ACI 347-04 supersedes ACI 347R-03 and became effective October 15, 2004.
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Guide to Formwork for Concrete
An ACI Standard
ACI 347-04
Objectives of safety, quality, and economy are given priority in these guide-
lines for formwork. A section on contract documents explains the kind and
amount of specification guidance the engineer/architect should provide for
the contractor. The remainder of the report advises the formwork engineer/
contractor on the best ways to meet the specification requirements safely
and economically. Separate chapters deal with design, construction, and
materials for formwork. Considerations peculiar to architectural concrete
are also outlined in a separate chapter. Other sections are devoted to form-
work for bridges, shells, mass concrete, and underground work. The
concluding chapter on formwork for special methods of construction
includes slipforming, preplaced-aggregate concrete, tremie concrete,
precast, and prestressed concrete.
Keywords: anchors; architectural concrete; coatings; concrete; construction;
falsework; form ties; forms; formwork; foundations; quality control;
reshoring; shoring; slipform construction; specifications; tolerances.
Preface, p. 347-2
Chapter 1—Introduction, p. 347-2
1.3—Achieving economy in formwork
1.4—Contract documents
Chapter 2—Design, p. 347-5
2.3—Unit stresses
2.4—Safety factors for accessories
2.6—Bracing and lacing
2.7—Foundations for formwork
Chapter 3—Construction, p. 347-9
3.1—Safety precautions
3.2—Construction practices and workmanship
3.4—Irregularities in formed surfaces
3.5—Shoring and centering
3.6—Inspection and adjustment of formwork
3.7—Removal of forms and supports
3.8—Shoring and reshoring of multistory structures
Chapter 4—Materials, p. 347-16
Reported by ACI Committee 347
Rodney D. Adams Samuel A. Greenberg H. S. Lew
Kenneth L. Berndt R. Kirk Gregory Donald M. Marks
Randolph H. Bordner Awad S. Hanna Robert G. McCracken
Ramon J. Cook G. P. Jum Horst William R. Phillips
James N. Cornell Mary K. Hurd Douglas J. Schoonover
Jack L. David David W. Johnston W. Thomas Scott
William A. Dortch Roger S. Johnston Aviad Shapira
Jeffrey C. Erson Dov Kaminetzky Rolf A. Spahr
N. John Gardner Harry B. Lancelot
Pericles C. Stivaros
Kevin L. Wheeler
4.2—Properties of materials
4.4—Form coatings and release agents
Chapter 5—Architectural concrete, p. 347-18
5.2—Role of the architect
5.3—Materials and accessories
5.6—Form removal
Chapter 6—Special structures, p. 347-22
6.2—Bridges and viaducts, including high piers
6.3—Structures designed for composite action
6.4—Folded plates, thin shells, and long-span roof structures
6.5—Mass concrete structures
6.6—Underground structures
Chapter 7—Special methods of construction,
p. 347-26
7.2—Preplaced-aggregate concrete
7.4—Permanent forms
7.5—Forms for prestressed concrete construction
7.6—Forms for site precasting
7.7—Use of precast concrete for forms
7.8—Forms for concrete placed under water
Chapter 8—References, p. 347-30
8.1—Referenced standards and reports
8.2—Cited references
Before the formation of ACI Committee 347 (formerly
ACI Committee 622) in 1955, there had been an increase in
the use of reinforced concrete for longer span structures,
multistoried structures, and increased story heights.
The need for a formwork standard and increased knowledge
concerning the behavior of formwork was evident from the
rising number of failures, sometimes resulting in the loss of
life. The first report by the committee, based on a survey of
current practices in the United States and Canada, was
published in the ACI J
OURNAL in June 1957.
The second
committee report was published in the ACI J
August 1958.
This second report was an in-depth review of
test reports and design formulas for determining lateral pressure
on vertical formwork. The major result of this study and
report was the development of a basic formula establishing
form pressures to be used in the design of vertical formwork.
The first standard was ACI 347-63. Subsequent revisions
were ACI 347-68 and ACI 347-78. Two subsequent revisions,
ACI 347R-88 and ACI 347R-94, were committee reports
because of changes in the ACI policy on the style and format
of standards. ACI 347-01 returned the guide to the standard-
ization process.
A major contribution of the committee has been the spon-
sorship and review of Formwork for Concrete
by M. K.
Hurd, first published in 1963 and currently in its sixth
edition. Now comprising more than 490 pages, this is the
most comprehensive and widely used document on this
subject. (The Japan National Council on Concrete has
published a Japanese translation.)
The paired values stated in inch-pound and SI units are
usually not exact equivalents. Therefore, each system is to be
used independently of the other. Combining values from the
two systems may result in nonconformance with this document.
This guide covers:
A listing of information to be included in the contract
Design criteria for horizontal and vertical forces on
Design considerations, including safety factors, to be
used in determining the capacities of formwork
Preparation of formwork drawings;
Construction and use of formwork, including safety
Materials for formwork;
Formwork for special structures;
Formwork for special methods of construction; and
Qualification of personnel for inspection and testing.
This guide is based on the premise that layout, design,
and construction of formwork should be the responsibility
of the formwork engineer/contractor. This is believed to be
fundamental to the achievement of safety and economy of
formwork for concrete.
The following definitions will be used in this guide. Many
of the terms can also be found in ACI 116R:
backshores—shores placed snugly under a concrete slab
or structural member after the original formwork and shores
have been removed from a small area at a time, without
allowing the slab or member to deflect; thus, the slab or other
member does not yet support its own weight or existing
construction loads from above.
bugholes—surface air voids: small regular or irregular
cavities, usually less than 0.6 in. (15 mm) in diameter,
resulting from entrapment of air bubbles in the surface of
formed concrete during placement and consolidation. Also
called blowholes.
centering—specialized temporary support used in the
construction of arches, shells, and space structures where the
entire temporary support is lowered (struck or decentered) as
a unit to avoid introduction of injurious stresses in any part
of the structure.
climbing form—a form that is raised vertically for
succeeding lifts of concrete in a given structure.
diagonal bracing—supplementary formwork members
designed to resist lateral loads.
engineer/architect—the engineer, architect, engineering
firm, architectural firm, or other agency issuing project plans
and specifications for the permanent structure, administering
the work under contract documents, or both.
flying forms—large prefabricated, mechanically handled
sections of formwork designed for multiple reuse; frequently
including supporting truss, beam, or shoring assemblies
completely unitized. Note: Historically, the term has been
applied to floor forming systems.
form—a temporary structure or mold for the support of
concrete while it is setting and gaining sufficient strength to
be self-supporting.
formwork—total system of support for freshly placed
concrete, including the mold or sheathing that contacts the
concrete and all supporting members, hardware, and neces-
sary bracing.
formwork engineer/contractor—engineer of the form-
work system, contractor, or competent person in charge of
designated aspects of formwork design and formwork
ganged forms—large assemblies used for forming
vertical surfaces; also called gang forms.
horizontal lacing—horizontal bracing members attached
to shores to reduce their unsupported length, thereby
increasing load capacity and stability.
preshores—added shores placed snugly under selected
panels of a deck-forming system before any primary (original)
shores are removed. Preshores and the panels they support
remain in place until the remainder of the complete bay has
been stripped and backshored, a small area at a time.
reshores—shores placed snugly under a stripped concrete
slab or other structural member after the original forms and
shores have been removed from a large area, requiring the
new slab or structural member to deflect and support its own
weight and existing construction loads to be applied before
installation of the reshores.
scaffold—a temporary elevated platform (supported or
suspended) and its supporting structure used for supporting
workers, tools, and materials; adjustable metal scaffolding can
be used for shoring in concrete work, provided its structure has
the necessary load-carrying capacity and structural integrity.
shores—vertical or inclined support members designed to
carry the weight of the formwork, concrete, and construction
loads above.
slipform—a form that is pulled or raised as concrete is
placed; may move in a horizontal direction to lay concrete for
concrete paving or on slopes and inverts of canals, tunnels, and
siphons; or may move vertically to form walls, bins, or silos.
1.3—Achieving economy in formwork
The engineer/architect can help overall economy in the
structure by planning so that formwork costs are minimized.
The cost of formwork in the United States can be as much as
60% of the total cost of the completed concrete structure in
place and sometimes greater. This investment requires careful
thought and planning by the engineer/architect when designing
and specifying the structure and by the formwork engineer/
contractor when designing and constructing the formwork.
Formwork drawings, prepared by the formwork engineer/
contractor, can identify potential problems and should give
project site employees a clear picture of what is required and
how to achieve it. The following guidelines show how the
engineer/architect can plan the structure so that formwork
economy may best be achieved:
To simplify and permit maximum reuse of formwork,
the dimensions of footings, columns, and beams should
be of standard material multiples, and the number of
sizes should be minimized;
When interior columns are the same width as or smaller
than the girders they support, the column form becomes
a simple rectangular or square box without boxouts,
and the slab form does not have to be cut out at each
corner of the column;
When all beams are made one depth (beams framing
into beams as well as beams framing into columns), the
supporting structures for the beam forms can be carried
on a level platform supported on shores;
Considering available sizes of dressed lumber, ply-
wood, and other ready-made formwork components
and keeping beam and joist sizes constant will reduce
labor time;
The design of the structure should be based on the use
of one standard depth wherever possible when commer-
cially available forming systems, such as one- or
two-way joist systems, are used;
The structural design should be prepared simulta-
neously with the architectural design so that dimen-
sions can be better coordinated. Room sizes can vary a
few inches to accommodate the structural design;
The engineer/architect should consider architectural
features, depressions, and openings for mechanical or
electrical work when detailing the structural system,
with the aim of achieving economy. Variations in the
structural system caused by such items should be
shown on the structural plans. Wherever possible,
depressions in the tops of slabs should be made without
a corresponding break in elevations of the soffits of
slabs, beams, or joists;
Embedments for attachment to or penetration through
the concrete structure should be designed to minimize
random penetration of the formed surface; and
Avoid locating columns or walls, even for a few floors,
where they would interfere with the use of large form-
work shoring units in otherwise clear bays.
1.4—Contract documents
The contract documents should set forth the tolerances
required in the finished structure but should not attempt to
specify the manner in which the formwork engineer/
contractor designs and builds the formwork to achieve the
required tolerances.
The layout and design of the formwork and its construction
should be the responsibility of the formwork engineer/
contractor. This approach gives the necessary freedom to use
skill, knowledge, and innovation to safely construct an
economical structure. By reviewing the formwork drawings,
the engineer/architect can understand how the formwork
engineer/contractor has interpreted the contract documents.
Some local areas have legal requirements defining the
specific responsibilities of the engineer/architect in form-
work design, review, or approval.
1.4.1 Individual specifications—The specification writer
is encouraged to refer to this guide as a source of recommen-
dations that can be written into the proper language for
contract documents.
The specification for formwork will affect the overall
economy and quality of the finished work; therefore, it should
be tailored for each particular job, clearly indicate what is
expected of the contractor, and ensure economy and safety.
A well-written formwork specification tends to equalize
bids for the work. Unnecessarily exacting requirements can
make bidders question the specification as a whole and make
it difficult for them to understand exactly what is expected.
They can be overly cautious and overbid or misinterpret
requirements and underbid.
A well-written formwork specification is of value not only
to the owner and the contractor, but also to the field represen-
tative of the engineer/architect, approving agency, and the
subcontractors of other trades. Some requirements can be
written to allow discretion of the contractor where quality of
finished concrete work would not be impaired by the use of
alternative materials and methods.
Consideration of the applicable general requirements
suggested herein will not be sufficient to make a complete
specification. Requirements should be added for actual
materials, finishes, and other items peculiar to and necessary
for the individual structure. The engineer/architect can
exclude, call special attention to, strengthen, or make more
lenient any general requirement to best fit the needs of the
particular project. Helpful and detailed information is given
in Formwork for Concrete.
1.4.2 Formwork materials and accessories—If the particular
design or desired finish requires special attention, the engineer/
architect can specify in the contract documents the formwork
materials and such other features necessary to attain the objec-
tives. If the engineer/architect does not call for specific
materials or accessories, the formwork engineer/contractor can
choose any materials that meet the contract requirements.
When structural design is based on the use of commer-
cially available form units in standard sizes, such as one-way
or two-way joist systems, plans should be drawn to make use
of available shapes and sizes. Some latitude should be
permitted for connections of form units to other framing or
centering to reflect the tolerances and normal installation
practices of the form type anticipated.
1.4.3 Finish of exposed concrete—Finish requirements for
concrete surfaces should be described in measurable terms as
precisely as practicable. Refer to Section 3.4 and Chapter 5.
1.4.4 Design, inspection, review, and approval of form-
work—Although the safety of formwork is the responsibility
of the contractor, the engineer/architect or approving agency
may, under certain circumstances, decide to review and
approve the formwork, including drawings and calculations.
If so, the engineer/architect should call for such review or
approval in the contract documents.
Approval might be required for unusually complicated
structures, structures whose designs were based on a particular
method of construction, structures in which the forms impart
a desired architectural finish, certain post-tensioned struc-
tures, folded plates, thin shells, or long-span roof structures.
The following items should be clarified in the contract
Who will design the formwork;
Who will inspect the specific feature of formwork and
when will the inspection be performed; and
What reviews, approvals, or both will be required—
a. For formwork drawings;
b. For the formwork before concreting and during
concreting; and
c. Who will give such reviews, approvals, or both.
1.4.5 Contract documents—The contract documents
should include all information about the structure necessary
for the formwork engineer/contractor to design the form-
work and prepare formwork drawings, such as:
Number, location, and details of all construction joints,
contraction joints, and expansion joints that will be
required for the particular job or parts of it;
Sequence of concrete placement, if critical;
Tolerances for concrete construction;
The live load and superimposed dead load for which the
structure is designed and any live-load reduction used.
This is a requirement of ACI 318;
Intermediate supports under stay-in-place forms, such
as metal deck used for forms and permanent forms of
other materials; supports, bracing, or both, required by
the structural engineer’s design for composite action;
and any other special supports;
The location and order of erection and removal of
shores for composite construction;
Special provisions essential for formwork for special
construction methods and for special structures such as
shells and folded plates. The basic geometry of such
structures, as well as their required camber, should be
given in sufficient detail to permit the formwork engi-
neer/contractor to build the forms;
Special requirements for post-tensioned concrete
members. The effect of load transfer and associated
movements during tensioning of post-tensioned members
can be critical, and the contractor should be advised of
any special provisions that should be made in the form-
work for this condition;
Amount of required camber for slabs or other structural
members to compensate for deflection of the structure.
Measurements of camber attained should be made at
the soffit level after initial set and before removal of
formwork supports;
Where chamfers are required or prohibited on beam
soffits or column corners;
Requirements for inserts, waterstops, built-in frames
for openings and holes through concrete; similar
requirements where the work of other trades will be
attached to, supported by, or passed through formwork;
Where architectural features, embedded items, or the
work of other trades could change the location of struc-
tural members, such as joists in one- or two-way joist
systems, such changes or conditions should be coordi-
nated by the engineer/architect; and
Locations of and details for architectural concrete.
When architectural details are to be cast into structural
concrete, they should be so indicated or referenced on
the structural plans because they can play a key role in
the structural design of the form.
2.1.1 Planning—All formwork should be well planned
before construction begins. The amount of planning required
will depend on the size, complexity, and importance (consid-
ering reuses) of the form. Formwork should be designed for
strength and serviceability. System stability and member
buckling should be investigated in all cases.
2.1.2 Design methods—Formwork is made of many different
materials, and the commonly used design practices for each
material are to be followed (refer to Chapter 4). For example,
wood forms are designed by working-stress methods recom-
mended by the American Forest and Paper Association. When
the concrete structure becomes a part of the formwork support
system, as in many multistory buildings, it is important for the
formwork engineer/contractor to recognize that the concrete
structure has been designed by the strength method.
Accordingly, in communication of the loads, it should be clear
whether they are service loads or factored loads.
Throughout this guide, the terms design, design load, and
design capacity are used to refer to design of the formwork.
Where reference is made to design load for the permanent struc-
ture, structural design load, structural dead load, or some similar
term is used to refer to unfactored service loads on the structure.
2.1.3 Basic objectives—Formwork should be designed so
that concrete slabs, walls, and other members will have the
correct dimensions, shape, alignment, elevation, and position
within established tolerances. Formwork should also be
designed so that it will safely support all vertical and lateral
loads that might be applied until such loads can be supported
by the concrete structure. Vertical and lateral loads should be
carried to the ground by the formwork system or by the
in-place construction that has adequate strength for that
purpose. Responsibility for the design of the formwork rests
with the contractor or the formwork engineer hired by the
contractor to design and be responsible for the formwork.
