San Luis Obispo County, California
Vital Record Transcriptions
Section One
Note: The format for these transcriptions is "as is"... Barbara and Patti Jo have done a great job. and it is my
pleasure to be able to provide these: The original Records are located in the
County Clerk's Office, San Luis Obispo, California.
State of California Death Certificate
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 124 PG 84
Peter Howard SCHUFT; male/white/married; dob: 1/22/1915; pob: MN; dod: 8/10/1980 at 1130 hrs;
age at time of death: 65 yrs; pod: residence; citizen of the USA; usual occupation: Ranger for 32 yrs, National Park Service;
usual residence: Arcadia St. Morro Bay; surviving spouse: Catherine CURRAN
informant: Catherine G. SCHUFT - wife
father: William SCHUFT pob: Minnesota
maiden name of mother: Ida XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Minnesota
cause of death: Hepatic failure duration - weeks
Metastic colon cancer duration - months
Cremation 10/11/1980 Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
Benidict - Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 2 PG 454
These presents are to authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Priest or Minister of the Gospel of any denomination
within the County of San Luis Obispo, to join in marriage Harry LaVern OHLER, native of Nebraska, aged 24 yrs, resident
of Camp San Luis, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Elois Jeanette VIERGUTZ, native of Nebraska,
aged 18 yrs, resident of
San Luis Obispo County, State of California. The man is of the white race. The woman is of the white race. In witness
I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of
California this 24th day of October A.D. 1942.
signed: Gwen MARSHALL County Clerk by Charlotte NEGRICH Deputy Clerk
Marriage Certificate
I hereby certify that on the 29th day of October, 1942, at San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California
I joined in marriage Harry LaVern OHLER and Elois Jeanette VIERGUTZ in the presence of witnesses, Mrs. Walter
LORETZ, a resident of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, State of California and Justine TULLMAN, a resident of
San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this
29th day of October A.D. 1942
Reverend Walter LORETZ Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church San Luis Obispo
Filed for record at the request of Reverend LORETZ this 30th day of October A.D. 1942 at 20 min past 10:00 am
W. L. RAMAGE County Recorder
BK A PG 226 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
(The dates on this document have been double-checked against the original.
The dates appear as they are on the original document- B. Erden)
Marriage License
George H. FLOOD to Arcadia RILEY
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo. These presents are to
authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Mayor, Priest or Minister of the
Gospel within the County of San Luis Obispo to join in marriage George H.
FLOOD, a resident of the County of San Luis Obispo State of California and
Arcadia RILEY, a resident of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of
California, they being of sufficient age to be capable of contracting
marriage. The said Arcadia Riley, being a minor, the consent of her parents
is thereby obtained. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California this
28th day of October A.D. 1875.
signed: Charles DANA County Clerk by Julius KREBS Deputy Clerk
Marriage Certificate
I hereby certify that I believe the facts stated in the above license to be
true and that upon due inquiry there appears to be no legal impediment to
the marriage of said George H. FLOOD and Arcadia RILEY; that said parties
were joined in marriage by me on the 18th day of October A.D., 1875 in the
said County and state, that J. B. BAMP, a resident of Old Creek, County of
San Luis Obispo, State of California and Margaret KOSTER, a resident of Old
Creek, County of San Luis OBispo, State of California were present as
witnesses of said ceremony. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of October, 1875
signed: A. B. SPOONER Clergyman
recorded at the request of A. B. SPOONER November 2nd A.D. 1875 at 30
minutes past 9:00 o'clock am
Charles DANA County Recorder
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK J PG 427
Marriage License State of California, County of San Luis Obispo
These presents are to authorize and license any Judge of the Supreme Court,
Judge of the District Courts of Appeal, Judge of the Superior Court, Justice
of the Peace, Judge of any Police Court, City Recorder, Priest or Minister
of the Gospel of any denomination, to solemnize within said County, the
marriage of George H. FLOOD, a native of California, aged 55 years,
resident of Morro, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Lucy
DAGGETT, a native of Kansas, aged 37 yrs, resident of Morro, County of San
Luis Obispo, State of California. The man is of the white race. The woman
is of the white race. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the Superior Court of said County this 25th day of September A.D. 1915
F. J. RODRIGUES County Clerk
Marriage Certificate
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, I hereby certify that on
the 25th day of September, 1915, that by authority of a license to which
this certificate is attached, at San Luis Obispo, in the County of San Luis
Obispo, State of California, I joined in marriage George H. FLOOD and Lucy
DAGGETT in the presence of witnesses, to-wit; Alva PAUL, a resident of San
Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Ella PAUL, a
resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of September A.D. 1915.
J. A. NORTON Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and
for the County of San Luis Obispo.
Filed for record at the request of Hon. J. A. NORTON this 29th day of
September A.D. 1915 at 40 min. past 7:00 o'clock am
D. F. MAHONEY County recorder
BK A PG 373 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
Marriage License State of California, County of San Luis Obispo
Abraham F. BURROWS to Jennie E. OLDFIELD
These presents are to authorize and license any Judge of the Supreme Court,
Justice of the Peace, Mayor, Priest or Minister of the Gospel, within the
County of San Luis Obispo, to join in marriage Abraham F. BURROWS, a
resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California
and Jennie E. OLDFIELD, a resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis
OBispo, State of California, they being of sufficient age to be capable of
contracting marriage. The said Abraham F. BURROWS being 31 years old and the said Jennie E. OLDFIELD being 24
years of age.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Superior Court of the County of San Luis
State of California this twelfth day of April A. D. 1880.
Nathan KING County Clerk
Marriage Certificate
I hereby certify that I believe the facts stated in the above license to be
true and that upon due Inquiry there appears to be no legal impediment to
the marriage of said Abraham F. BURROWS and Jennie E. OLDFIELD, that said
parties were joined in marriage by me on the 12th day of April A. D. 1880 in
San Luis Obispo, said County and State, that Dora OLDFIELD, a resident of
Brooklyn, New York and Hattie A. OLDFIELD, a resident of Brooklyn, New
York, County of New York were present as witnesses of said ceremony. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand
this 13th day of April, 1880
J. E. HAMMOND Clergyman Protestant-Episcopal Church
Filed for record at the request of Reverend J. E. HAMMOND this 13th day of
April A.D. 1880 at 20 min. past 1:00 o'clock pm.
Nathan KING Recorder by P. H. DALLIDET Deputy
California State Board of Health Standard Certificate of Death
BK 11 PG 422 San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths
George H. FLOOD; male/white/married; dob: 5/25/1855; pob: Sonoma, Ca;
dod: 7/22/1927 at 11:10 pm; pod: Arroyo Grande; age at time of death:
72 yrs, 1 mo, 27 days; usual occupation: farmer; length of residence at
place of death: 60 yrs; Ca: life
wife: Lucy FLOOD
informant: Leslie L. FLOOD San Luis Obispo
father: Isaac FLOOD pob: Mass.
maiden name of mother: Elizabeth XX(last name with held per Ca state law)
pob: Ohio
cause of death: cerebral hemorrhage duration: 6 days
Burial 7/26/1928 Old IOOF Cemetery Aan Luis Obispo
B. F. RICHARDS Undertaker
Certificate of Death San Luis Obispo County BK 31 PG 262 County Death Records
Clother George ALLEN, male/white/married; dob: 9/11/1869; pob:
Bellfountain, Wisconsin; dod: 6/9/1952 at 2:40 pm; pod: residence; age
at time of death: 82 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual occupation: farmer,
retired; residence: Ash St., Arroyo Grande for 25 yrs
surviving spouse: Dora ALLEN
informant: wife
father: George ALLEN pob: Penn.
maiden name of mother: Permelia XX(last name with held per Ca State law)
pob: Penn
no cause of death
Burial 6/12/1952 Aroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. WOOD Funeral Director
BK A PG 336 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, These Presents are to Authorize and License any Judge of the Supreme
Court, District or County Judge, Justice of the Peace, Mayor, Priest or Minister of the Gospel, within the County of San
Luis Obispo to join in Marriage Peter GILLIS, a resident of Paso Robles, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California
and Sarah ROBINSON, a resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. They being of
sufficient age to be capable of contracting Marriage, the said Peter GILLIS being of the age of twenty-five(?) and the said
Sarah ROBINSON being of the the age of 25 years. In witness whereof I have this 15th day of February, 1879 set my
hand and the seal of the County of San Luis Obispo.
Nathan KING County Clerk
I hereby certify that I believe the facts stated in the above license to be true and that upon due inquiry there appears to be
no legal impediment to the marriage of said Peter GILLIS and Sarah ROBINSON, that said parties were joined in
marriage by me on the 18th day of February A.D. 1879 in Josephine Precinct of said County and State, that Mrs. J. C.
DUNN, a resident of Josephine Precinct, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, was present as a witness of said
ceremony. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of February A.D. 1879
Frank J. DUNN Justice of the Peace
Filed at the request of Frank J. DUNN this 21st day of February A.D. 1879 ay 10 min past 1 o'clock PM.
Nathan KING County Clerk
BK A PG 378 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
Polk GILLIS, a native of Iowa, aged 35 years, resident of Piedras Blanca, County of San Luis Obispo and Lucy
McKENZ(E)Y, a native of Missouri, aged 18 years, resident of Piedras Blanca, County of San Luis Obispo.
License issued this 18th day of May A.D. 1880
Nathan KING County Recorder
Polk GILLIS and Lucy McKENZ(E)Y were joined in marriage this 27th day of May A.D. 1880
Thomas J. EVANS and William M. PULLENS, both residents of San Luis Obispo County were present as Witnesses.
Both parents of the Bride and the Bridegroom were natives of Missouri. Polk GILLIS was before married, and the former
wife is still living. Tiecia PIERSON is the former wife. In witness whereof I have set my hand and the seal of the County of
San Luis Obispo this 27th day of May A.D. 1880.
C. BOWLES Justice of the Peace
Filed for record at the request of C. BOWLES the 1st day of June A. D. 1880 at 20 min past 11 o'clock am
Nathan King County Clerk
BK A PG 413 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
John DOWDLE, a native of California, aged 22 years, resident of Tucson, County of Pino, State of Arizona and Lizzie F.
GILLIS, a native of California, aged 19 years, resident of Paso Robles. License issued the 15th day of February A.D.
Nathan KING County Recorder
John DOWDLE and Lizzie F. GILLIS were joined in marriage on the 24th of February A. D. 1881 in Paso Robles, County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California
Thos. William SMITH, a resident of Paso de Robles and William S. SMITH, a resident of Paso de Robles were present as
F. J. DUNN Justice of the Peace
Filed at the request of F. J. DUNN February 28th, A.D. 1881 at 15 min past 9 o'clock AM
Nathan KING County Recorder
BK A PG 132 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
Edward A. EVERETT and Ann Eliza BUFFINGTON State of California County of
San Luis Obispo These Presents are to Authorize and License any Judge,
Justice of the Peace, Clergyman or Preacher of the Gospel within the County
of San Luis Obispo to join in Marriage, Edward A. EVERETT and Ann Eliza
BUFFINGTON and to certify the same according to law. The said Ann Eliza
BUFFINGTON being a minor, the written consent was first obtained thereto.
Witness my hand and the seal of this County Court of the County of San Luis
Obispo this 30th day of August A. D. 1871
Charles W. DANA County Clerk by R. POLLARD Deputy
I do hereby certify that Edward A. EVERETT and Ann Eliza BUFFINGTON were
joined in marriage by me in the County of San Luis Obispo, on the 4th day of
September A. D. 1871
A. R. HENDON a Minister of the Gospel
Recorded at the request of A. P. HENDON September 9, A.D. 1871
Charles W, DANA County Recorder by R. POLLARD Deputy
BK A PG 122 San Luis Obispo County Book Of Marriages
John HILL and Marietta BUFFINGTON
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, These Presents are to
Authorize and License any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clergyman or Preacher of the Gospel within the County of San
Luis Obispo to join in Marriage John HILL and Marietta BUFFINGTON according to law. Witness my hand and the seal of
the County of San Luis Obispo this 25th day of November A.D. 1870.
Charles W. DANA County Clerk by R. POLLARD Deputy Clerk
San Luis Obispo County, Cambria, November 30th, 1870 A. D. I do herby
certify that John HILL and Marietta BUFFINGTON were joined in Marriage in
the County of San Luis Obispo on the 30th day of November A. D. 1870.
A. P. HENDON A Minister of the Gospel
Recorded at the Request of A. P. HENDON December 31, 1870.
Charles W. DANA County Clerk by R. POLLARD Deputy Clerk
BK A PG 119 Book of Marriages San Luis Obispo County
James Q. BUFFINGTON to Mary COOK State of California, County of San Luis Obispo These Presents are to Authorize
and license any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clergyman, or Preacher of the Gospel in this, the County of San Luis
Obispo to join in Marriage James Q. BUFFINGTON and Mary COOK and to certify the same according to law. Both the
Parties being underage, the consent of their respective parents was first obtained. Witness my hand and seal of the
County of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County this 24th day of October A.D. 1870.
Charles W. DANA County Clerk by R. POLLARD Deputy Clerk
October 26th, 1870, I do hereby certify the foregoing, that James Q.
BUFFINGTON and Mary COOK were joined in Marriage by me in the County of San
Luis Obispo on the 26th day of October A.D. 1870.
A. P. HENDON A minister of the Gospel
Recorded at the request of A. P. HENDON November 19th, A.D. 1870.
Charles W. DANA County Recorder by R. POLLARD Deputy
BK A PG 89 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo. I, Charles W. DANA, County
Clerk of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, do hereby license and
authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clergyman, or Preacher of the
Gospel, residing within said County, to celebrate and certify the Marriage
of, Nathan FLETCHER, To, Martha BUFFINGTON, both of full age and residents of the County.
In witness Whereof I have here-unto set my hand and affixed the seal of the
County Court, this 5th day of March A.D., 1868.
Charles W. DANA County Clerk of San Luis Obispo County, State of
California, County of San Luis Obispo
I hereby certify that in pursuance of Law and the Foregoing License, I have
this 22 nd day of March A.D., 1868, duly Joined in Marriage the said Nathan
FLETCHER to the said Martha BUFFINGTON. Given under my hand this day and year in the certificate above written. Rev.
Filed April 1st A.D., 1868 Charles W. DANA County Clerk
BK 2 PG 52 California State Board of Health Death Records San Luis Obispo County
James Lou EDDIE; white/male/married; dob: ;4/25/1841; pob: Nova Scotia;
dod: 3/22/1906 at 4:45 am; pod: residence 1168 Mill St. San Luis Obispo;
age at time of death: 65 yrs 10 mos 22 days; length of stay at place of
death: 7 yrs 2 mos; California: 30 yrs; usual occupation: Justice of the Peace
informant: R. E. GINLY San Luis Obispo
father: David EDDIE pob: Scotland
maiden name of mother: Margaret LAW pob: Scotland
seen by physician from 1-8-1906 to 3-21-1906 C. J. McGOVERN MD
cause of death: Hepatic Cirrhosis duration: 9 days
Burial 3/23/1906 IOOF Cemetery San Luis OBispo
F. J. BOWEN Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages VOL E PG 261
Marriage License San Luis Obispo County, State of California
I Authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Priest, Minister of the Gospel of any denomination to join in Marriage Leigh
GILLIS Resident of Shandon, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Mattie T. SMITH Resident of Shandon,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day
of December, 1897.
signed: John WHICHER County Clerk
Marriage Certificate State of California, County of San Luis Obispo
I hereby certify that the Parties named in the within written License were joined in Marriage by me, on the 1st day of
January A. D. 1898 in Paso Robles, said County and state; that Mrs. LEAVITT a resident of Paso Robles County of San
Luis Obispo, State of California and Mr. LEAVITT resident of Paso Robles, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California
were present as witnesses of said Ceremony. Upon examination of the Parties, I have ascertained their nativity to be as
follows: Bride's mother native of N. Y. Brides father native of Vermont. Bridegroom's parents mother native of Missouri
Father native of Iowa. The said Bride was not before married. The said Bridegroom was not before married.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of January A. D. 1898
Rev. A. D. WEAGE Paso Robles, Cal
Filed for record at request of Rev. A. D. WEAGE this 5 th day of January A. D. 1898 at 48 min past 10 o'clock A.M.
J. F. FIEDLER County Recorder
San Luis Obispo County Book Of Marriages VOL A PG 145
Marriage License State of California, County of San Luis Obispo
I authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Priest or Minister of the Gospel of any denomination to join in Marriage
George Washington GILLIS Resident of Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Mary Elizabeth
ROBINSON, Resident of Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Said Parties being of sufficient age
to contract Marriage
Marriage Certificate
I hereby certify that the parties named in the within License were joined in Marriage by me, on the 28th day of February
A.D. 1897 in Templeton, Said County and State. That upon examination of the parties, I have ascertained their nativity to
be as follows: Bride's mother native of England Father native of England. The Bridegroom's mother native of Indiana
Father native of Iowa. The said Bride was never before married. The said Bridegroom was never before married.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 28th day of February A. D. 1897.
signed: Isaac BAIRD Presbyterian Minister
Filed for Record at the request of Rev. Isaac BAIRD this Second day of March A. D. 1897 at 6 min. past 8 o'clock a.m.
J. F. FIELDLER County Recorder
SILVA/COSTA VOL I PG 253 SLO County book of Marriages
Bridegroom: Joseph Furtado SILVA, native of California, aged 24, resident of Oso Flaca, County of San Luis Obispo
race: white
Bride: Mary COSTA, native of California, aged 24, resident of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County
race: white
Witnesses: Frank COSTA jun. resident of Arroyo Grande
Lucy Costa SIMAS, resident of Hanford, County of Kings
date of marriage: 7/31/1911
Fr. M. LACK Rector Priest
Arroyo Grande, Nipomo etc. Missions
VOL O PG 210 SLO County book of marriages
Bridegroom: Joe A. SILVA, native of California, aged 19, resident of San Luis Obispo
race: white
above named Joe A. SILVA, being a minor, the written, verified consent of Joe A. SILVA Sr., his father, is first had and filed.
Bride: Mary R. COSTA, native of California, aged 19 yrs, resident of Cayucos.
race: white
witnesses: Manuel A. SILVA, resident of Los Osos
Louisa COSTA, resident of Cayucos
date of marriage: 11/9/1925 at Cayucos
Rev. Thomas J. O'BRIEN Catholic Priest Cayucos
VOL O PG 240 San Luis Obispo County book of marriages
Bridegroom: Joseph W. SILVA, native of California, aged 23 yrs, resident of Salinas, County of Monterey
race: white
Bride: Ruth Carrie REIDER, native of California, aged 23 yrs, resident of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles
race: white
witness: Joe GHIGLIOTTI, resident of San Luis Obispo
date of marriage: 12/24/1925
signed: William MALLAGH Justice of the Peace
Jose SILVA/Louisa MACHADO BK I PG 407 SLO County book of marriages
Bridegroom: Jose Luis SILVA, native of Azores Islands, aged 21 yrs, resident of Oso Flaco
race: white
Bride: Louisa Antonia MACHADO, native of California, aged 19 yrs, resident of Oso Flaco race:
witnesses: Manoel Luis SILVA, resident of Osos Flaco
Maria SILVA, resident of Oso Flaco
date of marriage: 4/15/1912 at Nipomo, California
Fr. M. LACK Priest
Rector Arroyo Grande, Nipomo etc. Catholic Mission
SILVA/COSTA VOL I PG 253 SLO County book of Marriages
Bridegroom: Joseph Furtado COSTA, native of California, aged 24,
resident of Oso Flaca, County of San Luis Obispo
race: white
Bride: Mary COSTA, native of California, aged 24, resident of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County
race: white
Witnesses: Frank COSTA jun. resident of Arroyo Grande
; Lucy Costa SIMAS, resident of Hanford, County of Kings
date of marriage: 7/31/1911
Fr. M. LACK Rector Priest
Arroyo Grande, Nipomo etc. Missions
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 128 PG 396
State of California Certificate of Death
Alvin Emil Kasper GESKE; male/white/widowed; dob: 1/6/1896; pob: SD;
dod:Fd 10/27/1983 at 1230 hrs; pod: residence; age at time of death: 87 yrs; not Hispanic;
citizen of the USA;
occupation: Railroad clerk for 45 yrs, Great Northern Railway; usual residence: Fresno St. Morro Bay
informant: Alvin GESKE son Kesington, Maryland
father: Robert GESKE pob: IL
maiden name of mother: Mary XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: hemorrhagic shock duration - min ruptured abdominal aortic anneurysm duration - hrs
arteriolonephrosclerosis duration - yrs
Cremation 10/28/1983 Benedict-Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
State of California Certificate of Death
Ada Jay GESKE; female/white/married; dob: 1/17/1910; pob: Texas;
dod: 8/20/1983 at 0430 hrs; age at time of death: 73 yrs; pod: residence;
citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; usual occupation:administrator for 15 yrs Whitefish Benevolence Society Insurance
business; usual residence: Fresno St., Morro Bay
surviving spouse: Alvin E. GESKE
informant: husband
father: David J. BEST pob: unknown
maiden name of mother: Amy XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Utah
cause of death: respiratory failure duration: min
Chronic obstructive disease duration: yrs
cremation 8-22-1983 Benedict-Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 124 PG 298
State of California Death Certificate
Thomas Henry ROBBINS; male/cauc/divorced; dob: 9/25/1915; pob: Oklahoma;
dod: 12/1/1980 at 2000 hrs; age at time of death: 65 yrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital Templeton;
citizen of the USA; usual occupation: warehouseman for 25 yrs Pioneer Flintkote Paper mill;
usual residence: Mahoney Rd ( Williams Ranch ) Paso Robles
informant: Mrs. Barbara HAY daughter Tujunga, Ca
father: Henry A. ROBBINS pob: Mo
maiden name of mother: Minnie Lee XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Texas
cause of death: cardiac arrest duration: sec
myocardial fibriosis duration: mos
coronary insufficiency duration: mos
Burial 12/5/1980 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
State of California Certificate of Death Certificate # 2002001935
Isabel nmn MOLINA; female/widowed/caucasian; Hispanic: yes-spanish; dob: 8/6/1917;
pob: Texas; dod: 12/20/2002 at 2100 hrs; age at time of death: 85 yrs; pod:
Twin Cities Hospital Templeton; never in the military;
level of education completed: 6 yrs; occupation:
self employed homemaker in own home for 65 yrs; usual residence: Heather Court Templeton;
# of yrs in this County: 35
informant: Dora BROWN daughter Santa Maria Santa Barbara County
father: Eugene unknown last pob: TX
maiden name of mother: Maria Inez XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: TX
cause of death: Respiratory arrest duration-immed.
Pneumonia duration-days
COPD duration-yrs
Dr. Robert REINA MD Templeton
Burial 12/27/2002 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary Atascadero
Bridegroom: Joao Ignacio SILVA, native of Azores Islands, aged 25 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, California
also known as John Ignacio SILVA
race: white
Bride: Lena PERRY, native of California, aged 18 yrs, resident of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County California
also known as Elena PERRY
race: white
date of marriage: 5/25/1908
witnesses: Antone PERRY, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, California
Mariana PERRY, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, California
signed: Fr. M. LACK Catholic Priest
Rector of Arroyo Grande etc. Mission
SILVA/ SILVERIA Marriage BK H PG 554 SLO County book of marriages
Bridegroom: Jose Garcia SILVA, native of Azores Islands, aged 23 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara
race: white
Bride: Maria Brazil SILVERIA, native of Azores Islands, aged 26 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara
race: white
witnesses: Frank THOMAS, resident of San Luis Obispo
J. V. LOPEZ, resident of Santa Maria
date of marriage: 2/2/1910
H. E. SMITH Justice of the Peace San Luis Obispo
Marriage License, State of California, County of San Luis Obispo
BK D PG 504
I authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Priest or Minister of the Gospel of any denomination to join in marriage J. L.
FREEMAN Fr, a resident of Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Lucretia CALDWELL, a
resident of Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. Said partied being of sufficient age to contract
marriage. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of October 1895
John WHICHER County Clerk by Samuel DYER Deputy Clerk
San Luis Obispo County Book Of Marriages BK A PG 388
Frank HUMPHREYS and Katie HAMMOND Marriage License and Certificate, State of California, County of San Luis
These Presents are to authorize and license any Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge of the Superior Court, Justice of
the Peace, Priest or Minister of the Gospel of any denomination to Solemnize, within said County, the marriage of Frank
HUMPHREYS, a native of Kentucky, age 22 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of
California and Katie HAMMOND, a native of Iowa, aged 16 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo,
State of California. Said partied being of sufficient age to be capable of contracting marriage. The said Katie HAMMOND
being a minor of the age of 16, the written consent of her mother was first obtained. In Witness whereof I hereunto set my
hand and affixed the seal of said Superior Court of said County, this 16 th day of August A.D. 1880. Nathan KING County
Clerk and ex-afficio Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said San Luis Obispo County, State of California. I hereby
certify that I believe the facts stated in the above license to be true and that upon due inquiry there appears to be no legal
impediment to the marriage of said Frank HUMPHREYS and Katie HAMMOND. That said parties were joined in marriage
by me on the 18th day of August, 1880, in San Luis Obispo said County and state. That Louis NOAH, a resident of San
Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Bettie STANIFORD, a resident of San Luis Obispo,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California witnesses of said ceremony. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand, this 26th day of August A.D. 1880.
H. Walter FEATHERSTEIN, Minister
Filed for record at the request of Rev. H. Walter FEATHERSTEIN this 27th day of August A.D. 1880 at 30 min past 2:00
o'clock P.M.
Nathan KING County Recorder by ? DALLIDE Deputy Clerk
BK 5 PG 288 San Luis Obispo County Death Cert. State Board of Health
male/white/infant; dob:dod: 10/28/1918 at 10:00 PM; pob/pod: County of San Luis Obispo, near Paso Robles; age: 7
hours; infant son of Emma and Joe FREEMAN
father: Joe FREEMAN pob: Texas
mother: Emma CHRISTENSEN pob: CA
informant: Mollie FREEMAN Paso Robles
cause of death: premature; 7 mos pregnancy
Burial 10/30/1918 Paso Robles Cemetery
P. A. Undertaking Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK C PG 11
Mark P. FREEMAN and Winnifred Emily MANN
State of California, San Luis Obispo County, Marriage License and Certificate
I authorize any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Priest or Minister of any denomination, to solemnize the marriage of Mark P.
FREEMAN, a resident of Cayucos, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Winnifred Emily MANN, a resident
of Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California; Said Parties being capable of contracting marriage.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of November, 1890.
Chas. W. DANA County Clerk
I hereby certify that the above named parties were joined in marriage by me on the 24th day of November, 1890 at
Templeton, said County and State, that Grace PATE, a resident of Templeton, County of San Luis Obispo, State of
California and Lee FREEMAN, a resident of Paso Robles, County of San Luis Obispo, State Of California were present as
witnesses at said ceremony.
Upon examination of the parties I have ascertained their nativity to be as follows. Brides mother is a native of Missouri,
Brides father is a native of Arkansas; Bridegroom's parents, mother is a native of Missouri, Bridegroom's father is a native
of Iowa. The said Bride was never before married. The said Bridegroom was never before married.
Witness my hand this 24th day of November A.D. 1890.
Frank CONRAD Minister of Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Filed for record at the request of Mark P. FREEMAN this 25th day of November A.D. 1890 at 55 min past 12:00 P.M.
J.F. FIEDLER County Recorder by Geo. A. McCALVY Deputy Recorder
Clarence Robert LOEWEN, of Morro Bay, died Friday, May 3, 1996, in a San Luis Obispo hospital. He was 86.
The son or Dietrick and Elizabeth LOEWEN, he was born October 14, 1909, in New Home Community in Lowery
Township, North Dakota, where he was raised and educated. He was a successful grain farmer in North Dakota and
retired to Morro Bay. During his retirement, he enjoyed fishing, traveling, visiting his children and making friends.
He is survived by his wife; Edythe, 2 daughters, Darlene of Grants Pass, Oregon and Alana of St. Helena, four sons,
Ronald of Rohnert Park, Dennis of Skyston, North Dakota, Alan of Rolla, Missouri and Robert of Denver, Colorado; 12
grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his 5 sisters and 3 brothers.
Visitation will be at 8:00 A.M. Tuesday, May 7, 1996, at Benedict-Rettey Chapel in Morro Bay. Services will follow at 2:00
P.M., with Elder Ron RASSMUSSEN of the Seventh-day Adventist Church officiating.
Arrangements are being handled by Benedict-Rettey in Morro Bay.
Josephine Blunt SEATON BK 19 PG 440
white/female/widowed; dob: 10/29/1855; pob: Sacramento, Ca; dod: 1/11/1941 at 4:00 pm;
pod: City of San Luis Obispo, at home 1522 Osos St; age: 85 yrs, 1 mos, 13 days;
length of stay in this community: 61 yrs; Ca: life; usual occupation: housewife in own home
spouse: Dr. J. H. SEATON - deceased
informant: Mrs. Irene CARPENTER
father: Levi BLUNT pob: Missouri
mother: Grizzla XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Missouri
seen by physician from 11/15/1940 to 1/11/1941
E. M. BINGHAM MD - Registrar
cause of death: bronchial pneumonia duration - 1 week
chronic bronchitis duration - 2 mos
arteriosclerosis, general
burial 1/14/1951 IOOF Cemetery
C. E. PALMER Mortuary
Nancy Jane GARREN BK 12 PG 280
white/female/widow; dob: 12/1/1853; pob: So. Carolina; dod: 3/27/1929 at 9:00 am;
pod: Fisher Hospital, Paso Robles; age: 75 yrs; 3 mos; 26 days; usual occupation: at home;
length of residence at pod: 2 days; Ca: 46 yrs
spouse: James W. GARREN - deceased
informant: Don GARREN Paso Robles
father: Joseph HODGES pob: PA
mother: (name with held per Ca state law) pob: Pa
seen by physician from 3/25/1929 to 3/27/1929
cause of death: Broncho pneumonia duration - 7 days
contributing: influenza duration - 7 days
burial IOOF Cemetery Paso Robles
Palmer Undertaking Company Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK W PG 51
These Presents are to Authorize and License, any Judge of the Supreme Court, Justice of the District Courts of Appeal,
Judge of the Superior Court, Judge of the Municipal Court, Justice of the Peace, Judge of any Police Court, City Recorder,
Priest or Minister of the Gospel of any Denomination to Solemnize within Said County, the Marriage of Meredith Elwood
BINGHAM, Native of North Dakota, aged 27 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of
California and Frances Irene RUDOLPH, Native of California, aged 23 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San
Luis Obispo, State of California
In Witness, Thereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of the Superior Court of Said County, this 13th day
of May, A.D. 1938.
Signed: Gwen MARSHALL County Clerk By Margaret MUZIO Deputy Clerk
I hereby certify that on the 14th day of May, 1938, by authority of a License to which this certificate is attached, at San
Luis Obispo, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, I joined in Marriage Meredith Elwood BINGHAM and
Frances Irene RUDOLPH in the Presence of Witnesses, to-wit: H. W. RUDOLPH, a resident of San Luis Obispo in the
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California.
In Witness, whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of May, A.D., 1938.
Signed: Frederick I. HART Presbyterian Minister
Filed for Record at the request of Rev. F. J. HART this 18th day of May A.D., 1938 at 20 min past 11:00 o'clock am.
signed: W. L. RAMPAGE County Recorder
California State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
Place of marriage: San Luis Obispo County
Groom: Meredith Elwood BINGHAM; residence: 68 Mt. Pleasanton Dr. San Luis Obispo; of the white race; age: 27 yrs;
single, 1st marriage; occupation: accountant; pob: North Dakota; father: Nels BINGHAM pob: Canada; mother: Celia
FREDRICK pob: North Dakota
Bride: Frances Irene RUDOLPH; residence: 681 Howard St. San Luis Obispo; of the white race; age: 23 yrs; single, 1st
marriage; pob: California; occupation: stenographer; father: Holton W. RUDOLPH pob: California; mother: Dorothy
WATSON pob: Pennsylvania
Edward Leroy RUTHERFORD - VOL 296 PG 357
Affidavit of Birth
Dob: 9-3-1895
Pob: Shandon, CA
Sex: male
Full name of father: Jesse T. RUTHERFORD
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, CA
Age at child's birth: 29
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Castroville, CA
Occupation at child's birth: laborer
Full maiden name of mother: Mary Priscilla JONES
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, CA
Age at child's birth: 29
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Berryville, Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child, who was born on the date stated, and that the information herein stated
is true.
affiant: Mary Priscilla HOLTEN
formally Mary Priscilla RUTHERFORD
Recorded at request of Mary Priscilla HOLTED
Mar 6-1942 at 26 min. past 2 o'clock P.M.
Lennie Sylvia RUTHERFORD - VOL 411 PG 68
dob: 3-22-1893
pob: Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado
sex: female
full name of father: Almond Cornelious RUTHERFORD
residence at child's birth: Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado
age at child's birth: 28
color or race: white
birthplace: Manitowco, Wisconsin
occupation at child's birth: farming
full maiden name of mother: Mary Ellen BROWN
residence at child's birth: Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado
age at child's birth: 21
color or race: white
birthplace: Kansas
occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the father of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein is
Affiant: Almond C. RUTHERFORD
RFD 2, Box 134
San Luis Obispo, CA
Recorded at request of Mrs. Lennie BARBETTINI
JUL 2-1946 at 30 min. past 2 o'clock P. M.
Frederick Horace JENNINGS - VOL 106 PG 144
White/male/married; dob: 3/19/1885;
pob: Missouri; dod: 3/11/1971 at 1:30AM;
pod: General Hospital San Luis Obispo;
age at time of death: 85 yrs; citizen of USA;
length of stay in County of death: 20 yrs;
length of stay in state: 64 yrs
usual occupation: self-employed musician for 25 yrs
residence: Harbor St. Morro Bay, Ca.
maiden name of wife: Aleta HODGE
informant: wife
name of father: John JENNINGS pob: Mo.
Maiden name of mother: Martha HUNTER pob: Mo.
Seen by physician from 3/3/1971 to 3/11/1971 Lawrence FREEMAN M. D.
Cause of death: Respiratory failure duration-min
Cerebral hemo? duration: days
Rt. aret? thrombectory duration-days Hypertension
Cremation 3/13/1971 Atascadero Crematory
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
Naomia Ione KNIGHT - VOL 30 PG 152
white/female/widow; dob: 9/9/1896;
dod: 9-28-1951 @ 6:55A.M.;
pod: San Luis Obispo General Hospital;
age at time of death: 55 yrs.
usual occupation: housewife in own home
usual residence:
mile South of town-rural Santa Margarita
length of stay in this community: 40 yrs
no parental information
informant: Ione LOPEZ
cause of death: pemphegus duration-4 mos.
Robert C. CARTER M. D.
Burial 10-1-1951 Santa Margarita Cemetery
Stillman Theodore RUTHERFORD - VOL 269 PG 392
Recorder's Office Monterey County, Calif
Affidavit of Birth
The recording of this document does not vouch for the truth of any of the statements alleged
dob: 5-19-1901
Pob: Paso Robles, CA
Sex: Male
Full name of father: Jesse T. RUTHERFORD
Residence at child's birth: Paso Robles, CA
Age at child's birth: 35
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Castroville, CA
Occupation at child's birth: laborer
Full maiden name of mother: Mary Priscilla JONES
Residence at child's birth: Paso Robles, CA
Age at child's birth: 35
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Berryville, Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child,
who was born on the date above stated.
Affiant: Mary Priscilla HOLTEN formerly
Mary Priscilla RUTHERFORD formally
Mary Priscilla JONES
Dated March 3, 1942
Mary Sarber BALL - VOL 110 PG 970
white/ female/widowed; dob: 1-31-1885; pob: Illinois; dod: 2-21-1973 @ 7:50 am;
pod: Friendship Manor, 4055 Del Rio Rd. Atascadero; age at time of death: 88 yrs; citizen of the USA
usual occupation: Christian Science Practitioner for 50 yrs for the Christian Science Church
father: Joseph Lane SARBER pob: Indiana
mother: Mary **(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Indiana
Informant: John SARBER 4055 Del Rio Rd. Atascadero, CA
Cause of death: Acute Pulmonary Edema duration: min
Arteriosclerotic heart disease duration: yrs
cause of death obtained from records of
Cremation 2-22-1973 Atascadero Crematory
Chapel of the Roses
Stockton SNYDER - BK 2 PG 144
white/ male/ married; dob: unknown;
pob: PA; dod: 5-12-1907;
age at time of death: about 50 yrs
no parental information
Informant: C. W. PALMER Coroner
Usual residence: Reading, PA
Undertaker: M. G. CRANDEL
filed: 5-14-1907
Lee Wilford KNIGHT - VOL 27 PG 40
White/male/married: dob: 11-5-1883;
pob: CA;
dod: 7-21-1949 @ 10:00P.M.;
pod: Santa Margarita, CA, died at home while in bed; age at time of death: 65 yrs;
never in the armed services; citizen of USA
length of stay in this County: life
usual occupation: retired Constable;
industry: government
usual residence: Eye St.,
family residence Santa Margarita
spouse: Naoma KNIGHT
father: James KNIGHT
no information on mother
informant: Naoma KNIGHT
Cause of death:
probable coronary occlusion
not under the care of a physician
Burial 7-25-1949 Santa Margarita Cemetery
William Henry JONES VOL 24 PG 11
white/male/widower: dob: 5-7-1885;
pob: Wales; dod: 6-18-1946 @ 11:30am;
pod: Cayucos, CA at home;
age at time of death: 61 yrs 1 mo 11
days; length of stay in this community: 19 yrs; in CA: 50 yrs
usual occupation: general plumbing contractor
usual residence: Cayucos, CA
spouse: Matilda Hendricks JONES-deceased
father: Frederick W. JONES pob: Wales
mother: Anna **(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Wales
Informant: Mrs. Hazel BREWER-Cayucos
attended by physician from 6-6-1946 to 6-18-1946 last seen 6-18-1946
Cause of death: Coronary thrombosis duration-12 days
Removal 6-21-1946 to Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, CA
C. W. PALMER Mortuary San Luis Obispo
R. J. SMYTH M. D. Cayucos, CA
Josephine Belle RUTHERFORD - VOL 269 PG 357
(delayed) Affidavit of Birth
dob: 11-3-1892
pob: Modesto, CA
Sex: Female
Full name of father: Jesse T. RUTHERFORD
Residence at child's birth: Modesto, CA
Age at child's birth: 26
Color or race: white
Birth place: Castroville, CA
Occupation at child's birth: laborer
Full maiden name of mother: Mary Priscilla JONES
Residence at child's birth: Modesto, CA.
Age at child's birth: 26
Color or race: White
Birth place: Berryville, Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child,
who was born on the date above stated,
and that the information herein stated is true.
Affiant: Mary Priscilla HOLTEN
formerly Mary Priscilla RUTHERFORD
24 Pine St.
Salinas, CA
Recorded at request of Mary Priscilla HOLTEN
Mar 6-1942 at 25 min. past 2 o'clock P.M.
Clara Mae Jones MITCHELL - VOL 296 PG 421
Affidavit of Birth
Dob: 7-31-1901
Pob: Shandon, California
Sex: Female
Full name of Father: John Thomas JONES
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, San Luis Obispo Co.
Age at child's birth: 31 yrs
Color or race: White
Birthplace: Berryville, Carol Co. Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: Farmer
Full maiden name of mother: Nancy Catherine JONES
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, CA
Age at child's birth: 28 yrs
Color or race: White
Birthplace: Kansas
Occupation: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the father of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein
stated is true.
Affiant: J. T. JONES
San Miguel, Parkfield Route,
Monterey County, CA.
Recorded at the request of Mrs. Ethel HAGERMAN
APR 3, 1942 at 2 min. past 9 o'clock A.M.
Jesse Ione JONAS - VOL 125 PG 281
white/female/widowed; ethnicity: American; citizen of USA;
dob: 8/5/1889;
pob: Oregon; dod: 8/19/1981 at 0655 hrs;
age at time of death: 92 yrs;
pod: Arroyo Grande Community Hospital
usual occupation: self-employed homemaker adult life
usual residence: San Luis Obispo
informant: Mrs. Edna M. WEATHERSPOON, daughter San Luis Obispo
name of father: John W. PHILLIPS pob: Iowa
maiden name of mother: Effie ANDERSON pob: Oregon
Seen by physician from 1979 to 8/18/1981 G. O. MAY-HARNISCH M. D.
Cause of death: respiratory arrest duration-min.
gen. debility duration-weeks
gen. arteriosclerosis duration-months
Burial 8/21/1981 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Sunset Funeral Chapel Grover City
Lt. G. Maurice HECKSCHER
VOL 22 PG 276
wht/ male/single; dob: 11/28/1915; pob: unknown; dod: 4/25/1944 at 2:45pm; pod: Station Hospital Camp San Luis; age
at time of death: 28 yrs 4 mos 28 days
length of stay in hospital: 3 days
length of stay in this community: unknown
occupation: soldier in US Army
no parental info
usual residence: 510 Park Ave. New York City, New York
informant: Personnel Officer 96th Div. Hq. Cp. SLO CA
cause of death: Meningococcic Meningitis duration: 3 days
C. W. Palmer Mortuary
Removal 4/26/1944 to Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, CA
Euna Velma JONES - VOL 322 PG 206
(delayed) Affidavit of Birth
Dob: 1-16-1898
Pob: Paso Robles, CA
Sex: female
Full name of father: James Henry JONES
Residence at child's birth:
Paso Robles San Luis Obispo Co. Calif
Age at child's birth: 43 yrs old 1 mo 13 days
Color or race: American white
Birthplace: Dry Fork Carroll Co. Ark.
Occupation at child's birth: Farmer
Full maiden name of mother:
Mary Melvina MARRE (MARRA)
Residence at child's birth: Paso Robles. Calif.
Age at child's birth: 29 yrs old 5 months 13 days
Color or race: American white
Birthplace: Osage Carroll Co. Ark.
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein
stated is true.
Affiant: Mary Melvina JONES
6606 Denver Ave. Los Angeles, CA
Recorded at request of Mrs. James H. JONES
SEP 4 - 1942 at 39 min. past 9 o'clock A. M.
Montague nmn WHITE - VOL 48 PG 88
White/male/married; dob: 5-2-1877; pob: England;
dod: 6-8-1964 @ 7:30 am; age at time of death: 87 yrs;
never in the armed services;
length of stay in County of death: 5 yrs; in Calif: 54 yrs
usual occupation: self-employed citrus grower for 54 years
usual residence: 390 Kings Ave. Morro Bay, CA.
San Luis Obispo County
father: Henry WHITE pob: England
mother: Sarah Jane **(last name with held per CA state law)
pob: England
spouse: Henrietta O. WHITE housewife
seen by physician from 5-11-1959 to 6-8-1964
Cause of death: Coronary occlusion duration-5 min.
Coronary artery disease duration-15 yrs.
Burial 6-11-1964 Olive Cemetery
Webb Funeral Home
Ethel Ziona Jones HAGERMAN - VOL 296 Pg 421
dob: 10-24-1892
pob: Shandon, San Luis Obispo County, CA
sex: female
full name of father: John Thomas JONES
residence at child's birth: Shandon, San Luis Obispo County, CA
age at child's birth: 24 yrs
color or race: white
birthplace: Berryville, Carroll Co, Arkansas
occupation at child's birth: farmer
full maiden name of mother: Nancy Catherine TO*LIN
residence at child's birth: Shandon, San Luis Obispo County, CA
age at child's birth: 23 yrs
color or race: white
birthplace: Kansas
occupation at child's birth: house wife
I hereby certify that I am the father of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein
stated is true
Affiant: J. T. JONES
Recorded at request of Mrs. Ethel HAGERMAN APR 3 1942 at 1 min. past 9 o'clock
Joseph Henry SEATON BK 2 PG 217 "Health"
male/white/married; dob: 7/29/1836; pob: Centerville, Indiana; dod: 6/13/1908 at 9:25 pm; age: 71 yrs, 10 mos; pod: 166
Marsh St San Luis Obispo; length of stay at pod: 30 yrs; Ca: 31 yrs; occupation: physician and surgeon
no parental information
informant: Joseph SEATON Jr. San Luis Obispo
cause of death: hepetis H. M. COX MD
Burial 6/16/1908 IOOF Cemetery
C. M. PALMER Undertaker
BK A PG 148 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
License was issued October 7th, A.D. 1872 by Charles DANA County Recorder
D. Hardeman ARNOLD and Ella Hunter BLUNT were married the 9th day of October A.D. 1872 by G. H. WARD Gospel
filed for record October 10th A.D., 1872 at the request of D. H. ARNOLD
BK A PG 123 San Luis Obispo County Book Of Marriages
James Munroe FELTS and Acelia Jane Felts (her married name is used, probably in error) were married according to law
27th day of December A.D. 1870
signed: Charles W. DANA County Clerk by R. POLLAND Deputy
James Munroe FELTS and Acelia Jane BLUNT(here her maiden name is used) were joined in marriage by me on the
28th day of December A.D. 1870 in San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California
signed: John WALLEN, a Minister of the Gospel
Recorded at the request of John WALLEN December 31, A.D. 1870
BK A PG 216 San Luis Obispo County Marriages
William S. HUMPHREYS and Sarah FOWLER
Marriage License and Certificate San Luis Obispo County, State of California
These Presents are to authorize and license any Justice of the Supreme Court, District or County Judge, Justice of the
Peace, Mayor or Priest to join in marriage William S. HUMPHREYS, resident of Josephine, County of San Luis Obispo,
State of California and Sarah FOWLER, a resident of Josephine, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, They
being of sufficient age to be capable of contracting marriage. In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the Seal of the County Court of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California this 29th day of July 1875
signed: Charles M. DANA County clerk by Julius KREBS, deputy clerk
I hereby certify that I believe the facts stated in the above license to be true and that upon due inquiry there appears to be
no legal impediment to the marriage of said William S. HUMPHREYS and Sarah FOWLER; that said parties were joined
in marriage by me on the 29th day of July, A.D. 1875 in San Luis Obispo in the said County and State and that S. P.
McDOUGAL, a resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Mrs. S. P. McDOUGAL, a
resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California were present as witnesses of said ceremony.
Inwitness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of July, A.D., 1875.
Signed: I. I. SIMMLER Justice of the Peace
Recorded at the request of I. I. SIMMLER July 30th, 1875 at 30 minutes past 8:00 AM
signed: Charles DANA County Recorder
Grover Cleveland CONATSER Bk 28 PG 221 County Book of Deaths
male/white/married; dob: 10/15/1884; pob: Arkansas; dod: 8/9/1950 at 3:10 pm; pod: Mt View Hospital, San Luis Obispo;
length of stay at pod: 9 days; age: 65 yrs; citizen of the USA; never in the Armed Services; usual occupation: laborer, oil
fields; usual residence: 16th & Newport, Grover City, San Luis Obispo County
spouse: Marion CONATSER
father: Jerry CONATSER pob: unknown
mother: Martha XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
informant: wife
Cause of death: axotemia duration - 10 days; lower nephron syndrome duration - 13 days;
due to etiology
Burial Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Earl W. WOOD Funeral Director Arroyo Grande
Daisy Martin REDSTONE San Luis Obispo County deaths BK 42 PG 339
female/white/married; dob: 1/10/1878; pob: ;Louisiana; dod: 6/6/1960 at
7:05 pm; pod: San Luis General Hospital; age: 82 yrs; citizen of the
USA; no SS #; occupation: housewife in own home for 60 yrs; length of
stay in County of death: 43 yrs, Ca: 80 yrs; usual residence: See Canyon
spouse: Albert E. REDSTONE retired rancher
father: James John MARTIN pob: England
mother: Louise (last name of mother withheld per Ca state law) pob:
cause of death myocardial infarct, left ventricle; atherosclerotic heart
disease; comminuted fracture, right temporal neck
accident 7:00 p.m. 6/2/1960 Lost balance on stairs and fell over backwards
at home. rural San Luis Obispo
Cremation 6/10/1960 Atascadero Crematory
Palmer-Waters Chapel
James J. MARTIN San Luis County book of deaths BK 18 PG 6
white/male/ widowed; dob: 4/2/1845; pob: Long Melford, England; dod:
5/10/1938 at 9:50 pm; pod: General Hospital, San Luis Obispo; age: 93
yrs, 1 mo, 8 days; usual occupation: retired merchant for 30 yrs; usual
residence: San Luis Obispo; length of stay in County of death: 22 yrs, in
US: 68 yrs
wife: Marie Louise MARTIN
informant: C. W. PALMER
father: John MARTIN pob: England
mother: Mary Anne XX(last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: England
cause of death: chronic myocarditis; myocardial degeneration;
arteriosclerosis; pulmonary edema
Edward J. MAHER General Hospital M.D.
Cremation 5/14/1938 C. W. PALMER Mortuary
Agnes LOEWEN Cert # 3200440001852
white/female; dob: 2-2-1909; pob: OK; dod: 12-24-2004 at 1310 hrs;
pod: Bayside Care Center Morro Bay; age: 95 yrs; education level: HS graduate;
occupation: self employed home maker for 69 yrs; usual residence: Ramona St. Los Osos;
length of stay in County of death: 57 yrs
Spouse: Marvin LOEWEN
father: Abraham John FLAMING pob: Russia
mother: Eva XX(last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: KS
seen by physician from 8-15-2003 to 12-22-2004 Mark WARD MD Los Osos
Cause of death: Cardiac Arrest duration-sec
Coronary Artery Disease duration-yrs
Dementia duration-yrs
contributing: Debility, Obesity
Burial 12-30-2004 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Los Osos Mortuary
Clarence R. LOEWEN BK 149 PG 907
white/male/married; dob: 10-14-1909; pob: ND; dod: 5-3-1996 at 1405
hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 86 yrs; never in the armed
services; level of education: 6 yrs; occupation: self employed farmer
for 55 yrs; usual residence: Santa Barbara St Morro Bay; length of time
in County of death: 22 yrs
surviving spouse: Edythe E. HAVEMAN
informant: Edythe E. LOEWEN wife
father: Deidrich D. LOEWEN pob: Germany
mother: Elizabeth XX(last name withheld per Ca State law) pob: SD
cause of death: Cardiopulmonary Arrest duration - min
&n Ruptured iliac Artery Aneurysm duration - 3 hrs
history of repair of ruptured AAA Stephen J. TIDIK MD
TR/BU 5-8-1996 New Home Cemetery Sykeston, ND
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
BK A PG 124 San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages
Edwin GANOUNG to Pricilla SMITH,
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, These presents are to
authorize and license any Judge, Justice of the Peace, Clergyman, or
Preacher of the Gospel within the County of San Luis Obispo to join in
marriage Edwin GANOUNG and Pricilla SMITH and to (can't read) the same
according to law. Witness my hand and the Seal of the County Court of San
Luis Obispo and said Seal.
County of San Luis Obispo this 13th day of February A. D. 1871
Charles W. DANA County Clerk
by R. POLLARD Deputy
San Luis Obispo California, February 14th, 1871. I do hereby certify that
Edwin GANOUNG and Pricilla SMITH were joined in marriage, A.D. 1871
John WALLEN - a Preacher of the Gospel
Recorded at the request of John WALLEN February 14th, 1871
Charles W. DANA Recorder
By R. POLLARD Deputy
Edwin GANOUNG Marriage California San Luis Obispo 1860
BK A PG 27 of the San Luis Obispo County Marriage Registry
On the 2nd day of April A.D., 1860 at the house of Ana GARCIA, in the Town
of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo; the foresaid Edwin GANOUNG,
formerly of the State of Michigan and 22 yrs of age and
Ellen E. KESTOR, of the State of Iowa, aged 17 yrs. With their mutual
consent lawfully joined together in the bonds of matrimony in the presence
of John (can't read) and T. S. SIMPSON
Lucy Ann SALTER BK 8 PG 50
female/white/widow; dob: 3-25-1835; pob: Virginia; dod: 10-30-1918;
pod: Atascadero; age: 83 yrs, 6 mos, 5 days; occupation: at home;
length of residence at place of death: 1 yr 6 mos; in Ca: 1 yr 6 mos
father: John BARNETT pob: Virginia
mother: Alice XX(Last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Virginia
informant: Alice SCHLOSSER Atascadero
cause of death: Paralysis following apoplexy
Burial 10-31-1918 at Atascadero
Chas. SKEEN - Undertaker Paso Robles
Erick Carl RIECK BK 54 PG 310
white/male/widower; dob: 9/8/1890; pob: Germany; dod: 9/21/1967 at 10:22 pm;
age: 77 yrs; pob: Atascadero General Hospital;
citizen of the USA; usual occupation: pumper for Balridge Oil Co.;
length of stay in County of death: 46 yrs; Ca: 54 yrs;
residence: Dover Cyn Rd. Templeton not on a farm ( this contradicts info on his wife's dc)
informant: Ernest LANGDON Templeton
father: unknown RIECK pob: Germany
mother: Clara XX(last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Germany
cause of death: Syncope; myocardial fibrosis
Crem 9/25/1967
Chapel of the Roses
BK D PG 578 Registry of Marriages San Luis Obispo County
Henry P. BROCK, resident of San Miguel, County of San Luis Obispo and
Mary E. WHITE, a resident of Adelaide, County of San Luis Obispo
The said Mary E. WHITE being a minor the consent of her parents is first duly obtained
date of marriage: 14th day of August A.D., 1895
John WHICHER County Clerk
William MALLAGH Deputy Clerk
witnesses: Josepus JOYCE, resident of San Luis Obispo and
Sophie HUNSSNER resident of San Francisco
The Bride's mother is a native of Iowa and the father is a native of Illinois
The Bridegroom's mother is a native of Misouri(correct spelling) and the
father is a native of Misouri (correct spelling)
The Bride is not before married
The Bridegroom is not before married.
Witness: J. M. JOYCE Justice of the Peace San Luis Obispo
filed for record at the request of Judge J. M. JOYCE this 28th day of August
A.D., 1895 at 51 minutes past 8:00 am.
J. F. FIEDLER County recorder
Chester Raymond KIMBLE BK 117 PG 20
male/Caucasian/married; dob: 12-8-1910; pob: Kansas; dod: 8-5-1975 at 9:15 am;
pod: French Hospital;
age: 64 yrs; citizen of the USA;
occupation: custodian for 5 yrs State Department of Highways;
residence: 780 Longbranch, Grover City (now Grover Beach);
surviving spouse: Oma Pauline MONK
father: Charlie KIMBLE pob: Iowa
mother: Bessie XX(last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Nebraska
informant: Oma P. KIMBLE - wife
cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest duration - 30 min
pneumonia (viral) duration - 2 weeks
burial 8-8-1975 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Sunset Chapel
Ted Michael KELLY BK 126 PG 45
white/male/single; ethnicity: American; dob: 12/26/1961; pob: Mi;
dod: 3/1/1982 at 0645 hrs; pod: private residence Traffic Way # A
Atascadero; age: 20 yrs; citizen of the USA; never married; occupation:
painting assistant for 1 yr at Color Glow West - Auto repair business
informant: Terry KELLY - brother Atascadero
father: Russell KELLY pob: Mi
mother: Sondra XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mi
Cause of death: Respiratory failure duration - min
Hemorrhagic Pulmonary Edema duration - hrs
Overdose of Methadone duration - hrs
Injury information: accidental 2-28-1982 pm hrs.
Coroner's investigation George WHITING Sheriff
Cremation 3/4/1982 Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
Sarah T. RIECK BK 54 PG 309
female/white/married; dob: 12/20/1897; pob: Ca; dod: 9/21/1967 at 9:10
pm; age: 70 yrs; pod: d.o.a. Atascadero General Hospital; occupation:
housewife in own home for 56 yrs; length of stay in County of death: 20
yrs; Ca: life; citizen of USA; usual residence: Dover Cyn Rd ,
Templeton; on a farm
name of surviving spouse: Erick RIECK occupation: oil worker
informant: Ernest LANGDON - Templeton
father: Henry P. BROCK pob: TX
mother: Mary E. XX (last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: hypocardial infarction, acute duration - min.
coronary thrombosis duration - min.
L. R. MANSFIELD - Coroner
Crem 9-26-1967 Atascadero Crematory
Chapel of the Roses
Unnamed GANOUNG BK 1 PG 9999
white/female/single; dod: 11/4/1873; nativity: USA; age: 1 yr, 8 mos,
20 days; cause of death: Pertussis; Dr. HAYS MD
San Luis Obispo County Register of Deaths BK 1 PG 9999
white/female/child; nativity: San Luis Obispo; dod: 11/6/1873; age: 1
yr, 10 mos, 6 days; cause of death: whooping cough; Dr. W. W. HAYS MD
Edward E. GANOUNG BK 5 PG 70 Ca. State Board of Health
white/male/married; dob: 4/29/1837; pob: Mich; dod: 7/15/1911 at 5:00
pm; age: 74 yrs, 23 days; usual occupation: farmer; length of stay in
community of death: 59 yrs 22 yrs in Arroyo Grande
no information on parents
informant: Mrs. P. GANOUNG Arroyo Grande
Seen by physician from 3/21/1911 to 7/15/1911 H. A. WALTERS MD
Cause of death: Intestinal Nephritis
Cirrhosis of liver
Burial 7/17/1911 San Luis Obispo
R. English - undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 151 PG 777
Alexandria Nicole HART, female/white/never married/twin; dob: 3-27-1997; pob: Ca; dod: 4-11-1997; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital; usual residence: Oceano; age: 15 days
father: Thomas Michael HART, Jr. pob: Ca
mother: Carrie Ann XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: cardio-pulmonary failure/refractory hypoxemia & acidosis/extreme prematurity/renal failure
Burial 4-12-1997 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Marshall - Spoo - Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 105 PG 512
Charles H. HART, male/white/widower; dob: 11-4-1880; pob: unknown; dod: 12-10-1970 at 1:08 pm; pod: Hacienda
Convalescent Hospital, San Luis Obispo; usual residence: Cayucos; age: 90 yrs; 6 yrs in County of death; 68 yrs in Ca;
citizen of the USA; occupation: self - employed rancher for 60 yrs
informant: Mildred Pierce ESTRADA Atascadero
parents : unknown
cause of death: cardio-respiratory failure/cardiac arrest/acute myocardial infarction/leukemia/pulmonary edema
Burial 12-16-1970 Smith Mountain Cemetery
Sutcliffe Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths cert # 2001001359
Doris Lillian HART, female/white/married; dob: 10-19-1911; pob: KS.; dod: 9-6-2001 @ 0453 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital; age: 89 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Cayucos; 25 yrs in County of death occupation: homemaker in
own home for 62 yrs; never in the military; education level: 13 yrs
Informant: George HART - husband
father: Dawson Harry FULTON pob: Ohio
mother: Addie Mary XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: KS
cause of death: cardiovascular failure/profound anemia/peptic ulcer disease
Burial 9-11-2001 Belmont Cemetery Fresno, Ca
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 BK 713 (computer)
Dorothy Louise HART, female/white/divorced; dob: 2-6-1918; pob: Ca.; dod: 5-26-1977 at 11:30am (found); pod:
residence; age: 59 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: hwy 1, Oceano; 20 yrs in County of death occupation:
homemaker in own home for 40 yrs
father: Leo HOEFELMEIER pob:unknown
mother: Ethel XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: cardio respiratory failure - drug overdose - suicide in home on 5-26-1977. deceased ingested fatal
amount of prescription drugs
Cr 5-26-1977 Atascadero Crematory
Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 129 BK 80 (computer)
Effie Ann HART, female/black/American/married; dob: 12-17-1908; pob: AL.; dod: 4-18-1984 at 0445 hrs; pod: at home;
age: 75 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Atascadero; surviving spouse: Quincy HART; occupation:
office cleaner for adult life
informant: Quincy HART - husband - Atascadero
father: Willie Lee LATIMORE pob:unknown
mother: RoseXX (last name with held per Ca stte law) pob: AL
cause of death: metastatic adenocarcenoma of pancreas/diabetes mellitus/hypertension
burial 4-23-1984 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 158 BK 370 (computer)
Elizabeth Bartmess HART, female/white/widow; dob: 1-23-1908; pob: W. Va.; dod: 5-27-2000 at 1450 hrs; pod: Country
Care Convalescent Center, Atascadero; age: 92 yrs; not Hispanic; education level: 12 yrs; usual residence: Atascadero;
occupation: assistant buyer for May Co. for 23 years- Department Store - retail industry ; 25 yrs in County of death; never
in the military
informant: Frances BEADLE - niece - Atascadero
father: Ulysses Sherman BARTMESS pob: IN
mother: May XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IN
cause of death: respiratory failure/bilateral pneumonia/aortic stenosis
Cr/Res 6-5-2000 Frances BEADLE's residence Atascadero
McDermott - Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths cert # 2003001088 (computer)
Elkan T. HART, male/Caucasian/widowed; dob: 8-31-1921; pob: CA; dod: 7-22-2003; pod: residence; age: 81 yrs; not
Hispanic; education level: some college; usual residence: Paso Robles; occupation: Satellite engineer for 40 years; 17 yrs
in County of death
informant: Maria ESTRADA - friend Paso Robles father:
William THOSHINSKY pob: Russia
mother: Claudia XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
cause of death: metastatic pancreas cancer
Cr/Sea 7-28-2003 scattered off coast of Morro Bay
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths cert # 2005001878 (computer)
George Gerald HART, male/white/widowed; dob: 3-15-1910; pob: WA; dod: 12-11-2005 at 0445 hrs; pod: residence,
Templeton; age: 95 yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; education level: high school graduate; usual residence: Los
Osos; sales manager for 40 yrs; 30 yrs in County of death; never in the military
informant: Georgetta R. MILLER Walnut, Ca
father: Jacob HART pob: Germany
mother: Katherine XX (last name with held per CA state law) pob: Germany
cause of death: cardiac arrest/arteriosclerotic heart disease/Alzheimer's dementia
Burial 12-27-2005 Belmont Memorial Park Fresno, CA
Reis Family Mortuary
Rutherford, Edward Leroy
VOL 296 PG 357
Affidavit of Birth
Dob: 9-3-1895
Pob: Shandon, CA
Sex: male
Full name of father: Jesse T. RUTHERFORD
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, CA
Age at child's birth: 29
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Castroville, CA
Occupation at child's birth: laborer
Full maiden name of mother: Mary Priscilla JONES
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, CA
Age at child's birth: 29
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Berryville, Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child, who was born on the date stated, and that the information herein stated
is true.
affiant: Mary Priscilla HOLTEN
formally Mary Priscilla RUTHERFORD
Recorded at request of Mary Priscilla HOLTED
Mar 6-1942 at 26 min. past 2 o'clock P.M
RUTHERFORD, Lennie Sylvia - VOL 411 PG 68
dob: 3-22-1893
pob: Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado
sex: female
full name of father: Almond Cornelious RUTHERFORD
residence at child's birth: Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado
age at child's birth: 28
color or race: white
birthplace: Manitowco, Wisconsin
occupation at child's birth: farming
full maiden name of mother: Mary Ellen BROWN
residence at child's birth: Loveland, Larimer County, Colorado
age at child's birth: 21
color or race: white
birthplace: Kansas
occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the father of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein is
Affiant: Almond C. RUTHERFORD
RFD 2, Box 134
San Luis Obispo, CA
Recorded at request of Mrs. Lennie BARBETTINI
JUL 2-1946 at 30 min. past 2 o'clock P. M.
Stillman Theodore RUTHERFORD - VOL 269 PG 392
Recorder's Office Monterey County, Calif
Affidavit of Birth
The recording of this document does not vouch for the truth of any of the statements alleged
dob: 5-19-1901
Pob: Paso Robles, CA
Sex: Male
Full name of father: Jesse T. RUTHERFORD
Residence at child's birth: Paso Robles, CA
Age at child's birth: 35
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Castroville, CA
Occupation at child's birth: laborer
Full maiden name of mother: Mary Priscilla JONES
Residence at child's birth: Paso Robles, CA
Age at child's birth: 35
Color or race: white
Birthplace: Berryville, Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child,
who was born on the date above stated.
Affiant: Mary Priscilla HOLTEN formerly
Mary Priscilla RUTHERFORD formally
Mary Priscilla JONES
Dated March 3, 1942
Josephine Belle RUTHERFORD - VOL 269 PG 357
(delayed) Affidavit of Birth
dob: 11-3-1892
pob: Modesto, CA
Sex: Female
Full name of father: Jesse T. RUTHERFORD
Residence at child's birth: Modesto, CA
Age at child's birth: 26
Color or race: white
Birth place: Castroville, CA
Occupation at child's birth: laborer
Full maiden name of mother: Mary Priscilla JONES
Residence at child's birth: Modesto, CA.
Age at child's birth: 26
Color or race: White
Birth place: Berryville, Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child,
who was born on the date above stated,
and that the information herein stated is true.
Affiant: Mary Priscilla HOLTEN
formerly Mary Priscilla RUTHERFORD
24 Pine St.
Salinas, CA
Recorded at request of Mary Priscilla HOLTEN
Mar 6-1942 at 25 min. past 2 o'clock P.M.
Clara Mae Jones MITCHELL - VOL 296 PG 421
Affidavit of Birth
Dob: 7-31-1901
Pob: Shandon, California
Sex: Female
Full name of Father: John Thomas JONES
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, San Luis Obispo Co.
Age at child's birth: 31 yrs
Color or race: White
Birthplace: Berryville, Carol Co. Arkansas
Occupation at child's birth: Farmer
Full maiden name of mother: Nancy Catherine JONES
Residence at child's birth: Shandon, CA
Age at child's birth: 28 yrs
Color or race: White
Birthplace: Kansas
Occupation: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the father of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein
stated is true.
Affiant: J. T. JONES
San Miguel, Parkfield Route,
Monterey County, CA.
Recorded at the request of Mrs. Ethel HAGERMAN
APR 3, 1942 at 2 min. past 9 o'clock A.M.
Euna Velma JONES - VOL 322 PG 206
(delayed) Affidavit of Birth
Dob: 1-16-1898
Pob: Paso Robles, CA
Sex: female
Full name of father: James Henry JONES
Residence at child's birth:
Paso Robles San Luis Obispo Co. Calif
Age at child's birth: 43 yrs old 1 mo 13 days
Color or race: American white
Birthplace: Dry Fork Carroll Co. Ark.
Occupation at child's birth: Farmer
Full maiden name of mother:
Mary Melvina MARRE (MARRA)
Residence at child's birth: Paso Robles. Calif.
Age at child's birth: 29 yrs old 5 months 13 days
Color or race: American white
Birthplace: Osage Carroll Co. Ark.
Occupation at child's birth: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein
stated is true.
Affiant: Mary Melvina JONES
6606 Denver Ave. Los Angeles, CA
Recorded at request of Mrs. James H. JONES
SEP 4 - 1942 at 39 min. past 9 o'clock A. M.
Ethel Ziona Jones HAGERMAN - VOL 296 Pg 421
dob: 10-24-1892
pob: Shandon, San Luis Obispo County, CA
sex: female
full name of father: John Thomas JONES
residence at child's birth: Shandon, San Luis Obispo County, CA
age at child's birth: 24 yrs
color or race: white
birthplace: Berryville, Carroll Co, Arkansas
occupation at child's birth: farmer
full maiden name of mother: Nancy Catherine TO*LIN
residence at child's birth: Shandon, San Luis Obispo County, CA
age at child's birth: 23 yrs
color or race: white
birthplace: Kansas
occupation at child's birth: house wife
I hereby certify that I am the father of this child, who was born on the date above stated, and that the information herein
stated is true
Affiant: J. T. JONES
Recorded at request of Mrs. Ethel HAGERMAN APR 3 1942 at 1 min. past 9 o'clock
Albert Thomas WARD dob: 9/25/1919 BK 9 PG 999
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 9 PG 45
Alvin Elbert FERNANDEZ, white, male; dob: 5-26-1918 at 9:50 pm; pob: San Luis Obispo county, Santa Fee District
father: Lallie C. FERNANDEZ, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 29 yrs; of the white race; pob: California;
occupation: stock buyer
mother: Bertha Ellen SMITH, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 26 yrs, of the white race;
pob: California; occupation: housewife
number of children born to this woman including present birth: 4
number of children born to this woman now living: 4
signed: William M. STOVER MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 30 PG 112 see orig. BK 4 PG 831
Mrs. Elvezia Rossi FERNANDEZ of San Luis Obispo, California being duly sworn, deposes and says that she is the
mother of Virginia Eulelia FERNANDEZ who was born in the city of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo on the
5th day of April 1911 as stated in a certificate of birth filed by Dr. H. M. COX with the local Registrar for the city of San
Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo on the 8th day of April 1911. That the following facts set forth in said certificate
are not correctly stated, therein, to wit; name of child: Cecilia FERNANDEZ; name of mother: Elivizo Rossi.
That affiant upon her own knowledge states the true facts to be and the changes necessary to make the record correct
are, as follows, name of child: Virginia Eulalia FERNANDEZ; name of mother: Elvezia Rossi FERNANDEZ
Ascribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Sept 1943
Ralph KENNEDY Notary
County of San Luis Obispo Supplemental Report of Birth for Given Name VOL 24 PG 76
See Orig. VOL 7 PG 65
male; dob: 3-21-1916; father: Lallie C. FERNANDEZ; maiden name of mother: Bertha E. SMITH
I hereby certify that the child described herin has been named Richard Arthur FERNANDEZ
signed: Richard Arthur FERNANDEZ 2-4-1941
Anna MARTINES dob: 11/5/1909 BK 3 PG 219 [Mother is a Freitas]
Louis MARTINES dob: 8/25/1911 BK 26 PG 494 [Mother is a Freitas]
Standard Certificate of Birth State of California
Dennis John CONNELLY BK 22 PG 246
male; full term; dob: 4/4/1939; pob: San Luis Obispo
father: John Christopher CONNELLY, 957 Murray Ave, San Luis Obispo; race: white; age: 26
yrs; pob: Ohio; occupation: warehouseman for Coast Wholesale Co.; date(mo & yr) last worked: 4/1939; total time
spent in this work: 10 yrs
maiden name of mother: Mary Evelyn XX(last name with held per Ca state law), 957 Murray Ave. San Luis Obispo;
race: white; age: 25 yrs; pob: Ohio; occupation: housewife in own home; total time spent in occupation: 2 1/2 yrs
number of children born to this mother: 1; born and now living: 1; born alive and now dead: 0; stillborn: 0
I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child, who was born alive at 8:52 am on the above mention date.
Edison A. FRENCH MD 4/7/1939
Standard Certificate of Birth State of California
Nellie Jane YOAKUM BK 13 PG 680
Female; dob: 11/21/1927; pob: Templeton San Luis Obispo county
Father: Clifty YOAKUM, resident of Templeton; race: white; age: 28 yrs; pob: Mo; Occupation: farm laborer
Maiden name of Mother: Gladys Josephine XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Templeton, San Luis
Obispo county; race: white; age: 23; pob: Ca; occupation: housewife
number of children born to this mother, including present birth: 2
number of children of this mother now living: 2
Certificate of attending physician:
I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child, who was born alive at 6:30 pm on the date above mentioned
H. L BARTLETT MD 11/23/1927
Standard Certificate of Birth State of California
Williams (no first name given) BK 5 PG 71
male; single birth; dob: 5/3/1912; legitimate: yes
father: J. Kramer WILLIAMS resident of Berros, Ca San Luis Obispo county; race: white; age: 41
yrs; pob: Ohio; occupation: farmer
maiden name of mother: Kate XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Berros, race: white;
age: 36; pob: Ca; occupation: housewife
number of children born to this mother, including present birth: 4
number of children living: 4
I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child, who was born alive at 8:40 pm on the date above mentioned.
R. W. BROWN MD Santa Maria 1/21/1913
Standard Certificate of Birth State of California
male; legitimate: yes; dob: 5/4/1913
father: Michael W. PHELAN resident of Berros San Luis Obispo county; race: cauc; age: 48
yrs; pob: Ca; occupation: cattle buyer
maiden name of mother: Mary XX(last name with held per Ca state law) resident of Berros; race: cauc; age: 40
yrs; pob: Ca; occupation: housewife
number of children born to this mother, including present birth: 4; number now living: 3
I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child, who was born alive at 3:20 pm on the date above mentioned.
R. W. BROWN MD Santa Maria 1/22/1913
Standard Certificate of Birth State of California
Jimmie Harold STOUGH VOL 18 PG 47
Male/White/full term
Pob: County of San Luis Obispo Rural District of Paso Robles
Dob: 2-21-1934 at 4:56 pm; no crippling deformities
Father: Harold Charles STOUGH Pob: Iowa
residence: Vine St. Paso Robles
race: White
age at last birthday: 37 yrs
occupation: butcher
number of years spent in school: 16 yrs
mother: Grace Mildred MANN Pob: California
residence: Vine St. Paso Robles
race: white
age at last birthday: 38 yrs
occupation: housewife
number of years spent in school: 18 yrs
Number of children of this mother at time of this birth and including this child: 4
Number of children born alive and now living: 4
Number of children born alive but now dead: 0; still born: 0
Gifford L. SOBEY MD Paso Robles
filed 2-24-1934 Allen F. GILLIHAN MD by Dorothy HYER
Miscellaneous Births
Florence C. BURROUGHS dob: 1/21/1889 O.R. VOL 322 PG 459
Joan Illeane BURROUGHS dob: 9/5/1929 VOL 15 PG 70
Ralna Cass BURROUGHS dob: 3/30/1895 O.R. VOL 865 PG 109
Evelyn Esther BRIANS dob: 10/20/1911 VOL 1 PG268 delay'd VOL 5 PG187
James Franklin BRIANS dob: 9/29/1922 VOL 10 PG 599 A
William J. BRIANS dob: 12/9/1898 VOL 296 PG 483
Maria Luisa de Jesus BUELNA dob: 10/10/1859 BK A PG B
parents: Feliz BUELNA & Bernarda Rosalito BUELNA
William Eugene BUELNA dob: 4/20/1917 BK 7 PG 155 #49
parents: Guillermo BUELNA & Alta Gracia BELARDEZ
Maria Luisa de Jesus BUELNA dob: 10/10/1859 BK B
John LABRADA dob: 7/17/1910 BK 4 PG 1 #128
parents: John LABRADA & China BUELNA
Paul Antonio LABRADO dob: 12/8/1906 BK 2 PG 138 #168
parents: Joe M. LABRADO & Chona M. BUELNA
not stated LABRADO dob: 2/1/1915 BK 1 PG 185 #7 health
parents: Joe LABRADO & Clara BUELNA
John Nolasco RODARTE dob: 1/31/1916 BK 7 PG 40 #24
parents: Juan Baptista RODARTE & Ideliada Francisca BUELNA
Benjamin Edward BRANCH dob: 10/8/1899 BK 2 PG 114 delayed
Betty Lou BRANCH dob: 7/8/1929 BK 15 PG 28
Ellena Lynette BRANCH dob: 2/1/1922 BK 10 PG 125
Florinda BRANCH dob: 9/1/1905 BK 2 PG 12 #36
HELEN BRANCH dob: 4/15/1920 BK 20 PG 57 B
Hilda E. BRANCH dob: 12/18/1896 BK 322 PG 159 O. R.
Joseph BRANCH dob: 7/13/1907 BK 2 PG 16 #94
LENETTA Marie BRANCH dob: 12/7/1903 BK 296 PG 75 O. R.
MAYBELLE L. BRANCH dob: 6/1/1895 BK 322 PG 160 O. R.
Melba Ramona BRACNH dob: 5/28/1899 BK 5 PG 29 delayed
Myrtle Emily BRANCH dob: 6/14/1921 BK 9 PG 211 C
not stated BRANCH dob: 3/29/1911 BK 4 PG 80 # 52
parents: Edward Albert BRANCH & Florinda Bruna CORREA
not stated BRANCH dob: 10/27/1873 BK 1 PG B
parents: Ramon BRANCH & Isabella ROBBINS
Virginia Alice BRANCH dob: 6/17/1916 BK 2 PG 47 health
William Henry MINER dod: 11/23/1929 BK 12 Pg 532
Ludema Salter MINER dod: 10/1/1929 BK 12 Pg 505
Hamilton Ayers BURBAGE dod: 6/15/1993 BK 144 Pg 404
Iona Maedean BURBAGE dod: 7/26/1995 BK 148 Pg 232
Hackney Births
Kim Karlene HACKNEY dob: 2/26/1961 BK 72 Pg 464
Meshell Ladawn HACKNEY dob: 10/4/1967 BK 95 PG 191
Monte Carl HACKNEY dob: 8/2/1940 BK 23 PG 338
Tami Dee HACKNEY dob: 7/12/1962 BK 81 PG 83
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 86
Audrey May ALLEN, pob: near Adelaide, female, legitimate, dob: 1-31-1913 born alive at 1:45pm
father: Joseph W. ALLEN, resident of Adelaide, white, 38 yrs, pob: Alemeda, Ca, occupation - farmer
mother: Theresa A. XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Adelaide, white, 32 yrs, pob: Yolo County, Ca,
occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 2
number of children born to this mother now living - 2
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 86 see amended VOL 112 PG 597
unnamed BEERGARD, pob: Oceano, female, legitimate, dob: 2-14-193?, born alive at 11:15 am
father: Ernest BEERGARD, resident of Loanoak, white, 45 yrs, pob: Denmark, occupation : farming
mother: Josephine XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Loanoak, white, 40 yrs, pob: Watsonville, Ca;
occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 7
number of children born to this mother now living – 7
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 87
Nina BOGDANOVICH, pob: Port San Luis, female, legitimate, dob: 2-28-1913, born alive at 6:45 am
father: Peter BOGDANOVICH, resident of Port San Luis, white, 29 yrs, pob: Austia, occupation - fisherman
mother: Mamie XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Port San Luis, white, 24 yrs,
pob: Austria, occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 1
number of children born to this mother now living - 1
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 Pg 87 see also VOL 4 PG 692
Russell and George PIKE, twins, boys, pob: Paso Robles , legitimate, dob: 2-21-1913, born alive at 11 pm
father: Chester S. PIKE, resident of near Paso Robles, white, 30 yrs, pob: Iowa, occupation - farmer
mother: Esther O. XX(last name with held per Ca state law), residence near Paso Robles, white, 30 yrs, pob: Minn.,
occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present births - 5
number of children born to this mother now living - 5
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 88
Ruby McNEIL, pob: Arroyo Grande; female, white, legitimate, dob: 3-1-1913, born alive at 9 pm
father: Frederick Charles McNEIL, resident of Arroyo Grande, white, 39 yrs, Pob: Ca; occupation - farmer mother:
Angeline XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Arroyo Grande, white, 29 yrs,
pob: Ca; occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 5
number of children born to this mother now living - 5
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 88
Raymond Martin NELSON, pob: near Templeton, male, legitimate, dob: 3-2-1913; born alive at 10 am
father: Martin H. NELSON, residence: near Templeton, white, 31 yrs, pob: Iowa, occupation - farmer
mother: Ellen XX(last name with held per Ca state law), residence near Templeton, white, 29 yrs, pob: Sweden,
occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 1
number of children born to this mother now living - 1
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 89
Clarence Leroy LOVIER, boy, legitimate, pob: Adelaida, dob: 2-28-1913; born alive at 9 pm
father: William Henry LOVIER, resident of Adelaida, american, 34 yrs, pob: Kentucky, occupation - laborer
mother: Lula May XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Adelaida, American, 32 yrs, pob:
Adelaida, occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 4
number of children born to this mother now living - 4
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 89
Eleanor TATJES, female, legitimate, white, pob: Grant Addition, pob: 3-8-1913; born alive at 8:15 pm
father: Arthur Gerdes TATJES, resident of San Luis Obispo, Race - German, 37 yrs, pob: CA, occupation: fruit raiser
mother: Flora XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of San Luis Obispo, Race -
Danish, Pob: Denmark, occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 4
number of children born to this mother now living - 4
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 90
Charles August FRAHM; pob: Oceano; male, white, legitimate, dob: 3-12-1913; born alive at 9:30 pm
father: Christian H. FRAHM, resident of Oceano, white. 33 yrs, pob: Germany; occupation - Farmer
mother: Hedrig XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Oceano, white, 34 yrs, pob: Germany; occupation
- housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 3
number of children born to this mother now living - 3
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 90 see also Vol 28 PG 564
William Beveridge INNES, male, pob: near Cambria; legitimate; dob: 3-5-1913; born alive at 5:15 am
father: Murray INNES, residence near Cambria, white, 43 yrs, pob: Illinois, occupation: mining engineer
mother: Kathrine (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Quincy, white, 29 yrs, pob: Ca, occupation - none
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 3
number of children born to this mother now living - 2
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 91
Emily Patricia CONNOLLY; pob: See Canyon; legitimate; dob: 3-1-1913; born alive at 8 pm
father: Joseph CONNOLLY, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, 49 yrs, pob: Ireland, occupation - farmer
mother: Mary Ann XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of San Luis Obispo, white, 33 yrs, pob: Ireland,
occupation - housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 4
number of children born to this mother now living - 4
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 91
Elaine Martha POOL; pob: San Miguel; girl; legitimate; dob: 2-24-1913; born alive at 2am
father: Ben Zuar POOL, resident of San Miguel, white, 39 yrs, pob: Kansas, occupation: farmer
mother: Addie May XX ( last name with held per CA state law), resident of San Miguel, white, 37 yrs,
pob: CA; occupation: housewife
number of children born to this mother including present birth - 3
number of children born to this mother now living - 3
Motz, Alexander Nathaniel 10-25-1998 BK 53 PG 292
Motz, Anastasia Nicole 7-31-2001 Cert # 2001001338
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 10
Town of Shandon
Duelle TRUESDALE, male, legitimate, dob: 2-11-1912
father: Duelle Smith TRUESDALE, resident of Shandon, white, aged 30, pob: Allen County, Ohio, occupation: farmer
mother: Maude TOMLIN, resident of Shandon, white, aged 27, pob: Missouri, occupation: domestic
# of children born to this woman - 1 # of children now living - 1
born alive at 12:40pm Signed: Mrs. I. N. TRUESDALE - Midwife Shandon
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 10
Town of Annette
Francis Ross GARCIA, male, legitimate, dob: 2-1-1912
father: Valerio Antone GARCIA, resident of Pozo, Spanish, aged 24, pob: San Luis Obispo county, Ca, occupation:
mother: Myrtle Irene CALDWELL, resident of Pozo, white, aged 20, pob: San Luis Obispo, Ca, occupation: domestic
# of children born to this woman - 2 # of children now living - 2
born alive at 2:30pm Signed: GeoMrs. I. N. TRUESDALE - Midwife Shandon
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 9 (see correction BK 27 PG 99)
Dorothy Rosalie LEWIS, female, legitimate, dob: 1-5-1912
father: Joseph Souza LEWIS Jr., resident of Edna, white, aged 26, pob: San Luis Obispo, Ca, occupation:farmer
mother: Amelia MACHADO, resident of Edna, white, aged 25, pob:San Luis Obispo, Ca, occupation: farmer's wife
# of children born to this woman - 2 # of children now living - 2
born alive at 6 am Signed: Paul K. JACKSON Physician
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 9
Nellie Minnurve ULLOM, girl, legitimate, dob: 1-19-1912
father: George Samuel ULLOM, resident of Arroyo Grande, white, aged 38, pob: Hambal, Missouri, occupation: Painter
mother: Lily May CADWELL, resident of Fresno, white, aged 25, pob: Fresno, occupation: housewife
# of children born to this woman - 5 # of children now living - 3
born alive at 2:30am Signed: George ULLOM - father
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 8
Town of Templeton
Ellenore Evangeline HUDSON, female, order of birth # 1, legitimate, dob: 1-31-1912
father: William HUDSON, resident of Templeton, white, aged 45, pob: Ca, occupation: farmer
mother: Laura Evangeline KEMP, resident of Templeton, white, aged 42, pob: Maryland, occupation: Teacher
born alive at 2 am signed: Dr. S. HELGESEN Templeton
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 8
Town of Huasna
Hazel TARWATER, female, legitimate, dob: 2-2-1912
father: John TARWATER, resident of Huasna, white, aged 45, pob: Missouri, occupation: farmer
mother: Ellen V. BAIR, resident of Huasna, white, aged 42, pob: Indiana, occupation: housewife
born alive at 12:10 am
# of children born to this woman - 9 # of children now living - 9
signed: C. S. CLARK MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 7
unnamed DOUGHERTY, male, legitimate, dob: 1-13-1912
father: Bernard J. DOUGHERTY, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 33, pob: Ca, occupation: Engineer
mother: Janie TERRIS, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 32, pob: Ca., occupation: housewife
# of children born to this woman - 3 # of children now living - 3
born alive at 3 am Signed: R. O. DRESSER MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 7
Town of Paso Robles
unnamed DAVIS, girl, legitimate, dob: 1-18-1912
father: William I. DAVIS, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 38, pob: Ca, occupation: Mechanic
mother: Minnie E. RAMMAGE, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 34, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife
# of children born to this woman - 7 # of children now living - 4
born alive at 2 pm Signed: R. O. DRESSER MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 6 (see correction BK 111 PG 995-film)
Unnamed NICOLETTI, male, legitimate, dob: 1-25-1912
father: Joe NICOLETTI, residence near Paso Robles, white, aged 38, pob: Italy, occupation: laborer
mother: Ersta DAIPPI, residence near Paso Robles, white, aged 22, pob: Italy, occupation: housewife
born alive at 2 pm Signed R. O. DRESSER MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 6
City of Paso Robles
unnamed JOHNSON, girl, legitimate, dob: 1-25-1912
father: John Kennedy JOHNSON, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 25, pob: Calif, occupation: Painter
mother: Ramona SILVA, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 19, pob: Calif, occupation: housewife
# of children born to this woman - 2 # of children now living - 2
born alive at 10 pm Signed: R. O. DRESSER Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 5
Town of Paso Robles
Unnamed ARAUJO, male, legitimate, dob: 2-1-1912
father: Richard ARAUJO, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 27, pob: Calif, occupation: Grocery clerk
mother: Mary PACHECO, resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 19, pob: Calif, occupation: housewife
# children born to this woman - 3 # of children now living - 3
born alive at 7:30 am signed: R. O. DRESSER Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 5
Sea Canon St.
