1. Syllabus for ENGINEERING DRAWING Subject-for the post of Instructor
(Not applicable for Draughtsman trade Group)
A. Mandatory for all Trades:
1. Engineering Drawing: Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Drawing
Conventions Viewing of engineering drawing sheets. Method of Folding of
printed Drawing sheet as per BIS SP: 46-2003.
2. Drawing Instrument:
Drawing board, T-square, Drafter (Drafting M/c), Set squares, Protector,
Drawing Instrument Box (Compass, Dividers, Scale, Diagonal Scales etc.),
pencils of different grades, Drawing pins/ Clips.
3. Free hand drawing of:
• Lines, polygons, ellipse etc. • Geometrical figures and blocks with dimension
• Transferring measurement from the given object to the free hand sketches.
Solid objects Cube, Cuboids, Cone, Prism, Pyramid, Frustum of Cone with
dimensions. Free hand drawing of hand tools and measuring tools, simple
fasteners (nuts, bolts, rivets etc.) trade related sketches.
4. Lines:
• Definition, types and applications in drawing as per BIS: 46-2003
Classification of lines (Hidden, centre, construction, extension, Dimension,
Drawing lines of given length (Straight, curved) Drawing of parallel lines,
perpendicular line • Methods of Division of line segment.
5. Drawing of Geometrical figures:
Definition, nomenclature and practice of-• Angle: Measurement and its types,
method of bisecting. • Triangle: different types • Rectangle, Square, Rhombus,
Parallelogram. • Circle and its elements Different polygon and their values of
included angles. Inscribed and circumscribed polygons.
6. Lettering & Numbering:
• Single Stroke, Double Stroke, Inclined.
7. Dimensioning and its Practice:
Definition, types and methods of dimensioning (functional, non-functional and
auxiliary) • Position of dimensioning (Unidirectional, Aligned) • Types of
arrowheads Leader line with text Symbols preceding the value of dimension
and dimensional tolerance.
8. Sizes and layout of drawing sheets;
Selection of sizes Title Block, its position and content Item Reference on
Drawing Sheet.
9. Method of presentation of Engineering Drawing:
• Pictorial View • Orthographic View • Isometric View.
10. Symbolic representation:
Different symbols used in the trades Fastener (Rivets, Bolts and Nuts) Bars
and profile sections Weld, Brazed and soldered joints Electrical and
electronics element • Piping joints and fitting.
11. Projections:
Concept of axes plane and quadrant Orthographic projections Method of
first angle and third angle projections (definition and difference) • Symbol of
1st angle and 3rd angle projection in 3rd angle.
12. Orthographic projection from isometric projection.
13. Reading of fabrication drawing.
B. Optional-specific to mentioned trades only:
I. (Group - I)- Mechanical trade group Fitter, Turner, Machinist, Machinist
Grinder, Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance, Operator Advance Machine Tool,
Mechanic Motor Vehicle, Mechanic Agriculture Machinery, Ref. & A/C Mechanic,
Central Air Conditioning Plant, Mechanic Mining Machinery, TDM (D&M), TDM
(J&F), Marine Fitter, Aeronautical Structure, Spinning Technician, Textile Wet
Processing Technician, Weaving Technician, Textile Mechatronics, Painter
General, Mechanic Maintenance. (Chemical Plant), Refractory Technician.
Construction of scales and diagonal scales
Conic sections (Ellipse and Parabola)
Sketches of nuts, bolt, screw thread, different types of locking devices
e.g. Double nut, Castle nut, Pin, etc.
Sketches of foundation
Rivets and rivetted joints, welded joints
Sketches of pipes and pipe joints
Assembly view of Vee blocks, Bush & Bearing, Different types of
Coupling viz., Muff coupling, Half Lap Coupling, Flange coupling, etc.
Simple work holding device e.g. vice Drawing details of two mating
blocks and assembled view
Sketch of shaft and pulley, belt, gear, gear drive
II. (Group - II)- Electrical, Electronics & IT trade Group (Electroplater, Lift &
Escalator Mechanic, Electrician, Tech. Medical Electronics, Technician
Mechatronics, Wireman, Electrician Power Distribution, Instrument Mechanic,
Technician Power Electronics System, Electronics Mechanic, Mechanic
Consumer Electronics Appliances, Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant),
Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant), Laboratory Attendant (Chemical Plant),
Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance, Information
Technology, Tech. Electronic System Design & Repair)
Sign and Symbols of Electrical, Electronics and related trades
Sketch of Electrical and Electronics/ trade related components
Electrical and Electronics wiring diagram/ trade related Layout
Electrical earthing diagram - Drawing the schematic diagram of plate
and pipe earthing.
Electrical, Electronics/ trade related circuit diagram
Block diagram of Instruments/ equipment of related trades
2. Syllabus for WORKSHOP CALCULATION & SCIENCE Subject-for the post of
(For all engineering trades)
1. Unit, Fractions:
Classification of Unit System, Fundamental and Derived Units F.P.S, C.G.S,
M.K.S and SI Units, Measurement Units and Conversion, Factors, HCF, LCM and
Problems, FractionsAddition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Decimal
Fractions-Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Solving Problems
by using calculator.
2. Square Root: Ratio and Proportions, Percentage:
Square and Square Root, Simple problems using calculator, Application of
Pythagoras Theorem and related problems, Ratio and Proportions, Direct and
Indirect proportion, Percentage, Changing percentage to decimal.
3. Material Science:
Types of metals, Physical and Mechanical Properties of metals, Types of ferrous
and non-ferrous metals, Introduction of iron and cast iron, Difference between
iron and steel, alloy steel and carbon steel, Properties and uses of rubber, timber
and insulating materials.
4. Mass, Weight, Volume, and Density:
Mass, volume, density, weight & specific gravity, Related problems for mass,
volume, density, weight & specific gravity.
5. Speed and Velocity, Work Power and Energy:
Rest, motion, speed, velocity, difference between speed and velocity, acceleration
and retardation, Related problems on speed and velocity, Potential energy,
Kinetic Energy and related problems with related problems, Work, power, energy,
HP, IHP, BHP and efficiency.
6. Heat &Temperature and Pressure:
Concept of heat and temperature, effects of heat, difference between heat and
temperature, Scales of temperature, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin and Conversion
between scales of temperature, Temperature measuring instruments, types of
thermometer, pyrometer and transmission of heat - Conduction, convection and
radiation, Co-efficient of linear expansion and related problems with
assignments, Problem of Heat loss and heat gain with assignments, Thermal
conductivity and insulators, Boiling point and melting point of different metals
and Non-metals , Concept of pressure and its units in different system.
7. Basic Electricity:
Introduction and uses of electricity, molecule, atom, how electricity is produced,
electric current AC, DC and their comparison, voltage, resistance and their units,
Conductor, Insulator, types of connections- Series and Parallel, Ohm’s Law,
relation between VIR & related problems, Electrical power, energy and their units,
calculation with assignments, Magnetic induction, self and mutual inductance
and EMF generation, Electrical Power, HP, Energy and units of electrical energy.
8. Mensuration:
Area and perimeter of square, rectangle and parallelogram, Area an Perimeter of
Triangle, Area and Perimeter of Circle, Semi-circle, circular ring, sector of circle,
hexagon and ellipse, Surface area and Volume of solids- cube, cuboids, cylinder,
sphere and hollow cylinder, Finding lateral surface area, total surface area and
capacity in litres of hexagonal, conical and cylindrical shaped vessels.
9. Levers and Simple Machines:
Simple machines, Effort and load, mechanical advantage, velocity ratio, efficiency
of machine, relation between efficiency, velocity ratio and mechanical advantage,
Lever and its types.
10. Trigonometry:
Measurement of Angle, Trigonometrical Ratios, Trigonometric Table,
Trigonometry-Application in calculating height and distance (Simple
11. Friction:
Advantages and disadvantages, Laws of friction, co- efficient of friction, angle of
friction, simple problems related to friction, Friction Lubrication, Co- efficient
of friction, application and effects of friction in workshop practice.
12. Centre of Gravity:
Centre of gravity and its practical application
13. Area of cut out regular surfaces and area of irregular surfaces:
Area of cut out regular surfaces circle, segment and sector of circle, Related
problems of area of cut out regular surfaces circle, segment and sector of
circle, Area of irregular surfaces and application related to shop problems.
14. Algebra:
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication &Divisions, Algebra Theory of indices,
Algebraic formula, related problems.
15. Elasticity:
Elastic, plastic materials, stress, strains and their units and young modulus,
Ultimate stress and working stress.
16. Heat Treatment:
Heat treatment and advantages, Different heat treatment process Hardening,
Tempering, Annealing, Normalising, Case Hardening.
17. Profit and Loss:
Simple problems on profit &loss, Simple and compound interest.
18. Estimation and Costing:
Simple estimation of the requirement of material etc., as applicable to the trade,
Problems on estimation and costing.
3. Syllabus for EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Subject -for the post of Instructor
Syllabus for Employability Skills
Expectation Setting
Creating a focused and responsible learning environment
Personal Strength
Self-awareness and confidence building
Display Professional is mat the in statute and workplace
Ethics, Values
Increased social initiations relationships and networks
Acceptance of peers from different cultures and social groups and work
with them.
Collaboration with team to prioritize the common goal and compromise
Individual priorities.
Social Etiquette
Characteristic of a responsible citizen-Display the same by respecting
self, others, environment, care for duty and value for time.
Role Modelling
Adopting best practices and aspire to follow success stories of
individual for personal development.
Functional English
Reading simple sentences about: Self, Work and Environment.
Written English
Simple writing skills
Interview Skills/Confidence Building
Professionalism and Display of same at the institute and workplace
a. Verbal
nicate effectively on telephone.
b. Non-Verbal
Manage Personal Hygiene and Presentation
Positive body language: adopt and use it appropriately to build a
positive impression.
Different spatial zones: Understanding and need to maintain it, create
safe zones for communication.
Maintaining appropriate eye-contact in building trust and confidence
Impact of touch in a formal environment.
Acceptable and unacceptable touch.
Role of tone in any communication.
c. Campus to
Time Management and Planning Skills
Interview skills-its phases & way Stoc rack interview.
Handling setbacks/rejection and recover from it with an action plan.
Developing strong professional contacts/network to gain support in
learning process and career as a whole
4.I.T. Literacy
Basics of Computers
Introduction to Computers and its applications. Hardware and
peripherals. Starting and shutting down of computer. Basic of
computer Networks.
Operating System
Basics of Operating System. Types of Operating Systems. User
interface of Windows 10 OS/ latest. Create, Copy, Move and delete
Files and Folders. Use of External memory like pen drive, CD, DVD
etc, Introduction to inbuilt windows apps, Tools and features.
Basic operating of Word Processing. Creating, opening and closing
Documents. Use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text, Formatting
the Text. Creating simple document like-resume, letter writing, job
application etc., Printing document.
Basics of Excel worksheet & its importance. Creating simple
worksheets, Adding and average functions. Printing of simple excel
Web browsers &
Search Engines
Introduction to world wide web (WWW), Useful websites, web browser
-usage, search engine etc. Using popular sites like Bharat Skills, Skill
Training related Government portals, Naukri. Command other job
portals, CITS applications, Apprentice ship portal (NAPS), resize
images, signing up, Online fund transfer using UPI gateway.
Creating & using an email account like Gmail or any other. Usage of
CC & BCC, attaching documents, checking email and composing
Mobile application
Scanning QR /AR code, sharing best practices and downloading trade
videos using Wi-Fi, Fund transfer through App like BHIM.
Efficiency at Work
Factors affecting productivity
Improving Productivity
Personal finance literacy Planning, Saving, Tax, Govt. schemes for
financial safety e.g. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
(PMJJBY), etc.
7.Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Safety and Health
Introduction to Occupational Safety & health at workplace,
Occupational Hygiene
Basic Hazards. Chemical, P h y s i c a l (Electrical, Temperature,
Illumination), Ergonomic, Biological, Vibroacoustic, Mechanical,
Psychosocial Hazards, Prevention of hazards
Accident and Safety
Different types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Accident
Prevention techniques.
Care of injured & Sick at the work place. First-Aid & Transportation of
sick person.
Basic provisions on
safety and Health
Basic provisions of safety & health
Introduction to Environment, ecosystem and factors causing
imbalance, Pollution and pollutants including liquid, gaseous, solid
and hazardous waste Protecting the environment-Energy
Conservation, ground water, global warming, Responsibility about the
environment, Segregation and disposal of waste
Different actions people that affect others and the environment.
Types, causes& effects, areas in India that are prone to be affected,
preparedness & mitigation, dos and don’ts- Before, During and After
any Disaster, how to reduce man-made disasters.
8.Essentialskillsfor success
Essential skills for
Building basic skills to navigate life and career.
Self-Awareness, articulating personal values, Value-based decision
making, Dilemma situations.
Identify sources and types of stress (positive/negative stress),
Managing stress (long-term/short-term), Handling rejection and
building resilience,
Identify day wasters.
Labour Welfare
Benefits guaranteed under various acts- Factories Act, Apprenticeship
Act, Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act,
Employees Provident Fund Act, The Work men's compensation Act,
POSH. Interpret applicable labour and industrial laws.
Quality Concept
Create awareness on introduction of quality Concepts.
Concept of Quality
Concept of Quality Management (QMS), PDCA, Fishbone,5S,5D,
Concept of ISO
Introduction of ISO
11.Preparationtotheworld of work
Career Plan
Identify the difference between job and career
Basic Professional
Job roles available in respective trades
Career Pathways
Awareness of industries, and the respective professional pathways
Search and apply
for a job
Awareness of higher education/upskilling(short-term) options
Steps involved in online application for Instructor course,
Apprenticeship and different jobs in popular site like theindiajobs.com,
naukri.com, monsterindia.com, Govt. website.
Forms of greeting
Use of positive body language
Handling grievances (Use of ask-listen-repeat technique)
building with
Relationship building with customers, importance of probing.
To identify the
of probing
Use of open-ended/close-ended questions to gauge requirement
4. Syllabus for ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTS MAN Trade-for the post of
1. Draw different types of architectural symbols following safety precautions-
Architectural signs and symbols and their uses in the drawings, sketching
techniques- Elements of drafting, readability, clarity, accuracy and neatness, Pencil
grades, Method of pencil uses, uses of different brushstrokes, Various types of lines
used for sketching.
2. Plane geometry- Solids: Definition of solids cube, square prism, hexagonal prism,
triangular prism, square prism, triangular pyramid, hexagonal, pyramid, pentagonal
pyramid, cylinder, sphere, cone., Basic system of measurement, dimensional control,
location, dimensioning of different objects like lines, circle, curves and angles, Scale
and proportion.
3. Introduction to orthographic projections: Types of projections - Projection planes,
First angle projection, Third angle projection, Isometric view of geometrical solids.
4. Brick masonry: Technical terms, Sizes of brick and brick tiles, Principle of brick
masonry construction, English and Flemish bond for one brick thick and one and
half brick thick wall, Different types of bonds and their uses in construction, Hollow
brick masonry, AAC Block, Fly-ash brick.
5. Stone masonry: Technical terms, Principles of stone masonry, Rubble masonry,
Ashlar masonry, Composite masonry.
6. Foundation: Purpose of foundation Causes of failure of foundation Types of
foundation spread foundation, grillage foundation, pile foundation, raft or mat
7. Carpentry Joints: Technical terms Lengthening joints and their uses Bearing joints
and their uses Framing joints and their uses Angle or corner joints and their uses
Widening or side joints and their uses Oblique- shouldered joints and their uses.
8. Doors: Standard Sizes of doors Types of doors -panelled door, flush door, batten and
ledged door.
9. Windows: Standard Sizes of windows Details of casement window, louvered window,
ventilator Fixtures and fasteners, Types of joints (used in doors and windows).
10. Lintels: Purpose of lintel Types and uses of lintels wooden lintel, stone lintel, brick
lintel, steel lintel, RCC lintel, Chajjas.
11. Arches: Technical terms, Materials used for construction of arches, Types of
arches and their uses flat arch, semi-circular arch, segmental arch, semi elliptical
arch, two cantered arch, three cantered arch.
12. Factors considered in architectural design: Understanding the basic elements of
design like point, line, plane, figure, form and space, light and colour, texture.
13. Damp proof Course (DPC): Definition, Sources of dampness Prevention methods of
dampnessintegral treatment, surface treatment, membrane damp proofing, cavity
wall construction, Materials used in DPC mastic asphalt, hot laid bitumen, metal
sheets, PCC etc.
14. Anti-termite treatment: Types of Anti termite treatment, Treatment to
basement in ordinary soil, Treatment to basement in damp soil.
15. Introduction to design: Design principles balance, proportion, perspective,
movement, rhythm, harmony, unity, symmetry and contrast
16. Preliminary drawing: Conceptual design ideas site analysis, site planning,
requirements, space designation, proportionately defined rooms, single line diagram,
floor plan analysis, functional planning, typical vertical section of an external wall of
two storied load bearing structure and RCC framed structure, pre-fabricated panels,
GI Powder coated steel panels.
17. Stairs: Technical terms General dimensions and arrangements Requirements of good
stairs Ashlar masonry Classification of stairs straight flight stairs, dog legged
stairs, newel stairs, open well stairs, geometrical stairs, circular stairs, bifurcated
stairs, spiral stairs, stairs of different materials wooden stairs, stone stairs, metal
stairs, reinforced concrete stairs.
18. Floors and flooring: Components of floor sub floor, floor covering,
construction of ground floor, selection of floorings, suspended floors, Floor coverings
Ground and basement floor.
19. History of Architecture (HOA):
i. Egyptian architecture Characteristic features of Egyptian architecture
Tombs mastaba pyramid the great pyramid at cheops at giza the great
sphinx of chephren.
ii. Greek architecture Greek column like Doric order, ionic order, corian than
order Characteristic features of the temple of Parthenon at Athens,
Olympia stadium at Athens.
iii. Roman architecture Characteristic features of the temples of Saturn at
rome, thepantheonat Athens, basilica of Trajan at rome.
iv. Indian architecture Stupas and its characteristic features and typical
examples Typical Buddhist column or order Northern Indian style
elements and characteristic features (lingaraja temple at Orissa, sun
temple at konark, temple of khajuraho), Central hindu style elements and
characteristic features (rock cut temples at badami and Humpi,
hoysaleswar temple at halebid) South hindu or Dravidian style elements
and characteristic features (shore temple at mahabalipuram, brihadesvar
temple at tanjavur, temple of Madurai)
20. Factors considered in architectural design: Approaches to planning Open
planning Closed planning, Circulationhorizontal circulation, through circulation,
vertical circulation, open court circulation.
21. Environmental factors considered in architectural design: Orientation of building
Effects of wind Window positioning Space designation Proportionately defined rooms.
22. Reading and interpretation of structural drawing: One-way slab, two-way slab.
Single reinforced beam, Double reinforced beam, Column foundation, Stair case
Waist slab.
23. Special doors: Louvered doors, collapsible doors, rolling steel shutter door, revolving
door, sliding door, metal doors.
24. Special windows: Bay windows, dormer windows, sliding windows, metal windows.
25. Roof covering materials wooden shingles, asbestos cement sheets, galvanized
corrugated iron sheets, asphaltic roofing sheets.
26. Climatic responsive design: Study of climates in India, Sun path diagram and
orientation of building with respect to the climate, Positioning of windows and open
spaces as per climatic need, Fundamentals of climate responsive planning, Passive
solar design.
27. Expansion joints and construction joints: Need for expansion joints in building
Construction joints Contraction joints, isolation joints, dummy joints, sliding
joints, position of construction joints, Expansion joints in walls and roofs, spacing
of expansion joints, materials used in expansion joints.
28. Green Architecture/sustainable architecture: green building and its importance,
Benefits of green building Fundamentals of green building, Material and resources,
Water efficiency, Energy conservation Sustainable site selection, green building
rating system LEED/ GRIHA.
1. Draw different types of architectural symbols following safety precautions.
2. Draw different types free hand sketches.
3. Draw different type of letterings.
4. Draw different types of plane geometry.
5. Draw orthographic projections.
6. Draw different sizes of Bricks and Brick Masonry.
7. Draw different types of Stone Masonry.
8. Draw different types of Foundation.
9. Draw different Carpentry Joints.
10. Draw different types of Wooden Doors and Windows.
11. Draw different types of Lintels.
12. Draw different types of Arches.
13. Draft in CAD.
14. Draw details of Damp proof Course (DPC) and Water Proofing Treatment at different
15. Draw plan, elevation and side view of Solids in inclined positions and Section of
16. Illustrate design procedure of Residential Building.
17. Draw plan, elevation and section through toilet of the residential building and the
site plan with landscape.
18. Draw typical vertical section of an external wall of two storied load bearing structure
and RCC framed structure.
19. Draw Plan, elevation and Construction Details of different types of stairs.
20. Draw different types of flooring details.
21. Produce final project work applying advance CAD commands and File management.
22. Surface Development of geometrical solids.
23. Illustrate Design-Concept and visualization of design. Topic: Residential (single/
double storied), Post office, Farmhouse.
24. Draw sanction drawing with local authority bye laws.
25. Preliminary drawing of the Design project in AUTOCAD.
26. Read and interpret structural drawing.
27. Draw 3 D model by sketch up software along with rendering, walkthrough, animated
28. Draw details of different types of doors.
29. Draw details of different types of windows.
30. Draw details of roofs and roof covering.
31. Prepare final design drawings in AUTOCAD.
32. Draw working drawing set to the site to execution.
33. Draw the Anthropometrics & ergonomics of commercial building.
34. Draw Standard sizes of outdoor movements like swimming pool, basketball court,
badminton court, play area etc.
35. Prepare design and the site plan with landscape of Residential Apartment/primary
school in AUTOCAD.
36. Draw joints in structures (viz. Details of construction joints at various positions,
Details of expansion joints in walls, roof.
37. Prepare 3D model and BOQ using BIM software (REVIT ARCHITECTURE).
38. Perform rendering in Photoshop (Convert the drawings in pdf and then render it in
Photoshop with necessary details).
39. Prepare Working drawing viz. Kitchen layout, Electrical layout, Plumbing Layout,
DWV detail.
the post of Instructor.
1. Familiarization with the Institute and Safety: Safety in moving and shifting heavy
and delicate equipment, First aid concept, about artificial respiration, Electrical
2. Basic Electrical concepts: concept of current and voltage. AC, DC Supply
indicating lamps. Different types of Fuses and their applications. Different types
of connectors, switches used in electrical and electronic applications.
Measuring circuit voltage and current using voltmeters and ammeters. AC and
DC meters. Measuring instruments, MC, MI type, Ammeter, Voltmeter,
Multimeter for measuring voltage and current. Construction, characteristics/
features and specification. Digital Multimeter Meaning of Circuit and basic
electrical circuits. Meaning of resistance, continuity and continuity testers.
Multimeter for checking continuity. • Concept of Power and measurement using
V&I meter and Power meter.
3. Introduction to Resistors • Classification, characteristics and application of
different types of resistors. Carbon film, metal film, wire wound, cermets and
surface mounted. • Colour coding of resistors. Calculating, measuring resistance
value and its tolerance value. Wattage of resistors, specific resistance and their
importance. Resistors in series and parallel. Soft soldering and precautions to
be taken form a making a good solder joint. Types of solder and need of soldering
paste. Ohms law and Kirchooff's Laws, Printed circuit boards and its
application. De-soldering tools. Temperature dependent resistors and their
applications. (PTC and NTC). Voltage dependent resistors (VDR). • Photoelectric
effect, Light Dependent resistors. Variable resistors, pots, presets, types and
application. Log and Linear resistors.
4. Introduction to Inductor and Inductance Definition of inductance. Properties.
Types of inductors and their application. Inductive reactance, measuring
inductance and inductive reactance. Meaning of lead, lag. Effect of inductor on
power factor. Frequency dependence of inductive reactance. Self and Mutual
inductance. Coefficient of coupling. Transformers. Turns ratio. Transformer
winding. Winding machines. • Transformer losses and efficiency. • Uses, losses,
efficiency type of cores and uses for LF, HF, VHF transformer. Transformers
used in high, frequency applications • Basics of EMI, EMC, and MCB.
5. Introduction Capacitor, Capacitance and Resonance circuits • Working principle
of capacitors. Electrostatic action, di-electric constant. Unit of capacitance and
capacitive reactance. Types of Capacitors-electrolytic, ceramic, polyester,
tantalum, mica, surface mounted. Colour coding, and tolerance. Measuring
capacitance and capacitive reactance. Behavior of capacitance at different
frequencies. Capacitors in series and parallel. Meaning of Resonance.
Application of resonance. Series and parallel resonance circuits.
6. Electronic Components: Diodes. Semiconductor, intrinsic and extrinsic
semiconductors, P and N type semiconductor. Development of P.N. junction
barrier potential. Effect of temperature. Breakdown voltage. Different types of
Diodes. Diode terminals. Diode specifications using data book. Forward and
reverse characteristics of diode. Testing diodes using Multimeter. Half wave and
Full wave rectifiers using diodes. Transformer requirements. Calculating output
DC, ripple factor. • Bridge rectifier. Calculating output DC, ripple factor. • Filters
for rectifiers. Calculating output DC, ripple factor, Zener diode-Its characteristics
and application for voltage regulation. Calculating the series resistor for required
current rating. • Specifications of a regulated power supply and testing a power
supply for its specifications.
7. Introduction to Transistor and Amplifiers Working principle of PNP, Bipolar
transistors. Types of transistors and applications. Leads of transistors and their
identification. Forward and reverse bias of transistor or Junction. General
values of junction resistances. Quick testing a transistor-using Multimeter.
Transistor configuration -CB, CE, CC, alpha, beta. Types of Biasing of transistor
amplifiers, comparison and applications. Thermal runaway. Steady and Dynamic
characteristics. Testing- get frequency response, gain bandwidth product, signal
to noise ratio.
8. Introduction to Power Supply Unregulated, regulated DC power supply
specifications. Application of different types of power supply for specific
application types. Series regulator using transistor. Short circuit protection.
Overload protection. Fixed Voltage regulators using IC's. Variable voltage
regulators using IC’s, Mains voltage stabilizers. Inverters and converters. • Un-
interrupted power supply, types and applications.
9. Other Electrical & Electronics Accessories. • Relays, types and its working
principles. • Basic LOGIC GATES and truth table.
10. Introduction to Computers Introduction to computers, classification,
generations, applications. Basic blocks of a digital computer. Hand Tools Basics
and Specifications. Types of cabinets, relation with mother board form factor.
Precautions to be taken while opening and closing PC cabinet. Main devices,
components, Cards, boards inside a PC (to card or device level only). Types and
specifications of the cables and connectors used for interconnecting the devices,
boards, cards, components inside a PC. Precautions to be taken while removing
and/or reconnecting cables inside a PC.
11. Introduction to PC Hardware • Types of I/O devices and ports on a standard PC
for connecting I/O devices. Function of keyboard, brief principle, types,
interfaces, connectors, cable. Function of Mouse, brief principle, types,
interfaces, connectors, cable. Function of monitor, brief principle, resolution,
size, types, interfaces, connectors, cable. Function of Speakers and Mic, brief
principle, types, interfaces, connectors, cable. Function of serial port, parallel
port, brief principle of communication through these ports, types of devices that
can be connected, interface standards, connectors, cable. Function of Post Error
Debug Card and its use. Function of SMPS Tester and its use. Function of PCI
slot testing tool and its use. • Precaution to be taken while connecting /removing
connectors from PC ports. Method of ensuring firm connection.
12. Assemble Hardware • Specifications of processors (Intel Celeron, P4family, Xeon
dual core, quad core, core2 duo, i3, i5, i7 and AMD). Memory devices, types,
principle of storing. Data organization 4bit, 8-bit, word. Semiconductor
memories, RAM, ROM, PROM, EMPROM, EEPROM, Static and dynamic. •
Example of memory chips, pin diagram, pin function. • Concept of track, sector,
cylinder. FD Drive components read write head, head actuator, spindle motor,
sensors, PCB. Precaution and care to be taken while dismantling Drives. Drive
bay, sizes, types of drives that can be fitted. Precautions to be taken while
removing drive bay from PC. HDD, advantages, Principle of working of Hard
disk drive, cylinder and cluster, types, capacity, popular brands, standards,
interface, jumper setting. Drive components- hard disk platens, and recording
media, air filter, read write head, head actuator, spindle motor, circuit board,
sensor, features like head parking, head positioning, reliability, performances,
shock mounting capacity. HDD interface IDE, SCSI-I/2/3 comparative study.
Latest trends in interface technology in PC and server HDD interface. Concept of
SATA and SACH. Precautions to be taken while fitting drives into bays and bay
inside PC cabinet. CMOS setting. (restrict to drive settings only). Meaning and
need for Using Scan disk and defrag. Basic blocks of SMPS, description of
sample circuit. • Vendor/sources of PC hardware components.
13. Introduction to Hard disk Partition and formatting and OS installation • What's
Inside a Hard Drive? How Hard Disks Work • Inside: Hard Drive Motherboard •
Desktop Hard Drive Buyer's Guide What is RAID? Using Multiple Hard Drives
for Performance and Reliability • Partitioning a hard disk (primary and extended
partitions). Bad Sectors in Hard disk, Master Boot Record, in-place installation,
Registry fixing, performance level check, Shortcut fixing, Fixing Startup process,
log, difference between MBR and GPT etc. Types of software. System software-
OS, Compiler. Application software-like MS office. High-level, low-level language,
Computer application scientific industrial and business.
14. OS features, System utilities • Functions of an operating system. Disk operating
system. Concept of GUI, Modes of starting on different occasions. Desktop,
Icon, selecting, choosing, drag and drop. • My computer (User folder in Desktop),
network places. Recycle bin, task bar, start menu, tool bar, and menus.
Windows Explorer. Properties of files and folders. Executing application
15. Device Driver, OS Update and Firewall Security Properties of connected devices.
Applications under windows accessories. Windows Help. Finding files, folders,
computers. Control panel. Installed devices and properties Updating of OS,
Different configurations of Computer system and its peripherals, Compatible with
different hardware/software. Pre-installation Prerequisites, install procedure,
Rollback or Uninstall procedure, Tests of various device driver software.
16. User Account in Windows Users and user account. Types of user accounts, user
access levels, Privileges, types of privileges, various scope, permissions,
permission parameters, user and group permission, time-based permission,
expiration of permission etc.
17. Antivirus and Application Software Version of a software, Service pack, Software
Installation. Post-installation Backup procedure & specifications, Restore
procedure, Periodical View check. Awareness of legal aspects of using
computers and software such as copyright, patent licencing etc. • Reliable
sources of downloading software, antivirus etc.
18. Junk File Junk files, deleted files, un deleting files, configuration of internet
19. Data backup and data recovery software • Maintenance of Temp folder, internet
history, cookies, bookmark, Concepts of SAN, NAS and cloud storage.
20. Introduction To Mail Client Software (Outlook) Add and use contacts, Calendar
basics, Recall and replace sent messages, Send automatic replies when you’re
out of the office, The ins and outs of BCC, Use Instant Search to find Calendar
items, Use Instant Search to find contacts, Use Instant Search to find messages
and text, Add holidays to your calendar, Create or delete a search folder, Import
and export v Cards to Outlook contacts, Make the switch to Outlook 2013,Reach
out with contact groups(distribution lists), Send or delete an email stuck in your
outbox, Take calendars to the next level, Track email with read receipts, Password
protect your mailbox, Use rules to manage your email.
21. Laptop and its internal structure Introduction of laptop and comparison of
various Laptops. Block diagram of laptop & description of all its sections.
Study of parts of a laptop. Input system: Touchpad, Trackball, Track point,
docking station, Upgrade memory, hard disk, replacing battery, Configuring
wireless internet in a laptop, Latest Tools & Gadgets for Desktop/Laptop
22. Word processing Software Introduction to word processing and comparison of
features. Creating and saving document files, using Word Processing Software. •
Formatting test and editing. Setting page and margins. Tabs and indents.
Creating multicolumn documents. • Inserting pictures in documents.
23. Spreadsheet Software Introduction to spread sheet. Creating Worksheets
using Spreadsheet Software. Formatting cells. Using formula in cells. Graphs
and tables. • Advanced features.
24. Power Point Presentation Introduction to Power Point and its advantages.
Creating Slide Shows. Fine tuning the presentation and good presentation
25. Linux operating system • Basic Linux commands. • Linux file system, The Shell,
Users and fill permissions, vi editor, X window system, Filter Commands,
Processes. • Shell Scripting. • Concept of UNIX.
26. Printer and Plotters • Types of printers, Dot Matrix printers, laser printer, Ink jet
printer, line printer. Block diagram and function of each unit head assembly,
carriage, and paper feed mechanism. Front panel controls and interfaces. Pin
details of interface port. Installation of a printer driver and self-test. Ribbon
types used, refilling of ribbons. Printer cable testing defects, effect and servicing.
Printer head, types, cleaning and replacing procedures. • Printer power supply,
circuit analysis, defects, servicing, Carriage motor assembly, paper feed
assembly, sensors Procedure for dismantling and replacing mechanical parts.
Printer control board, circuit, function, probable defects, servicing. Working
principle of LASER printer. Refilling toner cartridges, equipment available for
refilling and procedure. Printer drum, function, cleaning and replacing
procedure. Mechanical parts and sensors on printer, function, replacement
procedure. • Working principle of Inkjet / DeskJet printers. Working principle
of Plotter and its common faults.
27. Scanner and MFD Working principles of Scanner, Barcode Scanner, Network
Scanner. Working principles and configuration of Multifunction Printer,
Passbook printer, High Speed Printer, Line Printer, Network Printer.
28. Network Components Introduction to Computer Networks Advantages of
Networking, Peer-to-Peer and Client/Server Network. Network Topologies Star,
Ring, Bus, Tree, Mesh, Hybrid. • Type of Networks Local Area Networks (LAN),
Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), Personal Area Network (PAN), Controller Area
Network (CAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN). Internet, Ethernet, WI-Fi,
Bluetooth, Mobile Networking, Wire and wireless Networking. Difference
between Intranet and Internet. Extranet, 3G, 4G.
29. Crimping & Punching Communication Media and Connectors Unshielded
twisted-pair (UTP), shielded twisted-pair (STP), Fibre Optic and coaxial cable: RJ-
45, RJ-11, BNC. Understanding colour codes of CAT5 cable. 568A and 568B
30. Network Cabling Introduction to Data Communication Analog and Digital
Signals, Simplex, Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex transmission mode.
31. Network Model The functions of different layers in OSI and TCP/IP model.
Concept of wireless networking, wireless survey.
32. Configuration of Data communication equipments • Network Components -
Modems, Firewall, Hubs, Bridges, Routers, Gateways, Repeaters, Transceivers,
Switches, Access point, etc. Types, functions, advantages and applications of
Network Component. Layer 2 manage switch configuration and use it on
network. Latest emerging concepts using open-source simulators. Layer 3
switch configuration. • VLAN Basic and configurations. Understand the use of
Network simulation software and the process of use it.
33. IP Addressing & TCP/IP Protocols, TCP/IP, FTP, Telnet etc. Classes of IP
Addressing. • Setting IP Address (IP4/IP6) & Subnet Mask.
34. Other Network Protocols Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Telnet File
Transfer Protocol (FTP), • Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP). LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol).
Introduction to Network Security. • Concept of Dynamic Host Control Protocol.
35. Sharing Resource & Internet connection: Concept of committed bandwidth.
Concept of Internet. Architecture of Internet. DNS Server. Internet Access
Techniques. ISPs and examples (Broadband, Dialup, Wifi). Concept of Social
Networking Sites, Video Calling & Conferencing. Concept of Virus and its
Protection using Anti-Virus, UTM and Firewall. SSID Concept of wireless
controllers. • Concept of SD WAN. • Concept of resource sharing through
network. Working principle of Proxy Server. Objective of using it. Features of
Proxy Server. • Concept of VPN.
36. Network Protection and troubleshooting • Collaborating using wired and wireless
networks, Protecting a Network, Network performance study and enhancement.
• Techniques & strategies to prevent various attacks on networking.
37. Control & monitoring of network devices Remote desktop software like
NetMeeting, Team Viewer etc. Audit process of a switch/router/APs etc.
Surveillance using network devices, collaboration on network for team
optimization and support activities. • Remote management of devices. • Network
monitoring and maintaining techniques.
38. Introduction to Windows Server Server concepts, installation step, configuration
of server. • Concept of Active Directory and DNS. • Setting up of DHCP, Routing
and remote access.