2.1.4 Design deficiencies—Some common design defi-
ciencies that can lead to failure are:
Lack of allowance in design for loadings such as wind,
power buggies, placing equipment, and temporary
material storage;
Inadequate reshoring;
Overstressed reshoring;
Inadequate provisions to prevent rotation of beam forms
where the slabs frame into them on only one side (Fig. 2.1);
Insufficient anchorage against uplift due to battered
form faces;
As defined by ACI 318, both dead load and live load are unfactored loads.
Fig. 2.1—Prevention of rotation is important where the slab frames into the beam form
on only one side.
Insufficient allowance for eccentric loading due to
placement sequences;
Failure to investigate bearing stresses in members in
contact with shores or struts;
Failure to provide proper lateral bracing or lacing of
Failure to investigate the slenderness ratio of compres-
sion members;
Inadequate provisions to tie corners of intersecting
cantilevered forms together;
Failure to account for loads imposed on form hardware
anchorages during closure of form panel gaps when
aligning formwork; and
Failure to account for elastic shortening during post-
2.1.5 Formwork drawings and calculations—Before
constructing forms, the formwork engineer/contractor may
be required to submit detailed drawings, design calculations,
or both of proposed formwork for review and approval by
the engineer/architect or approving agency. If such drawings
are not approved by the engineer/architect or approving
agency, the formwork engineer/contractor should make such
changes as may be required before the start of construction
of the formwork.
The review, approval, or both of the formwork drawings
does not relieve the contractor of the responsibility for
adequately constructing and maintaining the forms so that
they will function properly. If reviewed by persons other
than those employed by the contractor, the review or
approval indicates that no exception is taken by the reviewer
to the assumed design loadings in combination with design
stresses shown; the proposed construction methods; the
placement rates, equipment, and sequences; the proposed
form materials; and the overall scheme of formwork. All
major design values and loading conditions should be shown
on formwork drawings. These include assumed values of
live load; the compressive strength of concrete for formwork
removal and for application of construction loads; rate of
placement, minimum temperature, height, and drop of
concrete; weight of moving equipment that can be operated
on formwork; foundation pressure; design stresses; camber
diagrams; and other pertinent information, if applicable.
In addition to specifying types of materials, sizes, lengths,
and connection details, formwork drawings should provide
for applicable details, such as:
Procedures, sequence, and criteria for removal of
forms, shores, and reshores;
Design allowance for construction loads on new slabs
when such allowance will affect the development of shor-
ing, reshoring schemes, or both (refer to Sections 2.5 and
3.8 for shoring and reshoring of multistory structures);
Anchors, form ties, shores, lateral bracing, and horizontal
Field adjustment of forms;
Waterstops, keyways, and inserts;
Working scaffolds and runways;
Weepholes or vibrator holes, where required;
Screeds and grade strips;
Location of external vibrator mountings;
Crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping can
damage concrete;
Removal of spreaders or temporary blocking;
Cleanout holes and inspection openings;
Construction joints, contraction joints, and expansion
joints in accordance with contract documents (also
refer to ACI 301);
Sequence of concrete placement and minimum elapsed
time between adjacent placements;
Chamfer strips or grade strips for exposed corners and
construction joints;
Mudsills or other foundation provisions for formwork;
Special provisions, such as safety, fire, drainage, and
protection from ice and debris at water crossings;
Formwork coatings;
Notes to formwork erector showing size and location of
conduits and pipes projecting through formwork; and
Temporary openings or attachments for climbing crane
or other material handling equipment.
2.2.1 Vertical loads—Vertical loads consist of dead and
live loads. The weight of formwork plus the weight of the
reinforcement and freshly placed concrete is dead load. The
live load includes the weight of the workers, equipment,
material storage, runways, and impact.
Vertical loads assumed for shoring and reshoring design
for multistory construction should include all loads trans-
mitted from the floors above as dictated by the proposed
construction schedule. Refer to Section 2.5.
The formwork should be designed for a live load of not
less than 50 lb/ft
(2.4 kPa) of horizontal projection. When
motorized carts are used, the live load should not be less than
75 lb/ft
(3.6 kPa).
The design load for combined dead and live loads should
not be less than 100 lb/ft
(4.8 kPa) or 125 lb/ft
(6.0 kPa) if
motorized carts are used.
2.2.2 Lateral pressure of concrete—Unless the conditions
of Section or are met, formwork should be
designed for the lateral pressure of the newly placed concrete
given in Eq. (2.1a) or (2.1b). Minimum values given for
other pressure formulas do not apply to Eq. (2.1a) and (2.1b).
p = wh (lb/ft
) (2.1a)
p = ρgh (kPa) (2.1b)
p = lateral pressure, lb/ft
w = unit weight of concrete, lb/ft
ρ = density of concrete, kg/m
g = gravitational constant, 9.81 N/kg; and
h = depth of fluid or plastic concrete from top of place-
ment to point of consideration in form, ft (m).
The set characteristics of a mixture should be understood,
and using the rate of placement, the level of fluid concrete
can be determined. For columns or other forms that can be
filled rapidly before stiffening of the concrete takes place, h
should be taken as the full height of the form or the distance
between horizontal construction joints when more than one
placement of concrete is to be made. When working with
mixtures using newly introduced admixtures that increase
set time or increase slump characteristics, such as self-
consolidating concrete, Eq. (2.1a) [(2.1b)] should be used
until the effect on formwork pressure is understood by
measurement. Inch-pound version—For concrete having a slump
of 7 in. or less and placed with normal internal vibration to a
depth of 4 ft or less, formwork can be designed for a lateral
pressure as follows, where p
= maximum lateral pressure,
; R = rate of placement, ft/h; T = temperature of concrete
during placing, °F; C
= unit weight coefficient per Table 2.1;
and C
= chemistry coefficient per Table 2.2.
For columns:
= C
[150 + 9000R/T] (2.2)
with a minimum of 600C
, but in no case greater than wh.
For walls with a rate of placement of less than 7 ft/h and a
placement height not exceeding 14 ft
= C
[150 + 9000R/T] (2.3)
with a minimum of 600C
, but in no case greater than wh.
For walls with a placement rate less than 7 ft/h where
placement height exceeds 14 ft, and for all walls with a
placement rate of 7 to 15 ft/h
= C
[150 + 43,400/T + 2800R/T] (2.4)
with a minimum of 600C
, but in no case greater than wh. SI version—For concrete having a slump of 175 mm
or less and placed with normal internal vibration to a depth of
1.2 m or less, formwork can be designed for a lateral pressure
as follows, where p
= maximum lateral pressure, kPa; R =
rate of placement, m/h; T = temperature of concrete during
placing, °C; C
= unit weight coefficient per Table 2.1; and C
= chemistry coefficient per Table 2.2.
For columns
= C
with a minimum of 30C
kPa, but in no case greater than ρgh.
For walls with a rate of placement of less than 2.1 m/h and
a placement height not exceeding 4.2 m
= C
with a minimum of 30C
kPa, but in no case greater than ρgh.
For walls with a placement rate less than 2.1 m/h where
placement height exceeds 4.2 m, and for all walls with a
placement rate of 2.1 to 4.5 m/h
= C
with a minimum of 30C
kPa, but in no case greater than ρgh.—The unit weight coefficient C
is deter-
mined from Table 2.1.—The chemistry coefficient C
is determined
from Table 2.2.—For the purpose of applying the pressure
formulas, columns are defined as vertical elements with no
plan dimension exceeding 6.5 ft (2 m). Walls are defined as
vertical elements with at least one plan dimension greater
than 6.5 ft (2 m).—Alternatively, a method based on appropriate
experimental data can be used to determine the lateral pressure
used for form design (References 2.2 to 2.7).
T 17.8+
T 17.8+
T 17.8+
T 17.8+
Table 2.1—Unit weight coefficient C
Inch-pound version SI version
Unit weight of concrete
Density of concrete
Less than 140 lb/ft
= 0.5[1 + (w/145 lb/ft
but not less than 0.80
Less than 2240 kg/m
= 0.5[1 + (w/2320 kg/m
but not less than 0.80
140 to 150 lb/ft
2240 to 2400 kN/m
More than 150 lb/ft
= w/145 lb/ft
More than 2400 kg/m
= w/2320 kg/m
Table 2.2—Chemistry coefficient C
Cement type or blend
Types I, II, and III without retarders
Types I, II, and III with a retarder 1.2
Other types or blends containing less than 70% slag
or 40% fly ash without retarders
Other types or blends containing less than 70% slag
or 40% fly ash with a retarder
Blends containing more than 70% slag or 40% fly ash 1.4
Retarders include any admixture, such as a retarder, retarding water reducer, retarding
midrange water-reducing admixture, or high-range water-reducing admixture (super-
plasticizer), that delays setting of concrete.
347-8 ACI STANDARD—If concrete is pumped from the base of the
form, the form should be designed for full hydrostatic head
of concrete wh plus a minimum allowance of 25% for pump
surge pressure. In certain instances, pressures can be as high
as the face pressure of the pump piston.—Caution is necessary and additional allowance
for pressure should be considered when using external
vibration or concrete made with shrinkage compensating or
expansive cements. Pressures in excess of the equivalent
hydrostatic head can occur.—For slipform lateral pressures, refer to Section
2.2.3 Horizontal loads—Braces and shores should be
designed to resist all horizontal loads such as wind, cable
tensions, inclined supports, dumping of concrete, and
starting and stopping of equipment. Wind loads on enclosures
or other wind breaks attached to the formwork should be
considered in addition to these loads.—For building construction, the assumed value
of horizontal load due to wind, dumping of concrete,
inclined placement of concrete, and equipment acting in any
direction at each floor line should be not less than 100 lb/
linear ft (1.5 kN/m) of floor edge or 2% of total dead load on
the form distributed as a uniform load per linear foot (meter)
of slab edge, whichever is greater.—Wall form bracing should be designed to meet
the minimum wind load requirements of the local building
code or ANSI/SEI/ASCE-7 with adjustment for shorter
recurrence interval as provided in SEI/ASCE 37. For wall
forms exposed to the elements, the minimum wind design
load should be not less than 15 lb/ft
(0.72 kPa). Bracing for
wall forms should be designed for a horizontal load of at least
100 lb/linear ft (1.5 kN/m) of wall length, applied at the top.—Wall forms of unusual height or exposure
should be given special consideration.
2.2.4 Special loads—The formwork should be designed
for any special conditions of construction likely to occur,
such as unsymmetrical placement of concrete, impact of
machine-delivered concrete, uplift, concentrated loads of
reinforcement, form handling loads, and storage of construction
materials. Form designers should provide for special loading
conditions, such as walls constructed over spans of slabs or
beams that exert a different loading pattern before hardening
of concrete than that for which the supporting structure is
Imposition of any construction loads on the partially
completed structure should not be allowed, except as specified
in formwork drawings or with the approval of the engineer/
architect. Refer to Section 3.8 for special conditions
pertaining to multistory work.
2.2.5 Post-tensioning loads—Shores, reshores, and back-
shores need to be analyzed for both concrete placement loads
and for all load transfer that takes place during
2.3—Unit stresses
Unit stresses for use in the design of formwork, exclusive of
accessories, are given in the applicable codes or specifications
listed in Chapter 4. When fabricated formwork, shoring, or
scaffolding units are used, manufacturer’s recommendations
for allowable loads can be followed if supported by engi-
neering calculations, test reports of a qualified and recognized
testing agency, or successful experience records. For formwork
materials that will experience substantial reuse, reduced values
should be used. For formwork materials with limited reuse,
allowable stresses specified in the appropriate design codes or
specifications for temporary structures or for temporary loads
on permanent structures can be used. Where there will be a
considerable number of formwork reuses or where formwork
is fabricated from materials such as steel, aluminum, or
magnesium, the formwork should be designed as a permanent
structure carrying permanent loads.
2.4—Safety factors for accessories
Table 2.3 shows recommended minimum factors of
safety for formwork accessories, such as form ties, form
anchors, and form hangers. In selecting these accessories,
the formwork designer should be certain that materials
furnished for the job meet these minimum ultimate-
strength safety requirements.
Shores and reshores or backshores (as defined in Section 1.2)
should be designed to carry all loads transmitted to them. A
rational analysis should be used to determine the number of
floors to be shored, reshored, or backshored and to determine
the loads transmitted to the floors, shores, and reshores or
backshores as a result of the construction sequence.
The analysis should consider, but should not necessarily
be limited to:
Structural design load of the slab or member including
live load, partition loads, and other loads for which the
engineer of the permanent structure designed the slab.
Where the engineer included a reduced live load for the
design of certain members and allowances for con-
struction loads, such values should be shown on the
structural plans and be taken into consideration when
performing this analysis;
Dead load weight of the concrete and formwork;
Construction live loads, such as placing crews and
equipment or stored materials;
Table 2.3—Minimum safety factors of
formwork accessories
Accessory Safety factor Type of construction
Form tie 2.0 All applications
Form anchor
Formwork supporting form weight and
concrete pressures only
Formwork supporting weight of forms,
concrete, construction live loads, and impact
Form hangers 2.0 All applications
inserts used
as form ties
2.0 Precast-concrete panels when used as formwork
Safety factors are based on the ultimate strength of the accessory when new.
Design strength of specified concrete;
Cycle time between the placement of successive floors;
Strength of concrete at the time it is required to support
shoring loads from above;
The distribution of loads between floors, shores, and
reshores or backshores at the time of placing concrete,
stripping formwork, and removal of reshoring or back-
1.3, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10
Span of slab or structural member between permanent
Type of formwork systems, that is, span of horizontal
formwork components, and individual shore loads; and
Minimum age of concrete where appropriate.
Commercially available load cells can be placed under
selected shores to monitor actual shore loads to guide the
shoring and reshoring during construction.
Field-constructed butt or lap splices of timber shoring are not
recommended unless they are made with fabricated hardware
devices of demonstrated strength and stability. If plywood or
lumber splices are made for timber shoring, they should be
designed to prevent buckling and bending of the shoring.
Before construction, an overall plan for scheduling of
shoring and reshoring or backshoring, and calculation of
loads transferred to the structure, should be prepared by a
qualified and experienced formwork designer. The struc-
ture’s capacity to carry these loads should be reviewed or
approved by the engineer/architect. The plan and responsi-
bility for its execution remain with the contractor.
2.6—Bracing and lacing
The formwork system should be designed to transfer all
horizontal loads to the ground or to completed construction
in such a manner as to ensure safety at all times. Diagonal
bracing should be provided in vertical and horizontal planes
where required to resist lateral loads and to prevent instability
of individual members. Horizontal lacing can be considered
in design to hold in place and increase the buckling strength
of individual shores and reshores or backshores. Lacing
should be provided in whatever directions are necessary to
produce the correct slenderness ratio l/r for the load
supported, where l = unsupported length and r = least radius
of gyration. The braced system should be anchored to ensure
stability of the total system.
2.7—Foundations for formwork
Proper foundations on ground, such as mudsills, spread foot-
ings, or pile footings, should be provided. If soil under mudsills
is or may become incapable of supporting superimposed loads
without appreciable settlement, it should be stabilized or other
means of support should be provided. No concrete should be
placed on formwork supported on frozen ground.
Formwork should be designed and constructed so that
vertical adjustments can be made to compensate for take-up
and settlements.
3.1—Safety precautions
Contractors should follow all state, local, and federal
codes, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to forming and
shoring. In addition to the very real moral and legal respon-
sibility to maintain safe conditions for workmen and the
public, safe construction is, in the final analysis, more
economical than any short-term cost savings from cutting
corners on safety provisions.
Attention to safety is particularly significant in formwork
construction that supports the concrete during its plastic state
and until the concrete becomes structurally self-sufficient.
Following the design criteria contained in this guide is essen-
tial for ensuring safe performance of the forms. All structural
members and connections should be carefully planned so
that a sound determination of loads may be accurately made
and stresses calculated.
In addition to the adequacy of the formwork, special
structures, such as multistory buildings, require consideration
of the behavior of newly completed beams and slabs that are
used to support formwork and other construction loads. It
should be kept in mind that the strength of freshly cast slabs
or beams is less than that of a mature slab.
Formwork failures can be attributed to substandard materials
and equipment, human error, and inadequacy in design.
Careful supervision and continuous inspection of formwork
during erection, concrete placement, and removal can
prevent many accidents.