Venard Joseph CONNELLEY, male, single birth, 3rd born, legitimate, dob: 1-13-1912
father: Joseph CONNELLEY, resident of San Luis Obispo county, white, aged 48, pob: Ireland, occupation: farmer
mother: Mary E. MARTIN, resident of San Luis Obispo county, white, aged 32, pob: Ireland, occupation: housewife
born alive at 7:30 pm Signed: Paul K. JACKSON MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 4 (see correction BK 26 PG 515)
Laura Bell BROOKS, female, birth order - 3, legitimate, dob: 1-30-1912
father: Floyd R. BROOKS, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, aged 26, pob: Ca, occupation: farmer
mother: Bessie Lee Mc GLAUGHLIN, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, aged 26, pob: Illinois, occupation: housewife
# children born to this woman - 3 # of children now living - 2
born alive at 11 pm Signed: H. M. COX
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 4
Town of Edna
Ida da ROSA, female, 3rd born, legitimate, dob: 1-20-1912
father: Joe P. da ROSA, resident of Edna, white, aged 27, pob: Island of Pico, Azores, occupation: Dairyman
mother: Maria Silva BALMERA, resident of Edna, white, aged 26, pob: St. George, Azores, occupation: houswife
born alive at 10:20 am signed: C. CLARK MD Arroyo Grande
# of children born to this woman - 2 # of children now living - 3
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 3 (see correction BK 6 PG 590 - 1979 film)
Town of Edna
Maria da ROSA, female, 2nd born, legitimate, dob: 1-20-1912
father: Joe P. da ROSA, resident of Edna, white, aged 27, pob: Island of Pico, Azores, occupation: Dairyman
mother: Maria Silva BALMERA, resident of Edna, white, aged 26, pob: St. George, Azores, occupation: houswife
born alive at 9:40 am signed: C. CLARK MD Arroyo Grande
@ of children born to this woman - 2 # of children now living - 3
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 3 (see correction BK 28 PG 575)
Arthur HABERL, male, legitimate, dob: 1-8-1912
Rural San Luis Obispo
father: George HABERL, resident of Estrada Ranch, white, aged 45, pob: Austra, occupation: farmer
mother: Anna PARG, resident of Estrada Ranch, white, aged 29, pob: Austria, occupation: housewife
born alive at 5 pm signed: Paul R. JACKSON MD
# of children born to this woman - 3 # of children now living - 3
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 2
Town of Edna
Mary CARROLL, female, 4th born, legitimate, dob: 1-4-1912
father: John CARROLL,resident of Edna, white, aged 42, pob: Ireland, occupation: farmer
mother: Frances Teresa ROSELIP: resident of Edna, white, aged 34, pob: Calif; occupation: housewife
# of children born to this woman - 4 # children now living - 4
born alive at 5:15 pm Signed: W. M. STOVER MD San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 2
Marion Gladys CHRISTIAN, female, 1st born, dob: 1-1-1912
father: Lyman F. DHRISTIAN, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, aged 27, native of Kentucky, occupation: Fireman
mother: Martha PETRES, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, aged 26, native of Calif, occupation: housewife
born alive at 12:40 pm Signed: W. M. STOVER Physician
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 1
Elton Melvin YATES, male, # in order of birth - 14, legitimate, dob: 1-1-1912
father: Ernest E. YATES, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, aged 26, pob: Ca, occupation: chemist
mother: Laura V. RIGHETTI, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, aged 26, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife
born alive at 11:30 pm Signed: E.E. YATES father
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 220
Town of Huasna
John Otis SMITH, male, legitimate, dob: 9-3-1914
father: William O. SMITH, resident of Huasna, aged 22, white, pob: S. D., occupation: farmer
mother: Viola TARWATER, resident of Huasna, aged 22, white, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife
born alive at 2:30 pm Signed: C. S. CLARK MD Arroyo Grande
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 221
Paso Robles Township Almond District
Catherine Bernice LOVGREN, female, legitimate, dob: 8-29-1914
father: Alfred Theo LOVGREN, resident of Paso Robles, aged 35, white, pob: Minnesota, occupation: Farming
mother: Anna JOHNSON, resident of Paso Robles, aged 25, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife
# of children born to this woman - 2 @ of children now living - 2
born alive at 1:00 am Signed: Herman V. MAGNUSON Physician
**Given name added 11-9-1914
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 221
see correction BK 108 PG 416 (film)
Town of Temple
Giovanni Cerezio CURLETTI, male, legitimate, dob: 9-7-1914
father: Batista CURLETTI, resident of Templeton, aged 34, white, pob: Italy, occupation: R.R. Boss
mother: Irma GALIARDI, resident of Templeton, aged 25, white, Pob: Italy, occupation: housewife
# of children born to this woman - 2 # children now living - 2
born alive at 11:45 pm Signed: Herman V. MAGNUSON Physician
**Given name added from supplemental report 10-19-1914 D. F. MAHONEY registrar
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 5 PG 221
Laguna District
Frederick Porta DEISS, male, legitimate, dob: 9-5-1914
father: Henry George DEISS, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 24, white, pob: Ca, occupation: butcher
mother: Victoria Ernestina PORTA, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 25, white, pob: Switzerland,
occupation: housewife
# children born to this woman - 2 now living - 2
born alive at 12 (day) Signed: Paul R. JACKSON Physician
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 7 PG 65
Raymond Walter PIERCE, male dob: 3-27-1916
father: Walter W. PIERCE, resident of Morro, white race, 42 yrs old, pob: Ca, occupation: apidrist - bee business
mother: Annie A. KESTER, resident of Morro, aged 32, white race, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife
# children born to this mother - 9 # children now living - 6
born alive at 10:30 pm signed: W. M. STOVER MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 7 Pg 964
Town of Morro
George Thomas BENADON, male, dob: 3-21-1916
father: Roy BENADOM, resident of Morro; white race; aged: 28 yrs, pob: Oregon, occupation: laborer
mother: Hester Agnes SEXTON, resident of Morro, white race, aged 21 yrs, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife
2nd child born to this mother 2 children now living
born alive at 6:10 am signed Mrs. Frank De ROSA - Midwife Morro, Ca
California State Board of Health San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 7 PG 65
(see correction BK 24 PG 761)
Richard Arthur FERNANDEZ; male; dob: 3-21-1916
father: Lallie C. FERNANDEZ, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 24 yrs, native of California, race:
white; occupation: stock buyer
mother: Bertha E. SMITH, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged: 23 yrs, native of California, race: white, occupation:
Born alive at 12.05 am signed: W. M. STOVER Physician
**Given name added from a supplemental report 2-4-1941 signed: W. L. RAMAGE county registrar
San Luis Obispo Delayed Birth VOL 4 PG 34
Affidavit of birth
Elsie Marie MALCOMSON, female, dob: 5-25-1898; pob: Templeton
father: Hugh Thomas MALCOMSON, pob: Ireland; white
mother: Anna Wilhemina FARLIN, pob: Sweden; white
signed: Mrs. Elsie M. MURRAY Rt 2 Box 690 Capital Ave., San Jose, Ca
Affidavit, Cecelia BIER, friend at time of birth dated 8-10-1956
Affidavit of Oscar NYBERG, friend at time of birth dated 8-10-1956
C.C. childs birth certificate, San Luis Obispo county dated 7-3-1918
San Luis Obispo Delayed Birth BK 4 PG 35
Affidavit of Birth
Mary Margaret Sena OLIVERA, female, dob: 5-5-1913, pob: Avila father:
Bernard Sena OLIVERA, pob: Azores Islands, white
mother: Delphina DeJesus GONSALVES, pob: Azores Islands, white
signed: Mary Margaret BRESLIN Farmersville, Ca
affidavit of mother dated 1-21-1957
affidavit of father dated 1-21-1957
appl. to Metropolitan Life Ins Co. issued 2-10-1941
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 3 PG 219
Anna MARTINES, dob: 11-5-1909, female, Portuguese, number in order of birth: 6, legitimate: Yes
father: J. D. MARTINES, residence near Pismo, aged 40, Portuguese, pob: Azores Islands, farmer
mother: Mary FREITAS, residence near Pismo, aged 27, Portuguese, pob: Ca, housewife
# of children born to this woman - 6
# of children born to this woman now living - 6
This child was born alive 11-5-1909 at 5 pm
signed: J. D. MARTINES - father
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births VOL 25 PG 261 (film)
Zachary David Alexander EFRON, male, single, dob: 10-18-1987 at 1322 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Regional Hospital
father: David Leslie EFRON, pob: Ca; aged 27
mother: Starla June XX (last name with held per Ca state law), pob: Wa; aged 38
Danny Lickness MD
San Luis Obispo Delayed Birth BK 4 PG 32
Affidavit of birth
Anna Isabel KRUMLINDE, female, dob: 12-4-1893, pob: San Miguel
father: John Charles KRUMLINDE, pob: Germany, white
mother: Mary KIRWIN, pob: Ireland, white
signed: Anna Isabel KRUMLINDE P. O. Box 145 Tulelake, Ca
Certificate of Baptism, San Miguel, Arcangel, Old Mission, San Miguel dated: 6-4-1894
c.c. Marriage certificate Contra Costa Co. dated 8-9-1829
c.c. child's birth certificate Contra Costa County dated 8-9-1829
San Luis Obispo County Delayed Certificate of Birth BK 4 PG 33
Affidavit of birth
Mary Catherine Sena OLIVERA, female, dob: 3-23-1910, pob: Avila
father: Bernard Sena OLIVERA, pob: Azores Islands, white
mother: Delphina DeJesus GONSALVES, pob: Azores Islands, white
signed: Catherine LEAL Rt 2 Box 97 Visalia Tulare County 9-24-1959
Affidavit of mother dated 9-13-1956
Affidavit of father dated 9-24-1956
Census record from Bureau of Census, Wash DC from 4-15-1910
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 22 PG 234
District of Paso Robles
Gail Elaine WIMMER, female, full term, dob: 3-17-1939
father: Darrell I. WIMMER, resident of Paso Robles, white, 35 yrs, pob: Ca; occupation: shovel engineer for 15 yrs
mother: Meredith XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Paso Robles, white, aged 31, pob: Ca;
occupation: house wife past 4 yrs in own home
child was born alive at 1:42 pm Chas R. Kennedy MD
Affidavit for Correction of a Record California State Vital Statistics
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 30 PG 103
Clement Noel MADDALENA of Santa Rosa Avenue, Atascadero who was born in the city of San Luis Obispo, County of
San Luis Obispo on the 6th day of August, 1926, as stated in the certificate of birth signed by Dr. John E. MILLER with
the local Registrar of the city of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo on the 19th day of August, 1926,
That the following facts set forth in said certificate are not correctly stated, to wit; name of child: Clement MADDALENA Jr.
That the affiant, upon his own knowledge, states the true facts to be, and the changes necessary to make the record
correct, as follows:
name of child: Clement Noel MADDALENA
signed: Clement Noel MADDALENA Santa Rosa Ave. Atascadero
10th of September, 1943
Clement MADDALENA of Atascadero, California being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has knowledge of the
facts there in before alleged and that the said facts as stated therein are true.
signed: Clement MADDALENA
signed: Ralph KENNEDY Notary Public in and for the County of San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Delayed Births BK 4 PG 519
Emma America FOUTS, dob: 10-28-1886, pob: San Luis Obispo, white
father: John Emery FOUTS, dob: Iowa, white
mother: Anna Eliza EMERICK, pob: San Luis Obispo, white
signed: Emma America FOUTS -Yreka, Siskiyou county, Ca
marriage certificate from State registry 5-8-1907
childs birth certificate 11-14-22
Delayed Birth San Luis Obispo County BK 4 PG 44
Manuel Sena OLIVERA, male,dob: 5-20-1908, pob: Avila, white father:
Bernard Sena OLIVERA, pob: Azores, white
mother: Delphina DeJesus GONSALVES, pob: Azores, white
signed: Manuel OLIVERA Rt 1 Box 469, Visalia, Ca
Affidavit of mother signed 9-21-1956
Affidavit of father signed 9-21-1956
Census record Bureau of Census, Washington DC 4-15-1910
Application to New York Life Ins Policy @ 13-207-617 issued - 6-28-1937
Chas. Lawson SHAUG dob: 1-14-1874 BK 3 PG 422
Frances Ann SHAUG dob: 4-21-1938 BK 21 PG 268
Lawrence Edward SHAUG dob: 10-18-1936 BK 20 PG 139
not stated SHAUG dob 11-12-1905 female BK 2 PG 216
not stated SHAUG dob: 1-1-1900 female BK 1 PG 9999
Pherbe Arleene SHAUG dob: 3-23-1902 BK 4 PG 536
Vera Corinne SHAUG dob: 10-14-1899 BK 4 PG 602
Charles Wesley BUFFINGTON dob: 9-13-1965 BK 90 PG 133
Robert Paul BUFFINGTON dob: 8-21-1974 BK 114 PG 572
Barcellos Births
Lillian Sallie BARCELLOS dob: 2-15-1903 BK 3 PG 327
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 3 PG 327 Delayed
Lillian Sallie BARCELLOS; female; dob: 2-15-1903; pob: Arroyo Grande; father: Manuel BARCELLOS -
white pob: Calif, US citizen; mother: Alyce HARKNESS - white pob: Santa Barbara County, Ca
address of registrant: 920 Fresno St Pismo Beach
name of registrant: Lillian Sallie BERSETT?
Subscribed and sworn this 23rd day of April, 1956
Affidavit, Frank J. BARCELLOS, Uncle 6-8-1955
Affidavit, Ruth PAULDING, Friend at the time of birth 6-8-1955
Childs original birth certificate, as filed with Loc. Reg for Santa Barbara County
father: Manuel BARCELLOS 34 yrs old pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Births BK 24 PG 451
Delora Ann STELLING; white/female/infant; dob: 6-27-1941 at 1:53 am; pob: San Luis Obispo Mountain View Hospital
father: John Major STELLING, white, 21 yrs, pob: CA; residing in CA: 21 yrs; occupation: Acting Lighthouse
keeper Coast Guard
mother: June Elizabeth XX(last name with held per CA state law), 21 yrs, pob: CA, white, occupation: Housewife in
own home; usual residence: Avila, rural
mother's stay before delivery In hospital: 12 hrs; this community: 12 hrs; children born to this mother: 0; # months this
pregnacy: 9 mos
Joseph G. Middleton MD
information furnished by Mrs. J. M. STELLING
California State Vital Statistics Affidavit for correction of a Record
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births VOL 30 PG 103
Clement Noel MADDALENA, of Santa Rosa Ave, Atascadero, who was born in the city of San Luis Obispo, County of
San Luis Obispo on the 6th day of August, 1926, as stated in a certificate of birth signed by Dr. John E. MILLER and filed
with the local Registrar of the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California on the 19th day of
August 1926.
That the following facts set forth in said certificate are not correctly stated; to wit; name of child: Clement MADDALENA
Jr., that affiant upon his own knowledge states the true facts to be, and the changes necessary to make the record correct,
as follows:
name of child: Clement Noel MADDALENA
signed: Clement Noel MADDALENA Santa Rosa Ave. Atascadero 10th of Sept, 1943
Clement MADDALENA, of Atascadero, California, being first duly sworn, desposes and says that he has knowledge of the
facts hereinbefore alleged and that the said facts as stated therein are true.
signed: Clem MADDALENA
Ralph KENNEDY Notary Public in and for the County of San Luis Obispo
Brian Lee dob: 8-31-1960 BK 75 PG 19
Dana Bethany dob: 8-16-1981
Deborah Lynnell dob: 2-28-1952 BK 50 PG 74
Elizabeth Louise dob: 7-9-1968 BK 96 PG 480
George Anthony dob: 9-7-1952
Harold Eugene dob: 12-28-1965 BK 91 Pg 70
Jeffery Thomas dob: 7-10-1975 BK 116 Pg 861
Lacey Marie dob: 3-5-1975 BK 115 Pg 989
Linda Jean dob: 2-21-1958 BK 67 PG 145
Mark Ryan dob: 8-3-1979 BK 7 PG 36
Teresa Jean dob: 11-30-1953 BK 55 Pg 368
Book of Deaths BK 38 PG 101
Delbert Gibins CLARK; male/white/divorced; dob: 11-12-1894; pob: Kentucky; dod:
4-18-1957 at 7:38 pm; pod: California Men's Colony; age: 62; citizen
of the USA; occupation: night watchman; length of stay in this community:
yrs, 5 mos; usual residence: San Francisco, CA
informant: records CMC
father: John CLARK pob: KY
mother: unknown pob: KY
no cause of death
Removal 4-20-1957 to Floral Park Cemetery Indianapolis, Indiana
R. F. Richardson Company
Book of Deaths BK 52 PG 136
John William PFOST; male/white/widow; dob: 9-31-1905; pob: Missouri; dod: 4-28-1966 at 3 am; pod: General
Hospital; age: 60 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: self-employed carpenter for 25 yrs, construction; Veteran of
WWII - Navy; 20 yrs in county of death; 25 yrs in CA
informant: hospital records
father: Eurastis PFOST pob: unknown
mother: Ethel XX (last name withhold per CA state law) pob: unknown
Burial 5-13-1966 Golden Gate National Cemetery
Reis Colonial Chapel
Book of Deaths BK 39 PG 248
Wesley Hanna PFOST; male/white/married; dob: 3-6-1890; pob: CA; dod: 4-25-1958 at 1:30 pm; pod: residence,
Shell Beach; age: 68 yrs; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Edith PFOST - housewife; occupation: self-employed
rancher - cattle; never in the military
informant: wife
father: William R. PFOST pob: Michigan
mother: Elizabeth XX (last name withheld pwe CA state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: carcinoma of lung - right duration - 18 mos
Burial 4-28-1959 Shandon Cemetery
Palmer-Waters Chapel
Book of Deaths Cert #: 2002001209
Edalyn Anne PFOST; female/white/married; dob: 11-19-1924; pob: CA; dod: 8-9-2002 at 2015 hrs; pod: Hillside
Villa - Arroyo Grande; age: 77 yrs; education: 17 yrs; occupation: Arroyo Grande Care Center - Registered dietician -
dietary administration for 30 yrs; never in the military; not Hispanic; usual residence: Pismo Beach; 54 yrs in this
informant: Harold C. PFOST - husband
father: John Gale EWELL pob: Texas
mother: Annie Jewell XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Texas
cause of death: acute pulmonary arrest/respiratory failure/entertestitial pneumonia/idioplastic pulmonary fibrosis/end-
stage Alzheimer's Dementia/hypertension
Burial Arroyo Grande Cemetery 8-13-2002
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
Book of Deaths Cert #: 1986001071
Edith Mae PFOST; female/white/widow; dob: 1-10-1899; pob: CA; dod: 9-28-1986 at 1700 hrs; pod:
Arroyo Grande Community Hospital; age: 87 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Pismo
Beach; occupation: homemaker for adult life in own home
informant: Harold PFOST - son - Pismo Beach
father: Anthony Teysley DAVIS pob: VA
mother: Alta XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: CA
cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest/respiratory failure/pneumonia/malnutrition/hip fracture
Burial 10-2-1986 Shandon Cemetery
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
Book of Deaths Cert #: 200900145
Walter Dean RHEINGANS; male/white/married; dob: 6-9-1944; pob: Michigan; dod: 9-8-2009 at 0737
hrs; pod: French Hospital; age: 65 yrs; education: some college; surviving spouse: Sharon Lee Van SICKLE; not
Hispanic; occupation: Public Safety Communications Mgr for San Luis Obispo for 25 yrs; residence: San Luis
Obispo; 29 years in county of death
informant: wife
father: Ralph RHEINGANS pob: Michigan
mother: Cleo XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Michigan
cause of death: myocardial infarction duration - min/ HTN hyperlipidema/CABG-1991 & 2002
Cr/res 9-11-2009 residence
Reis Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 11 PG 415
Frank JAMES; male/white/married; surviving spouse: Julia JAMES; dob: 11-13-1842; pob: Penn; dod: 7-17-1927 at
2:30 pm; pod: Paso Robles; age at time of death: 84 yrs, 8 mos, 4 days; usual occupation: hotel keeper; length of
residence in county of death: 3 yrs; Ca: 11 yrs
informant: Julia JAMES 118 12 th St Oakland, Ca
unknown parental info
cause of death: cerebral hemorrhage duration - days
arterioscleorosis duration - yrs
Dr. Grifford L. Sobey MD
Removal/Burial Oakland 7-18-1927
Chas. A. Skeen Undertaker Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 140 PG 465 (film)
Phyllis Irene HOFFMAN; white/female/widow; dob: 12-28-1902; pob: Ca;
dod: 3-30-1991 at 2230 hrs; pod: Pacific Care Center Morro Bay; age at
time of death: 88 yrs; occupation: self-employed homemaker for 68 yrs;
level of education: 12 yrs; usual residence: 12th St Paso Robles for 13
yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; never in the Armed Services
informant: Tilden HOFFMAN - son Hayward, Ca
father: Henry STOWELL pob: Ca
mother: unknown pob: Ca
cause of death: metastic carcinoma duration - 2 mos COPD
CR/BU 4-3-1991 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay, Buckheim Family Mortuary
Clipping from the San Luis Obispo county Telegram Tribune 50 yrs Ago Today (no date given)
Word was received this A.M. of death of Drury W. James, familiar pioneer whose early days were devoted to
development of San Luis Obispo county. Mr. James was one of the original proprietors of famous hotel El Paso de
Robles, and was one of the firm of Blackburn & James, the owners of the ranch at Paso Robles. During the time Mr.
James was in Paso Robles he represented his district of county on Board of Supervisors for many years from 1868 -
1884. The flag at the court house floats at half-mast today in respect of his memory. (copied as typed from clipping) -
Biography of D W James
San Luis Obispo County Marriages BK A PG 61
Marriage License State of California County of San Luis Obispo
Be it known to all to whom these Presents shall come or may concern: That by notice of the License of the County Clerk
of San Luis Obispo County which accompanies this certificate, and in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the
Legislation of the State pf California entitled "An Act Regulating Marriages", approved April 22, 1850 and the Act to Award
the Same approved April 17, 1862, I Miguel Kacca, a parish Priest of San Luis Obispo County, resident in said County,
did join in lawful marriage, Lorenzo SCHILLING of San Luis Obispo and Ramona VASQUEZ of San Luis Obispo.
In witness, whereof I have unto set my hand and seal at the Mission in said County of San Luis Obispo the fourth day of
March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four.
Filed for record and recorded this 11th day of March, AD 1864 at 12 noon at the request of Lorenzo SCHILLING
Married - From the Telegram Tribune
Neil Chester COLE, 23, native of Ohio, resident of Camp San Luis Obispo and
Helen Gladys SCHEY, 23, native of Ohio, resident of San Luis Obispo [From the Telegram Tribune - 1864]
Ray Oliver DAVIS, 23, native of Colorado, resident of Camp Roberts and
Helen Elizabeth Rose HALTER, 25, native of Indiana, resident of Paso Robles [From the Telegram Tribune - February
Frank SPANGLER, 30, native of Kentucky, resident of Chillocothe, Ohio and
Pebbie Mae McDUFFEE, 18, native of Coloradeo, resident of Mineral Wells, Texas [From the Telegram Tribune -
February 1943]
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 2-24-1943
ESTES, Walter Horton - Native of Michigan, resident of Garden Farms died 2-23-1943, aged 75 yrs. Funeral services,
Gray's Funeral Chapel, Atascadero, Friday, 2:30 pm
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 2-24-1943
HARRIS, Thomas Allen - Native of Santa Cruz, Ca, resident of San Miguel, died 2-22-1943, aged 81 yrs. Graveside
services, Pleyto Cemetery, Friday at 2 pm, under the direction of the Kuehl Funeral Home, Paso Robles
Groom: Henry C. SKOW, native of Ca, aged 24 yrs, resident of San Francisco
Bride: Ida May FREEMAN, native of Ca, aged 26 yrs, resident of Cayucos
witness: E. R. FREEMAN, a resident of Cayucos and Erma C. SKOW, a resident of Hollister, county of San Bonita, State
of Ca
married 3-28-1906 in Cayucos by Jas. Blackledge Minister of the Gospel
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune PG 2 1-17-1972
Charles N. BAILEY. A Rosary will be recited for Charles N. BAILEY of Atascadero at 7 pm today with Requiem Mass to
be said at 10 am Tuesday in St. William's Catholic Church. The Rev. Father Harry Freuenuth will officiate', and burial will
be in the Templeton Cemetery.
Bailey, 80, died Friday in a Fresno hospital. He was born 11-19-1891, in Iowa, and had lived in Atascadero for 20
years. He had been a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post # 2814, and the Veterans of WWI, Barracks 2885,
of Atascadero. The widow, Margaret Alexander BAILEY, survives him.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Book I PG 300
Groom: Walter D. BAILEY; native of CA; white race; aged 28; resident of Arroyo Grande
Bride: Edna B. GRIMES; native of CA; white race; aged 28; resident of Arroyo Grande
Witnesses: George GRIMES; Adam BROWN, both residents of Arroyo Grande
Married 10-15-1911 at Arroyo Grande by Rev. L. C. Routzahn H. Q,
San Luis Obispo County Death Records Certificate # 2100340001225
Edgar Earl LARREW, Jr; white/male/divorced; dob: 9-25-1933; pob: OK;
dod: 8-6-2003 @ 2016 hrs; pod: Oak Park Manor Arroyo Grande; age at
time of death: 68 yrs; military service: yes; education level: some
college; occupation: Police officer in Pismo Beach for 25 yrs; usual
residence: Shell Beach Rd, Pismo Beach; # of yrs in this county: 45
informant: Particia WILLELL - daughter Arroyo Grande
father: Edgar Earl LARREW, Sr. pob: AR
mother: Mamie XX (last name with held per CA state law) pob: AR
cause of death: Cardiac arrest duration: 10 min
Asystoic duration: 15 min
Congestive heart failure duration: 6 mos
other: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; diabetes millitis; coronary
bypass surgery and implanted pacemaker, defibilator in 03-2003
Peter Thom MD Arroyo Grande
CR/RES home of daughter 8-15-2003
McDermott-Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 3 PG 263 (133)
William Jason Oaks, male/white/married; dob: 9-7-1840; pob: Mo; dod: 5-31-1918; pod: County hospital; age at time of
death: 77 yrs, 8 mos, 23 days; occupation: Government official ex deputy U. S. Marshall; surviving spouse: Carrie
TRIMBLE; length of time at pod: 10 mos; Ca: 58 yrs
informant: Harry OAKS San Luis Obispo
father: Samuel OAKS pob: Alabama
mother: Julia XX (last name with held per CA state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: cerebral hemorrhage C. J. McGovern MD
Burial 6-1-1918 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
P. J. Freeman Co. Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 PG 278
Julia Ann OAKS, Female/white/widow; dob: 3/8/1816; pob: Missouri; dod: 11-17-1909; pod: San Luis Obispo; age
at time of death: 93 yrs, 8 mos, 17 days; occupation: housewife; length of stay at pod: 32 yrs; Ca: 59 yrs
informant: M. J. OAKS Pizmo, Ca
father: William TINNIS pob: PA
mother: ? BOLINGER pob: Missouri
cause of death: Mitral insufficiency C. McGovern MD
Burial 11-19-1909 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BL 9 PG 384
Harry OAKS, white/male/divorced; dob: unknown; pob: unknown; dod: 4-11-1923; age at time of death: 68 yrs; no
occupation; length of residence at pod: 2 yrs 4 mos
informant: J. E. LEWIS San Luis Obispo
unknown parents
cause of death: pneumonia, bronchial Roy Cox MD
Burial 4-13-1923 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 11 PG 152
Francis A. HITCHCOCK; white/male/divorced; dob: 8-18-1890; pob: Hollister, Ca; dod: 10-16-1926 at 4
am; pod: Paso Robles; age at time of death: 36 yrs, 1 mos, 28 days; usual occupation: druggist; length of residence
at pod: 21 days; Ca: life
informant: Francis N. HITCHCOCK pob: Penn
mother: Emma E. XX (last name with held per CA state law) pob: San Juan, Ca
seen by physician from 10-11-1926 to 10-16-1926
cause of death: lobar pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage Dr. G. David Kelker MD
Burial Salinas 10-16-1926
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 3 PG 79
Marriage License
Groom: William John STELLING, native of Wa; aged 27 yrs, resident of Camp Roberts, County of San Luis Obispo, white
Bride: Margaret P. DAVIS, native of NE, aged 30 yrs, resident of Puyallup, County of Pierce, State of Washington, white
witnesses: Cpl Richard M. BOLLING, resident of Camp Roberts and Cpl William N. REID, resident of Camp Roberts
date of marriage: 11-28-1942 at the Southeast Chapel Camp Roberts by Hurton O. Morton Minister of the Methodist
Board of Health Certificate
William John STELLING, Bty C 51st F.A.C.R.; white race; aged 27 yrs; single; # of this marriage:
1; pob: Wa; occupation: soldier; father: Peter J. SHELLING. pob: Germany; mother: Marie XX (last name with held
per Ca state law), pob: Germany
Margaret P. DAVIS, 417 West Pioneer St., Puyallap, Wa, white race, aged 30 yrs, divorced, # of this
marriage: 2nd, pob: Neb, occupation: clerk; father: Otis L. DAVIS, pob: Neb; mother: Grace I. (last name with held
per CA state law), pob: Neb
San Luis Obispo County Births BK 24 PG 451
Delora Ann STELLING; white/female/infant; dob: 6-27-1941 at 1:53 am; pob: San Luis Obispo Mountain View Hospital
father: John Major STELLING, white, 21 yrs, pob: CA; residing in CA: 21 yrs; occupation: Acting Lighthouse
keeper Coast Guard
mother: June Elizabeth XX(last name with held per CA state law), 21 yrs, pob: CA, white, occupation: Housewife in
own home; usual residence: Avila, rural
mother's stay before delivery In hospital: 12 hrs; this community: 12 hrs; children born to this mother: 0; # months this
pregnacy: 9 mos
Joseph G. Middleton MD
information furnished by Mrs. J. M. STELLING
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune July 1976 - Obituary
Frank George PILG 1937 - 1976
Graveside services for Frank George PILG, 39, of rural Arroyo Grande, will be at 10 am Saturday in the Los Osos Valley
Memorial Park. Rev. Michael O'Sullivan of St. Patrick's Catholic Church Arroyo Grande will officiate.
PILG was born 6-19-1937 in S. D. He died Tuesday in a San Luis Obispo hospital. He had been a resident of Arroyo
Grande for 15 years and worked as a lather and plasterer throughout San Luis Obispo county. He had been an active
supporter of youth athletics in the south county.
Surviving are his wife Nadine; a daughter; Pamela Ann; two sons, Frank Alan and Timothy Layne; his mother Anna PILG;
all of Arroyo Grande; a sister Mary ROBERTSON of Utah; and a brother John PILG of San Jose.
Friends may call at Sunset Chapel Grover City until 9 am today and from 9 am until 1pm Friday. Those who wish may
make a contribution to the Frank PILG Memorial Fund MidState Bank, Arroyo Grande.
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune 7-20-1979
Anna Agnes PILG 1900 - 1979
Services will be held at 10 am Saturday in the Sunset Chapel, Grover City, for Anna Agnes PILG, 79, of Arroyo
Grande. The Rev. Michael O'Sullivan will officiate. Burial will take place in Golden Gate Cemetery, San Francisco.
Mrs. PILG was born June 19, 1900, in Michigan. She died Tuesday in an Arroyo Grande hospital. She was a member of
St. Patrick's Catholic Church.
Surviving are her daughter, Mary ROBERTSON of Ogden, Utah; a son John PILG of San Jose; a brother John
SUPANICH of Arizona, 7 grandchildren and 2 great - grandchildren and a daughter - law, Nadine PILG of Arroyo Grande.
Friends may call at the Sunset Chapel from 6 pm until 8 pm today.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 11 PG 279
Silas M. HITCHCOCK; white/male/widowed; dob: 1848; pob: Ca; dod: 2-2-1927; pod: Atascadero Hospital; length
of stay in county of death: 30 yrs; Ca: life; age at time of death: about 79
no parental info
informant: J. R. Freeman Deputy Coroner
cause of death: a fractured skull and miteral injuries received when automobile in which deceased was riding collided
with the engine of Southern Pacific train # 78 at 26th street crossing in Paso Robles. Said automobile striking side of last
Burial 2-6-1927 I.O.O.F Cemetery Paso Robles
Palmer Undertaking Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 11 PG 152
Francis A. HITCHCOCK; white/male/divorced; dob: 8-18-1890; pob: Hollister, Ca; dod: 10-16-1926 at 4
am; pod: Paso Robles; age at time of death: 36 yrs, 1 mos, 28 days; usual occupation: druggist; length of residence
at pod: 21 days; Ca: life
informant: Francis N. HITCHCOCK pob: Penn
mother: Emma E. XX (last name with held per CA state law) pob: San Juan, Ca
seen by physician from 10-11-1926 to 10-16-1926
cause of death: lobar pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage Dr. G. David Kelker MD
Burial Salinas 10-16-1926
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 22 PG 489
Elizabeth GROPENGIESZER; female/white/married; dob: 5-16-1877; pob: Kansas; dod: 11-11-1944; pod: General
Hospital; stay at pod: 5 days; stay in this community: 5 days; Ca: 30 yrs; age at time of death: 67 yrs, 5 mos, 25
days; occupation: housewife in own home; usual residence: Avila
informant: James GROPENGIESZER - husband age 70 yrs
father: Marx KERN pob: Germany
mother: Elizabeth XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Germany
cause of death: Carcinoma of the rt breast duration - 2 1/2 yrs Herbert Bauer MD
removal 11-16-1944 To Lemore, Ca
Earl Wood Mortuary Arroyo Grande
California State Vital Statistics Affidavit for correction of a Record
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births VOL 30 PG 103
Clement Noel MADDALENA, of Santa Rosa Ave, Atascadero, who was born in the city of San Luis Obispo, County of
San Luis Obispo on the 6th day of August, 1926, as stated in a certificate of birth signed by Dr. John E. MILLER and filed
with the local Registrar of the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California on the 19th day of
August 1926.
That the following facts set forth in said certificate are not correctly stated; to wit; name of child: Clement MADDALENA
Jr., that affiant upon his own knowledge states the true facts to be, and the changes necessary to make the record correct,
as follows:
name of child: Clement Noel MADDALENA
signed: Clement Noel MADDALENA Santa Rosa Ave. Atascadero 10th of Sept, 1943
Clement MADDALENA, of Atascadero, California, being first duly sworn, desposes and says that he has knowledge of the
facts hereinbefore alleged and that the said facts as stated therein are true.
signed: Clem MADDALENA
Ralph KENNEDY Notary Public in and for the County of San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Deaths Cert # 2005001341
Norman Frederick BLUBAUGH; caucasian/male/never married; dob: 1-23-1944; pob: CA; dod: 9-17-2005 at 2115
hrs; pod: residence: age: 61 yrs; never in the armed services; occupation: butcher grocery for 25 yrs; education: HS
grad; usual residence: Nipomo; # yrs in this county: 32
informant: Dawn SCHULTZ - niece Indio, Ca
father: Norman Forrest BLUBAUGH pob: MO
mother: Delta Maxine XX (last name with held per CA state law) pob: MO
cause of death: sudden death duration - min
chronic alcoholism duration - yrs
other: HTN; GERD Dr. David Bernhardt Pismo Beach
CR/RES 9-26-2005 residence in Indio, Ca
Lady Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert. # 3200540000956
Delta Maxine BLUBAUGH; white/female/widow; dob: 1-25-1919; pob: MO; dod: 7-4-2005 at 1320 hrs; pod: Cabrillo
Care Center; age: 67 yrs; usual residence: Nipomo; # yrs in this county: 30; occupation: homemaker; education: HS
informant: Fred BLUBAUGH Nipomo
father: Richard Alden DECLUE pob: MO
mother: Lucy Adeline XX (last name with held pder CA state law) pob: MO
cause of death: cardiorespiratory failure duration: hrs
other: alzhiemers dementia duration - yrs ; seizure disorder Steven B. Goodman MD San Luis Obispo
CR/RES 7-7-2005 to residence of son
Neptune Society of Santa Barbara
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Book 22 PG 371
John Cardoza VIEIRA; male/white/married; dob: 1-21-1863; pob: Azores Islands; dod: 7-25-1944 at 2:20 pm; age at
time of death: 81 yrs, 6 mos, 4 days; pod: San Luis Obispo Sanitarium; length of stay at this facility: 3 days; stay in
this community: 65 yrs; Ca: 65 yrs; usual residence: Rt 1 Box 77 San Luis Obispo; occupation: dairy
farmer; surviving spouse: Emily VIEIRA - age 73 yrs
informant: Samuel TERRA
father: Antone Cardoza VIEIRA pob: Azores Islands
mother: Mary Laura XX ( last name with held per Ca state law) pob Azores Islands
cause of death: Cerebral hemorrhage duration - 7 days
Hypertension duration - 4 yrs J. B. V. Butler MD
Burial 7-24-1944 Catholic Cemetery
R. F. Richardson Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune August 10, 1950 Page 8
E. G. CONATSER Taken By Death
Arroyo Grande August 10
Grover Cleveland CONATSER, 66, a retired oil field worker, died yesterday afternoon in a San Luis Obispo hospital
following a short illness.
Conatser was born October 15, 1884, in Arkansas. He had been a resident of Arroyo Grande for the past ten years.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Marion CONATSER, of Grover City; two sisters, Mrs. Amanda WILKANS of Taft and Mrs.
Bertha ADKINSON of Illinois; a brother, Andrew WHISNAN of Arroyo Grande; five sons, Edward McCORMICK of
Coalinga, Jean and James McCORMICK both of Bakersfield, Ray McCORMICK of Westminster, and Thomas
McCORMICK of Denver, Colorado.
Funeral sevices will be held at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the Wood Chapel with the Rev Melvin Edmonson,
pastor of the Arroyo Grande Assembly of God, officiating. Burial will be in the Arroyo Grande Cemetery.
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune March 23, 2000 Page B 2
Hugh McINTYRE, a longtime resident of San Luis Obispo county, died Monday
March 20, 2000.
No services are planned
Preceded in death by his wife, Helene, Mr. McINTYRE is survived by
grandsons, David McINTYRE and family of Palos Verdes and Danny McINTYRE and
family of Chico; and daughter-in-law, Carol McINTYRE of Los Osos.
Arrangements are by McDermott-Crockett Mortuary in Santa Barbara
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune
Death Notice 4-2-1991 Page B 2
Phyllis HOFFMAN, 88, of Paso Robles died Saturday in a Morro Bay care
center. Kuehle-Nicolay Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements.
Obituary 4-4-1991 Page B 7
Phyllis Irene HOFFMAN, 88, of Paso Robles died Saturday March 3, 1991 at a
Morro Bay care center.
At the request of the family, no services are planned.
Inurnment will be in Big Oak Flat on December 28, 1991. Her great-grandmother was the first non-Indian born in Sutter's
Fort in
Sacramento in the early 1830s.
She lived in Paso Robles for the past thirteen years and was active with
Paso Robles Senior Citizens, She was preceded in death by her husband,
Myron HOFFMAN, in 1979.
Mrs. HOFFMAN, is survived by a son, Bill HOFFMAN, of Hayward a daughter,
Lois MATTO of Earp; 5 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren, and 2
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles is in charge of arrangements.
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune October 13, 2003 Page B 2
Edgar E. LARREW Jr., 69, a former police officer with the city of Pismo
Beach passed away Wednesday, August 6, 2003 in Arroyo Grande. At his
request no services will be held.
Ed was born September 25, 1933, in Webber's Falls, Muskogee County,
Oklahoma, the first son of Earl and Mamie LARREW. At a very young age, his
family moved to California, accompanied by two other families with all their
belongings loaded into one truck, camping out along the way. Like many
others of that time period, their family followed the harvest, evenually
settling in the town of McFarland in the San Joaquin Valley.
He served in the US Navy from 1951-1954 spending time in Japan. He moved
his family to Pismo Beach in January of 1954; was hired to work for the city
of Pismo Beach Police Department by Chief Amos Dana. Until his retirement
in 1982, he served under the direction of five police chiefs and he held the
post four times himself. He started out as a patrolman in a six person
department, working six days a week, nine hours a day. He said the chance
to work with troubled youths was what he liked best about the job. " the
rewarding part came years later, when they'd stop by to see me and say
thanks," he once said. He stepped down from the department at the rank of
Captain in 1982.
Following retirement, he took up a second career.after attending gemology
school in Santa Monica. For the next twenty years Ed became well known for
his artistry and skill at jewelery design. His customers numbered in the
hundreds and he took great delight in having inside knowledge of an
impending engagement, a special anniversary present or even a "getting out
of the doghouse" gift.
Most mornings began with his "coffee buddies", a group of retired business
owners, former policemen and others who conducted important daily meetings
at a local restaurant.
Mr. LARREW is survived by his daughters, Patricia WILLETT and husband Rex of
Arroyo Grande, and Dana HADLEY and hysband Hank of Arroyo Grande;
grandchldren, Ashlee WILLETT of Arroyo Grande, Jeremy WILLETT of El Cajon,
and Clint BACKES of Los Osos; Great-granddaughter, Ciarra BACKES; brothers,
Clyde and wife Judy of Auburn and David and wife Linda of Bakersfield;
sister Aileen COFFEY and husband Ted of Modesto. He is also survived by a
wonderful nurse Vicky Kiger and his best friend Jim Dotson and wife Deenie
of Tennesee.
Contributions in honor of MR. LARREW may be made to Hospice Partners of the
Central Coast, 277 South St. Suite R. San Luis Obispo, Ca 93401
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune
Death Notice 12-20-1978 Page B 8
Edmund DERANEK, 50, of Paso Robles, died Tuesday night in a Templeton hospital. Services are pending at Kuehl
Funeral Home in Paso Robles
Obituary 12-21-1978 Page B 7
Edmund DERANEK - private services were held for Edmund Fay DERANEK, 50, of Paso Robles at the Kuehl Funeral
Home Chapel in Paso Robles.
DERANEK was born March 18, 1928, in San Diego. He owned a refrigeration repair service in Paso Robles. He died
Tuesday in a Templeton hospital.
Surviving him are his wife Carol, of Paso Robles; four sons, Lee in California, Eddie in Oklahoma, Scott in Paso Robles,
and Tim in Atascadero; two daughters, Stephanie HOWELL and Patricia BRANDON of Paso Robles; and four
Marriage - 1906
Groom: Henry C. SKOW, native of Ca, aged 24 yrs, resident of San Francisco
Bride: Ida May FREEMAN, native of Ca, aged 26 yrs, resident of Cayucos
witness: E. R. FREEMAN, a resident of Cayucos and Erma C. SKOW, a resident of Hollister, county of San Bonita, State
of Ca
married 3-28-1906 in Cayucos by Jas. Blackledge Minister of the Gospel
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune 10-20-2004
HAMBY - Gladys P. HAMBY, 97, of Arroyo Grande, died Monday October 18, 2004.
Arrangements are under the direction of Lady Family Mortuary Crematory of Arroyo Grande
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune Tuesday January 12, 1972 Page 2
Graveside funeral services for Walter Lee BAILEY, 36, of Arroyo Grande, will be held at 10 am Wednesday at the Arroyo
Grande Cemetery. The Rev. Robert Ridden of the Grover City Church of Christ will officiate.
BAILEY died Saturday at an Arroyo Grande hospital.
He was born April 29, 1935, in Colorado and had lived in the south county for the past 24 years.
BAILEY is survived by the widow, Joyce BAILEY, a son, Michael CARVALHO; his mother, Mrs. Helen MONTGOMERY,
all of Grover City; three brothers; Harold G. BAILEY of San Jose, William A. BAILEY of Oceano, and Clifford D.
MONTGOMERY of Arroyo Grande; and his grandfather, Albert HONOHMICHL of Grover City.
Friends may visit at Wood Funeral Home Chapel in Arroyo Grande from 10 am to 9 pm tody and until service time
San Luis Obispo County Deaths VOL 136 PG 80 (film)
Lyle Frederick PEACOCK, white/male/married; dob: 2-17-1899; pob: Iowa;
dod: 9-14-1988 at 1130 hrs; pod: French Hospital; age at time of death:
89 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Innesley Dr.,
Arroyo Grande; occupation: Driller for 14 yrs Louis Scott Oil Drilling;
surviving spouse: Evelyn L. Kingwell PEACOCK
Informant: wife
father: Owen Elijah PEACOCK pob: Illinois
mother: Sarah Rowina XX ( last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IA
cause of death: Pulmonary XXX can't read James Renning MD San Luis
Entombment 9-17-1988 Pomona Cemetery Association Mausoleum 502 East Franklin,
Pomona, Calif.
Marshall Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Deaths VOL 130 PG 945 (film)
Roberta Cisseley WILSON; white/female/divorced; dob: 4-25-1914; pob: IA; dod: 6-14-1985 at 1130 hrs; pod: Morro
Bay Convalescent Center; age at time of death: 71 years; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; occupation: operator for 25
yrs US Army - communucations; usual residence: 21034 Times, Hayward, Alameda county, Ca
informant: William MULLER - nephew Paso Robles
father: Clarence Elmer WOOD pob: IA
mother: Bessie XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IA
cause of death: Cardiac arrest duration - min
Encephalitis duration - mos
Suspected Creutzfeldt Gary KOLB MD Morro Bay
Cremation 6-17-1985 Benedict Rettey Crematory
San Luis Obispo Book of Deaths BK 134 PG 14
Beulah Elizabeth BRIANS, white/female/widow; dob: 11-10-1892; pob: Oklahoma; dod: 6-26-1987 at 0200
hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; age at time of death: 94 yrs; homemaker for adult life
informant: Sam H BRIANS - son Santa Margarita
father: Henry ALLEN pob: Tenn
mother: Florence XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: NC
cause of death: congestive heart failure duration - yrs
coronary heart disease duration - yrs Dr. Stephen Hansen
Burial 6-30-1987 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 43 PG 340(A)
Rose Alice HORSTMAN; white/female/widow; dob: 3-15-1876; pob: Ohio; dod: 3-1-1961 at 2:02 pm; pod: Paso
Robles Hospital; age: 84 yrs; citizen of the USA; homemaker for 61 yrs in own home; occupation of deceased
spouse: butcher; length of stay in county of death: 61 yrs; Ca: 70 yrs; usual residence: Main St Templeton
informant: Dorothy PRIDGEN Antioch, Ca
father: William HERMAN pob: Austria
mother: Mary Jane XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: arteriosclerotic cardio/renal/vascular disease with hypertension; bronchial pneumonia
burial 3-3-1961 Templeton
Kuehle Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 39 PG 310
Albert Ralph HORSTMAN, white/male/married; dob: 10-4-1879; pob: Iowa; dod: 5-28-1958 at 2:30
pm; pod: residence Templeton; age at time of death: 78 yrs; occupation: butcher for 50 yrs; citizen of the USA;
surviving spouse: Rose HORSTMAN - housewife; lenght of stay at pod: 15 yrs; Ca: 75 yrs
informant: wife
father: William HORSTMAN pob: Germany
mother: Amelia XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Germany
cause of death: Multiple metastasis from cancer from left kidney/liver
burial 5-31-1958 Templeton District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 30 PG 176
Lovenia WILSON; white/female/widow; dob: 9-12-1866; pob: Kentucky; dod: 9-26-1951 at 12:13 pm; pod: at home,
Atascadero; age at time of death: 85 yrs; length of stay at pod: 1 yr; usual occupation: housewife; citizen of the USA
informant: Mrs. Nellie F HUSE San Luis Obispo
father: George F MASTON pob: Virginia
mother: Eliza J. XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Kentucky
cause of death: Apoplexy; hypertension
F. R. Mugler MD
Burial/Removal 9-28-1951 Roosevelt Memorial Park Los Angeles
Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 PG 88
Henry C. FOWLER; white/male/widower; dob: 9-18-1834; pob: Ohio; dod: 7-31-1906 at 4:28pm; pod: San Luis
Obispo County Hospital; length of stay at pod: 3 yrs 9 mos; CA: 57 yrs; age at time of death: 72
yrs; occupation: farmer
informant: S. F. M*loy
father: John FOWLER pob: New York
mother: Elizabeth XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: United States
cause of death: paralysis; cerebral hemorrhage H. M. Cox MD
Burial 7-31-1906 Paso Robles
C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 54 PG 222
Henry Clay FOWLER; white/male/widower; dob: 6-29-1891; pob: CA; dod: 8-25-1967 at 4:10 pm; pod: Oak
Sanitarium Betteravia, Santa Barbara county; age at time of death: 76 yrs; length of stay in county of death: 2
yrs; CA: life; citizen of the USA; veteran of WWI; occupation: Union Sugar Company
informant: Frances GRANT San Jose
father: Henry FOWLER pob: CA
mother: Fanny XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Canada
Burial 8-28-1967 Santa Maria Cemetery
Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 14 PG 283
Elizabeth DONOVAN; female/white/married; dob: 12-25-1887; pob: Ireland; dod: 1-15-1933 at 3 am; pod: Caldwells
Hospital; age at time of death: 45 yrs, 0 mos, 20 days; surviving spouse: Cornelius
DONOVAN; occupation: housewife; residence: Estrella District, Paso Robles; length of stay at pod: 5 yrs; Ca: 20
yrs; USA: 27 yrs
informant: Cornelius DONOVAN Paso Robles
father: Martin MURRAY pob: Ireland
mother: unknown pob: Ireland
cause of death: carcinoma of the uterus/carcinoma of the bladder/kidney failure
Allen Gillihan MD
Burial 1-17-1933 Holy Cross Cemetery Paso Robles
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 29 PG 81
Joseph White EDDY; male/white/married; dob: 4-9-1877; pob: Missouri;
dod: 2-1-1951 at 8 am; pod: French Hospital, San Luis Obispo; age at
time of death: 73 yrs; usual occupation: merchant - groceries; citizen
of the USA; usual residence: Main St. Templeton
informant: Henrietta EDDY - wife
father: William T. EDDY pob: New York
mother: Achsah XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: carcinoma of prostate duration - 3 yrs
Burial 2-4-1951 Templeton District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 17 PG 104
Achsah Amelia Ely EDDY; female/white/widow; dob: 9-28-1843; pob:
Batavia, Ohio; dod: 3-23-1937; pod: at home; age at time of death: 93
yrs, 5 mos, 23 days; husband: William T. EDDY - dec; length of residence
at pod: 46 yrs; Ca: 47 yrs
informant: Harry S. GRAY Atascadero
father: William ELY pob: Va
mother: unknown pob: England
cause of death: chronic myocarditis/secondary anemia/bronchio pneumonia
from influenza
Lolen Robert Strahan DO Paso Robles
Burial Templeton 3-25-1937
Harry Gray Funeral Director Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 10 PG 460
William T. EDDY; white/male/married; dob: 8-30-1840; pob: Jessups
Landing, Saratoga, New York; dod: 7-30-1925; pod: Templeton; age at
time of death: 84 yrs, 11 mos 1 day; surviving spouse: Achsah Amelia
EDDY; occupation: retired farmer; length of residence at pod: 34 yrs;
Ca: 36 yrs
informant: Joseph W. EDDY Templeton
no parental info
cause of death: cerebral hemorrhage H. L. Barttlett MD
Burial 8-2-1925 Templeton Cemetery
Palmer Undertaking Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 10 PG 21
Frank W. EDDY; white/male/widower; dob: 12-23-1843; pob: Mass; dod:
1-10-1924; pod: Atascadero; age at time of death: 70 yrs, 18 days;
length of residence at pod: 9 yrs; Ca: 9 yrs
informant: Victor OLDSON Atascadero
no parental info
cause of death: chronic nephritis with death in urersic coma/cardiac
Burial Templeton Cemetery
Chas A Shein Undertaker Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 27 PG 389
Grove Charles EDDY; white/male/divorced; dob: 7-21-1886; pob: Ca; dod:
3-1-1950 unknown time; pod: rural Paso Robles, transient, about 300 yrds
south of Paso Robles city limits on old 101 hiway; citizen of the USA;
usual occupation: hotel clerk; age at time of death: 63 yrs; usual
residence: Anderson Hotel
father: Charles EDDY
mother: Effie XX(last name with held per Ca state law)
cause of death: complete internal hemorrhage, bullet wound completely thru
left lung passing out back. Inquest pending
findings: 3-16-1950 time of incident 3-1-1915, Undetermined if
accident, suicide or homicide
Cremation 3-6-1950 Atascadero Crematory
San Luis Obispo County Deaths Doc # 2003000072
Josephine Millard Spomer; white/female/widow; dob: 10-12-1913; pob: Ca;
dod: 1-13-2003 at 1034 hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Hospital; not Hispanic;
level of education: 16 yrs; usual occupation: teacher; usual address: Dinuba, Tulare, Ca; length of residence in
county: 85 yrs; age at time of death: 89 yrs
informant: Lynda Peacock - daughter Nipomo
father: Samuel Bernard Kerner pob: Ca
mother: Bertha Ethel XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: renal failure/CAD/CHF
Burial 1-21-2003 Smith Mt Cemetery Dinuba, Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 20 PG 388
Jesse E. WELCH, white/male/single, dob: 12-12-1895, pob: Ca, dod: 1-6-1942 at 6 am, pod: San Luis Obispo, age
at time of death: 46 yrs, 0 mos, 24 days, veteran of World War, 1 yr in this community, Ca: life, occupation: shoe maker,
repairman, usual residence: 697 Higuera St
informant: Mrs. Stephen URN San Luis Obispo
father: Wallace WELCH pob: Ca
mother: Nettie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: carbon monoxide poisoning, accidental. Found dead in bed in Hotel room
L. L. BUECHLER coroner
removal 1-7-1942 Redding, Ca
C. W. Palmer Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 11 PG 394
Patrick DONOVAN, white/male/single, dob: 1854, pob: Ireland, dod: 3-9-1927 at 7 pm, pod: Nipomo; age at time of
death: 72 yrs, occupation: retired farm laborer for 70 yrs; 45 yrs at pod: Ca: 50 yrs, USA: 50 yrs
informant: Genieve DONOVAN Nipomo
father: Cornelius DONOVAN pob: Ireland
mother: Norah XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ireland
cause of death: carcinoma stomach duration - 7 yrs Gastric ulcer duration - 2 yrs J. L. Karfus MD
burial 5-11-1927 Arroyo Grande
Albert Dudley undertaker Santa Maria Santa Barbara County
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 10 PG 649
Daniel DONOVAN, white/male/widower, dob: September, 1841, pob: Co. Cork, Ireland, dod: 1-9-1926, pod: Berros
District, age at time of death: 84 yrs, 4 mos, wife: Mary DONOVAN - dec, occupation: farmer, stay at pod: 43 yrs,
Ca: 62 yrs
informant: Mrs. M. W. PHELAN, Berros, Ca
father: John DONOVAN pob: Ireland
mother: no record
cause of death: chronic myocarditis duration - 2 yrs
burial 1-12-1926 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
P. F. Richardson Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 158 PG 390
Effie nmn FRANZEN, white/female/widow, dob: 11-4-1901, pob: Hungary, pod: 3-27-2000 at 1145 hrs; pod: County
Care Conv. Hospital Atascadero; education level: 12 yrs, occupation: homemaker for 67 yrs, age at time of death: 98
yrs, usual residence: Santa Rosa Rd, Atascadero, 8 yrs in county of death
informant: Katherine BERENT - daughter Paso Robles
father: George SCHULTZ pob: France
mother: Katherine XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Hungary
cause of death: dehydration/anorexia/progressive dementia Klyda White D. O. Templeton
Burial 3-29-2000 Ivy Lawn Cemetery 5400 Valentine Rd, Ventura, Ca
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 3200 34 0000504
Mary Luretta GARCIA, caucasian/female/widowed, dob: 12-9-1920, pob: OK, dod: 3-28-2003 at 1300 hrs, pod: Twin
Cities Hospital Templeton, age at time of death: 82 yrs, level of education: HS graduate, occupation: homemaker in
own home for 56 yrs, 33 yrs in county of death, usual residence: Quarterhorse Ln Paso Robles
father: James William SCOFIELD pob: KS
mother: Ina Etta XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: KS
cause of death: lung cancer
Burial 4-4-2003 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 128 PG 73
James P. EDDY; white/male/married; dob: 1-1-1924; pob: MI; dod:
7-26-1983 at 1630 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age at time of death:
59 yrs; ; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Edna M
BUNGE; usual occupation: machine shop owner for 40 yrs; residence: Los
Osos Valley Rd. Los Osos
informant: Edna M EDDY Morro Bay
father: Donald D. EDDY pob: MI
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: MI
cause of death: pneumonia duration - 5 days; small cell lung cancer
duration - 6 mos
cremation 7-28-1983
Benedict-Rettey Crematorium Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 149 PG 162
Mabel Clara Franzen, white/female/widow, dob: 1-6-1904, pob: IL, dod: 12-21-1995 at 1135 hrs, pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital SLO, level of education: 13 yrs; occupation: secty 33 yrs for The Crane Company Plumbing supplies, age
at time of death: 91 yrs, 8 yrs in county of death, usual residence: Los Osos
informant: Helen SCHWENOHA niece Los Osos
father: James WORKING pob: PA
mother: Susan Eckler XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IL
cause of death: cardiac arrhythmia/ coronary arteriosclerosis
cr/bu 12-29-1995 Coast Family Cremation
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 9 PG 197
Carl August FRANZEN, male/shite/single, dob: 6-21-1921, pob: Atascadero; dod: 11-11-1921, age at time of death: 4
mos 21 days
Informant: John F. FRANZEN Paso Robles
father: John F. FRANZEN pob: Hamburg
mother: Mabel XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mich
cause of death: Spinal bifida, hydroaphalus
burial Colma, Ca 11-13-1921
Chas. A. Skeen Undertaker Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 PG 41 (Board of Health}
Michael PERALTA, male/white/widower, dob: 1868, pob: San Luis Obispo, occupation - laborer, dod: 1-30-1906 at 3
am, age: 38 yrs
father: P. PERALTA pob: Mexico
mother: R. XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
informant: Manuel PERALTA San Luis Obispo
cause of death: pneumonia James Sinclaire MD
burial in Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 121 PG 568
Edward Paul BARRIOS, Caucasian/male/never married, dob: 7-16-1901, pob: Ca, dod: 11-14-1978 at 1618
hrs, pod: General Hospital, age at time of death: 77 yrs, citizen of the USA, usual occupation - inspector Ford Motor
Company for 40 yrs, usual residence - Taylor St, San Francisco, County of San Francisco
father: Edward BARRIOS pob: Ca
mother: Manuela XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
cause of death: cardiac arrest/coronary thrombosis/arteriosclerotic heart disease
burial 11-17-1978 Old Mission Cemetery
Sutcliffe - Elliott Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Mortuary Book # 2
Fernanda PERALTA, female, 1 day old, pod: San Luis Obispo, dod - 10-28-1895, premature birth, burial - Catholic
San Luis Obispo County Mortuary Book # 2
Juetrude G. PERALTA, female, aged 92 yrs, pod - San Luis Obispo, dod - 7-23-1892, natural causes, burial - Catholic
Cemetery, G. B. Nicholas Md, T. J. Bowen Undertakers
San Luis Obispo Mortuary Book # 2
John PERALTA, male, aged 19 yrs, pod - San Luis Obispo, dod - 6-12-1891, cause - phithasis pulmalis, burial - Catholic
Cemetery, James Sinclair MD, T. J. Bowen Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Mortuary Book # 2
Virginia OLIVERA, female, aged 37 yrs, housewife, dod: 9-5-1896, pod - SLO, cause of death - pneumonia, burial -
Catholic Cemetery, Perry Dickason Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Mortuary Book # 2
Pete OLIVERA, male, aged 17 yrs, 5 days, occupation - laborer, pod - San Luis Obispo, dod - 2-26-1898, cause of death
- phyns, burial - Catholic Cemetery, physician - Dr. Norton, J. L. Maynard undertaker
San Luis Obispo Mortuary Book # 2
Jose Ygnacio OLVERA, male/aged 22 yrs, laborer, pod - San Luis Obispo, dod - 9-24-1896, cause of death -
endocarditis, burial - Catholic Cemetery, physician - Jas. Sinclair MD
San Luis Obispo County Mortuary Book # 2
Augustina G. De OLIVERA female, aged 75 yrs, pod: San Luis Obispo, dod: 11-12-1893, cause of death - old age,
physician - F. A. Krile, burial Catholic Cemetery, T. J. BOWEN Undertakers
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 PG 105
Cepriana CORREA, female/Spanish/single, dob: 9-26-1906, pob: Ca, dod: 10-10-1906, age at time of death: 15
days 9 1/2 mos), pod: Pismo
informant: Frank Olivera San Luis Obispo
father: Joe CORREA pob: Ca
mother: Maggie FELIZ pob: Ca
cause of death: Diorhea duration - 4 days
burial Catholic Cemetery 10-11-1906
C. W. Palmer Undertakers
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 PG 245
Frank OLIVERA, male/Spanish/single, dob: 10-26-1908, pob: San Luis Obispo, dod: 5-4-1909 at 6 pm, age at time of
death: 6 mos, 8 days
informant: father
father: Frank OLIVERA pob Ca
mother: MArtha ESCALANTE pob: Ca
cause of death: meningitis James Sinclair MD
burial 5-6-1909 Catholic Cemetery M. F. Crandell Undertakers
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 PG 98
Carmelita BARRIOS, white/female/single, dob: 2-13-1906, pob: San Luis Obispo, Ca, dod: 9-7-1906 at 11:30 am, age
at time of death: 6 mos, 24 days
informant: father
father: A. BARRIOS pob: San Luis Obispo, Ca
mother: ? CORREA pob: Ca
cause of death: membraneous croup James Sinclair MD
burial 9-8-1906 Catholic Cemetery
C. W. Palmer Undertakers
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 PG 31
Selsa BARRIOS, female/white/single, dob: 10-24-1902, pob: Ca, dod: 12-24-1905, age at time of death: 3 yrs 2 mos
father: Edward BARRIOS pob: Ca
mother: Manuela PERALTA pob: Ca
informant: father
cause of death: Typhoid fever
Burial 12-26-1905 Catholic Cemetery
C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 1 PG 1
Stella PERALTA, female/single, race: Spanish, color: white, dod: 2-11-1900, pob: Ca, pod: San Luis Obispo, age at
time of death: 7 yrs, 3 mos
cause of death: Tuberculosis
burial in Catholic Cemetery
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 1 PG 6
Tomasita PERALTA, dod: 5-4-1901, age: 30 yrs, female/married/caucasian, pob: Visalia, Ca, occupation: housewife, pod:
San Luis Obispo
cause of death: natural
burial in Catholic Cemetery
San Luis Obispo County Book of Death BK 4 PG 331 (health - Report of Death}
Laura M. PERALTA, white/female/single, dod: 10-27-1913, dod: 10-28-1913, age: 1 day (24 hrs),
race: Spanish, color: white, pob: San Luis Obispo, father: Manuel Peralta
cause of death: premature birth (7 mos)/lack of vitality Dr. Sames Sinclair MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 4 PG 245
Charles Edward PERALTA, white/male/single, dob: 10-11-1914, pob: Ca, dod: 10-12-1914 at 4:35 am, age at time of
death: 1 day
father: Louis PERALTA pob: Ca
mother: Mabel SOUSA pob: Ca
informant: Louis PERALTA
cause of death: congenital malformation of the heart Wm Stovey MD
Burial 10-12-1914 Catholic Cemetery
P. J. Freeman and Company Undertakers
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 4 PG 272 health
Panteleon PERALTA, white/male/widower, dob: 1829, pob: Mexico, dod: 3-5-1915 at 3 pm, age at time of death: 86
yrs, occupation: common labor, length of residence at pod: 50 yrs, Ca: 60 yrs
parents unknown
cause of death: arteriosclerosis/senility H. M. Cox MD
Burial 3-8-1915 Catholic Cemetery
Miscellaneous Barrios Deaths:
Andres Tulipe dod: 8-28-1871 BK 107 PG 399
Antonio Manangan dod: 6-8-1995 BK 148 PG 85
Charles Edward dod: 10-12-1914 BK 4 PG 245
Fernanda dod: 10-28-1895 BK 2 PG 9999
Gavina aka Gavinia dod: 4-18-1900 Bk 2 PG 9999 & BK 1 PG 2
Ildefonso Ganigan dod: 9-26-1974 BK 114 PG 836
John dod: 6-12-1891 BK 2 PG 9999
Josephine dod: 4-28-1933 BK 14 PG 403
Grutrudez G. dod: 7-23-1892 BK 2 PG 9999
Laura M dod: 9-2-1913 BK 4 PG 331
Michael dod: 1-20-1895 BK 2 PG 47 (health)
not stated dod: 10-28-1898 BK 4 331
Orofila dod: 6-12-1898 BK 2 PG 9999 (not in health book)
Ponteleon dod: 3-5-1915 BK 4 PG 272
Richard David dod: 7-4-1992 BK 142 PG 722
Stella dod-2-11-1900 BK 1 PG 1 (not in heath BK) & BK 2 PG 9999
Tomasita dod: 5-3-1901 BK 2 PG 9999 & dod: 5-4-1901 BK 1 PG 6
Name: Henry Sigfrid Johnson
Book # : 116
Page # : 884
Document # : 1977000036
Date of Birth: 15 February 1903
Place of Birth: California
Race: White
Address: 2840 Alder Street, Morro Bay, San Luis Obispo Co., CA
Occupation: Farmer [Grapes]
Employer: Self Employed
Number of years working for this employer: N/A
Name of Spouse: Emma Harris
Father's Name and place of birth: William Johnson, Sweden
Mother's Name and place of birth: Hilma Danielson, Sweden
Address of Parents: N/A
Date of Death: 15 January 1977
Place of Death: Morro Bay, at home
Age at Death: 73
Immediate cause of Death: Cardiac Arrest
Contributing causes of Death: Atherosclerotic Heart Disease
Duration of Illness: Years
Attending Physician: John W Dana [written signature hard to read]
Funeral Home: Creighton Memorial Chapel, Kingsburg, Fresno, CA
Burial Place: Kingsburg District Cemetery, Kingsburg, Fresno, CA
Informant: Emma Johnson
Other Information:
Date of Burial: 18 January 1977
11 Years in San Luis Obispo Co., CA
Lived all of his life in California
Date of Abstraction: 13 January 2010
Additional Comments:
Transcribed by: Martha A Crosley Graham, SLOCGS
Name: Marcus William Johnson
Book # : 146
Page # : 940
Document # : 1994001443
Date of Birth: 17 August 1949
Place of Birth: California
Race: White
Address: 258 Aspen Street, #6, Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, CA
Occupation: Cook
Employer: Pierside Seafood Restaurant, Pismo Beach, SLO, CA
Number of years working for this employer: 2
Name of Spouse: Terri Chism
Father's Name and place of birth: Henry Johnson, Iowa
Mother's Name and place of birth: Delores Faye Berhow, Iowa
Address of Parents: N/A
Date of Death: Found 28 October 1994
Place of Death: Residence, 258 Aspen #6, Arroyo Grande, SLO, CA
Age at Death: 45
Immediate cause of Death: Central Cardio Respiratory Failure
Contributing causes of Death: Perforating Laceration of Brain **
Duration of Illness: N/A
Attending Physician: County Coroner
Funeral Home: Marshall Spoo - Sunset Funeral Chapel, Grover City [Beach], SLO, CA
Burial Place: Unknown, "Taken to Brother's residence" 193 Kent, Nipomo, SLO,CA
Informant: Randy Johnson, 193. Kent, Nipomo, SLO, CA
Other Information: Military Service [no specifics] 1968-1972
32 Years in San Luis Obispo County
** Penetrating contact gunshot would of the head & mouth.
Date of Abstraction: 13 January 2010
Additional Comments: Transcribed by: Martha A Crosley Graham, SLOCGS
Marriage Records
Miscellaneous BARRIOS Marriages:
Alan Curtis m Janet Laurel VICORY 12-9-1972 BK 27 PG 1109
Alexander m Susan Ellen LIPCON 11-27-1972 BK 27 PG 987
Anselmo m Gertrudes CORREA 9-11-1887 BK B PG 250
Anthony Anselmo m Marie Kathryn TERRY 2-28-1962 BK 19 PG 300
Anthony Jess m Trinidade HERNANDEZ 2-26-1936 BK U PG 265
Charley Louis m Dorothy Lee Lenville NICHOLAS 9-8-1961 BK 19 PG 147
Charles Luis m Dorothy Margaret Del Castillo ASHLEY 5-5-1962 BK 19 PG 352
Charles Luis m Velma Evelyn SYLVA 12-16-1938 BK W PG 355
Donald Arthur m Beverly Jane BUDAR 7-19-1954 BK 16 PG 234
Douglas Allen m Marlene Antionette SILVA 10-2-1970 BK 25 PG 292
Elmer R. m Virginia L. WOODWORTH 11-27-1921 BK M PG 137
Gilbert Jess m Mary Louis LEMON 4-1961 BK 19 PG 11
Jess Rudy m Lynne Marie COHEN 4-6-1985 BK 42 PG 958
John Milton m Sandra Ann FISER 1-23-1971 BK 26 PG 112
John William m Florence I. JENSEN 8-17-1931 BK R PG 457
Lawrence Luis m Mildred Florence CARLSON 8-27-1929 BK Q PG 369
Louie R m Ramona L. GREGORY 10-19-1924 BK N PG 368
Michael Dennis m Teresa Lee ANDREWS 1-11-1973 BK 28 PG 87
Paul Charles m Carol Ann SUNDQUIST 10-28-1959 BK 18 PG 251
Raymond Joseph m Victoria Lillian BARRIOS 11-28-1938 BK W PG 330
Ray Joseph III m Jeanette Marie PORTER 4-25-1986 BK 44 PG 235
Robert Benny m Kristie Irene MOORE 8-30-1980 BK 37 PG 25
Ronald James m Marie Annette Kinser KNOWLTON 8-20-1988 BK 47 PG 100
Angela m Antonio ZAMARRIPA 3-16-1931 BK R PG 332
Anita Elizabeth m Rick LEWIS 12-5-1968 BK 23 PG 168
Carrie Noel m Kirk Allen SKAUFEL 4-25-1998 BK 58 PG 787
Carolyn Sue Hamilton m Thomas Wayne WOLAVER 8-4-1978 BK 34 PG 357
Carmen m James G. BROOKS 12-25-1920 BK L PG 473
Carmelita m Jefferson DRAKE 6-2-1884 BK A PG 615
Charlene Elaine m Martin William BRUCE 2-19-1978 BK 33 PG 747
Debra Lee Coy m Raymond Harold BEVIN 4-16-1974 BK 29 PG 255
Donna Rae m R. C. FOSTER Jr 3-21-1966 BK 21 PG 309
Dora Delgado m Jimmie Hernandez 2-27-1971 BK 26 PG 167
Ernestine m Ferdinand Yrineo FIGUEROA 6-29-1923 BK M PG 553
Flor m Juan Machado LEMS 10-18-1879 BK A PG 364
Francelia Vargas m JAvier Brito RODRIGUEZ 7-9-1992 BK 51 PG 673
Genevieve m L. D. HOWIE 3-19-1938 BK V PG 493
Grace Lucille m Noah HASTINGS 6-6-1933 BK S PG 427
Josefa m Gabriel PEREZ 5-29-1909 BK H PG 394
Kimberly Ann m Joseph J. AUBERRY 12-31-2002 cert # 2002001651
Lillian Juanita m Hope Start KIGER 6-30-1920 BK L PG 312
Lita Marie m Michael Wayne MOORE 4-7-1984 BK 41 PG 695
Lucille Amorette m Robert Leo STICKLER 6-10-1972 BK 27 PG 419
Mary m Beden ESLICK 5-27-1916 BK J PG 552
Rita Jane m Terry Alan MAYHEW 5-5-1979 BK 35 PG 194
Rosa m Frederick ESTRADA 8-16-1887 BK B PG 252
Rosmery Marisol m Robert REYNOLDS 12-31-1997 BK 58 PG 424
Sylva Ann m Virgil Glenn JOHNSON 2-17-1951 BK 14 PG 306
Terry Ann m Ronald Alan ABELOE 9-25-1982 BK 38 PG 844
Theodosa M. m Andrew GARCIA 7-4-1920 BK L PG 315
Victoria Lillian m Raymond Joseph BARRIOS 11-28-1938 BK W PG 330
Virginia m Mike Osorio MORENO 7-30-1938 BK W PG 129
Miscellaneous LINARES Marriages:
Pio LINARES m Maria Antonio ORTEGA 5-17-1871 BK A PG 1
Ramon SOTO m Maria LINARES 10-4-1858 BK A PG 15
Charles Walter PARSONS m Sherry Lee Gravelle LINARES 11-18-1963 BK 20 PG 177
Miscellaneous BRIANS Marriages
Adam T m Mary J FORD 3-3-1897 BK E PG 146
Howard Duane m Theresa Diane EAST 1-21-1972 BK 27 PG 59
John J m Nannie I HOPPER 10-2-1886 BK B PG 156
Kevin Lee m Lori Lynn TERRA 4-22-1978 BK 33 PG 537
Michael Anthony m Teri Denise GONCE 5-17-1980 BK 36 PG 570
Obediah H. m Alice L KILER 1217-1896 BK E PG 115
Richard Alan m Janice Elaine Campbell CLAYTON 4-30-1983 BK 40 465
William T m Jeanette MISENHOIMER 12-17-1882 BK A PG 526
Carrie Lee m Eric Christopher PULSE 1-7-2006 cert # 2006000060
Geraldine Charlotte McCluhan m Alvin Julian PHILLIPS 2-6-1960 BK 18 PG 320
Jessie Elizabeth Maxwell m Leo Henry WISSMAN 2-20-1970 BK 24 PG 482
Lynne Marie m Gregory James RIFFENBURG 8-20-2005 cert # 2005001091
Teresa Lorraine m Dennis Corwin BYWATER 2-29-1974 BK 29 PG 509
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2002001651
Groom: Joseph Jay AUBERRY, dob: 6-19-1960, pob: TX, resident of Arroyo Grande, 1 prior marriage dissolved April,
2000, restaurant manager, education - 14 yrs, father: Joseph James AUBERRY pob: IN, mother: Barbara Ann XX(last
name with held per Ca state law) pob: TX
Bride: Kimberly Ann BARRIOS, dob: 10-11-1976, pob: Ca, resident of Oceano, prior marriage - no, housewife in own
home,education - 12 yrs, father: Douglas Allen FORZCETING, pob: Ca, mother: Marlene Antonett XX(last name with
held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
Witnesses: Donald E. WALTER, resident of Arroyo Grande and Marlene ? resident of Oceano
married 12-31-2002 in Arroyo Grande by Liz LEMOS Deputy Commissioner
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK O PG 25
Groom: Eduardo BARRIOS, native of Ca, white race, 55 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Manuela Peralta OLIVERA, native of Ca, white race, 48 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Witness - John FOLEY, resident of San Luis Obispo
married 6-2-1925 in San Luis Obispo by William Mallagh Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 15 PG 387
Groom: Francisco OLIVERA, resident of San Luis Obispo, never before married, mother is a native of Ca, father is a
native of Ca, minor - consent of parents was first obtained
Bride: Manuela PERALTA, resident of San Luis Obispo, never before married, mother is a native of Ca, father is a native
of Sonora, Mexico, minor - consent of parents was first obtained
witnesses - Rudolph BUDAN and Carmel BUDAN both residents of San Luis Obispo
married 11-11-1889 at San Luis Obispo by R. A. Loomis Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 11 PG 41
Bridegroom: Harold John BROERMAN, native of Iowa, 23 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, single, 1st marriage,
service station attendant, pob: Iowa, father: Preston W. BROERMAN, pob: Iowa, mother: Emily XX(last name with
held per Ca state law), pob: Iowa
Bride: Frances Mary BOVEE, native of Ca, 17 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, 1st marriage, single,
typist pob: Ca, father: Fred M. BOVEE, pob: Ca, mother: Lydia M. XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob:
Ca. Bride being a minor, the consent of Lydia M. BOVEE, her mother, was obtained
witnesses: Marilyn Enid BOVEE and Hope Orlando KIGER both of San Luis Obispo
married 1-10-1947 in San Luis Obispo by Frederick J. Hart Presbyterian Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert #: 2004000450
Bridegroom: Stuart Fred IMLAY, resident of Atascadero, dob: 7-7-1960, pob: Ca, 1 prior marriage, dissolution 1981,
education: 11 yrs, occupation: painter, business owner, father: Donald Curtis IMLAY, native of Ca, mother: Carol Ruth
XX(last name with held per Ca state law), native of IA
Bride: Jessa Dorthea Arfa SPOMER, resident of Atascadero, dob: 6-23-19??, pob: IL, 1 prior marriage, dissolutiom 6-
23-1971, education: 12 yrs, occupation: manager petroleum, father: Martin Howard ARFA, pob: IL, mother: Sheral
Jean XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob: IL
married 5-1-2004 in Arroyo Grande
San Louis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 1
Bridegroom: J. L. SCHOLZ, native of Germany, aged 30 yrs, resident of San Diego, County of San Diego
Bride: Belle J. BROWN, native of Minn, aged 22 yrs, resident of San Diego, County of San Diego
witnesses: Mrs. Sophia W. WOODS and Miss Ethel B. WOODS both residents of San Luis Obispo
married 8-7-1899 in San Luis Obispo by J. C. EASTMAN Pastor Presb. Church San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 2
Bridegroom: Cornelius O'LEARY, native of Minn, aged 31 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Maggie G. EMMERSON, native of Ca, aged 32 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
witnesses: John L. KINNEY, resident of Arroyo Grande and Mrs. B. SHRODER, resident of San Luis Obispo
married 8-12-1899 by N. H. ROSE Justice of the Peace Ceremony was performed in the Parlor of the Ryan Hotel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK K PG 460
Bridegroom: Frederick E. WILLSON, native of Ca, aged 42 yrs, white race
Bride: Mary Achsa EDDY, native of Colorado, aged 20 yrs, white race
witnesses: D. M. EDDY and Mrs. Lou EDDY both of San Luis Obispo
married September 11, 1918 in San Luis Obispo by Rev. William D REAUGH
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK U PG 92
Bridegroom: Joseph John DONOVAN, native of Ca, aged 26 yrs, white race, resident of San Luis Obispo, single, first
marriage, occupation: newspaperman, father: Patrick H. DONOVAN, native of Ireland, mother: Mary CURRAN, native
of Arizona
Bride: Vera Pauline ADAMS, native of Ca, aged 24 yrs, white race, resident of San Luis Obispo, single, first marriage,
occupation: stenographer, father: William Edward ADAMS, native of Oregon, mother: Minnie KASSABAUM, native of
witnesses: Frank P. DONOVAN and Augusta M. ADAMS, both residents of San Luis Obispo
married August 11, 1935 at Old Misson San Luis Obispo by Edward SHIPSEY S. J. Roman Catholic Clergyman
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK E PG 61
Bridegroom: Michael J. DONOVAN, resident of Pismo, not before married, parents both are natives of Ireland
Bride: Kathleen M. DONNALLY, resident of Oso Flaco, not before married, both parents are natives of Ireland
witnesses: John DONOVAN, resident of Nipomo and Kate FOX, resident of Oso Flaco
married July 18, 1896 in Oso Flaco by Rev M. LYNCH Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK Q PG 119
Bridegroom: Cornelius William DONOVAN, native of Ireland, aged 50 yrs, white race, resident of Paso Robles, single,
first marriage, occupation: farmer, father: John DONOVAN, native of Ireland, mother: Ann HAYES, native of Ireland
Bride: Elizabeth Mary MURRAY, native of Ireland, aged 37 yrs, white race, resident of Paso Robles, single, first marriage,
occupation: cook, father: Martin MURRAY, native of Ireland, mother: Elizabeth McDERMOTT, native of Ireland
witnesses: W. J. O'NEILL and Mrs. R. O'NEILL both residents of Paso Robles
married October 13, 1928 in Paso Robles by L. J. FOIN Pastor St. Rose Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 104
Bridegroom: Chas. PARR, native of Ca, aged 21 yrs, resident of Jonatan,
County of Santa Barbara, not before married, mother is a native of Spain,
father is a native of England
Bride: Fannie EDDY, native of Penn, aged 21 yrs, resident of Los Alamos,
County of Santa Barbara, not before married, mother and father are both natives of Pa
witnesses: Mrs. Joseph FREDERICKS and H. MURRAY, both residents of San Luis
Obispo - married February 12, 1886 in San Luis Obispo by G. W. BARNES Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK D PG 335
Bridegroom: Lawrence HOURIHAN, resident of Santa Ynez, County of Santa Barbara, single, never before
married, mother and father are natives of Ireland
Bride: Mary DONOVAN, resident of San Luis Obispo, single, never before married, mother and father are natives of
witnesses: T. L. HOURIHAN, resident of Santa Ynez and Mary CURRAN, resident of San Luis Obispo
married October 12, 1893 in San Luis Obispo by Rev. V. AGUILERA Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 213
Bridegroom: James A EDDY, native of Missouri, aged 29 yrs, resident of Templeton
Bride: Amelia S. HORSTMAN, native of Iowa, aged 25 yrs, resident of Templeton
witnesses: Louise HORSTMAN and A. P. SEEMAN, both residents of Templeton
married April 10, 1901 in Templeton by George B CLIFF Pastor M. E. Church
Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 13
Bridegroom: Cramer J. WILLIAMS, native of Ohio, aged 29 yrs, resident of Nipomo
Bride: Katie T. {F} DONOVAN, native of Ca, aged 23 yrs, resident of Los Berros
witnesses: John DONOVAN, resident of Nipomo and Agnes DONOVAN, resident of Los Berros
married September 4, 1899 in Los Berros by Rev.M. LYNCH Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 209
Bridegroom: Patrick H. DONOVAN, native of Ca, aged 32 yrs, resident of Pozo
Bride: Mary CURRAN, native of Ca, aged 20 yrs, resident of Santa Margarita
witnesses: Thomas CURRAN, resident of Glendora, County of Los Angeles and Laura McDaniels, resident of San Luis
married March 16, 1901 in San Luis Obispo by Patrick MURPHY Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 103
Bridegroom: Michael W, PHELAN, native of Ca, aged 35 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Mary C. DONOVAN, native of Ca, aged 28 yrs, resident of Los Berros
witnesses: Archibald McALLISTER , resident of San Luis Obispo and Agnes DONOVAN, resident of Los Berros
married April 18, 1900 in Los Berros by Rev. M. LYNCH Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 467
Bridegroom: Joseph W. EDDY, native of Missouri, aged 26 yrs, resident of Templeton
Bride: Henrietta H (C) PETERSEN, native of Iowa, aged 26 yrs, resident of Templeton
witnesses: E. A. SPANGENBERG and John KELSEU both of San Luis Obispo
married April 22, 1903 in San Luis Obispo by H. H. KINNEY PAstor M E Church
San Luis Obispo Book of Marriages BK C PG 12
Groom: Morgan M. BRIANS; resident of Paso Robles; batchelor; mother is a native of Tenesee; father is a native of
Bride: Rosa HOSTLER; resident of Adelaide; spinster; mother is a native of Switzerland; father is a native of
witnesses: G. W. BRIANS, resident of Paso Robles and Dellia HOSTLER, resident of Adelaide
date of marriage: 11-30-1890 at Paso Robles
William R. Cooley Justice of the Peace
Cert # 2005001091 San Luis Obispo County Marriages
Bridegroom: Gregory James RIFFENBURG; dob: 10-21-1984; pob: Ca; resident of Long Beach Los Angeles
county; level of education: 15 yrs; occupation: student, university; father: Karl Von
RIFFENBURG pob: Ca; mother: Barbara Lynn XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
Bride: Lynne Marie BRIANS; dob: 2-23-1983; pob: Ca; resident of Long Beach, Los Angeles county;
occupation: preschool teacher; father: Kevin Lee BRIANS pob: Ca; mother: Lori Lynn XX (last name with held per
Ca state law) pob: Ca
date of marriage: 8-26-2005
Cert # 20067000060 SLO Marriages
Bridegroom: Eric Christopher PULSE; dob: 8-28-1980; pob: Ca; resident of San Luis Obispo; education level: 19
yrs; occupation: mechanical engineer; no prior marriages; father: Frederick Ernest PULSE
III pob: Ohio; mother: Ann Elizabeth XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
Bride: Carrie Lee BRIANS; dob: 7-16-1980; pob: Ca; resident of San Luis Obispo; education level: 17
yrs; occupation: veterinary tech; father: Kevin Lee BRIANS pob: Ca; mother: Lori Lynn XX (last name with held
per Ca state law) pob: Ca
date of marriage: 1-7-2006
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 3
Bridegroom: Charles F HEATH, native of Missouri, aged 27 yrs, resident of Cuyama, Santa Barbara county
Bride: Minnie B. GREEN, native of Ca, aged 27 yrs, resident of Pozo
witnesses: Mattie E. GREEN & Alfred A. DUNNING both residents of Pozo
married 8-13-1899 in Pozo by Joseph SHIELDS Minister from Nipomo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK E PG 146
Bridegroom: Adam T. BRIANS, resident of Cayucas, was married before, father: native of State of Virginia,mother: native
of State of Kentucky
Bride: Mary J FORD, resident of Cayucos, was married before, father: native of State of Vermont, mother: native of
State of New York
witnesses: John W. GASTON & Maria K. SIMMLER both residents of Cayucos
married 3-3-1897 in Cayucos by J. J. SIMMLER Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK E PG 266
Bridegroom: William HORSTMAN, resident of Templeton, not before married, mother & father both from Germany
Bride: Evelyn ANDERSON, resident of Morro, not before married, father, native of Missouri, mother native of Minn.