39. Linux Server Basic configurations. Editing /etc/hosts file. Concept of DHCH,
DNS, WEB SERVER(Apache), SUMBA Linux package and package installer.
Concept of virtual server and containers, cloud computing.
40. Network Security Modern Network Security. Threats and the basics of securing
a network. Secure Administrative Access. LAN security considerations. Aadhar
based authentication. • Wi-Fi security considerations.
41. Internet and Web Browser World Wide Web and website Web Browsing and
popular web browsing software. Introduction to Search Engines, Popular Search
engines. Concept of Favourites Folder. Concept of Electronic Mail. Email
Addressing, BCC and CC, Inbox, Outbox, Address book, SPAM.
42. IT Act & Law Introduction to Cyber Security. • Introduction to Cyber Laws & IT
Act. • Importance of privacy and techniques to manage.
1. Identify specification of different types of fuses, switches, Identify of meter types
and measuring range, Construct a simple circuit using AC/DC supply, lamp, fuse
and switch, Measure circuit voltage and current using voltmeters and ammeters
and also check voltage between earth and neutral, Measure voltage and current
using Multi-meter (analog-digital), Use Multi-meter to check fuses, lamps and
switches, Measure DC and AC power using V-I method and using power meter,
Identify different types of resistors from physical appearance, Identify resistor
value and tolerance using colour code, Measure resistance using Multi-meter,
Practice of soldering and de soldering techniques, practice using hook-up wires,
Soldering resistors on Tag board. Practice using surface mount board/ device,
Verify of Ohms Law and Kirchhoff's Laws, Practice of soldering resistors on PCB
and De-soldering, Experiment using P.T.C and NTC resistors, Experiment to
check VDR's, Experiment to check LDR's, Test Pots, Pre-sets.
2. Identification of different types of inductors and its specifications, Measure
inductance using LCR meter. Calculate Inductive reactance at different input
signal frequencies, Demonstrate self and mutual induction, Check step down
Transformers, Rewind a transformer to given specification using winging
machine, Finding losses and efficiency of given transformers, Identifying and
testing high frequency transformers used in electronic circuits, Identify of
different types of capacitors from colour code and typographic code, Test working
condition of capacitor, Discharge first then test a charged capacitor, Measure
capacitance using RLC meter, Measure capacitive reactance at different
frequencies, Measure capacitance and capacitive reactance of capacitors in series
and capacitors in parallel, Identify terminals of different types of diodes, Record
its specifications referring to diode datasheet, Plot forward and reverse
characteristics of diode Testing working condition of diodes, Construct and test
a half wave and full wave diode rectifiers, Construct and test a Bridge rectifier
with and without filter.
3. Draw Zener diode characteristics, Simple voltage regulator using zener diode,
Transistor and Amplifiers, identify types transistors based on their physical
appearance. Identify the leads of the given assorted types of transistors, Practice
Quick test given transistors using multi-meter, identify opens, shorted junctions,
Test and measure various electronics components, Power supply, Assemble and
test a fixed voltage regulator using 3pin IC, Assemble and test a variable voltage
regulator using IC.
4. Assemble a simple inverter and converter for use with emergency lamp, Identify
the parts and controls of a UPS, Practices switch-on and switch-off procedures,
Other Electrical & Electronics Accessories, Identify and Test Sensors, Try to use
it on electronic circuit, Identify and Test Relays, Try to use it on electronic circuit,
Identification of digital circuits, Verify the truth table of two input OR, NOR, AND,
NAND, NOT gates and test truth table of multiple input logic gates, Construct
small circuit using digital electronic components.
5. Desk Top: PC Repair Safety, Identify Important Safety Basics, specification and
application of basic hand tools, how to handle components to ensure their
longevity, Know the danger of static electricity, Use of antistatic pads, anti-static
wrist wraps. Steps to protect a PC from lightning strikes and power outages,
Hardware Identification, Identify the front and rear panel ports and connectors
on a PC cabinet, Open the cabinet and identify various motherboards
components, connectors, slots, ports (USB, VGA, DVI, and HDMI), cables and
Connectors, Collect data from circuit board, Check Power Supplies and Power
Supply Connections, Identify Motherboard Components and connections, CPU
(Processor), RAM (Memory), Hard Drive Connections Mechanical vs. Solid State
Drives ROM Drives Graphic Cards, Sound Cards, Use Post Error Debug Card and
understand error Code for fault troubleshooting, Use of SMPS Tester for fault
troubleshooting, Use of PCI slot testing tool for fault troubleshooting, Identify
connectors with data and power cables, connector used to connect external
devices, Verify components with the configuration of CMOS BIOS set up, Install
& configure add-on cards.
6. Hardware: Remove-Test Replace/Install, Check various front panel connections
on motherboard (power switch, reset switch and HDD Led), Check power and
reset switch connection, Replace faulty power switch from cabinet and assemble
a new one, Check DDR3 and DDR4 RAM’s FSB, Insert it on memory slot, Test
and understand various beep sounds in case of trouble, Find the CMOS/ROM
BIOS chip on mother board, Install a Hard Drive, Identify and check data and
power cable and SATA and SACH ports in motherboards, Install internal and
external DVD ROM Drive, Troubleshoot defects related to SMPS, its cable,
connector and servicing procedure, Removing a Power Supply. Installing a Power
Supply. Use SMPS tester, Install a Graphic and sound cards. Remove them safely,
Install and removing cooling Fans on pc cabinet, Removing the Motherboard
carefully and install it again, Removing the Processor, Installing the Processor,
Understand and identify various different processor sockets, installing different
type of CPU Cooler, Find the CMOS Battery. Test it with multi-meter. Replace it.
7. Boot the PC through a BOOTABLE DVD of OS, Partition the disk, Format the
drive, Install Windows 7 and Windows 10 from DVD Disk, make bootable USB
DRIVE (use any open source software) and install both OS again, Make Win-7
AND Win-10 dual boot properly, Practice on recovery partition, Make windows
Linux dual boot, Understand Boot loader, The Windows boot manager vs. an
alternative boot manager, Rectify errors in dual boot, Practice keyboard shortcuts
of mouse activities, Understand the difference between UEFI firmware and
tradition BIOS, Check various motherboard if it is UEFI supported or not, Install
and boot Win-10 in UEFI mode, Use third party hard disk partitioning
applications, Imaging: create a Windows system image, How to Backup/Restore
your Windows partition with the bootable image, Practise Windows 7 and 10
registry tweaks.
8. Open Personalize Setting and find Desktop icon setting, Screen Resolution and
various other setting, Open windows explorer and find different drives, files and
folders, their size and other properties, Do it through command prompt also,
Open control panel and get familiar with different options and their appropriate
use (taskbar and start menu, Programs and features, Display, System, Sound,
Devices and Printers etc), Open command prompt in windows 7 and 10, Open
disk drives, folders and files, Execute important commands like DIR, ATTRIB,
DEL, RD, DISKPART, COPY, MOVE etc, Use Power shell commands.
9. Open Device Manager, find various devices and install appropriate driver software
(audio, video, chipset, LAN, WLAN, printer and monitor), Use & practice WMIC
console, Collecting and installing specific/compatible Device driver from internet,
Update the driver software from internet, Uninstall and Rollback the driver,
Understand process and services and open task manager and practice its use
(Process, services, performance), Start and stop and change the priority of a
process, Use event viewer, System Monitor and Performance Logs.
10. Boot in SAFE MODE, Disable and enable device driver from there, Understand
the significance of Safe Mode, Fix the master boot record, Configure config.sys
file, View System Information to check various configuration of the PC(check if
the system is 32 bit or 64 bit), Use Disk clean up and Disk Defragmenter (Check
if your hard drive has bad sectors using 3rd party open source software), Go to
drive property, click on tool and check the drive for errors, Do this from command
prompt through commands, Go to Windows Update in control panel, Check
installed update, Change updates Setting, Open firewall option from control
panel, Enable and disable firewall, Allow and block application and port, Navigate
to WINDOWS SYSTEM32 folder and view and understand the importance of
various system files and folders found there, Find the hosts file and understand
LOCALHOST, open it on notepad and take backup, Use the hosts file to block
any URL, View the content and find the difference between Program Files and
Program Files (x86), Create a restore point, Practice System restore and try to
restore system to a previous restore pint, Try it through command line.
11. User Account Customization, Create and configure user accounts in Windows
7/8/10, Create Administrator and Limited user account, Make Changes to an
Account. Reset Limited user account password through administrative account,
Change the storage location of the personal folders, Change the storage location
of Installed software, Set Parental Controls in Windows 7, 8, 10, Use Fast User
Switching in Windows, View Hidden Files and Folders Lock Down Windows
7/8/10 With User Account Control, Delete User Accounts in Windows.
12. Install any popular antivirus software, Online and offline updating of antivirus,
View its various options. On and off Firewall option inside antivirus software, run
a full system scan and booting in Safe Mode, set up Parental Controls using
antivirus software, fix your browser from redirecting to other websites (browser
hijack), Try to manually remove a virus through commands, trying to get rid of a
nasty virus. Special utilities that work wonders, Install various application
software programs in windows. Install Firefox and chrome browser, Run the
programs from command prompt, Extract or uncompressed a compressed file,
how to compressor make files into one file (use program like WinZip/Winrar),
Uninstall application software, Unable to remove a program from Windows
Add/Remove programs then use registry to delete the program.
13. Junk File Removal, use various free and paid Disk clean up utility to remove junk
files from hard disk, try to find out the folder in root directory where junk files
are stored and delete them manually, find browser setting and clear history and
temporary file, Data backup and data recovery software, Use various types of
media to backing up your data, and when each method is appropriate, Create
automated backups to ensure you always have a recent backup.
14. Learn how to manually backup data, how to make an exact copy (clone) of a hard
drive, Use Data Recovery software. Recover emails, files, and data from a crashed
hard drive or computer, Outlook Configure & Backup, configure outlook and
connect with Gmail, use thunderbird IMAP/POP3 along with security features,
Configuration of Browsers, Backup and Restore Outlook, how to restore the
Outlook default installation, toolbars and settings, Restore Deleted Items from an
Outlook PST-file.
15. Identify and use of tools and gadgets required for repair & servicing laptop, Safety
precaution and handling components of laptops, identify of laptop sections,
components and connector, Assemble and disassembling a Laptop, check of
various parts of a laptop, Check of batteries and adaptors. Configuration of
energy saving mode, replace different parts of laptops, Upgrade RAM, HDD and
other parts, Test fault finding and troubleshooting techniques, POST codes and
their meaning, fixing of problems based on codes. Check and configure CMOS
BIOS set up, Enabling support for SATA technology. Installation of OS using
SATA technology drivers, Configuration of camera, mic, WLAN and Bluetooth,
touchpad, finger print scanner, Latest Tools & Gadgets for Desktop/Laptop
Repairs, connecting external peripherals and their configuration, Use of KVM
16. Using Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) package, Create and saving document
files using Word Processing Software, Format text and editing. Set up page and
margins. Tabs and indents, Create multicolumn documents. Insert pictures in
documents, create tables, Practice Mail merge, modify page setup and print
documents, Create Worksheets using Spreadsheet Software, Format cells and
use formula in cells, create relation between sheets, Create Graphs and tables.
Practice filtering and data sorting in excel, Print spread sheets, create power point
presentation and familiarise with basic application components, Create Slide
shows, insert picture, theme, format text, animation and object, modify slide page
setup and print the slides.
17. Linux operating system, Install Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Red hat) OS from
bootable USB drive and partition the hard disk manually, use disk part
command, preparing functional system LINUX, adding new users, software,
material components, making back-up copies of the index and files, Dealing with
the files permissions and indexes, Practice important Linux commands.
18. Printer and Plotters, Testing front panel controls. Interface pins, cables,
measurement of voltages and wave forms, Installing a printer and carrying self-
test, Replacing ribbon in a DMP, Testing and rectifying defective cable, Removing,
cleaning and replacing a new printer head, Testing and servicing Printer power
supply, Changing rollers and other mechanical parts, Tracing the control board
and identifying defective components, Servicing of control board, Replacement of
toner cartridge of laser printers, Refilling toner cartridge of laser printers, Drum
cleaning and replacement laser printers, Testing and servicing Printer power
supply of laser printers, Changing mechanical parts of laser printers, Tracing the
control board circuit and identifying defective components, Servicing of control
board of laser printers, Replacement of ink cartridge of Desk Jet/ inkjet printers,
Refilling ink cartridge of Desk Jet/ inkjet printers, Drum cleaning and
replacement in Desk Jet/ inkjet printers, Testing and servicing Printer power
supply of Desk Jet / inkjet printers, Changing mechanical parts of Desk Jet
/inkjet printers, Tracing the control board and identifying defective components.
Servicing of control board of Desk Jet/ inkjet printers, Use of diagnostics software
for serving printers, Replacement of mechanical parts and sensors of printer,
installing plotter and rectify its common faults.
19. Scanner and MFD, Install a Scanner, configure it and use Automatic Document
Feeder (ADF), OCR, Find and locate various Scanner related problems and
troubleshoot them, Install Barcode and configure it, Troubleshoot barcode related
faults, Install Network Scanner and configure it, Find Network Scanner related
problems and troubleshoot, install Multifunction Printer and configure it, Find
Multifunction Printer related problems and troubleshoot, Connecting and using
high speed line printers, Replacing spares offline printers, Install Passbook
Printer calibrate, configure, Find Passbook Printer related problems and
troubleshoot, Install Network Printer and configure it, Find Network Printer
related problems and troubleshoot.
20. Components of the Computer Network, identify various Network tools like: (a)
Wire crimper, (b) Wire Map Testers, (c) Multifunction Cable Tester, (d) LAN Tester,
(e) Tone Generator etc., Identify various Network device like: (a) Switch (Normal
and Managed), (b) Router (Normal and wireless), (c) Rack, Patch Panel, i/o box,
(d) Access Point etc., Understand the Layout of network on your lab and campus.
21. Crimping, Punching and Network configuration, Practice crimping with straight
and cross CAT 6 cables, punching practice in IO Box and patch panel, create
cabling using Fibre Optic cable and connectors, create cabling in a lab with
HUB/Switch and IO Boxes and patch panel, Fit Switch Rack, Install &Configure
a Peer to-Peer Network using Windows and Linux Software, connect computers
using Bluetooth, WI-FI, hotspot.
22. Connect computers with Network with Drop cable and using Wi Fi configuration,
Configure Basic Programmable switch (layer two) and practice to set up Spanning
Tree Protocol (STP) from Command Line Interface (CLI), Configure Layer 3 Switch,
Verify IP Routing Process, configure it from CLI in layer three switches, create
simple VLAN and understand the concepts, Use Packet tracer Simulator
Software, Use Packet tracer Simulator Software.
23. Practice IP Addressing technique (IPv4/IPv6) and Sub netting and Super netting
the network, Install and Configure TCP/IP Protocol, Practice FTP, Telnet and NS
lookup, Use popular TCP/IP (windows and Linux) Utilities like PING, IPCONFIG,
24. Practice to set up and use SMTP, TELNET, FTP, HTTP, SNMP, LDAP, SSH, NTP,
IPP, HTTPS etc., Configure a wireless router in the lab and practice port
forwarding with security features, Practice on configuring DHCP.
25. Configure internet connection to the pc through wire, Check its process, Find the
fault and troubleshoot the problems, Configure internet connection to the PC
using wireless technology and troubleshoot various connection related problems,
Share the internet connection (wire and wireless) in the local network and access
it from other machine in LAN, Configure Access Point, Configure both cloud
based and frame based access point, Practice LAN controller of access point,
Configure internet connection using L2 and L3 switch, Setup and Configure
security features in wired and wireless LAN with internet connection, Sharing
Resource and Advance Sharing Setting, Demonstrate MPLS network, Install
Proxy Server and configure it, Use free VPN software, Set up basic protection
using public keys and MAC address filters, Integrate wired/ wireless network,
Understand and use Power over Ethernet (PoE), Troubleshoot wired and wireless
network, Preventing various attacks on networking.
26. Setup of basic collaboration tool for activities like chat, application sharing,
remote desktop access and control, VoIP, Setup IP camera for basic surveillance
scenario, logging and monitoring of devices / locations, Use Linux Network Tools
to check / maintain / Manage Network.
27. Install and configure Windows Server, configure services like Active Directory,
DNS and DHCP, Configure IIS Web server (latest version), Configure of broadband
modem and sharing internet connection.
28. Install and configure Linux Server, configure following on Linux Server: (a)
/etc/hosts file, (b) DHCP, (c) DNS, (d) WEB SERVER, (e) NFS and SAMBA, find
package installed on your system (DPKG, YUM, DNF) using system control
command for configuration and monitoring daemon and services, Use of grep
command for search.
29. Practice on firewall technologies to secure the network perimeter, Practice LAN
security considerations and implement endpoint and Layer 2 security features,
Configure Wi-Fi to implement security considerations.
30. Practice web browsing using popular web browsing software, configuring web
browser, Search for content using popular search engines, Use favourite folder
for browsing quickly, Download & Printing Web pages, Using e-mail: Opening and
configuring email client, mailbox: inbox and outbox, Creating and sending email,
replying to an e-mail message, Forwarding and e- mail message, Sorting and
searching emails. Sending document/ softcopy by email, activating spell
checking, using address book, Handling SPAM, Removal of Cookies.
6. Syllabus forCIVIL ENGINEERING ASSISTANTTrade-for the post of
1. Importance of safety and general precautions observed in the in the industry/shop
floor. All necessary guidance to be provided to the new comers to become familiar
with the working of Industrial Training Institute system including stores
2. Soft Skills: its importance and Job area after completion of training.
3. Introduction of First aid. Introduction of PPEs. Introduction to 5S concept& its
application. Response to emergencies e.g.; power failure, fire alarm, etc.
4. Awareness about list of the Instruments, equipment and materials to be used during
5. Importance of B.I.S., Introduction of Code for practice of Architectural and Building
Drawings (IS: 962-1989, SP-46:2003), Layout of drawing. Lines, Lettering,
6. Knowledge of different types of scale. Principle of R.F., Different types of projection
views: Orthographic, Isometric, Oblique and Perspective.
7. Building materials: Timber: Types, Structure, disease & defects, characteristic,
seasoning, preservation and utility, Alternative material to Timber-Plywood,
Blockboard, Particleboard, Fireproof reinforced plastic (FRP), Medium density
fireboard (MDF) etc. Tar, bitumen, asphalt: Properties, application and uses.
8. Computer aided drafting: Operating system, Hardware & software. Introduction of
CAD, Its Graphical User Interface, Method of Installation, Basic commands of CAD,
Knowledge of Tool icons and set of Toolbars, Knowledge of shortcut keyboard
9. Materials: Stones: characteristics, types & uses, Bricks: Manufacturing,
characteristics of good bricks, types, uses and hollow bricks, Lime: characteristics,
types, manufacturing & its uses, Pozzolanic: characteristics, types & uses, Cement:
Manufacturing, characteristics, types, uses and test of good cement, building
materials: Sand: characteristics, types & uses, Clay Products:
uses,preparation,proportion,admixtures and applications.
10. Building Construction: Foundation: Purpose of foundation, causes of failure of
foundation, bearing capacity of soils, Dead and live loads, Examination of ground,
Types of foundation (Spread Footing, Grillage foundation, Pile foundation, Raft
foundation, well foundation, Special foundation, drawing of footing foundation
setting out of building on ground excavation, Simple machine foundation, Sequence
of construction of a building, Name of different parts of building, Brick masonry,
Terms, use and classification, Strength of walls, Strength of masonry, principles of
construction of bonds, Tools and equipment used.
11. Plastering: Types, thickness in different position, materials, tools used, defects and
remedies, surface preparation for rendering & wall cladding, Special materials used
in plastering. Types of plaster finishes.
12. Protective materials: Paints: characteristic, types, uses. Varnishes: characteristics
and uses.
13. Treatments of building structures: DPC Sources and effects of dampness, Method
of prevention of dampness in building, Damp proofing materials properties,
function and types.
14. Floors Types of flooring, Flooring- materials used types, prepare method of laying,
grinding & polishing of floor and prepare a survey report on materials used in
flooring, site visit to check the practical techniques of flooring.
15. Linear & Angular measurement by instrument i.e. Chain, tape, compass etc.,
Introduction, types of surveying, use, application principal, Main divisions (plane &
geodetic), Uses of Chain/ tape, testing of a chain & correction. Ranging (direct &
indirect), Principle of chain survey, application. Terms used in chain survey, types
of offsets, limit of offset, field book, types of field book, entry of field book, method
of chaining in slopping ground, Field procedure of chain survey errors in chain
survey, plotting procedure. Calculation of area (regular & irregular figure),
Knowledge of site plan. Knowledge of Mouza Map.
16. Surveying: Compass survey: Basic terms used in compass survey, Instrument &its
setting up, Conversion of bearing web to R.B., Calculation of included angle from
bearing local attraction, magnetic declination and true bearing, closing error,
Adjustment of closing error, precaution in using prismatic compass, Plane table
survey: Plane table survey, principle, merits & demerits, Instrument used in plane
table survey setting up the plane table. (Centering, levelling, orientation), Methods
of plane table survey (radiation, intersection, resection, traversing), Error in plane
table survey.
17. Levelling: Auto level , dumpy Level, Tilting Level-introduction, definition, Principle
of levelling, Levelling staffs, its graduation & types, Minimum equipment required
Types, component/part and function, Temporary and permanent adjustment,
procedure in setting up, Level & horizontal surface, Datum Benchmark, Focussing&
parallax, Deduction of levels/ Reduced Level, Types of levelling, Application to chain
and Levelling Instrument to Building construction, Contouring : Definition,
Characteristics, Methods, Direct and Indirect, Methods Interpolation of Contour,
Contour gradient, Uses of Contour plan and Map, knowledge on road project.
18. Introduction and Types of Theodolites, parts of Theodolite, Terms used in Theodolite
survey, Temporary adjustment of Theodolite, Angle measurement process. Reading
of angles, field book entry of measured angles, Permanent adjustment of Theodolite.
19. Total Station: Introduction, components parts, accessories used, characteristics,
features, advantages and disadvantages, principle of EMD, Working and need,
Setting and measurement, Electronic, display & Data reading, Rectangular and
polar co- ordinate system, Terminology of open and closed traverse.
20. Common Indian Timbers-Defects in timber, diseases of timber, knots, shakes,
grains etc., carpentry hand tools, measuring tools and uses, work holding devices,
power tools, viz. saws, drills, etc., Description of Carpentry Joinery, Planning,
Moulding, Rebating, Chamfering, Sawing, etc.
21. Type of different planes and their proper uses in wood work - Description, function
and its size, setting, knowledge of sharpening and uses etc., knowledge of using
marking gauges, Important instruments necessary for checking flatness and
twistiness of surface, Sharpening and grinding angle of cutter, Portable power
planer - useful in modern wood work and new technology design.
22. Description of different types joint: Uses of joint, framing joint angle joint and
lengthening joint, housing joint, broadening joint etc., Wood products- Industrial
forms of timber, Veneer, Laminated sheet, Fibre board, Hard board, Plywood,
Calculation of timber required for Wall Bracket.
23. Electrical Wiring: Safety precaution and elementary first aid, Artificial respiration
and treatment of electrical shock, Elementary electricity and its units, General ideas
of supply system, Wireman’s tools kit. Wiring materials, Electrical fittings, System
of wirings. Wiring installation for domestic lightings, Conductor, insulator,
semiconductor, cable joints, measurement of cable, Types of Fuses, MCB soldering,
ELCB, RCCB, ABCB, MCCB, AC and DC, AC fundamentals, poly phase, types of
electrical wiring, Different Electrical wiring accessories, ISI rules of wiring,
Illumination , Earthing, types of earthing ,Earthing Pit, Different electrical
appliance, accessories, Voltmeter, Estimation and costing of wiring, Explanation
and working of different type of transformers and its classification.
24. Plumbing tools, materials used in plumbing, Different types of pipes, fittings and
Joints -GI, PVC, AC, SW, CI, lead, steel- Properties and use in plumbing work,
Method of cutting and joining of pipes, Drills - types and uses, Tap and Dies - types
and uses, calculation of Tap drill size, Sanitary Technical terms- sewer, sewage,
sullage etc., Soil pipe and waste pipe fitting, Different types of water closets Different
types of urinal port Kitchen sinks, Bath tub, Wash basin
25. Water meter-Installation of water meter, Removal of air lock Purification of water,
Mineral matter, Hardness, Causes of Scale formation & their Removal, Water
Purification: Treatment plants for different groundwater contaminants, Treatment
plants for surface water, Types of damages in taps , valves , water meter and tanks-
Method of rectification, Water supply-Sources of water, Storage of water Distribution
of water Different types of valves used in Plumbing, Types of tanks R.C.C., P.V.C.
Iron tanks etc.
26. CEMENT: Types of cement, relevant IS codes comparative study of their physical &
chemical properties, significance of different properties, Hydration of cement,
Selection of cement, Storage of cement, Factors affecting strength of cement,
Rejection of cement, AGGREGATE- Classification (IS : 383), Grading,
Characteristics(grading, fineness modules), Bulking of fine aggregate, Deleterious
substances, Factors affecting strength of concrete, WATER-Quality, Water
requirement for hydration & workability, Effect of impurities present in water,
ADMIXTURE-Meaning of terms, Functions, Classification, Water proofing and
permeability reducing admixture.
27. CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS :Interpretation of specifications manufactures,
Meaning of terms, Functions, Classification (IS : 4082), Water proofing and
permeability, reducing admixture, Preparation of concrete Methods used, merits
and demerits of methods, tools and equipment used and precautions to be
taken for the processes :Batching, Mixing, Transportation, Placing, Compaction,
Curing, Finishing, Strength & durability requirements (IS : 456 -2000), Stripping of
form work, Application of Modern Power Tools, Classification& specifications of
concrete, Classification of concrete according to grade, weight & methods of mixing,
Ready mixed concrete, self-levelling concrete, nominal mixed and design mixed
concrete, Properties of concrete -Workability & consistency, Segregation, Bleeding,
Strength, Durability, Impermeability, Volume stability, R.C.C. members for
foundation, beams, columns, slabs, Retaining Wall etc.
28. Scaffolding & form work-Definitions of common technical terms used in Scaffolding,
form work, Types & applications, Different materials used in form work, Methods
and tools used for form work, Safety precautions to be observed in scaffolding and
form work, Defects in form work, De-shuttering /removal of form work, Maintenance
& repair of form work, Plain cement concrete (PCC) & Reinforced cement concrete
(RCC), Properties of PCC & RCC in green state and hardened state, Importance of
form work and reinforcement in construction.
29. Bar bending-Technical terms & their meanings, Symbols, conventions used in bar
bending, Specifications of material, Physical properties of reinforcing bars, Estimate
the quantity of material, Structural elements & characteristics (simply supported,
continuous, fixed, cantilever, overhang), Importance of use of reinforcement in
concrete, Tools used in bar bending, Correct use of tools, Different operation in bar
bending (straightening of bars, cutting of bars, bending of bars, placing of bars,
binding of bars, fixing of cover blocks), Use of relevant BIS codes & tables,
Guidelines for laying reinforcement.
30. Arches: Technical terms- types, centring, Lintel: types, wooden, brick, stone, steel
& RCC, Chajjascharacteristics, Centring & Shuttering.
31. Stairs: Technical terms, relation between tread & rise, Types of stairs, construction
details of brick, stone & RCC stairs, Spiral stairs with precast concrete steps, Basic
concept of lift and Escalator.
32. Pile foundation- uses of piles, types of piles, materials used in the construction of
load bearing piles, Factors considered in selection of piles, Pile driving &equipment
used for pile driving.
33. Introduction about building construction, Types of buildings, Structural system of
building, Different parts of building, Site selection, Orientation and ventilation of
34. Building plans-Introduction, Types of plan-Typical floor plan, Foundation plan,
Structural plan, Terrace plan.
35. Main considerations of architectural design, Bye-law of the locality, Climate and its
effects, Materials and method of its construction, People and their requirements.
36. Steps in rate analysis, Material, Labour, Plant and machinery, Overhead charges,
Profit, Specification, General and detailed specification, Estimating and costing
Need and importance Types of estimate Items of work Measurement of items,
Calculation of quantities of various items
37. Repair Plastering, white washing, painting flooring, replacing of glass, re polishing
of floor, stain removal from floor, wooden works, Special repair, Foundation failure,
Strengthening of foundation, Rectification of leaking roof, Repair to expansion joint.
38. Anti-termite treatment objectives, materials, uses and applications, Pre
construction treatment, Postconstruction treatment, Weathering course objectives
and materials required.
39. Plumbing, Layout of house plumbing and drainage plan, Tracing leakage, repair to
service main, repairing of waste outlet, Cleaning of sanitary installation, Scrapping
and painting of pipes.
40. Adhesive and joint filler, Introduction, Types, Adhesive used in timber construction,
Adhesives used in ceramic tile fixing, Adhesives used in joining concrete, Joint fille,
Sealing compound.
41. Construction equipment-Classification, Selection of equipment, Sources of
equipment, Excavation Equipment-Tractor, Bull dozer, Excavator Hoisting
equipment, Crane, Pulley, Cable way, conveying equipment-Belt conveyor, Rope
way, Pumping equipment, Drilling Equipment-Types of drills, Classification of drill,
Drill bits, Selection of drilling pattern.
42. Construction management, Management of manpower, materials, machines with
1. Importance of trade training, demonstrate tools &equipment used in the trade,
Importance of housekeeping & good shop floor practices, Occupational Safety
&Health- Introduction to safety equipment and their uses. Introduction of first aid,
Health, Safety and Environment guidelines, legislations & regulations as applicable,
Disposal procedure of waste materials of the trade, Personal protective
Equipment(PPE): -Basic injury prevention, Basic first aid, Hazard identification and
avoidance, safety signs for Danger, Warning, caution & personal safety message,
Preventive measures for electrical accidents &steps to be taken in such accidents,
Use of Fire extinguishers.
2. Awareness about the job sheets made by the ex. trainees., Use of drawing
instruments and equipment with care, Method of fixing of drawing sheet on the
drawing board, Layout of different size of Drawing sheets and folding of sheets, draw
free hand sketch of hand tools used in civil work.
3. Symbols & conventional representation for materials in sections as per IS962-1989,
SP-46:2003 for building drawings, draw types of Lines, lettering and numbering as
per IS 962- 1989, SP-46:2003, Construction of plain geometrical figures.
4. Construction of scales Plain, comparative, diagonal, Vernier & scale of cords.
5. Drawing of-Construction of solid geometrical figures, Three views in Orthographic
Projection of Solid objects & section of solids.
6. Isometric, oblique and perspective views of geometrical solids, hollow and cut
7. Component parts of a single storied residential building. (In sectional details)
Showing Foundation, Plinth, Doors, Windows, Brick, work, Roof, Lintel and Chajjah,
Arches, etc.
8. Function of keys and practice of basic commands, Use of elementary commands by
CAD toolbar, Creation of objects in different layers on CAD workspace, plotting of
drawing from CAD, 2D drafting of flash door, panel door, window, hand railing, wash
basin, sewerage pipe joints, etc., Preparing Library folder by creating blocks of the
above items.
9. Identify different types of bricks, uses and hollow bricks. Standard size of bricks
available at local market, identify different types of stones, types and uses, identify
different types of tiles, types and uses, identify different types of cement, types and
uses, field test of cement. Etc., Identify different types of sand and aggregates, types
and uses, identify different types of lime, types and uses, identify different types of
steel, types and uses, identify different types of timber, earthen ware, types and
10. Setting out a building: Obtaining first, second, third & fourth lines, marking
diagonals, setting out cross walls & offsets, marking excavation lines & fixing of
plinth & floor levels, Set out foundation trench.
11. Demonstrate the use of brick masonry tools, Perform construction of wall header
bond, stretcher bond, English bond, Flemish bond.
12. Make scaffolding and prepare surface for plastering, perform plastering operation at
different surface-Plaster in two coats External finishes sand finish, textured
finish, Perform rendering & wall cladding.
13. Perform application of cement paint on different surfaces, perform application of
plastic emulsion on different surfaces, perform application of enamel paint on
different surfaces, Perform application Process of varnishing on different surfaces.
14. Perform Laying of D.P.C with proper methods and Materials.
15. Determination and Formation of slope / level, laying of Base Layers, laying of
Topping, application of slurry for finishing, setting out of skirting, formation of spots
for skirting, Use of screeds, formation of curve at the junction of skirting & floor.
16. Practice of folding & unfolding of chain, ranging (direct/ indirect) & distance
measure with chain/ tape, offset taking & entering field book, chaining on sloping
ground, conduct a chain survey of a small area with all details and plotting the map,
Calculating the area of site, Prepare a site plan by the help of chain / tape.
17. Temporary adjustment of prismatic compass, Measure fore & back bearing, R.B.,
W.C.B. of a line, measure true bearing of a line, prepare a closed & open traverse
using prismatic compass measure the bearings, entry into field book, calculation of
correct bearing and adjust. (Local attraction), determine the closing error and
adjust. Plotting the same.
18. Demonstration of instrument used for plane table surveying &their uses (alidade,
U- fork trough compass) Set up the plane table- Centering, Levelling, Orientation,
Practice the method of plane tabling-Radiation, Intersection, Resection Traversing,
Determination of height by telescopic alidade.
19. Handling of levelling instruments & their settings, Temporary adjustment of a level,
Simple levelling, Differential levelling (Fly levelling), Carry out Levelling field book,
Equate Reduction of levels Height of collimation and Rise and Fall method
Comparison of methods, Solve problems on reduction of levels, Calculate Missing
data and fill up calculations & Arithmetical check in various problems and its
solution, Practice levelling with different instruments, Check levelling, Profile
levelling or Longitudinal , plotting the profile, Surveying of a building site with chain
and Levelling Instrument with a view to computing earth work, Contour - Direct and
Indirect methods, Make Topography map, contours map, Solve trigonometric
problems, Prepare a road project in a certain alignment.
20. Field work of theodolite, Measure Horizontal angle. Vertical angle, magnetic bearing
of a line, Levelling with a theodolite, Calculation of area from traverse,
Determination of Heights, Calculation of departure, latitude, northing and easting,
Setting out work-Building work, etc.
21. Application of survey using Total Station, Field procedure for coordinate
measurement, Field procedure to run open traverse and closed traverse, Transfer
or establish Bench Mark. 92. Perform stakeout/demarcation of building layout/plot
layout/ roads/ alignment.
22. Measure remote distance and elevation, calculate surface area on field/site,
calculate volume of field/site, Procedure for down load and up load data, Simple
survey map using Auto CAD.
23. Identify different wooden sample piece i.e.- soft wood & hard wood, Wooden grains
etc. & their applications Annual ring, knots, shakes & chicks etc. ), Demonstrate
application of hand tools, measuring tools, and work holding devices, demonstrate
use of different power tools, viz. saws, drills, etc., Perform sawing, planning,
Moulding, Rebating, Chamfering, etc. using different types of saws, and plains,
Sharpen and set different type saw blade and planer blade/ cutter.
24. Planning face, face edge, etc., Demonstrate the use of marking, mortise gauge etc.,
Test the accuracy of flatness and twist-ness of the surface by using try square,
Demonstrate the use of winding strips, cross planning, edge planning.
25. Demonstrate portable power planer machine and its function. Prepare different
wooden joints by using different tools Make framing joint - Mortise and tenon Joint
(Single and double, plain hunched, Mitre corner), Make Housing joints - Full
housing, Bridle, stopped housing, make broadening joints, Simple butt joint,
Riveted butt joint, etc., Lengthening Joints-End half lap joint, End overlap joint,
End bends lap joint, slopping scarf, racking scared, half lapping scarf, table scarf
joint etc.
26. Make joint on hard wood to make small frame., Stopped Tenon & Mortise joint on
hard wood in the frame to set the selves, Make selves by six pieces of hard wood
with single lapped half lap dovetail joint with frame (two nos. of selves).
27. Different Types doors including panelled, glazed and flush door, Different types
windows and ventilators. Prepare terminations of cable ends, Practice on skinning,
twisting and crimping, identify various types of cables and measure conductor size
using SWG and micrometre. Make simple twist, married, Tee and western union
joints, Make Britannia straight, Britannia Tee and rat tail joints, Practice in
Soldering of joints / lugs.
28. Demonstrate different electrical wiring system with fixing of different accessories,
make electrical Fuse joints, fixing MCB, connect lamps with switches, Stair case
circuit wiring, Go down wiring, Hospital wiring.
