TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism  (): –
e First Computer-Generated
Greek New Testament
Alan Bunning, Center for New Testament Restoration
Abstract: A plausible Greek New Testament text can be automatically generated by
a computer program using statistical analysis and algorithms that weigh the earliest
manuscript data in a manner simulating a reasoned-eclecticism approach. is method
oers several substantial advantages by providing a consistently weighed text that is
openly transparent, without any theological bias, and scientically reproducible, and
the results are very similar to our best modern critical tests. is initial accomplishment
could have a number of future implications for the eld of textual criticism regarding
advances in the use of statistics and algorithms for further renements in the produc-
tion of critical texts.
It has oen been said that textual criticism is both an art and a science.
e unfortunate reality,
however, is that the process has mostly been dominated by the art part. One group of scholars
will examine all of the variant readings for a particular passage and then choose the reading
that they think best explains how the other readings may have occurred.
But the problem is
that another group of scholars does the exact same thing, and they come to a completely dier-
ent conclusion. Consequently, there has long been a desire to increase the scientic aspects of
textual criticism. Text-critical canons such as Bengels twenty-seven principles and Griesbachs
een rules could perhaps be considered an early forerunner to this sentiment, providing a
set of guidelines based on assumed probabilities to guide the selection of variant readings in a
more logical fashion.
Likewise, the genealogical method oen associated with Karl Lachmann
back in the nineteenth century “originated from the need to base reconstruction on scientic
and objective criteria, reducing as far as possible the subjectivity of the editors.
Scholars of
the twentieth century such as Dom Henri Quentin, Sir Walter W. Greg, Archibald A. Hill, and
Vinton A. Dearing considered several statistical approaches to textual criticism, but they were
is well-known mantra was presumably derived from A. E. Housmans quote: “Textual criticism
is a science, and, since it comprises recension and emendation, it is also an art. It is the science
of discovering error in texts and the art of removing it.” A. E. Housman, “e Application of
ought to Textual Criticism,Proceedings of the Classical Association  (): .
Johann Jakob Griesbach has been credited with the rule followed by many textual critics: “e
reading is to be preferred as the original which best explains the existence of all other.” Eldon J.
Epp and Gordon D. Fee, Studies in the eory and Method of New Testament Textual Criticism
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, ), .
Johann Albrecht Bengel, Gnomon Novi Testamenti (Tubingen: Johann Heinrich Philipp Schramm,
); Johann Jakob Griesbach, Novum Testamentum Gce, Textum ad dem Codicum Versio-
nem (London: Halae Saxonum, ).
Paolo Chiesa, “Principles and Practice,” in Handbook of Stemmatology: History, Methodology,
Digital Approaches, ed. Philipp Roelli (Berlin: de Gruyter, ), .
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
fairly limited in scope without the aid of a computer.
ere have also been many other types
of statistical analysis providing a more objective basis for understanding scribal habits and
comparing variant units in manuscripts. Unfortunately, most of these eorts have had to be
done by hand, using only a few select manuscripts over relatively small passages of Scripture
as a sample size, from which the rest could then be extrapolated. E. C. Colwell and E. W. Tune
foresaw the need for computers to get involved in textual criticism way back in the s: “We
are working in a period when the data for textual criticism will inevitably be translated into
mathematics. In fact it is doubtful that NT textual critics can really hope to relate all of the data
now available to them without the aid of computers.
ere have since been several examples of computer-assisted research over the decades in
fulllment of this sentiment, such as the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM)
developed by Gerd Mink and the cladistics approach used by Stephen Carlson for the book
of Galatians.
But despite a popular misunderstanding, techniques like the CBGM do not
provide a means of automating the reconstruction of the initial text,” as they are merely con-
sidered to be tools to help in the subjective decision-making process.
Part of the reason for
this is due to the signicant amount of genealogical corruption in the data. Many of the earliest
witnesses are clearly seen to be doing their own textual criticism, copying from multiple wit-
nesses already available to them. But despite some of its shortcomings,
the work of the CBGM
was particularly valuable in the sense that this work had to be done in order to know that this
was the case, demonstrating that most of the earliest witnesses do not have direct genealogical
relationships to each other.
Even with these technological advances, the crux of the matter is that textual criticism has
still been largely treated as an art, with scholars viewing scientic statistical analysis as merely
suggestions to help guide their subjective decisions.
at is why some of our best modern
critical texts, even those with similar philosophies considering the same evidence, still dis-
agree with each other in thousands of places.
Computer-Generated Text
e ultimate result of applying science to textual criticism was envisioned years ago in the au-
tomatic creation of a computer-generated text without any human subjectivity. Yet despite our
best eorts we were “nowhere near having computer tools that can algorithmically produce
Bruce Metzger, e Text of the New Testament, rd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, ),
E. C. Colwell and E. W. Tune, “Variant Readings: Classication and Use,JBL  (): –.
Gerd Mink, “e Coherence-Based Genealogical Method—What Is It About?” (online paper,
Münster: Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung, ),
INTF/Genealogical_method.html; Stephen C. Carlson, “e Text of Galatians and Its History”
(PhD diss., Duke University Graduate Program in Religion, ).
Klaus Wachtel, “Towards a Redenition of External Criteria: e Role of Coherence in Assessing
the Origin of Variants,” in Textual Variation: eological and Social Tendencies? Papers from the
Fih Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, ed. David C. Parker
(Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, ), .
