between the
and the
July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026
ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION ......................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 2 NEGOTIATIONS ....................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 3 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ..................................................................... 5
ARTICLE 4 INTERNAL COMPLAINT PROCEDURE ................................................. 12
ARTICLE 5 ASSOCIATION AND MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ...................................... 12
ARTICLE 6 EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE ........................................................................ 14
ARTICLE 7 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICY .......................................... 15
ARTICLE 8 BARGAINING UNIT MEMBER DAY AND YEAR ..................................... 15
ARTICLE 9 LEAVES OF ABSENCE .......................................................................... 19
ARTICLE 10 PERSONNEL FILES ............................................................................. 27
ARTICLE 11 TEACHER LIMITED CONTRACTS ....................................................... 28
ARTICLE 12 REDUCTION IN FORCE ....................................................................... 30
ARTICLE 13 VACANCIES ......................................................................................... 33
ARTICLE 14 TRANSFERS ........................................................................................ 34
ARTICLE 15 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ..................................................................... 35
ARTICLE 16 SALARY SCHEDULE LANGUAGE ....................................................... 36
ARTICLE 17 SALARY SCHEDULES ......................................................................... 38
ARTICLE 18 INSURANCE ......................................................................................... 42
SALARY REDUCTION METHOD ......................................................... 44
ARTICLE 20 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT ............................................................... 45
ARTICLE 21 MILEAGE .............................................................................................. 46
ARTICLE 22 STRS/SERS RETIREMENT AND SEVERANCE .................................. 46
ARTICLE 23 ADVERTISING WITHIN THE SCHOOL ................................................ 47
ARTICLE 24 SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY SCHEDULE .............................................. 47
ARTICLE 25 CONTRARY TO LAW ........................................................................... 53
ARTICLE 26 CERTIFICATED APPRAISAL PROCESS ............................................. 53
ARTICLE 27 ATTENDANCE OF CHILDREN ............................................................. 71
ARTICLE 28 RESIDENT EDUCATOR PROGRAM.................................................... 71
ARTICLE 29 SMOKE FREE WORKPLACE ............................................................... 75
ARTICLE 30 LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ................................................. 75
ARTICLE 32 JOB DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................... 76
ARTICLE 34 PUBLIC RECORDS TRAINING ............................................................ 76
ARTICLE 35 DURATION ........................................................................................... 77
APPENDIX A DAILY SUBSTITUE COVERAGE FORM ............................................. 78
APPENDIX B FAIR SHARE FEE ............................................................................... 79
The Board of Education of the Claymont City School District, hereinafter referred to as the
Board, recognizes the Claymont Education Association/OEA/NEA, hereinafter referred to as
the Association, as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all full time or part time
certificated personnel including school counselors, speech and hearing therapists, licensed
social worker/family advocate, academic coach, and school nurses, employed by the district
and hired under a regular written teaching contract. Excluded from the unit are substitutes,
aides, Superintendent, Curriculum Director, Board Treasurer, building principal(s), assistant
building principal(s), administrative, supervisory, and non-certificated personnel, and the
Athletic Director. Administrative and Supervisory personnel are defined as those employees
whose jobs fall under the appropriate definition of Ohio Revised Code 4117.01(F) as follows:
(F) Supervisor means any individual who has authority in the interest of the
public employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge,
assign, reward, or discipline other public employees; to responsibly direct
them; to adjust their grievances, or to effectively recommend such action, if
the exercise of that authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature but
requires the use of independent judgment.
A. Directing Requests
1. A written request for negotiations shall be submitted by the Association
President to the Superintendent or by the Superintendent to the Association
President no more than one hundred (100) and no less than seventy-five (75)
calendar days prior to the expiration of the contract.
2. A written reply acknowledging receipt of the request for negotiations shall be
sent by the receiving party to the initiator of the request within five (5) calendar
days of receipt.
3. The Board and the Association agree to bargain all matters pertaining to
wages, hours, or terms and conditions of employment and the continuation,
modification, or deletion of an existing provision of this collective bargaining
B. Negotiations Meetings
1. The first negotiation session shall be set within fifteen (15) calendar days of
the date the initial request of intent to bargain was received. In no event shall
the first negotiation session occur more than thirty (30) days after receipt of
the initial request. Negotiation meeting, including advisory fact-finding, shall
be held in executive session.
2. At the first negotiation session, both parties shall mutually exchange their fully
written proposals in such language as would be suitable for inclusion in any
final contract. After the first negotiation session, no new proposals may be
introduced during the course of negotiations without the mutual consent of the
3. All subsequent negotiation sessions shall be mutually scheduled by the
negotiating teams. Either party may request to know the time and place of the
next negotiation session prior to adjourning the session that is in progress.
Meetings shall be scheduled during nonworking hours.
4. Once tentative agreement is reached on a proposal, it shall be signed and
dated by the parties respective Chief Spokespersons and shall remain
5. No action to coerce, censor or penalize any negotiations participant shall be
made or implied by either the Association, the Board or any of their respective
C. Negotiations Time Limits
1. The Chief Spokesperson of either group may recess his/her group for
independent caucus or conference at any time.
2. Items under negotiations must be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of both
parties within forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the expiration of the
contract. However, if both parties agree, extensions of time for negotiations
may be granted. If no agreement is reached, the Disagreement Procedure
outlined in this document shall be implemented.
3. Any time limits established under this article may be modified by mutual
agreement of both parties.
4. Days shall mean calendar days unless specified otherwise.
D. Representative
1. Each team shall limit its representation to no more than a total of six (6)
individuals, including labor relations consultants or attorneys, designated by
the respective party. All attempts shall be made by both parties to retain the
original, individual membership of their teams. However, nothing shall prohibit
either party from using substitute team members when necessary due to the
absence of a regular team member.
2. Each team may have a maximum of three (3) observers for each negotiation
session. The observers do not need to be the same people throughout
bargaining. Observers may not participate directly in discussions at the
bargaining table, but they may ask for points of clarification and participate in
respective teams caucuses.
3. Consultants may be used by either party. The cost of such consultants shall
be borne by the party requesting their services unless both parties mutually
agree to share such expense(s).
4. When circumstances make it impossible for either Chief Spokesperson to be
in attendance or cause him/her to be later than fifteen (15) minutes, it shall be
his/her responsibility to attempt to notify the other Chief Spokesperson as
promptly as possible. Should either Chief Spokesperson be unable to make
direct contact with the other, he/she shall notify the respective local
representative in the district, i.e., the Boards spokesperson shall notify the
Association President who shall then inform the Superintendent. If either the
Superintendent and/or the Association President are unavailable, it shall be
the responsibility of both parties to notify as many of the teams members as
possible of the cancellation or delay.
5. Should the session need to be cancelled, it shall be the responsibility of the
Chief Spokespersons to schedule an additional, mutually agreeable meeting
date, if possible.
6. While no final agreement shall be executed without ratification by the
Association, and adoption by the Board, the parties mutually pledge their
representatives will be clothed with all necessary power and authority to
attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. If a proposal is
unacceptable to one (1) of the parties, that party is obligated to discuss the
matter and give its reasons for the unacceptability of the other partys proposal.
Neither party, however, shall be compelled or obligated to agree to or concede
to any proposal or counterproposal.
E. Information
1. The parties agree during negotiations to provide each other, upon written
request and within a reasonable time, regularly and routinely prepared
information for development and evaluation of proposals, Access to such
information in such form as it exists constitutes compliance with this provision
and neither party is obligated to develop data or information not in existence
or to rework, redraft, summarize, compute, or otherwise develop data or
information in other than its existing form.
2. The parties shall mutually agree to the bargaining format in advance of the first
meeting. Failure to reach agreement shall result in the traditional bargaining
3. The Association shall provide to the Board the following information by
November 1 of each year: the name and mailing address of the organization;
the name and address of each area, state and national organization with which
it is affiliated; the name, title and mailing address of each officer in the
organization; the name and addresses of the chairman and members of the
professional Negotiation Committee.
F. While Negotiations are in Progress
1. During any phase of negotiations, including the advisory panel stage, there will
be no public releases of information to the media unless agreed upon by both
parties and in such instances, releases are agreed upon, said releases shall
be in writing and both parties shall approve of the release prior to its
2. Both parties may issue progress reports to their members so as to keep their
members informed with respect to the progress of negotiations. Nothing shall
prevent the Association from communicating with its membership or the Board
team from communicating with the Board during the course of negotiations.
3. It shall be the responsibility of both parties to inform their respective members
that all progress reports are confidential and any information derived from such
reports shall not be disclosed to the general public.
G. Reaching Agreement
1. As tentative agreement is reached on all of the initially proposed issues, it shall
be reduced to writing, and signed by the respective negotiations teams
members. When consensus is reached, covering all areas under discussion,
the proposed total, tentative agreement shall be submitted to the Association
and the Board for approval. The Association shall first consider the tentative
agreement, and take action on the tentative contract in its entirety within fifteen
(15) days of its availability in written form. The Board shall take action on the
tentative contract in its entirety no later than the next regularly scheduled
Board meeting following ratification by the Association. When approved by
both parties, the contract shall be signed by both parties; the contract shall be
signed by the Officers of the Association and/or the members of Associations
negotiating team and by the Board President, the Board Treasurer, and the
2. It shall be the responsibility of the OEA UniServ Office to type and to provide
the Board with an electronic copy of the final agreement. It will also be the
Boards responsibility to print and distribute two hundred (200) copies of the
new agreement to the Association President. The Board will be responsible
for all costs incurred in the printing and distribution of the contract. Should
additional copies of the contract be needed during the term of this contract,
the Association and the Board will share equally the cost of the production of
the additional copies.
3. The Board and the Association representatives (including the Chief
Spokespersons) shall proofread and approve a draft(s) of the final agreement
prior to its being printed.
H. Dispute Resolution Procedure
1. If forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the contract, agreement has not
been reached on all items under negotiations, either Party may call for the
assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) for the
appointment of a Mediator. However, the Parties may mutually agree to a
designated extension of time for the continuation of negotiations if progress is
being made.
2. The utilization of the services of the FMCS shall be considered the parties
mutually agreed dispute resolution procedure in lieu of the dispute procedure
contained in R.C. 4117.14. However, the Association reserves its rights under
R.C. 4117.14(D)(2).
A. Definitions
1. A grievance is an alleged misinterpretation, misapplication, or violation of the
written terms of the contract between the Association and the Board.
2. A grievant is a bargaining unit member(s) or the Association alleging that a
misinterpretation, misapplication, or violation of the written contract between
the Association and the Board has occurred.
3. A group grievance is a grievance which is filed by more than one (1) grievant.
Should a group grievance be filed, all parties to the grievance must have been
affected equally by the alleged act or condition upon which the grievance is
based. No more than two (2) parties to a group grievance shall represent the
grievant(s) at any level of this procedure.
4. All formal grievances must specify the article and/or section(s) of the contract
allegedly violated and explain in what manner the same occurred.
5. The term days when used in this document shall mean work days unless
otherwise indicated.
B. Purpose
1. The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest administrative level,
equitable solutions to grievances which may arise from time to time. Both
parties agree that these proceedings will be kept informal and confidential as
may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.
2. Nothing contained herein will be construed as limiting the right of any
bargaining unit member alleging a grievance to discuss the matter informal
with any appropriate member of the Association, unless the grievance should
go ahead beyond the first level listed below. Then the Association shall have
the right to represent the grievant(s).
C. Grievance Procedure
1. Level 1
i. The grievant(s) shall first discuss, on an informal level, the matter that
may develop into a grievance with the administrator at the lowest level
that can resolve the matter. The grievant may be accompanied by a
CEA representative.
ii. If the grievant is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance, a
written grievance must be filed with the building principal within twenty
(20) days following the act or condition which is the basis of the
complaint. Copies of such written grievance are to be sent by the
grievant to the Association President or designee, the building principal
and to the Superintendent or designee. The building principal shall
communicate the decision in writing within five (5) days to the grievant,
to the Association President or designee, and to the Superintendent or
2. Level 2
i. Within five (5) days of receipt by the grievant of the decision rendered
in writing by the building principal, such decision may be appealed to
the Superintendent who shall serve as the Boards representative. The
appeal should include (1) a copy of the decision, (2) grounds for appeal,
and (3) the name(s) of the grievant(s). The Superintendent shall
receive a copy of the appeal.
ii. The appeal shall be heard by the Superintendent within twenty (20)
days of its receipt. At least five (5) days prior to the hearing, written
notice of the time and place shall be given to the grievant, the grievants
representative, if any, the Association, and any administrator who had
previously been involved in the grievance.
iii. Within ten (10) days of hearing the appeal, the Superintendent shall
communicate to the grievant(s) a written decision, including supporting
reasons. A copy of the decision will be sent to the grievant, the
Association President or designee and any administrator involved.
3. Level 3 Hearing Before the Board of Education
If the action taken by the Superintendent does not resolve the grievance to the
satisfaction of the Employee, the Employee may, within five (5) working days
of the Level 2 response, request a Hearing before the Board of Education.
Such a hearing shall be in private, but action taken shall be at the Public
Hearing. The Board shall schedule a meeting to hear the Grievance within
fifteen (15) work days of the Employee’s receipt of the Superintendent’s
decision or at the next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting,
whichever comes last. The decision of the Board shall be rendered as
promptly as possible, but within ten (10) working days of the Board’s meeting.
The action taken and the reasons for the action taken shall be reduced in
writing and copies sent to the Grievant, Immediate Supervisor, Treasurer for
the Board, and the Local President of the Association.
4. Level 4 Mediation
If the decision by the Board does not resolve the grievance, the grievance may
be appealed to FMCS mediation. Both parties must mutually agree to the
mediation in Level 4. If the parties do not mutually agree to mediation, the
timeline set forth in Section D(1) below will be enforced. The Notice of Appeal
to mediation shall be submitted to the Treasurer within ten (10) working days
from the receipt of the Board’s written response to the grievance. The parties
will first attempt to agree on an FMCS mediator. If unable to agree, the parties
will request for FMCS to appoint a mediator. The mediation will be conducted
pursuant to FMCS Rules and Regulations. Should the grievance not be
resolved in mediation, the grievance may proceed to the Arbitration step.
D. Arbitration
1. A grievance dispute which is not resolved at the level of the Board under the
grievance procedure set forth above may be submitted by the Association to
arbitration. Such request for arbitration must be made in writing to the Board
Treasurer within ten (10) days of the Board’s written decision. The Association
and the Board shall utilize the services of the American Arbitration Association
in selection of an arbitrator using the voluntary rules and regulations of AAA.
Within five (5) days, the parties shall mutually petition the American Arbitration
Association (AAA) to provide both parties with a list of seven (7) names from
which an arbitrator will be selected in accordance with the rules of AAA. A
second list of seven (7) names may be requested by either party.
2. Once the arbitrator has been selected, he/she shall conduct a hearing on the
grievance in accordance with the voluntary rules and regulations of the AAA.
3. The arbitrator shall hold the necessary hearing promptly and issue the decision
within such time as may be agreed upon. The decision shall be in writing and
a copy sent to all parties present at the hearing. The decision of the arbitrator
shall be final and binding.
4. The arbitrator shall not have the authority to add to, subtract from, modify,
change, or alter any of the provisions of this collective bargaining contract, nor
add to, detract from, or modify the language therein in arriving at his/her
decision concerning any issue presented that is proper within the limitations
expressed herein. The arbitrator shall expressly contain himself/herself to the
precise issue(s) submitted for arbitration and shall have no authority to decide
any other issue(s) not so submitted to him/her or to submit observations or
declarations of opinion in reaching his/her decision.