29. Install earthing in different position, Install and connect electrical appliances and
take reading with Voltmeter, prepare materials list and costing of wiring.
30. Identify transformer, test and use.
31. Perform Simple pipe connection using G.I. Pipes, socket, elbow, tee, reducing elbow,
G.I. union, cap plug, reducer, three face elbows, reducing socket, plug, G.I. nipple
etc. Perform Joining of pipe with thread joint, lead joint, flange joint, cement joint,
D. Joint etc.
32. Perform drilling and taping on pipe, Fix ferrule on pipe, Perform Joining of pipe with
Elbow joint, socket joint, Tee joint, reducing elbow joint, floor trap joint, etc.
33. Layout of soil pipe and waste pipe to the sanitary fitting using different types of
fitting viz. Door junction, door Bend, H.R. bend, Plain Bend, Double door junction,
inverter junction, cowel, floor trap, Gully trap, P-trap etc, Fitting of I.W.C with
high level cistern, Fitting of washbasin, Fitting of E.W.C. with low level cistern,
Fitting of kitchen sink, Fitting of bath tub, Fitting of urinal pot with auto cistern.
34. Install water meter, Remove air lock, Determination of pH-by-pH meter. Analysis
and treatment of Effluent water, recondition taps, valves & flushing tank, test for
correct functioning, prepare a water supply pipe line system in residential buildings
using different types of valves, fittings and appliances, Prepare different objects on
3D Modelling concept in CAD.
35. Test cement for consistency, setting times & strength, conduct field tests for
adulteration, make proper arrangement to store cement at site, perform sieve
analysis on aggregate, determine grading, fineness modulus, determine presence of
silt and clay, perform test to determine shape & size of aggregate, perform test to
determine bulking of sand, perform test and analyses the effect of water cement
ratio (w/c) on strength of cement.
36. Prepare concrete and lay at required place using power tools, carry out all operations
taking necessary precautions related to from work and reinforcement, Test strength
of concrete, remove form work Properly.
37. Prepare reinforcement for foundation, beams, columns, slabs, Retaining Wall etc.
38. Select appropriate material for form work at different locations, Erect scaffolding &
make form work at different locations, identify defects & rectify form work, prepare
a bar bending schedule of different RCC members, demonstrate different operation
in bar bending (straightening of bars, cutting of bars, bending of bars, placing of
bars, binding of bars, fixing of cover blocks), Estimate quantity of steel and binding
wire required for a given job.
39. Making of shuttering & supports with uprights and wedges for Arches, Lintels and
Lintels with Chajjahs, Cutting, bending & placing of reinforcement, Mixing, placing
& compacting concrete, spanning of opening with a semi-circular arch, making
centering, cutting templates for voussoirs & preparing voussoirs, setting uprights of
arch, Construction of arch & removing centering.
40. Layout different forms of vertical movements- As per shape - straight, open newel,
dog- legged, geometrical and bifurcated stairs& spiral stairs, as per material - brick,
wooden, steel & RCC stairs, Lay out of Lift and Escalator.
41. On site practical training of piling (Visit to new construction site at the time piling
work or Demonstration through related video.
42. Prepare a Single Storied Residential Building Plan as per local by law including all
details Plan, Elevation, Section through Staircase and Toilet & Kitchen, Terrace
Plan, Structural Plan and other details i.e., Sanitary & Electrical items with proper
symbols by using CAD.
43. Prepare simple drawing with ArchiCAD and 3D Max for Solid Modelling of
Architectural/Civil 3D.
44. Prepare 3D model using 3d Max software, create 3D model from 2D plane, Lighting
and rendering, Material editor using BIM software like Revit Quantity calculation of
45. Prepare rate analysis of different item of works including material, Labour, Plant
machinery, overhead charge, Profit with the details specification, Calculation of floor
area and carpet area, Calculation of FAR.
46. Estimate of one room building by center line method and separate wall method,
Calculation of different material from the quantities worked out in the estimate.
47. Perform repairing of plaster and different items of works, Use of Water proofing
compound, Admixture, Perform white washing, floor polishing, stain removal form
floor, wooden works.
48. Field Training to Strengthening of foundation, Rectification of leaking roof, Repair
of expansion joint.
49. Market survey for different materials used for anti-termite treatment, Pre
construction Anti-termite treatment Postconstruction Anti -termite treatment.
50. Visit to new construction site at the time laying of plumbing lines and sanitary
51. On Field work about use of Adhesive in imber, tile fixing, jointing in concrete, joint
filler & sealing compound.
52. site supervision, work to assist a civil engineer and perform as trainee Site
(COPA)Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Introduction to Computer components: Introduction to computer system. Concepts
of Hardware and Software, Function of mother board components and various
processors, Various Input/ Output devices in use and their features.
2. Windows Operating System-Introduction to operating System, Main features of
Windows OS, Concept of various shortcut commands.
3. Computer basics and Software Installation-Introduction to the booting process,
Introduction to various types of memories and their features, Basic Hardware and
software issues and their solutions, Usage of Application software and Antivirus.
4. Introduction to DOS Command Line Interface & Linux Operating Systems-
Introduction to basic DOS Internal and External Commands, Introduction to Open-
Source Software, Introduction to Linux Operating System features, structure, files
and processes, Basic Linux commands.
5. Word Processing Software-Introduction to the various applications in MS office,
Introduction to Word features, Office button, toolbars, Creating, saving and
formatting and printing documents using Word, Working with objects, macro, mail
merge, templates and other tools in Word.
6. Spread Sheet Application-Introduction to Excel features and Data Types, Cell
referencing and linking Sheets, Introduction to various functions in all categories of
Excel, Concepts of sorting, filtering and validating data, Analyzing data using charts,
data tables, pivot tables, goal seek and scenarios.
7. Image editing, Presentations-Introduction to Open Office, Introduction to the
properties and editing of images, Introduction to different formats of images and
their uses, Introduction to Power Point and its advantages, Creating Slide Show
Fine, tuning the presentation and good presentation technique.
8. Database Management Systems-Concepts of Data and Databases, Overview of
popular databases, RDBMS, OODB and NOSQL, Rules for designing good tables,
Integrity rules and constraints in a table, Relationships in tables, Introduction to
various types of Queries and their uses, Designing Access Reports and Forms,
Introduction to macros, designer objects controls, their properties and behaviour.
9. Networking Concepts- Introduction to Computer Networks, Necessity and
Advantages, Client Server and peer to Peer networking concepts, Concept of Proxy
Server and proxy firewall server, Concept of DHCP Server, Network topologies.
Introduction to LAN, WAN and MAN, Network components, viz. Modem, Hub,
Switch, Router, Bridge, Gateway etc, Network Cables, Wireless networks and Blue
Tooth technology, Concept of ISO - OSI 7 Layer Model, Overview of various Network
protocols Viz. TCP/IP, FTP, Telnet etc., Concept of Logical and Physical Addresses,
Subnetting and Classes of Networks.
10. Internet Concepts- Introduction to www, Concept of Internet, Web Browsers,
internet servers and search engines, Concepts of Domain naming Systems and E
mail communication, Introduction to video chatting tools and Social Networking
11. Web Design Concepts-Concepts of Static and Dynamic Web pages, Introduction to
HTML and various tags in HTML, Concepts of different controls used in Web Pages.
Concepts of CSS and applying CSS to HTML, Introduction to open-source CMS viz,
Joomla, Word press etc. and Web authoring tools viz. Kompozer, Front Page etc.,
Concept of good web page designing techniques.
12. Introduction to JavaScript- Introduction to Programming and Scripting Languages,
Introduction to JavaScript and its application for the web, Introduction to Web
Servers and their features, JavaScript BasicsData types, Variables, Constants
and Conversion between data types, Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical Operators
in Java Script. Operator precedence, Program Control Statements and loops in
JavaScript, Arrays in JavaScript concepts, types and usage, The String data type
in JavaScript. Introduction to String, Math and Date, Introduction to Functions in
JavaScript, built in JavaScript functions overview, Concepts of Pop-Up boxes in
JavaScript, Introduction to the Document Object Model, Concepts of using
Animation and multimedia files in Java Script.
13. Introduction to VBA, Features and Applications- Introduction to VBA features and
applications, Properties, events and methods associated with the Button, Check
Box, Label, Combo Box, Group Box, Option Button, List Box, Scroll Bar and Spin
button controls, VBA Data types, Variables and Constants, Operators in VBA and
operator precedence, Mathematical Expressions in VBA, Introduction to Arrays in
VBA, Introduction to Strings in VBA, Conditional processing in VBA, using the IF,
Else-if, Select Case Statements, Introduction to Loops in VBA, VBA message boxes
and input boxes, Introduction to Creating functions and Procedures in VBA, Using
the built in functions, Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
Concepts of Classes, Objects, Properties and Methods, the user forms and control
in Excel VBA, Introduction to Debugging Techniques.
14. Using Accounting Software- Basics of Accounting, Golden Rules of Accounting,
Voucher Entry, Ledger Posting, Final Accounts Preparation, Cash Book. Ratio
Analysis, Depreciation, Stock Management, Analysis of VAT, Cash Flow, Fund Flow
Accounting, Introduction to ally, features and Advantages, implementing accounts
in Tally, Double entry system of book keeping, Budgeting Systems, Scenario
management and Variance Analysis, Costing Systems, Concepts of Ratios, Analysis
of financial statements, Inventory Basics, POS Invoicing, TDS, TCS, FBT, VAT &
Service Tax, Tally Interface in Different Languages.
15. E-Commerce-Concepts-Introduction to E-Commerce and advantages, Building
business on the net, Payment and Order Processing, Authorization, Charge back
and other payment methods, Security issues and payment gateways.
16. Cyber Security- Overview of Information Security, SSL, HTTPS, Security threats,
information Security vulnerability and Risk management, Introduction to Directory
Services, Access Control, Security, Privacy protection, Audit and Security,
Introduction to IT Act and penalties for cyber-crimes.
1. Visit COPA Lab. of the institutes and locate the electrical connections with computer
system setup, identifying safety symbols and hazard identification, Practice safe
methods of fire fighting in case of electrical fire, use of fire extinguishers, identify
computer peripherals and internal components of a disassembled desktop
computer, Assemble components of desktop computer.
2. Practice on Windows interface and navigating windows, Practice on managing files
and folders using removable drives, Customize the desktop settings and manage
user accounts, View system properties and control panel details, Work with
keyboard shortcut commands, Print and scan document using different commands.
3. View the BIOS settings and their modifications, Install Windows operating system,
Format hard disk and create partition, Identify and rectify common hardware and
software issues during OS installation, Install necessary application software for
Windows i.e., Office Package, PDF Reader,
Media Player etc., Configure Bluetooth and wi-fi settings, Install Drivers for printer,
scanner, webcam and DVD etc., Burn data, video and audio files on CD/DVD using
application software.
4. Use basic DOS commands for directory listing, manage files and folders using DOS
commands, Install Linux operating system, Install necessary application software
for Linux i.e. Office Package, PDF Reader, Media Player etc., Use Basic Linux
commands for directory listing, file and folder management, password etc., Use the
Linux graphical user interface for file and folder management, exploring the system
etc., Customize desktop settings and manage user accounts in Linux, View system
properties and manage system setting in Linux.
5. Open MS Word and familiarize with basic word components, Practice creating,
saving and renaming of word documents, edit document using basic formatting
tools, Practice Inserting and formatting tables and other objects, Work with Page
layout settings and printing documents, use templates, autocorrect tools, and
record and execute a macro, Use Mail merge tool. Use conditional Mail Merge,
External Data Source. Practice Letters, Label & Envelop printing using Mail Merge,
Use Table of Context, Indexing, Hyperlink, Bookmark, Comment, equation, symbols,
citation, cross-reference, footnote, translate, synonyms, thesaurus, spell check
&grammar, compare etc., Practice Typing using open-source typing tutor, Practice
of using shortcut keys and use Open Office as word processor.
6. Open MS Excel and familiarize with basic application components, Practice creating,
saving and formatting excel spread sheets.), Use absolute and relative referencing,
linking sheets, conditional formatting etc., Practice Excel functions of all major
categories i.e., Financial, Logical, Text, date & time, Lookup, Math, Statistical etc.,
Use various data types in Excel, sorting, filtering and validating data, Create and
format various static and dynamic charts, Practice Importing & exporting excel data,
Perform data analysis using “what if” tools and Pivot Table and record and execute
a macro, Modify Excel page setup and printing and use open office as Spreadsheet
application, Execute simple projects using Excel & Word.
7. Image editing and creating Presentations-Use Windows Paint or image editing
software like Open Office Draw, GIMP, Irfan View or a similar tool, Perform Image
editing using open source applications, Open power point presentation and
familiarise with basic application components, Create Slide shows, Insert picture
and theme, Add new slide, format text, link with word and excel documents, Practice
animating slide transitions and objects, Create slide shows by inserting audio &
video and synchronise with presentation, Modify slide page setup and print the
slides, Create a simple presentation project using open office.
8. Database Management with MS Access- Create database and design a simple tables
in Access, Practice enforcing integrity constraints and modify properties of tables
and fields, Create relationships and join tables, Create and format Forms, Create
simple queries with various criteria and calculations, Create Simple update,
append, make table, delete and crosstab queries, Modify form design with controls,
macros and events, Import and export data to and from Access and create and
format various types of reports, Compress and Encrypt databases.
9. Configuring and using Network-View Network connections, connect a computer to
a network and share Devices i.e., Printers, files, folders and drives, Work with
various Network devices, connectors and cables. Create straight and cross cable and
punch a UTP cable in the patch socket and test the connectivity, Practice IP
Addressing and Subnet masking for IPV4/ IPV6 and pinging to test networks,
Configure Hub and Switch, Set up and configure wired and wireless LAN in a
Computer Lab within at least three computers, Use patch panel & I/O Box for wired
LAN and installing & configuring Internet connection in a single PC and in a LAN,
Set up a proxy server/ DHCP Server with firewall, Set up video conferencing using
open source software, Use various tools (by open source /free) for network
troubleshooting, maintenance and security for both Wired and Wireless, Browse
the Internet for information (use at least 3 popular browsers).
10. Create and use e-mail for communication with attachment, priority setting, address
book, communicate with text, video chatting and social networking sites, use online
dictionary, translation software, storage space, share files with e-mail links,
download manager, download & upload YouTube files, google map & earth etc.
Update windows & other software, Configure Outlook, mail service in mobile
phones. Use tools like Skype, Google+ etc., Browser setting for Bookmark, cookies,
favourites and pop ups, default website, trusted site, restricted site, content, history
and advanced setup.
11. Designing Static Web Pages-Practice with basic HTML elements (e.g. head, title,
body), tag and attributes, Design simple web page with text, paragraph and line
break using HTML tags., Format text, change background colour and insert pictures
in web page, Design simple web page with tables and lists, Use marquees,
hyperlinks and mail to link in designing web pages, Create frames, add style and
design layout, Insert text box, check box and combo box in web page, Design web
page using password field, submit button, reset button and radio button etc., Design
a web page adding flash file, audio and video files, Design web page with forms and
form controls using HTML tags, Create web page using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS),
Use WYSIWYG (Kompozer) web design tools to design and edit web pages with
various styles.
12. JavaScript & creating Web page-Practice with basic elements of JavaScript, Embed
JavaScript in HTML to display information in web pages, documentation and
formatting of HTML source code, Use JavaScript Variables, Data types, Constants
and Operators, Use Control statements and Loops in JavaScript, Practice with
switch case, loop controls and Errors in JavaScript, Practice with Arrays in
JavaScript page, Practice with functions in JavaScript web page, Practice with
String, Math and Date functions in JavaScript, Use online tool or open source
software to develop and edit web pages containing Titles, different font sizes and
colours, frames, lists, tables, images, image map, controls, CSS, forms, hyperlinks
etc., use web template to create a web page of various styles, Develop a simple web
project using HTML, JavaScript and host it in IIS and a registered domain.
13. Programming with VBA-Practice with basic functions of VBA Editor, Use form
controls like buttons, Check boxes, Labels, Combo Box, Group Box, List Box, Option
Button, Scroll Bar and Spin button, Modify object properties in VBA program, Write
simple programs involving VBA Data types, Variables, Operators and Constants,
Create Message boxes and Input boxes in VBA, Work with conditional statements
like if, Else-if, and Select Practice with Loop, Loop Control and Case statements in
VBA, Create and Manipulate Arrays in VBA, Practice with string variables in VBA
programming, Write programs involving Mathematical, Conversion, Date and
String Functions in VBA, Create Functions, Procedures, Passing Parameters and
Using Returned Data, Practice with built in functions in VBA programs, Create and
edit macros, Write code to work with Excel in VBA forms, Practice with methods
and events in VBA Programming, Debug, Step through code, Breakpoints, find and
fix errors while debugging, Develop a simple project involving MS excel and VBA.
14. Using Accounting Software- Practice Basic accounting with tally interface, Create
Company, Account and Voucher entry in Tally, Generate reports for Invoice, Bill,
Profit & Loss account etc., Perform Cost Centre & Cost Category management,
Create and manage budgeting systems, Create Scenario and Variance Analysis, Use
Tally for Costing, Ratio Analysis, Cash flow and Funds flow statements, Analyze and
Manage Inventory control, Perform Point of Sales and Taxation (VAT, Excise, Service
Tax), Perform System Administration and use other Utilities, Create users, take
Backup& Restore of Company, Use Multilingual Functionality in Tally.
15. E Commerce-Browse E-commerce websites viz. ebay, Amazon, flipkart, OLX, quikr
etc. and prepare comparative statement of the main features of these sites, Upload
products for selling in E-Commerce Sites and make online purchase from E
Commerce sites, Manage security issues in E-Commerce and payment operations.
16. Cyber Security- Protect information, computers and networks from viruses, spyware
and other malicious code, provide firewall security for Internet connection and
Network System, Protect the computer against various internet threats, make
backup copies of important file, data and information, secure your Wi-Fi networks
using password WEP, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, SSID, MAC address filtering. Create
individual user accounts for each member, Limit member access to data and
information, and restrict authority to install unnecessary downloads.
8. Syllabus for ELECTRICIAN Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Safety rules and safety signs. Types and working of fire extinguishers, First aid
safety practice, Hazard identification and prevention, Personal safety and factory
safety, Response to emergencies. g. power failure, system failure and fire etc., First
aid safety practice, Hazard identification and prevention, Personal safety and factory
safety, Response to emergencies e.g. power failure, system failure and fire etc.,
2. Allied trades: Introduction to fitting tools, safety precautions. Description of files,
hammers, chisels hacksaw frames, blades, their specification and grades, Marking
tools description and use, Types of drills, description & drilling machines. Various
wooden joints.
3. Marking tools; calipers Dividers, Surface plates, Angle plates, Scribers, punches,
surface gauges Types, Uses, Care and maintenance, Sheetmetal tools:
Description of marking & cutting tools, Types of rivets and riveted joints. Use of
thread gauge, Description of carpenter’s tools Care and maintenance of tools.
4. Fundamentals of electricity, definitions, units & effects of electric current,
Conductors and insulators, Conducting materials and their comparison.
5. Joints in electrical conductors- Techniques of soldering. Types of solders and flux.
6. Underground cables: Description, types, various joints and testing procedure.
Cable insulation & voltage grades Precautions in using various types of cables.
7. Ohm’s Law; Simple electrical circuits and problems. Kirchoff’s Laws and
applications, Series and parallel circuits. Open and short circuits in series and
parallel networks.
8. Laws of Resistance and various types of resistors, Wheatstone bridge; principle and
its applications, Effect of variation of temperature on resistance, Different methods
of measuring the values of resistance, Series and parallel combinations of resistors.
9. Magnetic terms, magnetic materials and properties of magnet, Principles and laws
of electro-magnetism, Self and mutually induced EMFs, Electrostatics: Capacitor,
Different types, functions, grouping and uses.
10. Inductive and capacitive reactance, their effect on AC circuit and related vector
concepts, Comparison and Advantages of DC and AC systems, Related terms
frequency, Instantaneous value, R.M.S. value Average value, Peak factor, form
factor, power factor and Impedance etc., Sine wave, phase and phase difference,
Active and Reactive power. Single Phase and three-phase system. Problems on A.C.
11. Advantages of AC poly-phase system, Concept of three-phase Star and Delta
connection, Line and phase voltage, current and power in a 3 phase circuits with
balanced and unbalanced load, Phase sequence meter.
12. Chemical effect of electric current and Laws of electrolysis, Explanation of Anodes
and cathodes, Types of cells, advantages/disadvantages and their applications,
Lead acid cell; Principle of operation and components. Types of battery charging,
Safety precautions, test equipment and maintenance. Basic principles of Electro-
plating and cathodic protection, Grouping of cells for specified voltage and current,
Principle and operation of solar cell.
13. I.E., rules on electrical wiring. Types of domestic and industrial wirings, Study of
wiring accessories e.g., switches, fuses, relays, MCB, ELCB, MCCB etc. Grading of
cables and current ratings, Principle of laying out of domestic wiring, Voltage drop
14. PVC conduit and Casing- capping wiring system, Different types of wiring - Power,
control, Communication and entertainment wiring. Wiring circuits planning,
permissible load in sub- circuit and main circuit.
15. Estimation of load, cable size, bill of material and cost, Inspection and testing of
wiring installations, Special wiring circuit e.g. go down, tunnel and workshop etc.
16. Importance of Earthing, Plate earthing and pipe earthing methods and IEE
regulations. Earth resistance and earth leakage circuit breaker.
17. Laws of Illuminations, Types of illumination system. Illumination factors, intensity
of light, Type of lamps, advantages/ disadvantages and their applications.
Calculations of lumens and efficiency.
18. Classification of electrical instruments and essential forces required in indicating
instruments, PMMC and Moving iron instruments, Measurement of various
electrical parameters using different analog and digital instruments, Measurement
of energy in three phase circuit.
19. Errors and corrections in measurement, loading effect of voltmeter and voltage drop
effect of ammeter in circuits, Extension of range and calibration of measuring
20. Working principles and circuits of common domestic equipment and appliances,
Concept of Neutral and Earth.
21. Working principle, construction and classification of transformer. Single phase and
three phase transformers, Turn ratio and e.m.f. equation, Series and parallel
operation of transformer, Voltage Regulation and efficiency, Auto Transformer and
instrument transformers (CT & PT).
22. Method of connecting three single phase transformers for three phase operation.
Types of Cooling, protective devices, bushings and termination etc., Testing of
transformer oil. Materials used for winding and winding wires in small transformer.
23. General concept of rotating electrical machines, Principle of DC generator, Use of
Armature, Field Coil, Polarity, Yoke, Cooling Fan, Commutator, slip ring and
Brushes, Laminated core etc., E.M.F. equation, separately excited and self- excited
generators, Series, shunt and compound generators.
24. Armature reaction, Commutation, inter poles and connection of inter poles, Parallel
Operation of DC Generators, Load characteristics of DC generators, Application,
losses & efficiency of DC Generators, Routine & maintenance.
25. Principle and types of DC motor. Relation between applied voltage back e.m.f.,
armature voltage drops, speed and flux of DC motor, DC motor Starters, relation
between torque, flux and armature current, Changing the direction of rotation,
Characteristics, Losses & Efficiency of DC motors, Routine and maintenance.
26. Methods of speed control of DC motors, Lap and wave winding and related terms.
27. Working principle of three phase induction motor, Squirrel Cage Induction motor,
Slip-ring induction motor; construction, characteristics, Slip and Torque, Different
types of starters for three phase induction motors, its necessity, basic contactor
circuit, parts and their functions.
28. Single phasing prevention, No load test and blocked rotor test of induction motor,
Losses & efficiency, Various methods of speed control, Braking system of motor.
Maintenance and repair.
29. Concentric/ distributed, single/ double layer winding and related terms.
30. Working principle, different method of starting and running of various single-phase
AC motors, Domestic and industrial applications of different single-phase AC
motors, Characteristics, losses and efficiency, Troubleshooting of single-phase AC
induction motors and universal motor.
31. Principle of alternator, e.m.f. equation, relation between poles, speed and frequency,
Types and construction. Efficiency, characteristics, regulation, phase sequence and
parallel operation, Effect of changing the field excitation and power factor correction.
32. Working principle of synchronous motor, Effect of change of excitation and load. V
and anti V curve, Power factor improvement.
33. Rotary Converter, MG Set description and Maintenance.
34. Resistors olour code, types and characteristics, Active and passive components.
Atomic structure and semiconductor theory.
35. P-N junction, classification, specifications, biasing and characteristics of diodes.
Rectifier circuit-half wave, full wave, bridge rectifiers and filters. Principle of
operation, types, characteristics and various configuration of transistor, Application
of transistor as a switch, voltage regulator and amplifier.
36. Basic concept of power electronics devices, IC voltage regulators, Digital Electronics
- Binary numbers, logic gates and combinational circuits.
37. Working principle and uses of oscilloscope, Construction and working of SCR, DIAC,
TRIAC and IGBT, Principle, types and applications of various multi vibrators.
38. Study and understand Layout drawing of control cabinet, power and control
circuits, Various control elements: Isolators, pushbuttons, switches, indicators,
MCB, fuses, relays, timers and limit switches etc.
39. Wiring accessories: Race ways/cable channel, DIN rail, terminal connectors,
thimbles, lugs, ferrules, cable binding strap, buttons, cable ties, sleeves, gromats
and clips etc., Testing of various control elements and circuits.
40. Working, parameters and applications of AC / DC drive, Speed control of 3 phase
induction motor by using VVVF/AC Drive.
41. Basic concept, block diagram and working of voltage stabilizer, battery charger,
emergency light, inverter and UPS, Preventive and breakdown maintenance.
42. Conventional and non- conventional sources of energy and their comparison,
Power generation by thermal and hydel power plants.
43. Various ways of electrical power generation by non-conventional methods, Power
generation by solar and wind energy, Principle and operation of solar panel.
44. Transmission and distribution networks, Line insulators, overhead poles and
method of joining aluminium conductors
45. Safety precautions and IE rules pertaining to domestic service connections. Various
substations, Various terms likemaximum demand, average demand, load factor,
diversity factor, plant utility factor etc.
46. Types of relays and its operation. Types of circuit breakers, their applications and
functioning, Production of arc and quenching.
1. Identify safety symbols and hazards, Preventive measures for electrical accidents
and practice steps to be taken in such accidents, Practice safe methods of fire
fighting in case of electrical fire, Use of fire extinguishers.
2. Practice elementary first aid, rescue a person and practice artificial respiration,
Disposal procedure of waste materials, use of personal protective equipment,
Practice on cleanliness and procedure to maintain it.
3. Identify trade tools and machineries, Practice safe methods of lifting and handling
of tools & equipment, Select proper tools for operation and precautions in operation,
Care & maintenance of trade tools.
4. Operations of allied trade tools, Workshop practice on filing and hacksawing,
prepare hand coil winding assembly, Practice on preparing T- joint, straight joint
and dovetail joint on wooden blocks, Practice sawing, planning, drilling and
assembling for making a wooden switchboard.
5. Practice in marking and cutting of straight and curved pieces in metal sheets,
making holes, securing by screw and riveting, Workshop practice on drilling,
chipping, internal and external threading of different sizes, Practice of making
square holes in crank handle, Prepare an open box from metal sheet.
6. Prepare terminations of cable ends, Practice on skinning, twisting and crimping,
identify various types of cables and measure conductor size using SW Gand
7. Make simple twist, married, Tee and western union joints., Make Britannia straight,
Britannia Tee and rat tail joints, Practice in Soldering of joints / lugs.
8. Identify various parts, skinning and dressing of underground cable, make straight
joint of different types of underground cable, Test insulation resistance of
underground cable using megger, test underground cables for faults and remove
the fault.
9. Practice on measurement of parameters in combinational electrical circuit by
applying Ohm’s Law for different resistor values and voltage sources and analyse
by drawing graphs, Measure current and voltage in electrical circuits to verify
Kirchhoff’s Law, Verify laws of series and parallel circuits with voltage source in
different combinations, Measure voltage and current against individual resistance
in electrical circuit, Measure current and voltage and analyse the effects of shorts
and opens in series circuit, Measure current and voltage and analyse the effects of
shorts and opens in parallel circuit.
10. Measure resistance using voltage drop method, Measure resistance using wheat
stone bridge, Determine the thermal effect of electric current, Determine the change
in resistance due to temperature, Verify the characteristics of series parallel
combination of resistors.
11. Determine the poles and plot the field of a magnet bar, Wind a solenoid and
determine the magnetic effect of electric current, Measure induced emf due to
change in magnetic field, Determine direction of induced emf and current, Practice
on generation of mutually induced emf, Measure the resistance, impedance and
determine inductance of choke coils in different combinations, Identify various types
of capacitors, charging / discharging and testing, Group the given capacitors to get
the required capacity and voltage rating.
12. Measure current, voltage and PF and determine the characteristics of RL, RC and
RLC in AC series circuits, Measure the resonance frequency in AC series circuit and
determine its effect on the circuit, Measure current, voltage and PF and determine
the characteristics of RL, RC and RLC in AC parallel circuits, Measure the resonance
frequency in AC parallel circuit and determine its effects on the circuit, Measure
power, energy for lagging and leading power factors in single phase circuits and
compare characteristic graphically, Measure Current, voltage, power, energy and
power factor in three phase circuits, Practice improvement of PF by use of capacitor
in three phase circuit.
13. Ascertain use of neutral by identifying wires of a 3- phase 4 wire system and find
the phase sequence using phase sequence meter, Determine effect of broken neutral
wire in three phase four wire system, Determine the relationship between Line and
Phase values for star and delta connections, Measure the Power of three phase
circuit for balanced and unbalanced loads, Measure current and voltage of two
phases in case of one phase is short- circuited in three phase four wire system and
compare with healthy system.
14. Use of various types of cells, Practice on grouping of cells for specified voltage and
current under different conditions and care, Prepare and practice on battery
charging and details of charging circuit, Practice on routine, care/ maintenance and
testing of batteries, Determine the number of solar cells in series / parallel for given
power requirement.
15. Identify various conduits and different electrical accessories, Practice cutting,
threading of different sizes & laying Installations, Prepare test boards / extension
boards and mount accessories like lamp holders, various switches, sockets, fuses,
relays, MCB, ELCB, MCCB etc.
16. Draw layouts and practice in PVC Casing -capping, Conduit wiring with minimum
to a greater number of points of minimum 15 Mtrs length, wire up PVC conduit
wiring to control one lamp from two different places, wire up PVC conduit wiring to
control one lamp from three different places, wire up PVC conduit wiring and
practice control of sockets and lamps in different combinations using switching
17. Wire up the consumers main board with ICDP switch and distribution fuse box,
Prepare and mount the energy meter board, Estimate the cost/ bill of material for
wiring of hostel/residential building and workshop, Practice wiring of hostel and
residential building as per IE rules, Practice wiring of institute and works hop asper
IE rules, Practicetesting/faultdetectionofdomesticandindustrialwiringinstallation
and repair.
18. Prepare pipe earthing and measure earth resistance by earth tester / megger,
Prepare plate earthing and measure earth resistance by earth tester / megger.
19. Test earth leakage by ELCB and relay Install light fitting with reflectors for direct
and indirect lighting, Group different wattage of lamps in series for specified voltage,
Practice installation of various lamps e.g. fluorescent tube, HP mercury
vapour, LP mercury vapour, HP sodium vapour, LP sodium vapour, metal halide
etc., Prepare decorative lamp circuit using drum switches, Prepare decorative lamp
circuit to produce rotating light effect/running light effect, Install light fitting for
show case lighting.
20. Practice on various analog and digital measuring Instruments, Practice on
measuring instruments in single and three phase circuits e.g. multi-meter,
Wattmeter, Energy meter, Phase sequence meter and Frequency meter etc., Measure
power in three phase circuit using two wattmeter methods, Measure power factor in
three phase circuit by using power factor meter and verify the same with voltmeter,
ammeter and wattmeter readings, Measure electrical parameters using tong tester
in three phase circuits.
21. Practice for range extension and calibration of various measuring instruments,
determine errors in resistance measurement by voltage drop method, Test single
phase energy meter for its errors, Dismantle and assemble electrical parts of
various electrical appliances e.g. cooking range, geyser, washing machine and pump
set, Service and repair of bell/ buzzer.
22. Service and repair of electric iron, electric kettle, cooking range and geyser, Service
and repair of induction heater and oven, Service and repair of mixer and grinder,
Service and repair of washing machine, Verify terminals, identify components
and calculate transformation ratio of single-phase transformers, Perform OC and
SC test to determine and efficiency of single-phase transformer, Determine voltage
regulation of single-phase transformer at different loads and power factors, Perform
series and parallel operation of two single phase transformers, Verify the terminals
and accessories of three phase transformer HT and LT side.
23. Perform 3 phase operation by use of three single phase transformers-delta-delta,
delta-star, star-star, star-delta, Perform testing of transformer oil, Practice on
winding of small transformer, Practice of general maintenance of transformer.
24. Identify terminals, parts and connections of different types of DC machines,
Measure field and armature resistance of DC machines, determine build up voltage
of DC shunt generator with varying field excitation and performance analysis on
load, Test for continuity and insulation resistance of DC machine, Start, run and
reverse direction of rotation of DC series, shunt and compound motors.
25. Perform no load and load test and determine characteristics of series and shunt
generators, perform no load and load test and determine characteristics of
compound generators (cumulative and differential), Practice dismantling and
assembling in DC shunt motor, Practice dismantling and assembling in DC
compound generator.
26. Conduct performance analysis of DC series, shunt and compound motors,
Dismantle and identify parts of three point and four-point DC motor starters,
Assemble, Service and repair three point and four-point DC motor starters.
27. Practice maintenance of carbon brushes, brush holders, Commutator and sliprings.
28. Perform speed control of DC motors - field and armature control method, carry out
overhauling of DC machines, Perform DC machine winding by developing
connection diagram, test on growler and assemble.
29. Identify parts and terminals of three phase AC motors, make an internal connection
of automatic star-delta starter with three contactors, Connect, start and run three
phase induction motors by using DOL, star- delta and auto-transformer starters,
Connect, start, run and reverse direction of rotation of slip-ring motor through rotor
resistance starter and determine performance characteristic.
30. Determine the efficiency of squirrel cage induction motor by brake test, Determine
the efficiency of three phase squirrel cage induction motor by no load test and
blocked rotor test, Measure slip and power factor to draw speed- torque(slip/torque)
characteristics, Test for continuity and insulation resistance of three phase
induction motors, Perform speed control of three phase induction motors by various
methods like rheostatic control, autotransformer etc.
31. Perform winding of three phase AC motor by developing connection diagram, test
and assemble, Maintain, service and troubleshoot the AC motor starter.
32. Identify parts and terminals of different types of single-phase AC motors, Install,
connect and determine performance of single-phase AC motors, Start, run and
reverse the direction of rotation of single-phase AC motors, Practice on speed control
of single phase AC motors, Compare starting and running winding currents of a
capacitor run motor at various loads and measure the speed, Carry out
maintenance, service and repair of single-phase AC motors, Practice on
single/double layer and concentric winding for AC motors, testing and assembling,
Connect, start, run and reverse the direction of rotation of universal motor, Carry
out maintenance and servicing of universal motor.
33. Install an alternator, identify parts and terminals of alternator, Test for continuity
and insulation resistance of alternator, Connect, start and run an alternator and
build up the voltage, Determine the load performance and voltage regulation of three
phase alternator, Parallel operation and synchronization of three phase alternators
34. Install a synchronous motor, identify its parts and terminals, Connect, start and
plot V- curves for synchronous motor under different excitation and load conditions.
35. Identify parts and terminals of MG set, Start and load MG set with3 phase induction
motor coupled to DC shunt generator.
36. Determine the value of resistance by colour code and identify types, Test active and
passive electronic components and its applications.
37. Determine V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode, construct half wave, full wave
and bridge rectifiers using semiconductor diode, Check transistors for their
functioning by identifying its type and terminals, Bias the transistor and determine
its characteristics, Use transistor as an electronic switch and series voltage
38. Operate and set the required frequency using function generator, make a printed
circuit board for power supply, construct simple circuits containing UJT for
triggering and FET as an amplifier, Trouble shoot defects in simple power supplies.
39. Construct power control circuit by SCR, Diac, Triac and IGBT, construct variable D
C stabilized power supply using IC, Practice on various logics by use of logic
gates and circuits, Generate and demonstrate wave shapes for voltage and current
of rectifier, single stage amplifier and oscillator using CRO.
