October 2003 • NREL/SR-550-34440
Sargent & Lundy LLC Consulting Group
Chicago, Illinois
Assessment of Parabolic
Trough and Power Tower Solar
Technology Cost and
Performance Forecasts
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Boulevard
Golden, Colorado 80401-3393
NREL is a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory
Operated by Midwest Research Institute Battelle Bechtel
Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337
October 2003 • NREL/SR-550-34440
Assessment of Parabolic
Trough and Power Tower Solar
Technology Cost and
Performance Forecasts
Sargent & Lundy LLC Consulting Group
Chicago, Illinois
NREL Technical Monitor: H. Price
Prepared under Subcontract No. LAA-2-32458-01
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Boulevard
Golden, Colorado 80401-3393
NREL is a U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory
Operated by Midwest Research Institute Battelle Bechtel
Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337
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Section Page
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..................................................................................................................... ES-1
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Background and Objective.......................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Scope of Work.......................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................1-3
1.3.1 Data Collection.................................................................................................................................1-3
1.3.2 Review of SunLab Cost Model ........................................................................................................1-3
1.3.3 Technical Improvements.................................................................................................................. 1-4
1.3.4 Economy of Scale.............................................................................................................................1-4
1.3.5 Volume Production (Volume and Learning Curve) .........................................................................1-4
1.3.6 Operation and Maintenance Costs....................................................................................................1-5
1.3.7 Financial Modeling Analysis Methodology .....................................................................................1-5
2. CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER TECHNOLOGIES..................................................................2-1
2.1 Trough Technology..................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 System Description ..........................................................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Current Experience........................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Tower ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2.1 System Description ..........................................................................................................................2-3
Section Page
2.2.2 Current Experience........................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Integration with Fossil Power Plants........................................................................................................2-5
2.3.1 Hybrid ..............................................................................................................................................2-5
2.3.2 Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System (ISCCS).........................................................................2-5
2.4 Advanced Technology and Application Options .....................................................................................2-6
2.4.1 Advanced Tower Technology ..........................................................................................................2-7
2.4.2 Current International Development Directions ................................................................................ 2-7
2.4.3 Long-Term CSP Advanced Applications Options ........................................................................... 2-9
3. POWER GENERATION MARKET AND DEPLOYMENT FORECAST..........................................3-1
3.1 Power Generation Market ........................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Deployment Forecast ...............................................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Trough...................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.4 Tower ....................................................................................................................................................... 3-6
4. EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL FOR COST REDUCTIONS — TROUGH ...................................4-1
4.1 Development Plan for Cost Reduction.....................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Efficiency.................................................................................................................................................4-4
4.2.1 Solar Field Optical Efficiency.......................................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.2 Receiver Thermal Losses ................................................................................................................. 4-7
4.2.3 Piping Thermal Losses .....................................................................................................................4-7
4.2.4 Storage Thermal Efficiency ............................................................................................................. 4-8
4.2.5 Turbine Cycle Annual Efficiency.....................................................................................................4-8
4.2.6 Electric Parasitic Load ..................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.2.7 Power Plant Availability ..................................................................................................................4-9
4.3 Evaluation of Major Cost Components..................................................................................................4-10
4.3.1 Solar Field Support Structure......................................................................................................... 4-11
Section Page
4.3.2 Solar Field Heat Collection Elements (HCE).................................................................................4-12
4.3.3 Solar Field Mirrors.........................................................................................................................4-14
4.3.4 Power Block...................................................................................................................................4-16
4.3.5 Thermal Storage ............................................................................................................................. 4-18
4.3.6 Total Investment Costs...................................................................................................................4-19
4.4 Levelized Energy Costs..........................................................................................................................4-25
4.5 Technology Step Changes and Comparison........................................................................................... 4-28
4.6 Risk Assessment for Trough Technology ..............................................................................................4-37
4.6.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................................4-38
4.6.2 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency ........................................................................................4-39
4.6.3 Mid Term (2010)............................................................................................................................4-40
4.6.4 Total Investment Cost .................................................................................................................... 4-41
4.6.5 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs ....................................................................................4-43
4.7 Cost Sensitivities....................................................................................................................................4-45
4.7.1 Depreciable Life.............................................................................................................................4-46
4.7.2 Investment Tax Credits ..................................................................................................................4-46
4.7.3 Corporate Tax Rate ........................................................................................................................4-47
4.7.4 Inflation..........................................................................................................................................4-47
4.7.5 Cost of Capital................................................................................................................................4-47
4.7.6 Construction Duration.................................................................................................................... 4-48
4.7.7 Capital Cost.................................................................................................................................... 4-48
4.7.8 Annual O&M Cost ......................................................................................................................... 4-49
4.7.9 Ownership ......................................................................................................................................4-49
5. EVALUATION OF POTENTIAL FOR COST REDUCTIONS — TOWER......................................5-1
5.1 Industry Plan for Cost Reduction.............................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Tower Efficiency......................................................................................................................................5-4
Section Page
5.2.1 Annual Collector Efficiency.............................................................................................................5-6
5.2.2 Annual Receiver Efficiency .............................................................................................................5-7
5.2.3 Annual Gross Cycle Efficiency........................................................................................................5-8
5.2.4 Annual Parasitic Efficiency..............................................................................................................5-8
5.2.5 Annual Thermal Storage Efficiency.................................................................................................5-8
5.2.6 Annual Piping Efficiency.................................................................................................................5-8
5.2.7 Annual Plant Availability.................................................................................................................5-8
5.3 Evaluation of Major Cost Components....................................................................................................5-8
5.3.1 Collectors ....................................................................................................................................... 5-10
5.3.2 Electrical Power Block................................................................................................................... 5-15
5.3.3 Receiver..........................................................................................................................................5-18
5.3.4 Thermal Storage ............................................................................................................................. 5-21
5.3.5 Steam Generator.............................................................................................................................5-23
5.3.6 Balance of Plant .............................................................................................................................5-23
5.3.7 Technology Improvements............................................................................................................. 5-25
5.4 Operations and Maintenance..................................................................................................................5-25
5.5 Levelized Energy Cost ...........................................................................................................................5-26
5.6 Power Tower Technology Step Changes and Comparison ....................................................................5-32
5.7 Cost Reduction Step Changes and Breakdown Comparison.................................................................. 5-40
5.8 Risk Assessment for Tower Technology ............................................................................................... 5-49
5.8.1 Deployment ....................................................................................................................................5-50
5.8.2 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency ........................................................................................5-52
5.8.3 Total Investment Cost .................................................................................................................... 5-57
5.8.4 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs ....................................................................................5-59
5.9 Cost Sensitivities....................................................................................................................................5-61
5.9.1 Depreciable Life.............................................................................................................................5-62
5.9.2 Investment Tax Credits ..................................................................................................................5-62
Section Page
5.9.3 Corporate Tax Rate ........................................................................................................................5-63
5.9.4 Inflation..........................................................................................................................................5-63
5.9.5 Cost of Capital................................................................................................................................5-64
5.9.6 Construction Duration.................................................................................................................... 5-64
5.9.7 Capital Cost.................................................................................................................................... 5-65
5.9.8 Annual O&M Cost ......................................................................................................................... 5-65
5.9.9 Ownership ......................................................................................................................................5-65
A. List of Documents
B. Methodology
C. Levelized Cost for Ranking Alternatives and Example Calculations
D. Evaluation Of Technology Improvements And Capital Cost Projections For Parabolic Trough Solar Plants
E. Evaluation of Technology Improvements and Capital Cost Projections – Tower
F. Evaluation of O&M Costs — Trough
G. Evaluation of O&M Costs — Tower
H. Mirror Reflectivity (SunLab Input)
I. Sargent & Lundy Response to the NRC Issues and Observations
Term Definition or Clarification
°C / °F Degrees Celsius/degrees Fahrenheit
ADL AD Little
ATS Advanced Thermal Systems
CHP Combined heat and power
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CSP Concentrating Solar Power
DOE Department of Energy
DSCR Debt service coverage ratio
DSG Direct steam generation
EERE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (a part of the DOE)
EPSG Electric power generating system
EU European Union
GEF Global Environmental Facility
GWe Gigawatts-electrical
HCE Heat collection elements
HRSG Heat recovery steam generator
HTF Heat transfer fluid
HTGR High-temperature gas-cooled reactor
IEA International Energy Agency
IGC Intergranular corrosion
ILR Intermediate load range
IPP Independent power producer
IRD Industrial Research & Development
IRR Internal rate of return
ISCCS Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System (s)
km Kilometers
kPa Kilopascals
Term Definition or Clarification
kW Kilowatts
kWt Kilowatts-thermal
LCOE Levelized costs of energy
LEC Levelized energy cost
MACRS Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System
MW Megawatts
MWe Megawatts-electrical
MWt Megawatts-thermal
NRC National Research Council
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
O&M Operation and maintenance
PR Progress ratio
PTC Energy Production Tax Credit
PV Photovoltaic
R&D Research and development
Sargent &
Lundy or S&L
Sargent & Lundy
SCA Solar collector assembly
SEGS Solar Electric Generating Station
SNL Sandia National Laboratories
SunLab comprises researchers from Sandia National Laboratories and the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory working together on Concentrating
Solar Power technology for the Department of Energy
TES Thermal energy storage
Sargent & Lundy would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their important
contributions to this study:
R. D. (Dale) Rogers Boeing
Robert Litwin Boeing
Pat DeLaquil Clean Energy Commercialization
Frank Wilkins Department of Energy
Gilbert Cohen Duke Solar
David Kearney Kearney & Associates
Mark Mehos National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Fredrick Morse Morse Associates, Inc.
Henry Price National Renewable Energy Laboratory (SunLab)
William Gould Nexant
Scott Jones Sandia National Laboratories (SunLab)
A review of DOE’s Renewable Energy Programs by the National Research Council in 2000 (Renewable Power
Pathways: A Review of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Renewable Energy Programs, NRC-2000)
recommended that DOE “should limit or halt its R&D on power-tower and power-trough technologies because
further refinements to these concepts will not further their deployment.” Subsequent DOE funding requests for
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology development have been sharply reduced (FY02, FY03) or zero
(FY04). In 2002, DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DOE/EERE) conducted a
Strategic Program Review that, among other things, identified a need for further technical analysis of CSP
R&D. In response, DOE/EERE initiated a review process whereby an independent engineering firm would
conduct a detailed analysis of CSP, which would in turn be reviewed by a second independent NRC panel.
Sargent & Lundy LLC (S&L) was selected by DOE/EERE to conduct this independent “due-diligence-like”
analysis of parabolic trough and power tower solar technology cost and performance. The work by S&L was
done in close collaboration with the National Research Council (NRC) Committee, which was contracted by
DOE/EERE to provide this second level of independent review.
As detailed below, S&L’s analysis of the cost-reduction potential of CSP technology over the next 10–20 years
included the following:
Examination of the current trough and tower baseline technologies that are examples of the next
plants to be built, including a detailed assessment of the cost and performance basis for these
Analysis of the industry projections for technology improvement and plant scale-up out to 2020,
including a detailed assessment of the cost and performance projections for future trough and
tower plants based on factors such as technology R&D progress, economies of scale, economies
of learning resulting from increased deployment, and experience-related O&M cost reductions
resulting from deployments.
Assessment of the level of cost reductions and performance improvements that, based on S&L
experience, are most likely to be achieved, and a financial analysis of the cost of electricity from
such future solar trough and tower plants.
Based on this review, it is S&L’s opinion that CSP technology is a proven technology for energy production,
there is a potential market for CSP technology, and that significant cost reductions are achievable assuming
reasonable deployment of CSP technologies occurs. S&L independently projected capital and O&M costs, from
which the levelized energy costs were derived, based on a conservative approach whereby the technology
improvements are limited to current demonstrated or tested improvements and with a relatively low rate of
deployment (this does not mean that there is no technology development, only that the technologies have been
demonstrated or tested at some scale so that no breakthroughs are required; further scale-up and engineering are
required with associated risks).
The projections for electrical power consumption in the United States and worldwide vary depending on the
study, but there will be a significant increase in installed capacity due to increased demand through 2020.
Trough and tower solar power plants can compete with technologies that provide bulk power to the electric
utility transmission and distribution systems if market entry barriers are overcome:
Market expansion of trough and tower technology will require incentives to reach market
acceptance (competitiveness). Both tower and trough technology currently produce electricity
that is more expensive than conventional fossil-fueled technology. Analysis of incentives
required to reach market acceptance is not within the scope of the report.
Significant cost reductions will be required to reach market acceptance (competitiveness). S&L
focused on the potential of cost reductions with the assumption that incentives will occur to
support deployment through market expansion.
For the more technically aggressive low-cost case, S&L found the National Laboratories’ “SunLab”
methodology and analysis to be credible. The projections by SunLab, developed in conjunction with industry,
are considered by S&L to represent a “best-case analysis” in which the technology is optimized and a high
deployment rate is achieved. The two sets of estimates, by SunLab and S&L, provide a band within which the
costs can be expected to fall. The figure and table below highlight these results, with initial electricity costs in
the range of 10 to 12.6 ¢/kWh and eventually achieving costs in the range of 3.5 to 6.2 ¢/kWh. The specific
values will depend on total capacity of various technologies deployed and the extent of R&D program success.
In the technically aggressive cases for troughs / towers, the S&L analysis found that cost reductions were due to
volume production (26%/28%), plant scale-up (20%/48%), and technological advance (54%/24%).
Figure ES-1 — Levelized Energy Cost Summary
Near Term
2006 2010
Mid Term
2015 2020
Long Term
cents per kWh
S&L - Tower
Sunlab - Tower
Sunlab -Trough
6.2 cents/kWh
4.3 cents/kWh
5.5 cents/kWh
3.5 cents/kWh
Sargent & Lundy allocated cost reduction as follows:
S&L High-Cost
SunLab Low-Cost
Troughs 6.2 cents/kWh 2.8 GWe 4.3 cents/kWh 4.9 GWe
Towers 5.5 cents/kWh 2.6 GWe 3.5 cents/kWh 8.7 GWe
Trough technology is further advanced than tower technology. Trough technology has 354 MW of commercial
generation in operation in the southwestern United States. Tower technology has been successfully
demonstrated with a conceptual and pilot plants (Solar One and Solar Two). Trough technology is a fully mature
technology, and there is low technical and financial risk in developing near-term plants. The long-term
projection has a higher risk due to technology advances needed in thermal storage. The tower technology needs
to proceed from demonstration to commercial development. There is a higher technical and financial risk in
developing a first-of-its-kind commercial plant. The advantage of tower technology is that if commercial
development is successful (e.g., if expected cost and performance targets are achieved), then the levelized
energy cost (LEC) for long-term deployment will be less than for trough technology.
Trough Technology Summary
The cost, performance, and risk of parabolic trough technology are fairly well established by the experience of
the existing operating parabolic trough plants. Based on the data available to S&L, the analysis bounds the
future potential cost of parabolic trough power.
Assuming the technology improvements are limited to current demonstrated or tested
improvements and a deployment of 2.8 GWe of installed capacity by the year 2020 and
successful development of a thermal storage system, trough costs should be able to drop to
approximately 6.2¢/kWh
Assuming the projected technical improvements are achieved by an active R&D program
combined with incentives and deployment of 4.9 GWe, the trough costs projected by Sunlab of
about 4¢/kWh could be acheived.
Trough Technology S&L Base Case
The base case for the S&L trough technology cost estimates is as follows:
Year 2020
Capacity, MWe 400
Capacity Factor, % 56.2%
Capital Cost, $/kW $3,220
Annual O&M Cost, $k $14,129
Levelized Energy Cost (LEC), $/kWh $0.0621
Economic Life 30 yrs
General Inflation 2.5 %
Equity Rate of Return 14%
Cost of Construction 7%
Construction Duration 1 yr.
Investment Tax Credit 10%
Taxes 40.2%
Depreciable Life 5 yrs.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 14%
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) 1.35
Ownership IPP
Differences and Rational for the S&L Trough Technology Projection
The DOE Concentrating Solar Power Program has developed detailed baseline cost and performance data for
the parabolic trough technology. In addition, detailed technology R&D plans specify how these technologies are
expected to change over time. DOE also has established assumed plant deployment forecasts over time. The
S&L due-diligence-like approach used in this study reviewed the technology cost, performance, technology
R&D, and deployment assumptions and identified the areas where the assumptions have not been fully
demonstrated. The S&L review was based on discussions with SunLab, interaction with the CSP industry, input
from other experts, and S&L in-house technical expertise.
Relatively detailed cost and performance data are available from existing operating parabolic trough power
plants. As a result, near-term estimates are relatively close between the SunLab case and the S&L case. In the
longer-term (2020), the S&L projection differs from the SunLab trough cases in several key areas. A more
conservative estimate of improvements in annual solar-to-electric efficiency is used, a less aggressive estimate
in collector cost reductions due to lower expected deployments, and a somewhat higher O&M cost.
The projected levelized energy cost of electricity in 2020 estimated by S&L is 45% higher than the SunLab
case. The main differences and rational for the S&L projections are the following:
The annual solar-to-electric efficiency in the S&L case is lower than the SunLab case for the
following reasons (SunLab 17.2%, S&L 15.5%)
Receiver performance based on demonstrated UVAC technology. Absorption of 94.4%
(SunLab 96%), envelop transmittance of 96.5% (SunLab of 97%), and emittance of 10% at
400C (SunLab 7%).
Mirror reflectivity efficiency was not increased beyond the demonstrated value of 93.5%
(SunLab 95%). Increase would require advanced glass or other reflective membranes.
Mirror cleanliness efficiency was not increased beyond the demonstrated value of 95%
(SunLab 96%). Increase would require new materials and significant enhancements in
cleaning equipment and methods.
The capital cost in the S&L case is 45% higher than the SunLab case for the following reasons.
(SunLab $2,221/kWe, S&L $3,220/kWe)
The lower S&L solar-to-electric efficiency requires a larger solar field to compensate. The
S&L case assume an 11% increase in solar field.
The S&L case assumes a lower deployment 2.8 GWe by 2020 verses the SunLab
deployment assumption of 4.8 GWe. As a result, less production-based learning was
Cost estimates for steam turbines and balance-of-plant costs were estimated by S&L using
the EPRI SOAPP model, compared to S&L’s internal cost database, and adjusted for labor
and productivity rates in the southwestern states. The S&L estimates for steam turbines
were less than SunLab. The S&L estimates for balance-of-plant costs were comparable to
S&L estimated that the engineering, management, and development to be 15% of the
capital cost as compared to SunLab estimate of 7.8%.
Sargent & Lundy’s estimate of the O&M costs is higher than SunLab for the following reasons:
S&L scaled-up the cost of field and vehicle maintenance to account for the increase in field
Raw water cost used by S&L is based on actual cost reports at SEGS of $0.00122 per
gallon ($0.32 per m
). SunLab estimated the cost to be $0.021 per m
, which is about 15
times less than the S&L estimate.
Trough Technology Cost Sensitivity
Variations in the inputs for levelized energy costs were calculated to illustrate the sensitivity to variations.
LEC Variation
Sargent & Lundy Base Case for 2020
Financial Incentives
Impact of Eliminating 5-year MACRS $0.0698 12.5%
Impact of Eliminating 10% Investment Tax Credit
$0.067 7.8%
Replacing ITC with Production Tax Credit of
$0.049 -26.9%
Project Cost
Increasing Cost of Equity by 1% $0.0668 7.7%
Increasing Construction Period to 2 Years $0.0655 5.5%
Increase in Capital Cost by 10% $0.0675 8.8%
Increase in Annual O&M Cost by 20% $0.0635
LEC Variation
Utility Ownership $0.0597
Municipal Utility Ownership $0.0458
Technology & Deployment
Increased Deployment from 2.8 GWe to 4.9 GWe $0.0593
Advanced Technology Case $0.0534
Trough Technology Risk Analysis
The major risk for parabolic trough solar plants to reach market acceptance (competitiveness) is the incentives
that will allow the plant to be competitive with current non-renewable cost of generating power. Assuming
incentives are provided the risk for achieving cost reduction over the next 10 – 20 years is low to average.
The capital cost estimate for the initial deployment was developed by SunLab based on actual costs for the
SEGS plants, detailed cost models developed by industry, and spare part data for the SEGS plant. S&L reviewed
published cost data and updated the information to include the latest cost estimate for receivers from Solel,
mirrors from FlagSol, collector structure costs from EuroTrough and Duke Solar, electrical power generation
system and balance-of-plant costs from the EPRI SOAPP program and S&L’s internal database, and increased
contingencies. The S&L estimate is 15% higher than the SunLab estimate, which is within an acceptable range.
Cost reductions are achieved from technology improvements, economy of scale, and volume production. The
risk of achieving the technology improvements projected by S&L is low based on field-demonstrated
technology at the SEGS plants and ongoing research by Duke Solar, Solel, FlagSol, and others. The one
technology risk element left in the S&L case was the switch to molten-salt heat transfer fluid (HTF), which is
key to driving down future costs. This switch adds some additional risk to the technology. A parametric case is
included that assumes no thermal storage to see the impact of this technology.
Economy of scale is a well-established method of estimating the cost of components of a new size or quantity
from the known cost for a different size or capacity. The risk of achieving the cost improvements projected by
S&L from economy of scale is low based on (a) using well-established scaling factor ratios from industry data
(e.g. balance-of-plant, receivers, and electric power system) or (b) if no data are available, then using scaling
factors slightly more conservative than the industry average. The risk of achieving the cost improvements from
volume production projected by S&L is low based on the cost reduction experience from the SEGS plants.
Key Trough Technology Conclusions
A number of key technology advances will cause near-term trough plants to be a significant improvement over
the SEGS units. These include:
Development of the new Solel UVAC receiver, improving collector field thermal performance
by 20%.
Development of a near-term thermal storage option for troughs by Nexant and SunLab. The
design is likely to be demonstrated at the first trough plant to be built in Spain.
Replacement of flex hoses with ball joint assemblies in the collector field, significantly reducing
HTF pumping parasitics and increasing the potential size of future parabolic trough solar fields.
The development of longer-term, more advanced thermal storage technologies is critical. This path offers the
largest cost reduction potential, as follows.
Integral with advanced thermal storage is the implementation of a higher temperature heat
transfer fluid in the 450°–500°C range. (SunLab and international R&D groups have significant
efforts underway.)
However, increasing trough-operating temperature to 500°C appears to have minimal impact on
the eventual LEC compared to 450°C. This is contrary to earlier conclusions, necessitating a
more detailed assessment in the near future.
Significant cost reductions appear reachable in all three key trough components—structure, receiver, and
reflectors—though brought about by different cost reduction mechanisms.
Concentrator cost reduction will depend largely on size scale-up, production volume, and
increased competition. (Significant industrial efforts are currently in progress by Duke Solar &
Alternative reflector (mirror) options and production volume are projected to drop costs
Achieving an operating temperature of 450°C with current receiver technology appears feasible.
However, the development of a higher performing and more reliable receiver is very important
to achieve SunLab long-term cost and performance goals (labs and industry are addressing this).
O&M procedures are expected to continue downward with scale-up, increasing field experience, and technology
improvements in reliability.
Tower Technology Summary
Because no commercial power tower plants have been built, there is more uncertainty in the cost, performance,
and technical risk of this technology. Based on the data available to S&L, the analysis bounds the future
potential cost of power tower plants.
Assuming the technology improvements are limited to current demonstrated or tested
improvements and a deployment of 2.6 GWe of installed capacity by the year 2020, tower costs
should be able to drop to approximately 5.5¢/kWh
Assuming the projected technical improvements are achieved by an active R&D program
combined with incentives and deployment of 8.7 GWe, the tower costs projected by Sunlab of
about 3.5¢/kWh could be achieved.
Tower Technology S&L Base Case
The base case for the Sargent & Lundy tower technology cost estimates is as follows:
Year 2020
Capacity, MWe 200
Capacity Factor, % 72.9%
Capital Cost, $/kW $3,622
Annual O&M Cost, $k $9,132
Levelized Energy Cost (LEC), $/kWh $0.0547
Economic Life 30 yrs
General Inflation 2.5 %
Equity Rate of Return 14%
Cost of Construction 7%
Construction Duration 1 yr.
Investment Tax Credit 10%
Taxes 40.2%
Depreciable Life 5 yrs.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 14%
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) 1.35
Ownership IPP
Differences and Rational for the S&L Tower Technology Projection
The DOE Concentrating Solar Power Program has developed detailed baseline cost and performance data for
the power tower technology. In addition, detailed technology R&D plans specify how these technologies are
expected to change over time. DOE also has established assumed plant deployment forecasts over time. The
S&L due-diligence-like approach used in this study reviewed the technology cost, performance, technology
R&D, and deployment assumptions and identified the areas where the assumptions have not been fully
demonstrated. The S&L review was based on discussions with SunLab, interaction with the CSP industry, input
from other experts, and S&L in-house technical expertise.
The projected levelized energy costs of electricity in 2020 estimated by S&L are 65% higher than the
projections by SunLab. The main differences and rational for the S&L projections are the following:
Sargent & Lundy did not assume deployment of the advanced high temperature turbine and
heliostats in 2020, whereas the SunLab assumed deployment in 2018.
Sargent & Lundy cost estimate for heliostats, which are about 45% of the total cost, are about
10% higher. The S&L estimate is based on our evaluation of cost estimates prepared by
SunLab, AD Little, Advanced Thermal Systems, Solar Kinetics, and Winsmith.
S&L used a contingency of 10% as compared to SunLab of 5%.
S&L estimated deployment at about 25% of the SunLab estimate to take into consideration
a realistic duration between the first and second deployment and between increases in plant
S&L manufacturing costs are higher as a result of our evaluation
Sargent & Lundy estimated the costs for steam turbines and balance of plant costs using the
EPRI SOAPP model, compared to S&L’s internal cost database and adjusted for labor and
productivity rates in the southwestern states. The S&L estimate for steam turbines were less
than SunLab. The S&L estimates for balance-of-plant costs were higher than SunLab.
The S&L receiver capital costs are based on a cost estimate provided by Boeing. Boeing was
the supplier of the Solar Two receiver and is providing the receiver for Solar Tres.
Sargent & Lundy estimated that the engineering, management, and development to be 15% of
the capital cost as compared to SunLab estimate of 7.8%.
SunLab included a risk pool contingency of 10% for Solar Tres, and S&L concurs with this
value. In addition, S&L included a risk pool contingency of 5% for Solar 50.
S&L included a contingency of 12% for direct costs and 15% for cost reduction, in comparison
to SunLab’s contingency of 7.8%
The efficiency projections by S&L were based on a review of the SunLab Reference Case,
demonstrated efficiencies, design modifications based on lessons learned from Solar Two, and
turbine generator computer model. The main differences are the following:
Mirror reflectivity efficiency was not increased beyond the demonstrated value of 95%.
Increase would require advanced glass or other reflective membranes.
Mirror cleanliness efficiency was not increased beyond the demonstrated value of 95%.
Increase would require new materials and significant enhancements in cleaning equipment
and methods.
Near-term efficiencies were based on the ABB-Brown Boveri heat balance for SEGS IX.
The efficiency for other size units was verified by using the General Electric STGPer
software program.
Efficiency has a direct impact on the size of the collector field. The increase in collector
field area and corresponding increase in capital cost was calculated based on the lower
efficiency estimated by S&L.
S&L estimate of the O&M costs is higher than SunLab for the following reasons:
S&L scaled-up the cost of field and vehicle maintenance to account for the increase in field
S&L assumed that the average burdened rate would not decrease between Solar 100 and
Solar 220.
Raw water cost used by S&L is based on actual cost reports at SEGS of $0.00122 per
gallon ($0.32 per m
). SunLab estimated the cost to be $0.021 per m
), which is about 15
times less than the S&L estimate.
S&L included a 10% contingency.
Tower Technology Cost Sensitivity
Variations in the inputs for levelized energy costs were calculated to illustrate the sensitivity to variations.
LEC Variation
S&L Base Case for 2020
Financial Incentives
Impact of Eliminating 5-year MACRS $0.0614 12.3%
Impact of Eliminating 10% Investment Tax Credit
$0.0590 7.8%
Replacing ITC with Production Tax Credit of
$0.0410 -30.5%
LEC Variation
Project Cost
Increasing Cost of Equity by 1% $0.0588 7.6%
Increasing Construction Period to 2 Years $0.0577 5.4%
Increase in Capital Cost by 10% $0.0595 8.7%
Increase in Annual O&M Cost by 20% $0.0561
Utility Ownership $0.0526
Municipal Utility Ownership $0.0406
Technology & Deployment
Increased Deployment from 2.6 GWe to 8.7 GWe $0.0524
Advanced Technology Case with Advanced
Heliostat and High Temperature Turbine-
Generator (from 16.5% to 17.4%)
Worst Case Efficiency (from 16.5% to 14.6%) $0.0590
Tower Technology Risk Analysis
The major risk for tower solar plants to reach market acceptance (competitiveness) is the incentives that will
allow the plant to be competitive with current non-renewable cost of generating power. Assuming incentives are
provided, the risk for achieving cost reduction over the next 10–20 years is low to average.
The capital cost estimate for the initial deployment was developed by SunLab based on actual costs for Solar
Two, the Central Receiver Utility Studies, the AD Little heliostat detailed cost estimate, detailed heliostat design
from ATS, and industry data. S&L reviewed published cost data and updated the information to include the
latest cost estimate for receivers from Boeing, electrical power generation system and balance-of-plant costs
from the EPRI SOAPP program and S&L’s internal database, and increased contingencies. The S&L estimate is
15% higher than the SunLab estimate, which is within an acceptable range.
Cost reductions are achieved from technology improvements, economy of scale, and volume production. The
risk of achieving the technology improvements projected by S&L is low based on demonstrated technology,
design enhancements from lessons learned during Solar Two, improved advances in control technology since
Solar Two, and ongoing research by Boeing. Economy of scale is a well-established method of estimating the
cost of components of a new size or quantity from the known cost for a different size or capacity. The risk of
achieving the cost improvements projected by S&L from economy of scale is low based on (a) using well-
established scaling factor ratios from industry data (e.g. balance of plant, receivers, and electric power system)
or (b) if no data are available, then using scaling factors slightly more conservative than the industry average.
The risk of achieving the cost improvements from volume production projected by S&L is low based on using a
progress ratio of 0.97, which is at the upper end of published data. Various studies on learning curves from
actual data suggest a progress ratio of 0.82 for development of photovoltaics and 0.95 for development of wind
Key Tower Technology Conclusions
Solar plant and power plant scale-up provide the largest cost reduction opportunity for power tower
Scale-up of the tower solar plant requires a total redesign and re-optimization of the field,
tower, and receiver. This greatly reduces capital and O&M costs, but has only a small effect on
efficiency. R&D support in the design, development, and testing of larger receivers, larger
heliostats, and larger heliostat fields will reduce scale-up risk.
Scale-up of the steam turbine increases efficiency, and reduces capital and O&M costs.
Probability of success here is very high, as no development is required until high-efficiency
supercritical steam turbines become available (2020).
Key technical advances include increasing receiver solar flux levels, development of new heliostat designs with
significantly lower costs, and the use of new highly efficient steam turbines.
Increased receiver flux levels have been demonstrated at the prototype scale and require
improved heliostat field flux monitoring/management systems and design optimization for use
at large plants.
Revolutionary heliostat designs with significantly lower cost have been proposed that use
flexible, durable thin mirrors with a lower-weight ‘stretched-membrane’ design that can be
manufactured in high volumes. Other novel designs like inflatable/rolling heliostats are also
High-efficiency supercritical steam turbines are now being demonstrated that operate at
temperatures compatible with current tower technology or at temperatures that require
increasing the operating temperature of the tower technology to 600°–650°C.
The major volume manufacturing benefit evaluated for tower technology was related to heliostats.
Heliostat cost reduction will occur when they are produced at high volume. Sargent & Lundy’s
evaluation of the current heliostat design and cost indicated that cost should decrease 3% with
each doubling of cumulative capacity. This would reduce the cost of a field of 148 m
from $148/m
to $94/m
The draft report of the S&L “due-diligence-like” analysis of parabolic trough and power tower solar technology
cost and performance was reviewed the National Research Council Committee. The results of the NRC review
were published in “Critique of the Sargent & Lundy Assessment of Cost and Performance Forecasts for
Concentrating Solar Power.” The NRC Committee recommended several methodological approaches for S&L
to follow, identified areas for further investigation by S&L, and critically reviewed the S&L findings.
Much of the NRC critique of the S&L analysis centered around assumed rates of deployment and incentive
issues. Deployment and incentive issues were outside the scope of work for S&L. As noted by the NRC: “The
committee notes that CSP technology is not unique in the requirement for incentivizing the early market phases
of emerging energy technologies” (NRC, page 11). “The committee notes the extensive reports and study
literature on these issues cited by S&L, including DOE/EERE’s own August 2002 Report to Congress on the
Feasibility of 1,000 Megawatts of Solar Power in the Southwest by 2006…” (NRC, page 11). DOE noted in
their presentations to the NRC and S&L that because such studies were available, DOE’s primary concern, and
the reason for this study, was to determine the potential technical feasibility of CSP. Nevertheless, there are
several deployment issues worth considering. First, the “chicken-and-egg” (NRC, page 15) problem of driving
down costs by deploying technologies, but facing high initial costs that impede deployment, is true of all energy
technologies, not just CSP. Second, as noted by the NRC and S&L, incentives are a key determinant of the rate
at which CSP, or any new energy technology, penetrates the market. Evaluating this lies well outside the
technical analysis requested of S&L. Third, the level of deployment identified by S&L is modest, at about
2.8 GW by 2020. The NRC also noted that “The SunLab deployment scenarios evaluated by S&L represent a
range from a modest rate of adding one 100 MWe plant per year (the first becoming operational in 2004) to an
aggressive approach that would result in almost 5,000 MWe of new capacity by 2020” (NRC, page 5). To place
this in context, the wind industry added 1,700 MW of new capacity in the U.S. in 2001 alone.
The main NRC findings that support the S&L study are the following:
1. The NRC committee believed that a plausible estimate of levelized energy cost would lie somewhere
between S&L’s and Sunlab’s projections in 2020.
“Based on the level of uncertainty that is inherently present in projecting these deployment rates
and technology advances, a more plausible estimate would lie somewhere between the two
projections (S&L’s and SunLab’s) in 2020. However, if deployment does not proceed at the
assumed rate, the projected LEC could be much higher than either of these estimates.” (NRC
page 6)
2. The NRC committee agreed with S&L on a number of its technical findings.
“Since 1999, significant progress has been made in understanding the potential impacts of
thermal storage technologies, thin film glass mirrors, improved heat collection units, improved
trough support structures, and other technical opportunities to improve CSP technology.” (NRC
Page 4)
“The committee agrees with S&L’s identification of key technology components for increasing
the performance of trough systems to lower costs.” (NRC, page 6)
The committee has a high confidence in the estimate for power block cost reductions that will
result in increasing plant sizes. (NRC, pages 7 and 8)
“The committee believes that S&L did a reasonable job of assessing the improvements in
annual tower efficiency of power plant progression.…” (NRC, page 7)
“It is anticipated that industry R&D will deliver the technical advances appropriate for
receivers.” (NRC, page 9)
“S&L appears to have done a reasonable job of assessing the design and capital cost potential
for systems based on a near-term (or demonstrated) technologies.” (NRC, page 8)
The NRC committee agreed with S&L’s methods and review of the O&M costs. (NRC, page 5
and 9)
3. The NRC committee agreed with S&L that policy-based incentives are needed for initial introduction of
technologies and that both R&D and deployment of technology are necessary.
4. The committee agreed that S&L’s selection of the base case economic parameters are reasonable, but did
not ‘sufficiently examine the effect of uncertainties (NRC, page 5). S&L concurs with the NRC and has
included expanded sensitivity analysis in the final report.
5. The NRC committee found that S&L was not biased and provided a creditable process within the constraints
of time and the information available. Furthermore, the NRC committee stated that S&L did reasonable job
assimilating information within time and resource constraints.
“…that S&L took any potential conflict of interest very seriously and made a concerted effort to
address and avoid it. No obvious example of bias was apparent in S&L’s interpretation of the
available data nor was there any deliverate omission of pertinent facts. If anything, the S&L
analysis was more conservative than SunLab’s estimates in assessing areas like time to develop
new materials or power conversion technologies.” (NRC, page 18)
“…that S&L attempted to maintain a credible process by filling in the gaps in its knowledge
base with the advice of world-recognized experts.” (NRC, page 18)
The main NRC committee recommendations to S&L are the following:
1. The NRC committee asked for a risk assessment. The S&L final report has been modified to include a risk
assessment section per NRC recommendations.
2. The NRC committee asked for additional sensitivity analysis. The S&L final report has been modified to
include an expanded sensitivity analysis per NRC recommendations.
3. The NRC committee asked for clarification of the differences and rational for the S&L cost estimate. The
S&L final report has been modified to include a comparison summary of the differences in the executive
4. The NRC committee would have preferred a bottoms-up cost analysis. This study was never intended to
provide a bottoms-up cost assessment. Unfortunately time and budgets did not allow for this type of cost
analysis. Instead, a typical financial review was conducted to assess the validity of the existing data.
A considerable portion of the NRC’s critique was focused on the S&L scope of work, not results of our review
as documented in the report. Sargent & Lundy had a defined scope of work for this project, which was clearly
identified in our contract. Most of the areas identified by the NRC as a critique to the S&L Report are in fact
critiques of the defined work scope. The most significant areas identified by the NRC, which were not in our
scope of work, are the following:
The type or value of incentives needed to reach market acceptance. Our report clearly identifies
that this was not part of the work scope and is one of the most significant market entry barriers
to overcome.
The S&L projection of deployment is ‘not creditable’. The scope of work did not include a
market analysis, which would be required to provide a deployment projection. One of the key
drivers for deployment is overcoming market entry barriers, in particular incentives. As
previously mentioned, incentives are needed, but the political climate and assessment of
whether or when incentives would become available require significant review not considered
within our scope.
Power generation market. The S&L draft report issued September 2002 included a discussion of
power generation markets, including geography, access to established power grids,
environmental restrictions or incentives, and taxes. Subsequently, due to a tight schedule and
because such work had already been done elsewhere, the DOE directed that the scope of work
not include an evaluation of the power generation market and associated issues.
The S&L report did not include a bottoms-up cost estimate. Our scope of work was an
independent review of the cost estimates developed by SunLab for trough and tower
technology. It is typical for due diligence or due diligence-like reviews to perform an
independent assessment of cost estimates and documentation provided for our review and to
point out areas where the estimates may be inaccurate. Typically, this type of review does not
include an independent bottoms-up cost estimate. Instead, S&L drew heavily from industry
experience, vendor quotes, and other sources rather than recreate all this analysis on its own.
Sargent & Lundy agrees that the recommended expanded scope proposed by the NRC provides additional value
to the DOE. However, we believe the methodology used by S&L stands on its own as a credible assessment of
the status and potential of parabolic trough and power tower technologies. Sargent & Lundy’s response to the
more significant findings in the NRC critique is included in Appendix I.
Several years ago, the National Research Council (NRC) issued a report (Hubbard 2000) recommending that the
Department of Energy (DOE) should “limit or halt its research and development on power-tower and power-
trough technologies because further refinements would not lead to deployment.” Unfortunately, the report
provided no analysis or description of the various advanced technology options, their costs, or their associated
technical risks that the NRC considered in arriving at these conclusions.
To examine the possible factors contributing to the NRC recommendations, the DOE had the Concentrating
Solar Power (CSP) Program (which provides funding for trough and tower research and development) peer
reviewed in the fall of 2001. This review concluded that “the CSP Program can play an important role in
catalyzing further CSP technology advances, which will further improve CSP economics and market
penetration” (Tester 2001).
In order to resolve the differing conclusions between the NRC report and the Peer Review, and in accordance
with its own strategic program review recommendations, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable
Energy (EERE), a part of the DOE, contracted Sargent & Lundy (S&L) to conduct a “due diligence-like”
analysis of both trough and tower technologies and to have the results of the “due diligence” analysis reviewed
by a new panel assembled by the NRC.
The objective of this evaluation was to assess the cost-reduction potential of CSP technology over the next 10 to
20 years. The analysis proceeded along the following steps:
1. Examination of the current trough and tower baseline technologies that are examples of the
next plants to be built, including a detailed assessment of the cost and performance basis for
these plants.
2. Analysis of the industry projections for technology improvement and plant scale-up out to
2020, including a detailed assessment of the cost and performance projections for future
trough and tower plants based on factors such as technology research and development (R&D)
progress, economies of scale, economies of learning resulting from increased deployment, and
experience-related operation and maintenance (O&M) cost reductions resulting from
3. Assessment of the level of cost reductions and performance improvements that, based on S&L
experience, are most likely to be achieved, and a financial analysis of the cost of electricity
from such future solar trough and tower plants.
Sargent & Lundy, with technical support from its expert consultants, reviewed available information and data to
make our independent assessment. The detailed review was performed by S&L, with only technical input from
our consultants, so that we maintain as much independence as possible from the industry and from our expert
Sargent & Lundy is not an active participant in the solar market. However, our experience includes design of the
power block and civil/structural portions for the Solar Electric Generating Station (SEGS) VIII and IX in 1988–
1989. Any future involvement in CSP plants would entail a similar scope (design of the power block and
civil/structural portions). S&L’s core competence is as an architect-engineer and designer for the power block.
Although we may be a participant in the project, our independence is maintained since any work would be a
small portion of our overall business.
Sargent & Lundy received and organized data from the DOE, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), and members of the CSP industry. These data included technology
assessments and supporting studies for troughs and towers.
The first meeting with the NRC panel to discuss the work approach and agree on the focus of the work scope
occurred on August 12, 2002. Before the meeting, S&L, with approval from NREL, proceeded with the review
based on our contractual work scope. Among the technical experts within the industry from whom we received
guidance, including support on a subcontract basis, were Dave Kearney for Trough Technology and Pat
DeLaquil for Tower Technology.
The work scope was modified during the first NRC meeting to focus on cost reductions and technology
improvements. S&L’s scope of work included “estimate the expected competitiveness of these technologies
(CSP) in peaking, cycling, and baseload applications for operation as grid-connected generators, comparing CSP
technologies with other technologies commercially used for such service today (e.g. combined-cycle natural gas
fired power plants).” S&L had completed considerable work in this area before the August 12, 2002 meeting.
The DOE stated that it was not the intent, nor should it be the intent, to include this in the work scope. The
analysis of competing technologies will be addressed separately by the DOE. S&L’s evaluation or assessment
focused on cost reduction, improvements in technology and financial analysis of levelized energy cost (LEC).
Our evaluation review was based on our examination of relevant data, technical assistance from our
subcontractors, our experience in the power industry and due diligence process, and industry input. The
evaluation review is an independent evaluation of the reasonableness and feasibility that cost reductions and
technology improvements can be achieved based on available information and our experience. The evaluation
review does not include detailed engineering or detailed bottom-up cost estimates.
Sargent & Lundy issued the final draft report ‘Assessment of Parabolic Trough and Power Tower Solar
Technology Cost and Performance Forecasts’ in October 2002. The National Research Council (NRC)
Committee for the Review of a Technology Assessment of Solar Power Energy Systems reviewed the report.
The results of the NRC review were published in ‘Critique of the Sargent & Lundy Assessment of Cost and
Performance Forecasts for Concentrating Solar Power’ dated October 12, 2002. S&L was authorized by NREL
to update the report to expand the executive summary to provide more information as suggested by the NRC and
perform additional sensitivity analysis. S&L response to the NRC issues and observations are included in
Appendix I.
A summary of the methodology for performing this evaluation is provided in this section. A detailed discussion
of the methodology and example is included in Appendix B.
1.3.1 Data Collection
Sargent & Lundy received relevant documents from NREL and SNL for our independent review. During the
review process, additional documents were gathered from industry sources, the Internet, and our internal S&L
library. The list of documents is included in Appendix A.
1.3.2 Review of SunLab Cost Model
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the SunLab cost model and determined that the SunLab cost model approach and
methodology is reasonable. The SunLab cost model was developed based on industry cost data and engineering
evaluation. S&L evaluated the assumptions in the SunLab cost model: efficiency improvements, capital cost for
the near-term deployment, and cost reductions through the year 2020. The review of cost reductions included
technology improvements, increase in the size of the plant (scale-up), and production volume.
The cost model was compared to S&L’s internal cost database, as appropriate (e.g., turbine, equipment, and
commodities such as steel prices).
Differences between the SunLab and S&L cost estimates were a result of different assumptions. For example,
S&L increased the duration between the deployment of the next generation plant from 1 year to 2 years to
account for lessons learned and an adequate time for steady-state operation. The differences in assumptions are
identified in the main body of the report.
1.3.3 Technical Improvements
Projected technical improvements that reduce costs by improving plant efficiency or by reducing initial capital
costs were evaluated with respect to probability of the improvement and the estimated magnitude of cost
reduction. The projected technical improvements investigated were those identified in the SunLab models, and
the probability and magnitude of cost reductions are based on data from DOE, NREL, SNL, and members of the
CSP industry, including technology assessments and supporting studies for troughs and towers.
1.3.4 Economy of Scale
Economy of scale was used, as appropriate; to estimate or evaluate cost estimates for components. Scaling
factors were used to estimate the cost of a new size or capacity from the known cost for a different size or
1.3.5 Volume Production (Volume and Learning Curve)
Experience curves define how unit costs decrease with cumulative production. The specific characteristics of the
experience curve are that the cost declines by a constant percentage with each doubling of the total number of
units produced (Neij 1997).
Many of the previous studies that assessed the cost reduction potential for tower and trough technologies based
their findings on experience curves (World Bank 1999). As pointed out in the Teagan report (2001), “the review
documents do not make a strong case that the cost of technologies (particularly the solar field) can be reduced to
a point that they approach economic viability….” His primary example was the collector field: “the ‘learning
curve’ arguments put forth lack sufficient backup to be credible given the fact that the materials of construction
are already commodities and the fabrication techniques, for the most part standard.” He also stated that he
believed cost reductions are likely “via a combination of ‘learning curve’ and technology refinement.” In
response, S&L performed a thorough review of the cost reduction potential for heliostats. Heliostat cost
reduction potential is more difficult to estimate since it is not based on actual costs of significant volume,
whereas trough costs and the cost reductions are known based on actual SEGS construction data and recent costs
for replacement during operations and maintenance. Our detailed evaluation of cost reduction potential is
provided in Appendix E.5.
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the engineering assumptions, industry data, and studies that constitute the basis of
the SunLab Cost Model for the major cost drivers. The review was not based on just applying an experience
curve, but an engineering review. We reviewed the assumptions and made adjustments as deemed appropriate
based on our experience. We calculated the progress ratio and compared it to actual experience curves from
other industries. The calculated progress ratio value was then used to determine estimated costs for a range of
1.3.6 Operation and Maintenance Costs
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the SunLab cost model against interviews and actual data provided to us during a
site visit to Kramer Junction and our knowledge and internal database of O&M costs for electric power plants.
We reviewed the SunLab assumptions and made adjustments as appropriate based on our experience and
information provided by Kramer Junction.
1.3.7 Financial Modeling Analysis Methodology
The financial model used for developing generating costs is a spreadsheet pro forma financial model of the type
used in competitive industry to support power project planning and financing. S&L regularly reviews such
models as part of our due diligence practice, working with lenders and investors in project financing. In some
cases we also support project developers by writing and maintaining such models for them.
The main analysis engine is a standard income statement that includes calculations of energy production,
revenues, operation and maintenance expenses, fuel expenses, depreciation, insurance, property taxes, interest,
investment tax credit, and income tax. The investment tax credit for solar technologies is represented. Once
after-tax income was determined in the income statement, depreciation was added back and payback of debt
principal was subtracted to obtain cash available for dividends. The dividend stream and equity investment into
the project was combined to compute the equity internal rate of return for the project. All evaluations were done
on a lifetime $/MWh evaluated cost basis, covering 30 years of service.
2.1.1 System Description
The collector field in the trough technology
consists of a large field of single-axis tracking
parabolic trough solar collectors, as shown on the
illustration to the right. The solar field is modular
and is composed of many parallel rows of solar
collectors aligned on a north-south horizontal
axis. Each solar collector has a linear parabolic-
shaped reflector that focuses the sun’s direct beam
radiation on a linear receiver located at the focus
of the parabola. The collectors track the sun from
east to west during the day to ensure that the sun
is continuously focused on the linear receiver. A heat transfer fluid (HTF) is heated as it circulates through the
receiver and returns to a series of heat exchangers in the power block where the fluid is used to generate high-
pressure superheated steam. The superheated steam is then fed to a conventional reheat steam turbine/generator
to produce electricity. The spent steam from the turbine is condensed in a standard condenser and returned to the
heat exchangers via condensate and feedwater pumps to be transformed back into steam. After passing through
the HTF side of the solar heat exchangers, the cooled HTF is recirculated through the solar field. Figure 2-1 is a
process flow diagram for the trough technology.
Figure 2-1 — Process Flow Diagram for Trough Technology
2.1.2 Current Experience
Parabolic trough technology is currently the most proven of the solar thermal electric technologies. The success
of this technology is primarily indicated by the operation of nine large commercial-scale solar power plants, the
first of which has been operating in the California Mojave Desert since 1984 (SEGS I). These plants, which
continue to operate daily, range in size from 14 to 80 megawatts (MW) and represent a total of 354 MW of
installed electric generating capacity. SEGS gross production for 1985 to 2001 was 8,305,477 MWh.
2.2.1 System Description
Solar power towers generate electric power
from sunlight by focusing concentrated
solar radiation on a tower-mounted heat
exchanger (receiver). The system uses
hundreds to thousands of sun-tracking
mirrors called heliostats to reflect the
incident sunlight onto the receiver (see
illustration to the right). These plants are
best suited for utility-scale applications in
the 30- to 400-MWe
ranges. In a molten-salt solar power tower, liquid salt at 290°C (554°F) is pumped from a
“cold” storage tank through the receiver where it is heated to 565°C (1,049°F) and then on to a “hot” tank for
storage. When power is needed from the plant, hot salt is pumped to a steam generating system that produces
superheated steam for a conventional Rankine-cycle turbine/generator system. From the steam generator, the
salt is returned to the cold tank where it is stored and eventually reheated in the receiver. Figure 2-2 is a molten
salt power tower system schematic diagram.
Figure 2-2 — Molten-Salt Power Tower System Schematic
(Solar Two, baseline configuration)
2.2.2 Current Experience
To date, the largest power towers ever built are the 10-MWe Solar One and Solar Two plants in southern
California. Although power towers are commercially less mature than parabolic trough systems, a number of
component and experimental systems have been field tested around the world in the last 15 years, demonstrating
the engineering feasibility and economic potential of the technology.
The Solar One Pilot plant was an important step in the development of power tower technology and operated
from 1982 to 1988. After the initial startup (test and evaluation) phase, Solar One operated reliably.
The goals of the redesigned demonstration plant, called Solar Two, were to validate nitrate salt technology, to
reduce the technical and economic risk of power towers, and to stimulate the commercialization of power tower
technology. Solar Two succeeded in meeting these objectives and has led to the formation of a
commercialization consortia to build the first commercial power tower plant, Solar Tres, in Spain. Solar Two
produced 10 MW of electricity with enough thermal storage to continue to operate the turbine at full capacity for
3 hours after the sun has set, proving the ability to dispatch to meet peak utility loads. Solar Two also
demonstrated continuous operation for nearly a week, frequently at part-load output.
2.3.1 Hybrid
Many solar-fossil hybrid options are possible with natural gas combined-cycle and coal-fired or oil-fired
Rankine plants, and may accelerate near-term deployment of projects due to improved economics and reduced
overall project risk. One opportunity for hybrid integration is with a power tower hybridized with a combined-
cycle plant. In this power boost hybrid plant, a solar-only plant has, in effect, been “piggybacked” on top of a
base-loaded fossil-fueled plant. Power is produced in the gas turbine (fossil only) and from the steam turbine
(fossil and solar). Steam from the solar steam generator is blended with fossil steam from the heat recovery
steam generator (HRSG) before entering a steam turbine.
In the power boost hybrid plant, additional electricity is produced by over sizing the steam turbine, contained
within a coal-fired Rankine plant or the bottoming portion of a combined-cycle plant, so that it can operate on
both full fossil and solar energy when solar is available. Studies of this concept have typically oversized the
steam turbine from 25% to 50% beyond what the turbine can produce in the fossil-only mode. Oversizing
beyond this range is not recommended because the thermal-to-electric conversion efficiency will degrade at the
partial loads associated with operating in the fuel-only mode.
When hybridizing a solar power tower with a base-load fossil-fired plant, solar contributes about 25% of the
peak power output from the plant and between 10% and 25% of the annual electricity. (The higher annual solar
fraction can be achieved with 13 hours of thermal storage and the lower solar fraction with just a few hours of
2.3.2 Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System (ISCCS)
The Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System (ISCCS) was initially proposed as a way of integrating a
parabolic trough solar plant with modern combined-cycle power plants. The approach reduces the effective cost
of the conventional power plant equipment, leveraging O&M and project development costs over a much larger
plant and potentially increasing the solar-to-electric conversion efficiency. The initial concept was simply to
increase the size of the steam turbine, use solar energy to generate steam, and use the waste heat from the gas
turbine to preheat and superheat the steam. The general concept called for doubling the size of the steam turbine
in the bottoming cycle. The ISCCS plant would operate at the combined-cycle output during non-solar periods,
and then output would increase by up to one third when solar energy was available (referred to as the solar
increment). However if the combined-cycle plant is operated in a baseload operating profile, the annual solar
fraction (percent of electric generation from solar) will only be about 10%. In addition, detailed design
integration issues must be considered to make sure the solar integration does not have a significant impact on the
combined-cycle fossil operation. A number of recent studies have looked at the best approaches for this
integration. ISCCS plants are being considered for all four of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) grant
projects (India, Egypt, Morocco, and Mexico). Figure 2-3 shows a process flow schematic of a parabolic trough
ISCCS plant concept.
Figure 2-3 — Scheme of an ISCCS power plant with a dual-pressure-reheat steam cycle and
the usage of solar energy to replace latent heat of evaporation in the high pressure part
Source: Price et al. (2002)
By charter, this report addresses trough and tower technologies and focuses on Rankine cycle power generation
at temperatures in the range of 350°–550°C, as currently being pursued by U.S. industry and the CSP program.
For completeness, we have also included here some high-level information on other options, namely variants of
trough and tower technology that are being pursued by international competitors, as well as other options for
future applications of large-scale CSP technology. This information was supplied by SunLab and has not been
verified by S&L.
2.4.1 Advanced Tower Technology
One idea under consideration for future power tower technology is an advanced receiver that is capable of
efficiently heating air to gas-turbine temperatures (>1,400°C/2,552°F) and pressures (>1,500 kPa) in
conjunction with a high-temperature phase-change thermal storage system. If this can be achieved, large solar-
only plants with a combined-cycle power block efficiency of 60% or more might be achieved. In addition, as
receiver temperatures exceed 800°C (1,832°F), thermo-chemical approaches to hydrogen generation could be
exploited using solar power towers. Another interesting option is the thermo-chemical production of syngas by
reforming methane. Since existing natural gas pipelines can accept about 10% hydrogen content, this concept
could be used before the development of a hydrogen infrastructure. A CSP plant located in the desert could
effectively convert 10% of the downstream gas appliances (water heaters, stoves, industrial equipment, etc.) into
“solar-powered” appliances without needing to have any solar facilities on site. Significant research would
certainly be required to develop these concepts, and they have not been reviewed by S&L as part of this study.
2.4.2 Current International Development Directions
Internationally, trough or tower technology development, along with related project development, is being
aggressively pursued in Germany, Spain, Italy, Israel, and South Africa. While international trough technology
is fundamentally the same as that in the United States, there are some differences. European partners (with
significant funding from the European Union (EU), national and state programs) have developed and
extensively tested a prototype of a competing trough structure (EuroTrough) that will begin full-scale prototype
testing at the Kramer Junction solar plant in California in the spring of 2003. Germany and Spain are pursuing
steam as a high-temperature working fluid in addition to near-term development based on the same heat transfer
oil as used here in the United States. Trough receiver development includes advances by Solel in Israel (which
would be implemented by U.S. industry as well); development by the EU (through Germany and Spain) of a
completely new heat collection elements (HCE), including an advanced selective surface capable of operation at
the temperatures of their steam working fluid (up to 550°C); and a new effort by Schott Rohrglas to develop an
entire HCE product. A German/Spanish consortium is in the final stages of planning for two commercial
50-MW trough plants in Spain. Italy has a major new program ($100M) focused on troughs with a molten salt
working fluid, to allow both higher temperatures and better integration with storage. Both activities plan to use
the Solar Two-proven molten salt technology for storage.
South Africa has extensively assessed both trough and tower technology and recently selected U.S. tower
technology (with extensive in-country content and manufacturing) for a 100-MW proposed project. However, in
Europe and Israel, tower technology has evolved quite differently. The Europeans (specifically, the Germans
and Spanish) have focused on systems using air as the working fluid. The near-term application pulls air at
atmospheric pressure through a porous metal or ceramic mesh (the so-called volumetric receiver concept)
illuminated by the heliostat field, generating temperatures of about 700°C, ultimately for use in steam generation
at 550°C for Rankine cycles (identical to current U.S. molten-salt system Rankine temperatures). The Europeans
have investigated rock and ceramic packed-bed storage options that, while not nearly as efficient as two-tank
molten salt systems, have continued to drop in cost through the development process, although they have not yet
achieved the costs of molten salt systems. A Spanish/German consortium plans to use this technology in the
10-MW PS10 project, which was expected to begin construction in Southern Spain in late 2002 or early 2003.
Because 700°C is a relatively conservative temperature limit for this technology (there are no temperature limits
on air, and ceramic receivers of this design can go to much higher temperatures), temperature increases to
accommodate advanced steam turbines operating above 600°C are relatively straightforward.
To expand options further, the Germans are also aggressively investigating pressurized volumetric receiver
concepts using quartz windows, reflective secondary concentrators, and ceramic mesh absorbers capable of
operating at several atmospheres and temperatures of 900°–1,200°C. The quartz windows limit the size of each
receiver, so they are packed into hexagonal arrays (the secondary concentrators have a hexagonal entrance
aperture) to achieve higher power levels. Individual receiver elements have been successfully demonstrated over
the past 10 years, and they are currently testing the first multi-module array (Sugarman et al. 2002). If
successful, this technology will ultimately open options for coupling to higher-efficiency Brayton cycles or
combined cycles. There are, of course, many technical challenges to this receiver concept (in the secondary
reflectors, the windows, and the ceramic mesh durability), and commercial implementation is still quite a few
years away, at best. Nonetheless, DOE/SunLab follows the European development closely and considers this
technology credible. For a variety of reasons (see advanced applications below), DOE/SunLab has conducted
preliminary development in this area in the past, with those investigations ultimately being terminated due to
budget restrictions, not a lack of technology promise.
The Israelis have carried this concept one step further, proposing to put a large hyperbolic secondary reflector on
top of a tower to “beam down” the concentrated solar energy to ground level (Yogev et al. 1998). This would
theoretically allow more options for the high-temperature receiver and coupling of the high-temperature air
working fluid to a Brayton cycle or other application. They have successfully demonstrated (without the beam-
down mirror) pressurized air volumetric receiver operation at temperatures above 1,200°C (Kribus 2001). They
are currently testing a 700-kW beam-down experiment on the tower at the Weizmann Institute of Technology
solar power tower test facility. The higher precision required for the heliostat field, as well as thermal and wind
loads on the tower-mounted secondary mirror, have limited success to date. This technology likely has years of
development ahead, if indeed it will ever be feasible.
2.4.3 Long-Term CSP Advanced Applications Options
Over the last dozen years or so, budget restrictions in the U.S. CSP program have limited the focus to near-term
electric power generation options. Since power generation is the simplest interface for CSP technologies and
since low-cost, reliable concentrators will be needed for any advanced applications, this continues to be the most
productive approach with limited budgets. However, there are a number of potential, long-term applications that
take advantage of the high-temperature capabilities of tower technology. These include not only the higher
temperature (and thus more efficient) Rankine and Brayton electric power cycles discussed above, but also a
range of solar chemistry applications that could potentially make CSP a major source of energy in the fuels and
chemicals sector.
For example, the DOE has successfully demonstrated the thermo-catalytic reforming of natural gas and other
organics with steam or carbon dioxide (at temperatures of 800°–900°C). The Israelis, Swiss, Germans, and
Australians continue to develop this technology today. In this approach, a tower uses reactors similar to the
closed volumetric receivers described above, except that a rhodium or another catalyst is dispersed on the
surface of the ceramic mesh, directly absorbing the solar energy to produce syngas, hydrogen, and carbon
monoxide (Moller et al. 2002). In an open-loop system, the syngas can be further hydrogen enriched via a water-
gas shift reaction for several possible applications, including hydrogen production for other uses, including
direct combustion, or further conversion to methanol for liquid fuel use. In a closed-loop system, the syngas can
be stored (effectively chemically storing solar energy for longer periods than thermal storage) or transported
over distances up to a hundred kilometers for process heat or power generation via the reverse reaction
(methanation), in which the syngas is converted back to methane for reuse in the solar reactor.
With their high-temperature capabilities, towers (and CSP dish technology) can also be used to drive a number
of thermochemical, hydrogen production cycles that operate at 800°C and higher. For example, towers could
“fuel” the following thermochemical cycles: the sulfur-iodine cycle currently being investigated by the nuclear
industry for powering by a nuclear high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR); the Zn/ZnO cycle under
intensive study in Switzerland and Israel (Wieckert et al. 2002); U.S. activity in methane decomposition (Dahl et
al. 2002); and other high-temperature, solar thermal decomposition reactions. While CSP can theoretically
generate the temperatures required for hydrogen production by direct water splitting, theory is a long way from
practice in both receiver design and separation technology. Nonetheless, high-temperature electrolysis (where a
portion of the electrical energy needed for electrolysis is offset by high-temperature thermal energy) is
considered feasible in the long term and has been investigated at a variety of institutions.