5. Any bargaining unit member required to be in attendance at the hearing shall
be released without loss of pay or deduction of personal leave as long as the
absence is communicated not less than two (2) days in advance.
6. The grievant(s), the Association, the Administration and the Board shall be
bound by the decision.
7. The Board shall act in accordance with this decision at its next regular Board
E. Miscellaneous
1. Failure at any step in this procedure of an administrator to communicate the
decision in writing on a grievance in the specified time limits shall permit the
grievant to proceed to the next step. Failure at any time in this procedure to
appeal to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be
acceptance of the decision rendered at that level. Failure to initiate the
grievance within the time provided shall constitute a waiver of the grievance.
A grievance may be withdrawn by the Association at any time without
prejudice, however the timelines will remain in effect.
2. At all levels of a grievance after it has been formally presented to the
Superintendent, at least one (1) member of the bargaining unit designated by
the Association President may attend any meetings, hearings, appeals, or
other proceedings required to process the grievance.
3. A grievant may elect not to have a representative, however, any representation
must be provided by the Association.
4. A bargaining unit member is at liberty to present, process, and settle a
grievance without intervention or representation of the Association if the
settlement is consistent with the terms of the agreement except that no
grievance may be submitted to arbitration without the consent of,
representation by, and processing by the Association.
5. The Board and the administration will cooperate with the Association in its
investigation of any grievance and will furnish the Association with such
available information as is requested for processing that grievance.
6. It will be the practice of all parties involved to process grievances after the
regular work day has ended or at other times which do not interfere with
assigned duties. However, upon mutual agreement among the grievant, the
Association, and the Board that the proceedings should be held during regular
work hours, the grievant and the appropriate Association representative will be
released from assigned duties without loss of pay.
7. Under no condition shall documents, communications, and/or records dealing
with the processing of a grievance become part of the personnel file or be used
for consideration for re-employment.
8. All grievances shall be filed at the lowest possible level. This lowest possible
level shall be that level of the grievance procedure at which the administrator
hearing the grievance has the authority to resolve the grievance.
9. All hearings shall be conducted in closed sessions.
10. The costs for the service of the arbitrator including his/her per diem expenses,
if any, shall be shared equally by the Association and the Board.
11. The fact that a bargaining unit member files a grievance shall not be the
subject of reprisal or discrimination for having followed this grievance
procedure. Bargaining unit members retain the right to file an unfair labor
practice charge for alleged retaliation associated with use of the grievance
F. Grievance Form
Grievant’s Name
Building Assignment
Date Grievance Occurred
Date of Form Filing
Level Initiated
Statement of Grievance: (include contract sections being cited)
Remedy Sought:
Signature of Grievant Date
Immediate Supervisor:
Signature of Administrator Date
I am appealing the decision of the Immediate Supervisor:
Signature Date
Superintendent’s Decision:
Signature Date
I am requesting the grievance be appealed to FMCS mediation:
Signature Date
Superintendent’s Decision:
Signature Date
Where additional space is required, attach pages as necessary.
A copy of the decision must be sent to the Association President at the same time
the decision is sent to the Grievant.
A. When a complaint develops that should be addressed, the following shall apply:
1. A complaint involves an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication
of the personnel section of Board policy, or any policy that specifically
mentions bargaining unit members and/or directly relates to bargaining unit
members in Board policy and/or the administrative rules and regulations used
to implement the same. This provision is not to take the place of an appropriate
grievance as defined in Article 3 (A) (1) of this written contract.
2. Step 1
i. The complaint shall be identified and be presented in writing to the
Superintendent within twenty (20) working days of the act or condition
upon which the complaint is based. The written complaint must contain
a statement how the policy/rule or regulation is allegedly being
misapplied or misinterpreted. It must state the remedy sought.
ii. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall, within ten (10) working
days of the receipt of the complaint, hold a meeting to hear the
complaint. Within five (5) working days of this meeting, the
Superintendent or his/her designee shall issue a response and decision
in writing to the complainant(s).
3. Step II
i. If the action taken in Step I does not resolve the complaint to the
satisfaction of the complainant(s) involved, they may present the
complaint in writing to the Board within ten (10) working days of the
receipt of the decision from the Superintendent. The written complaint
to the Board shall be filed with the Treasurer of the Board with a copy
of the Superintendent. The Board will respond, in writing, to the
complainant(s) within thirty (30) working days.
A. The Association shall have the right to:
1. Have an official spokesman present at official, regular, public meeting of the
Board with the right to speak for the Association when such meeting(s) is
officially opened for public discussion;
2. Insert materials in the bargaining unit members mailboxes. The Association
agrees it will not insert strike notices required by O.R.C. 4117 into the
3. Make use of the existing bulletin boards in faculty lounges for Association
4. Be given reasonable time at the end of each faculty meeting for
announcements by building representative(s) so long as time permits.
5. Have announcements over the public-address system of the school read by
the principal after being submitted to him/her in writing prior to the usual
announcement time.
6. Have the right to use the inter-school mail services and District e-mail services
for Association communications, subject to (A) (2) of this article.
7. Be provided the names and addresses of newly employed bargaining unit
members following Board approval of their contracts.
8. With the prior notification of the building principal and/or the Superintendent,
the Association may hold general membership meetings, committee meetings
and building membership meetings on school property at reasonable times
when the building(s) is not in use, in keeping with Board policy and so long as
there is no cost to the Board. Should custodial or other costs be incurred, the
Association shall remit the amount due to the Board Treasurer within thirty (30)
days following receipt of a detailed statement from the Board Treasurer.
9. Have Association materials duplicated at the actual cost of such materials.
10. Claymont Education Association bargaining unit members shall be granted
meeting time on the first professional development day of the school year.
B. Unless a public Board agrees otherwise in a collective bargaining agreement, nothing
in Chapter 4117 of the Revised Code impairs the right and responsibility of each
public employer to:
1. Determine matters of inherent managerial policy which include, but are not
limited to, areas of discretion or policy such as the functions and programs of
the Board, standards of school services, its overall budget, utilization of
technology, and the school district organizational structure.
2. Direct, supervise, evaluate, or hire employees.
3. Maintain and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Boards
4. Determine the overall methods, process, means, or personnel by which school
district operations are to be conducted.
5. Suspend, discipline, demote, discharge, lay off, transfer, assign, schedule,
promote, or retain employees.
6. Determine the adequacy of the work force.
7. Determine the overall mission and goals of the school district.
8. Effectively manage the work force.
9. Take action to carry out the mission and goals of the school district.
C. The employer is not required to bargain on subjects reserved to the management and
direction of the governmental unit except as it affects wages, hours, terms and
conditions of employment, and the continuation, modification, or deletion of existing
provisions of this collective bargaining agreement. A public employee or exclusive
representative may raise a legitimate complaint or file a grievance based on the
collective bargaining agreement.
The Board and Association agree that discipline of bargaining unit member(s) will be for just
cause. An employee may be relieved of duty with pay pending the outcome of an
investigation of possible misconduct without any due process meeting. Within twenty-four
(24) hours following a relief from duties, the Superintendent will verbally communicate the
basis for the action to the Association President. A meeting will be held with the employee
and his/her union representative before the final decision to impose discipline is made.
A. Disciplinary action shall be commensurate with the severity of the bargaining unit
member’s offense, may be initiated at any level, and may include repetition of an
action, at management’s discretion. Discipline should be to instruct as well as to
punish and shall, in most cases be progressive in nature. The parties recognize that
some more serious offenses may be dealt with on a more serious basis, with the
discipline imposed commensurate with the offense.
B. Employees shall be subject to the following disciplinary action:
1. Verbal Warning - record of a verbal warning shall only be a very brief anecdotal
note. A bargaining unit member may write a rebuttal to be attached to the
verbal warning. This will not be placed in a personnel file and shall not be
transmitted or discussed electronically.
2. Written Reprimand - Will be placed in the personnel file. A bargaining unit
member may write a rebuttal to be attached to the written reprimand.
3. Suspension - Superintendent may suspend a bargaining unit member with or
without pay for up to three (3) days.
4. Suspension - Superintendent may suspend a bargaining unit member with or
without pay for up to ten (10) days.
5. Termination - Shall be for good and just cause. Bargaining Unit Members who
are terminated as a result of the Board’s Disciplinary Procedure, shall have
the right to submit the appeal to an Arbitrator according to AAA’s voluntary
rules of arbitration in lieu of the statutory process set forth in R.C. 3319.16.
A. In order for the Claymont City Schools to provide an up-to-date educational program
and to operate efficiently in todays dynamic and changing society, it is imperative
that all bargaining unit members become more effective and remain current in
performing the work to which they are assigned to which they may advance through
increased knowledge, education, training, and experience in their assigned
educational fields of certification.
B. It is the intent of the Board to provide an appropriate, monetarily feasible and
continuing development program for every bargaining unit member. Because
bargaining unit members have such significant impact upon the lives of students,
opportunities for professional staff development shall be especially rich and varied,
within the financial means of the district.
C. A committee composed of one (1) bargaining unit member from each building
appointed by the Association President and three (3) administrators appointed by the
Superintendent shall meet in conjunction with the calendar committee to discuss
professional development and in-service programs which meet the specified needs
of the bargaining unit members within the district. The committee shall meet no fewer
than three (3) times per year.
D. Bargaining unit member development within the school system may include activities
such as lectures, workshops, position rotation, programmed instruction, meetings,
special assignments, written materials, films, recordings, television, demonstrations,
intra-district visitations, distance/internet learning, and committee appointment. It is
expected that bargaining unit members will take advantage of the in-district
development programs in which they have the opportunity to participate.
E. External development activities shall be classified as professional meetings. Such
meetings may include interschool visitations, committee appointments, and institutes,
workshops, seminars, and conventions that are sponsored by area, state or national
educational organizations, by universities, or by educational consulting firms. A
conference scheduled by the Board for staff development but held outside the school
district may also be considered a professional meeting.
A. The district will have a calendar committee which will consist of two administrators
appointed by the superintendent or his/her designee and one bargaining unit member
representative per building appointed by the Association. The calendar committee
will jointly produce two calendar options to be presented to membership. The two (2)
calendar options will be presented to the Association membership. The Association
membership will vote on the two (2) calendar options. The calendar options receiving
the majority vote will be presented to the Board of Education for approval no later
than March 1. If the Board of Education does not approve the calendar that received
the majority vote, the calendar committee will reconvene and repeat the process
described in this section.
1. In the development of the calendar options, the calendar committee will
maintain one hundred eighty-five (185) bargaining unit member contract days.
Additionally, when considering days designated as professional development
in the calendar, the calendar committee will take in consideration time for
bargaining unit members to work on high-quality student data including, but
not limited to, development, completion, and analysis of assessments;
progress monitoring and the development and review of IEPs, RIMP, or gifted
plans; the ability for grade level and/or department meetings, new district
initiatives, etc.
2. For calamity days called by the Superintendent the following shall apply:
i. For days 1-5, bargaining unit members are not required to report to work
and need not perform any duties.
ii. For days 6-8, Blizzard bags will be utilized as approved annually by the
ODE. Bargaining unit members will be accessible to students and
parents during work hours.
iii. For days 9 and beyond, bargaining unit members shall report on a two
(2)-hour delay unless the Superintendent has declared that the roads
are unsafe for travel. The days shall be used for collaboration, planning,
curriculum, and building meetings. Such days shall be evenly divided
between principal-directed and bargaining unit member-directed time.
iv. For any calamity issues that are not covered by this section, the parties
will utilize Article 30, Labor Management Committee.
3. Scheduled absences or leave will not be counted against bargaining unit
members on calamity days.
B. Bargaining unit members shall work up to seven hours and forty-five minutes (7.75
hours) per day. Bargaining unit members shall report to work thirty (30) minutes prior
to the student day and remain at work fifteen (15) minutes following the student day.
However, these time limitations shall not apply to before or after school faculty
meetings, curriculum meetings, etc. as described in this section. Nor shall they apply
to any bargaining unit members working out of the central office. The student day
shall be seven (7) hours. On days where students are not scheduled to be in session,
the bargaining unit members workday shall include forty (40) consecutive minutes of
the workday for preparation time.
Before or after school meetings shall be limited to one (1) hour per month for a total
of nine (9) hours per school year. Bargaining unit members shall receive notice of
said meetings no later than September 1. If the meeting schedule needs to be
modified after September 1, the administrator will provide a fifteen (15)-day notice of
the change. If the administrator does not provide such notice, then the employee will
be excused from the meeting and will not be required to make up the time. A
bargaining unit member’s attendance at such before or after school meetings shall
be required unless excused by the building administrator.
C. Each bargaining unit member will receive a duty-free lunch period of at least thirty
(30) consecutive minutes.
D. Claymont Education Association bargaining unit members shall receive a minimum
of two hundred (200) minutes of bargaining unit member directed planning time per
week. These two hundred (200) minutes cannot include time when students are
assigned to a bargaining unit member, such as homeroom and class time. Time
counted in these two hundred (200) minutes must be increments no shorter than
twenty (20) minutes.
1. Planning Definitions
i. District directed Collaborative Planning Definition: A research-based
professional dialogue between two or more staff members working
interdependently to develop and achieve common goals that are
focused on the following: continuous improvement of student
performance, professional practice, and/or the achievement of school
improvement goals. (i.e., grade level teams, TBTs, PLCs, etc.)
ii. Teacher directed Planning Definition: is defined as work time directed
by the bargaining unit member that includes lesson planning, preparing
for daily classroom needs, etc.
2. Administrators will create and distribute specific teaching schedules that detail
bargaining unit member directed planning, district directed collaborative
planning, lunch, and the teacher’s academic class schedule no later than the
last day of school unless extenuating circumstances occur as approved by the
E. If morning or afternoon bus duty is assigned to a bargaining unit member, his/her
workday shall not exceed the total number of hours of any other bargaining unit
member in the building. If there is a need for bus duty that would occur outside the
contracted day, a bargaining unit member may volunteer to have a flexible workday.
The flexible workday shall be scheduled and agreed upon prior to performing the
F. All attempts will be made to hire appropriate substitutes for absent bargaining unit
G. An attempt shall be made to provide for an equitable distribution of duties within a
building, when possible. An administrator shall be available during hours when duties
H. Attendance for Open House is mandatory for all teachers.
I. In the event of the death of a bargaining unit member, the bargaining unit member’s
home building shall be closed the day of the funeral.
J. Bargaining unit members must give permission and be given complete information
as to the use of information to have a picture and/or biographical information posted
on the Claymont City Schools’ web page or any other such site.
K. When a bargaining unit member is absent from his/her assigned duties, he/she shall
have the up-to-date lesson plans in a location known to the building principal for the
use of a substitute teacher if the administration determines it advisable to secure a
Bargaining unit members have the right to refuse to cover a class(es). Reasonable
efforts will be made by the administration to secure a substitute teacher for a teacher
absent from the class.
L. When a full-time bargaining unit member is requested by a building administrator to
substitute for an absent bargaining unit member, he/she shall be compensated for an
additional five (5) or more students at the rate of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per
classroom period above and beyond his/her normal salary for all substitute duty, to a
maximum of Ninety dollars ($90.00) per day or to a maximum of the daily board
approved substitute teacher rate whichever is greater. The maximum rate will be
divided amongst the members who agree to accept the additional students.
Under this section, Elementary/Primary/Intermediate building bargaining unit
members shall only be compensated at times when the Bargaining unit member
should have had zero (0) students in their classroom or for the period. Middle/High
building bargaining unit members shall not be compensated for non-instructional time
(such as study hall/Academic Assist) up to a maximum of thirty-five (35) students.