witnesses: Carl PETERSON and Louisa HORSTMAN, both residents of Templeton
married 12-29-1897 in Morro by J. M. Hilbiske Minister of the Gospel
Birth Certificate Transcriptions
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 72
Charles Luis WELCH, male, white, order of births: 3rd, legitimate: yes, pob: city of San Luis Obispo, father: Chas
Emory WELCH, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, 42 yrs, pob: Indiana, court reporter, mother: Mary Emma XX)last
name with held per Ca state law), resident of San Luis Obispo, white, 39 yrs, pob: Ohio, housewife
# of children born to this mother - 3 now living - 3
born alive 2-15-1911 at 12:30 am W. W. Stover MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 72
Martha GUDD, female/white, legitimate - yes, birth order - 1, father: Ernest GUDD, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, 24
yrs, Pob: Switzerland, farmer, mother: Maria XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of San Luis Obispo,
white, 22 yrs, pob: Nebraska, housewife
# of children born to this mother - 1 now living - 1
born alive 11-26-1910 at 11 pm W. W. Stover MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 66
Jonathan Victor WEBSTER, male/white, legitimate - yes, father: Jonathan Victor WEBSTER, resident of Creston, white,
aged 81 yrs, pob: Tennessee, farmer, mother: Rosa Eva XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Creston,
white, aged 39 yrs, pob: Kansas, housewife
# of children born to this mother - 4 now living - 4
born alive 11-26-1910 at 11 pm
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 66
Unnamed GREGORY, male/white, dob: 11-29-1910 at 7 pm; legitimate: yes, father: William GREGORY, resident of
Santa Maria, county of Santa Barbara, white, aged 21 yrs, pob: Ca, mechanic, mother: Ramona M. XX(last name with
held per Ca state law), resident of Santa Maria, county of Santa Barbara, white, aged 17 yrs, pob: Ca, housewife
# of children born to this mother - 2 now living - 2
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 3 PG 136 see corrected BK 91 PG 259
unnamed GALBRATH, male/white/single birth, dob: 12-20-1908 at 1:30pm, legitimate: yes, birth order: # 6,
pob: Cambria, father: Joseph GALBRATH, resident of Cambria, white, aged 47 yrs, pob: Ca,
rancher, mother: Elizabeth XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Cambria, white, aged 30 yrs, pob: Ca,
# children born to this mother - 6 # of children living - 6
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 10 PG 522
Carl August FRANZEN, white/male, dob: 6-21-1921, father: John F. FRANZEN, resident of Paso Robles, white, 38 yrs,
pob: Germany, chef at hotel, mother: Mabel XX)last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Paso Robles, white,
38 yrs, pob: Mich, housewife
born alive at 7 pm Gifford SOLEY MD Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 52 PG 385
Gary Preston BROERMAN, white/male/single, dob: 12-4-1952 at 12:10 p,. pob: French Hospital SLO, father: Harold
John BROERMAN, white, pob: Iowa, occupation: gas station attendant; mother: Frances Marie XX(last name with held
per Ca state law), white, pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 67
Charles William LANE, male/white/single birth, dob: 9-30-1910, legitimate: yes, father: William LANE, resident of Paso
Robles, white, pob: Holland, farmer, aged 39 yrs, mother: Edna MayXX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident
of Paso Robles, white, aged 25 yrs, pob: Ca, housewife
# of children born to this mother - 2 # of children living - 1
born alive 8-30-`9`0 at 2 am R. O. Dresser Physician Paso Robles
Thea Marie SPOMER, female/single, dob: 10-22-1991 at 1322 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital, San Luis Obispo,
father: Troy Louis SPOMER, native of AZ, dob: 4-7-1971, mother: JessaXX(last name with held per Ca state
law), native of IL, pob: 6-23-1971
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 56 PG 139
Collin Michael SPOMER, male/single, dob: 12-14-1999 at 719 hrs, pob: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton, father: Troy
Luis SPOMER, native of AZ, dob: 4-7-1971, mother: Jessa Dorthea XX(last name with held per Ca state law), native of
IL, dob: 6-23-1971
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 3 PG 136
John O. DONOVAN, white/male, legitimate: yes, dob: 12-21-1908; pob: Pozo
father: John O. DONOVAN, resident of Pozo, white, aged 36, pob: Ca, occupation: farmer
mother: Elvira XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Pozo, Spanish, aged 31
yrs, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife
# children born to this mother: 4 # children livining: 4
Born alive 12-21-1908 at 6:30 am Mrs. J. L. COWELL Santa Margarita
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 67
Clinton Prescott EDDY; white/male/single birth; 1st born, legitimate:
yes; dob: 2-6-1911; pob: town of Cambria
father: Harold Clinton EDDY, resident of Cambria, white, aged 28 yrs, pob:
Mass., occupation: mining engineer
mother: Bessy A XX(last name with held per Ca state law), resident of
Cambria, white, aged 25 yrs, pob:
Michigan, occupation: housewife
# of children born to this mother - 1 # children now living - 1
Born alive at 11:00am 2-6-1911 P. L. Rooridge Physician Cambria
San Luis Obispo County Affidavit of Birth VOL 296 PG 422
Full name of child: Hannah Leola WELLS
dob: 4-4-1911
pob: Huer Huero, San Luis Obispo County, Ca
sex: female
father: Hiram Prescrved WELLS Sr., resident of Sisquoc, Santa Barbara County, Ca, 42 yrs old, American -
white, pob: Wisconsin, occupation: rancher
mother: Hannah Irene TWITCHELL, resident of Sisquoc, Santa Barbara County, Ca, 44 yrs old, American -
white, pob: San Juan Mission, San Bonieto County, Ca, occupation: housewife [Should Be San Benito County]
recorded: 4-3-1942
San Luis Obispo County Affidavit of Birth VOL 296 PG 359
Full name of child: Umberto MUSCIO
dob: 11-25-1921
pob: San Luis Obispo, Ca
sex: male
father: Umberto MUSCIO, resident of San Luis Obispo county, 35 yrs old, white, pob: Switzerland, occupation: rancher
mother: Mary XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of San Luis Obispo county, 28 yrs old,
white, pob: Switzerland, occupation: housewife
recorded 3-6-1942
Name – Margaret E Mantz
Book # - N/A
Page # - N/A
Document # - 3200740001501
Date of Birth – October 2, 1925
Place of Birth – Kansas
Race - White
Address – 832 Arcadia, Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo Co., CA
Occupation – Broker, Real Estate
Employer - N/A
Number of years working for this employer – N/A
Name of spouse – Not Listed 'Widow'
Father ’ s name and place of birth – Frank Cargay, Unknown
Mother ’ s name and place of birth – Ethel Lopshire, Unknown
Address of parents – N/A
Date of death – September 27, 20047
Place of death – French Hospital, San Luis Obispo, SLO, CA
Age at death – 81
Immediate cause of death – Respiratory Failure
Contributing causes of death – Anoxic Brain Injury, Cardiac / Respiratory Arrest, Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis
Duration of illness – Years
Attending physician – Gregory W Thomas, 1941 Johnson Avenue, SLO. CA
Funeral Home – Reis Chapel, SLO, CA
Burial place – Ashes scattered off of the Coast of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
Informant – Debby Du Ree, Daughter [Same Street address as Margaret]
Other information - Had been in SLO County, 8 years. No indication of how long in California.
Death Certificate Transcribed by: Martha A Crosley Graham, 3 February 2010
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Vol F Pg 637
Groom: Joao V. CARDOZO, native of Azores Islands, aged 24 yrs, resident of Pecho, County of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Francesca de Gloria GASPARA, native of Azores Islands, ages 16 yrs, resident of Miles Station, County of San
Luis Obispo
Said Joao CARDOZO, being of sufficient age to be capable of contracting marriage and consent of the guardian of
Francesca de Gloria GASPARA having been given
license signed 7-19-1904 by H. H. Carpenter Deputy County Clerk
Jose Viera CORDOSA and Francesca de Gloria GASPARA were married 7-21-1904 in San Luis Obispo by V. Aguilera
Catholic Priest
Witnesses: Manuel P. de SILVA and Francesca Tomasa de SILVA both residents of San Luis Obispo
(note - name of the groom is transcribed as written on the original document.)
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 3 PG 42
Louis CARDOZO, male, white, legitimate - yes, dob: 1-18-1908, pob: near San Luis Obispo
father: Manuel M. CARDOZO, residence near San Luis Obispo, race: Portuguese, pob: Azores, occupation: farmer
mother: Anna GULARTE, residence near San Luis Obispo, race: Portuguese, age 33 yrs, native of the Azores,
occupation: housewife
number of children born to this mother - 3 number of children now living - 2
Born alive 1-18-1908 at 5 pm J. H. Seaton SLO
CARDOZA Marriages
Joe M. m Patricia Clara RODRIGUEZ 8-28-1926 BK O PG 465
Joe Machado m Mary Julia ROSA 6-25-1931 BK R PG 421
Johnnie M. m Hazel Juanita KELLER 4-8-1935 BK T PG 480
Joseph Anthony m Elvera Adela de SILVA 10-20-1930 BK R PG 225
Joseph Machado m Irene May James STEPHENS 3-13-1965 BK 20 PG 629
Joseph Steven m Susan ADAMS 5-30-1992 BK 51 PG 487
Joe Machado dod: 11-11-1938 BK 18 PG 214
Joe Machado dod: 10-25-1940 BK 19 PG 311
John Freddie dod: 12-18-1933 BK 14 PG 621
John Pires dod: 8-5-1961 BK 44 PG 135
Joseph dod: 11-16-1940 BK 19 PG 338
Joseph Machado dod: 12-22-1978 BK 121 PG 718
Joze Silveria dod: 3-19-1949 BK 26 PG 309
Joseph P. dob: 6-27-1936 BK 51 PG 487
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 121 Pg 718
Joseph Machado CARDOZA, white/male/married, dob: 2-26-1903; pob: Ca; dod: 12-22-1978 at 1830
hrs; pod: Country Care Convalescent Hospital Atascadero; age at time of death: 75
yrs; nationality: American; surviving spouse: Irene Mae JAMES; citizen of the USA; residence: Atascadero Ave,
Atascadero; occupation: maintenance man for 21 yrs for PG & E, utility company
father: Joseph M. CARDOZA pob: Azores
mother: Emilia XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
informant: wife Atascadero
cause of death: bronchopneumonia/cerebral contusion of brain stem
auto accident hwy 41, 3910 ft west of Old Morro Rd, Atascadero, single vehicle - driver
date of accident: 3-3-1978 at 1645 hrs
burial 12-28-1978 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 40 PG 382
Bert Edward KIRBY, white/male/married; dob: 9-2-1893; pob: Eddieville,
Nebraska; dod: 1-15-1959 at 9:30 am; pod: residence Estero St, Morro
Bay; age at time of death: 65 yrs; surviving spouse: Maude KIRBY
housewife; citizen of the USA, veteran of WWI; occupation: packing house worker for 48 yrs for Spot Barbee
Agricultural Products; length of stay at pod: 2 yrs; Ca: 21 yrs
informant: wife
father: Thomas Jefferson KIRBY pob: Indiana
mother: Hester Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: Coronary occlusion/arteriosclerotic heart
burial 1-17-1959 Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 12 PG 600
Helen L. LAAM; white/female/married; dob: 2-2-1908; pob: Ca; dod: 2-9-1930 at 2:30 am; pod: Mountain View
Hospital SLO; surviving spouse:
John LAAM; age at time of death: 22 yrs, 7 mos; occupation: housewife
father: John HOLLOMON pob: TX
mother: Anna XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: septicemia stephlicocci duration - 15 days
N. J. Shields MD
Burial in Marysville, Ca date of removal: 2-10-1930
R. F. Richardson Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 9 PG 679 delayed birth
Charlotte Ann McNEIL, female, dob: 2-20-1923; Dr. Jackson, pob: private home in Santa Margarita
father: James William McNEIL pob: Ca. nativity: Scotch -Irish -white
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca, native:
Danish - white
declarant: Charlotte A. DAVIS 16th St. Astoria, Oregon
1st supporting affidavit: H. McNEIL, brother Entrada St., Atascadero age
at time of signing: 93 yrs date of signing: 10-26-1980
2nd supporting Affidavit: Katherine L. LUND, sister Oddstad Blvd,
Pacifica, Ca, age at time of signing: 64 yrs date of signing: 10-26-1980
evidence: cc child's birth cert # 3801-13886 recorded in San Francisco
County, Ca 9-4-1956/9-30-1951
birth date/age: 28 yrs pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 159 PG 383
Robert Leland SIGERSON, white/male/married; dob: 10-17-1916; pob: Ca; dod: 11-29-2000 at 0600
hrs; pod: residence - San Luis Obispo; age at time of death: 84 yrs; surviving spouse: Margaret L. SYMON; was in the
military; level of education: 20 yrs; occupation: teacher for 25 yrs; length of time in county of death: 46 yrs
informant: Margaret Leila SIGERSON - wife
father: William Samuel SIGERSON pob: Ca
mother: Florence XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: MN
cause of death: sepsis/leg ulcers/artheriosclerocic periferal vascular disease
Paul Gallagher MD
Burial 12-4-2000 Old Mission Catholic Cemetery
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 122 PG 602
Maude Florence BIXBY, Caucasian/female/married; dob: 11-4-1888; pob:
Penn.; dod: 8-30-1979 at 1015 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton;
age: 90 yrs; surviving spouse: Otto BIXBY; occupation: homemaker for 71
yrs; usual residence: Paso Robles; citizen of the USA
informant: husband
father: John C. DENSBERGER pob: Penn
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Penn
cause of death: Cardiac failure/multiple myocardial infarctions/renal
insufficiency/coronary arteriosclerosis
Thomas Morgan MD
Burial 9-4-1979 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 122 PG 681
Otto BIXBY, male/caucasian/widower; dob: 3-16-1883; pob: Indiana; dod:
9-28-1979 at 0015 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; age: 96
yrs; usual residence: Oak St. Paso Robles; occupation: Street car
repairman; citizen of the USA
informant: Dwight BIXBY - son - Santa Maria, Ca Santa Barbara county
father: no record
mother: Rufell C. XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mo
cause of death: bronchiopneumonia
Burial 10-2-1979 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 212
Marjorie Maxine BIXBY; white/female/married; dob: 8-15-1918; pob: CA; dod: 10-25-1976 at 0800 hrs; pod: Sierra
Vista Hospital; age: 58 yrs; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Paul M. BIXBY; occupation: housewife for 35 yrs in
own home; length of stay in county of death: 2 yrs; CA: 51 yrs; usual residence: Cass Ave. Cayucos
informant: Paul M. BIXBY - husband
father: Clayton L. NICHOLS pob: unknown
mother: Eugenia last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: respiratory arrest/pulmonary metastases/adenocarcinoma of lung/ruptured appendix
Burial 10-29-1976 Sunnyside Memorial Gardens Long Beach Los Angeles County, CA
Sunnyside Mortuary
San Luis Oispo County Book of Deaths BK 52 PG 195
Leland Harmon BIXBY; male/white/married; dob: 6-13-1891; pob: CA; dod: 6-3-1966 at 2am; pod: residence, Bella
Vista Mobile Home Park Cayucos; citizen of the USA; never in the armed services; occupation: rancher for 55 yrs, self-
employed, citrus ranch; surviving spouse: Hazel BIXBY - housewife; age at time of death: 75 yrs; length of stay at pod:
9 mos; Ca: life
father: Willard BIXBY pob: MO
mother: Margaret XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Indiana
cause of death: acute myocardial failure/coronary thrombosis
Burial 6-6-1966 Evergreen Cemetery La Verne, CA
Palmer-Waters Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 27 PG 266
Eugene Wilcox or Wilcott BIXBY; male/white/never married; dob: 5-16-1883; pob: Wisconsin; dod: 12-26-1940 at
10:55 pm; pod: General Hospital; never in the armed services; citizen of the USA; age: 66
yrs; occupation: laborer; length of stay at pod: 27 mos
informant: hospital
father: Roy BIXBY pob: Wisconsin
mother: Mary Unknown last pob: unknown
cause of death: aspiration pneumonia/hypertensive cardiac vascular disease/myocardial insufficienct
Burial 12-28-1949 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company - funeral director
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 52 PG 477
Stafford Weston BIXBY; white/male/widow; dob: 2-11-1879; pob: CA; dod: 9-26-1966 at 7:30am; age: 87 yrs;
citizen of the USA; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital; length of stay in county of death: 4
yrs; CA: lifetime; usual residence: South Pasadena County of Los Angeles, CA; occupation: self-employed owner-
manager for 60 yrs Property holdings
informant: Mrs. Theresa BIXBY San Mateo, CA father:
George F. BIXBY pob: Maine
mother: Anna M XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Michigan
cause of death: Acute coronary occlusion/generalized arteriosclerosis
Removal 9-27-1966 Glendale Forest Lawn Cemetery
Sutcliffe Mortuary
Miscellaneous Bixby Deaths
Eugene Wilcox (Wolcott) BIXBY dod: 12-26-1949 BK 27 PG 266
Eve Lavon BIXBY dod: 4-12-1991 BK 140 PG 505
Leland Harman BIXBY dod: 6-3-1966 BK 52 PG 195
Lillian McCollum BIXBY dod: 5-23-1985 BK 130 PG 793
Marjorie Maxine BIXBY dod: 10-25-1976 BK 119 PG 212
Stafford Weston BIXBY dod: 9-26-1966 BK 52 PG 477
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK P PG 452
Marriage License
Groom: Alexander GOULD, native of CA, aged 24, resident of Santa Barbara, county of Santa Barbara, of the white race,
never before married
Bride: Carrie LOTTI, native of CA, aged 25, resident of Santa Maria, county of Santa Barbara, of the white race, never
before married
married: 4-7-1928 at San Luis Obispo by H. C. Taylor Minister of the M. E. Church
witnesses: Fred BOVEE and Mrs Fred BOVEE both residents of San Luis Obispo
Bureau of Vital Statistics
Groom: residence: 801 So. Broadway, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara county, white, 24 yrs old, single, 1st
marriage, pob: CA, occupation: hotel clerk
father: Alexander GOULD pob: Minnesota
mother: Lorretta NASH pob: Illinois
Bride: residence: Santa Maria, white, 25 yrs, single, 1st marriage, occupation: at home
father: A. LOTTI pob: Switzerland
mother: Mary HARTNELL pob: CA
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 8 PG 18
James A. DOWELL, white/male/married; dob: 3-2-1834; pob: Illinois; dod: 6-13-1919; pod: at home; surviving
spouse: Louisa A. DOWELL; occupation: retired; age at time of death: 85 yrs, 3 mos, 11 days; length of residence at
pod: 21 yrs; Ca: 21 yrs
informant: U. S. G. DOWELL Arroyo Grande
no parental info
cause of death: dysentary
burial Arroyo Grande Cemetery 6-15-1919
R. N. Richardson Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 180
Louisa Jane DOWELL; white/female/married; dob: 1-12-1842; pob: Missouri; dod: 12-16-1914; age at time of
death: 72 yrs, 11 mos, 4 days; occupation: housewife; length of stay at pod: 16 yrs; Ca: 16 yrs
informant: U. S. G. DOWELL Arroyo Grande
father: Jesse RECTOR pob: Virginia
Mother: Susan XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Virginia
cause of death: bulbar paralysis and general axanation C. S. Clark MD
Burial 12-18-1914 Arroyo Grande Cemetery \R. English Undertaker
James V. FORTE, Jr.; white/male/widower; dob: 5-30-1922; pob: PA; dod: 1-22-1992 at 1115 hrs; age at time of
death: 69 yrs; pod: Menifee Valley Medical Center, Perris, CA, Riverside County; never in the Armed services; level of
education: 10 yrs; occupation: self-employed landscaper for 30 yrs; usual residence: Sundown Dr., Perris,
CA; number of yrs in county of death: 8
informant: Cindy D. FORTE - daughter San Mateo, CA
father: James V. FORTE pob: unknown
mother: unknown
cause of death: cardiac arrest duration - minutes
cardiogenic shock duration - days
ischemic congestive cardiomyopathy duration - months
Dr. James P. Krieg Sun City
Burial 1-28-1992 Holy Cross Cemetery Colma, CA
Evans-Brown Sun City Mortuary
John nmn McINNES, caus/male/married; dob: 7-18-1885; pob: Scotland; dod: 11-11-1968 at 9:15 PM; pod: Hoover
Pavilion Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, CA; length of stay at pod: 8 days; CA: 60 yrs; age at time of death: 83
yrs; surviving spouse: Margaret THOMSON; occupation: self-employed veterinarian for 40 yrs; citizen of the
USA; residence: Bolton Place, Menlo Park, San Mateo County, CA
informant: Margaret McINNES - wife
father: John McINNES pob: Scotland
mother: Mary SLAON pob: Scotland
cause of death: injured in head - on automobile collison
cremation - 11-13-1968 Alta Mesa Cemetery
San Luis Obispo County Probate File # 4321 1935
William S. CATHER, deceased, died intestate. dod: 12-19-1927; pod: Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County, CA
Emily J. CATHER, surviving spouse
Mrs. Eva PEARL, daughter, over the age of 21 yrs, resident of Arroyo Grande
Mrs. Bessie L. McCAFFERY, daughter, over the age of 21 yrs, resident of Taft, CA
Property: real estate in Kern County
Probate File # 1544
Will was written 5-16-1908, deceased was 50 yrs old.
Samuel Johnson CALL, deceased, dod: 2-16-1909; resident of San Luis Obispo County; pod: San Benito County, CA
Susie R BOOTH, petitioner-executrix, sister of deceased; resident of Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo County, CA
Elizabeth CALL, mother of deceased, resident of Paicenes, San Benito County, CA
Laura B. MATHEWS, sister of deceased, resident of Paicenes, San Benito County, CA
Jonnie ORENTHOUSE, sister of deceased, resident of Decatur, Texas
Frank AGNEW, brother of deceased, resident of Moscow, Idaho
C. C. CALL, brother of deceased, resident of Campbell, Santa Clara County, CA
M. B. CALL, brother of deceased, resident of Hollister, San Benito County, CA
A. J. CALL, brother of deceased, resident of Decatur, Texas
O. P. CALL, brother of deceased, resident of Boise, Idaho
320 Ac in San Benito County valued at about $1,500.00 to Laura B. MATHEWS
Cabinet of Alascan curios situated in Paso Robles value about $200.00 to Susie R. BOOTH
San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Probate File # 1286/1287
Will is dated 2-18-1886 at age 44 yrs old
Nancy E. CALL, deceased, dod 10-17-1905; pod: San Luis Obispo, resident of San Luis Obispo County
Cyrus Reuben CALL aka Silas Reuben aka Reuben S. CALL, son of deceased, aged 35 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
County, CA
Stephen Albert Call, son of deceased, aged 37 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Rhoda REED, daughter of deceased, aged 41 yrs, resident of 1016 Mason St. San Francisco, CA
Lena SPENCE, daughter of deceased, aged 30 yrs, resident of Porterville, Tulare County, CA
G. W. LEWIS, brother-in-law of deceased, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara
Real estate in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties value - $2,500.00
Personal property of: cash on hand, stock, household effects value - $1,600.00
Cash in bank: $1282.46
Cash received from sale of property: $115.00
Wheat in warehouse:
Barley in warehouse
San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Probate File # 3622
Will written in 1928 at age 58 yrs,
Silas Reuben CALL aka S. R. CALL, dod: 10-3-1929, pod: San Luis Obispo County
S. A. CALL, executor, brother of deceased Lena CALL aka Lena JOHNSON aka Lena FROSSARD, exectrix
Kate E. CALL, wife of deceased, aged, over 40 yrs, widow of deceased, resident of Agnews, CA
Arthur Reuben CALL, aged 22 yrs, son of deceased, resident of Santa Rosa, CA
Beth CALL, aged 20 yrs, daughter of deceased, resident of Morro St., San Luis Obispo, CA
Silas Lynn CALL, aged 19 yrs, son of deceased, resident of Morro St, San Luis Obispo, CA
Maggie CALL, formerly Maggie BARNETT, housekeeper of deceased, aged over 35 yrs, residenct of San Luis Obispo
Lee R. CALL, cousin of deceased, aged over 35 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, CA
San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Probate File # 160 1882
Will is dated 6-5-1875
S. B. CALL, deceased, dod: 5-26, 1880, pod: San Luis Obispo County, CA
Nancy Emeline CALL, executrix, widow of deceased
Silas Reuben CALL, son of deceased, aged 10 yrs
Lena CALL, daughter of deceased, aged 7 yrs
Ralph CALL, son of deceased, aged 5 yrs
Estate valued at $ 35,028.62
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 133 PG 702
Clara Elizabeth BONGARD, white/female/American/divorced; dob: 12-1-1907; pob: Ohio; dod: 4-10-1987 at 8:30
AM; not Spanish/Hispanic; pod: Huntington Terrace Convalscent Home, Morro Bay; age at time of death: 79
yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: clerk for 30 yrs, Los Angeles Unified School District
informant: self - pre-arranged
father: Dewitt C. BALLARD pob: New York
mother: Elsie A. MEAD pob: Ohio
cause of death: Cardiac Arrest duration - minutes
Congestive Cardiomyopathy duration - years
COPD, breast cancer
Cremation 4-14-1987 The Neptune Society
Arroyo Grande Crematory
San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Probate File # 5453 1943
Kate E. CALL, deceased, dod: 9-24-1942, resident of San Luis Obispo County
A. R. CALL, administrator, adult son of deceased, resident of Linnell Ave, Napa, CA
Beth EVENSON, adult daughter of deceased, resident of Lompoc, Ca, Santa Barbara County
Cash: $1,377.41
Santa Cruz County Superior Court Probate File # 3622
Silas Lynn CALL aka Robert CALL, deceased,
Arthur Reuben CALL, administrator,
Kate E. CALL, mother of deceased and only heir, resident of Agnew's State Hospital, Agnew, CA
Cash: $1,07.68
Personal property: $144.00
Miscellaneours Marriages
Bernard Allen AGGERS m. Jeanne Patricia BONGARD 6/15/1947 VOL 11 PG 114
Richard Franklin TWIBELL m. Ruth Ivy BONGARD 12/4/1946 VOL 12 PG 4
Miscellaneous Births
Lesley Daniel HOLLAND VOL 56 PG 292 dob: 3-20-1954 father: Lesley Leo HOLLAND; mother: Janice May
Suzanne Lois MILES VOL 111 PG 1 dob: 12-15-1973 father: Russell Walker MILES, mother: Joan Renee
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 146 PG 604
Allan Reed MURPHY, dob: 3-24-1911; pob: TX; dod: 8-22-1994 at 4:50 AM; surviving
spouse: Goldie SALSMAN Sun City West, AZ; pod: French Hospital; never in the military; level of education: 12
yrs; not Hispanic; usual residence: Castle Rock Dr., Sun City West, AZ; Maricopa County; length of stay at this
address: 2 yrs; former state: Arizona; occupation: business administrator for S. M. West Petroleum for 25 yrs
informant: wife
father: Gordon MURPHY pob: AL
mother: Sara Nancy XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: TN
cause of death: respiratory arrest duration - 14 min
coronary artery & mitral valve disease duration - yrs
gastrointestinal bleeding
operation: mitral valve replacement, coronary artery bypass grafting 7-26-1994 Dr.
Luke Farber
CR/TR 8-24-1994 Sun City West, Arizona
Coast Family Crematory Service
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 120 PG 134
Beatrice Camilla BURNETT, caucasian/female/divorced; dob: 7-18-1924; pob: AZ; dod: found 7-30-1977 at 10:00
AM; age at time of death: 53 yrs; pod: residence Casita St., Oceano; citizen of the USA; length of stay at county of
death: 7 yrs; CA: 51 yrs; occupation: housewife adult life in own home
informant: Anita S. SABALA Alhambra, CA
father: Joe CHAVEZ pob: Mexico
mother: Antonia XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: AZ
cause of death: hepatic failure duration - hours
fatal cirrhosis of liver duration - months
chronic alcoholism duration - yrs
cremation 8-1-1977 Atascadero Crematory
Wood Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 43 PG 48
Sarah Jane CASTNER, white/female/widow; dob: 10-24-1874; pob: Oregon; dod: 10-13-1960 at 9:05
PM; pod: General Hospital: age at time of death: 85 yrs; occupation: homemaker in own home for 65 yrs; usual
residence: Wilson-Levi Ranch, Tranquility, Fresno County, CA; length of stay in county of death: 9 days; CA: 74 yrs
informant: Eugene CASTNER Oceano
father: Simon SPENCER pob: Ohio
mother: Sarah XX(last name with held per CA state law)
cause of death: pulmonary edema duration - 2 days
biliary obstruction
Violet Stephenson MD
Burial 10-17-1960 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. Woods Funeral Director
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 21 PG 358
Eugene Milton CASTNER, white/male/married; dob: 5-29-1872; pob: Nebraska; dod: 2-24-1943 at 4:30 AM; pod:
residence Paso Robles Ave, Oceano; length of stay at pod: 4 mos; CA: 55 yrs; occupation: retired, laborer; surviving
spouse: Sarah CASTNER age 68 yrs; not a veteran
informant: Kate CASTNER Oceano
father: Eugene Milton CASTNER pob: Germany
mother: unknown
cause of death: cancer of both legs
Burial 2-27-1943 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. Wood Funeral Director Arroyo Grande
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 38 PG 85
Raymond nmn LOWRY, white/male/married; dob: 12-13-1888; pob: Minnesota; dod: 4-9-1957 at 4:45
AM; pod: General hospital, patient for 5 days; age at time of death: 69 yrs; citizen of the USA; veteran of WWI; usual
residence: Park Ave, Cayucos; surviving spouse: Laura J. LOWRY; usual occupation: mechanic fiberboard products
informant: wife - no parental info -no cause of death
removal 4-12-1957 to Golden Gate National Cemetery San Bruno, CA
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths vol 42 pg 157
Laura Mable CALKINS, white/female/widow; dob: 8-29-1874; pob: Canada; dod: 3-19-1960 at 7:10AM; pod: Sierra
Vista Hospital; age at time of death: 85 yrs; length of time in this community: 6 yrs; CA: 54 yrs; occupation: housewife
for 27 yrs; citizen of the USA
informant: Allen M. CALKINS
father: Mathew McDOUGALL pob: Scotland
mother: Semanthy KNIGHT pob: Canada
cause of death: Chronic Myocarditis duration - 2 yrs
Entombment 3-23-1960 IOOF Mausoleum
Palmer-Waters Chapel
Telegram Tribune Sat. 3-19-1960
LAURA CALKINS - Resident Dies
Mrs. Laura Mabel CALKINS, 85, native of Canada and resident of San Luis Obispo for the past 6 years, died this morning
in a local hospital after a long illness.
Mrs. CALKINS was born 8-29-1874, in Kempville, Ontario, Canada, and before coming to this area to live had made her
home in Bakersfield, CA.
She is survived by five sons, Allen M. "Al" CALKINS and Oswald F. CALKINS, both of San Luis Obispo, Delmar M.
CALKINS of Compton, CA, Forrest I. CALKINS of San Bruno, CA., and Clarence C. CALKINS of the US Navy; two
daughters, Mrs. Laura R. CERMICH of Morangono Valley, CA and Mrs. Eileen L. BIRDSALL of Santa Ana, CA; and three
brothers, Jerb McCOUGALL, Steve McDOUGALL and Bert McDOUGALL, all of Los Angeles; a sister, Mrs. Lottie
PALLSON of San Diego, CA, nine Grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Palmer-Waters Chapel. Time and place of the service will be
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 8 PG 109
Lucinda BROCK, white/female/widow; dob: 1836; pob: Texas; dod: 8-16-1919 at 4:00 PM; pod: Paso
Robles; occupation: at home; length of residence at pod: 12 yrs; CA: 30 yrs
no parental info
cause of death: chronic myocarditis Dr. Clifford L. Sabey
Burial 8-18-1919 San Miguel Cemetery
Miscellaneous Brock Information
Gertrude BROCK dod: 10-30-1918 VOL 3 PG 295 Health
Lucinda BROCK dod: 8-16-1919 VOL 8 PG 109
Russell BROCK dod: 6-30-1896 VOL 2 BK B note VOL 7 PG 33 Health
Wilhelmina BROCK dod: 5-14-1915 VOL 5 PG 196
William BROCK dod: 1-30-1933 VOL 14 PG 272
Alfred Bishop BROCK dob: 2/6/1932 father: Marvin Bishop BROCK; mother: Fay Marie ADAY
Charles BROCK dob: 3/24/1925 father: John W. BROCK; mother: Mary ERVINE
Donald Howard BROCK dob: 9/19/1917 father: Robert Franklin BROCK; mother: Nettie FREEMAN VOL 3 PG 103
Floyd W. BROCK dob: 6/2/1889 VOL 218 PG 420 note: O.R.
John Willis BROCK dob: 9/7/1903 VOL 322 PG 275 note O.R.
Louis Robert BROCK dob: 5/9/1916 father: Robert Frank BROCK; mother: Annette FREEMAN VOL 9 Health
unknown BROCK doB: 11/11/1910 FATHER: Henry P. Brock MOTHER: Eva Tomer
Miscellaneous Gear Information
Manny GEAR dod: 12/20/1912 VOL 4 PG 150 "Health"
Armon Lee GEAR married Erin Wibur HEASRT 5-5-1982
William H. GEAR married Clara M CEAR 6-19-1902 VOL F PG 353
Ray Lynn GEAR dob: 12-16-1959 VOL 73 PG 97
Jay Lynn GEAR dob: 12-16-1959 VOL 73 PG 98
Louis Phillip GEAR dob: 6-4-1950 VOL 44 PG 214
Birth Cert # 2005002580
Leslie Guadalupe RODRIGUEZ female/single/twin 1st born dob: 12-18-2005 at 0934 hrs
Birth Cert # 2005002581
Luis Francisco RODRIGUEZ male/single/twin 2nd born dob: 12-17-2005 at 0936 hrs pob:
Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton
father: Luis Francisco RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico dob: 8-18-1975
mother: Araceli XX(Last name with held per CA state law) pob: Mexico dob: 5-27-1970
Birth Cert # 1986992215
Luis Felipe RODRIGUEZ, male/single, dob: 12-6-1986 at 1035 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Felipe
RODRIGUEZ aged 32, pob: Mexico; mother: Evangelina XX(last name with held per CA state law) aged 31 yrs,
pob: Mexico
Birth Cert # 2006001901
Luis Alberto RODRIGUEZ, male/single, dob: 9-12-2006 at 1909 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Luis Alberto
RODRIGUEZ dob: 6-10-1979 pob: Mexico; mother: Karina Victoria XX(last name with held per CA state law) dob: 8-
20-1986 pob: Mexico
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2004000862
Groom: Michael Gabriel RODRIGUEZ; dob: 6-28-1979, resident of Grover Beach, pob: CA; no prior
marriages, occupation: laborer in construction; level of education: 12 yrs; father: Tony Valdez RODRIGUEZ
Jr. pob: CA; mother: Karen Renee XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: CA
Bride: Sonia Antoinette LOPEZ; dob: 5-18-1979, resident of Grover Beach; pob: CA; no prior
marriages; occupation: program specialist, clerical, level of education: 12 yrs; father: George
LOPEZ pob: CA; mother: Amentha Lee XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: HI
Married 7-17-2004 at Arroyo Grande by Fr. Raymond Mallett OTM Priest
San Luis Obispo County Death Cert # 2005000401
Manuel PINO; white/male/married; dob: 4-23-1938; pob: CA; dod: 3-14-2005 at 0830 hrs; age at time of death: 66 yrs;
pod: residence, Arroyo Grande; surviving spouse: Delia Lynn RODRIGUEZ; race: Mexican; level of
education: 12 yrs; never in the armed services; occupation: tool room attendent cable manufactuing for 33 yrs; usual
residence: Arroyo Grande; 55 yrs in this county
informant: Delia PINO
father: Charlie PINO pob: Mexico
mother: Carmen XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: respiratory failure/brain metasteses/carcinoma of unknown primary/diabetes
Burial 3-22-2005 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Lady Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 13 PG 742
Nicanor RODRIGUEZ; male/Hispanic/widow; dob: 1-9-1892; pob: Mexico; dod: 1-9-1986 at 1823 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; age at time of death: 94 yrs; citizen of Mexico; occupation: laborer for R. Obayashi
Farms, general farming; usual residence: Beach St. Oceano
informant: Mrs. Mary NUNEZ - daughter Oceano
father: Hepumusene RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico
mother: Piedad XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: bronchial pneumonia
Burial 1-13-1986 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo Death Cert # 2005000987
Luis Baricuartro RODRIGUEZ; male/filipino/married; dob: 6-21-1922; pob: P.I.; dod: 7-7-2005 at 1710
hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Community Hospital; age at time of death: 83 yrs; never in the armed
services; race: Filipino; usual residence: Grover Beach; occupation: DMV motor vehicle agent for 21 yrs
informant: Remedios RODRIGUEZ wife
father: Pedro Guangco RODRIGUEZ pob: P.I.
mother: Victoria XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: P.i.
cause of death: sepsis/ peritonitis/bacteriodes fragilis infection/cardiomyopathy/hepatocellular carcinoma
Burial 7-23-2005 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 157 PG 573
Luis L. RODRIGUEZ; white/male/divorced; dob: 3-11-1930; pob: CA; dod: 1-3-2000 at 0540 hrs; pod: Woodside
Nursing Home; age at time of death: 67 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs; not Hispanic; was in the military service; usual
occupation: US Postal Service sorter for 35 yrs; usual residence: Buchon St. San Luis Obispo; 69 yrs in this county
informant: Dorothy BARRIOS friend
father: Alberto RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico
mother: Florencia XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: cardio pulmonary arrest/coronary artery disease/diabetes melletes/end stage kidney disease
cremation/burial 1-6-2000 Old Mission Catholic Cemetery
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 146 PG 411
Carmen O. PINO; white/female/widow; dob: 4-25-1902; pob: Mexico; dod: 7-11-1994 at 0897 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; age at time of death: 92 yrs; race: Mexican/Hispanic; level of education: 8
yrs; occupation: self-employed homemaker for 70 yrs; usual residence: Alder St., Arroyo Grande; in this county for 45
informant: Estalla LOPEZ - daughter Oceano
father: Antonio OCHOA pob: Mexico
mother: Maria XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: Hypertension/arrhythmia/valvular heart disease
Burial 7-15-1994 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Lady Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK G PG 290
Groom: Henry C. SKOW, native of Ca, aged 24 yrs, resident of San Francisco
Bride: Ida May FREEMAN, native of Ca, aged 26 yrs, resident of Cayucos
witness: E. R. FREEMAN, a resident of Cayucos and Erma C. SKOW, a resident of Hollister, county of San Bonita, State
of Ca
married 3-28-1906 in Cayucos by Jas. Blackledge Minister of the Gospel
Book of Marriages BK 26 PG 361
Groom: Daniel Ross FIDLER, dob: 11-27-1947, 23 yrs old, 1 st marriage, pob: Michigan, white, residence: White Oak
Ave, Encino, Ca, Los Angeles county, student, level of education: 18 yrs, father: Herman
FIDLER pob: Michigan, mother: Reva XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Michigan
Bride: Cindy SHAW, dob: 11-24-1948, 22 yrs old, 1 st marriage, pob: Kansas, residence: Binscarth, Baywood Park,
San Luis Obispo county, student, level of education: 16 yrs, father: Robert CHAMPLAIN pob: New York,
mother: Bernice XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Washington
witnesses: Mary OAKES and Jeanne OAKES both of SLO county
married 5-28-1971 at the courthouse by Judge Paul Jackson
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages VOL 22 PG 36
Groom: Wardner HARRIS: dob: 8-16-1920; pod: CA; age: 46; occupation: Atascadero State Hospital; father: Harley
L. HARRIS pob: Miss; mother: Garnet Fern WARREN pob: Ind
Bride: Ethel GEISER: dob: 3-28(?)-1917; pob: Ill; age: 50; resident of Fresno; occupation: cashier; maiden name:
ICHKOWSKY; father: Morris ICHKOWSKY pob: Russia; mother: Anna GRALICK pob: Russia dom:
San Luis Obispo Superior County Family Law/Probate Register #: E PG #: 369; 373
William F. DONNELLY: deceased; dod: 3-1-1883; pod: Elko, Nevada, Washoe County; age: 45 yrs
Mary Dodge HILL: wife of deceased; age: unknown; resident of Los Angeles County
William H. DONNELLY: age 27; resident of Los Angeles
Laura DONNELLY: age 23; resident of Los Angeles County
Rebecca W. Donnelly HUBBARD: daughter of deceased
Laura Donnelly McDONALD; daughter of deceased
Edna Madalena 4/27/1887 VOL 3 PG 2 "delayed"
Elizabeth 2/3/1900 VOL 296 PG 382 "O.R."
Eugene 10/7/1904 VOL 296 PG 333 "O.R."
Francis Lane 10/20/1905 VOL 2 PG 12
Jeanette 10/28/1879 VOL 3 PG 184 "delayed"
John 1/24/1882 VOL 322 PG 329 "O.R."
Ruby Ruth 10/29/1903 VOL 5 PG 129 "delayed"
Ruth Josephine 10/29/1903 VOL 5 PG 246
Theodore 1/15/1903 VOL 296 PG 333 "O.R."
Walter 11/24/1897 VOL 296 PG 382 "O.R."
dob: 5/1/1873; sex: male; father: John PRICE; mother: Andrea CARLON
PRICE Marriages
Carlotta PRICE m. Jose VIDAL 2/18/1874 VOL A PG 179
Elena PRICE m. Leopold PEPPERMAN 10/3/1874 VOL A PG 195
Elizabeth PRICE m. Manuel De La GUERRA 4/25/1890 VOL B PG 432
Manuela PRICE m. Ramon VALDEZ 12/28/1865 VOL A PG 75
MaryAnn PRICE m. Michael MEHERIN 4/21/1881 VOL A PG 437
Melinda PRICE m. Joseph T. GIBSON 8/3/1876 VOL A PG 250
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births VOL 82 PG 158
Lori Ann LANDECK; female/single; dob: 11-25-1962 at 1:24 pm; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital
mother: Sharon Rae XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: CA; race: white; age: 25 yrs; resident of San Luis
father: Donald Albert LANDECK; race: white; age: 25 yrs; pob: CA; occupation: assistant manager retail
mercantile; resident of San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 108 PG 28
Byron Millard GRAHAM: caucasian/male/married; dob: 12-17-1886; pob: Texas; dod: 12-9-1971 at 9:40 pm; age at
time of death: 84 yrs; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital; surviving spouse: Gladys BIBLE; citizen of the
USA; usual residence: Manzanita Dr., Los Osos; occupation: self-employed farmer for 40 yrs
informant: Gladys GRAHAM wife
father: Millard GRAHAM pob: unk
mother: Lula JOHNS pob: unk
cause of death: bronchial pneumonia/arteriosclerotic heart disease/chronic urinary tract infection
Burial 12-13-1971 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Birzo-Palmer-Waters Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 125 PG 398
Joyce Ann EICH: white/female/married; dob: 12-9-1916; pob: MN; dod: 9-16-1981 at 0829 hrs; age at time of
death: 64 yrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; citizen of the USA; occupation: homemaker, adult life; usual
residence: Fresno St., Morro Bay; surviving spouse: Donald Edwin EICH
father: Francis G. SCHRADER pob: Denmark
mother: Mary Nelson pob: Denmark
cause of death: hepatic cirrhosis with decompensations Anthony Wolf MD
Cremation 9-18-1981 Grandview Crematory Glendale, CA
McDermott-Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 140 PG 364
Earl John PAYUREK: white/male/not Hispanic; dob: 9-22-1907; pob: North Dakota; dod: 3-13-1991 at 1800
hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age at time of death: 84 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Care facility , Morro
Bay; number of years in this county: 26; occupation: self-employed owner of a dental lab for 20 yrs; level of
education: 14 yrs
informant: Wallace R. MILLIGAN - son Los Osos
no parental info
cause of death: coronary (can't read)
Burial 3-18-1991 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park Los Osos\Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 98 PG 580
Soloman D. SINNER aka Dick D. SINNER: white/male/widowed; dob: 7-7-1887; pob: Kansas; dod: 1-1-1969 at 11:45
am; age at time of death: 81 yrs; pod: Juniper St., Arroyo Grande; citizen of the USA; occupation: self-employed
carpenter for 19 yrs home construction industry; length of time in this county: 19 yrs; this state: 57 yrs
informant: Mr. Elmer D. RIFFEL Wasco, CA
father: Pete SINNER pob: Russia
mother: Katherine XX (last name with held per CA state law)
cause of death: ASHH/carcinoma of the prostrate
Burial 1-6-1969 Shafter Memorial Park Shafter, CA
Earl W. Wood Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 148 PG 210
Wilhelmina Charlotte PAYUREK, white/female/divorced; dob: 9-22-1906; pob: Saskatchewan; dod: 7-5-1995 at 2145
hrs; pod: Hillhaven Care Center; age at time of death: 88 yrs; not Hispanic; level of education: 12 yrs; usual
residence: Pacific St., Morro Bay; occupation: self-employed homemaker for 68 yrs; number of years in this
community: 31 yrs
informant: William ROWLEY executor
father: William TUCK pob: unknown
mother: Mary Unknown
cause of death: pulmonary embolism/hip fracture
Stephen Hansen MD stated - deceased lost balance while walking and fell to the floor, fracturing her left hip.
Burial 7-8-1995 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park Los Osos
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 157 PG 323
Peter ESAKOFF; white/male/married; dob: 4-22-1926; pob: CA; dod: 12-7-1999 at 0545; pod: residence Dawn Rd.,
Nipomo; age at time of death: 73 yrs; veteran: yes; not Hispanic: occupation: engineer Boeing/Rockwell aerospace
for 35 yrs; level of education: 14 yrs; 18 yrs in this community
informant: Wanda J. ESAKOFF wife
father: William Luke ESAKOFF pob: Russia
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Russia
cause of death: Gastro intestinal bleeding/intravascular coagulation/prostate cancer
Burial 12-11-1999 Santa Maria Cemetery
Dudley Hoffman Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 146 PG 617
Dorothy Alexander WATSON, white/female/widow; dob: 2-25-1918; pob: Arizona; dod: 8-19-1994; pod: Southford
Rd., Paso Robles; age at time of death: 76 yrs; level of education: 13 yrs; usual residence: Cole St., Downey, Los
Angeles County; occupation: bookkeeper for 40 yrs McKay Manufacturing
informant: Jean Bayer daughter Paso Robles
father: Alex GALITZEN pob: Russia
mother: Sarah GUSIVA pob: Russia
cause of death: venticular arrhythmis/chronic hypertension/type II diabetes
Burial 8-24-1994 Rose Hills Memorial Park Whittier, CA
Rose Hills Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 45 PG 84
Mike A. KANIHAN; male/white/single; dob: 5-30-1913; pob: CA; dod: 2-17-1962 at 12:45 pm; pod: Atascadero State
Hospital; veteran: yes 1941; usual residence: Carolina St. San Francisco; length of time in this community: 2
mos; CA: 48 yrs; citiizen of USA
informant: Atascadero State Hospital
father: Alex KANIHAN pob: Russia
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Russia
causeof death: Acute myocardial infartion, coronary thrombosis
Burial 2-21-1962 Russian Cemetery Colma, CA
San Francisco Funeral Service
Telegram Tribune Monday 6-22-1987
James Paul SUSOFF, 33, of Los Osos died Saturday, June 20, 1987, in a San Luis Obispo hospital. Graveside services
will be held Tues. at 10 am at the Los Osos Valley Memorial Park. James D. Kennemus of the 1st Christian Church of
Morro Bay will officiate.
Mr. Susoff was born 8-18-1953 in Bakersfield. He had lived in Los Osos since 1968 and had attended local schools.
He had worked for several years as an offshore tanker service engineer.
He is survived by his father, Paul, and mother, Esther, both of Los Osos; a sister Julie L. DUNCAN of Avenal; and a
grandmother Jean Tanya BURKOFF of Los Angeles.
Visitation will be today from 1 to 5 and from 7 - 8 pm.
Donations can be made to the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic at 4650 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca 90027
Miscellaneous LOWRY Births
Jean Howell LOWRY 1/8/1937 BK 15 PG 226
John Clair LOWRY 7/1/1952 BK 51 PG 190
Kathleen nmn LOWRY 1/28/1936 BK 19 PG 384
Margaret Ruth LOWRY 6/6/1942 BK 27 PG 18
Michelle Adair LOWRY 5/24/1981 BK 10 PG 613
Patricia Violet LOWRY 11/8/1949 BK 43 PG 67
Ragina Louise LOWRY 8/31/1933 BK 17 PG 484
Robert Clair LOWRY 1/5/1976 BK 6 PG 58
Robert Clair LOWRY 5/25/1979 BK 6 PG 614
Thomas Walter LOWRY 3/17/1954 BK 56 PG 261
Miscellaneous LOWRY Deaths
John Joseph LOWRY 10/4/1990 BK 139 PG 593
Raymond LOWRY 9/9/1957 BK 38 PG 85
Miscellaneous LOWRY Marriages
Charles Everett LOWRY m. Lois Verna HUNTER 12/22/1957 BK 17 PG 370
George L. LOWRY m. Emma WHITE 1/22/1889 BK B PG 329
John Clair LOWRY m. Vicki Ann NUNES 5/22/1976 BK 31 PG 565
Melvin C. SWAN m. Marcelette Jocelyn LOWRY 2/10/1931 BK R PG 310
Manuel Francis WILVA m. Nancy Lynn LOWRY nee TAYLOR 1/26/1974 BK 29 PG 54
Raymond Manuel CORDOZA m. Patricia Violet LOWRY 11/9/1968 BK 23 PG 102
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 155 PG 661
William Arthur BURNETT: white/male/married; dob: 12-16-1907; pob: CA; dod: 2-28-1999 at 0100 hrs; age at time of
death: 91 yrs; pod: French Hospital; veteran: yes; surviving spouse: Louise Stevens BURNETT; usual
residence: Meadow Way, Arroyo Grande; length of time in this community: 7 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs;
occupation: engineer with Shell Oil Co for 30 yrs
informant: wife
father: George Francis BURNETT pob: CA
mother: Emma XX(Last name with held per CA state law)
cause of death: cerebral vascular accident, bladder cancer, congestive heart failure
cremation 3-7-1999 scattering off shore of Avila Beach
McDermott-Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 5 PG 79
Sara Ann DRESSER, female/caucasian/married; dob: 5-5-1883; pob: CA; dod: 9-1-1911; pod: residence Santa
Margarita; age at time of death: 27 yrs, 11 mos, 3 days; occupation: housewife; length of stay at pod: 8 mos
informant: F. C. DRESSER husband
father: Robert W. W. VINCENT pob: Alabama
mother: Anna E. NORBOE pob: CA
cause of death: pulmonary Tuberculosis J. W. Hicks MD
Burial 9-3-1911 Santa Margarita
L. D. Weeks Undertaker Santa Margarita
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 111 PG 608
Evelyn Florence HOLLAND, white/female/married; dob: 4-27-1910; pob: Illinois; dod: 5-25-1973 at 12:50
pm; pod: French Hospital; length of time in this community: 5 yrs; CA: 42 yrs; name of spouse: Lewis M.
HOLLAND; occupation: homemaker for 32 yrs in own home
informant: husband
father: Ralph Waldo MOSENA pob: Iowa
mother: Gloria BARLEY pob: Illinois
cause of death: cirrhosis of the liver, severe anemia
Caesar French MD
Burial IOOF Mausoleum Santa Cruz 5-26-1973
Sutcliffe Mortuary
Telegram Tribune Sat. 5-26-1973
Evelyn Florence HOLLAND, 63, died Friday in a San Luis Obispo hospital. Private funeral services will be held at a later
date. Entombment will be in the Odd Fellows Mausoleum in Santa Cruz.
Mrs. HOLLAND was born 4-27-1918, in Chicago, Illinois, and had lived in San Luis Obispo for 5 years.
Surviving her are the widower, Lewis, and a son, Ralph, both of San Luis Obispo; the mother, Gloria MOSENA of Santa Cruz;
a daughter, Gloria WENGER of Concord, and 1 grandchild.
Memorial contributions maybe made to any handicapped children's organization. Sutcliffe Mortuary, San Luis Obispo.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 37
Samuel Harrison KILER, white/male/married; dob: 7-3-1851; pob: St. Joe, Michigan; dod: 3-26-1914; pod: Paso
Robles; age at time of death: 62 yrs, 8 mos, 23 days; occupation: real estate and insurance; length of stay at pod: 28
yrs; CA: 43 yrs
informant: Mrs. S. H. KILER Paso Robles
father: S. KILER
mother: unknown
cause of death: atropic gastritis, general phlebitiBurial 3-27-1914 IOOF Cemetery
W. Palmer Undertaker Paso Robles
Telegram - Tribune Sat. March 5, 1956 Pg 2
Myrtle I. BAULDIN - Services Tomorrow
Oceano, 3-5-1956, Mrs. Myrtle Ilassa BAULDIN, 69, resident of this city for the past 15 years, died this morning in a San
Luis Obispo hospital after a long illness.
She is survived by her two daughters, Mrs. Rose LARSEN, of Salinas and Mrs. Ethel BOGART, of Van Nuys; two sons,
Frank BAULDIN, of Chicago and Elmer BAULDIN, of Buffalo, Mo.;5 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow in the Woods Funeral Chapel in Arroyo Grande. Friends may call at the chapel for
the exact time.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 51 PG 141
Ear Marion COMER, male/white; dob: 5-28-1900; pob: CA; dod: found 11-20-1965 at 5:30 pm; pod; residence
highway 1, outside city of Cayucos; age at time of death: 65 yrs; citizen of USA; occupation: pipefitter for 25 yrs, US
Navy civilian employee; 2 yrs in this county
informant: Mrs. Velma LIVELY Sonoma, CA
father: Herbert COMER pob: Mass
mother: Etta YOUNG pob: Illinois
cause of death: congestive heart failur, hypertension, arteriosclosis
cremation 11-25-1965 Atascadero Crematory
Palmer-Waters Chapel
Telegram - Tribune Friday March 19, 1999
Jean Tanya BUKOFF, 92, of San Luis Obispo, died Thursday March 18, 1999, at a San Luis Obispo care center.
Burial will be at a later date at Russian Molokan Cemetery in the City of Commerce.
Mrs. Bukoff was born May 5, 1906, to William and Hazel PHILLPOFF of Russia. She had lived in San Luis Obispo the
last 12 years.
She was preceded in death by her first husband, Fred SUSOFF, second husband, Martin BUKOFF, and a son, daughter,
and grandson.
She is survived by sons Paul SUSOFF and his wife, Esther, of Los Osos and Fred SUSOFF and his wife Jeannette of
Whittier; daughters Vera SIMMONS and husband Lee of Camarillo, Helen VAN NESS of Redding, and Mary Ann
MOSZELER and husband Sid of Camas, Wa; and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren; including Gary DUNCAN
and Sasha TISDELL of Los Osos and two great-great-grandchildren.
The family requests donations be made to the charity of choice.
Telegram Tribune Tues. Feb. 4, 1986
Ann FORBES, 73, of Morro Bay, died Sunday, February 2, 1986, at her home. Services will be at 4 pm on Wednesday at
Benedict-Rettey Chapel in Morro Bay. Estero Bay Chapter 587, Order of The Eastern Star will officiate.
Private burial will follow in the Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery.
Mrs. FORBES was born July 25, 1912, in San Francisco. She was a housewife all of her married life. She moved to
Morro Bay from Los Angeles in 1970. She belonged to Estero Bay Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and the
Grandmother's Club in Morro Bay.
Mrs. FORBES is survived by her husband, Lester FORBES, of Morro Bay; one daughter, Annette JEDNORALESK, of
Laguna Hills; one son, Earl A. FORBES, of Walnut Creek; two sisters, Mary ERNENWEIN of West Covina and Hazel
HERNDON of San Gabriel; one brother, Nick KANEHEN of Staton, Wa; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Visitation will be from 1 - 5 pm and 7 - 8 pm Tuesday and from 8 am until services on Wednesday.
Donations may be made to Estero Chapter 587, Order of the Eastern Star.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 139 PG 853
Martha Lucille FRANZINI, female/white/widow; dob: 2-4-1903; pob: Illinois; dod: 11-24-1990 at 0700 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Care Center; not Hispanic; occupation: self-employed owner cosmotology shop for 25 yrs; level of
education: 13 yrs; 23 yrs in this county; age at time of death: 87 yrs
informant: self before demise
father: Sam STITES pob: Illinois
mother: Nettie XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: respiratory failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Ernest Jones MD
CR/SEA 3 miles off shore Santa Barbara channel
McDermott- Crockett Mortuary1-29-1990
Miscellaneous Boyle Marriages
William BOYLE married Ida Josephine CARSON 11-25-1931 VOL 5 PG 38
William Cole BOYLE married Blodwen Sarah Thompson WEST 2-19-1945 VOL 8 PG 343
William Cole BOYLE married Gail Marie LAWSON 9-12-1970 VOL 25 PG 231
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 13 PG 286
Martha Jane BOYLE, white/female/married; dob: 6-19-1860; pob: MO; dod: 2-27-1931 at 8 PM; pod: Paso
Robles; age at time of death: 70 yrs, 8 mos, 8 days; husband: William BOYLE; occupation: housewife; length of stay
at pod: 4 yrs; CA: 10 yrs
informant: William BOYLE husband
father: unknown HAMLETT pob: Tenn
mother: unknown
cause of death: angina pectoris, arteriosclerosis, hypertension
Burial 3-2-1931 at Oak Grove Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 17 PG 39
William BOYLE, white/male/married; dob: 3-26-1858; pob: Corydon, Iowa; dod: 1-24-1937 at 12:30 PM; pod: Paso
Robles; age at time of death: 78 yrs, 9 mos, 28 days; wife: Ida J. BOYLE; occupation: farmer; length of stay in Paso
Robles area: 25 yrs; CA: 31 yrs
informant: Otto Kuehl Paso Robles
father: Richard BOYLE pob: Ireland
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: chronic myocarditis, coronary occlusion, cardiac failure
Dr. Jens W. Larsen MD Paso Robles
Burial 1-26-1937 IOOF Cemetery Paso Robles\
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 19 PG 251
Ida J. BOYLE; white/female/widow; dob: 8-15-1858; pob: Cortland, NY; dod: 8-21-1940 at 3:30 AM; age at time of
death: 84 yrs, 0 mos, 6 days; pob: Cortland, NY; husband: William BOYLE
(deceased); occupation: housewife; usual residence: Newcomb Hotel, Paso Robles; length of stay in this
community: 30 yrs; CA: 30 yr
informant: J. H. WRIGHT Paso Robles
father: J. A. TAYLOR pob: Cortland, NY
mother: Phoebe Jane XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Rochester, NY
cause of death: shock due to fractured rt femur 6 days prior. Accident - fell on sidewalk.
E. M. Bingham MD
Kuehl Funeral Home
SLO Telegram Tribune Thurs. Sept 14, 1995 page B-6
Florence SELANDER, 92, of Atascadero died Wedn, Sept 13, 1995, at a Templeton hospital.
No services will be held at the request of the deceased. Cremation will be followed by inurnment at Forrest Lawn
Memorial Park in Glendale.
Mrs. SELANDER was born April 17, 1903, in Cambridge, Minn. She was a homemaker for 59 yrs. She was very active
with the Presbyterian Church in Santa Monica. She was an avid bridge player. She moved to Atascadero in 1989.
She is survived by her daughter, Joyce SCHULTZ and her husband Harold of Atascadero; 3 grandchildren, Steve
SCHULTZ, of Fresno, Gary SCHULTZ, of El Segundo, and Kristine LODGE of Camp Pendleton, and her brother, Wilford
GERDIN of Princeton, Minn.
Arrangements are by Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths VOL 148 PG 574
Coroner's Amendment VOL 148 PG 17 dod: should read 9-14-1995
Florence Rose Gerdin SELANDER, female/white/widow; dob: 5-17-1903; pob: MN; dod: 9-13-1995 at 0335
hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; age at time of death: 92 yrs; not Hispanic; occupation: self-employed
homemaker in own home for 71 yrs; level of education: 8 yrs; usual residence: Santa Rosa Rd # 4, Atascadero; length
of time in Ca: 6 yrs
informant: Joyce Shultz - daughter Atascadero
father: John W. GERDIN pob: MN
mother: Annie OMAN pob: MN
cause of death: bacterial pneumonia duration - 5 days
multiple right rib fractures due to striking rib cage on chair; accidental fall; fell while
dressing in home 10 days before death
CR/BU Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale, CA Los Angeles County
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 134 PG 663
Agnes Lorrine MANNING, female/Portuguese/divorced; dob: 10-29-1924; pob: Ca; dod: 11-25-1987 at 1015 hrs; pod:
Pismo Beachage at time of death: 63 yrs; usual residence: Arroyo Grande; occupation: housewife, adult life in own home;
citizen of the USA
informant: Stephen MANNING - son- LaVerne, Ca
father: Joseph James BORBA pob: Azores Islands
mother: Agnes RUDA pob: Ca
cause of death: respiratory failure
Burial in Arroyo Grande District Cemetery 11-30-1987
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 59 PG 195
Agnes Martha BORBA, white/female/widow; dob: 3-9-1905; pob: Ca; dod: 11-1-2000 at 1401 hrs; age at time of death: 95
yrs; usual residence: Shell Beach; length of stay in county of death: 95 yrs; never in the Armed services; not Hispanic;
level of Education: 8 yrs; occupation: homemaker for 78 yrs
informant: Virginia GREEN - daughter - Jackson, Ca
father: Antone RUDA pob: Azores Islands
mother: Georgia CALLAWAY pob: Ca
cause of death: Cardiorespiratory failure/congestive heart failure with aortic sclerosis
Burial in Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 266 (Coroner's Certificate)
Albert DeWITTS, male/white/married, dob: 12-25-1883 ; pob: Bathurst, N.S. Wales; dod: 2-13-1916; pod: near Henry
Station; age at time of death: 32 yrs, 1 mo, 19 days; occupation: plasterer; length of stay in this county: 6 mos; Ca: 14 yrs
informant: Harry WITTS Turlock, Ca
father: Harry WITTS Greenland, Australia
mother: Susan HARTNETT pob: N.S. Wales Australia
cause of death: Struck by train on a railroad crossing while riding in a wagon being driven across railroad.
Removal/Burial San Francisco 2-15-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 48 PG 455
Groom: Jake Wayne ANGLES, resident of Paso Robles, native of Ca, dob: 12-21-1962, 1st marriage, occupation:
landscape contractor, level of education: 17 yrs, father: Warren Allen ANGLES, pob: Ca; mother: Sharon Kathleen FIELD,
pob: Ca
Bride: Angela Kay BUTLER, resident of Paso Robles, native of Michigan, dob: 10-26-1962, 1st marriage, level of
education: 16 yrs, occupation: homemaker, father: unknown; mother: Reba Fay STANDIFER pob: Tenn
dom: 9-2-1989 in Arroyo Grande by James Wickstrom - Pastor
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 50 PG 37
Groom: Ward Allen ANGLES, resident of Arcata, Humboldt County, Ca, native of Ca, 1st marriage, dob: 10-2-1965;
occupation: resident director - university, level of education: 18 yrs, father: Warren Allen ANGLES, pob: Ca; mother:
Sharon Kathleen FIELD, pob: Ca
Bride: Julie Ann HAFNER, San Luis Obispo, native of Ca, dob: 9-26-1961, 1st marriage, level of education: 17yrs,
occupation: teacher - secondary education, father: Donald Ray HAFNER pob: Ca; mother: Patricia RICHTER pob: Ca dom:
12-29-1990 in Morro Bay by ? Jeffreys Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 4
Anna Irene BUSHTON, female/white/single, dob: 1-12-1910; pob: Ca; dod: 1-16-1910 at 4 pm; pod: residence in Cambria;
age at time of death: 4 days;
informant: Mrs. F. CARDOZA Cambria
father: William BUSHTON pob: Ca
mother: Annie GABBRAITH pob: Ca
cause of death: congenital hydrocephalis P. L. Rookledge MD Cambria
Burial 1-17-1910 Cambria
Alex Paterson Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 7
Anna MANUEL, female/Portuguese/widow, dob: unknown about 66 yrs old; pob: Azores; dod: 2-13-1910 at 3:40 am; pod:
residence near Miles Station; length of stay in pod 1 mos, Ca: 26 yrs,
informant: A. V. SERPA San Luis Obispo
no parental info
cause of death: stomach carcinoma J. C. McGovern MD
Burial Catholic Cemetery 2-15-1910
M. F. Crandell Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Telegram - Tribune
Wednesday July 22, 1953 pg 2
Death Summons Anna WESTPHAL
Atascadero - July 22, 1953 Mrs. Anna WESTPHAL, 58 yrs, native of Germany and former resident of Avenal, died at her
home here Monday following a long illness.
Mrs. WESTPHAL was born on Oct. 6, 1894 in Kussel, Germany. The WESTPHAL family resided in Avenal before moving
here last June.
Mrs. WESTPHAL is survived by her husband, Roy WESTPHAL and seven sons; Roy WESTPHAL, Jr. of Oregon, Walter
WESTPHAL of Wisconsin, Robert WESTPHAL of Louisiana, Frank WESTPHAL of Atascadero, John WESTPHAL of
Burlingame, Edward WESTPHAL of Illinois and George WESTPHAL stationed with the Army in Korea; a daughter, Mrs.