Finally, technology advancements in the last 20 years have been dramatic (e.g., computers, communications,
and biotechnology) and have been characterized by unforeseen developments in other areas of research. It is not
unreasonable to expect that, over the course of the next 20 years, we will see advancements not now anticipated
in areas such as materials research that could have a significant impact on CSP technology.
The projections for electrical power consumption in the United States and worldwide vary depending on the
study, but there will be a significant increase in installed capacity due to increased demand through 2020.
Trough and tower solar power plants will compete with technologies that provide bulk power to the electric
utility transmission and distribution systems. The following market entry barriers are the most significant to
Market expansion of trough and tower technology will require incentives to reach market
acceptance (competitive). Incentives include environmental (CO
emission credits), favorable
tax credits, favorable peak energy tariff, premium consumer pricing, loan guarantees, low
interest loans, and grants. Both tower and trough technology currently produce electricity that is
more expensive than conventional fossil-fueled technology. Analysis of incentives required to
reach market acceptance is not within the scope of the report.
Significant cost reductions will be required to reach market acceptance (competitive). Cost
reductions occur from technical improvements, increase in plant size (scaling), and volume
production (learning curves). This report focuses on the potential of cost reductions with the
assumption that incentives will occur that will support deployment through market expansion.
There are several recent studies that discuss the market for CSP technology (Teagan 2001; World Bank 1999;
EERE 2002). A number of international and national project developments for commercial or commercial-entry
trough or tower power plants typically in the capacity range of 15 MWe to 100 MWe are being pursued by the
industry. These entry opportunities largely arise from activities of the Global Environment Facility,
nations and U.S. programs on Renewable Portfolio Standards, or other incentives to encourage renewable
energy systems.
A summary of the current market is as follows:
Global Environmental Facility. The Global Environmental Facility (GEF) has identified CSP
technology as one of their renewable energy options, and has approved four $50M grants for
CSP solar power plants in India, Egypt, Morocco, and Mexico.
United States. The parabolic trough industry (specifically Duke Solar Energy) is aggressively
pursuing individual IPP projects opportunities in Nevada, California, Arizona, and Oregon as
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) helps developing countries fund projects and programs that protect the global
environment. Established in 1991, GEF is the designated financial mechanism for international agreements on biodiversity,
climate change, and persistent organic pollutants. GEF also supports projects that combat desertification and protect
international waters and the ozone layer. GEF funding comes via the World Bank and UNDP.
large as 80-MWe steam Rankine cycle projects to as small as 1-MWe organic Rankine cycle
systems. From a more general perspective, Congress asked DOE with the fiscal year 2002
funding authorization to “develop and scope out an initiative to fulfill the goal of having
1,000 MW of new parabolic trough, power tower, and dish/engine solar capacity supplying the
southwestern United States by 2006” (EERE 2002). DOE, the CSP industry, and SunLab have
collaborated on the development of a report to Congress on the implementation of a plan to
achieve this goal. In early 2002, the Western Governors’ Association expressed its high interest
in the implementation of 1,000 MW of CSP in the Southwest in a letter directed to Congress.
South Africa. ESKOM, the national utility in South Africa, has been comparing troughs and
towers to select a single technology for their first CSP plant in South Africa. In September
2002, their board approved the recommendation to proceed with the central receiver technology
only. Their plan is to gather the cost inputs in sufficient detail to take a proposal to their Board
of Directors by the end of this year proposing a 100-MW central receiver station with molten
salt thermal storage to be sited somewhere in the northwest part of the country, probably in the
vicinity of the city of Upingt.
Spain. In August 2002, the Spanish Government approved a modification of Royal Decree
2818 providing substantial incentives for the erection of IPP solar thermal power plants fueled
exclusively by solar radiation, i.e., no hybrid operation. This modification of Royal Decree 2818
grants a premium of €0.12 above the market price for electricity generated from solar thermal
energy in facilities with a maximum unit power of 50 MW. Four projects have been proposed
by industry, as follows: 10-MWe tower project based on European technology; 15-MWe tower
project based on U.S. technology; 10-MWe trough prototype based on U.S. technology; two
50-MWe trough projects based on European technology. Work is now proceeding on the
commercial financing and development of these projects.
Israel. The Israel Ministry of National Infrastructures, which is also responsible for the energy
sector, decided in November 2001 to propose CSP as a strategic ingredient into the Israel
electricity market over the next several years, with a minimal power unit of 100 MWe. There is
an option to increase the CSP contribution up to 500 MWe at a later stage, after the successful
operation of the first unit. The plant is to operate in hybrid mode, 4,400 hr/yr, 50% of which is
solar and the rest natural gas. A final decision on the plan is expected in late 2002.
Industry participation is also an indicator of market potential. There are a number of companies actively
participating in research and development, marketing, and engineering in support of tower and trough
technology. Nexant, Boeing, and Duke Solar are the key participants in the United States. Internationally, the
key participants are Solel, Flabeg, Solar Millennium, and Fichtner.
Cost reductions occur from technical improvements, increase in plant size (scaling), and volume production
(learning curves). All three are dependent on deployment (development) of CSP technology. Deployment
requires movement through various phases: pilot testing, commercial validation, commercial niche market,
market expansion, and market acceptance (Morse 2000). Deployment provides a means for continued research
in technology improvements, cost reductions due to increased production, and economy of scale from
constructing larger plants. The cost reduction analysis provided in this report is based on the assumption that
trough and tower plants will be constructed. S&L’s review is based on a deployment range between
2.4 gigawatts-electrical (GWe) and 9.5 GWe of installed tower and trough solar power plants. The major cost
reduction is from the increased size of the plant and increased electrical production. The cost reduction
associated with increased volume production between 2.6 GWe and 9.5 GWe (from year 2004 to 2020) is about
Estimates of tower and trough solar power plants deployment have been identified in several reports (Morse
2000). Comparison of these estimates and the SunLab and S&L estimates are shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 — Summary of CSP Worldwide Deployment Forecast
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Cummulative Installed Generation (GWe)
S&L Range
The commercialization path for trough and tower technologies was presented in the Morse report (2000) as
occurring in five phases: pilot testing, commercial validation, commercial niche market (entry), market
expansion, and market acceptance. The program to move CSP technologies through commercial niche market
and market expansion to market acceptance is shown in Figure 3-2:
Figure 3-2 — CSP Path to Market Acceptance
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
Trough Solar Power
Commercial Niche
Tower Solar Power
Commercial Niche
Sargent & Lundy’s review and assessment of the SunLab deployment projections for trough solar power plants
is included in Appendix D.2. While the trough technology was commercialized for a brief period, no trough
plants have been built in nearly a decade. Trough solar plants are a proven technology, and 354 MW of trough
technology generation at the SEGS plants have and are still being operated commercially.
The following Table 3-1 shows a case of two scenarios set forth by SunLab that are representative of how
systems would be deployed commercially if a market existed. The first assumes one plant built per year. The
second assumes a doubling of cumulative installed capacity with each new technology case introduced. This
second case is an aggressive development scenario; however, if the projects were financially competitive, this
represents a plausible development scenario. The second case is the type of scale-up that Luz envisioned and
actually achieved with the SEGS plants to some degree, building multiple plants in the same year.
Table 3-1 — Trough Deployment Scenarios
Case 1 Deployment Scenario: One Plant per Year Deployment
1 1 1 300 650
1 1 1 300 950
1 1 1 1 1 750 1,700
1 1 1 1 1 1,000 2,700
1 400 3,100
Case 2 Deployment Scenario: Cumulative Capacity Doubled with Each New Technology Case
1 1 1 300 650
1 2 2 1 600 1,250
1 1 2 2 2 1,200 2,450
1 2 2 3 3 1 2,400 4,850
1 400 5,250
The actual strategy employed by the plant suppliers can be significantly diverse, with more emphasis on near-
term cost reduction with a minimum of risk. The suppliers may opt to provide multiple plants in the 50-MWe to
100-MWe size range with no thermal storage but with a supplemental steam generator, replicating the proven
technology of the existing SEGS plants. The suppliers can rely more on initial production volume to reduce
costs as opposed to efficiency and technology improvements and scale-up factors. Minimizing or eliminating
thermal storage, with its current elevated cost, appreciably reduces the total direct cost of the plant as discussed
later in this section of the report. The suppliers’ strategy will vary depending on the extent of trough plant
Sargent & Lundy’s review and assessment of the SunLab deployment projections for tower solar power plants is
included in Appendix E.2. The first step will be deployment of the first commercial power tower facility in
Spain (Solar Tres). The Solar Tres design and cost estimate are based on the successful demonstration projects
Solar One and Solar Two. “Commercial” is defined as when a power plant is providing electrical power to
customers. The next commercial plant will be Solar 50, which is a significant increase in plant size. The net
electrical output increases 36.5 MWe (factor of 3.7) and the thermal capacity increases by 260 MWt (factor of
3.2). Solar 50 is the first commercial plant of sufficient size to allow a number of larger plants to be developed.
The next commercial steps include Solar 100 and Solar 200. Solar 200, which consists of a net electrical
capacity of 200 MWe and thermal capacity of 1,400 MWt (12.7 hours operation at peak output), is about the
optimum size monolithic single receiver plant based on physical limitations of technology (specifically, the
distance from the heliostat to the receiver). Larger plants are feasible with multiple power towers deployed. The
final deployment is Solar 220, which considers an advanced heliostat design and advanced electrical turbine-
Table 3-2 shows two scenarios: projection by SunLab and projection by S&L.
Table 3-2 — Power Tower Deployment Projections, SunLab and S&L
MWe\ Year
SunLab –
8.7 GWe
Solar Tres 13.5 1 13.514
Solar 50 50 1 2 3 300 314
Solar 100 100 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2,700 3,014
Solar 200 200 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 4,400 7,414
Solar 220 220 1 5 1,320 8,734
13.5 0 50 100 250 200 300 400 600 600 600 800 800 900 1,020 1,000 1,100 8,734
MWe\ Year
S&L – 2.6
Solar Tres 13.5 1 13.514
Solar 50 50 1 1 1 1 200 214
Solar 100 100 1 1 1 1 400 614
Solar 200 200 1 1 1 600 1,214
Solar 220 220 0 0
13.5 0 0 0 0 50 0 50 50 150 0 100 100 300 0 200 200 1,214
The SunLab trough model DueDiligence11–Excelergy11-14-01.xls (SunLab 2001) depicts the industry plan for
long-term cost reduction. The industry plan keys on thermal storage to obtain a high capacity factor, which
reduces the O&M costs ($/MWh) by obtaining a higher annual MWh generation. In combination with thermal
storage, increased annual net efficiency, and reduced equipment cost via technology advancements, competition
and deployment are primary elements in reducing the long-term capital costs of the trough plant.
The parabolic trough industry has developed a proprietary plan to lower costs, emphasizing the near-term, which
cannot be shared in detail since it would compromise their ability to compete in the domestic and international
market. However, the SunLab model provides a cost estimate that closely follows the industry expectations for
research and development advances in component and subsystem improvements. Whereas the SunLab plan for
plant implementation assumes, for comparative purposes, the use of thermal storage starting in 2004, the U.S.
trough industry is pursuing a commercialization plan that favors implementation of SEGS-type plants in the
near-term. With this plan, industry has set cost goals that target a solar field cost less than $200/m
and an
installed plant cost in the 2,000–2,400 $/kW range by 2006. The industry considers this plan a low-risk
approach, with plants similar to the existing SEGS type plants able to produce electricity in a hybrid model. By
incorporating this hybrid option, the only increase to the solar-only portion of the project is the relatively small
capital cost of a boiler cost of fuel and fuel costs during hybrid operation. Near-term development of this plan is
shown below in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1 — Near-Term Development for Trough Industry
Case* Baseline Trough Industry Near Term
Trough 50
Hybrid (US)
Trough 50
TES (Spain)
Trough 40
In Service 1989 2004 2004 2004
Net Power (MWe) 30 50 50 40
Capacity Factor (%) 22/34% ** 29/40% ** 47% 28%
Solar Field (km
) 0.188 0.312 0.496 0.184
Heat Transfer Fluid VP-1 VP-1 VP-1 VP-1
Case* Baseline Trough Industry Near Term
Trough 50
Hybrid (US)
Trough 50
TES (Spain)
Trough 40
In Service 1989 2004 2004 2004
SF Operating Temperature (°C) 391 391 391 391
Thermal Storage (hrs) 0 0 9 0
Thermal Energy Storage NA NA Indirect
Thermal Storage Fluid NA NA Solar Salt NA
Land Area (km
) 0.635 1.052 1.675 0.623
Comment Hybrid
2-Tank TES
* All cases assume Kramer Junction 1999 radiation 8.054 kW/m
** Solar Only / Hybrid Operation
Cost reductions in parabolic trough plants are discussed from a reference point of the nine operating SEGS
plants in the California Mojave Desert. Future cost reductions derive from technical improvements, scale-up in
individual plant megawatt capacity, increased deployment rates, competitive pressures, use of thermal storage,
and advancements in O&M methods. Cost drivers have been identified from SunLab activities and from
industry input. Duke Solar Energy is a key industrial participant in trough technology and is actively engaged in
developing trough power plant opportunities as well as an advanced collector design.
The development and operation of the SEGS plants by Luz International, totaling 354 MWe net installed
capacity, provide the baseline for future performance and cost projections. Projected cost reductions are tied to
the future development path shown in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2 — Trough Technology Summary for SunLab Technology Cases
SunLab Technology Cases
Case Baseline Near Term Mid Term Long Term
Trough 100 Trough 100 Trough 400
In Service 1989 2004 2010 2020
Net Power (MWe) 30 100 150 400
Capacity Factor (%) 22
(solar only)
54% 56% 57%
Solar Field (km
) 0.188 1.120 1.477 3.910
Heat Transfer Fluid VP-1 VP-1 Hitec XL Advanced
Solar Field Operating
Temperature (
391 391 500 500
Thermal Storage (hrs) 0 12 12 12
Thermal Energy Storage NA Indirect 2-
Thermal Storage Fluid NA Solar Salt Hitec XL Advanced
Land Area (km
) 0.635 3.780 4.98 13.189
However, the actual strategy employed by the plant suppliers can be significantly diverse, with more emphasis
on near-term cost reduction with a minimum of risk. As discussed above, for the near-term, the suppliers may
opt to provide multiple plants in the 50-MWe to 100-MWe size range with no thermal storage but with a
supplemental steam generator, replicating the proven technology of the existing SEGS plants. In a series of
evolutionary design improvements, the following major advancements formed the basis of the SunLab
A comprehensive series of wind tunnel tests on parabolic trough collector models was
carried out in 2001–2002, establishing design pressure force coefficients for various wind
approach angles and collector orientations, with and without a wind fence.
Using these coefficients, finite element methods stress analyses were used to optimize the
collector structure for wind survival conditions, minimizing collector weight and defining
design parameters for mirror strength, pylons, and foundations. With more tightly known
design parameters, the collector weight, and thus costs, can be lowered.
High efficiency and durable receivers are assumed to be developed, with selective surfaces
(consisting of special selective coatings on the metal tube receivers) to maximize the
absorption of incident solar radiation and minimize radiation losses from the receiver. High
efficiencies result in smaller solar fields for a given thermal energy delivery and in longer
lifetimes to reduce operation and maintenance costs.
Advanced receivers are assumed utilizing selective surfaces that can operate efficiently at
temperatures of 500°C or higher, paving the way for major advancements in thermal
storage and power block operation for trough plants.
Alternative mirror design development using thin-glass with non-metallic structural
elements or using thin silverized films is assumed. Both approaches reduce weight and
offer less expensive reflector options.
Heat transfer fluid (HTF)
Alternate HTFs, such as inorganic molten salts and ionic fluids, are being investigated that
will permit operation at higher temperatures (at or above 500°C), leading to lower thermal
storage costs and higher power block efficiencies.
Thermal Storage System
The Solar Two two-tank molten salt storage system is designed for commercial operation
in a trough plant for the case of the conventional synthetic oil HTF. Termed an indirect
storage system, this also requires an oil-to-salt heat exchanger in the system.
This same two-tank molten salt storage system is designed for direct operation with a
molten salt HTF.
A single-tank direct molten salt thermocline system is designed to reduce thermal storage
Electric Power Block
The efficiency of a SEGS-type plant is improved by refining the integration of the solar
field with the power block.
Turbine efficiencies are improved through use of the higher temperature heat transfer fluids
in the solar field.
The efficiency of the existing SEGS parabolic trough plants has been well documented and provides the basis
for evaluating the potential performance improvements of future parabolic trough plants. SEGS VI, a 14-year-
old 30-MWe plant currently in operation in California, is used as a reference plant to evaluate future efficiency
improvements. SEGS VI was selected because it was the last plant built using all second-generation Luz
collector (LS-2) technology. The later third-generation Luz collector (LS-3) used at the larger 80-MWe SEGS
plants had alignment problems and never operated at the same level of performance achieved at SEGS VI.
The technological advances and research, upon which the SunLab efficiency improvement estimates are based,
include the following:
The development of the new Solel UVAC receiver. The UVAC has improved thermal and optic
properties. Field tests of the new receiver at SEGS VI shows a 20% increase in thermal
performance compared to original receiver tubes.
The development of ball joint assembly replacements for flexhoses. A demonstration of new
ball joint assemblies has been shown to reduce the hydraulic pressure drop in the solar field by
approximately 50%. This results in lower solar field heat transfer fluid pumping electric
Improvements in mirror washing techniques have resulted in increased solar field average
mirror reflectance.
Investigation of higher temperature heat transfer fluids.
Research of direct thermal energy storage.
Research of higher temperature receiver selective coatings.
Table 4-3 shows a breakdown of the elements that contribute to the annual efficiency. The table shows both the
SunLab goal efficiencies and the S&L estimates based on a less aggressive technology development scenario. A
more detailed breakdown of all the SunLab cases is shown in Appendix D. The SEGS VI data are based on
actual plant data from 1999.
Table 4-3 — Trough Annual Efficiency Summary
SunLab Forecast Sargent & Lundy
Year In Service 1989 2004 2010 2020 2004 2010 2020
Solar Field Optical Efficiency 0.533 0.567 0.598 0.602 0.567 0.570 0.570
Receiver Thermal Losses 0.729 0.860 0.852 0.853 0.843 0.810 0.810
Piping Thermal Losses 0.961 0.965 0.967 0.968 0.965 0.967 0.968
Storage Thermal Losses NA 0.991 0.996 0.996 0.991 0.996 0.996
EPGS Efficiency 0.350 0.370 0.400 0.400 0.370 0.400 0.400
Electric Parasitic Load 0.827 0.884 0.922 0.928 0.884 0.922 0.928
SunLab Forecast Sargent & Lundy
Year In Service 1989 2004 2010 2020 2004 2010 2020
Power Plant Availability 0.980 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
Annual Solar-to-Electric
10.6% 14.3% 17.0% 17.2% 14.0% 15.4% 15.5%
4.2.1 Solar Field Optical Efficiency
The solar field optical efficiency includes incident angle effects, solar field availability, collector tracking error
and twist, the geometric accuracy of the mirrors to focus light on the receiver, mirror reflectivity, cleanliness of
the mirrors, shadowing of the receiver, transmittance of the receiver glass envelope, cleanliness of the glass
envelope, absorption of solar energy by the receiver, end losses, and row-to-row shadowing. The SunLab
projected improvements in optical efficiency are due primarily to improvements in the receiver optical
properties, including the following:
Receiver Solar Absorptance. Significant improvements in selective coatings have occurred
since the last SEGS plant was built. The solar absorptance of the cermet tubes used at SEGS VI
was approximately 91.5%. According to test data, the Solel UVAC receiver tubes have a solar
weighted absorptance of 94.4% and further optimization of the selective coating is expected to
yield solar absorptances of 96% or higher.
Receiver Glass Envelope Transmittance. Anti reflective coatings for glass have been
improved in the last 10 years to improve durability. The new receiver tubes have anti-reflective
coatings that deliver solar transmittances of 96.5% compared with earlier coating that only
allowed 92.5%.
New Front Surface Reflectors. New front surface reflectors with solar-weighted reflectivity of
95% are assumed for the SunLab long-term case compared to 93.5% for current thick glass
The S&L evaluation is based on a less aggressive technology development approach, basing the maximum
optical efficiency on the tested receiver tubes weighted absorptance of 94.4% and receiver coatings solar
transmittances of 96.5%.
4.2.2 Receiver Thermal Losses
Receiver thermal losses are primarily driven by the thermal emittance of the receiver’s selective coating
(radiation losses) and by the vacuum in the receiver (convection losses). As long as vacuum is maintained,
convection losses are negligible. Radiation losses, on the other hand, are a function of the receiver’s absolute
surface temperature to the fourth power. The thermal emittance measures the ability of the surface to radiate
energy away from the receiver. The lower the thermal emittance, the lower the radiation losses from the surface.
Receiver Thermal Emittance. SEGS VI had a combination of black chrome and the original
generation of Luz Cermet receiver tubes. The average thermal emittance of these tubes is
approximately greater than 20% at 350°C. The UVAC receiver first installed at SEGS VI had a
thermal emittance of 14% at 400°C. According to tests performed for Solel, the second-
generation UVAC receiver had a thermal emittance of about 9% at 400°C. SunLab currently has
a research and development effort exploring high temperature coating designs with low thermal
emittance and high solar absorptance.
Receiver Reliability. As long as vacuum is maintained, convective thermal losses are minimal
from the receiver. When receivers lose vacuum, the thermal losses from the receiver are
approximately doubled. Breakage of the glass envelope results in significantly higher thermal
losses. Loss of vacuum and breakage of the receiver glass envelope have been significant issues
at the existing SEGS plants.
4.2.3 Piping Thermal Losses
Piping thermal losses corresponds to thermal losses from the solar field header piping and heat transfer fluid
(HTF) system piping. Piping heat losses are a function of the piping surface area and the temperature of the fluid
in the pipe above ambient temperature. Nexant has developed a parabolic trough solar field piping model for
sizing the layout of piping headers. This model has been used to determine the heat losses for the various cases.
The piping model has been baselined against the thermal performance of the SEGS VI solar field.
The near-term case operates at temperatures similar to SEGS VI (391°C), thus the heat losses
are considered to be similar.
Piping losses in future cases are similar due to a combination of offsetting factors. The mid-term
case is based on operating at a higher temperature of 450°C and maintaining the field at a
minimum of 150°C during non-operational periods to prevent the molten-salt HTF from
freezing. This higher temperature results in increased thermal losses per unit area of piping.
However, the new salt fluid has a higher density that requires lower flow rates and smaller
heater piping. These result in the thermal losses from the solar field being reduced. The long-
term case is based on operating at higher temperatures (500°C) and lower flow rates.
4.2.4 Storage Thermal Efficiency
Thermal storage efficiency accounts for thermal losses from the thermal storage system. Storage thermal losses
are a function of the surface area of the storage tanks and the temperature of the fluid above ambient. Large high
temperature thermal storage systems have been demonstrated at the SEGS I trough plant and Solar Two power
tower. In these systems, thermal losses have been shown to be minimal; thus the storage thermal efficiency
approaches 100%. Nexant has developed a thermal storage design model, which was used to determine the heat
losses. This model is based on the Solar Two thermal storage design and operational experience.
Storage thermal losses for the near-term trough plants are slightly larger for trough plants than
for tower plants. Due to the smaller temperature difference between the hot and cold storage
tanks in the trough plant, the thermal storage system must be larger to hold the same amount of
thermal energy. Thus, there is more surface area for the trough plant. However, the hot tank
temperature at the trough plant will be lower than the tower plants and the thermal losses per
unit area of tank will be lower. Overall, storage losses are slightly larger at the trough plant;
however, the storage thermal efficiency is still greater than 99%.
Mid-term and long-term thermal storage systems operate at higher temperatures; however, the
temperature difference between hot and cold is greater. As a result, a smaller volume is required
to store energy. Also, single tank thermocline storage systems are anticipated. These further
reduce the required tank volume by replacing a large fraction of the storage fluid with low cost
filler, sand and gravel, that typically has a higher volumetric heat capacity than the fluid it is
replacing. Therefore, even though future thermal storage systems operate at higher fluid
temperatures, the surface area of the thermal storage system is reduced compared to the near-
term storage case and results in improved storage thermal efficiency.
4.2.5 Turbine Cycle Annual Efficiency
The turbine cycle annual efficiency accounts for the design point turbine cycle efficiency, start-up losses, part-
load operation, and losses due to minimum turbine load requirements (especially important for plants without
thermal storage).
The near-term case has the same turbine cycle design point efficiency as SEGS VI (37.7%);
however, because of thermal storage, the annual turbine cycle efficiency is better than the case
without thermal storage. The near-term plant with thermal storage has a higher capacity factor
than SEGS VI (47% versus 34%). Thus, the number of turbine start-ups per MWh generated is
lower. Thermal storage allows the plant to operate more hours at full load close to peak
efficiency and reduces the number of hours the plant is operating at part load efficiencies.
Thermal storage also allows thermal energy to be collected even when it is not sufficient to
operate the power plant.
The power cycle efficiency of the mid-term and long-term cases increases to 39% and 40% as
solar field operating temperatures are increased to 450°C and 500°C, respectively.
4.2.6 Electric Parasitic Load
The main parasitic electric loads are the motors for the heat transfer fluid (HTF) pumps, condensate/feedwater
pumps, cooling water pumps, cooling tower fans, and boiler of heater forced draft fans. Additional parasitic
loads are a result of instrumentation, controls, computers, valve actuators, air compressors, and lighting. The
solar field also adds parasitic loads for the collector drives and communications.
A significant reduction in parasitic electric load for the near-term trough technology is based
primarily on the replacement of flex hoses with balljoint assemblies in the solar field. These
ball-joint assemblies reduce the pressure drop across the solar field by approximately 50%. The
addition of thermal storage is also expected to reduce parasitics by spreading the station load
over increased annual generation.
A further reduction in pumping parasitics will occur when the switch is made to molten-salt
HTF. Because of the higher density of molten salt, lower volumetric HTF flow rates, and thus
less pumping power, are required.
4.2.7 Power Plant Availability
Availability accounts for forced and scheduled outages and deratings of the power plant. Typically, plant
availability is only affected if solar energy collection/conversion is reduced by an outage or derating.
For the most part, the SEGS plants have demonstrated very high power plant availability.
Normally, plants will take a 1- to 2-week outage during the winter to conduct required annual
inspections and any corrective maintenance that cannot be accomplished during the normal
daily operation. Every 10 years, a 5-week major turbine overhaul is conducted. During 1999,
SEGS VI had a power plant availability of approximately 98% but did not take any planned
scheduled maintenance outages during the year.
Future plants are conservatively assumed to have a 6% annual outage rate. This includes both
scheduled and forced outages.
If a higher temperature HTF and compatible thermal storage system can be developed and implemented in the
mid-term, a 17.0% annual net solar-to-electric efficiency is feasible. Additional investigation and development
of storage systems, including the optimum HTF for steam cycle efficiency and storage compatibility is required
to achieve the mid-term efficiency projection. Long-term objectives will require continuing investigation and
development of thermal storage systems and high temperature HTF. The long-term objectives will also
necessitate an advanced HCE absorber coating for the projected 500°C operating temperature.
The major cost contributors in direct cost of a parabolic trough solar plant with thermal storage are the solar
collector field (53%), thermal storage system (23%), and power block (14%), as illustrated in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 — Major Cost Categories for Parabolic Trough Plant
2004 Near-Term Case: 100 MWe, 12 hours TES, 2.5 Solar Multiple
Structures and Improvements
Solar Collection System
Thermal Storage System
Steam Gen or HX System
Power Block (EPGS, BOP)
The major component costs in the solar field are illustrated in Figure 4-2. The key cost elements in the solar
field are the receiver (20%), the mirrors (19%), and the concentrator structure (29%).
Figure 4-2 — Solar Field Component Cost Breakdown for Parabolic Trough Plant
2004 Near-Term Case: 100 MWe, 12 hours TES, 2.5 Solar Multiple
Mirror (19%)
Metal support structure (29%)
Drive (6%)
Interconnection Piping (5%)
Electronics & control (7%)
Header piping (3%)
Pylon Foundations (4%)
Other Civil Works (4%)
Heat Transfer Fluid (3%)
The S&L review focuses on these five major cost components: concentrator structure, mirrors, receivers,
thermal energy storage, and the power block. Table 4-4 provides a summary of the SunLab and S&L cost
projections for these five cost elements.
Table 4-4 — Trough Capital Cost Summary
SunLab Sargent & Lundy
In Service 1989 2004 2010 2020 2004 2010 2020
Solar Collection System ($/m
) 250 234 161 122 234 195 181
Support Structure, $/m
67 61 54 46 67 56 52
Heat Collection Elements, $/unit 847 847 635 400 847 675 525
Mirrors, $/m
43 43 28 18 40 32 26
Power Block, $/kWe 527 367 293 197 306 270 198
Thermal Storage, $/kWe NA 958 383 383 958 383 383
Total Plant Cost, $/kWe 3,008 4,856 3,416 2,225 4,816 3,562 3,220
4.3.1 Solar Field Support Structure
The structure consists of the metal support system of the collectors consisting of the pylons and reflector support
elements. Wind loads during maximum wind speeds dictate the required strength of these units. Recent wind
tunnel testing has provided improved data for use in optimizing the structural design, and reducing the weight,
necessary for long-term reliability.
The SunLab projections for the structure material and erection are shown in the following Table 4-5.
Table 4-5 — SunLab Cost Projections
Reduction from
SEGS VI $67/m
2004 $61/m
9% 683
2007 $57/m
15% 591
2010 $54/m
19% 531
Reduction from
2015 $50/m
25% 489
2020 $46/m
31% 450
*Smaller solar field per kWe due to no storage.
The baseline cost of $67/m
is consistent with estimates prepared by Pilkington International (1999) indicating
. Cost comparisons based on weight for the various structures are illustrated below in Table 4-6.
Additional cost reductions will be realized by minimization of the number of required parts, simplification of
fabrication and field erection reducing labor costs for on-site assembly and erection. This cost reduction
potential has not been quantified in this evaluation since there has not been an actual erection of a new collector
structure. The individual metal parts of the structure can readily be manufactured by suppliers worldwide,
leading to potential cost reductions through competition. However, structure cost reductions due to
commercialization were not specifically considered in this evaluation.
Table 4-6 — Costs of Various Structures
LS-2 $58/m
LS-3 $66/m
EuroTrough $58/m
Duke Solar $48/m
IST $48/m
Based on the current activity in progress by the various suppliers, obtaining the projected cost reductions for the
structure represents a low risk. The current weight reduction presented by the suppliers has the potential to meet
the projected cost reduction.
4.3.2 Solar Field Heat Collection Elements (HCE)
The receivers, or heat collection elements (HCEs), are a major contributor to trough solar field performance.
Luz manufactured this solar field component in-house, which has continued under Solel Solar Systems who
acquired the Luz manufacturing facilities. HCEs supplied to the SEGS plants for spare parts over the last decade
by Solel have shown improvements in performance and reliability. These include improved optical properties
with regards to absorptivity and better protection of the glass-to-metal seal to increase in-service lifetime. The
SunLab projected HCE deployment and costs are shown in Table 4-7.
Table 4-7 — SunLab Projected HCE Deployment and Costs
Project SEGS VI
In Service 1999 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
Number of HCE 9,600 57,216 45,700 65,072 86,101 172,201
Number of HCE Accumulative 9,600 66,816 112,516 177,588 263,688 435,889
Cost, $/m
field 43 43 34 28 22 18
Cost, $/unit 847 847 762 635 508 400
A comparison of the S&L estimated HCE costs and the SunLab projected costs is shown below in Table 4-8.
Table 4-8 — Comparison of HCE Costs
SunLab Projected
Cost, $/unit
S&L Estimate,
2004 847 847
2007 762 762
2010 635 675
2015 508 625
2020 400 600
The heat collection elements, which constitute a major portion of the direct capital cost, currently have only one
supplier (Solel). Additional suppliers will promote competition and reduce costs. A major European and
worldwide specialty glass parts supplier, Schott Rohrglas, has recently announced its intent to produce this
component. An increase in the number of HCEs as projected by SunLab will reduce the cost based on the
experience curve cost reduction, but not to the projected $400/unit.
Advanced development of the HCE is required for the higher operating temperatures in the planned molten-salt
heat transfer fluid (HTF) applications, as discussed in the thermal storage section of this report. Additional
development is also required to address the excess failure rates that have occurred at the SEGS plants compared
to expected levels. The HCE development focus now is on developing a more robust and lower cost glass-to-
metal seal design and on identifying higher-temperature selective coating with better thermo/optic properties.
Sandia has identified new materials that could be used in the glass-to-metal seal to reduce the potential stress in
the seal. In general, however, the current Housekeeper seal used in the HCE is very expensive and a significant
part of the total receiver cost. Sandia has also identified some new glass-to-metal seal options that have the
potential to be much lower in cost to manufacture and be more robust at the same time. NREL has been
evaluating new selective coatings. Several new cermet coatings have been identified that may be easier to
manufacture and have better thermo/optic properties. These are multi-layer cermets as opposed to the graded
cermet used by Solel. The graded cermets require a sputtered manufacturing process, whereas the multilayer
coating can probably be deposited with simpler coating processes and should also have better quality control of
the final properties. NREL is also looking into changing the materials used in the cermet to give better high
temperature performance and stability. Both the design work and the coating development are being funded in
the current DOE budget and will be continued next year.
Alternate HCE designs (Zhang et al. 1998; Morales and Ajona 1998; San Vicente, Morales, and Gutiérrez
2001), which are in various stages of development, indicate a lower cost than the Solel UVAC HCE, but at
reduced efficiency levels. Reduced HCE efficiency will result in a lower net annual solar-to-electric efficiency
and require a larger collector area. As noted above, Schott Rohrglas, a large international supplier of specialty
glass and related products, has recently announced its entry into the HCE supply market. However, start-up of
HCE production is a significant cost, and a viable market growth is imperative to justify market entry for a new
4.3.3 Solar Field Mirrors
The reflectors used in the SEGS plants consist of 4-mm low-iron float glass mirrors thermally sagged during
manufacturing into a parabolic shape. A single manufacturer supplied the mirrors for the SEGS plants at
construction and for spare parts since that time. Mass production and competition can lower the cost
significantly, as can technical improvements. The SunLab projected mirror costs are shown in Table 4-9.
Table 4-9 — SunLab Projected Mirrors Costs
In Service 1999 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
Mirrors, $/m
field 40 40 36 28 22 16
Alternatives to glass mirror reflectors have been in service and under development for more than 15 years. It is
noted that all the identified alternatives are in various stages of initial development or testing. The major current
developments are listed below.
Thin glass mirrors are as durable as a glass reflector and relatively lightweight in comparison to
thick glass. However, the mirrors are more fragile, which increases handling costs and breakage
losses. To address corrosion problems, new thin glass experimental samples were recently
developed and are being tested under controlled conditions.
3M is developing a nonmetallic, thin-film reflector that uses a multi-layer Radiant Film
technology. The technology employs alternating co-extruded polymer layers of differing
refractive indices to create a reflector without the need for a metal reflective layer. 3M plans to
develop an improved solar reflector with improved UV screening layers and a top layer
hardcoat to improve outdoor durability.
ReflecTech and NREL are jointly developing a laminate reflector material that uses a
commercial silvered-polymer reflector base material with a UV-screening film laminated to it to
result in outdoor durability. Initial prototype accelerated-exposure test results have been
promising, although additional work on material production is needed. The material would also
benefit from a hardcoat for improved washability.
Luz Industries Israel created a front surface mirror that consists of a polymeric substrate with a
metal or dielectric adhesion layer; a silver reflective layer; and a proprietary, dense, protective
top hardcoat.
SAIC of McLean, Virginia, and NREL have been developing a material called Super Thin
Glass. This is also a front surface mirror concept with a hard coat protective layer.
Alanod of Germany has developed a front surface aluminized reflector that uses a polished
aluminum substrate, an enhanced aluminum reflective layer, and a protective oxidized alumina
topcoat. These reflectors have inadequate durability in industrial environments. A product with
a polymeric overcoat to protect the alumina layer has improved durability.
At this point, thick glass will likely remain the preferred approach for large-scale parabolic trough plants,
although alternative reflector technologies may be more important in the future as more advanced trough
concentrator designs are developed.
Based on the current activity underway by the various suppliers, obtaining the projected cost reductions for the
mirrors represents a low risk. The current costs presented by the suppliers have the potential to meet the
projected cost reduction. Having active suppliers performing development promotes lower costs through
competition. It is expected a portion of the mirror development will be in the realm of the manufacturers.
4.3.4 Power Block
There are recognized scale-up cost reductions for the power block. Using the SOAPP software program (SOAPP
undated), S&L estimated the scale-up factor for increasing the plant size from 100 MW to 400 MW, as depicted
on Figure 4-3. The projected SunLab values are included for comparative purposes. Power block costs (Figure
4-3A) include the steam turbine and generator, steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater, and
condensate systems. Balance-of-plant costs (Figure 4-3B) include general balance-of-plant equipment,
condenser and cooling tower system, water treatment system, fire protection, piping, compressed air systems,
closed cooling water system, plant control system, electrical equipment, and cranes and hoists.
Figure 4-3A — Scale-Up Cost Reductions: Power Block ($/kW)
y = 1275.8x
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Power block costs include the steam turbine and generator,
steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater and
condensate systems
Figure 4-3B — Scale-Up Cost Reductions: Balance-of-Plant ($/kW)
y = 461.33x
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
SunLab Projections Power (Calculated (SOAAP))
Balance of Plant costs include general balance of plant
equipment, condenser and cooling tower system, water
treatment system, fire protection, piping, compressed air
systems,closed cooling water system, plant control
system, electrical equipment, and cranes and hoists.
A comparison of the SunLab projected cost versus the SOAPP predicted $/kW cost for the power block plus the
balance-of-plant is shown in Table 4-10.
Table 4-10 — Power Block and BOP Cost Comparison
Total Power Block + BOP 2004 – 2007 2010 2015 2020
Plant size, MWe 100 150 200 400
SunLab Projected Cost, $/kWe 581 525 472 383
SOAPP Estimate Cost, $/kWe 499 450 399 346
The estimated costs based on the SOAPP program indicate that the SunLab projected costs for the power block
are conservative (on the high side), approximately $50/kW higher than estimated by the SOAPP program. The
SunLab power block cost estimates are based on a 1990 ABB quotation for a 100-MW steam turbine. The ABB
quotation was escalated and scaled-up for the larger sizes. The SunLab power block cost estimates are based on
dated information, and the escalation and scale-up factors add to the uncertainty of the data with respect to
current pricing. Equipment prices in the SOAPP program reflect 2001 actual costs. Since the SOAPP pricing is
current, the SOAPP-generated costs were used in this evaluation.
As previously discussed, to achieve the near-term increased Rankine cycle efficiency, the HTF will have to be
changed to obtain higher inlet steam temperatures. For the near-term, additional development and field testing is
required on alternate HTF for higher temperature applications. For the long-term, not only is alternate HTF
development required but the current HCE absorber coating upper temperature limit must be raised by new
developments to the projected 500°C operating temperature.
4.3.5 Thermal Storage
The SunLab projected thermal storage costs are shown in Table 4-11. Note that the SunLab projections are
based on 12 hours of thermal storage for each case.
Table 4-11 — SunLab Projected Thermal Storage Cost
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
Plant size, gross, MWe 110 110 165 220 440
Storage, MWh
3,525 3,349 4,894 6,525 13,050
Type Indirect
Heat Transfer Fluid VP-1 / Solar
HitecXL HitecXL HitecXL HitecXL
HTF Temperature, °C 400 450 500 500 500
27.1 12.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 SunLab Projected $/kWh
958 425 383 383 383
Definitive cost estimates for an indirect two-tank storage system based on detailed design drawings and material
takeoffs were developed by Nextant. The unit costs were $36.4/kWh
for a 470-kWh
system and $31/kWh
for a
688 kWh
system. The SunLab projection appears to be conservative (on the high side) based on the previous
However, the goal to reduce the thermal storage system capital cost in the $10/kWh
to $12/kWh
range will
require additional investigation and development of both indirect and direct storage systems, including the
optimum HTF and storage fluid for steam cycle efficiency and storage compatibility. The amount and type of
storage have significant impacts on the total cost of the plant and are key considerations for cost reductions.
The year 2007 projection for a direct thermocline storage uses HitecXL (ternary) HTF in both the solar field and
the thermal storage system, which eliminated the need for the heat exchangers between the solar field and
storage system. In addition, the solar field can be operated to higher outlet temperatures (450°C), increasing the
power cycle efficiency and further reducing the cost of thermal storage. The 2007 direct thermocline storage
value of $12.7/kWh
in the SunLab projection appears to be reasonable, if the direct thermocline storage system
is successfully developed, based on the following:
The power tower storage cost is $8.3/kWh
for 12 hours at Solar 100.
Trough plants have a smaller temperature differential in the thermal energy storage system
450°C – 293°C (157°C) vs. 566°C – 288°C (278°C) in tower plants.
Trough plants have a lower power cycle efficiency, 39% at 450°C vs. 44% at 550°C.
The trough plants use a thermocline storage system that eliminates one tank and replaces the
majority of storage fluid with a lower-cost filler material. Nextant estimates indicate that a 35%
cost reduction can be achieved going from a two-tank system to a thermocline system.
Trough Storage Cost (2007) = $8.3/kWh
* (278°C/157°C) * (44%/39%) * (1-0.35)
= $10.7/kWh
Subsequent projections after the year 2007 also use a direct thermocline system with HitecXL (ternary) solar salt
as the storage media and HTF. The SunLab TES cost estimate of $11.7/kWh
appears to be reasonable, if the
solar field can be operated to higher outlet temperatures of 500°C and an advanced heat collection element for
the 500°C HTF operating temperature is developed, based on the following calculation:
Trough Storage Cost (2010) = $8.3/kWh
* (278°C/207°C) * (44%/40%) * (1-0.35)
= $7.9/kWh
4.3.6 Total Investment Costs
The SunLab model projects parabolic trough plant capital and O&M costs based on various technology
advances and commercial deployment predictions. The SunLab projections are considered the best-case analysis
where the technology is optimized and a high deployment rate is achieved. S&L developed capital and O&M
costs based on a more conservative approach whereby the technology improvements are limited to current
demonstrated or tested improvements and with a lower rate of deployment than used in the SunLab model. The
two sets of estimates, by SunLab and S&L, provide a band in which the costs can be expected to fall. The capital
costs without thermal storage is included for informational purposes.
Table 4-12 and Figure 4-4 illustrates the SunLab projected total installed capital cost ($/kWe) compared to
S&L’s more conservative values. Figure 4-4 also shows the total installed capital cost based on achieving the
annual net efficiencies projected by SunLab, but not the projected cost reductions. The curves highlight the
impact of the annual net efficiencies on the capital cost. The curves also indicate that additional cost reductions
above and beyond the more conservative S&L values, due to technology improvements and increased
deployment rates, will result in convergence of the capital costs toward the SunLab values.
Table 4-12 — Comparison of Total Investment Cost Estimates ($/kWe):
SunLab vs. Sargent & Lundy
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab $ 4,859 $ 3,408 $ 2,876 $ 2,546 $ 2,221
S&L S&L Efficiencies 4,816 3,854 3,562 3,389 3,220
S&L SunLab Efficiencies 4,791 3,687 3,331 3,165 2,725
S&L No Storage 2,453 2,265 2,115 1,990 1,846
Figure 4-4 — Total Installed Capital Costs: Operations and Maintenance
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the SunLab O&M cost model based on our experience with fossil and other power
plant technologies and in the course of a site visit to KJC Operating Company, the operator of the five 30-MWe
trough projects located at Kramer Junction. KJC Operating Company provided proprietary information on the
last five years of operation. The SunLab O&M estimate is based largely on the experience at the KJC Operating
Company SEGS plants. The model assumes a stand-alone trough power plant (as opposed to the five co-located
plants at Kramer Junction) and adjusts cost depending on the size of the solar field and total electric generation
per year. It breaks out the specific staffing requirements for operations and maintenance crews for both the
conventional power plant and for the solar field. Administrative staffing is also included. In addition to labor
breakdown, the model breaks out service contracts, water treatment costs, spares and equipment costs,
miscellaneous costs, and periodic capital equipment requirements. S&L conducted a review of the SunLab
model and compared it to general power industry experience.
The Sargent & Lundy O&M costs for comparison to the SunLab projections are based on the following:
Solar Field
The initial unit costs are based on the SunLab values, and cost reductions for years beyond
2004 are based on a PR = 0.92
Replacement rate for the mirrors and HCE are based on the average actual replacement
rates for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001
The replacement rates for the balance of the solar field are based on the SunLab values
Power Block and Balance-of-Plant
Costs are based on S&L data for the respective MW-size plant for the steam turbine
systems and balance-of-plant
Water and Process
Costs are based on the average actual costs for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001
Staffing, Services Contracts, Miscellaneous, and Capital Equipment
The costs are based on the SunLab values since the SunLab values were determined to be
Thermal Storage
The costs are based on 0.4% of the capital cost per annum
Analyzing the two estimates revealed the major component to account for the cost difference is the HCE
replacement rate. Table 4-13 shows a comparison of the SunLab and S&L projected replacement rates.
Table 4-13 — Projected Trough Receiver Replacement Rates
Annual Failures
(Percent of Field)
Current 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab 3.5% 2% 1% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
S&L 5.5% 5.5% 2.5% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5%
The SunLab near-term values are not consistent with the average actual HCE replacement rate of 5.5% reported
for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001.
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the actual receiver (HCE) replacement rate reported by KJC Operating Company
over the last five years. The S&L evaluation is based on total HCE replacement reported for the SEGS III – VII
for the period 1997–2001. S&L’s evaluation is based on the current replacement rate at all the SEGS plants,
with step reductions in the replacement rate based on the following considerations:
The average actual HCE replacement rate of 5.5% was reported for SEGS III – VII for the
period 1997–2001. The total HCE replacement includes breakage and fluorescence.
Fluorescence is due to cermet coating failures. This failure is due to the existence of
molybdenum in the original Luz cermet coating. Solel no longer uses molybdenum in the
UVAC cermet coating, so this type of failure will presumably no longer occur. Eliminating
replacements due to these failures reduces the site failure/replacement rate.
SunLab used the SEGS VI plant as the baseline reference plant. The SEGS III – V plants had
problems during initial startup and the early years of operation that caused bowing of the HCEs,
which increased breakage at those plants. SEGS VII has had higher breakage on the LS-3 half
of the field, although the LS-2 failures are similar to SEGS VI. SEGS VI was the last full plant
constructed with LS-2 collectors and represents the most mature version of this generation of
collector technology. The HCE total replacement rate at SEGS VI during the 5 years is in the
5.5% range. Discounting the fluorescence failures, the replacement rate was 4.2% over the
5-year period.
The high HCE failure rate at the existing plants is due in part to issues that would not be found
at a future plant. A significant portion of the failures has been due to the hydrogen remover
(HR) device installed in the HCEs at SEGS VI – X, operational problems that caused bowing,
and HCE installation procedures. The HR is no longer part of the HCEs provided by Solel.
Based on these factors, it is very possible that future plants will have substantially lower HCE failure rates than
those currently found at the SEGS plants. The SunLab assumption of a 2% failure rate assumes that current
approaches for reducing failures are successful. S&L believes that this is an aggressive assumption that cannot
be assured for future plants without the field data to verify the failure rate reduction. Using the current
replacement rate occurring at all the SEGS plants, with step reductions in the replacement rate, reflects the
current conditions and allows for the aforementioned improvements to reduce the replacement rate.
Additional development of the HCE will likely be necessary to achieve the future receiver reliability goals. The
current glass-to-metal seal is one of the more expensive elements and the key failure point of the current
receiver design. The current seal design, known as a Housekeeper seal, relies on a sharp metal point being
inserted into a glass bead. Failures occur when concentrated light focuses on seal and the differential expansion
between the glass and metal causes the failure of the seal. New designs are currently under investigation that
attempt to improve the match between the coefficient of thermal expansion of the metal and glass. Kramer
Junction is currently testing a new design, UVAC2, with a revised internal shield.
To achieve the SunLab projected replacement rates, the reliability of the HCE will have to improve
significantly. Table 4-14 and Figure 4-5 compare the O&M costs and illustrate the impact of the HCE
replacement rate. The O&M costs without thermal storage are included for informational purposes.
Table 4-14 — Comparison of O&M Cost Estimates ($/kWh
SunLab vs. S&L
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab 0.0228 0.0171 0.0135 0.0118 0.0097
S&L – S&L HCE Replacement 0.0280 0.0218 0.0180 0.0157 0.0139
S&L – SunLab HCE Replacement 0.0246 0.0197 0.0167 0.0154 0.0139
S&L No Storage 0.0377 0.0339 0.0278 0.0241 0.0206
Figure 4-5 — Levelized O&M Cost Comparison
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
O&M Cost, $/kWe
SunLab Projection S&L - Based on S&L HCE Replacement S&L - Based on SunLab HCE Replacement No Storage
HCE Replacement Rate
SunLab S&L
2004 2.0% 5.5%
2007 1.0% 4.0%
2010 0.5% 2.5%
2015 0.5% 1.0%
12 hours thermal storage
No thermal storage
The reduction in O&M cost is primarily a result of the increase in plant size and the increase in annual plant
capacity factor. The plant capacity increases directly as a result of the increases in thermal storage. Increasing
the size (MWe) and capacity factor of the power plant incurs minimal increase in the fixed O&M expenses
Table 4-15 and Figure 4-6 below illustrate the SunLab projected levelized energy cost ($/kWhe) compared to
the S&L values. The figure also shows the levelized energy cost based on achieving the annual net efficiencies
projected by SunLab. For comparison, the estimated levelized energy cost for the trough plants without thermal
storage is included in Figure 4-6 to underscore the importance of thermal storage in the reduction of the
levelized energy cost.
Table 4-15 — Comparison of Levelized Energy Cost Estimates ($/kWhe):
SunLab vs. S&L
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab 0.0991 0.0681 0.0566 0.0476 0.0428
S&L S&L Efficiencies 0.1037 0.0795 0.0713 0.0664 0.0621
S&L SunLab Efficiencies 0.1031 0.0763 0.0670 0.0624 0.0534
S&L No Storage 0.1201 0.1100 0.0989 0.0910 0.0826
Figure 4-6 — Levelized Energy Costs
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Levelized Energy Cost, $/kWhe
SunLab S&L - S&L Efficiencies S&L -SunLab Efficiencies S&L - Without Storage
Annual Net Solar to
Electric Efficiency
SunLab S&L
2004 14.3% 14.0%
2007 16.2% 15.1%
2010 17.0% 15.4%
2015 17.1% 15.5%
2020 17.2% 15.5%
12 hours thermal storage
No thermal storage
The curves highlight the impact of the annual net efficiencies on the levelized energy costs. The curves also
indicate that additional cost reductions above and beyond the more conservative S&L values, due to technology
improvements, reduced HCE replacement rates, and increased deployment rates, will result in further
convergence of the levelized energy costs toward the projected SunLab values.
Figure 4-7 shows the levelized energy cost for the SunLab technology forecasts with a breakdown that shows
the source of the cost reduction from plant scale-up, technology R&D, and cost reduction through learning. Of
the projected cost reduction in 2020, plant scale-up is projected to provide 20% of the total cost reduction,
technology development will provide over half of the cost reduction at 54%, and production volume and
competition will provide approximately 26% of the cost reduction.
Figure 4-7 — Breakdown of LEC Cost Reduction
(Scale-up, R&D, Volume Production)
1989 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SEGS VI Near-Term
Scale-up R&D
Volume Production
Figure 4-8 below shows the importance of the five major cost components in Section 4.3 in reducing the LEC.
Figure 4-8 — Breakdown of LEC Cost Reduction
(by Major Cost Component)
Concentrator (19%)
Mirror (13%)
HCE (16%)
Storage (26%)
Power Block (20%)
Other (6%)
The impact of levelized cost of energy for tax credit is shown in Table 4-16. The difference between 10% tax
credit and no tax credit is about 8% in 2020.
Table 4-16 – Impact of Tax Credit on Levelized Cost of Energy
Levelized Energy Cost, $/kWhe, by Case
Solar 50
IRR % Debt DSCR 2004 2006 2010 1015 2020
10 % Tax Credit 12.12% 59.90% 1.35 0.0991 0.0681 0.0566 0.0476 0.0428
No Tax Credit 12.12% 66.50% 1.35 0.1075 0.0737 0.0613 0.0541 0.0461
The following tables provide a summary of the major 2004 through 2020 technology changes and a comparison
of the SunLab and S&L values.
Table 4-17 — Current (SEGS VI) to Trough 100 – 2004
Trough 100 – 2004
Current Sun Lab S&L Basis
Plant Size 30 MWe 100 MWe
Field Aperture Area 188,000 m
1,120,480 m
1,138,709 m
Greater aperture area required for S&L
estimate due to lower estimated annual
Thermal Storage 0 hours 12 hours 2-tank Indirect
Based on Nexant design being proposed
for 50-MW trough project in Spain
Annual Plant Capacity 22.2% 53.5% Capacity increased by thermal storage.
Heat Transfer Fluid VP-1 oil VP-1 oil
Storage Media None Solar Salt Technically proven at Solar 2
Operating Temperature 391
C 391
Receiver Luz Solel Solel 2
Generation UVAC HCE
Trough 100 – 2004
Current Sun Lab S&L Basis
Cermet UVAC2
Second-generation Solel UVAC cermet
coating currently being field tested at
LS-2 LS-2+
Updated version of LS-2 collector based
on discussions with Duke Solar and
Annual solar-to-electric
10.6% 14.3% 14.0%
S&L used lower receiver efficiency than
SunLab based on current data
Solar Field Optical
53.3% 56.7% 56.7%
IAM, end loss 89.9% 91% 91%
Mirror reflectivity 93.5% 93.5% 93.5%
Envelope transmittance 92.5% 96.5% 96.5%
Solar absorption 92% 94.4% 94.4%
Mirror cleanliness 93.1% 95% 95%
Envelope cleanliness 98% 98.5% 98.5%
Dumped energy 99.9% 95.6% 95.6%
Concentrator length 50 meters 50 meters 50 meters
The incident angle modifier improves
slightly in plants with thermal storage,
because more energy is collected early in
the day.
The increase in envelope transmittance
is based on improved anti-reflective
coatings on inside and outside of the
receiver glass envelope. The new value
is based on property testing of Solel
UVAC HCE by Sandia National Labs.
SunLab increase of absorption based on
property measurement of second-
generation UVAC receiver (SPF, 2001).
Mirror and envelope cleanlinesses of
95% and 98.5% are reasonable based
on Kramer Junction experience.
Receiver Efficiency: 72.9% 85.9% 84.3%
Thermal emittance 0.135 at
0.091 at
0.100 at
Latest Solel UVAC selective coating.
Solel testing at SPF showed an
emittance of 0.091, however field testing
required. S&L used 0.10 based on the
test data
Piping Thermal Losses 96.1% 96.5% 96.5%
Thermal Storage Thermal
NA 99.1% 99.1% Based on thermal losses at Solar Two
and detailed thermal storage design
Gross steam cycle efficiency 35.1% 37.0% 37.0%
Turbine Design 37.5% 37.5% 37.5%
Part Load 98% 99.5% 99.5%
Startup 96.9% 99.2% 99.2%
Turbine Minimum 98.5% 100% 100%
Verified by SEGS IX ABB Heat Balances
HTDG 582395, Sheets 1-7
(in LUZ
International Limited 1990)
The addition of thermal storage reduces
part load operation, reduces the percent
of energy used for startup, and eliminates
losses due to minimum turbine load.
Trough 100 – 2004
Current Sun Lab S&L Basis
Parasitics 82.4% 87.7% 87.7%
Solar Field 0.23% 0.20% 0.20%
HTF Cold Pumps 5.90% 3.75% 3.75%
HTF Hot Pumps 0.00% 1.06% 1.06%
HTF Freeze Protection 1.52% 1.16% 1.16%
Backup Heater/Boiler 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Hotel Load (24 hr) 3.67% 1.62% 1.62%
Balance-of-Plant 4.36% 2.73% 2.73%
Cooling Towers 1.89% 1.81% 1.81%
Conversion from Flex hoses to ball joint
assemblies. Reduces pressure drop in
collector loop. Demonstrated in KJCOC
O&M cost reduction study.
The fixed station load is spread over
higher plant capacity factor. For a larger
plant the station load is a smaller % of
total load.
SEGS VI parasitics included control
building and Maintenance shop at SEGS
Plant-wide Availability 98.0% 94.0% 94.0% Reasonable based on Kramer Junction
Table 4-18 — Trough 100 – 2004 (Near-Term Case) to Trough 100 – 2007
Trough 100 - 2007
100 - 2004
Sun Lab S&L Basis
Plant Size 100 MWe 100 MWe
Field Aperture Area 1,120,480 m
1,037,760 m
1,108,830 m
Greater aperture area required for S&L
estimate due to lower estimated annual
Thermal Storage
12 hours
2-tank Indirect
12 hours
Thermocline Direct
Next generation of storage under
development at SunLab. Uses single
tank storage system.
Annual Plant Capacity 53.5% 56.2%
Heat Transfer Fluid
VP-1 oil Hitec XL nitrate salt
Freezes at 120
C, must keep field at
150C minimum temperature. Cold salt
from storage used for night time freeze
Storage Media
Solar Salt HitecXL, rock & sand filler
Thermal cycling testing of rock & sand
filler at SNL
Operating Temperature
C 293-450
Salt HTF allows operating temperature to
be increased.
Receiver Solel Advanced 1 Next generation receiver design
Trough 100 - 2007
100 - 2004
Sun Lab S&L Basis
UVAC2 Advanced 1
Advanced cermet either by Solel or other
LS-2+ LS-3+
Assumes the larger aperture of the LS-3
and 1.5x the length. Optical performance
is assumed to be similar to the LS-2
collector. This is the EuroTrough or
Annual solar-to-electric
14.2% 16.1% 15.1%
Solar Field Optical
56.4% 57.9% 57.0%
IAM, end loss 91% 91.8% 91.8%
Mirror reflectivity 93.5% 93.5% 93.5%
Envelope transmittance 96.5% 97% 96.5%
Solar absorption 94.4% 96% 94.4%
Mirror cleanliness 95% 95% 95%
Envelope cleanliness 98.5% 98.5% 98.5%
Dumped energy 95.6% 95.2% 95.6%
Concentrator length 50 meters 150 meters 150 meters
The incident angle modifier improves
slightly with longer collector.
Mirror cleanliness of 95% is reasonable
based on Kramer Junction experience.
SunLab increase in envelope
transmittance based on Sandia test data.
SunLab assumed increase in absorption
based on selective coating modeling at
Receiver Efficiency: 85.9% 86.2% 82.3%
Thermal emittance 0.091 at
0.070 at
0.100 at
SunLab decrease in emittance based on
SunLab selective coating modeling.
Gross steam cycle efficiency 37.0% 39.0% 39.0%
Turbine Design 37.5% 39.4% 39.4%
Part Load 99.5% 99.7% 99.7%
Startup 99.2% 99.2% 99.2%
Turbine Minimum 100% 100.0% 100.0%
Reasonable based on increase of
temperature from 400
C to 450
GEPerf computer program check used to
verify increase.
Trough 100 - 2007
100 - 2004
Sun Lab S&L Basis
Parasitics 87.7% 91.1% 91.1%
Solar Field 0.20% 0.13% 0.13%
HTF Cold Pumps 3.75% 1.75% 1.75%
HTF Hot Pumps 1.06% 0.53% 0.53%
HTF Freeze Protection 1.16% 1.06% 1.06%
Backup Heater/Boiler 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Hotel Load (24 hr) 1.62% 1.60% 1.60%
Balance of Plant 2.73% 2.05% 2.05%
Cooling Towers 1.81% 1.81% 1.81%
SunLab parasitics reduction based on
replacement of VP-1 with HitecXL in the
solar field and elimination of need to run
two sets of pumps in the indirect storage
The Nexant piping model calculates a
65% reduction in HTF pumping parasitics
with molten-salt.
Plant-wide Availability 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
Table 4-19 — Trough 100 – 2007 (mid-Term) to Trough 150 – 2010
Trough 150 - 2010 Basis
Trough 100 -
Sun Lab S&L
Plant Size 100 MWe 150 MWe
Field Aperture Area 1,120,480 m
1,477,680 m
1,632,301 m
Greater aperture area required for S&L
estimate due to lower estimated annual
Thermal Storage
12 hours
2-tank Direct
12 hours
Thermocline Direct
Annual Plant Capacity 56.2% 56.2%
Heat Transfer Fluid
HitecXL HitecXL nitrate salt
Testing currently in progress to make
sure Hitec XL can be used up to 500
Storage Media HitecXL, rock
& sand filler
HitecXL, rock & sand filler
Thermal cycling testing of rock & sand
filler at SNL
Operating Temperature 450
C 500
Receiver Advanced 1 Advanced 2 Higher temperature capability
Advanced 1 Advanced 2
Same thermal & optical properties but
able to operate to 500
Trough 150 - 2010 Basis
Trough 100 -
Sun Lab S&L
LS-3+ Next Generation
New design based on use of front
surface reflectors and structural mirror
Annual solar-to-electric
14.2% 17.0% 15.4%
Solar Field Optical
57.9% 59.8% 57.0%
IAM, end loss 91.8% 91.8% 91.8%
Mirror reflectivity 93.5% 95% 93.5%
Envelope transmittance 97.0% 97.0% 96.5%
Solar absorption 96% 96% 94.4%
Mirror cleanliness 95% 96% 95%
Envelope cleanliness 98.5% 98.5% 98.5%
Dumped energy 95.2% 95.2% 95.2%
Concentrator length 150 meters 150 meters 150 meters
S&L estimate mirror cleanliness of 95%
based on Kramer Junction experience.
SunLab mirror reflectivity increase from
0.935 to 0.95 based on use of front
Surface mirror with anti-soiling coating to
reduce mirror soiling rate, mirror
cleanliness from 0.95 to 0.96.