The administrator requesting the substitution shall issue a reimbursement form to the
bargaining unit member performing the substitution (Appendix A). Substituting
reporting forms shall be submitted to the building principal within forty-eight (48) hours
in which the work was completed. The Board shall maintain a record of all such
substitution assignments and payment shall be issued not later than the pay period
following the pay period in which submission of the reimbursement form is made.
If practical, as determined by the building principal requesting a substitution, the
student(s) assigned to a bargaining unit member under this Section shall be as close
as possible in grade level to the students regularly assigned to such bargaining unit
M. Bargaining unit members shall not be required to live stream or record any classroom
lessons or district activities while students are present. Instruction mandates will not
include requiring bargaining unit members to synchronous teach or record instruction
for remote learners with students present in the classroom. Bargaining unit members
may volunteer for such duties.
N. Special Education Teachers shall receive the following time considerations for
completion of duties during the work year:
1. Two (2) IEP writing days per school year scheduled in consultation with the
building principal.
2. One-half (½) day at the end of each nine (9)-week quarter for progress reports.
O. Each building shall have a Volunteer Special Needs Team trained for tube feeding
and administration of insulin.
A. Sick Leave
1. Bargaining unit members shall accumulate one and one-quarter (1¼) days of
sick leave for each completed month of active service at the rate of fifteen (15)
days per year, cumulative to a maximum of two hundred sixty (260) days.
2. Each new full-time bargaining unit member without previously accumulated,
transferable sick leave credit shall be granted five (5) days of sick leave after
the sixth work day of his/her actual service in the district. Such days shall be
applied towards the bargaining unit members maximum accumulation of
fifteen (15) days per year of actual service.
3. Sick leave shall be granted for the following reasons:
i. Personal illness
ii. Injury on school job or on outside job
iii. Exposure to contagious disease
iv. Illness or death in the immediate family
v. Dental appointments/Medical appointments
vi. Illness due to pregnancy
vii. Recovery from childbirth
viii. Leave under Article 9 (D)
4. For an absence due to personal illness, bargaining unit members may be
required to submit satisfactory evidence of his/her ability to perform his/her
5. Immediate family is defined as father, mother, brother, sister, spouse,
domestic partner, child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild or any
member of the family or household who has clearly stood in the same
relationship with the bargaining unit member as any of these.
6. A maximum of five (5) days’ absence with pay shall be allowed a bargaining
unit member for the funeral of any member of his immediate family.
7. One (1) day of absence with pay shall be allowed a bargaining unit member
for the funeral of a sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparent, cousin, aunt, and
8. A bargaining unit member may be granted additional sick days for the purpose
of a funeral by the Superintendent for extenuating circumstances.
9. Any bargaining unit member having advance notice of a physical condition or
situation which will necessitate the use of consecutive days of sick leave shall
notify their building principal of that fact as soon as possible.
10. Any bargaining unit member who uses more than five (5) consecutive work
days of sick leave for personal illness shall have a physician’s statement
regarding need for the sick leave. Any absence of more than ten (10)
consecutive workdays of sick leave for personal illness shall require a fitness
to return to duty statement from the attending physician.
11. Bargaining unit members are required to submit a sick leave request using
whatever software program is utilized by the District at the time of the leave
request. Failure to do so will delay the issuance of the bargaining unit
members paycheck.
12. Falsification of absence or sick leave shall be grounds for disciplinary action,
including written reprimand, suspension and/or termination.
13. Sick leave shall be taken only in one-fourth ), one-half (½) or full day
B. Personal Leave
1. Any bargaining unit member may be granted a maximum of three (3) days
personal leave per school year. Such personal leave is not cumulative.
Personal leave will be granted on a per building basis. On any particular day,
one (1) employee per ten (10) teachers shall be granted personal leave. For
those buildings with less than ten (10) teachers, a maximum of two (2)
teachers may be granted personal leave on the same day.
Except in the case of an emergency, the employee shall give two (2) days
advance notice of the intent to use such leave.
2. Submission of a request for personal leave during any school year shall be
submitted during the school year in which the request is being made. The
school year is defined as July 1 to June 30. Notice of personal leave shall be
given not less than two (2) days prior to the anticipated leave, when possible.
3. Any unused personal leave at the end of the fiscal year shall be rolled over
into sick leave.
4. Personal leave shall be taken only in one-quarter (¼), one-half (½) or full day
5. Personal leave cannot be used for a purpose which would be permissible use
of Sick Leave, unless the bargaining unit member has exhausted all earned
Sick Leave.
6. Personal leave shall not be used by more than ten percent (10%) of the
certificated staff in any building on the same day. In the case of a catastrophic
event beyond the control of the employee, the Superintendent may approve
personal leave beyond the ten percent (10%) limit. His/her approval will not
be arbitrarily, unreasonably, or capriciously withheld.
C. Paid Child Care Leave
1. In the case of birth of a child, the spouse who did not give birth may take up to
two (2) weeks of paid sick leave immediately following the birth of the child.
2. In the case of the adoption of a child, an employee may take up to two (2)
weeks of paid sick leave immediately following placement of the child in the
D. Unpaid Child Care Leave
1. The Board agrees to provide bargaining unit members upon written request a
childcare leave of absence without pay, as set forth below:
i. The child care leave shall be for not less than the balance of the
semester and not more than the remainder of the school year in which
the birth of a child is expected unless such leave is terminated earlier
as hereinafter provided. Births which occur during the summer months
shall entitle the bargaining unit member a leave for the entire upcoming
school year.
ii. The leave may be extended for one (1) additional school year upon
request of the bargaining unit member to the Superintendent for his/her
recommendation to the Board.
iii. A bargaining unit member who is adopting a child of less than four (4)
years of age shall be entitled to leave under this section.
iv. The bargaining unit member must notify the Superintendent in writing
that he/she intends to return to work or extend the leave by March 31 if
the return, as originally expected, is the beginning of the next school
year or December 1 if the return, as originally expected, is the beginning
of the second semester. Upon return to work, the bargaining unit
member will be reinstated to the former job, if the job or position exists;
if the return is extended under Article 9 (D) (1) (ii) the bargaining unit
member will be assigned to an assignment for which he/she is
v. Bargaining unit members may request an early termination of leave of
absence. Upon written request, the bargaining unit member may be
reinstated. Reinstatement shall take place, but not later than the
beginning of the next school year following the request.
vi. An eligible bargaining unit member (according to the insurance carriers
terms of eligibility and underwriting requirements) may continue on the
Boards hospitalization, surgical, major medical, life, dental and other
insurances by remitting to the Board Treasurer the amount of the
premium(s) by the first of the month.
E. Assault Leave
1. Assault Leave (at no loss of pay) will be available to all bargaining unit
members subject to the following provisions:
i. The bargaining unit member must be unable to physically perform
his/her contracted duties because of a physical injury caused by an
unprovoked, unjustified physical attack on said individual as a result of
the performance of his/her duties with the Board.
ii. A request for assault leave shall be made on the appropriate form which
shall include the following information:
(a) The nature of the injury.
(b) The date, time, and place of the occurrence.
(c) Identification of the individual or individuals causing the assault
(if known).
(d) Facts and circumstances surround the assault
(e) A certificate from a licensed physician describing the nature of
the physical disability and its probable duration.
iii. The form shall be returned to the Superintendent as soon after the
occurrence as is possible and practical. No assault leave may be
approved prior to receipt of the written, completed application form.
iv. The bargaining unit member, if requested, shall consent to an
examination at Board expense by a Board-designated physician at a
reasonable time and place.
v. The Board shall be responsible for determining the applicants eligibility
for assault leave. Such determination shall be based upon the
information evidenced by the request form, and the physicians or
physical certification(s) of the need for such assault leave.
vi. The bargaining unit member shall agree to cooperate fully in pursuing
any legal or police action by the Board on behalf of the bargaining unit
member and/or the Board.
vii. Assault leave will be limited to a maximum of ten (10) working days per
school year and not chargeable to sick leave or personal leave.
viii. If upon the exhaustion of the allowed assault leave days, the bargaining
unit member is unable to perform his/her contracted duties he/she may
apply for sick leave, workers compensation (if eligible), an unpaid leave
of absence, or disability retirement.
ix. Assault leave days are non-accumulative from one (1) school year to
the next.
F. Professional Development Leave
1. Attendance at professional meetings involving an absence of five (5) work
days or less shall be subject to prior written approval by the Superintendent or
a responsible administrative official designated by him/her. An absence
requiring more than five (5) workdays shall have approval by the Board. An
estimate of expenses to be incurred shall be included with all requests for
attendance at professional meetings.
2. Attendance at professional meetings may be approved when there is a clear
benefit to the education of the children in the district, the operation of the
system, and/or the individual development needs of the bargaining unit
3. Provided funds are available, allowable, and necessary expenses incurred by
bargaining unit members while attending an approved professional meeting
may be paid by the Board from the general fund.
i. Expenses shall not be approved for payment until a proper expense
voucher is submitted to the Superintendent. Staff attending
professional development may be requested to share information with
staff. CEUs will be awarded as per LPDC Guidelines.
ii. Paid receipts for the cost of lodging, registration fees, meals, parking,
and banquet fees must be submitted with the expense voucher.
iii. Paid receipts for the cost of air fare (coach) and other related expenses
must also be submitted.
iv. For travel by private automobile, mileage shall be reimbursed at the
current IRS rate. If the district is requiring a bargaining unit member to
attend professional development and this requires the use of his/her
private automobile mileage shall be reimbursed.
v. Travel expenses shall be paid according to the most economical form
of transportation. (Private automobiles or airlines in most instances)
vi. Expense shall not be paid in advance
4. Except when specifically disapproved by the Superintendent or the Board,
bargaining unit members approved to attend professional meetings will receive
full pay and benefits while absent and the Board will provide salaries for a
substitute, as necessary.
5. Attendance of bargaining unit members at external staff development activities
other than those previously defined must be approved by a Board resolution
which classifies the activity as a professional meeting.
6. Reimbursement rates not previously specified shall be as follows:
i. Registration Actual Cost (The Board will not pay for any late
registration fees.)
ii. Meals daily allowance not to exceed a daily amount of fifty dollars
($50.00) will be reimbursed with an itemized receipt. No alcohol will be
iii. Lodging One hundred dollars ($100.00).
G. Family Medical Leave
If an employee takes a leave granted under this Article for a reason covered by the
Family and Medical Leave Act, the leave shall be administered under the provisions
of the FMLA.
H. Association Leave
The Association shall be granted five (5) days annual leave for representatives to
attend professional business meetings. The Board will pay the expenses of the
I. Unpaid Leave of Absence
Unpaid leaves of absence may be granted for illness and/or disability, enlistment in
the Armed Forces for the United States, and serious illness in the immediate family.
1. These leaves of absence noted above shall be without pay and benefits and
will be granted for a period of time not to exceed one (1) year from the date of
the leave. The Board shall consider a written request for up to a one (1) year
extension of an approved leave.
2. Any bargaining unit member, on approved leave of absence, may have the
option to pay for Board approved insurance while on leave. The bargaining
unit member shall forward to the Treasurer a check in the amount of the
premiums ten (10) days prior to the payment date. bargaining unit members
who fail to meet the payment schedule will be terminated from the Board
approved insurance plan.
3. Unpaid leaves of absence (Dock days) are subject to the discretion of the
Superintendent and are unauthorized unless approved by the Superintendent.
4. While a bargaining unit member is on an approved unpaid leave of absence,
he/she shall relinquish his/her per diem rate of compensation for each work
day of absence.
J. Jury Duty Leave
Any bargaining unit member who is summoned for jury shall be entitled to special
leave for such duties, without charge upon his/her sick or personal leave. Such
employee further shall be entitled to his/her regular pay and any applicable
supplemental pay s/he may be contracted to perform. Jury duty pay must be
forwarded to the Board within ten (10) days of receipt by the bargaining unit member
if such leave occurred on a paid work day.
K. Donation of Sick Leave
1. If a member of the bargaining unit is absent due to a catastrophic or long-term
illness or injury of the employee, his/her spouse, or minor child, and has
exhausted all of his/her accumulated sick leave, another member of the
bargaining unit may donate up to five (5) days at the absent bargaining unit
members per diem salary rate.
2. No member of the bargaining unit may receive more than an aggregate
equivalent of forty (40) donated sick leave days in any one school year. (July
1 - June 30)
3. Donation of sick days shall be initiated by a bargaining unit member in need of
the sick leave donation on a form furnished by the Treasurer. The donating
bargaining unit member shall apply to donate sick leave no later than the last
day of the pay period prior to the pay period in which the donated time is to be
credited to the recipient. The donation will be approved by the Superintendent
once the absence meets the requirements listed above.
4. Donated sick leave shall be added to the accumulated sick leave of the absent
bargaining unit member and deducted from the donating bargaining unit
L. Employee Attendance Policy
Consistent attendance of employees is crucial to the operations of the District. If an
employee knows that he or she will be tardy for work, he/she should inform his/her
immediate supervisor at the earliest available opportunity so that the District can
locate a substitute and/or rearrange other employees’ schedules and duties. At the
very latest, an employee would enter into the District absence software for his/her
intended use of a leave of absence, within one (1) hour of the beginning of the
employee’s scheduled work day. Absent extenuating circumstances (i.e., weather
conditions or sudden unforeseen illnesses), failure to provide advanced notice of a
leave of absence or notice of an anticipated tardy will result in the implementation of
discipline against the employee. Discipline under this provision may be appealed for
review by the Superintendent.
Pattern leave such as frequent Mondays, Fridays or temperate weather days may be
just cause for an investigatory meeting with the employee. The appropriate
supervisor should follow the principles of due process.
This provision is subject to Article 3.
M. Attendance Incentive Program
Each Bargaining Unit Member will begin each school year with a five-hundred-dollar
($500.00) attendance incentive for personal leave and a five-hundred-dollar
($500.00) attendance incentive for sick and dock days combined. At the end of the
school year, final payment for the two (2) incentives shall be as follows:
1. Zero (0) Personal leave = $500.00 payment in the last pay in June.
2. Six (6) sick/dock or less = $500.00 payment in the last pay in June.
A. The Board shall maintain an official personnel file in the District Administrative Office
for all bargaining unit members. The purpose of the files is to serve as the official
repository of job-related information.
B. Viewing of personnel files shall be subject to applicable law and court decisions. An
employee will be notified within two (2) business days if an individual(s) or any entity;
other than an administrator, requests to view his/her personnel file. The Board shall
take reasonable actions to protect the confidentiality of an employee’s personnel file
to the fullest extent permitted by law. The association president will be notified within
two (2) business days of any public records request to view or copy personnel files
including evaluation information and the name of the requesting party.
C. Each bargaining unit member, upon request, shall have the right to review the
contents of his/her own personnel file, except as restricted by Article 10 (B) above.
The review shall be made in the presence of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
The bargaining unit member may request a copy of any or all materials in his/her file
except as restricted by Article 10 (B) above. The cost of reproducing the material so
requested may be charged to the bargaining unit member. This access may occur at
a time mutually agreeable to the bargaining unit member and the Superintendent,
normally outside the bargaining unit members scheduled workday. This access will
be made available to the bargaining unit member within one (1) working day following
the request for access whenever possible.
D. The bargaining unit member shall have the right to be accompanied by a person of
his/her choice when reviewing the file and shall have the right to respond, in writing,
to material in the file. Said response shall be attached to, and become a part of, the
E. Except as set forth in paragraph C:
1. Written reprimands will be removed to a side file after two (2) years if no other
incidents have occurred.