Stephen C. Carlson, “A Bias at the Heart of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM),
JBL  (): –; Jarrett W. Knight, “Reading between the Lines:  Peter :, MS , and
Some Methodological Blind Spots in the CBGM,JBL  (): –.
For example, the results of the CGBM were not followed by the Nestle-Aland th edition ed-
itorial committee at  Pet : because the CGBM does not make up conjectures. Instead, the
committee made up their own reading, which is not supported by any Greek manuscript.
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament 
a stemma and a critical text from a bundle of scanned manuscripts.
But that is no longer
the case. e Statistical Restoration (SR) represents the rst computer-generated Greek New
Testament. All the earliest manuscript evidence is fed directly to a computer program as raw
data, and the most probable text is generated based on statistical analysis and algorithms. e
SR was created according to the principles of Scientic Textual Criticism, which represents
a fundamental paradigm shi from the traditional methods of textual criticism. Subjective
textual decisions are replaced with objective statistical and computational methods, rooted
in the elds of data science and computer science. e motivation, rationale, limitations, and
implications for this approach are described in Restoration of the New Testament: e Case
for Scientic Textual Criticism;
discussion and answers to common objections will not be
repeated here. Instead, this paper will focus on the details of how the SR was created, and it is
merely the rst example of a critical text meeting the scientic criteria of objectivity, plausibil-
ity, transparency, and reproducibility outlined in that book. Computers have been used before
for dierent aspects of text criticism related to the Greek New Testament, but the SR endeav-
ored to reect the most probable text based on data-driven processes that were designed to
simulate a reasoned-eclecticism approach actually used by scholars, weighing both external and
internal evidence. Accordingly, the SR serves as a proof-of-concept demonstrating that a plau-
sible computer-generated text can be produced that yields a satisfying result when compared
to our best modern critical texts.
From its initial conceptualization, the SR took almost two decades to complete. It began in-
nocently enough with the creation of the Scientic Greek New Testament Interlinear (SGNTI)
project in . at project’s goal was to provide a computer-generated collation of the ear-
liest Greek manuscripts in an interlinear format. Using the original electronic transcriptions
created over the life of that project, the Bunning Heuristic Prototype (BHP) Greek New Tes-
tament was created by hand in November  as a preliminary template to approximate the
results of what could foreseeably be produced in a computer-generated Greek New Testament.
is was done for the purpose of anticipating what types of problems might be encountered
in writing such a computer program. Soon aer, these initiatives were absorbed into the Cen-
ter for New Testament Restoration (CNTR),
established in . e CNTRs charter was to
apply advanced computational and statistical methods, rooted in the elds of data science and
computer science, to the eld of textual criticism.
e basis of an algorithm for a computer-generated text was rst discussed in the CNTR
Project Description in  and later updated to include a basic formula in . Using that
formula as a starting point, the rst version of the program was written. is resulted in the
rst computer-generated Greek New Testament on  October . e formula underwent
a number of successive iterations using a data-driven approach until it arrived at the current
algorithm. A number of technical breakthroughs had to occur along the way in order to ac-
complish this feat, including the automatic determination of variant unit boundaries and their
Philipp Roelli, Handbook of Stemmatology: History, Methodology, Digital Approaches (Berlin: de
Gruyter, ), .
Alan Bunning, Restoration of the New Testament: e Case for Scientic Textual Criticism (West
Lafayette, IN: Biblical Worldview Publishing, ).
e BHP is an open-licensed Greek New Testament that is currently used as the basis for the
unfoldingWord Greek New Testament (UGNT) to assist in Church-Centric Bible Translation
(CCBT). is text was later released in  and was used to create the unfoldingWord Greek
New Testament (UGNT), which has since been translated into a number of other languages. See
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
relationships to each other, the classication of homophones based on the orthographical-pri-
ority method, and rating the statistical reliability of manuscripts against the corpus of data.
Based on those innovations, the beta version of the text was released on  September .
Aer a few more minor tweaks, the nal version of the text was released on  October 
and called the “Statistical Restoration Greek New Testament.
e SR oers several improvements compared to most other modern critical texts:
e SR replaces the subjective theological bias of human editors with the use of
objective statistical and computational methods. e meaning of words was not con-
sidered when making textual decisions. Instead, external and internal evidence was
objectively weighed. As a result, the SR provides a plausible text built on a statistical
scientic method.
e SR is based on all the early extant manuscripts dated before 400 CE, including all
the continuous-text manuscripts, as well as quotations from amulets, inscriptions,
and other writings.
is data was not readily available as a complete dataset until
the creation of the CNTR collation.
Since the SR only considers extant evidence, it
does not contain any conjectural emendations that are found in some other critical
texts. Only actual readings found in manuscripts were considered.
e SR weighs the manuscript data in a consistent manner that is not possible by hu-
man editors. e computer can accurately process complex statistical relationships
that cannot be kept track of or discerned by human intuition. e computer can
make the exact same decisions when given the same conditions, whereas humans
are oen swayed by unconscious biases and may not remember what they did on
previous occasions.
e SR was built on processes that are openly inspectable, veriable, and reproduc-
ible, which provides a transparent basis for its evaluation. When combined with the
CNTR collation, each textual decision can be publicly scrutinized and judged based
on its own merits. e probability of each word is displayed along with the data that
it was directly derived from, which can be drilled down all the way to the actual
manuscripts themselves.
