Second Lieutenant Samuel Reeves Keesler, Jr. ………………………………………………… 3
History of Keesler Air Force Base …………………………………………………………….... 4
History of the 81st Training Wing …………………………………………………………….... 16
Keesler Host Unit Commanders ……………………………………………………………….. 19
81st Wing Commanders ………………………………………………………………………. 20
Keesler Senior Enlisted Advisors/Command Chief Master Sergeants ………………………… 22
Lineage and Honors …………………………………………………………………………… 24
Aircraft Assigned …………………………………………………………………………….... 25
Chronology ……………………………………………………………………………………. 26
Second Lieutenant Samuel Reeves Keesler, Jr.
1896 1918
Samuel Reeves Keesler, Jr., was born in Greenwood, Mississippi, on 11 April 1896. He
was an outstanding student leader and athlete in high school and at Davidson College in North
Keesler entered the U.S. Army Air Service on 13 May 1917. He earned his commission as
a second lieutenant on 15 August, and received training as an aerial observer at Fort Sill,
Oklahoma, before sailing to France in March 1918. After additional training in aerial gunnery and
artillery fire control, Lieutenant Keesler was assigned to the 24th Aero Squadron, in the Verdun
sector of the Western Front, on 26 August 1918.
While performing a reconnaissance mission behind German lines in the late afternoon of 8
October 1918, Keesler and his pilot, 1st Lt Harold W. Riley, came under heavy gunfire from four
enemy aircraft. Riley quickly lost control of the badly damaged airplane while Keesler continued
to fend off the attackers even as they plummeted to the ground. Seriously wounded during the
battle and ensuing crash landing, German ground troops eventually captured and held Keesler and
Riley prisoner. Unable to receive immediate medical attention, Keesler died from his injuries the
following day. He was posthumously awarded the WWI Victory Medal with Silver Star device for
his gallantry.
History of Keesler Air Force Base
Early Development: 1941 - 1949
In early January 1941, Biloxi city officials assembled a formal offer to invite the U.S. Army Corps
to build a base to support the WWII training buildup. The package included the Biloxi airport, the
old Naval Reserve Park, and parts of Oak Park sufficient to support a technical training school
with a population of 5,200 people.
On 6 March 1941, the War
Department officially notified Mayor
Louis Braun that Biloxi had been
selected. The War Department
activated Army Air Corps Station No.
8, Aviation Mechanics School, Biloxi,
Mississippi, on 12 June 1941. City
officials wanted the base named after
a notable figure in the local area's
history, but it was War Department
policy to name installations after
service members killed in action. In
late June, Mayor Braun received word
that the new school would be named in
honor of Second Lieutenant Samuel
Reeves Keesler, Jr., of Greenwood,
Mississippi. Lieutenant Keesler had
died of wounds sustained during
World War I while serving in France
as an aerial observer assigned to the 24th Aero Squadron, U.S. Army Air Service. On 25 August
1941, Army Air Corps Station No. 8 was officially designated as Keesler Army Airfield.
Base Construction
Congress initially appropriated $6 million for construction at Biloxi and an additional $2 million
for equipment. By the time the War Department allocated the funds in April 1941, the projected
cost had risen to $9.6 million. On 14 June 1941, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers awarded
Newton, Glenn, and Knost Construction Company and J. A. Jones Construction Company
contracts totaling $10 million to build Biloxi's technical training school. At the time, it was the
most expensive government project to have been undertaken in the State of Mississippi.
First Soldiers Arrive
Captain Samuel A. Mundell arrived in Biloxi on 12 June 1941. He was joined two days later by a
startup cadre from Scott Field, Illinois, consisting of a second lieutenant and 20 enlisted personnel;
they established a temporary headquarters at the Biloxi Armory. Lieutenant Colonel William J.
Hanlon arrived on 16 June to assume command from Captain Mundell. The same Arthur W. Brock
Biloxi airport, ballpark,
and golf
as it
in 1941.
who had first examined the site in January, now promoted to colonel, arrived on 17 July to become
the base's first permanent commander.
On 8 September 1941, the 310th Technical School Squadron (the mess unit) became the first
squadron to move to the new barracks. Before the end of the month, three basic training units, the
301st, 303d, and 304th Technical School Squadrons, had also moved into permanent quarters.
Basic Training
When the War Department activated Keesler Field in June 1941, the local community thought it
was getting a technical training center with a student population, which might peak, at 20,000
people. Not only was Keesler to house a technical training center, but it would also host one of the
Army's newest replacement, or basic training centers. Keesler's population almost doubled
The first shipment of recruits arrived at Keesler Field on 21 August 1941. During World War II,
the Army's basic training program was little more than a reception process. At Keesler, basic
training lasted four weeks, during which classifiers determined the type of follow-on schooling
that each recruit would receive. Many stayed at Keesler to become airplane and engine mechanics,
while others transferred to aerial gunnery or aviation cadet schools. Trains passed through Keesler
daily, dropping off new trainees and picking up graduates.
By September 1944, the number of recruits had dropped, but the workload remained constant, as
Keesler personnel began processing veteran ground troops and combat crews who had returned
from duty overseas for additional training and follow-on assignments. Basic training wound down
drastically after the end of World War II, and it was finally discontinued at Keesler on 30 June
Technical Training
Technical training school officers and staff began arriving at Keesler Field in mid July 1941,
primarily from Chanute Field, Illinois. The new academic buildings were still under construction
when the Airplane and Engine Mechanics School opened. Basic Branch students received
instruction in five barracks buildings; Instructor Branch students were assigned to temporary
classrooms set up in commandeered circus tents. In mid-1942 the Army Air Forces directed
Keesler to focus upon the training of mechanics for B-24 Liberator heavy bombers. The school
received its first B-24 in late September 1942. Six more arrived shortly thereafter, and specialized
B-24 maintenance training began on 19 October. Over time, Keesler gradually replaced them with
civilian instructors, including many women.
Women began training here in 1943, as did international students. Students from more than 50
countries have received aviation, personnel, and electronics training at Keesler.
Generally unknown to most was
the role that the Tuskegee
Airmen and other African-
American troops played on
Keesler. In fact, more than 7,000
African-American soldiers were
stationed at Keesler Field by the
autumn of 1943. These soldiers
included pre-aviation cadets,
radio operators, aviation
technicians, bombardiers, and
aviation mechanics. Many
others, like First Sergeant Lucius
Theus, a future major general,
also served with distinction in
Keesler’s permanently assigned
African-Americans units. Keesler
also trained a small number of
black aircraft mechanics from the Tuskegee Institute. These African-American service members
took a giant step forward in their goal of winning wars on two fronts - the struggle against racism
at home and the fight against foreign enemies abroad.
Specialized Flying Training
Keesler continued to focus upon specialized training in B-24 maintenance until mid-1944.
Thereafter, the base was directed to expand its mechanics training curriculums to include other
aircraft. Changing requirements forced the consolidation of all air-rescue training at Keesler in
early 1945, however, and many of these programs had to be moved elsewhere for lack of facility
The rapid buildup of heavy bomber units overseas demanded additional aircrew, and Keesler was
tasked to assist in the spring of 1944. A B-24 Copilot School began operation in July, and its
curriculum was expanded to include B-32 copilot training in October. Procured in small numbers
as a back-up aircraft design for the B-29 strategic bomber program, the B-32 Terminator was
plagued with mechanical problems and production delays. Its contribution to the war effort was
limited and, subsequently, B-32 aircrew training ceased in January 1945. The need for B-24 crews
had also diminished, and Keesler stopped training B-24 copilots two months later.
Keesler’s first graduating class of African-American
airplane mechanics, 1944.
In late July 1944, the Army Air Forces (AAF) consolidated all air-sea rescue training at Keesler.
The situation worsened on 4 January 1945, when the AAF Training Command ordered Keesler to
give priority to air-sea rescue training. The Emergency Rescue School disbanded in April 1946.
Thereafter, air-sea rescue training passed to the Air Transport Command's newly established Air
Rescue Service.
The Post World War II Era
In late May 1947, the AAF announced plans to move its Radar School from Boca Raton, Florida,
to Keesler. The Radar School officially arrived on 14 November 1947, making Keesler responsible
for operating the two largest military technical schools in the United States. Thereafter, shrinking
budgets forced the base to reduce its operating costs: the Airplane and Engine Mechanics School
and the Radar School consolidated on 1 April 1948.
Meanwhile, in September 1947, the United States Air Force became an independent branch of the
armed services. As a result, Keesler Field was officially redesignated as an Air Force base on 13
January 1948.
In early 1949, Air Training Command decided that Keesler should focus its efforts on teaching
radar, radio, and electronics maintenance and repair. To make room, the airplane and engine
mechanics courses had to be moved elsewhere. Especially since the Air Force also planned to
transfer the Radio Operations School to Keesler from Scott AFB, Illinois. In addition to training
radio operators, Keesler was to begin teaching air traffic service technicians; aircraft approach
controllers, ground radar mechanics, and radar repairman/ground-controlled approach specialists.
The last mechanics training courses had moved to Sheppard AFB, Texas, by November, and it was
at this point in the base's history that Keesler became known as the "Electronics Training Center
of the Air Force."
The Korean War and the Fifties: 1950 - 1959
In August 1950, Keesler embarked on a major rebuilding program to upgrade its facilities across
the board. The first phase of this project called for the construction of a new electronics laboratory,
barracks, and a dining hall for a total cost of $14 million. In 1951, Congress appropriated an
additional $44 million to complete Keesler's reconstruction. Plans included four two-story
academic buildings (later named Allee, Dolan, Thomson, and Wolfe Halls), a 352-bed hospital,
modern family housing units, and a three-story dormitory complex dubbed "the triangle" because
of its distinctive layout.
The 1950s also meant organizational change for Keesler. Since August 1948, the 3380th Technical
Training Wing had controlled all base activities. Under it were four subordinate units: the 3380th
Technical Training Group, which operated the school; the 3380th Maintenance and Supply Group;
the 3380th Air Base Group; and the 3380th Medical Group. In 1955, a fifth group was added: the
3380th Installations Group. That arrangement continued until 1 January 1959, when Air Training
Command redesignated the wing as Headquarters, Keesler Technical Training Center (KTTC). At
the same time, the training group was redesignated as the 3380th Technical School, USAF, and all
its subordinate student squadrons were renamed school squadrons.
Technical Training
Keesler's modernization required more than expanded facilities. For example, Keesler began using
television instruction methods as early as June 1953. In 1950, Keesler offered only 14 generalized
courses, but by December 1959 that number had grown to 116, including vital USAF programs
such as the aircraft warning and control system.
In early 1956, Keesler entered the missile age by opening a ground support-training program for
the SM-65 Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile. In addition, school personnel were developing
training methods for the newly adopted semi-automatic ground environment (SAGE) system, an
integrated defense net intended to protect the United States from Soviet air attack. The base gained
even more responsibility in 1958, when the Air Force announced that Scott AFB would relinquish
its training mission. As a result, all control tower operator, radio maintenance, and general radio
operator courses came to be under Keesler's already broad technical training roof.
Technology in the Sixties and Seventies: 1960 - 1979
By 1960 the school at Keesler had earned a solid reputation for high technology training, offering
courses in radar, communications, and electronics. During the early l960s, Keesler lost many of
its airborne training courses, and the aircraft
they required. The TC-54s assigned to
electronic warfare officer training departed
for Mather AFB, California, in April 1961. In
December 1962, the Air Ground Operations
School and its T-33s transferred to Eglin
AFB, Florida; they had filled Biloxi's
airspace with jet noise since 1957. The last C-
47 used for airborne ground approach radar
training left in 1966, when it was replaced by
a ground-based simulator.
By the mid-1960s, the United States was
beginning to deploy substantial forces to
Southeast Asia. The Vietnam War buildup
caused base-wide shortages of everything
from uniforms to post office boxes, but it also
returned pilot training to Keesler for the first
time since 1953. On 15 January 1967, the
3389th Pilot Training Squadron was
activated and equipped with T-28 Trojans. Its
mission was to teach Military Assistance
Program (MAP) students how to fly. The
squadron hosted personnel from many
countries, including Iran, Mexico, and Peru,
but especially from South Vietnam. Of the
908 pilots who graduated before the squadron
Advances in evolving technology rapidly led
to changes in Keesler’s training.
inactivated in 1973, 743 were from that beleaguered country. Advances in evolving technology
rapidly led to changes in Keesler’s training and infrastructure. Meanwhile, all Air Force basic
training at Keesler ceased in 1966, when Air Training Command assigned that responsibility solely
to Lackland AFB, Texas.
On 11 June 1968, Keesler reached a milestone when it graduated its one-millionth student. A
month later, the school absorbed both personnel and administrative functions that increased
Keesler's student population by almost 20 percent.
Keesler remained the largest training base within ATC throughout the 1970s, and it continued to
stay on the cutting edge of electronics technology, instructing students in new systems such as the
worldwide military command and control system and the 407L radar system. The school was the
country's main supplier of electronics technicians, but a traditional division between academic and
technical studies meant that Keesler's graduates could not receive college credit for their efforts.
On 31 May 1972, Air Training Command redesignated the 3380th Technical School as the USAF
School of Applied Aerospace Sciences. Soon after on 13 December, the school received
institutional accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. As a result,
Airmen trained at Keesler received a Career Educational Certificate from the newly established
Community College of the Air Force. This opportunity was further expanded in April 1977, when
Keesler graduates became eligible to apply their technical training towards an Associate of Arts
Keesler's student load dropped to an all-time low after the Vietnam War ended, and Air Force
officials responded to changing social conditions by reexamining the school's teaching functions.
As a result, Air Training Command inactivated the USAF School of Applied Aerospace Sciences
on 1 April 1977 and replaced it with the 3300th Technical Training Wing, which activated the
same day.
Tenant Support
As the Vietnam War began winding down, so too did the need to train Vietnamese pilots. The
MAP foreign pilot training program ended in 1973, again leaving Keesler without a flying mission.
That situation did not last long as several flying units were reassigned to Keesler during the 1970s.
On 16 April 1973, the Department of Defense announced that Military Airlift Command (MAC)
would transfer two squadrons to Keesler: the 1st Aerospace Cartographic and Geodetic Squadron
from Forbes AFB, Kansas, and the 53d Weather Reconnaissance Squadron from Ramey AFB,
Puerto Rico. The 1st Aerospace Cartographic and Geodetic Squadron used its RC-130s to conduct
photomapping assignments worldwide, while the 53d went "hurricane hunting” throughout the
Caribbean with its WC-130s.
These squadrons were tenant units at Keesler, meaning they relied on various base organizations
for support but were not otherwise a part of Keesler's command structure. Both units were in place
by 31 July 1973. In addition to the units belonging to MAC, Keesler also gained an Air Force
Reserve tenant in April 1973 when the 920th Tactical Airlift Group activated. This unit flew C-
130 Hercules turboprop transport aircraft.
The increased number of large aircraft underscored the need for airfield improvements. Starting in
January 1974, engineers began extending the runway and converting two hangars into aircraft
maintenance shops. Even before these projects could be completed, however, the Air Force
proposed transferring yet another unit to Keeslerthe 7th Airborne Command and Control
Squadron, which had previously been assigned to Pacific Air Forces and stationed in Southeast
Asia. Active U.S. involvement had ended in Vietnam, and the 7th was no longer needed in the Far
East. Keesler was selected as the new home for the 7th's EC-130 airborne command and control
aircraft; the squadron arrived in August 1975 as a base tenant unit reporting directly to
Tactical Air Command (TAC).
The End of the Cold War and Beyond: 1980 - 1999
Two weapon systems training programs gained attention during the early l980s. One was the
airborne warning and control system (employed aboard the E-3A Sentry aircraft), and the other
was the BGM-109 ground-launched cruise missile. Keesler's air traffic control program also
garnered its share of publicity, especially after the Professional Air Traffic Controllers
Organization walked off the job in August 1981. When President Ronald Reagan fired the strikers,
Keesler-trained military air traffic controllers stepped in to keep the nation's airways flowing
Beginning in 1984, school officials worked with Air Force Communications Command's 1872d
School Squadron to develop prototype-training programs using interactive videodisc (IVD)
technology, which soon supported a variety of Keesler interactive course offerings. Keesler's Wall
Studio IVD production capability was one of only two in the entire Air Force, and supported many
organizations Air Force wide.
Driven by deep defense budget cuts, the congressionally mandated base realignment and closure
process culminated in a major downsizing effort, significantly impacting Keesler's training
mission. With base closure forcing an end to technical training at Chanute AFB, Illinois, and
Lowry AFB, Colorado, Keesler's growing importance as a technical university would become even
more firmly fixed. The first additions arrived in 1990, as Keesler acquired Chanute's weather
forecasting courses. Lowry's metrology and precision maintenance electronics laboratory training
program followed in 1992-1993.
The Air Force released the "Year of Training" initiatives in 1992. It was a top to bottom
reevaluation of the process by which USAF technicians acquired and honed their skills. This action
led to a host of organizational changes. One initiative proposed a drawdown of USAF field training
detachments (FTD). These detachments were the mechanism by which USAF maintainers still in
the planning stages in 1995, the FTD draw down initiative would divide weapon systems training
among the major using commands and the technical training centers, and Keesler stood to inherit
many new course responsibilities once the draw down plan went into effect.
Another Year of Training initiative resulted in the return of flying training to Keesler for the first
time since 1973. Tasked with providing operational airlift support training to pilots in C-12C/F
Huron and C-21A Learjet aircraft, the 45th Airlift Squadron was assigned to the 81st Training
Group. It began operations in July 1994.
Meanwhile, the massive restructuring of the Air Force in the early 1990s also meant several
changes for Keesler's associate units. The first occurred when the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance
Squadron (known throughout the Gulf region as the Hurricane Hunters) inactivated and transferred
to the reserves on 30 June 1991. Its important mission merged with the storm-tracking mission of
the 815th WRS, a component of the 403rd Wing, Keesler's resident Air Force Reserve unit that
includes the 815th Airlift Squadron that also flies C-130s. Another base tenant change occurred
when the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron and its EC-130 flying command post
aircraft relocated to Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, in September 1994.
Those restructuring efforts similarly affected units assigned to Keesler Technical Training Center.
In February 1992, Headquarters Air Force redesignated the base's host unit as the Keesler Training
Center (KTC). The 3300th Technical Training Wing downsized to become a group, and its
component technical training groups became squadrons. The 3305th Student Group also
inactivated along with its subordinate squadrons. In mid-September all the 3380th numbered units
assumed the 393rd designation, as the base further realigned itself to conform to the Air Force's
objective wing structure. In addition, the technical training group also assumed the 393rd
designation, and its nine technical training and training support squadrons were renumbered to
better reflect the new, simplified organizational arrangement.
Yet another major change occurred on 1 July 1993, when Keesler Training Center inactivated, and
its lineage and honors retired. On the same day, the 81st Tactical Fighter Wing, formerly located
at Royal Air Force (RAF) Station Bentwaters, United Kingdom, was redesignated the 81st
Training Wing and concurrently activated to serve as Keesler's host organization. At the same
time, HQ USAF redesignated Air Training Command as Air Education and Training Command
(AETC), and the command activated Second Air Force and stationed it at Keesler. Its mission was
to oversee all technical training conducted within AETC.
