Green Technology Foresight about
environmentally friendly products
and materials
- The challenges from nanotechnology, biotechnology
and ICT
Michael Søgaard Jørgensen
, Maj Munch Andersen
Annegrethe Hansen
, Henrik Wenzel
, Thomas Thoning
, Ulrik Jørgensen
, Morten Falch
, Birgitte
, Stig Irving Olsen
and Ole Willum
Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management,
Technical University of Denmark,
Systems Analysis Department, Risoe National Laboratory,
Institute of Product Development
Center for Information and Communication Technologies,
Technical University of Denmark.
Working Report No. 34 2006
The Danish Environmental Protection Agency will, when opportunity
offers, publish reports and contributions relating to environmental
research and development projects financed via the Danish EPA.
Please note that publication does not signify that the contents of the
reports necessarily reflect the views of the Danish EPA.
The reports are, however, published because the Danish EPA finds that
the studies represent a valuable contribution to the debate on
environmental policy in Denmark.
A. Environmental governance 9
B. Guiding research and research policy: 11
C. Support for eco-innovation 12
D. Regulating application areas 14
2.3.1 Laboratory programmes 35
2.5.1 Trajectory change and the product cycle 38
2.5.2 Different notions of trajectories 40
2.5.3 Exploitation-exploration- attention and search rules 40
2.5.4 Applying the technology trajectory approach in technology foresight41
2.7.1 Elements of stakeholder involvement and dialogue in environmental
assessment 45
2.7.2 Identification of fields of application and core properties of
technologies 45
2.8.1 Typology of government regulation 48
2.8.2 Different aspects of governance 49
3.1.1 Methodology 52
3.2.1 Political and marketing frame-work conditions 54
3.2.2 ICT as technology area 59
3.3.1 Environmental impact related to ICT-equipment and –
infrastructure 67
3.3.2 European Environmental legislation concerning electronic and
electrical equipment 72
3.3.3 Presentation of the areas of application for detailed analysis 76
3.4.1 New sensor systems 77
3.4.2 Distributed computer capacity 79
3.4.3 Increased knowledge, awareness and action from environmental data79
3.5.1 CAD and environmental databases 81
3.5.2 Topology optimization 82
3.5.3 Computer Aided Process Engineering 83
3.6.1 Process automation 86
3.7.1 Polymer chips and sensors as enabling technology 92
3.7.2 Cases 93
3.8.1 Telework 97
3.8.2 Diffusion of telework 99
3.8.3 E-business 103
4.1.1 Environmental perspectives and concerns 116
4.2.1 Sources for the desk study 118
4.2.2 Biotechnology - environmental focus in the late 1980s 120
4.2.3 Further development of the focus on processes and products 125
4.3.1 Danish biotechnology activities 130
4.4.1 Enzyme production and application 136
4.5.1 Fermentation efficiency 142
4.5.2 Bio-polymers 142
4.5.3 Bio-ethanol 145
4.5.4 Biological base-chemicals 148
4.5.5 Bio-remediation 148
Discussion of the environmental perspectives 150
4.6.2 Discussion of the structural conditions 151
5.2.1 What is nanotechnology? 158
5.2.2 The nanotechnological development 162
5.2.3 Explaining path creation in nanotechnology 162
5.3.1 Environmental risks related to nanotechnology 165
5.3.2 Environmental impacts in the product cycle 169
5.3.3 Policy initiative on nano environmental risks 170
5.3.4 Environmental opportunities related to nanotechnology 171
5.4.1 The organisation of the nanotechnological knowledge production in
Denmark 177
5.4.2 The Danish learning relations 181
5.4.3 Attention rules and entrepreneurial expectations 182
5.4.4 Attention and perception of environmental issues 185
5.4.5 Environmental search rules and risks 187
5.5.1 Overall identified eco-potentials 189
5.5.2 Eco-potential qualification 197
5.6.1 Cases on nano eco-potentials 203
5.7.1 Problems to address by policy 216
6.3.1 Summary of findings related to ICT 221
6.3.2 Summary of findings related to biotechnology 222
6.3.3 Summary of findings related to nanotechnology 223
6.3.4 The character of the identified environmental potentials and risks224
6.5.1 The Danish government’s plan for a strengthening of ‘green
technology’ 227
6.5.2 The Danish High Technology Foundation 227
6.5.3 EU’s Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) 228
6.6.1 Visions as guidance of research policy and research 230
6.6.2 Applying methods from technology foresight 231
Environmental screening of research proposals 232
6.6.4 Environmental assessment as part of research 232
6.7.1 ICT 234
6.7.2 Biotechnology 234
6.7.3 Nanotechnology 235
6.8.1 Regulating eco-efficiency and substitution of chemicals 236
6.8.2 Transport, logistics and mobility 236
6.9.1 Introduction 237
6.9.2 Environmental governance 238
6.9.3 Guiding research and research policy: 239
6.9.4 Support for eco-innovation 241
6.9.5 Regulating application areas 243
7.1 CHAPTER 1-2 244
7.2 CHAPTER 3 (ICT) 247
7.2.1 Workshop 254
7.2.2 Interviews 254
7.3 CHAPTER 4 (BIO) 255
7.3.1 Interviews 258
7.4 CHAPTER 5 (NANO) 259
7.4.1 Interviews 262
The focus of this green foresight project is the future environmental
challenges and possible environmentally related competitive advantages
related to the three generic technologies (or technology areas)
nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT (information and communications
technologies). Focus has been on aspects of environment and health in
general and particularly chemical aspects. The aim has been to develop
recommendations for integrated environmental and innovation policies in
Denmark and the EU in relation to the three technology areas in order to
reduce and prevent the future impacts on environment and health, ensure
focus on the environmental potentials in research, innovation and
applications, and obtain environmentally related competitive advantages.
The project has been financed by the Danish Program for cleaner Products
and has run 2004-2005. Department of Manufacturing Engineering and
Management at Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the System
Analysis Department at Risoe National Laboratory have been responsible for
the project together with Institute for Product Development. Center for
Information and Communications Technology (CICT) at DTU has
contributed to the project.
Part of the background for the project was a recommendation of the Green
Technology Foresight project co-ordinated by the Danish Ministry for
Science, Technology and Innovation 2002-2003 about a combined
environmental and innovation strategy and a focus on green products and
materials. Also EU’s Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) (see
for example (Commission of the European Communities 2003) includes
visions with regard to integration of innovation and environmental
considerations. As part of the analysis of the policy processes in the EU the
project co-operated with The Institute of European Environmental Policy
(London and Brussels) on EU’s Environmental Technologies Action Plan –
Interviews and meetings with researchers, companies, consultants,
governmental authorities and environmental organisations and three
workshops on plastics, on intelligent products and processes, and on policy,
respectively, have contributed to valuable dialogue and knowledge in the
foresight project. In connection to the project the European Environmental
Agency and the Danish Ministry of Environment organised an international
High Level Conference in Copenhagen, 19-20 April 2005: “Eco-innovation:
Potentials and challenges of tomorrow's technologies. Perspectives for
business, Europe and the environment”. A draft of the report was presented
at the conference. Also this conference has contributed to the dialogue and the
knowledge building in the project. There has also been co-operation with the
nanotechnology foresight, carried out within the Danish Ministry for Science,
Technology and Innovation in 2004.
Summary and recommendations
The objectives of the project
The objectives of the Green Technology Foresight project have been:
to analyse the environmental potentials and risks in general and in
relation to chemicals in particular, related to the three technology areas
within the coming 15 – 20 years,
to identify areas, where Denmark has or could have environmental
competitive competencies within environmentally sound design of
products and materials;
to analyse how environmentally promising innovation paths might be
supported in Denmark and in the EU, and develop policy
recommendations for integrated environmental and innovation efforts.
Recommendations integrating future environmental and innovative
aspects of ICT-, bio- and nanotechnology
The development within the three technology areas hitherto and the identified
probable future trends introduce issues concerning environmental potentials
and risks, including potentials and risks related to use, wastes and emissions of
hazardous substances and materials. The following recommendations aim at
high quality environmental governance in the development of the three areas,
so that issues of societal needs and environmental potentials and risks are
addressed within planning and management of research, innovation and
technology applications.
The developed recommendations are structured within the headlines
A. Environmental governance
B. Guiding research and research policy
C. Policy support for eco-innovation
D. Regulating application areas
The recommendations suggest roles to a broad variety of stakeholders, like
research and innovation institutions, businesses and business organisations,
governmental authorities, and consumer and environmental non-
governmental organisations. The Ministry of Environment and Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation are seen as important governmental
authorities in the planning of the implementation of the recommendations.
A. Environmental governance
Strengthen the environmental governance in relation to ICT-, bio- and
General proposals:
A1. Strengthened environmental governance should aim at
focus on environmental potentials and risks in research, innovation
and applications related to the three technology areas
high legitimacy of the societal problems and needs and the
environmental potentials and risks addressed in research and
critical comparisons of environmental potentials and risks of the three
areas with other environmental strategies
A2. Strengthened environmental governance calls upon
more, high quality participation of concerned and affected
stakeholders in the planning, management and assessment of public
and private research and innovation activities related to the three
technology areas
changes in the procedures in planning, management and assessment
of public and private research and innovation to make this
participation influential
facilitation of dialogue between different types of knowledge and
experience (environmental, ethical, technology etc.)
Economic support is needed for Danish researchers’, governmental
authorities’, and NGO’s continued national and international networking
around experiences with environmental governance in relation to the three
technology areas.
A3. Supplementary proposals concerning environmental governance within
the three technology areas:
There is a need for continued discussions about the environmental aspects of
ICT and how they are shaped in interaction with societal trends like
globalisation, more intense everyday life etc. This is also important as ICT
technology in the future might get embedded into many new products like
textiles etc. Such discussions should enable analyses that get deeper than the
metaphor of ‘the knowledge society’ as very knowledgeable and only having
limited resource consumption.
There is need for more public participation in the shaping of the future
research and innovation strategies for white biotechnology. This should
ensure discussions that get deeper than the metaphor of white biotechnology
as a ‘clean technology’ in itself, because it is based on biological materials and
There are rising public, governmental and scientific concerns about how
nanotechnology may lead to new types of health and environment risks
because of new types of materials and processes with new characteristics.
Environmental risks have hitherto been neglected to a high degree in the nano
community. Since nanotechnologies could undergo much change the next 5-
10 years there is need for ongoing dialogues highlighting trends, visions and
fears. Nanotechnology comprises many different scientific fields why there is
a need for discussions focusing on the different types of nanotechnology.
B. Guiding research and research policy:
Stronger integration of environmental aspects in the guidance of research and
research policy
General proposals:
B1. It is suggested to develop
Broad and strong stakeholder participation (e.g. through new think
tanks) in the ongoing development and assessment of visions for the
environmental focus (potentials and risks) in research related to ICT-,
bio- and nanotechnology
Strengthened dialogue between the Ministry of Environment and the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation about strategies for
focus on environmental potentials and risks in the research
programmes of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
Use of Constructive Technology Assessment and Green Technology
Foresight, including participatory and dialogue-based processes as
tools in future research planning and research assessment in relation to
ICT-, bio- and nanotechnology
Development of funding strategies for research in environmental
aspects of the three technology areas. The strategies should consider
dedicated funding for technology assessment and technology foresight
and for environmental research (potentials and risks), and integration
of environmental aspects into technology research, both in relation to
mature and new fields
Development of strategies for independent assessment of
environmental potentials and risks in research proposals
Development of strategies for integration of environmental
competence in technology research, combining development of
environmental competence in technology research groups and
development of independent environmental research capacity based
on competencies within environmental science, engineering and
sociology of technology
B2. Supplementary proposals for guiding research and research policy within
the three technology areas:
There is need for more knowledge about the role of ICT-based tools and
technologies in the shaping of eco-efficient use patterns and in environmental
management in order to develop more socio-technically based development
strategies and paradigms for ICT-technologies. This includes:
Research on the interaction between intelligent products, users and
organisational and societal context in the development of use patterns
and the environmental aspects hereof
Research on the role of ICT-based tools in the development of
environmental competence in businesses etc. in order to develop
strategies for effective development and application of such tools as
part of environmental management
More knowledge about the environmental aspects of biotechnology seems to
be one of the prerequisites for future application of these technologies. This
Research on the environmental potentials and risks of bio-remediation
of pollutants based on release of genetic modified microorganisms
Research on the environmental risks related to release from chemical-
producing plants
Research on the health impacts of an enhanced use of enzymes
The key barrier to nano eco-innovation is the lacking awareness and
knowledge of nano-related eco-potentials and business potentials. It is difficult
to get environmental funding for fundamental nano research, since this kind
of funding tends to focus on more mature and immediate solutions. There is
need for:
A nano eco-innovation research programme and/or a technology
platform based on the identified eleven nano research areas with eco-
Research on the environmental impacts of all kinds of
nanotechnology, particularly the toxicity of nanoparticles and other
nano materials, including development of the capacity to absorb and
mediate similar research from abroad
Further development of existing environmental assessment procedures
which are not adequate for measuring and handling materials at the
nano scale and build nano competencies in the institutions
undertaking these.
C. Support for eco-innovation
Support eco-innovation based on pre-commercial technologies with
environmental potentials
General proposals:
C1. Support for eco-innovation should be organised through
Strengthened dialogue between the Ministry of Environment and the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation about strategies for
ensuring focus on environmental potentials and risks in the innovation
programmes of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation,
including the Danish High Technology Foundation and the
Innovation Consortia tool
Development of environmental and economic visions and targets for
specific technology areas
Support for development of prototypes and for demonstration
Market development through development of standards and long-term
environmental regulation of related chemicals, resources, competing
technologies etc.
Support for development of eco-innovation-oriented competence in
research and innovation through integration of environmental
competence and technology competence
C2. Launch a Danish Green Innovation programme focused on key
environmental themes and key product and consumption areas
The programme should be based on a combination of measures
directed towards research, innovation, potential application areas and
Competencies within eco-innovation, environmental assessment and
consumption dynamics should be included.
The planning of the programme should be based on dialogue among
government, research and innovation institutions, business, and
consumer and environmental organisations.
C3. Strengthen the role of environmental concerns in the further development
The Danish government should encourage and support
A stronger link between the focus of the ETAP technology platforms
and important environmental themes
Inclusion of a broad variety of environmental regulation instruments
as measures in the ETAP implementation
Participation of consumer and environmental organisations in the
development, planning and management of the technology platforms
in order to develop their environmental scope
Danish participation in and initiatives for technology platforms related
to ICT, biotechnology, nanotechnology and chemistry
C4. Supplementary proposals for eco-innovation within the three technology
There is a need for more focus on the potentials and limits to intelligent
products and applications and sensors as elements in an eco-efficiency
strategy. Furthermore, there is a need for strategies to ensure focus on
hazardous substances and materials and radiation in the development of
products and components:
Support for innovation in intelligent products and applications,
including pervasive computing, with focus on the interaction between
ICT-based products, users and societal and organisational context in
order to develop concepts and paradigms for eco-efficient use patterns
Analysis of the perspectives in further development of sensors for
environmentally oriented process regulation and control, including
different types of governmental regulation, which can support the
development and dissemination hereof
Development of strategies for effective enforcement of the RoHS
directive for electronic products and components for the domestic
market, for export markets, and for imported products
Development of demands to the radiation from electronic equipment
and components, and from wireless communication. Ongoing
assessment of the amount and kind of radiation in homes, workplaces,
schools and the public space
There is a need for development of enzymes with eco-potentials for a broader
variety of industrial processes. Furthermore, there is also a need for a strategy
for the use of bio-mass as renewable resource:
Encouraging development of enzymes for a broader variety of
industrial processes through dialogue between potential manufacturers
and users
Development of short-term and long-term national strategy for the use
of different types of bio-mass as renewable resource for chemicals,
energy, materials etc.
There is a need for considerations about how the industrial up-take of
nanoscience can be promoted, through existing industry and through new
start-ups. A central barrier is lacking environmental competencies in the
Danish nano community and lacking nano competencies among
environmental experts and industry and the weak linkages between these
A national think tank or environmental nano network should facilitate
a take-off of a nano eco-innovation strategy
Build environmental competencies in the nano research institutes or in
connection to the new suggested and strengthened nano centres by
employing or co-operating with environmental experts
D. Regulating application areas
Remove barriers to the dissemination of technology applications with
environmental potentials
General proposal:
D1.Where mature and market introduced technologies with environmental
potentials are not taken up by potential users, sector and product domain
regulation should make present market, production and user regimes more
environmentally oriented.
D2. Specific proposals for regulation of application areas in realation to the
three technology areas:
Encouraging the use of ICT-based process regulation and control
more towards higher eco-efficiency through stronger governmental
regulation of wastes and emissions and prices on substances and
materials, and support for environmental competence development in
businesses and governmental institutions etc.
Encouraging more widespread use of available types of enzymes in
industry for increased process efficiency and substitution of chemicals
through stronger demands to eco-efficiency and use of chemicals, and
support for the necessary technological and organisational changes
connected to the uptake, including the challenges faced by small and
medium-sized businesses.
Regulation of application areas is not yet a key instrument for
nanotechnology since most of the identified eco-potentials are pre-
commercial, but it could become relevant later for specific product
areas, e.g. for lighting or hydrogen cars.
Analysis and findings in relation to ICT
The term ICT (information and communications technology) is describing
the tools and the processes to access, retrieve, store, organise, manipulate,
produce, present and exchange data and information by electronic and other
automated means. ICT is an umbrella term that includes any communication
device or application, encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones,
computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as
well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as
videoconferencing and distance learning.
The aim of the research has been:
To identify areas of ICT application that have been claimed to have or get
environmental potentials and understand the shaping of these ICT
applications as an interaction between the general dynamics of ICT, the
dynamics of the application areas and the dynamics of the ICT
applications within these areas
To assess the environmental potentials and risks and the role of
environmental concerns in research, innovation and governmental
regulation related to these areas of ICT application
The analysis is based on desk research, interviews and workshops. The desk
research has focused on former research and knowledge about the relationship
between ICT and the environment in a wider perspective so the relation
between ICT and the society has been a significant part of the desk research.
The interviews have been carried out with actors from both Danish research
environment and business using ICT as tool in their work. The actors have to
a high degree been selected due to a relation to use of chemicals, materials or
energy resources and not because of their specific interest and work with
environmental issues.
The ICT research and development has in a high degree been left to the
private business in Denmark, which in 2001 constituted 90 percent of the
total research and development within the ICT-area. The ICT sector in
Denmark can be characterised by the following business and research related
A strong position in the communications technology (including
mobile, wireless and optical communication)
A strong position internationally in global ICT/pervasive computing
with competencies in embedment, system integration and user-
oriented design
Denmark is one of the leading countries regarding the use of ICT by
the citizens, business and the public sector.
An important trend for more integrated and distributed software based
services and less visible and smaller products and computer equipments will
include some of the following developments:
The disappearance of the computer
Ubiquitous seamless connectivity
Changing traffic patterns
Disposable products
Autonomous systems
From content to packaging
The emergence of virtual infrastructures
The relationship between ICT and the environment can be illustrated by
ordering the impacts at three different levels. The first order relationships
between ICT and the environment are the direct environmental impact from
the ICT equipment and ICT infrastructure, i.e. the use of resources and the
environmental impact from extraction of raw materials, manufacture,
operation, and disposal of ICT equipment and infrastructure. The second
order relationships between ICT and the environment are the environmental
impacts related to the use of ICT in different applications. These relations are
the most important concerning the potential substitution of processes
stressing the environment, and improving the efficiency of production
processes etc. The third order relationships
between ICT and environment
are the consequences of changes in the societies’ total use of resources
through changes in the magnitude of different business and product areas.
This type of impact is represented in the possible parallel growth in e.g. the
access to information and the consumption of material goods and
transportation. This level of impact also includes social and structural changes
in production and consumption resulting from the implementation of ICT
almost everywhere.
Five application fields with relevance for environmental aspects have been
analysed: a) Improving environmental knowledge, b) Design of products and
processes, c) Process regulation and control, d) Intelligent products and
applications and e) Transport, logistics and mobility
Some of the raw materials essential to modern electronics like copper, tin,
silver, gold and platinum are based on scarce resources. Of the materials used
in the manufacturing of ICT-equipment only two percent ends up in the
product itself. The functionality of a number of typical ICT-product is
continuously expanding, which implies means an increase in materials – and
energy consumption.
There are potentials for environmental improvements from the use of ICT-
based tools and devices for data collection and processing, information
exchange, product and process design, and process regulation and control.
More data processing capacity enables the processing of more data and more
complex calculations. Some tools aim at more general resource efficiency. It is
the aim of the application by the user that determines whether environmental
achievements are in focus.
The integration of electronic components into products, so-called intelligent
products or pervasive computing, shows environmental potentials related to
automatic optimisation of the function of products, operational feedback to
the user, digital product information about maintenance, reuse etc.,
integration of products into digital networks whereby use might take place
during low load cycles of the electricity supply, and digital upgradeable
Telework, e-business and logistics are those ICT applications with the most
implications for transport behaviour in the future. A limited amount of
employees will be able to telework. Telework might imply that regular
transport related to commuting and shopping in certain hours is replaced by
more differentiated transport needs. This could challenge the existing
infrastructure of public transport and strengthen individual transport
solutions. Mobile telework will be more widespread as mobile communication
solutions will offer the same facilities at comparable costs as those offered
from the office. This may cause an increase in business travel transport due to
the ongoing globalisation of manufacturing and trade. Within freight transport
e-business could lead to more transport of small batches with high urgency to
professional and private customers. The concept of just-in-time production in
industry will also imply more transport due to the request for more frequent
supply of small batches of materials and products. Logistic tools might
optimise the amount of transportation within these organisational and
economic conditions. The identified environmental potentials within the five
areas of application play today no significant role in the development and use
of software and ICT-equipment. Achievements within these fields demand
environmental regulation of the respective application areas influencing the
priorities made by the users and the dominant driving forces for innovations
and implementations.
An increased amount of electronic products, miniaturisation of products and
a more dispersed use of sensors and other devices could imply increasing
problems in the future with electronic waste. Increased use of pervasive
computing might cause health problems due to electro-smog and safety
problems due to interference between different devices operating in wireless
networks. Efficient implementation of the EU directive about hazardous
substances in relation to electronic products could imply that some toxic
materials are substituted in the future and the directive concerning waste
could imply increased recycling of materials from the products.
Analysis and findings in relation to biotechnology
New biotechnology has, in addition to coming out in most, if not all, national
foresights in the last 25-30 years as important for future techno-economic
growth, also for the last 25-30 years been envisioned to have a number of
environmental advantages, both with regard to remediation as well as to
offering more sustainable production.
The aim of the research has been:
To analyse how biotechnology and environmental perspectives have been
To analyse the future environmental potentials and risks within some
areas of application for biotechnology, where environmental perspectives
have been formulated
To assess the role of environmental concerns in research, innovation and
governmental regulation related to the areas of biotechnology application
From the 1990s and in the 2000s an increasing number of reports have
specifically addressed the environmental perspectives in new biotechnology
development, and in many cases addressed specific applications of new
biotechnology. These envisioned applications have distinguished themselves
from the pharmaceutical and medical applications of new biotechnology and
from the application of new biotechnology in agriculture, and focussed on
new biotechnology for industrial sustainability, monitoring and remediation.
With background in these reports, the survey of new environmental
biotechnology in Denmark has been delimited and focussed mainly on white
biotechnology and on other areas, in which new biotechnology has been
perceived as having environmental advantages, namely the areas of:
enzyme production and application,
fermentation efficiency,
biological base-chemicals, and
This delimitation means that only a part of the Danish biotechnology activities
have been addressed. As the white biotechnology in general and in Denmark
in particular is dominated by enzyme technology and the companies
Novozymes A/S and Danisco A/S, the research and development within this
area and these companies contributes largely to the foresight on white
The environmental performance of biotechnology is not an unambiguous
issue. The mere fact that biological resources are degradable and of biological
origin is not in itself an indication that biotechnology is environmentally
superior to its alternatives. It is emphasized that any environmental
assessment of a technology is a comparison to alternative pathways to provide
the services in question, and that the alternative is most often is a well matured
technology having had a long period of time to achieve its level of resource
efficiency. This implies that up-coming technologies have to compete with
matured ones, and often there has to be some kind of bottleneck to be broken
for the up-coming alternative to be competitive. In the case of biotechnology,
one such breaking of bottleneck is, of course, the genetic modification of
micro-organisms implying huge efficiency increases of biotechnology, and
there is no doubt what-so-ever that this will lead to the fact that bio-
technology gains a lot of land from conventional chemical synthesis and
products of petrochemical origin.
An essential characteristic of biotechnology is the heavy increase in process
efficiency of fermentation. This leads in itself to benefits in terms of resource
savings and related environmental impacts from the manufacturing and use of
these resources. Moreover, it rapidly renders new application areas of
fermentation products economically competitive to their conventional
alternatives and allows for harvesting benefits related to using fermentation
products in industrial and household processes worldwide.
In Denmark, enzyme technology comes out as a key technology for realisation
of environmental benefits of biotechnology. It is demonstrated in the
environmental assessments that enzymes in the referred cases address and
reduce toxic agents, energy consumption and resource use, and references are
made to representatives in the industry as well as researchers, who expect that
enzymes will contribute even further by increased efficiency in production
and use, by application within more industries and by further use in industries
already using enzymes. Environmental aspects are referred to as potentially
contributing to increase in the application of enzymes.
The majority of R&D in enzyme development is being carried out in industry.
R&D in this area is referred to as having sprung from massive investments in
biotechnology research and in molecular biology, and from R&D in
pharmaceuticals and fermentation technology. The increasing applications of
enzymes in industry is, in addition to large efficiency gains obtained in recent
years, also to some extent a consequence of increasing focus on environmental
problems and the regulation hereof. Examples are mentioned amongst other
as the development of enzymes for ethanol production (which has also been
supported with large R&D resources), the development of detergent enzymes
to reduce amount and temperature of water, and the development of phytase
for reducing the release of phosphorus from pig production. Development is
further referred to as having benefited from the support of the introduced
governmental regulation as well as of technological measures to reduce health
and environmental risks, to meet the concerns of trade unions and
environmental organisations.
With regard to developments within bio-ethanol and bio-polymers,
environmental concerns have been key motivators, including concerns for
fossil fuel scarcity. The environmental assessments of these areas of
biotechnology, however, demonstrate a need for a more holistic evaluation of
their perceived environmental advantages. Any use of biological resources
may in the future have to address the fact that biological resources are of
limited availability, and any environmental claim will, therefore, have to
compare with alternative uses of such resources. Using arable land and
agricultural crops for bio-ethanol and bio-polymers with the purpose of
substituting fossil fuels, therefore, probably has to compare with using the
same land and crops for substituting fossil fuels in the energy sector.
With regard to the application of new biotechnology to monitoring and
remediation, it has been foreseen to contribute to cleaning of a number of
pollutions. An important barrier for further research as well as development
has been referred to as uncertainties regarding also the negative consequences.
Private research and development primarily takes place in the US; however,
further research into the potential positive and negative consequences still
seem a prerequisite for a debate on the acceptability and extent of application.
Analysis and findings in relation to nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is an emerging general purpose technology, which by many
is expected to form the basis of the next industrial revolution. It is high on the
political agenda. The interest and funding going into this area globally in the
later years is immense; also in Denmark. As yet, however, nanotechnology is
at a very early, in many cases experimental stage of development. The actual
potential of nanoscience turning into nanotechnology on a wide scale is still
very uncertain and predictions and claims on the future development of
nanotechnology must be treated very carefully.
The analysis of nanotechnology looks into:
What is nanotechnology?
What do international findings say on environmental opportunities
and risks of nanotechnology?
The path creation processes within nanotechnology in Denmark.
Focus is on how environmental issues enter into the strategies and
search processes of Danish nano researchers and related industry.
The identification (mapping) of nano related environmental
opportunities and risks as seen by Danish nano researchers.
The analysis concludes that in spite of frequent references to considerable
eco-opportunities of nanotechnology in the general debate on
nanotechnology, environmental issues are only moderately, in some cases
quite weakly, part of the normal problem solving activity of the Danish nano
technological community. Green attention and search rules are lacking.
Consequently the nano technological paths which are currently in an early but
critical phase of formation are not very green. This means that eco-
opportunities are neglected and environmental risks are overlooked.
Quite a wide range of potential eco-opportunities are identified none the less,
though much of this research is currently not directed towards environmental
applications. The potential eco-opportunities are based on some intrinsic
features of nanotechnologies which may facilitate eco-innovation. Much
nanotechnology offers opportunities for resource efficiency gains e.g. through
being small, efficient, lighter and more durable, but also more intelligent and
tailored in the application. The analysis presents 11 main nano research areas
and 39 specific research areas/nanotechnologies with eco-potentials as
identified by Danish nano researchers. Six of these are expanded on in case
studies. Many of the suggested eco-potentials may offer novel solutions to
environmental problems. The potentials remedy environmental problems in
four ways: a) ‘smart tailored’ products and b) new materials with new
properties, which both could enable less use of energy and other resources in
the manufacturing or the use of these products and materials, c) technology
for more efficient energy systems and for energy systems based on alternatives
to fossil fuel (fuel cells and solar cells) and d) environmental remediation with
more targeted dosing of e.g. hazardous chemicals and more targeted
treatment of pollutants.
The uncertainties as to the future development of these nanotechnologies are
in many cases very uncertain. Also there is a lack of in-depth knowledge on
both eco-opportunities and possible detrimental environmental effects.
There is a rising but new concern about environmental risks related to within
the Danish nano community, similarly to the global trend. Competencies and
concrete studies are lacking here though, particularly concerning not only the
toxicity of nano materials but research into “clean nanotechnology”, including
the environmental aspects of various stages in the product life cycle.
A series of barriers to obtain a stronger emphasis on environmental issues in
nanotechnology development are identified, which policy should address.
Some of these are:
Lacking environmental competencies in the Danish nano community
and lacking nano competencies among environmental experts and
policy makers.
Lacking awareness of and belief in nano related eco-business
opportunities (need of regulation to create new markets, need of
Difficulty in getting environmental funding for fundamental nano
Weak linkages between the nano community and the environmental
researchers/experts and also the environmental industry.
The nanotechnology case raises important policy questions. Issues such as
when and how to carry out dialogues and policy measures towards a
technological field as nanotechnology whose technological materialisation in
the near to medium future is highly uncertain and very diverse.
1 Introduction
1.1 The focus of the project
The objective of this project is to identify future environmental potentials and
risks and study the possible environmentally based competitive advantages
related to the three generic technologies
: nanotechnology, biotechnology and
information and communications technology (ICT). The project is carried
out as a green technology foresight on the selected generic technologies, which
often are seen as future societal growth promoters in Denmark as in most
other industrialized countries. Furthermore are green visions often highlighted
in relation to the three areas. In the foresight process, the environmental and
health potentials and risks of nano-, bio- and information and
communications technologies are identified and assessed based on their
present and possible future lifecycles from ‘cradle’ to ‘grave’, including
production and use. The three technology areas have been selected by the
Danish Environmental Protection Agency, reflecting the central role these
technologies are given in both research and technology policy, but also
reflecting the environmental potentials and risks, which often are highlighted.
The project focuses on aspects of environment and health in general and on
consequences related to chemical aspects in particular. On this background
the aim has been to make recommendations for integrated environmental and
innovation policies in order to promote the environmental perspectives and to
reduce future negative impacts on environment and health. The foresight
focuses on Danish developments, but additionally draws on international
developments with regard to environmental aspects and the dynamics of
research, innovation and application.
1.2 The three generic technologies
As generic – meaning general purpose – technologies the societal impacts of
the three selected technologies have the possibility to be profound. There are,
however, quite large difference between the three technologies, when it comes
to their degree of maturity and the amount of experience with their previous
and present applications – differences of such importance, that they have to
be accounted for and demands different approaches in the analysis. The
differences may also serve as an inspiration for the analysis of the possible
future innovation paths and environmental potentials by learning from the
more mature technologies and their implementation.
The link between technological development and environment and health
impacts are complex – especially in the case of such broad generic
technologies as the ones studied. The impact on environment and health,
including the chemical aspects, are in some cases directly linked to the
technologies, but will in most cases be of an indirect nature linked through the
combination with other technologies in the different areas of application and
the driving forces shaping these applications.
The term general purpose technologies is often used, as well
In relation to ICT there are already quite some experiences with the impact of
this technology as it already has been applied within many parts of society.
Knowledge and practical experiences are available about the environmental
aspects of ICT as shaped in interaction between the more general dynamics
within ICT, the dynamics within the application areas of ICT and the
dynamics of ICT application in consumption. While ICT is regarded as a
technology that substitutes consumption of physical products with virtual
products and thus is expected to reduce environmental impacts, the related
growth in the use of ICT equipment and infrastructure may outperform the
realized improvements.
Since the 1970’ies biotechnology has been predicted an industrial future
within a number of areas, including chemical and pharmaceutical industry,
food and beverage industry, energy production and agriculture, and as having
both specific potentials in combating pollution as well as being capable of
resource savings. Pharmaceutical applications have increased and constitute
the major part of biotechnology development so far, which has been labelled
the first phase of biotechnology applications. The use in modifying plants has
been termed the second phase of (new) biotechnology, and these
developments still face a number of uncertainties. Industrial or white
biotechnology has been termed the third phase and has been envisioned to
have the possibility of developing in the coming years, and to have the
potentials of reducing the environmental impacts of a number of industrial
Nanotechnology is the least mature of the three generic technologies and areas
of study. Up till now only a few products based on nanotechnology and
nanoscience have been introduced on the market. Nanotechnology has even
not always been seen as a coherent scientific and technology area in itself, but
more as a heading for a series of new interactions between chemistry, physics
and biology. The expectations to the societal impact of this area of research
and technology are largely due to the many possible fields of application,
including the possibilities for producing stronger materials with new
properties and reducing the physical dimensions of products and components.
1.3 The objectives of the project
The objectives of the Green Technology Foresight project have been:
to analyze the environmental potentials and risks in general, and in
relation to chemicals in particular, related to the three technological
areas within the coming 15 – 20 years,
to identify areas, where Denmark has competencies, which might
contribute to enhanced competitiveness of Danish companies and
position Denmark within environmentally sound design of products
and materials;
to analyze how environmentally promising innovation paths might be
supported in Denmark and in the EU and develop policy
recommendations for integrated environmental and innovation efforts.
On the background of the inertia in the existing knowledge, technological and
industrial systems, the potentials for raising an environmental development
agenda in these systems will be discussed. Drawing on these discussions,
strategies and policy measures that may contribute to coherency in the
environmental and innovation policy efforts will be pointed at.
1.4 Initiation and funding
The project has been financed by the Danish Environmental Protection
Agency and has run 2004 - 2005. The Department of Manufacturing
Engineering and Management (IPL) at the Technical University of Denmark
(DTU) and the System Analysis Department at Risoe National Laboratory,
together with the Institute of Product Development (IPU) have been
responsible for the project.
The steering group of the project has consisted of Niels Henrik Mortensen,
the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (chairman), Michael Søgaard
Jørgensen, DTU and Maj Munch Andersen, Risoe.
The analysis on nanotechnology has been conducted by Maj Munch
Andersen, Risoe with contributions from Birgitte Rasmussen, Risoe and Stig
Irving Olsen, IPU and Marianne Strange, Risoe as consultant.
The analysis on biotechnology has been conducted by Annegrethe Hansen
IPL DTU and Henrik Wenzel, IPU.
The analysis on ICT has been conducted by Michael Søgaard Jørgensen,
Thomas Thoning Pedersen and Ulrik Jørgensen, IPL DTU, Morten Falch,
CICT DTU and Ole Willum, IPU.
The project secretary has been Christine Molin, IPU.
Important target groups of the project are:
The Danish Ministry of Environment and The Danish Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation and related institutions in the
Design and innovation functions in companies;
Business, environmental and consumer organizations;
The international research community within environmentally sound
innovation processes and sustainable transition.
The project has been carried out concurrently with a number of other
activities, focusing on the development of environmentally friendly materials
and products. A combined environmental and innovation strategy and a focus
on green products and materials were amongst other recommendations of the
Green Technology Foresight project coordinated by the Danish Ministry for
Science, Technology and Innovation 2002-2003. Also the nanotechnology
foresight, carried out within the Danish Ministry for Science, Technology and
Innovation in 2004, pointed to the importance of involving dialogues about
the environmental aspects as part of the innovation activities. Finally the
concurrent EU’s Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) (see for
example (Commission of the European Communities 2003) includes visions
with regard to integration of innovation and environmental considerations.
1.5 Project activities
The main activities and outputs of the project have been as shown in the
Table 1.1.
Table 1.1: Activities and outputs from the project.
Part 1: February-May 2004 Development of the green technology foresight concept
and analytic framework
Methodology papers
Part 2: March-December 2004 Characterization of innovation paths related to
nanotechnology, biotechnology and ICT based on
literature studies and interviews with researchers,
companies and business entrepreneurs
Present and future innovation paths and their
environmental potentials and risks
Part 3: August- December 2004 Case studies about present and possible future
applications of the technologies and the related business
and environmental potentials and risks
Socio-technical visions for future applications
within specific application areas and the related business
and environmental potentials and risks
Part 4: December 2004 – April 2005 Strategic policy recommendations for integrated
environmental and innovation policy measures related to
technology areas within nanotechnology, biotechnology
and ICT
Policy recommendations in relation to the
technology areas and strategies for integrated
environmental and innovation policy
Part 5: January – September 2005 Dialogue and dissemination
Workshops and conference
Main report. Articles for different target groups
The research within each of the three technology areas has been composed of
the following elements:
Desk research based on literature about the dynamics of technological
change and environmental potentials and risks related to the
technology area, including the role of governmental regulation
Interviews with researchers and other stakeholders in relation to
research and innovation within the technology area about present and
future dynamics, including environmental aspects and their role in
research, innovation and applications
Characterization of the shaping of innovation paths related to the
technology area and the environmental potentials and risks and their
role in research, innovation and applications
The concrete design of the analysis within each the three technology areas is
described in the beginning of each of the technology chapters (chapter 3:
ICT; chapter 4: biotechnology; chapter 5: nanotechnology).
1.6 Overall project results
The project has developed the following type of results:
An overview of the environmental potentials and risks related to the
three technology areas
Methodologies for assessing the shaping of environmental aspects of
technology areas in foresight projects
Considerations about areas where the Danish innovation system could
have environmentally related business potentials in connection to the
three technology areas.
Analysis of policy measures enhancing an integrated focus on
environmental and innovative aspects in relation to ICT,
biotechnology and nanotechnology
Policy recommendations based on the analysis of policy measures
An important element in the policy measures and the policy recommendations
is the interaction and integration of policy measures focusing on
environmental aspects, research, innovation and areas of application in
relation to the three technology areas; including
Aspects of governance: platforms and methods for decision-making
and the participation of different actor (stakeholder) groups
Interaction with Danish and EU policy initiatives, like Danish High
Technology Foundation and EU’s Environmental Technology Action
Plan (ETAP) (Commission of the European Communities, 2003)
Guidance of research and research policy to include environmental
Integration of environmental aspects in policy support for strategic
Regulation areas of application in production, trade and consumption
Interviews and three workshops on plastics, on intelligent products and
processes, and on policy, respectively, and an international conference on eco-
innovation (where a draft of this report was presented
) have contributed to
dialogue and knowledge building on competences and on policy. Participants
in these have included companies, public researchers, governmental
authorities, consultancies, and environmental and consumer organizations.
These activities have further demonstrated the value, if not necessity, of
continuing such dialogue processes, because they can contribute to knowledge
building and exchange on technological and environmental dynamics, and on
societal and policy drivers for innovation with an environmental perspective.
1.7 Introduction to the structure of the report
Chapter 2 presents the theoretical and methodological framework for the green
technology foresight by presenting the analytical approach to the analysis of
innovation paths, environmental aspects and policy recommendations for
combined environmental and innovation efforts.
In chapter 3 the present and possible future innovation paths within ICT
development and application and the related environmental potentials and
risks are analysed. Focus is on the environmental knowledge base, design and
control of processes and products, intelligent products and applications, and
transport, logistics and mobility.
In chapter 4 biotechnology applications with the potential of increasing
fermentation efficiency, reducing resource use, reducing chemical use and
contributing to pollution remediation have been analysed. These applications
have been related to general biotechnology development, and the drivers for
exploiting the environmental benefits discussed.
Nanotechnology is analysed in chapter 5. A general mapping of the public and
private innovation activities has been made, pointing to possible application
with environmental perspectives, as well as pointing to potential health and
safety issues which have to be addressed. The domination of early stage
Eco-innovation: Potentials and challenges of tomorrow's technologies Perspectives
for business, Europe and the environment High Level Conference, Copenhagen, 19-20
April 2005 (see
development and R&D activities has lead to a focus on the role of
environmental perspectives in the search and R&D agenda setting.
Chapter 6 summaries the analysis of the three technology areas and develops
recommendations for policy initiatives addressing interaction and integration
of policy measures focusing on environmental aspects, research, innovation
and areas of application in relation to the three technology areas in Denmark
and internationally. Recommendations for the organization of decision-
making with a broad involvement of stakeholders (governance) is developed
as an integrated part hereof.
2 Green technology foresight of
generic technologies
This chapter presents the methodological and theoretical framework for the
project. The first part of the chapter introduces the methodological and
theoretical approaches, followed by more detailed presentations and
discussions in the following paragraphs.
2.1 Introduction to the methodological and theoretical approach in
the project
Green visions have been developed by different stakeholders for all three areas
of generic technologies that are in focus in this foresight project.. ICT is often
presented as an immaterial technology, because it handles information and is
supposed to substitute other material processes. Biotechnology is often seen as
potentially environmental friendly because it is based on organic materials and
biological processes and nanotechnology as technology, which for example
might enable reductions in resource consumption or environmental impact
due to the tiny dimensions of devices. But most of these assignments of
environmental performance as properties to the generic technologies as such
are not satisfactory for an empirical and analytical approach to the impact and
potentials of new technologies, as indicated as the aim of this project.
The social shaping approach to technological change (Bijker, 1995)
(Sørensen &Williams, 2002) and historical studies of technological
development (for example Hughes, 1987) have demonstrated the mutual
influence of science and society on technological development. A linear
understanding of technological change, where research is seen as the most
important basis for technological development and thereby also for the
environmental impact of technologies, does not in a satisfactory way explain
the dynamics of technological change and the interaction between research,
development and application of technologies. Technology should be seen as a
“bricolage” (Latour, 1999), a mixture of different elements, and technological
change as a continuous process, where technologies and their environmental
aspects are co-produced by a series of actions taken in research, development,
implementation and application.
Through the so-called IPAT-equation, ΣI = P
T, it is possible to illustrate
some elements in the dynamics of the overall burden on ecosystems and
natural resources and some of the challenges facing future societal and
technological change. In the IPAT- equation, first presented by Ehrlich &
Ehrlich in 1991 (here from Gladwin, 1993) the following elements are
included: I = the total environmental impact of human origin, P = the
population factor, i.e. the number of people, A = the economic factor, or
more precisely the ‘affluence’ or resource consumption per capita , T = the
technological factor, i.e. the environmental impact per unit of consumption.
The simple correlation captured by the equation is that, everything else equal:
the more people on earth, the higher the environmental impact
the higher the consumption per person, the higher the environmental
the higher the impact per unit of consumption, the higher the
environmental impact
With an increase in the world’s population of 50-100% in the future and
increased economic welfare by many people in the industrialized countries
and the newly industrialized countries, the challenges for future economic,
social and technological changes are clear (see for example Spangenberg,
1995). There is a need for more resource efficient consumption patterns,
more resource efficient technologies and an increased focus on reduction of
environmental impact and resource consumption in strategies for research,
innovation and different consumption areas.
The social shaping approach to technological change and the focus on the
mutual influence of science and society on technological change implies, in
relation to the IPAT-equation, a focus on the dynamic interaction between
consumption or affluence (A) and technology (T) as these often are
interrelated. The weakness of the equation is that is easily can lead to the
assumption that it is possible to isolate and calculate each factor individually
and compare different technologies, but this is only the case in very specific
situation of simple substitution.
The social shaping approach and the combined focus on consumption and
technology imply that environmental aspects and especially the magnitude of
their impact cannot always be assigned as properties to materials or processes
per se, but are shaped during activities of research, innovation and application
in interaction between technology and society. Seemingly rather identical
technologies can be applied and handled in very different ways and contexts
resulting in different environmental loads. Nobody would, for example
probably disagree in future developments and uses of sensors, which enable
measurements of concentrations of chemicals in nature and helps in reducing
hazardous uses and outlets. However, environmental NGO’s and researchers
within cleaner technology would probably not agree if the sensors only were
used for measurements in nature after the emissions from different facilities
have taken place. Neither if the sensors were said to enable less focus on
prevention at the source of emissions in the facilities due to the better
possibilities for measurements in nature and related ideas of optimal use of
natures capabilities. Hybrid cars have less environmental impact than cars
with combustion engines, but the important thing is not only the principle of
hybrid cars, but also which cars are developed and sold and which amount of
transportation is needed and sustainable in society. The use of organic
material for production of bioethanol might sound as an environmental
friendly process by substituting hydrocarbons, but the actual environmental
impact depends on the type of organic material (is it organic waste or plants
grown especially for bioethanol) and the alternatives to use of organic material
for example for energy production through incineration of the organic matter.
These examples illustrate how environmental aspects of science and
technology are shaped not only during research and innovation but through
the implementation and contexts of application in the interaction between
technology and society. They also demonstrate that the generic technologies
often have to be combined with already existing and even new complementary
technologies to reach the level of practical application (Wengenroth 1993,
Freeman & Perez 1988). The generic technologies do not provide
environmental improvements of their own, but in conjunction with their
context of application and other complementary technologies (Andersen &
Jørgensen 1997).
A technology cannot be characterized as either good or bad in relation to the
environment. Wind turbines are widely recognized as an important element in
a strategy for reduction of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, but there are at
the same time environmental problems related to the use of glass fiber for the
wind turbine wings due to problems with the waste from scrapped wings. An
environmental assessment shall include all the environmental risks and the
environmental potentials and weight them against each other. This weighting
may sometimes not be done in a quantitative way due to costs and
uncertainties, but should still be carried out as an informed dialogue between
different stakeholders. A demand for quantification might in some cases imply
that a number of environmental aspects would not be included in the
environmental assessment, whereby the environmental assessment might loose
its credibility compared to the mentioned type of informed dialogue.
Another aspect of the assessment of environmental impacts of a technology
will include whether the technology will substitute previous technologies (with
other environmental profiles) and whether it adds to the stock of products
consumed. For example whether a fuel efficient car will substitute a more fuel
consuming car or just will be added to the fleet of cars in the household or the
company has an important impact on the environmental performance of the
new technology. Reaching the full potential of a new technology may be
dependent on the way it substitutes existing technologies and practices. This
is a question of the societal dynamics in the field of application: whether e.g.
the transportation needs increase due to a longer distance from home to work.
Another example: will the possibility for virtual meetings via
videoconferencing or web cam dialogue substitute physical meetings and
thereby reduce the amount of transportation? Or will the overall
internationalization and globalization of research and businesses increase the
amount of travelling so much that the impact of videoconferencing and web
cam dialogue will be marginal compared to this increase?
The role of technological foresight is to highlight these interdependencies and
to identify those processes in the co-production of technology and society that
are crucial for the environmental performance of the technologies in question.
There is as mentioned no simple answer to the impact of the three generic
technologies studied, but a need to detail methodologies that can identify
those processes and important decisions that produce the environmental and
other characteristics of the technologies in question (Teknologirådet 1999).
This leads to the need to understand the role of policy in the development of
new technologies. The policies relevant in this analytical context are not
limited to research and development policies nor environmental policies, but
to a broader field of innovation support, investments and regulatory efforts
exercised by government. Innovations and applications of generic
technologies are not at all limited to be the results of actions by government,
they are the result of the interactions between a larger number of commercial
and other stakeholders. Therefore a more relevant perspective on the process
of development and application is to view technological development as the
result of the societal governance of technological change. In this perspective
governance is understood by how power is exercised, how different actor
groups are given a voice and included in – and some times also excluded from
– the development process, and how decisions are made on issues of public
concern. This perspective on policy making has increasingly come into focus
in the field of technological change and also sustainable development.
Another important aspect of the foresight process is the identification of
visions and their role in the shaping of technologies. Genetic engineering has
demonstrated how scientific research is informed by tacit visions and
imaginaries of the social role of technology (Grove-White et al 2004, p. 3).
Although utopian these visions form the basis on which research priorities are
negotiated and planned. However, these visions are seldom subject to public
discussion and debate, before the research priorities are made. Such visions
need to be more articulated by their scientific authors and subjected to wider
social deliberation, review and negotiation (Grove-White et al 2004, p. 3).
Controversies around such technologies should be seen as necessary and
productive from a societal perspective. The reasons for this are at least two-
fold (see e.g. Norges forskningsråd 2005, p. 39-40):
from a democratic point of view: the citizens have to live with the
consequences of this research and the products and since the public
funds for research and development are limited the priority given to
certain types of research will limit the funds available for alternative
strategies for achieving the same types of values, and
from a pragmatic point of view: citizens and NGOs can contribute
with other perspectives than the researchers and other experts due to
other experiences and other values.
The focus on governance should not only be on the need for communicating
risks from researchers and government to the public. A more comprehensive
concept of governance is needed, learning from the earlier experience with for
example nuclear power and genetic engineering. Structures and processes
should be established so they enable the involvement of citizens, consumers,
users, employees etc. and their organizations in the assessment of the
legitimacy of the problems and the solutions addressed by the technologies
and their proponents. The processes should include dialogue about risks
related to the problems and the solutions in focus, but also the social and
economic set-up around the research and innovation, including who is in
control of the technologies and who is benefiting from the technologies.
This focus in the technology foresight implies that technologies are not seen as
independent from societal development, but as products of the society and as
a picture of an understanding of societal needs, possible future users etc. The
experience from genetically modified food show that big expenses for research
and innovation might not become transformed into products on the market, if
the products do not have the necessary societal legitimacy. Therefore the
utilization of generic technologies in a democratic society are highly
dependent on the participation and informed consent of the broader group of
stakeholders involved in implementing and using the new technologies.
2.2 Analytical approaches employed in the project
This ‘green’ technology foresight has been based on five different types of
approaches in order to collect and analyze information about ongoing
research, development processes and applications including also plans and
visions for future research, development and applications:
Analysis of present, emerging applications of technologies within the three
technology areas. The impact of company and other stakeholder practices,
structural conditions in existing and emerging value chains, and patterns in
the environmental potentials and risks. This has also included surveys of the
prerequisites for further dissemination and implementation.
Analysis of mechanisms of prioritization in research and innovation, the role
of existing knowledge regimes in research and innovation, and visions shaping
and framing the innovation processes, including the role of environmental
concerns in research and innovation.
Surveys of dialogue processes among carriers of the three technological areas
and actors from environmentally important Danish product areas and how
they envisage possibilities of applying technologies for environmental
improvements within the three areas.
Development of scenarios for probable, future innovation paths and possible
alternative innovation paths. Following the findings from these scenarios
recommendations for integrated environmental and innovation policies.
Contrasting the environmental potentials and risks related to the three
technology areas with the societal discourse on environmental problems goals
and targets and discussions of whether there are better ways solving important
environmental problems.
The analytical approaches presented above have been based on theories of:
Research and development processes seen as socio-technical processes
shaped by actors, where persons, artefacts, theories, visions etc.
(consciously or taken-for-granted) are assigned roles in research,
innovation, and use of technology. Theories about actor-networks,
laboratory programmes and techno-economic networks are used.
Innovation theory focusing on processes of stabilisation and transition
in innovation systems, including theories related to path dependency,
path creation, and sustainable transition.
Environmental assessment organised as social and scientific processes
by using methods like life cycle assessments, chemical assessments,
and methods of dialogue-based environmental assessment, where the
focus of the environmental assessment is shaped in the interaction
among actors.
Governance of science and technology as policy network processes
involving many different stakeholders and combining different aspects
of innovation and regulation of new technologies.
The following paragraphs will describe the different theories that have been
applied in the project, explain how the interviews with researchers and
companies have been conducted, and how the construction of possible future
innovation paths has been done based on information from literature,
interviews with researchers and companies etc.
2.3 Social shaping of technology
The social-shaping of technology approach (SST) approach seeks to identify
spaces and situations, where sociotechnical change can be analysed, addressed
and politicised (Clausen & Yoshinaka 2004). Thus, SST is a broad term,
covering a large domain of studies and analysis concerning with the mutual
influence of technology and society on technology development. In short,
actors and institutions undergo to varying degrees mobilisation, displacement,
and reconfiguration (including the establishment of new actors and
institutions), as an integral part of the course of technological development.
A key feature of SST is the lack of à priori distinction between the
technological (content) and the social (context), respectively. To problematise
one facet is to necessarily involve the other (Callon 1986). In this sense SST
grapples with technical and social dimensions as an inextricably intertwined
unit of analysis. Whether in the development of technology or in its practical,
everyday use, the sociotechnical co-construction of technology and social and
environmental aspects becomes manifest. This demonstrates the contrast to
the traditional view where these are seen as separate fields of study with their
own unique properties and consequently are treated separately.
This approach goes against the understanding of technology, which rests
upon the attribution of rather well-delineated, unchanging properties of
technology itself. In SST issues concerning technology are always of
negotiated orders, in terms of how issues are raised, as well as in terms of how
they come to be resolved. In the case of emerging technologies, it is therefore
most fruitful to approach relations between technology and society with a
focus on actor choices, strategies and sociotechnical learning and adjustment
at the forefront of the research process: What may be posed as a relevant
problem regarding the technology, for whom the problem may be relevant,
and by whom it may be posed as such, are matters of which form the
negotiations unfold in the process of technological development. This
approach, though, does not imply that material and social impacts are just a
matter of negotiations and power relations, they are seen as manifest and as an
integral part of the overall process of development, but also as dependent of
how these manifestations are expressed and represented by the involved
Whether in the aspects of design, planning, implementation, or eventual use
of technology, SST’s analytical stance seeks to draw the understanding of
technology into the realm of social influence. The degree of influence on
technological change, which may be exercised by individual actors, depends
on their particular relation to and engagement with respect to the technologies
in focus (Bijker 1995). There are choices in the process of technological
development and domestication that may be open to discussion and influence.
The key point has been to do away with deterministic notions (social and
economic determinisms also) about technological development and
technological change in society and the following simple assignment of
specific, characteristic properties and (environmental) impacts to a
technology. The view being, that neither technology, nor social forces alone,
sets the course of societal change and choices concerning technology’s
influence in this regard, but that these are the result of the process of
application and use.
Actor-visions, strategies and resources thus play into these dynamics, and
particular actors’ status may change as a consequence of such interactions.
The social dimensions of the technology too are shaped, to support and to
sustain particular needs, e.g. through the establishment of new actors and
institutions. Instead of taking the driving forces or the concerns for granted,
the approach opens up for a wider basis of action as to what may be deemed
salient, as well as to what the scope of relevant actors, their positions, and
their interaction may entail. In this regard, the SST approach is sensitive to
political processes through which actor-positions are identified, negotiated,
and redefined, in conjunction with the way technology becomes manifest.
2.3.1 Laboratory programmes
The concept of laboratory programmes is used in the analysis of how
researchers organise the focus of their research and is based on the
assumption that research processes are not arbitrary, non-biased search
processes. Through the concept of laboratory programmes it is possible to
identify what is influencing the choices and drawing the attention of the
researchers. This concept argues that the “world” is researched the way the
researchers understand the world, which could be called the researchers’
“map” of the world. This means that research in this foresight project is
analysed as researchers’ simple search for solutions to well-defined problems.
Rather the problems are seen as shaped parallel to the solutions developed
during the research, when certain achievements are reached in the research
This implies that sometimes solutions are found first, and afterwards the
researchers try to find societal problems, which they think could be solved by
these solutions. This determines what is taken into account as legitimate
elements to be included in the process as problems, parameters etc. within a
researchers understanding and what is outside an understanding is shaped at
the same time. The discourses around genetically modified (GM) food and
plants show examples of such a reverse search process and a reframing of the
activities. GM researchers and companies have pointed to pesticide resistant
plants as an efficient agricultural strategy while after critique from the
environmental movements the use of GMO was translated into an
environmental strategy due to its claimed potential for reduced pesticide
consumption. However, other researchers and the environmental NGO’s
pointed to the risk of getting locked in to a pesticide-dependent track for ever
and the risk of transfer of genetic material coding for pesticide resistance to
other related plants.
A laboratory programme will become more stable when instruments and
theories are attached to the program and alignment processes takes place,
where physical objects, actors etc. are given roles that mutually supports the
research activities and provides them with a legitimate perspective.
2.4 Techno-economic networks
During the identification and analysis of emerging applications and the
priority mechanisms in research and development, the techno-economic
networks, which the interviewees (researchers, companies etc.) either are part
of, or which they (directly or indirectly) anticipate will be developed in the
future as part of possible future applications, are identified. As part of the
analysis of the techno-economic networks, focus is on the dynamics between
the past experience of the interviewee, the ongoing activities and their
thoughts about the future development and applications. It is also important
to analyse relations to existing innovation paths and how these seem to have
an impact on the research and innovation or how the innovation paths and the
companies and institutions shaping and “carrying” them might be challenged
or might be enrolled in certain visions for the future.
The focus on techno-economic networks supports the analysis in the
following two ways:
(1) In the analysis of the emerging applications of a technology it is necessary to
understand the background for the breakthroughs, the dead ends etc. in the
research and development activities. It is not enough to know whether it now
is possible to manufacture for example a certain type of bio-chip, also whether
this is based on a certain type of equipment, material, co-operation with
others, demand from clients etc. is important knowledge. This will tell about
path dependency and path creation in research and development (and thereby
also the potential influence of certain equipment, clients etc. in the future). It
is also important to understand the technological systems around the
applications like necessary supply of energy and materials, standards,
competencies etc., which are emerging or need to emerge, so that relevant life
cycles and environmental aspects can be identified and prerequisites for
further dissemination can be analysed.
(2) In the analysis of research and development it is important to understand the
background and the prerequisites for the expectations the actors have: What is
the role they are anticipating that for example nanoparticles will have (for
example a certain behaviour in terms of reactivity, stability etc.), who are
expected to be the future users, in which technological systems does this
imply that the nanoparticles etc. will be integrated. What are the necessary
scientific and technological breakthroughs which are considered as necessary
in order to obtain the results and obtain a ‘working’ version of whatever
component it might be? Hereby it is possible to develop a picture of the future
research needs as seen by the actors. These pictures might later on become
the basis for the development of recommendations for future research,
regulation etc. The shape of possible future applications will also enable the
sketching of elements in some future life cycles as basis for life cycle based
environmental assessments of the environmental potentials and risks.
2.5 Technological trajectory changes
While technological developments in many areas may seem fuzzy and
multifaceted, developments in specific areas and applications of technologies
often shows more specific and structured paths. Research in new technology
has, among other things, supported the observation, that new technologies are
far more formable during the process connected with implementation and
further development than previously assumed. A sceptical attitude thus exists
among researchers and enterprises toward assessments of the future of
technology that are based on mechanical predictions. The fact that technology
is still undergoing change makes the study of processes of change just as
important as the functional understanding of technology. In addition, experts
can also bring about particular views about what research and development
can contribute in the years to come. Ideas and expectations that research will
have an impact on practice – if only the right understanding of the
perspectives can be established – is a natural part of the driving power behind
a great deal of research.
It is also typical that much professional reservation exists about the
significance of the role that visions play in research results. As a result,
researchers are reticent about discussing such things, unless it should just
happen to be connected with promoting a research area in the competition for
funds. It is also a problem, because visions about future development are very
much involved in setting the research agenda and supporting the choice of
areas to work on. This supports the recognition of certain paths of
development that seem to be sustained and gain momentum in the process of
development. In the field of innovation and evolutionary economics these
paths or patterns have been phrased technological trajectories. In the
following some key aspects of this concept will be discussed.
In evolutionary economic theory innovation is seen as inherently evolutionary
and cumulative. The core theme is the adaptation of firms to continuously
changing market conditions. Emphasis is put on the firm as a production unit
and on technological innovation as a major driver of change (Dosi et. al,
1988). Building on biological metaphors, economic activity is seen as
fundamentally evolutionary; competition then, is the interaction between
partly purposeful, partly random elements creating variety and forces selecting
the behaviours that are to survive (stay in business) (Nelson & Winther,
Evolutionary change is the sum of decentralised processes of discovery (Dosi,
1991). Evolutionary change is seen as the opposite of revolutionary change
that is an emphasis on respectively gradual change emerging from multiple
separate interconnected learning and selection processes versus rapid
governed change (Nelson & Winter, 1982).
Learning, as all action, is supposed to be routine-based and close in following
existing attention and search rules. Learning is based on past experiences
preserved in the knowledge base and embodied in routines. Path-dependent
learning implies that a firm’s knowledge base is theory-laden and upholding
inner consistency.
Early proponents of such a paradigmatic approach in economics are Dosi
(1982) with his concept of “technological paradigm” as well as Freeman and
Perez (1988) with their techno-economic paradigm discussion and the
introduction of “natural trajectories” by Nelson and Winter (1982). The basic
argument is, inspired by Kuhn (1970), that technology development, parallel
to scientific work, follow certain heuristics. Dosi (1982 p. 152) defines a
technological paradigm as “a model and a pattern of solution of selected
technological problems, based on selected principles derived from natural
sciences and based on selected materials technologies”, (p.152). A
technological trajectory is the pattern of conventional problem solving activity
within a given technological paradigm; i.e. it is the normal problem solving
activity determined by a paradigm.
The technological trajectory emerges because the technological paradigm has
a strong exclusion effect. It embodies strong prescriptions on the directions of
technological change to pursue (positive heuristics) and those to neglect
(negative heuristics) (Dosi, 1982). The efforts and imaginations of
researchers and practitioners are focused in precise directions while they are
“blind” with respect to other technological possibilities. Also technological
paradigms define an idea of technological “progress” related to the economic
and technological trade-offs of a given technology (ibid.). The trajectory then,
is the movement of multi-dimensional trade-offs among the technological
variables, which the paradigm defines as relevant, resulting in a certain
technological path. A trajectory is more powerful the bigger the set of
technologies it excludes (Dosi, 1982).
Focus is on the evolution of trajectories through selection mechanisms. Dosi
(1982) argues that there are generally weak ex ante selection criteria over
trajectories; for an innovator it is highly difficult to assess which trajectory is
going to win. The economic forces, together with social and institutional
factors, will operate as selective devices as new trajectories emerge at the
expensive of the old. Gradually the determinateness of selection increases as
more and more trajectories are ruled out. This argument lies in line with the
discussion on product innovation cycles (Abernathy and Utterback, 1978).
There are generally high shifting costs in changing trajectory, depending on
the relative power of the old and the alternative trajectory. The institutional
set-up supports the existing trajectory because of economies of scope and
Technological communities are important for shaping the search processes
(Dosi and Malerba, 1996). These are seen as the group of practitioners,
usually engineers, researchers and scientists working with similar technologies,
e.g. within the same sector and the supporting scientific institutions.
Community members are considered to share similar heuristics through joint
experiences of practice but also through a shared education system (Nelson
and Winter, 1982).
The trajectory discussion places firm learning within a wider systemic and
institutional change It is a recognition of underlying a priori knowledge
structures which extends far beyond the single firm. Non-market institutions,
notably the education system and the wider societal norms play significant
roles in forming the dominating technological trajectories. The emerging
innovation system perspective builds on these cognitive considerations
(Freeman, 1987; Freeman, 1995; Lundvall, 1992 (ed.); Nelson, 1993;
Edquist, (ed.) 1997). The wider institutional context is seen as shaping firms’
innovation process in decisive ways. The institutions (sets of routines, norms
and laws) work first of all as reducers of uncertainty and therefore also of the
amount of information needed. The implications at the firm level are that the
institutional set-up partly determines a firm’s search space.
There is a tendency to provide a strong technology push explanation of
trajectory change within industrial dynamics. The interest remains
predominantly with which firm/sector is winning the technological race, which
takes place at the expense of investigating the processes of innovation more
2.5.1 Trajectory change and the product cycle
The conditions, noticeably uncertainty, of trajectory change differ in the
various stages of the product cycle. Other authors have emphasised how the
interfirm interaction is eased by the development of standardised interfaces.
E.g. Langlois (1992) refers to standardised connections between stages and
fixed task boundaries.
In the pre-paradigmatic stage, the design is fluid involving multiple costly
prototyping, until there is evidence that an industry standard, the dominant
design, emerges. In this stage there are weak appropriability conditions and
imitation is strong. Competition is basically on design, that is, on deciding the
standard. Manufacturing processes are loosely and adaptively organised and it
is important that the innovator is intimately coupled to the market so that user
needs can fully impact designs (Teece, 1986, Lundvall, 1985). It is in this
highly uncertain phase, when it is uncertain whether the innovation will
become a dominant design or not and the risk of exaggeration is obvious, that
it is difficult to persuade the firms with complementary activities to make
investments specialised to the innovation. In this fluid phase the uncertainty as
to future innovation paths may be great (ibid.).
When systemic innovations are so radical that they involve the pioneering of
industry standards the coordination difficulties are great and there may be a
battle of industry standards (Teece, 1986; Chesbrough and Teece, 1996).
There may be complex protocols and differing interests among the parties
related to competing designs, each trying to become the dominating (selected)
standard. In this phase interorganisational coordination and information flows
will be intense (Teece, 1986). Market leadership is required to advance
standards and it is often big players who break the logjam among rival
technologies. Chesbrough and Teece (1996) mention the example of IBM’s
PC innovation where the reputation effect of the trade name alone was
enough to pull the complementary assets together without contracts.
If we turn to the paradigmatic stage, as industry standards increasingly become
accepted, the competition on design weakens and so does the imitation efforts
accordingly. Economies of scale and learning in the form of process
innovations are important. Competition is on price but also this becomes
increasingly less important as prices harmonise. Rather than the core
technology which is easy to imitate, the access to and control with the
complementary assets becomes the critical competitive factor (Teece, 1986).
Teece (1986) argues that it is likely that the imitators, with less developing
costs and less restricted by asset specificities, rather than the innovators will
come to possess the dominant design. The lower the relative costs of
prototyping the greater the possibility for the innovator of shaping the
dominant design. The great risks of the innovator as well as the holders of
complementary assets are thus accentuated, and thereby implicitly, the costs
of persuasion/the high dynamic governance costs.
Reddy et al (1989) emphasizes the codification process in a wider
standardisation process in the product life cycle. In the very early stages of a
technology, the standardisation activities are focused on the creation of a
common language. Next, the performance expectations and procedures for
inspection, testing and certification are addressed. At the stage of emergence
of a dominant design the activities are oriented towards dimensional and
variety reductions. The standardisation process never finishes, but continuous
with revisions and evaluations through a product’s life cycle (Reddy et al.,
It is central to clarify that the battle between competing trajectories is not only
one of technical standards but may also be described as a battle of conflicting
heuristics. Innovators may have to develop different capabilities, theories and
understandings to pursue a new innovation path. A classic example of such
conflicting trajectories is the electric car versus the traditional car, where the
former builds on some very different design and construction principles and a
divergent supporting technical infrastructure, much to the disadvantage of the
electric car (Truffer and Dürrenberger, 1993). The uncertainty is thus not
only one of investments but of cognition. Creating confidence in a standard
based on a trajectory that is hardly understood is naturally associated with
great difficulty. Such radical changes are slow and have to await a codification
process and gradual acceptance of principles through multiple interactive
learning processes between supporters and opponents, and possibly
succeeded by changes in education systems and other supporting
2.5.2 Different notions of trajectories
There is some indistinctness concerning the concept of trajectory, as it is used
in different ways and at different analytical levels; it is unclear, and has not
been discussed within the research on technical change, where trajectories are
embodied and how they are delimited.
Within the evolutionary economic tradition, technological trajectories are
usually seen as aggregate market phenomena, usually only realised ex post.
Most refer to trajectories of specific technologies and therefore related to
sector development, while others discuss trajectories as regional phenomena
(e.g. Quévit (ed.), 199; Kodama, 1996). This indistinctiveness of the
trajectory concept is also found in the works of the main proponent Dosi
(Dosi, 1982; Dosi and Malerba, 1996), and may be derived from the fact that
he defines trajectories quite flexible, existing at different levels of generality,
and involving potentially a cognitive and/or a more technical cumulativeness
(Dosi, 1982).
