Holotype.— Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Pau-
lo (MZUSP) 92306, adult male from Brazil: Mato Grosso;
left bank of the Rio Roosevelt in the Municipality of Colniza
(09°07’54’’S/60°42’31’’W) at about 150 m elevation; collected
5 August 2011 by Fabio Schunck, prepared by Marcelo Félix.
Voice recorded by Bret M. Whitney, original numbers BMW
13977-79; Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds (ML) 169980;
Isler inventory (ISL) BMW C 0518. Pectoral muscle tissue
preserved in approximately 96% alcohol: MZUSP 92306, eld
number ROO-09.
Diagnosis: Morphology.— As is typical of the several allospe-
cies in the Hypocnemis cantator complex, morphological and
plumage differentiation is weak. Based on the large series of
the Hypocnemis cantator complex housed in the collections of
MZUSP and the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), H.
rondoni shows, on average, stronger rufous edging on the bases
of the rectrices. Voice.— The “common call” (sensu Isler et al.
2007) is immediately distinguishable in the eld from those of
all other members of the complex and, in spectrographic analy-
sis, by its structure and pace (described below). Male loudsongs
are distinguished from those of the closely related H. ochrog-
yna (Rondonia Warbling-Antbird) by three characters; female
loudsongs by one (Isler et al. 2007). Selected audio les for
inter-taxon comparisons, including those used for spectrograms
in Isler et al. (2007) and this paper, are available for listening
to on the Internet Bird Collection (IBC) website. Genetic di-
vergence.— Separated from its sister-species H. ochrogyna by
approximately 4.2% sequence divergence in the mitochondrial
gene ND2 (see Phylogenetic relationships, below).
Distribution.— Restricted to central Amazonian Brazil on the
right bank of the Rio Madeira in the Aripuanã-Machado inter-
uvium: from the left bank of the Rio Aripuanã upriver to its
con uence with the Rio Roosevelt, from which point upriver it
is known only from the left bank of the Roosevelt in the state
of Amazonas and extending into northwest Mato Grosso south
and west to the right bank of the Rio Machado (or Ji-Paraná) in
the state of Rondônia; southern range limits unknown (Fig. 1).
Description of holotype.—
See color illustration. Alphanumeric color
designations determined through direct comparison with Munsell soil color charts
(1994); colors in quotation marks are chart designations. Plumage fresh and un-
worn, tail and wing not in molt; skull 100% ossi ed. Forecrown blackish directly
over base of bill, becoming whitish to either side to blend with whitish lores. Crown
blackish with a pale central stripe imparted by whitish proximal webs on these tiny
feathers, appearance of stripe varying toward centralized spot-streaking depending
on feather arrangement. Whitish supercilium contrasts with blackish sides of crown
and prominent blackish line from lores posterior through eye; auriculars similarly
whitish and de ned along the lower edge by a uniformly narrow blackish malar
streak. Nuchal region blackish irregularly speckled whitish. Mantle and back feath-
ers blackish with whitish proximal and “olive brown” (2.5Y 4/4) distal margins pro-
A new species of antbird in the Hypocnemis cantator complex from the
Aripuanã-Machado interfl uvium in central Amazonian Brazil
Bret M. Whitney
, Morton L. Isler
, Gustavo A. Bravo
, Natalia Aristizábal
, Fabio Schunck
Luís Fábio Silveira
, Vítor de Q. Piacentini
, Mario Cohn-Haft
, and Marco Antonio Rêgo
In June, 2000, during a brief visit to the town of Manicoré on the right bank of the middle Rio Madeira in Amazonas, Brazil, BMW and
MCH were attracted to an unusual vocalization of Hypocnemis
cantator (Warbling Antbird) that appeared to be homologous to a call
commonly heard from other populations across the wide range of the complex. Fieldwork by BMW in July and October, 2001 on the
middle and lower Rio Aripuanã and at the mouth of the Rio Roosevelt, and in June, 2002 on the lower Rio Machado (or Ji-Paraná) in
Rondônia with MCH de ned the distribution of this unique call, restricted to the Aripuanã-Machado inter uvium. The taxonomic study
of the H. cantator complex presented by Isler et al. (2007) con rmed the diagnostic characteristics of this vocalization and mapped its
geographical distribution, but did not introduce a name for the population (which was referred to as “implicata 2, taxon novum”). Col-
lection of fresh specimens of most members of the H. cantator complex accompanied by recordings of their songs and calls has permit-
ted DNA-based phylogenetic analyses that corroborate the taxonomic revision proposed by Isler et al. (2007) including the signi cant
differentiation of “implicata 2”, which we are now prepared to name:
Hypocnemis rondoni
Manicore Warbling-Antbird
Cantador-de-rondon (Portuguese)
Louisiana State University, Department of Biological Sciences, Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA. ([email protected])
Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, D. C. 20013-7012, USA.