Receiver Efficiency: 86.2% 85.2% 81.0%
Thermal emittance 0.070 at
0.070 at
0.100 at
S&L assumes no improvement over
current demonstrated Solel UVAC
receiver, except higher temperature
capability to 500
Gross steam cycle efficiency 39.0% 40.0% 40.0%
Turbine Design 39.4% 40.5% 40.5%
Part Load 99.7% 99.7% 99.7%
Startup 99.2% 99.2% 99.2%
Turbine Minimum 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
GEPerf computer program check used to
verify increase.
Trough 150 - 2010 Basis
Trough 100 -
Sun Lab S&L
Parasitics 91.1% 91.8% 91.8%
Solar Field 0.13% 0.13% 0.13%
HTF Cold Pumps 1.75% 1.33% 1.33%
HTF Hot Pumps 0.53% 0.42% 0.42%
HTF Freeze Protection 1.06% 1.02% 1.02%
Backup Heater/Boiler 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Hotel Load (24 hr) 1.60% 1.62% 1.62%
Balance of Plant 2.05% 1.91% 1.91%
Cooling Towers 1.81% 1.81% 1.81%
Reduction in parasitics is reasonable.
SunLab reduction in HTF parasitics
based on increasing operating
temperature to 500
BOP parasitics reduced due to larger
plant size.
Plant-wide Availability 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
Table 4-20 — Trough 150 – 2010 to Trough 200 – 2015
Trough 150 - Trough 200 - 2015
2010 Sun Lab S&L Basis
Plant Size 150 MWe 200 MWe
Field Aperture Area 1,477,680 m
1,955,200 m
2,161,485 m
Greater aperture area required for S&L
estimate due to lower estimated annual
Thermal Storage
12 hours
12 hours
Thermocline Direct
Annual Plant Capacity 56.2% 56.2%
Heat Transfer Fluid Hitec XL Hitec XL
Operating Temperature 500
C 500
Receiver Advanced 2 Advanced 2
Coating Advanced 2 Advanced 2
Collector Next
Next Generation
Annual solar-to-electric
17.0% 17.1% 15.4%
Trough 150 - Trough 200 - 2015
2010 Sun Lab S&L Basis
Solar Field Optical
59.8% 60.2% 57.0%
IAM, end loss 91.8% 91.8% 91.8%
Mirror reflectivity 95% 95% 93.5%
Envelope transmittance 97.0% 97.0% 96.5%
Solar absorption 96% 96% 94.4%
Mirror cleanliness 96% 96% 95%
Envelope cleanliness 98.5% 99% 98.5%
Dumped energy 95.2% 95.2% 95.2%
Concentrator length 150 meters 150 meters 150 meters
SunLab estimate assumes anti-soiling
treatment added to receiver envelope to
improve cleanliness.
Sargent & Lundy
assumes no
improvement from earlier case.
Receiver Efficiency: 85.2% 85.3% 81.0%
Thermal emittance 0.070 at
0.070 at
0.100 at
No change for SunLab case, S&L
assumes current UVAC design.
Gross steam cycle efficiency 40.0% 40.0% 40.0%
Turbine Design 40.5% 40.5% 40.5%
Part Load 99.7% 99.7% 99.7%
Startup 99.2% 99.2% 99.2%
Turbine Minimum 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Parasitics 91.8% 91.8% 91.8%
Solar Field 0.13% 0.13% 0.13%
HTF Cold Pumps 1.33% 1.32% 1.32%
HTF Hot Pumps 0.42% 0.42% 0.42%
HTF Freeze Protection 1.02% 1.01% 1.01%
Backup Heater/Boiler 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Hotel Load (24 hr) 1.62% 1.62% 1.62%
Balance of Plant 1.91% 1.91% 1.91%
Cooling Towers 1.81% 1.81% 1.81%
Plant-wide Availability 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
Table 4-21 — Trough 200 – 2015 to Trough 400 – 2020
Trough 400 - 2020
Trough 200 -
Sun Lab S&L Basis
Plant Size 200 MWe 400 MWe
Field Aperture Area 1,955,200 m
3,910,400 m
4,348,931 m
Greater aperture area required for S&L
estimate due to lower estimated annual
Thermal Storage
12 hours
12 hours
Thermocline Direct
Annual Plant Capacity 56.2% 56.5%
Heat Transfer Fluid Hitec XL Hitec XL
Operating Temperature 500
C 500
Receiver Advanced 2 Advanced 2
Coating Advanced 2 Advanced 2
Collector Next
Advanced Generation 1
Annual solar-to-electric
17.1% 17.2% 15.5%
Solar Field Optical
59.8% 60.2% 57.0%
IAM, end loss 91.8% 91.8% 91.8%
Mirror reflectivity 95% 95% 93.5%
Envelope transmittance 97.0% 97.0% 96.5%
Solar absorption 96% 96% 94.4%
Mirror cleanliness 96% 96% 95%
Envelope cleanliness 98.5% 99% 98.5%
Dumped energy 95.2% 95.2% 95.2%
Concentrator length 150 meters 150 meters 150 meters
S&L & SunLab estimates assume no
change from earlier case.
Receiver Efficiency: 85.3% 85.3% 81%
Thermal emittance 0.070 at
0.070 at
0.100 at
Trough 400 - 2020
Trough 200 -
Sun Lab S&L Basis
Gross steam cycle efficiency 40.0% 40.0% 40.0%
Turbine Design 40.5% 40.5% 40.5%
Part Load 99.7% 99.7% 99.7%
Startup 99.2% 99.2% 99.2%
Turbine Minimum 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
GEPerf computer program check used to
verify increase.
Parasitics 91.8% 92.4% 92.4%
Solar Field 0.13% 0.13% 0.13%
HTF Cold Pumps 1.32% 1.45% 1.45%
HTF Hot Pumps 0.42% 0.43% 0.43%
HTF Freeze Protection 1.01% 1.01% 1.01%
Backup Heater/Boiler 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Hotel Load (24 hr) 1.62% 0.90% 0.90%
Balance of Plant 1.91% 1.92% 1.92%
Cooling Towers 1.81% 1.81% 1.81%
SunLab parasitics assume increase in
HTF pumping parasitics for larger size
solar field and a reduction in hotel load
based on scale-up in size to 400 MWe
Plant-wide Availability 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
This section provides an overview and assessment of the risks associated with attaining competitive
commercialization for the parabolic trough technology on a short-term, mid-term, and long-term basis.
Competitiveness is measured by the levelized energy cost (LEC), expressed as $/kWh, consisting of two
elements: total investment cost and operation and maintenance (O&M) cost.
The major total investment cost drivers of the trough plant are the solar field, power block, and thermal storage,
which account for approximately 90% of the total costs (based on 12 hours of thermal storage). Also, the net
annual solar-to-electric efficiency has a significant impact on the cost of a trough plant. For every one
percentage point improvement in the net efficiency, the cost is reduced by approximately 7%.
Total cost reductions occur from technical improvements, increase in plant size (scaling), and volume
production (learning curves). All three are dependent on deployment of the technology. Deployment provides a
means for continued research in technology improvements, cost reductions due to increased production, and
economy of scale from constructing larger plants.
The second element of the levelized energy cost is the O&M costs. For the trough plant, O&M costs represent
25% or more of the LEC.
As such, the focus of the risk assessment covers the following main categories:
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
Total Investment Cost
Operation and Maintenance
4.6.1 Deployment
Market expansion of trough technology will require incentives to reach market competitiveness. Numerous
potential incentives exist, such as: environmental (CO
emission credits), favorable tax credits, favorable peak
energy tariff, premium consumer pricing, loan guarantees, low interest loans, and grants. Analysis of incentives
required to reach market acceptance is not within the scope of this report.
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab near-term deployment projection is one identical 100-MW plant per year in the years 2004 through
2006 (three plants total).
The actual strategy employed by the plant suppliers can be significantly diverse, with more emphasis on near-
term cost reduction with a minimum of risk. The trough plant suppliers may opt to provide multiple plants in the
50 MWe, to 100 MWe size with no thermal storage but with a supplemental steam generator, replicating the
proven technology of the existing SEGS plants. The suppliers can rely more on initial production volume to
reduce costs as opposed to efficiency and technology improvements and scale-up factors. Minimizing or
eliminating thermal storage, with its current elevated cost, appreciably reduces the total direct cost of the plant.
Without thermal storage, the direct capital cost is approximately 50% less for the 100-MW plant deployed in the
2004–2006 time frame. However, due to the lower annual MWh generation, the LEC ($/MWh) is approximately
20% higher than for a plant with 12 hours of thermal storage.
Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab mid-term deployment projection is six 100-MW plants and one 150-MW plant with improved
technology being deployed in the years 2007 through 2010.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab long-term deployment projection is eight 150-MW plants with improved technology being
deployed in the years 2010 through 2014; twelve advanced technology 200-MW plants in the years 2015
through 2020; and one 400-MW advanced technology plant in 2020. The SunLab total long-term deployment is
4,900 MW of installed capacity.
4.6.2 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab projected near-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 14.3%, an improvement of
3.7 percentage points from the SEGS VI 10.6% efficiency. The increased efficiency is mainly attributable to
improved receiver optical and thermal emittance properties. The demonstrated improvements are the following:
Significant improvements in selective coatings have occurred since the last SEGS plant was
built. The solar absorptance of the cermet tubes used at SEGS VI was approximately 91.5%.
According to test data (SPF 2001), the Solel UVAC receiver tubes have a solar weighted
absorptance of 94.4%.
Anti reflective coatings for glass have been improved in the last 10 years to improve durability.
The new receiver tubes have anti-reflective coatings that deliver solar transmittances of 96.5%,
compared with earlier coating that only allowed 92.5%.
SEGS VI had a combination of black chrome and the original generation of Luz Cermet
receiver tubes. The average thermal emittance of these tubes is approximately 20% greater at
350°C. The UVAC receiver first installed at SEGS VI had a thermal emittance of 14% at
400°C. According to tests performed for Solel, the second-generation UVAC receiver had a
thermal emittance of about 9% at 400°C
There is a low risk of achieving the near-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 14.3%, since the receiver
properties that the improvement is dependent on have been demonstrated either by operating experience at the
SEGS plants or from test data.
4.6.3 Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab projected mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 17.0%, an improvement of
2.7 percentage points from the near-term projected efficiency of 14.3%. This improvement is mainly attributable
to the following:
Second-generation advanced receiver with an optical design point efficiency of 79.1%
(compared to near-term 75%) as a result of a solar absorptance of 96% (compared to near-term
94.4%) and mirror reflectivity of 95% (compared to near-term 93.5%).
Improved steam turbine cycle efficiency of 3 percentage points as a result of increasing the
solar field operating temperature to 500°C.
There is a high risk of achieving the mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 17.0% based on the
following considerations:
The optical efficiency improvement is based on two steps of receiver advancements, an
advanced heat collection element (HCE) coating for the projected 500°C operating temperature.
Alternate HCE designs are under various stages of development that indicate lower cost than the
Solel UVAC HCE, but at reduced efficiency levels. Reduced HCE efficiency will result in a
lower net annual solar-to-electric efficiency.
While there are no steam turbine technological risks in achieving the improved efficiency, the
type of heat transfer fluid (HTF) will have to be changed to obtain the 500°C inlet steam
temperature. The SunLab projections assume a nitrate salt HTF with an upper operating range
of 500°C. Alternate HTF development will be required since use of nitrate salt has not been
demonstrated for the trough technology.
A direct thermocline thermal storage system is assumed for the mid-term case. At the present
time, preliminary assessments have been made on the potential impact that a thermocline
storage system might have on the annual performance of the plant and more detailed analyses
and research are required. The current ball joints will not work with the high-temperature salt
HFT, and flexhose and ball joint sealing options have to be researched and developed. Various
thermal storage options are in the early stages of development.
A mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency in the 15.4% range represents a low risk by limiting the
technology improvements to currently demonstrated or tested improvements.
The reduction in efficiency from the projected 17.0% to 15.4% results in an increase in the mid-term levelized
energy cost of approximately $0.0045/kWhe.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab projected long-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 17.2%, an improvement of
0.2 percentage points from the mid-term projected efficiency of 17.0%. This modest improvement is mainly
attributable to operational improvements to reduce thermal losses and reducing the amount of dust on the
There is a high risk of achieving the long-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 17.2% due to the mid-
term risks discussed previously. However, the risk is greatly reduced if the trough technology is successfully
deployed to the extent that the competitive market prompts research and development of technological
4.6.4 Total Investment Cost
The major cost contributors in total investment cost of a parabolic trough solar plant with thermal storage are the
solar collector field (53%), thermal storage system (23%), and the power block (14%).
In combination with thermal storage, increased annual net efficiency, and reduced equipment cost via
technology advancements, competition and deployment are the primary elements in reducing the long-term cost
of the trough plant.
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab projected near-term total investment cost, with the exception of the thermal storage, is based on
actual values from the SEGS plants. Costs for components such as the HCE and mirrors are based on current
pricing of replacement parts for the SEGS plants.
The near-term indirect two-tank thermal storage system is based on cost estimates from detailed design
drawings and material takeoffs developed by Nextant. The technological risk using the two-tank molten-salt
storage system is low based on the successful utilization at the Solar Two plant.
Estimated costs based on the SOAPP program indicate that the SunLab projected capital costs for the power
block are conservative (on the high side), approximately $50/kW higher than estimated by the SOAPP program.
The SunLab power block cost estimates are based on a 1990 ABB quotation for a 100-MW steam turbine. The
ABB quotation was escalated and scaled-up for the larger sizes. The SunLab power block cost estimates are
based on dated information and the escalation and scale-up factors add to the uncertainty of the data with respect
to current pricing. Equipment prices in the SOAPP program reflect 2001 actual costs. Since the SOAPP pricing
is current, the SOAPP-generated costs are more characteristic of current power block costs.
Based on the above considerations, there is a low risk of achieving the near-term total investment cost.
Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab projected mid-term total investment cost indicates a total cost of $2,876/kWe, a reduction of
$1,983/kWe from the near-term projected cost of $4,859/kWe, mainly attributable to the following:
An increase in the plant size from 100 MW to 150 MW, which reduces the $/kWe cost by virtue
of the larger kWe size.
Reduced cost of solar collection system components, such as HCE and mirrors, of
approximately 35% as a result of technological advances, competition, and production volume.
Reduction of the thermal storage capital cost from the near-term $958/kWe to $383/kWe by
using a direct thermocline thermal storage system.
There is a high risk of achieving the SunLab projected mid-term total investment cost of $2,876/kWe, based on
the following considerations:
The SunLab projected reduced cost of solar collection system components, such as HCE and
mirrors, is based on six 100-MW plants and one 150-MW plant with improved technology
being deployed in the years 2007 through 2010. Market expansion of trough technology will
require incentives to reach the projected level of deployment.
The SunLab projected mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 17.0%, an
improvement of 2.7 percentage points from the near-term projected efficiency of 14.3%. The
solar field size, and thus the solar field cost, is directly proportional to the net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of a trough plant. As previously discussed, there is a high risk of achieving
the mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 17.0%. Using a mid-term net annual
solar-to-electric efficiency in the 15.4% range, which represents a lower risk by limiting the
technology improvements to currently demonstrated or tested improvements, results in a 8%
decrease in the solar field size compared to 19% decrease for a 17.0% efficiency.
The SunLab projected mid-term direct thermocline system with HitecXL (ternary) solar salt as
the storage media and heat transfer fluid (HTF), allowing the solar field to be operated to higher
outlet temperatures (500°C). No thermal storage technology has been commercially
demonstrated for the higher solar field operating temperatures. Additional development is
required for the thermocline system. In addition to the development of a thermocline system, an
advanced HCE will be required to obtain the 500°C HTF operating temperature.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab projected long-term total investment cost indicates a total cost of $2,221/kWe, a reduction of
$655/kWe from the mid-term projected cost of $2,876/kWe, mainly attributable to the following:
An increase in the plant sizes from the 100–150-MW range to the 200–400-MW range, which
reduces the $/kWe cost by virtue of the larger kWe size.
Reduced cost of solar collection system components from mid-term costs, such as HCE and
mirrors, of approximately 25% as a result of technological advances, competition, and
production volume.
There is a high risk of achieving the SunLab projected long-term total investment cost due to the mid-term risks
discussed previously. However, the risk is mitigated if the trough technology is successfully deployed to the
extent that the competitive market prompts research and development of technological advances and plant sizes
in the 200–400-MW range.
4.6.5 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs
The SunLab O&M estimate is based largely on the experience at the KJC Operating Company SEGS plants. The
model assumes a stand-alone trough power plant (as opposed to the five co-located plants at Kramer Junction)
and adjusts costs depending on the size of the solar field and total electric generation per year. KJC Operating
Company provided proprietary information on the last five years of operation.
The major cost contributors for O&M costs are as follows:
Solar field replacement of the heat collection elements (HCE)
The staffing is a fixed cost, and the SunLab projected manpower requirements are reasonable based on data
from similar-sized power plants.
The industry plan keys on thermal storage to obtain a high capacity factor, which reduces the O&M costs
($/MWh) by obtaining a higher annual MWh generation. The net annual solar-to-electric efficiency has a
significant impact on the O&M costs. Increased efficiency reduces the size of the solar field and thus reduces
the number of mirror and HCE replacements required.
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab projected near-term O&M cost is based on an HCE replacement rate of 2%, a net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of 14.3%, and 12 hours of thermal storage. As previously indicated, there is a low risk of
achieving the near-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency and the technological risk using the two-tank
molten-salt storage system is low. However, the HCE replacement rate of 2% is not consistent with the average
actual HCE replacement rate of 5.5% reported for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001. Using the average
replacement rate of 5.5% increases the levelized O&M cost by approximately $0.004/kWhe, an increase of 17%.
There is a high risk of achieving the SunLab projected near-term O&M cost since the SunLab assumption of a
2% HCE replacement rate assumes that current approaches for reducing failures are successful. S&L believes
this is an aggressive assumption that cannot be assured for future plants without the field data to verify the
failure rate reduction. A lower risk would be using a HCE replacement rate of 5.5% and an annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of 14.0%
Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab projected mid-term O&M cost is based on an HCE replacement rate of 0.5%, a net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of 17%, and 12 hours of thermal storage using a direct thermocline system with HitecXL
(ternary) solar salt.
As previously indicated, there is a high risk of achieving the mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of
17.0% and a mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency in the 15.4% range represents a low risk by limiting
the technology improvements to currently demonstrated or tested improvements. Also, the direct thermocline
thermal storage system has not been commercially demonstrated for the higher solar field operating
temperatures and additional development is required for the thermocline system. In addition to the development
of a thermocline system, an advanced HCE will be required to obtain the 500°C HTF operating temperature.
New designs are currently under investigation that attempt to improve the reliability of the HCE. Kramer
Junction is currently testing a new design UVAC2 with a revised internal shield. A more conservative
replacement rate for the S&L comparison is 2.5%.
There is a high risk of achieving the SunLab projected mid-term O&M cost. A lower risk would be using a HCE
replacement rate of 2.5% and an annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 15.4%.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab projected long-term O&M cost is based on an HCE replacement rate of 0.5%, a net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of 17.2%, and 12 hours of thermal storage using a direct thermocline system with HitecXL
(ternary) solar salt. The projected long-term plant is basically the same configuration as the projected mid-term
plant with the reduction in O&M cost primarily as a result of the increase in plant size to 400 MW. As such,
there is the same high risk of achieving the SunLab projected O&M cost.
In this section, variations in the inputs for levelized energy costs are shown to illustrate the sensitivity of energy
calculated cost to variations. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the impact on the LEC of the various
scenarios are basically the same for both trough and tower technologies. The base case for the sensitivity
analysis for the trough in 2020 is 400 MW with a capital cost of $3,204 per kW and annual O&M costs of
$14,129, as is shown in Table 4-22. The tower base case is shown for reference.
Table 4-22 — S&L Base Case for the Year 2020
Trough Tower
Year 2020 2020
Capacity, MWe 400 200
Capacity Factor, 56.2% 72.9%
Capital Cost, $/kW $3,220 $3,591
Annual O&M Cost, $k $14,129 $9,132
LEC, $/kWh $0.0621 $0.0547
Economic Life 30 yrs
General Inflation 2.5 %
Equity Rate of Return 14%
Cost of Construction 7%
Construction Duration 1 yr.
Investment Tax Credit 10%
Taxes 40.2%
Depreciable Life 5 yrs.
Trough Tower
IRR 14%
DSCR 1.35
4.7.1 Depreciable Life
The tax depreciation allowances for renewable energy provide a favorable 5-year depreciable life. The Modified
Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) defined depreciation schedules for 5, 10, and 15 years. If the tax
laws are changed or reinterpreted, the variation in LEC in 2020 is shown below.
Table 4-23 — Effect of Depreciable Life on Levelized Energy Cost
Depreciable Life
LEC in 2020
(years) $/kWh % difference
5 $0.0621 Base Case
10 $0.0658 6.1%
15 $0.0698 12.5%
4.7.2 Investment Tax Credits
The investment tax credits have a major impact on the economic feasibility of a renewable energy power plant.
Current tax law allows a 10% investment tax credit. Future tax laws may allow a larger tax credit such as the
15% before 1985 or disallow investment tax credits. Tax credits from 0% to 15% and Energy Production Tax
Credit (PTC) result in the LEC in 2020 to vary as shown below.
Table 4-24 — Effect of Investment Tax Credits on Levelized Energy Cost
Tax Credits
LEC in 2020
(%) $/kWh % difference
0% $0.0670 7.8%
5% $0.0645 3.4%
10% $0.0621 Base Case
15% $0.0596 -4.0%
PTC of 1.8¢/kWh $0.0490 -26.9%
4.7.3 Corporate Tax Rate
Corporate tax rates are currently at 35%. State taxes vary depending on the plant location but are assumed to be
8%. The composite base tax rate is 43%. The present Government Administration is currently considering
reductions in the corporate tax rate, but the rate can vary depending on the economic conditions at the time. The
impact on LEC in 2020 from changes in the tax rate is shown below.
Table 4-25 — Effect of Corporate Tax Rates on Levelized Energy Cost
Corporate Tax Rates LEC in 2020
Federal State Composite $/kWh % Difference
30% 8% 38% $0.0632 1.9%
35% 8% 43% $0.0621 Base Case
38% 10% 48% $0.0610 -1.7%
4.7.4 Inflation
Inflation assumptions do not affect the real dollar levelized energy cost. Increases and decreases in the inflation
rate impact the LEC in 2020 as shown below.
Table 4-26 — Effect of Inflation on Levelized Energy Cost
Inflation Rate LEC in 2020
Rate IRR $/kWh % difference
1.5% 12.9% $0.0614 -1.0%
2.5% 14.0% $0.0621 Base Case
3.5% 15.1% $0.0627 1.1%
4.7.5 Cost of Capital
Cost of capital for the base case is such that there is an internal rate of return (IRR) of 14%. The impact on LEC
in 2020 from a change in the cost of capital is shown in the following table.
Table 4-27 — Effect of Cost of Capital on Levelized Energy Cost
Cost of Capital LEC in 2020
IRR $/kWh % Difference
13% $0.0575 -7.3%
14% $0.0621 Base Case
15% $0.0668 7.7%
4.7.6 Construction Duration
The plant construction period for the base case is one year based on experience at the SEGS plants. The amount
of interest during construction (IDC) is included in the LEC. The impact on LEC in 2020 for construction of two
and three years is shown below.
Table 4-28 — Effect of Construction Duration on Levelized Energy Cost
LEC in 2020 Construction
$/kWh % Difference
1 $0.0621 Base Case
2 $0.0655 5.5%
3 $0.069 11.3%
4.7.7 Capital Cost
The variation for increases in capital costs is shown below.
Table 4-29 — Effect of Capital Cost Increases on Levelized Energy Cost
LEC in 2020 Increase in Capital
$/kWh % difference
0% $0.0621 Base Case
10% $0.0675 8.8%
20% $0.0730 17.7%
4.7.8 Annual O&M Cost
The variation for increases in annual O&M costs is shown below
Table 4-30 — Effect of O&M Cost Increase on Levelized Energy Cost
LEC in 2020 Increase in Annual
O&M Cost
$/kWh % difference
0% $0.0621 Base Case
10% $0.0628 1.2%
20% $0.0635 2.3%
4.7.9 Ownership
The S&L base case considers ownership by an Independent Power Producer (IPP). An investment by
developer/owners and financial institutions would require an IRR of at least 14%. It is more likely that the first
several power plants will be owned by utilities. Utilities require a lower IRR and would be more receptive to
renewable initiatives. As the industry matures (e.g., capital cost declines and the technology is proven), the IPPs
would become involved. There is the potential for private ownership in the early plants, but it would most likely
be from manufacturers who could offset the lower IRR with increased sales for solar equipment. The impact of
ownership on LEC for 2020 is shown below.
Table 4-31 — Effect of Ownership on Levelized Energy Cost
IRR, % 14% 11.5% 0%
Leverage 60/40 50/50 100/0
Cost of Debt 5% 7% 5%
DSCR 1.35 1.74 1.0
LEC, $/kWh $0.0621 $0.0597 $0.0458
% difference Base Case -3.9% -26.1%
SunLab worked closely with industry in the development and demonstration of Solar One and Solar Two. The
key industry participants were Boeing, Nexant (formerly Bechtel) and numerous utilities led by Southern
California Edison. Since Solar Two, SunLab has continued working with industry to solve problems identified
during the Solar Two demonstration project and identify technology improvements to reduce costs. The
problems identified during Solar Two demonstration project are discussed in detail later. The tower industry has
developed a comprehensive plan to lower costs. Industry participants have certain confidential information that
cannot be shared since it would compromise their ability to compete in the domestic and international markets.
The SunLab model (SunLab 2002) provides a cost estimate and plan that closely follows the industry
comprehensive plan. S&L used the SunLab plan as the basis of our independent review and supplemented with
industry information and our experience. Table 5-1 lists the SunLab tower development plant and indicates the
‘near-term’, ‘mid-term’ and ‘long-term’ cases discussed previously.
Table 5-1 — Tower Technology Summary: SunLab Reference Case
Case* Baseline
Solar Two
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
In Service Date
Power Cycle Rankine Rankine Rankine Rankine Rankine Supercritical
Net Power, MWe 10 13.65 50 100 200 220
Capacity Factor, % 21% 78% 75% 73% 74% 72%
Heliostat Size 39/95 95 95 148 148 148
Heliostat Design glass/metal glass/metal glass/metal glass/metal glass/metal Advanced
Solar Field Size, km
0.08 0.23 0.72 1.32 2.61 2.65
Receiver Area, m
100 280 710 1,110 1,930 1,990
Receiver Peak
Incident Flux,
0.8 0.95 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6
Case* Baseline
Solar Two
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
In Service Date
Ratio Average/Peak
Incident Flux
0.60 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Receiver Average
Incident Flux,
0.48 0.49 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.80
Heat Transfer Fluid solar salt solar salt solar salt solar salt solar salt solar salt
Temperature, °C
565 565 565 565 565 650
Thermal Storage
solar salt solar salt solar salt solar salt solar salt solar salt w/
Thermal Storage, hr 3 16 16 13 13 17
Land Area, km
0.4 1.1 3.4 6.6 13.8 14
* All cases assume Kramer Junction 1999 radiation of 8.054 kW/m
Industry and the national laboratories are actively working together to enhance technology to reduce costs. This
is being accomplished with industry research and development (IRD) funding and cooperative work with the
national laboratories. For example, Boeing and Sandia are currently participating in solar research through a
joint Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). Boeing reported that they committed
$2 million of IRD funds for the Solar Two demonstration project. Boeing is continuing to pursue improvements
to the receiver and other systems through internal funding. This effort has resulted in multiple patents and
disclosures and in advanced codes (SUNSPOT and RISROC) for field and receiver optimization. A previous
CRADA with SunLab was completed to study fabrication of large heliostats. Nexant and Sandia have worked
closely to develop improved plant designs and specifications to utilize the lessons learned at Solar Two.
Some of the design improvements that are or will be pursued are listed below.
Mirrors will improve by the use of higher reflectivity thin glass or films, and additional
support structure will be made cost-effective by higher volume production (see
Appendix H).
Cleanliness can improve though the development of contact cleaning tools for heliostats
and the adaptation of ‘self-cleaning
glass for use with solar mirrors.
Novel heliostat designs like stretched membrane (drum-like) or inflatable/rolling concepts
that are lower in weight than traditional glass/metal designs.
Drive mechanisms can be simplified. Presently the drives use complex gearing.
New flux monitoring and management systems that will permit higher solar flux levels on
the receiver.
Changes in receiver tube material have been accomplished to correct problems identified
during Solar Two. The tube material changes were validated by molten salt corrosion tests
and high flux testing at Sandia. The development of this material was performed jointly by
Boeing and Sandia (CRADA).
Simplified redesign of the receiver panels was accomplished jointly by Boeing and Sandia
Tube internal heat transfer enhancements can improve receiver flux capability.
Simpler and more efficient header oven covers can allow faster preheat in the morning and
more efficient operation in partly cloudy weather and high winds.
Redesigned fill and drain system can accelerate receiver start-up and simplifies operation.
High-temperature selective surfaces for receiver tubes can reduce radiative losses while
maintaining high absorptivity.
Advanced header design, including new materials and nozzle designs, was modified and
parts deleted. This is the key reason in achieving cost reduction from $8.33 per kWt for
Solar Two to $3.96 per kWt for Solar Tres.
HTF and Thermal Storage
Improved tank venting system and better instrumentation.
Advanced tower piping design that eliminates drag valves in the down flow pipe.
Simplified foundation cooling system can lower cost.
Optimize the tank overall configuration (shape and location).
Higher temperature molten salt to improve cycle performance.
An advanced molten salt with a lower freezing point can reduce heat tracing, simplify
operation, and result in decreased parasitic power consumption.
Direct resistance heating of piping and components can lower maintenance costs.
Steam Generator System
Installing the hot and cold pumps directly in the hot and cold storage tanks eliminates
significant piping and valves, which results in reduced cost.
Several glass manufacturers are releasing ‘self-cleaning’ glass, including Pilkington Active ™
) and PPG SunClean (www.ppg.com/gls_sunclean/)
Elevating the steam generator heat exchangers allows full gravity draining, which provides
less equipment and simplifies operation of the system.
Improved operating procedures have been developed to provide more reliable operation.
Electric Power Block
Larger plants can utilize the more efficient Rankine cycles that are currently available
Even higher cycle efficiencies are possible via parallel paths: (1) the availability of more
efficient Rankine cycles in the appropriate size range and (2) the introduction of
supercritical steam turbines operating at higher temperatures can increase Rankine cycle
Many of the advances just described can reduce capital costs and/or improve plant efficiency, which indirectly
decreases capital costs. For example, given a fixed plant size and capacity factor, the net annual solar-electric
efficiency sets the required collector area (Appendix E.3). As the efficiency increases, the collector area and cost
decrease in proportion. Table 5-2 lists the subsystem annual efficiencies of selected tower plants from the
development plan and summarizes the S&L analysis of these projections.
Table 5-2 — Tower Annual Efficiency Summary
SunLab Sargent & Lundy
1996 2004 2008 2020 2004 2008 2020
Solar 220
58% at
56.0% 56.3% 57.0% 56.0% 56.0% 56.0%
The collector efficiency should decrease
at larger plants because the average
distance between heliostat field and tower
increases, as does the atmospheric
attenuation of light. The SunLab projected
improvements in reflectivity and
cleanliness more then compensate for
this effect, but S&L projects that the
mirror cleanliness will not exceed 95%
based on discussions with operators at
Kramer Junction.
76.0% 78.3% 83.1% 82.0% 78.3% 83.1% 82.0%
Efficiency increases in with solar flux level
the mid-term plant due to reduced thermal
losses. Flux increases cannot
compensate for increased losses due to
higher temperature operation in the long-
term plant.
SunLab Sargent & Lundy
1996 2004 2008 2020 2004 2008 2020
Solar 220
31.7% 40.5% 42.0% 46.3% 38.0% 41.4% 45.6%
The Solar Two steam turbine was
designed for marine propulsion and
lacked reheat. Current, proven Rankine
technology is being used up to Solar 200.
Solar 220 is projecting that current
research on advanced turbines will be
complete and available to support in
2018. The turbine efficiencies are
reasonable based on guarantees. Actual
efficiencies will be less depending on
actual conditions (i.e., cooling water
Parasitic 73.0% 86.4% 90.0% 90.0% 86.4% 90.0% 90.0%
The parasitic efficiency will increase
based on higher capacity factors, larger
plants, design improvements and lessons
learned from Solar Two and Solar Tres.
97.0% 98.3% 99.5% 99.5% 98.3% 99.5% 99.5%
Efficiencies increase at future plants
because tank surface area to volume ratio
(and heat losses) decreases with
increasing tank size.
Piping 99.0% 99.5% 99.9% 99.9% 99.5% 99.9% 99.9%
The piping efficiencies are reasonable
and increase due to larger piping and
shorter lengths per kWe
Availability 90.0%* 92.0% 94.0% 94.0% 92.0% 94.0% 94.0%
The availability should be reached after
the first 12 to 18 months of operation.
Actual availability for SEGS VI in 1999
was 98%
7.6% 13.7% 16.6% 18.1% 13.0% 16.1% 17.3% The large jump from Solar Two to Solar
Tres is due to the use of (1) a steam
turbine with reheat, (2) a new collector
field that performs to the level proven at
Solar One, and (3) miscellaneous small
improvements due mostly to the increase
in plant size. S&L agrees with these
projections, except uses a lower mirror
cleanliness estimate for Solar 220.
Section E.3
* Based on the mature plant operation of Solar One.
The projected increases in net annual solar-to-electric efficiency have a significant impact on the capital cost of
the plants. The S&L analysis of the impact of these incremental efficiency improvements the SunLab capital
cost at the subsystem level appears in Table 5-2. More details of this analysis are presented in Section E.4.6. For
illustration, the impact of solar-to-electric efficiency improvements on required collector area and cost is shown
in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 — Comparison of Annual Solar-to-Electrical Efficiency Technology Step Changes:
SunLab vs. S&L
5.2.1 Annual Collector Efficiency
Collector efficiency includes mirror reflectivity (see Appendix H for the definition of reflectivity and the impact
of microscopic defects on plant performance), field optical efficiency,
field availability, mirror corrosion
avoidance, mirror cleanliness, and high wind outages. SunLab projections for each of these contributing
collector field efficiencies are listed in Appendix E, Table E-6 for all plants. The detailed S&L analysis of
collector field efficiency appears in Appendix E, Section E.3.6. The prime adjustment was regarding mirror
Includes the cosine effect, blocking of incident sunlight, shading of reflected sunlight by adjacent heliostats, and the
intercept. The intercept is the fraction of light directed toward the receiver that actually strikes it. Errors in heliostat
tracking, focal length, and shape reduce the intercept below unity. Economic optimizations typically yield an intercept of
about 95%.
cleanliness. Based on discussions during the KJC site visit, S&L estimates the upper bound on mirror
cleanliness to be 95%, as opposed to the SunLab upper limit of 97%.
5.2.2 Annual Receiver Efficiency
Receiver efficiency includes absorptivity, thermal efficiency, and plant operational losses. When sunlight strikes
the receiver, some energy is reflected. The fraction absorbed is called the absorptivity, and the Pyromark paint
used on the tower receiver has an absorptivity of 95% when new. Slow degradation of the paint observed at
Solar One dictates that it be reapplied every few years and results in a lower time-average absorptivity
(Radosevich 1988). Improved durability of the paint and/or ease of application and curing can raise the average
up to the as-new value of 95%. In addition, the receiver suffers radiation and convective losses that reduce its
thermal efficiency below 100%.
Increasing the solar flux levels on the receiver permits a reduction in size that reduces these losses and increases
thermal efficiency. A new high-nickel receiver tube material will be used on future plants because (1) it
eliminates stress corrosion cracking, which can occur in the receiver because moist air can enter when it is
drained at night, and (2) it permits higher solar flux levels. The stress corrosion cracking resistance has been
validated in testing with Sandia. A small prototype panel of the new material has been tested to flux levels in
excess of 1.6 MWt/m
. A full size panel was also constructed and installed at Solar Two where it operated at the
lower flux levels of that plant. Achieving the increased solar flux levels will require improved flux monitoring
and management systems.
Plant operational losses occur when the plant is unable to use all of the available energy for a short period. For
example, times of very high solar resource can ‘overpower’ the receiver so part of the field must be ‘defocused’
to avoid damage. This reduces annual efficiency. Times of very low solar resource (e.g., sunrise) do not justify
plant operation because losses outpace gains. Likewise, when clouds shade the plant, the receiver enters a cloud
standby state with salt circulating through the receiver and incurring thermal losses without any energy
collection. The plant operating and dispatch strategy can also create a situation where the thermal storage system
is full and cannot accept any additional energy, so energy collection must again be curtailed (called ‘dumping.’)
Economic optimization of the plant design typically results in a few percent of defocusing and dumping losses.
5.2.3 Annual Gross Cycle Efficiency
The annual gross cycle efficiency includes the design point gross cycle efficiency, startup losses, and part-load
operation. Losses due to minimum turbine load requirements do not apply because all of the plants have thermal
storage. The gross cycle efficiency is the thermal input to the turbine divided by the gross (nameplate) output.
Electrical parasitic loads are considered next. The high-storage, high-capacity factor plants have minimal startup
losses and are normally not run at part load, so these losses are minimal.
5.2.4 Annual Parasitic Efficiency
The main parasitic electric loads are the motors for the salt pumps, condensate/feedwater pumps, cooling water
pumps, cooling tower fans, and boiler. Additional parasitic loads are a result of instrumentation, controls,
computers, valve actuators, air compressors, and lighting. The solar field also adds parasitic loads for the
collector drives and communications. Electric parasitic loads decrease with larger plant size and are based on
detailed analysis at Solar One and Solar Two (Reilly and Kolb 2001)
5.2.5 Annual Thermal Storage Efficiency
The annual thermal storage efficiency accounts for thermal losses from the thermal storage system. Storage
thermal losses are a function of the surface area of the storage tanks and the temperature of the fluid above
ambient. Large high-temperature thermal storage systems have been demonstrated at SEGS I and Solar Two. In
these systems, thermal losses have been shown to be small; thus, the storage thermal efficiency is very close to
100%. As the size of the tanks increases, their surface area increases more slowly than their volume, so that
thermal losses are reduced and efficiency increases.
5.2.6 Annual Piping Efficiency
The piping efficiency includes losses from the salt piping in the tower and at ground level.
5.2.7 Annual Plant Availability
Annual plant availability accounts for scheduled plant outages for regular maintenance and unscheduled plant
outages due to equipment failures.
The solar field, electric power block, and receiver encompass approximately 74% of the total direct costs as
shown in Figure 5-2. The major cost component is the heliostat field, which encompasses 43% of total costs for
Solar Tres. The next three categories are electric power block, 13%; receiver, 18%; and balance-of-plant, 6%.
Our review focused on these three major cost components, with a less stringent review of thermal storage and
steam generator. Table 5-3 provides a summary of the SunLab and S&L cost projection.
Figure 5-2 — Cost Components for Solar Tres
Table 5-3 —Summary of Tower Cost Projections
SunLab Forecast
Sargent & Lundy
Year In Service
Structures and Improvements,
12.3 4.0 2.7 11.6 3.9 2.7
Heliostat Field, $/m
field 145 107 76 160 134 117
Receiver, $k/m
recv 50 27 21 57.143 30.631 23.834
Tower and Piping, $/m
field 12.1 9.1 9.2 11.6 8.7 9.1
Thermal Storage, $/kWt 49 41 40 49 41 40
SunLab Forecast
Sargent & Lundy
Year In Service
Steam Generator, $/kWt 14 8 7 14 8 7
Electric Power, $/kWe 733 400 380 557 306 231
Balance of Plant, $/kWe 532 116 7 733 367 169
Subtotal Direct Costs, $/kWe 5,700 2,700 1,900 6,424 3,375 2,684
Indirect Costs, $/kWe 440 241 183 1,134 629 524
Contingency, $/kWe 453 202 152 890 604 383
Risk Pool, $/kWe 580 0 0 642 0 0
Total Cost, $/kWe 7,110 3,100 2,270 9,090 4,608 3,591
5.3.1 Collectors
The first plants (Solar Tres and Solar 50) will use the 95-m
heliostats. The heliostat size will be increased to
148 m
for Solar 100. S&L evaluation focused on the capital costs and cost improvement for the 148 m
heliostat. Our review is primarily based on the SunLab model, the detailed cost model developed by AD Little,
and Winsmith drive cost and technology improvement studies. The 148-m
heliostat was compared against the
95 m
heliostat. We reviewed the major cost components and provided a discussion of the assumptions and
reasonableness of the cost estimate in Appendix E.
AD Little (ADL) was contracted by the DOE to prepare a detailed cost estimate for the current 148 m
design from Advanced Thermal Systems (Arthur D. Little, 2001). The study was based on detailed design
drawings, material takeoff, and proven assembly techniques. ADL applied manufacturing and assembly times
based on their experience and material costs to develop a rigorous cost estimate. Manufacturers and vendors
were contacted to develop and validate material costs. ADL used the detailed design information from
Advanced Thermal Systems (ATS)
to estimate the costs. This bottoms-up cost estimate is rigorous and provides
Advanced Thermal Systems is a small company formed in 1985 by former ARCO engineers with licensing rights for the
tracker technology. DOE funded the development of the previous generation 53-m
heliostat. ARCO funded the design,
development, and first prototype 95- and 148-m
trackers for use as heliostats or PV trackers. The design was optimized to
a fairly accurate cost estimate. It is our opinion that the cost estimate prepared by ADL is a reasonable cost
estimate of manufacturing 148 m
based on producing 300 units (444,000 m
). Our estimate of heliostat costs is
shown in Table 5-4. We reviewed the ADL study in detail and compared cost material cost estimates to our
internal cost database (e.g., $ per lb for steel). Based on our evaluation, we determined that the cost of a 95-m
heliostat for initial deployment is about $160. The cost for the 95-m
heliostat was estimated based on a scaling
factor of 0.8, which is more conservative that the industry average of 0.7.
Table 5-4 — Heliostat Cost Estimate Comparison:
Direct Capital Cost – Initial Deployment
Sargent & Lundy
Heliostat Size
95 m
(scaled from 148 m
at a
scaling factor of 0.8)
$14,214 $150 $15,168 $160
148 m
(from Table E-14) $20,288 $137 $21,688 $146
Cost improvements are categorized into technology improvements, scaling factor and volume production.
Technology Improvements
The technology improvements include (1) thinner glass to increase reflectivity and reduce cost, (2) improved
aiming techniques, (3) better maintenance practices and updated control system to increase field availability, and
(4) advanced heliostat for Solar 220.
Sargent & Lundy has evaluated the technology improvements for efficiency:
Mirror cleanliness efficiency shows an increase from 95% to 97%. Based on our interviews at
Kramer Junction, there is no evidence that the cleanliness will get much better than 95%
without a major technology breakthrough. There is current research on glass with surfaces to
maintain high cleanliness efficiencies for large high-rise buildings.
S&L’s cost estimate
assumes that the mirror cleanliness will stay at 95%.
use the maximum number of commodity parts and provide the lowest possible cost for near-term deployment.
Approximately 1000 solar trackers of this basic design have been built. Most were the 95-m
units. One hundred eight of
the heliostats used at Solar Two were second-hand ATS trackers.
Several glass manufacturers are releasing ‘self-cleaning’ glass, including Pilkington Active ™
) and PPG SunClean (www.ppg.com/gls_sunclean/)
Mirror reflectivity efficiency shows an increase from 93.5% to 95%. This will require additional
research in the use of thin glass. The use of thin glass will have to overcome several issues:
breakage, corrosion, manufacturing, and maintaining cleanliness. The current glass with a low
lead content has a reflectivity of 93.5% to 94% depending on the amount of lead. As production
volume increases, there will be greater incentive and quality control to provide higher
reflectivity glass. For additional discussion on glass research, see Section 4.3.3.
The field optical efficiency shows a decrease from 64.6% to 62.8%. This is reasonable based on
the larger collector field size and longer distance to the receiver.
The field availability shows an increase from 98.5% to 99.5%. This is based on better
maintenance practices, better quality of heliostats as a result of volume production, and an
updated control system. Solar One demonstrated a field availability of 99%. We assumed that
actual field availability based on longer-term commercial operation would increase from 98.5%
to 99%. The field availability of 99.5% will be difficult to achieve without at least a 5%
additional collector field to cover maintenance and outages.
Mirror corrosion avoidance efficiency is projected to be 100%. This is reasonable using the
present glass based on the experience at Kramer Junction. Additional research, which is
presently ongoing, will be required as thinner glass is used.
Scaling Factor
Scaling factor cost improvements are based on heliostat size changes: Solar Two (48 m
) to Solar Tres (95 m
and Solar 50 (95 m
) to Solar 100 (95 m
). Increasing to a 148-m
heliostat can be achieved based on detailed
engineering performed by ATS and actual construction and operation as PV trackers. The scaling factor of 0.8 is
a reasonable assumption, even though there have not been a larger quantity of 148-m
heliostats built. The
average industry standard used if no information is available is 0.7 (Humphreys and English 1993). Additional
discussion is provided in Appendix B, Methodology.
Production Volume
Production Volume has a significant impact on cost improvements. The SunLab cost estimate for production
volume cost reductions is based on evaluating each cost component and determining the impact on cost
reduction (see Appendix E.4.4). S&L performed a detailed review of each cost component to determine the
impact. For example the PR ratio for mirrors was calculated to be 0.97, which is reasonable since mirror costs
will decrease due to the increased production runs by mirror manufacturers resulting in lower costs (see
Appendix E.5.1 for additional discussion).
The comparison of heliostat costs based on a cumulative deployment of 8.7 GWe for S&L and SunLab is shown
in Figure 5-3. The range of cost estimates by SunLab and S&L fall within a reasonable cost range established by
S&L (see Appendix B for additional discussion). The range of progress ratios used for the comparison by S&L
is between 0.85 and 0.96. Various studies on learning curves from actual data suggest that a progress ratio of
0.82 has been observed for photovoltaics (PV) and 0.82 for development of wind energy during early
deployment (1980 to 1995). The higher end of the range is from the Enermodal study for the World Bank, which
identified a PV of 0.96 and the Wind Learning Rates compiled by Kobos for development of wind plants.
The progress ratio calculated for the S&L base case is 0.97 and 0.96 for 95-m
heliostats and 0.93 for 148-m
heliostats. The average progress ratio calculated for SunLab is 0.93. These values fall within the range of 0.85 to
0.96, as shown in Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3 — Heliostat Cost Improvements (Cumulative Deployment of 8.7 GWe)
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
2010 2012
Solar 200
2014 2016 2018
Solar 220
Heliostat Cost ($/m
Lower Range [PR-0.85]
Upper Range [PR-0.96]
S&L: 95 m
S&L: 148 m
Sunlab [PR-0.96]
95 m
heliostat 148 m
enhanced 148 m
S&L [PR-0.97]
The comparison of heliostat costs for various deployments are shown Table 5-5. The S&L cost estimate is based
on a deployment of 2.6 GWe.
Table 5-5 — Heliostat Cost vs. Deployment
Solar Tres
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Year 2004 2006 2010 2015 2020
Field Area, m
232,809 721,838 1,330,792 2,622,777 2,678,000
S&L Heliostat Cost at 1.4 GWe
deployment, $/m
$160 $150 $136 $128 $98
S&L Heliostat Cost at 2.6 GWe
deployment, $/m
$160 $150 $134 $124 $94
S&L Heliostat Cost at 4.7 GWe
deployment, $/m
$160 $150 $132 $119 $91
S&L Heliostat Cost at 8.7 GWe
deployment, $/m
$160 $150 $129 $114 $87
The cost estimates shown in the above table do not include contingency. Contingency is included in the total
plant installed cost as shown in Table E-2.
Cost improvements for the three categories—technology, economy of scale, and volume production—are shown
in Table 5-6 based on our evaluation and assumptions. The method and analysis to arrive at the breakdown is
described in Section E.4.7.
Table 5-6 — Breakdown of Tower Collector System Cost Improvements
Solar Two to
Solar Tres
Solar Tres
to Solar 50
Solar 50 to
Solar 100
Solar 100 to
Solar 200
Solar 200 to
Solar 220
Heliostat Size, m
48/95 to 95 95 95 to 148 148 148 to
advanced 148
Technology 27% 11% 35% 5% 72% 30%
Economy of Scale 36% 0% 57% 0% 0% 19%
37% 89% 8% 95% 28% 51%
DOE, SunLab, and the industry have spent considerable time and effort in research and development of
heliostats. The technology has been successfully demonstrated for design, manufacturing, construction, and
operation. S&L reviewed the information available and it is our opinion as substantiated by our review that the
heliostat costs and cost reductions are within an acceptable range assuming deployment of the technology.
5.3.2 Electrical Power Block
Sargent & Lundy estimated the cost for the power block based on the SOAPP model, compared it to our internal
database, and then adjusted the output for labor and productivity rates in the Southwest. The results of our
review are shown in Table 5-7 and Figure 5-4. The power block costs include the steam turbine and generator,
steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater and condensate systems.
Table 5-7 — Capital Cost of Electrical Power Block
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
Output, MWe 13.5 50 100 200 220
SunLab, $M $10.0 $24.5 $40.0 $64.0 $83.6
S&L, $M $7.6 $18.6 $30.6 $46.2 $61.8
Cost improvements are categorized into technology improvements, plant scaling, and volume production.
Technology Improvements
The technology improvements include (1) reheat turbine at 540°C for Solar Tres, Solar 50 and Solar 100,
(2) dual reheat turbine 540°C for Solar 200, and (3) an advanced dual reheat turbine at 640°C.
The near-term turbine efficiency is verified based on the ABB-Brown Boveri heat balances (HTGD 582395,
Sheets 1-7) for SEGS IX, which show an efficiency of 37.7% (in LUZ International Limited 1990). The Rankine
cycle efficiency gains for increasing the inlet steam temperature from 540°C to 640°C were verified by S&L
using General Electric STGPER software program (Version 4.08.00, January 2002). The results from the
STGPER software for Solar 200 and Solar 220 were extrapolated to account for dual reheat turbines. The
turbine efficiencies are summarized in Table 5-8.
Table 5-8 — Turbine Efficiencies
Solar One
Solar Two
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
SunLab 32% 34% 40.5% 42% 42.5% 43% 46.3%
S&L 38% 40.6% 41.4% 42.8% 45.6%
The type of heat transfer fluid (HTF) determines the operational temperature and thus the maximum power cycle
efficiency that can be obtained. The HTF molten nitrate salt (60 wt % NaNO
and 40 wt % KNO
) nitrate salt
used in Solar Two demonstrated that steam temperatures of 540°C were achieved (Pacheco et al. 2002); for
example, test no. 5 at full flow conditions measured actual HTF at 557°C and steam temperature at 542°C.
There are no steam turbine technological risks in achieving the SunLab projected efficiencies up to Solar 200.
There are currently numerous steam turbines operating with steam inlet conditions over 250 bar pressure and
590°C temperature, with gross efficiencies over 44%.
The advance from Solar 200 to Solar 220 is based on
current research on increasing the inlet steam pressure and temperature conditions. This increase in efficiency
for steam turbines is technically feasible and should be available by 2018. The major issue will be the higher
temperatures and impact on materials. The S&L cost estimate did not consider the advanced turbine, but
included it as a sensitivity analysis.
Scaling Factor
Scaling factor is the major factor for cost improvement. There are recognized scale-up cost reductions for the
power block. Using the SOAPP software program and S&L’s internal database, the scale-up factor was
estimated for the projected increased of increasing the power block from 13.5 MW to 200 MW, as depicted on
Figure 5-4.
Plant (commercial operation date): Nanaoota 1 (1995), Noshiro 2 (1995), Haramachi 1 (1997), Haramachi 2 (1998),
Millmerran (2002), Matauura 2 (1997), Misumi 1 (1998), Tachibana Bay (2000), Bexback (2002), Lubeck (1995), Aledore
1 (2000), Nordjylland (1998). From Power (Swanekamp 2002).
Figure 5-4 — Capital Cost of Electrical Power Block
0 50 100 150 200 250
Power block costs include the steam turbine and generator,
steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater and
condensate systems
Advanced Turbine Generator for Solar 220
SunLab - $320 per kW
S&L - $281 per kW
Production Volume
Production volume has no impact on cost improvements since a single steam turbine is supplied with each tower
Cost improvements for the three categories—technology, economy of scale, and volume production—are shown
in Table 5-9 based on our evaluation and assumptions.
Table 5-9 — Breakdown of Power Block Cost Improvements
Solar Two to
Solar Tres
Solar Tres
to Solar 50
Solar 50 to
Solar 100
Solar 100 to
Solar 200
Solar 200 to
Solar 220 Average
Net Electrical Generation, MWe 10 to 13.5 13.5 to 50 50 to 100 100 to 200 200 to 220
Technology 3% 3% 1% 1% 80% 18%
Economy of Scale 97% 97% 99% 99% 20% 82%
Production Volume 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5.3.3 Receiver
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the cost estimate and cost improvements provided by Boeing and SunLab. The
SunLab cost estimate for the capital cost for receiver is lower than the latest Boeing cost estimate. The SunLab
cost estimate should be adjusted to be in accordance with the detailed Boeing cost estimate. The Boeing cost
estimate is reasonable. Boeing is allocating funds for research (e.g., $2M was spent for Solar Two). Boeing is
looking for the DOE to support CSP technology and continued collaboration with the national laboratories.
Table 5-10 — Capital Cost of Receiver
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Receiver System Capital Cost –
SunLab, $M
39.2 9.1 14.7 23 29.1 39.4 43.3
Receiver System Capital Cost –
S&L (based on Boeing), $M
16 26 34 46
Technology Improvements
The technology improvements include (1) increases in receiver absorbtivity, (2) decrease of absorbtivity from
selected coatings, (3) high nickel tubes to allow higher solar flux and smaller tube surface, (4) improved
heliostat aiming allows higher average flux, and (5) improved insulation and receiver header covers to further
reduce heat loss.
The increased receiver efficiency is reasonable based on the following:
Reduction in heat loss, which is approximately proportional to reduction in receiver surface area
per incident power.
Increase of receiver absorbtivity through Industry Research & Development (IR&D).
Decrease of receiver emissivity from selected coatings achieved through IR&D.
High nickel tubes to allow higher solar flux and smaller tube surface for Solar 200.
Improved heliostat aiming.
Gradual increase in solar flux as operating experience is gained from the preceding plant.
Constant defocus, dump, startup, and cloud factor at 93.4%. The increase from Solar Two is
reasonable based on design changes and revised operating methods.
Increase in absorbance from 93% to 94.5%. This increase will require additional research into
receiver tube material and coatings and/or more frequent painting.
Change in receiver thermal losses from 93.1% to 94.7%. This increase will require additional
research to increase thermal flux. The research includes new materials, smaller tube surfaces,
operating experience, better heliostat aiming, and improved insulation and receiver header
Cost improvements are categorized into technology improvements, scaling factor, and volume production.
Scaling Factor
Scaling factor cost improvements is the major factor for cost improvements. Boeing, based on their experience
in manufacturing receivers and similar components, used a scaling factor of 0.7. The estimated capital cost for
receivers was calculated based on a scaling factor of 0.7 as shown in Table E-42. The difference between the
capital cost calculated for a scale-up of 0.7 and the projected capital cost is cost savings, which are attributed to
technical and volume production (for example: the receiver cost for Solar 50 is estimated to be $26 million. The
cost projection based on a scaling factor of 0.7 would be $31.6 million [Receiver Cost for Solar 100 = $16 x
= $31.6 million]). The difference is $5.6, which is attributed to technical improvements and
production volume as discussed in Section E.7.4.
Production Volume
Production volume (fabrication learning curve) from previous projects will provide cost improvements due to
the repetitive assembly related with manufacturing receiver panels. For Solar Tres, 6,000 clips are welded onto
850 individual tubes that are then welded to 34 headers, which are part of 17 identical receiver panels. Boeing is
expecting 85% to 90% learning curve based on experience. Boeing has also identified cost improvements due to
improved manufacturing and quantity discount of material, which are reasonable assumptions. Material and
components are about 35% of receiver costs. The cost improvements are shown below in Table 5-11:
Table 5-11 — Effect of Production Volume (Percent of Total Savings)
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Total, % 7% 14% 12% 5%
The cost improvements for technology, scaling, and production volume are shown below in Table 5-12:
Table 5-12 — Cost Improvements for Technology, Scaling, and Production Volume
Solar Two
to Solar
Solar Tres
to Solar 50
Solar 50 to
Solar 100
Solar 100 to
Solar 200
Solar 200 to
Solar 220
Cost Reduction Due
to Technical
32% 35% 66% 65% 31% 46%
Cost Reduction Due
to Scaling
50% 43% 25% 24% 61% 41%
Cost Reduction Due
to Production
18% 22% 9% 11% 8% 13%
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the information provided and the capital cost and cost improvements are reasonable
based on the following:
The Boeing cost estimate is based on actual costs from Solar Two, with adjustments to
compensate for design improvements, manufacturing improvements, construction labor rates,
and escalation.
The Boeing cost estimate is based on detailed design drawings and material take-offs (bottoms-
up cost estimate), which provides a high degree of accuracy.
Estimates for Solar 50, 100, and 200 receivers were developed from Solar Two and Solar Tres
with appropriate scale-up and available industry data.
Boeing has considerable experience in the design and manufacturer of receivers for the tower
Boeing has a dedicated technical team presently working on technical improvements and
preparing for authorization of Solar Tres.
Boeing is actively pursuing markets for tower technology.
5.3.4 Thermal Storage
The SunLab capital cost estimates for thermal storage are as follows:
Table 5-13 — Capital Cost for Thermal Storage
Thermal Storage - Duration at
peak output, hr
NA 3 16 16 13 13 12.7
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Thermal Storage System Direct
Cost, $M
$20.1 $3.7 $5.9 $18.7 $28.9 $56.3 $57.2
Thermal Storage System Direct
Cost, $/kWe
$431 $374 $289 $281 $261
The SunLab cost estimate for the capital cost for thermal storage is reasonable based on the following:
The cost estimate is a definitive cost estimate based on detailed design drawings and material
The unit cost parameters are within typical industry values.
The contingency is 10%.
The binary nitrate salt cost is based on vendor quotes, which includes shipping.
Technology Improvements
Solar Two demonstrated molten salt as a viable, large-scale thermal energy storage medium. Energy storage
efficiencies of 99% were achieved. The storage design point efficiency is projected to be 99.9% for all cases.
The efficiency of Solar Two was demonstrated to be 99.9%, and since there is no significant technology
changes, it can be expected to remain constant. The design, construction, and performance of large, field-
erected, externally insulated tanks for storing molten salt were demonstrated during Solar Two.
There are several ongoing studies for improvement of the design and construction:
Alternative valve designs for hot salt service.
Alternative salt downcomer designs.
Materials testing on stainless steels 347 and 321, which have demonstrated their resistance to
IGC in salt service.
The scaling factor from Solar Two to Solar 220 power block for the SunLab cost estimate is 0.78.
Table 5-14 — Economy of Scale for Thermal Storage
Steam Generator Solar
Direct Cost $3.70 $5.90 $18.70 $29.30 $56.30 $57.30
Cost Reduction Due to Scaling based
on Scaling Factor of 0.78
$3.75 $5.81 $9.69 $9.40
Cost Reduction Due to Scaling, $M $13.85 $29.39 $48.94 $56.30
Cost Due to Technology
Improvements, $M
$4.85 ($0.09) $7.36 $1.00
Cost Due to Technology
Improvement, %
— — 26.0% -0.3% 13.1% 1.7%
These values are reasonable based on the following:
The main components are the hot storage tank, cold storage tank, and piping.
The SunLab estimate is conservative, since the typical industry standard for economy of scale is
Since the thermal storage system is comprised of single components, production volume is not a consideration
for cost improvement.
Cost improvements for thermal storage and parasitic were evaluated against technical efficiency improvements.
Parasitic was included since thermal storage is the key contributor to minimizing parasitic losses.
The cost improvements for technology, scaling, and production volume are shown below in Table 5-15:
Table 5-15 — Cost Improvements for Technology, Scaling, and Production Volume
Solar Two to
Solar Tres
Solar Tres
to Solar 50
Solar 50 to
Solar 100
Solar 100 to
Solar 200
Solar 200 to
Solar 220
Cost Reduction Due to
Technical (Efficiency)
0% 23% 0% 11% 2% 7%
Cost Reduction Due to
100% 77% 100% 89% 98% 93%
Cost Reduction Due to
Production Volume
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
5.3.5 Steam Generator
The capital cost estimated by SunLab and the cost improvement for production volume is shown in Table 5-16.
Table 5-16 — Steam Generator Capital Cost and Economy of Scale
Steam Generator
Solar 50
Direct Cost $1.6 $3.7 $5.8 $9.4 $9.3
Cost Reduction Attributed to Scaling
based on Scaling Factor of 0.74
$3.75 $5.81 $9.69 $9.69
Note: The difference between cost reduction due to scaling and direct cost is attributed to technology improvements
and calculates to an average of 3.7%.
5.3.6 Balance of Plant
Sargent & Lundy estimated the cost for the balance of plant based on the SOAPP model,
compared it to our
internal database, and then adjusted the output for labor and productivity rates in the Southwest. The results of
our review are shown in Table 5-17 and Figure 5-5. The balance-of-plant costs include general balance-of-plant
EPRI SOAPP is a fully integrated program for technology evaluation, conceptual design, costing, and financial analysis of
combustion-turbine-based power plants for project and proposal development. SOAPP-CT integrates process design,
costing, and financial analysis of combustion turbine simple- and combined-cycle power plants, including cogeneration.
Sargent & Lundy developed SOAPP under contract to EPRI.
equipment, condenser and cooling tower system, water treatment system, fire protection, piping, compressed air
systems, closed cooling water system, instrumentation, electrical equipment, and cranes and hoists.
Table 5-17 — Capital Cost of Balance of Plant
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
Power Block, MWe 13.5 50 100 200 220
SunLab, $M $4.8 $6.5 $7.8 $9.6 $9.9
S&L, $M $10 $24.5 $36.7 $33.8 $35.5
Figure 5-5 — Balance of Plant
0 50 100 150 200 250
alance of Plant costs include general balance
of plant equipment, condenser and cooling
tower system, water treatment system, fire
protection, piping, compressed air
systems,closed cooling water system, plant
control system, electrical equipment, and
cranes and hoists.
