Agenda item 21.6
28 May 2022
Global strategy and plan of action on public health,
innovation and intellectual property
The Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly,
Having considered the consolidated report by the Director-General;
Recalling resolutions WHA61.21 (2008), WHA62.16 (2009), WHA68.18 (2015) and
WHA72.8 (2019) and decisions WHA71(9) (2018) and WHA73(11) (2020) on the global strategy and
plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property that aims to promote new thinking
on innovation and access to medicines;
Reiterating the essential role that the global strategy and plan of action on public health,
innovation and intellectual property plays in directing and coordinating WHO’s policies and programme
on this interface, including the WHOWIPOWTO trilateral cooperation;
Stressing that the relationship, including the balance, between public health, innovation and
intellectual property is a critical component of sustainable and resilient health systems, as well as but
not limited to the prevention of, preparedness for and response to health emergencies, including the
continuing pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and future pandemics;
Acknowledging the continued value of the principles and elements of work enshrined in the global
strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property, which guide and frame
the work of WHO on access to medicines and other health products;
Reaffirming the goals and objectives of the global strategy and plan of action on public health,
innovation and intellectual property, and recognizing the important contribution and prioritization effort
made by the overall programme review of the global strategy and plan of action on public health,
innovation and intellectual property;
Renewing the expression of Member States’ shared concern about the pace of implementation of
the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property by
stakeholders as defined in the global strategy,
which was further hindered by the challenges posed by
the COVID-19 pandemic;
Document A75/10 Rev.1.
Overall programme review of the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual
property. Report of the review panel. November 2017 (
medicines/intellectual-property/gspa/gspa-phi3011rev.pdf?sfvrsn=c66f768b_5, accessed 6 April 2022).
Document A61/9, Appendix to Annex 1; see also resolution WHA61.21 (2008), Annex,
resolution WHA62.16 (2009) and document A62/16 Add.3.
Noting the contribution that several activities within the plan of action on public health,
innovation and intellectual property might have in helping to meet targets set in the Sustainable
Development Goals,
1. DECIDES to extend the time frame of the plan of action on public health, innovation and
intellectual property from 2022 to 2030;
2. URGES Member States:
(1) to reinforce the implementation, as appropriate and taking into account national contexts,
of the recommendations of the review panel that are addressed to Member States to the extent
they are consistent with the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and
intellectual property;
(2) to identify and share, through informal consultations to be convened by the WHO
Secretariat at least every two years, best practices related to the implementation of actions within
the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property;
3. REITERATES to the Director-General the importance of allocating the necessary resources to
implement the recommendations of the review panel of the overall programme review of the global
strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property
addressed to the
Secretariat as prioritized by the review panel, to the extent they are consistent with the global strategy
and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property;
4. REQUESTS the Director-General:
(1) to continue to provide technical assistance and share knowledge that could enable countries
to implement actions consistent with the global strategy and plan of action on public health,
innovation and intellectual property;
(2) to promote collaboration and coordination within and among countries and with relevant
stakeholders, for the implementation of actions consistent with the global strategy and plan of
action on public health, innovation and intellectual property;
(3) to identify potential synergies in and challenges to ongoing work within the Secretariat for
the implementation of actions consistent with the global strategy and plan of action on public
health, innovation and intellectual property;
(4) to conduct, in 2023, a review of the indicators included in the overall programme review
of the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property
consultation with Member States,
and to develop proposed revisions to align indicators with the
new term of validity of the plan of action;
Overall programme review of the global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual
property. Report of the review panel. November 2017 (
medicines/intellectual-property/gspa/gspa-phi3011rev.pdf?sfvrsn=c66f768b_5, accessed 6 April 2022).
And, where applicable, regional economic integration organizations.
(5) to report to the Health Assembly in 2024, 2026 and 2028 on the implementation of the
global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property and the
present resolution;
5. ENCOURAGES non-State actors in official relations with WHO to engage with countries in the
implementation of actions consistent with the global strategy and plan of action on public health,
innovation and intellectual property.
Eighth plenary meeting, 28 May 2022
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