Published by
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) – ©2007
Thematic and Technical Resources Department
Freiburgstrasse 130
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
This guide has been elaborated by Dr. Katharina Jenny, Natural
Resources and Environment (NRE) Division of SDC in collaboration
with Dr. Othmar Kaeppeli, Centre BATS, 4058 Basel, Switzerland.
Clara Wubbe, Transit TXT, CH-1701 Fribourg, Switzerland
Patrick Albert Saari, Quito, Ecuador
Proof Reading
Dr. Jorge Rojas, Fundacn PROINPA, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Theodore Wachs, Centre for Development and
Environment (CDE), 3008 Bern, Switzerland
Layout design
Ana María Hintermann-Villamil,, Beethovenstrasse 27, CH-3073 Gümligen, Switzerland
Printed by
Schlaefli & Maurer AG,
Bahnhofstr. 15, CH-3800 Interlaken, Switzerland
Order from
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Freiburgstr. 130
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
For further information, please contact the NRE, Division,
This publication is also available in French and Spanish.
Why guidelines on Green Biotechnology? ......................................... 2
What these Guidelines contain .......................................................... 3
Green Biotechnology today and in the future ................................... 3
The current situation in developing countries 3
The controversy 4
Biosafety Regulatory Regimes and the Swiss Biosafety Framework 5
Challenges and Trends 5
Food Aid (GMO(s) in emergency operations) 6
SDC objectives and principles on Green Biotechnology ......................7
Definition of informed decision making 8
SDC contributions to Green Biotechnology ........................................ 9
Policy level 9
Implementation level 10
Service level 10
Guidelines, monitoring and adaptation ........................................... 11
Validity 11
Monitoring and adaptation 11
Abbreviations ..................................................................................12
Glossary ..........................................................................................13
References .......................................................................................16
Some references 16
Useful Resource Links 17
The terms “Green Biotechnology” (GBT) and “Plant
Biotechnology” are used synonymously, and in their
broadest sense relate to the use of modern biotech-
nology methods of crop plant improvement, ranging
from tissue culture to marker-assisted breeding. In a
narrower sense, the terms refer to the use of genetic
engineering in plant breeding. In what follows, we
concentrate on genetic engineering of plants, as this is
the most controversial issue in GBT.
Modern technologies in plant breeding have far-reach-
ing implications for trade (trade liberalization) and
access to and free exchange of breeding material
(intellectual property). Consequently, GBT is a pri-
mary focus in a range of international organizations
and conventions of which Switzerland is a member.
The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
and the WTO deal with trade and Property Rights
issues, and the FAO, the International Plant Protection
Convention (IPPC), the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) and the Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety with biodiversity, biosafety and global
food issues. All these international entities promote
responsible applications of GBT and none oppose
GM crops.
Worldwide acreage of GM crops is increasing rapidly
and currently accounts for more than 7% of arable land.
More advanced developing countries are becoming
aware of the potential of GBT, and the increase in GM
crop acreage and GBT research investments in coun-
tries such as China, India, Argentina, Brazil and South
Africa is strong. On the other hand, many countries
receiving food aid are confronted with questions of
how to handle the import of GM food aid, especially
if there is no effective national regulatory framework
in place.
The above-mentioned countries are often role models
for the poorer SDC partner countries, and therefore
SDC staff may be confronted with a variety of GBT
issues. Over the last 10 years, SDC has been seen
as particularly active in fostering the international
multi-stakeholder debate on GBT. The present docu-
ment will help SDC staff to inform themselves about
the current state of the art, major controversial issues,
and SDC thinking, and thereby help them to formulate
appropriate contributions, either in a national or inter-
national context.
Box 1: Green Biotechnology – a controversial issue
Green Biotechnology is a much disputed but rapidly
emerging and far-reaching field of technology:
Proponents are convinced that genetic engineering
of plants holds an enormous potential for sustainable
increases in food production and quality.
Opponents believe that genetically modified (GM)
crops are harmful to the environment, that products
pose a threat to human health and biodiversity, and
that humans and the envi-ronment are sacrificed for
the sake of revenues and shareholder value in a
handful of global companies.
Key issues of the debate are: biosafety,
environmental sustainability, ethics, and real
benefits for developing countries.
Why guidelines on Green Biotechnology?