Construction procedures should be planned in advance to
ensure the safety of personnel and the integrity of the
finished structure. Some of the safety provisions that should
be considered are:
Erection of safety signs and barricades to keep unau-
thorized personnel clear of areas in which erection,
concrete placing, or stripping is under way;
Providing experienced form watchers during concrete
placement to ensure early recognition of possible form
displacement or failure. A supply of extra shores or
other material and equipment that might be needed in
an emergency should be readily available;
Provision for adequate illumination of the formwork
and work area;
Inclusion of lifting points in the design and detailing of
all forms that will be crane-handled. This is especially
important in flying forms or climbing forms. In the case
of wall formwork, consideration should be given to an
independent work platform bolted to the previous lift;
Incorporation of scaffolds, working platforms, and
guardrails into formwork design and all formwork
Incorporation of provisions for anchorage of alternative
fall protection devices, such as personal fall arrest systems,
safety net systems, and positioning device systems; and
A program of field safety inspections of formwork.
3.1.1 Formwork construction deficiencies—Some
common construction deficiencies that can lead to formwork
failures are:
Failure to inspect formwork during and after concrete
placement to detect abnormal deflections or other signs
of imminent failure that could be corrected;
Insufficient nailing, bolting, welding, or fastening;
Insufficient or improper lateral bracing;
Failure to comply with manufacturers recommendations;
Failure to construct formwork in accordance with the
form drawings;
Lack of proper field inspection by qualified persons to
ensure that form design has been properly interpreted
by form builders; and
Use of damaged or inferior lumber having lower
strength than needed. Examples of deficiencies in vertical formwork
Construction deficiencies sometimes found in vertical form-
work include:
Failure to control rate of placing concrete vertically
without regard to design parameters;
Inadequately tightened or secured form ties or hardware;
Form damage in excavations resulting from embank-
ment failure;
Use of external vibrators on forms not designed for
their use;
Deep vibrator penetration of earlier semihardened lifts;
Improper framing of blockouts;
Improperly located or constructed pouring pockets;
Inadequate bulkheads;
Improperly anchored top forms on a sloping face;
Failure to provide adequate support for lateral pressures
on formwork; and
Failure to provide adequate bracing resulting in attempts
to plumb forms against concrete pressure force. Examples of deficiencies in horizontal form-
work—Construction deficiencies sometimes found in
horizontal forms for elevated structures include:
Failure to properly regulate the rate and sequence of
placing concrete horizontally to avoid unanticipated
loadings on the formwork;
Shoring not plumb, thus inducing lateral loading and
reducing vertical load capacity;
Locking devices on metal shoring not locked, inoperative,
or missing. Safety nails missing on adjustable two-
piece wood shores;
Failure to account for vibration from adjacent moving
loads or load carriers;
Inadequately tightened or secured shore hardware or
Loosening or premature removal of reshores or back-
shores under floors below;
Premature removal of supports, especially under canti-
levered sections;
Inadequate bearing area or unsuitable soil under mud-
sills (Fig. 3.1);
Mudsills placed on frozen ground subject to thawing;
Connection of shores to joists, stringers, or wales that
are inadequate to resist uplift or torsion at joints (refer
to Fig. 3.2);
Failure to consider effects of load transfer that can
occur during post-tensioning (refer to Section 3.8.7); and
Inadequate shoring and bracing of composite construction.
3.2—Construction practices and workmanship
3.2.1Fabrication and assembly details—Studs, wales, or shores should be properly
spliced.—Joints or splices in sheathing, plywood panels,
and bracing should be staggered.—Shores should be installed plumb and with
adequate bearing and bracing.—Specified size and capacity of form ties or
clamps should be used.—All form ties or clamps should be installed and
properly tightened as specified. All threads should fully
engage the nut or coupling. A double nut may be required to
develop the full capacity of the tie.—Forms should be sufficiently tight to prevent
loss of mortar from the concrete.—Access holes may be necessary in wall forms
or other high, narrow forms to facilitate concrete placement.
3.2.2Joints in the concrete—Contraction joints, expansion joints, control
joints, construction joints, and isolation joints should be
installed as specified in the contract documents (refer to
Fig. 3.3) or as requested by the contractor and approved by
the engineer/architect.
Fig. 3.1—Inadequate bearing under mudsill.
Fig. 3.2—Uplift of formwork. Connection of shores to joists
and stringers should hold shores in place when uplift or torsion
occurs. Lacing to reduce the shore slenderness ratio can be
required in both directions.
GUIDE TO FORMWORK FOR CONCRETE 347-11—Bulkheads for joints should preferably be
made by splitting the bulkhead along the lines of reinforce-
ment passing through the bulkhead. By doing this, each
portion can be positioned and removed separately. When
required on the engineer/architect’s plans, beveled inserts
at control joints should be left undisturbed when forms are
stripped and removed only after the concrete has been
sufficiently cured. Wood strips inserted for architectural
treatment should be kerfed to permit swelling without
causing pressure on the concrete.
3.2.3 Sloping surfaces—Sloped surfaces steeper than 1.5
horizontal to 1 vertical should be provided with a top form to
hold the shape of the concrete during placement, unless it can
be demonstrated that the top forms can be omitted.
3.2.4 Inspection—The inspection should be performed by a
person certified as an ACI Concrete Construction Inspector or
a person having equivalent formwork training and knowledge.—Forms should be inspected and checked before
the reinforcing steel is placed to confirm that the dimensions
and the location of the concrete members will conform to the
structural plans.—Blockouts, inserts, sleeves, anchors, and other
embedded items should be properly identified, positioned,
and secured.—Formwork should be checked for camber when
specified in the contract documents or shown on the form-
work drawings.
3.2.5Cleanup and coatings—Forms should be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt,
mortar, and foreign matter and coated with a release agent
before each use. Where the bottom of the form is inacces-
sible from within, access panels should be provided to permit
thorough removal of extraneous material before placing
concrete. If surface appearance is important, forms should
not be reused if damage from previous use would cause
impairment to concrete surfaces.—Form coatings should be applied before
placing of reinforcing steel and should not be used in such
quantities as to run onto bars or concrete construction joints.
3.2.6Construction operations on the formwork—Building materials, including concrete, should
not be dropped or piled on the formwork in such a manner as
to damage or overload it.—Runways for moving equipment should be
provided with struts or legs as required and should be
supported directly on the formwork or structural member.
They should not bear on or be supported by the reinforcing
steel unless special bar supports are provided. The formwork
should be suitable for the support of such runways without
significant deflections, vibrations, or lateral movements.
3.2.7 Loading new slabs—Overloading of new slabs by
temporary material stockpiling or by early application of
permanent loads should be avoided. Loads, such as aggregate,
lumber, reinforcing steel, masonry, or machinery should not
be placed on new construction in such a manner as to damage
or overload it.
Tolerance is a permissible variation from lines, grades, or
dimensions given in contract documents. Suggested toler-
ances for concrete structures can be found in ACI 117.
The contractor should set and maintain concrete forms,
including any specified camber, to ensure completed work is
within the tolerance limits.
3.3.1 Recommendations for engineer/architect and
contractor—Tolerances should be specified by the engineer/
architect so that the contractor will know precisely what is
required and can design and maintain the formwork accord-
ingly. Specifying tolerances more exacting than needed can
increase construction costs.
Contractors should be required to establish and maintain
control points and benchmarks in an undisturbed condition
until final completion and acceptance of a project. Both
should be adequate for the contractor’s use and for reference
to establish tolerances. This requirement can become even
more important for the contractor’s protection when toler-
ances are not specified or shown. The engineer/architect
should specify tolerances or require performance appropriate
to the type of construction. Specifying tolerances more stringent
than commonly obtained for a specific type of construction
should be avoided, as this usually results in disputes among
the parties involved. For example, specifying permitted
irregularities more stringent than those allowed for a Class C
surface (Table 3.1) is incompatible with most concrete one-
way joist construction techniques. Where a project involves
features sensitive to the cumulative effect of tolerances on
Fig. 3.3—Forming and shoring restraints at construction joints in supported slabs.
individual portions, the engineer/architect should anticipate
and provide for this effect by setting a cumulative tolerance.
Where a particular situation involves several types of generally
accepted tolerances on items such as concrete, location of
reinforcement, and fabrication of reinforcement, which
become mutually incompatible, the engineer/architect
should anticipate the difficulty and specify special tolerances
or indicate that governs. The project specifications should
clearly state that a permitted variation in one part of the
construction or in one section of the specifications should not
be construed as permitting violation of the more stringent
requirements for any other part of the construction or in any
other such specification section.
The engineer/architect should be responsible for coordi-
nating the tolerances for concrete work with the tolerance
requirements of other trades whose work adjoins the
concrete construction. For example, the connection detail for
a building’s façade should accommodate the tolerance range
for the lateral alignment and elevation of the perimeter
concrete member.
3.4—Irregularities in formed surfaces
This section provides a way of evaluating surface variations
due to forming quality but is not intended for evaluation of
surface defects, such as bugholes (blowholes) and honey-
comb, attributable to placing and consolidation deficiencies.
The latter are more fully explained by ACI 309.2R. Allowable
irregularities are designated either abrupt or gradual. Offsets
and fins resulting from displaced, mismatched, or misplaced
forms, sheathing, or liners, or from defects in forming materials
are considered abrupt irregularities. Irregularities resulting
from warping and similar uniform variations from planeness
or true curvature are considered gradual irregularities.
Gradual irregularities should be checked with a straightedge
for plane surfaces or a shaped template for curved or warped
surfaces. In measuring irregularities, the straightedge or template
can be placed anywhere on the surface in any direction.
Four classes of formed surface are defined in Table 3.1.
The engineer/architect should indicate which class is
required for the work being specified or indicate other irreg-
ularity limits where needed, or the concrete surface toler-
ances as specified in ACI 301 should be followed.
Class A is suggested for surfaces prominently exposed to
public view where appearance is of special importance.
Class B is intended for coarse-textured, concrete-formed
surfaces intended to receive plaster, stucco, or wainscoting.
Class C is a general standard for permanently exposed
surfaces where other finishes are not specified. Class D is a
minimum-quality requirement for surfaces where roughness
is not objectionable, usually applied where surfaces will be
permanently concealed. Special limits on irregularities can
be needed for surfaces continuously exposed to flowing
water, drainage, or exposure. If permitted irregularities are
different from those given in Table 3.1, they should be specified
by the engineer/architect.
3.5—Shoring and centering
3.5.1 Shoring—Shoring should be supported on satisfactory
foundations, such as spread footings, mudsills, or piling, as
discussed in Section 2.7.
Shoring resting on intermediate slabs or other construction
already in place need not be located directly above shores or
reshores below, unless the slab thickness and the location of
its reinforcement are inadequate to take the reversal of
stresses and punching shear. The reversal of stresses results
from the reversal of bending moments in the slab over the
shore or reshore below as shown in Fig. 3.4. Where the
conditions are questionable, the shoring location should be
approved by the engineer/architect. If reshores do not align
with the shores above, then calculate for reversal stresses.
Generally, the dead load stresses are sufficient to compensate
Table 3.1—Permitted abrupt or gradual irregularities
in formed surfaces as measured within a 5 ft
(1.5 m) length with a straightedge
Class of surface
1/8 in. (3 mm) 1/4 in. (6 mm) 1/2 in. (13 mm) 1 in. (25 mm)
Fig. 3.4—Reshore installation. Improper positioning of shore from floor to floor
can create bending stresses for which the slab was not designed.
for reversal stresses caused by reshores. Reshores should be
prevented from falling.
All members should be straight and true without twists or
bends. Special attention should be given to beam and slab or
one- and two-way joist construction to prevent local over-
loading when a heavily loaded shore rests on the thin slab.
Multitier shoring, single-post shoring in two or more tiers,
is a dangerous practice and is not recommended.
Where a slab load is supported on one side of the beam only
(refer to Fig. 2.1), edge beam forms should be carefully
planned to prevent tipping of the beam due to unequal loading.
Vertical shores should be erected so that they cannot tilt
and should have a firm bearing. Inclined shores should be
braced securely against slipping or sliding. The bearing ends
of shores should be square. Connections of shore heads to
other framing should be adequate to prevent the shores from
falling out when reversed bending causes upward deflection
of the forms (refer to Fig. 3.2).
3.5.2 Centering—When centering is used, lowering is
generally accomplished by the use of sand boxes, jacks, or
wedges beneath the supporting members. For the special
problems associated with the construction of centering for
folded plates, thin shells, and long-span roof structures, refer
to Section 6.4.
3.5.3 Shoring for composite action between previously
erected steel or concrete framing and cast-in-place
concrete—Refer to Section 6.3.
3.6—Inspection and adjustment of formwork
Helpful information about forms before, during, and after
concreting can be found in Reference 1.3 and ACI 311.1R.
3.6.1Before concreting—Telltale devices should be installed on shores
or forms to detect formwork movements during concreting.—Wedges used for final alignment before
concrete placement should be secured in position before the
final check.—Formwork should be anchored to the shores
below so that movement of any part of the formwork system
will be prevented during concreting.—Additional elevation of formwork should be
provided to allow for closure of form joints, settlements of
mudsills, shrinkage of lumber, and elastic shortening and
dead load deflections of form members.—Positive means of adjustment (wedges or
jacks) should be provided to permit realignment or readjust-
ment of shores if settlement occurs.
3.6.2 During and after concreting—During and after
concreting, but before initial set of the concrete, the eleva-
tions, camber, and plumbness of formwork systems should
be checked using telltale devices.
Formwork should be continuously watched so that any
corrective measures found necessary can be promptly made.
Form watchers should always work under safe conditions
and establish in advance a method of communication with
placing crews in case of emergency.
3.7—Removal of forms and supports
3.7.1 Discussion—Although the contractor is generally
responsible for design, construction, and safety of formwork,
criteria for removal of forms or shores should be specified by
the engineer/architect.
3.7.2Recommendations—The engineer/architect should specify the
minimum strength of the concrete to be attained before
removal of forms or shores. The strength can be determined
by tests on job-cured specimens or on in-place concrete.
Other concrete tests or procedures (refer to ACI 228.1R) can
be used such as the maturity method, rebound numbers,
penetration resistance, or pullout tests, but these methods
should be correlated to the actual concrete mixture used in
the project, periodically verified by job-cured specimens,
and approved by the engineer/architect. The engineer/archi-
tect should specify who will make the specimens and who
will make the tests. Results of such tests, as well as records
of weather conditions and other pertinent information,
should be recorded by the contractor. Depending on the
circumstances, a minimum elapsed time after concrete place-
ment can be established for removal of the formwork.
Determination of the time of form removal should be
based on the resulting effect on the concrete.
When forms
are stripped there should be no excessive deflection or
distortion and no evidence of damage to the concrete due to
either removal of support or to the stripping operation
(Fig. 3.5). When forms are removed before the specified
curing is completed, measures should be taken to continue
the curing and provide adequate thermal protection for the
concrete. Supporting forms and shores should not be
removed from beams, floors, and walls until these structural
units are strong enough to carry their own weight and any
approved superimposed load. In no case should supporting
forms and shores be removed from horizontal members
before the concrete has achieved the strength specified by
the engineer/architect.
As a general rule, the forms for columns and piers can be
removed before forms for beams and slabs. Formwork and
shoring should be constructed so each can be easily and safely
removed without impact or shock and permit the concrete to
carry its share of the load gradually and uniformly.—The removal of forms, supports, and protective
enclosures, and the discontinuance of heating and curing should
follow the requirements of the contract documents. When stan-
dard beam or cylinder tests are used to determine stripping
times, test specimens should be cured under conditions that are
not more favorable than the most unfavorable conditions for the
concrete the test specimens represent. The curing records can
serve as the basis on which the engineer/architect will determine
the review or approval of form stripping.—Because the minimum stripping time is a
function of concrete strength, the preferred method of deter-
mining stripping time is using tests of job-cured cylinders or
concrete in place. When the contract documents do not
Helpful information on strength development of concrete under varying conditions
of temperature and with various admixtures can be found in ACI 305R and ACI 306R.
specify the minimum strength required of concrete at the
time of stripping, however, the following elapsed times can
be used. The times shown represent a cumulative number
of days, or hours, not necessarily consecutive, during
which the temperature of the air surrounding the concrete
is above 50 °F (10 °C). If high early-strength concrete is
used, these periods can be reduced as approved by the engi-
neer/architect. Conversely, if ambient temperatures remain
below 50 °F (10 °C), or if retarding agents are used, then
these periods should be increased at the discretion of the
engineer/architect. Shorter stripping times listed for live
load to dead load ratios greater than 1.0 are the result of
more reserve strength being available for dead load in
absence of live load at time of stripping.
