll Harden
Grin, Georgia
Brittney Emrrol Harris ~
Giraud, Saltibus, Saint Lucia
Brantley Mercer Hopkins
Fitzgerald, Georgia
Sheertill Monique Lewis ~
McDonough, Georgia
Lakeisha Lewis-Allen
Stockbridge, Georgia
Kaley Renee Lovins
Locust Grove, Georgia
Elliott Sanders McCray
Atlanta, Georgia
Ebony Lynn McKinley
Claremont, California
Donovan James McMullen
Riverdale, Georgia
college of
– Continued
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i i | 3 7
Michael Anthony Mills
Columbia, South Carolina
Lydia Sheree’ Moreno
Jackson, Georgia
Alicia Cecile Owens ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Veronica Perry
Snellville, Georgia
Iona S. Rawls ~
McDonough, Georgia
Lynette Marie Rivera
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Adrian Batrice Run
Sardis, Georgia
Jameka R. Simmons ~
Milledgeville, Georgia
Chelsea Delecia Smith
Decatur, Georgia
Shaundrea Tane’ Stepp
Newnan, Georgia
Taylor Potter Stringer
Folkston, Georgia
Daisha Marie Taylor
Riverdale, Georgia
Sandra Kay Vinson
Garden Grove, California
Shanyra Trayona Walker
Waynesboro, Georgia
Lisa Carnes Ward
Loganville, Georgia
Sparkle Wheatley
Chicago, Illinois
Alesha Whitaker
Albany, Georgia
Joanne Melissa Wiley
Milledgeville, Georgia
Stenie Winfrey
Atlanta, Georgia
Michaela Woody
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Jazmine Aniya Young
Thomaston, Georgia
doctor of
Victoria Symphony-Guillory
Avondale Estates, Georgia
Laura Brook Buckelew
Peachtree Corners, Georgia
Retina Q. Burton ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Mariah J. Carter
Macon, Georgia
Nathan Andrew Cost
Atlanta, Georgia
Kimberly Karen Cross
Atlanta, Georgia
Julillian Nikkia Davis
Albany, Georgia
Julie Danielle Eavenson
Douglasville, Georgia
Tynetta Shelese Jenkins
Augusta, Georgia
Sarah Ross
Birmingham, Alabama
Paul Alexander Siegel
Dunwoody, Georgia
Latoya Antoinette Tolefree
Atlanta, Georgia
Erica Adela Warren ~
Hampton, Georgia
Bachelor of
Brittany Lynn Benton
McDonough, Georgia
Stacey Lynn Calvin *
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Patricia Capinski-Abadie *
Acworth, Georgia
Deborah Renee’ Christian
Conley, Georgia
Mackenzie Danielle
Golubkov ~
Woodstock, Georgia
Bonnie Leigh Guice
Atlanta, Georgia
Crystal J. Luker
Rome, Georgia
Charcle Sparks
Atlanta, Georgia
Matthew Kyle Stewart
Grin, Georgia
Jackson Alexander Stone *
Peachtree City, Georgia
Anna Kea Tarleton
Loganville, Georgia
Lydia Ann Vavases *
Cartersville, Georgia
Alicia Wellman
Danville, Georgia
Treasure Jenerra Wilson
Atlanta, Georgia
Bachelor of
Cameron Forrest Adams
Macon, Georgia
Amir Akins *
Jonesboro, Georgia
Maria Celeste Allu ***
Buford, Georgia
Rand Mosbah Alnajjar
Snellville, Georgia
Alyshia Anih
McDonough, Georgia
Olivia Georgia Anthony **
Dacula, Georgia
Genrei R. Baldemor
McDonough, Georgia
Wylene Baldwin
Statesboro, Georgia
Allison Justine Berkey
McDonough, Georgia
Tyler Berry
Atlanta, Georgia
Keyarrah Brown
Lima, Ohio
Shellene Mitchell Bryant
Locust Grove, Georgia
Shannan L. Buckner
Valley, Alabama
Alexander James Carroll
Red Bank, Tennessee
Alexandria Mullen Cater *
Buford, Georgia
Kendra Janeatha
Forsyth, Georgia
Lisa Cheng *
Manhattan, New York
Jennifer Lynn Clark
Jackson, Georgia
Kelsey Taylor Clark
Conyers, Georgia
Kysha Sherce Cobb
Martinez, Georgia
Denisse Constanza
Norcross, Georgia
Breanna Marie Corbin
Glens Falls, New York
Lalita Sheree Crews
Montgomery, Alabama
Nicole Marie De La
Concha Nazario **
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Jorge Diaz ***~
Chicago, Illinois
Kiersten Regine Dickey
Rochester, New York
Courtnian Dixon
Bronx, New York
Jacob Michael Donacik *
Chaska, Minnesota
Alexandria Elaine Dyer *
Carrollton, Georgia
Heather Ann Fairchild
Woodstock, Georgia
Dwayne Cam Ford
Conyers, Georgia
Jeremy Foster *
Loganville, Georgia
Brittany Gamble
McDonough, Georgia
Dollmarie Garcia
McDonough, Georgia
Asharie Green-Edwards
Grin, Georgia
Sidnie E. Gulley
Chipley, Florida
Sacha LaShawn Hand
Atlanta, Georgia
Beverlyann Harris Walker
Flovilla, Georgia
Hope Kaitlin Hendrix
Douglasville, Georgia
Yandchia R. Higdon
Macon, Georgia
Kristen Nicole Hinton ~
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
Grin Thomas Hodges
Bonaire, Georgia
Bonita Ann Jolly
Concord, Georgia
Megan Breanna Kaufman
Jacksonville, North Carolina
Sara Kolbie
Dublin, Georgia
Emilia Latrice Lawrence
Perry, Georgia
Melanie Kelli Major
Alpharetta, Georgia
Farrah T. Malloy
Sylvania, Georgia
Seán R. McCarthy ***
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Andrew N. Meeks
Milner, Georgia
Karen Carmeta Mitchell
McDonough, Georgia
Ashley J. Mizell **
Atlanta, Georgia
Kendall Grace Moore *
Peachtree City, Georgia
Tonya R. Munden
Atlanta, Georgia
Deanna Nichols
Albany, Georgia
Kimberly Marie O’Neal **
Marietta, Georgia
Katrina Michelle Owens
Atlanta, Georgia
Shanel Patterson
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Hollis Norman Patton
Detroit, Michigan
Libby J. Pollard **
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Faith Porter
Fayetteville, Georgia
Ansley Christine Powell
Temple, Georgia
Robin Lee Rainwater **
Riverdale, Georgia
Robert Devon Reed
Conley, Georgia
Teshia Angela Michelle
Douglasville, Georgia
Kinnette A. Richardson
Powder Springs, Georgia
Penny A. Rolle
Lithia Springs, Georgia
Sharon Tsitsi Rolle ***
Harare, Zimbabwe
Julie Ann Ryals
Thomaston, Georgia
Blaire D. Schaeer
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lisa Sinn
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Joseph A. Slattery
Savannah, Georgia
Octavia Antoinette
Augusta, Georgia
Natalee Stewart
Locust Grove, Georgia
Emma Denice Swain
Acworth, Georgia
Klishia Reneen Taylor
Chicago, Illinois
Tayana Danielle Taylor
Covington, Georgia
Janiqua C. Terrell
Grin, Georgia
Rekeisha Turner Womble
Sparta, Georgia
Debra Belinda Upshaw
Conyers, Georgia
D’Andrea N. Wallace
Pensacola, Florida
Anaiya White
Porterdale, Georgia
Shaneice Brea Ann White
Randallstown, Maryland
Tia Ronjerica White
Douglasville, Georgia
Joanne Starleana Whiting
Dallas, Georgia
Brenda Keinet
Wineglass ***
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Angelica Monet Wineld
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Lowuan Jaire Woods
Mount Vernon, Illinois
Taitiana Woods
Marietta, Georgia
Master of
Rebecca Faith Abernathy
Cumming, Georgia
Oreoluwa Ifeoluwa
Douglasville, Georgia
Tiany Adike
Powder Springs, Georgia
Thomas Lee Adkins III
Fayetteville, Georgia
Navid Amiri
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Ta’Meshia La’Schelle Battle
Perry, Georgia
Haleigh Bauldwin
Chickamauga, Georgia
Laina Alexandra
Blue Ridge, Georgia
Hallie Frances Bedol
Atlanta, Georgia
Meredith Susanne Bennett
Cochran, Georgia
Shivani Sonal Bharat
Bedford, Massachusetts
Richard Reynaldo
Brooklyn, New York
Ruth Elizabeth Boggs
Grin, Georgia
Alexa Jasmyn Jayviell
Brown ~
Springeld, Illinois
Kathleen E. Browning
Suwanee, Georgia
Camille Anne Brust
Tampa, Florida
Brittany Brianna Bush
Columbus, Georgia
Louis D. Carter
Kennesaw, Georgia
Olivia Leigh Chapes
Alpharetta, Georgia
Reed M. Coss
Atlanta, Georgia
Cloe LeeAnn Crosby
Macon, Georgia
Ingrid P. Cruz
Norcross, Georgia
Dalia Cuevas Madrigal
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Jatae Darden ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Carter Lister Day
Greenville, South Carolina
Donna N. Deane
Stockbridge, Georgia
Jazmyne E. Dennis
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Daryl Lee Dudley
Warsaw, Virginia
Chelsea Nicole Elder
Austell, Georgia
Alexandra Marie Elliott
McDonough, Georgia
Jillian Kirstin Elmer
Jeerson, Georgia
Andrea Linn Ferenchik
Cumming, Georgia
Joshua Fernandes
Dacula, Georgia
Faith Fletcher
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Franklin Murray Abraham
Atlanta, Georgia
Jessica Dianne Fosse
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Trevor Francois
Brooklyn, New York
Serena Monique Franklin
McDonough, Georgia
Sara Rachel Freeman
Canon, Georgia
Michelle Alisa Fritch
Atlanta, Georgia
Catherine Elizabeth Geyer
Austin, Texas
Corey Glaze
Atlanta, Georgia
Tenasia Laneshe Glover
Riverdale, Georgia
DaCota Goodwin
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Melissa M. Gould
Duluth, Georgia
Lakia Marie Grin
Fort Myers, Florida
Anna Elizabeth Griggers
Macon, Georgia
Helyn Louise Haley
Atlanta, Georgia
Benjamin Walker
Hampton ~
Donalsonville, Georgia
college of Professional advanceMent
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
Continued –
38 | aT l a n Ta c e r e M o n y i i
school of theology
Master of
Leonor Esther Steele
Winston, Georgia
Khaaliq Thomas
Detroit, Michigan
Master of
Taqaveous Tyrice Chandler
Nicholson, Georgia
Ting Gao
Shenzhen, China
Sierra Hurst
Locust Grove, Georgia
Stuart Andrew Miner
Tucker, Georgia
Luan Nguyen
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Talisia D. Rowell
Montgomery, Alabama
Thizier Innocent Seya
Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Harriet Sandoval
Columbus, Georgia
Abram Leonard
Urbana, Illinois
Master of
Renee Michelle Anderson
Alpharetta, Georgia
Michael D. Biddle
Grin, Georgia
Jewel Desiree Cannon
The Bronx, New York
Jonathan Biju Chacko
Kerala, India
Anne Sylvester Cramer
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
William Moncure Cumbia
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Roderick Mitchell
Cummings, Sr.
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Nigel Leondre Fulmore-
Engham, South Carolina
William A. Green III
East Point, Kentucky
Kelly Elizabeth Holdway
Greer, South Carolina
Christian Xavier Ingram
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Andrea Corso Johnson
Villa Rica, Georgia
Vicki La-Jai Lightfoot
Sandston, Virginia
Lilibate Lilly Luhanga
Dunwoody, Georgia
Zachary Mason
Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
Emily Ann Nieho
Mendham, New Jersey
Andrea Marie Wilson
Avon Park, Florida
doctor of
Martha Kate Hall
Augusta, Georgia
Ronald Paul Hayes
Boone, North Carolina
Christopher Joshua Hensley
Belmont, North Carolina
Dahl Antonio Moss
Midland, Georgia
Robert Christopher Murphy
Mount Holly, North Carolina
Adama Melitte Zawadi
Stonecrest, Georgia
Participation in the graduation ceremony does not necessarily represent conferral of the degree.
Degrees are awarded at the end of the term in which all requirements are met. Honors printed in the program and announced
at the commencement ceremony are based on grades earned at the time of program publication and may not reect nal honors.