Overall, the guidelines describe SDCs political com-
mitment (policy level), options for support to SDCs
country offices and local partners (implementation
level), current and future programmes/projects and
linkages to other thematic priorities, and the process
of handling forthcoming requests for networking with
relevant partners and stakeholders in the respective
field (service level).
SDCs position on GBT is developed in a stepwise
approach, consisting of two interlinked sets of infor-
mation tailored to different uses. These are:
The Guidelines, which summarise the basic
principles, controversial issues, and strategic
options, and
The Fact sheets, which consist of a primary set of
selected issues relevant for SDC staff at different
levels. They are regularly updated, based on new
developments in the political and technological
fields (see section G, service level).
Production of genetically modified crops today is
principally limited to varieties of soybean, maize,
canola and cotton. The bulk of these varieties boast
herbicide tolerance and disease resistance properties.
As of today, the commercial market is served by six
multinational research-based companies. GM crops
are grown by approximately 10.3 million farmers in
22 countries. In 2006, more than 38% of the global
GM crop area, equivalent to about 39 million hectares,
was grown in emerging developing countries, namely
China, India, Argentina, Brazil and South Africa. This
continuous trend has implications for the future adop-
tion of GM crops in other developing countries as well
as in industrialised countries.
Although it varies widely in degree, there is a signifi-
cant amount of research by public research institu-
tions going on, focussing on local crop improvements
for poor farmers and their communities, and industrial
crops according to national priorities. However, there
is a distinct lack of public sector capability in product
development and technology transfer to small farmers.
Lack of experience, capacity, and lack of funding to
develop products based on new research, including
but not limited to the ability required to elaborate and
impose bio-safety regulations, are reasons for this. As
a consequence, evidence of the overall benefits of
GM crops in developing countries is scarce, except
for some socio-economic studies on the impact of GM
cotton in Africa, India and China. However, it is antici-
pated that GM technology will soon be approved for
basic staples like rice in China and India.
Many countries have identified genetic modification
of crops as an option to meet their agricultural devel-
opment priorities, provided the GM technologies
address hunger and malnutrition and enhance local
technological capabilities.
However, some countries have taken strong positions
against the use of GMOs and restricted their use in
various ways. They consider that the potential ben-
efits are uncertain and the risks not sufficiently known.
These are the issues around which the current debate
is taking place.
What these Guidelines contain
Green Biotechnology today and in the future
The current situation in developing countries
The controversy
In the box 2, the principal points of contention are
listed, with counter-positioning of opposing opinions
about certain aspects of Green Biotechnology.
Countries interested in using GM technology in agri-
culture need to develop policies and regulatory sys-
tems that take account of the issues and concerns in a
manner that is feasible in their specific contexts. Many
countries are setting up biosafety regulatory frame-
works with international support under the scheme
provided by the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
However, even where developing countries have a
biosafety regulatory system in place, the main dif-
ficulty arises in implementation. Often, national
institutions are too weak to enforce regulations.
Requirements such as assessing the socio-economic
impacts on rural communities pose a challenge in
themselves. National capacity-building efforts very
much depend on close collaboration with donor
communities and selected institutions in the industrial-
ized world, including the CGIAR.
Box 2: Genetically modified crops and development – elements of the controversy
GM crops are vital to feed the world;
risks depend on the use of technology
and can be controlled.
World hunger is a poverty issue; GM crops are not
essential in alleviating poverty as they are associated
with many risks.
Benefits to farmers
Increased yields of local crops; marginal
soils can be cropped.
GM technology will only be available for in-dustrial
crops; local crops unattractive to companies; GM crops
are not adapted to technological level of developing
Less dependence on products from
industrialized countries (e.g. fertilizers,
herbicides, pesticides).
Increased costs for small and subsistence farmers: New
seeds every year; dependence on complementary
herbicides and pesticides.
Decrease in the use of herbicides and
Dependence on multinationals for seeds; reduction in the
use of herbicides and pesticides uncertain.
Risks to sustainable development of local communities
Beneficial to development of local
communities through marketing of
surplus production and secondary
Negative impact on livelihood of local communities
owing to technology not adapted to small farmers
needs; impossible to qualify for high-price markets
(organics, fair trade).
Cropping systems and environmental risks
GM technology can be made available
for minor crops and local food crops.
Loss of control of genetic resources and locally improved
Coexistence with alternative agricultural
practices possible.