Dorothy Ann CHAPLING of Atascadero; and 9 grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements, under the direction of the Kuehl Funeral Chapel are pending.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 274 (Coroner's Certificate)
Antone SERPA, male/white/single, dob: 5-19-1895; pob: Ca; dod: 7-7-1916; pod: Port San Luis; age at time of death:
21yrs, 1 mos, 18 days; occupation: laborer on oil pipline; length of residence in county of death: 21 yrs, 1 mos, 18 days
father: Manuel V. SERPA pob: Azores Islands
mother: Mary MANUEL pob: USA
cause of death: accidentally killed by fractured skull resulting from being caught between a heavy joint of oil casing and
the deck of wharf at Port San Luis
Burial Catholic Cemetery 7-10-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 22 PG 377
Ashley Rochelle GASTIL; white/female/single; dob: 7-30-1986 at 2127 hrs; pob: San Luis Obispo General Hospital; father:
Gary Wesley GASTIL, pob: CA; age: 19 yrs; mother: Jamie Michelle CAGNINA, pob: CA; age: 16 yrs
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 118 PG 264
Aubrey (aka Claire) A. ADAMS; white/male/married; dob: 4-9-1897; pob: Ohio; dod: 1-29-1976 at 6:45 pm; pod: Sierra
Vista Hospital; age: 78 yrs; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Pauline BRAINERD; residence: Napa St., Morro Bay;
occupation: owner/operator Adams Motel for 10 years; 15 yrs in county of death; Ca: 52 yrs
informant: Pauline ADAMS - wife
father: Charles ADAMS pob: Ohio
mother: Etta STRANG pob: Michigan
cause of death: metastic carcinoma of prostate
Burial 2-3-1976 Cayucos - Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 141 PG 525
Belmira Berberia BORBA, female/white/widow; dob: 8-8-1897; pob: Azores; dod: 11-16-1991 at 0550 hrs; pod: residence;
age at time of death: 94 yrs; citizen of the USA; never in the military; education level: 8 yrs; occupation: homemaker in
own home for 63 yrs; residence: Paso Robles; 76 yrs in this community
informant: Ruby BORBA - daughter - Paso Robles
father: Antonio BERBERIA pob: Azores
mother: Maria COUTO pob: Azores
cause of death: arteriosclerotic cerebral/vascular disease duration - yrs
Burial 11-19-1991 Calvary Cemetery Hanford Kings County, Ca
Kuehl - Nicolay Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 241
Groom: Mark BONETTI, native of Switzerland;aged 25 yrs; resident of Cayucos; never before married; both parents are
from Switzerland
Bride: Guilietta BONETTI, native of Switzerland, aged 18 yrs, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, never
before married, both parents are from Switzerland
Witnesses: James and Jean TOMASINI residents of San Luis Obispo
married 9-10-1887 in San Luis Obispo by M. Henderson Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 242
Groom: Joseph G. BONETTI, native of Switzerland, aged 26 yrs, resident of Cayucos, never before married, both parents
are from Switzerland
Bride: Kathie LYON, native of New York, aged 22 yrs, resident of Josephine, never before married, both parents are from
Witnesses: S. DONATI and N. MARQUART both of Cayucos
married 9-8-1887 in Josephine at the house of N. MARQUART by Rev. J. BENEFIEL , resident of Cayucos
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 20 PG 182
Brittney Nicole GASTIL; white/female/single; dob: 8-31-1985 at 0535 hrs; pob: Twin Cities Hospital Templeton; father:
Gary Wesley GASTIL age: 18 pob: Ca; mother: Jamie M. CAGNINA age: 15 pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 29 PG 188
Calvin Clayton TUCKER, white/male/married; dob: 4-27-1910; pob: CA; dod: 3-26-1951 at 2:05 pm; pod: died in
ambulance on way to hospital; age at time of death: 40 yrs; occupation: rancher, wheat & cattle; citizen of the USA;
Veteran-WW II; surviving spouse: Mae Ellen TUCKER; residence: Oak St. Paso Robles
informant: wife
father: Otto W. TUCKER pob: Kansas
mother: Mattie L. CLEMONS pob: CA
cause of death: Accident - crushed chest & probable internal injuries due to being thrown from automobile while driving
about 35 miles from Paso Robles on Parkfield-Coalinga Rd; rural Parkfield, Monterey County
Burial 3-28-1951 Shandon District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Deaths Cert # 2007001696
Charles Philip COVINGTON, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 6-9-1922; pob: CO; dod: 10-29-2007 at 0750 hrs; age: 85 yrs;
pod: residence, Atascadero; was in the military, high school graduate; occupation: air conditioner contractor for 40 yrs;
length of time in community of death: 3 yrs; surviving spouse: Doris Jean KRAMER
informant: Doris COVINGTON - wife
father: Charles Edward COVINGTON pob: Texas
mother: Hazel Eleaner CONNELL pob: Nebraska
cause of death: Coronary artery disease/hypertension Kenneth Shapiro MD Paso Robles
Burial 11-2-2007 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 271 (Coroner's Certificate)
Charles L. FENNER, male/white/single, dob: 5-11-1894 ; pob: US; dod: 5-10-1916; pod: Pacific Ocean; age at time of
death: about 22 yrs; occupation: oiler on ship
no parental info
cause of death: cold & exposure resulting from being ship wrecked on the steamer Roanoke
Removal to San Francisco 5-13-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 3 PG 223
Groom: Charles Leland CLINE, native of Montana, aged 27 yrs, resident of Camp San Luis, white race, 1st marriage,
occupation - soldier, father: Ralph CLINE, pob: Montana, mother: Anna Katherine CHRISTIANSEN, pob: Utah
Bride: Constance Vernon SOWASH, native of Ca, aged 21 yrs, resident of Willits, county of Mendocino, Ca, white race,
1st marriage, occupation - at home, father: Fred L. SOWASH pob: Iowa, mother: Freda W. PADELY pob: Virginia
married in San Luis Obispo 1-9-1943 by Clarence J. Merriman Chaplain U.S. Army
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 2 PG 40 Register 13
COLVIN, Celia May dob: 9-30-1906, female, white, father: Chas. G. COLVIN, aged 24 yrs, pob: Michigan, occupation:
farmer; resident Cambria; mother: Ida May DOTY, aged 35 yrs, pob: San Luis Obispo county, Ca, occupation: housewife;
resident of Cambria
W. F. Percioa MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 2 PG 38 Register # 81
COLVIN Jr, Charles George, male, white, dob: 11-29-1905, father: Charles George COLVIN, aged 24 yrs, pob: Michigan,
occupation: laborer, resident of Cambria; mother: Ida May DOTY, aged 35 yrs, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife, resident
of Cambria
C. S. Walters MD
Cert # 2004000573
Groom: Peter James CRAMER, dob: 4-13-1970, residence: San Luis Obispo, pob: Arizona, occupation: Deputy Sheriff,
education: education: 16 yrs, father: Dennis Clark CRAMER, pob: IA; mother: Mary Helen BRIGGS, pob: NM
Bride: Michelle Kaye DYCK, dob: 8-3-1980, residence: San Luis Obispo, pob: Ca, occupation: firefighter, education: 14
yrs, father: Larry Wesley DYCK, pob: Ca; mother: Kim Suzanne BLANKENSHIP, pob: Ca
dom: 6-6-2004 Arroyo Grande Rev. Donald W. Aronson Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 43 PG 203 Cyril William KINSELLA, male/white/married; dob: 3-1898; pob:
England; dod: 12-27-1960 at 5:15 am; pod: French Hospital; age: 62 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: self-employed
rancher for 40 yrs; surviving spouse: Margaret KINSELLA - housewife; 23 yrs in community of death; 41 yrs in California;
usual residence: Baden St., Grover City
no parental information
Buried 12-30-1960 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. Wood Funeral Director
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 41 PG 207
Groom: Roy DAVENPORT, dob: 6-20-1919, age: 64 yrs; residence: Hillview, Morro Bay, pob: Louisiana, occupation: self-
employed owner Davenport Business Machines, education: 12 yrs, 4 prior marriages, last marriage ended in divorce;
father: Carl DAVENPORT, pob: VA; mother: Violet LINDEN, pob: England
Bride: Inadell MITCHELL, dob: 12-12-1937, age: 45 yrs; residence: Arbutus, Morro Bay, pob: Michigan, 2 prior marriages
last ended in death 9-21-1978; birth name: ZANICHELLI; occupation: Davenport Business Machines: education: 17 yrs,
father: Guido ZANICHELLI, pob: Kansas; mother: Amalia MENDICKI pob: Italy
witnesses: Beverly MOORE, Morro Bay and Margie H. PETERSON San Luis Obispo
dom: 10-19-1983 in Morro Bay Rev. Lance Poldberg Lutheran Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 139 PG 401
Dawn Danielle GASTIL; white/female/single; dob: 7-5-1990; pob: Ca; dod: 8-16-1990; pod: residence; age: 1 mo, 11 days;
citizen of the USA; residence: River Grove Rd Paso Robles
informant: father
father: Rodney Marion GASTIL pob: Ca
mother: Paula LEAL pob: Oregon
cause of death: SIDS
Burial Paso Robles District Cemetery 8-20-1990
Kuehl-Nicolay-Buckheim Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 32 PG 229
Dawn Danielle GASTIL, dob: 7-5-1990 at 0046 hrs, pob: San Luis Obispo General Hospital; father: Rodney Marion
GASTIL, pob: Ca, dob: 9-30-1967; mother: Paula Elaine LEAL, pob: Oregon, dob: 7-3-1967
Cert # 2001001410
Groom: Bradley Richard DYCK, dob: 11-30-1960, residence: Paso Robles, pob: Ca, 1 prior marriage ended in dissolution
4-3-1992, occupation: chiropractor, health industry, 20 yrs, father: Kenneth Wayne DYCK, pob: Ca; mother: Carolanna
Mae RUDE, pob: Ca
Bride: Kay Ellen RICKABAUGH, dob: 4-2-1959, residence: Coalinga, Fresno County, pob: Wisconsin, occupation:
correctional office, Prison 16 yrs, father: Paul ARMIN, pob: Ohio; mother: Jeanette Helen SCOTT, pob: Wisconsin
dom: 10-6-2001 Cambria Rev. Barbara Kowalska Interfaith
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 12 PG 391
Edward BARRIOS, male/white/married, dob: 2-22-1870; pob: Santa Barbara County, Ca; dod: 7-6-1929 at 1:00 pm; age
at time of death: 59 yrs, 4 mos, 14 days; surviving spouse: Manuella BARRIOS, occupation: Teamster - Sandercock
Trans. Company; length of stay at pod: 7 days, Ca: life
informant: John BARRIOS San Luis Obispo
father: Louis BARRIOS pob: Ca
mother: Selza HERNANDEZ pob: Ca
cause of death: infection of the leg, following insect bite/streptococcus hemolyticus duration- 6 mos
acute myocarditis duration - 1 day
Burial 7-9-1929 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richards Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 42
Eleanor Bernadette BORBA, female/white/married; dob: 1-29-1928; pob: Ca; dod: 9-4-1976 at 2 am; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital; age at time of death: 48 yrs; surviving spouse: Robert Joseph BORBA; occupation: head teller Mid-State Bank
for 5 yrs; residence: Atascadero
informant: husband
father: Joseph BETTENCOURT pob: Azores Islands
mother: Mary VIERRA pob: Azores Islands
cause of death: respiratory failure/metastic carcinoma of breast
Burial 9-7-1876 Atascadero
Chapel of the Roses Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County BK of Marriages BK B PG 244
Groom: E. L. FESLER, native of Mo, aged 27 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, never before
married, mother is a native of Tennessee, father is a native of Kentucky
Bride: Mrs. Lottie STOWELL, native of Mo, aged 21 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, county of Santa Barbara, was married
before, mother and father both natives of Mo.
witnesses: J. A. E. SUMMERS, resident of Templeton & Mabel DUNBAR, resident of San Luis Obispo
married 9-6-1887 in San Luis Obispo by R. W. Summer, Clergyman Prot. Eps. Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 267 (Coroner's Certificate)
Frank HENNING; male/white/single, unknown dob ; pob: USA; dod: about 3-29-1916; pod: Oceano; age at time of death:
about 46 yrs; occupation: laborer; 5 yrs in county of death
no parental info
cause of death: natural causes/probable stomach troubles
Burial IOOF Cemetery 4-1-1916
C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 266
Fred B. CARTER, male/white/widow, dob: unknown - abt 60 yrs; pob: US; dod: 3-2-1916; pod: residence - La Panza;
occupation: jeweller; length of stay at pod: 2 yrs; Ca: over 2 yrs
informant: J. E. ARCHER San Luis Obispo
no parental info
Cause of death: natural causes probably heart disease
Removal/Burial 3-14-1916 Portland, Oregon
C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 271 (Coroner's Certificate)
Fred HARVARD, male/white/unknown marital, dob: unknown; dod: 5-10-1916; pod: Pacific Ocean; age at time of death:
about 26 yrs; occupation: marine engineer; usual residence: San Francisco
no parental info
cause of death: cold & exposure resulting from being ship wrecked on the steamer Roanoke
Removal to San Francisco 5-13-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 93 PG 437
Gary Wesley GASTIL, male, single, pob: Paso Robles Memorial District Hospital, dob: 2-4-1967 at 10:52 pm, 7 lbs 15 oz
20 inches; father: Ray Ellsworth GASTIL, white, 47 yrs old, native of Indiana, occupation: truck driver - construction,
resident of Paso Robles; mother: Barbara Ann BAUGHMAN, white, 30 yrs old, native of Oklahoma, resident of Paso
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 137 PG 887
Gary Wesley GASTIL, white/male/married; dob: 2-4-1967; pob: Ca; dod: 10-13-1989 at 1425 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital San Luis Obispo; age: 22 yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; never in the military; level of education: 10 yrs;
occupation: concrete construction worker for Harry Waughman for 1 yr; residence: Teak Rd, Paso Robles; surviving
spouse: Carlena MARANO; 22 yrs in county of death
infomant: Carlena GASTIL - wife
father: Raymond GASTIL pob: Oklahoma
mother: Barbara Baughman pob: Oklahoma
cause of death: Central cardiorespiratory failure duration - hours
Cerebral contusion and basilar skull fx duration - hours
due to vehicle accident 10-12-1989 at 1815 hrs. Hwy 229, .5 mi south of Hwy 41 in rural Creston
Burial 10-18-1989 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 1
George Albert MARTIN; male/white/single; dob: 3-24-1892; pob: Ca; dod: 1-11-1910 at 12:15 am; pod: San Luis Obispo;
age: 16 yrs, 9 mos, 17 days; length of stay at pod: 16 yrs
informant father
father: Jesse MARTIN pob: Wa
mother: Amanda TWEDDLE pob: Tx
cause of death: pulmonary Tuberculosis-chronic duration 3 yrs 6 mos
Paul Jackson MD
Burial 1-12-1910 IOOF San Luis Obispo
M. F. Crandell Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 277 (Coroner's Certificate)
George Henry ROBINSON, male/white/married, dob: 3-3-1878; pob: Canada; dod: 11-8-1916; pod: residence in
Atascadero; age at time of death: 38 yrs, 8 mos, 6 days; occupation: electrician; length of residence in county of death: 7
mos; Ca: 10 yrs; former residence: Berkeley, Ca; surviving spouse: Alice Wright ROBINSON
informant: Alice Cary Robinson Atascadero
father: George Henry ROBINSON pob: England
mother: Eleanor MANN pob: Canada
cause of death: suicide by cutting throat with razor while temporarily insane
Burial IOOF Cemetery 22-11-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 37 PG 378
George SOWASH, male/white/single, dob: 11-2-1879; pob: PA; dod: 12-8-1956 at 11:30 pm; pod: French Hospital; age at
time of death: 77 yrs; cit of the USA; occupation: Draftsman for Ca State Highways; residence: San Luis Obispo; length of
stay in county of death: 42 yrs; never in the military
informant: Hazel DAILEY
father: Willard SOWASH pob: Pa
mother: Margaret SKELLY pob: Pa
Cremation 12-11-1956 Atascadero
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 243
Groom: James Madison GRAVES, native of Ca, aged 27 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, never before married, mother
is a native of Ca, father is a native of Va
Bride: Martha de la GUERRA, native of Ca, aged 19 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, never before married, mother &
father both natives of Ca
Witnesses: Ernest & Sallie GRAVES residents of San Luis Obispo
married 9-17-1887 in San Luis Obispo by M. Henderson Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 2
Hanna Brinton CARTER, female/white/widow, dob: 2-27-1827; pob: Lancaster County, PA; dod: 1-15-1910 at 9 am; pod:
residence, Oceano; age at time of death: 82 yrs, 10 mos, 19days, length of stay in POD: 7 mos, Ca: 5 yrs, occupation:
informant: C. B. CARTER Oceano
father: Call BRINTON pob: Lancaster Co, Pa
mother: unknown FAWKES pob: unknown
cause of death: lobar pneumonia/bronchitis duration - 8 days H. Beyer MD
Burial IOOF Cemetery Arroyo Grande 1-16-1910
R. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 5
Harry Lee ARMSTRONG, male/white/married, dob: 8-11-1867; dod: 1-16-1910 at 4 a; pod: residence near Cambria; age
at time of death: 45 yrs, 5 mos, 5 days; occupation: farmer
informant: Susie E. ARMSTRONG Templeton
father: David ARMSTRONG pob: USA
mother: Celia WEAVER pob: USA
Cause of death: Stomach cancer L. B. Stratton MD Paso Robles
Burial 1-18-1910 in Cambria
Alex Paterson Undertaker Cambria
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 119
Hazell M. BARKER; female/white/child; dob: 12-27-1912(probably should be 12-25-1912); pob: near Arroyo Grande; dod:
12-27-1912 at 1 am; pod: Arroyo Grande; age: 2 mos (probably should be 2 days); length of residence at pod: 2
mos(should be 2 days);
informant: Robert T. BARKER father Arroyo Grande
father: Robert T. BARKER pob: Nebraska
mother: Clara E ADAMS pob: Nebraska
seen by physician from 12-25-1912 to 12-27-1912 C. S. Clark MD Arroyo Grande
cause of death: inflammation of the brain duration - 3 days
Burial 12-28-1912 at Arroyo Grande
R. E. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Vol 10 PG 5
Helen BABCOCK ; female/white/widow; dob: 7-7-1838; pob: Ohio; dod: 1-5-1924; age at time of death: 85 yrs, 5 mos, 28
days; occupation: at home; length of stay at pod: 14 yrs
informant: Mrs. Jessie HARLOW pob: unknown
father: Jesse HARRIS pob: unknown
mother: unknown pob: unknown
cause of death: arteriosclerosis
Burial 1-7-1924 Paso Robles
Chas. A Skeen Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 21 PG 82
Herbert Calvin BEAN, male/white/widower; dob: 7-26-1891; pob: Santa Margarita; dod: 8-10-1942 at 10:30 am; pod: San
Luis Obispo General Hospital; stay at pod: 2 days; stay in this community: life; age: 51 yrs, 0 mos, 14 days; veteran of
WWI; wife: Ada BEAN-deceased; occupation: retired, laborer; usual residence: Fig St., San Luis Obispo
informant: Nina STEARNS San Luis Obispo
father: Edwin Peter BEAN pob: Maine
mother: Maud Rebecca SUMNER pob: Sacramento, Ca
cause of death: Cardiac failure/cirrhosis of liver
Harrison Eilers MD
Burial 8-13-1942 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 137 PG 584
Hilton George BAGLIN; male/white/widowed; dob: 12-25-1905; pob: Montana; dod: 8-16-1989 at 0730 hrs; pod:
residence; age: 83 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: commercial fishing for 50 years; education level: 12 yrs; residence:
Los Osos; 22 yrs in county of death; served in the military from 1942 to 1943
informant: Edwin L. GREEN - nephew Westminster, CA
father: George BAGLIN pob: England
mother: unknown TRANSWELL pob: England
cause of death: respiratory failure/metastic small cell lung cancer/chronic obstructuve pulmonary disease
Cremation/scattering off coast of Morro Bay
Sutcliffe Lawn Memorial Park
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 38 PG 193
Howard Arthur SCHULZ, white/male/married; dob: 7-22-1914; pob: Wisconsin; dod: 6-8-1957 at 9:09 pm; pod:
Atascadero outside city limits Curburil & highway 101; age: 42; American; citizen of the USA; length of stay in county of
death: 1 1/2 yrs; usual residence: Beach St, San Luis Obispo; usual occupation: tecnician State Hospital; surviving
spouse: Rosalyn SCHULZ; never in the military
informant: wife
father: Jacob B. SCHULZ pob: Germany
mother: Alma BERG pob: Wisconsin
no cause of death
Burial IOOF Cemetery 6-12-1957
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Bk 43 Pg 67
Irene Isabelle COVINGTON; female/white/married; dob: 9--1918; pob: South Dakota; dod: 10-21-1960 at 10 am; pod:
residence: age: 42 yrs; occupation: housewife 21 yrs in own home; citizen of the USA; residence: 1st St., Morro Bay;
length of stay in county of death: 5 yrs; Ca: 8 yrs; surviving spouse: Elmar COVINGTON occupation: bartender
informant: Pat PISCITELLO San Francisco
father: Magnas J. MADSEN pob: Denmark
mother: Bessie BREWER pob: Nebraska
cause of death: unknown/cerebral edema - no physician in attendance/found dead in bed
burial 10-27-1960 Fairmont Cemetery Spokane, Washington
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 7
Irene Grace STEWART, female/white/single, dob: 6-12-1900; pob: San Luis Obispo, Ca; dod: 1-21-1910 at 2 pm; pod:
residence - Arroyo Grande; age at time of death: 9 yrs, 7 mos, 9days, length of stay in pod: 9 yrs, 7 mos; occupation:
informant: A. F. BLACK Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County
father: B. F. STEWART pob: Utah
mother: Mary A. HENDERSON pob: Utah
cause of death: cerebro meningitis H. P. Walters MD
Burial Arroyo Grande 1-23-1910
R. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK PG
Irvus Rolland SOWASH, white/male/married; dob: 4-11-1898; pob: Oregon; dod: 8-22-1961 at 8am; pod: Higuera St; 63
yrs; citizen of the USA; military service: 3-1-1917- 3-5-1920; occupation: painter for 15 yrs at McClellan Air Force Base -
Aircraft maintenance; not Hispanic; residence: Magnolia St; 62 yrs in Ca; surviving spouse: Caroline SOWASH -
informant: wife Sacramento, Ca
father: Jacob SOWASH pob: Ca
mother: Alice DICKERSON pob: Ca
cause of death: Coronary occlusion dead on arrival at hospital
Burial 8-25-1961 Golden Gate National Cemetery
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 285
J. Jeanette COYLE; white/female/widow; dob: unknown; pob: USA; dod: 11-29-1917; pod: residence in San Miguel; age
at time of death: 79 yrs; occupation: housewife; length of time at pod: 20 yrs; Ca: 30 yrs
no parental info
cause of death: accident. Burned to death by igniting her clothing while starting fire in stove with kerosene
burial in San Miguel 12-30-1917
Paso Robles Undertaking
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 270 (Coroner's Certificate)
J. L. LESTER, male/white/unknown marrital, dob: unknown ; pob: unknown; dod: 5-10-1916; pod: Pacific Ocean; age at
time of death: about 45 yrs; occupation: sailor
no parental info
cause of death: cold & exposure resulting from being ship wrecked on the steamer Roanoke
Removal to San Francisco 5-13-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 130 PG 935 film
Jerome Thomas NICK; male/white/American/widower; dob: 12-1-1900; pob: WI; dod: 6-17-1985 at 1710 hrs; pod:
residence; age: 84 yrs; usual residence: rural Santa Margarita; occupation: cattle rancher for adult life; not Hispanic;
citizen of the USA
informant: Fred NICK Santa Margarita
father: Thomas NICK pob: unknown
mother: unknown
cause of death: cardiac arrest/coronary insufficency/A.S.H.D.
cremation 6-19-1985
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 138 PG 355
James Harrison BABB, caucasian/male/widower; dob: 7-5-1920; pob: Missouri; dod: 1-23-1990 at 1330 hrs; pod:
residence; 69 yrs; citizen of the USA; military service: 1942 - 1946; occupation: Cal Poly University - printing instructor for
23 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs; not Hispanic
informant: James M. BABB - son
father: Harrison BABB pob: Mo
mother: Susan FINLEY pob: Mo
cause of death: Cardiac Arrhythmia/coronary arteriosclerosis/end stage renal disease
Burial 1-27-1990 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 272 (Coroner's Certificate)
Jesus VARELLA, male/white/married, dob: 9-29-1885; pob: Corona, Spain; dod: 5-10-1916; pod: Pacific Ocean; age at
time of death: about 30 yrs; occupation: marine fireman
father: Fernando VARELLA pob: Spain
mother: Benita AGRA pob: Spain
cause of death: cold & exposure resulting from being ship wrecked on the steamer Roanoke
Removal to San Francisco 5-13-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 6
John Farley CRIPPEN, male/white, no dob, pob: Ca; dod: 1-8-1910 at 1:25 am; pod: residence in Arroyo Grande; age at
time of death: 39 yrs, 4 mos, 20 days; occupation: saloonkeeper
informant: F. N. CRIPPEN Taft, Ca
father: Steven CRIPPEN pob: Penn
mother: unknown BECKETT pob: Mo
cause of death: acute tuberculosis emningitis duration - 15 days Parre Jackson MD San Luis Obispo
Burial 1-9-1910 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
R. E. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 581
John Abraham DYCK; white/male/married; dob: 3-1-1905; pob: Ca; dod: 2-18-1977 at 1:31 pm; age: 71 yrs; surviving
spouse: Mary KUHLMAN; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; length of stay in county of death: life; Ca: life; citizen of
the USA; usual residence: Adelaide Rd, Paso Robles; occupation: orchardist; nut orchard
informant: Mrs. Lucy DYCK Paso Robles
father: Abraham DYCK pob: West Prussia
mother: Anna CLAASSEN pob: West Prussia
cause of death: posterior myocardial infarction/coronary artery atherosclerosis
burial 2-23-1977 Adelaide Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Deaths Cert No: 3200440001679
John Wesley DYCK; white/male/divorced; dob: 9-11-1931; pob: Ca; dod: 11-22-2003 at 1915 hrs; pod: Twin Cities
Hospital, Templeton; age at time of death: 73 yrs; length of stay in county of death: 73 yrs; Ca: 73 yrs; was in the military;
occupation: refrigeration engineer in hospital for 29 yrs; residence: Atascadero
informant: Larry DYCK - son Templeton
father: John Abraham DYCK pob: CA
mother: Mary KUHLMAN pob: Ca
cause of death: Cardio pulmonary arrest/congestive cardio myopathy/diabetes millitis
Cr/Bu 11-23-2004 Adelaide Cemetery Paso Robles
Kuehl Nicolay Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 283 (Coroner's Certificate)
Johnnie PERRY, male/white/single, dob: 10-11-1914; pob: Arroyo Grande; dod: 7-5-1917; pod: residence near Arroyo
Grande; age at time of death: 2 yrs, 8 mos, 8 days; length of residence in county of death: whole life
informant: father
father: Manuel M. PERRY pob: Azores
mother: Mana (Maria) WER pob: Ca
cause of death: kicked by horse
Burial Catholic Cemetery Arroyo Grande 7-7-1917
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 237
Joseph James BORBA, white/male/married; dob: 8-19-1901; pob: Azores; dod:
10-31-1976 at 2 pm; age at time of death: 75 yrs; pod: French Hospital; usual residence: Shell Beach; length of stay in
county of death: 65 yrs; Ca: 65 yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; surviving spouse: Agnes M. RUDA; occupation:
produce buyer for 40 yrs, Barti Produce, San Francisco
informant: Mrs. Agnes BORBA
father: Antone BORBA pob: Azores Islands
mother: Maria SILVA pob: Azores Islands
cause of death: ventricular fibrosis/coronary thrombosis/coronary artheriosclosis
Burial in Arroyo Grande District Cemetery 11-3-1976
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 3
Josie TONINI, female/white/single, dob: 3-19-1881; pob: CA; dod: 1-18-1910 at 10:30 pm; pod: residence - Los Osos
Valley; age at time of death: 28 yrs, 9 mos 29 days
informant: Mrs. Eliza TONINI San Luis Obispo
father: Michael TONINI pob: Switzerland
mother: Eliza SCHIEFFERLY pob: Ca
cause of death: phthisis pulmonis for 2 yrs
Burial 1-20-1910 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
M. F. Crandell Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Bk 159 PG 156
Kathleen Virginia SHARP; female/Caucasian/married; dob: 1-22-1923; pob: Ca; dod: 10-15-2000 at 0738 hrs; pod:
French Hospital; age: 77 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs; residence: Templeton; occupation: self-employed housewife 60
yrs; 70 yrs in this county; surviving spouse: John Bryan SHARP
informant: Darlene CHERRY - daughter - Templeton
father: James M. CRYE pob: Ca
mother: Florence B. BIRD pob: Florida
cause of death: cardio-respiratory failure/hypovolumia/dehydration/dysphasia/cerebrovascular accident/severe anemia
Brian Fees MD
Burial 10-23-2000 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 1
Lida A. COCHRAN; female/white/widow; dob: 4-4-1839; pob: Warn County, Kentucky; dod: 1-11-1910 at 6 am; pod:
Arroyo Grande; age: 70 yrs, 9 mos, 7 days; length of stay at pod: 3 yrs; Ca: 3 yrs; occupation: housekeeper
informant: P. COCHRAN Arroyo Grande
father: Barney BOWERS pob: Kentucky
mother: L. A. BOWERS pob: Kentucky
cause of death: La Grippe with heart failure & old age E. L. Paulding MD Arroyo Grande
Burial 1-11-1910 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
R. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 267 (Coroner's Certificate)
Louis FERTERRA (FUTURRA), male/white/single, dob: 1822 ; pob: Azores; dod: 3-14-1916; pod: Port San Luis; age at
time of death: 94 yrs; occupation: retired fisherman
no parental info
cause of death: natural causes/old age
Burial Catholic Cememtery 2-16-1916
P. J. Freeman & Co Undertakers
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 2
Luella Theresea NYBERG, female/white/single, dob: 4-3-1889; pob: Templeton, Ca; dod: 1-1-1910 at 11:00 am; pod:
residence age at time of death: 20 yrs, 8 mos, 27 days; stay at pod: 5 yrs, length of stay in county of death: 20, 9 mos
informant: A. A. NYBERG Templeton
father: A. A. NYBERG pob: Sweden
mother: Lisa PERSON pob: Sweden
cause of death: pernicious anemia & imbicity all her life S. Helgsen MD Templeton
no burial info
San Luis Obispo County Telegram - Tribune
Death Notice Wednesday 12-14-1988
KIMBALL - Mabel, 86, of Morro Bay died Tuesday in a San Luis Obispo hospital. Services are pending at Reis Chapel in
San Luis Obispo
Thursday 12-15-1988
Mabel Hazelton KIMBALL, 86, of Morro Bay died Tuesday, December 13, 1988, in a San Luis Obispo convalescent
Services will be at 1 pm Saturday in Hope Chapel at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Cypress.
Mrs. KIMBALL was born March 3, 1902, in Pendleton, Oregon. She had been a finger print supervisor for the Los Angeles
Police Dept. for 25 yrs. She retired in 1982 and moved to Morro Bay, coming from Fort James where she lived for 10 yrs.
Her husband Joseph KIMBALL died in 1963. They were married in 1925 in Los Angeles.
She is survived by two daughters, Cherie KIMBALL of Morro Bay and Joan KRING of Irvins; one sister, Vada HOEFT of
Oregon; one grandchild and 3 great grandchildren.
Donations may be made to the Alzheimer's Foundation, P. O. Box 121 Santa Barbara.
Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo is handling the arrangements.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 9 PG 41
Groom: Clyde Vasmer MANNING, native of Texas; aged 20; residence: Oceano; pob: Texas; of the white race; minor,
written consent of his father, George MANNING is first had and filed; 1st marriage; occupation: firefighter; father: George
MANNING, pob: Texas; mother: Mabel HALE; pob: Texas
Bride: Agnes Lorraine BORBA, native of Ca, aged 21 yrs; pob: Ca; of the white race; residence: Shell Beach, pob: Ca,
occupation: none, 1st marriage; father: Joseph BORBA, pob: Azores Islands; mother: Agnes RUDA ; pob: Azores Islands
witness: Charles MARCHAC, Oceano and Virginia GREEN, Shell Beach
dom: 12-1-1945 Arroyo Grande Rev. Bernardin Singleton O.M.C. Pastor St. Paul The Apostle Pismo Beach
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 22 PG 189
Groom: Stephen Clyde MANNING, pob: Ca.; dob: 1-29-1948; aged 19; residence: Shell Beach; 1st marriage; occupation:
student, Cuesta College; father: Clyde V. MANNING, pob: Texas; mother: Lorraine BORBA; pob:Ca
Bride: Theresa Anne LUIS, native of Ca, dob: 4-24-1949; aged 18 yrs; pob: Ca; residence: Shell Beach, pob: Ca,
occupation: waitress - restaurant, 1st marriage; father: Harry G. LUIS, pob: Ca; mother: Katherine HEITKOTTER ; pob:
witnesses: Robert D. GREEN, Hayward, Ca and Linda W. LANDORE , Huntington Beach, Ca
dom: 9-9-1967 Old Mission Church San Luis Obispo Rev. Joseph T. Steinke
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 270 (Coroner's Certificate)
Manuel SABIA, male/white/unknown marrital, dob: unknown ; pob: Spain; dod: 5-10-1916; pod: Pacific Ocean; age at
time of death: about 29 yrs; occupation: marine fireman
no parental info
cause of death: cold & exposure resulting from being ship wrecked on the steamer Roanoke
Removal to San Francisco 5-13-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 124 PG 21 film
Margaret Mary NICK; female/white/American/married; dob: 12-16-1909; pob: CA; dod: 9-22-1980at 1800 hrs; pod: Paso
Robles Convalscent Center; age: 70 yrs; usual residence: rural Santa Margarita; occupation: homemaler in own home for
45 yrs; citizen of the USA
informant: Jerome NICK
father: Henry R. REDDY pob: CT
mother: Helen FORBS pob: NY
cause of death: hypertensive coronary disease/cardiac arrest/congestive heart failure/adult onset diabetes mellitus cremation:
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 122 PG 474
Marie MILLER, white/female/widow; dob: 5-24-1892; pob: Wisconsin; dod:
7-25-1979 at 2355 hrs; pod: South County Convalscent Center, Arroyo
Grande; age at time of death: 87 yrs; usual residence: Pismo Beach;
occupation: homemaker adult life; citizen of the USA
informant: self - before demise
father: Joseph EISENHUT pob: Michagan
mother: Pauline SCHMITT pob: Wisconsin
cause of death: Cardiac arrest/ASH/CVD/Age
Cr 7-30-1979 Grand View Crematory, Glendale, Ca
McDermott - Crocket Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 143 PG 695
Mary F. BORBA, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 1-7-1893; pob: Azores; dod: 1-28-1993 at 1612 hrs; pod: Twin Cities
Convalescent Center, Templeton; age at time of death: 100 yrs; not Hispanic; level of education: 12 yrs; citizen of the
USA; occupation: homemaker in own home for 74 yrs; residence: San Luis Obispo
informant: Mary Jane Bettencourt Atascadero
father: Filbert RAMOS pob: Azores Islands
mother: Rose LIMA pob: Azores Islands
cause of death: respiratory failure/CHF/ASHD/CVAC/Diabetes
Burial 2-1-1993 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 8
Mary D. MARTINES, female/white/single, dob: 6-16-1901; pob: Ca; dod: 21-13-1910 at 8 am; pod: residence near Pismo;
age at time of death: 8 yrs, 7 mos, 27days, length of stay in pod: 6 yrs, Ca: life
informant: J. D. MARTINES Pismo
father: J. D. MARTINES pob: Azores
mother: Mary FRATIS pob: Ca
cause of death: burn, whole of lert side, accidental W. Stover MD
Burial Catholic Cemetery 2-15-1910
M. F. Crandell Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 428/429
Groom: Garfield J. McGOWAN, resident of Lawrence, County of Van Buren, State of Michigan, never before married,
father is a native of Ohio, mother is a native of England
Bride: Annie E. COOK, resident of San Luis Obispo, never before married, father is a native of New York, mother is a
native of England
witnesses: J. M. SKINNER and Emma SKINNER residents of San Luis Obispo
married 4-18-1890by F. D. Mather Pastor M. E. Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 141 PG 198 (film_
Melagros Shirley ANGLES, white/female/single-never married; dob: 3-16-1968; pob: Peru; dod: 9-4-1991 at 2256 hrs; pod:
rural hillside area San Luis Obispo, off Chesapeak approx. 1/2 m east of Camino Perrillo, Arroyo Grande; age: 23 yrs;
Hispanic: yes Peruvian; citizen of Peru; never in the military; usual residence: Magnolias, Lima, Lince county, Peru;
number of years in Peru: 23; occupation: student; level of education: 15 yrs
father: Luis ANGLES - Peru
mother: Isabel PARETES - Peru
cause of death: Cardiorespiratory arrest/blunt force craniocervical trauma due to aircraft accident
date of injury: 9-4-1991 2249 hrs Passenger in C-172 Cessna
Burial Camentareio La Planicie, La Molina, Lima, Peru
Lady Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 269
Groom: Albert J. MELVILLE, native of Ca, aged 25 yrs, resident of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, State of Ca
Bride: Nina BEAN, native of Ca, aged 22 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
witnessed by: Carton RISDON, James J. THORNTON, Edward S. BEAN, E. P. BEAN
married 9-21-1901 in Santa Margarita by J. Sandy SUMNER Justice of the Peace Santa Margarita
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 129 PG 260
Mildred "L" WELLIVER; white/female/widow; dob: 5-14-1911; pob: IA; did: 5-22-1984 at 1339 hrs; pod: residence; age: 73
yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Nipomo; occupation: sales clerk 8 yrs retail clothing, Mae Moore
informant: Donna J. SILVEIRA - daughter - Lompoc
father: Charles ARBOGAST pob: IL
mother: Kate Lee REBER pob: South Dakota
cause of death: bilateral pleural effusion, cancer of the pancreas & lungs
Dr. Ben Kundaria MD Santa Maria Santa Barbara County
Burial 5-26-1984 Santa Maria Cemetery Santa Barbara County
Dudley - Hoffman Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 12 PG 477
Groom: Leo Marvin MILLER, native of Iowa; aged 20; residence: Shell Beach; pob: Iowa; of the white race; minor, written
consent of his father, Arthur MILLER and his mother, Stella MILLER is first had and filed; 1st marriage; occupation:
laborer; father: Arthur MILLER, pob: South Dakota; mother: Stella BROWN; pob: South Dakota
Bride: Marie Evelyn BORBA, native of Ca, aged 15 yrs; pob: Ca; of the white race; residence: Shell Beach, pob: Ca,
occupation: none, 1st marriage; being a minor of the age of 15 yrs, an order of the Court dated 12-8-1947 is first had and
entered and the verified consent of her father, Joseph BORBA is first had and filed; father: Joseph BORBA, pob: Azores
Islands; mother: Agnes RUDA ; pob: CA
witnesses: Joseph and Agnes BORBA Shell Beach
dom: 12-9-1947 Paul K. Jackson Justice of the Peace San Luis Obispo Pismo Beach
Miscellaneous Marriages
Carroll m Eugenie LEE 11-24-1886 BK B PG 166
Cliff Charles m Jeanette Eleanor Phippen ALEXANDER 4-4-1939 BK W PG 451
Elmer Stanley m Irene Isabelle Madsen COVINGTON 9-1-1956 BK 17 PG 73
Eric Eilhelm m Mara Monique BARBER 3-18-2000 BK 61 PG 969
James Clifford m Dorothy Mae GOLSON 12-20-1952 BK 15 PG 343
Jeremiah Jason m Amelia Ora BAILEY 6-10-2006 cert # 2006000543
Joe Talmage m Nancy Lynne COLVIN 4-7-1985 BK 42 PG 986
Matthew Charles m Charlotte Eileen McGEE 8-19-2000 BK 62 PG 836
Robert James m Cynthia Ann BUCHANAN 8-11-2004 cert # 2004001005
Zachary Arron m Laura Ann STEWART 6-29-2007 cert # 2007000653
Arminda m Thomas SWEET 8-16-1874 BK A PG 191
Judy Lynn m Graciano Bernard DUQUE 5-10-1975 BK 30 PG 403
Julie Michele Perry m Steven Alan ZUMWALT 6-29-1999 BK 60 PG 516
Kendall Erin m Rex Angelo Mendoza CORDERO 4-10-2004 cert # 2004000336
Maggie m Holt NUCKOLS 1-7-1881 BK A PG 41
Covington Births
Andrew Vincent COVINGTON, dob: 8-13-1980 at 0429; pob: Templeton; father: Kevin Phillip COVINGTON; pob: Ca, age:
32 yrs; mother: Felicia MArie FLAVELL, pob: Ca; age:27 yrs BK 22 PG 370
Benjamin Drew COVINGTON; dob: 11-23-2006 at 0543 hrs, pob: Templeton; father: Matthew Charles COVINGTON, dob:
11-30-1979; pob: Ca; mother: Charlotte Eileen McGEE dob: 7-22-1979, pob: Ca cert #: 2006002422
Edward William COVINGTON, dob: 5-17-1910 BK 27 PG 128
Jaden Angelo COVINGTON, dob: 12-13-2002 at 2119 hrs; pob: Templeton; father: Rex MENDOZA-CORDERO, pob: MO;
dob: 12-3-1983; mother: Kendall Erin COVINGTON, pob: CA, dob: 9-1-1984 cert # 2002002279
Susan Carol COVINGTON dob: 10-18-1954 BK 58 PG 234
Miscellaneous DYCK Marriages
Delbert James DYKE m June COTHRAN 7-3-1964 BK 20 PG 402
Edward John DYCK m Clara Jo McFARLAND 4-29-1948 BK 11 PG 301
Elwood William DYCK m Shirley June OAKS 2-9-1954 BK 16 PG 155
Henry J. DYCK m Margaret DUC(E)K 3-23-1922 BK M PG 210
John Abraham DYCK m Mary KUHLMAN 3-9-1928 BK P PG 438
John Wesley DYCK m Millie Larrain WRIGHT 4-16-1955 BK 16 PG 384
Larry Wesley DYCK m Kim Suzann BLANKENSHIP 4-15-1078 BK 33 PG 923
LArry Wesley DYCK m Melinda Carsen (Martinez) WOOD 4-15-1990 BK 49 PG 87
Laverne William DYCK m Kathleen Joan TOFT 3-22-1968 BK 22 PG 420
Martin Edward DYCK m Mary Ellen DEES 8-29-1992 BK 51 PG 835
Martin Edward DYCK m Deborah Lynn PEDRICK 7-1-1977 BK 32 PG 952
Rudolph Henry DYCK m Joan Margot COOK 10-26-1949 BK 13 PG 434
Steven Wayne DYCK m Kathleen Marie GREEN 12-4-1982 BK 40 PG 77
Agnetha DYCK m Alfred BERGMAN 10-27-1931 BK S PG 21
Anna DYCK m Fred QUENZER 10-1-1905 BK G PG 199
Anna DYCK m John HAMM Jr. 4-11-1918 BK K PG 375
Anna Henrietta DYCK m David Herman CLAASSEN 8-5-1954 BK 16 PG 243
Anna Lynette DYCK m Thomas Richard STRONG 10-7-1967 BK 22 PG 239
Betty Ann DYCK m John William Von DOLLEN 10-20-1956 BK 17 PG 105
Carolyn Elaine DYCK m Steven Lee WILLIAMS 8-6-1977 BK 33 PG 72
Connie Marie DYCK m Charles Richard SCHAFER 3-6-1964 BK 20 PG 275
Erma Jean DYCK m James Allen BOND 9-9-1966 BK 21 PG 502
Gayla Frances DYCK m Thomas Roger DALE 6-13-1971 BK 26 PG 502
Helen DYCK m John P. DUECK 12-4-1919 BK l PG 151
Kathryn Lucille DYCK m Robert Ansel BURK 4-30-1944 BK 7 PG 68
Kathy Lynn DYCK m Terry Norman TALBERT 6-12-1982 BK 39 PG 433
Krista Leigh DYCK m Scott Eric WINEGARDEN 2-24-1990 BK 48 PG 971
Mary DYCK m Gustav WIEBE 9-29-1910 BK 1 PG 60
Ruth Ellen DYCK m Ralph Paul SCOVELL 3-12-1949 BK 13 PG 196
Miscellaneous Welliver Data
Eldon WELLIVER dod: 9-5-1970 BK 104 PG 525
Mark Stacy WELLIVER dob: 10-5-1959 BK 72 PG 307
Thomas Bruce WELLIVER m Mary Elizabeth Litchfield MADISON 3-9-1991 BK 50 PG 196
Arthur Henry APPLEGATE m Clarinda Verna WELLIVER dom: 2-21-1938 BK V PG 462
Brian Wylie WILLIAMSON m Harriet Jane WELLIVER dom: 4-8-1989 BK 47 PG 839
Eli Anthony BORTOLAZZO m Luann WELLIVER dom: 2-16-1997 BK 56 PG 997
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 16 PG 177
Nickolaus Hartwell GASTIL, male,dob: 12-7-1983 at 1414 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Rodney Marion GASTIL,
pob: Ca, 25 yrs old; mother: Licia Dawn TACKITT, pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 101 PG 52 (Film)
Noah D. SHARP, male/single, dob: 9-23-1969 at 1:09 pm; pob: General Hospital; mother: Kathleen Marlane MILLER, pob:
Ca, age 16 yrs, white, resident of Oceano; father: Rick D. SHARP, pob: New Mexico, age 19 yrs, white, occupation: cook
- restaurant
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 20 PG 177
Groom: Charles Walter PARSONS, native of Kentucky, aged 39 yrs, dob: 2-6-1924; resident of Monterey, Monterey
county, 2nd marriage, last marriage ended by death, occupation - automobile dealer, father: Walter PARSONS, pob:
Kentucky, mother: Allie MAGGARD, pob: Kentucky
Bride: Sherry Lee LINARES, native of Ca, aged 27 yrs, dob: 11-21-1935, resident of Pacific Grove, Monterey county, 2nd
marriage, last marriage ended in divorce, occupation: bookkeeper, maiden name - GRAVELLE; father: Ernest W.
GRAVELLE pob: Louisiana, mother: Ermine M. MINENI pob: Ca
married in Camarillo, Ventura county 11-18-1963 by B. F. Ruffner Municipal Court Judge
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 6
Patrick BARRY, male/white/married/single, no dob, pob: Ireland; dod: 2-17-1910 at 8 am; pod: County Hospital San Luis
Obispo; age at time of death: 32 yrs; occupation: laborer; stay at pod: 36 mos, Ca: 7 yrs; former residence: Watsonville,
father: Patrick BARRY pob: Ireland
mother: unknown
cause of death: phitisis pneumonia C. J. McGovern MD
no burial info
Cert # 2007000584
Groom: Albert Charles PAULSEN, dob: 7-9-1975, residence: Paso Robles, pob: NB, occupation: press operator, printing
12 yrs, education: 12th grade, father: Alvin James PAULSEN, pob: NB; mother: Betty Gale BROWN, pob: MI
Bride: Jennifer Renee DYCK, dob: 6-23-1983, residence: Paso Robles, pob: Ca, occupation: cashier, retail, education:
12th grade, father: Steven Wayne DYCK, pob: Ca; mother: Kathleen Marie GREEN, pob: Ca
dom: 5-19-2007 Paso Robles Rev. Dan Burrell Youth Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 146 PG 480
Peggy Ann BORBA, female/Caucasian/divorced; dob: 9-23-1957; pob: Germany; dod: 7-29-1994 at 1833 hrs(fnd); age at
time of death: 36 yrs; education level: 12 yrs; occupation: account representative business form printing for 15 yrs, Pro-
forms; residence: Atascadero; 33 yrs in this community
informant: Ingeborg PENDLEY - mother - Atascadero
father: Tom Henry PENDLEY pob: Oklahoma
mother: Ingeborg GOERNER pob: Czech
cause of death: suspect, electrolyte imbalance/severe dehydration due to chronic alcoholism
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 20 PG 95
Groom: Manuel PINO, native of Ca, aged 25 yrs, dob: 4-23-1938; resident of Arroyo Grande, 1st marriage, occupation - retail,
sales clerk, father: Charles PINO, pob: Mexico, mother: Carmen OCHOA, pob: Mexico
Bride: Delia Lynn RODRIGUEZ, native of Ca, aged 25 yrs, dob: 5-20-1938, resident of Oceano, 1st marriage, occupation
- cook, boardinghouse, father: Nicanor RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico, mother: Benita LEMUS, pob: Mexico
married in Arroyo Grande 8-16-1963 by G. S. Dana Judge
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 146 PG 4
Roy DAVENPORT, white/male/married; dob: 6-20-1919; pob: LA; dod: 4/22/1994 at 1632 hrs; pod: residence; age: 74 yrs;
military service: 1941 - 1945; education: 12 yrs; residence: Arbutus, Morro Bay; surviving spouse: Inadell ZANICHELLI;
occupation: Davenport Office Machines - owner- sales & service for 52 yrs; 15 yrs in county of death
informant: Ina DAVENPORT - wife
father: Carl DAVENPORT pob: Va
mother: Violet LINDEN pob: England
cause of death: cachexia/brain metastasis/small cell carcinoma of lung
Robert Fishburn MD
CR/SCA scatter off coast of Morro Bay
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 3
W. W. CLARK, male/white/married, no dob, pob: Nebraska; dod: 11-15-1909 at 8 pm; pod: residence in San Miguel; age
at time of death: 32 yrs, 9 mos, 25 days; stay at pod: 3 seeks, Ca: 3-4 yrs
no parental info
cause of death: pulmonary hemorrhage/TB
Burial 11-16-1909 San Miguel
Mrs. W. G. Millman Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 6 PG 265 (Coroner's Certificate)
Walter HANSEN, male/white/divorced, dob: unknown ; pob: Denmark; dod: 2-13-1916; pod: near Henry Station; age at
time of death: 33 yrs; occupation: plasterer; length of stay in this county: over 1 yr
informant: C. W. PALMER county Coroner
father: unknown
mother: unknown
cause of death: Struck by train on a railroad crossing while riding in a wagon being driven across railroad.
Removal/Burial San Francisco 2-15-1916
C. W. Palmer
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 59 PG 195
Agnes Martha BORBA, white/female/widow; dob: 3-9-1905; pob: Ca; DOD: 11-1-2000 at 1401 hrs; age at time of death:
95 yrs; usual residence: Shell Beach; length of stay in county of death: 95 yrs; never in the Armed services; not Hispanic;
level of Education: 8 yrs; occupation: homemaker for 78 yrs
Informant: Virginia GREEN - daughter - Jackson, Ca
Father: Antone RUDA pob: Azores Islands
Mother: Georgia CALLAWAY pob: Ca
Cause of death: Cardiorespiratory failure/congestive heart failure with aortic sclerosis
Burial in Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 137 PG 887
Gary Wesley GASTIL, white/male/married; dob: 2-4-1967; pob: Ca; dod: 10-13-1989 at 1425 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital San Luis Obispo; age: 22 yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; never in the military; level of education: 10
yrs; occupation: concrete construction worker for Harry Waughman for 1 yr; residence: Teak Rd, Paso
Robles; surviving spouse: Carlena MARANO; 22 yrs in county of death
infomant: Carlena GASTIL - wife
father: Raymond GASTIL pob: Oklahoma
mother: Barbara XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Oklahoma
cause of death: Central cardiorespiratory failure duration - hours
Cerebral contusion and basilar skull fx duration - hours
due to vehicle accident 10-12-1989 at 1815 hrs. Hwy 229, .5 mi south of Hwy 41 in rural Creston
Burial 10-18-1989 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 93 PG 437
Gary Wesley GASTIL, male, single, pob: Paso Robles Memorial District Hospital, dob: 2-4-1967 at 10:52 pm, 7 lbs 15
oz 20 inches; father: Ray Ellsworth GASTIL, white, 47 yrs old, native of Indiana, occupation: truck driver - construction,
resident of Paso Robles; mother: Barbara Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state law), white, 30 yrs old, native of
Oklahoma, resident of Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County BK of Marriages BK B PG 244
Groom: E. L. FESLER, native of Mo, aged 27 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, never before
married, mother is a native of Tennessee, father is a native of Kentucky
Bride: Mrs. Lottie STOWELL, native of Mo, aged 21 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, county of Santa Barbara, was married
before, mother and father both natives of Mo.
witnesses: J. A. E. SUMMERS, resident of Templeton & Mabel DUNBAR, resident of San Luis Obispo
married 9-6-1887 in San Luis Obispo by R. W. Summer, Clergyman Prot. Eps. Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 12 PG 391
Edward BARRIOS, male/white/married, dob: 2-22-1870; pob: Santa Barbara County, Ca; dod: 7-6-1929 at 1:00
pm; age at time of death: 59 yrs, 4 mos, 14 days; surviving spouse: Manuella BARRIOS, occupation: Teamster -
Sandercock Trans. Company; length of stay at pod: 7 days, Ca: life informant:
John BARRIOS San Luis Obispo
father: Louis BARRIOS pob: Ca
mother: Selza XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: infection of the leg, following insect bite/streplococcos hemolyticus duration- 6 mos
acute myocarditis duration - 1 day
Burial 7-9-1929 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richards Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 43 PG 203
Cyril William KINSELLA, male/white/married; dob: 3-1898; pob: England; dod: 12-27-1960 at 5:15 am; pod: French
Hospital; age: 62 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: self-employed rancher for 40 yrs; surviving spouse: Margaret
KINSELLA - housewife; 23 yrs in community of death; 41 yrs in California; usual residence: Baden St., Grover City
no parental information
Buried 12-30-1960 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. Wood Funeral Director
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 2 PG 38 Register # 81
COLVIN Jr, Charles George, male, white, dob: 11-29-1905, father: Charles George COLVIN, aged 24 yrs,
pob: Michigan, occupation: laborer, resident of Cambria; mother: Ida May XX (last name with held per Ca state law),
aged 35 yrs, pob: Ca, occupation: housewife, resident of Cambria
C. S. Walters MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 2 PG 40 Register 13
COLVIN, Celia May dob: 9-30-1906, female, white, father: Chas. G. COLVIN, aged 24 yrs, pob: Michigan,
occupation: farmer; resident Cambria; mother: Ida May XX(last name with held per Ca state law), aged 35 yrs,
pob: San Luis Obispo county, Ca, occupation: housewife; resident of Cambria
W. F. Percioa MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 3 PG 223
Groom: Charles Leland CLINE, native of Montana, aged 27 yrs, resident of Camp San Luis, white race, 1st marriage,
occupation - soldier, father: Ralph CLINE, pob: Montana, mother: Anna Katherine XX(last name with held per Ca state
law), pob: Utah
Bride: Constance Vernon SOWASH, native of Ca, aged 21 yrs, resident of Willits, county of Mendocino, Ca, white race,
1st marriage, occupation - at home, father: Fred L. SOWASH pob: Iowa, mother: Freda W. XX(last name with held per
Ca state law) pob: Virginia
married in San Luis Obispo 1-9-1943 by Clarence J. Merriman Chaplain U.S. Army
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 29 PG 188
Calvin Clayton TUCKER, white/male/married; dob: 4-27-1910; pob: CA; dod: 3-26-1951 at 2:05 pm; pod: died in
ambulance on way to hospital; age at time of death: 40 yrs; occupation: rancher, wheat & cattle; citizen of the
USA; Veteran-WW II; surviving spouse: Mae Ellen TUCKER; residence: Oak St. Paso Robles informant:
father: Otto W. TUCKER pob: Kansas
mother: Mattie L.XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
cause of death: Accident - crushed chest & probable internal injuries due to being thrown from automobile while driving
about 35 miles from Paso Robles on Parkfield-Coalinga Rd; rural Parkfield, Monterey County
Burial 3-28-1951 Shandon District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 242
Groom: Joseph G. BONETTI, native of Switzerland, aged 26 yrs, resident of Cayucos, never before married, both
parents are from Switzerland
Bride: Kathie LYON, native of New York, aged 22 yrs, resident of Josephine, never before married, both parents are from
Witnesses: S. DONATI and N. MARQUART both of Cayucos
married 9-8-1887 in Josephine at the house of N. MARQUART by Rev. J. BENEFIEL , resident of Cayucos
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 241
Groom: Mark BONETTI, native of Switzerland; aged 25 yrs; resident of Cayucos; never before married; both parents are
from Switzerland
Bride: Guilietta BONETTI, native of Switzerland, aged 18 yrs, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, never
before married, both parents are from Switzerland
Witnesses: James and Jean TOMASINI residents of San Luis Obispo
married 9-10-1887 in San Luis Obispo by M. Henderson Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 22 PG 377
Ashley Rochelle GASTIL; white/female/single; dob: 7-30-1986 at 2127 hrs; pob: San Luis Obispo General
Hospital; father: Gary Wesley GASTIL, pob: CA; age: 19 yrs; mother: Jamie Michelle XX(last name with held per Ca
state law), pob: CA; age: 16 yrs
San Luis Obispo County Telegram - Tribune
Wednesday July 22, 1953 pg 2
Death Summons Anna WESTPHAL
Atascadero - July 22, 1953 Mrs. Anna WESTPHAL, 58 yrs, native of Germany and former resident of Avenal, died at her
home here Monday following a long illness.
Mrs. WESTPHAL was born on Oct. 6, 1894 in Kussel, Germany. The WESTPHAL family resided in Avenal before
moving here last June.
Mrs. WESTPHAL is survived by her husband, Roy WESTPHAL and seven sons; Roy WESTPHAL, Jr. of Oregon, Walter
WESTPHAL of Wisconsin, Robert WESTPHAL of Louisiana, Frank WESTPHAL of Atascadero, John WESTPHAL of
Burlingame, Edward WESTPHAL of Illinois and George WESTPHAL stationed with the Army in Korea; a daughter, Mrs.
Dorothy Ann CHAPLING of Atascadero; and 9 grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements, under the direction of the Kuehl Funeral Chapel are pending.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 20 PG 182
Brittney Nicole GASTIL; white/female/single; dob: 8-31-1985 at 0535 hrs; pob: Twin Cities
Hospital Templeton; father: Gary Wesley GASTIL age: 18 pob: Ca; mother: Jamie M. XX(last name with held per
Ca state law) age: 15 pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 50 PG 37
Groom: Ward Allen ANGLES, resident of Arcata, Humboldt County, Ca, native of Ca, 1st marriage, dob: 10-2-
1965; occupation: resident director - university, level of education: 18 yrs, father: Warren Allen ANGLES, pob: Ca;
mother: Sharon Kathleen XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob: Ca
Bride: Julie Ann HAFNER, San Luis Obispo, native of Ca, dob: 9-26-1961, 1st marriage, level of education: 17yrs,
occupation: teacher - secondary education, father: Donald Ray HAFNER pob: Ca; mother: Patricia XX(last name with
held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
dom: 12-29-1990 in Morro Bay by ? Jeffreys Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 122 PG 843
Bert Benjamin LOWE, white/male/never married; dob: 8/22/1888; pob:
Missouri; dod: 11/15/1979 at 0230 hrs; pod: Cabrillo Extended Care
Center, San Luis Obispo; usual residence: Pacific St, Morro Bay; age at
time of death: 91 yrs; ethnicity: not given; occupation: carpenter for 8
yrs, McGillivary Outfitters, hunting industry
informant: Mrs. Marian MILLSON - niece - Los Altos, Ca
father: George LOWE pob: Illinois
mother: Frances XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: cardiac arrest/arteriosclerotic cardiovascular
Dr. Robert J. Lins San Luis Obispo
Burial 11-19-1979 Holy Cross Cemetery Fresno, Ca
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 133 PG 292
Bert Lee JONES; white/male/married; dob: 6-19-1902; pob: Oklahoma; dod: 1-17-1987 at 1333 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital; age: 84 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Pauline BRAINDRE; residence: Napa St, Morro Bay;
occupation: salesman for 15 yrs Jack Young Real Estate
informant: Pauline JONES - wife
father: John LeRoy JONES pob: Illinois
mother: Electra Elvina XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: cardiac arrest/massive stroke/COPD/CHF
Gary Kolb MD Morro Bay
Burial 1-22-1987 Lake Wood Memorial Park Hughson, Ca
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 31 PG 922
Groom: Bert Lee JONES; dob: 6-19-1902; age: 74 yrs; # of prior marriages: 3; last marriage ended 9-21-1974 in
death; pob: Oklahoma; residence: Napa St., Morro Bay; occupation: Realtor; level of education: 12 yrs; father: John
Leroy JONES pob: Nebraska; mother: Electra XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Nebraska
Bride: Pauline nmn ADAMS; dob: 1-8-1901; age: 74 yrs; # of prior marriages: 2; last marriage ended 1-29-1976 in death;
pob: Michigan; residence: Napa St., Morro Bay; occupation: writer: level of education: 13 yrs; maiden
name: BRAINERD; father: Scovel G. BRAINERD pob: Michigan; mother: Lottie XX(last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Michigan
Witnesses: John E. Young resident of Morro Bay and Maxine Y. ELKINS resident of Atascadero
dom: 8-14-1976 in Morro Bay by Rev. C. A. Jacobi Lutheran Minister Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 14 PG 220
Fernando FERNANDEZ; male/white/single; dob: 12/10/1849; pob: San Luis
Obispo; dod: 11/23/1932; pod: residence - Highland District, San Luis Obispo; age: 72 yrs, 11 mos, 13
days; occupation: Rancher; length of stay at pod: 40 yrs; Ca: life
informant: Frank FERNANDEZ Pozo, Ca
father: Venturo FERNANDEZ pob: Monterey County, Ca
mother: Saladrona XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Monterey County, Ca
cause of death: myocarditis/arterio sclerosis
Allen F. Gillihan MD Burial 11/28/1932 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company Funeral
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 Pg 9999
Ramona FERNANDEZ; female; age: 11 yrs, 4 mos, 20 days; dod: 12/6/1893; pod: San Luis Obispo; cause of
death: anaemia & tubercular degeneration; burial in Catholic Cemetery; F. A. Krill MD; T. J. Bowen Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 Pg 9999
Ventura FERNANDEZ; male; age: 78 yrs, 4 mos, 0 days; dod: 11/16/1904; pod: San Luis
Obispo; occupation: farmer; cause of death: senile debility; burial in Catholic Cemetery; James Sinclair MD; C. W.
Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 Pg 9999
Jose A. FERNANDEZ; male; age: 52 yrs, 1 mos, 22 days; dod: 6/18/1903; pod: Shandon; occupation: laborer; killed
by falling derrick; burial in Catholic Cemetery; G. B. Nickols - Coroner; C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2 Pg 9999
Joseph Manuel Anton FERNANDEZ; male; age: 10 yrs, 8 mos, 16 days; dod: 12/11/1900; pod: Santa Maria, Santa
Barbara county, Ca; cause of death: septicemia from inflammation of the glands; burial in Catholic Cemetery; H. D.
Livingston MD; T. J. Bowen Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths CERT # 2002001146
Gary Reid JOHNSON; white/Caucasian/single: dob: 2-23-1934; pob: West Virginia; dod: date found, 7-13-2002 at
1325 hrs; pod: Residence: age: 68 yrs; residence: Emerald Dr., Arroyo Grande; 10 yrs in county of death; never in
the military; not Hispanic; level of education: 20 yrs; occupation: Professor at University of California - Berkley
informant: Office of the Public Administrator
father: Ernest Reid JOHNSON pob: WV
mother: Sophrona Edyth XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: WV
no cause of death
Burial 8-2-2002 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park, Los Osos
Lady Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune Wednesday October 22, 1958
JENSEN Service in Arroyo Grande
Grover City - October 22, 1958
Lawrence Peter JENSEN, 51, native of Nipomo and resident of Grover City for the past 15 years, died Monday in a San
Luis Obispo hospital after a long illness.
Mr. JENSEN was a carpenter, born April 4, 1907. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma JENSEN of Grover City; 2
daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Del CASTILLA of San Diego, and Miss Leona JENSEN of Grover City; 2 sons, Edwin of Grover
City and Raymond, US Navy, stationed in San Diego; 3 sisters, Mrs. Johanna BERKOVICH of Halcyon, Mrs. Ingeborg
NIELSON and Mrs. Ida DRAPER of Santa Maria, and 4 grandchildren.
Graveside funeral rites were held at 1 pm today in the Arroyo Grande District Cemetery. Kenneth Rodrigues of the
Church of Christ officiated.
The Wood Chapel in Arroyo Grande was in charge of arrangements
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 53 PG 264
John Alexander LOGAN, male/white/widower; dob: 5-22-1884; pob: Scotland; dod: 1-23-1967 at 8:45
am; pod: Atascadero Hospital; age: 82 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: truck driver Los Angeles County Road
Dept for 33 yrs; never in the Armed Services; usual residence: Atascadero
informant: Mary FOOTE
father: JAmes LOGAN pob: Scotland
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Scotland
cause of death: arteriosclerotic heart disease/generalized arteriosclerosis
Burial 1-27-1967 Woodlawn Association
Chapel of the Roses
Telegram-Tribune Thursday October 6, 1955
Mrs. Ida Mae COLVIN Taken by Death
Mrs. Ida Mae COLVIN, 85, native of California and resident of San Luis Obispo nearly her entire life, died this morning in
a local hospital following an illness of several months.
She was born October 10, 1869 in Stockton but came to this county at the age of 5 years.
Mrs. COLVIN is survived by a son, Earl COLVIN of Arroyo Grande; a sister, Mrs. Emma COMPHER of Bakersfield; and
two grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the R. F. Richardson company funeral chapel with burial in
the family plot of the Lawn Memorial Cemetery.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 36 PG 140
Ida Mae COLVIN, white/female/widow; dob: 10-29-1869; pob: CA; dod: 10-6-1955 at 1:10 am; age at time of
death: 85 yrs; pod: General Hospital; citizen of the USA; length of stay in county of death: 80 yrs; usual
residence: Arroyo Grande; occupation: at home
informant: Earl COLVIN
father: Benjamin DOTY pob: Iowa
mother: unknown pob: Iowa
Burial 10-8-1955 at IOOF Cemetery
R. F. Richardson Company Ida
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 2 PG 40
Groom: Mathias Frank HOFF, pob: Wisconsin, aged 27 yrs, resident of Camp San Luis Obispo, of the white race
Bride: Marguerite Josephine MOELISH, pob: West Virginia, aged 21 yrs, resident of Paso Robles, of the white race
married 7-14-1942 by Rev. F. D. Bredenstine Chaplain of HqS HqBattry 7th MtzArty - Catholic Priest
Witnesses: Mrs. Baine R. HICKS, Paso Robles and David McPETERS, San Luis Obispo
County Board of Health Certificate:
Groom: resident of Battery C, 48th F.A. BN Camp San Luis Obispo' of the white race, aged 27 yrs, single, 1st marriage,
born in Wisconsin, employed as soldier. father: John HOFF pob: Wisconsin; mother: Louise XX(last name withheld per
Ca state law) pob: Wisconsin
Bride: resident of Paso Robles, age 21 yrs, single, 1st marriage, of the white race, born in W. Virginia, no
occupation. father: Anthony MOELISH pob: Austria mother: Hattie XX(last name with held per Ca state law)
pob: Austria
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages VOL 22 PG 36
Groom: Wardner HARRIS: dob: 8-16-1920; pod: CA; age: 46; occupation: Atascadero State Hospital; father: Harley
L. HARRIS pob: Miss; mother: Garnet Fern XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ind
Bride: Ethel GEISER: dob: 3-28(?)-1917; pob: Ill; age: 50; resident of Fresno; occupation: cashier; maiden name:
ICHKOWSKY; father: Morris ICHKOWSKY pob: Russia; mother: Anna XX(last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Russia
dom: 5-5-1967
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 28, 1977 page 3
Death Notice
HARDY - Alice HARDY, 89, of Atascadero, died Saturday in an Atascadero hospital. Services are pending at Chapel of
the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 18 PG 223
Gilbert MILLS; white/male/single; dob: 7-7-1871; pob: Michigan; dod: 11-23-1938 at 9 pm; pod: San Luis Obispo
General Hospital; age: 67 yrs, 4 mos, 16 days; usual residence: Morro Bay; occupation: retired; length of stay at
pod: 18 days; in CA: 48 yrs
informant: Maude E DAYTON - General Hospital
father: Henry MILLS pob: Canada
mother: Lucille XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: New York
cause of death: coronary occlusion/myocardia degeneration
Removal to Tulare, Ca
C. W. Palmer Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Doc # 2006001006
Frank P. CASIMIRO Jr.; white/male/widower; dob: 12-10-1913; pob: CA; dod: 6-30-2006; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital; age: 92 yrs; occupation: owner of a gas station for 50 yrs; education: some college; never in the armed
service; usual residence: Morro Bay
informant: Darlyn HASTIN daughter Tulare
father: Frank P. CASIMIRO Sr. pob: Azores
mother: Frances XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Azores
cause of death: cardiac arrest/congestive heart failure/diabetes/tobacco abuse
burial 7-6-2006 Calvery Cemetery Hanford
Whitehurst/McNamara Funeral Sve
BK 26 PG 361
Groom: Daniel Ross FIDLER, dob: 11-27-1947, 23 yrs old, 1 st marriage, pob: Michigan, white, residence: White Oak
Ave, Encino, Ca, Los Angeles county, student, level of education: 18 yrs, father: Herman
FIDLER pob: Michigan, mother: Reva XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Michigan
Bride: Cindy SHAW, dob: 11-24-1948, 22 yrs old, 1 st marriage, pob: Kansas, residence: Binscarth, Baywood Park,
San Luis Obispo county, student, level of education: 16 yrs, father: Robert CHAMPLAIN pob: New York,
mother: Bernice XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Washington
witnesses: Mary OAKES and Jeanne OAKES both of SLO county
married 5-28-1971 at the courthouse by Judge Paul Jackson
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 140 PG 505
Eve Lavon BIXBY; white/female/married; dob: 3-17-1921; pob: MN; dod: 4-12-1991 at 1535 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; level of education: 14 yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; age at time of death: 70
yrs; occupation: homemaker for 35 yrs; 16 yrs in this county
informant: Allen BIXBY - husband
father: Carl GERDEMAN pob: Sweden
mother:Sigrid XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Sweden
cause of death: cardiorespiratory arrest
Burial 4-17-1991 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Feneral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 27 PG 266
Eugene Wilcox or Wilcott BIXBY; male/white/never married; dob: 5-16-1883; pob: Wisconsin; dod: 12-26-1940 at
10:55 pm; pod: General Hospital; never in the armed services; citizen of the USA; age: 66
yrs; occupation: laborer; length of stay at pod: 27 mos
informant: hospital
father: Roy BIXBY pob: Wisconsin
mother: Mary Unknown last pob: unknown
cause of death: aspiration pneumonia/hypertensive cardiac vascular disease/myocardial insufficienct
Burial 12-28-1949 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company - funeral director
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune October 23, 1971 pg 2
Death Notice
JENSEN - Emma E. JENSEN, 64, of Grover City died Friday at a San Luis Obispo hospital. Services are pending Wood
Funeral Home, Arroyo Grande.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune October 25 pg 2
Graveside funeral services will be held for Mrs. Emma E. JENSEN, 64, of Grover City at 11 am Tuesday in Arroyo
Grande District Cemetery. Rev. William Black will officiate.
Mrs. JENSEN died Friday in a San Luis Obispo hospital.
She was born March 8, 1907, in Nebraska and had lived in San Luis Obispo county for the past 61 years. She was a
member of Pocahontas Council No. 293.
Mrs. JENSEN is survived by 2 sons, Edwin JENSEN of Grover City and Raymond JENSEN of Pismo Beach; 2 daughters,
Mrs. Leona SHERWOOD of San Luis Obispo and Mrs. Evelyn Del CASTILLO of San Jose; 2 brothers, Russell ADAMS pf
Atascadero and Frank ADAMS of Nebraska; a sister, Mrs. Clara SMITH of Santa Ana and 7 grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Wood Funeral Home in Arroyo Grande.
Telegram-Tribune 1-4-1993 Death Notice
Allred-Doyle ALLRED, 85, of Oceano died Saturday at a San Luis Obispo rest
home. Arrangements are pending at Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in
Grover Beach.
Telegram-Tribune 1-7-1993 page B-7
Doyle ALLRED, 85, of Oceano died Saturday January 2, 1993, at a San Luis
Obispo convalescent hospital.
Graveside services will be at 1 pm Friday at the Greenlawn Memorial Park in
Bakersfield. The Rev. Leon Reames of Westchester Baptist Church of
Bakersfield will officiate.
Mr. ALLRED was born June 6, 1907, in Russellville, Arkansas. He was a U.S.
Army veteran of WW II. He worked at the San Joaquin Cotton Seed Oil Mill
for many years before moving to Oceano in 1986 from Bakersfield. Prior to
entering a nursing home he enjoyed deepsea and freshwater fishing. He loved
gardening and was still actively involved in it at the nursing home.
Mr. ALLRED is survived by three brothers, Arline ALLRED, of Bakersfield,
Orville ALLRED of Arkansas and Elbert ALLRED of Oklahoma; a sister, Margaret
DUNN of Texas; and many nieces and nephews, including Delma BOWMAN of
Arrangements are by Marshall-Spoo Sunset funeral chapel in Grover Beach.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK G PG 119
Groom: Charles George COLVIN, native of Michigan, aged 23 yrs, resident of Cambria,
County of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Ida May DOTY, native of CA, aged over 18 yrs, resident of Cambria,
County of San Luis Obispo
witnesses: C. J. J. WILHOIT & Mrs. Mary DOTY, both of San Luis Obispo
Married 3-30-1905 in San Luis Obispo by John MATHEWS
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 18 PG 222
Charles Milton WALDEN; male/white/married; dob: 9-13-1901; pob: Dennison, Texas; dod: 11-19-1938; pod: San
Luis Obispo Sanitarium; age: 37 yrs, 2 mos, 6 days; surviving spouse: Zella WALDEN; usual residence: San Luis
Hotel; occupation: truck driver and miner for 5 yrs; length of stay at pod: 3 days, in Ca: 6 yrs
father: Joseph WALDEN pob: USA
mother: Opal (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Georgia
cause of death: 3rd degree burns from gas explosion in hotel 11-19-1938
Removal 11-28-1938 to Gallup, New Mexico
C. W. Palmer Mortuary
Telegram-Tribune Wednesday 11-12-1947 page 6
Death Summons C. G. COLVIN
Charles George COLVIN, 67, Atascadero and former resident of Arroyo Grande, died in a local hospital Tuesday
night. He was born in Michigan June 17, 1880.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ida May COLVIN of Atascadero, Earl COLVIN, son, of Arroyo Grande, Joyce and Elaine
COLVIN, granddaughters of Arroyo Grande.
Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 pm in the Chapel of the R. F. Richardson funeral home. Burial will be in the
family plot of the Lawn Memorial Cemetery.
Mr. COLVIN was a veteran of the Spanish-American War.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 25 PG 114
Charles George COLVIN, white/male/married; dob: 6-17-1880; pob: Michigan; dod: 11-11-1947 at 7:50 pm; age at
time of death: 67 yrs, 4 mos, 24 days; pod: General Hospital, San Luis Obispo; length of stay in this community: 40
yrs; CA: 40 yrs; veteran of the Spanish/American War; surviving spouse: Ida Mae COLVIN - age 76 yrs; usual
occupation: laborer - retired; usual residence: Atascadero
informant: Earl COLVIN - Arroyo Grande
no parental info
cause of death: cerebral embolus/congestive heart failure/arteriosclerotic heart disease
Marian Fleming MD
Burial 11-14-1947 IOOF Cemetery
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo Daily Telegram Sept. 13, 1929 Section 2 Pg 1
Heart Attack Takes Colony Fire Chief
Atascadero - Sept. 13 - The many friends of Charley ADAMS, popular fire chief of Atascadero, were shocked to hear of
his death, which occurred Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at his home on Traffic Way, of leakage of the heart
Funeral announcements will be made later
San Luis Obispo Daily Telegram Sept. 14, 1929 Pg 1 Automobile Section
Charles ADAMS Funeral Held
Atascadero - Sept. 14 - The funeral of Charles ADAMS, fire chief here, were held Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock with
Rev. Leon BLiss in charge.
The body was then taken to Arroyo Grande where the Odd Fellows had charge of the services at the grave at 4 o'clock.
Mr. ADAMS died suddenly at his home Thursday of heart failure.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 146 PG 411
Carmen O. PINO; white/female/widow; dob: 4-25-1902; pob: Mexico; dod: 7-11-1994 at 0897 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; age at time of death: 92 yrs; race: Mexican/Hispanic; level of education: 8
yrs; occupation: self-employed homemaker for 70 yrs; usual residence: Alder St., Arroyo Grande; in this county for 45
informant: Estalla LOPEZ - daughter Oceano
father: Antonio OCHOA pob: Mexico
mother: Maria XX(last name with held per C state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: Hypertension/arrhythmia/valvular heart disease
Burial 7-15-1994 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Lady Family Mortuary
Miscellaneous BUSHNELL Births
Edna Madalena 4/27/1887 VOL 3 PG 2 "delayed"
Elizabeth 2/3/1900 VOL 296 PG 382 "O.R."
Eugene 10/7/1904 VOL 296 PG 333 "O.R."
Francis Lane 10/20/1905 VOL 2 PG 12
Jeanette 10/28/1879 VOL 3 PG 184 "delayed"
John 1/24/1882 VOL 322 PG 329 "O.R."
Ruby Ruth 10/29/1903 VOL 5 PG 129 "delayed"
Ruth Josephine 10/29/1903 VOL 5 PG 246
Theodore 1/15/1903 VOL 296 PG 333 "O.R."
Walter 11/24/1897 VOL 296 PG 382 "O.R."
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 18 PG 504
Groom: Louis BRUMANA, dob: 10-26-1927, aged 33 yrs, pob: CA; married before-divorced; resident of Pismo Beach,
carpenter; father: John B. BRUMANA pob: Italy; mother: Rose XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
Bride: Marcella Odessa BRYAN, dob: 3-1-1937, aged 23 yrs, Pob: Arizona; married before-divorced, resident of Santa
Maria, Santa Barbara County, CA, waitress; maiden name: Marcella RALLS; father: Arthur RALLS pob:
Arkansas; mother: Waneta XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob:Arkansas
married 11-4-1960 in San Luis Obispo Courthouse by Paul K. JACKSON
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages VOL G PG 355
Groom: Howard C. ASTON, native of Ohio, aged 23 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Ines R. PRUITT, native of Oregon, aged 16 yrs, resident of Orcutt, County of Santa Barbara, consent of mother for
marriage was obtained
witnesses: Mrs. Grace ASTON, resident of San Luis Obispo and Mrs. Lucy PRUITT, resident of Orcutt
married August 25, 1906 in San Luis Obispo by Jas. Blackledge Minister of the Gospel
San Luis Obispo Superior County Family Law/Probate Register #: E PG #: 369; 373
William F. DONNELLY: deceased; dod: 3-1-1883; pod: Elko, Nevada, Washoe County; age: 45 yrs
Mary Dodge HILL: wife of deceased; age: unknown; resident of Los Angeles County
William H. DONNELLY: age 27; resident of Los Angeles
Laura DONNELLY: age 23; resident of Los Angeles County
Rebecca W. Donnelly HUBBARD: daughter of deceased
Laura Donnelly McDONALD; daughter of deceased
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 52 PG 477
Stafford Weston BIXBY; white/male/widow; dob: 2-11-1879; pob: CA; dod: 9-26-1966 at 7:30am; age: 87 yrs;
citizen of the USA; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital; length of stay in county of death: 4
yrs; CA: lifetime; usual residence: South Pasadena County of Los Angeles, CA; occupation: self-employed owner-
manager for 60 yrs Property holdings
informant: Mrs. Theresa BIXBY San Mateo, CA father:
George F. BIXBY pob: Maine
mother: Anna M XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Michigan
cause of death: Acute coronary occlusion/generalized arteriosclerosis
Removal 9-27-1966 Glendale Forest Lawn Cemetery
Sutcliffe Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK G PG 290
Groom: Henry C. SKOW, native of Ca, aged 24 yrs, resident of San Francisco
Bride: Ida May FREEMAN, native of Ca, aged 26 yrs, resident of Cayucos
witness: E. R. FREEMAN, a resident of Cayucos and Erma C. SKOW, a resident of Hollister, county of San Bonita, State
of Ca
married 3-28-1906 in Cayucos by Jas. Blackledge Minister of the Gospel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK P PG 174
Groom: Nicanor RODRIGUEZ, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, white race, aged 29 yrs, single, 1st
marriage, pob: Mexico, occupation: Laborer-farmer father: N. RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico; mother: Piadana last name
with held per Ca state law) pob: Mexico
Bride: Benita LEMOS, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, white race, aged 19 yrs, single, 1st
marriage, pob: Mexico; father: Anselmo LEMOS pob: Mexico; mother: Maria last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Mexico
witness: Dolores ZARATE resident of Guadalupe, Santa Barbara County
date of marriage: 4-12-1926 at San Luis Obispo by William MALLAGH Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2004000862
Groom: Michael Gabriel RODRIGUEZ; dob: 6-28-1979, resident of Grover Beach, pob: CA; no prior
marriages, occupation: laborer in construction; level of education: 12 yrs; father: Tony Valdez RODRIGUEZ
Jr. pob: CA; mother: Karen Renee XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
Bride: Sonia Antoinette LOPEZ; dob: 5-18-1979, resident of Grover Beach; pob: CA; no prior
marriages; occupation: program specialist, clerical, level of education: 12 yrs; father: George
LOPEZ pob: CA; mother: Amentha Lee XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: HI
Married 7-17-2004 at Arroyo Grande by Fr. Raymond Mallett OTM Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 18 PG 504
Groom: Carlos RODRIGUEZ, dob: 12-27-1942, aged 18 yrs, pob: CA; never before married; resident of Oceano,
student; father: Nick RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico; mother: Benita XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
Bride: Marie Carmen LOPEZ, dob: 5-10-1943, aged 17 yrs, Pob: CA; never before married, resident of San Juan
Baptista, San Benito County, CA, student; father: Nicholas LOPEZ pob: Arizona; mother: Angela XX(last name with held
per Ca state law) pob: CA
witnesses: Mary FULLER Arroyo Grande and ? RODRIGUEZ Oceano
married 11-3-1960 in Arroyo Grande by G. S. DANA
Cert # 2005002580
Leslie Guadalupe RODRIGUEZ female/single/twin 1st born dob: 12-18-2005 at 0934 hrs
Cert # 2005002581
Luis Francisco RODRIGUEZ male/single/twin 2nd born dob: 12-17-2005 at 0936 hrs pob:
Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton
father: Luis Francisco RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico dob: 8-18-1975
mother: Araceli XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mexico dob: 5-27-1970
Telegram-Tribune May 14, 1970 page 13
A graveside service for Richard Elsworth ADAMS of Arroyo Grande will be conducted at 2 pm Friday in Arroyo Grande
district cemetery. The Rev. Russell Wilson of Grover City will officiate.
Mr. ADAMS died Wednesday in an Arroyo Grande hospital. He was 75. He was born June 10, 1894, in Nebraska and
had resided in Arroyo Grande for the past 60 years, He was a veteran of WW I and a retired farm laborer.
Survivors include 2 brothers, Frank ADAMS of Nebraska and Russell ADAMS of Atascadero; 2 sisters, Mrs. Clara SMITH
of Santa Ana, and Mrs. Emma JENSEN of Grover City.
Friends may call at Wood Funeral Chapel in Arroyo Grande until 1:30 pm Friday.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 2 PG 3
Groom: Lloyd Dow PHEGLEY, pob: Kansas, aged 28 yrs, resident of Camp Roberts, of the white race
Bride: Velda Jean WILCOX, pob: Wyoming, aged 21 yrs, resident of Casper, Wyoming County of Natoma, of the white
witnesses: Frank J. SCHUMAN, Atascadero and Mrs. Myrtle JONES Paso Robles
married 7-11-1942 at Paso Robles by Alson E. OSBORN Ordained Minister Assemblies of God
County Board of Health Certificate:
Groom: resident of Co.-D, 89th Inf, Camp Roberts, white, aged 28 yrs, single, 1st marriage, pob: Kansas,
occupation: soldier, father: Oscar PHEGLEY pob: Kansas, mother: LenaXX(last name with held per Ca state law)
pob: Kansas
Bride: resident of Casper, Wyoming, white, aged 21 yrs, widow, 2nd marriage, maiden name: SONNENEFELT,
pob: Wyoming, occupation: beauty operator, father: Jacob SONNENEFELT pob: Germany, mother: Margaret
XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Nebraska
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 122 PG 681
Otto nmn BIXBY; male/caucasian/widower; dob: 3-16-1883; pob: Indiana; dod: 9-28-1979 at 0015 hrs; pod: Twin
Cities Hospital, Templeton; age at time of death: 96 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: street car mechanic for adult
life; usual residence: Oak St., Paso Robles
informant: Mr. Dwight BIXBY - son - Santa Maria, Santa Barbara county
father: unknown
mother: Rufell C. XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: broncho pneumonia/cacexia/chronic brain syndrome
Dr. John Hardham Paso Robles
Burial 10-2-1979 at Paso Robles District Cmetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 13 PG 742
Nicanor RODRIGUEZ; male/Hispanic/widow; dob: 1-9-1892; pob: Mexico; dod: 1-9-1986 at 1823 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; age at time of death: 94 yrs; citizen of Mexico; occupation: laborer for R. Obayashi
Farms, general farming; usual residence: Beach St. Oceano
informant: Mrs. Mary NUNEZ - daughter Oceano
father: Hepumusene RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico
mother: Piedad XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: bronchial pneumonia
Burial 1-13-1986 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 2 PG 1
Groom: William Thomas MONTGOMERY, pob: Michigan, aged 24 yrs, resident of Camp San Luis Obispo, of the white
Bride: Alice Sandra GROSSO, pob: Italy, aged 20 yrs, resident of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, of the
white race
witnesses: Carl C REGE, San Luis Obispo and Mrs. Edith FORNER, San Francisco
married 7-14-1942 by A. E. Mallage Justice of the Peace San Luis Obispo
County Board of Health Certificate:
Groom: residence: HqCo 32 Inf Camp San Luis Obispo, aged: 24 yrs, divorced, 2nd
marriage, pob: Michigan, occupation: soldier, father: William B. MONTGOMERY pob: Kentucky, mother: Ida
XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Kentucky
Bride: resident of San Francisco, County of San Francisco, aged 20 yrs, of the white race, single, 1st
marriage, pob: Italy, occupation: telephone operator, father: Alexander GROSSO pob: Italy, mother: Mary XX(last
name with held per Ca state law) pob: Italy
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 2 PG 2 License:
Groom: Lyle Wayne McCLAIN, pob: Oklahoma, aged 23 Yrs, resident of Camp San Luis Obispo, of the white race
Bride: Blanche Cecilia McKINNEY, pob:Florida, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 32 yrs, of the white race
witnesses: Gladyce FORDEN, San Luis Obispo and Edith Wade HART San Luis Obispo
married 7-13-1942 at San Luis Obispo by Rev Frederick J HART
County Board of Health Certificate:
Groom, white, resident of Camp San Luis Obispo, aged 23 yrs, divorced, 2nd marriage, occupation: soldier,
father: Arthur P. McCLAIN pob: Indiana, mother: Myra J. XX)last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Indiana
Bride: white, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 32 yrs, divorced, 2nd marriage, maiden name HUDSON, occupation:
nurse, father: Henry Addison HUDSON pob: Florida, mother Nan Ruth XX(last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Florida
Telegram-Tribune July 2, 1996 page B-6
Mazie Agnes Townsend ADAMS, 94, of Atascadero died Sunday, June 30, 1996, in a Templeton hospital.
Visitation is from 6 - 8 pm Tuesday at Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero. Funeral services will take place at 11 am
Wednesday at the Chapel. Burial will be in Atascadero district cemetery, the Rev. Larry Etter officiating.
Mrs. ADAMS was born August 18, 1901, in Rockdell Township, Minn., to Oliver and Amanda Boelk TOWNSEND. She
lived in Atascadero since 1919. In 1924 she married Russell ADAMS and they lived all of their married life there. Mr.
ADAMS died in 1980. Mrs. ADAMS, with her husband, was a member of the Atascadero Historical Society and the
Community Church "Circle 5."
Mrs. ADAMS is survived by a daughter and son-in-law, Lois and Henry SCHINBINE of Paso Robles; a son and daughter-
in-law, Earl and Jacqueline ADAMS of San Luis Obispo; a grandson and his wife, Allen and Carol SCHINBINE of
Carmichael; granddaughters, Donna McKEE of Modesto, Janice WITZKE of Escalon, Pam SCHINBINE of Modesto, and
Elizabeth COUTS and her husband, Tim, of Atascadero; 3 great-grandchildren, John and Joseph WITZKE and Breanna
COUTS; and a sister and brother-in-law, Elsie and Jack YOUNG, of Yreka.
Contributions may be made to the Atascadero Historical Museum, or a charity of your choice. Arrangements are by
Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero
Telegram-Tribune Thursday 11-29-1956 page 2
Mary Elizabeth DOTY Taken by Death
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth DOTY, 73, native of Texas and resident of San Luis Obispo for nearly 60 years died Wednesday
afternoon in a local hospital following a long illness.
Mrs. DOTY, born on April 6, 1883, came to San Luis Obispo at the age of 14 years with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel CLEVINGER of Missouri.
She is survived by two sons, Stover G. DOTY and Dudley H. DOTY; a daughter, Mrs. R. L. GEORGE, and a sister, Mrs.