e SR can be updated immediately whenever new manuscript evidence is found
or new assessments are given to the existing manuscripts. It does not take years
to assemble a committee, painstakingly go through all the manuscript evidence by
hand, and then vote on each variant reading. e SR can be regenerated in less than
a minute reecting all of the latest evidence. It can also be reprogrammed to try out
new theories or provide other analyses, giving immediate feedback with very little
associated cost.
e SR comes with both Koine Greek orthography representative of the early man-
uscripts and the traditional modern orthography, including accents, capitalization,
Alan Bunning, “Scientic Denition of Variant Unit Boundaries” (paper presented at  An-
nual Midwest Regional Meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature, virtual,  February );
Bunning, “Orthographic Priority for Interpreting Homophones in New Testament Manuscripts
(paper presented at  Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, San Antonio, TX,
 November ); Bunning, “Corpus-Based Statistical Measurements of Textual Reliability for
New Testament Manuscripts” (paper presented at  Annual Midwest Regional Meeting of the
Society for Biblical Literature, virtual,  February ).
Bunning, Restoration of the New Testament, §....
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament 
and punctuation. ere are several places where every early manuscript is in agree-
ment with how a word is spelled, which is dierent from the canonical spellings
shown in most modern critical texts and lexicons. e Koine Greek orthography
also includes nomina sacra
that presumably indicate the deity but are not included
in other critical texts.
e SR comes complete with several additional electronic resources, including En-
hanced Strong Numbers (ESN), morphological parsing, and English context-sensitive
glosses developed by the CNTR. Such resources normally have to be manually add-
ed later when a critical text is released, but they are generated automatically with the
SR text because they are already encoded in the CNTR database for every possible
variant that could be chosen.
e SR has been publicly released under open-source licenses,
which will allow
others to build on the work and contribute other improvements to serve the needs of
the global church. e text is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (CC BY 4.0), and the source code is released under the GNU
General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3). is is particularly signicant in that it satises
the need to provide an open-licensed modern critical text based on the early manu-
script evidence, with a process that is fully accessible to the public.
e SR text is released in several dierent data formats including Unied Standard Format
Markers (USFM), Tab Separated Values (TSV), and Manuscript Encoding Specication
(MES). More detailed information about the specic elds can be found in the CNTR Tech-
nical Reference.
e generation of the SR relies on the infrastructure of the CNTR relational database and a
series of computer programs that were specically designed for textual criticism. e CNTR
database was created from scratch from original electronic manuscript transcriptions and cur-
rently contains over . million words with data from  early witnesses. is dataset contains
all the most important variant readings in the New Testament, including all of the earliest
Greek witnesses from extant manuscripts up to  CE, both continuous texts (class  data)
and other Scripture quotations (class  data), as well as several major critical texts that were in-
cluded for reference purposes.
is transcription data is relationally tied to metadata, lexical,
morphological, syntactical, and other forms of data, which enables advanced data analysis that
has never before been possible. For example, the painstaking counting of certain scribal habits
that used to be done by hand can now be completed in seconds by a single database query.
In addition to this data, the CNTR database provides several advanced features for textual
criticism not available in any other computer platform. First, the CNTR database contains
collation alignment data, which provides an easy and consistent way to compare texts regard-
less of orthographical dierences. e CNTR collation alignment is based on distinct lexical/
Nomina sacra is Latin for “sacred names” and was a scribal practice where frequently occurring
divine names were oen represented by an abbreviation of two or more overlined letters.
Alan Bunning, “CNTR Technical Reference,” Center for New Testament Restoration,  June ,
 Westcott and Hort (WH),  Nestle-Aland th edition (NA),  Society of Biblical
Literature (SBL),  Robinson/Pierpont,  King James Textus Receptus (KJTR), and 
Stephanus (ST).
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
morphological/phonological word forms, which compares words phonetically according to
a standard set of rules governing phonemes, while ignoring other orthographical dierences
such as elision, movable nu or sigma, nomina sacra, and other abbreviations. e collation
alignment data was generated without reference to any base text by using two dierent algo-
rithms—a maximum text was created as a template containing all known variants for each
verse using a recursive longest common sequence rst algorithm, and then each witness was
aligned to this template using a nonrecursive longest common sequence algorithm consid-
ering multiple sequences. Second, the CNTR database contains elds that mark objective
boundaries of the variant units. Two sets of boundaries were established based on whether
variant words were partially dependent or fully independent of each other as determined by
a complex computer algorithm. ese boundaries take into account words supplied in lacu-
na and identied by vid, and homophones that are interpreted by an orthographical-priority
ird, the CNTR database contains statistical information such as the statistical
reliability of witnesses compared to the entire corpus and the textual anity between wit-
nesses based on their variant readings, which are discussed in more detail below. More details
about the CNTR database can be found in the CNTR Technical Reference.
From start to nish, the entire process to create the computer-generated text utilized sever-
al dierent programs that were implemented in stages so that the results could be checked aer
each step. ese programs were all written in JavaScript using Structured Query Language
(SQL) to query the CNTR relational database:
1. Collation alignment algorithm
2. Variant pattern identication
3. Orthographical probability algorithm
4. Variant unit boundaries algorithm
5. Textual reliability and textual anity statistics
6. Computer-generated text algorithm
With some extra work, there would be nothing preventing all of these programs from being
combined into one turnkey solution, thus achieving the holy grail of scientic textual criti-
cism, where all of the electronic transcriptions are fed into one program and it automatically
recreates the original autographs without human intervention. As it is, the results of the rst
two computer-assisted steps were slightly tweaked by hand, which otherwise could have been
accomplished by additional processing. But what is being emphasized in this paper, is the nal
algorithm, which creates the computer-generated text from a static infrastructure, requiring
no human intervention in the decision-making process.
e infrastructure itself is not pre-
disposed to any particular outcome.
e algorithm behind the SR is modelled on a form of reasoned eclecticism that attempts to
approximate the thought process of modern textual critics by use of a computer program.