Seção de Aves, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Avenida Nazaré 481, Ipiranga, São Paulo, SP, Brazil CEP 04263-000.
Departamento de Biodiversidade (CBio) e Coleções Zoológicas - Aves, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, AM, Brasil CEP 69080-971.
Genus Hypocnemis 8: 645.
ducing an irregularly streaked effect; scapulars more purely “olive brown”. Semi-
concealed, white interscapular patch formed by more extensively white feathers
underlying central mantle. Lower back without black thus contrasting with mantle,
slightly paler than “dark yellowish brown” (10YR 4/6) becoming paler and slightly
rustier through rump (nearest 10YR 5/8). Rectrices essentially concolor with lower
back, margined with same, slightly rustier hue of rump. Tail weakly graduated, each
rectrix marked with a restricted blackish subterminal smudge (nearly obsolete in
dorsal aspect) inside a slightly more extensive, 1-mm wide buffy-white tip reduced
to minuscule points on central rectrices. Throat whitish with weakly mottled ap-
pearance imparted by slightly darker feather tips, this effect abruptly heightened
through breastband by more extensive black central stripes of individual feathers
increasing in width towards sides of breast. The resulting blotchy pattern changes
slightly posteriorly, along the lower edge of the breast/upper belly, as feather webs
return to whitish and black marking on individual feathers shifts posteriorly to en-
compass only a fringe, producing a faintly scalloped effect. Center of belly whitish.
Sides and anks distinctly orangish or rusty, somewhat brighter than “brownish
yellow” (10YR 6/8), the anteriormost feathers bearing irregular vestiges of black-
ish markings described for lower breast; undertail coverts concolor with anks and
unmarked. Lesser upperwing coverts black with discrete white dots encompassing
both webs at the feather tip, median coverts blackish tinged olive with slightly larger
white tips. Greater coverts nearest “olive brown” (10 YR 2.5 Y 4/4) with a blackish
smudge on the distal web anterior to the pale tip, these tips being concentrated on
the distal webs and grading from whitish on the outer part of the wing to distinctly
buffy or weakly orangish (slightly paler than 10YR 5/8) where they overlie the
folded remiges which feathers are nely margined with this same color. Alula deep
black with narrow but bold white margin concentrated on distal web; overlying
feathers at bend of wing with similar margination concentrated toward the feather
tip on both webs. Primary coverts blackish with paler, weakly orangish margins
blending with stack of folded primaries. Innermost, overlying secondaries this same
color washed very slightly paler at the tips with margins of proximal webs weakly
integrated and contrastingly paler (near 10YR 8/4). Underwing coverts white with
irregular blackish blotches. Soft parts in life: maxilla black, mandible gray; tarsus
and feet yellowish-gray; iris brown. Standard measurements: total length (just
before specimen preparation) 113 mm; bill (culmen from base at skull) 17.1 mm;
bill from anterior edge of nares 9.5 mm; bill width at anterior edge of nares 4.4 mm;
wing (chord) 52.2 mm; tail 39.9 mm; tarsus 17.7 mm; mass 12.5 g.