Tanesha Shantel Harmon
Warner Robins, Georgia
Kristen Elaine Harris
Cedartown, Georgia
Catherine Olivia Murphy
Alpharetta, Georgia
Shannon McCulloch Heitz
West Palm Beach, Florida
Kelly Elizabeth Holdway
Greer, South Carolina
Kathryn Paige Huggins
Peachtree City, Georgia
George William
Humphreys III
Marietta, Georgia
Christian Xavier Ingram
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Crystal R. Jackson
Conyers, Georgia
Margaret Winter
Jameson ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Lauren Lena Jarrell
Auburn, Alabama
Kylie Danielle Jenkins
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Anna Jin
Evans, Georgia
Katie Corrine Johnson
Smithville, Mississippi
Danielle Kirkendall
Parish, New York
Oluwadamilola Kuku
London, United Kingdom
Se Jeong Lee
Atlanta, Georgia
Mirajah Denise Lewis
Gulfport, Mississippi
Brianna J. Lindsay
Lithonia, Georgia
Cheyenne Sierra Lizarraga
Grayson, Georgia
Karen Bernadette Loncke
Hampton, Georgia
Jenna McCrae Long
Evans, Georgia
Lilibate Lilly Luhanga
Dunwoody, Georgia
Jalen Tre’nard Lumpkin
Milledgeville, Georgia
Reon O’Neil Lyle
Lithonia, Georgia
John Wesley Michael
Bogart, Georgia
Molly Anne Martin
Atlanta, Georgia
Keyani K. Mathis
Atlanta, Georgia
Megan Rose Mathis ~
Marietta, Georgia
Erin Tara Maurer
Atlanta, Georgia
Hannah Jessie May
Hull, Georgia
Jamie Nickole McBride
Atlanta, Georgia
Hallie McGuinness ~
Cumming, Georgia
Layne McLaughlin
Marietta, Georgia
Lillie McLean ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Christopher J. McMullen
Macon, Georgia
Carlesea De’Anna McRae
McDonough, Georgia
Ross Mills
Suwanee, Georgia
La’Sha Adrielle Mitchell
New Orleans, Louisiana
Brittany N. Moore
Valdosta, Georgia
Katie Morand
Buford, Georgia
Sarah Olivia Morris
Alpharetta, Georgia
Meagan Alexis Morrison
St. Marys, Georgia
Denny Nguyen
Macon, Georgia
Vi Nguyen
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Philip Bruce Niekro
Atlanta, Georgia
Kayla Rose Oates
Jonesboro, Georgia
Sylvia Okoma
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Peace Oluwatomiwa
Jonesboro, Georgia
Maria D. Ortiz
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Sydney Ashley Otuata ~
Lilburn, Georgia
April Tamika Owens
Camden, New Jersey
Jessica Lynn Park
Johns Creek, Georgia
Madison Rose Patterson ~
Smyrna, Georgia
Robal Petros
Jonesboro, Georgia
Nataly Landaverde
Rocky Face, Georgia
Serenity RacQuel Quant
Miami, Florida
Naveena Rameshbabu
Waxhaw, North Carolina
Niah Simone Redmond
Decatur, Georgia
Nakeya Reese
Selma, Alabama
Whyeethia Respress
McDonough, Georgia
Karlee Nichole Robinson
Opelika, Alabama
Laura Branch Roche
Tucker, Georgia
Genoa Octavia Rodgers
Grovetown, Georgia
Briana Irene Roger ~
Atlanta, Georgia
Jasmine Rose
Bualo, New York
Jessell Daniela Salgado
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Fonda Coleman Shanks
Lithia Springs, Georgia
Sheliethe Aliana Simpson
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Alexis Laneeka-Lofa
Jonesboro, Georgia
Kindred Elizabeth Smith
Alpharetta, Georgia
Lydell Deon Smith ~
Houston, Texas
Amber Southern ~
Marietta, Georgia
Jordan Elyse Spurlin
Decatur, Georgia
De’Qundra Chemelle
Eden, Georgia
Sherita Stringer
Washington, District of
Narissa Michelle Strozier
Miami, Florida
Christina Stump
Warner Robins, Georgia
Mandisa Taqqee
Snellville, Georgia
LaShana Renea Taylor
Rentz, Georgia
Kayla Marie Teater
Toccoa, Georgia
Briana M. Thomas
Cedartown, Georgia
Dejah Jasandria Paulette
Albany, Georgia
Marija Thomas
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Rayvin Olivia Townsend
Alpharetta, Georgia
Kaytlyn Dajea Trower
Stratford, Connecticut
Angela Unger
Dacula, Georgia
Alisha Virani
Hyderabad, India
Shelly Vyas
Warner Robins, Georgia
Ambrasia DaShun
Jeersonville, Georgia
Breana Christine Watson
Memphis, Tennessee
Ansley Edge Wetherington ~
Peachtree City, Georgia
Latasha Levet Williams
Rentz, Georgia
Andrea Marie Wilson
Avon Park, Florida
Dianne Michelle Wisham
Decatur, Georgia
Tomeco N. Woods ~
Loganville, Georgia
Sarah Ann Woolson
Palm Harbor, Florida
Kayla Je’Nae Wright
Snellville, Georgia
Margaret Ann Yates
Atlanta, Georgia
doctor of
Jonathan D’Andrew Brown
Dublin, Georgia
Hanna Watson Cespedes
Cumming, Georgia
Leah LaChele Howard
Atlanta, Georgia
Halle Marissa Matula
Dublin, Georgia
Connie DeLane Mitchell
Atlanta, Georgia
Priscilla Donna Powers
Atlanta, Georgia
Cha’Ke’Sha Shani Spencer
Detroit, Michigan
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
college of
– Continued
Macon coMMenc eMent
college of liBeral arTs and sciences
scHool of BUsiness
scHool of engineering
college of edUcaTion
college of Professional advanceMenT
scHool of MUsic
college of HealTH Professions
40 | Ma c o n
Mac o n coM M enceMen t
Monday, May 13, 2024 | 8:00 a.m. | Five Star Stadium, Macon Campus
Presiding ............................................................................................................................................................ William David Underwood
The President of the University
Academic Procession* ............................................................................................................................................ Walton’s Crown Imperial
Invocation* ........................................................................................................................................................... Craig Thomas McMahan
Minister of the University and Dean of Chapel
Welcome ..................................................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Greetings and Words of Encouragement .............................................................................................................. Thomas P. (Tom) Bishop
Mercer University Board of Trustees
Special Music ................................................................................................................................................ Rondeau from Duo No. 1 in G
W. A. Mozart
Virgil Moore, violin
Bachelor of Music, Class of 2024
Carlos Walker, violin
Bachelor of Music, Class of 2024
Introduction of the Speaker .................................................................................................................................................. D. Scott Davis
Message to the Graduates ...................................................................................................................................................... Kendall Webb
Bachelor of Arts, Major in History; Class of 2024
University Honors ...................................................................................................................................... The President of the University
Student Awards ............................................................................................................................................................. Douglas R. Pearson
Vice President and Dean of Students
Conferring of the Degrees .......................................................................................................................... The President of the University
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences .............................................................................................................. Dean John Thomas Scott
Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Science | Bachelor of Science in Health Science
School of Business ...................................................................................................................................... Dean Julie Ann Petherbridge
Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Business Administration | Master of Business Administration
School of Engineering .......................................................................................................................................... Dean Laura W. Lackey
Bachelor of Science | Bachelor of Science in Engineering | Master of Science | Master of Science in Engineering
College of Education ....................................................................................................................... Dean Thomas Raymond Koballa, Jr.
Bachelor of Science in Education | Master of Arts in Teaching | Master of Education
College of Professional Advancement .................................................................................................... Dean Priscilla Ruth Danheiser
Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Science
School of Music ........................................................................................................................................................... Dean Gary Gerber
Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Music | Bachelor of Music Education | Master of Music
College of Health Professions ................................................................................................................. Dean Lisa Murphey Lundquist
Bachelor of Science | Master of Athletic Training
Presentation of Graduates ............................................................................................................................................ Edward J. Weintraut
Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Reader
Alumni Welcome .................................................................................................................................................................. B. Todd Smith
Executive Director, Mercer University Alumni Association
Alma Mater* ........................................................................................................................................................................ Stanley Roberts
Arthur Lowndes Rich Professor of Choral Conducting and Associate Dean, School of Music
Benediction* ........................................................................................................................................................ Craig Thomas McMahan
Academic Recession* ......................................................................................................................................... Verdi’s Aida: Grand March
* Please stand. The platform party, faculty and students will process and recess.
kendall webb
Student Commencement Speaker
Kendall Webb is a history major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with minors in journalism
and Southern studies with a certication in political communications. This Hot Springs National Park,
Arkansas, native has thrived in her academic experiences and contributed widely to the Macon campus
culture through her ongoing involvement.
Working with Dr. Douglas Thompson’s “Peneld Project,” she has helped to uncover more about
Mercer’s founding and economic development in Peneld. She is a Stamps Scholar and has continued to
mentor new students entering the program since 2021.
Most recently, Webb was chosen for the Women’s Public Leadership Network Nonprot Management
Fellowship for the 2023-2024 academic year. She was one of only three women chosen for the fellowship
out of nearly 100 nalists. The fellows help build the capacity of the organization and assist state partners
who identify, engage and train women on the ground to seek public ofce.
Webb has been involved with the Student Government Association since 2021 and served in other leadership positions,
including as a Mercer ambassador and peer advisor. She is also a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority where she has served as director
of public relations and has represented Mercer’s Greek students as the director of philanthropy for the Panhellenic Executive
Council. Webb has worked as a writing tutor in the Academic Resource Center and is a member of a number of honor societies,
including Phi Eta Sigma, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Alpha Theta.
After graduation, Webb will join the fth cohort of the Women’s Campaign School at the University of Texas’s Lyndon B.
Johnson School of Public Affairs, one of the nation’s premier programs for female campaign managers and future ofce holders. She
plans to move to Washington, D.C., to continue a career in politics, hopefully going to the halls of Congress to work with political
campaigns and public policy.
Ma c o n | 41
thoMas P. (toM) bishoP
Greetings from the Mercer Board of Trustees
Tom Bishop serves as chair of the Mercer University Board of Trustees and is currently in his third
ve-year term on the board. A Double Bear, Bishop earned his undergraduate degree from the College
of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 1982 and his J.D. from Mercer Law School in 1985. He is retired chief
compliance ofcer and deputy general counsel for Southern Company Services, and for more than 20
years served in senior executive positions with the Southern Company and its subsidiaries, including
Georgia Power. He previously served on the Executive Committee of the State Bar of Georgia Corporate
Law Section, as a member of the Board of Governors of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, as a member
of Gov. Nathan Deal’s Judicial Nominating Commission, and currently serves as a trustee of the Georgia
Legal History Foundation. He is past national president of Kappa Sigma Fraternity and currently serves
as trustee and chair of the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund. Bishop has been a member of the Mercer Law
School Alumni Board in addition to his service on the University’s Board of Trustees. He and his wife, Darla, have a son, Tyler, who
also holds undergraduate and law degrees from Mercer, and a daughter, Darian, who has an undergraduate degree from Mercer.
42 | Ma c o n
eMily Parker Myers
Doctor of Humanities
Emily Parker Myers over her 35-year career at Mercer University held a number of leadership roles,
helping to raise the prole of the University and inspiring those around her in the process.
A native of Columbus and a graduate of Florida State University, Myers worked in administrative
positions at Jacksonville University and Stetson University School of Law in Florida before joining
Mercer’s Admissions Ofce as associate director of admissions in 1973. In 1979, she was appointed
by President R. Kirby Godsey as the University’s rst female senior vice president for University
Advancement. At the time, she was among only 25 women in the United States to lead a higher
education advancement program.
As coordinator of Mercer’s external relations programs, Myers led dozens of staff members across
Mercer’s schools, colleges and campuses in helping secure hundreds of millions of dollars for the
University. She also guided the recruitment of more than 1,000 volunteers for various Mercer boards and committees and served on
numerous executive search committees to ll many key administrator positions.
Myers was senior vice president of Advancement and External Affairs and special assistant to the president when she retired
from Mercer in 2008. In 2010, the University’s new Admissions and Welcome Center was named in her honor to recognize her
decades of service and signicant contributions to the institution.
Following her Mercer retirement, she became Chief Executive Ofcer of Myers McRae Executive Search and Consulting,
which works with colleges, universities and nonprot organizations across the country, and served in that capacity until her
retirement in 2023.
She has been active in numerous organizations in the Macon community and throughout Georgia. In 2021, the Georgia Sports
Hall of Fame established the Emily Parker Myers Leadership Award in recognition of her outstanding vision and leadership. Myers
was a member of the Georgia Sports Hall of Fame Authority from 2011 to 2021, serving as chair for eight years.
