Construction Services Agreement
This Construction Services Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into as of
[__________________], 2023 (the "Effective Date"), by and between the Housing Authority of
the City Alameda, a public body, corporate and politic ("Authority"), and
[___________________], a [___________________] ("Contractor," and together with
Authority, collectively, the "Parties"), with reference to the following facts:
A. These Recitals refer to and utilize certain capitalized terms that are defined in
Article 1 of this Agreement. The Parties intend to refer to those definitions in connection with
the use of capitalized terms in these Recitals.
B. On [___________________], 2023, Authority issued the RFP for the Work.
Thereafter, on [__________________], 2023, Authority selected Contractor to perform the Work
in accordance with the RFP.
C. Contractor has represented to Authority that Contractor has the necessary skill
and expertise to perform the Work.
D. The Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to memorialize their agreement as
to the specific requirements regarding the renovation and modernization project at the Property.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
Section 1.1 Purpose.
The purpose of this Agreement is to authorize Contractor to take actions necessary to
perform the Work on the Property. Contractor hereby agrees to perform the Work in compliance
Construction Services Agreement
with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, within the time periods provided by the
Schedule, and for the costs set forth on the Contractor Schedule of Values.
Section 1.2 Definitions.
The following capitalized terms have the meanings set forth in this Section 1.2 wherever
used in this Agreement, unless otherwise provided:
(a) "Acceptance Certificate" shall have the mean set forth in Section 2.9(b) of
this Agreement.
(b) "Agreement" shall mean this Construction Services Agreement and all
(c) "Application for Payment" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 3.3(b) of this Agreement.
(d) "Architect" shall mean [____________________], a
(e) "Authority" shall mean the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, a
public body, corporate and politic, its successors and assigns.
(f) "Change Order" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.11 of this
(g) "City" shall mean the City of Alameda, California.
(h) "Contract Documents" shall mean this Agreement (including all exhibits
attached hereto), the General Conditions, and the Plans.
(i) "Contracting Officer" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.7 of
this Agreement.
(j) "Contractor" shall mean [_________________], a [________________].
(k) "Contract Sum" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(a) of this
(l) "Contract Time" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.9(b) of this
(m) "Cost of the Work" shall mean the costs and expenses incurred by, or on
behalf of, Contractor in connection with the performance of the Work, as more particularly
described in Section 3.1 of this Agreement.
Construction Services Agreement
(n) "DIR" shall mean the State of California Department of Industrial
(o) "Effective Date" shall have the meaning set forth in the first paragraph of
this Agreement.
(p) "General Conditions" shall mean Form HUD-5370 (11/20/2023), General
Conditions for Construction Contract, attached to this Agreement as Exhibit E.
(q) "Guaranteed Maximum Price" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 3.1(a) of this Agreement.
(r) "HUD" shall mean the United States Department of Housing and Urban
(s) "Notice to Proceed" shall mean the notice to be issued by Authority to
Contractor to establish the date for the commencement of the Work.
(t) "Parties" shall mean, collectively, Authority and Contractor.
(u) "Party" shall mean either Authority or Contractor.
(v) "Plans" shall mean the plans and specifications as set forth on Exhibit D.
(w) "Potential Claimants" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 3.4(a)(iii) of this Agreement.
(x) "Property" shall mean the real property located in the City of Alameda
commonly known as [________________], owned by Authority, on which Contractor shall
perform the Work.
(y) "Residential Tenants" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.7(a)(i)
of this Agreement.
(z) "Retention Amount" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.3(a) of
this Agreement.
(aa) "RFP" shall mean the Request for Proposals, issued by Authority on
[___________________], 2023, and Contractor's response, dated [_________________], 2023,
each of which are attached to this Agreement as Exhibit L, and incorporated into this Agreement
by this reference.
(bb) "Schedule" shall mean the schedule for performance of the Work, attached
to this Agreement as Exhibit K, as the Parties may revise from time to time, pursuant to a
Change Order.
Construction Services Agreement
(cc) "Section 3" shall mean Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development
Act of 1968, 12 U.S.C. 1701u, and its implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 75.
(dd) "Section 3 Certification" shall mean Contractor's certification regarding
Section 3 compliance, a form of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit I.
(ee) "Section 3 Policy" shall mean Authority's policy for complying with
Section 3, attached to this Agreement as Exhibit I.
(ff) "Subcontractor" shall mean any subcontractor under direct contract with
Contractor as more particularly described in Section 2.4(a) of this Agreement.
(gg) "Substantial Completion" shall mean the stage in the progress of the Work
where the work is sufficiently complete in accordance with this Agreement and all other Contract
Documents so that the work may be utilized for its intended use as evidenced by the Acceptance
(hh) "Work" shall mean, collectively: (i) [_________________] on the
Property, as more particularly set forth in Exhibit A, and as set forth on the Plans; and (ii) all
other construction and services required by the Contract Documents or reasonably inferable by
Contractor as necessary to produce the results intended by the Contract Documents (including all
labor, materials, equipment, and services provided or to be provided by Contractor to fulfill
Contractor's obligations).
Section 1.3 Exhibits.
The following exhibits are attached to this Agreement and incorporated into this
Agreement by this reference:
Exhibit A: Scope of Work
Exhibit B: List of Subcontractors
Exhibit C: Contractor Schedule of Values; Qualifications and Exclusions
Exhibit D: List of Plans
Exhibit E: General Conditions for Construction Contract (Form HUD-5370)
Exhibit F: Insurance Requirements
Exhibit G: Davis Bacon Wage Rates
Exhibit H: AHA Section 3 Policy
Exhibit I: Section 3 Certification
Construction Services Agreement
Exhibit J: Notice for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity
under Executive Order 11246, and the Standard Federal Equal
Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications
Exhibit K: Schedule
Exhibit L: Documents incorporated for reference from RFP
Section 2.1 Scope of Work.
Contractor shall perform the Work as set forth in the Plans provided to Contractor by
Section 2.2 Responsibility for Performance of the Work.
(a) Contractor Responsibilities. Contractor shall manage all activities
associated with the performance of the Work in accordance with this Agreement, including, but
not limited to, the following activities:
(i) In addition to the other requirements set forth herein, Contractor
shall employ a full-time superintendent to be on the jobsite at all times during the progress of the
Work. The superintendent shall represent Contractor, and communications given to the
superintendent shall be as binding as if given to Contractor. Important communications shall be
confirmed in writing. Other communications shall be similarly confirmed on written request in
each case. Authority shall have the right to approve the superintendent. If Contractor removes
the superintendent, Authority shall have the right to approve the replacement superintendent,
which shall not be unreasonably denied.
(ii) Contractor shall conduct weekly job site meeting with Authority's
representative to keep Authority informed of the progress of the Work. Contractor shall provide
Authority copies of minutes of any job site meetings.
(iii) Contractor shall be solely responsible for and have control over the
means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the
Work under this Agreement.
(iv) Subject to Authority's obligation to disburse funds set forth in
Section 3.3(c) of this Agreement, Contractor shall make, or cause to be made, payment of all
monies due and legally owing to all persons doing any work, furnishing any materials or
supplies, or renting any equipment to Contractor or any of its Subcontractors in connection with
performance of the Work, within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of payment from
Construction Services Agreement
(v) Contractor shall be responsible to Authority for acts and omissions
of Contractor's employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persons or
entities performing portions of the Work for or on behalf of Contractor or any of its
Subcontractors and for any damages, losses, costs, expenses, including but not limited to
attorneys' fees resulting from such acts and omissions. In accordance with Section 1810 of the
California Labor Code, Contractor acknowledges that eight (8) hours of labor constitutes a legal
day's work.
In no event shall Contractor contract with any party which has been debarred or suspended by
HUD under 29 CFR 5.12 or by the State of California’s Department of Industrial Relations,
Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). A current list of individuals the DLSE is
available at https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/debar.html.
(b) Use of Site. Only materials and equipment that are to be used directly in
the Work shall be brought to and stored on the Property by Contractor. After equipment is no
longer required for the Work, it shall be promptly removed from the Property. Contractor shall
take reasonable precautions and measures to protect materials and equipment stored at the
Property from weather, theft, and damage, and Contractor shall be solely liable for any loss or
damage to such materials and equipment. Contractor shall ensure that the Work, at all times, is
performed in a manner that affords reasonable access, both vehicular and pedestrian, to the site
of the Work and all adjacent areas. The Work shall be performed, to the fullest extent
reasonably possible, in such manner that public areas adjacent to the Property of the Work shall
be free from all debris, building materials, and equipment likely to cause hazardous conditions.
Section 2.3 Contractor Representations and Warranties.
(a) Representations and Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants the
following to Authority (in addition to any other representations and warranties contained in this
Agreement) as a material inducement to Authority to execute this Agreement:
(i) Contractor, and to the best of Contractor's knowledge, its
Subcontractors, are financially solvent, able to pay all debts as they mature, and possessed of
sufficient working capital to complete the Work and perform all obligations hereunder;
(ii) Contractor is able to furnish the plant, tools, materials, supplies,
equipment, and labor itself or through its Subcontractors required to complete the Work and
perform its obligations hereunder, and has sufficient experience and competence to do so;
(iii) Contractor is authorized to do business in the State of California
and is properly licensed by all necessary governmental and public and quasi-public authorities
having jurisdiction over Contractor and over the Work. Contractor's license number is
(iv) Contractor's execution of this Agreement and performance thereof
is within Contractor's duly authorized powers;
Construction Services Agreement
(v) Contractor is a sophisticated contractor who possesses a high level
of experience and expertise in the business administration, construction, construction
management, and superintendence of projects of the size, complexity, and nature of this
particular project, and will perform the Work with the care, skill, and diligence of such a
(vi) Except as disclosed to Authority in writing, there are no claims,
actions, investigations, suits, or proceedings pending affecting Contractor's performance under
the Contract Documents; and
(vii) All financial information delivered to Authority, including all
information relating to the financial condition of Contractor or any of its partners, joint venturers,
or members (as applicable), fairly and accurately represents the financial condition being
reported on as of its date. All such information is prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles consistently applied, unless otherwise noted. There has been no
material adverse change in the financial condition of any of the persons described above-reported
at any time to Authority, except as previously disclosed to Authority in writing in later financial
information and found acceptable to Authority in its sole and absolute discretion.