Harriet YAGER, all of San Luis Obispo, and 3 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock monday afternoon in the R. F. Richardson company funeral chapel with burial in
the family plot of the IOOF Cemetery.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 212
Marjorie Maxine BIXBY; white/female/married; dob: 8-15-1918; pob: CA; dod: 10-25-1976 at 0800 hrs; pod: Sierra
Vista Hospital; age: 58 yrs; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Paul M. BIXBY; occupation: housewife for 35 yrs in
own home; length of stay in county of death: 2 yrs; CA: 51 yrs; usual residence: Cass Ave. Cayucos
informant: Paul M. BIXBY - husband
father: Clayton L. NICHOLS pob: unknown
mother: Eugenia XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: respiratory arrest/pulmonary metastases/adenocarcinoma of lung/ruptured appendix
Burial 10-29-1976 Sunnyside Memorial Gardens Long Beach Los Angeles County, CA
Sunnyside Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Death Cert # 2005000401
Manuel PINO; white/male/married; dob: 4-23-1938; pob: CA; dod: 3-14-2005 at 0830 hrs; age at time of death: 66 yrs;
pod: residence, Arroyo Grande; surviving spouse: Delia Lynn RODRIGUEZ; race: Mexican; level of
education: 12 yrs; never in the armed services; occupation: tool room attendent cable manufactuing for 33 yrs; usual
residence: Arroyo Grande; 55 yrs in this county
informant: Delia PINO
father: Charlie PINO pob: Mexico
mother: Carmen XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: respiratory failure/brain metasteses/carcinoma of unknown primary/diabetes
Burial 3-22-2005 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Lady Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 157 PG 573
Luis L. RODRIGUEZ; white/male/divorced; dob: 3-11-1930; pob: CA; dod: 1-3-2000 at 0540 hrs; pod: Woodside
Nursing Home; age at time of death: 67 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs; not Hispanic; was in the military service; usual
occupation: US Postal Service sorter for 35 yrs; usual residence: Buchon St. San Luis Obispo; 69 yrs in this county
informant: Dorothy BARRIOS friend
father: Alberto RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico
mother: Florencia XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: cardio pulmonary arrest/coronary artery disease/diabetes melletes/end stage kidney disease
cremation/burial 1-6-2000 Old Mission Catholic Cemetery
Reis Chapel
Birth Cert # 1986992215
Luis Felipe RODRIGUEZ, male/single, dob: 12-6-1986 at 1035 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Felipe
RODRIGUEZ aged 32, pob: Mexico; mother: Evangelina XX(last name with held per Ca state law) aged 31 yrs,
pob: Mexico
San Luis Obispo Death Cert # 2005000987
Luis Baricuartro RODRIGUEZ; male/filipino/married; dob: 6-21-1922; pob: P.I.; dod: 7-7-2005 at 1710
hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Community Hospital; age at time of death: 83 yrs; never in the armed
services; race: Filipino; usual residence: Grover Beach; occupation: DMV motor vehicle agent for 21 yrs
informant: Remedios RODRIGUEZ wife
father: Pedro Guangco RODRIGUEZ pob: P.I.
mother: Victoria XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: P.i.
cause of death: sepsis/ peritonitis/bacteriodes fragilis infection/cardiomyopathy/hepatocellular carcinoma
Burial 7-23-2005 Arroyo Grande District Cemetery
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
Birth Cert # 2006001901 Luis Alberto RODRIGUEZ, male/single, dob: 9-12-2006 at 1909 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista
Hospital; father: Luis Alberto RODRIGUEZ dob: 6-10-1979 pob: Mexico; mother: Karina Victoria XX(last name with
held per Ca state law) dob: 8-20-1986 pob: Mexico
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 18 PG 1
Louis MARTINEZ; male/Mexican/married; dob: 8-15-1895; pob: Mexico; dod: 5-1-1938; pod: Tuberculosis
Sanitarium; age: 43 yrs, 8 mos, 16 days; occupation: laborer; surviving spouse: Amparo MARTINEZ; usual
residence: Santa Paula, Ca; length of stay at pod: 21 days; 9 yrs in Ca; 30 yrs in USA
informant: Leola CHAPIN - nurse
father: Leo MARTINEZ pob: Mexico
mother: Pasquala XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mexico
cause of death: Pulmonary Tuberculosis/syphilis
Burial 5-2-1938 IOOF County Cemetery
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 1
George Albert MARTIN; male/white/single; dob: 3-24-1892; pob: Ca; dod: 1-11-1910 at 12:15 am; pod: San Luis Obispo; age:
16 yrs, 9 mos, 17 days; length of stay at pod: 16 yrs
informant father
father: Jesse MARTIN pob: Wa
mother: Amanda TWEDDLE pob: Tx
cause of death: pulmonary Tuberculosis-chronic duration 3 yrs 6 mos
Paul Jackson MD
Burial 1-12-1910 IOOF San Luis Obispo
M. F. Crandell Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 581
John Abraham DYCK; white/male/married; dob: 3-1-1905; pob: Ca; dod: 2-18-1977 at 1:31 pm; age: 71 yrs; surviving
spouse: Mary KUHLMAN; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; length of stay in county of death: life; Ca: life; citizen of
the USA; usual residence: Adelaide Rd, Paso Robles; occupation: orchardist; nut orchard
informant: Mrs. Lucy DYCK Paso Robles
father: Abraham DYCK pob: West Prussia
mother: Anna CLAASSEN pob: West Prussia
cause of death: posterior myocardial infarction/coronary artery atherosclerosis
burial 2-23-1977 Adelaide Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 122 PG 474
Marie MILLER, white/female/widow; dob: 5-24-1892; pob: Wisconsin; dod:
7-25-1979 at 2355 hrs; pod: South County Convalscent Center, Arroyo
Grande; age at time of death: 87 yrs; usual residence: Pismo Beach;
occupation: homemaker adult life; citizen of the USA
informant: self - before demise
father: Joseph EISENHUT pob: Michagan
mother: Pauline SCHMITT pob: Wisconsin
cause of death: Cardiac arrest/ASH/CVD/Age
Cr 7-30-1979 Grand View Crematory, Glendale, Ca
McDermott - Crocket Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 143 PG 695
Mary F. BORBA, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 1-7-1893; pob: Azores; dod: 1-28-1993 at 1612 hrs; pod: Twin Cities
Convalescent Center, Templeton; age at time of death: 100 yrs; not Hispanic; level of education: 12 yrs; citizen of the
USA; occupation: homemaker in own home for 74 yrs; residence: San Luis Obispo
informant: Mary Jane Bettencourt Atascadero
father: Filbert RAMOS pob: Azores Islands
mother: Rose LIMA pob: Azores Islands
cause of death: respiratory failure/CHF/ASHD/CVAC/Diabetes
Burial 2-1-1993 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 129 PG 260
Mildred "L" WELLIVER; white/female/widow; dob: 5-14-1911; pob: IA; did: 5-22-1984 at 1339 hrs; pod: residence; age: 73
yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Nipomo; occupation: sales clerk 8 yrs retail clothing, Mae Moore
informant: Donna J. SILVEIRA - daughter - Lompoc
father: Charles ARBOGAST pob: IL
mother: Kate Lee REBER pob: South Dakota
cause of death: bilateral pleural effusion, cancer of the pancreas & lungs
Dr. Ben Kundaria MD Santa Maria Santa Barbara County
Burial 5-26-1984 Santa Maria Cemetery Santa Barbara County
Dudley - Hoffman Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK Q PG 24 (film)
Groom: John Hulet LOGAN, native of Ca; aged 65 yrs; resident of San Luis Obispo, of the white race, widowed, number
of marriages: 3rd, contrator; father: Samuel LOGAN pob: Missouri; mother: Sarah XX(last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Missouri
Bride: Josephine CASS, native of Ca; aged 54 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, of the white race, widow, number of
marriages: 3rd, housekeeper; father: James DOVER pob: Missouri; mother: Elizabeth XX(last name with held per Ca
state law) pob: Missouri
witnesses: Frank HOPKINS resident of Los Angeles and Irvin YORK residnet of San Luis Obispo
Married in San Luis Obispo 7-16-1928 by H. O. TAYLOR Minister M. E. Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 130 PG 793
Lillian McCollum BIXBY; white/female/American/never married; dob: 2-14-1886; pob: CA; dod: 5-23-1985 at 0830
hrs; pod: Danish Convalescent Atascadero; citizen of the USA; age at time of death: 99 yrs; usual residence: Pacific
St. San Luis Obispo; occupation: practical nurse for 30 yrs; not Hispanic
informant: Ruth JENSEN Guardian
father: Henry H. BIXBY pob: ME
mother: Minnie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
cause of death: congestive heart failure/ASHD/old age
Burial 5-28-1985 Santa Margarita District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Oispo County Book of Deaths BK 52 PG 195
Leland Harmon BIXBY; male/white/married; dob: 6-13-1891; pob: CA; dod: 6-3-1966 at 2am; pod: residence, Bella
Vista Mobile Home Park Cayucos; citizen of the USA; never in the armed services; occupation: rancher for 55 yrs, self-
employed, citrus ranch; surviving spouse: Hazel BIXBY - housewife; age at time of death: 75 yrs; length of stay at pod:
9 mos; Ca: life
father: Willard BIXBY pob: MO
mother: Margaret XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Indiana
cause of death: acute myocardial failure/coronary thrombosis
Burial 6-6-1966 Evergreen Cemetery La Verne, CA
Palmer-Waters Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 20 PG 95
Groom: Manuel PINO, native of Ca, aged 25 yrs, dob: 4-23-1938; resident of Arroyo Grande, 1st marriage, occupation -
retail, sales clerk, father: Charles PINO, pob: Mexico, mother: Carmen XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob:
Bride: Delia Lynn RODRIGUEZ, native of Ca, aged 25 yrs, dob: 5-20-1938, resident of Oceano, 1st
marriage, occupation - cook, boardinghouse, father: Nicanor RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico, mother: Benita XX(last name
with held per Ca state law), pob: Mexico
married in Arroyo Grande 8-16-1963 by G. S. Dana Judge
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 20 PG 177
Groom: Charles Walter PARSONS, native of Kentucky, aged 39 yrs, dob: 2-6-1924; resident of Monterey, Monterey
county, 2nd marriage, last marriage ended by death, occupation - automobile dealer, father: Walter PARSONS, pob:
Kentucky, mother: Allie XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob: Kentucky
Bride: Sherry Lee LINARES, native of Ca, aged 27 yrs, dob: 11-21-1935, resident of Pacific Grove, Monterey county,
2nd marriage, last marriage ended in divorce, occupation: bookkeeper, maiden name - GRAVELLE; father: Ernest W.
GRAVELLE pob: Louisiana, mother: Ermine M. XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
married in Camarillo, Ventura county 11-18-1963 by B. F. Ruffner Municipal Court Judge
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 16 PG 177
Nickolaus Hartwell GASTIL, male,dob: 12-7-1983 at 1414 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Rodney Marion
GASTIL, pob: Ca, 25 yrs old; mother: Licia Dawn XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 141 PG 198 (film_
Melagros Shirley ANGLES, white/female/single-never married; dob: 3-16-1968; pob: Peru; dod: 9-4-1991 at 2256
hrs; pod: rural hillside area San Luis Obispo, off Chesapeak approx. 1/2 m east of Camino Perrillo, Arroyo
Grande; age: 23 yrs; Hispanic: yes Peruvian; citizen of Peru; never in the military; usual residence: Magnolias, Lima,
Lince county, Peru; number of years in Peru: 23; occupation: student; level of education: 15 yrs
father: Luis ANGLES - Peru
mother: Isabel XX(last name with held per Ca state law) - Peru
cause of death: Cardiorespiratory arrest/blunt force craniocervical trauma due to aircraft accident
date of injury: 9-4-1991 2249 hrs Passenger in C-172 Cessna
Burial Camentareio La Planicie, La Molina, Lima, Peru
Lady Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 124 PG 21 film
Margaret Mary NICK; female/white/American/married; dob: 12-16-1909; pob: CA; dod: 9-22-1980at 1800 hrs;
pod: Paso Robles Convalscent Center; age: 70 yrs; usual residence: rural Santa
Margarita; occupation: homemaler in own home for 45 yrs; citizen of the USA
informant: Jerome NICK
father: Henry R. REDDY pob: CT
mother: Helen XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: NY
cause of death: hypertensive coronary disease/cardiac arrest/congestive heart failure/adult onset diabetes mellitus
cremation: 9-25-1980
Chapel of the Roses
Thursday 12-15-1988
Mabel Hazelton KIMBALL, 86, of Morro Bay died Tuesday, December 13, 1988, in a San Luis Obispo convalescent
Services will be at 1 pm Saturday in Hope Chapel at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Cypress.
Mrs. KIMBALL was born March 3, 1902, in Pendleton, Oregon. She had been a finger print supervisor for the Los
Angeles Police Dept. for 25 yrs. She retired in 1982 and moved to Morro Bay, coming from Fort James where she lived
for 10 yrs. Her husband Joseph KIMBALL died in 1963. They were married in 1925 in Los Angeles.
She is survived by two daughters, Cherie KIMBALL of Morro Bay and Joan KRING of Irvins; one sister, Vada HOEFT of
Oregon; one grandchild and 3 great grandchildren.
Donations may be made to the Alzheimer's Foundation, P. O. Box 121 Santa Barbara.
Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo is handling the arrangements
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 2
Luella Theresea NYBERG, female/white/single, dob: 4-3-1889; pob: Templeton, Ca; dod: 1-1-1910 at 11:00
am; pod: residence age at time of death: 20 yrs, 8 mos, 27 days; stay at pod: 5 yrs, length of stay in county of
death: 20, 9 mos
informant: A. A. NYBERG Templeton
father: A. A. NYBERG pob: Sweden
mother: Lisa XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Sweden
cause of death: pernicious anemia & imbicity all her life S. Helgsen MD Templeton
no burial info
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 1
Lida A. COCHRAN; female/white/widow; dob: 4-4-1839; pob: Warn County, Kentucky; dod: 1-11-1910 at 6
am; pod: Arroyo Grande; age: 70 yrs, 9 mos, 7 days; length of stay at pod: 3 yrs; Ca: 3
yrs; occupation: housekeeper
informant: P. COCHRAN Arroyo Grande
father: Barney BOWERS pob: Kentucky
mother: L. A. XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Kentucky
cause of death: La Grippe with heart failure & old age E. L. Paulding MD Arroyo Grande
Burial 1-11-1910 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
R. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 138 PG 355
James Harrison BABB, Caucasian/male/widower; dob: 7-5-1920; pob: Missouri; dod: 1-23-1990 at 1330
hrs; pod: residence; 69 yrs; citizen of the USA; military service: 1942 - 1946; occupation: Cal Poly University -
printing instructor for 23 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs; not Hispanic
informant: James M. BABB - son
father: Harrison BABB pob: Mo
mother: Susan XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mo
cause of death: Cardiac Arrhythmia/coronary arteriosclerosis/end stage renal disease
Burial 1-27-1990 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 130 PG 935 film
Jerome Thomas NICK; male/white/American/widower; dob: 12-1-1900; pob: WI; dod: 6-17-1985 at 1710 hrs; pod:
residence; age: 84 yrs; usual residence: rural Santa Margarita; occupation: cattle rancher for adult life; not Hispanic;
citizen of the USA
informant: Fred NICK Santa Margarita
father: Thomas NICK pob: unknown
mother: unknown
cause of death: cardiac arrest/coronary insufficiency/A.S.H.D.
cremation 6-19-1985
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 38 PG 193
Howard Arthur SCHULZ, white/male/married; dob: 7-22-1914; pob: Wisconsin; dod: 6-8-1957 at 9:09
pm; pod: Atascadero outside city limits Curburil & highway 101; age: 42; American; citizen of the USA; length of stay
in county of death: 1 1/2 yrs; usual residence: Beach St, San Luis Obispo; usual occupation: tecnician State Hospital;
surviving spouse: Rosalyn SCHULZ; never in the military
informant: wife
father: Jacob B. SCHULZ pob: Germany
mother: Alma XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Wisconsin
no cause of death
Burial IOOF Cemetery 6-12-1957
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 137 PG 584
Hilton George BAGLIN; male/white/widowed; dob: 12-25-1905; pob: Montana; dod: 8-16-1989 at 0730 hrs; pod:
residence; age: 83 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: commercial fishing for 50 years; education level: 12 yrs; residence:
Los Osos; 22 yrs in county of death; served in the military from 1942 to 1943
informant: Edwin L. GREEN - nephew Westminster, CA
father: George BAGLIN pob: England
mother: unknown TRANSWELL pob: England
cause of death: respiratory failure/metastic small cell lung cancer/chronic obstructuve pulmonary disease
Cremation/scattering off coast of Morro Bay
Sutcliffe Lawn Memorial Park
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Vol 10 PG 5
Helen BABCOCK ; female/white/widow; dob: 7-7-1838; pob: Ohio; dod: 1-5-1924; age at time of death: 85 yrs, 5 mos, 28
days; occupation: at home; length of stay at pod: 14 yrs
informant: Mrs. Jessie HARLOW pob: unknown
father: Jesse HARRIS pob: unknown
mother: unknown pob: unknown
cause of death: arteriosclerosis
Burial 1-7-1924 Paso Robles
Chas. A Skeen Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 119
Hazell M. BARKER; female/white/child; dob: 12-27-1912(probably should be 12-25-1912); pob: near Arroyo
Grande; dod: 12-27-1912 at 1 am; pod: Arroyo Grande; age: 2 mos (probably should be 2 days); length of residence
at pod: 2 mos(should be 2 days);
informant: Robert T. BARKER father Arroyo Grande
father: Robert T. BARKER pob: Nebraska
mother: Clara E XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Nebraska
seen by physician from 12-25-1912 to 12-27-1912 C. S. Clark MD Arroyo Grande
cause of death: inflamation of the brain duration - 3 days
Burial 12-28-1912 at Arroyo Grande
R. E. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK B PG 243
Groom: James Madison GRAVES, native of Ca, aged 27 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, never before married, mother
is a native of Ca, father is a native of Va
Bride: Martha de la GUERRA, native of Ca, aged 19 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, never before married, mother &
father both natives of Ca
Witnesses: Ernest & Sallie GRAVES residents of San Luis Obispo
married 9-17-1887 in San Luis Obispo by M. Henderson Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 37 PG 378
George SOWASH, male/white/single, dob: 11-2-1879; pob: PA; dod: 12-8-1956 at 11:30 pm; pod: French
Hospital; age at time of death: 77 yrs; cit of the USA; occupation: Draftsman for Ca State Highways; residence: San
Luis Obispo; length of stay in county of death: 42 yrs; never in the military
informant: Hazel DAILEY
father: Willard SOWASH pob: Pa
mother: Margaret XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Pa
Cremation 12-11-1956 Atascadero
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 7
Irene Grace STEWART, female/white/single, dob: 6-12-1900; pob: San Luis Obispo, Ca; dod: 1-21-1910 at 2
pm; pod: residence - Arroyo Grande; age at time of death: 9 yrs, 7 mos, 9days, length of stay in pod: 9 yrs, 7
mos; occupation: student
informant: A. F. BLACK Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County
father: B. F. STEWART pob: Utah
mother: Mary A. XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Utah
cause of death: cerebro meningitis H. P. Walters MD
Burial Arroyo Grande 1-23-1910
R. English Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 66
Groom: Antonio M. SILVA, native of Portugal, aged 19 yrs, resident of Arroyo Grande, parents were both from Portugal.
Never before married
Bride: Rosa N. SILVA, native of Portugal, aged 20 yrs, resident of Arroyo Grande, parents were both from Portugal. Never
before married
Witnesses: Joa Joaquin and Rachael Joaquin, residents of Arroyo Grande
married in San Luis Obispo 9-2-1885
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 5
Rosa M. SILVA, female/white/married; dob: unknown; pob: Pico, Azores; dod: 1-24-1910; pod: near San Luis
Obispo; age: 48 yrs; occupation: housewife; length of residence at pod: 6 yrs; Ca: 23 yrs
informant: Frank SILVA San Luis Obispo
father: M. P. COSTA pob: Pico, Azores
mother: Rosa M. unknown last name pob: Azores
cause of death: Cancer of the stomach W. M. Stover MD Burial 1-27-1910 Catholic Cemetery
M. F. Crandall undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2006001625
Rose A. SCROGGINS, Caucasian/female/widow; dob: 10-3-1924; pob: Co; dod: 10-20-2006 at 0925 hrs; pod: Twin
Cities Hospital, Templeton; age: 82 yrs; not Hispanic; high school graduate; occupation: homemaker in own home for
60 yrs; 20 yrs in this county; residence: Olive St, Paso Robles
informant: Rose HOXIE daughter Paso Robles
father: Andrew Willis ANDERSON pob: UT
mother: Rose Margaret XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: UT
cause of death: renal failure/arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease/hypertension/atria fibrillation/congestive heart failure
Thomas Morgan MD
Cr/Bu 10-20-2006 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 122 PG 97
Charlcie Maybel SCROGGINS, white/female/widow; dob: 1-19-1898; pob: Alabama; dod: 4-2-1979 at 2210 hrs; pod:
Arroyo Grande Community Hospital; age: 81 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: homemaker in own home for adult life;
residence: Lema Dr, Nipomo
informant: Mrs. Opal MORRISON Daughter Nipomo
father: Pate HARRIS pob: Alabama
mother: unknown
cause of death: acute arterior myocardial infarction/arterioscleropic heart disease
Michael Payne MD
Burial 4-5-1979 Rose Hills Memorial Park Whittier, Ca
Wood-Voakes Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 125 PG 604
Norman Lee SCROGGINS, white/male/married; dob: 12-8-1938; pob: Ca; dod: 11-2-1981 at 1130 hrs; pod: rural
San Luis Obispo; age: 42 yrs; American; citizen of the USA; occupation: Contractor for 28 yrs J & S Lath &
Plastering; surviving spouse: Carol DOLLAR; residence: El Borda St, Atascadero
informant: Carol SCROGGINS wife Paso Robles
father: Lester SCROGGINS pob: AR
mother: Rose Euna XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: AR
cause of death: Automobile accident .45 miles north of Ryan Gate, South bound lanes Cuesta Grade, comminuted
fracture of skull, 2 vehicle accident - driver
Burial 11-6-1981 Union Cemetery Bakersfield
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 99 PG 503
Bertha GRABENSTEIN, female/white/widow; dob: 6-19-1872; pob: Michigan; dod: 4-12-1969 at 1:45 pm; pod: Paso
Robles War Memorial Hospital; age: 96 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Palma Ave., Atascadero; 47 yrs in
Ca and county of death: occupation: homemaker for 68 yrs in own home
informant: Irene McLAUGHLIN Palma Ave
father: John F. ALT pob: France
mother: Sophie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Germany
cause of death: Cardiac-Respiratory failure/myocardial decompensation/arteriosclerotic heart disease/calcific
arteriosclerosis/pulmonary edema
Dr. Osibin
Burial 4-16-1969 Atascadero Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 102 PG 251
Richard Samuel NUTT, white/male/widower; dob: 3-26-1879; pob: Illinois; dod: 2-1-1970 at 4:00pm; pod: Hacienda
Convalescent Hospital, San Luis Obispo; age at time of death: 90 yrs; length of time in county of death: 4 months; Ca: 4
mos; occupation: self-employed salesman for 10 yrs, irrigation equipment; citizen of the USA; residence: Atlantic City Blvd,
Grover City
informant: Mrs. Walter JENKINS Atlantic City Blvd, Grover City
father: John NUTT pob: Ohio
mother Sarah XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: Ventricular fibrosis/coronary arteriosclerosis/general arteriosclerosis/stomatitis inanition
Burial 2-6-1970 Sidney Cemetery Sidney, Montana
Grensted Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2005000077
Walter Lee JENKINS, white/male/married; dob: 9-10-1908; pob: Ia; dod: 1-15-2005 at 1732 hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande
Community Hospital, Arroyo Grande; age at time of death: 96 yrs; length of time in county of death: 58 yrs; Ca: 58 yrs;
occupation: businessman 30 yrs , lumberyard; not Hispanic; residence: Atlantic City Ave, Grover Beach; never in the
military; surviving spouse: Constance Rose NUTT
informant: Steven W. JENKINS - son Sacramento
father: Curtis Melvin JENKINS pob: unknown
mother Sabrina unknown last name pob: unknown
cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest/congestive heart failure/renal insufficiency/status post cerebrovascular accident
Johannes Haar MD
Cr/Res Jonas Ave, Sacrament
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
Burial 2-6-1970 Sidney Cemetery Sidney, Montana
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 14 PG 606
William DAGGETT; male; single birth; dob: 3-9-1983 at 0941 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; Dr. Haupt; father: Rickie
Linn DAGGETT pob: Oregon; aged: 25 yrs; mother: Elizabeth Jean XX(last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca; aged 35 yrs
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 127 PG 451
Mamie aka Miami Ethel aka Ethelna CAMPBELL, female/white/widow; dob: 12-28-1898; pob: Illinois; dod: 2-18-1983
at 1015 hrs; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital San Luis Obispo; age: 84 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the
USA; residence: Morro Bay; occupation: Homemaker for 59 yrs in own home
informant: Clyde CAMPBELL - son Chino, Ca
father: Frances Marian DAWSON pob: unknown
mother: Percy Alma XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: respiratory arrest/stroke/vascular disease
Dr. Keith Hutchins
Burial 2-22-1983 Cayucos - Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 353
Hardie George WINTERS, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 1-23-1924; pob:
Colorado; dod: 12-7-1976 at 10:35 am; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Home
San Luis Obispo; age: 52 yrs; citizen of the USA; length of stay in
county of death: 11 yrs; Ca: 50 yrs; surviving spouse: Utana St. JOHN;
residence: Cuyama St. Pismo Beach; occupation: correctional officer for
4 1/2 yrs State of California Dept of Corrections
informant: Utana WINTERS Pismo Beach
father: Hardie G. WINTERS Sr. pob: Michigan
mother: Mattie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Kansas
cause of death: Hypertension/cardiac failure/brain tumor
Cremation 12-10-1976 Ivy Lawn Cemetery Crematory
Neptune Society
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 144 PG 459
Utana Jean WINTERS, female/white/widow; dob: 11-17-1924; pob: Texas;
dod: 6-22-1993 at 1815 hrs; pod: Cabrillo Convalescent Center San Luis
Obispo; age: 68 yrs; citizen of the USA; never in the military; level
of education: 12 yrs; length of stay in county of death: 27 yrs;
residence: Cuyama St. Pismo Beach; occupation: secretary wine
distributor - Valley Vintner's for 10 yrs
father: Bruce W. St. JOHN pob: Kansas
mother: Ida B XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Kansas
cause of death: cardio respiratory arrest/metastic,undifferetiated
CA/COPD.hypothyroid/hepatitis B
David Ralston MD
Cr/Sea 3 miles off shore - Santa Barbara Channel Santa Barbara county
The Neptune Society
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 139 PG 867
Virl REYNOLDS, male/white/div; dob: 2-25-1917; pob: Illinois; dod:
11-25-1990 at 1659 hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Community Hospital ER/OP;
age: 73 yrs; not Hispanic; military service from 1944-1944; occupation:
Auto mechanic - repair - Bill Lovern company for 20 yrs; level of
education: 8 yrs; citizen of the USA; residence: Pier Ave # 1, Oceano;
30 yrs in this community
informant: Gladys Faye HAINES - sister - Nevada City, Ca father:
Nat REYNOLDS pob: Illinois
mother: Susan XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: cardio- arrest/COPD/possible bronchial carcinoma
G. C. Meyer-Harnisch MD Pismo Beach
Burial Arroyo Grande District Cemetery 11-20-1990
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 142 PG 219
Rose Martha WILHELM, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 12-20-1925; pob: ND; dod:
3-19-1992 at 2050 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; age:
66 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: Registered nurse for Dr. Anderson
for 40 yrs; level of education: 14 yrs; 3 mos in this community;
residence: Bocina Ln., Atascadero
informant: Diane WILHELM - daughter Atascadero
father: John M. LUKACH pob: Illinois
mother: Martha XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: NB
cause of death: cerebro vascular accident
Philip Delech MD Templeton
Crem/Scatter off shoreline of Montana de Oro 3-24-1992
Chapel of Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 54 PG 46
Okle William GALBREATH; male/white/married; dob: 2-12-1895; pob: Illinois; dod: 6-11-1967 at 12:15 pm; pod: doa
- Arroyo Grande Community Hospital; 72 yrs old; citizen of the USA; residence: Arroyo Grande; surviving
spouse: Delores G. GALBREATH - house wife; occupation: charcoal manufacturer for 22 yrs-self-employed; 22 yrs in
county of death; 63 yrs in Ca
informant: L. R. MANSFIELD - coroner
no parental info
cause of death: acute congestive heart failure/calcific stenosis of aortic valve/chronic rheumatice heart
disease/hypertrophy, left vestrule,coronary thrombosis, old
Burial 6-17-1987 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Gransted Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK Y PG 499
Groom: Leo John WARMOWSKI Jr; native of Illinois; aged 28 yrs; resident of Camp Roberts, San Luis Obispo County;
white race; 1st marriage; soldier; father: Leo John WARMOWSKI Sr, pob: Poland; mother: Josephine XX(last name with
held per Ca state law), pob: Poland
Bride: Elsie Esther HOERBURGER; native of Illinois; aged 34 yrs; resident of San Miguel; white race; 3rd marriage;
divorced; maiden name: Elsie Esther XX(last name with held per Ca state law); father: Nicholas PASTERNACKI pob:
Poland; mother: Tillie SOWKAS pob: Poland
witness: Teland LOGSDEN, resident of Camp Roberts
married 11-6-1941 at San Miguel by Rev Wilford C. Smith Pastor of San Miguel Community Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 40 PG 478
Groom: John Albert RAKESTRAW; dob: 11-22-1943; age 39 yrs; # of prior
marriages: 2; date last marriage ended: 6-1980; divorce; pob: Ca;
residence: Los Osos; occupation: Real estate; education: 12 yrs;
father: Albert RAKESTRAW; pob: Illinois; mother: Molly XX(last name with
held per Ca state law), pob: Ca
Bride: Sharon Anne HESSE: dob: 8-30-1950; age 32 yrs; # of prior
marriages: 2; date last marriage ended: 1-1971; dissolution; pob: Arizona;
residence: Los Osos; occupation: Escrow officer in Title Insurance Company;
birth name: BOYLE; education: 16 yrs; father: John BOYLE, pob: Wyoming;
mother: Marjorie XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob: Arizona
witness: Marjorie M. HARPER, Santa Barbara
married 4-29-1983 in Santa Barbara by E. P. KEARNEY
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 133 PG 849
Clarence Earl MILLER; male/Caucasian/never married; dob: 2-28-1909; pob: Ca; dod: 5-15-1987 at 1300 hrs (date
found); pod: residence; 78 yrs old; citizen of the USA; residence: Santa Ysabel, Los Osos; served in the military from
1942 - 1945; occupation: Sanitary engineer for 5 yrs at Los Osos Landfill - refuse disposition; not Hispanic
informant: Ian VALENTINE - nephew Bellveiw, Nebraska
father: Orin MILLER pob: Illinois
mother: Margarett XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: cardiac arrest/chronic hypertensive heart disease/ASHD
Burial 5-2-1987 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Los Osos Valley Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 133 PG 954
Glen Orville CLEVER; male/Caucasian/married; dob: 1-19-1902; pob: Ia; dod: 6-16-1987 at 0945 hrs; pod: Twin Cities
Hospital, Templeton; 85 yrs old; citizen of the USA; residence: 37 Rancho Paso Mobile Home Park, Paso Robles;
surviving spouse: Pauline PUGH; occupation: Business manager - apartments for 15 yrs, self-employed; not Hispanic
informant: Mrs. Pauline CLEVER wife
father: Martin CLEVER pob: Ia
mother: Laura XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ia
cause of death: cardio-respiratory arrest/acute myocardia infarction
Joseph E. Nargie MD Templeton
Burial 6-20-1987 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 136 PG 759
Pluma Pauline CLEVER; female/white/widow; dob: 3-2-1910; pob: Iowa; dod: 2-5-1989 at 1000 hrs; pod: Twin Cities
Hospital, Templeton; 78 yrs old; citizen of the USA; residence: 37 Rancho Paso Mobile Home Park, Paso Robles; 4 yrs
in county of death; occupation: clerical medical office for various doctors 25 yrs
informant: Dolores Elliott GRAY - daughter- Atascadero
father: Paul Arthur PUGH pob: Ia
mother: Jessie Bell XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: NB
cause of death: respiratory arrest/pneumonia/CVD
Joseph E. Nargie MD Templeton
Burial 2-8-1989 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 42 PG 343
Jacob GRABENSTEIN; male/white/married; dob: 9-12-1866; pob: Michigan; dod: 6-10-1960 at 2:30 hrs; pod: Atascadero
Hospital, Atascadero; 93 yrs old; citizen of the USA; residence: Miramont Ave Atascadero; 41 yrs in county of death; 41
yrs in Ca; surviving spouse: Bertha GRABENSTEIN - housewife; occupation: pump operator for 18 yrs Atascadero Mutual
Water, water purification
informant: Mrs. Irene McLAUGHLIN- Atascadero
father: Andrew GRABENSTEIN pob: Germany
mother: unknown pob: unknown
cause of death: myocardial insufficiency/senility
Burial 6-13-1960 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 118 PG 700
Frank Crawford KNOX; male/white/divorced; dob: 3-5-1915; pob: Iowa; dod: 5-9-1976 at 10:30 am; pod: residence,
Los Osos; 61 yrs old; citizen of the USA; residence: 12 th St. Los Osos; occupation: Supervisor for 40 yrs, Pacific
Telephone - communications
informant: Lynn A KNOX Los Osos
father: Frank Crawford KNOX pob: Ohio
mother: Llana XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: myocardial failure/coronary arteriosclerosis
Cremation 5-14-1976 Atascadero Crematory
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 7 PG 268
Antonio M. SILVA; male/white/married; dob: 7-31-1842; pob: Azores Islands; dod: 8-7-1918; pod: near Pizmo; 76 yrs, 0
mos, 7 days old; surviving spouse: Rosa SILVA; 4 days at pod; 12 yrs in Ca; occupation: farmer - retired
informant: Mrs. M. M. SILVA edna, Ca
father: Manuel Silva LOPEZ pob: Azores Islands
mother: Mary LEWIS pob: Azores Islands
cause of death: valvular disease of heart
Burial 8-9-1918 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company Funeral
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 1 PG 14
Jose Antonio FERNANDEZ, male/widow/white; 52 yrs, 1 mos, 22 days old; pob:
San Luis Obispo; dod: 1-20-1903; pod: San Luis Obispo; occupation:
laborer; cause: accident; buried in Catholic Cemetery
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 13 PG 691 (delayed)
Alfred Penherra SILVA, male, dob: 12-30-1921; name of person attending: Mr. Joe P. SILVA and Mrs. Caroline SILVA;
pob: Cayucos; mother: Amelia Machado CARVALHO pob: San Luis Obispo ethnicity: Portuguese; Catholic; father: Alfred
Peter SILVA, pob: Azores Islands, ethnicity: Portuguese, Catholic
Applicant: Alfred P. SILVA Hermosilla St., Atascadero
1st supporting affidavit: Belmeda MATEJCEK - Aunt- aged 70 yrs, residence: Morro Bay Blvd, Morro Bay
2nd supporting affidavit: Aldina AZEVEDO - Aunt - aged 72 yrs residence: Fresno St., Morro Bay
Supporting Documents: Baptismal Certificate from St. Joseph's Church, Cayucos original issued 1-22-1922; re-issued: 4-
Insurance Police # 381855 West Coast Life issued 8-18-1937
Evidence as stated in documents: dob: 12-30-1921; pob: Cayucos; father: Alfred P. SILVA aka Alvin SILVA; mother:
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 523
Groom: Antonio NUNZ, native of Western Islands, aged 30 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Anna SILVA, native of Ca, aged 15 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, being a minor, having consent of her father
witness: Juan Jose LIMA and Maria PAULINA both residents of San Luis Obispo
married in San Luis Obispo 9-4-1882 by A. Russell Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 549
Groom: Manuel WILLIAMS, native of Azores Islands, aged 30 yrs, resident of Moro; parents are natives of Portugal;
never before married
Bride: Maria SILVA, native of Ca, aged 21 yrs, resident of Moro, parents are natives of Azores Islands; was before
witness: Miss ? S STOCKING resident of Moro
married in Moro 6-12-1883 by Justice of the Peace J. C. Stocking
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 258
Groom: Antonio Deroza QUARESMA, resident of Hot Springs, county of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Belegard Magdalena SILVA, resident of Hot Springs, county of San Luis Obispo
witnesses: William and Trinidad SAUER both residents of San Luis Obispo
married in San Luis Obispo 9-25-1876 by A. Russell Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 145 PG 483
Robert Kenneth SCOGGINS, male/married/Caucasian; dob: 4-24-1929; pob:
Wyoming; dod: 1-8-1994 at 0900 hrs; pod: residence; age: 64 yrs;
level of education: 14 yrs; military service from 1951 to 1955; not Hispanic;
occupation: steamfitters local # 250, steamfitter/welder for 45 yrs
plumbing industry; residence: Circe Trail, California Valley; 14 yrs in
community of death; surviving spouse: Helen Elizabeth WANET
informant: Helen Elizabeth SCOGGINS wife California Valley
father: Kenneth Cortez SCOGGINS pob: Mo
mother: Beatrice Olive XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob:
unknown cause of death: metastic renal carcinoma
crem/storage - home storage to Helen E. SCOGGINS
Sanjay R. Ganpule MD Templeton
Erickson & Brown Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 151 PG 668
Helen Elizabeth SCOGGINS, female/widow/Caucasian; dob: 2-18-1932; pob:
NJ; dod: 3-14-1997 at 1553 hrs; pod: California Valley; age: 65 yrs;
level of education: 10 yrs; not Hispanic; residence: Circe Trail,
California Valley; 18 yrs in community of death
informant: Letha M. FULLER - daughter - San Diego, Ca
father: Joseph ORDNEY pob: unknown
mother: Letha Emma XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: cervical cord contusion/fracture cervical spine/blunt force
trauma - driver, single vehicle rollover, traffic accident - 7 m Rd, 1 m
East of Soda Lake Rd, California Valley
crem/res 3-18-1997 to daughter
Chapel of the Roses
Abstracted from: California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976 "Stereopticon" column Sat. 30
Aug 1873:
Died in San Luis Obispo, 28 August, Edna M. infant daughter of H.M. and M. OX Osgood, aged 4 months, 15 days. (the
OX looks to be a typo)
Abstracted from: California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976 "Stereopticon" column, Sat. 30
Aug 1873: Died in Los Angeles, 20 August, Mrs. L. Greenberg of this place, aged 39 years.
Abstracted from: California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976 "Stereopticon" column, Sat. 30
Aug 1873: Died in San Luis Obispo on Saturday, 24 August, of consumption Victor C. Allen, aged 23 years.
Abstracted from: California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976 "Stereopticon" column, Sat. 13
Sept 1873: died at San Miguel Mission, San Luis Obispo County, California, 5 Sept, Maria T. wife of John C. Morgan,
aged 36 years. Boston and New Orleans papers please copy.
Abstracted from: California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976 "Stereopticon" column, Sat. 11
Oct 1873: Married at San Francisco on Thursday 2 October Mr. George Deggner of this place to Miss Margaret Voet of
San Francisco.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 2, Pg 9999:
Jose A. FERNANDEZ; male; age: 52 yrs, 1 mos, 22 days; dod 6/18/1903; pod
Shandon; occupation laborer; killed by falling derrick; burial in Catholic
Cemetery; G. B. Nickols; Coroner; C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 593
Groom: Manuel Rosa CARDOZA, was previously married
Bride: Maria Fiodor SILVA, never before married; parents are natives of Portugual dom:
November 3, 1883 A. Rousel Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 66
Groom: Antonio M. SILVA, native of Portugal, 19 yrs old, resident of Arroyo Grande, never before married, parents are
natives of Portugal
Bride: Rosa N. SILVA, native of Portugal, 20 yrs old, resident of Arroyo Grande, never before married; parents are
natives of Portugual
witnesses: M. J. JOAQUIN & Mrs. Rachel JOAQUIN, both residents of Arroyo Grande
dom: October 22, 1885 by R. A. Loomis Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 213
Groom: Frank MATTOS, native of Portugal, 35 yrs old, resident of Estrella, never before married, parents are natives of
Bride: Lizzie SILVA, native of Portugal, 24 yrs old, resident of Arroyo Grande, never before married; parents are natives of
witnesses: Juan CASTRO & Francisco CASTRO, both residents of San Luis Obispo
dom: April 15, 1887 in San Luis Obispo by A. Rousell Catholic Priest
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- Saturday, variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 3 January 1874 issue: died at the
Chorro Mills, San Luis Obispo County, 2 December 1873, of paralysis, Catherine Parkhurst, in 75th year of her life.
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- Saturday, variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 20 December 1873 issue: died near
Josephine Valley this county, 15 December, Milton, infant son fo Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lindner, age 1 yr 9 mos 155 days
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- Saturday, variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 20 December 1873 issue: Died in
San Luis Obispo 14 December, Cora, infant daughter of E.L. and Mary J. Reed, age 1 mo, 1 wk, 2 days.
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- Saturday, variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 29 November 1873 issue: died at
Cambria on 26 November of Typhoid Fever, Mrs. M.A., wife of Mr. James Dunbar, aged 22 years.
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper-, variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 8 November 1873 issue: Died in this place, on
6 November, Ida Maud, daughter of Edward and Priscilla Canoung, age 1 yr 10 mos.
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- y, variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 8 November 1873 issue: Died 30 October
on the Arroyo Grande, Emily Josephine, daughter of L.W. and Frances A. Musick age 3 wks 3 days
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 21 June 1873 issue: died in San Luis Obispo,
18 June, Mr. Whiting R. Humfreyville, age 40 yrs.
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 5 July 1873 issue: Died in San Francisco, 21
June, of brain fever, Jacob Greenberg, son of Asher Greenberg of this place, aged 17 yrs. Visalia and San Diego papers
please copy.
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 5 July 1873 issue: died in Los Angeles, 23
June of dyptheria, George P. Rusk, only son of the Rev. B. W. Rusk, of this place, aged 11 yrs. 11 mos. 17 days.
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 23 August 1873 issue: Died infant son of
Daniel Rice of Huasna, drank lye water and died 50 hrs. later
Abstracted from California Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Volume 9, 1976, in Stereopticon column of abstractions
from San Luis Obispo, CA paper- variously "The Tribune": from Saturday, 26 April 1873 issue: Married in Newark, Ohio,
7 April 1873, Mr. R. F. Pettit of San Luis Obispo to Miss Helen B. Spangler of the first named place
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 128 PG 541
Calvin Claude THACKER, Sr.; white/male/American/married; dob: 7-24-1909; pob: TN; dod: 12-2-1983 at 1030
hrs; pod: residence Miramon St., Atascadero; age: 74 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Erma
DICKERSON; occupation: machinist for 25 yrs Mare Island Naval Shipyard - civil service
informant: Erma THACKER - wife
father: Robert Washington THACKER pob: TN
mother: Ida Sue XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: TN
cause of death: Cardiopulmonary arrest/respiratory failure/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/heart failure Dr.
J. H. Poppenfus Atascadero
Burial 12-6-1983 All Souls Cemetery Vallejo, California
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 153 PG 804
Marguerite Lillian GANDOLFO, white/female/married; dob: 7-25-1921; pob: MI; dod: 3-27-1998 at 0235 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; age: 76 yrs; not Hispanic; level of education: 14 yrs; occupation: clerk, Los Angeles County
Schools for 15 yrs; residence: La Cresta Dr. Arroyo Grande; surviving spouse: Frank William GANDOLFO; 7 yrs in this
informant: husband
father: William HARRIER pob: Ohio
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: Cardiac Arrest/respiratory failure/congestive heart failure/coronary artery disease/COPD/atrial fibrillation Dr.
Peter A. Thom MD Arroyo Grande
Burial 3-30-1998 at Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 35, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue17 Jan. 1874.: Married at San Marcos, 14 January by Rev. Wm. Monroe, Mr. H.S.
Murray of Lodi, San Joaquin Co., to Miss Eliza Ann Saunders of San Marcos, this county
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 35, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue17 Jan. 1874.: Died on Old Creek, 9 Jan., Mrs. Anna Kester, wife of James G.
Kester, age 22
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 35, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 31 Jan. 1874.: Married in Virginia City, 18 Jan. by the Rev. Father McNaulty,
William H. Kent of Nevada Co., to Miss Annie E. Bolza of Buffalo, New York
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 36, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 14 Feb. 1874: Married in San Francisco at the residence of the Rt. Rev. Bishop
Kip on Monday, 2 Feb 1874, Hon. Joel H. Cooper to Emma Hankins of New York
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 36, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 28 Feb. 1874: Died at his Rancho, San Miguelito, in the County of San Luis
Obispo, on Tuesday, 28 Feb., Miguel Avila, age 76
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 36, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 7 March1874: Died at Mr. L.M. Warden's Los Osos Rancho house, 2 Feb., Mr.
Doublas Camp, native of Ohio, aged 23 years.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 37, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 7 March 1874: Died in San Luis Obispo, 12 March, Mrs. Mary A. Spencer, formerly
Mrs. Bolton, San Francisco papers please copy.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 37, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 7 March 1874: Died near San Luis Obispo, 21 March, Ulysses G., infant son of D.T.
Archer & wife
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 37, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 7 March 1874: Married in San Luis Obispo 19 April, by the Rev. Mr. Stephens, Mr.
J.F. Anderson to Mrs. Kitty McDaniel
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 37, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 25 April 1874: Died at house of her parents on Old Creek, Mon. 13 April, Eva,
daughter of James L. and Ruthyan Kester, age 4 years 7 montsh and 17 days....
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 37, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 9 May 1874: Died at the house of her father, H.A. Miner, San Jose Rancho, on 1
May, Mrs. Addie Hinkly, wfie of L. Hinkley, age 25 years and 2 months
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 38, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 16 May 1874: Died at the Arroyo Grande, Friday, 8 May, Mr. John Jessie, age 49
years, 5 months. Born in Virginia, he removed to Missouri early in life. Came to California about 4 years ago. Leaves a
wife, large family and numerous concourse of friends to mourn his untimely death.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 38, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 23 May 1874: Died in San Francisco, 7 May, Mr. Miller, in the 68th years of his
age. He leaves a numerous family of grownup children. Foot amputate.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 38, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 6 June 1874: Died in this place, 26 May, Eugene Hicks, age 28 days; on 30 May
Walter Henry age 1 month & 2 days, twin sons of Oscar and Mary Cartwright
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 38, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 6 June 1874: Died in San Luis Obispo, 4 June, Clara Jane, infant daughter of Jane
and William Freeborn, age 5 months.
Telegram Tribune 6-18-1987 page B-5
Marriage Licenses
CUNNINGHAM - JONES - Lester Francis Cunninghan, 73, of Atascadero and Lilian Adelaide Jones, 65, of Montclair,
issued June 2, 1987.
GRACIA - SANDERS - Joseph William Gracia, 32, of Templeton and Karen Erleen Sanders, 26, of Templeton, issued
June 2, 1987.
WHITACRE - GREENVILLE - John Roger Whitacre, 28, of Morro Bay and Mishell Louise Greenville, 26, of Morro Bay,
issued June 3, 1989
RUBIO - McFARLAND -Sebastian Morelos RUBIO. 25, of Paso Robles and Jeanette Arlene McFarland, 23, of Paso
Robles, issued June 3, 1987
Telegram Tribune 6-18-1987 page B-5
GREENOUGH - Frank F. Greenough, 92, of Arroyo Grande died Tuesday in an Arroyo Grande hospital. Services are
pending at Wood-Voakes Mortuary in Arroyo Grande.
Telegram Tribune 6-18-1987 page B-5
McCOY - Barbara McCoy, 91, of Arroyo Grande died Wednesday in an Arroyo Grande hospital. Services are pending at
Wood-Voakes Mortuary in Arroyo Grande.
Telegram Tribune 6-18-1987 page B-5
Freda PATTERSON, 78, of Alhambra, died Tuesday, June 16, 1987, in a Monterey Park hospital.
Graveside services will be at 9 a.m. Saturday at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park. The Rev. Paul Ward of the Los Osos
Valley Assembly of God church will officiate.
Mrs. PATTERSON was born Dec. 27, 1908 in Kansas. She was a homemaker throughout her adult life. She was a
resident of Los Osos from 1972 to 1982.
She was a member of the Grandmothers Club and the Garden Club of Los Osos.
She is survived by two daughters, Jane LUITWIELER of Alhambra and Nancy WARNER of Cottonwood; three sisters,
Margaret MASON, Judy WOOLARD and Patricia OSTLIND; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Arrangements are being handled by Benedict - Rettey Mortuary in Morro Bay.
Telegram Tribune 6-18-1987 page B-6
Mildred Dorothy SEWOL, 78, of Morro Bay, died Tuesday, June 16, 1987, in a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Memorial services will be Saturday at 11 a.m. at Benedict Rettey Chapel in Morro Bay. The Rev. Paul Ward of the Los
Osos Valley Assembly of God will officiate.
Mrs. SEWOL was born April 6, 1909, in Brooklyn, New York. She had been an insurance company secretary for more
than 15 years.
She moved to Morro Bay in 1979.
She was a member of the Women's Club, the Eastern Star and the Cayucos Garden Club.
Mrs. SEWOL is survived by her husband John of Morro Bay; two daughters, Paula SCHOTT of Lancaster, Pa, and
Camilla SEWOL of San Francisco; and two grandchildren.
Donations may be made to the Salvation Army.
Telegram Tribune 11-27-1987 A-6
Agnes Lorraine MANNING, 63, of Shell Beach died Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1987, at
her home.
A rosary will be recited at 4 p.m. at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Pismo
Beach. Mass of the Christian burial will be at 10 a.m. Monday at the same
church. Burial will follow at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery. The Rev. Peter
Parchem will officiate. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday at
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Home in Grover City.
Mrs. MANNING was born Oct. 29, 1924, in See Canyon. She was raised in Shell
Beach and educated in Arroyo Grande schools. She was a lifelong resident to
Shell Beach and a member of St. Paul's Catholic Church in Pismo Beach.
She is survived by one son, Stephen MANNING of La Verne; her mother Agnes
BORBA of Shell Beach, four sisters, Virginia GREEN of Castro Valley, Georgia
TURNER of Canoga Park, Dolores WITT and Marie COONEY, both of Shell Beach;
and three grandchildren
Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Telegram Tribune 11-1-1967 page 2
Grover City, Nov.2 - Mrs. Ida Belle COLDWELL, 86, resident of Grover City
for the past 12 years, died early this morning in a San Luis Obispo hospital
following a long illness.
She was born March 23, 1871, in Wisconsin. Her home was at Caruthers prior
to moving to Grover City.
She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Charlotte HAMLIN and Mrs. Eden
BUSS, both of Grover City, Mrs. Lois GREEN of Michigan, and a son Eldon
LAYMON of Michigan. There are 14 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Monday at 10 a.m. in the Wood funeral chapel.
The Rev. E. Edmunson will officiate. Interment will be in the Arroyo Grande
district cemetery.
Telegram Tribune 6-18-1987 page B-5
Glenn E. CLEVER, 85, of Paso Robles, died Tuesday, June 16, 1987, at Twin
Cities Community Hospital in Templeton.
Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 10, at the Paso Robles
District Cemetery. The Rev. Leslie Allen of the Plymouth Congregational
Church in Paso Robles will officiate.
Born Jan. 19, 1902, in Milo, Iowa, Mr., CLEVER was a Paso Robles resident
for the past 21 years.
He is survived by his wife, Pauline CLEVER of Paso Robles; a step-daughter,
Delores GRAY of Atascadero; a grandson Steven GRAY of Canyon Country; and a
sister-in-law, Oma CLEVER of Canada.
Visitation will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday at Kuehl Nicolay Funeral
Home in Paso Robles.
Telegram Tribune
Death Notice 11-26-1990 Page 1-8
Virl REYNOLDS, 73, of Oceano died Sunday at an Arroyo Grande hospital.
Arrangements are pending at Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover
Obituary 11-29-1990 page D-2
Virl REYNOLDS, 73, of Oceano died Sunday Nov. 25, 1990, at an Arroyo Grande
Visitation will be from 9 a.m. Friday until the service at 2 p.m. at
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City. The Oceano/Five Cities
Elks Lodge No. 2504 will officiate. Burial will be at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery.
Mr. REYNOLDS was born Feb. 25, 1917, in Clinton County, Illinois. He had
been a resident of Oceano for 30 years and was a former resident of Taft.
He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Army infantry.
Mr. REYNOLDS worked as a mechanic for Bill Lovern in Oceano.
He was a member of the Oceano/Five Cities Elks Lodge and the America Legion
Post No. 136 in Arroyo Grande.
Mr. REYNOLDS is survived by a brother, Virgil REYNOLDS of Illinois; three
sisters, Gladys F. HAINES, Blanche KOMERSKA, and Bernice CLARK and her
husband, Frank, all of Nevada City.
Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society
Death Notice 3-20-1992
Rose WILHELM, 66, of Atascadero died Thursday in a Templeton nursing home.
Arrangements are by Chapel of the Roses Atascadero.
Obituary 3-23-1992 page B-6
Rose WILHELM, 66, of Atascadero died Thursday, March 19, 1992, in a
Templeton care center.
Mass will be held Thursday at 2 pm at Church of the Resurrection in
Escondido. Cremation is planned.
Mrs. WILHELM was born Dec. 20, 1925, in Noonan, N. D. A former resident of
Escondido for 33 years, she was an active member of the Church of the
Resurrection. She worked as a registered nurse for 40 years.
She is survived by three daughters, Diane WILHELM of Atascadero, Debbie
FITZGERALD of Atascadero and Denise DIAZ of Valley Center, a son, Dale
WILHELM of Grover City, six grandchildren; four brothers; and three sisters.
Arrangements are by Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero.
Telegram Tribune 11-28-1990 Page C-7
Ramona HOURIHAN, 87, of Santa Margarita died Tuesday August 14, 1990 at a San Luis Obispo care
center. Celebration of the Mass will be at 2 pm Saturday at the Holy Angels Catholic Church in Santa Margarita
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 631
Groom: R. E.BATTLES, native of Penn, aged 36 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, never before
married, mother is a native of Vermont, father is a native of New York
Bride: Mary E. MINER, native of Oregon, aged 23 yrs, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, never before
married, mother is a native of Wisconsin, father is a native of Illinois
witnesses: John B. MINER and Ida M. BATTLES both residents of Guadalupe
dom: 10-28-1884 in San Luis Obispo by Henry H. Hall Pastor Garden Street M. E. Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 137
Groom: William M. McPHAUL
Bride: Alice BATTLES
dom: 11-5-1871 in San Luis Obispo by B. W. Rush Pastor of the M. E. Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 47
Groom: U. G. BATTLES, native of Ireland, aged 37 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara
Bride: Ella F. HOURIHAN, native of Ireland, aged 30 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara
witnesses: Cramer and Kate WILLIAMS residents of Los Berros
dom: 11-8-1899 in San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 532
Groom: Jeremiah SHEEHY, native of Ireland, aged 33 yrs, resident of Nipomo, never before married, parents are both
from Ireland
Bride: Mariah HOURIHAN, native of Ireland, aged 22 yrs, resident of Oso Flaco, never before married, parents are both
from Ireland
witnesses: Daniel DONOVAN, resident of Nipomo and May CREDEN, resident of Arroyo Grande dom:
1-21-1883 in Oso Flaco by M. Lynch C. P.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 128 PG 398 (computer)
Patrick Emmett HOURIHAN, male/white/Irish/widower; dob: 9-25-1894; pob: CA; dod: 10-26-1983 at 2040
hrs; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital San Luis Obispo; citizen of the USA; age: 89 yrs; occupation: Rancher for
40 yrs - cattle; not Hispanic; usual residence: Pine St., Arroyo Grande
informant: Aileen E. BACHINO - sister San Luis Obispo
father: Lawrence P. HOURIHAN pob: Ireland
mother: Mary A. XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ireland
cause of death: carcinoma of the stomach duration: 4 yrs
burial 10-29-1983 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Wood - Voakes Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 139 PG 377 (computer)
Ramona Georgia HOURIHAN, female/white/widow; dob: 4-23-1903; pob: CA; dod: 8-14-1990 at 1205 hrs; pod: Cabrillo
Care Center San Luis Obispo; citizen of the USA; age: 87 yrs; occupation: homemaker in own home for 45 yrs; level of
education: 12 yrs; not Hispanic; usual residence: H St., Santa Margarita; 87 yrs in this community
informant: John Costa - nephew Morro Bay
father: Victor M. TORRES pob: CA
mother: Sarah XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
cause of death: cancer of the breast duration: 9 yrs
burial Santa Margarita Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Bk 128 PG 613 (computer)
Emma Tade McAULIFFE, female/white/widow; dob: 9-25-1890; pob; Switzerland; dod: 12-27-1983 at 0430
hrs; age: 93 yrs; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital San Luis Obispo; not Hispanic; citizen of the
USA; occupation: nurses aide for 6 yrs at General Hospital, health industry; usual residence: Peach St. San Luis
informant: Frances T. CREERY - daughter Los Osos
father: Giacomo TADE pob: Switzerland
mother: Theresa XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Switzerland
cause of death: cardiorespiratory arrest/congestive heart failure
Laurence Lotz MD
Burial 8-27-1980 at Santa Margarita Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births Bk 5 PG 346 computer
Sean Nicholas BATTLES, male, single, birth weight: 3033; dob: 9-17-1978 at 2349 hrs; pob: General Hospital San Luis
Obispo; mother: Linda Kathleen XX(last name with held per Ca state law), age 28, pob: Illinois; father: Ralph Willis
BATTLES, age 31, pob: CA
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 27 computer
Noah Joseph BATTLES, male, single, dob: 10-14-1977 at 2333 hrs, pob: Twin Cities Hospital Templeton; mother: Ruth
Claudette XX(last name with held per Ca state law), age 28, pob: CA, resident of Atascadero, race: white/Portuguese;
father: Douglas Wayne BATTLES, age 31, pob: CA, race: white
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2002001250
Groom: Christopher Graham BATTLES, dob: 5-21-1963, resident of Morro Bay, State of birth: WA, occupation: manager
of restaurant, level of education: 17 yrs, 1 prior marriage dissolved in 1993, father: Johnathan Graham BATTLES pob: WI;
mother: Carol Jean XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: WI
Bride: Veronica Lee McCLEAN, dob: 6-11-1967, resident of Morro Bay, State of birth: CA, 1 prior marriage dissolved in
2000, occupation: waitress, level of education: 10 yrs, father: William Matthew McCLEAN pob: Ca; mother: Sunday Sue
XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: TN
witnesses: Mary & John G. BATTLES Escondido, Ca
dom: 9-8-2001 in Morro Bay by Duncan Davidson Pastor American Baptist Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 4 PG 180
Joseph WELCH; male/married; race not stated; dob: unknown; pob: Monaghaus, Ireland; dod: 7-19-1913; age: 76
yrs; 35 yrs at pod and in Ca; occupation: retired farmer
informant: Joseph B. WELCH
parents unknown
cause of death: cerebral hemorrhage
burial 7-19-1913 IOOF Cemetery
C. W. Palmer Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths cert # 2003000640
Paul Harry WEILER, white/male/married; dob: 12-20-1931; pob: New Jersey;
dod: 4-18-2003 at 2300 hrs; pod: own residence; age: 71 yrs; surviving
spouse: Thelma J. SCHWABENLAND; occupation: rancher for 48 yrs - almonds;
length of time in county of death: 4 yrs; education level: HS graduate;
not Hispanic; usual residence: Sherwood Dr. Cambria
informant: Thelma J. WEILER - wife
father: William WEILER pob: Germany
mother: Judith XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Sweden
cause of death: advanced, progressive COPD/emphysema/non-small cell lung cancer
Dr. Sanjay Ganpule MD Templeton
CRE/SCA 4-23-2003 scattering off San Luis Obispo
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 11 PG 623
James Daune WEILER, white/male/married; dob: 1-26-1905; pob: Blue Earth,
Minn; dod: 2-23-1928; pod: San Luis Obispo Sanitarium; age: 23 yrs, 0
mos, 27 days; surviving spouse: Gertrude WEILER; occupation: miner, Rock
quarry - SPRR Company; length of time in county of death: 5 mos; Ca: 4 yrs
informant: Mrs. Gertrude WEILER
father: Frederick J. WEILER pob: New York
mother: Margaret XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Minn
cause of death: shock due to injuries received in explosion while employed
as a miner by Southern Pacific Company at rock quarry near Santa Margarita
Burial/Removal 2-26-1928 Blue Earth, Minn
R. F. Richardson Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 12 PG 669
Margaret Susan SINCLAIR; white/female/widow; dob: 4-19-1855; pob: Mississippi; dod: 4-20-1930; age: 75 yr;
occupation: at home; length of residence at pod: 54 yrs; Ca: 57 yrs; pod: Pleasant Valley near Paso Robles; spouse:
Daniel SINCLAIR - deceased
informant: C. W. Palmer Paso Robles
father: Henry W. RHYNE pob: US
mother: no record
cause of death: myocarditis - chronic
Burial 4-21-1930 Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Estrella
Palmer Undertaking
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 4 PG 180
James SINCLAIR; white/male/married; dob: 12-2-1842; pob: Utica, New York; dod: 7-19-1913; age: 72 yr, 7 mos, 18 days;
occupation: physician; length of residence at pod: 24 yrs; Ca: 24 yrs
informant: Mrs. Ida SINCLAIR Berkeley, Ca
father: James SINCLAIR pob: Scotland
mother: Mary unknown last pob: Scotland
cause of death: endocarditis/pulmonary tuberculosis
Burial 7-21-1913 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
C. W. Palmer Company
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 108
John A. TODD and Amanda Ann LAIRD:
State of California, County of San Luis Obispo, These presents are to authorize and license any Judge, Justice of the
Peace, Clergyman, or Preacher of the Gospel within the said County of San Luis Obispo to join in marriage John A.
TODD and Amanda Ann LAIRD and to certify the same according to law. The said Amanda Ann LAIRD being a minor,
the consent of her parents was thereby obtained.
Witness my hand and the seal fo the County Court of the County of San Luis Obispo this 24th day of November A.D., 1869.
Charles W. Dana - County Clerk of San Luis Obispo
November 28th A.D., 1869
I do hereby certify that John A. TODD and Amanda Ann LAIRD were joined by me in marriage, in the County of San Luis
Obispo on the 28th day of November A. D., 1869
J. J. Simmler - Justice of the Peace for the County and Township of San Luis Obispo
Recorded at the request of John A. TODD November 29th A.D., 1869
Charles W. Dana - County Recorder by A. Pollard Deputy Clerk
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK L PG 623
Groom: Elbert G. ELLIOTT, native of Tennessee, aged 34 yrs, resident of
Annette, County of Kern, State of Ca, of the white race
Bride: Ella S. KINCAID-PARSONS, native of Ca, aged 24 yrs, resident of Paso
Robles, of the white race
witnesses: W. C. HENDERSON, resident of Paso Robles & John O'CONNOR,
resident of San Luis Obispo
Married 4-19-1921 in San Luis Obispo by William Mallagh Justice of the
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 138 PG 820
Bessie A. ELLIOTT, white/female/widow; dob: 1-13-1899; pob: Ca;
dod: 4-16-1990 at 0837 hrs; pod: residence, Cayucos; age: 91 yrs;
citizen of the USA; 26 yrs in this county; occupation: nurse Los Angeles
County Hospital for 15 yrs; level of education: 16 yrs
informant: Alice MERIAM - sister Mariposa, Ca
father: William ANDERSON pob: Ca
mother: Mamie XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: Cardiopulmonary arrest/myocardial ischemia/coronary artery
disease/hypertension Dr. David Harvey MD San Luis Obispo
CR/RES Mariposa, Ca
McDermott Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 123 PG 524
Chester Elbert ELLIOTT, white/male/married; dob: 1-13-1895; pob: Ca;
dod: 5-11-1980 at 0800 hrs; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital San Luis
Obispo; age: 85 yrs; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Bess
ANDERSON; usual residence: Bella Vista Mobile Home Lodge Cayucos;
occupation: maintenance man for 20 yrs, Los Angeles County Parks and
informant: Bess ELLIOTT - wife
father: Thomas E. ELLIOTT pob: CN
mother: Effie XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: Cerebral failure/heart failure/aged chronic brain syndrome
Dr. James Bondurant D.O
Burial 5-14-1980 at Fowler District Cemetery Fowler, Ca
Reis and Ioppini Mortuary
Telegram Tribune
Death Notice 9-24-2000 pg B2
William PENN, 79, of Atascadero died Sat. 9-23-2000, at a Templeton nursing center. Arrangements are pending at
Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero
Obituary 9-29-2000 pg B2
William A. PENN, 79, of Atascadero died Saturday 9-23-2000, at a local care facility. A graveside service will be
conducted at 2 pm today at Cayucos District Cemetery. The Rev. Warren Alderson will officiate.
Mr. PENN was bore 4-4-1921 in El Centro. He served in the US Navy and was honorably discharged in 1942. He was a
member of the United Brotherhood, Carpenters and Joiners 144-L, and the International Union of Operating Engineers
Local # 12. In the last few months of his life he enjoyed the company of his dog, Putz.
Mr. PENN is survived by 2 sister-in-laws, Barbara SHELLEY of Morro Bay and Denise BENNETT of Portland, Oregon; 2
brother-in-laws, Norman SHELLEY of Grants Pass, Oregon and David SHELLEY of Portland, Oregon, 3 nieces, Laurie
SMYTHE of Salinas, Lisa SHELLEY of San Francisco, and Patricia L. BENNETT of Estacada, Oregon, a nephew Danny
BENNETT of Estacada, Oregon, 3 great nieces and 3 great nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents
Cleavland and Rosabelle PENN and his wife Leatrice J. PENN.
Arrangements are by Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero.
Sun Bulletin 2-24-1983
Mamie Ethel CAMPBELL, a resident of Morro Bay since 1967, died February 18, in a San Luis Obispo hospital. She was
Graveside services were February 22, at Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery. Veterans of Foreign Wars Chaplain Mario
Martina officiated.
Mrs. CAMPBELL was born December 28, 1898, in Illinois. She was a member of VFW Ghezzi-Romero Post 7038 an
Veterans of WW Barracks 1291.
She is survived by 4 sons, Chester Jr. and Norman both of Seattle and Ronald and Clyde, both of Torrance; 2 daughters,
Juanita BROTZMAN of Seattle and Carol MARTIN of San Diego; 19 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary was in charge of arrangements.
Telegram Tribune 5-13-1980
Graveside services for Chester Elbert ELLIOTT, 85, of Cayucos will be at 11
am Wednesday in the Fowler District Cemetery. The Rev. James Fincher of the
Modesto Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Fowler
District Cemetery.
ELLIOTT was born January 13, 1895, in Fresno. In 1928, he moved to Los
Angeles where he was an emergency service representative for the Auto Club
of Southern California for 20 years and was a maintenance worker for Los
Angeles county Parks and recreation for 25 yrs, Upon his retirement in
1962, he moved to Cayucos. He died Sunday after a lengthy illness in a San
Luis Obispo convalescent hospital.
He is survived by his wife, Bess of Cayucos, a son, Elbert of North
Hollywood, a brother, Lawrence of Fresno; and a granddaughter
Arrangements under the direction of the Reis-Iopini Mortuary in Cayucos.
Telegram Tribune 6-14-1970
Richard E. ADAMS
A graveside service for Richard Elsworth ADAMS of Arroyo Grande will be conducted at 2 pm Friday in Arroyo Grande
District Cemetery. The Rev. Russell Wilson of Grover City Church of Christ will Officiate.
Mr. ADAMS was born June 10, 1894, in Nebraska and had resided in Arroyo Grande for the past 60 yrs. He was a
veteran of WWI and a retired farm laborer.
Survivors include 2 brothers; Frank ADAMS of Nebraska and Russell ADAMS of Atascadero and 2 sisters, Mrs. Clara
SMITH of Santa Ana and Mrs. Emma JENSEN of Grover City.
Friends may call at Wood Funeral Chapel in Arroyo Grande until 1:30 pm Friday.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-2-1976
BORBA, Joseph James
Recitation of the Rosary for Joseph James BORBA, 75, of Pismo Beach, will be
at 8 pm today in the Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo. The Rev. Gregory
Kareta officiating. Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated at 10 am
Wednesday at St. Paul's Catholic Church, Pismo Beach. Burial will be in the
Arroyo Grande District Cemetery.
BORBA was born August 19, 1901, in the Azores Islands. When he was 8 his
family moved to the Edna District in San Luis Obispo where his father became
a farmer,. He attended San Luis Obispo schools and for 40 yrs had been a
produce buyer. He died Sunday in a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Surviving are his wife, Agnes Ruda BORBA, of Pismo Beach; 5 daughters,
Virginia GREEN of Hayward, Georgia TURNER of Canoga Park and Dolores WITT of
Arleta; 2 brothers, John and Tony BORBA, a sister, Mary OLIVEIRA, all of
Newman; 10 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-3-2000 page B2
Agnes BORBA, 95, of Shell Beach died Wednesday, 11-1-2000, at an Arroyo
Grande hospital.
Visitation will be from noon - 7 pm Sunday, 11-5-2000, at Marshall-Spoo
Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach. Recitation of the Rosary, followed
by the Mass of Christian Burial, will be held at 11 am Monday November 6, at
St. Paul's Catholic Church in Pismo Beach. The Rev. Peter Parchem will
officiate. Burial will follow at Arroyo Grande Cemetery,
A lifetime resident of San Luis Obispo county, Mrs. BORBA was born in See
Canyon on March 3, 1905. She was a descendent of the See Family of See's
Candies fame and was one of the founding families of St. Paul's Catholic
Church in Pismo Beach. Mrs. BORBA loved music and dancing.
She is survived by 3 daughters, Virginia GREEN and husband Raymond of
Jackson, Georgia TURNER and husband Houston of West Hills and Alice WITT and
husband James of Shell Beach; 2 brothers, Mitchell and Manuel RUDA, both of
San Luis Obispo; 10 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren, and 39
great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband Joseph
BORBA, in 1976 and 2 daughters, Lorraine MANNING in 1987 and Marie COONEY in
San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune 12-9-1976
Memorial services for Hardie George WINTERS, 52, of Shell Beach will be at
7:30 pm Friday at the First United Methodist Church in Arroyo Grande. The
Rev. Alan Gorsline will officiate.
WINTERS was born 1-23-1929, in Fort Lupton, Colorado. He died Tuesday in
San Luis Obispo. He was retired from the California Department of
Corrections and was a Marine veteran of WWII in the Pacific Campaign.
Surviving are his wife Utana "Toni" WINTERS, of Shell Beach; a brother,
Maurice WINTERS, and a sister, Thelma LIPE, both of Los Angeles; and a
daughter, Utana THURBER of Elkhorn, Nebraska and 2 grandchildren, David and
The family asks that any remembrances go to the American Cancer Society.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 12-5-1983
Calvin C. THACKER Sr., of Atascadero died Friday at home. He was 74.
Graveside services will be held at 1 pm at All Souls Cemetery in Vallejo.
Visitation will be at Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero from 6 - 8 pm
Mr. THACKER was born July 24, 1909 in Tennessee. He had lived in Atascadero
since 1971, moving from Vallejo. While living in Vallejo he was a machinist
for 25 years at Mare Island Naval Shipyard.
He is survived by his wife, Erma; 2 daughters, Joan ORMONDE of Vallejo and
Joyce MULLICAN of Elkhart, Kansas; 3 brothers, Earl and Elmer, both of
Tennessee and Guy of Ohio; 3 sisters, Velma JONES and Bertie WILLIAMS, both
of Tennessee and Lucille MELTON of Chicago, 12 grandchildren and 7
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 38, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 13 June 1874: Died in San Luis Obispo, Sun. 7 June, Lora May, infant daughter of
Mr. John F. and Isouria Beckett
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 38, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 13 June 1874: Died in San Luis Obispo on 10 June, Lugarda Blanco, age 5 years.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 27 June 1874: Died in San Luis Obispo 22d instant, Blas Antonio Castro, age 58
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 11 July 1874: Married in Sacramento, 28 June by the Rev. Mr. Loewenthal, Miss
Jennie Barnes of the above city to Mr. Julius Drebs, Department County Clerk of the county
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 11 July 1874: Married in San Jose, 2 July, Elizabeth Boggs, daughter of A. L.
Boggs, Esq. of San Jose to Hugh Moore, Jr. of San Luis Obispo
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 18 July 1874: Died in this place on Friday, 17th instant, Guadalupe, wife of William
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 25 July 1874: Died in this place, Friday, 17 July, age 5 years and 11 days, May
Emily, daughter of George W. and Mary F. Mauk.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 25 July 1874: Died in this place 20 July, Victor Ransom, infant son of H.B. and M.
Manuela Blake age 4 months
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" Vol. 5, issue 1 Aug. 1874: Died at OwenIs [sic] Little Lake, Inyo County by an accidental
discharge of his pistol, David Salazar, brother-in-law of H. Dallidet, age 23 years.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" Vol. 5 issue 8 Aug. 1874: Died on Morro Creek, 3 August, Mr. J. Y. Stewart, from the
effects of a knife wound, age 26 years
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 39, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" Vol. 5 issuev 22 Sept. 1874: Died on the Oso Flaco, San Luis Obispo Co., of pneumonia,
Mrs. M. Miller age 70 years. Resident of California over 20 years. leaves a large family of sons.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 40, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" Vol. 5 issue 17 October. 1874: Died in this place 15 October, Wallace Jerome, a native
of New York, aged 41.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 40, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" Vol. 5 issue 17 October. 1874: Died at his residence near San Luis Obispo, Thurs. of
diabetes, Jose Antonio de la Guerra y Noriega, late sheriff of this county, age 49.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 10 December. 1874: Died in this place on 17 December, Miss Eloisa Herrera, age
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 19 December. 1874: Married at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, in this place, 31
December, by Justice Simmler, Miss Anna S. Webber of Humbolt to Mr. William Baldwin of San Bernardino.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 10 December. 1874: Died at Cambria, 29 December, Sadie Russel, youngest
daughter of Charles and Isabel Russell, aged 1 year, 1 month, 21 days.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 10 December. 1874: Died in San Luis Obispo, 31 December of typhoid fever,
Maggie M. Kenny, age 11 years, 2 months, 12 days
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 10 December. 1874: Died in Arroyo Grande, 23 December, of typhoid fever,
Louise Nelson, wife of J.M. Nelson
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 9 January 1874: Died in Morro, 31 Dec. of typhoid fever, William Hall.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 16 January 1875: Died in San Luis Obispo 9 Jan. Morris Daminsky, age 26.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 65, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 16 January 1875: Died near Arroyo Grande Station, 10 January, Charles Austin
Fowler, son of Albert & Sarah Fowler, aged 11 months 9 days.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 68, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 27 March 1875: Died in San Luis Obispo 25 March, infant son of Juana & Fred de
la Guerra
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 68, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 15 May 1875: Died near San Luis Obispo at the residence of Levi Young, on 10
May, Mr. Levi Brown, native of Illinois, age 43 years and 3 months.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 68, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 10 April 1875: Died in Salem, Oregon, Sat., 13 March, Mrs. Amanda C. Hill, wife of
Andrew Hill, daughter of Andrew Cowan. Mrs. Hill was about 26 years of age; leaves husband and little babe. Mrs. Hill
spent some time in San Luis Obispo, California last fall. (Not clear if Salem is in Polk or Marion Co., Oregon)
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 69, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 19 June 1875: Died in San Luis Obispo, 16 June, Alexander James Henderson,
only son of Michael and Adela Henderson, age 2 years 6 months.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 69, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 3 July 1875: Died in San Luis Obispo 28 June, Eddie, only son of David M. and
S.M. Johnson, age 4 years 1 month
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 69, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 3 July 1875: Died near Arroyo Grande, July 24, Julia, eldest daughter of Emma and
Oliver Dickerson, age 3 years 10 days.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 69, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 4 September 1875: died in San Luis Obispo, Tues. 31 Aug., Effie only daughter of
George W. and Mary Mauk, age 2 months 14 days.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 70, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 18 Sept. 1875: Died at the County Hospital in San Luis Obispo, 1 Sept., Hill Smith
of Paso Robles
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 69, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 25 Sept. 1875: Died at the Laguna Rancho, 20 Sept., Edward Hollister, youngest
son of Mary and John Flint, age 9 months 2 days
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 71, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 9 Oct. 1875: Death of Judge Azrael Murray, founder of the San Luis Obispo
Tribune, Tues., 21 Sept. Born London, England 1826; came to U.S. at early age. In England, trained with an eminent
London barrister between age 13 and 16; started in newspapers in Boston as compositor; published small journal "The
Machanic"s Apprentice". Joined Stephenson Regiment for Mexican war. In 1848 drifted to mines of the Sierra
Nevada. In 1852 with J.O. Sullivan established Tuolumme Co. first newspaper in Sonora. In 1853 came to San Luis
Obispo; admitted to bar. Also founder "San Lui Obispo Tribune". (Tribute from merchants of San Luis Obispo ..... )
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 72, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 23 Oct. 1875: Died in Santa Clara, 18 Oct., Mary Kate, wife of the Hon. P.W.
Murphy, a native of Philadelphia, aged 27 years, 1 month and 4 days, leaves husband and 3 weeks old son
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 72, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 23 Oct. 1875: Died on the Osos, 14 Oct., R.S. Gibson, a native of the North of
Ireland, age 53 years.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 72, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 6 Nov. 1875: Died on Wed., 3 Nov., only daughter of Jose Castro, age 1 year
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 72, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 20 Nov. 1875: Obituary on Saturday 13th, Jeremiah H. Mulcahy, parents came to
this county while he was yet an infant. Father died while he was young and his mother remained a widow. Educated in
Harvard College. Married with son and daughter. Came to California last spring to the home of W.H. Menton (Mrs.
Menton's first cousin) on the Estrella, March 21st. Buried in the Catholic Cemetery; age 27 years 6 mos. Of E. Cambridge,
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 72, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 20 Nov. 1875: Died at Cambria, Nov. 15, Charles, youngest son of P.A. & M.J.
Forrester age 1 year, 5 months, 25 days
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 72, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 27 Nov. 1875: Born on Nov. 19, the anniversary of the mother's birth, to the wife of
Charles Spurgeon, a pair of girls. (Happy birthday, mom!)
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 72, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 4 Dec. 1875: Died Nov. 27, A.M. Albert, only child of W.W. and E. Lee, age 1 year
and 3 months. Salinas papers please copy
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 73, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 4 Dec. 1875: Died in San Luis Obispo Dec 9, Lucy Francis wife of J. C. Ortaga and
infant son.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 73, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 18 Dec. 1875: Married at Windsor, Sonoma Co., Dec. 8 by Rev. C.H. Lovejoy Mr.
J.M. Mannon to Miss Mattie Clark
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 73, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 18 Dec. 1875: Died on Sunday, Dec. 12, Maud, twin daughter of Therisa & Charles
Spurgeon, age 24 days
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 73, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 4 March 1876: Written by brother George Francis, Ed. of the Napa
"Register": William Francis died at this residence in San Bernardino, California, Mon., Feb. 21 of consumption in his 43rd
year. Born Troy, Oakland Co., Michigan, 27 July 1833. Came to California 1850 to place now owned by John Howell
near St. Helena. In that place 11 yrs. then to Idaho; family remained in St. Helena. Later settled in Mendocino Co.,
Anderson Valley then to San Luis Obispo. Engaged in livery business. In 1858 in St. Helena, he married Mrs. Dicie Ann
Holloway, daughter of William Rector, a pioneer of 1846, after whom Rector was named and who is now living near San
Luis Obispo. 3 children born; 2 living. Deceased was the eldest of 5 children, 1 sister and 4 brothers. The sister Mrs.
W.L. Phillips and brothers James, Jesse and George !
lie in Napa Valley. (copied as typed in the Bulletin)
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 74, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 4 March 1876: Died on Mon., Feb. 21, at residence of brother Don Juan Castro at
Piedro Blanco, William Castro.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 73, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 4 March 1876: Died at the Eagle Hotel, in this place, March 2, Charles Dole a
native of Troy New York. Fresno City and Santa Barbara papers please copy.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 74, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 17 June 1876: Died in San Luis Obispo, June 10, Dona Encernacion Carillo, wife
of the late Thomas M. Robbins of Santa Barbara, a pioneer of 1823. She was born 1814; daughter of Don Carlos Antonio
Carillo, ex governor of Department of California under the Mexican Regime. Lived to see most of children settled. she
was born at the Presidio of Santa Barbara under the reign of Carlos Septimi. Last hours passed away under the roof of
the old Mission. Christian mother with large number of relatives.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 77, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 24 June 1876: Died at Avila, Fri., June 10, Jose Antonia Silvera
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 77, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 24 June 1876: died at San Luis Obispo, June 24, Helen Augusta Blake, age 15
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 77, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 24 June 1876: died in San Luis Obispo, June 21, Benjamin Grael, age 63 years, 9
months and 7 days.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 77, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 24 June 1876: died at San Luis Obispo, Gustavus Ignacio, youngest son of John E.
and Refugio Childs.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 78, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 15 July 1876: Married on Sun. 9 July by the Rev. F.S. Woodcock, at the residence
of the bride in this city, Mrs. M.J. Hall to Mr. B.C. Whitney
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 78, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 5 Aug1876: died in San Luis Obispo on Tues., Aug 1, Dr. N. W. Shaug, age 24 yrs.
l month and 2 days
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 80, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 19 Aug 1876: Died in San Luis Obispo, August 24, Leopold Pepperman, age 24
years, 2 months
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 80, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 2 Sept 1876: died at Arroyo Grande, Monday Aug 28, George L. Henry, son of
Daniel Henry, age 15
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 117, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 9 Sept 1876: At Carpenteria, Santa Barbara Co., sudden death of Mrs. Gurney,
who had recently visited San Luis Obispo with her husband. Taken sick Tues with gastric fever; died Thurs. the
24th. Warm personal friend to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 80, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 23 Sept 1876: Courthouse of later times and law office of Graves, Wilcoxon &
Graves of present time razed in last 10 days by D.V. Johnson. The adobes are being removed for filling in the
approaches to Court Street Bridge that is to be. Courthouse built about 25 years ago by Capt. William Dana for 25 to 40
thousand dollars. Built of adobes; walls 2 feet thick. Interior lumber for finishing cost not less than 200 dollars a
thousand. Building was sold to county for a courthouse; used until early 1873. Sold to Hon. W. J. Graves as family
residence and law office for 3 years. Sold last year to Bank of San Luis Obispo but law office used until last week when
he moved into Laser's Block.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 80, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 7 Oct. 1876: died at his home on the Huasna, in this county, 1 Oct., Mr. L.T.
Musick. Lake County papers please copy.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,119, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 7 Oct. 1876: Died in this city, 1 Oct., John Weimer, age 48.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,146, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 14 Oct. 1876: Died on Morro Creek, 8 Oct., Olivia J., wife of G. W. Michael
Sr., native of Virginia. Age 53 years, 2 months, 26 days
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,146, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 14 Oct. 1876: Died near this city, 16 Oct., Jacob Dickerson, age 64.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,146, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 14 Oct. 1876: died in this city, Oct. 30, infant son of Major R.H. Pond, of the
Eureka Rancho.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,147, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 11 Nov. 1876: Died 9 miles from Lowes Station, Monterey Co., in an
accident. She was eldest of 2 children. Fell from wagon and run over. Mr. Isom was moving family to this county
overland. He is brother of Hugh Isom, Esq. of Morro. The family obtain a rough box at Walker's place then took the stage
to San Luis Obispo . Mr. W.H. Austin, proprietor of the Eagle Hotel, received their telegraph from Paso Robles to prepare
grave. Burial at the Odd Fellows Cemetery.
Death Notices Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
MALES - Edith MALES, 81, of Paso Robles died Thursday in Paso Robles. Services are pending at Kuehl-Nicolay
Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles.
BAXTER - Arthur Lee BAXTER, 79, of Arroyo Grande died Wednesday at an Arroyo Grande hospital. Arrangements are
pending at Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City.
SCIARONI - Robert K. SCIARONI, 90, died Thursday at a Morro Bay convalescent center. Arrangements are pending at
Benedict-Rettey in Morro Bay
GLIMP - Henry B. GLIMP Sr., 85, of Atascadero died Friday at a San Luis Obispo care center. Arrangements are
pending at Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero.
GORSKI - Theresa A. GORSKI, 83, of Atascadero died today at a Templeton hospital. Services are pending at Chapel of
the Roses in Atascadero
Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
Miscellaneous Marriage Licenses - 1989 & 1990
CAMPBELL - HUBBARD - Jeffery Thomas CAMPBELL, 21, and Dehaven Jami HUBBARD, 18, both of Grover City,
issued Dec. 5, 1989.
GRADOVILLE - JOHNS - Brian Scott GRADOVILLE, 22, and Carla Renee JOHNS, 19, both of Arroyo Grande, issued
Jan. 4, 1990.
BACKENSTEN - BUAL - Carl Leif BACKENSTEN, 40, and Antoneta RODRIGUEZ BUAL, 41, both of Grover City, issued Jan.
4, 1990.
AKERS - McCONNELL - Luther Sherman AKERS, 48, and Kathryn Mari McCONNELL, 43, both of Cambria, issued Jan.
5, 1990.
MILLER - VINSON - Robert Lee MILLER, 33, and Kin VINSON, 33, both of Paso Robles, issued Jan. 5, 1990.
SUMMERFIELD - SWITZER - Patrick Richard SUMMERFIELD, 30, and Paula Denise SWITZER, 23, both of Creston,
issued Jan. 5, 1990.
CAMPBELL - NOVAK - Francis Patrick CAMPBELL, 22, and Rebecca Ann NOVAK, 21, both of Los Osos, issued Jan. 8,
TROTTER - REESE - Jeffrey Scott TROTTER, 26, of San Jose, and Cynthia Gerne REESE, 26, of San Luis Obispo,
issued Jan. 9, 1990.
SLATER - HARRIS - Randy Stewart SLATER, 34, and Lynn Marie HARRIS, 23, both of Atascadero, issued Jan. 10, 1990.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,148, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 2 Dec. 1876: A.H. Lorraine, dancing instructor, in San Luis Obispo was the
grandson of the Gallic Marquis de Lorraine on his mother's side and on this father's side descendent of the Brighton
Family, one of the oldest and best in Britain.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,148, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 18 Nov. 1876: Died in this city, Nov. 13, J.P. Lewelling, age 45. Born Indiana in
1831; to California 1850; to San Luis Obispo 1856. Held several important offices in community over 7 years. Leaves
wife and several children. Mother, brothers & sisters reside in Chester Co., Indian. Funeral from Mission Catholic Church.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,149, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 9 Dec. 1876: died in this city Dec. 7, infant daughter of Mrs. Ellen & E.B. Morriss
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg,149, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 16 Dec. 1876: died in this city, infant daughter, age 6 months of Flora Maria & J.