Reasoned eclecticism is the normal method used by scholars for reconstructing the reading of
Bunning, “Orthographic Priority.Vid is an abbreviation for the Latin word “videtur,” which
means “as it seems.” It indicates that there is sucient evidence to support a variant reading that
was missing in a manuscript.
Bunning, “CNTR Technical Reference.
Obviously, humans had to be involved in creating the infrastructure itself by setting up the data-
base schema, loading the data, running the programs, etc.
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament 
an original text by considering both external and internal evidence based on the compilation
of multiple sources. e eclectic approach used by textual critics today is perhaps the most
scientic approach when considering the nature of errors, since it recognizes that scribes do
not always make the same mistakes in all the same places. An error can occur anywhere by
anyone and be passed down by anyone. e eclectic approach is well suited to winnowing out
these errors. Indeed, a common textual criticism exercise repeated in classrooms every year
demonstrates to students how errant and mutilated copies of a text can be used to accurately
reconstruct the original text using the eclectic method.
By utilizing an eclectic approach, someone might think that this algorithmic approach may
be more likely to result in an articial text that “rapidly degenerates into one possessing no
support among manuscript, versional, or patristic witnesses.
However, the SR text does at
least have manuscript support because the text was generated directly from the early manu-
script evidence. e fact of the matter is that all the major critical texts are eclectic texts to
various degrees, regardless of whether they favor Alexandrian or Byzantine readings, since
none of the major critical texts are merely copies of an existing manuscript. Indeed, even the
early scribes can be seen doing their own textual criticism as they cross through words or
change them to other variant readings.
As previously mentioned, the initial idea for the algorithm underwent many improvements
through successive iterations using a data-driven approach until arriving at the current algo-
rithm. Several kinds of algorithms were tried in numerous congurations, which produced
slightly dierent texts, but most were all in the same ballpark with no more than a few hundred
words dierent. e goal was to nd an algorithm that would best approximate the textual
critics’ use of reasoned eclecticism, but only with regard to objective internal and external ev-
idence. e biggest challenge in designing the algorithm was trying to program the computer
to systematically do what a textual critical would naturally do by intuition.
e resulting algorithm weighs each variant reading within a variant unit by considering a
combination of internal and external evidence. e external evidence is a major component of
the algorithm, which is weighed by the following formula:
A variant reading (r) is evaluated and the constants (c, c, c) are used to weigh the relative
importance of each component. e nal constants used were ., , and . respectively. is
formula is meant to simulate the considerations given by textual critics where readings that are
earlier, more reliable, and have more support (not by counting copies but by statistical diver-
sity) are given more weight. But instead of subjective impressions, these variables are weighed
with precise statistical accuracy based on objective criteria:
One example of this was conducted by Ryan Haines with e Gospel Training Ground, “Textual
Criticism Experiment: Final Results!,”  August ,
bRQWhfQXw. e results of the experiment were that there was “not one single dierence in
the wording” but only minor dierences in punctuation, capitalization, and paragraph breaks;
none of which “changed the meaning or the wording or what was written.
Maurice A. Robinson, “New Testament Textual Criticism: e Case for Byzantine Priority,TC
Bunning, Restoration of the New Testament, §....
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
reliability: e statistical reliability of each witness is based on its relative statistical
relationship to the entire corpus of data.
e reliability rating for a witness (w) is analogous to sports indexes, which provide
relative power rankings based on win-loss records, strength of schedule, and mar-
gins of victory. No one can prove that one team is better than another team, but there
is an objective way to statistically rank the teams based on their body of work. e
same is true of manuscripts whose ratings were determined based on four dierent
measurements of their singular readings against the entire corpus, resulting in an
overall reliability rating for each manuscript.
e rating of each witness was com-
puted by a separate program, recorded in the CNTR database, and then retrieved
for this calculation. A constant (c4) of 9.08 was used to stretch the numbers in scale,
giving greater weight to the readings supported by the more reliable manuscripts.
e resulting value for each reading was scaled as a percentage in proportion to ()
the total amount of all readings.
earliness: e date ranges of the witnesses were determined by experts in the eld
using standard practices from paleography, occasionally aided by other techniques.
e average of the date range (shown by the date1 + date2 / 2) is used for each wit-
ness (w) and adjusted as a percentage between the earliest and latest date of all of the
witnesses. While an early manuscript is not necessarily more accurate than a later
manuscript, it provides prima facie evidence of when a reading existed in time. Logi-
cally speaking, later manuscripts that could possibly be copies of earlier manuscripts
do not have the same weight as those that denitely are early manuscripts. e date
is important when combined with the support function, for if a later reading has no
support from an early manuscript, then it is at least suspect because it could have
been made up centuries later. If it is merely a copy of other early manuscripts, then
its vote is less useful. A constant (c5) of 1.16 was used to slightly stretch the numbers
in scale giving greater weight to the readings supported by the earlier manuscripts.
e resulting value for each reading was scaled as a percentage in proportion to ()
the total amount of all readings.
support: e statistical textual anity between witnesses (w1, w2) is used to provide
an indication of how well a reading is attested based on its relative diversity.
is part of the algorithm is rather nonintuitive and dicult to explain, but it seeks
to determine the level of support for a variant reading while eliminating statistical
redundancy between its witnesses. e textual anity () for each set of witnesses
was computed by a separate program that compared the variant readings of each
Bunning, “Corpus-Based Statistical Measurements.