Displacement of local crops and agricultural practices;
coexistence impossible.
Environmental and human safety granted
with specific measures.
Uncertainty about environmental and longterm health
effects (non-conformity with precautionary principle).
Safety issues comparable to those of
conventional breeding.
New risks with GM crops; loss of crop plant diversity;
pollution of centres of origin.
Challenges and Trends
The issues and concerns surrounding GM technology are
complex, involving scientific, social, ethical, trade and
political aspects. The processes of carefully balancing
and weighing the potential benefits against the possible
risks of GM crops, and arriving at a decision to approve
or reject a particular application of GBT, presumes the exist-
ence of relevant and adequate capacity in several specific
areas of knowledge. With some exceptions, few officially
approved guidelines or policy papers exist on formal deci-
sion making.
International dialogue has proposed the use of an
“informed decision-making process” to decide on
the application of GBT. Such efforts are part of the
endeavour to redirect biotechnology to address the
needs of low-income families in developing countries
and to involve all stakeholders in the decision-making
process. Biotechnology is considered one of the
important tools in a larger portfolio of science
and technology approaches to further sustainable
In accordance with this approach, the acceptance of
agricultural technologies based on genetic engineering
should depend on the expression of local needs, involve
a thorough risk-benefit assessment, and be adapted to
available capacities. Local stakeholders must be part of
the decision-making process.
Biosafety Regulatory Regimes and the Swiss Biosafety Framework
The most important international regulatory frame-
work for Green Biotechnology are the FAO Codex
Alimentarius, which sets standards for food safety,
and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The
Protocol regulates the transboundary movement of
GMOs only, and calls on governments to establish
their own national biosafety regulation. The focus is
on regulating the import of GMOs into a signatory
country, and requires the advance informed agree-
ment of the country’s authority. Consequently, it has
an immediate effect on trade and trade related issues.
Its guiding principle is the precautionary approach.
This means that if the risks to the environment are seri-
ous, and understanding of those risks is inadequate,
then steps should immediately be taken to minimise
any possible damage, even if this means abandoning
the project. As of December 2006, 137 nations, the
majority of which are developing nations, had signed
the Protocol or expressed their intention to do so.
Switzerland has one of the worlds most restrictive
biosafety regulatory frameworks. Its implementation is
ensured through long-term liability for damages result-
ing from biotechnology applications, and through
requiring comprehensive risk assessment according
to the precautionary approach. Two federal com-
mittees – the Swiss Ethics Committee on Non-human
Gene Technology (ECNH), and the Swiss Expert
Committee for Biosafety (SECB) – as well as environ-
mental organisations have the right to appeal release
permissions. With regard to commercial cultivation of
GM crops, Swiss policy is bound to a five-year mora-
torium that was approved by Swiss voters in a national
referendum in 2005. The moratorium does not, how-
ever, exclude biotechnological research and import
of genetically modified foods. With this regulatory
background, Switzerland has accumulated valuable
experience in a complex field, which can be used to
advise and assist developing countries in establishing
their own regulatory structures.
Food Aid (GMO(s) in emergency operations)
The US is the largest producer of GM crops. In 2005,
the percentage of GM soybeans accounted for 80
percent of all soy planted and 50 percent of all GM
maize. Moreover, the US food system does not sepa-
rate GM and non-GM crops. This is important, as the
US provides 60 percent of all food aid donations,
mostly made up of home-grown wheat, maize and
soy-beans and channelled through the World Food
Programme (WFP).
By mid 2002, this issue was the subject of a public
debate following the rejection of food aid by some
recipient countries in Southern Africa in the middle of
the worst food shortage faced in 50 years. Recipient
countries justified their response by citing concerns
with regard to the safety of such food, the lack of
a national regulatory framework, unintentional intro-
duction of GM crop varieties into the region as a
result of plantings or spillage of the grains provid-
ed as food aid, the related threat of losing export
opportunities to the EU, and to a lesser extent the
infringement of property rights regulations. Given
the growing corporate concentration in the agricul-
tural biotechnology sector and its close ties with spe-
cific government agencies, fears were compounded
by the widespread perception that the introduction
of GM crops as food aid serves donor countries
domestic economic and political interests.