5.3.7 Technology Improvements
There are no efficiency improvements projected for the balance of plant.
Table 5-18 — Cost Improvements for Technology, Scaling, and Production Volume
Solar Two to
Solar Tres
Solar Tres
to Solar 50
Solar 50 to
Solar 100
Solar 100 to
Solar 200
Solar 200 to
Solar 220
Cost Reduction Due to
Technical (Efficiency)
0% 0% 0% 0%
Cost Reduction Due to
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Cost Reduction Due to
Production Volume
0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
The SunLab O&M estimate is based on the data and experience from the operating solar trough power plants
with adjustments accordingly for tower solar field and technology. The reduction in O&M cost is primarily a
result of the increase in annual plant capacity factor. The plant capacity increases directly as a result of the
increases in thermal storage. Increasing the size (MWe) and utilization (capacity factor) of the power plant
incurs very little increase in O&M expenses ($/year). This is because the quantity and complexity of the
equipment remain constant and staffing remains fairly constant. Our review of conventional fossil power plants
show this ‘economy of scale’ in staffing for increases in plant size. The details of the S&L review are provided
in Appendix G.
The comparison between the SunLab cost estimate and S&L’s estimate is shown in Table 5-19. The major
differences are the following:
Sargent & Lundy scaled-up the cost of collector field maintenance contracts associated with
increase in field size (e.g., weed control).
Sargent & Lundy scaled-up the cost of fuel and maintenance of vehicles to account for the
increase in field size.
Sargent & Lundy assumed that the average burdened rate would not decrease between Solar 100
and Solar 220.
Raw water cost used by S&L is based on actual costs reports at SEGS of $0.00122 per gallon
($0.32 per m
). SunLab estimated the cost to be $0.021 per m
), which is about 15 times less
than the S&L estimate.
Sargent & Lundy included a contingency of 10%.
Table 5-19 — Comparison of O&M Cost Estimates: SunLab vs. S&L
Current SunLab Estimates S&L Estimates
Solar 100
Solar 220
Solar 100
Solar 220
Plant Characteristics
Net Power, MWe 10 15 100 220 15 100 220
Plant Capacity Factor, % 19.0% 78.0% 73.2% 72.9% 78.0% 73.2% 72.9%
Annual Solar-Electric Efficiency 7.6% 13.7% 16.6% 18.1% 13.0% 16.5% 17.3%
Thermal Storage, hrs 3 16 13 13.1 16 13 13.1
Solar Field, m
81,400 231,000 1,311,000 2,642,000 233,772 1,354,452 2,771,730
O&M Characteristics
Number of Staff (FTE) 35 31 47 67 33 46 67
Avg. Burdened Labor Rate, $k/yr $71 $62 $50 42 $62 $50 $50
Staff Cost, $k/yr $2,485 $1,922 $2,350 $2,814 $2,046 $2,299 $3,364
Ann. Material & Services Cost,
$750 $600 $1,200 $1,900 $686 $2,065 $4,277
Total O&M Cost, $k/yr $3,235 $2,522 $3,550 $4,714 $3,041 $5,127 $9,132
Total O&M Cost, $/kWhe $0.194 $0.027 $0.006 $0.003 $0.033 $0.008 $0.006
Note: the Solar One/Two values are a blended from both plants to provide a “best available” estimate for a typical salt plant
of this size with utility staffing. Future plants assume lower staffing plans typical of independent, non-utility power plants as is
also expected for trough plants.
The projections by SunLab and S&L for capital cost and operations & maintenance were used to estimate
levelized energy costs (LEC). After completing the report, SunLab revised its reference case (from August 2002
to October 2002) as shown below. The Sunlab LEC projections are based on the October 2002 reference case.
Revised SunLab Reference Case
Solar Two Solar 15 Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
1999 2004 2006 2008 2014 2018
Net Electrical (MWe) 10 13.7 50 100 200 220
Plant Size Solar (MWt) 42 120 380 700 1400 1400
Heliostat Size (m
) 39/95 95 95 148 148 148
Heliostat Field (m
) 81,400 231,000 715,000 1,317,000 2,614,000 2,651,000
Annual Solar-to-
Electicity Efficiency
7.6% 13.7% 15.7% 16.5% 16.8% 17.8%
Capital Cost ($/kWe) 7,180 4,160 3,160 2,700 2,340
O&M Annual Cost ($k) 2,489 3,166 4,005 5,893 6,006
LEC ($/kWh) $114.8 $61.5 $47.6 $39.6 $35.0
The cost estimates were inputted to the financial model developed by S&L (see Appendix B for a description of
the financial model). The results are shown in Table 5-20.
Table 5-20 – Capital Cost, O&M Costs and Levelized Energy Cost Summary:
SunLab and S&L
Near Term Mid Term Long Term
SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L
Solar Tres USA Solar 100 Solar 220 Solar 200
2004 2004 2008 2010 2018 2020
Capital Cost, $/MWh $77.4 $97.1 $36.3 $52.9 $27.0 $41.8
Fixed O&M Costs, $/MWh $37.4 $46.1 $11.3 $15.3 $8.0 $12.9
Variable O&M Costs, $/MWh $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
LEC, $/MWh $114.8 $143.1 $47.6 $68.2 $35.0 $54.7
SunLab – Deployment of 8.7 GWe / S&L – Deployment of 2.6 GWe
Sargent & Lundy’s estimate of the direct capital cost and operation & maintenance costs for the near-term
deployment includes a contingency of about 10%. Based on our review of the SunLab cost estimate, which we
determined was based on industry cost data and engineering judgment, the cost estimate for the near-term
deployment (Solar Tres) is reasonable. The projection from near-term deployment (2003) to long-term
deployment (2020) includes cost reduction due to technology improvements, scaling, and volume production.
S&L included a composite contingency of 15% for cost reductions (15% for technology, 10% for scaling, and
20% for volume production). For comparison, the effect of deployment and annual net efficiencies are shown in
Table 5-21.
Table 5-21 — Impact of Deployment and Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency on LEC
Year 2020
Net Solar-to-
Electric Efficiency
Percent change from
S&L Base Case
SunLab 8.7 18.1 0.0350 SunLab Base
S&L 8.7 16.5* 0.0524 -4.2%
S&L 4.7 16.5* 0.0538 -1.6%
S&L 2.6 16.5* 0.0547 S&L Base
S&L 1.2 16.5* 0.0559 2.2%
S&L 2.6** 17.3 0.0476 -13.0%
S&L 2.6** 16.5 0.0547 S&L Base
S&L 2.6** 14.6 0.0590 7.9%
* Fixed net solar-to-electric efficiency
** Fixed total deployment.
The range of LEC between the SunLab cost estimate and S&L’s estimate is about 56% as shown in Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-6 — Levelized Energy Cost Comparison: SunLab and S&L
Solar Tres USA
Near Term
Solar 50
Solar 100
Mid Term
Solar 200
Solar 220
Long Term
SunLab - 8.7 GWe
Sargent & Lundy - 2.6 GWe
Cost improvements were evaluated by S&L against three categories: technical improvements, scale-up, and
production volume. The contribution of these three categories to the S&L LEC projection is shown in Figure
Figure 5-7 — Sargent & Lundy LEC Projection Breakout by Category
Solar Tres USA
Near Term
Solar 50
Solar 100
Mid Term
Solar 200
Solar 220
Long Term
Levelized Energy Cost, $/kWhe
Technical - 23%
Scaling - 49%
Volume Production - 28%
The major contributor to cost reduction from Solar Tres to Solar 50 is due to the increase in electrical generation
(13.5 MWe to 50 MWe) as shown in Figure 5-8. The annual net energy production increased from 93.2 GWh/yr
to 331 GWh/yr.
Figure 5-8 — Comparison of SunLab and S&L LEC Estimates: 2004 to 2020
Solar Tres USA
Near Term
Solar 50
Solar 100
Mid Term
Solar 200
Solar 220
Long Term
Levelized Energy Cost, $/kWh
Sunlab - 8.7 GWe
S&L - 2.6 GWe
Technology - 11%
Scaling - 54%
Volume Production - 35%
Major Cost Reduction -
Increase in Net Electrical
93.2 GWhe/
r to 331 GWhe/
The impact of levelized cost of energy for tax credit is shown in Table 5-22. The difference between 10% tax
credit and no tax credit is about 9% in 2020.
Table 5-22 — Impact of Tax Credit on Levelized Cost of Energy
Near Term Mid Term
Solar Tres
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
2004 2006 2010 1015 2020
SunLab Tower LEC - 10 %
Tax Credit
12.12% 59.90% 1.35 0.1171 0.0621 0.0476 0.0392 0.0348
SunLab Tower LEC - No
Tax Credit
12.12% 66.50% 1.35 0.1257 0.0672 0.0516 0.0426 0.0378
Table 5-23 — Solar Two to Solar Tres Technology Comparison
Solar 2 Solar Tres
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Net Electrical 10 MWe 13.7 MWe
Plant Size – Thermal 42 MWt 120 MWt
Field Area, m
81,400 231,000 244,966
Thermal Storage 3 hrs 16 hrs
Annual Plant Capacity 19% 78%
Heat Transfer Fluid Solar Salt Solar Salt
Storage Media Solar Salt Solar Salt
Operating Temperature 565°C 565°C
Receiver , m
280 280
Heliostat Size, m
40/95 95
Number of Heliostats 1,912 2,432 2,579 S&L reference case efficiency lower resulting in a
larger field area
Annual Solar-to-Electric
7.9% 13.7% 13.0%
Collector Efficiency 50.3% 56% 56%
a. Mirror Reflectivity 90.7% 93.5% 93.5% This is reasonable since the increase is due to new
mirrors. Solar Two mirrors were not maintained after
Solar One was shut down.
b. Field Efficiency 62% 64.6% 64.6% The increase is reasonable due to improvements in
c. Field Availability 98% 98.5% 98.5% This is reasonable since Solar Two was a
demonstration plant and did not operate for an
extended duration and used old heliostats.
d. Mirror Corrosion
97% 100% 100% This is reasonable since Solar Two mirrors, which
had not been maintained since Solar One were
used for Solar Two. This was done to minimize
costs. The mirror corrosion avoidance for Solar One
was 100%. Experience at Kramer Junction shows
that the mirror surface does not experience
corrosion as long as they are properly maintained
(i.e., cleaned)
e. Mirror Cleanliness 95% 95% 95% The mirror cleanliness projection of 95% is the
same as demonstrated for Solar One and Solar
Solar 2 Solar Tres
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Receiver Efficiency 76% 78.3% 78.3% The change in annual solar-to-electric efficiency is
0.4%. Includes heliostat aiming errors ‘spillage’.
a. Defocus, Dump,
startup, clouds
90% 92.7% 92.7% The increase is reasonable based design changes
and operations procedures that have been
incorporated from Solar Two.
b. Absorbance 93% 93% 93.0% Did not change from Solar Two to Solar Tres
c. Receiver Thermal
90.7% 90.9% 90.9% Based on increased thermal flux on the receiver
Electrical 32.6% 40.3% 38.0% Solar Two used a marine turbine without reheat. A
single reheat turbine will make a considerable
increase in efficiency. S&L estimated the efficiency
being slightly less using actual SEGS heat balance
diagrams and GE STGPER software.
Thermal Storage 97.0% 98.3% 98.3% The increased efficiency is due to (a) the tank
surface area to volume ratio decreases with
increasing tank size and better insulation, which
reduces heat losses.
Parasitic (Aux. Power) 73.0% 86.4% 86.4% The parasitic efficiency will increase based on the
increase in capacity factor, larger plants, and design
improvements from Solar Two.
Piping 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% The piping increases are reasonable. Increases in
the pipe size and shorter lengths result in higher
Plant-wide Availability 90.0% 92.0% 92.0% The availability of 92% should be reached after the
first 12 to 18 months of operation. Actual availability
for SEGS VI in 1999 was 98%.
Table 5-24 — Solar Tres to Solar 50 Technology Comparison
Solar Tres Solar 50
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Net Electrical 13.7 MWe 50 MWe
Plant Size – Thermal 120 MWt 380 MWt
Field Area, m
231,000 709,000 742,703
Thermal Storage 16 hrs 16 hrs
Annual Plant Capacity 78% 76%
Heat Transfer Fluid Solar Salt Solar Salt
Solar Tres Solar 50
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Storage Media Solar Salt Solar Salt
Operating Temperature 565°C 574°C
Receiver, m
280 580 710
Heliostat Size, m
95 95
Number of Heliostats 2,432 7,463 7,818 S&L reference case efficiency lower resulting in a
larger field area
Annual Solar-to-Electric
13.7% 16.1% 15.5%
Collector Efficiency 56% 56.5% 56.5%
a. Mirror Reflectivity 93.5% 94% 94% The change is due to improved glass.
b. Field Efficiency 64.6% 64.6% 64.6% Field efficiency did not change from Solar Tres to
Solar 50.
c. Field Availability 98.5% 99% 99% This is reasonable due to better maintenance
practices and the updated control system.
d. Mirror Corrosion
100% 100% 100% Mirror corrosion avoidance did not change from
Solar Tres to Solar 50.
e. Mirror Cleanliness 95% 95% 95% Mirror cleanliness did not change from Solar Tres to
Solar 50.
Receiver Efficiency 78.3% 80.9% 80.9% The change in annual solar-to-electric efficiency is
0.5%. Includes heliostat spillage.
a. Defocus, Dump,
startup, clouds
92.7% 93.4% 93.4% The increase of 0.7 is reasonable based better
operating methods learned during operation of Solar
b. Absorbance 93% 93% 93% Did not change from Solar Tres to Solar 50
c. Receiver Thermal
90.9% 93.1% 93.1% Based on increased thermal flux on the receiver
Electrical 40.3% 41.8% 40.4% S&L estimated the efficiency being slightly less
using actual SEGS heat balance diagrams and GE
STGPER software.
Thermal Storage 98.3% 99.5% 99.5% The increased efficiency is due to (a) the tank
surface area to volume ratio decreases with
increasing tank size and better insulation, which
reduces heat losses.
Parasitic (Aux. Power) 86.4% 90.0% 90.0% The parasitic efficiency will increase based on the
increase in capacity factor, larger plants, and design
improvements from Solar Two.
Solar Tres Solar 50
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Piping 99.5% 99.9% 99.9% The piping increases are reasonable. Increases in
the pipe size and shorter lengths result in higher
Plant-wide Availability 92.0% 94.0% 94.0% The availability of 94% should be reached after the
first 12 to 18 months of operation. Actual availability
for SEGS VI in 1999 was 98%.
Table 5-25 — Solar 50 to Solar 100 Technology Comparison
Solar 50 Solar 100
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Net Electrical 50 MWe 100 MWe
Plant Size – Thermal 380 MWt 700 MWe
Field Area, m
709,000 1,311,000 1,366,100
Thermal Storage 16 hrs 13 hrs
Annual Plant Capacity 76% 73%
Heat Transfer Fluid Solar Salt Solar Salt
Storage Media Solar Salt Solar Salt
Operating Temperature 574°C 574°C
Receiver, m
580 930 1,110
Heliostat Size, m
95 148
Number of Heliostats 7,463 8,858 9,230 S&L reference case efficiency lower resulting in a
larger field area
Annual Solar-to-Electric
16.1% 16.6% 16.1%
Collector Efficiency 56.5% 56.3% 56.0% The change in annual solar-to-electric efficiency is
a. Mirror Reflectivity 94% 94% 94% Mirror reflectivity did not change from Solar 50 to
Solar 100.
b. Field Efficiency 64.6% 63.7% 63.7% This is reasonable since the larger field results in a
longer average distance from the receiver, which
reduces the accuracy.
c. Field Availability 99% 99.5% 99.5% This is reasonable due to better maintenance
practices and the updated control system.
Solar 50 Solar 100
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
d. Mirror Corrosion
100% 100% 100% Mirror corrosion did not change from Solar 50 to
Solar 100.
e. Mirror Cleanliness 95% 95.5% 95% The mirror cleanliness avoidance increased by
0.5%. Based on interviews at Kramer Junction,
there is no evidence that cleanliness will not get
much better than 95%.
Receiver Efficiency 80.9% 83.1% 83.1% The change in annual solar-to-electric efficiency is
a. Defocus, Dump,
startup, clouds
93.4% 93.4% 93.4% Did not change from Solar 50 to Solar 100
b. Absorbance 93% 94% 94% Receiver tube surface absorbtivity increase is
achieved as a result of R&D. This value was
achieved at Solar Two.
c. Receiver Thermal
93.1% 94.7% 94.7% Increases in thermal flux on the receiver.
Electrical 41.8% 42.3% 41.2% S&L estimated the efficiency being slightly less
using actual SEGS heat balance diagrams and GE
STGPER software.
Thermal Storage 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% The increased efficiency is due to (a) the tank
surface area to volume ratio decreases with
increasing tank size and better insulation, which
reduces heat losses.
Parasitic (Aux. Power) 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% The parasitic efficiency will increase based on the
increase in capacity factor, larger plants, and design
improvements from Solar Two.
Piping 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% The piping increases are reasonable. Increases in
the pipe size and shorter lengths result in higher
Plant-wide Availability 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% The availability of 94% should be reached after the
first 12 to 18 months of operation. Actual availability
for SEGS VI in 1999 was 98%.
Table 5-26 — Solar 100 to Solar 200 Technology Comparison
Solar 100 Solar 200
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Net Electrical 100 MWe 200 MWe
Plant Size – Thermal 700 MWt 1,400 MWt
Field Area, m
1,311,000 2,606,000 2,667,099
Thermal Storage 13 hrs 13 hrs
Annual Plant Capacity 73% 74%
Heat Transfer Fluid Solar Salt Solar Salt
Storage Media Solar Salt Solar Salt
Operating Temperature 574°C 574°C
Receiver, m
930 1,870 1,930
Heliostat Size, m
148 148
Number of Heliostats 8,858 17,608 18,021 S&L reference case efficiency lower resulting in a
larger field area
Annual solar-to-electric
16.6% 16.9% 16.5%
Collector Efficiency 56.3% 56.1% 55.2%
a. Mirror Reflectivity 94% 94.5% 94.0% SunLab improvement is due to improved glass. S&L
base case did not consider improved glass.
b. Field Efficiency 63.7% 62.8% 62.8% This is reasonable since the larger field results in a
longer average distance from the receiver, which
reduces the accuracy.
c. Field Availability 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% Field availability did not change from Solar 100 to
Solar 200.
d. Mirror Corrosion
100% 100% 100% Mirror corrosion avoidance did not change from
Solar 100 to Solar 200.
e. Mirror Cleanliness 95.5% 96% 95% The mirror cleanliness increased by 0.5%. Based on
interviews at Kramer Junction, there is no evidence
that cleanliness will not get much better than 95%.
Receiver Efficiency 83.1% 83.5% 83.5% The change in annual solar-to-electric efficiency is
a. Defocus, Dump,
startup, clouds
93.4% 93.4% 93.4% Did not change from Solar 100 to Solar 200
b. Absorbance 94% 94.5% 94.5% Receiver tube surface absorbtivity increase is
achieved as a result of R&D on coatings and/or
more frequent repainting.
Solar 100 Solar 200
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
c. Receiver Thermal
94.7% 94.7% 94.7% Did not change from Solar 100 to Solar 200
Electrical 42.3% 42.8% 42.6% S&L estimated the efficiency being slightly less
using actual SEGS heat balance diagrams and GE
STGPER software.
Thermal Storage 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% The increased efficiency is due to (a) the tank
surface area to volume ratio decreases with
increasing tank size and better insulation, which
reduces heat losses.
Parasitic (Aux. Power) 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% The parasitic efficiency will increase based on the
increase in capacity factor, larger plants, and design
improvements from Solar Two.
Piping 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% The piping increases are reasonable. Increases in
the pipe size and shorter lengths result in higher
Plant-wide Availability 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% The availability of 94% should be reached after the
first 12 to 18 months of operation. Actual availability
for SEGS VI in 1999 was 98%.
Table 5-27 — Solar 200 to Solar 220 Technology Comparison
Solar 200 Solar 220
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Net Electrical 200 MWe 220 MWe
Plant Size – Thermal 1,400 MWt 1,400 MWt
Field Area, m
2,606,000 2,642,000 2,789,322
Thermal Storage 13 hrs 16 hrs
Annual Plant Capacity 74% 73%
Heat Transfer Fluid Solar Salt Solar Salt
Storage Media Solar Salt Solar Salt with O
Operating Temperature 574°C 650°C
Receiver 1,870 1,650 1,990
Heliostat Size (m
) 148 148
Number of Heliostats 17,608 17,851 18,847 S&L reference case efficiency lower resulting in a
larger field area
Solar 200 Solar 220
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Annual solar-to-electric
16.9% 18.1% 17.4%
Collector Efficiency 56.1% 57% 55.5%
a. Mirror Reflectivity 94.5% 95% 94.5% This is due to improved glass. S&L projected the
increase to be 0.5% for the first plant with advanced
b. Field Efficiency 62.8% 62.8% 62.8% Field efficiency did not change from Solar 200 to
Solar 220.
c. Field Availability 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% Field availability did not change from Solar 200 to
Solar 220.
d. Mirror Corrosion
100% 100% 100% Mirror corrosion avoidance did not change from
Solar 200 to Solar 220.
e. Mirror Cleanliness 96% 97% 95% The mirror cleanliness increased by 1%. Based on
interviews at Kramer Junction, there is no evidence
that cleanliness will not get much better than 95%.
Receiver Efficiency 83.5% 82.0% 82.0% The change in annual solar-to-electric efficiency
decreased 1.5%.
a. Defocus, Dump,
startup, clouds
93.4% 93.4% 93.4% Did not change from Solar 200 to Solar 220
b. Absorbance 94.0% 94.5% 94.5% Receiver tube surface absorbtivity increase is
achieved as a result of R&D on coatings and/or
more frequent repainting.
c. Receiver Thermal
94.7% 92.9% 92.9% Decreased 1.8%
Electrical 42.8% 46.1% 45.4% S&L estimated the efficiency being slightly less
using actual SEGS heat balance diagrams and GE
STGPER software. The higher temperatures were
Thermal Storage 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% The increased efficiency is due to (a) the tank
surface area to volume ratio decreases with
increasing tank size and better insulation, which
reduces heat losses.
Parasitic (Aux. Power) 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% The parasitic efficiency will increase based on the
increase in capacity factor, larger plants, and design
improvements from Solar Two.
Piping 99.9% 99.9% 99.9% The piping increases are reasonable. Increases in
the pipe size and shorter lengths result in higher
Plant-wide Availability 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% The availability of 94% should be reached after the
first 12 to 18 months of operation. Actual availability
for SEGS VI in 1999 was 98%.
Table 5-28 — Solar Two to Solar Tres Cost Reduction Comparison
Solar 2 Solar Tres Heliostat Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
10 13.7
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 42 120
Heliostat Size, m
48/95 95
Field Area, m
81,400 231,000 244,966
Number of Heliostats 1,912 2,432 2,579
Capital Cost, $M $33.5 $39.1
Cost per m
$145 $160
A. Technology 26% The annual heliostat efficiency went from 50.3% to
56%. Major design improvements include the
enhanced azimuth drive, elevation drive, and
communication equipment
B. Economy of Scale 37% There is economy of scale since Solar Tres is based
on 95-
heliostat whereas Solar Two used mostly
heliostats (1,818 out of 1,926 heliostats)
C. Production Volume 37% Production volume is a significant contributor to the
cost reduction. As the volume increases the cost per
unit decreases by three factors: fixed cost decrease
proportionally to the number of units produced,
volume purchasing discounts, and learning curve
from repetitive assembly improvements.
Solar 2 Solar Tres Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
10 13.7
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 42 120
Capital Cost, $M $10 $7.6 SunLab Cost Estimate
Cost per installed kWe $733 $557
A. Technology 3% The annual efficiency went from 40.3% to 41.8%.
The turbine generator design is based on proven
standard industry technology.
B. Economy of Scale 97% The economy of scale is the major cost
Solar 2 Solar Tres Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
C. Production Volume 0% No production volume contribution since there is
only one turbine-generator per plant.
The learning curve is not a factor due to the turbine-
generator being a standard proven technology.
Solar 2 Solar Tres Receiver Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
10 13.7
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 42 120
Receiver Surface Area, m
100 280
Peak Solar Flux, MWt/m
0.8 0.95
Capital Cost, $M $9.1 $14.0 $16.0
Cost per m
, k$/m
$91 $50 $57
A Technology 32% The efficiency went from 76% to 78.3%. Major
design changes include the following:
Change from 316SS to high nickel alloy provides a
higher peak solar flux which decreases the surface
area, elimination of receiver outlet vessel, improved
inlet vessel operational design, simpler header
design with fewer components, more internal space,
elimination of vents & drains, and improved stress
B. Economy of Scale 50% The size scale up factor of 3 is feasible based
technical advances projected by Boeing.
C Production Volume 18% Production volume is not a significant factor. The
cost improvements are for automation of panel
assembly, improved tools, optimized factory layout,
replication, and reduced labor rates in Spain (7%).
Learning curve is reasonable based on repetitive
assembly operations and Boeing’s experience.
6,000 clips are welded on 850 individual tubes that
are welded to 34 headers, which are part of 17
identical receiver panels.
Table 5-29 — Solar Tres to Solar 50 Cost Reduction Comparison
Solar Tres Solar 50 Heliostat Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
13.7 50
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 120 380
Heliostat Size, m
95 95
Field Area, m
231,000 709,000 742,703
Number of Heliostats 2,432 7,463 7,818
Capital Cost, $M $33.5 $89.8 $111.7
Cost per m
$145 $127 $150
A. Technology 26% 11% The annual heliostat efficiency went from 56% to
56.5%. Major design improvements include the
enhanced azimuth drive, elevation drive, and
communication equipment
B. Economy of Scale 37% 0% There is no economy of scale since Solar 50 is
based on the same size heliostat as Solar Tres
(95 m
C. Production Volume 37% 89% Production volume is the largest contributor to the
cost reduction. As the volume increases the cost per
unit decreases by three factors: fixed cost decrease
proportionally to the number of units produced,
volume purchasing discounts, and learning curve
from repetitive assembly improvements.
Solar Tres Solar 50 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
13.7 50
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 120 380
Capital Cost, $M $10 $24.5 $18.6 SunLab Cost Estimate
Cost per installed kWe $733 $490 $372
A. Technology 3% 3.2% The annual efficiency went from 40.3% to 41.8%.
The turbine generator design is based on proven
standard industry technology.
B. Economy of Scale 97% 96.7% The economy of scale is the major cost
Solar Tres Solar 50 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
C. Production Volume 0% 0% No production volume contribution since there is
only one turbine-generator per plant.
The learning curve is not a factor due to the turbine-
generator being a standard proven technology.
Solar Tres Solar 50 Receiver Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
13.7 50
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 120 380
Receiver Surface Area, m
280 580 710
Peak Solar Flux, MWt/m
0.95 1.2 1.2
Capital Cost, $M $14.0 $19.8 $26
Cost per m
, k$/m
$50 $34 $37
A. Technology 32% 35% The efficiency went from 78.3% to 80.9%. Major
design changes include the following:
Receiver fluid side heat transfer enhancements,
improved thermal storage tank design, increase
peak solar flux based on operational experience
from Solar Tres, further elimination of vent & drain
B. Economy of Scale 50% 43% The size scale up factor of 2 is feasible based
technical advances projected by Boeing.
C. Production Volume 18% 22% Production volume is not a significant factor. The
cost improvement for moderate automation of panel
assembly, optimized factory layout and quantity
discount of materials for multiple plant orders based
on a 3% decrease in material and component cost.
Learning curve is reasonable based on repetitive
assembly operations and Boeing’s experience.
Table 5-30 — Solar 50 to Solar 100 Cost Reduction Comparison
Solar 50 Solar 100 Heliostat Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
50 100
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 380 700
Heliostat Size, m
95 148
Field Area, m
709,000 1,311,000 1,366,100
Number of Heliostats 7,463 8,858 9,230
Capital Cost, $M $89.8 $139.8 $182.7
Cost per m
$127 $107 $134
A. Technology 11% 35% The annual heliostat efficiency went from 56.5% to
56.3%. Major design improvements include the
enhanced azimuth drive, elevation drive, and
communication equipment to support the 148 m2
heliostat. The major technical advance is thin glass
to increase reflectivity.
B. Economy of Scale 0% 57% There is economy of scale since Solar 50 uses a
heliostat and Solar 100 uses a 148-m
C. Production Volume 89% 8% Production volume is a small large contributor to the
cost reduction.
Solar 50 Solar 100 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
50 100
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 380 700
Capital Cost, $M $24.5 $40 $30.8
Cost per installed kWe $490 $400 $308
A. Efficiency 3% 1% The annual efficiency went from 41.8% to 42.3%.
The turbine generator design is based on proven
standard industry technology.
B. Economy of Scale 97% 99% The economy of scale is the major cost
Solar 50 Solar 100 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
C. Production Volume 0% 0% No production volume contribution since there is
only one turbine-generator per plant.
The learning curve is not a factor due to the turbine-
generator being a standard proven technology.
Solar 50 Solar 100 Receiver Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
50 100
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 380 700
Receiver Surface Area, m
580 930 1,110
Peak Solar Flux, MWt/m
1.2 1.4 1.4
Capital Cost, $M $19.8 $25 $34
Cost per m
, k$/m
$34 $27 $31
A. Technology 35% 66% The efficiency went from 80.9% to 83.1%. Major
design changes include the following:
Further elimination of components, development of
Boeing optimization codes, increase peak solar flux
based on operational experience from Solar 50.
B. Economy of Scale 43% 25% The size scale up factor of 1.6 is feasible based
technical advances projected by Boeing.
C. Production Volume 22% 9% Production volume is not a significant factor. The
cost improvement for automated equipment
amortized over several plants, and quantity discount
of materials for multiple plant orders based on a 3%
decrease in material and component cost. Learning
curve is reasonable based on repetitive assembly
operations and Boeing’s experience.
Table 5-31 — Solar 100 to Solar 200 Cost Reduction Comparison
Solar 100 Solar 200 Heliostat Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
100 200
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 700 1,400
Heliostat Size, m
148 148
Field Area, m
1,311,000 2,600,000 2,667,099
Number of Heliostats 8,858 17,608 18,021
Capital Cost, $M $141.2 $249.6 $330.0
Cost per m
$107 $96 $124
A. Technology 35% 5% The annual heliostat efficiency went from 56.3% to
56.1%. Major design improvements include the
enhanced azimuth drive, elevation drive, and
communication equipment
B. Economy of Scale 57% 0% There is no economy of scale since Solar 200 is
based on the same size heliostat as Solar 100 (148
C.1 Production Volume 8% 95% Production volume is the largest contributor to the
cost reduction. As the volume increases the cost per
unit decreases by three factors: fixed cost decrease
proportionally to the number of units produced,
volume purchasing discounts, and learning curve
from repetitive assembly improvements.
Solar 100 Solar 200 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
100 200
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 700 1,400
Capital Cost, $M $40 $64 $46.2
Cost per installed kWe $400 $320 $231
A. Technology 1% 1% The annual efficiency went from 42.3% to 42.8%.
The turbine generator design is based on proven
standard industry technology.
B. Economy of Scale 99% 99% The economy of scale is the major cost
Solar 100 Solar 200 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
C. Production Volume 0% 0% No production volume contribution since there is
only one turbine-generator per plant.
The learning curve is not a factor due to the turbine-
generator being a standard proven technology.
Solar 100 Solar 200 Receiver Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
100 200
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 700 1,400
Receiver Surface Area, m
930 1,650 1,990
Peak Solar Flux, MWt/m
1.4 1.6 1.6
Capital Cost, $M $25 $36.9 $46.0
Cost per m
, k$/m
$27 $22 $23
A. Technology 66% 65% The efficiency went from 83.1% to 83.5%. Major
design changes include the following:
Further elimination of components, continued
development of Boeing optimization codes, increase
peak solar flux based on operational experience
from Solar 100.
B. Economy of Scale 25% 24% The size scale up factor of 1.8 is feasible based
technical advances projected by Boeing.
C. Production Volume 9% 11% Production volume is not a significant factor. The
cost improvement for moderate automation in panel
assembly and optimized factory layout, costs for
automated equipment is amortized over several
plants, and quantity discount of materials for
multiple plant orders based on a 2% decrease in
material and component cost. Learning curve is
reasonable based on repetitive assembly operations
and Boeing’s experience.
Table 5-32 — Solar 200 to Solar 220 Cost Reduction Comparison
Solar 200 Solar 220 Heliostat Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
200 220
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 1,400 1,400
Heliostat Size, m
148 148
Field Area, m
2,600,000 2,642,000 2,789,322
Number of Heliostats 17,608 17,851 18,847
Capital Cost, $M $249.6 $198.8 $263.0
Cost per m
$96 $75 $94
A. Technology 5% 72% The annual heliostat efficiency went from 56.1% to
57%. Major design improvements are new
advanced heliostat.
B. Economy of Scale 0% 0% There is no economy of scale since Solar 220 is
based on the same size heliostat as Solar 200
(148 m
C. Production Volume 95% 28% Production volume is a contributor to the cost
reduction. As the volume increases the cost per unit
decreases by three factors: fixed cost decrease
proportionally to the number of units produced,
volume purchasing discounts, and learning curve
from repetitive assembly improvements.
Solar 200 Solar 220 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
200 220
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 1,400 1,400
Capital Cost, $M $64 $83.6 $61.8
Cost per installed kWe $320 $380 $281
A.1 Technology 1% 80% The annual efficiency went from 42.8% to 46.1%.
The increase is due to turbine advances in
technology. The cost reduction from the increase in
efficiency is $6.2 million. The higher efficiency
turbine is estimated to cost an additional 20%.
The cost reduction from increase in efficiency of
$6.2 million is offset by the higher cost ($83.6 M -
$64 M = $19.6 M) and increased capacity.
Solar 200 Solar 220 Electric Power Block
Cost Improvements
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
B. Economy of Scale 99% 20% Economy of scale is a contributor due to the
increase in size.
C. Production Volume 0% 0% No production volume contribution since there is
only one turbine-generator per plant.
Solar 200 Solar 220 Receiver Cost
SunLab SunLab S&L Basis
Plant Size – Electrical,
200 220
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 1,400 1,400
Receiver Surface Area, m
1,650 1,650 1,990
Peak Solar Flux, MWt/m
1.6 1.6 1.6
Capital Cost, $M $36.9 $34.4 $48.0
Cost per m
, k$/m
$22 $21 $24
A. Technology 65% 31 The efficiency went from 83.5% to 82%. Major
design changes include the following:
Further elimination of components, continued
development of Boeing optimization codes, increase
peak solar flux based on operational experience
from Solar 100.
B. Economy of Scale 24% 61 The size scale up factor of 1.8 is feasible based
technical advances projected by Boeing.
C. Production Volume 11% 8 Production volume is not a significant factor. The
cost improvement for moderate automation in panel
assembly and optimized factory layout, costs for
automated equipment is amortized over several
plants, and quantity discount of materials for
multiple plant orders based on a 2% decrease in
material and component cost. Learning curve is
reasonable based on repetitive assembly operations
and Boeing’s experience.
This section provides an overview and assessment of the risks associated with attaining competitive
commercialization for the tower technology on a short-term, mid-term, and long-term basis. Competitiveness is
measured by the levelized energy cost (LEC), expressed as $/kWh, consisting of two elements: total investment
cost and operation and maintenance (O&M) cost.
The major total investment cost drivers of the tower plant are the solar field, power block, and
receiver, which account for approximately 74% of the total costs. Also, the net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency has an impact on the cost of a tower plant. The solar field (heliostats and
receiver) has to be increased proportionally for decrease in efficiency. For every one-percentage
point improvement in the net efficiency, the LEC for is reduced by approximately 0.5%.
Total cost reductions occur from technical improvements, increase in plant size (scaling), and volume
production (learning curves). All three are dependent on deployment of the technology. Deployment provides a
means for continued research in technology improvements, cost reductions due to increased production, and
economy of scale from constructing larger plants.
The second element of the levelized energy cost is the O&M costs. For the tower plant, O&M costs represent
about 25% of the LEC.
As such, the focus of the risk assessment covers the following main categories:
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
Total Investment Cost
Operation and Maintenance
5.8.1 Deployment
Market expansion of trough technology will require incentives to reach market competitiveness. Numerous
potential incentives exist, such as: environmental (CO
emission credits), favorable tax credits, favorable peak
energy tariff, premium consumer pricing, loan guarantees, low interest loans, and grants. Analysis of incentives
required to reach market acceptance is not within the scope of this report. S&L’s estimate corresponds to the
SunLab Reference Cases with near-term deployment in 2004, mid-term deployment in 2010, and long-term
deployment in 2020 for comparison. Sensitivity analysis was done to consider the more realistic deployment of
the first commercial plant being placed in service in 2006. The earliest a plant would be operational in the
United States is 2009 based on the first commercial plant going in service in 2006 in Spain or South Africa,
operational experience of at least one year, and two years for design enhancements, manufacturing, and
The risk is mid to high for development in the United States since market expansion will require incentives to
reach market acceptance (competitive). S&L’s projection is more conservative than the SunLab projection of
8.7 GWe. The S&L projected range is a maximum deployment of 4.7 GWe and a minimum deployment of
1.2 GWe. The S&L base case is a deployment of 2.6 GWe.
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab near-term deployment projection is based on the first commercial plant (Solar Tres) being built in
Spain in 2004. Upon successful completion of Solar Tres, a 50-MW plant will be built in 2006.
The risk for meeting the near-term goals is low to mid outside of the United States and mid to high in the United
States. Project development is in progress for two projects: Solar Tres in Spain and ESKOM in South America.
The governments have provided the incentives necessary for the projects to be competitive so that financing can
be secured. The Solar Tres current schedule is for permits and financing to be in place by the end of 2003 with
commercial operation early in 2006. The risk for meeting the goals in the United States is high since there are no
current plans for government-sponsored incentives. However, the Western Governors’ Association provided
recent favorable support for CSP technology (EERE 2002).
Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab mid-term deployment projection is five 50-MW plants and six 100-MW plants being deployed in
the years 2007 through 2010.
The S&L mid-term deployment projection is one 50-MW plan being deployed in the years 2007 through 2010.
The S&L projection is based on Solar Tres being deployed in 2006 and the first 50-MW plant being deployed in
2009. The S&L projection took into consideration additional time between the first plant and subsequent plants
of the same size. The first plant of each size will take longer to complete and reach steady-state operation.
Sargent & Lundy projects one 50-MW plant being deployed in 2009 and one 100-MW plant being deployed in
the years 2007 through 2010. SunLab projected the first 50-MW plant for 2006, whereas S&L projected it for
2007. SunLab projected the first 100-MW plant for 2008, whereas S&L projected it for 2010. Our estimate takes
into consideration the time to identify and incorporate lessons learned into the subsequent plants. S&L was also
not as aggressive in deployment projections as SunLab. The difference between the two projections provides a
range of deployment. Again, deployment is entirely based on market expansion and the incentives to reach
market acceptance. Without incentives, there is no market for towers in the United States in the near future. If
market expansion occurs in foreign countries based on incentives, then tower power could be introduced to the
United States after it reaches market acceptance.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab long-term deployment projection is twenty-one 100-MW plants with improved technology being
deployed in the years 2011 through 2017; twenty-two advanced technology 200-MW plants in the years 2012
through 2019; and six 220-MW advanced technology plants in the years 2018 to 2020. The SunLab total long-
term deployment is 8,734 MW installed capacity.
The S&L long-term projection is three 50-MWe plants, four 100-MWe plants, and three 200-MWe plants being
deployed in the years 2011 through 2020. The S&L total long-term deployment is 1,214 MW installed capacity.
The risk is high for development in the United States since market expansion will require incentives to reach
market acceptance (competitive). If there are governmental incentives, the risk of deploying 1.2 GWe from 2006
to 2020, without the advanced 220-MW plant is low. The number or plants is achievable and provides adequate
duration between each larger plant to allow for lessons learned and design enhancements.
The impact of deployment on LEC is noted in the following table:
Table 5-33 — Impact of Deployment on LEC
(Keeping Net Efficiency Constant)
Year 2020
Net Solar-to-
Electric Efficiency
Percent change from
S&L Base Case
SunLab 8.7 18.1 0.0350 SunLab Base
S&L 8.7 16.5 0.0524 -4.2%
S&L 4.7 16.5 0.0538 -1.6%
S&L 2.6 16.5 0.0547 S&L Base
S&L 1.2 16.5 0.0559 2.2%
5.8.2 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab projected near-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 13.7%, an improvement of 6.1
percentage points from the Solar Two Demonstration Project 7.6% efficiency. The increased efficiency is
mainly attributable to improved collector properties, parasitic load, receiver, and reheat turbine. The
demonstrated improvements and design enhancements are as follows:
Solar Two demonstration used 40-m
and 95-m
heliostats. The near-term plant uses 95-m
heliostats. The risk of achieving this technology is low since the technology has been
demonstrated. There have been 865 95-m
ARCO/ATS heliostats built and successfully
The collector (heliostat) efficiency is 5.7% higher than that demonstrated during Solar Two.
The risk of achieving the improvements is low for the following reasons:
There is no significant change in the technology.
Mirror reflectivity efficiency is projected to increase 2.8% as a result of using new mirrors.
The mirrors used at Solar Two were not maintained after the shutdown of Solar One.
Field efficiency is projected to increase 2.6% as a result of improvements in aiming
technology. This should be achieved since there have been significant improvements in
controls systems throughout many industries since Solar Two that can be applied to control
Mirror corrosion avoidance efficiency is projected to increase 3% as a result of new
mirrors. The mirrors used for Solar Two had not been maintained. Experience at Kramer
Junction shows that the mirror surfaces do not corrode as long as they are properly
Field availability is projected to increase 0.5%, which is reasonable based on design
improvements from lessons learned during Solar Two and improved reliability of new
Improved steam turbine cycle efficiency projection of 6.5% is as a result of increasing steam
temperature from 510°C to 540°C and using single reheat turbine technology. There is no steam
turbine technological risk since there are numerous single reheat steam turbines operating with
the same steam inlet conditions.
Improved parasitic power efficiency projection of 13.4% is a result of increasing the plant size.
As the size of a plant increases, the parasitic power efficiency decreases exponentially. The risk
of achieving parasitic power efficiency improvements is low to medium.
The receiver efficiency is projected to increase 2.3 percentage points from 76%, as
demonstrated at Solar 2, to 78.3%. The increase is based on the following design changes:
receiver fluid side heat transfer enhancements, improved thermal storage tank design, increased
peak solar flux based on operational data from Solar 2, and elimination of vent and drain valves.
The risk of achieving these efficiency increases is low based on the demonstration at Solar 2, on
the design changes, and because Boeing, who is the supplier of the Solar Tres receiver, must
meet guaranteed design conditions.
Improved thermal storage efficiency is projected to be 1.3%. The risk of achieving this is low
since Solar Two demonstrated (a) molten salt as a viable, large-scale thermal energy storage
medium and (b) the design, construction, and performance of large, field-erected externally
insulated tanks for storing molten salt. The increase in efficiency can be achieved as a result
decreases in heat loss due to the tank surface area-to-volume ratio decreasing with increasing
tank size.
The risk of achieving the near-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 13.7% is low, since the technology
has been demonstrated at Solar One and Solar Two, the proposed enhancements do not constitute a change to
the basis technology, and the proposed design enhancements are reasonable.
Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab projected mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 16.6%; an improvement of 2.9
percentage points from the near-term projected efficiency of 13.7%, mainly attributable to these improvements:
Improved collector efficiency of 0.3%
Improved steam turbine cycle efficiency of 2 percentage points as a result of increasing from
15 MW to 100 MW.
Improved receiver efficiency of 4.8% as a result of increases in the solar flux level from
reduced thermal losses.
Improved parasitic efficiency of 3.6% as a result of the increasing from 15 MW to 100 MW.
Improved thermal storage efficiency of 1.2%
The risk of achieving the mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 16.6% is average based on the
The collector size is being increased from 95 m
to 148 m
heliostats. There are no significant
technical design changes to the heliostat. The risk of increasing to a 148 m
heliostat is low
based on the following: (a) the technology of the 148-m
heliostat is essentially the same as the
heliostat, (b) ATS has performed detailed engineering and design for the 148-m
and (c) forty-five 148-m
collectors (2 heliostats and 43 PV trackers) have been built and are in
The projected collector efficiency is from (a) increases in field availability from better
maintenance practices and updated control systems, and (b) increases in mirror cleanliness.
S&L projected that there would be no increase in efficiency as a result of mirror cleanliness
efficiency demonstrated at Kramer Junction. The risk of increasing mirror cleanliness is mid to
high as a result of the research required to develop materials and cleanliness methods.
There are numerous steam turbines in the 100-MWe range in operation throughout the world.
The efficiency was independently determined by S&L using the General Electric STGPR
software program to be 41.4%, which is slightly lower than the 42.3% efficiency used by
The projected receiver efficiency increase is 4.8 percentage points from 78.3% to 83.1%.
Boeing has projected the increase based on further elimination of components, development of
Boeing optimization codes, and increased peak solar flux based on operational experience of
previous plants. The risk in achieving these projections is average. The information and specific
basis for the efficiency increase is propriety but the concepts for efficiency increases are
reasonable: reduced receiver thermal losses due to thermal flux increasing and increased
receiver tube surface absorbtivity as a result of Boeing R&D.
The projected efficiency increase for thermal storage is 1.2% and should be achieved based on
using the same technology demonstrated at Solar Two and reducing heat loss due to the tank
surface area-to-volume ratio decreasing with increasing tank size.
Improved parasitic power efficiency of 3.6% is a result of increasing the plant size. As the size
of a plant increases, the parasitic power efficiency decreases exponentially. The risk of not
achieving parasitic power efficiency improvements is low.
Improved plant availability efficiency of 2 percentage points from 92% to 94% is a result of the
operational knowledge and equipment reliability improvements gained from experience in
operating numerous plants. The availability of tower technology should be similar to the
demonstrated high availability of the SEGS plants.
A mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 16.6% represents an average risk.
Sargent & Lundy estimated net annual solar-to-electric efficiency to be 16.1% by limiting the technology
improvements to currently demonstrated technology, tested improvements, and realistic assumptions. The
difference between SunLab and S&L estimates is that S&L limited the mirror cleanliness to an efficiency of
95% based actual experience at Kramer Junction and there is no proven technology or methods to achieve
cleanliness above 95%.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab projected long-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 18.1%, an improvement of 1.5
percentage points from the mid-term projected efficiency of 16.6%. This improvement is mainly attributable to
the following:
Improved steam turbine cycle efficiency of 3.8 percentage points as a result of increasing from
100 MW to 220 MW and use of advanced dual reheat turbine at 640°C.
Improved collector efficiency of 0.7% as a result of new advanced heliostat design.
The risk of achieving the long-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 18.1% is high based on projecting
advanced technology being available for advanced steam turbines and heliostats. However, the risk is greatly
reduced if (a) the tower technology is successfully deployed to the extent that the competitive market prompts
research and development of technological advances for heliostats, (b) the competitiveness of the energy market
prompts continued research and development on advanced steam turbines, and (c) research continues on high-
temperature metallurgy.
The advanced heliostat design is projected to use thin glass mirrors to increase reflectivity. Conversion to the
thin glass will require additional structural support. Alternatives to glass mirror reflectors have been in various
stages of initial development and/or testing. The risk for achieving a heliostat design with thin glass or thin-film
reflector is high.
The risk for advanced turbines with higher inlet steam temperature and pressure is high. There is current
research on increasing steam turbine efficiencies with increased inlet steam temperature and pressure. The
increase is technically feasible, but is dependent on continued research and market. The focus will be on larger-
sized steam turbines and will not be available for the smaller units unless there is a market. There is also a
technical risk in identifying and solving the higher temperature impact on materials.
The risk of achieving thermal storage efficiency of 99.9% is low since it was demonstrated at Solar Two. Use of
solar salt with an O
blanket to account for the higher operating temperature (e.g. 650°C) is a medium to high
A long-term net annual to solar efficiency of 17.3%, which does not include the advanced turbine or advanced
heliostat technology, represents a low to medium risk. In addition, the mirror cleanliness efficiency is
maintained at a demonstrated value of 95%, and the mirror reflectivity efficiency is maintained at a
demonstrated value of 94% (e.g., no advanced glass).
The impact of net annual solar-to-electric efficiency on LEC is as follows:
Table 5-34 — Impact of Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency on LEC
(Keeping Deployment Constant)
Year 2020
Net Solar-to-
Electric Efficiency
Percent change from
S&L Base Case
SunLab 8.7 18.1% 0.0350 SunLab Base
S&L 2.6 17.3% 0.0476 -13.0%
S&L 2.6 16.5% 0.0547 S&L Base
S&L 2.6 14.6% 0.0590 7.9%
5.8.3 Total Investment Cost
The major cost contributors in total investment cost of a tower solar plant are the solar collector field (43%),
receiver system (16%), and the power block (13%).
In combination with thermal storage, increased annual net efficiency, and reduced equipment cost via
technology advancements, competition and deployment are the primary elements in reducing the long-term cost
of the tower plant.
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab projected near-term total investment cost is $7,135/kW
as compared to S&L’s estimate of
$8,209/kWe. The SunLab projected near-term total investment cost is based on (a) actual values from Solar
Two, (b) detailed cost estimates done by industry, and (c) scaling projections and escalation done by SunLab.
The basis for the near-term cost is as follows:
The capital cost of the heliostat estimated by SunLab is $145 per m
as compared to the S&L
estimate of $160. S&L reviewed several detailed cost estimates and developed a composite cost
analysis. The detailed cost estimates used were developed by ADLittle (2001), Peerless-
Winsmith (1989, 1996, 1999), Advanced Thermal Systems (1996), and Solar Kinetics (1996)
for the 148-m
heliostat. S&L evaluated each cost component associated with the manufacturing
of heliostats. The largest cost components are the drive mechanisms, which are about 50% of
the total cost. This cost is relativity accurate since there are detailed cost estimates from the
manufacturer. The cost for the 95-m
heliostat was then estimated based on a scaling factor of
0.80, which is more conservative than the industry standard of 0.7.
The receiver cost estimate is based on information provided by Boeing. Boeing is the supplier
of the receiver for Solar Tres. The receiver cost estimate is based on actual costs from the Solar
Two demonstration project, detailed design and material lists, and cost estimates by Boeing.
The SunLab cost estimate for near term is based on actual costs for Solar Two and vendor
quotes obtained during the Central Receiver Utility Studies (1989), which was a 100-MWe
plant. S&L reviewed the vendors’ quotes and validated that the component costs were within
typical industry costs.
The near-term indirect two-tank thermal storage system is based on cost estimates from detailed
design drawings and material takeoffs developed by Nextant. The technological risk using the
two-tank molten-salt storage system is low based on the successful utilization at the Solar Two
Sargent & Lundy estimated costs for the power block and balance of plant using the EPRI
SOAPP program. The result was that the capital cost estimated by S&L for the electrical power
block is less than the SunLab estimate ($563/kWe versus $730/kWe). The capital cost estimated
by S&L for the balance of plant is higher than the SunLab estimate ($741/kWe versus
$356/kWe). The SunLab power block cost estimates are based on a 1990 ABB quotation for a
100-MW steam turbine. The ABB quotation was escalated and scaled-up for the larger sizes.
The SunLab power block cost estimates are based on dated information and the escalation and
scale-up factors add to the uncertainty of the data with respect to current pricing. Equipment
prices in the SOAPP program reflect 2001 actual costs. Since the SOAPP pricing is current, the
SOAPP-generated costs are more characteristic of current power block costs.
SunLab cost estimate included an average contingency of 7.8%, compared to S&L’s estimate of
10% for direct costs and 15% for cost reductions.
The SunLab estimate for engineering, management, and development is 7.8%, whereas S&L
estimated 15%.
SunLab estimated a risk pool factor of 10% for only Solar Tres, whereas S&L estimated that
risk pool factor of 10% for Solar Tres and 5% for Solar 50.
Based on the above, the risk of achieving the near-term total investment cost is low to average.
Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab projected mid-term total investment cost indicates a total cost of $3,103/kWe, a reduction of
$4,032/kWe from the near-term projected cost of $7,135/kWe, mainly attributable to the following:
An increase in the plant size from 15 MW to 100 MW, which reduces the $/kWe cost by virtue
of the larger kWe size.
Reduced cost of solar collection system components from near-term cost of $145/m
to $107/m
as a result of technological advances, scale-up, and production volume.
Reduced cost of electric power generation system components from a near-term cost of
$733/kWe to $400/kWe, primarily as a result of scale-up.
Reduction of the receiver system capital cost from the near-term cost of $50/m
to $27/m
as a
result of technology, scale-up, and volume production.
There is a mid to high risk of achieving the SunLab projected mid-term total investment cost of $2,876/kWe,
based on the following:
The SunLab projected reduced cost of solar collection system components is based on one
15-MW plant, six 50-MW plants and six 100-MW plants with an increase from 95 m
to 148 m
for the 100-MW plants. Market expansion of tower technology will require incentives to reach
the projected level of deployment.
The SunLab projected mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 16.6%; an
improvement of 2.9 percentage points from the near-term projected efficiency of 13.7%. The
solar field size, and thus the solar field cost, is directly proportional to the net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of a tower plant. As previously discussed, there is a high risk of achieving the
mid-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 17.0%. A mid-term net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of approximately 15.4% represents a lower risk by limiting the technology
improvements to currently demonstrated or tested improvements.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab projected long-term total investment cost indicates a total cost of $2,272/kWe, a reduction of
$831/kWe from the mid-term projected cost of $3,103/kWe, mainly attributable to the following:
Reduced cost of solar collection system components from near-term cost of $107/m
to $75/m
as a result of technological advances, scale-up, and production volume.
An increase in the plant sizes from 100 MW to 220 MW, which reduces the $/kWe cost by
virtue of the larger kWe size.
There is a high risk of achieving the SunLab projected long-term total investment cost based on the following:
The SunLab projected reduced cost of solar collection system components is based on twenty-
one 100-MW plants, twenty-two 200-MW plants, and six 220-MW advanced technology plants.
Market expansion of tower technology will require incentives to reach the projected level of
The SunLab projected long-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency is 18.1%, an
improvement of 1.5 percentage points from the mid-term projected efficiency of 16.6%. The
solar field size, and thus the solar field cost, is directly proportional to the net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of a tower plant. As previously discussed, there is a high risk of achieving the
long-term net annual solar-to-electric efficiency of 18.1%. A long-term net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency of 16.2% represents a lower risk by limiting the technology improvements to
those not requiring advanced technology.
The long-term risks are similar to the mid-term risks discussed previously. However, the risk is mitigated if the
tower technology is successfully deployed to the extent that the competitive market prompts research and
development of technological advances and plant sizes in the 200–220-MW range.
5.8.4 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs
The SunLab O&M estimate is based largely on the experience at the KJC Operating Company SEGS plants,
modified to account for tower technology. The model assumes a stand-alone tower power plant (as opposed to
the five co-located plants at Kramer Junction) and adjusts cost depending on the size of the solar field and total
electric generation per year. KJC Operating Company provided proprietary information on the last five years of
The major contributor for O&M costs is staffing. The staffing is a fixed cost, and the SunLab projected
manpower requirements are reasonable based on data from similar-sized power plants and adjusted for the size
of the solar field.
The industry plan keys on thermal storage to obtain a high capacity factor, which reduces the O&M costs
($/MWh) by obtaining a higher annual MWh generation. The net annual solar-to-electric efficiency has a
significant impact on the O&M costs. Increased efficiency reduces the size of the solar field and thus reduces
the number of heliostats.
Near Term (2004)
The SunLab projected near-term O&M cost of $0.027/kWh is based on an annual solar-to-electric efficiency of
13.7%, annual capacity factor of 78%, and 16 hours of thermal storage. S&L projected near-term O&M costs of
$0.033/kWe. As previously indicated, there is a low risk of achieving the near-term net annual solar-to-electric
efficiency, and the technological risk using the two-tank molten-salt storage system is low.
The risk of not achieving the SunLab projected near-term O&M costs are low because—
The labor staffing and average annual rate are consistent with the SEGS plants; similar sized
fossil-fired power plants adjusted for O&M of the solar field, and labor rates in the Southwest.
The material and service costs were developed based on actual costs for SEGS and adjusted for
the differences in technology.
Mid Term (2010)
The SunLab projected near-term O&M cost of $0.006/kWh is based on an annual solar-to-electric efficiency of
16.6%, annual capacity factor of 73%, and 13 hours of thermal storage. S&L projected near-term O&M costs of
$0.008/kWe. As previously indicated, there is a low risk of achieving the mid-term net annual solar-to-electric
efficiency, and the technological risk using the two-tank molten-salt storage system is low.
The risk of not achieving the SunLab projected mid-term O&M cost is average for the reasons identified
previously for near term and for the following reasons:
The staffing does not increase proportionally as the size of the units increases. The core staff for
operation and management of the plant will be the same. The increases in staff are for
maintenance of the solar field and are estimated to be proportional to the size of the field.
The plant capacity increases directly as a result of thermal storage. Increasing the size (MWe)
and utilization (capacity factor) of the power plant incurs very little increase in O&M expenses
($/yr). This is because the quantity and complexity of the equipment remain constant and
staffing remains fairly constant. Our review of conventional fossil plant shows this ‘economy of
scale’ in staffing for increases in plant size.
The S&L projected near-term O&M cost is $0.006/kWh. The differences are as follows:
Sargent & Lundy scaled-up the cost of contracts associated with increases in field size.
Sargent & Lundy scaled-up the cost of fuel and maintenance of vehicles to account for increase
in field size.
Sargent & Lundy assumed that the average burden rate would not decrease.
Long Term (2020)
The SunLab projected long-term O&M cost of $0.003/kWh is based on an annual solar-to-electric efficiency of
18.1%, and annual capacity factor of 73%, and 12.7 hours of thermal storage. S&L projected long-term O&M
costs of $0.006/kWh. As previously indicated, there is a high risk of achieving the long-term net annual solar-to-
electric efficiency as a result of the advanced turbine and heliostat.
The risk of not achieving the S&L projected long-term O&M cost (e.g., no advanced turbine and heliostats) is
average for the reasons identified previously for near- and mid-term.
In this section, variations in the inputs for levelized energy costs are shown to illustrate the sensitivity of energy
calculated cost to variations. The sensitivity analysis revealed that the impact on the LEC of the various
scenarios is basically the same for both trough and tower technologies. The base case for the sensitivity analysis
for the tower in 2020 is 200 MW with a capital cost of $3,591 per kW and annual O&M costs of $9,132 is
shown in Table 5-35. The trough base case is shown for reference.
Table 5-35 — S&L Base Case for the Year 2020
Trough Tower
Year 2020 2020
Capacity, MWe 400 200
Capacity Factor, 56.2% 72.9%
Capital Cost, $/kW $3,220 $3,591
Annual O&M Cost, $k $14,129 $9,132
Trough Tower
LEC, $/kWh $0.0621 $0.0547
Economic Life 30 yrs
General Inflation 2.5 %
Equity Rate of Return 14%
Cost of Construction 7%
Construction Duration 1 yr.
Investment Tax Credit 10%
Taxes 40.2%
Depreciable Life 5 yrs.
IRR 14%
DSCR 1.35
5.9.1 Depreciable Life
The tax depreciation allowances for renewable energy provide a favorable 5-year depreciable life. The Modified
Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) defined depreciation schedules for 5, 10, and 15 years. If the tax
laws are changed or reinterpreted the variation in LEC in 2020 is shown below.
Table 5-36 — Effect of Depreciable Life on Levelized Energy Cost
Depreciable Life
LEC in 2020
(years) $/kWh % difference
5 $0.0547 Base Case
10 $0.0580 6.0%
15 $0.0614 12.3%
5.9.2 Investment Tax Credits
The investment tax credits have a major impact on the economic feasibility of a renewable energy power plant.
Current tax law allows a 10% investment tax credit. Future tax laws may allow a larger tax credit such as the
15% before 1985 or disallow investment tax credits. Tax credits from 0% to 15% and Energy Production Tax
Credit (PTC) result in the LEC in 2020 to vary as shown below.
Table 5-37 — Effect of Investment Tax Credits on Levelized Energy Cost
Tax Credits
LEC in 2020
(%) $/kWh % difference
0% $0.0590 7.8%
5% $0.0568 3.9%
10% $0.0547 Base Case
15% $0.0526 -3.9%
PTC of 1.8¢/kWh $0.0410 -30.5%
5.9.3 Corporate Tax Rate
Corporate tax rates are currently at 35%. State taxes vary depending on the plant location but are assumed to be
8%. The composite base tax rate is 43%. The present Government Administration is currently considering
reductions in the corporate tax rate but the rate can vary depending on the economic conditions at the time. The
impact on LEC in 2020 from changes in the tax rate is below.
Table 5-38 — Effect of Corporate Tax Rates on Levelized Energy Cost
Corporate Tax Rates LEC in 2020
Federal State Composite $/kWh % Difference
30% 8% 38% $0.0557 1.9%
35% 8% 43% $0.0547 Base Case
38% 10% 48% $0.0538 -1.7%
5.9.4 Inflation
Inflation assumptions does not affect the real dollar levelized energy cost. Increases and decreases in the
inflation rate impact the LEC in 2020 as shown below.
Table 5-39 — Effect of Inflation on Levelized Energy Cost
Inflation Rate LEC in 2020
Rate IRR $/kWh % difference
1.5% 12.9% $0.0542 -1.0%
2.5% 14.0% $0.0547 Base Case
3.5% 15.1% $0.0553 1.0%
5.9.5 Cost of Capital
Cost of capital for the base case is such that there is an internal rate of return (IRR) of 14%. The impact on LEC
in 2020 from a change in the cost of capital is shown below.