co M M e n c e M e n t Pa r t i c i Pa n t s
facUlty Marshals
Sarah Gardner
Distinguished University Professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Marko Horne
Associate Professor
School of Business
Ramachandran Radharamanan
School of Engineering
Vicki Luther
Associate Professor
College of Education
Fred Bongiovanni
Chair, Department of
Liberal Studies/Professor
College of Professional Advancement
Martha Malone
Professor/Director of Opera
School of Music
Nannette Turner
Associate Dean/Professor
College of Health Professions
University Marshal
Kedrick Harteld
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University organist
Jack Mitchener
Professor/Chair of Keyboard Studies/Director
Townsend-McAfee Institute for Church Music
banner bearers
Je Pullen
Co-Chair and Associate Professor
of Mathematics
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Carol Sargent
Associate Professor
School of Business
Pablo Biswas
Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Susan Morrissey
Assistant Professor
College of Education
Kevin Williams
Assistant Professor of Healthcare Leadership
College of Professional Advancement
Marcus Reddick
Associate Professor
School of Music
Mary Mathis
Associate Professor/Director, BSPH Program
College of Health Professions
Benjamin Smith
Student Government President
Class of 2024
Matthew Smith
Student Government Vice President
Class of 2024
stUdent Marshals
Ma c o n | 43
Bachelor of
Amira Lissette Abbasi *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Omosede Naomi Chidinma
Abbe *
Loganville, Georgia
Amira Lashawn Abdul-
Atlanta, Georgia
Cecilia Aer
Atlanta, Georgia
Asia Sidonney Imani
Allen **
Cumming, Georgia
Mary Kate Allen *
Bowie, Maryland
Alexander Denis Alvonellos
Atlanta, Georgia
Cleveland Phillip
Anderson **
Macon, Georgia
Abigail Sloan Aubrey *
Statesboro, Georgia
Nicholas Wagner Ayerbe
Macon, Georgia
Martin Ayuk-Okata
Jonesboro, Georgia
Atia La-Shay Bailey **†
Grayson, Georgia
Karlecia Lynura Barry
Snellville, Georgia
Ella Beadles
Dacula, Georgia
Lillian Renae Beardsley **
Lakeland, Florida
John M. Bolmer **
Nashville, Georgia
Jordyn B. Bonds
Conyers, Georgia
Jacob Michael Brackett *
Fayetteville, Georgia
Jacob Broad
Cusseta, Georgia
Cole Rainey Brockman
Cumming, Georgia
Kourtney Chanell Brown
Tyrone, Georgia
Sidney Leann Bunkley
Brunswick, Georgia
Kayla N. Chambers ***
Yokosuka, Japan
Gabrielle Nicole
Chisholm **
Pooler, Georgia
Jamison Asontee Clark
Dacula, Georgia
Walter Manning Clark II
Guyton, Georgia
Joseph Edward Clayborne II
Summerville, South Carolina
Christina Jade Cochling
Valdosta, Georgia
Miracle Odessa Rheannan
St. Marys, Georgia
Jamyah Janise Combs **
Senoia, Georgia
Jesse Hamilton Cooksey
Macon, Georgia
Donnell Dina Cudjoe
Alpharetta, Georgia
Arely Cuevas-Flores
Peachtree City, Georgia
Ashley Lynn Curtis
Cartersville, Georgia
Skylar Maray Daniel
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Joshua S. Daniels
Bonaire, Georgia
Jordan Nikol Darby
Alpharetta, Georgia
Unnati Davey
Macon, Georgia
Kaitlyn E. Dean **
Dublin, Georgia
Aaliyah Yasmin Deen
Sesay ***
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Abigail Nagifta Desir
Miami, Florida
Kathryn Chloe Dickson
Ringgold, Georgia
Tysen Reece Dougherty **
Cedartown, Georgia
Austin Douglas
Alpharetta, Georgia
Hannah R. Eaton
Fayetteville, Georgia
Sascha’ra-Layi’ Akande’
Byron, Georgia
Elena Caroline Endriss ***
Mandeville, Louisiana
Summah Serene Evans *
Cairns, Australia
Zachary Scott Fine ***
Buford, Georgia
Eric Ross Foreman
Evans, Georgia
Tessa Christine Forzese ***
Dallas, Georgia
James Kenneth Relyea
Fraley *
Macon, Georgia
Emily Elizabeth Gallman
Silver Creek, Georgia
Emily Katherine Gilbert
Martinez, Georgia
Elias Martin Glaze *
Roswell, Georgia
Tori Brae Glazier
Hinesville, Georgia
Forrest Paul Green
Greenwood, South Carolina
Lauryn Green ***
Smyrna, Georgia
Sarah Gloria Guzu
Winder, Georgia
Christina Carol Hale
Marietta, Georgia
Natalie Josey Hanberry *
Savannah, Georgia
Ryan Joseph Harkin
Johns Creek, Georgia
Devron Tramine Harper
McDonough, Georgia
Belinda Grace Hart
LaGrange, Georgia
Gage Hart *
Americus, Georgia
Whitley Kaye Hester *†
Meridian, Mississippi
Matthew Aaron Hixson
Atlanta, Georgia
Connor Holland **
Powder Springs, Georgia
Olivia Grace Hundley ***
Buford, Georgia
Bailee Leighann Huston
Grin, Georgia
Sydel Nkem Idehen ***~
Johns Creek, Georgia
Lauren Elizabeth Insko **
Charlotte, North Carolina
Victoria Rachaele
Gwendalynn Jackson **
Manchester, Connecticut
Madison G. Jakubowski
Peachtree City, Georgia
Katai Grant James
Baltimore, Maryland
Brandon Antonio Jeter
Locust Grove, Georgia
Samantha Clarke Johnson
Lilburn, Georgia
Stacie Ranee Jones
Cincinnati, Ohio
Tyler Leeanne Jones ***
Marietta, Georgia
Cheyenne W. Kamau *
St. Louis, Missouri
Matthew B. Kasegne
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Hailey Margaret Katona *
Tilbury, Ontario
Henry Gordon
Keating ***~
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Thomas Ansley
Kinnamon **
Americus, Georgia
McGregor Koenig ***
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Oneeka Kohli †
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Max Franciscus Antonius
Oosterhout, Netherlands
Allison Eden Krapf
Milledgeville, Georgia
Gregory Frank Lacoste **
Douglas, Georgia
Arden Grace Latham **
Cordele, Georgia
Stephania Lopez ***
Fort Valley, Georgia
Michelle Lopez-Sanchez
Locust Grove, Georgia
David Travis Lorenz
McDonough, Georgia
Madison Malcom
Tifton, Georgia
Michael Harris Mallard *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Michael Bryson Malta
Sugar Hill, Georgia
Colby Layne Martin *
Stevensville, Maryland
Isabella Hanako Martinez
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Yajaira Melany Martinez
Norcross, Georgia
Caeden Alexander
Mason **
Monroe, Georgia
Frederick Carrington
Matthews *
Atlanta, Georgia
McKayla Karissma
Mayer ***
Alpharetta, Georgia
Mary-Maria Ifeoma
Mbanaso ***
Powder Springs, Georgia
Brooke Hailey McBee ***
Powder Springs, Georgia
Cormac Laidir McCarthy *
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Jalyn Zacchaeus McCreary
Kennesaw, Georgia
Trevor Alec McMullen
Decatur, Georgia
Molly Elizabeth McRae
Franklin, Georgia
Eliza Moore ***~
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Tremain O’Neal Moore II
Riverdale, Georgia
Arsha Moorthy ***~
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Austin Geddes Naab **
Louisville, Tennessee
Jordan Dyanne Nelson
Peachtree City, Georgia
Helen O’Dell *
Macon, Georgia
Samaiya Marí O’dneal
Frisco, Texas
Olin Floyd Oliver
Jesup, Georgia
Benjamin Jerey Olson
Acworth, Georgia
Iquadine Akaya Osbourne
Chapelton, Clarendon, Jamaica
Desmond Omonte Palmer
Claxton, Georgia
Connor James Panebianco
Annapolis, Maryland
Joshua Jeremiah Parker
Suwanee, Georgia
Margi Rajendrakumar Patel
Frankfort, Illinois
Christian Dominique Jelani
Sugar Hill, Georgia
Mason Gerard Pettway
Lilburn, Georgia
Regan B. Pinnock *
Snellville, Georgia
Remy Place
Atlanta, Georgia
Brandon Michael Pocchio
Woodstock, Georgia
Marshall Powell
Roswell, Georgia
Shaan Guraya Prasad ***
Bogart, Georgia
Michelle R. Puha
Monroe, Georgia
Eujin Pyon
Macon, Georgia
Isabella Lucia Rhone
Cumming, Georgia
Valeria Lourdes Romero *
Columbus, Georgia
La’Nissa D’Angela Rozier
Covington, Georgia
Alyssa Scoggins
Cataula, Georgia
Emmaline Burch Scott ***
Statesboro, Georgia
Olivia Monique Scott *
Savannah, Georgia
Amanda Brooke Sees ***
New Market, Virginia
Sydney Michelle
Seligman-Miguel *
Temecula, California
Anwyn Mackenzie
Shanahan ***
Lindale, Georgia
Lily Sharpe
Columbus, Georgia
James Logan Shubert
Waycross, Georgia
Tyler William Shupe
Cary, North Carolina
Cameron Sims
Memphis, Tennessee
Benjamin Todd Smith
Macon, Georgia
Jaylen Rhea Smith *
Peachtree City, Georgia
Lara Craig Smith **
Charlotte, North Carolina
Kimberley Claire Spivey *
Blackshear, Georgia
Henry Robert Steed ***
Bowdon, Georgia
Anna Copeland Stephens
Columbus, Georgia
Elizabeth Lyle Stinson **
Newnan, Georgia
Melinda Joyce Sturbaum
Peachtree City, Georgia
Kaila Alexis Suárez
Cedartown, Georgia
Abigail Lynne Sugg *
Covington, Georgia
Erin McKayla Sweat
Woodstock, Georgia
Lindsey Rose Tatum **
Clarkesville, Georgia
Morgan Perry Taylor **
McDonough, Georgia
Brianna Olivia
Teegarden **
Evergreen, Colorado
Diana Maria Tejera
Berrios **
Columbus, Georgia
Evan Thompson
Macon, Georgia
Matthew Clark
Thompson ***
Canton, Georgia
John Lucas Todd **
Rome, Georgia
Kasandra Torres *
Acworth, Georgia
Avery J. Towns
Lithonia, Georgia
Michael A. Tripp
Cumming, Georgia
Samantha Vaquero
Covarrubias ***
Peachtree City, Georgia
Barbara J. Walker
Norcross, Georgia
Sydney Renee Walker *
Macon, Georgia
Erin Michelle Ward ***
Peachtree Corners, Georgia
Kendall Charlcie
Webb ***~
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Bryana Madison
Whitaker ***~
LaFayette, Georgia
Willem Ethan Wilcox
Warner Robins, Georgia
Michael Terrell Williams II
Columbus, Georgia
Alfred Joris Wooten II
Memphis, Tennessee
Leila Works **
Mableton, Georgia
Shane Michael Zachos
Woodstock, Georgia
Bachelor of
Imira Faith Ackerson
Savannah, Georgia
Emily Rose Adamczyk
Newnan, Georgia
Gradeigh Brooke Adams ***
Jeerson, Georgia
Adil Ahmed *
Snellville, Georgia
Bradley Edward Akin **
Nicholson, Georgia
Kayla Sade Alabi ***~
McDonough, Georgia
Asia Sidonney Imani
Allen **
Cumming, Georgia
Madelyn G. Alligood
Hortense, Georgia
Josie Nicole Arbaugh **
Clarksville, Arkansas
Benjamin Paul Archer
Buford, Georgia
Emily Backus
Marietta, Georgia
Emily Lauren Bailey ***~
Valdosta, Georgia
Kaylee Brooke Bargeron *
Monroe, Georgia
Blake Ryan Barnhill
Waycross, Georgia
Samuel Lee Barrow ***
Macon, Georgia
John Thomas Belower **
Tifton, Georgia
Joshua Michael
Belower ***
Tifton, Georgia
Sumer Bhurgri
Cumming, Georgia
Shelby Marie Blanchard
Grovetown, Georgia
Benjamin G. Bodne ***
Brooks, Georgia
(awarded PosthUMoUsly)
college of liberal arts and sciences
Continued –
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
44 | Ma c o n
Anysia Lynae Boozer *
Cartersville, Georgia
Haley Borden
Hampton, Georgia
Ava Leigh Bowling
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Allison Rebecca Brown
Cordele, Georgia
Ryan Thomas
Brownlee ***†~
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Patrick Trent Burnette II
Alpharetta, Georgia
Annika Sue Cain
Gainesville, Georgia
Erin Nicole Cargin ***
Canton, Georgia
Cassandra Rose
Carver ***
Marietta, Georgia
Kayla Grace Chambers *
Carrollton, Georgia
Jaanvi Bhama Chopra
Alpharetta, Georgia
Rafay Muhammad
Buford, Georgia
Haley Nicole Cobb
Cordele, Georgia
Miracle Odessa
Rheannan Cole
St. Marys, Georgia
Sarah Fay Cox
Delray Beach, Florida
Wendy Lorena Cruz *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Micaela Laurenne Dacanay
Johns Creek, Georgia
Jaquavious Malik Daniels
LaGrange, Georgia
Luis Eduardo De Paz
Atlanta, Georgia
Alexia Lane Edwards **
Rocky Face, Georgia
Ifeomachukwu Blessing
Loganville, Georgia
Dakota Raye Ellis ***~
Buford, Georgia
