Middle Georgia State
Parking Policy
1. Introduction
The Middle Georgia State University (MGA) Parking Policy is designed to assist with the
management of vehicular traffic and parking for the campus community. MGA promotes safety
and requires all drivers and pedestrians observe Georgia traffic laws as well as the policy outlined
in this manual.
This policy applies to all MGA campuses and properties. The main focus of the parking policy is
Provide parking access to the campus community and
Ensure the safety of the campus community
MGA Police are charged with the responsibility and authority to enforce the University’s parking
policies and regulations. All vehicles on Middle Georgia State University property are subject to
these regulations. Compliance with the following regulations is a condition of enrollment and/or
employment at Middle Georgia State University. Operating a motor vehicle on University property
is a privilege, which is conditioned, in part, of compliance with these rules and regulations. Middle
Georgia State assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or theft to any vehicle parked on
University property. These regulations are applicable to all members of the University community
including, but not limited to faculty, staff, students, visitors, wellness members, contractors, and
The MGA Police reserve the right to modify parking rules or regulations as needed, to change the
allocation of parking spaces when necessary, and to make exceptions if appropriate. The
Department may on occasion need to close a parking area or roadway for a special event, safety
reasons, construction or repairs. The campus community will be informed when changes occur.
MGA Police has the authority to ticket, immobilize or tow, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle
that is in violation of the established rules and regulations. In addition, the police may relocate a
vehicle if necessary when there is no response to a request to move it. The following articles are
enacted as the official parking regulations for Middle Georgia State University. These policies are
enacted under the provisions of the laws of the State of Georgia and the rules of the University
System of Georgia.
2. Permits
Middle Georgia State University has implemented the use of virtual permits for all Students,
Faculty, Staff and Community Members. All motor vehicles parked on a Middle Georgia State
University Campus or Property must register their vehicle online by visiting,
mga.aimsparking.com or at the MGA Police Department on campus in order to ensure the
utilization of a current virtual parking permit while parked on campus.
Virtual permits are active for the semester in which the permit was issued. Under the License Plate
Recognition (LPR) software, your license plate will act as your permit. No decal is necessary for
any student, faculty or staff under the LPR system. Changes in license plate (tag) information on
any registered vehicle must be made online by visiting, mga.aimsparking.com before parking on
Permits are categorized as follows and are issued at the discretion of the University:
Faculty/Staff Permits
Resident Student Permits
Commuter Student Permits
Community Member Permits
Temporary/Visitor Permits
Handicap/Temporary Handicap Permits
Contractor/Vendor Permits
If an individual is both a student and faculty/staff member, their primary status determines which
type of permit they will receive. Student assistants and those employed through the University
work study program are not permitted to register their vehicles as employees of the University.
There shall be a rebuttable presumption that any vehicle on campus which is owned by a family
member of a student or employee is being operated by the student or employee.
2.1 Faculty/Staff Permits
All faculty and staff members of the University shall register for a virtual parking permit upon
employment that will allow for parking on any Middle Georgia State University Campus. Faculty
and staff parking spaces can be recognized by signage and/or designated wording within the
parking spaces. In addition, faculty and staff spaces are indicated by green parking stripes which
denotes students are not allowed to use these areas. Faculty and staff are prohibited from parking
in the WRC Library reserved parking spaces. MGA employment entitles faculty and staff members
of the campus community to receive a virtual parking permit which allows for (2) vehicles to be
registered under that permit. Additional permits may be purchased for a charge of $10.00 each.
Vehicle registration fees are non-refundable. Temporary and Visitor permits may be obtained free
of charge.
2.2 Student Permits
All students must register their vehicles and obtain a current virtual parking permit within the first
(5) calendar days of each semester.
Registration fees for parking are $10.00 per semester, including summer. Parking is included in
student fees, which are paid at the beginning of each semester. Parking fees entitle students to
receive a virtual parking permit which allows for (2) vehicles to be register under that permit per
academic year. Additional permits may be purchased for a charge of $10.00 each. Vehicle
registration fees are non-refundable. Temporary and Visitor permits may be obtained free of
Students are required to renew their virtual permits each calendar year, to ensure the student’s
vehicle information and residential status is current and valid.