(b) Survival. The foregoing representations and warranties shall survive the
execution and delivery of this Agreement and any termination of this Agreement.
Section 2.4 Subcontractors.
(a) List of Subcontractors. Contractor's list of approved Subcontractors for
the performance of the Work, and each of the Subcontractor's license numbers, is set forth on
Exhibit B. In the event Contractor desires to replace any Subcontractor pursuant to Section 4107
of the California Public Contract Code, then Contractor shall notify Authority in writing, and,
Authority shall then follow the process set forth in Section 4107(a) of the California Public
Contract Code. Thereafter, if requested by Authority in writing, Contractor shall provide
Authority with a draft copy of its form subcontract, and disclose to Authority the name, trade,
and subcontract amounts for each subcontractor prior to the proposed subcontractor's
performance of any portion of the Work. Subcontractors shall have the required licenses and
expertise necessary to perform the proposed subcontract work. Authority will promptly reply to
Contractor in writing stating whether or not Authority, after due investigation, has reasonable
objection to any such proposed person or entity. Provided Authority has not objected to the
proposed subcontractor, such person or entity shall be deemed a "Subcontractor." Contractor
shall not contract with a proposed person or entity to whom Authority has made reasonable and
timely objection, or an entity that has been debarred by the DIR. If any contract between
Contractor and a Subcontractor is materially altered so that it differs from the form subcontract
provided to Authority with regard to terms other than (1) the description of the Work to be
performed pursuant to the subcontract, and (2) the subcontract price, that subcontract shall be
submitted to Authority for its review prior to the commencement of applicable portion of the
Construction Services Agreement
(b) Subcontracts. By appropriate agreement Contractor shall require each
Subcontractor, to the extent of the work to be performed by the Subcontractor, to be bound to
Contractor by terms of this Agreement and to assume toward Contractor all the obligations and
responsibilities, including the responsibility for safety of the Subcontractor's work, which
Contractor, by this Agreement, assumes toward Authority. Each subcontract shall, among other
matters: (i) require that the work be performed in accordance with the requirements of this
Agreement; (ii) require the Subcontractor to carry and maintain liability insurance in accordance
with this Agreement; and, (iii) shall specifically provide that Authority is an intended third-party
beneficiary of such subcontract and that the Subcontractor recognizes the rights of Authority to
take an assignment of its subcontract after termination of this Agreement by Authority on default
of Contractor.
Section 2.5 Payment and Performance Bonds.
Prior to commencement of the Work, Contractor shall deliver to Authority copies of labor
and material (payment) bonds and performance (general contractor bond) bonds for the Work in
an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the scheduled costs of the Work. Said bonds
shall comply with the requirements of Section 9550 et seq. of the California Civil Code and shall
be issued by an insurance company which is licensed to do business in California and has a
rating equivalent to AAA or AA+ by an insurance company listed in the current year's list of
"Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds" as published in the Federal Register by the
Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Department, and for amounts which are not in
excess of the acceptable amount set forth on such list for the respective surety. The bonds shall
name Authority as a co-obligee or assignee.
Section 2.6 Right of Entry; Job Site Facilities.
(a) Right of Entry. Authority hereby grants Contractor a right to enter the
Property for the purpose of performing the Work. This right of entry may be exercised by
Contractor, and its employees, agents, and Subcontractors. This right of entry will terminate
upon the sooner to occur of: (i) completion of the Work; or (ii) the occurrence of an event of
default under this Agreement.
(b) No Liens. Contractor and all Subcontractors and all material suppliers are
prohibited from placing any liens on the Property; provided, however nothing in this
Section 2.6(b) shall be deemed to prohibit the filing of a stop notice.
(c) Signs. Subject to prior approval of Authority as to size, design, type and
location, and to local regulations, Contractor and its Subcontractors may erect temporary signs
for purposes of identification and, to the extent applicable, controlling traffic. Contractor shall
furnish, erect, and maintain such signs as may be required by safety regulations and as necessary
to safeguard life and property. Contractor shall comply with all applicable CAL OSHA
(d) Job Site Facilities. In addition to the requirements set forth in Section 17
of the General Conditions, Contractor may provide a jobsite trailer and portable sanitary
Construction Services Agreement
facilities. This office will be located so as to cause no interference to any Work to be performed
on the Property. Contractor shall consult with Authority with regard to location. Unless
otherwise agreed to by the Parties, upon completion of the Work, Contractor shall remove all
such temporary structures and facilities from the Property. On-site storage will be permitted, as
a convenience to Contractor, in areas designated by Authority for such purposes. Contractor
shall take reasonable security measures to protect against theft and vandalism. Contractor is
responsible for Contractor owned tools and equipment. Except for damage due to Contractor's
negligence or willful misconduct, damage or vandalism to the Improvements, products at the
Property, in storage or in transit shall be covered by the builder's risk policy, described in
Section 7.19 of this Agreement. Contractor may, at its option and expense, rent off-site facilities
for the storage and securing of its materials.
Section 2.7 Safety Precautions and Programs.
(a) Contractor Responsibility. In addition to the requirements set forth in
Section 13 of the General Conditions, Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining
and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the
Work and for providing safe conditions for the performance of the Work. Authority shall have
no liability or responsibility for the physical condition or safety of the site or any improvements
made by Contractor and located on the Property until acceptance of the Work by Authority as
evidenced by the Acceptance Certificate more particularly described in Section 2.9(b) of this
Agreement. Contractor shall take reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide
reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to:
(i) employees at the Property and other persons who may be affected
thereby, including, but not limited to the tenants of the residential units located at the Property
(collectively, the "Residential Tenants");
(ii) the materials and equipment to be used in connection with the
performance of the Work, whether in storage on or off the site, under care, custody or control of
Contractor or Contractor's Subcontractors or sub-subcontractors; and
(iii) other property at the site or adjacent thereto, such as trees, shrubs,
lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures and utilities not designated for removal,
relocation or replacement in the course of the Work.
(b) Residential Tenants. Contractor acknowledges that the Residential
Tenants shall be occupying the portions of the Property above the portions of the Property where
the Work will be performed. Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the
Work is performed in such a manner so as not to endanger, threaten, or impair the safety of
Residential Tenants or their guests and invitees, and shall construct and maintain reasonable
safeguards as required by the condition and progress of the Work. Contractor shall take all
reasonably available efforts to eliminate unnecessary noise, dust, or obstructions during the
performance of the Work.
Construction Services Agreement
(c) Utilities. In the event that the performance of the Work requires existing
utilities (including, but not limited to, water, heat, electricity, or telecommunications) to be shut-
off, then Contractor shall not cause such utilities to be shut off until: (i) Contractor has notified
Authority of such requirement, and (ii) Authority has notified the Residential Tenants of such
requirement in accordance with the Residential Tenants' leases. In such event Contractor shall
use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the time period that any utility serving the
Property is shut-off.
(d) Notices. Contractor shall give notices and comply with applicable laws,
ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of public authorities bearing on safety of persons
or property or their protection from damage, injury or loss. Contractor shall erect and maintain,
as required by existing conditions and performance of the Work, reasonable safeguards for safety
and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promulgating
safety regulations and notifying owners and users of adjacent sites and utilities.
(e) Explosives. When use or storage of explosives or other hazardous
materials or equipment or unusual methods are necessary for performance of the Work,
Contractor shall exercise utmost care and carry on such activities under supervision of properly
qualified personnel. Contractor shall also give Authority reasonable advance notice.
(f) Damage. Contractor shall promptly remedy damage and loss to property
referred to in Sections 2.7(a)(ii) and (iii) above, to the extent caused by Contractor, a
Subcontractor, a sub-subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or
by anyone for whose acts they may be liable and for which Contractor is responsible under
Sections 2.7(a)(ii) and (iii), except damage or loss attributable to acts or omissions of Authority
and not attributable to the fault or negligence of Contractor.
(g) No Overloading. Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the Work
or site to be loaded so as to endanger its safety.
(h) Suspension. When all or a portion of the Work is suspended for any
reason, Contractor shall securely fasten down all coverings and protect the Improvements, as
necessary, from injury by any cause, including, but not limited to rain or other weather
(i) Notice to Authority. Contractor shall promptly report in writing to
Authority all accidents arising out of or in connection with the Work that caused death, serious
personal injury, or serious property damage (other than the demolition of any existing
improvements on the Property as set forth in the Plans), giving full details and statements of any
witnesses. In addition, if death, serious personal injuries or serious damages are caused, the
accident shall be reported immediately by telephone or messenger to Authority.
Section 2.8 Conditions Precedent to Commencement of the Work.
(a) Conditions. Contractor shall cause the commencement of Work by no
later than the date set forth in a Notice to Proceed issued by Authority; provided, however,
Construction Services Agreement
Authority shall not be under any obligation to issue a Notice to Proceed until satisfaction of the
following conditions precedent:
(i) There exists no Default nor any act, failure, omission or condition
that would constitute an event of Default under this Agreement.
(ii) Contractor has furnished Authority with evidence of the bonds
meeting the requirements of Section 2.5 of this Agreement.
(iii) Contractor has executed and delivered to Authority all documents,
instruments, and policies required by Authority pursuant to this Agreement.
(iv) Contractor has furnished Authority with evidence of the insurance
coverage meeting the requirements of Section 2.19 of this Agreement.
(v) Contractor has secured all necessary permits, fees and licenses as
set forth in Section 2.12(a) of this Agreement.
(b) Termination. If Contractor has not satisfied the conditions precedent set
forth in this Section 2.8 by the earlier of: (i) the date set forth in the Notice to Proceed; or
(ii) [_____________], 2023, then such failure shall constitute a default as set forth in Section 4.2
of this Agreement, and Authority may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement. In the
event of such termination neither Party shall have any continuing liability or obligations except
for continuing indemnities provided elsewhere in this Agreement. In the event of such
termination, the Parties agree and acknowledge that, for the avoidance of doubt, Section 34 of
the General Conditions shall not apply.
Section 2.9 Completion of the Work.