Table 5-40 — Effect of Cost of Capital on Levelized Energy Cost
Cost of Capital LEC in 2020
IRR $/kWh % Difference
13% $0.0508 -7.1%
14% $0.0547 Base Case
15% $0.0588 7.6%
5.9.6 Construction Duration
The plant construction period for the base case is one year based on experience at the SEGS plants. The amount
of interest during construction (IDC) is included in the LEC. The impact on LEC in 2020 for construction of two
and three years is shown below.
Table 5-41 — Effect of Construction Duration on Levelized Energy Cost
LEC in 2020 Construction
$/kWh % Difference
1 $0.0547 Base Case
2 $0.0577 5.4%
3 $0.0608 11.1%
5.9.7 Capital Cost
The variation for increases in capital costs is shown below.
Table 5-42 — Effect of Capital Cost Increases on Levelized Energy Cost
LEC in 2020 Increase in Capital
$/kWh % difference
0% $0.0547 Base Case
10% $0.0595 8.7%
20% $0.0642 17.4%
5.9.8 Annual O&M Cost
The variation for increases in annual O&M costs is shown below.
Table 5-43 — Effect of O&M Cost Increase on Levelized Energy Cost
LEC in 2020 Increase in Annual
O&M Cost
$/kWh % difference
0% $0.0547 Base Case
10% $0.0554 1.3%
20% $0.0561 2.6%
5.9.9 Ownership
The S&L base case considers ownership by an Independent Power Producer (IPP). An investment by
developer/owners and financial institutions would require an IRR of at least 14%. It is more likely that the first
several power plants will be owned by utilities. Utilities require a lower IRR and would be more receptive to
renewable initiatives. As the industry matures (e.g., capital cost declines and the technology is proven), the IPPs
would become involved. There is the potential for private ownership in the early plants, but it would most likely
be from manufacturers who could offset the lower IRR with increased sales for solar equipment. The impact of
ownership on LEC for 2020 is shown below.
Table 5-44 — Effect of Ownership on Levelized Energy Cost
IRR, % 14% 11.5% 0%
Leverage 60/40 50/50 100/0
Cost of Debt 5% 7% 5%
DSCR 1.35 1.74 1.0
LEC, $/kWh $0.0547 $0.0526 $0.0406
% difference Base Case -3.8% -25.7%
Appendix A
List of Documents
This list contains both the documents cited in footnotes in the text and other documents reviewed for the report.
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AeroVironment, Inc., 1995. “Fugitive Emissions Testing - Final Report,” for KJC Operating Company,
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Boer, Karl W., ed., 1997. Advances in Solar Energy - An Annual Review of Research and Development,
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Central Receiver Utility Studies, 1989. A series of reports prepared by Pacific Gas and Electric (and its principal
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Appendix B
The study was carried out as follows. The methodology Sargent used to carry out the study is described in this
Sargent & Lundy collected data and analyses of the current status of trough and tower
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the SunLab Cost Models, industry data, and relevant studies
regarding capital cost projections for near-term deployment, cost projections for technology
improvements, and plant scale-up through 2020.
Sargent & Lundy assessed the level of cost reductions and performance improvements, based on
our experience, that are likely to be achieved.
Sargent & Lundy developed a financial model to calculate LEC based on project financing
assumptions, investment costs, and operations and maintenance costs.
Sargent & Lundy received relevant documents from NREL and Sandia Laboratory for our independent review.
During the review process, additional documents were gathered from industry sources, the Internet, and our
internal S&L library. The list of documents is included in Appendix A. Our objective was to review relevant
documents, both pro and con, to make our assessment. For example, the Teagan report was critical of the
methods used in previous reports to predict cost reductions, in particular learning curves (Teagan 2001).
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the SunLab cost model and determined that the SunLab cost model approach and
methodology is reasonable. The SunLab cost model was developed based on industry cost data and engineering
The following industry cost data were used for the cost models:
Actual cost data from construction of the SEGS plants and costs of equipment being supplied
for O&M were used (e.g., HCEs).
Actual cost data from Solar Two were used as the “starting point” and adjusted for present
prices. The steam generator cost estimate was based on four vendors’ designs and quotes for
100 MWe (SAND93-7083) and actual costs from Solar Two. The scaling factor was calculated
and used to estimate other plant sizes.
An example of engineering evaluation is shown in Table B-1. The cost estimate for the tower height is based on
an engineering formula and vendor cost information provided in the Central Receiver Utility Studies (1989).
Table B-1 — Cost Estimate for the Receiver Tower Based on the
Central Receiver Utility Studies
Receiver Rating
Tower Height
Installed Cost
2001 Cost
100 75.8 $1,160 $1,600 Central Receiver Utility Studies
195 94.7 $1,550 $2,200 Central Receiver Utility Studies
343 140.0 $3,010 $4,200 Central Receiver Utility Studies
390 149.3 $3,410 $4,800 Central Receiver Utility Studies
468 185.0 $5,290 $7,500 Central Receiver Utility Studies
780 190.0 $5,600 $7,900 Central Receiver Utility Studies
936 247.5 $10,020 $14,100 Central Receiver Utility Studies
Tower height, m = 29.1 + 0.51129589 * (Rating, MWt) - 0.0088703442 * (Rating, MWt)
+ 32,801.719 * (Rating, MWt)
Tower cost = 600,000 + 17.72 * (Tower height, m)
Crane cost = $500,000
Sargent & Lundy evaluated the assumptions in the SunLab cost model: efficiency improvements, capital cost for
the near-term deployment, and cost reductions through 2020. The review of cost reductions included technology
improvements, increase in the size of the plant (scale-up), and production volume. Scale-up and production
volume is discussed in more detail in this section. The cost model was compared to S&L’s internal cost
database, where appropriate (e.g., turbine, equipment, and commodities such as steel prices).
Differences between the SunLab and S&L cost estimates were a result of different assumptions. For example,
S&L increased the duration between the deployment of the next generation plant from 1 year to 2 years to
account for lessons learned and an adequate time for steady-state operation. The differences in assumptions are
identified in the main body of the report.
Projected technical improvements that reduce costs by improving plant efficiency or by reducing initial capital
costs were evaluated with respect to probability of the improvement and the estimated magnitude of cost
reduction. The projected technical improvements investigated were those identified in the SunLab models, and
the probability and magnitude of cost reductions are based on data from DOE, NREL, Sandia, and members of
the CSP industry, including technology assessments and supporting studies for troughs and towers.
Economy of scale was used, as appropriate; to estimate or evaluate cost estimates for components. Scaling
factors were used to estimate the cost of a new size or capacity from the known cost for a different size or
capacity. The Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) defines this method of estimating
as plant component ratios (Humphreys and English 1993). The relationship is based on the following formula:
= C
= desired cost of equipment at size (or capacity) of S
C1 = desired cost of equipment at size (or capacity) of S
Sf = scaling factor
Example: If the cost of a 95-m
heliostat is $13,654 ($143.73 per m
), then the cost of a 148-m
heliostat is
estimated at $19,466 ($131.53 per m
) based on a scaling factor of 0.80.
= $13,654 (148/95)
= $19,466
Experience curves define how unit costs decrease with cumulative production. The specific characteristics of the
experience curve are that the cost declines by a constant percentage with each doubling of the total number of
units produced. The formula is as follows:
= C
= the cost per unit as a function of output
= the cost of the first unit produced
CUM = the cumulative production over time
b = the experience index
The cost reduction is (1-2
) for each doubling of cumulative production, where the value (2
) is called the
progress ratio (PR). The progress ratio is used to express the progress of cost reductions for different
The formula is simplified for use as follows:
PR = (C
1/(no. of doublings)
Number of doublings = log 2 (Q2/Q1)
= cost of initial unit produced
= production quantity for the initial unit cost
= desired cost of unit produced
= cumulative production quantity for desired unit cost
PR = Progress Ratio
Example: The cost of a 148-m
heliostat is $160 per m
based on production of 227,000 m
. The cost estimate
based on a production of 56,000,000 m
is $109. The progress ratio is 0.95.
Number of doublings = log
(56,000,000/227,000) = 7.9
PR = ($109/$160)
= 0.95
Many of the previous studies that assessed the cost reduction potential for tower and trough technologies based
their findings on experience curves, including the World Bank (1999). As pointed out in the Tegan report
(2001), “the review documents do not make a strong case that the cost of technologies (particularly the solar
field) can be reduced to a point that they approach economic viability….” His primary example was the
collector field: “the ‘learning curve’ arguments put forth lack sufficient backup to be credible given the fact that
the materials of construction are already commodities and the fabrication techniques, for the most part
standard.” He also stated that he believed cost reductions are likely “via a combination of ‘learning curve’ and
technology refinement.” In response, S&L performed a thorough review of the cost reduction potential for
heliostats. Heliostat cost reduction potential is more difficult to estimate since it is not based on actual costs with
significant volume produced, whereas trough costs and the cost reductions are known based on actual SEGS
construction data and recent costs for replacement during operations and maintenance. Our detailed evaluation
of cost reduction potential for heliostats is provided in Appendix E.5.
We reviewed the engineering assumptions, industry data, and studies that constitute the basis of the SunLab
Cost Model for the major cost drivers. The review was not based on just applying an experience curve, but an
engineering review. We reviewed the assumptions and made adjustments as deemed appropriate based on our
experience. We calculated the progress ratio and compared it to actual experience curves from other industries.
The calculated progress ratio value was then used to determine estimated costs for a range of deployments.
For example, cost reductions for 148-m
heliostats due to a volume production of 100 million m
calculated to be 0.961 by SunLab and 0.971 by S&L (see Table E-18). Each cost component was reviewed
based on reviewing the initial cost estimate and final cost estimate and then calculating the progress ratio. One
of the cost components is fabrication: initial fabrication costs were estimated based on the productivity (hr/unit)
and labor rate ($/hr) for performing specific tasks (fabricating the mirror support structure, mirror modules,
controls, and drives), and then final fabrication costs were estimated based on productivity improvements from
volume production (see Section E.5.5). The calculated progress ratio was 0.96.
The range of progress ratios used for the comparison by S&L is between 0.85 and 0.96. Various studies on
learning curves from actual data suggest that a progress ratio of 0.82 has been observed for photovoltaics (PV)
and 0.82 for development of wind energy during early deployment (1980 to 1995). The higher end of the range
is from the Enermodal study for the World Bank (1999), which identified a PV of 0.96 and the Wind Learning
Rates compiled by Kobos (Table B-2) for development of wind plants. The Enermodal study projected a
reasonable experience curve for trough and tower technologies to be between 0.85 to 0.92.
Table B-2 — Wind Learning Rates
or Region
Est. Learning
Rate (%)
Performance Metric
(dependent variable)
Experience Metric
(independent variable) R2*
Reference or Data
OECD 1981–
17 investment cost ($/kW) cumulative capacity
0.94 Kouvaritakis, Soria,
and Isoard (2000)
USA 1981–
14 investment cost ($/kW) cumulative capacity
0.95 Mackay and
Probert (1998)
USA 1981–
16 investment price ($/kW) cumulative “production”
n.a. Christiansson
Denmark 1982–
4 investment price ($/kW) cumulative capacity
n.a. Wene (2000), Neij
(1999) **
or Region
Est. Learning
Rate (%)
Performance Metric
(dependent variable)
Experience Metric
(independent variable)
Reference or Data
Denmark 1982–
8 investment price ($/kW) cumulative capacity
n.a. Neij (1999) ***
Germany 1990–
8 investment price ($/kW) cumulative capacity
0.95 Durstewitz (1999)
Note: Adapted from Kobos (2002)
* As described in McDonald and Schrattenholzer (2001), comparing R
values between sources must be done with
caution (e.g., different sources use differently sized data sets; therefore, the respective R
is relative to that data set).
** The Wene (2000) reference adapts results from Neij (1999).
*** The Neij (1999) results include all Danish-produced wind turbines.
The O&M cost projections provided in the SunLab cost model are based on actual data from Kramer Junction
with projections for increased plant size and improvements in operation and maintenance. Kramer Junction
provides a dependable basis for costs associated for near-term deployment.
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the SunLab cost model against interviews and actual data provided to us during our
site visit and our knowledge and internal database information of O&M costs for electric power plants. We
reviewed the SunLab assumptions and made adjustments as appropriate based on our experience and
information provided by Kramer Junction.
B.1.1 Analysis Methodology
The financial model used for developing generating costs is a spreadsheet pro forma financial model of the type
used in competitive industry to support power project planning and financing. S&L regularly reviews such
models as part of our due diligence practice, working with lenders and investors in project financing. In some
cases we also support project developers by writing and maintaining such models for them.
The main analysis engine is a standard income statement that includes calculations of energy production,
revenues, operation and maintenance expenses, fuel expenses, depreciation, insurance, property taxes, interest,
investment tax credit, and income tax. The investment tax credit for solar technologies is represented. Once
after-tax income was determined in the income statement, depreciation was added back and payback of debt
principal was subtracted to obtain cash available for dividends. The dividend stream and equity investment into
the project was combined to compute the equity internal rate of return for the project. All evaluations were done
on a lifetime $/MWh evaluated cost basis, covering 30 years of service.
All costs are expressed in constant 2002-dollar terms. Financing rates (return or equity and interest rates) were
adjusted to remove the inflation premium rates.
Revenues were set to cover investment-related costs and fixed operation and maintenance costs, including
property taxes. Revenues covering fixed operation and maintenance costs were treated as pass-through costs,
with revenue assumed to exactly offset expenses. Investment costs were covered by a level $/kW/year capacity
B.1.2 Cost of Capital
The financial analyses considered project financing, where the project is set up as a separate project company
that is financed using borrowed funds and equity investments by the project company’s owners. Costs of debt
and costs of equity were developed from review of current market rates, resulting in the following assumptions
shown in Table B-3:
Table B-3 — Costs of Debt and Equity
Current Dollars
Constant Dollars
Return on equity 14.0% 11.5%
Permanent debt interest rate 8.5% 6.0%
Construction debt interest 7.0% 4.5%
The Project Company is subject to corporate income tax, assumed to be 35% at the federal level and 8% at the
state level.
Although a high degree of financial leverage normally is used in project financing, favorable economics for
solar plants correspond to lower degrees of leverage than with conventional power projects because of the 10%
investment tax credit and favorable tax depreciation allowances for solar units (5-year MACRS). In these
analyses, the financial leverage and revenue requirement to cover investment-related costs have been set to
achieve the target return on equity and target debt service coverage ratio. The target debt service coverage ratio
is 1.35 for all cases. Debt is paid off using a mortgage-style amortization over 20 years. Annual insurance
expense was estimated to be 0.5% of initial cost, escalating. Annual property taxes were estimated to be 0.5% of
initial investment, constant over the evaluation period. The evaluation period covers 30 years. Investment costs
in the pro forma were adjusted for construction period financing costs by assuming that spending on average
will be two years before the facility’s initial commercial service. The cost of capital for this interest during
construction adjustment was assumed to be 7% per year.
The summary of assumptions used for cost of capital is shown in Table B-4.
Table B-4 — Summary of Cost of Capital Assumptions
Length of analysis period, yr 30
General inflation, %/yr 2.5% For non-fuel expenses
Base year for cost escalation 2002 When not otherwise specified in the model
Financial Nominal $ Constant $
Equity rate of return 14.000% 11.50%
Debt rate of return 8.50% 6.00%
Debt repayment period 20 20
Percent equity in capital structure Varies Varies
Percent debt in capital structure Varies Varies
Entity is subject to income tax (yes/no) Yes Yes
Cost of construction, %/yr 7.00% 4.5%
Target DSCR 1.35 1.35
Amortization period for non-depreciable
Percentage of investment not depreciable
(exclusive of IDC)
Investment tax credit 10% Applies only to solar investment, equal to this
percentage of depreciable investment
State income tax rate 8.00% Similar to 8.84% in California or 6.97% in Arizona
Federal income tax rate 35.00%
Composite income tax rate 40.20% Income tax rate (composite federal and state)
Insurance 0.50% Of project cost; escalated at inflation rate
Property taxes 0.50% Of project cost; remains constant in nominal terms
throughout project life
Investment cost escalation rate 1.50%
B.1.3 Levelized Cost of Energy
Levelized cost of energy was calculated based on the assumptions for cost of capital and the investment cost
(capital cost) and operation and maintenance costs. S&L assessed the level of cost reductions and performance
improvements, based on our experience, that are likely to be achieved in determining the investment and
operations and maintenance costs.
Appendix C
Power Generation Markets
Economic choice between electricity generating alternatives is often done on the basis of levelized cost, which is
the level revenue requirement that would cover all operating expenses and capital-related costs for the
generating facility. Capital-related costs include return on invested debt, return on invested equity, federal and
state income taxes associated with the return on equity, book depreciation (for recovery of debt and equity
capital), and property taxes and insurance. Operating costs include fuel and non-fuel operation and maintenance
A levelized unit cost is a delivered product unit cost that, if charged for each year’s production over the analysis
period, would yield the same net present value of revenues as if the actual annual cost for each alternative were
collected instead over the period. It is C in the following equation:
where C is a constant $/kWh cost to be charged each i
year over the analysis period (n=30 years, for example),
is the kWh sold in each such year, and c
is the actual annual $/kWh cost for each year, comprised of a current
expense for fuel, labor, etc. plus a component for recovery of the investment cost, which may be a level series or
may vary through time in some fashion.
The constant C can be brought outside the summation on the left side. Then the expression on the right can be
divided by the remaining summation on the left, leaving just C on the left side. Since the product inside the
summation on top on the right, c
, is dollars for each year, and the 1/(1+r)
is a discount factor, the top of the
right side looks like the present value of revenue requirements. The bottom is denominated in kWh and looks
like the present value of energy. This is why one often hears that levelized cost is computed as the present value
of costs divided by the present value of energy.
The levelized costs of energy (LCOE) in this study are computed as described above. In our calculations we
have assumed that costs which vary over the evaluation period are covered by revenues of equal magnitude (i.e.,
operating costs are treated as a pass-through). Property taxes and insurance also are handled as pass-throughs.
All other capital-related costs (debt service, return on and of equity, income tax, etc.) are recovered as a uniform
charge over the evaluation period.
The financial model which developed the LCOE figures in this report performs the levelized cost calculation
two ways: (1) in nominal dollars, where capital and operating costs escalate due to inflation and money rates are
nominal values that include an inflation premium and (2) in real terms, where capital and operating costs do not
escalate and the cost of debt in the financial calculations has had the inflation premium removed.
Exhibits C-1 shows an example calculation for a CSP alternative in nominal dollar terms, where inflation is
included for capital and operating costs and market costs of money are used in the financial calculations. Exhibit
C-2 is the same calculation when done in real terms, with no inflation in capital and operating costs and using a
deflated cost of debt. The inflation assumption used in these calculations is 2½% per year. In both cases the
capacity payment for recovering capital-related charges is set to achieve a 1.35 debt service coverage ratio using
the financial leverage from the nominal dollar calculation.
Exhibit C-1
Project Analysis Worksheet: Nominal Dollar Analysis
2020 Tower 220 @ 73% , New SunLab
Case No.5
Assumptions: Computed Target
Equity rate of return 14.00% 14.00% 280.66 capacity charge, $/kW/year (constant for analysis period)
Required DSCR 1.35 1.35 0 HHV heat rate, Btu/kWh
Solar fuel type
4,920 fixed non-fuel O&M cost, $1000/year in base year
0.00 variable non-fuel O&M cost, $/MWh in base year
Percent debt in capital structure 59.9% 5 MACRS depreciation schedule to be used (yrs)
Percent equity in capital structure 40.1% 98.0% percentage of investment cost which is depreciable, excluding IDC
Cost of construction debt, %/year 7.00% 8.55% is computed fixed charge rate (from macro)
Entity is subject to income tax (Y/N) Y
Initial weighted after-tax cost of capital (computed) 8.66%
Before ITC adjustment: Depreciable Amortize Total
Net MW 220 Solar inv. excl IDC 661.80 13.51 675.31
Capacity factor 72.9% IDC 0.00 47.27 47.27
Avg. years lead time for capital spending before COD 1.0 Total 661.80 60.78 722.58
Starting year of analysis 2020 ITC amount: 66.18
Depreciable After ITC adjustment 628.71
$/kW $ Millions
Base Year Esc'd Esc'd Sources of Funds $ Millions Term Interest Amort $M/yr.
Project cost 2,383 3,070 675.31 Equity 289.75
Amount of IDC 215 47.27 Debt 432.83 20 8.50% 45.74
Installed cost, including IDC 3,284 722.58 Total 722.58
Calendar Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2044 2049
Project Year 1 23 45678910111213141516171819202530
Year from 2002 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 42 47
Analysis years 1 11 1111111111111111111
Depreciation, Amortization, and Debt Service Calculations ($ Millions)
Depreciation rates for 5 year MACRS depreciation 100.00% 35.00% 26.00% 15.60% 11.01% 11.01% 1.38% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Beginning of year values 628.7 408.7 245.2 147.1 77.9 8.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tax depreciation (5 year MACRS) 628.7 220.0 163.5 98.1 69.2 69.2 8.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
End year asset value 408.7 245.2 147.1 77.9 8.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Begin year amortization value 60.8 57.7 54.7 51.7 48.6 45.6 42.5 39.5 36.5 33.4 30.4 27.4 24.3 21.3 18.2 15.2 12.2 9.1 6.1 3.0 0.0 0.0
Amortization over 20 years 60.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0
End year asset value 57.7 54.7 51.7 48.6 45.6 42.5 39.5 36.5 33.4 30.4 27.4 24.3 21.3 18.2 15.2 12.2 9.1 6.1 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Begin year debt amount Long-Term Debt 432.8 423.9 414.2 403.6 392.2 379.8 366.4 351.8 335.9 318.7 300.1 279.9 257.9 234.1 208.3 180.2 149.8 116.8 81.0 42.2 0.0 0.0
Debt service payment 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 45.7 0.0 0.0
Interest 36.8 36.0 35.2 34.3 33.3 32.3 31.1 29.9 28.6 27.1 25.5 23.8 21.9 19.9 17.7 15.3 12.7 9.9 6.9 3.6 0.0 0.0
Debt principal repayment (mortgage type amortization) 432.83 check sum 8.9 9.7 10.5 11.4 12.4 13.5 14.6 15.8 17.2 18.6 20.2 21.9 23.8 25.8 28.0 30.4 33.0 35.8 38.9 42.2 0.0 0.0
End year debt amount 423.9 414.2 403.6 392.2 379.8 366.4 351.8 335.9 318.7 300.1 279.9 257.9 234.1 208.3 180.2 149.8 116.8 81.0 42.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Energy Calculations
Electric energy production, GWh Discounted energy: 14,889 (to oper yr.) 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406
Unit fuel costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Income Statement and Cashflow Statement Calculations ($ 1000)
Capacity revenue 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745
Revenue covering fixed non-fuel O&M revenue, property taxes, and insurance 14,663 14,939 15,222 15,513 15,810 16,115 16,428 16,748 17,076 17,413 17,758 18,112 18,474 18,846 19,226 19,617 20,017 20,427 20,847 21,278 23,599 26,226
Variable non-fuel O&M revenue 0 00 0000000000000000000
Fuel cost revenue 0 00 0000000000000000000
Revenue Subtotal 76,408 76,684 76,968 77,258 77,555 77,860 78,173 78,493 78,821 79,158 79,503 79,857 80,219 80,591 80,971 81,362 81,762 82,172 82,592 83,023 85,345 87,971
Fixed non-fuel O&M (7,674) (7,865) (8,062) (8,264) (8,470) (8,682) (8,899) (9,121) (9,349) (9,583) (9,823) (10,068) (10,320) (10,578) (10,842) (11,114) (11,391) (11,676) (11,968) (12,267) (13,879) (15,703)
Variable non-fuel O&M 0 00 0000000000000000000
Insurance expense (3,377) (3,461) (3,547) (3,636) (3,727) (3,820) (3,916) (4,014) (4,114) (4,217) (4,322) (4,430) (4,541) (4,655) (4,771) (4,890) (5,013) (5,138) (5,266) (5,398) (6,107) (6,910)
Property tax expense (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613) (3,613)
Fuel cost 0 00 0000000000000000000
Tax depreciation and amortization (223,088) (166,504) (101,118) (72,260) (72,260) (11,715) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) (3,039) 0 0
Operating income (EBIT) (161,343) (104,759) (39,373) (10,515) (10,515) 50,030 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 58,706 61,745 61,745
Interest (36,790) (36,030) (35,205) (34,309) (33,338) (32,284) (31,140) (29,900) (28,554) (27,093) (25,508) (23,789) (21,923) (19,899) (17,703) (15,320) (12,734) (9,929) (6,885) (3,583) 0 0
Taxable income (198,133) (140,789) (74,578) (44,824) (43,853) 17,746 27,566 28,806 30,153 31,613 33,198 34,917 36,783 38,807 41,003 43,386 45,972 48,777 51,821 55,123 61,745 61,745
Income tax 79,650 56,597 29,980 18,019 17,629 (7,134) (11,081) (11,580) (12,121) (12,709) (13,346) (14,037) (14,787) (15,600) (16,483) (17,441) (18,481) (19,608) (20,832) (22,160) (24,822) (24,822)
Investment tax credit (for solar investment only, when owned by taxable entity) 66,180
After tax income (52,303) (84,192) (44,597) (26,805) (26,224) 10,612 16,484 17,226 18,031 18,905 19,852 20,881 21,996 23,207 24,520 25,945 27,491 29,169 30,989 32,964 36,924 36,924
Add back depreciation 223,088 166,504 101,118 72,260 72,260 11,715 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 3,039 0 0
Deduct repayment of debt principal (8,947) (9,707) (10,533) (11,428) (12,399) (13,453) (14,597) (15,837) (17,184) (18,644) (20,229) (21,948) (23,814) (25,838) (28,034) (30,417) (33,003) (35,808) (38,852) (42,154) 0 0
Equity investments and dividend payouts IRR: 14.0% (289,755) 161,838 72,605 45,988 34,027 33,637 8,874 4,927 4,428 3,887 3,299 2,662 1,971 1,221 407 (475) (1,433) (2,473) (3,600) (4,824) (6,152) 36,924 36,924
Discount factor (to year of initial operation) 0.920 0.847 0.779 0.717 0.660 0.608 0.559 0.515 0.474 0.436 0.401 0.369 0.340 0.313 0.288 0.265 0.244 0.224 0.206 0.190 0.125 0.083
Levelized and annual cost of electricity generation, nominal $/kWh 0.056 levelized 0.054 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.055 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.059 0.059 0.061 0.063
Coverage Ratios
Cash available for debt service 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745 61,745
DSCR min 1.35 average 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
Discounted revenues (nominal from 2020) PV Sums
Capacity 43.93 654,049 56,825 52,297 48,129 44,294 40,764 37,516 34,526 31,775 29,243 26,913 24,768 22,794 20,978 19,306 17,768 16,352 15,049 13,850 12,746 11,730 7,744 5,113
Fixed O&M 12.53 186,528 13,495 12,653 11,866 11,128 10,438 9,791 9,186 8,619 8,087 7,590 7,123 6,686 6,277 5,893 5,533 5,195 4,879 4,582 4,303 4,042 2,960 2,172
Variable O&M 0.00 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fuel 0.00 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 56.45 840,577 70,319 64,950 59,995 55,422 51,202 47,307 43,712 40,394 37,330 34,502 31,891 29,481 27,255 25,199 23,300 21,547 19,928 18,432 17,050 15,773 10,704 7,285
Exhibit C-2
Project Analysis Worksheet: Constant Dollar Analysis
2020 Tower 220 @ 73% , New SunLab
Case No.5
Assumptions: Computed
Equity rate of return 12.12% 175.58 capacity charge, $/kW/year (constant for analysis period)
Required DSCR 1.35 0 HHV heat rate, Btu/kWh
Solar fuel type
4,920 fixed non-fuel O&M cost, $1000/year in base year
0.00 variable non-fuel O&M cost, $/MWh in base year
Percent debt in capital structure 59.9% 5 MACRS depreciation schedule to be used (yrs)
Percent equity in capital structure 40.1% 98.0% percentage of investment cost which is depreciable, excluding IDC
Cost of construction debt, %/year 4.50% 7.05% is computed fixed charge rate (from macro)
Entity is subject to income tax (Y/N) Y
Initial weighted after-tax cost of capital (computed) 7.01%
Before ITC adjustment: Depreciable Amortize Total
Net MW 220 Solar inv. excl IDC 513.81 10.49 524.30
Capacity factor 72.9% IDC 0.00 23.59 23.59
Avg. years lead time for capital spending before COD 1.0 Total 513.81 34.08 547.89
Starting year of analysis 2020 ITC amount: 51.38
Depreciable After ITC adjustment 488.12
$/kW $ Millions
Base Year Esc'd Esc'd Sources of Funds $ Millions Term Interest Amort $M/yr.
Project cost 2,383 2,383 524.30 Equity 219.71
Amount of IDC 107 23.59 Debt 328.19 20 6.00% 28.61
Installed cost, including IDC 2,490 547.89 Total 547.89
Calendar Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2044 2049
Project Year 1 23 45678910111213141516171819202530
Year from 2002 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 42 47
Analysis years 1 11 1111111111111111111
Depreciation, Amortization, and Debt Service Calculations ($ Millions)
Depreciation rates for 5 year MACRS depreciation 100.00% 35.00% 26.00% 15.60% 11.01% 11.01% 1.38% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Beginning of year values 488.1 317.3 190.4 114.2 60.5 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tax depreciation (5 year MACRS) 488.1 170.8 126.9 76.1 53.7 53.7 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
End year asset value 317.3 190.4 114.2 60.5 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Begin year amortization value 34.1 32.4 30.7 29.0 27.3 25.6 23.9 22.2 20.4 18.7 17.0 15.3 13.6 11.9 10.2 8.5 6.8 5.1 3.4 1.7 0.0 0.0
Amortization over 20 years 34.1 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 0.0 0.0
End year asset value 32.4 30.7 29.0 27.3 25.6 23.9 22.2 20.4 18.7 17.0 15.3 13.6 11.9 10.2 8.5 6.8 5.1 3.4 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
Begin year debt amount Long-Term Debt 328.2 319.3 309.8 299.8 289.2 277.9 266.0 253.3 239.9 225.7 210.6 194.6 177.7 159.7 140.7 120.5 99.1 76.5 52.5 27.0 0.0 0.0
Debt service payment 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 0.0 0.0
Interest 19.7 19.2 18.6 18.0 17.3 16.7 16.0 15.2 14.4 13.5 12.6 11.7 10.7 9.6 8.4 7.2 5.9 4.6 3.1 1.6 0.0 0.0
Debt principal repayment (mortgage type amortization) 328.19 check sum 8.9 9.5 10.0 10.6 11.3 11.9 12.7 13.4 14.2 15.1 16.0 16.9 18.0 19.0 20.2 21.4 22.7 24.0 25.5 27.0 0.0 0.0
End year debt amount 319.3 309.8 299.8 289.2 277.9 266.0 253.3 239.9 225.7 210.6 194.6 177.7 159.7 140.7 120.5 99.1 76.5 52.5 27.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Energy Calculations
Electric energy production, GWh Discounted energy: 17,423 (to oper yr.) 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406
Unit fuel costs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Income Statement and Cashflow Statement Calculations ($ 1000)
Capacity revenue 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627
Revenue covering fixed non-fuel O&M revenue, property taxes, and insurance 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281 10,281
Variable non-fuel O&M revenue 0 00 0000000000000000000
Fuel cost revenue 0 00 0000000000000000000
Revenue Subtotal 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908 48,908
Fixed non-fuel O&M (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920) (4,920)
Variable non-fuel O&M 0 00 0000000000000000000
Insurance expense (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622) (2,622)
Property tax expense (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739) (2,739)
Fuel cost 0 00 0000000000000000000
Tax depreciation and amortization (172,547) (128,616) (77,851) (55,446) (55,446) (8,440) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) (1,704) 0 (0)
Operating income (EBIT) (133,920) (89,989) (39,224) (16,819) (16,819) 30,187 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 36,923 38,627 38,627
Interest (19,691) (19,156) (18,589) (17,987) (17,350) (16,674) (15,957) (15,198) (14,393) (13,540) (12,636) (11,677) (10,661) (9,584) (8,442) (7,232) (5,949) (4,589) (3,148) (1,620) 0 0
Taxable income (153,611) (109,145) (57,812) (34,806) (34,168) 13,514 20,966 21,725 22,530 23,383 24,288 25,247 26,263 27,340 28,482 29,692 30,975 32,335 33,776 35,304 38,627 38,627
Income tax 61,752 43,876 23,241 13,992 13,736 (5,432) (8,428) (8,734) (9,057) (9,400) (9,764) (10,149) (10,558) (10,991) (11,450) (11,936) (12,452) (12,998) (13,578) (14,192) (15,528) (15,528)
Investment tax credit (for solar investment only, when owned by taxable entity) 51,381
After tax income (40,478) (65,268) (34,572) (20,814) (20,433) 8,081 12,538 12,992 13,473 13,983 14,524 15,097 15,705 16,349 17,032 17,756 18,523 19,336 20,198 21,112 23,099 23,099
Add back depreciation 172,547 128,616 77,851 55,446 55,446 8,440 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 1,704 0 0
Deduct repayment of debt principal (8,922) (9,457) (10,024) (10,626) (11,263) (11,939) (12,656) (13,415) (14,220) (15,073) (15,977) (16,936) (17,952) (19,029) (20,171) (21,381) (22,664) (24,024) (25,465) (26,993) 0 0
Equity investments and dividend payouts IRR: 12.1% (219,705) 123,148 53,891 33,255 24,007 23,750 4,582 1,586 1,281 957 614 251 (135) (543) (976) (1,435) (1,922) (2,437) (2,984) (3,563) (4,178) 23,099 23,099
Discount factor (to year of initial operation) 0.934 0.873 0.816 0.763 0.713 0.666 0.622 0.582 0.543 0.508 0.475 0.443 0.414 0.387 0.362 0.338 0.316 0.295 0.276 0.258 0.184 0.131
Levelized and annual cost of electricity generation, nominal $/kWh 0.035 levelized 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035
Coverage Ratios
Cash available for debt service 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627 38,627
DSCR min 1.35 average 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35
Discounted revenues (constant from 2020) PV Sums
Capacity 27.48 478,786 36,097 33,732 31,522 29,456 27,526 25,723 24,037 22,463 20,991 19,616 18,330 17,129 16,007 14,958 13,978 13,062 12,207 11,407 10,659 9,961 7,098 5,058
Fixed O&M 7.31 127,432 9,607 8,978 8,390 7,840 7,326 6,846 6,398 5,979 5,587 5,221 4,879 4,559 4,260 3,981 3,720 3,477 3,249 3,036 2,837 2,651 1,889 1,346
Variable O&M 0.00 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fuel 0.00 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 34.79 606,219 45,704 42,710 39,911 37,296 34,853 32,569 30,435 28,441 26,578 24,836 23,209 21,688 20,267 18,940 17,699 16,539 15,455 14,443 13,496 12,612 8,988 6,405
Appendix D
Evaluation of Technology Improvements and
Capital Cost Projections
for Parabolic Trough Solar Plants
Section Page
D.1 Cost Drivers ............................................................................................................................................ D-1
D.2 Deployment ............................................................................................................................................. D-6
D.3 Efficiency................................................................................................................................................ D-9
D.3.1 Solar Optical Efficiency................................................................................................................ D-13
D.3.2 Receiver Thermal Efficiency ........................................................................................................ D-14
D.3.3 Steam Cycle Efficiency................................................................................................................. D-15
D.3.4 Thermal to Power Plant Efficiency — Parasitics.......................................................................... D-16
D.3.5 Efficiency Improvements Summary.............................................................................................. D-17
D.4 Solar Field — Support Structure........................................................................................................... D-19
D.4.1 Direct Capital Cost ........................................................................................................................ D-19
D.4.2 Technology Improvements............................................................................................................ D-20
D.4.3 Scale-Up........................................................................................................................................ D-21
D.4.4 Production Volume ....................................................................................................................... D-21
D.4.5 Cost Comparison........................................................................................................................... D-23
D.5 Solar Field – Heat Collection Element (HCE) ...................................................................................... D-24
D.5.1 Direct Capital Cost ........................................................................................................................ D-24
D.5.2 Technology Improvements............................................................................................................ D-25
D.5.3 Scale-Up........................................................................................................................................ D-26
D.5.4 Production Volume ....................................................................................................................... D-26
D.5.5 Cost Comparison........................................................................................................................... D-27
D.6 Solar Field – Mirrors............................................................................................................................. D-27
D.6.1 Direct Capital Cost ........................................................................................................................ D-27
D.6.2 Technology Improvements............................................................................................................ D-27
D.6.3 Scale-Up........................................................................................................................................ D-29
D.6.4 Production Volume ....................................................................................................................... D-29
D.6.5 Cost Comparison........................................................................................................................... D-29
D.7 Power Block.......................................................................................................................................... D-30
D.7.1 Direct Capital Cost ........................................................................................................................ D-30
D.7.2 Technology Improvements............................................................................................................ D-30
D.7.3 Scale-Up........................................................................................................................................ D-30
D.7.4 Production Volume ....................................................................................................................... D-32
D.7.5 Cost Comparison........................................................................................................................... D-32
D.8 Thermal Storage.................................................................................................................................... D-32
D.8.1 Direct Capital Cost ........................................................................................................................ D-32
D.8.2 Technology Improvements............................................................................................................ D-34
D.8.3 Scale-Up........................................................................................................................................ D-36
D.8.4 Production Volume ....................................................................................................................... D-36
D.8.5 Cost Comparison........................................................................................................................... D-37
D.9 Capital Cost Comparison ...................................................................................................................... D-37
D.10 Operations and Maintenance................................................................................................................. D-39
D.11 Levelized Energy Costs......................................................................................................................... D-42
The direct costs of a parabolic solar plant can be summarized into the following five major categories:
Siteworks and Infrastructure
Solar Field
Heat Collection Element (HCE)
Support Structure
Civil Work
Power Block
Steam Turbine and Generator
Electric Auxiliaries
Thermal Storage/Heat Transfer Fluid System
Balance of Plant (BOP)
Cooling System
Water treatment
Instrumentation & control
Miscellaneous Civil Work
The Solar Field, Thermal Storage and Power Block costs encompass approximately 95% of the total direct costs,
as illustrated in Figure D-1. Of these three highest cost categories, the Solar Field cost comprises 58% of the
total direct cost. Figure D-2 shows the solar field component cost breakdown. The component cost breakdown
of the Solar Field reveals the Support Structures are 29%, the Heat Collection Elements (HCE) 19%, and the
Mirrors 18% of the Solar Field direct costs, for a total of 68% of the Solar Field direct costs.
Figure D-1 — Major Cost Categories for Parabolic Trough Plant
2004 Near-Term Case: 100 MWe, 12 hrs TES, 2.5 Solar Multiple
Structures and Improvements
Solar Collection System
Thermal Storage System
Steam Gen or HX System
Power Block (EPGS, BOP)
Figure D-2 — Solar Field Component Cost Breakdown for Parabolic Trough Plant
2004 Near-Term Case: 100 MWe, 12 hrs TES, 2.5 Solar Multiple
Mirror (19%)
Metal support structure (29%)
Drive (6%)
Interconnection Piping (5%)
Electronics & control (7%)
Header piping (3%)
Pylon Foundations (4%)
Other Civil Works (4%)
Heat Transfer Fluid (3%)
The evaluation of cost reductions for a parabolic trough plant focuses on the solar field, power block, and
thermal storage since these three areas account for approximately 90% of the total direct costs (based on
12 hours of thermal storage). As pointed out previously and illustrated in Figure D-2, the support structures are
29%, the HCE 19%, and the mirrors 18% of the solar field direct costs; 68% of the total solar field direct cost.
As such, the following main items were focused on for evaluation of cost reductions:
Net annual solar-to-electric efficiency
Solar field
Support structure
Power block
Thermal storage
The following major potential cost reductions were considered:
Technology improvements
Scale-up (economy of scale)
Production volume
Table D-1 provides a summary of SunLab’s design, deployment, and cost projections for trough plants with the
SEGS VI plant as the base case.
Table D-1 — SunLab Cost Projections
Plant size, net electric, MWe 30 100 100 150 200 400
Plant size, gross thermal input,
88 294 279 408 544 1,087
Thermal Storage, hr 0 12 12 12 12 12
Annual Plant Capacity Factor 22.2% 53.5% 56.2% 56.2% 56.2% 56.5%
Annual Solar-to-Electric
10.6% 14.2% 16.1% 17.0% 17.1% 17.2%
Solar Field Design:
Number of Collectors 800 4,768 1,269 1,808 2,392 4,783
Receivers per SCA 12 12 36 36 36 36
Number HCE 9,600 57,216 45,700 65,072 86,101 172,201
Number HCE Accumulative 9,600 66,816 112,516 177,588 263,688 435,889
Collector Size, m
235 235 817.5 817.5 817.5 817.5
Field Aperture Area, m
188,000 1,120,480 1,037,760 1,477,680 1,955,200 3,910,400
Heat Transfer Fluid System
HTF Type VP-1 VP-1 Hitec XL Hitec XL Hitec XL Hitec XL
Fluid Volume, gallons 115,500 688,380 637,560 907,830 1,201,200 2,402,400
Direct Capital Cost:
Structures & Improvements 2,526 7,279 6,538 8,097 9,596 16,284
Collector System 44,793 249,654 181,533 226,753 259,852 452,825
Thermal Storage System 0 95,807 42,475 57,426 76,567 153,135
Steam Gen or HX System 4,304 9,964 9,227 11,161 12,772 19,394
EPGS 15,805 36,713 34,877 44,008 51,134 78,915
Balance of Plant 9,190 21,346 20,279 25,588 29,732 45,884
Total Direct Costs 76,619 420,763 294,929 373,033 439,654 766,438
Solar Collection System, $/m
250 234 184 161 140 122
Receivers, $/m
field 43 43 34 28 22 18
$/unit 847 847 762 635 508 400
Mirrors, $/m
field 40 40 36 28 20 16
Concentrator Structure, $/m
50 47 44 42 39 36
Concentrator Erection, $/m
17 14 13 12 11 10
Drive, $/m
field 14 13 6 6 6 5
Interconnection Piping, $/m
11 10 3 3 3 2
Electronics & control, $/m
field 16 14 4 4 4 3
Header piping, $/m
field 8 7 7 6 6 5
Foundations/Other Civil, $/m
21 18 17 15 14 12
Other (Spares, HTF, freight),
17 17 11 10 9 8
Contingency, $/m
field 12 11 9 8 7 6
Direct Capital Cost, $/kWe
Structures and Improvements,
84 73 65 54 48 41
Solar Collection System, $/kWe 1,493 2,497 1,815 1,512 1,299 1,132
Thermal Storage System,
0 958 425 383 383 383
Steam Generator or HX
System, $/kWe
143 100 92 74 64 48
EPGS, $/kWe 527 367 349 293 256 197
Balance of Plant, $/kWe 306 213 203 171 149 115
Total Direct Cost, $/kWe 2,554 4,208 2,949 2,487 2,198 1,916
In a series of evolutionary design improvements, the following major advancements formed the basis of the
SunLab estimates:
A comprehensive series of wind tunnel tests on parabolic trough collector models was
carried out in 2001–2002, establishing design pressure force coefficients for various wind
approach angles and collector orientations, with and without a wind fence.
Using these coefficients, finite element methods stress analyses were used to optimize the
collector structure for wind survival conditions, minimizing collector weight and defining
design parameters for mirror strength, pylons, and foundations. With more tightly known
design parameters, collector weight, and thus costs, can be lowered.
High efficiency and durable receivers are assumed to be developed, with selective surfaces
(consisting of special selective coatings on the metal tube receivers) to maximize the
absorption of incident solar radiation and minimize radiation losses from the receiver. High
efficiencies result in smaller solar fields for a given thermal energy delivery, and longer
lifetimes to reduce operation and maintenance costs.
Advanced receivers are assumed utilizing selective surfaces that can operate efficiently at
temperatures of 500°C or higher, paving the way for major advancements in thermal
storage and power block operation for trough plants.
Alternative mirror design development using thin-glass with non-metallic structural
elements, or using thin silverized films is assumed. Both approaches reduce weight and
offer less expensive reflector options.
Heat transfer fluid (HTF)
Alternate HTFs, such as inorganic molten salts and ionic fluids, are being investigated that
will permit operation at higher temperatures (at or above 500°C), leading to lower thermal
storage costs and higher power block efficiencies.
Thermal Storage System
The Solar Two two-tank molten salt storage system is designed for commercial operation
in a trough plant for the case of the conventional synthetic oil HTF. Termed an indirect
storage system, this also requires an oil-to-salt heat exchanger in the system.
This same two-tank molten salt storage system is designed for direct operation with a
molten salt HTF.
A single-tank direct molten salt thermocline system is designed to reduce thermal storage
Electric Power Block
The efficiency of a SEGS-type plant is improved by refining the integration of the solar
field with the power block.
Turbine efficiencies are improved through use of the higher temperature heat transfer fluids
in the solar field.
The inherent capital-intensive nature of the technology and the current high costs and early mass-production
hurdles are disadvantages for the trough technology. While the trough technology was commercialized for a
brief period, no trough plants have been built in nearly a decade. Trough solar plants are a proven technology
and 354 MW of trough technology generation at the SEGS plants have and are still being operated
Deployment is a key element in the cost reductions as it impacts the component production volume. Table D-2
below shows a case of two scenarios set forth by SunLab that could be realistically representative of how
systems would be deployed commercially if a market existed considering the potential trough deployment
presented in Table D-3. The first assumes one plant built per year. The second assumes a doubling of cumulative
installed capacity with each new technology case introduced. This second case is an aggressive development
scenario; however, if the projects were financially competitive, this represents a plausible development scenario.
The second case is the type of scale-up that Luz envisioned and actually achieved with the SEGS plants to some
degree, building multiple plants in the same year. The SunLab projections are based on the Case 2 deployment
scenario. S&L estimates are based on the Case 1 deployment scenario.
Table D-2 — Trough Deployment Scenarios
Case 1 Deployment Scenario: One Plant per Year Deployment
1 1 1 300 650
1 1 1 300 950
1 1 1 1 1 750 1,700
1 1 1 1 1 1,000 2,700
1 400 3,100
Case 2 Deployment Scenario: Cumulative Capacity Doubled with Each New Technology Case
1 1 1 300 650
1 2 2 1 600 1,250
1 1 2 2 2 1,200 2,450
1 2 2 3 3 1 2,400 4,850
1 400 5,250
Approximate estimates of CSP deployment have been identified in several reports (Morse 2000). Based on the
projections presented in those reports, a potential trough deployment is presented in Table D-3. The potential
trough deployment estimates are significantly greater than the two deployment scenarios investigated; thus, cost
reductions would be greater if the potential deployment estimate proves to be accurate.
Table D-3 — Potential Trough Deployment
Total Deployment 8,300 MW 1,800 MW 30,000 MW (min.) 2,900 MW (min.)
Estimated Trough Deployment 4,980 MW 1,080 MW 18,000 MW (min.) 1,740 MW (min.)
Total Estimated Trough Deployment 6,060 MW 19,740 MW (min.)
The actual strategy employed by the plant suppliers can be significantly diverse, with more emphasis on near-
term cost reduction with a minimum of risk. The suppliers may opt to provide multiple plants in the 50-MWe to
100-MWe size range with no thermal storage but with a supplemental steam generator, replicating the proven
technology of the existing SEGS plants. The suppliers can rely more on initial production volume to reduce
costs as opposed to efficiency and technology improvements and scale-up factors. Minimizing or eliminating
thermal storage, with its current elevated cost, appreciably reduces the total direct cost of the plant as discussed
later in this section of the report. The suppliers’ strategy will depend on the deployment of trough plants.
Figure D-3 below illustrates the SunLab projected range in cost of power from various near-term trough plant
configurations. The first three plants are all 50 MWe in size. The first is a solar-only plant with no hybrid
backup or thermal energy storage. This plant has the lowest capital cost but the highest levelized energy cost
(LEC) expressed as $/kWhe. The next plant is the 50-MWe hybrid plant that is assumed to produce 25% of its
electricity from natural gas, similar to the existing SEGS plants. This plant has the lowest LEC of the 50-MWe
plants. This is the type of plant that Duke Solar is proposing for development in the U.S. Southwest, where
lowest cost and on-peak capacity is required. The third configuration is a 50-MWe plant with 9 hours of thermal
storage and an oversized solar field. Note that the LEC is lower than the solar-only plant without thermal
storage. This is the configuration of the proposed 40-MWe trough project in Spain. Note that this plant is
preferred in Spain because of the requirements of the solar tariff. The fourth plant configuration is a trough
hybrid that is integrated with a combined-cycle plant. This configuration, referred to as an integrated solar
combined-cycle system (ISCCS), is what is proposed for several of the GEF projects in India, Mexico, Egypt,
and Morocco. This configuration has the lowest LEC, but it must be integrated into a much larger combined-
cycle plant. Depending on the specific market, different configurations of plants are typically proposed. The
fifth plant is the near-term SunLab 100-MW configuration with 12 hours of thermal storage. With the exception
of the ISCCS, this plant provides the lowest cost of power. This plant represents a low-cost technically feasible
design, but is not necessarily the configuration that will be built.
Figure D-3 — Cost of Near-Term Trough Technology Configurations
Levelized Energy Cost ($/kWh)
50 MW Solar Only
50 MW Hybrid
50 MW 9 hrs TES
100 MW 12 hrs TES
The Solar Field is defined by the collector area in square meters (m
), which can be estimated by the following
simplified equation:
C = (kW
x CF x h)
η x I
C = Collector area square meters (m
= electric generation design capacity, kilowatts
CF = Capacity Factor = kWh actual / (kW
x 8,760)
h = hours per year (8,760)
η = net annual solar-to-electric efficiency
I = annual insolation (kWh
= kilowatts electric
=kilowatts thermal
For a given plant size and capacity factor the net annual efficiency is the determining factor in the collector area;
as the efficiency increases the collector area decreases on the same percentage basis.
The annual net solar-to-electric efficiency determination and the current efficiency of the 1989 era 33-MW
SEGS parabolic trough plant are shown in Table D-4.
Table D-4 — Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
Solar Field
Incidence Angle 87.3%
Solar Field Availability 99.0%
Solar Field Optical Efficiency 61.7%
Receiver Thermal Efficiency 72.9%
Piping Thermal Losses 96.1%
No Op Low Insolation 99.6%
Solar Field Thermal Delivered Efficiency (SFE) 37.2%
Thermal to Power Plant Efficiency (TPPE)
(Start-up/shutdown losses)
Gross Steam Cycle Efficiency (ST) 37.5%
Parasitics (P)
(1 - % auxiliary power consumed by plant)
Plant-Wide Availability (A) 98.0%
Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency (E
= SFE x TPPE x ST x P x A
The net annual solar-to-electric efficiency has a significant impact on the cost of a trough plant. An example of
the difference in solar field cost for a 100-MWe plant is illustrated in Table D-5.
Table D-5 — Annual Solar-to-Electric Impact on Cost
Plant Size net electric, MWe 100 100 100 100 100 100
Annual Plant Capacity Factor 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
10.6% 14.2% 16.1% 17.0% 17.1% 17.2%
Field Aperture Area, m
709,248 527,138 464,854 440,880 437,692 435,079
Solar Collection System $/m
2 *
Thousands $
Receivers 43 30,680 22,802 20,108 19,071 18,933 18,820
Mirrors 40 28,507 21,187 18,684 17,720 17,592 17,487
Solar Collection System $/m
Thousands $
Concentrator Structure 47 32,981 24,513 21,616 20,501 20,353 20,232
Concentrator Erection 14 9,777 7,267 6,408 6,077 6,033 5,997
Drive 13 9,484 7,049 6,216 5,895 5,852 5,817
Interconnection Piping 10 7,172 5,331 4,701 4,458 4,426 4,400
Electronics & control 14 10,276 7,638 6,735 6,388 6,341 6,304
Header piping 7 4,875 3,623 3,195 3,030 3,008 2,990
Foundations/Other Civil 18 12,429 9,237 8,146 7,726 7,670 7,624
Other (Spares, HTF, freight) 17 11,841 8,801 7,761 7,360 7,307 7,264
Contingency 11 7,901 5,872 5,178 4,911 4,876 4,846
Total, $/m
165,928 123,323 108,752 103,143 102,397 101,786
Total, $/kWe
1,659 1,233 1,088 1,031 1,024 1,018
Relative Cost
1.00 0.74 0.66 0.62 0.62 0.61
costs based on SunLab values for 2004 case.
Table D-5 shows that the solar field cost for a 100-MWe plant can be reduced by approximately 40% by
improving the net annual solar-to-electric efficiency from the current 10.6% to 17.2%.
The collector area is directly proportional to the plant megawatt size and the capacity factor, as evident in the
preceding equation. There are economies of scale associated with increasing the plant megawatt size.
Without thermal storage, the annual capacity factor of the solar plant is limited to approximately 20% to 25%.
To provide generation during non-solar periods and thereby increase the plant capacity factor, thermal storage is
required. Thermal storage can reduce plant thermal losses by reducing the number of steam turbine start-stop
cycles and decreasing the heat transfer fluid heating during no-load periods. The plant megawatt size and
thermal storage will be discussed in further detail later in the report.
The major efficiency improvements projected by SunLab and the approximate corresponding contribution to the
annual net solar-to-electric efficiency improvement are indicated in Table D-6.
Table D-6 — Projected Efficiency Improvements
Annual Values (not Design Point)
referenced to 1999 SEGS VI
Solar Field Optical Efficiency 61.7% 70.4% 73.0%
Percentage Point Improvement** +1.5 +2.0
Receiver Thermal Efficiency 72.9% 86.2% 85.3%
Percentage Point Improvement** +2.0 +1.8
Steam Cycle Efficiency 37.5% 39.3% 40.3%
Percentage Point Improvement** +1.0 +1.4
Thermal to Power Plant Efficiency *
(Start-up/shutdown losses)
93.4% 99.2% 99.2%
Percentage Point Improvement** +0.7 +0.7
Parasitics * 82.7% 88.3% 92.8%
Percentage Point Improvement** +0.4 +0.8%
Total Percentage Point Improvement** +5.6 +6.7
* Improvements based on 12 hours thermal storage
** Relative to net annual efficiency
The technological advances and research, upon which the SunLab efficiency improvement estimates are based,
include the following:
The development of the new Solel UVAC receiver. The UVAC has improved thermal and optic
properties. Field tests of the new receiver at SEGS VI shows a 20% increase in thermal
performance compared to original receiver tubes.
The development of ball joint assembly replacements for flexhoses. A demonstration of new
ball joint assemblies has shown that they can reduce the hydraulic pressure drop in the solar
field by approximately 50%. This results in lower solar field heat transfer fluid pumping electric
Improvements in mirror washing techniques have resulted in increased solar field average
mirror reflectance.
Investigation of higher temperature heat transfer fluids.
Research of direct thermal energy storage.
Research of higher temperature receiver selective coatings.
D.3.1 Solar Optical Efficiency
The near-term projected optical efficiency improvement from 61.7% to 70.4% optical efficiency is based on the
following considerations:
Increase in mirror cleanliness from 93.1% in 1999 to 95% in 2005. The standard mirror
cleanliness assumption is 95%, and this is considered achievable with a normal, reasonably
aggressive mirror wash program.
Increase in receiver envelope glass transmissivity from 92.5% to 97%. Solel has developed
improved anti-reflective coatings for the glass envelope.
Increase in receiver absorption from 92% to 96%. The new Solel cermet coating has
demonstrated solar absorption of 96%. Additional optimization of the coating is needed to
maintain this level and achieve the desired low emittance.
The concentrator is increased in length from 50 meters to 150 meters. This longer length
reduces end losses, light that reflects off the end of the collector, by 2.2%.
The projected near-term efficiency improvement is summarized in the following equation:
Opt, near-term
= ηp * (Cn/Cp) * (Tn/Tp) * (An/Ap) * (1 + EL)
η = efficiency
C = mirror cleanliness
T = transmissivity
A = absorption
EL = end loss reduction
n = new
p = present
Opt, near-term
= 0.617 * (0.95/0.931) * (0.97/0.925) * (0.96/0.92) * 1.022 = 0.704
The long-term projected optical efficiency improvement from 70.4% to 73% optical efficiency is based on the
following considerations:
The Solar weighted mirror reflectivity is assumed to increase from 93.5% for current back
silvered 4 mm thick glass to 95% for next generation reflectors that are front surface reflectors
with a hard coat for protection.
Mirror cleanliness of new reflectors is projected to be maintained at higher levels of cleanliness
due to new glass anti-soiling coatings that are now being sold on building window glass. Mirror
cleanliness is projected to increase from 95% to 96% in future plants.
Anti-soiling coatings will also be added to the receiver glazing. The coatings are expected to
have a bigger impact due to the receiver glazing orientation. The important side of the receiver
to keep clean is normally facing in a downward direction, where as the mirror normally face up.
Receiver soiling factor improves from 0.98 to 0.99.
The projected long-term efficiency improvement is summarized in the following equation:
Opt, long-term
= 0.704 * (0.95/0.935) * (0.96/0.95) * (0.99/0.98) = 0.730
D.3.2 Receiver Thermal Efficiency
The projected receiver thermal efficiency improvement from 72.9% to 86.2% receiver thermal efficiency is
based on the following considerations:
The primary factor in reducing solar field thermal losses is through reduction in the emittance of
the receiver selective coating. The selective coating on the receivers in the SEGS VI solar field
is half cermet and half black chrome. These receivers had fairly high emittance in comparison to
the latest Solel UVAC selective coating. Solel testing at SPF showed an emittance of 0.091.
Solel believes that with further optimization, an emittance of 0.07 at 400°C is possible while
maintaining high solar absorptance 98%. Some R&D and testing are required to achieve the
near-term receiver assumptions. SunLab believes these projections are aggressive and have set
the receiver absorptance and emittance goals at 0.96 and 0.07 (at 400°C), respectively.
A secondary factor in reducing solar field thermal losses is through increasing receiver
reliability, which results in fewer receiver tubes in the solar field with lost vacuum, broken
glass, or coating defects. Field test results on the Solel UVAC receiver indicate failure rates
below historic levels. In addition, the new UVAC selective coating will not fail even when
exposed to air at temperature. Thus no coating failures are assumed in future plants.
The near-term plant is assumed to operate at 450°C outlet temperature. This results in a slight
decrease in solar field thermal efficiency. Piping heat losses are actually reduced because the
plant is assumed to use HitecXL, and a three component inorganic molten salt, that has a higher
heat capacity/density product than Therminol VP-1 that allows substantially smaller piping to
be used in the solar field. This results in lower solar field piping heat losses overall.
There is some uncertainty in the current properties of the Solel UVAC receiver. The tubes tested at Kramer
Junction had their properties measured by Sandia. These had a solar absorptance of 96% and a thermal
emittance of 13.5% at 400°C. These tubes showed a 20% thermal performance increase on the test loop at
SEGS VI. Solel had the properties measured from a later batch of tubes that indicated an absorptance of 94.4%
and an emittance of 9.1% at 400
C. There is significant uncertainty in the property measurements but better
properties are expected by SunLab. The following table lists the receiver tube property assumptions used in the
SunLab cases.
Table D-7 — Receiver Tube Property Assumptions
(SEGS 1999)
UVAC 1/2
Absorptance 0.92 0.96/0.944 0.96 0.96
Envelope Glass Transmissivity 0.92 0.965/0.965 0.97 0.97
Emittance at 400°C >0.18 0.135/0.091 0.07 0.07
Operating Temperature 392°C >450°C 450°C 500°C
D.3.3 Steam Cycle Efficiency
The steam cycle foundation is the Rankine cycle. As the inlet steam conditions (pressure and temperature)
increase, the Rankine cycle efficiency increases. The near-term steam cycle gross efficiency from 37.5% to
39.3% is predicated on increasing the inlet steam temperature from 390°C to 450°C. The long-term increase to
40.3% is based on 500°C steam inlet temperature. The net steam turbine efficiency (gross efficiency minus the
percentage of parasitic power consumption required for plant operation) is accounted for by calculation of the
parasitic consumption separately, as shown on Table D-6, “Projected Efficiency Improvements,” and discussed
in the following section.
The near-term turbine efficiency is verified based on the ABB-Brown Boveri heat balances (HTGD 582395,
Sheets 1-7) for SEGS IX, which show an efficiency of 37.7% (in LUZ International Limited 1990). The Rankine
cycle efficiency gains for increasing the inlet steam temperature from 390°C to 500°C were verified by S&L by
using General Electric STGPER software program (Version 4.08.00, January 2002). The turbine efficiencies are
summarized in Table D-8.
Table D-8 — Steam Turbine Efficiencies
Turbine Inlet
ABB-Brown Boveri
SunLab Projection
S&L Estimate
(GE STGPER basis)
390°C 37.7% 37.5% 37.5%
450°C — 39.3% 39.5%
500°C — 40.3% 40.6%
There are no steam turbine technological risks in achieving the SunLab projected efficiencies. There are
currently numerous steam turbines operating with steam inlet conditions over 250 bar pressure and 590°C
temperature, with gross efficiencies over 44%.
However, the type of heat transfer fluid (HTF) used determines the operational temperature range of the solar
field and thus the maximum power cycle efficiency that can be obtained. Currently, synthetic oil (Therminol
VP-1) is used in the trough technology as the HTF with an operating temperature of approximately 390°C.
To achieve the near-term increased Rankine cycle efficiency the HTF will have to be changed to obtain the
450°C inlet steam temperature. The SunLab projections assume a nitrate salt HTF with an upper operating range
of 500°C, such as HitecXL, similar to the HTF used for the power tower technology. Use of nitrate salt has not
been demonstrated for the trough technology.
For the near-term, additional development and field testing is required on alternate HTFs for higher temperature
applications. For the long-term, not only is alternate HTF development required but the current HCE absorber
coating upper temperature limit is approximately 450°C, which will necessitate an advanced HCE coating for
the projected 500°C operating temperature.