The situation in Southern Africa has prompted the
WFP to set a policy on donations of GM food. It
is WFP policy that all donated food meets the food
safety standards of both the donor and the recipient
countries, and all applicable international standards,
guidelines and recommendations. WFP operates
on the principle that all governments have the right
to choose to accept or reject GM food aid and, if
accepted, set terms for the import of such food, exer-
cising their sovereign right under the Cartagena
Protocol. For example, if a recipient country requires
milling to prevent the use of GM food aid as seed
or, similarly, if a donor places restrictions on the pur-
chase of GM food aid with a cash donation, the WFP
fully honours these conditions.
In March 2006, the parties to the Cartagena
Protocol approved a requirement for labelling of
cross-border shipments containing living modified
organisms (LMOs) in products for direct use as food
or feed, or for processing. Under the new agreement,
products that have been clearly identified and sepa-
rated as transgenics will have to carry the label ‘con-
tains LMOs’. The US, however, as a non-party to the
Protocol, may provide this information on a voluntary
basis only.
Based on lessons learned in Southern Africa, the
WFP also encourages and supports recipient coun-
tries in improving their national analytical capacities
and biosafety framework, placing them in a position
to carry out their own context-specific analyses of
GM food. In addition, the WFP increasingly seeks
alternative non-GM commodities or funding from all
potential sources. It also anticipates that the neces-
sary food can often be procured within the country
Farmers in developing countries face many problems
that crops and agricultural technology alone can-
not solve, such as political and socio-economic con-
straints, unequal benefit sharing, lack of infrastructure,
management and husbandry, access to resources
including good soil and water, and degradation of
the natural resource base. Technology improvement
is only one component, but often one that yields early
returns to farmers. In this context, plant biotechnology
is an additional tool.
SDC shares the view that GBT, including GM technol-
ogy, can never fully replace conventional breed-
ing, but it can be an important tool in improving
plant-breeding programmes.
SDC recognises that GM crops might be able to
improve agricultural productivity sustainably
SDC objectives and principles on Green Biotechnology
SDCs mandate includes advancing sustainable agri-
culture for food security, livelihood improvement,
and pro-poor growth. Achieving MDG1, namely
halving the proportion of people who suffer from hun-
ger and halving poverty, depends to a large extent
on agricultural development. To meet this goal, SDC
pursues the following objectives (adapted from SDC
agriculture policy, 1999):
Box 3: Objectives of SDC agricultural policy
To contribute to the production of sufficient, safe and
nutritious food for an increasing world population
and to make it affordable for the poor.
To produce food in an environmentally friendly
way, namely by using natural resources without
undermining the developmental and environmental
needs of present and future generations.
To ensure that all – men and women – have
equal access to natural resources, services and
legal entitlement, and that traditional knowledge
is recognised by appropriate benefit-sharing
mechanisms and participatory research and
and enhance local and national food security
with direct benefits for rural small holdings. For
this to happen, governments in developing countries
should commit substantial resources to public sec-
tor efforts in GBT. These investments should favour
research and product development for the benefit
of the poor. Often public-private partnerships are a
good strategy to ensure sufficient levels of investment
and know-how. The international development com-
munity has an important role to play in supporting
partner countries in building the necessary capacity
to develop, manage and use modern biotechnology
in a safe and sustainable manner.
The desirability of GBT applications will be assessed
in light of the following core principles (Box 4):
Box 4: SDC core principles for involvement in GBT
Food security: Contributing to food security is
part of the SDC mandate. If GBT allows important
advances in this regard, SDC can support its
application. The international agricultural research
system (CGIAR) remains the principle partner for
strengthening knowledge, innovation and capacity
building. Investments in GBT should form part of an
integrated and comprehensive public agricultural
research and development programme that gives
priority to the poor.
Focus on smallholder farming systems, rural
livelihoods, and gender: The livelihoods of
smallholder farmers have to be safeguarded. SDC
will pay due attention to the impact of the agronomic
and trade consequences of GM crops on smallholder
National sovereignty: GM crops are only one of
many approaches available to contribute to food
security. SDC respects and defends developing
countries’ sovereignty in assessing the desirability
of GM crops within the context of their own local
needs and priorities. SDC enhances the ability of
partner countries to take informed decisions (see
definition below). This includes paying due attention
to alternatives and the appraisal of opportunities,
potential benefits and potential risks associated with
the development and application of GBTs and the
involvement of all important stakeholders.