2. Suspensions will be removed to a side file after five (5) years if no other
incidents have occurred.
3. Incidents involving student physical and emotional safety will be removed to a
side file after seven (7) years if no other incidents have occurred.
4. The parties acknowledge that an arbitrator or hearing officer will have the
power to give any file (personal or side) information the weight they determine
is appropriate.
F. All materials which are placed in a personnel file of a bargaining unit member shall
be identifiable as to source and no anonymous letters and/or complaints will be
placed in the file.
G. The bargaining unit member shall be informed of any complaint which may become
a matter of record within a reasonable period of time. Only records which document
the outcome of a complaint and investigation will be placed in a personnel file. No
original complaint documents will be placed in a personnel file.
H. A bargaining unit member will initial any disciplinary records placed in their personnel
file. This provision shall not apply to documents pertaining to payroll, transcripts or
similar administerial documents.
I. A bargaining unit member shall have access to any and all files contained in the
individual buildings that relates to that bargaining unit member. Access will occur
within one (1) working day of the request and will be at a time mutually agreeable to
the principal and the bargaining unit member.
A. The Board shall grant limited teaching contracts to bargaining unit members in
accordance with the years of teaching experience within the Claymont City School
B. Limited contracts
1. All full-time Bargaining Unit Members who are not eligible for a continuing
contract shall be eligible to receive limited contracts according to the following
i. Upon initial employment, two (2) one(1)-year contracts;
ii. One (1) two (2)-year contract; and
iii. One (1) three (3)-year contract.
iv. Thereafter, five (5)-year contract or upon eligibility, continuing contract.
2. Bargaining Unit Members who have attained continuing contract in a prior
school district will be eligible for continuing contract according to Ohio law.
3. Bargaining Unit Members who have become eligible for continuing contract
may apply according to Ohio law.
4. Within contract steps ii. or iii. above, the administration may grant one (1)
additional one (1)-year contract contingent upon placement on an
improvement plan as described in Article 26.
5. Nothing in this section restricts the Board’s right to grant an extended limited
contract for reasons directed at professional improvement prior to granting a
continuing contract.
C. Effective for bargaining unit members hired beginning with the 2006-2007 school
1. Nonrenewal of Limited Teaching contracts for Probationary Employees who
have been employed for two (2) Years or less
i. On or before May 1
, limited contract bargaining unit members who
have been employed for two (2) or fewer years shall be notified by the
Superintendent that they will not be recommended to the Board for
rehiring for the next school year. The employee shall receive written
reasons why there is a non-renewal recommendation. Prior to Board
action on their contract, such bargaining unit members shall have the
right to meet with the Board in executive session. The limited contract
bargaining unit members may have a representative of their choosing
at this meeting.
ii. For bargaining unit members who have been employed for two (2) or
fewer years shall have no right to challenge said nonrenewal through
the negotiated grievance procedure.
iii. The procedure and provisions of this section shall be exclusive and
shall supersede any and all provisions and procedures relating to the
nonrenewal of limited teaching contracts that are or shall be contained
in the Ohio Revised Code except the requirement to conduct three (3)
formal observations.
D. Bargaining unit members with more than two (2) years of employment with the
Claymont City School District who will not be recommended by the principal or
Superintendent for a new contract will be notified between April 1 and April 15. This
will be accomplished through a conference between the building principal and/or
Superintendent or his/her designee and the bargaining unit member held at a
mutually agreed time. The bargaining unit member may have a representative of his
or her choosing to accompany him or her to the conference. The principal may have
any Administrator of the district accompany him or her as a witness. If the conference
cannot be held by April 15 due to the unavailability of the bargaining unit member
and/or the representative, that failure shall not restrict the ability of the Board to take
action on the recommendation of the Superintendent concerning the future
employment of the bargaining unit member.
E. Bargaining unit members who indicate displeasure from the conference may request
in writing a meeting within five (5) work days of the administrative conference with the
Board, Superintendent, and principal. This meeting shall be in executive session no
later than the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The bargaining unit member
may have a representative of his or her choosing to accompany him or her in this
F. The Board shall provide a bargaining unit member with written notice of its intent to
non-renew a limited teaching contract on or before May 1
the year in which the
limited teaching contract expires.
G. The procedures and provisions of this article shall be exclusive and shall supersede
any and all provisions and procedures relating to the nonrenewal of limited teaching
contracts that are or shall be contained in the Ohio Revised Code.
H. Bargaining unit members become eligible for a continuing contract when they meet
the requirements outlined in Ohio Revised Code Sections 3319.08 and 3319.11.
A. If the Board determines it necessary to reduce the number of bargaining unit positions
under O.R.C. 3319.17, or for financial reasons, the following procedures shall apply.
RIFs shall be kept to a minimum through the use of attrition.
B. Not less than thirty (30) days prior to Board action, the employer shall notify the union
president in writing of the date that the Board will take action on a proposed RIF. The
official notification shall include the reason(s) for the RIF; the name(s) of the
employees to be initially affected by the Board action, the date of Board action to
implement the RIF and the effective date of the RIF.
C. An employee to be laid off due to RIF shall be given twenty (20) calendar days
advance written notification prior to the implementation of the RIF. The union
president shall be sent a copy of said notification at the same time. The notice shall
state the reason for RIF, the effective date of contract suspension, and the date of
the Employer's action to implement the RIF.
D. From August 1 until the last day of the current school year, Board action to implement
a RIF shall not be effective until thirty (30) calendar days after the date of Board
action. From the first day of Summer break until July 31, any Board action to
implement a RIF shall take effect on a date determined by the Board.
E. Reductions shall be made by suspending contracts based upon the Superintendent’s
recommendation. No preference for seniority shall be given except when making a
decision between bargaining unit members who have comparable evaluations. In
suspending contracts of teachers within each teaching field affected by the reduction
in force, bargaining unit members holding limited contracts in the area of
certification/licensure shall be suspended first beginning with Category 3, Category
2, then Category 1, as defined below. Continuing contract bargaining unit members
shall be suspended only after all limited contracts in the area of certification/licensure.
Category 1 (Accomplished/Skilled),
Category 2 (Developing), and
Category 3 (Ineffective)
1. To determine a teacher’s rating for placement in Categories 1, 2, or 3, the
average of the immediate prior three (3) years where a final summative
evaluation rating is available will be used to determine the rating. The average
will be determined as follows:
i. Accomplished, Skilled = 2 points
ii. Developing = 1 point
iii. Ineffective = 0 points
iv. The usual and customary rules of averaging and rounding will be used
to determine categories.
v. Employees recently hired in the District who have not yet acquired three
(3) years in which a final summative evaluation rating is available will
use data acquired while employed in the district and utilize the process
of averaging and customary rounding rules.
vi. Employees new to the district with no complete final summative
evaluation rating shall be placed in Category 3.
vii. With respect to non-OTES evaluations, the performance evaluations
will be used to determine the placement in the categories as described
F. In the case of comparable evaluations, those contracts to be suspended will be
chosen as follows:
1. All members of the bargaining unit will be placed on a seniority list for each
teaching field for which they are properly and regularly certificated/licensed.
Temporary or alternate licenses shall not be considered for the purpose of
seniority list placement. Bargaining unit members serving under limited
contracts will be placed on the list under continuing contract bargaining unit
members, also in descending order of seniority, according to the records of
the District. It is the sole responsibility of a bargaining unit member to update
the information possessed by the District concerning the current
certificates/licenses he/she possesses by September 15
of each year. The
Board shall submit the seniority lists to the Association for its review by
October 30 of each year. By November 30 of each year, the Association shall
advise the Board of any errors on the seniority lists. Thereafter, the seniority
lists shall be considered final until the seniority lists for the next year are
created, except in the case of properly awarding continuing contract(s) as
determined by the Superintendent.
2. Seniority will be defined as the length of continuous service as a bargaining
unit member under regular contract in this district.
3. Recommended reductions in a teaching field will be made by selecting the
lowest bargaining unit member on the seniority list for that area of
certification/licensure who is currently assigned to a position in that teaching
field. A bargaining unit member so affected may elect to accept the RIF or to
displace a bargaining unit member in the same or lower category who holds
the lowest position on a seniority list for another area of certification/licensure
which the bargaining unit member holds.
G. The names of bargaining unit members whose contracts are suspended in a
reduction in force will be placed on a recall list for a period extending to August 15
of the second (2
) year after the date of the actual Board action. No preference for
seniority shall be given except when making a decision between bargaining unit
members who have comparable evaluations. Bargaining unit members on the recall
list will have the following rights:
1. No vacancy shall be posted until all eligible employees have been recalled.
No current, non-bargaining unit employee shall be assigned to fill a bargaining
unit position while an eligible employee remains on layoff status. No new
bargaining unit members will be employed by the Board while there are
bargaining unit members on the recall list who are certificated for the vacancy.
2. Bargaining unit members on the recall list will be recalled in order of seniority
in keeping with contract status, certification/licensure, or other entry-level
requirements for vacancies in areas for which they are certificated according
to the records of the District. When there is an opening, the teacher in
Category 1 (if no one in this Category is appropriately licensed for the position
being recalled then proceed to Category 2 followed by Category 3) with the
most seniority among those certificated/licensed for the position shall be
restored by the Board at the same seniority, salary and fringe benefits as he
or she would have received if a reduction in force had not taken place,
provided, however, such teacher shall not be granted service credit for salary
purposes for such time such teacher’s contract was suspended. It is the sole
responsibility of a bargaining unit member to update the information
possessed by the District concerning the current certificates/licenses he/she
3. If a vacancy occurs, the Board will send a certified announcement to the last
known address of all bargaining unit members on the recall list who are
qualified according to these provisions. It is the bargaining unit member’s
responsibility to keep the Board informed of his/her current address. Failure
to keep the Board advised of current address shall result in forfeiture of all
recall rights and privileges. All bargaining unit members are required to
respond in writing to the district office within seven (7) calendar days upon
receipt of a certified letter. The most senior of those responding will be given
the vacant position. Any bargaining unit member who fails to respond within
seven (7) calendar days after receipt of letter, will forfeit all recall rights.
4. A bargaining unit member on the recall list will, upon acceptance of the
notification to assume active employment status, return to active employment
status with the same seniority accumulation of sick leave, and appropriate
salary schedule placement.
H. The parties agree that these procedures apply only to the suspension of contracts
under 3319.17 or for financial reasons. The article shall not require the Board to fill
any vacancy, nor shall it interfere with any other lawful personnel procedures in the
I. On a case-by-case basis, in lieu of suspending a contract in whole, the
Superintendent may recommend and the Board may suspend a contract in part, so
that a member is required to work a percentage of the time the member otherwise is
required to work under his/her employment contract and receives a commensurate
percentage of the full compensation the member otherwise would receive under the
contract. Should the Board determine that it desires to suspend a contract in part, so
that the bargaining unit member is required to work a percentage of the time the
bargaining unit member otherwise is required to work under the contract, it may do
so, with the following requirements:
1. The bargaining unit member shall have the option of either working part-time
with proportionate pay or having the contract suspended in full;
2. If the bargaining unit member takes the part-time suspension, the bargaining
unit member will be placed on the recall list with recall rights to a full-time
position based upon seniority, teaching certificate/license and contract status;
3. If the bargaining unit member elects to have the contract suspended in full, the
bargaining unit member will be placed on the recall list with recall rights based
upon seniority, teaching certificate/license and contract status
J. No bargaining unit member whose continuing contract has been suspended pursuant
to this Article shall lose the right of restoration to continuing service status by reason
of having declined recall to a position that is less than full-time or, if the bargaining
unit member was not employed full-time just prior to suspension of the bargaining unit
member’s continuing contract, to a position requiring a lesser percentage of full-time
employment than the position the bargaining unit member last held while employed
in the district or service center.
A. The Superintendent shall cause a vacancy notice to be posted when the
Board/Superintendent determines to fill a vacancy or when a new position will be
created. This excludes supplemental positions. A vacancy occurs when a bargaining
unit member resigns, retires, is nonrenewed, dies, transfers, or is terminated.
B. A vacancy created after the school year begins will be posted to be filled at the
beginning of the next school year if posting and filling during the current school year
is determined by the Superintendent to be disruptive to the educational program. If
a vacancy occurs within the first thirty (30) days of the school year, a teacher will be
given one (1)-year limited contract for that year and the job will be posted the following
C. During the school year and the month of August, all bargaining unit vacancies will be
sent via e-mail. Such posting shall remain for five (5) working days.
D. During June and July when school is not in session, bargaining unit members will
receive posting notices via e-mail or they may call or visit the Central office for
information pertaining to vacancies that have been posted. Posting notices will
remain ten (10) working days. With mutual agreement between the superintendent
and the CEA the posting period in this section can be modified to five (5) working
days in the months of June and July. If a summer posting period has been modified,
the district will also send an all-call to bargaining unit members in addition to the
electronic posting.
E. Bargaining unit members wishing to be considered for any vacancy must notify the
Superintendent, in writing, within the specified posting period.
A. Voluntary Transfers: Transfers shall be made by the Superintendent in the following
1. A bargaining unit member may request a transfer to any position in the system
for which he/she is certificated/licensed. The written request shall be made
before May 1
of each year to the Superintendent and shall state the grade,
subject area and/or building the bargaining unit member wants to transfer to
for the next succeeding school year.
2. All transfer requests shall be maintained in a file for one (1) year. If the
bargaining unit member wishes to keep the request active, he/she must do so
in writing prior to the end of the one (1) year.
3. Consideration will be given to teachers requesting intra-district transfers before
new employees are hired.
4. A teacher who is denied a requested voluntary transfer may request, in writing
and within five (5) days of the denial, the reason(s) for the denial which shall
be provided by the Superintendent. The denial of a requested voluntary
transfer and the reason(s) shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
5. A voluntary transfer shall be made by mutual agreement and shall be
acknowledged by the teacher and administrator in writing. For this provision,
an email between the parties shall be sufficient.
B. Involuntary Transfers
1. Involuntary transfers shall be a change in teaching position initiated by the
Superintendent. Except in case of employee misconduct, such involuntary
transfers shall be accomplished by moving the least senior bargaining unit
member who is qualified for the position to be filled through involuntary
2. The Superintendent will notify the bargaining unit member of a conference
which shall occur at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date
of the transfer. The teacher has the right to have a representative of his/her
choice also attend the meeting. A teacher who is involuntarily transferred shall
receive written reason(s) from the Superintendent upon the written request of
the teacher. Involuntary transfers will occur only after all voluntary transfer
requests have been considered.
C. If a teacher receives notice of a voluntary or involuntary transfer that requires a
subject change after July 25, the teacher will receive four (4) extended days to
prepare for the transfer.
D. Except in case of employee misconduct, a transfer under this Article will only occur if
a vacancy exists.
A. Association Membership
Association membership is annual with the membership year being September 1
through August 31.
B. Professional Dues
1. CEA, ECOEA, OEA and NEA may be deducted through regular payroll
procedures, so long as authorization is made in writing at least two (2) weeks
prior to the second payroll in September.
2. Dover Phila Federal Credit Union.
3. Tax Sheltered Annuities, any employee who makes a request for a tax-
sheltered annuity after 9/1/97 must pay an administrative fee of fifty cents
($.50) per pay deduction. All current employees who have this deduction will
not be subject to this fee.