(a) Compliance with Schedule. Contractor shall perform the Work in strict
accordance with the Schedule submitted to and accepted by Authority. Contractor shall have the
sole and exclusive responsibility for completing the Work according to the Schedule. Failure to
materially comply with the Schedule shall be considered a breach of this Agreement. Any
proposed revisions to the Schedule which would affect Contract Time shall be submitted by
Contractor pursuant to the Change Order procedure set forth in Section 2.11 of this Agreement.
If Authority reasonably determines that the performance of the Work has not materially reached
the level of completion set forth in the Schedule or the Contract Documents (taking into account
any corrective schedule action(s) proposed by Contractor including, but not limited to,
resequencing tasks or lags to obtain compliance with the Schedule), then Authority shall have the
right to require Contractor to take all measures necessary to expedite the Work in order to
materially comply with the Schedule including, but not limited to, working additional shifts or
overtime, supplying additional labor, equipment, facilities, and other similar measures.
Authority's right to require such measures is solely for the purpose of ensuring Contractor's
compliance with the Schedule. Contractor shall not be entitled to an adjustment in the Contract
Sum in connection with such measures required by Authority. Authority may exercise the rights
Construction Services Agreement
furnished in this Section 2.9(a) as frequently as Authority deems necessary to ensure that
Contractor's performance of the Work will comply with the Contract Time.
(b) Acceptance Certificate. Subject to Section 32(b) of the General
Conditions, Contractor shall diligently prosecute the Work to completion, and shall cause the
Substantial Completion of the Work as set forth in the Schedule, and within the time period
established in Section 25 of the General Conditions (the "Contract Time"). Upon Substantial
Completion of the Work Contractor shall submit to Authority a certification from Architect
stating that the Work has been completed in accordance with the Plans. Upon (1) submission of
Architect's certification, (2) inspection by Authority and a determination by Authority in its
reasonable discretion Contractor has reached Substantial Completion in compliance with this
Agreement, and (3) at Authority's discretion, completion of an independent cost certification of
the work to be prepared and paid for by Authority, Authority shall certify in writing that the
Work is substantially complete by executing and recording against the Property a notice of
completion and acceptance of work (the "Acceptance Certificate").
Section 2.10 Delay and Extension of Time.
(a) Delay. Except as set forth below, the occurrence of events that delay the
Work shall not excuse Contractor from achieving Substantial Completion within the Contract
Time. The Contract Time may be extended by Change Order for each calendar day Contractor is
delayed in the commencement or progress of the Work provided that Contractor demonstrates
that the following conditions have been met:
(i) At the time the event causing the delay commences, no event of
default (as described in Section 4.2 of this Agreement) exists;
(ii) Contractor demonstrates that the delay will have a material adverse
impact on the critical path of the then current Schedule;
(iii) The delay is not caused by Contractor;
(iv) The delay could not be (or have been) limited or avoided by
Contractor's timely notice to Authority of the delay or reasonable likelihood that the delay would
(v) The delay is of a duration of more than one calendar day; and
(vi) The delay is caused by one, or more, of the events or conditions set
forth in Section 32(b)(1) of the General Conditions.
(b) Change Order. Provided that such conditions set forth above are satisfied,
the Contract Time may be extended by Change Order as set forth in Section 2.11 of this
Section 2.11 Change Orders.
Construction Services Agreement
Changes in the Work may be accomplished after execution of this Agreement, and
without invalidating this Agreement by Change Order, subject to the limitations stated in
Section 29 of the General Conditions (each, a "Change Order"). Agreement on any Change
Order shall constitute a final settlement of all matters relating to the change in the work that is
the subject of the Change Order, including, but not limited to, all direct and indirect costs
associated with such change and any and all adjustments to the Contract Sum and the Contract
Time (if any). Contractor shall use the AIA Change Order form, or such other form of change
order reasonably acceptable to Authority, and shall report requests for Change Orders and
Change Order status monthly.
Section 2.12 Work Pursuant to Permits, Plans and Laws.
(a) Permits. In accordance with Section 12(b) of the General Conditions,
Contractor shall obtain, and pay all costs for, all applicable permits, licenses, and authorizations
necessary for the Work. The Work shall proceed only after procurement of each permit, license,
or other authorization that may be required by any governmental agency having jurisdiction over
the Work.
(b) Plans and Laws. Contractor shall cause all the Work performed in
connection with this Agreement to be performed in compliance with: (i) the Plans, as approved
by the City Building Department, and all governmental approvals and permits; (ii) all applicable
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of federal, state, or municipal governments or agencies
now in force or that may be enacted hereafter, including (without limitation and where
applicable) prevailing wage provisions of the federal Davis-Bacon Act (as further set forth in
Section 46 of the General Conditions), and its implementing rules and regulations, and the
prevailing wage provisions of the Section 1720, et seq. of the California Labor Code; and (iii) all
directions, rules and regulations of any fire marshal, health officer, building inspector, or other
officer of every governmental agency now having or hereafter acquiring jurisdiction. In
accordance with Section 1104 of the California Public Contract Code, Contractor shall review
the Contract Documents, and, in the event Contractor discovers any error or omission in the
Contract Documents with applicable codes, then Contractor shall promptly notify Authority of
such error or omission.
(c) Davis-Bacon Wages and California Prevailing Wages; Payroll
(i) The applicable Davis Bacon wage rates are attached to this
Agreement as Exhibit G. A copy of the wage decision and any additional classifications shall be
posted by Contractor at the Property in a prominent place readily accessible to the workers.
Contractor shall and shall cause Subcontractors to pay the higher of: (1) the wages set forth in
Exhibit G; or (2) prevailing wages in the performance of the Work as those wages are
determined pursuant to Sections 1720 et seq. of the California Labor Code. Regardless of the
payment of wages set forth in Exhibit G or pursuant to Sections 1720 et seq. of the California
Labor Code, Contractor shall, and shall cause any Subcontractors to: (A) employ apprentices as
required by Sections 1777.5 et seq. of the California Labor Code, and the implementing
regulations of the DIR, and to comply with the other applicable provisions of Sections 1720 et
Construction Services Agreement
seq. and Sections 1777.5 et seq. of the California Labor Code, and implementing regulations of
the DIR; (B) keep and retain, and shall cause any Subcontractor to keep and retain, such records
as are necessary to determine if such prevailing wages have been paid as required pursuant to
Sections 1720 et seq. of the California Labor Code, and apprentices have been employed are
required by Sections 1777.5 et seq. of the California Labor Code; (C) post at the Property the
applicable prevailing rates of per diem wages (Copies of the currently applicable current per
diem prevailing wages are available from the DIR); (D) register, and cause the Subcontractors
rehabilitating the Property to be registered as set forth in Sections 1725.5 of the California Labor
Code; (E) cause its Subcontractors, in all calls for bids, bidding materials and subcontract
documents to specify that: (i) no subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal nor be awarded a
contract unless registered with the DIR pursuant to Sections 1725.5 of the California Labor
Code; and (ii) the Work is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR;
(F) provide Authority all information required by Sections 1773.3 of the California Labor Code,
as set forth in the DIR's online form PWC-100 within two (2) calendar days after the Effective
Date ; (G) post, or cause its Subcontractors to post job site notices, as prescribed by regulation by
the DIR; and (H) cause its Subcontractors to furnish payroll records required by Sections 1776 of
the California Labor Code directly to the Labor Commissioner, at least monthly in the electronic
format prescribed by the Labor Commissioner.
(ii) Each Subcontractor and any lower tier subcontractor shall submit
through Contractor to Authority weekly certified payrolls for each work week from the time
work is started until the Work is completed setting forth, among other things, that each worker
has been paid in accordance with Section 2.12(c)(i) of this Agreement. Weekly payrolls shall be
completed and submitted promptly to Authority, preferably no later than seven (7) working days
following completion of the work week. Monthly progress payments will not be released until
all payroll reports are up to date. All workers are to be paid not less than once per week.
(d) Department of Labor Notification. Within ten (10) calendar days of
contract award (including subcontracts) for each contract of Ten Thousand and No/100ths
Dollars ($10,000.00) or more, Authority is required to send a notice of contract award to the
Regional Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of Labor. This
notification is required by Executive Order 11246, as amended, and shall include the name,
address, and telephone number of the contractor/subcontractor; the employer identification
number; the dollar amount of the contract; the estimated start and completion dates; and the
project number(s) and community in which the project(s) is located. The above information
shall be submitted to Authority, by Contractor, within two (2) working days of receipt of such
information as it applies to subcontractors.
Section 2.13 Authority's Right to Stop the Work.
If Contractor fails to correct defective work as required by Article 23 of the General
Conditions or fails to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, Authority
by a written order signed by the Contracting Officer, may order Contractor to stop the Work or
any portion thereof until the cause for such order has been eliminated.
Section 2.14 Authority's Right to Carry Out the Work.
Construction Services Agreement
If Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the work in accordance with this
Agreement and fails within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of written notice from Authority
to commence and continue correction of such defects or neglect with diligence and promptness,
Authority may, after seven (7) calendar days following receipt by Contractor of an additional
written notice and without prejudice to any other remedy Authority may have, correct such
deficiencies. In such case, an appropriate Change Order shall be issued, deducting from the
payments then or thereafter due Contractor, the cost of correcting such deficiencies, including
compensation for Architect's additional services made necessary by such default, neglect or
failure. If the payments then or thereafter due Contractor are not sufficient to cover such
amount, Contractor shall pay the difference to Authority.
Section 2.15 Section 3 Compliance.
Contractor shall comply with Sections 38, 39, and 40 of the General Conditions regarding
Section 3 and the requirements set forth in AHA Section 3 Policy.
Section 2.16 Equal Opportunity.
Contractor, for itself and its successors and assigns, and transferees agrees that in the
performance of the Work it shall comply with the requirements of Section 39 of the General
Conditions regarding Equal Employment Opportunity.
Section 2.17 Minority and Women-Owned Business Participation.
Attached to this Agreement as Exhibit J is the Notice for Affirmative Action to Ensure
Equal Employment Opportunity under Executive Order 11246, and the Standard Federal Equal
Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications. It is the policy of Authority to
take positive steps to maximize the utilization of minority and women business enterprises in all
contract activity administered by Authority.