The 21st Century
The end of the Cold War and subsequent military drawdown caused the armed services to
refocus on a long dormant issue, namely participation in the Interservice Training Review
Organization (ITRO)a review of
military programs to eliminate training
duplication and reduce training costs
through consolidation. The first
results of ITRO made themselves felt at
Keesler in 1995, when the ITRO
Executive Board determined that all
DoD Calibration training would be
consolidated at Keesler. The first
contingent of students arrived in 1996,
as the Navy closed offices and moved
equipment from San Diego, California,
and Norfolk, Virginia, to Keesler. The
Marine Corps followed in 1997, as it
Keesler AFB’s premier “Triangle Vision.”
transferred equipment and students from the Marine Corps Logistics Base (MCLB) in Albany,
Georgia, to Keesler. The course load and population increase expected from the FTD
drawdown dissipated in 1996, as USAF leaders determined that centralization of training under
the FTD would be unrealistic.
On 4 October 1996, Keesler officially implemented “Triangle Vision,” an ambitious five-year,
$23-million building project designed to modernize the bases 1950s era technical training
dormitories and dining facilities. The first phase of the project called for the selective short-
term repair of existing facilities, including renovation of restrooms and removal of hazardous
material. The second phase replaced dormitories with seven new facilities, created a new training
support squadron and built an additional dining hall.
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina ranked as one of the costliest and deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history. It was the
eleventh named storm, fifth hurricane and second Category 5 hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic
hurricane season, and sixth strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded, to date.
Tropical Depression Twelve formed over the southeastern Bahamas at 4:00 p.m. Central Daylight
Time (CDT) on August 23, 2005 partially from the remains of Tropical Depression Ten. The
system was upgraded to Tropical Storm Katrina on the morning of August 24, and became a
hurricane only two hours before it made landfall on August 25, between Hallandale Beach and
Aventura, on the east coast of Florida.
Katrina had a well- defined eye on Doppler radar that remained intact throughout its passage
over the state Florida. It had weakened to a tropical storm as it passed over land, but quickly
regained strength and hurricane status approximately one hour after entering the Gulf of Mexico.
Rapid intensification occurred during the first 24-hours after entering the Gulf, due in part to the
storm’s movement over the warm sea surface temperatures of the Loop Currenta large flow of
warm water that flows clockwise and dominates circulation within the eastern Gulf of Mexico. On
August 25, the storm reached Category 3 intensity on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, and
became the third major hurricane of the season. President George W. Bush declared a state of
emergency in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi two days before the hurricane made a second
At 8:00 a.m. (CDT), on the morning of August 27th, the 81st Training Wing commander’s Crises
Action Team (CAT) assembled and declared Hurricane Condition (HURCON) 3. The decision
was made to evacuate over 10,000 personnel and begin preparations to shelter the remaining 6,000.
Katrina continued to intensify and reached Category 5 status on August 28, with maximum
sustained winds of 175 mph and a central pressure of 902 millibar (mbar). The CAT reassembled
at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, August 28th, and declared HURCON 2. Base shelters opened
that afternoon at 5:00 p.m., and the 45th Airlift Squadron and 403rd Wing deployed their aircraft
to safe zones. The CAT reconvened that afternoon and initiated HURCON 1the outer bands of
Hurricane Katrina were already being felt by Sunday evening.
Just after midnight on August 29, although the hurricane was still six hours away from a second
landfall, the storm was so large that some areas of the Gulf Coast were already experiencing
tropical storm-force winds. Overnight, the system entered an eye-wall replacement cycle and
although its maximum sustained winds had slightly weakened, the storm grew even larger. Katrina
made a second landfall at 6:10 a.m. on August 29th, near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana
(approximately 150 miles west of Keesler AFB), as a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds
of 125 mph.
A few hours later, Katrina made a third and final landfall near the Louisiana/Mississippi border
with 120 mph sustained windsstill a Category 3 hurricane. Record storm surge came ashore
along the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast and into Alabama, peaking at 34 feet in Bay St Louis,
Mississippi, and reaching 13 feet as far away as Mobile, Alabama. Moving at 15 mph, Katrina’s
eye passed 43 miles to the west of Keesler. With the base battened down and all conceivable
preparations completed, personnel waited for the storm to pass. Scattered across the installation in
six, 1,000-person shelters (medical center and training buildings), 6,006 people hunkered down as
the base was pummeled for nearly 12 hours.
Katrina’s Wake
The water from Biloxi’s Back Bay swamped Keesler’s northern- most thoroughfare, Ploesti Drive.
The main road running north and south, Larcher Boulevard—along with 50 percent of the base—
became submerged. The BX and Commissary were inundated under more than five feet of water;
Keesler Medical Center received massive flooding into its basement, as did countless other
facilities. The shelters were battered and took on some floodwater, but remained intact. When the
storm surge receded and the winds calmed down, Katrina’s devastating blow to Keesler was
estimated at $950 million with 95 percent of the base damaged to some extent.
Personnel and resources from around the Air Force quickly converged on the installation,
and the extraordinary reconstruction effort, dubbed Operation DRAGON COMEBACK, began in
earnest. Although Keesler’s training mission was temporarily halted, within days several
squadrons resumed training for students who were within 7-10 days of graduating from their
respective courses. The rapid recovery and repair of training facilities and the remarkable efforts
of instructors allowed additional courses to be quickly brought back on line. By October 20, all
enlisted initial skill courses were approved to be taught, although some at less than 100 percent
capacity; by November 1st, there were 1,762 students in training at Keesler; and by years end
almost all training facilities, dining halls, and student dorms that had sustained damage became
operational. The tremendous efforts of the military and civilians assigned to the 81st Training
Wing enabled Keesler’s mission to resume much sooner than anyone originally anticipated, and
the remarkable pace of rebuilding the base continued.
At the beginning of the 21st Century, the 81 TRW was one of the largest technical training wings
in Air Education and Training Command (AETC). In addition to technical training, Keesler AFB
also trained pilots in C-21 aircraft. The C-21's belonged to the 45th Airlift Squadron (AS), a
detachment from Little Rock AFB, Arkansas. The 45th AS inactivated on 15 July 2011 ending
seven years of pilot training. Today, the 81st Training Wing (81 TRW) trains thousands of Airmen
and members form the Navy, Army, Marines, Coast Guard, and allied nations. Thousands of Air
Force and DoD civilians train at Keesler each year. Thirty-six AFSC-awarding training courses
were taught at Keesler; among them are Undergraduate Cyber Training, Command Post, Air
Traffic Control, Manpower, Personnel, and DoD Weather. The 81st Medical Group also trains
Airmen in seven enlisted Phase II medical courses and doctors and dentists through its graduate
medical and dental education programs. Though the 81 TRW primary missions were that of
technical training, Keesler AFB is host to many associate units with their own histories.
Keesler AFB Became the Air Force’s Cyber Training Campus
The Air Force Announced in 2009 that the 81st Training Group (81 TRG) at KAFB would establish
a cyber-campus. Therefore, combat systems, communications, and information officers combined
into a cyber-warfare officer 17X specialty group. The enlisted members also transitioned the same
way into cyber warfare operations (bound/wired) and (unbound/wireless) career fields. This
process initiated the path to the Undergraduate Cyber Training (UCT) program. The first officers
graduated from the UCT on 7 December 2010.
Emblem: Approved 2 Mar 1943, for use by the 81st Fighter Group; approved 14 May 1956 for
use by the 81st Training Wing.
Description: Or, a dragon salient wings displayed addorsed azure, armed and langued gules,
incensed proper, holding in its dexter claw a stylized boll weevil sable.
Significance: The wing’s mission is symbolized by the fabled fiery dragon, a creature adopted in
medieval times with the thought of intimidating enemies. The dragon’s breath of fire renders all
opposition useless, while the stylized boll weevil clutched in the dragon’s claw is suggestive of
the enemy.
Motto: Le Nom-Les Armes-La Loyauté (The Name, The Arms, The Loyalty)
Although not established until 1948, the 81st Tactical
Wing’s bestowed
history dates back to World War II, when the 81
Pursuit Group (Interceptor) was activated
in February 1942, at
Field, North Carolina. In May 1942, the unit was redesignated
Fighter Group and began training with P-39 aircraft. Later that year,
ground echelon arrived in French Morocco with the force
invaded North Africa on 8
November 1942. Its air echelon, which
trained in England, arrived in North Africa in
December 1942. Assigned to Twelfth Air Force, the Group supported Allied ground
against Axis forces in Tunisia. Afterward, the 81st patrolled the coast
and protected Allied shipping lanes in the Mediterranean Sea.
group also provided cover
for ship convoys that landed troops on
island of Pantelleria and Sicily, and at Anzio,
In February 1944, the 81st transferred to India and began training with P-40 Warhawk and
P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft. It moved to China in May and became part of Fourteenth Air Force.
The group continued training until January 1945, when it returned to combat duty. There, the 81st
attacked enemy airfields and installations and aided Chinese ground forces by attacking Japanese
troop concentrations, ammunition depots, communication lines, and other strategic targets. The
group inactivated in China on 27 December 1945.
The 81st Fighter Group reactivated on 15 October 1946, at Wheeler Field, Hawaii, and was
outfitted with P-51 Mustangs. On 1 May 1948, the 81st Fighter Wing also activated at Wheeler
Field, and the 81st Fighter Group became its primary operational component. (The group
inactivated in February 1955). Although the wing’s Mustang fighters were replaced with P-47N
Thunderbolt aircraft, the wing continued to defend Hawaiian airspace until mid-1949. In June of
that year, the 81st moved to Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, where it began flying F-
80C Shooting Star jet fighters. On 20 January 1950, the wing was redesignated the 81st Fighter-
Interceptor Wing. Outfitted with the new F-86A Sabre fighter jet, it moved to Moses Lake (later
Larson) AFB, Washington, a few months later. Upon arrival, the 81st was assigned to the Western
Air Defense Force and given a new mission—air defense of the Pacific Northwest.
Just 14 months later, in August 1951, 81st personnel found themselves packing bags
againthis time moving to RAF Bentwaters in England. As part of Third Air Force, the 81st was
the first F-86 Sabre unit to be based in Europe where it played a major role in the peacetime air
defense of Great Britain. In 1954 the wing converted to the F-84F Thunderstreak, and on 1 April
of that year, the unit was redesignated the 81st Fighter-Bomber Wing to reflect its nuclear strike
capability. Thereafter, the 81st was charged with tactical operations for the United States Air
Forces in Europe in support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), with air defense
as a secondary mission. The wing upgraded to the faster, longer-ranged F-101A Voodoo in early
On 8 July 1958, two significant events occurred. First, the wing again redesignated, this
time as the 81st Tactical Fighter Wing (81 TFW). Second, a nearby installation, RAF Woodbridge,
transferred to the 81 TFW. Along with RAF Bentwaters, the two locations would be known as the
wing's twin base of operations for 35 years.
Seventeenth Air Force became headquarters to the 81 TFW in 1961, but in September
1963, the wing once again found itself under the command of Third Air Force. In 1965, the 81st
converted to the F-4C Phantom II, and then in turn to the F-4D beginning in 1969. The 81st traded
in its high-speed, high-altitude F-4s for the slow-flying A-10A Thunderbolt II ground attack
aircraft in 1979, and for a time the wing was the Air Forces largest operator of this nimble, tank-
hunting aircraft, affectionately called Warthog by its pilots and ground crews. In the late 1980s,
the wing's 527th Aggressor Squadron flew the F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Throughout the 1980s, the 81 TFW mission was to provide close air support and battlefield
interdiction in support of NATO ground forces. The wing participated in rotational deployments
to air bases in Germany, and it conducted joint training operations with U.S. and British ground
forces. Following Operation Desert Storm, the 81st logged over 10,000 flying hours while
patrolling "no-fly zones" over northern and southern Iraq enforcing UN sanctions against the
rogue nation.
On 1 July 1993, the 81st Tactical Fighter Wing inactivated at RAF Bentwaters. That same
day, HQ USAF redesignated the wing as the 81st Training Wing (81 TRW), activated it at
Keesler and assigned it to Second Air Force. Although its name and mission have changed, the
wings illustrious heritage continues unbroken.
Keesler Army Air Field:
Col Arthur W. Brock, Jr. 17 Jul 41
Col Robert E.M. Goolrick 15 Apr 42
3704th Army Air Force Base Unit:
Col Robert E.M. Goolrick 1 May 44
Col Thomas S. Voss 1 May 45
Col John R. Morgan 6 Oct 45
Brig Gen Hugo P. Rush 8 Feb 46
Brig Gen Edward W. Anderson 15 Apr 47
Maj Gen Charles W. Lawrence 5 Apr 48
3380th Technical Training Wing:
Maj Gen Charles W. Lawrence 26 Aug 48
Maj Gen James F. Powell 18 May 49
Maj Gen Harlan C. Parks 20 Aug 53
Brig Gen James H. Davies 2 Apr 55
Maj Gen Fay R. Upthegrove 1 Sep 55
Maj Gen John R. Sutherland 3 Sep 57
Keesler Technical Training Center:
Maj Gen John R. Sutherland 1 Jan 59
Maj Gen John S. Hardy 12 Jul 60
Maj Gen Romulus W. Puryear 27 Jul 64
Maj Gen James C. McGehee 1 Aug 67
Maj Gen Thomas E. Moore 1 Aug 69
Maj Gen Frank M. Madsen, Jr. 29 Nov 69
Maj Gen Bryan M. Shotts 26 Feb 73
Maj Gen Winfield W. Scott, Jr. 1 Aug 75
Maj Gen John S. Pustay 29 Jul 77
Maj Gen Don H. Payne 24 May 79
Maj Gen Thomas C. Richards 8 May 82
Maj Gen Thomas J. Hickey 26 Sep 83
Maj Gen James G. Jones 18 Aug 86
Maj Gen Paul A. Harvey 22 Jun 88
Brig Gen Paul E. Stein 30 Aug 91
Keesler Training Center:
Brig Gen Paul E. Stein 14 Feb 92
Maj Gen John C. Griffith 30 Apr 92
81st Training Wing:
Brig Gen Karen S. Rankin 1 Jul 93
Brig Gen Andrew J. Pelak, Jr. 7 Nov 95
Brig Gen John M. Spiegel 4 Aug 97
Brig Gen Elizabeth A. Harrell 14 Jul 99
Brig Gen Roosevelt Mercer, Jr. 5 Sept 00
Brig Gen Michael W. Peterson 3 May 02
Brig Gen William T. Lord 20 Apr 04
Brig Gen Paul F. Capasso 15 Nov 05
Brig Gen Gregory J. Touhill 2 Oct 07
Brig Gen Ian R. Dickinson 26 May 09
Brig Gen Andrew M. Mueller 2 Aug 10
Brig Gen Bradley D. Spacy 18 May 12
Brig Gen Patrick C. Higby 23 Aug 13
Col Michele C. Edmondson 26 Jun 15
Col Debra A. Lovette 2 Jun 17
Col Heather W. Blackwell 16 May 19
Col William H. Hunter 17 Jun 21
81st Fighter Wing:
Col Thomas W. Blackburn 1 May 48
Lt Col Francis R. Royal 21 May 49
Col Thomas W. Blackburn 28 Jun 49
81st Fighter-Interceptor Wing:
Col Thomas W. Blackburn 20 Jan 50
Col Gladwyn E. Pinkston 28 Apr 50
81st Fighter-Bomber Wing:
Col Gladwyn E. Pinkston 1 Apr 54
Col Harold N. Holt 2 Jun 54
Col Ivan W. McElroy 10 Jun 55
Col Lester L. Krause, Jr. 18 Jun 57
Col Henry L. Crouch, Jr. 8 Jul 57
81st Tactical Fighter Wing:
Col Henry L. Crouch, Jr. 8 Jul 58
Col James R. Dubose, Jr. 6 May 60
Col Eugene L. Strickland 9 Jul 60
Col William C. Clark 9 Jul 62
Col Robin Olds 9 Aug 63
Brig Gen Dewitt R. Searles 26 Jul 65
Col Ramon R. Melton 8 Jul 67
Col George S. Dorman 5 Jul 68
Col Devol Brett 25 Sep 68
Col David J. Schmerbeck 29 Aug 69
Col John C. Bartholf 6 Mar 70
Col James W. Enos 4 Sep 70
Col Dwaine L. Weatherwax 22 Jun 71
Brig Gen Charles E. Word 16 Aug 72
Col John R. Paulk 19 Apr 74
Brig Gen Clyde H. Garner 14 May 75
Col Gerald D. Larson 11 Feb 76
Col Rudolph F. Wacker 6 May 77
Col Gorden E. Williams 7 Aug 79
Col Richard M. Pascoe 24 Apr 81
Col Dale C. Tabor 20 Aug 82
Col Lester P. Brown, Jr. 20 Mar 84
Col William A. Studer 26 Mar 86
Col Harold H. Rhoden 30 Jul 87
Col Tad J. Oelstrom 5 Aug 88
Col Roger R. Radcliff 12 Jul 91
81st Training Wing:
Brig Gen Karen S. Rankin 1 Jul 93
Brig Gen Andrew J. Pelak, Jr. 7 Nov 95
Brig Gen John M. Speigel 4 Aug 97
Brig Gen Elizabeth A. Harrell 14 Jul 99
Brig Gen Roosevelt Mercer, Jr. 5 Sept 00
Brig Gen Michael W. Peterson 3 May 02
Brig Gen William T. Lord 20 Apr 04
Brig Gen Paul F. Capasso 15 Nov 05
Brig Gen Gregory J. Touhill 2 Oct 07
Brig Gen Ian R. Dickenson 20 May 09
Brig Gen Andrew M. Mueller 2 Aug 10
Brig Gen Bradley D. Spacy 18 May 12
Brig Gen Patrick C. Higby 23 Aug 13
Col Michele C. Edmondson 26 Jun 15
Col Debra A. Lovette 2 Jun 17
Col Heather W. Blackwell 16 May 19
Col William H. Hunter 17 Jun 21
81st Training Wing:
Col Jason D. Allen 13 Dec 22
Col Billy E. Pope, Jr 23 Mar 23
Keesler Technical Training Center:
CMSgt Thomas R. Silk Feb 73 – Mar 74
CMSgt Tommy J. Adkins Mar 74 – Aug 74
CMSgt James J. Blevins Aug 74 – Sep 75
CMSgt Tommy J. Adkins Sep 75 – May 78
CMSgt Alfred R. Smith May 78 – Nov 78
CMSgt Robert G. Cornelius Nov 78 – Jun 82
CMSgt Billy W. Carter Jun 82 – Mar 84
CMSgt James J. Vollmuth Mar 84 – Jun 87
Keesler Training Center:
CMSgt Thomas E. York Jun 87 – Sep 92
CMSgt Charles Taylor Sep 92 – Sep 93
81st Training Wing:
CMSgt Steven T. Wyrick Sep 93 – Aug 95
CMSgt Janice S. McCuiston Aug 95 – May 97
81st Training Wing:
CMSgt Edward A. Walden May 97 – Sep 99
CMSgt Michael McCann Sep 99 – Nov 01
CMSgt Robert Tappana Nov 01 – Aug 03
CMSgt Thomas M. Golden Aug 03 – Aug 04
CMSgt Aliquippa Allen Aug 04 – Nov 06
CMSgt Ronald S. Owens Nov 06 – Feb 08
CMSgt Alexandre Perry Feb 08 – Aug 09
CMSgt Lonnie Slater Aug 09 – Mar 11
CMSgt Curtis A. Jennings Mar 11 - Aug 11
CMSgt Angelica M. Johnson Aug 11 – Sep 13
CMSgt Ferrell D. Thomas Sep 13 - Dec 14
CMSgt Harry L. Hutchinson Dec 14 – Aug 16
CMSgt Vegas M. Clark Aug 16 – Aug 17
CMSgt Kenneth R. Carter Aug 17 – Nov 18
CMSgt David A. Pizzuto Nov 18 – May 20
81st Training Wing:
CMSgt Sarah M. Esparza Jun 20 – Jun 23
CMSgt Michael J. Venning Jul 23 - Present
15 Apr 48: Established as 81st Fighter Wing.
1 May 48: Activated.
20 Jan 50: Redesignated as 81st Fighter-Interceptor Wing.
1 Apr 54: Redesignated as 81st Fighter-Bomber Wing.
8 Jul 58: Redesignated as 81st Tactical Fighter Wing.
1 Jul 93: Inactivated.
1 Jul 93: Redesignated as 81st Training Wing and reactivated.
Air Force Outstanding Unit Awards
(Awarded to the 81st Fighter Wing)
28 Mar 59 - 30 Jun 61
1 Jul 61 - 30 Jun 63
1 Jun 66 - 31 May 68
1 Jul 68 - 30 Jun 70
1 Jul 76 - 30 Jun 78
1 Jul 79 - 30 Jun 81
1 Jul 81 - 30 Jun 83
1 Jun 89 - 31 May 91
1 Jun 91 - 30 Jun 93
(Awarded to the 81st Training Wing)
1 Jul 99 - 30 Jun 01
1 Jul 01 - 30 Jun 02
1 Jun 05 - 30 Jun 06
1 Jul 07 - 30 Jun 09
1 Jul 09 – 30 Jun 11
1 Jul 11 – 30 Jun 13
1 Jul 13 – 30 Jun 15
1 Jul 15 – 30 Jun 17
1 Jul 17 – 30 Jun 18
1 Jul 18 – 30 Jun 20
The 81st Training Wing is authorized to display all World War II Campaign Streamers awarded
to the 81st Fighter Group prior to 1 May 1948.