Also the early analysis of Dosi differ somewhat from the later interpretations
of trajectory change; thus Dosi and Malerba (1996) recently spoke of
trajectory change as a co-evolutionary process guided by the surrounding
Micro-level entities path-dependently learn (and get stuck), but sector-
specific knowledge bases and country specific institutions restrict the ‘seeding’
of the evolutionary process and also channel the possible evolutionary
trajectories. Given the initial conditions and the institutional context, these
innovations spread and set in motion a specific trajectory of competence-
building and organizational evolution (Dosi and Malerba, 1996 p.15).
The early (Dosi, 1982) emphasis on trajectory change as discontinuous and
the focus on technology development at the market level (as typically
perceived by analysing patent data ex post) is replaced by an emphasis on
trajectory change as emerging and with a starting point in the firm, consistent
with the later Dosi’s stronger emphasis on firm strategizing and firm learning
as opposed to a focus on the market level.
2.5.3 Exploitation-exploration- attention and search rules
Inspired predominantly by the behavioural school industrial dynamic theory
emphasises the exploitation - exploration dilemma. The trajectory change
discussion feeds into this theme. Innovative activities which are the “normal
progress or innovative effort” are in accordance with the existing trajectory
and are seen in opposition to an “extraordinary innovative effort” which are
departing with the existing trajectory (Dosi, 1982). The former is usually
associated with incremental innovations and thus continuity in the
technological innovation, the latter with radical innovations and discontinuity
in the technological innovation. Exploitation then is firm learning within a
specific technological paradigm, and exploration as learning challenging given
paradigms to some degree.
Exploitation and exploration calls for different organisational set ups
(Lundvall, 1985). On the one hand, the role of information channels and
codes for information exchange means that some degree of organisational
rigidity is a fruitful element in the learning process. Learning within the
existing information channels and codes allows for effective exploitation. On
the other hand, there is a need for flexibility in the learning relations in order
to open up for the organisational and normative breaches of the radical
innovations. Radical innovations, or exploration, often involve exchanges of
the participants given the embedded nature of much knowledge and the need
for new inputs from a variety of sources. Radical learning is thus associated
with a broad platform of interaction, i.e. a great number of participants and
therefore flexible information channels. However, upholding information
channels with many participants is costly. And establishing new channels and
codes is associated with high set-off costs. According to this argument, there is
a fundamental contradiction between efficiency and radicality in learning, as
they are bound up with respectively stable and flexible learning relations. This
accentuates the difficulties of radical innovations.
Recognition of the firm heuristics makes it easy to understand the tendency to
carry out exploitation in the firm rather than exploration. Obviously, greater
investments are needed for creating new cognitive resources and new
attention rules than exploiting those already available in the firm (Boisot,
1995). However, the possibility of exploration or radical innovations, other
than those made by new actors, is in need of explanation. Generally, we still
have little insight into how a firm’s knowledge base and heuristics are
developed and transformed over time. As a consequence the shaping of firms
search and attention rules influencing the early phases of the innovation
process, the crucial phase of problem identification and problem definition,
are given little attention. As a result of this industrial dynamics only addresses
incremental change within existing paths while radical change and path
creation remains unexplained.
Penrose (1959) is an exception here. Her strong emphasis on firm resources
allows her to relate the shaping of a firm’s knowledge base to the development
of firms’ search rules and entrepreneurial expectations. It is the experience
and knowledge of a firm’s personnel, which determine the response of the
firm to changes in the external world and also determine what it “sees”,
notably the perception of “demand conditions”. Integrating the resource
based perspective seems essential for an understanding of trajectory change
processes (Andersen, 1999).
2.5.4 Applying the technology trajectory approach in technology foresight
Important questions in technology foresight in the analysis of path
dependency, path creation and attention and search rules in research and
innovation are:
How fluid/settled are the trajectories (stages in the product cycle,
strength of path dependence)
What defines the trajectories? Are they more cognitive or more
technical? What are the expectations (attention rules), the important
theories and skills (search rules) and investments?
How many are there and how are they competing? Are there e.g. a few
dominating ones or many at the same level?
Can the main carriers (proponents) as well as opponents of the
various trajectories be identified?
Can the distribution of the trajectories be delimited with respect to
a)professional, b) cultural and c) geographic proximity (in Denmark
as well as internationally). Are there distinctive technological
communities defined by different trajectories?
In which way do they shape the search processes?
What forces strengthen and preserve the emerging trajectories and
what forces hinder them?
All in all, what do the identified technological trajectories tell us about
the pace and direction of technological change of the three generic
2.6 Identifying visions and constructing paths of development
Some of the actors involved in research and technology development are what
can be called enactors of one (or more) of the technology areas. This means
they build, among themselves, a repertoire of promises and expectations and
strategies how to position the research or the technology in focus. They might
feel forced to promise a lot in order to secure future funding, because if they
don’t do that they might not be able to mobilise (more) resources for research
and innovation activities. Other actors might more be outsiders or
comparative selectors, whom don’t necessarily buy into these promises, but
are more watching whether a certain field seems to be relevant for their own
interests, compared to other possibilities. It might also be possible to
experience ‘mutual positioning’, where some actors try to exclude others by
for example referring to them as too much into ‘hype’ in relation to for
example nanotechnology (Rip, 2004).
This represents a challenge to the foresight project and to the employed
methodology as the identification of existing visions and paths of development
is not easily distinguished from the involved actors interests in pursuing their
own visions and emphasising certain aspects in their activities e.g. in relation
to the environmental concerns. The interviews carried out in the project and
the focus created is itself a social process between the interviewee and the
interviewing person (Kvale, 1996) and in relation to the object of study. Since
environmental aspects are addressed in the interviews, there is the risk that
the interviewees focus more on environmental aspects than in the
normal research practice in order to gain social and political support;
the interviewees under-estimate the future role of the technology in
order not to create too much external interest in its societal impact;
the interviewees want to avoid problems and is therefore open and
A way of avoiding the two first situations might be to combine, where
possible, data from several interviews or combine information from interviews
with written information in order to qualify the assessment of how
environmental aspects are seen and whether these are integrated into the
research and innovation processes, although written materials of course also
are socially constructed and might be aiming at fitting into a certain agenda-
But also at the level of development the possible outcome and time frames for
research and development will be based very much on the ideas and
assumptions of the involved experts. They are so to say themselves involved
in constructing the futures that legitimate and accommodate the research
results and the ideas for technological developments still to come.
The interviews of different actors have been compared in order to identify
mechanisms in research and innovation processes and draw up possible
(maybe conflicting, maybe converging) scenarios. The identification of such
possible futures within a scientific or technology area can be based on
identification of emerging irreversibilities (Rip 2004) as explained in the
following. The thoughts of researchers (and other actors) about the possible
futures are based on combined thoughts about technological and social
aspects of the future in the sense of thoughts about the scientific and
technological progress and about the society, which is going to use or
implement this progress. The dynamics of these expectations and the agenda
building they are part of can be recognised through (Rip 2004):
Shared research agendas among actors;
Collective learning processes, maybe as forced or antagonistic
Emerging mutual dependencies in network linkages.
Changes might be seen at three different levels, where relations between
changes at the three levels are indications of emerging irreversibilities (Rip
Macro level: overall societal visions (‘rhetorics’);
Meso level: research programmes and investments;
Micro level: heuristics in actual research practice.
The scenarios enable anticipation of the possible impacts of the scenarios and
discussions of whether these impacts are desirable.
An example of a scenario and its possible impact is the development of
nanosensors, which are said to become so small and so cheap that they can
enable much more measurements of chemicals in the environment, in
wastewater etc. Besides the environmental impact from the sensors themselves
and the potentials for better environmental management from better data,
there could be an indirect environmental impact of the nanosensors, if the
development of these sensors makes authorities, industry and the general
public belief that “we anytime and anywhere can detect environmental
impact”. Such an understanding could imply an understanding saying that
“we don’t need to prevent environmental problems, and we don’t need to be
cautious” and thereby be a threat to more preventive environmental strategies.
In the discussion of such a scenario it is important to discuss whether lack of
environmental data hitherto actually has been limiting the environmental
management has rather been a question about the level of environmental
regulation industry has been willing to accept. If the latter is the case the
development of nanosensors might not imply more concern for the
The interviews of different actors should be compared in order to identify
mechanisms in research and innovation processes and draw up possible
(maybe conflicting, maybe converging) scenarios.
Rip describes important steps in the discussions of such possible futures as
(Rip, 2004):
Socio-technical mapping, including the expectations of the actors.
Foresight researchers’ elaboration of socio-technical scenarios, based
on the expectations and containing elements of co-evolution of
technology and society.
This leads to an identification of points where paths of development
embranches and where decisions about the route to take will have big impact
on the further development of technology and society. “Cross roads” has been
used as a similar concept in some Danish foresight projects. An example of
such an embranchment is the future impact of a focus on (national) security
in the US society on the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology
R&D activities in US.
2.7 Assessment of the environmental aspects within the three
technology areas as social and scientific process
As part of the foresight project a methodology for the assessment of
environmental aspects within technology areas has been developed. This
development has been an iterative process, where the methodology has been
developed along the experience obtained during the project. The assessment
of the future environmental aspects is based on the following elements:
Life cycle thinking, which means assessments “from cradle to grave”.
Some assessments are focusing on present emerging applications and
others are based on the information from researchers etc. about
possible future applications, which enable the sketching of product
chains for assessment of environmental aspects. There is, as earlier
mentioned, big difference in the amount of knowledge about the
environmental aspects of the technology areas with ICT and
biotechnology as the two areas with knowledge about past and present
applications and their environmental aspects, In the interviews it has
been tried to make researchers and companies describe possible future
life cycles, including the raw materials which might be applied.
Systems approach, which implies that not only single techniques or
chemicals are taken into consideration, but also the other system
elements (products and the related infrastructures etc.), which the
techniques, chemicals etc. are part of or dependent of, are, if possible,
included in the assessment.
A broad, dialogue-based understanding of “environment”, which not only
comprises of quantifiable environmental aspects like wastes and
emissions, but for example also area as a resource. The understanding
of relevant environmental aspects has been shaped through studies of
literature, dialogue at project workshops etc. Focus is not only on
quantifiable and standardised environmental aspects, but also on more
qualitative aspects like the impact on the understanding of
environment and nature. Part of the approach has been inspired by
the approach of “participatory life cycle assessment” as described by
Bras-Klapwijk, (1998), where the focus of the life cycle assessment is
discussed among the concerned and involved actors in order to
increase the legitimacy of the assessment among the actors afterwards.
Precaution as principle, where uncertainty and lacking knowledge is
giving favour to the environmental concern. The approach to
precaution has among others been inspired by the approach in the
European Environmental Agency’s analysis of a number of case
studies of so-called “late lessons from early warnings” (Harremoes et
al, 2002). This inspiration has implied that the assessments as far as
possible have included early warnings, accounted for real world
conditions and used different types of knowledge, including
knowledge from environmental researchers, NGO’s, governmental
authorities and businesses.
Prevention as preferred environmental strategy, which means focus on
prevention of potential environmental impacts during the research and
innovation stages and focus on the source and the cause of the se
environmental impacts, as opposite to an end-of-pipe strategy only
focusing on treatment of wastes and emissions.
Some of the methodological elements in the approach to environmental
assessment are described further in the following paragraphs.
2.7.1 Elements of stakeholder involvement and dialogue in environmental
The methodology contains scientific and dialogue-based elements, because it
is not clear in advance, which environmental aspects different stakeholders
might find relevant in relation to a possible future. Some actors might, for
example in relation to enzymes focus on the ability of some enzymes to reduce
the consumption of energy and chemicals in an industrial process and will not
see the use of genetically modified (GM) microorganisms as a problem, while
other actors might see the use of GM-microorganisms as a problem and opt
for strategies without such technology. The assessment of the environmental
potentials and risks related to the three technology areas is based on a
combination of five perspectives:
The perspectives from other projects and reports identified through
the desk research.
The perspectives of the enactors and proponents of a certain scientific
field, product etc., including the environmental aspects they might see.
The perspectives potential future users of certain processes, products
etc. might see.
The environmental aspects the project group has identified based on
the perspectives of the enactors, proponents and potential users and
their descriptions of possible future techno-economic networks and
the environmental aspects they see.
The environmental aspects, which other stakeholders, like
governmental authorities, NGOs etc. might identify based on the
perspectives in A.-D.
2.7.2 Identification of fields of application and core properties of technologies
An assessment of the environmental aspects of the future development within
the technology areas is complicated due to the many unknown elements
within the future development in research and innovation and the different
societal areas of application and consumption. This challenge in the
environmental assessment has been dealt with in the following way: By
focusing on the societal problems and discourses, which have been addressed
in the past and recent development, and on the understanding of societal
problems and discourses and application areas, which researchers and
companies have addressed, when interviewed about the focus of research and
development, it has been possible to sketch possible future areas of
The focus on possible fields of application has been combined with attempts
to assess core properties of the technologies. Methodologies for environmental
assessment of chemicals normally include three basic elements, which could
be seen as some important general elements in environmental assessments of
generic technologies:
The properties;
The amount;
The exposure of “the environment” to the materials etc.
A crucial question is whether one can talk about generic environmental
properties of a technology (comparable to the properties of chemicals or
materials), which would allow for very early assessments of the risks related to
a technology and thereby maybe contribute to pro-active assessments of all
possible applications of the technology. The discussion of GM-crops is an
example of assessment of core properties of a technology. Some NGOs say
that GM-crops are inherently unsafe, because it is not possible to assess all
aspects of the technology in the laboratory and not possible after release to the
market to withdraw the technology from “the environment”, if unwanted
effects are emerging, because the genetic material might have spread to other
IÖW has in a report for the European Parliament used a similar approach,
which they call “characterisation of technologies” as a way of getting some
first indications about potential problems of one of the nanotechnologies
(nanoparticles) before “adverse effects on targets are identified” (Haum et al.,
2004). They point to smallness and mobility of the particles, changing
chemical reactivity and selectivity, and changing and intensified catalytic
effects as properties or aspects, which point to other types of environmental
impact deviating from other matter.
It is, however, important to state clearly how such characterisations are
applied in an assessment. At a discussion in the nanotechnology working
group under the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering in UK
December 2003 it was noted in a discussion about effects of nanoparticles
that “there are a lot of naturally occurring (e.g. clays) and synthetically
produced nanoparticles (e.g. diesel exhaust) which are already present in the
environment” (Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering, 2003). The
aim of the comparison was not clear, but since the negative impact of diesel
exhaust and welding fumes on respiration etc. is well-known the comparison
cannot be used as an argument in favour of nanoparticles (by saying for
example “we have known nanoparticles for many years”). On the contrary,
such past health impacts show the need for serious precaution in the future.
The use of general characteristics and comparisons is an important aspect for
discussion within this kind of assessments of technologies and their impact.
Such assessments might be used for regulating a certain technology, but never
for acquitting a technology for unwanted impacts.
In a report for the OECD Berkhout and Hertin, (2001) developed a
methodology for the assessment of environmental aspects of ICT, which have
inspired the environmental assessments within the three technology areas.
The approach distinguishes between positive and negative effects of changes
within a technology area and between three different levels, where the
assessments can be performed, called first, second and third order effects.
First order effects are effects connected directly to production, use and
disposal of the material or the product itself, like ICT hardware. Second order
effects are impacts from the interaction with other parts of the economy
through the impact from the fields of application, like for example more
intelligent design and management of processes, products, services, product
chains etc. The number of products, including the effect on the stocks of
products due to limited substitution, is also important at first and second level.
E.g. if not all “old” products are substituted with more energy efficient ones,
but in stead the stock of products is increased with new, efficient products,
whereby the total energy consumption might increase. Slow uptake of more
efficient process management, whereby potentials are not obtained, is also an
Another example of a complicated interaction is the dependence of the growth
in the virtual economy, like e-commerce, on the development of faster, more
flexible transport infrastructures with greater capacity, whereby the energy
consumption for transportation might be increasing. Finally, Berkhout and
Hertin focus on third order effects, like changes in growth rates among
sectors. Futhermore they see rebound effects as third order effects, when
efficiency gains stimulate new demand, which balances or overcompensates
the savings or when technological changes in one area interact with chnges in
other areas and these changes reinforce or co-shape each other so that the
consumption is increasing or expanded (like the interaction between the
increasing possibilities for distance work via portable computers ands
electronic networks and the increasing globalisation of businesses and the
increasing air travelling . It is difficult to assess the role of such rebound
effects, but by highlighting potential negative (or positive) rebound effects,
themes for future governmental regulation can be identified. Table 2.1
illustrates the methodology for the assessment of environmental aspects of
ICT by Berkhout and Hertin as it has been elaborated for the green
technology foresight.
Table 2.1
Methodological framework for the assessment of environmental aspects of ICT
(adopted from Berkhout & Hertin 2001).
Possible positive effects Possible negative effects
First order
Effects related
directly to the
and its
Some substitution of hazardous materials
from future electronic products
Environmental impact and
resource consumption from
manufacturing, use and disposal
of ICT hardware
New ICT implies a larger stock of
electronic products, so that the
total consumption of energy etc.
is increasing
Second order
Effects from
fields of direct
Dematerialisation (relative decoupling of
economic growth and resource
consumption). E.g.:
- better process regulation reducing resource
consumption and wastes
- more intelligent products enabling reduced
resource consumption during use
Customised E-commerce might
imply increased transportation of
small batches of products in a
number of parallel distribution
Third order
Effects from
among sectors
or areas of
Growth in less resource intense sectors
Changes in life style, e.g. bigger demand for
greener products due to easier access to
information about the environmental
performance of products
Rebound effects, e.g. expanded or
increased consumption, like
increased transportation due to
easier and increased electronic
contact among different parts of
the world, combined with lower
prices on air flights
At the first and second order levels it might be easy to assess the potentials of
a certain technology, if an 1:1 substitution with another technology can be
foreseen and the changes in first order effects (the induced effects from the
technologies, which are compared) easily can be compared and with the
changes in second order effects from changes in avoided consumption and
emissions through a life cycle assessment. An example is assessments in
chapter 4 based on life-cycle assessments of the applications of enzymes for
the optimisation of industrial processes by comparing the practice, where
enzymes are used, with the past practice. At the third order level, however, the
effects of such a change might become more unclear, because the change
might not just be a substitution of some energy and some chemicals with some
enzymes, if the use of enzymes implies that products manufactured in the
optimised process become cheaper and the consumption of them therefore
increases. This would imply that a comparison of the impact from the life
cycle of the enzymes with the saved resources in a life cycle perspective for
the avoided use of some energy and chemicals will not give the full picture of
the possible effects at the third level. It is of course difficult to say how a
certain technology might become integrated into a certain branch or
consumption area, but a comparison with societal dynamics, for example
identified in interviews with research and businesses can point to some
challenges for the future regulation of a certain technology and its application.
2.8 Governance and regulation
The policy recommendations of this foresight project for integrated
environmental and innovation policies have been developed based on the
previous described understanding of technological change, assessment of
environmental aspects and need for at the same time diverse and integrated
policies reflecting the shift towards a governance perspective of the
stakeholder interactions and the need for dynamic policy measures and
objectives to cope with innovation.
2.8.1 Typology of government regulation
Table 2.2 shows an overview of three genetic types of regulatory instruments
that from the outset have been considered in the project. The development of
policy recommendations has in itself included a policy network approach,
since three workshops during the project have contributed to the development
of the recommendations in close cooperation with most of the stakeholders
involved in developing, using and regulating the technologies studied.
Table 2.2:
Overview of different approaches to governmental regulation (after Schot
et al 2001).
Classic steering paradigm
(top-down, command-
Market model
(bottom up)
Policy networks
(processes and
Level of analysis Relationship between
principal and agent
Relationship between
principal and local
Network of actors
Perspective Centralised, hierarchical
Local actors Interactions between
Characterisation of
Hierarchical Autonomous Mutually dependent
Characterisation of
interaction processes
Neutral implementation
of formulated goals
Self organization on
the basis of
processes in which
information and
resources are
scientific disciplines
Classic political science Neo-classical
economy (‘rational
economic man’)
innovation studies,
political science
uncertainty, learning,
Formal rules, regulations
and laws
Financial incentives
(subsidies, taxes)
Learning processes,
management e.g.
projects, vision
building at scenario
workshops and
foresight, network
building through
seminars and
conferences, public
This schematic presentation of policies is based on a classification and
differentiation of policies due to their basic elements and measures. As shown
in several studies (se e.g. Boehm & Bruijn 2005) the efficiency and impact of
policies is not dependent on the working of single measure independently but
on a combination of measures, objectives and their implementation. In the
analysis of the environmental impact of the generic technologies these findings
may turn out to be an important lesson when identifying relevant policies to
support the environmental achievements from the implementation and use of
the generic technologies.
2.8.2 Different aspects of governance
Environmental governance can be influenced by policies that build platforms
and methods for different actor groups giving them a voice and developing
frameworks for how decisions are made on issues of public concern.
Governance is thereby also linked to the creation of legitimacy of priorities of
problems and solutions in focus in technological change, the level of risk and
uncertainty to be accepted etc. An important aspect of governance concerns
how boundaries are drawn and issues are being defined as inside or outside
and what is legitimate to discuss as risks and potentials. This includes on
whose premises these boundaries are drawn and what sort of framing between
the social and the technical that is set up. An important aspect is the inclusion
and exclusion of actors, and how the drawing of such boundaries is dealt with
(Clausen and Yoshinaka 2004, pp. 224-226). Dingwerth describes
dimensions of democratic legitimacy in his analysis of democratic governance
(Dingwerth 2004, p.23). The three sources or dimensions are a) participation
or inclusiveness, b) democratic control and c) discursive quality.
Legitimacy through participation focuses on two aspects: the scope and the
quality of participation. The scope refers to who participates. The quality of
participation refers to how those who are included in the decision-making
process actually participate. Various degrees can be imagined from passive
like receiving information to more active like participating in public debate,
voting, selecting a representative or representing a constituency. Equality of
opportunities to participate is seen as linked to the quality.
The idea of democratic control could be seen as passive forms of
participation, where control refers to concepts like accountability,
transparency and responsiveness (Dingwerth 2004, p. 25). An important
aspect is who is actually able to exert control over decision-makers. The
degree of transparency concerns the extent to which the affected are able to
learn about the decision-making, including its existence and subject matter.
Such elements are highly relevant in relation to priorities and agenda-setting
in research and innovation. A principle within this aspect of governance is the
right-to-know principle, which is supported by the Aarhus Convention. The
European Environmental Bureau, EEB, finds that there is need for further
implementation in the EU of the Aarhus Convention (European
Environmental Bureau 2005).
Finally, the discursive quality is linked to an understanding of discourses as
the social space where collective interpretations are constructed and
discourses are seen as a long-term consensus-forming process rather than
(just) a decision procedure (Dingwerth 2004, p. 27). Elam and Bertilsson
(2002) argue in their development of the scientific base for analysis of science,
technology and governance that the modern democracy includes the
acceptance and legitimation of conflict and accepts that consensus is of a
conflictual and contestable nature.
2.9 Summary of foresight approach
As a summary, the ambition with the Green Technology Foresight project can
be characterised as:
Show that environmental impact cannot always be connected to
materials or processes per se, but are shaped during activities of
research, innovation and application of technologies. Therefore
research, innovation and application areas like products, branches etc.
are all important policy fields in the regulation of technological change
and environmental impact.
Show that the scope of the environmental assessments of research,
technology etc. needs to be defined in an open, democratic process.
Show that different technological paths might call upon different
technologies, competencies, infrastructures etc., so that identification
of forks and cross roads for important choices in the future
development is important.
Show that technologies are not single chemicals and materials, but
whole systems and that these systems and their interaction with other
systems need to be included in the identification and assessment of
environmental aspects.
Show that different solutions to environmental problems might be
compared and that the comparison might go beyond the simple
comparison of chemicals and resources, and include for example the
cultural impact, like the impact on our understanding of nature.
Identify the ”hype” in relation to potentials for remediation and
prevention of environmental problems and identifying what might be
or become more real potentials.
Identify the prerequisites for innovation paths that support the
implementation of environmental potentials.
It is a challenge to establish an open, democratic societal discussion about
technologies and the impact and about alternative strategies, because
researchers and universities today often are depending on external funding,
which might encourage them to promise big positive impact of the
technologies. At the same time universities more and more engage in setting
up companies and taking patents themselves, which might make them less
interested in public discussions of the technologies, the impact, the
prerequisites for realisation of potentials etc. Maybe the above mentioned
ambitions with the Green Technology Foresight project are optimistic, but the
project will be an opportunity to get early and open discussions of societal
interests making sure that alternative strategies for achieving the
environmental promises from the ‘high tech’ areas also become part of the
societal debate.
3 Environmental aspects of the
development and use of ICT
Thomas Thoning Pedersen, Michael Søgaard Jørgensen, Morten Falch, Ulrik
Jørgensen & Ole Willum.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the research on Information and Communications
Technologies (ICT). The aims of the research have been:
To identify areas of ICT application that have been claimed to have or get
environmental potentials and understand the shaping of these ICT
applications as an interaction between the general dynamics of ICT, the
dynamics of the application areas and the dynamics of the ICT
applications within these areas
To assess the environmental potentials and risks and the role of
environmental concerns in research, innovation and governmental
regulation related to these areas of ICT application
The term ICT is used to describe the tools and the processes to access,
retrieve, store, organise, manipulate, produce, present and exchange data and
information by electronic and other automated means (UNESCO 2005). ICT
is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application,
encompassing: radio, television, cellular phones, computer and network
hardware and software, satellite systems and so on, as well as the various
services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and
distance learning. ICT are often spoken of in a particular context, such as
ICT in education, health care, or libraries.
The separation of data and information could be a bit controversial in the area
of ICT, but the reason for doing so is that the understanding of data and
information in the theory of knowledge provides a useful distinction between
data and information. Data are the base for information and the distinction lie
in the idea that information contains a perception or even an action of the
collected data (Nonaka & Takeuchi 1995 p.15). Information is the media that
makes the base for action of a person and is therefore filtered by the person’s
perceptions of the data. Data are basically the objective properties of the
environment (Boisot 1998 p.12). This definition may even open for a too
narrow understanding of both data and information, as data only can be given
a specific meaning in a context where both the production and the retrieval of
data is underlying the same frame of interpretation, and where the use of these
data as information will include the social and institutional context in which
the interpretation takes place, even influenced by the specific situations in
which the information is handled. Both the general context and the specific
situations in which information is used involve interpretation and association
of the information into a broader frame of action.
3.1.1 Methodology
The base for this chapter is three related activities: Desk research, interviews
and workshops.
The desk research has been focusing on former research and knowledge about
the relationship between ICT and the environment in a wider perspective.
The relation between ICT and the society has also been a significant part of
the desk research.
The interviews have been carried out with actors from both the Danish
research environment and businesses using or developing ICT as tool in their
work. The actors have to a high degree been selected by having some relation
to use of chemicals, materials or energy resources and not necessarily because
of their interest and work with environmental issues. 17 interviews and
personal conversations have been carried out (see reference list). Interviews as
a social process addressing environmental aspects have the risk of focusing
more on environmental aspects than in the normal practice. The interviewees
might over or under-estimate the future role of the technology in order to
influence the external interest in its societal impact.
A way of avoiding this has been to combine, where possible, data from several
interviews or combine information from interviews with written information
and discussions at the project workshops in order to qualify the assessment of
the environmental aspects. The interviews of different actors, written material
and workshop discussions have been combined in order to identify
mechanisms in research and innovation processes and draw up possible
(maybe conflicting, maybe converging) future development paths. Especially
a project workshop January 2005 about so-called intelligent products and
processes has been important.
3.2 Overall consideration of Information and Communications
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) comprises of a
relatively well developed and in certain areas even mature set of technologies
that are integrated in both professional and private settings (Henten 2001
p.11). It would be a too comprehensive work to try describing all possible
technologies and their applications. Consequently there is a need for making
some generalisations about ICT and also to focus only on some of the
applications of ICT. A description of the environmental potentials and risks
also opens for a rather broad field of problems and therefore opens for similar
problems for an attempt to cover all aspects. It is almost impossible in one
report to assess it all. Therefore this chapter starts out by setting ICT in
relation to a social and regulatory framework in order to understand the
dynamics in the development and use of ICT with emphasis of the situation
in Denmark. In practical terms this limits the focus on some of the production
facilities for IT-equipment merely not present in Denmark while emphasising
the application side of ICT’s.
Following this introduction some general trends in the future ICT
development is described through a number of future technological
trajectories at the functionality level identified in the EU ICT foresight project
FISTERA (Saracco, Bianchi, Mura, & Spinelli, 2004). Some application
fields for ICT, which have been highlighted as environmentally important in
the literature, are presented and a description of possible disruptions in the
future innovation of ICT is presented. The future development of ICT is seen
as shaped by the interaction between some general ICT dynamics, the
dynamics of the application fields and the social and regulatory framework.
The selection of application areas for ICT and the aggregation and
generalisation of these will be described more in detail in a later section. The
criteria for selection have been the potential positive and negative impact from
the application of ICT’s in the different areas. Even large, but rather neutral
or low impact areas of application have been given less attention.
3.2.1 Political and marketing frame-work conditions
To understand the possible future development and use of ICT in Denmark,
it is important to look at the Danish conditions and at more general and global
trends. The so-called Digital Denmark from 1999 is an example on how a
Danish government wishes to be in front with regard to education and the
public access to ICT. The visions show that ICT as area is integrated into the
broader context of the political arena in Denmark (Henten 2001 p. 4). An
international trend is to shift from a governmental intervention and
protectionist approach to a more open political approach with EU and USA
as the main driving forces (Henten 2001 p2). In figure 1 the non-political and
political framework conditions are sketched, but there is of course interaction
between the two types of conditions. The figure is a way to show the
complexity of the ICT development in Denmark. It is important to have these
framework conditions in mind when discussing the shaping of the future
development and use of ICT in Denmark. It is as well important to stress that
the general development of ICT is a global process, and the big achievements
in the general development of ICT are not taken place in Denmark. The
technology development in Denmark is based on specialisation in adjustment
of technologies and development of applications. The production of ICT in
Denmark compared to the world is not that big, strong or advanced (Henten
2001 p. 11). The characteristics of ICT in Denmark
98 percent of companies in Denmark (with more than 10 employees) had
access to the Internet in 2002, and in 2004 83 percent of the population had
access to the Internet. The export of ICT products has increased 44 percent
from 1997 to 2003 and the export of ICT goods and services constituted
around 7 billion Euros. In 2002 the ICT business stood for 28 percent of the
total private investments in R&D, and 12.6 percent of new enterprises in 2001
was in the ICT business (Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling
2004 p. 5). The ICT effect in the Danish society is great and approximately
one third of the Danish productivity growth is assumed to come from ICT
investments and the use and integration of ICT (from 1988 to 2000) and
around one twelfth of the employed are in the ICT business (Ministeriet for
Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p. 3, 5 and 6).
The Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation characterises the ICT
sector in Denmark as having the following business and research related
A strong position in the communications technology (including
mobile, wireless and optical communication)
A strong position internationally in global ICT/pervasive computing
with competencies in embedment, system integration and user-
oriented design
Denmark is one of the leading countries regarding the use of ICT by
the citizens, business and the public sector.
(Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p. 3 & 5)
ICT has big impact on other technology areas as ICT often is a precondition
for the development of other technologies. Figures from OECD show that
companies using advanced ICT have increased productivity. Therefore it is
very important to look at these areas when discussing the possibilities of ICT
(e.g. biotechnology, where ICT is an important part of mapping the human
genome), products (e.g. pumps) and services (e.g. self-medication)
(Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p.6).
The Danish tradition for user participation in the development processes is
important to keep integrated as a standard step of the development of ICT
goods. User participation can secure that the development in ICT gives better
possibilities for the single individual and a faster accept of the technology
(Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p.10-11). ICT research and development in Denmark
The ICT research and development has to a high degree been left to the
private business in Denmark, which in 2001 constituted 90 percent of the
total research and development within the ICT-area. Approximately the
public investments in ICT research and development were 70 million Euros
compared to the private investments on 600 million Euros. Public ICT
investments constituted in 2002 a relatively low part compared to other
investments and constituted around 4.8 percent of the total public
investments. The latest big public research effort was the constitution of a
research fund on 115 million in 2002 (the so-called UMTS-funds). With the
establishment of the “højteknologifonden” (The high-technology foundation)
a platform for an increased public effort on the ICT-sector is provided
(Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p.7). The following
paragraphs give a brief description of ICT research and innovation in
Communication technology
There are research environments at Aalborg University (mobile and wireless
communication technology and management of big amount of data). Aalborg
University is project leader of an internationally research project on 4G-
communication with 40 partners from Europa, Japan, Korea, and India.
Siemens, Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola have R&D centres in Denmark.
Another research centre is COM at DTU (optical communication) with
cooperation with companies as Intel and Tellabs, which have placed R&D
centres in Denmark. COM is involved in several European research projects.
Cutting-edge competencies in internet protocols (IPV 6) and in wireless
devices are present in Danish companies (Ministeriet for Videnskab,
Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p.11-12).
A great part of the Danish companies in the ICT sector develops traditional
software platforms. (Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004
Pervasive computing
Katrinebjerg in Aarhus has a research environment that is based on a tight
cooperation between research and business. The technologies are object
orientation software programming and user oriented design. Aarhus
University is project leader of a great European research project focusing on
development of infrastructure for the future pervasive computing.
Danish companies as Danfoss, Grundfos and B&O are working with the
pervasive computing technology.
Robot technology has a competency network – RoboCluster with around 70
companies and the Mærsk McKinney Møller Institute (Ministeriet for
Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p.12-13).
System understanding and integration
The strength in Denmark is based on good software development
competencies and a relation between the technology and the contents and the
international orientation and holistic approach in the Danish R&D culture.
Especially in the communications sector the system understanding and
integration in Denmark is unique and is the main reason why international
companies have their R&D efforts in Denmark (Ministeriet for Videnskab,
Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p.13).
Security and privacy
In Denmark both research and industry are seen within this area. E.g.
cryptomathic and encrypting researchers at Århus University (Ministeriet for
Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004 p.13-14).
The vision of the Danish Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation
includes a development from selling products to selling services. The
traditional supply of products will change so that companies offer services
instead through intelligent products. The intelligent products will gather data
and transform them into useful information about e.g. conditions of the
product and user behaviour. This could be supplemented by a feature, which
warns a costumer when a product needs to have changed a part in order to
prevent breakdowns (Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004
p.9). The non-political initiatives
The market potential in Denmark is big as ICT is a fundamental part of the
production and the society in general. The possibilities lie in the relationship
between the development of new ICT products or applications and the ICT-
intensive industries. The market is very developed with regard to
penetration/use of ICT products and also with respect to quality
requirements. The market is very diverse and depends on the characteristics
of customers and end users and on supply of the components and products at
the home market and the international market (Henten 2001 p. 15).
For Danish firms co-operation is important and e.g. electronic networks are a
major part of the shaping and operation of these networks. Standards are
another very important tool to make the co-operation possible and the co-
operation is not only national. Industry locomotives do not exist in Denmark,
but firms like Ericsson and Nokia influence the market and often the Danish
firms have international owners. Denmark is known as a country with strong
trade organisations, but in the ICT-area the trade organisations do not directly
play such a big role. ITEK as an employers’ and trade association (part of the
organisation Danish Industry) is the only one dealing directly with ICT as a
sector. The employees are members of lot of different trade unions depending
on their job description. In the software part of the ICT-sector there is a trend
as in the rest of the knowledge intensive sectors that employees do not want to
be part of trade unions. The Danish equipment manufacturers act in an
international market while the service suppliers act in a national market
(Henten 2001 p. 21). As in other areas the labour costs in ICT area is high in
Denmark due to the high tax burden, though prices on e.g.
telecommunication is competitive compared to other countries (Henten 2001
p. 23-24). To some extent Denmark is in need of labour with very high
specialisation, though there is no agreement about the demand (Henten 2001
p. 27). The role of entrepreneurs in the ICT area is low, but it seems that this
tendency is changing (Henten 2001 p. 29-30). The availability of venture
capital has historical been scarce but in the recent years there has not been a
definite lack. Another way to raise capital for small companies in Denmark is
to be acquired by a financially strong group of companies (Henten 2001 p.
32) The political initiatives
The direct economical support to the ICT companies is marginal, but the
Danish government is trying through education initiatives to cover the lack of
qualified labour. Other ways the public sector Denmark is supporting the ICT
sector is to demand high advanced solutions and finally by securing that other
business areas demands ICT products and services (Henten 2001 p. 42).
Most recently for example through the demand for electronic invoices from
companies, which sell products and services to governmental authorities and
institutions. The regulation has changed in Denmark as well in other
European countries, but the deregulation of telecommunication sector was
faster in Denmark compared to other European countries (Henten 2001 p.
50). EU is an important actor through the shaping of the overall framework
regulation for the area and related areas as well. This includes directives for
the handling of electronic and electrical waste (WEEE), energy consumption
of products (EoP) and the use of hazardous substances (RoHS). The WTO is
also a very important actor (Henten 2001 p. 52), most recently for example
the discussions about intellectual property rights and about trade with
information products and services (the TRIPS negotiations).
Figure 3.1
Sketching of the f
ramework conditions on ICT in Denmark based on Henten (2001).
At the project workshop January 2004 about intelligent products and
processes the issue about transforming findings from the research
communities to use of companies in Denmark was addressed. The lack of
Danish forums for demonstration of new technologies’ possibilities was raised
as an issue. The reasons are that Danish companies are too small to invest in
technologies that are not proven to be profitable. As comparison participants
referred to a greater will in the USA for demonstration of possibilities of new
technologies. It was stressed that the challenge for Danish research and
development is to transform knowledge into a level where companies can
assess the usability. It was stressed that innovation in Denmark only can
survive, if projects can be demonstrated as viable and are easy for Danish
Non political initiated conditions
Technology development
Technological level
The international character of the
technology development
The character and development of the demand
The development of the home
Qualified demand
International markets
Collaborative relations
Industrial networks
Industrial locomotives
Collaborative partners
Trade organization
Competitive conditions
The character of the competition
New actors
International concentrations
Cost of labour
Cost of tele
Availability of labour
Foreign labour
Culture of organizations
Availability of capital
Venture capital
International groups of
Political initiated conditions
The support of supply
Economy support- and
loan arrangement
Information on public
research and
The support of demand
National demand
Promotion of corporate
areas, that causes
demands in the ICT-
Regulation of
Copyright and patents
Regulation of the
electronic markets
National production
International trade and investment
Tax competition
Types of taxes
Development and use
of ICT in Denmark
companies to make use of (Intelligent workshop group 1) and (Intelligent
workshop group 2).
3.2.2 ICT as technology area
The FISTERA report describes European Technology Trajectories related to
Intelligent Society Technologies (IST) which illustrates the technological
areas of development of ICT in a social context. In the following these
different trajectories are presented as an illustration of the complexity of the
ICT development and the base of understanding ICT as a technology area
(Saracco et al. 2004). These trajectories will develop in markets with different
push and pull mechanisms that are very problematic to describe, but the
dynamics of both the producers and users are very essential. Furthermore
developments in surrounding technology areas influence the development of
ICT trajectories. The understanding of the future ICT has often been
characterised as being very optimistic and hyped. ICT can be understood by
splitting it up in different layers, the technical layer, the functionally layer, the
service layer and the ambient layer within the technological trajectories.
Another important dynamic of the future ICT development is the disruptions
that these trajectories might create at existing markets (Saracco et al. 2004
The technical layer is the technical specifications that are relevant for different
types of ICT. Some new technologies will be based on the further
development of existing technologies in the ICT trajectories. The
relationships between different technologies within the ICT are very
important and they are often depending on each other as well as on
surrounding technologies (Saracco et al. 2004 p.13).
The functionality layer represents the functional properties of ICT’s by
focussing on their technical aspects. The functionality layer is crucial because
it presents a base for the decision of where and when to invest in the basic
technologies and building blocks for the ICT field. The functionality could be
provided by various technologies from the technology layer, which means that
the specific technologies could be competing with each other and some
technologies will in the future potentially be outcompeted by others with the
same functionality (Saracco et al. 2004 p.13-14).
The services layer is the actors and the market segment (size and expenditure
capacity) as it is and the expected development. Factors as cost of
components, of packaging, of delivery and operation are essential. One of the
central issues is multi-users or temporary property of products such as car
sharing as an example on a relative new service. The marketing drive often
pushes for bundling of functionalities to get a better market position, which
not always is what customers need, though they might have a perception of
needing it. Some niches are going the other way and are offering specific
products with specific functionalities of services. The relationship between
functionality and service is of course of high importance and is describing the
connection of what technology can provide and what the market wants
(Saracco et al. 2004 p.14).
The ambient layer is the physical and the virtual places where technologies are
in action, through the services they enable, and where the various actors (end
users and providers) are interacting with each other.
60 Technical trajectories at functionality level
The trajectories that are identified for ICT have been developed by focussing
on the functionality of the involved technologies and their technical
properties. Consequently it does not present or focus on specific technologies
within ICT nor does it identify the social and environmental context in which
applications operate. In opposite the trajectories could contain various
technologies competing or complementary, but still defining some basic
material and functional properties these have in common. The trajectories are:
Bandwidth trajectory
Communications trajectory
Data capturing trajectory
Human interfacing trajectory
Information display trajectory
Information retrieval trajectory
Pin pointing trajectory
Printing trajectory
Processing trajectory
Storage trajectory
Bandwidth is the transmission capacity at the access level and it’s expected
that in the next 5 years there will be a deployment of xDSL (modulation
schemes to pack data onto copper wires) and optical fibres. For the next
decades the race of speed will continue, but will gradually turn towards
bandwidth guarantee and –flexibility. It is supposed that the 100 mbps
bandwidth will satisfy the most common demands, and research for higher
speed will be done only related to specific applications like holographic
projection, grid services etc, which will in some way affect general
infrastructure and applications (Saracco et al. 2004 p.17).
In the last 30 years the
communications technology has developed
dramatically mostly focusing on simplification in the communication across
the world. The next step will be the emergence of wireless networks and
possibly the solution of the interface problem through inter-terminal
communication. This may lead to a significant increase in the wireless
bandwidth with a radical change in the way of communicating. This is not
something that will happen by itself but needs research and investment and a
vision to guide the direction (Saracco et al. 2004 p. 17).
Data capturing has evolved constantly the past decades but through the
development of smaller, cheaper and simple sensors, satellite surveys, web
cams, personal recording devices the quantity and quality these will change.
Technologies as electronics, bioelectronics, nanotechnologies, MEMS (micro-
electro-mechanical systems with an integration of mechanical elements,
sensors, actuators, and electronics on a common silicon substrate),
communication technologies, fabrication processes (including letting
analogue, digital and RF (radio frequency) circuits on one chip) will
participate in this development and the security area is seen as a main driving
force. Especially the possibility of a variety of cheaper amount of sensors is
seen as essential in the development of data capturing (Saracco et al. 2004 p.
Human interfacing is affective computers, which can customize the
communication to the actual mood of the user and will be used for the
computer to understand the special interplay between individuals, which is
not a possibility to day. The communication will be based on understanding
instead of formalised commands. Artificial intelligence, agents based dialogues
and many others will be part of this evolution both as driver and as barrier
(Saracco et al. 2004 p. 18).
The development in new
Information display may be crucial for several
sectors as design, medicine and entertainment and is based on both fixed and
mobile displays. It is supposed that the 2D technology will have the majority
for the next 15 years, but the 3D technology will also evolve the next 5-8 years
in different niches and in the next decade it will become more and more
common (Saracco et al. 2004 p. 18).
Information retrieval
is in a high growth and it is expected that the amount
of data that are collected will be doubling every two or three years for the next
20 years. Going from data to information will be one of the great tasks for the
next decades and a lot of technology innovations are needed to secure this
transformation (Saracco et al. 2004 p. 18).
Pin pointing technologies by tagging, beacons and satellites will be common
at the end of the next decade and already by 2008 most products will have a
tag. The next step will be tags integrated in services and in information. The
barriers will be problems with security and privacy, but it is supposed that
these problems will be overcome. The tagged society is predicted to integrate
the information technology with medicine and biology (Saracco et al. 2004 p.
Printing is one of the technology areas which has evolved significant and will
do so in the next decades. Printers will around 2015 be embedded in objects
or the printer embedded in the printing materials. The evolution could
contain the possibility to print 3D images or biological materials as human
tissue. From 2010 printing will be able in interaction with the user and to
upgrade itself. By 2020 the technology will be to print whole objects instead of
today’s use of drops of ink (Saracco et al. 2004 p. 19).
has been evolved by doubling every 18 month
in the last 30
years. This trend will continue because of the demand for decreases in fixed
costs through higher volume production and squeezed size on the products,
which will demand higher processing. By 2020 it is supposed that every object
will have a processing capability embedded (Saracco et al. 2004 p. 19).
Storage has been doubling every year the last 10 years, with a decreased price
on 10 % as a result with an introduction of new storage technologies every 10
years (floppy to diskette to CD-rom and so forth) and holographic disk based
on thin polymer as the new technology for the next decade. The shifts in
technology have a great impact on the whole sphere of the industries. There is
no sign on slowing down the evolution or decrease in price. The development
of capacity will make it possible to store so much information that local virtual
internets will be possible to create and everything will be recordable with
enabling new services and maybe industries. By 2020 the storage will not be a
limiting factor (Saracco et al. 2004 p. 18).
Moores Law.
62 Areas of ICT application
Several researchers try to illustrate the complexity of the application of ICT
by reducing the amount of applications by putting them together in overall
application fields that together attempt to contain all specific applications.
Wunnik et al point to the following fields of application as environmentally
important, which means that ICT could imply positive and/or negative
changes in the environment impact (Wunnik et al 2004 p. 559):
ICT-industry: Manufacturing and services.
ICT use: Entertainment, communication, data processing and home
E-business: E-commerce plus e-based and/or e-supported activities.
Virtual mobility: Telework, virtual meetings and teleshopping.
Virtual goods, which refers to the dematerialisation potential of ICT
Waste management: ICT waste, effect of virtual goods and demand
for packaging.
Intelligent transport systems: Control and guidance, road pricing,
parking, assistance, freight and fleet control and management.
Energy supply, fostering renewable and Green House Gas and
liberalised electricity markets.
Facility management: Space heating, water heating, cooling, lightning,
cooking end electric appliances.
Production process management used to increase production yield
and to minimise energy demand.
Such a division of applications will surely cut off some applications, but
having in mind that ICT is so incorporated in all aspects of the western
society, it is very important to somehow make a base for the illustration of the
huge applications of ICT. Possible future disruptions in the ICT development
The possible disruptions earlier mentioned are important to assess because
they describe possible decisive technological shifts and thereby functionalities
and services and finally the adoption of ICT that disrupt markets as they are
known. New actors have the opportunity to be enrolled in the markets and
disruptions can create brand new markets by transforming mature businesses
into new ones. It makes the evolution spin once more, where new technologies
in new markets are attached to a brand new set of rules. The assessment of
these disruptions is focusing on why and how, instead of when and what may
occur. The disruptions can be addressed by technological enabling factors,
market driven factors, industry impact, market sectors affected and likeliness
to happen (Saracco et al. 2004 p.152).
The accessibility of central management (because distribution centres is
becoming easier together with cheaper and cheaper technologies) is enabling
the transformation of products into services. An example would be that
instead of selling hardware companies turn to give hardware for free to their
clients that enable services also provided from the company (Saracco et al.
2004 p.153). (A parallel example of this today, are mobile phones that are
sold for 1 DKK, with a contract on the service “calling and other features”
that are unbreakable for six months).
This trend in more and more integrated and distributed software based
services and less visible and smaller – even miniaturised – products and
computer equipments will include some of the following developments:
The disappearance of the computer
Ubiquitous seamless connectivity
Changing traffic patterns
Disposable products
Autonomous systems
From content to packaging
The emergence of virtual infrastructures
The disappearance of the computer is already in progress. A lot of micro
processors are embedded in other devices such as remote controls, microwave
ovens etc. This tendency is predicted to increase significantly, supplemented
with computers embedded in devices that seamless will interconnect with a lot
of displays attached in televisions, watches, mobile phones etc. The PC will be
integrated into various devices that interconnect with each other. At the same
time the appearance of storage, processing, sensing and communicating in
every day objects will create new possible services for these objects (Saracco et
al. 2004 p.156).
Ubiquitous seamless connectivity is the trend of a shift in connectivity.
Connectivity by a fixed line will probably to some extent shift to a cable free
technology but in general the connectivity will increase. Pervasive computing
will be a big part of this development. The ubiquitous connectivity in general
will likely increase the amount of services offered and it will result in a general
increase of competitiveness (Saracco et al. 2004 p.156).
To day the information traffic is often fixed to a higher download speed than
the uploading, but it is expected that in the future that a more open traffic will
be needed and changing traffic patterns will occur. The need to upload and
download increased amounts of data e.g. digital photos, calls upon more
flexible traffic and not fixed as today. Furthermore changes in the
disappearing computer will need a 24hour connection and network solution
that is not fixed but is flexible and possible to change locally (Saracco et al.
2004 p.157-158).
The productivity and the possibilities of printing products locally will increase
the amount of disposable products. The advantage of disposal products is that
they can be customized in a higher degree than products produced in the
industry but the lifetime of such products is suspected to be somewhat shorter
than products known today. With all of these disposable products, problems
will probably occur in the recycling phase (Saracco et al. 2004 p.156-161).
It is supposed that systems will be able to take local decisions that will affect
other local decisions by mimicking living organism without been connected to
a central control system. These systems will be more responsive and be better
to fit to a changing environment and approach the issue of interoperability in
a new way on a new level resulting in autonomous systems (Saracco et al.
2004 p. 162).
The production of information content is supposed to double every three
years and the relationship between customers and products is changing. The
way of packaging the products are becoming more and more decisive for the
success of the products and the connected services. The packaging
technologies are expected to be developed in the future and will be a part of
the competitiveness of a broad range of industries going from content to
packaging (Saracco et al. 2004 p.164)
In future it will be possible for local resources to plan different services or
events and using well known and well trusted organisations as their presenter
and emergence of virtual infrastructures will be possible. This could be
entertainment performed by locals and backed up by a professional company
by a virtual presentation. This will mean that organisations will have greater
possibilities to present their products all over the world relatively simple,
cheap and with a minor effort. Local or country-wide businesses will be
challenged by multinational businesses across the world (Saracco et al. 2004
3.3 ICT and the environment
The relationship between ICT and the environmental aspects and impacts of
these technologies are not fully understood, and the literature maintains
typically a rather general and idealised view of the relationship and is often not
capable of analysing the complexity of the ICT technologies and their
applications. These limitations may be due to the fact that most discussions
tend to describe the relationship at a rather generalised level, where the
specificities of both technology and the conditions for its use and impacts are
not clearly understood. The main focus in most research is anyhow placed on
the overall impact of ICT on the economy and on societal changes in general,
which then in some cases is related to the environmental impacts of these
broader economic and social changes and transformations. Despite this lack
of detailed understanding of the environmental impacts of ICT, these
technologies are very often identified as having important contributions to
developments that will eventually provide the base for decoupling the
economy growth from environmental degradation (Ryan 2004 p.63).
The environmental aspects are most often not included or considered as an
issue in technical and social innovations. The literature is in contrary
describing issues like ICT and the relationship to e.g. process optimization,
the use of consumer products, new features and functional possibilities, and
relations to international standards mostly from a techno-centric point of view
including aspects of economic and social impacts of the technology. The very
few studies of the relationship between environmental aspects and ICT are
provided by scientists typically not enrolled in the ICT complex. This view is
supported by the fact that the literature search of this report only found a few
hits including environmental aspects, compared to the thousands of hits
addressing technical issues of ICT’s. Also the chemical aspects relating to the
use and impact of ICT are as well not frequently addressed. The tendency,
though, is showing a gradual change in the recent years where more of the
identified articles include environmental aspects of ICT’s and more often
addresses – at least by wording – questions of the role of ICT’s in relation to
sustainability issues. This is also stressed by the Eco Lab 03 report (Ryan
2004 p. 65) and in Berkhout & Hertins report to the OECD (2001), which
have made an important contribution to this part of the research.
Many reports describe a nearly automatic effect of increased use of ICT as a
reduction of the resource consumption in society, because ICT is based upon
handling of information instead of physical materials. The problem with such
a statement is that the environmental impact resulting from the development
and use of ICT is not analyzed in details, but only at a very general and even
speculative level. The research is not looking into the impact of ICT on more
specific economic and social processes and the impact of such changes on
environmental impact from resource consumption and wastes and emissions.
It is often claimed that the industrialised societies have been able to reduce
their use of some resources during the same period as the strong development
of ICT and the industrialised societies are often named as ‘knowledge
societies’, knowledge economies’ or ‘information societies’. It is, however,
important to be aware that the reduction in the industrial countries’ use of
some resources since the ICT-application started to accelerate could be the
result of quite straightforward economic measures to reduce materials cost
and make processes more efficient in combination with a parallel relocation of
a part of the resource intensive industries to developing countries (ex. textile,
iron and steel, manufacturing, and electronics industry). Also the often
presented idea of ICT’s substituting the need for transportation and mobility
need to be studied more in detail to show evidence at a larger scale. The
model in these assumed positive impacts of the use of ICT is taking from the
idea of new technologies being more efficient and substituting older
technologies. In the case of ICT another model seem to show as much
relevance: the parallel growth in the use of ICT’s and the demand for other
material goods, transportation and even more mobility. In this sense, the use
of ICT is not just a question of monitoring, controlling, communicating, and
processing information in more efficient ways, but also an independent
enabler of new patterns of consumption, production and mobility.
Few reports like (Berkhout & Hertin, 2001) and (Ryan 2004) come up with
some more detailed and complex perception of the relationship between ICT
and the environment and do not see this automatic greening of society from
the use of ICT. Ryan (2004) explains that since ICT is used to handle
information it is important which information the technology is provided to
work with and which control mechanisms in companies and public regulation
etc. which determine the use of the technologies and the information.
Globally seen, there is a general need for further research and monitoring of
the ICT environmental impacts (Matthews 2003 p.1765) and in general the
few research reports available are very critical about the possible
environmental positive impact from the use of ICT. In the development of
ICT no automatic mechanism or driving force seems to exist taking the
environmental aspect into consideration. The perspective in the article by
Matthews is very pessimistic about the ability of ICT innovations to include
environment as an important parameter. This includes the development of
equipment, production technology and processes. In general this research
emphasises that regulation of the area is necessary. Furthermore the area is
seen as having a very deterministic approach and seems to be convinced that
the technology progress will be the solution for any problems that might occur
either generated from the technology itself of by the actors around it. An
example of this is the constant replication of the belief in and the seeking of
fulfilling Moore’s law, which in effect does not address the overall efficiency
of ICT usage but only the handling of simple data (Berkhout & Hertin 2001).
This is sometimes mentioned as an example of the dramatic expansion of
ICT efficiency, but does not relate to the other side of this development, that
more and more processes – earlier not involving ICT at all – now are affected
by and include ICT due to the constantly reduced costs of applying ICT’s.
Ryan sees the general the development of ICT as driven by the search for
better output, efficiency, new types of usage, and usability. He claims that the
environmental aspects seldom are seen as a self-contained driving force,
though the use of ICT in product design sometimes is used for the
development of lighter products with the use of less material and thereby
some potential environmental benefits. But as a technology, which not by
itself is based on material processes and transforms energy as a primary
purpose for direct use, the environmental aspects of ICT’s include all possible
types of environmental problems in relation to the production and/or
consumption processes the ICT application is involved with. No known
environmental problem can therefore be seen as not influenced by ICT, while
at the same time, the direct impact of ICT’s today shows the growing need to
regulate the tremendous growth in electronic – often even non-recyclable and
toxic – waste to which ICT brings a larger and larger part.
The relationship between ICT and the environment can be illustrated by
ordering the impacts at three different levels, presented in the following. The
definition of these three levels of environmental impacts is based on the
studies of Berkhout & Hertin (2001), Ryan (2004) and Wunnik et al (2004).
First order relationships between ICT and the environment are the direct
environmental impact from the ICT equipment and ICT infrastructure, i.e.
the use of resources and the environmental impact from manufacture,
operation, and disposal of ICT equipment and infrastructure.
Second order relationships between ICT and the environment are the
environmental impacts related to the use of ICT within different areas of
application. These relations are the most important concerning the potential
substitution of other processes stressing the environment, and improving the
efficiency of production processes etc. Some of these applications are
environmental oriented applications as monitoring of a certain environmental
issue or process regulation with e.g. focus on reduction of energy or material
consumption. Most applications, however, are not developed with emphasis
on their environmental aspects, and as already mentioned some of the
environmental impacts are quite complex to assess.
Third order relationships
between ICT and environment are the
consequences of changes in the societies’ total use of resources through
changes in the magnitude of different business and product areas. This type
of impact is represented in the possible parallel growth in e.g. the access to
information and the consumption of material goods and transportation. This
level of impact also includes social and structural changes in production and
consumption resulting from the implementation of ICT’s almost everywhere.
Table 3.1 elaborates the three levels of relationships between ICT and
environment further and present those areas of application, which are
analysed in details later in the chapter. They have been chosen based on
(Berkhout & Hertin, 2001), (Ryan, 2004) and (Wunnik et al, (2004),
interviews with Danish stakeholders and the project workshops.
Table 3.1.
Framework for the assessment of the relationships between ICT and environment
(inspired by (Berkhout & Hertin, 2001, Ryan 2004 p.64, Wunnik et al 2004 p.560)).
Order Possible relationships between ICT and the environment
First order
Direct environmental
impacts related to the
ICT equipment and
ICT-infra structure
The environmental impact related to the ICT equipment and ICT-infra
structure: The environmental load can be lowered by reduction of the
amount of heavy metals in components, a lower level in use of energy in
components and equipment and a higher level of reuse of components
and equipment.
The environmental impact could be increased by the constant
discarding of products due to constant changes in functionality, a more
disperse spreading of sensors in the environment etc.
Second order
impacts related to the
use of ICT and its
influence on
processes, products
Applications can have environmental aspects as focus or could have
unintended positive or negative environmental impact. Some important
areas of application are
Improving environmental knowledge
Design of products and processes
Process regulation and control
Intelligent products and applications
Transport, logistics and mobility
A dematerialization of the economy could happen – i.e. a relative
decoupling of the relationship between economic growth and use of
resources, but new generations of ICT-products could also result in a
bigger pool of electronic products with an increase in use of resources.
This will counter the decoupling.
Third order
impacts from societal
changes among
consumption areas
An easier access to information about the environmental performance
of products could imply a lifestyle change with increased demand for
more green products, but a ”rebound effect” could occur. For example a
bigger pool of electronic products due to lower prices on electronic
products, or increased transport due to the increased electronic
communication between people from different nations through e-mails,
parallel with decreased prices on air flights.
Wunnik et al have used computer simulations to predict the impacts on the
environment from the future ICT and compared them with a so called ICT
freeze situation, where the applications of ICT remain the same level as in
2000. The results are not that straightforward. Total freight transport, total
passenger transport, share of renewable energy in electricity (RES) and the
amount of waste not recycled are predicted to increase by the development of
ICT. On the other hand the private car transport, total energy consumption
and total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are predicted to decrease. The
results presented by Wunnik et al. show that the overall impact on the chosen
indicators may vary between approximately -20 and +30 %. Wunnik et al do
not see these figures as the most important result from their study, but the fact
that the application of ICT’s is a constant battle to avoid further negative
impacts on the environment, and definitely not a very important contribution
of its own to solving the environmental problems of contemporary society. It
is claimed that it is necessary to find ways of promoting the environmentally
positive aspects and inhibiting the negative ones (Wunnik et al 2004 p.560).
3.3.1 Environmental impact related to ICT-equipment and –infrastructure
This section looks at the first order effects related to ICT-equipment and
ICT-infrastructure. The section is structured along the overall life cycle
phases of a product, which are extraction and manufacturing of raw materials,
manufacturing of components and products, use of the ICT product, disposal
and transport.
The first order impacts cover environmental impacts in terms of e.g. global
warming, acidification, nutrient enrichment and effects from emission of toxic
substances. Another important impact related to the life cycle of ICT
products is the depletion of the scarce resources, which are essential to
manufacturing of electrical and electronic equipment. Extraction and manufacturing of raw materials
The most important raw materials used for manufacturing electrical and
electronic equipment are (Kuehr et. al. 2003) and (Blum 1996):
Table 3.2.
Important raw materials applied in the manufacturing of electrical and electronic
Resource Raw material Typical applications
Iron ore Iron and steel Housing and construction
Mineral oil and natural gas Plastics and chemicals Printed circuit boards.
Housing and construction
parts. Components.
Aluminium ore Aluminium Housing and construction
parts. Components.
Sand and chalk Glass Screens. Components.
Sand Silicon Wafers for chips
Copper ore Copper Cables. Printed circuit boards.
Tin ore Tin Solder. Printed circuit boards.
Lead ore Lead Solder. Printed circuit boards.
Components. Glass in
Ores of precious metals Silver, gold, platinum etc. Chips
Manufacturing of raw materials requires energy to extract e.g. copper from
the copper ore. This process will inevitable also leave a great deal of waste
material behind and it may cause serious environmental impacts in the form
of local pollution of soil and water depending on the conditions and
precautions taken at the specific mining site.
Some of the raw materials essential to modern electronics like copper, tin,
silver, gold and platinum are based on scarce resources. That a resource is
scarce means that the known deposits of the respective ores that are
economically profitable will only last for a short period of time. Examples of
supply horizons for some relevant resources are shown in table 3.3.
Table 3.3.
Supply Horizons for selected metals (Hauschild, 1998).
Resource Supply Horizon (Years)
Lead 20
Tin 27
Nickel 50
Copper 36
This does not necessarily mean that the resources will be used up after this
number of years, but it indicates that the price will rise along with a reduced
amount of these raw materials and the rising costs for exploitation. This will
most certainly also imply an increase in the energy consumption along with
other environmental impacts caused by the exploitation.
The most important trend in the use of raw materials for ICT products seems
to be the phase out of lead due to the RoHS directive (RoHS 2003), which
demands that new electrical and electronic equipment put on the market
should not (among others) contain lead. Lead will typically be substituted by
tin or alloys of tin, silver, copper and/or bismuth (STMicro 2004) and
(Ascencio 2004). Other trends are focussing on the phase-out of brominated
flame retardants – not just PBB and PBDE which are covered by the RoHS
directive, but also brominated flame retardants in general (Electronics goes
green 2004). Research about alternative materials for printed wiring boards
(PWB) based on renewable resources (lignin) and thermoplastics has been
initiated (Electronics goes green 2004). The environmental improvements
might be obtained because recycling is made possible and the application of
brominated flame retardants can be eliminated. The “New Materials” session
at the Electronics goes green 2004+ conference did not disclose any
indications of other decisive trends in the application of raw materials for
electrical and electronic equipment (Electronics goes green 2004). Manufacturing of components and products
ICT-products constitute a significant part of the GDP of most industrialised
countries and it is still a growing field. Also the amount of ICT-equipment is
quite big and increasing. The environmental impacts of the manufacturing of
these goods include emissions to air and water of heavy metals and solvents
and other substances that are carcinogenic and/or neurotoxic. In the recent
years some environmental impacts related to the manufacturing have
decreased per produced unit through process management and substitution of
some hazardous materials. However, of the materials used in the
manufacturing of ICT-equipment only two percent ends up in the product
itself (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 7-8).
For some of the more vital parts of an ICT product the waste ratio is even
higher. The manufacturing of a 2 g chip implies the use of 970 g of fossil fuel
and 72 g of chemical substances which is approx. 500 times the mass of the
chip (Kuehr 2003). Miniaturization of components and in some cases also
products does not necessarily imply a decrease in the use of materials – in
some cases the reverse is the case, as the miniaturization can require a higher
purity of the production processes and the materials, which increases the
demand to the materials and increases the amount of waste (Ryan 2004, p.
The systematic application of ecodesign as an integrated part of the product
development procedure will probably decrease the environmental impacts
measured per functional unit (Ong 2004) and (Pascual 2004). However the
functional unit is constantly expanding. E.g. 7-10 years ago a mobile phone
was just a phone. Today it is still called a “mobile phone” though it is hard to
find a device which is not also a (video) camera, a calendar, a notebook, a
game boy, mp3 player etc. This extended functionality of the mobile phone
means an increase in consumption of materials and energy (Legarth 2002).
The introduction of multifunctional products like the mobile phone does not
seem to reduce the demand for e.g. digital cameras or mp3 players (BFE
This trend also applies to other ICT product groups where the functionality
of “the typical mainstream product” is continuously expanding. Intel predicts
that a processor in 2015 will pack 20 to 30 billion (10
) transistors pr. square
inch (Ramanathan 2005). The development seems to continue and opens up
to new applications that have been enabled by the increased computer power.
The environmental improvements, which have taken place, have thus been
overtaken by the increase in functionality (and the number of products as
mentioned above). Furthermore, the environmental improvements are not a
result of a demand for “green products” as this does not exist among
customers or regulatory authorities (Stevels 2004 & Campino 2004). Use of ICT products
Despite numerous attempts of decreasing the energy use during the use of
ICT-products, the aforementioned development of the number of products
used and the development of the product functionality undermine these
efforts (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 8). The operation of the ICT-
infrastructure is estimated to account for 3-4 % of the use of energy in the
industrialised countries (Ryan 2004, p.125). Set-top boxes (integrated
receiver decoders) are projected to add some 6,000 GWh of power demand in
the UK by 2010 (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 8).
Of the total environmental impact over the life cycle of an ICT product 50 to
85% is estimated to be due to the energy consumption in the use phase
(Stevels 2004). It is thus worth while to have a closer look at the nature of this
power consumption.
The energy consumption of an ICT product can often be divided into three
states (Elsparefonden 2004):
On Mode/Active Power is the state where the device is active and carrying out
its primary function. This could be when the user watches TV, talks on the
phone, writes on the pc etc.
Sleep Mode/Low Power is the state when the device is not active but ready to
respond to signals from the user or another system. This could be when the
TV is ready to respond to a signal from the remote control, the mobile phone
is ready to respond to an incoming call, the printer is ready to receive a file for
printing etc. In this state the ICT product will usually operate at reduced
power consumption.
Off Mode/Standby Power is the state when the device is switched off by the
user but it is still connected to the power outlet. Many ICT products will also
have electricity consumption in this state. This might be because there is a
clock to “keep alive” or the stored TV-channels will be lost if the power is
switched off.
As many devices like e.g. computers, fax machines, TVs and videos might
spent almost 24 hours a day in either the Sleep mode or the Off mode there is
a huge potential for improvements and it is possible to manufacture products
that can cope with tough requirements to the energy consumption
(Miljømærkesekretariatet). The standby losses in households were already in
1998 estimated by IEA to account for 5-15% of the residential energy use
(Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 8). Recent estimates say that in Denmark half of
the energy consumption for running TVs, videos and PCs is used for standby
or sleep modes, where the devices are not actively being used. This
corresponds to approx. 10% of the energy consumption for private
households (Elsparefonden 2005). This issue is addressed by different
regulatory initiatives, including incentives (Elsparefonden 2004) and (EuP
directive proposal 2003).
The density of transistors has now reached a level where the energy
consumption related to the operation of the processor has reached a level,
where it is realised by main semiconductor manufacturers that it is necessary
to reduce the energy consumption in order to maintain a proper and reliable
function of their products (Ramanathan 2005):
“Currently, every one percent improvement in processor
performance brings a three percent increase in power
consumption. This is because, as transistors shrink and
more are packed into smaller space, and as clock
frequencies increase, the leakage current likewise increases,
driving up heat and power inefficiency. If transistor
density continues to increase at present rates without
improvements in power management, by 2015
microprocessors will consume tens of thousands of watts
per square centimetre.”
Low energy consuming ICT products only implies savings to the customer,
who has so far only demonstrated a very modest interest, and thus left no
incentive behind for the manufacturer to develop such products. An exception
to this general trend are some public purchasers (Elsparefonden 2004) who
have uncovered potential savings by using PCs and other equipment that deal
with energy in a more responsible way. It should be born in mind that
development of real low energy consuming equipment like laptop computers,
LCD screens, mobile phones, portable “music machines” etc. all have been
driven by the demand to the functionality and not by the intention to reduce
the power consumption itself.