Section 2.18 Hazardous Materials.
(a) Contractor Responsibility. Contractor shall not permit any hazardous
material or substance to be brought to, or used on, the Property except to the extent such
hazardous material or substance is necessary to and customarily used in the projects like the
Work. Any hazardous material or substance brought or used on the Property by Contractor, any
Subcontractor, any material supplier, or any entity for whom any of them is responsible, shall be
used, stored and disposed of in compliance with all applicable laws related to such hazardous
materials or substances. Any damage to the Property and materials and equipment to be
incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site, under care, custody or control of
Contractor or Contractor's Subcontractors or sub-subcontractors; and other property at the
Property or adjacent thereto, such as trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures
and utilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of the Work,
resulting from the improper storage or use of hazardous materials or substances, shall be
remedied by Contractor at its sole cost and expense in accordance with applicable laws.
Contractor shall provide Authority notice of any release of hazardous materials or substances at
Construction Services Agreement
the Property. In no event, however, shall Authority have any responsibility for any substance or
material that is brought to the Property by Contractor, any Subcontractor, any material supplier,
or any entity for whom any of them is responsible. Contractor agrees not to import any fill that
are hazardous, toxic or made up of any items that are hazardous or toxic.
(b) Compliance with Laws. If Contractor's scope of work include the off-haul
or contaminated soil, hazardous materials (including asbestos) remediation, or mold remediation,
then Contractor shall comply with the requirements of all applicable federal, state and local laws,
and any environmental reports provided to Contractor by Authority, in the removal,
transportation and disposal of the materials. Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits for any
contaminated soil or hazardous materials or mold removal work. Contractor shall ensure that
any Subcontractor performing any removal or remediation work possesses the necessary
expertise, insurance and licenses. All contaminated and hazardous material shall be transported
to an appropriately permitted facility. Contractor shall and shall cause any Subcontractors
performing the removal and remediation work to take all necessary safety precautions during the
performance of the Work including but not limited to necessary protection of surrounding areas
to prevent the spread of contamination, and the protection of workers performing the removal
and remediation work.
(c) Stop Work. If reasonable precautions will be inadequate to prevent
foreseeable bodily injury or death to persons resulting from a material or substance, including
but not limited to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), but specifically excluding lead paint and
asbestos (which remediation is contemplated as part of the Work), encountered on the Property
by Contractor, Contractor shall, upon recognizing the condition, immediately stop the Work in
the affected area and report the condition to Authority in writing.
(d) Rendered Harmless. In the event hazardous materials or substances are
found to be present, then Contractor shall take such actions necessary to render such materials or
substances harmless. When the material or substance has been rendered harmless, Work in the
affected area shall resume upon written agreement of Authority and Contractor. The Contract
Time shall be extended appropriately and the Contract Sum shall be increased in the amount of
Contractor's reasonable additional costs of shut-down, delay and start-up, which adjustments
shall be accomplished pursuant to a Change Order; provided, however, Authority shall have no
obligation to execute a Change Order for: (i) any hazardous materials or substances that were
previously disclosed to Contractor, prior to the Effective Date; (ii) any condition that does not
differ materially from those conditions disclosed to Contractor; or (iii) any hazardous materials
or condition known by Contractor.
Section 2.19 Insurance Requirements.
Contractor shall, and shall cause any Subcontractors performing any portion of the Work
to maintain insurance of the types described in Exhibit F. The requirements set forth in Exhibit F
supersede those set forth in Section 36 of the General Conditions.
Section 2.20 Contractor's Obligations regarding Mechanic's Liens and Stop Notices.
Construction Services Agreement
(a) Contractor's Obligation to Maintain Lien-Free Title. Provided that
Authority has made payment of undisputed sums due and payable in accordance with this
Agreement, if any claim of mechanic's lien or stop notice is filed or made against the real
property in connection with the Work, Contractor shall: (i) immediately pay and fully discharge
the mechanic's lien or stop notice claim; (ii) commence a civil action pursuant to Sections 9350
et seq. of the California Civil Code, for the summary determination of the mechanic's lien or stop
notice; or (iii) may deliver to Authority a release of lien or stop notice by surety bond in a legally
sufficient form and amount to discharge the mechanic's lien or stop notice. Contractor shall
provide whatever documentation, deposits or surety is reasonably required by the title insurance
company providing title insurance on the Work in order to obtain lien-free endorsements prior to
Authority's payment of any payment, including any progress payment. If Contractor fails to
promptly provide the documentation, deposits, records of payment or surety bonds required by
this Section 2.20(a), Authority may: (1) obtain any deposits or surety; or (2) make payments to
claimants against the Work, Contractor, Authority, in good faith, as reasonably required to
release the mechanic's lien or stop notice claim. Authority may withhold the cost of obtaining
such deposits or surety or of making such payments from any payment that would otherwise be
due to Contractor. Failure of Authority to withhold any or part of any payment pursuant to this
Section 2.20(a) shall not be a waiver of any right of Authority under the Contract. Withholding
of any payment or part of any payment by Authority pursuant to this Section 2.20(a) shall not be
a breach of this Agreement.
(b) Withholding of Payments Due to Claims of Subcontractors. Provided that
Authority has made payment of undisputed sums due and payable in accordance with this
Agreement, if any subcontractor, material supplier to the Work, or lower tier subcontractor or
material supplier files or serves any claim or lien, stop notice, common count or other demand
for payment against Authority, or the real property of the Work, Authority may either
(1) withhold from any progress payment or other payment an amount up to one hundred fifty
percent (150%) of the amount necessary to satisfy the claim, stop notice, common count, or other
demand for payment, including all anticipated costs and fees related to the defense of such claim,
including but not limited to attorneys' fees, or (2) release the progress payment or other payment.
Failure of Authority to withhold any or part of a progress payment pursuant to this
Section 2.20(b) shall not be a waiver of any right of Authority under this Agreement.
Withholding of any payment by Authority pursuant to this Section 2.20(b) shall not be a breach
of this Agreement.
Section 3.1 Contract Sum; Guaranteed Maximum Price.
(a) Contract Sum. Authority shall pay Contractor the Contract Sum in current
funds for Contractor's performance of the Work. The "Contract Sum" is the Cost of the Work as
defined in this Article 3, plus the Contractor's Fee. The Contract Sum is based on Contractor's
Schedule of Values, attached as Exhibit C to this Agreement and incorporated herein.
Contractor's Schedule of Values sets forth that the Contract Sum shall not exceed
Construction Services Agreement
[___________________] and No/100ths Dollars [($__________.00)] (the
"Guaranteed Maximum Price"), subject to any change order approved in writing by Authority in
accordance with this Agreement.
(b) Contractor's Actual Costs. Costs as defined herein shall be actual costs
paid by Contractor. All payments made by Authority pursuant to this Article 3, whether those
payments are actually made before or after the Effective Date, are included within the
Guaranteed Maximum Price; provided, however, that in no event shall Authority be required to
reimburse Contractor for any portion of the Cost of the Work incurred prior to the issuance of the
Notice to Proceed unless Contractor has received Authority's written consent prior to incurring
such cost.
(c) No Duplication of Payment. Notwithstanding the breakdown or
categorization of any costs to be reimbursed in this Article 3 or elsewhere, there shall be no
duplication of payment in the event any particular items for which payment is requested can be
characterized as falling into more than one of the types of compensable or reimbursable
Section 3.2 Conditions Precedent to Disbursement of Funds for the Work.
Authority shall not be obligated to make any payment to Contractor or take any other
action under this Agreement unless the following conditions are satisfied prior to each such
(a) No Default. There exists no Default nor any act, failure, omission or
condition that would constitute an event of Default under this Agreement.
(b) Payroll. Authority has received all payroll information required pursuant
to Section 2.12(c) of this Agreement; provided, however, Authority shall withhold from any
payment an amount proportionate to, or otherwise equal to, the missing payroll information.
Authority shall not withhold the full amount of a payment due solely to Contractor's failure to
deliver complete payroll information.
(c) Approved Application for Payment. Authority has received, and
approved, the Application for Payment in the form set forth in Section 3.3 of this Agreement.
(d) Lien Releases. If requested by Authority, Contractor has provided
Authority with waiver and releases from all contractors, Subcontractors, and materialpersons in
such form as is acceptable to Authority including conditional waivers from all persons for whose
work in the preceding month payment is sought, and unconditional waiver and releases from all
persons for whose work payment has been made by Authority (or bonded around by Contractor
in the event of a dispute between Contractor and a Subcontractor) in response to Contractor's
Application for Payment.
Section 3.3 Application for Payment Process.
Construction Services Agreement
(a) Submittal of Application for Payment. Authority shall provide payment to
Contractor for the performance of the Work based upon a monthly Application for Payment from
Contractor, and approved by Authority, in an amount equal to ninety-five percent (95.00%) of
the requested payment amount, and shall retain the balance for payment in accordance with
Section 3.4 of this Agreement (the "Retention Amount"), all subject to the requirements set forth
in Section 27 of the General Conditions. In the event Authority disapproves a monthly
Application for Payment, then Authority shall deliver a written notice of disapproval within
seven (7) calendar days after Authority's receipt of the Application for Payment.
(b) Form of Application for Payment. In addition to the requirements set
forth in Section 27 of the General Conditions (including Contractors certification requirement),
each of Contractor's application for payment (an "Application for Payment") shall: (i) set forth
the proposed use of funds consistent with the Contractor Schedule of Values, including the Cost
of the Work to be funded; (ii) contain sufficient detail and with sufficient supporting
documentation to permit Authority to confirm that the work to be funded by the draw request has
been performed, and that Authority may accept such work in accordance with the guidelines
established by HUD to the extent applicable; and (iii) be set forth on the AIA form for
application of payment, or such other form mutually acceptable to the Parties.
(c) Payment by Authority. Authority shall pay each approved Application for
Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt. Notwithstanding any provision of this
Agreement to the contrary, including but not limited to Section 27 of the General Conditions, if
Authority fails to pay an approved Application for Payment within thirty (30) calendar days after
receipt of an undisputed and properly submitted Application for Payment from Contractor, then
Authority shall pay interest to Contractor equivalent to the legal rate set forth in subdivision (a)
of Section 685.010 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Contractor and Authority agree
and acknowledge that this provision constitutes a summary of Section 20104.50 of the California
Public Contract Code.