European-African-Middle Eastern Theater Campaigns
Algeria-French Morocco
Air Combat, European-African-Middle Eastern Theater
Asiatic-Pacific Theater Campaigns
China Offensive
China Defensive
Aircraft Assigned
81st Training Wing: *
F-47 1948-1949
F-80 1949
F-86 1949-1955
F-51 1951
F-84 1954-1959
F-101 1958-1966
F-4 1965-1979
F-16 1988-1990
A-10 1979-1993
*Includes aircraft assigned to 81st Fighter Wing, 1948-1950; 81st Fighter- Interceptor Wing, 1950-
1954; 81st Fighter-Bomber Wing, 1954-1958; 81st Tactical Fighter Wing, 1958-1993; and 81st
Training Wing, 1993-Present. The 81st Fighter Group was a component of the wing from 1 May
1948 to 8 February 1955.
(1941 through 2021)
6 Mar The War Department announced that the Army Air Corps would establish a
technical school at Biloxi.
12 Jun The War Department activated Army Air Corps Station No. 8, Aviation Mechanics
School, Biloxi, Mississippi, and assigned it to Technical Training Command.
25 Jul The base opened its first facility, a medical dispensary, in the Naval Reserve Park.
21 Aug The first group of recruits arrived for basic training.
25 Aug The War Department designated Army Air Corps Station No. 8 as Keesler Army
8 Sep The 310th Technical School Squadron, a basic training unit, was the first squadron
to move from tent city to new barracks.
20 Sep The Army Air Corps Replacement Training Center (Technician) was activated to
train new recruits.
29 Sep The Airplane and Engine Mechanics School began operation.
1 Dec The Post Exchange (PX) opened its first full-service store on Keesler Field.
27 Feb The first airplane mechanics class graduated.
7 Mar Keesler Field opened its first hospital and the facility admitted 92 patients during
its first day of operation.
9 Mar The 1002d Quartermaster Company, Keesler’s first boat rescue unit, activated
and headquartered at the Biloxi Yacht Club.
10 May The first women's unit, Detachment, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC),
activated. About two weeks later, the unit was redesignated as the 749th WAAC
Post Headquarters Company.
1 Jun Workers built a 10,000-seat outdoor theater adjacent to the Officers Club.
1 Jul The War Department leased Horn Island for chemical warfare studies.
29 Nov The Airplane and Engine Mechanics School received its first foreign students – 13
Chinese officers.
13 Dec Signal Corps Technical Training School opened. It was discontinued in February
27 Dec The first bank, Keesler Field Bank, opened.
1 May The 3704th Army Air Forces Base Unit (Technical School and Basic Training
Center) activated as Keesler's host unit.
1 Jul The B-24 Co-Pilot School opened. The school added B-32 co-pilot training in
October, but it was discontinued in January 1945. The B-24 Co-Pilot School ceased
operations in March 1945.
25 Jul Keesler officials opened recreation facilities on Ship Island.
31 Jul The War Department assigned its only emergency rescue school to Keesler. As a
result, the 3704th Army Air Forces Base Unit (Technical School and Basic Training
Center) was redesignated as the 3704th Army Air Forces Base Unit (Technical
School, Basic Training Center, and Emergency Rescue School).
Army Air Forces Base Unit (Technical School and Basic Training Center) was
redesignated as the 3704th Army Air Forces Base Unit (Technical School, Basic
Training Center, and Emergency Rescue School).
1 Sep Forty-five (45) Civil Service employees resumed a five-day, 40-hour work-week.
Apr-Jun The War Department inactivated all Army Air Forces airplane mechanics schools
except for Keesler.
23 Apr Keesler disbanded its Emergency Rescue School and redesignated the 3704th Army
Air Forces Base Unit (Technical School, Basic Training Center, and Emergency
Rescue School) as the 3704th Army Air Forces Base Unit (Technical School and
Basic Training Center).
30 Jun Basic training ended at Keesler. As a result, the 3704th again changed its name,
becoming the 3704th Army Air Forces Base Unit (Technical School).
1 Jul The Air Chemical School opened.
14 Dec Keesler Women's Army Corps detachment inactivated.
1 May Officials in Washington announced that the radar school at Boca Raton, Florida,
would move to Keesler.
Jul-Sep Keesler Federal Credit Union was chartered. The member ship fee was 25 cents.
18 Sep The worst hurricane to strike the Gulf Coast since 1915 made landfall south of New
Orleans. (The practice of naming hurricanes did not begin until 1953.) The Biloxi
area recorded winds in excess of 100 miles per hour and storm surge of 15 feet or
more. Beach front buildings and seafood processing facilities sustained heavy
damage. Keesler personnel conducted anti-looting patrols, rescued stranded storm
victims, and made emergency repairs.
14 Nov The Air Force officially transferred its Boca Raton radar school to Keesler. Classes
began in January 1948.
13 Jan Keesler Field became Keesler Air Force Base.
26 Aug Keesler replaced its base unit (3704th Air Force Base Unit) type organization with
a wing base plan when Air Training Command designated and organized the 3380th
Technical Training Wing. Also on this date, designated, organized, and assigned to
the wing were the 3380th Medical Squadron (station hospital), the 3380th Air Base
Group, the 3380th Technical Training Group, and the 3380th Maintenance and
Supply Group.
28 Aug Air Training Command discontinued the 3704th Air Force Base Unit (Technical
1 Nov The 3380th Medical Squadron was redesignated as the 3380th Station Medical
1 Mar The Air Force announced that the Airplane and Engine Mechanics Department at
Keesler would transfer to Sheppard AFB, Texas beginning in April.
1 Jun The Radio Operations School moved from Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, to
Keesler. The first course began on 15 June. Nine of the students were Air Force
women. This was the first time Keesler had operated a coeducational technical
Summer The Air Chemical School transferred to Lowry AFB, Colorado.
9 Nov Airplane and engine mechanics training ended.
27 Jun The 3380th Station Medical Squadron was redesignated as the 3380th Medical
Jul-Sep Keesler's hospital became the first in the Air Force to establish an appointment
system for its outpatient clinics.
Jan-Jun Airmen began occupying new dormitory style barracks in the area nicknamed the
16 Oct The 3380th Medical Group was redesignated as the 3380th USAF Hospital.
1 Dec Contractors began clearing the site for a new $5.5 million base hospital.
8 Feb Tactical Air Command's Air-Ground Operations School arrived from Southern
Pines, North Carolina. Its T-33s were the first jets assigned to Keesler.
1 Jul Scott Air Force Base began transferring its control tower operator and radio
operator general courses to Keesler. The process was completed by June 1959.
The 3380th USAF Hospital was redesignated as the USAF Hospital Keesler.
1 Jan Air Training Command redesignated the 3380th Technical Training Wing as the
Keesler Technical Training Center and the 3380th Technical Training Group
became the 3380th Technical School, USAF. All student squadrons became school
20 May The SM-65 Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) ground training courses
1 Dec Keesler built a closed-circuit television studio to teach electronics principles. The
studio was placed in Building 409, a former bowling alley.
30 Jun The base closed its recreational facilities on Ship Island.
24 Mar Officials dedicated a new NCO Club, building 2221.
1 Apr The last C-47 left Keesler. These aircraft had been used for ground approach radar
training, but the adoption of less expensive simulators made their use unnecessary.
9 Sep Hurricane Betsy lashed the Gulf Coast with winds over 100 miles per hour and
storm surge as high as 15 feet above normal. Downtown Biloxi suffered heavy
flooding and wind damage. Keesler personnel assisted with rescue efforts, storm
clean-up, and emergency repairs.
15 Jan The command activated the 3389th Pilot Training Squadron at Keesler. This unit
trained foreign pilots under the Military Assistance Program (MAP) using the T-28
aircraft. Classes began on 23 January 1967.
11 Jun Keesler’s technical school graduated its one-millionth student.
1 Jul With Amarillo AFB, Texas, closing, Air Training Command moved its personnel
and administration courses to Keesler. The transfer increased Keesler's student load
by 20 percent.
1 Jul Keesler’s student load peaked at 14,000 during the Vietnam War.
Air Training Command (ATC) redesignated the USAF Hospital Keesler as the
USAF Medical Center, Keesler. At the same time, the facility became one of six
regional medical centers in the Air Force hospital system.
18 Aug Hurricane Camille made landfall at Waveland, Mississippi, clocking wind gusts of
over 200 miles per hour and pushing water surges as high as 35 feet above normal.
More than 260 people were killed, and communities in five states were devastated.
Keesler officials estimated on base damage at $3.5 million. During a subsequent
inspection visit, President Richard Nixon praised the base's heroic rescue and
community assistance efforts.
15 May Groundbreaking ceremonies took place for the new Base Exchange (BX) shopping
4 Jan Keesler reorganized under the multi-deputy system, and the air base group
commander became the base commander.
1 Mar Air Training Command (ATC) activated the 3380th Student Group and assigned it
18 student squadrons.
1 Jul Kitchen Patrol, or KP, ended at the base when civilian contractors assumed
responsibility for food preparation.
6 Oct Base officials held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Commissary.
1 Aug Air Training Command (ATC) inactivated the 3380
Technical School at Keesler
and, on the same date, activated the USAF School of Applied Aerospace Sciences,
Keesler. ATC assigned it to the Keesler Technical Training Center.
25 Apr The Air Force Reserve activated the 920th Tactical Airlift Group at Keesler and
equipped it with C-130s.
4 May The T-28 pilot training program ended after graduating 908 foreign students. The
majority of them came from South Vietnam.
18 Jun The 53d Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, a Military Airlift Command (MAC)
unit, moved from Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico, to Keesler.
21 Dec Keesler became the prime technical training center for the airborne warning and
control system (AWACS).
10 Jun Blake Fitness Center opened.
18 Aug The first of seven EC-130 aircraft belonging to the 7th Airborne Command and
Control Squadron arrived at Keesler.
1 Jan A $31.6 million Composite Medical Facility was built to give the medical center a
separate clinical research laboratory.
Biloxi city officials obtained government approval for an access bridge which
would connect Keesler with Interstate 110.
Workers began constructing a $3.6 million facility to house a reception center, as
well as personnel, finance, and traffic management offices. In 1978, the building
was renamed the Sablich Center.
Summer The City of Biloxi began acquiring right of way acquisition along Pass Christian
Road between the base and Debuys Road so that it could be widened to four lanes.
The Department of Defense would pay for 90 percent of the $3 million project.
30 Dec Student load fell below 5,000.
1 Apr HQ ATC inactivated the USAF School of Applied Aerospace Sciences, Keesler,
and activated the 3300th Technical Training Wing and assigned it to Keesler
Technical Training Center.
Air Training Command (ATC) established the USAF Technical Training School,
Keesler, and assigned it to the 3300th Technical Training Wing.
1 Jan The USAF Technical Training School, Keesler, transferred from the 3300th
Technical Training Wing to Keesler Technical Training Center.
Air Training Command (ATC) inactivated the 3300th Technical Training Wing.
1 Jan Construction began on a new logistics/materiel complex, which would later be
dedicated as the Taylor Logistics Center.
13 Sep Hurricane Frederick struck, causing about $11 million in property damage on the
base. In addition to base clean up, many Air Force personnel assisted with recovery
efforts in several communities along the Gulf Coast.
1 Nov Air Training Command designated and activated the 3300th Technical Training
Wing. Air Training Command reassigned the USAF Technical Training School,
Keesler, from Keesler Technical Training Center to the 3300th Technical Training
4 Apr Base officials dedicated a new control tower. It replaced a tower that had been in
use since 1941.
31 Dec Student load climbed to 6,891.
13 Mar Base officials dedicated the new childcare and dependent- care centers.
27 Apr The USAF Medical Center opened a new $45.3 million clinic addition.
1 Aug As a result of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization strike, the
3300th Technical Training Wing had to increase its production of air traffic
24 Apr Keesler Air Force Base hosted the first Special Olympics for the mentally
challenged. The event drew 350 participants.
4 May The new Medical Food Inspection Facility, which also housed the base's new
veterinary clinic, began operation.
1 Jun Keesler lost its postal training courses when the Department of Defense
consolidated all training at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.
1 Jan Surgeons at the medical center began performing cardiovascular surgery.
1 Nov Keesler’s Air Force Reserve unit, the 920th Tactical Airlift Group, inactivated. Its
personnel and equipment were absorbed by the reserve’s newly-activated 403rd
Rescue and Reconnaissance Wing.
10 Aug The base dedicated a new $4.7 million civil engineering complex.
2 Sep Hurricane Elena struck the coast, causing $5 million damage to Keesler.
1 Oct Morse code systems radio operator training moved to Fort Devens, Massachusetts.
This training had been at Keesler since 1949, when the general radio operator
course moved from Scott Air Force Base.
15 Mar Volunteers completed two super playgrounds on the base using the previous year's
energy savings plus money donated by on and off base personnel.
2 Jun A new $7 million computer training facility opened.
1 Mar The Family Support Center was established and located in the Sablich Center.
30 Sep Average daily student load was 3,026—the lowest in the history of the technical
school to date.
4 Oct Through the efforts of the John C. Stennis Chapter of the Air Force Association, a
Boulevard of Flags was established on Larcher Boulevard.
1 Feb Builders began working on a new operations facility for the 3380th Security Police
Squadron. It would replace the converted World War II barracks that the squadron
used as a headquarters.
Contractors began building a new squadron operations center that would also house
three tenant organizations. They included the 7th Airborne Command and Control
Squadron, the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron and the 24th Weather
28 Aug Members of the 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron deployed to
Southwest Asia in support of Operation Desert Shield.
22 Jan Over 260 Keesler medical personnel deployed to various locations in support of
Operation Desert Storm.
30 Jun Military Airlift Command inactivated the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron.
The 53rd's hurricane hunter mission transferred to the 403rd Airlift Wing, Keesler's
Air Force Reserve unit.
12 Jul Keesler AFB celebrated its 50th anniversary.
14 Feb Air Training Command (ATC) redesignated the technical training center as Keesler
Training Center, the 3300
Technical Training Wing became a group, and all
technical training groups became squadrons. At the same time, Air Training
Command inactivated the 3305th Student Group and its subordinate units. Also, in
line with this reorganization, the command redesignated the Keesler Technical
Training Center Medical Center as the Keesler Medical Center.
6 Apr The Department of the Navy assumed control of the base printing plant.
15 Sep All 3380th-designated units were redesignated as 393rd units.
1 Dec All Air Force weather courses transferred from Chanute AFB, Illinois, to Keesler.
Classes were temporarily held in Allee and Wolfe Halls while new facilities were
under construction.
16 Feb Fisher House was dedicated. It provided temporary quarters for families of
seriously ill patients at Keesler Medical Center.
29 Apr A new two-story 87,000-square foot weather training complex was officially
1 Jul HQ USAF redesignated Air Training Command (ATC), headquartered at Randolph
AFB, Texas, as Air Education and Training Command (AETC).
HQ AETC activated Second Air Force at Keesler and made the Numbered Air
Force responsible for all technical training in the command.
The command inactivated Keesler Training Center and all its subordinate
organizations, except for the 393rd Technical Training Group, which was
redesignated as the 81st Technical Training Group.
HQ AETC activated the 81st Training Wing and assigned it to Second Air Force.
The wing assumed the old center mission. Major components of the wing included
the 81st Technical Training, 81st Support, 81st Logistics, and 81st Medical Groups.
HQ Keesler Medical Center inactivated, and HQ AETC activated the 81st Medical
Group to operate the base hospital, which was still known as Keesler Medical
The First Sergeants Academy moved to Maxwell AFB, Alabama. At the same time,
HQ AETC reassigned the academy to Air University.
The paralegal service specialist and chapel management courses moved to
Maxwell, falling under the purview of Air University.
15 Apr Keesler's new Officer's Club was dedicated. The old club, which had been one of
three original buildings on Keesler property, closed.
1 Jul The 45th Airlift Squadron was activated and assigned to the 81st Training Group.
Equipped with C-12C/F Huron and C-21A Learjet aircraft, it brought flying
training back to Keesler for the first time since 1973.
10 Jul Members of the 81st Security Police Squadron went to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in
support of Operation Sea Signal, the resettlement of Haitian refugees.
25 Aug The 81st Medical Group’s functions were divided among four newly activated
Units. They consisted of the 81st Medical Operations, 81st Aerospace Medicine,
81st Dental, and 81st Medical Support Squadrons.
24 Sep Crotwell Theater closed its movie-showing function. However, movies still
continued to be shown at Welch Theater in the Triangle area.
30 Sep The 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, a base tenant reporting to Air
Combat Command, was reassigned to Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona.
31 Jan Keesler's Aero Club closed its doors after more than 40 years of operation. The
Aero Club was established in November 1954.