Etymology.— Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon (1865-1958)
must have been a truly remarkable person. Among his many ac-
complishments as a leader of men, Rondon worked with Ben-
jamin Constant to articulate the “proclamation of the republic”
of Brazil in 1889; he headed the “Brazilian Boundary Inspection
Agency” that largely delimited the borders of that vast coun-
try as well as the “Strategic Telegraphic Commission” of Mato
Grosso that laid more than 7,000 kilometers of telegraph line
across remote western Brazil; and he organized and led the fa-
mous “Roosevelt-Rondon Expedition” that charted the course
of the rio da Dúvida (“River of Doubt”) that he then christened
the Rio Roosevelt but we admire him most for his outstand-
ing qualities as a standard-bearer for the well-being and respect
of indigenous cultures, founding and for many years directing
the Serviço de Proteção aos Índios (“Indian Protection Bureau”)
which became the modern federal agency Fundação Nacional
do Índio (FUNAI). Rondon died in Rio de Janeiro at the age of
92. We are privileged to honor Marechal Rondon with the name
of this distinctive little antbird.
The English name calls attention to the discovery of H.
rondoni at the old Madeiran town of Manicoré. The correct
pronunciation is: money-co-RAY, with the accent on the nal
syllable. We think “Rondon’s Warbling-Antbird” would be
confusingly similar to the name of H. ochrogyna, Rondonia
Type series.— The allotype of Hypocnemis rondoni is MZUSP
92305, adult female, from the same locality as the holotype.
The remaining paratypes of H. rondoni are the following fteen
specimens: MZUSP 62284 male (AM, left bank rio Aripuanã at
Prainha), 80610 male, 80611 male, 80617 male, and 80615 fe-
male (AM, left bank rio Roosevelt at “trilha Esperança”); MPEG
31146 female (AM, left bank rio Aripuanã at the mouth of the
rio Guariba), 57661-57665 female, male, male, female, male re-
spectively (AM, Manicoré, “rodovia do estanho” km 126-137);
and Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) 749
female (AM, left bank rio Aripuanã at rio Arauazinho), 1798
sex unknown (RO, right bank upper rio Machado in Reserva Bi-
ológica do Jaru); Louisiana State University Museum of Natural
Science (LSUMNS) 182835 male and 182836 female (MT, left
bank rio Roosevelt).
Sex for sex, there is minor variation among specimens in
the extent (mostly width) of the breastband and pattern of dark
markings on individual feathers comprising it, and also in size
and extent of pale markings on the crown and wing coverts and
width of dark streaking in the mantle, but none of this is perti-
nent to diagnosability of the taxon.
Ecology and behavior.— Hypocnemis rondoni, like other mem-
bers of the H. cantator complex, forages in the understory of ter-
ra rme forest and joins mixed-species ocks only when these
pass through its territory. It does not appear to be associated with
any microhabitat variance but tends to occupy borders of light
gaps, treefalls, road edges, and other places where sunlight pen-
etrates to the forest understory promoting locally denser vegeta-
tive growth. Two stomachs were examined, one of which held
insects (Coleoptera and Orthoptera) and one had material too
fully digested to identify; stomach contents are preserved at
the MZUSP. The nest and eggs of H. rondoni remain unknown.
High-denition video of Hypocnemis rondoni in habitat may be
viewed on the IBC website.
Vocalizations.— When compared to common calls of other
taxa in the Hypocnemis cantator complex (Fig. 2), the common
call of rondoni is unique (Isler et al. 2007). This vocalization
(n = 25 from localities indicated “V” on Fig. 1; see SI for a list)
typically consists of four, less often three or ve, notes. The rst
note is short but usually embellished with overtones, typically
rises in frequency, and has a unique, screechy quality. The sub-
sequent two, three, or four short notes are delivered at succes-
sively higher frequencies although the nal two notes are some-
times at the same frequency. Pace is rapid, the most rapid of any
Hypocnemis [cantator] population, and rondoni never ends its
call with raspy notes as do some other populations. Principal
Figure 1.