Section 3.4 Conditions Precedent to Release of Retention Amount.
(a) Conditions Precedent. Authority shall not be obligated to make the
disbursements of the Retention Amount or take any other action under this Agreement unless the
following conditions are satisfied prior to such disbursement:
(i) There exists no Default nor any act, failure, omission or condition
that would constitute an event of Default under this Agreement.
(ii) All labor has been performed in a good workperson-like manner
consistent with this Agreement.
(iii) To the maximum extent permitted by law, all persons, firms and
corporations, including all laborers, material persons, suppliers and Subcontractors who have
furnished equipment, supplied materials or performed work for or in connection with the Work,
(the "Potential Claimants"), have been paid or will be paid in full out of the remaining retained
percentage; and those persons, firms and corporations have submitted their final statements with
Construction Services Agreement
an unconditional waiver and release upon final payment. Contractor shall make these waivers
available for inspection by Authority. In the event a dispute has arisen between Contractor and
one of the parties listed above which prevents Contractor from obtaining the waiver of rights
from that party, Contractor may satisfy the requirements of this Section 3.4(a)(iii) by supplying a
payment bond issued by a surety licensed to do business in the State of California and acceptable
to Authority to remove the effect of any claim against the Property and agree to defend and
indemnify Authority against all actions filed by persons who have supplied materials to or
performed work for or in connection with this Agreement.
(iv) All portions of the Work (that are the responsibility of Contractor)
requiring inspection by any governmental authority have been inspected and approved by such
authority and all requisite certificates of occupancy, approvals, licenses and permits (if
applicable) that are the responsibility of Contractor, have been issued.
(v) To the extent applicable, Authority has received operating manuals
and assignments of warranties of Contractor, all Subcontractors and materialpersons.
(vi) Thirty (30) calendar days have elapsed from Authority's
recordation of the Acceptance Certificate.
(vii) If requested by Authority, Contractor has delivered to Authority a
final accounting of the actual Cost of the Work, and the Savings, if any, and/or Authority's
accountant has completed a cost certification for the Work.
(viii) All items on the punch-list related to the Work have been
completed and accepted by Authority, and Authority has issued an Acceptance Certificate
pursuant to Section 2.9 of this Agreement and Section 20 of the General Conditions.
(b) Early Release. Notwithstanding the above, a portion of the Retention
Amount may be released to certain Potential Claimants performing work early in the Schedule
subject to the approval of Authority, in its sole discretion, prior to satisfaction of all conditions
set forth in this Section 3.4 of this Agreement if such Potential Claimant has: (i) fully performed
all portions of the Work to be performed by such Potential Claimant; (ii) delivered to Contractor,
or to Authority, all applicable operating manuals and assignments of warranties, and other
documentation reasonably requested by Authority in connection with such Potential Claimant's
work; and (iii) provided Authority unconditional releases for all amounts owed to the Potential
Section 3.5 Assignment of Claims by Contractor.
In accordance with Section 7103.5 of the California Public Contract Code, Contractor
and/or Subcontractor(s), if any, hereby assign to Authority all rights, title, and interest in and to
all causes of action each may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15), as
my be amended, or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700) of
Part 2 Division 7 of the California Business and Professions Code) as may be amended, arising
from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to this Agreement or the applicable
Construction Services Agreement
subcontract. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time Authority tenders
final payment to Contractor (or final payment is tendered to the applicable Subcontractor), in
accordance with this Agreement, without further acknowledgement, or action, by the Parties.
Such assignment shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
Section 3.6 Information.
Contractor shall provide any information reasonably requested by Authority in
connection with the performance of the Work, including (but not limited to) any information
required by HUD.
Section 4.1 Term.
The term of this Agreement shall extend from the Effective Date until the earlier of:
(a) termination following an uncured default under this Agreement; or (b) Authority's written
acceptance of the Work as completed through the issuance of an Acceptance Certificate;
provided, however the indemnification and warranty provisions set forth in this Agreement
and/or the General Conditions shall survive the expiration of the term.
Section 4.2 Events of Default by Contractor.
(a) Events of Default. Contractor shall be in default under this Agreement, if
Contractor, after five (5) calendar days' notice and opportunity to cure:
(i) subject to Section 32(b) of the General Conditions, refuses or fails
to prosecute the Work, or any separable part of it, with the diligence that will insure its
Substantial Completion within the Contract Time, or fails to complete the Work within this time;
(ii) is adjudged bankrupt or there is a general assignment for the
benefit of creditors or the appointment of a receiver due to insolvency;
(iii) refuses or fails to supply sufficient skilled workers or materials;
(iv) repeatedly fails to make prompt payment to Subcontractors for
materials or labor;
(v) repeatedly or materially disregards the applicable laws, local
ordinances, or Authority instructions; or
(vi) is in substantial breach of any provision of this Agreement.
(b) Remedies. Following such default by Contractor, Authority shall have the
right to pursue all of the remedies set forth in Section 4.3 of this Agreement; provided, however,
Construction Services Agreement
in the event of default under Section 4.2(a)(i) of this Agreement, Authority shall enforce the
remedy set forth in Section 4.3(d) of this Agreement, solely in connection with Contractor's
failure to timely complete the Work.
Section 4.3 Remedies.
(a) Authority's Rights. The occurrence of any default by Contractor set forth
in Section 4.2 of this Agreement, shall give Authority the right to take whatever action at law or
in equity as may appear reasonably necessary to enforce performance or observance of any
obligations, agreements, or covenants under this Agreement, including without limitation:
(i) termination of this Agreement, (ii) without liability, taking possession of the Property and of
all materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery thereon owned by
Contractor; (iii) acceptance of assignment of subcontracts; and, (iv) completion of the Work by
whatever reasonable method Authority may deem expedient.
(b) Surety. In the event of termination by Authority, Authority shall
immediately serve written notice on the surety and Contractor. The surety shall have the right to
take over and perform the Work if, within ten (10) calendar days after receiving the notice, it so
notifies Authority, in writing, and promptly commences work (and thereafter, the surety shall be
bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement).
(c) Payment. In the event of termination, Contractor shall not be entitled to
receive any further payment until the Work is completed, and applicable lien periods have
expired. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum exceeds the expense of completing the Work,
plus compensation for additional managerial and administrative services and all other reasonable
costs and expenses incurred by, or on behalf of Authority, the excess shall be paid to Contractor.
If such expenses incurred by Authority exceed the unpaid balance, then, notwithstanding any
other remedy invoked by, or otherwise available to, Authority, Contractor and surety (on a joint
and several basis) shall be liable for the difference to Authority, and shall promptly pay such
amount upon written demand by Authority. Such obligation shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this
Section 4.3(c) and any other provision of this Agreement, the terms of this Section 4.3(c) shall
(d) Liquidated Damages for Delay. By executing this Agreement, Contractor
represents that it can, and will, complete the Work within the Contract Time. If Contractor fails
to reach Substantial Completion by the date required by this Agreement, the Parties agree that
Authority would suffer damages related to the delay, but that such damages would be extremely
difficult and impracticable to ascertain. The Parties therefore agree that a reasonable estimate of
the damages to be suffered by Authority in the event of such a delay is [__________] and
No/100ths Dollars [($__________)] per calendar day. Contractor shall therefore pay to
Authority that amount for each calendar day during which Substantial Completion is delayed
beyond the date for Substantial Completion required by, and as set forth in, the Schedule. At
Authority's discretion, Authority shall be entitled to deduct such amount from any payment
otherwise due Contractor, and in no event shall such deduction constitute a breach of this
Agreement by Authority. Any such amount not deducted shall be immediately payable by
Construction Services Agreement
Contractor to Authority on Authority's written demand. Such payments are: (i) liquidated
damages to Authority solely for Contractor's failure to timely complete the Work in accordance
with this Agreement; (ii) in addition to any other remedy available to Authority for Contractor's
other breach or default(s) under this Agreement; and (iii) not a penalty. Such liquidated damages
are not in lieu of Contractor's indemnity obligations set forth separately in this Agreement. This
Section 4.3(d) replaces Section 33(a) of the General Conditions, in its entirety. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Parties agree and acknowledge that Section 33(b) and Section 33(c) of
the General Conditions remain in full force and effect, and are to be read in conjunction with this
Section 4.3(d).
Section 4.4 Remedies Cumulative.
No right, power, or remedy given to Authority by the terms of this Agreement is intended
to be exclusive of any other right, power, or remedy; and each and every such right, power, or
remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to every other right, power, or remedy given to
Authority by the terms of any such instrument, or by any statute or otherwise against Contractor
and any other person. Neither the failure nor any delay on the part of Authority to exercise any
such rights and remedies shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise
by Authority of any such right or remedy preclude any other or further exercise of such right or
remedy, or any other right or remedy.
Section 4.5 Termination for Convenience.
Authority shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for convenience pursuant to
Section 34 of the General Conditions.
Section 5.1 Definition of Claim Governed by Dispute Clause.
"Claim," as used in this clause, means a written demand or written assertion by one of the
Parties seeking, as a matter of right, the payment of money in a sum certain, the adjustment or
interpretation of terms of this Agreement, or other relief arising under or relating to this
Agreement. A claim arising under this Agreement, unlike a claim relating to this Agreement, is
a claim that can be resolved under this Agreement that provides for the relief sought by the
claimant. A voucher, invoice, or other routine request for payment that is not in dispute when
submitted is not a claim. The submission may be converted to a claim by complying with the
requirements of this Article 5, if it is disputed either as to liability or amount or is not acted upon
in a reasonable time.
Section 5.2 Applicability of Dispute Clause.
Except for disputes arising under applicable labor standards (i.e., Davis-Bacon and
related acts), all disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement, including any claims for
Construction Services Agreement
damages for the alleged breach thereof which are not disposed of by this Agreement, shall be
resolved under this Article 5. This Article 5 supplements Section 31 of the General Conditions.