The increasing number of products and the ever expanding functionality of
what is considered an average main stream ICT product (as mentioned in the
previous section) is seriously contributing to an increase in the energy
consumption in the use phase and will probably outdo those improvements
that might be a result of the development of the technology and future
regulatory initiatives.
For another product group related to ICT, the development has been
somewhat different. The market for refrigerators and freezers in the EU has
been covered by an energy labelling framework (Directive 2003/66/EC),
where the products are labelled according to their energy consumption. In
Denmark in 2004 the sales in the best category (A+ & A++) was 60%
( 2005). The reason for this success seems to consist of:
The future implementation of the common EU framework giving the
manufacturers an incentive to develop low energy consumption
technology (the EuP framework directive (directive for Energy using
Products)) which is analysed further in paragraph
It is economically beneficial for the consumer to invest in a low energy
consumption product
A well organised campaign supported by the Danish authorities also
focussing on the economic benefits for the consumer and paying a
discount when buying a energy efficient piece of equipment
Whether similar success would be possible for ICT products is hard to
predict. Regarding especially consumer electronics the decision of purchase is
probably more driven by fashion and “what is cool” as the purchase of for
example a freezer is more based on common sense. For ICT products used in
the infrastructure (servers, telecommunication equipment etc.) the most
important issue is reliable operation and any environmental improvements
that might just slightly intimidate the reliability, will probably be difficult to
72 Disposal
The speed of development and adjustment of products in the ICT sector and
products containing ICT-components is often extremely high as the
performance, memory and the transmission of data is constantly increasing
(Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 9). Many products are disposed of as they still
possess their full functionality simply because expanding performance and
functionality is presented to the customer in the shape of new products
(Erichsen & Willum 2003). The effect of this rapid innovation is an extremely
high turnover of hardware and software which result in an increased amount
of electronic waste. The waste includes electronics with copper, lead,
mercury, flame retardants and plastic softeners (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p.
8). It is a prioritised area within EU with, as earlier mentioned, several
directives in operation or preparation (Ryan 2004 p.124) and (Berkhout &
Hertin 2001 p. 8). A result of this focus is the WEEE directive (Waste from
Electrical and Electronic Equipment) (WEEE directive 2003), which reflects
an ambition to deal with the issue of the increasing amount of waste electrical
and electronic equipment. The directive is discussed later in this chapter.
The reuse of most ICT equipment (meaning e.g. the reuse of components) is
minimal (Renner 2004), although some reuse of PC’s has been organised as
projects aiming at supplying PC’s to poorer countries. The recycling of ICT
(meaning e.g. re-melting and extraction of metals) is a well established activity
in many countries supported by an efficient infrastructure and legislation
(Danish legislation 1998) and (Swedish directive 2000). Especially the
extraction of precious metals from waste electrical and electronic equipment is
quite effective (Busch 2003). Transport
The production of the ICT-components and products is often organised in
globally extended supply chains, which implies a high use of energy for
distribution. A typical PC contains 1500-2000 components sourced from
around the world, and typically transported by air. The complexity and scale
of the global electronics sector means that the aggregate environmental
impacts of the supply chains are large (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 8).
Furthermore an increasing number of products are assembled far from the
regions where they are marketed. Both trends are increasing and imply an
increasing environmental impact due to transport of raw materials,
components, subassemblies and end-user products. There is also the risk that
the waste handling and waste water treatment is of a poorer quality in the
countries outside Europe, where most of the manufacturing takes place. This
means that not only has the environmental impact from the manufacturing of
the ICT products for the Western countries been moved outside these
countries the impact has probably also increased due to the mentioned poorer
environmental infrastructure.
3.3.2 European Environmental legislation concerning electronic and electrical
equipment Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment – WEEE
The main topics of the directive are:
Specifies collection requirements and targets in the member states
Specifies recycling targets for different product categories
Introduces producer responsibility for the disposal costs
Electrical and electronic equipment shall be marked, telling the
consumer not to dispose it with normal waste stream
The producers of EE-equipment must provide information to recyclers and it
should be implemented in national legislation by August 2005, but in
Denmark it is implemented 1 January 2006 (Ecodesign 2005) and (Con.
Grau MST 2005). The directive is relatively clear on which forms of WEEE
that are included. All electrical and electronic equipment from households and
from the industry is divided into equipment groups. The directive is quite
clear on which substances that have to be handled separately and in amount in
kilos it is approximately the double of the amount today (Con. Grau MST
The handling including collection and disposal of the waste generated is in
Denmark delegated to the Danish municipalities. The general principle of the
Danish implementation of WEEE (after public hearings) is that the simple
waste handling should be minimized and the recycling and reuse should
increase. Based on the polluter pays principle (formulated in the directive) the
producers or those who import the products will play a key role and will be
accounted for the environmental impact in the after-use phase with the
reprocessing as another key factor. The system will be functioning in two
separate systems, the municipal based and a private based (Braun &
Dirckinck-Holmfeld 2005 p. 7). The private based system will handle the
industrial WEEE, while the municipal based collects the household WEEE
and gather it at recycling stations, where the producers must take over. The
municipalities or consumers will keep the expenses from the collection of the
household waste (Con. Grau MST 2005).
On the top a non-profit organisation will be formed with the responsibility for
registration of producers, their amount and different types of products put on
the market. They will certify and check the waste managers and third party
organisers, as well as providing the Danish environmental protection agency
with statistical information (Braun & Dirckinck-Holmfeld 2005 p. 7). The
handling of industrial WEEE will probably require and include a number of
more practical units as supplement to the overall administrative organisation.
These third party operators will manage the logistic issues related to the waste
management. These issues could be contracts with producers, contacts with
different contractors and contracts with companies responsible of
reprocessing and other treatments. The implementation proposal contains a
segment of competition, which should facilitate innovation with increased
recovery and decreasing costs (Braun & Dirckinck-Holmfeld 2005 p. 7-8).
Another alternative allowed is that producers organise their own take back
system. This will require a bank guarantee for the overall organisation if
anything should go wrong (Braun & Dirckinck-Holmfeld 2005 p. 8).
Regarding the specific handling of the WEEE the Danish EPA will describe
what the producers must do and which fractions the handling will give. The
producers are left alone in setting up the necessary processes to do so. Most of
the new required processes are disassembly, which will be done manually and
are very easy for existing companies to do and does not require big
investments (Con. Grau MST 2005).
Regarding the household waste the implementation of the directive will open
the existing system in a way so that every private provider with a waste
manager certificate can bid on a task. In Denmark the municipalities have had
monopoly on the waste management from households. The payment
structure of the municipal system will be changed so that the producers
instead of the consumers will held the economic costs in compliance with the
directive. This is done through payment according to market share (calculated
by kg or parts sold). Finally the minister of environment can prohibit certain
products, which are designed without possible reuse, and the producer must
provide information to the waste manager for reprocessing of the product
within a year of the marketing date (Braun & Dirckinck-Holmfeld 2005 p. 8).
As this directive is being implemented into national legislation in all 25 EU
member countries it is supposed to cause:
Reduction of the environmental impact due to pollution caused by
irregular treatment and land filling of waste electrical and electronic
Reduction of the depletion of scarce resources as an increasing amount
of waste electrical and electronic equipment is being recycled.
Reduction of the environmental impact and the depletion of scarce
resources because ICT products will be developed and manufactured
with a higher focus on end-of-life and recycling aspects.
The fulfilment of these predictions is of course based on the assumption that
the intentions in the WEEE directive actually are implemented in all EU
countries. There will always be attempts to reduce the cost of proper waste
treatment e.g. to define the waste as “second hand goods” and export it to
countries outside the EU (Gabel 2005). However, as much waste electrical
and electronic equipment is being handled through reseller chains, who might
put their reputation at stake if they were associated with irregular export, it is
expected that most electronic waste will be treated according to the national
regulations derived from the WEEE directive.
Another concern might be whether this directive (WEEE directive 2003)
would imply any improvements based on a better design (seen from an
environmental point of view). The article 7 requires that e.g. for IT and
telecommunications equipment the rate of “component, material and substance
reuse and recycling shall be increased to a minimum of 65 % by an average weight
per appliance”. Though it is not clear from directive how the implementation
of the article 7 should be supervised, it is expected to cause some
improvement in many ICT-products and other products. At least some
producers have been inspired by a close dialogue with an electronic waste
recycling company in order to integrate the knowledge of the recycler in
future product design, and thus decrease the time for disassembly and
increase the rate of recycling and by that also reduce the cost for end-of-life
treatment (Busch 2003).
The regulation will not directly foster the producers to develop products
hazardous substances. This is handled in the RoHS directive (Con. Grau
MST 2005). Directive on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in
electrical and electrical equipment – RoHS
The RoHS directive introduces ban on the use of lead, mercury, cadmium,
hexavalent chromium, beryllium and on certain brominated flame retardants
(PBB & PBDE). The directive had to be implemented in national legislation
by August 2004 (Ecodesign 2005).
In Denmark the statutory order LBK Nr. 1008 from 12/10/2004 is the legal
implementation of the directive and is banning import and sale of the
mentioned substances by 1 July 2006. ICT products are encompassed in the
statutory order as well as a great part of possible embedded ICT applications
in e.g. domestic appliances, electrical and electronic tools. Supervisory control
is located at the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (LBK Nr.21). The
directive will result in a softening of the existing Danish legislation by
permitting higher limit values and including some exceptions on lead,
aluminium, copper alloys and regarding mercury in different fluorescent
tubes, which the Danish legislation do not encompass today (LBK Nr. 21),
(LBK Nr. 1012), (LBK Nr. 1199) and (LBK Nr. 627). Through the
chemical inspection measures will be performed to control compliance. This
will probably be done by checking of rumours and by campaigns assessing
different products through e.g. chemical analysis. These measures will
probably be initiated in 2007 giving the business a change to implement the
new regulation (Con. Heron MST 2005).
The Danish EPA has participated in different meetings, where business has
discussed the impact of the directive and how it should be understood. At
these meetings EPA has urged the business to build up co-operation and
distribution mechanisms of experiences and knowledge. There is no overview
of the scope of such initiatives but experience groups are formed.
Furthermore B&O and Grundfos have participated in a project looking at
producing lead-free (Con. Heron MST 2005). The framework directive 2005/32/EC for setting up eco-design
requirements for energy-using products – EuP
The directive does not introduce directly binding requirements for specific
products, but does define conditions and criteria for setting, through
subsequent implementing measures, requirements regarding environmentally
relevant product characteristics (such as energy consumption) and allows
them to be improved quickly and efficiently (Ecodesign 2005).
After adoption of the Directive by the Council and the European Parliament,
the Commission, assisted by a Committee, will be able to implement measures
on specific products and environmental aspects (such as energy consumption,
waste generation, water consumption, extension of lifetime) after impact
assessment and broad consultation of interested parties (Ecodesign 2005).
The directive aims at creating a legislative framework for addressing eco-
design requirements with the aim of:
ensuring the free movement of energy-using products within the EU,
improving the overall environmental performance of these products
and thereby protect the environment,
contributing to the security of energy supply and enhance the
competitiveness of the EU economy,
preserving the interests of both industry and consumers.
All energy driven devices are covered by the directive except means of
transportation. Expected product categories that most likely will be regulated
are domestic appliance, office equipment and consumer electronics.
Computers and televisions are predicted to be the first products to be
regulated via EuP (Con. Traberg MST 2005).
The choice of products to regulate will probably be done by looking at
environmental impact, the possible environmental improvement potentials
and the volume of the product pool. A voluntary effort will be preferable
(Con. Traberg MST 2005). It is likely that only those using electricity, solid,
liquid and gaseous fuels will be the subject of implementing measures. The
framework Directive defines the criteria for selecting products that can be
covered by implementing measures (Ecodesign guide). The regulation can be
standards for energy consumption, water consumption, noise, chemicals and
recycling of products (Con. Traberg MST 2005).
If a product is regulated two different legal instruments can be used: limit
values and “minor life cycle assessments”. For energy and noise it is supposed
that limit values will be used. The “minor life cycle assessments” are
supposed to contain an action plan where the producers has to make an
assessment on specific substances, which the Commission define as important
regarding the particular product (Con. Traberg MST 2005).
EuP will not overrule other directives as RoHS, and WEEE. National
regulation will probably be overruled but the Danish EPA expects that the
environmental gains through the directive will overcome the losses from
degradation of some Danish regulation (Con. Traberg MST 2005).
In Denmark the negotiation with the EU Commission is placed at the
“Energirådet” (Council of Energy) but as the directive will include possible
regulation on energy consumption, water consumption, noise, chemicals and
recycling, the implementation of the directive and the implementing measures
will be a joint process between the Danish EPA and the Danish Energy
Agency (Con. Traberg MST 2005).
3.3.3 Presentation of the areas of application for detailed analysis
Based on the project desk research, especially building upon the studies of
Ryan (2004) and Berkhout & Hertin (2001), the interviews carried out in the
project, and the project workshops we have selected five overall areas of
application for ICT for further analysis, as mentioned earlier in the chapter.
These areas cover fields, where the use and application of ICT has been
highlighted as a possible strategy for achieving environmental improvements
or present new or radically changing environmental risks. The five areas of
ICT application are:
Improving environmental knowledge
Design of products and processes
Process regulation and control
Intelligent products and applications
Transport, logistics and mobility
The application of ICT in
improving environmental knowledge includes
the use of sensors for collection of information about emissions to the
environment or measuring the state of the environment, the use of ICT for
comprehensive data processing and modelling, and the exchange of data and
information related to environmental aspects among different actors within or
between different societal arenas. This exchange could involve the public
arena, NGO’s, environmental professionals, companies etc.
The use of ICT in the
design of products and processes includes the use of
tools like Computer Aided Design (CAD) in the design of physical products
and Computer Aided Processing Engineering in the design of chemical
products and processes in order to optimise different properties and aspects
related to the life cycle of the products and processes.
The use of ICT in
process regulation and control includes basically the use
of ICT in the overall monitoring and control of industrial processes, energy
systems, building management, and infrastructure systems in society. The
possibility of online measurements of process parameters and the continuous
regulation of processes in order to monitor and control different aspects of
these processes represent today one of the most obvious and distributed
application areas for ICT, which is more or less taken for granted.
The use of ICT in
intelligent products and applications is a widely
discussed area of ICT applications. Under the heading of e.g. pervasive
computing, ambient intelligence and ubiquitous computing the examples of
future visions are manifold. It includes the use of for example sensors to
collect information, handling of these information in the product and the
possibility of giving feedback to the users of the product in order to optimise
the use hereof.
ransport, logistics and mobility is an area that is highly energy intensive
due to the large amounts of goods transported and the growing personal
mobility based on easier access to transport systems. The use of ICT has been
discussed as means for the reduction of environmental impact in different
ways. The analyses includes the role of telework (including telecommuting,
teleconferencing a.o.), E-business (including teleshopping and B2B (Business
to Business)), and transport logistics (surveillance, optimisation etc.).
3.4 Improving Environmental Knowledge
(Ryan 2004, p. 84-89) points out that ICT have had and can have big
importance for the knowledge base within the environmental field:
New systems of sensors can monitor the environmental conditions.
The development of smaller sensor placed in sensor-net is expected to
give better possibilities in environmental data-collection
Distributed computer capacity with the possibility of complete
comprehensive data processing is important in the processing of big
data sets
Increased exchange of environmental data in different networks
including researchers, citizens, authorities, organizations, companies
and others and sometimes across these groups
3.4.1 New sensor systems
Sensors could become a significant part of an improved environmental
knowledge base in the future, but further development of sensors themselves
is necessary to fully utilise the possibilities of this technology. The
development of sensors with better precision and new functionalities will be
important in the field of gathering new and reliable information (Ryan 2004
p. 85). Another important aspect will be the price of the sensors. The sensors
have to become cheaper before they become attractive to an extent, which
implies significant applications (Intelligent workshop 2). Sensors can be used
to monitor pressure, moisture, vibration, magnetic fields and much more
(Ryan 2004 p. 2004)
The general development of the sensor technology is expected to result in
cheaper and smaller sensors through a general need for data in society. The
development will include a miniaturisation that could include the development
of wireless sensor networks. The driving force at the moment is not
environmental applications, which means that the development and the use of
sensors for environmental purposes are small compared to other markets for
sensors (Int. Lading 2004). The present possibilities of using sensors to
gather different environmental data are not at all used due to a very limited
environmental interest. The general development in the sensor technology
will, however to some extent be beneficial to the collection of environmental
data, if the sensors are improved with respect to spatial and spectral
resolution, image analysis and pattern recognition (Ryan 2004 p. 86).
Danfoss Analyticals sees a lot of different possibilities in the sensor technology
for environmental purposes, if the market should need it (Int. Paasch 2005) &
(Intelligent workshop group 2) (see also example later in the chapter). The
market for sensors developed directly for environmental use could expand in
the future years, if governmental regulation creates a need for this. One
possible driving force could be the need for the new EU-countries to comply
with EU-legislation within the environmental area (Intelligent workshop group
Sensors integrated into sensor networks can run a software operating system,
handle communications through e.g. radio motes (tiny, self-contained,
battery-powered computers with radio links) and thereby transfer data along
the net. The mote net the sensors are connected to, is so intelligent that they
can reconfigure if a sensor are lost or new sensors are added to the network.
To save energy the sensors are sleeping most of the time and waking up
periodically to measure and send the data when a change in the environment
are occurring. In the future these devices might be able to run on energy from
light, heat and even on vibration (Ryan 2004 p. 86). For environmental
purposes the sensor networks could be used to gather information from open
areas instead of closed limited locations. An example is the possibility to use
the technology to monitor the condition of a groundwater resource connected
to a groundwater pump. It is possible to make a sensor network with a lot of
not especially good or accurate sensors, which gather data from a big area of
the groundwater resource. The information from one of the sensor would
over time not give any interesting results, but when connecting them in a
system and look at the patterns in the results the data could become scientific
interesting (Intelligent workshop group 2).
Especially in the USA a lot of firms have tried to develop the so called lab on a
chip, meaning that normal laboratory facilities, which today might demand a
100 m
room, could be integrated into a small chip so the sampling, analysis
and data processing could be done in few minutes at the location. The idea is
to make the chip so cheap that they after use could be discarded. Many of
these attempts have failed and a lot of the firms have gone bankrupt, but still
some expectations are found in this area (Int. Lading 2004).
The environmental implications of the use of sensors depend on the way they
are used. If they are used for measurements in the environment it will imply
an environmental strategy focusing on cleaning-up and remediation. If the
sensors are used inside plants and facilities, they could become part of more
preventive environmental strategies (Intelligent workshop group 2).
Danfoss Analytical.
Danfoss Analytical is a leader in Online Analytical Meters for the Waste Water Industry through a
micro technology. The technique is a special filter that can separate ions from wastewater and
only allowing the ions that is wanted for measurement in the meters.
The company sees potentials in development of sensor networks. The possibilities lie in linking
sensors in big environmental measurement systems providing more data to assess and react
upon. It could be possible to measure e.g. different discharges of wastewater both in public and
industrial installations. More accurate measurements of the outlet of oxygen, ammonium,
phosphate and nitrate are possible. Other applications could be monitoring of drinking water
reservoirs, which enable reaction before polluted water is pumped into the supply system.
The problem with technological solutions as sensors and other micro techniques is the high
production price per unit, why mass production is the only way to reduce the costs. To day the
price on sensors are approx. 10,000 Euro, but in order to be interesting in sensor networks used
in greater open areas the price has to be around 1,500 Euro. Sensors used in networks linked with
each other will not work if distributed randomly. It is necessary to know their exact position to use
the data they provide. The sensors need energy from a radio or telecommunication module.
Using static electricity will not work, but use of energy from temperature changes could
theoretically be enough, but the application has not been developed yet.
EU is the most important market and especially the environmental regulation is important.
Environmental assessment and monitoring in the Eastern part of Europe is not very developed
but these countries have to do it in order to comply with EU regulation. There might have great
export possibilities both in relation to the waste water industry but also in relation to new
environmental monitoring and control if regulation demands new efforts.
Source: (Danfoss Analytical 2005 & Con. Paasch 2005)
3.4.2 Distributed computer capacity
The analysis of data, for example collected by the sensors, needs in some
cases substantial computer capacity. This includes the possibility to make
large scale modelling which is depending on available computer power and
software. This could be done by using distributed computer systems, which
are expected to provide more computing power than the largest and fastest
single computers at a fraction of price. The allocation of unused computer
power is the essential idea. The idea is that millions of PC users voluntary
provide their unused computer power in a network to help analyse data and
performing computer simulations, that are understood as socially or
environmental important. Conservative estimations are that distributed
computer systems could provide 10 billion megahertz with over 10 thousands
terabytes of memory and storage. The development of related software is
gone from an initial phase to make new analysis possible (Ryan 2004 p. 89).
3.4.3 Increased knowledge, awareness and action from environmental data
The exchange of environmental data can take place at different arenas –
internally in companies or within NGO or research communities. The
Internet can be used by these actors to share their information and
interpretation of issues within the environmental field. Such collaborative
networks have benefited the earth, atmospheric and environmental sciences
and the ability to forecast environmental conditions and management of
natural resources and enabling large international scientific researches (Ryan
2004 p. 85). The gathering and assessment of the environmental data could
also be used in different education purposes both at school level and at higher
levels as universities (Ryan 2004 p. 87). Also the NGO community has
developed their way of exchanging information and making information
available to the public. Ryan stresses that the connection between knowledge,
awareness and action rapidly has become a focus for application and further
development of ICT, as a way of empowering communities. An example is
EnviroLink that unites hundreds of organisations and volunteers with millions
of people in more than 150 countries (Ryan 2004 p. 89-90).
A way to integrate environmental criteria in decision-making in industry is to
integrate environmental data into systems like Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP). ERP is defined as systems that integrate a series of business processes
such as management, monitoring and analysis and is often based on ICT-
systems comprising a number of these processes. These systems comprise e.g.
physical flows and it is expected that systems with consideration of
environmental issues can be developed. The physical flows are described as
”bills of materials”, material flows and receptors. Flows of materials can be
characterized in different ways: Elements (i.e. Cd), chemical substances (i.e.
SO2), materials (i.e. wood), and parts of products (i.e. motors and bolts).
The existing systems support only to a limited extent the demand of
information that is needed for an environmental optimization, but it is
expected that such integration is possible since both logistics, which is a
typical area within ERP, and environmental assessment are based on physical
flows. The framework of ERP has to be developed further in order to
integrate the environmental aspects, since today the economic criteria is far
the heaviest component in the ERP systems. This way of thinking has to be
changed before a functional integration of environmental issues can be
performed (Lambert et al 2000 p. 109).
As part of their environmental management some companies use Intranet as
access to procedures etc. Experiences from several companies seem to show
that these ICT-based networks alone can not secure the necessary integration
of environmental issues into i.e. product- and process changes. The reason is
that many non-environmentally educated employees do not have the
necessary knowledge to use these procedures, checklists etc. developed by
environmental specialists. At the same time environmental specialists have
difficulties in converting their environmental knowledge to concrete proposals
for application in relation to process and product changes. Experiences seem
to show that more dialogue between environmental specialists and for
example the process- and product developers give a better integration of
environment issues into decision making than environmental assessments
based entirely on the individual use of procedures from Intranet.
Athena Greenline – Energy and environmental management.
Athena A/S is a Danish IT company that offers various IT-business solutions for organisations
and companies and has won an EU-outsourcing project. Athena is one of the oldest IT-
consultancy firms in Denmark and has various competencies in the fields where they provide
solutions including knowledge about environmental issues. One of their solutions is Athena
Greenline, which is a web-based energy and environmental management system for public
authorities developed in co-operation with Kolding municipality and used in more than 200
institutions. It is used to make decentralized environmental registrations, targets and follow ups
on the performance. The system is new and has only been in operation since June 2004, why an
assessment of the improvement in environmental performance can not be provided but the
expectations are at least 5-10 % and the success margin is only 1 % for Kolding municipality. The
project has reduced the number of man hours used for the administration of environmental
issues and making green accounts. The vision with the system is to help the municipality to foster
a change in behaviour in all of their institutions.
The future of Athena Greenline is promising and in the merging of the three municipalities -
Vojens, Haderslev and Gram Athena Greenline is used as a pilot project in the merging phase. In
this way the system is used as a tool in the difficult merging processes. In the future Athena A/S
wants to make a similar system for businesses.
The system has various functions including report of electricity, water and heat consumption,
energy and environmental reports, energy monitoring and budget, environmental impacts from
emissions of CO
, SO
and NO
registration of transport, knowledge sharing on energy and
environmental issues, registration of green purchases and registration of waste. These specific
environmental factors can be changed and developed as it fits the organisation buying it, and
Athena can give advice in these issues as well. Athena Greenline can help showing possible
energy saving measures if needed. The management system can contribute to savings through a
more efficient administration and by pin pointing poor environmental performances.
For convenience of the user the interface is the Internet, which enables a recognizable fast and
easy installation in the different institutions of a municipality and allowing both decentralized and
centralized administration and monitoring. An environmental or energy portal is easy to make
and the only requirements are basic knowledge on e.g. Word. Through an energy portal other
actors have easily access to relevant snapshots of the performances. Athena Greenline makes
automatically diagrams, tables etc. and could be the base for green accounts. The system is
based on open standards and hence communication with other system used is possible so that
historical data can be united in Athena Greenline.
Athene Greenline shows the different users their performance compared to both former
performance and compared to budgets and objectives and is capable of communicating with the
responsible person, who is reporting data. SMS and emails are used to remind the responsible
persons about registration both before schedule and if registration is lacking or diverging
Sources: (Athena Greenline 2005, Athena A/S 2005 & Athena 2005)
Table 3.4.
Environmental impact from improved environmental knowledge.
First order
Increased environmental impact from an increased and more dispersed
amount of ICT equipment and infrastructure. The impact will be smaller, if
national and international regulation implies a reduction of the energy and
resource consumption and the wastes and emissions from the
manufacturing, the use and the disposal of the equipment
Second order
Depends on the application of the improved environmental knowledge base:
whether the knowledge leads to action and whether the action is based on
prevention and reduction of the impact at the source or mainly applied within
a remediation approach
Third order
Depends on whether the environmental knowledge base leads to competitive
advantages for companies applying this kind of environmental management,
for example through changed governmental regulation or more
knowledgeable citizens, consumers and authorities
3.5 Design of products and processes
The ICT-sector has increased by 8 % a year in the period from 1990-1997 in
the OECD countries, which is somewhat higher than the general growth
(Henten 2001 p. 12). Out of the 8 billion microprocessors produced annually
only two percent ends up in computers. The rest ends up in production
machinery, home appliances, and white goods, toys, cars, and other transport
systems, mobile phones and PDA’s, audio and video equipment etc. Estimates
are more than 10,000 telemetric devices per person by 2010 (Ryan 2004 p.
99). The design of products and processes in general, and not only the
electronic parts, might be environmentally improved using ICT-based tools
for design and optimisation of products and processes. The environmental
potentials in the design process are reduction of waste and increased energy
efficiency. Often resource efficiency has been a part of the effort, though it is
not a general trend (Ryan 2004 p. 102) & (Intelligent work shop group 2).
3.5.1 CAD and environmental databases
Design software and simulation tools can generate products, which fit better
to its intended use. It is also possible to integrate environmental design criteria
in CAD. It is, however difficult to assess the impact of this form of software
disconnected from changes in materials and production processes (Berkhout
& Hertin 2001 p. 10). One of the potentials in the use of CAD is the
possibility to simulate several alternatives and prototypes with fewer resources
compared to physical product modelling, whereby CAD could enable more
optimizing phases in a specific product design (Int. Lenau 2005).
Today computer programmes can guide architects to evaluate and compare
the design of buildings with respect to layout, location, materials, isolation,
shading etc. Research and development aim at integrating environmental
databases into design processes to make it easier to choose materials and
technologies. An example is LCA databases that can rate materials for
designers (Ryan 2004 p. 98) and (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 10). However,
several subjective choices are connected to the use of lifecycle assessments
(boundaries of the analysed system, choice of alternatives for comparison
etc.). This implies that claiming that a certain product is environmentally
better than competing products, based on the use of these methods, might
lead to controversies. Most of the ICT based technologies used to simulation
and design could become environmental tools if the designer wishes to use
them for environmental purposes. The problem is that the designers often are
focusing on other issues, like functionality, weight, strength and economy.
These concerns might lead to environmental improvements (through less
consumption of materials, fewer damaged products etc., but might also lead
to higher environmental impact (Int. Torben Lenau, 2005).
3.5.2 Topology optimization
Another way of optimizing design is topology optimization, where calculations
of products and constructions assess how the shape of an object enables the
least consumption of materials, while securing the necessary strength of the
product or the construction (Int. Sigmund, 2005). An example of such
environmental achievements is the aluminium can where the amount of
aluminium has been reduced by 50 % compared with a can 30 years ago
(Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 10). Changes in aircraft motors and airframe
structures are expected to contribute to a reduction in the use of energy of 20
% in 2010 and 50 % in 2050 (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 10) and the typical
optimization potentials on old classical and throughout optimized products
are about 30 % (Int. Bendsøe 2005). The automobile and aircraft industry
have a success rate on respectively 15-20 % and 0.5 % in reduction of weight
when using topology optimization on different parts of their products (Int.
Bendsøe 2005).
Topology optimization does not at the present stage integrate environmental
concerns directly. An integration of environment concerns requires
development of the right criteria related to the environmental issues for the
system to be optimized, like the reduction of the weight of parts of an airplane
or a better aerodynamic shape of a car so they consume less energy during
operation. The concept of topology optimization is as concept relative simple.
The difficulties in the method lie in the definition of the right framework
conditions for the partial differential equations, which are solved as part of the
optimisation, because every new type of design problem needs a new
definition of the framework conditions (Intelligent work shop group 2).
The future research challenges would be to use topology optimization for
multi physics where e.g. pressure, temperature and structures interact with
each others. It could be a water pump that generates heat and thereby wear
mechanical parts of the pump. This implies that different schools of
optimization have to be connected so that both raster representation and
edges approaches are used. To day this link does not exist. Furthermore new
and better optimization algorithms have to be developed. The problem is that
to day companies, which develop these algorithms, do it for large scale usages
based on general problems. To use the full extent of topology optimization
potentials more specialised algorithms have to be developed. The commercial
aspect is the key problem because big international software companies
develop these algorithms and they look at the commercial perspectives of their
products. In this way the development of software can be a bottleneck for the
development and usage of topology optimization.
Another area that topology optimization could be used for is the enclosure of
a process, e.g. catalysts or fuel cells, where the method could be used to secure
e.g. the most optimized cooling of the system (Int. Bendsøe 2005), which
implies cooperation with process researchers and developers as e.g. those
working with computer aided process engineering presented below.
In Denmark topology optimization is driven by basic research and the Danish
industry is only in a limited extend using it in practice. At the universities the
research is at DTU and at Aalborg University. There are only a few
companies in Danish industry, which use topology optimization. One of them
is Grundfos, where own software was developed 10 years ago. Spin offs from
these research environments have resulted in a new and promising Danish
performance in fibre optics where topology optimization are used as a basic
tools in new products, where the optical computer is the vision. The optical
computer will theoretically have greater performance on marginal lower
energy consumption (Int. Bendsøe 2005).
A further development within the design area is a combined web-based waste
exchange in order to obtain increased recycling. This will demand modelling
and product design focused on easy disassembly, like concepts as Design for
Disassembly and Design for Recycling. A greater application of such
exchange processes seems, however to demand more closed circuit of
materials within many product areas than today (Ryan 2004 p. 64).
3.5.3 Computer Aided Process Engineering
Computer Aided Process Engineering as practiced at for example the
Department of Chemical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark
is an example of integration of environmental parameters into an IT-based
tool for design of products and processes. The key of the tool is the capability
through simulation of chemical processes to design and optimize the
processes by using partial differential equations for balances of energy and
mass and for phenomena like heat transfer etc.
Energy integration at chemical plants can be used to increase the efficiency of
the consumption of natural resources and limit pollutant emissions as
distillation is far the most widespread solution for industrial separation
processes. Distillation stands for around 3 % of the total energy consumption
of the Western world so an increased efficient distillation process is very much
desired and is possible to obtain through energy integration. Energy
integration is basically the reuse of primary energy stream within e.g. a
distillation column (Koggersbøl et al. 1996). The process automation could
be based on energy and material balances including controllers for the levels
in the reboilers, the condensers and accumulators tuned by rules ensuring
closed loop time constants at 1 minute for a stable process (Koggersbøl et al.
1996 p. 854).
Another programme can be used for design of solvents through simulation
(Computer Aided Molecular Design) fulfilling certain environmental and
health related criteria by computer modelling. The tool has integrated energy
and mass balances and the WAR-algorithm (WAste Reduction algorithm),
developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The proposed
solvents and compounds are assessed and ranked based on their
environmental and health related properties (Int. Jørgensen 2004). Similar
models have been used for modelling more energy efficient separation
processes in industry financed by the Danish Ministry of Energy and initiated
because of increasing energy costs. Some Danish companies are part of the
network and co-operation partners of the centre, but the interest in these
models and the possibilities for optimisation of environmental, energy and
health aspects seems to be bigger among businesses in foreign countries, if
assessed by the number of co-operation partners. The type of calculations
involved in the optimisation depends on the increased access to computer
based data processing capacity. Calculations done to day in a few minutes
would have taken several days 5-10 years ago (Int. Jørgensen 2004).
These tools can be linked to more overall strategies for rationalisation of
production processes, such as LEAN and “LEAN-thinking” (Int. 2 2004),
(Int. 3 2004) & (Ryan 2004 p. 103) where this understanding of
manufacturing and business processes helps identifying bottlenecks or so
called critical points. These critical points are seen as the best way of handling
the optimization problem (Int. 2 2004). Environmental aspects are normally
not directly included in LEAN optimisation. In case the optimisation focuses
on reduction of wastes the optimisation might lead to reduction of resource
consumption and reduced amount of waste.
The designers have to look at the optimization or design process as a whole
with a lot of factors that might not be within their expertise in order to obtain
an optimal design and planning. Participation of a number of professional
groups in these processes requires bigger computers to handle all the
specifications and the information at the same type of computers and thereby
avoiding mistakes when transferring data from one type of computer software
to another (Int. Jørgensen 2004).
(Intelligent workshop group 2).
Table 3.5
Environmental impact from design and planning of products and processes.
First order effects The environmental impact from the equipment for data processing is
probably not increasing due to the increased data processing power per
computer. The impact will be smaller, if national and international regulation
implies a reduction of the energy and resource consumption from the
manufacturing, the use and the disposal of the equipment
Second order
Depends on the focus of the optimisation. There is no guarantee for
environmental improvements from these kinds of product and process
optimisation. The focus of the optimisation is determined by governmental
regulation, including resource costs, waste management costs etc.
Third order
Depends on whether environmental focused optimisation leads to
competitive advantages for companies applying environmental
management, for example through changed governmental regulation or
more knowledgeable citizens, consumers and authorities
3.6 Process regulation and control
Higher resource efficiency can be obtained through a more effective use of
materials, less re-manufacturing of low quality products, better logistics and
better understanding of the material flows (Ryan 2004 p. 103), (Int. 2 2004)
& (Int. Jørgensen 2004). Modern production systems can have thousands of
individual microprocessors embedded in them, controlling valves, measuring
temperatures, sensing the properties of fluids etc. Today up to 40% of the
value of a new manufacturing process is accounted for by the control systems.
Precise control is essential for minimising emissions, and waste is an indicator
of inefficient processes and process management. Resource productivity
improvements of this type have been achieved consistently since computers
were introduced into manufacturing over 30 years ago (Berkhout & Hertin
2001 p. 10). Also facility management in buildings regulating the
temperatures, lighting etc. is a field of application for ICT-based process
control and regulation.
The use of ICT systems in energy technologies has resulted in improvements
in energy efficiency through control of lights, motors, boilers, air-conditioners
and water heaters. All of this can be integrated into energy management
control system (EMCS) which can be assessed and controlled by the Internet
(Ryan 2004 p. 107) and (Intelligent work shop group 2). The development of
wireless networks used in EMCS could become a driver in the further use of
sensors. The technology exists and it is only up to businesses to use it in
different applications. Research and development should ensure that different
types of equipment can communicate. Development of standards is seen as
one of the most important tools in securing an implementation of wireless
solutions. When different standards are developed it could be fatal for smaller
companies to choice the wrong standard (Intelligent workshop group 2). This
is a challenge for the Danish market because it is characterised by a lot of
small and medium sized companies, and the development of the standards is
not happening in Denmark (Intelligent workshop group 2).
There are big differences in the type of production from sector to sector, but
it seems possible, at least within several chemical and biotechnological areas,
in the future to obtain a reduction of the resource consumption and the
amount of wastes and emissions by going from quality control of final
products to online quality control through regulation of the production
processes. Traditionally GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) rules and
guidelines, from for example the US FDA (Food & Drug Administration),
has limited process development and process optimization because of a high
bureaucracy and paper work in the approval and re-approval processes. A
future concept in the pharmaceutical industry is Process Analytical
Technology (PAT), which is the result of a new regulation strategy from FDA
(U.S Department of Health and Human Services 2004) & (Int. 2 2004). The
purpose of the new strategy is not environmental achievements, but the
release of personal resources for the development of more new products by
reducing the control of final products and the amount of waste and re-
manufacturing by introducing a more flexible on-line process regulation (Int.
2 2004). The base is the development of ICT-based tools, which makes it
possible to make more complex calculations. This could also be used to
regulate processes closer to the actual demands
(Intelligent workshop group
The background for the development of these possibilities in process
regulation and also the previous mentioned possibilities in computer aided
design are process and production design based on mathematical models, an
increased chemical understanding of the processes and process regulation
based on the development in online measuring methods and online systems of
regulation. The development is directly based on the development of ICT
where the data processing power is and has been the limiting factor. Other
ICT technologies, important for the online regulation, are sensors coupled to
communication network and computer assisted control. Such systems are
needed to gather data and transform it to information so that the regulation
can be performed (Int. Jørgensen 2004) and (Int. 2 2004).
3.6.1 Process automation
Process automation includes various solutions but plant stability,
controllability, operability and safety are the main issues, when discussing
plant processes and intelligent control and regulation through process
automation of nonlinear processes (Koggersbøl et al. 1996; Szederkényi et al
2002). These factors have to be in order when designing process control and
plants. Other keywords are traceability, audit trail, product quality and
batches, and ICT solutions are an integrated and essential part of process
Introducing such stringent regulations in industrial plants can be done by
artificial neural network (ANN) to secure product consistency, reduced
operational costs, and improved safety through a structured and well designed
processes control and plant management (Cox et al. 2001 p. 302). ANN have
the ability to learn from past process data and thereby model the complex
non-linearities of a process and are capable of accommodating multi-input
multi-output (MIMO) systems. ANN is not relying on an understanding of
the processes they control, but produces a model based solely on previous
behaviour of inputs and outputs from the plant. This can be understood as
feed-forward control strategies (Cox et al. 2001 p. 299 and 302). ANN is
hereby capable of e.g. introducing the right doze of chemicals to a process
based on the characteristics of the input compared to a manual dosage by a
chemist (Cox et al. 2001 p. 298-300). Furthermore, auto-associative neural
networks are capable of identifying sensor failure and aid signal reconstruction
has been developed and tested both in pilot plants and at larger products
plants (Cox et al. 2001 p. 302).
Another approach for process automation is Manufacturing Executing
Systems (MES) where ERP and other management programmes are
connected through software with production and process controls.
Traceability and transparency will be issues in the future for process
automation solutions. Traceability provides knowledge to managers and sales
departments about the current status of a specific product or batch, which is
an area that is highly developed in big international companies and will in a
few years be a demand from Danish companies as well (con. Jacobsen 2005;
con. Nilsson 2005). Some of these software programmes include the
possibility of measurements on environmental factors. These factors can focus
on the processes before emissions are emitted to air or water. The factors have
to be defined by the user and are optional. There is no knowledge available
about how much this feature is used (con. Nilsson 2005).
Driving forces in Danish industry in process automation is regulation from
EU and USA, mostly from GMP and FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
The area is highly regulated especially in the pharmaceutical and food
industry (con. Jacobsen 2005; con. Nilsson 2005). Environmental issues is
very seldom a issue when companies implement new ICT solution for
increased process automation though a few big international companies such
as MacDonalds demand that environmental issues are assessed by their
suppliers (con. Nilsson 2005). Process automation in Denmark is based upon
knowledge developed in other parts of the world and especially software
solutions are bought from international software companies (con. Jacobsen
2005). On the other side Scandinavian companies have a sound
understanding of ICT and the possibilities for increasing effectiveness so they
are relatively fast to incorporate new measures (con. Nilsson 2005)
E.g. a consultancy company as Birch and Krogboe with a formulated focus on
environment provides analyses of needs (technical, strategic, legislation),
specifications of requirements and make the tender materials for their
customers and have furthermore cooperation with Danish entrepreneurs like
Picca Automation and CIRKOM and has contacts with universities
environments where e.g. business PhD’s are performed (con. Jacobsen 2005).
The intelligent pump.
To day the intelligence in the electronic regulated pump is used for electronic management of
the pump engine it self and hydraulic features. The intelligence is supporting a sufficient use
with a decreased use of energy.
The management of pumps makes multi-pumps possible with monitoring of the systems
operations and integrated alerts if any problems occur. Centralised management is possible
through communication technologies so big organisations, e.g. municipalities can control all of
their water treatment plants from a central command centre. The management of a system of
pumps optimizes the performance of the system, lifetime and the sturdiness compared to single
It is possible through sensors to increase the functionality of the pump by integration of
measurements of temperature, pressure, flow etc. In the future it might be possible to make the
intelligent pump, the communicating pump, which makes measurements of the environment
around the pump while pumping the liquids. The use of sensors in pumps makes it possible to
gather data that could be communicated to a central command centre where data analysis could
be done and used as base for changing the operation of the pump.
The vision of the intelligent pump is that it should be adaptive, one-fits all and self-optimizing.
To make the vision reality, knowledge of the rest of the installation and plant and the sensors are
necessary and the advantages are suggested to be a simple installation, increased comfort and
decreased use of energy.
Critical factors for the visions of the future pump solutions are the price, the size, the energy
consumption and the ability to communicate with other control equipment (Intelligent workshop
Management of energy in households.
Energy management in the future home will include the possibility to switch of and cut of lights
and plugs, so that the stand by energy consumption is reduced. Curtains and Venetian blinds can
be controlled by through remote controls or pushbuttons. Another property in the intelligent
system is that one can control the energy through the Internet hence one does not have to be at
the location. A key card will, when entering the home, turn on the desired and pre-programmed
devices and services. Sensors will register the presence of persons and turn on lights where
needed. Ventilation can also be managed intelligent so the ventilation will perform after demand
e.g. after a bath.
The intelligent system will also provide easy available data about the energy consumption and
inform about broken windows or insulation that is failing. The consumption data can
automatically be sent to the supply company. Finally it can be connected to security systems as
burglar, fire and humidity alarms if desired.
These ideas exist in single installations and equipment can connect them into one system.
Sources: (Devi 2005, Balslev A/S 2005 & Dans Bredbånd 2005)
Table 3.6.
Environmental impact from ICT-based process regulation and control.
First order effects Increased environmental impact from an increased and more dispersed
amount of ICT equipment and infrastructure. The impact will be smaller, if
national and international regulation implies a reduction of the energy and
resource consumption from the manufacturing, the use and the disposal of
the equipment
Second order
Depends on the focus of the regulation and control. There is no guarantee
for environmental improvements from these kinds of process regulation
and control. The focus of the optimisation is determined by governmental
regulation, resource costs, customer demands etc.
Third order effects Depends on whether the environmentally oriented process regulation and
control leads to competitive advantages for companies applying this kind of
environmental management, for example through governmental regulation
of emissions, energy costs etc.
3.7 Intelligent products and applications
This section focuses on so-called “intelligent products” illustrated by an
increased functionality and reduced environmental impact through the
application of ICT in products and hence more intelligent products. An often
applied concept regarding intelligent products is ”pervasive computing”.
”Pervasive computing” is characterized by being embedded, wearable and
persistent – and hence capable of communicating with the user and other
objects, where knowledge can be saved and information can be passed on. In
a foresight on pervasive computing organised by the Danish Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation the technology is presented as having big
developing potentials and limitations in possible applications are nearly non-
existing (Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2003).
As an example, sensors and control systems in households can secure that
different services are delivered effectively and only when needed. Even though
this development is not driven by a wish for a better environment, but often a
wish for economical savings and increased capacity utilisation and
functionality the development has increased the resource efficiency. (Ryan
2004) argues (although without documentation) that the improvements have
been significant and there are possibilities for further improvements. The
potentials are described as follows (Ryan 2004 p. 103-106):
Intelligent functions and operation: sensors integrated in products
contribute to automatic optimization of the function of the product
resulting in a more resource efficient operation.
Operational feedback to the user about possible choices which can
result in a higher resource efficient operation of products in cases
where the user behaviour influences the uses of resources.
Digital product information and diagnoses (batch wise or on-line)
related to maintenance, reuse of components etc.
Product integrated in a digital network pass on information to user or
service provider (e.g. the possibilities of use of electricity in low load
Digital upgradeable products so products do not have to be discarded
when new functionalities become available at the market.
Digital product-“DNA”: Information saved in the product (maybe
through use of RFID-tags) about material volume, producer/batch
information, instructions for disassembly in the reuse phase etc.
Substitution of hardware with software: from CD to digital music,
from photos to digital photos etc.
Digital improved product/services systems, i.e. systems for services
like car sharing.
An example of applying sensors for a so-called intelligent function could be to
integrate them in different constructions and devices with the purpose of
giving information if the constructions or products are starting to fail. This
could enable reduced resources for maintenance, since maintenance would be
done on demand and not after a planned schedule (Intelligent workshop
group 2).
Radio Frequency Identification – RFID.
Radio frequency technology enables electronic contact-free identification (of individual items or
transport batches), control and tracking of one or a whole range of items in the value chain and in
every company in the chain. Similar to barcode technology, RFID also reads data carriers – but in
stead of using optical wavelengths, RFID uses radio frequencies. Alternating electromagnetic fields
are used to carry data. RFID can do this independently of the position and place these objects are
kept. No line-of-sight is required between the reader and the information carrier (TAG).
(ECRNET 1 2005)
EAN•UCC - The Global Language of Business
Air interface
Electro magnetic
Internal Computer-
Write / read
Local interface
How does RFID work
How does RFID work
(ECRNET 2 2005)
The first order impacts from an increased use of pervasive computing
components, devices and infrastructure are increased material and energy
consumption, waste and emissions of pollutants. Its is likely that rare materials
as gold get depleted and hazardous materials as heavy metals and halogenated
flame retardants increasingly will be released to the environment because of
the characteristics of pervasive computing products and components
(Erdmann & Behrendt 2004 p.566-567):
Throw away products.
Miniaturized products that are difficult to dismantle.
Too small content of valuable material for recycling.
Quality problems in the recycling processes.
Reduction of useful life time by embedding of ICT in other products
(the product has to be updated).
Increased energy consumption by always being turned on, increased
number of energy consuming objects because of the embedded ICT
and need for increased networking.
An environmental effect of further development in pervasive computing can
be an increased amount of products that have to be treated as electronic waste
with the difficulties related to electronic waste in reuse and disposal
mentioned above. This picture could be challenged by a change from silicon
based chips to i.e. polymer-based chips and the future possibilities could
include printing electric circuit based on polymer on local “inkjet printers” or
polymer based electric circuits mass-produced for a certain purpose. A
conductor, a semiconductor, an isolator and solvents are the ingredients for a
polymer-based chip. It is not sure that the polymer based circuits will be
totally free of metals. The solvents are not better or worse than those used to
day in other applications (Intelligent workshop group 2). Going from wire-
based to wireless transmission will have some benefits because the materials
for cables are not needed. On the other hand, this change towards wireless
communication implies risks of safety and security problems and electric
smog. Regarding the security problems development is in progress to ensure
that the security will be sufficient (Intelligent workshop group 2).
The problems with electric smog are uncertain and not well studied, though it
is suspected to have some effect on the biologic organism. Some studies are
made upon the impacts of non-ionizing radiation, which concludes that some
biological effects are proven, but no adverse health effects are proven. An
example is thermal impacts and changes in the calcium transport of the nerve
system, but no damage effects are proven (Erdmann & Behrendt 2004
p.568). The effect on the human organism or other organism is somewhat
uncertain, but some effect could be assumed and are determined by some
factors as number of sources, emission power, frequency characteristics, time
characteristics and distance to body (Erdmann & Behrendt 2004 p.568).
Sensors function by a low effect compared to the effects of mobile phones,
radios or other devices function. Hence it could be considered that electro
smog from operating sensors could be minimal compared to other electrical
equipment that surround us (Intelligent work shop group 2).
Health impact of Electromagnetic radiation.
Daily we are exposed to increased amount of electromagnetic radiation due to the increased use
of electric equipments, mobile phones, surveillance equipments, wireless systems, high voltage
power lines, mobile phone masts, dishes, radio transmitter etc. The knowledge about the impact
on humans is sparse and research is carried out all over the world. Preliminary results show that
the radiation has an effect on the human body and changes can occur in different control
systems, which might have a short time effect on brain and nerve functions and in the long run it
might result in severe illnesses as cancer (Kwee p.1). The results from research on
electromagnetic radiation are very ambiguous and depend on the approach to the area. There is
no direct documented relation between e.g. cancer and radiation from mobile phones as such,
but when looking at radiation from the pool of electronic equipment that surrounds humans and
the total exposure of radiation to humans in long perspective conclusions might differ
(Teknologirådet 2004). Knowledge about this continuous and repeated radiation is sparse (Kwee
p. 4).
There are great differences in the radiation from low-frequency and high frequency radiation. Low-
frequency radiation comes from electronic equipments and high voltage power lines while the
high-frequency radiation comes from radar, radio, TV, micro wave ovens, mobile phones and
wireless systems. In mobile phones and wireless phones the radiation is also pulsed with a
frequency, which gives the different patterns that the phone companies use when sending signals
from masts to the phones. These pulses are expected to be those with the highest health impacts,
because they are in the same area as human brain and organs waves and several thousand times
more powerful (Kwee p. 1-2). Ionization radiation is e.g. X-ray and gamma radiation and is proven
to harm cells and destroy DNA and is not interesting regarding electronic equipment. Neither the
low or the high frequency radiation have enough energy to directly change cells, but they can give
so much heat, which has to be removed from the area it effects, otherwise changes might occur.
Areas of concern which researchers have pointed out regarding high-frequency radiation include:
- Changes in genetic material: DNA and chromosomes that might be an indicator of cancer and
- Appearance of brain cancer among mobile phone users is highest among 20-29 year old in a ten
year period.
- Brain scanning showing that 30 minutes radiation results in changes in blood circulation in the
inner brain.
- Brain scanning showing that 10 minutes radiation results in leakiness in the blood brain barrier
that protects the brain.
- Biological changes on genes, immune system, response to stress and cell growth.
(Kwee p.2)
In epidemiological research on the effect of high-frequency radiation brain cancer, breast cancer
and other leukaemia at children, bad well-being and allergy to electricity are found. In biological
research laboratory experiences on irradiated cells or organs from humans and animals and
experiences on irradiated animals and on humans changes in cells, organs, immune system,
growth, fertility, DNA, chromosome, brain function, hormone and heart function and a increased
response on stress was seen (Kwee p.3). These results have not been obtained by other
researchers and in general the researchers do not see a documented relation between radiation
and health problems. More research has to be carried out before the relation can be excluded or
documented, especially the effect in a long term perspective (Teknologirådet 2004) &
(Grandjean). Other areas that have to be examined are neural and cognitive effects
(Teknologirådet 2004 p.2).
Children is a risk group because their brain is not fully developed before 16 years of age and
children most important brain waves have the same pulses as mobile phones use. The fact that
children grow faster and their immune system is not fully developed could be important to look at
in a health care perspective. Children reactions are influenced more powerfully by mobile phone
radiations, and Swedish research shows that the an increased amount of cancer cases are seen
within the group that started to use mobile phones at 10-20 years of age (Kwee p. 2).
The future will bring more use of mobile phones and with the new 3G technology the possible
problems with pulses will increase. The 3G technology has a marked pulse radiation (Kwee) &
(Teknologirådet 2004 p. 3). The future will also probably also bring a discussion about changing
the limit values based on the research results and the precautionary principle. To day the limit
values are defined by the ICNRIP – an international committee and it is defined in two ways:
Density and the concrete specific absorptions rate (SAR) (Johansen p.3). The density shall be less
than 10 W/m
and the SAR value shall be under 2 W/kg (Andersen 2004). Some of the health
risks, which are possible, are supposed to come at lower radiation than the limit values but other
researchers say that these research results are not well documented (Teknologirådet 2004). They
argue that more research is needed to conclude if e.g. the use of mobile phones is safe or not
(Johansen p.5)
In Denmark the National Board of Health has formed a research panel that shall guide them in
the future about the mobile phone health risks. The panel has representatives from various
subject areas such as epidemiology, geomedicine, statistic, laboratory experiments and mobile
technology (Teknologirådet 2004 p. 4). The Danish government has initiated research on
electromagnetic radiation in a research programme on mobile radiation at a total of 4 million
Euro in 2004-2005. The research programme is supposed to identify health care risks including
long time effects, impacts on young and children, needed knowledge in the area and which
international competences that can be used (Elvekjær 2004 p.1)
Regarding the extreme low frequency radiation (ELF) from e.g. electrical devices and high voltage
power lines there is limited evidence on humans about the carcinogenicity in relation to
childhood leukaemia and inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity in relation to all
other cancers as well as for the carcinogenicity of static electric or magnetic fields. Overall ELF
might be carcinogenic to humans and static electric and magnetic fields but ELF fields are not
classifiable as carcinogenic to humans (IARC 2002). People with epilepsy, a family history of
seizure, or those using tricyclic anti-depressants, neuroleptic agents and other drug lowering
seizure threshold are likely more sensitive to very low frequency fields (VLF) such as monitors
(NRPB p. 67 2004)
Another problem related to electro smog could become safety problems
related to electrical interference between different systems due to the
increasing number of wireless systems. An example is the allocation of radio
frequency 24 gigahertz to anti-collision radar in automobiles made by the EU.
The thousands of such automobile radars will interference with the moisture
measurements essential for the mathematical models used by weather
forecasters. The consequence will be less reliable weather forecasts in the
future (Ingeniøren 2005 p.6).
The second order effects of pervasive computing might include a shift from
product ownership towards service, where users share products through use
services. This could imply that the pool of products will decrease in the
future, but it is a very uncertain conclusion (Erdmann & Behrendt 2004 p.
566-567). Another element in service-based business could be that companies
selling services instead of products will have more control of the devices and
equipment used in the services, and it is more likely that they will have
economic incentives in securing that the operation are optimized. An example
could be that a company providing heat to houses also controlled the
thermostats so that they secured that an agreed temperature were provided. In
this way it is not the heat that is sold but the services of comfort (Ryan 2004
p. 106-107).
3.7.1 Polymer chips and sensors as enabling technology
Polymer chips and sensors are often given a role as an enabling technology in
relation to pervasive computing. The research on polymer based actuators is a
relatively young discipline and dates back to early work by Kuhn and
Katchalsky in the 1950’ies. Progress was obtained from 1980 and today
around twenty groups in Japan, Europe, US and Australia are working in the
field. In Denmark research within this field is especially done at the Danish
Polymer centre based at Risø, DTU and Danfoss and has been going on since
1996 (Sommer-Larsen).
A specific group of polymers, the conjugated polymers, can be used either as
semiconductors or when powerfully doped as real electric conductors. Slower
than silicon based chips, but cheaper and more flexible, organic, or carbon-
based electronics may promise low-cost, large-area devices such as ultra flat
panel displays (Computerbits 2003). New materials of conjugated polymers
have proven to be stable and easy to manufacture so that they are interesting
to use as semiconductors. Those which can be used in LED’s and in area
effect transistors (FET’s) as a thin film and with the properties of polymers.
As polymers they are light, flexible and their properties can be manipulated to
special needs. Emerging technologies like polymer actuators, polymer LED's
(light emitting diodes), and polymer solar cells will be possible in the future
(Danish Polymer Centre 2005). Anticipated applications are: displays, RFID-
tags for product targeting, inventory control and electronic smart cards for
personal security. It could control new products as roll up TV screens,
electronic papers handled as conventional paper and RFID (theft protection
or bar code identification in stores). Furthermore they might have a
justification regarding development of sensors and sensor networks
(Computerbits 2003) & (Intelligent Workshop group b).
Polymer based transistors will be significant cheaper than traditional silicon
based. A site for manufacturing of silicon chips would cost approximately
three billion dollars compared to a large-area integrated circuits composed of
organic or plastic transistors can be produced at low cost using simple
patterning techniques in ambient environments. Manufacturing of plastic
transistor circuits using an inkjet-type printer is a low-waste process and offers
a simple direct-write capability and high manufacturing productivity. The
price of a manufacturing site will approximately cost thirty million dollars
(Computerbits 2003).
The innovation of a polymer transistor is the main barrier for the
development of integrated circuits and chips. The main advantages of the
polymer chips will be the price and not the performance, so they will not
substitute the silicon based chips in e.g. Pentium processors. New markets will
be possible e.g. the “use and dispose” electronics (Nielsen 2005). Demands
for polymer actuators are e.g. low price materials, linear acting, smooth
movements allowing integrated feedback and control (Sommer-Larsen).
The technology is not new but the problem with low maximum speed of the
polymer semi-conductor has limited the commercial interest. New research in
the polymer crystalline construction influences its speed limitations. At Risø
and HASYLAB in Hamburg X-rays measures for the analysis of the
construction of the polymers have been developed so that a more focused
research can be carried out for the development of fast polymer
semiconductors (Nielsen 2005).
Application has been tested in research on alternative actuators used in robot.
Actuators based on polymer materials and dielectric elastomers can be
constructed on both micro and macro scales and compared to conventional
actuators such as electric motors, hydraulics, pneumatics and solenoids they
have promising performances. They can fulfil the requirements of driving e.g.
a dextrous robotic gripper. Another polymer based solution is actuators based
on polymer gels, but its performance does not fulfil the same requirements for
speed etc. but it could be used for medical applications (Sommer-Larsen).
Other problems with polymer chips are their unstability with respect to
temperature, but solutions using polythiophene are stable and resistant at
room temperature. Companies as Lucent, IBM etc. unsuccessfully have tried
to stabile polymer based solutions for many years (Computerbits 2003).
3.7.2 Cases
In the following two cases on intelligent products are presented. The
development of vacuum cleaners shows that intelligent products might not be
the most efficient strategy for reduction of energy consumption. The case
about the intelligent automobile shows the complexity in changes of the
environmental impact from the use of a product and shows that the
introduction of an energy efficient component or product does not ensure
reduced energy consumption. The market development for the products
depends on the complex interaction between suppliers, users and the general
societal development. An example that shows that political initiatives may
have a direct environmental effect, if they are implemented in a way that
involves several stakeholders, is the Danish energy label on refrigerators etc.,
which have moved the sale from very energy intensive to less energy intensive
products (Intelligent workshop group 2).
The development of vacuum cleaners in Denmark.
The development of vacuum cleaners in Denmark can serve as an example of the potential
improvements from the development of intelligent equipment. The vision is to develop new user
operated intelligent vacuum cleaners that ensure cleaning after demand. To day the
manufacturers of vacuum cleaners focus their development and their marketing mainly on as
high an engine effect as possible, even though the engine effect has no direct relation to the
cleaning efficiency. Furthermore the high effect is an environmental problem because of the
higher energy consumption in the use phase.
One manufacturers’ vision for the future vacuum cleaners is cleaning after demand, based on a
differentiated use of engine power depending on surface and degree of dirt. The engine effect
needed to clean different surfaces is very varied, e.g. a very low engine power is needed to clean
curtains compared to carpets. Using sensors to determine the type of surface and the degree of
dirt could reduce the energy used for vacuum cleaning. When engine power is reduced the noise
will also decrease. Another aspect would be the possibility to monitor the filters (maintenance),
indication of a full dust bag and feed back about the cleaning degree to the user, enabling faster
and sufficient cleaning. To make the vision a reality, sensors used for vacuum, airflow and
optical sensing have to be developed and available at low cost.
The potential energy savings are predicted to be (at a 1200 W household vacuum cleaner):
Carpet cleaning (sufficient cleaning, shorter time) 20 %
Hard floor cleaning (power reduction, shorter time) 35 %
Light fabric (curtains and similar) 60 %
Running idle: 100 %
Estimated total savings: 30 %
The new EU energy label for vacuum cleaners is expected to contain a lot more parameters
regarding energy consumption than only engine effect. Issues like functionality and
environmental aspects are expected to be integrated, which could be a way to support the
development of the intelligent vacuum cleaners. The consumers will have a more transparent
market and have the possibility to choose from a wider perspective than only engine power and
price. It should though be said that environment is not a parameter which is considered in the
present product development (Intelligent workshop group 2). Compared to the energy reduction,
which can be achieved from an intelligent vacuum cleaner, a reduction of the engine effect to
maybe 600 Watt through an optimisation of the drawing effect, might give bigger energy savings
The saving becomes even bigger engine when comparing with the effect of new vacuum cleaners
of 1800 Watt and 2000 Watt and show that the savings which may obtained from intelligent
products are not necessarily as big as those which can be obtained from a more fundamental
change in the product concept.
The intelligent automobile.
An example of the complex relationships between the ICT-development and the environment can
be illustrated by the later year’s development in design and use of automobiles. Despite of the
development of more energy efficient automobile engines the use of energy for transport is
constantly increasing. The automobile has been changed dramatically through the development
of its internal information and control systems. Today up to 30 % of the manufacturing costs to
automobiles can be for electronically parts. The reductions of the environmental effect from
automobiles are based on efficiency improvements through sensors, electro-mechanical devices,
actuators and operations systems. Environmental development opportunities related to
information about the automobiles geographic position, atmospheric conditions, traffic
conditions, distances, speed-controls etc. are seen (Ryan 2004 p. 100).
Hybrid cars with fuel engines and electrical engines or batteries build on complicated IT-based
control of the combination of the different engines (Berkhout & Hertin 2001 p. 11). The control
gives significant savings in resources and reduction of the use of fossil energy on approximately
70 %. It is possible to develop automobiles with a better environmental efficiency, but because
of the approach to the automobile from the customers, automobile producers etc. the market
penetration of these types of cars are modest. Focus is instead on automobiles with increased
functionalities, which often oppose the environmental potentials (ex. the use of energy for air
condition and increased weight due to different forms of new equipment). Smaller automobiles
with lower fuel consumption are to some extent purchased by families as the second
automobile, which often will result in increased use of energy. There is an interaction between
the possibilities that a product as an automobile can offer and the consumers’ perception of
their demand for transport. I.e. the availability of a car often implies an increased need for
transport in response to the increased mobility. The need for transport can also increase if a
family settles far away from their respective workplaces in response to increased house prices in
areas near workplaces or because companies centralize their facilities by closing down a number
of sites and concentrating activities at fewer sites. This shows how the development and
application of products are shaped in interaction with the societal development.
Table 3.7.
Environmental impact from intelligent products and applications.
First order effects Intelligent products may imply an increased environmental impact from an
increased and more dispersed amount of ICT equipment and infrastructure.
The impact will be smaller, if national and international regulation implies a
reduction of the energy and resource consumption and use of hazardous
chemicals and materials during the manufacturing, the use and the disposal
of the equipment
Second order
Depends on whether and how the environmental aspects are part of the
focus in the development of intelligent products and whether new and
maybe more efficient products substitute less efficient products or the fleet
or the stock of products among consumers and other groups of users
increase. The focus of the development of intelligent products and
applications is determined by governmental regulation, resource costs,
customer demands etc.
Third order effects Depends on whether the intelligent products and applications focusing on
reduced resource consumption etc. give competitive advantages for the
companies, for example through governmental regulation of emissions,
energy costs etc. Depends also on whether reduced resource consumption
from more intelligent products induces a rebound effect, where more
products are bought because of savings from reduced resource costs.
3.8 Transport, logistics and mobility
The transport sector is both one of the most energy consuming sectors, and
also one of the sectors having the largest potential for reduction in negative
environmental impacts through use of ICT technologies.
In particular in the US, ICT has been seen as a way to change a clearly
unsustainable trend in the transportation sector without imposing unpopular
restrictions on transport. One of the first studies seeking to calculate the
macro impact of ICT on transportation was a study prepared by Arthur D.
Little in 1991. The study was very optimistic with regard to the potentials.
The executive summary begins as follows: “Can telecommunications help
solve America’s transportation problems? The answer is definitely yes!”
(Boghani et al. 1991) This answer is based on calculations of the savings,
which can be realised through:
Commuting to work substituted by “telecommuting”
Shopping, substituted by “teleshopping”
Business trips, substituted by “teleconferencing”
Transportation of information, substituted by electronic information
The calculations estimate that a 33% reduction in transport can be achieved
by use of telecommuting. Later studies are far less optimistic regarding the
potential savings. One reason is that second order and third order impacts are
taken into account (see below). Another is that diffusion of transport reducing
ICT applications not has reached the expected levels
Later studies have estimated savings at the level of 2-3%. A study of the
impact from telecommuting and teleshopping in Denmark estimated the
savings to be about 1% of the total person transport (Transportrådet).
This part of the analysis of ICT will try to analyse the reality of these aspects
and try to reduce some of the uncertainty by introducing a couple of visions
for different specific applications regarding the three areas, transport,
logistrics and mobility.
There are four different dimensions of the impact on the environment from
the transport sector:
Overall demand for transport by type
Demand by transport mode
Efficiency by mode of transport
Environmental impact from different modes of transport
While the first two points mainly relate to the demand side, points three and
four (in particular four) mainly relate to the supply side.
Back in the 80’s it was expected that as many as 40% of the employees could work as
teleworkers (Korte 1988)
First, one must distinguish between freight and person transport as the ICT
impact is very different for these two types of transport. For each of these the
ICT impact on the overall demand must be assessed. Person transport is
usually measured in person kilometres and freight in ton kilometres.
ICT can affect the overall demand in various ways: Different applications of
ICT may substitute the need for transport for instance by use of telework or
by use of e-mail instead of surface mail. But ICT may also generate new
needs for transport. This impact will most often be realised through indirect
effects, for instance through the impact of ICT on globalisation.
The overall demand for transport includes a wide range of very different
transport needs with regard to location, speed, frequency etc. These different
needs will often demand use of different modes of transport e.g. train, private
car or flight. As the environmental impact from the modes of transport is very
different, it is important not to assess the ICT impact on total demand only,
but also the ICT impact on the demand for each mode of transport.
ICT is widely used to increase efficiency of transport through more efficient
planning. This implies that more ton kilometres (and to a certain extent more
person kilometres) can be realised per kilometre driven by a truck, sailed by a
ship etc. and that more transport work can be carried out without increased
impact on the environment.
Finally, ICT can be used for design of more environment friendly means of
transport, e.g. less polluting cars and flights as mentioned earlier in this
chapter. The impact of transport on the environment is a multidimensional
parameter including a large number of different environmental factors such as
noise, emission of NO
’s and CO
etc. However, this section will not address
these parameters separately.
ICT penetrates all parts of our daily life and all parts of the production. It is
therefore impossible to assess the environmental impact of every possible
application of ICT, which affect our transport behaviour. A study on the ICT
impact must therefore concentrate on a limited number of parameters.
ICTRANS – an EU project on Impacts of ICT on transport and mobility
makes a distinction between ICT applications within three different socio-
economic domains (producing, living and working). Within each of these
domains the most important ICT applications with regard to impact on
transport are identified (table 3.7). It follows from the table that some
applications affect transport behaviour within more than one socio-economic
Table 3.7
Mapping application areas into socio-economic spheres.
Producing Living Working
Logistics services
Manufacturing systems
Customised services
Retailing and distribution
Customised services
Retailing and distribution
Distance working
Sources: Impacts of ICTs on transport and mobility (ICTRANS) (ESTO 2003).
We have chosen to limit our analysis to three different applications:
Transport logistics (surveillance, optimisation etc.)
Telework (including telecommuting, teleconferencing a.o.)