40. Design layout of control cabinet, assemble control elements and wiring accessories
for: Local and remote control of induction motor, Forward and reverse operation of
induction motor, Automatic star-delta starter with change of direction of rotation,
Sequential control of three motors, Carry out wiring of control cabinet as per wiring
diagram, bunching of XLPE cables, channelling, tying and checking etc., Mount
various control elements e.g. circuit breakers, relays, contactors and timers etc.,
Identify and install required measuring instruments and sensors in control panel,
Test the control panel for its performance.
41. Perform speed control of DC motor using thyristors / DC drive, perform speed
control and reversing the direction of rotation of AC motors by using thyristors / AC
drive, Construct and test a universal motor speed controller using SCR.
42. Assemble circuits of voltage stabilizer and UPS, prepare an emergency light,
assemble circuits of battery charger and inverter, Test, analyze defects and repair
voltage stabilizer, emergency light and UPS, Maintain, service and troubleshoot
battery charger and inverter, Install an Inverter with battery and connect it in
domestic wiring for operation.
43. Draw layout of thermal power plant and identify function of different layout
elements, draw layout of hydel power plant and identify functions of different layout
elements, visit to transmission / distribution substation, draw actual circuit
diagram of sub-station visited and indicate various components.
44. Prepare layout plan and identify different elements of solar power system, prepare
layout plan and identify different elements of wind power system, Assemble and
connect solar panel for illumination.
45. Practice installation of insulators used in HT/LT line for a given voltage range, draw
single line diagram of transmission and distribution system, Measure current
carrying capacity of conductor for given power supply, Fasten jumper in pin,
shackle and suspension type insulators.
46. Erect an overhead service, line pole for single phase 230V distribution system in
open space, Practice on laying of domestic service line, Install bus bar and bus
coupler on LT line.
47. Identify various parts of relay and ascertain the operation, Practice setting of pick
up current and time setting multiplier for relay operation, Identify the parts of circuit
breaker, check its operation, Test tripping characteristic of circuit breaker for over
current and short circuit current, Practice on repair and maintenance of circuit
9. Syllabus for MACHINIST Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Introduction of first aid. Operation of electrical mains and electrical safety,
Introduction of PPEs, Response to emergencies e.g., power failure, fire, and system
failure, Importance of housekeeping & good shop floor practices. Introduction to
5S concept & its application, Occupational Safety & Health: Health, Safety and
Environment guidelines, legislations & regulations as applicable, Basic
understanding on Hot work, confined space work and material handling
2. Linear measurements- its units, steel rule dividers, callipers types and uses,
Punch types and uses. Uses of different types of hammers. Description, use and
care of marking off table.
3. Bench vice construction, types, uses, care & maintenance, vice clamps, hacksaw
frames and blades, specification, description, types and their uses, method of
using hacksaws, Files-elements, types, specification and their uses. Methods of
filing. Care and maintenance of files, Measuring standards (English), Metric Units.
4. Pedestal grinding machine: Use, care and safety aspect, marking off and layout
tools, scribing block, care & maintenance, try square, ordinary depth gauge, Care
& maintenance of cold chisels- materials, types, cutting angles, Combination set-
its components, uses and cares.
5. Marking media, Prussian blue, red lead, chalk and their special application,
description. Surface plate and auxiliary marking equipment, ‘V’ block, angle plates,
parallel block, description, types, uses, accuracy, care and maintenance.
6. Drill, Tap, Die-types & application. Determination of tap drill size. Basic
terminology related to screw thread.
7. Reamer- material, types (Hand and machine reamer), parts and their uses,
determining hole size for reaming, Reaming procedure. Vernier height gauge:
construction, graduations, Vernier setting & reading. Care and maintenance of
Vernier height Gauge.
8. Drilling machines-types &their application, construction of Pillar & Radial drilling
machine. Countersunk, counter bore and spot facing -tools and nomenclature,
Cutting Speed, feed, depth of cut and Drilling time calculations.
9. Interchangeability: Necessity in Engg., field, Limit- Definition, types, terminology
of limits and fits-basic size, actual size, deviation, high and low limit, zero-line,
tolerance zone, allowances. Different standard systems of fits and limits. (British
standard system & BIS system).
10. Vernier calliper-its parts, principle, reading, uses & care, outside micrometre- its
parts, principle, reading, uses, Reading of Vernier Micrometre, care &
maintenance, Dial test indicator-its parts, types, construction and uses.
11. Getting to know the lathe with its main components, lever positions and various
lubrication points as well Definition of machine & machine tool and its
classification. History and gradual development of lathe. Introduction to lathe- its
types. Centre lathe construction, detail function of parts, specification, Safety
points to be observed while working on a lathe.
12. Lathe cutting tool-different types, material, shapes and different angles (clearance,
rake etc.) and their effects, specification of lathe tools, grinding process of tools.
Types of chips, chip breaker. Tool life, factors affecting tool life, driving mechanism,
speed and feed mechanism of Lathe, Lathe operations-facing, turning, parting-off,
grooving, chamfering, boring etc., Knurling-types, grade & its necessity.
13. Concept of Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting, Chucks & different types of job
holding devices on lathe and advantages of each type. Mounting and dismounting
of chucks, Vernier Bevel Protractor parts, reading and uses.
14. Taper different methods of expressing tapers, different standard tapers. Method
of taper, turning, important dimensions of taper. Taper turning by swivelling
compound slide, its calculation., Calculations of taper turning by off-setting tail
stock, Sine Bar description & uses. Slip gauge description and uses.
15. Different thread forms, their related dimensions and calculations of screw cutting
in a lathe (Metric thread on English lathe and English thread on Metric lathe).
Measurement of threads by three wire methods. Use of Screw Pitch Gauge.
16. SlotterClassification, principle, construction, Safety precaution, Introduction and
their indexing process on a Slotter by its Rotary table graduations, driving
mechanisms, quick return motion and speed ratio, Safety points to be observed
while working on a Slotter.
17. Job holding devices-vice, clamps, V-block, parallel block etc., Slotting tools- types,
tool angles, use of tool with holder for internal operations, Precautions to be
observed during slotting internal operations, Use of circular marks on the table for
slotting curves, Chain, Sprocket and their applications.
18. Spline types and uses.
19. Coolant & lubricant Introduction, types, properties, application & applying
20. Milling Machine: Introduction, types, parts, construction and specification, Driving
and feed mechanism of Milling Machine, Different types of milling cutters & their
use. Cutter nomenclature, Different milling operations plain, face, angular, form,
slot, gang and straddle milling etc., Up and down milling, Different types of milling
attachments and their uses.
21. Jigs and FixturesIntroduction, principle, types, use, advantages & disadvantages.
22. Properties of metals general idea of physical, mechanical properties of metals,
colour, weight, hardness toughness, malleability, ductility their effect on
machinability, Heat Treatment Introduction, necessity, types, Purposes, different
methods of Heat Treatment. Heat Treatment of Plain Carbon Steel.
23. Indexing-introduction & types. Indexing head-types &constructional details,
function of indexing plates and the sector arms, Calculation for various types of
24. Turning of taper by taper turning attachment - advantages and dis- advantages,
taper calculations, Mandrel, Lathe centres, Lathe dog, catch plate/Driving plate,
Face plate, Rests, their types & uses.
25. Terms relating screw thread major/ minor diameter, pitch and lead of the screw,
depth of thread. Simple gear train and compound gear train change gears for
fractional pitches, square thread and its form and calculation of depth, core dia,
pitch Día, Difference between single and multi-start threads- their uses, merits
and demerits.
26. Grinding Introduction, grinding wheel- abrasive, types, bond, grade, grid,
structure, standard marking system of grinding wheel, selection of the grinding
wheel. Wet grinding and dry grinding, various types of grinding wheels and their
application, grinding defects and remedies, Tool & cutter grinder- Introduction,
parts, construction, use and specification, different types of tool rest & them,
Application, Various methods of cutter grinding, Various cutter grinding
attachments and their uses.
27. Dressing, types of dressers, Glazing and Loading of wheels its causes and
remedies, Roughness values and their symbols. Explain the importance and
necessity of quality.
28. Surface Grinder-Types, Parts, construction, use, methods of surface grinding,
specification & safety.
29. Cylindrical grinder: Introduction, parts, construction, types, specification, safety,
different methods of cylindrical grinding.
30. Cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, machining time calculation.
31. Geometrical tolerances, definition, symbol and their application, Depth Micrometer
Parts, reading, uses and safety, Different types of micrometres and their uses,
Inside Micrometer its parts, reading and uses.
32. Bore Dial Gauge its parts, reading (both in Metric and English system) and uses.
Telescopic gauge, Gauges different types and their uses, difference between
Gauges and Measuring Instruments. Gear introduction, use and type. Elements of
a spur gear. Gear tooth of each form’s types, merits and demerits of each.
33. Rack types, uses and calculations.
34. Selection of gear cutter type and form & various methods of checking gear and its
parts, Vernier gear tooth caliper - its construction and application in checking gear
35. Spur gear calculations, curves and their uses, Use of radius gauges and template.
36. Vertical Milling Machine- its parts. Method of boring in Vertical milling. Difference
between Horizontal and Vertical Milling Machine.
37. Helix and Spiral introduction, types and elements. Difference between helix &
spiral. Difference between R.H. and L.H. helix, Helical gear- elements, application.
Calculations for cutting helical gear.
38. Reamer types, elements and uses. Calculations for cutting Reamer.
39. Twist drill-nomenclature, cutters election. Calculations for cutting twist drill.
40. Study of basic Electricals- Voltage Current etc
41. Working of Solenoids, Inductors, Motors, Generator Based On Electromagnetic
Induction Principle, Switches, Fuse and Circuit Breakers, Introduction To
Sensors-Fundamental of Sensor, Proximity Sensors Classification and Operation-
Proximity Sensor- Types Of Proximity Sensor And Their Working-Industrial
Application, Sensors for Distance And Displacement -LVDT-Linear Potentiometer-
Ultrasonic And Optic Sensors -Industrial Application.
42. Personal safety, safe material handling, and safe machine operation on CNC
turning centers. CNC technology basics, Comparison between CNC and
conventional lathes. Concepts of positioning accuracy, repeatability. CNC lathe
machine elements and their functions-bed, chuck, tailstock, turret, ball screws,
guide ways, LM guides, colant system, hydraulic system, chip conveyor, steady
rest, console, spindle motor and drive, axes motors, tail stock, encoders, control
switches, Feedback, CNC interpolation, open and close loop control systems.
Machining operations and the tool paths in them stock removal in turning and
facing, grooving, face grooving, threading, drilling.
43. Concept of Co-ordinate geometry, concept of machine coordinate axis, axes
convention on CNC lathes, work zero, machine zero, Converting part diameters
and lengths into co-ordinate system points. Absolute and incremental
programming, Programming sequence, formats, different codes and words, ISO
G codes and M codes for CNC turning, Describe CNC interpolation, open and close
loop control systems. Co-ordinate systems and Points, Program execution in
different modes like MDI, single block and auto, Canned cycles for stock removal
(turning/facing),grooving, threading, for external and internal operations, Tool
nose radius compensation (TNRC) and why it is necessary. Find the geometry page
in CNC machine, cutting tool materials, application of various materials, Cutting
tool geometry for internal and external turning, grooving, threading, face
grooving, drilling. Insert holding methods for each, Insert cutting edge geometry,
ISO nomenclature for turning tool holders, boring tool holders, Indexable inserts,
Cutting parameters- cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, constant surface speed,
limiting spindle speed, Tool wear, tool life, relative effect of each cutting parameter
on tool life, Selection of cutting parameters from a tool manufacturer’s catalogue
for various operations, Writing part programs as per drawing & checking using
CNC program verification/ simulation software. Process planning, work holding,
tool and cutting parameters selection according to the part geometry and
dimensions. Collisions due to program errors, effects of collisions. Costs associated
with collisions tool breakage, machine damage, injuries.
44. Program execution in different modes like MDI, single block and auto, Process
planning & sequencing, tool layout& selection and cutting parameters selection,
Work and tool offsets, Inputs value to the offset/ geometry page into machine,
turning in multiple setups, hard and soft jaws, soft jaw boring, use of tailstock and
steady rest, Length to diameter (L/D) ratio and deciding work holding based on it.
Machine operation modes Jog, MDI, MPG, Edit, Memory, Entering and editing
programs on machine console, entering offsets data in offsets page, Use of
Emergency stop, Reset, Feed rate override, spindle speed override, edits lock on/off
buttons and keys.
45. Program checking in single block and dry run modes necessity and method, Tool
offsets adjustment on first part for close tolerance dimensions, by over sizing (for
outside dimensions) or under sizing (for inside dimensions) the dimension to
prevent part rejection, Wear offset setting necessity, relationship with tool wear,
entering in offsets page, Process and tool selection related to grooving, drilling,
boring and threading. Axes over travel, recovering from over travel, Collisions due
to improper machine setup and operation causes and effects. Recovering from
collisions, find out alarm codes and meaning of those codes.
46. Safety aspects related to CNC VMC. CNC technology basics, Comparison between
CNC VMC and conventional milling machines. Concepts of positioning accuracy,
repeatability, CNC VMC machine elements and their functions - bed, chuck, Auto
tool changer (ATC), ball screws, guide ways, LM guides, coolant system, hydraulic
system, chip conveyor, rotary table, pallet changer, console, spindle motor and
drive, axes motors, encoders, control switches, Feedback, CNC interpolation, open
and close loop control systems, Machining operations and the tool paths in them
- Face milling, Side milling, Pocket milling, Drilling, Counter sinking, Rigid
tapping, floating tapping Reaming, Rough boring, Finish boring, Spot facing.
47. Concept of Co-ordinate geometry & polar coordinate points, concept of machine
axis, axes convention on CNC lathes, work zero, machine zero, Converting part
dimensions into coordinate system points. Absolute and incremental
programming, Programming - sequence, formats, different codes and words, ISO
G and M codes for CNC milling. Canned cycles for drilling, peck drilling, reaming,
tapping, finish boring, Subprograms, Cutter radius compensation (CRC)and why
it is necessary, cutting tool materials, application of various materials, cutting tool
geometry for face mill, end mill, drill, countersink, tap, finish bore, reamer. Insert
holding methods face mill, insert type end mill and insert type drill. Insert cutting
edge geometry, Cutting parameters- cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, Tool
wear, tool life, relative effect of each cutting parameter on tool life, Selection of
cutting parameters from a tool manufacturer's catalog for various operations,
Writing part programs as per drawing & check using CNC program verification
software, Process planning, work holding, tool and cutting parameters selection
according to the part geometry and dimensions, Collisions due to program errors,
effects of collisions. Costs associated with collisions - tool breakage, machine
damage, injuries.
48. Program execution in different modes like manual, single block and auto, Process
planning & sequencing, tool layout & selection and cutting parameters selection,
Work offset, tool length offset, tool radius offset, Work holding with temporary
holding and fixtures. Truing of part and fixture, Machine operation modes - Jog,
MDI, MPG, Edit, Memory, Entering and editing programs on machine console,
entering offsets data in offsets page, Use of Emergency stop, Reset, Feed rate
override, spindle speed override, edit lock on/off buttons and keys.
49. Tool wear and necessity for wear offsets change, entering wear offsets in offsets
page, Effects of sudden machine stoppage due to power shutdown or use of
emergency stop, restarting machine from sudden stoppage, means of program
transfer through electronic media, Productivity concepts, cycle time, machine
down time, causes of down time-breaks, machine breakdown, inspection, part
loading and unloading, chip cleaning, Effect of down time on profitability, reducing
down time. Machine hour rate, components of machine hour rate-principal
repayment, interest, overheads (power, tooling, space, salaries, indirect expenses).
Calculation of machining cost, cost of down time.
50. Machine productivity concepts cycle time, down time, cycle time estimation,
Costing - machine hour rate, machining cost, tool cost, cost of down time,
Importance of Technical English terms used in industry. Technical forms, process
sheet, activity log, job card, in industry-standard formats, Lubricating system-
types and importance.
51. Maintenance: Definition, types and its necessity, System of symbol and colour
coding. Possible causes for failure and remedies.
52. Calculations for cutting helical slab/cylindrical cutter, Calculations for cutting
End Mill cutter.
53. Bevel gear-elements, types, application, calculation for cutting bevel gear.
54. Cam-types, elements & application, Platecam-manufacturing & calculations.
Drum cam- its calculation, advantages, types of follower & its purposes.
55. Worm wheel-application, elements & calculation, Worm- calculation.
56. Types of Keys and their uses. Variation - types and causes. Testing of Gear and
1. Safety attitude development and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),
First Aid Method and basic training, Safe disposal of waste materials like cotton
waste, metal chips/burrs etc., Hazard identification and avoidance, Identification
of safety signs for Danger, Warning, caution & personal safety message,
Preventive measures for electrical accidents & steps to be taken in such
accidents, Use of fire extinguishers, Practice and understand precautions to be
followed while working in fitting jobs, Safe use of tools and equipment used in
the trade.
2. Study the drawing to plan the job/ work. Identification of tools & equipment’s as
per desired specifications for marking, filing& sawing, Visual inspection of raw
material for rusting, scaling, corrosion etc., Familiarization of bench vice, Filing-
Flat and square (Rough finish), Marking with scriber and steel rule, filing
practice, surface filing, marking of straight and parallel lines with odd leg
callipers and steel rule.
3. Marking out lines, gripping suitably in vice jaws, hack sawing to given
dimensions, sawing different types of metals of different sections, Marking
practice with dividers, odd leg callipers, scriber and steel rule (circles, arc, parallel
4. Grinding, centre punch, dot punch, chisel and scriber, marking off straight lines
and arc using scribing block and dividers, Marking, filing, filing square and check
using try-square.
5. Marking according to drawing for locating, position of holes, scribing lines on
chalked surfaces with marking tools, finding centre of round bar with the help of
‘V’ block and marking block, prepare mushroom head and round bar and bending
metal plate by hammering, Marking using scale, surface gauge and angle plate.
6. Chipping flat surfaces along a marked line, make a square from a round job by
chipping up to 20mm length, Slot, straight and angular chipping, Mark off and
drill through holes, Drill and tap on M.S. flat, cutting external thread on M.S. rod
using Die, Punch letter and number (letter punch and number punch), Counter
sinking, counter boring and reaming with accuracy +/- 0.04 mm, Drill blind holes
with an accuracy 0.04 mm, Form internal threads with taps to standard size
(blind holes). Prepare studs and bolt.
7. Make Male & Female ‘T’ fitting with an accuracy +/- 0.2 mm and 1 degree. Make
male female square fit with accuracy +/- 0.1 mm, Make Male & Female Hexagon
fitting with accuracy +/- 0.06 mm, Make Male & Female ‘T’ fitting with an
accuracy +/- 0.2 mm and 1 degree. Make male female square fit with accuracy
+/- 0.1 mm, Make Male & Female Hexagon fitting with accuracy +/- 0.06 mm.
8. Identify & function of different parts of lathe. Practice on operation of lathe
(dry/idle run), Setting lathe on different speed and feed, Dismantling, assembling
& truing of 3-jaw & 4-jaw chucks, Grinding of R.H. and L.H. tools, V- tool, parting
tool, round nose tool, checking of angles with angle gauge/ bevel protractor,
Grinding of “V” tools for threading of Metric 60-degree threads.
9. Perform facing operation to correct length, Centre drilling and drilling operation
to required size, perform parallel turning and step turning operation.
10. Perform drilling, boring and undercut operation, parting, grooving, chamfering
11. Measurement with steel rule and outside calliper with an accuracy of ± 0.5 mm,
Perform different Knurling operation in lathe with accuracy of ± 0.5 mm, Perform
Drilling & boring of blind hole with an accuracy of± 0.3 mm, Make taper turning
by form tool with an accuracy of 1 degree, Make taper turning by compound slide
swivelling with an accuracy of ± 30 minute, Make taper by off-setting tailstock
with an accuracy of ± 30 minute, Checking taper by Vernier Bevel Protractor and
sine bar & slip gauge.
12. Cutting V thread (internal) in a lathe and check with Screw Pith Gauge, Fitting
of male & female threaded components.
13. Identification of slotting machine parts & its construction, use of rotary table.
Practice on slotting key ways on pulley with accuracy +/- 0.04 mm, slotting a
double ended spanner with accuracy +/- 0.1 mm, cutting sprocket teeth on
slotting machine with accuracy +/- 0.04 mm, Cutting internal spline on slotting
machine with accuracy +/-0.04 mm.
14. Identification of milling machine. Demonstrate working principle of Milling
Machine. Set vice & job on the table of Milling Machine, Set arbor on the spindle
of milling machine. Set the cutter on arbour. Safety points to be observed while
working on a milling machine, Demonstrate Up Milling and Down Milling Process.
Sequence of milling six faces of a solid block. Check the accuracy with the help
of try-square and vernier height gauge, Perform Step milling using side and face
cutter checking with depth micrometer. Perform slot milling using side and face
cutter Milling Machine with accuracy +/-0.02 mm, make concave surfaces with
an accuracy +/-0.02 mm. Make convex surfaces with an accuracy +/-0.02 mm.
Straddle milling operation with an accuracy +/-0.02 mm. Gang milling operation
with an accuracy +/-0.02 mm.
15. Make Dovetail fitting (male & female) on Milling Machine with an accuracy +/-
0.02, Make T-Slot fitting (male & female) on Milling Machine with an accuracy
+/-0.02 mm.
16. Demonstrate indexing head. Set and align indexing head with reference to job on
milling machine. Make square job by direct/ simple indexing method with an
accuracy +/-0.02 mm, Make hexagonal job by simple indexing method with
an accuracy +/-0.02 mm.
17. Checking of alignment of lathe centres and their adjustments. Turning practice-
between centres on mandrel (gear blank) with an accuracy +/-30 minute. Taper
turning by swivelling the cross slide, make square thread (external) on a lathe
with an accuracy +/-0.02 mm, make square thread (internal) on a lathe with an
accuracy +/-0.02 mm, check with thread gauge grinding of tool & setting in
correct position. Fitting of male & Female Square threaded components. Make
multi-start V thread on lathe with Screw Pitch gauge, perform eccentric turning
with an accuracy +/-0.02mm.
18. Identification of different types of grinding machine, Wheel balancing & truing.
Dressing of grinding wheel. Grinding of block(Six sides) by surface grinding
machine with an accuracy of +/- 0.01mm, surface grinding machine with an
accuracy of +/- 0.01 mm. Grinding of slot block by surface grinding machine
with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 mm. Set and perform angular grinding using
universal vice/ sign vice to standard angle. Make slide fit with an accuracy ±
0.01mm (male female), Perform form grinding sake dovetail fitting with an
accuracy ± 0.01mm (male & female).
19. Cylindrical grinding- External parallel cylindrical grinding (Both holding in
chuck/ collet and in between centers, Plunge grinding Perform straight bore
grinding , Perform step bore grinding , Internal taper bore grinding , Make male
female fitting with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 mm, External step cylindrical grinding
with an accuracy of +/- 0.01 mm, External taper cylindrical grinding with an
accuracy of +/- 0.01 mm, Make Internal Grooving using milling Machine with an
accuracy 0.02 mm. Make Straight Teeth Rack using Milling Machine with an
accuracy 0.05 mm. Make Helical Teeth Rack using Milling Machine with an
accuracy 0.05 mm one straight rack. Measurement of teeth by Vernier Gear Tooth
Calliper Make spur gear using Simple indexingwith an accuracy 0.05 mm.
Make spur gear using differential indexing with an accuracy 0.05 mm.
20. Perform Boring operation on Vertical Milling Machine with an accuracy 0.05 mm,
make helical gear on milling machine with an accuracy 0.05 mm, make
straight flute milling on Milling Machine with an accuracy 0.05 mm, Make helical
flute on Milling Machine with an accuracy 0.02 mm.
21. Measure Current, Voltage and Resistance using Simple Ohm`s Law Circuit and
Familiarizing Multi-meter. Soldering Techniques, Step up and step -down
transformers. Working with Solenoids and Relays. Working of Motor &
Generators. Behaviour of Proximity Sensors. Behaviour of ultrasonic sensors.
Logical Operation of Sensors. Limit & Level Control using Sensors. Interfacing of
Sensors with Electrical Actuators.
22. Know rules of personal and CNC machine safety, safe handling of tools, safety
switches and material handling equipment using CNC didactic/ simulation
software and equipment, Identify CNC lathe machine elements and their
functions, on the machine, Understand the working of parts of CNC lathe,
explained using CNC didactic/ simulation software. Identify machine over travel
limits and emergency stop, on the machine, decide tool path for turning, facing,
grooving, threading, drilling, Identification of safety switches and interlocking of
DIH modes.
23. Identify common tool holder and insert shapes by ISO nomenclature. Select
cutting tool and insert for each operation, fix inserts and tools in tool holders,
decide cutting tool material for various applications, Select cutting parameters
from tool manufacturer’s catalogue, Write CNC programs for simple tool motions
and parts using linear and circular interpolation, check on program verification/
simulation software.
24. Write CNC part programs using canned cycles for stock removal, grooving,
threading operations, with drilling and finish turning, Use TNRC commands for
finish turning. Check simulation on program verification/simulation software,
avoiding collisions caused by program errors, knowing causes and effects of
collisions due to program errors, by making deliberate program errors and
simulation on program verification/simulation software.
25. Conduct a preliminary check of the readiness of the CNC lathe - cleanliness of
machine, functioning of lubrication, coolant level, correct working of sub-
systems, on the machine, Starting the machine, do homing on CNC simulator,
Entering the CNC program in EDIT mode for an exercise on Simple turning &
Facing (step turning) without using canned cycles, on CNC simulator, Mounting
jaws to suit the part holding area on CNC machine, Mounting tools on the turret
according to part and process requirement, on CNC simulator &on CNC machine,
Perform Work and tool setting: Job zero/work coordinate system and tool setup
and live tool setup, Determining work and tool offsets using JOG, MDI, MPG
modes, on CNC simulator, Entering the tool offsets, tool nose radii and
orientation for TNRC in offsets page, on CNC simulator.
26. Program checking in dry run, single block modes, on CNC simulator & CNC
machine, Absolute and incremental programming assignments and simulation,
Checking finish size by over sizing through tool offsets, on CNC simulator,
Prepare part program and cut the part in auto mode in CNC machine for the
exercise on Simple turning & Facing (step turning), Recovering from axes over
travel, on CNC simulator, Part program writing, setup, checking and Automatic
Mode Execution for exercise on Turning with Radius/ chamfer with TNRC on
CNC machine, Part program writing, setup, checking and Automatic Mode
Execution for exercise on Turning with TNRC, grooving and threading, on CNC
simulator & on CNC machine.
27. Checking finish size by over sizing through tool offsets, on the machine,
Machining parts on CNC lathe with combination step, taper, radius turning,
grooving &threading, with external and internal operations, first and second
operation, on the machine, Machining long part on CNC lathe held in chuck and
tailstock (between centers), Starting from interruption due to power shutdown,
tool breakage, Changing wear offsets to take into account tool wear, Part program
preparation, Simulation & Automatic Mode Execution of CNC Machine for the
exercise on Blue print programming contours with TNRC, Carryout
Drilling/Boring cycles in CNC Turning.
28. Know rules of personal and CNC machine safety, safe handling of tools and
material handling equipment, Using CNC didactic/ simulation software and
equipment. Identify CNC vertical machining center machine elements and their
functions, on the machine, understand working of parts of CNC VMC, explained
using CNC didactic/ simulation software, identify machine over travel limits and
emergency stop, on the machine, decide tool path for Face milling, Side milling,
Pocket milling, Drilling, Counter sinking, tapping, Reaming, Rough boring, finish
boring, Spot facing.
29. Identify common tools, tool holders and inserts, Select cutting tool, insert and
holder for each operation, fix inserts and tools in tool holders, decide cutting tool
material for various applications, Select cutting parameters from tool
manufacturer's catalog, Write CNC programs for simple parts using linear and
circular interpolation, absolute and incremental modes, check on program
verification software.
30. Write CNC part programs for parts with face milling, pocket milling with
subprograms. Check on program verification software. Write CNC part programs
for pocket milling, drilling with canned cycle, countersinking with canned cycle,
tapping with canned cycle. Check on program verification software. Avoiding
collisions caused by program errors. Knowing causes and effects of collisions due
to program errors, by making deliberate program errors and simulation on
program verification software.
31. Conduct a preliminary check of the readiness of the CNC VMC - cleanliness of
machine, functioning of lubrication, coolant level, correct working of sub-
systems, On the machine. Starting the machine, do homing on CNC simulator,
Entering the CNC program in EDIT mode for an exercise on face milling and
drilling without using canned cycles, on CNC simulator, Mounting tools on the
ATC according to part and process requirement, on CNC simulator & CNC
machine, Determining work and tool offsets using JOG, MDI, MPG modes, on
CNC simulator& CNC machine, Tool change in CNC milling and JOG, MDI, MPG
mode operation, Entering the work offset, tool length offsets, tool radii and, on
CNC simulator.
32. Program checking in dry run, single block modes, on CNC simulator, Checking
finish size by over or under sizing through tool offsets, on CNC simulator, Prepare
part programme, enter, edit and simulate, Carryout tool path simulation,
Recovering from axes over travel, on virtual machine simulator, Part program
writing, setup, checking and Automatic Mode Execution for exercise on side
milling with CRC, on CNC simulator & CNC machine, Part program writing,
setup, checking and Automatic Mode Execution for exercise on face milling,
drilling, countersinking, tapping using canned cycle, on CNC simulator & CNC
machine, Automatic mode execution of CNC Machine Exercises with Block
Search and restart. Mounting clamps, locators, supports, truing part and fixture.
33. Machining parts on CNC VMC with combination face milling, side milling with
CRC, drilling, countersinking, tapping, Use canned cycles and subprograms
wherever possible, Machining of part with closely controlled slot dimension using
CRC, Machining of part with pockets, End milling with polar co- ordinates, Part
programs & Simulation Automatic Mode Execution of CNC Machine for the
exercise on End milling with polar co- ordinates and practical on Simple drilling
-G 81, Determining and entering wear offsets. Restarting machine from power
shutdown or sudden stoppage, Program transfer to machine through electronic
media USB and flash drive, Merging the work zero with program zero-point,
geometry and wear offset correction, Practical on Chamfer and counter-sink
drilling, Carryout Deep hole drilling G 83, Perform Threading and tapping G 84.
34. Carryout Boring cycles G 85 - G 89. Preparations of part programs for thread
cutting/thread milling for CNC machining centres, drilling milling patterns,
Thread milling etc. Circular and rectangular pockets machining, Calculation of
machine hour rates for typical CNC lathe and VMC. Estimation of cycle time for
parts with face milling, side milling, drilling, tapping operations.
35. Inspection of Machine tools such as alignment, levelling etc., Accuracy testing of
machine tools such as geometrical parameter, Cutting teeth on helical slab/
cylindrical cutter and end mill cutter with an accuracy of +/- 0.05 mm, Cutting
bevel gears on a milling machine with an accuracy of +/-0.05 mm, Cutting a plate
cam with angular setting in milling machine with an accuracy of +/-0.05 mm,
Cutting worm wheel on a milling machine with an accuracy of +/- 0.05 mm,
Cutting worm thread on a milling machine with an accuracy of +/- 0.05 mm.
Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. History of Refrigeration and Airconditioning, Function, use and specifications
of refrigeration tools, instruments and equipment, Grooming of technicians.
2. Fitting-Different types of Fitting hand tools, power tools their use, Function,
construction, Specification & their application. Machineries and equipment used
in fittings like drilling machines, grinding machines types, specifications and
care and maintenance. Precision measuring instrumentsFunction,
construction, Specification & their application.
3. Sheet Metal-Function, construction, working, use, and application, specification
of Sheetmetal tools, instruments and equipment, Care and maintenance of tools,
Types of sheet metal joints (cold and hot) and their use, Rivet & riveting- their
types and use. Solder and its composition.
4. Electrical-Electrical terms such as AC and DC supply, Voltage, Current,
Resistance, Power, Energy, Frequency etc., Safety precautions to be observed
while working on electricity. Conductors and Insulators, Materials used as
conductors, Series and parallel circuit, open circuit, short circuit, etc.,
Measuring Instruments such as voltmeter, ammeter, ohm meter, watt meter,
energy meter and frequency meter. Earthing and its importance. Earth
resistance, Insulation and continuity test, Inductors and capacitors, Effects of
inductor and capacitors in an AC circuit, Inductive reactance, capacitive
reactance, Impedance and power factor. Lagging and leading power factors.
Single phase and Three phase supply system, Star and Delta connection and
their comparison. Line voltage, Line current, Phase voltage and Phase current.
Methods of improving power factor.
5. Electronics- Introduction to Electronics, Basic Principles of semiconductors,
Principles and application of Diodes, Solderits composition and paste,
Rectification, Zener diode as voltage regulatortransistors parameters-CB, CE,
CC, configuration, amplification. SCR Photo diodes, photo transistors, multi
vibrator, CR & LR circuit, SCRs, UJTs, ICs.
6. Welding-Introduction to basic principles of commonly used Welding processes,
oxy fuel gas welding / cutting, brazing & soldering, nozzles, base metal and filler
metal, Use of flux, Welding tools and equipment type specification and use,
Safety method in welding, Method of gas welding, gas used and flames
adjustment and pressure setting of O2 and DA, Difference between soldering
and Brazing in terms of temperatures, filler materials, joint strengths and
applications, Use of Oxy Acetylene, Oxy LPG, Air LPG and two stage regulator
for brazing/soldering. Description of back fire arrester.
7. Basic Refrigeration-Basic principle of refrigeration, working, use, specifications
of refrigeration tools, instruments and equipment. Fundamentals of
Refrigeration, units and measurements, Pressure & its Measurements,
Thermodynamics law, Science related to refrigeration, work, power, energy,
force, Heat and Temperature, Different temperature scales, Thermometers,
Units of heat, sensible heat, latent heat, super heating and sub-cooling,
saturation temperature, pressure, types, units, Types of Refrigeration systems,
including Vapour absorption refrigeration cycle (VARC), water LiBr
combination. Study the construction and working of vapor compression cycle,
low side & high side of vapour compression system., Applications of vapour
compression cycle, Coefficient of Performance (COP), Ton of Refrigeration,
Construction and working of V.C Cycle, fundamental operations, sub cooling
and super heating. Study of Ph, Ts, Pv diagram.
8. Refrigerator (Direct cool)- Function, construction, working of single door direct
cool refrigerator, specifications, troubleshooting, care and maintenance,
Requirement of Vacuum and level of vacuum, Study the construction & working
of direct cool Refrigerator, Study the electrical components of refrigerator, Study
the mechanical components of refrigerator and their types, Study the heat
exchanger, door gaskets, Heat Insulation materials. Care and maintenance of
refrigerator, Importance of flushing in evaporator and condenser, use of dry
nitrogen for flushing, necessity of replacing capillary and drier. Evacuation, leak
testing, gas charging method in refrigerator, Refrigerants used in Refrigerators
and its properties. Desiccant drying agent.
9. Frost Free Refrigerator-Study the construction and working of Frost Free (2 or 3
door) Refrigerator parts particularly, the forced draft cooling, Air Duct circuit,
temperature control in Freezer & cabinet of Refrigerator, air flapper / louver used
in refrigerator section, automatic defrost system. Study of Electrical accessories
& their functions (Timer, Heater, Bimetal, Relay, OLP, T/S etc.), Refrigerator
cabinet volume calculation
10. Refrigerator (Inverter Technology) Study the construction and its working of two
and three door frost free refrigerator, Care and maintenance, installation
11. Compressor-Function, construction, working, application of compressor, (Fixed
speed and variable speed compressor) like Reciprocating, rotary, scroll and
inverter type.
12. Study the construction & working of reciprocating, rotary, scroll, screw and
centrifugal compressor, wobble & swash plate compressor, Compressor
efficiency factors, wet compression, oil, properties, lubrication methods, AC
motors and their types. Advantages of AC motor over DC motor, Revolving field
theory, Phase splitting theory, Capacitor method and inductor method used to
split the single phase, Torque starting torque and running torque, Split phase
induction motors, working principle and construction.
13. Starting winding and running winding, starting current and running current,
Method of changing the direction of rotation, (DOR), Capacitor starts induction
run motor, working principle and construction.
14. Centrifugal switch and its function, Starter and its necessity, DOL starter and
the safety devices incorporated in it, Description of hermetic compressor motor,
Capacitor starts capacitor run motor, working principle and construction.