Section 5.3 Written Claims to be Submitted to Contracting Officer.
All claims by Contractor shall be made in writing and submitted to the Contracting
Officer for a written decision.
Section 5.4 Notice of Decision or Decision Date.
The Contracting Officer shall, within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the
request, decide the claim or notify Contractor of the date by which the decision will be made. In
no event shall the Contracting Officer render a decision later than sixty (60) calendar days from
the receipt of the request.
Section 5.5 Effect of Contracting Officer's Decision.
The Contracting Officer's decision shall be final unless Contractor submits a demand for
arbitration within the applicable statute of limitations, in accordance with Section 5.8 of this
Section 5.6 Contractor's Duty to Perform Pending Claim Resolution.
Contractor shall proceed diligently with performance of this Agreement, pending final
resolution of any request for relief, claim, appeal, or action arising under or relating to this
Agreement, and comply with any decision of the Contracting Officer.
Section 5.7 Identification of Contracting Officer.
For purposes of this Agreement, Authority's Contracting Officer shall be Authority
Executive Director or his or her designee (the "Contracting Officer").
Section 5.8 Arbitration of Disputes.
In the event Contractor disputes the Contracting Officer's determination, then the Parties
shall submit the dispute to binding arbitration which, unless the Parties mutually agree otherwise,
shall be in accordance with the Arbitration Rules and Procedures of JAMS (the "JAMS Rules")
currently in effect, unless arbitration is not required pursuant to Section 5.9 of this Agreement, in
which event Contractor shall proceed in accordance with Section 31 of the General Conditions.
The demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with Authority and with JAMS. The
arbitration panel shall consist of a single arbitrator and the process for the arbitration shall
proceed in accordance with the then current JAMS Rules. A demand for arbitration shall be
made within thirty (30) calendar days following the Contracting Officer's determination, and in
no event shall it be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based
on such claim would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations.
Section 5.9 Situations when Arbitration Not Applicable.
Construction Services Agreement
The foregoing agreement to arbitrate and other agreements to arbitrate with an additional
person or entity duly consented to by Parties shall be specifically enforceable under applicable
law in any court having jurisdiction thereof. This Agreement to arbitrate shall not apply if:
(a) any person or entity whom either Party believes is necessary or beneficial to the full
resolution of the claim (including but not limited to Architect) cannot be joined in or bound by
the arbitration proceeding; or (b) any person or entity whom either Party believes is necessary as
a witness for such a proceeding is not available for such a proceeding; or (c) the amount in
controversy exceeds Fifty Thousand and No/100ths Dollars ($50,000.00); or (d) if any change in
the Contract Time or change in the date set forth for Substantial Completion could result from
the arbitration.
Section 5.10 Judgment on Final Award.
The arbitrator shall make an award in writing that is consistent with the terms of this
Agreement (including but not limited to the terms governing payment of attorneys' fees) and the
laws of the state of California, and that includes findings of fact and a reasoned decision. The
award rendered by the arbitrator shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon it in
accordance with applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Section 5.11 Notice of Third-Party Claims.
In accordance with Section 9201(b) of the California Public Contract Code, Authority
shall provide Contractor timely notification of any third-party claim related to this Agreement (if
Section 6.1 Certain Requirements.
(a) Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall comply with all applicable state
and federal laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to the requirements of the
following, as the same may be amended from time to time:
(i) The requirements of Executive Order 11246, as more particularly
set forth in Exhibit J;
(ii) The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq., and regulations
issued thereunder, 24 CFR Part 100; Executive Order 11063 (Equal Opportunity in Housing) and
regulations issued thereunder, 24 CFR Part 107; the fair housing poster regulations, 24 CFR Part
110, and the HUD Fair Housing Act Advertising Guidelines;
(iii) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and
regulations issued thereunder relating to nondiscrimination in housing, 24 CFR Part 1;
Construction Services Agreement
(iv) Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 U.S.C. 6101-07, and
regulations issued thereunder, 24 CFR Part 146;
(v) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. 794, and
regulations issued thereunder, 24 CFR Part 8; the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.
12181-12189, and regulations issued thereunder, 28 CFR Part 36; and
(vi) The Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, as amended (42
U.S.C. 4801-4846.), the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act (42 U.S.C. 4851 et
seq.), and implementing regulations at 24 C.F.R. Part 35.
(b) No Limitation. Contractor is required to comply with all applicable laws
regarding the Work, and the failure to include, or otherwise specify, any applicable law in this
Section 6.1, or elsewhere in this Agreement, shall not be construed to waive, limit, or otherwise
impair Contractor's obligation to comply with such laws.
Section 6.2 Recordkeeping, Audit & Reporting Requirements
(a) Recordkeeping; Access. Contractor's books and records pertaining to its
performance under this Agreement shall be kept in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles, and shall be retained for at least three (3) years after Authority makes final
payment to Contractor under this Agreement and all other pending matters are closed.
Contractor agrees to grant a right of access to Authority, HUD, any agency providing funds to
Authority, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their authorized
representatives, with respect to any books, documents, papers, or other records pertinent to this
Agreement in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts. Authority shall
notify Contractor of any records it deems insufficient. Contractor shall have fifteen (15)
calendar days after the receipt of such a notice to correct any deficiency in the records specified
by Authority in such notice, or if a period longer than fifteen (15) calendar days is reasonably
necessary to correct the deficiency, then Contractor shall begin to correct the deficiency within
fifteen (15) calendar days and correct the deficiency as soon as reasonably possible.
(b) Contractors. Contractor agrees to include in first-tier subcontracts under
this Agreement a clause substantially the same as Section 6.2(a) of this Agreement. The term
"subcontract" as used in this clause excludes contracts and purchase orders not exceeding Ten
Thousand and No/100ths Dollars ($10,000.00).
(c) Access for Disputed Matters. The period of access and examination under
Section 6(a) and Section 6(b) of this Agreement for records relating to: (i) appeals under the
Dispute Section of this Agreement; (ii) litigation or settlements of disputes arising from the
performance of this Agreement; or (iii) costs and expenses of this Agreement to which
Authority, HUD or Comptroller General or any of their duly authorized representatives has taken
exception shall continue until disposition of such appeals, litigation, claims, or exceptions.
(d) Audit. Authority, HUD, any agency providing funds to Authority, the
Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall
Construction Services Agreement
have the right to perform any audit of Contractor's finances and records related to its
performance under this Agreement, including without limitation, the financial arrangement with
anyone Contractor may delegate to discharge any part of its obligations under this Agreement.
Section 6.3 Interest of Members of Congress.
No Member of or delegate to the Congress of the United States shall be admitted to any
share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit to arise therefrom.
Section 6.4 Interest of Member, Officer, or Employee and Former Member, Officer, or
Employee of Authority.
No member, officer, or employee of Authority, no member of the governing body of the locality
in which the project is situated, no member of the governing body by which Authority was
activated, and no other public official of such locality or localities who exercises any functions or
responsibilities with respect to the project, shall, during his or her tenure, or for one (1) year
thereafter or such longer time as Authority's Code of Ethics may require, have any interest, direct
or indirect, in this Agreement or the proceeds thereof, unless the conflict of interest is waived by
Authority and by HUD.
Section 6.5 Lobbying Activities.
Contractor shall comply with 31 USC 1352 which prohibits the use of Federal
appropriated funds to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or
employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an
employee of a member of Congress in connection with any of the following covered Federal
actions: the awarding of any Federal contract; the making of any Federal grant; the making of
any Federal loan; the entering into of any cooperative agreement; or the modification of any
Federal contract, loan, or cooperative agreement. Contractor further agrees to comply with the
requirement of such legislation to furnish a disclosure (OMB Standard Form LLL) if any funds
other than Federal appropriated funds (including profit or fee received under a covered Federal
transaction) have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to
influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee
of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress, in connection with a Federal contract,
grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, which payment would be prohibited if made from Federal
appropriated funds.
Section 7.1 Relationship of Parties.
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be interpreted or understood by any of the
Parties, or by any third persons, as creating the relationship of employer and employee, principal
and agent, limited or general partnership, or joint venture between Authority and Contractor or
its agents, employees or subcontractors, and Contractor shall at all times be deemed an
Construction Services Agreement
independent contractor and shall be wholly responsible for the manner in which it or its agents,
or both, perform the services required of it by the terms of this Agreement. Contractor has and
retains the right to exercise full control of employment, direction, compensation, and discharge
of all persons assisting in the performance of services under this Agreement. In regards to the
performance of the Work, Contractor shall be solely responsible for all matters relating to
payment of its employees, including compliance with Social Security, withholding, and all other
laws and regulations governing such matters, and shall include requirements in each contract that
subcontractors shall be solely responsible for similar matters relating to their employees.
Contractor shall be solely responsible for its own acts and those of its agents and employees.
Contractor is not authorized to act on behalf of Authority with respect to any matters except
those specifically set forth in this Agreement. Authority shall not have any liability or duty to
any person, firm, corporation, or governmental body for any act of omission or commission,
liability, or obligation of Contractor, whether arising from actions under this Agreement or
otherwise. Authority agrees to exercise all reasonable efforts to enable Contractor to perform the
Work in the best way and most expeditious manner by furnishing and approving, in a timely
manner, information required by Contractor and making payments to Contractor in accordance
with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
Section 7.2 No Claims.
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall create or justify any claim against Authority
by any person that Contractor may have employed or with whom Contractor may have
contracted relative to the purchase of materials, supplies or equipment, or the furnishing or the
performance of any work or services with respect to the performance of the Work, and
Contractor shall include similar requirements in any contracts entered into for the performance of
the Work.
Section 7.3 Amendments.
No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in
writing by the Parties.
Section 7.4 Indemnification.
(a) Contractor's Obligation. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor
shall indemnify and hold harmless Authority, and its commissioners, Architect, their consultants,
and agents and employees or any of them from and against claims, damages, losses and
expenses, including but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulting from
performance of the Work, provided that such claim, damage, loss or expense is attributable to
bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, but
only to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions of Contractor, a Subcontractor,
anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable,
regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by a Party
indemnified hereunder. Such obligation shall not be construed to negate, abridge, or reduce
other rights or obligations of indemnity which would otherwise exist as to a Party or person
described in this Section 7.4.