25 Jun Terrorists detonated a massive car bomb near the Khobar towers in Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia. Eleven Keesler personnel were deployed to the Air Base. They included
Staff Sergeant Rondal Burns of the 333 TRS who was seriously injured and
subsequently awarded the Purple Heart. Furthermore, SrA Martie Capoeman of the
Wing’s Public Affairs office received an Air Force Achievement Medal with ‘V’
(for valor) device for her performance in providing emergency medical care.
4 Oct The demolition of Cole Manor (Bldg. 7401) signaled the beginning of “Triangle
Vision.It started a $123 million project to replace the ten early 1950s era
dormitories by the year 2002.
19 Feb In a ceremony attended by hundreds, Keesler officials raised the USAF 50th
Anniversary Flag on the base flagpole adjacent to the Wing Headquarters building.
The ceremony marked the first in a yearlong series of events intended to recognize
the Air Force’s founding on 18 Sep 1947.
24 Feb Lieutenant General John C. Griffith, AETC Vice-Commander, led an official party
in breaking ground for the first construction phase of Triangle Vision.
1 Jul Mirroring an Air Force-wide change, the 81st Security Police Squadron was
redesignated as the 81st Security Forces Squadron.
18 Sep Keesler capped off the year’s 50th Air Force Birthday celebration by burying a time
capsule at the foot of the base flagpole and with a parade on Governors’ Field.
16 Oct The 338th Training Squadron graduated the last class of students to attend the
Satellite and Wideband Communications Course at Keesler. Thereafter, the U.S.
Army Signal Center at Fort Gordon, Georgia would be responsible for conducting
all DoD Satwide training. This consolidation was ordered in 1994 by the
Interservice Training Review Organization (ITRO).
9 Mar Keesler’s newest facility opened, a 6,000 square foot Marina Recreation Center
(Bldg. 6726). The $1 million center hosted fishing, boating, and sailing activities,
as well as other outdoor programs.
26-28 Sep Hurricane Georges, one of the most destructive storms in history to date, slammed
into the Mississippi Gulf Coast, causing major damage to Keesler and the
surrounding community. The Category IV hurricane swept into Keesler with
sustained winds of 142 miles per hour and gusts to 179 miles per hour, flooding
over 100 family houses, downing hundreds of trees, and power lines, and causing
the loss of power to major pockets of the base. While Keesler suffered no fatalities
during the storm, elsewhere over 400 people were killed, including 201 people in
the Dominican Republic.
17-18 Feb The 403rd Wing, Keesler’s Reserve tenant unit, received the first of the new
C-130J trainer aircraft. The “J” model aircraft replaces the 1960s era aircraft,
lowering operating costs and enhancing performance and capabilities of the unit’s
weather reconnaissance mission.
15 Jan The 403rd Wing replaced its older WC-130H aircraft for the newer C-130J models.
10 Dec Keesler AFB’s “giant voice” project was completed. The system enabled the
command post to broadcast weather/emergency notifications across the entire base
through pre-positioned speakers.
26 Aug Building 2603 was named Lott Hall, in honor of Mississippi Senator Trent Lott.
The 42,000 square foot facility contained a C-130J full motion flight training
simulator, and the 45th Airlift Squadron staff offices.
31 Mar Detachment 4, Air Mobility Command (AMC) Air Operations Squadron
inactivated at Keesler.
31 Dec Keesler’s Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) transferred their
incoming property operations to Eglin AFB, Florida.
3 Jan A 23,000 square foot mini-mall, that included a shoppette, concessions, and food
court, opened for business in the “Triangle” area.
2 Feb Keesler AFB’s runaway and drainage system underwent a $2.9 million
Renovation – the first major revamp since 1986.
13 May The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure commission recommended Keesler
Medical Center for realignment.
13 Jun The first Sexual Assault Response Coordinator stood up an office at Keesler.
29 Aug Hurricane Katrina made landfall near the Louisiana/ Mississippi border as a
Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of 120-mph. Record storm surge peaked
at 34 feet and came ashore along the entire Gulf Coast and into Alabama. The local
community lay in ruin and Keesler AFB’s damage was estimated at $950 million.
Fortunately, no on-base deaths or injuries were reported.
28 Mar Keesler’s newest technical training facility, Cody Hall, was dedicated in honor of
Captain Howard Cody. The new 193,000-square foot facility was built using
concrete, steel, and brick at a cost of $23.5 million.
1 Jun After serving Keesler customers for 55 years, the Pecan Dining facility closed as
part of an AETC cost-cutting requirement.
22 Sep Keesler’s military family housing construction project moved forward with the
award of a $287.8 million contract for constructing 1,067 new homes. The massive
construction project by Hunt Building Company was driven by Hurricane Katrina
which destroyed or damaged a large inventory of houses.
19 Dec Ten Keesler students graduated from the last 1A3 airborne mission specialist course
in the 332nd Training Squadron, as part of the enlisted aircrew training transition
to the Career Enlisted Aviator Center of Excellence at Lackland AFB, Texas.
8 Jan After almost a year's delay due to Hurricane Katrina, Keesler Medical Center
opened its new labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum unit.
31 Jan Keesler’s temporary commissary opened a new deli. The deli was part of over
$700,000 in improvements. They included an external freezer storage building, a
produce storage building, and four new freezer display cases. Moreover, the
commissary added a 10-ton air conditioning unit for the expanded freezer display,
and five air conditioning drops above the cash registers.
29 Oct A ribbon cutting was held for a newly renovated facility for the introduction of a
new basic financial management and staff officer course curriculum. The course
represented the largest financial management curriculum change in 20 years.
7 Nov The 81st Security Forces Squadron conducted a ribbon cutting ceremony for the
reopening of its refurbished building on Larcher Boulevard. The walls,
communications systems, flooring, ceiling grids, gutters, downspouts, and roof
systems were repaired and hurricane screens were added.
8 Nov Library communication abilities were upgraded with internet capabilities at
McBride Library.
3 Apr The Sablich Center re-opened nearly three years after Katrina rebuilding began.
25 Apr Baughman Boulevard was permanently closed because of the construction of the
new Radiation Oncology Center, located between the Tyer House and Keesler
Medical Center’s emergency room.
28 Oct Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz visited Keesler Airmen at an
Airmen’s Call. The general toured the base while in Biloxi to speak at the 20th
annual Salute to the Military sponsored by the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of
19 Nov Arnold Cottage, used to lodge distinguished visitors to the base for the over six
decades, was moved to a spot behind the Larcher Chapel, where it was placed on a
new foundation and renovated. Its former location at the southwest corner of
Larcher Boulevard and Chappie James Avenue was cleared for the construction of
a training development facility.
1 Dec The largest airfield ramp repair project in Keesler history, intended to improve the
airfield's capabilities for allowing larger aircraft safely to park, was initiated.
17 Dec Maj Gen Al Flowers, 2nd Air Force commander, ceremonially started the
demolition of Avery Manor, one of the dormitories in the Triangle. There were no
plans to redevelop the area because it was in an airfield clear zone. The
building’s demolition was part of a longer-term initiative for bases to reduce
physical footprints by 20 percent by removing older, unnecessary buildings.
6-13 Jun Keesler Air Force Base hosted the 2009 Conseil International du Sport Militaire
(CISM) Women's Armed Forces Soccer Championship. The tournament included
teams from Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, The Republic of
South Korea and the United States.
Jul The last radio communications operations class in the 336th Training Squadron
graduated. The course, which had been taught at Keesler since 1948, graduated
about 15,000 students and employed more than 70 instructors. It merged into one
of three new career fields.
Sep Keesler established a new form of communication for personnel to share
Information, ask questions and discuss answers. Keesler's new blog, called
Keesler Commander's Corner,” was developed by the wing commander as a
two-way communication tool.
Dec Demolition of the former Keesler Club on Larcher Boulevard began during the first
week of December. The building, located in a flood plain, was heavily damaged
during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The cleared area was retained as green space.
5 Jan The 338th Training Squadron marked the end of an era with the final graduation of
the ground radio communications apprentice maintenance course after 48 years.
Jan-Feb Medics from the 81st Medical Group deployed to Haiti in response to a devastating
earthquake and to Chile where another earthquake killed over 300 people.
22 Mar The largest military family housing construction project in Air Force history was
completed. The massive $287.8 million construction program was launched in
conjunction with Hunt Building Co. and W.G. Yates and Sons Construction Co.,
which formed a partnership to complete 1,028 housing units. The project provided
198 junior NCO family units in Thrower Park, and 136 NCO units in West Falcon
Park. Additionally, the project included 200 mixed-use units in the first phase of
Bayridge housing in the former Shadowlawn and Maltby Hall neighborhoods.
Furthermore, it added 364 homes in Northwest Falcon Park and a final 130 units
for senior NCOs and officers in Bayridge.
Apr USNORTHCOM designated Keesler AFB as a base support installation for DOD
forces responding to the crisis caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
6 Apr Keesler AFB began a new era of post hurricane Katrina reconstruction. It included
the grand opening of the newly completed, $64.5 million, 275,000 square feet
Commissary and Base Exchange facility that featured a shopping mall, food court,
and state-of-the-art pharmacy.
19 Apr A new $3.3 million postal facility on Meadows Drive opened. It replaced a wooden
structure built in 1941 that had termite problems and major flood and roof damage
from Hurricane Katrina.
15 Jun An undergraduate cyber training course for officers launched. The new course
provided initial training for 17DX cyber operations officers, a career field that
replaced 33SX communications officers.
17 Sep The $26.5 million Bay Breeze Event Center opened with a day of celebrations
including the annual Keesler vs. Biloxi Bay Chamber of Commerce golf
tournament, tours of the center, free entertainment and food, children's activities,
prizes and giveaways. The Bay Breeze Event Center was located on the golf course
across from the Bay Ridge housing area. It provided myriad services to Keesler
personnel and to local neighbors and communities.
7 Dec Fifteen officers from Keesler’s first Undergraduate Cyber space Training course
graduated after twenty-four weeks of training focused on developing experts in
Cyber-space operations. The inaugural initial skills training for new cyber space
Operator officer accession replaced Basic Communications Officer Training. The
course was part of the Air Force’s vision for a fully developed Air Force cyberspace
operations workforce. It required operational rigor and mission assurance for
effectively establishing, controlling, and leveraging cyberspace capabilities.
14 Apr 333rd TRS Commander Lt Col Douglas Short officially retired the squadron
mascot, the “Mad Duck,” replacing it with a new one, the “Spartan”. A formal
retirement ceremony was held at the Bay Breeze Events Center, where the “Mad
Duck” received a Meritorious Mascot Medal and letter of appreciation for 19 years
of honorable service.
18 May The 333rd TRS and the 81 TRW hosted a “Salute to Cyber Training: The Future is
Now” banquet honoring the first group of students coming out of the new cyber
program. The event was held at the Bay Breeze Event Center (BBEC), and featured
keynote speaker Mr. Jim Christy, a cyber-crime investigations special agent.
Jun Keesler marked the 70th anniversary of its activation with a month-long celebration
including a birthday party and a time capsule collection effort.
17 June 332nd TRS stood down as the result of a manpower study recommending an
81 TRG reorganization. Lt Col Trevor Wall, the squadron’s last commander,
presided over a ceremony that day, and on 29 June, went on to take command of
the 338th TRS.
20 Jun The 338th Operating Location A (OL-A) at Keesler Air Force Base officially stood
23-26 Jun Keesler’s Gospel Service celebrated its 40th anniversary and record as the longest
running Gospel Service in the Air Force. The theme for the celebration was
“Pressing Towards the Mark,” and there were a variety of events throughout the
weekend. They culminated in a morning ceremony at Triangle Chapel.
15 Jul The 45th Airlift Squadron, which operated C-21 aircraft training as part of the 314th
Airlift Wing, deactivated. The 45th AS had been assigned to Keesler AFB since
15 Jul C-21 aircraft training ended at Keesler with the inactivation of the 45th Airlift
Squadron. The squadron had operated at Keesler since 1994. The unit was first
assigned to the 81 TRW and later as a squadron assigned to the 314th Airlift Wing
at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas.
20 Apr The 81 SFS conducted a ribbon cutting on its new multi-million dollar in-door
firing range.
26-29 Aug Hurricane Isaac impacted Mississippi Gulf Coast. Keesler AFB closed on 28-29
August. Full operations were restored on 30 August.
15 Oct 81 TRG implemented Teal Rope program. The program was designed to address
issues surrounding sexual assault through student involvement. The color
symbolized sexual assault awareness and victim support within the student
5 Nov AETC IG deemed 81 TRW “Excellent” after a five-day Unit Compliance
Inspection, 29 Oct to 2 Nov.
1 Feb Keesler Medical Center conducts ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new Back Bay
Tower. The new tower, officially opened in December 2012. It housed medical and
surgical inpatient wards, intensive care units, a new emergency department, new
labs, operation rooms, and a chiropractic clinic.
5 Apr Keesler named 2013 Air Force Installation Excellence Award winner. Keesler also
received $1 million for quality-of-life projects on the base.
16 Sep 338th TRS hosts street dedication ceremony in honor of CMSgt Richard L.
Etchberger. Chief Etchberger, a graduate of Keesler’s Radar Maintenance Course,
was killed on 11 March 1968, after placing three wounded comrades and himself
onto a rescue helicopter after an early morning raid on Lima Site 85, a radar facility
in Laos. Chief Etchberger was mortally wounded by enemy ground fire.
8 Oct Keesler civilian employees return to work after a four-day federal government
shut down.
28 Feb The McBride Library closed. Many of the library’s daily functions transferred to
the Vandenberg Community Center where a smaller “electronic” library opened on
10 March 2014. The new library provided patrons access to computers and e-check-
out of magazines and books. A limited number of library books transferred to the
new library, but they were only available for in-house use.
29 May Biloxi City celebrates its Preservation in May 2014 Program event, “Keesler Air
Force Base: As Biloxi as Boiled Shrimp and Barq’s,” at the Biloxi Visitors Center.
Keesler AFB opened a 90-day exhibit at the center that displayed the base’s
history and its relationship to Biloxi.
4 Jun Biloxi Chamber of Commerce hosted the Keesler AFB Flag Sponsor Appreciation
reception at the city’s Visitors Center. General Higby, the guest speaker at the
reception, thanked local business and civic organizations that contributed funds that
enabled the base to purchase two sets of the 50 state and six territorial flags that
hang on display along Larcher Boulevard – “Boulevard of Flags.” The “Boulevard
of Flags” was initially established with donations from the Air Force Association’s
John C. Stennis Chapter, Keesler AFB, and other groups in 1988.
25 Jun HQ AETC activated Operating Location (OL) A, 81st Communications Squadron
(CS) at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, Florida. Operating Location A
organization change moved communications support for AETC organizations in
the NAS Pensacola region. They transitioned from the 479th Operations Support
Squadron (NAS Pensacola) and aligned them under the 81 CS (Keesler AFB).
14 Jul The Air Force began offering Knowledge Operations courses at Keesler AFB. They
split it into the two specialties of Knowledge Management and Administration on
1 May 2014. The Air Force did this to improve administrative support provided to
commanders across the service.
15 Dec The 81 TRW was graded “Effective” by the AETC IG after an eight-day Unit
Effectiveness Inspection. The inspection team used a 5-tier grading scale and
validated the unit’s discipline, effectiveness, efficiency, readiness, and compliance
using standards set forth in AFI 90-201 and applicable MAJCOM guidance. The
wing was inspected in four Major Graded Areas (MGA) and by HQ AETC for
Adequacy of Resources.
15 Dec The 335th TRS graduated its last class of students in Avionics Fundamentals. The
fundamentals class and 59 related avionics courses transferred to Sheppard AFB,
Texas on 5 January 2015.
28-29 Mar Keesler AFB hosted an airshow and open house. The USAF’s Thunderbirds and
the Army’s Golden Knights were key acts. This was Keesler’s first airshow since
30 Apr The final paper edition of the Keesler News was published. The final edition ended
the paper’s 61-year continuous publication.
Nov The 81 Training Support Squadron (81 TRSS) gained Second Air Force’s (2AF)
Military Training Leader (MTL) Schoolhouse. The 2 AF transferred the MTL
schoolhouse from the 37 TRSS of the 37th Training Group, Joint Base San
Antonio-Lackland (JB-SAL).
Jan The 81 SFS personnel in conjunction with PAE and the Infrastructure Division
implemented two courses of action to mitigate traffic congestion at all three gates.
First, the SFS increased the number of entry controllers from two to four at the
Meadows Street gate. Second, the SFS changed one of the two outbound lanes of
Meadows Street gate into an inbound traffic lane between the hours of 6:00 and
7:00 a.m. Eventually, the third inbound lane became permanent.
26 Feb The 81st Training Group’s quarterly drill down on 26 February 2016 “kicked off”
the wing’s 75th anniversary celebration. Colonel Edmondson unveiled the wing’s
anniversary logo during the drill down. As Keesler had been part of the Gulf Coast
for 75 years, community leaders also attended the drill down.
8 Mar The 81st Force Support Squadron (FSS) and the 403d FSS, of Keesler’s largest
tenant unit, the 403d Wing, merged to form one Total Force Support
Squadron (TFSS) and provide comprehensive Force Support services to all Airmen
assigned to the base, regardless of component affiliation. The merger was the end
product of Secretary of the Air Force’s TFSS initiative began in 2010.
Spring 81 MSG submits family camp proposal to the Air Force Non-Appropriated Funds
Council for approval.
3 May Biloxi’s JLUS application was approved by OEA in September 2015. After Biloxi
received funding for the JLUS, Matrix Design Group, consultant for JLUS, formed
three committees and began the process of the land use study by subject matter
experts. The kick-off event with all three committees present to discuss the JLUS
occurred on 3 May 2016.
Jun The Keesler Air Force Base community celebrated the 75th anniversary of the
3 Jun Base leaders, community partners, and Biloxi elected representatives gathered at
the Biloxi Visitors Center on 3 June 2016 to celebrate Biloxi/Keesler Partnership
Day. The evening event highlighted Keesler’s partnership with the City of Biloxi
through a city proclamation read by the city’s Mayor, Andrew Gilich, and a Keesler
historical display featuring Keesler’s 75 years on the Gulf Coast.
July Southern Mississippi Living Magazine (July 2016 edition) celebrated Keesler’s 75
years by highlighting Keesler’s past and its present in stories and pictures. The
magazine also featured a Keesler AFB timeline between pages 33-51.
4 Nov Colonel Michele Edmondson, 81 TRW Commander hosted the 75th Anniversary
Gala. It was the final anniversary celebration to honor Keesler’s namesake, Second
Lieutenant Samuel Reeves Keesler, Jr., and the base’s 75 years in Biloxi,
Mississippi. Members of Keesler’s family attended the gala. The gala featured
historical displays, classic cars, a big band, period dancing performances, and food
catered from Biloxi’s Half Shell Oyster House.
14 Feb the 81st Communications Squadron hosted the 22nd annual Technology Expo at
the Roberts Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Facility at Keesler Air Force Base.