Food aid: SDC respects the sovereignty of individual
states and adheres to the policy of the WFP, namely
that GM food aid is offered only if the recipient
country has given its informed consent. SDC supports,
whenever applicable, food aid contributions
purchased locally or regionally to strengthen local
production and markets. According to the principles
of the Cartagena Protocol, it also supports recipient
countries in their national biosafety capacity building,
so as to enable them to test GMOs independently on
a context-specific basis.
Non-exclusion: Access to plant genetic resources for
local communities will be safe-guarded. Traditional
knowledge, and specifically the role of women in
managing biodiversity, will be taken into account.
The benefits accruing from the conservation of
plant genetic resources in local systems will be
shared fairly and equitably. SDC insists on non-
discriminating intellectual property rights and
transparent information for all.
Box 5: Partners’ own risk assessments
SDC supports a differentiated position with respect
to GBT. Tenability of particular plant biotechnology
applications should be assessed in an informed
decision-making process at national level with the
goal of promoting safe, sustainable and development-
compatible plant biotechnology applications. The
choices, however, must be made by policy makers in
the partner countries.
Definition of informed decision making
An informed decision takes into account all available
information from multidimensional risk-benefit assess-
ments (e.g. safety, economic, social, environmental,
ethical, cultural and development relevant aspects),
considers technology alternatives (including inaction),
is consistent with pertinent regulations and internal
guidelines, and includes all major stakeholders.
The development of biotechnological applications
takes place in a multidimensional environment, from
policy setting through research to farm practice and
vice versa. To ensure the safe development and appli-
cation of GM technologies, a country must display
capacities ranging from R&D in a number of spe-
cialised areas, including agronomy, nutrition, social
sciences and legal disciplines and biosafety regula-
tory regimes, to GM-specific policies and instruments
to implement them. SDC can support the development
of local capacities at all these levels. Given the broad
spectrum of support which may be requested, SDC is
convinced that contributions to GBT must be addressed
in a harmonised manner. Single donor initiatives that
are not related to larger programmes of partner coun-
tries should normally be avoided. In its contribution to
SDC contributions to Green Biotechnology
GBT, SDCs focus is on strengthening partners’ capacity
to arrive at informed decisions for approval or rejec-
tion of GM technologies. It is SDC’s understanding
that the partner has either started the process of estab-
lishing a biosafety regulatory regime or demonstrated
its willingness to do so.
SDC will give support primarily in areas where it has
a comparative advantage in doing so. These can stem
from existing programmes established with national and
international partners, and in particular the CGIAR, or
from novel arrangements in public-private partnerships.
SDC is active at the policy, implementation and ser-
vice level with similar intensity. Particular attention is
given to linking experiences from all three levels.
Policy level
ex-situ germplasm conservation in perpetuity. SDC
will continue to maintain close information exchange
with the Swiss lead agencies of the CBD and the
Cartagena Protocol (FOEN), and of the International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources (FOAG). SDC
contributes to policy dialogue through expertise and
advice, strengthens the negotiation interests of devel-
oping country partners, and supports their participa-
tion in specific meetings as well as their programmes.
Objectives: Contribute to the creation of an interna-
tionally recognized crop research and development
system with a specific focus on capacity building,
biosafety assessment, access to technology and plant
genetic resources, taking into account the conserva-
tion and use of plant genetic resources as well as the
fair and equitable sharing of the benefits from the use
of these resources.
Partners and focal areas: SDC aspires to be a lead-
ing partner in the implementation of the Global Crop
Diversity Trust, a system that has been put in place for
Assist partner countries in policy and priority setting
Objectives: Accompany and advise partner institu-
tions in their evaluation processes for GBT introduction;
facilitate the safe application of GBT.
Partners and focal areas: For this purpose, SDC will
work primarily through recognized inter-national part-
ners such as the Bioversity International (IPGRI) and
the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
of the CGIAR. Exceptionally, upon specific request by
the partner country and after careful evaluation of the
local context, such support may be directly managed
by SDCs Country offices.
Strengthen technical dialogue with developing countries
Objectives: Make available network knowledge for
the identification of desirable applications of GBT and
assurance of comprehensive project management.
Partners and focal areas: Such dialogue, e.g. on
risk-benefit analyses for GM crops and identification
Engage in international and multilateral platforms
of research partners for key areas, can be delegated
to international partners, such as the CGIAR institu-
tions or Swiss-based partners such as IUED, WTI, ZIL,
SHL, FAL, and the EPFL. SDC plays a facilitating role.