Construction Services Agreement
(b) No Limitation. In claims against any person or entity indemnified under
this Section 7.4 by an employee of Contractor, a Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly
employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the indemnification obligation
under this Section 7.4 shall not be limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages,
compensation or benefits payable by or for Contractor or a Subcontractor under workers'
compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts.
(c) Survival. The provisions of this Section 7.4 shall survive the termination
or expiration of this Agreement.
Section 7.5 Non-Liability of Authority Officials, Employees and Agents.
No member, official, employee or agent of Authority shall be personally liable to
Contractor in the event of any default or breach by Authority or for any amount which may
become due to Contractor or its successor or on any obligation under the terms of this
Section 7.6 No Third Party Beneficiaries.
There shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
Section 7.7 Conflict of Interest.
Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its directors, officers, partners or
employees has any interest, nor shall acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which would
conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of the services hereunder. Contractor
further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having such interest shall
be employed by it.
Section 7.8 Representatives; Authorization.
(a) Representation. To facilitate communication, the Parties to this
Agreement shall designate a representative with responsibility for the routine administration of
each Party's obligations under this Agreement. The Parties initially appoint the following as
Authority: Joseph Nagel
Housing Authority of the City of Alameda
701 Atlantic Avenue
Alameda, California 94501
Tele: (510) 747-4300
Email: jnagel@alamedahsg.org
Contractor: [_________________]
(b) Authorization. Except as may be otherwise specifically provided herein,
whenever any approval, notice, direction, consent, request, or other action by Authority is
Construction Services Agreement
required or permitted under this Agreement, such action may be given, made, or taken by
Authority's Executive Director and/or his designee, without further action or approval by
Authority Board of Commissioners, and any such action shall be in writing. The Executive
Director and/or his designee may, in his or her discretion, agree in writing to modification of the
dates by which action are to be complete or to waive any terms and conditions of this
Agreement. The Executive Director and/or his designee is authorized to execute all ancillary
documents necessary to effectuate the intent of this Agreement, and to negotiate and execute
amendments to this Agreement substantially in conformance with the intent of this Agreement.
Section 7.9 Notices, Demands and Communications.
Formal notices, demands, approvals, claims, and communications between the Parties
shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given if and shall not be deemed given unless
dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered
by express delivery service, return receipt requested, or delivered personally, to the principal
office of the Parties as follows:
Authority: Housing Authority of the City of Alameda
701 Atlantic Avenue
Alameda, California 94501
Attention: Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager
Contractor: [_________________]
Such written notices, demands and communications may be sent in the same manner to
such other addresses as the affected Party may from time to time designate by mail as provided
in this Section 7.9. Receipt shall be deemed to have occurred on the date shown on a written
receipt as the date of delivery or refusal of delivery (or attempted delivery if undeliverable).
Section 7.10 Applicable Law.
This Agreement shall be governed by California law.
Section 7.11 Parties Bound.
Other than in connection with the portions of the Work to be performed by
Subcontractors, Contractor shall not assign or otherwise transfer this Agreement, as a whole, or
in any part, without the prior written consent of Authority. Any such attempted assignment or
transfer shall be null and void, and shall constitute a default under this Agreement. Except as
otherwise limited herein, the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the Parties and their heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors,
and assigns.
Section 7.12 Attorneys' Fees.
Construction Services Agreement
If any lawsuit is commenced to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing
Party will have the right to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit from the other
Section 7.13 Severability.
If any term of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid,
void or unenforceable, the remainder of the provisions shall continue in full force and effect
unless the rights and obligations of the Parties have been materially altered or abridged by such
invalidation, voiding or unenforceability.
Section 7.14 Waivers.
Any waiver by Authority of any obligation or condition in this Agreement must be in
writing. No waiver will be implied from any delay or failure by Authority to take action on any
breach or default of Contractor or to pursue any remedy allowed under this Agreement or
applicable law. Any extension of time granted to Contractor to perform any obligation under this
Agreement shall not operate as a waiver or release from any of its obligations under this
Agreement. Consent by Authority to any act or omission by Contractor shall not be construed to
be a consent to any other or subsequent act or omission or to waive the requirement for
Authority's written consent to future waivers.
Section 7.15 Title of Parts and Sections.
Any titles of the sections or subsections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of
reference only and shall be disregarded in interpreting any part of the provisions of this
Section 7.16 Entire Understanding of the Parties.
This Agreement and the attached exhibits constitute the entire understanding and
agreement of the Parties with respect to the matters set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement
shall not be construed as if it had been prepared by one of the Parties, but rather as if both Parties
had prepared it. The Parties have read and reviewed this Agreement and agree that any rule of
construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party (including
but not limited to Section 1654 of the California Civil Code as may be amended from time to
time, or any other state law, or common law principle) shall not apply to the interpretation of this
Section 7.17 Builder's Risk Insurance.
Authority shall purchase and maintain a Builder's Risk Insurance policy, and shall
include the interests of Authority, Contractor, and Subcontractors. All deductible amounts will
be the responsibility of Authority. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the
contrary, including but not limited to Section 33 of the General Conditions, pursuant to
Section 7105 of the California Public Contract Code, Contractor shall not assume responsibility
for repairing or restoring damages caused by an "act of God" in excess of five percent (5.00%) of
Construction Services Agreement
the Contract Sum; provided, that the Work damaged was performed by Contractor, or its
Subcontractors (as applicable) in accordance with accepted and applicable building standards
and this Agreement.
Section 7.18 Contractor Notifications.
(a) Notifications. Contractor shall notify Authority promptly, in writing, of
any and all of the following:
(i) Any litigation or claim of any kind affecting or relating to
Contractor or its subsidiaries or any Material Subcontractor where the amount claimed is or
maybe One Hundred Thousand and No/100ths Dollars ($100,000.00) or more whether covered
by insurance or not;
(ii) Any termination of a construction contract to which Contractor is a
(iii) Any default or potential default of a Material Subcontractor or
material supplier (including without limitation, its inability to maintain its schedule);
(iv) Any material adverse change in Contractor's or any Material
Subcontractor's financial condition, any material adverse change in Contractor's or any Material
Subcontractor's operations, or any change in the management of Contractor or any Material
Subcontractors; or
(v) Any other circumstance, event, or occurrence that results in a
material adverse change in Contractor's or any Material Subcontractor's ability to timely perform
any of its obligations under any of the Contract Documents.
(b) Material Subcontractor. For the purposes of this Section 7.18(b),
"Material Subcontractor" means a Subcontractor performing more than Twenty-Five Thousand
and No/100ths Dollars ($25,000.00) of the Work.
Section 7.19 Time.
Time is of the essence in the performance of the Work.
Section 7.20 Conflict Among Contract Documents.
In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the other Contract
Documents, the terms of this Agreement shall control. In the event of any conflict between the
terms of this Agreement and the Exhibits, unless otherwise noted, the terms of this Agreement
shall control.
Section 7.21 Multiple Originals; Counterpart.
Construction Services Agreement
This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals, each of which is deemed to be an
original, and may be signed in counterparts.
Construction Services Agreement
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have duly executed this Agreement by their duly
authorized officers and shall become effective as of the Effective Date, it being the intent of the
Parties that Authority be the last of the Parties to sign this Agreement.
a public body, corporate and politic
By: ____________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Its: ____________________________________
By: ____________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Its: ____________________________________
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
General Requirements
(i) During the performance of the work and until its acceptance by Authority,
Contractor and each Subcontractor shall maintain in full force public liability and property
damage insurance in accordance with this Exhibit F.
(ii) Before commencing work, Contractor and each of its Subcontractors shall furnish
Authority with a Certificate of Insurance, in triplicate (naming the Housing Authority of the City
of Alameda as the Certificate Holder) indicating insurance coverage with respect to the liability
assumed under the provisions of this Exhibit F, and shall further indicate the insurance coverage
is in force and will cover all operations under the contract with minimum limits as shown below:
(1) Workers' Compensation Insurance that meets statutory limits and Employer's
Liability limit at not less than One Million and No/100ths Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per
(2) Commercial General Liability including Blanket Contractual Liability, Employees
as Additional Insured, Completed Operations-Products Liability, and deletion of any exclusion
pertaining to explosion, collapse, and underground property damage hazards, Personal Injury
Liability endorsement, Property Damage Liability including Broad Form Property Damage
The minimum limits of liability shall be:
$5,000,000 Combined Single Limit per Occurrence Bodily Injury and Property
$5,000,000 General Aggregate Limit
$5,000,000 Products and Completed Operations Aggregate
Products and Completed Operations Insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period
of two (2) years after final payment, and contractor shall continue to furnish evidence of such
coverage to Authority on an annual basis during the aforementioned period.
Liability Insurance shall be written to cover all claims incurred during the term of this
Agreement or out of any work performed pursuant to this Agreement, regardless of when such
claim shall be first made against Authority and/or Contractor. Should any required liability
Construction Services Agreement
insurance be written on a claims-made basis, Contractor shall continue to provide such evidence
of coverage for four (4) years after completion and acceptance of the Project.
(3) Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance applicable to any owned, non-
owned or hired vehicles in limits not less than the following:
Five Million and No/100ths Dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence Combined Single
Limit of Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability.
The limits required in numbers 2 and 3 above may be satisfied through any combination
of limits under primary liability and automobile liability policies and excess/umbrella liability
Contractor shall require that all Subcontractors maintain and provide evidence of insurance as
Commercial General Liability:
Bodily Injury & Property Damage: $1,000,000 per occurrence;
Personal Injury: $1,000,000;
General Aggregate: $1,000,000;
Products/Completed Operations Aggregate: $1,000,000;
Automobile Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence; and
Workers' Compensation Statutory Employers' Liability $1,000,000.
With the exception of Workers' Compensation insurance, each policy shall be endorsed to
include Authority and Contractor as additional insureds, and shall also provide the following:
All liability policies shall be endorsed to state that the Subcontractor's coverage shall be
considered primary and non-contributory and that any liability insurance carried by Authority or
Contractor shall be considered excess.