Ashley Nicole Erickson
Barnesville, Georgia
Amaan M. Faraz ***
Cumming, Georgia
Haylee Michelle Flanigan
Hoschton, Georgia
Angeleesa Lynette Fletcher
Ellenwood, Georgia
Eric Ross Foreman
Evans, Georgia
Tianie Faith Fraley
Canton, Georgia
Maliah L. Fraser
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Raven Somari Reyn Friday
Chicago, Illinois
Komal Tejas Gandhi ***†
Sugar Hill, Georgia
Merin Jaya George **
Marietta, Georgia
Trenity Lynnae Gill
Douglasville, Georgia
Tori Brae Glazier
Hinesville, Georgia
Destiny Jasmine Gomez
Douglas, Georgia
Arianna Yazmin Gonzalez
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Jada Roselle Gresham
Thomaston, Georgia
David Christian Grizzle
Valdosta, Georgia
Genevieve Grzech ***
Grayson, Georgia
Kaytlin Alana Hamilton
Dallas, Georgia
Jade Avonda Hargrove
Warner Robins, Georgia
Kellie Jade Harmon ***
Peachtree City, Georgia
Gage Hart *
Americus, Georgia
Maia Ilene Hawk
Hampton, Georgia
Priscilla Kya Haywood ***
Yatesville, Georgia
Reemah Mohammad
Hazama *
Macon, Georgia
Mary Elizabeth Hendley *
Lake Park, Georgia
Jeery Austin Parker
Savannah, Georgia
Ansley Marie Hewitt
Marietta, Georgia
Astrid Vanesa Hidalgo
Warner Robins, Georgia
Reilly J. Holbel
Atlanta, Georgia
Morgan Howes **
Rincon, Georgia
Kyla N. Hudson ***
Newnan, Georgia
Lila Hope Hunt
Franklin, Tennessee
Joshua Graham
Hynds ***~
Homewood, Alabama
Gabriel Alexander Imlay
Forsyth, Georgia
Marcia Maria Inacio
Oakville, Ontario
Lauren Elizabeth Insko **
Charlotte, North Carolina
Ammar Ahmad Irfan
Waycross, Georgia
Farhana Akther Jabin
Kennesaw, Georgia
Joseph Kelly Jackson ***
Savannah, Georgia
Madison G. Jakubowski
Peachtree City, Georgia
Yash Chirag Jani ***
Albany, Georgia
Madelynn Frances Judd
Rome, Georgia
Claudine Kase *
Douglasville, Georgia
Ainsley Reyes Keller
Buford, Georgia
Grace Valliere Kelley ***
Snellville, Georgia
Nyiah Alexus Kelley
Columbus, Georgia
Autumn Lorraine Kelly ***
Aurora, Colorado
Jessica Danielle Kelly
Byron, Georgia
Ghazal Khajoueinejad
Buford, Georgia
Hanah Kim
Marietta, Georgia
Lauren Michelle Kindle *
Buford, Georgia
Kennia Alexia-Elaine
Waycross, Georgia
McGregor Koenig ***
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Nuren Zack Lara ***
Cartersville, Georgia
Jalynn Marie Ledford
Cherry Log, Georgia
Temitope Leyimu
Newnan, Georgia
Heather Terry Liley *
Buford, Georgia
Lucy Abigail Marsden *
Savannah, Georgia
Kathryn Evelyn Mason
Cumming, Georgia
Jalyn Morgan Massey *
Cave Spring, Georgia
Ashton Olivia Mayo-
Beavers *†
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Alexandra Rene McComas *
Leesburg, Georgia
Lauren Christa McEntyre
Cornelia, Georgia
Anna Elise Scionti
Decatur, Georgia
Ana Lorraine Mena
Augusta, Georgia
Mengis Mesganeab
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Insia Merchant ***
Snellville, Georgia
Kaylee Nicole Miller *
Sycamore, Georgia
Ujwal Anil Modi ***
LaGrange, Georgia
Kassidy Lenette Moore *
Shreveport, Louisiana
Arsha Moorthy ***~
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Jordan Grace Morris *
Fort Collins, Colorado
Chidera Kevin Muojeke
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Morigan Ashley Murphy *
Powder Springs, Georgia
Shivani Durga
Alpharetta-Milton, Georgia
Daniela Navarro
Gainesville, Georgia
Kevin O’dell Nelson
Edison, Georgia
Amy Anna Nguyen
Morrow, Georgia
Michelle Le Nguyen
Grin, Georgia
Alexandra Elyse Norwood
Lilburn, Georgia
Cooper Thomas Novak
Macon, Georgia
Sarah Chisom Obi **
Jonesboro, Georgia
India N. Okwei
Alpharetta, Georgia
Adegoke Melvin Olawale
Hampton, Georgia
Ervin Escalona
Pangilinan **
Augusta, Georgia
Ji Won Park ***
Seoul, South Korea
Joshua Seth Parker
Ringgold, Georgia
Anjali R. Patel ***
Athens, Georgia
Bhumi Jaymal Patel ***†
Warner Robins, Georgia
Bhumi Rasikbhai Patel
Macon, Georgia
Ishan B. Patel
Macon, Georgia
Jill Viral Patel
Rome, Georgia
Nupoor K. Patel
Macon, Georgia
Priya Rajendra Patel
Macon, Georgia
Manasi Patil *
Cumming, Georgia
Luca Charles Patten
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Megan Elizabeth Paull
Warner Robins, Georgia
Maria Guadalupe Perez-
Atlanta, Georgia
Cameron D. Powell
Marietta, Georgia
Ines Prodanovic
Jonesboro, Georgia
Kennedy Madison Rayford
Monroe, Louisiana
Colleen Elizabeth Reed
St. Augustine, Florida
Caleb Andrew Rhyne **
Carrollton, Georgia
Paige Renee Riser ***
Macon, Georgia
Ann Seiler Rivers ***
Newnan, Georgia
Eleana Isabel Rodriguez
Navarre, Florida
Jillian Rodriguez
Hiram, Georgia
Deborah Joan Roh ***
Suwanee, Georgia
Anna Carolyn Ru
Richardson, Texas
Shelby Lynne Ryals **
Brunswick, Georgia
Jackson George Ryan
Gainesville, Florida
Carter Sanford
Fayette, Alabama
Ritij Sarvaiya ***†
Johns Creek, Georgia
Tanner Forrest Scott
Gordon, Georgia
Pamela Alexis
Shaughnessy **
Macon, Georgia
Alexandria Nile Shells
Buford, Georgia
Shari M. Sheppard
Hinesville, Georgia
Jessica Ann Siebold *
Johns Creek, Georgia
Matthew David
Alpharetta, Georgia
Rishika Singh **
Suwanee, Georgia
Benjamin Todd Smith
Macon, Georgia
Jaylen Rhea Smith *
Peachtree City, Georgia
Lara Craig Smith **
Charlotte, North Carolina
Sarah Grace Everett Smith
Snellville, Georgia
Tatyana A. Starr-Newson
Lithonia, Georgia
Anna Louise Steelman *
Macon, Georgia
Courtnie Shamara
Stephens ***~
Macon, Georgia
Carson Anslee Steverson
Jesup, Georgia
William Benjamin
Stewart ***
Calhoun, Georgia
Graciela M. Surratt
Bainbridge, Georgia
Anna Kathleen Swords
Savannah, Georgia
Sheetal Indu Tadiparty *
Johns Creek, Georgia
Lindsey Rose Tatum **
Clarkesville, Georgia
Diana Maria Tejera
Berrios **
Columbus, Georgia
Victoria E. Terry **
McDonough, Georgia
Rachel E. Thigpen ***†
Uvalda, Georgia
Matthew Clark
Thompson ***
Canton, Georgia
Joshua William Thorpe *
Rockmart, Georgia
Kinsey Tisdale
Pearl, Mississippi
Chilton Tolliver
Alpharetta, Georgia
John Bryer Touchton ***
Valdosta, Georgia
Dan Thi Hong Tran ***
Warner Robins, Georgia
Allison Leanne Troup
Powdersville, South Carolina
Amber Rose Tucker
Warner Robins, Georgia
Caroline Elaine Frances
Douglasville, Georgia
Joseph Micheal Union
Macon, Georgia
Abigail Lee Van Pelt ***
Atlanta, Georgia
Lekha Varudandi *
Coral Springs, Florida
Sadie Grace Vente *
Burke, Virginia
Noah Vogel
Marietta, Georgia
Dang Hai Vu
Warner Robins, Georgia
Luke Cameron Walker ***
McDonough, Georgia
Liz Wassas
Brooklyn, New York
Reese Morgan Weber **
Springeld, Georgia
Bryana Madison
Whitaker ***~
LaFayette, Georgia
Kayla Elizabeth White
Jonesboro, Georgia
Annabelle Kay
Whitehead **
Macon, Georgia
Ciara Justice Whitely
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Jaleisa Leigh Wiley
Marietta, Georgia
James Nathan Willett *
Columbus, Georgia
Catherine Elizabeth
Albany, Georgia
Kaya Alyce Williams
Warner Robins, Georgia
Kristian Alexandria
Williams **
Roswell, Georgia
Xavier Ali Woods
Claxton, Georgia
Sadya Zaman
Sugar Hill, Georgia
Caroline Elizabeth Zueck
Senoia, Georgia
Bachelor of
science in
health science
Julia Olivia Chaisit
Marietta, Georgia
Kyra Camill Green
Albany, Georgia
Krishi Mahesh Patel *
Thomasville, North Carolina
Alexis Ryan Sereno **
Suwanee, Georgia
college of
iberal arts
and sciences
– Continued
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
Ma c o n | 45
Bachelor of
Emma Grace Simmons
Byron, Georgia
Robert Aiden Smith *
Hoschton, Georgia
of Business
Aya Damali Aiyetoro
Augusta, Georgia
Dylan Alarcon **
Oxford, Georgia
Austin J. Aldridge
Bainbridge, Georgia
Samuel Eugene Allee **
Greensboro, Georgia
Danaeus Christopher
Arnold **
Douglasville, Georgia
Kellen Reed Arthur
Berlin, Maryland
Ella SinClaire Austin
Macon, Georgia
Luke Jason Barlow
Savannah, Georgia
Garrett W. Bates
McDonough, Georgia
James Christopher
Beardsley II
Apex, North Carolina
Steven Bligh *
Suwanee, Georgia
Caleb Michael Bohn
Cumming, Georgia
John M. Bolmer **
Nashville, Georgia
Hannah Dale Brassell *
McDonough, Georgia
Lakeeya Ja’tavia
Douglas, Georgia
Reid C. Brown
Marietta, Georgia
Sai Maximus Brown
Grayson, Georgia
Grace Elizabeth Byrd ***
Roswell, Georgia
Kayla LeAnn Casey *
Cumming, Georgia
Kayla N. Chambers ***
Yokosuka, Japan
Yongshan Chen **
Lilburn, Georgia
Rachel Catherine Clark ***
Alpharetta, Georgia
Tralayah Y. Clinch ***
Brunswick, Georgia
John Craig Heidacher
St. Johns, Florida
Kristin Cheryl
Commesso **
Tampa, Florida
Cesar Eugene Coots
Covington, Georgia
Sarah Anne Cunningham
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Alexandra Grace
Czepukaitis **
Cincinnati, Ohio
Elizabeth Danielle Daniels
Waverly Hall, Georgia
Sophia Helen Denisar
Macon, Georgia
Charles Holman Deriso, Jr. *
Albany, Georgia
Gabrielle Catherine
Gainesville, Georgia
Taylor Dooley
Lindsay, Ontario
William Mark dos Santos
Milton, Georgia
Laney Danielle Doster
Gray, Georgia
Mikayla Marie Dubnik **
Gainesville, Georgia
Scott Grayson Edgar
Ball Ground, Georgia
Wesley Martin Franklin
Lilburn, Georgia
Kernen Joshua Frey
Savannah, Georgia
Jose L. Garcia Espinosa ***
Macon, Georgia
Jennifer Garcia-Luna **
Covington, Georgia
Carter Ray Geier ***
Clermont, Florida
Garrett Golube
Williamson, Georgia
Analeise Rose Gomes
Lyndhurst, New Jersey
Pamela Beth Hall
Valdosta, Georgia
Pamela Morgan Hall
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Bruin Hayes
Fayetteville, Georgia
Christopher Lorenzo Hill
Statesboro, Georgia
Jamie Lynn Hlebec ***
Milton, Georgia
Charys Hogeland
Fayetteville, Georgia
Nathaniel Hamilton
Forsyth, Georgia
Samuel Benjamin
Huggins **
Macon, Georgia
Sydel Nkem Idehen ***~
Johns Creek, Georgia
Brianna Nichole Jacobs
Augusta, Georgia
Camilla Alessia Järvelä *
Espoo, Finland
Spencer McQuaig Johnson
Waycross, Georgia
Tobias Lars Peter Jonsson
Huddinge, Sweden
August Jording ***
Ljustero, Sweden
Ari Sekou Kamau *
Suwanee, Georgia
Lindy Quinn Kanaday ***
Clermont, Georgia
Raegan Janise Keane-
Marietta, Georgia
Garrett Matthew Kemp **
Peachtree City, Georgia
Tara Kay Kirkby
Freeport, Grand Bahama,
Adrianna Rose Koerber
Warner Robins, Georgia
Priya Kotak
Marietta, Georgia
Madeline Wynne Koury ***
Birchrunville, Pennsylvania
William Ford Lansden
Suwanee, Georgia
Michale Lawrence
Milledgeville, Georgia
Haley Margaret Lederer **
Millis, Massachusetts
Parker C. Lee
Kathleen, Georgia
Micah Adonijah Leggett
McDonough, Georgia
Benjamin Patrick Lever
Apex, North Carolina
Alyssa D. Leveritte
Tucker, Georgia
Robin Lin ***
Savannah, Georgia
Tyren Avery Long
Norcross, Georgia
Samuel Richard Macleod *
Glasgow, Scotland, United
Natnael Daniel McDonald
Lilburn, Georgia
Paulina Merck
Peachtree City, Georgia
Angel Javier Monje Casas *
Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
Abbey Kay Moore *
Eatonton, Georgia
Wesley Jay Morgan
Columbus, Georgia
Ethan Dail Morris
Carrollton, Georgia
Israel Mwamba Mukwiza
Bronx, New York
Kadence T. Murphy ***
Alpharetta, Georgia
Jared Michael Nalls **
Atlanta, Georgia
Thomas Anthony Neely ***
Midway, Georgia
Lauren Paige Odom *
Warner Robins, Georgia
Ehiagwina Raphael
Omoera **
Lagos, Nigeria
Jaxon David O’Neal
Newnan, Georgia
Justin David Park ***
Mundelein, Illinois
Todd Allen Parks, Jr.