Implementation level
Invest in capacity building for regulatory competence, biosafety and sustainability assessment
Objectives: Contribute to improved implementation
and oversight of international agreements such as
the Cartagena Protocol and the establishment of
National Biosafety Frameworks.
Partners and focal areas: Capacity strengthening is
designed for national partners in the public research
sector in SDCs priority regions. This includes support
for international research linked with national capac-
ity building in the area of risk-benefit assessment and
regulation. Areas of collaboration include develop-
ment of practicable risk-benefit assessment tools and
improvement of the scientific bases in public sector
institutions (e.g. best practice guidelines, training,
biosafety research, socio-economic analyses).
Support the innovation process in public agricultural research
Objectives: Objectives: Promotion of research agendas
that serve smallholder needs and the strengthening of
international agricultural research.
Partners and priority areas: SDC supports the CGIAR,
CABI, FAO and other national/regional partners in the
field. This includes advancement of integrated pest and
sustainable crop management systems, with emphasis
on orphan commodities. SDC participates in the rele-
vant bodies and committees; ensuring that research will
lead to development.
Explore the opportunity to work with the private sector
Objectives: Application of private sector findings to
benefit poor farmers and facilitate access to propri-
etary technologies and knowledge.
SDC recognises the potential to mobilise science and
other product development know-how which princi-
pally resides in the private sector for applications that
may benefit poor farmers. SDC will support appropri-
ate mechanisms to facilitate interaction of the public
and private sectors to bring pro-poor technologies and
products to the fields. This includes facilitating access to
proprietary technologies and knowledge by exploring
innovative cooperation in technology management such
as development of new licensing mechanisms.
Service levels
Most SDC country programmes are in some way com-
mitted to rural income generation, livelihood support,
agricultural value chain enhancement, or the promo-
tion of sustainable agricultural production systems
as key strategies of poverty reduction and pro-poor
growth. In fragile states, emergency food aid is also
repeatedly needed. In this context, SDC staff are con-
fronted with questions concerning SDCs position with
respect to GM crops and foods.
There is no general set of answers to country-related
questions. Above all, safety, sustainability and the
different dimensions of informed choices need to be
assessed in view of local needs and constraints on
a case-by-case basis. The nature of issues will vary
considerably between crop varieties, pests, abiotic
stresses, and markets.
The NRE-Division of SDC, together with its network
of specialised international and national partner
institutions involved in responsible assessment and
application of GBT, offers policy, institutional and
technical advice, capacity building, and support
services to country offices based on individual
The fact sheets form an integrated part of NREs serv-
ice provision. The initial set covers information about:
Intellectual Property Rights,
the Concept of Informed Decision Making,
Innovations in GBT and Technological Trends,
GMOs and Food Aid,
Glossary Green Biotechnology and
References/Useful Links,
Swiss and International Regulations,
Positions of Other Organisations, and
SDC-supported Activities in GBT.
Additional topics will be covered based on request
from SDCs country programmes or other stakehold-
ers, or based on new developments in the political or
technological field.
Guidelines, monitoring and adaptation
The guidelines will initially be valid for five years; the
fact sheets are regularly updated and supplemented
by selected issues.
Monitoring and adaptation
SDCs NRE Division is the unit responsible for follow-
up on the policy process and for facilitating service
and advisory / capacity building support in partner
countries in cooperation with the country offices.
Revisions of the guidelines will be considered in cases
of major context change.
BATS Center for Biosafety and Sustainability,
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute,
Bt Bacillus thuringiensis
CABI Center for Applied Biosciences,
CBD UN Convention on Biological Diversity,
CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research,
CPB Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,
ECNH Swiss Ethics Committee on Non-human Gene Technology,
EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
FAL Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture, Reckenholz,
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations,
FOAG Federal Office for Agriculture,
FOEN Federal Office for the Environment,
GBT Green Biotechnology
GEF Global Environment Fund,
GM / OGM Genetically Modified / Genetically Modified Organism
GMO ERA Genetically Modified Organisms Environmental Risk Assessment,
IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute,
IPPC International Plant Protection Convention,
IPR Intellectual Property Rights,
IUED Institut Universitaire d’Etudes du Développement, Genève CH,
LMOs Living Modified Organisms
MDG Millennium Development Goals,
SECB Swiss Expert Committee for Biosafety,
SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation,
SHL Swiss College for Agriculture,
R&D Research & Development
UNEP United Nations Environmental Programme,
WFP World Food Programme,
WHO World Health Organisation,
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization,
WTI World Trade Institute,
WTO World Trade Organisation,
ZIL Centre for International Agriculture,
The number and variety of plants, animals and other organisms that exist in nature.
Technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof,
to make or modify products or processes for specific use (Definition by the CBD).
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
A naturally occurring bacteria that produces a protein toxic to certain types of insects. The gene inside the
bacteria that is responsible for producing the toxin – the Bt gene – can be used as biological control agent
against insects and as a transgene in GM crops, thereby making them more resistant to the corresponding insect.
Disease resistance
The capacity of a plant, usually determined by one or a few genes, to suppress or retard the
activities of a disease-causing organism, usually a fungal, bacterial or viral pathogen.
The biochemical substance from which the genetic material of cells is made. DNA
has a thread-like structure. The DNA in a plant or animal cell is in several long
lengths called chromosomes, each of which contains many genes.
Food security
According to the FAO, a state in which all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to
sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for a healthy life.
Genetic engineering
…is also known as recombinant DNA techniques. It is a branch of modern biotechnology. It
entails a range of techniques used by scientists in an attempt to control or modify genes
or, most controversially, move them between two unrelated species. Plants that have had
the sequences of their genes changed are called genetically modified (GM) crops.
Genetically modified (GM) crops
Crop plant whose genetic makeup has been scientifically altered by genetic
modification to produce desirable new traits or eliminate undesirable ones.
A linear fragment of DNA which contains the information needed to make proteins.
The entire complement of DNA (genes plus non-coding sequences) present in most cells of an organism.
The study of an organism’s genome and the use of the genes. It deals with the systematic use of genome
information, associated with other data, to provide answers in biology, medicine, and industry.
Tissue from which new plants can be grown, for example seeds, pollen or
leaves. Even a few cells may be sufficient to culture a new plant.
Green Biotechnology, GBT
…is modern biotechnology applied to agricultural processes. Green Biotechnology and Plant
Biotechnology are used as synonyms and relate to crop plant modification involving genetic
engineering. An example would include a crop plant genetically engineered to grow under specific
environmental conditions or in the presence (or absence) of certain agricultural chemicals.
A substance that kills plants and is used to control weeds. Herbicides vary in their specificity. Some
kill a broad spectrum of plant species, while others kill only specific species or groups of species.
Herbicide tolerance
This allows a plant to tolerate a herbicide that would otherwise kill it. This can be achieved
by means of either genetic modification or conventional plant breeding.
Intellectual property
An intangible form of personal property. Copyrights, patents, and trademarks are examples
of intellectual property. Intellectual property rights enable owners to select who may access
and use their property, to protect it from unauthorised use and to recover income.
The placing of a transgenic event into an established plant variety by traditional
breeding, perhaps assisted by marker-assisted breeding.
Marker Assisted Breeding (MAB)
Molecular Breeding
Molecular breeding is a tool that involves the use of DNA markers for genes
in combination with physical measurement of traits to accelerate selection in
plant breeding programmes. Also called marker-assisted breeding.
Modern Biotechnology
Term used to distinguish newer applications of biotechnology, such as genetic
engineering and cell fusion from more conventional methods such as breeding, or
fermentation. (Definition adopted from the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety).
Plant biotechnology
See Green Biotechnology
Precautionary principle
A rule that permits governments to impose restrictions on otherwise legitimate
activities, if there is a perceived risk of damage to the environment or to human
health. There is no agreed definition, hence its interpretation is disputed.
The ability to withstand abiotic or biotic stress, or a toxic substance. Resistance,
relative to susceptibility, is genetically determined. Forms of biotic resistance
are insect resistance, bacterial resistance, and fungal resistance.
According to the principle of subsidiarity, within a system of governance, decisions should be taken at the
lowest possible level, provided that goals such as safety and environmental protection are secured.
Subsistence farmers
Farmers who mostly grow food for home consumption, with any surplus typically being sold locally.
An isolated gene sequence used to transform an organism. The transgene may
have been derived from a different species than that of the recipient.