Abstracted from Bulletin of the California Central Coast Genealogical Society, Vol. 10, pg, 149, "Stereopticon" column,
from "San Luis Obispo Tribune" issue 16 Dec. 1876: Died in this city Dec. 13, John Hicks
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 10, page 75, 1977, "Stereoptican" Column,
22 April 1876 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Married in San Simeon, 8 April, Miss Florence B. Compher of
S.L.O. Co. to B. A. Ashley of San Francisco
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 10, page 75, 1977, "Stereoptican" Column,
22 April 1876 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died 29 April, in San Luis Obispo, Valentin Gaxiola, native of
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 10, page 75, 1977, "Stereoptican" Column,
13 May 1876 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died, 8 May, Mary Alice, only daughter of Patrick McHenry and
wife of Los Osos, age 2 yrs 8 mos
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 10, page 75, 1977, "Stereoptican" Column,
27 May 1876 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Married in Eureka, Nevada, 8 May, Fred R. Fiske to Mrs. Elizabeth
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 10, page 78, 1977, "Stereoptican" Column,
22 July 1876 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died in San Francisco, 13 July, Lizzie Kenney, wife of Charles
Brabrant, age 30 yrs., 2 mos. and 1 day.
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 14, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
23 Dec 1876 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died on Sand Hill Ranch, Jessie May, only daughter of J.M. & M.R.
Hartman, age 4 weeks
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 15, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
13 Jan 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died in San Luis Obispo, 11 Jan., Mrs. Andrew Sauer, age 25 yrs. 2
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 15, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
13 Jan 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune" Died in San Luis Obispo, 7 Jan, Willie Oscar, infant son of E.L. &
M.J. Reed, age 7 wks.
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 15, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
25 Aug. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died in Oakland (California), 24 Aug., Phoebe M. wife of Bourman
Brown, native of Kingsburg, Washington Co, New York, age 66 yrs., 9 mos., 24 days.
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 140, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
1 Sept.. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died in this city, 24 Aug., Emma Ernistina, youngest daughter of
Carolina and H.W. Little, aged 1 yrs. 11 mos. 14 days.
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 140, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
1 Sept. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Runaway-Notice is hereby given that my son, Frederick
Schieffarley has left home without my knowledge or consent and this is to notify the public that I will not be responsible for
any debts of his contracting on any account whatsoever from this date, San Luis Obispo, 16 Aug. J.J. Schiefferley
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 141, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
15 Sept. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died at Nance;s Station, 9 Sept. Effie A. only daughter of J.J. &
A.H. Hosbson (late of San Jose) age 1 yrs. 2 mos. 19 days. San Jose papers please copy
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 142, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
22 Sept. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Married at the residence of the brides parents, near Morro, 12
Sept., by John W. Atten, George C. Cockeand and Mary Ison (her sister Mrs. Mary Cocke)
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 142, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
22 Sept. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died at the Atascadero,25 Sept., Francisco Villa, native of San
Luis Obispo Co.
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 142, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
22 Sept. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died on the Los Osos, 19 Sept., James Peter O'Connor, age 10
yrs. 1 mos. 14 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.O'Connor
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 142, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
29 Sept. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died in this city, 22 Sept., Richard Milne Preston, youngest son of
R.M. and Lida Preston, age 1 yrs., 5 mos., 28 days (Sonoma and Marin co. papers please copy)
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 142, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
13 Oct. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died near San Luis Obispo, 5 Oct., Charles, only son of J.H. and
Rhoada Orcutt, age 9 yrs. 11 mos. and 4 days.
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 143, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
20 Oct. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died in this city, 14 Oct. Kate, youngest daughter of William and
Sarah Evans, age 4 yrs. 11 mos. 4 days
Abstracted from California Central Coast Genealogical Society Bulletin, Vol. 11, page 14, 1978, "Stereoptican" Column,
23 Dec. 1877 issue of the "San Luis Obispo Tribune": Died in Avila, 21 Dec. Frank Jones
Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
James H. BABB
Professor emeritus James Harrison BABB of San Luis Obispo died Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1990, at his residence. He was 69.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo. The Rev. Deane Keller of Grace Church in San
Luis Obispo will officiate. Burial will follow at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park.
Mr. BABB was born July 5, 1920, in Macomb, Mo. He moved to Exeter in 1929, at the age of nine. He graduated from
Exeter High School.
He was in the Navy from 1942 to 1946 and served as a torpedoman mate in the South Pacific.
He married Barbara Tenycke June 7, 1946. During the 1950s, the young couple were missionaries to the Tully Indian
Reservation in the San Joaquin Valley. They founded the Visalia Printing Company in 1953 and sold it in 1959. They
moved to San Luis Obispo in 1959.
Mr. BABB was a professor at Cal Poly for 23 years, teaching printing in the Graphic Communications Department from
1959 to 1982.
He was an active member of the Bethel Baptist Church of Grover City, serving as deacon and Sunday school
teacher. He was also a member of Gideons and the Civil Air Patrol of San Luis Obispo.
He enjoyed woodworking.
Mr. BABB is survived by two sons, James M. BABB of San Luis Obispo and Michael R. BABB of Arroyo Grande; three
daughters, Vicki L. SMITH and Carol L. ANDERSON, both of Portland, Ore., and Kathy I. CURNOW of Vancouver, Wash.;
two brothers, Harry T. BABB of Tulare and Fred MILLER of San Diego; three sisters, Lois McLAUGHLIN of Visalia,
Eunice WILSHIRE of Exeter and Juanita FLINT of AUBURN; his mother Susan BABB of Visalia; 13 grandchildren; and
numerous nieces and nephews.
Contributions may be made to Gideons Memorial Bible, P. O. Box 578, San Luis Obispo, CA. 93406.
Arrangements are by Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo.
Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
John R. COWAN, 81, of Arroyo Grande died Saturday, Jan 23, 1990, at an Arroyo Grande hospital.
Graveside services were to have been at 11 a. m. today at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery. The Rev. Ehrhardt Lang of the
First United Methodist Church in Arroyo Grande will officiate.
Mr. COWAN was born Sept. 17, 1908, in Salisaw, Okla. He moved to Arroyo Grande from Los Angeles with his late
mother and brother in 1971.
He was a Navy veteran of World War II.
Mr. COWAN worked as a contractor all of his adult life.
He is survived by a sister, Mary HARRA of Sun City, Ariz.; and a niece Marcia PINNELL of Washington, D. C.
Arrangements are by Lady Family Mortuary in Arroyo Grande.
Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
Ronald R. HEATHCOCK, 42, of Pismo Beach died Wednesday, Jan 24, 1990, in San Luis Obispo.
Services will be at 11 a. m. Saturday at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Pismo Beach. The Rev. Peter Parchem will
officiate. Cremation has taken place under the direction of the Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City. Mr.
HEATHCOCK was born Feb. 25, 1947, in Porterville. He had attended school in Pismo Beach and Porterville.
Mr. HEATHCOCK is survived by his mother, Ruby BORBA, and his grandmother Belmira BORBA, both of Pismo Beach.
Contributions may be made to the Vietnam Veterans of America Inc., Chapter No. 394, P. O. Box 14506, San Luis Obispo,
CA 92406
Arrangements are by Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City.
Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
Emma Lena BABCOCK, 95,, of Templeton died Wednesday, Jan 24, 1990, in Templeton.
Services were to have been at 1 p. m. today at Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles, with the Rev. Paul Dinkel
of the First United Methodist Church officiating.
Mrs. BABCOCK was born Feb. 2, 1894, in Ridottz, Ill. She had been a resident of Templeton for five years and resident
of Redondo for 35 years.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of St. Paul's Church in Redondo.
Mrs. BABCOCK is survived by a daughter, Cynthia R. TEAGUE of Reseda, and a grandson, David R. TEAGUE of
Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
Dorine Carter BURK, 78,, of Paso Robles died Thursday, Jan 25, 1990, in Templeton.
Services were to have been at 11 a. m. today at the Paso Robles District Cemetery. The Rev. Hugh Sheffield of
the Christian Church of Paso Robles was to have officiated.
Mrs. BURK was born April. 17, 1911, in Leota, Mo. She had been a resident of Paso Robles for 65 .
She was a retired secretary for the Civil Service.
Mrs. BURK was a member of the First Christian Church and was an Elkette member of the Elks Club. She was a past
president of the Business Professional Women's Association. She was also a volunteer for the Senior Citizens
Mrs. BURK is survived by a brother, Murl CARTER of Kingman, Ariz.; a sister-in-law, Irene BLAIR of Paso Robles; two
nieces; and two nephews.
Arrangements are by Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles.
Telegram Tribune 11-26-1990 page C-7
Roy R. MARTIN, 88,, of Atascadero died Thursday, Jan 25, 1990, at a Paso Robles care center.
Services will be at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Atascadero Community Church. The Rev. Larry Etter will officiate. Inurnment
will be in the Reflection Garden a Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero.
Mr. MARTIN was born Oct. 2, 1901, in Indian Territory, Okla.
He was a building contractor for 52 years.
Mr. MARTIN had been a member of the Atascadero Community Church since 1960. He was instrumental in building the
Sunday school rooms and remodeling the Fellowship Hall and kitchen. Mr. MARTIN also did the church cabinetry and
Mr. MARTIN is survived by a daughter, Mildred COPELAND of Atascadero; a son, David MARTIN of Atascadero; eight
grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a brother, George MARTIN of Burlington, Wash.
Donations may be made to the Atascadero Community Church
Telegram Tribune 6-13-1960 Page 2
J. GRAVENSTEIN, Atascadero, Dies
Funeral services were held at the Chapel of the Roses at 2 p. m. today for Jacob GRAVENSTEIN, 93, 4945 Miramont
Avenue, who died Friday in an Atascadero hospital after a short illness.
Dr. Arthur Richards of the Atascadero Community church officiated and burial was in Atascadero district cemetery.
Mr. GRAVENSTEIN was a native of Phoenix, Mich., born Sept. 12, 1866. He had been a resident of Atascadero for 41
years, coming here in 1918 when the Atascadero Colony was first founded. For 18 years prior to his retirement in 1940
he worked as a pump operator for the Atascadero Mutual Water company.
He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of the World.
Mr. GRAVENSTEIN is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bertha GRAVENSTEINof Atascadero; a son Edwin GRAVENSTEIN of
Van Nuys, a daughter, Mrs. Irene McLAUGHLIN of Atascadero; a brother William GRAVENSTEIN of Selah, Wash., and
four grandchildren.
***Death cert. has spelling as GRABENSTEIN*****
Telegram Tribune 11-27-1987 Page A-6
Mary Alice WHARFF, 73, Of Templeton died Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1987, at her home.
No funeral services will be held. Visitation will be Saturday from 2 - 4 p. m. and Sunday from 1 - 4 p. m. at the Chapel of
the Roses in Atascadero. Inurnment will follow at the Chapel of the Roses Reflection Gardens.
Mrs. WHARFF was born April 5, 1914, in Colorado. She was a resident of Paso Robles and the North County area since
1941. She was a homemaker.
Her husband, Paul, died in 1982.
She is survived by three daughters, Marie BARO of Atascadero, Rena AVERY of Paso Robles and Sally BRAUN of
Alhambra; one son, Bernie WHARFF of Canyon Country; three sisters, Margaret PATTEE of Grand Junction, Colo., Opal
KITCHENS of Centerville and Crystal MATTHEWS of Los Angeles; 17 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
Donations may be made to the American Heart Association.
Telegram Tribune 11-27-1987 Page A-6
Martha Evelyn AINLEY, 60, of Santa Maria died Thursday, Nov. 26, 1987, in a Santa Maria hospital, after a nine year
battle against cancer.
Memorial services will be at 11 a. m. Saturday at the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Maria. Graveside services will be
at 3:30 p. m. Saturday at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park. The Rev. Donald Black will officiate. Eulogies will be delivered
by her brother, Dr. Jacob FRIESEN, and friends, Mrs. James TAHMISIAN, Mrs. Phillip BARRETT and Mr. Jack W.
Mrs. AINLEY was born May 9, 1927, in Inola, Okla. She was raised and educated in Hillsboro, Kansas. She attended
Tabor College and taught elementary school in Woodlake, Tulare County, for three years. She and her husband, Dr.
Richard G. AINLEY, moved to Santa Maria in 1951.
Mrs. AINLEY served as deacon and choir member in the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Maria. In addition she held
positions of leadership in Community Bible Study, Christian Women's Club, Presbyterian Women's Association and
several Santa Maria P.T.A.s.
She is survived by her husband, Dr. Richard G. AINLEY of Santa Maria, two daughters, Diane HERTLER of Santa Maria
and Cheryl BROWNE of Visalia; one son, Rick AINLEY of Santa Maria; two sisters, Ruth VOTH of Kansas and Esther
FRIESEN of Washington; eight brothers, Arthur FRIESEN of Florida, Calvin FRIESEN and Paul FRIESEN, both of
Kansas, John, Frank, Marcus, and Dr. Jacob FRIESEN, all of California and Dr. Herbert FRIESEN of Pakistan.
Donations may be made to the memorial fund of First Presbyterian Church, the American Cancer Society or to a favorite
Los Osos Valley Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.
Telegram Tribune 11-27-1987 Page A-6
Ruth J. DELLORA, 75, of Shell Beach died Sunday Nov., 15 1987.
Memorial Services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Shell Beach United Methodist Church, 189 Windward, Shell
Beach. The Rev. Samuel Domingo will officiate.
Mrs. DELLORA was born Aug. 23, 1911, in Brooklyn, N.Y. She was a resident of Shell Beach since 1971. She was a
member of the Shell Beach Women's Club.since 1972 and was president of the Club in 1977 - 1978.
She is survived by her husband, Paul J. DELLORA of Shell Beach; and one sister Margorie BEYERS of San Diego.
Telegram Tribune 11-27-1987 page A-6
Death Notices
WHELCHEL - Clell Wilbur WHELCHEL, 71, San Luis Obispo died today at his home. He is a former mayor of San Luis
Obispo. Services are pending at Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo.
OLSON - Carl E. OLSON, 91, of Arroyo Grande died Thursday in an Arroyo Grande hospital. Arrangements are pending
at Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City.
SILVA - Lewis SILVA, 78, of Arroyo Grande died today in an Arroyo Grande hospital. Arrangements are pending at
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City.
Telegram Tribune 11-1-1967 Page 2
Halcyon Resident Dies
Halcyon, Nov. 2 - Mrs. Louise Marie VERNOT, 83, a native of France and a resident of Halcyon for the past 10 years,
died early this morning in a San Luis Obispo hospital following a long illness.
She was born May 8, 1874, and formerly resided in New York.
Funeral services will be held Sunday at 10 a.m. in the Halcyon Temple of the People. Interment will follow in the Halcyon
Telegram Tribune 11-1-1967 Page 2
Atascadero, Nov. 2 -Mrs. Lilian Rosa HOBBS, 74, a resident of Atascadero for the 37 years, died in Atascadero general
hospital Friday night after a brief illness.
Mrs. HOBBS was a native of the Isle of Wight. She was a long time member of the Royal Neighbors of America Lodge in
She is survived by her husband, Edgar HOBBS; a daughter, Mrs. Norran PIERCE. and two sons, Nelson C. HOBBS and
Dilburt E. HOBBS, all of Atascadero; a sister, Mrs. Clara WADE of Canada; a brother, Bruce Jones of England, and two
Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Chapel of the Roses, with the Rev. Ralph Isbell
officiating. Interment will be in Atascadero district cemetery.
Telegram Tribune 11-1-1967 Page 2
Taken by Death
Joseph Felix GELINAS, 69, native of Massachusetts and resident of San Luis Obispo for the past three ears, died last
night following a long illness.
He was born on March 2, 1888, in Marlbough, Mass., and was employed by Kraft foods corporation for many years. He
retired three years ago and came here to make his home.
Mr. GELINAS was a member of the United Commercial Travelers and the Old Mission parish.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Regina B. GELINAS of San Luis Obispo; four sons, Dr. Edmund GELINAS and Joseph
GELINAS, both of San Luis Obispo, Richard E. GELINAS, Kansas City, Mo., and Bernard GELINAS of San Francisco;
three sisters, Mrs. Anne VALLERAND of Hartford, Conn., Mrs. Marie VEILLET of Waterbury, Conn., and Mrs. Clara
GREGORY of Wooster, Mass.; and seven grandchildren, Edmund Jr., Evelyn, Nancy, Michael and Joyce GELINAS, all of
San Luis Obispo, and Billie and Shirley GELINAS of Kansas City, Mo.
Rosary will be recited at 8 o'clock Monday night in the Reis chapel here with requiem mass at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Old
Mission. Burial will be in the family plot of the Catholic cemetery.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 16 PG 452
Patrick Edward HOURIHAN, male/white/married; dob: 9-18-1909; pob: Santa Margarita; dod: 9-15-1936 at 12:50
am; pod: Paso Robles; age: 26 yrs, 11 mos, 27 days; occupation: laborer; 14 days in pod; Ca: life
informant: Dean W. SLOAN San Luis Obispo
father: Patrick HOURIHAN pob: Ireland
mother: Catherine XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ireland
cause of death: bronco-pneumonia onset: 9-9-1936
myocardial failure onset: 9-12-1936
Edison French MD
Burial 9-17-1936 Catholic Cemetery
C. W. Palmer Mortuary San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 18 PG 344
Mary A. HOURIHAN, female/white/married; dob: 6-24-1869; pob: County Cork, Ireland; dod: 2-12-1939 at 9:30 am; pod:
Arroyo Grande; age: 67 yrs, 7 mos, 18 days; occupation: housework; 32 yrs in county of death; Ca: 48 yrs; US: 48 yrs;
surviving spouse: Lawrence P. HOURIHAN
informant: Aileen E. HOURIHAN San Luis Obispo
father: John DONOVAN pob: County Cork, Ireland
mother: Ann HAYES pob: County Cork, Ireland
cause of death: carcinoma of stomach onset 1937
James M Marshall MD San Luis Obispo
Burial 2-14-1939 Arroyo Grande
Earl W. Wood Undertaker Arroyo Grande
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK G PG 496
Groom: Patrick HOURIHAN, native of Ireland, aged 25 yrs, resident of Garey, County of Santa Barbara
Bride: Lillie ONTIVEROS, native of Ca, aged 21 yrs, resident of Garey, County of Santa Barbara
Witnesses: Michel HOURIHAN, resident of Santa Ynez, County of Santa Barbara and Mrs. R. GOODCHILD, resident of
Garey, County of Santa Barbara
dom: 4-27-1907 in San Luis Obispo by Rev. Mathias Terries Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 631
Groom: R. E. BATTELS, native of Penn., aged 36 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, never before
married, father is a native of New York, mother is a native of Vermont
Bride: Mary E. MINER, native of Oregon, aged 23 yrs, resident of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara, never before
married, father is a native of Illinois, mother is a native of Wisconsin
Witnesses: John B. MINER and Ida M. BATTLES both are residents of Guadalupe, County of Santa Barbara
dom: 10-28-1884 in San Luis Obispo by Henry H. Hall Pastor Garden Street ME Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 17
Henry HOURIHAN, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 12-21-1850; pob: Ireland; dod: 5-17-1916 at 11:50
am; pod: Nipomo; age: 65 yrs, 4 mos, 26 days; occupation: farmer; surviving spouse: Mary
Theresa HOURIHAN; length of stay at pod: 45 yrs; Ca: 45 yrs 1 mos
informant: Mrs. HOURIHAN Nipomo
father: Lawrence HOURIHAN pob: Ireland
mother: Catherine COLLINS pob: Ireland
cause of death: diabetes mellitus/diabetic coma
C. B. Colblantz MD Santa Maria
Burial 5-20-1916 San Luis Obispo
Albert Dudley Undertaker Santa Maria
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK P PG 78
Groom: James Duane WEILER, resident of USS LaVallette, San Diego, Ca;
white; aged 22 yrs; single; 1st marriage; pob: Minn.; occupation:
electrician - employer - US Navy; father: Fred. J. WEILER, native of
Wisconson; mother: Margaret SULLIVAN, native of Wisconson
Bride: Gertrude Mae TRUESDALE, resident of San Luis Obispo; white; aged 22
yrs; single; 1st marriage; pob: Ca; occupation: governess; father:
Harry A. TRUESDALE, native of Ohio; mother: Alice WOEBEKEN, native if Ca
witness: Alice A. TRUESDALE
dom: 12-25-1926 in San Luis Obispo by Frederick J. Hart Presbyterian Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK H PG 304
Groom: Elbert THRALLS, native of Illinois, aged 29 yrs, resident of San Miguel
Bride: Margaret Alice SINCLAIR, native of Ca, aged 22 yrs, resident of Estrella
witnesses: Mrs. L. A. MUNGER, resident of San Luis Obispo and Mrs. D. SINCLAIR, resident of Estrella
dom: 11-16-1908 in San Luis Obispo by H. Munger Minister of the Gospel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 278
Groom: William SINCLAIR, native of Ca, aged 26 yrs, resident of Estrella
Bride: Irene W. GATES, native of Ca, aged 24 yrs, resident of Estrella
witnesses: Marion GATES, resident of Estrella and Mrs. D. SINCLAIR, resident of Estrella
dom: 10-24-1901 in Estrella by J. P. Gerrios Minister of the Presbyterian Church
Telegram Tribune 3-23-1992 Page B-6
Timothy Ryan "Timmy" O'NEIL, of Arroyo Grande died Friday, March 20, 1992, at a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Visitation will be today from 6 to 8 p.m. at Lady Family Mortuary in Arroyo Grande. Mass of Christian burial will be
Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Arroyo Grande with the Rev. Ron Shirley officiating.
Mr. O'NEIL was born July 24, 1972, and was a lifelong resident of Arroyo Grande. He attended St. Patrick's School and
graduated from Arroyo Grande High School, where he was active in 4-H and FFA. He was attending Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo, where he was active in the Rodeo Club.
He is survived by his parents, Mary and Dennis O'NEIL; three brothers, Denny, Kevin and James of Arroyo Grande; a
sister, Terri of Arroyo Grande; and his grandparents, Don and Bertha BUCKLEY of Nipomo and Kay O'NEIL of Santa
Telegram Tribune 3-23-1992 Page B-6
Louise Saunders McCONNELL, 87, of Arroyo Grande died Thursday, March 19, 1992, at a San Luis Obispo convalescent
Cremation has taken place and burial will be at sea off the coast of Grover City.
Mrs. McCONNELL was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 20, 1905. She retired from Litton Industries in 1970 and had been a
resident of Arroyo Grande since 1985.
She is survived by three daughters, Bettie TOBIAS, of Grover City, Nancy ALLEN of Lake Forest and Margaret
GARDNER of Los Angeles; a sister, Evelyn HUNTER of Florida; 13 grandchildren; and 9 great - grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her son Richard McCONNELL in 1991.
Arrangements are by Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City.
Telegram Tribune 3-23-1992 Page B-6
Sue Anna STUBBLEFIELD, 72, of Santa Maria died Sunday, March 22, 1992, at a Santa Maria hospital.
Visitation will be Tuesday from noon to 8 p.m. and Wednesday from 9 to 11 a.m. at Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral
Chapel in Grover City. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the funeral chapel with Kenneth Shadle of the
First Baptist Church in Nipomo officiating. Burial will follow at Arroyo Grande Cemetery..
Mrs. STUBBLEFIELD was born June 27, 1919, in Ballard County, Ky. A retired waitress, she moved to Nipomo in 1973
and then to Santa Maria last July. Mrs. STUBBLEFIELD was a member of the First Baptist Church in Nipomo.
She is survived by two sons, Earl WATSON of Mosier, Ore., and Charles BARNEY of Santa Maria; a brother, O. T.
RUSSELL of Silver Spring, Md., six grandchildren; four stepchildren, Reuben STUBBLEFIELD of Camarillo, Geraldine
HOLLINGSHEAD of Santa Maria, Corinne SMITH of Nipomo and Lorraine STOTTS of Orcutt; and numerous step-
She was preceded in death by her husband A. J. STUBBLEFIELD in July 1991.
Telegram Tribune 3-23-1992 Page B-6
Raymond R. THORP, 83, of Morro Bay died Friday, March 20, 1992, at a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Graveside services will be Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the Cayucos - Morro Bay Cemetery with the Rev. Donald Carey officiating.
Mr. THORN was born March 6, 1909, in Kansas City, Kansas. A former resident of Phoenix, Ariz., he lived in Morro Bay
for 32 years. He was a member of American Legion and was a U. S. Army veteran of World War II. He was an avid
golfer. He married Susan THORP Nov. 21, 1942, in Kansas City, Mo.
He is survived by his wife Susan M. THORP of Morro Bay; two sons, Robert Lee THORP of St. Louis, Mo. and Jay
Charles POOL of Pittsford, N. Y.; a daughter, Martha Sue THORP of Shawnee Mission, Kan.; three sisters, Violet
STANLEY, of Los Osos, Leta RICHMOND of Phoenix, Ariz. and Dolly STAHL of Granada Hills; one grandchild and one
Donations may be made in his honor to the Morro Bay United Presbyterian Church, P. O. Box 142, Morro Bay, CA 93443,
or to the Leukemia Society of America, 5500 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 190, Los Angeles, CA 90040.
Services are by Benedict-Rettey Mortuary in Morro Bay.
Telegram Tribune 3-23-1992 Page B-6
James Richard RODER, 79, of San Luis Obispo died Friday, March 20, 1992, in a San Luis Obispo hospital.
A memorial service will be Sunday at 12:30 p.m. at Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo with Deacon David Leach of the Old
Mission Catholic Church officiating. Cremation has taken place.
Mr. RODER was born June 16, 1912, in Eleele, Kaui, Hawaii, where he lived until he was 15 years old. He then moved to
San Luis Obispo, where he attended Old Mission Catholic School. He married Helen R. MELIM April. 25, 1934, in Carmel.
He worked as a milkman for 47 years in San Luis Obispo for Home Dairy, Golden State and then Foremost Dairy, retiring
in 1973. He was a member of the Teamsters Union No. 381, IDES, and was a charter member of the Tri - County Boat
and Ski Club. He was an avid water skier and was a loyal Giant baseball and 49er football fan.
He is survived by his wife Helen R. RODER of San Luis Obispo; a son, Richard R RODER of Atascadero; a daughter and
son-in-law, Judith and Ralph GREEN of San Luis Obispo; a sister, Mabelle PENCE of San Luis Obispo; five
grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.
Telegram Tribune 3-23-1992 Page B-6
LOUIS - Maybelle C. Watson LOUIS, 92, of San Luis Obispo died Thursday at her home. Cryptside services will be
Wednescay at 2 p.m. at the Old Mission Cemetery in San Luis Obispo with the Rev. John Wadovich of the Old Mission
Catholic Church officiationg. Entombment will follow services. Arrangements are by Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo.
BEARDSLEY - Lawrence J. BEARDSLEY, 79, of Shandon died Sunday in Shandon. Arrangements are by Kuehl-Nicolay
Paso Robles Funeral Chapel.
AUDENINO - Jennie A. AUDENINO, 79, of Paso Robles died today at a Templeton hospital. Arrangements are by Kuehl-
Nicolay Raso Robles Funeral Chapel.
BARRETT - Ruby H. BARRETT, 86, of Atascadero died Friday in a Templeton hospital. Arrangements are by Los Osos
Valley Mortuary.
BLAKE - Naola BLAKE, 83, of Atascadero died Saturday in Templeton. Arrangements are by Chapel of the Roses in
ROSE - Blanche M. ROSE, 89, of Shell Beach died Sunday at her home. Arrangements are by Los Osos Valley Mortuary.
MESSLEY - Albert MESSLEY, 91, of San Luis Obispo died Sunday at his home. Services are by Sutcliffe Lawn Mortuary
in San Luis Obispo.
BALDREE - Nicolas BALDREE, 23, of San Luis OBispo died Friday in a San Luis Obispo hospital. Arrangements are by
Sutcliffe Lawn Memorial Park in San Luis Obispo.
Telegram Tribune 5-28-1996 Page D-6
Emily NAVE of Fremont and formerly of Los Osos died Wednesday, May 22, 1996, in a Saratoga hospital. She was 49.
Mrs. NAVE was born Sept. 23, 1945, in Alostar, Malaysia. She was raised and educated in Malaysia and immigrated to
the United States in 1955. She settled in Coalinga, where she attended Junior college. On June 29, 1958, she married
Arleigh NAVE and they moved to Los Osos. Mrs. NAVE was an accomplished artist and enjoyed cooking and entertaining
friends. She was a loving mother and wife. She and her husband have resided in the Bay Area for the past five years.
Survivors include her husband, Arleigh NAVE of Fremont; her mother, Yew Ching CHUNG of Malaysia; two daughters,
Diane NAVE and Deborah NAVE, both of Los Osos; a brother, Tony LAU of Danville; a sister, Phalk Yen LAU of Alameda;
an Aunt, Agnes CHAN of Hong Kong; two nephews; two nieces and several cousins.
She was preceded in death by her father, Ming-Slong LAU.
Graveside services will be at 2 p. m. Thursday at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park. The Rev. Ray Rob of the Monastery of
the Risen Christ will officiate.
Los Osos Valley Mortuary is handling arrangements.
Telegram Tribune 5-28-1996 Page D-6
John P. ADAMS of San Luis Obispo died Thursday, May 23, 1996, in a San Luis Obispo hospital. He was 75.
Mr. ADAMS was born June. 29, 1920, in Dothan, Ala. He retired from the Army as a lieutenant colonel after a 20 year career.
He received a doctorate in economics from Claremont College in 1971 and was a professor of economics at California
Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo for 20 years.
He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Flavianne ADAMS of Marseille, France; a son, Sidney Michel ADAMS of
Atascadero; a sister, Francelle WILEY and her husband of Bethlehem, Pa.; a daughter, five sons, two grandchildren and
on great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by a son, Gilles David ADAMS in 1968.
A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Lady Family Sutcliffe Mortuary Chapel. For those who wish to
make a memorial donation, the family suggests World Neighbors, 4127 N. W. 122nd St., Oklahoma, Ok., 73120.
Telegram Tribune 5-28-1996 Page D-6
JOHNSON - Irvin Lee JOHNSON, 73, of Atascadero died Monday, May 27, 1996, in Atascadero. Arrangements are
pending at Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero
CLARK - Lynda Faye CLARK, 43, of San Luis Obispo, died Friday, May 24, 1996, at her home. Arrangements are
pending at Lady Family Sutcliffe Mortuary in San Luis Obispo.
LUBBEN - Genevieve J. LUBBEN, 72, of Arroyo Grande died Saturday, May 25, 1996, at her home. Graveside services
are tentatively set at 2 p. m. Wednesday at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park. Los Osos Valley Memorial Park is handling
LECHUGA - Pete R. LECHUGA, who died Thursday, May 23, 1996, at his home in San Luis Obispo, is also survived by a
brother, Laurence LECHUGA of Concord, and two sisters, Lupe MARILLO of Paso Robles and Lucy DIAS of Sacramento.
One son, Joe LUCHUGA, preceded him in death in 1949. For those who wish to make memorial donations, the family
suggests the American Heart Association or the American Diabetes Association.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert No: 2001001451
Alan Dean AANERUD, white/male/married; dob: 11-28-1928; pob: ND; dod: 9-23-2001 at 2230 hrs; pod: Danish
Care Center, Atascadero; age: 72; usual occupation: Kundert, MD - accountant - medical field for 30
yrs; residence: Los Osos; 36 yrs in this county and Ca; surviving spouse: Patrician Elaine CALLAHAN pob: Mn; was
in the Armed Services
informant: Patricia Elaine AANERUD
father: Carl nmn AANERUD pob: Mn
mother: Ana XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Wi
cause of death: urosepsis, 2d urinary tract infection for 5 days, advanced Alzheimer's dementia
Jeff Bourne MD Templeton
Cr/Bu 9-24-2001 Old Mission Cemetery
Coast Family Crematory Services
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert No: 1988000705
Craig Stewart AANERUD, white/male/American/never married; dob: 12-31-1956; pob: IA; dod: 6-5-1988 at 1355 hrs; pod:
accident scene 24th St, 180 ft west of Royal Ct, Paso Robles; age: 31; usual occupation: baker for 8 yrs, self employed
restaurant; residence: Foothill Rd, San Luis; citizen of the USA
informant: Alan AANERUD father Foothill Rd San Luis Obispo
father: Alan AANERUD pob: ND
mother: Patricia XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mn
cause of death: central cardiorespiratory failure/auto accident/cerebral hemorrhage/fractured skull/single vehicle -
coroner investigation
Bu 96-8-1988 Old Mission Cemetery
Sutcliffe Lawn Memorial
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert No: 2004000485
Patricia Elaine AANERUD, white/female/widow; dob: 1-8-1930; pob: Mn; dod: 3-31-2004 at 0920
hrs; pod: residence; age: 74; usual occupation: retail grocery store for 15 yrs; residence: Los Osos; 41 yrs in this
county and Ca; never in the Armed Services; education: high school graduate
informant: Curtis A. AANERUD - son San Luis Obispo
father: Leonard Thomas CALLAHAN pob: Mn
mother: Rachael XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mn
cause of death: respiratory failure/metastic breast cancer
David Palchak MD Arroyo Grande
Cr/Bu 4-1-2004 Old Mission Catholic Cemetery
Coast Family Crematory Services
BK 21 PG 529 AANERUD, Andrew Alex, dob: 4-13-1986; Sierra Vista hospital; father: Curtis Alan AANERUD, 35, pob:
Mn; mother: Diane Louise XX(last name with held per Ca state law), 39, pob: ME
BK 42 PG 552 AANERUD, Curtis Steven Craig, dob: 9-29-1950; General hospital; father: Curtis Alan AANERUD,
dob: 9-29-1950, pob: Ca; mother: Lily Marie XX(last name with held per Ca state law), dob: 11-19-1950, pob: Ca
Bk 16 PG 897 AANERUD, Evan, dob: 4-9-1984, pob: Sierra Vista hospital; father: Curtis Alan AANERUD, 33,
pob: Mn; mother: Diane Luis XX(last name with held per Ca state law), 37, pob: ME
BK 14 PG 144 AANERUD, Julie Patricia, dob: 1-6-1983, pob: General hospital; father: Stephen Dean AANERUD, 24,
pob: Ia; mother: Jeanette Louise XX(last name with held per Ca state law), 24, pob: Ca
BK 13 PG 467 AANERUD, Matthew Richard - Hell, dob: 9-29-1982; pob: Sierra Vista; father: Mark Wayn AANERUD,
24, pod: Mn; mother: Tami Elaine XX(last name with held per Ca state law), 23, pob: Ca
BK 11 PG 454 AANERUD, Michael John, dob: 10-14-1981, pob: General hospital; father: Rodney J. AANERUR, 29,
pob: Mn; mother: Kathie Jo XX(last name with held per Ca state law), 31, pob: Ca
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK1 PG 3
Manuel SILVA, 38 yrs old, male, pob: Portugual, resident of San Luis Obispo, Caucasian, white, cause: Carcinoma,
buried in the Catholic Cemetery
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 126 PG 956
Margaret Mansfield ROBERTS, female/white/widow; dob: 4-8-1898; pob: AR;
dod: 10-9-1982 at 1115 hrs; age: 84 yrs; pod: residence; ethnicity:
not given; citizen of USA; residence: Ramona Sp. 102, Los Osos;
occupation: self-employed housewife in own home for 40 yrs
informant: Fred SCHENK - Attorney - Morro Bay
father: George A MANSFIELD pob: AR
mother: Virginia XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: AR
cause of death: cardio-respiratory arrest/respiratory failure/COPD
Cremation 10-12-1982 Los Osos Crematory
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo Book of Births Cert # 2008000451
Haley Aana HART, female,single,dob: 3-4-2008 at 0918 hrs; pob: French Hospital; father: Clinton John HART pob: Ca;
dob: 3-13-1973; mother: Jennifer Kathryn XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca; dob: 8-30-1976
Aaron Kromhout MD
San Luis Obispo Book of Births Cert # 1976000966
Jennifer Kathryn AANERUD, female,single,dob: 8-30-1976 at 10:27 am; pob: General Hospital; father: Rodney John
AANERUD pob: Minn; age: 24; caucasian; self-employed cleaning service mother: Kathie-Jo nmn XX(last name with
held per Ca state law) pob: Ca; age: 26; caucasian; residence: 362 Buchon St., SLO
Dr. Henderstein MD
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 15 PG 212
Sarah Maureen AANERUD, female,single, dob: 6-27-1983 at 1304 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Perry Richard
AANERUD pob: Mn; age: 22; mother: Lizanne Maureen XX (last name with held per Ca state law); pob: Ca; age: 21
Arthur Segal MD
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 18 PG 878
Stephen Dean AANERUD, male,single,dob: 2-27-1985 at 0045 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Stephen
Dean AANERUD pob: Ia; age: 26; mother: Jeanette Louise XX(last name with held per Ca state
law); pob: Ca; age: 26
Penney Hall CNM
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 43 PG 917
Alison M. HART, female,single, dob: 12-27-1994 at 1658hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Richard Lawrence HART
pob: Ca; dob: 5-29-1960; mother: Stephanie XX(last name with held per Ca state law); pob: Ca; dob: 8-14-1959
San Luis Obispo Book of Births Cert # 2006000999
Cody John HART, male,single,dob: 5-25-2006 at 1630 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Clinton John HART pob: Ca;
dob: 3-13-1973; mother: Jennifer Kathryn XX(last name with held per Ca state law), pob: Ca; dob: 8-30-1976
G. W. Thomas MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births Cert # 2006002337
Bede Samuel Mark HART, male,single, dob: 11-10-2006 at 2217 hrs; pob: Twin Cities Hospital,
Templeton; father: Phillip William HART pob: United Kingdom; dob: 1-17-1955; mother: Mary Patricia XX(last name
with held per Ca state law) pob: Ok; dob: 8-14-1973
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK I PG 213
Christina Jaye HART, female,single,dob: 4-6-1976 at 7:22 pm; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Robert Guy HART pob:
Ohio; age: 26; horse trainer, caucasian; mother: Linda Beth XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ill; age: 25;
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 49 PG 553
Daniella Elizabeth HART, female,single,dob: 83-27-1997at 1109 hrs; pob: Twin Cities Hospital,
Templeton; father: Thomas Michael HART Jr. pob: Ca; dob: 12-13-1963; mother: Carrie Ann XX(last name with held
per Ca state law) pob: Ca; dob: 8-19-1960 San Luis Obispo
Book of Births BK 17 PG 617
Danielle Lynn HART, female,single,dob: 7-28-1984at 1659 hrs; pob: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; father: Ernest
HART. pob: Ok; age: 44; mother: Patricia Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state law); pob: La; age: 37
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 28 PG 153
Darren Robert HART, male,single, dob: 11-21-1968 at 4:04 pm; pob: Atascadero General Hospital; father: Richard
Merton HART pob: Ca; age: 28; white; mortician; mother: Jerilyn Sue XX(last name with held per Ca state
law); pob: Ca; age: 24; white; residence: Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 28 PG 153
Darren Robert HART, male,single, dob: 11-21-1968 at 4:04 pm; pob: Atascadero General Hospital; father: Richard
Merton HART pob: Ca; age: 28; white; mortician; mother: Jerilyn Sue XX(last name with held per Ca state law); pob: Ca;
age: 24; white; residence: Atascadero
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 48 PG 148
Amanda Kate HART, female,single, dob: 9-5-1996at 2150 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Thomas
Mahon HART pob: Ca; dob: 11-12-1957; mother: Kellie Kay XX(last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca; dob: 5-21-1963
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 32 PG 89
Alysha Kristine HART, female,single, dob: 6-12-1990 at 2107 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Steven Bradley
HART pob: Ca; dob: 9-29-1963; mother: Nancy Jo XX(last name with held per Ca state law); pob: Ca; dob: 7-13-1963
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 49 PG 554
Alexandria Nicole HART, female,twin, 2nd (1st deceased)dob: 3-27-1997at 1111 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista; father: Thomas
Michael HART Jr. pob: Ca; dob: 12-13-1963; mother: Carrie Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state
law); pob: Ca; dob: 8-19-1960
San Luis Obispo Book of Births BK 49 PG 553
Daniella Elizabeth HART, female,twin, 1st (deceased) dob: 3-27-1997at 1109 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista; father: Thomas
Michael HART Jr. pob: Ca; dob: 12-13-1963; mother: Carrie Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state law); pob: Ca; dob:
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriagess BK K PG 287
Groom: Floyd Cleveland COOK, native of Wisconsin, aged 22 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, of the white race
Bride: Marie Theodosa HOURIHAN, native of California, aged 18 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, of the white race
witness: Davis HERD, resident of San Luis Obispo
dom: 10-27-1917 in San Luis Obispo by Edward Lytton Spaulding Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK S PG 354
Groom: Patrick Edward HOURIHAN, native of Ca., aged 23 yrs, resident of Santa Margarita, of the white race, 1st
marriage, occupation: truck driver, father: Patrick HOURIHAN pob: Ireland; mother: Katherine XX (last name with held per
Ca state law) pob: Ireland
Bride: Thelma Laura BASSIE, native of Ca., aged 20 yrs, resident of Santa Margarita, of the white race, 2nd marriage, 1st
marriage was annulled, no occupation, father: Anchise BASSI pob: Switzerland, mother: Rachael XX (last name with held
per Ca state law) pob: Ca
witnesses: Helen Hourihan McAULIFFE and John Hourihan both residents of Santa Margarita and Eurcel Valerio BASSI,
resident of Paso Robles
dom: 2-26-1933 in Santa Margaarita by M. T. Price Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK U PG 229
Groom: John Richard HOURIHAN, native of Ca., aged 30 yrs, resident of Morro Bay, of the white race, 1st marriage,
occupation: SP Milling Company - Agent, father: Patrick HOURIHAN pob: Ireland; mother: Katherine XX (last name with
held per Ca state law) pob: Ireland
Bride: Ramona Georgia WHEELER, native of Ca., aged 31 yrs, resident of Santa Margarita, of the white race, Divorced -
2nd marriage, occupation: housekeeper, maiden name: Ramona Georgia TORRES, father: Victor TORRES pob: Ca,
mother: Sarah XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
witnesses: Victor TORRES and Mrs. Victor TORRES, residents of San Luis Obispo
dom: 1-13-1936 in San Luis Obispo by A. E. Mallage Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK W PG 326
Groom: Jack Leonard HARWOOD, native of Kansas., aged 30 yrs, resident of Paso Robles, of the white race, Divorced,
2nd marriage, occupation: baker, father: John H. HARWOOD pob: Kansas; mother: Nora XX (last name with held per Ca
state law) pob: Kansas
Bride: Thelma Laura HOURIHAN, native of San Luis Obispo, Ca., aged 26 yrs, resident of Paso Robles, of the white race,
widow, 2nd, occupation: waitress, father: Anchise BASSI pob: Switzerland, mother: Rachael XX (last name with held per
Ca state law) pob: Ca
witnesses: Eurcel Valerio BASSI and Jewell NEWCOME, residents of Paso Robles
dom: 11-24-1938 in Paso Robles by Herman L. Anderson Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 123 PG 917 (computer)
Helen Frances McAULIFFE; female/white/American/widow; dob: 9-29-1906; pob: Ca; dod: 8-23-1980 at 1045 hrs; pod:
Sierra Vista Hospital San Luis Obispo; age: 73 yrs; citizen of the US; occupation: Long distance supervisor for 25 yrs,
Pacific Bell Telephone - Communications; usual residence: F St., Santa Margarita
Informant: Patrick McAULIFFE - son El Paso, TX
father: Patrick HOURIHAN pob: Ireland
mother: Catherine XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ireland
cause of death: pneumonia - aspiration of gastric contents/ cancer of the mouth
Burial 8-27-1980 Santa Margarita Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 127 PG 49 (computer)
Arnold Earl COX, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 3-25-1923; pob: Iowa; dod: 11-11-1982 at 2240 hrs; pod: French
Hospital; age: 59 yrs; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Ellen DELURY; occupation: chief engineer for 20 yrs US
Postal Service, US government; residence: San Luis Obispo
informant: Ellen COX - wife
father: Thomas COX pob: Iowa
mother: Jessie XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Iowa
cause of death: cardiac arrest/coronary insufficiency/ASCVD
contributing: stat-post coronary bypass procedure 1-11-1982
Burial 11-16-1982 Lawn Memorial Park San Luis Obispo
Sutcliffe-Elliott Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 27 PG 936
Groom: Arnold Earl COX, dob: 3-25-1923, aged: 49 yrs; 2nd marriage; last marriage ended in divorce Jan. 1971; pob:
Iowa, level of education: 11 yrs; occupation: general mechanic for the US Postal Service; residence: Morro St., San Luis
Obispo; father: Thomas R. COX pob: Iowa; mother: Jessie L. XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Iowa
Bride: June Elaine BUCK, dob: 6-11-1922; aged: 50 yrs; 5th marriage; last marriage ended in divorce in 1968; ; pob: Ca;
level of education: 12 yrs; occupation: hair dresser for Louise Vogel; maiden name: BUCK; residence: Higuera St., San
Luis Obispo; father: Walter F. BUCK pob: Ca; mother: Pearl V. XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
witnesses: Helen MURPHY, San Luis Obispo and Michael ?, Baywood Park
married 11-11-1972 in San Luis Obispo by Rev. George AKI Minister United Church of Christ
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 31 PG 31
Groom: Arnold Earl COX, dob: 3-25-1923, aged: 52 yrs; 3rd marriage; last marriage ended in divorce July
12. 1973; pob: Iowa, level of education: 12 yrs; occupation: general mechanic for the US Postal
Service; residence: Buchon St., San Luis Obispo; father: Thomas R. COX pob: Iowa; mother: Jessie L. XX (last
name with held per Ca state law) pob: Iowa
Bride: Barbara Helen POTTER, dob: 1-29-1928; aged: 47 yrs; 2nd marriage; last marriage ended in divorce in January
4, 1974; ; pob: Oklahoma; level of education: 12 yrs; occupation: Postmaster; maiden name: PUDDY; residence: N.
Delta St., Rosemead, Los Angeles county; father: James M. PUDDY pob: Arkansas; mother: Loretta XX ( last name
with held per Ca state law) pob: Arkansas
witnesses: Mary I. MAUGHMER, San Luis Obispo and Keith JAMES, San Luis Obispo
married 10-29-1975 in San Luis Obispo by Orleff W. Miller Minister-coordinator Unitarian Universal Fellowship
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 467
Groom: George E. PROCTOR, native of New Hampshire, aged 33 yrs, resident of San Miguel
Bride: Anna S. SIMMONDS, native of Ca, aged 17 yrs, resident of San Miguel, consent of parents was obtained
witnesses: P. M. SWATKER and Alda PROCTOR both residents of San Miguel
married 1-2-1882 in San Miguel by Philip Farrelly P.P.S San Miguel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 182
Groom: Charles E. WILCOX, native of Canada, aged 55 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, nativity of parents: Canadian,
was before married to Marg WALDEN now dead
Bride: Elisha DEMINT, native of France, aged 50 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, nativity of parents: France; was
before married to William DEMINT now dead
witnesses: B. C. WHITNEY and Isaac MILLER both residents of Moro
married 4-6-1874 in Moro by Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 110
Glenn Raye MELVILLE, dob: 6-29-1911 at 8:15 pm, boy, white, twin, legitimate
Gladys May MELVILLE, dob: 6-29-1911 at 8:00 pm, girl, white, twin, legitimate
father: Lester MELVILLE, American, 26 yrs, pob: Ca, laborer' residence: Pismo Beach
maiden name of mother: Mamie XX (last name with held per Ca state law),
American, 27 yrs, pob: Ca, housewife, residence: Pismo Beach
5 children born to this mother; 5 children now living
Mrs. M. C.Wilkerson mid-wife Pismo Beach
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 27 PG 338
Ellen COX, female/white/widow; dob: 2-14-1859; pob: Ca; dod: 2-5-1950 at 4 am; pod: Pismo Beach; age: 90 yrs; citizen
of the USA; occupation: housewife in own home; length of stay in community of death: 7 mos
informant: Elsie OWENS
father: Albert MOTSCH
mother: Gertrude BABYLON
cause of death: myocardial decompensation duration - 12 hrs/ senile arteriosclerosis duration: yrs
Burial 2-9-1950 in Sebastapol Cemetery Sebastapol, Ca
Earl W. Wood Mortuary Arroyo Grande
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 138-756 (computer)
Melba Ruth ROONEY, female/white/married; dob: 11-24-1926; pob: Oklahoma;
dod: 3-29-1990 at 0306 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital (I-P), Templeton;
age: 63 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: San Marcos Rd.,
Atascadero; # of years in this community: 2; surviving spouse: Edmund
ROONEY; occupation: homemaker in own home for 38 yrs; education level: 12
informant: husband
father: Edgar HARRISON pob: Oklahoma
mother: Lily XX last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Oklahoma
cause of death: cardiac arrythmia/myocardial infarction
CRE - Reflection Garden Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 141-302 (computer)
Kelly Reanne ROONEY, female/white/never married; dob: 11-11-1976; pob:
Ca; dod: 10-4-1991 at 0937 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital (E-P),
Templeton; age: 14 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Hanging
Tree Ln, Templeton; # of years in this community: 6; occupation: student
at Paso Robles High School; education level: 10 yrs
informant: father
father: Michael ROONEY pob: MN
mother: Karen XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: multiple craniocevical and thoracic injuries/blunt force
trauma/vehicle accident/vehicle skidded out of control, ran off roadway and
struck tree 9 mi no. of Neil Springs Rd. Paso Robles- passenger
Cre/Res - Templeton
Kuehl - Nicolay Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 146-503 (computer)
Vincent James ROONEY, male/white/married; dob: 5-13-1910; pob: New York;
dod: 7-30-1994 at 0846 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 84 yrs;
citizen of the USA; usual residence: Los Osos Valley Rd., Los Osos;
surviving spouse: Dorothy M. MOULTON; occupation: US Army 1927 - 1957;
education level: 15
informant: Dorothy M. ROONEY - wife
father: James F. ROONEY pob: New York
mother: Theresa XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Canada
cause of death: multiple head and chest trauma duration: 4 days
vehicle w/rs hit utility pole "suicide"
intentionally drove vehicle into utility pole on Los Osos Valley Rd, near
Eto Ln. Los Osos
Cr/bu 8-16-1994 Riverside National Cemetery Riverside, Ca
The Neptune Society of Santa Barbara
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK N PG 486
Groom: Glen Orville CLEVER, native of Iowa, aged 21 yrs, resident of Templeton, of the white race
Bride: Vera Elizabeth BURSELL, native of Minnesota, aged 18 yrs, resident of Atascadero, of the white race
witness: Ernest VOLLMER, resident of San Luis Obispo
dom: 3-12-1925 in San Luis Obispo by J. Orye Wing, Minister of the Christian Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 135 PG 850 (computer)
Sandra Mashburn HARLAN, female/white-American/married; dob: 8-6-1942;
pob: Ca; dod: 7-16-1988 at 1617 hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Community
Hospital; age: 45 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Grande View
Ave., Yorba Linda, Ca Orange county; not Hispanic; surviving spouse: Frank
M. HARLAN; occupation: homemaker for 25 yrs in own home
informant: husband - Yorba Linda
father: Merle MASHBURN pob: Ca
mother: Barbara XX ( last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: central cardiorespiratory failure/avulsion of spinal cord -
by-stander vehicle accident at Pismo Dunes, towing accident 7-17-1988 at
1446 hrs
burial 7-21-1988 at Rose Hills Memorial Park Whittier, Ca
Rose Hills Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 140 PG 82 (computer)
Sylvia Mae HARLAN, female/white/married; dob: 1-6-1911; pob: Ca; dod:
1-1-1991 at 2330 hrs; age: 79 yrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton;
citizen of the USA; usual residence: No. Whitley Garden Rd., Paso Robles;
not Hispanic; surviving spouse: John L.. HARLAN; occupation: homemaker for
40 yrs in own ranch; education level: 14 yrs
informant: Elma V. COOLIDGE - niece
father: Clemmons G. FERREL pob: IA
mother: Malinda J. XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: KS
cause of death: aspiration/metastic gastric carcinoma
cr/res Olive St., Paso Robles 1-4-1991
Kuehl-Nicolay, Bucheim Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 130 PG 895 (computer)
Robert Crockett HARLAN, male/white/married; dob: 9-14-1905; pob: Ca;
dod: 6-13-1985 at 1835 hrs; pod: General Hospital; age: 79 yrs; citizen
of the USA; usual residence: Manzanita Ave, Los Osos; not Hispanic;
surviving spouse: Susan G. CARDO ; occupation: security officer for 30
yrs - International Harvester - heavy equipment
informant: Susan G. HARLAN - wife
father: Paul Crockett HARLAN pob: OH
mother: Mary Eleana XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IN
cause of death: sepsis/multiple myeloma/chronic renal disease
burial 6-14-1985 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 129 PG 672 (computer)
Kathrine Doreen HARLAN, female/Caucasian/married; dob: 5-26-1928; pob:
Ca; dod: 9-4-1984 at 0409 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 56 yrs;
citizen of the USA; usual residence: Willow Springs Maintenance Station -
Big Sur, Monterey county; not Hispanic; surviving spouse: Donald A. HARLAN
; occupation: housewife for 33 yrs
informant: husband
father: unknown DOTY pob: unknown
mother: Henrietta XX ( last name with held per Ca state law) pob:
cause of death: respiratory failure/metastic carcinoma
burial 9-7-1984 Gonzales Cemetery Gonzales, Ca Monterey county
Terry Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 20050000090 (computer)
Edythe -Margaret Augusta HARLAN, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 4-17-1914;
pob: Kentucky; dod: 1-4-2005 at 1835 hrs; pod: French Hospital; age: 90
yrs; usual residence: Broad St., San Luis Obispo; occupation:
housewife/artist for 55 yrs in own home
informant: Scott HARLAN - son Palo Alto, Ca
father: unknown Moore pob: unknown
mother: Leah XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: respiratory failure/abdominal aortic aneurysm
Cr/Bu 1-6-2005 St Michael & All Angels Church Corona Del Mar
Reis Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 126 PG 813 (computer)
Dona Gennetta HARLAN aka HATFIELD, female/Caucasian/divorced; dob:
4-17-1914; pob: Arizona; dod: 9-12-1982 at 1900 hrs; pod: residence;
usual residence: Pine St., Paso Robles; occupation: homemaker in own home;
citizen of the USA
informant: Martha DAVOTT - daughter Paso Robles
father: Noah DAVIS pob: unknown
mother: Mattie Unknown last pob: unknown
cause of death: cardio - pulmonary failure/congestive heart disease
Burial 9-15-1982 Paso Robles District Cememtery
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 142 PG 624 (computer)
Alfred Jay STYERWALT, male/white/married; dob: 7-20-1915; pob: Ohio;
dod: 6-13-1992 at 1845 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital - ER; age: 76
yrs; citizen of the USA; military service: no; surviving spouse: Marjorie
B. SAUNDERS; education level: 16 yrs; residence: W. Lambert Rd Sp. 306,
La Habre Orange County, Ca for 13 yrs; occupation: Mechanical engineer
for 22 yrs, Lockheed Corp. - aerospace industry
informant: wife
father: Raymond STYERWALT pob: Ohio
mother: Elsie A. XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IN
cause of death: cardiac arrest/arrhythmia/arteriosclerotic heart
disease/extensive myocardial fibrosis with ventricular aneurysm - natural
burial 6-19-1992 Rose Hills Memorial Park Whittier, Ca
Rose Hills Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2006000097
Marjorie Berenice STYERWALT, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 11-6-1915; pob:
Ca; dod: 1-13-2006 at 0035 hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Care Center; age 90
yrs; level of education: bachelor's degree; residence: Oak Park Rd.,
Arroyo Grande; years in this county: 3; occupation: homemaker in own
home for 70 yrs
informant: Bob STYERWALT - son - Arroyo Grande
father: Charles SAUNDERS pob: Oregon
mother: Agnes May XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: MO
cause of death: pneumonia
Burial 1-19-2006 Rose Hills Memorial Park Whittier, Ca
Rose Hills Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 951 (computer)
Roy nmn BEAMER, male/white/married; dob: 7-12-1895; pob: Oregon; dod: 6-6-1977 at 3:57 am; pod: General Hospital; age:
81 yrs; surviving spouse: Averil G. YOUNG; residence: Morro Bay; occupation: Forest Ranger for 27 yrs, State of Oregon;
citizen of the USA
informant: Averil G. BEAMER - wife
father: Allen BEAMER pob: Oregon
mother: Ethel XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Oregon
cause of death: cardio respiratory arrest/massive internal hemorrhage/ruptured aortic aneurysm
Burial 6-9-1977 Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 49 PG 216
James Edward REEDY, white/male/married; dob: 7-17-1880; pob: Kansas; dod: 12-2-1964 at 2:05 am; pod: Paso Robles
Nursing Home; age 84 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: veterinarian for 40 years; residence: 19th St. Paso Robles;
veteran of WWI; surviving spouse: Mary REEDY homemaker; length of stay in county of death: 27 yrs; Ca: 56 yrs
father: Thomas REEDY pob: unknown
mother: Cynthia XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: bronchopneumonia
cremation 12-4-1964 Atascadero Crematorium
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 6 PG 327
Groom: James Edward REEDY, native of Kansas, aged 63 yrs, resident of Paso Robles, of the white race, widow,
number of this marriage: 3rd; occupation: veterinarian; father: Thomas REEDY pob: Illinois; mother: Cynthia XX (last
name with held per Ca state law) pob: Tenn
Bride: Myrtle Elizabeth HARPER, native of Missouri, aged: 43 yrs; resident of Paso Robles, of the white race, divorced,
number of this marriage: 2nd; father: James WARD pob: Missouri; mother: Amanda XX (last name with held per Ca state law)
pob: Missouri, no occupation, maiden name: WARD
witnesses: Ruth WARNKEN, resident of San Luis Obispo and Bertie GULDAGE, resident of Arroyo Grande
dom: 3-3-1944 by Ray B. Lyon Judge of the Superior Court
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK L PG 76
Groom: John GALBRAITH, native of Ca, aged 31 yrs, resident of Cambria, of the white race
Bride: Averil G. YOUNG, native of Kansas, aged 22 yrs, resident of Tulare, county of Tulare; of the white race
witness: Tab. MARQUEZ and Louisa MARQUEZ, San Luis Obispo
com: 8-30-1919 in San Luis Obispo by William Mallagh Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 130 PG 918 (computer)
Averil Gladys BEAMER, white/female/widow; dob: 6-2-1897; pob: Kansas; dod: 6-16-1985 at 1403 hrs; pod: Twin
Cities Hospital, Templeton; age: 88 yrs; not Hispanic; occupation: housewife for 60 yrs in own
home; residence: Morro Ave., Morro Bay
informant: Craigg C. BEAMER - Templeton
father: Roy C. YOUNG pob: Co
mother: Emma A.XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Kansas
cause of death: cardiac arrest/coronary insufficiency/ASHD
Burial 6-20-1985 Cayucos - Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 102 PG 240 (computer)
Mechelle Lynn BEAMER, female/single; dob: 2-2-1970 at 1:04 pm; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital
mother: Linda Sue XX (last name with held per Ca state law), pob: Iowa, age: 21 yrs, white, residence: Baywood Park
father: Craigg Conway BEAMER, pob: Ca, age: 22 yrs, white, occupation: clerk - retail grocery
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 108 PG 854 (computer)
Michael Jaysen BEAMER, male/single,dob: 4-3-1972 at 12:45 am; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital
mother: Linda Sue XX(last name with held per Ca state law), age 23 yrs, pob: Iowa, Caucasian, residence: Baywood
father: Craigg C. BEAMER, pob: Ca, age: 24 yrs, Caucasian, occupation: clerk in retail grocery
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 13 PG 226
James Corwin GALBRAITH, male, dob: 10-31-1926, born alive at 6:20 am T. S. Long MD
father: John GALBRAITH, resident of Cambria, white, age: 38 yrs, pob: Cambria, occupation: dairyman - laborer
mother: Averill Gladys XX(last name of mother with held per Ca state law), resident of Cambria, white, age: 29 yrs, pob:
Kansas, occupation: housewife
number of children born to this mother: 3
number of children now living: 2
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 8 PG 100
Carolyn Marie GALBRAITH, female, dob: 11-19-1920, born alive at 7 am, pob: Cambria T. S. Long MD Cambria
father: John GALBRAITH, resident of Cambria, age: 32 yrs, pob: San Simeon, occupation: farmer, dairy
mother: Averil Gladys XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of Cambria, age: 23 yrs, white, pob: Eskridge,
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 12 PG 609
James GALBRAITH, male/white-American/married; dob: 5-28-1882; pob: New Jersey; dod: 2-19-1930 at 12:45 am; pod:
General Hospital; age at time of death: 48 yrs, 8 mos, 19 days; surviving spouse: Anna GALBRAITH; occupation: rancher;
length of residence at pod: 1 mos; Ca: 21 yrs
informant: Earl W. Wood Arroyo Grande
father: no info
mother: Agnes XX (last name with held per Ca state law)
cause of death: pulmonary tuberculosis
John Nielsen MD
Burial 2-20-1930 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. Wood Mortuary Arroyo Grande
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2004001610
John Lawrence WASHBURN, white/male/married, dob: 8-15-1911; pob: Ca; dod: 11-2-2004 at 0345
hrs; pod: Woodside Nursing Center; 93 yrs old; was in the Armed Services; education: some
college; residence: County Club Dr., Avila Beach; surviving spouse: Kay L. EDWARDS; occupation: distributor oil &
gas company for 55 yrs; 11 yrs in county of death
informant: Kay Washburn - wife
father: Milton WASHBURN pob: Vt
mother: Tilly FRANK pob: Oh
cause of death: sepsis/urinary tract infection/cancer of the prostrate/degenerative arthritis-spine
Cr/Sea 1-4-2004 Scatter at sea, Pacific Ocean off coast of Morro Bay
Los Osos Valley Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 159 PG 553 (computer)
Mary A. REEDY, white/Caucasian/widow; dob: 12-29-1899; pob: Missouri; dod: 12-24-2000 at 2000 hrs; pod: Residence,
age: 100 yrs; occupation: housewife for 79 yrs in own home; residence: Mountain Springs Rd., Paso Robles; education: 8
yrs; 86 yrs in county of death
informant: George GIVENS - son
father: Robert H. GIBONEY pob: Mo
mother: Emma A. Mary Alberta XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Mo
cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest/congestive heart failure/coronary artery disease/arteriosclerotic vascular
disease/cerebrovascular accident
Cre/Bur 12-28-2000 St James Episcopal Church Paso Robles
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 125 PG 55 (computer)
Mary Elosia REEDY, white/Caucasian/widow; dob: 3-9-1888; pob: W. Virginia; dod: 6-14-1981 at 1715
hrs; pod: Paso Robles Convalescent Center, age: 93 yrs; occupation: librarian for 30 yrs; residence: Viscano Rd.,
Atascadero; citizen of the USA
informant: Peggy STONEKING - daughter - Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
father: Aquilla A. BOBBITT pob: W. Virginia
mother: Elizabeth XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: arteriosclerotic cerebral vascular disease/cerebro-vascular thrombosis/fibrocalcific generalized
arteriosclerosis/diabetes mellitus/chronic brain syndrome/amputation of left leg 1-26-1979
Burial 6-18-1981 Oakwood Cemetery Macomby, Illinois
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK F PG 269
Groom: Albert J. MELVILLE, native of Ca, aged 25 yrs, resident of San
Francisco, county of San Francisco
Bride: Nina BEAN, native of Ca, aged 22 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Witnesses: Carlton RISDON, James J. THORNTON, Edward S. BEAN, S. R. BEAN
dom: 9-21-1901 in Santa Margarita by J. Sandy Sumner, resident of Santa Margarita
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 409
Groom: Harvey B. WILCOX, resident of San Miguel, mother is a native of Illinois, father is a native of New York, never
before married
Bride: Mary Catharine JONES, resident of San Miguel, aged 16 yrs, consent of father D. E. JONES first obtained, father
is a native of Alabama, mother is a native of England, never before married
Witnesses: B. J. WILLIS & Allie WILCOX, both residents of San Miguel
dom: 1-11-1890 in San Miguel by A Gorham Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 22 PG 49
Nina M. STEARNS, white/female/widow; dob: 8-20-1879; pob: San Luis
Obispo county, Ca; dod: 11-18-1943 at 3 pm; pod: San Luis Obispo in
ambulance enroute to General hospital; age 64 yrs, 2 mos, 29 day; husband:
Paul STEARNS - decd; length of stay in this community: life; Ca: life;
was not a veteran; occupation: laundry work; usual residence: Osos St.,
San Luis Obispo
informant: Cynthia REMICK Santa Margarita
father: Edward BEAN pob: USA
mother: Rebecca XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: San Luis
Obispo county
cause of death: Hemorrhage from probable carcinoma
Burial 11-23-1943 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
C. W. Palmer Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 138 PG 756 (computer)
Melba Ruth ROONEY, female/white/married; dob: 11-24-1926; pob: Oklahoma; dod: 3-29-1990 at 0306
hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital Templeton; age: 63 yrs; occupation: homemaker in own home for 38 yrs; level of
education: 12 yrs; residence: Atascadero; 2 yrs in this county; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; never in the
military; surviving spouse: Edmund ROONEY
informant: Edmund ROONEY - husband
father: Edgar HARRISON pob: Oklahoma
mother: Lily XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Oklahoma
cause of death: cardiac ?/myocardial infarction/arteriosclerotic disease
Cremation Reflection Garden - Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 27 PG 70
Sandy Burns SUMNER, male/white/widow; dob: 8-12-1864; pob: Ca; dod:
8-3-1949 at 5:20 pm; residence: 19th St., Paso Robles; pod: residence;
age: 84 yrs; occupation: Rancher, cattle and wheat; Citizen of the USA;
never in the military; length of stay at pod: 3 yrs
informant: Lillian WREDEN
father: Sandy SUMNER
mother: Mary Elizabeth XX (last name with held per Ca state law)
cause of death: cardiac decompensation/status asthmothicus
Burial 8-6-1949 Odd Fellows Mausoleum San Luis Obispo
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 154 PG 27 (computer)
Lillian Edna WREDEN, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 2-10-1902; pob: Ca;
dod: 5-4-1998 at 0130 hrs; residence: Bitterwater Rd., Santa Margarita;
pod: residence; occupation: Rancher, cattle and wheat self-employed for 61
yrs; Citizen of the USA; level of education: 16 yrs;never in the military;
85 years in this county
informant: Charles PRITCHARD - nephew - Carrisa Hwy - Santa Margarita
father: Sandy B. SUMNER pob: Ca
mother: Emma RECTOR pob: Ca
cause of death: cardiac arrest/CAD/dementia, stroke
Burial 5-8-1998 Lady Family - Sutcliffe Cemetery San Luis Obispo
Bucheim Family - Kuehl - Nicolay Funeral Director
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 718
James GALBRAITH, male/white/widow; dob: 5-8-1883; pob: Ca; dod: 3-31-1977 at 10 pm; pod: Cabrillo Care Center San
Luis Obispo; age: 93 yrs; occupation: ranch hand for Alfred Ferino - Cattle ranching; citizen of the USA; # of years in
county of death: 93; residence: Mill St., San Luis Obispo
informant: Mrs. Louise MARQUEZ San Luis Obispo
father: Louis GALBRAITH pob - unknown
mother: Jennie unknown pob: unknown
cause of death: cardiac arrest/arteriosclerotic heart disease
Burial 4-4-1977 Cambria District Cemetery
Reis Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 157-304 (computer)
Patricia Elizabeth ROONEY, female/white/divorced; dob: 12-28-1921; pob:
Wa; dod: 12-3-1999 at 0050 hrs; pod: Pacific Care Center, Morro Bay;
age: 77 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Teresa Dr. Morro Bay;
occupation: Div. manager Sears Roebuck for 30 yrs; education level: 12;
not Hispanic
informant: Patty WILSON Daughter Morro Bay
father: Perry Wallace GOOD pob: IN
mother: Helga XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: WI
cause of death: respiratory failure/neuromuscular disorder
Cr/res 12-6-1999 to Daughter's residence Morro Bay
McDermott - Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 44 PG 241
Josephine Elizabeth McNUTT, white/female/married; dob: 7-23-1923; pob: Iowa; dod: 9-15-1961 at 5:15 am; pod: Paso
Robles Hospital; age: 38 yrs; surviving spouse: Dean McNUTT- bookkeeper; citizen of the USA; occupation: homemaker
for 18 yrs; residence: Tucker Ave., Paso Robles; 19 yrs in county of death & Ca
informant: Dean McNUTT - husband
father: Samuel PRICE pob: Tn
mother: Mary Jo XX (last name with held per Ca state law) - Pob: Ark
cause of death: generalized metastatic carcinoma to oxillae, liver, spine & pelvis/anaplastic duct cell carcinoma of left
burial 9-18-1961 Paso Robles Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 10 PG 72
Conway Hume GALBRAITH, male/white/single; dob: 3-19-1924; pob: Cambria; dod: 3-31-
1924; pod: Cambria; age: 12 days; length of stay at pod: 12 days; occupation: none
informant: John GALBRAITH - father
father: John GALBRAITH pob: San Simeon, Ca
mother: Averil Gladys GALBRAITH pob: Kansas
cause of death: Broncho pneumonia T. S. Long MD
Burial 4-1-1924 Cambria
no undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 12 PG 609
James GALBRAITH, male/white/married; dob: 5-28-1882; pob: New Jersey; dod: 2-19-1930 at 12:48 am; surviving
spouse: Anna GALBRAITH; age: 48 yrs, 8 mos, 19 days; pod: General Hospital San Luis Obispo; occupation: rancher;
length of stay at pod: 1 mos; Ca: 21 yrs
informant: Earl Woods - Arroyo Grande
father: no record
mother: Agnes COOPER pob: unknown
cause of death: pulmonary tuberculosis
Burial 2-2-1930 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl Woods Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2006000727
Katherine Makena MELVILLE, female/Caucasian/never married; dob: 12-14-2004;
pob: Ca; dod: 5-6-2006 at 1420 hrs; pod: roadway, state route 46, .5 m
east of Antelope Rd, Cholame; age: 1 yr; residence: Soquel, Santa Cruz
county, Ca for 1 year
informant: Michele GARCIA - Aunt - Santa Cruz
father: Michael William MELVILLE pob: Ca
mother: Mary Pilar XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: atlanto occipital dislocation/blunt force trauma, head
Passenger in vehicle involved in head-on traffic accident
Cr/Bu 5-18-2006 Santa Cruz Memorial Part Santa Cruz
Benito & Azzaro Pacific Gardens Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2006000728
Mary Pilar MELVILLE, female/Caucasian/married-widow; ethnicity: Cuban;
dob: 8-27-1969; pob: Ca; dod: 5-6-2006 at 1420 hrs; pod: roadway,
state route 46, .5 m east of Antelope Rd, Cholame; age: 36 yrs; residence:
Soquel, Santa Cruz county; education level: some college; occupation:
financial specialist for 10 yrs, education business
informant: Michele GARCIA - sister - Santa Cruz
father: Emerio GARCIA pob: Cuba
mother: Elosia XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Cuba
cause of death: multiple blunt force trauma, head
Passenger in vehicle involved in head-on traffic accident
Cr/Bu 5-18-2006 Santa Cruz Memorial Part Santa Cruz
Benito & Azzaro Pacific Gardens Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2006000729
Michael William MELVILLE, male/Caucasian/married-widow; dob: 3-15-1962;
pob: Ca; dod: 5-6-2006 at 1420 hrs; pod: roadway, state route 46, .5 m
east of Antelope Rd, Cholame; age: 44 yrs; not Hispanic; residence:
Soquel, Santa Cruz county for 36 years; surviving spouse: Mary Pilar
GARCIA; education level: Associate degree; occupation: Owner auto repair business for 24 years
informant: Sue Melville BURRY - sister - Soquel
father: William F. MELVILLE pob: Ma
mother: Charlotte Gertrude XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: NY
cause of death: multiple blunt force trauma, head
Driver of vehicle involved in head-on traffic accident
Cr/Bu 5-18-2006 Santa Cruz Memorial Part Santa Cruz
Benito & Azzaro Pacific Gardens Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths 151 PG 787 (computer)
Kenneth Powell MELVILLE Sr., male/Caucasian/widow; dob: 5-19-1898; pob:
Ca; dod: 4-6-1997 at 0820 hrs; pod: General Hospital, IP; age: 99 yrs;
never in the Military; residence: Rein Dollar & Carmel Ave, Marina,
Monterey county; 99 years in county; education level: 7 yrs; occupation:
Owner - operator Dairy for 20 years
informant: Hugh MELVILLE -son - Salinas, Ca
father: Henry Frederick MELVILLE pob: Ohio
mother: Mary Belle XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: cardio-respiratory failure/sepsis/pneumonia/advanced age/urinary tract infection
Cr/res Salinas 4-9-1997
Coast Family Cremation
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2005000634 (computer)
Ted Andrew BEAN, male/Caucasian/divorced; dob: 8-24-1959; pob: Ca; dod:
5-4-2005 at 0830 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 45 yrs; not
Hispanic; never in the Military; residence: Sunset Dr., Paso Robles; 8
years in county; education level: Doctorate; occupation: toxicologist -
medical schools for 10 years
informant: Diane HENSLEY -sister - Vacaville, Ca
father: Shelton Windol BEAN pob: Al
mother: Peggy Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: brain death/anoxic encephalopathy/acute myocardial
infarction Michael Ryan MD
Burial 5-6-2005 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 152 PG 554 (computer)
Shelton Windol BEAN, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 7-11-1920; pob: AL;
dod: 9-6-1997 at 1630 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; age: 77
yrs; not Hispanic; was in the Military; surviving spouse: Peggy Ann
LEWIS; residence: Paso Robles; 30 years in county; education level: 14 yrs;
occupation: self-employed general contractor, building for 48 yrs
informant: Peggy BEAN - wife
father: William Thomas BEAN pob: AL
mother: Lela last name with held per Ca state law) pob: AL
cause of death: cardiac arrest/coronary artery disease
Cr/Bu 9-10-1997 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Bucheim Family Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 128 PG 493 (computer)
Henry James BEAN, male/white/married; dob: 11-25-1906; pob: Oklahoma; dod:
11-23-1983 at 1039 hrs; pod: residence; age: 76 yrs; citizen of the USA:
not Hispanic; surviving spouse: Margaret B. ANDERSON; residence: Cambria;
occupation: self-employed painting contractor for 30 years
informant: Margaret BEAN - wife
father: Clell BEAN pob: IA
mother: Alice M. XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: MO
cause of death: carcinoma to brain/COPD/ASCVD
Cr 11-25-1983
Benedict-Rettey Crematory Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 102 PG 406 (computer)
John Arthur BEAN, male/white/married; dob: 4-28-1901; pob: Colorado; dod:
2-26-1970 at 6:45 pm; pod: Arroyo Grande Hospital; age: 68 yrs; citizen
of the USA; surviving spouse: Edith BEAN (RAFT); occupation: ranch hand
for 50 years, Leo Acquistapace-Caule; stay in county of death: 4 mos; Ca:
59 yrs; usual residence: Waite St., Los Alamos Santa Barbara county
informant: Edith BEAN - wife - Santa Maria
father: John E. BEAN pob: Iowa
mother: Matt XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: C.V.A./Metastic Carcinoma
Burial 3-2-1970 Santa Maria Cemetery Santa Barbara County
Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 102 PG 406 (computer)
John Arthur BEAN, male/white/married; dob: 4-28-1901; pob: Colorado; dod:
2-26-1970 at 6:45 pm; pod: Arroyo Grande Hospital; age: 68 yrs;
citizenof the USA; surviving spouse: Edith BEAN (RAFT); occupation: ranch
hand for 50 years, Leo Acquistapace-Caule; stay in county of death: 4 mos;
Ca: 59 yrs; usual residence: Waite St., Los Alamos Santa Barbara county
informant: Edith BEAN - wife - Santa Maria
father: John E. BEAN pob: Iowa
mother: Matt XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: C.V.A./Metastic Carcinoma
Burial 3-2-1970 Santa Maria Cemetery Santa Barbara County
Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 148 PG 191 (computer)
James Harrison BEAN, male/white/married; dob: 6-5-1911; pob: TX; dod:
6-29-1995 at 0315 hrs; pod: Pacific Care Center, Morro Bay; age: 84
yrs; not Hispanic; surviving spouse: Mary A. CASULLI; occupation: Sales -
for Kyle Roofing Co. for 12 yrs; stay in county of death: 35 yrs; usual
residence: San Luis Obispo; never in the military
informant: Neptune Society Funeral Home Santa Barbara
father: William Richardson. BEAN pob: AL
mother: Mabel Elizabeth XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: TX
cause of death: dehydration/recurrent cerebrovascular accidents/cerbral arteriosclerosis
Cr/Sea Burial at sea 7-10-1995 off Pt. Fermin, Los Angeles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 127 PG 948 (computer)
Inez Virginia BEAN, female/white/widow; dob: 4-14-1910; pob: Ca; dod:
7-3-1983 at 0163 hrs; pod: Danish Convalescent Hospital, Atascadero; age:
73 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; occupation: secretary for 40
years for Aero Jet; usual residence: Atascadero
informant: Pamela MEYER - daughter Atascadero
father: Robert MONROE pob: Ca
mother: Inez XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: carcinoma/cancer of the lungs/ASHD
Cremation 7-7-1983
Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 123 PG 57 (computer)
Aubrey Hamilton BEAN, male/white/married/American; dob: 2-19-1905; pob:
Penn; dod: 1-6-1980 at 1453 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital Templeton;
age: 74 yrs; citizen of the USA; surviving spouse: Lucretia O. MOHUNDRO;
occupation: school custodian for 20 years; usual residence: Atascadero
informant: Mrs. Lucretia BEAN - wife
father: Frank. BEAN pob: Penn
mother: Mary XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Penn
cause of death: cardio pulmonary arrest/acute myocardial
infarction/arteriosclerotic heart disease/hypertension
Burial 1-7-1980 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 119 PG 653
Maureen J. BEAN, white/female/married; dob: 5-7-1909; pob: TX; dod:
3-11-1977 at 5:45 pm; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 67 yrs; citizen
of the USA; Surviving spouse: E. Ray BEAN; occupation: housewife for 29
yrs; residence: San Simeon; 16 yrs in county of death; 45 yrs in Ca
informant: E. Ray BEAN - husband
father: unknown SMITH pob: unknown
mother: Margaret XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: TX
cause of death: uremia/arteriosclerotic nephrosclerosis/congestive heart failure
Burial 3-15-1977 Cayucos - Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths cert # 2008000916
Mary Angelina BEAN, white/female/widow; dob: 4-5-1908; pob: NM; dod:
5-29-2008 at 1750 hrs; pod: residence; age: 100 yrs; not Hispanic;
never in the military; residence: San Luis Obispo; occupation: office
manager for 20 yrs, roofing industry; 90 yrs in county of death; high
school graduate
informant: Sondra HOGAN - daughter Arroyo Grande
father: Nicholas CASULLI pob: Italy
mother: Barbara XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Italy
cause of death: cardio pulmonary arrest/hypertension/atrial
fibrillation/congestive heart failure
Burial 6-5-2008 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Reis Family Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Bk 123 Pg 982
Lela May BEAN, white-American/female/widow; dob: 6-24-1886; pob: SD;
dod: 9-15-1980 at 1520 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital , Templeton; age:
94 yrs; citizen of the USA; residence: Atascadero; occupation:
homemaker for 72 years in own home; 90 yrs in county of death informant:
Arvilla McKAY - daughter Atascadero
father: Bryon PHILLIPS pob: unknown
mother: Margaret XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: circulatory failure/cochitis
debilitation/arteriosclerosis/advanced age
Burial 9-22-1989 Pacific Crest Cemetery Redondo Beach, Ca
Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Bk 160 Pg 659
Nancy Betts BEAN, Caucasian/female/divorced; dob: 8-23-1930; pob: NY;
dod: 5-28-2001 at 2120 hrs; pod: French Hospital I-P; age: 70 yrs;
residence: San Luis Obispo; occupation: disabled; never in the military,
9 yrs in county of death
informant: Anna Elizabeth PENA - daughter Morro Bay
father: Arthur BETTS Pob: NY
mother: Muriel XX (last name with held per Ca state law) Pob: NY
cause of death: septic shock/pneumonia/pyclonephritis/e. coli/colorectal
cancer with metastasis to lungs/right pleural effusion
Cr/Bu 6-18-2001 St. Benedicts Memorial Grove Los Osos
McDermott - Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 121 PG 618
Emelia Mabel SILVA; female/white/widow; dob: 5-1-1891; pob: Ca; dod: 11-18-1978 at 0700 hrs; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; ethnicity: Portuguese; citizen of the USA; occupation: homemaker in own home for adult
life; residence: South Halcyon, Arroyo Grande; 87 yrs old
informant: Yvonne SMITH -grand daughter Grover City
father: John TERRA pob: Azores
mother: Mary unknown last name pob: Azores
cause of death: cardiac arrest/arteriosclerotic heart disease/senile brain syndrome
R. Rice MD
Burial 11-22-1979 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Sunset Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 193
Groom: Sandy SUMNER, native of Illinois, aged 65 yrs, resident of
Rinconada, County of San Luis Obispo, was before married, mother is a native
of South Carolina, father is a native of South Carolina
Bride: Mary F. SMITH, native of New York, aged 48 yrs, resident of San
Miguel, was before married, mother is a native of England, father is a native of France
Witnesses: Edward BEAN and Rebecca BEAN, J. B. BLAKE and Annie WILSON all
residents of San Luis Obispo county
dom: 2-1-1881 in Rinconada by M. Henderson Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 195
Groom: Sandy B. SUMNER, native of Ca, aged 23 yrs, resident of Cholame,
County of San Luis Obispo, not before married, mother is a native Illinois,
father is a native of Illinois
Bride: Emma RECTOR, native of Ca, aged 23 yrs, resident of Santa Margarita,
not before married, mother is a native of Missouri, father is a native of Missouri
Witnesses: E. P. BEAN and L. (S.) SUMNER both residents of San Luis Obispo county
dom: 1031-1881 in San Luis Obispo by William M. Stersman Minister of the Gospel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 44 PG 214
Delfino Camillo GARCIA, male/white/married; dob: 12-24-1891; pob: Ca; dod: 9-5-1961; pod: Edna Rd-Broad St, two
blocks past Orcutt Rd.; age: 69 yrs; residence: Edna Rd, not on a farm; was in the Armed Services 12-12-1917 to 4-2-
1919; surviving spouse: Irene GARCIA - housewife; occupation: laborer for 12 yrs for Maino Construction; length of stay
in county of death: 49 yrs; Ca: life
informant: wife
father: Gavino GARCIA pob: Ca
mother: Frances XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: Multiple infarct of brain/cerebral arteriosclerosis/acute chronic pyelonephritis
burial 9-9-1961 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
Reis - Colonial Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Bk 153 Pg 752 (computer)
Leonard Walter BEAN, white/male/married; dob: 12-10-1918; pob: Ca; dod:
3-23-1998 at 1832 hrs; pod: French Hospital I-P; age: 79 yrs; was in the
military; residence: Atascadero; surviving spouse: Ethel Irene GRAY;
occupation: manager for 15 yrs, Parkhill Nursery; 23 yrs in county of
death; level of education: 13 yrs; not Hispanic
informant: Ethel Irene BEAN - wife
father: Walter Herbert BEAN pob: ME
mother: Anna XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: NE
cause of death: cardio respiratory arrest/pneumonia/renal
failure/prostate cancer/anemia
Cr/Bu 3-28-1998 San Jacinto Valley Cemetery San Jacinto, Ca
Coast Family Crematory Services
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK U PG 228
Groom: Joaquin Pedro COELHO, native of Azores Islands., aged 39 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, county of Santa
Barbara, of the white race, 1st marriage, occupation: maintenance man at the Santa Maria Inn, father: Mathews COELHO
pob: Azores Islands; mother: Maria XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Azores Islands
Bride: Anne MITCHELL, native of Ca., aged 29 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, county of Santa Barbara, of the white race,
2nd marriage, no occupation, father: Manuel FAUSTINO pob: Azores Islands, mother: Mary XX(last name with held per
Ca state law) pob: Azores ISlands
witnesses: L. S. deFREITAS and Mrs. Mary E. SANTOS, both residents of Santa Maria, county of Santa Barbara
dom: 1-4-1936 in San Luis Obispo by A. E. Mallagh Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK U PG 229
Groom: Gregory Joe PORTE, native of Ca., aged 25 yrs, resident of Cambria, of the white
race, 1st marriage, occupation: truck driver, father: Joe PORTE pob: Ca; mother: Marcella XX (last name with held
per Ca state law) pob: Ca
Bride: Ruth Marjorie WOODS, native of Nevada., aged 18 yrs, resident of Cambria, of the white race, 1st marriage,
no occupation, father: Charles WOODS pob: Nevada, mother: Mabel E. XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Sweden
witnesses: Mrs. Robert JOHNSON, resident of Cambria and M. J. CASTRO, resident of San Luis Obispo
dom: 2-24-19933 by H. E. Mallage Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 379
Groom: Wallace W. RIMBEY, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara,
State of California; once before married; mother: native of Illinois;
father: native of Illinois
Bride: Callie WILLIAMS, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara,
State of California, never before married; mother: native of Missouri;
father: native of Missouri
no ages are given. ".....said parties being capable of contracting marriage ........ "
witnesses Elizabeth P. MORGAN and Mary A. MORGAN, residents of San Luis Obispo
dom: 10-2-1889 in San Luis Obispo by P. B. Morgan Rector of ? Shepard Church
Vera Myrtle BRYNSVOLD BK 133 PG 32
female/white/widow; dob: 12/15/1899; pob: Minnesota; dod: 2/13/1987 at 1920 hrs; pod: residence; age: 87 yrs; not
Hispanic; usual residence: Alamo Rd Atascadero; occupation: homemaker for 50 yrs in own home
informant: Glen BRYSVOLD - son San Jose, Ca.
father: Freeman RATCLIFFE pob: Minn.
mother: Minnie XX (last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Minn.
cause of death: Cardiac Arrest duration: min
ASHD duration: yrs
Crem 2-18-1987
Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
Rudolph Carl BRYNSVOLD BK 126 PG 638
male/white/American/married; dob: 4/12/1903; pob: MN; dod: 7/26/1982
at 0115 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital Templeton; age: 79 yrs; citizen
of the USA; usual occupation: owner for 25 yrs restaurant/service station;
usual residence: Alamo St. Atascadero
name of surviving spouse: Vera Ratcliffe
informant: Vera BRYNSVOLD - wife
father: John BRYNSVOLD pob: Norway
mother: Lena (last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Norway
seen by physician from 10-30-1973 to 7-26-1982 W. S. OSIBIN MD
cause of death: Arteriosclerotic heart disease duration - yrs
Generalized Arteriosclerosis duration - yrs
Myocardial decompensation duration - hrs
contributing: Transient Ischemic attacks
Cremation 7-29-1982
Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
Magno ROSSI BK 10 PG 338 San Luis Obispo County
male/white/widowed; dob: 11/4/1851; pob: Switzerland; dod: 3/3/1925 at
5:30 pm; pod: San Luis Obispo County Hospital; age: 75 yrs, 3 moss, 29
days; occupation: laborer; length of stay at pod: 3 days in hospital, 55
yrs in county/state, 60 yrs in USA
father: Gregory ROSSI pob: Switzerland
maiden name of mother: Josephine COTTI pob: Switzerland
cause of death: Arteriosclerosis Ray COX MD
Burial 3/6/1925 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company
Ruth Marie MUNN BK 30 PG 428
sex: female; dob: 12-7-1941; pob: San Luis Obispo General Hospital
father: Robert Osborne MUNN, race: white; age: 43 yrs; pob: Illinois; 15 yrs in California; occupation: Fireman with
Southern Pacific Railroad
mother: Blanche Irene XX (last name withheld per Ca State law), race: white; age: 40
yrs; pob: Illinois; occupation: housewife
other children from this mother born and now living: 4
male/white/married; dob: 12-25-1846; pob: Hempin, Prussia; dod: 1-22-1906 at 11:30 am; pod: San Luis
Obispo; age 59 yrs, 28 days; length of residence at pod: 23 yrs, 3 mos; in Ca: 37 yrs; occupation: merchant
father: Ephiam LOOBLINER pob: Kemper, Prussia
mother: Ethel XX (last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Schultberg, Germany
cause of death: General debility
Burial 6-24-1906 I.O.O.F. Cemetery San Luis Obispo
F. J. Bowen Undertaker
Infant son of Gregory and Florence ROSSI BK 13 PG 324
male/white/infant; dob: 4/25/1931; pob: Templeton; dod: 4/25/1931 at
3:15 am; pod: Paso Robles near Templeton
father: Gregory ROSSI pob: Ca
mother: Florence XX (last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: North
cause of death: stillborn
Burial 4/26/1931 San Luis Obispo
Kuehl Funeral Home Paso Robles
white/male/married; dob: 6/19/1886; pob: Ca; dod: 6/2/1965 at 12:15 pm; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 78
yrs; citizen of the USA;
occupation: retired foreman San Luis Obispo City Public Works Dept for 41
yrs; never in the Armed Services; usual residence: Fernandez Rd off Hwy
101 South San Luis Obispo
surviving spouse: Elvezia FERNANDEZ occupation: homemaker
informant: wife
father: Eulilo FERNANDEZ pob: Ca
mother: Elena XX last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Ca
seen by physician from 1950 to 1965 Dr. L. C. GAEBE MD
cause of death: Uremia duration - 2 mos
Arteriolar nephrosclerosis duration - 2 yrs
Generalized Arteriosclerosis duration - 10 yrs
Burial 6/5/1965 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
Reis Colonial Chapel
Josephine ROSSI BK 2 PG 221
female/Swiss/infant; dob: 4/25/1908; dod: 6/28/1908 at 4:10 pm; age: 2
mos, 3 days
father: Mario ROSSI pob: Switzerland
mother: Severina BAGMOVINA pob: Switzerland
unable to read cause of death
burial 6/30/1908 Catholic Cemetery]
William Crandell - Undertaker
Unnamed ROSSI BK 9 PG 26
female/white/infant; dob: 1/8/1922; dob: Los Osos; dod: 1/8/1922;
pod: Los Osos
informant: Vicente Angelo ROSSI - father
father: Vicente Angelo ROSSI pob: Ca
mother: Edith Josephine FERRINI pob: Ca
cause of death: stillborn
Burial 1/9/1922 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
San Luis Obispo county Telegram-Tribune Monday 9-20-1982
Death Notice
WILLIAMS, Henry WILLIAMS, 82, of Cambria died Saturday at home. Services
pending at Reis Chapel, Cayucos
San Luis Obispo County Telegram-Tribune Tuesday 9-21-1982 page A-7
Henry Earl WILLIAMS of Cambria died Saturday at home after a lengthy
illness. He was 82.