White, Georgia
Jack Bradley Palen Parolin
Toronto, Ontario
Khushi Patel
Chicago, Illinois
Thomas Christian Pollack
Kennesaw, Georgia
Ashley Lauren Popham **
Cartersville, Georgia
Alexandria Simone Porter *
Carrollton, Georgia
Abigail Rose Powell
Tifton, Georgia
John Francis Price **
Macon, Georgia
Nubia Quintanilla *
McDonough, Georgia
Farhan R. Rahim *
Peachtree City, Georgia
Simran Rai
Lilburn, Georgia
Teodora Ristic
Macon, Georgia
Lesley Abigail Rodriguez
Dalton, Georgia
Pamela Renea Ross *
Fayetteville, Georgia
Miguel A. Ruiz-Sanchez **
Covington, Georgia
Blake C. Schoonover *
Columbus, Georgia
Mary Sheeld **
Savannah, Georgia
Robert James Sievers
Rock Spring, Georgia
Gustav Sjoeberg **
Fagersta, Sweden
Mia Skinner
Macon, Georgia
Garrett Kelly Sloan *
Albany, Georgia
Jenna Elizabeth Smith
Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Lawson Troy Smith
Hamilton, Georgia
Matthew Jackson Smith *
Macon, Georgia
Abigail Grace Soltys ***
Gainesville, Virginia
Ava Elizabeth Stauer ***
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Samuel E. Stewart **
Gainesville, Georgia
Jeerson Epps Strode
Atlanta, Georgia
Satchel Rauch Sumner ***
Gainesville, Georgia
Conner Trace Todaro **
Powder Springs, Georgia
Kaden D. Toth *
Macon, Georgia
Christopher John
Treanor, Jr. *
Roswell, Georgia
Logan Riley Tucker
Buford, Georgia
Snehalsai Venkatanaga
Ujjina ***
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Antonio Michael Valenti
Lilburn, Georgia
Caleb Vandemark
Sparks, Georgia
Nicholas Bradley Wanzer **
Frisco, Texas
Kyla Brooke Watson *
Jasper, Florida
Chandler Hill White
Lizella, Georgia
Nicholas Logan White ***
Newnan, Georgia
James Collin Wilson
Blakely, Georgia
John Noah Wilson
Fayetteville, Georgia
Jenny K. Workman *
Buford, Georgia
Leila Works **
Mableton, Georgia
Katherine Delanie
Yaughn ***
Statesboro, Georgia
Kristin Nikolaeva
Yordanova *
Soa, Bulgaria
Zachary Desmond York
Reynolds, Georgia
Master of
Luis Mariano Argote
Tijuana, Mexico
Audrey Denise Barnwell
Perry, Georgia
Andrew Steven Branicki
Marietta, Georgia
Antonio James Brown
Vernon Hills, Illinois
Tiondra La’Kymbria Bryant
Albany, Georgia
Kelan Michael Burns
Deereld, Illinois
Hoai Thanh Cao
Warner Robins, Georgia
Chase Hunter Cope
Severna Park, Maryland
Kyle Drayton Cox
Gainesville, Florida
Liam James Coxhead
Norcross, Georgia
Emma Raye Drash
Atlanta, Georgia
Marshall Dean Draughn III
Severna Park, Maryland
Chihosim Eric
Warner Robins, Georgia
Lea Falentin
Vendôme, France
Danijah Jerimiah
Tifton, Georgia
Connor Andrew Garrison
Huntersville, North Carolina
Mackenzie Campbell Gassie
Winter Park, Florida
Kaila Mariah Goodwin
Conyers, Georgia
Savannah Helen Granito
Westerly, Rhode Island
Elizabeth Ann Hargis
Treasure Island, Florida
Nia Esther Hurt
Elmont, New York
Emily C. Irvin
Albany, Georgia
Frederick Eugene Jackson
Clermont, Florida
Parker A. Junod
Orlando, Florida
Ryan Julius Katchen
Lakewood Ranch, Florida
Jackson Lee Kennedy
Boca Raton, Florida
Johann Henning Kunze
Kiel, Germany
Rebeca Diniz Laudino
São Paulo, Brazil
Bailey Jean Ledvina
Gainesville, Florida
Andrew J. Mayts III
Tampa, Florida
Tavion Marquis McCarthy
Waukegan, Illinois
Patrycja Weronika Miazek
Warsaw, Poland
Mariella Minetti
Tampere, Finland
Mason Charles Frasor
Savannah, Georgia
Jaziah Ochoa
Plantation, Florida
Matthew John O’Connor
Battle Creek, Michigan
Jonathan C. Parker
Columbus, Georgia
Brandon Phillip Prince
Bremen, Georgia
Khory Samuel Raymond
Marietta, Georgia
Erika Rubi Rodriguez
Byron, Georgia
Tracy Rodriguez
Nimes, France
Michael John Terblanche
Kleinmond, South Africa
John D. Thomas, Jr.
Marietta, Georgia
Angela Denise Tucker
Fort Valley, Georgia
Carsen Michael Van Note
Canton, Georgia
Said M. Wanna
Macon, Georgia
Fred Benjamin Wilson
Powder Springs, Georgia
Lance Lamont Wise, Jr.
Marietta, Georgia
school of bUsiness
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
46 | Ma c o n
Bachelor of
Vinny Carnazzo
Newnan, Georgia
Christopher Lee Elizondo
Warner Robins, Georgia
Asha Camille Green
Macon, Georgia
James L. Jarrett II
Albany, Georgia
Christian Lawrence
Suwanee, Georgia
Ji Soo Kim
Suwanee, Georgia
Jabin Kenneth Marbutt
South Fulton, Georgia
Abigail Anne McDowell *
Warner Robins, Georgia
Mary AiNhu Nguyen
Fayetteville, Georgia
Nathan Lee Nohr
Marietta, Georgia
Kaitlyn Ann Puckett **†
Cedartown, Georgia
Lindsey Daria Riley
Marietta, Georgia
Samuel Benjamin Sherman
Athens, Georgia
Bachelor of
science in
Camden William
Abrams ***
Columbia, South Carolina
Matthew David Adams
Atlanta, Georgia
Edward Riley Adcock ***
Dacula, Georgia
Drake Alexander Altman *
Acworth, Georgia
Nathan Bronce Anderson *
Dacula, Georgia
Khalil Zamir Anderson-El
Reidsville, Georgia
Anna Louise Andrews **
Buford, Georgia
Micah David Ballard
Macon, Georgia
Justice Bass
Grayson, Georgia
Eyosiyas Binyam *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Alyssa Mae Bonifacio
Warner Robins, Georgia
Jacob Ryan Boothby *
Warner Robins, Georgia
Nicholas Matthew
Cleveland Bradley ***
Richmond Hill, Georgia
Jasmine Shawn Briola *
Seattle, Washington
Tristan Boyd Brown
Sylvester, Georgia
Arthur Aguilera
Campomanes *
Stockbridge, Georgia
Vi Dai Cao
Bonaire, Georgia
Erin Nicole Cargin ***
Canton, Georgia
Cameron Andrew Carter
Snellville, Georgia
Joseph Gabriel Carter ***
Bonaire, Georgia
Reece Michael Cato
Cumming, Georgia
Junho Chang *
Statesboro, Georgia
Ethan Hyunsuk Choi
Macon, Georgia
Emily Renee Clanton
Brooks, Georgia
Christofer James Clisham, Jr.
Peachtree City, Georgia
Caleb John Cook **
Valdosta, Georgia
Aeryn Danielle Cronin ***
Hahira, Georgia
Lucas Ribeiro Dini **
Macon, Georgia
Garrett Alexander
Donalson ***~
Bainbridge, Georgia
Ethan Grant Dorr ***
Kathleen, Georgia
Antonio M. Eady
Fitzgerald, Georgia
Joshua Mark Eastin
Huntsville, Alabama
Jada Alexis Farrell ***
Evans, Georgia
Whitman Patrick Fennell
Thomasville, Georgia
Barry Alan Fraser III
Powder Springs, Georgia
Marcellus Emile Gaudet *
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Henry Brian Gies
Dunwoody, Georgia
Joshua Goodrich Bell
Sugar Hill, Georgia
Michael Slade Gordon
Macon, Georgia
Jerry Harper III
Byron, Georgia
Savanna Harter ***
Warner Robins, Georgia
Marissa Kalie Heinsz *
Fayetteville, Georgia
Michael Jacob Higdon ***
Macon, Georgia
Tianie Hoang
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Colten Trace Holley ***
Kathleen, Georgia
Walker Rhett Holley ***
Kathleen, Georgia
Dalton Justin Hollis
Dallas, Georgia
Sheehan S. Iqbal
Atlanta, Georgia
Blake Kazuma Ito *
Snellville, Georgia
Emily I. Jacobson
Manseld, Georgia
Alan Timmons Johansen *
Macon, Georgia
Samuel Lee Weatherford
Johnson ***
LaGrange, Georgia
Justen Chicory Judge
North Augusta, South Carolina
Asma Noor Karim
Macon, Georgia
Fatoumata Diarraye Keita †
Dallas, Georgia
Andrew Patrick Kelly *†
Macon, Georgia
Leila N. Kelly **†
Aurora, Colorado
Saea Kim ***
Macon, Georgia
Korthaniel Knighton
Covington, Georgia
Mason Kramer
Warner Robins, Georgia
Lindsey Lawrence
Woodstock, Georgia
Devan Lee
Springeld, Missouri
Gunhee Lee ***†
Jeju, South Korea
Nathan Scott Legg **
Gainesville, Georgia
Jacob Daniel Marcella ***
Perry, Georgia
Alexander David Martin
Calhoun, Georgia
Andrew Lavelle May
Evans, Georgia
Kennedy Alexis Mays *
Savannah, Georgia
Christian McGrath *
Sugar Hill, Georgia
Payton Jerey McGraw ***~
Cumming, Georgia
Tori Nicole McKinley **
Evans, Georgia
Stacy McLendon
Dublin, Georgia
Brendan Mathew Michler
Kennesaw, Georgia
Anna Fe Marie Miller *
Carrollton, Georgia
Kriti Mittal
Suwanee, Georgia
Miles Mouton
Frisco, Texas
Minh Ngoc Phuong
Nguyen ***
Can Tho, Vietnam
Tai-Viet Ly Nguyen
Warner Robins, Georgia
Michael Thomas Nierodzik *
Clermont, Georgia
Bowofoluwa Oluwasanmi
Ogunsakin *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Marlon Kymani Oliver II
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Erin Faith Parker ***
Eastman, Georgia
Harsh P. Patel **
Warner Robins, Georgia
Tyler Scott Perkins
Macon, Georgia
Madison Anna Catherine
Appling, Georgia
Kathy Quach
Gainesville, Georgia
Destiny Janiyah Raburnel
Dacula, Georgia
Nicholas F. Reale
Marietta, Georgia
Joshua J. Richards
Peachtree City, Georgia
JoHanna Sophia Rodenbeck
Greensboro, Georgia
Parker Christian Ross
Byron, Georgia
Chirayu Mihir Salgarkar *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Joshua Robert Samosuk
Westminster, Maryland
Cooper Todd Scaccia
Clarksville, Arkansas
Emily R. Schmidt ***
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Matthew Lewis Schnetzka
Milton, Georgia
Isaiah Calvin Scott
Warner Robins, Georgia
Joel Anthony Seepersaud **
Macon, Georgia
David Daniel Sellers ***
Climax, Georgia
Mark Smith, Jr.
Warner Robins, Georgia
Michael Ambrose Sottile *
Savannah, Georgia
Charles James “C.J. Stubbs
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Taylor Paige Taliaferro
Dunwoody, Georgia
Konner David Toth ***
Macon, Georgia
Sebastian Jarrett Turner *
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Ashley Summer Holliday
Centerville, Georgia
Morgan Catherine
Waterford, Michigan
Maansi Verma
Suwanee, Georgia
Nicholas James
VonFeldt ***
Kennesaw, Georgia
Georey Robert Watkins
Roswell, Georgia
Tyler James Watson *
Grovetown, Georgia
Blake Austin Wills
Gruver, Texas
Thomas Hudson Wingeld
Milledgeville, Georgia
Baily Guyton Wood
Dublin, Georgia
Colton Caleb Wooster
Peachtree City, Georgia
Roni Yitzchaki **
Alpharetta, Georgia
Master of
Chloe N. Carter
Roswell, Georgia
Tramarcus Marquis Gipson
Uniontown, Alabama
Toni Insana
Austin, Texas
Corbin Tyler Jones
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Leonidas Cartwright
McClurkin IV
Norcross, Georgia
Joshua Terry Smith
Bremerton, Washington
Jesse Sowell
Macon, Georgia
Jaylyn Bene’t Thomas
Gadsden, Alabama
Kathryn Leigh Vanderlinde
Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Ashley Monique Wells
Montgomery, Alabama
Jorell Raiden Yoneyama
Nashville, Tennessee
Master of
science in
Oghenerukome Akponovo
Lagos, Nigeria
Jaron Elijah Anderson
Forsyth, Georgia
Andrew Christopher Bailey
Logan, Ohio
Jacob Barry
Enterprise, Alabama
Alissa Rose Benkoski
Madison, Georgia
Johan Paul Remy Bregler
Savannah, Georgia
Alessandro Michael Cardali
Macon, Georgia
Catalina Elaine Castro
Sarasota, Florida
Samone Antonia Clark
Stone Mountain, Georgia
Jonathan R. Copeland
Warner Robins, Georgia
Dylan Tyler DeVries
Henderson, Texas
Maxwell Gene Gabbard
Newnan, Georgia
Grant Evans Ghesquiere
Pensacola, Florida
Saadiq Rasheed Goins ~
Warner Robins, Georgia
Avery Hamilton Goss
Flowery Branch, Georgia
William Sandlin Grimm
Macon, Georgia
Alexander Randall
Savannah, Georgia
Daniel P. Hardy
Suwanee, Georgia
Sydney Elise Hayes
Dublin, Georgia
Gabrielle Brenda Heard
Acworth, Georgia
Cynthia Brooke Horka
Byron, Georgia
Kierra Lavon Jackson
LaGrange, Georgia
Sudeep Jacob
Harlingen, Texas
Dalton Alan James
Fort Valley, Georgia
Dakota B. Johnson
Marietta, Georgia
Dillon Thomas Johnson
Kathleen, Georgia
Thomas L. Judge, Jr.