An organism that has had genes from another organism put into
its genome through recombinant DNA techniques.
Transgenic event
Each time a transgene is introduced to a plant cell, the transgenic event created is slightly
different, unfolding different properties, and perhaps regulatory consideration.
Tissue culture
The growth of cells, tissues or organs in a nutrient medium under sterile conditions.
Plant tissue culture relies on the fact that all plant cells have the ability to generate a whole
plant (totipotency). Single cells (protoplasts), pieces of leaves, or roots can often be used to
generate a new plant on culture media, given the required nutrients and plant hormones.
Some References
Please note: Additional as well as issue-specific references will be provided in the Fact Sheets
Alliance Sud (2005) Gentechnologie bekämpft den Hunger nicht. Global+, Dokument 8,
Bhagavan M. R. and Virgin I (2004) Agricultural Biotechnology in Developing Countries.
A Briefing Paper for Sida. SEI Stockholm Environment Institute. ISBN 91 88714 92 6,
Cohen, J. I. (2005), Poorer nations turn to publicly developed GM crops. Nature Biotechnology 23 (No 1), 27–33,
DANIDA (2002) Assessment of Potentials and Constraints for Development and Use of Plant Biotechnology in Relation to Plant
Breeding and Crop Production in Developing Countries. Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark.
DANIDA Working Paper.
FAO (2004) The State of Food and Agriculture 2003-2004. Agricultural Biotechnology: Meeting the needs of the poor?
Inforesources (2006) Biotechnology and Food Security. Focus No 1/06 (e, f, sp)
James C. (2006) Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GMCrops: 2006. ISAAA Brief No 35.
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications, USA,
Masood E. (2005) The GM debate – Who Decides? An analysis of decision-making about genetically modified crops in
developing countries. Panos Report No 49. Published by the Panos Institute, UK.
Nuffield Council on Bioethics (2004) The use of genetically modified crops in developing countries. Published by the Nuffield
Council on Bioethics; ISBN 1 904384 07 2
Omamo S. W. and Grebmer von K. (2005) Biotechnology, Agriculture, and Food Security in Southern Africa. Published by
IFPRI Washington D.C., Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network. ISBN 0-89629-737-3,
Persley G. J. (2003) New Genetics, Food and Agriculture: Scientific Discoveries –
Societal Dilemmas. International Council for Science. ISBN 0-930357-57-4
Qaim M. and Matuschke I. (2005) Impacts of genetically modified crops in developing countries:
a survey. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 44 (No 3), 207227
Sanchez P. A. and Swaminathan M. S. (2005) Cutting World Hunger in Half. Science 307, 357–359
Swiss Ethics Committee on Non-Human Gene technology (ECNH) (2005) Gene technology and Developing Countries.
Swissaid (2005) Position Paper ‘Genetic Engineering in Agriculture’.
WFP Policy on Donations of Foods derived from Biotechnology (GM/ Biotech Foods) (2002).
World Bank (2003) Biosafety Regulation: A review of International Approaches, Published by the Word Bank Agriculture &
Rural Development Department, Report No. 26028.
Useful Resource Links
Checkbiotech: Up-to-date news articles and information on agricultural biotechnology.
FAO: Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture
Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology.
GreenFacts: Scientific Facts on Genetically Modified Crops
SciDevNet: Dossier Agri-biotech.
UNEP-GEF:Biosafety Projects.
Photographs on the front cover:
© IRRI 2003 / Ariel Javellana / Paniqui, Tarlac, Phillipines
© SDC / Katharina Jenny / Tissue Culture
Photographs per page:
© SDC / Katharina Jenny / Malawi
© IRRI 2006 / Aileen del Rosario / Victoria, Laguna, Philippines
© IRRI 2003 / Ariel Javellana / Paniqui, Tarlac, Philippines
© Felix Hintermann / La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras
© SDC /Andreas Gerrits / United Republic of Tanzania
© IRRI 2006 / Raymond Panaligan / Los Bos, Laguna, Philippines
© SDC / Katharina Jenny / Malawi
© IRRI 2006 / Raymond Panaligan / Los Bos, Laguna, Philippines
© SDC / Katharina Jenny / Niger
© SDC / Katharina Jenny / Malawi
Photograph on the back cover:
© IRRI 2003 / Ariel Javellana / Los Bos, Laguna, Philippines