Starting capacitor and running capacitor Shaded pole motors, working principle
and construction, Torque comparison among various single-phase AC motors.
Common faults, causes and remedies in motors.
15. Motors-Motors used in refrigeration And Air conditioning system, types,
construction, working & their starting methods, Function of Starting relay,
Capacitors, OLP’s, Production of rotating magnetic field by three phase AC
supply. Working principle of three phase induction motor, Terms such as torque,
slip, rotor frequency and their relation, Construction of squirrel cage induction
motor. Importance of phase sequence, Construction of slip ring induction
motor Comparison between SCIM and SRIM, Three phase motor starters such
as DOL starter, Star Delta starter, Auto transformer starter and Rotor
resistance starter. Common faults, causes and remedies in three phase AC
16. Working principle of inverter technology, advantages of variable speed
technology over fixed speed, Working principle of control system for inverter Air
Conditioners (ACs). Printed circuit board (PCB), including power PCB, filter PCB,
heat sink and reactor, Wiring diagram.
17. Condenser-Function of condenser, types, Construction of air-cooled condenser.
Effect of chocked condenser. Advantages, de scaling of air-cooled condenser.
Effects of air fouling and bypass air in condenser, Types of water-cooled
condenser, application, and advantages. Liquid receiver, pump down,
application, types, function and working, Description of water-cooled
18. Drier-Function of drier, types, application and its advantage, Description of
19. Expansion Valve-Expansion valve used in domestic refrigeration and air
conditioning systems, Capillaries, Automatic and Thermostatic Ex. Valves, and
electronic expansion valves.
20. Evaporator-Working principle, Function, types of evaporators used in
refrigerator, water coolers, bottle coolers, window and split A.C, Super heating
in evaporators, Function of accumulator and types, Methods of defrosting.
21. Refrigerant-Classification of refrigerants, nomenclature of refrigerants including
chemical name and formulas, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs),
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and hydro Fluor olefins (HFOs), blends of HFCs and
blends of HFCs/HFOs. Climatic impact of refrigerants: Stratospheric ozone
depletion, global warming, mechanism of ozone depletion; the Montreal Protocol
phase-out schedule of ozone depleting refrigerants (HCFCs) and high global
warming refrigerants (HFCs). Brief introduction of Ozone Depleting Substances
(Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 and its amendments. Introduction of
properties of refrigerants; environment related properties: Ozone Depleting
Potential (ODP), GWP; ODP and GWP of various refrigerants, thermo chemical
properties: flammability and toxicity of refrigerants, lower flammability limit
(LFL) and upper flammability limit of A3 and A2L refrigerants, Thermo physical
properties: pressure temperature of different refrigerants.
22. Safe handling of flammable refrigerants-Refrigerant leak detection methods,
evacuation and charging of refrigerant, temperature glides of refrigerant blends,
procedure of charging of refrigerant blends especially the zeotropic blends,
hydrocarbon blends, HFC blends (R- 404A, R-407C, R-410A) and blends of
23. Retrofitting- Changes of components & practices while retrofitting CFC
appliances with HC Refrigerants, Properties of HCs.
24. Thermal Insulation-Function, types, thermodynamic properties of heat
insulation materials used in refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems.
Introduction of polyols and foam blowing agents (HCFC-141b, cyclopentane,
water, C02, methyl formate, HFO-1233zd(E), HFO-1336mzz(Z)).
25. Window Air Conditioner- Study of construction and working principle of window
AC andits components; electrical controls and wiring. Installation,
troubleshooting and servicing, Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) - Energy-efficiency
labelling on ACs.
26. Installation of Window AC -Advantages of proper installation of window AC
with emphasis on proper functioning and avoidance of leakage of refrigerant.
Selection of installation location considering safety, exclusive availability of
power point and obstruction-free air flow from condenser. Step by step
procedure for proper installation, and proper inclination of AC cabinet
backward/out ward for drainage of condensate.
27. Split AC-Construction and working principle, types, troubleshooting& care and
maintenance, Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) - Energy-efficiency labelling on ACs,
Advantages of proper installation with emphasis on proper functioning
and avoidance of leakage of refrigerant, Selection of location of indoor and
outdoor units ensuring minimum distance between the units, away from
flammable materials, if any, good air flow within the cooling space as well as over
the condenser. Locate power supply point considering safety and exclusiveness,
Step by step procedure for installation both for indoor and outdoor unit. Ensure
convenient access for drainage of condensate from the cooling coil.
28. Split AC (Wall Mounted) -Construction and working principle, types, trouble
shooting, Description of electrical components used in split A.C., Study the
wiring circuit.
29. SPLIT A.C. (floor, Ceiling/Cassette mounted Split A.C)- Construction and
working principle, types, trouble shooting. Description of electrical components
used in split A.C., Study the wiring circuit.
30. SPLIT A.C (Ducted)-Study of the Duct able split AC, its Construction and
working principle, types, trouble shooting, Description of electrical components
used in split A.C., Study the wiring circuit.
31. MULTI SPLIT A.C-Study the construction and working, various components,
electrical circuits, testing components, fault detection, leak testing, evacuation,
gas charging, Installation, troubleshooting.
32. INVERTER SPLIT A.C.-Study of construction and working principle of inverter
AC and its components, electrical circuit and controls, installation, servicing,
trouble shooting, fault detection, leak testing and gas charging, Concept of
Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio ISEER). Energy Efficiency levelling on
inverter AC.
33. CAR AIR CONDITIONING-Study various components, electrical circuits and
wiring diagram, testing components, fault detection, leak testing, Study of good
service practice, evacuation, gas charging, Installation, trouble shooting,
Magnetic clutch operation, free movement of flywheel (non-functioning of
clutch), care and maintenance.
34. COMMERCIAL COMPRESSOR- (Fixed& Variable)-Function, types, Construction
& working, applications of compressors used in commercial refrigeration.
Volumetric efficiency, Capacity control, factor influencing volumetric efficiency,
Compressor lubricant oil, types, properties, types of lubrication methods such
as splash, forced feed, Study the Construction and working principle of different
commercial compressor (Open and Sealed type) (Reciprocating, centrifugal,
screw, scroll compressor).
35. WATER COOLED CONDENSER-Study the water-cooled Condenser, its type and
capacity, construction and working, de scaling, application.
36. Evaporative condenser- Types and their function, construction and application.
Liquid receiver, function. Drier, types and application.
37. COOLING TOWER-Cooling tower, types, Construction, capacity, advantage &
disadvantages of different types of cooling tower. Efficiency, approach and
Cooling tower range.
38. WATER TREATMENT- Necessary, causes of water contamination control of scale
deposit, corrosion and algae, Water softening and De-scaling method, pump and
fan used. Regenerate and backwash.
39. EXPANSION VALVE-Types and function, construction, working principle, &
their advantage & disadvantages, Thermostatic Expansion Valves (TXV),
Automat Expansion Valves (AXV), Float valves, fixed and modulating orifice
controls & electronic Expansion Valves, LMC (level master control), Selection of
Expansion valves and capillaries for various Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
40. EVAPORATOR-Function, types, Plate & Tube forced air DX evaporators, Types
of Defrost system, Water/ Brine chillers, Types of brine used as secondary
refrigerant. Accumulator, its function.
41. Liquid-suction-liquid Heat-exchanger, their function, construction, application
& advantages, Study of Accumulator and Oil separator.
42. WATERCOOLER &WATER DISPENSER-Study the refrigeration cycle of water
cooler and dispenser, types, construction & working, Capacity & applications.
Study the electrical and mechanical components of storage type water cooler and
Bubble type water dispenser, Insulation material used in water cooler and
dispenser, refrigerant used in the system. UV and RO type water coolers and
43. VISIBLE COOLER AND BOTTLE COOLER-Visible cooler & bottle coolers.
Description, construction & working, with HFC-134a and hydrocarbons, safety
especially for flammable refrigerants, maintenance, testing of mechanical and
electrical components including sealed electrical components fitted in
appliances using flammable refrigerants.
44. DEEP FREEZER/DISPLAY CABINET-Description, Construction, working,
specifications, function, care and maintenance, faults and remedies.
45. ICE CUBE MACHINE-Description, Construction, working, reverse cycle
functioning & Circuit diagram, installation method.
46. SOFTY MACHINE -Description, Construction and function.
47. ICE CANDY PLANT-Function, construction, working principle, Circuit diagram,
capacity & types of compressors used. Brine composition to maintain required
temperature. Operation, maintenance, retrofit.
48. ICE PLANT-Details about components of Ice plant their functioning, working
principle, Circuit diagram, capacity & types of compressors used, agitator
functioning, temperature maintaining, Properties and handling of ammonia
and other flammable low-GWP refrigerants.
49. WALK IN COOLER & REACH IN CABINET-Details about components, their
functioning, working principle, Circuit diagram, capacity & types. Care and
50. COLD STORAGE-Study of cold storage plant, parts, Construction, applications,
controls &electrical diagram used in cold storage plant. Food preservation,
spoiling agents- controlling of spoiling agents, preservation by refrigeration
system, maintaining temperature in different places. Types of cold storage and
its details, Properties of commonly used refrigerants like ammonia and its safe
handling, Cold storage- type construction, capacity and specification. Use of
vibration eliminator and shock absorber, Study the lay out and electric wiring of
the storage plant, Mobile refrigeration in transport vehicles.
51. Method of pressure testing, evacuation & charging to the system and testing
efficiency, Cold storage plant operation, its common trouble & remedies, Deep
freezing, freezing tunnel, blast freezer its function and working, its application.
52. HVAC(Plant)Introduction to HVAC, Fundamentals of Central Air
Conditioning/HVAC plant, requirements of comfort A.C, study of psychometric
terms, DBT, WBT, RH, enthalpy, dew point, and specific humidity.
53. Types of Central air conditioning (Direct and indirect system) Construction,
working, components, faults, care and maintenance, Description of blowers&
fans, function and types, static and velocity pressure measurements.
54. DUCT-Function, types, materials, duct designing, duct insulation, properties of
insulating materials ‘K’ factors, Acoustic insulation, air distribution methods,
air flow, AHU,FCU, fan, blower.
55. AIR FILTERS-Function of air filters, types, construction, maintenance,
effect of chocked Air filter, Hepafilters.
56. PACKAGE AC (with Air Cooled Condenser)-Study the Package AC (with Air
Cooled Condensers), its Construction and working principle, types, trouble
shooting. Study Package AC, types, construction and working principle, trouble
shooting, and various applications. Duct system, AHU, Care and maintenance,
Installation method.
57. SPLIT PACKAGE-Construction and working principle, types, Study various
electrical and mechanical components, trouble shooting.
principle, types, maintenance of Industrial Air-conditioning plant.
Humidification and dehumidification methods. AHU, description of FCU,
Temperature and pressure controls used in AC plant, its construction, working,
safety devices, cooling towers, piping lines.
59. DIRECT EXPANSION SYSTEM-Study Direct expansion system. Operation &
Preventive Maintenance Schedule of central AC plant. Maintain log book for daily
60. VRF / VRV systemdescription and function of different parts. Details of
piping have and controls system, Common reason for error code, types of ODU
and IDU.
61. INDIRECT/CHILLER SYSTEM-Study central station AHU and FCU, Air washers
used in chilled water system, understanding lay out, modulating valves for
temperature control. Expansion valves & other related control description and
62. Study of Humidification & De-humidification, Humidifiers & De-humidifiers.
Humidity control. Use of hygrometer.
63. Construction and study of commercial A.C plant, package chillers, screw
chillers, reciprocating chillers.
64. Controls used in AC system, Electromechanical, pneumatic and electronic.
65. Detail study of heat load calculation for commercial and industrial buildings.
66. MOBILE AC (Bus, train)- Study there frigeration cycle in automobile AC, its
Construction, working of bus AC, Magnetic clutch operation, freewheeling (de
engaging clutch). Refrigerants used HCFC- 22,HFC-134a,HFOs,blends of HFCs
and HFOs.
67. Construction & working of train AC and its operation. Trouble shooting in train
68. Planning for Preventive maintenance and scheduling of maintenance activities
in large AC and Refrigeration plant.
1. Identify workshop & machineries, Demonstrate Safety precautions and First aid,
demonstrate firefighting, demonstrate working at height using PPE’s and identify
the hazards and take personal safety precautions, Identify general tools,
instruments &equipment. Care and maintenance of tool, instruments and
equipment, perform flat filing, marking, punching and hack sawing to make a job
as per drawing, perform flat filing, marking, punching, hack sawing, drilling,
tapping, reaming, dieing to make a job as per drawing and check using precision
measuring instruments Viz. Vernier calliper, Micrometer, etc.
2. Perform Sheet Cutting by straight snip as per drawing, Perform Sheet Cutting by
bent snip as per drawing, Bend, fold and join metal sheets in different process.
Join sheet metal by using rivet set and snap. Solder sheets of metal. Prepare a
box or funnel with sheet metal as per drawing.
3. Demonstrate Electrical safety precautions and First aid, Identify, use and
maintain electrical tools, Prepare simple twist joints of wires, Prepare married
joints of wires, Measure current, voltage, resistance, power, frequency, energy
using analog and digital meter through a single-phase circuit, Test insulation
and earth resistance using Megger, Star & Delta connection on a three-phase
motor and show line voltage, line current, phase voltage and phase current, Three
phase power & power factor measurement.
4. Identify electronic components, tools & instrument, Colour coding of resistors,
Verify Ohm’s Law, use voltmeter, ammeter and multimeter, Practice soldering &
de- soldering, identify transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, S.C.R., U.J.T.,
amplifier and I.C., Construct and test full wave rectifier using diodes, Construct
and test a bridge rectifier, Construct and test series voltage regulator circuit,
Construct and test power supply using fixed voltage regulator Ics. Identify and
test SCR, Construct and test an electronic timer using UJT & SCR, Apply OP-
AMP, photo transistor and test performance, identify gas welding
equipment& accessories, demonstrate safety precaution in handling of Oxy-
acetylene cylinders, regulators etc., Setting up of AIR-LPG, O2-LPG and O2-C2H2
using can type portable flame set, Oxy-acetylene gas welding, brazing and cutting
on thin sheet metal.
5. Demonstrate Care & Safety of welding tools and equipment, Back fire arrester,
Set Oxy-acetylene plant, use two stage regulator, adjustment of flame, gas
pressure O2 and DA, perform brazing between Cu to Cu and Cu to MS, Cu to
aluminium pipes, join metal plates by using gas welding (lap joint, butt joint,
6. Basic Refrigeration-Identify & use of general hand tools, instruments &
equipment used in refrigeration work, Identify & use of special tools, instruments
&equipment used in refrigeration work, Demonstrate Care & Safety of welding
tools and equipment, Back fire arrester, Identify various refrigeration equipment
and components of vapour compression system like compressor, condenser,
expansion device and evaporator, Identify and Check vapour absorption
refrigeration cycle (VARC), Set Oxy-acetylene plant, use two stag regulator,
adjustment of flame, gas pressure O2 and DA, Perform brazing between Cu to
Cu and Cu to MS, Cu to aluminium pipes, Join metal plates by using gas welding
(lap joint, butt joint, etc.).
7. Unroll, cut and bend soft copper tubes, Swage and make a brazed joint on copper
tubing, make flare joints and test them with flare fittings, pinch off copper tubing,
use lock ring tool and various fittings of lock ring for servicing of appliances
Brazing of Cu to Cu, Cu to steel, Cu to brass using AIR LPG suitable in RAC
machine, Brazing of Cu to Cu, Cu to steel, Cu to brass using Oxy- LPG. Brazing
of Cu to Cu, Cu to steel, Cu to brass using Oxy- Acetylene.
8. Refrigerator (Direct cool)-Identify electrical and mechanical components of
refrigerator, Check and replace electrical components of refrigerators, Leak test,
evacuation, gas charging in refrigerators, Wiring circuit of refrigerator.
Installation of refrigerator, identify electrical components of direct cool
refrigerator, Identify mechanical components of direct cool refrigerator,
Installation of refrigerator. Checking door alignment, adjustment of door switch
operation & replacing of gaskets, Tracing the mechanical components of
refrigerator, Check, Find Fault and test the electrical and other system
components of refrigerator, Testing of compressor. Identification of motor
terminals, start of compressor with and without relay, Test performance of direct
start refrigerator, Cleaning and flushing of evaporator and condenser with dry
nitrogen, Replacement of capillary tube and drier, Installation of gauge manifold
in the system, Leak testing, evacuation and gas charging in refrigerator, Check
electrical wiring of refrigerator.
9. Frost Free Refrigerator- Tracing electrical circuit of Frost-Free refrigerator,
Checking, fault finding and testing of electrical accessories like thermostat, timer,
defrost heaters, bi-metal, air louvers etc. and other system components, checking
air distribution system, Servicing of refrigerator, Testing the performance of
10. Refrigerator (Inverter Technology)-Identify three and four door no frost
refrigerator, stripping of components, Tracing electric circuit, Testing
components, Leak testing, evacuation, gas charging.
11. Acquainting with hermetic compressor of Refrigerator or window type AC., Cut
the compressor and dismantle, identify different compressor and Service it, lap
necessary parts and cut the gasket, Assemble the compressor with the new
12. Dismantle rotary / wobble plate/ swash plate/scroll compressor, identify
different parts of dismantled compressor, Rectify defects and repair accordingly.
13. Identify terminal sequence of hermetic compressor motor by using digital
multimeter and start by DOL starter and measure starting current and running
current by using ammeter and AVO meter, Identification of terminal sequence of
CSIR motor by using digital multimeter and start by DOL starter and measure
starting current and running current by using Ammeter and AVO meter. Direct
start using ammeter and voltmeter.
14. Start CSR motor through DOL starter and measure starting current and running
current and changing of DOR, start shaded pole motor through DOL starter and
measure starting current and running current and changing of DOR, dismantle
motor identify parts and assemble.
15. Select a hermetic compressor of any kind, Start the compressor motor by RSIR,
CSIR, PSC & CSR method by using different type relay, capacitors, OLP’s, etc.,
Check and Test different type relay, Capacitors, OLP’s, find out fault, rectify and
16. Identify the terminals of a Squirrel cage induction motor, Start the motor through
DOL starter and measure starting current, running current and show changing
of DOR, Start the motor through Star Delta or Auto transformer starter and
measure starting current, running current and show changing of DOR,
Familiarise with Slip-ring induction motor and identify it’s terminals, Start the
Slip-ring induction motor through Rotor resistance starter and measure starting
current, running current and show changing of DOR, Rectify fault through
insulation test, continuity test, open circuit test and short circuit test.
17. Explain control circuit of variable speed air conditioners (Inverter ACs), Identify
components of control system of Inverter ACs including printed circuit board
(PCB) NTC,PTC e.g. Power PCB, Filter PCB, Heat sink reactor, Wiring of the
control system.
18. Condenser- Familiarise with different types of condensers used in refrigerators,
Bottle coolers, visible coolers, deep freezers, Window and Split AC, Clean, flush,
service and leak test different type of air-cooled condensers, micro channel
condensers. Remove dust from fins in air cooled condenser, micro channel
condensers, identify with different types of water-cooled condensers like Shell
and Tube type, Tube within tube type, shell, coil & evaporative type, etc., Identify
different items necessary for de-scaling like diluted Hcl, Pump & motor, hose,
etc., Dilute acid and water according to amount of scaling and perform de-scaling,
Fit the pump motor with condenser and start. Take safety measure on
concentration of acid which may damage tube, identify drier and capillary tube
used in different cooling machines, Replace drier and capillary tube at the time
of gas charging according to manufacturer’s direction.
19. Expansion Valve- Install different diameter capillary tube used in different type
of cooling machines, install with different types of expansion valves used in small
cooling machines and central plant like Automatic expansion valve, Thermostatic
expansion valve, hand expansion valve, and electronic expansion valves. etc.,
Test and adjust the expansion valves fitted with machines.
20. Evaporator- Identify and service different types of evaporators like plate and tube
type, Fin and tube type, etc. fitted in refrigerators, bottle coolers, water cooler,
Window and split AC, perform leak test, flush to remove oil by dry nitrogen,
Demonstrate different type of defrosting in different machines.
21. Refrigerant- Identify and explain different colour code of different type refrigerant
cylinder like HCFCs (HCFC-22, HCFC-123). HFCs (HFC-134a, HFC-32, R-410A,
R- 407C and R-404A) and low- Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants like
ammonia, R-290, HFC-32, blends of HFCs (R-410A, R- 404A, R-407C etc.) and
hydro Fluor olefins (HFOs: HFO- 1234yf, HFO-1234ze, HFO- 1233zd, HFO-
1336mz), blends of HFCs and HFOs, Identify unknown refrigerant by its idle
pressure using head pressure gauge, Recover refrigerant from a faulty machine,
Transfer/ Recycle refrigerant from one cylinder to another using ice, Measure
pressure-temperature of refrigerants including HCFC- 22, ammonia, R-290,
HFC-32, HFC-134a, R-404A, R-407C and R-410A, HFOs, Identify flammability
and toxicity of A3and A2L of refrigerants.
22. Demonstrate safe handling of refrigeration cylinders, demonstrate handling of
cylinder valves, good servicing practices on Test leak, evacuation and charge
refrigerant in refrigerator by weight in capillary system, Recover CFC by recovery
pump and cylinder on CFC filled domestic refrigerator.
23. Flush the system with dry nitrogen. Evacuate and charge hydrocarbons, Test and
Use sealed component (Electrical) like thermostat, relay, overload protector etc.,
Identify insulating foam (polyurethane rigid foam and polystyrene), Fill with
insulation material like PUF and glass wool, Pack insulation inside door panel
and adjust gasket to prevent air leak.
24. Window Air Conditioner- Acquainting with electrical and mechanical components
used in window air-conditioner, Acquainting with electrical components like
selector switch, thermostat switch, relay, starting capacitor, running capacitor,
overload protector, remote and PCB control, etc., Demonstrate working of
mechanical components like compressor condenser, expansion valve
(capillary) and evaporator, Trouble shooting, installation, tracing wiring circuit,
Leak testing, evacuation and gas charging.
25. Installation of Window AC, Hands on practice on installation of window AC
following step by step procedure, install gauge manifold in the system, show
discharge pressure and sanction pressure during running time, Check
performance of different parameters i.e., pressure, temperature, pull down time,
air flow and current drawn.
26. Split AC-Identify various components of split AC like mounted, floor and ceiling
mounted, duct able and multi split AC., Identify electrical circuits, test different
components and fault finding, Leak testing of the system, evacuation and gas
charging, Hands on practice on Installation and trouble shooting.
27. Identify various mechanical components used in car AC, Identify various
electrical components used in electrical circuits in car AC, Testing of system
components & fault finding, Install gauge manifold to check suction and
discharge pressure in charging time and running time, Leak testing using dry
nitrogen, evacuation and gas charging(HFC-134a, HFO-1234yf and blends of
HFCs and HFOs), Installation and troubleshooting, Testing magnetic clutch,
compressor overhauling, condenser cleaning and add refrigerant, Regular
28. Commercial compressor (Fixed & Variable)-Familiarization with commercial type
reciprocating compressor and centrifugal compressor, Dismantling and checking
of compressor & accessories, Check and service valve plate and piston assembly,
Lapping valve plate, Prepare gasket and refit, Check belt tension and replace,
Check and test lubricating system, Servicing of filter and oil pump, Checking and
servicing of capacity control of compressor, Measure power consumption of
compressor with respect to the evaporator/condenser temperature variation,
Checking and servicing of main end and rear end bearing and shaft seal
assembly, Cutting gasket, Fitting and testing, Assemble compressor and Test
overall efficiency.
29. Water cooled condenser- Servicing of water cooled condenser and receiver,
Testing its performance by inlet and outlet pressure and temperature, Necessary
repairing for tube leakage, De-scaling by diluted HCl to increase efficiency, Pump
down the gas for necessary servicing and repairing, Servicing and repairing
evaporative type condenser, Test efficiency of condenser, Servicing of natural
draft, forced draft and induced draft cooling tower, Clean its nozzles, louvers,
sumps, strainers etc thoroughly, Remove algae and fungi from different parts,
Assemble and test performance, Dismantle water circulating pumps, Identify
different parts of pump, service the impeller of different types, Change or repair
defective parts, Assemble and test performance.
30. Dismantle water circulating pumps, Identify different parts of pump, service the
impeller of different types, Change or repair defective parts, Assemble and test
performance, Identify automatic expansion valve, Fitting and checking its
efficiency, Install and fitting of high side and low side float valves, Checking its
efficiency, Identify extended surface forced air- cooled evaporators, Service air
cooled evaporator by blower, Service water cooled or brine cooled chiller, Check
de-frosting system and anti-freeze thermostat, Oil removing from coil.
31. Servicing of liquid-suction heat exchanger used in central plant, Service suction
liquid heat exchanged used in small machines, Service accumulator and check
its functionality, Service oil separator and check its functionality, Identify parts,
control, electric circuit, accessories of storage type water cooler and Bubble type
water dispenser, Solder copper tube on stainless steel, Trouble shoot of
commonly faced problems like condenser fan motor failure, corrosion etc., Install
gauge manifold, Leak test and refrigerant charging after evacuation, Installation,
servicing and maintenance of water cooler and dispensers.
32. Visible cooler and bottle cooler -Checking and servicing of visible cooler and bottle
cooler and its parts, Preventive maintenance and troubleshooting, Evacuation,
flushing with dry nitrogen, Retrofit the machine with HFC 134a, R-600a, R- 290,
Check wiring circuit, test components & replace, Install and Test performance of
the machine.
33. Deepfreeze/ display cabinet-Checking and servicing of horizontal and vertical
deep freezer/display cabinet and their different parts, Preventive maintenance
and troubleshooting, Check wiring circuit, test and replace defective components,
install gauge manifold, evacuate and gas charge, Install and test performance.
34. Checking and servicing of ice cube machine and its different components, Check
and service flow system of gases and preventive maintenance and
troubleshooting, Check Electric circuit and four-way solenoid valve, Test leakage,
evacuation and charge gas, Check defrosting system and overall performance.
35. Identify different parts, controls and accessories used in ice-candy plant, prepare
brine solution, function of agitator and temperature maintained in brine, Check
wiring circuit, service, test, trouble shoot, and replace defective components.
Retrofit R22 with R134a, install gauge manifold, leak test, evacuate and gas
change, Install and Test performance.
36. Identify parts, accessories and controls of ice plant, maintain temperature in
brine and check function of agitator, Check motor and wiring circuit, service and
trouble shoot, test component and replace defective parts, Evacuate and charge
gas, Install and test performance.
37. Identify parts, accessories, controls and operation of walk-in cooler and reach in
cabinet, Preventive maintenance, trouble shooting and servicing of components,
Service and trouble shoot, check wiring circuit, Test component and replace
defective parts, install gauge manifold, leak test, evacuate and gas charge.
38. Identify parts, controls and accessories of Cold storage plant, Service and
operation of cold storage plant, Test electrical controls and cooling system,
Charge refrigerant and oil, Test leak, evacuation and gas charging, Periodic
maintenance, Install ammonia compressor, Check Electrical wiring of the
compressor and plant, Check the refrigeration system of the plant, Perform cold
storage servicing , Measure pressure and temperature, Evacuation by two stage
rotary vacuum pump, Gas charging and performance testing, Operate and
maintain cold storage plant.
39. HVAC (Plant) -Find out DBT, WBT, RH & other properties by using psychrometric
chart, use psychrometer, Use Anemometers for measuring air flow, Use pitot tube
for air flow measurement, Service of fans and blowers used in air-conditioning
system, Service of motors used in air-conditioning system.
40. DUCT-Install Ducts, Construct Ducts as per duct layout drawing, Insulate Ducts,
Longitudinal and transverse joints, Service and maintain different filters, Placing
of filters.
41. PACKAGE AC (with Air Cooled Condenser)-Identify various components of
Package AC (with Air Cooled Condenser), Identify Electrical circuit of Package AC
(with Air Cooled Condensers), Leak testing, evacuation, gas charging,
Commissioning and troubleshooting, identify various components of package AC,
Water cooled condenser, Electrical circuit of package AC, Descale the Water-
cooled condenser, Leak testing, evacuation, gas charging, Trouble shooting.
42. SPLIUT PACKAGE- Identify various components of split package AC, Electrical
circuit of split package AC, Testing components, Leak testing, evacuation, gas
charging, Installation and troubleshooting.
of central AC plant, Electrical circuit of central AC plant, Testing components,
gas charging, Servicing AHU including fire dampers, Checking airflow, damper,
temperature and pressure, De-scaling condenser and cooling tower, Pump down
gas from central AC plant, Add oil to compressor, Top up gas to the central AC
system, Check temperature and pressure control.
44. DIRECT EXPANSION SYSTEM- Identify various components of direct expansion
type central AC plants, Electrical circuit of direct expansion type central AC
plants, Testing components, Leak testing, evacuation, gas charging, Trouble
shooting, Operation & Maintenance of central AC plants, Identify VRF / VRV
system, Check and service VRF / VRV system, connect master unit and IDU,
Identify the location of ODU, Identify the size of piping’s and laying work, Check
control system, Identify error code.
45. INDIRECT/CHILLER SYSTEM- Identify various components of indirect expansion
type central AC plants, Electrical circuit of indirect expansion type central AC
plants, Testing components, Leak testing, evacuation, gas charging / top up gas,
Trouble shooting, insulate chilled water piping’s, Servicing of FCU and water
control valves, mixing dampers, Bypass dampers checking.
46. Servicing and troubleshooting of direct expansion AC plants, Servicing and
troubleshooting of indirect expansion AC plants, Erection of commercial type
condensing unit, Vibrating eliminator, water proofing insulation.
47. Check different controls used in central AC system, Trouble shooting of central
AC, install compressor and other components, Electrical wiring in central AC,
Estimate the capacity of AHU, CFM of air and find the tonnage of cooling &
heating load effect in a duct-based AC.
48. MOBILE AC (Bus, train)- Repair and maintenance of bus AC system, Servicing
and testing magnetic clutch operation, Compressor overhauling, Leak testing,
evacuation, gas charging, oil charging, Testing wiring system, Repair and
maintenance of train AC system, Leak testing, evacuation, gas charging,
Checking air flow, Measure temperature and pressure, Check solenoid valve.
49. Study/execute repair of different commercial units at site, Study/execute
preventive maintenance of different commercial units at site.
11. Syllabus for MECHANIC DIESEL Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Elementary First Aid, Occupational Safety & Health, Knowledge of Personal Safety
&Safety precautions in handling Diesel machine, Concept about House Keeping
& 5S method, Energy conservation process, Safety disposal of Used engine oil,
Electrical safety tips, Safe handling of Fuel Spillage, Knowledge of Fire Safety
&Fire extinguishers used for different types of fire, Safe disposal of toxic dust, safe
handling and Periodic testing of lifting equipment.
2. Hand & Power Tools: Marking scheme, marking material-chalk, Prussian blue,
cleaning tools- Scraper, wire brush, Emery paper, Description, care and use of
Surface plates, steel rule, measuring tape, try square. Callipers-inside and
outside. Dividers, surface gauges, scriber, Punches- prick punch, centre punch,
pin punch, hollow punch, number and letter punch. Chisel-flat, cross-cut.
Hammer- ball pein, lump, mallet. Screw drivers-blade, Screwdriver, Phillips screw
driver, Ratchet screwdriver. Allen key, bench vice & C- clamps, Spanners- ring
spanner, open end spanner & the combination spanner, universal adjustable
open-end spanner. Sockets & accessories, Pliers - Combination pliers, multi grip,
long nose, flat- nose, Nippers or pincer pliers, Side cutters, Tin snips, Circlip
pliers, external circlips pliers, Air impact wrench, air ratchet, wrenches- Torque
wrenches, pipe wrenches, Pipe flaring & cutting tool, pullers-Gear and bearing.
3. Systems of measurement-Description, Least Count calculation, care & use of -
Micrometers-Outside, and depth micrometre, Micrometer adjustments,
Description, Least Count calculation, care & use of Vernier Calliper, Telescope
gauges, Dial bore gauges, Dial indicators, straightedge, feeler gauge, thread pitch
gauge, vacuum gauge, tire pressure gauge.
4. Different types of metal joint (Permanent, Temporary), methods of Bolting,
Riveting, Soldering, Brazing, Seaming etc.
5. Fasteners-Study of different types of screws, nuts, studs & bolts, locking devices,
such as lock nuts, cotter, split pins, keys, circlips, lock rings, lock washers and
locating where they are used. Washers & chemical compounds can be used to
help secure these fasteners. Function of Gaskets, Selection of materials for
gaskets and packing, oil seals. Types of Gasketspaper, multi-layered
metallic, liquid, rubber, copper and printed, Thread Sealants-Various types like,
locking, sealing, temperature resistance, antilocking, lubricating etc.
6. Cutting tools-Study of different type of cutting tools like Hacksaw, File- Definition,
parts of a file, specification, Grade, shape, different type of cut and uses., OFF-
hand grinding with sander, bench and pedestal grinders, safety precautions while
7. Limits, Fits & Tolerances-Definition of limits, fits &tolerances with examples used
in auto components.
8. Drilling machine-Description and study of Bench type Drilling machine, Portable
electrical Drilling machine, drill holding devices, Work Holding devices, Drill bits.
9. Taps and Dies-Hand Taps and wrenches, Calculation of Tap drill sizes for metric
and inch taps. Different type of Die and Die stock. Screw extractors.
10. Hand Reamers-Different Type of hand reamers, Drill size for reaming, Lapping,
Lapping abrasives, type of Laps.
11. Sheet metal-State the various common metal Sheets used in Sheet Metal shop
Sheet metal operations, Shearing, bending, Drawing, Squeezing Sheet metal
joints, Hem & Seam Joints Fastening Methods - Riveting, soldering, Brazing.
fluxes used on common joints, Sheet and wire- gauges, The blow lamp its uses
and pipe fittings.
12. Basic electricity-Electricity principles, Ground connections, Ohm’s law, Voltage,
Current, Resistance, Power, Energy, Voltmeter, ammeter, Ohmmeter, Multimeter,
Conductors & insulators, Wires, Shielding, Length vs. resistance, Resistor ratings,
Fuses & circuit breakers, Ballast resistor, Stripping wire insulation, cable colour
codes and sizes, Resistors in Series circuits, Parallel circuits and Series- parallel
circuits, Electrostatic effects, Capacitors and its applications, Capacitors in series
and parallel, Description of Chemical effects, Batteries & cells, Lead acid batteries
& Stay Maintenance Free (SMF) batteries, Magnetic effects, Heating effects,
Thermo-electric energy, Thermistors, Thermo couples, Electro chemical energy,
Photo-voltaic energy, Piezo- electric energy, Electromagnetic induction, Relays,
Solenoids, Primary & Secondary windings, Transformers, stator and rotor coils.
13. Introduction to welding and Heat Treatment Welding processes- Principles of Arc
welding, brief description, classification and applications, Manual Metal Arc
welding principles, power sources, electrodes, welding parameters, edge
preparation & fit up and welding techniques; Oxy Acetylene welding - principles,
equipment, welding parameters, edge preparation & fit up and welding
techniques; Basic knowledge about advance welding process & equipments like
MIG, TIG, Spot Welding, Plasma Cutter, Heat Treatment Process-Introduction,
Definition of heat treatment, Definition of Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening and
tempering, Case hardening, Nitriding, Induction hardening Flame, Hardening
process used in auto components with examples.
14. Non-destructive Testing Methods- Importance of Non-Destructive Testing In
Automotive Industry, Definition of NDT, Liquid penetrant and Magnetic particle
testing method Portable Yoke method, Introduction to Hydraulics & Pneumatics-
Definition of Pascal law, pressure, Force, viscosity. Description, symbols and
application in automobile of Gear Pump-Internal & External, single acting, double
acting & Double ended cylinder; Directional control valves- 2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 4/3-
way valve, Pressure relief valve, non-return valve, Flow control valve used in
15. Auto Industry - History, leading manufacturers, Development in automobile
industry, trends, new product, Brief about Ministry of Road transport &
Highways, The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), National
Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project (NATRIP) & Automobile
Association, Classification of vehicles on the basis of load as per central motor
vehicle rule, wheels, final drive, and fuel used, axles, position of engine and
steering transmission, body and load. Brief description, Uses of Vehicle hoists
Two post and four post hoist, Engine hoists, Jacks, Stands.