Grayson, Georgia
Thomas Barr Kashin
Suwanee, Georgia
Patrick F. Kho
Powder Springs, Georgia
Nicholas Shota Konishi
Johns Creek, Georgia
Kaleb John Kushinka
Bonaire, Georgia
David Shannon Maye
Warner Robins, Georgia
Marlo Jessica Mecredy
Norcross, Georgia
Michael Jarod Miller
Buford, Georgia
Madalyn Nesheim
Papillion, Nebraska
Thong Nguyen
Warner Robins, Georgia
Rujul Patel
Macon, Georgia
Nathaniel Randall
Bonaire, Georgia
Charles Adam Ricketts
Kennesaw, Georgia
Madeline Elizabeth Ruban
Canton, Georgia
Matthew Warren Scarfo
Knoxville, Tennessee
Kristopher Scott Semar
Kathleen, Georgia
Mallory Elise Snider
Macon, Georgia
Bailey Victoria Stanley
Acworth, Georgia
Sarah Elizabeth Storch
Canton, Georgia
Michael R. Sweeney
Oxford, Georgia
Debora Maribell Vizcarra
Suwanee, Georgia
Michael Garrett Windham
Macon, Georgia
Krysten Nikole Wright
Atlanta, Georgia
Jonathan Anthony Young
Woodstock, Georgia
Karli Isabelle Young
Kennesaw, Georgia
Mohammad S. Zaidi
Macon, Georgia
school of engineering
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
Bachelor of
Krystle Dawn
Freeman ***~
Richmond, Virginia
Bachelor of
Nathaneal Issac Barrow
Macon, Georgia
Aina S. Bibbs
Bonaire, Georgia
Kewaner Coleman
Macon, Georgia
Hadden M. Fulgham
Lakeland, Georgia
Melanie Hofmann
Warner Robins, Georgia
Twayne S. Moore *
Covington, Georgia
Kimela Jevaye Williams
Macon, Georgia
David Bernard Wynn
Warner Robins, Georgia
college of Professional advanceMent
Ma c o n | 47
Bachelor of
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Avery
Grin, Georgia
Declan Robert Champey ***
New Bern, North Carolina
Jackson Alexander Cherry
Forest, Virginia
Charity Lauren Cook *
Irmo, South Carolina
Kendall Ann Cook
Cumming, Georgia
Isaac D. Dowling *
Snellville, Georgia
Zachary Bishop Dubois *
Dublin, Ohio
Nancy Flores *
Marietta, Georgia
Ryan Christopher
Macon, Georgia
Kate Liston Giglio ***
Marietta, Georgia
Victoria Grace Gipson ***
LaGrange, Georgia
Isaia Jraedon Harris
Warner Robins, Georgia
Sierra G Harris
Dublin, Georgia
Miles Parker Hicks **
Warm Springs, Georgia
Daniel Roland Jones **
Bainbridge, Georgia
Joshua Kraver **
Merritt Island, Florida
Jordan Lynn *
Spanish Fort, Alabama
Glenn Edwin Mandel
Ponte Vedra, Florida
Josie-Tatum JieLun
Mattox ***
Blackshear, Georgia
Makayla Brooks Passmore
Molena, Georgia
Heli Patel **
Vidalia, Georgia
Shree Dinesh Patel
Dublin, Georgia
Kendall Rhae Patterson
Sharpsburg, Georgia
Julia Perry **
Gainesville, Georgia
Natalie Kaye Pounds
Macon, Georgia
Dalton Shay Reyna
Dallas, Texas
María Alejandra Rossy-
Grayson, Georgia
Saundra Leigh Salit
Johns Creek, Georgia
India Nicole Sapp ***
DeLand, Florida
Isabella F. Schindler *
Alpharetta, Georgia
David Wayne Shell II ***~
Bethlehem, Georgia
Kyah Lyssa Sheppard **
Augusta, Georgia
Eliza May Snyder *
Gainesville, Georgia
Alexia Faye Steeh ***†
Warner Robins, Georgia
Jordan Tyrell Swain
Brunswick, Georgia
Quontez Demond
Thomas *
Louvale, Georgia
Kerell Devon Thompson *
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Georgia Irene Wade
Peachtree City, Georgia
Margaret Katherine
Wendt **
Jacksonville, Florida
Alyssa Olivia Woods **
Houston, Texas
Master of
Taylor Jordan Brooks
Jonesboro, Georgia
Briana Kyera Simone Jordan
Hartsville, South Carolina
Shola Biola Ogunde
Marietta, Georgia
Alexandrea Shepard Sullivan
Newnan, Georgia
Elaine Brianna Williams
Rochester, New York
college of health Professions
school of MUsic
Bachelor of
Andrea Lan
Marietta, Georgia
Ella Jan Trotter ***
Macon, Georgia
Bachelor of
Carson Christian
Campbell ***
Decatur, Alabama
Virgil G. Moore II **
Lynchburg, Virginia
Carlos Walker **
St. Petersburg, Florida
of Music
Benjamin Michael
Barkley *
Peachtree City, Georgia
Abby Grace Hodges ***
Forsyth, Georgia
Sarah Katelyn King *
Jesup, Georgia
Melody Manami Little ***
Marietta, Georgia
Master of
Zachary Bradsher
Roxboro, North Carolina
Gunner P. Chancey
Waycross, Georgia
Participation in the graduation ceremony does not necessarily represent conferral of the degree. Degrees are awarded at the end of the term in which all requirements are met.
Honors printed in the program and announced at the commencement ceremony are based on grades earned at the time of program publication and may not reect nal honors.
Bachelor of
science in
Chenera Christian **~
Monticello, Georgia
Audrey Claiborne Darwin **
Gainesville, Georgia
Altovese Fermonte Davis ~
Macon, Georgia
Mya Nicole Donnelly *
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Amore Jacqui-Seymone
Buford, Georgia
Elena Caroline Endriss ***
Mandeville, Louisiana
Callie Ann Glawson **
Macon, Georgia
Emilee Ann Godbee ***
Brooklet, Georgia
Genevieve Joy Haskins ***†
Manchester, Georgia
Victoria A. James *
Byron, Georgia
Lydia Katherine Johnson **
Perry, Georgia
Jessica R. Jones
Sandersville, Georgia
Megan L. Jones
Gray, Georgia
Abby Glynn Longgrear **
Johns Creek, Georgia
Desiree Amber Lowe
Hawkinsville, Georgia
Jacob I. Mack *
Macon, Georgia
Grace Elizabeth
Manning **
Newnan, Georgia
Hannah Mills
Gray, Georgia
Conley Elizabeth Moore ***
Warner Robins, Georgia
Abigail Rose Ott ***
Fort Worth, Texas
William C. Paulk **
Locust Grove, Georgia
Alexis Poole
Gordon, Georgia
Alisa Zoe Rives *
Fayetteville, Georgia
Zachary Michael
South Daytona, Florida
Samuel Elijah Sears
Waycross, Georgia
Kimberly Sinkford
Lumber City, Georgia
Mary Margaret Smith *
Macon, Georgia
Kaitlyn Jeanne Strouth *
Suwanee, Georgia
Florence Elizabeth
Thompson **
Brunswick, Georgia
Martha Corinn Thompson **
Cumming, Georgia
Venicia Reychelle
Twymon ***†
Marietta, Georgia
Bryneisha S. White
Warner Robins, Georgia
Master of arts
in teaching
Noe Alcantar
Fort Valley, Georgia
Enow Taye Ayuk ~
Dublin, Georgia
Monique Bolt
Clermont, Florida
Towanna Tiesha Brown
Cochran, Georgia
Mark Walter Edward
Dublin, Georgia
William Farran
Fort Valley, Georgia
Indiana Floyd ~
Macon, Georgia
Jasmine Tiria James
Macon, Georgia
Jory Michael Newman
Macon, Georgia
Victoria Anna Ramirez
Hazlehurst, Georgia
Breanna S. Smith-Jackson
Macon, Georgia
Alexis Janelle Stephens
Danville, Georgia
James T. Williams ~
High Point, North Carolina
Taylor Williams
North Babylon, New York
Quaneisha LaShay
Woodford ~
Dry Branch, Georgia
Master of
Jalen K. Cobb
Decatur, Georgia
Courtney Renee Gettins
Hastings, New Zealand
Ahmed Saad Ali Imam
Karachi, Pakistan
Jordan Christopher Martin
St. Louis, Missouri
Grin Henry Myers
Hastings, Minnesota
Brittany Marie Reeves
Macon, Georgia
Jacob Thomas Ward ~
Jonesboro, Georgia
Vladimir Zander-Velloso
Newnan, Georgia
college of edUcation
candidates for degrees
* Cum Laude | ** Magna Cum Laude | *** Summa Cum Laude | † University Honors | ~ Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society |
Phi Beta Kappa
48 | Me r c e r Un i v e r s i T y
Message froM
the alUMni association
On behalf of the Alumni Association, I congratulate you on
reaching this important milestone in your life! While you may
leave today to embark on future careers, further studies, and all the
other journeys of a long, interesting life, Mercer will never leave
you. You are — and always will be — a Bear. And as such, you
have a place with the Mercer University Alumni Association.
It is my honor to welcome you to the Alumni Association, a
network of more than 90,000 Mercerians. There is no need to
join; you are already a member. The Alumni Association is for all
Mercer alumni and provides opportunities for you to connect with
your classmates and all who came before you — and those who will come after. We hope you
will stay in touch by keeping your contact information current, participating in reunions and
events and supporting the University with your time, talent and resources.
We look forward to celebrating the milestones of your life with you and to being a resource
for your lifelong learning. Together we roar!
Go Bears!
B. Todd Smith
Associate Vice President & Executive Director
Mercer University alUMni association
1501 Mercer University Drive, Macon, Georgia 31207-1517
(478) 301-2715 | (800) 637-2378 |
2024 Phi beta kaPPa indUctees
Amira Lissette Abbasi
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Naomi Abbe
Loganville, Georgia
Adil Ahmed
Snellville, Georgia
Atia Lashay Bailey
Grayson, Georgia
Samuel E. Barrow
Macon, Georgia
Sarah Grace Boyer
Forsyth, Georgia
Mekai Elanna Brown
Powder Springs, Georgia
Ryan T. Brownlee
Flowery Branch, Georgia
Luke Caldwell
Kathleen, Georgia
Erin N. Cargin
Canton, Georgia
Cassandra Rose Carver
Marietta, Georgia
Kayla N. Chambers
Newnan, Georgia
Jamyah Janise Combs
Senoia, Georgia
Wendy Lorena Cruz
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Aaliyah Yasmin Deen Sesay
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Dakota Raye Ellis
Clarkesville, Georgia
Amaan M. Faraz
Cumming, Georgia
Merin Jaya George
Marietta, Georgia
Papa Guerrero
Sugar Hill, Georgia
Priscilla Haywood
Macon, Georgia
Mary Elizabeth Hendley
Lake Park, Georgia
Kyla N. Hudson
Newnan, Georgia
Olivia Grace Hundley
Buford, Georgia
Lauren Elizabeth Insko
Charlotte, North Carolina
Yash Chirag Jani
Albany, Georgia
McGregor Koenig
Savannah, Georgia
Stephania Lopez
Fort Valley, Georgia
Insia A. Merchant
Snellville, Georgia
Kaylee Nicole Miller
Sycamore, Georgia
Eliza Jane Moore
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Anjali Rajesh Patel
Athens, Georgia
Paige Renee Riser
Macon, Georgia
Seiler Rivers
Newnan, Georgia
Anwyn Mackenzie Shanahan
Silver Creek, Georgia
Jaylen Rhea Smith
Lexington, Kentucky
Lara Craig Smith
Charlotte, North Carolina
Diana Maria Tejera Berrios
Midland, Georgia
Matthew Clark Thompson
Canton, Georgia
Samantha Vaquero-
Peachtree City, Georgia
Kendall Charlcie Webb
Hot Springs National Park,
Phi beta kaPPa zeta of georgia
Mercer for membership, the Society’s Committee on Qualications described Mercer as a “quintessentially Phi Beta Kappa
institution” in its values and mission, in its curriculum and general education requirements, in the variety of opportunities
it provides its students, in the quality of its best undergraduates, and in the dedicated engagement of the faculty in all aspects of
undergraduate education.
Phi Beta Kappa was founded Dec. 5, 1776, at the College of William and Mary by ve undergraduates who sought to create a student
society that would be more serious-minded than others that had previously existed at the Williamsburg, Virginia, institution.
The rst college society with a Greek-letter name, Phi Beta Kappa is derived from the initials for the society’s motto, “love of learning
is the guide of life.”
introduced the essential characteristics of the numerous Greek societies that would follow. These included a
badge, mottoes in Greek and Latin, a code of laws, an elaborate form of initiation and a seal.
Phi Beta Kappa is not awarded simply on the basis of high grade point average or class rank, but on a student’s breadth of knowledge
and coursework, including foreign language, math and sciences, and humanities and ne arts. An inductee into Phi Beta Kappa has
taken a wide range of courses beyond a major. In addition to seeking out a broad range of academic interests, the ideal Phi Beta Kappa
member has demonstrated intellectual inquiry and integrity as well as tolerance for freedom of thought and varied points of views.