D.3.4 Thermal to Power Plant Efficiency — Parasitics
The parasitic electric consumption is reduced from 17.3% at SEGS VI to 8.4% in the near-term case and to 7.2%
in the long-term case. The major reasons for the reductions are the following:
SEGS VI uses flex hoses for interconnection of collectors. Future plants will use ball joint
assemblies. Ball joints reduce pressure drop in the collector loop by about 50%. Increasing from
a 50-meter to a 150-meter collector length reduces the number of collector interconnections by
3, thereby reducing the pressure drop. The HTF pumping parasitics is reduced from 5.9% of
gross generation to 3.8%.
Changing the HTF from VP-1 to HitecXL reduces HTF pumping parasitics from 3.8% to 1.7%.
This is based on a new solar field piping model developed by Nexant.
Additional plant parasitic reduction is assumed through further optimization of power plant
motors and other electrical equipment through the use of more energy efficient components and
control systems. Current parasitic models are based on the parasitics at the SEGS plants.
Significant improvement in motors and other parasitic equipment have occurred in the last
15 years.
Plant (commercial operation date): Nanaoota 1 (1995), Noshiro 2 (1995), Haramachi 1 (1997), Haramachi 2 (1998),
Millmerran (2002), Matauura 2 (1997), Misumi 1 (1998), Tachibana Bay (2000), Bexback (2002), Lubeck (1995), Aledore
1 (2000), Nordjylland (1998). From Power (Swanekamp 2002).
The efficiency improvements are based on 12 hours of thermal storage. The storage allows the plant to operate
during non-insolation periods, thereby reducing thermal losses by minimizing the energy loss during plant
start/stop cycles (thermal to plant power efficiency) and HTF heating during off-line periods. Even though
efficiency improvements can be gained by thermal storage, additional direct costs will be incurred. First, the
cost of the storage system is estimated to be between $20/kWh
and $31/kWh
(Price et al. 2002), and second,
the collector area required will be approximately doubled for 12 hours storage capability. For a 33-MWe plant,
approximately 1,060-MWh
storage will be required for 12 hours storage at an estimated cost between
$21,000,000 and $33,000,000 ($640/kWe and $1,000/kWe) and an increased collector cost of approximately
$37,000,000 ($1,100/kWe). Offsetting the additional capital expenditures is the additional revenues for the extra
electrical generation (approximately double for 12 hours of storage).
D.3.5 Efficiency Improvements Summary
The S&L evaluation is based on a less aggressive technology development approach, basing the maximum
optical efficiency on the tested receiver tubes weighted absorptance of 94.4%, receiver coatings solar
transmittances of 96.5%, mirror reflectivity of 93.5%, and mirror cleanliness factor of 95%. A comparison of
SunLab and S&L efficiencies is illustrated in Table D-9.
Table D-9 — Comparison of SunLab and S&L Efficiencies
1999 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
Solar Field Efficiency SunLab 0.533 0.567 0.582 0.598 0.602 0.602
S&L 0.533 0.567 0.570 0.570 0.570 0.570
Incidence Angle 0.873 0.873 0.873 0.873 0.873 0.873
Solar Field Availability 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990
Other (IAM, row to row
shadowing, end loss)
0.899 0.910 0.918 0.918 0.918 0.918
Tracking Error and Twist 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994
Geometric Accuracy 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980
Mirror Reflectivity SunLab 0.935 0.935 0.935 0.950 0.950 0.950
S&L 0.935 0.935 0.935 0.935 0.935 0.935
1999 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
Mirror Cleanliness Factor SunLab 0.931 0.950 0.950 0.960 0.960 0.960
S&L 0.931 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950
Concentrator Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Bellows Shadowing 0.971 0.971 0.971 0.971 0.971 0.971
Dust on Envelope 0.980 0.985 0.985 0.985 0.985 0.985
Envelope Transmissivity SunLab 0.925 0.965 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970
S&L 0.925 0.965 0.965 0.965 0.965 0.965
Receiver Solar Absorption SunLab 0.920 0.944 0.960 0.960 0.960 0.960
S&L 0.920 0.944 0.944 0.944 0.944 0.944
Receiver Thermal Efficiency SunLab 0.729 0.859 0.862 0.852 0.853 0.853
S&L 0.729 0.843 0.823 0.810 0.810 0.810
Piping Thermal Losses 0.961 0.965 0.967 0.967 0.968 0.968
Storage Thermal Losses 1.000 0.991 0.997 0.996 0.996 0.996
EPGS Efficiency 0.351 0.370 0.390 0.400 0.400 0.400
Electric Parasitics 0.827 0.883 0.916 0.922 0.922 0.928
Power Plant Availability 0.980 0.940 0.940 0.940 0.940 0.940
SunLab 0.106 0.143 0.162 0.170 0.171 0.172 Annual Solar-to-Electric
S&L 0.106 0.140 0.151 0.154 0.155 0.155
While the SunLab efficiency improvements are theoretically reasonable, the 12 hours of thermal storage is
problematic since it has not been commercially demonstrated for the higher solar field operating temperatures
(approximately 390°C) of the later SEGS plants. Thermal storage is discussed in greater detail later in this
The near-term (2007) efficiency improvement from 10.6% to 16.2%, based on available information, appears to
be optimistic. A more conservative efficiency improvement, based on maximum optical efficiency on the tested
receiver tubes weighted absorptance of 94.4%, receiver coatings solar transmittances of 96.5%, mirror
reflectivity of 93.5%, and mirror cleanliness factor of 95%, is 15.1%. If an HCE performance improvements,
higher temperature HTF, and compatible thermal storage system can be developed and implemented in the near-
term, a 16.2% annual net solar-to-electric efficiency is feasible. Additional investigation and development of
HCE, storage systems, including the optimum HTF for steam cycle efficiency and storage compatibility, is
required to achieve the near-term efficiency projection.
D.4.1 Direct Capital Cost
The SunLab projections for the structure material and erection are shown in the Table D-10.
Table D-10 — SunLab Cost Projections
Reduction from
SEGS VI $67/m
2004 $61/m
9% 683
2007 $57/m
15% 591
2010 $54/m
19% 531
2015 $50/m
25% 489
2020 $46/m
31% 450
The baseline cost of $67/m
is consistent with estimates prepared by Pilkington International (1999) indicating
. Using $1,500 per ton for erected structural steel (National Construction Estimator 49th edition) results
in a total direct cost of $12,400,000 for the SEGS VI 188,000-m
collector area, which is also consistent with
the Pilkington estimate of $13,252,000 for a 209,280-m
collector area (209,280 m
/188,000 m
x $12,400,000 =
Cost comparisons based on weight, as discussed in the following section, for the various structures are
illustrated in Table D-11.
Table D-11 — Costs of Various Structures
LS-2 $58/m
LS-3 $66/m
EuroTrough $58/m
Duke Solar $48/m
IST $48/m
Additional cost reductions will be realized by minimization of the number of required parts, simplification of
fabrication and field erection reducing labor costs for on-site assembly and erection. This cost reduction
potential has not been quantified since there has not been an actual erection of a new collector structure. While
the trough technology was commercialized for a brief period, no trough plants have been built in nearly a
decade. There are active solar field suppliers, which will reduce costs through competition; however, structure
cost reductions due to commercialization was not considered in this evaluation.
D.4.2 Technology Improvements
The Luz LS-3 collector was the final concentrator design used at the newest SEGS plants (SEGS VII–IX). The
thermal performance and alignment maintainability of the LS-3 collector has not proved to be equal to the
earlier LS-2 design used on the SEGS II–IX plants. There are at least three new parabolic trough collector
structure designs under various stages of development:
EuroTrough (ASME 2001)
Duke Solar (Duke Solar 2000)
Industrial Solar Technology (IST 2001))
The new collectors concentrate on weight reduction and emphasize simplicity of fabrication and a minimum
number of required parts. A weight comparison of the LS-2, LS-3, and the aforementioned new design
structures is provided in Table D-12.
Table D-12 — Structure Weight Comparison
LS-2 29 12%
LS-3 33 Base
IST 24 27%
Eurotrough 29 12%
Duke Solar 24 27%
D.4.3 Scale-Up
Structure cost reductions due to scale-up were not considered since the collector area for the same net annual
solar-to-electric efficiency, and thus the structure, is directly proportional to the plant size. The collector area is
inversely proportional to the efficiency and will influence the structure cost by reducing the collector area with
the improvement of the efficiency.
D.4.4 Production Volume
The experience curve (Neij 1997) is related to the commercialization of the solar plants. The experience curve
describes how unit costs decline with cumulative production, with a specific characteristic that cost declines by
a constant percentage with each doubling of the total number of units produced.
The formula is as follows:
= C
= the cost per unit as a function of output
= the cost of the first unit produced
CUM = the cumulative production over time
b = the experience index
The cost reduction is (1-2
) for each doubling of cumulative production, where the value (2
) is called the
progress ratio (PR). PR is used to express the progress of cost reductions for different technologies. The lower
the PR value the higher the cost reduction realized. The cost reductions refer to the total costs (labor, capital,
administration, research, etc.). Experience curves is not an established method, but a correlation that has been
observed for several different technologies. Cost reductions were projected based on evaluation of technology
improvements and experience curves.
The SEGS solar field areas are shown below. The cumulative area indicates approximately five doublings were
experienced for the SEGS plants. One of the criteria for the applicability of experience curves, according to the
Neij literature (1997), is at least three doublings of production volume.
Table D-13 — SEGS Solar Field Area
SEGS Plant
Solar Field
Area, m
Solar Field Area,
- Cumulative
I 13.8 82,960 82,960
II 30 190,338 273,298
III 37 230,300 503,598
IV 37 230,300 733,898
V 39 250,500 984,398
VI 35.5 188,000 1,172,398
VII 35.5 194,280 1,366,678
VIII 80 464,340 1,831,018
IX 80 483,960 2,314,978
There are recognized scale-up cost reductions for increasing the plant size:
$B = $A x (B
Plant B is larger than Plant A
$B = cost of Plant B
$A = cost of Plant A
= MW size of Plant B
= MW size of Plant A
Sf = scale-up factor
Based on the cost data provided by the SEGS Plant (SEGS Data Package obtained during plant visit), an average
scale-up factor of 0.7 was attained: SEGS I to SEGS II had a 0.6 scale-up factor; SEGS II to SEGS III, a
0.8 scale-up factor; and SEGS V to SEGS VII, a 0.7 scale-up factor. The SEGS Cost Data in 2001 dollars from
“Advances in Parabolic Trough Technology” (Price et al. 2002) show a savings of $1,643/kWe from SEGS VI
to SEGS IX. Three doublings of the solar field area had occurred before SEGS VI. Using the average scale-up
factor of 0.7, $1,447/kWe cost reduction was realized by plant scale-up. The majority of the remaining
$196/kWe savings ($1,643/kWe – $1,447/ kWe = $196/ kWe) was assumed to be attributable to production
volume cost reduction since there were no significant technological advances from SEGS VI to SEGS IX.
Applying the SEGS VI solar field cost ($/m
) to the SEGS IX plant and then reducing that cost by the $196/
kWe savings yielded a progress ratio (PR) value of 0.92. The Enermodal Study (undated) shows a PR range
between 0.85 and 0.92 for the installed capital cost of a trough power plant. Arguably, for the highly automated
manufactured components, such as the support structure, receiver tubes, and mirrors, a PR of 0.80, as used in the
Neij literature (1997), may be more representative based on manufacturing experience. The S&L cost estimates
for comparison to the SunLab model are based on a progress ratio (PR) value of 0.92 based on the estimated PR
value from the SEGS cost data and since establishing an experience curve for a given component is somewhat
speculative. A PR value of 0.92 will be more conservative, and if the actual PR value is less than 0.92 used in
this evaluation, then the cost reductions will be greater than the estimated values.
The initial starting point for estimating the cumulative production is the 2004 Technology Trough Plant. The
cumulative production does not include the nine original SEGS plants because 10 years have elapsed since
commercial production occurred for these plants.
D.4.5 Cost Comparison
A comparison of the SunLab projected costs are compared to the estimated cost based on a progress ratio of 0.92
in Table D-14.
Table D-14 — Support Structure Cost Comparison ($/m
Year SunLab S&L
SEGS VI 67 67
2004 61 61
2007 57 58
2010 54 56
Year SunLab S&L
2015 50 54
2020 46 52
The baseline cost of $67/m
(SEGS VI) is consistent with estimates prepared by Pilkington International (1999)
indicating $63/m
. Cost comparisons based on weight for the various structures are illustrated below. Recent
wind tunnel testing has provided improved data for use in optimizing the structural design, and reducing the
weight, necessary for long-term reliability. Future designs may include more efficient integration of the
reflectors into the overall structure, thus sharing the loads and reducing material requirements. Non-metallic
materials are being considered, but may not be cost-effective. Additional cost reductions can be realized by
minimization of the number of required parts and simplification of fabrication and field erection reducing labor
costs for on-site assembly and erection. This cost reduction potential has not been quantified in this evaluation
since there has not been an actual erection of a new collector structure. The individual metal parts of the
structure can readily be manufactured by suppliers worldwide, leading to potential cost reductions through
competition. However, structure cost reductions due to commercialization were not specifically considered in
this evaluation.
The estimated cost reductions are a result of the experience curve and indicate that the SunLab projected costs
are reasonable. Even lower costs can be expected if lower structure weights, such as shown in Table D-12, are
employed. Other potential cost reductions are simplification of fabrication and decreasing the number of
required parts.
D.5.1 Direct Capital Cost
The SunLab projected HCE deployment and costs are shown in Table D-15.
Table D-15 — SunLab Projected HCE Deployment and Costs
Number HCE 9,600 57,216 45,700 65,072 86,101 172,201
Number HCE
9,600 66,816 112,516 177,588 263,688 435,889
Cost, $/m
field 43 43 34 28 22 18
Cost, $/unit 847 847 762 635 508 400
D.5.2 Technology Improvements
The Solel UVAC HCE is considered the current state-of-the-art receiver and will be used in the new near-term
trough plants.
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is investigating new concepts in receiver design that could result in
substantially lower-cost receivers with nearly the same high performance as the Solel receivers (Price and
Kearney 1999). One of the SNL designs uses a high-temperature gasketing approach for connecting the glass
envelope to the metal absorber, in place of the glass-to-metal seal. To reduce convective heat losses, the receiver
annulus between the glass and metal tube would be pressurized with an inert gas. Although preliminary testing
shows potential, extensive long-term field-testing is required on any new receiver design to evaluate and
validate the reliability and also to assess whether the receiver’s life-cycle costs have been lowered. In the last
couple of years, the focus of the research has returned to evacuated receiver designs. The focus now is on
developing a more robust and lower-cost glass-to-metal seal design and on identifying higher temperature
selective coatings with better thermo/optic properties. Sandia has identified new materials that could be used in
the glass-to-metal seal to reduce the potential stress in the seal. In general, however, the current Housekeeper
seal used in the HCE is very expensive and a significant part of the total receiver cost. Sandia has also identified
some new glass-to-metal seal options that have the potential to be much lower in cost to manufacture and be
more robust at the same time. NREL has been evaluating new selective coatings. Several new cermet coatings
have been identified that may be easier to manufacture and have better thermo/optic properties. These are multi-
layer cermets as opposed to the graded cermet used by Solel. The graded cermets require a sputtered
manufacturing process, whereas the multilayer coating can probably be deposited with simpler coating processes
that facilitate better quality control of the final properties. NREL is also investigating changing the materials
used in the cermet to give better high temperature performance and stability. Both the design work and the
coating development are being funded in the current DOE budget and will be continued next year.
Alternate HCE designs (Zhang et al. 1998; Morales and Ajona 1998; San Vicent, Morales, and Gutiérrez 2001)
are under various stages of development that indicate lower cost than the Solel UVAC HCE, although at reduced
efficiency levels. Reduced HCE efficiency will result in a lower net annual solar-to-electric efficiency and
require a larger collector area. Schott Glass, a large international supplier of specialty glass and related products,
has recently announced its entry into the HCE supply market. However, start-up of HCE production is a
significant cost, and a viable market growth is imperative to justify market entry for a new supplier.
D.5.3 Scale-Up
Cost reductions due to scale-up is not considered applicable since the collector area for the same net annual
solar-to-electric efficiency, and thus the number of HCE, is directly proportional to the plant size. The collector
area is inversely proportional to the efficiency and will influence the HCE cost by reducing the collector area
with the improvement of the efficiency.
D.5.4 Production Volume
Cost reductions were projected based on evaluation of technology improvements and a progress ratio of 0.92.
The Case 1 deployment values are used in the S&L evaluation. The Case 2 deployment values, used in the
SunLab projections, are provided for comparison of the production volume between the two cases in Table
Table D-16 — Number of HCE
Number HCE, Cumulative 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
Case 1 Deployment 57,545 219,535 380,117 735,606 1,265,782
Case 2 Deployment 57,545 219,535 520,817 1,076,652 2,225,366
D.5.5 Cost Comparison
A comparison of the SunLab projected costs to the SunLab estimated costs are shown in Table D-17.
Table D-17 — HCE Cost Comparison ($/unit)
Year SunLab S&L
2004 847 847
2007 762 762
2010 635 675
2015 508 625
2020 400 525
D.6.1 Direct Capital Cost
The SunLab projected mirror costs are shown in Table D-18.
Table D-18 — SunLab Projected Mirrors Costs
Mirrors, $/m
field 40 40 36 28 20 16
D.6.2 Technology Improvements
Alternatives to glass mirror reflectors have been in service and under development for more than 15 years. It is
noted that all the identified alternatives are in various stages of initial development or testing. The major current
developments are listed below.
Thin glass mirrors are as durable as a glass reflector and relatively lightweight in comparison to
thick glass. However, the mirrors are more fragile, which increases handling costs and breakage
losses. To address corrosion problems, new thin glass experimental samples were recently
developed and are being tested under controlled conditions.
3M is developing a nonmetallic, thin-film reflector that uses a multi-layer
Radiant Film
technology. The technology employs alternating co-extruded polymer layers of differing
refractive indices to create a reflector without the need for a metal reflective layer. 3M plans to
develop an improved solar reflector with improved UV screening layers and a top layer
hardcoat to improve outdoor durability.
ReflecTech and NREL are jointly developing a laminate reflector material that uses a
commercial silvered-polymer reflector base material with a UV-screening film laminated to it to
result in outdoor durability. Initial prototype accelerated-exposure test results have been
promising, although additional work on material production is needed. The material would also
benefit from a hardcoat for improved washability.
Luz Industries Israel created a front surface mirror that consists of a polymeric substrate with a
metal or dielectric adhesion layer; a silver reflective layer; and a proprietary, dense, protective
top hardcoat.
SAIC of McLean, Virginia, and NREL have been developing a material called
Super Thin
s. This is also a front-surface mirror concept with a hard coat protective layer.
Alanod of Germany has developed a front-surface aluminized reflector that uses a polished
aluminum substrate, an enhanced aluminum reflective layer, and a protective oxidized alumina
topcoat. These reflectors have inadequate durability in industrial environments. A product with
a polymeric overcoat to protect the alumina layer has improved durability.
Table D-19 summarizes the characteristics of the reflector technology alternatives. At this point, thick glass will
likely remain the preferred approach for large-scale parabolic trough plants, although alternative reflector
technologies may be more important in the future as more advanced trough concentrator designs are developed.
Table D-19 — Alternate Mirror Technologies
Reflectivity (%)
Cost ($/m
Flabeg Thick Glass 94 40 Cost, breakage
Thin Glass 93 – 96 15 – 40 Handling, breakage
All-Polymeric 99 10 UV protective coating needed with hard coat
ReflecTech Laminate >93 10 – 15 Hard coat and improved production
Solel FSM >95 Solel product durability currently unknown
SAIC Super Thin Glass >95 10 Manufacturing scale-up
Alanod ~90 <20 Reflectivity
There are active mirror suppliers, which will reduce costs through competition, however mirror cost reductions
due to commercialization was not considered in this evaluation.
D.6.3 Scale-Up
Similar to the collectors, cost reductions due to scale-up are not considered applicable since the mirror area for
the same net annual solar-to-electric efficiency, and thus the mirror area, is directly proportional to the plant
size. The mirror area is inversely proportional to the efficiency and will influence the mirror cost by reducing
the collector area with the improvement of the efficiency.
D.6.4 Production Volume
Cost reductions were projected based on evaluation of technology improvements and a progress ratio of 0.92.
The Case 1 deployment values are used in the S&L evaluation. The Case 2 deployment values, used in the
SunLab projections, are provided for comparison of the production volume between the two cases. These are
shown in Table D-20.
Table D-20 —Mirror Volume
(Square Meters, Cumulative, Thousands)
Case 1 Deployment 1,120 4,399 7,952 15,818 27,550
Case 2 Deployment 1,120 4,399 11,066 23,365 48,782
D.6.5 Cost Comparison
A comparison of the SunLab projected costs are compared to the SunLab estimated costs in Table D-21.
Table D-21 — Mirror Cost Comparison ($/m
Year SunLab S&L
2004 40 40
2007 36 36
2010 28 32
2015 20 29
2020 16 26
D.7.1 Direct Capital Cost
The SunLab projected power block costs are shown in Table D-22.
Table D-22 — SunLab Projected Power Block and Balance of Plant Costs
Plant size, gross electric, MWe
Power Block, $/kWe 410 349 349 293 256 197
Balance of Plant, $/kWe 248 203 203 171 149 115
Total, $/kWe 658 552 552 464 405 312
There are multiple suppliers for the power block equipment, and costs will be market-driven. While a trough
plant will benefit from competitive prices, power block cost reductions due to commercialization were not
considered in this evaluation.
D.7.2 Technology Improvements
The power block is a conventional Rankine-cycle steam turbine. The Rankine-cycle steam turbine is an
established technology with future major improvements focusing on increased inlet steam pressure and
temperature conditions to increase the cycle efficiency.
D.7.3 Scale-Up
There are recognized scale-up cost reductions for the power block. Using the SOAPP software program, S&L
estimated the scale-up factor for increasing the plant size from 100 MW to 400 MW, as depicted on Figure D-4.
The projected SunLab values are included for comparative purposes. Power block costs (Figure D-4A) include
the steam turbine and generator, steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater and condensate systems.
Balance-of-plant costs (Figure D-4B) include general balance-of-plant equipment, condenser and cooling tower
system, water treatment system, fire protection, piping, compressed air systems, closed cooling water system,
plant control system, electrical equipment, and cranes and hoists.
Figure D-4A — Estimated Scale-Up Costs: Power Block ($/kW)
y = 1275.8x
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Power block costs include the steam turbine and generator,
steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater and
condensate systems
Figure D-4B — Estimated Scale-Up Costs: Balance-of-Plant ($/kW)
y = 461.33x
100 150 200 250 300 350 400
SunLab Projections Power (Calculated (SOAAP))
Balance of Plant costs include general balance of plant
equipment, condenser and cooling tower system, water
treatment system, fire protection, piping, compressed air
systems,closed cooling water system, plant control
system, electrical equipment, and cranes and hoists.
The estimated costs based on the SOAPP program indicate that the SunLab projected costs for the power block
are conservative (on the high side), approximately $50/kW higher than estimated by the SOAPP program. The
SunLab power block cost estimates are based on a 1990 ABB quotation for a 100-MW steam turbine. The ABB
quotation was escalated and scaled-up for the larger sizes. The SunLab power block cost estimates are based on
dated information and the escalation and scale-up factors add to the uncertainty of the data with respect to
current pricing. Equipment prices in the SOAPP program reflect 2001 actual costs. Since the SOAPP pricing is
current, the SOAPP-generated costs were used in this evaluation.
D.7.4 Production Volume
Since a single steam turbine is supplied with each trough plant, production volume is not a consideration for cost
D.7.5 Cost Comparison
A comparison of the SunLab projected cost versus the SOAPP predicted $/kW for the power block plus the
balance of plant is shown in Table D-23.
Table D-23 — Power Block & BOP Cost Comparison
Total Power Block + BOP 2004 – 2007 2010 2015 2020
Plant size, MWe 100 150 200 400
SunLab Projected, $/kWe 581 525 472 383
SOAPP Estimate, $/kWe 499 450 399 346
D.8.1 Direct Capital Cost
The SunLab projected thermal storage costs are shown in Table D-24. Note that the SunLab projections are
based on 12 hours of thermal storage for each case.
Table D-24 — SunLab Projected Thermal Storage Cost
Plant size, gross electric, MWe 110 110 165 220 440
Storage, MWh
3,525 3,349 4,894 6,525 13,050
Type Indirect
Heat Transfer Fluid VP-1/ Solar
HitecXL HitecXL HitecXL HitecXL
HTF Temperature, °C 400 450 500 500 500
27.18 12.68 11.73 11.73 11.73 SunLab Projected, $/kWh
958 425 383 383 383
Binary solar salt (sodium and potassium nitrate) is the same HTF as used for the power tower Solar Two project,
whereas HitecXL is a ternary salt (sodium, potassium, and calcium nitrate). The main advantage of ternary salt
is a lower freezing temperature (120°C) compared to 225°C for binary salt and a high HTF operating
temperature of 500°C. Ternary salt costs approximately 2 times more than binary salt.
The number of hours of storage impact on the total capital cost is illustrated below in Table D-25 for the year
2004 case (100 MWe) with a two-tank indirect storage system.
Table D-25 — Thermal Storage Impact on Cost
Hours of Thermal Energy Storage
Annual Capacity Factor 32.0% 33.6% 37.8% 41.7% 46.7% 53.5% 54.1%
Net Annual Generation, GWh 280.1 294.6 331.1 365.2 408.9 468.6 473.9
Installed Capital Cost, $/kWe 2,816 3,074 3,471 3,867 4,280 4,859 5,190
The impact of the type of storage system on the total capital cost is shown in Table D-26 for the year 2004 case
(100 MWe) for 12 hours of storage.
Table D-26 —Type of Thermal Storage Impact on Cost
Type of Thermal Storage System – 12 Hours
Plant Capital Cost
Two-Tank Indirect, VP-1 HTF, Solar Salt Storage 4,859
Thermocline Indirect, VP-1 HTF, Solar Salt Storage 4,668
Two-Tank Direct, Solar Salt (450°C) 4,427
Direct Thermocline, Solar Salt (450°C) 4,115
Direct Thermocline, HitecXL (500°C) 4,027
As exemplified in Tables D-25 and D-26, the amount of storage and the type of storage have significant impacts
on the total cost of the plant and are key considerations for cost reductions.
D.8.2 Technology Improvements
Thermal storage allows solar electricity to be dispatched to the times when it is needed most and allows solar
plants to achieve higher annual capacity factors. Although the first commercial 14-MWe trough plant included
thermal storage, a simple two-tank storage system that used the plant HTF for a storage media, later plants
operated at higher temperatures that precluded the same method due to the higher vapor pressure and high cost
of the HTF. No thermal storage technology has been commercially demonstrated for the higher solar field
operating temperatures (approximately 400°C) required for more efficient steam cycles in the later SEGS plants.
Various studies point to an indirect thermal storage system for near-term application where the heat from the
collector field is transferred from the synthetic oil (VP-1) HTF to another thermal storage media, such as molten
salt, which can be stored at atmospheric pressure (Kearney 2001a, 2001b; Sandia National Laboratories 2001;
Nextant Inc. 2001). For the two-tank indirect system, heat from the collector field is transferred from the
synthetic oil HTF to another thermal storage media, such as molten salt, which can be stored at atmospheric
pressure. However, the molten salt storage temperature is limited by the synthetic oil HTF operating temperature
of 390°C. The technological risk using the two-tank molten-salt storage system is low based on the successful
utilization at the Solar Two plant but the cost of this system is high ($958/kWe for 2004 SunLab case). The
thermocline system will also reduce the
storage system costs with synthetic oil HTF and binary molten salt
storage fluid by the elimination of one storage tank and the reduction in the fluid volume requirement compared
to the indirect two-tank system. Estimates show a 35% reduction in the storage system cost ($31/kWh
) using a thermocline system as opposed to a two-tank system (Sandia National Laboratories 2001;
Kearney 2001a; Nextant Inc. 2001).
The year 2007 projection for a direct two-tank storage will use HitecXL (ternary) HTF in both the solar field
and the thermal storage system, eliminating the need for the heat exchangers between the solar field and storage
system. In addition, the solar field can be operated to higher outlet temperatures (450°C), increasing the power
cycle efficiency and further reducing the cost of thermal storage. The primary disadvantages are the high
freezing temperature of the salt (120°C), higher heat losses from the solar field, concerns about the durability of
the selective coating on the trough receivers, and the need for more expensive piping and materials to withstand
the increased operating temperatures.
Subsequent projections after the year 2007 use a direct thermocline system with HitecXL (ternary) solar salt as
the storage media and HTF. The solar field can be operated to higher outlet temperatures (500°C), increasing the
power cycle efficiency. The thermocline uses a single tank that is slightly larger than one of the tanks in the two-
tank system. A low-cost filler material, which is used to pack the single storage tank, acts as the primary thermal
storage medium. The filler displaces the majority of the salt in the two-tank system. With the hot and cold fluid
in a single tank, the thermocline storage system relies on thermal buoyancy to maintain thermal stratification. To
date, a preliminary assessment was made on the potential impact that a thermocline storage system might have
on the annual performance of the plant, and a more detailed analysis is in progress this year. However, this
system will have similar concerns as the binary solar salt direct storage system. In addition to the development
of a thermocline system, an advanced HCE will be required to obtain the 500°C HTF operating temperature.
The use of HitecXL solar salt is a major factor in lowering costs for future trough plants in the SunLab
projections. The benefits and risks of the use of HitecXL are summarized below.
Higher temperature – increases the power cycle efficiency
Single fluid in solar field and storage eliminates expensive heat exchanger required of
earlier storage technology
Larger temperature difference across the solar field reduces the size of storage.
Molten-salt has better density and thermal capacity product reducing the amount of
storage, shrinking flow rates and piping sizes, and heat losses.
Freeze protection in the solar field. The solar field must be maintained at temperatures
higher than the freeze point. Impedance heating is envisioned for the HCEs. Nexant is
currently working on a design for this.
Special O&M procedures are required to drain and refill loops for maintenance.
Solar salt corrodes graph-oil seals, and as such the current ball joints will not work with
HitecXL. Sandia is working on flexhose and balljoint sealing options to resolve this issue.
The receiver selective coating needs to withstand higher temperatures. The Solel cermet
coating will hold up to 500°C in vacuum. It is only when vacuum is lost that this is a
The SunLab technology forecasts assume future storage will be based on the using HitecXL directly in the solar
field and thermal energy storage. A number of alternative storage technologies are currently under development.
The Europeans have a thermal energy storage research and development focusing on the development of two
thermal storage systems for troughs. The first is a system that uses concrete for the storage media. The second
uses phase-change materials and could be applicable for use with direct steam in the solar field. SunLab has also
been working on the development of a new class of organic salt HTFs. The organic fluids offer the potential
advantage of a molten-salt that is liquid at room temperature, eliminating the major drawback of inorganic
molten-salts like HitecXL. Cost and temperature stability appear to be the main hurdles for organic salt HTF.
Although all of these storage options are in the early stages of development, they provide alternative paths to
achieving cost targets in a range similar to HitecXL.
D.8.3 Scale-Up
Cost reductions due to scale-up are not considered applicable since the storage system size, for the same number
of hours’ storage, is directly proportional to the plant size. The SunLab projections also change the type of
storage system in the years 2004, 2007, and 2010, which will tend to negate near-term potential scale-up cost
D.8.4 Production Volume
The storage system is not a manufactured module but consists of individual single components combined to
create a system. The SunLab projections show a constant $/kWh
and $/kWhe for the direct thermocline system
from the year 2010 and forward.
D.8.5 Cost Comparison
Definitive cost estimates for an indirect two-tank storage system based on detailed design drawings and material
takeoffs were developed by Nextant (2001). The unit costs were $36.40/kWh
for 470 kWh
system and
for a 688-kWh
system. The SunLab projection appears to be conservative (on the high side) based on
the previous estimates.
The direct two-tank storage value of $12.68/kWh
in the SunLab projection also appears to be conservative (on
the high side) based on the power tower estimated values of $8.65/kWh
(Solar 50) and $8.25/kWh
(Solar 100).
The direct thermocline system value of $11.73/kWh
also appears to be conservative (on the high side) based on
the Nextant estimates, which indicate a 35% cost reduction ($8.37 kWh
) going from a two-tank system to a
thermocline system.
Since the values used in the SunLab projections appear to be at least 25% higher than expected based on other
thermal storage estimates, the SunLab values were used in the cost analysis.
The SunLab model projects parabolic trough plant capital and O&M costs based on various technology
advances and commercial deployment predictions. The SunLab projections are considered the best case analysis
where the technology is optimized and a high deployment rate is achieved. S&L developed capital and O&M
based on a more conservative approach whereby the technology improvements are limited to current
demonstrated or tested improvements and with a lower rate of deployment than used in the SunLab model. The
two sets of estimates, SunLab’s and S&L’s, provides a band in which the costs can be expected to be, assuming
the parabolic trough technology reaches the projected levels of deployment. A comparison of key parameters
used for the estimates is summarized on Table D-27.
Table D-27 — Key Parameters Comparison
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L
Deployment, MW 300 300 600 300 1,200 750 2,400 1,000 400 400
Deployment, MW
650 300 1,250 600 2,450 1,350 4,850 2,350 5,250 2,750
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L
Net Annual Solar
14.2% 14.0% 16.1% 15.1% 17.0% 15.4% 17.1% 15.5% 17.2% 15.5%
HCE Cost, $/unit 847 847 762 762 635 675 508 625 400 525
Mirror Cost, $/m
40 40 36 36 28 32 20 29 16 26
Table D-28 and Figure D-5 illustrates the SunLab projected total installed capital cost ($/kWe) compared to the
more conservative S&L values. Figure D-5 also shows the total installed capital cost based on achieving the
annual net efficiencies projected by SunLab, but not the projected cost reductions. The curves highlight the
impact of the annual net efficiencies on the capital cost. The curves also indicate that additional cost reductions
above and beyond the more conservative S&L values, due to technology improvements and increased
deployment rates, will result in convergence of the capital costs toward the SunLab values.
Table D-28 — Comparison of Total Investment Cost Estimates ($/kWe):
SunLab vs. S&L
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab $ 4,859 $ 3,408 $ 2,876 $ 2,546 $ 2,221
S&L S&L Efficiencies 4,816 3,854 3,562 3,389 3,220
S&L SunLab Efficiencies 4,791 3,687 3,331 3,165 2,725
S&L No Storage 2,453 2,265 2,115 1,990 1,846
Figure D-5 — Capital Cost Comparison
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Capital Cost, $/kWe
SunLab Values S&L Values with SunLab Efficiencies S&L Values with S&L efficiencies" No Storage
Annual Net Solar to
Electric Efficiency
SunLab S&L
2004 14.3% 14.0%
2007 16.2% 15.1%
2010 17.0% 15.4%
2015 17.1% 15.5%
12 hours thermal storage
No thermal storage
Sargent & Lundy has reviewed the SunLab O&M cost model based on our experience with fossil and other
power plant technologies and in the course of a site visit to KJC Operating Company, the operator of the five
30-MWe trough projects located at Kramer Junction. KJC Operating Company provided proprietary information
on the last five years of operation. The SunLab O&M estimate is based largely on the experience at the KJC
Operating Company SEGS plants. The model assumes a stand-alone trough power plant (as opposed to the five
co-located plants at Kramer Junction) and adjusts cost depending on the size of the solar field and total electric
generation per year. It breaks out the specific staffing requirements for operations and maintenance crews for
both the conventional power plant and for the solar field. Administrative staffing is also included. In addition to
labor breakdown, the model breaks out service contracts, water treatment costs, spares and equipment costs,
miscellaneous costs, and periodic capital equipment requirements. S&L conducted a detailed review of the
SunLab model and compared it to general power industry experience.
The S&L O&M costs for comparison to the SunLab projections are based on the following:
Solar Field
The initial unit costs are based on the SunLab values, and cost reductions for years beyond
2004 are based on a PR = 0.92
Replacement rate for the mirrors and HCE are based on the average actual replacement
rates for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001
The replacement rates for the balance of the solar field are based on the SunLab values
Power Block and Balance of Plant
Costs are based on S&L data for the respective MW size plant for the steam turbine
systems and balance of plant
Water and Process
Costs are based on are based on the average actual costs for SEGS III – VII for the period
Staffing, Services Contracts, Miscellaneous, and Capital Equipment
The costs are based on the SunLab values since the SunLab values were determined to be
Thermal Storage
The costs are based on 0.4% of the capital cost per annum
Analyzing the two estimates revealed that the major component to account for the cost difference is the HCE
replacement rate. Table D-29 shows a comparison of the SunLab and S&L projected replacement rates.
Table D-29 — Projected Trough Receiver Replacement Rates
Annual Failures
(Percent of Field) Current 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab 3.5% 2.0% 1% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%
S&L 5.5% 5.5% 2.5% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5%
The SunLab near-term values are not consistent with the average actual HCE replacement rate of 5.5% reported
for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001.
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the actual receiver (HCE) replacement rate reported by KJC Operating Company
over the last five years. The S&L evaluation is based on total HCE replacement reported for the SEGS III – VII
for the period 1997–2001. S&L’s evaluation is based on the current replacement rate experienced at all the
SEGS plants, with step reductions in the replacement rate based on the following considerations:
The average actual HCE replacement rate of 5.5% was reported for SEGS III – VII for the
period 1997–2001. The total HCE replacement includes breakage and fluorescence.
Fluorescence is due to cermet coating failures. This failure is due to the existence of
molybdenum in the original Luz cermet coating. Solel no longer uses molybdenum in the
UVAC cermet coating, so this type of failure will presumably no longer occur. Eliminating
replacements due to these failures reduces the site failure/replacement rate.
SunLab has used the SEGS VI plant as the baseline reference plant. The SEGS III V plants
had problems during initial startup and the early years of operation that caused bowing of the
HCEs, which increased breakage at those plants. SEGS VII has had higher breakage on the LS-
3 half of the field, although the LS-2 failures are similar to SEGS VI. SEGS VI was the last full
plant constructed with LS-2 collectors and represents the most mature version of this generation
of collector technology. The HCE total replacement rate at SEGS VI during the 5 years is in the
5.5% range. Discounting the fluorescence failures, the replacement rate was 4.2% over the
5-year period.
The high HCE failure rate at the existing plants is in part due to issues that would not be found
at a future plant. A significant portion of the failures has been due to the hydrogen remover
(HR) device installed in the HCEs at SEGS VI – X, operational problems that caused bowing,
and HCE installation procedures. The HR is no longer part of the HCEs provided by Solel.
Based on these factors, it is very possible that future plants will have substantially lower HCE failure rates than
currently found at the SEGS plants. The SunLab assumption of a 2% failure rate assumes that current
approaches for reducing failures are successful. S&L believes this is an aggressive assumption that cannot be
assured for future plants without the field data to verify the failure rate reduction. Using the current replacement
rate at all the SEGS plants, with step reductions in the replacement rate, reflects the current conditions and
allows for the aforementioned improvements to reduce the replacement rate.
Additional development of the HCE will likely be necessary to achieve the future receiver reliability goals. The
current glass-to-metal seal is one of the more expensive elements and the key failure point of the current
receiver design. The current design, known as a Housekeeper seal, relies on a sharp metal point being inserted
into a glass bead. Failures occur when concentrated light focuses on the seal and the differential expansion
between the glass and metal causes the failure of the seal. New designs are currently under investigation that
attempt to improve the match between the coefficient of thermal expansion of the metal and glass. Kramer
Junction is currently testing a new design UVAC2 with a revised internal shield.
To achieve the SunLab projected replacement rates the reliability of the HCE will have to significantly improve.
Figure D-6 compares the O&M costs and illustrates the impact of the HCE replacement rate. The O&M costs
without thermal storage is included for informational purposes.
Figure D-6 — Levelized O&M Cost Comparison
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
O&M Cost, $/kWe
SunLab Projection S&L - Based on S&L HCE Replacement S&L - Based on SunLab HCE Replacement No Storage
HCE Replacement Rate
SunLab S&L
2004 2.0% 5.5%
2007 1.0% 4.0%
2010 0.5% 2.5%
2015 0.5% 1.0%
12 hours thermal storage
No thermal storage
The reduction in O&M cost is primarily a result of the increase in plant size and the increase in annual plant
capacity factor. The plant capacity increases directly as a result of the increases in thermal storage. Increasing
the size (MWe) and capacity factor of the power plant incurs minimal increase in the fixed O&M expenses
Figure D-7 illustrates the SunLab projected levelized energy cost ($/kWhe) compared to the S&L values. The
figure also shows the levelized energy cost based on achieving the annual net efficiencies projected by SunLab.
For comparison, the estimated levelized energy cost for the trough plants without thermal storage is included to
underscore the importance of thermal storage in the reduction of the levelized energy cost.
Figure D-7 — Levelized Energy Costs
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Levelized Energy Cost, $/kWhe
SunLab S&L - S&L Efficiencies S&L -SunLab Efficiencies S&L - Without Storage
Annual Net Solar to
Electric Efficiency
SunLab S&L
2004 14.3% 14.0%
2007 16.2% 15.1%
2010 17.0% 15.4%
2015 17.1% 15.5%
2020 17.2% 15.5%
12 hours thermal storage
No thermal storage
The curves highlight the impact of the annual net efficiencies on the levelized energy costs. The curves also
indicate that additional cost reductions above and beyond the more conservative S&L values, due to technology
improvements, reduced HCE replacement rates, and increased deployment rates, will result in further
convergence of the levelized energy costs toward the projected SunLab values.
Figure D-8 shows the levelized energy cost for the SunLab technology forecasts with a breakdown that shows
the source of the cost reduction from plant scale-up, technology R&D, and cost reduction through learning. Of
the projected cost reduction in 2020, plant scale-up is projected to provide 20% of the total cost reduction,
technology development will provide over half of the cost reduction at 54%, and production volume and
competition will provide approximately 26% of the cost reduction.
Figure D-8 — Breakdown of LEC Cost Reduction
(Scale-Up, R&D, Volume Production)
1989 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SEGS VI Near-Term
Scale-up R&D
Volume Production
Figure D-9 below shows the importance of the five major cost components in reducing the LEC.
Figure D-9 — Breakdown of LEC Cost Reduction
(by Major Cost Component)
Concentrator (19%)
Mirror (13%)
HCE (16%)
Storage (26%)
Power Block (20%)
Other (6%)
Appendix E
Evaluation of Technology Improvements and
Capital Cost Projections – Tower
Section Page
E.1 Cost Drivers .............................................................................................................................................E-1
E.2 Deployment ..............................................................................................................................................E-5
E.3 Efficiency.................................................................................................................................................E-8
E.3.1 Efficiency Calculation......................................................................................................................E-8
E.3.2 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost.................................................................E-9
E.3.3 Steam Cycle (Electric Power Block) Efficiency ............................................................................E-12
E.3.4 Collector and Receiver Efficiency .................................................................................................E-12
E.3.5 Thermal to Power Plant Efficiency — Parasitics...........................................................................E-13
E.3.6 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost (SunLab Model) ...................................E-13
E.4 Collectors ...............................................................................................................................................E-16
E.4.1 Direct Capital Cost.........................................................................................................................E-16
E.4.2 Technology Improvements.............................................................................................................E-19
E.4.3 Economy of Scale...........................................................................................................................E-20
E.4.4 Estimate of Cost Reductions Due to Volume Production ..............................................................E-21
E.4.5 Cost Comparisons ..........................................................................................................................E-24
E.4.6 Cost Improvements ........................................................................................................................E-27
E.4.7 Heliostat Cost Improvement Breakout by Category ......................................................................E-28
E.5 Power Tower Heliostat Cost Evaluation ................................................................................................E-34
E.5.1 Mirrors............................................................................................................................................E-34
E.5.2 Mirror Assembly ............................................................................................................................E-35
E.5.3 Drives .............................................................................................................................................E-35
E.5.4 Control and Communications.........................................................................................................E-38
E.5.5 Production (Shop) Fabrication .......................................................................................................E-38
E.5.6 Installation......................................................................................................................................E-40
E.5.7 Structural Steel, Pedestal and Other...............................................................................................E-41
E.5.8 Overhead and Profit .......................................................................................................................E-42
E.5.9 Capital Equipment and Tooling .....................................................................................................E-43
E.6 Electrical Power Block...........................................................................................................................E-44
E.6.1 Capital Cost....................................................................................................................................E-44
E.6.2 Technology Improvements.............................................................................................................E-45
E.6.3 Economy of Scale...........................................................................................................................E-47
E.6.4 Cost Improvements ........................................................................................................................E-48
E.7 Receiver..................................................................................................................................................E-49
E.7.1 Capital Cost....................................................................................................................................E-49
E.7.2 Technology Improvement ..............................................................................................................E-50
E.7.3 Economy of Scale...........................................................................................................................E-52
E.7.4 Production Volume ........................................................................................................................E-52
E.7.5 Cost Comparison............................................................................................................................E-53
E.7.6 Cost Improvements ........................................................................................................................E-53
E.7.7 Receiver Efficiency Improvements................................................................................................E-54
E.8 Thermal Storage.....................................................................................................................................E-55
E.8.1 Capital Cost....................................................................................................................................E-55
E.8.2 Technology Improvement ..............................................................................................................E-56
E.8.3 Economy of Scale...........................................................................................................................E-57
E.8.4 Production Volume ........................................................................................................................E-57
E.8.5 Cost Improvements—Thermal Storage and Parasitic ....................................................................E-58
E.8.6 Cost Improvements ........................................................................................................................E-58
E.9 Steam Generator.....................................................................................................................................E-58
E.9.1 Capital Cost....................................................................................................................................E-58
E.9.2 Technology Improvement ..............................................................................................................E-59
E.9.3 Economy of Scale...........................................................................................................................E-60
E.9.4 Production Volume ........................................................................................................................E-61
E.9.5 Cost Improvements ........................................................................................................................E-61
E.10 Balance of Plant .....................................................................................................................................E-61
E.10.1 Capital Cost....................................................................................................................................E-61
E.10.2 Technology Improvements.............................................................................................................E-62
E.10.3 Economy of Scale...........................................................................................................................E-63
E.10.4 Production Volume ........................................................................................................................E-63
E.10.5 Cost Improvements ........................................................................................................................E-63
E.11 Capital Cost Comparison .......................................................................................................................E-63
E.12 Levelized Energy Cost ...........................................................................................................................E-64
The direct cost of a solar power tower is divided into the following major categories:
Structures and Improvements
Heliostat Field
Receiver System
Tower + piping system
Thermal Storage System
Steam Generator System
Electric Power Generation System
Master Control System
The solar field, electric power block, receiver, and thermal storage encompass approximately 80% of the total
direct costs as shown in Figures E-1 and E-2. The major cost component is the heliostat field, which
encompasses 43% of total costs for Solar Tres and 47% of total cost for Solar 220. The next two categories are
electric power block (13% for Solar Tres and 20% for Solar 220) and receiver (18% for Solar Tres and 8% for
Solar 220). Our review is to determine if the capital cost estimates prepared by SunLab were within a reasonable
range based on our review of available studies and reports, the SunLab cost estimate and our due diligence
experience. The focus was primarily on the major cost categories: heliostats, electric power block, and receiver.
The cost estimate reductions projected by SunLab from 2004 to 2020 are shown in Figure E-3.
Figure E-1 — Capital Cost Categories for Solar Tres
Figure E-2 — Capital Cost Categories for Solar 220
Structures and Improvements
Heliostat Field
Receiver System
Tower + piping system
Thermal Storage System
Steam Generator System
Electric Power Generation
Master Control System
Balance of Plant
Figure E-3 — Direct Capital Cost Power Tower Solar Plant (Projected Years 2004 and 2020)
The total installed cost estimate by SunLab is shown in Table E-1. The values presented for Solar Tres
throughout the report assume that the plant is located in the United States and not in Spain to provide more
consistent comparison. The cost estimate by S&L based on our review of the major cost drivers is shown in
Table E-2. Shaded areas indicate differences between the S&L and SunLab estimates.
Table E-1 — SunLab Capital Cost Estimate (Deployment of 8.7 GWe)
Tres USA
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Year 2004 2006 2008 2012 2018
Description Contingency
Land Area, km
1.1 3.4 6.6 13.7 13.9
Field Area, m
231,000 709,000 1,311,000 2,600,000 2,642,000
Structures & Improvements, $M 20% $2.8 $4.1 $5.3 $7.2 $7.2
Heliostat Field, $M 5% $33.5 $89.8 $139.8 $249.6 $198.8
Tres USA
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Year 2004 2006 2008 2012 2018
Description Contingency
Receiver, $M 10% $14.0 $19.8 $25.0 $36.9 $34.4
Tower & Piping, $M 10% $2.8 $7.0 $11.9 $24.3 $24.3
Thermal Storage, $M 10% $5.9 $18.7 $28.9 $56.3 $57.2
Steam Generator, $M 10% $1.6 $3.7 $5.8 $9.4 $9.3
Electric Power Block, $M 10% $10.0 $24.5 $40.0 $64.0 $83.6
Master Control System, $M 10% $1.8 $1.8 $1.6 $1.6 $1.6
Balance-of-plant, $M 10% $4.8 $6.5 $7.8 $9.6 $9.9
Direct Costs, $M $77.3 $175.9 $266.1 $458.8 $426.3
Engineering, Management &
Development (7.8%), $M
$6.6 $13.7 $20.8 $35.8 $33.3
Land (no cost for Solar Tres and
Solar 50) ($5,000 per hectare), $M
$0 $0 $3.3 $6.9 $7.0
Contingency, $M 7.7% $6.3 $13.5 $20.2 $34.1 $34.3
Risk Pool (Only for Solar Tres) –
(10%), $M
$7.7 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost – SunLab, $M $97.4 $203.1 $310.3 $535.6 $599.9
Total Cost – SunLab, $/kWe $7,135 $4,063 $3,103 $2,678 $2,272
Table E-2 — S&L Capital Cost Estimate (Deployment of 2.6 GWe)
Tres USA
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 200
Solar 220
Year 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 2020
Description Contingency
Land Area, km
1.1 3.4 6.6 13.7 13.7 13.9
Field Area, m
244,966 742,703 1,366,100 2,667,099 2,667,099 2,789,322
Structures &
Improvements, $M
20% $2.8 $4.1 $5.3 $7.2 $7.2 $7.2
Heliostat Field, $M 10% $39.1 $111.7 $182.7 $330.0 $312.1 $263.0
Receiver ( Boeing), $M 10% $16.0 $26.0 $34.0 $46.0 $46.0 $48.0
Tres USA
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 200
Solar 220
Year 2004 2007 2010 2015 2020 2020
Description Contingency
Tower & Piping, $M 10% $2.8 $7.0 $11.9 $24.3 $24.3 $24.3
Thermal Storage, $M 10% $5.9 $18.7 $28.9 $56.3 $56.3 $57.2
Steam Generator, $M 10% $1.6 $3.7 $5.8 $9.4 $9.4 $9.3
Electric Power Block, $M 10% $7.6 $18.6 $30.8 $46.2 $46.2 $61.8
Master Control System, $M 10% $1.8 $1.8 $1.6 $1.6 $1.6 $1.6
Balance-of-plant, $M 10% $10.0 $24.5 $36.7 $33.8 $33.8 $36.5
Direct Cost, $M $87.7 $216.1 $337.5 $554.7 $536.8 $508.9
Engineering, Management
& Development –
20% $15.5 $38.1 $59.6 $97.9 $97.9 $89.9
Land (no cost for Solar
Tres and Solar 50) ($5,000
per hectare), $M
$0.0 $0.0 $3.3 $6.9 $6.9 $7.1
Contingency, $M 10% $12.1 $29.6 $46.2 $75.8 $74.0 $69.6
Cost Reduction
Contingency, $M
15% $15.6 $14.2 $18.1 $2.7 $15.2
Risk Pool – Upper (10% for
Solar Tres /5% for Solar
50), $M
$8.8 $10.8 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
Total Cost – S&L, $M $124.1 $310.3 $460.8 $753.3 $718.2 $690.5
Total Cost – S&L, $kWe $9,090 $6,205 $4,608 $3,766 $3,591 $3,139
The deployment projections used by SunLab to develop their cost estimate is based on deployment (commercial
operation) of Solar Tres in 2004 with successive initial deployments in 2006 for Solar 50, 2008 for Solar 100,
2012 for Solar 100 and 2018 for Solar 220 (see Table E-3). Deployment is dependent on Solar Tres being
successful and on incorporating lessons learned into Solar 50 design. The duration between initial deployments
from Solar Tres to Solar 50 and from Solar 50 to Solar 100 in the SunLab model allows only one year of
operation. The duration between initial deployments should be at least two years to allow time to resolve
operational issues, achieve dependable steady-state operation, and operate for a reasonable amount of time. The
S&L deployment projection taking these issues into consideration is shown in Table E-4. S&L’s projection is
more conservative than the SunLab projection of 8.7 GWe. The S&L projected range is from a maximum
deployment of 4.7 GWe to a minimum deployment of 1.2 GWe. The S&L base case is a deployment of
2.6 GWe.
Table E-3 — Power Tower Deployment Projection – SunLab
MWe\ Year
Solar Tres 13.5 1 13.5 14
Solar 50 50 1 2 3 300 314
Solar 100 100 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2,700 3,014
Solar 200 200 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 4,400 7,414
Solar 220 220 1 5 1,320 8,734
Total 13.5 0 50 100 250 200 300 400 600 600 600 800 800 900 1,020 1,000 1,100 8,734
Table E-4 — Power Tower Deployment Projection –S&L
MWe\ Year
4.7 GWe
Solar Tres 13.5 1 13.5 14
Solar 50 50 1 1 2 2 300 314
Solar 100 100 1 1 2 2 3 4 1,300 1,614
Solar 200 200 1 1 2 3 3 3 2,600 4,214
Solar 220 220 1 1 440 4,654
Total 13.5 0 0 50 0 50 200 100 100 200 400 300 600 400 820 600 820 4,654
2.6 GWe
Solar Tres 13.5 1 13.5 14
Solar 50 50 1 1 1 1 2 2 400 414
Solar 100 100 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1,000 1,414
Solar 200 200 1 1 1 1 2 1,200 2,614
Solar 220 220
Total 13.5 0 0 50 0 50 150 50 200 200 100 300 200 300 200 200 400 2,614
1.2 GW
Solar Tres 13.5 1 13.5 14
Solar 50 50 1 1 1 1 200 214
Solar 100 100 1 1 1 1 400 614
Solar 200 200 1 1 1 600 1,214
Solar 220 220 0 0
Total 0 0 13.5 0 0 50 0 50 50 150 0 100 100 300 0 200 200 1,214
E.3.1 Efficiency Calculation
The Solar Field is defined by the collector area in square meters (m
), which can be estimated by the simplified
C = (kW
x CF x h)
eff x I
C = Collector area square meters (m
= electric generation design capacity, kilowatts
CF = Capacity Factor = kW
h actual /(kW
x 8,760)
h = hours per year (8,760)
eff = net annual efficiency, Solar to Electric
I = annual insolation (kWh
= kilowatts electric
= kilowatts thermal
For a given plant size and capacity factor, the net annual efficiency is the determining factor in the collector
area; as the efficiency increases, the collector area decreases on the same percentage basis.
The annual net solar-to-electric efficiency determination and the efficiency of Solar Tres are shown in Table
Table E-5 — Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
Solar Field
Mirror Reflectivity 93.5%
Field Optical Efficiency 64.6%
Field Availability 98.5%
Mirror Corrosion Avoidance 100%
Mirror Cleanliness 95%
Field High Wind Outage 99%
Annual Heliostat Field Efficiency (HFE) 56.0%
Annual Receiver Efficiency (RE) 78.3%
Annual Piping Efficiency (PE) 99.5%
Annual Thermal Storage Efficiency (TSE) 98.3%
Annual Electrical Steam Turbine Efficiency (ST) 40.3%
Startup Efficiency (SE) 99.5%
Parasitics ( P ) (1 - % auxiliary power consumed by plant) 86.4%
Plant-wide Availability ( A ) 92.0%
Annual solar-to-electric efficiency ( E
( E
) = ( HFE ) x ( RE ) x ( PE) x (TSE) x ( ST ) x (SE) x ( P ) x ( A )
The collector area is directly proportional to the plant megawatt size and the capacity factor, as evident in the
preceding equation. There are economies of scale associated with increasing the plant megawatt size. To provide
generation during non-solar periods and thereby increase the plant capacity factor, thermal storage is required.
Thermal storage can reduce plant thermal losses by reducing the number of steam turbine start-stop cycles and
decreasing the use of electrical heat tracing during no-load periods.
E.3.2 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost
The net annual solar-to-electric efficiency has a significant impact on the size of the collector field and hence the
cost. The largest increase in efficiency is the step change from Solar Two to Solar Tres as shown in Figure E-4
(7.9% to 13.1 %). The comparison of the SunLab and S&L projections for efficiency improvements is shown in
Tables E-6 and E-7. In addition, S&L considered a worst case with limited improvements in efficiencies, which
are given in Table E-8. The cost reduction based on S&L’s evaluation of the SunLab reference case is shown in
Section E.3.6. The net annual solar-to-electric efficiency impact on collector field cost for each change in size
plant is shown in Section E.3.6.
Table E-6 – SunLab Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
Solar Two Solar Tres Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Heliostat Field Efficiency 50.3% 56.0% 56.5% 56.3% 56.1% 57%
Mirror Reflectivity 90.7% 93.5% 94.0% 94.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Field Efficiency 62.0% 64.6% 64.6% 63.7% 62.8% 62.8%
Field Availability 98.0% 99.5% 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5%
Solar Two Solar Tres Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Mirror Corrosion 97.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Mirror Cleanliness 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 96.0% 96.0% 97.0%
Field High Wind Outage 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0%
Receiver Efficiency 76% 78.3% 80.9% 83.1% 83.5% 82.0%
Piping Efficiency 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%
Thermal Storage Efficiency 97.0% 98.3% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5%
EPGS Efficiency 32.6% 40.3% 41.8% 42.3% 42.8% 46.1%
Parasitic (Auxiliary Power) Efficiency 73.0% 86.4% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0%
Plant Wide Availability 90.0% 92.0% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 7.9% 13.7% 16.1% 16.6% 16.9% 18.1%
Table E-7 — Sargent & Lundy Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency
with Anticipated Improvements
Solar Two Solar Tres Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Heliostat Field Efficiency 50.3% 56.0% 56.5% 56.0% 55.2% 55.2%
Mirror Reflectivity 90.7% 93.5% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
Field Efficiency 62.0% 64.6% 64.6% 63.7% 62.8% 62.8%
Field Availability 98.0% 99.5% 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5%
Mirror Corrosion 97.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Mirror Cleanliness 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Field High Wind Outage 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0%
Receiver Efficiency 76.0% 78.3% 80.9% 83.1% 83.5% 82.0%
Piping Efficiency 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%
Thermal Storage Efficiency 97.0% 98.3% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5%
EPGS Efficiency 32.6% 38.0% 40.4% 41.2% 42.6% 45.4%
Parasitic (Auxiliary Power) Efficiency 73.0% 86.4% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0%
Plant Wide Availability 90.0% 92.0% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 7.9% 13.0% 15.5% 16.1% 16.5% 17.3%
Table E-8 – Sargent & Lundy Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency —
with Limited Improvements
Solar Two Solar Tres Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Heliostat Field Efficiency 50.3% 54.3% 54.6% 54.1% 53.3% 53.3%
Mirror Reflectivity 90.7% 90.7% 90.7% 90.7% 90.7% 90.7%
Field Efficiency 62.0% 64.6% 64.6% 63.7% 62.8% 62.8%
Field Availability 98.0% 98.5% 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5%
Mirror Corrosion 97.0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Mirror Cleanliness 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0% 95.0%
Field High Wind Outage 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0%
Receiver Efficiency 76.0% 78.3% 78.3% 78.3% 78.3% 78.3%
Piping Efficiency 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.9% 99.9% 99.9%
Thermal Storage Efficiency 97.0% 98.3% 98.3% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5%
EPGS Efficiency 32.6% 38.0% 40.4% 41.2% 42.6% 42.6%
Parasitic (Auxiliary Power) Efficiency 73.0% 86.4% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 90.0%
Plant Wide Availability 90.0% 92.0% 92.0% 92.0% 92.0% 92.0%
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 7.9% 12.6% 14.0% 14.4% 14.6% 14.6%
Figure E-4 — Comparison of Annual Solar-to-Electrical Efficiency Technology Step Changes:
SunLab vs. S&L
Solar Two Solar Tres
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Parasitics - 30%
EPGS - 37%
Heliostat - 20%
Other - 14%
E.3.3 Steam Cycle (Electric Power Block) Efficiency
Increases in the steam cycle efficiency provide the largest cost reduction to the collector field cost. Discussion of
the efficiency improvements is provided in Section E.6.2.
E.3.4 Collector and Receiver Efficiency
Increases in collector and receiver efficiency provide the next largest cost reduction to the collector field cost.
Discussion of the efficiency improvements for the collector system is provided in Section E.4.2 and for the
receiver system in Section E.7.2.
E.3.5 Thermal to Power Plant Efficiency — Parasitics
The efficiency improvements are based on 16 hours of thermal storage for Solar Tres and Solar 50 and 13 hours
for Solar 100 and Solar 200. The storage allows the plant to operate during non-insolation periods, thereby
reducing thermal losses by minimizing the energy loss during plant start/stop cycles (thermal to plant power
efficiency) and HTF heating (parasitics) during off-line periods. Even though efficiency improvements can be
gained by thermal storage, additional direct costs will be incurred. First, the cost of the storage system is
estimated by SunLab to be $4,940/kWe for Solar Tres, and second, the collector area required will be more than
doubled for 16 hours storage capability. The 16 hours of thermal storage is reasonable since Solar Two
successfully demonstrated operation with 3 hours of thermal storage. Thermal storage is discussed in greater
detail later in this report.