At his request no services will be held. Arrangements are under the
direction of Reis Chapel in Cayucos.
Mr. WILLIAMS was born 11-26-1899, in Boston, Mass. He moved to Los Angeles
in 1923. He worked for Rockwell International in Inglewood until his
retirement in 1962. He moved to Cambria in 1973.
He served in Germany in the U.S. Army during WW I.
He is survived by his wife, Doris.
San Luis Obispo county Telegram-Tribune Wednesday 9-14-1955 page 2
Hans C. LETH, 87, a retired farmer, died at 3 pm yesterday of a bullet wound which investigating officers said had been
A native of Denmark, born 11-10-1868, he had been a resident of Atascadero since 1929. He was a member of the
Atascadero Grange and of the Danish Brotherhood of America.
Surviving are two sons, Walter C. LETH of Monmough, Oregon and Arthur LETH of Beaumont, Calif, and a daughter, Mrs.
Edith C. WELLS of Portland, Oregon.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow, 11 am, at the Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero with the Atascadero Grange
officiating. Cremation will follow the services.
Charles Solon STEWART VOL 139 PG 875
white/male/married; dob: 6-26-1908; pob: IA; dod: 11-18-1990 at 1730 hrs; pod: Pacific Care Convalescent Morro
Bay; age: 82 yrs; citizen of the USA; never in the military; not Hispanic; occupation: Detective Sergeant Law
Enforcement Los Angeles Police Dept. for 20 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs; residence: Luisita St. Morro Bay; length
of stay in this community: 10 yrs
informant: pre-arranged
surviving spouse: Elizabeth Anna MORGAN
father: William Linus STEWART pob: Ore
mother: Ivah Isabel DAVIES pob: WI
seen by physician from 1-15-1980 to 11-15-1990 Gary KOLB MD
cause of death: Bacterial pneumonia duration - days
severe contusion of chest wall & rt leg duration - 2 wks
due to fall over embankment at golf course 2 wks ago.
senile dementia
manner of death due to accident 2-22-1990 1124 hrs on Parkview Dr. west Black Hill Rd. Lost control drove golf cart
over embankment and overturned
CR/SEA 3 miles offshore Santa Barbara Channel 11-30-1990
McDermott-Crockett Mortuary
Elizabeth Anna STEWART aka Betty STEWART dc # 320040001110
female/white/widowed; dob: 9-25-1908; pob: CA; dod: 7-11-2004 at 1125 hrs; pod: Bayside Care Center Morro
Bay; age: 96 yrs; occupation: homemaker in own home for 55 yrs; residence: Luisita St. Morro Bay; length of stay in
community of death: 39 yrs
informant: Charles S. STEWART Jr. son Los Angeles
father: Maurice MORGAN pob: CA
mother: Cora XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: CA
seen by physician from 3-21-01 to 6-10-04 P. VAUGHAN MD
cause of death: failure to thrive duration - 1 mos
clostridium diffide infection
CR/SEA 7-20-04 at sea off coast of Santa Barbara County
Neptune Society
Erma E. TOWNSEND BK 158 PG 917
white/female/divorced; dob: 4-12-1915; pob: N.J.; dod: 8-25-2000 at 1900 hrs; pod: Pacific Care Center Morro
Bay; age: 85 yrs; occupation: nurse, health care at VA Hospital for 53 yrs; education level: 16 yrs; length of stay in
community of death: 31 yrs; usual residence: Mar Vista Dr. Los Osos
informant: Linda HENSLEY - daughter - same address
father: Charles H. PEOPLESDORPH pob: N. J.
mother: Elizabeth XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: N. J.
cause of death: cardiopulmonary arrest duration - 10 min
cervical spinal cord compression duration - 6 wks
degenerative arthritis duration - 3 - 5 decades
hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, dementia
Phillip KISSEL M. D.
CR/RES 9-1-2000 Coast Family Cremation Service
Nannie Evelyn KRINER BK 42 PG 208
female/white/married; dob: 9-14-1882; pob: Arizona; dod: 4-9-1960 at
2:00 PM; age: 77 yrs;pod: General Hospital San Luis Obispo; citizen of
USA; occupation: housewife for 52 yrs in own home; usual residence:
Islay St. San Luis Obispo; length of stay in county of death: 39 yrs;
State: 71 yrs
surviving spouse: N. F. KRINER contract painter
informant: William NOBLES same address
father: Clinton Dewitt ADAMS pob: TX
mother: Martha XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: CA
cause of death: congestive heart failure duration - yrs
myocardial fibrosis duration - yrs
coronary arteriosclerosis duration - yrs
Burial 4-12-1960 I.O.O. F. Cemetery
R. F. Richardson Company
Frederick Nereus KRINER BK 45 PG 238
white/ male/widower; dob: 9-22-1882; pob: Indiana; dod: 4-16-1962 at
11:00 AM; age: 79 yrs; pod: General Hospital; usual residence: Islay
St. San Luis Obispo; length of stay in community of death: 41 yrs; never
in the Armed services; citizen of the USA; occupation: painter
informant: hospital records
father: Elijah KRINER unknown pob
mother: Lettie XX(last name withheld per CA state law) unknown Pob
cause of death: Myocardial infarction duration - hrs
Atherosclerotic heart disease duration - yrs
Burial 4-20-1962 I.O.O. F. Cemetery
Reis Colonial Chapel
Henry Earl WILLIAMS BK 126 PG 858
male/white/married; dob: 11-26-1899; pob: MA; dod: 9-18-1982 at 10:45
AM; pod: residence Warwick Rd, Cambria; age: 82 yrs; citizen of the
USA; American; occupation: mechanic for 22 yrs Rockwell International
Aircraft Industry
surviving spouse: Doris WASHBURN
informant: Doris M. WILLIAMS wife
no parental information
cause of death: inanition & debilitation duration: wks
myocardial infarction duration: mos
congestive heart failure duration: mos
seen by physician from 3-27-1974 to 8-4-1982 John B. SHAW MD
Cremation 9-21-1982 Los Osos Valley Memorial Part
Reis Chapel
Chris Daegan CARTER Certificate number: 3200440001247
white/male/never married; dob: 11-11-1968; dod: 8-19-2004 at 1940 hrs; pod: motel in Arroyo Grande; age: 35
yrs; never in the Armed services; level of education: some college; occupation: waiter restaurant business for 10 yrs;
usual residence: Cimarron Way Arroyo Grande; length of stay in this community: 3 yrs
informant: Daniel N. CARTER - father Vienna, VA
father: Daniel Nye CARTER pob: VA
maiden name of mother: Mary Janet XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: VA
cause of death: pending
disposition: TR 8-24-2004 Teague Funeral Home Charlottesville, VA
Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel
Stanley Burton BLYTHE VOL 138 PG 226
white/male/marital status unknown; dob: 10/7/1925; pob: IA; dod: 12/29/1989 at 0615 hrs; pod: inside vehicle 400 blk
Chorro Crk Rd. Morro Bay; age 64 yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; served in the Armed forces from 1942 to 1944
informant: Alan STEDNITZ relationship: P. A.
father: Thomas L. BLYTHE
maiden name of mother: Ellen XX(last name withheld per Ca state law)
cause of death: hemorrhagic shock duration - min
portal hypertension & laceration of esophageal varices duration - hrs
chronic alcoholism & micronodular cirrhosis duration - yrs
manner of death: natural
cremation ocean scatter off Morro Bay
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
BK J PG 530
William A. ANDERSON, a native of Michigan, aged 49 years, resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo,
State of California and
Josephine SOSA, a native of California, aged 35 years, resident of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of
The man is of the white race
The woman is of the white race
Witnesses: Mrs. J. LABRADO resident of San Luis Obispo
Henry ESTUDILLO resident of San Luis Obispo
date of marriage: 4/1/1916 William MALLAGH Justice of the Peace
Filed for record at the request of William MALLAGH this 3rd day of April, AD, 1916, at 15 min past 9:00 AM
D. F. MAHONEY County Recorder
Harry Exavier ALLUMBAUGH Bk 45 Pg 555
white/male/married; dob: 12/9/1885; pob: Minnesota; dod: 8/29/1962 at 12:10 AM; pod: residence; age: 76
yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: self-employed contractor for 45 yrs building construction; residence: last house
South on West side of Park Ave, Nipomo Mesa; length of stay in this community: 3 yrs; Ca: 37 yrs
spouse: Amelia A. ALLUMBAUGH - home maker
no parental information
cause of death: carcinoma of throat duration - 2 mos, bronchial asthma
Cremation 8/29/1962 Atascadero Crematory
Grensted Funeral Home
Edward PEREIRA, a native of California, aged 21 years, resident of San Luis Obispo, county of San Luis Obispo, State of
California and
Emileen ROZA, a native of California, aged 18 years, resident of San Luis Obispo, county of San Luis Obispo, State of
The man is of the white race
The woman is of the white race
date of marriage: August 6, 1927 J. G. DRISCOLL County Clerk
Reeta GUITON Deputy Clerk
Witness: Harold McCLELLAN resident of San Luis Obispo
William MALLAGH Justice of the Peace
Filed for record at the request of William MALLAGH this 8th day of August A.D., 1927 at 30 min. past 10:00 o'clock AM
California State Board of Health
Edward PEREIRA, resident of San Luis Obispo, white race, 21 years of age, single, 1st marriage, pob: California,
occupation: Baker; A. SAUER Co.
father: Manuel PERIERA pob: Portugal
mother: Mary SOUZA pob: Portugal
Emileen ROZA, resident of San Luis Obispo, white race, 18 years of age, single, 1st marriage, pob: California,
occupation: at home
father: Joe V. ROZA pob: Portugal
mother: Anne SILVERIA pob: Portugal
Semi-Weekly BREEZE January 30, 1900 pg 2
Death Calls A Pioneer - Stage driver John CORNWALL dies at the hospital
Old man succumbs to Paralysis after 30 years in the county. From Friday's Dailey
John CORNWALL, the old time stage driver died last night at the county hospital. He was 70 years old and had been an
inmate of the hospital for nearly 11 years. Paralysis was the cause of death.
The deceased had lived in this county for considerable more than 30 years and was well known by the pioneers. He was
born in Vermont, but came to California when a young man.
For a while he worked in the mines, but later became a driver on the stage between Pleyto and San Luis Obispo. At that
time the old stage line ran from San Jose to San Diego. At other times CORNWALL drove on other lines.
After leaving the staging business, he had some money saved. He was out of work and became ill, and most of his funds
disappeared. He has two sisters, who when last heard from, resided at Toronto.
Steward McLEOD of the county hospital, has written to relatives in the east to locate the sisters, if they are to be found.
Charles Edson RICE BK 20 Pg 351
white/male/married; dob: 5/29/1890; pob: Michigan; dod: 12/3/1941 at 6:20 PM; pod: Cyprus St. Pismo Beach, SLO
county; age: 51 yrs, 6 mos, 4 days; Veteran of the WW; usual occupation: soldier US Marine Corps; usual
residence: Pismo Beach; length of stay in this community: 3 yrs; Ca: 10 yrs
spouse: Margaret Rice: age 23 yrs
informant: wife
father: Unknown pob: Michigan
mother: unknown
cause of death: Disease of Coronary Artery
Claude STAFFORD MD Pismo Beach
Cremation 12/6/1941 Atascadero Crematory
Earl Wells WOOD Funeral Director Arroyo Grande
Donald McVICAR BK 10 PG 9999
white/male/married; dob: 5/2/1852; pob: Canada; dod: 5/23/1924; age:
72 yrs, 20 days; pod: Templeton; usual occupation: Rancher; length of
stay at place of death: 18 yrs; CA: 40 yrs
Spouse: Luela McVICAR
father: unknown McVICAR pob: Scotland
mother: Mary (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: SCOTLAND
cause of death: acute septitis duration: 5 days
Burial 5/25/1924 Templeton District Cemetery
Chas. A SKEEN Undertaker
Louella Bruce McVICAR BK 49 Pg 218
female/white/widow; dob: 5/13/1872; pob: Illinois; dod: 12/4/1964 at
4:50 PM; pod: Paso Robles Nursing Home; age: 92 yrs; occupation:
homemaker in own home; citizen of USA;usual residence: 613 Main St.
Templeton; length of stay in county of death: 59 yrs; Ca: 78 yrs
informant: Louella STOCKDALE Templeton
father: William MUNCY Pob: Pennsylvania
mother: Elizabeth (last name with held per CA state law) pob: New
cause of death: Cerebrovascular accident duration: 1 yr
Arteriosclerosis duration: years
Burial 12/7/1964 Templeton District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
Jessie --GOODCHILD BK 54 Pg 518
female/white/married; dob: 9/14/1888; pob: Michigan; dod: 12/4/1967 at
11:40 AM; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital San Luis Obispo; age: 79 yrs;
citizen of the USA; usual occupation: housewife; last residence: Monte
Rd rural San Luis Obispo; length of stay in county of death: 20 yrs; CA:
40 yrs
Spouse: Cecil GOODCHILD occupation: painter
father: Fredrick COOK pob: Australia
mother: Mary Ann (last name with held per CA state law) pob: New York
cause of death: Hemorrhagic shock, ruptured aortic aneurysm, heart disease
Burial 12/7/1967 IOOF Cemetery
Palmer-Waters Chapel
Isabel Ormonde GEORGE BK 125 PG 776
Female/white/widow; ethnicity: not given; dob: 10/21/1899; pob: Azores
Island; dod: 12/20/1981 at 1400 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital San
Luis Obispo: age: 82 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: 1180 Las
Tunas Morro Bay; occupation: housewife for 35 yrs in own home
informant: Leonard SOUZA son Manhattan Beach, California
father: Manuel ORMONDE pob: Azores Islands
mother: Mary (last name with held per CA state law) pob: Azores Islands
cause of death: Respiratory failure duration: days, cancer
Gary KOLB MD Morro Bay
Burial 12/23/1981 Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
William Albert ADAMS BK 32 PG 318
white/male/single; dob: 8/6/1887; pob: CA; dod: 2/6/1953 at 12:05PM;
age: 65 yrs; pod: General Hospital; citizen of the USA; served in the
armed services WW I; usual residence: San Luis Obispo, occupation:
dishwasher mission Cafe; length of stay in this city: 14 yrs
informant: N. F. KRINER
father: Leonard ADAMS pob: Texas
mother: Martha (last name with held per CA state law) pob: Arizona
Burial 2/9/1953 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Mary Dorothy COTA BK 125 PG 341
female/white/widow; ethnicity: American; dob: 8/24/1905; pob: CA;
dod: 8/29/1981 at 2315 hrs; age: 76 yrs; pod: Hacienda Convalescent
Hospital San Luis Obispo; usual residence: 1046 Stokes Ave. Santa Maria
Santa Barbara county, Ca; usual occupation: homemaker in own home;
citizen of the USA
father: Frank Richard DAY pob: CA
mother: unknown
cause of death: Cardial arrhythmia
Roger STEELE MD San Luis Obispo
Cremated 9/2/1981 Dudley-Hoffman Crematory Santa Maria
Dudley-Hoffman Mortuary
Forrester Augustine Davis RUPP BK 31 Pg 139
white/male/never married/infant; dob: 4/22/1952; pob: CA; dod: 4/27/1952 at 8:12 PM; age: 5 days; pod: Mountain
View Hospital San Luis Obispo; residence: Morro Bay
informant: Gerald C. RUPP-father
father: Gerald C. RUPP pob: CA
mother: Nancy L. (last name with held per CA state law) pob: WA
Burial 4/29/1952 Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery
Palmer-Waters Chapel
Hettie nmn SEMAS BK 129 Pg 650
female/white/American/widow; dob: 7/4/1912; pob: Texas; dod: 8/24/1984
at 1700 hrs; age: 72 yrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital San Luis Obispo;
citizen of the USA; residence: Belle Vista, Morro Bay; usual occupation:
homemaker in own home for adult life
informant: Belva SOUZA daughter Cayucos
father: D. S. SMITH pob: Texas
mother: Josephine (last name with held per CA state law) pob: Texas
seen by physician from 9/21/1983 to 8/22/1984
cause of death: Colon Carcinoma duration - 1 yr
Chirrosis duration - 5 yrs
Patrick VAUGHA MD Morro Bay
Burial 8/28/1984 Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery
Reis Chapel
Affidavit to Amend a Record Bk 129 PG 651
Correct spelling from Chirrosis to Cirrhosis 8/28/1984 at the request of
Reis Chapel
Phillip Joseph HILDENBRAND BK 34 PG 276
male/white/married; dob: 7/27/1872; pob: Louisiana; dod: 7/7/1954 at
9:15 AM; age: 81 yrs; pod: Cypress St.; citizen of the USA;
occupation: shoemaker cobbler; never in the armed services
spouse: Anna M. HILDENBRAND 77 yrs
informant: wife
father: Joseph HILDENBRAND pob: Germany
mother: Mary (last name with held per CA state law) pob: France
Burial 7/9/1954 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Palmer-Waters Chapel
female/white/widow; dob: 5/22/1885; pob: Ca; dod: 11/2/1960 at 11:45
PM; age: 75 yrs; pod: General Hospital San Luis Obispo; citizen of
USA; occupation: Practical nurse for 40 yrs; residence: Santa Rosa St.
San Luis Obispo; length of stay in county of death: 60 yrs; CA: lifetime
father: Francis M. HOQUE(HOGUE) pob: Mo
mother: Nancy W. (last name with held per CA state law) pob: Mo
cause of death: Myocardial infart left posterior duration - 5 days
Thrombosis left circumflex artery duration - 5
Coronary Atherosclerosis duration - yrs
Burial 11/5/1960 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Palmer-Waters Chapel
Affidavit to Correct a Record BK 43 PG 300
Correct record of birth found in family bible. Correct dob is 5/22/1887
requested 3/10/1961 by son Wesley L. HILDENBRAND age 36 yrs
David William DULEY BK 133 PG 314
Male/white/married; dob: 12/26/1930; dod: 1/28/1987 at 2313 hrs; pod:
Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Arroyo Grande;age: 56 yrs; served in the
Army 1951-1953; not Hispanic;usual occupation: Law enforcement Anchorage
Alaska Police Department; usual residence: Brighton Ave. Grover
City(Grover Beach)
surviving spouse: Harriet Elaine ADAMS
informant: H. Elaine DULEY - spouse
father: Frank Lest DULEY pob: NB
maiden name of mother: Lucille XX(last name with held per CA state law)
pob: NB
cause of death: myocardial infarction duration-min.
coronary insufficiency duration[min.
contributing: morbid obesity and diabetes
cremation 1/30/1987 Arroyo Grande Crematory
Wood-Voakes Mortuary
Harriet Elaine DULEY Cert # 2005000185
Caucasian/female/widow; dob: 3/14/1931; pob: OK; dod: 1/28/2005 at
1020 hrs; age: 73 yrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Arroyo
Grande; usual occupation: cashier in the education business for 5 yrs;
level of education: High School graduate; usual residence: Brighton Ave
Grover Beach; length of stay in community of death: 28 yrs
Informant: Lynne ERICKSON-daughter Sacramento
father: Edwin Samuel ADAMS pob: NB
maiden name of mother: Emma XX(last name with held per CA state law)
pob: OK
cause of death: respiratory failure duration-sec
sepsis duration-days; pneumonia, acute myocardial
CR/RES 2/9/05 Res: Kathleen DULEY
Neptune Society of Santa Barbara
Fenner Reed HELTON BK 50 PG 460
male/cauc/married; dob: 4/11/1911; pob: Texas; age: 54 yrs; dod:
9/19/1965 at
10:50 AM; pod: California Men's Colony East Facilty Hwy 1 Los Padres
San Luis Obispo county; occuparion: electrician adult life C & J
Electric Ventura; usual residence: N. Oak St. Ventura, Ca. Ventura
county; in the US Army from 6/1942 to 9/1943; citizen of the USA; length
of stay at pod: 3 mos; CA: 6 yrs
spouse: Rafaelita Suitar HELTON
informant: Records Ofc CMC East Facility
father: Benjamin F. HELTON pob: unknown
mother: Mary A, XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: Cardio circulatory failure
burial 9/23/1965 Lawn Cemetery Ventura
Palmer-Waters Chapel
Florence Elizabeth LOHLEIN Cert #: 3200440001441
white/female/never married; dob: 5/20/1906; age 98 yrs; dod: 9/20/2004 at 0713 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital, San
Luis Obispo; level of education: Bachelors degree; usual occupation: teacher for 24 yrs; usual residence: Travis
Dr. Los Osos; number of years in this community: 3;
informant: Stanley W. CURTIS - nephew same address
father: Fred LOHLEIN pob: MD
maiden name of mother: Della Marie XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: WI
cause of death: severe dementia; urinary tract infection
Burial 9/27/2004 Forest Lawn Memorial Park 4471 Lincoln Ave. Cypress, CA 90630
Jesse Lucio RODRIGUEZ BK 132 PG 383
male/Mexican-American/married; Hispanic; yes; dob: 12/15/1921; pob:
CA; dod: 6/14/1986 at 0255 hrs; pod: residence; age: 64 yrs; usual
occupation: truck driver for California Motor Express for 36 yrs; served
in the armed services: 1942 - 1945; citizen of the USA; residence:
Tassajara Dr. San Luis Obispo
informant: Margaret Annecchini RODRIGUEZ - wife
father: Alberto RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico
maiden name of mother: Florencia XX(last name with held per CA state law)
pob: Mexico
seen by physician from 7/26/1985 to 5/29/1986 Gary HARKING MD
cause of death: respiratory failure, malignant mesothelioma
Burial 6/17/1986 Old Mission Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
Reis Chapel
BK 13 PG 20 San Luis Obispo record of marriages
Jesse RODRIGUEZ, a native of California, aged 26 yrs, resident of San Luis
Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California and Margaret ANNECCHINI, a native of California, aged 21 yrs,
resident of Oceano, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California
The man is of the white race the woman is of the white race
I hereby certify that on the 16th day of October AD, 1948 in the County of
Santa Clara, I joined Jesse RODRIGUEZ, a resident of San Luis Obispo and
Margaret ANNECCHINI, a resident of Oceano, in the presence of witnesses, to
wit; Samuel CASTRO, a resident of San Luis Obispo and Jeanne ANNECCHINI, a
resident of Oceano.
signed: Rev. H. E. RING Catholic Priest 16th day of October AD 1948
filed at the request of Rev. RING this 18th day of October AD, 1948 at 45
min. past 11:00 o'clock AM
Groom information
Jesse RODRIGUEZ residence: 2502 Victoria, San Luis Obispo
white; 26 years old; single; 1st marriage; pob: CA; occupation: truck
father: Albert RODRIGUEZ pob: Mexico
mother: Florence BELLA pob: Mexico
Bride information
Margaret ANNECCHINI residence: Oceano; white; 21 years old; single;
1st marriage; pob: CA; occupation: bookkeeper
father: Nicholas ANNECCHINI pob: Italy
mother: Elsie CALDWELL pob: CA
County of license: San Luis Obispo
County of marriage: Santa Clara
Marriage performed 10/16/1948 at St. Joseph's Church San Jose, CA
Albert Lee ATHERTON, native of Colorado, aged 22 yrs, resident of Long Beach, County of Los Angeles, State of
California and
Margaret Caroline DICKINSON, native of California, aged 18 yrs, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, State
of California
The man is of the white race The woman is of the white race
Witnesses: Angelo SOUZA, resident of Santa Maria
Alberta SHOUP, resident of Santa Maria
Date of License: 4/10/1926
Date of Marriage: 4/12/1926
William MALLAGH Justice of the Peace
filed for record at the request of William MALLAGH the 12th day of April AD, 1926 at 40 min past 11:00 o'clock AM.
RICE/HARVEY Marriage BK 0 PG 459
Charles E. RICE, a native of Michigan, aged 39 yrs, resident of Spokan, County of Spokan, State of Washington and
Elnora E. HARVEY, native of Iowa, aged 40 yrs, resident of Ocean Beach, County of San Diego, State of California
the man is of the white race the woman is of the white race
date of marriage: 8/19/1926 William MALLAGE Justice of the Peace
Witness: Mrs. Lillian MILLER resident of San Luis Obispo
filed for record at the request of William MALLAGE the 20th day of August AD, 1926 at 46 min past 3:00 o'clock PM
Hans Christensen LETH BK 36 PG 111
white/male/divorced; dob: 11/10/1868; pob: Denmark; dod: 9/13/1955 at 2:50 PM; pod: Atascadero General
Hospital; age: 86 yrs; occupation: grain farmer; citizen of the USA; residence: North Highway, Atascadero; time spent
in this community: 26 yrs
informant: Hans C. LETH
father: Chris O. LETH pob: Denmark
mother: Iite XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Denmark
no cause of death given- Coroner investigation
cremation 9/15/1955 Atascadero Crematory
Chapel of the Roses
Richard Charles McKEE BK 37 PG 215
male/white/married; dob: 5/15/1913; pob: Kansas City, KS; dod:
9/16/1956 about 5:00 AM; age: 43 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation:
car man for the railroad; never in the military; usual residence: 1902
Ocean Blvd. Shell Beach for about 1 year
informant: Rose Mary McKEE - wife
father: John Charles McKEE pob: OK
mother: Arline XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: OK
place of death: Embankment to Pacific Ocean off Ocean Blvd at Cuyama St.
Coroner investigation
Burial 9/20/1956 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. Woods Funeral Chapel
Casey STANLEY BK 17 PG 195
male/white/widow; dob: 10/14/1861; pob: Sacramento, CA; dod: 6/7/1937
at 4:15 AM; pod: General Hospital; length of stay at pod: 14 days; CA:
life; age: 75 yrs, 6 mos, 23 days; usual residence: Bradley, CA;
occupation: farmer
wife: Clara Monroe STANLEY deceased
informant: Maude DAYTON General Hospital
father: Isaac STANLEY pob: Springfield, Illinois
mother: Luretta XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: Little Rock,
seen from 5/25/1937 to 6/7/1937 Allen GILLIHAN MD
Cause of death: Senile Psychosis duration - 6 mos
myocardial decompensation duration - 6 mos
Burial 6/9/1937 Creston
Harry Gray Undertaker Atascadero
Clara Monroe STANLEY BK 16 PG 329
female/white/married; dob: 10/14/1870; pob: Richmond, Ohio; dod:
5/19/1936 at 6:15 PM; pod: Atascadero Hospital; age: 65 yrs, 7 mos, 5
days; stay at pod: 1 day; CA: 25 yrs; usual occupation: housewife ;
usual residence: Creston
surviving spouse: Casey Jenkins STANLEY
informant: Harry S. GRAY Atascadero
father: James Monroe pob: Richmond, Ohio
mother: ? MARMON pob: Richmond, Ohio
seen by physician from 5/19/1936 to 5/19/1936 Gifford SOBAY MD Paso
Burial 6/22/1936 Creston
Harry S. GRAY Mortuary Atascadero
Mrs. Josephine ANDERSON BK 20 PG 544
female/white/widow; dob: 2/3/1879; pob: Ventura, CA; dod: 5/18/1942 at 3:40 AM; pod: San Luis Obispo General
Hospital; age: 63 yrs, 3 mos, 15 days; occupation: at home; number of years in this community: 30; CA: life; usual
residence: 767 Chorro St. San Luis Obispo
husband: William Albert ANDERSON deceased
informant: William J. ANDERSON Buchon St. San Luis Obispo
father: Jesse SOSA pob: CA
mother: no information
attended by physician from 5/18/1942 to 5/18/1942 Edward BLAIR MD
cause of death: Cerebral hemorrhage due to hypertension; diabetes; bronchopneumonia
Burial 5/20/1942 Catholic Cemetery San Luis Obispo
H. V. JOYAUX undertaker
R. F. Richardson Company
Josephine ANDERSON BK 23 PG 489
white/female/widow; dob: 4/8/1859; pob: Minnesota; dod: 1/10/1946 at 7:00 AM; age: 86 yrs, 9 mos, 2
days; pod: San Luis Sanitarium; length of stay at pod: 12 days; time in this community: 3 yrs; CA: 46
yrs; occupation: housewife in own home; usual residence: Stimpson Ave. Pismo Beach
informant: Mrs. Myrtle JACKSON
husband: Hover ANDERSON deceased
father: Conrad BRUESTLE pob unknown
mother: no information
seen by physician from 12/30/1945 to 1/9/1946 Laurence C. GAEBE MD
cause of death: coronary thrombosis
Burial 1/12/1946 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl Wells Wood Mortuary Arroyo Grande
Ward Marriages:
Andrew E. WARD m Annie C. HANSON 2/7/1897 BK E PG 138
Bertram P. WARD m Lulu EARL 11/16/1895 BK D PG 630
Chester A. WARD m Eugenia WALKER 4/22/1914 BK J PG 143
Clarence Clifford WARD m Louise Wright GARDNER11/29/1917 BK K PG 310
Frank B. WARD m Alice L. PROCTOR 7/31/1878 BK A PG 318
Hubert C. WARD m Alice MAXWELL 3/16/1876 BK A PG 234
James WARD m Sarah GODNOW 2/21/1889 BK B PG 336
Ella WARD m William MOREHOUSE 4/30/1876 BK A PG 241
Ella WARD m. Joseph W. D. HOWARD 3/5/1883 BK A PG 541
Emma Brown WARD m Alfred Gibson COAN 2/21/1913 BK I PG 565
Susan I. WARD m Needham GILLISPIE 3/19/1873 BK A PG 159
Albert Thomas WARD dob: 9/25/1919 BK 9 PG 999
Names mentioned in Miscellaneous Wills
PROBATE CASE # 4321 San Luis Obispo County, California
William S. CATHER dod: 12/19/1927; dop: Arroyo Grande, SLO County; resident of SLO County; owned property in
Kern County, CA
Emily J. CATHER-widow-over the age of majority; resident of CA
Mrs. Eva PEARL-daughter-over the age of 21 yrs; resident of Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County
Mrs. Bessie L. McCAFFERY-daughter-over the age of 21 yrs; resident of TAFT, CA
S. B. CALL-dod: 5/26/1880-resident of Ssn Luis Obispo County
Nancy Emeline CALL-widow-executrix-resident of San Luis Obispo County
Silas Reuben CALL-son-age: 12 yrs
Stephen Albert CALL-son-age: 10 yrs
Lena CALL-daughter-age: 7 yrs
Ralph CALL-son-age: 5 yrs
PROBATE CASE # 3622 San Luis Obispo County, California
Silas Reuben CALL dod: 10/3/1929 age: abt 59 yrs; usual residence: 943
Morro St. San Luis Obispo Co
S. A. CALL -brother- executor
Lena JOHNSON -sister-executrix
Kate E. CALL-widow-(resident of Agnew's State Hospital, Agnew, CA)age:
over 40 yrs.
Arthur Reuben. CALL-son- resident of Santa Rosa-age: 22 yrs
Beth Call EVENSON, (Mrs. Geo. EVENSON)formerly Beth CALL-daughter-resident
of San Luis Obispo; age: 20 yrs
Silas Lynn CALL-son-resident of San Luis Obispo; age: 19 yrs
Maggie CALL formerly Maggie BARNETT-housekeeper-raised children from
infancy- resident of San Luis Obispo; age: over 35 yrs
Lee R. CALL-cousin resident of San Luis Obispo-manager of S. R. CALLs
ranch; age: over 35 yrs
Nancy E. CALL
Mrs. W. E. CALL- resident of SLO
Samuel Johnson CALL-dod: 2/16/1909; pod: San Benito County, CA; resident of
San Luis Obispo; age: 50 yrs
Susie R. BOOTH-sister-executrix-sister- resident of Paso Robles, CA
Laura B. MATHEWS-sister-resident of Paicenes, CA
Elizabeth CALL-mother-resident of Paicenes, CA
G. G. CALL-brother-resident of Campbell, CA
H(M). B. CALL-brother-resident of Hollister, CA
A. J. CALL-brother-resident of Decatur, Texas
O. P. CALL-brother-resident of Boise, Idaho
Jennie GRENTHOUSE-sister-resident of Decatur, Texas
Frank AGNEW-resident of Moscow, Idaho
PROBATE CASE # 1289 San Luis Obispo County, CA
Nancy E. CALL-dod: 10/17/1905; resident of San Luis Obispo County;
age: 44 yrs at time will was written 1886
Cyrus Reuben CALL usually known as Silas Reuben CALL aka Reuben S.
CALL-son-administrator-resident of San Luis Obispo County; age: 35 yrs
Mary Rhoda REED-daughter-wife of C. H. REED-resident of San Francisco; age:
41 yrs
Lena SPENCE-daughter-resident of Porterville, Tulare, CA; age: 30 yrs
Stephen Albert CALL-son-resident of San Luis Obispo; age: 33 yrs
PROBATE CASE # 5453 San Luis Obispo County, California
Kate E. CALL- dod: 9/24/1942; widow of Silas Reuban CALL
A. R. CALL- son-administrator of estate; resident of Napa, CA
Beth EVENSON-daughter-resident of Lompoc, CA
PROBATE CASE # 8255 cross ref. with CASE # 3622
Silas Lynn CALL aka Robert CALL
Arthur Reuben CALL-administrator of estate
Kate E. CALL-mother-only heir-inmate at Agnew's State Hospital, Agnew, CA
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 9 PG 45
Alvin Elbert FERNANDEZ, white, male; dob: 5-26-1918 at 9:50 pm; pob: San Luis Obispo county, Santa Fee District
father: Lallie C. FERNANDEZ, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 29 yrs; of the white race; pob: California;
occupation: stock buyer
mother: Bertha Ellen SMITH, resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 26 yrs, of the white race;
pob: California; occupation: housewife
number of children born to this woman including present birth: 4
number of children born to this woman now living: 4
signed: William M. STOVER MD
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 4 PG 402
Coroner's Certificate of Death
Manuel Dutra MARTINES ; infant, male, white; dob/dod: 11/23/1898
father's pob: Portugal
mother's pob: Portugal
Burial 11/24/1898 Catholic Cemetery
T. J. BOWEN Undertaker
Cause of death: Coroner's investigation shows death by natural causes, not of an infectious or contagious nature
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 5 PG 91
California State Board of Health Death Certificate
Joe Enos SILVA; white/male/ married; no dob given; pob: Azores; dod: 1-20-1919 at 5 am; age at time of death: 72yrs,
6 mos, 17 days; pod: Arroyo Grande - residence; usual occupation: rancher; length of stay at pod: 5 yrs 2 mos; in
Ca: 31 yrs 3 mos
spouse: Anna J. SILVA
father: Anton T. SILVA pob: Azores
maiden name of mother: Maria JACINTA pob: Azores
cause of death: arthritis and rhumatism duration - 2 yrs 6 mos
Burial 1-21-1919 Arroyo Grand Cemetery
GWB Cleaver Undertaker
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 15
Bridegroom: Ramon SOTO, native of Mexico, aged 28 yr, resident of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Maria Orafela LINARES, native of San Luis Obispo, aged 14 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
date of marriage: 10-4-1858 by Rev. Juan CAMAPLE Catholic Priest
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 1
Married 5-17-1851 by Rev. Padre GOMEZ, Pio LINARES to Don'a Maria Antonia ORTEGA
Norma Jo Turnbow Accounting officer
Norma Turnbow died peacefully on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2004, after a brief illness. She was 77 years old. She was an
accounting officer. She was born on Oct. 2, 1926, in Bremen, Ind.
She is survived by three children, a son, Fred C. Johnson and his wife, Pat of Paso Robles; a daughter, Mary Jo Henry
and her husband, Duncan of Roxbury, Conn., and a son, Charles P. Johnson and his wife, Martie of Visalia. She is also
survived by 10 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. She is a member of the Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Visalia. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bunn H. Turnbow of San Miguel, Calif.
Norma was a native of Mishawaka, Ind., and was known to many in the Visalia area for her beautiful stained-glass work.
She was a woman of remarkable talents and was a wonderful mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and friend. She loved
her family dearly and was always there for them. She will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her and will be
fondly remembered by many for her independent spirit, her zest for life and her ability to meet any problem in life with
Services will be private. Arrangements are by Miller Memorial Chapel, Visalia.
Remembrances may be made to University of California, Davis, Animal Science Department, 1 Shields Avenue, Davis,
CA 95616.
Source Citation: Newspaper:
Visalia Times-Delta
; Publication Date:
22 Sep 2004
; Publication Place:
Visalia , CA , Us
Book of Marriages BK A PG 1
Certificate of marriage of David MALLAGE and Juanita CARRILLO, January 19, 1851
married by Padre Miguel Gomez cirs(cirsa) de San Luis Obispo
Book of Marriages Bk A PG 335
David MALLAGE, a resident of San Luis Obispo, aged 23 yrs and
Isabel "Bella" de ROCO, a resident of San Luis Obispo, being a minor of the age of 17 years and the written consent of
both of her parents being first obtained.
dom: 2-5-1879 in San Luis Obispo by A. Roussel Catholic Priest
witnesses: Joseph ROCA and Felicidad MALLAGH, both residents of San Luis Obispo
Telegram-Tribune, San Luis Obispo Co CA 21 Nov 1942 - Cobb Funeral Mass Scheduled
A requiem mass for the repose of the soul of Lawrence Arthur Cobb, well known resident and proprietor of Cobb ’ s
Fremont Grocery will be celebrated at the Old mission Saturday at 10am by Rev Ignatius Loughran.
Commitment services were conducted by Rev Patrick Daly at the Catholic Cemetery where interment was made in the
family plot under the direction of the R F Richardson Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were William Luecke, William Shipsey, Alan Ochs and J E Moreley.
Mr Cobb died Wednesday following an extended illness.
SLO Daily Telegram – 14 Dec 1935 - Funeral for Frank Wieser
Frank Wieser, a well known resident of SLO, passed away in Paso Robles Friday afternoon at 2:50 o ’ clock after an
illness of several months. He was born in Chicago, IL, October 25, 1881 , and was 54 years of age at the time of his death.
Surviving him are his wife, Mrs Rose Wieser and the following children, Elsie and Walter of SLO, Mrs John Sandbert, Jr,
Mrs W E Roddewig, and James Wieser of Los Angeles. Two sisters, Mrs Annie Leudtke of Chicago and Mrs Bertha
Joyner of Semmes, AL and two brothers, Benjamin Wieser of SLO and Walter W Wieser of Chicago.
Mr Wieser was a well-known mechanic of this city and had scores of friends who will regret his passing.
Funeral services will be held at the Chapel of R F Richardson Funeral Home Monday afternoon at 2 o ’ clock conducted by
Rev F J Hart, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.
Telegram-Tribune, San Luis Obispo County, CA 16 Dec 1964 - Florence W Griswold
A funeral service for Mrs Florence W Griswold, 80, will be held 2pm Saturday at Reis Colonial Chapel, SLO. Members of
the LDS will officiate at the service. Burial will be in the IOOF Cemetery. Mrs Griswold died Monday at her home in SLO
She was born September 15 1884 in Tampa, Florida, one of nine children to the late August and Amanda Wendhorst
early pioneer residents of St Charles, MO. Mrs Griswold has lived in CA since 1907 and in SLO for the past 29 years.
She was a member of Ramona Chapter #97 Eastern Star of Arroyo Grande. Mrs Griswold is survived by a sister, Mrs
Olive Robbbins, Tampa, FL.
Telegram Tribune, San Luis Obispo Co., CA 17 January 1975 - Annabell Weber
Graveside funeral services for Annabell Weber, 63, of SLO will be at 9:30am Saturday at the Odd Fellows Cemetery in
SLO Miss Weber died Tuesday after a lengthy illness. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Sutcliffe Mortuary,
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 14 PG 459
Orraton Junior WILLIAMS, male, dob: 1-12-1929, pob: Creston, San Luis
Obispo County, born alive at 2 pm
father, Orraton Owen WILLIAMS, resident of Creston, San Luis Obispo County,
white race, age 28 yrs, pob: Arkansas, occupation: laborer, orchard work
mother: Lillie XX (last name with held per Ca state law), resident of
Creston, San Luis Obispo County, white race, age 20 yrs, pob: Arkansas,
occupation: housewife
G. David Kelker MD Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK P PG 460
Groom: Orraton WILLIAMS, native of Arkansas, aged 26 yrs, resident of
Creston, County of San Luis Obispo, of the white race, prior marriage:
divorced-widowed, 2nd marriage, occupation: laborer; father: J. D.
WILLIAMS pob: Texas; mother: Annie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Iowa
Bride: Ida ANDREWS, native of Arkansas, aged 19 yrs, resident of Creston,
County of San Luis Obispo, of the white race, single, 1st marriage,
occupation: housekeeper; father: J.S. ANDREWS pob: Missouri; mother:
Jane M. XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Arkansas
witnesses: Joseph S. ANDREWS, resident of Creston and Mamie HARGER,
resident of Paso Robles
dom: 401401928 in San Luis Obispo by William Mallagh Justice of the Peace
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 152 PG 922
Hazel Marguerite MILLER, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 1-27-1901; pob:
Ohio; dod: 11-12-1997 at 1500 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton;
age: 96 yrs; level of education: 8 yrs; occupation: self-employed,
owner Dairy barn equipment sales for 15 yrs; usual residence: Paso Robles,
5 yrs in this county; never in the military
informant: Bonnie PENNER - daughter Paso Robles
father: George EASTERBROOK pob: unknown
mother: Ida XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: Bilateral pneumonia/aortic stenosis, severe
Katherine Newcombe MD
Cr/Bu 11-17-1997 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Los Osos Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 38 PG 667
Groom: Wayne Edward MASTEN, dob: 5-23-1947, age 34 yrs, # this marriage:
1, pob: Ca, residence: San Luis Obispo, occupation: salesman, retail,
education: 12, father: Leonard M. MASTEN pob: New York, mother: Erma
XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Missouri
Bride: Bonnie Jean MILLER, dob: 5-30-1949, age 32 yrs, # this marriage: 1,
Pob: Ca, residence: San Luis Obispo, occupation: Sales, Auto, education:
12, father: George A. MILLER pob: Kansas, mother: Madge XX(last name
with held per Ca state law) pob: Arkansas
witnesses, Charles W. LACKIE and Dorothy M. MELIA residents of San Luis Obispo
dom: 10-24-1981 in San Luis Obispo by Corey Melia Grace Church
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 42 PG 23
Bonnie Jean MILLER, female, dob: 5-30-1949, single, pob: French Hospital, San Luis
Obispo County, born alive at 10:11 pm 5# 13 oz
father, George Andrew MILLER, white race, age 37 yrs, pob: Kansas,
occupation: service ma, Sears Roebuck Co
mother: Madge Avern XX(last name with held per Ca state law), white race,
age 31 yrs, pob: Arkansas,, resident of San Luis Obispo
signed: Mrs. Madge MILLER
BK 141 PG 546
Faye Irene PAREGIEN, female/white/married, dob: 4-2-1911; pob: Oklahoma; dod: 11-18-1991 at 1643
hrs; pod: French Hospital; age: 80 yrs; surviving spouse: Marvin PAREGIEN; citizen of the USA; never in the
military; occupation: checker - retail merchant, Brixley Grocery for 20 yrs; level of education: 12 yrs; usual
residence: Orcutt Rd., San Luis Obispo; 23 yrs in this county
informant: Rose CLEGG - daughter San Luis Obispo
father: Mose F. BUCKNER pob: AR
mother: Grace XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: AR
cause of death: acute myocardial infarction/ischemic heart disease Thomas Dorman MD
Burial 11-20-1991 Lawn Memorial Park SLO - Reis Chapel
BK 129 PG 968
Irene PAREGIEN, female/white/married, dob: 12-20-1902; pob: Ca; dod: 11-11-1984 at 1915 hrs; pod: Sierra
Vista Hospital; age: 81 yrs; surviving spouse: Theodore PAREGIEN; citizen of the USA; not
Hispanic; occupation: teacher for 24 years, Visalia School district; usual residence: 6th St., Los Osos informant:
husband Los Osos
father: George W. DILLIE pob: Missouri
mother: Carrie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: England
cause of death: end stage congestive heart failure/advanced coronary artery disease Arthur Silverstein DO
Cremation 11-14-1984
Benedict-Rettey Crematory
Book of Deaths cert # 2003000257
Doris Maxine LITTERLY, female/white/never married; dob: 10-7-1921; pob: Illinois; dod: 2-16-2003 at
1314 hrs; pod: residence, Morro Bay; age: 81 yrs; education: Associates degree; not Hispanic; occupation: legal
secretary for 40 yrs; 35 yrs in this county
informant: Nicki TURNER - niece Sabine Hill, Henderson, Nevada
father: George Franklin LITTERLY pob: Illinois
mother: Lila Audeline XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: malnutrition & dehydration/metastic adenocarcinoma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, smoker
Cr/Bu 2-18-2003 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park Los Osos
Book of Deaths BK 132 PG 900
Merdise - BAINE, female/Caucasian/divorced; dob: 5-10-1928; pob: Ca;
dod: 10-27-1986 at 1600 hrs; pod: own home; citizen of the USA; 58 yrs
old; occupation: office manager for 31 yrs Maino Properties; usual
address: Flora St, SLO
informant: Betty MAINO - friend - Modesto, Ca
father: John HOFFMAN pob: Ca
mother: unknown
cause of death: heart failure/pulmonary fibrosis/agnogenic myloid dysplasia
Cremation 10-30-1986 Chapel of the Roses Atascadero
Lawn Memorial Park Mortuary
Telegram Tribune 10-29-1982 page C - 10
Merdise BAINE
A 32 year San Luis Obispo resident, Merdise BAINE, 58, died Monday, Oct. 27, at her home.
Memorial services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at the United Methodist Church in San Luis Obispo. The Rev. Lanny
Arrowsmith will officiate. Cremation has taken place under the direction of Lawn Memorial Park Mortuary.
Mrs. BAINE was born May 10, 1928, in Ukiah. She had worked as office manage for Charles Maino for 32 years.
She has no known close survivors.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 20044000889
Groom: Joshua Michael HART, dob: 12-29-1970; pob: Illinois; residence; Grover Beach; occupation: Laborer,
Construction; Education: 12 yrs; father: Michael Dennis HART pob: Illinois; mother: Deborah Jean XX(last name with
held per Ca state law) pob: TX
Bride: April Nicole MONTGOMERY, dob: 4-26-1979; pob: CA; residence: Grover Beach; occupation: caregiver -
Home Health; education: 10 yrs; father: Emmett Ronald MONTGOMERY pob: CA; mother: Allyson Ann XX(last name
with held per Ca state law)pob: CA
witness: Victoria NOE Grover Beach
married 6-4-2004 in Pismo Beach by Nelson G. NOE Pastor
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 4200440000206
Groom: Bradley Earl HART, dob: 11-11-1978; pob: CA; residence; Torrance, CA, Los Angeles
county; occupation: auto technician; Education: 12 yrs; father: Roger Ray HART pob: SD; mother: Laura
June XX(last name with held per CA stte law) pob: CA
Bride: Alannah Renee OLIVAS, dob: 8-3-1984; pob: CA; residence: Arroyo Grande; occupation: painter -
construction; education: 12 yrs; father: Titus Daniel OLIVAS pob: CA; mother: Denise Lorine XX(last name with held
per CA state law) pob: AZ
witness: Ken HART Torrance
married 3-13-2004 in San Luis Obispo by John Dollinger - Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 44 PG 17
Norvin Robert STROBRIDGE, white/male/married; dob: 11-19-1879; pob: Indiana; dod: 6-7-1961 at 10:30am;
age: 81 yrs; pod: General Hospital; surviving spouse: Laura STROBRIDGE -
homemaker; occupation: general labor for 60 yrs; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Oceano; 35 yrs in this
county; 75 yrs in Ca
father: Allanson STROBRIDGE pob: England
mother: Maryetta XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Wales
cause of death: excanguination/ileogastric intussusception/bronchopneumonia rt & lft lower lobes
Burial 6-10-1961 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Earl W. Woods Funeral Chapel
San Luis Obispo County Cert # 2008001277
Bill Gene HART; male/Caucasian/married; dob: 9-15-1928; pob: Ca; dod: 8-5-2008 at 2015
hrs; pod: residence; age: 79 yrs; surviving spouse: Freda Lavelle RILEY; not Hispanic; Education: High School
graduate; occupation: engineer for 32 yrs at Cal Poly University; residence: Paso Robles; 29 yrs in community of
death; never in the military
informant: Freda HART - wife
father: Charles Alfred HART pob: WA
mother: Tottie Marie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
cause of death: congestive heart failure/coronary artery disease/atrial fibrillation
Burial 8-12-2008 San Miguel Cemetery
Kuehl - Nicolay Funeral
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 24 PG 10
Mamie THOMPSON, female/white/widow; dob: 9-15-1880; pob: Bolinas, Ca; dod: 6-17-1946 at 8 am; pod: Paso
Robles; husband: Arthur E. THOMPSON - deceased; occupation: housewife; age: 65 yrs, 9 mos, 2 days; 31 yrs in
this community; Ca: life; residence: Paso Robles
informant: Otto KUEHL Paso Robles
father: John BROWN pob: Scotland
mother: Mary Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ireland
cause of death: chronic myocarditis/arterio hypertension
Burial 6-19-1946 Paso Robles Holy Cross Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 151 PG 343 (computer)
Arthur Jesse THOMPSON, male/white/married; dob: 8-5-1917; pob: MN; dod: 1-22-1997 at 0700 hrs; pod: Pacific
Care Center, Morro Bay; surviving spouse: Bettyruth CORTELYORI; occupation: Mechanical engineer C.D.I defense
industry for 45 yrs; age: 79 yrs; 19 yrs in this community; usual residence: Los Osos
informant: Bettyruth THOMPSON - wife
father: Jesse Lysander THOMPSON pob: MN
mother: Edith Etta XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IA
cause of death: arrhythmia/coronary hypertension/renal failure/anemia/gastro-intestinal bleeding
Bu/Res 1-25-1997 Los Osos
McDermott - Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2007001289
Groom: Wade Edson STROBRIDGE; dob: 3-13-1978; residence: Morro Bay; pob: Ca; never before
married; occupation: Real Estate investor; education: 12 yrs; father: Dale Edson
STROBRIDGE pob: Ca; mother: Valerie Ann XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: KS
Bride: Carissa Rachelle MUNSON; dob: 5-22-1982; residence: Morro Bay; pob: Ca; never before
married; occupation: reg. dental assistant; education: 14 yrs; father: Ronald Munson pob: Pa; mother: Anita
Webb XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: NC
witnesses: Ronald E. MUNSON, resident of Cool, Ca and Dale STROBRIDGE, resident of Atascadero
dom: 9-17-2007 in Cambria by Rev. Garrett Anderson
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2001001546
Groom: Michael Alan STROBRIDGE; dob: 3-21-1976; residence: Atascadero; pob: Ca; never before
married; occupation: auto mechanic; education: 12 yrs; father: Tim Alan STROBRIDGE pob: Ca; mother: Mary
Teresa XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
Bride: Autumn Grace Van HERK; dob: 11-16-1979; residence: Atascadero; pob: Ca; never before
married; occupation: reception - financial; education: 12 yrs; father: Victor Leopold Van
HERK pob: CN; mother: Laura Joan XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
dom: 11-9-2001 in San Luis Obispo by Martha Burkett - deputy Commissioner civil marriages
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths Cert # 2002001260
Richard Mathew STROBRIDGE Jr., Caucasian/male/widower; dob: 5-4-1916; pob: ID; dod: 8-14-2002 at 2255
hrs; age: 86 yrs; pod: residence; occupation: computer engineer for 30 yrs; never in the military; usual
residence: Arvin Trail, California Valley; 1 yr in this community; education: 14 yrs
informant: Chris BOWMAN - son - Palmdale, Ca
father: Richard Mathew STROBRIDGE Sr. pob: unknown
mother unknown
cause of death: hypertensive arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cr/Res 8-21-2002 Palmdale, Ca
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 110 PG 546
Laura Rose STROBRIDGE, white/female/widow; dob: 10-31-1885; pob: Ca; dod: 12-27-1972 at 5:45 am; age: 87
yrs; pod: South County Convalescent Center, Arroyo Grande; occupation: housewife for 60 yrs; citizen of the
USA; usual residence: 15th St., Oceano; 87 yrs in this community; Ca: life
informant: Bernice MURRAY Oceano
father: Juan B. CAREAGA pob: Ca
mother: Rosa XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: cardio respiratory arrest/cardio vascular renal disease/general arteriosclerosis
Burial 12-29-1972 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Woods Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK A PG 322
Groom: John Franklin BLACK, resident of Adelaide, County of San Luis Obispo, aged 30 years
Bride: Sarah M. PHILBROOK, resident of Adelaide, County of San Luis Obispo, aged 34 yrs
Witnesses: J. V. YOUNG and L. D. BECKETT, both residents of Adelaide
dom: 11-14-1878 in Bethel Church by S. P. Sutton Minister of the Gospel
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK B PG 401
Groom: William B. KNIGHT, resident of San Luis Obispo, mother is a native of England, father is a native of England,
never before married
Bride: Emma BARNETT, resident of Paso Robles, mother is a native of Missouri, father is a native of Missouri, never
before married
witnesses: A. Laura BARNETT, resident of Paso Robles and David WAIT, resident of Cholame
dom: 12-17-1889 in Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK I PG 598
Groom: Royce R. CASE, native of Ca, aged 20 yrs, resident of Burbank,
County of Los Angeles, of the White race - the said Royce R. CASE being a
minor, the written consent of his mother Mrs. Florence CASE is first had and
Bride: Edna Irleen STENNER, native of Ca, aged 20 yrs, resident of San Luis
Obispo, of the white race
Witnesses: William STENNER and Mrs. H. E. STENNER, residents of San Luis
dom: 5-1-1913 in San Luis Obispo by Holman B. Turner Minister of the
Marriages BK I PG 599
Groom: Albert JOHNSON, native of Minnesota, aged 34 yrs, resident of Templeton, of the white race
Bride: Charlotte Emelia ERICKSON, native of Minnesota, aged 31 yrs, resident of Templeton, of the white race
witnesses: Joe JOHNSON, resident of Templeton and Elaine KRUELL, resident of Berkeley
dom: 5-4-1913 in Templeton by Petrus E. Berg Lutheran Pastor
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 152 PG 208 computer
Carmie Earl BLANCHARD; male/white/widower; dob: 6-16-1910; pob: IA;
dod: 6-27-1997 at 0200 hrs; pod: Sea Shell Communities, Morro Bay; age:
yrs; occupation: electrical engineer at PG&E for 36 yrs; education: 11
yrs; not Hispanic; never in the military; usual residence: San Luis
Obispo; 36 yrs in this community
informant: Kenneth BLANCHARD - son Castro Valley, Ca
father: Charles Hinkley BLANCHARD pob: Illinois
mother: Angie Viola XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: dehydration/diabetes/severe peripheral vascular disease
Burial 6-30-1997 at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Reis Chapel Funeral Director
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 151 PG 724 computer
Robert Keith BLANCHARD; male/white/married; dob: 12-7-1935; pob: Ca;
dod: 3-29-1997 at 1652 hrs; pod: French Hospital; age: 61 yrs; surviving
spouse: Anna Ruth BLANCHARD - El Cajon: occupation: minister - missionary
for 38 yrs; education: 24 yrs; not Hispanic; never in the
military; usual residence: El Cajon, San Diego county, Ca; 20 yrs in that community
informant: Anna Ruth SAPP - wife El Cajon, Ca
father: Carmie Earl BLANCHARD pob: IA
mother: Hulda Lee XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: ID
cause of death: cardiac shock - acute myocardial ischemia/coronary arthrosclerosis
Burial 4-3-1997 at El Cajon Cemetery
Reis Chapel Funeral Director
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2002001367
Groom: Michael Warren HART, dob: 8-7-1953; pob: CA; residence; San Luis Obispo; occupation: software
executive; Education: 16 yrs; # prior marriages: 2; last ended in dissolution 1994; father: Warren Harold HART
pob: CA; mother: Barbara Jean XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: CA
Bride: Julie Lynn McCullough HART, dob: 12-1-1965; pob: CA; residence: San Luis Obispo; occupation: homemaker
in own home; education: 12 yrs; 1 prior marriage ended in dissolution 1994; father: Wayne Allen
McCULLOUGH pob: CO; mother: Betty Yvonne XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: OK
married 10-10-2002 in Morro Bay by Linna Thomas - minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages Cert # 2001001216
Groom: John Anthony PARKINSON, dob: 10-12-1962; pob: United Kingdom; residence; Quilter Rd. Basingstoke,
England, United Kingdom; occupation: Builder- Construction; Education: 14 yrs; never before
married; father: Anthony Joseph PARKINSON pob: United Kingdom; mother: Irene Jean XX(last name with held per
Ca state law) pob:United Kingdom
Bride: Alison Louise HART, dob: 9-1-1973; pob: United Kingdom; residence: Quilter Rd. Basingstoke, England, United
Kingdom; occupation: hairdresser; education: 14 yrs; never before married; father: Alan Noel HART pob: United
Kingdom; mother: Maggie XX(last name with held per Ca state law) pob: United Kingdom
witnesses: Kelly RICHARDSON, Arroyo Grande and Bob ACLIN Grover Beach
married 9-2-2001 in Pismo Beach by William F. Irwin - minister
Book of Births BK 54 PG 163 (computer)
Cameron Michael STROBRIDGE, female; dob: 2-19-1999at 2228 hrs; pob: French Hospital; father: Michael Alan
STROBRIDGE pob: Ca dob: 5-21-1979: mother: Autumn Grace XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca dob: 11-16-1979
Book of Births BK 56 PG 46 (computer)
Carla Alison STROBRIDGE, female; dob: 2-13-1979at 0915 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Tim Alan
STROBRIDGE pob: Ca age: 26 yrs: mother: Mary Teresa XX (last name withheld per Ca state law) pob: Ca age: 25
Book of Births BK 11 PG 24 (computer)
Ethan Dale STROBRIDGE, male; dob: 8-3-1981 at 1258 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Dale Edson
STROBRIDGE pob: Ca age: 30 yrs: mother: Valerie Ann XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: KS age: 27
Book of Births BK 4 PG 526
Wade Edson STROBRIDGE, male; dob: 3-13-1978 at 1958 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Dale Edson
STROBRIDGE pob: Ca age: 27 yrs: mother: Valerie Ann XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: KS age: 24
Book of Births BK 1 PG 430
Michael Alan STROBRIDGE, male; dob: 5-21-1976 at 9:50 am; pob: General Hospital; father: Tim Alan
STROBRIDGE pob: Ca age: 23 yrs, Caucasian; occupation: Journeyman clerk - Supermarket; mother: Mary
Teresa XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca age: 23 yrs, Caucasian, resident of San Luis Obispo
Book of Births BK 3 PG 411
Benjamin Joseph KANN, male; dob: 8-10-1977 at 6:18 pm; pob: General Hospital; father: David Joseph
KANN pob: NY age: 33 yrs white resident of San Luis Obispo : mother: Lois Carole XX (last name with held per Ca
state law) pob: NY age: 33 yrs white resident of San Luis Obispo
Book of Births BK 112 PG 544
Rachal Helena KANN, male; dob: 10-15-1973 at 7:40 am; pob: General Hospital; father: David Joseph
KANN pob: NY age: 31 yrs Caucasian professor at State University : mother: Lois Carole XX (last name with held per
Ca state law) pob: NY age: 29 yrs Caucasian
Book of Births BK 18 PG 772
Arielle Faith KANN, female; dob: 1-11-1989 at 0609 hrs; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: David Joseph
KANN pob: NY age: 42 yrs; mother: Lois Carole XX (last name of mother with held per Ca state
law) pob: NY age: 40 yrs
Book of Births BK 39 PG 794 (computer)
Alexis Lynn LEAGE, female; dob: 5-20-1993 at 1435 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Lance Erik
LEAGE pob: Ca dob: 3-12-1966 : mother: Cynthia Lynn XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: FL dob: 9-
Book of Births cert # 2007002728 (computer)
Olivia Claire LEAGE, female; dob: 11-30-2007 at 2030 hrs; pob: French Hospital; father: Lance Erik
LEAGE pob: Ca dob: 3-12-1966 : mother: Rochelle May XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: OR dob: 9-
Book of Births BK 8 PG 969 (computer)
Amber Rose LEAGE, female; dob: 8-9-1980 at 1227 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Gale
Arthur LEAGE pob: Wa age: 26 yrs : mother: Kelly Joanne XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca age: 24 yrs
Book of Births BK 25 PG 533 (computer)
Hannah Bea LEAGE, female; dob: 11-16-1987 at 1028 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Gale
Arthur LEAGE pob: Wa age: 33 yrs : mother: Kelly Joanne XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca age: 32 yrs
Book of Births BK 19 PG 566 (computer)
Jacob Jensen Hayes LEAGE, male; dob: 6-9-1988 at 1009 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Gale
Arthur LEAGE pob: Wa age: 34 yrs : mother: Kelly Joanne XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca age: 33 yrs
Book of Births BK 5 PG 519 (computer)
Rodda Lindsay LEAGE, male; dob: 10-10-1978 at 1310 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Gale
Arthur LEAGE pob: Wa age: 24 yrs : mother: Kelly Joanne XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca age: 24 yrs
Book of Births BK 35 PG 467 (computer)
Taylor Gale LEAGE, male; dob: 8-28-1991 at 1341 hrs; pob: Twin Cities Hospital; father: Gale
Arthur LEAGE pob: Wa dob: 7-3-1954 : mother: Kelly Joanne XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca dob: 11-16-1955
Book of Births BK 3107 PG 624 (computer)
Brandon Jack LEAGE, male; dob: 10-7-1971 at 3:50 pm; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: George William
LEAGE pob: Wa age: 29 white abalone processor: mother: Claire Jean XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca age: 29 yrs white resident of Morro Bay
Book of Births BK 35 PG 591 (computer)
Logan Timothy STOFFLE, male; dob: 9-23-1991 at 0135 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Tim Bryan
STOFFLE pob: Ca dob: 5-25-1968; mother: Traci Renae XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca dob: 6-22-1969
Book of Births BK 45 PG 137 (computer)
Sierra Christine LEAGE, female; dob: 69-20-1995 at 0914 hrs; pob: General Hospital; father: Brad William
LEAGE pob: Ca dob: 2-21-1963; mother: Barbara Ann XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca dob: 12- 30-
Book of Births cert # 2005001315 (computer)
Trason Alexander LEAGE, male; dob: 7-8-2005 at 0649 hrs; pob: French Hospital; father: Travis
Kyle LEAGE pob: Ca dob: 7-16-1974; mother: Cherese Renee XX (last name with held per Ca state
law) pob: Ca dob: 7-30-1972
Book of Births BK 110 PG 179 (computer)
Brodie Allen LEAGE, male; dob:11-4-1972 at 1:04 am; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Ted
Allen LEAGE pob: Ore age: 33 yrs occupation: general contractor carpenter; mother: Leona Joyce XX (last name with
held per Ca state law) pob: Ca age: 28 yrs resident of Los Osos
Book of Births BK 34 PG 958
Daniel Warren LEAGE, male; twin, 2nd born,dob: 6-27-1991 at 1301 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital, father: James
Bryan LEAGE pob: Ca dob: 5-27-1959, mother: Lisa Marie XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca dob: 5- 13-
Book of Births BK 34 PG 959
Dylan James LEAGE, male; twin, 1st born,dob: 6-27-1991 at 1300 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital, father: James Bryan
LEAGE pob: Ca dob: 5-27-1959, mother: Lisa Marie XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca dob: 5-13-
Book of Deaths BK 149 PG 224
Agnes Oliva LEAGE, white/female/widow; dob: 2-16-1903; pob: Norway; dod: 1-5-1996 at 0058 hrs; pod: Sunset
Home Board and Care, Los Osos; age: 92 yrs; never in the military, education: 8 yrs; occupation: self-employed owner
- commercial fishery for 50 yrs; usual residence: Morro Bay; 45 yrs in this community
informant: Orval LEAGE - son
father: Anton HAFFJA pob: Norway
mother: Ragnhild XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Norway
cause of death: cardio pulmonary arrest/pneumonia
Burial 1-9-1996 Cayucos - Morro Bay Cemetery\Benedict - Rettey Mortuary
Book of Deaths BK 155 PG 58 (computer)
Harold Paul PENNER, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 8-24-1910; pob: IN;
dod: 11-6-1998 at 0917 hrs; pod: Twin Cities Hospital Templeton; age:
yrs; was in the Armed Services; education: 12 yrs; usual residence:
Paso Robles; occupation: owner, custom picture framing for 15 yrs; 8 yrs in this community
informant: Bonnie L. PENNER - wife
father: Everet PENNER pob: unknown
mother: Emma XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: IN
cause of death: cardiac arrest/arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Cr/Bu 11-10-1998 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park Los Osos Valley Mortuary
Telegram Tribune
Harold P. PENNER, 88, of Paso Robles died Friday, Nov. 6, 1998, at a Templeton hospital.
Private services have been held. Inurnment will be at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park.
Mr. PENNER was born Aug. 24, 1910, in Princeton, Ind., where he graduated
from Princeton High School. During World War II he served in the U.S. Army
in the European Theater in the 42nd Infantry Division. He was formerly
employed as a furniture craftsman, glazier and independent businessman. He
held one U.S. patent and was an artist, musician and accomplished
woodworker, as well as a husband, father and grandfather.
He is survived by his wife, Bonnie PENNER of Paso Robles; two sons, Franklin
HALL of Flagstaff, Ariz., and Stephen HALL of Atascadero; a daughter, Joanne
BABCOCK of Murietta; granddaughter Sarah HALL of Flagstaff, Ariz.; and a sister Mary BLACK of Oakland City, Ind.
Arrangements are by Los Osos Valley Mortuary in Los Osos.
Death Notice
Telegram Tribune 4-15-2006 page B - 2
PENNER, Bonnie, 78, of San Luis Obispo died Friday, April 14, 2006 at a
local care center. Arrangements are under the direction of Los Osos Valley
No obituary
Book of Deaths Bk 110 PG 884 (computer)
Louise Mary FOWLER; female/white/married; dob: 11-8-1908; pob: AZ; dod: 2-7-1973 at
6am; pod: residence; citizen of the USA; age: 64 yrs; residence: Paso Robles; occupation: homemaker for adult
informant: Louis FOWLER
father: John PEARSON pob: unknown
mother: Perry Lou XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: ventricular fibrillation/arteriosclerotic heart disease/chronic emphysema
Burial 2-9-1973 at Paso Robles Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
Book of Deaths cert @ 2003001291
Orval Arnulf LEAGE aka Oscar JENSEN; male/white/married; dob: 5-19-1926; pob: Wa; dod: 8-26-2003 at 2130
hrs; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 77 yrs; was in the military; education: Bachelors Degree; usual residence: Morro
Bay; occupation: fisherman for 55 yrs; surviving spouse: Jean LEAGE; 46 yrs in this community
informant: Jean Catherine ARTHUR - wife
father: Otelius JENSEN pob: Norway
mother: Agnes XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Norway
cause of death: anoxic brain injury/cardiac arrest.myocardial infarction/coronary artery disease
Burial 9-2-2003 Cayucos - Morro Bay Cemetery
Benedict - Rettey Funeral Home
Book of Deaths cert @ 2004000698
Ted Allen LEAGE aka Oscar JENSEN; male/white/divorced; dob: 10-25-1939; pob: Ore; dod: 4-30-2004 at 1345
hrs; pod: residence; age: 64 yrs; never in the military; education: High School graduate; usual residence: Los
Osos; occupation: handyman - general repairs for 50 yrs; 58 yrs in this community; not Hispanic
informant: LaShone STUCKER - daughter - Sacramento
father: George William LEAGE pob: WA
mother: Agnes XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Norway
cause of death: chronic alcoholism
Cr/Sea 5-5-2004 off the coast of Santa Barbara county
Benedict - Rettey Funeral Home
Book of Deaths cert @ 2008001243
Lance Erik LEAGE ; male/white/never married; dob: 3-12-1966; pob: Ca; dod: 7-27-2008 at 1224 hrs
(FND); pod: Los Padres National Forest; age: 42 yrs; never in the military; education: High School
graduate; occupation: hospitality services - restaurants for 25 yrs; race: Norwegian, English, Scottish
informant: Fritzi MADDADLENA - mother San Luis Obispo
father: George William LEAGE pob: WA
mother: Claire Jean XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
cause of death: multiple blunt force trauma injuries
place of injury: Morro Creek - decedent fell off hiking trail and came to rest in creek; Cerro Alto
Campground/SR41 Morro Bay
Cr/Sea 7-31-2008
Benedict - Rettey Funeral Home
Book of Marriages cert # 2005001077
Groom: James Bryan LEAGE, dob: 5-27-1959; resident of Morro Bay; pob: Ca; 1 prior marriage ended in dissolution
6-2001; occupation: restaurant manager; education: 12 yrs; father: Daniel William
STOFFLE pob: Ca; mother: Claire Jean XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
Bride: Summer Dawn BERCHELL, dob: 10-5-1969; resident of Morro Bay; pob: Ca; education: 16
yrs; occupation: bookkeeping for roofing company; father: Donrovel George BERCHELL pob: Ca; mother: Glenda
Sue XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Ca
dom: 8-14-2005 in Morro Bay by Gary Ryan Minister Morro Bay
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Stephen A. WARREN - centenarian
Stephen A. WARREN, a former Arroyo Grande resident, died Wednesday, March 26, 1997, in a Mountain View care
center. He was 103.
Mr. WARREN was born May 22, 1893, in Texas. He served in the Marines during World War 1. He lived in Arroyo
Grande from 1927 until 1993. He was a real estate broker for 20 years. He was a member of the Veterans of World War
1, Pacific Barracks 1717 of Pismo Beach. He was also a member of the South County Senior Citizens and the Triangle
Grange of Arroyo Grande.
He is survived by two sisters, Fern L. ANDERSON and Ina V. ROSS, both of San Pablo.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary WARREN.
Private inurnment will be at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery.
Arrangements are being handled by Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Ray A. WALKER of Paso Robles died Friday, March 28, 1997, at a convalescent center in Valley Falls, Kan. He was 79.
Mr. WALKER, who had lived in Paso Robles for seven years, earned a Bronze Star for meritorious service in combat as
an Army corporal in Cologne, Germany, in 1945.
He is survived by a son, Edwin C. WALKER of Paso Robles; a daughter, Janis W. LLOYD of Mammoth Lakes; three
grandchildren, Zehpher WALKER, Lia WALKER and Sean LLOYD; a sister, Juanita BARNES of Valley Falls; and a
brother, Ken WALKER of Valley Falls.
Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m., at Buchheim Family Kuehl - Nicolay Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles. Graveside
services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Paso Robles District Cemetery with the Rev. Salvador Parisi of San Miguel
Parish and the Rev. Les Allen officiating.
For those who wish to make memorial contributions , the family suggests Hospice of San Luis Obispo County, 1423
Higuera St., San Luis Obispo, CA. 93401
Buchheim Family Kuehl - Nicolay Funeral Chapel in Paso Robles is Handling arrangements
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Eleanor FRICIA of Grover Beach died Thursday, March 27, 1997, at a Riverside hospital. She was 57.
Ms. FRICIA was born June 5, 1939, in San Luis Obispo. a lifelong resident of San Luis Obispo County, she had lived in
Grover Beach for many years.
She is survived by two sisters and brothers - in - law, Josephine and Chuck NEWTON and Mary and Arnold CASSIDAY,
all of Grover Beach; two brothers and sisters - in - law, Joe and Angelina FRICIA of Arroyo Grande and Salvador and
Roberta FRICIA of Grover Beach; numerous nieces and nephews, and her longtime companion, Dolores MALEC of
Grover Beach.
Ms. FRICIA was preceded in death by her parents, Nino and Jennie FRICIA, and two brothers, Tony and Frank FRICIA.
Burial will be in the Arroyo Grande Cemetery.
Arrangements are being handled by Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Ephraim STARKEY of Grover Beach died Thursday, March 20, 1997, in a Santa Maria hospital. He was 83.
Mr. STARKEY was born Nov. 4, 1913, in Smithfield, W. Va. He moved from West Virginia to Taft in 1921 and then to
Grover Beach in 1940. He retired from Union Oil in 1972 after 31 years of service. He was a member of the San Luis
Obispo Elks for 35 years. He was a charter member of the San Luis Obispo Aerie of the Eagles.
As an early resident of Grover Beach, he was a member of the First Volunteer Fire Department. He worked for the
formation of the Grover Water District and the incorporation of Grover City Civic Association.
He and his wife, Regnhild "Rennie" STARKEY had been married for 61 years on March 15.
Mr. STARKEY is survived by his wife, Rennie STARKEY; a son and daughter - in - law, Ephraim G. Jr. and Judy
STARKEY of Cameron Park; a daughter, Regnhild "Rennie" Starkey MASER of Arroyo Grande; two granddaughters,
"Buddy" Kristi Lynn MASER of Arroyo Grande and Kimberly Ann BANKS and her husband Peter of Oregon; two
grandsons, Arnold STARKEY and his wife Pam of Portland, Ore., and Shane Christian STARKEY of Cameron Park; two
great - grandsons of Oregon; and a beloved pet dog, Popie's little girl, Challenge.
Private graveside were held Tuesday, March 25, at Arroyo Grande Cemetery with Gene Sheperd of Oak Park Christian
Church on Grover Beach officiating.
Arrangements were handled by Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Neva Elizabeth WICKHAM of Avila Beach died Friday, March 28, 1997, in an Arroyo Grande care center. She was 94.
Mrs. WICKHAM was born June 12, 1902, in Evanston, Ind., where she was raised and educated until she moved to
California at the age of 12. She received a teaching credential from the University of Redlands and taught grade school
for 45 years in Creston, Orcutt, Avila Beach and Nipomo area schools.
She is survived by two sons, Tom of Avila Beach and David of Missouri; eight grandchildren and eight great -
grandchildren. Her husband, Thomas WICKHAM, died in 1975. She was preceded on death by two siblings.
At her request, no services will be held. The family suggests a favorite charity of the donor for those who wish to make a
memorial contribution.
Arrangements are being handled by Reis Chapel; in San Luis Obispo.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Alice WALKER, formerly of Atascadero, died Wednesday, March 19, 1997, in a Vacaville area hospital after a short
illness. She was 89.
Mrs. WALKER was born May 25, 1907, in Rock Island, Ill. She lived in Atascadero before moving to Vacaville in 1993 to
be near her daughters.
She was a homemaker for 69 years. She was a life member of the National Federation of Women's Clubs, a member of
the Eastern Star and an avid bridge player at Leisure Gardens in Vacaville.