These are the distinctive elements of Phi Beta Kappa that distinguish it from Latin honors such as summa cum laude or department
honors in a discipline.
Only 10 percent of the nation’s institutions of higher education have been awarded chapters of Phi Beta Kappa, and only 10 percent
of an institution’s seniors may be inducted, making Phi Beta Kappa one of the most competitive and distinguished honors a student
may achieve. Since
’s founding, 17 U.S. presidents, 42 U.S. Supreme Court justices and more than 150 Nobel laureates have been
inducted as members, along with countless authors, diplomats, athletes, researchers, actors and business leaders.
Me r c e r U n i v e r s i T y | 4 9
Mercer University Profile
ercer University is one of America’s oldest and most distinctive
institutions of higher learning, offering rigorous programs that span
the undergraduate liberal arts and sciences to doctoral-level degrees.
Founded by early 19
century Baptists, Mercer — while no longer
formally denominationally afliated — remains committed to an educational
environment that embraces the historic Baptist principles of intellectual and
religious freedom.
With more than 9,100 students enrolled in 12 schools and colleges, on
major campuses in Macon and Atlanta; medical school campuses in Macon,
Savannah and Columbus; and at regional academic centers in Henry and Douglas
counties, Mercer is ranked among the top tier and best values of national research
universities by U.S. News & World Report. More than 90,000 alumni are making
important contributions to their professions and communities throughout Georgia,
the Southeast and the world.
While offering a breadth of programs found at much larger universities, Mercer
maintains an intimate, student-focused culture more characteristic of smaller liberal
arts colleges. Mercer’s uniqueness is found in the way the University integrates
ve dening components of its mission: Liberal Learning, Professional Knowledge,
Discovery, Service to Humankind and Community.
acadeMic divisions
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Macon — The oldest and largest of the University’s academic units, the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is Mercer’s academic cornerstone. The
College offers baccalaureate programs in the humanities, ne arts, natural
sciences, social sciences, mathematics and computer science, along with a variety
of interdisciplinary options. Offering a multitude of pre-professional programs in
health, law and theology, the College also provides students a strong liberal arts
foundation. The core curriculum blends practical skills, such as critical thinking,
clear writing and effective communication, with a deep engagement with the
diversity and richness of the peoples, faiths, cultures and natural processes in the
world. The College’s Great Books Program, which provides students the opportunity
for focused study of classic writers and thinkers of the Western world, is recognized
among the 25 Best Great Books Programs by Best College Reviews. Students in the
College take advantage of a variety of study abroad opportunities, both through
faculty-led programs and those organized through the Mercer On Mission program.
Mercer has been frequently recognized by U.S. News & World Report for “Best
Undergraduate Teaching” and is listed among the “Best Undergraduate Computer
Science Programs.” In 2015, Mercer was awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, the
nation’s most prestigious academic honor society.
School of Law
Macon — In 2023, Mercer University School of Law celebrated 150 years of
equipping legal professionals to practice with purpose. Founded in 1873, Mercer
School of Law is one of the oldest law schools in the U.S. and the rst in Georgia
accredited by the American Bar Association. Mercer Law School is committed to
preparing students for high-quality, general practice in a supportive and professional
learning environment. It is home to the 2023 National Champion Moot Court
Advocacy Council and is a two-time recipient of the prestigious ABA Gambrell
Professionalism Award for excellence and innovation in ethics and professionalism
throughout the curriculum. With an enrollment of approximately 380 students,
Mercer Law continues to be recognized for preparing students for practice through
its award-winning programs in legal writing, advocacy, experiential education and
emphasis on ethics and professionalism.
School of Business
Macon, Atlanta, Henry County and Online — Established in 1984, Mercer’s
Stetson-Hatcher School of Business is named for Eugene W. Stetson, a 1901 Mercer
graduate and business pioneer who leveraged the rst major buyout in corporate
history, and his grandson Robert F. (Bob) Hatcher, a Macon businessman, longtime
supporter, Life Trustee and former board chair for the University. Over the past
80 years, Mercer has granted more than 12,000 business degrees, and many of its
graduates hold senior leadership positions in companies around the world and are
successful entrepreneurs. Mercer’s business school delivers career-focused business
education in order to develop innovative leaders who are responsible global citizens.
Stetson-Hatcher School of Business is an accredited member of The Association
to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International which places it among the
top 5% of business schools worldwide. Mercer’s business school has been recognized
as one of the “Best Business Schools” in the U.S. by both The Princeton Review
and U.S. News & World Report. Mercer is listed as one of the “Best Undergraduate
Business Programs” by U.S. News & World Report, and it has been recognized among
“MBA Programs Where Grads Make More Money Than They Owe.”
U.S. News & World Report has ranked the Evening MBA among the top 200
MBA programs in the country and the Online MBA among the top 100 Online
MBA programs nationwide — making it the highest-ranked program in Georgia.
School of Engineering
Macon and Online — Mercer’s innovative and academically challenging
engineering and engineering-related programs provide students with a
comprehensive education, featuring a solid foundation in mathematics and sciences,
a core engineering curriculum, a range of courses in engineering specialties and a
strong emphasis on communication methodologies and technologies. The School
of Engineering marked its 35th anniversary in 2020, and its undergraduate program
is consistently ranked among the top programs in the nation by U.S. News & World
Report. Known for its breadth of instruction in its undergraduate program and its
4+1 integrated bachelor’s and master’s degree program, Mercer combines technical
education with hands-on laboratory experience, research and real-world problem-
solving. The School has produced 12 Goldwater Scholars in the last eight years —
including an unprecedented three recipients in three consecutive years — and 13
Department of Defense SMART Scholars in the last nine years.
College of Education
Macon, Atlanta, Douglas County, Henry County and Online — Mercer’s
Tift College of Education prepares more professional educators than any other
private institution in Georgia. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in
teacher education and educational leadership, including initial teacher certication,
advanced teacher education, P-12 educational leadership, independent school
leadership and higher education leadership. The College’s teacher certication
programs are approved by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission. Guided
by the conceptual framework of “The Transforming Educator,” the College supports
those who aspire to grow professionally throughout their careers, while also seeking
to transform the lives of students. In addition to full-time, daytime baccalaureate
programs for residential undergraduate students, the College of Education offers
programs with exible delivery formats for working professionals, including
baccalaureate and graduate-level programs with a combination of online and on-
campus coursework and fully online graduate-level programs.
School of Theology
Atlanta and Online — Established in 1996, Mercer’s James and Carolyn
McAfee School of Theology brings Jesse Mercer’s founding vision of providing
students with a classical and theological education full circle as it prepares students
for ministry in the church and beyond. The School of Theology shares Jesse
Mercer’s concern that churches have pastor-leaders who understand Scripture
and can clearly articulate their Christian beliefs. Mercer University’s School of
Theology forms ministers and cultivates leaders who thrive spiritually, professionally,
and academically in service with congregations, communities and classrooms. The
School’s vision is to inspire churches and communities to imagine, discover and
create God’s loving and just world. The School offers master’s and doctoral degrees,
and several ministry concentrations. The innovative, fully integrated curriculum
is taught by nationally recognized scholars who are committed Christians. Along
with a network of partner churches, the School of Theology is afliated with the
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.
College of Professional Advancement
Macon, Atlanta, Douglas County, Henry County and Online — Mercer’s
College of Professional Advancement offers undergraduate, graduate and certicate
programs for adults seeking leadership roles in their community and beyond,
professional transition and advancement and lives that have meaning and purpose.
Programs support the needs of high-growth and high-demand employment sectors
and provide students with a multidisciplinary curriculum that integrates theory
and practice. Flexible program delivery formats include fully online programs and
options for a blended combination of online and on-campus coursework. Areas of
study include communication, counseling, health care, human resources, human
services, humanities, leadership and administration, public safety, psychology,
science, technology, informatics, data intelligence and machine learning, along with
interdisciplinary and self-designed options. The College also offers pre-professional
coursework that prepares students for nursing and pharmacy schools.
50 | Me r c e r Un i v e r s i T y
Me r c e r U n i v e r s i T y | 5 1
School of Music
Macon — Mercer’s Townsend School of Music is nationally recognized for
its Emmy award-winning artist faculty, internationally acclaimed students, wide
range of performance ensembles and beautiful facilities. The School of Music
offers a thorough and rigorous curriculum, providing a conservatory-quality music
education within a university environment. Students benet from small class sizes
and individual instruction from faculty who regularly perform on campus and
at major national and international venues. Specialized music programs include
the Robert McDufe Center for Strings and the Townsend-McAfee Institute for
Graduate Studies in Church Music.
Mercer health sciences center
The Mercer Health Sciences Center, a multi-campus academic health center,
encompasses the School of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing and
College of Health Professions. The Health Sciences Center enrolls more than 2,000
students, employs 450 full-time faculty and staff and annually graduates more than
750 physicians, nurses and nurse educators, as well as family nurse practitioners,
clinical nurse specialists, physician assistants, pharmacists, physical therapists, family
therapists, athletic trainers, clinical psychologists, public health professionals and
biomedical scientists.
School of Medicine
Macon, Savannah and Columbus — Mercer’s School of Medicine was
established in 1982 to educate physicians and health professionals to meet the
primary care and health care needs of rural, medically underserved areas of
Georgia through education, service, research and collaboration. Today, a majority
of graduates practice in the state of Georgia, and Mercer is a leader in the nation
for those who are practicing in rural or medically underserved areas. The School’s
educational environment was the nation’s rst to be founded on a patient-based
learning philosophy that is case-driven and provides early patient care experiences.
This innovative, hands-on approach results in better long-term retention of
content and prepares students for a variety of clinical challenges. Mercer University
School of Medicine’s three locations offers a campus environment for every type of
student. Macon is the School’s administrative campus. The Savannah campus was
established in 2008 and is located adjacent to Memorial Health University Medical
Center. Columbus began as a clinical campus in 2012 and welcomed the rst four-
year M.D. class in the fall of 2021. All three campuses are closely integrated and
function as one unit.
College of Pharmacy
Atlanta — Founded in 1903, Mercer’s College of Pharmacy has a long history of
advancing health care through teaching, research, patient-centered care and service
innovations. The College’s motto, “A tradition of excellence, a legacy of caring,”
frames its philosophy of providing excellent academic programs in an environment
where every student matters and every person counts. The 400 enrolled students are
encouraged to get involved in the College’s many nationally recognized professional
organizations. They also can take advantage of internships and other opportunities
with Atlanta-based health care organizations and government agencies. Planned
renovations of the Duvall Pharmacy Research Building are expected to increase the
productivity of the College’s renowned research efforts. Construction of the Moye
Pharmacy and Health Sciences Center was completed in late 2023, and it opened to
students in January 2024.
College of Nursing
Atlanta — Mercer’s nationally recognized Georgia Baptist College of Nursing
is the longest-established nursing program in Georgia. With a rich history dating
back to 1902 and more than 9,000 alumni, the College is grounded in the heritage
of excellence in nursing education. The College advances the nursing workforce
through multiple degree options, and faculty are dedicated to the development of
professional nurses committed to scholarship, leadership, practice, research and
service within a culture of academic excellence.
College of Health Professions
Macon and Atlanta — The College of Health Professions is composed of six
disciplines: physical therapy, physician assistant studies, public health, clinical
psychology, athletic training and kinesiology. In addition to its degree offerings, the
College offers post-professional residencies and fellowships and operates an on-site
physical therapy clinic. With an overall enrollment of more than 750 students, the
College seeks to improve the health and quality of life of individuals and society
through excellence in teaching, research and service.
Mercer University libraries
The Mercer University Libraries seek to embody a patron-driven philosophy by
practicing excellent customer service, making available learning-centered gateways
of information resources, offering robust collections in support of the academic
mission of the Mercer community and utilizing patron-driven materials acquisition
models. The libraries provide a range of print materials and cloud-based resources
such as e-books, e-journals, streaming media, research guides and how-to videos.
The libraries participate in the campus academic enterprise through virtual
reference services, group information literacy sessions, one-on-one reference
tutorials and the availability of cloud-based reference tools designed for 24/7.
Library facilities contain multiple learning environments designed for mixed
study scenarios, including comfortable spaces for group gatherings, quiet areas for
individual work and private group study rooms for collaborative projects.
The Mercer University Libraries Include:
Jack Tarver Library, Macon
Monroe F. Swilley, Jr., Library, Atlanta
Regional Academic Center Library Services supporting programs in Henry
County and Douglas County
Specialized Libraries at Mercer:
Skelton Medical Library serving students on the Macon and Columbus
Skelton Library in Savannah serving the School of Medicine on the
Savannah campus and the Memorial University Medical Center
Furman Smith Law Library in the School of Law, Macon
Mercer Medicine
Mercer Medicine is a multi-specialty group of more than 30 primary care
providers and specialists who work to guide patients through their health journey
and create strong, long-term relationships. A wide variety of outpatient services are
offered in Macon and at rural primary care clinics in multiple locations throughout
Central and South Georgia, including Clay County, Harris County, Plains, Putnam
County, Jekyll Island and Taylor County. As a subsidiary of Mercer University
School of Medicine, Mercer Medicine is staffed by experienced health care
providers who are leading the way in medical education, technology and research.