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament 
witness to every other witness (similar to pregenealogical coherence of the CBGM)
on a book-by-book basis and recorded in the CNTR database, and then retrieved
for this calculation. Obviously, there is no point in simply counting the number of
manuscripts that support a reading, for the number of copies made from copies does
not make the reading more correct! Instead, each reading receives proportionate
weight based on the maximum diversity between its witnesses (plus the opposite of
the minimum anity between its witnesses). If witnesses oen disagree with each
other but agree on a reading, that gives the reading greater signicance. But if the
witnesses are merely close copies of each other, the number of additional copies that
bear witness to a reading does not receive much weight. is avoids the CBGM’s
problem of genealogical corruption among the early manuscripts because it gives
the proper weighted percentage of diversity to a witness regardless of which direction
the copying may have occurred. In the extreme case that all of the witnesses were
exact copies of each other, the support would be zero (representing the same genea-
logical branch), and if all of the witnesses did not agree on anything other than the
one variant, the support would be nearly 100 percent (representing a completely dif-
ferent genealogical branch). Of course, neither extreme is found among the earliest
data, so all witnesses fall on a continuum somewhere in between. In other words, the
more diverse the witnesses, the more weight they are given when they agree. How-
ever, having a large number of witnesses with similar reading can still receive some
weight because of the accumulation of small values. A constant (c6) of 0.16 was used
to slightly stretch the numbers in scale, giving greater weight to the readings with
the most diversity of support. e resulting value for each reading was scaled as a
percentage in proportion to () the total amount of all readings.
Each of these three external factors (reliability, earliness, and support) was expressed as a
fraction between  and . Aer they are combined together in the formula, the resulting value
for each reading is scaled as a percentage in proportion to () the total amount for all readings.
us, each reading is given a nal value between  and , representing its overall percentage of
likelihood. A rating of  would mean that a reading has perfect reliability, the earliest possible
date, and the greatest diversity of support, but that, of course, never occurs.
e algorithm does not consider external evidence alone, but also includes a hybrid form
of internal/external evidence that considers the internal probability that each particular word
belongs within a variant unit in relation to its external evidence. For example, depending on
how the collation is arranged, the word κωφους could be found at a lot of dierent positions in
this variant unit at Matt ::
χωλους κυους τυφλους κωφους
χωλους κωφους τυφλους κυους
χωλους τυφλους κυους
κωφους χωλους τυφλους κυους
χωλους τυφλους κυους κωφους
κωφους τυφλους χωλους κυους
χωλους τυφλους κωφους κυους
Table 1: Variant Unit at Matthew 15:30
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
While κωφους may not be a compelling choice at any single position, the word obviously
should be included, and thus the algorithm ensures that the chosen reading includes that word
somewhere because of its frequent occurrence. Rather than simply rely on the word frequency
across all the readings in the variant unit, the hybrid aspect is that the word is also weighted
in proportion to its external evidence. is essentially simulates a textual criticism process
that asks, How oen does a word appear across the variant readings, and how weighty are the
witnesses in which it appears? us, given the words (t) at each position within a variant unit,
each variant reading (r) is rated based on the accumulated external probabilities for the words
that it contains, as represented by the following formula:
Here, the same external evidence formula is used as before, but this time, the individual words
(t) of the variant readings are fed into it, instead of variant readings as a whole (r). is is then
aggregated across each variant reading according to the word probability. In other words, a
witness list is created for each word position in a variant unit (regardless of word order), then
the words at each position are individually weighed and accumulated by the external evidence
based on their witnesses, and nally each variant reading is evaluated as a whole according
to the accumulated weight of the words that it contains. Although the words are weighed in-
dividually within each variant reading, the selected variant reading is chosen as a whole, and
thus the text does not contain any “Frankenstein monster” variant readings cobbled together
from various words that never previously existed together as a unit. In essence, the algorithm
assesses the probability of whether each word belongs there and, if so, which words and in
which position (in the case of word order dierences).
Another more traditional type of internal evidence involves variant patterns. e CNTR
database records the type of variant patterns in variant units, such as conations, homeoarc-
ton, homeoteleuton, et cetera. Such information can then be leveraged to make more precise
selections based on the dierent situations. For example, in the SR, readings that were singu-
lar conations were simply eliminated from consideration, being considered to be extremely
unlikely candidates. Such situations could have been dealt with in a wide variety of ways
depending on the circumstance, but the SR included this one situation to demonstrate the
potential future development of this category of processing.
e variant reading (r) with the highest overall score based on the internal evidence (which
also considers external evidence) was selected for each variant unit (u). If there is a tie (which
can occur if there are only word order dierences), the algorithm breaks the tie by selecting
the variant reading that has the highest external evidence alone. e portions of the New Tes-
tament that do not contain any variant readings are automatically included in the resulting text
and thus are not processed by the algorithm.
