19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Balasubramanian Swaminathan
PMP®, ACP®, CSM®, CSP®, SPC4.0®, AHF
Director Global Programs, Digital Operations
[Enterprise Agile Coach and Leader]
GE Healthcare Digital
Copyright © 2018 by Balasubramanian Swaminathan. Permission granted to INCOSE to publish and use.
Non Functional Requirement
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR What are they?
Wikipedia definition:
A non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be
used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. They are
contrasted with functional requirements that define specific behavior or
The plan for implementing functional requirements are detailed in the system
The plan for implementing non-functional requirements are detailed in the
system architecture.
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR What are they?
NFR are often referred to as “-ilities.” Of course, not all NFR end in “-ility.” We also
have security, performance, robustness and so on.
Its all about quality – also known as:
Technical requirements
Quality attributes
Quality of service requirements
Specify “how well” the “whatmust behave
Impose constraints that typically cut across functional requirements
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR What are they?
A constraint is a condition to make the requirements in line with quality
A constraint sets a limit to comply with
It helps determine whether you have satisfied the non-functional requirements
A constraint is addressed side by side with its linked functional scope
A constraint should be satisfied in a finite period of time
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Different Levels of NFR
NFR’s can be at different levels:
Portfolio Level Themes
Value Stream Level* Epics
Program Level Features
Team Level User Stories
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR at Portfolio Level
Examples of Portfolio level NFRs:
Single Sign-on
Restrictions on Open Source Usage
Common Security Requirements
Regulatory Standards
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR at Program and Team Level
Common place to find NFR’s are at Program Level (System Quality)
Team Level NFR’s are important from implementation perspective
If majority of NFR’s are inherited at team level – It helps to foster built-in
quality methods and avoid postponing NFR testing or delegating it to System
If not done correctly at team level (at right time), teams will be producing code
that does NOT satisfy NFR and it would be very expensive to add NFR’s later in
the process
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR at Team Level
Team NFR’s are norms of behavior that are agreed within team and between
Teams handle NFR as part of their DoR (Definition of Ready) and DoD
(Definition of Done)
Examples of DoD
Use of TDD (Test Driven Development) and the way tests are maintained
Coding Standard
Documentation Standard
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Types of NFRs:
Two types of constraint:
Internal quality
Rule is a constraint that sets a limit to comply during software construction
Constraints to be obeyed during the implementation by the builders
External quality
Restriction is a constraint that sets a limit to comply at run time during
software execution
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Internal Quality: Constraint is a rule
First category:
maintainability (continuous integration; branching and merging),
simplicity (ease to understand or explain; code layout convention),
portability (ease to reuse for multiple platforms),
Extensibility (ease to takes into consideration future growth)
modifiability and
testability (ease to confirm conformance by observing a reproducible
behavior: red-green-refactor)
which are barely visible by stakeholders but simplify how to build the
Story is not done until each rule is confirmed
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
External Quality: Constraint is a restriction
Second category:
Performance (response time or throughput testing),
Reliability (testing over a period of time memory leaks?) ,
Robustness (simulate broken component),
Correctness (acceptance testing),
security (intrusion testing) ,
Scalability (load testing),
Usability (testing with real users)
which carry out the software functions at run time, and as such are not only
visible to stakeholders but also highly desirable
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Internal Quality vs External Quality
Restriction is confirmed by test
Restriction has recovery action
Restriction has a measurable quality objective
Restriction has to be SMART
Specific (It should target a piece of functionality that is small, consistent and
Measurable (It imposes a limit that is measurable, otherwise how would you
know when you have addressed it)
Attainable (It is recognized as achievable by the team)
Relevant (It is directly related, connected and pertinent to the NFR)
Traceable (It is linked with a requirement and a target that justifies why it
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Acceptance Criteria (AC)
BDD (Behavior Driven Development) AC:
Given a <pre-condition>
When an <Action occurs>
Then a <post-condition>
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
BDD Acceptance Criteria - Examples
BDD driven ACs example-1 (Successful account creation):
Given an unauthenticated user
When that user provides correct account sign-up data
Then an account is created
And an unique webpage is created
And an email confirmation is sent
BDD driven ACs example-2 (Username already taken):
Given an unauthenticated user
When that user provides a user name that is associated to an existing
Then an error message is presented to the user
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR Implementation Approaches
Two approaches exists:
All-at-once. Some NFRs appear as new, immediate, architectural features, and
theoretically negotiable or not, you just have to do them now.
For example, a new regulatory rule for derivative trading, if not immediately
accommodated, could take the company completely out of the market, or cause
a regulatory violation.
Incremental story-by-story path. Other times the teams have options. For
example the need for “substantially improved performance” can be dealt with
over time, one story at a time.
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
NFR Testing
Discussion at conference
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Collaboration of System Team and Agile Team NFR
Discussion at conference
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Examples of NFR as a User Story
As a customer, I want to be able to run your product on all versions of Windows from
Windows XP on.
As the CTO, I want the system to use our existing orders database rather than create
a new one, so that we don't have one more database to maintain.
As a user, I want the site to be available 99.999 percent of the time I try to access it,
so that I don't get frustrated and find another site to use.
As someone who speaks a Latin-based language, I might want to run your software
As a user, I want the driving directions to be the best 90 percent of the time, and
reasonable 99 percent of the time.
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
Reference Materials
Essential XP Ron Jeffries
Agile Requirements Breakdown Structure David Bulkin
Addressing Non-Functional Requirements with Agile Practices Mario Cardinal
Mountain Goat Software Mike Cohn
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe 4.0)
19-20 April, 2018 Twin Cities, Minnesota
How Systems Engineering Can Reduce Cost & Improve Quality
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