4. United Way
5. FCPE (Fund for Children and Public Education).
C. Payroll Deduction of Dues
1. The Employer agrees to deduct from the wages of any employee-member of
the Association the dues, initiation fees and assessments of the Union upon
presentation of a written deduction authorization from any member of the
Association. This deduction shall be without cost to the Association or the
member. Payroll deduction of dues, fees, and assessments will be continuous
from year to year until the Employer is notified by the Association to cease
2. Deductions of the annual dues and assessments will be made in nearly equal
pay period installments during the school year and in an amount determined
by the Union. Deductions shall begin with the first pay period in October and
continue for twenty (20) pays. Any member hired or becoming eligible for
membership after October 1 shall be entitled to payroll deduction of dues, fees,
and assessments on a schedule determined by the Association Treasurer.
3. All monies deducted for such purposes shall be transmitted via either check or
electronic transfer at the Treasurer’s election.
D. If for any reason the Board fails to make a deduction for any bargaining unit member
as above provided, it shall make that deduction from the bargaining unit members
next pay in which such deduction is normally deducted after the error has been called
to its attention (in writing) by the bargaining unit member. The Association agrees to
hold the Board and its designees harmless for any and all errors arising out of the
dues deduction procedure.
E. The Association shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Board, as well as its
officers, officials, agents, and employees, in any claim made or action filed arising
from the execution of the dues provisions of this Agreement provided that the Board
acted in good faith compliance with the deduction provisions of this Agreement.
However, there shall be no indemnification of the Board if the Board intentionally or
willfully fails to apply or misapplies the deduction provisions of this Agreement. The
Board agrees to give full cooperation and assistance to the Association and its
affiliates and counsel at all levels of any legal proceeding.
F. All bargaining unit members shall have their net pay directly deposited in the financial
institution of the bargaining unit members choice. If the financial institution of the
bargaining unit members choice does not accept direct deposits, the net pay shall
be directly deposited in a financial institution that does accept such direct deposits.
Direct deposit notifications shall be received via e-mail.
A. All bargaining unit members who were on one (1) of the Masters plus columns as of
January 1, 1986, will be grandfathered as to column placement for the duration of
their employment with the Claymont City Schools.
B. The following definitions of salary columns will apply:
1. Bachelor Degree - bargaining unit members having at least a bachelors
2. BA +15 - Bargaining unit members having a Bachelors Degree plus
twenty-two (22) graduate quarter hours or fifteen (15) graduate semester
hours after the Bachelors Degree has been earned, related to the area of
certification/licensure or area in which the individual is assigned, but not a
Masters Degree.
3. Masters Degree - Bargaining unit members having a masters degree.
4. Masters plus fifteen (15) semester hours - Bargaining unit members having a
Masters Degree plus twenty-two (22) graduate quarter hours or fifteen (15)
graduate semester hours after the Masters Degree has been earned, related
to education of the bargaining unit members teaching fields. Bargaining unit
members must show proof of work by providing the Board Treasurer with
transcripts and their Masters Degree course of study.
5. Masters plus thirty-two (32) semester hours - Bargaining unit members have
a Masters Degree plus thirty-two (32) graduate semester hours, after the
Masters degree has been earned, related to education or the bargaining unit
members teaching fields. Bargaining unit members must show proof of work
by providing the Board Treasurer with transcripts and their Masters Degree
course of study.
C. Bargaining unit members shall be placed on the salary schedule at their degree level
based on official documentation on file in the Superintendents office as of September
D. Bargaining unit members salaries shall be paid in twenty-six (26) equal installments
unless the first pay of the new contract will be prior to the first day of scheduled work
per the approved contract whereby the salaries will be paid in twenty-seven (27)
E. Effective with the 2010-2011 school year, members of the bargaining unit who were
not employed by the Board during the 2009-2010 school year shall be placed on the
salary schedule with credit for training as described in this Article and years of service
as defined in ORC §3317.13.
F. To the extent that any provision in this Article is in conflict with or contrary to
provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, specifically ORC §3317.13 and §3317.14, the
provisions of this agreement shall supersede any such conflicting statute.
A. Salary Index
B. Salary Schedules
The salary schedule BA-0 amount for the 2023-2024 school year shall be $37,570.
2023-2024: Five percent (5%) increase to the BA-0 line of the salary schedule.
The salary schedule BA-0 amount for the 2024-2025 school year shall be $38,697.
2024-2025: Three percent (3%) increase to the BA-0 line of the salary schedule.
The salary schedule BA-0 amount for the 2025-2026 school year shall be $39,858.
2025-2026: Three percent (3%) increase to the BA-0 line of the salary schedule.
A. Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance
In order to be eligible for insurance, an employee must be contracted for at least thirty
(30) hours per week. Employees may not be paid cash in lieu of insurance benefits.
Coverage: See Plan Booklet for coverage information.
The Board shall pay the cost of medical, dental and vision insurance for a
comprehensive major medical program, dental and vision for family and single
coverage for each member of the bargaining unit with the employee paying a monthly
contribution toward the cost of this program in the amount of:
Premium Share
Single Cap
Family Cap
90% / 10%
$155.00 per month
$310.00 per month
88% / 12%
$165.00 per month
$330.00 per month
85% / 15%
$215.00 per month
$430.00 per month
In cases where husband and wife are employed in the district, they are entitled to
either two (2) single policies or one (1) family policy.
Part-time employees shall receive coverage on a pro-rata basis, based upon percent
of full time the employee is regularly assigned to work each week.
Example of Part-Time Pro-rata
Part-time teacher 20 hours (total contracted weekly hours worked in part-time
position divided by 38.75 hours (total contracted weekly hours in a full-time teaching
position) 20/38.75 = 51.61%. This would imply a 20 hour per week teacher would
pay 48.39%.
In any year that the district receives a premium holiday(s), the district will waive the
monthly employee’s premium contribution for the same number of months as the
number of premium holidays granted in that year.
1. Stark County Schools Council
The Board of Education may fully meet its obligations to provide health care
benefits and services under this collective bargaining agreement by
participating in the health benefits program of the Stark County Schools
Council (COG). The Board shall provide health, dental and vision insurance
through the COG. The coverage shall be the standardized COG
2. Preferred Provider - Doctors/Hospitals
i. The parties agree that one or more Preferred Provider Organization
(PPO) programs for hospital and physicians' services shall be provided
through the Stark County Council of Governments (COG) Health
Insurance Program. Anyone, as of August 1, 2009, who has the
traditional Mutual Health Program instead of the PPO, may continue
such participation.
ii. The selection of the PPO(s), the types of benefits/programs, or any
changes therein, shall be mutually determined by the representative of
the COG and the Stark County OEA office representative.
3. Preferred Provider - Prescription Drugs
The Board shall provide, through the Stark County Council of Governments, a
preferred provider drug program that, if the employee chooses to utilize, will
include the following:
i. The program will be available to employees and their dependents who
have "primary" coverage under the District's insurance.
ii. The employee will pay the twenty percent (20%) co-payment to the
provider and the remaining eighty percent (80%) will be direct billed to
the insurance company. If the yearly maximum has been reached,
provisions will be made to refund the employee's twenty percent (20%)
iii. The deductible will be waived.
iv. The list of covered expenses shall be agreed upon by the COG and the
Stark County OEA office representative.
v. Mail order prescription: Mail order must be used for maintenance drugs
in order for the insurance provisions to apply.
vi. Generic: Generic drugs must be substituted where applicable in order
for the insurance provisions to apply.
B. Life Insurance
The Board shall purchase and pay for, from a carrier licensed by the State of Ohio,
Group Term Life Insurance for each employee in the amount of thirty thousand dollars
Bargaining unit members may purchase additional term life insurance at the group
rate in five thousand-dollar ($5,000.00) increments, up to a maximum of fifty
thousand-dollar ($50,000.00) coverage in addition to Board paid coverage.
Modifications to this provision may be necessary to comply with the requirements of
the insurance carrier. The value of the life insurance reduces by fifty percent (50%)
at age 65. The specific terms of the policy are contained in the life insurance contract.
C. Section 125-Tax Shelter
Tax sheltering of the individual’s contribution for health costs, unreimbursed medical
expenses and dependent coverage will be provided, under IRS Section 125.
D. Spousal Coverage
Any new participants to the COG, after June 30, 2015, with working spouses who
have the ability to be covered under an insurance plan through his/her place of
employment, will be required to take his/her plan as their primary plan. This provision
does not apply to a participant who had insurance with one COG employer and
immediately thereafter, moved to another COG employer. If the spouse is required
to pay forty percent (40%) or more of the premium with his/her employer, the
requirements of this section shall not apply.
E. Same Sex Marriage
If state law recognizes same-sex marriage, the COG plan specifications will be
modified to include those individuals.
A. The Board agrees with the Association to STRS/SERS pickup utilizing the salary
reduction method contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System or the State
Employees Retirement System paid on behalf of the bargaining unit members, at no
cost to the Board, under the following terms and conditions:
1. The amount to be picked up on behalf of each bargaining unit member shall
be equal to total contribution of the bargaining unit members gross annual
compensation. The bargaining unit members annual compensation shall be
reduced, at no cost to the Board, by an amount equal to the amount
picked-up by the Board for the purpose of State and Federal tax only.
2. The pickup percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the bargaining
unit and shall become effective with the first pay in February 1986 contingent
upon receipt of STRS/SERS approval.
3. No bargaining unit member covered by this provision shall have the option to
elect a wage increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pickup.
4. Payment for all paid leaves, sick leave, personal leave, severance and
supplementals including unemployment and workers compensation shall be
based on the bargaining unit members daily gross pay prior to reduction as
basis (e.g., gross pay divided by the number of days in a bargaining unit
members contract).
B. Each bargaining unit member will be responsible for compliance with Internal
Revenue Service salary exclusion allowance regulations with respect to the pickup
in combination with other tax deferred compensation plans.
C. If the foregoing pickup provisions are nullified by subsequent Internal Revenue
Service Rulings, Ohio Attorney General Opinions, or other governing regulations, the
Board will be held harmless and this article of the Agreement shall be declared null
and void.
A. To encourage professional growth, the Board will award a supplemental payment to
each bargaining unit member who successfully completes university courses at the
graduate level, with a grade of a C or better or a pass in a pass-fail course.
B. The bargaining unit member must be enrolled in a graduate level program leading to
a Masters Degree in the area of certification/licensure or area of assignment or
subsequent to receiving the Masters Degree, graduate level course work which is
related to the teachers subject area, area in which they are teaching, area of other
licensures outside current licensure/teaching assignment including but not limited to
administrative, or area in which the teacher is teaching under a temporary license.
C. Prior written approval must be obtained from the Superintendent in order to be eligible
to receive reimbursement. Reimbursement will be limited to tuition for graduate level
hours and not fees, special tests, books, etc.
D. Limits placed on this reimbursement are one hundred dollars ($100.00) per semester
hour or seventy dollars ($70.00) per quarter hour for a graduate level program leading
to a Master’s Degree in the area of certification/licensure or area of assignment or
subsequent to receiving the Master’s Degree, graduate level course work which is
related to the teacher’s subject area, area in which they are teaching or area in which
the teacher is teaching under a temporary license.
E. Bargaining unit member may also receive reimbursement for seventy-five dollars
($75.00) per semester hour or fifty dollars ($50.00) per quarter hour for other
educational licenses outside current licensure/teaching assignment, including but not
limited to, administrative.
F. Bargaining unit members cannot receive reimbursement for more than six (6)
semester hours or its equivalent per semester during the school year and a total of
twelve (12) semester hours or its equivalent during the period between September 1
and August 31.
G. The reimbursement payment for such completed course work will be made during the
month of October in the school year following the school year in which the coursework
was completed, provided the bargaining unit member submits a transcript and a
receipt showing successful completion and payment for such courses by September
30. A bargaining unit member cannot receive reimbursement for more than what was
actually paid for tuition.
H. During any given school year, the Board will pay no more than thirty-five thousand
dollars ($35,000.00) for tuition reimbursement. If the aggregate amount of the
reimbursement requests exceeds this amount, reimbursements will be prorated
among the requesting bargaining unit members.
I. Employees will continue their employment in the Claymont City Schools for one (1)
additional year for each year they receive tuition reimbursement. If the bargaining
unit member voluntarily leaves the employment of the Claymont City Schools before
the one (1) additional year, he/she shall refund the tuition reimbursement received by
means of an automatic deduction from his/her final paycheck.
A. Bargaining unit members required to use their own vehicle for school business, other
than between home and work, shall be reimbursed at the current IRS rate allowed.
Each bargaining unit member to be reimbursed must present the Board Treasurer
with a mileage chart of daily trips and a monthly mileage statement.
B. Monthly mileage statements must be submitted to the Board Treasurer no later than
the tenth (10
) of the month following the month for which reimbursement is sought.
Failure to submit the monthly mileage statement in a timely manner shall result in the
forfeiture of the mileage reimbursement for that month.
A. Bargaining unit members may retire any month after the bargaining unit member has
the appropriate number of years of service as per the appropriate retirement system.
B. Application for retirement must be made thirty (30) days prior to the selected date of
retirement and notification made to the Superintendents Office so that payrolls may
be in order. Severance pay upon retirement with STRS/SERS shall be paid at the
rate of twenty-seven and one-half percent (27.5%) of total accumulated sick leave
days to a maximum of fifty-five (55) severance days. Payment shall be made only
once to any (1) bargaining unit member, shall extinguish all accumulated sick leave
of the bargaining unit member, and shall only be made after the bargaining unit
member has provided the Board Treasurer with bona fide proof of his/her actual
retirement under the STRS/SERS system (i.e., first STRS/SERS check, etc.). Should
the bargaining unit member request in writing, actual payment may be made during
the month of January following his/her actual retirement.
A. Advertising will be permitted in the Claymont Schools if it is beneficial to the students
and school. The advertisement shall be limited to the bulletin boards except in the
display of class rings and graduation announcements.
B. No bargaining unit member shall advertise within the school for his/her own financial
C. The building principal shall approve all advertising within his/her assigned building.
A. All ratios are to be multiplied by the BA 0 Base.
Equipment Manager
Mat Stat Advisor
Faculty Manager
Head Band Director
Assistant Band
Percussion Director
Color Guard
Vocal Music
Show Choir
Stage Manager
Scenic Deign
Instrumental Music
Middle School
High School
Fine Arts
Social Studies
Special Ed. (HS/MS)
Special Ed (PRIM/ELE/CIS)
Gifted Coordinator
JEDC (meeting pay)
Seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per hour for
mutually agreed meetings. Agreement for
meetings shall not be unreasonably
LPDC (meeting pay)
Resident Educator
Coordinator/Facilitator (up to 2)
Mentor Teacher (yr1)
Mentor Teacher (yr2)
District Work Group
Paid at tutor hourly rate for work completed
Yearbook (HS)
Yearbook (JH)
Webmaster (HS)
Digital Media Manager
Sr. Advisor
Jr. Advisor
So. Advisor
Fr. Advisor
Honor Soc. (Hs)
Honor Soc. (JH)
Student Council (HS)
Student Council (JH)
Scholar Challenge
Power of Pen
Math Counts
Science Club (HS)
Science/Video Club
Mock Trial
Pep Club
Mustang Helping Hands
Extended Service Days
School Counselor(s) (HS) up to ten (10) days per employee
School Counselor(s) (MS) up to five (5) days per employee
Agricultural Science Teacher up to thirty (30) days per employee
The board of education may approve additional day(s) if requested by the bargaining
unit member.
*All according to proposed Memorandum of Understanding for pandemic pay
C. All indices are based on the Bachelors 0 level of experience that is in effect for August
of that school calendar year.
Any new activity approved by the Board of Education will be assigned an index
commensurate to duties and time involved. This index will be established by a
meeting between the Superintendent and CEA President.
All activities will have prescribed duties that the advisor will be responsible to perform.