Geographic distribution of taxa
in the Hypocnemis cantator
complex in south-central
Amazonian Brazil. Some
symbols were shifted slightly
from georeferenced locations
to permit better clarity of
relative positions at this scale
(the map is viewable at larger
scale in online SI). Red dots
= H. rondoni. Red star = type
locality of H. rondoni. Black
squares = H. ochrogyna. Black
triangles = H. peruviana. Black
diamonds = H. striata implicata.
The white circle on the right
bank of the Rio Roosevelt
marks an area from which
we have recordings of both
striata and ochrogyna. A white
? indicates areas that have
not been inventoried where
range limits of taxa need to be
determined. Adjacent letters
provide documentation: S =
specimen; V = vocal recording.
Black lines mark the boundaries
of Brazilian states as indicated
by their official abbreviations:
AM = Amazonas; RO =
Rondônia; MT = Mato Grosso.
The federal highway BR-230
(“Transamazônica”) is shown
in white.
3.0 4.0 5.02.0
Time (seconds)
Frequency (kHz)
6.8 %
5.4 %
5.3 %
5.2 %
5.2 %
4.2 %
H. hypoxantha
H. subflava
H. cantator
H. flavescens
H. peruviana
H. rondoni
H. ochrogyna
H. s. striata
H. s. affinis
H. s. implicata
variations in rondoni calls involve the rst note which is some-
times shaped like an inverted “U” and less often twisted into
a squiggle. An individual may deliver several variations. For
example, in one recording from Nova Olinda on the left bank
of the Rio Aripuanã (ISL BMW.200:46), a series of calls begins
with a rising rst note that gradually changes into an inverted
“U” and nally is distorted into a twisted shape. We suspect
that observed inter-individual variation in the sound/structure
of the rst note of the common call relays individual-specic
identication information. Isler et al. (2007) demonstrated that
common calls were important species-level indicators in the H.
cantator complex.
Although indistinguishable from the neighboring striata
population to the north, the male and female loudsongs of ron-
doni were found in an earlier study (Isler et al. 2007) to differ
diagnosably from ochrogyna, the population to the south, by
three characters and one character respectively and from peru-
viana to the west in an even greater number of vocal characters.
Vocal analysis for this study documented loudsong types of both
striata and ochrogyna in close proximity on the right bank of the
Rio Roosevelt (Fig. 1, symbols circled). Whether this interesting
situation reects sympatry of two species or perhaps introgres-
sion between them remains a (fascinating!) subject for further
Phylogenetic relationships.— DNA sequence data for the
mitochondrial gene NADH subunit 2 (ND2, 1041 base pairs)
were obtained for 63 individuals in the genus Hypocnemis
from scattered locations across its distribution, representing the
seven currently recognized species (see SI for a list of ingroup
and outgroup taxa). Phylogenies by maximum-likelihood and
Bayesian inference methods (see details in SI) were largely
consistent with a previous species-level phylogenetic hypoth-
esis of the genus Hypocnemis (Tobias et al. 2008; Fig. 3). We
identied, however, three well-supported lineages south of the
Amazon and east of the Madeira instead of two: H. striata, H.
ochrogyna, and H. rondoni. The latter two represent genetically
distinctive groups that replace each other across the Aripuanã/
Roosevelt and Machado rivers and are more closely related
to each other than they are to any other lineage in the genus.
These results conrm that H. striata (sensu Isler et al. 2007)
is paraphyletic; additional observed genetic structure within it
remains unresolved and awaits further analysis of a denser and
appropriately geographically distributed sample. For the time
being, at least, we recommend maintaining implicata and afnis
as subspecies.