E-business (including teleshopping and B2B (Business-to-business))
These three applications are more broadly defined than those defined in the
ICTRANS study and cover in our opinion the most important aspects of the
ICT impact on transport behaviour within the three socio-economic spheres.
As far as possible the analysis will include direct first order effects, as well as
more indirect second and third order effects which will be presented in the
following part of the report. The base for this discussion is desk research
combined with a few interviews with different actors in Denmark. These
actors are presenting both the areas of research and the developing business.
3.8.1 Telework
There are many different definitions of telework, some definitions take the
technology as point of departure and focus on how of ICT is applied in the
work process, while others see telework as a new way to organise the work
(which brings telework close to the concept of distance work). Sometimes
telework includes only working from home and sometimes it includes any
work related use of ICT. We will in this project use a rather broad definition,
which include all work related activities where ICT facilities are used to
facilitate a change in location of work place.
This definition of telework includes at least six different categories:
Telecommuting (working from home and thereby avoiding person
transport to and from the work place)
Teleworking centres (working from a telecentre and thereby reducing
person transport to and from the work place).
Mobile teleworking
Self-employed teleworkers
Offshore teleworking
In addition to these categories e-learning could be added as a separate
category (examples of e-learning is provided in the box below), as learning
also may be a working activity. But in this context, it is more convenient to
look at e-learning as a sub-category of some of the above categories. There is
no reason to distinguish between e-learning from home and telecommuting
and e-learning from the work place is, with regard to the impact on transport
behaviour, very similar to teleconferencing.
Telecommuting is the most classical concept for telework. Telework includes
employees working from home using some sort of telecom facilities to
communicate with their work place. Working from home is not a new concept
but has taken place for centuries, but use of telecom facilities has made it a
much more flexible solution, which can be used for more purposes. Telework
can be either part time or full time. Looking at statistics on diffusion of
telework, it is important to take the definition of telework into account. It is
common to define teleworkers as employees working at least one full day a
week from home. But sometimes also employees working from home
occasionally or only part of the day are included.
Examples of e-learning.
A master programme in Mobile Internet Communication is offered in a co-operation between
two technical universities in Denmark. The two universities are located in different parts of the
country and students are spread over a wide area. Therefore the classroom teaching is limited to
a few intensive seminars, while the remaining part of the teaching is mediated via the Internet.
Even during the seminars e-learning is applied, as video-conferencing is used in some of the
lectures. This enables students to follow the lectures from both universities, and use of lectures
located in other countries. Even the final examinations are conducted by use of video-
conferencing facilities connecting the two universities.
(Master in Mobile Internet Communication – mMIC 2005)
For the past ten years, the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has met
engineers' need for flexible and affordable materials through videos, CD-ROMs and self-study
courses delivered to them by mail. The components of a typical IEEE Self-Study Course include a
study guide, textbook, and final exam. These materials are structured to provide clear-cut
learning objectives, self-testing opportunities and helpful information. It is expected that web-
technology will be applied to provide this type of training in the future.
(IEEE 2005)
The concept of teleworking centres has in particular been used in US.
Employees are allowed to do their work in a teleworking centre providing the
similar facilities to those at the central office, but located in a shorter distance
to the home of employees. The idea is to reduce commuting into the crowded
city centres. Teleworking centres may be located in the suburbs, but telework
centres has also been established in rural areas. Here the purpose is rather to
foster regional development than to reduce transportation.
Teleconferencing includes on-line communication between two or more
places of work. Most definitions of teleconferencing demand a video-link
between the different locations. This application has so far not been very
successful. The reasons for this have been that the technology has been
expensive and inflexible. But this will change as broadband connections
become more widespread, and it is possible to establish a video-link from the
employees’ own computers. It can be argued that the use of a video-link is
irrelevant for a discussion of the impact of transport behaviour. But the idea is
that a video-link enables types of communication that almost entirely can
substitute traditional business meetings.
Mobile teleworkers are employees, which perform most of their duties outside
their office. This could be sales people such as insurance agents or employees
involved in repair and maintenance or after sale services. Such mobile workers
use ICT to support their work and to reduce the need for visiting their work
place once or twice a day.
Self employed teleworkers are self employed, who maintain a part of their
business contacts by use of one or more of the above mentioned concepts for
telework. This makes it possible to serve customers far away, which in
particular is of importance for self employed located in remote rural areas.
Finally off-shore teleworking should be mentioned, although the direct impact
on transport behaviour might seem to be less clear cut than for the other
categories. Off-shore teleworking includes out-sourcing of certain information
intensive service functions to other areas. This could be routine jobs like
ticketing and customer handling from call centres, but also more specialised
consultancy services may be outsourced (UNITAD 2002). The relation to
telework is that these types of out-sourcing necessitate intensive use of ICT
for exchange of information and to become economically viable.
The direct impact of telework on transport behaviour is in both the living and
the working spheres. 1) Telecommuting and 2) teleworking centres relate to
the living sphere only, while 3) teleconferencing and 6) off-shore telework
relate only to the working sphere. 4) Mobile teleworking and 5) self-employed
teleworkers relate to the transport behaviour in both spheres.
3.8.2 Diffusion of telework
Estimations on the diffusion of telework vary considerable depending on the
source. Although it must be expected that the numbers of teleworkers are
growing, some of the most optimistic estimations dates back to the early 80’s.
At that time it was foreseen that as much as about 50% of all office workers
would be teleworking.
The most recent estimates are much more modest as
they shows that 13% of the work force in EU15 was engaged in some sort of
telework in 2002 (compared to only 6% in 1999). Out of these 7.4% are home
based. The potential seems however to be considerable larger as two thirds are
interested in either occasionally or permanent to work from home according
to a ECATT survey from 1999 (Hommels et al. 2002).In the 90s teleworkers
were mainly belonging to the higher echelons of the labour market, but
following substantial reductions in prices for establishing teleworking facilities
more groups are using this opportunity. Table 3.8 shows an international
distribution of different types of telework.
Table 3.8.
Types of telework (in %). Base: All persons employed (N=5,901), weighted; EU averages
weighted by EU15 population (SIBIS 2002).
All home-
in SOHOs
AUSTRIA 6.7 2.0 3.7 5.7
BELGIUM 7.5 2.2 2.4 2.5
DENMARK 17.7 2.6 2.7 2.9
FINLAND 15.7 4.7 6.2 3.2
FRANCE 4.4 2.2 2.1 0.8
GERMANY 7.9 1.6 5.7 5.2
GREECE 6.0 2.1 3.5 3.4
IRELAND 6.0 0.5 4.2 3.3
ITALY 2.5 0.8 5.5 2.6
LUXEMBOURG 3.3 0.9 1.5 1.8
NETHERLANDS 20.6 9.0 4.1 5.0
PORTUGAL 1.6 0.5 0.3 1.5
SPAIN 2.3 0.3 0.8 2.0
SWEDEN 14.9 5.3 4.9 2.0
U.K. 10.9 2.4 4.7 4.5
EU 15 7.4 2.1 4.0 3.4 13.0
CH 11.4 4.2 7.6 2.2 16.8
USA 17.3 5.1 5.9 6.3 24.6
BULGARIA 3.6 1.5 1 1.2 5.5
CZECH REP. 1.4 0.1 2.1 1.6 4.7
ESTONIA 7.8 3.7 3.9 1.8 12.2
HUNGARY 0.8 0.6 0.9 2.1 3.6
LATVIA 3.1 1.1 2.4 1.5 6.5
LITHUANIA 7.6 2.3 n.a. 1.5 9.24
POLAND 4.9 1.0 1.0 2.8 8.4
ROMANIA 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.3 2.0
SLOVAKIA 0.9 0.5 1.8 1.6 3.7
SLOVENIA 4.4 1.6 3 2.3 8.6
An overview of estimations of numbers or percentage of teleworkers is provided in
Anique Hommels (et al. 2002)
SOHO = Small office/home office
Denmark is well above average as 21.5% are teleworking (17.7% all home
based). These figures build however on a very broad definition of telework. A
survey conducted by Danish Technological Institute indicates that there are
very few teleworkers working a full working day from home in Denmark (Int.
Schmidt 2005). In Denmark a tax incentive for companies investing in
homebased PCs to the employees have had a significant impact on the
number of teleworkers. Moreover telework in Denmark telework is usually
considered as a basic labour right, while introduction of telework in most
other European countries is introduced only if it can be justified in financial
terms (SusTel 2004), this makes it difficult to make exact estimates on the
number of people using telework on a regular basis. One example is TDC
where it is a part of the staff policy to offer teleworking facilities (see box).
Teleworking at TDC.
TDC is one of the most advanced Danish companies with regard to use of telework. New staff
members have access to teleworking facilities from their first day in the office. For service
technicians use of telework facilities is an integral part of their daily working routine (Int. Schmidt
Home based teleworking seems to be surprisingly low tech (SusTel 2004).
This could indicate that today growth in telework is more a question of
development in management culture and organisation than a question of
technical development of new communication facilities. It should however be
noted that costs of ICT may be an important parameter. For instance will a
decline in prices for broadband connections open up for more advanced use
of ICT facilities by teleworkers, and thereby enabling more functions to be
carried out from home.
One of the most important limitations for a wider user of telework is that
knowledge sharing – in particular sharing of tacit knowledge – is more
complicated among distant workers. Technical solutions addressing this
problem may be developed. This could be done for instance through
provision of high quality video communication or other tools facilitating
informal communication between colleagues. Impact on transport behaviour in the sphere of living
The factors affecting transport behaviour can be summarised as:
Table 3.9
Types of environmental impact of telework on transport behaviour in the sphere of
First order effects Substitution: The level depends on the number of telecommuters, the
frequency of telecommuting and the distance between home and work
place (or telecentre)
Urban sprawl: reduction in rush our traffic
Second order effects Short term:
Impact on non work related transport
Impact on transport behaviour for other members of the
Long term:
Reduction in number of private cars
Changes in habitation
More flexible labour market (and hence large commuting
Third order effects:
Impact on development of public transport
Impact on localisation of work places
Impact on tegional development
Substantial efforts have been made to quantify the transport impact. In
particular the substitution effect has been calculated in a large number of
studies. Most studies foresee a reduction between 1-3%. According to
Mokhtarian, many of the studies tend to overestimate the impact as they do
no include second order and third order effects. She estimates the effect to be
less than 1% of the total travel miles (Mokhtarian et al 2002). A Danish study
from 1996 estimates the potential impact in Denmark to be 0.7%
(Transportrådet). This figure is confirmed by a more recent unpublished
study by Danish Technological Institute (Danish Technological Institute).
However, if homeworking (working from home without use of ICT facilities is
included) a much higher impact can be obtained.
The short term third order effects (also called the rebound effect) have been
included in a study made as part of the EU funded SUSTEL project. This
study indicate that a substantial part of the transport savings are nullified by
increased transport for other purposes such as shopping and increased
transport by other family members. The latter is particular relevant in one car
Table 3.10
Commuting reductions and rebound effect.
Denmark Germany Italy Netherlands UK1 UK2
in weekly
105 283 242 98 253 61
travel (km)
77 53 33 42 60 15
effect in %
73 19 14 43 24 25
Note: Two case studies were carried out in UK (SusTel 2004). Impact on rush hour traffic and modality
Commuting is characterised by its regularity: It goes to the same destinations
at the same time every day. Commuting is the major source for urban sprawl
in the rush hours. Increasing use of telework from home will provide more
flexibility to the commuters so they will be in a better position to avoid rush
hours. Telework will therefore imply a more equal distribution of the load of
person traffic during the day. This will lower problems related to crush during
rush hours, but may also add to more traffic in person cars, as this may be the
preferred mode of transport outside rush hours.
Telework may imply that people will accept to travel longer distances or on
routes not covered by public transport services once they need to visit their
work place. Both will add to less use of public transport services. This is
illustrated by the fact that public transport has a market share above average
in commuting related transport purposes. Impact on transport behaviour in the sphere of working
The factors affecting transport behaviour can be summarised as:
Table 3.11.
Environmental impact of telework on transport behaviour in the sphere of working.
First order effects Substitution: The level depends on the number of business trips it
is possible to substitute and the length of the trips.
Second order effects More intensive communication with current business partners
Extension of business networks
More outsourcing and specialisation
Third order effects Out-sourcing and globalisation of production.
Internationalisation of markets
Impact on localisation of work places
Impact on regional development
The impact of transport behaviour in the working sphere is much less studied
than the impact in the private sphere. One reason may be that with regard to
personal transport commuting is seen as the major transport problem - not so
much because of its dominant role in the total transport – but rather because it
is the major cause to urban sprawl during rush hours. Another reason is that it
is much more straightforward to calculate the substitution impact with regard
to telecommuting.
Business trips are not as regular as commuting trips and will often be longer
than commuting trips. It is very difficult to estimate the potential for
substitution. In particular if this potential is defined as additional substitution
compared to what is done today. Communication between businesses takes
many forms including use of low tech solutions such as letters and phone
calls, and a video conference may be a substitute for these types of
communications as well as for a business trip. The above mentioned study
from Arthur D. Little, is one of the few attempts to estimate the substitution
effect. Here it is assumed that 13-23% of all business trips may be substituted.
This includes transport related to learning activities.
Technology is important for the rate of substitution. It is clear that
teleconferencing still is in its infancy. In 2000 only 12% of establishments with
EU used videoconferencing (Empirica 2000). Development of
teleconferencing tools creating a virtual environment providing the right
facilities for exchange of information will affect the amount of business trips
that may be replaced. In certain areas also implementation of ICT based
system in production and management will affect the possible rate of
substitution. One example is air maintenance. In this case most of the
necessary information is stored in a digitized format, and maintenance and
repair decisions can therefore be taken without physical presence of aviation
experts. In the same way it may possible to operate robots used for medical
E-learning can be implemented by use of e-mail only, but distant conduction
of lectures and oral examinations demands more sophisticated ICT
The transport implications of mobile teleworking are rather different from
those for home based teleworking. Like home based teleworkers mobile
teleworkers may avoid commuting to their work place, but they may increase
transportation during working hours. A study by BT in which most
teleworkers were mobile teleworkers indicates that the total transport work
may increase. 18% of the respondents stated that their in work travel increased
by an average of 267 miles per week, while 9% stated that it decreased by 394
7 Long term perspectives
Telework does not require use of advanced ICT technologies, but new
technologies may open-up for new applications of telework. In the short term
mobile technologies will be the most important. 3G will enable more mobile
applications of data transfer and video, making it easier to connect not only
from home but also from any other location. Security will also be a crucial
parameter, as companies still may be hesitant to enable access to sensitive
information from outside. In the long term development of high quality video
communication offering virtual reality like alternatives to physical presence
may be developed, among others, to facilitate informal knowledge sharing.
The long term impact will, however, also depend on how the conditions for
personal transport evolve. Development of alternatives to physical presence
will depend on how difficult it will be to make use of physical presence. If
transport is both expensive and time consuming electronic alternatives are
more likely to be developed.
3.8.3 E-business
The concept of e-business covers a wide range of business activities with very
different implications for transport and the environment. E-business may
include any business activity using ICT. According to this definition, all other
applications of ICT analysed in this chapter could be termed as e-business
activities. In this section, we will however limit ourselves to discuss the
transport implications of use of ICT for external activities related to exchange
of goods or information with suppliers or customers. This limitation brings us
close to the concept of e-commerce. However e-commerce includes only
commercial activities and most public services is therefore excluded from this
definition. Even with this delimitation it is necessary to distinguish between
different types of e-business. First of all one may distinguish between business
to consumers, B2C, and business to business, B2B. Some also makes a
distinction between businesses and governments (G2C and B2C etc.), but
this distinction is not essential in a study of transport implications.
On the other hand it is important to distinguish between exchange of tangible
and intangible goods, as the first category involves transportation of goods,
while intangible goods may be exchanged over the telecom network without
any implications for transport behaviour.
SusTeL Op.Cit.
Third, we will make a distinction between applications of ICT in different
phases of the business process. We will here use a simplified version of
Porter’s value chain model (Porter 2001):
Before sales: Activities related to identification of providers or
customers and services/products to be acquired.
Sales: Processes related to the sales transaction such as payments,
delivery, signing of contracts etc.
After sales: customer support, maintenance etc.
Teleshopping and to a certain extent e-business tend to focus on the sales
process itself, but after sales and in particular before sales are equally
important functions – also with regard to transport implications.
E-business affects both the working and the living spheres. B2B will mainly
affect the working sphere, while B2C affects both living and working. Business to Consumers
E-business in relation to consumers is in reality the same as teleshopping.
Teleshopping is not an entirely new concept. Similar ways of distant shopping
has been carried out without use of advanced ICT. Mail order has been used
for decades and ordering by phone is also a well established way of shopping.
However, the Internet and a wider penetration of broadband have enabled a
dramatic increase in the potential for distant shopping.
The benefits of teleshopping for consumers are:
More convenient shopping
Savings in transport
Faster delivery
More transparent markets
Better market access
Periphery regions/developing countries
Physical impaired
More competition
More transparent markets are in particular related to before sales processes,
where different products and suppliers are compared. This can be done much
faster and without any person transport. This may however imply that the
consumer becomes aware of suppliers located long away. If the actual
purchase is done in the traditional way, the transport savings achieved
through electronic scanning of the market, may therefore be nullified through
more transport in the sales process.
One of the major barriers towards teleshopping has been establishment of
efficient distribution systems. Teleshopping has therefore been particular
successful in areas, where the goods either can be transmitted via the telecom
network or where they can be delivered via the existing postal mail systems.
A study by the German Ministry for Transport lists the following effects of
teleshopping on traffic (see table 3.12). The list was made through a survey of
a large number of German studies. The list implies that B2C is foreseen to
have a wide range of impacts on transportation, both on the overall levels of
freight and person transportation, and on the structure of the transport. It is
however difficult to derive any firm conclusions on whether transport will
increase or be reduced, in particular if second order and third order effects are
Table 3.12.
List of impacts on transport behaviour from B2C:
B2C will result in the increase of small-part sendings to an increased number of end-
customers with individual delivery-places and delivery-times.
B2C-traffic will concentrate on suburban areas.
B2C induces more courier, express and packet deliveries
B2C will lead to inhomogeneous transports in urban surroundings and at the same time to a
better consolidation of long-distance traffic.
Storage concepts, distribution and collecting traffic have to be adapted.
Comeback tours of delivery vehicles will produce additional traffic.
Some shopping trips will be replaced by deliveries.
Applying logistic concepts can result in package effects (less single traffic).
In-time deliveries are always price sensible and will almost always lead to street traffic.
Trends in courier, express and packet (cep) deliveries (ongoing trends but supported by
increased online-shopping).
Cep-services will require more small vehicles.
The total number of tours will increase.
Cep-traffic will mainly affect suburban areas (housing areas).
Delivery drop-offs (pick-up stations) will be asked for in suburban living areas.
Because of the increasing transport of small-parts, other transports will be substituted
Speciality transports like grocery deliveries will remain a niche market.
Source: (Zoche et al. 2002)
B2C will increase transport related to delivery of goods and change the
structure towards smaller units, but this does not necessarily increase the total
needs for transport. According to an American study, best-selling books by e-
commerce has a smaller impact on the environment than traditional delivery
(Matthews et al. 2001). Also a Swedish study indicates that e-commerce not
necessarily will lead to more traffic (Fichter 2001).
In the long term a wide penetration of teleshopping may add to the ongoing
centralisation of the retail market, which may imply that both shopping trips
and e-shop deliveries will involve longer transport distances.
Table 3.13.
Environmental impact of e-business on transport behaviour in the sphere of living.
First order effects Substitution of transport related to market scanning.
Substitution of transport with intangible goods.
Substitution of person transport with delivery of goods.
Change in freight transport towards smaller units.
Second order effects Extended range of local consumer markets
Third order effects Centralisation of shopping facilities
Some services only available on-line Business to Business
Business to business applications include a number of activities, which hardly
can be distinguished from activities included in the section on telework (e.g. e-
learning). Use of ICT for business to business trading transactions has taken
place for at least 20 years. Large enterprises have used EDI (Electronic Data
Interchange) for communication with their main business partners for many
years. However development of these systems were often hampered by lack of
standardisation and were mainly used in closed networks confined to a limited
number of regular business partners. Use of EDI demanded substantial
investments and many SMEs have been reluctant to use EDI unless they were
forced by major costumers such as retail chains.
The Internet and the IP-protocol has provided a low cost solution which is
used for common platform for many types of electronic data transfer. This
has enabled a much wider use of electronic networks for business transactions.
The Internet has however, not replaced the former trading networks, which
often are considered to be more secure and reliable.
The key drivers in B2B can be summarised as:
Globalisation, an increasingly transnational purchase and selling
Application of ICT in enterprises to lower transaction costs
Availability of more sophisticated IT-infrastructures, almost all
enterprises are mapped by computer systems
More demand for personalised individually manufactured or
combined products (Zoche et al. 2002).
Thus B2B has facilitated the ongoing trends of globalisation and out-sourcing
by lowering transaction costs and make them less dependent of distance.
The transport implications of B2B applications are more complicated to
assess, than the implications of B2C applications. The person transport
related to business trade is not always directly related to the transaction itself,
and may be difficult to distinguish from other types of business trips.
Therefore the most important implications are related to how business trade is
done: Use of e-business will reduce transaction costs per transaction and will
therefore tend to increase the number of transactions. This will lead to
changes in freight transport towards smaller batches. In addition to this it will
be less costly to maintain business relations to a large number of companies
and enable more use of out-sourcing.
Table 3.14.
Environmental impacts of Business to Business.
First order effects
Substitution of business trips related to market scanning.
Substitution of transport with intangible goods.
Substitution of person transport with delivery of goods.
Change in freight transport towards smaller units.
Second order effects Extension of supplier and customer networks
Increasing use of out-sourcing
Third order effects Development of just-in-time delivery networks for small batches
Erosion of infrastructure for bulk transport
Internationalisation of markets
3.9 Transport logistics
Transport logistics is usually mainly related to freight transport, but
application of ICT can also be used for optimisation of person transport.
Transport logistics include:
Transport planning – when and where transport is needed
Route planning – finding the optimum route
Modality planning – identifying the optimum mix of modalities
Radio frequency identification systems
Speed control systems
Transport planning is closely related to planning of production and storage.
ICT has played a major role for instance in introduction of Just-in-time
production systems. These have profound implications on transport needs in
the direction of more frequent and smaller batches. The analysis is, however
limited to implications of use of ICT in distribution and is not going into
further details with regard to the transport implications of production
technologies and strategies.
Implications for the environment of more efficient speed control are difficult
to assess. In some instances speed control may even increase fuel
consumption as the speed limit is set below the optimum speed with regard to
fuel economy. Speed control will therefore not be discussed further.
In addition to the above mentioned issues, ICT is used for support of public
policy – for instance in analysis of traffic loads by hour and location and
forecasts of implications on traffic behaviour by changes in infrastructure
supply (e.g. a new railroad, changes in tariffs etc.).
Finally, use of ICT is an important element in provision of road pricing as a
policy tool for transport management. Route planning
Route planning can be used to make transport more efficient. Route planning
systems can if integrated with other administrative systems both reduce
mileage related to driving certain routes, and contribute to a higher utilisation
of loading capacity. Route planning systems are today used mainly in freight
transport. The drivers for investing in such systems are cost reductions
related to better utilisation of resources (vehicles, fuel and drivers). Aeromark
(see box) see their major customers to be companies with a fleet of at least 20-
25 vehicles. This could be freight operators but also companies with their own
fleet of vehicles. It is foreseen that route planning systems will become
standard within all types of trucks and vans used for freight transport. Route
planning systems are also used by mobile workers e.g. in domestic services
(see box).
Many person cars have already today implemented simple route planning
devices such as digital maps; these are expected to become more widespread
in the future.
Aeromark is a technology based company in the UK and Denmark established in 1985,
specialising in the provision of complete mobile voice and data solutions for corporate and SME
business users throughout Europe.
The company provides complete ICT solutions for fleet management including communications
infrastructure, terminals in trucks and office systems. The system enables tracking, route
planning, surveillance of fuel consumption and communication with the driver (voice, SMS and
data exchange). Development and system design is made in Denmark while adaptation to
particular customer needs is done in the UK.
Tracing of vehicles is a standard technology provided by a large number of companies. Such
systems can be bought at 350-800 per vehicle. Aeromark is however the only providing total
integrated solutions in Denmark, while there are 2-3 competitors in the UK. The Aeromark
solution costs about 4,000 per vehicle.
The major drivers for the development have been a need to optimize transport and use of
utilisation of resources, and safety.
Sources: (Int. Aeromark 2005) and (Aeromark 2005)
Route Planning for Homecare services.
A number of city councils at Zeeland have together with enterprises and organisations created a
company called Zeeland Care developing products for handicapped. The company has in
cooperation with Center for Traffic and Transport at Technical University of Denmark developed
a route planning system for home care services in order to reduce travel time for home carers.
(Int. Madsen 2005)
Route planning systems can also be used to facilitate alternatives to individual
transport by car. Use of collective means of transport may benefit from tools
such as ‘Rejseplanen’, which enable users better to plan their journey. More
flexible types of collective transport, such as tele-busses (unscheduled busses
serving customers on request), may benefit from use of ICT based systems.
The same goes for car pooling and car sharing services.
In the future route planning may include ‘intelligent roads’, where route
planning systems take the current load of traffic into account, and ensure
optimise usage of road capacity instead of directing all cars to use the same
routes. Modality Planning
Trucks are often the preferred mode of transport for freight. One of the
reasons for this is that trucks can provide end-to-end delivery, while ship, car
or flight transport often needs to be combined with other modes in order to
provide the same service. Multi-modal transport is often avoided because of
the need for more complicated logistics compared to what is needed for single
mode transport. Use of ICT for improvement of logistics may therefore
facilitate use of multi-modal transport.
The ideal would be to have one single route planning model enabling use of
different modes of transport like ‘Rejseplanen’ used for public transport by
persons. Such a model would however be far more complicated than
‘Rejseplanen’. It would involve many more actors and it would involve use of
unscheduled services. In addition to this, it would be necessary to be able to
optimize with regard to a combination of a number of different parameters
such as price, speed and capacity.
Center for Traffic and Transport (CTT) at Technical University of Denmark
is working on solving these problems. They have received support from the
Danish Højteknologifonden and the EU for doing research in this area (Int.
Madsen 2005). CTT is one of the leading research centres in this area, but
major work is also done in Canada. The major driver for this work is not
environmental concern but rather a concern for crush on the highways and in
the major cities. In particular after inclusion of the Eastern Europe into the
EU, it can be foreseen that there will be even more capacity problems on the
German highways, and it is therefore essential to promote use of railways for
freight transport.
In addition to multi-modality planning models, multi-modality can also be
facilitated by use of smaller models improving efficiency at freight terminals.
Such models can make modality shifts more efficient, for instance by
optimising shunting of goods wagons. Airport terminals are the most
advanced in the use of such models. Maersk operates a number of harbours,
but they are not yet using such systems for this purpose. Radio Frequency Identification Systems
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can be used for tracking of freight
items. This can improve transport logistics as it provides information on
exactly where a specific item is located. Use of RFID for transport logistics
was first introduced by US under the first Gulf war. Sweden is among the
leading countries in this area. In Denmark, Easy Cargo has tried to introduce
RFID as part of their services. Use of RFID may in particular benefit multi-
modal transport, as tracking is less important for the logistics of single mode
end-to-end transport systems. Road Pricing
Road pricing is probably the ICT application within transport, which attracts
most attention from the public. Road pricing provides an alternative to more
traditional taxation systems and aims at influencing transport behaviour. In
particular road pricing is an alternative to payment of tolls when entering
highways or major city areas. By use of road pricing it becomes possible to tax
exactly those types of transport that it is considered to be important to reduce.
It is possible to distinguish both between different routes and different points
of time. So far road pricing has been introduced only for trucks in Germany.
The drivers for introducing road pricing are both environmental concern and
reduction of crush. Implications for transport behaviour
The factors affecting transport behaviour can be summarised as:
Table 3.15.
Environmental impact of ICT logistics on transport behaviour in the sphere of
First order effects Efficiency gains in particular in multi-modal transport
Second order effects Growth in transport demand
Multi-modal and public transport will gain market shares as a result
of efficiency gains and road pricing
Third order effects Out-sourcing and globalisation of production
Use of ICT for improved transport logistics will first of all improve efficiency
of transport. Whether this will lead to less or more transport depends on
supply and demand conditions, including costs. More efficient transport
could lead to a higher demand. As the efficiency gains particular will be
related to multimode and public transport, transport logistics must be
expected to have a positive impact on their share of the total market. This
trend can be further strengthened through introduction of road pricing. There
are, however, other trends that work in the opposite direction, first of all the
increasing demand for transportation of small batches.
3.10 Long term perspectives for innovation and regulation
This section summarises the analyses in the previous sections of the chapter
and raises some issues in relation to the future dynamics in the interaction
between ICT and environment, as how it is shaped in interaction with other
aspects of societal development. Also the interaction between regulation and
innovation is summarised.
The ICT sector in Denmark can be characterised by the following business
and research related strengths:
A strong position in the communications technology (including
mobile, wireless and optical communication)
A strong position internationally in global ICT/pervasive computing
with competencies in embedment, system integration and user-
oriented design
Denmark is one of the leading countries regarding the use of ICT by
the citizens, business and the public sector.
The analyses have focused on five areas or fields of ICT application:
Improving environmental knowledge.
Design of products and processes.
Process regulation and control.
Intelligent products and applications.
Transport, logistics and mobility.
All five areas show future potentials for environmental improvements, but the
analyses also indicate that none of the five areas automatically imply
realisation of environmental potentials. New and reinforced risks are also an
expected impact of the development. An increased amount of electronic
products and a more dispersed amount of sensors and other devices imply
increasing problems with electronic waste. Increased use of pervasive
computing might also cause health problems due to electro-smog from
increased electromagnetic radiation and safety problems due to interference
between different devices operating in wireless networks. There is need for
research into these risks, which are not fully understood and which might be
long term effects, which call upon the use of precaution as an important
principle in the development and application of ICT.
The first order effect from a bigger and more disperse amount of ICT-
equipment could be reduced through governmental regulation of the use of
hazardous chemicals and energy and material consumption. Efficient
implementation of the EU directives about waste, energy consumption and
hazardous substances are important for the future development of the first
order effect. Miniaturisation of products might not imply reduced resource
consumption since the smaller dimensions can demand higher quality of
materials, which implies more processing and maybe higher amounts of waste.
There are potentials for environmental improvements from the application of
ICT-based tools for data collection and processing, product and process
design, and process regulation. However, today environmental concerns are
seldom the driving force for the development and application of these devices
and tools. More data processing capacity enables the processing of more data
and more complex calculations, but it is the aim of the application that
determines whether environmental achievements are obtained. The interviews
have shown one case of direct integration of environmental criteria into tools
for product and process design. Other tools aim at more general resource
efficiency, probably often determined by the prices for energy and materials.
It was stressed at one of the project workshops that governmental regulation is
the only strategy for getting environmental aspects and concerns integrated
into the development paradigms.
The case about the product development paradigms for vacuum cleaners
shows that the biggest reduction in energy consumption might not be
achieved through the development of products with sensors and more
electronic equipment (more intelligent products). In stead focus could be on a
change in the market dynamics through a combination of eco-labelling and
design of new product concepts with a basic focus on understanding and
improving the operation and the efficiency of the existing products and the
service the user obtains.
The case about the intelligent automobile shows how complex the interaction
between ICT and environment can be. A product like a car is not just an
energy efficient engine, but consists of a combination of a number of
technologies, which implies that the final product might not be more efficient.
Furthermore is the role of a more energy efficient product shaped by a lot of
actors and dynamics. The governmental regulation has impact on the price of
the product and the price of the energy. The societal and local dynamics in
housing, employment, infrastructure etc. has a big impact on the actual
purchase and use of products. Furthermore is the need for example for
transport not a fixed need, but is shaped by the availability of the product, so
the access to the product, in this case a car, influences the development of the
need for transportation. This case shows, like the case about design and
optimisation of products and processes that governmental regulation is
needed in relation to all phases of innovation: the choice of research strategy,
the innovation of products based on combinations of technologies and the
development of the market dynamics around the products. It is not a phase-
by-phase regulation that is needed, since innovation dynamics and focus also
is determined by actual and expected market demand. This argument has
been stressed several times at the innovation workshops in the project.
The environmental aspects of the ICT-development depend also on the
development in the total stock of products. This implies that development of
new products that are lighter, faster etc. do not give a reduction in the energy
and material consumption if the stock or fleet of products increases or only a
partly substitution takes place.
The three application areas for use of ICT in transport, which have been
analysed, are considered to be those implying the most far reaching
implications for transport behaviour also in the long term.
New technological achievements will create new opportunities for use of ICT
either to increase efficiency or to substitute transports. However, the basic
applications will be very similar to those of today.
Most teleworkers are using low-tech solutions for solving their communication
needs. This could indicate that technology is not a barrier for further
development of teleworking and that technological innovations only will play a
minor role. But one can also argue that the reason is that more advanced
technology solutions are too expensive for a teleworker and that provision of
broadband access at affordable prices will promote use of more advanced
types of communication, for instance video-conferencing. Use of high quality
video will enable many job functions, which today demand physical presence,
to be carried out as telework. Physical inspection of aircrafts and medical
consultations are just a few examples of this.
High quality video may also be a solution on one of the most important
barriers towards full time telework, namely knowledge sharing. Without
physical presence it is difficult to develop neworks for informal exchange of
information and tacit knowledge. If electronic communication is made more
flexible and provides a better quality, physical presence may become less
Still the expected growth in telework will mainly derive from socio-economic
changes: Still more people are employed in job functions suitable for telework
(partly as a result of use of ICT), and new management cultures based on
self-leadership become more widespread. In addition to this the average travel
distance between home and work place is growing due to the development in
housing costs and the centralisation of business activities to fewer and bigger
plants. It is, also in the future, a limited amount of employees, who might be
able to telework due to the type of work they do, like manufacturing, cleaning,
social care etc.
Mobile telework will be more widespread as mobile communication solutions
will offer the same facilities at comparable costs as those offered from the
office. This will reduce the costs of business travels (as lost working time
today constitute a major part of the costs), and may therefore cause an
increase in the transport related to this purpose. This means that the first
order effect is positive, but the growth in demand for communication derived
from globalisation of production and a growing need for training provided
internationally will work in the opposite direction.
The long term impact of e-business depends very much on how e-business
will develop in the future. Also with regard to e-business, the general opinion
is that the major barriers are not related to development of suitable ICT
applications, but to organisational problems and development of viable
business models. E-business could, if combined with telework, in theory imply
a dramatic reduction in transport needs, as people could do both their work
and their shopping from home. The question is whether it is likely that e-
business will provide a viable alternative to daily shopping. So far
transportation has been a major barrier for electronic trade with tangible
goods, which are unsuitable for delivery by mail.
Improvement in transport logistics will in addition to its impact on the current
traffic behaviour also be important for the success of many types of e-
business. Some scenarios for the future information society include creation of
an infrastructure for delivery of daily necessities. If this ever will materialise, it
will have a major impact on transport behaviour and could imply a bigger
amount of transportation for distribution to households. Although the three
application areas studied have very different implications on transport
behaviour, they will all add to situation with more flexibility in transport. This
holds in particular for person transport in the socio-economic sphere of living.
The regular transport related to commuting and shopping in certain hours will
be replaced by more differentiated transport needs, where some people will be
able to avoid rush hours and the most populated routes. This will enable a
better utilisation of the transport capacity for person transport.
However, the needs for person transport will also become more dispersed.
First, commuting will take place less frequent. Second, the possibilities for
telework will enable more people to live in remote rural areas. This will
challenge the existing infrastructure of public transport, and tend to
strengthen individual transport solutions, unless ICT is used to develop new
types of more flexible public transport.
The impact of ICT on person transport behaviour will to a wide extent
depend on developments in transport policies. Therefore policies promoting
e.g. telework will probably have only a limited impact on the overall demand
for transport, if not accommodated by other types of policies aiming at
reducing transport needs. Decisions regarding the choice between electronic
communication and person transport depend on the effectiveness of the two
alternative forms of communication as well as their price. So far the costs of
transportations have not been high enough to make reductions in transport a
key parameter in development of telework or e-business. Most teleworking is
implemented for reasons of flexibility and time saving rather than in order to
reduce the amount of transport. This is illustrated by the fact that teleworkers
seldom work at home full working days.
With regard to freight transport the situation is a bit different, as improved
logistics will enable more flexibility. On the other hand will e-business, in
combination with just-in-time production, lead to more transport of small
batches with high urgency. Also in this case, transport policy is crucial for the
net impact on transport behaviour. Reductions in transport are only
happening if it leads to either reductions in the total costs or it increases
Transport policy does not only play a role for the immediate ICT impact on
transport behaviour, but is also important for the direction of new
technological innovations. As long as fast transport is available at cheap
prices, private companies do not have any incentive to develop or implement
transport-reducing technologies if not combined with other benefits.
ICT does however also provide new policy tools within the areas of
transports, first of all road pricing. Road pricing enables the design of
economic incentives for reduction of transport in order to address exactly
those types of transports where reductions are most urgently needed.
4 Environmental perspectives within
Annegrethe Hansen & Henrik Wenzel
4.1 Introduction
Since the first successful genetic modification with a commercial viable
technique in 1973, biotechnology was predicted an industrial future within a
number of industrial areas: chemical industry and pharmaceuticals, food and
beverage industry, energy production and agriculture.
The optimistic technical and economical prospects were put forward by both
researchers and industry.
The aim of the research within biotechnology has been:
To analyse how biotechnology and environmental perspectives have been
To analyse the future environmental potentials and risks within some
areas of application for biotechnology, where environmental perspectives
have been formulated
To assess the role of environmental concerns in research, innovation and
governmental regulation related to the areas of biotechnology application
As a generic technology, biotechnology was considered important for the
competitiveness of industry and thus attracted political attention. A large
number of countries from the late 1970s and especially through the 1980s
introduced R&D programmes to stimulate new biotechnology developments.
Resources primarily went to pharmaceutical and chemical R&D, although
perspectives also were assumed for the other areas mentioned above.
However, fewer resources went into these other areas, and R&D concerning
positive environmental perspectives or negative consequences, was not high
on the list either It was assumed that there were large potentials especially
within pharmaceuticals and medicine, and the majority of funding, private
and public went into ‘red biotechnology’
. Universities and dedicated
biotechnology companies, as they became known as, invested in the new
biotechnologies, and large pharmaceutical companies followed, either with
There are number of jargon terms for sub-fields of biotechnology, here from
Red biotechnology is biotechnology applied to medical processes. An example would
include an organism designed to produce an antibiotic, or engineering genetic cures
to diseases through genomic manipulation.
White biotechnology, also known as '\grey biotechnology', is biotechnology applied
to industrial processes. An example would include an organism designed to produce a
useful chemical.
Green biotechnology is biotechnology applied to agricultural processes. An example
would include an organism designed to grow under specific environmental
conditions or in the presence (or absence) of certain agricultural chemicals.
Green biotechnology tends to produce more environmentally friendly solutions
than traditional industrial agriculture. An example of this would include a plant
engineered to express a pesticide, thereby eliminating the need for external
application of pesticides.
The term blue biotechnology has also been used to describe the marine and aquatic
applications of biotechnology, but its use is relatively rare.
own investments in new biotechnology activities or by buying into a number
of the new biotechnology companies and into university research.
The new biotechnologies offered opportunities for the production of new
pharmaceutical products without the use of scarce resources or with the use of
fewer resources, or using more efficient techniques.
The green biotechnology, primarily addressing agricultural applications and
primarily changing the traits in agricultural or horticultural crops, has been an
area expected to overtake the pharmaceutical area with regard to long-term
economic impact. The expected traits were predicted as improving the plant
with regard to yielding or enduring certain growing conditions, thus making
the plants herbicide resistant. So far, herbicide resistance is still the major trait,
with an increasing share of the GM cultivated area, consisting of herbicide
resistant crops.
The main arguments for the development of GM-plants have been efficiency,
including losses due to pests and weather, and the exploitation of more land
for agricultural crops. Environmental advantages have, however, also been
argued, primarily by the chemical and seed industry, but also by parts of the
research community, parts of the farming community and parts of the
governmental system. Environmental arguments were stated especially in
relation to the herbicide resistant crops. The potential advantages concerned s
the possibilities of reducing the number of herbicide sprayings and as the
possibility to spray later, consequently reducing herbicide application and
prolonging the lifetime of the weeds and thereby also the lifetime of the
animals and insects living on them.
The environmental concerns regarding genetic engineering had been
discussed since the first modifications in 1973 and throughout the 1980s. The
regulation of the contained use of genetically modified organisms led in most
of the industrialised countries to a relatively large acceptance of industrial
production on the basis of genetically modified organisms. Though accidental
leaks did happen, there was a general confidence among regulators and NGOs
that production as well as accidents were controllable.
Genetic modification of plants, primarily for agricultural and food production,
has been termed “the second generation of biotechnology” and green
biotechnology. R&D in plant agricultural biotechnology increased in the
1980s within a number of different application areas. The dominant
applications were the development of herbicide resistant crops, primarily soy
beans, corn and cotton. In Europe, research was carried out on an increasing
number of other traits and plants in the 1990s, but the area with herbicide
resistant plants increased, both in absolute and in relative terms.
Environmental consequences were, and still are the main concern with regard
to genetically modified plants. A number of NGOs and researchers raised
concern and criticism during the 1970s, and this concern and criticism has
been continued, with increasing international cooperation between many of
the NGOs on documenting and forwarding the concerns for:
increasing use of herbicides
diffusion of traits, amongst other herbicide and pest resistance, from
which follows concerns with regard to
risk of the need for stronger herbicides to combat ao. weeds with
erosion of wild life,
intoxicating and altering animal/plant life, and
turning herbicide resistant crops into weed for other crops
Only few concerns have been repudiated, and different conclusions are drawn
when weighing benefits and negative consequences against each other.
The white biotechnology (Webster, 2001) is primarily used about
biotechnology applied to industrial processes’ (http://www.websters-online-, and is, as previously
mentioned, also termed as the third generation biotechnology. The white
biotechnology were introduced to distinguish some of the industrial
biotechnologies from the ‘red biotechnology’ representing biotechnology in
medicine and in pharmaceuticals, from ‘green biotechnology’ representing
plant biotechnology, and from the ‘blue biotechnology’ representing marine
and aquatic applications of biotechnology.
The term white biotechnology is of newer date (around 2000), with
NovoNordisk A/S, Novozymes A/S and EuropaBio (EuropaBio, 2003) being
rather active in promoting the term. Forerunners of the term may be industrial
biotechnology, encompassing primarily the contained use of GMOs in
production. The term white biotechnology aimed at signalling the white coats
of the laboratory and cleaner solutions for industry – referred to as the
gateway to a more sustainable future – as in the headline of EuropaBio’s
The term has thus been used to potentially ease the way for the use of
biotechnology in industrial applications ensuring political acceptance, as
argued amongst others by the producer of industrial enzymes, DSM, (DSM,
With the OECD report from 2001 on Application of Biotechnology to
Industrial Sustainability, the environmental perspectives of new biotechnology
has very much been associated with the ‘cleaning’ of industrial processes and
products. The use of renewable resources in production, by substituting for
example fossil fuel based materials with agricultural crops and crop residues
are included in these perspectives (see ao.
The use of new biotechnology for remediation, as dealt with in ao. OECD,
1994, and mentioned very early on in biotechnology development, falls
between these three ‘generations’. A number of explanations can be suggested
for this. There are risk concerns due to deliberate release of GMOs into the
environment. However, both researchers, industry and regulators mention
that this “inter generation” biotechnology for remediation may play a role in
future pollution control..
4.1.1 Environmental perspectives and concerns
Although low on the list of R&D resource allocations, the potential positive
environmental perspectives of new biotechnology have been pointed to by
researchers from very early on: Biotechnological treatment of waste before or
after it ends up in the environment; biotechnology for cleaner industrial
processes and products, and biotechnology for detection and monitoring.
According to several stake-holders ( see ao.Europabio, 2003, OECD 1998, d
Danish Ministry of Environment, 1985) focus in the beginning was on
biotechnology as an end of pipe solution, either to clean air or water before
leaving the production plant or to clean already polluted air, water or soil.
Biotechnology for detection and monitoring was partly part of this.
In Denmark, the positive environmental perspectives of new biotechnology
have at least from the 1980s been on the agenda, in broader debates on new
biotechnology, in arguments for specific new biotechnology product
developments (Kjærgaard, 1986), and in policy considerations (Danish
Ministry of the Environment, 1985)
Later on biotechnology was identified as offering alternative production
processes, reducing the use of unwanted chemicals, reducing the use of
resources and/or making the use of alternative resources possible. OEDC
(OECD, 2001) has identified and presented a selection of industrial examples
of this, and also EuropeaBio (EuropaBio 2003) has presented various
examples on how ‘white biotechnology’ may lead to environmentally sounder
production processes.
Both the public and scientific debate focused more on the new
biotechnology’s potential negative environmental consequences than on the
potential positive environmental gains.
From the mid 1970s environmental concerns were an issue at scientific
conferences and in science magazines and journals, and potential
introductions of regulatory measures were discussed. Genetic researchers and
industry were pressed by critical researchers and environmental NGOs, who
questioned if the environmental consequences had been sufficiently
As a consequence of this debate, the question about regulation was brought to
discussion. In the 1980s, especially concerns related to the industrial use were
met by regulatory measures, responding to the developments within this
sector, especially in the pharmaceutical industry.
Later discussions focussed on the deliberate release, especially of plants.
Again both critical scientists and environmental NGOs initiated these debates.
Agricultural and other organisations, have increasingly participated in these
debates on the side of the environmentally concerned. Concerns have
addressed both the consequences of contamination of crops with GMOs, the
development of herbicide resistance (to the same herbicide) in a number of
crops potentially making the crops weeds, and the costs related to any
groundwater contamination.
4.2 The desk study
The desk study on biotechnology and environmental perspectives is meant to
give the background for the status of how biotechnology and its
environmental perspectives have been conceived, and for scoping the Danish
study on biotechnology and the environment. The survey of the Danish
activities is given in the following and a number of studies are discussed.
Focus has been on the environmental aspects. The biotechnologies and their
applications discussed in the following have been selected because of
formulated environmental perspectives, primarily their potential positive
perspectives with regard to the reduction of environmental and health
consequences, and with regard to the reduction of resource utilisation.
Attempts to survey any negative environmental and health consequences are
also made. As will be returned to later, these consequences have been more
difficult to identify within white biotechnology. The more radical and
extensive uses of biotechnology within pharmaceuticals and agriculture, with
far reaching environmental, health and ethical consequences have not been
part of this foresight. The strong economic and industrial interests of the
plant, food, and pharmaceutical industries as well as the strong interests of the
medical area, and the NGO’s focus on release and human ethics, are not as
distinct within industrial biotechnology, and the negative environmental
consequences thus not so much an issue in policy or debate.
Though positive environmental perspectives have been mentioned all along,
they have especially become prevalent in the broader political debate from the
1990s. As it appears from the following, the positive contributions of new
biotechnology to the environment has been on political agenda longer, but for
the first many years of new biotechnology development, the drivers and the
political motivation for the focus on biotechnology were the productivity gains
it offered and the possibility for developing new product qualities. This was
the case within pharmaceuticals, foods and plants.
In foresights on new biotechnology and reports on the environmental
perspectives, a number of applications of new biotechnology in industrial
production were launched, in addition to biotechnology for remediation. As a
focus in this report five main fields of biotechnology were chosen, namely:
1) the development of new industrial processes, mainly enzymes,
2) fermentation efficiency (including fermentation efficiency in enzyme
3) the development of processes for producing bioplastics and degradable
4) bio-ethanol, and
5) the development of micro-organisms for treatment and remediation.
The two large areas of biotechnology development, medicine and health, and
genetically modified plants and new biotechnology based foods, have been
included in other foresight surveys, and have therefore not been included
here, though the economic productivity gains which have been obtained, may
also have an environmental, resource saving side to them. As will be
demonstrated, this focus means leaving out a very substantial part of new
biotechnology developments.
4.2.1 Sources for the desk study
For the account of the development of biotechnology development and the
expectations regarding the environmental consequences, a number of Danish
and OECD reports will be drawn upon, together with EuropaBio documents
and industry statements. It is demonstrated how the environmental
perspectives have always been part of the agenda, but also how the
development until the 1990s has been rather anonymous, in rethorics as well
as in policy and concrete activities. Table 4.1 gives an overview of the studies
presented and discussed.
Table 4.1, overview of sources for the desk study
Year Source
1985 The Ministry of Environment , The Genetic Engineering Group of the
Danish Technological Council
1994 OECD
1998 OECD
2000 IDA (The Danish Association of Engineers), 2001, Bioteknologi –
mellem drøm og dilemma (Biotechnology – between dream and
2001 OECD, 2001, The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial
Sustainability- New Biotech Tools for a Cleaner Environment;
2003 EuropaBio, April 2003, White Biotechnology: Gateway to a More
Sustainable Future; and
Royal Belgian Academy Council of Applied Science, January 2004,
Industrial Biotechnology and Sustainable Chemistry.
The American, Biotechnology Industry Organisation, 2004, New
Biotech Tools for a Cleaner Environment The Ministry of Environment , The Genetic Engineering Group of the
Danish Technological Council
In 1985, the Ministry of Environment edited a booklet on the environmental
perspectives in new biotechnology. They ‘wanted a survey of wether genetic
engineering could be applied in industry or other business with positive effect
on the environment’ (authors translation). The report points to the general
advantages of new biotechnology as:
contribution to the improvement of the efficiency of the organisms in
existing biotechnology production
substitution of chemical industry, which is a heavy polluter
The report is divided into three parts:
genetic engineering in general
the application of genetic engineering in Denmark
examples of application possibilities, and comparison of aspects of
genetic engineering versus traditional use
Application of genetic engineering in Denmark is referred to be within
a) Chemical production etc. 1) enzymes and 2) pharmaceuticals
b) reprocessing of vegetable raw material 1) in breweries
c) reprocessing of animal raw material 1) in dairies 2) in the food industry
d) agriculture
e) hospitals
Areas where genetic engineering is expected to be of future importance are
identified as
a) processing of mineral oil
b) chemical production etc.
c) reprocessing of vegetable and animal material
d) processing of waste
e) husbandry, agriculture and forestry
f) wild life population
In the report, a comparison of the application potentials is made within the
examples of:
enzyme production
production of animal and vegetable oils
waste treatment, water sewage and waste water from chemical
vitamin production, vitamin c og vitamin B2
herbicides (alternative products) such as a) production af herbicides
and b) introduction of resistance into the plants
plant modification, for example modification of barley
The way these environmental potentials will be realized are categorized as:
making industrial processes more effective
substituting the methods for production existing agents and products
with biotechnology production methods
the construction of organisms to combat pollution, pests and weed
production of food with a high nutritional content
The report concludes that:
biotechnological processes in many cases are an advantage
changes from chemical to biotechnological processes will lead to
substantial changes in resource and raw material use
genetic engineering may be used to renew and improve in food
genetic engineering may be used to sewage treatment and to combat
of existing pollution
nitrogen absorbing plants do not substantially solve the problem of
the washing out from agricultural soil, but may bring down the need
for nitrogenous fertilizer
4.2.2 Biotechnology - environmental focus in the late 1980s
Though the report from 1985 identified a number of ways in which new
biotechnology would contribute positively to the environment, the potential
positive environmental aspects were not a high profile issue in the 1980s and
the beginning of the 1990s.
Herbicide resistant plants were not mentioned in the 1985 report as
environmentally advantageous, but were promoted by seed- and chemical
industry as having positive environmental consequences. However, the many
controversies over the release of plants meant, that plant technology did not
become regarded as environmental biotech, only as potentially having also
positive environmental consequences.
Activities and environmental enthusiasm were therefore modest in the late
1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. And when the OECD decided to
initiate activities in 1991, focus in these activities was on combating existing
pollution, not on biotechnology as a more sustainable production technology
or leading to more sustainable products.
Industry, primarily, argued the genetically modified herbicide tolerant plants
as environmentally advantageous. The industry’s driver for the development
of the herbicide tolerant plants had, however, been one of efficiency or
productivity. So together with the many environmental controversies with
regard to diffusion of the GM plants, the disputed environmental advantages
to be disadvantages, and the potential reduction in biodiversity and damage to
flora and fauna, the herbicide tolerant plants were disputed as an
environmental advantage.
The environmental perspectives from the use of genetically modified
organisms for remediation and their application for ao. industrial enzyme
production were acknowledged as potentials, but not a big issue. Regarding
remediation, activities were modest, amongst other because of the release
issue, whereas enzyme production progressed without big arm swinging
regarding the environmental perspectives, but not with much scepticism
towards it either. The OECD, 1994
In 1991 (OECD, 1994) the OECD initiated activities with regard to the
environmental perspectives within biotechnology. With their report from 1994
(OECD, 1994) they focussed on the role biotechnology might play in relation
to already existing pollution with the report ‘Biotechnology for a clean
environment. Prevention, detection, remediation’.
It was amongst other meant to respond to ‘the occasional misapprehension
that the environmental implications of biotechnology are mainly a cause for
concern´, and addressed the application of biotechnology to ‘clean’ after
industrial productions.
The report refers to the relatively modest development of environmental
biotechnology. It is stated that biotechnology for a clean environment has
developed much slower than biotechnology in the medical and food sector.
This slow development is explained with the science-push character of
modern biotechnology in general, and suggests the following explanations:
that environmental biotechnology ‘often could not compete in
glamour with medical and agricultural biotechnology’
that environmental biotechnology ‘does not have the same ‘’natural’’
R&D constituency as medical and agricultural research sectors’ – ‘ it is
too vast a field, complex and ill-defined
the ‘greater difficulty of some underlying scientific questions’
(multitude of interactions between plant and microbial species and the
They categorize the number of ways in which biotechnology can prevent or
reduce environmental damage as:
added-value processes, which convert a waste stream into useful
end of pipe processes, in which the waste stream is purified to the
point where the products can be released without harm into the
development of new biomaterials, the manufacture of materials with
reduced environmental impact;
new biological processes, which generate less waste.
The report notes the increasing growth in environmental biotechnology, but
refers to the uncertainties regarding the environmental and economic aspects
as limiting diffusion. Increasing environmental regulation and support for
environmental initiatives are referred to promote environmental technology;
but it is also referred that application of biotechnology to environmental
purposes, will take many years because there are many scientific,
technological and economic black boxes.
It further refers to the lack of engineers with a biological or biotechnology
background within the productions, where biotechnology could be used for
environmental purposes, as contributing to the slow development of
biotechnology for environmental purposes. Biotechnology is not regarded as a
possibility, because engineers are not educated in the biological or
biotechnology thinking.
However, despite the referred environmental uncertainties, which might limit
biotechnology applications, the report also mentions that the high public
acceptance of biotechnology for environmental purposes (stated in
Eurobarometer 1991 and 1993) as potentially reducing uncertainty and
contributing to the reduction of the development times needed.
The later increased focus on the contribution of biotechnology to the
development of cleaner processes and products in the industry, has according
to EFB, been a general tendency in industrial production following amongst
other the Brundtland Report from 1987 and the Earth Summit in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992.
Though the potentials for biotechnology to contribute to cleaner production,
were referred to also earlier, e.g. in the small popular publication from the
Danish Ministry of environment in 1985, where biotechnology is stated to:
contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of the organisms in
the existing biotechnological production
change parts of the chemical industry that are very pollutant
the focus on these perspectives remained low on the strategic or
political agenda. Biotechnology developments in medicine, in the
human genome project, in the pharmaceutical industry and in the
herbicide tolerant plant development, dominated.
The increased focus on the environmental potentials of using biotechnology
as a cleaner technology in industrial processes from the mid-1990s, is amongst
other demonstrated with a number of publications from the OECD and
others. OECD, 1998
The report states the shift in paradigm which has taken place since the early
1990s. From the need to remove pollutants, to the possibilities for reshaping
industrial processes and thus prevent pollution at the source.
But it is also stated that the concepts of cleaner industrial production is further
ahead than the technical possibilities. And the report aims at pointing to the
initiatives needed to close this gap and the bottlenecks which exist.
The report p. 7, identifies three main drivers for cleaner technology:
1) Economic competitiveness, with companies considering the advantages of
clean products and processes in terms of market niches or cost advantages;
2) government policies, which enforce or encourage changes in
manufacturing practices; and
3) public pressure, which takes on strategic importance as companies seek to
establish environmental legitimacy’.
The report is referred to address politicians, industry and the public, who
should be alerted to the potentials of new biotechnology, and the initiatives
needed to realize these potentials (authors’ formulation).
The report (in chapter 2) goes through examples of how biotechnology is
used in six of the sectors, which contribute substantially to pollution in the
OECD. Also their economic importance is evaluated.
The OECD distinguishes between biotechnology as:
leading to new (end) products, such as e.g. biopharmaceuticals and
leading to new processes for producing known products (e.g. insulin)
leading to improved final products or improved processes, e.g.
The six sectors:
Chemicals. The chapter reviews commodity chemicals, fine chemicals,
enzymes, pharmaceuticals, refined petroleum and coal products,
plastics and crop protection chemicals. The chemical sector is stated
to be a major generator of materials, a major consumer of energy and
non renewable resources and a major contributor to waste and
pollution. Biotechnology is most widely used in fine chemicals.
Biotechnology is stated to be able to reduce fossil carbon consumption
and thus also global warming in various ways: improving industrial
processes and energy efficiency and producing biomass-based
materials and clean fuels.
Pulp and paper sector. Biotechnology penetration is referred to as
large in Europe
Textiles and leather
In food and feed: penetration of new biotechnology is referred to as
greatest in the USA
In mining bioleaching/minerals oxidation and in metals,
bioremediation and recovery are mentioned as having economic
The energy sector biotech is stated to be especially important in
pollution control, via development of bio-diesel, bioethanol and
biodesulphurisation, which will replace energy-intensive and polluting
systems with systems that are more environmentally friendly.
In OECD 1998 chapter 3 the science and technological trends and potential
for exploiting the environmental biotechnology potentials are described. It is
referred that ‘The possibilities for developing environmentally friendly
products and processes and to clarify which areas of research require efforts,
it is necessary to examine public demand, economic demand and scientific
and technological feasibility’ (OECD 1998 p. 63).
The report categorizes the number of ways in which biotechnology can
prevent or reduce environmental damage as:
added-value processes, which convert a waste stream into useful
end of pipe processes, in which the waste stream is purified to the
point where the products can be released without harm into the
development of new biomaterials, the manufacture of materials with
reduced environmental impact;
new biological processes, which generate less waste
It is stated that biotechnology is not clean per se, and it is mentioned that
innovations in chemical industry within the existing technology paradigms,
reduce its environmental impact as well. For example, the biotech and
chemical processes may produce different environmental problems.
The report states that so far, limited experimental results and general
statements are used to argue for biotechnology as contributing to
environmentally sounder production. Further it is said that evaluation is
however requested as well as methods for these evaluations and a number of
methods for these evaluations are mentioned in OECD 1998 p. 87 and
categorised in table 4.1 p. 88:
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) (Focus on auditing
management systems)
Risk Assessment (RA) (the likelihood that environmental safety limits
may be exceeded or that adverse effects may occur)
Technology Assessment (TA)
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Material Flow Analysis (MFA)
Life Cycle Analysis /LCA)
LCA is mentioned to be an important instrument for evaluations, only
recently used for evaluating biotech. In addition to the general problem of
weighting the different pollutions against each other, data and measuring
problems are mentioned. The secrecy of many industrial LCAs also limits
possibilities for evaluation and thus policy making.
As introduction to chapter five it is claimed that the preceding chapters
demonstrated the potential of biotechnology to provide basis for more
environmental production. And from there on, the chapter discuss the
importance of public attitudes.
Numerous surveys are referred to, including the Eurobarometer surveys and
some American and Canadian surveys. Though none of these, as noted in the
chapter, address industrial biotechnology and bioremediation techniques, the
importance of informing and educating the public is emphasised, and it is
suggested to build on the public support for improving the environment.
It is stated that global environmental development and international
commitments are very important for the development of cleaner industrial
processes. Regulation and voluntary agreements are mentioned to increase the
need for innovation, and policies that involve the public are referred to have
the most far-reaching effects. Also consumer demand for cleaner products is
referred to as putting pressure on manufacturers to meet this demand.
In a chapter on political recommendations, the recommendations to policy
makers and industry are particular policies to act together to facilitate the
penetration of biotechnology as an enabling technology: R&D policy,
particularly building a bridge from basic research to implementation, ao. via
demonstration projects.
Though the report identifies the two major drivers as regulatory policy and
peoples’ life styles, these are not addressed in the political recommendations.
4.2.3 Further development of the focus on processes and products
Also, The European Federation of Biotechnology, which presents themselves
as the non-profit association of all national and cross-national Learned
Societies, Universities, Institutes, Companies and Individuals interested in the
promotion of Biotechnology throughout Europe and beyond, in a EU
Commission supported article from 1999 refers to ‘a pervading trend towards
less harmful products and processes; away from “end of pipe treatment” of
waste streams, indicating that end of pipe contributions had been dominant
until then.
In the beginning of the 2000s, several reports appear in which focus
increasingly is on biotechnology as contributing to environmental
improvements: cleaner products and processes in industry, products that save
resources or substitute resources in user industries, and products which
reduce waste problems. Examples of these reports are:
IDA (The Danish Association of Engineers), 2001, Bioteknologi –
mellem drøm og dilemma (Biotechnology – between dream and
OECD, 2001, The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial
Sustainability- New Biotech Tools for a Cleaner Environment;
EuropaBio, April 2003, White Biotechnology: Gateway to a More
Sustainable Future; and
Royal Belgian Academy Council of Applied Science, January 2004,
Industrial Biotechnology and Sustainable Chemistry.
The American, Biotechnology Industry Organisation, 2004, New
Biotech Tools for a Cleaner Environment
These reports focus on application of biotechnologies, and their contributions
to reduce environmental load/strain on the environment, either by reducing
resource use in production; by reducing resource use by using a
biotechnology product; or by reducing waste. All reports give a number of
examples where biotechnology reduces environmental strain. IDA, 2000
IDA, 2000, reviews the Danish biotechnology development, and identifies
environmental potentials, drivers and barriers for this development. The
report, based upon amongst others OECD, 1998, identifies the potentials of
industrial biotechnology as within:
chemicals and pharmaceuticals, including bio-polymers
paper, bio-bleaching, trans-genetic trees, reuse of paper masse and
removal of by-products
foods (including biological pest control)
textiles and leather
metals and minerals
energy – improved regain of oil and hydrogen production
Additionally, the cleaning potentials of new biotechnology are stated to be
within: earth/the ground, where a distinction is made between different ways
of combating pollution:
a) already existing microorganisms in the ground which with minimal help
can remove the pollution
b) bacteria which can be grafted on to the polluted ground and break down
the unwanted substances
c) planting of plants which can take up or break down environmentally
damaging substances
water – in sewage plants, in the ground water, in the sea and in lakes etc. In
sewage plants, focus is referred to be on optimising at different levels:
developing processes that generate less sludge, give more usable products for
fertilisers and give more energy efficient cleaning
air, where 3 principles for cleaning is referred:
a) biofilter with a biofilm of microorganisms
b) a trickle bed bio reactor (to some extent similar principle as the bio filter)
c) bioscrubber reactor (a chamber for gas adsorption and a mud tank)
The report gives a thorough account of the technical possibilities which
biotechnology offers to reduce resource use, to substitute chemical raw
materials and to contribute to cleaning within a number of areas.
The report on the one hand identifies technical possibilities for environmental
applications of new biotechnology, on the other hand identify the companies
and institutions in which new biotechnology development take place.
The report thus opens up for discussions of the structural conditions for the
development of biotechnology for environmental purposes, and opens for
identifying areas which may be further stimulated by research grants etc.
The report also mentions the strong positive impact that environmental
regulation may have on biotechnology development; but these regulations are
primarily found in industries in which biotechnology is applied, not in the
biotech industry. OECD, 2001
OECD, 2001, distinguishes between the environmental perspectives of new
biotechnology as:
the replacement of fossil fuels raw materials by renewable (biomass)
raw materials
the replacement of a conventional, non-biological process by one
based on biological systems, such as whole cells or enzymes, used as
reagents or catalysts
A substantial part of the report, and a part whose contribution has been cited
extensively for its collection of 21 examples of industrial biotechnology. The
cases compare the environmental impact of using traditional/existing
technology with new biotechnology, and find that new biotechnology in these
cases contribute to the reduction of the measured negative environmental
The descriptions of the 21 examples comprise:
Manufacture of Riboflavin (vitamin B
Production of 7-Amino-cephalosporanic Acid
Biotechnological Production of the Antibiotic Cephalexin
Bioprocesses for the manufacture of Amino Acids
Manufacutre of S-Chloropropionic Acid
Enzymatic production of Acrylamide
Enzymatic Syntheses of Acrylic Acid
Enzymatic-Catalysed Synthesis of Polyesters
Polymers from renewable Resources
A Vegetable Oil Degumming Enzyme
Water Recovery in a Vegetable-processing Company
Removal of Bleach Residues in Textile Finishing
Enzymatic Pulp Bleaching Process
Use of Xylinase as a Pulp Brightener
A life Cycle Assessment of Enzyme Bleaching of Wood Pulp
On-site production of Xylinase
A Gypsum-free Zink Refinery
Copper Bioleaching Technology
Renewable Fuels – Ethanol from Biomass
The Application of LCA Software to Bioethanol Fuel
Use of Enzymes in Oil-well Completion
The examples are taken from Germany, the Netherlands, the United
Kingdom, Austria, South Africa, the United States and Canada, and cover the
pharmaceutical, the fine chemicals, the bulk chemicals, the food and feed, the
textiles, the pulp and paper, the minerals and the energy sectors (OECD
2001, table 1 p. 12). Europa Bio, 2003
Europa Bio, April 2003’s, ‘White Biotechnology: Gateway to a More
Sustainable Future’, gives a ‘brief summary of a study, conducted by six
innovative companies who are amongst the pioneers of white biotechnology’,
to demonstrate the contributions of white technology.
From this selection of case studies, the environmental impact factors of
biotechnology and traditional processes are identified as:
energy use
raw materials
land use
The six examples have repetitions from the OECD study, and include:
vitamin B
antibiotic Cephalexin,
Scouring enzyme,
, and
Ethylene from biomass
From the examples they make estimates for the potentials for a more
sustainable society.
More examples are found on their home page, including enzymes produced
by genetic engineering for detergents, for cheese production, for sweeteners,
for breakdown of pectin in cotton, for industrial stonewashing (without
stones), and for bread’s extended shelf life (
, accessed
22/4-2004). The Royal Belgian Academy, 2004
The report from the Royal Belgian Academy Council of Applied Sciences
from January 2004, draw on the examples of:
food additives and food supplements
plastics or bioplastics
fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals
and within biofuels:
The descriptions of the applications are less company specific than those of
OECD and EuropaBio, and to a larger extent relate to general environmental
problems. The recommendations – to industry as well as to public policy – are
therefore also to generally strengthen biotechnology development – though it
is recommended that this is ’done in a structured, strategic and goal oriented
manner. The American Biotechnology Industry Association, 2004
The American Biotechnology Industry Organisation, 2004, explicitly builds
on OECD, 2001, and expands the findings from the OECD, 2001, primarily
in relation to the US industrial sector. The case studies encompass:
Pulp and Paper Production and Bleaching
Textile Finishing
Plastic and Chemical Production
Fuels Production
Pharmaceutical and Vitamin Production
Additional Examples of Biotechnology in Action, including energy, mining,
textile manufacturing and food processing.
In the summary for policy makers, the key findings are referred to as:
Industrial biotechnology offers the private sector remarkable new tools for
pollution prevention which have not been widely available before now.
These new tools not only prevent pollution but can also significantly cut
energy demand, natural resource consumption, and production costs while
creating high-quality intermediates or consumer products.
Accelerated uptake of new industrial biotechnology processes could lead to
further pollution prevention, waste reduction, and energy cost savings in
related services such as waste disposal or energy production.
Public policies and regulations do not provide adequate incentives for
technological innovations, such as biotechnology-based pollution prevention
and energy savings.