E.3.6 Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost (SunLab Model)
Table E-9 — Solar Two to Solar Tres:
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost (SunLab)
Solar 2
Solar Tres
Plant Size – Electrical, MWe 10 13.7
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 42 120
Heliostat Capital Cost, $M 33.5
Field Area, m
81,400 231,000
Heliostat Cost per m
Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 7.9% 13.7%
The efficiency improvement is a cost savings of $19.3 M (reduction of the field by 133,204 m
The improvement is based on the following system improvements:
Heliostat – 1.4% Receiver - 0.4% EPGS – 2.6%
Parasitics – 2.1% Thermal Storage – 0.2% Piping – 0.1% Availability – 0.3%
Table E-10 — Solar Tres to Solar 50:
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost (SunLab)
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Plant Size – Electrical, MWe 13.7 50
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 120 380
Heliostat Capital Cost, $M 33.5 89.8
Field Area, m
231,000 709,000
Heliostat Cost per m
$145 $127
Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 13.7% 16.1%
The efficiency improvement is a cost savings of $13.4 M (reduction of the field by 105,689 m
The improvement is based on the following system improvements:
Heliostat – 0.2% Receiver - 0.5% EPGS – 0.6%
Parasitics – 0.6% Thermal Storage – 0.2% Piping – 0.1% Availability – 0.3%
Table E-11 — Solar 50 to Solar 100:
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost (SunLab)
Solar 50
Solar 100
Plant Size – Electrical, MWe 50 100
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 380 700
Heliostat Capital Cost, $M 89.8 139.8
Field Area, m
709,000 1,311,000
Heliostat Cost per m
$127 $107
Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 16.1% 16.6%
The efficiency improvement is a cost savings of $4.2 M (reduction of the field by 39,488 m
The improvement is based on the following system improvements:
Heliostat – minus 0.1% (decrease in performance) Receiver - 0.6% EPGS – 0.2%
Parasitics – 0% Thermal Storage – 0% Piping – 0% Availability – 0%
Table E-12 — Solar 100 to Solar 200:
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost (SunLab)
Solar 100
Solar 200
Plant Size – Electrical, MWe 100 200
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 700 1,400
Heliostat Capital Cost, $M 139.8 249.6
Field Area, m
1,311,000 2,606,000
Heliostat Cost per m
$107 $96
Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 16.6% 16.9%
The efficiency improvement is a cost savings of $4.4 M (reduction of the field by 46,260 m
The improvement is based on the following system improvements:
Heliostat – minus 0.1% (decrease in performance) Receiver - 0.1% EPGS – 0.2%
Parasitics – 0% Thermal Storage – 0% Piping – 0% Availability – 0%
Table E-13 — Solar 200 to Solar 220:
Net Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency Impact on Cost (SunLab)
Solar 200
Solar 220
Plant Size – Electrical, MWe 200 220
Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 1,400 1,400
Heliostat Capital Cost, $M 249.6 198.8
Field Area, m
2,606,000 2,642,000
Heliostat Cost per m
$96 $75
Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency 16.9% 18.1%
The efficiency improvement is a cost savings of $13.1 M (reduction of the field by 175,160 m
The improvement is based on the following system improvements:
Heliostat – 0.3% Receiver – minus 0.4% EPGS – 1.3%
Parasitics – 0% Thermal Storage – 0% Piping – 0% Availability – 0%
The first plants (Solar Tres and Solar 50) will use the 95-m
heliostats. The heliostat size will be increased to
148 m
for Solar 100. S&L’s evaluation focused on the capital costs and cost improvement for the 148-m
heliostat. The S&L review is primarily based on the SunLab model, the detailed cost models developed by AD
Little (Arthur D. Little, 2001), Advanced Thermal Systems (1996), Solar Kinetics (1996), and the Peerless-
Winsmith drive cost and technology improvement studies (Peerless-Winsmith 1996, 1999). The 150-m
heliostat was then compared against the 95-m
heliostat. We reviewed the major cost components and provided
a discussion of the assumptions and reasonableness of the cost estimate in Section E.5.
AD Little (ADL) was contracted by the DOE to prepare a detailed cost estimate for the current 150-m
design from Advanced Thermal Systems (ATS). The study was based on detailed design drawings, material
takeoff, and proven assembly techniques (Advanced Thermal Systems 1996). Manufacturers and vendors were
contacted to develop and validate material costs. ADL used the detailed design information from ATS
(1996) to
estimate the costs. This bottoms-up cost estimate is fairly rigorous and provides a fairly accurate cost estimate.
S&L compared and evaluated the detailed cost models and developed a cost estimate.
E.4.1 Direct Capital Cost
The cost summary of material, labor, overhead, and profit for the SunLab cost estimate is compared to the ADL
cost estimate in the Table E-14. A composite cost estimate was developed by S&L based on evaluation of the
differences between the cost estimates.
The heliostat was developed by ATS under contract with the DOE. DOE funded the development of the ‘second-
generation’ 53-m
heliostat. ARCO funded the design, development, and first prototype 95- and 148-m
trackers for use as
heliostats or PV trackers. Advanced Thermal Systems is a small company formed in 1985 by former ARCO engineers with
licensing rights for the tracker technology. The early design was optimized to use the maximum number of commodity
parts and provide the lowest possible cost for near-term deployment. Approximately 1000 solar trackers of this basic design
have been built. Most were the 95-m
units. One hundred eight of the heliostats used at Solar Two were second-hand ATS-
built trackers.
Figure E-5 — Heliostat Cost Drivers
Production (Capital and
Corporate Overhead
Table E-14 — 148 m
Heliostat Direct Capital Cost: Comparison of SunLab and ADL
Summary of Cost
Collector Area (m
) 227,000 444,000 444,000
Quantity (units) 1,534 3,000 3,000
Mirrors $1,924 $1,976 $1,976 Mirror costs are based on vendor quotes and are the
same as ADL
Drive (azimuth) $4,035 $4,000 $4,035 Drive costs are based on vendor quotes.
Drive (elevation) $1,250 $1,250 ADL cost estimate included a dual drive (azimuth
and elevation).
Structural Steel,
Pedestal, & Other
$5,887 $5,598 $5,887 The composite of structural steel, pedestal and other
costs are about the same
Communications $875 $875 The ADL estimate did not include communications.
Labor $800 $1,552 $800 ADL included indirect costs whereas SunLab only
includes direct costs. We used SunLab direct costs
and increased Overhead & Profit to 20% to cover
indirect costs.
Summary of Cost
Capital Equipment
and Tooling
$863 $301 $912 The difference is attributed to ADL basing their cost
on a supplier setting up a manufacturing facility
whereas SunLab’s estimate is based on a local
assembly shop associated with the construction
project. (See Appendix E.5.9)
Other Production
$419 $172 $419 SunLab other includes 3% for shipping, whereas
ADL did not define other.
Total Fabrication
$16,053 $13,599 $16,102
$2,408 $3,334 3,211 SunLab is based on 15%, whereas ADL uses 25%.
The S&L estimate is based on 20% since a local
production shop will be set up as part of construction
until the market for heliostats opens up. This will
reduce corporate overhead costs.
System Cost $18,461 $16,933 $19,322
Installation $950 $2,036 $1,426 ADL estimate is more reasonable and higher than
the SunLab estimate.
Field Wiring $877 $877 The ADL estimate did not include field wiring;
therefore, the SunLab cost estimate for field wiring
was added for comparison
Total Installed Cost $20,288 $18,969 $21,688
Total Installed Cost
per m
for 148-m
$137 $128 $146 The estimated cost range is between $137 (SunLab
estimate) and $146 (S&L estimate) for initial
deployment of 148-m
heliostats. The difference
between S&L and ADL is 7%.
The cost estimates for both SunLab and ADL are based on the ATS detailed design drawings and material
quantities. The material costs are essentially the same. The differences are labor, overhead, and capital for
equipment and tooling. The S&L estimate is based on a local production facility being developed at or near the
construction site. This assumption is reasonable for the first several deployments since it will be difficult to
entice a reputable manufacturer to establish a production facility without firm commitments and significant
quantities. SunLab used a contingency of +5%. S&L used a contingency of +10% based on the uncertainties
associated with estimating costs.
Therefore, S&L estimates that the direct cost estimate for initial deployment of a 148-m
heliostat is $146 per
, plus a contingency of 10% ($161 per m
The main difference between the 95-m
and 148-m
heliostat is size, therefore it is reasonable to estimate the
95 m
cost by extrapolating the 148 m
cost using a scaling factor. SunLab used a scaling factor of 0.8 as shown
in Table E-9. As a component, structure, or plant increases in size the increase in cost is not linear. Typical
scaling factors, based on industry experience, are about 0.7 (S&L uses 0.67 to 0.72 based on our experience with
scaling of power generating plants, Boeing uses 0.7 to 0.8 based on their industrial experience).
The direct cost estimate for initial deployment of a 95-m
heliostat is $160 per m
, plus a 10% contingency
($176 per m
Table E-15 — Heliostat Cost Estimate Comparison:
Direct Capital Cost – Initial Deployment Scale from 148 to 95 m
Sargent & Lundy
Heliostat Size
95 m
(scaled from 148 m
a scaling factor of 0.8
$14,214 $150 $15,168 $160
148 m
(from Table E-14) $20,288 $137 $21,688 $146
The major cost categories of the SunLab cost estimate for heliostats as compared to ADL are evaluated and
discussed in Section E.5.
E.4.2 Technology Improvements
The annual heliostat field efficiency projections based on the SunLab model for each new deployment is shown
in Table E-16. The annual heliostat field efficiency is the product of all the factors beneath it.
Table E-16 — Annual Heliostat Efficiency (SunLab vs. S&L)
Tres USA
Annual Heliostat Field
Efficiency SunLab
S&L 56.0% 56.5% 56.0% 55.2% 55.2%
Tres USA
Mirror Reflectivity
S&L 93.5% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% 94.0%
Field Optical Efficiency
S&L 64.6% 64.6% 63.7% 62.8% 62.8%
Field Availability
S&L 98.5% 99.0% 99.5% 99.5% 99.5%
Mirror Corrosion Avoidance
S&L 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Mirror Cleanliness
S&L 95.0% 95.0% 95.0 95.0% 95.0%
Field High Wind Outage
S&L 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0% 99.0%
The increase in heliostat field efficiency is primarily based on increases in mirror reflectivity, field availability,
and mirror cleanliness. The heliostat field efficiency at Solar Two was lower than at Solar One due to the re-use
of equipment that had been abandoned for approximately 7 years, the use of second-hand PV trackers and
uncurved mirrors, and a general lack of emphasis on the field because it had already been proven at Solar One
(Reilly and Kolb 2001; Pacheco et al. 2002). The S&L evaluation of the efficiency for each deployment is
shown in Section 5.6.
E.4.3 Economy of Scale
Cost improvements due to increasing the heliostat size goes from 95 m
to 148 m
(Solar 50 to Solar 100) are
classed as scale improvements even though research, design, testing and manufacturing issues are associated
with this change. The methodology to analyze this change is based on proven component scale-up techniques.
The scaling factor for going from the 95-m
heliostat to the 148-m
heliostat is shown in Table E-17. The cost
projection for cost reduction due to scaling factor is reasonable since the scaling factor of 0.8 is more
conservative than the industry standard of 0.7.
Table E-17 — Heliostat Scaling Factors - Direct Capital Cost
Economy of Scale Change from 95 to 148 m
(Solar 100)
Sargent & Lundy
Heliostat Size
Heliostat Cost
Heliostat Cost
95 m
$11,070 $117 95 $13,654 $144 ** 95
148 m
$15,783 $107 * 148 $19,466 $132 *** 148
Scaling Factor 0.80 0.80
* From Table E-11; SunLab cost estimate for Solar 100, 148-m
** Estimated cost of 95-m
heliostat based on progress ratio of 0.971 (see Table E-19) with deployment of 4.7 GWe
*** Calculated based on scale-up from 95 m
at $144 per m
to $132 per m
E.4.4 Estimate of Cost Reductions Due to Volume Production
This section explores cost reduction for heliostats, which is based on the number of heliostats being
manufactured. As the number of heliostats increases, the cost will be reduced. The quantity of heliostats being
manufactured is dependent on the deployment of plants. Deployment projections are discussed in Section 3.
Heliostat production (m
) based on a range of deployments (2.2 GW to 7.1 GW) is shown in Figure E-6.
Figure E-6 — Cumulative Heliostat Production (m
) vs. Deployment Projections (installed GWe)
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
2010 2012
Solar 200
2014 2016 2018
Solar 220
Total Production Area (x 1000 m2)
1.2 GWe
2.6 GWe
4.7 GWe
8.7 GWe
E.4.4.1 Progress Ratio and Determination of Heliostat Costs
Sargent & Lundy calculated the progress ratio for heliostats. Each cost component was evaluated and based on
our detailed review of the SunLab and ADL detailed cost estimates (see Appendix E.5). The progress ratio ratios
changes from the SunLab model are highlighted in Table E-18. For example, we did not concur with SunLab’s
cost improvement for installation costs as discussed in Section E.5; therefore, we adjusted the progress ratio to
1.0. The differences identified by S&L are as follows:
Drives (azimuth) - Adjusted based on Section E.5.3.
Structural Steel & Pedestal - SunLab projected a 5% weight improvement. There was no
objective evidence; therefore, we projected a slight improvement for material quantity discounts
(see Section E.5.7).
Insulation and Field Wiring - SunLab projects a cost reduction for installation. Based on our
experience, cost reductions are not as easily achieved for construction activities as
manufacturing process.
The progress ratio for each heliostat cost activity was calculated based on the SunLab cost estimate. S&L
estimated the final cost based on our evaluation and industry experience. The progress ratio was then calculated.
Table E-18 — Cost Improvements Due to Volume Production (148 m
Annual Production, m
227,000 100,000,000
Doubling Factor 8.78
SunLab Model
S&L Evaluation
Initial Cost
Final Cost
Mirrors $1,924 $1,470 0.97 0.97 $1,472
Drive (azimuth) $4,035 $1,670 0.90 0.94 $2,343
Drive (elevation) $1,250 $990 0.97 0.97 $990
Structural Steel $3,412 $2,930 0.98 0.99 $3,124
Pedestal $1,705 $1,530 0.99 0.99 $1,561
Other $770 $700 0.99 0.99 $700
Communications $875 $630 0.96 0.96 $630
Labor $800 $660 0.98 0.98 $660
Capital Equipment & Tooling $863 $237 0.86 0.86 $237
Other Production Costs $419 $298 0.96 0.96 $298
Total Fabrication Costs $16,053 $11,114 0.96 $12,015
Corporate Overhead $2,408 $1,667 0.96 $1,802
System Cost $18,461 $12,782 0.96 0.96 $13,817
Installation $950 $836 0.99 1.0 $950
Field Wiring $877 $671 0.97 1.0 $877
Total Installed Cost $20,288 $14,288 0.961 0.971 $16,739 **
SunLab Model
S&L Evaluation
Initial Cost
Final Cost
Total Installed Cost per m
$137 $97 $113
* Calculated based on the initial and final cost estimate
** Includes adjustment is the difference between SunLab cost estimate and S&L: 7% as shown in Table E-14
The SunLab cost estimate of cost improvement was based on a final production of 100,000,000 m
. The first
deployment with 148-m
heliostats is Solar 100, which requires a collector field of 5,239,500 m
for each plant.
The cost projection for going from 227,000 m
to 5,239,000 m
is shown in Table E-19.
Table E-19 — Final Cost for First Deployment of 148-m
148 m
– S&L
Volume, m
227,000 100,000,000 8.78 0.971
Total Cost, $/m
$146* $113
Volume, m
227,000 5,239,500 4.53 0.971
Total Cost, $/m
$146* $128
* From Table E-18 calculated based on progress ratio of 0.971 for volume of 5,239,500 m
E.4.5 Cost Comparisons
The comparison of heliostat cost improvements from 2004 to 2020 for a cumulative deployment of 8.7 GWe is
shown in Figure E-7. The range of progress ratios used for the comparison by S&L is between 0.85 and 0.96.
Various studies on learning curves from actual data suggest that a progress ratio of 0.82 has been observed for
photovoltaics (PV) and 0.82 for development of wind energy during early deployment (1980 to 1995). The
higher end of the range is from the Enermodal study for the World Bank, which identified a PV of 0.96 and the
Wind Learning Rates compiled by Kobos for development of wind plants. (See Section B.6 for additional
The progress ratio calculated for the S&L base case is 0.97 and 0.96 for 95-m
heliostats and 0.93 for 148-m
heliostats. The average progress ratio calculated for SunLab is 0.93. These values fall within the range of 0.85 to
0.96, as shown in Figure E-7.
Figure E-7 — Heliostat Cost Improvements (8.7 GWe)
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
2010 2012
Solar 200
2014 2016 2018
Solar 220
Heliostat Cost ($/m
Lower Range [PR-0.85]
Upper Range [PR-0.96]
S&L: 95 m
S&L: 148 m
Sunlab [PR-0.96]
95 m
heliostat 148 m
enhanced 148 m
S&L [PR-0.97]
Sargent & Lundy estimated heliostat costs based on a detailed review of the SunLab and ADL cost estimates.
Cost reductions were then calculated as shown in Figure E-8.
Figure E-8 — S&L Cost Estimate of Heliostats (Solar Tres to Solar 200)
Cummulative Production of
Heliostats (m
) Description
$146 227,000
Detailed Cost Estimate for 148-m
Heliostat (without contigency)
Solar Tres
$160 227,000
Cost Estimate for 95-m
(scaled at factor of 0.8)
95 m
Solar 50
$144 2,712,000
Cost Estimate for 95-m
with cost reduction for increased
Solar 100
$132 4,023,000
Cost Estimate for 148-m
(scaled at 0.8)
148 m
Solar 200
$113 44,450,000
Cost Estimate for 148-m
with cost reduction for increased
The comparison between S&L and SunLab collector field costs is based on a maximum deployment: SunLab at
8.7 GWe and S&L at 2.6 GWe. Heliostat costs for a range of deployment were calculated by S&L as shown in
Figure E-9. The impact on the heliostat cost between 1.4 GWe and 4.7 GWe is about 6% for Solar 100 (2008),
and 8.5% for Solar 220 (2018).
Figure E-9 — Heliostat Cost per m
versus Deployment
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
2010 2012
Solar 200
2014 2016 2018
Solar 220
$ per m2
1.4 GWe
2.6 GWe
4.7 GWe
8.7 GWe
8.7 GWe
Sargent & Lundy
diff. 8.5%
E.4.6 Cost Improvements
Cost improvements for heliostats are evaluated against three categories: technical (efficiency and design
optimization), economy of scale and volume production. The cost reductions determined by S&L for the
heliostat are an average of 30% due to technical improvements, 19% for scale-up, and 51% for volume
production. The cost improvements for heliostats based on each change in plant size are shown in Section E.4.7.
The methodology of determining the cost breakout for heliostats is shown in Section E.4.7. The three categories
were reviewed, and S&L assigned a percentage for each cost component. The total cost breakdown for the
heliostat was then calculated based on the weighted average of the cost contribution of each component to the
total cost.
E.4.7 Heliostat Cost Improvement Breakout by Category
The heliostat cost improvement is summarized in the following table.
Cost Improvement Summary
Solar Two to
Solar Tres
Solar Tres to
Solar 50
Solar 50 to
Solar 100
Solar 100 to
Solar 200
Solar 200 to
Solar 220
Technical 26% 11% 35% 5% 72% 29.8%
Scaling 37% 0% 57% 0% 0% 18.6%
Volume 37% 89% 8% 95% 28% 51.4%
Table E-20 — Solar Two to Solar Tres:
Heliostat Cost Improvement Breakout by Category
Percent of
Total Cost
Technical Scaling
Mirrors 8.6% 100% The cost improvements are due to volume
Drive (azimuth) 45.0% 50% 50% 0% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements. The scaling factor is based
on increasing the drive (48 m
to 95 m
Drive (elevation) 4.9% 50% 50% 0% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements. The scaling factor is based
on increasing the drive (48 m
to 95 m
Structural Steel 9.2% 0% 50% 50% Cost improvement is based on purchasing
large quantities of commercially available
steel shapes and the scaling factor for a
larger structure (48 m
to 95 m
Pedestal 3.3% 0% 50% 50% Cost improvement is based on purchasing
large quantities of commercially available
steel shapes and the scaling factor for a
larger structure (48 m
to 95 m
Other 1.3% 0% 50% 50% Cost improvement based on scaling factor
(48 m
to 95 m
) and volume production.
Communications 4.7% 20% 0% 80% There will be technical improvements from
operating experience and better
production based on learning curve but
the majority of the cost improvement will
come from volume production.
Percent of
Total Cost
Technical Scaling
Labor 2.7% 0% 50% 50% Cost improvement is based on scaling
factor (48 m
to 95 m
) and volume
Capital Equipment
& Tooling
11.9% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Other Production
2.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Installation 2.2% 0% 50% 50% Cost improvement is based on scaling
factor (48 m
to 95 m
) and volume
Field Wiring 3.9% 0% 50% 50% Cost improvement is based on scaling
factor (48 m
to 95 m
) and volume
Total (Weighted
— 26% 37% 37%
Table E-21 — Solar Tres to Solar 50:
Heliostat Cost Improvement Breakout by Category
Percent of
Total Cost
Technical Scaling
Mirrors 8.6% 0% 0% 100% The cost improvements are due to volume
Drive (azimuth) 45.0% 20% 0% 80% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements but the majority of
improvements will come from volume
Drive (elevation) 4.9% 20% 0% 80% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements but the majority of the cost
improvements will come from volume
Structural Steel 9.2% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on purchasing
large quantities of commercially available
steel shapes.
Pedestal 3.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on purchasing
large quantities of commercially available
steel shapes
Other 1.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement based on volume
Communications 4.7% 20% 0% 80% There will be technical improvements from
operating experience and better
production based on learning curve but
the majority of the cost improvement will
come from volume production.
Labor 2.7% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Capital Equipment
& Tooling
11.9% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Other Production
2.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Installation 2.2% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Field Wiring 3.9% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Total (Weighted
— 11% 0% 89%
Table E-22 — Solar 50 to Solar 100:
Heliostat Cost Improvement Breakout by Category
Percent of
Total Cost
Technical Scaling
Mirrors 8.6% 100% 0% 0% The cost improvements are due to
installation of thin mirrors to increase
Drive (azimuth) 45.0% 50% 50% 0% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements. The scaling factor is based
on increasing the drive (95 m
to 148 m
Drive (elevation) 4.9% 50% 50% 0% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements. The scaling factor is based
on increasing the drive (95 m
to 148 m
Structural Steel 9.2% 20% 80% 0% Cost improvement is based on design
changes to accommodate the thin mirrors
and the scaling factor for a larger structure
(95 m
to 148 m
Pedestal 3.3% 20% 80% 0% Cost improvement is based on design
changes to accommodate the thin mirrors
and the scaling factor for a larger structure
(95 m
to 148 m
Other 1.3% 0% 100% 0% Cost improvement based on scaling factor
(95 m
to 148 m
) and volume production.
Communications 4.7% 20% 0% 80% There will be technical improvements from
operating experience and better
production based on learning curve but
the majority of the cost improvement will
come from volume production.
Labor 2.7% 0% 100% 0% Cost improvement is based on scaling
factor (95 m
to 148 m
Capital Equipment
& Tooling
11.9% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Other Production
2.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Installation 2.2% 0% 100% 0% Cost improvement is based on scaling
factor (95 m
to 148 m
Field Wiring 3.9% 0% 100% 0% Cost improvement is based on scaling
factor (95 m
to 148 m
Total (Weighted
— 35% 57% 8%
Table E-23 — Solar 100 to Solar 200:
Heliostat Cost Improvement Breakout by Category
Percent of
Total Cost
Technical Scaling
Mirrors 8.6% 0% 0% 100% The cost improvements are due to volume
Drive (azimuth) 45.0% 10% 0% 90% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements but the majority of
improvements will come from volume
Drive (elevation) 4.9% 10% 0% 90% The design is based on enhancement of a
proven design. There will be technical
improvements but the majority of the cost
improvements will come from volume
Structural Steel 9.2% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on purchasing
large quantities of commercially available
steel shapes.
Pedestal 3.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on purchasing
large quantities of commercially available
steel shapes
Other 1.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement based on volume
Communications 4.7% 10% 0% 90% There will be technical improvements from
operating experience and better
production based on learning curve but
the majority of the cost improvement will
come from volume production.
Labor 2.7% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Capital Equipment
& Tooling
11.9% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Other Production
2.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Installation 2.2% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Field Wiring 3.9% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Total (Weighted
— 5% 0% 95%
Table E-24 — Solar 200 to Solar 220:
Heliostat Cost Improvement Breakout by Category
Percent of
Total Cost
Technical Scaling
Mirrors 8.6% 100% 0% 0% The cost improvements are technical
advances in developing an enhanced
Drive (azimuth) 45.0% 100% 0% 0% The cost improvements are technical
advances in developing an enhanced
Drive (elevation) 4.9% 100% 0% 0% The cost improvements are technical
advances in developing an enhanced
Structural Steel 9.2% 100% 0% 0% The cost improvements are technical
advances in developing an enhanced
Pedestal 3.3% 100% 0% 0% The cost improvements are technical
advances in developing an enhanced
Other 1.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement based on volume
Communications 4.7% 10% 0% 90% There will be technical improvements from
operating experience and better
production based on learning curve but
the majority of the cost improvement will
come from volume production.
Labor 2.7% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Capital Equipment
& Tooling
11.9% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Other Production
2.3% 0% 0% 100% Cost improvement is based on better
production techniques and the majority on
volume production
Installation 2.2% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Field Wiring 3.9% 0% 0% 100% All cost improvement is based on volume
Total (Weighted
— 72% 0% 28%
E.5.1 Mirrors
Mirror costs in the SunLab model are essentially the same as ADL for one plant deployment as shown in
Table E-25. The mirror cost estimate has a medium to high degree of accuracy based on vendor supplied pricing
quotes. The mid point of the range of quotes $1.00 to $1.50 per ft
was used by ADL. The cost improvement
estimate based on quantity purchasing is a reasonable. The key difference between normal glass and that used
for heliostats is that normal glass has iron whereas solar glass uses low iron. The manufacturers have the
capability to manufacturer the glass, but the higher cost is due to a premium for shutting down production of
normal glass and resetting for a production run of solar glass. Higher quantity of demand will increase the
production run time for solar applications and reduce the premium cost. The SunLab estimate for cost
improvement is $0.95 per ft
which is conservative since it is about twice the cost of normal glass of $0.47
per ft
estimated by Head West Inc. (Arthur D. Little 2001), which still allows for $0.48 per ft
premium for
manufacturing production runs (see Table E-25).
Glass mirrors are expensive and heavy. Research in alternate mirrors is required to reduce costs. The new
mirrors must have the same or better optical quality and have the same durability as glass mirrors. Glass mirrors
have proven at SEGS and the Solar demonstration plants have shown that with proper design there has been no
long-term degradation of the reflective quality. The alternate glass must be able to withstand continuous
washing without damaging the reflective surface. The SunLab model does not assume a technology change to
lighter glass until Solar 200.
Table E-25 — Mirrors: Cost Comparison between SunLab and ADL
AD Little
Base Plant $1.21 per ft
($13.02 per m
227,000 m
(1,534 units)
$1.24 per ft
($13.35 per m
440,000 m
(3,000 units)
Production Cost
$0.95 per ft
($10.20 per m
100,000,000 m
(675,676 units)
Not Studied 4,440,000 m
(30,000 units)
Description Single sheet mirror construction. There are four mirror assemblies with 25
4’ x 4’ (1.49 m
) mirrors for a total of 100 mirrors.
E.5.2 Mirror Assembly
The mirror assembly is not a complex structure. The cross members and hat sections are commercially available
and are assembled by welding. There are four mirror assemblies with 25 4’ x 4’ (1.49 m
) mirrors for a total of
100 mirrors. The mirrors, which are commercially available low lead reflective glass, are attached with RTV.
The only risk is the integrity of the bond between the mirrors and metal. This risk is low; these are the same
mirrors as SEGS and the RTV is upgraded based on improvements developed to solve wind damage.
The carousel assembly system for mirrors has been used in the construction of about 13,000 mirror modules for
95 m
trackers. The assembly of mirror will take place in a 10,000-ft
building at or near the plant site. The
details of the facility, equipment, process sequence, man-loading and time sequence is provided the SolMaT
study done by Solar Kinetics, Inc. (1996) for 148 m
. Solar Kinetics has independently documented their
approach in the “Mirror Module Assembly Plan.” The results of the study are summarized below:
A list of major equipment required to build mirror modules is provided but there is no cost
estimate. ATS stated that the $1 million estimate used by SunLab was reasonable.
Mirror module assembly estimate is 17 man-hours, which includes 10% fringe time and 20%
down time. The estimate is based on 1,000 heliostats per year with two 6-day shifts working for
32 weeks (5.5 per shift: 3.5 workers, 1 supervisor, and 1 QA inspector. The SunLab estimate is
24 man-hours.
The rack assemble consists of the pedestal, torque tube assembly and rack. The ‘rack’ is
everything above the pedestal. The materials are commercially available and assembled by
E.5.3 Drives
The estimated cost of the drive and cost improvement from production volume are essentially the same as the
ADL study as shown in Table E-26. ADL’s conclusion is based on discussions with vendors, specifically
Peerless Winsmith and Hub City. ADL identified in their report that improvement in drive costs “are possible at
higher volumes because this amount of business can justify a dedicated production facility.” ADL assumptions
were $6,000 per unit for 1,000 annual production $4,000 per unit for 3,000 annual production, and $3,000 per
unit for 30,000 annual production. The difference between the costs is that the SunLab cost estimate included a
rotary azimuth drive and elevation drive whereas the ADL cost estimate included a dual axis drive.
Table E-26 — Drives: Cost Comparison between SunLab and ADL
AD Little
Base Plant $5,885 227,000 m
(1,534 units)
$4,000 440,000 m
(3,000 units)
Production Cost
$3,030 100,000,000 m
(675,676 units)
$3,000 4,440,000 m
(30,000 units)
Description The current technology solution of ball screw, worm gear, or hydraulic
drives for the azimuth and elevation drives. SunLab drive consists of a
lower cost azimuth drive developed by Peerless Winsmith and a separate
elevation drive. The ADL cost study included a single axis drive.
The next generation drive (Solar Tres) design is a planocentric azimuth drive coupled with a scissor joint and
ball screw actuator. NREL contracted with Peerless-Winsmith in 1996 to define and develop the manufacturing
procedures and costs for a dual axis drive system with focus on more accurate cost information (DFMA
Workshop, contract ACG-5-15209-01). Peerless-Winsmith has designed this lower cost drive for Sandia, and
therefore, DOE owns the rights to the drive. The drives are still in the development stage; about ten drives have
been built. Peerless-Winsmith has a contract presently to provide detailed price projections for 1,500 units.
Winsmith developed new cost data for the low cost azimuth solar drive in October 1999 “Enhanced Azimuth
Solar Drive Project for Sandia National Laboratories,” Contract Number BF-0031. The azimuth solar drive
reflects the latest changes and improvements of the azimuth drive design, including o-ring seals and replacing
the power transfer chain with eccentric drive shafts. The cost data were based on a detailed material list of parts,
labor, and cost for pattern & tooling and cost improvements up to 500 units (see Table E-27). These costs are
provided by the manufacturer based on detailed design and therefore have a fairly high accuracy. Winsmith
stated, “The project team feels that given even higher quantities, further cost improvements can be obtained with
higher tooling and equipment outlays.”
Table E-27 — Peerless Cost Estimates for Drives
Cost for Ten Units
Cost for 500 Units
Unit Cost
Pattern &
Total Cost
Unit Cost
Pattern &
Total Cost
Worm &
$5,331 $14,595/10 =
$6,791 $4,064 $44,385/500
= $89
Planetary &
$5,377 $14,595/10 =
$6,797 $4,035 $44,385/500
= $89
Peerless-Winsmith designed, developed, and tested an azimuth drive in 1987 to handle loads for the 148-m
heliostat. The drive has been used for various applications, including a few prototype trackers, a prototype ATS
heliostat located at Sandia, and a few units for testing. The estimated cost (see Table E-28) for the next
generation heliostat drive (Solar Tres) is reasonable based on the following:
Peerless cost estimate for the 148-m
azimuth drive (500 units) is $4,150 per unit. This is for a
two-stage azimuth drive only, not for elevation drive.
SunLab cost estimate for the 148-m
azimuth drive (1,534 units) is $4,035 per unit.
Comparison of the SunLab cost estimate for 95 m
and 148 m
indicates a scaling factor of 0.62
based on weight (see Table E-28). This is within the range of an acceptable assumption.
Nook industries quoted a cost of $805 for 500 ball screws (elevation drives) for the 95-m
Table E-28 — Economy of Scale between the 95-m
and 148-m
Heliostat Drives
Heliostat Size (m
95 148
Heliostat Weight 10,890 16,490
Rotary azimuth drive $3,400 $4,035
Elevation drive pivot structure $400 $600
Elevation drive actuator $750 $1,250
Total Drive Cost $4,550 $5,885
Scaling factor based on weight 0.62
E.5.4 Control and Communications
The SunLab cost estimate for control and communications is shown in Table E-29. ADL did not include the cost
of control & communication in their estimate.
Table E-29 — Control & Communications Cost
SunLab AD Little
Control &
Base Plant $875 227,000 m
(1,534 units)
Production Cost
$640 100,000,000 m
(675,676 units)
— —
The SunLab estimate is based on the following:
Logic Board & Controller: base is $300/production improvement is $130.
Encoders, wiring & enclosure – base is $305 / production is $260.
Two DC motors – base is $270 / production is $250.
The cost improvements projected by SunLab are reasonable. The largest contributor to the cost improvement is
the logic board & controller. The electronics business has shown significant cost improvements with increases in
production (computer technology is an excellent example). The cost improvement has a progress ratio of 0.88,
which is a conservative assumption. Average module technologies based on electronics are 0.80 (Neij 1997).
The other cost improvements are within the range of expected cost improvements: encoders, wiring & enclosure
– progress ratio of 0.98 and DC motors – progress ratio of 0.99.
E.5.5 Production (Shop) Fabrication
The cost comparison for production fabrication costs is shown in Table E-30.
Table E-30 — Production Fabrication Cost Comparison between SunLab and ADL
SunLab AD Little
Shop Fabrication
Base Plant $800 227,000 m
(1,534 units)
$1,552 —
Production Cost
$345 100,000,000 m
(675,676 units)
— —
The SunLab cost estimate is based on the following assumptions shown in Table E-31:
Table E-31 — SunLab Assumptions
Activity Base Case Production Volume
Mirror Support 8 mhrs 4.9 mhrs
Mirror Modules 24 mhrs 8.9 mhrs
Total Manufacturing 32 mhrs 14 mhrs
Labor Rate (including benefits) $25 $25
The ADL cost estimate is based on the following assumptions:
Labor cost (direct and indirect): $1,552
Labor Rate (including benefits): Assembly - $12 per hour; Skilled Labor - $18 per hour;
Average $15 per hour.
Total manufacturing (direct and indirect): 103 mhrs ($1,552/$15)
The Solar Kinetics, Inc. cost estimate is based on the following assumptions:
A list of major equipment required to build mirror modules is provided but there is no cost
Heliostat assembly estimate is 18 man-hours (not including painting, final assembly and
checkout, which SKI estimates at 1+3.3+1=5.3 hours or 23 hours total), which includes 10%
fringe time and 20% down time. The estimate is based on 1,000 heliostats per year with two 6-
day shifts working for 32 weeks (6 per shift: 5 workers and 1 supervisor).
SunLab projection for the base case is reasonable based on the following observations:
The estimate for assembly hours (18 hrs) studied by Solar Kinetics is less than SunLab.
The ADL study can not be used as a comparison since it includes direct and indirect costs.
SunLab model is based on setting up the production facility at the site. ADL study is based on
setting up an independent production facility.
SunLab projection for volume production cost improvements is optimistic based on the following observations:
The Solar Kinetic estimate of 18 mnhrs is based on 1,000 heliostats per year. It is not likely that
there will be a significant improvement in manhours as a result of increasing production by a
factor of 6.
E.5.6 Installation
The installation cost estimate and comparison between SunLab and ADL is shown in Table E-32.
Table E-32 — Installation Costs Comparison between SunLab and ADL
AD Little
Installation &
Base Plant $1,827 227,000 m
(1,534 units)
$1,427 —
Production Cost
$1,167 100,000,000 m
(675,676 units)
— —
The SunLab cost estimate is based on the following assumptions shown in Table E-33:
Table E-33 — SunLab Cost Assumptions
Activity Base Case Production Volume
Foundation $200 $153
Pedestal 3 mhrs 2.3 mhrs
Paint 2 mhrs 1.5 mhrs
Final Assembly 24 mhrs 8.9 mhrs
Activity Base Case Production Volume
Checkout/Startup 1 mhr 1 mhr
Total Installation 30 mhrs 15 mhrs
Labor Rate (including benefits) $25 $25
Field Wiring $877 $671
The ADL study was based on discussions with construction companies and their 2001 CostWorks analysis. The
assumptions are as follows:
Installation: 4 hours with 3 workers = 12 man-hours
Labor Rate (including benefits): $15
Vendor quote to drill hole, place pedestal and concrete: $800
Cost of aerial lift: $447 (based on about 4 lifts a day at 5 ton crane rental of $1,738 per day)
Note that the ADL study for installation cost does not add up correctly: (12 mhrs x $15 = $180) plus ($800) plus
($447) equals $1,427 not $2,072
The SunLab cost projection for the base case is lower than expected based on the following observations:
Comparison of the ADL and the SunLab cost estimates corrected for labor rate and field wiring
indicate that ADL is higher (ADL is $1,622 and SunLab is $950)
The ADL cost estimate is based on vendor quotes
The SunLab cost projection for volume is optimistic based on the following observations. S&L adjusted their
cost estimate to compensate for these.
The main cost improvement is the final assembly from 24 man-hours to 8.9 man-hours, which is
not realistic. Cost improvements would only be expected with improvement in assembly
techniques, equipment, and tools and there is really not much to improve for the installation
Man-hour improvements are not as easily achieved for a construction activity as for a
manufacturing process.
E.5.7 Structural Steel, Pedestal and Other
The SunLab cost projection for the base case (see Table E-34) is reasonable based on the following
There is a difference of $289 per unit for material costs of the structural steel, pedestal and other
(see Table E-34). The difference is a result of two different cost estimating methods and is not
significant (1.8% of total fabrication cost).
The estimate is based on actual design drawings and material costs
Table E-34 — Structural Steel and Pedestal Cost Comparison
Structural Steel,
Pedestal, & Other
Base Plant
AD Little
Base Plant
Structural Steel $3,412 $2,122
Pedestal $1,705 $1,330
Other $770 $2,146
Total $5,887 $5,598
The SunLab cost projection for volume is optimistic based on the following observations. S&L adjusted their
cost estimate to compensate for this.
SunLab projects a 5% weight improvement in the structural steel and pedestal based on a more
rigorous design and analysis. The cost improvement is from $138 per m
to $127 per m
. There
was no objective information to evaluate this cost improvement.
E.5.8 Overhead and Profit
Table E-35 — Overhead and Profit
AD Little
Base Plant
Production Cost
Base Plant
Production Cost
Overhead and Profit 15% 15% 25% N/A
Fixed Costs $5.83 per unit $1.60 per unit Included in
Overhead and
The financial assumptions for ADL are shown below:
Table E-36 — Financial Assumptions for ADL
Equipment Depreciation 7 years
Cost of Capital 15%
Sales & Distribution 4% of sales
General & Administrative 8% of sales
R&D 0% of sales
Insurance 1% of sales
Federal Taxes 3% of sales
State Taxes 1% of sales
Net Profit 8% of sales
Corporate Overhead 25% of sales
The SunLab cost estimate is low based on the ADL cost estimate. S&L adjusted their estimate to compensate for
E.5.9 Capital Equipment and Tooling
Table E-37 — Capital Equipment and Tooling
Capital Equipment and
SunLab Base
AD Little
Base Plant
Production 1,534 3,000
Engineering Design $259,000
Manufacturing Facilities and
$800,000 —
Equipment Lease $200,000
Field Computer and BCS
$150,000 —
Total $1,400,000 $903,000
Cost per Heliostat $912.65 $301
The SunLab cost estimate is slightly less than the value shown in Table E-37. S&L adjusted their cost estimate
to compensate for this.
The difference is attributed to ADL basing their cost on a supplier setting up a manufacturing facility whereas
SunLab’s estimate is based on a local assembly shop associated with the construction project.
Cost improvements based on volume production are shown in Figure E-10.
Figure E-10 —Heliostat Capital Cost and Equipment Cost Reductions
No. of Heliostats
Cost ($/m2)
Cost per m2 95m2
Cost per m2 148 m2
E.6.1 Capital Cost
Sargent & Lundy estimated the cost for the power block based on the SOAPP model,
compared it to our
internal database, and then adjusted the output for labor and productivity rates in the Southwest. The results of
EPRI SOAPP is a fully integrated program for technology evaluation, conceptual design, costing, and financial analysis of
combustion-turbine-based power plants for project and proposal development. SOAPP-CT integrates process design,
costing, and financial analysis of combustion turbine simple- and combined-cycle power plants, including cogeneration.
Sargent & Lundy developed SOAPP under contract to EPRI.
our review are shown in Table E-38 and Figure E-11. The power block costs include the steam turbine and
generator, steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater, and condensate systems.
Table E-38 — Capital Cost of Electrical Power Block
Solar Two
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
Power Block MWe 13.5 50 100 200 220
SunLab $M $10.0 $24.5 $40.0 $64.0 $83.6
$/kWe $730 $490 $400 $320 $380
S&L $M $7.6 $18.6 $30.6 $46.2 $61.8
$/kWe $563 $373 $306 $231 $281
E.6.2 Technology Improvements
E.6.2.1 Efficiencies
The power block is a conventional Rankine-cycle steam turbine. The Rankine-cycle steam turbine is an
established technology with future major improvements focusing on increased inlet steam pressure and
temperature conditions to increase the cycle efficiency.
The steam cycle foundation is the Rankine cycle. As the inlet steam conditions (pressure and temperature)
increase, the Rankine cycle efficiency increases. The near-term steam cycle efficiency from 34% to 40.3% is
predicated on increasing the inlet steam temperature from 510°C to without reheat 540°C with reheat. The long-
term increase to 42.8% for Solar 200 is based on 540°C steam inlet temperature. The net steam turbine
efficiency. The increase from Solar 200 (42.8%) to Solar 220 (46.1%) is based on 640°C steam inlet
temperature with an advanced double reheat turbine. The summary of steam turbine efficiency projections is
shown in Table E-39.
Table E-39 – Turbine Projected Efficiencies
USA Solar 50
Design Details 1988 1999 2004 2006 2008 2012 2018
Plant output, net, MWe 10 10 13.7 50 100 200 220
Rankine Cycle
Pressure, Bar 125 125 125 125 125 180 300
Live steam Temp, °C 510 510 540 540 540 540 640
Reheat #1 Temp, °C 540 540 540 540 640
Reheat #2 Temp, °C — — — — — 540 640
Rankine Cycle Design
Point Efficiency
SunLab, % 32.0% 34.0% 40.3% 41.8% 42.3% 42.8% 46.1%
S&L, % 38.0% 40.6% 41.4% 42.8% 45.6%
The net steam turbine efficiency (gross efficiency minus the percentage of parasitic power consumption required
for plant operation) is accounted for by calculation of the parasitic consumption separately. The near-term
turbine efficiency was verified by S&L based on the ABB-Brown Boveri heat balances (HTGD 582395, Sheets
1-7) for SEGS IX, which show an efficiency of 37.7% (in LUZ International Limited 1990). The Rankine cycle
efficiency gains for increasing the inlet steam temperature from 540°C to 640°C were verified by S&L by using
General Electric STGPER software program (Version 4.08.00, January 2002). The results from the STGPER
software for Solar 200 and Solar 220 were extrapolated to account for dual reheat turbines. The turbine
efficiencies are summarized in Table E-39.
The type of heat transfer fluid (HTF) determines the operational temperature and thus the maximum power cycle
efficiency that can be obtained. The HTF molten nitrate salt (60 wt % NaNO
and 40 wt % KNO
) nitrate salt
used in Solar Two demonstrated that steam temperatures of 540°C were achieved (Pacheco et al. 2002); for
example, test no. 5 at full flow conditions measured actual HTF at 557°C and steam temperature at 542°C.
E.6.2.2 Discussion
There are no steam turbine technological risks in achieving the SunLab projected efficiencies. There are
currently numerous steam turbines operating with steam inlet conditions over 250 bar pressure and 590°C
temperature, with gross efficiencies over 44%.
The advance from Solar 200 to Solar 220 is based on current
research on increasing the inlet steam pressure and temperature conditions. This increase in efficiency for steam
turbines is technically feasible and should be available by 2018. The major issue will be the higher temperatures
and impact on materials.
E.6.3 Economy of Scale
There are recognized scale-up cost reductions for the power block. Using the SOAPP software program and
S&L’s internal database, the scale-up factor was estimated for the increasing the power block from 13.5 MW to
200 MW, as depicted on Figure E-11. The S&L trend curve is expressed as:
Y = (1,275.8) x
– 0.3145
Y = $/kW
x = MWe
Plant (commercial operation date): Nanaoota 1 (1995), Noshiro 2 (1995), Haramachi 1 (1997), Haramachi 2 (1998),
Millmerran (2002), Matauura 2 (1997), Misumi 1 (1998), Tachibana Bay (2000), Bexback (2002), Lubeck (1995), Aledore
1 (2000), Nordjylland (1998). From Power (Swanekamp 2002).
Figure E-11 — Capital Cost of Electrical Power Block
0 50 100 150 200 250
Power block costs include the steam turbine and generator,
steam turbine and generator auxiliaries, feedwater and
condensate systems
Advanced Turbine Generator for Solar 220
SunLab - $320 per kW
S&L - $281 per kW
However, since a single steam turbine is supplied with each tower plant, production volume is not a
consideration for cost reduction.
E.6.4 Cost Improvements
Cost improvements were evaluated by S&L against three categories: technical (efficiency and design
optimization), economy of scale, and volume production. The cost reductions determined by S&L for the
electric power block is an average of 18% due to technical improvements, 82% for scale-up, and 0% for volume
production. The cost improvements for the electric power block based on step changes in plant size and
breakdown comparison is shown in Section 5.7.
E.7.1 Capital Cost
Table E-40 — Capital Cost of Receiver
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Receiver System Capital Cost –SunLab, $M $39.2 $9.1 $14.7 $23 $29.1 $39.4 $43.3
Receiver System Capital Cost –S&L (based
on Boeing), $M
$16 $26 $34 $46
Receiver System Capital Cost, $/kWt $133 $68 $49 $33
The SunLab cost estimate for the capital cost for receiver is lower than the latest Boeing cost estimate. The
SunLab cost estimate should be adjusted to be in accordance with the latest detailed Boeing cost estimate. S&L
determined that the Boeing cost estimate is reasonable based on the following:
The cost estimate is based on actual costs from Solar Two, which adjustments to compensate for
design improvements, manufacturing improvements, construction labor rates and escalation.
The cost estimate is based on detailed design drawings and material take-offs (bottoms up cost
estimate), which provides a higher degree of accuracy.
Estimates for Solar 50, 100, and 200 receivers were developed from Solar Two and Solar Tres
with appropriate scale up and available industry data.
Boeing is a key player in developing tower technology with present focus on Solar Tres
The business group that addresses CSP technology has the resources of one of the largest,
reputable companies in the United States.
Boeing is presently spending significant money (not disclosed due to confidentiality) on
industry research and development. They spent $2 million of funds for research on Solar Two.
E.7.2 Technology Improvement
E.7.2.1 Efficiency
Table E-41 — Receiver Efficiency
Solar 50
Receiver Efficiency 76.0% 78.3% 80.9% 83.1% 83.5% 82.0%
Defocus, Dump, Startup, Clouds 90.0% 92.7% 93.4% 93.4% 93.4% 93.4%
Absorbance 93.0% 93.0% 93.0% 94.0% 94.5% 94.5%
Receiver Thermal Losses 90.7% 90.9% 93.1% 94.7% 94.7% 92.9%
Change in Receiver Efficiency 2.39% 2.53% 2.23% 0.44% -1.59%
Percent Change in Field Area 0.4% 0.51% 0.96% 1.06% 0.81%
The increased efficiency is from the following:
Reduction in heat loss, which is approximately proportional to reduction in receiver surface area
per incident power
Increase of receiver absorbtivity through Industry Research & Development (IR&D)
Decrease of receiver emissivity from selected coatings achieved through IR&D
High nickel tubes allow higher solar flux and smaller tube surface for Solar 200.
Improved heliostat aiming allows higher average flux on receiver
Gradual increase in solar flux as operating experience is gained from the preceding plant
Improved insulation and receiver header oven covers further reduces heat loss.
The efficiency changes and basis for each change in plant size is shown in Section E.3.6.
E.7.2.2 Other
Solar Two demonstrated manufacturing, construction and operation of the molten salt tower receiver. The
receiver system efficiency and thermal storage efficiency exceeded or met expectations. The feasibility of
dispatchable solar power was proven. There were several problems encountered that have been evaluated and
have been resolved for Solar Tres and future plants.
Downcomer piping failed near a horizontal pipe section below the receiver. Both the receiver
and the down-comer piping grow considerably as they heat up to the 1,050°F (565°C) operating
temperature. The piping design did not adequately cover the downcomers thermal growth
during heat-up and cool down cycles. Larger expansion loops and a material change eliminated
this concern.
Receiver fill operation was changed from a flood fill to a more rapid serpentine fill technique.
A number of receiver tubes developed slow leaks due to intergranular corrosion (IGC). The new
tube material eliminated this problem.
However, this change did not solve all receiver startup problems. As reported in “An Evaluation
of Molten-Salt Power Towers Including Results of the Solar Two Project”:
An inability to heat receiver header ovens to 450°F (232°C) often delayed introduction of salt
into the receiver. In addition, frozen tubes (as revealed by the infrared camera) often delayed
the transition from receiver fill to normal operation. During the downcomer outage, project
personnel implemented a number of modifications, including changing the oven-to-tube seal,
adding heat trace behind the tubes at the oven-to-tube interface, and adding baffles between
oven covers. Since these modifications were only implemented on several of the west
(windward) lower oven covers, they did not eliminate all receiver startup delays. The
modifications did, however, indicate that receiver startup delays could be minimized or
eliminated with some simple design changes. One simple change would be to locate the tube
clips away from the oven-to-tube interface area, since the tube clips represent a heat sink,
which is hard to heat when located at this interface. Another modification would be to change
the oven-to-tube sealing technique.
Design improvements for Solar Tres include the following:
Change from 316SS to high nickel alloy tubes, which allows higher peak solar flux and is
“essentially immune” to chloride stress corrosion cracking (Boeing undated). The new material
was tested at Sandia and in Solar Two in a full size panel.
Redesign with inexpensive receiver cover ovens
Improved inlet vessel operational design (Boeing patent pending)
Simpler header design with fewer subcomponent parts (Boeing patent pending)
Reduction of piping and valves.
E.7.3 Economy of Scale
Table E-42 — Economies of Scale (Boeing)
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Receiver Surface Area, m
100 269 710 1,120 1,960 1,960
Receiver System Capital Cost, $1,000/m
$91 $59 $37 $30 $23 $24
Receiver System Capital Cost –Boeing, $M $9.1 $16.0 $26.0 $34.0 $46.0 $48.3
Receiver System Capital Cost with a Scaling
Factor of 0.7 (calculated from Solar Two
based on increase in surface area)
— — $18.2 $31.6 $35.8 $50.3 $50.8
Boeing, based on their experience in manufacturing receivers and similar components, used a scaling factor of
0.7. The estimated capital cost for receivers was calculated based on a scaling factor of 0.7, as shown in Table
E-42. The difference between the capital cost calculated with a scale-up of 0.7 and the projected capital cost is a
cost reduction, which is attributed to technical and volume production; for example, the receiver cost for Solar
50 is estimated to be $26 million. The cost projection based on a scaling factor of 0.7 would be $31.6 million
[Receiver Cost for Solar 100 = $16 x (710/269)
= $31.6 million]. The difference is $5.6, which is attributed to
technical improvements and production volume, as discussed in Section E.7.4.
E.7.4 Production Volume
Since only one receiver is manufactured for each plant, production volume is not a consideration for cost
improvement when evaluating a single plant. However, fabrication learning curve from previous projects will
provide cost improvements due to the repetitive assembly related with manufacturing receiver panels and their
subcomponent parts. For example, in Solar Tres, 6,000 clips are welded onto 850 individual tubes that are then
welded to 34 headers, which are part of 17 identical receiver panels. Boeing is expecting 85% to 90% learning
curve based on previous experience. Boeing has also identified cost improvements due to improved
manufacturing tooling and automation and quantity discount of material, which are reasonable assumptions.
Material and components are about 35% of receiver costs.
Table E-43 — Effect of Production Volume (Percent of Total Savings)
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Fabrication Learning Curve, % 5% 9% 7% 3%
Improved Manufacturing Tools and
Automation, %
2% 3% 3% 1%
Quantity discount of material, % 0% 2% 2% 1%
Total, % 7% 14% 12% 5%
E.7.5 Cost Comparison
Table E-44 — Total Installed Cost
Tres USA
Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Year 2004 2006 2008 2012 2018
Receiver Boeing, $M $16.0 $26.0 $34.0 $46.0 $48.3
Receiver SunLab, $M $14.0 $19.8 $25.0 $36.9 $34.4
E.7.6 Cost Improvements
Cost Improvements are evaluated against three categories: technical (efficiency and design optimization),
economy of scale and volume production. The cost reduction determined by S&L for the receiver is an average
of 46% due to technical, 40% due to scale-up and 14% due to volume production. The method used by S&L is
shown below, and the detailed calculation is shown in Section E.7.7.
Cost Savings = Cost Savings from Technical + Cost Savings from Scale-up + Cost savings from
Volume Production
Cost savings from Technical = Cost savings due to receiver flux increase + Cost savings due
to receiver improved efficiency + Cost savings in heliostat field
size due to improvements in receiver efficiency.
Cost savings from Scale-up = Capital cost based on 0.7 scaling factor minus Capital cost
based on 1.0 scaling factor
Cost savings from Volume Production = Cost savings from manufacturing receiver panels and
subcomponent parts.
The cost improvements and basis for the improvements for each change in plant size are shown in Section 5.6.
E.7.7 Receiver Efficiency Improvements
Table E-45 — Sargent & Lundy Determination of Receiver Cost Reduction Breakout
Abbr. 1988 1999 2004 2006 2008 2012 2018
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Receiver Surface Area, m
100 269 710 1,120 1,960 34.4
Receiver Peak Incident Flux, MW/m
0.45 0.8 0.95 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6
Ratio Average/Peak Incident Flux 43% 60% 51% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Receiver Average Incident Flux, MW/m
0.20 0.48 0.49 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8
Receiver Efficiency (annual) 64.8% 76% 78.2% 79.9% 82.3% 83.2% 81.3%
Receiver System Capital Cost –Boeing,
TC $9.1 $16.0 $26.0 $34.0 $46.0 $48.3
Receiver Capital Cost with a Scaling
Factor of 0.7 (calculated from Solar Two
based on increase in surface area), $M
$18.2 $31.6 $35.8 $50.3 $50.8
Receiver Capital Cost without a scaling
factor (e.g., scaling factor = 1), $M
$24.5 $42.3 $41.0 $59.5 $60.4
Cost Savings from scaling factor
= TC
– TC
$6.3 $10.7 $5.2 $9.2 $9.6
Receiver Cost Savings from Smaller
Receivers due to higher flux levels
Area with Solar Two avg. flux, m
274 893 1,643 3,285 3,336
Cost with Solar Two avg. flux and
scaling factor, $M
$18.5 $37.0 $46.8 $72.2 $73.0
Cost savings from flux increase
= TC
], $M
0.26 5.48 11.00 21.91 22.15
Abbr. 1988 1999 2004 2006 2008 2012 2018
Receiver cost savings from increased
efficiency due to higher flux levels
Area with Solar Two avg. flux, m
277 747 1,213 2,148 2,129
Cost with Solar Two avg. flux and
scaling factor, $M
18.6 32.7 37.8 53.6 48.7
Cost savings from flux increase
= TC
], $M
0.38 1.14 2.06 3.33 -2.10
Heliostat cost savings (collector area)
from increased receiver efficiency – from
Table E-8), $M
$3.31 $2.21 $0.7 $0.042 $-0.958
Total Cost Savings from technology
= CS
+ CS
3.95 8.83 13.76 25.29 19.09
Cost Savings from Volume Production
[CSv = TCs – TC – CS
– CS
1.56 5.56 1.77 4.30 2.54
Cost Reduction from Scaling, $M CS
6.3 10.7 5.2 9.2 9.6
Cost Reduction from Technical, $M CS
3.9 8.8 13.8 25.3 19.1
Cost Reduction from Production Vol., $M CS
2.2 5.6 1.8 4.3 2.5
Total Cost Reduction, including receiver
and heliostat field, $M
12.4 25.1 20.8 38.8 31.2
Cost Reduction from Technical, % CS
32% 35% 66% 65% 31%
Cost Reduction from Scaling, % CS
50% 43% 25% 24% 61%
Cost Reduction from Production Vol., % CS
18% 22% 9% 11% 8%
E.8.1 Capital Cost
The capital cost estimate for the thermal storage system is shown in Table E-46.
Table E-46 — Capital Cost for Thermal Storage – SunLab Reference Case
Thermal Storage - Duration at
peak output, hr
N/A 3 16 16 13 13 12.7
Net Plant Size – Thermal, MWt 46 42 120 380 700 1,400 1,400
Thermal Storage System Direct
Cost, $M
$20.1 $3.7 $5.9 $18.7 $28.9 $56.3 $57.2
Thermal Storage System Direct
Cost, $/kWe
$431 $374 $289 $281 $261
The SunLab cost estimate for the capital cost for thermal storage is reasonable based on the following:
The cost estimate is a definitive cost estimate based on detailed design drawings and material
The unit cost parameters are within typical industry values.
The contingency is 10%.
The binary nitrate salt cost is based on vendor quotes, which includes shipping.
E.8.2 Technology Improvement
E.8.2.1 Efficiency
The storage design point efficiency is projected at 99.9% for all cases. The efficiency of Solar Two was
demonstrated at 99.9%, and since there is no significant technology changes, it can be expected to remain
constant. With larger plants, tank volume-to-surface-area ratio increases further, which increases storage
E.8.2.2 Discussion
Solar Two demonstrated molten salt as a viable, large-scale thermal energy storage medium. Energy storage
efficiencies of 99% were achieved. The design, construction, and performance of large, field-erected, externally
insulated tanks for storing molten salt were demonstrated.
There are several ongoing studies for improvement of the design and construction including the following:
Alternative valve designs for hot salt service.
Alternative salt downcomer designs.
Materials testing on stainless steels 347 and 321 are planned to demonstrate their resistance to
IGC in salt service.
E.8.3 Economy of Scale
Table E-47— Economy of Scale for Thermal Storage
Steam Generator
Solar 50
Direct Cost (SunLab) $3.70 $5.90 $18.70 $29.30 $56.30 $57.30
Cost Reduction Due to Scaling based
on Scaling Factor of 0.78
$3.75 $5.81 $9.69 $9.40
Cost Reduction Due to Scaling, $M $14.50 $30.12 $50.31 $56.30
Cost Due to Technology
Improvements, $M
$4.20 ($0.82) $5.99 $1.00
Cost Due to Technology
Improvement, %
— — 22.5% -2.8% 10.6% 1.7%
The scale-up from Solar Two to Solar 220 thermal storage for the SunLab cost estimate is 0.78. This is
reasonable based on the following:
The main components are the hot storage tank, cold storage tank and piping.
The scale-up was calculated based on the difference between the actual cost for Solar Two and
vendor quotes for Solar100 (Central Receiver Utility Studies 1989)
The SunLab estimate is within the range of expected scale-up factors based on S&L’s
experience with similar equipment in electric power plants.
E.8.4 Production Volume
Since the thermal storage system is comprised of single components, production volume is not a consideration
for cost improvement.
E.8.5 Cost Improvements—Thermal Storage and Parasitic
Cost improvements for thermal storage and parasitic were evaluated against technical efficiency improvements.
Parasitic was included since thermal storage is the key contributor to minimizing parasitic losses. The cost
improvements are shown in Table E-48.
Table E-48 – Thermal Storage and Parasitic Cost Improvements Due to Technology (Efficiency)
Improvements (Effect on Collector Field)
Solar Two to
Solar Tres
Solar Tres to
Solar 50
Solar 50 to
Solar 100
Solar 100 to
Solar 200
Solar 200 to
Solar 220
Thermal Storage
Percent Effect on Cost
Reduction, %
-0.4% -0.1% -0.0% -0.0% -0.0%
Cost Reduction, $M -$0.41 -$0.17 -$0.02 -$0.01 -$0.05
Percent Effect on Cost
Reduction, %
-3.6% -0.7% -0.1% -0.1% -0.2%
Cost Reduction, $M -$3.72 -$1.39 -$0.36 -$0.25 -$1.08
E.8.6 Cost Improvements
Cost Improvements were evaluated by S&L against three categories: technical (efficiency and design
optimization), economy of scale, and volume production. The cost reductions determined by S&L for the
thermal storage system is an average of 7% due to technical improvements, 93% for scale-up, and 0% for
volume production.
E.9.1 Capital Cost
The capital cost estimated by SunLab for the steam generator system is shown in Table E-49.
Table E-49 — Steam Generator Capital Cost
Solar Two
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
Direct Cost $1.6 $3.7 $5.8 $9.4 $9.3
The SunLab cost estimate for the steam generator (superheater, evaporator, preheater, and reheater) is based on
actual costs for Solar Two and vendor quotes for a 100-MWe plant (ref: ASND93-7084).
E.9.2 Technology Improvement
The Solar Two design of the steam generator consisted of a straight-shell,
-tube preheater (salt on the shell
side); a kettle-boiler evaporator (salt in the
-tubes); and a straight-shell,
-tube superheater (salt on the shell
side). Intergranular corrosion (IGC) was a problem in some areas where high- carbon stainless steel piping and
fittings were used for containment of molten salt. Future molten-salt power tower designs will use the following:
Piping materials that are not susceptible to IGC.