16. Introduction to Engine: Description of internal & external combustion engines,
Classification of IC engines, Principle & working of 2 & 4-stroke diesel engine
(Compression ignition Engine (C.I)),Principle of Spark Ignition Engine(SI),
differentiate between 2-stroke and 4 stroke, C.I engine and S.I Engine, Main Parts
of IC Engine, Direct injection and indirect injection, Technical terms used in
engine, Engine specification, Study of various gauges/ instrument on a dash
board of a vehicle- Speedometer, Tachometer, Odometer and Fuel gauge, and
Indicators such as gearshift position, Seat belt warning light, Parking-brake-
engagement warning light and an Engine-malfunction light, Different type of
starting and stopping method of Diesel Engine, Procedure for dismantling of diesel
engine from a vehicle.
17. Diesel Engine Components: Description and Constructional feature of Cylinder
head, Importance of Cylinder head design, Type of Diesel combustion chambers,
Effect on size of Intake & exhaust passages, Head gaskets, Importance of
Turbulence, Valves & Valve Actuating Mechanism -Description and Function of
Engine Valves, different types, materials, Type of valve operating mechanism,
Importance of Valve seats, Valve seats inserts in cylinder heads, importance of
Valve rotation, Valve stem oil seals, size of Intake valves, Valve trains, Valve-
timing diagram, concept of Variable valve timing, Description of Camshafts &
drives ,Description of Overhead camshaft (SOHC and DOHC), importance of Cam
lobes, Timing belts & chains, Timing belts & tensioners.
18. Description & functions of different types of pistons, piston rings and piston pins
and materials, used recommended clearances for the rings and its necessity
precautions while fitting rings, common troubles and remedy, Compression ratio,
Description & function of connecting rod, importance of big- end split obliquely,
Materials used for connecting rods big end & main bearings. Shells piston pins
and locking methods of piston pins.
19. Description and function of Crank shaft, camshaft, Engine bearings classification
and location materials used & composition of bearing materials-Shell bearing and
their advantages-special bearings material for diesel engine, Application bearing
failure & its causes-care & maintenance, Crank-shaft balancing, firing order of
the engine.
20. Description and function of the fly wheel and vibration damper, Crank case & oil
pump, gears timing mark, Chain sprockets, chain tensioner etc., Function of
clutch & coupling units attached to flywheel.
21. Description of Cylinder block, Cylinder block construction, Different type of
Cylinder sleeves (liner).
22. Engine assembly procedure with aid of special tools and gauges used for engine
assembling, Introduction to Gas Turbine, Comparison of single and two stage
turbine engines, Different between gas turbine and Diesel Engine.
23. Need for Cooling systems- Heat transfer method, Boiling point & pressure,
Centrifugal force, Vehicle coolant properties and recommended change of interval,
Different type of cooling systems, Basic cooling system components, Radiator,
Coolant hoses, Water pump, Cooling system thermostat, Cooling fans,
Temperature indicators, Radiator pressure cap, Recovery system, Thermo- switch.
24. Need for lubrication system-Functions of oil, Viscosity and its grade as per SAE,
Oil additives, Synthetic oils, The lubrication system, Splash system, Pressure
system, Corrosion/noise reduction in the lubrication system, Lubrication system
components, Description and function of Sump, Oil collection pan, Oil tank,
Pickup tube, different type of Oil pump & Oil filters Oil pressure relief valve, Spurt
holes &galleries, Oil indicators, Oil cooler.
25. Intake & exhaust systemsDescription of Diesel induction& Exhaust systems.
Description & function fair compressor, exhauster, Supercharger, Intercoolers,
turbo charger, variable turbo charger mechanism, Intake system components-
Description and function of Air cleaners, Different type air cleaner, Description of
Intake manifolds and material, Exhaust system components-Description and
function of Exhaust manifold, Exhaust pipe, Extractors, Mufflers-Reactive,
absorptive, Combination of Catalytic converters, Flexible connections,
Ceramic coatings, Back- pressure, Electronic mufflers.
26. Fuel Feed System in IC Engine(Petrol & Diesel)-Gravity feed system, Forced feed
system, main parts, Fuel Pumps- Mechanical & Electrical Knowledge about
function, working & types of Carburettor, Diesel Fuel Systems-Description and
function of Diesel fuel injection, fuel characteristics, concept of Quiet diesel
technology &Clean diesel technology, Diesel fuel system components-Description
and function of Diesel tanks & lines, Diesel fuel filters, water separator, Lift pump,
Plunger pump, Priming pump, Inline injection pump, Distributor-type injection
pump, Diesel injectors, Glow plugs, Cummins & Detroit Diesel injection,
Electronic Diesel control-Electronic Diesel control systems, Common Rail Diesel
Injection (CRDI) system, hydraulically actuated electronically controlled unit
injector (HEUI) diesel injection system. Sensors, actuators and ECU (Electronic
Control Unit) used in Diesel Engines.
27. Marine & Stationary Engine: Types, double acting engines, opposed piston
engines, starting systems, cooling systems, lubricating systems, supplying fuel
oil, hydraulic coupling, Reduction gear drive, electromagnetic coupling, Electrical
drive, generators and motors, supercharging.
28. Emission Control: Vehicle emissions, Standards- Euro and Bharat II, III, IV, V
Sources of emission, Combustion, Combustion chamber design, Types of
emissions-Characteristics and Effect of Hydrocarbons, Hydro carbon sin exhaust
gases, Oxides of nitrogen, Particulates, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide,
Sulphur content in fuels Description of Evaporation emission control, Catalytic
conversion, Closed loop, Crankcase emission control, Exhaust gas recirculation
(EGR) valve, controlling air- fuel ratios, Charcoal storage devices, Diesel
particulate filter (DPF). Selective Catalytic, Reduction (SCR),EGR VS SCR.
29. Basic Knowledge about DC Generator & AC Generator-Constructional details of
Alternator, Description of charging circuit operation of alternators, regulator unit,
ignition warning lamp- troubles and remedy in charging system, Description of
starter motor circuit, Constructional details of starter motor solenoid switches,
common troubles and remedy in starter circuit.
30. Troubleshooting: Causes and remedy for Engine Not starting, Mechanical &
Electrical causes, High fuel consumption, Engine overheating, Low Power
Generation, Excessive oil consumption, Low/High Engine Oil Pressure, Engine
1. Demonstration of Machinery used in the trade, Identify safety Gear/PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment) and their use, Importance of maintenance and
cleanliness of Workshop, Demonstration on safe handling and Periodic testing of
lifting equipment, and Safety disposal of used engine oil, Demonstration on
health hazards, occupational safety &first Aid, Demonstration fire service station
to provide demo on Fire safety, Perform use of fire extinguishers, Energy saving
Tips of ITI electricity Usage.
2. Perform marking using all marking aids, like steel rule with spring calipers,
dividers, scriber, punches, chisel etc. on MS Flat/Sheet Metal, measure a wheel
base of a vehicle with measuring tape, Measure valve spring tension using spring
tension tester, perform to remove wheel lug nuts with use of an air impact
wrench, Operate General workshop tools & power tools.
3. Perform measuring practice on Cam height, Camshaft Journal dia, crankshaft
journal dia, Valve stem dia, piston diameter, and piston pin dia with outside
Micrometers, Perform measuring practice on the height of the rotor of an oil pump
from the surface of the housing or any other auto component measurement with
depth micrometer, Perform measuring practice on valve spring free length,
Perform measuring practice on cylinder bore, Connecting rod bore, inside
diameter (ID) of a camshaft bearing with Telescope gauges, Perform measuring
practice on cylinder bore for taper and out-of-round with Dial bore gauges,
Perform measuring practice to measure wear on crankshaft end play, crankshaft
run out, and valve guide with dial indicator, Perform measuring practice to check
the flatness of the cylinder head is warped or twisted with straightedge is used
with a feeler gauge, Perform measuring practice to check the end gap of a piston
ring, piston-to- cylinder wall clearance with feeler gauge, Perform practice to
check engine manifold vacuum with vacuum gauge, Perform practice to check
the air pressure inside the vehicle tyre is maintained at the recommended setting.
4. Perform practice on general cleaning, checking and use of nut, bolts, & studs
etc., Perform removal of stud/bolt from blind hole, perform practice on cutting
tools like Hacksaw, file, chisel, Sharpening of Chisels, center punch, safety
precautions while grinding, perform practice on Hack sawing and filing to given
dimensions, Perform on Soldering & Brazing, perform practice on making various
Gaskets like oil sump, intake manifold, water pump, tappet cover etc.
5. Perform practice on Marking and Drilling clear and Blind Holes, Sharpening
of Twist Drills Safety precautions to be observed while using a drilling machine,
perform practice on Tapping a Clear and Blind Hole, Selection of tape drill Size,
use of Lubrication, use of stud extractor, perform practice cutting Threads on
a Bolt/ Stud. Adjustment of two-piece Die, reaming a hole/ Bush to suit the given
pin/ shaft, scraping a given machined surface.
6. Sheet metal- Perform practice on making Rectangular Tray, perform pipe
bending, fitting nipples union in pipes, Perform Soldering and Brazing of Pipes.
7. Basic electricity- Perform practice in joining wires using soldering Iron, Prepare
simple electrical circuits, measuring of current, voltage and resistance using
digital multimeter, Perform practice continuity test for fuses, jumper wires,
fusible links and circuit breakers, Perform diagnose series, parallel, series-
parallel circuits using Ohm’s law, Check electrical circuit with a test lamp,
Perform voltage drop test in circuits using multimeter, measure current flow
using multimeter /ammeter, Check circuit using of service manual wiring
diagram for troubleshooting Execute cleaning and topping up of a lead acid
battery, Perform testing battery with hydrometer, Perform connecting battery to
a charger for battery charging and checking & testing a battery after charging,
Measure and Diagnose the cause(s) of excessive Key- off battery drain (parasitic
draw) and do corrective action, Perform test of relay and solenoids and its circuit.
8. Introduction to welding and Heat Treatment, Welding processes, perform practice
to make straight beads and Butt, Lap & T joints Manual Metal Arc Welding, Set
Gas welding flames and perform practice to make a straight beads and joints by
Oxy Acetylene welding.
9. Non-destructive Testing Methods- Perform liquid penetrant testing method
and Magnetic particle testing method, Identify of Hydraulic and pneumatic
components used in vehicle, Tracing of hydraulic circuit on hydraulic jack,
hydraulic power steering, and Brake circuit, Identify components in Air brake
10. Identify of different types of Vehicles, demonstrate of vehicle specification data,
identify of vehicle information Number (VIN), Demonstrate of Garage, Service
station equipment- Vehicle hoists Two post and four post hoist, Engine hoists,
Jacks, Stands, Identify the different parts of IC Engine, Identify the different
parts in a diesel engine of LMV/ HMV, perform practice on starting and stopping
of diesel engines. Observe and report the reading of Tachometer, Odometer, temp
and Fuel gauge under ideal and on load condition, Practice on dismantling
Diesel engine of LMV/HMV as per procedure.
11. Diesel Engine Components: Perform Overhauling of cylinder head assembly, Use
of service manual for clearance and other parameters, perform practice on
removing rocker arm assembly manifolds, perform practice on removing the
valves and its parts from the cylinder head, cleaning, Inspection of cylinder head
and manifold surfaces for warping, cracks and flatness. Checking valve seats &
valve guide Replacing the valve if necessary, Check leaks of valve seats for
leakage Dismantle rocker shaft assembly - clean & check rocker shaft-and
levers, for wear and cracks and reassemble, Check valve springs, tappets, push
rods, tappet screws and valve stem cap. Reassembling valve parts in sequence,
refit cylinder head and manifold & rocker arm assembly, adjustable valve
clearances, starting engine after adjustments, Perform Overhauling piston and
connecting rod assembly. Use of service manual for clearance and other
parameters, Perform Practice on removing oil sump and oil pump clean the
sump, perform removing the big end bearing, connecting rod with the piston,
perform removing the piston rings; Dismantle the piston and connecting rod.
Check the side clearance of piston rings in the piston groove & lands for wear.
Check piston skirt and crown for damage and scuffing, clean oil holes, Measure
-the piston ring close gap in the cylinder, clearance between the piston and the
liner, clearance between crank pin and the connecting rod big end bearing,
Check connecting rod for bend and twist. Assemble the piston and connecting
rod assembly.
12. Perform Overhauling of crankshaft, Use of service manual for clearance and
other parameter, Perform removing damper pulley, timing gear/timing chain,
flywheel, main bearing caps, bearing shells and crankshaft from engine, Inspect
oil retainer and thrust surfaces for wear, Measure crank shaft journal for wear,
taper and ovality, Demonstrate crank shaft for fillet radii, bend & twist, Inspect
flywheel and mounting flanges, spigot and bearing, Check vibration damper for
defect, Perform removing cam shaft from engine block, Check for bend & twist
of camshaft. Inspection of cam lobe, camshaft journals and bearings and
measure cam lobe lift, Fixing bearing inserts in cylinder block & cap check nip
and spread clearance & oil holes & locating lugs fix crank shaft on block-torque
bolts - check end play remove shaft - check seating, repeat similarly for
connecting rod and Check seating and refit, Perform cleaning and checking
of cylinder blocks, Surface for any crack, flatness measure cylinder bore for
taper & ovality, clean oil gallery passage and oil pipe line, Perform bore de-
scale water passages and examine, Removing cylinder liners from scrap cylinder
block, Perform practice in measuring and refitting new liners as per maker’s
recommendations precautions while fitting new liners.
13. Engine assembly Perform reassembling all parts of engine in correct sequence
and torque all bolts and nuts as per workshop manual of the engine, perform
testing cylinder compression, check idle speed, perform removing & replacing a
cam belt, and adjusting an engine drive belt, replacing an engine drive belt.
14. Need for Cooling systems- Perform practice on checking &top up coolant,
draining & refilling coolant, checking replacing a coolant hose, Perform test
cooling system pressure, Execute on removing & replacing radiator/ thermostat
check the radiator pressure cap, Test of thermostat, Perform cleaning &reverse
flushing, Perform overhauling water pump and refitting, Perform checking
engine oil, draining engine oil, replacing oil filter, & refilling engine oil, Execute
overhauling of oil pump, oil coolers, air cleaners and air filters and adjust oil
pressure relief valves, repairs to oil flow pipe lines and unions if necessary.
15. Intake & exhaust systems Execute dismantling air compressor and exhauster
and cleaning all parts - measuring wear in the cylinder, reassembling all parts
and fitting them in the engine.
Execute dismantling & assembling of turbocharger, check for axial clearance as
per service manual, Examine exhaust system for rubber mounting for damage,
deterioration and out of position; for leakage, loose connection, dent and
damage, Perform practice on exhaust manifold removal and installation, practice
on Catalytic converter removal and installation, Check Exhaust system for
rubber mounting for damage, deterioration and out of position; for leakage, loose
connection, dent and damage.
16. Fuel Feed System in IC Engine(Petrol & Diesel)- Perform work on removing
&cleaning fuel tanks, checking leaks in the fuel lines, Perform soldering &
repairing pipe lines and Unions, brazing nipples to high pressure line studying
the fuel feed system in diesel engines, draining of water separators, Execute
overhauling of Feed Pumps (Mechanical & Electrical), Perform bleeding of air from
the fuel lines, servicing primary & secondary filters, Execute removing a fuel
injection pump from an engine-refit the pump to the engine re- set timing - fill
lubricating-oil start and adjust slow speed of the engine, Execute overhauling of
injectors and testing of injector, General maintenance of Fuel Injection Pumps
17. Marine & Stationary Engine-Types- Execute Start engine adjust idling speed and
damping device in pneumatic governor and venture control unit checking, verify
performance of engine with off load adjusting timings. Start engine- adjusting idle
speed of the engine fitted with mechanical governor checking- high speed
operation of the engine, Check performance for missing cylinder by isolating
defective injectors and test-dismantle and replace defective parts and reassemble
and refit back to the engine.
18. Emission Control- Vehicle emissions- Monitor emissions procedures by use of
Engine gas analyser or Diesel smoke meter, Checking & cleaning a Positive crank
case ventilation (PCV) valve. Obtaining & interpreting scan tool data. Inspection
of EVAP canister purges system by use of scan Tool, EGR /SCR Valve Remove
and installation for inspection, perform removing alternator from vehicle
dismantling, cleaning checking for defects, assembling and testing for motoring
action of alternator & fitting to vehicles, Practice on removing starter motor
Vehicle and overhauling the starter motor, testing of starter motor.
19. Execute troubleshooting in LMV/HMV for Engine Not starting Mechanical &
Electrical causes, High fuel consumption, Engine overheating, Low Power
Generation, Excessive oil consumption, Low/High Engine Oil Pressure, Engine
12. Syllabus for PLUMBER Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Scope of a plumbing work, Types of services have to plan, Basic Bench fitting.
2. Plumber's common hand tools-names, description and material from which they
are made, Description, types and uses of holding device, hammers & cold chisels,
cutting tools.
3. Description of simple fitting operation shack sawing, punching and filing, Types of
files used commonly, marking instruments and their use of simple drilling machine,
Method of using drills, Description of simple bench drilling Machine, Description of
Grinding and Chisel, Description of different types of locking and fastening devices.
4. About different types of pipes-GI, CI, DI, PVC/CPVC, PPR, AC and HDPE etc., About
different Types of Pipe Fittings: Socket, Elbow, Tee, Union, Bend, Cap, Plug, Cross,
Ferrule etc., About different types of Thread cutting.
5. Carpenter works-Description and uses of Carpenter's hand tools used for simple
operations such as marking, sawing, planning and making simple joints, Common
types of wood-their description and use.
6. Gas Welding-Purpose of Gas welding, Method of gas welding, Safety precautions to
be observed -Methods of soldering and brazing- fluxes used & Types of fluxes
precautions to be observed, Hard & soft solders-their properties, composition and
7. Mason’s works-Names and description of Mason’s hand tools and their uses,
Method of making holes in walls and floors, Types of tools used and various
Processes, Concept of bricks, lime and cement, Preparation of mortars with various
materials of varying composition, Common brick joints, Description of bonds,
Scaffolding& plastering, Define Plain cement concrete, RCC and its proportion,
Grades of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, Knowledge of water proofing
compound, Knowledge of Building Plan and Cross section of wall, Identify plumbing
services required for each type of building according to usage.
8. Description of plumber tools and Equipment-Ratchet brace, Threading die, Pipe
wrench, sliding wrench, Spanner set, Chain Wrench etc. and their safety, Care &
use of tools, Pipes of different kinds, Method of Pipe bending in different dia,
Plumbing Symbols and Code for Tools & Materials on water line.
9. Equipment and tools for hot gas welding and electric hot plate for PPR pipe joints.
10. Types of fittings for different joints & different pipes-CI, HCI, AC, AC Pressure,
DI, GI Pipes. Joints: Flange joint, Socket joint with lead, Detachable joint, Socket&
Spigot joints etc., Description of pipe fittings, Methods of joining and their uses,
Precautions to be taken while fixing.
11. Different kinds of Joints, Fittings and Materials in joining pipes-PVC/CPVC, PPR
and HDPE etc.
12. Composition of Water- Sources of water, Hard &Soft water, temporary hardness &
permanent hardness, Impurities of waterorganic and in organic impurities, Water
purification stages and methods, Static water pressures and measurement of
pressures. Bursting pressure, Expansion of water on freezing and heating,
Bernoulli's principles, Pascal's law, Pressure of water on the sides of cistern or tank.
Water hammer in pipes.
13. Use of hummed and asbestos pipes of different sizes, Method of laying out pipes
alignment and joining.
14. Description of various pipe joints-straight, Branch, Taft and blow, Expansion
joints. Solders and fluxes used in joints.
15. Description of Plumber's materials Lead, tin, Zinc, solder, copper, red lead etc. and
their uses, Water supply system of small-town.
16. Description and types of pumps viz. Suction pump, Centrifugal pump etc.
Contamination of water in a well.
17. Description of pipe dies, their uses, care and precaution, Metric specification of
various pipes, Standard pipe threads, Method employed for bending, Joining and
fixing PVC pipe, joining material for water and gas pipes, Use of blowlamp.
18. Inspection chamber, septic tank, description of drains, cesspools, soak pits etc.,
Types of traps layout of drainage system.
19. Method of bending pipes by hot and cold process, Method of testing drainage
20. Method of dismantling and renewal of the valves and pipes, Leaks in pipes and noise
sin plumbing, Installation of water meters, Air lock in pipes and its removal.
21. Description of cocks & valves-their types, materials & advantages for particular
22. Erecting rain water and drainage pipe system, Installation of sanitary fittings,
inspection and testing of water supply system, Pipe alignment and slope, Prevention
of water hammer, Storage tanks for general water supply propose, Test for water
supply pipes, Description of sanitary fittings, general points to be observed when
choosing sanitary.
23. Method of bending galvanized and other heavy pipes.
24. Domestic drainage system-General layout, one pipe system, specifications of
Materials required, Method of testing leakage, Different types of traps, ventilation,
anti-syphon age and sinks, About Fire hydrants and their fittings.
25. Concept of heat and Temperature, Method of transmission of heat, Heating system
by different thermal units, Domestic hot and cold water. Generally, out,
specification of materials required and Connection of pipes to mains. Tracing
leakage, Repairs to service main. Domestic boilers and Geysers, Method of
ventilating pipe. Precaution again stair Poisoning.
26. Fixing of solar water system.
27. Plumbing and sanitary symbols and plumbing codes for all tools and materials.
28. Sensor system for urinals and washbasin, etc., Corrosion-causes and remedies,
29. Corrosion due to electrolytic action Effect of water and frost on materials, Layout of
pipes as per drawing, Analysis quantity measurement and abstract rate of plumbing
and sanitary work.
30. Bill of Quantity and Estimation-Preparation of bill of quantity, Preparation of
1. Importance of trade training, List of tools & Machinery used in the trade, Safety
attitude development of the trainee by educating them to use Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), First Aid Method and basic training, Safe disposal of waste
materials like cotton waste, metal chips/burrs etc., Hazard identification and
avoidance, Safety signs for Danger, Warning, caution & personal safety message,
Preventive measures for electrical accidents & steps to be taken in such
accidents, Use of Fire extinguishers. Practice and understand precautions to be
followed while working in the trade, Safe use of tools and equipment used in the
2. Use Steel rule and Steel Tape for measuring, Use Scriber and Divider for marking
on raw materials, demonstrate use of different types of Vice: - Bench vice, Pipe
vice, Chain Vice, Hand vice, Chain Wrench, demonstrate use of various Hand
Tools: - Different Files, Hammer, Centre Punch, Hacksaw, Chisel, Callipers, Pipe
Wrench, Stock & Dies, Taps and Holders.
3. Inspect raw material for rusting, scaling, corrosion etc., Mark out lines, gripping
suitably in vice jaws, hack sawing to given dimensions, Sawing different types of
metals of different sections, Filing- Flat and square (Rough finish), Filing practice,
surface filing, marking of straight and parallel lines with odd leg callipers and
steel rule, Marking with dividers, odd leg callipers and steel rule (circles, ARCs,
parallel lines), Marking off straight lines and ARCs using scribing block and
dividers, Chipping flat surfaces along a marked line with hammer, Grinding of
Chisel, Marking, filing, filing square and check using tri- square, Marking
according to simple blue prints for locating, position of holes, scribing lines on
chalked surfaces with marking tools, Finding centre of round bar with the help
of ‘V’ block and marking block, Joining straight line to an ARC. Punch letter and
number (letter punch and number punch). Mark off, punch marking lines and
drill through holes on M.S. flat.
4. Thread Inner on M.S. flat by using Tap, Outer thread on Studs by using Die, use
various locking device, Inner thread on Pipes by using Tap, Outer thread on Pipe
by using Die, Fixing of different Pipe fittings in different position of Pipe.
5. Cutting wood by Sawing as per marking, Use of Jack Plane for planning the job,
use marking gauge for marking on job, make groove on wood by Firmer/
appropriate Chisel as per drawing and measurements, make a “T” joint as per
drawing, Make a Cross joints as per drawing.
6. Cutting different diameter of MS pipes in different angles, Joining of Pipe in same
dia by gas welding, Joining of Pipes in different dia by gas welding, Joining of
Pipes 90-degree, 45 degree and 22.50-degree angle, joining of pipes for 90-degree
bend by gas welding, do some repair work by welding, join sheet by soldering,
Brazing on Sheet, make a job by Soldering and Brazing.
7. Demonstrate proper handling of Mason’s hand tools: - Straight edge, Spirit level,
Plumb bob, Square, Trowel etc., Setting out work with Tape, Rule, Square, Line
pin and level as per drawing, Cutting Bricks and Stone to given size and template
by cutting tools, Prepare Cement mortars in different proportions to suit various
purposes, Construct various Types of Brick wall, Prepare Plane Cement Concrete
and RCC in different proportions to suit various purposes, RCC casting various
sizes of plate, Benching and Channelling of base plate, Damp proofing, Plastering
the walls, Cutting of Masonry wall for concealing with Electric Cutting Tools.
8. Demonstrate proper handling of Plumber’s Tools &Equipment, Use and care of
Plumber’s Tools and Equipment, Cutting of G.I Pipes of different Diameter
and Sizes by cutting tools, Cutting of C.I Pipe of different Diameter and Sizes by
cutting tools, Cutting of AC Pipe of different Diameter and Sizes by cutting tools,
Cutting of all kinds of PVC Pipe of different Diameter and Sizes by cutting tools,
Bending of G.I Pipe as per drawing using Bending Machine up to 50 mm dia,
Bending of Steel Pipe as per drawing using Bending Machine up to 50 mm dia,
Bending of PVC Pipe as per drawing using heat process up to 50 mm dia.
9. Preparation of PVC pipe & Fittings in different dia, Preparation and precaution of
Electric Hot Plate, PVC Pipe welding various dia, using welding machine, Weld
various type of PVC Pipe with various dia, using welding machine, PPR pipe
welding joint various dia of pipe using welding machine.
10. CI/HCI Pipe Flange joint with Bend and Tee, Socket joint of CI Pipes with lead,
Detachable joint of AC pressure Pipe, Titan/Socket & Spigot joint of Ductile Iron
(DI) Pipe with Rubber ring, Prepare and Study the drawing of Pipe line circuit and
schedule use of Tools and accessories, Make a Pipe line circuit on GI Pipe with
Socket, Elbow, Bend, Flange, Tee, Union etc. And Fixing Cocks & Valves as per
11. PVC pipe cutting & shaping in various dia, using Hacksaw and Pipe cutters,
Preparation of PVC pipe and Fittings with emery paper, Use & fixing of PVC
fittings use Solvent Cement etc., Layout of PVC pipe according to drawing.
12. Preparation of Water and Water analysis kit, Water Analysis Test by Analysis
Kits, pH, TDS, Temperature etc., Preparation of Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine,
Static water pressure test by Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine apply on Plastic
Water bottle, Static water pressure test by Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine apply
on Cistern and Tank, Steps of simple pipe line connection as per drawing, Make
a pipe line for water distribution as per drawing, Make a pipe line for OHR water
distribution system as per drawing.
13. Interpret drawing of sanitary plumbing, Lay & align pipe, Lay & align humid and
asbestos pipe, Demonstrate use of specific dia in different location.
14. Use various sanitary fitting, use various fitting of different materials, Use joining
materials of pipe, join pipe as per laid down Procedure.
15. Demonstrate use of different pump, demonstrate installation of electric pump,
demonstrate maintenance of electric pump, demonstrate working process of
centrifugal, reciprocating, submersible pump, Demonstrate delivery of water to
overhead tank through pump, presser head, delivery pipe, suction pipe, etc,
Contamination of water in a well.
16. Produce metric & BSP thread on pipe, Produce Internal and external thread on
PVC pipes of different dia, Join PVC pipe with thread, Join PVC pipe with solvent
cement and heat process, Join PVC pipe as per layout.
17. Demonstrate inspection chamber, manhole, gully trap, septic tank, soak pit,
Construct inspection chambers, cesspool, septic tank, soak pit etc.,
18. Demonstrate drawing layout of drainage pipe line, perform testing for smoke test,
water test, smell test, ball test mirror test, join heavy cast iron socket pipe,
Sealing of heavy cast iron pipe joint with lead & caulking tools.
19. Identify location of leakage pipe, removing out leakages pipe, removing of
air locks, demonstrate rain water harvesting system.
20. Demonstrate different cocks & valves including materials, employ cocks & valves
at different place, employ different cock & valve with sensor system, demonstrate
maintenance of different cocks & valves, Demonstrate use of packing washer
gasket of different cock & valve.
21. Demonstrate location of meter. Fitting of water meter, bath tub, wash basin,
install water metre, bath tub, hand wash basin, water closet urinal, sink etc with
sensor system, demonstrate maintenance of water metre, bath tub, hand wash
basin, water closet urinal, sink etc., Demonstrate testing of water metre, Bath
Tub, Hand wash basin, Erect rain water and drainage pipe system.
22. Demonstrate bending of pipes in bending machine, Bend GI pipe of different
diameter in different angle, Bend G.I. pipe as per drawing and measurement,
Bend PVC pipe of different diameter in different angle with dry sand by heating.
23. Demonstrate process of C.I pipe cutting & joining, Process of C.I. pipe fitting for
waste pipe line in different section, Employ Process of fixing of external soil pipe,
demonstrate process of fixing of rain water gutter outlet and ground pipe,
Demonstrate process of measurement of waste pipe line.
24. Demonstrate working of solar water heating system, analyse temperature of water
(hot and cold), Layout pipe line for hot and cold-water distribution as per drawing,
install pipe line for distribution of hot & cold water, install hot water system &
solar water heating system, Symbolise distribution of hot &cold-water pipe line.
25. Perform fitting of different trap, valve, cistern etc., Demonstrate construction of
overhead tank as per measurement, Maintenance and recondition pipe line,
Perform pressure test by hydraulic test machine.
26. Demonstrate cleaning of sanitary pipe line, perform cleaning of sanitary pipe line,
remove corrosion from pipe line, demonstrate scraping & painting, perform
scraping & painting of pipe line, Maintenance of broken or cracked sanitary
fitting, Estimate and work out abstract cost of plumbing work as per
13. Syllabus for SURVEYOR Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. List of the instrument equipment to be used in Surveyor, Layout of drawing
sheet, Dimensions of drawing sheet, Details layout of lettering, lines &
dimensioning system.
2. Introduction of surveying, types of surveying, use, application principal.
3. Knowledge of different types of scales, determine of R.F & uses of scales.
4. Different types of projection views orthographic, sectional, isometric view.
5. Use & application of conventional signs & symbols.
6. Uses of Chain/ tape, testing of a chain & correction, Ranging(direct &
indirect), Principle of chain survey, application, Terms used in chain
dbookmethodofchainingin slopping ground, Field procedure of chain survey
errors in chain survey, plotting procedure, Calculation of area(regular &
irregular figure), Knowledge of site plan.
7. Basic terms used in compass survey, Instrument & it setting up. Conversion
of bearing web to R.B, Calculation of included angle from bearing local
attraction, magnetic declination and true bearing, closing error, Adjustment
of closing error, precaution in using prismatic compass.
8. Introduction to Auto CAD. Use Auto CAD command.
9. Plane table survey, principle, merits & demerits, Instrument used in plane
table survey setting up the plane table (cantering, levelling, orientation),
Methods of plane table survey (radiation, intersection, resection, traversing),
Error in plane table survey.
10. Introduction to Theodolite, Types of Theodolite, parts of Theodolite, Terms
used in Theodolite survey, Temporary adjustment of Theodolite, Angle
measurement process, Reading of angles, field book entry of measure dang
les, Permanent adjustment of Theodolite, Traversing using theodolite (closed
& open),traverse computation, determination of consecutive coordinates,
independent co-ordinate, checking & balancing of traverse, preparation of
gales traverse table, computation of area using co-ordinates, calculation of
omitted measurement.
11. Introduction to levelling. Types of levelling instrument, Technical term used
in levelling, Temporary& permanent adjustment, Different types of levelling
Entry of level book (Reduced level calculation method), Curvature &
refraction effect sensitivity of bubble tube, Common error and their
elimination, Degree of accuracy.
12. Introduction of tachometry & terms use advantages and disadvantages,
Tachometric constants & its determination, Determination of horizontal &
vertical distances by various methods.
13. Use Auto CAD command for drawings.
14. Contouring, contour intervals election of contour interval, characteristics of
contour, uses of contour contouring by various method. Interpolation of
contour by various methods, drawing of contours, computation of volume
establishment of gradient by abney level.
15. Curves, Purpose, Types of curvessimple, compound, reverse, transition,
vertical. Elements of simple curve, computation of elements of simple curve.
Various methods for setting out simple, compound, reverse, transition &
vertical curve.
16. Familiarization with modern survey instruments. Parts of Total station,
temporary adjustment of T.S, working procedure of T.S.
17. Familiarisation with cadastral map, term used in cadastral survey,
preliminary knowledge for prepare site plan. Calculation of area by digital
18. Types of surveys for location of a road. Points to be considered during
reconnaissance survey. Classification of roads and terms used in road
engineering, alignment of roads relative importance of length of road, height
of embankment depth of cutting & filling, road gradients super elevation etc.
19. Details knowledge for preparation of topographical map. Details knowledge
for preparation of cadastral map. Details knowledge for preparation of a road
20. Use auto cad command survey software for survey drawing.
21. Importance of cartographic projection, Uses of various types of cartographic
projection for mapping.
22. Introduction of GIS & GPS. Elements of GPS/DGPS. Observation principles.
Sources of error & handling of error in GPS. Various type of GPS application.
Concept & use of survey software.
23. Introduction to hydrographic survey, practice various methods of water depth
measurement process, floe velocity measurement & determination of cross-
sectional area of a river, Handling of eco so under, current meter.
24. Basic terms used in transmission line survey, justification criteria for con
structing new line, marking process of tentative alignment, selection process
of a good alignment. Process of detail survey & final location survey. Use of
sag template, Various type of tower, construction of tower foundation.
25. Basic terms used in railway line project survey, justification criteria for
constructing newline, marking process of tentative alignment, selection
process of a good alignment. Process of detail survey & final location survey.
26. Specification & uses of various types of building materials, types of
foundation, knowledge of R.C.C. works, & other construction related items.
Procedure of prepare a detail estimate.
1. Demonstrate of tools & equipment used in the trade. Occupational safety &
Health. Introduction of safety equipment and their uses, Introduction of first
aid, health, safety& environmental guidelines, legislations & regulations as
applicable, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Hazard identification and
avoidance, Safety signs for Danger, Use of drawing instruments and
equipment with care, Method of fixing of drawing sheet on drawing board,
Layout of different size of drawing sheet and folding of sheets, Layout of
different size of drawing sheet and folding of sheets.
2. Lettering& numbering (Single & double stroke, Types of lines and
dimensioning. Construction of plain geometrical figures, curves & conics.
Drawing of: -Construction of scales plain, diagonal, vernier, Drawing of three
views in orthographic projection of point, line, plane, solid objects. Section of
solids. Isometric projection of geometrical solids, Drawing of conventional
signs & symbols. Free hand sketch of liner measurement instruments.
3. Practice of folding & unfolding of chain. Equipment and instrument used to
perform surveying & testing of chain. Ranging (direct/ indirect) &distance
measure with chain/ tape. Offset taking & entering field book, overcoming
obstacles in chaining, Chaining on sloping ground, conduct a chain survey
of a small area with all details and plotting the map, Calculating the area of
site. Prepare a site plan by the help of chain / tape.
4. Temporary adjustment of prismatic compass. Measure fore & back bearing of
a line, measure true bearing of a line, prepare a closed & open traverse using
prismatic compass measure the bearings, entry into field book, calculation of
correct bearing and adjust. (Local attraction), determine the closing error and
adjust. Plotting the same, Practice with Auto CAD using commands.
5. Demonstration and practice with Auto CAD using commands.
6. Demonstration of instrument used for plane table surveying & their uses
(alidade, U-fork, trough compass), Set up the plane table-Cantering, Levelling,
Orientation, Practice the method of plane tabling: Radiation, Intersection,
Resection, Traversing, Determination of height by telescopic alidade
7. Practice to set up the Theodolite, Reading the vernier & booking (hor./ver.)
Angle, perform permanent adjustment of Theodolite, Measurement of
horizontal angle by various methods, Setting out the angles. Measurement of
vertical angle, deflection angle, Prolongation of line by various methods,
Determination of height of inaccessible object by the theodolite.