Conservation.— Hypocnemis rondoni has the most restricted
global population of any member of the H. cantator complex
and a smaller population than most currently recognized spe-
cies of Amazonian birds, but it is not currently threatened by
anthropogenic alteration of its habitat or other sources. Of great
concern, however, is the fragmentation and outright destruc-
tion of forest in the narrow headwaters region of the Machado,
Roosevelt, and Aripuanã rivers, which is mostly unprotected,
and some of these watersheds will soon be altered drastically
by installation of massive hydroelectric dams. Unless this area
is adequately sampled very soon, we stand to lose much criti-
cal information on the processes involved in the differentiation
of Amazonian birds in general and the dynamics of secondary
contact in particular.
Acknowledgments.— Our sincere thanks to Waner Costa of
“Pousada Rio Roosevelt” in southern Amazonas state for his
hospitality to MZUSP personnel and permission to make im-
portant collections of birds on both banks of the river there in
September 2007. Marcelo Félix of MZUSP did an excellent job
of specimen preparation in Mato Grosso with BMW and FS in
August 2011. Thanks to the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa
no Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) and Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Cientíco e Tecnológico (CNPq) for the con-
cession of grants (Evolução da Fauna de Vertebrados Terrestres
Brasileiros do Cretáceo ao Presente: Paleontologia e Filogenia,
CNPq 565046/2010-1), fellowships (LFS and VQP) and for the
authorization for collecting and Research by Foreigners and
also to the Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recur-
sos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA – SISBIO) for collecting
permits. We are grateful to Robb T. Brumeld and Donna L.
Dittmann at LSUMNS for allowing access to tissue samples
under their care, and to Ingrid Macedo of INPA and Alexan-
dre Aleixo and Fátima Lima of MPEG for help with specimens
under their care. Molecular work was supported by grants to
Figure 2.
Common calls of taxa in the
Hypocnemis cantator complex
in south-central Amazonian
Brazil. (A) H. rondoni (holotype
MZUSP 92306): Mato Grosso;
left bank Rio Roosevelt (ISL:
BMW C 0518). (B) H. striata
implicata: Amazonas; Prainha
Nova (ISL: BMW 195 030).
(C) H. ochrogyna: Rondônia;
right bank Rio Machado
opposite Palmeiras (ISL: BMW
205 012). (D) H. peruviana:
Amazonas; 18 km west Humaitá
(ISL: BMW 195 020).
Figure 3.
Maximum-likelihood tree
topology of the genus
Hypocnemis showing
that H. rondoni is sister to
H. ochrogyna and that this pair
is sister to the as-yet unresolved
H. striata complex. All resolved
nodes have bootstrap support
values based on 1000 replicates
>70 and posterior probability
values >0.95.
GAB from the Frank Chapman Memorial Fund – AMNH, the
American Ornithologists’ Union, the LSUMNS Big Day Fund,
LSU Biograds, and NSF (DEB-1011435). We are grateful to
NASA for free and open access to the MODIS (EOSDIS) satel-
lite imagery used to produce the map image. Gabriel Bif of the
Entomology Department of the MZUSP graciously helped us
by identifying arthropod stomach contents. Phyllis Isler kindly
prepared the spectrograms. Richard Banks and Thomas Schu-
lenberg provided helpful comments on the manuscript. Hilary
Burn painted the gures of H. rondoni that accompany this de-
Literature Cited
Isler, M. L., P. R. Isler, and B. M. Whitney (2007). Species limits in
antbirds (Thamnophilidae): The Warbling Antbird (Hypocnemis can-
tator) complex. Auk 124: 11–28.
Munsell Soil Color Charts (1994). Macbeth Division of Kollmorgan In-
struments Corporation, New Windsor, NY.
Tobias, J. A., J. M. Bates, S. J. Hackett, and N. Seddon (2008). Comment
on “The latitudinal gradient in recent speciation and extinction rates
of birds and mammals.” Science 319: 901.