Four tube-in-shell vessels (preheater, evaporator, superheater, reheater) with salt on the shell
Evaporator will be of a forced circulation design with separate steam drum.
Vessels stacked to provide simplified drain and maintenance procedures.
The Solar Two demonstration project identified the following problems with the steam generator system:
A number of receiver tubes developed slow leaks due to intergranular corrosion (IGC). The new
tube material eliminated this problem.
Poor water mixing in the evaporator shell which lead to salt freeze thaw cycles on the tubes
resulting in a tube rupture and strained tubes.
The recirculation pump’s seals added considerable amount of cold water, which decreased the
temperature of the recirculation flow.
The preheater was bypassed during startup to prevent salt from freezing, but it resulted in
feedwater entering the evaporator below minimum design temperature.
All problems were solved by the following means:
Repairing the evaporator tubes and modifications of evaporator spargers,
Adding a startup feedwater heater, adding a higher capacity canned-rotor recirculation pump,
Eliminating the preheater bypass line,
Adding a feedwater valve to the evaporator inlet piping, and
Modifying the startup procedure to reflect the new configuration and incorporate lessons
learned from the tube rupture.
The modifications solved the problems as mentioned in the report: “No further tube ruptures occurred;
temperature stratification in the evaporator was essentially eliminated; and the system performed more reliably
for the remainder of the project. Operating experience also revealed that varying pump speed could reliably
control salt flow to the SGS. This experience eliminated the need for flow control valves on the SGS salt supply
The technology and lessons learned have been applied to the next generation design of Solar Tres. The
successful operation of the system after repairs and modifications indicate that there is a low risk of significant
problems occurring with the scale-up of the system.
E.9.3 Economy of Scale
Table E-50 — Economy of Scale for Steam Generator
Steam Generator
Solar 50
Direct Cost $1.6 $3.7 $5.8 $9.4 $9.3
Cost Reduction Attributed to Scaling
based on Scaling Factor of 0.74
$3.75 $5.81 $9.69 $9.69
Note: The difference between cost reduction due to scaling and direct cost is attributed to technology improvements
and calculates to an average of 3.7%.
The cost estimates for the other size plants were calculated based on a scaling factor of 0.7, which was
calculated from the steam generator size and cost of Solar Two to the quotes for Solar 100. The cost estimate is
reasonable based on the following:
The cost for Solar Two is an actual cost.
The cost estimate for Solar 100 is based on vendor’s designs and quotes.
The SunLab estimate is within the range of expected scale-up factors based on S&L’s
experience with similar equipment in electric power plants.
A comparison of Solar Two of the preheater, evaporator, and superheater area to Solar 100
preheater, evaporator, and superheater results in a scaling factor of 0.69. Solar 100 has a
reheater and the SunLab calculation included the reheater.
The steam generator design is based on known and proven heat exchanger technology.
A contingency of 10% is included in the cost estimate, which is reasonable.
The SunLab cost estimate for the pumps is based on Solar Two actual costs and Solar Tres detailed budgetary
quotes from vendors. Motor costs are based on standard industry motor costs. The cost estimate is reasonable
based on the following:
The cost for Solar Two is an actual cost
The cost estimate for Solar Tres in based on actual budgetary quotes
Motors are not a unique design but standard industry available models
The cost scaling factors calculated between Solar Two and Solar Tres are lower than industry
standard based on MWt: 0.65 for cold pumps and 0.55 for hot pumps. The reason is based on
material changes for hot components, which are more costly.
E.9.4 Production Volume
Since the steam generator system is comprised of single components, production volume is not a consideration
for cost improvement.
E.9.5 Cost Improvements
Cost Improvements were evaluated by S&L against three categories: technical (efficiency and design
optimization), economy of scale, and volume production. The cost reductions determined by S&L for the steam
generator system is an average of 4% due to technical improvements, 96% for scale-up, and 0% for volume
E.10.1 Capital Cost
Sargent & Lundy estimated the cost for the balance of plant based on the SOAPP model, compared it to our
internal database, and then adjusted the output for labor and productivity rates in the Southwest. The results of
our review are shown in Table E-51 and Figure E-12. The balance-of-plant costs include general balance-of-
plant equipment, condenser and cooling tower system, water treatment system, fire protection, piping,
compressed air systems, closed cooling water system, instrumentation, electrical equipment, and cranes and
Table E-51 — Capital Cost of Balance of Plant
Solar Two
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
Power Block MWe 13.5 50 100 200 220
SunLab $M $4.8 $6.5 $7.8 $9.6 $9.9
$/kWe $356 $130 $78 $48 $45
S&L $M $10 $24.5 $36.7 $33.8 $35.5
$/kWe $741 $490 $367 $169 $148
Figure E-12 — Balance of Plant
0 50 100 150 200 250
alance of Plant costs include general balance
of plant equipment, condenser and cooling
tower system, water treatment system, fire
protection, piping, compressed air
systems,closed cooling water system, plant
control system, electrical equipment, and
cranes and hoists.
E.10.2 Technology Improvements
There are no efficiency improvements projected for balance of plant.
E.10.3 Economy of Scale
There are recognized scale-up cost reductions for the balance of plant. Using the SOAPP software program
(SOAPP undated) and S&L’s internal database, the scale-up factor was estimated for the increasing the balance
of plant from 13.5 MW to 200 MW, as depicted on Figure E-12. The S&L trend curve is expressed as follows:
Y = (461.3) x
– 0.1896
Y = $/kW
x = MWe
E.10.4 Production Volume
Production volume is not a consideration for cost reduction.
E.10.5 Cost Improvements
Cost Improvements were evaluated by S&L against three categories: technical (efficiency and design
optimization), economy of scale, and volume production. The cost reductions determined by S&L for the
balance of plant is an average of 0% due to technical improvements, 100% for scale-up, and 0% for volume
The SunLab model projects tower plant capital and O&M costs based on various technology advances and
commercial deployment predictions. The SunLab projections are considered the best-case analysis where the
technology is optimized and a high deployment rate is achieved. S&L developed capital and O&M costs
on a more conservative approach whereby the technology improvements are limited to current demonstrated or
tested improvements and with a lower rate of deployment than used in the SunLab model. The two sets of
estimates, SunLab’s and S&L’s, provides a band in which the costs can be expected to be, assuming the
parabolic trough technology reaches the projected levels of deployment. A comparison of key parameters used
for the estimates is summarized on Table E-52.
Table E-52 — Key Parameters Comparison
2004 2007 2010 2015 2020
SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L
Deployment, MW 13.5 13.5 50 50 100 100 200 200 220 200
Deployment, MW
13.5 13.5 164 64 914 264 3,914 814 8,734 2,614
Net Annual Solar
13.7% 13.0% 16.1% 15.5% 16.6% 16.1% 16.9% 16.5% 18.1% 16.5%
Heliostat, $/m
$145 $160 $127 $150 $107 $134 $96 $124 $75 $117
The significant differences between the SunLab Reference Case and the S&L estimate are the following:
SunLab projected 8.7 GWe whereas S&L projected 2.6 GWe.
Net Annual Solar Efficiencies.
S&L projected the net annual solar efficiency to be lower based
on proven results and conservative design enhancements. S&L did not include the advanced
eliostat design and advance higher temperature steam turbine in their base case estimate.
Heliostat Cost.
S&L cost estimate is based on a detailed evaluation of existing cost estimates
and independent projection.
Electric Power.
S&L cost estimate is based on the latest industry information and is lower than
the SunLab estimate.
Balance of Plant.
S&L cost estimate is based on the latest industry information and is higher
than the SunLab estimate.
O&M Costs.
S&L estimate is based evaluation of the SunLab projection, visit to the SEGS site,
and our review of conventional power plants. The main difference is scaled-up costs due to the
increase in field size for grounds and vehicle maintenance, average burden rate and raw water
Engineering, Management and Development.
SunLab projected that the Engineering,
Management and Development at 7.8% of cost. S&L projected the cost to be 15%, based on
recent industry experience in developing independent power plants.
SunLab projected the contingency at 7.7%. S&L projected the contingency to be
11.8% for the cost estimate and 15% for cost reductions.
The projections by SunLab and S&L for capital cost and operations & maintenance were used to estimate
levelized energy costs (LEC). After completing the report, SunLab revised its reference case (from August 2002
to October 2002) as shown below. The Sunlab LEC projections are based on the October 2002 reference case.
Revised SunLab Reference Case
Solar Two Solar 15 Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
1999 2004 2006 2008 2014 2018
Net Electrical (MWe) 10 13.7 50 100 200 220
Plant Size Solar (MWt) 42 120 380 700 1400 1400
Heliostat Size (m
) 39/95 95 95 148 148 148
Heliostat Field (m
) 81,400 231,000 715,000 1,317,000 2,614,000 2,651,000
Annual Solar-to-
Electicity Efficiency
7.6% 13.7% 15.7% 16.5% 16.8% 17.8%
Capital Cost ($/kWe) 7,180 4,160 3,160 2,700 2,340
O&M Annual Cost ($k) 2,489 3,166 4,005 5,893 6,006
LEC ($/kWh) $114.8 $61.5 $47.6 $39.6 $35.0
The cost estimates were inputted to the financial model developed by S&L (see Appendix B for a description of
the financial model). The results are shown in Table E-53.
Table E-53 — Capital Cost, O&M Costs and Levelized Energy Cost Summary:
SunLab and S&L
Near Term Mid Term Long Term
SunLab S&L SunLab S&L SunLab S&L
Solar Tres USA Solar 100 Solar 220 Solar 200
2004 2004 2008 2010 2018 2020
Capital Cost, $/MWh $77.4 $97.1 $36.3 $52.9 $27.0 $41.8
Fixed O&M Costs, $/MWh $37.4 $46.1 $11.3 $15.3 $8.0 $12.9
Variable O&M Costs, $/MWh $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0
LEC, $/MWh $114.8 $143.1 $47.6 $68.2 $35.0 $54.7
SunLab – Deployment of 8.7 GWe / S&L – Deployment of 2.6 GWe
Sargent & Lundy’s estimate of the direct capital cost and operation & maintenance costs for the near-term
deployment includes a contingency of about 10%. Based on our review of the SunLab cost estimate, which we
determined was based on industry cost data and engineering judgment, the cost estimate for the near-term
deployment (Solar Tres) is reasonable. The projection from near-term deployment (2003) to long-term
deployment (2020) includes cost reduction due to technology improvements, scaling, and volume production.
S&L included a composite contingency of 15% for cost reductions (15% for technology, 10% for scaling, and
20% for volume production). For comparison, the effect of deployment and annual net efficiencies are shown in
Table E-54.
Table E-54 — Impact of Deployment and Net Solar-to-Electric Efficiency on LEC
Year 2020
Net Solar-to-
Electric Efficiency
Percent change from
S&L Base Case
SunLab 8.7 18.1 0.0350 SunLab Base
S&L 8.7 16.5* 0.0524 -4.2%
S&L 4.7 16.5* 0.0538 -1.6%
S&L 2.6 16.5* 0.0547 S&L Base
S&L 1.2 16.5* 0.0559 2.2%
S&L 2.6** 17.3 0.0476 -13.0%
S&L 2.6** 16.5 0.0547 S&L Base
S&L 2.6** 14.6 0.0590 7.9%
* Fixed net solar-to-electric efficiency
** Fixed total deployment.
The range of LEC between the SunLab cost estimate and S&L’s estimate is about 56% as shown in Figure E-13.
Figure E-13 — Levelized Energy Cost Comparison: SunLab and S&L
Solar Tres USA
Near Term
Solar 50
Solar 100
Mid Term
Solar 200
Solar 220
Long Term
SunLab - 8.7 GWe
Sargent & Lundy - 2.6 GWe
Cost improvements were evaluated by S&L against three categories: technical improvements, scale-up, and
production volume. The contribution of these three categories against the S&L LEC projection is shown in
Figure E-14.
Figure E-14 — Sargent & Lundy LEC Projection Breakout by Category
Solar Tres USA
Near Term
Solar 50
Solar 100
Mid Term
Solar 200
Solar 220
Long Term
Levelized Energy Cost, $/kWhe
Technical - 23%
Scaling - 49%
Volume Production - 28%
The major contributor to cost reduction from Solar Tres to Solar 50 is due to the increase in electrical generation
(13.5 MWe to 50 MWe) as shown in Figure E-15. The annual net energy production increased from
93.2 GWh/yr to 331 GWh/yr.
Figure E-15 — Comparison of SunLab and S&L LEC Estimates: 2004 to 2020
Solar Tres USA
Near Term
Solar 50
Solar 100
Mid Term
Solar 200
Solar 220
Long Term
Levelized Energy Cost, $/kWh
Sunlab - 8.7 GWe
S&L - 2.6 GWe
Technology - 11%
Scaling - 54%
Volume Production - 35%
Major Cost Reduction -
Increase in Net Electrical
93.2 GWhe/
r to 331 GWhe/
Appendix F
Evaluation of O&M Costs – Trough
Table F-1 shows the SunLab projected O&M costs.
Table F-1 – CSP Trough Technology O&M Costs —
SunLab Projections
Annual Net Generation, MWhe 468,617 492,175 738,922 984,831 1,981,490
Field Aperture Area, m
1,120,480 1,037,760 1,477,680 1,955,200 3,910,400
Staff 45 44 51 58 90
Average Annual Cost (with burden), $1,000 58.8 62.0 60.8 59.9 57.7
Staff Cost, $1,000 2,643 2,705 3,081 3,490 5,164
Annual Material & Services Cost, $1,000 3,054 2,243 2,507 2,952 5,029
Total O&M Cost, $1,000 5,697 4,948 5,588 6,442 10,193
Total O&M Cost, $/kWhe 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.007 0.005
The staffing in the SunLab model was reviewed and is a reasonable estimate. The staffing compares with SEGS,
power-generating facilities and the recent O&M Cost Reduction Study performed at Kramer Junction (KJCOC
1999). The staffing for trough technology is shown in Table F-2.
Table F-2 — Staffing for Trough Technology
SunLab Projections
Administrative 7 7 7 7 7
Plant Operations 15.5 15.2 16.9 18.8 26.6
Power Plant Maintenance 8 8 8 8 8
Solar Field Maintenance 14.4 13.5 18.7 24.5 47.9
Total 44.9 43.6 50.6 58.3 89.6
The power plant staffing, exclusive of solar field maintenance, is comparable to the industry average for a
120-MWe combined-cycle power plant.
The estimated staff increases were determined to be reasonable based on the following evaluation.
The SunLab model estimated a staff of approximately 45 for trough 2004 and 2007 (100-MW plant each).
The administrative staff would be the same for the increased plant sizes through 2020.
The increase in plant size from 100 MWe to 400 MWe will not require additional maintenance
staff for maintenance of the power plant. The difference between 100 and 400 MWe does not
increase the quantity or complexity of the equipment.
Each additional 50-MW plant size will require two additional mirror wash technicians in the
operations staff to account for the increased field aperture area.
The increase in the solar field maintenance staff is required to support the increase in the solar
field. For Kramer Junction, approximately 0.03 maintenance staff is required per 1,000 m
solar field aperture area. The larger solar plant is estimated to be approximately directly
proportional to increase of the solar field. For example, the solar field maintenance staff for
2020 is estimated to be (3,910,400 m
/ 1,120,480 m
) = 3.49 x14 maintenance staff (in 2004) =
49 maintenance staff (in 2020).
F.3.1 Service Contract
The service contracts include typical contracts and costs expected for this type of facility (control computers,
office equipment, waste disposal, road maintenance, vehicle maintenance, etc.).
F.3.2 Raw Water and Chemicals
The SunLab estimate is based on water usage and chemical costs from SEGS VI/VII as shown below. The costs
and estimated usage values are consistent with industry averages.
Table F-3 — Water Usage and Chemical Costs —
SunLab Projections
Raw Water Costs $0.32 per m
Cooling Water Chemical Cost $0.043 per m
cooling tower make-up
Demineralizer Chemical Cost $0.540 per m
condensate make-up
Cooling Tower Make-up 2.90 m
Power Cycle Condensate Make-up 0.17 m
Demineralizer Blowdown 10%
Mirror Wash Water Consumption 0.022 m
(water)/ m
(of collector) /year
Raw Water (m
Cooling Tower Make-up 1,031,547 93.5%
Power Cycle Demin. Make-up 67,189 6.1%
Mirror Wash Demin Make-up 4,596 0.4%
Total 1,103,332
F.3.3 Parts and Material
The SunLab projections are based on the following unit costs and annual replacement rates.
Table F-4 — Parts and Materials Cost Basis —
SunLab Projections
Unit Cost
Mirrors 80 0.005
HCEs 847 0.02
Sun Sensors 150 0.005
LOCs 200 0.005
Ball Joints 2,100 0.005
Hdr. Drive 3,000 0.005
Miscellaneous 5% of total equipment costs
HTF Pump Seals 1,200 2
HTF Makeup 9 0.01
F.3.4 Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous costs include administration costs (safety, training, travel, supplies, telephones, etc) and vehicle
fuel and repair. The cost of $253,000 per year is reasonable for this size of power plant.
F.3.5 Capital Equipment
Capital equipment covers the equipment required to operate and maintain the facility (dump truck, operator
vehicles, mirror-washing equipment, mirror container carrier, lube trailer and tractor). The cost of the equipment
is based on the recent O&M Cost Reduction Study performed at Kramer Junction (KJCOC 1999) and Kramer
Junction’s latest information. The quantity of equipment is increased proportionally to the size of the solar field,
which is a reasonable assumption.
The O&M costs for comparison to the SunLab projections are based on the following:
Solar Field
The initial unit costs are based on the SunLab values
Replacement rate for the mirrors and HCE are based on the average actual replacement
rates for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001
The replacement rates for the balance of the solar field are based on the SunLab values
Power Block and Balance of Plant
Costs are based on S&L data for the respective MW size plant for the steam turbine
systems and balance of plant
Water and Process
Costs are based on are based on the average actual costs for SEGS III – VII for the period
Staffing, Services Contracts, Miscellaneous, and Capital Equipment
The costs are based on the SunLab values since the SunLab values were determined to be
Thermal Storage
The costs are based on 0.4% of the capital cost per annum
The SunLab and S&L estimated O&M costs are compared in Table F-5.
Table F-5 — O&M Cost Comparison
SunLab $(2002) 5,697,000 4,948,000 5,588,000 6,442,000 10,193,000
Levelized $/kWhe 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.007 0.005
S&L $(2002) $8,114,516 $6,611,838 $7,553,692 $8,286,682 $13,731,497
Levelized $/kWhe $0.0173 $0.0134 $0.0102 $0.0084 $0.0069
Analyzing the two estimates revealed the major component to account for the cost difference is the HCE
replacement rate. The SunLab projections indicate the following replacement rates:
2004 – 2%
2007 – 1%
2010 through 2020 – 0.5%
compared to the following S&L values:
2004 – 5.5%
2007 – 4.0%
2010 – 2.5%
2015 – 1.0%
2020 – 0.5%
The SunLab near-term values are not consistent with the average actual HCE replacement rate of 5.5% reported
for SEGS III – VII for the period 1997–2001.
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the actual receiver (HCE) replacement rate reported by KJC Operating Company
over the last five years. The S&L evaluation is based on total HCE replacement reported for the SEGS III – VII
for the period 1997–2001. S&L’s evaluation is based on the current replacement rate at all the SEGS plants,
with step reductions in the replacement rate based on the following:
The average actual HCE replacement rate of 5.5% was reported for SEGS III – VII for the
period 1997–2001. The total HCE replacement includes breakage and fluorescence.
Fluorescence is due to cermet coating failures. This failure is due to the existence of
molybdenum in the original Luz cermet coating. Solel no longer uses molybdenum in the
UVAC cermet coating, so this type of failure will presumably no longer occur. Eliminating
replacements due to these failures reduces the site failure/replacement rate.
SunLab has used the SEGS VI plant as the baseline reference plant. The SEGS III – V plants
had problems during initial startup and the early years of operation that caused bowing of the
HCEs, which increased breakage at those plants. SEGS VII has had higher breakage on the LS-
3 half of the field, although the LS-2 failures are similar to SEGS VI. SEGS VI was the last full
plant constructed with LS-2 collectors and represents the most mature version of this generation
of collector technology. The HCE total replacement rate at SEGS VI during the 5 years is in the
5.5% range. Discounting the fluorescence failures, the replacement rate was 4.2% over the
5-year period.
The high HCE failure rate at the existing plants is in part due to issues that would not be found
at a future plant. A significant portion of the failures has been due to the hydrogen remover
(HR) device installed in the HCEs at SEGS VI – X, operational problems that caused bowing,
and HCE installation procedures. The HR is no longer part of the HCEs provided by Solel.
Based on these factors, it is possible that future plants will have substantially lower HCE failure rates than
currently occur at the SEGS plants; however, the SunLab assumption of a 2% failure rate assumes that current
approaches for reducing failures are successful. S&L believes this is an aggressive assumption that cannot be
assured for future plants without the field data to verify the failure rate reduction. Using the current replacement
rate at all the SEGS plants, with step reductions in the replacement rate, reflects the current conditions and
allows for the aforementioned improvements to reduce the replacement rate.
Additional development of the HCE will likely be necessary to achieve the future receiver reliability goals. The
current glass-to-metal seal is one of the more expensive elements and the key failure point of the current
receiver design. The current design, known as a Housekeeper seal, relies on a sharp metal point being inserted
into a glass bead. Failures occur when concentrated light focus on seal and the differential expansion between
the glass and metal causes the failure of the seal. New designs are currently under investigation that attempt to
improve the match between the coefficient of thermal expansion of the metal and glass. Kramer Junction is
currently testing a new design UVAC2 with a revised internal shield.
Another factor that contributes to the higher S&L-estimated O&M costs is the higher component costs, as
detailed in Appendix D.
If the HCE reliability can be improved to reduce the replacement rate to that projected by SunLab, the O&M
costs converge on the values projected by SunLab.
Appendix G
Evaluation of O&M Costs – Tower
The SunLab O&M estimate is based on the actual costs from SEGS and adjusted accordingly for tower solar
field and technology. The reduction in O&M cost is primarily a result of the increase in annual plant capacity
factor, as shown in Table G-1. The plant capacity increases directly as a result of the increases in thermal
storage. Increasing the size (MWe) and utilization (capacity factor) of the power plant incurs very little increase
in O&M expenses ($/year). This is because the quantity and complexity of the equipment remain constant and
staffing remains fairly constant. Our review of conventional fossil power plants show this “economy of scale” in
staffing for increases in plant size.
Solar O&M expenses and staff increase with the field size. There are significant cost improvements from
increases in solar system efficiency, which reduce the solar field size (see Section E.4.2).
Table G-1 — SunLab CSP Tower Technology O&M Cost Estimate
Solar One Solar Two Solar Tres Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 200 Solar 220
Net Power, MWe 10 10 15 50 100 200 220
Plant Capacity Factor, % N/A 19% 78% 76% 73% 74% 73%
Annual Net Generation,
N/A 16.6 93.3 335 642 1,292 1,406
Thermal Storage, hrs 0 3 16 16 13 13 12.7
Solar Field, m
71,100 81,400 231,000 709,000 1,311,000 2,606,000 2,642,000
Number of Heliostats 1,818 1,912 2,432 7,463 8,858 17,608 17,851
Staff 32 33 31 38 47 67 67
Average Annual Cost (with
$71 $71 $62 $56 $50 $42 42
Staff Cost $2,272 $2,343 $1,922 $2,128 $2,350 $2,814 $2,814
Annual Material &
Services Cost
$1,000 $400 $600 $900 $1,200 $1,900 $1,900
Total O&M Cost, $k $3,272 $2,743 $2,522 $3,028 $3,550 $4,714 $4,714
Total O&M Cost, $/kWhe N/A $0.165 $0.027 $0.010 $0.006 $0.004 $0.003
The staffing in the SunLab model was reviewed, and it is a reasonable estimate. The staffing compares with
SEGS power-generating facilities and the recent O&M Cost Reduction Study performed at Kramer Junction
(KJCOC 1999). The staffing for tower technology is shown in Table G-2.
Table G-2 — Staffing for Tower Technology
Sargent & Lundy
Tres USA
Solar 100
Solar 200
Tres USA
Solar 100
Solar 200
Administrative — — — 7 7 7
Plant Operations — — — 11 11 11
Power Plant Maintenance 7 7 7
Solar Field Maintenance &
Wash Crew
— — — 8 21 42
Total 31 47 67 33 46 67
The power block staffing (33 minus 8 for solar field equals 25) is comparable to the industry average for a
120-MWe combined-cycle power plant. The total staffing for a 120-MWe combined-cycle power plant is 25
based on the SOAPP model.
The staffing was determined to be reasonable based on the following evaluation:
The administrative staff would be the same for the increased plant size.
The increase in plant size from 50 MWe to 220 MWe will not require additional operations or
maintenance staff for operations and maintenance of the power plant. The difference between
50 and 220 MWe does not increase the quantity or complexity of the equipment.
The increase in the solar field maintenance staff, including mirror wash crew, is required to
support the increase in the solar field. For Kramer Junction, approximately 0.03 maintenance
staff is required per 1,000 m
of solar field aperture area.
G.3.1 Service Contract
The service contracts include typical contracts and costs expected for this type of facility, including control
computers, office equipment, waste disposal, road maintenance, and vehicle maintenance, and are shown in
Table G-3. The contract for weed control, road maintenance, and vehicle maintenance was scaled up to account
for the larger field area.
Table G-3 — Service Contracts
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 200
Solar 220
Control System Computers $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000
Personal Computer/Office Equip. $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Nitrogen Supply $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000
Sanitary Service $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Waste Disposal $34,000 $34,000 $34,000 $34,000 $34,000
Weed Control $55,000 $70,232 $107,995 $174,689 $176,375
Road maintenance $27,000 $34,478 $53,016 $85,756 $86,584
Vehicle Maintenance $2,000 $2,554 $3,927 $6,352 $6,414
Total $180,000 $203,264 $260,939 $362,798 $365,372
G.3.2 Raw Water and Chemicals
The estimate is based on water usage and chemical costs from SEGS VI/VII as shown below in Table G-4.
Water and chemical usage for the power plant thermal is consistent with industry averages for power plants. The
additional usage for solar (e.g. mirror wash) is based on the O&M Cost Reduction Study (KJCOC 1999). Raw
water cost is based on actual costs reports at SEGS of $0.00122 per gallon ($0.32 per m
). The main difference
between the SunLab reference case and S&L’s case is the cost of raw water. SunLab estimated the cost to be
$0.021 per m
), which is about 15 times less than the S&L estimate.
Table G-4 — Water Usage and Chemical Costs
Raw Water Cost $0.32 per m
Cooling Water Chemical Cost $0.043 per m
cooling tower make-up
Demineralizer Chemical Cost $0.540 per m
Condensate make-up
Cooling Tower Make-up 2.90 m
Power Cycle Condensate Make-up 0.17 m
Demineralizer Blowdown 10%
Mirror Wash Water Consumption 0.022 m
(water)/ m
(of collector) /year
G.3.3 Parts and Material
Parts and material for the conventional power plant range between 0.3% and 0.4%, depending on the age and
type of facility. S&L used 0.35% of the capital cost for parts and materials related to the power block and
balance of plant.
Parts and material for the solar field are based on the O&M study (KJCOC 1999) for 500,000 m
and adjusted
for the increase in solar size. The estimate is reasonable since it is based on the recent O&M Cost Reduction
Study performed at Kramer Junction, incorporates the latest cost information from Kramer Junction, and was
adjusted to account for tower technology. Parts and material costs for a solar field are shown in Table G-5.
Table G-5 — Parts and Material Costs for a Solar Field
Unit Cost ($)
Replace (%)
Mirrors 26 0.5% $0.130
LOCs 200 0.5% $0.010
Hdr. Drives 4,500 0.5% $0.093
Miscellaneous 5% of total equipment costs $0.01
HTF Pump Seals 1,200 2 $0.05
Total $0.25
G.3.4 Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous costs include administration costs (such as safety, training, travel, supplies, and telephones) and
vehicle fuel and repair (see Table G-6). The cost of $253,000 per year is reasonable for this size of power plant.
S&L projected increases for vehicle and fuel to account for the larger number of vehicles needed to support
maintenance of the larger collector fields.
Table G-6 — Miscellaneous Costs
Solar Tres
Solar 50
Solar 100
Solar 2002
Solar 220
Vehicle Fuel $17,000 $21,708 $33,380 $53,995 $54,516
Vehicle Parts and Supplies $28,000 $35,755 $54,980 $88,933 $89,791
Site Improvements $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000
Safety & Training School $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Travel $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
Office Supplies $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 $28,000
Telephones $67,000 $67,000 $67,000 $67,000 $67,000
Rental Equipment $34,000 $34,000 $34,000 $34,000 $34,000
First Aid Equipment $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Other Miscellaneous $56,000 $56,000 $56,000 $56,000 $56,000
Total $253,000 $265,463 $296,360 $350,927 $352,307
G.3.5 Capital Equipment
Capital equipment (see Table G-7) covers the equipment required to operate and maintain the facility (including
dump truck, operator vehicles, mirror washing equipment, and tractor). The cost of the equipment is based on
the recent O&M Cost Reduction Study performed at Kramer Junction (KJCOC 1999) and on Kramer Junction’s
latest information. The quantity of equipment is scaled-up to account for the increase in the size of the field.
Table G-7 — Capital Equipment
Cost * Number Solar Tres Solar 50 Solar 100 Solar 2002 Solar 220
Dump Truck $30,000 1 $0.01 $0.02 $0.02 $0.04 $0.04
SF Operator Vehicle $20,000 3 $0.02 $0.03 $0.05 $0.08 $0.08
Mirror Wash Rig - Twister $100,000 2 $0.04 $0.05 $0.08 $0.13 $0.13
Mirror Wash Rig - Deluge $30,000 1 $0.02 $0.03 $0.05 $0.08 $0.08
Mirror Container Carrier $17,000 1 $0.01 $0.01 $0.01 $0.02 $0.02
Tractor $20,000 1 $0.01 $0.01 $0.02 $0.03 $0.03
Total $0.12 $0.15 $0.23 $0.37 $0.38
* Capital equipment cost was calculated based on a 5-year equipment life.
G.3.6 O&M Cost Comparison
The comparison between the SunLab cost estimate and S&L’s estimate is shown in Table G-8. The major
differences are the following:
Sargent & Lundy scaled-up the cost of contracts associated with increase in field size (e.g.,
weed control).
Sargent & Lundy scaled-up the cost of fuel and maintenance of vehicles to account for the
increase in field size.
Sargent & Lundy assumed that the average burdened rate would not decrease between Solar 100
and Solar 220.
Raw water cost used by S&L is based on actual costs reports at SEGS of $0.00122 per gallon
($0.32 per m
). SunLab estimated the cost to be $0.021 per m
), which is about 15 times less
than the S&L estimate.
Sargent & Lundy included a contingency of 10%.
Table G-8 — Comparison of O&M Cost Estimates: SunLab vs. S&L
Current SunLab Estimates S&L Estimates
1987/1999 2004 2008 2020 2004 2008 2020
Plant Characteristics
Solar 100 Solar 220
Solar 100 Solar 220
Net Power, MWe 10 15 100 220 15 100 220
Plant Capacity Factor, % 19.0% 78.0% 73.2% 72.9% 78.0% 73.2% 72.9%
Annual Solar-Electric Efficiency 7.6% 13.7% 16.6% 18.1% 13.0% 16.5% 17.3%
Thermal Storage, hrs 3 16 13 13.1 16 13 13.1
Solar Field, m
81,400 231,000 1,311,000 2,642,000 233,772 1,354,452 2,771,730
O&M Characteristics
Number of Staff (FTE) 35 31 47 67 33 46 67
Avg. Burdened Labor Rate, $k/yr $71 $62 $50 42 $62 $50 $50
Staff Cost, $k/yr $2,485 $1,922 $2,350 $2,814 $2,046 $2,299 $3,364
Ann. Material & Services Cost,
$750 $600 $1,200 $1,900 $686 $2,065 $4,277
Total O&M Cost, $k/yr $3,235 $2,522 $3,550 $4,714 $3,041 $5,127 $9,132
Total O&M Cost, $/kWhe $0.194 $0.027 $0.006 $0.003 $0.033 $0.008 $0.006
Note: the Solar One/Two values are a blend from both plants to provide a “best available” estimate for a typical salt plant of
this size with utility operations.
Appendix H
Mirror Reflectivity (SunLab Input)
The terms “mirror reflectivity” and “reflectivity” are used throughout this report, unless specified otherwise, to
refer to the solar-weighted specular reflectivity—the fraction of the incident solar energy reflected in a specular
(rather than diffuse) fashion. The solar-weighting of reflectivity is achieved by measuring the spectral
reflectivity across a wide range of solar-thermal wavelengths (typically 0.3µ to 2.5µ), then weighting by the
ASTM-accepted wavelength-dependant energy content of sunlight after it passes through the earth’s atmosphere
(ASTM G159-98 air mass 1.5 solar spectral irradiance is the standard). The specular nature of a mirror’s
reflectivity is quantified by measuring the intensity of reflected light only in a limited collection region along the
ideal angle of reflection. Both laboratory and field portable instruments have been developed that measure the
specular reflectivity at adjustable acceptance apertures ranging from 1 to 100 milli-stearadian (2π stearadian
equals the complete hemisphere of possible reflection). A tower receiver subtends about 5 milli-stearadian from
the furthest heliostat at a very large plant. The accuracy of both the spectral reflectivity and specular reflectivity
are assured when the measurements are referenced to directly traceable NIST standard reference materials, the
fundamental geometric optics of the instrumentation is determined, and the mirror scattering characteristics are
known. The Optical Materials Branch at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Primary Standards
Laboratory at Sandia National Laboratories provide support in characterizing the reflectivity of mirror materials.
Microscopic surface irregularities, called specularity errors, in a mirror’s substrate or superstrate material
slightly reduce a mirror’s measured specular reflectivity because they cause non-specular (scattered) reflections
that fall outside the acceptance aperture of the measurement instrument. Specularity errors can be measured on
small mirror samples and generally have a much smaller impact on plant performance than “slope” and
“curvature” errors, which are errors in the shape of the mirror surface over larger (macroscopic) areas of the
surface that must be measured on full-size samples. Slope and curvature errors are included and reported in the
optical performance (efficiency) metric of CSP plants, not in the mirror reflectivity.
The reflectivity of an ideal (front-surface) silvered mirror is approximately 97%. Since silver degrades quickly
in the outdoor environment, more durable back-surface glass mirrors have typically been used at CSP plants.
Glass superstrates result in transmission losses (increased absorption) through the glass medium, with losses
increasing as a function of both iron content in the glass and thickness. The reflectivity of typical, 4-mm thick,
low-iron, float glass mirrors, such as the SEGS trough plants in California, is approximately 94%. The
manufacturing technology for mass-produced commercial glass, which employs formulations with higher iron
content, is extensive and mature. Mirrors constructed from this type of glass exhibit lower reflectivity, 90%,
due to increased absorption and thickness. Large amounts of low-iron glass are manufactured for use in flat-
plate collectors used for water heating, but the manufacturing volume is much less than conventional glass.
Because of the current, low-volume manufacturing capability for low-iron glass products, small order quantities
of low-iron glass mirrors are expensive. As larger or more numerous CSP plants are built, the cost of low-iron
mirrors should approach the price-point of the mass-produced conventional glass.
An approach to increasing reflectivity using conventional glass formulations is to use thin glass mirrors,
produced in large quantities for commercial applications such as compact cosmetic mirrors, to reduce the
transmission losses. Thin glass mirrors are typically no less expensive per square meter of reflector than thick
glass mirrors because the raw material cost savings are offset by increased handling costs and breakage. The
baseline trough and tower designs use thicker glass as a structural element. The conversion to thin glass in these
designs would require additional structural support. Additional mirror module support elements could be
justified in stable markets where high volume, low-cost production approaches would become practical, e.g.,
metal forming of automotive body panels.
Flexible ultra-thin mirror constructions consisting of silvered micro-thin glass superstrates, all-dielectric (non-
metallic) multilayer constructions, and silvered polymer or sheet metal substrates are being investigated and
could enable innovative concentrator designs that offer the possibility of lower costs than current designs.
Reflectivity values >94% have been demonstrated, but a cost-effective mirror product durable enough for use in
a CSP plant, which requires both long-term outdoor exposure and frequent cleaning, must still be developed and
Appendix I
Sargent & Lundy Response to the NRC
Issues and Observations
Sargent & Lundy reviewed the National Research Council (NRC) Committee’s “Critique of the Sargent &
Lundy Assessment of Cost and Performance Forecasts for Concentrating Solar Power, October 12, 2002.” The
NRC review was performed on Draft 3 of the Sargent & Lundy Report, SL-5641, dated October 2002. S&L was
authorized by NREL to update the report to expand the executive summary to provide more information as
suggested by the NRC and perform additional sensitivity analysis. This included the following:
Executive Summary
Section 4.6, “Risk Assessment for Trough Technology”
Section 4.7, “Cost Sensitivities” (Trough)
Section 5.8, “Risk Assessment for Tower Technology”
Section 5.9, “Cost Sensitivities” (Tower)
Appendix I, “Sargent & Lundy Response to the NRC Issues and Observations”
S&L’s general comments to the NRC critique and response to specific comments are as follows:
General Comments
A. The NRC review found that “Since 1999, significant progress has been made in understanding the potential
impacts of thermal storage technologies, thin film glass mirrors, improved heat collection units, improved
trough support structures, and other technical opportunities to improve CSP technology” (NRC, page 4).
The NRC review of S&L’s analysis of trough technology found that “Based on the level of uncertainty that
is inherently present in projecting these deployment rates and technology advances, a more plausible
estimate would lie somewhere between the two projections (S&L’s and SunLab’s) in 2020. However, if
deployment does not proceed at the assumed rate, the projected LEC could be much higher than either of
these estimates” (NRC page 6). S&L welcomes the NRC endorsement of our analysis, finding that projected
costs are likely to lie somewhere between our high-cost and SunLab’s low-cost estimates for the assumed
deployment rates.
B. The NRC Committee also noted “…that S&L took any potential conflict of interest very seriously and made
a concerted effort to address and avoid it. No obvious example of bias was apparent in S&L’s interpretation
of the available data nor was there any deliberate omission of pertinent facts. If anything, the S&L analysis
was more conservative than SunLab’s estimates in assessing areas like time to develop new materials or
power conversion technologies” (NRC, page 18); and: “…that S&L attempted to maintain a credible process
by filling in the gaps in its knowledge base with the advice of world-recognized experts” (NRC page 18).
C. On page 20, the NRC Committee noted: “…that within the time and resources available for this study, S&L
did a reasonable job in digesting the information provided to it by DOE, S&L expert consultants, and
members of the CSP industry. For example, S&L’s selection of component costs and economic parameters
and assumptions regarding performance is well documented.”
D. Much of the NRC critique of the S&L analysis centered around assumed rates of deployment and incentive
issues. Deployment and incentive issues were outside the scope of work for S&L. As noted by the NRC:
“The committee notes that CSP technology is not unique in the requirement for incentivizing the early
market phases of emerging energy technologies [8]. The committee notes the extensive reports and study
literature on these issues cited by S&L, including DOE/EERE’s own August 2002 Report to Congress on
the Feasibility of 1,000 Megawatts of Solar Power in the Southwest by 2006….” DOE noted in their
presentations to the NRC and S&L that because such studies were available, DOE’s primary concern, and
the reason for this study, was to determine the potential technical feasibility of CSP. Nevertheless, there are
several deployment issues worth considering. First, the chicken-and-egg problem of driving down costs by
deploying technologies, but facing high initial costs that impede deployment, is true of all energy
technologies, not just CSP. Second, as noted by the NRC and S&L, incentives are a key determinant of the
rate at which CSP, or any new energy technology, penetrates the market. Evaluating this lies well outside
the technical analysis requested of S&L. Third, the level of deployment identified by S&L is modest, at 1.5
to 2.8 GW by 2020 for towers and troughs respectively. The NRC also noted this: “The SunLab deployment
scenarios evaluated by S&L represent a range from a modest rate of adding one 100 MWe plant per year
(the first becoming operational in 2004) to an aggressive approach that would result in almost 5,000 MWe
of new capacity by 2020” (NRC page 5). To place this level of deployment in context, the wind industry
added 1,700 MW of new capacity in the U.S. in 2001 alone.
Sargent & Lundy Comments to Specific Observations Made by the NRC
Observation 1: ‘S&L’s modeling approach parallels SunLab’s in almost all aspects.’ [NRC page 4]
Comment: S&L’s scope of work was to perform a review of the SunLab model (ref: Section 1.3.2) and to
comment on the accuracy of the inputs and the results, not to develop an independent bottoms-up cost estimate,
which would involve a much more detailed engineering cost analysis. In addition to its own experience, S&L
drew heavily from industry experience, vendor quotes, and other independent sources to evaluate cost and
performance projections. Separately, S&L developed a financial model of the type used in competitive industry
to support power project planning and financing (ref: Section 1.3.7).
Observation 2: ‘…its review did not sufficiently examine the effect of uncertainties on these parameters.’
[NRC page 5]
Comment: S&L conducted a limited number of sensitivity studies as pointed out by the NRC (page 5), but due
to the work scope changes requested by the NRC and DOE and compressed schedule, S&L did not have time to
develop a full range of sensitivity studies. S&L performed additional cost sensitivities and risk assessments per
the NRC’s suggestion (see Section 4.6, 4.7, 5.8, and 5.9) for the final report.
Observation 3: ‘The discussion of risks and uncertainty is extremely shallow’ [NRC page 8]
Comment: S&L conducted a limited number of sensitivity studies as pointed out by the NRC (page 5), but due
to the work scope changes requested by the NRC and DOE and compressed schedule, S&L did not have time to
develop a full range of sensitivity studies. S&L performed additional cost sensitivities and risk assessments per
the NRC’s suggestion (see Section 4.6, 4.7, 5.8, and 5.9) for the final report.
Observation 4: Heliostats ‘S&L appears to have accepted ADL’s (Arthur D. Little) analysis without much
question and has not commented on the viability of ADL’s vendor estimates’ [NRC page 8]
Comment: S&L reviewed available information on heliostat costs and found that the ADL analysis was the most
thorough available and therefore used it as a basis for comparison. The viability of the ADL estimate was
reviewed in detail. The comparison of S&L, SunLab, and ADL cost estimates is shown in Table E-14. Where
we accepted the ADL cost estimate, a discussion of the reasoning is provided in Appendix E.5. The discussion
documenting our review for each cost category for manufacturing and installation of heliostats is also provided
in Appendix E.5. Several examples are provided below:
The cost of mirrors referenced in the ADL report was based on actual cost estimates from
mirror manufacturers (ref: Appendix E.5.1). The SunLab estimate is about twice the cost of
normal glass, which allows for a premium for manufacturing production runs. The opportunities
this suggests for further cost reductions were not considered in the analysis.
Evaluation of mirror assembly costs was based on ADL and the SolMaT study done by Solar
Kinetics, Inc. (ref: Appendix E.5.2)
Drive costs are based on detailed studies and cost estimates by Peerless-Winsmith, a
manufacturer of commercial drive mechanisms. The cost data were based on a detailed material
list of parts, labor, and cost for pattern & tooling. (Ref: Appendix E.5.3)
Evaluation of Production (Shop) Fabrication was based on studies done by ADL and Solar
Kinetics. Both studies were reviewed, and the Solar Kinetics estimate was used for comparison
instead of the ADL study. (ref: Appendix E.5.5)
Observation 5: ..scale-up of heliostats from 95 m
to 148m
. S&L has not commented on the viability of
this scale-up.’ [NRC page 8]
Comment: The reasoning behind not including additional discussion is that 148-m
heliostats have been
manufactured and prototypes are in service (ref: Section We concur that additional discussion of the
viability of the scale-up could be provided, but since operational units of that size are available, it is not truly a
scale-up concern.
Observation 6: Thinner glass, improved aiming, etc. ‘…assumptions without much to back up how such
improvements will be accomplished’ [NRC page 8]
Comment: The current development of thinner glass is identified in Section 4.3.3 for troughs and has been
referenced in the tower section (Section for the final report.
Observation 7: It is unlikely that it (steam inlet) will go to 640°C in the next 18 years. [NRC page 8]
Comment: There is ongoing research to increase steam turbine efficiency by increasing the steam inlet
temperature. There are units currently operating at 1,100°F (593°C). The question of likely or unlikely is
dependent on what the demand for solar units is over the next 16 years. Sixteen years ago no one projected
today’s current market for combustion turbine combined-cycle power plants. For the final report, S&L adjusted
the base case for tower technology in 2020 not to include the higher temperature turbine or advanced heliostat
design. We then performed a sensitivity analysis to calculate the change in LEC for the higher temperature
turbine and advanced heliostat design.
Observation 8: Furthermore, it is not clear that S&L really determined efficiency levels from GE data
systems for small-plants.… [NRC page 8]
Comment: The near-term turbine efficiency was verified based on the ABB-Brown Boveri heat balance
diagrams for SEGS IX 89-MW unit (ref: Appendix E.6.2.1). S&L used the GE program STGPERF to estimate
efficiencies, which is typically used for steam turbines in combined-cycle power plant (e.g., ‘small plants’) (ref:
Section 5.3.2).
Observation 9: Receivers. ‘S&L makes no comment about the severe technical risk in developing high-
temperature and high-heat flux systems for the future.’ [NRC page 9]
Comment: The overall technical feasibility of high temperature, high heat-flux systems was demonstrated by
Solar Two in the late 1990s. There remain challenges in scaling up these systems while meeting performance
and lifetime requirements, but there do not appear to be any fundamental technical limits or “severe” risks. S&L
did not go into considerable detail, but did indicate that the advance from Solar 200 to Solar 220 (turbine inlet
steam temperature increase from 540°C to 640°C) would result in several areas of concern. Relative to this
scale-up, our report states that “The major issue will be the higher temperatures and impact on materials” (ref:
Appendix E.6.2.2). For the final report, S&L adjusted the base case for tower technology in 2020 not to include
the higher temperature turbine or advanced heliostat design. We then performed a sensitivity analysis to
calculate the change in LEC for the higher temperature turbine and advanced heliostat design.
Observation 10: Thermal Storage. ‘…that advantages were assumed without significant consideration of
all the side issues that might result with molten salts, e.g. pumps, seals, and pipes at temperature levels of
> 500°C. [NRC page 9]
Comment: The overall technical feasibility of high-temperature molten salt storage was demonstrated by Solar
Two in the late 1990s. There remain substantial challenges in scaling up these systems while meeting
performance and lifetime requirements, but there do not appear to be any fundamental technical limits. S&L did
not go into considerable detail, but did indicate that the advance from Solar 200 to Solar 220 (turbine inlet steam
temperature increase from 540°C to 640°C) would result in scale up concerns as documented in the statement
that “The major issue will be the higher temperatures and impact on materials” (ref: Appendix E.6.2.2). For the
final report, S&L adjusted the base case for tower technology in 2020 not to include the higher temperature
turbine or advanced heliostat design. We then performed a sensitivity analysis to calculate the change in LEC
for the higher temperature turbine and advanced heliostat design.
Observation 11: O&M. ‘However, there should be more comment about O&M practices and the
differences between tower and trough technology.’ [NRC page 11]
Comment: The differences between towers and troughs are provided in Appendix G. For example:
The solar field maintenance staff, including mirror wash crew, is adjusted based on the
difference in the collector fields.
Parts and material, which are similar to both types of plants, are based on actual costs from
Parts and material, which are unique to towers, are estimated based on experience from the
demonstration projects.
Observation 12: ‘…is clear that S&L did not do a “due-diligence-like” analysis.’ [NRC page 11]
Comment: S&L agrees that the review is not a due-diligence review for the deployment of the units. In
particular, “due-diligence” reviews are of commercially available technologies under consideration for
investment. In contrast, this review was “due-diligence-like” as the technologies are not commercially available,
but the intent was to have a similarly rigorous review of the projected technologies’ cost and performance using
independent reviewers. A due-diligence review would also require estimating the incentive support levels
necessary for technology deployment, which was not part of the Scope of Work for this study. It is clear that
without incentives the capital cost cannot be supported by the market and capital cost will not be reduced
without deployment of significant units to obtain manufacturing efficiencies. Therefore, unless support
incentives are contemplated, deployment will not occur in any case.
Observation 13: ‘The committee believes that the S&L projection of a 100-MW plant being operational in
calendar year 2004 is not credible….’. S&L’s report and projection are deficient in this regard. ‘…the
committee believes that S&L’s projections is still unrealistically optimistic.’ [NRC page 12]
Comment: S&L’s scope of work did not include an assessment of market conditions and deployment
projections. The report clearly identifies that deployment is assumed to occur based on the dates provided by the
DOE based on earlier, now outmoded, scenarios and projections developed by SunLab. Since this was outside of
our work scope, we take exception that the ‘report is deficient in this regard.’ As noted previously, DOE has
separately provided Congress with an analysis of deployment issues. We do, however, agree that no one is
developing the 100-MW unit, and therefore, it will not occur in the 2004 time frame, although a 50-MW unit is
now under development in Nevada.
Observation 14: These time delays (2-year minimum construction delay between new generation plants)
were not factored into the deployment rate assumed in the S&L study. [NRC page 12]
Comment: These delays were factored into the deployment rate assumed by S&L. Ref: Appendix E.2 and Table
E-3. The final report includes a sensitivity analysis for increases in construction duration in Section 4.7 and 5.9.
Observation 15: It would have helped if S&L had commented on what would have to be done to reduce
the risk so that investors would be willing to invest this level of capital....’ [NRC page 13]
Comment: This was not included in our original scope of work. The final report includes sections on risk
assessment (Section 4.6 and 5.8).
Observation 16: However, the set of assumptions used in the LEC calculation forced the debt/equity ratio
from 59.9 percent to 66.5 percent debt, and it did not make much sense to the committee to allow the
inference that removing one tax incentive would induce a commercial lender to accept more, higher-risk
debt without raising the interest rate. [NRC page 13]
Comment: Removing the tax credit has two effects: (1) The project company loses a big offset against other
income tax during Year 1 because it cannot take the investment tax credit deduction against other income tax.
(2) The project company has higher depreciation charges without the ITC, because when the ITC is present, the
depreciable base for the project must be reduced to exclude the ITC.
Consider Case 5 (Towers, 2020 Startup, SunLab Data). If one simply removes the ITC without increasing
revenue requirement, the combination of the two impacts mentioned above is to reduce the after-tax return on
equity (ROE) to 9.4%/yr, which is considerably lower than our study assumption of 14%/yr. (These all are
nominal dollar values being citing here for illustration, not constant-dollar.) Since we should recognize the ROE
as a project cost that has to be covered, it is logical to adjust revenues upward until we have restored the 14%
after-tax return.
If the leverage is not changed and ROE is restored to 14% by increasing the capacity revenue requirement (is an
increase of around 20%), then the minimum debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) becomes 1.60 instead of the
1.35 study assumption, indicating a larger margin of safety for lenders for uncertainties in costs than in the base
case at 1.35 DSCR. Since interest is covered at a higher multiple, it is reasonable to think the credit spread
component of the debt interest rate for the 1.60 case would be lower, and the debt interest rates thus would be
lower than the 7.00% value in the reference 1.35 DSCR case because DSCR is an indicator that is commonly
used by lenders to assess the level of risk in a deal. Basically, the lenders would be more comfortable with the
project because the capacity component of the revenue stream would be 20% higher, giving greater margin
before some adverse event (e.g., unexpectedly higher cost) might prevent debt from being serviced.
Because we would like to evaluate the various alternatives using the same costs of inputs (which include costs of
equity capital, the ROE, and debt capital, the rate of interest), it is reasonable to adjust the leverage and capacity
payment until the DSCR for the no-ITC case is the same as in the base case, and the ROE also is at 14%. If this
is done, both cases will roughly correspond to a similar level of perceived risk from the lenders’ standpoints, and
thus the costs of debt capital (and equity capital) for each alternative are the same. This is why the leverage was
increased from 59.9% debt to 66.5%: to equate the costs of debt in the two cases.
The NRC has a point in that larger loans and greater leverage generally causes lenders to want a higher interest
rate, but our assumption here is that DSCR is a reasonable proxy for how the lenders would perceive risk--which
is true to a first order of approximation (actual underwriting takes into account many factors), so we have
adjusted leverage to get the same degree of perceived risk, from the lenders’ point of view, in both the base case
and the sensitivity case.
Observation 17: To a large degree, the S&L team relied on information provided by DOE, NREL,
SNL…. [NRC page 14]
Comment: The work scope was for S&L to perform a ‘due-diligence-like’ review on information provided by
the client, with additional information provided during the first NRC meeting. The work scope did not include
independent research for information or developing independent cost estimates. The S&L work did include
review and assessment of available reports and information, including information from industry and vendors. In
addition, it should be noted that in the time period that we had to complete the work, we did contact vendors and
visit the Kramer Junction power station. The limited information we were able to obtain from these sources was
used to adjust the DOE, NREL, and SunLab data as appropriate. Developing completely independent
information for the reviews would have increase the cost considerably, increased the schedule significantly, and
probably not have identified a significant amount of truly new information.
Observation 18: ‘…S&L claimed that its cost and performance projections came from “industrial
projections”, a large part of the cost information was generated using the SunLab cost model with a few
changes to reflect the view of S&L’ [NRC page 14]
Comment: This is in conflict with the NRC committee’s statement ‘The SunLab cost model has been developed
with substantial industry input over the years and is backed by industry experience and engineering studies,
often developed under contract to SunLab of in collaborations among SunLab, industry, and consultants.’(NRC
page 14) For example, the cost estimate for tower receivers was provided by Boeing, who manufactured the
receivers for Solar Two and will be the manufacturer for Solar Tres.
Sargent & Lundy made numerous changes as identified below:
1. Annual Solar-to-Electric Efficiency (Section 4.2 and 5.2)
Trough: S&L estimated 15.5% in comparison to SunLab projection of 17.2%
Tower: S&L estimated 17.7% in comparison to SunLab projection of 18.1%
2. Capital Cost (Section 4.3 and Appendix E.1)
Trough: S&L estimated the total plant cost of $3,220 per kWe in comparison to SunLab
projection of $2,225 kWe. Each cost category was reviewed, and S&L made our estimate based
on the best available information.
Trough: S&L estimated the total plant cost of $590.7 M in comparison to SunLab projection of
$506.1 M. Each cost category was reviewed, and S&L made our estimate based on the best
available information.
3. The net annual solar-to-electric efficiency has a significant impact on the size of the collector field and
hence the cost. S&L evaluated the efficiencies and made projections based on our review of the available
information. (Ref: Appendixes D.3.5 and E.3.2)
Trough: The three major differences for tower technology were the following:
S&L assumed that efficiency for reflectivity would only reach 94% in 2018 as compared to
the SunLab estimate of 95%.
S&L assumed that efficiency for mirror cleanliness would only reach 95% in 2018 as
compared to the SunLab estimate of 97%.
S&L assumed that efficiency for EPGS would only reach 45.4% in 2018 as compared to
the SunLab estimate of 46.1%.
Tower: The major differences for trough technology were the following:
S&L assumed that efficiency for reflectivity would only reach 9.5% in 2020 as compared
to the SunLab estimate of 95%.
S&L assumed that efficiency for mirror cleanliness would only reach 95% in 2018 as
compared to the SunLab estimate of 96%.
S&L assumed that efficiency for receiver would only reach 81% in 2020 as compared to
the SunLab estimate of 85.3%.
As can be seen, S&L did not just accept the assumptions for the SunLab model, but performed an independent
evaluation. In cases where we used the SunLab number, the numbers were reviewed and found to be reasonable
for the purpose of the study.
Observation 19: ‘…the S&L report did not present sufficient evidence of the likelihood of success for each
projected advance in technology. [NRC page 16]
Comment: Appendix D and E discuss the details of our evaluation. For example, Appendix E.9.2 discusses the
technology improvement for the tower steam generator. The discussion includes the problems encountered
during the Solar Two demonstration project and what was or is being done to solve the problems.
Observation 20: ‘…there is no discussion in the S&L report as how these incentives will come about in the
United States or if they will be sufficient to induce the assumed deployment rates. [NRC page 17]
Comment: This issue was not included in S&L’s scope of work as discussed above, nor is this issue within the
NRC’s domain; it properly lies with the President and the Congress.
Observation 21: ‘All required capital expenditure should include investment in manufacturing capacity
required, cost for project formation, and so on. [NRC page 17]
Comment: This was not included in S&L’s scope of work. The pricing of the equipment from the vendors will
reflect this investment and their projections on the number of units, which will be manufactured allowing them
to recover their investment costs. Therefore, this issue is really irrelevant for the current discussion. It is relevant
only to the extent that the manufacturers of the equipment may never develop if the capital costs are too high.
Observation 22: ‘S&L should have attempted to identify a basis for comparing these two systems (towers
and troughs) even though both are at a different stage of technical development.’ [NRC page 17]
Comment: This comparison was not included in S&L’s scope of work, but one indicator can be observed in the
cost projections for the various systems.
Observation 23: ‘…mention should have been made of potential siting issues in achieving the level of
deployment that has been assumed.’ [NRC page 17]
Comment: The S&L draft report issued September 2002 included a discussion of power generation markets,
which included siting issues. Subsequently, due to a tight schedule and because deployment issues were
addressed separately, the DOE directed that the scope of work not include an evaluation of deployment and
associated issues.
Observation 24: ‘S&L did not consider the probability that the efficiencies resulting from these technical
developments might not occur’ [NRC page 18]
Comment: Additional sensitivity analysis and risk assessment were performed in the final report (Sections 4.6,
4.7, 5.8, and 5.9).
Observation 25: ‘S&L did not consider possible accidents that might happen in handling very large
quantities of potentially hazardous materials for more than 30 years.’ [NRC page 18]
Comment: The scope of work did not include an environmental impact study. As mentioned in the report, SEGS
has been operating since 1984 with no significant accidents from the heat transfer fluid. The financial impact of
significant accidents is no different than for any other industry handling potentially hazardous materials. The
risk is minimized with (1) proper engineering, design, manufacturing, and construction; (2) proper operating and
maintenance procedures and methods; and (3) insurance.
Observation 26: ‘Other sources of uncertainty that were not discussed in the S&L report….’ [NRC page
Comment: S&L’s estimate of LEC of tower technology included a 10% contingency for deployment and an
uncertainty factor for technology (15%), scaling (10%), and volume production (20%). (ref: Appendix E.12)
Additional sensitivity analysis and risk assessment were performed in the final report (Sections 4.6, 4.7, 5.8, and
Observation 27: The S&L report has little of no discussion of the risks of not achieving these R&D goals
nor of the magnitude of the R&D program necessary to accomplish these advances. [NRC page 19]
Comment: S&L identified the R&D required to achieve cost reductions (for example: Section 4.2.1 discussed
the R&D required for solar field optical efficiency.) S&L solicited information on the magnitude of the R&D
program, but a significant portion of the developmental work is being performed by the manufacturers and is
confidential. Additional sensitivity analysis and risk assessment were performed in the final report (Sections 4.6,
4.7, 5.8, and 5.9).
Observation 28: ‘Regrettably, the rational behind S&L’s selections (LEC) is incompletely described in its
report.’ [NRC page 21]
Comment: Section 4 (trough technology) and Section 5 (tower technology) discusses our review of major cost
components. The rational of our evaluation is presented in more detail in Appendix D (trough) and Appendix E
(tower). The S&L financial model was used to calculate LEC based on our estimated capital cost and annual
O&M for trough and tower technologies. The rational for the financial model is presented in Appendix B.8,
“Financial Modeling,” and Appendix C, “Levelized Cost for Ranking Alternatives and Example Calculations.”
Observation 29: ‘In none of these areas (compound risks associated with the advanced technical
development and current level of deployment) does S&L clearly articulate the rational and methodology
used to arrive at component costs and system performance. In light of these deficiencies, the committee is
unable to ascertain whether S&L’s projected capital costs and LECs are more accurate than those of
SunLab and others.’ [NRC page 22]
Comment: Again, the work scope did not include an assessment of deployment and incentives. The rational to
arrive at component costs and system performance is discussed in the report, in particular Appendixes D, E, F,
and G.
Observation 30: ‘…the committee finds that insufficient attention is given to the sensitivity of the
projected LEC’s to the financial parameters used in the modeling.’ The committee finds that the above
omission calls into question the reliability, accuracy, credibility, and utility of the S&L analysis. However,
the committee also finds that these omissions are a correctable defect in the report. [NRC page 22]
Comment: S&L disagrees with the statement “above omission calls into question the reliability, accuracy,
credibility, and utility of the S&L analysis.” A more detailed sensitivity analysis was not performed in the draft
report due to schedule and budget constraints. Additional sensitivity analysis and risk assessment were
performed in the final report (Sections 4.6, 4.7, 5.8, and 5.9) as a “correctable defect in the report.”
Observation 31: ‘the committee urges DOE to request a revised executive summary that clarifies and
points out the important limitations of the analysis methods, assumptions, and parameters in this study.
[NRC page 22]
Comment: The executive summary has been revised to include the limitations that we feel are important, but we
do not agree with all the ‘limitations’ pointed out by the NRC committee are valid.
Observation 32: ‘…the S&L team did not do a bottoms-up cost analysis of the possibilities (or
probabilities) of reducing the cost of CSP plants. Rather it relied on a SunLab model and put in some of
its own judgement. [NRC page 22]
Comment: Again, our scope of work did not include a bottoms-up cost estimate. Our scope was to review and
provide an opinion on the cost estimates prepared by SunLab, which was prepared with input from industry and
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1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank)
October 2003
Subcontract Report
Assessment of Parabolic Trough and Power Tower Solar Technology Cost and
Performance Forecasts
Sargent & Lundy LLC Consulting Group
Sargent & Lundy Consulting Group
55 East Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603-5780
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Blvd.
Golden, CO 80401-3393
NREL Technical Monitor: H. Price
National Technical Information Service
U.S. Department of Commerce
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161
13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)
Sargent & Lundy LLC conducted an independent analysis of parabolic trough and power tower solar technology cost and
parabolic trough, power tower, solar, solar technology, concentrating solar power,
CSP, power generation
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18