............................................................................. 12 h
........................................................................ 12 h
Sides of beams and girders
........................................... 12 h
Pan joist forms
30 in. (760 mm) wide or less ................................... 3 days
Over 30 in. (760 mm) wide ..................................... 4 days
Structural live Structural live
load less load more
than structural than structural
dead load dead load
Arch centers ....................................14 days 7 days
Joist, beam or girder soffits
Under 10 ft (3 m) clear span
between structural supports ......... 7 days
4 days
10 to 20 ft (3 to 6 m) clear span
between structural supports .......14 days
7 days
Over 20 ft (6 m) clear span
between structural supports .......21 days
14 days
One-way floor slabs
Under 10 ft (3 m) clear span
between structural supports .........4 days
3 days
10 to 20 ft (3 to 6 m) clear span
between structural supports .........7 days
4 days
Over 20 ft (6 m) clear span
between structural supports .......10 days
7 days
Two-way slab systems
........Removal times are contingent
on reshores where required, being placed as soon as practi-
cable after stripping operations are complete but not later
than the end of the working day in which stripping occurs.
Where reshores are required to implement early stripping
while minimizing sag or creep (rather than for distribution of
superimposed construction loads as covered in Section 3.8),
capacity and spacing of such reshores should be designed by
the formwork engineer/contractor and reviewed by the
Post-tensioned slab system
........As soon as full post-
tensioning has been applied.
3.8—Shoring and reshoring of multistory structures
3.8.1 Discussion—The following definitions apply for
purposes of this discussion:
shores—vertical or inclined support members designed to
carry the weight of formwork, concrete, and construction loads.
reshores—shores placed snugly under a stripped concrete
slab or structural member after the original forms and shores
have been removed from a large area. This requires the new
Fig. 3.5—Stripping sequence for two-way slabs.
Where such forms also support formwork for slab or beam soffits, the removal
times of the latter should govern.
Of the type that can be removed without disturbing forming or shoring.
Where forms can be removed without disturbing shores, use half of values shown
but not less than 3 days.
Where forms can be removed without disturbing shores, use half of values shown
but not less than 3 days.
Refer to Section 3.8 for special conditions affecting number of floors to remain
shored or reshored.
slab or structural member to deflect and support its own
weight and existing construction loads applied before the
installation of the reshores. It is assumed that the reshores
carry no load at the time of installation. Afterward, addi-
tional construction loads will be distributed among all
members connected by reshores.
Multistory work represents special conditions, particularly
in relation to the removal of forms and shores. Reuse of form
material and shores is an obvious economy. Furthermore, the
speed of construction in this type of work permits other
trades to follow concreting operations from floor to floor as
closely as possible. The shoring that supports freshly placed
and low-strength early-age concrete, however, is supported
by lower floors that were not originally designed specifically
for these loads. The loads imposed must not exceed the safe
capacity of each floor providing support. For this reason,
shoring or reshoring should be provided for a sufficient
number of floors to distribute the imposed construction loads
to several slab levels without causing excessive stresses,
excessive slab deflections, or both.
Reshoring is
used to distribute construction loads to the lower floors.
In a common method of analysis, while reshoring remains
in place at grade level, each level of reshores carries the
weight of only the new slab plus other construction live
loads. The weight of intermediate slabs is not included
because each slab carries its own weight before reshores are
put in place.
Once the tier of reshores in contact with grade has been
removed, the assumption is made that the system of slabs
behaves elastically. The slabs interconnected by reshores will
deflect, equally during addition or removal of loads. Loads will
be distributed among the slabs in proportion to their developed
stiffness. The deflection of concrete slabs can be considered
elastic, that is, neglecting shrinkage and creep. Caution should
also be taken when a wood compressible system is used. Such
systems tend to shift most of the imposed construction loads to
the upper floors, which have less strength. Addition or removal
of loads may be due to construction activity or to removing
shores or reshores in the system. Shore loads are determined by
equilibrium of forces at each floor level.
3.8.2 Advantages of reshoring—Stripping formwork is
more economical if all the material can be removed at the
same time and moved from the area before placing reshores.
Slabs are allowed to support their own weight, reducing the
load in the reshores. Combination of shores and reshores
usually requires fewer levels of interconnected slabs, thus
freeing more areas for other trades.
3.8.3 Other methods—Other methods of supporting new
construction are less widely used and involve leaving the
original shores in place or replacing them individually (back-
shoring and preshoring), which prevents the slab from
deflecting and carrying its own weight. These methods are
not recommended unless performed under careful supervision
by the formwork engineer/contractor and with review by the
engineer/architect because excessively high slab and shore
stresses can develop.
3.8.4 Design—Refer to Chapter 2.
3.8.5 Placing reshores—When used in this section, the
word shore refers to either reshores or the original shores.
Reshoring is one of the most critical operations in form-
work; consequently, the procedure should be planned in
advance by the formwork engineer/contractor and should be
reviewed or approved by the engineer/architect. Operations
should be performed so that areas of new construction will
not be required to support combined dead and construction
loads in excess of their capability, as determined by design
load and developed concrete strength at the time of stripping
and reshoring.
Shores should not be located so as to alter the pattern of
stress determined in the structural analysis or induce tensile
stresses where reinforcing bars are not provided. Size and
number of shores, and bracing, if required, should provide a
supporting system capable of carrying any loads that could
be imposed on it.
Where possible, shores should be located in the same
position on each floor so that they will be continuous in their
support from floor to floor. When shores above are not
directly over shores below, an analysis should be made to
determine whether or not detrimental stresses are produced
in the slab. This condition seldom occurs in reshoring
because the bending stresses normally caused by the offset
reshores are not large enough to overcome the stress
resulting from the slab carrying its own dead load. Where
slabs are designed for light live loads or on long spans where
the loads on the shores are heavy, care should be used in
placing the shores so that the loads on the shores do not cause
excessive punching shear or bending stress in the slab.
While reshoring is under way, no construction loads
should be permitted on the new construction unless the new
construction can safely support the construction loads.
When placing reshores, care should be taken not to preload
the lower floor and not to remove the normal deflection of
the slab above. The reshore is simply a strut and should be
tightened only to the extent necessary to achieve good
bearing contact without transferring load between upper and
lower floors.
3.8.6 Removal of reshoring—Shores should not be
removed until the supported slab or member has attained
sufficient strength to support itself and all applied loads.
Removal operations should be carried out in accordance with
a planned sequence so that the structure supported is not
subject to impact or loading eccentricities.
3.8.7 Post-tensioning effects on shoring and reshoring
The design and placement of shores and reshores for
post-tensioned construction requires more consideration than
for normal reinforced concrete. The stressing of post-
tensioning tendons can cause overloads to occur in shores,
reshores, or other temporary supports. The stressing sequence
has the greatest effect. When a slab is post-tensioned, the force
in the tendon produces a downward load at the beam. If the
beam is shored, the shoring should carry this added load. The
magnitude of the load can approach the dead load of 1/2 the
slab span on both sides of the beam. If the floor slab is
tensioned before the supporting beams and girders, a careful
analysis of the load transfer to the beam or girder shores or
reshores will be required.
Similar load transfer situations occur in post-tensioned
bridge construction.
The selection of materials suitable for formwork should be
based on the price, safety during construction, and the quality
required in the finished product. Approval of formwork
materials by the engineer/architect, if required by the contract
documents, should be based on how the quality of materials
affects the quality of finished work. Where the concrete surface
appearance is critical, the engineer/architect should give
special notice and make provision for preconstruction mock-
ups. Refer to Chapter 5 for architectural concrete provisions.
4.2—Properties of materials
4.2.1 GeneralFormwork for Concrete
describes the
formwork materials commonly used in the United States and
provides extensive related data for form design. Useful
specification and design information is also available from
manufacturers and suppliers. Table 4.1 indicates specific
sources of design and specification data for formwork materials.
This tabulated information should not be interpreted to
exclude the use of any other materials that can meet quality
and safety requirements established for the finished work.
4.2.2 Sheathing—Sheathing is the supporting layer of
formwork closest to the concrete. It can be in direct contact
with the concrete or separated from it by a form liner.
Sheathing consists of wood, plywood, metal, or other materials
capable of transferring the load of the concrete to supporting
members, such as joists or studs. Liners are made of wood,
plastic, metal, cloth, or other materials selected to alter or
enhance the surface of the finished concrete.
In selecting and using sheathing and lining materials,
important considerations are:
Reuse and cost per use;
Surface characteristics imparted to the concrete, such as
wood grain transfer, decorative patterns, gloss, or
Absorptiveness or ability to drain excess water from the
concrete surface;
Resistance to mechanical damage, such as from vibrators
and abrasion from slipforming;
Workability for cutting, drilling, and attaching fasteners;
Adaptability to weather and extreme field conditions,
temperature, and moisture; and
Weight and ease of handling.
4.2.3 Structural supports—Structural support systems
carry the dead and live loads that have been transferred
through the sheathing. Important considerations are:
Dimensional accuracy and stability;
Workability for cutting, drilling, and attaching fasteners;
Cost and durability; and
Flexibility to accommodate varied contours and shapes.
4.3.1 Form ties—A form tie is a tensile unit used to hold
concrete forms against the active pressure of freshly placed
plastic concrete. In general, it consists of an inside tensile
member and an external holding device, both made to specifi-
cations of various manufacturers. These manufacturers also
publish recommended working loads on the ties for use in
form design. There are two basic types of tie rods: the one-
piece prefabricated rod or band type and the threaded internal
disconnecting type. Their suggested working loads range from
1000 to more than 50,000 lb (4.4 to more than 220 kN).
4.3.2 Form anchors—Form anchors are devices used to
secure formwork to previously placed concrete of adequate
strength. The devices normally are embedded in the concrete
during placement. The actual load-carrying capacity of the
anchors depends on their shape and material, the strength
and type of concrete in which they are embedded, the area of
contact between concrete and anchor, and the depth of
embedment and location in the member. Manufacturers
publish design data and test information to assist in the
selection of proper form anchor devices.
4.3.3 Form hangers—Form hangers are devices used to
suspend formwork loads from structural steel, precast
concrete, or other members.
4.3.4 Side form spacersA side form spacer is a device
that maintains the desired distance between a vertical form
and reinforcing bars. Both factory-made and job-site fabri-
cated devices have been successfully used. Advantages and
disadvantages of the several types are explained in Refer-
ences 1.3, 4.1, and 4.2.
4.3.5Recommendations—The recommended factors of safety for ties,
anchors, and hangers are given in Section 2.4.—The rod- or band-type form tie, with a supple-
mental provision for spreading the forms and a holding
device engaging the exterior of the form, is the common type
used for light construction.
The threaded internal disconnecting type of tie (also
called through tie) is more often used for formwork on heavy
construction, such as heavy foundations, bridges, power
houses, locks, dams, and architectural concrete.
Removable portions of all ties should be of a type that
can be readily removed without damage to the concrete and
that leaves the smallest practicable holes to be filled.
Removable portions of the tie should be removed unless the
contract documents permit their remaining in place.
A minimum specification for form ties should require
that the bearing area of external holding devices be adequate
to prevent excessive bearing stress in form lumber.—Form hangers should support the dead load of
forms, weight of concrete, and construction and impact loads.
Form hangers should be symmetrically arranged on the
supporting member and loaded, through proper sequencing of
Table 4.1—Form materials with data sources for design and specification
Materials Principal uses Data sources
Sawn lumber
Form framing, sheathing,
and shoring
American Softwood Lumber Standard, PS 20-94
Wood Handbook, Reference 4.3
Manual for Wood Frame Construction, Reference 4.4
National Design Specification for Wood Construction,
ANSI/AF&PA NDS-1997, Reference 4.7
Timber Construction Manual, Reference 4.6
Structural Design in Wood, Reference 4.5
Engineered wood
Form framing and shoring
Engineered Wood Products, Reference 4.21
“Code for Engineering Design in Wood,” (Canada) CAN3-086
“Engineering Design in Wood (Limit States Design),CAN/CSA-096.1-94
Plywood Form sheathing and panels
“Construction and Industrial Plywood,PSI-95
APA Plywood Design Specification, Reference 4.8
APA Concrete Forming, Reference 4.20
Panel framing and bracing
Heavy forms and falsework
Specification for Structural Steel Buildings—Allowable Stress
Design and Plastic Design, Reference 4.9
Specification for Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural Members, Reference 4.10
Column and joist forms
Forms for One-Way Joist Construction, ANSI A48.1
Forms for Two-Way Concrete Joist Construction, ANSI A48.2
Recommended Industry Practice for Concrete Joist Construction,
part of Reference 4.1
Stay-in-place deck forms ASTM A 446 (galvanized steel)
Recommended Safety Requirements for Shoring Concrete Formwork,
Reference 4.19
Steel joists used as
horizontal shoring
Recommended Horizontal Shoring Beam Erection Procedure,
Reference 4.18
Expanded metal bulkheads,
single-sided forms
Standard Specification and Load Tables for Open Web Steel Joists,
Reference 4.17
Expand Your Forming Options, Reference 4.16
Form panels and form
framing members
Horizontal and vertical
shoring and bracing
Aluminum Construction Manual, Reference 4.11
Reconstituted wood
panel products
Form liners and sheathing
Mat Formed Wood Particle Board, ANSI A208.1
Hardboard Concrete Form Liners, LLB-810a
Performance Standard for Wood-Based Structural Use Panels, PS2-92
Insulation materials
Wood fiber or glass fiber
Other commercial
Stay-in-place form liners
or sheathing
Cold-weather protection for fresh
ASTM C 532 (insulating form board)
Fiber or laminated paper
pressed tubes or forms
Column and beam forms
Void forms for slabs, beams,
girders and precast piles
Corrugated cardboard
Internal and under-slab
void forms
Void forms in beams and
girders (normally used with
internal “egg-crate” stiffeners)
A Study of Cardboard Voids for Prestressed Concrete Box Slabs, Reference 4.12
Note: Manufacturers’ recommendations, when supported by test data and field experience, are a primary source for many form materials. In addition, the handbooks, standards,
specifications, and other data sources cited herein are listed in more detail in Formwork for Concrete and in the references for Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 of this document. Be sure to
check cautionary footnotes for engineered wood, aluminum, and panel products made of reconstituted wood.
Structural composite lumber products are proprietary and unique to a particular manufacturer. They cannot be interchanged because industry-wide common grades have not been
established to serve as a basis for equivalence.
Should be readily weldable and protected against galvanic action at the point of contact with steel. If used as a facing material in contact with fresh concrete, should be nonreactive
to concrete or concrete containing calcium chloride.
Check surface reaction with wet concrete.
the concrete placement, to minimize twisting or rotation of the
hanger or supporting members. Form hangers should closely
fit the flange or bearing surface of the supporting member so
that applied loads are transmitted properly.—Where the concrete surface is exposed and
appearance is important, the proper type of form tie or hanger
will not leave exposed metal at the surface. Otherwise,
noncorrosive materials should be used when tie holes are left
unpatched, exposing the tie to the elements.
4.4—Form coatings and release agents
4.4.1 Coatings—Form coatings or sealers are usually
applied in liquid form to contact surfaces either during
manufacture or in the field to serve one or more of the
following purposes:
Alter the texture of the contact surface;
Improve the durability of the contact surface;
Facilitate release from concrete during stripping; or
Seal the contact surface from intrusion of moisture.
4.4.2 Release agents—Form release agents are applied to
the form contact surfaces to prevent bond and thus facilitate
stripping. They can be applied permanently to form materials
during manufacture or applied to the form before each use.
When applying in the field, be careful to avoid coating adjacent
construction joint surfaces or reinforcing steel.
4.4.3 Manufacturers’ recommendations—Manufacturers’
recommendations should be followed in the use of coatings,
sealers, and release agents, but independent investigation of
their performance is recommended before use. When concrete
surface color is critical, effects of the coating, sealing, and
release agents should be evaluated. Where surface treatments
such as paint, tile adhesive, sealers, or other coatings are to be
applied to formed concrete surfaces, be sure that adhesion of
such surface treatments will not be impaired or prevented by
use of the coating, sealers, or release agent. Also, consider
bonding requirements of subsequent concrete placements.
5.1.1 Objective—The general requirements for formwork
presented in preceding chapters for the most part also apply
to architectural concrete. Additional information is available
in ACI 301 and ACI 303R.
This chapter identifies and emphasizes additional factors
that can have a critical influence on formwork for
cast-in-place architectural concrete. Tilt-up and precast
architectural concrete are not considered here. Concrete
receiving coatings or plasters that hide the surface color and
texture is not considered architectural.