The industrial biotechnology processes used in this analysis involve cutting-
edge technologies. More research and development must be undertaken to
increase the utility and efficiency of these biotechnology processes across a
broad range of industrial applications. The policy considerations are rather
general and not very binding, and limit themselves to - considerations.
4.3 Danish activities and expectations to biotechnology development
and its environmental perspectives
As referred to in the previous paragraph, the Danish Ministry of Environment
already in 1985 identified applications of new biotechnology that might imply
environmental benefits. At the same time the potential negative consequences
were discussed within a number of fora, with focus on regulation needs.
The potential positive environmental arguments for new biotechnology did
not disappear completely from the agenda, but the drivers for the
biotechnology development were others. Pharmaceutical industrial research
and public medical research dominated both the public and private research
and development.
The plant and seed industry’s response to the environmental concerns for
pollen diffusion, harmful effects on insects of pest resistance, and concerns
over increased herbicide spraying as the consequence of introducing gm-
plants, was to argue for environmental benefits of the plants, stemming from
potential reductions in herbicide use and increased biodiversity as a
consequence of later sprayings. Based on the argumentation research agendas
continued to focus on herbicide resistance.
The environmental benefits of industrial use of a.o. enzymes from genetically
engineered micro-organisms, were, to some extent, referred to, but these were
not used as a ‘sales argument’ by industry, neither to customers, nor to policy
makers, as far as we found. The production of enzymes, produced on the
basis of genetically engineered organisms, became increasingly efficient, and
was consequently welcomed in a number of industrial processes, resulting in
increased productivity by reducing the use of resources.
However, the tendency of not promoting environmental benefits changed.
Enzymes increasingly became envisaged as applicable within a larger number
of areas, enabling the use of amongst other waste materials, reducing scarce
resources or substituting unwanted chemical agents. Consequently, industry
as well as public institutions became more promotive of new biotechnology as
a more environmentally sustainable technology.
The mentioned OECD reports contributed to that; parts of the biotech
industry organisations hired consultants to analyse the potential
environmental benefits (or they carried out assessments on their own); a
number of institutions and companies worked with substitution of scarce
resources by using biomass; and professional as well as Government
institutions, such as the Danish EPA with this report, again considered ways
in which they might introduce policies that would lead to the use of
biotechnology to improve environment in areas where existing structures
(price structures, company structures, regulation etc.) would inhibit the use of
new biotechnology.
Also the Engineering Association’s report from 1999, ‘Biotechnology -
Between dream and dilemma’ was in the same line and aimed at identifying
the role that engineers might play to support broader applications of ingenious
(in Danish ‘snilde’) and cleaner biotechnologies (The aim is more diverse in
the report, and the aim here is the authors’ interpretation of it.)
The Danish development with increased focus on biotech as contribution to
sustainable biotechnology, has thus been part of the wave of revived focus on
the environmental perspectives of new biotechnology. And with more than
50% of the world enzyme production, Denmark, or especially Novozymes
A/S has been central for contributing to this wave.
4.3.1 Danish biotechnology activities
The mapping of the Danish biotechnology development described in this
chapter, aims at showing the role of the industrial biotechnology development
in the overall biotech development and to give some impression of the
environmental biotechnology activities.
A number of sources have been used for this mapping, both quantitative
sources and more descriptive reports. Reports and surveys and a variety of
company material and institutional material have been used to identify specific
companies and research environments for subsequent interviews.
A limited number of interviews were made for the purpose of identifying
ongoing industrial and public research activities, the conditions for these
activities, and the potential environmental aspects and developments..
Primarily research and development departments have been approached with
the inquiry for an interview, with one or more persons, together or separately.
With the limited resources for the survey on the one hand, and the limited
number of institutions on the other, it has been assumed that this way of
mapping perspectives, networks, institutional conditions, etc. has enabled a
nuanced image of the industrial biotechnology activities and their
environmental perspectives. Interviewees have been asked about their
development activities and the role of universities and research institutions,
suppliers, customers, and regulation for this development.
Regarding especially the potential negative environmental consequences of
new biotechnology, NGOs and the Ministry’s ‘Agricultural and
biotechnology office’ have been approached, the latter being responsible for
the regulation of the contained use of GMOs and for the preparation of notes
for the Parliamentary decisions on deliberate release. Only one NGO has
been interviewed. New biotechnology R&D in Denmark
Biotechnology R&D has developed rapidly in Denmark, in public research as
well as in industry. The biotechnology development, measured as
biotechnology R&D, has increased and operational costs in 2001 were five
times the size of what they were in 1987. Also the distribution between private
and public R&D has shifted, with an increasing share of research carried out
in the private sector, see table 4.2.
Table 4.2.
Operational costs in biotechnology R&D in Denmark 1987, 1995 and 2001 mio. DKK.
1987 1995 2001
Operational costs in
R&D, total
725 2522 4032
Operational costs,
438 1675 3149
Operational costs, public
287 847 883
Source: Analyseinstitut for Forskning, Forskningsministeriet,
Forskningssekretariatet Undervisningsministeriet and Forsknings- og
teknologiministeriet, selected years.
Medicine and health, and genetically modified plants and new biotechnology
based foods also in Denmark have constituted the majority of R&D. These
areas have been included in foresight surveys initiated by the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation and the Ministry of Environment, with
the latter plant foresight explicitly focussing on the environmental
The focus in this project is on industrial biotechnology and new
biotechnology as a remediation technology, and it therefore only covers a
rather limited, but maybe in the future increasing part, of new biotechnology.
industral application
Figure 4.1. Estimate of the distribution of new biotechnology research.
Note: Authors’ very rough estimate, on the basis of R&D statistic, annual reports,
interviews and more. Analyseinstitut for Forskning 2001, estimates 90% of research
to be within pharmaceuticals.
The environmental aspects have been the focus, and the technologies
discussed in the following have been selected because of their perceived
positive environmental perspectives, regarding the reduction of environmental
and health consequences, and with regard to the reduction of resource
The distribution of the biotechnology research and development between
industrial areas are rough estimates. The Danish Centre for Studies in
Research and Research Policy is under obligation of secrecy, and is therefore
only allowed to publish the medical and the pharmaceutical research and
development. They estimate (Analyseinstitut for Forskning, 2001) that 90%
of the private biotechnology research and development is carried out within
pharmaceutical products and new medical treatments. Hansen, 1996, made a
loose estimate of 50% of the private biotechnology research and development
to be within pharmaceuticals and medicine, and to be increasing. The increase
to 75% is thus also very rough.
Also the other estimates are very uncertain, due both to the uncertainties in
delimiting the definition of new biotechnology, the applications of new
biotechnology and the lack of both public statistics and statistics in general.
But it is generally agreed that a large share of new biotechnology research and
development is carried out within medicine and pharmaceuticals. The
uncertainties, however, mean that more substantial conclusions cannot be
Enzyme research and development has increased (estimated, with the use of
R&D percentages from 2001 -2003 used on sales figures from the 1990s),
while new biotechnology based food research has been relatively modest
throughout the period. Consumer concerns have been referred to both by
industry and by policy consultants as contributing to the low R&D activities
(see for example IDA, 2000, Kjeldahl, 2004, Mortensen, 2004).
Public research is even more difficult to categorise, since it is less application
oriented. Much of the basic research is applicable in a variety of areas, though
it is not always applied in the many areas. Mostly medical and pharmaceutical
R&D and production are referred to as being the actual users of the R&D,
though often not formulated potentials may be found in other areas (Nielsen,
interview 2004).
An increasing share of the R&D resources was by several interviewees
mentioned to be allocated to more application oriented research. The large
share of resources going to application oriented institutions such as the
Technical University of Denmark, may point in the same direction, as well as
private donations from a.o. Novozymes A/S to technical research.
Plant research has been mentioned to have been reduced in the public sector
as well as in the private sector. Private research to some extent was driver of
public research – supporting public research as well as contributing by being
on the research front in specific areas. Some of the public research was in
addition spurred by the need for public knowledge for risk and environmental
assessments. Public biotechnology R&D in Denmark
As many other countries, Denmark has experienced a marked increase in
biotechnology research and development. The number of person years within
new biotechnology has tripled within a decade, an increase to which a number
of public R&D programmes contributed.
Table 4.3.
Public biotechnology R&D in Denmark.
1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002
Number of
134 157 97 114 113
440 746 851 1102 1207 1451 1706 1010 1358 1297
Mill. DKK
287 367 519 609 847 914 704 883 870
Source: Analyseinstitut for Forskning, Forskningsministeriet,
Forskningssekretariatet, Undervisningsministeriet and Forsknings- og
teknologiministeriet, selected years.
New biotechnology and the public R&D programmes within new
biotechnology have been promoted with reference to the Danish experience
within biological production. This background has been argued to form the
basis for exploiting the new biotechnologies and contribute to growth.
The localisation of the public R&D is concentrated around Copenhagen, but
with important biotechnology research environments also in Århus, Aalborg
and Odense universities. At Technical University of Denmark, DTU, a
substantial part of the R&D directed towards the use of biotechnology in
industrial processes is located; research in the cleaning technologies are
located at DTU and at Aalborg university, and biotechnology processes for
the production of or for use in the production of alternative fuels or materials
are found at Risoe, DTU and at Odense universities.
Estimates point to medicine and pharmaceuticals as the major area, followed
by research and development of which the eventual application will be in
industry, and to plants.
The new biotechnology plant research has been referred by several to have
decreased in the recent 5 years, with also decreasing private grants for public
research. But figures are not very transparent to say the least.
For food research, a number of large R&D grants have been given to R&D
institutes addressing applications in food industry and sustainable processes in
various industries. And biotech food related research may be increasing,
though again transparency is not characterising the area.
R&D institutes within remediation, base their research on new biotechnology
R&D. But application potentials are referred to very cautiously. Private biotechnology R&D in Denmark
The industrial biotechnology development in Denmark has, as mentioned and
as in many other countries, been dominated by the development within
medicine and pharmaceuticals, and to some extent within plants.
However, increasingly, R&D is found within industrial biotechnology,
especially the production and use of enzymes, following substantial
improvements in their production, and an increasing acknowledgement of the
possibility for resource savings in application.
The number of companies with biotechnology research and development has
generally been increasing from 1987 to 2001. Also the number of researchers
has increased. The missing figures are not publicly available for discretionary
reasons, or are estimated by the Analyseinstitut for Forskning to be too
uncertain for publication (personal communication, 2004).
Table 4.4.
Development in private biotechnology R&D, 1987-2001.
1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1998 2001
Industry Companies 27 37 28 28 28
Other Companies 12 8 19 13 19
Institutes Companies 4 5 8 8 8
Total Companies 43 50 55 49 55 74 72
R&D, current
mill. DKK 438 621 1022 1289 1675 3149
R&D manpower person-years 1122 1470 2467 3115 3130
Source: Analyseinstitut for forskning, Forskningsministeriet, Forskningssekretariatet,
Undervisningsministeriet, Undervisningsministeriet and Forsknings- og teknologiministeriet,
selected years.
The size of the R&D activities are unevenly distributed, with a few large
companies estimated to have the major share of the activities.
The pharmaceutical biotechnology companies have been dominated by Novo
Nordisk A/S, though a number of other pharmaceutical companies have
important activities within new biotechnology as well. These have different
backgrounds, amongst other being:
spin-offs from large pharmaceutical companies, with activities outside
their original company’s core business
spin-offs, that supply the original company
new companies supplying companies and industries
new companies developing into new pharmaceutical companies
spin-offs from universities, which commercialise the university
The private biotech plant research in Denmark was through the 1980s
dominated by Danisco A/S. GM herbicide resistant sugar beets was the
dominant area of research. Research activities were found within other crops
as well as traits.
In the 1990s also the smaller seed firm, DLF-Trifolium A/S in cooperation
with Danisco, has carried out research within genetically modified plants,
fodder beets as well as other, among them energy crops. Several of the
agricultural R&D institutions have also carried out biotech research, alone as
well as in cooperation with DLF-Trifolium A/S, Danisco and Monsanto.
In food industry, in which R&D in general constitutes a small share of
revenues, most of the science based research and development take place in a
few large companies and very few smaller R&D companies.
Novozymes A/S dominates, in Denmark and in the world, within R&D in
industrial enzymes. And within private R&D of new biotech methods for
remediation, the Novozymes A/S owned American companies have a
prevalent role.
The new biotechnology research in private companies is primarily located
around Copenhagen, with an estimated larger concentration of private R&D
of private R&D, than of the public R&D.
All the above mentioned companies’ R&D, is located within 25 km of
Copenhagen, with the exception of some parts of plant and food research.
The application of new biotechnology products, especially the application of
enzymes, will however be much less regionally concentrated. The localisation
of the applying industry will therefore be important to identify potential
regional environmental consequences.
4.4 Selected biotechnology areas of environmental interest
Regarding the environmental perspectives within new biotechnology, the
following areas of biotechnology application have been selected, on the
background of the literature survey and the Danish activities:
enzyme production and application
fermentation efficiency,
biological base-chemicals, and
4.4.1 Enzyme production and application
As referred to above, enzyme technology is by far the largest field of
industrial- or ‘white’ biotechnology, and is the major area of white
biotechnology in Denmark, with Novozymes, Danisco A/S, Danisco-
Genencor and Chr. Hansen A/S as large players in the field of enzymes and
within their specialties.
The field of enzyme technology is referred to have been developed from
pharmaceutical research and production, a strong agricultural base (in
Denmark) and from thorough experiences with agricultural research and
production. Large public as well as private investments in biotechnology R&D
contributed to the biotechnology development from which the enzyme
industry developed. The research and development budgets are relatively
large, 12.8% of turnover in Danish Novozymes A/S in 2003 (Lhepner, 2004),
less in the other Danish companies, though a breakdown on biotechnology is
not possible.
Private industry is a prime driver of enzyme development, with public
research supporting this development. The dominant players in the enzyme
business have market shares of: Novozymes A/S 46%, Genencor 20% (now
owned by Danisco A/S) and DSM 7% (Lhepner, 2004). (Novozymes A/S
cooperates with the Dutch DSM). According to Lhepner, 2004, increasing
fermentation capacity is installed (or achieved by fermentation efficiency
increase) by the major players all over the world.
Advances in biotechnology enabled commercial enzyme production, and as
the technology developed, an increasing number of enzymes have become
commercially available. Production efficiencies still undergo rapid
improvements, rendering enzymes more cost-effective and thus more
competitive. Thereby an increasing number of applications fields for the
enzymes are developed.
Another driver for increasing development and use of enzymes has been
stated by industry to be driven be industrial and societal developments,
towards greening and resource restrictions. Industrial customers and industrial
end-users, are increasingly demanding ‘greener’ and energy saving products
and processes, either to save on scarce/increasingly expensive resources or to
comply with environmental regulation.
Collaboration with customers is therefore by Novozymes A/S regarded as very
important for identifying areas where enzymes can contribute, and they have a
number of internal activities aiming at identifying potential areas/industries of
enzyme application. Both Novozymes A/S and Danisco A/S collaborate with
large industrial customers, but not with the final consumers. Assumed
demands and wishes of final consumers are considered more indirectly, either
via the business customers or via Novozymes A/S’/ Danisco A/S’ assumptions
and assessments.
Collaboration with smaller companies is limited because of scale advantages
or maybe scale necessities. Learning and investments are referred to limit the
implementation in smaller companies by amongst other Novozymes A/S
(Jensen, interview 2004), and the point made by ao. OECD, 2001 is similar,
stating that not trivial shifts from chemical to biotechnology production, may
require new competences and investments and thus be prohibitive.
R&D collaborations and specific demands to university environments were
not mentioned explicitly as being driver of or prerequisite for green
innovation. But though focus in the interviews were not on the needs for
development of the public research (as has been the case in earlier surveys,
see for example Hansen et al., 1991), all companies cooperated with Danish
as well as other universities. However, collaboration was not referred to as
paramount for the green aspects of development.
Industries, in which the enzymes from Novozymes A/S and others are used as
catalysts for reducing resource use or for substituting resources, are amongst
the textile industry,
pulp and paper industry,
food and drink industries,
animal feed industry and, as mentioned later,
ethanol production.
Detergents have been known as an area of applications of enzymes since the
1950s, an area which has increased immensely in the last 20 years and still
increases. The use of enzymes together with developments in detergents,
reduced washing temperatures to 30-40 degrees, temperatures which are
expected to be reduced even further. Scarcity of water and increasing oil and
water prices are expected to further the development. Detergent enzymes,
produced to a few customers, are still the biggest market for enzymes, for
Novozymes A/S and in general. The production accounts for about 30-40%
of Novozymes’ revenues (Jensen, E.B., interview 2004), and the share of
detergent enzyme research is approximately 30%.
The use of enzymes in textile industry, has amongst other addressed
‘stonewashing’ . A cellulase enzyme has been developed to replace abrasive
pumice (volcanic) stones (EuropaBio, May 2002). Instead of getting the worn
look of jeans by adding stones to the washing (followed by several rinsings),
enzymes are added instead. The environmental advantages stated
(EuropaBio, May 2002) are:
a gentler treatment, and thus less wear on the garment and longer
reduction in the amount of water for rinsing
reduced wear on the machines (the stones wear on the machines)
time reduction(– not necessarily an environmental advantage)
The use of enzymes breaking down pectin and other impurities in cotton, has
been another application of enzymes in textile production. Compared to the
most widely used alternatively process, the use of enzymes halve the use of
rinsing water and lower the temperature from 95 to 55 degrees. Further, the
milder process is stated to increase yield. And lastly, fewer chemicals are
released into the environment. (EuropaBio, May 2002).
The pulp and paper industry has used amongst other chlorine to the
bleaching of paper. The use of enzymes in the bleaching process has,
according to Novozymes A/S, reduced the chlorine use with 30%,
contributing also to reduced release of chlorine with constant production.
(The constant use has not been the case, however.) Work health and
environmental focus on reducing toxic chemicals were strongly contributing
to the change of process.
The leather industry is also increasingly applying enzymes in the tanning
process. In Denmark enzymes from animal pancreases have since 1908 been
used in tanning processes, but with genetic engineering, enzymes can be
developed to be used for several individual processes in the tanning (IDA,
2000). The environmental advantages are stated as both the reduction in
chemical use, increased recirculation of rinsing water and better quality of the
In animal feed industry, the development of phytase has contributed to a
better exploitation of the phosphorus in animal feed and thus contributed to
better bone building. The main driver for phytase application was however
the contribution of phytase to the reduction of phosphorus from pigs and
poultry in the ground water, in streams and lakes, and thus to the reduction of
growth in algae and deoxygenation. The use of phytase increased with the
introduction of strict Dutch regulation on phosphor release, a development
which had had a very slow start. The use of phytase in fodder was further
spurred by the ban on MBM use in fodder, following the BSE discussion and
Regarding enzyme development within new areas, Novozymes A/S looks for
industries with large conversion of raw materials, the use of which can be
more efficient with the use of enzymes. Potentials include efficiency gains,
and the production of for example bio fuels or bio plastics, substituting fossil
fuels for these applications. The costs are still high for these, but increasing
fossil fuel costs may contribute to the cost advantages of alternatives.
Both Novozymes A/S and Danisco A/S refer to industrial and societal agendas
as input to their consideration of research and development initiatives, in the
short run as well as in the long run. Waste issues, water treatment issues,
pesticide use and resource and fuel scarcity were mentioned by Novozymes
A/S as general environmental problems, which technology development
would have to address seriously in the coming years. More specifically,
Hansen, interview 2004, also Danisco A/S refers to ‘societal agendas’ as
influencing their development strategies – for example the use of emulgators
as substitutes for phthalates in plastic packaging and the development of
ingredients for low carb food production.
Though these societal developments were expected to further the
development of enzyme development and application, very specific
environmental benefits were mentioned not to be drivers of technological
development, unless they were a result of actual regulation (Jensen, interview
2004 and Hansen, interview 2004), as in the mentioned cases. However,
Hansen, interview 2004, mentioned the development of an alternative
softener, as a potential substitute, in the case of a ban on phthalates.
With regard to negative consequences of enzyme development, very little or no
research was referred to, as being carried out on potential negative risk and
health effects, neither in the referred literature nor in industry, academia or
public institutions.
To some extent this is not so surprising. Industry, industrial organisations and
economically and growth oriented institutions have been responsible for most
of the surveys conducted on the contribution of enzyme technology to
environmental sustainability. But this is not the only explanation. Non-
governmental organisations have not been pointing to negative consequences
in general, either. The Danish environmental organisations have, since the
1990s focussed their concern and their critique of genetic engineering on the
release of plants and micro-organisms into the environment. As Greenpeace
campaigner Dan Belusa stated (Belusa, interview 2004), the regulatory
framework for contained use in Denmark has to a large extent worked, and
though there is still reason to criticise, when the systems ‘leak’, the
environmental organisations focus their attention on release of plants and
The regulatory authorities express some of the same considerations. Their
main concern is release and coming releases – of plants, microorganisms and
fish. Though there are still issues to assess with regard to enzyme production,
the framework for doing it is supported. These potential environmental
concerns may be allergic reactions to an increasing number of enzymes in the
environment, in products, in air (from release) and in sludge.
Efforts to reduce allergic reactions have focussed on both ‘technical’
reductions e.g. coatings of the enzyme production, and by release control.
However, the increased production and application of enzymes and new
enzymes may however be followed to be able to react to unwanted or
unforeseen consequences.
4.5 Environmental assessment of enzyme technology
Enzymes have various modes of operation in the process, in which they are
applied. Typically, the enzymes catalyse a chemical reaction/degradation. The
alternative process often implies the use of chemical auxiliaries, and using the
enzymatic process, thus substitutes the use of other chemicals often being
more hazardous to the environment. Moreover, the use of enzymes often
increase raw material efficiency of the process and often reduces energy
consumption as enzymatic process take place at lower temperatures.
Like for all other technologies, the environmental properties of enzyme
technology are judged by a comparison with alternative technological means
to do the same operations/provide the same services in industrial and
household operations. Thus, an application of enzyme technology will imply
an induction of certain environmental impacts from the production and use of
enzymes as well as an avoidance of environmental impacts from the
substitution of alternative operations.
Figure 4.2 illustrates the principle of induced and avoided operations. The
figure, thus, shows the generalised system underlying any environmental
Figure 4.2.
The system affected when using an enzyme technology instead of its alternative.
Note: The production system, in which the enzyme is applied is called the FU
(‘functional unit’) system, e.g. an apple juice production. This system is assessed from
its cradle to its grave, and any alternative technology has to provide one and the
same functional output of this system. ‘Induced’ operations are the systems for
providing the enzyme and any supplementary auxiliaries and energy flows connected
to the enzyme application. ‘Avoided’ operations are the flows of auxiliaries and
energy avoided by substituting the alternative operation. Moreover, flows of raw
materials (in the FU system) can be either induced or avoided when the enzyme
alternative alters the raw material efficiency of the operation, and so can flows
related to alternative provision of any by-products in case the production of these
are altered by the application of enzyme technology.
A screening level assessment of 11 enzyme applications of large variety was
conducted (Andersen & Kløverpris, 2004) assessing the holistic energy
consequences of using enzyme technology instead of its alternatives. The
assessment was based on a life cycle perspective, i.e. all changes when
choosing the enzyme solution over its alternative were comprised, including
raw material extraction, production, use and disposal within both the enzyme
system and the alternative system. The 11 enzyme applications fall within the
industries of:
baking operations and bread conditioning
textile wet treatment operations, e.g. bleaching, stone washing,
scouring and more
paper manufacturing, e.g. bleaching and deinking
leather processing
animal feed preparation, and
food preparation
Adjoining system
Adjoining system
FU system
General results and conclusions on enzyme technology were extracted. Figure
4.3 shows the result on energy consequences of choosing enzyme solutions
over their alternatives.
Figure 4.3
Overall energy consumption consequences of using an enzyme technology instead of
its alternative for 11 enzyme applications.
Note: In each column pair, left column indicates induced- and right column avoided
energy consumption. Source: Andersen and Kløverpris, 2004.
As evident from the figure, the enzyme alternative in all cases is the better
alternative in terms of overall energy consumption. Moreover, enzymes are
non-toxic, degradable substances of biological origin, and they often
substitute chemical auxiliaries. Most often, therefore, chemical emissions and
their potential hazard to the environment are lower from the enzyme
alternative. On the two major environmental issues of energy and chemicals,
thus, this screening strongly suggests that enzyme technology is highly
favourable environmentally. Any potential environmental draw-backs of
enzyme technology still remain to be documented. Issues like the use of land
(enzyme fermentation requires agricultural products as substrates), any
consequences of GMOs and any consequences in terms of allergic reactions
by actors exposed to enzymes in the system still needs further quantification.
0.6 MPX
Pec t inex S
Pulp z y m
Main system
Lecitase Ultra
0.000 BG
Novozym 342
Main system
4.5.1 Fermentation efficiency
The rapid development of ‘white biotechnology’ involves a continuous search
for more efficient organisms to provide the fermentation of the various
products. This development comprises both the identification and selection of
the most suitable host organisms and the genetic modification of these
organisms. The development that has taken place over the last decade in this
area is unprecedented with respect to the efficiency increases it has provided
for the industrial processes based on fermentation. Increases in
efficiency/yield of 5-10% are common, and this exceeds the parallel efficiency
increases of any competing technologies by far. Genetic modification in this
way provides a technology leap favouring the use of fermentation processes
radically and implying a continued efficiency improvement of any
fermentation operation, and thereby also an environmental efficiency increase.
Moreover, the fermentation efficiency increase leads to increased cost-
efficiency of enzyme production, and this strongly contributes to the
continuous gain of new fields of enzyme application from conventional
processes using chemical auxiliaries. Environmental assessment of increased fermentation efficiency
The environmental aspects of the achieved increase in fermentation efficiency
are quite unambiguous. The efficiency increase leads to resource savings on
both raw materials, energy, water and other auxiliaries involved in the
fermentation. Consequently, environmental impacts from the production of
such resources are reduced accordingly. An increase of 5-10% per years
corresponds to a halving of resource consumption and its related
environmental impact over around 10-20 years provided that the efficiency
increase stay at the same level as seen over the latest years (the realism of this
has not been evaluated). The potential environmental trade-off is the use of
more genetic modification that underlies the efficiency increase.
4.5.2 Bio-polymers
Bio-plastic production from organic (waste) material and plastic production
with the help of enzymes has been an example in several of the conducted
surveys on sustainable biotechnology in industry (a.o. OECD, 2001,
Biotechnology Industry Organisation, and Royal Belgian Academy Council of
Applied Science, 2004). Two environmental objectives, not necessarily
interdependent, have been advanced: the release of plastic production from
fossil fuels, and biodegradation of the plastics material to reduce waste,
especially in food packaging and field covering plastic, referred to be used
extensively in Asia and also in Southern Europe.
Commercial production is referred to take place in the US by Cargill Dow
and in Japan by a.o. Mitsubishi Rayon. So far the activities in Denmark are
referred to as having taken place in public institutions and in private
consultancy, primarily with support from EU programmes’ and primarily at
the Risø National Laboratory and at Centre for Advanced Food Studies
(LMC), The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University.
At the Centre for Advanced Food Studies, focus is on the development of
biopolymers for cheese packaging that will give the cheese extended shelf life.
The environmental benefit is stated (
docs/ffe56602.html) as ‘substituting fossil plastic materials by renewable
biopolymers’ which may at the same time ‘improve the utilization of
agricultural by-products.’
According to
, ‘the
new biopolymers may be based on proteins like casein, on carbohydrates like
starch, cellulose or chitosan, on lipids, and also on polymers from surplus
monomers produced in agriculture such as polylactate (PLA), and finally, on
bacterial produced polymers from microorganisms grown on waste, like poly
3-hydroxy-butyrate (PHB).’
Risoe National Laboratory has had an ambition of building up R&D
competences within bio-polymers, and to offer education of polymer students
also in bio plastics. Projects have amongst other focussed on the development
of biodegradable polymers for use in high-value applications for medical
With regard to more immediate production related R&D activities in industry
the US based Cargill Dow produce biopolymers on a commercial scale, and
also Mitsubishi and Du Pont is referred to have activities within biopolymers.
In Denmark, Coloplast A/S and other companies within the medical industry
are referred by Plackett, interview 2004, to be interested in bio compatible
polymers. They are interested for qualitative reasons, for as to improve the
medical and health functionality of their polymer products. But with the
words of Plackett, interview 2004, the medical industry is never going to use
megatons of plastics.
Medical uses of plastics are included in the Plastsammenslutningen’s 20% of
plastics used for other than: packaging (30 % ), building appliances (20%),
electrical and technical objects (15%) and transportation and other industrial
applications (15%). Within packaging, the other interesting area for
developing compostable plastics amongst other Jysk Vacuum Plast A/S and R.
Færch Plast A/S can be found.
Biodegradable polymers have been mentioned especially with regard to the
use for single-use tableware and packaging. Changing lifestyle and changing
eating habits has been mentioned to increase the demand for sustainable food
containers. The compostable alternatives of plastic table ware has been stated
to both reduce waste and to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Characterising food
packaging is that it is not suited for being recycled, or for being separated into
specific waste fractions that can be treated separately.
In the Canadian report, Strategic Market Management System, 2002, the
European market is estimated to depend on enforcement of regulation to use
composting polymers, as well as taxes on fossil fuels. Further, it is estimated
that large scale advantages will increase productivity in the biopolymer
Concerns regarding negative environmental consequences have not been a
distinct part of the debate. One of the critics, estimates that the
production of biopolymers will require 50% more oil based chemicals and
toxic chemicals in the mix, softeners, colours, uv-protection etc. Also other
concerns are mentioned by
Another consequence of producing plastics from crops is the use of land that
would otherwise be available for other purposes, for example food
productions. A point which has been made even more distinct for bio-ethanol.
The Danish activities are hard to place in a technology development context.
However, the Danish activities can be seen as important for building up
knowledge for both contributing internationally to the development of plastics
and for knowledge building and transfer to Danish industry. The knowledge,
transferred in the education of polymer scientists and PhD’s may enable
engineers in the plastic industry to follow, possibly influence and adapt to
future developments.
This knowledge building may also be important for influence on policy
making, in EU and elsewhere. Radical, and internationally directed initiatives
seem to be important for influencing environmental innovation agendas in the
plastics industry. Environmental assessment of bio-polymers
As mentioned, the environmental claims of bio-polymers typically relate to the
un-coupling of the production of plastics from fossil fuels and to degradability
of bio-polymers as opposed to synthetic polymers. However, it should be
emphasized that the manufacture of bio-polymers also implies the use of fossil
fuels for supplies of process energy for manufacturing processes.
In assessing the environmental consequences it should also be noted that the
manufacture of bio-polymers requires biological raw materials/substrates,
typically originating from agriculture or forestry. Such organic matter is in
general a priority resource to reduce society’s environmental impact,
especially global warming and other energy related impact categories.
Manufacture of bio-polymers is, thus, not the only way to achieve
environmental benefits from using biological resources in society – there is for
example the opportunity of using such resources in the energy systems of
society and substituting fossil fuels there.
Assessing the environmental implications of producing bio-polymers is,
therefore, not just a matter of comparing bio-polymers to synthetic polymers
of petrochemical origin, but also a matter of comparing to the lost opportunity
of using the same biological resources for substituting fossil fuels elsewhere in
The degree to which the opportunity cost of using biological resources has to
be included depends on the availability of the biological resources in question.
If availability is limited compared to the potential uses of such resources, the
opportunity cost would have to be included. Looking at a region like Europe
and at the potential future needs to reduce the use of fossil fuels for energy
purposes deriving from e.g. the Kyoto agreement, availability of biological
resources seems to be limited.
There may, therefore, well be an objective of achieving the highest possible
substitution efficiency of fossil fuels by organic matter. In plain language, we
may be better off converting oil and gas and maybe even coal to polymers and
organic mater to heat and electricity, instead of converting oil, gas and coal to
heat and electricity and organic matter to polymers. As long as society uses
fossil fuels for heat and electricity generation in large quantities, and as long as
organic matter can be used to reduce fossil fuel consumption on this arena,
other uses of organic matter may be judged on their ability to achieve a higher
fossil fuel substitution efficiency than on this arena. And it yet remains to be
proven that conversion of organic matter to polymers implies higher
substitution efficiency.
In the holistic assessment of fossil fuel substitution efficiency, it should of
course be noted that plastics in large parts of the world are incinerated with
energy recovery, and the tendency to do so is increasing.
Within product categories and regions of the world, where waste disposal in
nature is a significant priority compared to e.g. energy related impacts, there
may be environmentally immediately justifiable applications of bio-polymers
without considerations of fossil fuel substitution efficiency. Likewise, if the
biological resource in question is found to be of unlimited availability,
implying there is no opportunity cost of using it.
4.5.3 Bio-ethanol
The production of bio-ethanol has been another biotechnology development
motivated by the possibility of partially substituting fossil fuels, reducing CO2
emissions and reducing/substituting the use of MTBE. Though bio-energy
technologies have not been the focus in this survey, bio-ethanol will be
mentioned shortly.
In Europe, according to BACAS, 2004, most of the bio ethanol is produced
from fermenting sugars from beets and wheat. In the US and Brazil,
producing 11% and 16%, respectively of the world’s bio-ethanol, corn and
sugar cane is used for the production. Increasingly, BACAS states, waste
materials are used for production.
The activities in Denmark are regarded as very modest compared to a number
of other European countries (Haagensen, 2003 & Thomsen, interview 2004).
Development activities are prominent at DTU, Risoe National Laboratory,
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, at Novozymes A/S,
ELSAM and Green Farm Energy A/S. These activities have been publicly
funded; the activities at Novozymes A/S with a grant from the American
Ministry of Energy (DOE).
According to Larsen, Kossmann and Petersen, 2003 the possibilities for
developing and producing bio-ethanol in Denmark are underdeveloped. As
examples of this Thomsen, interview 2004, mentions France and Sweden to
have prioritised the development of bio-ethanol much higher, reaping
environmental benefits in the form of reductions of CO2 emissions, from
these investments.
It has been stated by both public and private researchers (ao. Jensen, interview
2004, Thomsen, interview, 2004) that public funding is essential for the
research and development within bio-ethanol, as is public regulation of the
taxing and/or price system. Further the spurring of development and
increased used of bio-ethanol, potentially in combination with fossil fuels, is
referred to depend on publicly initiated changes in the energy system and in
the pricing and tax system. This leads Larsen et al., 2003, in ‘New and
emerging bioenergy technologies’, to suggest the key messages on driving
forces to be:
security of supply, based on to the use of domestic resources;
local employment and local competitiveness
local, regional and global environmental concerns and
land use aspects in both developing and industrialised countries
and the barriers as being:
lack of competitiveness of the bio-energy technologies – some being
competitive others not
the competitiveness is strongly depending on eg. the amount of
externalities included in the calculations
in general bio-energy needs to be moved down the learning curve
resource potentials and distribution
costs of bio-energy technologies and resources
lack of social and organisational structures for the supply of bio-fuels
local land-use and environmental aspects in the developing countries
administrative and legislative bottlenecks
Their recommendations are:
modern bio-energy has large potential, both globally and for
Denmark, but more R&D is needed
Denmark has a long tradition of agriculture, highly qualified farmers
and a leading industrial position in biotechnology, pharmacy, plant
breeding, seed production, energy technologies and renewable energy.
Together these factors give Denmark the opportunity to become the
first mover on most key issues in modern bio-energy
to exploit these advantages we deem it of utmost importance that
Danish research institutions establish cross-institutional research
platforms and co-operative interdisciplinary projects. Such projects
should include as stakeholders politicians, industrialists and venture
capitalists. In particular politicians must contribute by setting out the
way for bio-energy, and supporting the transition from basic research
to competitive technologies ready to enter the market.
These suggestions for developing ethanol are made with focus on the
substitution of fossil fuels. But other considerations may be included in the
assessment of the environmental aspects, as discussed in the following. In
addition to comparing the environmental benefits with regard to CO2
emissions, CO2 emissions may have to be ‘weighted’ against land use for feed
stock for the ethanol production, feed stock which may have been used for
food, for fertilizer or heating (the use of agricultural waste). Environmental assessment of bio-ethanol
A holistic environmental assessment of bio-ethanol as fuel for cars has been
performed comparing it to conventional gasoline (Nielsen and Wenzel 2005).
The assessment has included all cradle-to-grave changes in our fuel systems,
including of course running the car, when producing and using ethanol from
corn in USA as a substitute for MTBE and/or gasoline in conventional fuel.
Figure 4.4 next page illustrates the result of the assessment. The figure
suggests that there are both environmental benefits and draw backs when
using bio-ethanol. Benefits are seen on the conventional environmental
impacts from fossil fuel driven transport: global warming, photochemical
ozone formation (photo smog) and resource consumption, whereas draw
backs are seen on environmental impacts typical for agriculture: nutrient
enrichment and acidification.
Moreover, producing bio-ethanol is not surprisingly seen to require extra land
(for the corn production) compared to conventional fuel. This highlights the
issue as outlined in the previous section on environmental assessment of bio-
polymers, namely that there is an opportunity cost related to bio-ethanol
production in terms of land use, or use of the organic material, corn. The land
or the corn may well be used for other purposes that can achieve higher fossil
fuel substitution efficiency than the conversion of the corn into ethanol by
fermentation. The study referred here has been confined to the conditions for
bio-ethanol production in USA, and this implies among other things that the
substrate for bio-ethanol production is corn. This would most probably not be
the chosen crop for a Danish situation. But the point made by the study is
general, namely that there is the trade-off between the immediate advantage of
e.g. the CO2-neutral fuel and the land used by production of the crop, and
that this use of land/crop has an opportunity cost that very well may prove to
be higher than the benefit. In fact, the opportunity cost was assessed in the
mentioned study (Nielsen and Wenzel, 2005) and it proved indeed to imply
an overall increase in environmental impact.
Global w arming
Bas eline
gasoline vehicle
Gasoline vehicle
E1 0
Flexible fuel
kg CO
gasoline vehicle
Gasoline vehicle
Flexible f uel
g SO
Nutrient enrichm ent
gasoline vehicle
Gasoline vehicle
Flex ible f uel
E8 5
g PO
Photochemical ozone formation
Bas eline
gasoline vehicle
Gasoline vehicle
E1 0
Flexible fuel
g C
Fossil energy resources
gasoline vehicle
Gasoline vehicle
Flexible f uel
Agricultural land
Bas eline
gasoline vehicle
Gasoline vehicle
E1 0
Flexible fuel
Figure 4.4
Contributions to global warming, acidification, nutrient enrichment, photochemical
ozone formation and use of primary energy (LHV – Lower Heat Value) and
agricultural land for driving 1.6 km (one mile) in cars fuelled gasoline mixed with 0%
(baseline conventional gasoline), 10% (E10) and 85% ethanol produced from corn.
Source: Nielsen and Wenzel 2005
4.5.4 Biological base-chemicals
A potential that was revealed by some of the interviewees was the fermentative
production of base chemicals for multiple uses. One such example was
succinate which is a substance having many potential uses as precursor for
further chemical synthesis, one of which was polymerisation. Other such base
chemicals may potentially be produced by fermentation – ethanol is an
The potential environmental benefits or draw backs related to these are, of
course, to be judged by a comparison to chemical synthesis from
petrochemical precursors. Given the rapid increase in fermentation efficiency
compared to chemical synthesis, there may well turn up base chemical
substances to be taken over by fermentation due to better cost-efficiency
having in turn also better environmental efficiency.
4.5.5 Bio-remediation
New biotechnology used for pollution control and remediation, was
mentioned early in the development of new biotechnology as an application
area, and one of the early new biotech patents was the patent on an ‘oil eating’
bacteria issued in the 1970s.
Genetically modified micro organisms for remediation have been mentioned
in policy documents on new biotechnology development since then, including
the OECD report from 1994. And though there has been a shift in policy
towards ‘cleaner production’ over ’end of pipe’ solutions, the use of micro-
organisms for remediation is still an issue, debated with regard to both its
positive cleaning potentials, as well as the risks associated with these.
Publicly undertaken activities as well as industry activities have been modest.
IDA, 2000, identifies public research mainly at Aalborg University.
With regard to private activities, Novozymes A/S has bought up a number of
smaller companies within bioremediation in the states, but states to have very
little activity in Denmark.
The reason for the relative limited bio-remediation activities going on in
Denmark, has been suggested to be uncertainty regarding environmental and
health consequences, regarding economic consequences, and regarding
regulation. The environmental uncertainties are also expressed in public
opinion polls.
Research has consequently been scarce. The widespread conception in the
research environments, that cultures of not modified micro organisms are
regarded as doing a good job without being genetically modified, has
contributed to lack of pressure for research and development..
This apparently also means that very little research has been carried out on
the potential negative environmental consequences of the release of the micro-
organisms. A further argument against the research in release has been the
difficulties in doing this on release without releasing.
It might however be changing, or at least indications of an increasing interest
is emerging. This indication of micro organism coming to play a role in future
remediation comes from both public and industry actors, such as Novozymes
A/S with their investment in a number of US companies in bioremediation,
and biotech regulators expressing to see and increasing industry interest.
However, our interviews give the impression of hesitation, for exploring the
potentials, especially with regard to risk. And though both private and public
researchers acknowledge the potential negative consequences as a central
concern for further development, both public and private research in the
potential negative environmental consequences and risks are very limited and
on the back burner for the time being.
Contributing to the low interest in carrying out more consequence research
may also be that this research may not lead to a more widespread use.
Research may reveal that the negative consequences outweigh the
expectations to the positive effect.
Also IDA, 2000, in 1999 identifies possibilities in the long run, but point to
the necessity for public investments. This reference also points to the
necessity for risk assessments, which, within some areas, will require research
in methods for to do so.
4.6 Discussion and summary statements
The often stated advantages for developing new biotechnology in Denmark –
the large R&D activities in the public as well as in the private sector and a
large agricultural based industry including a biological based pharmaceutical
industry – has been mentioned also within the industrial and environmental
area in addition to pharmaceuticals and plants.
In this chapter on the environmental perspectives in biotechnology we have
looked at selected new biotechnology productions and applications with an
assumed environmental potential. We have on the one hand looked at their
potentials regarding:
resource efficiency
substitution of scarce resources/ exploitation of ‘wastes’
substitution of toxic chemicals
detection, monitoring and cleaning
and on the other hand on the basis and conditions for exploiting the potentials
with regard to:
R&D and industry structure
environmental regulation
other societal developments
In our present characterisation of biotechnology, we have, as mentioned,
limited ourselves to a selected number of applications, especially within the
‘white’ or industrial use of biotechnology. We have excluded both ‘green’ and
‘red’ biotechnology, and environmental aspects related to these.
The potential positive environmental perspectives have been the focus, and
potential positive aspects have been the background for the selection of cases.
We have discussed these, and discussed the terms on which these positive
assessments were made. And raised some of the contrasts in these
assessments, amongst other related to alternative uses of raw material.
Potential negative consequences of applying new biotechnology have been
touched upon as well. But very little has been referred to, regarding specific
environmental consequences of new biotechnology.
4.6.1 Discussion of the environmental perspectives
As visualised in the previous sections, the environmental performance of
biotechnology is not an unambiguous issue. The mere fact that biological
resources are degradable and of biological origin does not in itself imply any
indication that biotechnology is environmentally superior to its alternatives. It
should be borne in mind that any environmental assessment of a technology is
a comparison to the alternative pathway to provide the services in question,
and that the alternative is most often a well matured technology having had a
long period of time to achieve its level of resource efficiency.
This implies that up-coming technologies have to compete with matured
ones, and often there has to be some kind of bottleneck to be broken for the
up-coming alternative to be competitive. In the case of biotechnology, one
such breaking of bottleneck is, of course, the genetic modification of micro-
organisms implying huge efficiency increases of biotechnology, and there is no
doubt what-so-ever that this will lead to the fact that bio-technology gains a
lot of land from conventional chemical synthesis and products of
petrochemical origin.
In the process of identifying the new fields of application, market mechanisms
and economic reality will, of course, in the long run reveal where the benefits
are. On the way there, however, research and development efforts may be
more or less well put, and an up-stream assessment of the characteristics of
biotechnology and its strong points compared to its alternatives helps to
improve cost/benefit of the effort and eliminate unfruitful tracks as early as
The first essential characteristic of biotechnology is the heavy increase in
process efficiency of fermentation. This leads in itself to undisputable benefits
in terms of resource savings and related environmental impacts from the
manufacturing and use of these resources. Moreover, it rapidly renders new
application areas of fermentation products economically competitive to their
conventional alternatives and allows for harvesting any benefits related to
using fermentation products in industrial and household processes worldwide.
Secondly, fermentation products within the concept of ‘white biotechnology’,
especially enzymes, seem to have inherent advantages in terms of resource-
and environmental efficiency. A quite large number of technically completely
different enzyme applications have been studied, and there is an unambiguous
tendency that enzymatic processes – in a holistic assessment – imply huge
environmental and resource benefits over their alternatives. The underlying
reason is probably that enzymes are active in such low doses, and that they
can operate under a variety of conditions. The implication of this is that use of
enzymes often leads to lower process temperatures and to substitution of
much higher quantities of chemical auxiliaries. Moreover, enzymatic
processes often lead to higher overall process efficiencies leading to savings of
raw materials in general.
It seems, therefore, that there is a self-enforcing positive driving force in the
combination of the facts that fermentation becomes increasingly economically
competitive and that use of enzymatic processes in both industry and
households have inherent advantages. In some enzyme applications, huge
environmental benefits are found even at the global scale. Examples are
enzymes in detergents lowering washing temperatures all over the world or
enzymes in animal feed potentially eliminating phosphorus emission from
agriculture. Most enzyme applications, however, even though the avoided
environmental impact from introducing the enzyme solution is like 10 times
higher than the induced impacts, will lead only to marginal environmental
improvements when looking at the global impact of the enzyme application.
Examples are using enzymes in industrial processes like the so-called stone-
wash of jeans in textile industry, in leather processing and many other
industrial processes. A more thorough investigation is needed in order to
quantify the overall potential of enzymatic processes on the global scale.
Thirdly, however, conversion of organic matter in fermentation or other
processing implies conversion losses. This is an important characteristic for
both bio-polymer production and fermentation of e.g. ethanol. Combined
with the fact that the substrate for fermentation or other conversion is not
necessarily an unlimited resource, but may well be a priority resource for
achieving environmental benefits in society in general, it means that there may
be an opportunity cost of using the organic matter. The bio-polymer or bio-
ethanol or whatever product of biological origin, shall in such cases, therefore,
not only compete with the alternative product, but also with the alternative use
of the organic matter. If we choose to make bio-ethanol out of agricultural
product or even waste in e.g. Denmark, we do not take these resources from
the field or dumpsite, we take them virtually out of the heat & power plants
implying an increased need for fossil fuels there. This is crucial to realise, and
the acknowledgment of it is not present in the discussion of this field of
biotechnology application today. Looking at conversion losses in fermentation
compared to incineration, it seems at the first glance that incineration has a
higher efficiency of fossil fuel substitution than fermentation in the cases of
bio-polymer and bio-ethanol production. The matter should be investigated in
detail, and in the light of the ongoing efforts on both bio-polymer and bio-
ethanol production, it seems urgent to do so.
Fourthly, though, biotechnology can often lead to substitution of specific
chemicals that may be hazardous to the environment. The case of bio-ethanol
– or ethanol in general – as octane booster in gasoline, is a good example. The
use of ethanol to substitute MTBE is not an issue of overall energy balances,
but an issue of targeting a specific unwanted chemical. In such cases,
biotechnology may be a route to provide alternatives, but again it should be
borne in mind, that alternative pathways of providing the chemicals exit, e.g.
ethanol can be produced from petrochemical sources as well. Other examples
of targeting specific issues is the bio-polymers’ ability to avoid littering of
plastics in nature, but again a holistic assessment should address whether
measures to do so are superior to measures of e.g. establishing waste
incineration with energy recovery in society. Probably both concepts have
their place in the various regions of the world for a longer period of time.
4.6.2 Discussion of the structural conditions
Only a very limited part of new biotechnology development has been related
to environmental benefits. Efficiency gains and especially product
enhancements have spurred industrial development – and large projects of
genetic mapping have been an important part of development as well.
The largest area of new biotechnology application, the pharmaceutical
industry, has not been driven by an environmental advantage. There may in
some instance be an environmental advantage from new biotechnology
production in the form of resource savings; but this is not a main driver.
Regarding development of GM plants, this was not driven by environmental
benefits. In the 1980s, environmental benefits were advanced by especially
industry to be a consequence of introducing herbicide resistance into the
plants. An advantage which is still an issue of heated dispute for several
Differently with the industrial biotechnology and biotechnology developed for
remediation. It has since the 1970s and as mentioned in Naturkampen, 1981
and by the Danish Ministry of Environment in 1985, been regarded as having
environmental perspectives. But, for a large part, has not been developed
because of economic barriers: the application of enzymes has, in the short run
or not at all, been economically efficient, without changed relations in the
price structure or as a consequence of cost increasing regulation.
Research and development is, as mentioned, very unevenly distributed between
areas, with pharmaceuticals taking the lead. The areas within ‘environment’
that we have selected cover only a very small part of new biotechnology
development – app. between 5 and 15 percent of biotechnology research and
development, and of the selected areas, enzyme research and development,
covers far the largest share.
Enzyme development is in Denmark and in the world dominated by
Novozymes A/S with more than 40% of production, and, with a rough
estimate, at least the same share of R&D. As mentioned above, efficiency
gains as a result of genetic engineering and increasing efficiency in
fermentation processes account for the very large increase in enzyme
production, also influencing the efficiency in the processes where they are
used, and thus contributing to increased industrial enzyme applications to
substitute chemical processes. (As will be returned to later, also regulation of
the industries using enzymes in their process and rising energy prices for
these, have been an important driver for the increasing enzyme production).
Research and development within biotechnology has, as mentioned also
above, within important areas been driven by industry; or private industry has
at least been very important for the relatively large R&D capacity. Novozymes
A/S has become an even more important driver of research within certain
applications of biotechnology with their involvement (DKK 2 million per year
plus a professorship financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation) in the
Novozymes Bioprocess Academy, the purpose of which is ‘to enhance
chemical engineering research and the education of graduates and researchers
in the biotechnological field’
The concentration of knowledge and competences in very few companies,
gives these a central role in the development and application of enzymes.
Conditions for enzymes to be developed were by the companies mentioned as
both relating to the industry structure, to environmental regulation and in
selected cases to research and development support.
Regarding the industry structure it was referred that it is characterised by
large markets served by industries with the knowledge and competences to
engage in development and use of enzymes. Industries with these large players
will more likely develop and use enzymes, whereas industries consisting of
small companies/producers have less basis for taking part in development and
use of enzymes. (Size is however not the only prerequisite, since large
monopolistic players will be able to refrain from introducing more efficient
and environmentally sustainable processes, if they have no competitors).
The Danish activities regarding the development of bio-ethanol and the
development of biopolymers are still primarily publicly financed, though also
carried out in private or semiprivate institutions. The potential substitution of
fossil fuels with renewable organic material from agriculture or new crops, or
from forestry, or from agricultural or forestry waste, are main arguments.
The projects face a number of uncertainties regarding the efficiency
compared to existing technologies and to alternative uses of the organic
materials to go into the ethanol and biopolymer productions.
In Denmark, the innovative activities are carried out by public institutions, in
consultancies or similar institutions and no private research has been
identified. This is in contrast to the general picture of the industry, in which
private industry carries out majority of the research into biopolymers, with
important activities in the US, Japan and Germany.
Within both areas, interviewees mentioned public initiatives as essential for
development, with regard to technical developments as well as with regard to
price regulation and infrastructure.
The Danish research in genetically modified organisms for remediation,
monitoring and cleaning is, as referred, primarily public, and applied research
estimated as very modest. Both public and private research directed at
applications which require release, has been limited by the uncertainties
related to the deliberate release and the consequent risks of gene transfer or
the diffusion of genetic modified organisms. No applied research on these
consequences have been indicated, and according to the Bioteknologikontoret,
interview 2004, the government has no plans yet to initiate risk research
related to these applications.
Companies and institutions within bioremediation, monitoring and cleaning
have hitherto stated combinations of existing micro organisms to do the job
sufficiently; and genetic engineering is not regarded necessarily as ‘solutions’
to specific difficult ‘jobs’. But according to Bioteknologikontoret, interview
2004, an increasing number of conference contributions on genetically
modified organisms to be released for remediation, may indicate an increasing
interest. But we have not identified drivers for an increased public or private
interest in more application oriented research, except maybe reduction of
environmental uncertainty regarding potential negative consequences.
Environmental regulation has been important for the increasing application of
new biotechnologies. Though the application areas for the biotechnologies are
diverse, and the structures for the different developments are differing in
various ways, regulation is referred to, in most cases, to be important for the
application. Few of the applications seem to have been introduced or gained
ground, without some kind of political regulation or regulation to consider
long term consequences. These regulations include both regulations to reduce
work health or environmental effects, and the regulation of prices.
The demand for enzymes has been spurred by for example:
regulation limiting or banning existing processes (bans on the use of
certain chemicals in for example the tanning and leather industry),
restrictions on release of phosphor into the environment as for
example in the Netherlands and the ban on the use of meat and bone-
price increases on the unwanted or less wanted scarce or toxic
substances (for example regarding plastic waste)
price increases (via political agreements and taxing) on oil and water,
stimulating for example the development of detergent enzymes
enabling lower washing temperatures
Governmental regulation, aiming at improving environmental sustainability
and/or societal efficiency, has thus been an important prerequisite for
commercial efficiency. According to Novozymes A/S, there are technically
many opportunities for applying enzymes to reduce environmental strain,
which will be spurred by regulation. However, Novozymes A/S for
commercial reasons does not want to be specific about these potentials.
In addition, it has to be underlined that these regulations have to be
international. Novozymes A/S’s market and production is highly international,
and enzymes are developed for large markets. High national standards may
spur innovation, but not without expectations of larger markets. Introduction
of regulation and standards in third world countries will be part of both
ensuring market as well the environment, by improving industrial processes in
these countries as well as avoiding relocation to these countries.
With regard to bio-ethanol:
ban or out-phasing of MTBE
substitution of oil schemes and
taxing, either lower taxing of bio-ethanol of higher prices or taxing of
fossil fuels
have all been mentioned as contributing to the diffusion/increased
demand of bio-ethanol.
The development of bio-ethanol and the diffusion of it/demand for it, has
been largest in countries which have both allocated more substantial resources
for the development of it and which have introduced tax exemptions on their
use, as for example France and Sweden (for example Thomsen, interview
2004 and Enguídanos, 2002). In the US and Japan, out-phasing schemes for
MTBE has been referred to having spurred substitution, including large
investments in the research and development of bio-ethanol.
Regarding also bio-plastics, the prices of fossil fuels are important for the bio-
plastics ability to compete – in addition to the technical problems in
developing the different plastics material. The production and the potential
taxing of bio-plastics and its alternatives is referred to have been important for
diffusion also in other countries, as is the alternative uses of the feed-stocks.
For degradable plastics to be developed and diffused, waste regulation and
recycling systems have been stated to be important: taxing of waste being
promotive of biodegradable plastics, recycling systems reducing the economic
advantage of degradability, maybe except for special and medical applications.
Increased regulation and cleaning needs are referred to as what may initiate
increased research and development of genetically engineered organisms to
supplement the use of non-modified cultures of micro-organisms. But at the
same time the environmental regulation, responding to the large
environmental uncertainties of releasing the organisms into the environment,
limit application.
4.7 Policy aspects
In the chapter on the environmental perspectives of new biotechnology, in
contrast to the chapters on nanotechnology and ICT, we have chosen to focus
on areas where biotechnology has been pointed to as offering environmental
potentials. For remediation, potentials have been pointed to since the 1970s;
substitution or reduction of chemical use has been another vision for new
biotechnology, as has the substitution of fossil fuels with biotechnology based
products; and for the industrial applications, potentials have been known also
before the break through of genetic engineering, but have become increasingly
commercially interesting with the increasing fermentation efficiency in
enzyme production and with increasing environmental regulation, and
scarcity and price increases on water and oil/energy.
These visions have been prevalent – in research, in research programs, in the
Ministry of Environment and in industry since the 1970s and 1980s. But
research and development addressing environmental issues has been modest,
whereas pharmaceutical applications of new genetic engineering and until
recently, also plant research and development increased immensely.
A number of reasons may be mentioned in this relation, as well as possible
policy suggestions.
New biotechnology research addressing environmental issues specifically,
appears very little in public research. ‘Environment’ has not been a ‘grant
releasing concept’, and both basic research and more application related
research have been argued with other issues, not illuminating potential
implications for environmental understandings or research.
Specific focus in research policy on environmental issues AND specific grant
allocation to environmental issues may contribute to the analysis of possible
environmental benefits, instead of the very vague environmental claims made
in some of the first new biotechnology programs, which had very modest
effect, if any.
Also within industrial innovation, visions have only slowly been realised. The
biotechnology solutions have in many cases been more ‘expensive’ solutions ,
due to long development times, existing price structure of raw materials and
common goods (water, air etc.), the existing acceptance of chemical and other
agents, an industrial structure without the possibility of adapting the new
techniques (size, competence structure etc.) etc.
The biotechnology solution can therefore either be supported with more
direct support for technology development, as in the case of enzyme
development for ethanol production, ethanol production or biopolymers, or
indirectly, with more general regulation; the latter implying that biotechnology
solutions compete with other technological and social solutions.
Government and international regulation of toxic substances and regulation of
prices on scarce or expensive resources has been shown to be a strong
motivator for green innovation by many, and both literature survey and actual
biotech development indicate that this also goes for biotechnology
development, and also will in the future.
Regulation, e.g. of hazardous chemicals was found to initiate the search for
enzymes to reduce or substitute application of chemical substances. Though it
was stated by industry to be dangerous to initiate development on the basis of
expectations for regulation, introduced regulation seems to have been rather
effective in bringing about environmentally sounder innovations. Examples
have been mentioned within textile and leather, within fodder ingredients, and
within pulp and paper, and Novozymes A/S, in addition to further
development within enzymes in response to regulation, also expect regulation
to be important for bioremediation. If new biotechnology will actually be the
answer is not certain; but for a number of issues, Novozymes A/S indicate
that enzymes may be developed – however without being open about which
Governmental prioritisation through influencing the price mechanism, for
example via taxes and fees may be another instrument for motivating both
industrial and public green innovation. Price increases, politically or because
of exploitation of scarce resources or both, have been a strong motivator for
both research and development. Regarding biopolymers and bio-fuels, further
government intervention in the price relations are stated by industry and
researchers, to be important drivers for continued development. But these
interventions obviously may change relations between technologies, industries
and environmental focus. Therefore, such interventions may be based on
continuous analyses of the possible environmental and other consequences,
and the political weighting of these, as the example with the bio-ethanol amply
Regarding contained use under the existing circumstances little concern has
been expressed in the surveyed literature and in the undertaken interviews . It
has been expressed during the interviews that production of new and more
enzymes, increased use of enzymes, use of new enzymes and the use of
enzymes in new processes, need to be monitored. Research may need to
analyse the potential consequences of releases from production, which may
not only be a matter of monitoring but also a need for more basic research.
The need for research into the environmental consequences of release of e.g.
GMO for monitoring and remediation, has however been referred to, and the
uncertainties regarding release referred to as inhibiting R&D into the potential
developments. Research into these consequences may not lead to a more
widespread use of new biotechnology for monitoring or remediation, because
the negative consequences may outweigh the expectations to the positive
effect. This research therefore cannot be expected to be carried out by
industry, for economic and credibility reasons, but must be governmentally
initiated and governmentally financed.
In general, the scarce and decreasing R&D resources in regulation and control
may inhibit more proactive considerations of new biotechnology
developments. This may be restricting also new biotechnology developments
with environmental perspectives, since it contributes to increased industrial
and societal uncertainty.
5 Nanotechnology development in
Denmark – environmental
opportunities and risks
Maj Munch Andersen with contribution from Stig Irving Olsen and Birgitte
5.1 Introduction
Research and debate on environmental issues related to nanotechnology
mainly focus on risk aspects. There are in recent years rising attentions to
ethical, social and environmental concerns related to nanotechnology, making
it likely that risk and ethical issues are going to be as important to
nanotechnology as it has been to biotechnology. New regulations are
considered and a serious of research projects are either coming out these years
or are under way around the globe, noticeable the recent report from the
Royal Academy (2004) and EC SANCO (2004). These reports have
presented some of the so far most comprehensive research into the toxicity of
nanotechnology, showing serious concerns related to nano particles.
Nano eco-opportunities are very often referred to in the literature discussing
the scope of nanotechnology (but not necessary in the risk or technology
assessment literature), often with very high expectations of considerable
environmental advantages (Jacobstein, 2001,Wood et al. 2003, Nanoforum
2004, The Royal Society, 2003, 2004, European Commission 2004). These
statements are, however, often of a very general and superficial character and
more in depth studies are needed both on the scope and the dynamics
The intention of this study is two fold: It seeks to investigate the dynamics of
early path creation within nanotechnology; more specifically how
environmental issues form a part of the search processes of the various actors
in the emerging nano technological field in Denmark. This is in other words a
qualitative analysis of the drivers, expectations and learning modes of the
Danish nano innovation system.
It aims to identify (map) the eco-opportunities and -risks related to
nanotechnology as perceived by the Danish nano researchers. It implies in
other words a broad scanning which naturally limits the depth of the analysis
of specific scientific and technology developments as well as their
environmental implications. On the other hand it offers an opportunity to give
a comprehensive picture of where the main innovation activities and search
processes in the Danish nano community seems to be heading and by whom
(which researchers and companies are involved). The mapping, then,
The text draws on background research by my colleague Birgitte Rasmussen, Risoe,
particularly on nano risks, and the written materials produced from the newly
finished Danish Nanotechnology Foresight (Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og
Udvikling 2004). Stig Olsen from IPU, DTU has particularly contributed with
environmental assessments and Marianne Strange, project pilot at the Polymer
Department at Risø National Laboratory has functioned as advisor on
provides the broader context in relation to which the individual innovations
should be seen.
The mapping also serves as a tool for networking in the nano community
during as well as –hopefully- after the foresight project, as such a mapping of
research activities in the Danish nano community has not been carried out
This analysis does not seek to discuss how green nanotechnology is or where
the best eco-opportunities are. This task makes little sense owing to the very
early stage of development and the highly diverse nature of nanotechnology.
Since it is hardly yet a technology the uncertainties as to the future
development are considerable. Rather, the analysis here focuses on analysing
the early path creation and identifying the expectations on eco-opportunities
related to nano science. By analysing path creation, the evolving lock-in into
technological paths is highlighted. Hereby the directions of the search
processes going on are sought captured. These indicate long term
perspectives on the directions nanotechnology development may take in
An innovation economic perspective is applied in the analysis of the
nanotechnology development. Very few such studies at the microlevel of
nanotechnology development have been made so far, so there is little analysis
to build on or relate to, in Denmark or elsewhere. The analysis builds mainly
on an interview based qualitative analysis combined with a broader mail based
mapping undertaking within the Danish nano community.
The analysis looks into:
1. What is nanotechnology?
2. What do international findings say on environmental opportunities
and risks of nanotechnology?
The path creation processes within nanotechnology in Denmark. Focus is on
how environmental issues enter into the strategies and search processes of
Danish nano researchers and related industry. The identification of
nanotechnology eco-opportunities more generally and through case studies.
5.2 Nanotechnology – definitions and dynamics
This section seeks to present and characterize nanotechnology. A few
comments are made on the innovation dynamics of nanotechnology and how
innovation in nanotechnology is analysed in this report.
5.2.1 What is nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is an emerging general purpose technology. It is expected to
have widespread impacts on society by replacing or influencing existing
materials and technologies. The scope of nanotechnology is as yet very
uncertain but same have anticipations that it may form the basis of a new
industrial revolution, i.e. disrupt and transform the existing technology
platforms in line with the steam engine, electrification and computer
Nanotechnology is commonly understood as dealing with very small things. A
nanometer (nm) is indeed small, one thousand millionth of a metre. The
significance of the nano scale is, however, not only that things are small, but
that materials obtain new properties here. This is mainly due to two reasons.
First, nanomaterials have a relatively larger surface area. This can make
materials more chemically reactive and affect their strength and electrical
properties. Second, quantum effects can begin to dominate the behaviour
particularly at the lower end of the nano scale, which affects the optical,
electrical and magnetic behaviour of materials.
Materials can be produced that are nano scale in one dimension, such as very
thin surface coatings. Or two dimensions such as nanowires and nano tubes or
in three dimensions such as various kinds of nano particles.
Nanotechnology is the design, characterisation, production and application of structures, devices
and systems that entails controlling the shape and size at the nanometre scale.
The size range of nanotechnology is often delimited to 100 nm down to the molecular level
(approximately 0.2 nm) because this is where materials have significant different properties. But it
is disputed how strict to delimited nanotechnology. The need to integrate with other length scales
to obtain wider technology development is emphasized.
Nanoscience is the study of phenomena of materials at atomic, molecular and macromolecular
scales, where properties differ significantly frm those at a larger scale.
Since the 1990’s the nanotechnology term has shot into the limelight.
Research into and even technologies based on nano scale structures is,
however nothing new.
What has led to a breakthrough and hence the rise of nanotechnology as a
phenomenon is the development of new sophisticated tools to observe,
measure and manipulate processes at the nanoscale level. These tools have
emerged within the last 25 years. Noticable tools such as STM (scanning
tunnelling microscope) from 1982, AFM (atomic force microscope) from
1986 and TEM (transmission electron microscopy), but there are nowadays a
range of other tools. Before these tools research and development at the nano
scale was experimental trial and error.
The new tools are leading to a greater understanding of and control of
processes at the nanoscale and gradually the ability to design materials with
specific properties. “Nanometrology”, research into the ability to measure and
characterise materials at the nano scale, forms the basis for nanotechnology.
Research using and manufacture based on these instruments is then what
constitutes the nanotechnological field.
Conceptually the rise of nanotechnology was laid out by the physicist
Feynman in his lecture from 1959 “There is plenty of room at the bottom”,
foreseeing the possibility to examine and control matter at the nano scale. The
term nanotechnology was first used by the Japanese researcher Taniguchi in
1974 referring to the ability to engineer materials at the nanometre scale. The
driver was minituarisation in the electronics industry. Already in the 1970s
nanostructures were created as small as 40-70 nm using electron beam
To day much of the research and development is still at the experimental
stage (Lux Research 2004, Cientifica 2003).The commercialization of
nanotechnology depends on laboratory experiments being turned into large
scale, reliable and economic methods. Techniques and specific
instrumentation for fabrication, control and measurement at the nanometer
scale are under development but face major challenges. Concerning
production methods two main routes can be distinguished:
Top-down approach: Reduction in structure sizes of microscopic
elements to the nanometer scale by applying specific machining and
etching techniques (e.g. lithography, ultraprecise surface figuring)
Bottom-up approach: Controlled assembly of atomic and molecular
aggregates into larger systems (e.g. clusters, organic lattices,
supramolecular structures and synthesised macromolecules).
Current commercial nanoproducts are based on top-down approaches while
bottom-up approaches are still more, in some cases very, experimental. It is
here, though, there are the big expectations of achieving efficient large scale
fast production of nanomaterials which may form the basis of an industrial
revolution. As yet though bottom-up manufacturing methods have not really
materialized meaning that the uncertainty as to the connectivity and future
paths of the nano technological field is highly uncertain. In the latter years we
are seeing a beginning synthesis of the top-down and bottom-up approaches,
a significant stage in the materialization of nanotechnology. Figures 5.1 and
5.2 illustrate some main features of nano production techniques are
Figure 5.1 Bottom-up and top-down nano manufacturing techniques.
Source: The Royal Society, 2004 p.25
Figure 5.2 Generic processes in the production of nano particles.
Source: The Royal Society, 2004 p.25
In many ways nanotechnology is not á technology yet, and perhaps it never
will be. It may more be characterized as a a platform technology rather than
one distinctive technology entailing a wide range of very different fabrication
techniques, as the figure illustrates. Indeed many refer consequently to nano
technologies in the plural.
Adding to the confusion as to what constitutes nanotechnology is the
multidisciplinarity of the field. Nanotechnology is based on a convergence
during the latest century of basic disciplines such as technical physics,
molecular biology and chemistry all trying to operate and manipulate at a
nanoscale level, see figure 5.3. This common scale of operation and
manipulation has opened up for a multidisciplinarity and combination of
scientific paradigms leading to new research areas and possibilities for new
technology development.