All policies of insurance required of the Subcontractor shall be endorsed to state that the
insurer will provide Authority and Contractor with a thirty (30)-calendar day notice of
cancellation or non-renewal. Prior to the time of commencement of the subcontract
Subcontractors shall be required to deliver to Contractor certificates providing evidence of the
insurance required under this provision, along with copies of the endorsements required above.
Hazardous Materials: Contractor shall require the hazardous materials removal
subcontractor(s) to provide insurance for liability arising out of removal and disposal of all
Construction Services Agreement
hazardous materials from the Property. Such insurance shall be for the minimum limits of Five
Million and No/100ths Dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence and Five Million and No/100ths
Dollars ($5,000,000.00) in the aggregate, and shall name the Housing Authority of the City of
Alameda and Contractor as additional insureds. The limits required in this Paragraph B may be
satisfied by any combination of primary and excess/umbrella policies.
Contractor shall take responsible steps to insure that each of the Subcontracts and
subordinate subcontractors assist and cooperate in every manner possible in connection with the
adjustment of all claims arising out of operations within the scope of work provided for under the
Contract, and shall cooperate with the insurer in all litigated claims and demands or defense
which the insurer is called upon to adjust or resist which arise out of said work.
Proof of the above insurance policies furnished at Contractor's expense, and applicable to
all operations under the Contract, must be provided to Authority prior to commencement of work
under a Contract. Coverage shall be placed with insurance companies with A.M. Best Co.'s
rating of no less than A-VII. The policy must name Authority as an additional insured and the
consultant must provide Authority with Certificates of Insurance for the preceding coverage's.
The insurance policies must provide a thirty (30)-calendar day notice of cancellation and be
primary to any other insurance carried by Authority.
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
In accordance with the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, and
the regulations pursuant to that Act.
Agrees to comply with Section 3 of that Act by assuring that to the greatest extent
Training and employment opportunities will be given to lower income residents
of the project; and
Contracts for work in connection with the project will be awarded to business
concerns which are located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in
the area of project.
______________________________ will initiate the following actions to insure
utilization of lower income project residents as employees or trainees and to incorporate project
area small business as subcontractors and supplies:
1. Contractor will establish and maintain a directory of service organizations, job
referral agencies and manpower training programs operating within, or serving, project area
2. Contractor will submit prior to the award of a contract, a signed assurance to
comply with Section 3 regulations and requirements.
3. Contractor will provide, prior to the signing of a contract, a statement of new
work force needs, including trainee positions.
4. Contractor will notify Community based organizations of available employment
opportunities, and shall maintain records of response from such organizations.
5. Contractor will undertake personal recruitment efforts directed to such service
organizations and to schools with lower income resident training programs.
6. Contractor will maintain a file of the names and addresses of each low income
resident worker referred and what action was taken with respect to each referred worker
Construction Services Agreement
7. Contractor will include the Section 3 clause in every subcontract for work in
connection with HUD projects (Attached).
8. For each subcontract, the Prime Contractor will submit, prior to Contract award,
the Section 3 Affirmative Action Plans of its subcontractors.
9. Contractor will not attempt to circumvent Section 3 Provisions.
10. Contractor will make a good faith effort to employ or fill training positions with
lower income project area residents, will, as a minimum, provide evidence of the following:
(a) Attempts to recruit from the project area through location advertising
media, community organizations, public and private agencies operating within or serving the
project area, such as the State Employment Department, and the Private Industry Council.
(b) Maintain a list of all lower income area residents who have applied either
on their own or referral from any source, and if such persons, if otherwise qualified, have been
11. Contractor will make a good faith effort to incorporate project area businesses as
Subcontractors and Suppliers.
12. Contractor will provide the Section 3 workforce and business utilization reports
required under this contract.
_______________________________ fully realizes failure or refusal to comply and give
satisfactory assurances of future compliance with the requirements of this Affirmative Action
Plan shall be proper basis for any or all of the following actions: Cancellation, termination or
suspension in whole or in part of the contract; a determination of ineligibility or debarment from
any further contracts under any federal program with respect to which the failure or refusal
occurred until satisfactory assurances of future compliance have been received.
Authorized Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
[See Attached]
Construction Services Agreement
ARTICLE 1 PURPOSE; DEFINITIONS ................................................................................ 1
Section 1.1 Purpose. ...................................................................................................1
Section 1.2 Definitions. ...............................................................................................2
Section 1.3 Exhibits. ...................................................................................................4
ARTICLE 2 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES .......................................................................... 5
Section 2.1 Scope of Work. .........................................................................................5
Section 2.2 Responsibility for Performance of the Work. ............................................5
Section 2.3 Contractor Representations and Warranties...............................................6
Section 2.4 Subcontractors. .........................................................................................7
Section 2.5 Payment and Performance Bonds..............................................................8
Section 2.6 Right of Entry; Job Site Facilities. ............................................................8
Section 2.7 Safety Precautions and Programs. .............................................................9
Section 2.8 Conditions Precedent to Commencement of the Work. ........................... 10
Section 2.9 Completion of the Work. ........................................................................ 11
Section 2.10 Delay and Extension of Time. ................................................................. 12
Section 2.11 Change Orders. ....................................................................................... 12
Section 2.12 Work Pursuant to Permits, Plans and Laws. ............................................ 13
Section 2.13 Authority's Right to Stop the Work. ........................................................ 14
Section 2.14 Authority's Right to Carry Out the Work. ............................................... 14
Section 2.15 Section 3 Compliance. ............................................................................ 15
Section 2.16 Equal Opportunity. ................................................................................. 15
Section 2.17 Minority and Women-Owned Business Participation. ............................. 15
Section 2.18 Hazardous Materials. .............................................................................. 15
Section 2.19 Insurance Requirements. ......................................................................... 16
Section 2.20 Contractor's Obligations regarding Mechanic's Liens and
Stop Notices. .......................................................................................... 16
Section 3.1 Contract Sum; Guaranteed Maximum Price. ........................................... 17
Section 3.2 Conditions Precedent to Disbursement of Funds for the
Work. ..................................................................................................... 18
Section 3.3 Application for Payment Process. ........................................................... 18
Section 3.4 Conditions Precedent to Release of Retention Amount. .......................... 19
Section 3.5 Assignment of Claims by Contractor. ..................................................... 20
Section 3.6 Information............................................................................................. 21
ARTICLE 4 TERM; DEFAULT; REMEDIES ..................................................................... 21
Section 4.1 Term....................................................................................................... 21
Section 4.2 Events of Default by Contractor.............................................................. 21
Section 4.3 Remedies. ............................................................................................... 22
Section 4.4 Remedies Cumulative. ............................................................................ 23
Section 4.5 Termination for Convenience. ................................................................ 23
ARTICLE 5 PARTIES' DISPUTES ....................................................................................... 23
Section 5.1 Definition of Claim Governed by Dispute Clause. .................................. 23
Section 5.2 Applicability of Dispute Clause. ............................................................. 23
Section 5.3 Written Claims to be Submitted to Contracting Officer. .......................... 24
Construction Services Agreement
Section 5.4 Notice of Decision or Decision Date. ...................................................... 24
Section 5.5 Effect of Contracting Officer's Decision. ................................................ 24
Section 5.6 Contractor's Duty to Perform Pending Claim Resolution......................... 24
Section 5.7 Identification of Contracting Officer. ...................................................... 24
Section 5.8 Arbitration of Disputes. .......................................................................... 24
Section 5.9 Situations when Arbitration Not Applicable. ........................................... 24
Section 5.10 Judgment on Final Award. ...................................................................... 25
Section 5.11 Notice of Third-Party Claims. ................................................................. 25
ARTICLE 6 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 25
Section 6.1 Certain Requirements. ............................................................................ 25
Section 6.2 Recordkeeping, Audit & Reporting Requirements .................................. 26
Section 6.3 Interest of Members of Congress. ........................................................... 27
Section 6.4 Interest of Member, Officer, or Employee and Former
Member, Officer, or Employee of Authority. .......................................... 27
Section 6.5 Lobbying Activities. ............................................................................... 27
ARTICLE 7 GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................................................................ 27
Section 7.1 Relationship of Parties. ........................................................................... 27
Section 7.2 No Claims. ............................................................................................. 28
Section 7.3 Amendments. ......................................................................................... 28
Section 7.4 Indemnification. ..................................................................................... 28
Section 7.5 Non-Liability of Authority Officials, Employees and
Agents. ................................................................................................... 29
Section 7.6 No Third Party Beneficiaries. ................................................................. 29
Section 7.7 Conflict of Interest. ................................................................................. 29
Section 7.8 Representatives; Authorization. .............................................................. 29
Section 7.9 Notices, Demands and Communications. ................................................ 30
Section 7.10 Applicable Law. ..................................................................................... 30
Section 7.11 Parties Bound. ........................................................................................ 30
Section 7.12 Attorneys' Fees. ...................................................................................... 30
Section 7.13 Severability. ........................................................................................... 31
Section 7.14 Waivers. ................................................................................................. 31
Section 7.15 Title of Parts and Sections. ..................................................................... 31
Section 7.16 Entire Understanding of the Parties. ........................................................ 31
Section 7.17 Builder's Risk Insurance. ........................................................................ 31
Section 7.18 Contractor Notifications. ........................................................................ 32
Section 7.19 Time. ...................................................................................................... 32
Section 7.20 Conflict Among Contract Documents. .................................................... 32
Section 7.21 Multiple Originals; Counterpart. ............................................................. 32
Exhibit A: Scope of Work
Exhibit B: List of Subcontractors
Construction Services Agreement
Exhibit C: Contractor Schedule of Values, Qualifications and Exclusions
Exhibit D: List of Plans
Exhibit E: General Conditions for Construction Contract (Form HUD-5370)
Exhibit F: Insurance Requirements
Exhibit G: Davis Bacon Wage Rates
Exhibit H: AHA Section 3 Policy
Exhibit I: Section 3 Certification
Exhibit J: Notice for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity
under Executive Order 11246, and the Standard Federal Equal
Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications
Exhibit K: Schedule
Exhibit L: Documents incorporated for reference from RFP