8. Traversing (closed& open) using Theodolite & tape/chain, Measurement of
horizontal angles & bearing of a line, Computation of coordinates from the
bearing, angle length, Preparation of gales traverse table, Computation of area
using co-ordinates, Determine omitted measurements.
9. Practice in setting up of dumpy level and performing temporary adjustments,
Practice in staff reading. Practice in simple levelling, Practice differential level
(fly levelling), Practice reciprocal levelling, Carryout levelling field book.
10. Equate reduction of level (rise fall method, height of instrument method)
comparison of method, solve problems on reduction of level, Practice levelling
with (auto / digital level), Practice profile levelling or longitudinal & cross
section levelling, plotting the profile, Check levelling.
11. Determination of horizontal and vertical distances by tachometric method.
Determination of stadia constants of a tachometer.
12. Prepare traverse drawing using Auto cad. Prepare a simple building. Drawing
using Auto cad.
13. Prepare contour (direct/ indirect method), Interpolation of contour, draw
contour lines, locating contour gradients, Preparation of section from contour
map, Computation of volume (prismoidal / trapezoidal) formula,
Establishment of gradient by abney level, Make a topography map with
contours. (Indirect method).
14. Computation of elements of simple curve, Set out of simple curve by linear
method, Set out of simple curve by instrument method, Set out of compound
curve by instrument method, Set out of reverse curve by instrument method,
Set out of transition curve by instrument method, Set out of vertical curve by
instrument method.
15. Temporary adjustment of Total station, Measurement of angle & coordinates
and heights, Traversing using Total station, Download survey data and
16. Prepare a site plan by the help of mouza map, Calculate the plot area by digital
17. Road project reconnaissance. Preliminary survey, Final location survey
including preparation of route map, Profile or longitudinal &cross-sectional
levelling & plotting.
18. Prepare topographical map (direct & indirect method). Make a cadastral/
mouza map &calculate the plot area, Prepare a detail road project more
than 1KM.
19. Survey drawing practice using AutoCAD commands
20. Drawing of Simple conical projection, polyconic, lambert’s & UTM
(Universal Transverse Mecrcator), Construction of UTM Grid, use datum
defining system 1984(WGS-84).
21. Setting of GPS/DGPS, Data collection (measurement of line & calculation of
area), Data collection in DGPS mode, Processing of GPS data in software,
Plotting the contour lines with the help of Auto Civil/ Civil 3D Software/any
other software.
22. Determine hydro graphic depth by (sounding method)/ eco sounder, Measure
the velocity of flow, Determine the cross- sectional area of a river.
23. Calculate the discharge of a river Justify constructing a new transmission
line, marking of tentative alignment on existing topographical map, Conduct
reconnaissance /preliminary survey & select a good alignment, conduct
detailed survey, prepare a profile drawing using sag template, Conduct final
location survey. Mark tower foundation pit point (as per type of tower).
24. Justify to construct a new Railway line, marking of tentative alignment,
conduct reconnaissance /preliminary survey & select a good alignment,
conduct detailed survey, prepare of drawing including design of curves with
setting out table, Conduct final location survey.
25. Draw a double storied residential building plan, elevation, cross section, site
plan, lay out plan, foundation details etc., Prepare a detail estimate of this
14. Syllabus for WELDER Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Elementary First Aid, Importance of Welding in Industry, Safety precautions in
Shielded Metal Arc Welding, and Oxy- Acetylene Welding and Cutting.
2. Introduction and definition of welding, Arc and Gas Welding Equipments, tools
and accessories, Various Welding Processes and its applications, Arc and Gas
Welding terms and definitions.
3. Different process of metal joining methods: Bolting, riveting, soldering, brazing,
seaming etc., Types of welding joints and its applications, Edge preparation and
fit up for different thickness, Surface Cleaning.
4. Basic electricity applicable to arc welding and related electrical terms &
definitions, Heat and temperature and its terms related to welding Principle of
arc welding. And characteristics of arc.
5. Common gases used for welding & cutting, flame temperatures and uses,
Chemistry of oxy-acetylene flame, Types of oxy-acetylene, flames and uses, Oxy-
Acetylene, Cutting Equipment principle, parameters and application.
6. Arc welding power sources-Transformer, Motor Generator set, Rectifier and
Inverter type welding machines and its care & maintenance, Advantages and
disadvantages of A.C. and D.C. welding machines.
7. Welding positions as per EN &ASME: flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead
position, Weld slope and rotation, Welding symbols as per BIS & AWS.
8. Arc length types effects of arc length, Polarity: Types and applications, Weld
quality inspection, common welding mistakes and appearance of good and
defective welds, Weld gauges & its uses.
9. Calcium carbide properties and uses, Acetylene gas properties and generating
methods, Acetylene gas Purifier, Hydraulic back pressure valve and Flash back
10. Oxygen gas and its properties, Production of oxygen by Air liquefaction, charging
process of oxygen and acetylene gases, Oxygen and Dissolved, Acetylene
gas cylinders and Colorcoding for different gas cylinders, Gas regulators, types
and uses.
11. Oxy acetylene gas welding Systems (Low pressure and High pressure), Difference
between gas welding blow pipe (LP &HP) and gas cutting blow pipe, Gas welding
techniques. Rightward and Leftward techniques.
12. Arc blowcauses and methods of controlling, Distortion in arc & gas welding and
methods employed to minimize distortion, Arc Welding defects, causes and
13. Specification of pipes, various types of pipe joints, pipe welding all positions, and
procedure, Difference between pipe welding and plate welding.
14. Pipe development for Elbow joint, T joint, Y joint and branch joint, Manifold
15. Gas welding filler rods, specifications and sizes, Gas welding fluxes types and
functions, Gas Brazing & Soldering- principles, types fluxes & uses Gas welding
defects, causes and remedies.
16. Electrode- types, functions of flux, coating factor, sizes of electrode Coding of
electrode as per BIS, AWS, Effects of moisture pick up, Storage and baking of
electrodes, Special purpose electrodes and their applications.
17. Weldability of metals, importance of pre heating, post heating and maintenance
of inter pass temperature.
18. Classification of steel, Welding of low, medium and high carbon steel and alloy
steels, Effects of alloying elements on steel, Stainless steel types- weld decay and
19. Brass typesproperties and welding methods, Copper types properties and
welding methods.
20. Aluminium and its alloys, properties and weldability, Welding methods, Arc
cutting &gouging,
21. Cast iron and its properties types, Welding methods of cast iron.
22. Types of Inspection methods, Classification of destructive and NDT methods,
Welding economics and Cost estimation.
23. Safety precautions in Gas Metal Arc Welding and Gas Tungsten Arc welding,
Introduction to GMAW-equipmentaccessories, Various other names of the
process. (MIG/MAG/CO2 welding.).
24. Advantages of GMAW welding over SMAW, limitations and applications, Process
variables of GMAW, Modes of metal transfer dip or short-circuiting transfer,
spray transfer (free flight transfer) and globular transfer (intermittent
transfer) and Pulsed metal transfer.
25. Wire feed systemtypescare and maintenance, Welding wires used in GMAW,
standard diameter and codification as per AWS.
26. Types of shielding gases and gas mixtures used in GMAW and its applications,
Flux cored arc welding description, advantage, welding wires, coding as per
27. Edge preparation of various thicknesses of metals for GMAW, GMAW defects,
causes and remedies.
28. Heat input and techniques of controlling heat input during welding, Heat
distribution and effect of faster cooling.
29. Pre heating & Post Weld Heat Treatment, use of temperature indicating crayons.
30. Submerged arc welding processprinciples, equipment, advantages and
limitations, Electro slag and Electro gas welding processes principles,
equipment, advantages and limitations.
31. Thermit welding process-types, principles, equipment, Thermit mixture types and
applications, Use of backing strips and backing bars.
32. GTAW process-brief description. Difference between AC and DC welding,
equipment, polarities and applications, Various other names of the process (TIG,
Argon arc), Power sources for GTAW-AC &DC.
33. Tungsten electrodes types & uses, sizes and preparation, GTAW Torches-types,
parts and their functions, GTAW filler rods and selection criteria.
34. Edge preparation and fit up, GTAW parameters for welding of different thickness
of metals, Pulsed TIG welding-brief description, pulse parameters slope up and
slope down.
35. Argon/Helium gas properties uses, GTAW Defects, causes and remedy.
36. Friction welding process- equipment and application, Laser beam welding
(LBW)and Electron beam welding (EBW).
37. Plasma Arc Welding (PAW) and cutting (PAC) process, equipment and principles
of operation, Types of Plasma arc, advantages and applications.
38. Resistance welding process, types, principles, power sources and welding
parameters, Applications and limitations.
39. Metalizingtypes of metalizing principles, equipment, advantages and
applications, Manual Oxyacetylene powder coating process- principles of
operation and its applications.
40. Welding codes and standards, Reading of assembly drawing, Welding Procedure
Specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Record (PQR),
41. Hard facing/ surfacing necessity, surface preparation, various hard facing alloy
and advantages of hard facing.
1. Demonstration of Machinery used in the trade. Identification to safety equipment
and their use etc. Hack sawing, filing square to dimensions. Marking out on MS
plate and punching.
2. Setting of oxy-acetylene welding equipment, Lighting and setting of flame. Perform
fusion run without filler rod on MS sheet 2mm thick in flat position. Setting up of
Arc welding machine & accessories and striking an arc. Deposit straight line bead
on MS plate in flat position.
3. Depositing bead with filler rod on M.S. sheet2 mm thick in flat position. Edge joint
on MS sheet 2 mm thick in flat position without filler rod.
4. Straight line beads on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in flat position, Weaved bead on M.
S plate 10mm thick in flat position.
5. cutting regular geometrical shapes and irregular shapes, cutting chamfers by gas
6. Circular gas cutting on MS plate 10 mm thick by profile cutting machine. Marking
and perform radial cuts, cutting out holes using oxy- acetylene gas cutting.
Identify cutting defects viz., distortion, grooved, fluted or ragged cuts; poor
draglines; rounded edges; tightly adhering slag.
7. Square butt joint on M.S. sheet 2 mm thick in flat Position, Fillet “T” joint on
M.S. Plate 10 mm thick in flat position, Open corner joint on MS sheet 2 mm thick
in flat Position.
8. Fillet lap joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in flat position, Fillet “T” joint on MS
sheet 2 mm thick in flat position, Open Corner joint on MS plate 10 mm thick in
flat position.
9. Fillet Lap joint on MS sheet 2 mm thick in flat position, Single “V” Butt joint on
MS plate 12 mm thick in flat position, Testing of weld joints by visual inspection.
Inspection of welds by using weld gauges.
10. Square Butt joint on M.S. sheet.2 mm thick in Horizontal position, Straight line
beads and multi-layer practice on M.S. Plate 10 mm thick in Horizontal position,
Fillet “T” joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in Horizontal position.
11. Fillet Lap joint on M.S. sheet 2 mm thick in horizontal position, Fillet Lap joint on
M.S. plate 10 mm thick in horizontal position.
17. Fusion run with filler rod in vertical position on 2mm thick M.S sheet.
18. Square Butt joint on M.S. sheet. 2 mm thick in vertical position, Single Vee
Butt joint on M.S. plate 12 mm thick in horizontal position.
19. Weaved bead on M.S Plate 10mm in vertical position, Fillet “T” joint on M.S sheet
2 mm thick in vertical position, Fillet “T” joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in
vertical position.
20. Structural pipe welding butt joint on MS pipe Ø 50 and 3mm WT in 1G position,
Fillet Lap joint on M.S. Plate 10 mm in vertical position, Open Corner joint on
MS plate 10 mm thick in vertical position.
21. Pipe welding - Elbow joint on MS pipe 50 and 3mm WT, Pipe welding “T” joint
on MS pipe 50 and 3mm WT, Single “V” Butt joint on MS plate12 mm thick in
vertical position, Pipe welding 45 ° angle joint on MS pipe 50 and 3mm WT,
Straight line beads on M.S. plate 10mm thick in overhead position.
22. Square Butt joint on S.S. sheet, 2 mm thick in flat position, Square Butt joint
on S.S. Sheet 2 mm thick in flat position, Square Butt joint on Brass sheet 2
mm thick in flat position, Square Butt & Lap joint on M.S. sheet 2 mm thick by
brazing in flat position, Single “V” butt joint C.I. plate 6mm thick in flat position,
Arc gouging on MS plate 10 mm thick, Square Butt joint on Aluminium sheet.
3 mm thick in flat position.
23. Introduction to safety equipment and their use etc. Setting up of GMAW welding
machine & accessories and striking an arc, Depositing straight line beads on
M.S Plate. Fillet weld “T” joint on M.S plate 10mm thick in flat position by
Introduction to safety equipment and their use etc.
24. Repair welding of broken C.I. machine parts by oxy-acetylene welding with C.I
and bronze filler rod, Repair welding of broken C.I machine parts by C.I.
25. Hard surfacing practice on M.S round rod Ø 25 mm by using Hard facing
electrode in flat position.
15. Syllabus for BASIC COSMETOLOGY Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Personality Development- Hygiene rules, Basic of good grooming, Posture,
Wardrobe planning, Motivation, Beauty as a career Communication Skills,
Professional ethics, Client consultation, Telephone etiquettes, Sterilization and
Sanitization-Purpose, Definition, Methods, Procedure Safety precautions.
2. Temporary removal of Superfluous hair, Hair growth cycle, Purpose of removing
superfluous hair, Definition and Methods of Epilation and Depilation, Product
Knowledge, Allergy test, Client consultation, Procedure, Contra-actions, Contra-
indications, Safety precautions.
3. Threading, Tweezing and Bleaching-Purpose, Definition, Types and methods,
Client consultation, Product knowledge, Patch Test-Procedure, Contra-actions,
Contra-indications, Safety precautions, After care/Home care.
4. Manicure and Pedicure-Anatomy of Nail, Classification and identification of nail
diseases and disorders, Purpose of manicure and pedicure-Definition and Types,
Tools, equipment& product knowledge, Client consultation, Procedure-Contra-
actions, Contra-indications, Safety precautions.
5. Facials-Anatomy of Skin- Skin structure, Functions of skin, Types of skin,
Classification & identification of common skin problems-Acne, Blackheads,
Whiteheads, Disorders of sweat glands, Disorders of oil glands, Meaning of
Massage, Types and benefits of massage, Client consultation, Skin analysis,
Tools, equipment& product knowledge, Basic and deep cleansing, Procedure-
Contra-actions, Contra-indications, Safety precautions.
6. Hair-Science of Hair, Structure of hair root & hair shaft, Chemical composition,
Hair growth cycle, Types of hair-Hair texture, density, Elasticity & porosity,
Common hair problems- Dandruff, Hair falling, Split ends, Pediculosis.
7. Head Massage, Shampooing, Conditioning & Deep- conditioning-Purpose,
Product knowledge Procedure, Benefits Precautions.
8. Hair Cutting & Blow dry, Facial shapes Knowledge-Sectioning, Elevation/Angles,
Length & perimeter, Basics of Blow dry, Tools knowledge, Hair cutting
techniques, Safety precautions.
9. Yoga and its Components-Purpose, Definition, Benefits, Precautions, Yogic diet.
10. Yogic Suksham Vayayam-Procedure, Benefits, Precautions Surya Namaskar
Yogic, Sthool Vayayam-Procedure, Benefits.
11. Make-up-Purpose, Effects of Light on makeup, Color theory, Basic facial shapes
knowledge, Types of brushes knowledge for make-up, Product knowledge, Types
of make-up Day Time-Evening and Party, Bridal, Procedure of CTM, Basic
corrective make-up for-Cheeks, Nose, Lips, Jaws, Make-up removal-Tools
&equipment, hygiene, Safety precautions.
12. Hair Styling-Purpose, Types of hairstyling-Thermal styling, Wet styling, Roller
Setting, Artificial Aids-Thermal Styling, Blow drying, Ironing/ Crimping, Tongs,
Wet styling, Pin curls, Finger waving, Roller setting, Artificial Aids, Cleaning &
maintaining of artificial aids, Safety precautions.
13. Hair Colouring-Science of colour, Basic law of colour (colour wheel), Classification
of hair colour-Temporary, Semi-permanent, Permanent, Types of hair colour-
Chemical, Vegetable, Techniques-Pre-lightening, Global colour, High lightening,
Numbering system, Product Knowledge, Allergy Test procedure, Procedure of
applying all types of hair color-Contra-actions, Contra-indications Safety
14. Perming-Definition, Knowledge of Bonds, Basic Perm technique, Types of perm
rollers, Client consultation, Scalp analysis, Product knowledge, Strand test
knowledge & procedure, Step by step procedure of perming-Contra-actions,
Contra-indications, Safety precautions, Aftercare/Homecare.
15. Straightening/ Rebonding/ Smoothening- Definition, Knowledge of Bonds, Client
consultation, Scalp analysis, Product knowledge, Strand test knowledge
&procedure, Step by step procedure of Straightening/Rebonding / Smoothening,
Contra-actions, Contra-indications, Safety precautions, Aftercare/Homecare.
16. Asanas-Purpose, Definition, Asanas for- Spine stretching, Stress management,
Different body ailments, Obesity, Diabetics, Joints pain, Hypertension, Thyroid,
Benefits, Safety precautions.
17. Yoga for different age groups- Children, Old citizens, Pregnant women, Benefits,
Safety precautions, Height, Weight Management Chart related to Ht &Wt.
18. Tratak-Definition, Procedure, Benefits, Safety precautions, Meditation-
Definition, Procedure, Benefits, Safety precautions.
1. Personal grooming. Telephone etiquettes. Working on improving poise, Trolley
setting. Use of different sterilizing gadgets, Practice in disinfection procedures,
Trolley setting, Client consultation, Allergy test procedure, Practice in waxing-
hot, cold & warm wax. Practice by chemical depilation method, Trolley setting.
Client consultation. Practice of Waxing, Threading, depilation &tweezing the
2. Patch test procedure. Bleaching procedure, Trolley setting. Client consultation.
Filling of record card. Use of tools & equipment.
3. Practice of Massage-Hands, Arms, Legs, Practice in different types of basic nail
shapes, Practice in different types of manicure &pedicures.
4. Nail art, Tools knowledge, Product knowledge, Basic nail art techniques-Free
hand Application of different types of packs & masks according to skin type,
Trolley setting, Client consultation, Scalp analysis. Practice in using gadgets-
High frequency, Infra-red lamp, Scalp steamer. Safety precautions/Do's &
Dont’s, after care- Trolley setting, Client consultation, Scalp analysis, Procedure,
Trolley setting, Client consultation, Scalp analysis, Practice in different types of
cuts: -One-length cut, Diagonal cut, Graduated cut.
5. Special cutting techniques asPrecision hair cutting, Notching Slicing, Trolley
setting. Client consultation, Filling of record card, Use of tools & equipment.
6. Trolley setting. Client consultation. Skin analysis: -Naked eyes, Magnifying glass,
Filling of record card, cleaning procedure.
7. Practice in facial with the help of different equipment: - Vapozone, High
Frequency, Brushing Unit, Galvanic, Ultrasonic, Vacuum & Spray, Faradic
8. Application of different types of packs & masks according to skin type, Trolley
setting. Client consultation. Scalp analysis. Practice in using gadgets: -High
frequency, Infra-red lamp, Scalp steamer, Safety precautions /Do's & Dont's.
After care, Trolley setting. Client consultation. Scalp analysis, Procedure, Trolley
setting. Client consultation. Scalp analysis. Practice in different types of cuts: -
One-length cut, Diagonal cut Graduated cut, Special cutting techniques as
Precision hair cutting, Notching, Slicing.
9. Stamina building exercises, Deep breathing exercises, Practice in
SukshamVayayam, Practice in Surya Namaskar, Practice in all SthoolVayayam.
16. Syllabus for FRONT OFFICE ASSISTANT Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Introduction to Hotel Industry/Importance of Front Office, Orientation
programme on the course and related job opportunities by the industry
expert / instructor, Different types of Hotels, Importance of grooming &
Hygiene/Fire Fighting & First-Aid.
2. Coordination of departments & importance of team work, Organizational
hierarchy of FRONT OFFICE Department in any star hotel, Personality
Development and communication skills.
3. Duties and responsibilities of a Front Office service personnel, Attributes of
FRONT OFFICE services personals, Procedure of welcoming & receiving a
4. Type of Rooms, Room plans and room rates, importance of tariff, Modes of
reservation requests and handling reservations, Importance of Key Control at
Front Office.
5. Different Types of Computers, Introduction of Personal Computer
/Microcomputer and Operating System (UNIX, WINDOWS, MS DOS,
NETWARE), Profiling an Operating System, Booting Sequence: Operating
System files and command Processor file, Definition of a file; File names,
Booting from CD and HDD, Warm and Cold reboot.
6. Microsoft- Word Processing Package-Opening Documents and Creating
Documents, Saving Documents/Quitting Documents, Cursor Control, text
selection, Printing Documents, Using the Interface (Menu, Toolbars), Editing
documents, Finding and Replacing Text, Spell Check / Auto Correct Feature,
Grammar Facility, Auto text, Character and page formatting.
7. Functions of Computer Peripherals, Laser Printer, DOT Matrix, INKJET
Printer, COLOR LASER printer, Introduction to MS- Excel, Fundamentals of
MS- Excel, Spreadsheet, Features & Description, An overview of Power Point-
Presentation & Slides and Handouts.
8. Introduction to MS-Access-Fundamental of MS- Access, types of access.,
naming of different data bases, Creating Data Base, Retrieving & Inserting
Information from an Access Data Base.
9. Networking and Internet Communication Concept-Knowing about how to set
up an internet connection, connect using a dial-up modem/Broadband
connection with username and password, Internet Explorer and its features,
Introduction to the uses of World Wide Web and Internet Browser,
Introduction to the Search Engine Google & its features, creating an email
ID, knowing about the "Outlook Express", Sending mail through outlook
express, File attachment with the email.
10. Procedure of preparation of- Arrival list, Departure list, Room availability
chart, Procedure of Preparation of-Different Guest Folios with Performa,
Handling Guest arrivals- Work Flow with all Perform as.
11. Telephone manners-Procedure of preparation of guest registration card &
importance of the data in it, ‘C’ form importance & its usages, preventing
common reservation problems, Receiving, welcoming of guest and assigning
rooms, Managing the guest bills. (Property management system).
12. People skills i.e., Time management, Team building, Inter personal skills,
Motivation, Conflict management, Currency exchange procedure, Room
change procedure, Handling complaints and situations.
13. Duties and responsibility of concierge & bell service, Marketing and up-selling
techniques & procedures, Procedure of handling mail & parcels for the guest
& in the office, Preparation of procedure of handling guest departure.
14. Workflow at the Front Office reception, Cashiering procedures, Observations
during situations and better ways of situation handling as per the
students, Handle accidents and emergency situations.
15. Preparation & Analyzing of data in front office related to Night Auditor's
Report, Process room and rate change, Check room status discrepancy.
16. Procedure of handling guest feedback & complaints, Procedure of Paging
System, Process of guest cycle system in a hotel.
1. Body Language and power of smile, Demonstrate First Aid, Fire Prevention
and Fire Fighting, Cross Cultural non-verbal communication, Managing
Coordination between departments in a Hotel-Role Play, develop personality
&team work, Analyse the conflict and manage the common ethical issues
2. Telephone Handling and Telephone Etiquettes, Business communication -
Oral and Written, Welcoming and Receiving Guests, Giving Information to
Guest about tourist Places, Duties and responsibilities of a Front Office
Assistant with regards to registration.
3. Type of rooms with specifications, Room Rates and Tariff cards, Reservation
enquiry over telephone and mail, Different types of keys and lock systems.
4. Computer Operational Skills, Demonstration and identification of different
input /output devices - CPU, VDU, Keyboard, Interconnecting Cords, Hard
disk, CD ROMs etc., Key Boarding Skills. Pen drive, other USB based devices,
Demonstration on Window O.S. Booting practice, Use of task bar, menu bar,
start button, title bar, mouse options and window’s help, using My Computer
and Recycle bin etc., Opening and closing different windows, creating and
renaming files and folders, Hands on practice of basic files, Directory
manipulation commands - Introduction to Linux O.S.
5. Demonstration Practice on MS Office: Word Processing (MS Word), Creating,
Saving, quitting& Opening Document, Moving Around Document,
manipulating document page using tool bar, Editing Text - Insert, delete,
move, copy, paste, Finding, replacing text, spell check, grammar check etc.,
Inserting and modifying Tables, Creating and printing merged documents
using mail merge, Practice of shortcut keys.
6. Worksheet (MS EXCEL): Elements of worksheets, application of electronic
worksheet and entering data in Worksheet, Saving and Quitting, Opening and
Moving around worksheet, Formatting cells and Data copying., Working with
charts and graphs etc., Printing, editing and entering formula, Functions in
7. MS-Power point: Planning and Preparation of different slides in a
Presentation, Editing and animating the presentation.
8. Data Base (MS-Access): Data Base Management System, Microsoft Access
Interface, Title Bar, Menu Bar, Tables, Query, Forms, Report, Printing and
Closing etc.
9. Internet Operational Skills: Networking concept, LAN WAN, Services on
Internet - Websites (www) E-Mails, Voice Mails, Browser and search engines,
Searching &downloading, Printing, saving portion of web page, E-Mail
addressing, Inbox, outbox, viewing, sending and saving mails Sending same
mails to various Users (multi- address) &sending attachment and enclosures.
Web Page Transaction.
10. Preparation of: Arrival list, Departure list, Room availability chart, Reserved
11. Practice on Preparing guest folio for: Walk in guest, VIP Guest, Group or Crew,
Corporate Guest, registration process for: Walk-in guest, Guest with
confirmed booking, Group or crew, corporate guest, Filling of guest
reservation form and registration card, Property management system.
12. Interpersonal communication and customer service skills, Handling of:
Currency Exchange, Room change, Guest complaints - Room Change (noise)/
AC not effective/ delay in check in process/ laundry complaint/ Delay in
Room Service.
13. Procedure of performing the duties of bell boy during: Check-in, Check-out,
Monitoring of CCTV.
14. The techniques and guidelines for up-selling and suggestive selling, Practice
on handling messages, mail and Parcels for the Guest and in the office.
15. Situation Handling - Scanty Baggage/Minor guest check in/Wrong Billing,
Guest without prior reservation/ late check in/ Early Check in/ Lost and
Found/Left Luggage/Skipper/Drunk Guest/Hoax Call, Handle accidents and
emergency situations.
16. Compute occupancy percentages and average room rate figures, Studying
and analyzing the movement list Studying and analyzing the
Arrival/Departure Listetc., Briefing and debriefing.
17. Paging System, Preparing Room Packages and Guest Feed backs, Rules and
regulations guiding Hotel to allow check in and other operations related to
Front Office.
17. Syllabus for WELDER (FABRICATION & FITTING) Trade-for the post of
1. Elementary First Aid, Importance of Welding in Industry, Safety precautions
in Shielded Metal Arc Welding, and Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting.
2. Introduction and definition of welding, Arc and Gas Welding Equipment, tools
and accessories.
3. Various Welding Processes and its applications, Arc and Gas Welding terms
and definitions.
4. Different process of metal joining methods- Bolting, riveting, soldering,
brazing, seaming etc., Types of welding joints and its applications, Edge
preparation and fit up for different thickness, Surface Cleaning.
5. Basic electricity applicable to arc welding and related electrical terms &
definitions, Heat and temperature and its terms related to welding, Principle
of arc welding and characteristics of arc.
6. Common gases used for welding & cutting, flame temperatures and uses,
Chemistry of oxy-acetylene flame, Types of oxy-acetylene flames and uses,
Oxy-Acetylene, Cutting Equipment principle, parameters and application.
7. Arc welding power sources-Transformer, Motor Generator set, Rectifier and
Inverter type welding machines and its care & maintenance, Advantages and
disadvantages of A.C. and D.C. welding machines.
8. Welding positions as per EN & ASME-flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead
position, Weld slope and rotation, Welding symbols as per BIS &AWS.
9. Arc length-types-effects of arc length, Polarity-Types and applications.
10. Calcium carbide properties and uses, Acetylene gas properties and generating
methods, Acetylene gas Purifier, Hydraulic back pressure valve and Flash
back arrestor.
11. Oxygen gas and its properties, Production of oxygen by Air liquefaction,
charging process of oxygen and acetylene gases, Oxygen and Dissolved
Acetylene gas cylinders and Color coding for different gas cylinders, Gas
regulators, types and uses.
12. Oxy acetylene gas welding Systems (Low pressure and High pressure),
Difference between gas welding blow pipe (LP & HP) and gas cutting blow pipe,
Gas welding techniques, Rightward and Leftward techniques.
13. Arc blow-causes and methods of controlling, Distortion in arc & gas welding
and methods employed to minimize distortion, Arc Welding defects, causes
and Remedies.
14. Specification of pipes, various types of pipe joints, pipe welding positions, and
procedure, Difference between pipe welding and plate welding.
15. Pipe development for Elbow joint, T joint, Y joint and branch joint, Manifold
system, Gas welding filler rods, specifications and sizes. Gas welding fluxes-
types and functions, Gas Brazing & Soldering-principles, types fluxes & uses,
Gas welding defects, causes and remedies.
16. Electrode-types, functions of flux, coating factor, sizes of electrode Coding of
electrode as per BIS, AWS, Effects of moisture pick up, Storage and baking of
electrodes, Special purpose electrodes and their applications.
17. Weldability of metals, importance of pre heating, post heating and
maintenance of inter pass temperature.
18. Classification of steel, Welding of low, medium and high carbon steel and alloy
steels, Effects of alloying elements on steel, Stainless steel types-weld decay
and weldability.
19. Brass- types-properties and welding methods, Copper-types-properties and
welding methods, Aluminium and its alloys, properties and weldability,
Welding methods, Arc cutting & gouging, cast iron and its properties types,
Welding methods of cast iron.
20. Role of fabrication in industry, Basic Trigonometric calculations, Marking of
Angles, Triangles, Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Hexagon, Octagon and
21. Calculation of volume and surface area of rectangular prism, cubes and
cylinders, Development of right solids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones,
frustum of pyramid, cone etc.
22. Workshop practice-Hack sawing, Filing, Chipping, Hand grinding, Marking,
Punching, Drilling, Tapping, Die-passing, etc.
23. Drilling machine-construction and operation feature.
24. Machine shop practice-Milling machine construction and operation- Milling
cutter-Types of Milling etc.
25. Lathe-construction and Operation, Turning-Facing-Taper Turning-Threading
26. Principles of Shielded metal Arc welding (SMAW).
27. Basic Electricity of welding power source, AC/DC power source advantages
and disadvantages.
28. Polarity types & Arc length.
29. Electrode -Types, description & Specification-BIS, AWS, etc., Functions of flux
& Characteristics of flux & arc, Selection of electrodes and coating factors,
Tack welding procedure on plate, channels & pipe- Length & pitch.
30. Metals used in fabrication, Types of fabrication joints, Types and classification
of steel and application, Framed structures- hell structure - Rolled sections, I
section, channel section, angle section, T-section.
31. Welding symbols- Structural/ Pressure vessel design drawing reading and
understanding the concepts.
32. Description and operation of croppers, shearing machine, Guillotine shears,
punching machines, Edge planning machine and nibbling machine etc.,
Description and operation of straightening machines.
33. Methods of bending plates, angle iron etc., Cold bending and hot bending etc.,
Bending of angles and channels, Press work, Flame straightening methods.
34. Pipes and pipe fitting-Pipe schedule- types-methods of bending -use of
bending fixture - pipe bending machine - use of pipe cutter, pipe wrenches -
pipe vices - pipe threads - pipe dies and taps etc.
35. Edge preparation for pressure line pipes, fit up procedure, hand riveting, cold
and hot-methods of riveting - use of pneumatic riveting, hydraulic riveting -
checking rivets -removing of bad rivets.
36. Types of bolts - black bolt, turned bolt, high strength bolt etc. and their
application, Development of pipe templates for T,Y,K joints.
37. Kind of structures - Column base, plate girders, Gantry girders, Root trusses-
description, types and use - Beam connection, beam to column connection -
framed connection and seated connection.
38. Type of pressure vessels - Boilers, Heat exchangers, High pressure pipe lines
etc. - Marking for cutting to size, marking for bevelling and chamfering and
marking for pipes and intersection.
39. Jigs and Template making - Design and description of templates for cutting -
templates of gussets-templates for marking angle.
40. Template for marking joint section, Design and development of jigs for drilling
and angles, Design of simple fixture and clamping devices.
41. Assembly-Procedure and technique for assembly, assembling of riveted
plates, girders and trusses, Assembly of welded section, Assembly of
cylindrical tanks including fitting and lining of vessels.
42. Distortion & methods of control, Preventing and allowing for weld distortion,
Common welding defects, Inspection and testing, Non-destructive method of
flaw detection -PT, MPT, Ultrasonic & Radiographic, Inspection Chipping &
Grinding- Chisels & pneumatic chisels used for chipping- Method of chipping
and cutting - Types of grinding machines -Grinding wheels - Method of
removing welds and rivets by chipping and grinding, Finishing & Painting:-
Common types of painting, Stencilling, marking and colour marking.
1. Importance of trade Training Machinery used in the trade, Introduction to
safety equipment and their use etc., Hack sawing, filing square to dimensions,
Marking out on MS plate and punching.
2. Setting up of Arc welding machine & accessories and striking an arc Setting
of oxy-acetylene welding equipment, Lighting and setting of flame.
3. Fusion run without and with filler rod on M.S. sheet 2 mm thick in flat
position, Edge joint on MS sheet 2 mm thick in flat position without filler rod,
Marking and straight line cutting of MS plate. 10 mm thick by gas.
4. Straight line beads on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in flat position, Weaved bead
on M. S plate, 10mm thick in flat position, square butt joint on M.S. sheet 2
mm thick in flat Position, Fillet "T" joint on M.S. Plate 10 mm thick in flat
5. Bevelling of MS plates 10 mm thick. By gas cutting, Open corner joint on MS
sheet 2 mm thick in flat Position, Fillet lap joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in
flat position.
6. Circular gas cutting on MS plate 10 mm thick by profile cutting machine,
Fillet "T" joint on M S she et 2 mm thick in flat position, Open Corner joint on
MS plate 10 mm thick in flat position.
7. Fillet Lap joint on MS sheet 2 mm thick in flat position, Single "V" Butt joint
on M S plate 12 mm thick in flat position, Square Butt joint on M.S. sheet. 2
mm thick in Horizontal position, Straight line beads and multi-layer practice
on M.S. Plate 10 mm thick in Horizontal position, Fillet Lap joint on M.S. sheet
2 mm thick in horizontal l position, Fillet Lap joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick
in horizontal position.
8. Fusion run with filler rod in vertical position on 2mm thick, M.S. sheet,
Square Butt joint on M.S. sheet. 2 mm thick in vertical position, Single Vee
Butt joint on M.S. plate 12 mm thick in horizontal position, Weaved bead on
M.S Plate 10mm in vertical position, Fillet "T" joint on M.S sheet 2 mm thick
in vertical position, Structural pipe welding butt joint on MS pipe 0 50 and
3mm WT in 1G position, Fillet Lap joint on M.S. Plate 10 mm in vertical
position, Open Corner joint on MS plate 10mmthickinvertical position, Pipe
welding - Elbow joint on MS pipe 0 -50 and 3mm WT. Pip e we l ding "T" joint
on MS pipe 0 5 0 and 3mm WT, Single "V" Butt joint on M S p late 12 mm
thick in vertical position, Pipe welding 45 ° angle joint on MS pipe 0 50 and
3mm WT.
9. Pipe welding butt joint on MS pipe 0 50- and 5-mm WT. in 1G position, Fillet
Lap joint on M.S. plate 10 mm thick in overhead position, Single "V" Butt joint
on MS plate 10mm thick in overhead position, Pipe butt joint on M. S. pipe 0
50mm WT 6mm (1G Rolled).
10. Square Butt joint on S.S. sheet. 2 mm thick in flat position, Square Butt joint
on S.S. Sheet 2 mm thick in flat position, Square Butt joint on Brass
sheet2mmthickin flat position, Square Butt & Lap joint on M.S. sheet 2 mm
thick by brazing, Single "V" butt joint C.I. plate 6mm thick in flat position. Arc
gouging on MS plate 10 mm thick. Bronze welding of cast iron (Single "V" butt
joint) 6mm thick plate.