Figure5.3 Multidisciplinarity and combination of paradigms (Luther, 2004a).
The nanotechnological conglomerate may be divided into the following
subsections: nanostructured materials, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics,
nanobiotechnology and nanoanalytics, which illustrate the very diversity of the
field (Luther, 2004b).
In short, here six characteristics of nanotechnology are pointed to that are
important for the dynamics of nanotechnology development (see Cientifica,
, Selin, 2004, The Royal Society 2004, Wood and Geldart, 2003, Luther,
A platform technology charactherized by boundary problems, where it is
contested what is nanotechnology and what is not. It is still discussed
whether nano is a new technology or just a hype relabelling existing
The enabling nature of the technology. It is a very fundamental, (as
fundamental as it gets) general purpose technology. There are
expectations of wide systemic effects into practically any technology.
The immaturity and science based nature of the technology. We are
mainly talking about fundamental research. The industrial applications
of nano science are in many cases only starting to take place and the
scope of many potential (theoretically possible) nanotechnologies is
highly uncertain.
The ubiquitous nature of the technology. Being so small nanomaterials
can be built into (existing or new) materials and devices to a high
degree leading to converging (smart) technologies with multiple
functions. It can, however, also be used to built completely new
The cross-disciplinarity of the field. Nanotechnology is the convergence
of several natural scientific disciplines.
The inherent spectacular nature of the technology. Nanotechnology
deals with and changes fundamental aspects of life (atoms and
molecules). There are frequent references of nanotechnology to
“reshape the world atom by atom” or similar statements. Hype and
phantasizing lead to great long term expectations but also confusion and
uncertainty and serious concerns on the scope and societal and
environmental effects of the technology.
In the Danish empirical analysis in section 5.4 we will return to these issues.
5.2.2 The nanotechnological development
Currently nanotechnology is hardly a technology. A lot of nano science has
not materialised into technologies yet. Major problems remain on how to scale
up slow research laboratory work to efficient industrial mass production. But
internationally, investments into nanotechnology are rising tremendously,
illustrating the high expectations to nanotechnology. There is an ongoing
global race to be in the lead in a possible coming industrial revolution,
currently with the US in front but Asia also very much on the move and the
EU lacking somewhat after.
National and local governments across the world will invest close to $5 billion
in nanotechnology R&D in 2004 (35% in the US, 35% in Asia, 28% in
Europe, and 2% in rest of the world). Corporations will spend about $4 billion
globally on nanotechnology R&D in 2004 (46% by US firms, 36% by Asian
firms, 17% by European firms, less than 1% by companies in rest of world)
(Lux Research, 2004).
Quite a range of products are already commercial, but mainly on a small scale,
mostly based on top-down techniques; e.g. in cosmetics, textiles, paints and
electronics, many are used in the automotive industry and mobile phones. E.g.
in mobile phones nanotechnologies are used in advanced batteries, electronic
packaging and in displays. Numerous forecasts have been made on the future
development of nanotechnologies. The uncertainty is considerable but major
breakthroughs are expected in a range of areas within the next 5 to 15 years
though some developments may have even longer time perspectives (Lux
Research 2004, Cientifica 2003).
5.2.3 Explaining path creation in nanotechnology
This analysis applies an innovation economic perspective on the
nanotechnological development. Basically, the perspective pursued here seeks
to place nano innovation dynamics within an innovation system perspective
(Freeman, 1987; Freeman, 1995; Lundvall, 1988, 1992 (ed.); Nelson, 1993;
OECD, 2000, 2002). The (national) innovation system perspective (NIS)
entails a theory on the co-evolution of institutions, organizations and
technology. Hence an innovation system is defined as “those elements and
relations, which interact in the production, diffusion and use of new and
economic useful knowledge” (Lundvall, 1992)
. The NIS perspective forms
Innovation is commonly defined in the economic innovation literature as a novelty
leading to value creation on the market.
today the basis of much innovation and research policy (OECD, 1999, 2000,
European Commission, 2002).
A main question is how nano science is going to be caught up by the
(national) innovation system when materialising into technologies. Who are
the main actors, what are the drivers and what will the stages of development
be? The empirical analysis in section 5.4 seeks to investigate the evolving
“nano innovation system” in Denmark, i.e. how research institutes and
companies interact in the production of nano knowledge under influence of
and in interaction with the surrounding institutional set-up.
Nanotechnology is highly science based. Public research and none the least
major multinational companies are currently the main drivers of
nanotechnology development, (Lux Research 2004, Cientifica 2003). Being a
general purpose technology, similar to the steam engine, electrification and
ICT, it is very generic and enables other technologies rather than make up
products in its own. Nanotechnologies may serve as e.g. raw materials,
ingredients or additives to existing products. Even though nanotechnologies
may physically only make up a small portion of various product they may in
decisive ways influence on their properties. The nanotechnological
development is likely to influence on practically all technology spheres but it is
a question how much it will complement or replace existing technologies.
General purpose technologies, if materialized, make profound long term
effects on the economy, i.e. create long waves in the economy. The gestation
time may be very long though, often 30 to 50 years after the early
breakthroughs (Freeman and Loucã, 2001). Wider effect on the aggregate
economy only materializes in the mature stages of the technology
So far the
economic impacts of nanotechnology are very limited. We are still awaiting a
possible technological and economic take off following the current massive
worldwide investments in nanotechnology.
The infancy of nano technology means that focus here is on early path
creation, i.e. the early structuring of the field. Nano technology is very much
in the pre-paradigmatic stage. In this fluid phase the uncertainty as to future
innovation paths is great. It is uncertain whether the innovation will become a
dominant design or not and there is risk of exaggeration. This makes is
difficult to persuade other researchers, firms and investors to support the
innovation (Teece, 1986, Lundvall, 1985). Creating confidence in a standard
based on a trajectory that is hardly understood, such as nanotechnology may
easily appear, is naturally associated with great difficulty. Such radical changes
are slow and have to await a codification process and gradual acceptance of
principles through multiple interactive learning processes between supporters
and opponents.
In the very early stages of a technology, the standardisation activities are
focused on the creation of a common language. Next, the performance
expectations and procedures for inspection, testing and certification are
addressed (Reddy et al. 1989). The codification process may possibly be
succeeded by changes in education systems and other supporting
infrastructure. In this stage there are weak appropriability conditions and
imitation is strong. Market leadership is required to advance standards and it
is often big players with a strong reputation who break the logjam among rival
technologies and pull the complementary assets (technologies and
capabilities) together (Chesbrough and Teece, 1996).
If we turn to the paradigmatic stage, as industry standards increasingly become
accepted, economies of scale and learning become more important. Imitators
with less developing costs and less restricted by asset specificities, rather than
the innovators, may come to possess the dominant design and profit from the
innovation (Teece, 1986). Since much nano technology is still only nano
science or at the early experimental stage we are talking about very early path
creation where industry standards are lacking.
Path-dependent learning implies that a research organisation or firm’s
knowledge base is theory-laden and upholding inner consistency. The basic
argument is, inspired by Kuhn (1970) that technology development, parallel
to scientific work, follows certain heuristics. Dosi (1982 p. 152) defines a
technological paradigm as “a model and a pattern of solution of selected
technological problems, based on selected principles derived from natural
sciences and based on selected materials technologies”, (p.152). A
technological trajectory is the pattern of conventional problem solving activity
within a given technological paradigm; i.e. it is the normal problem solving
activity determined by a paradigm (Dosi, 1982).
The technological path (or trajectory) emerges because the technological
paradigm embodies strong prescriptions on the directions of technological
change to pursue (positive heuristics) and those to neglect (negative
heuristics) (Dosi, 1982). The efforts and imaginations of researchers and
practitioners are focused in precise directions while they are “blind” with
respect to other technological possibilities. A technological paradigm defines
an idea of technological “progress” related to the economic and technological
trade-offs of a given technology.
Many elements in the innovation system contribute to the “seeding” of
trajectories: “Microlevel entities path-dependently learn (and get stuck).., but
sector-specific knowledge bases and country specific institutions restrict the
‘seeding’ of the evolutionary process ..... and also channel the possible
evolutionary trajectories .... Given the initial conditions and the institutional
context, these innovations spread and set in motion a specific trajectory of
competence-building and organizational evolution” (Dosi and Malerba, 1996
The core question addressed in this study is on studying the directions of the
emerging nano technological trajectories and how environmental issues may
form a part in these. The perspective suggested here is to analyze nano path
creation dynamics by focusing on the shaping of researchers’ and firms’
attention rules, i.e. the routine focus of their research or technological
development work depending on their entrepreneurial expectations, (compare
Penrose 1956, Boisot 1995) and their search rules, i.e. their routine learning
modes (Nelson and Winther, 1982). The formation of attention and search
rules is placed within a wider analysis of the organisation of (nano) knowledge
production within the innovation system (Lundvall, 1992 eds., OECD 2000).
These aspects will be further discussed in the analysis of path creation in the
Danish nano community in section 5.4.
To conclude, there are limitations as to how much can be said about emerging
technological paths in nano technology given the current immaturity in
technology development and great uncertainty as to the scope of the
technology. We know in fact very little at present about how nanotechnology
is going to materialize itself.
5.3 Nanotechnology - international findings on environmental risks
and opportunities
5.3.1 Environmental risks related to nanotechnology
Until recently there has been very little research into nano related risks. Thus,
health, safety and environmental impact assessment of nanoparticles and nano
materials is encumbered with huge uncertainties due to lack of knowledge.
There are, however, increasing attention amongst authorities to nanorelated
risk issues and several surveys underway around the globe
. In the US
national nano initiative, the by far biggest nano research program globally, it is
stated that “increasing knowledge of the environmental, social and human
health implications of nanotechnology is crucial” (NSET 2003 p.32). In
USA, the Office of Research and Development at the Environmental
Protection Agency has requested studies to be done on the environmental
effects of nanotechnology. French (“ECODYN “) and Asian studies are
underway, e.g. in Japan. In its proposal for a European strategy on
nanotechnology, the EU Commission (2004b, p. 20) also emphasise the
potential risk for human health and the need for research and precaution. A
number of research projects on the safety of nanotechnology are being funded
by the European Commission within the Fifth and sixth Framework
Programme. Among these is the ongoing NANOSAFE project, which
assesses the risks involved in the production, handling and use of
nanoparticles in industrial processes and products, as well as in consumer
Concerns of nanotechnology are particularly related to:
Their large surface area, crystalline structure and reactivity, which
could facilitate transport in the environment or the body which may be
difficult to control or could lead to harm because of their interactions
with other elements. Some manufactured nanoparticles will be more
toxic per unit of mass than larger particles of the same chemical.
Ultrafine particles have a different biological behaviour and mobility
than the larger particles, and there is not a linear relationship between
mass and effect. It is likely that nanoparticles will penetrate cells more
readily than larger particles.
The “invisible” size of the particles being developed. Such particles
could accidentally enter into the food chain, initially causing damage to
plants and animals while eventually becoming a hazard to humans. An
expected wide-reaching spread of nanomaterials in products and
environment may make them difficult to contain and control
(Nanoforum 2004, Jong, 2004, EC Sanco 2004, Royal Society 2004).
The evaluation of risks related to nano particles is complicated by the fact that
they exist widely in the natural world already. E.g. resulting from
photochemical and volcanic activity and created by plants and algae. Some of
these are highly toxic. They have also been created as a by-product by man
for thousands of years through cooking and combustion, more recently from
For an overview of these see chapter 7 in Nanoforum (2004).
vehicle exhausts. The question is then whether manufactured nanoparticles or
the use of nanoparticles in new ways present new risks?
The most significant conclusion of the recent/ongoing risk studies is a likely
health risk particularly related to free nanoparticles that may penetrate into the
brain, lungs and other tissues and possibly cause cancer and other deceases.
Nanotubes have properties quite similar to asbestos fibres which raises
suspicion of a similar toxicity, (Royal Society, 2004, Nanoforum, 2004,
Luther, 2004b, EC Sanco 2004).
Most of the risk studies, however, focus on health and safety aspects while the
impacts of nanotechnologies on the environment have not been studied
thoroughly yet. The Royal Society report concludes that “there is virtually no
information about the effect of nanoparticles on species other than humans or
about how they behave in the air, water or soil, or about their ability to
accumulate in the food chains” (Royal Society 2004 p.X in the summary).
They recommend that until more is known the release of nano particles and
nano tubes to the environment should be avoided as far as possible and that a
precautionary principle should be applied.
A series of environmental assessment analysis are under way around the globe
but so far only few results are available. One of these is an on-going study
from CBEN –Rice University examines the behaviour of TiO
and carbon nanotubes in the environment with emphasis on the interactions
with other chemical species. Following on from this, researchers will work on
transport and aggregation of nanoparticles as well as their interaction with
biological systems (CBEN, 2004). It has been seen that fullerenes could
migrate through soil without being absorbed (Nano-forum, 2004). On the
other hand not all nanomaterials were mobile in water. The mobility is very
case specific (, 1. april 2004).
A rare example of a finished study is on the ecotoxicological effects of the
carbon molecules called “buckyballs” (fullerenes) showing that these cause
brain damage in fish at concentrations of 500 ppb (Oberdörster, 2004). It
matters what kind of nanotechnology we are talking about and how ithey are
used. According to Put (2004) the following classification can be used for the
purpose of mapping out risks related to nanotechnology:
Nanostructures from whatever nature (nanopatterns, nano-ordering,
nanoparticles) that are immobilised at the surface or in the bulk of a
matrix material. These kind of nanostructuring creates very little risk
as the nanostructures or nanoparticles are fixed in a matrix.
Nanoparticles that are free and can become airborne to form an
aerosol. Depending on the shape of the particles, they can be
breathable and upon inhalation cause adverse effects. These effects
are related to the enormously enhanced surface to masse ratio and all
properties related to surface will be multiplied with a huge factor.
Supramolecular nanosystems, built up via self assembly, mimicking
natural systems. Although these nanosystems might look like natural
systems, there is one essential difference; they are not self-replicating
and it is unlikely that self-replicating systems will be built up on short
notice. There seem currently to be less concern with the so-called
“Grey Goo fear” of uncontrolled self-assembly as pointed to by
Drexler (1991).
Nanosystems of natural origin. Natural nanosystems can be extremely
dangerous or poisonous. As these systems are self-replicating or
belong to self-replicating organisms and moreover as some of them are
continuously modifying themselves via exchange of genetic material
(e.g. viruses), these nanosystems have to be considered as the most
dangerous on this planet, although this is not perceived as such.
Genetic modification of certain natural systems is done because it can
enhance beneficial properties substantially (e.g. enzymatic catalysis).
However, new insights in genetics led to the conviction that not all
consequences of even simple genetic modifications can be predicted;
therefore, genetic modification should be limited to micro-organisms
for which containment is possible.
The above categorization says, however, little about the environmental impact
of different nano manufacturing techniques and thereby also of different
nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. Of this very little is known so far. The
Nanoforum 2004 report states: “Differences in size, shape, surface area,
chemical composition and biopersistence require that the possible
environmental impact be assessed for each type of nanomaterial. The long-
term behaviour of such substances and their effects on elements are thus
extremely hard to foresee”.
Table 5.1 summarises the results of an environmental assessment performed
in Germany by IÖW on the different nano manufacturing methods, one of
the few studies made on this so far. As shown it is anticipated that risk of
release of nano particles is low for most productions and uses of
nanomaterials. Highest risks occur in work environments when processing
airborne nano particles. However, even if the release from materials may be
low, a widespread use of nanotechnology may possibly lead to a dispersion of
significant amounts of nano particles. We need to know more about the
behaviour and potential hazards of artificial nano particles in the environment.
Table 5.1 Nanotechnological products, their probable manufacturing process and their potential
based products
Nanostructure Manufacturing
Application Area: New Surface Functionalities and Finishing
tribological layers:
e.g. superhard
ultrathin layers;
nano particles in
an amorphous
vapour phase
thermal and
protection layers
ultrathin layers;
vapour phase
deposition; sol-
ICT, food
self-cleaning and
(polymer) layers,
in an
vapour phase
deposition, sol-
gel, soft
process: risk of
disposal of
is small
(process is
running in a
use stage: low
scale disposal
of nano-
textile, ICT,
food, building,
scratch resistant
and anti-adhesive
ultrathin layers;
sol-gel; SAM use stage: low
scale disposal
of nano
products with
effects" : e.g.
ultrathin layers
flame assisted
flame hydrolysis,
colour effects in
sol-gel use stage: low
scale disposal
goods, textile
Application Area: Catalysis, Chemistry, Advanced Materials
catalysts nanoporous
oxides, polymers
or zeolithes;
ultrathin layers
sol-gel, SAM,
not known chemistry,
Sieves and
sintered nano-
self assembly,
colloid chemistry
Application Area: Energy Conversion and Utilisation
fuel cells ceramics from
sintered nano-
div. not known energy,
Super-capacitors Nanotubes,
carbon aerogels
div. nanotubes
possibly toxic
when inhaled
superconductors ultrathin layers e.g. vapour
phase deposition
risk of disposal
is small
Application Area: Construction
additives: e.g.
carbon black in
car tires
nanocrystals and
flame assisted
flame spray
disposal of
nano particles
danger of
inhaling for
use stage: low
scale disposal
of nano-
Application Area: Information Processing and Transmission
ultrathin lateral
Displays utrathin layers PVD, spin-
process: risk of
disposal of
is small
Application Area: Nanosensors and Nanoactuators
sensors: e.g.
metallic ultrathin
layers; ultrafine
etching, SAM
ICT, analytics
Probes e.g. for
utrathin layers,
ultrafine tips and
PVD, etching,
process: risk of
disposal of
is small
Application Area: Life Sciences
active agent
carrier: e.g. drug
self assembly,
anodic treatment
Cosmetics: e.g.
utrathin layers
from nano-
colloid chemistry
disposal of
possible; use
stage: particles
might be
dermally; very
small TiO
possibly toxic
sunscreen nanocrystalline flame hydrolysis cosmetics
titanium dioxide
Source: Haum et al., 2004.
5.3.2 Environmental impacts in the product cycle
Life Cycle assessment is an environmental management tools for assessing the
environmental impacts of a service or function. All use of materials, resources
and energy as well as all emissions from the processes in the life cycle are
aggregated and interpreted in terms of their impacts on the environment and
health, e.g. their contribution to global warming, acidification etc.
As described above specific concern is related to the release of free
nanoparticles. An inventory of possible sources of potential particle release
from the use and production of nanoparticles can be made by addressing the
life cycle from nanoparticle generation to end products and finally disposal. It
shall be stressed that due to the variety of different production methods, the
process conditions vary widely and thus in principle the risk of potential
particle release has to be considered separately for each different process.
The following main steps can cause unintended release of nanoparticles:
(Luther, 2004c, p. 44-48):
Nanoparticle production: Processes working at high temperatures or with high
energy mechanical forces, particle release could occur in case of loss of
containment of the reactor or the mills. The large quantities of nanopowder
could be released in a short time into the atmosphere. Moreover, when sealing
is broken, reactive mixtures can be put in contact with air and in some cases
cause violent exothermic reactions. Failure of collecting apparatus are also
important sources of potential release; this apparatus must be able to stop the
nanoparticles and to evacuate effluents produced from the processes.
Collection of nanoparticles: Risks are increasing during the collection of
nanoparticles particularly in a dry form. When opening collecting apparatus
or reactors, nanoparticles can be released and airborne dispersed due to their
high volatility. In gaseous atmosphere the behaviour of dry nanoparticles is
primarily determined by the balance between attractive and lift forces. Gravity
force has no noticeable effect on nanoparticles. Therefore, nanoparticles may
be an air contaminant for a long time potentially being an inhalation health
risks. When handling small particles the conditions for dust explosions may
arise, especially in case of metal powders. Once dust has formed into the
proper mixture with air, it can be ignited by energy from various internal or
external sources. During the collection of solid nanopowders special care must
be taken with regard to ventilation at the working place. Air streams could
disperse nanopowders to form aerosols.
Cleaning operations: Nanoparticle release can also occur during cleaning
operations of reactors, after the disassembling, when nanoparticles have to be
removed from stainless steel pieces, windows or filters. Cleaning is usually
performed using solvents or water, tissues, brushes or sponges, which are then
discarded in garbage cans.
Handling and conditioning operations: Risks related to this kind of operations
can be release of nanoparticles while producing ceramic pieces, particularly
when the compressed nanopowders or coatings are formed.
Waste disposal: This includes the total production equipment that has been in
contact with nanopowders at the different production steps. Disposal of the
waste might be a potential source of nanoparticle release into the environment
if no special care is taken with traceability and final disposal or combustion of
the wastes.
Final product utilisation: When final nanoparticle based products are obtained,
risks depend on the way in which nanoparticles are integrated. For
nanostructured materials, nanoparticles are linked to a matrix by a thermal
treatment at high temperatures. However, under wearing conditions particle
release is likely to occur but dissociation of matter at the nanometric scale is
Some of the fundamental features of nanotechnology which are essential for
the new opportunities nanotechnology offers may also be a drawback when it
comes to risks. We have a natural fear of what we cannot see, cannot control
and cannot understand. And this is how nanotechnology may easily appear.
5.3.3 Policy initiative on nano environmental risks
Existing regulation indexing chemicals and measuring new products
toxicology need to be adapted to the special properties of nano materials.
According to Nanoforum (2004) nanotechnology leads to a need for new
norms, standards and testing procedures for assessing risks to the
environment and health (e.g. for nanometer length scales, calibration of
instruments, health effects of nanoparticles, toxic effects of nanometer size of
particles rather than on their chemical composition).
Considerable amount of attention is recently being devoted to the issues of
regulation and legislation of risks related to nanotechnology particularly in
USA and Europe. However, practical set-up of new legislation or adaptation
of existing legislation is still in its infancy. It can be said that most countries
and international institutions are still in the phase of raising awareness and
investigating what the regulated topics should be (Nanoforum 2004).
The European Parliament's Industry, External trade, Research and Energy
Committee has called for a study on the need for new regulations on
nanotechnology while the same subject is to be discussed by the UK's
Parliamentary and Scientific Committee.
In the nanostrategy of the European Commission from 2004 the following
actions are recommended in relation to public health, safety, environment and
consumer protection (p.20):
to identify and address safety concerns (real or perceived) at the earliest
possible stage
to reinforce support for the integration of health, environment, risk and
other aspects related to R&D activities together with specific studies
to support the generation of data on toxicology and ecotoxicology
(including dose response data) and evaluate potential human and
environmental exposure
the adjustment, if necessary, of risk assessment procedures to take into
account the particular issues associated with nanotechnology
the integration of assessment of risk to human health, the environment,
consumers and workers at all stages of the life cycle of the technology
(including conception, R&D, manufacturing, distribution, use and
disposal) (European Commission 2004b)
The Danish Nano action plan made by the recent Nano Technological
Foresight suggests that there should be a focus on studies of possible health
hazards and environmental and ethical aspects associated with
nanotechnological industrial processes and materials and other applications of
nanotechnology (Videnskabsministeriet, 2004). The Nano Action Plan
“recommends that as an integrated part of each individual project, funds
should be allocated to research and competence-raising relating to the
environmental, health and ethical issues raised by nanotechnology, and that
the responsibility for this should rest upon the research environments that
receive project funding. Projects should only be granted funding if they
address the environmental, health and ethical aspects in a responsible
manner” (Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling 2004).
5.3.4 Environmental opportunities related to nanotechnology
There are often very high expectations as to the environmental benefits from
nanotechnology in nano reports and policy statements (see e.g. The Royal
Society, 2003, Masciangioli, 2002, Nanoforum, 2004, Luther, 2004b, NSET
2003). In fact there are few nano reports if any, which do not mention
environmental opportunities as a core benefit of the technology. This is also
the case with the recent Danish Nano Foresight report (Videnskabsministeriet
2004). There seems in other words to be an unusual strong linkage between
nanotechnology and environmental benefits.
Some of these reports point to some fundamental features of nanotechnology
with eco-potentials. E.g Nanoforum (2004), argue that self-assembly, i.e. the
attempt of mimicking nature’s intrinsic way to build on the nanometre scale
molecule by molecule through self-organisation, has eco-potentials:
“This “assembling” method is extremely efficient and could be helpful for the
conservation of nature and natural resources. It is expected that the concept of
“self-assembly” could be an approach for a sustainable development in the
future. However, such futuristic concepts are far from being realised at
present or in a medium term view (Nanoforum 2004 p.39).
Another report points to the energy efficiency of nanoparticles:
“The most relevant effect of nanoparticles for energy applications is the large
amount of the atoms exposed on the surface compared to the bulk material.
The large surface area leads to a high reactivity with low material use, which is
useful for better catalysts (leading to higher reaction rates, lower processing
temperatures, reduced emission or need for less material), for improving
combustion processes (higher efficiency, lower processing temperatures, or
higher absorption rates for light” (Nanoform, 2003, p.89).
The big US National Nano Initiative holds a strong overall green vision:
“Nanoscale science and engineering can significantly improve our
understanding of molecular processes that take place in the environment and
help reduce pollution by leading to the development of new “green”
technologies that minimize the use, production and transportation of waste
products, particularly toxic substances. Environmental remediation will be
improved by the removal of contaminants from air and water supplies to
levels currently unattainable, and by the continuous and real-time
measurement of pollutants” (NSET 2003 p.32).
Another grand and quite green vision is expressed by a nano roadmap of the
chemical industry stating that in the longer term it is hoped that
“nanomanufacturing will encompass genuine ”green” concepts of zero waste
and little or no solvent use incorporating life cycle concepts of responsible
products coupling biology with inorganic materials”
Jacobstein (2001) and Reynolds (2001) pinpoint perhaps most sharply four
main features of nanotechnology that are likely to lead to environmental
The atom-by atom construction of nanotechnology will allow the
creation of materials and products without dangerous and messy by-
Most products of nanotechnology will be made of simple and abundant
elements, e.g. carbon is the basis of most nanomanufacturing.
Less materials will be needed because nanomaterials are stronger and
Cheap nanomaterials of very high strength to weight ration could mean
a marked drop in energy consumption e.g. in transport.
Malanowski (2001) referring from the results of a workshop similarly
concludes that the ecological benefits of nanotechnology could be very large in
the form of:
A preservation of resources is expected through the production of
minituarised products which with a smaller material expenditure fulfils
the same functions as conventional products.
Energy savings could be achieved in transport through weight and
volume reduction of products and by the reduced consumption costs of
energy sparing electronic production processes.
The use of wear resistant machine parts, corrosion-proof materials,
nano-lubricants and/or nanotechnological procedures for the smoothing
of surfaces contributes to the service life extension of machines.
New materials will show a larger stability with comparatively small
specific weights than conventional materials and will likewise contribute
to the preservation of resources and e.g. reduced fuel consumption in
The claims, as here, are often of a quite general and theoretical character, and
many analyses are merely based on workshops rather than thorough analysis.
There is a lack of more careful and systematic in depth studies of the extent
and nature of the eco-potentials. This is naturally related to the early stage of
development of the nanotechnologies and the associated high uncertainty. It
seems to be too early to be very specific about where the opportunities are.
And/or the eco-opportunities have not been looked into properly so far.
Numerous more specific potential environmental benefits of nanotechnology
are pointed to in the literature, though more as examples and visions than an
attempt to be comprehensive or to identify the most significant environmental
potentials. Some of the frequently mentioned are (The Royal Society, 2003,
Masciangioli, 2002, Nanoforum, 2003 and 2004, Luther, 2004b, Antón, et al
2001, Malanowski, 2001, European Commission 2004, NSET 2003):
Reduction of energy consumption
Through a) better insulation systems using nano porous materials,
b) more efficient lighting, nanotechnological approaches like LEDs
(Light Emitting Diodes) or QCAs (Quantum Caged Atoms) are
much more energy efficient c) more efficient combustion systems,
d) the energy consumption in the mobility sector can be reduced
by the use of lighter and stronger nano structured materials (see
the automotive industry below), e) synthetic or manufacturing
processes can occur at ambient temperature and pressure.
Develop more efficient or renewable energy production
The degree of efficiency of combustion engines is not higher than
15-20% at the moment
. Nanotechnology can improve combustion
by designing specific catalysts with maximised surface area.
Nanotechnology is important for the development of hydrogen
energy systems in several ways. Attempts are made at developing
fuel cells powered by hydrogen fuel. The catalyst in fuel cells is
nanostructured materials consisting of carbon supported noble
metal particles with diameters of 1- 5 nm. Suitable materials for
hydrogen storage contain a large number of small nanosized pores.
Therefore nanostructured materials like nanotubes, zeolites or
alanates are under investigation.
Nanotechnology can help to increase the efficiency of light
conversion in solar cells by specifically designed nanostructures
(the implementation of Nanodots). A widespread use of solar cells
suffers from the high costs of purchase. An alternative nano
technological approach under development is low cost solar cells
using titanium dioxide nanoparticles as light absorbing
components (Grätzel cells) which may allow for more
decentralised energy supply systems.
Reduction of resource consumption in the production or user phase
Nanoparticles in paint can induce new properties to the paint, e.g.
cooling effects, self cleaning and self repairing surfaces
Nanotubes (or fibres build from them) can be used as
reinforcement for composite materials. Because of the nature of the
bonding, it is predicted that nanotube-based material could be 50
to 100 times stronger than steel at one-sixth of the weight if current
technical barriers can be overcome.
Strengthening of polymers in order to produce new materials with
less consumption of raw materials which can substitute existing
Reduced use of rare resources, e.g. precious metals, or toxic
substances in catalysts.
Textiles with nanotechnology finish can be washed less regularly
and at lower temperature
Improved cleaning of air, water and soil
Through the development of new environmental catalysts and
improved catalytic processes. As well as improved capability to tailor
nanostructured membranes offering new opportunities to selectively
extract contaminants from air, water and soil.
Improving recycling
The use of batteries with higher energy content or the use of
rechargeable batteries or supercapacitors with higher rate of
recharging using nanomaterials could limit the battery disposal
Integration of nano-chips in materials and products containing
information about material properties and composition can be used
for recycling purposes. (There are, however, also arguments that
multifunctional nanoproducts may be difficult to recycle).
Better monitoring
Nanotechnologies are expected to enable the production of
smaller, cheaper sensors with increasing selectivity, which can
allow continuous measurement and be used in a wide range of
applications, e.g. monitoring the quality of drinking water,
detecting and tracking pollutants in the environment.
Reducing the environmental impact of the automotive industry
One area where nanotechnology is expected to contribute with
major eco-innovations is in the automotive industry (Nanoforum
2004). Rising traffic density means that transport remains a major
environmental problem and the car industry is increasingly looking
for new solutions, also among nanotechnologies. The car industry
hence belongs to the earliest users of nanotechnology. The
automotive industry is in other words an area where there are some
more substantial insights and experiences with developing eco-
innovations based on nanotechnology. These are therefore dealt
with more in detail in the following. Some products mentioned
below are already on the market, others are at the experimental
Energy consumption and waste is reduced by replacing metals with
lighter materials. Nanoparticles are used to improve the strength of
lighter metals or of steel, so that less metal is necessary.
Or using
polymers reinforced with nanoparticles making them stronger per
unit weight.
The rolling resistance of tyres is lowered saving energy, and the
durability is improved by use of nanoscaled carbon black saving
The combustion can be improved by homogenous and large area
spraying of the petrol. An injection system with very fine holes
(Nanojets) is under development.
The engine lubrication is optimised by new nanoparticle-based
lubricants and through micro- and nanostructures on the inner
surface of the cylinders.
The engines efficiency is optimised by use of higher temperatures
and pressures. Nanotechnology can help to develop materials
which are resistant to these conditions.
Use of environmental more friendly energy systems in cars.
Thermoelectrical elements based on nano-crystalline layers of
semiconductors with low bandgaps may use a part of lost heat in
the future. Cheap (e.g. Dye solar cells) or more efficient types of
solar cells (e.g. by the implementation of Nanodots) can be used in
the roof for operation of specific modules (e.g. for air conditioning
systems), possibly be enlarged to the whole chassis. Experiments
with cars driven by fuel cells are extensive.
Reduction of air pollution caused by exhaust gas. Nanotechnology
can contribute to the further reduction of pollutants by
nanoporous filters, which can clean the exhaust mechanically, by
catalytic converters based on nanoscale noble metal particles or by
catalytic coatings on cylinder walls and catalytic nanoparticles as
additive for fuels.
Developing new understandings of molecular processes that take
place in the environment, e.g. how contaminants move through the
environment, is also highlighted as an important environmental
benefit of nanoscience (NSET 2003).
Overall, the environmental benefits of nanotechnologies are as yet not
described in very great detail, and life cycle assessments are often lacking, i.e.
investigating the environmental impacts of nanotechnologies over the
complete supply chain including disposal.
A few case studies have been made looking more in depth at the eco-
potentials of nanotechnology, noticeable a recent German life cycle
assessment study (Steinfelt et al., 2004). They have analysed four case
studies: Nano varnish, nano innovation in styrene synthesis, nano in the
display sector and nano in the lighting sector. The study illustrates that at this
point it is very difficult to make high standard quantitative assessments of the
environmental impact of nanotechnologies due to lack of knowledge,
incompleteness of available data on a given product or process and the high
uncertainty as to the future technology development.
The most important recent environment assessment report , the earlier
mentioned Royal Society report (2004) does not look into the eco-potentials,
except for stating that “it is important to substantiate such [environmental]
claims by checking that there are indeed net benefits over the life cycle of the
material or product” (Royal Society 2004 p.32). They recommend a series of
environmental assessment studies be undertaken on existing and expected
developments in nanotechnologies by independent bodies.
Policies towards nanotechnology, e.g. EU’s nano strategy, and the Danish
suggested nano action plan, mainly focus on risk issues when dealing with
environmental impacts and do not aim to address barriers to eco-innovation.
So although the eco-potentials of nanotechnology are highly praised they
seem rarely to be promoted by policies. An important exception is the US
National Nano Initiative where “Nano Scale Processes for Environmental
Improvement” makes up one out of nine Grand Challenge Areas for
prioritized research, compare also the already mentioned strong green vision
of the research program (NSET 2003).
Interestingly a first international initiative “International Consortium for
Environment and Nanotechnology Research (I-CENTR)” has been created
recently which looks at both negative and potentially positive environmental
impacts of nanotechnology. The consortium studies the environmental
applications of nanochemistry, nano-scale materials and processes in the
environment, nanomaterial interactions with organisms and environment and
generally sustainable ways for nanotechnologies. This consortium gathers
approximately 30 researchers from different French and US universities and it
is adding groups in Germany, Switzerland and England. Currently the actual
extent of nano research and development targeted at eco-innovation is not
. To conclude, also when it comes to eco-potentials there are many
In Australia, the ARC Centre for Functional Nanomaterials has a strong focus on
eco-innovation see Http://
visions and claims related to nanotechnology but there is so far limited
knowledge on the more specific potentials of nanotechnologies.
In section 5.5 when focusing on the eco-potentials identified by Danish nano
researchers, the eco-potentials will be discussed further.
5.4 Danish findings on path creation in nanotechnology
This section presents the main empirical findings on the role of environmental
issues in the search processes of Danish nano researchers and industry. The
empirical analysis undertaken is a first scoping study into the actors and
dynamics of nanotechnology development in Denmark based on an interview
round in the Danish nano community. No prior innovation analysis of this
character has been made before, so there is little data to build on or relate to.
Given the broadness of the technological field there are limits as to the depth
of the analysis possible within this relatively limited project. The emergence of
the Danish nano community
In recent years much is happening in the nano area in Denmark. Several new
nano research centres and networks are springing up. The biggest ones are
Nano•DTU with the major subcentres -MIC, COM, ICAT and CAMP at the
Technical University of Denmark, iNANO at the University of Aarhus with
links to Ålborg University and the Nano-Science Center at the University of
Copenhagen . Some of these have been around for a while, 10-15 years,
others are new. Also several transdisciplinary “nano educations” and PhD
schools have been established and with great success, despite the general
declining interest in the natural sciences among students. At the structural
level, then we clearly see the emergence of a nano research community.
These new centres reflect that some Danish funding in the latter years have
been earmarked to nano research, last year 60 mio. DKr, making the “nano”
term increasingly attractive to researchers but forcing the nano researchers to
join groups to apply for the money. There is little tradition in Denmark for
large focused research efforts. Recently The Danish Basic research Fund and
the new High Technology Fund is changing this somewhat, illustrating a
stronger political interest in research and noticeably high technology in
Denmark, including none the least nano research. There are therefore
expectations of more funding going into the nano field. As an input to the
priorities of the High Technology Fund, the recent Danish nano technological
foresight has suggested to focus the nano effort into two strong nano research
centres with a budget of at least 100 mio. DKr/year. The outcome of these
research strategic processes is, however, as yet unknown.
But how much hype and how much scientific novelty is related to this nano
trend? The Danish nano researchers generally are sceptical about the hype
related to nanotechnology and its implications. To a large degree many feel
there is nothing new in nano. They do the research they have always done but
now it is redefined as nano.
On the other hand the same researchers also have expectations of nano
science leading to greater changes in technology development and for some
even expectations of an industrial revolution, albeit of a more evolutionary
character. There is, in other words, a widespread sense of novelty and
expectations of new industrial opportunities. Quite many, however, express
scepticism about the scope of industrial effects, and warn that the hype may
lead to too high expectations to nanotechnology and a back lash, especially in
the short term.
At the more cognitive level, even though this may not be recognized by the
individual researcher, a general conclusion of this analysis is that attention rules
are changing as still more researchers, and more hesitantly people in industry,
look towards “the bottom” leading to new problem definitions.
And also search rules are changing in important ways. Partly because
researchers applying the new nano tools towards their research area are
growing new understandings of how the size (of clusters) matters for the
properties of materials. Theory building and modelling is replacing trial and
error experimentation in a range of areas, eg. catalysis. Partly because of the
transdisciplinary nature which is recognized as taking a central role in much
nano science. It seems researchers from various disciplines find new grounds
to meet at “the bottom” and synthesize their disciplines in new ways.
Danish researchers expect that the major innovations springing from
nanotechnology will be related to the boarder areas between different
disciplines, especially between biology – learning from natural systems- and
physics/chemistry. New more transdisciplinary paths are therefore to be
expected. The effect of this, new search rules in various nano related
technological areas are, however, only in the making. The uncertainty about
the direction of nanotechnological paths at this time is still huge.
In all, there are overall signs of new patterns of problem-solving activities
emerging meaning that nano is not only a language (a redefinition of existing
practices), it is a technological trajectory, a trajectory that is however, strongly
shaped by the expectations associated with the nano hype.
These conclusions are likely to apply generally to nanotechnology and not
only to Danish conditions. In fact Danish researchers state that there is no
such thing as a specific Danish approach to nanotechnology; it is basic science
and very international and regional specialisation is limited. There are of
course key Danish competencies and perspectives as we shall return to.
5.4.1 The organisation of the nanotechnological knowledge production in
Much too is happening on the organisation of nano knowledge production as
the field starts to shape up which calls for a deeper investigation. Here only a
few preliminary observations will be made.
The Danish innovation system is generally fairly low tech. There is a
specialisation on relatively low and medium tech products and an overweight
of small companies and few really big companies. Still Denmark belongs
among the more innovative economies and is doing quite well, none the least
through user-driven innovations and further developments of products, albeit
little engaged in radical innovation (Lundvall, 1999, the Innovation
Scoreboard 2004). This raises questions as to the potential and conditions for
building competencies on nanotechnology in Denmark given that
nanotechnology belongs among the most science-based and high-tech
The Danish Nano Foresight Report especially points to characterization as
the core competence within nano science and nanotechnology (Ministeriet for
Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling, 2004). That is understanding and
describing the phenomenon of nature and physics, while there traditionally
has been less focus on synthesis that is the use of these understandings for the
creation of new materials and other technologies. The core nano
competencies identified are within traditional natural sciences such as
theoretical physics, quantum physics, optoelectronics, scanning probe
microscopi, X-ray diffraction and biomolecules. Measured in publications the
Danish nano research is at a medium level seen in an international context,
but it is in the top on some areas such as catalysis. It has been less good at
translating this knowledge into industrial applications. This is, however, seen
as an advantage, as nanotechnology development is taking place closer to the
world of fundamental physics research than the traditional industry world
(Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling, 2004).
Still, some nano researchers criticize the Danish nano research for being
generally too little oriented towards industrial application. A researcher at the
Technical University states: “In Denmark nano research is about
understanding, modulization and characterization more than manufacturing.
What we are in want of in Denmark is a center for the design of nano
materials. There are companies around the world becoming rich from selling
nano tubes, fullerenes and tailor made materials. I see no reason why we
shouldn’t make this in Denmark”.
There are some facilities and companies involved in nanomanufacturing in
Denmark. E.g. Danchip is Denmark’s leading facility for micro- and
nanotechnology, who uses conventional silicon integrated circuit technology
for new areas within micro and nanotechnology. Danchip is a part of
Nano•DTU. It has however, not been possible to make a mapping of the
Danish nanoequipment and manufacturing facilities in this study.
Innovations based on micro/nano fabrication technology play a rising role
over the last few years: “Danish Micro- and nanofabrication points both to
applications within telecom and improving the bandwidth of the Internet, but
also to new exciting possibilities with lab-on-a-chip applications, where
complex diagnoses could be performed directly at the practitioner’s office.”
(Professor Jens K. Nørskov, head of NanoDTU)
The Danish nano research primarily takes place within the main public
universities and research institutes in Denmark, compare the mentioned
nanocentres and networks, i.e. mainly within the Technical University of
Denmark (DTU), the University of Aarhus (AU), the University of
Copenhagen (KU) and Risoe National Laboratory, and some what less so at
the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark (KVL), Ålborg
University (AAU) and Southern Danish University (SDU). Also the technical
institutes (“Godkendte Teknologiske Institutter”) are to some extent involved
in nano research with a strong application orientation.
With one exception research within business so far plays a minor role,
although the relatively few big and research oriented manufacturing
companies in Denmark to various degrees are involved in nano science and
technology development and cooperate with the universities. Most important
are companies within catalysis, medico and pharmacy, somewhat less so the
advanced machinery and electronics industry and food ingredients. We are
talking about in all less than ten big companies who are involved in nano
research, and who are in a formal collaboration with universities, often in the
form of co-financing PhDs. Some of these companies are, however, quite
important to Danish nano research. Several nano researchers express that they
miss the local presence of more big companies with strong scientific
competencies to widen the opportunities for collaborative research with
The one big company standing out by playing a central role in Danish nano
research and technology development is Haldor Topsøe, a world leading
producer of environmental catalysts and steam reforming. Haldor Topsøe has
30 years of experience with large scale nano based production within catalysis.
Catalysis is a traditional nano scale technology, being well developed through
experimentation long before the talk of “nano science” started. Much of
Haldor Topsøes research and technology development has accordingly been
based on experimentation. The new understandings originating from the rise
of nano science the last 10-15 years are only beginning to make an impact on
the Haldor Topsøe technology development, and they are still waiting for
major breakthroughs resulting from this.
Haldor Topsøe has a very close relationship with the Danish research
institutes, especially at the Technical University (Nano•DTU) and University
of Aarhus (iNANO), somewhat less also Risoe. The relationships are formal
and so close they could be called symbiotic. Haldor Topsøe pursues a
conscious strategy of promoting Danish nano research and education, which
they see as a necessary investment to them.
They not only collaborate with
research institutes but also seek to strengthen these. E.g. in 1987 they took the
initiative together with DTU to start the research of Surface Science at DTU.
This later materialized into CAMP and later also into the ICAT center in
1999 focusing on catalysis. These and also the new Danish Research
Foundation centrer CINF (Center for Individual Nanoparticle Functionality)
are very close collaborators with Haldor Topsøe A/S. Halder Topsøe also
invests in equipment at the universities, e.g. a new Electron Microscope
costing 25 mio. Dkr. It is central to Haldor Topsøe’s competitive strategy to
have a better understanding than their competitors of the catalytic processes.
Haldor Topsøe is characterized by the nano researchers as being unique in its
long sightedness and very strong research orientation, originating back to the
founder’s strong passion for research. Ib Chorkendorff, head of the ICAT and
CINF centre, states:
“A company like Topsøe is different because of the philosophy there, which is
very research based. Our competitors in Germany and England for example
also cooperate with companies but these don’t have the same interests in
research. You can see a difference in the labs. The other catalyst plants
haven’t used so much money on equipment; they can’t make the interesting
investigations that Topsøe can make. This is what makes them so interesting
as learning partners. We can talk to them directly. There are people there
doing the same kind of research as we do. It is also interesting for our
candidates who can see a career opportunity. This is what makes Topsøe a
unique company. The close ties with industry are essential for our research.
He emphasizes the need to continue and strengthen the shift from the trial
and error approach to more fundamental research within catalysis in the rising
global competition:
“We don’t have a chance to compete with the Chinese who mix lots of
potential catalysts over and over again looking for successful candidates. We
need to find out what exactly the problem is, look at the physics behind it and
then find out something new”.
Interview w. Michael Brorson, Haldor Topsøe
Interview w. Michael Brorson, Haldor Topsøe
General contact and cooperation with business various considerable, some
nano researchers have hardly any contact, others quite a lot. Industry links are
somewhat stronger at the application oriented Technical University and Risoe
National Laboratory than at the traditional universities. A new analysis
undertaken for the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
confirm that these two institutes are in the lead in Denmark when it comes to
business contacts, spin offs and commercialization of the research undertaken
. The large NanoDTU center seeks consciously to promote
technology transfer to companies and has collaborations with around 50
Danish and international companies
. Relations to business seem to be
changing. “I see things are changing these years. Fifteen years ago the opinion
was that here [at the university] we were to perform research at the highest
level and educate people to the highest level, and that wouldn’t be possible if
companies were involved. Today university researchers are much more open
to interaction with business.” (Researcher at iNANO.) Another researcher at
iNANO states: “Earlier we had very little contact with industry, but now
[since joining a think tank on nano application opportunities in the food
industry last year] relations are very good. It has been quite an eye opener to
learn about their needs”.
The Danish nano foresight report mapped 54 Danish companies working
with or showing a strong interest in nanotechnology (Ministeriet for
Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling, 2004). Most of these are small spin-offs
from the universities and/or small companies within nano instrumentation and
measuring. Additionally, we have the early users of nanotechnology, i.e. the
large innovative companies in Denmark, who cooperate with nano researchers
on many of their projects. Actual industrial application of nano research is,
however, still limited. Generally, the industrial uptake of nanotechnology is
very limited in Denmark with the exception of the field of catalysis, in which,
as elsewhere in the world, we are still far from widespread industrial
application and up-scaling to mass production.
Also company attitudes towards cooperation seem to be changing. When
discussing perspectives for a wider industrial nano development in Denmark,
Professor Besenbacher, Head of iNANO states: “I am very positive about
cooperation with industry. It merely requires openness and a visionary
attitude among the leading Danish companies. I clearly sense a considerable
interest for nano, an interest which has increased over the past years. I think
that the companies gradually realize that universities are leaders in this field,
and they thus have a tremendous interest in interacting with us.”
A greater role is, however, expected from the established companies than new
ones. Professor Besenbacher states: “The future role played by small start-up
companies is yet unclear. The challenge is to go from fundamental blue sky
research to industrial production, and with a time horizon of three years, there
is no proof of concept, making it difficult to obtain financing in Denmark. It is
much easier to attain risk capital in the US”.
A range of small, dedicated nano companies, however, have emerged, as
illustrated by table 5.2 in section 5.5, especially within sensors, nanometrology
and nanoparticle production. These are typically spin-offs from the
universities/research institutes. Their role in the uptake of nanotechnology in
industrial production remains to be seen.
Evaluering af Forskerpatentloven, Videnskabsministeriet 2004b.
According to Britt H. Larsen, vice director of Nano•DTU.
5.4.2 The Danish learning relations
The rise of the nano technological field is changing the learning relations in
Denmark in important ways. Ib Chorkendorff, Head of ICAT at the
Technical University states: “It is not a single or particular event or invention
that has happened, which makes nano into something special, because we
operate within the same circles as we have done the whole time focusing at the
atomic design. If I should say something about the nano hype it is more that it
leads to greater fragmentation; because every university wants its own nano
centre.The new nano constellations mean that things have become more rigid.
Cooperation between the new nano centres has to some degree diminished,
particularly between Århus/Jutland (iNANO), and the research environments
on Zealand (especially the Technical University). At the new Nano Centre in
Copenhagen they are now also looking towards Sweden (the Øresund region)
for new cooperation opportunities.
The new regional nano centres to some degree disturb existing knowledge
relations, since the thematic specialisation does not follow the regional
clustering closely. In other words nano research into the same themes is
performed in more places in Denmark.
All in all, the new nano centres have a marked impact on the organisation of
knowledge production, both negative and positive. On the positive side, the
new nano centres are valued by the researchers within them, particularly
because they facilitate interdisciplinary work. Actually bringing together
researchers from various fields on a daily basis creates new opportunities for
in-depth, long-lasting collaboration. The interdisciplinary way of working is
surrounded by excitement. For example, a project on biocompatible materials
at the iNANO centre in Århus bought together a molecular biologist, a
physicist and a medical doctor. In the beginning they did not understand each
other due to their different scientific backgrounds, but now they are getting
somewhere: “It is quite new for us to operate with the interaction between
solid surfaces and cells and proteins, but it has opened up completely new
possibilities and has been quite exciting”, (Researcher, iNANO centre).
Nano•DTU, the largest cross disciplinary center for nanotechnology in
Denmark, was established in 2004 to create synergy between the different
research groups working in nanotechnology at the Technical University and
use competencies and nanofacilities across departmental walls. More than 170
researchers are members of Nano•DTU, coming from 9 different
departments and around 14 different research groups, illustrating the wide
research span of nanotechnology.
The nano centres have had a major positive impact on the ability to attract
funding, researchers and interest from companies. The iNANO centre,
although only 2½ years old, sees a clear advantage in being well branded both
nationally and internationally, especially in being more visible to companies.
Generally, learning relations between various departments at the same
university/research institutions working with nano seem to be quite strong and
are strengthened by the new shared nano profile and the need to join forces to
look for funds. Learning relations with international learning partners are also
important, especially EU partners in order to apply for EU funding. It is less
relevant when it comes to cooperation with industry.
Nano-related research takes place at all Danish universities, at least if we do
not define nanotechnology too rigidly. Research outside the new centres have
problems in attracting funds and attention, e.g. for researchers at the
agricultural university.
Generally, the nano researchers appreciate the nano innovation system in
Denmark as it is now: A researcher at iNANO states: “Research today is
related to money. We must be able to attract the best researchers and the best
equipment. Despite the small amount of funds I believe we can make a
difference because we are a small nation. We practically all know each other.
The same goes for the industry. The research leaders are scientists whom we
know from our common university studies. I can pick up the phone and call,
for example, the top people at Lundbeck directly. Our research groups have a
non-hierarchical structure, as opposed to the Japanese structure in which two
PhDs from different groups are not allowed to talk to each other without the
permission of their respective boss. Our openness will be a decisive factor
when the interdisciplinary projects are fully up-and-running.”
A researcher at the Technical University says: “At the moment it is excellent
to do nano research in Denmark within my field [catalysis]. It is necessary to
have a momentum, though, and you need fairly big groups to do this.”
5.4.3 Attention rules and entrepreneurial expectations
The nano research undertaken in Denmark is only partially driven by
demand. To quite a wide extent, perceptions of possible application areas
related to the research are quite weak. There is, in other words, an absence of
entrepreneurial expectations in these cases and very little (technological)
direction to the research undertaken.
The drivers for the choice of research focus, for the interviewed nano
researchers can be grouped into the following five categories:
- They do fundamental research.
- They are driven by an interest in understanding the dynamics at the
nanoscale level in various ways.
- They are interested in doing something which has a big technological
impact, i.e. which will affect many people (scope) or lead to major
change (i.e. the hydrogen society).
- They are interested in solving serious problems, noticeably health care
and energy supply, less so environmental issues.
- They are interested in themes which are important to Danish
Partly because they are interested in strong local learning partners. Partly
because they want to strengthen Danish industry and secure that the public
Danish investments in research are turned into value creation in Denmark.
They do research where they expect most funding to be found.
They see regulation as an important driver of research and development,
particularly in the energy and environmental area (for the catalysts and energy
researchers only).
The limited application approach by some researchers can be illustrated by
this statement by an iNANO researcher: “Your end goal is not to make, e.g., a
window which is self-cleaning, and then you start from scratch. Through
research you suddenly obtain results which you may use to make a window.
What we work with is definitely relevant for keeping surfaces clean, whether it
is for an industrial machine or a window is up to the industry“.
Another researcher describes the mix of inputs involved in forming the
research agenda: “Our ideas rise from interplay with colleagues, and the
interaction with Danish and international companies is increasing. I would like
to have money for fundamental blue sky research, but it is also satisfying
when what you do have applications.”(Researcher from iNANO).
The nano path creation seems to become more pulled and less pushed related
to the rise of nanotechnology: Professor Besenbacher, Head of iNANO states:
“There is nanoscience and there is nanotechnology. There is no doubt, that
what we mainly do is nanoscience. We are inspired by an interest in
understanding things at the molecular level. But I feel we are beginning to
focus more on possible applications which could become nanotechnology”.
Research at the nano centres at the University of Aarhus and University of
Copenhagen seems to be more of a fundamental kind. At the Technical
University, the nano research spans from fundamental research to
applications. At Ålborg and Risoe there is a greater emphasis on the
engineering part of nanotechnology, i.e. making devices.
Several of these researchers express an intererest in doing research that has an
interest to Danish industry. For these researchers then, the demand side is
quite important in shaping the research agenda also for the more fundamental
research, but the demand side being industry rather than consumers.
There is, however, one application area which is a central focusing device.
The by far dominating attention by Danish nano researchers is towards
medico appliances; perhaps as much as 80 pct (a rough estimate) of the
research is in some way oriented towards medico. This goes for all
nanotechnology areas, i.e. nano modified materials or composites, functional
surfaces, sensors etc. where it could be feasible. These research areas, then are
very little oriented towards other applications, despite the fact they often have
very wide application potentials. Issues such as biocompatibility, bacteria
detection, antibacterial surfaces and drug delivery are at the center of most
Danish nano research. A researcher at iNANO explains: “The research
funding is so that we hardly have any basic funds for research, so we must
find suitable projects. You must define an application area when you apply for
research grants, so you need to state something. Nanotechnology is expensive
and you thus have to become engaged in high value areas such as medico”.
The medico focus is so strong that it is not contested. It is the routine focus of
most Danish nano researchers, so certainly we are talking about strong
attention rules here. Naturally it is important here that Denmark has a very
strong medico industry with some of the biggest players in Danish industry.
Three other application areas are important, but they all spring from the same
competence, catalysis. The core Danish competencies in this area means that
chemical production, hydrogen production and fuel cell research and
environmental catalysts (heterogeneous catalysis) are important research
areas, particularly at the Technical University, Århus University and Risoe. At
Risoe, the declared research strategy of the laboratory is energy production, so
here most nano research is somehow related to energy production, e.g. new
materials for windmill wings or organic solar cells. Even here there is quite
some medico oriented research too, though.
The research agendas are quite stable, not least because of money:
”We don’t just pick up a new theme. You need a critical research group
before you can start a new project” (researcher at iNANO).
The core Danish competencies pointed to are clearly catalysis.
“Indisputably, we carry out outstanding research in the catalysis area. There is
a fantastic dialogue between the research environments and the company
Haldor Topsøe. Here we have all the preconditions for being successful”
(Professor Besenbacher, Head of iNANO).
Similarly, Professor Nørskov, Head of Nano•DTU states that:
“We have succeeded in Denmark in making a really healthy combination of
fundamental science and developing new products coupled to companies,
especially Topsoe. Many countries would like to copy this Danish model; e.g.
the US Department of Energy invited me over when they were going to
develop a new strategy for their catalysis research. So I think we have a rather
unique situation.”
But expectations in the medico area are high too. Professor Bjørnholm, head
of the Nano-Science Center at the University of Copenhagen states:
“I believe that the biggest potential is in bio nanotechnology where we have a
really good basis in Copenhagen. It is mine and Tue Schwartz’ [professor at
the medical university in Copenhagen] vision that the platform created
through biotechnology known as Medicon Valley in the Øresund [Baltic]
region should be further developed with nanotechnology. In ten years we will
have a strong nanotechnological medico hub here, propably the only one in
northern Europe.”
Also the field of energy technology is seen as a central emerging competence
within nano research in Denmark. “Denmark has an outstanding position for
contributing to the development of new nano-based technologies in
connection with hydrogen as a fuel. The knowledge base at Nano•DTU and
at Risø is outstanding and several small and larger companies hold key
positions in the field. This is true in hydrogen production where Topsøe are
world leaders, it is true for fuel cells where Risø, DTU, the companies Topsøe
and IRD fuel cells and other players are strong in various subfields, and it
holds in hydrogen storage. Here DTU and Risø are very active and where a
new start up is just beeing created by Nano•DTU researchers.
Nanotechnology is at the heart of hydrogen technologies since nanoparticles
are the workhorses in all the energy conversion processes" says Jens Nørskov,
director of Nano•DTU.
In the suggested Nano Action Plan of the Danish Nano Foresight seven high-
priority areas within nanotechnology were identified (Ministereriet for
Videnskab, teknologi og udvikling 2004). Within these areas it is suggested
that Denmark should built its core competencies in order to obtain a
translation of nano science into industrial application, achieve increased
growth and employment, and make solutions for important societal needs (in
non-prioritised order):
Nanomedicine and drug delivery
Biocompatible materials
Nanosensors and nanofluidics
Plastic electronics
Nano-optics and nanophotonics
Nanocatalysis, hydrogen technology, etc.
Nanomaterials with new functional properties
Nano medicine is the only application area highlighted, the others are more
fundamental nanotechnologies which cover quite a broad spectrum of the
nano technological field. Environmental issues are not particularly addressed
but catalysis and hydrogen technology, existing strength holds, are.
5.4.4 Attention and perception of environmental issues
Core Danish competencies, those related to catalysis, are strongly related to
environmental issues in the form of environmental catalysts for gas cleaning
(heterogeneous catalysis). Haldor Topsøe holds 70 pct. of the world market in
this area. Given this core Danish competence there is surprisingly little spread
to other environmental areas from the Danish nanoresearch. There is in fact
very little “environmental nanotechnology” (termed this way by a researcher
at the agricultural university), where environmental issues are defined as a
target or application area for the nano research. Clearly the majority of the
interviewed nano researchers had not or only vaguely considered the possible
environmental applications or the implications of their nano research.
The relationship between nano and environmental issues is seen as quite weak
by the nano researchers. “On the face of it there is only little overlap between
environmental issues and what we do. Our work is very medico-oriented”,
(iNANO researcher).
Another iNANO researcher points to the lacking connections:
“I do not think the linkage is very strong. I have been in biology for many
years and I have regarded the Ministry of the Environment as a closed system.
It hasn’t been a part of my world. They have had their own agenda and have
run this internally and financed their own institutions through all kinds of
small technology programmes. For that reason my thoughts on the
environment have not been directed towards that part of the environmental
world. Of course it has been part of the overall perspective, and an extra
bonus, to make something environmentally friendly, but we have not directed
our research towards the interaction with environmental companies or the
ministry, or anything like that”.
The linkage between environmental researchers and the environmental
industry and nano researchers is also quite weak; seemingly there is a lack of
attention both ways: “The group of nano researchers is made up by molecular
biologists, physicists and chemists. I think that the people who really work
with environmental issues, e.g. waste water, have no knowledge of
nanotechnology. That means that they can not see the opportunities in this
technology. At some point when we get the nano ball rolling they too will hear
about nanotechnology, and I think the opportunities of cooperation will turn
up at that point”, (Professor Besenbacher, Head of iNANO).
An employee at the company Alfa Laval (producing various membranes for
handling pollutants), state that they do some nanotechnology, but they just
don’t call it that. They are interested in nanotechnology but have limited
contact with the Danish nano researchers, but follow biotech research more
Professor Besenbacher, Head of iNANO, emphasizes the importance of
maintaining a good nano image: “When we start a new project the first thing
we say is not: ‘Now we are going to find a nano project which also has an
environmental aspect’. It does not work that way. On the other hand, as we
discussed the opportunities for the biosensor and oestrogen projects [directed
towards curing cancer and hormone disturbances], I think I said that these
themes were brilliant, because if we were to succeed with the projects there is
no doubt that they would give us considerable PR. It would be something
everybody can relate to.”
For many catalysis researchers the situation is quite different. They see a close
linkage to environmental issues. For example, Ib Chorkendorff, Head of the
ICAT (catalysis) center, Nano•DTU, sees the environmental aspects of his
catalysis research as a clear advantage. “We seek solutions in technologies and
the environmental area is an area where every body would like to see
improvements. In that way we are also opportunists. You have to find funding
where it is which is easier than if we researched an area without national
industry and national interests.”
The very strong Danish competencies on environmental issues generally and
the strong competencies in catalysis might make us expect that Danish nano
researchers were attentive to environmental issues and were working more
broadly with these. But that is not the case. In fact there are only a handful of
Danish nano researchers whose research aim specifically at environmental
issues, outside the heterogen catalysis and energy production. These
researchers are typically in the periphery of the Danish nano research
environment, i.e. not within the big new nano centres and mostly only
working with nano science to a limited degree. They are situated at institutes
working with environmental issues or areas related to this (the agricultural
university, the building institute at the Technical University), where they to
some extent apply nano science and nanotechnology in their research. There
is a niche though at the Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen, where a small group at the NanoGeoScience
Center works on environmental nano research, particularly on waste and clean
water issues. These have links to environmental researchers at the agricultural
university and the Technical University but only weak links to the
Copenhagen Nano-Science Center.
There are some nano researchers who do some (minor) environmental
projects as a part of their research. And then there is a large group, in fact a
great amount of the research undertaken, whose research could have some or
even major environmental impact, but where this is not the focus or driver of
the research undertaken. E.g. research into new lighter, stronger, or less
energy demanding materials, or research into self-cleaning or anti-fouling
surfaces, research into detection of harmful substances. Section 5 on
identified eco-opportunities will highlight these further.
To some degree these researcher recognize the environmental potential of
their research but mostly very vaguely and typically as something they are not
used to consider. E.g. a researcher of composite nanopolymers which are very
light strong materials which could replace e.g. energy demanding or rare
metals) state that he has a very pragmatic approach to his research and does
not really know anything about the environmental potential (researcher at
Aalborg University).
There are no specific environmental nano research programs (again excluding
heterogenic catalysis). There is no research which aims specifically to
substitute harzardous, rare or energy intensive materials. Or to build long
lasting products (self-repairing, anti-corrosive, hard etc. Or to reduce resource
consumption (through minituarization, targeted resource use and efficient
chemical processes). All issues which are highlighted as environmental
potentials of nanotechnology as discussed earlier.
The lack of environmental orientation also showed itself in the problem
experienced during the foresight project in findings speakers able and willing
to talk about eco-opportunities related to nanotechnology for the innovation
workshops and conference planned. Obvious candidates were difficult to find
and many nano researchers were hesitant of the environmental topic.
The general crude picture on green attention and search rules from the
Danish investigation is that researchers at DTU, the agricultural university
and Risoe are more environmentally oriented than at the pure and more basic
research universities Copenhagen, Århus, Aalborg and the University of
Southern Denmark. In the former the medico orientation is less strong and
the search space is broader. Also, at the DTU, there are strong competencies
on environmental issues and technologies, in part in some of the institutes
dealing with nano research (the Center for Sustainable and Green Chemistry
at the Department of Chemistry,and Department of Manufacturing
Engineeering and Management, IPL). These are both part of Nano•DTU
which to some degree facilitate a cooperation between the technical
environmental researchers and the nano researchers here. There are, however,
apart from this limited links to other core environmental researchers and the
nano researchers here. Risoe has a formal key research focus en renewable
energy technologies meaning that an environmental agenda is somewhat
All in all it seems that links between policy makers, researchers and industry in
the environmental area and the new main nano research centres generally are
5.4.5 Environmental search rules and risks
Generally, most Danish nano researchers are concerned about the potential
environmental risks related to nanotechnology. Concerns are predominantly
directed towards and restricted to the possible toxicological effects of nano
particles. There is clearly a concern that public attitude towards nano may
become negative as in the case of GMOs, and that it is necessary to safeguard
the reputation of nanotechnology.
A few researchers also point to a possible waste and recycling problem from
nanotechnology. For example, a researcher from iNANO states:
“You put a lot of technology into a range of small things, and there may be a
problem in collecting and recycling them again, like with rechargeable
batteries. With nano products you can not see if there is anything dangerous
in the pen when you throw it in the bin; you do not know what you are
holding in your hand.”
The concerns of the Danish nano researchers are in line with recent
international studies on nano environmental risks as discussed in section 5.3.
It seems that the risk concerns are of quite new date or at least have been
strengthened recently, partly because of the rising international debate
following recent research projects, going into more depth with the risk aspects
than has been the case before. But it also seems that the recent general Danish
nano foresight report, which included risk aspects, has been an eye-opener to
many Danish nano researchers when it comes to risks issues related to
nanotechnology. In fact that is one of the main conclusions of the foresight
report. Before, the majority of the nano researchers had not been concerned
with or considered risk aspects of nanotechnology (Ministeriet for Videnskab,
Teknologi og Udvikling, 2004). A few nano researchers still state that they see
no environmental risks associated with nanotechnology, but that there are
some ethical issues to consider.
Even though risk aspects are quite recognized, little attention is generally paid
to the question of how green/clean nano production is or could become, i.e.
green search rules are lacking or are insufficient. Quite many of the nano
researchers interviewed lack competencies on environmental issues. They had
difficulty discussing environmental issues in a systematic way and relating it to
the product cycle, i.e. discussing the resource and energy use, toxicity, waste
and recycling aspects related to their nano research. For example, a researcher
at the Copenhagen Nano-Science Center states: “Organic electronics is a
huge area in rapid development and Denmark should get going here. But if it
has got something to do with the environment…I don’t know if computers
pollute?… An organic computer becomes CO2 and water. I guess computers
belong at the bottom of environmentally pressing problems?”
All in all there are no implications that the rise of nano science with its more
transdisciplinary search rules nurtures any environmental orientation or
competence building so far.
At Haldor Topsøe things are quite different. Keeping up a strong green
profile is important to their competitiveness nowadays. They keep a close eye
on developments in environmental regulation globally, especially on
chemicals, both for spotting market opportunities for their environmental
catalysts, but also to handle the chemicals they use themselves properly. Their
production is nowadays quite clean, they have e.g. a closed water circuit, but
this has nothing to do with nanotechnology. They use hardly any catalysts in
their production themselves.
There has been no Danish research into environmental impacts of
nanotechnology. An iNANO researcher points to the problem of timing the
societal concerns and dialogues: “It is difficult to research [in risks] because
we have not defined the problems yet. We are all in the process of developing
nanotechnology, and if it turns out that there are environmental consequences
we must look into that;, but it is difficult to start looking into things until you
know what the problem is.” Similarly, Professor Besenbacher, Head of
iNANO, states: “I am more in line with the American way, and say, OK we
do this fundamental research and when it is done we draw a line in the sand
and ask: what then, are there any side effects?… We need to investigate
further the toxicological effects of especially the nanotubes which may be
dangerous. Today we don’t have sufficient scientific evidence to say whether
it is dangerous or not. And that needs to be looked into just as you do with
heavy metals in paint…The day you see a problem you have to direct
regulation towards it. But I can’t relate to an attitude saying that something as
a starting point is a problem.”
The committee behind the recently finished Danish nano foresight report held
a small hearing with a group of citizens about their expectations and fears
related to nanotechnology (Ministeriet for Videnskab, teknologi og udvikling,
2004).The main conclusions were that there is a desire among the public that
nanotechnology should be used for purposes that give benefits with due
regard for people and the environment. Examples include pollution control,
climate change, poverty in developing countries, and disease. The
responsibility for possible adverse consequences of nanotechnology and the
applicable legislation for handling them must be precise and visible. It is
important that applications that are evidently dangerous should be halted or
subjected to regulation with strict toxicological control in order to maintain
Interview with Frederik Søby and Søren Brun Hansen, Haldor Topsøe, 26/8 2004.
confidence that the widespread use of nanotechnology will not have
undesirable consequences.