Table 4.1 (cont.)—Form materials with data sources for design and specification
Materials Principal uses Data sources
Stay-in-place forms
Molds for precast units
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary, ACI 318
Precast Concrete Units Used as Form for Cast-in-Place Concrete, ACI 347.1R
Glass fiber-reinforced
Ready-made column forms
Domes and pans for concrete
joist construction
Custom-made forms for special
architectural effects
Form ties
Using Glass-Fiber Reinforced Forms, Reference 4.13
Nonmetallic Form Ties, Reference 4.14
Cellular plastics
Form lining and insulation
Stay-in-place wall forms
Cellular Plastics in Construction, Reference 4.15
Insulating Concrete Forms Association
Other plastics, including
ABS, polypropylene,
polyethylene, polyvinyl
chloride, polyurethane
Form liners, both rigid and
flexible, for decorative concrete
Chamfer and rustication formers
Plastic Form Liners, Reference 4.22
Rubber and rubberized or
architectural fabrics
Form lining and void forms
Inflatable forms for dome and
culvert construction
Monolithic Dome Institute
Form ties, anchors,
and hangers
Hold formwork secure against
loads and pressures from concrete
and construction activities
Safety factors recommended in Section 2.4
Also refer to Reference 4.14
Side form spacers
Maintain correct distance between
reinforcement and form to
provide specified concrete
cover for steel
Side Form Spacers, Reference 4.2
Waste molds for
architectural concrete
Release agents and
protective form
Help preserve form facing and
facilitate release
Choosing and Using a Form Release Agent, Reference 4.23
Note: Manufacturers’ recommendations, when supported by test data and field experience, are a primary source for many form materials. In addition, the handbooks, standards,
specifications, and other data sources cited herein are listed in more detail in Formwork for Concrete and in the references for Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 of this document. Be sure to
check cautionary footnotes for engineered wood, aluminum, and panel products made of reconstituted wood.
5.1.2 Definition—ACI Committee 303 defines architectural
concrete as concrete that is exposed as an interior or exterior
surface in the completed structure, contributes to its visual
character, and is specifically designated as such in the contract
documents. Particular care should be taken in the selection of
materials, design, and construction of the formwork, and
placing and consolidation of the concrete to eliminate bulges,
offsets, or other unsightly features in the finished surface and
to maintain the integrity of the surface texture or configura-
tion. The character of the concrete surface to be produced
should also be considered when the form materials are
selected. Special attention should be given to closure tech-
niques, concealment of joints in formwork materials, and to
the sealing of forms to make them watertight.
5.1.3 Factors in addition to formwork—Many factors
other than formwork affect the architectural effects achieved
in concrete surfaces. They start at the design stage and carry
through to the completed project. Factors affecting the
concrete can also include the mixture proportions or aggregate,
the method of placing the concrete, the consolidation tech-
nique, and the curing procedure. Chemicals can have an
effect on the final product, whether used as additives in the
mixture; applied directly to the concrete, such as curing
compounds; or applied indirectly, such as form release
agents. Even after the structure is completed, weather and air
pollution will affect the appearance of the concrete. These
and other influencing factors should be identified and their
effects evaluated during the initial design stages. The single
most important factor for the success of an architectural
concrete job is good workmanship.
5.1.4 Uniform construction procedures—Architectural
concrete should have a uniform color and surface finish. The
best way for the contractor to achieve this uniformity is to be
consistent in all construction practices. Forming materials
should be kept the same, and release agents should be applied
uniformly and consistently. Placement and consolidation of
the concrete should be standardized so that uniform density is
achieved. Stripping and curing sequences should be kept
constant throughout the work to control color variations.
5.2—Role of the architect
5.2.1 Preplanning—Much architectural concrete is also
structural, but surface quality generally desired for architec-
tural concrete is higher than what is typically satisfactory for
structural concrete, and is more costly. The architect can use
the latest information available in the art of forming and
concrete technology during the design process to keep plans
in line with the budget for the structure. However, intricacies
and irregularities can raise the budget to a point that
outweighs the architectural concrete’s aesthetic contribu-
tions. The architect can make form reuse possible by stan-
dardizing building elements, such as columns, beams, and
windows, and by making uninterrupted form areas the same
size wherever possible to facilitate the use of standard form
gangs or modules. The increased size of these uninterrupted
areas will contribute to forming economy. A prebid confer-
ence with qualified contractors will bring out many practical
considerations before the design is finalized.
5.2.2 Contract documents and advance approvals—The
architect should prepare contract documents that fully
instruct the bidder as to the location and desired appearance
of architectural surfaces, as well as other specific requirements
listed in Sections 5.2.3 to 5.2.7. On major work, this is
frequently achieved by specifying a preconstruction mockup
prepared and finished by the contractor for approval by the
architect, using proposed form materials, jointing tech-
niques, and form surface treatments, such as wetting, oiling,
or lacquering. Once such a mockup has been completed to
the satisfaction of the architect, it remains at the site for the
duration of the work as a standard with which the rest of the
work should comply.
Design reference samples, which are smaller specimens of
concrete with the proposed surface appearance, may also be
created for approval by the architect. Small samples like
these, kept at the job site for reference, are not as good as a
full-scale mockup but can be helpful. The samples should be
large enough to adequately represent the surface of the
concrete. If the samples are to be used as a basis for accep-
tance, several should be made to represent the variation that
can occur in the finish.
In the absence of physical mockups or reference samples,
it can be helpful to specify viewing conditions under which
the concrete surfaces will be evaluated for compliance with
the specifications.
5.2.3 Tolerances—The architect should specify dimensional
tolerances considered essential to successful execution of the
design. ACI 117 can be consulted, but the architect should
realize that the tolerances therein are for concrete construction
in general, and more restrictive tolerances can be required for
architectural work. No numerical limits are suggested herein
because the texture, lighting, and configuration of surfaces will
all have an influence. ACI Committee 347R notes, however,
that concrete construction tolerances of 1/2 those called for in
ACI 117 are considered the achievable limit.
5.2.4 Camber—The contractor should camber formwork to
compensate for deflection of the formwork during concrete
placement. The architect should, however, specify any
additional camber required to compensate for structural
deflection or optical sag (the illusion that a perfectly horizontal
long-span member is sagging). The architect should be
aware that horizontal members are checked for compliance
with tolerances and camber before the removal of the forms
and shores.
5.2.5 Joints and details—Location, number, and details of
items such as openings, contraction joints, construction
joints, and expansion joints should be shown on the design
plans or the architect should specify a review of the proposed
location of all of these details as shown on the formwork
drawings. (Some guidance on joint locations can be found in
ACI 224R, 303R, and 332R.) Because it is impossible to
disguise the presence of joints in the form face, it is important
for their positions to be predetermined and, if possible,
planned as part of the architectural effect.
The architect can plan joint locations between surface
areas on a scale and module suitable to the size of available
materials and prevailing construction practices. If this is not
aesthetically satisfactory, dummy joints can be introduced to
give a smaller pattern. Actual joints between sheathing
materials can be masked by means of rustication strips
(splayed fillets) attached to the form face. Rustication strips
at horizontal and vertical construction joints can also create
crisp edges accented by shadow lines instead of the potential
ragged edge of a construction joint left exposed to full view.
Special care should be taken during placement and vibration
to minimize bugholes and honeycombing that form when air
is trapped beneath horizontal rustications.
Sometimes construction joints in beams can be concealed
above the support columns and joints in floors above their
supporting beams instead of in the more customary regions
of low shear.
5.2.6 Ties and inserts—Form ties and accompanying tie
holes are an almost inescapable part of wall surfaces.
Architects frequently integrate tie holes into the visual
design quality of the surface. If this is planned and any
effects or materials other than those provided in Section 5.3.4
are desired, they should be clearly specified as to both loca-
tion and type.
Where tie holes are to be patched or filled, the architect
should specify the treatment desired, unless it has been
shown on the preconstruction mockup.
5.2.7 Cover over reinforcing steel—Adequate cover over
reinforcement, as required by codes, is needed for protection
of steel and long-term durability of the concrete. Reinforce-
ment that is properly located is important in the control of
surface cracking. For positive assurance of maintaining
required cover, the architect can specify appropriate side
form spacers as defined in Section 4.3.4.
There is no advantage in specifying more cover than
required by code because excessive cover can contribute to
increased cracking. The architect should specify sufficient
cover to allow for any reduction that will result from the
incorporation of grooves or indented details and from
surface treatments, such as aggregate exposure and tooling.
The maximum thickness of any material to be removed
should be added to basic required cover.
5.3—Materials and accessories
5.3.1 Sheathing or form facing—Architectural concrete
form sheathing should be of appropriate quality to maintain
the uniformity of concrete surfaces through multiple uses
and to control deflection within appropriate limits. Plywood,
steel, glass fiber-reinforced plastic, and aluminum can all be
suitable as sheathing or facing materials. Select the grade or
class of material needed for pressure, framing, and deflection
requirements. Be sure that the chosen material meets the
specification requirements for the concrete surface texture.
Procedures for controlling the rusting of steel should be
carefully followed.
5.3.2 Structural framing—Form facing can be supported
with lumber, steel, or aluminum members straight and rigid
enough to meet the architectural specifications.
5.3.3 Form liners—A form liner is a material attached to
the inside face of the form to alter or improve surface texture
or quality of the concrete. It is not required structurally.
Wood, rigid plastic, elastomeric materials, and glass fiber-
reinforced plastics are all suitable liner materials when care-
fully detailed and fabricated. Plastics should be handled and
assembled with care to avoid distortion caused by daily
temperature cycles at the job site.
5.3.4 Form ties—Form-tie assemblies for architectural
concrete should permit tightening of forms and leave no
metal closer to the surface than 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) for steel
ties and 1 in. (25 mm) for stainless steel ties. The ties should
not be fitted with lugs, cones, washers, or other devices that
will leave depressions in the concrete less than the diameter
of the device, unless specified. Ties should be tight fitting or
tie holes in the form should be sealed to prevent leakage at
the holes in the form. If textured surfaces are to be formed,
ties should be carefully evaluated as to fit, pattern, grout
leakage, and aesthetics.
5.3.5 Side form spacers—Side form spacers, as defined in
Section 4.3.4, are particularly important in architectural
concrete to maintain adequate cover over reinforcing steel
and to prevent development of rust streaking on concrete
surfaces. Plastic, plastic-protected, rubber-tipped, or other
noncorroding spacers should be attached to the reinforcing
bar so that they do not become dislodged during concrete
placement and vibration. The number and location of the
side form spacers should be adequate for job conditions.
5.4.1 Special considerations—The general procedure will
follow the principles outlined in Chapter 2. The formwork
engineer/contractor, however, will frequently have limitations
imposed by the architectural design. Some of these consider-
ations are: tie spacing and size, form facing preferences,
location and special treatment of form joints, special tolerances,
and use of admixtures. Because these factors can influence
form design, they should be fully reviewed at the beginning
of the form design process.
5.4.2 Lateral pressure of concrete—Architectural concrete
can be subjected to external vibration, revibration, set retardants,
high-range water-reducing admixtures, and slumps greater than
those assumed for determining the lateral pressure as noted in
Section 2.2.2. Particular care should be exercised in these cases
to design the forms for the increased lateral pressures resulting
from sources noted in Section 2.2.2.
5.4.3 Structural considerations—Because deflections in
the contact surface of the formwork reflect directly in
finished surfaces under varying light conditions, forms for
architectural concrete should be designed carefully to minimize
deflections. In most cases, deflections govern design rather
than bending (flexural stress) or horizontal shear. Deflec-
tions of sheathing, studs, and wales should be designed so
that the finished surface meets the architectural specifica-
tions. Limiting these deflections to l/400, where l is the clear
span between supports, is satisfactory for most architectural
formwork. Forms bow with reuse; therefore, more bulging
will be reflected in the surface formed after several uses.
This effect should be considered when designing forms.
When tie size and spacing are limited by the architect, the
formwork engineer/contractor may have to reverse the usual
procedure to arrive at a balanced form design. Given the
capacity of the available tie and the area it supports, the form-
work engineer/contractor can find the allowable pressure, design
supporting members, and establish a rate of concrete placing.
Where wood forms are used, stress-graded lumber (or
equivalent) free of twists and warps should be used for struc-
tural members. Form material should be sized and positioned
to prevent deflections detrimental to the surfaces formed.
Joints of sheathing materials should be backed with structural
members to prevent offsets.
5.4.4 Tie and reanchor design—Tie layout should be
planned. If the holes are to be exposed as part of the architec-
tural concrete, tie placement should be symmetrical with the
member formed. If tie holes are not to be exposed, ties
should be located at rustication marks, control joints, or
other points where the visual effect will be minimized.
Externally braced forms can be used instead of any of the
aforementioned methods to avoid objectionable blemishes in
the finished surface. Externally braced forms, however, can
be more difficult and more costly to build.
Consideration should be given to reanchoring forms in
preceding or adjacent placements to achieve a tight fit and
prevent grout leakage at these points. Ties should be located
as close as possible to the construction joint to facilitate
reanchoring the form to adjacent placements.
5.4.5 Joints and details—In architectural concrete, joints
should, where feasible, be located at the junction of the form-
work panels. At contraction or construction joints, rustication
strips should be provided and fastened to the face of forms.
Corners should be carefully detailed to prevent grout
leakage. Sharp corners should, wherever possible, be elimi-
nated by the use of chamfer strips except when prohibited by
project specifications.
5.4.6 Tolerances—The formwork engineer/contractor should
check for dimensional tolerances specified by the architect that
can have a bearing on the design of the forms. If no special toler-
ances are given, the formwork engineer/ contractor can use ACI
117 tolerances for structural concrete.
5.5.1 General—Forms should be carefully built to resist
the pressures to which they will be subjected and to limit
deflections to a practicable minimum within the tolerances
specified. Joints in structural members should be kept to a
minimum and, where necessary, should be suitably spliced
or otherwise constructed to maintain continuity.
Pour pockets for vibrating or placing concrete should be
planned to facilitate careful placement and consolidation of
the concrete to prevent segregation, honeycomb, sanding, or
cold joints in the concrete. The location of pour pockets
should be coordinated with the architect.
Attachment of inserts, rustication strips, and ornamental
reliefs should be planned so that forms can be removed
without exerting pressure on these attachments.
Where special forming systems are specified by the engineer
of the project for structural purposes (such as one- and two-way
joist systems) in areas that are considered architectural, the
architect and engineer should coordinate their requirements
to be sure the architectural effect is consistent with the
forming method and material specified.
Forms that will be reused should be carefully inspected
after each use to ensure that they have not become
damaged, distorted, disassembled, or otherwise unable to
perform as designed.
5.5.2 Sheathing and jointing—Contact surfaces of the
formwork should be carefully installed to produce neat and
symmetrical joint patterns, unless otherwise specified. Joints
should be either vertical or horizontal and, where possible,
should be staggered to maintain structural continuity.
Nailing should be done with care using hammers with
smooth and well-dressed heads to prevent marring of the
form surfaces. When required, box nails should be used on
the contact surface and should be placed in a neat pattern.
Wherever possible, sheathing or panel joints should be
positioned at rustication strips or other embedded features
that can conceal or minimize the joint.
Construction joints should be formed with a grade strip
attached to the form to define a clean straight line on the joint
of the formed surface. Formwork should be tightened at a
construction joint before the next placement to prevent
seepage of water between the form and previously placed
concrete surfaces.
Architectural concrete forms should be designed to resist
water leakage and avoid discoloration. One method to
prevent water loss from the concrete at the joints between
sections of the formwork and at construction joints is to
attach a gasket of flexible material to the edge of each panel.
The gasket is compressed when the formwork is assembled
or placed against the existing concrete. Caulk, tape, joint
compound, or combinations of these can be used to seal
joints. In all cases, unsupported joints between sheathing
sheets should be backed by framing. Water-tight forms
require more care during vibration to remove entrapped air
that can cause bug holes.
Textured surfaces on multilift construction should be
separated with rustication strips or broad reveals because
accumulation of construction tolerances, random textures, or
both, prevent texture matching. Furthermore, the grout seal
between the bottom of a textured liner and the top of the
previous placement is impractical without the rustication strip.
5.5.3 Cleaning, coating, and release agents—Form coatings
or releasing agents should be applied before reinforcing steel
is placed and should be applied carefully to avoid contacting
adjacent construction joints or reinforcing. No form coating
should be used unless it can be demonstrated not to stain the
concrete or impair the adhesion of paints or other surface
Form sealers should be tested to ensure that they will not
adversely affect the texture of the form lining material.