She is survived by her daughters, Virginia LLOYD - BUTTERFIELD and Marilyn SARANTIS, both of Vacaville; a sister
Ruth FROEHNER of Mucatine, Iowa; seven grandchildren and one great - grandchild.
At her request, no services were held.
Arrangements were handled by Vaca Hills Chapel in Vacaville.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Robert Keith BLANCHARD of El Cajon died Saturday, March 29, 1997, in a San Luis Obispo hospital. He was 61.
The Rev. BLANCHARD was born Dec. 7, 1935, in Los Angeles, one of three sons born to Carmie and Hulda
BLANCHARD. He was raised in Los Angeles and graduated from Livingston High School. After attending junior college,
he graduated from Biola University in LaMirada and received a masters and doctorate in counseling from Luther Rice
Bible College and Seminary in Lithonia, Ga.
He was ordained as a minister in 1957 and served as a missionary in South America and a pastor and evangelist for
many years. His parents attended Grace Church in San Luis Obispo, where he spoke often.
He worked with the Overseas Crusade and Campus Crusade for Christ and was the founder of Church Mobilization I.N.T.
He is survived by his wife of 43 years, Anna R. BLANCHARD of El Cajon; a son and daughter - in - law, Randy K. and
Darlene BLANCHARD of Encinitas, two daughters, Rebecca JORDAN and her husband Gary of Lakeside and Kathleen
Ann BLANCHARD of El Cajon; his father, Carmie BLANCHARD of San Luis Obispo; two brothers, Kenneth L.
BLANCHARD of Castro Valley and William L. BLANCHARD of Kingsburg; four granddaughters, Rachelle, Christina,
Amanda and Danielle JORDAN, all of Lakeside.
He was preceded in death by a son, Robert Keith BLANCHARD Jr.
Service arrangements are pending/ Burial will be in El Cajon Cemetery.
Arrangements are being handled by Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune March 31, 1997 page B - 6
Death Notices
PACHECO, Agnes Arlene, 71, of Arroyo Grande died Friday, March 28, 1997, at her home. Arrangements are pending at
Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach
BAILEY, Roger, 71, of Templeton died Sunday, March 30, 1997, in San Luis Obispo. Arrangements are pending at
Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero.
SECHSER, Arlene May, 78, of San Luis Obispo died Sunday, March 30, 1997, at her home. A memorial Mass is pending
at Old Mission Catholic Church in San Luis Obispo. Arrangements are being handled by Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune
Carmie Earl BLANCHARD, 87, of San Luis Obispo, died Friday June 27, 1997, at Seaside Care Center.
A graveside service will be held today at 1 p.m., at the Los Osos Valley
Memorial Park Cemetery with his son the Rev. Bill BLANCHARD and Scott PETERSON of Grace Church officiating.
Mr. BLANCHARD was born June 16, 1910 in Pulaski, Iowa, the seventh of 11
children born to Charles and Angie Kinman BLANCHARD.
He was raised and educated in Pulaski until he joined the Navy at age 16.
He married Lee HOWELL on June 16, 1931 in Long Beach.
Mr. BLANCHARD was an electrical engineer for Pacific Gas and Electric for 52 years before his retirement.
He was a religious man and devoted much of his time as a missionary to the
California Men's Colony and the County Jail. He was an active member of
Grace Church in San Luis Obispo and was a 50 year member of the
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years, Lee Howell BLANCHARD, his
son Dr. Robert K. BLANCHARD, a grandson Robert K. BLANCHARD and 10 brothers and sisters.
Mr. BLANCHARD is survived by two sons, Kenneth BLANCHARD and wife Miriam of
Castro Valley, and the Rev. Robert BLANCHARD of El Cajon; eight grandchildren and ? great - grandchildren
Contributions in his memory can be made to the Grace Church Missionary Fund.
Arrangements are under the direction of Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune
Corrine Elizabeth HANCOCK, 91, of San Luis Obispo died at her home Thursday June 26, 1997.
Mrs. HANCOCK was born May 31, 1906 in Nashville, Tenn., to James and Lillie CHRISTIAN. She was raised in Arizona
and then moved to California to attend San Diego State University, where she graduated with a teaching credential.
On Aug. 17, 1926, she married John HANCOCK in San Diego.
Mrs. HANCOCK was a teacher all her life and taught grades 6 through 8.
She was active in the Methodist Church, taught Bible School and led an adult church group.
Mrs. HANCOCK was preceded in death by her husband, John HANCOCK, her sister, Alma CHRISTIAN and a
granddaughter, Lauretta Hancock BECKWIDTH.
She is survived by her son, John HANCOCK or Morro Bay, sister, Margaret Lillian MORRISON of Plainview, Texas,
grandson, Roger HANCOCK of Corvallis, Ore., granddaughter, Jonna Lee HANCOCK of Corvallis, Ore., and numerous
nieces and nephews.
No services will be held.
San Luis Obispo Telegram - Tribune
Guy W. WAGNER, 60, of Arroyo Grande died Friday, June 27, 1997, at a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Visitation will be at Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach on Tuesday from noon until 7 p.m. Services
will be held on Wednesday at 2 p.m., also at Marshall - Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Mike SPARROW of the
Agape Christian Fellowship in San Luis Obispo will officiate. Burial will follow at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery.
Mr. WAGNER was born into a large family Aug. 7, 1936, in Des Moines, Iowa. He moved to San Luis Obispo 25 years
ago from North Hollywood. He was a self employed painting contractor for 15 years. Mr. WAGNER enjoyed helping
others and he was a member of several charitable organizations.
He enjoyed fishing and restoring his antique car and was a member of the Antique Car Club of the Central Coast
Mr. WAGNER is survived by his wife of 29 years Sharron WAGNER of Arroyo Grande, two sons, Rick WAGNER and
Mike WAGNER, both of Arroyo Grande; two step - sons, Rod RAYBORNE and Ron RAYBORNE, both of Grover Beach,
six sisters and numerous nieces and nephews.
Mr. WAGNER was preceded in death by his parents and sisters, and one son, Dean Guy WAGNER.
Memorial donations to the family may be made to defray the costs of the funeral expenses.
Telegram Tribune 6-19-1997
Warren "Al" ANGLES, 55, of Paso Robles died at his home Monday, June 16, 1997, after a brief but courageously brave
battle with colon cancer, leaving a lasting legacy of music, education and fitness training.
In accordance with his wishes, he will be cremated and no public service is planned.
Born July 20, 1941, in Los Angeles, Mr. ANGLES began his musical instruction early. His loving mother, Libby, arranged
for him to be tutored on violin at age 8 by Vera Barstow, a well-known concert violinist. He made impressive progress and
by his teens was a member of the prestigious Pasadena Symphony Orchestra. Besides Ms. Barstow, he was influenced
by musical masters Fritz Kreisler and Felix Mendelssohn.
During his teens he became an avid bodybuilder and also boxed professionally. He pursued physical fitness throughout
his life and founded a gym facility with weight lifting equipment in Paso Robles.
He met his lifetime partner, Sharon, when he was 16 years old, and they were married as teen-agers in 1960. One son, Jake,
was born in 1962 and another, Ward, was born in 1965.
After finishing high school, Mr. ANGLES worked at a hamburger stand in San Gabriel owned by Bob and Virginia
Kleckner. He worked during the day and attended college classes at night, and the Kleckners were extremely supportive
of his educational ambitions, as were his wife's aunts, Alma and Alta FIELD and her mother, Martha. He earned a
bachelors degree in English, with a minor in History and a teaching credential and began a long career in education at El
Monte High School in 1965.
In 1969, he moved his family to Paso Robles and served in a variety of educational and administrative capabilities in the
public school systems of Atascadero, Paso Robles and Shandon. He taught various subjects, including English and
Social Studies, and he coached wrestling. In addition to a lifetime K-12 teaching credential, he earned a master's degree
in education from Cal Poly, and administrative credential and a special education specialist/learning handicapped
About 1965, Mr. ANGLES found a special learning and teaching environment at the Shandon Unified School District,
where he taught music and special education among other subjects, until his retirement in the summer of 1996. He
arranged musical recitals in the park in Shandon, where all students had the opportunity to perform if desired.
Known by many as the "Silver Fiddle" his musical influence continued beyond Shandon by way of special concerts which
he held, initially at his ranch east of Paso Robles, and later, at Golden Oak Cafe in Paso Robles. No admission was ever
charged at these concerts and anyone who attended was encouraged to perform. He also taught private music lessons to
children and adults for several years.
He leaves behind his loving wife of 35 years, Sharon; son Jake of Paso Robles and wife Angela, son Ward of Arcata and
wife Julie; his special friends Esther, Gary KLECKNER and Michael and Kay NICKLAS; brothers Darrel of Placerville and
Robert of Rosemead; grandchildren, Zachary Shae and Warren Lee; nephews and nieces, Kimberly, Robert, Steven,
Michael, Beth, and Lydia and numerous friends and supporters, including former students and colleagues.
His family requests that donations be sent to the "Al" ANGLES Memorial Scholarship c/o Sherri Franklin Shandon
Unified School District PO Box 79, Shandon, CA 93461
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 6-28-1997 pg B - 8
Carmie BLANCHARD, 86, of San Luis Obispo died Friday at a Morro Bay care center. Arrangements are pending at Reis
Chapel in San Luis Obispo.
Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 8-3-1982 page B - 6
Emma WINTERS, 67, of Grass Valley, a former resident of San Luis Obispo County, died June 20 in a San Francisco
Services were conducted June 24 at Templeton District Cemetery.
Mrs. WINTERS was a longtime member and past president of the San Luis Obispo Lady Lions Club.
Donations may be made to the Lions Student Speaker Foundation or to the American Heart Association.
Incorrect dates were given in Mrs. WINTERS obituary last week.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 8-3-1982 pg B - 6
COLEMAN, Catherine L. , 57, of Grover City died Monday in an Arroyo Grande hospital. Services pending at Sunset
Funeral Chapel, Grover City.
COLEMAN, Lynn B. , 66, of Atascadero died Monday at home. Services pending at Chapel; of the Roses, Atascadero.
LYNCH, Raymond , 75, of Atascadero died Monday in a Templeton hospital. Services pending at Chapel of the Roses,
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 12 PG 269
Arthur Elmer THOMPSON, white/male/married; dob: 12-29-1880; pob: Illinois; dod: 3-10-1929; pod: near Paso
Robles; age: 48 yrs, 2 mos, 11 days; surviving spouse: Mamie THOMPSON; occupation: rancher; length of residence
at pod: 13 yrs; Ca: 30 yrs
father: John Milton THOMPSON pob: Montana
mother unknown WALKER pob: unknown
cause of death: chronic endocardites duration - 5 yrs/ syphilis - duration: 25 yrs
Burial 3-13-1929 at Holy Cross Cemetery Paso Robles
Palmer Undertaking Paso Robles
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-29-1990 page D - 2
Elia DIAZ, 28, of Grover City died Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1990, in rural Arroyo Grande as the result of an automobile accident.
Visitation will be from 10 a.m. today until the recitation of the rosary and the celebration of the Mass at 6 p.m. at St.
Patrick's Catholic Church in Arroyo Grande. The Rev. Eugenio Aramburo will officiate. Burial will follow in Mexico at a
later date.
Mrs. Diaz was born July 10, 1962, in Mexico. She had been a resident of the Central Coast since 1980.
She was a field worker. She was also a wife and mother.
Mrs. DIAZ is survived by her husband, Joel DIAZ of Grover City; a son, Nivar DIAZ of Grover City; a daughter, Berenis
DIAZ of Grover City; two brothers, Javier and Fidencio VARGAS, both of Mexico; and three sisters, Piedad, Teresa and
Berta VARGAS, all of Mexico.
Arrangements are by Lady Family Mortuary in Arroyo Grande.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-29-1990 page D - 2
Maria Antonia MUNOZ, 29, of Grover City died Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1990, in rural Arroyo Grande as the result of an
automobile accident.
Visitation will be from 10 a.m. today until the recitation of the rosary and the celebration of the Mass at 6 p.m. at St.
Patrick's Catholic Church in Arroyo Grande. The Rev. Eugenio Aramburo will officiate. Burial will follow in Mexico at a
later date.
Mrs. MUNOZ was born July 12, 1961, in Mexico. She had lived in the Central Coast since 1973, coming from Mexico.
She was a field worker as well as a wife and mother.
Mrs. MUNOZ is survived by her husband, Ysidor MUNOZ of Grover City; two sons, Ysidor MUNOZ Jr. and Nestor
MUNOZ, both of Grover City; her parents, Alfonso and Maria DIAZ, of Mexico; five brothers, Joel, Landro, Arturo, Miguel
and Alfonso DIAZ, all of Grover City;and a sister, Maria de CARMEN of Grover City.
Arrangements are by Lady Family Mortuary in Arroyo Grande.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-29-1990 page D - 2
Alden Russell SPURR, 87, of Grover City died Monday, Nov. 26, 1990, at a Santa Maria Hospital.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at the Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover City. The Rev. James
Vanwormer of the Nipomo Christian Church will officiate. Burial will be at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery.
Mr. SPURR was born Sept. 29, 1903, in Forestville, N. Y. He moved to Grover City from Florida in 1985.
He was a retired quarryman for the Vermont Marble Company.
Before his eyesight got bad, he enjoyed working with wood, making small toys and crafts. He was an avid gardener and
enjoyed traveling throughout the United States.
Mr. SPURR is survived by a daughter, Arlene PARKER of Nipomo; three sons, Alden R. SPURR Jr. of Florida, Lawrence
E. SPURR of New York and Robert E. SPURR of Maine; 11 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and three great-great-
He was preceded in death by his wife Bernadette, in 1982.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-29-1990 page D - 2
Loyce Eric WINSLETT, 74, of Oceano died Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1990, at an Arroyo Grande hospital.
Visitation will be from 1 to 7 p.m. today at the Lady Family Mortuary in Arroyo Grande. Graveside services will be at 1o
a.m. Friday at the Arroyo Grande Cemetery.
Mr. WINSLETT was born April 23, 1916, in Corsicana, Texas. He had been a resident of the Central Coast for more than
25 years.
He was a veteran of World War II.
Mr. WINSLETT worked as a truck driver in the construction business for more than 25 years.
He was a past member of Veterans of Foreign Wars in Pismo Beach.
Mr. WINSLETT is survived by his wife, Marian WINSLETT of Oceano; two sons, Bill WINSLETT of Grover City and
George WINSLETT and his wife, Hazel, of Oceano; a daughter, Carol RIVAS and her husband, Frank, of Arroyo Grande;
eight grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-29-1990 page D - 2
Charles Basil THOMPSON, 77, of Los Osos died Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1990, at his residence.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park. Elks Lodge No. 322 will officiate. Cremation will be
followed by a scattering of ashes at sea.
Mr. THOMPSON was born July 6, 1913, in Sioux City, Iowa.
He worked as an industrial engineer for Hughes Aircraft until his retirement in 1971. He then owned and operated
Thompson True Value Hardware in Cambria until 1977.
Mr. THOMPSON was an active golfer, and was a member of the Morro Bay Golf Club and the Senior Men's Golf Club.
He was a member of Elks Lodge 322.
Mr. THOMPSON is survived by his wife of 51 years, Patricia THOMPSON of Los Osos; a sister Phoebe SPRIGGS of
Studio City; two daughters, Kathleen THOMAS of Boulder Creek, Colo., and Susan MILLER of Roland Heights; four
grandchildren, Patricia BRADLEY, Steven HOWARD, and Kimberly and Dawn MILLER; and a great-granddaughter,
Gwendolyne HOWARD.
Contributions may be made to St. Jude's Children's Hospital, P. O. Box 1818, Memphis, Tenn., 38101-9903.
Arrangements are by the Central Coast Memorial Society
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-29-1990 page D - 2
Laura MARTIN, 76, of San Luis Obispo died Tuesday, Nov. 27, 1990, at a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Visitation will be from 1 to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8 p. m. today at the Benedict - Rettey Mortuary in Morro Bay. Services will be
at 1 p.m. Friday at the Los Osos Valley Memorial Park. Estero Chapter No. 587 of the Order of Eastern Star will officiate.
Mrs. MARTIN was born June 12, 1914, in Sacramento. She had been a resident of San Luis Obispo for 19 years and
was a former resident of Carmichael.
She married Theodore F. MARTIN in Oakland in 1932, and enjoyed her family and homemaking.
Mrs. MARTIN was a Civil Service worker at McClellan Air Force Base in Sacramento for 22 years.
She was a member of the Estero Chapter No. 587, Order of Eastern Star in Morro Bay.
In addition to her husband, Theodore, Mrs. MARTIN is survived by her mother, Olive Mary DAVIS of Carmichael; a son,
Richard F. MARTIN of Los Angeles; a daughter, Carolynn D. PETERSEN of Solvang; a brother, Donald DAVIS of Idaho;
a sister, Helen ANDERSEN of Citrus Heights; three grandchildren, Laura PETERSEN of Boston, Linda PETERSEN-
MARZULLO of Santa Ynez and Thomas Theodore PETERSEN of Santa Ynez; and a great-grandson, James Thomas
MARZULLO of Santa Ynez.
Contributions may be made to the Order of Eastern Star, the Cancer Foundation or the Arthritis Foundation.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 11-29-1990 pg D -2
ELLING, Kathryn, 77, of San Luis Obispo died Friday, Nov. 23, at a San Luis Obispo hospital. Services will be at 11 a. m.
Friday at St Stephen's Episcopal Church in San Luis Obispo. Arrangements are by Reis Chapel in San Luis Obispo
ROYCE, William C., 77, of Morro Bay died today at a San Luis Obispo hospital. Services are pending at Benedict -
Rettey Mortuary in Morro Bay.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune
Louis FOWLER of Paso Robles, died Saturday Oct. 18, 1997, at his home. He was 84.
Mr. FOWLER was born June 27, 1913 in Dover, Ark. He served with the Army Air Corps during World War II.
A resident of Paso Robles for 53 years he had been a self-employed glass
merchant for many years. He loved being a candidate coach for Paso Robles
Masonic Lodge No. 286 F & AM and was a recipient of the Masonic Hiram Award, one of the highest honors bestowed
upon a Mason Mr. FOWLER was a member of the American Legion.
He is survived by his wife of 23 years, Jayne FOWLER of Paso Robles; two
sisters, Margaret DYKES of Amite, La., and Nellie DUNAWAY of Foxworth,
Miss., and many nieces and nephews.
Graveside services will be held at 1 p. m. Tuesday at Paso Robles District
Cemetery with the Rev. Les Allen officiating. For those who wish to make
memorial donations, the family suggests Paso Robles Area Historical Society.
Book of Deaths BK 143 PG 753
Agnes Lavada MELICK, female/white/widow; dob: 2-23-1903; pob: NB; dod:
2-1-1993 at 0243 hrs; pod: Seashell Community Convalescent, Morro Bay;
age: 89 yrs; not Hispanic; education: 8 yrs; usual residence: Anchor
St., Morro Bay; never in the military; citizen of the USA; 30 yrs in this
community; occupation: housewife for 69 yrs
informant: Tressie M. INGLE - sister Caldwell, ID
father: Frank PARKHURST pob: IA
mother: Millie XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: malnutrition and dehydration/multiple CVA/cerebral
arteriosclerosis/CAF/recurrent aspiration
Burial Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
Death Notice
Telegram Tribune 2-1-1993 page A - 6
MELICK, Agnes L., 89, of Morro Bay died today at a Morro Bay care center.
Services are pending at Benedict - Rettey Mortuary in Morro Bay.
Telegram Tribune 2-6-1993 page C - 8
Agnes L. MELICK, 89, of Morro Bay died Monday, Feb. 1, 1993, at a Morro Bay
care center.
A graveside service will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at Los Osos Valley
Memorial Park. The Rev. Robert Smythe will officiate. Burial will take
place at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park.
Mrs. MELICK was born Feb. 23, 1903, in Nebraska. She lived in Morro Bay for
30 years and was a housewife throughout her adult life. She was also a
member of the Morro Bay Senior Citizens.
She is survived by three sisters, Tressie M. INGLE of Caldwell, Idaho, Faye
LEIS of Scotts Bluff, Neb., and Leta HARSHBARGER of Ealton, Ill.; and a
brother, Murray TENNIS of San Antonio, Texas.
Arrangements are by Benedict - Rettey Mortuary in Morro Bay.
Book of Deaths BK 100 PG 307
Walter Clifton MELICK, male/white/married; dob: 9-10-1901; pob: Ca; dod:
6-29-1969 at 9 am; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital, age: 67 yrs; usual
residence: Anchor St., Morro Bay; 5 yrs in this community; Ca: life;
occupation: Salesman for 25 yrs, Justin Realty
informant: Mrs. Agnes MELICK - wife
father: Clyde MELICK pob: Illinois
mother: Catherine XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: acute myocardial infarction/coronary artery
thrombosis/generalized arteriosclerosis/cerebral vascular
hemorrhage/arteriosclerosis/CAF/recurrent aspiration
Burial 7-2-1969 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary Morro Bay
Telegram Tribune 6-30-1969 page 12
MELICK, Walter Clifton., 67, of Morro Bay died Saturday in a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Services are pending at Benedict - Rettey Mortuary in Morro Bay.
Telegram Tribune 7-1-1969 page 12
A funeral service for Walter C. MELICK of Morro Bay will be conducted at 11
a.m. Wednesday at Benedict - Rettey Mortuary there.
The Rev. Glenn Hascall will officiate and interment will follow in Los Osos Valley Memorial Park.
Mr. MELICK died Sunday in a San Luis Obispo hospital. He was 67.
He was born on Sept. 10, 1901, in Carpenteria and had resided in Morro Bay
for the past 5 years. He was a former resident of Huntington Beach and was
a retired real estate salesman.
Survivors include the widow, Agnes MELICK of Morro Bay.
Book of Deaths BK 123 PG 25
Ruth LaBrooke MELICK, female/white/widow; dob: 3-24-1892; pob: Canada; dod:
12-29-1979 at 1330 hrs; pod: Carlton Hotel, Atascadero; age: 87
yrs; ethnicity: Canadian; citizen of Canada; usual residence: El Camino
Real, Atascadero; occupation: homemaker for 67 yrs
informant: Donald MELLICK - son - Atascadero
father: John BAILEY pob: England
mother: Elizabeth XX (last name with held per Ca state law) pob: England
cause of death: cardiac arrest/myocardial fibrosis/ASHD
Burial 1-201980 Forest Lawn Memorial Park Hollywood Hills, Ca
Chapel of the Roses Mortuary Atascadero
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 10-13-1982 page C - 8
Margaret Mansfield ROBERTS, a resident of Los Osos for 20 years, died
Saturday at home. She was 84.
Memorial services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at Los Osos Valley Memorial Park.
She was born April 8, 1893, in Arkansas. She was a housewife for 40 years.
She was a member of San Luis Obispo County Cowbelles and the Druids in Cayucos.
She is survived by a half brother, Alfred Mansfield of Oregon, and two half
sisters, Rose VARM and Elizabeth THOMPSON, both of Santa Barbara.
Memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 10-13-1982 page C - 8
Wilbert Carl BAER,, a resident of Morro Bay for 20 years, died Friday at a San Luis Obispo hospital. She was 81.
Private services have been held. Burial was in Los Osos Valley Memorial Park.
Mr. BAER was born Feb. 22, 1901, in Wisconsin. He was a refinery operator for 33 years with Standard Oil Co. He lived
in Avenal from 1933 to 1972.
His survived by his wife, Kathryn; a daughter, Barbara DOEPEL of Peru; a son, Charles, of Reno, Nevada; two sisters,
Ellen LUXON and Serepta MOHN, both of Los Angeles; seven grandchildren and 2 great - grandchildren.
Memorial donations may be made to the American Cancer Society.
Benedict - Rettey Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.
San Luis Obispo Telegram Tribune 10-13-1982 page C - 8
Elizabeth M. MYERS, of Paso Robles died Friday in a San Luis Obispo hospital. She was 68.
Memorial services will be held Thursday at 11 a..m. at Kuehl - Nicolay Chapel in Paso Robles. The Rev. Robert Pryor of
Santa Barbara Presbyterian Church will officiate.
She was born Nov. 14, 1913, in Oklahoma. She had lived in Paso Robles for three years.
She is survived her mother, Bertha MYERS of Los Gatos, a sister, Edna TRIPP of Los Gatos, and two brothers; Arthur
MYERS of Chico and Robert MYERS of Willow Grove, Pa.
BK 148 PG 970 Book of Deaths
Lorraine O. ZIMMER, female/white/married; dob: 7/5/1915; pob: Illinois;
dod: 11/16/1995 at 1935 hrs; pod: residence; age: 80; occupation: interviewer US Government for 12 yrs - Civilian
Personnel; residence: Paso Robles
20 yrs in county of death & CA; never in the military; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA
informant: Robert E. ZIMMER - husband
father: Arthur OMHOLT pob: Illinois
mother: Marie NELSON pob: Illinois
cause of death: congestive heart failure/coronary artery disease/COPD
Cr/Bu 11/21/1995 Paso Robles District Cemetery Buckheim Family
Kuehl-Nicolay Mortuary
BK 8 PG 52 Book of Deaths
Reuben A. GORSLIN, male/white/single; dod: 2/15/1920; age: 20 yrs;
occupation: ranching; pob: Glendale, CA
father: Mark GORSLIN pob: Illinois
mother: Ida GOODRICH pob: Wisconsin
cause of death: onfluenza - pneumonia
Burial Arroyo Grande
BK 20 PG 563 Book of Births
Michael Ross INGRAHAM, male,full term, dob: 8/5/1937, born alive at 2:37 pm
father: George Elton INGRAHAM, resident of San Luis Obispo, white, age 29, pob: New York, occupation: mechanic for
JJ Dun for 2 mos
mother: Jeannette XX (last name withheld per CA state law), resident of San Luis Obispo, white, age 23, pob: New
York, occupation: housewife in own house for 3 yrs
number of children born to this mother: 1
number of children born to this mother now living: 1
James M. Marshall M.D.
BK A PG 435
Groom: Edward R. STOWELL, native of Eldorado County, CA, aged 24 yrs,
resident of Paso Robles
Bride: Lottie GRIGSBY, native of Napa County, CA; aged 17 yrs, resident of
Paso Robles The said Lottie GRIGSBY being a minor, the written consent of
Mary RECTOR, her guardian being first obtained.
Witnesses: George STOWELL & John RECTOR, both residents of Paso Robles
dom: 7/31/1881 in Paso Robles by Rev. A. E. Adams
BK 296 PG 144
John W. GRIGSBY, male; dob: 9/19/1890; pob: San Luis Obispo; father:
John Franklin GRIGSBY, resident of Estrella, aged 32; white race; pob: Napa
County, CA; farmer; mother: Nettie Bell EDINGTON, resident of Estrella,
aged 23, white race, pob: Napa County, CA, occupation: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child, who was born on the
date above stated, and that the information herein stated is true.
affiant: Nettie Bell CAMPBELL 2087 Linda Vista Ave., Napa, CA
Recorded at the request of Nettie Bell Campbell on 11/7/1941 at 39 min past
BK 296 PG 143-144
Percy Franklin GRIGSBY, male; dob: 3/22/1888; pob: San Luis Obispo
father: John Franklin GRIGSBY, resident of Estrella, aged 28; white race;
pob: Napa County, CA; farmer
mother: Nettie Bell EDINGTON, resident of Estrella, aged 19, white race,
pob: Napa County, CA, occupation: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child, who was born on the
date above stated, and that the information herein stated is true.
affiant: Nettie Bell CAMPBELL 2087 Linda Vista Ave., Napa, CA
Recorded at the request of Nettie Bell Campbell on 11/7/1941 at 38 min past
BK 296 PG 143
Ida Bell HARRIS, dob: 2/21/1898; pob: San Luis Obispo; female
father: John Franklin GRIGSBY, resident of Estrella, aged 31; of the white
race; pob: Napa, CA; occupation: farming
mother: Nettie Bell EDINGTON, resident of Estrella, aged 22, of the white
race; pob: Napa, CA; occupation: housewife
I hereby certify that I am the mother of this child, who was born on the
date above stated, and that the information herein stated is true.
affiant: Nettie Bell CAMPBELL 2087 Linda Vista Ave., Napa, CA
Recorded at the request of Nettie Bell CAMPBELL on 11/7/1941 at 37 min past
BK 52 PG 159
Melva Ellen JONES, female/white/widow; dob: 3/31/1875/ pob: Missouri; dod: 5/14/1966 at 12 pm; pod: Arroyo
Grande Community Hospital; age: 91 yrs; usual residence: Arroyo Grande; citizen of the USA; occupation: cook for
40 yrs at "The Tree" restaurant; 26 yrs in county of death; 56 yrs in CA
informant: Mrs. Bessie ANDREWS - daughter - same address
father: Gilbright MATHIS pob: Missouri
mother: Sarah KEENEY pob: Kentucky
cause of death: Cardiac a systole/ASHD/age
Burial 5-17-1966 Union Cemetery Bakersfield, CA
BK 120 PG 407
Earl Loyd ANDREWS, male/white/widow; dob: 3/17/1900; dod: 10/29/1977 at 1:25 am; pod: Arroyo Grande
Community Hospital; age: 77 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: Mechanic for 40 yrs, Union Oil Co. Petroleum
Industry; usual residence: Arroyo Grande; 48 yrs in County of death; 72(?) in CA
informant: Pauline SNOWMAN San Jose, CA
father: Curtis ANDREWS pob: unknown
mother: Elizabeth last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Oregon
cause of death: Congestive heart failure/acute myocardial infarction
Cremation 11/2/1977 Atascadero Crematory Wood Funeral Home
BK 98 PG 722
Bessie Jane ANDREWS, female/white/married; dob: 1/8/1903; pob: Missouri; dod: 1/18/1969 at 11:50
pm; pod: Sierra Vista Hospital; age: 66; occupation: homemaker for 20 yrs; usual residence; Arroyo Grande; citizen
of the USA; 13 yrs in county of death; 60 yrs in CA
informant: Mr. Earl L. ANDREWS Arroyo Grande father:
Lark JONES pob: Missouri
mother: Melva XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: heart failure/renal failure/partial small bowel obstruction/acute gastritis
Cremation 1/23/1969 Atascadero Cemetery Earl W. Woods Funeral Chapel
BK 6 PG 253 Marriages
Groom: Edward, James KELLY, resident of Co. K, 323 INF, Camp San Luis Obispo, white, 25 yrs old, single, 1st marriage,
pob: Illinois, occupation: soldier
father: Thomas KELLY pob: Illinois
mother: Mary XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Washington
Bride: Cecelia Ann McKENNA, resident of Chicago, Illinois, white, 20 yrs old, single, 1st marriage, pob: Iowa,
occupation: Clerk
father: Neil McKENNA pob: Illinois
mother: Sarah XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Illinois
witness: Cecile Talbot MARRA resident of Bennington, Vermont
married 2/12/1944 at 321st INF Chapel T-1573 Camp San Luis Obispo by Anthony J. O'Driscoll Roman Catholic
BK 2 Mortuary Index San Luis Obispo County
Edward, dod; 8/12/1899, male,pod: County Hospital, aged: 45 yrs, occupation: laborer, cause: heart clot, buried Catholic
John Henry, dod: 12/15/1900, male, teamster, suicide-asphyxiation, pod: San Francisco, age: 40 yrs 6 mos, burial catholic
Catherine, dod: 11/29/1890, female, pod: Corral de Piedras, age: 60 yrs, heart disease, Catholic Cem
Thomas P., dod: 12/6/1892, male, pod: Corral de Piedras, farmer, Catholic Cem
James, dod: 9-3-1893, male, Laborer, old age, age: 84 yrs, IOOF Cem
Peter, dod: 1/3/1895, male, pod: Corral de Piedras, farmer, age: 62 yrs, blood poisoning, Catholic Cem
John P., dod: 2/6/1902, male, age: 36 yrs, bartender/waiter, pod: County Hospital, Consumption, IOOF Cem
San Luis Obispo County Book of Births BK 4 PG 20
Edward Melvin KELLY, male/white/legitimate, dob: 1-1-1900 also stated as 9-25-1910 same Book & Page
father: Joseph Edward KELLY, resident of Shandon, of the white race, aged 35 yrs, pob: Illinois, occupation: farmer
mother: Rosanna McKANNA, resident of Paso Robles, of the white race, aged 25 yrs, pob: Yuba City,
CA, occupation: general housework
number of children born to this mother: 1
number of children now living: 1
BK 126 PG 59
Mary Agnes SILVA, female/white/American/widow; dob: 12-19-1893; pob: CA; dod: 3-2-1982 at 0910
hrs; pod: Hacienda Convalescent Hospital, San Luis Obispo; citizen of the USA; occupation: Beulah St. Hanford,
Kings County, CA ; occupation: homemaker for adult life
informant: Arlene Casimiro - daughter
father: Joseph SILVA pob: Azores Islands
mother: Mary SILVA - Azores Islands
cause of death: Circulatory failure, heart failure, congestive heart failure, aged - arteriosclerosis, senile dementia
Burial 3-6-1982 Calvary Cemetery Hanford
Odell Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune 2-24-1976 Page B-2
Funeral services for Glen SCHLITZ, 60, of Morro Bay will be Thursday at 2 pm at the Delano Chapel, Delano, with the
Delano Masonic Lodge officiating. Burial will be in North Kern District Cemetery.
SCHLITZ was born 1-6-1916 in Delano. He was a retired rancher and member of the Delano VFW, American Legion,
Disabled War Veterans, California Rifle & Pistol Assoc, Tehren Temple, Scottish Rite of Bakersfield and the Tulare
Shriner's Club.
He died Saturday in a San Luis Obispo hospital.
Survivors include his daughter, Shirley KENNEY of Vallejo; three sons, Frank of Camp Nelson and Lee and Greg of
Valdez, Alaska; a brother Melvin of Cayucos; three sisters, Elanor L. SCHLITZ of Cayucos, Lucille CASH of Carpenteria,
and Betty LaCOURSE of Delano; and eight grandchildren.
The family requests donations be sent to Crippled Children at the Shriner's Hospital, 1701 19th Ave., San Francisco,
CA 94122.
Book of Deaths BK 99 PG 234
Verner Bernando VAIL, Male/white/married; dob: 12/6/1898; pob: Ohio;
dod: 2/28/1969 at 10:50 am; pod: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital; age:
70; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Atascadero; surviving spouse:
Gertrude BOS; occupation: cabinet maker for 10 yrs, Lockheed Aircraft,
Aircraft Manufacturing; 5 yrs in county of death; 33 yrs in CA
informant: wife
father: Sanford B. VAIL pob: Ohio
mother: Emma XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: pericardial ?/ceptic nurosis(erdheimer's disease)
Burial 3/5/1969 Atascadero Cemetery Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune Tuesday 3-1-1969 page 10
Death Notice
VAIL - Verner Bernardo VAIL, 70, of Atascadero died Friday in a Paso Robles
hospital. Arrangements pending at Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero.
Obituary 3-3-1969 page 10
Verner B. VAIL of Atascadero died Friday in a Paso Robles hospital. He was
70 years old.
Mr. VAIL was a retired Lockheed Aircraft cabinet shop worker.
A funeral service will be conducted at 2 pm Wednesday at Chapel of the Roses
in Atascadero, the Rev. Jeanne Jorgensen, pastor of the Unity Church of San
Luis Obispo, will officiate. Interment will be in Atascadero District
Mr. Vail was born in Ohio on 12-4-1898. He has resided in Atascadero for
five years and was a member of Veterans of World War I, Atascadero Barracks.
Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Gertrude VAIL of Atascadero; two sons,
Kenneth B. VAIL of Palmdale, Calif and Donald L. VAIL of Sun Valley, Calif.;
two step-daughters, Mrs. Shirley GRIFFIN of Covina and Mrs. Jacquelyn DODSON
of New Providence, NJ.; a step-son, Preston SUTKE of Van Nuys, and 16
Book of Marriages BK C PG 18
Groom: J. S. DOWNING, resident of Adelaide, County of San Luis Obispo, was a widower before married, pob of
father: Tennesy, pob of mother: Tennesy
Bride: Mary LATEN (LAYTON), resident of Adelaide, County of San Luis Obispo, was a widow before married, pob of
father: Tennesy, pob of mother: Tennesy.
Married 11-13-1890 at San Miguel by Rev. C. Franchi, Pastor San Miguel Rieana Molay et Manne Tocke.
Book of Marriages BK C PG 29
Groom: James M. DOWNING, resident of Paso Robles, never before married, pob of mother: Missouri, pob of
father: Missouri
Bride: Emma GUTHRIE, resident of Paso Robles, never before married, pob of mother: PA, pob of father: PA.
Witnesses: Mrs. C. STOHER and Mrs. H. S. DAHLBECK, both residents of Paso Robles
Married 2-7-1891 at Paso Robles by T. C. Miller Pastor M. E. Church
Book of Marriages BK 8 PG 373
Groom: Burton Edward GORSLINE, native of CA, aged 21, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, white race,
1st marriage, occupation: US Navy, father: Phillip GORSLINE pob: Colorado, mother: Myrtle XX (last name withheld
per CA state law) pob: Texas
Bride: Dorothy May BEST, native of Ohio, aged 17, resident of Atascadero, white race, 1st marriage,
occupation: none, father: Cyril BEST pob: Canada, mother: May XX (*last name withheld per CA state law) pob: PA
The said Dorothy May BEST being a minor, the written, verified consent of her father, Cyril BEST, is first had and filed.
witnesses: Rhoda SUMNER, resident of Atascadero & A. C. FULLERTON, resident of Pasadena, County of Los Angeles.
Married 3-4-1945 at Atascadero by Lowell A. Young Congregayional Minister
Book of Deaths BK 28 PG 59
Phillip Edward GORSLINE, male/white/married; dob: 10-25-1897; pob: Colorado; dod: 5-14-1950 abt
4:30pm; pod: Arroyo Grande, rural-Lopez Canyon about 6 miles NE of Arroyo Grande; age: 52; never in the
military; citizen of the USA; usual resident: Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County; occupation: automobile
mechanic; surviving spouse: Doris GORSLINE; length of stay on county of death: transient
informant: wife
father: Edward GORSLINE
mother: Dora XX (last name withheld per CA state law)
cause of death: probable coronary occlusion. Collapsed while on outing in Lopez Canyon. Dead upon arrival at doctor's
office. Injury occurred not while at work.
Burial 5-18-1920 (this is probably a typo and should be 1950) Santa Maria Cemetery
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 11 PG 640
Orrin Willard GOODRICH, male/white/married; dob: 7-18-1869; pob: Benton
Harbor, Michigan; dod: 2-2-1928 ; pod: San Luis Obispo; age: 58 yrs, 6
mos, 14 days; surviving spouse: Grace GOODRICH; occupation: Ass't
storekeeper for Southern Pacific Co.; length of residence at pod: 18 yrs,
4 mos, 10 days; Ca: 18 yrs, 4 mos, 10 days
informant: Mrs. Grace GOODRICH
father: David GOODRICH pob: Vermont
mother: Ellen XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Guelph, Canada
cause of death: fracture of the skull, received when deceased was struck by
an automobile driven by one Douglas MOORE, as deceased was crossing Buchon
St. at intersection of Santa Rosa St., San Luis Obispo.
Burial 2-4-1928 Lawn Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Funeral Home
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 28 PG 263
Grace Helena GOODRICH, female/white/widow; dob: 5-30-1874; pob:
Michigan; dod: 9-26-1950 at 1:05 am; pod: Scott's Rest Home, Arroyo
Grande, rural; age: 76 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: at home;
length of stay at pod: 2 yrs, 1 mos; county: 36 yrs; usual residence:
Branch St., San Luis Obispo
informant: Roy NICHOLSON
father: Edgar SACKETT pob: Michigan
mother: unknown pob: unknown
cause of death: cerebral thrombosis - 6 hrs/ arteriosclerosis - years
Burial 9-27-1950 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 9 PG 212
Helen Ruth NICHOLSON, female/white/married; dob: 2-5-1897; pob:
Michigan; dod: 9-21-1922 at 10:45 pm; pod: San Luis Obispo; length of
stay at pod: 2 days; CA: 12 yrs; age: 25 yrs, 7 mos, 6 days;
occupation: housewife; surviving spouse: Roy NICHOLSON
informant: husband
father: Orrin W. GOODRICH pob: Michigan
mother: Grace XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Michigan
cause of death: puerperal eclampsia
Burial: 9-24-1922 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 9 PG 213
Helen Jean NICHOLSON, female/white/single; dob: 9-20-1922; pob:
California; dod: 9-20-1922 at 7:30 am; pod: San Luis Obispo
informant: Roy NICHOLSON
father: Roy NICHOLSON pob: Michigan
mother: Helen GOODRICH pob: Michigan
cause of death: stillborn, result of puerperal eclampsia
Burial: 9-23-1922 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Company
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 119 PG 935
Frank James McDONALD Sr, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 6-13-1894; pob:
Nebraska; dod: 6-1-1977 at 6:10am; pod: French Hospital San Luis
Obispo; age: 82 yrs; citizen of the USA; occupation: PBX installer for
42 yrs Pacific Bell Telephone - utility; Surviving spouse: Ruth Thelma
SWAILS; length of stay at pod: 4 days; CA: 50 yrs; usual residence:
So. Higuera, San Luis Obispo
informant: Mr. Frank J. McDONALD Jr.- son - San Dimas, CA
father: John P. McDONALD pob: unknown
mother: Rose XX(last name with held per CA state law) pob: unknown
Burial/removal: 6-6-1977 Forest Lawn Memorial Park - Covina, CA
Forest Lawn Mortuary, Covina, CA
Book of Deaths Certificate #: 20100000878
Isaac LARA, male/Caucasian/Divorced; dob: 12-10-1945; pob: CA; dod: 5-15-2010 at 1415 hrs; pod: Sierra Vista
Hospital; age: 64 yrs; was in the military; education: High School graduate; ethnicity: Hispanic -
Mexican/American; usual residence: San Luis Obispo; 42 yrs in county of death; occupation: general construction for
30 yrs
informant: Trinie LARA - daughter - Sparks, Nevada
father: Able LARA pob: Mexico
mother: Anita XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Arizona
cause of death: intracerebral hemorrhage duration- 8 days/malignant hypertension/craniotomy 5-7-2010
Cr/Sea at sea off the coast of San Diego County
McDermott-Crockett Mortuary
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 139 PG 39
Cleo Alpha ORD, Caucasian/female/widow; dob: 3-9-1910; pob: Oregon;
dod: 5-24-1990 at 1700 hrs(fnd); age: 80 yrs; citizen of the USA; not
Hispanic; never in the military; occupation: bookkeeper, marine maint.
service afloat for 30 yrs; education: 12 yrs; usual residence: Los Osos;
28 yrs in county of death; pod: residence
informant: Colette ROEST - Executrix - Los Osos
father: Charlie E. AGEE pob: Oregon
mother: Muriel XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Oregon
cause of death: myocardial failure/ASHD/chronic atrial fibrillation - by
Crem/Scat 5-31-1990 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 54 PG 377
Thomas Chrystal WOOSTER, male/white/married; dob: 2-5-1889; pob:
Michigan; dod: 10-15-1967 at 10:15 pm; pod: General Hospital San Luis
Obispo; citizen of the USA; age: 78 yrs; occupation: rancher for 20
yrs - cattle and grain industry; surviving spouse: Carrie WOOSTER -
homemaker; usual residence: Creston, star route; length of stay in county
of death: 18 yrs; CA: 46 yrs
father: Isiac WOOSTER pob: unknown
mother: Emma XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: Bronchopneumonia - 1 week/cerebral cortical atrophy
Cremation 10-18-1967 Atascadero Crematory
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 46 PG 408
Nelville Everett WOOSTER, male/white/widow; dob: 11-7-1876; pob:
Connecticut; dod: 3-5-1963 at 6:45 pm; pod: Paso Robles Nursing Home;
citizen of the USA; age: 86 yrs; occupation: self employer Christian
Science Practitioner for 35 yrs; usual residence: Azusa, Los Angeles
County; length of stay in county of death: 0 yrs; CA: 24 yrs
informant: T. C. WOOSTER RFD Creston Rte. Paso Robles
father: Isaac W. WOOSTER pob: Connecticut
mother: Emma XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: New York
cause of death: Arteriosclerotic heart disease - years
Cremation 3-7-1963 Evergreen Crematory Los Angeles
Armstrong Family Funeral Directors
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 103 PG 653
Marshall A. WOOSTER, male/white/married; dob: 7-12-1908; pob: Nebraska;
dod: 9-19-1970 at 6:45 pm; pod: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital;
citizen of the USA; age: 62 yrs; surviving spouse: Lorene GRAHAM;
occupation: owner for 15 years, Wooster Buick - new car dealer; usual
residence: Creston Star Rte; length of stay in county of death: 23 yrs;
CA: 52 yrs
informant: Lorene M. WOOSTER RFD Paso Robles
father: Thomas Chrystal WOOSTER pob: Michigan
mother: Carrie XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Nebraska
cause of death: Bronchopneumonia - 3 days/cachexia - 3 mos/cirrhosis of
liver, Laennec's type - 7 yrs
Cremation 4-21-1970 Atascadero Crematory
Chapel of the Roses
San Luis Obispo County Deaths BK 12 PG 401
David H. WOOSTER, male/white/single; dob: 5-18-1890; pob: New Hampshire;
dod: 7-15-1929 at 8 am; pod: San Luis Obispo; age: 39 yrs, 1 mos, 27
days; occupation: oil well work - McKuhn Drilling Co; length of stay at
pod: 10 days; CA: 15 yrs, 1 mo, 10 days
informant: Paul H. HUTCHINSON - Fowler
father: Hacers F. WOOSTER pob: Vermont
mother: Chestina HUTCHINSON pob: New Hampshire
cause of death: influenza - 10 days/double pneumonia, broncho - 7 days
Burial/removal 7-16-1929 Glendale, CA
R. F. Richardson Co
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK L PG 121
Groom: Roy E. NICHOLSON, native of Michigan, aged 26 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, of the white race
Bride: Helen R. GOODRICH, native of Illinois, aged 22 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo, of the white race
witnesses: Maurice R. DYER & Alice FOULKE, both residents of San Luis Obispo
married 11-5-1919 in San Luis Obispo by J. Harvey Gunn, Minister
San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages BK 15 PG 218
Groom: William Clyde WOOSTER, aged 22 yrs, resident of Mayhew Dr., Baytown, Texas, of the white race; second
marriage - divorced, pob: Texas; father: Clyde R. WOOSTER pob: Oregon; mother: Annie XX (last name withheld
per CA state law) pob: Texas
Bride: Doris Nell POPE, aged 22 yrs, resident of Ruth St., Baytown, Texas, of the white race, second marriage - divorced,
pob: Texas; father: Homa A. KELSO, pob: Texas; mother: Jewell XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Texas
prior name: Doris Nell KELSO
dom: Paso Robles 8-19-1952 by Justice of the Peace
Book of Deaths BK 29 PG 274
Jennie Frances SHOEMAKER, female/white/married: dob: 9-16-1910; pob: Oklahoma; dod: 5-20-1951 at 9:40
am; pod: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital - 4 days; age: 40 yrs; occupation: housewife: surviving
spouse: Hershel Clarence SHOEMAKER; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Creston
informant: husband
father: Deloss CRAWFORD pob: unknown
mother: unknown pob: unknown
cause of death: atalectasis of lung, left lobe - 7 days/congestive heart failure - 5 mos/ rheumatic heart disease - 25
yrs/infarction of lung, right lower lobe, recent/chronic nephritis/infarction of spleen, old
Burial 5-23-1951 San Miguel Cemetery
Book of Deaths BK 105 PG 899
John Weaver SHOEMAKER, male/white/married; dob: 1-3-1895; pob: Missouri; dod: 2-6-1971 at 10:00
am; pod: Arroyo Grande Hospital; age: 76 yrs; surviving spouse: Lulu HAWKINS; usual residence: Grover
City; occupation: self-employed Salesman for 12 yrs, used furniture; citizen of the USA
informant: Mrs. Lulu SHOEMAKER
father: William SHOEMAKER pob: Illinois
mother: Lucinda XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Kansas
cause of death: cerebral hemorrhage - 3 days/hypertension - 4 yrs/arteriosclerotic heart disease - 10 yrs/emphysema
Burial 2-9-1971 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Grensted Funeral Home
Book of Marriages BK G PG 213
Groom: John Archer BROWN, native of CA, aged 23 years, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara
Bride: Maud Ellis BIDAMON, native of CA, aged 23 years, resident of San Luis Obispo
Witnesses: Robert H. BROWN, resident of Santa Maria and Birdie ANDERSON, resident of San Luis Obispo
married 10-14-1905 in San Luis Obispo by Harry Hillard, Minister of the Gospel
Book of Marriages BK A PG 146
Groom: James Edgar ANDERSON
Bride: Alice Jane BIDAMON
married 7-31-1872 in the County of San Luis Obispo by John W. Allen,
Preacher of the Gospel
Book of Marriages BK A PG 436
Groom: B. F. (F. B.) BIDAMON, native of CA, aged 24 years, resident of San
Luis Obispo
Bride: Alvina Adelaide FROOM, native of Canada, aged 17 years, being a minor, the written consent of her father was
first obtained, resident of San Luis Obispo
Witnesses: ? CASS and Alice FLOOD, both residents of San Luis Obispo
married 8-21-1881 in San Luis Obispo by Rev. Richards, San Luis Obispo
Book of Marriages BK A PG 436
Groom: B. F. (F. B.) BIDAMON, native of CA, aged 24 years, resident of San
Luis Obispo
Bride: Alvina Adelaide FROOM, native of Canada, aged 17 years, being a minor, the written consent of her father was
first obtained, resident of San Luis Obispo
Witnesses: ? CASS and Alice FLOOD, both residents of San Luis Obispo
married 8-21-1881 in San Luis Obispo by Rev. Richards, San Luis Obispo
Book of Marriages BK H PG 328
Groom: Benjamin F. BIDAMON, native of CA, aged 51 years, resident of San Luis Obispo, white race
Bride: Anna C. STARK, native of CA, aged 40 years, resident of San Luis Obispo, white race
Witnesses: Edmund P. ROGERS and Stella F. ROGERS, both residents of San Luis Obispo
married 12-26-1908 in San Luis Obispo by William Edgar Cassper, Priest, St. Stephens Church
Book of Marriages BK I PG 445
Groom: Charles Henry BIDAMON, native of CA, aged 26 years, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, white
Bride: Hazel RUSSELL, native of CA, aged 26 years, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara, white race
Witnesses: Mrs. S. L. TAYLOR, resident of Stratford, County of Kings and
Robert James GRAY, resident of Santa Maria, County of Santa Barbara
married 7-22-1912 in San Luis Obispo by Harvey H. Hocker, Pastor, First Methodist Episcopal Church
Book of Deaths BK 21 PG 182
BIDAMON, Frank Benjamin, male/white/widow; dob: 7-?-1857; pob: Honcut, Butte County, CA;
dod: 11-7-1942 at 10:38 am; age: 85 yrs, 4 mos, ? days; pod: Arroyo Grande, Grigsby Hospital;
length of stay at pod: 7 days; county: 72 yrs; CA: life; spouse Almina BIDAMON;
occupation: self-employed; not a veteran; usual residence: Pismo St, San Luis Obispo
informant: Mrs. John A. BROWN resident of Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County
father: John BIDAMON pob: unknown
mother: Unknown MALLORY pob: unknown
cause of death: pneumonia - 8 days/myocardial degeneration - 7 yrs
Burial 11-9-1942 IOOF Cemetery San Luis Obispo
R. F. Richardson Co.
Book of Deaths BK 127 PG 829
Verna L. MUSE, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 3-19-1897; pob: AR; dod: 5-28-1983 at 0400 hrs; 86 years old; pod:
Paso Robles Conv. Center; citizen of the USA; usual residence: Cambria; occupation: self-employed homemaker for
adult life
informant: Mrs. Adell CASHDAN - daughter - Paso Robles
father: Marion BURRIS pob: NC
mother: Isabelle XX (lst name with held per CA stte law)) pob: NC
cause of death: cardiac arrest/Arteriosclerotic heart disease/generalized debility & senility
Burial 6-2-1983 Green Hills Memorial Park San Pedro, CA
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
Book of Births BK 20 PG 424
Barbara Ann MELTON, female/single birth; full term; born alive at 7:40 pm; pob: San Luis Obispo Sanitarium; dob: 5- 1-
1937; father: Ralph Sherman MELTON, resident of Cambria, white, 22 yrs old, pob: ARK, occupation: miner, Oceanic
Mine, date last worked: 4-30-1937; mother: Ruby Victoria XX (last name with held per CA state law), resident of
Cambria, white, 21 yrs old, pob: ARK, occupation: housewife in own home, number of years spent at this job: 1, date last
worked: 4-30-1937.
number of children born to this mother: 1
E. D. Anderson MD
Book of Deaths BK 144 PG 503
Adell West CASHDAN, female/white/divorced; dob: 2-3-1924; pob: AR; dod: 6-29-1993 at 1345 hrs; pod: Twin Cities
Hospital, Templeton; age: 69 years; never in the military; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; level of education: 12
yrs; usual residence: Paso Robles; 26 yrs in this community; usual occupation: homemaker in own home for 42 yrs
informant: self - pre need
father: Fred Huston WEST pob: KY
mother: Claudia XX (last name with held per CA state law) pob: NC
cause of death: cardiogenic shock/myocardial infarction/coronary artery disease/hypertension/diabetes mellitus
Cr/Bu 7-9-1993 Cambria Community cemetery
McDermott Crockett Mortuary
Book of Deaths BK 134 PG 161
Kenneth Lee MUSE, male/Caucasian/widow; dob: 7-26-1912; pob: NC; dod: 7-26-1987 at 0725 hrs; pod: Residence,
Templeton; age: 75 yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; occupation: artist for 55 yrs at Hanna & Barbera,
informant: Mrs. Deborah DELCOURE - granddaughter - Templeton
father: Lester MUSE pob: unknown
mother: Lenorah XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: unknown
cause of death: cardio pulmonary arrest/COPD
Burial 7-29-1987 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl-Nicolay Funeral Home
Book of Births BK 4 PG 71
Jon Mikel WILBER, male/single birth; dob: 12-22-1977 at 2224 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; mother: Debbie Helen
XX (last name withheld per CA state law), pob: Oregon, 23 yrs, Caucasian, resident of Atascadero; father: Chris Scott
WILBER, pob: CA, 26 yrs, Caucasian, resident of Atascadero
Book of Births BK 77 PG 567
Jonathan Clyde WILBER, male/single birth; dob: 7-21-1961 at 2:17am; pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; mother: Mary Lou
XX (last name with held per CA state law), white, 33 yrs, pob: ND, resident of Morro Bay; father: Harry Myrl WILBER,
white, 35 yrs, pob: CA, occupation: salesman, real estate, resident of Morro Bay
Book of Births BK 98 PG 109
Tina Louise WILBER, female/single birth, dob: 10-20-1968 at 1:38 pm, pob: Paso Robles District Hospital; mother:
Glenda Charlene XX(last name withheld per CA state law), pob: CA, 21 yrs, white, resident of Templeton; father:
Thomas Myrl WILBER, pob: CA, 21 yrs, white, occupation: lineman for PG & E
Book of Marriages Cert # 2005000222
Groom: Jonathan Clyde WILBER, dob: 7-21-1961, residnet of Costa Mesa, Orange County, CA, no prior
marriages, occupation: owner screen doors company, level of education: 12 yrs; father: Harry Myrl
WILBER pob: CA; mother: Mary Lou XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: ND
Bride: Eugenia Jo DANIELSON, dob: 11-29-1964, resident of Costa Mesa, Orange County, CA, 1 prior marriage ended
in dissolution 5-28-1986, occupation: waitress; father: Kenneth Myrle DANIELSON pob: CA; mother: Carol
Susan XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: PA Witness:
Harry Myrl WILBER resident of Paso Robles
married 3-12-2005 in Morro Bay by Rev. James Berg - Lutheran
Book of Deaths cert # 2006000781
Harry Myrl WILBER, male/white/married; dob: 10-27-1925; pob: CA; dod: 5-10-2006 at 0945
hrs; pod: residence; age: 80 years; was in the military; not Hispanic; usual occupation: operator- power plant for 30
yrs; level of education: some college; surviving spouse: Mary Lou WATSON; residence: Paso Robles; 40 years in this
informant: Mary WILBER - wife - Paso Robles
father: Harold Clyde WILBER pob: CA
mother: Lillian Maude XX(last name withheld per CA stte law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: congestive heart failure
Cr/Bu Cayucos-Morro Bay Cemetery\Blue Sky Cremation Services
Book of Births BK 99 PG 118
Brenda Lee MUSE, female/single birth; dob: 2-15-1969 at 4:20am; pob: Atascadero Hospital; father: James Harlan
MUSE, pob: Illinois, 23 yrs old, white, occupation: psychiatric technician at state hospital; mother: Martha Lynn XX(last
name withheld per CA state law), pob: CA, 22 yrs old, white, resident of Atascadero
Book of Births Cert # 20090016141
Brylie Faith MUSE, female/single birth, dob: 8-1-2009 at 0848 hrs, pob:
Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; father: Michael Christopher MUSE, pob:
Colorado, dob: 6-30-1985; mother: Jessica Marie XX (last name with held
per CA state law), pob: CA, dob: 3-1-1986
Book of Births BK 23 PG 660
Daniel James MUSE, maile/single birth, dob: 2-3-1987 at 1442 hrs, pob: Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton; father, James
Harlan MUSE, pob: Illinois, 41 yrs old; mother: Linda XX (last name withheld per CA state law), pob: Texas, 32 yrs old
Book of Births Cert # 2003002292
Ethan Thomas MUSE, Male/single birth, dob: 11-18-2003 at 1701 hrs, pob: Twin Cities Hospital,
Templeton; father, William Thomas MUSE, pob: CA, dob: 11-26-1979; mother, Aubrey Lynn XX(last name withheld
per CA state law), pob: CA, dob: 5-9-1981
Book of Births BK 40 PG 255
Garland Lee MUSE, male, dob: 10-1-1948, pob: Mt View Hospital, mother's stay in this hospital: 13 hrs; mother's stay
in this community 13 hrs; mother's usual residence: Shell Beach for past 3 yrs
number of months of this pregnancy: 10
father: Harry Lee MUSE, white, 28 yrs old; 12 yrs in CA, occupation: bus drive for Grayhound
mother: Nelda Louise XX (lsast name withheld per CA state law), white, 23 yrs old, pob: Illinois, occupation: housewife
in own home
Book of Births BK 52 pg 472
Ian Gavriel MUSE, male/single birth, dob: 6-20-1998 at 0242 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital; father: Joshua Paul
MUSE, pob: CA, dob: 10-2-1978; mother: Melissa Joy XX (last name withheld per CA state law), pob: CA, dob: 3-
Book of Births BK 13 PG 971
James Harlan MUSE II, male/single birth, dob: 112-13-1982 at 0818 hrs; father: James Harlan MUSE I, pob: Illinois,
age 37 yrs; mother: Linda XX(last name withheld per CA state law), pob: Texas, aged 28 yrs
Book of Births BK 15 PG 678
Jennifer Lynn MUSE, female/single birth, dob: 8-12-1983 at 1401 hrs, pob: General Hospital; father: Paul Lendall
MUSE, pob: Illinois, age 32 yrs; mother: Wendy Lynn XX(last name withheld per CA state law), pob: CA, age 28 yrs
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune 2-14-1996 page B-6
Walter Earl McCOWN, 47, of Grover Beach died Friday, February 9, 1996, at a Fresno hospital.Visitation will be from 9
a.m. - noon Friday at Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach. A graveside service will follow visitation at
1 p.m. Friday at Arroyo Grande Cemetery. The Rev. G. De La Rosa will officiate.
Mr. McCOWN was born 12-15-1948, in Bakersfield. He was a resident of Grover Beach for 37 years.
He is survived by his brother, Harold McCOY of Fresno; three Aunts, Bessie FIGUERIDO, and Jeanne MORRIS, both of
Grover Beach, and Dorothy MORRIS of McFarland, and several nieces, nephews and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his parents James W. and Belle McCOWN.
Arrangements are by Marshall-Spoo Sunset Funeral Chapel in Grover Beach.
San Luis Obispo County Telegram Tribune Monday 5-21-1951 page 12
Death Summons Mrs. SHOEMAKER
Paso Robles - 5-21-1951 - Mrs. Jennie Frances SHOEMAKER, 40, died yesterday at the Paso Robles War Memorial
hospital, following a long illness. She was born September 16, 1910, in Leedy, Okla, and came to Paso Robles many
years ago. For the past few years she has lived in Creston.
She is survived by her husband, Herschel SHOEMAKER; a daughter, Joyce, and son, Charles, all of Creston, four sisters,
Mrs. Martha HOCKER of Watsonville, Mrs. Clara AVERY of Big Bear Lake, Mrs. Iva CROWDER of Texas, and Mrs. Ruth
HOCKER of Cottage Grove, Oregon; a brother, William CRAWFORD of Los Angeles, also survives.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday under the direction of the Kuehl Funeral Home, time and place to be announced
Burial will be held in San Miguel.
San Luis Obispo County Book of Deaths BK 3 PG 368
Mary Angeline MAINO, female/white/married; dob: 1853; pob: Italy; dod: 1-22-1919; age: 66 yrs; pod: San Luis Obispo;
husband: Joseph MAINO; occupation: housewife; stay at pod: 11 yrs CA: 43 yrs
informant: Joseph MAINO
father: unknown pob: Italy
mother: unknown pob: Italy
cause of death: Aortic stenosis/acute bronchitis
Burial 1-24-1919 Catholic Cemetery
R. F. Richardson -undertaker
Book Of Marriages BK F PG 61
Groom: Joseph MAINO, native of Italy, aged 49 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Bride: Maria Angela ANGELLINI (ANGELINI), native of Italy, aged 47 yrs, resident of San Luis Obispo
Witnesses: Luisi PICH(K)ETI and Angelina PICH(K)ETI, both residents of San Luis Obispo
dom: 12-6-1899 in San Luis Obispo by V. Aguilera Catholic Pries
San Luis Obispo County (Calif) Telegram Tribune
Monday October 10, 1983 page B-7
Death Notice -PEAIRS
Etta PEAIRS, 90, of Atascadero died Sunday in an Atascadero convalescent hospital. Services pending at Chapel of the
Roses, Atascadero
Obituary October 11, 1983 page B - 7
Etta G. PEAIRS of Atascadero, a beautician for 30 years died Sunday in an Atascadero convalescent hospital. She was
Services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at Chapel of the Roses in Atascadero. The Rev. Glenn Layton will officiate
Burial will be in Atascadero District Ce.
She was born May 12, 1889, in Colton. She was a former member of the AARP and the Atascadero Rug Club. She is
survived by a son, Elmor PEAIRS of Inglewood, a daughter, Judy WEBSTER of New York; a sister Anna CUNNINGHAM
of Pioneer; 5 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
Friends may visit at Chapel of the Roses from 1 - 5 p.m. and 6 - 8 p.m. today and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 6 - 8 p.m.
Book of Deaths BK 121 PG 516
Clyde Ellsworth PEAIRS, male/white/married; dob: 3-30-1879; pob: Ohio; dod: 10-20-1978 at 1745
hrs; pod: residence; age: 99 yrs; ethnicity: American; citizen of the USA; spouse: Etta G.
PETTIT; occupation: carpenter for 45 yrs, Colombia Broadcasting; residence: Atascadero
informant: Wife
father: George Henry PEAIRS pob: Ohio
mother: Sara XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Ohio
cause of death: cardio vascular accident (stroke)/arteriosclerotic cerebrovascular disease
Burial 10-25-1978 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
Book of Deaths BK 128 PG 351
Etta Genieve PEAIRS, female/white/American/widow; dob: 5-12-1889; pob: CA; dod: 10-9-1983 at 0705 hrs; age: 94
yrs; not Hispanic; citizen of the USA; pod: Country Care Convalescent Center - Atascadero; usual
residence: Atascadero; occupation: beautician for 30 yrs, self-employed hair-dresser
informant: Elmor PEAIRS - son - Inglewood, CA
father: Clinton J. PETTIT pob: MA
mother: Delphina XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Spain
cause of death: arteriosclerotic-cardiovascular disease/cardio-respiratory failure/myocardio insufficiency/diabetes mellitus
Buried 10-13-1983 Atascadero District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
Book of Marriages BK 27 PG 422
Groom: Clyde Ellsworth PEAIRS, dob: 3-30-1879; age: 93 yrs; pob: Ohio; resident of Atascadero,
occupation: retired; level of education: completed; 2nd marriage; last marriage ended in divorce in
1925; father: George Henry PEAIRS pob: Ohio; mother: Sara C. CLAPPER pob: Ohio
Bride: Etta Genevieve FOWLER, dob: 5-12-1889; age: 83 yrs; pob: CA; resident of
Atascadero; occupation: retired; level of education: 10th; maiden name: PETTIT; 3rd marriage, last marriage ended in
death 10-18-1967; father: Clinton James PETTIT pob: New York; mother: Delphina U. BUSTAMENTI pob: CA
Witnesses: Fred L. SHIFFER & Nancy YOUNG, both residents of Atascadero
dom: 6-10-1972 in Atascadero by William A Young, Minister
Book of Deaths BK 147 PG 808
Isabella Margaret RUSSELL, female/white/never married; dob: 9-2-1909; pob: Canada; dod: fnd - 4-11-1995 at 0830
hrs; pod: residence, San Luis Obispo; age: 85 yrs; never in the military; not Hispanic; level of education: 15
yrs; occupation: Reg nurse for 50 yrs for Dr. Edison French; 64 yrs in county of death
informant: Gail GARRIS - friend San Luis Obispo
father: James RUSSELL pob: Scotland
mother: Agnes STRUTHERS pob: Scotland
cause of death: cardio-respiratory arrest/coronary artery disease/athersclerosis/congestive heart failure/atria fibrillation
Burial 4-17-1995 Lady family Sutcliffe Mausoleum
Book of Births BK 21 PG 986
Charles DeLoss SHOEMAKER, male. full term, dob: 12-23-1937, pob: Atascadero General Hospital, born alive at 2:40
am; father: Hershel Clarence SHOEMAKER, resident of Parkfield, Monterey County, white race, aged 29
years; occupation: oil worked for 1 year; mother: Jennie FrancesXX (last name withheld per CA state law), resident of
Parkfield, Monterey County, white race, aged 27 yrs, pob: Oklahoma, occupation: housekeeper in own home for 6
number of children born to this mother: 2; number of children now living: 2
Dr. A. H. Wilmar Md Paso Robles
Book of Deaths BK 140 PG 599
Charles DeLoss SHOEMAKER, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 12-23-1937; pob: CA; dod: 4-26-1991 at 0515
hrs; pod: residence in Paso Robles; age: 53 yrs; citizen of the USA; not Hispanic; spouse: Hazel COULTER; level of
education: 12 yrs; occupation: Engineer 1st class U.S. Navy for 24 yrs, US Government; was in the military from 1957 -
1980; resident of this county for 53 yrs
informant: wife
father: Hershel SHOEMAKER pob: Oklahoma
mother: Jennie XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: CA
cause of death: intra abdominal metastic cancer/colon cancer
Burial 4-30-1991 at San Miguel District Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
Book of Deaths BK 35 PG 46
Martha Susan DAVIS, female/white/widow; dob: March, 1878; pob: Nebraska; dod: 9-26-1954 at 11:50
am; pod: Atascadero General Hospital; 76 years old: occupation: housewife; citizen of the USA; usual
residence: Paso Robles
Informant: Vivian CHRISTENSEN
father: James HILL pob: unknown
mother: unknown
no cause of death
Burial 9-29-1954 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Kuehl Funeral Home
Book of Deaths BK 134 PG 651
Gretel Hanna BARNITZ, female/white/American/widow; dob: 2-24-1911; pob: Nebraska; dod: 11-21-1987 at 2121
hrs; pod: French Hospital; 76 yrs old; cit of the USA; occupation: owner/operator for 50 yrs antique dealer; usual
residence: San Simeon
informant: Rudolph M. BARNITZ - son - Sunnyvale, CA
father: Edward A. HANNA pob: New York
mother: Esther H. XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Illinois
cause of death: cardio-pulmonary arrest/sepsis, enterocutaveous fistula/enterolysis/liver metastasis/colon cancer
Cre 11-25-1987 Chapel of the Roses
Sutcliffe Lawn Mortuary
Book of Deaths BK 107 PG 443
James Cameron WIEST, male/Caucasian/married; dob: 12-21-1918; pob: Kansas; dod: 9-5-1971 at 8:15
pm; pod: General Hospital San Luis Obispo; length of stay at pod: 5 mos; CA: 50 yrs; 52 yrs old; surviving
spouse: Lois SAYERS; citizen of the USA; occupation: commercial fisherman for 30 yrs; usual residence: Oxnard,
Ventura County
informant: Lois WIEST - wife
father: John WIEST Jr. pob: Kansas
mother: Lillian XX (last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Kansas
cause of death: myocardial infarction/coronary atherosclerosis/massive cardiomegaly
Burial 9-10-1971 Live Oak Memorial Park, Monrovia, CA
Payton Mortuary, Oxnard
Book of Deaths cert #: 2007001048
Stella M. WIESER, female/white/widow; dob: 8-27-1910; pob: Missouri; dod: 6-28-2007 at 2130 hrs; pod: residence,
Morro Bay; 96 years old; never in the military; not Hispanic; occupation: egg handler for 20 years, egg industry;
education: HS graduate; 14 years in this county
informant: Teresa ROBERTSON - granddaughter- Morro Bay
father: Ora WILSON pob: Missouri
mother: Laura Belle XX (Last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: Hypoxia/atrial fibrillation/coronary artery disease/hypertension/left hip fracture/aortic
Cr/Bu Valhalla Memorial Park, North Hollywood, CA
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
Book of Deaths cert #: 2004001820
Hubert B. WIESER, male/white/married; dob: 4-30-1918; pob: IA; dod: 12-9-2004 at 1835 hrs; pod: residence - Paso
Robles; 86 years old; surviving spouse: Frances Ruth MARTINEZ; occupation: firefighter for 31 yrs - government; was
in the Armed services; not Hispanic; 63 yrs in this county; CA
informant: Frances Ruth WIESER - wife - Paso Robles
father: Victor Gideon Wieser pob: IA
mother: Glenna XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Missouri
cause of death: CHF/ASHD/chronic renal failure-anemia
Cr/Bu 12-14-2004 Paso Robles District Cemetery
Blue Sky Cremation Service
Book of Deaths BK 131 PG 401
Frederick WIESER, male/white-American/married; dob: 11-8-1898; pob: Austria; dod: 10-21-1985 at 0945
hrs; pod: Danish Convalescent Hospital, San Luis Obispo; 86 years old; surviving spouse: Hermine R. FREY; not
Hispanic; citizen of the USA; occupation: owner for 50 years cutlery; usual residence: Los Osos
informant: Bob WIESER - son - Los Osos
father: unknown
mother: unknown
cause of death: congestive heart failure/arteriosclosic heart disease
Burial 10-23-1985 Resurrection Cemetery, San Gabriel, CA
Chapel of the Roses
Book of Deaths BK 16 PG 135
Frank WIESER, male/white/married; dob: 10-25-1881; pob: Chicago, Illinois; dod: 12-13-1935; pod: residence, Paso
Robles; age: 54 years, 1 mos, 18 days; surviving spouse: Rose WIESER; occupation: mechanic; length of stay at
pod: 30 yrs; CA: 30 yrs
informant: Rose WIESER
father: Charles WIESER pob: Germany
mother: Matilda XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Chicago, Illinois
cause of death: chronic myocarditis-induced by chronic tracheal asthma
Burial 12-16-1935 IOOF Cemetery
R. F. Richardson Company
Book of Deaths BK 139 PG 903
Margaret Shippy HEISTAND, female/white/widow; dob: 11-25-1918; pob: Oregon; dod: 11-26-1990 at 2000
hrs; pod: residence-San Luis Obispo; age 72 years; citizen of the USA; education: 14 years; occupation: ass't
business manager-Pasadena Polytechnic for 40 years; not Hispanic; never in the military
informant: William D. HEISTAND - son - Cambria
father: Lewis R. SHIPPY pob: CN
mother: Mary XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: MI
cause of death: cachexia/recurrent lymphoma
Cr/Res- Cambria
The Neptune Society
Book of Deaths cert #: 2002000431
Wanda Josephine QUILICI, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 9-23-1914; pob: Oregon; dod: 3-19-2002 at 1500
hrs; pod: Vineyard Hills Health Center, Templeton; age: 87 yrs; education: 12 yrs; usual residence: Cambria; not
Hispanic; never in the military; 26 yrs in county of death; occupation: clerk for 30 yrs - Drug Store
informant: Laurie POTTHAST - granddaughter - Atascadero
father: Lewis SHIPPY pob: Canada
mother: Mary XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: MI
cause of death: end stage COPD/chronic congestive heart failure
Burial 3-25-2002 Cambria Cemetery
Chapel of the Roses
Book of Deaths BK 134 PG 694
Frank Paul QUILICI, male/white/married; dob: 11-3-1912; pob: CA; dod: 12-3-1987 at 0020 hrs; pod: residence -
Cambria; age: 75 yrs; surviving spouse: Wanda J. SHIPPY; citizen of the USA; occupation: driver for 43 yrs Railway
Express - shipping industry; not Hispanic
informant: Wife
father: Emilio QUILICI pob: Italy
mother: Teresa XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Italy
cause of death: cardio pulmonary arrest/metastic pulmonary CA
Burial 12-5-1987 Cambria District Cemetery
Benedict-Rettey Mortuary
Book of Deaths BK 25 PG 312
Charles Benjamin WIESER, male/white/widow; dob: 8-12-1869; pob: Illinois; dod: 4-6-1948; pod: General Hospital,
San Luis Obispo; stay at pod: 3 mos; CA: 40 yrs; this county: 22 yrs; age: 78 yrs, 7 mos, 24 days; usual
residence: San Luis Obispo; occupation: Line for PG&E
informant: Mrs. Walter RAMAGE San Luis Obispo
father: Charles F. WIESER pob: unknown
mother: unknown
cause of death: generalized metastosis due to carcinoma of the rectum
Burial 4-8-1948 IOOF Cemetery
R. F. Richards Company
Book of Deaths cert #: 2006000097
Marjorie Berenice STYERWALT, female/Caucasian/widow; dob: 11-6-1915; pob: Ohio; dod: 1-13-2006 at 0035
hrs; pod: Arroyo Grande Care Center; age: 90 yrs; education: Bachelor's degree; usual residence: Arroyo Grande; 3
yrs in this county; never in the military; not Hispanic; occupation: homemaker for 70 years
informant: Bob STYERWALT - son- Arroyo Grande
father: Charles SAUNDERS pob: Oregon
mother: Agnes May XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: MI
cause of death: pneumonia
Burial 1-19-2006 Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, CA
Rose Hills Mortuary
Book of Deaths BK 142 PG 624
Alfred Jay STYERWALT, male/white/married; dob: 7-20-1915; pob: Ohio; dod: 6-13-1992 at 1845 hrs; pod: Sierra
Vista Hospital, San Luis Obispo; 76 yrs old; never in the military; not Hispanic; surviving spouse: Marjorie B.
SAUNDERS; citizen of the USA; education: 16 years; occupation: Mechanical engineer - Aerospace - Lockheed Corp
for 22 years; usual residence: La Habre, Orange County, CA for 13 years
informant: Marjorie STYERWALT - wife - La Habre, CA
father: Raymond STYERWALT pob: Ohio
mother: Elsie A. XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Indiana
cause of death: cardiac arrest/arrhythmia/arteriosclerotic heart disease/ventricular aneurysm
Burial 6-19-1992 Rose Hills Memorial Park Whittier, CA
Rose Hills
Book of Deaths cert #: 2005000548
Richard James PEET, Caucasian/male/married; dob: 9-13-1921; pob: MN; dod: 4-8-2005 at 0115 hrs; pod: Twin
Cities Hospital, Templeton; age: 83 yrs; was in the military; not Hispanic; education: HS graduate; surviving
spouse: Evelyn Mary STICKNEY; occupation: cattle rancher for 40 yrs; usual residence: Vineyard Dr., Paso
Robles; 48 yrs in county of death
informant: Evelyn PEET - wife
father: Leo Leroy PEET pob: New York
mother: Ida Jeanette XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: New York
cause of death: multi organ failure/acute myelogenous failure
Cr/res Chapel of the Roses
Book of Death cert #: 2001001285
Robert William ARNETT, male/Caucasian/Married; dob: 7-31-1923; pob: CA; dod: 8-24-2001 at 1245 hrs; pod: Twin
Cities Hospital, Templeton; age: 78 yrs; education: 13; not Hispanic; never in the military; occupation: Range Master
for 20 years - military business; surviving spouse: Lois G. BREWER; usual residence: San Miguel; 30 yrs in county of
informant: Lois ARNETT - wife
father: William Earl ARNETT pob: CA
mother: Minnie XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: Kansas
cause of death: ventricular fibrillation/ischemic cardiomyopathy/congestive heart failure/coronary atherosclerosis/renal &
liver dysfunction
Burial 8-28-2001 San Miguel Cemetery
Kuehl - Nicolay Funeral Home
Book of Deaths BK 25 PG 350
Rose Nancy WIESER, female/white/widow; dob: 10-29-1890; pob: Estrella District, San Luis Obispo County,
CA; dod: 5-5-1948 at 10:40 am; residence, Leff St., San Luis Obispo; length of stay in this community: life; CA:
life; occupation: at home; age: 57 yrs, 6 mos, 6, days
informant: Rosabelle SANBERG Leff St., San Luis Obispo father:
Bartolo ARAUJO pob: Santa Cruz, CA
mother: Alta Gracia XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: San Luis Obispo, CA
cause of death: acute heart failure/chronic myocarditis/coronary pulmonary disease/bronchial asthma
Burial 5-8-1948 IOOF Cemetery
R. F. Richardson Company
Book of Births BK 5 PG 548
Jill Marie VEGHER, female, single birth, birth weight: 2892 grams, pob: General Hospital, dob: 10-25-1978 at 1803 hrs
mother: Pamela Ann XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: CA age: 29 yrs
father: James Charles VEGHER pob: CA age: 35 yrs
Cert. # 2003000161
Gary Allen BURDEN, White/male/married; dob: 3-21-1977; pob: CA; dod: 1-25-2003 at 0100 hrs; 25 yrs old; was in
the military; not Hispanic; education: GED; occupation: Plumber for 4 yrs; usual residence: Nipomo for 25
years; surviving spouse: Jennifer Darlene Hewitt PITTS informant:
father: Gary Arthur BURDEN pob: ME
mother: Sandra Carol XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: CA
cause of death: pending. Decedent driver left the roadway, stricking a tree 1.1 mile north of Oso Flaco Rd on Highway 1,
Burial 1-31-2003 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Lady Family Mortuary
Cert # 2010000922
Gary Arthur BURDEN, Caucasian/male/married; dob: 6-14-1956; pob: ME; dod: 5-20-2010 at 1718 at 1718
hrs; pod: residence, Nipomo; age: 53 yrs; education: HS graduate; never in the military; occupation: service
manager - auto for 10 years; 36 yrs in this county
informant: Sandra ROBERTS
father: Ernest Freeman BURDEN pob: ME
mother: Jean Grace XX(last name withheld per CA state law) pob: ME
cause of death: pending coroner's investigation
Cr/bu 5-27-2010 Arroyo Grande Cemetery
Lady Family Mortuary
BK 57 PG 970
Carsan Rosette Loren BURDEN, female, single birth, dob: 9-7-2000 at 1757 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital
father: Nathan Arno BURDEN, dob: 11-9-1971, pob: Nevada
mother: Kristin Lee XX (last name withheld per CA state law), dob: 7-9-1970, pob: CA
BK 81 PG 511
Christopher Clyde BURDEN, dob: 10-7-1962 at 11:21 pm, male, single birth, pob: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital
mother: Sun Ae XX(last name withheld per CA state law), race: yellow, age: 25 yrs, pob: Korea, resident of Paso Robles
father: Richard King BURDEN, Soldier US Army
BK 57 PG 107
Ellen Marie BURDEN, dob: 5-27-1954 at 2:37 am, female, single birth, pob: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital, mother
is a resident of San Miguel, 20 miles No. East on Indian Valley Rd, Monterey County, CA
mother: Beverley Rae XX(last name withheld per CA state law), white race, age: 24 yrs, pob: CA, resident of San Miguel
father: white race, age: 33 yrs, pob: CA, occupation: Rancher, Grain & Cattle
BK 45 PG 433
Jessica Ashley BURDEN, dob: 7-25-1995 at 2325 hrs, female, single birth, pob: San Luis Obispo General Hospital
father: Gary Allen BURDEN, pob: CA, dob: 3-21-77
mother: Jennifer Darlene XX(last name withheld per CA state law), pob: CA, dob: 3-11-1977
BK 61 PG 154
Judy Ann BURDEN, dob: 10-9-1955 at 5:17 am, female, single birth, pob: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital, mother is
a resident of San Miguel, San Luis Obispo County, 20 miles No on Indian Valley Rd
mother: Beverley Rae XX(last name withheld per CA state law), white race, age: 25 yrs, pob: CA, resident of San Miguel
father: Charles William BURDEN, white race, age: 35 yrs, pob: CA, occupation: Rancher Cattle & Grain
cert #: 2004000005
Kaya Lee Coats BURDEN, dob: 1-5-2004 at 1443 hrs, pob: Sierra Vista Hospital, female, single birth
father: Nathan Arno BURDEN, pob: Nevada, dob: 11-9-1971
mother: Kristin LeeXX(last name withheld per CA state law), pob: CA, dob: 7-9-1970
BK 52 PG 192
Margie Mae BURDEN, dob: 10-2-1952 at 12:07 pm, pob: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital, residence of
mother: Indian Valley Rd, San Miguel, Monterey County, CA
mother: Beverley Rae XX(last name withheld per CA state law), white race, age: 22 yrs, pob: CA, resident of San Miguel
father: Charles William BURDEN, white race, age: 32 yrs, pob: CA, occupation: Ranching Grain & Cattle
BK 66 PG 512
Randy Warren BURDEN, dob: 1-7-1958 at 1:22 pm, male, single birth, pob: Paso Robles War Memorial Hospital
mother: Doris Viola XX(last name withheld per CA state law), white race, age: 34 yrs, pob: CA, resident of San Miguel, 1
mile No. of San Miguel, old highway 101 on a farm, San Luis Obispo County
father: Harold Wesley BURDEN, white race, age: 39 yrs, pob: CA, occupation: Rancher Hay & Cattle
Section One of One
File Updated: 17 December 2021