5.5 Danish Nano Eco-innovation potentials
This section seeks to outline the eco-innovation potentials identified by
Danish nano researchers both more generally and through a number of case
5.5.1 Overall identified eco-potentials
When asked about nano-related eco-innovation potentials the Danish nano
researchers particularly pointed out three areas: 1) Energy production
(hydrogen society), 2) catalysis as a source of gas cleaning as well as resource
and energy efficient chemicals production, and 3) sensors as a source of more
resource efficient production processes or products. Of the three, the energy
production was by far the one which was attributed the greatest
environmental impact by most of the researchers, and also the issue they knew
most about.
The overall impression is that all Danish nano researchers have some kind of
or even quite high green visions related to nanotechnology, but mostly at a
quite general level. An iNANO researcher states: “We need to scale things
down to have enough resources when the Chinese start using computers, or
else everything will break down. At the nano scale all processes are faster, also
the computer communication. The same goes for chemical reactions. Things
become more efficient”.
Most Danish researchers thus acknowledge various eco-innovation potentials
related to nanotechnology and their own nano research, although very few
actually research into this.
Table 5.2 seeks in a dense form to represent a first mapping of all the eco-
potentials identified by the actors in the Danish nano community. The table
shows key-nanotechnologies and their eco-potentials, as well as the main
Danish nano researchers and companies involved. Also the development stage
and Danish competencies (the international position) of the
technology/research area are shortly stated.
Large parts of the Danish nano community have participated in the making of
this lists through several mailing rounds as well as being presented as
background material for the three workshops held as part of this foresight
report. The findings have in this way been subjected to some scrutiny within
the nano community. Overall, the table represents quite rigorous data.
The list is quite long, despite the limited attention to environmental issues in
the Danish nano community. It should be stressed that the table is illustrating
eco-potentials, i.e. research that could lead to new environmental solutions,
even though environmental applications may not be the target of the research.
In the table these issues are sought illustrated by shortly indicating the current
and potential application field of the technology. This is in some cases quite
difficult since the field of application can be very broad when we are dealing
with a very fundamental technology (e.g. new nano porous materials, or new
synthesis of nano particles). On the other hand, it is important in a foresight
exercise to seek to point also to the more long term or novel possibilities and
not only those lying straight ahead or which have obvious environmental
potentials seen from the way we consider environmental problems to day.
Some of the more radical or systemic environmental opportunities may well
lie in the more fundamental technologies or insights from nano science that
may open up for new technological development paths.
The table represents the eco-opportunities as identified by the Danish nano
researchers. The claimed eco-potentials have not been subjected to great
scrutiny in this project, the considerable amount of suggestions alone makes
this impossible. The purpose is not to identify those innovations with the
highest environmental potential, but merely to make a first scoping study of
the possibilities and visions. The table may be said to illustrate the nano
researchers’ entrepreneurial expectations on eco-innovations. For a great part
of the nano researchers participating, considering the eco-opportunities of
their research was clearly a new experience. Therefore it has also been
difficult for them to be very specific about the environmental potentials of
which they know little. The table therefore represents an attempt at
identifying the hitherto unknown/unrecognized eco-opportunities as seen
broadly in the Danish nano community. In a sense this exercise has
highlighted but also created new (eco-) entrepreneurial expectations, similar
to the innovation workshops held during this project. The list then is a list of
possible interesting eco-opportunities, not identified main solutions to specific
environmental problems.
The grouping of the technologies seeks simultaneously to capture:
- different application areas
- different nanotechnologies (manufacturing techniques)
- areas of environmental interest.
Minor subtechnologies are indicated with an “-”. The grouping has been
made in a dialogue with the Danish nano researchers.
The table also seeks to illustrate the diversity of the nanotechnological field
and the great variety in development stage between the different research
areas and technologies.
It goes beyond this study to go into a discussion of all the many technologies
listed, their eco-potentials and industrial potentials. A few of the examples are
discussed more in depth in the case studies in the succeeding section (marked
with an “*” in table 5.2).
Table 5.2.
Suggested Danish nano eco-innovation potentials – overview.
Technologies & eco-potentials Companies
Catalytic production of chemicals:
1.Efficient production of bulk chemicals
such as ethanol, ammonium, hydrogen.
Innovation for still higher energy
efficiency and less chemical waste.
Stage: Large scale production,
New: micro-reactors for production of
hazardous chemicals in small scale may
allow more targeted, efficient production.
Haldor Topsøe
Ib Chorkendorff, NanoDTU,
J. Kehlet Nørskov, NanoDTU,
C. Hviid Christensen,
F. Besenbacher og Jeppe V.
Lauritsen, INANO AU
Ulrich Quaade, NanoDTU,
Jane Hvolbæk Larsen,
Ole Hansen, NanoDTU, DTU,
Mogens Mogensen, Risø
DK world leading (top 5)
Catalytic cleaning of gases:
2. Environmental heterogeneous catalysts
for power generation, refineries, large
(no catalysts for small facilities made in
Stage: Large scale production, but more
stringent environmental requirements are
coming soon. New type of catalyst under
development at Haldor Topsøe
Haldor Topsøe
I. Chorkendorff , NanoDTU,
C.Hviid Christensen,
F. Besenbacher, iNANO,AU
DK world leading (top 5)
3. Environmental catalysts for diesel
Heterogeneous catalysts for cleaning the
fine (and toxic) particles of diesel
Stage: development stage globally with
new regulation coming up,
Haldor Topsøe
Storex A/S
Amminex A/S
C. Hviid Christensen,
J. Kehlet Nørskov, NanoDTU,
Ulrich Quaade, NanoDTU,
Tue Johannessen, NanoDTU,
Jeppe Lauritsen, iNANO, AU
Søren Linderoth, Risø
DK: new area, Danish patents
and new products are on the
4. Electrochemical/catalytic cleaning of
Efficient cleaning method where
electricity substitutes chemistry,
application of know-how from fuel cells.
Stage: experimental, patent submitted.
Mogens Mogensen, Risø
Kent Kammer Hansen, Risø
DK unique research
Other separation/cleaning processes:
5. Bioseparation
- With ultrashort laser pulses one can
make membranes with nanopores in any
material, including polymers and metals.
These can be used for bioseparation or
- Combination of membrane and
fermentation processes,
- Bioactive polymer membranes.
No research/production in ceramic
membranes for water cleaning.
Stage: Used for gas cleaning mainly, on
market within 5-10 years.
Alfa Laval Nakskov
Christian Hansen
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen,
C. Hviid Christensen,
Morten Foss, iNANO, AU
Peter Kingshott, Risø
Peter Vang Petersen, Risø
Gunnar Jonsson, NanoDTU,
DTU, Kemiteknik
DK new area
6. Remediation with nanoparticles Roskilde Amt Susan Stipp, KU Geologi
The companies are both Danish producers/developers as well as early users of
nanotechnology. Companies in brackets implies a minor contact. A few foreign
companies are mentioned when they have been in a dialogue with Danish nano
Researchers are from Danish Universities and Research Institutions
Immobilisation and breakdown of
- Decontamination by reaction with
functional nanoparticles or thin films -
either using synthetic material or
modified minerals.
- combined with sensors in eg. the soil
- biological adhesion on natural materials
and implications for degradation
-”Natural antenuation”: exploit the
natural cleaning capacity of nanosize
(clay and other minerals) particles in the
Applic: In soil and water, water treatment
facilities, waste treatment plants and
storage areas, flue gas and fly ash
treatment, nuclear waste repositories,
Stage: various – some projects improve
existing commercial technology, others
study the fundamental properties to
develop new approaches.
SKB - Svensk
H.C.Bruun Hansen, KVL
C. Bender Koch, KVL.
K.J. Jørgensen, KVL
H. Lindgreen, GEUS
(C. Suhr Jacobsen, GEUS, F.
Larsen, DTU & T. Christensen,
DTU- environmental
researchers with nano links )
A. Bennow, KVL
D. Plackett, Risø
DK: some projects are state-of-
the-art, leading on international
7. Controlled release into soil
Controlled release of adsorbed
components from nanoparticles or films.
Applic: - pesticides or plant nutrient or
growth regulator release from soil,
Aim to improve resource efficiency and
control release.
Stage: various
Susan Stipp, KU Geologi
H.C.Bruun Hansen, KVL
DK: ?
Polymer electronics/photonics:
8. Polymer based electronics with less
use of materials, and often less energy
- TFT flat screen
- Local Area Networks (LAN)
- Molecular computing
- RFID devices
Stage: Polymer electronics is beginning
to be developed commercially, currently
products are too unstable. Many
applications expected in a long time
horizon. Specific photonic applications
are moving into development stage.
M. Meedom Nielsen, Risø
Frederik Krebs, Risø
T. Bjørnholm, KU
Jan. O. Jeppesen, SDU
DK: Early stage for the time
being a minor role,
development in foreign
countries: UK,USA, Asia,
Phillips, Panasonic
9. LEDs *
- Light emitting diodes with low energy
consumption compared to incandescent
bulps and no environmentally harmful
Stage: rapidly increasing performance of
LED devices and expanding market
RGB Lamps
Louis Poulsen
Asger BC Lys
Paul Michael Petersen, Risø
Carsten Dam-Hansen, Risø
Birgitte Thestrup, Risø
Henrik Pedersen, Risø
DK: development and test of
high –end innovative
applications of new LEDs
Monitoring & diagnosis:
10. Lab on a chip
Integrated and miniaturized systems for
chemical analysis on a single chip.
Measure at the nanoscale. Polymer based
fluid systems, photonics and electronics.
Allows for decentralized, concentrated
monitoring and diagnostics and thereby
“early warning”.
- Pesticide analysis in drinking water
(antibody based) detection "lab on a
chip" through quantitative, competitive
microarray immunoassay.
Stage: Chips for DNA analysis are well
developed and applied (but are not quite
lab on a chip). Mainly products within
point-of-care in healthcare. Early
Danfoss Analytical
Pieter Telleman, MIC,
Leif Højslet Christensen, TI
Knud Jørgen Jensen, KVL
Jens Aamand, GEUS
Leif Bruun, SSI
Pieter Telleman, MIC,
DK: Research and Commercial
production in food and environment.
11. ”Pervasive sensoring
- Small cheap micro- and nano structured
sensors embodied in many different
types of ’devices’. (closely linked to
- Sensors based on RFID technology
(tags for labelling) are expected to be
largely disseminated. They are cheap,
wireless and without internal energy
supply (battery). The devices are
Potentials for intelligent dosage systems
(demand driven) & improved process
control, e.g. combustion system in cars,
dosage of fertilizers, washing machines,
tags for waste separation (recycling) and
discovering of materials…
Application mainly health, automation,
Stage: Production of condition
monitoring and structural health
monitoring is increasing strongly. The
durability of some products is short.
H.F. Jensen
Foss Analytics
Aric Menon, MIC/DTU
Jörg Kutter & Jörg Hübner MIC,
Lars Lading, STC
Steen Hanson, Risø
M. Meedom Nielsen, Risø
”Emballage & Transport” at TI
are establishing a RFID test
DK: New area
12. Bio sensors
Monitors the presence of biochemical
substances. The specification is achieved
via a bio-chemical reaction. The devices
are very small, sensitive and potentially
cheap. The physical reading can be
electrical, electro mechanical, optical or
- Cellular sensor – the molecule changes
its shape by binding
- In-vivo nano sensors
- Oestrogen receptors for detecting
hormone-like compounds in the
Application: mainly health, also food and
Stage: Many proof-of-principle but still
few commercial products. More robust
sensors for routine measurements under
Vir Biosensors
Danfoss Bionics
Pieter Telleman, NanoDTU,
Anja Boisen, NanoDTU, MIC,
Erik V. Thomsen MIC, DTU
T. Bjørnholm, KU & Tue
Schwartz, Panum
Jesper Wengel, SDU
Jan. O. Jeppesen, SDU
Steffen B. Petersen, AAU
F. Besenbacher, iNANO AU
Jørgen Kjems, iNANO,AU
Jens Stougaard, AU
N. Peter Revsbech, iNANO,AU
Peter Andreasen, iNANO, AU
L. Højslet Christensen, TI
M. Palmgren, A. Schulz, A.
Fuglsang, Knud J. Jensen, KVL
Lars Lading, STC
Niels Bent Larsen, Risø
A. Scharff Poulsen, Risø
K. Almdal, Risø
DK: research medium
Functional surfaces:
13. Nano crystalline coatings
Superhard nanocrystalline oxide or metal
coatings with large thermal and chemical
Stage: Under development
SCF Technologies
Jørgen Bøttiger (iNANO, AU)
Ryzard Pyrz (iNANO, AAU)
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen
DK: research in front
14. Multifunctional nanocoatings
PLD (Pulsed laser deposition) is used to
produce high quality films of nm-
thickness. These are oxides and metal
coatings with special electrical, magnetic
and optical properties, e.g. for optical
communication, sensor devices and
SOFC (solid oxide fuel cells).
Stage: Experimental prototype nano-film
systems, allows for fast production but
currently too expensive for wider
commercial use.
Jørgen Schou, Risø
Nini Pryds, Risø
DK: Using new PLD equipment
among European top ten
15. Coating surfaces with nanoparticles*
- Anti-fouling, self cleaning surfaces,
antibacterial surfaces
Application: mainly food and medico,
some environmental, wide brainstorming
stage concerning applications.
B&O (nano ph.d.)
Per Møller, NanoDTU, DTU
Jens Ulstrup, NanoDTU, DTU
F. Besenbacher, iNANO,AU
Thomas Zwieg, TI
Peter Kingshott, Risø
E.g. environmentally friendly paint for
ships, anti graffiti (avoid chemical usage
for cleaning), self-cleaning windows (not
- Self-lubricating surfaces with reduced
wear and tear, reducing problems with
lubricants in industrial production .
Potential for water/waste water, but no
research in DK.
Stage: early production, larger production
expected within 10-15 years.
Peter Bøggild MIC, NanoDTU,
Hans Nørgaard Hansen,
Kim Dam-Johansen, DTU
Jan Lorenzen, TI
DK: close to front
16. Surfaces functionalized with complex
carbon hydrates
-biocompatible surfaces, at present for
medico technological applications
-glyco-chip to gene discovery, enzyme-
and antibody screening
Stage: ?
Danisco A/S
Poalis A/S
Peter Ulvskuv (DIAS), KVL
H. Vibe Scheller, A. Blennow ,S.
B. Engelsen, B. Lindberg Møller,
Knud Jørgen Jensen KVL
Morten Foss & Flemming
Besenbacher, iNANO AU
Leif Højslet DTI
Bill Willats KU
DK: ?
17. Chemical modification of surfaces
- Plasma treatment e.g. corrosion,
biocompatible surfaces –(implants),
- Anti-fouling & antibacterial surfaces
-Immobilized peptides, proteins,
-Chemical synthesis of complex, bio-
active molecules.
- Coating with biolayers
Applications: consumer goods,
automotive, health care
Stage: Established industry.
New coatings w. functionalized polymers,
e.g. switchable coatings expected time
horizon 10-15 years to market.
Anja Boisen & Martin Dufva
Morten Foss og Flemming
Besenbacher, iNANO AU
Niels Bent Larsen, Risø
Peter Kingshott, Risø
Jørgen Schou, Risø
C. Hviid Christensen, DTU
Naseem Theilgaard, TI
Knud Jørgen Jensen, KVL
DK: Medium level, many
research activities in Denmark
18. Physical modification of surfaces
Achieve strong surfaces (thermic stable,
wearability), & anti-fouling properties.
- Nanoporous membranes with selective
permeability to short-chained carboxylic
acid. Can be used for control of biogas
plants, monitoring of fermentation in
- Laser treatment
- Replication of nano structures in metals
and polymers.
- Produce membranes (see
Stage: patents with external partners, on
its way to be accepted by industry (food
& medico). Within 2-5 years larger market
is expected.
Glud & Marstrand
Morten Foss, iNANO,AU
Peter Balling, iNANO, AU
Keld West, Risø
Niels Bent Larsen, Risø
Hans Nørgaard Hansen,
Anders Kristensen MIC,
Leif Højslet, TI
Torben M. Hansen, TI,
DK close to front
19. New Liquid Crystal Smart Window
Window for solar and daylight control
applications, based on films of polymer-
/liquid crystal composites. Allows for
higher energy efficiency though 3
operating modes: selective reflective
(limiting overheating), transparent, and
Fast response times independent of the
glazing surface.
Stage: prototypes, estimated 5-7 years to
European companies,
no Danish companies
Karsten I. Jensen, NanoDTU,
Finn H. Kristiansen, BYG.DTU
Jørgen M. Schultz, BYG.DTU
DK: research into the metrology
as part of EU project
20. Intelligent windows/signs/boards
Coatings (with electro chromes)
opens/shuts for the sun or change
colour, allows for better energy efficiency.
Velfac Mogens Mogensen, Risø
Keld West, Risø
DK: early stage research, only
Stage: Development of energy saving
building components.
little activity
21. Natural anti-fouling
Use natural antibacterial agents for
surface modification. Potentially save
chemicals and water for cleaning or for
producing other coatings.
Stage: very early/infant, but not so far
from market (5-10 years)
SMB Peter Kingshott, Risø
Lone Gram, Institute for
DK among pioneers, also few
other places, e.g. Australia
Composite materials:
One of the two components contains
structural modifications on nanoscale.
22. Fibre reinforced polymers
- Plant fibres with nano-structured
surfaces for improved interfaces in
- Polymer nanofibres (self-assembled and
- Nanocomponents as sensors in
Eco-potential in light, thin, strong
materials e g. substitute glass fibre, steel
and other metals, save energy use in
Stage: long-term, 10-20 years to market.
NKT Flexibles
NEG Micron
LM Glasfiber
Anne Belinda Thomsen, Risø
Bent F. Sørensen, Risø
Bo Madsen, Risø
Hans Lilholt,Risø
Peter Kingshott, Risø
Henrik Myhre Jensen, AAU
R. Pyrz, AAU
Anja Boisen MIC, NanoDTU,
Karsten Jakobsen, NanoDTU,
Robert Feidenhans´l, KU
DK: in front
23. Super Insulating Aerogel Windows
Nano structured monolithic silica aerogel
used as transparent insulation material in
Good optical and thermal properties of
aerogel allows for windows with both
high insulation and high transmittance.
Stage: prototypes, estimated time to
market is 5-7 years.
European (e.g.
Airglass, Sweden)
(SCT Technologies)
Karsten I. Jensen, BYG.DTU
Jørgen M. Schultz, BYG.DTU
Finn H. Kristiansen, BYG.DTU
DK: Unique expertise in
handling monolithic silica
24. Bioplast
Polymer materials based on organic
materials, permeability changes by
addition of nano composites. Use of
(nano) clay particles, sometimes in
modified form.
Is degradable, replaces fossil fuel
resources of conventional plast.
Stage: early, some products are in
production, but short durability. For bulk
(packaging) as well as refined products
Arla Foods David Plackett, Risø
Vibeke Holm, KVL (ph.d.)
Peter Ulvskov (DIAS), KVL
H. Vibe Scheller, A. Blennow, S.
Balling Engelsen (KVL)
DK: new nano research area
Nanoporous materials:
25. Zeolites
Development of organic/inorganic
networks, metalphosphate lattice
structure zeolites. Used for catalysis, gas
storage, gas separation, chemical
Stage: Development. Zeolites are used in
large quantities industrially. See also
”Gas storage”
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen,
Torben R. Jensen, iNANO, AU
Jens E. Jørgensen, iNANO, AU
Henrik Birkedal, iNANO, AU
Hanne Lauritzen,TI
Claus Hviid Christensen,
DK: Research in front
26. Thermoelectric materials
For cooling or energy production based
on host/guest materials with nanovoids.
Stage: Used today by NASA. New
breakthrough may change cooling and/or
energy conversion in a fundamental way.
SCF Technologies
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen,
Lasse Rosendahl, Energiteknik,
Georg Madsen, Kemi, AU
DK:Research in front
27. Nanoporous polymer materials
Via self organisation at nano scala and
corrosion creating a unique homogenous
cavity structure.
Application: potentially wide, e.g.
membranes, electro osmotic pumps,
controlled release and diagnosis.
Stage: early experimentally
Sokol Ndoni, Risø
Martin E. Vigild, NanoDTU,
DK: among pioneers, also 4-5
places in USA, Japan
28. Super vacuum insulation
Coal doped nano structured aerogel used
as spacers for vacuum insulation panels.
Application: in refrigerators, freezers,
coolers, as building insulation etc.
Other applications of aerogel: - Substrate
for catalytic materials, - Gas filters, -
Waste encapsulation and membranes,
Stage: vision/possible project idea and
reasonable price.
Karsten I. Jensen, NanoDTU,
Jørgen M. Schultz, BYG.DTU
Finn H. Kristiansen, BYG.DTU
DK new area, participates in EU
29. Ceramic insolation
Ceramic nanoporous tiles (ceramic
processing) for high insolation capacity.
Stage: expensive, used in Space shuttles,
vision/potential research idea.
Mogens Mogensen, Risø
DK no research so far
Nano particulate & nanofibrous
30. Nano particles formed into meshes,
wires or colloid 3D constructs.
Aimed at medico (transport &
penetration, increase surface area) but
wide application potential, e.g. as
scavengers of pollutants, flocculation…
Stage: Experimental
Sokol Ndoni, Risø
T. Bjørnholm, KU
Peter Kingshott, Risø
Keld West, Risø
B. Lindberg Møller, KVL
DK among early pioneers
31. Supercritical fluids
Synthesis of nanoparticles in any form
and shape, e.g. TiO
, ZrO
, Al
, Fe
Green synthesis without using organic
Extraction processes: conversion of slurry
to H
and CH
Stage: Commercially available today
SCF Technologies
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen,
Torben R. Jensen, iNANO, AU
Jens E. Jørgensen, iNANO, AU
DK: New area
32. Synthesis of nanoparticles *
Hydrothermal and supercritical synthesis
of e.g. complex oxides, magnetic particles
etc. for much faster and more energy
efficient synthesis of nanoparticles.
Stage: Used commercially today (fuel
cells, solar cells, catalyst supports,
electronics etc). An improvement of size
distribution and price may create a burst
in commercial exploitation.
SCF Technologies
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen,
Torben R. Jensen, iNANO, AU
Jens E. Jørgensen, iNANO, AU
Henrik Birkedal, iNANO, AU
C. Hviid Christensen, DTU
DK: New research and
production area with promising
new unique production facility
33. Biomimetic materials
Develop new materials based on the
study of fundamental mechanisms of
Susan Stipp, KU Geology
Karen Henriksen, KU Geology
(ph.d. student)
Energy production:
34. Energy conversion
Micro/nanostructured fuel injectors for
combustion engines. Injectors
manufactured using ultrashort laser
pulses enables improved atomization,
which ensures improved combustion of
e.g. diesel.
Bosch GmbH Peter Balling, iNANO, AU
DK: New area
35. Hydrogen production & fuel cells/bio
- Hydrogen production
- Hydrogen storage in nanoporous
materials (metal hydrides)
- Cheap materials for electrodes (nano
Stage: early production
Haldor Topsøe
IRD Fuelcells
J. Kehlet Nørskov, NanoDTU,
I. Chorkendorff, NanoDTU,
C. Hviid Christensen,
Mogens Mogensen, Risø
Søren Linderoth, Risø
R. Feidenhans’l, KU
F. Besenbacher, iNANO, AU
Frank Elefsen, TI,
DK: New area but approaching
international front.
36. Gas storage
Synthesis of complex metal hydrides
promising for H
storage and thus
hydrogen fuel and nanoporous organic
Stage: Early development
Torben R. Jensen, iNANO, AU
Bo Brummerstedt Iversen,
Jens E. Jørgensen, iNANO, AU
C. Hviid Christensen,
DK: New area
37. Polymer solar cells
Very cheap solar cells printed on thin
plastic films, potential for wide
distribution of solar cells, e.g. integrated
in products.
Stage: experimental, short durability, first
products expected soon.
Siemens Frederik Krebs, Risø
DK: New area
38. CO
Development of risk assessment models
for storage of CO
in exhausted oil/gas
Based on study of fundamental nano
level processes for mineral-gas and
mineral-liquid-gas interaction.
Stage: ?
Susan Stipp, KU Geology
DK: New area, project with
European partners.
Atmospheric research:
39. Nano science research into ozone
layer and global heating.
Stage: Probably not technically relevant
Ole John Nielsen & Merete
Bilde, KU
5.5.2 Eco-potential qualification
The main conclusion of table 5.2 is that Danish nano researchers identify a
very wide range of eco-potentials connected to key nano research areas. Many
of these potentials have also been pointed to in previous studies and
workshops, compare the discussion in section 5.3 on international findings.
But table 5.2 offers a more comprehensive list with more details related to
concrete research areas and technologies than has been carried out before. It
should be remembered that the list reflects the Danish identified potentials
and refer to Danish nano competencies only. In other countries the picture
may look different. There is e.g. no photocatalytic research for water cleaning
in Denmark, which is often highlighted as one of the big eco-potentials of
The technologies pointed to overall indicate that there are some intrinsic
features of nanotechnologies that may facilitate eco-innovation within a wide
diversity of nanotechnologies, as others also have argued, compare section
5.3. The table operates with eleven different main research /technology areas
and identifies in all 39 research areas/technologies which could offer eco-
potentials. These can be further grouped into four main groups, representing
different ways of contributing with environmental benefits: The table
illustrates numerous examples of how nanotechnologies imply new
opportunities for making more tailor-made, targeted, sensitive, integrated and
intelligent products, in short smart tailored products. Combined with the
opportunities nanotechnology offers for making completely new materials,
which are thinner, lighter and stronger or possess new properties,
nanotechnology may well provide a platform for a more resource efficient
economy. Finally energy production must be mentioned as the third area and
improved environmental remediation and cleaning as the fourth area where
nanotechnologies may have considerable positive environmental impacts.
These will be discussed further below.
This is not to say that the mentioned nanotechnologies are resource efficient
per se and will solve the environmental problems if widely developed. The
environmental benefits depend very much on how the technologies are being
applied and how they feed into and possibly affect overall consumption
patterns. Currently most of these research areas and technologies are not
being developed with environmental benefits in mind in Denmark so the eco-
potential may not be explored. Lacking knowledge especially of the research
areas at the early stages of development means that the specific environmental
benefits are difficult to assess particularly considering the broad application
area of most nanotechnologies.. Because nanotechnologies are enabling
technologies many of the environmental effects will be widespread but of a
more indirect character. They will often be integrated in (and thereby change
the properties of) other products and materials and their effect must be seen
in combination with these. In the following the eco-potentials will be discussed
more in depth, referring to the box numbers of the table above. Smart tailored products
The eco-potential of smart tailored products relate, roughly speaking, to the
research areas:
Functional surfaces (making strong, self-repairing, anti-fouling,
self-lubricating, bio-compatible, energy preserving/producing,
selective surfaces).
Catalytic efficient production of chemicals (less energy and
Polymer electronics/photonics (particularly less energy)
Monitoring and diagnostics (e.g. pervasive highly sensitive
sensoring and tags – based on cheap, disposable, organic
electronics and biosensors).
Alone functional surfaces are represented by nine very different technologies,
some at a commercial stage, some very experimental. Quite many Danish
nano researchers are occupied here in this very fundamental nano science
discipline, where Denmark possesses quite strong competencies. Company
involvement is, however, somewhat limited so far. The eco-potentials are
considerable because of the potential widespread application, and varied
though application today is primarily medico oriented. There are a few
examples of current commercial environmental applications with self
lubricating surfaces used in industrial production saving resources (see
no.15), energy efficient windows through nano coatings (see no. 19 and 20)
as well as three examples leading to less chemical and water usage in the case
given in the succeeding section.
Catalysis, the core Danish nanotechnological competence, leads to more
resource efficient chemicals production as will be discussed further below.
Polymer electronics/photonics represent radical innovations in the for the global
economy crucial electronics industry. Polymer electronics is a small new niche
in Denmark as well as globally with interesting perspectives and some
industrial activity. But considerable technical problems remain, though some
commercial products exist. The eco-potentials may be considerable, because
radically new types of electronic products may be developed. In most cases
polymer electronics offer environmental benefits mainly in the form of energy
efficiency, see noticeable the LED case below (no.9), possibly one of the
nanotechnologies with the biggest immediate environmental potential.
Monitoring and diagnostics represent one of the biggest nano research areas in
Denmark when it comes to numbers of researchers and it is also here we find
most nano dedicated companies, primarily small start up companies. The
identified technologies (pervasive sensoring with sensors and tags, lab-on-an
chip and biosensors, (see no. 10-12) might facilitate continuous and real-time
measurement and diagnosis of environmental parameters in a way that has not
been possible before. The environmental potential of this element alone may
be contested, but used in combination with other intelligent (nano) products
and materials it may contribute in important ways to greater resource
efficiency. The application orientation today is, however, primarily medical.
There is though an example of sensors for pesticide detection (see no. 10).
The environmental monitoring industry in Denmark is only beginning to take
an interest in nanotechnology
. New materials
According to professor Hviid Christensen, Center for Sustainable and Green
Chemistry, DTU, and among the environmentally most competent nano
researchers in Denmark, the biggest eco-potential of nanotechnologies lies in
the possibility of making completely new nano structured materials. All
modern materials science to day is based on nano science, so in this sense the
innovation potential attributed to nanotechnology is considerable
. The three
material areas in the table are:
Nano particulate & nanofibrous materials (eco-efficient
production and materials with new proporties )
Nano poreose materials – (potential for membranes,
electroosmotic pumps, controlled release, insulation,
thermoelectric materials for efficient cooling & energy
Nano composites (lighter, stronger, degradable, renewable raw
The nano particulate and nanofibrous materials group illustrate some of the
most fundamental nano science research and development. They feed into a
great amount of nanotechnologies. Basically, the further development of many
nanotechnologies depends on the advancements in the ability to and efficiency
of making nanoparticles. The importance of this field underlines the necessity
to look into the entire innovation food chain of nanotechnologies to enhance
nano-innovation. Improved synthesis of nano particles (see no. 31 and 32)
and forming nano particles into meshes, wires or colloid constructs to obtain
materials with new properties (see no. 30) illustrate this point. In the section
below is a case on new super critical nano particle synthesis showing
considerable improvements in energy efficiency, speed and quality of the
manufacturing technique compared to the hitherto practiced much slower sol-
gel method. The company SCF Technologies involved is the only Danish
company working with the manufacturing of nanoparticles. Also biomimetic
materials (no.33) represent an interesting potential for making completely
new materials mimicking the efficient production methods of nature.
Nano poreose materials similar make up a very important and fundamental
element of nanotechnologies and are used in a range of nanotechnological
devices. This nano research strives basically to make homogenous nanoscale
holes in a material. The table illustrates 5 different ways, which gives rise to
very different material properties and a wide range of application areas. The
Interview with Kasper Paasch, Danfoss Analytical, 7.9.2004.
Acccording to Hans Lilholt, program leader of the materials division, Risoe
National Laboratory.
eco-potentials are considerable, e.g. improved membranes and better catalysis,
and novel solutions for insulation, cooling and energy conversion (no. 25, 26,
27, 28 and 29). Some of these applications are commercial, others
experimental and currently very costly but could have major eco-potentials if
they reach commercialisation.
Within the composite materials research, the nano research related to the
development of bioplast is one rare example where environmental aspects
form an important part of the goals and search rules. The whole justification
of bioplast is environmental issues in the search for plastic with less waste
problems and based on renewable resources but using biomass. Bioplast
research in Denmark is only a small niche though. Nano composite materials
such as fibre reinforced polymers are generally very interesting from an
environmental point of view because they make up lighter, thinner and
stronger alternative materials to e.g steel and other metals to be used e.g in
transport to save energy and material use as pointed to in section 5.3. This
research, however, has limited environmental application today in Denmark.
An exception is research and development into composites for the
replacement of glasfibre in windmills, partly to develop better wings, partly to
reduce the huge glasfibre waste problem of the big Danish wind mill industry. Energy production
As mentioned the Danish nano researchers point to energy production as a
core eco-potential of nanotechnologies. Certainly if alternative energy systems
to fossil fuels were developed a large part of the environmental problems
would be solved. The strong Danish catalysis competencies means that we
have a good basis for contributing to the development of hydrogen based
energy systems. Interestingly the Danish catalysts researchers have all moved
into the related hydrogen fuel cell and storage research within the recent years,
both at DTU, iNANO and Risoe and also at the company Haldor Topsoe.
There seems to be a shared long term interest for realizing a hydrogen
economy, in which the possible environmental benefits play an important role.
The technical problems remain considerable, though and prospects are long
term and uncertain. The catalysis case below illustrates recent innovations
here. Other potentials within the energy area are improvements in energy
conversion, the mentioned improved materials for wind mill wings and an
interesting new niche in polymer based solar cells. The latter is an example of
a nanotechnology which is at a very early experimental stage but which could
have a huge innovation and eco-innovation potential if commercialization is
realized. The high uncertainty as to the scope of this technology makes it very
difficult currently to assess possible environmental benefits. Environmental remediation
This area represents what professor Hans Christian Bruun Hansen, at the
agricultural university calls “environmental nanotechnology”, where
nanotechnology is used directly to reduce the amount of and the handling of
pollutants. The techniques pointed to are catalytic efficient cleaning of gases
(no.2,3,4), remediation through use of functional nanoparticles (no.6), more
efficient bioseparation (no.5) through tailored membranes and controlled
release of e.g. pesticides, nutrients and growth regulators into soil (less
resource use and emission) (no.7). The latter shows how understandings of
nano scale processes in the soil may be used to find novel environmental
The most novel suggestion is the use of functional nano particles (no.7)
(synthetic particles or modified minerals) for binding and degrading
pollutants in soil and water, waterworks, waste treatment facilities, nuclear
waste storage areas, etc. Such technologies are to a limited degree already in
use (see the case below on “Nat-nano-mats”). Here the importance of new,
nanoscience based understanding (rather than devices) of vital nano scale
processes in the environment are emphasised for finding optimum solutions to
environmental problems and the construction of risk assessment models
(according to Susan Stipp, GeoNanoScience Center at the University of
The Danish core environmental competence within heterogeneous
environmental catalysis distinguishes itself as a well-established technology
(no.2). In the western world existing heterogeneous catalysts are already
generally well applied. At Haldor Topsøe they state: “I don’t think there is any
material today which you cannot remove one way or the other but there are
still many regions where it could take place. It is a question of the will to
implement the existing processes where the problems are”.
At Haldor Topsøe they see the biggest remaining eco-potential in spreading
the environmental catalysts to Asia, Eastern Europe and the rest of the
developing world where there are rising huge markets for environmental
technologies. In these regions environmental catalysts are now only limited
applied. At Haldor Topsøe there are no expectations of major innovations in
the environmental catalysts originating from the new more scientific (nano)
understanding, but of more smooth developments with continuous increases
in efficiency. The same goes for the catalysts used in chemical production
where innovations leads to still less energy use and less chemical waste,
compare the resource efficiency discussion above related to the smart
products discussion (no.1). They are still facing challenges of linking up the
traditional experiment based production at the production facilities and the
nano science research of their R&D department. Upcoming stricter regulation
on sulphur emissions means that major innovations in their environmental
catalysts are necessary and they are working towards this.
The catalysis competencies are recently being applied in new directions (see
also the hydrogen discussion in the energy paragraph). Catalyst researchers at
both DTU and Haldor Topsøe are now moving into diesel cleaning where
new regulation is coming up (see no.3). For Haldor Topsøe this is quite a new
strategy since the mobility sector is a completely new type of market (much
smaller users) for them where they are now specialized on big users. See also
the diesel/hydrogen case below where Haldor Topsøe, though, is not involved.
Also new research is undergoing within electrochemical cleaning of gases
where electricity replaces chemicals (no.4).
The 6 case studies in the succeeding section represent examples of a more
detailed discussion of both innovation opportunities and environmental
5.6 Environmental assessment - system expansion or system
An important aspect to consider in the evaluation of environmental benefits
and risks is whether the developing technology will meet the needs of society
in a new more environmentally friendly way or whether the technology creates
Interview with Frederik Søby, Haldor Topsøe, 26/8 2004.
new needs that may either reduce or increase pressure on the environment.
No definite answers can be given for an emerging technology but some
considerations can be given both in general and for more specific potential
application areas. Here the general aspects are dealt with based on the high-
priority technology areas pointed in the recently suggested Danish nano action
plan (Ministeriet for Videnskab, tecknologi og udvikling 2004). These are as
Nanomedicine and drug delivery
Biocompatible materials
Nanosensors and nanofluidics
Plastic electronics
Nano-optics and nanophotonics
Nanocatalysis, hydrogen technology, etc.
Nanomaterials with new functional properties
Nanomedicine and drug delivery is expected to be mostly a substitution.
Current deliveries of drug could be more efficient in terms of either being
more specific in targeting the relevant receptors in the body or in
releasing/dosing more correct amounts of medicine. Such developments could
lead to a substitution of current drug delivery techniques resulting in less use
of medicine and possibly less releases to the environment. It may also lead to
expansion of the areas in which the medicine is used and perhaps thus to a
more widespread use of the medicine.
Biocompatible materials will probably to a large extent also be substituting
currently used implants in humans. Another related aspect is nano designed
surfaces that inhibit or promote growth of microorganisms. Especially
surfaces that inhibit growth may be used to substitute a wide array of biocidal
Nanosensors and nanofluidics could be expected to cause an extension of the
use of monitoring, since it may be possible to decentralise the analysis and
maybe also to measure more. However, such an extension may be an
environmental benefit if it enables a faster reaction and solving of problems
Plastic electronics is expected to cause a more dispersive and invasive use of
electronics and will no doubt extend the use of electronics, possibly increasing
the overall environmental impacts of electronics.
Nanooptics and nanophotonics have different application fields like e.g. LED,
polymer displays, and microstructured fibres (for transmissions). The
nanotechnology can to a wide extent substitute existing technologies for
lighting and for displays, but they may also results in extension of the use of
e.g. displays. Nanocatalysis, hydrogen technology etc. are expected to
primarily substitute currently used technologies.
Nanomaterials with new functional properties cover a wide spectrum of
materials and particles. Examples are magnetic nanoparticles used in data
storage or nanoparticles absorbing specific wave lengths of light used in
cosmetics. The area of application is so wide that it can be expected to both
substitute existing technologies and to extend the use to new applications.
Given the enabling and in most cases emerging nature of nanotechnologies
they are likely to have profound effects on wide parts of the production and
consumption patterns which need to be taken into consideration when
assessing the overall environmental impacts of these technologies. We need to
elaborate further into these issues.
5.6.1 Cases on nano eco-potentials
Based on input from a number of Danish nano researchers 6 case studies are
brought here to illustrate the innovation and environmental potentials more in
detail. These can be used for a more specific environmental assessment since
more is known about the specific potential application areas and production
techniques. A short environmental assessment is made on each case by Stig
Olsen, IPU, bringing a balanced valuation of environmental benefits as well as
possible threats.
The cases are chosen so that they illustrate different kind of nanotechnologies
and how these may offer different types of solutions to environmental
problems. They are examples of more mature nanotechnologies, i.e. there are
already products on the market. Hence the cases also seek to illustrate
interesting Danish innovation activities. The cases have rather clear
environmental advantages but this does not mean that these are the
innovations with the highest eco-potentials. Case: Super critical synthesis of nanoparticles
– innovation in nano
manufacturing (no.32)
Nanomaterials are cornerstones in many attempts to develop and exploit
nanotechnology. Numerous new applications are being developed including
electronics, sensors, coatings, optical fibres/barriers, ferro fluids, ceramics,
membranes, catalysts, paints, lubricants, pesticides, food additives, anti-
microbials, sunscreens, fuel cells, solar cells, cosmetics etc. In virtually all
applications of nanomaterials it is the primary synthesis of the materials,
which is limiting further exploitation of nanotechnologies. It is essential to
focus on new processing technologies if nanomaterials are to become
competitive in the market.
Supercritical synthesis processes comprise sustainable green chemistry routes as
the reaction media e.g. are environmentally benign CO
or H
O in the
supercritical state. Compared with the present state-of-the-art in producing
nanomaterials, supercritical processes allow production at significantly lower
temperatures and shorter reaction times than by conventional methods, and
the need for subsequent drying and/or calcination is eliminated. The
supercritical preparative schemes hold great promise for revolutionizing the
quality and availability (reduced cost, easier processes, improved
homogeneity) of modern nanomaterials. Whereas conventional sol-gel
methods may take hours, the supercritical methods are finished within less
than a minute.
There have been tremendous advances in supercritical fluid technology in the
last decade. Today the traditional applications in extraction processes (e.g.
caffeine from coffee) have been augmented by applications e.g. in materials
processing, organic reactions, separations, polymers, pharmaceuticals etc.
Danish applications with environmental implications include wood treatment
(the brand name "Superwood") or water treatment and conversion of organic
waste to hydrogen and methane and biodiesel. Supercritical fluids exhibit
unique properties such as gas-like mass transfer properties (diffusivity,
Data for this case was provided by Professor Bo Brummerstedt Iversen from iNANO
at Aarhus University.
viscosity and surface tension), yet having liquid-like properties such as high
solvation capability and density. Furthermore, the solubility can be
manipulated by simple means such as pressure and temperature.
Together with the Danish company SCF Technologies, iNANO has recently
developed a unique multipurpose, continouos flow, supercritical synthesis
reactor capable of producing extremely homogenous nanoparticles. The
system, which can handle all common supercritical solvents, allows easy
scaling to industrial production. The flexible design allows synthesis of most
materials, which are otherwise fabricated by sol-gel or hydrothermal methods.
The system, which can handle all common supercritical solvents, allows easy
scaling to industrial production. The flexible design allows synthesis of most
materials, which are otherwise fabricated by sol-gel or hydrothermal methods.
Environmental assessment
Compared to the processes normally used in nano particle production as
listed in table 5.2 it can be seen that the supercritical synthesis of
nanoparticles undoubtedly will present an environmental advantage compared
to the hitherto traditional production methodologies, even though the
alternative sol-gel process is not one of the most energy requiring processes.
Considering the raw materials the supercritical synthesis may potentially be
able to use raw materials which are less processed. It can be expected that
there are no differences in the use and disposal stage of the nanoparticles. The
most significant difference will probably exist in the processing of the
nanoparticles. The super critical synthesis of nanoparticles is likely to reduce
the first of all the time but also the costs, and improve the homogeneity of the
nanoparticles which may lead to a larger use of nanoparticles. Depending on
the properties and use of the particular nanoparticle (e.g. as shown in table
5.2) this may lead to either environmental benefits or increased risks. Case: Nanotechnological coatings based on sol-gel synthesis
- innovating
A newly developed type of chemically synthesised hybrid coatings produced
by means of the so-called sol-gel technology (sol like in solution and gel like in
gelation), also characterised as chemical nanotechnology, has revolutionized
the opportunities for altering the surface properties of a large series of material
which includes nearly all metals and alloys, glass, wood etc. by the formation
of a strongly connected inorganic, ceramic network combined with the
organic chemistry’s possibility of introducing various functionalities.
The sol-gel technology is based on the polymerising of small inorganic
molecules; in a simple instance metal alkoxides M(OR)
, are being used. In
these cases the metal, M, represent silicon, titanium, zirconium, aluminium
etc., and R presents an alkyl group, typically methyl or ethyl. Through
hydrolysis and a subsequent condensation reaction it is possible to cross-link
the molecules into a metal-oxopolymer nanoparticles in dimension of 1-50
nm. These nanoparticles constitute a basis for producing thin ceramic
coatings, ceramic phases or porous structures.
During the last couple of years, research and development within chemical
synthesis has resulted in an overwhelming number of commercially available
metal organic chemicals, which makes it possible to introduce different
organic groups in covalent connection with this inorganic network. By
introducing such organically modified metal alkoxides into the formation of
Data for this case has been provided by Thomas Zwieg, Danish Technological
Institute, Aarhus.
the before mentioned nanoparticles, the backbone of the ceramic coatings will
be enriched with a chosen functionality. Hereby it will be possible to modify
the physical, chemical, optical and mechanical properties of the formed
coatings or structures in an extent that cannot be reached by conventional
Within the last couple of years, the Danish Technological Institute has
experienced a great success in producing sol-gel coatings with emphasis on
specific functions, i.e. lime stone repellence on metal surfaces, ice repellent
properties for application in the aircraft and wind mill industries and anti-
graffiti lacquer for instance for the train industry. For the anti-lime stone and
anti-ice coatings the adhesion of the respective crystals is so minimal that a
slight dynamic influence – for example flow of water or air – is sufficient to
clean the surface. Therefore a large saving in the application of chemical ice
and lime stone removing materials can be expected. The use of chemical
nanotechnology within the development of the new type of anti-graffiti makes
it possible to remove graffiti vandalism on prepared surfaces with just water
and not – as up to now – with the use of chemical solvents.
The experiences obtained in these projects have justified an expectation of a
successful application of the sol-gel technology for the production of a non-
poisonous anti-fouling coating intended for boats. With support from the
Danish Ministry of the Environment, a craft project with the purpose of
testing some selected sol-gel lacquers was completed in 2004. In co-operation
with three yacht clubs the lacquers were applied to a number of test plates and
private boats and tested throughout the yachting season. The most important
results obtained from this project include a visible reduction of alga growth
and a considerable easier ability to clean the boats at the end of the season.
Environmental assessment
The nanotechnological coatings described can to a wide extent be expected to
substitute other ways of providing functions like de-icing, antifouling etc.
Thus the development is not expected to create new needs.
De-icing is currently performed using different types of organic solvents,
mostly glycols, and the use of a nanotechnological coating could be able to
substitute the use of these. The same applies to anti-graffiti. It is not known,
yet how much coating will be required, how long it will last and whether
components of the coating will be released over time. It also remains to be
seen what the possible effect of such a release could be.
Antifouling is normally performed with rather toxic compounds such as
organotin compounds, which cause impacts in the marine environment,
especially in the harbours. A substitution of these by non-hazardous
alternatives would clearly be an environmental benefit, if the nano
technological coating does not release other similarly hazardous compounds
during use.
In a LCA comparison between a nanotechnological varnish and three
conventional varnishes (water based, solvent based and powder) the
nanotechnological varnish clearly were environmentally better in terms of the
amount of material used and emissions (VOC and others) during the life
cycle, partly because it was possible to obtain the same properties applying
thinner layers of coating (Steinfeldt et al., 2004).
The production of nanomaterial via the sol-gel production process is not
expected to be very different from other types of chemical processing.
206 Case: LEDs for eco-innovation in lightning
- high-end applications of
LEDs is one of the areas frequently highlighted when referring to the eco-
potentials of nanotechnology
. Commercial Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
are in a rapid stage of development globally. The light emission is now so
strong that LEDs can be used for general illumination. The successful
application of LEDs in general illumination is forecasted to provide significant
economic and environmental benefits. Today LEDs can be found in many
applications requiring coloured light, such as e.g. signs, traffic signals and
automobile brake lights. Recent advances in nanotechnology, compound
semiconductor materials and enhanced manufacturing techniques are
enabling a new generation of blue, green and white LEDs. White LEDs are
based on a blue LED used to pump a mixture of phosphors in order to
produce white light. White LEDs can, however, also be achieved by mixing
light from multiple LEDs of different colour. The latter, known as RGB-
technology, is a new technology being developed in Denmark. This
technology has potentially higher energy efficiency and the advantage of color
tuneability leading to flexible lightning sources.
The advantages of LEDs are many, such as low maintenance cost, tuneability
and compact size, but also environmentally important factors such as
longevity, energy efficiency and no environmentally harmful substances. In
the user phase the energy consumption is low compared to incandescent
bulbs, leading to SO2 reductions etc. LEDs need only about 50 percent of the
power required by a normal bulb in order to produce the same amount of
.The longevity in the user phase means a considerable reduced
production of light sources (replacing 50-100 incandescent bulbs with low
longevity). LEDs are also environmentally friendly in the waste phase, as the
content of heavy metals is small, (e.g. no mercury, no UV-light) compared to
fluorescent lamps. Since LEDs can now produce white high quality light, and
thereby may be expected to replace the conventional lighting technology such
a switch would result in substantial energy savings. Recent estimates suggest
that under the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) accelerated schedule, solid-
state lighting could displace general illumination light sources such as
incandescent and fluorescent lamps by 2025, decreasing energy consumption
for lighting by 29 percent and saving 3.5 quadrillion BTUs
. In Europe,
about 10 percent of the electrical power produced is used for lighting, in
Denmark the figure is 12 percent.
Commercial LEDs have reached and surpassed the energy efficiency of
incandescent lamps with a luminous efficacy of 60 lumens/Watt for red LEDs
and approx. 20-40 lumens/Watt for white LEDs. Red LEDs have reached
100 lumens/Watt in laboratories and with future improved LED materials the
luminous efficacy is expected to reach 150 lumens/Watt. Thus LEDs are
expected to challenge the energy efficiency of fluorescent lamps in the future.
Nanotechnology plays a major part in the development of new enhanced
LEDs, with higher energy efficiency but also higher total luminous flux. (The
total luminous flux from a single LED package is today so low that only low
wattage incandescent lamps are readily replaced by SSL sources). Novel
growth technologies using nanoscale patterning are employed for improved
Data for this case is provided by Carsten Dam-Hansen and Paul Michael Petersen,
Risoe National Laboratory and Jørn Scharling Holm, NESA.
European Commission (2004). Nanotechnology. Innovation for tomorrow’s world.
European Commission (2004). Nanotechnology. Innovation for tomorrow’s world.
substrates and precise layering of semiconductor materials. Quantum-dot
heterostructure LEDs with structures sizes around 10 nm are utilized for high
efficiency light generation. Nanocomposite LED die/chip encapsulants with
high refractive index is being developed for improved light extraction from the
LED chip. Quantum-dot structures in the encapsulant material can emit
visible light when excited by a UV LED and may thus be used as
nanophosphor, an alternative to using yellow phosphors for white light
generation. This may result in new ways to tune the spectrum of emitted
white light.
The LED technology development is taken place globally mainly driven by
large companies in the US, Japan and Germany and research institutes like
Sandia National Laboratories. In Denmark a niche is sought developed
directed not so much towards components but towards novel high end
applications of high brightness LEDs for general illumination. An ongoing
project aims at developing a high quality LED lamp, based on RGB-
technology, with high color rendering and tuneability for replacement of low
wattage incandescent lamps. Novel micro- and nanostructured optical
elements are being developed for efficient color mixing and light control. The
project is a cooperation between Risoe National Laboratory and Danish
industrial partners, NESA, RGB-Lamps and Nordlux. A new project starting
2005 continues and extends this work aiming to develop novel types of
fixtures and lamps for this new generation of innovative and flexible forms of
illumination. This is done in cooperation with Asger BC Lys and Louis
Poulsen Lighting. Both projects are supported by ELFOR, Dansk
Environmental assessment
Lighting is a heavy energy user, 10-12 percent of the electricity consumption,
so reductions here have major environmental impacts. Since lighting is widely
used both in public and private spaces it is not likely that the development of
new types of lighting such as LEDs will extend the use of lighting
considerably. Thus it is expected that LEDs will substitute other types of
lamps rather than create new needs. In the use phase the development of
LEDs that are more energy efficient will provide an environmental benefit. An
incandescent lamp has an efficiency of app. 5-12 lm/W whereas it is foreseen
that efficiencies of 150 lm/W may be obtained by LEDs. But already now
LEDs with efficiencies of 20-60 lm/w are more efficient than incandescent
lamps. However, the now widely used fluorescent lamps still have higher
energy efficiencies (50-75 lm/W) than LEDs.
Looking into the materials used for producing the different types of lamp,
LEDs have an advantage in comparison with fluorescent lamps since no
mercury is used in LEDs. It can also be expected that the material amounts
will be less for LEDs. During production of LEDs it can be expected that the
energy requirements are high since nanomaterials used will probably be
produced by vapour phase deposition or lithography, both processes requiring
clean room facilities (see table 5.2). During the disposal fluorescent lamps are
collected as hazardous waste thereby securing collection and reuse of mercury
and other materials. This is not the case for incandescent lamps and probably
not for LEDs. For LEDs the reuse of nanomaterials may constitute a
In the use phase the development of LEDs that are more energy efficient will
provide an environmental benefit. [An incandescent lamp has an efficiency of
app. 5-12 lm/W whereas it is foreseen that efficiencies of 150 lm/W may be
obtained by LEDs. But already now LEDs with efficiencies of 20-60 lm/w are
more efficient than incandescent lamps. However, the now widely used
fluorescent lamps still have higher energy efficiencies (50-75 lm/W) than
The future practical application of quantum dots will most certainly lead to a
further increase in energy efficiency within light sources. Quantum dot
technologies are anticipated to find their place in display technology,
especially in combination with OLEDs (organic LEDs). It will take a few
more years, however, until quantum dots reach a position as commercially
viable products (Steinfeldt et al., 2004). Case: Nat-nano-mats – Natural nano-materials for treating water,
immobilising waste, or dosing pesticides and fertilisers
- Innovation for
environmental remediation
Insuring clean water, dealing with our waste, and producing food are some of
the most critical issues of sustainability for human existence as well as for a
secure environment for plant and animal species. Often, in our attempts to
solve one pollution problem, we create one or several more. Strategies that
make use of natural processes on natural materials are one way of minimising
adverse anthropogenic effects.
Nano-materials have been around in nature since the beginning of time.
Mineral particles, macromolecules and coatings only a few atomic layers thick
have always controlled the composition of water, whether in rivers, lakes and
the ocean, or in soil or hydrothermal systems. Reactions at the interface
between natural solids and fluids have always been responsible for uptake and
release of trace components that can be essential for life or that can be toxic.
With the birth of nanotechnology, tools became available that provide
geoscientists direct observation of these processes so their work has entered a
new realm. There are three aspects of ‘nano’ – nano-metrology (the
development of instruments and methods for observing samples), nano-
science (the definition of physical and chemical processes at the nanometer-
scale), and nano-technology (the development of devices and advanced
materials for solving specific problems). The development of a saleable
product, including those relevant for environmental protection, requires
progression in that order. The application of nano-techniques to
environmental questions is still in its infancy, but a good start has been made.
There is a group of researchers
, who have been working loosely together
many years on defining the properties and reactivity of nanoparticles in an
environmental context – to develop and maintain safe water supply, to
immobilise or treat waste, and to optimise dosage of pesticides and fertilisers.
There have been projects over the past 20 year, that have applied
spectroscopies sensitive to the top 10 nm of solids and the past 15 years using
nano-scale microscopies, where the goal has been to define the mechanisms of
uptake, release and degradation.
Data for this case has been provided by Susan L. Svane Stipp, NanoGeoScience Group,
Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen, Hans Christian Bruun Hansen and
Christian Bender Koch, Environmental Chemistry Group, Department of Natural
Sciences, KVL
Susan L. Svane Stipp, NanoGeoScience Group, Geological Institute, University of
Copenhagen, Hans Christian Bruun Hansen and Christian Bender Koch,
Environmental Chemistry Group, Department of Natural Sciences, KVL, Thomas H.
Christensen, Erik Arvin and Hans-Jørgen Albrechtsen, Environment and Resources,
Here are case studies based on three natural nanoparticulate minerals that are
common in rocks, soils and sediments, as well as water supply systems. These
materials are stable and safe. They are calcite, CaCO
, iron-
oxides/hydroxides and alumino-silicates. There are many other minerals with
interesting potential, but these three demonstrate the range of problems that
natural materials can and will be able to solve with help from nano-
The pollutants and beneficial components that interest us, that can move or
not move in the environment, take many forms. Pollutants can be: i)
inorganic, including heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, etc.;
ii) organic, such as pesticides, halogenated hydrocarbons (solvents, dry
cleaning fluids), spilled oil, drugs, etc.; iii) radioactive, such as hospital and
research waste, and spent fuel rods stored by Denmark’s neighbours; and
biological, such as viruses and bacteria that may be pathogens themselves or
that produce unwanted compounds. Those that are beneficial include:
inorganic and organic components necessary for plant and animal growth and
micro-organisms that help degrade toxic materials to harmless ones or release
beneficial compounds.
a) Nano-materials in Water Treatment
Most municipal water supplies tap reservoirs in chalk or in glacial till where
chalk is a component. Some heavy metals, such as arsenic and nickel, are
released to groundwater when pyrite in the chalk oxidises. Chalk is often
more than 90% calcite (CaCO
) and this mineral is interesting because of its
open atomic arrangement, which allows easy uptake of toxic metals such as
, Cd
, Pb
onto surfaces and into particles. Thus, groundwater at
equilibrium with chalk has a built-in potential for self-treatment. A recent
study (Roskilde Amt, Hedeselskabet and NanoGeoScience, Geological
Institute, Copenhagen University) has shown that the very fine, biogenic chalk
particles remove nickel much more effectively than pure calcite with the same
surface area. Biomineralisation experiments with the nanometer-scale
elements of coccoliths, one of the components of chalk, are currently
underway at NanoGeoScience, Copenhagen University to define the
parameters responsible for the enhanced uptake and to produce nano-
particles that improve on the natural material. This is an innovation with
exciting possibilities. It takes a successful bulk technology and redefines it
with nano-scale materials.
When fresh groundwater is pumped from a well, it is aerated, usually by
splashing over a series of concrete steps. H
S (smell of rotten eggs) bubbles
out and O
enters, dissolved Fe(II) oxidises and nanoparticles of Fe-hydroxide
(rust) precipitate. The flexibility of the iron oxide structure, their very high
surface area, and their reactivity result in removal of many heavy metals and
organic components in a completely natural process and one that is of great
benefit to the water suppliers. However, costs can be reduced and safe
drinking water production can be optimised by developing and stabilising
even smaller particles, and more important, altering their properties to
optimise immobilisation capacity. Research at DTU ER, KVL IGV and KU
is determining the controls of Fe-oxide nanoparticle production, the
influence of biological intervention and perspectives for surface modification.
Technical University, Environment and Resources, the Agricultural University,
Environmental Chemistry Group, Department of Natural Sciences, NanoGeoScience
Group, Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen.
Projects are at the exploratory level; they aim at sophistication of the existing,
bulk technology.
b) Nano-materials for Immobilisation and Degradation of Waste
Waste repositories for non-degradable waste, such as heavy metals from fly
ash or spent fuel from nuclear power generation, require special containment
or treatment systems. Strategies include immobilisation in a stable solid phase
or impermeable liners and reactive barriers to slow or prevent transport in
groundwater. Natural nano-particles are already playing a role; development
will improve their properties.
Swelling clays such as bentonite, have long been used as liners for waste
canisters and for landfills where municipal waste and fly ash are dumped.
The clay itself is reactive and its ability to incorporate water in the mineral
structure makes a tight seal to prevent further water movement. However,
landfill liners have been improved by adding reactive components, for
example by adding metallic iron, Fe(0). The crude but effective, patented
‘Iron Wall Technology’ uses ground scrap steel mixed with sand, filled in a
trench dug with a bulldozer across the path of a groundwater pollution plume.
Dissolved, redox sensitive pollutants are reduced as the iron rusts and the
Fe(III)-oxide produces surface area for adsorption of other toxic components.
An active component of the Iron Wall is green rust, a mineral of the layered
double hydroxide (LDH) mineral family. In cooperation with several
industries and research organisations, researchers from KVL IGV, DTU ER
and GI KU NanoGeoScience are investigating ways to engineer LDH
nanoparticles to improve effectiveness and increase security for immobilising
and degrading toxic compounds. Chlorinated hydrocarbons are converted to
less harmful and more easily degradable compounds, nitrate is reduced, and
carcenogenic dissolved chromium, Cr(VI) is reduced to immobile and non-
toxic Cr(III). This research is at the exploratory level (nano-science stage) but
will lead to design of nano-materials targeted for specific pollutants,
engineered to dramatically improve efficiency over the crude, existing
c) Dosing of Pesticides, Fertilisers, and Eventually Drugs
Layered-double hydroxide (LDH) minerals are sandwich structures
consisting of metal hydroxide layers alternating with interlayers. The
interlayers are easy to manipulate so one can design them to incorporate
specific compounds and to release them under specific conditions. LDH’s
can be doped with surfactants, peptides or cyclodextrines in the interlayers or
one can create them to host medicine, hormones, pesticides, micronutrients,
enzymes, etc, for programmed release. Such dosage control protects the
incorporated dopant from deactivation, decreases the quantity of bioactive
ingredient needed, minimises the risk of leakage to the surroundings, and
reduces cost. LDH’s with trapped enzymes can be coated on electrodes to
produce sensors for which transformations are catalysed by the enzymes. The
KVL group is focussing on design of LDH’s through knowledge of their
nanoscale properties. Some LDH materials are currently on the market but
the manipulation of LDH to produce dosing products or censors is at the
exploratory stage.
Environmental assessment
a) Optimising natural processes for removal of unwanted substances in
drinking water is indeed an environmentally beneficial approach, especially if
the natural removal properties can be enlarged without the additional use of
energy or material resources. As with the modified starch polymers, there may
be other technologies available against which the environmental impacts
should be compared.
b) Problems of pollution of the ground water from deposits of toxic materials
and compounds ranks high on the agenda since the possibility of extracting
clean water from the ground by many is felt to be an essential right. Thus
improvements of the technologies to ensure the supply of clean water are
important. It must be considered to what degree the new nano technologies
are environmental improvements of existing (or development trends in the
existing methodologies), what are the environmental impacts through the life
cycle of the technologies, e.g. what are the use of energy and material
resources, how are the materials disposed of when used etc.
c) Excess use of chemicals due to overdosing of pesticides, medicine etc. is
environmentally important. The developments of technologies such as LDH
that may facilitate a more optimal use and less spillage of chemicals will
probably be an environmental benefit. As for the other methodologies it
should be assessed whether the environmental impacts of using the new
methodology during the life cycle balance out the impacts of the problem we
are trying to solve. Case: Nanoparticulate starch as a potential heavy metal and hydrophobic
- innovation for novel adsorption technologies
The pollution of water by heavy metals and toxic organic compounds pose a
tremendous and growing global environmental problem. Among a multitude
of technologies developed for removal of toxic matter in the environment,
adsorption technologies based on biomass have considerable potential and
have been extensively studied. Examples have included studies on absorption
of metals, oil or other pollutants by chemically modified wood fibre, plant
fibres or bark. Starch is one of the most significant renewable biopolymer
resources on earth, with global annual production of pure starch amounting to
some 40 – 50 million tones, and is therefore an outstanding raw material for a
number of applications (Ellis et al., 1998 J.Sci.Food Sci. 77, 289). Thanks to
recent cross-disciplinary developments in biotechnology and polymer science
(e.g. Blennow, 2004, In: Starch in food: Structure, function and applications.
Eliasson, A.-C. ed., p 97) the nanostructures of starch can now be specifically
engineered to possess vastly different chemical and physical properties, many
of which are industrially important.
One important challenge for the coming decade will be to explore the
potential of starch for bulk applications in demanding and innovative
hydrocolloid and solid systems. This will include the development of
functionalised renewable biomaterials and more effective environmental
adsorbents (e.g., for flocculation of heavy metals, Crini, 2005, Progr. Polym.
Sci. 30, 38). Starch deserves particular attention in this respect as it provides
interesting and attractive types of physico-chemical characteristics, chemical
stability, high reactivity and selectivity towards a variety of compounds,
resulting from the presence of chemical reactive and functional groups
(hydroxyl, phosphate) and hydrophobic channels in the polymer matrix. Of
specific interest is the recent proof of principle for the possibility of generating
highly phosphorylated and thermally stabilized starch particles directly in the
Data for this case has been provided by senior professor Andreas Bennow, The Royal
Danish Agricultural University, and senior researcher David Plackett, Risoe national
plant based on work carried out at KVL (Blennow et al, 2005 Int. J. Biol.
Macromol. accepted) enabling matrix nanostructures (e.g., well defined
hydrophobic nano-sized channels) to be functionalized (e.g., with phosphate).
These particles have been engineered to possess increased capacity for
interactions with heavy metals and can potentially be improved for better
selectivity as well as for selective hydrophobic interactions brought about by
engineering the dimensions and the phosphate positioning within the
KVL is currently pursuing research on the mechanisms of adsorption of
cupper ions to nano-engineered starch using EPR. At the Danish Polymer
Centre (DPC) at Risoe National Laboratory facilities for characterization of
the nanostructured starch is fully established enabling disclosure of
fundamentally new information concerning its absorption properties and
other features using the wide range of state-of-the art techniques available
within our two organizations. Specific methods available include SEM,
ESEM, TEM, AFM, CLSM (confocal laser scanning microscopy), XPS (X-
ray photoelectron spectroscopy), FFF (Field Flow Fractionation), HR-MAS-
NMR and ToF-SIMS (time-of-flight mass spectrometry).
From an industrial perspective, Denmark has strong and internationally
competitive research activity in this field and Danish industrial groups (e.g.,
KMC and ISI, Cerestar-AKV) are firmly established with activities to pursue,
develop and commercialise functionalized bulk biopolymers which may form
the basis for the suggested eco-innovation.
Environmental assessment
The use of filters and adsorbents for removal/concentration of toxic materials
in the environment is an important means for reducing potential
environmental impacts. Several options have been used through the years e.g.
membranes and active carbon and are well-established technologies. The
possible environmental benefits of using nanoparticulate starch must be
evaluated through an assessment of the environmental impacts during the life
cycle of the nanoparticulate starch compared to other filtration/adsorption
techniques. The production in-vivo in green plants may be an environmental
benefit. It must also be considered what additional benefits could be offered
by using the starch based materials compared to active carbon or others, in
terms of e.g. a more specific functionalisation of the adsorption.
The assessment must also consider that by using biomass and farming land
such a production withdraws materials from the pool of biomass. An
important question is: What is the best way of using biomass? Case: Nanoporous materials for hydrogen fuel and diesel cleaning – eco-
innovation in mobility
Transport remains one of the major causes of air pollution such as NO
CO2 and particles, due to continuing and dramatic increases in the numbers
of cars as well as the kilometers driven globally. EU environmental regulation
has promoted innovations in environmental catalysts which has decreased
these emissions substantially but problems remain particularly with diesel
emission, noticeable in the form of particles. New stricter EURO IV emission
standards for petrol and now also diesel cars necessitate further innovation in
environmental catalysts. But innovation for new fuel systems are also
Data for this case has been provided by professorClaus Hviid Christensen, Center
for Sustainable and Green Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, DTU.
undergoing within the automotive sector though many technical problems
remain here.
At the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), an interdisciplinary research
team from NanoDTU has invented nano materials that improve the safe
transport of hydrogen and ammonia. This innovation has implications for the
development of fuel cell driven cars as for diesel cleaning. Technically, both of
these opportunities rely on the use of self- generating nanoporous materials
that allow unprecedented high storage capacities. Scientifically, the progress
relies on the research in catalysis and nano materials, where DTU is among
the world-leaders.
The technology aims particularly to solve the long-standing problem of
reversible, high-density storage of hydrogen in a safe and environmentally
acceptable form. This is one of the Grand Challenges in bringing life to a
Hydrogen Economy, where hydrogen is used as a clean fuel for stationary and
mobile units. The technology makes it possible already now to meet the 2015
targets set by the US Department of Energy in the technology road-map
developed for mobile units. With the new technology, it will be possible e.g.,
to drive efficient fuel cell cars without e.g., any CO2-emissions.
As a spin-off from the main technology, it has also been possible to develop a
new system that will allow safe transport of ammonia for use in selective
catalytic reduction in diesel or lean-burn vehicles. With this new system, all
maintenance and recharging can be performed at the regular service intervals
of e.g., 25.000 km. Hereby a breakthrough in diesel cleaning technologies is
Thus, the two new technologies may contribute in important ways to
materialize a Hydrogen Economy and for eliminating the NOx-pollution from
mobile and possibly also stationary units, which to day represents a serious
environmental problem.
Within the last year, the research breakthrough has resulted in three patent
applications and as off April 2005 the commercial potential is being explored
in the Danish start-up company AMMINEX A/S, which is a spin-off from
DTU that will market and further develop the technologies.
Environmental assessment
Demand for transport is growing rapidly, and this has implications across
many areas, including energy consumption, global warming and human
health. Fuel cells cars constitute one potential aim for reducing the pollution
and energy use. As mentioned one challenge for the potential use of fuel cells
is the storage of hydrogen, another is the reduction in efficiency due to the
conversion loss from the storage to hydrogen.