Private sector vendors provided briefings to attendees about their electronic
23 Mar The first Science on a Sphere appeared at the 335th Training Squadron’s Weather
Training Complex on Keesler Air Force Base. The Department of Defense (DoD)
sent this electronic globe as its newest weather training aid. The 48-inch carbon
fiber device utilizes computers with high-end graphic cards and video projectors to
display data onto the globe.
28 Mar Major Lauren Buck, Surgical Operations Squadron (81 MSGS) general surgeon,
and her surgical team completed the first robotic surgery in the Air Force. They
utilized the da Vinci Xi robot to conduct a ventral hernia repair on a patient. This
new two-million-dollar device significantly reduced the need for the 81 MSGS to
outsource this type of procedure.
Apr The 81st Medical Group’s Cardiology Clinic began extending the CardioMEMS
HF System to selective Department of Veterans Affairs patients through a
partnership. The device is a pulmonary artery pressure censor. The Department of
Veterans Affairs partners did not have a CardioMEMS HF System. This
relationship offered training opportunities for the Airmen performing the
13 Apr Airmen of the 81st Medical Operations Squadron carried out the first Micra
Transcatheter Pacing System for patient insertion procedure in the Air Force. They
implanted the smallest pacemaker in the world for patients with bradycardia at
Keesler Medical Center. The device is approximately the size of a vitamin and it
weighs the same as a penny.
19 May Keesler Air Force Base hosted the 2017 Special Olympics Mississippi
Summer Games 19 through 20 May. The participants competed in track and field,
weightlifting, aquatics, bowling, and other events.
1 Jun KAFB, Biloxi, and State of Mississippi leaders announced a 37 million dollar
Division Street new main gate construction project during a ceremony at KAFB.
The event highlighted the Air Force Community Partnership Program that KAFB
started on 3 May 2017.
17 Jul The 81st Training Support Squadron Military Training Leader Course moved to the
new Lott Hall building on KAFB. This upgraded facility offered more space and
better equipment.
2 Aug Detachment 1 of the 352nd Battlefield Airman Training Squadron
(Det.1, 352nd BATS) activated at. Keesler Air Force Base. Captain Jesse Sullivan,
Det. 1, 352nd BATS commander, assumed command of the unit from Major Trent
Joy, 352d BATS commander from Pope Air Force Base, N.C. The detachment will
train mission ready combat controllers and special operations weathermen.
23 Aug The new Second Air Force (2 AF) commander, Major General Timothy Leahy,
assumed command of 2 AF from Major General Bob LaBrutta at KAFB. The
change of command ceremony took place at the Levitow Training Support Facility
parade field.
24 Sep Staff Sergeants Christopher Pineda, David Campbell, and Joseph Hartsfield from
the 81st Training Support Squadron (81 TRSS) won first place in HackState at
Mississippi State University. These three Keesler Air Force Base Airmen received
the award for presenting the best safety project within a 24-hour period.
23 Oct The Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Kaleth O. Wright, came to Keesler Air
Force Base to for a ribbon cutting for the new Military Training Leader Course
schoolhouse. He also toured the base from 23 through 25 October 2017.
11 Nov Hundreds of KAFB Airmen participated in the Mississippi Gulf Coast Veterans
Parade in Biloxi, MS. The parade included other military units, marching bands,
and 100 floats to honor Veterans.
7 Dec Keesler Air Force Base Outdoor Recreation hosted a Christmas party at the Bay
Breeze Event Center on the installation. They offered ornament decorating, games,
cookies, and visits with Santa.
15 Dec The 81st Security Forces Squadron held a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new
security system at the West Falcon off base housing area. They demonstrated a
camera surveillance system. The 24-hour video monitoring system will deter crime.
26 Jan Mr. David Allen, legislative assistant for Congressman Steven Palazzo from
Mississippi, visited Keesler Air Force Base. He received updates on base
construction projects from KAFB senior leaders.
22 Feb The Keesler Medical Center earned the 2017 Hospital of the Year award. The Air
Force Surgeon noted the outstanding performance of the unit.
19 Mar The Air Education and Training Command (AETC) recognized the 81st Training
Wing (81 TRW) with 2017 Innovation Challenge Mission Accomplishment award.
Additionally, the 81 TRW earned a monetary award the unit may spend for any
operations and maintenance fund purchases. The 81 TRW received this honor
during the AETC Senior Leadership Conference at Vandenberg Air Force Base,
CA. The event occurred 19 through 21 March 2018.
13 Apr A large crowd of more than 800 people attended the sixth Annual Bay Breeze
Crawfish Cook-Off at the Bay Breeze Event Center at KAFB. Twenty-one teams
competed to win free entry into the 26th Annual Mississippi Coast Coliseum
Crawfish Festival Cook-Off. The first-place trophy went to the victorious
“Craw-Fish Pot-Nahs.” team.
11 May Keesler Air Force Base hosted the 32nd Special Olympics Mississippi Summer
Games. The more than 3,000 participants enjoyed the competition. The games
included swimming, volleyball, running, bowling, and javelin.
6 Jun Senior leaders from KAFB joined local officials at the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Community Partnership Conference. They discussed providing federal assistance
to the local communities to support the military missions at the Biloxi Civic Center
in Biloxi.
6 Jul The Biloxi Police Department presented six Keesler Air Force Base Airmen with
humanitarian medals during a recognition ceremony at the Salvation Army Kroc
Center in Biloxi. The Airmen received the awards for assisting with the recovery
effort after a train collided with a bus off base on 7 March 2017.
17 Aug The 81 Force Support Squadron (81 FSS) held their grand opening of an Outdoor
Recreation Center satellite store in the Vandenberg Commons at KAFB. The 81
FSS revealed the name of the new facility is “The Outpost.” The store will provide
recreational items for Airmen.
11 Sep The Keesler Air Force Base community honored the victims of the 11 September
2001 terrorist attacks. The event took place in front of the 81 Training Wing
headquarters building.
22 Sep The 81st Training Wing (81 TRW) celebrated the 71st Air Force Birthday Ball at
the Imperial Palace Casino in Biloxi. The John C. Stennis Chapter Air Force
Association co-hosted the event with the 81 TRW.
16 Oct Hurricane Michael evacuees from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida attended the first
of two Evacuee Open-Houses in the Bay Breeze Event Center. The participants
took advantage of one-stop assistance to help them with their evacuation. The
second open house happened on 18 October 2018.
2 Nov The 335th Training Squadron (335 TRS) and National Weather Service (NWS)
representatives demonstrated the NWS SkyWarn program to 335th TRS weather
students for the first time on KAFB. Students can earn certifications to become
official storm spotters through this 81 TRW and NWS partnership.
10 Nov Keesler Air Force Base Airmen marched in the 18th annual Gulf Coast Veterans
Day Parade in Gulfport.
19 Dec The 81st Training Wing received the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (AFOUA).
The unit earned this honor for displaying exceptionally meritorious service
covering the period of 1 July 2015 through 30 June 2017.
8 Jan The 338th Technical Training Squadron announced A1C Devin McDivitt
completed a 54-day Cyber Transport Course in a record-breaking 18.5 days with
95 percent score. He served in the 268th Combat Communications Squadron as a
cyber-transport technician for the Illinois Air National Guard in Springfield. A1C
McDivitt took advantage of the Air Force self-paced continuum of learning
initiative program to finish the course early.
8 Feb The Air Force Honor Guard Drill Team came to Keesler to practice their routine in
preparation for their tour season and to reveal their newest drill performance to the
entire Keesler Air Force Base population. The team is the nation's most elite Honor
Guard, serving the President of the United States, the Air Force’s most senior
leaders and performing nationwide for the American public.
18 Mar The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Debra Lovette, held a Keesler Housing Forum at the Bay
Breeze Event Center Main Ballroom. The program provided the community the
opportunity to discuss their concerns about KAFB housing to the base leadership.
12 Apr The 81st Training Wing (81 TRW) held an Arbor Day Ceremony at the Child
Development Center (CDC). The 81st Training Wing Vice-Commander
(81 TRW/CV), Colonel Lance Burnett, read an Arbor Day proclamation during the
4-5 May Keesler AFB and Biloxi conducted an Open House and Air Show, Thunder Over
The Sound, at the KAFB flight line and the White House Hotel Front Lawn.
However, the 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Debra Lovette, cancelled the Saturday 4 May
segment due to inclement weather. Nevertheless, approximately 90,000 spectators
attended the event. The Honorable Andrew “FoFo” Gilich, Mayor of Biloxi, and
Colonel Lovette made opening remarks both on base and on the beach. The Air
Force Thunderbirds presented aerial demonstrations and fly-overs. Moreover, the
event included static displays of weapons systems, support aircraft, and WWII
vintage aircraft along with ground demonstrations.
10 May Special Olympics Mississippi Summer (SOMS) took place at KAFB. The athletes
participated in unified relays for the first time. The program paired SOMS
competitors with able-bodied athletes from nearby high schools in a 4X400 relay.
16 May Colonel Debra Lovette, 81 TRW/CC, relinquished command to Colonel Heather
Blackwell during a change of command ceremony at the KAFB Parade Field.
20 May The 81st Training Wing earned the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (AFOUA)
for exceptionally meritorious service from 1 July 2017 through 30 June 2018.
26 Jun The Air Force Personnel (AFPC) Roadshow came to KAFB. The AFPC team
offered Officer, Enlisted, and Civilian Town Halls at the Roberts Maintenance
Facility. They presented updates, discussed assignments, and professional
23 Jul The Institute for Defense Robotic Surgical trained the 100th team on robotic
surgery at the 81 Surgical Operations Squadron on KAFB. This in-house training
provided one million dollars in savings.
16 Aug The 81 Security Forces Squadron (81 SFS) hosted a Ruck Obstacle Course at the
Crotwell Track. It was one of their culminating events during the Year of the
Defender. The teams competed in ammunition carries, pull-ups, tire flips, and
other activities.
29 Aug Major General Andrea Tullos assumed command of Second Air Force (2 AF)
from Major General Timothy Leahy during a change of command ceremony at
11 Sep The Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit (CNATTU) held a 9/11
memorial ceremony in front of the 81 TRW Headquarters on KAFB. The
CNATTU honored the victims of the 9/11 terrorists’ attacks.
4 Oct The Keesler Medical Center (KMC) hosted the eighth annual Health Expo and
Mammothon to bring attention to Breast Cancer Awareness month. Twenty-five
clinics, such as nutritional medicine and the blood donation center, offered
19 Nov The 81 SFS announced they ended the KAFB Trusted Traveler Program as an
additional security measure. Department of Defense (DoD) cardholders could no
longer vouch for non-DoD card holders to enter KAFB. Therefore, everyone
attempting to access KAFB had to present a DOD identification card or a visitor’s
11-14 Dec Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, convened an “Improv to Improve” class
at the Bay Breeze Event Center on KAFB. B.J. Lang, Air Force Wounded
Warrior Program Comedy Coach, taught the course. The class provided an
improvisation, comedy, and resiliency experience for Service-Members. Improve
to Improve gave the participants a safe and interactive learning environment to
cope with stress. The course also taught the Service-Members to build resilience
in an unconventional manner.
17 Jan Colonel Marcia Quigley, 81st Mission Support Group Commander (81 MSG/CC),
assumed command of the new 81st Civil Engineer Squadron (81 CES).
23 Jan The 81st Medical Group (81 MDG) members and guests celebrated Mardi Gras
and crowned the Krewe of Medics “Royalty” at the Bay Breeze Event Center
Ballroom (BBEC). The 81 MDG members chose the “Royalty” by purchasing
tickets. The participants took part in the “Gamer’s Paradise” theme by dressing as
their favorite classic arcade game character.
18 Feb The 81 CES reactivated during a ceremony at the Keesler Fire Department
Apparatus High Bay in building 4225.
21 Feb Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81st Training Wing Commander (81 TRW/CC), and
Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) David Pizzuto, 81 TRW Command Chief
(81 TRW/CCC), presented mementos at the 2020 CMSgt Recognition Ceremony.
CMSgt Tamar Dennis, Air University Command Chief (AU/CCC), acted as the
guest speaker. The event took place at the BBEC Ballroom.
15 Mar Colonel Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, issued a Special Commander’s Alert regarding
access to the Keesler Medical Center (KMC) in response to the spread of the
COVID-19 virus. The order directed KMC staff and patients to enter the KMC
only through the main entrance or the Emergency Room effective 16 March 2020.
Furthermore, no individuals under the age of 18 and no individuals with a cough,
fever, or cold could visit inpatients effective 16 March 2020. Moreover, only
patients with appointments could visit the outpatient clinics at the KMC effective
16 March 2020.
16 Mar The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Blackwell, announced she cancelled some large events
scheduled for March and April 2020 due to COVID-19. Moreover, she said that
she would update the Health Protection Condition (HPCON) to correspond to the
COVID-19 situation.
16 Mar Colonel Marcia Quigley, 81 MSG/CC, informed the Keesler Air Force Base
(KAFB) community about facility closures along with reduces hours of services.
The closings included the BBEC Club, all fitness centers, the bowling center, and
Outdoor recreation.
17 Mar The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, announced KAFB entered
HPCON-B. The HPCON-B measure indicated moderate disease threat level for
the KAFB community.
21 Mar The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, directed KAFB to enter HPCON-
C. The HPCON-C measure indicated a substantial threat level for COVID-19
spreading on KAFB.
27 Mar The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, issued a directive all Active-Duty
military, reservists, and National Guard personnel on Title 10 orders. She ordered
them to limit stops between their duty station and their residence or temporary
duty lodging (TDY). Furthermore, Colonel Blackwell told military personnel not
to go beyond a 40-mile radius of KAFB unless they traveled to their residence.
She encouraged civilian employees and contractors to follow the same guidance.
31 Mar Detachment 5 of the 737th Training Group (DET 5, 737 TRG) activated at
Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB), Mississippi (MS). Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col)
Jerry T. Hambright took command of the detachment. The unit initiated the
Keesler Basic Military Training (BMT) Proof of Concept.
3 Apr Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, released a Public Health Emergency
Order (PHEO) and a KAFB wide curfew. The PHEO restricted Airmen-in-
Training to KAFB. Furthermore, the PHEO provided isolation and quarantine
instructions for military members and civilians who had been in contact with
someone who had COVID-19. Moreover, the 81 TRW/CC established KAFB
curfew covering 2300 through 0500 daily. Colonel Blackwell also announced
personnel in quarantine and isolation could receive government furnished meals
free of charge.
6 Apr Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, emailed COVID-19 mitigation
protocols for KAFB. She directed only Operationally Critical (OpCrit) personnel
with OpCrit badges to report to duty on the installation. Colonel Blackwell
instructed the rest of the personnel to coordinate with their supervisors to establish
telework procedures. Furthermore, Colonel Blackwell instituted a base curfew
covering 2300 hours until 0500 daily. Moreover, she told personnel to wear cloth
covered masks on their faces.
7 Apr Senior Airman (SrA) Jazay Martin emailed a Commander’s Intent notification
that KAFB entered Health Protection Condition-C (HPCON-C) in response to
COVID-19 as of 6 April 2020. Colonel Blackwell ordered KAFB personnel to
clean their duty stations before and after their shifts. Colonel Blackwell also
directed personnel to continue to don cloth face masks when they could not
maintain six feet of distance from other people.
7-8 Apr DET 5 of the 737 TRG received 58 recruits at KAFB. This action started the
Keesler Basic Military Training (BMT) Proof of Concept. The recruits incurred a
14-day Restriction of Movement (ROM) at the start of their training. The KAFB
BMT allowed Lackland Air Force Base, Texas to disperse recruits from that
centralized Air Force BMT location as a COVID-19 mitigation measure. The
KAFB recruits trained for six weeks.
6 May Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, launched the Keesler Strong Action
Plan (K-SAP) to initiate the KAFB recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The
KSAP re-opened Outdoor Recreation, the Bowling Center, and the Golf Course.
Additionally, the KSAP called for the Arts and Crafts Engraving Shop to re-open.
Colonel Blackwell emphasized KAFB members would have to contribute to
COVID-19 mitigation protocols. She said these measures included staying six feet
away from others, wearing cloth masks, and washing hands.
11 May The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, rescinded the restriction for
Permanent Party Airmen to reside off KAFB. She also ended the KAFB 2200
through 0500 curfew. Moreover, Colonel Blackwell approved non-prior service
technical school Airmen to return to the Triangle Gym. Additionally, she
permitted the BBEC and the Bowling Alley to serve carry out meals.
1 Jun The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, addressed the racial tensions the
nation faced after the death of George Floyd. She called for the KAFB to resolve
these problems through dialogue, diversity, and inclusion.
3 Jun Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, issued PHEO Three. Colonel Blackwell
returned KAFB to HPCON-B. The measure indicated a moderate threat of the
spread of COVID-19 in the KAFB community. Colonel Blackwell directed
KAFB members to limit gatherings to a maximum of 50 people. Additionally,
Colonel Blackwell ended the 40-mile radius movement and the home-to-work
restrictions. Furthermore, she authorized TDY personnel to stay off-base. Colonel
Blackwell also approved pre-COVID-19 access to the Commissary, BX, and the
Shoppette starting 5 June for Active-Duty members and Retirees.
26 Jun The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, disseminated PHEO number four
(PHEO 4) to the KAFB community. The 81 TRW/CC ordered the installation to
enter HPCON-C. She restricted gatherings to a maximum of 10 people. Colonel
Blackwell also reinstated the home-to-work order under specific parameters.
Additionally, the 81 TRW/CC, updated the local leave area to the state of
1 Jul Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, established a series of panels entitled
“Courageous Conversations.” She said the group discussions would develop racial
consciousness and assist with revealing bias.
4 Aug Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, revealed her vision to enhance the
KAFB community to be an inclusive and diverse environment in response to
national racial tensions.
3 Sep The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, issued PHEO number five (PHEO
5) in which she ordered KAFB to enter HPCON-B in response to lower positive
COVID-19 cases. She restricted KAFB gatherings to a maximum of 25 people.
Moreover, Colonel Blackwell directed KAFB members to maintain a distance of
six feet from others. Furthermore, she ordered members to wear cloth face masks.
3 Sep Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, warned the KAFB community that the
highest COVID-19 contract locations included restaurants and off base gyms. She
also directed people to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and the flu. Colonel
Blackwell said to stay home and to undergo a test for COVID-19 or the flu for if
they feel ill.
8 Sep Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, released revised PHEO 5. The updated
PHEO 5 included a COVID-19 civilian employee travel guide to accompany the
military flowchart.
11 Sep The Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit-Keesler (CNATTU-
Keesler) hosted a September 11th remembrance ceremony. The event honored
nearly 3,000 lives lost in the 11 September 2001 attacks. The CNATTU held the
ceremony at the Base Flag Pole in front of the 81 TRW Headquarters.
18 Sep Lieutenant General James Hecker, Air University Commander (AU/CC), served
as the reviewing official at a KAFB Basic Military Training (BMT) Graduation.
CMSgt Tamar Dennis, AU/CCC, acted as the guest speaker during the event at
the Levitow Training Support Facility Parade Field.
9 Nov The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, issued PHEO six (PHEO 6). She
instituted a confidentiality policy for medical tracing to improve contract tracing
data. Additionally, Colonel Blackwell delegated Stop Movement Waiver
Authority for PCS and TDY to the first 0-6 (Colonel level) in the chain of
command. She also directed unit commanders must approve leave outside of the
state of Mississippi. Moreover, the 81 TRW/CC delegated travel assessments and
leave within Mississippi to supervisors or unit commanders.