Ties that are to be pulled from the wall should be coated
with nonstaining bond breaker or encased in sleeves to
facilitate removal.
Forms should be carefully cleaned and repaired between
uses to prevent deterioration of the quality of surface formed.
Film or splatter of hardened concrete should be thoroughly
5.5.4 Ornamental liners and detail—Ornamental concrete
is usually formed by elastomeric molds or wood, plastic, or
plaster waste molds. Members making up wood molds
should be kerfed on the back wherever such members can
become wedged between projections in the ornament. Molds
should be constructed so that joints will not be opened by
slight movement or swelling of the wood. Joints in the molds
should be made inconspicuous by pointing.
The molds should be carefully set in the forms and
securely held in position to reproduce the design shown on
the plans. Where wood forms adjoin molds, the wood should
be neatly fitted to the profile of the mold and all joints should
be carefully pointed. The molds and the adjacent wood forms
should be detailed so that the wood forms can be stripped
without disturbing the molds. The edge of the mold or
pattern strip should be tapered to a slight draft to permit
removing the detail material without damaging the concrete.
Special provisions should be made for early form removal,
retardation, or both when sandblasting, wire brushing, or
other treatments are required.
Form liners should be attached securely with fasteners or
glue recommended by the manufacturer. The form behind
the liner should hold the fasteners. The surfaces should be
cleaned and dried thoroughly so that the glue will bond. Do
not use glue at temperatures lower than those recommended
by the manufacturer.
5.6—Form removal
5.6.1 Avoiding damage—When concrete surfaces are to be
left as cast, it is important not to damage or scar the concrete
face during stripping. Forms should be supported so that they
do not fall back or against the architectural surface. The use
of pry bars and other stripping tools should be strictly super-
vised. In no case should pry bars be placed directly against
the concrete. Even the use of wood or plastic wedges does
not ensure that damage will not occur. Once formwork is
removed, the architectural surfaces should be protected from
continuing construction operations.
5.6.2 Concrete strength—It is desirable for architectural
concrete to have a higher compressive strength than normal
for stripping. This can be accomplished by adjusting the
mixture proportions or leaving forms in place longer. If
concrete is not strong enough to overcome the adhesion
between the form surface and the concrete, concrete can
scale or spall. Therefore, a good quality surface might
require the forms to stay in place longer. The longer the
forms stay in place, however, the darker the concrete will
become. The engineer/architect should specify what
concrete strength is required before stripping can take place.
5.6.3 Uniformity—To ensure surface quality, uniformity
in stripping time and curing practices are essential. Where
the objective is to produce as consistent an appearance as
possible, it is beneficial to protect the concrete by leaving the
formwork in place somewhat longer than normal. Early
exposure of concrete to the air affects the manner in which
the surface dries. The ambient conditions can influence the
eventual color of the concrete.
5.6.4 Avoiding thermal shock—Cold-weather concreting
requires that special attention be paid to the sudden temperature
change of concrete. To avoid thermal shock and consequent
crazing of the concrete surface, the change in temperature of
the concrete should be controlled within the limits outlined
in ACI 303R. This can be accomplished by heating the work
area, leaving the forms in place to contain the heat of hydra-
tion, or by insulating the concrete after the forms have been
removed (refer to ACI 306R). Positive steps should be taken
to inspect, record, and document the procedures used to cure
the concrete.
Formwork for all structures should be designed,
constructed, and maintained in accordance with recommen-
dations in Chapters 1 to 4. This section deals with the addi-
tional requirements for formwork for several special classes
of work. ACI 344R contains information on design and
construction of circular prestressed-concrete structures.
6.2—Bridges and viaducts, including high piers
6.2.1 Discussion—The construction and removal of form-
work should be planned in advance. Forms and supports should
be sufficiently rigid to ensure that the finished structure will
fulfill its intended structural function and that exposed concrete
finishes will present a pleasing appearance to the public.
6.2.2 Shoring and centering—Recommended practice in
Sections 3.5 and 3.7 for erection and removal should be
followed. In continuous structures, support should not be
released in any span until the first and second adjoining
spans on each side have reached the specified strength. For
post-tensioned bridges, the shore design should consider the
resulting redistribution of loads on the shores similar to the
effects discussed in Section 3.8.7.
6.2.3 Forms—Forms can be of any of a large number of
materials but most commonly are wood or metal. They should
be built mortar-tight of sound material strong enough to
prevent distortion during placing and curing of the concrete.
6.3—Structures designed for composite action
6.3.1 Recommendations—Structures or members that are
designed so that the concrete acts compositely with other
materials or with other parts of the structure present special
forming problems that should be anticipated in the design of
the structure. Requirements for shoring or other deflection
control of the formwork should be clearly presented by the
engineer/architect in the specifications. Where successive
placements are to act compositely in the completed structure,
deflection control becomes extremely critical.
Shoring, with or without cambering portions of the structure
during placement and curing of the concrete, should be
analyzed separately for the effects of dead load of newly placed
concrete and for the effect of other construction loads that can
be imposed before the concrete attains its design strength.
6.3.2 Design—Formwork members and shores should be
designed to limit deflections to a practical minimum consistent
with the structural member being constructed. Where
camber is specified for previously installed components of
the structure, allowance should be made for the resultant
preloading of the shores before application of the dead load
of concrete.
In members constructed in several successive placements,
such as box-girder structures, formwork components should
be sized, positioned, supported, or all three to minimize
progressive increases in deflection of the structure that
would excessively preload the reinforcing steel or other
portions of the composite member.
In multistory work where shoring of composite members
is required, consideration should be given to the number of
stories of shores necessary, in conjunction with the speed of
construction and concrete strengths, to minimize deflections
due to successive loadings. Distinction should be made in
such analyses for shores posted to relatively unyielding
support, such as foundations, instead of to structures or
members already in elastic support (refer to Section 3.8).
Composite construction can have beams of relatively light
cross sections that are fully adequate when construction is
complete. During construction, these beams may not be
laterally supported by the formwork, thus leaving them with
a high slenderness ratio and reduced beam strength. The
engineer/architect should alert the contractor to this problem
in general notes on the structural plans or in notes on appli-
cable plans when this condition exists. The formwork engineer/
contractor should be alert to this possibility and provide
shoring or lateral support where needed.
6.3.3 Erection—Construction, erection of formwork, or
both for composite construction follows basic recommenda-
tions contained in Chapter 3. Shoring of members that will act
compositely with the concrete to be placed should be done
with great care to ensure sufficient bearing, rigidity, and tight-
ness to prevent settlement or deflections beyond allowable
limits. Wedges, shims, and jacks should be provided to
permit adjustment if required before or during concreting, as
well as to permit removal without jarring or impacting the
completed construction. Provision should be made for readily
checking the accuracy of position and grade during placement.
Even though adjustment of forms can be possible during or
after placing, it is not recommended. Any required adjustment
should be made before the initial set of the concrete.
Where camber is required, a distinction should be made
between that part which is an allowance for settlement or
deflection of formwork or shoring and that which is provided
for design loadings. The former should generally be the
responsibility of the formwork engineer/contractor who
designs the forms and supports unless such camber is stipulated
by the engineer/architect. Measurement of camber provided for
structural design loadings should be made after hardening of
the concrete but before removal of the supports (also refer to
Section 1.4.5). This is because the structural deflection
occurring upon removal of the supports is a function of the
structural design and cannot be controlled by the contractor.
6.3.4 Removal—In addition to meeting the provisions of
Section 3.7, forms, supports, or both should be removed only
after tests and specified curing operations indicate to the
satisfaction of the engineer/architect that the most recently
placed concrete has attained the strength required to develop
composite action, and then only after approval of the engi-
neer/architect. The sequence of such removal should be
approved by the engineer/architect.
6.4—Folded plates, thin shells, and long-span
roof structures
6.4.1 Discussion—For long-span and space structures
requiring a complex, three-dimensional design analysis and
presenting three-dimensional problems in formwork design,
erection, and removal, formwork planning should be done by
formwork engineers having the necessary special qualifica-
tions and experience. These formwork engineers should
consult and cooperate with the engineer/architect to make sure
that the resulting surfaces will conform to his or her design.
The engineer/architect should specify limiting values
and directions of the reactive forces when the falsework
is supported by the permanent structure.
When applicable, the engineer/architect should include
a decentering sequence plan with the bidding documents
as a basis for the design of the forming and support
system to be used by the contractor.
Lateral loads—In determining the lateral forces acting
on the formwork, the wind load should be calculated on
the basis of a minimum of 15 lb/ft
(0.72 kPa) of projected
vertical area as specified for wall forms in Section 2.2.3.
For structures such as domes, negative forces due to
suction created by the wind on the leeward side of the
structure should be considered.
Analysis—The provisions of Sections 2.1.1 and 2.3
should be adhered to in formwork planning.
Assumed design loads should be shown on the formwork
drawings. Complete stress analyses should be prepared by
competent structural engineers, and the maximum and
minimum values of stress, including reversal of stress,
should be shown for each member for the most severe
loading conditions. Consideration should be given to unsym-
metrical or eccentric loadings that might occur during
concrete placement and during erection, decentering, or
moving of travelers. The vertical or lateral deflection of the
moving forms or travelers, as well as the stability under
various loads, should be investigated to confirm that the
formwork will function satisfactorily and that the concrete
tolerances will be met.
Particular care should be taken in the design and detailing of
individual members and connections. Where truss systems are
used, connections should be designed to keep eccentricities as
small as possible to minimize deflections or distortions.
Because the weight of the formwork can be equal to or
greater than the design live load of the structure, form details
should be designed to avoid the formwork hanging up and
overloading the structure during decentering.
Due to the special shapes involved, tolerances based on
functions of these shapes should be specified by the engineer/
architect in the bidding documents.
6.4.3 Drawings—When required, the formwork engineer/
contractor should submit detailed drawings of the formwork
for approval of the engineer/architect.
These drawings should show the proposed concrete
placing sequence and the resulting loads. To ensure that the
structure can assume its deflected shape without damage, the
decentering or handling sequence of the formwork should be
shown on the drawings. The formwork design, drawings,
and procedures should comply with federal and local safety
laws, as well as the contract documents.
Deflection of these structures can cause binding between
the form and the concrete during decentering. Formwork
drawings and form details should be planned to prevent
binding and facilitate stripping of forms. Drawings should
show such details as type of inserts and joints in sheathing
where spreading of the form can result in the form becoming
keyed into the concrete.
6.4.4 Approval—The engineer/architect should review the
design and drawings for the formwork and the procedures
for construction to ensure the structural integrity of the
permanent structure. The engineer/architect should approve
in writing the loads imposed by the formwork, the sequence
of the concrete placing operations, and the timing and proce-
dures of decentering and stripping.
6.4.5 Construction—In planning and erecting formwork,
provisions should be made for adequate means of adjustment
during placing where necessary. Telltales should be installed
to check alignment and grade during placement. Where the
forming system is based on a certain placing sequence, that
sequence should be clearly defined and adhered to in the field.
6.4.6 Removal of formwork—Formwork should be
removed and decentered in accordance with the procedure
and sequence specified on the form drawings or on the
contract documents. Decentering methods used should be
planned to prevent any concentrated reaction on any part of
the permanent structure. Due to the large deflections and the
high dead load-to-live load ratio common to this type of
structure, decentering and form removal should not be
permitted until specified tests demonstrate that the concrete
strength and the modulus of elasticity specified in contract
documents have been reached. Moduli of elasticity can deter-
mine time of decentering, although required compressive
strengths may already have been attained. Decentering
should begin at points of maximum deflection and progress
toward points of minimum deflection, with the decentering
of edge members proceeding simultaneously with the
adjoining shell.
6.5—Mass concrete structures
6.5.1 Discussion—ACI 116R defines mass concrete as
“any volume of concrete with dimensions large enough to
require that measures be taken to cope with generation of
heat from hydration of the cement and attendant volume
change to minimize cracking.” Mass concrete occurs in
heavy civil engineering construction, such as in gravity
dams, arch dams, gravity-retaining walls, lock walls, power-
plant structures, and large building foundations (ACI 207.1R).
Special provisions are usually made to control the tempera-
ture rise in the mass by the use of cement or cementitious
material combinations possessing low or moderate heat-
generating characteristics, by postcooling (cooling the fresh
concrete) or by placing sequence. Heat rise in mass concrete
is most often controlled by replacement of cement with
pozzolans, particularly fly ash.
Formwork for mass concrete falls into two distinct categories,
namely, low and high lift. Low-lift formwork, for heights of
5 to 10 ft (1.5 to 3 m), usually consists of multiuse steel canti-
lever form units that incorporate their own work platforms
and, on occasion, lifting devices. High-lift formwork is
comparable with the single-use wood forms used extensively
for structural concrete.
6.5.2 Lateral pressure of concrete—The lateral pressure
formulas for concrete placed in walls can be used for mass
concrete (refer to Section 2.2.2). The formwork engineer
needs to carefully review the concrete mixture proportion to
determine the appropriate formula from Section 2.2.2.
Concrete additives or cement substitutes can improve heat
generation characteristics, but the same materials can
increase concrete set time and increase lateral pressures.
Consideration should be given to placing sequence in the
determination of pressure. Frequently, concrete is layered in
such a way that the fresh concrete rate of placement locally
is substantially greater than the average rate of placement.
Local lateral pressures can be greater than would be estimated
on the basis of the average rate of placement. In addition, the
use of large concrete buckets with rapid discharge of
concrete can cause high impact loads near the forms.
6.5.3 Design consideration—Mass concrete forming can
require special form tie and anchor design.—Forming sloping surfaces requires ties or anchors
to resist pressure forces that are perpendicular to the face of the
form. Using horizontal ties will leave the vertical component of
pressure untied. Vertical (hold down) anchors are required.—Forms tied or anchored to a rock face require
particular care. Often, rock anchors are placed before the
forms are erected. This requires the form designer to accom-
modate tie and anchor misalignment. Rock anchors should
be checked to ensure that the anchor can resist the tie forces.—Bending and welding of high tensile steel tie
rods should not be permitted without the approval of the tie
manufacturer. Any approved welding should be by a certified
welder using approved written welding procedures.—The capacity of anchors and form ties embedded
in previously placed concrete is dependent on the strength of
the concrete, which is very low at early ages. The embedded
strength should be sufficient to sustain design loadings from
the new placement and initial bolting stresses.
6.5.4 Tolerances—Refer to Section 3.3 and ACI 117.
6.6—Underground structures
6.6.1 Discussion—Underground structures differ from
corresponding surface installations in that the construction
takes place inside an excavation instead of in the open,
providing unique problems in handling and supporting form-
work and in the associated concrete placing. As a result, four
factors usually make the design of formwork for underground
structures entirely different than for their above-ground coun-
terparts. First, concrete to fill otherwise inaccessible areas can
be placed pneumatically or by positive displacement pump and
pipeline. Second, rock is sometimes used as a form backing,
permitting the use of rock anchors and tie rods instead of
external bracing and shores. Third, the limits of the excavation
demand special handling equipment that adds particular
emphasis to the removal and reuse of forms. Fourth, rock
surfaces can sometimes be used for attaching hoisting devices.
When placement is done by pneumatic or positive
displacement pump and pipeline methods, the plastic
concrete is forced under pressure into a void, such as the
crown of a tunnel lining. For more information on the
pumping process, refer to ACI 304.2R.
6.6.2Design loads Vertical loads—Vertical and construction loads
assumed in the design of formwork for underground struc-
tures are similar to those for surface structures, with the
exception of unusual vertical loads occurring near the
crown of arch or tunnel forms and flotation or buoyancy
effect beneath tunnel forms.
In placing concrete in the crowns of tunnel forms, pressures
up to 3000 lb/ft
(144 kPa) have been induced in areas of over-
break and near vertical bulkheads from concrete placed pneu-
matically or by positive displacement pump. Overbreak is the
excess removal of rock or other escavated material above the
forms beyond the required tunnel lining thickness. Until more
definite recommendations can be made, the magnitude and
distribution of pressure should be determined by the formwork
engineer. The assumed pressure should not be less than
1500 lb/ft
(72 kPa) acting normally to the form plus the dead
weight of the concrete placed pneumatically or by pump. Lateral loads—For shafts and exterior walls
against rock, the values listed in Section 2.2.2 should apply.
When the shaft form relies on the single shear value of
embedded anchors in the previous placement as a means of
support, the minimum time lapse between successive
placements (or minimum concrete strength) and maximum
allowable loading additional to the dead weight of the form
should be specified.