D. All hourly rate of pay will be set for tutoring and summer school. The rate will be
twenty-seven dollars ($27.00) per hour.
It is the responsibility of the tutor to determine the grade of the student being tutored.
All hourly rate of pay will be set for kindergarten orientation and district meeting(s)
outside the work day. The rate will be twenty dollars ($20.00) per hour.
E. A copy of the pay dates will be given to all bargaining unit members who hold
supplemental contracts at the beginning of the school year. In the case of a member
who is issued a supplemental contract after the beginning of the school year, a copy
of the pay dates will be given upon issuance of the contract for supplemental duty.
Final Supplemental Pay will not be made until all coach/advisor obligations are met.
The appropriate administrator will certify to the treasurer to process final payment of
supplemental wages when non-athletic supplementals have been fulfilled by the
bargaining unit member. Payment of the last athletic supplemental check will occur
once the coach has turned in all equipment/uniforms and appropriate student
obligation forms to the athletic director.
The Administration may cancel a supplemental contract due to the cancellation in
whole or in part, of the athletic season or extracurricular activity. A contract holder
whose contract is cancelled shall be compensated on a pro-rated basis as follows:
1. Advisors/Music Directors/Coaches for Year-Long Activities
i. Twenty-five percent (25%) upon the beginning of each academic
2. Head Coaches
i. Twenty-five percent (25%) upon signing of the contract
ii. Twenty-five percent (25%) upon the beginning of the practice season
(as defined by the Ohio High School Athletic Association [“OHSAA”])
iii. Twenty-five percent (25%) upon the beginning of the regular season
(as defined by OHSAA)
iv. Twenty-five percent (25%) upon the completion of the regular season
3. Assistant Coaches
i. Twenty-five percent (25%) upon the beginning of the practice season
(as defined by OHSAA)
ii. Twenty-five percent (25%) upon the beginning of the regular season
(as defined by OHSAA)
iii. Fifty percent (50%) upon the completion of the regular season
F. All supplemental contracts are for one (1) school year and shall automatically expire
at the conclusion of that school year.
G. It is recognized that the Athletic Director shall evaluate the performance of holders of
athletic supplemental contracts.
The Board and the Association agree that all items in this contract which supersede
applicable state law and which may permissibly do so under Ohio Revised Code Section
4117.10(A) shall not be affected by this article. Should any clause of this contract be held
to be in violation of the law by a court of competent jurisdiction, the parties will meet to
negotiate any change in the agreement relative to the effected provision within sixty (60)
days by demand of either party. All other sections of the contract shall remain in full force
and effect.
During the term of this contract, by the third (3
) Thursday of September, the credentialed
building principal or the employee’s appropriate direct evaluator will notify each bargaining
member if s/he will be on a full or less frequent evaluation cycle for the current school year.
A. Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation Systems
The OTES 2.0 Teacher Evaluation (“OTES”) will be implemented beginning the
2021-2022 school year. OTES applies to teachers who are licensed instructors who
spend at least fifty percent (50%) of his/her time providing content-related student
instruction and fall under the definition of “Teacher” under the Standards-Based
Teacher Evaluation Board Policy. The School Counselor Evaluation (OSCES)
applies to all school counselors. The Board will utilize the OTES and OSCES forms,
unless otherwise mutually agreed upon. The Related Service personnel evaluation
applies to all district employees providing services in speech/language pathology,
occupational therapy, or physical therapy. The School Nurse, the Media
Specialist/Literacy Coach, and the Family Advocate/Social Worker evaluations apply
to any district employee serving in those capacities. The Board will utilize the JEDC
approved evaluation forms, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon.
1. Definitions
i. Credentialed Evaluator: A person: 1) who is eligible to be an evaluator
in accordance with ORC §3319.111(D); and 2) who holds a credential
established by ODE for being an evaluator. Every evaluator must
complete state-sponsored evaluation training and is required to pass an
online credentialing assessment. Bargaining unit members shall not
serve as a credentialed evaluator.
ii. Evaluation Cycle: The evaluation cycle occurs during each school year
for each bargaining unit member on a full or less frequent evaluation
iii. Evaluation Framework: The standards-based state framework for
evaluation of bargaining unit member developed by the Ohio
Department of Education (“ODE”) in accordance with Ohio Revised
Code §3319.112, for evaluation of teachers under Ohio Revised Code
§3319.111, §3319.112 and 3319.113.
iv. Evaluation Procedure: The procedure used to conduct bargaining unit
member evaluations, which includes walkthroughs and observations to
assess bargaining unit member performance and metrics of student
outcomes for school counselors.
The full evaluation cycle for teachers shall consist of: a professional
growth plan or an improvement plan, a pre-observation conference, a
formal holistic observation (minimum of thirty [30] minutes), a
post-conference after each observation, classroom walkthrough(s), a
formal focused observation(s) (minimum of thirty [30] minutes), and a
final summative conference.
The less-frequent evaluation cycle for teachers shall consist of: a
professional growth plan, an optional pre-observation conference, an
observation (minimum of thirty [30] minutes), a post-conference after
the observation, up to two (2) classroom walkthrough(s) permitted, but
not required, and a final summative conference.
The formal evaluation cycle for Non-OTES bargaining unit members
shall consist of a professional growth plan or an improvement plan, a
pre-observation conference(s) [excluding nurse and family advocate],
two (2) formal observations (minimum of thirty [30] minutes), a
post-conference(s), walkthroughs, and a final summative conference.
v. Evaluation Rating: In the case of a bargaining unit member, the
evaluation rating is assigned at the conclusion of the evaluation cycle.
In the case of a school counselor, the evaluation rating assigned at the
conclusion of the evaluation cycle, when the standards 1 - 6 are
combined with the metrics of student outcomes. Evaluation ratings are:
Accomplished, Skilled, Developing, and Ineffective. In the event the
Ohio legislature modifies the standards/metric of student outcome for
school counselors; the Union and Board agree to negotiate on the
limited issue of whether the percentages should also be modified in this
vi. Focused observation: The second (2
) observation, lasting a minimum
of thirty (30) minutes that emphasizes the focus area(s) identified in the
post conference following the Formal Holistic Observation (first
observation). Evaluators will collect evidence related to the identified
focus area(s) and goals in the professional growth plan or improvement
plan, whichever is applicable, but must also document sufficient
evidence to support the Final Holistic Rating at the end of the evaluation
vii. High Quality Student Data (HQSD): Instrument used to assess student
learning (growth and/or achievement) to guide a teacher’s instructional
decisions and meet student learning needs. The teacher evaluation will
use at least two (2) measures of teacher-determined, district-approved
high-quality student data that is attributable to the teacher being
evaluated. HQSD must be used as evidence in any component of the
evaluation where applicable.
viii. Holistic Observation: The first (1
) formal observation, lasting a
minimum of thirty (30) minutes, in which the evaluator documents all
observed areas on the rubric as well as information collected from the
pre-conference and post conference.
ix. Improvement Plan: A written Improvement Plan will be developed in
the circumstances when a bargaining unit member receives an overall
ineffective rating or an ineffective rating on any of the components of
the Evaluation Rubric, excluding the metrics of student outcomes for
school counselors. The purpose of an Improvement Plan is to identify
specific performance deficiencies and foster growth through
professional development and targeted support. The Improvement
Plan will last a full evaluation cycle unless the bargaining unit member
has met the desired level of performance from the OTES 2.0 rubric to
end the plan.
x. Metric of Student Outcomes: This term refers to the seventh area of
the OSCES Evaluation Rubric that provides data demonstrating that
student’s skills, knowledge, or behaviors have positively changed as a
result of the school counselor’s actions.
xi. OSCES: This acronym refers to the Ohio School Counselor Evaluation
System which was adopted by the Ohio State Board of Education as a
result of the Ohio legislature passing a new state-wide school counselor
evaluation system under ORC 3319.113.
xii. OSCES Rubric: The OSCES Rubric approved by the Ohio Department
of Education.
xiii. OTES 2.0: This acronym refers to the Ohio Teacher Evaluation
System, which was adopted by the Ohio State Board of Education as a
result of the Ohio legislature passing a new state-wide teacher
evaluation system under sections 3319.111 and 3319.112 of the Ohio
Revised Code.
xiv. OTES 2.0 Rubric: The OTES Rubric approved by the Ohio State Board
of Education.
xv. Performance Deficiency: A performance deficiency includes either an
overall ineffective rating or an ineffective rating on any of the
xvi. Support Member Mentor: A bargaining unit member mentor who
supports a bargaining unit member who has been placed on an
improvement plan. Support member mentor shall be paid a
supplemental proportionate to the time assigned to the bargaining unit
member. Such payment shall be based on the mentor teacher
xvii. Teacher of Record: This is the teacher who is responsible for assigning
the student a grade so long as (a) the teacher has proper credentials to
teach the particular subject/grade level for which she/he has been
designated “teacher of record;” and (b) the teacher is responsible for a
minimum of fifty percent (50%) of a student’s scheduled instructional
time within a given subject or course.
xviii. Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL): The process of connecting the
teacher(s) to a student and/or defined group of students’ achievement
scores for the purpose of attributing student growth to the teacher of
xix. Value-Added: Refers to the EVAAS value-added methodology
provided by SAS, Inc., which provides a measure of student progress
at the District and school level based on each student’s scores based
on state issued standardized assessments.
2. Purpose of Claymont Evaluation
Claymont Schools utilizes the OTES 2.0 state-wide teacher evaluation system
and the OSCES state-wide school counselor evaluation system developed by
the Ohio Department of Education. The Joint Evaluation Development
Committee has developed similar evaluation systems for the related service
personnel, school nurse(s), the family advocate/social worker and media
specialist/literacy coach.
The Board, Union, administrators, and bargaining unit members of Claymont
Schools are committed to supporting students with academic achievement,
social and emotional development, and college/career readiness and
recognize the purpose of our evaluation is:
i. To support bargaining unit members in their effort to inform instruction
with data from formative and summative assessments.
ii. To serve as a tool to advance the professional learning and practice of
bargaining unit members individually and collectively in Claymont
iii. To assist bargaining unit members and administrators in identifying and
developing best practices in order to provide the greatest opportunity
for academic growth and achievement, social and emotional
development, and college/career readiness.
iv. To assist the administration in utilizing appropriate data to guide
identification and development of meaningful professional development
opportunities for teachers.
v. To promote and foster professional and collaborative dialogue between
teachers and Credentialed Evaluators.
3. Evaluators
i. Where a bargaining unit member is under consideration for
renewal/non-renewal or under an improvement plan, a District
administrator will serve as the Credentialed Evaluator.
ii. Each teacher/school counselor will be notified of his/her Credentialed
Evaluator, and the following shall apply:
(a) For those bargaining unit members with an overall Final Holistic
Rating of Accomplished, the evaluator shall be selected by the
bargaining unit member from the Approved Credentialed
Evaluator List.
(b) For those bargaining unit members with an overall Final Holistic
Rating of Skilled, the evaluator shall be the bargaining unit
member’s immediate supervisor provided that individual is on the
Approved Credentialed Evaluator List. Should the immediate
supervisor not be on the Approved Credentialed Evaluator List,
the evaluator will be chosen collaboratively between the
teacher/school counselor and his/her immediate supervisor.
(c) For those bargaining unit members with an overall Final Holistic
Rating of Developing or Ineffective, the Superintendent or his/her
designee will assign the evaluator from the Approved
Credentialed Evaluator List.
(d) In the situation where a bargaining unit member with an overall
Final Holistic Rating of Skilled, Developing or Ineffective is
assigned to more than one building, the Credentialed Evaluator
shall be one (1) and not both of the building administrators, with
priority to the building to which the bargaining unit member is
primarily assigned (i.e. home base).
(e) In the situation where the bargaining unit member wishes to have
a different credentialed evaluator assigned, the bargaining unit
member can make a formal request, in writing, to the
Superintendent or his/her designee, listing the reason for the
request. If the request is granted, the Superintendent or his/her
designee will assign an evaluator from the Credentialed
Evaluator List.
4. Evaluation Schedule
i. No bargaining unit member shall be evaluated more than once
ii. The evaluations cycle will be completed by the first (1
) day of May and
the bargaining unit member will be provided with a written copy of the
evaluation results by the tenth (10
) day of May.
iii. For those bargaining unit members who are on limited or extended
limited contracts pursuant to ORC §3319.11 and who are under
consideration for nonrenewal, one (1) evaluation consisting of at least
three (3) formal observations must be conducted annually by the first
) day of May. If after the second (2
) formal observation, the
bargaining unit member is no longer being considered for non-renewal,
the Superintendent may waive the third (3
) observation.
iv. A bargaining unit member who is assigned a final evaluation rating of
Accomplished on the bargaining unit member’s most recent full-cycle
evaluation conducted under this section shall be evaluated once every
three (3) school years, unless his/her contract is up for renewal. The
triennial evaluation shall be completed by May 1 of the applicable
school year, and the bargaining unit member shall receive a written
report of the evaluation by May 10 of that school year. A credentialed
evaluator shall conduct one (1) observation, lasting a minimum of thirty
(30) minutes, using the walkthrough form (a pre-conference if requested
by bargaining unit member) and one (1) post-conference with the
bargaining unit member for each year the evaluation cycle is deferred.
A bargaining unit member who is assigned a final evaluation rating of
Skilled on the bargaining unit member’s most recent full-cycle
evaluation conducted under this section shall be evaluated once (1)
every two (2) school years, unless his/her contract is up for renewal.
The biennial evaluation shall be completed by May 1 of the applicable
school year, and the bargaining unit member shall receive a written
report of the evaluation by May 10 of that school year. A credentialed
evaluator shall conduct one (1) observation, lasting a minimum of thirty
(30) minutes, using the walkthrough form (a pre-conference if requested
by the bargaining unit member) and one (1) post-conference with the
bargaining unit member for each year the evaluation cycle is deferred.
In any year in which a bargaining unit member will not be evaluated on
a full cycle, as a result of having previously received a rating of
accomplished or skilled, the observation process shall not require a pre-
observation conference or submission of the pre-observation form.
Likewise, the submission of the post observation form shall not be
required. The information/forms generated in this section will be
provided to the bargaining unit member however will not be placed in
the employee’s personnel file.
v. A bargaining unit member’s Principal/evaluator/supervisor may offer
instructional leadership and/or guidance during non-cycle years.
vi. In the event that serious performance issues arise during a less
frequent cycle year, a bargaining unit member may be placed on a full
evaluation cycle. If a Principal determines that a full evaluation cycle is
necessary, the Principal will meet with the bargaining unit member and
explain the reason for the evaluation. The bargaining unit member is
entitled to representation during this meeting. If the bargaining unit
member disputes the basis for the full evaluation cycle, an appeal may
be made to the Superintendent within two (2) days of the meeting with
the Principal. After presentation of the matter to the Superintendent,
the Superintendent’s decision regarding the full evaluation cycle will be
vii. Serious performance issues that may trigger a full evaluation cycle
include sustained classroom management issues that are not the result
of a single disruptive student, alcohol or drug use, overuse of video not
related to content standards, failure to teach State content standards,
and disciplinary issues. This issue list is not limiting and other matters
not listed may become serious enough to warrant a full evaluation cycle.
viii. Any bargaining unit member whose retirement is accepted and
approved by December 1 shall be exempt from the evaluation process.
ix. The Board shall not evaluate any bargaining unit member who has or
will be on leave for fifty percent (50%) or more of the school year unless
the bargaining unit member and the evaluator can mutually agree to
complete the evaluation before or after the leave. Any bargaining unit
member that uses this exemption will be placed on a full evaluation
cycle when he/she returns the next year.
x. Any bargaining unit member who is taking the Resident Educator
Summative Assessment (RESA) for the first time, will have one (1)
formal observation in conjunction with the RESA during the application
year of the assessment.