17 Nov Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, announced Hurricane Zeta damaged
approximately 180 trees on KAFB. Furthermore, she said the storm damaged
almost 240 items such as roofs, fences, and signs. The 81 TRW/CC added that the
contracting process for large tree removal and roof repair would be a long-term
process. However, Colonel Blackwell assured everyone the KAFB team would
work diligently to restore the installation to accomplish the mission.
23 Nov The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, alerted the KAFB community to a
35 percent increase of positive COVID-19 cases on the installation. However, she
said that most of the infected members had followed Center for Disease Control
(CDC) guidelines at their duty stations. Therefore, Colonel Blackwell noted the
quarantine inflicted only minimal impact on mission. Additionally, Colonel
Blackwell reminded the KAFB community to maintain COVID-19 protocols
during the holiday season.
7 Dec Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, announced she would re-establish some
COVID-19 measures in HPCON B in response to a 14-day rise of positive
COVID-19 cases. She said the amount of positive cases had increase on and off
KAFB. The 81 TRW/CC prohibited dining at restaurants indoors or outdoors at
off base facilities. However, she authorized take-out orders from restaurants.
Colonel Blackwell also ordered the 81 FSS facilities to implement more spacing
for indoor dining.
14 Dec The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, heralded the COVID-19 vaccine by
encouraging everyone to volunteer to receive this immunization once it is
available at KAFB. She added that the vaccination would not be mandatory, but
she emphasized the immunizations would protect the KAFB community. Colonel
Blackwell reminded everyone to avoid gatherings and to maintain COVID-19
protocols during the holiday season.
16 Dec The 81st Training Wing (81 TRW) received the Air Force Outstanding Unit
Award for exceptionally meritorious service from 1 July 2018 through 30 June
5 Jan Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81st Training Wing Commander (81 TRW/CC),
announced she would maintain the same priorities for 2021. Colonel Blackwell
listed diversity, inclusion, empowerment, and resilience for her culture concern.
Moreover, the 81 TRW/CC said the unit would transform learning and leading
missions. Furthermore, Colonel Blackwell emphasized safety and security in
housing, dorms, and facilities. Colonel Blackwell also prioritized community
7 Jan The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, sent an email in response to the 6
January riot at the United States Capitol Building. Colonel Blackwell encouraged
leaders to engage their people to determine if they needed to discuss this incident.
11 Jan The 81st Training Wing Commander (81 TRW/CC), Colonel Heather Blackwell,
released her Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB) Diversity and Inclusion Plan.
Colonel Blackwell encouraged community members to contribute ideas and
feedback to this mission.
11 Jan Colonel Heather Blackwell, (81 TRW/CC), directed KAFB members to limit
social gatherings to no more than 10 people due to an increase of positive
COVID-19 cases. Colonel Blackwell instituted this strategy because the cases
rose on and off base. However, she announced KAFB would be receiving regular
deliveries of the COVID-19 vaccine to help protect KAFB members. Moreover,
Colonel Blackwell instructed Squadron Commanders to consider positive
COVID-19 cases before they approved leave.
15 Jan Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81st Training Wing Commander (81 TRW/CC),
hosted a Keesler Club Day at the Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB) Bay Breeze
Event Center (BBEC). KAFB members had the opportunity to select from 30
activities such as self-defense, photography, and cooking.
19 Jan The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, instituted COVID-19 surveillance
testing on KAFB in her Public Health Emergency Order Eight (PHEO 8). Colonel
Blackwell also restricted official and unofficial activities to a maximum of 10
people per event to decrease the transmission of COVID-19.
1 Feb Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, explained her KAFB COVID-19
surveillance testing program randomly examined various asymptomatic Active-
Duty members. Furthermore, Colonel Blackwell emphasized this action would
contribute to reducing the spread of COVID-19.
7 Feb The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, announced the 81 TRW pleased
her by passing the Unit Effectiveness Inspection (UEI) that occurred the prior
8 Feb The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, said positive COVID-19 cases
were decreasing on and off base. However, Colonel Blackwell revealed the 81st
Medical Group placed some asymptomatic KAFB members in quarantine via her
COVID-19 random surveillance testing program.
8 Feb Mr. Aundra Moore, 81 TRW Human Resources Officer, encouraged the KAFB
community to recognize National African American History Month. Mr. Moore
directed everyone to join the virtual events on Facebook and ZoomGov due to
COVID-19 protocols.
10 Feb First Lieutenant Linda Davila, 81 FSS, announced the Air Force approved new
female hair standards. One of the changes provided Females the option to wear
their hair in a ponytail instead of just pinned-up while in uniform.
11 Feb The 81 MSG first responders received a suspicious package report from the
Keesler Medical Center (KMC). The first responders secured the scene and
evacuated the location near the parcel. However, they determined the package did
not contain hazardous material.
18 Feb Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, authorized a maximum of 25 members
to gather for official and unofficial activities. However, Colonel Blackwell
directed members to wear face masks to prevent the transmission of COVID in
1 Mar The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, attributed a rise in positive
COVID-19 cases to escalated surveillance testing of asymptomatic KAFB
members. Therefore, Colonel Blackwell emphasized to personnel to maintain
physical distance, wear masks, and to wash their hands.
1 Mar Mr. Aundra Moore, 81 TRW Human Resources Officer, encouraged the KAFB
community to recognize Women’s History Month. Mr. Moore directed everyone
to join the virtual events on Facebook and ZoomGov due to COVID-19 protocols
10 Mar The Mississippi Veterans Affairs Military Women’s Summit took place at the
BBEC. The participants discussed subjects such as leadership and work/life
24 Mar Ms. Kimberly Toney, Air Force Personnel Center Executive Director, conducted
a mentoring session with Civilian Airmen at the Sablich Center.
30 Mar Major Patrick King, 81 TRW Executive Officer, emailed the KAFB community
that April would be Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM).
Major King provided a schedule of the SAAPM activities such as self-defense
classes and athletic events.
1 Apr The KAFB Blake and Dragon Fitness Centers re-opened to Family Members of
Active-Duty personnel. However, everyone still had to follow COVID-19
prevention protocols such as social distancing and wearing masks.
3 – 10 Apr KAFB observed Holocaust Days of Remembrance. The observance project
officer, Master Sergeant (MSgt) April Winchel, 81 TRW Law Office
Superintendent, emailed education material about this tragic period to the KAFB
5 Apr Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, informed KAFB members the positive
COVID-19 cases decreased as the number of vaccinated personnel rose.
Nevertheless, Colonel Blackwell directed members to continue to follow COVID-
19 mitigation procedures to maintain this progress.
30 Apr The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Heather Blackwell, ordered KAFB units to participate
in the base wide clean-up day. Colonel Blackwell instructed facility managers to
acquire equipment and supplies for this mission from the Self-Help store.
6 May Lieutenant General Marshall B. Webb, Air Education and Training Command
Commander (AETC/CC), presented the first ever iChallenge first place Torch
Award during the Gathering of the Torch iExpo. Mr. Matthew Correia, Profession
of Arms Center of Excellence instructional systems specialist, received this honor
from General Webb at the BBEC.
17 May Colonel Heather Blackwell, 81 TRW/CC, heralded the availability of the COVID-
19 vaccinations to all beneficiaries at the Keesler Medical Center (KMC).
17 May The Honorable Anh “Joseph” Cao, former U.S. Representative, gave the keynote
address at the Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Observance at the
20 May Twelve KAFB Senior Leaders represented the installation at the 31st State of the
City of Biloxi Address Luncheon at the Beau Rivage Resort and Casino. The
Biloxi Bay Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the event. Colonel Brian Stumpe,
2 AF/CV, and Colonel James Kafer, 81 TRW/CV, attended. Additionally,
Colonel Stuart Rubio, 403rd Wing Commander (403 WG/CC), along with nine
other KAFB leaders took part in this gathering.
1 Jun The 81 TRW hosted a Congressional Staff Visit from the Office of U.S.
Representative Steven Palazzo. Mr. Aaron Hall, Legislative Assistant, and Ms.
Michele Garigiulo, District Director, toured KAFB. They talked to KAFB
leadership and attended mission briefs.
17 Jun Colonel William Hunter assumed command of the 81 TRW from Colonel Heather
Blackwell at the Levitow Training Support Facility. Major General Andrea
Tullos, 2nd Air Force Commander (2 AF/CC), presided over this ceremony.
18 Jun The KAFB community observed the new Juneteenth National Independence Day
holiday because 19 June, the actual date of the event, came on Saturday.
22 Jun The KAFB community hosted a Juneteenth celebration at the BBEC. The
attendees learned about this annual observance of the emancipation of the last
American slaves in the state of Texas.
25 Jun The Keesler LGBTQ+ Month Committee hosted an informational expo event at
the Roberts Maintenance Auditorium for Pride Month.
28 Jun Major Anthony Perez, 81st Force Support Squadron Commander (81 FSS/CC),
announced the KAFB Youth Center would be closed 29 June. Major Perez said
the facility would undergo deep cleaning due to a confirmed positive case of
COVID-19. Nevertheless, the Youth Center re-opened 30 June after the 81 MDG
Public Health Office inspected it.
29 Jun Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, led attendees at the City of Biloxi
Inauguration Ceremony in the Pledge of Allegiance at the Biloxi Civic Center.
The Honorable Andrew “FoFo” Gilich, Mayor of the City of Biloxi, and seven
councilmembers participated in this oath of office ceremony.
1 Jul The 81
TRW celebrated its 28th anniversary. Headquarters AETC activated the
81st Training Wing and assigned it to Second Air Force. The 81 TRW assumed
the old Keesler Technical Training Center (KTTC) mission.
10 Jul Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, swore-in 10 Air Force Delayed Entry
Program recruits at Biloxi Shuckers baseball game during pre-game activities in
Biloxi. Colonel Hunter also threw the ceremonial first pitch of the game.
12-16 Jul Two members of the 81 TRW Public Affairs Office (81 TRW/PA) represented the
81 TRW at the 16th Annual Federal Government Statewide Conference. Mr. Ted
Rivera and SSgt Holly Cook took part in the All-Majors virtual panel with 173
other participants. The Florida International University’s Career and Talent
Development Office hosted this conference. More than 1,300 students and alumni
logged into this virtual conference. Additionally, representatives from 46 Federal
agencies acted as guest speakers and panelists during this forum.
13 Jul The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter, swore-in 10 Delayed Entry Program
recruits prior to a Biloxi Shuckers baseball game at MGM Park. Moreover,
Colonel Hunter threw the ceremonial first pitch of the game between the Shuckers
and the Birmingham Barons.
15 Jul The Keesler Technology Expo provided networking opportunities for the KAFB
community with hi-tech companies at the BBEC. The 81st Communications
Squadron (81 CS) and the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics
Association (AFCEA) hosted this activity.
26 Jul Mr. Gerald Cross, 81 FSS, announced the Biloxi School District would waive out-
of-district tuition fees for Service-Members who provided them a housing non-
availability letter. However, the Service-Members would need to provide the
transportation for their children to attend Biloxi Schools.
29 Jul The 81 TRW Public Affairs Office (81 TRW/PA) emailed KAFB members they
must wear masks at indoor facilities on the installation. The 81 TRW/PA cited
guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Secretary of
Defense (SecDef) as the reason for this action.
30 Jul Major General Michele Edmondson assumed command of Second Air Force (2nd
AF) from Major General Andrea Tullos during a change of command ceremony at
the BBEC. Lieutenant General Marshall Webb, Air Education and Training
Command Commander (AETC/CC), presided over this event. The Honorable
Andrew “FoFo” Gilich, Mayor of Biloxi, attended the ceremony along with
several other distinguished visitors.
1 Aug The 81 SFS demonstrated Military Working Dog techniques before the Biloxi
Shuckers baseball game at MGM Park. Five dog handlers and three dogs provided
demonstrations to the audience during this Bark in the Park event. One of the
handlers, SSgt Cody Garton, 81 SFS, threw the ceremonial first pitch of the game.
5 Aug Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, implemented Health Protection Condition
Bravo (HPCON B) on KAFB. Colonel Hunter directed KAFB members to be
vaccinated against COVID-19 to use the fitness centers. Moreover, he restricted
large indoor gathers to a maximum of 50 percent capacity. Furthermore, the 81
TRW/CC, mandated members to wear face masks indoors.
5 Aug The KAFB mourned the loss of 31-year-old Senior Airman (SrA) Taylor Labrier
in a vehicle accident on nearby Interstate-110 in D’Iberville, Mississippi. SrA
Labrier had been serving on a temporary duty assignment with the 81 TRW in an
Air Force school. Furthermore, SrA Labrier was a member of the Illinois Air
National Guard in the 183rd Wing’s Communications Squadron.
9 Aug Mr. Louis Bridges, 81 FSS Education Service Specialist, earned one of the 2021
Veteran Champions of the Year for Higher Education awards. Mr. Bridges was
the only winner out of 19 people to serve on a military installation. Embry-Riddle
Aeronautical University nominated Mr. Bridges for this award.
10 Aug The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter, notified KAFB Active-Duty members
to prepare for the possibility of mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. Colonel
Hunter said the SecDef had asked the approval of the President to implement this
measure within 30 days. Additionally, Colonel Hunter assured personnel the 81
MDG would be ready to execute mandatory vaccinations.
12 Aug Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, reiterated to KAFB members they must be
fully vaccinated to use the Fitness Centers in PHEO 12. Colonel Hunter also
repeated his restriction of a maximum of 50 percent room capacity for gatherings
along with his indoor mask mandate.
13 Aug The 81 TRW held a Celebration of Life ceremony for the late Airman Daniel
Germenis at the Roberts Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance (CAM) Facility.
Airman Germenis served as an Airman-in-Training in the 336th Training
Squadron (336 TRS). He succumbed to injuries he suffered in an on-base
automobile collision with pedestrians on 28 July. Three other Airmen sustained
injures in this incident. Airman Germenis had earned the title of Cyber Systems
Operator. The 336 TRS offered a livestream at the KAFB Welch Theater of his 6
August funeral in the Calvary Baptist Church in Bastrop, Texas.
18 Aug The Honorable Andrew “FoFo” Gilich, Mayor of the City of Biloxi, hosted 81
TRW Senior Leaders at his office in City Hall. Colonel William Hunter, 81
TRW/CC, and CMSgt Sarah Esparza, 81 TRW/CCC, met with the mayor and
some City of Biloxi staff members. Additionally, Mr. Brian Thompson, 81
TRW/DS, attended this meeting. The 81 TRW leaders informed the mayor that no
Afghan travelers would be coming to KAFB. Furthermore, the group discussed
the challenges Service-Members encountered finding housing in Biloxi.
20 Aug Major Anthony Perez, 81 FSS/CC, announced fully COVID-19 vaccinated
members could use the Blake Fitness Center 24 hours a day and seven days a
week. However, Major Perez instructed members to complete a Statement of
Understanding regarding the rules for the facility during unmanned hours.
22 Aug The Keesler Medical Center (KMC) organized a 22-person team to deploy to
Baton Rouge, Louisiana to provide Defense Support to Civil Authorities for
COVID-19. The team included three physicians, four Intensive Care Unit nurses,
four Emergency Department nurses, six clinical nurses, two respiratory
technicians, and three support personnel.
25 Aug The KAFB community recognized the 80th anniversary of the installation. The
War Department redesignated Army Air Corps Station Number 8 to be Keesler
Army Airfield on 25 August 1941. The War Department named the base in honor
of Second Lieutenant Samuel Reeves Keesler, Jr of Greenwood, Mississippi.
Lieutenant Keesler posthumously received the World War I Victory Medal with a
Silver Star for gallantry he displayed until his death. He died on 9 October 1919
in the Verdun sector of the Western Front in France from injuries he sustained the
previous day in combat.
25 Aug Key leaders from the 81 TRW met with the Honorable Billy Hewes, Mayor of the
City of Gulfport, in City Hall. The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter, the 81
TRW/CCC, CMSgt Sarah Esparza, and the 81 TRW/DS, Mr. Brian Thompson
met with the mayor. They discussed ways to enhance community relationships
between KAFB and Gulfport.
26 Aug The 81 TRW hosted a Women’s Equality Observation Day at the Bay Breeze
Event Center (BBEC) Ballroom. A panel of female senior Enlisted, Officer, and
Civilian leaders discussed the challenges and rewards women incurred to become
successful in the Air Force. Colonel William, 81 TRW/CC, gave the closing
remarks for this occasion.
27 Aug The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter, emailed all KAFB leaders to shelter-
in-place at 11:20 a.m. under Hurricane Condition 3 (HURCON 3) for Tropical
Storm Ida. Colonel Hunter told leaders to prioritize safety for all personnel by
avoiding risk to members, facilities, and resources. Additionally, Colonel Hunter
said personnel should wait until the inclement weather to move beyond KAFB
before departing their shelter that day. Moreover, the 81 TRW/CC instructed
members to COVID-19 mitigations during this period.
27 Aug The Keesler Medical Center (KMC) assembled a nine-person team to deploy to
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. The team of six physicians, one Critical
Care Nurse, and two Enlisted members provided medical support to Afghan
31 Aug The 81st Training Wing Command Post (81 TRW/CP) emailed an “All Clear”
notification to KAFB members at 10:57 a.m. Thus, all declared hurricane
conditions ended for KAFB.
1 Sep The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter, and 81 TRW/CCC, CMSgt Sarah
Esparza, toured the 85th Engineering Squadron (85 EIS). Both Senior Leaders
took part in a tower climbing demonstration during their 85 EIS immersion
behind Maltby Hall.
10 Sep The Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit (CNATTU) Keesler held
a 9/11 Memorial Ceremony at the 81 TRW Headquarters flag pole. The event
honored the approximately 3,000 lives America lost on 11 September 2001 in
terrorist attacks. Major General Michele Edmonson, 2 AF/CC, Colonel William
Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, attended the ceremony along with other senior leaders.
10 Sep Keesler Air Force Base hosted the second annual 9/11 Memorial Run. This 24-
hour event paid tribute to the victims of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks.
12 Sep Colonel Donnette Boyd, AETC Command Chaplain, gave a speech at the 50th
anniversary of the Keesler Gospel Worship Service. “Growing Stronger, Growing
Deeper, Reaching Higher,” was the theme of the event.
13 Sep Major General Michele Edmondson, 2 AF/CC, received a KAFB Immersion Tour
led by the 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter. Major General Edmondson
stopped by the 81 TRG and the 81 MDG. Additionally, the 2 AF Command Chief
(2 AF/CC), CMSgt Adam Vizi, provided Major General Edmondson with a
virtual-reality system demonstration at the 334 TRS. Furthermore, Major General
Edmondson conducted an open discussion forum with Military Training Leaders
(MTL) in the Levitow Training Support Facility.
18 Sep Major General Jim Martin, U.S. Air Force retired, served as the guest speaker at
the 81 TRW Air Force Ball. The 81 TRW celebrated the 74th birthday of the Air
Force at the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino Grand Ballroom in Biloxi. Colonel
William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, and his spouse, Mrs. Blanca Hunter came along
with other senior leaders. The Honorable Scott Delano, Mississippi State Senator,
and other distinguished visitors also attended this celebration.