When all of these components are combined, the obvious question is: how much and to
what degree should each factor be applied? Textual critics intuitively weigh factors like ear-
liness, reliability, and diversity of witnesses together, but they do not have precise values for
them, nor do they do so consistently. As you can see, the resulting algorithm contains several
constants impacting both the weighting (c, c, c) and scaling (c, c, c) of these components.
e selection of dierent sets of constants would obviously result in dierent texts being pro-
duced. But if given the additional goal to make a reasonable text that closely matches our best
Approximately  percent of the words of the Greek New Testament are not involved in a variant
unit among all the manuscripts found in the CNTR database.
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament 
modern critical texts, it turns the selection of these constants into a purely scientic endeavor,
similar to approaching the curve of an asymptote. us, the constants in the algorithm were
computationally calibrated by varying every combination of the values in batches of one thou-
sand runs at a time, each time comparing the result to a target text and selecting the values that
produced the closest resulting text. It actually mattered very little if the Nestle-Aland, Society
of Biblical Literature, or Tyndale House critical text were chosen as the general target, for
they are all close enough that the variance is fairly insignicant. If the algorithm approached
the asymptote of one of those texts, it would simultaneously approach the asymptote for the
other texts (but it would never be possible to exactly match any of them). us, the resulting
computer-generated text also falls within that same range of variance, for all of them are in
the same general ballpark compared to other critical texts. is rst release of the SR was
calibrated to the BHP critical text mentioned above, which had been created precisely for this
e orthography of the SR is provided in both Koine Greek and Medieval Greek forms. e
Koine Greek orthography does not contain any accents, punctuation, or capitalization and
contains the majority spellings of words expressed at each location in the early manuscripts,
taking into account how words are spelled in manuscripts that are missing from a location.
Nomina sacra are specied for words in the locations where there is unanimous consent among
the manuscripts that include this feature. e Medieval Greek orthography contains accents,
punctuation, or capitalization and canonical spellings that emerged later in the Middle Ages,
which is the form shown in most modern critical texts and lexicons. e accents, punctuation,
capitalization, and spelling were initially seeded by a computer-assisted process that looked for
commonality across several dierent critical texts and applied various metrics for where there
were disagreements. All of these were later manually adjusted by hand as needed.
Data Limitations
e CNTR database currently contains only class  and class  data, which is the best data cur-
rently available electronically, but it is certainly not all the data. at data also predominantly
reects only one geographical region (Egypt). While many Byzantine readings are included,
the resulting text tends to be more Alexandrian in nature, just like our best modern critical
texts, which heavily weigh the signicance of the earliest extant manuscripts. e algorithm is
actually oblivious to any text-type theories but simply retrieves the data and processes it with
blind statistical analysis. It is simply more rational to process the actual evidence that we have
than to rely on theories based on evidence that we do not have. e large volume of informa-
tion from class  data (church father quotations) and class  data (foreign versions) has not
been fully utilized in the eld of textual criticism, and its future addition to the CNTR database
should greatly improve the statistical accuracy of the computer-generated text.
While class 
and class  data is generally of lesser value, it still contains many early readings from multiple
It should be noted that the BHP is also within the same range of variance, which in itself is only
about ve hundred words dierent from the Nestle-Aland text (depending on how one counts
word dierences).
Bunning, “CNTR Technical Reference,” §..
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
geographical regions that are important for understanding the nature of the original text and
its transmission.
ere are some places where the statistical dierence in selecting one reading versus an-
other is very close (e.g.,  percent to  percent). While that is adequate for indicating a
preference, it is inadequate for establishing any level of condence in such readings. is,
however, is no dierent from the number of close calls that are made among textual critics,
especially since textual critics oen disagree with each other. It is expected that future inclu-
sion of additional data will help minimize the number of such close calls. But in any case, the
CNTR displays the statistical calculations made for each variant reading online, which makes
the process both open and inspectable. is is an improvement over critical texts which were
created behind closed doors with no stated justications.
In acknowledgement of these limitations, the algorithm has been equipped with additional
expert-assist and expert-override options that can independently be turned on or o as desired.
ese options allow a reading selected by the algorithm to be changed or inuenced based on
readings from the major critical texts as a type of safety net. When either of these options are
turned on, there is an option to have the alternate readings placed in single square brackets to
indicate areas of possible concern.
When the expert-assist option is turned on, if there are only two early witnesses and they
disagree with each other, the support of the major critical texts that match either of the two
early readings is also considered. e algorithm would otherwise perform poorly in such
cases, because unless the internal evidence is a deciding factor, the external evidence would
always weigh one manuscript above the other (i.e., one manuscript would always be earlier,
more reliable, etc. than the other). e algorithm essentially needs at least three witnesses for
best results, and this feature is thus considered to be essential and is always turned on. When
the expert-assist feature is applied, it currently aects about  words. As more data is added,
this number will automatically be reduced.