5. Bargaining unit member’s Evaluation
i. General principles
(a) All monitoring or observation of bargaining unit member work
performance shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge
of the bargaining unit member.
(b) Performance shall be assessed based on standards for the
profession and criteria set forth in the evaluation instrument.
(c) The Credentialed Evaluator shall rely on evidence provided by
the bargaining unit member, the Formal Observations,
Walkthroughs, and the discussion from Pre- and Post-
observation conferences to determine a bargaining unit
member’s final holistic rating.
(d) All conclusions from High Quality Data instruments must be
documented and supported by evidence.
(e) Upon request, the credentialed Evaluator shall provide the
bargaining unit member with copies of all written documentation,
including but not limited to notes, scripts, artifacts, and evidence
collected during observations and walkthroughs.
(f) No bargaining unit member shall be required to complete a Self-
Assessment Form (e.g., OTES/OSCES Self-Assessment Form).
This tool may be used by bargaining unit member as a resource.
(g) Video or audio devices shall not be used for any part of the
bargaining unit member’s evaluation cycle either by the
bargaining unit member or by the Credentialed Evaluator. The
District will not use video/audio evidence submitted to ODE by a
Resident Educator for their residency requirements as evidence
for their OTES evaluation.
(h) The Credentialed Evaluator assigned to the bargaining unit
member will complete all components of the bargaining unit
member’s evaluation except in the case of extenuating
ii. Evidence Used to Assess Bargaining Unit Member’s Performance.
(a) The bargaining unit member may submit relevant documentation
to the Credentialed Evaluator as evidence for the indicators on
the Evaluation Rubric.
(b) Full Cycle Evaluation
(01) A minimum of two (2) formal observations shall be
(02) Each formal observation shall last a minimum of
continuous thirty (30) minutes.
(03) The first (1
) formal observation shall be an announced
holistic observation completed by the end of first semester
unless extenuating circumstances exist.
The second (2
) formal observation shall be an
announced focused observation completed in the second
) semester unless the bargaining unit member
requests an earlier observation mutually agreed upon by
both the bargaining unit member and the evaluator.
(04) There shall be at least twenty-one (21) calendar days
between each formal observation (Calendar days exclude
Winter and Spring breaks for this section only).
(05) If after the second (2
) observation, there is a
Performance Deficiency in a bargaining unit member’s
performance and the District anticipates taking adverse
personnel action, a minimum of one (1) additional
observation shall be conducted.
(06) A bargaining unit member may request a formal
observation at any time, in addition to those required.
(07) A pre-observation conference between the Credentialed
Evaluator and the bargaining unit member (with the
exception of the school nurse[s]) shall be held at any time
within the five (5) work days preceding each formal
observation to review the content of the Pre-Observation
Form. The School Nurse(s) evaluation will not include a
pre-observation conference.
(08) A post-observation conference between the Credentialed
Evaluator and bargaining unit member shall be held within
the ten (10) work days following each formal observation,
unless extenuating circumstances exist, to provide
reflection and feedback on the observation and
collaboratively determine the areas of focus for the
focused observation, if applicable. Bargaining unit
members may use the Post-Observation Conference
Forms to guide the reflection process.
(09) At the post-observation conference following the formal
holistic observation, the Credentialed Evaluator and
bargaining unit member will review the evidence collected
and determine the focus area(s), which may be included
in the Professional Growth Plan and/or Improvement
(10) A summative conference will be held prior to May 1 for the
evaluator to highlight evidence for the Final Holistic Rating
with the bargaining unit member and provide succinct,
targeted feedback to promote the bargaining unit
member’s professional growth. The post-conference
after the second (2
) observation may serve as the
summative conference.
(c) Less Frequent Cycle Evaluation
(01) One (1) observation shall be conducted using the
walkthrough form.
(02) The observation shall be announced and will last a
minimum of continuous thirty (30) minutes.
(03) A bargaining unit member may request a formal
observation at any time, in addition to those required.
(04) An optional pre-observation conference between the
Credentialed Evaluator and the bargaining unit member
(with the exception of the school nurse(s) can be held at
any time within the five (5) work days preceding the
observation to review the content of the Pre-Observation
Form. The School Nurse(s) evaluation will not include a
pre-observation conference.
(05) A post-observation conference between the Credentialed
Evaluator and bargaining unit member shall be held within
the ten (10) work days following the observation, unless
extenuating circumstances exist, to provide reflection and
feedback on the observation. Bargaining Unit Members
may use the Post-Observation Conference Forms to
guide the reflection process.
(06) A summative conference will be held prior to May 1 for the
evaluator to highlight evidence for the Final Holistic Rating
with the bargaining unit member and provide succinct,
targeted feedback to promote the bargaining unit
member’s professional growth. The post-conference
after the observation may serve as the summative
(d) Walkthrough
(01) A walkthrough for a teacher/related service provider is a
formative written assessment by a Credentialed
Evaluator. A walkthrough for a school counselor is a
formative written assessment piece of non-confidential
activities by a Credentialed Evaluator.
(02) The walkthrough may be unannounced, but nothing
prohibits informing the teacher/school counselor of a
(03) A walkthrough shall be at least ten (10) consecutive
minutes and no more than twenty (20) minutes in
(04) There shall be a minimum of two (2), but no more than
four (4) walkthroughs per Teacher/School
counselor/related service provider Full Evaluation Cycle,
unless additional are requested by the teacher/school
counselor/related service provider.
(05) For bargaining unit members on a Less Frequent
Evaluation Cycle, walkthroughs are not required, but up
to two (2) walkthroughs are permitted.
(06) Within three (3) work days of completing the walkthrough,
the evaluator shall provide the teacher/school
counselor/related service provider a copy of the
Walkthrough Data Form, (found in Evaluation Resource
Guide for non-OTES bargaining unit members). If the
teacher/school counselor/related service provider
requests to meet with the evaluator to review this Form,
this meeting will be held before the next walkthrough
iii. Determination of Final Rating
Bargaining unit member performance is to be scored holistically. The
foundation of this system is the transparent, collaborative gathering and
sharing of evidence and honest conversation between the bargaining
unit member and the evaluator.
The Evaluation Rubric is to be used to promote professional growth that
leads to improved instructional performance. When completing the
evaluation rubric, evaluators are not expected to gather evidence on all
indicators for each observation cycle.
The evaluator will assess which level provides the best overall
description of the bargaining unit member’s practice by considering
evidence gathered during any pre-conferences, the formal
observations, the post-conference(s), classroom walkthroughs,
professional conversations, and evidence of practice and
professionalism. Teachers/school counselor/related services may, but
are not required to, bring additional evidence to share at the pre- or
When determining a bargaining unit member’s Final Holistic Rating, the
level of performance in each domain will be weighted equally. If the
evaluation is split evenly between two (2) ratings, the higher rating will
6. High-Quality Student Data
i. General Principles
(a) The teacher shall use a minimum of two (2) measures of high-
quality student data (HQSD) to guide instructional decisions and
demonstrate student learning.
(b) When applicable to the grade level or subject area taught by the
teacher, HQSD shall include the value-added progress
dimension and the teacher shall use at least one (1) other
measure of HQSD to demonstrate student learning.
(c) HQSD used for the evaluation will be selected by the teacher
and submitted through the OhioES System to the building
principal by the first (1
) Monday in October to be approved.
(d) The teacher must choose and use high-quality student data
instruments that are either: 1) on the District-approved list of
HQSD, or 2) have been reviewed by locally determined experts
(subject area colleagues) using the following criteria:
(01) Aligns to learning standards.
(02) Measurers what is intended to be measured.
(03) Attributable to the specific teacher.
(04) Demonstrates evidence of student learning (achievement
and/or growth).
(05) Follow protocols for administration and scoring.
(06) Provide trustworthy results.
(07) Not offend or be driven by bias.
(e) The teacher will critically reflect upon and analyze HQSD to
support instructional decisions for student learning and progress
towards achieving state standards.
7. Finalization of Evaluation
i. In OhioES, a final holistic rating will be completed by the evaluator, and
pinned by the evaluator and the bargaining unit member no later than
the tenth (10
) day of May. The bargaining unit member’s pinning of
the Final Holistic Rating should not be construed as evidence that the
bargaining unit member agrees with its contents. The evaluator shall
send a copy of the Final Holistic Rating to the Superintendent.
ii. Within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the Final Holistic Rating, a
bargaining unit member has the right to make a written response to the
evaluation and to have it attached to the Final Holistic Rating that is
placed in the bargaining unit member’s personnel file.
iii. Each bargaining unit member shall have the opportunity to review the
teacher performance rating in order to ensure accuracy in reporting. If
the bargaining unit member believes there is an inaccuracy, s/he shall
notify the Superintendent or his/her designee on a date designated by
the Superintendent each school year.
iv. Final Holistic Rating of Teacher/School Counselor Effectiveness
(Effectiveness Rating) The Superintendent shall annually file a report
to the Department of Education including only the following information:
the number of bargaining unit members for whom an evaluation was
conducted as well as the number of bargaining unit members assigned
each rating (Accomplished, Skilled, Developing or Ineffective)
aggregated by teacher preparation programs and the years in which the
bargaining unit members graduated. All other information and
documents obtained through the evaluation process shall be stored and
maintained by the district.
The district shall submit the final holistic rating of bargaining unit
member effectiveness to the Ohio Department of Education by May
v. If a violation or misapplication is part of only one (1) formal
observation/walkthrough/pre-observation conference/post-observation
conference, the bargaining unit member shall be rated as “skilled” for
that formal observation. If the violation is due to a procedural or
substantive violation of a walkthrough, that walkthrough shall not be
used in this part of the evaluation procedure. If more than one (1)
violation is found, the bargaining unit member shall be deemed “skilled”
in the bargaining unit member performance section of the evaluation
procedure for the school year unless in the previous evaluation the
bargaining unit member’s performance was rated as accomplished and,
in this case, the bargaining unit member will be rated as accomplished.
8. Professional Growth & Improvement Plans
Annually, each bargaining unit member must develop either a Professional
Growth Plan or Improvement Plan. This plan must be:
Based on the results of the most recent evaluations and
Aligned to the district and/or building improvement plan.
i. Professional Growth Plan
Each bargaining unit member on a less frequent evaluation year will
develop a self-directed Professional Growth Plan and submit the plan
to the evaluator no later than the first (1
) Monday in October.
Each bargaining unit member on a full evaluation cycle with an overall
final holistic rating of Accomplished, Skilled, or Developing or any new
bargaining unit member to the district will develop a Professional
Growth Plan on an annual basis and submit the plan to the evaluator
no later than ten (10) days following the post-conference of the Formal
Holistic Observation. Professional Growth plans will be self-directed for
bargaining unit members that are rated as Accomplished, collaborative
for bargaining unit members that are rated as Skilled and guided for
bargaining unit members that are rated as Developing or are new
bargaining unit members to the district.
The Professional Growth Plan shall include:
(a) Identification of one (1) domain area for future professional
(b) Analyze multiple data sources to develop two (2) clear
professional goals that identify the focus and direction for
improving practice, make an impact on student learning, and
align to the district and/or building improvement goals.
(c) Qualitative and quantitative evidence to demonstrate progress
towards meeting goals.
ii. Improvement Plan
(a) A bargaining unit member who has a Final Holistic Rating as
Ineffective or has an ineffective performance deficiency identified
from an observation will be placed on a written Improvement
Plan developed by the bargaining unit member’s evaluator.
In the event a bargaining unit member receives a Final Holistic
Rating as Ineffective, the bargaining unit member will be placed
on an Improvement Plan for the following school year.
Should a bargaining unit member receive an Ineffective
performance deficiency in any individual domain of the
evaluation system, the Improvement Plan may be created after
the first (1
) or second (2
) observation.
(b) The Credentialed Evaluator shall develop an Improvement Plan
to address any significant bargaining unit member performance
deficiency identified after an observation using the
OTES/OSCES or JEDC approved Improvement Plan Form. The
Credentialed Evaluator shall meet with the bargaining unit
member to review the Improvement Plan and receive input from
the bargaining unit member before the Improvement Plan is
finalized and implemented.
(c) A bargaining unit member with a Final Holistic Rating of
Ineffective must be placed on an Improvement Plan for a full
evaluation cycle so s/he has an opportunity to remedy the
performance deficiencies prior to the District taking adverse
employment action.
(d) An Improvement Plan shall:
(01) Identify, in writing, the specific area(s) for improvement,
aligned to the Ohio Standards for the Teaching
(02) Specify the developmental level of performance the
bargaining unit member is expected to improve and the
timeline to correct performance deficiencies.
(03) Determine additional or professional development the
teacher needs to improve in the identified area(s).
(04) Identify a support member mentor, if a bargaining unit
member on an Improvement plan requests a support
member mentor and the Credentialed Evaluator mutually
agrees, (if a teacher has a resident educator mentor, the
mentor may also serve as the support member mentor
teacher to the resident educator).
(05) Identify release time to allow the supported bargaining
unit member on an Improvement Plan to observe his/her
support member mentor’s best practices and/or release
time of the support member mentor to provide direct
mentoring activities, which shall be coordinated by the
building administrator planning time of teachers shall
not be used for direct mentoring activities, unless the
teachers choose to do so.
(e) An Improvement Plan based on Ineffective bargaining unit
member rating will be reassessed in at least twenty-eight (28)
calendar day intervals to determine whether to continue, modify
or end the plan.
If the evaluator has documented that the bargaining unit member
has met the desired level of performance on the OTES 2.0 rubric,
the bargaining unit member may transition to a Professional
Growth Plan.
9. Protections
i. A support member mentor shall not be requested or directed to make
any recommendation regarding the continued employment of a
bargaining unit member.
ii. All interaction, written or oral, between a support member mentor and
the supported bargaining unit member are confidential and may not be
disclosed without the consent of the supported bargaining unit member.
Any violation of this confidentiality requirement by the support member
mentor shall be cause for his/her removal in his/her role by direction of
the Union President after consultation with the Superintendent.
Removal from the role as support member mentor shall not be grievable
by the support member mentor.
iii. No support member mentor shall be requested or directed to divulge
information from written documentation or confidential discussions with
the supported bargaining unit member.
iv. At any time and without need of specifics, the support member mentor
or the supported bargaining unit member may exercise the option to
have a new support member mentor assigned to the supported
bargaining unit member. Exercising the option may occur one (1) time
by the support member mentor or the supported bargaining unit
member and shall occur without prejudice or judgment to either person.
A bargaining unit member may be excused from serving as a support
member mentor for any school year, or part thereof, upon approval from
either the Superintendent or his/her designee.
10. Working with Student Teachers
A teacher who accepts a student teacher(s) will still have his/her high-quality
student data reflect all students for whom s/he is the teacher of record. Any
teacher may volunteer to accept a student teacher during the school year. No
teacher shall be assigned a student teacher.
11. Electronic Teacher and Principal Evaluation System (OhioES)
i. The use of OhioES or any other teacher evaluation electronic reporting
and/or storage system shall be bargained. The only teacher evaluation
information provided to the ODE by the district shall be found in O.R.C.
ii. Rebuttal for OhioES data shall be kept in the teacher’s personnel file
and OhioES.
iii. Prior to final submission of the data to OhioES, the administration shall
provide the teacher the data at the summative conference.