19 – 25 Sep The KAFB community honored Fallen Service-Members for their service and
sacrifice during Gold Star Families Remembrance Week. The activities included a
Meadow of Memories Walking Trail and a Fallen Heroes Butterfly Garden
dedication and butterfly release.
25 Sep 150 Non-Prior Service Airmen in training (NPS AiT) attended an 81 TRG ball for
these students. These NPS AiT operated the ball. Military Training Leaders
(MTLs) offered mentorship to the students during this activity.
27 Sep The 81 TRW/PA informed the KAFB to honor “Constitution Day and Citizenship
Day” on the KAFB Facebook page. The day commemorated the signing of the
U.S. Constitution 234 years ago.
30 Sep Members of the KAFB community participated in a Prisoner of War/Missing in
Action (POW/MIA) Run and Vigil which began at the Levitow Drill Pad.
Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Jill Heliker, 81 TRG Deputy Commander (81
TRG/CD), provided opening remarks.
1 Oct The 81 TRW leadership participated in a meet and greet with U.S. Representative
Steven Palazzo’s staff in his Gulfport office. Colonel William Hunter, 81
TRW/CC, CMSgt Sarah Esparza, 81 TRW/CCC, and Mr. Brian Thompson, 81
TRW Director of Staff, attended this meeting. The 81 TRW leaders discussed
projects such as improving base housing and adding new permanent party
1 Oct The 81st Training Support Squadron (81 TRSS) partnered with the KAFB Marine
Detachment’s Marine Corps Lance Corporal Leadership and Ethics Seminar. Two
Airmen from the 81 TRSS completed the 11-day Professional Military Education
(PME) course.
1 Oct The 81 MDG offered KAFB members an opportunity to make appointments for
several types of cancer at the 10th Annual Health Expo in the BBEC. The 81
MDG held this event to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Furthermore, attendees could schedule examinations for chronic diseases. The
participants visited information booths to receive health care education. The 81st
Dental Squadron (81 DS) even provided dental examinations to some of the
1 Oct The 81 FSS presented a Rock Festival at the KAFB Heritage Park. The bands
included Brett Scallions of Fuel, 3oh!3, and Sick Puppies.
2 Oct The KAFB community continued its tradition of holding a “Cruisin’ Keesler” car
show and parade a day before the local “Cruising the Coast” event began. The
Cruisin’ Keesler” show started at the KAFB Marina Park.
5 Oct Colonel Stuart Rubio, 403rd Wing Commander (403 WG/CC), participated on a
Hispanic Leaders Panel at BBEC to recognize National Hispanic-American
Heritage Month.
5 Oct The KAFB community participated in the 81 SFS National Night Out at the Bay
Ridge Community Center. The event offered 81 SFS Defenders and residents the
opportunity to enhance their relationships.
13 Oct Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, acted as the guest speaker at POW/MIA
Retreat Ceremony at the 81 TRW/HQ flag pole. Colonel James Kafer, 81
TRW/CV, and other senior leaders also attended this tribute.
14-15 Oct The 336th Training Squadron (336 TRS) hosted the Department of the Air Force
(DAF) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Accelerator Team. Additionally, faculty from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) came with the Accelerator Team
to learn about the Air Force Computer Programming Initial Skills Training
15 Oct Major General Michele Edmondson, 2 AF/CC, revealed the 334th Training
Squadron (334 TRS) received a 50-thousand-dollar award from AETC’s 2021
challenge. The 334 TRS would procure cloud services for establishment and
preliminary execution of an Air Traffic Control (ATC) Pocket. Furthermore, the
334 TRS coordinated with the Air Force Material Command (AFMC) and the Air
Force Installation Contracting Center on this mission.
15-22 Oct Two technicians from the 81st Training Support Squadron (81 TRSS) deployed to
Qatar to install Early Warning Radar (EWR) Simulator computer software for the
Qatari military. The 81 TRSS established the source code for this product.
Moreover, the 81 TRSS provided Qatar, a coalition partner, with a custom version
of the software after the Foreign Disclosure Office approved this mission.
19 Oct The 81 TRW/PA informed the KAFB community the installation entered HPCON
Alpha Plus (HPCON A+). Therefore, fully vaccinated personnel could access
Fitness Centers without proof of their immunizations. Furthermore, all Force
Support Squadron facilities returned to 100 percent capacity. Nevertheless,
members still had to wear face masks in all indoor facilities.
20 Oct Forty business and community leaders from the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber
of Commerce’s Leadership Gulf Coast 2021 – 2022 class visited KAFB for
Military Day. Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, presented an overview of
the KAFB initiatives during the attendees’ lunch at the BBEC. Furthermore, the
class toured the Air Traffic Control and Airfield Management Schoolhouses.
26 Oct The 22-person KMC team that deployed to Baton Rouge on 22 August to provide
Defense Support to Civil Authorities for COVID-19 returned to KAFB. The team
included three physicians, four Intensive Care Unit nurses, four Emergency
Department nurses, six clinical nurses, two respiratory technicians, and three
support personnel.
29 Oct The 81st Force Support Squadron (81 FSS) provided a Ghouls in the Park
Halloween event at KAFB Marina Park. Children and their families enjoyed
collecting candy, a haunted house, a boo bus, and several games.
29 Oct The 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter, thanked the KAFB community for
participating in Base Clean-up Day. Colonel Hunter said that these efforts
demonstrated KAFB was an amazing place to live and work.
2 Nov The 81 TRW posted a Mission Brief on the Web at https://youtu.be/HFJ-
np91JKw. The video showed viewers how all the KAFB units executed their
3 Nov The Director of Weather, Brigadier General Brian McDaniel oversaw a ribbon
cutting ceremony as the 81 TRW commenced the first Space Weather Support
Course. The first in-residence portion of the two-part hybrid class started that day.
The students initiated the course with three weeks of distance learning, and then
they would complete a three-week in-residence class.
5 Nov The 81 TRW/PA announced KAFB transitioned to HPCON A, per a 4 November
memorandum from the 81 TRW/CC, Colonel William Hunter. Therefore, fully
vaccinated members no longer had to wear masks. However, the KMC, Child
Development Center, Youth Center, quarantine, and isolation areas maintained
the face masks mandate. Nevertheless, members still had to wear masks in all
indoor facilities if they were not fully vaccinated.
6 Nov One hundred and eighty-five members of the 81 TRG led by their Commander,
Colonel Chance Geray, marched in the Gulf Coast Veterans Parade in Downtown
Biloxi. Major General Michele Edmondson, 2 AF/CC, and CMSgt Sarah Esparza,
81 TRW/CCC, rode in Corvette convertibles during this event.
7 Nov The 81st Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) started a renovation project on Larcher
Chapel. The 81 CES planned to transform a two-pipe mechanical system to a
four-pipe operation. Furthermore, renovation included a fire suppression system
with alarms and a mass notification system. Moreover, the 81 CES intended to
add a new exterior patio and a game room.
8 Nov Major General Michele Edmondson, 2 AF/CC, visited the 81 TRW for an
immersion tour around Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB). Major General
Edmondson stopped by some student dormitories, Bryan Hall, and Vandenberg
Hall along other KAFB facilities. Additionally, the 2 AF/CC spoke to some 81
TRG Airmen in the Levitow Training Support Facility.
10 Nov Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, explained the 81 TRW mission, vision,
and priorities to the KAFB community. Colonel Hunter said the 81 TRW mission
would be to train, develop, and deliver focused driven warriors. Furthermore, the
81 TRW/CC revealed the 81 TRW vision would be to develop a culture of
excellence. Moreover, the Colonel Hunter said the 81 TRW prioritized people, the
installation, the community, and the mission.
12 Nov The 81 TRW/PA announced beneficiaries ages five and older could receive Pfizer
COVID-19 vaccinations at 3D in the KMC through the end of November. These
beneficiaries would start receiving the COVID-19 vaccinations at the
Immunizations Clinic beginning 1 December.
19 Nov Ms. Deatrice Jimerson, Civilian Personnel Officer (CPO), announced civilian
employees who did not comply with the COVID-19 vaccination mandate would
face disciplinary measures. Ms. Jimerson said these actions would include oral
admonishments, suspensions without pay, and removal.
24 Nov The KMC deployed a 22-person team to Saint Cloud, Minnesota to offer Defense
Support to Civil Authorities with COVID-19. The team included three physicians,
four Intensive Care Unit nurses, four Emergency Department nurses, two
respiratory technicians, and three support personnel.
25 Nov Keesler Air Force Base Commanders, Chiefs, First Sergeants, and their spouses
served the Thanksgiving meal to Airmen at the Azalea Dining Facility.
29 Nov The 81 TRW/PA informed KAFB members they must wear face masks in the
commissary regardless of their COVID-19 vaccination status. They also repeated
that members must still wear masks in the KMC, the Child Development Center,
and in the Youth Center.
29 Nov The Air Force Manpower, Personnel and Services Office (AF/A1) restricted
Airmen who were not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 from permanent change
of station (PCS) moves. The Airmen could not PCS until they completed their
vaccinations or until they received a medical or religious exemption for a
COVID-19 vaccination.
30 Nov Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, provided welcoming remarks at the KAFB
National Native American Heritage Month Panel Discussion in the BBEC. The
event honored Native American traditions and ancestry.
1-7 Dec The 81 TRW coordinated with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to
simulate combat simulations for the Cyber Officer Training pipeline. The students
created and executed thorough solutions for complicated tactical challenges with
Joint All-Domain principles.
2 Dec The KAFB senior leadership and community took part in pre-game activities at a
professional hockey game in Biloxi. Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC,
conducted an oath of office ceremony with 16 Air Force delayed entry program
recruits before the game. Furthermore, the 2 AF/CC, Major General Michele
Edmonds, initiated the ceremonial puck drop during this event. The KAFB Honor
Guard also performed during the pre-game festivities.
3 Dec Key leaders from KAFB went to the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce’s Breakfast
with the Mayor event in the Edgewater Mall Food Court in Biloxi. Major General
Michele Edmondson, 2 AF/CC, Colonel William Hunter 81 TRW/CC, and
Colonel Stuart Rubio, 403 WG/CC, along with other KAFB key leaders
participated. The Biloxi Chamber of Commerce gave a small welcome gift to
Major General Edmonson, Colonel Hunter, and Colonel Rubio.
3 Dec Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB) hosted Winter Fest at the Marina Park. The event
included a holiday tree lighting ceremony. Additionally, Santa Claus came to
listen to children ask him for gifts.
4 Dec Keesler Air Force Base leadership judged over 25 decorated boats during the 36th
annual Christmas on the Water Boat Parade in Biloxi. Colonel William Hunter, 81
TRW/CC, his spouse Blanca reviewed the contestants. Additionally, Colonel
James Kafer, 81 TRW/CV, and his spouse Rachel, along with other KAFB senior
leaders participated in this event.
9 Dec The FOX News channel came to do a story about the KAFB Space Force Weather
Training Program. Ms. Hunter Davis, FOX Weather Multimedia Journalist,
interviewed the 335 TRS/CC, Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Brockler, about the
Space Weather Support Course. Ms. Davis also spoke with Mr. Arthur Nelson, an
instructor, during her visit at the Weather Training Complex.
10 Dec The 81st Operational Readiness Medicine Squadron (81 ORMS) confirmed the
KAFB water supply was safe to drink because they disinfected it with chlorine.
The 81 ORMS released the Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence
Report) that also noted KAFB added fluoride to the base water.
13 Dec The nine-person KMC team that deployed to Holloman Air Force Base, New
Mexico on 27 August returned to KAFB. The team of six physicians, one Critical
Care Nurse, and two Enlisted members provided medical support to Afghan
20 Dec Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, transitioned KAFB to HPCON B because
the local positive COVID-19 cases increased. Additionally, the 81 TRW/CC
informed the KAFB community this action was part of a team effort to co-exist
with COVID-19. Colonel Hunter issued a face mask mandate for the installation
regardless of the vaccination status of the person. Moreover, the 81 TRW/CC said
personnel accessing the fitness facilities would need to be fully vaccinated and
wear face masks unless they were exercising. Furthermore, Colonel Hunter
restricted indoor capacity to a maximum of 50 percent for the workplace and for
mass gatherings starting 4 January 2022.
21 Dec The Department of the Air Force (DAF) approved the option of including
pronouns such as he/him, she/her, or they/them in official signature blocks.
However, this action did not mandate the use of pronouns in official signature
blocks. The DAF implemented this initiative to address barriers to service and to
promote a more inclusive culture.
22 Dec “Mr. Air Traffic Control,” Mr. Francis Herbert received military honors during a
funeral service at the Biloxi National Veterans Cemetery. He lived to the age of
101. Mr. Herbert served as the last Air Force Air Traffic Control (ATC) Warrant
Officer when he retired in 1972. Furthermore, “Mr. Air Traffic Control” worked
as a civilian ATC instructor at KAFB for 20 more years. The 81 TRW dedicated
the Herbert ATC Lab in Cody Hall in 2016 in his honor. Four members of the 334
TRS represented their unit at the funeral. Major Matthew Francom, 334 TRS
Director of Operations, and M. Robert Brown, 334 TRS ATC Flight Chief,
attended the service. Additionally, Mr. Edward Curley, 334 TRS ATC Instructor
Supervisor, and Mr. Jeffrey Haynes, 334 TRS Airfield Operations Officer
Instructor, went to the funeral.
28 Dec Keesler Air Force Base Commanders, Chiefs, First Sergeants, and their spouses
served the Christmas meal to Airmen at the Magnolia Dining Facility.
29 Dec Lieutenant General Robert I. Miller, Air Force Surgeon General, encouraged
personnel to acquire their COVID-19 vaccinations along with the booster
vaccinations. Lieutenant General Miller emphasized the vaccinations reduced the
stress on the health care system.
1 Jan-5 Mar The 81st Medical Group deployed a Medical Response Team (MRT) to the
Regional Hospital of Scranton, Pennsylvania. The MRT contributed to lowering
the statewide COVID-19 positive cases from 29,941 to 7,855. The team included
one physician, one physician’s assistant, five registered nurses, seven medical
technicians, and one administrative Airman.
4 Jan The 81st Training Wing Commander (81 TRW/CC), Colonel William Hunter,
restricted indoor capacity to a maximum of 50 percent for the workplace and for
mass gatherings. Colonel Hunter issued this directive in his 30 December 2021
Health Protection Condition Bravo (HPCON B) email.
11 Jan Major General Michele Edmondson, Second Air Force Commander (2nd AF/CC),
went to a Rotary Club of Biloxi Meeting at Mary Mahoney’s Old French House.
Col Brian Stumpe, 2nd AF Vice Commander (2nd AF/CV), accompanied Major
General Edmondson. The Executive Director of the Gulfport-Biloxi International
Airport, Mr. Clay Williams, acted as the guest speaker.
12 Jan Colonel Ryan Crowley, 81st Mission Support Group Commander (81 MSG/CC),
closed two Child Development Center (CDC) pre-toddler classrooms due to some
positive COVID-19 case exposures. Colonel Crowley said the classrooms would
reopen on 20 January 2022.
14 Jan Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB) leadership, along with community members,
played in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Closeout Golf Scramble at the
Bay Breeze Golf Course. These golfers, both from on and off base, participated to
boost donations for the CFC.
15 Jan The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) directed Federal Employee Health
Benefits (FEHB) Carriers to provide coverage for over the counter (OTC)
COVID-19 tests to FEHB participants. However, the FEHB plans could restrict
the number of tests to eight per person.
18 Jan Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) Kodi Bailey, 333rd Training Squadron Senior
Enlisted Leader (333rd TRS/SEL) announced he would serve as the 81 TRW
Diversity and Inclusion (D & I) Manager. CMSgt Bailey said he would establish a
D & I Council to implement D & I missions. Additionally, CMSgt Bailey asked
81 TRW members to provide D & I feedback, mentorship, special observances,
and other activities.
19 Jan The 81 TRW Public Affairs Office (81 TRW/PA) emailed the KAFB community
about COVID-19 restrictions. Only Active-Duty Service-Members and family
members within the ages of five to eleven could receive COVID-19 vaccinations.
Furthermore, the 81 TRW/PA referred non-Active-Duty adults to off-base
providers for COVID-19 vaccinations. Moreover, the 81 TRW/PA informed the
community the booster shot interval changed to five months instead of six
months. Additionally, the 81 TRW/PA revealed members could order free
COVID-19 tests at www.covidtests.gov.
25 Jan The 81 TRW hosted Biloxi Chamber of Commerce Junior Leadership Program.
The 81 TRW provided a KAFB tour to 17 students from Biloxi High School and
Saint Patrick Catholic High School.
26 Jan The 403rd Wing (403rd WG) announced they would reinstate their
Orientation/Incentive Flight Program to enhance understanding of weapons
systems starting 24 February. Additionally, the 403rd said the program would
incentivize 81 TRW members to display outstanding performance to earn a flight
on an aircraft.
27 Jan Major General (retired) Mark Brown acted as the guest speaker at the Reverend
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon in the BBEC Ballroom. Colonel William
Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, provided the opening remarks.
1 Feb The 81 TRW Total Force Development Council announced they would hold the
first Keesler “Dragon’s Breath” Toastmasters Club meeting on 24 February. The
Toastmasters Club would teach public speaking and leadership skills to KAFB
7 Feb Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, directed commanders and supervisors to
review updated guidance for travel risk assessments. Colonel Hunter informed
leaders the Department of Defense (DoD) revised protocols on 10 January for
personnel traveling during the COVID-19 pandemic.
8 Feb The 81 Force Support Squadron (81 FSS) announced the United States Air Force
(USAF) transitioned to a new Enlisted and Officer evaluation system called
myEvaluation (myEval). Additionally, the 81 FSS noted this change boosted the
IT and talent management transformations for Total Force Airmen and Guardians.
8 Feb The KAFB Black History Month Observance Committee held a ZUMBA class to
celebrate Black Health and Wellness at the Blake Fitness Center Gymnasium.
11 Feb The Defense Health Agency (DHA) offered each beneficiary a maximum of eight
free COVID-19 test kits per month each 90 days through Tricare. The Military
Treatment Facilities (MTFs) would provide the kits to each identification (ID)
card holder.
11 Feb - The 81 MDG deployed a Medical Response Team (MRT) to the University of 17
17 Mar Rochester Strong Memorial Hospital Level One Trauma Center in New York
State. The MRT supported the COVID-19 pandemic response by offering skilled
support and services to patients. The team included four physicians, eleven
registered nurses, two respiratory therapists, two medical technicians, and one
administrative Airman.
13 Feb The 2nd AF/CC, Major General Michele Edmondson, and the 81 TRW/CC,
Colonel William Hunter, along with their spouses attended the Fred Haise Statue
Unveiling Ceremony. Mr. Haise had served as an Apollo 13 astronaut and fighter
pilot. The ceremony took place at the Biloxi Lighthouse. Mr. Haise, The
Honorable Andrew “FoFo” Gilich, Mayor of the City of Biloxi, and other local
leaders spoke at this event.