For arch forms and portions of tunnel forms above the
maximum horizontal dimension or spring line of the form,
the pressure should be compatible with the pressures
discussed under vertical loads in Section
6.6.3 Drawings—In addition to the provisions of Chapters 1,
2, and 3, the following data should be included on the drawings
for specialized formwork and formwork for tunnels:
All pressure diagrams used in the design of the form,
including diagrams for uplift, for unbalanced lateral or
vertical loads, for pressurized concrete, or for any other
load applicable to the particular installation;
Recommended method of supplemental strutting or
bracing to be employed in areas where form pressures
can exceed those listed due to abnormal conditions;
Handling diagrams and procedures showing the
proposed method of handling the form during erection
or installation for concrete placement plus the method
of bracing and anchorage during normal operation;
Concrete placement method and, for tunnel arch forms,
whether the design is based on the unit or bulkhead
system of concrete placement or the continuously
advancing slope method; and
The capacity and working pressure of the pump and the
size, length, and maximum embedment of the discharge
line when placement by pumping is anticipated.
6.6.4 Construction—The two basic methods of placing a
tunnel arch entail problems in the construction of the form-
work that require special provisions to permit proper reuse.
These two basic methods are commonly known as the bulk-
head method and the continuously advancing slope method.
The former is used exclusively where poor ground conditions
exist, requiring the lining to be placed concurrently with tunnel
driving operations. It is also used when some factor, such as the
size of the tunnel, the introduction of reinforcing steel, or the
location of construction joints, precludes the advancing slope
method. The advancing slope method, a continuous method of
placement, is usually preferred for tunnels driven through
competent rock, ranging between 10 and 25 ft (3 and 8 m) in
diameter and at least 1 mi (1.6 km) in length.
The arch form for the bulkhead method is usually fabricated
into a single unit between 50 and 150 ft (15 and 45 m) long,
which is stripped, moved ahead, and re-erected using screw
jacks or hydraulic rams. These are permanently attached to the
form and supporting traveling gantry. The arch form for the
continuously advancing slope method usually consists of eight
or more sections that range between 15 and 30 ft (5 and 9 m) in
length. These are successively stripped or collapsed, telescoped
through the other sections, and re-erected using a form traveler.
Although the minimum stripping time for tunnel arch forms
is usually established on the basis of experience, it can be
safely predetermined by tests. At the start of a tunnel arch
concreting operation, the recommended minimum stripping
time is 12 h for exposed surfaces and 8 h for construction
joints. If the specifications provide for a reduced minimum
stripping time based on site experience, such reductions
should be in time increments of 30 min or less and should be
established by laboratory tests and visual inspection and
surface scratching of sample areas exposed by opening the
form access covers. Arch forms should not be stripped prema-
turely when unvented groundwater seepage could become
trapped between the rock surface and the concrete lining.
6.6.5 Materials—The choice of materials for under-
ground formwork is typically predicated on the shape,
degree of reuse and mobility of the form, and the magni-
tude of pump or pneumatic pressures to which it is
subjected. Usually, tunnel and shaft forms are made of steel
or a composite of wood and steel. Experience is important
in the design and fabrication of a satisfactory tunnel form
due to the nature of the pressures developed by the
concrete, placing techniques, and the high degree of
mobility required.
When reuse is not a factor, plywood and tongue-and-
groove lumber are sometimes used for exposed surface
finishes. High humidity in underground construction alleviates
normal shrinkage and warping.
The applicable provisions of Chapters 2, 3, and 4 also
apply to the work covered in this chapter.
7.2—Preplaced-aggregate concrete
7.2.1 Discussion—Preplaced-aggregate concrete is made
by injecting (intruding) mortar into the voids of a preplaced
mass of clean, graded aggregate. For normal construction,
the preplaced aggregates are vibrated thoroughly into forms
and around reinforcing and then wetted and kept wet until
the injection of mortar into the voids is completed. In under-
water construction, the mortar displaces the water and fills
the voids. In both types of construction, this process can
create concrete with a high content of coarse aggregate.
The injected mortar contains water, fine sand, portland
cement, pozzolan, and a chemical admixture designed to
increase the penetration and pumpability of the mortar. The
structural coarse aggregate is similar to coarse aggregate
for conventional concrete. It is well washed and graded
from 1/2 in. (13 mm) to the largest size practicable. After
compaction in the forms, it usually has a void content
ranging from 35 to 45%. Refer to ACI 304.1R.
7.2.2 Design considerations—Due to the method of
placement, the lateral pressures on formwork are considerably
different from those developed for conventional concrete as
given in Section 2.2.2. The formwork engineer/contractor
should be alerted to the unique problems created by
preplaced-aggregate, by mass placings where heat of hydration
and drying shrinkage are critical, and by differential pressures
in the form structure when mortar injection varies greatly
from one form face to another. For additional information,
refer to ACI 359, ACI 207.1R, and ACI SP-34. Because of
the pressure created during aggregate packing and mortar
pumping, forms that mortar is injected through should be
anchored and braced far more securely than for ordinary
concrete. Particular attention should be paid to uplift pressures
created in battered forms. Provision should be made to
prohibit even the slightest uplift of the form. Injection pipes
spaced 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m) apart, penetrating the face of the
form, require that the form be checked for structural integrity
as well as a means of plugging or shutting off the openings
when the injection pipes are removed. Some of these problems
are reduced where mortar can be injected vertically in open
top forms.
Forms, ties, and bracing should be designed for the sum of:
a) The lateral pressure of the coarse aggregate as deter-
mined from the equivalent fluid lateral pressure of the dry
aggregate using the Rankine or Coulomb theories for granular
materials; or a reliable bin action theory (refer to theories and
references presented in ACI 313 and ACI 313R); and
b) The lateral pressure of the injected mortar; as an equiva-
lent fluid the mortar normally weighs 130 lb/ft
(21 kN/m
but can weigh as much as 200 lb/ft
(32 kN/m
) for high-
density mortars.
The time required for the initial set of the fluidized mortar
(from 1 to 2 h) and the rate of rise should be ascertained. The
maximum height of fluid to be assumed in determining the
lateral pressure of the mortar is the product of the rate of rise
(ft/h) and the time of initial set in hours. The lateral pressure
for the design of formwork at any point is the sum of the pres-
sures determined from Steps (a) and (b) for the given height.
7.2.3 Construction—In addition to the provisions of
Chapter 3, the forms should be mortar-tight and effectively
vented because preplaced-aggregate concrete entails forcing
mortar into the voids around the coarse aggregate.
Where increased lateral pressures are expected, the work-
manship and details of formwork should be of better quality
than formwork for conventional concrete.
7.2.4 Materials for formwork—For unexposed surfaces,
mortar-tight forms of steel or plywood are acceptable.
Absorptive form linings are not recommended because they
permit the coarse aggregate to indent the lining and form an
irregular surface. Form linings, such as hardboard on
common sheathing, are not successful because they do not
transmit the external form vibration normally used for
ensuring a void-free finished surface. Where external
vibration is used, added strength is needed in the form.
7.3.1 Discussion—Refer to ACI 313 for silo construction.
Slipforming is a quasicontinuous forming process in which a
special form assembly slips or moves in the appropriate
direction leaving the formed concrete in place. The process
is, in some ways, similar to an extrusion process. Plastic
concrete is placed in the forms, and the forms can be thought
of as moving dies to shape the concrete. The rate of move-
ment of the forms is regulated so the forms leave the concrete
only after it is stiff enough to retain its shape while
supporting its own weight and the lateral forces caused by
wind and equipment. Formwork of this type can be used for
vertical structures, such as silos, storage bins, building cores,
bearing wall buildings, piers, chimneys, shaft linings,
communication and observation towers, nuclear shield
walls, and similar structures.
Horizontal slipforming lends itself to concrete structures,
such as tunnel linings, water conduits, drainage channels,
precast elements, canal linings, highway median barriers,
pavements, curbs, shoulder barriers, and retaining walls.
Vertical slipforms, concreted while rising, are usually
moved in small increments by jacks that propel themselves
on smooth steel rods or tubing embedded in or attached to the
hardened concrete. Horizontal slipforms generally move on
a rail system, tractor treads, wheels, and other similar means
resting on a shaped berm. Working and storage decks and
finisher’s scaffolding are attached to and carried by the
moving formwork.
The vertical or horizontal movement of forms can be a
continuous process or a planned sequence of finite place-
Slipforms used on structures such as tunnels and shafts
should comply with the applicable provisions of Section
6.6. Slipforms used on mass concrete structures, such as
dams, should comply with the applicable provisions of
Section 6.5.
7.3.2Vertical slipforms—A vertical slipform system has five main
components: sheathing, wales, yokes, jacks and jackrods,
and working or storage decks and scaffolding.
The sheathing or vertical forms can be wood staves,
plywood, metal, glass fiber-reinforced plastic, wood, or a
combination of these materials. The function of the
sheathing is to contain and shape the concrete.
Wales have three main functions:
Support and hold the sheathing in place;
Transmit the lifting force from the yokes to the sheathing
and to the other elements of the form; and
Provide support for various platforms and scaffolding.
Yokes support the wales at regular intervals with their
legs, transmit the lifting forces from the jacks to the wales,
and resist the lateral force of plastic concrete within the form.
The jacks, installed on the yoke’s beams, climb up the
jackrods and provide the force needed to raise the entire slip-
form system.
Various platforms, decks, and scaffolding complete the
slipform system. They provide space for storing concrete,
reinforcing steel, and embedments, and serve as a working
area for placing and finishing. Design and construction considerations—Slip-
forms should be designed by engineers familiar with slip-
form construction. Construction of the slipform and slipping
should be carried out under the immediate supervision of a
person experienced in slipform work. Drawings should be
prepared by a slipform engineer employed by the contractor.
The drawings must show the jack layout, formwork, working
decks, and scaffolds. A developed elevation of the structure
should be prepared, showing the location of all openings and
embedments. The slipform engineer should be experienced
in the use of the exact brand of equipment to be used by the
contractor because there is significant variation in equipment
between manufacturers. Vertical loads—In addition to dead loads, live
loads assumed for the design of decks should not be less than
the following:
Sheathing and joists.................................. 75 lb/ft
(3.6 kPa)
or concentrated buggy wheel loads, whichever is greater
Beams, trusses, and wales ........................ 50 lb/ft
(2.4 kPa)
Light-duty finishers’ scaffolding.............. 25 lb/ft
(1.2 kPa) Lateral pressure of concrete—The lateral pressure
of fresh concrete to be used in designing forms, bracing, and
wales can be calculated as follows.
Inch-pound version:
p = c
= 100;
p = lateral pressure, lb/ft
R = rate of concrete placement, ft/h; and
T = temperature of concrete in the forms, °F.
SI version:
p = c
= 4.8;
p = lateral pressure, kPa;
R = rate of concrete placement, m/h; and
T = temperature of concrete in the forms, °C.
= 100 lb/ft
(4.8 kPa) is justified because vibration is
slight in slipform work because the concrete is placed in
shallow layers of 6 to 10 in. (150 to 250 mm) with no revibra-
tion. For some applications, such as gas-tight or containment
structures, additional vibration can be required to achieve
maximum density of the concrete. In such cases, the value of
should be increased to 150 lb/ft
(7.2 kPa). Tolerances—Prescribed tolerances for slipform
construction of building elements are listed in ACI 117. Sliding operation—The maximum rate of slide
should be limited by the rate for which the forms are
designed. In addition, both maximum and minimum rates of
slide should be determined by an experienced slipform
supervisor to accommodate changes in weather, concrete
slump, initial set of concrete, workability, and the many
exigencies that arise during a slide and cannot be accurately
predicted beforehand. A person experienced in slipform
construction should be present on the deck at all times during
the slide operation.
During the initial placing of the concrete in the slipform,
the placing rate should not exceed that for which the form
was designed. Ideally, concrete should be placed in approx-
imately 6 to 8 in. (150 to 200 mm) lifts throughout the slip-
form operation.
The level of hardened concrete in the form should be
checked frequently by the use of a probing rod to establish
safe lifting rates. Forms should be leveled before they are
filled and should be maintained level unless otherwise
required for out-of-tolerance corrections. Care should be
taken to prevent drifting of the forms from alignment or
designed dimensions and to prevent torsional movement.
Experience has shown that a plumb line, optical plummet,
laser, or combination of these used in conjunction with a water
level system is effective in maintaining the form on line and
grade and for positioning openings and embedded items.
The alignment and plumbness of a structure should be
checked at least once during every 4 h that the slide is in
operation and preferably every 2 h. In work that is done in
separate intermittent slipping operations, a check of alignment
and plumbness should be made at the beginning of each
slipping operation.
More frequent readings should be taken on single tall struc-
tures with relatively small plan sections, as the form system in
these structures tends to twist and go out of plumb more readily.
Sufficient checks of plumbness should be provided to
readily detect and evaluate movements of the form for all
slipformed structures so that appropriate adjustment can be
made in sufficient time by experienced personnel.
T 17.8+
Detailed records of both vertical and lateral form movements
should be maintained throughout the slipform operation.
7.3.3 Horizontal slipforms—The general provisions of
Section 2.1.4 should be met and the formwork engineer/
contractor should submit drawings of the slipform for review
and approval by the engineer/architect. These drawings
should show the handling diagrams, the placing procedure,
and the provisions for ensuring attainment of the required
concrete surfaces.
7.4—Permanent forms
7.4.1 Discussion—Permanent forms, or stay-in-place
forms, are forms left in place that may or may not become an
integral part of the structural frame. These forms can be rigid
—such as metal deck, precast concrete, wood, plastics, and
various types of fiberboard—or the flexible type—such as
reinforced, water-repellent, corrugated paper, or wire mesh
with waterproof paper backing.
When the permanent form is used as a deck form, it is
supported from the main structural frame with or without an
intermediate system of temporary supports. If temporary
supports are required under, or to provide structural stability
for, the structural frame members to support the weight of
the fresh concrete without causing excessive deflection or
member instability, such information should be specified by
the engineer/architect.
7.4.2 Design considerations—If the stay-in-place form is
not covered in the contract specifications because it has no
function in the finished structure, the form manufacturer’s
specifications should be used; the manufacturer’s recom-
mended practice should be followed for size, span, fastenings,
and other special features pertinent to this type of form, such
as being water repellent and protected against chemical
attack from wet concrete; and the minimum requirements of
Chapters 2 and 3 should be followed. Particular care should
be taken in the design of such forms by the formwork engineer/
contractor to minimize distortion or deformation of the form
or supporting members under the construction loads.
The engineer/architect who specifies the use of permanent
rigid forms should consider in the structural analysis both the
construction dead and live loads on the form as well as the
structure’s stability during construction, in addition to consid-
eration of the form’s performance in the finished structure.
When metal deck to become an integral part of the structure
is used as a permanent form, its shape, depth, gage, coating,
physical dimensions, properties, and intermediate temporary
support should be as called for in contract documents. If
structural continuity is assumed in the design of the form, the
engineer of the permanent structure should specify the
required number of permanent supports over which the form
material should be continuous.
7.4.3Installation Shop drawings—The formwork engineer/
contractor should submit fully detailed shop drawings for all
permanent deck forms to the engineer/architect for review,
approval, or both. Shop drawings should show all form thick-
nesses, metal gauges, physical dimensions and properties,
accessories, finishes, methods of attachment to the various
classes of the work, and temporary shoring requirements. Fastenings—The permanent deck form should
be properly fastened to supporting members and to adjacent
sections of deck form and properly lapped, in accordance
with manufacturers’ recommendations, to provide a tight
joint that will prevent loss of mortar during the placement of
concrete. Where required, end closures for corrugated or
fluted forms should be provided, together with fill pieces
where a tight fit is required. To prevent buckling, allow for
expansion of metal deck forms after fastening and before
concrete placement.
Flexible types of forms (those that depend for lateral stiffness
on supporting members) should be drawn tight for proper instal-
lation. Adequate temporary bracing or anchors should be
provided in the plane of the top chord of the supporting members
to prevent lateral buckling and rotation of these supports and to
maintain the required tension in the flexible form.
Paper or metal forms used to form voids in concrete
construction should be properly placed and anchored to the
reinforcement and to side or deck forms with wire ties or
other approved methods to prevent displacement or flotation
during placing of concrete. Water should be prevented from
entering voids. Where water intrusion is possible, weep
holes should be provided to reduce its entrapment.
7.4.4 Deflections—The vertical and lateral deflections of
the permanent form between supports under the load of fresh
concrete should be investigated by the engineer/architect.
Temporary supports, such as shoring and stringers, should be
specified, if necessary, to keep deflection within desired
7.5—Forms for prestressed concrete construction
7.5.1 Discussion—The engineer/architect should indicate
in the contract documents any special requirements for
prestressed concrete construction.