Mercer engineering research center
Mercer Engineering Research Center (MERC) is the University’s nonprot
applied research operating unit. Located in Warner Robins, MERC was established
in 1987 to provide engineering and scientic services, research and specialized
technical expertise to Robins Air Force Base, other Department of Defense
(DoD) entities, DoD international partners and allies (Foreign Military Sales),
as well as commercial customers. MERC’s core competencies include electrical
engineering, electronic warfare, digital transformation, articial intelligence and
machine learning, embedded software, custom software development, cybersecurity,
computational uid dynamics, human factors and biomechanics, nite element
analysis, structural integrity, mechanical testing, non-destructive inspection, reverse
engineering, and prototyping. MERC employs interns who work closely with MERC
engineers and scientists in a broad range of areas allowing students to obtain
hands-on experience that adds depth to their education while gaining a better
understanding of expertise provided to customers in solving real-world problems.
Mercer University Press
Mercer University Press has published more than 1,700 books since its establish-
ment in 1979. It publishes 30 to 35 new books each year in the areas of religion,
philosophy, literary criticism, Southern history, regional studies, and creative writing.
The Press holds membership in the Association of University Presses.
Mercer is the only NCAA Division I private institution in Georgia and competes
in the historic Southern Conference (SoCon). In the 2022-2023 academic year,
Mercer student-athletes achieved an overall GPA of 3.38. The University has won
the Southern Conference’s Barrett-Bonner Award for academic achievement every
year since joining the conference in 2014. Mercer’s 18 intercollegiate teams include
men’s baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer and tennis;
and women’s basketball, cross country, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, tennis, beach
volleyball, track and volleyball. Other members of the Southern Conference include
the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, East Tennessee State University,
Furman University, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Samford
University, The Citadel, Virginia Military Institute, Western Carolina University and
Wofford College.
52 | Me r c e r Un i v e r s i T y
the Mace
The mace is carried by the Marshal as a symbol of the
authority of the University to confer degrees. Originally a
weapon of war, the mace came to be used as an emblem
of military power and civil authority. Its use as a symbol of
university authority dates from medieval times.
The Mercer mace was designed in 1960 by Marshall
Daugherty, professor of art in the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences, and was rst used for the inauguration of
President Rufus C. Harris. It depicts a cross atop a globe,
symbolizing the spiritual commitment of the University as
it seeks to understand the world. Circumscribing the globe
are the words, “Mercer University, 1833,” symbolizing the
inuence of Mercer throughout the world. Beneath the larger
globe is a smaller one, which represents the microcosm of
the University. This, in turn, rests atop a form suggestive of a
spire. The mace is made of bronze.
the Presidential seal
The seal is worn by the President as a sign of authority.
The seal was designed by Professor Otis D. Knight and
Professor Marshall Daugherty and was rst used for the
inauguration of President Rufus C. Harris in 1960.
The seal, which was carved directly in ne silver and
bronze, is a mandola-shaped pendant that depicts the form
of the Godsey Administration Building, a riband and a
stylized stained-glass window of Willingham Auditorium.
The background is in bronze and the window is in blue and
red cloisonné enamel. On the riband are the Latin words
for science, law, religion and the arts. On the border are
inscribed the name of the University in Latin and the date
of its founding. The shape of the seal is traditional for early
university seals.
acadeMic regalia
The practice of wearing academic attire extends back to
medieval times and the Renaissance, when it was the custom
for teachers and students in European universities to wear
gowns, caps and hoods. Although the wearing of the garb is
now limited to formal occasions, the garb itself may be called
the uniform of the professional scholar and teacher. The style
and color serve as symbols of collegiate attainment.
The long sleeves of the gowns and the deep hoods were,
on occasion, used to carry books and refreshments. Each
European university developed its own style of garb with
strict rules for its design. In the United States, however, most
American colleges have agreed on a uniform design and
color code.
Holders of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees wear
black gowns; the pattern and trimming differ for each degree.
Originally, the bachelor’s gown was made of serge or worsted
and the master’s of serge, worsted or silk; but now synthetic
bers are also used. The bachelor’s gown is distinguished by its
long pointed sleeves. The master’s gown has long sleeves with
a slit for the arm at either the elbow or the wrist. Doctor’s
gowns are adorned with velvet panels and bars that may be
black or of a color distinctive to the wearer’s discipline.
Holders of all degrees wear caps, popularly known as
mortarboards, to which a long tassel is fastened that hangs
over the left side of the cap. Doctors may wear tassels of
gold thread. Holders of bachelor’s and master’s degrees may
wear colors indicating the faculty by which their degrees
were granted.
The academic hood is an ornamental fold that goes
around the neck and hangs down the back of the gown.
The length and shape of the hood vary with the level of
the degree. Hoods are generally lined with the colors of the
university which granted the degree and trimmed with the
color representing the faculty by which the degree is granted.
The following colors are associated with the various
Arts, Letters, Humanities .................................. White
Athletic Training ...................................... Sage Green
Commerce, Accountancy, Business ..................... Drab
Education .................................................... Light Blue
Engineering ...................................................... Orange
Journalism ...................................................... Crimson
Law .................................................................... Purple
Library Science
................................................. Lemon
Medicine ............................................................ Green
Music ................................................................... Pink
Nursing ............................................................. Apricot
Speech ........................................................ Silver Gray
Pharmacy .................................................. Olive Green
Philosophy .................................................... Dark Blue
Physical Therapy ..................................................... Teal
Physician Assistant
................................... Kelly Green
Psychology ............................................................. Gold
Public Health .......................................... Salmon Pink
Science ................................................. Golden Yellow
Theology ............................................................ Scarlet
Me r c e r U n i v e r s i T y | 5 3
The medallion is worn by faculty, administrators and students who are
members of the National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, an organization that
initiates members from all disciplines. The cloisonné enamel medallion is decorated
with the badge of the Society and is suspended from a blue, grosgrain ribbon.
the Medallion of Phi kaPPa Phi
alMa Mater
Macon caMPUs
On the city’s western border
Reared against the sky,
Proudly stands our Alma Mater,
As the years roll by.
Forward ever be thy watchword,
Conquer and prevail.
Hail to thee, O Alma Mater!
Mercer, Hail all Hail!
Cherished by thy sons and daughters,
Mem’ries sweet shall throng
Round our hearts, O Alma Mater,
As we sing our song.
atlanta caMPUs
On the city’s eastern border
Reared against the sky,
Proudly stands our Alma Mater,
As the years roll by.
Forward ever be thy watchword
Conquer and prevail.
Hail to thee, O Alma Mater!
Mercer, Hail all Hail!
Cherished by thy sons and daughters
Mem’ries sweet shall throng
Round our hearts, O Alma Mater,
As we sing our song.
54 | Me r c e r Un i v e r s i T y
Un i v e r s i t y co r P o r at e of f i c e r s
William D. Underwood, President
Kellie Raiford Appel
Senior Vice President for Strategic
Initiatives and Atlanta Operations
Larry D. Brumley
Senior Vice President for Marketing
Communications and Chief of Staff
D. Scott Davis
Julie T. Davis
Associate Vice President for
Finance and Treasurer
Penny L. Elkins
Executive Vice President
Matthew R. Hall
Senior Vice President,
General Counsel and
Secretary to the Corporation
James S. Netherton
Executive Vice President for
Administration and Finance
John A. Patterson
Senior Vice President for
University Advancement
20 24 bo a r d o f tr U s t e e s
ch a n c e l l o r a n d Un i v e r s i t y de a n s
R. Kirby Godsey
Brian L. Crabtree
Dean of College of Pharmacy
Priscilla R. Danheiser
Dean of College of Professional
C. Gregory DeLoach
Dean of School of Theology
John Thomas Scott
Dean of College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Gary Gerber
Dean of School of Music
Thomas R. Koballa, Jr.
Dean of College of Education
Laura W. Lackey
Dean of School of Engineering
Lisa M. Lundquist
Dean of College of Health Professions
Douglas R. Pearson
Vice President and Dean of
Students, Macon
Julie Petherbridge
Dean of School of Business
Karen Sneddon
Dean of School of Law
Tammy Barbé
Dean of College of Nursing
Jean Rawlings Sumner
Dean of School of Medicine
Thomas P. (Tom) Bishop
Kennesaw, Georgia
Cathy Callaway Adams
Kennesaw, Georgia
Virgil L. Adams
Macon, Georgia
William H. (Billy)
Anderson, II
Macon, Georgia
Michael P. Boggs
Blackshear, Georgia
Larry Braden
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Malcolm Stewart
Burgess, Jr.
Macon, Georgia
Liza Chapman
St. George Island, Florida
Ashley Amos Copelan
Macon, Georgia
Milton L. Cruz
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Heather Darden
Atlanta, Georgia
Dwight J. Davis
Hawkinsville, Georgia
Nathan Deal
Demorest, Georgia
James C. “Jimmy”
Elder, Jr.
Columbus, Georgia
Terry England
Auburn, Georgia
Gene Gabbard
Cary, North Carolina
Robert C. (Bob)
Goddard, III
Atlanta, Georgia
Nancy A. Grace
Chamblee, Georgia
Benjamin W. (Benjy)
Grifth, III
Macon, Georgia
Roy (Kevin) Head
Marietta, Georgia
David E. Hudson
Augusta, Georgia
Genelle Jennings
Hawkinsville, Georgia
Stanley Demetrius Jones
St. Simons Island, Georgia
Erin Keller
Macon, Georgia
Julie Whidden Long
Macon, Georgia
A. Rabun Matthews, III
St. Simons Island, Georgia
J. Thomas (Tom)
McAfee, III
Juliette, Georgia
M. Yvette Miller
Smyrna, Georgia
Eli Morgan
Forsyth, Georgia
Maxine Cynthia
(Cindy) Morris
Dalton, Georgia
William A. (Tony) Moye
McDonough, Georgia
William (Bill) Pou, Jr.
Lakeland, Florida
Joe Sam Robinson, Jr.
Macon, Georgia
W. Louis Sands
Albany, Georgia
Richard A. (Doc)
Atlanta, Georgia
Edward J. (Ed)
Schutter, Jr.
Marietta, Georgia
Jennifer Nunn Tarbutton
Sandersville, Georgia
Barbara Brown Taylor
Clarkesville, Georgia
James William
Thomas, Jr.
Arlington, Virginia
Marc Treadwell
Forsyth, Georgia
William Bradley
Turner, Jr.
Columbus, Georgia
J. Henry Walker, IV
Atlanta, Georgia
Amy Miller Wall
Shreveport, Louisiana
Charles Watson, Jr.
Alexandria, Virginia
M. Troy Woods
Columbus, Georgia
William D. (Bill)
Ex Ofcio, Voting
Macon, Georgia
li f e
r U s t e e s
Carolyn Townsend
McAfee Bruner
Macon, Georgia
President Jimmy Carter
Atlanta, Georgia
Robert F. (Bob) Hatcher
Macon, Georgia
Spencer B. King, III
Atlanta, Georgia
Me r c e r U n i v e r s i T y | 5 5
sc h o o l s a n d co l l e g e s o f M e rc e r Un i v e r s i t y
re g i o n a l a c a d e M i c c e n t e r s
doUglas coUnTy cenTer
975 Blairs Bridge Road | Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122
(678) 547-6200 | (800) 548-7115
Henry coUnTy cenTer
160 Henry Parkway | McDonough, Georgia 30253
(678) 547-6100 | (877) 840-8599
te a c h i n g ho s P i ta l s
ed U c at i o n a l Pa rt n e r
roBins air force Base
Warner Robins, Georgia
ot h e r oP e r at i n g Un i t s
Me r c e r U n i v e r s i t y li b r ar i e s
aTriUM HealTH navicenT
THe Medical cenTer
Macon, Georgia
fairview ParK HosPiTal
Dublin, Georgia
MeMorial HealTH Meadows
Vidalia, Georgia
MeMorial saTilla HealTH
Waycross, Georgia
MeMorial UniversiTy
Medical cenTer
Savannah, Georgia
PiedMonT colUMBUs regional
Columbus, Georgia
PiedMonT Macon
Macon, Georgia
sgMc HealTH
Valdosta, Georgia
sT. francis-eMory HealTHcare
Columbus, Georgia
Tanner HealTH sysTeMs
Carrollton, Georgia
TridenT Medical cenTer
Charleston, South Carolina
willowBrooKe aT Tanner
Villa Rica, Georgia
Mercer engineering
researcH cenTer (Merc)
135 Osigian Boulevard
Warner Robins, Georgia 31088
(478) 953-6800
Mercer Medicine
250 Martin Luther King
Jr. Boulevard
Macon, Georgia 31201
(478) 301-4111
Mercer MUsic aT caPricorn
540 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Macon, Georgia 31201
(478) 257-5327
Mercer PHysical THeraPy clinic
3001 Mercer University Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
(678) 547-6439
Mercer UniversiTy Press
368 Orange Street
Macon, Georgia 31201
(478) 301-2880
THe grand oPera HoUse
651 Mulberry Street
Macon, Georgia 31201
(478) 301-5460
JacK Tarver liBrary
(478) 301-2961
Monroe f. swilley Jr. liBrary
(678) 547-6280
regional acadeMic cenTer
liBrary services
Douglas County, Henry County
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
School of Business | School of Engineering
School of Medicine | College of Education
School of Music | School of Law
College of Professional Advancement
College of Health Professions
1501 Mercer University Drive
Macon, Georgia 31207
(478) 301-2700 (Switchboard)
(800) 342-0841 (Georgia)
(800) 637-2378 (Out-of-State)
College of Pharmacy | School of Business
College of Nursing | School of Theology
College of Education
College of Professional Advancement
College of Health Professions
3001 Mercer University Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
(678) 547-6000 (Switchboard)
School of Medicine
1250 East 66th Street
Savannah, Georgia 31404
(912) 721-8144
School of Medicine
1633 First Avenue
Columbus, Georgia 31901
(706) 223-5119
Douglas County, Henry County, Warner Robins
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