15-17 Feb The 333rd TRS represented the 81 TRW at the Headquarters Air Combat
Command (HQ ACC) Cyber Training Consortium at Joint Base Langley-Eustis,
Virginia. Major Adam Ray and Captain Jason Kimball of the 333rd TRS
presented an overview of how the 333rd TRS taught students cyber training. They
explained the 333rd TRS trained Joint Cyber Forces to win our nation’s wars.
18 Feb The Black History Month and African American Heritage Committee offered the
KAFB community a chance to network as they embraced art. The participants
painted, enjoyed appetizers, and sipped beverages at the Keesler Arts and Crafts
18-20 Feb KAFB helped approximately 60 Special Olympics of Mississippi athletes train for
their summer games. Eighty KAFB staff members assisted these competitors in
golf, powerlifting, bowling, and other activities. The athletes also played the
KAFB “Chiefs and Eagles” in a softball game. The 2022 Special Olympics USA
Games took place from 5 through 12 June in Orlando, Florida.
22 Feb Colonel Marcia Smith, 81st Inpatient Operations Squadron (81 IPTS), acted as the
guest speaker at the Black History Month Gospel Brunch in the BBEC. The 81st
Medical Group (81 MDG), in conjunction with the 81 TRW, sponsored this
Health and Wellness activity.
22 Feb The 81 TRW/PA announced changes to the Sexual Assault and Prevention
Program (SAPR). One new option permitted Service-Members to still file a
Restricted Report even if the Chain of Command knew about it. Furthermore,
Service-Members whose adult family members filed an Unrestricted Report to the
SAPR Office could request an expedited transfer.
1 Mar Senior KAFB leaders rode in floats at the Gulf Coast Carnival Association Mardi
Gras parade in Biloxi. The KAFB representatives included Colonel William
Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, and his wife Blanca.
3 Mar The 81 TRW transitioned from HPCON B to HPCON A and lifted the face mask
mandate for vaccinated members. However, people still had to wear mask indoors
on KAFB if they were not fully vaccinated. Nevertheless, the Keesler Medical
Center (KMC) and the Child Development Center maintained their face mask
mandate for their facilities.
3 Mar Major Kurtis Snyder Jr, 81st Logistics Readiness Squadron Commander (81
LRS/CC), instructed members to prepare as early as possible for upcoming
permanent change of station (PCS) moves. Major Snyder added that commercial
trucking labor shortages would cause significant delays during PCS moves this
summer. Moreover, Major Snyder urged members to be flexible when scheduling
their PCS during the peak moving season of 15 May through 31 August.
9 Mar The 81 TRW hosted its Dragon University Open House at the BBEC. The new
school offered a Professional Development Incentive Program to all KAFB
Service-Members and civilian employees.
11 Mar The 81 TRW held a Women’s History Month Business and Information Fair at
the BBEC. The 81 TRW entitled the theme of the event “Providing healing and
promoting hope.”
12 Mar One hundred-and-five KAFB Airmen marched in the Hibernia Marching Society
of Mississippi’s Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Biloxi. The 81 TRW/CC,
Colonel William Hunter, and the 81 TRW/CV, Colonel James Kafer, participated
from the reviewing stand of the Biloxi mayor at City Hall.
16 Mar Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, presented a 10-minute update on KAFB
activities during the Military One Coast Annual Meeting. The gathering took
place at the Knight Nonprofit Center in Gulfport, Mississippi. Colonel Stuart
Rubio, 403rd Wing Commander (403rd WG/CC), also spoke at the meeting along
with other local senior military leaders.
18 Mar The Air Force Assistance Fund (AFAF) held a free Irish-themed spread at BBEC
third floor lounge in conjunction with Saint Patrick’s Day. The AFAF supported
the Air Force Aid Society, Air Force Enlisted Village, Mrs. Curtis E. LeMay
Foundation, and the Air Force Villages Charitable Foundation.
18 Mar Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, issued an updated mask and screening
testing guidance memorandum to KAFB. The 81 TRW/CC granted personnel and
visitors, regardless of vaccination status, the option to not wear face masks.
However, Colonel Hunter still mandated face masks to access an 81st Medical
Group (81 MDG) facility. The 81 TRW/CC said as long as the COVID-19
Community Level remained low, face masks would be optional. Therefore,
Colonel Hunter maintained the Health Protection Condition Alpha (HPCON A) in
accordance with the low COVID-19 Community Level.
21 Mar Mrs. Deatrice Jimerson, 81 TRW Civilian Personnel Officer, informed 81 TRW
Senior Leaders about new COVID-19 workplace re-entry guidance. Mrs.
Jimerson cited a 16 March memorandum from the Deputy Secretary of Defense,
The Honorable Kathleen H. Hicks, for this updated guidance. The new workplace
flexibilities incorporated telework along with planning for work locations and
22 Mar Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, and Colonel Stuart Rubio, 403 Wing/CC,
joined other KAFB Senior Leaders at the Biloxi Chamber of Commerce
Breakfast. The Mayor of the City of Biloxi, The Honorable Andrew “FoFo”
Gilich, also attended this gathering at the Merit Health Biloxi’s Cafeteria in
Biloxi. Colonel Hunter presented Mayor Gilich and the City of Biloxi Chief
Administrative Officer, Mr. Michael Leonard, KAFB economic impact statements
at the breakfast.
28-29 Mar The 81st Security Forces (81 SFS) and the Naval Security Force for Naval
Construction Battalion Center Gulfport conducted joint legal training at KAFB.
The participants received lectures about crime scene procedures during the first
day of the course. Furthermore, the attendees practically applied their skills in
mock court room proceedings.
28 Mar- AETC Schoolhouse Commanders and related Career Field Managers (CFMs) met
1 Apr during a KAFB CFM Working Group. They devised plans to boost Airmen-
centric mission-focused training. The event ended with a Drill Down competition.
31 Mar The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Western Division issued
an injuction for disciplinary action for Active Duty COVID-19 Vaccine Refusals.
Therefore, the court ordered the USAF to stop taking adverse actions until the end
of the litigation for the Doster v. Kendall case.
8 Apr Mrs. Deatrice Jimerson, Civilian Personnel Officer, emailed 81 TRW Senior
Leaders that the nationwide injunction blocking mandatory COVID-19
vaccinations was no longer in effect.
11 Apr Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Anthony Perez, 81st Force Support Squadron,
announced the Keesler UNITE Program, a unit resiliency program, would be
available on KAFB. Furthermore, Lt Col Perez said Active- Duty members,
Reservists, Appropriated Fund Civilians, and Non-appropriated Fund Civilians
could participate in this activity. Moreover, Lt Col Perez explained this program
offered recreation and fun to enhance unit cohesion within squadrons.
12 Apr Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, revealed three 81 TRW Airmen received
AETC Outstanding Airmen of the Year Awards. Senior Airman (SrA) Joshua L.
S. Rodriguez, 81st Training Support Squadron, earned the AETC Airman of the
Year honor. Staff Sergeant Blake S. Bennett, 338th Training Squadron (338
TRS), won the Honor Guard Member of the Year recognition. Technical Sergeant
(TSgt) Alvin R. Morris, 336th Training Squadron (336 TRS), received the
Military Training Leader of the Year Award.
15 Apr Colonel Matthew Hopkins, 334 TRS/CC, gave the opening and closing remarks at
the Airman First Class (A1C) Antoine Holt Memorial 5K Run/Walk. The activity
took place at the Levitow Training Support Facility Drill Pad. Colonel Hopkins
and CMSgt Mark Paraoan, 334 TRS/SEL, presented trophies. Additionally,
Colonel James Kafer, 81 TRW/CV, and CMSgt Sarah Esparza attended this
22 Apr Colonel James Kafer, 81 TRW CV, gave remarks during the Earth Day Ceremony
and presented a plaque for this occasion. The activity took place at the Airman’s
Oak on the corner of Meadows Avenue and First Street.
26 Apr The annual Keesler Technology Expo offered networking opportunities for the
KAFB community with hi-tech companies at the Roberts CAM Facility
Auditorium. The 81st Communications Squadron (81 CS) and the Armed Forces
Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) co-hosted this activity.
27 Apr Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, announced two AETC individual and team
award recipients. The 333rd TRS earned the AETC 2021 General Larry O.
Spencer Innovation Award for Undergraduate Cyber Warfare Training Course
Instructors. Staff Sergeant Kristen K. Adams, 335 TRS, received the AETC 2022
American Legion Spirit of Service Award.
28 Apr Keesler Air Force Base presented an Arbor Day program outside of the Child
Development Center. Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, Colonel Stuart
Rubio, 403 WG/CC, and Meacham Harlow, Urban & Community Forestry
Partnership Coordinator, led the ceremony.
2 May The Hunt Housing contractor renovated 40 homes through the Keesler Housing
Moisture Remediation Program (MRP). Nevertheless, incoming Airmen incurred
on and off base housing shortages. The MRP encompassed 365 homes, which
included 30 percent of the base housing. Unfortunately, 257 of the MRP homes
remained vacant. Both Hunt Housing and the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force
Energy, Installations, and Environment submitted fund solutions. However, they
must receive approval from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) before
implementing these plans.
3-13 May The 81 MDG participated in the U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM)
Defense Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Force Response Force
(DCRF) Guardian Resolve -22 Exercise. The 81 MDG deployed 96 members to
Camp Atterbury, Indiana to rehearse for Defense Civil Response Force
contingencies. More than 3,000 personnel took part in this joint exercise. The 81
MDG DCRF deployment team earned a citation for setting an Air Force record,
33 hours, for constructing a fully mission capable field hospital.
4 May Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB) hosted an Air Expeditionary Force (AEF)
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony behind Jones Hall. Approximately 700 students each
year would attend the Radio Frequency Operations Apprentice Course in the AEF
Training Area. Lt Col Tobiah Jones, 338th TRS/CC, and U.S. Army Captain
Olivia Theodore, 823rd Red Horse Squadron Project Engineer, cut the ceremonial
ribbon together.
9 May The 81st SFS and the Biloxi SWAT conducted joint training at Keesler Air Force
11 May The 81 TRG and the 81 SFS participated in the Biloxi Shuckers Education Day
for local public-school students at the nearby MGM Stadium. The 81 TRG
provided displays including radio, radar airfield, and weather systems.
Additionally, the 81 SFS presented a Military Working Dog demonstration to the
children, parents, and educators.
13-15 May KAFB hosted the 2022 Special Olympics Mississippi Summer (SOMS) Games
after a two-year absence due to COVID-19 restrictions. The opening ceremony
occurred 13 May at the Levitow Training Support Facility Drill Pad. Colonel
James Kafer, 81 TRW/CV, gave the opening remarks. Mr. Warren Gaffney, 81
CS, served as the emcee.
17 May The majority of Department of Air Force (DAF) civilian employees transitioned
to become Defense Health Agency (DHA) staff. Most DAF civilian employees at
the 81st MDG continued their duties as members of the DHA. The DHA assumed
control of military medical treatment facilities (MTFs) on 30 September 2021 in
accordance with the National Defense Authorization Acts of 2017 and 2019.
20 May Keesler Air Force Base honored fallen law enforcement during a National Police
Week Retreat Ceremony at the Base Flagpole in front of the 81 TRW
20 May Some members of the KAFB community participated in the Asian-American and
Pacific Islander Heritage (AAPI) Month Family Night on the BBEC Lawn. The
AAPI Committee offered the families bounce houses, the Disney movie “Moana,”
and the option to purchase meals from AAPI food trucks.
26 May Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, and Biloxi Mayor, Andrew “FoFo” Gilich,
slashed the ribbon during the Division Street Gate Ribbon Cutting Ceremony.
Additionally, Major General Michele Edmondson, 2nd AF/CC, took part in the
ribbon cutting. Furthermore, Colonel Hunter provided remarks. Brigadier
General Thomas Harrell, (AFMRA/CC), U.S. Representative Steven Palazzo, and
several other distinguished visitors also attended the ceremony.
31 May The 81
MDG transitioned away from a dedicated COVID-19 Testing Clinic.
Beneficiaries took their tests as walk-in patients at their assigned primary clinic.
However, members would not be eligible for leisure travel COVID-19 testing at
the Keesler Medical Center because TRICARE did not cover it.
31 May The 81 MDG Pharmacy flight implemented a plan to expedite prescription
dispensing with enhanced technology. The Pharmacy flight acquired $119,000 to
upgrade dispensing capacity with smart filing cabinets. Furthermore, they
partnered with the 81st Civil Engineer Squadron (81 CES) to improve the traffic
patterns around the pharmacy.
18 Jun The new Division Street Gate opened to personally owned vehicles (POVs).
However, the Commercial Vehicle Gate and the Visitor Center, still under
construction, would open later.
30 Jun The Keesler Air Force Base (KAFB) community enjoyed Freedom Fest during
the Independence Day holiday weekend at the BBEC. The attendees had the
opportunity to play a variety of games, taste a wide assortment of food, and watch
12 Jul Lieutenant General Caroline M. Miller, Deputy Chief of Staff (DCS) for
Manpower, Personnel and Services announced a name change for the Airman and
Family Readiness Center (A&FRC). Lt Gen Miller revealed the activity would be
designated the Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC). She said the new
name would be more inclusive of the USAF and Space Force joint communities.
21 Jul The USAF initiated the Connect to Care (CTC) Approach and Implementation to
support sexual assault victims. The program established the “No Wrong Door”
principle to smoothly transition clients from one service provider to another
without barriers to their care.
29 Jul The 81 TRW flew the flag of the United States at half-staff to honor the late
CMSgt of the Air Force, James M. McCoy, USAF Retired.
1 Aug The 81 MDG consolidated all outpatient pharmacy services at the Exchange
Satellite Pharmacy. The 81 MDG took this action in response to projected staffing
shortages. However, the 81 MDG expected to restore normal pharmacy operations
after resolving their personnel issues.
5 Aug The 81 FSS held the grand opening of the Indoor Golf Simulator at the Bay
Breeze Golf Course on KAFB.
9 Aug Colonel William Hunter, 81 TRW/CC, congratulated the AETC Annual Tech
Training Winners via an email to the KAFB community. TSgt Melissa R.
Anderson, 334 TRS, earned the Instructor Non-Commissioned Officer Category
recognition. Master Sergeant Kendra Harris, 334 TRS, received the Instructor
Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Category award. Additionally, the Training
Support Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Category recognition went to MSgt
Bradley Boltz from the 81st Training Support Squadron (81 TRSS). Mrs. Lauren
Lowe, 338th TRS, earned the Training Support Civilian (Category one) Category
award. Furthermore, Mr. Michael Gulino won the Training Support Civilian
(Supervisory) Category recognition.
15 Aug The new Visitor Control Center (VCC) opened at the Division Street Gate.
However, the Commercial Vehicle Gate at the Division Street Gate remained
closed due to ongoing construction.
21 Aug – The Keesler Immunization Clinic offered Active Duty members and appropriated
1 Sep fund civilian employees Novavax vaccinations to prevent COVID. The eligible
individuals could visit the clinic for the first dosage and then return 21 days later
for the final vaccination. Novavax provided an alternative to members seeking
waivers from mRNA COVID vaccines.
22 Aug The Honorable Gina Ortiz Jones, Under Secretary of the Air Force (USECAF),
approved all outdoor Department of the Air Force (DAF)-sponsored in-person
meetings with less than 250 participants. Additionally, the USECAF permitted
indoor meetings with less than 250 attendees. Ms. Ortiz Jones added that these
activities could occur in a county where the CDC Community Level was “High.”
Nevertheless, the USECAF noted organizations must implement Force Health
Protection mitigation measures for these gatherings to take place.
22-24 Aug The 81st TRG connected with the Salute to Life program to register members of
the training squadrons as potential bone marrow donors. The volunteers joined a
national database in which they could possibly become a match for a hopeful
bone marrow recipient.
25 Aug Colonel Jason Allen, 81st TRW/CV, gave opening remarks at the Keesler Air
Force Base 81st Birthday Celebration. MSgt Larry McAnally, USAF Retired,
served as the guest speaker. The activity occurred in the Levitow Training
Support Facility Fishbowl.
26 Aug Major General Michele Edmondson, 2nd AF/CC, served as panel member during
the KAFB Women’s Equality Day Celebration in the BBEC Second Floor
Ballroom. The event recognized the date, 26 August 1920, the 19th Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution authorized women to vote.
9 Sep The Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit (CNATTU) hosted a 9/11
Memorial Ceremony in front of the 81st TRW Headquarters at the Base Flagpole.
The event honored the approximately 3,000 victims who died during the 11
September 2001 terrorist attacks. The 81st TRW/CC, Colonel Bill Hunter, and
other 81st TRW Senior Leaders attended the ceremony.
16 Sep The 81st TRW conducted a Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing in Action (MIA)
retreat at the base flagpole in front of the 81st TRW Headquarters.
17 Sep The 81st Training Wing (81 TRW) hosted the United States Air Force 75th
Birthday Ball at the IP Casino Resort Spa in Biloxi. Retired Air Force General
Robin Rand served as the guest speaker.
3 Oct DoD identification card holders began using the 81 LRS Base Shuttle bus
Monday through Friday from 5:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the evening. The
Base Shuttle replaced the installation taxi service. However, if the member
displayed COVID-19 symptoms they could not board the bus. Nevertheless, the
member could call the Ground Transportation Dispatch to ask for separate
transportation to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
7 Oct The 81st MDG hosted the annual Health and Wellness Expo in the Don Wiley
Auditorium at the Keesler Medical Center (KMC). Beneficiaries took advantage
of health screenings, flu vaccinations and even prizes during this activity.
13 Oct The KAFB housing contractor, Hunt, received approval from the Deputy
Assistant Secretary of the Air Force-Installations (SAF/IEI) for a 58 million dollar
Moisture Remediation Program (MRP). The new funding should enable Hunt to
accelerate renovations to 25 homes per month for the 793 homes awaiting repairs.
Hunt had renovated 235 homes at this point during the MRP.
21 Oct DoD cardholders and their guests returned to the reopened Keesler Marina Fuel
Pier. The site had been undergoing repairs since 2020. Furthermore, the Keesler
Marina acquired some Bennington pontoon boats to boost the recreational
opportunities at the facility.
14 Nov The 81st FSS Civilian Personnel Flight hosted a KAFB Job Fair in the BBEC.
Twenty-seven employers such as the Keesler Commissary, the University of
Southern Mississippi, and Vectrus sought new workers at this activity.
Additionally, candidates took a resume classes and USA Jobs navigation lessons.
More than 170 job seekers came to the job.
5 Dec Colonels and Chief Master Sergeants (CMSgts) competed in the second annual
Chief V Eagles Softball Game at MGM Park in Biloxi. City of Biloxi Mayor
Andrew “FoFo” Gilich threw the ceremonial first pitch. In addition, the 81st SFS
presented a military working dog demonstration before the game for the audience.
Moreover, the 338th put on a freestyle drill competition during the pre-game
13 Dec Major General Michele Edmondson, 2nd AF/CC, relieved Colonel William
Hunter, 81st TRW/CC, of his command. Major General Edmondson cited a loss
of trust and confidence in the capability of Colonel Hunter to successfully lead the
81st TRW for this action. Major General Edmondson appointed the 81st
TRW/CV, Colonel Jason Allen, as the acting 81st TRW/CC.
81 TRW History Office
Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
July 2023