When the expert-override option is turned on, the reading selected by the algorithm is
replaced with the unanimous consensus of all of the critical texts. e proposition here is
that, if the major critical texts ranging in diversity from Westcott and Hort to the King James
Textus Receptus unanimously agree on a reading that is dierent from the one selected by
the algorithm, then that is surely worthy of consideration. If a reading is chosen with the ex-
pert-override option, that does not necessarily mean that the reading chosen by the algorithm
was wrong, for the readings it chooses are always plausible, being directly derivable from the
earliest manuscript evidence. For example, at Eph : all of the major critical texts include the
reading εν εφεσω (although some texts include the phrase in brackets, indicating some uncer-
tainty), but the reading would have been le out of the SR. e inclusion of that reading in the
other critical texts is arguably an example of harmonization where the words were later added
to provide symmetry with the other Pauline epistles, but it was clearly missing from the three
earliest and rather weighty manuscripts. When the expert-override feature is applied, it aects
 variant units.
e computer-generated algorithm in a sense can be programmed to be aware of its own
limitations and can highlight these areas of concern resulting from expert-assist and ex-
pert-override. But even with all these options turned o, the SR still provides a reliable and
consistent text that reects the earliest manuscript evidence based on objective statistical anal-
ysis. It is possible that the SR text could contain some errata, but that does not necessarily
mean that the algorithm is decient. It could simply be that the data was not properly encoded
or that there was a programming bug in the implementation of the algorithm.
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament 
e SR text is only about  percent dierent (, words) from the Nestle-Aland th edition,
depending on how word dierences are counted. Some of those perhaps should not have been
counted, for they were merely orthographical dierences; the words have the same morphol-
ogy and make no translatable dierence. And some of those were merely word transpositions
where all of the words were still the same but just in a dierent position. In addition, all of
the Nestle-Alands bracketed words indicating questionable readings were counted as being
present (but could have alternatively been counted as being absent). With these caveats, the
number of dierent words were as follows:
Additions: 340
Omissions: 562
Substitutions: 556
It is worth noting for comparison purposes that the SR was about . percent dierent (
words) from the BHP, which was the manual prototype specically created for the purpose
of approximating the results of a computer-generated text. e fact that the resulting text is
slightly dierent from the BHP illustrates exactly why the actual creation of the computer-gen-
erated text was necessary. As Colwell and Tune pointed out, it is just too dicult for a human
to precisely know all of the variables involved and to be consistent in weighing the data.
It is dicult to argue against the SRs text, for almost every reading chosen in the SR is
backed up by at least one major critical text. For example, if a supporter of the Nestle-Aland
text argues that the SRs reading of σκοτίᾳ is incorrect at Matt :, one can point out that the
SR agrees with both the Society of Biblical Literature and Tyndale House texts there. If a sup-
porter of the Society of Biblical Literature text argues that the SRs reading of χάριτι is incorrect
at Heb :, one can point out that the SR text agrees with the Nestle-Aland and Tyndale House
texts there. e SR does not exactly match any existing critical text, but as described below it is
within the same range of variance as our best modern critical texts, which bolsters condence
in the resulting text. Any perceived diculties in the SR text should not warrant any dierent
treatment than some of the controversial readings already present in the other critical texts.
Since our best critical texts disagree anyway, why not let the computer settle the matter in a
more objective manner based on scientic statistical analysis?
Other Considerations
e SR is only one implementation of a method designed to simulate a reasoned-eclecticism
approach. Other variables and other algorithms could also have been considered. ere were
a number of other objective data that originally looked promising for consideration in this
algorithm, but when analyzed using the data-driven approach, they proved to be ineective
and were ultimately discarded:
It was originally thought that adding geographical location from where the manu-
scripts originated would be useful so that multiple witnesses coming from the same
region would not be given an exaggerated weight. However, when statistics were
examined regarding this concept, there was no observable correlation between the
locations where the manuscripts were found and their likelihood to contain a similar
text. is corresponds with the observation that many dierent Byzantine readings
Bunning, Restoration of the New Testament, §...
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
are already found in early Egyptian manuscripts. Other analysis similar to this has
already caused many textual critics to abandon the traditionally held geographical
text-types theories.
It was originally thought that the scribal writing quality (professional hand, re-
formed documentary hand, documentary hand, or common hand) and class of data
would be useful factors in determining a witnesss textual reliability. But when the
statistics were analyzed, it was discovered that they were only weakly correlated with
the textual reliability rating, and the inclusion of this was not helpful to the process.
It was originally thought that genealogical data would be needed to help weigh the
evidence, so that supporting witnesses that were derivatives of each other would not
be given a reading an exaggerated weight. But as previously discussed, the results of
the CBGM demonstrate why that is not practical for generating the earliest form of
the text, since most of the early manuscripts are not direct genealogical descendants
of each other. Instead, the support function algorithm was devised to overcome the
problem of genealogical corruption by weighing percentage of diversity between
manuscripts so that the direction does not matter regarding which manuscript was
copied from another manuscript.
Some might be inclined to think that adding later manuscripts to the database might
be useful as well, but it would have little eect on the resulting text as previously
mentioned. If the later manuscript contains a new variant reading that was not found
in any previous manuscript, then it would carry little weight because of its later date
against the united testimony of all of the earlier manuscripts that contradict it. And
if it merely added support behind an earlier variant reading, then it would be redun-
dant and add little weight because of the support function. In oversimplied terms,
if a reading does not have any early support, it cannot be trusted, and if it already has
early support, then its vote is not needed. at is not to say that later manuscripts are
not valuable for other aspects related to exploring the textual tradition.
ere were also a number of other types of algorithms that were considered but were like-
wise discarded because they resulted in greater deviation away from our best critical texts. e
calibrating process mentioned above would be particularly well-suited for replacement by arti-
cial intelligence (AI), whereby the program could be fed the corpus of early data and then be
asked to do whatever possible to approximate our best modern critical texts. Ultimately, if one
thousand monkeys typing on typewriters could produce a random block of code that made
the computer-generated text a closer match to these texts, then perhaps that code should also
be considered. But so far it appears that using rational algorithms designed to mimic a textual
critics intuition seems to work best. Alternatively, a dejure approach could be considered for
constructing a text from an a priori agreed upon set of rules, instead of this defacto approach,
which assumes that our best critical texts should be emulated.