For the currently used technologies, catalytic cleaning of engine exhaust
constitutes a major leap towards reduction of the pollution with nitrogen
oxides and VOC (both contributing to photochemical smog) and for diesel
engines additionally reduction of emitted particles constituting a major health
hazard. Thus improvements in this area will beneficiate the environmental
performance of existing car engines.
As for the case study above it is difficult to draw more specific conclusions
concerning the overall environmental benefits of the technology because the
environmental assessment must include the total system of producing the
engines and the hydrogen, through the use and maintenance to the final
disposal. This should be compared to currently used technologies (including
their potential developments in energy efficiency, catalytic pollution reduction
5.7 Conclusion
The Danish nano innovation system is still at a very early and quite fluid stage
of formation. We are talking more about path creation in nano science than
traceable technological trajectories. But it is also clear that these technological
trajectories are in a critical stage of materialising right now and will emerge on
a larger scale in the coming 5-15 years. The current phase of path creation
seems therefore crucial for the direction nanotechnology is going to take.
Even though it can be contested to which degree nanotechnology is a new
technology (or just a hype redefining existing practices) there are clear signs
of novelty in the organisation of knowledge production and in the modes of
learning in the Danish nano community. There are new patterns of problem
solving activities related to the rise of the nano domain.
Eco-innovations are, however, to quite a large degree excluded from the
attention rules and they are weak in the search rules with some exceptions
though. Despite frequent references to considerable eco-opportunities of
nanotechnology in the general nano debate internationally as well as in
Denmark, environmental issues are only moderately part of the normal
problem solving activity of the Danish nano technological community.
A very wide range of nano related eco-potentials have been identified none the
least, possible making up the most detailed mapping of nano eco-potentials
made so far. This is due to the fact that there are some intrinsic features of
nanotechnologies that may facilitate eco-innovation, by making more tailored,
efficient, selective and intelligent materials and products. Quite many
nanotechnologies thus possess eco-potentials, even though they are not being
developed with environmental benefits in mind.
In all 39 suggested research areas/technologies are identified which offer eco-
potentials within eleven different main nano research/technology areas.
These may say to contribute with environmental opportunities by aiming at:
Smart tailored products – for i.e. greater resource efficiency.
New materials - for less resource use and new properties.
Energy production – developing efficient or alternative energy systems to fossil
Environmental remediation - for more targeted handling of pollutants.
The 39 suggested research areas/technologies cover a very broad range of
research and technology themes at very different development stages.
Diversified assessments of opportunities and risks are therefore necessary.
It is generally too early to pick the environmental winners given the very early
stage of development and the immature materialization of nanomanufacturing
and the many new research questions and technologies under way. Many
(most) of the identified nano eco-potentials are at an experimental stage of
development. Others are in early production, e.g. some functional surfaces
techniques, and a few, mainly catalysis and some sensors, are fully
What we can say is that there are many very interesting eco-potentials related
to different nanotechnologies, and that there are grounds to pursue and
investigate the Danish eco-potentials of nanotechnologies further.
The interesting thing about the identified eco-potentials is that they in some
cases may offer novel solutions to environmental problems. This may
especially be expected from the mentioned groups of fundamental nano
research areas into new materials and functional surfaces (from group 1 and 2
from above) which could lead to more radical and possibly widespread
systemic eco-innovations. I.e. creating materials and products which have
integrated “eco-properties” (such as being anti-bacterial, self/easy-cleaning,
insulating, strong and light, self-monitoring and -diagnozing) for greater
resource-efficiency, selectivity and durability. This could allow for more
ongoing and decentralized smart eco-solutions and thereby a more preventive
and integrated approach than practiced today. But this is also where the
environmental orientation amongst the Danish researchers is most limited and
where it is least likely that the eco-potential will be exploited.
Also group 4, environmental remediation, may offer new approaches to
environmental remediation by using nanoparticles to make more targeted
action towards specific pollutants and by exploiting the cleaning capacity of
natural systems better. The strong catalysis area is well-established and does
not currently give expectations of major novel solutions in the coming years,
though there are exciting developments within diesel cleaning. However, the
novel environmental benefits may lie in the contributions this research makes
to obtaining breakthroughs within hydrogen based fuel systems. The mapping
shows that nanotechnologies in important ways may contribute also to other
new renewable and/or more efficient energy systems (group 3) and thereby to
the central climate problems. Here we find some of the more commercially
promising, but still emerging, nanotechnologies where Denmark holds quite a
strong position too and which may have an impact in the coming years.
We cannot conclude that nano technologies are green as such; it is, as yet, a
much too diverse technological field for such a general statement. But the
identified eco-opportunities could overall make important contributions to a
more resource efficient economy if materialized, though depending very much
on how they are used and how they feed into other technologies.
The very strong Danish competencies within catalysis should provide a good
basis for building a strong position within “green nanotechnology” here. But
much indicates that this will not take place on its own. The emerging
technological paths are only moderately green and many of the identified eco-
opportunities are being neglected. Even though environmental targets are not
purposefully pursued in the nanoresearch environmental advances may still be
achieved through the general nanotechnology developments. In fact that is
nowadays the case with many eco-innovations (since eco-innovation has
shifted somewhat from add-on to less well-defined integrated technologies).
But the environmental advantages are likely to be harvested later and to lesser
extent and some will not be pursued/selected at all.
Naturally, it makes a difference if the research and development is aimed at
e.g. the substitution of scarce or toxic materials, to improve the degradability
and recycling abilities of materials and products, achieve dematerialisation
etc., particularly if the goal is to find solutions to specific environmental
problems or to achieve major systemic change.
The unexploited eco-potential is noteworthy considering the generally strong
Danish competencies and policies on environmental issues. Most surpricingly
perhaps in the water area where Danish industry holds strong competencies
within water cleaning and supply, but where there is limited nano research
and no linkages to the water industry.
This illustrates the possible gaps
between the high expectations and visions of nanotechnology and the actual
processes taking place.
The suspicion of health and environmental risks from nanoparticles and so far
lacking measures how to handle these in risk and safety procedures as
discussed in section 5.3, seriously questions the environmental benefits of the
nanotechnologies based on these particles and at least calls for a precautionary
approach until more is known. Also, there are knowledge gaps about the wider
environmental impacts of the other nanomaterials and varies
It is therefore important to investigate further into the eco-potentials and
impacts of the different listed nanotechnologies and research areas and clarify
the possibility to set up measures how to handle the new risk challenges
nanotechnology poses. We need in other words both to know more about the
opportunities and about the possible detrimental environmental impacts. The
very early stage and therefore high uncertainty of some nanotechnologies
means that it makes little sense to make environmental assessments of these.
Rather in these cases there is a need for more research and development into
these areas which includes their possible eco-potentials and -risks.
The many identified eco-potentials overall illustrate the very early and fluid
stage of nanotechnology development globally and in Denmark, showing
much creativity as streams of new research questions are raised. There are
multiple future possible nano technological paths. Which ones are going to
materialize themselves and the position they may come to play on the market
is currently highly uncertain – and depends also on policies. The high
uncertainty means that we need to acknowledge that there are limitations as to
how much we can know now on both environmental opportunities and risks.
5.7.1 Problems to address by policy
On the basis of the analysis made as well as input from the innovation
workshops and policy workshop held during the foresight project the
following key problems are identified which policy should seek to address.
A fundamental problem is the long “distance” in the innovation food chain
from fundamental nano research to application areas and societal and
environmental effects. An overall dilemma is when and how to carry out
dialogues and policy measures towards a technological field such as
nanotechnology whose technological materialisation in the near to medium
future is highly uncertain and very diverse. The early fluid stage of
development means that there are good opportunities for influencing the
direction of nanotechnology development, i.e. making it greener; at later
stages the lock-in into competencies and investments will be greater and
transition costs therefore higher.
Eco-innovation in these basic sciences and enabling technologies are likely to
have widespread effects into practically all kinds of technologies. It would be a
new strategy for environmental policy to focus on these early stages of the
innovation food chain, but it may be an efficient way to achieve systemic eco-
innovations in the long run. The more specific problems are divided into
respectively a risk and an opportunity section.
Interview with Kasper Paasch, Danfoss Analytical, 7.9.2004.
Barriers in the innovation system to handle nano risks are:
- Weak attention to and means of handling environmental risks/detrimental
effects related to nanotechnology
- Uncertainty – we have limited knowledge of the environmental effects
related to nanotechnology, none the least because of the very early stage of
developments. We are lacking data and knowledge of how to get these.
There is rising focus on toxicity but there is also need to focus on “clean
nanotechnologies”, looking into the different nanotechnologies.
Hitherto lacking systematic incorporation of environmental assessments in
research proposals (but suggested in EU as well as Danish nano action plan).
Existing risk/environmental assessment procedures are not adequate for
measuring and handling materials at the nano scale. There are specific
problems to address.
- Lacking nano competencies among risk/environmental assessments
institutes and experts.
- Nanotechnology mediation is difficult due to complexity, hype and
uncertainty - there is a need of dialogues and serious scrutiny.
Barriers in the innovation system for supporting nano eco-innovation are:
- Nano policies, e.g. EU’s nano strategy, the Danish nano action plan, only
focus on risks and overlook barriers to eco-innovation.
- Weak attention to and belief in nano-eco innovation business opportunities
except for the catalysis and energy area (need of regulation to create new
markets, need of demonstrations…)
- Difficulty in getting environmental funding for fundamental nano research.
- Lacking environmental competencies in the Danish nano community and
lacking nano competencies among environmental experts and policy makers.
- Weak linkages between the nano community (e.g. the new nanocentres) and
the environmental researchers/experts and the environmental industry.
6 Policy recommendations:
enhancing the focus on
environmental and innovative
aspects of ICT-, bio- and
6.1 Introduction
This chapter summarises the conclusions from the analyses of ICT-, bio- and
nanotechnology in the previous chapters. Following this, policy
recommendations are developed aiming at enhancing the focus on
environmental aspects and innovative perspectives in future research,
innovation and applications related to the three technology areas. The
recommendations suggest an integration of policies that often are applied
separately and have either environmental problems or innovation support as
their main focus.
Section 6.2 presents a framework for the policy recommendations. Section 6.3
summarises the findings from the analyses of the three technology areas and
characterises the environmental potentials and risks. Section 6.4 discusses the
recommendations for related Danish and EU policy initiatives. Section 6.5 –
6.8 discuss the findings from the analyses in relation to important discourses
around environment and innovation and discuss recommendations for
research, innovation, application areas and environmental governance.
Section 6.9 presents the policy recommendations.
Environmental policy usually addresses mature technologies looking for
substitution possibilities and new applications that may remedy urgent
environmental problems. It is quite another issue to address generic and
immature technologies, or even, as in the case of nanotechnology, a
technology that hardly has materialized yet. This raises new questions on
policy instruments which crosses traditional policy domains. The use of the
relevant measures in the different stages of research, innovation and
implementation and use is here the core issue. When and how shall and will
policies seek to influence the (green) direction of technological change?
Obviously the relevant interventions and questions raised are different in the
idea generation phase compared to the later experimental, early production or
full commercial phases of the innovation process.
The technologies addressed in this study are general purpose technologies that
may have profound effects on society. In the case of ICT that has already
proven to be the case. Biotechnology is having a rising impact on the economy
whereas nanotechnology is still in its infancy but with expectations that it may
form the platform for a future industrial revolution. We are dealing with
technologies that have some similarities in being generic and enabling rather
than just being distinct technologies on their own. But they are also
technologies which differ very much in their maturity, technical properties
and uncertainties involved. In many applications the three generic
technologies will not be standing alone but be parts of more complex products
and systems where the combination with other technologies are important for
their function and environmental impact. Their impact is not just a
determined consequence of their basic features but also dependent on how
they are used and which products and systems they are integrated into.
In the following policy recommendations will be developed springing from the
analysis undertaken on technology development internationally and nationally
within these three technology areas and from the discussions at the project
workshops and the final conference January – April 2005. The recommended
policy measures will enhance the capability of the Danish national innovation
systems and the Danish environmental regulation to cope with the special
features and potentials of these generic technologies.
6.2 A framework for policy recommendations
The recommendations in the following paragraphs are based on the identified
innovative and environmental potentials from the three studied generic
technologies including also the need for framing the environmental priorities
in a broader public consensus and handling the environmental potentials and
risks arising from the implementation and use of applications. But also the
conditions for policy in the areas of research, innovation and environmental
regulation and governance have to be taken into account.
Danish competencies within the identified areas of research, development and
potential applications have also been included in considering the specific
recommendations. If Danish R&D institutions or companies have
competencies within some of the analysed fields a focus on this area could
create a combined focus on environment, economy and employment. Fields,
where Danish R&D institutions and companies may not have strong
competencies today, could also become important if technologies within these
fields could prevent or reduce environmental problems and resource
consumption in Denmark in the future.
The project has taken as its outset that technological change and
environmental impacts only in a few special cases will be directly linked the
development of generic technologies and the materials or processes following
these developments. The major applications and impacts are shaped as results
of the activities of research, development and use in a series of major and
minor complementary innovations influenced by a number of involved actors
and their priorities along the lines of application. Our studies of the
technologies and their applications have confirmed this conceptual foundation
in relation to all three generic technologies: ICT, biotech and nano, despite
their differences both in areas and degrees of application.
This leads us – in accordance also with the framework and methodologies
developed in chapter 2 – to differentiate between policies which primary
objective is to prioritise, support and
guide research activities and
strategic innovation policies
aiming at transforming new entrepreneurial ideas and results from research
into innovations that can be tested in real life situations and enter competitive
markets. As a third policy perspective we include a special focus on those
mature and market introduced technology applications in products and
systems having ‘green’ potentials that are not realised under the present
market, production and user regime, but where more stringent
regulatory policies or standards
could provide the difference. In the cases of strategic support for innovation
and the regulation of applications a sector or even product domain approach
may be needed to reach the intended, anticipated environmental results
concerning reduced loads and improved performance.
In addition to the three areas of policy improvements outlined, a fourth and
cross cutting area
societal environmental governance
follows from the results of this study. Governance focuses on the need for a
broader stakeholder dialogue to handle the legitimacy of the environmental
priorities and consider relevant measures to establish consensus - for example
about the level of uncertainty concerning the environmental potentials and
risks that can be accepted for certain technology applications.
The four policy perspectives are shortly presented in the following. Later in
the chapter each of the perspectives are applied in relation to the technology
Ad 1. Guiding research to include environmental perspectives, including policy
options for assessing research strategies and potential outcomes, creating
visions and objectives for areas of research, and setting the stage for
prioritising the research to be supported by government and private funds.
Ad 2. Focusing innovative activities on the combination of technologies within
specific fields of application creates the core elements of strategic innovation
policies. The results of such policies should be the creation of new paths for
technological development by supporting the critical and highly uncertain first
steps of bringing good ideas with potential environmental benefits from the
laboratory and sketch board to real prototypes and scale tests. This kind of
strategic innovation policy may also include a market support structure based
on an open and competitive definition of the technologies and application to
be supported. This will sustain the learning modes, visions and strategy
building within research and industry in the first infant steps of creating new
areas of application without falling in the traps of ‘picking winners’ either by
technology or institutions.
Ad 3. Regulating technology applications through the regulation of driving
forces and institutional frames determining the use of products, the
development of consumption areas etc. form the third policy area where a
number of different policy instruments will become relevant and the
coordination of policies between different policy domains and ministries are in
Ad 4. The legitimacy of the environmental aspects and of the problems and
solutions addressed within the three technology areas can not easily be
developed and managed. The environmental potentials and risks cannot be
defined or prescribed only through scientific investigations and consideration,
because the uncertainties as well as the stakes are high. The assessment of
environmental potentials and risks is highly dependent on the consensus or
positions established among the different stakeholders in society and the
policies and interventions resulting from this process. A deliberate focus on
environmental aspects in research and innovation policies therefore also need
to establish a framework of social interactions and policy dialogues focussing
on the environmental concerns of different stakeholders and addressing the
uncertainties in relation to both potentials and risks involved with new
technologies. Environmental governance should therefore be seen as a cross-
cutting policy measure in the guidance of research, innovation and
6.3 Overview of the findings from the three technology areas
The studies reported in chapter 3, 4 and 5 of possible future innovations and
use patterns involving ICT- bio- and nanotechnology have identified a
number of environmental potentials and risks. These findings are briefly
summarised in the following paragraphs.
6.3.1 Summary of findings related to ICT
Environmental potentials and risks have been analysed within five ICT-
technology application fields: a) development of the environmental knowledge
base, b) improved product and process design, c) improved process
regulation and control, d) intelligent products and applications and e)
reduction of transportation through changes in logistics and mobility needs.
The ICT sector in Denmark has a strong position in communications
technology and pervasive computing and is one of the leading countries
regarding public and private use of ICT.
The analyses show potentials for environmental improvements from the use
of ICT-based tools and devices for data collection and processing of more
data in more complex calculations. Some tools enable more overall resource
efficiency in e.g. industry so that it is the specific aim of the application by the
single organisation that determines whether and how environmental
achievements are in focus.
The integration of electronic components into products, so-called intelligent
products or pervasive computing and intelligent applications, could imply
environmental potentials related to automatic optimisation of the function of
products, operational feedback to the user, digital product information about
maintenance, reuse etc., integration of products into digital networks whereby
use might take place during low load cycles of the electricity supply, and
digital upgradeable products.
Telework, e-business and logistics are those ICT applications with the most
implications for transport behaviour in the future. Telework might imply that
regular transport related to commuting and shopping in certain hours is
replaced by more differentiated transport needs. Although only a limited
amount of employees will be able to telework, this could challenge the existing
infrastructure of public transport and strengthen individual transport
solutions. Mobile telework will be more widespread as mobile communication
solutions will offer the same facilities at comparable costs as those offered
from the office. This may enable an increase in business travel transport in
interaction with the ongoing globalisation of manufacturing and trade. Within
freight transport e-business could lead to more transport of small batches with
high urgency to professional and private customers. The concept of just-in-
time production in industry could also imply more transport due to the
request for more frequent supply of small batches of materials and products.
Logistic tools might optimise the amount of transportation within these
organisational and economic conditions.
The identified environmental potentials within the five application fields play
today no significant role in the development and use of software and ICT-
equipment. Achievements within these fields demand environmental
regulation of the respective application areas influencing the priorities made
by the users and the dominant driving forces for innovation and
An increased amount of electronic products, miniaturisation of products,
pervasive computing and a more dispersed use of sensors and other devices
could imply increasing problems in the future with electronic waste. Increased
use of pervasive computing and increased wireless communication might
cause health problems due to increased electro-smog and safety problems due
to interference between different devices operating in wireless networks.
Efficient implementation of the EU directive about hazardous substances in
relation to electronic products (RoHS) is necessary in order to achieve the
planned substitution of some toxic materials are substituted in the future.
Furthermore, efficient implementation of the directive concerning electronic
and electrical waste (WEEE) is necessary in order to obtain increased
recycling of materials etc. from the products.
6.3.2 Summary of findings related to biotechnology
Positive visions of the environmental contributions of biotechnology
developments have been prevalent for 25-30 years but, as the foresight on
biotechnology has revealed, the environmental visions have historically not
been the drivers of innovation. There were strong efficiency drivers, however,
especially for pharmaceutical and agricultural applications of new
biotechnology, and they came to dominate the development. The
environmental agenda only recently has come more to the fore, amongst other
with a number of reports, policy documents and discussions papers.
These reports and policy documents refer to a number of more specific
biotechnology developments with environmental perspectives. The
motivations for these developments are referred to as an increasing emphasis
on problems in the chemical using industries, on resource scarcities and on
the need to 'clean up'. Together with environmental regulation, government
priority setting and biotechnology regulation, these have been drivers of an
increasing, but still small part of biotechnology, with potentials to address
environmental issues.
In Denmark, enzyme technology comes out as a key technology for realisation
of environmental benefits of biotechnology. It is demonstrated in the
environmental assessments that enzymes in the referred cases address and
reduce toxic agents, energy consumption and resource use, and references are
made to representatives in the industry as well as researchers, who expect that
enzymes will contribute even further by increasing efficiency in production
and use, by being applied within more industries and by being further used in
industries already using enzymes. Increasing focuson sustainability is referred
to as potentially contributing the application of enzymes.
With regard to developments within bio-ethanol and bio-polymers,
environmental concerns have been key motivators for innovation, as well as
concerns for fossil fuel scarcity. The environmental assessments of these areas
of biotechnology, however, demonstrate a need for further evaluation and
debate of their perceived environmental advantages. Any use of biological
resources may in the future have to address the fact that biological resources
are of limited availability, and any environmental claim will, therefore, have to
compete with alternative uses of such resources. Using arable land and
agricultural crops for bio-ethanol and bio-polymers with the purpose of
substituting fossil fuels, therefore, probably has to compete with the use of the
same land and crops for substituting fossil fuels in the energy sector.
With regard to the application of new biotechnology for monitoring and
remediation, it has been foreseen to contribute to cleaning of a number of
pollutants. An important barrier for further research as well as development
has been referred to as uncertainties regarding also the negative consequences.
Private research and development primarily takes place in the US; however,
further research into the potential positive and negative consequences still
seems a prerequisite for a debate on the acceptability and extent of
6.3.3 Summary of findings related to nanotechnology
The Danish nano innovation system is still at a very early and fluid stage of
formation. The current phase of path creation seems therefore crucial for the
direction nanotechnology is going to take. Despite frequent references to eco-
opportunities in the general debate on nanotechnologies the problem solving
activities and the emerging technological paths in the Danish nanotechnology
community are only moderately green. Consequently many eco-opportunities
might be neglected. Environmental risks are also overlooked although there is
a rising, but new concern about these within the Danish nano community.
The environmental aspects related to nanotechnologies are as yet very
uncertain. There are knowledge gaps both about the environmental risks and
the eco-opportunities, because of the very early stage of development. There
is rising international concern on environmental and health risks related to
nanoparticles which questions the overall environmental impact of
nanotechnology and which is in need of urgent further inquiry.
Quite a wide range of nano related potential eco-innovations have been
identified, in all 39 within eleven different nanoresearch- and technology
areas, showing the very generic applicability of nanotechnology. These may
contribute to remedy the environmental problems in four ways: 1) ‘Smart
tailored’ eco-efficient product. 2) New materials with new properties, which
both could enable less use of energy and other resources in the manufacturing
or the use of these products and materials, 3) Technology for renewable (fuel
cells, solar cells, windmills) or more efficient energy systems and 4)
Environmental remediation with more targeted dosing of e.g. hazardous
chemicals and more targeted treatment of pollutants and efficient catalytic
cleaning. Many of these are in a very early stage of development, hardly
technologies yet, but in the medium to longer term (10-20 years) they may
offer novel, often radical, solutions to many environmental problems if the
technological obstacles are overcome. Environmental problems related to for
example energy supply and transport (climate change), resource and energy
use, use of chemicals, and treatment of waste and wastewater. Within catalysis
and energy (fuel cells) Denmark already has quite strong competencies and
market positions which could form the basis for building a strength hold in
“clean nanotechnology”.
Most of the identified nano eco-potentials are, however, not likely to be
pursued in the current research and development trajectories in Denmark and
are in need of policy action to be realized.
The main barriers for achieving eco-innovation and sound risk management,
related to nanotechnology, are:
Lacking environmental competencies in the Danish nano community
and lacking nano competencies among environmental experts and
policy makers.
Lacking awareness of and belief in nano related eco-business
opportunities (need of demonstrations, need of regulation to create
new markets)
Difficulty in getting environmental funding for fundamental nano
Weak linkages between the nano community and the environmental
researchers/experts and also the environmental industry.
Hitherto lacking systematic incorporation of environmental assessments in
research proposals (but suggested in EU as well as Danish nano action plan).
There is rising focus on toxicity but there is also need of focus on ‘clean
Existing risk/environmental assessment procedures are not adequate for
measuring and handling materials at the nano scale.
6.3.4 The character of the identified environmental potentials and risks
The identified environmental potentials within the three technology areas are
of very different character with respect to the type of environmental strategy
they represent: enhanced environmental knowledge, cleaner technology with
focus on prevention or reduction of environmental impact at the source from
products, materials and processes, and improved treatment of pollutants
either by environmental technology like catalysts or in nature. Some examples
Enhanced data collection and knowledge exchange about the
environment through the use of sensors, ICT-based models, ICT-
based knowledge networks etc.
Improvement of energy technologies like solar cells and fuel cells
based on nanotechnology and nanoscience.
Improvement of resource efficiency through ICT-based process
design and control of processes and products, use of enzymes as
auxiliary chemicals in products and processes etc.
Design of materials enabling reduced environmental impact, like
biomass based plastic with fewer additives and materials based on
nanoscience with surface properties that requires less cleaning.
Improvement of cleaning process efficiency like more efficient design
of catalysts based on nanoscience or remediation of pollutants in
nature using nanotechnology.
In most cases the environmental potentials cannot be realised through the
application of a single technology, but are requiring a combination with
supporting technologies, like the need for fuel supply for fuel cells, handling
of waste and in some cases also certain innovation and application patterns.
ICT-programmes for logistic planning, for example, can be used for a
reduction of the amount of transport and thereby the amount of emissions
from transport, but such programmes can also optimise the logistics according
to other economic and performance parameters. Today there is only limited
focus on the potentials of reduced amounts of transport through improved
ICT based logistic systems and the achievements so far have been offset by
the increase in transportation due to the trends towards a globalisation of
industry and trade. The same is the case for the application of fuel cells,
which will be dependent of the combination with other technologies for
producing and storing energy and for new ways of constructing products
using the fuel cells - all of which will contribute to the overall performance
and impacts of the application of the nanotechnology.
Potential risks have also been identified within all the three technology areas.
Some of these risks are closely linked to a technology like the possible
environmental and health impact of different types of nanoparticles, while
others are depending on the patterns of application and use. The
environmental impact from e.g. sensors distributed in big numbers in the
environment could become an environmental problem, but today the prices
are so relatively high that sensors are not disposable and are not be left in the
environment. Some possible risks related to the three technology areas that
need to be included in the future assessment of risks to environment and
health, are:
ICT: radiation from wireless communication; the use of hazardous
chemicals and materials in ICT-equipment
Biotechnology: allergy related to increased use of enzymes; release of
genetic modified microorganisms from industry and bio-remediation
and interference with existing sustainable usage of biomass
Nanotechnology: emissions of and exposure to nanoparticles in
manufacturing, use and disposal of nanoparticles, and in materials and
products based on use of nanoparticles.
The discussion of risks related to radiation from wireless communication are
known from the discussion about mobile phones and other similar types of
equipment and shows how different the results produced in the assessments
are interpreted and valued among different stakeholders. If pervasive
computing is expanding as foreseen by proponents within this field these
types of problems might grow in the future and the electro-smog problem
become a new field of pollution.
Also the risks related to allergy produced by enzymes and genetic modified
micro-organisms are known and are also showing rather different results in
the assessments of their documented and potential risks. The controversies
were demonstrated clearly at the policy workshop organised by the project in
February 2005.
The example of nanoparticles shows how those properties, which are seen as
excellent and the core functional contribution from the nanotechnology by the
researchers and industry, also can be those that imply risks to environment
and health, like the relative large surface area, the improved and high
reactivity, the limited physical dimensions which enable penetration etc.
(Norges forskningsråd 2005, p.25).
6.4 Environmental governance as cross cutting policy measure
Environmental governance, defined as policies creating platforms and
methods for different actor groups to be given voice and developing
frameworks for how decisions are made on issues of public concern, should be
an integrated and important element of policies guiding and supporting
research and strategic innovation and regulating the application of
technologies within the three areas. An important aspect of governance
concerns how issues and actors are being defined as inside or outside (the
responsibilities of) a specific area of development and thereby what is
legitimate to discuss as environmental (and other societal) potentials and risks.
This includes on whose premises these boundaries are drawn. An important
aspect of this is the inclusion and exclusion of actors in the processes of
planning and managing public and private research and innovation. The
reputation of biotechnology and nanotechnology might be more fragile than
that of ICT, but for all three areas there is a need for focus on the legitimacy
of the environmental potentials and risks.
Some general governance aspects of the three technology areas include:
Due to the very capital-intensive character of the three technology
areas research organisations and companies engage in highlighting
expectations and potentials very early to influence other stakeholders.
This makes sound and critical assessments of the environmental
aspects important, but also difficult. Promises should be challenged
with respect to the necessary breakthroughs in research and innovation
and the need for building infrastructures and complementary support
The assessment of the environmental aspects depends on the frames
and values of the actors assessing the impact. The tacit visions and
fears of researchers, consumers, citizens, industry etc. should be made
visible and made subject to social deliberation, review and negotiation.
In the future the use of patents for protection of intellectual property
may further limit public and governmental insight and scrutiny in
relation to the potentials and risks of new technologies. This tendency
might be enforced by the increased focus of universities on co-
operation with commercial partners, setting up start-up companies,
patenting and the need for attracting external funding for research.
An important part of governance relates to the legitimacy of the problems and
the solutions, which are addressed in research, development and application.
The experience from genetic modified food shows that the discussions cannot
be limited to expert assessment of quantifiable risk aspects, but need to
include all stakeholders, which feel affected, in assessments of:
the relevance of the problems addressed by the technology, and
the solutions ‘offered’ by the technology, including whether there are
other solution strategies, which might solve the problems in a way
which implies less uncertainty in relation to environmental potentials
and risks.
6.5 Recommendations for related Danish and EU policy initiatives
The linking of environmental issues with innovation policies is on the agenda
of both Denmark and the European Commission expressed through strategic
initiatives and programmes. These programmes create an opportunity to
implement the recommendations from this project in already established
strong policy frameworks that still are open for improvements and
specifications concerning the detailed measures and priorities. Three of the
most relevant policy programmes and initiatives and recommendations for the
support of eco-innovation are discussed in this paragraph.
6.5.1 The Danish government’s plan for a strengthening of ‘green technology’
The Danish government has in its recent governmental framework said that
the development within ‘green technology’ will be strengthened, with energy
and fuel as two possible areas. We propose such an initiative should include
elements from all the four types of policy perspectives that we are proposing:
guiding research, supporting strategic innovation, regulating application areas,
and governing the framing and management of environmental potentials and
risks. There are ways to shape a ‘green technology’ initiative that can
accommodate the findings and recommendations from this project. The
initiative could be a relevant place to cater for the specific problems relating to
certain areas of application of technologies in products and systems and to
regulate their use within areas of production, trade and consumption, which
are environmentally important in terms of their consumption of material and
energy and their environmental impacts.
In contrast to the above outlined perspective, an initiative could end up
focussing only on the development and promotion of the generic technologies
as such and lack the emphasis on their applications and impacts. The risk is
that the fairly general and international support for generic technologies as the
most important area for government support policies results in action plans
picking and promoting potential ‘winners’ by projecting their innovative and
environmental performance. Instead the areas of support should respect the
rather high uncertainty concerning the performance and impacts and focus on
creating variety and supporting creativity in identifying different solutions and
applications by involving stakeholders from research and from areas of
application in industry and society. A Green Technology programme would
need to have support not only in the Ministry of Environment, but also in
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and in the sector specific
ministries in order to secure the necessary funding and support in related
sector policies.
6.5.2 The Danish High Technology Foundation
Another important strategic programme is the Danish government’s creation
of the High Technology Foundation. This has already from the outset defined
ICT, biotech and nanotech as its primary focus areas concerning the
technological base for future strategic innovation, which also is signalled in the
name of the funding body. The application areas that the High Technology
Foundation are expected to focus upon are not defined by means of the
technology base but in relation to rather broad and for the society important
problems to be handled (Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling
Better food and medicine for a long and good life
Knowledge at the right time and place
Energy for the future at the right price
New materials with unlimited possibilities
The limitation, though, might eventually be that the visions for all four
application areas are mainly described through the use of ICT-, bio- and
nanotechnology, which indicates that the foundation maybe mostly is focusing
on technology-based strategies. This is also the case for the studies of this
project, so the important question is whether the technology base defined for
the High Technology Foundation also will be limiting the outreach and
perspectives of the supported research that the foundation will support, or if
the obvious importance of integrating the generic technologies in more
complex and integrated technologies in relation to the specific applications
will open for studies also of these applications and the benefits and impacts
that may follow them.
The vision ‘Better food and medicine for a long and good life’ is for example
mainly seen as a biotechnology based vision and not as an area relating the
research to the social conditions created in modern every day life and work,
which may limit the research to the production and product component
perspective not including the fields of applications and impacts.
Environmental aspects of ‘white’ biotechnology are not mentioned as a
priority area.
The vision ‘Energy for the future at the right price’ in contrast includes
environmental aspects as a main objective. It focuses on the substitution of
fossil fuel by a combination of renewable energy and increased energy
efficiency. The strategy for the realisation of this vision builds upon more
intelligent energy supply and energy consumption where the supplying units
and the consuming units are linked through pervasive computing so that
energy consumption takes place when there is a surplus of energy supply.
Also nanotechnology is mentioned to have potentials for the future
development of wind turbines and fuel cells.
The vision ‘New materials with unlimited possibilities’ includes some
environmental aspects of nanotechnology: the possibility to produce concrete
with less consumption of energy and materials and the possibility of
nanostructured functional surfaces to become for example self-cleaning.
We have not in this foresight identified energy savings or networking of
intelligent products with energy supplying units as visions in the development
within intelligent products and pervasive computing. This might indicate a
need for dialogue with the actors within intelligent products and pervasive
computing about the possibilities for energy savings and networking of
intelligent products with energy supplying units. The environmental potentials
related to nanotechnology are among those potentials our analysis has
identified within the nano community. We propose that the environmental
aspects of all three technology areas - ICT, nanotechnology, and also
biotechnology - get a high priority in the future activities of the High
Technology Foundation. This could include formal participation of
environmental authorities, environmental NGO’s and eco-innovation
researchers in the further shaping and management of the Foundation’s
6.5.3 EU’s Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP)
The European Union’s Environmental Technologies Action Plan (ETAP) is
often highlighted as one of the policy tools that can become a major support
for the development of ‘green technology’. The Plan contains eleven priority
actions for the Commission, national and regional governments, industry and
other stakeholders to improve the development and uptake of environmental
technologies. These include:
Setting up technology platforms bringing together researchers,
industry, financial institutions, decision-makers and other relevant
stakeholders within different technology areas in order to build a long-
term vision on the research needs and future market developments.
Developing and agreeing on ambitious environmental performance
targets for key products, processes and services.
Mobilising financial instruments, both within and outside the EU, to
share the risks of investing in environmental technologies, with a focus
on climate change, energy and small and medium-size enterprises
The establishment of technology platforms is closely related to the subject of
this report. One of the technology platforms, which have been established
within ETAP, is the platform for Sustainable Chemistry, which aims at
supporting the long-term success of the European chemical supply chain
(European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry).
Since this foresight project has a focus on reduction of chemical impact on
environment and health it is relevant to take a closer look at this platform as
part of the development of policy recommendations and their
implementation. The platform intends to deliver a long term vision for
sustainable chemical technologies in Europe and a vision for a competitive
and sustainable chemical industry. The focus of the platform is industrial
biotechnology, materials technology, and reaction and process design.
Included in the aims of the platform are horizontal issues like regulatory safety
assessment, which are argued to constitute barriers to the adoption of new
chemical technologies and the continued use of existing technologies.
The platform draft also includes the perspective of public acceptance of
chemical technologies, but takes as the outset that there is a deficit in the
public understanding and expresses a need for societal acceptance of
chemicals and the communication of actual risks (as opposed to what the
description of the platform call ‘perceived risks’) of the chemicals to the
broader society. The draft mentions ‘consensus among stakeholders on
methods for and interpretation of chemical risk assessments’ as an objective
although no specific stakeholders are mentioned and the understanding of
environmental governance, as described above, has its primary emphasis on
risk communication from experts to the broader public and not on dialogue
between industry, researchers, government and NGOs.
Even though this specific technology platform is not taking the broader
perspectives argued for in this study into account in a very deliberate and
explicit way, there could be important contributions to gain from ETAP if
governments and innovation bodies, industry and NGOs engage in defining
strategic relevant technology platforms with objectives supporting
environmentally sound technology developments in different areas of
application with high degree of legitimacy. Also Danish government and the
agencies involved in implementing the Danish ‘green technology’ strategy
should assess the potentials of engaging in the construction of such platforms
under the ETAP umbrella.
6.6 Guiding research and research policy to include environmental
An important question to address in future research policy is when and how
to carry out dialogues and other policy measures in relation to research within
the three technology areas in order to obtain an enhanced focus on
environmental potentials and risks.
Research is not just one type of activity. An enhanced focus on environmental
potentials and risks related to the three technology areas calls upon at least the
following three types of research:
1. Policy research which itself can guide research policy and research
2. Technology research developing processes, materials etc. with
environmental potentials
3. Environmental research assessing environmental potentials and risks,
either pro-active research related to ongoing technology research or
research related to real-life application of technologies and products
When it comes to measures for integration of environmental aspects and
concerns into research and research policies the following types of guidance
seem to be the relevant ones:
Visions for the anticipated use and outcomes as a means of shaping
the research policies and also the rules of attention and micro priorities
in the research community, maybe developed through policy research
like Constructive Technology Assessment and Green Technology
Environmental screening of research proposals as a way of qualifying
the decisions and priorities made in research funding
Guidelines for environmental assessment of technology research,
where some important questions concern how such assessments are
carried out in a preventive and holistic way and how the assessments
obtain legitimacy
6.6.1 Visions as guidance of research policy and research
Research policy raises the question, when it is possible to say something about
the environmental potentials and risks related to some technology research.
Could too early regulation limit a creative process? Could too late regulation
imply that the vested interests in terms of equipment, external expectations
etc. are too high and the direction of the research difficult to change? If
technology research was an open process rather weak and guidance oriented
measures could be adequate means of influencing the visions and priorities of
the research policies and the research process. However, priorities concerning
fields of technology research often focus on rather general assumptions of the
importance of technologies and the possible results coming from economic
investments in these areas of research. Even though there, as earlier discussed,
might not be a direct link between research, innovation and application,
researchers and policy makers often produce quite far reaching and
presumptuous promises for the societal and sometimes also environmental
benefits to be expected from new research areas. Since researchers often are
using public communication in presenting their visions and promises to
government, ministries, NGO’s etc. part of the research policy process should
challenge these promises in order to create a better knowledge about the social
and technical prerequisites and assumptions the promises are based on.
The dialogue around expectations and promises may seem quite difficult in
relation to nanotechnology and nanoscience, where there is rather little
experience with the technologies and their application. The materialisation of
the applied technologies will only take place in the near to medium future and
is highly uncertain and very diverse. There is also limited knowledge about the
environmental effects related to nanotechnology. However, also in relation to
ICT and biotechnology there is a need for more dedicated focus on the
environmental potentials and risks in the research strategies and the research
itself than has been the case up till now. Therefore the same strategies and
tools for research guidance can be applied in relation to all three technology
Dialogue processes with broad participation of interested stakeholders,
including organisations that seldom are invited into planning and management
of research (e.g. consumer organisations, environmental organisations and
trade unions) might be a way of enabling assessments of the social and
technical prerequisites of technology breakthroughs and of the environmental
(and other societal) aspects of research. By being based on different types of
knowledge and experience and by having broad stakeholder participation the
results may achieve broad societal legitimacy.
6.6.2 Applying methods from technology foresight
The tools applied in this foresight project are relevant in all three types of
research (policy research, technology research, environmental research):
Analyses of emerging applications
Analyses of attention and search rules in research and innovation
Dialogue workshops among involved and concerned stakeholders
System- and lifecycle-based environmental assessments
Among the tools and strategies applied in similar activities in other European
countries are
Guiding principles for research
Dialogue among stakeholders about near-future applications
Upstream public involvement in research
Constructive technology assessment as an integrated, but
independent part of a national technology research programme
An important question concerns the pro’s and con’s to guiding principles for
research, like for example the German principle about ‘inherently safe
nanotechnology’. The role of guiding principles is known in research and
innovation and also in relation to environmental potentials (Petschow, 2005).
However, it is not clear what kind of guidelines could provide guidance and
what kinds are so general that nobody can be against them and no guidance
therefore is gained from them.
Dialogue and vision building around the future development within the three
technology areas could get inspiration from the plan of the Dutch Rathenau
Institute’s for dialogue around five possible near-future applications of
nanotechnology in order to make the discussion about nanotechnology more
concrete and involve more stakeholders in dialogue around the pro’s and
con’s of nanotechnology (Van Est & Van Keulen 2004). It could also be
worth learning from the ongoing UK project about upstream and early public
involvement in nano research conducted by Lancaster University and Demos
based on ethnographic research among nano researchers and dialogue
activities between researchers and citizens seen from a governance point of
view (Grove-White et al 2004). Also the Dutch experience with constructive
technology assessment (CTA) as part of the national nanotechnology
programme is worthwhile considering (Rip, 2004).
6.6.3 Environmental screening of research proposals
Environmental screenings of research proposals is also a measure that should
be considered. However, such screenings are only valuable if those evaluating
the proposals agree in the importance of these aspects and are able to assess
these aspects. Some of the earlier Danish experiences within food technology
and biotechnology research based on a request for applicants to address
aspects of the impacts on environment, health and safety have not shown too
promising results. Many researchers chose not to address the issues and the
evaluators consequently did not find the aspects important enough to let these
aspects influence the priorities and decisions made. The experience with the
present demand for addressing socio-economic aspects in EU research
applications has neither been too promising either, as many of the technical
domains have addressed these issues rather superficial. One reason may be the
lack of environmental and health knowledge among evaluators of the
proposals, but others relate to disagreements with the priorities and the very
basic difficulties in assessing these aspects in the very beginning of a new field
of research. The earlier described dialogue processes could also be applied in
the screening of research proposals.
6.6.4 Environmental assessment as part of research
Environmental screening of research proposals is one thing, while
environmental assessments as part of research are something else. Such
assessments can be part of all three types of research (policy research,
technology research, environmental research). So-called ’integrated
environmental assessment’ is suggested in the EU nanotechnology strategy
and in the Danish nanotechnology action plan. The idea could also be worth-
while exploring within the ICT and the biotech area, while building on the
experiences from the Danish technology assessment activities of ICT and
biotech in the 1980’ies and 1990’ies.
An important aspect of the assessment of environmental aspects of technology
concerns the structure of the research funding schemes and the organisation
of the environmental research as integrated or independent of the technology
research: Should the funding for environmental research be given
independent of the technology research? Should the environmental research
be organised as an integrated or an independent activity? Environmental
researchers being part of a technology research group or department could,
on the one hand, develop trust in the relation to the technology researchers
and enough proximity to the research process and the research subject to
allow for detailed assessments. On the other hand, integrated environmental
research capacity without independent funding could run the risk of becoming
too close to and too dependent of the technology researchers. The
environmental researchers could be afraid of preventing patenting as a
possibility by pointing to environmental risks of a certain material, process etc.
or by presenting the research to external stakeholders for dialogue about
environmental aspects. This dilemma would become even bigger, if the
environmental researchers do not have their own funding. It is important to
follow and learn from also foreign experiences with the organisation and the
funding of policy research and environmental research. At University of
Cambridge a researcher within sociology of technology is employed within a
nano research group. The Dutch constructive technology assessment activity
within the national nanotechnology programme is organised as an
independent, but integrated programme. The CTA programme organises
their own projects, but in connection to activities within the national
nanotechnology program.
Furthermore, the competencies needed for such assessments are complex and
could probably not be built within the single research organisation. All in all
this points to the development of some independent capacity for assessment
of societal aspects, including environmental potentials and risks of the three
technology areas. A Danish environmental research capacity should also
enable absorption, assessment and mediation of research on these issues from
other countries.
6.7 Integration of environmental aspects in policy support for
strategic innovation
The integration of environmental aspects into strategic innovation policies
emphasises the creation of new paths of development and bringing new
technologies to real life test. Instruments include:
The support for combining technologies into products within specific
fields of application whereby the environmental impacts better can be
identified and assessed and realistic user conditions confront the
The integration of environmental concerns into the innovation
processes at the earlier stages of laboratory and prototype
developments are important to assure that these aspects are being part
of the creation of development paths shaped in these processes.
The support for market development through combinations of
regulation of potential application fields, support for demonstration
projects and network activities involving potential suppliers,
customers, knowledge institutions and intermediaries.
The new “High-technology Networks” and “Innovation Consortia”
instruments launched by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and
Innovation could be an option for targeted action towards eco-innovation for
all three technology areas.
The Danish experience with development within wind power and organic
food as areas of eco-innovation show that it is possible to develop new, more
sustainable development paths within an application area in competition and
cooperation with existing well-established trajectories. Such path creation
demands a combination of reshaping existing institutions, competencies and
regulatory mechanisms etc., and developing new institutions, competencies
and regulatory mechanisms etc. The experience with the regulation of wind
power and organic food also show, however, that there are limitations to the
regulatory capacity of the market if the development of the market is not
supported by systematic public procurement, development of standards,
support for research and development, competence development and
restrictions to the competing technologies and products. The following
paragraphs discuss some application fields related to each of the three
technology areas, which could be considered as themes in future planning of
innovation programmes.
6.7.1 ICT
Environmental application of sensors plays today not a significant role in the
development of sensors. A stronger development within this area seems to
demand more governmental regulation of environmentally important
industries in order to develop a stronger demand for sensors for collection of
environmentally relevant process information.
There is also need for more focus on environmental potentials and risks in the
development of pervasive computing components and products, since the
present paradigms neither seems not to focus on eco-potentials and nor on the
environmental wastes and emissions and radiation problems related to
pervasive computing (intelligent products) and applications. Potential
problems which need to be addressed are products, which are manufactured
as throw-away products (often called ‘disposable products’), products which
are difficult to dismantle, and products with a short life time because the
software is not updated. There is need for support for innovation in the
interaction between product, user and organisational and societal context in
order to support the development of more eco-efficient use patterns. Besides
this, there is need for research in the experience so far with intelligent
products and the impact on eco-efficiency. Such research should develop
more knowledge about the shaping of use patterns as an interaction between
ICT-based products, user and context and thereby develop more knowledge
about possibilities and limitations to eco-potentials in intelligent products and
The increased integration of ICT-components into products could imply
further pressure on the systems for handling of electronic waste, since there is
no sign of total substitution of hazardous materials from this kind of products,
although lead is expected to be substituted during the coming five years or so
due to the RoHS directive. Strategies for effective enforcement of the RoHS
directive for products for the domestic market, for export markets, and for
imported products
The risks from increased electromagnetic radiation due to increased wireless
communication and electrical fields calls upon demands to electronic
equipment and components and ongoing assessment of the amount and kind
of radiation in homes, workplaces, schools and the public space.
6.7.2 Biotechnology
There are still potentials in the development of the industrial applications of
enzymes for substitution and reduction of the use of hazardous chemicals and
enhanced resource efficiency in a number of industrial processes. In order to
support the uptake of such enzymes there is need for regulation of chemical
substances which the enzymes are supposed to substitute or optimise the use
of, support to small and medium-sized enterprises’ uptake of enzymes and
restrictions on resource consumption.
The project’s policy workshop showed the need for more dialogue about
different scenarios for the role of bio-materials from agriculture and food
industry in a future energy supply scenario based on renewable energy
Reservation surrounds the use of genetic modified micro-organisms for
bioremediation. Support for the development of more knowledge is a
prerequisite for in-depth assessment of the potentials.
6.7.3 Nanotechnology
Nanoscience is in a critical phase of materialising into nanotechnology, but the
scope and uncertainties are high despite major investments globally.
Undertaking innovations in this area is therefore currently associated with
much risk and well as fairly long term perspectives making it difficult to
attract investors and industry.
Special consideration should be made on how to promote the industrial up-
take of nanoscience which today is weak and in many cases only emerging;
both in relation to creating cooperation with existing industry and promoting
Further action could be to
Illuminate the business potentials and scope of eco-innovations related to
nanotechnologies so as to make both researchers, industry adn
investors more interested, competent and attentive
Build environmental competencies in the nano research institutes but
perhaps more interestingly connected to the nano centres. Stronger
linkages with environmental researchers, - experts and –industry are
needed. It should overall be considered how to organise the nano
knowledge production in Denmark most efficiently to achieve both a
high innovative capacity generally as well as on eco-innovation and
how the new suggested strengthened Danish nano centres feed into
this. It should be considered how environmental competencies could
be linked up to these if a nano eco-innovation strategy is to be
pursued. A national think tank or environmental nano network could
facilitate a take-off for such a strategy.
A steady long-term commitment from the authorities may pull in a viable
interest in the nano eco-potentials among the different stakeholders in
the innovation system. Visions, targets and long term environmental
regulation could promote the creation of new markets for pre-
commercial nano technologies with an eco-potential.
6.8 Regulating areas of application in production, trade and
Technology applications within environmentally important product and
consumption areas could be influenced in a more environmentally friendly
direction by identifying and regulating the impact of driving forces and the
institutional regimes determining the use of materials, production processes,
products etc. If mature and market introduced technology applications with
‘green’ potentials are not realised under present market, production and user
regimes more stringent regulatory policies and standards could provide a
difference. A sector or product domain approach may be needed in stead of a
technology approach. Some application areas are discussed in relation to the
environmental aspects identified in the analyses of the three technology areas.
The analyses of ICT- and biotechnology have pointed to mature and market
introduced technologies, which are not having a sufficiently high uptake. In
relation to nanotechnology regulation of applications is not yet a key
instrument considering that most of the identified eco-potentials are pre-
commercial. It is also very difficult considering the very wide general
purposefulness of many of the nanotechnologies, i.e. the application areas are
impossible to delimit. In specific cases, e.g. new types of energy efficient
lighting or hydrogen cars, regulation of the application could be feasible, but
at a later stage .
6.8.1 Regulating eco-efficiency and substitution of chemicals
ICT-based tools are often highlighted as enabling better planning and
management of environmental aspects due to the possibility of collecting and
processing more data. However, experiences from the application of such
tools seem to show that the environmental potentials often are limited.
ICT-based tools for environmental management systems do not
‘automatically’ enable a better management of environmental aspects in
industry and other organisations and might even prevent effective
environmental management because the ICT-tools sometimes are supposed
to work more or less by themselves. If better environmental management
should be achieved there is need for stronger and more dynamic
governmental regulation of businesses and public institutions and support for
the development of the environmental competence through development of
the internal relations between management, designers, manufacturing, sales
and purchase etc. and the environmental staff, and between the industry etc.
and suppliers, customers, governmental authorities and NGO’s. Such
initiatives could create a development of ICT-based tools, which together with
other initiatives can enable better develop environmental management
Also the development of new, more environmental friendly paradigms for
products and processes seems to depend less on ICT-based design tools than
on development of the dialogue between stakeholders internally in a company
and externally with suppliers and customers. For solvent-based chemical
processes ICT-based eco-oriented process design tools are available, but are
not in widespread use.
ICT-based process regulation and control is used in many industries. This
kind of process regulation and control can also be a way of reducing
environmental impact if the process regulation and control is focused on
reduction of resource consumption, reduction of emissions of pollutants etc.
Governmental regulation of industry in terms of demands to emissions and
wastes combined with increased prices on resources etc. and support for
competence development could encourage industry to focus the process
regulation and control more on environmental aspects, including substitution
of hazardous chemicals through a more widespread use of for example
6.8.2 Transport, logistics and mobility
The amount of transportation of persons and freight is depending on a
number of socio-economic changes that has very little to do with the
development of ICT-equipment for transportation and logistics. The amount
of private transport depends on for example the costs of housing and living in
areas near the workplace of families and the prices on public transport and
fuel. The amount of freight transportation is depending on the amounts of
goods produced and the globalisation of industry and trade. Telework might
contribute to some reduction in transportation, but might also enable more
transportation, since it is now possible to work more efficient way from the
workplace when for example participating in conferences, or visiting other
facilities in a company. Hybrid cars with fuel engines and electrical engines or
batteries building on complicated IT-based controlling of the combination of
the different engines could give significant improvements in fuel efficiency.
However, due to the present development strategies in the car industry and
the tax system on vehicles and fuel the market penetration of these types of
cars is modest.
One way among a number of possible measures to regulate the transport
sector could be increased prices on fuel. Another could be to establish systems
of road pricing or road tolls in areas where alternative and more
environmentally friendly transport solutions exist as alternative to the existing
systems and their expansion. While some aspects of e-business may have
some advantages concerning distribution of software products (because they
can be distributed electronically) it could lead to more transportation based on
the distribution of small batches of physical products, which might also be
regulated via higher prices on fuel or other means of regulating the efficiency
of commercial transport of goods. In similar ways regulation of transportation
may also support the further development and implementation of
programmes for optimisation of transport logistics.
6.9 Summarising: Recommendations integrating future
environmental and innovative aspects of ICT-, bio- and
6.9.1 Introduction
The development within the three technology areas hitherto and the identified
probable future trends introduce issues concerning environmental potentials
and risks, including potentials and risks related to use, wastes and emissions of
hazardous substances and materials. The following recommendations aim at
high quality environmental governance in the development of the three areas,
so that issues of societal needs and environmental potentials and risks are
addressed within planning and management of research, innovation and
technology applications.
The recommendations are structured within the headlines
- Environmental governance
- Guiding research and research policy
- Policy support for eco-innovation
- Regulating application areas
A recommendation starts with a headline, which is the recommendation in a
short form and concrete initiatives are proposed afterwards. Some of the
proposals starts with some general proposals addressing all three technology
areas and ends with proposals addressing each of the three areas.
The recommendations suggest roles to a broad variety of stakeholders, like
research and innovation institutions, businesses and business organisations,
governmental authorities, and consumer and environmental non-
governmental organisations. The Ministry of Environment and Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation are seen as important governmental
authorities in the planning of the implementation of the recommendations.
The status for each of the three technology areas are summarised in table 6.1
Table 6.1. Summarized status for the three technologies
Environmental potentials play some, but not significant, role in the development and application
of ICT-technology. Furthermore, new risks might be introduced with the increasing development
within pervasive computing and wireless communication. As ICT is applied within almost societal
areas, the dynamics of ICT-development are very complex.
Environmental potentials play an increasing, but still small role in the development of white
biotechnology (which the analysis primarily has focused on). Focus is especially on increased
resource efficiency, substitution of chemicals and remediation of pollution.
Nanoscience is in a critical phase of materialising into nanotechnology, but the scope and
uncertainties, technically and environmentally, are high despite major investments globally.
Undertaking innovations in this area is therefore currently associated with much risk and fairly
long term perspective long term perspective making it difficult to attract investors and industry.
6.9.2 Environmental governance
Strengthen the environmental governance in relation to ICT-, bio- and
General proposals:
Strengthened environmental governance should aim at
focus on environmental potentials and risks in research, innovation
and applications related to the three technology areas
high legitimacy of the societal problems and needs and the
environmental potentials and risks addressed in research and
critical comparisons of environmental potentials and risks of the three
areas with other environmental strategies
Strengthened environmental governance calls upon
more, high quality participation of concerned and affected
stakeholders in the planning, management and assessment of public
and private research and innovation activities related to the three
technology areas
changes in the procedures in planning, management and assessment
of public and private research and innovation to make this
participation influential
facilitation of dialogue between different types of knowledge and
experience (environmental, ethical, technology etc.)
Economic support is needed for Danish researchers’, governmental
authorities’, and NGO’s continued national and international networking
around experiences with environmental governance in relation to the three
technology areas.
Supplementary proposals for the three technology areas:
There is a need for continued discussions about the environmental aspects of
ICT and how they are shaped in interaction with societal trends like
globalisation, more intense everyday life etc. This is also important as ICT
technology in the future might get embedded into many new products like
textiles etc. Such discussions should enable analyses that get deeper than the
metaphor of ‘the knowledge society’ as very knowledgeable and only having
limited resource consumption.
There is need for more public participation in the shaping of the future
research and innovation strategies for white biotechnology. This should
ensure discussions that get deeper than the metaphor of white biotechnology
as a ‘clean technology’ in itself, because it is based on biological materials and
There are rising public, governmental and scientific concerns about how
nanotechnology may lead to new types of health and environment risks
because of new types of materials and processes with new characteristics.
Environmental risks have hitherto been neglected to a high degree in the nano
community. Since nanotechnologies could undergo much change the next 5-
10 years there is need for ongoing dialogues highlighting trends, visions and
fears. Nanotechnology comprises many different scientific fields why there is
a need for discussions focusing on the different types of nanotechnology.
6.9.3 Guiding research and research policy:
Stronger integration of environmental aspects in the guidance of research and
research policy
General proposals:
It is suggested to develop
Broad and strong stakeholder participation (e.g. through new think
tanks) in the ongoing development and assessment of visions for the
environmental focus (potentials and risks) in research related to ICT-,
bio- and nanotechnology
Strengthened dialogue between the Ministry of Environment and the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation about strategies for
focus on environmental potentials and risks in the research
programmes of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation
Use of Constructive Technology Assessment and Green Technology
Foresight, including participatory and dialogue-based processes as
tools in future research planning and research assessment in relation to
ICT-, bio- and nanotechnology
Development of funding strategies for research in environmental
aspects of the three technology areas. The strategies should consider
dedicated funding for technology assessment and technology foresight
and for environmental research (potentials and risks), and integration
of environmental aspects into technology research, both in relation to
mature and new fields
Development of strategies for independent assessment of
environmental potentials and risks in research proposals
Development of strategies for integration of environmental
competence in technology research, combining development of
environmental competence in technology research groups and
development of independent environmental research capacity based
on competencies within environmental science, engineering and
sociology of technology
Supplementary proposals for the three technology areas:
There is need for more knowledge about the role of ICT-based tools and
technologies in the shaping of eco-efficient use patterns and in environmental
management in order to develop more socio-technically based development
strategies and paradigms for ICT-technologies. This includes:
Research on the interaction between intelligent products, users and
organisational and societal context in the development of use patterns
and the environmental aspects hereof
Research on the role of ICT-based tools in the development of
environmental competence in businesses etc. in order to develop
strategies for effective development and application of such tools as
part of environmental management
More knowledge about the environmental aspects of biotechnology seems to
be one of the prerequisites for future application of these technologies. This
Research on the environmental potentials and risks of bio-remediation
of pollutants based on release of genetic modified microorganisms
Research on the environmental risks related to release from chemical-
producing plants
Research on the health impacts of an enhanced use of enzymes
The key barrier to nano eco-innovation is the lacking awareness and
knowledge of nano-related eco-potentials and business potentials. It is difficult
to get environmental funding for fundamental nano research, since this kind
of funding tends to focus on more mature and immediate solutions. There is
need for:
A nano eco-innovation research programme and/or a technology
platform based on the identified eleven nano research areas with eco-
Research on the environmental impacts of all kinds of
nanotechnology, particularly the toxicity of nanoparticles and other
nano materials, including development of the capacity to absorb and
mediate similar research from abroad
Further development of existing environmental assessment procedures
which are not adequate for measuring and handling materials at the
nano scale and build nano competencies in the institutions
undertaking these.
6.9.4 Support for eco-innovation
Support eco-innovation based on pre-commercial technologies with
environmental potentials
General proposals:
The support for eco-innovation should be organised through
Strengthened dialogue between the Ministry of Environment and the
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation about strategies for
ensuring focus on environmental potentials and risks in the innovation
programmes of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation,
including the Danish High Technology Foundation and the
Innovation Consortia tool
Development of environmental and economic visions and targets for
specific technology areas
Support for development of prototypes and for demonstration
Market development through development of standards and long-term
environmental regulation of related chemicals, resources, competing
technologies etc.
Support for development of eco-innovation-oriented competence in
research and innovation through integration of environmental
competence and technology competence
Supplementary proposals for the three technology areas:
There is a need for more focus on the potentials and limits to intelligent
products and applications and sensors as elements in an eco-efficiency
strategy. Furthermore, there is a need for strategies to ensure focus on
hazardous substances and materials and radiation in the development of
products and components:
Support for innovation in intelligent products and applications,
including pervasive computing, with focus on the interaction between
ICT-based products, users and societal and organisational context in
order to develop concepts and paradigms for eco-efficient use patterns
Analysis of the perspectives in further development of sensors for
environmentally oriented process regulation and control, including
different types of governmental regulation, which can support the
development and dissemination hereof
Development of strategies for effective enforcement of the RoHS
directive for electronic products and components for the domestic
market, for export markets, and for imported products
Development of demands to the radiation from electronic equipment
and components, and from wireless communication. Ongoing
assessment of the amount and kind of radiation in homes, workplaces,
schools and the public space
There is a need for development of enzymes with eco-potentials for a broader
variety of industrial processes. Furthermore, there is also a need for a strategy
for the use of bio-mass as renewable resource:
Encouraging development of enzymes for a broader variety of
industrial processes through dialogue between potential manufacturers
and users
Development of short-term and long-term national strategy for the use
of different types of bio-mass as renewable resource for chemicals,
energy, materials etc.
There is a need for considerations about how the industrial up-take of
nanoscience can be promoted, through existing industry and through new
start-ups. A central barrier is lacking environmental competencies in the
Danish nano community and lacking nano competencies among
environmental experts and industry and the weak linkages between these
A national think tank or environmental nano network should facilitate
a take-off of a nano eco-innovation strategy
Build environmental competencies in the nano research institutes or in
connection to the new suggested and strengthened nano centres by
employing or co-operating with environmental experts
Launch a Danish Green Innovation programme focused on key
environmental themes and key product and consumption areas
The programme should be based on a combination of measures
directed towards research, innovation, potential application areas and
Competencies within eco-innovation, environmental assessment and
consumption dynamics should be included.
The planning of the programme should be based on dialogue among
government, research and innovation institutions, business, and
consumer and environmental organisations.
Strengthen the role of environmental concerns in the further development of
The Danish government should encourage and support
A stronger link between the focus of the ETAP technology platforms
and important environmental themes
Inclusion of a broad variety of environmental regulation instruments
as measures in the ETAP implementation
Participation of consumer and environmental organisations in the
development, planning and management of the technology platforms
in order to develop their environmental scope
Danish participation in and initiatives for technology platforms related
to ICT, biotechnology, nanotechnology and chemistry
6.9.5 Regulating application areas
Remove barriers to the dissemination of technology applications with
environmental potentials
General proposal:
Where mature and market introduced technologies with environmental
potentials are not taken up by potential users sector and product domain
regulation should make present market, production and user regimes more
environmentally oriented.
Specific proposals for the three technology areas:
Encouraging the use of ICT-based process regulation and control
more towards higher eco-efficiency through stronger governmental
regulation of wastes and emissions and prices on substances and
materials, and support for environmental competence development in
businesses and governmental institutions etc.
Encouraging more widespread use of available types of enzymes in
industry for increased process efficiency and substitution of chemicals
through stronger demands to eco-efficiency and use of chemicals, and
support for the necessary technological and organisational changes
connected to the uptake, including the challenges faced by small and
medium-sized businesses.
Regulation of application areas is not yet a key instrument for
nanotechnology since most of the identified eco-potentials are pre-
commercial, but it could become relevant later for specific product
areas, e.g. for lighting or hydrogen cars.
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7.4.1 Interviews
Universities and Research Institutes.
Int. Besenbacher (2004) Interview with Professor Flemming Besenbacher,
University of Aarhus (AU), Head of iNANO, Dept. of Physics and
astronomy, 9.8.2004.
Int. Kjems (2004) Interview with Professor Jørgen Kjems, Dept. of molecular
Biology, iNANO, AU, 9.8.2004.
Int. Stougaard (2004), Interview with Associate Professor Jens Stougaard,
Dept. of Molecular Biology, iNANO, AU, 9.8.2004
Int. Bjørnholm (2004) Interview with Professor Thomas Bjørnholm,
Head of Copenhagen University (KU) Nano Science Center, Dept. of
Chemistry, 3.9.2004
Int. Stipp (2004) Interview with Associate Professor Susan Stipp, Head of
NanoGeoScience Center, Institute of Geology, KU, 1.3.2005
Int. Nørskov (2004), Interview with Professor Jens Kehlet Nørskov, Head of
NanoDTU, Dept. of Physics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU),
Int. Chorkendorff (2004) Interview with Professor Ib Chorkendorff, Head of
ICAT, Dept. of Physics and Dept. of Chemical Engineering, DTU, 5.8.2004
Int. Christensen (2004) Interview with Professor Claus Hviid Christensen,
Center for Sustainable and Green Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, DTU,
Int. Nørgaard (2004) Interview with Professor Hans Nørgaard, IPL – Dept.
of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, DTU, 17.6.2004
Int. Hansen (2004) Interview with Associate Professor Ole Hansen, MIC –
Dept. of Micro and Nanotechnology, DTU, 21.6.2004
Int. Ulstrup (2004) Interview with Professor Jens Ulstrup, Dept. of
Chemistry, DTU, 5.8.2004
Int. Møller (2004) Interview with Professor Birger Lindberg Møller, Dep. of
Plant Biology, The Royal veterinary and Agricultural University of Denmark
(KVL) 24.8.2004.
Int. Ulvskov (2004) Interview with Head of research unit Peter Ulvskov,
Genetics and Biotechnology, DIAS, Research Centre Foulum, KVL,
Int. Scheller (2004) Interview with Professor Henrik V. Scheller, Dept. of
Plant Biology, KVL, 24.8.2004
Int. Blennow (2004) Interview with Associate Professor Andreas Blennow,
Dept. of Plant Biology, KVL, 24.8.2004
Int Jensen (2004) Interview with Associate Professor Knud Jørgen Jensen,
Dept. of Natural Science, KVL, 24.8.2004.
Int. Hansen, H. (2004) Interview with Professor Hans Christian B. Hansen,
Dept. of Natural Science, KVL, 3.9.2004,
Int. Plackett (2004) Interview with Senior Scientist David Plackett, Danish
Polymer Center, Risø National Laboratory, 22.6.2004
Ínt. Larsen (2004) Interview with Research professor Niels Bent Larsen,
Danish Polymer Center, Risø National Laboratory, 13.8.2004
Int. Nielsen (2004) Interview with Senior Scientist Martin Nielsen, Danish
Polymer Center, Risø National Laboratory, 13.8.2004
Int. Mogensen (2004) Interview with Research professor Mogens Mogensen,
Materials Research Dept, Risø National Laboratory, 13.8.2004
Int. Feidenhans´l (2004) Interview with Professor Robert K. Feidenhans´l
(former Risø, now Copenhagen University), 13.8.2004
Int. Krebs (2004) Interview with Senior Scientist Frederik Krebs, Danish
Polymer Center, Risø National Laboratory, 17.8.2004
Int. Brorson (2004) Interview with Michael Brorson, Haldor Topsøe, Lyngby
Int. Hansen, S.B. (2004) Interview with Søren Brun Hansen, Haldor Topsøe
A/S, Frederikssund, 26.8.2004
Int. Søby (2004) Interview with Frederik Søby, Haldor Topsøe A/S,
Frederikssund, 26.8.2004
Int. Lading (2004) Interview with Professor, Lars Lading, Direct or of Sensor
Technology Center A/S, Sensor Technology Center A/S, 2.9.2004
Int. Paasch (2004) Interview with Kasper M. Paasch, Danfoss Analytical,
7.5 Chapter 6 (Policy recommendations)
A European Technology Platform for SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY,
CEFIC and EuropaBio (no year of publication)
Brüske-Holfeld I, Peters A., Wichmann H-E (2005) “Do nanoparticles
interfere with human health” In: GAIA, 1/2005, pp. 21-23
Clausen C, Yoshinaka Y (2004)” Social shaping of technology in TA and
HTA” Poiesis & Praxis 2, 2, pp. 221-246
Grove-White R., Kearns M., Miller P., Macnaghten P., Wilsdon J., & Wynne
B. (2004): “Bio-to-Nano? Learning the lessons, interrogating the comparison
(Amended version), Lancaster University and Demos
Ministeriet for Videnskab, Teknologi og Udvikling (2004) ”FOKUS PÅ
FREMTIDEN. Visioner for bioteknologi, nanoteknologi og informations- og
kommunikationsteknologi” (Focus on the future – visions of biotechnology,
nanotechnology and informations and communications technology)
Norges forskningsråd (2005) ”Nanoteknologier og nye materialer: Helse,
miljø, etikk og samfunn. Nasjonale forsknings- og kompetansebehov”
Van Est R. and van Keulen I (2004): “Small technology – big consequences”:
Building up the Dutch debate on nanotechnology from the bottom In:
Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis, Nr. 3, 13. Jg., pp. 72-79