18. Syllabus for HUMAN RESOURCE EXECUTIVE Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Functional Grammar, developing grammatically correct statements- written
and verbal, Readingpurpose, skimming take the best part, scanning reading
with attention, cognates relative words, text structures, Writinghow to put
thoughts in written texts, minimizing errors, crosschecking for errors, filing
2. Computer overview- Office Application- MS word Office Applications MS
Excel Office ApplicationsMS PowerPoint, Basic Internet application.
3. Speakinghow to express yourself verbally, importance of good spoken
communication in any field of advancement Business Communication
4. Accident prevention techniques, Occupational Safety and Health legislations
in India.
5. Advanced internet application, Business Applications and IT, Business
6. Women and Occupational Safety, Managing work and family, online social
7. Social/Formal etiquettes, Introduction to quality consciousness.
8. Basics of Economicsan overview of micro and macroeconomics, theory of
demand and supply, production, markets, GDP, inflation, wage market, basic
concept of employment, Introduction to Indian economy, Concepts of National
Economic Planning, Quality concepts and Quality Tools.
9. Concepts of Happy Capitalism, trickle up Theory, Increasing Marginal Utility,
Survival of the Weakest. Advanced Executive Communication, Concepts in
TQM and ISO, Detailed quality specifications of an entrepreneurbusiness
leader, analytical mind Market Feedbacks and business decisions; market
intelligence, Business environment and entrepreneurship.
10. Time Management, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, who can become an
entrepreneur, how can entrepreneur start his venture, National Economic
Planning and how India may grow faster? Critical detailing of the economic
development vis a vis the most optimal development strategy, Introduction to
Quality parameters.
11. Course expectations, Content introduction and class resources.
12. Pedagogy of the curriculum-Introduction to various forms of teaching
mechanism which will include role-plays, case studies specific to subject, how
to read a case and draft out the solutions.
13. What is Human Resource management, HR jobs in India at the entry level,
Hierarchy of an HR department in an organisation.
14. Need and demand of the market for trained/skilled personnel and how to meet
the demand through recruitment and selection.
15. Wage, Salary and Compensation, Appraisal system and Evaluating
manpower, Training and Development job enrichment and growth, Managing
Personnel Issues, negotiations and bargaining, Maintenance and
Integration of HR Functions.
16. Worker’s participation and Corporate Governance.
1. Stress and accents, accentuation mode of pronunciation marks, Intonation using
a particular tone, Diction use of word and speech using audio-visual aids.
2. Transformation of sentences. Adjectives of comparison, Voice change, narration,
change of tense, spellings and vocabulary development, reading simple English
with preparations, news reports, elementary office reports/ memos/notices,
reading current news and giving opinions or engaging into group discussions,
Construction of simple sentences. Preparation of news reports, paragraphs; form
filling, addressing envelopes, layout of letters, writing requests, answering to
queries written and over email, letters of application, letters of appointments,
office notifications, job-orders, simple comprehension.
3. Computer its use and application. How to put together the keyboard, the mouse,
the monitor and the printer ports to the CPU tower, Use Computer as an input
and output device, Identify Types of memory viz. hard disk, CD, pen drive,
external hard disk.
4. MS Word Getting started; How to type, format, edit content, how to mail merge,
how to convert into a pdf, how to print; compilation of project/business reports,
Password protection of documents, MS Excel Getting started, Excel as database
manager. Excel as a calculating application. Some basic calculation and
formulation techniques. How to edit and format. Password protection of excel
sheets, MS PowerPoint- Getting started. Power Point as a presentation manager.
How one can present business ideas using a slide system, creating presentations,
Editing and formatting a presentation; Real life presentations on corporate /
business briefs. Presentation styles and types. Book presentations, movie,
presentations, corporate presentations, what is the internet, what are browsers
and how to browse? How to search on search engines. How to create a document
with data copied from the internet.
5. Speaking with preparation on self, family, career aspirations, on any given
topics. Radio jockeying, introducing seniors, initiating business conversations,
sales pitching, ending business meetings, body language to impress others,
reading other’s body language. Speaking on the spot extempore, just a minute,
flip-back; role plays, dialogues, group discussions, interjection, raising a query,
answering a query.
6. General guidelines of how to prevent an accident from happening depending on
job types. Humanity and helping colleagues, how to prevent oneself in emergency.
Learning how and when to evacuate in case of an emergency earthquake fire,
terror attack, etc.; how should office spaces be designed workplace ergonomics;
need for first aid, fire extinguisher and emergency numbers, Practical aspects of
Factories Act, Workmen’s Compensation Act & ESI Act to be explained with
examples &case studies.
7. How to open a mail account or use Outlook Express MS Outlook, sending mails,
answering mails. Security issues and passwords, Online marketing basics;
ecommerce and m- commerce, Introduction to financial tools, Online marketing
reports, Software’s to convert data in different forms freeware; concepts of
spyware, malware and internet security. Resume building, introductory notes, e-
mail communication, request for meetings and written acknowledgements. What
is the concept of quarantine?
8. What are the government and corporate guidelines for women at work? What is
meant by social or physical abuse of a woman? What is the legal defense sought
by a woman in her working environment? How to manage work life balance the
need for it, what is the concept of social media; uses of social media networking,
making friends, business prospects.
9. How to greet, wish, bid goodbye; how to exchange business cards, how to speak
with seniors and juniors, how to maintain corporate decorum? How to eat/drink
in social/corporate get- togethers, how to thank people.
10. History of Indian civilization, How the Indian economic state in its current form
came into being; barter system and the silk route, spice trade. Colonization
different wars during the Islamic period and later the British East India
Company; Indian independence and the economic changes.
11. How our present stage is related to our past and how our future is related to the
present economic situation, Why the Indian growth was called Hindu Growth
rate? How did the growth rate change to near double digit; basic understanding
of liberalization and opening of Indian economy.
12. Linking with the concept of more choice and expanding market, why do we need
a quality process? How does quality help an organization? How is an
organization’s vision linked to its quality consciousness?
13. Why do we need economics? Economics and its impact on our life., Economics
and choice with case studies and examples of everyday life, Economic concepts
used in business understanding demand, supply, production, Economic
decisions to enter a market based on type of market monopoly, oligopoly,
duopoly, perfect competition, Basic concept of why prices rise inflation, how
price rise affects our life money supply and theory of wage, How does one
contribute to the country’s growth – concepts of GDP and GNP?
14. Why do people remain unemployed and the role of government in reducing
unemployment? What is meant by a planned economy? Where did the concept of
planning evolve from? What is the difference in the economic development of the
western world Capitalist and the Soviet Bloc Communist-Socialist? How the
growths of Chinese and Indian economy differ?
15. How the knowledge of economic growth helps you as an entrepreneur? Quality in
customer- supplier relations, designing organizations for quality 8 Tools and
techniques used to achieve quality, explain how quality adherence builds long
term credibility and organizational growth.
16. Individual’s contributions to enhancing organizational quality, what are the
contributions of an entrepreneur that will make the society better, people around
happier and economic system stronger?
17. How can capitalism the concept of rich getting richer and poor getting poorer
make a society happier?
18. In an era of cut throat competition, where it is the law of the jungle and the fittest
only survive.
19. How can modern economic thought involving National Economic Planning ensure
the survival of the weakest?
20. Group Discussion- Initiate a discussion, participate in a discussion, drawing
21. Interviewing techniques.
22. Value of time for a business, how to respect other’s time, how is time
management, punctuality and regularity leads to positive attitude towards work.,
How to schedule your day and prioritize your work, how to plan your goals, brief
about project planning processes.
23. What is entrepreneurshipbasic concepts, Difference between entrepreneurship
and self- employment, how an entrepreneur contributes to economic growth and
prosperity of a country, Entrepreneurial qualities, what makes an entrepreneur
different from a business manager, entrepreneurs, Ethics, attitudes, values and
24. Competencies required to be successful entrepreneur, Case studies on successful
entrepreneurs, Creativity and entrepreneurship; how to think creatively and
25. How does a successful entrepreneur see same thing differently with a business
acumen, Entrepreneurship and calculated risk.
26. Current economic situation, Concepts of the economic crisis in 2008-10, What
are the factors that stabilize a country from economic crisis, what can be your
role in bringing about a change in consciousness towards current economic
development process.
27. Basic HR and Personnel Concepts in the real life what is so important about
human resources, understanding whether there is shift of labour intensive or
technology intensive industrialization, how to read a case study, how to analyze,
what kind of answers to look for, do cases have any right or wrong answers.
28. Concepts on recruitment and Selection, Differentiation of the two terms, who
recruits, who to recruit, when to recruit, how to recruit, Understanding the
process of job analysis, Job description, Job specification, Segregation of CVs
as per functional area, Filing and coding the CVs.
29. Administration of welfare, amenities & fringe benefits, safety & accident
prevention work (reorientation of Occupational Safety and Health), Environment
fatigue, safety, accident prevention; Employee grievances and their redressal.
30. Suggestion schemes, administration of discipline; Attire in work environment (in
case of production facility) helmet, gloves, boots, eye guard, ear plugs.
19. Syllabus for MECHANIC MOTOR VEHICLE Trade-for the post of Instructor.
1. Occupational Safety & Health- Importance of Safety and general Precautions
to be observed in the shop. Basic first aid, safety signs-for Danger, Warning,
caution & personal safety message. Safe handling of Fuel Spillage, Fire
extinguishers used for different types of fire, Safe disposal of toxic dust, safe
handling and Periodic testing of lifting equipment, Authorization of Moving
&road-testing vehicles, Energy Conservation-Definition, Energy Conservation
Opportunities (ECOs)-Minor ECos and Medium ECOs, Major ECOs), Safety
disposal of Used engine oil, Electrical safety tips. Introduction to road safety
and Automotive emissions.
2. Hand & Power Tools- Marking scheme, marking material- chalk, Prussian
blue, cleaning tools- Scraper, wire brush, Emery paper, Description, care and
use of Surface plates, steel rule, measuring tape, try square. Callipers-inside
and outside. Dividers, surface gauges, scriber, punches-prick punch, centre
punch, pin punch, hollow punch, number and letter punch. Chisel-flat, cross-
cut, Hammer- ball pein, lump, mallet, Screw drivers-blade screwdriver,
Phillips screw driver, Ratchet screwdriver, Allen key, bench vice & C- clamps,
Spanners-ring spanner, open end spanner & the combination spanner,
universal adjustable open-end spanner, Sockets& accessories, Pliers -
Combination pliers, multi grip, long nose, flat-nose, Nippers or pincer pliers,
Side cutters, Tin snips, Circlips pliers, external circlips pliers. Air impact
wrench, air ratchet, wrenches- Torque wrenches, pipe wrenches, car jet
washers Pipe flaring & cutting tool, pullers-Gear and bearing.
3. Systems of measurement, Description, care & use of - Micrometers- Outside
and depth micrometer, Micrometer adjustments, Vernier callipers, Telescope
gauges, Dial bore gauges, Dial indicators, straightedge, feeler gauge, thread
pitch gauge, vacuum gauge, tire pressure gauge.
4. Drilling machine-Description and study of Bench type Drilling machine,
Portable electrical Drilling machine, drill holding devices, Work Holding
devices, Drill bits.
5. Taps and Dies: Hand Taps and wrenches, Calculation of Tap drill sizes for
metric and inch taps, Different type of Die and Die stock, Screw extractors,
Hand Reamers Different Type of hand reamers, Drill size for reaming,
Lapping, Lapping abrasives, type of Laps.
6. Basic electricity, Electricity principles, Ground connections, Ohm's law,
Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power, Energy. Voltmeter, ammeter, Ohmmeter
Mulitmeter, Conductors & insulators, Wires, Shielding, Length vs. resistance,
Resistor ratings Fuses & circuit breakers, Ballast resistor, Stripping wire
insulation, cable colour codes and sizes, Resistors in Series circuits, Parallel
circuits and Series-parallel circuits, Electrostatic effects, Capacitors and its
applications, Capacitors in series and parallel.
7. Description of Chemical effects, Batteries & cells, Lead acid batteries & Stay
Maintenance Free (SMF) batteries, Magnetic effects, Heating effects, Thermo-
electric energy, Thermisters, Thermo couples, Electrochemical energy, Photo-
voltaic energy, Piezo-electric energy, Electromagnetic induction, Relays,
Solenoids, Primary & Secondary windings, Transformers, stator and rotor
8. Basic electronics: Description of Semiconductors, Solid state devices- Diodes,
Transistors, Thyristors, Uni Junction Transistors (UJT), Metal Oxide Field
Effect Transistors (MOSFETs).
9. Introduction to Hydraulics & Pneumatics: - Definition of Pascal law, pressure,
Force, viscosity. Description, symbols and application in automobile of Gear
Pump-Internal & External, single acting, double acting & Double ended
cylinder; Directional control valves-2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 4/3-way valve, Pressure
relief valve, non return valve, Flow control valve used in automobile.
Pneumatic Symbols, Description and function of air Reciprocating
Compressor. Function of Air service unit (FRL-Filter, Regulator &Lubricator).
10. Auto Industry-History, leading manufacturers, development in automobile
industry, trends, new product. Brief about Ministry of Road transport &
Highways, The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI), National
Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project (NATRIP), & Automobile
11. Definition- Classification of vehicles on the basis of load as per central motor
vehicle rule, wheels, final drive, and fuel used, axles, position of engine and
steering transmission, body and load. Brief description and uses of Vehicle
hoists Two post and four post hoist, Engine hoists, Jacks, Stands.
12. Introduction to Engine-Description of internal & external combustion engines,
Classification of IC engines, Principle & working of 2&4- stroke diesel engine
(Compression ignition Engine (C.I)), Principle of Spark Ignition Engine (SI),
differentiate between 2-stroke and 4 stroke, C.I engine and S.I Engine, Direct
injection and Indirect injection, technical terms used in engine, Engine
specification. Study of various gauges/instrument on a dash board of a
vehicle- Speedometer, Tachometer, Odometer and Fuel gauge, and Indicators
such as gearshift position, Seat belt warning light, Parking-brake-engagement
warning light and an Engine-malfunction light.
13. Different type of starting and stopping method of Diesel Engine, Procedure for
dismantling of diesel engine from a vehicle.
14. Petrol Engine Basics- 4-stroke spark-ignition engines- Basic 4-stroke
principles. Spark-ignition engine components- Basic engine components,
Engine cams & camshaft, Engine power transfer, Scavenging, Counter
weights, Piston components. Intake & exhaust systems -Electronic fuel
injection systems, Exhaust systems, Intake system components, Air cleaners,
Carburettor air cleaners, EFI air cleaners, Intake manifolds, Intake air
15. Gasoline Fuel Systems-Description of Gasoline fuel, Gasoline fuel
characteristics, Controlling fuel burn, Stoichiometric ratio, Air density, Fuel
supply system, Pressure & vacuum.
16. Engine Components- Description and Constructional feature of Cylinder
head, Importance of Cylinder head design, Type of Petrol and Diesel
combustion chambers, Effect on size of Intake & exhaust passages, Head
gaskets. Importance of Turbulence Valves & Valve Trains- Description and
Function of Engine Valves, different types, materials, Type of valve operating
mechanism, Importance of Valve seats, and Valve seats inserts in cylinder
heads, importance of Valve rotation, Valve stem oil seals, size of Intake valves,
Valve trains, Valve- timing diagram, concept of Variable valve timing.
Description of Camshafts & drives, Description of Overhead camshaft,
importance of Cam lobes, Timing belts & chains, Timing belts & tensioners.
17. Description & functions of different types of pistons, piston rings and piston
pins and materials, used recommended clearances for the rings and its
necessity precautions while fitting rings, common troubles and remedy,
Compression ratio.
18. Description & function of connecting rod, importance of big- end split
obliquely, Materials used for connecting rods big end & main bearings. Shells
piston pins and locking methods of piston pins.
19. Description and function of Crank shaft, camshaft, Engine bearings-
classification and location materials used & composition of bearing
materials- Shell bearing and their advantages- special bearings material for
diesel engine application bearing failure & its causes-care & maintenance.
Crank-shaft balancing, Firing order of the engine.
20. Description and function of the fly wheel and vibration damper, Crank case &
oil pump, gears timing mark, Chain sprockets, chain tensioner etc., Function
of clutch & coupling units attached to flywheel.
21. Description of Cylinder block, Cylinder block construction, and Different type
of Cylinder sleeves (liner).
22. Need for Cooling systems, Heat transfer method, Boiling point & pressure,
Centrifugal force, Vehicle coolant properties and recommended change of
interval, Different type of cooling systems, Basic cooling system components-
Radiator, Coolant hoses, Water pump, Cooling system thermostat, Cooling
fans, Temperature indicators, Radiator pressure cap, Recovery system,
23. Need for lubrication system, Functions of oil, Viscosity and its grade as per
SAE, Oil additives, Synthetic oils, The lubrication system, Splash system,
Pressure system, Corrosion/noise reduction in the lubrication system.
24. Lubrication system components - Description and function of Sump, Oil
collection pan, Oil tank, Pickup tube, different type of Oil pump & Oil filters,
Oil pressure relief valve, Spurt holes & galleries, Oil indicators, Oil cooler.
25. Intake system components- Description and function of Air cleaners, Different
type air cleaner, Description of Intake manifolds and material, Exhaust
system components- Description and function of Exhaust manifold, Exhaust
pipe, Extractors, Mufflers- Reactive, absorptive, Combination., Catalytic
converters, Flexible connections, Ceramic coatings, Back-pressure, Electronic
26. Diesel Fuel Systems- Description and function of Diesel fuel injection, fuel
characteristics, concept of Quiet diesel technology & Clean diesel technology,
Diesel fuel system components Description and function of Diesel tanks &
lines, Diesel fuel filters, water separator, Lift pump, Plunger pump, Priming
pump, Inline injection pump, Distributor-type injection pump, Diesel
injectors, Glow plugs, Cummins & Detroit Diesel injection. Electronic Diesel
control- Electronic Diesel control systems, Common Rail Diesel Injection
(CRDI) system, hydraulically actuated electronically controlled unit injector
(HEUI) diesel injection system. Sensors, actuators and ECU (Electronic
Control Unit) used in Diesel Engines.
27. Engine assembly procedure with aid of special tools and gauges used for
engine assembling. Introduction to Gas Turbine, Comparison of single and
two stage turbine engines, Different between gas turbine and Diesel Engine.
28. Emission Control-Vehicle emissions Standards- Euro and Bhart II, III, IV, V
Sources of emission, Combustion, Combustion chamber design. Types of
emissions: Characteristics and Effect of Hydrocarbons, Hydrocarbons in
exhaust gases, Oxides of nitrogen, Particulates, Carbon monoxide, Carbon
dioxide, Sulphur content in fuels, Description of Evaporation emission
control, Catalytic conversion, Closed loop, Crankcase emission control,
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve, , Controlling air-fuel ratios, Charcoal
storage devices, Diesel particulate filter (DPF). Selective Catalytic Reduction
29. Description of charging circuit operation of alternators, regulator unit,
ignition warning lamp- troubles and remedy in charging system.
30. Description of starter motor circuit, Constructional details of starter motor
solenoid switches, common troubles and remedy in starter circuit.
31. Troubleshooting-Causes and remedy for Engine Not starting Mechanical &
Electrical causes, High fuel consumption, Engine overheating, Low Power
Generation, Excessive oil consumption, Low/High Engine Oil Pressure,
Engine Noise.
32. Introduction-Study of different major components & assemblies of heavy
vehicle, and different make (indigenous). Name plate-constructional
differences and their merits. leading manufacturers in Heavy vehicle Industry.
33. Clutches & Manual Transmissions- Clutch principles, Single-plate clutches,
Multi-plate clutches, Dual mass flywheels, Operating mechanisms Clutch
components- Pressure plate, Driven/ center plate, Throw-out bearing, Manual
transmissions- Gear ratios, Compound gear trains, Gear selection, Bearings,
Oil seals & gaskets, Brief about Automated Manual Transmission (AMT)
Gearbox layout & operation-Gearbox layouts, Transaxle designs, Gearbox
operation, Baulk-ring synchromesh unit, Transaxle synchromesh unit. Gear
shift mechanism.
34. Final Drive & Drive Shafts - Basic layouts Front-wheel drive layout, Rear-
wheel drive layout, Four-wheel drive layout, All-wheel drive layout, 4WD v/s
AWD Front-wheel drive, Front-wheel drive shafts, Front-wheel final drives,
Front- wheel differentials, Rear-wheel drive- Propeller shaft, Type of Universal
joints, Type of Constant velocity Joints, Rear-wheel final drives, Salisbury
axles, Rear-wheel drive differentials, Limited slip differentials. Four-wheel
drive- Four-wheel drive shafts, Four-wheel final drive, Four- wheel drive
transfer case, Freewheeling hubs, Four-wheel drive differentials, All-wheel
drive- four-wheel final drives, All-wheel drive transfer case, Transfer case
differential action.
35. Automatic Transmissions - Torque converters, Torque converter principles,
drive plate, Converter operation, Torque multiplication, Fluid flow, Heat
exchanger, Lock-up converters, clutches. Planetary gearing- Planetary gears,
Simple planetary gear sets, Compound planetary gear sets, Automatic
transmission brake bands, multi-disc clutches, electronic control
transmission-Electronic control Unit, fully hydraulically controlled
transmission, electronic shift programs, Manual selection.
36. Layout & operation for P, R, N & D (1st & 2nd), Selector positions, Planetary
gear set, High range power flow, Low range power flow Servos & clutches-Rear
servo, Front servo, One-way clutch, Multi-plate front clutch, Clutch pack,
Rear clutch.
37. Hydraulic system & controls-Hydraulic system components, Spool valves,
Regulating or flow control valves, Control valves, Orifice, Valve types &
functions- Basic valve action, Regulator & control valves, Shift & governor
valves, Pressure regulation- The primary regulating valve, Line pressure
variation, Modulator valve pressure, the governor, Governor pressure, Kick
down pressure. Flow control- Gear position 1, 1-2 shift valve, 2-3 shift valve
assembly, The servo orifice control valve, 3-2 kick down Continuously variable
transmission (C.V.T.) - Continuously variable transmission, Drive or reverse,
The steel belt, Secondary pulley shaft.
38. Steering Systems-Description and function of Steering systems, Principles of
steering, Rack-and-pinion steering system, Recirculation ball & nut steering
system, Four-wheel steering systems, collapsible steering system, Steering
boxes & columns - Description and function of Steering columns, Rack- and-
pinion gearbox, Helix, Variable ratio steering, Worm gearbox, Power Assisted
steering, Steering process, Flow-control valve, Electric power assisted
steering, Basic electric power steering operation Steering arms & components-
Forward control vehicle steering, Steering linkages, Joints, Bushes/bushings,
Wheel alignment fundamentals:- Basic principles of wheel alignment, wheel
base, wheel track, king pin inclination, Caster, Camber, Scrub radius, Toe-in
& toe out, Toe-out on turns, Turning radius, Thrust angle & centrelines.
39. Suspension Systems- Principles of suspension, Suspension force, Unsprung
weight, Wheel unit location, Dampening. Types of suspension-Suspension
systems, Solid axle, Dead axle, Description, function and advantages of non-
independent suspension independent suspension, Rear independent
suspension, Rear- wheel drive independent suspension, electronically
controlled air suspension (ECAS), Adaptive air suspension operation. Types of
springs - Description and function of Coil springs, Leaf springs, Torsion bars,
Rubber springs. Shock absorber types- Description and function of Hydraulic
shock absorbers, Gas- pressurized shock absorbers, Load- adjustable shock
absorbers, Manual adjustable-rate shock absorbers, Electronic adjustable-
rate shock absorbers, Automatic load-adjustable shock absorbers, Front
suspension types & components- Mc person Strut suspension, Short/long
arm suspension, Torsion bar suspension Rear suspension types &
components- Rigid axle leaf spring suspension, Rigid axle coil spring
suspension, Independent type suspension, Rigid non-drive suspension.
40. Wheels & Tyres-Wheel types & sizes Wheels, Rim sizes & designations, Types
of wheels, Tyre types & characteristics- Tyres, Radial ply tyres, Radial ply tyre
sidewalls, Tyre pressure monitoring systems, Run flat tyres, Space-saver
tyres, Tyre distortion, Center of gravity., Tyre construction-Tyre construction,
Types of tyre construction, Tyre materials, Hysteresis, Tyre sizes &
designations, Tyre information, Tyre tread designs, Tyre ratings for
temperature & traction. Descriptions Tire wear Patterns and causes Nitrogen
vs atmospheric air in tyres.
41. Braking Systems - Principles of braking, Drum & disc brakes,
Lever/mechanical advantage, Hydraulic pressure & force, Brake pad,
Regenerative braking, Braking system components-Park brake system, Brake
pedal, Brake lines, Brake fluid, Bleeding, Master cylinder, Divided systems,
Tandem master cylinder, Power booster or brake unit, Hydraulic brake
booster, Electro hydraulic braking (EHB), Applying brakes, Brake force, Brake
light switch, Drum brakes & components -Drum brake system, Drum brake
operation, Brake linings & shoes, Back plate, Wheel cylinders, Disc brakes &
components -Disc brake system, Disc brake operation, Disc brake rotors, Disc
brake pads, Disc brake callipers, Proportioning valves, Proportioning valve
operation, Brake friction materials, Antilock braking system & components-
ABS brake system, Antilock braking system operation, Principles of ABS
braking, ABS master cylinder, Hydraulic control unit, Wheel speed sensors,
ABS with EBD electronic control unit. The construction and operation of
heavy vehicle Anti-Slip Regulation / Traction Control (ASR) system,
Introduction to Electromagnetic retarder brake (EMR) and Engine exhaust
42. Licensing of drivers & conductors, Registration of vehicle, Traffic rules,
Signals & controls, Accidents, Causes & analysis, Responsibility of driver,
Offences, penalties & procedures, Different types of forms, Government
administration structure, Personnel, Authorities & duties, Rules regarding
construction of motor vehicles, Tax exemption & tax renewal, Insurance types
& significance -Comprehensive, Third-party insurance, Duty of driver in case
of accident.
43. Introduction to EFI Engine Management- EFI operation Modes of EFI,
Electronic fuel injection, Idle speed control systems, Feedback & looping, Cold
start systems, Air measurement, Air-flow monitoring, Variable intake
manifold system, Electrical functions, EFI wiring diagram electronic control
unit (ECU) - EFI system ECU, Electronic control unit settings, Engine speed
limiting, Malfunction indicator lamp.
44. Importance of Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) & its general format. Use of scan
tool and retrievals of codes.
45. EFI sensors- Intake Temperature sensor, Mass airflow sensor, Manifold
absolute pressure sensor, Air vortex sensor, Fuel system sensor, Throttle
position sensor, Exhaust gas oxygen sensor, Crank angle sensor, Hall effect
voltage sensor.
46. Ignition principles and Faraday’s laws, Primary and secondary winding of
transformer, Ignition components, Spark plugs, Spark plug components,
Vacuum & centrifugal units, Plug firing voltage, Induction, Inductive system
operation, Induction wiring, Hall effect sensors, Hall effect operation, Optical
type sensors Distributor less ignition systems, Insulated coils, Distributor less
ignition system timing.
47. Charging system- The purpose of Charging system, charging system
components, charging system circuit, Alternator principles, Alternating
current, Alternator components, Rectification, Phase winding connections,
Rotor circuit, Voltage regulation, System operating voltage, High voltage
charging systems, Rotor, Stator, Alternator end frames, Slip ring & brush
assembly, Rectifier assembly, Alternator cooling fan.
48. Starting system- purpose of starting system, Staring system components,
Starter motor principles, study of starter control circuits, Starter motor
construction, Starter magnet types, Starter motor engagement, Commutation,
Switching, solenoid construction. Lighting system, Lamps/light bulbs,
Lamp/light bulb information, LED lighting, Headlights-description of
standard sealed beam, halogen sealed beam, composite and High intensity
discharge (HID) headlights. Headlight & dimmer circuits, Park & tail light
circuits, Brake light circuits, turn signal circuit, Cornering lights, Fog lights
circuit, interior lights- courtesy, reading and instrument panel lights, Smart
lighting, Reverse lights.
49. Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) legislation, Vehicle heating,
ventilation & cooling systems, Basic air- conditioning principles, Air-
conditioning capacity, Air-conditioning refrigerant, Humidity Description and
function of Fixed orifice, Control devices, Thermostatic expansion valve
system, Thermal expansion valves, Air- conditioning compressors,
Condensers & evaporators, Receiver drier, Lines & hoses, TX valve
construction, Temperature monitoring thermostat, Refrigerants, Pressure
switches, Heating elements, Air-conditioning ECU, Ambient air temperature
sensor, Servo motors, Electric servo motors, Automatic climate control
sensors, Evaporator temperature sensor, Blower speed control, Ventilation
50. Accessories: Horn circuit, wiper circuit, power window components and
circuit. Power door lock circuit, automatic door lock circuit, remote keyless
entry system circuit, antitheft system, immobilizer system. Navigation system,
Car radio and cassette player, car videos, Description and function of Airbags,
Seatbelt, Vehicle safety systems, Crash sensors, Seat belt pre-tensioners, Tire
pressure monitoring systems Integrated communications, Proximity sensors,
Reflective displays, Global positioning satellites, Triangulation/ trilateration,
Telematics. Networking & multiplexing.
51. Introduction to Hybrid & Electronic vehicle, Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle,
Electrical & Electronic architecture.
52. Locating vehicle information, Obtaining & interpreting scan tool data, using a
repair manual, using a shop manual, using an owner's manual, using a
labour guide, using a parts program, Using a service information program.
1. Familiarization Job opportunities in the automobile sector, Machinery used
in Trade. Types of work done by the students in the shop floor, Importance of
maintenance and cleanliness of Workshop, First aid and Fire safety, Use of
fire extinguishers, Practice operation of different workshop equipment,
Demonstrate Energy saving tips and electricity usage, knowledge using all
marking aids, like steel rule with spring callipers, dividers, scriber, punches,
Chisel etc.
2. Layout a work piece- for line, circle, arcs and circles, Practice to measure a
wheel base of a vehicle with measuring tape, Practice to measure valve spring
tension using spring tension tester, Practice to remove wheel lug nuts with
use of an air impact wrench, Practice on General workshop tools & power
3. Carryout Measuring practice on Cam height, Camshaft Journal dia,
crankshaft journal dia, Valve stem dia, piston diameter, and piston pin dia
with outside Micrometers, Carryout Measuring practice on the height of the
rotor of an oil pump from the surface of the housing or any other auto
component measurement with depth micrometer, Carryout Measuring
practice on valve spring free length, Carryout Measuring practice on cylinder
bore, Connecting rod bore, inside diameter (ID) of a camshaft bearing with
Telescope gauges, Carryout Measuring practice on cylinder bore for taper and
out- of-round with Dial bore gauges.
4. Perform Measuring practice to measure wear on crankshaft endplay,
crankshaft run out, and valve guide with dial indicator, Perform Measuring
practice to check the flatness of the cylinder head is warped or twisted with
straightedge is used with a feeler gauge, Perform Measuring practice to check
the end gap of a piston ring, piston-to-cylinder wall clearance with feeler
5. Practice to check engine manifold vacuum with vacuum gauge, Practice
to check the air pressure inside the vehicle tires is maintained at the
recommended setting, Practice on Marking and Drilling clear and Blind Holes,
Sharpening of Twist Drills Safety precautions to be observed while using a
drilling machine, Practice on Tapping a Clear and Blind Hole, Selection of tape
drill Size, use of Lubrication, Use of stud extractor, Practice Cutting Threads
on a Bolt/ Stud. Adjustment of two-piece Die, reaming a hole/ Bush to suit
the given pin/ shaft, scraping a given machined surface.
6. Practice in joining wires using soldering Iron, Construction of simple electrical
circuits, measuring of current, voltage and resistance using digital
multimeter, practice continuity test for fuses, jumper wires, fusible links, and
circuit breakers, Diagnose series, parallel, series- parallel circuits using
Ohm’s law, check electrical circuit with a test lamp, perform voltage drop test
in circuits using multimeter, measure current flow using multimeter
/ammeter, use of service manual wiring diagram for troubleshooting.
7. Carryout Cleaning and topping up of a lead acid battery, Testing battery with
hydrometer, connect battery to a charger for battery charging, Inspecting &
testing a battery after charging, Measure and Diagnose the cause(s) of
excessive Key-off battery drain (parasitic draw) and do corrective action.
Testing of relay and solenoids and its circuit, Test diode for functionality.
8. Practice checking Transistors, Identify Hydraulic and pneumatic components
used in vehicle, trace hydraulic circuit on hydraulic jack, hydraulic power
steering, and Brake circuit, Identify components in Air brake systems.
9. Carry out Identification of different type of Vehicle, Perform Demonstration of
vehicle specification data, Perform Identification of vehicle information
Number (VIN). Demonstration of Garage, Service station equipment. - Vehicle
hoists Two post and four post hoists, Engine hoists, Jacks, Stands.
10. Identify parts in a Diesel engine of LMV/ HMV, identify parts in a Petrol engine
of LMV/ HMV, Practice on starting and stopping of engines.
11. Observe and report the reading of Tachometer, Odometer, temp and Fuel
gauge under ideal and on load condition, Practice identification of difference
in components of Petrol and Diesel Engines, Practice on dismantling engine
of LMV/HMV as per procedure.
12. Practice on removing the valves and its parts from the cylinder head, cleaning.
Inspection of cylinder head and manifold surfaces for warping, cracks and
flatness, Perform Checking valve seats & valve guide Replacing the valve, if
necessary, check valve overlap. Testing leaks of valve seats for leakage
Dismantle rocker shaft assembly -clean & check rocker shaft-and levers, for
wear and cracks and reassemble.
13. Practice Overhauling piston and connecting rod Assembly. Use of service
manual for clearance and other parameters, Practice on removing oil sump
and oil pump clean the sump. Practice on removing the big end bearing,
connecting rod with the piston, Dismantle the piston and connecting rod,
Check the side clearance of piston rings in the piston groove & lands for wear,
Check piston skirt and crown for damage and scuffing, clean oil hole, Check
connecting rod for bend and twist. Assemble the piston and connecting rod
14. Practice on Checking &Top up coolant, Drain& refill coolant, Checking /
replacing a coolant hose, Testing cooling system pressure, Practice on
Removing & replacing radiator/ thermostat, Inspect the radiator pressure
cap, testing of thermostat, Practice on Checking engine oil, draining engine
oil, Replacing oil filter, Refilling engine oil.
15. Reassemble all parts of engine in correct Sequence and torque all bolts and
nuts as per workshop manual of the engine.
16. Practice on troubleshooting in LMV/HMV for Engine Not starting Mechanical
& Electrical causes, High fuel consumption, Engine overheating, Low Power
Generation, Excessive oil consumption, Low/High Engine Oil Pressure,
Engine Noise.
17. Practice on adjusting clutch pedal play-removing gearbox and clutch
assembly from Light & Heavy Vehicle, Perform Dismantling clutch
assembly, cleaning inspecting parts.
18. Practice on removing wheels from light & Heavy vehicle, dismantling tyres and
tubes, checking puncture, Practice Assembling & inflating tyres to correct
pressure, Check & adjust tire pressure by use of air or by Nitrogen, Rotate the
wheels in vehicle minor repairs to wheels and tyres, wheel balancing &
alignment, Check for tyre wear patterns.
19. Practice on Adjusting brake pedal play, Overhauling and inspection of tandem
master cylinder assembly, Perform Overhauling and inspection of front and
rear brake assembly, overhauling and inspection of wheel cylinder assembly,
Carryout Overhauling and inspection of vacuum assisted brake assembly,
Perform Overhauling and inspection of disc brake, Practice Adjusting Air
brakes- repair to tank unit, air compressor, wheel brake adjuster- locating air
leaks in the brake lines and rectifying general maintenance and care,
Perform Brakes service procedures-Checking & adjusting brake fluid,
Replacing brake fluid, Checking brake pads, Replacing brake pads, Removing
& replacing a rotor, Replacing brake lining, Practice of maintaining of ABS
20. Trace the light circuit - test bulbs, align head lamps, aiming headlights.
Changing a headlight bulb, checking of a head light switch and to replace if
faulty, Perform Trouble shooting and remedy for Headlight - headlight do not
light up, only one headlight does not light up, only one beam (“Hi” or “Lo”)does
not light.
21. Driving Practice-Practice in straight driving on wide roads, driving through
lanes and curves, Practice in reversing, Practice overtaking another vehicle,
Practice in driving through sand and wet surfaces. Practice in parking and
Diagonal parking.