Obviously, the algorithmic approach is not limited to a single solution, for it is merely a
tool that could be used to produce any number of dierent computer-generated texts. us,
an algorithmic approach in general is subjective, since any type of algorithm could be used to
produce all sorts of texts. Indeed, a similar process could be used to generate a Byzantine ma-
jority text or a textus receptus text by using dierent algorithms, data, and constants. But even
with that line of thinking, it would still be less subjective than what has been done in the past,
In particular, the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method (CBGM) has convinced some “to
abandon the concept of text-types traditionally used to group and evaluate manuscripts.” Tommy
Wasserman and Peter Gurry, A New Approach to Textual Criticism: An Introduction to the Coher-
ence-Based Genealogical Method, RBS  (Atlanta: SBL Press, ), .
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament 
for the underlying denitions and processes would depend on more precise and objective cri-
teria that are testable and repeatable. One advantage of using a computer-generated text is that
this type of subjectivity exists at a higher level and does not apply to the selection of individual
variant readings, which can be inuenced by theological bias and inconsistent reasoning. e
algorithmic approach enforces objective consistency across the text, preventing the process
from being gamed by trying to pick certain favored readings. us, if someone tried to tweak
the algorithm so that one particular reading was chosen, it would simultaneously cause sev-
eral other readings not to be chosen. Indeed, minor changes to the weighing of earliness can
change whether the longer ending of Mark is included or not, but it also would correspond-
ingly change many other readings that would not necessarily be wanted.
Future Improvements
e algorithm utilized here is by no means fully optimized, and others may indeed be able
to nd superior algorithms in the future, for many other ideas that were thought of have not
yet been tried. Several areas have already been noted where the process could be improved for
later releases:
Subvariants that represent smaller changes within a variant unit could be processed
separately and then weigh in on the result as a whole.
Precise metrics could be created for each type of variant pattern, allowing the prob-
abilities within each pattern to be treated dierently.
Other dependent variant units that exist beyond consecutive verses could be identi-
ed by a computer algorithm.
Variant readings that spanned multiple verses were decided one verse at a time,
when they could be more eciently processed together.
Other types of internal evidence could be processed such as word frequencies across
the entire text or rating the harder readings by a rubric.
e dierent algorithmic steps could be combined into a single program, making it
closer to a pure turnkey solution.
e minimal dataset could be greatly expanded, particularly by adding the church
fathers and foreign versions data.
ere are also at least three dierent areas for which AI would be well suited to make improve-
ments to some of the existing processes: a more detailed identication of the dierent variant
patterns related to the demarcation of the variant unit boundaries, a more exhaustive calibra-
tion to ensure the best of all possible weightings were considered (as previously mentioned),
and a more probabilistic approach to the identication of supplied readings designated as vid.
e SR is planned to continue to be developed and improved, and periodical snapshots of
it will serve as future releases. e textual choices and associated probabilities will obviously
change as new data is added and the algorithms improve. Similar to the development of so-
ware, when a new edition of the SR is ocially ready for release, it will replace the existing SR
text, and then the next developmental version will begin. As with other versions of the Greek
New Testament, a revised edition does not necessarily mean the previous text was bad, only
that it represents the latest scholarship based on our best current knowledge. In addition to
being able to produce a complete text, it should be noted that the SRs algorithms can also be
used as a tool for evaluating other critical texts and informing textual decisions in general.
e First Computer-Generated Greek New Testament
© Copyright TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism, 
It is expected that the release of this rst computer-generated text may have a profound im-
pact on the eld of textual criticism that could reverberate for decades. e use of computers
in the eld of textual criticism has been grossly underleveraged, but with the emergence of a
vast number of electronic transcriptions and a number of computer-based projects such as
the CNTR, this is beginning to change. e fact that a computer program given its stated lim-
itations was capable of producing a very reasonable text certainly challenges the thinking in
a number of areas concerning the importance of later manuscripts, the value of genealogical
data, and the reliance on text critical canons, as discussed in the previously mentioned book.
Indeed, the fact that the resulting SR text is so similar to the Nestle-Aland text is quite surpris-
ing if not confounding to some. One of the reasons for this is that the eclectic methodology
used by the Nestle-Aland text is similar to the eclectic methodology used by the SR. at is,
the SR does much of what the editors of the Nestle-Aland text were perhaps trying to do, but
it does it more consistently and with more accurate data. As with the disagreements between
other critical texts, this issue is not really about proving something is right or wrong, but when
compared with the early manuscript evidence, the SR surely presents a reasonable text.
With the eld of textual criticism splintering across more and more subjectively created
critical texts, it was perhaps inevitable that a more objective solution would be sought using a
more scientic basis. Regardless of the reception that this particular computer-generated text
receives, it is expected that the SR will open the door to all sorts of other statistical analysis
and computer processing as this is just the tip of an iceberg. e potential applications of com-
puter science and articial intelligence to the eld of textual criticism may result in further
renements that could propel these concepts far beyond what has initially been accomplished
here. It is conceivable that arguments over which critical text is better today may one day be
replaced with arguments over which algorithm is better. e future of textual criticism may
eventually be rooted in the elds of data science and computer science, and the SR is just one
early example of that.
Bunning, Restoration of the New Testament.