It may be necessary to provide appropriate means of lowering
or removing the formwork before full prestress is applied to
prevent damage due to upward deflection of resilient formwork.
Pretensioning or post-tensioning of strands, cables, or rods
can be done with or without side forms of the member in
place, in accordance with Section 7.5.2. Bottom forms and
supporting shores or falsework should remain in place until
the member is capable of supporting its dead load and
anticipated construction loads, as well as any formwork
carried by the member.
The concreting sequence for certain structures should also
be planned so that concrete is not subjected to bending stress
caused by deflection of the formwork.
7.5.2Design—Where the side forms cannot be conveniently
removed from the bottom or soffit form after concrete has
set, such forms should be designed with slip joints or with
added panel and connection strength for additional axial or
bending loads that can be superimposed on them during the
prestressing operation.—Side forms that remain in place during the
transfer of prestressing force should be designed to allow for
vertical and horizontal movements of the cast member
during the prestressing operation. The form should be
designed to minimize the restraint to elastic shortening in the
prestressing operation. For example, small components or
wrecking strips should be planned that can be removed or
destroyed to relieve load on side forms as well as to eliminate
their restraint during prestressing. In all cases, the restraint to
shrinkage of concrete should be kept to a minimum, and the
deflections of members due to prestressing force and the
elastic deformation of forms or falsework should be considered
in the design and removal of the forms.—For reasons of safety, when using post-
tensioned, cast-in-place elevated slabs, the contractor should
be careful to ensure that supporting shores do not fall out due
to lifting of the slab during tensioning. For large structures
where the dead load of the member remains on the formwork
during prestressing, displacement of the dead load toward end
supports should be considered in design of the forms and
shoring, including sills or other foundation support.
7.5.3 Construction accessories—Hold-down or push-
down devices for deflected cables or strands should be
provided in the casting bed or forms. All openings, offsets,
brackets, and all other items required in the concrete work
should be provided for in the formwork. Bearing plates,
anchorage assemblies, prestressing steel, conduits, tube
enclosures, and lifting devices shown or specified to be set in
concrete should be accurately located with formwork
templates and anchored to remain within the tolerances
given on contract documents. Quality and strength of these
accessories should be as specified.
7.5.4 Tolerances—Prescribed ranges of tolerances for job
site precast and plant manufactured precast-prestressed
concrete members are given in ACI 117 and the PCI report
on tolerances.
7.5.5 Special provisions for curing and for safety of
workers—Where necessary to allow early reuse of forms,
provisions should be made to use accelerated curing
processes such as steam curing, vacuum processing, or other
approved methods.
Safety shields should be provided at end anchorages of
prestressing beds or where necessary for the protection of
workmen or equipment against possible breakage of
prestressing strands, cables, or other assemblies during
prestressing or casting operation.
7.6—Forms for site precasting
7.6.1 Discussion—Forms for site precasting are used for
precast concrete items that can be either load- or nonload-
bearing members for structural or architectural uses.
7.6.2 Construction—Exterior braces only should be used
when exposed metal or filled-in pockets resulting from the
use of metal ties would present an objectionable appearance.
To ensure uniformity of appearance in the cast members or
units, particularly in adjacent units where differences in
texture, color, or both would be visible, care should be taken
that the contact surfaces of forms or form liners are of
uniform quality and texture.
Form oil or retardant coatings (nonstaining, if required)
should be applied uniformly and in accordance with manu-
facturers’ recommendations for this particular class of work.
7.6.3 Accessories—It is particularly important in this class
of work that positive and rigid devices be used to ensure
proper location of reinforcement. All openings, cutouts,
offsets, inserts, lift rings, and connection devices required to
be set in concrete should be accurately located and securely
anchored in the formwork.
The finished surfaces of members should be free of lift rings
and other erection items where it will be exposed, interfere
with the proper placing of precast members or other materials,
or be subject to corrosion. Such items should be removed so
that no remaining metal will be subject to corrosion.
The quality and strength of these accessories should be as
required by the contract documents, but the lifting devices or
other accessories not called for in the contract documents are
the responsibility of the contractor.
7.6.4 Tolerances—Prescribed tolerances for precast-
concrete construction are listed in ACI 117.
7.6.5 Removal of forms—Precast members or units should
be removed from forms only after the concrete has reached a
specified strength, as determined by the field-cured test
cylinders or beams and job history of concrete curing.
Where required to allow early reuse of forms, provisions
can be made to use accelerated curing processes, such as
steam curing, or other approved methods. Methods of
lifting precast units from forms should be approved by the
7.7—Use of precast concrete for forms
7.7.1 Discussion—Precast concrete panels or molds have
been used as forms for cast-in-place and precast concrete,
either as permanent forms, integrated forms, or as removable,
reusable forms. They have been used for both structural and
architectural concrete, designed as structurally composite
with the cast-in-place material or to provide a desired quality
of outer surface and, in some cases, to serve both of these
purposes. Concrete form units can be plain, reinforced, or
prestressed, and either cast in the factory or at the job site.
The most common use of precast concrete form units has
been for elevated slabs acting compositely with topping
concrete, as in bridge and commercial or institutional
construction. Precast units are also common as ground
holding systems in tunneling and as stay-in-place forms for
rehabilitation of navigation lock walls.
7.7.2Design Responsibility for design—Where the integrated
form is to act compositely with the structure concrete, the form
panel should be designed by the engineer/architect who
should also indicate what additional external support is
required for the permanent forms. For permanent forms
intended to achieve a desired architectural effect, the engineer/
architect can specify surface finish and desired minimum
thickness of architectural material. Design and layout of
temporary forms and supporting systems should normally be
the responsibility of the formwork engineer/contractor.
347-30 ACI STANDARD Connections—Connection details should be
planned to overcome problems of mating precast members to
each other and to the existing or cast-in-place structure. Bonding concrete form to concrete structure
Effective bond between precast form unit and the concrete
structure is essential and can be achieved by: 1) special treat-
ment, such as grooving or roughening the form face in
contact with the structure concrete; 2) use of anchoring
devices extending across the interface between form panel
and structure concrete; 3) a combination of 1) and 2); and 4)
use of paint-on or spray-on bonding chemicals. Lifting
hooks in a form unit can be designed to serve also as anchors
or shear connectors. Code requirements—Precast concrete forms
used in composite design with cast-in-place concrete in
buildings should be designed in accordance with ACI 318.
7.7.3During and after concreting Vibration—Thorough consolidation of site-cast
concrete is required to prevent voids that would interrupt the
bond of the form to structure concrete, but sufficient care
should be used to prevent damage of concrete panels by
contact with vibrators. Protection of architectural finish—Care should be
taken to avoid spilling fresh concrete on exposed surfaces, and
any spilled or leaked concrete should be thoroughly removed
before it has hardened. After concreting, protection of precast
architectural concrete form facings may need to be considered.
7.8—Forms for concrete placed under water
7.8.1 Discussion—There are two basic approaches to the
problem of placing concrete under water: the concrete can be
mixed in the conventional manner and then placed by special
methods, or the preplaced aggregate method can be used.
In the first approach, placement can be made by either
pump, underwater bucket, or tremie. The tremie is a steel
pipe, suspended vertically in the water, with a hopper
attached to the upper end above the water surface. The lower
end of the pipe, with an ejectable plug, extends to the bottom
of the area to be concreted. This pipe is charged with
concrete from the surface. Once the pipe is filled with
concrete, it is kept full and its bottom should be kept
immersed in the fresh concrete.
In the second approach, the forms are filled with coarse
aggregate, which is then grouted so that the voids around the
aggregate are filled as discussed in Section 7.2. The grout is
introduced at the bottom and the water is displaced upward
as the grout rises.
7.8.2Underwater bucket and tremie Design—Forms for underwater concreting are
designed with the same considerations as other forms
covered in Section 2.2, except that the density of the
submerged concrete can be reduced by the weight of the
water displaced. Because of large local pressures that can
develop due to the head of concrete in the tremie, the location
of the tremie and possible resulting loads on the form should
be evaluated by experienced personnel. Some designers have
ignored the effects of submergence because this results in a
practical design that is sturdy enough to withstand the extra
rigors of underwater conditions.
In tidal zones, forms should be designed for the lowest
possible water level. Changes in construction schedules can
transform a planned submerged placement to one made
above water, thus losing the offsetting water pressure. Construction—Underwater forms should be built
on the surface in large units because final positioning and
fitting when done under water by divers is slow and costly.
For this reason, foundations should be kept simple in shape,
and forms should be free of complex bracing and connection
details. Through-ties, which could interfere with the
concrete placing, should be avoided. Forces imposed on
preassembled forms during lifting should be considered in
the form design.
Forms should be carefully fitted and secured to adjacent
materials or construction to avoid loss of mortar under pressure
developed. If there is any water current flow past the form,
small openings in the form should be avoided as they will
permit washing or scouring of the fresh concrete.
When it is intended to permit concrete to overflow the
form and screed it off to grade, it is essential that the form is
positioned to the proper grade and is detailed so that the
overflow will not interfere with the proposed method and
devices for stripping.
Forms should be well detailed, and such details should be
scrupulously followed so that divers employed to remove the
form can visualize and plan their work before descending.
Multiuse forms can have special devices for positioning
forms from above water and special stripping devices, such as
hydraulic jacks, that permit releasing the form from the surface.
7.8.3Preplaced aggregate Design—The formwork should be designed
with the same considerations as mentioned previously in
Section 7.2.2. Construction—It is important to ensure that silt
is excluded from the forms because silt chokes the voids in
the aggregate and interferes with the flow of grout. Silt, if left
adhering to the aggregate, can reduce the bond between the
aggregate and the grout.
The inspection of the forms before concrete placement should
verify that the perimeters of the forms are effectively sealed
against the leakage of grout or the intrusion of silt or other fines.
8.1—Referenced standards and reports
The standards and reports listed as follows were the latest
editions at the time this document was prepared. Because
these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised
to contact the proper sponsoring group if it is desired to refer
to the latest version.
American Concrete Institute
116R Cement and Concrete Terminology
117 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for
Concrete Construction and Materials
207.1R Mass Concrete
224R Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures
228.1R In-Place Methods to Estimate Concrete Strength
301 Specifications for Structural Concrete
303R Guide to Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete
304.1R Guide for the Use of Preplaced-Aggregate
Concrete for Structural and Mass Concrete
304.2R Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods
305R Hot Weather Concreting
306R Cold Weather Concreting
309.2R Identification and Control of Consolidation-
Related Surface Defects in Formed Concrete
311.1R Manual of Concrete Inspection
313 Standard Practice for Design and Construction of
Concrete Silos and Stacking Tubes for Storing
Granular Materials
313R Commentary on Standard Practice for Design and
Construction of Concrete Silos and Stacking
Tubes for Storing Granular Materials
318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
332R Guide to Residential Cast-in-Place Concrete
344R Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed
Concrete Structures
347.1R Precast Concrete Units Used as Forms for
Cast-in-Place Concrete
359 Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and
SP-34 Concrete for Nuclear Reactors
American Forest & Paper Association
National Design Specification for Wood Construction
Load and Resistance Factor Manual for Engineered
Wood Construction
American National Standards Institute
ANSI/SEI/ Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
ASCE 7 Other Structures
A48.1 Forms for One-Way Concrete Joist Construction
A48.2 Forms for Two-Way Concrete Joist Construction
A208.1 Mat-Formed Wood Particle Board
American Society of Civil Engineers
SEI/ASCE 37 Design Loads on Structures During Construction
APA—The Engineered Wood Association
Plywood Design Specification and supplements, 1997
ASTM International
A 446 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-
Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process,
Structural (Physical) Quality
C 532 Standard Specification for Structural Insulating
Formboard (Cellulosic Fiber)
E 329 Specification for Agencies Engaged in the Testing
and/or Inspection of Materials Used in Construction
Canadian Standards Association
CAN3-086-M80 Code for Engineering Design in Wood
CAN/CSA-096.1.94 Engineered Design in Wood (Limit
States Design)
U.S. Department of Commerce
LLB-810a Hardboard Concrete Form Liners (Simplified
Practice Recommendation)
PS 1-95 Construction and Industrial Plywood
PS20-94 American Softwood Lumber
These publications may be obtained from the following
American Concrete Institute
P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094
American Forest & Paper Association
American Wood Council
1111 19th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036
American National Standards Institute
11 W. 42nd St.
New York, NY 10036
APA—The Engineered Wood Association
P.O. Box 11700
Tacoma, WA 98411
ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Dr.
West Conshohocken, PA 19428
CSA International
178 Rexdale Blvd.
Etobicoke (Toronto) ON
M9W 1R3 Canada
U.S. Department of Commerce publications available from:
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
8.2—Cited references
1.1. ACI Committee 622, “Form Construction Practices,”
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 53, No. 12, May 1957,
pp. 1105-1118.
1.2. ACI Committee 622, “Pressures on Formwork,” ACI
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 55, No. 2, Aug. 1958, pp. 173-190.
1.3. Hurd, M. K., Formwork for Concrete, SP-4, 6th
Edition, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills,
Mich., 1995, 492 pp.
2.1. Barnes, J. M., and Johnston, D. W., “Modification
Factors for Improved Prediction of Fresh Concrete Lateral
Pressures on Formwork,” Institute of Construction, Department
of Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, N.C., Oct., 1999, 90 pp.
2.2. Gardner, N. J., “Pressure of Concrete Against
Formwork,” ACI J
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 77, No. 4, July-
Aug. 1980, pp. 279-286; and discussion, Proceedings V. 78,
No. 3, May-June 1981, pp. 243-246.
2.3. Gardner, N. J., and Ho, P. T.-J., “Lateral Pressure of
Fresh Concrete,” ACI J
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 76, No. 7,
July 1979, pp. 809-820.
2.4. Clear, C. A., and Harrison, T. A., 1985, “Concrete
Pressure on Formwork,” CIRIA Report No. 108, Construction
Industry Research and Information Association, London, 32 pp.
2.5. “Pressure of Concrete on Vertical Formwork (Frisch-
beton auf Lotrechte Schalungen),” DIN 18218, Deutsches
Institut für Normung e.V., Berlin, 1980, 4 pp.
2.6. Gardner, N. J., “Pressure of Concrete on Formwork—
A Review,” ACI J
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 82, No. 5, July-
Aug. 1985, pp. 744-753.
2.7. British Cement Association, “Hi-Rib Permanent
Formwork Trials,” Report and Appendix, RE1.031.01.1
BCA, Slough, UK, Feb. and July 1992, 22 and 9 pp.
2.8. Grundy, P., and Kabaila, A., “Construction Loads on
Slabs with Shored Formwork in Multistory Buildings,” ACI
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 60, No. 12, Dec. 1963, pp. 1729-1738.
2.9. Agarwal, R. K., and Gardner, N. J., “Form and Shore
Requirements for Multistory Flat Slab Type Buildings,” ACI
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 71, No. 11, Nov. 1974, pp. 559-569.
2.10. Stivaros, P. C., and Halvorsen, G. T., “Shoring/
Reshoring Operations for Multistory Buildings,” ACI Structural
Journal, V. 87, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1990, pp. 589-596.
2.11. Noble, J., “Stop Guessing at Reshore Loads—
Measure Them,” Concrete Construction, V. 20, No. 7, 1975,
pp. 277-280.
4.1. Manual of Standard Practice, 27th Edition, Concrete
Reinforcing Steel Institute, Schaumburg, Ill., 2001, 116 pp.
4.2. Randall, F. A., Jr., and Courtois, P. D., “Side Form
Spacers,” ACI J
OURNAL, Proceedings V. 73, No. 2, Feb.
1976, pp. 116-120.
4.3. “Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material,”
Agriculture Handbook 72, Forest Products Society, U. S.
Department of Agriculture, Madison, Wisc, 1998, 464 pp.
4.4. Manual for Wood Frame Construction, National
Forest Products Association (now American Forest & Paper
Association), Washington, D.C., 1988.
4.5. Stalnaker, J. J., and Harris, E. C., Structural Design in
Wood, 2nd Edition, Chapman & Hall, 1997, 448 pp.
4.6. American Institute of Timber Construction, Timber
Construction Manual, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1994, 928 pp.
4.7. “National Design Specification for Wood Construction
(ANSI/AF&PA NDS-1997),” American Forest & Paper
Association, Washington, D.C., 1997, 174 pp.
4.8. “Plywood Design Specification,” APA—The Engi-
neered Wood Association, Tacoma, Wash., 1997, 32 pp.
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