12. Non-OTES/Non-OSCES Bargaining Unit Member Evaluation
i. All bargaining unit members not covered by the OTES Teacher
Evaluation shall be evaluated using the forms approved by the JEDC.
ii. The JEDC shall develop the evaluation process and instruments for the
non-OTES evaluation system and make a recommendation(s)
13. Joint Evaluation Development Committee
i. There shall be a Joint Evaluation Development Committee (“JEDC”),
which shall be comprised of a Union team appointed by the Union
President and Administrative team appointed by the Superintendent,
each having an equal number of no more than five (5) people per team.
The JEDC shall review its established ground rules annually. The
JEDC shall reach decision through consensus, shall receive training
on the state-adopted evaluation framework, including High-Quality
Student Data training, on-site or at a local ESC and may utilize
subcommittees or experts as needed to gather or provide information.
The JEDC shall keep minutes summarizing its meetings.
ii. The JEDC is responsible for:
(a) Reviewing the OTES/OSCES and non-OTES evaluation
procedures and instruments.
(b) Develop a list of District-approved High Quality Student Data
instruments that meet the state criteria and update, as necessary
(c) Provide information, guidance, and training to teachers on the
use of High-Quality Student Data in OTES 2.0
(d) Making recommendations as set forth throughout Article 26,
titled Certificated Appraisal Process
(e) Defining the term "month" for purposes of Teacher Student Data
Linkage (Value-Added Measures).
iii. Any recommendations made by the JEDC shall be sent to the Union
Executive Committee and the Superintendent. Any JEDC
recommendations, or mutually agreed upon modifications thereto, that
would modify any provision of Article 26, titled Certificated Appraisal
Process may be implemented provided the Union Executive Committee
and Superintendent agree. If the Union Executive Committee and
Superintendent do not agree on a JEDC recommendation, they shall
meet with an FMCS mediator to explore an agreed resolution, which
may then be implemented. Should the Union Executive Committee and
Superintendent continue to disagree with a JEDC recommendation
after mediation, the Board of Education shall consider the JEDC
recommendation in executive session, allowing both the Union
Executive Committee and the Superintendent to present their
respective positions. The Board of Education may adopt or reject the
JEDC recommendation, as may have been modified through
agreement by the Union Executive Committee and Superintendent.
The step of this review process involving the Board of Education shall
be in place during the term of this Agreement.
A bargaining unit member who lives outside the district may enroll his/her child (children) in
the Claymont City School District. Employees affected by this provision shall go through the
open-enrollment process.
A. Definitions
1. “Resident Educator Program” The two (2)-year program created by statute
designed to provide newly licensed Ohio educators quality mentoring and
guidance. Successful completion of the residency program is required to
advance to a five (5)-year professional educator license.
2. “Mentor” - A mentor is a teacher trained and selected to provide professional
support to a resident educator following the guidelines and protocols of the
Resident Educator Program.
3. Resident Educator - A resident educator is a teacher employed under a
resident educator license.
4. Resident Educator Program Coordinator(s)/Facilitator(s) - person(s) who
is/are a bargaining unit member(s) selected by a school/district to manage the
Resident Educator Program. The district will select up to two (2) Resident
Educator Program Coordinators as follows:
i. Program Year 1: Zero (0) to six (6) Resident Educators shall require
one (1) Coordinator/Facilitator. Greater than six (6) Resident Educators
shall require two (2) Coordinators/Facilitators.
ii. Program Year 2: Greater than four (4) Resident Educators shall
require two (2) Coordinators/Facilitators.
iii. In the event that two (2) Coordinators/Facilitators must be reduced to
one (1) in a new Program school year, the Coordinator/Facilitator with
the most program service/seniority shall keep this position.
B. Program Development and Screening Committee
This committee will be comprised of the curriculum director, building principal of the
Resident Educator, the CEA building representative or his/her designee and the
Resident Educator Program Coordinator(s)/Facilitator(s). The committee shall meet
to review the Resident Educator Program and shall also act as a screening committee
to select teachers who will act as mentor teachers.
C. Selection Process and Criteria for Mentor Teachers
1. The screening committee will develop an application form for self-nomination
to create a pool of potential mentors. This form will be distributed to each
mentor trained teacher in May of each year. The forms may be submitted at
other times of the year.
2. The applicant must have a nomination form on file.
3. The applicant must have a five (5) year professional license and five (5) years
of teaching experience.
4. The applicant must demonstrate satisfactory teaching performance and must
be willing to waive, for purposes of this selection procedure, a review of the
mentor candidate’s performance evaluations.
5. The applicant must hold a valid teaching certificate/license. Preference will be
given to those candidates currently teaching in the same building and in the
same subject area or grade level as the resident educator.
6. If necessary, interviews to determine the best suited mentors for the resident
educator will be conducted with mentor candidates by the screening
7. The applicant must demonstrate ability to work cooperatively and effectively
with professional staff members and demonstrate extensive knowledge of a
variety of classroom management and instructional techniques.
D. Responsibilities
1. The mentor teacher will attend state-required mentor training session prior to
being eligible to serve as a mentor.
2. Each resident educator shall be given an initial orientation.
3. Mentor teachers will mentor his/her assigned resident educator in Year 1 and
Year 2.
4. Resident Educator Program Coordinator(s) will mentor alternate resident
educator(s) in Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5.
5. The nature of the resident educator program requires follow-up sessions which
will be provided tentatively at the following times;
6. Each resident educator shall be provided with the following:
i. Assistance in acquiring knowledge of this school curriculum,
responsibilities for implementing that curriculum, and the instructional
resources available for such implementation.
ii. Assistance with management tasks identified as especially difficult for
resident educator.
iii. Assistance in the improvement of instructional skills and classroom
iv. The opportunity to consult-observe other teachers.
E. Mentors shall be provided with training in the following areas:
1. Ohio Teacher Evaluation System
2. Adult Learning Skills
3. Peer Coaching
4. Mentoring Skills
5. Intervention strategies; teacher observation process
6. Parent Communication
F. Restrictions
1. A program of professional support, mutually developed by the mentor teacher
and the resident educator, shall not be developed, or utilized as a remediation
program or improvement plan.
2. No mentor teacher shall participate in any informal or formal evaluation of a
resident educator, nor make, nor be requested or directed to make, any
recommendation regarding the continual employment of a resident educator
or in any way provide evidence against any bargaining unit member.
3. All interactions, written or oral, between the mentor teacher and the resident
educator shall be regarded with the same confidentiality as that represented
by the attorney-client relationship. Any violation of this tenet by the mentor
teacher shall constitute grounds for immediate removal from the role as mentor
G. Protections
1. Other than a notation to the affect that a teacher has served as a mentor
teacher, the teacher’s activities as a mentor teacher shall not be part of that
teacher’s evaluation or any other employment decision.
2. No resident educator will be required to remain in a program for a period longer
than two (2) years or five (5) years for the alternative Resident Educators.
3. Not later than twelve (12) weeks after the initiation of the resident educator
program, the resident educator may exercise the option to have a new mentor
4. If a mentor change occurs, the mentor’s stipend would be prorated for the
number of weeks served.
5. Not later than six (6) weeks after the initiation of the resident educator program,
the mentor teacher may exercise the option of requesting a change in the
assignment of a new resident educator.
6. All evaluations of the resident educator must be made by the appropriate
H. Compensation
1. The mentor teacher will be compensated monetarily in accordance with the
established salary schedule as a supplemental contract. In addition,
attendance at follow-up sessions will be compensated at the rate of twenty-five
dollars ($25.00) per session except for the final resident educator celebration
2. Any changes in the state standards to provide for compensation in excess of
the levels herein shall be cause for this section to be renegotiated.
I. Evaluation and Revision
1. The school district shall evaluate the resident educator program at least every
three (3) years. Program Development and Screening Committee, mentors,
and resident educators shall be involved in the evaluation.
2. Program revisions shall be documented through the attachment of an
addendum to the original program plan or through the creation of a new
program plan through the Program Development and Screening Committee.
All Board owned buildings shall be designated as smoke free.
A. A Committee will be formed that consists of representatives from the Claymont
Education Association and Administration.
B. Representatives from the Claymont Education Association shall consist of President,
Vice President, CEA Secretary, and one building representative.
C. Representatives from the Administration shall consist of the Superintendent and one
(1) other representative chosen by the Superintendent and a board member if
D. The Committee will meet as needed to discuss concerns and issues brought by either
E. The meeting location and time will be decided by the Committee.
F. The meeting will be run in an informal manner with confidentiality maintained.
Minutes will be recorded and distributed by the secretary to all committee members.
The Committee will be trained by FMCS and will be run according to the FMCS
ground rules.
G. On a monthly basis, a CEA building representative and the building principal shall
meet to try to resolve any building level issues before such issues are taken to the
Labor Management Committee.
A. A committee consisting of Administration and Association will be formed to develop
the guidelines for establishing a local professional development committee.
B. The Local Professional Development Committee shall consist of a maximum of seven
C. The Local Professional Development Committee shall always have a teacher majority
(4-3 minimum).
D. The Local Professional Development Committee shall refer to the Local Professional
Committee Plan and Bylaws for all procedural questions.
The purpose of job descriptions is to communicate the expectations of specific jobs.
A. The rehiring of a bargaining unit member who has retired is left to the discretion of
the Board and previous employment with the Claymont City School District Board of
Education does not assure a retiree of reemployment. The following will apply to the
rehiring of a bargaining unit member who has retired and is receiving monthly
STRS/SERS checks:
1. Shall receive a one (1) year contract
2. Not eligible for tenure
3. Not eligible for a second severance package from Claymont City Schools.
4. Eligible for sick leave at the same rate of a normal employee
5. Eligible for personal leave at the same rate of a normal employee
6. Will use STRS/SERS insurance plan unless prohibited to do so by the
7. Will be placed at and remain at the zero (0) step of the salary schedule at their
degree level for each year of employment.
B. These enumerated terms and conditions of employment for a rehired retired
bargaining unit member shall supersede any conflicting provisions of this collective
bargaining agreement and/or the following statutes: R.C. 3319.08; 3319.11; 124.391;
3319.141; 3317.13; 3317.14; 3319.081.
A. All district employees shall be provided with baseline training on public records and
related Board policies. This training will be provided by the State Auditor or other
district representative with topics and questions generated in consultation with the
B. The parties agree that this training will be held annually for new employees only.
Existing employees will then complete online training every other year on a Public
Works training module (or other substantially similar online computer-based training
platform). Additionally, annual in-services for the staff will include short reminders
related to public records and where to find information related to public records.
C. The administration agrees to explore the options and technologies associated with
public records management for retention and deletion/destruction of items according
to Ohio Law and the Board’s Record Retention Policy. Discussion related to
compliance with Board Policy and Ohio Law will take place in labor management
A. This agreement shall be in effect following ratification by the Association and approval
by the Board from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026 except as otherwise provided
in this agreement.
B. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this
agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and
proposals on any subject within the scope of bargaining. The understandings and
agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of the right and opportunity
are set forth herein, and the parties agree that this agreement constitutes the entire
contract between them and settled all demands and issues on all matters within the
scope of bargaining.
C. Except as altered, amended, or prohibited by the express terms and/or conditions of
this agreement, the Board has the sole and exclusive right to make all decisions
relevant to the conduct and management of the schools are prescribed by law. All
prior negotiated agreements not contained herein shall not be binding upon the
parties to this agreement.
covered class for
(Substitute Teachers Name) (Regular Teachers Name)
on Reason
Time or Period:
(Covering Teachers Signature & Date) (Principal Signature & Date)
covered class for
(Substitute Teachers Name) (Regular Teachers Name)
on Reason
Time or Period:
(Covering Teachers Signature & Date) (Principal Signature & Date)
covered class for
(Substitute Teachers Name) (Regular Teachers Name)
on Reason
Time or Period:
(Covering Teachers Signature & Date) (Principal Signature & Date)
The following provision of this Article 15 Section G are null and void as a matter of law based
on the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28, 2018 decision in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 and
will not be implemented, but are preserved in the Appendix of the negotiated agreement
should the law change in future years.
G. Payroll Deduction of Fair Share Fee
1. Employees Subject to Fair Share Fee:
This Fair Share Fee provision shall be applicable only to those dues-paying
members of the Claymont Education Association (CEA) as of January 1, 2006
and any member of the bargaining unit employed after July 1, 2006; these
employees will be referred to as “eligible employees” in this provision. Any
member of the bargaining unit prior to July 1, 2006 who was not a dues-paying
member of CEA as of January 1, 2006 is exempt from the operation of this
provision for the duration of his/her employment with the Board of Education.
2. Method of Payment of Fair Share Fee:
The Board shall deduct from the pay of eligible employees who elect not to
become or to remain members of the Association, a fair share fee for the
Association’s representation of such non-members during the term of this
contract. No non-member filing a timely demand shall be required to subsidize
partisan political or ideological causes not germane to the Association’s work
in the realm of collective bargaining.
3. Notification of the Amount of Fair Share Fee
Notice of the amount of the annual fair share fee, which shall not be more than
one hundred percent (100%) of the unified dues of the Association, shall be
transmitted by the Association to the Treasurer of the Board on or about
September 15 of each year during the term of this Contract for the purpose of
determining amounts to be payroll deducted, and the Board agrees to promptly
transmit all amounts deducted to the Association.
4. Schedule of Fair Share Fee Deductions
i. Payroll deduction of such fair share fees shall begin at the second
payroll period in January except that no fair share fee deductions shall
be made for eligible employees employed after December 31 until the
second (2
) paycheck which period shall be the required probationary
period of newly employed bargaining unit members.
ii. Upon Termination of Membership
During the Membership Year, the Treasurer of the Board shall, upon
notification from the Association that an eligible employee has
terminated membership, commence the deduction of the fair share fee
with respect to the eligible employee, and the amount of the fee yet to
be deducted shall be the annual fair share fee less the amount
previously paid through payroll deduction.
5. Transmittal of Deductions
The Board further agrees to accompany each such transmittal with a list of the
names of the eligible employees for whom all such fair share fee deductions
were made, the period covered, and the amounts deducted for each eligible
6. Procedure for Rebate
The Association represents to the Board that an internal rebate procedure has
been established in accordance with Section 4117.09(c) of the Revised Code,
and that a procedure for challenging the amount of the representation fee has
been established and will be given to each eligible employee who does not
join the Association, and that such procedure and notice shall be in compliance
with all applicable state and federal laws and the Constitutions of the United
States and the State of Ohio.
7. Entitlement to Rebate
Upon timely demand, eligible employees not paying dues to the CEA may
apply to the Association for an advance reduction/rebate of the fair share fee
pursuant to the internal procedure adopted by the Association.
8. Indemnification of the Board
The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Board harmless from any
payments, judgments, costs, or expenses incurred as a result of the
implementation and enforcement of this provision provided that (1) the Board
shall give fourteen (14) days written notice of any claim made or action filed
against the employer by an eligible employee for which indemnification may
be claimed; and (2) the Board acted in good faith compliance with the fair share
fee provision of this agreement; however, there shall be no indemnification of
the Board if the Board intentionally or willfully fails to apply (except due to court
order) or misapplies such fair share fee provision herein.
The Association reserves the right to designate and pay counsel to represent
and defend the Board; provided, however, that the Board reserves the right to
employ co-counsel at its own expense, counsel designated by the Association
may not have access to confidential information in the possession of the Board
or its employees, and counsel designated by the Association shall have an
attorney-client relationship only with the Board.
The Board agrees to (1) give full and complete cooperation and assistance to
the Association and designated counsel at all levels of the proceeding, (2)
permit the Association or its affiliates to intervene as a party if it so desires,
and/or (3) to not oppose the Association or its affiliates’ application to file briefs
amicus curiae in the action.