Students whose status changes between resident to commuter during the academic year must
immediately make the appropriate changes to their vehicle registration online or notify the MGA
Police of their status change. A change to reflect the new status is free of charge.
Students are prohibited from parking in any faculty/staff, handicap, police, fire, plant operations,
visitor, conference, WRC Library reserved or any other space not specifically designated for
standard student parking.
Resident Student Permits
A Resident Student is any active student assigned to a MGA designated Residence Life
facility on any Middle Georgia State Campus. Residents must register their vehicles online
each academic year to obtain a valid virtual parking permit. All resident students must
maintain current and valid student status with the Office of Residence Life for Resident
Parking Permits to remain valid. Resident Parking Permits are valid in assigned Resident
Parking Lots near each Residence Life facility. These permits allow students to park their
vehicles overnight in Resident parking lots.
Students with Resident Parking Permits are allowed to park in white lined parking spaces
on any MGA campus, with the exception of the Cochran campus. Cochran campus
residents are required to park in designated resident areas only and may not park in
commuter lots on the Cochran campus at any time. Georgia Academy residents are required
to park in the designated Georgia Academy residential lot only.
Resident students may register multiple vehicles but may have only one vehicle on campus
at a time.
Resident students are responsible for their guests in or on University premises. All guests
must sign in with Residence Life or Security upon entering residential property. Guests are
required to provide the name of the resident they are visiting as well as vehicle information.
Guests are only permitted to be in residential halls during visiting hours, (Weekdays 10:00
AM 12:00 AM and Weekends 10:00 AM 2:00 AM) unless an overnight stay has been
pre-approved by Residence Life Staff. Guests are required to have a copy of the approval
and be prepared to present it to MGA personnel. MGA reserves the right to deny admittance
to anyone that cannot provide adequate documentation or that acts in a discourteous or
unruly manner. Residents may face sanctions under the Student Code of Conduct and/or
Residence Life for the behavior of their guests. Behavior issues by guests and residents
may also be addressed by MGA Police in areas where laws have been violated.
Resident students will be charged $25.00 for any guest assigned to them that does not
vacate the premises by curfew unless otherwise approved for an overnight stay.
Commuter Student Permits
A Commuter student is any valid student that is not living on a University owned or leased
property. Commuter students are allowed to park on any Middle Georgia State University
campus in designated student parking spaces which can be identified by white striping on
the parking spaces. Commuter students are not allowed to park in spaces painted green,
yellow, red, orange, blue or specialty spaces designated by signage or other control device.
This includes Visitor spaces and WRC Library reserved parking.
2.3 Handicap & Temporary Handicap Permits
Handicap Parking Permits, either state-issued or University issued, are required at all times to park
in MGA handicap spaces in addition to registering the vehicle with MGA. By state law, the person
to whom the state-issued Disability License Plate or Disability Placard is registered to must be an
occupant of the vehicle in order to occupy a Handicap Parking space.
Under the Official Code of Georgia section 40-6-226, it is illegal to utilize a state-issued
Disability Parking Permit for fraudulent purposes. Violators’ vehicles will be cited in
accordance with the MGA Parking Policy and are subject to fines as provided by Georgia law.
Middle Georgia State University complies with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) by
providing designated parking spaces for persons with ADA Accessibility requirements.
Temporary Handicap Parking Permits may be issued by Middle Georgia State University upon
receipt of a letter from the requestor’s doctor’s office requesting a handicap parking permit. For
faculty and staff, these letters must be directed to Human Resources. For students, these letters
must be direct to the Office of Counseling & Accessibility Services. Human Resources or
Accessibility Services will determine what parking accommodations are to be made, and issue a
Temporary Handicap Parking Permit for use on MGA campuses.
Temporary Handicap Parking Permits may be requested by anyone requiring one. Individuals can
be issued a MGA handicap permit, or any other permit which meets their medical/physical needs,
for up to (1) semester. After (1) semester, medical documentation from the requestor’s medical
provider must be provided to Human Resources or Disability Services, as appropriate, to receive
any additional amount of time of handicap parking accommodations.
2.4 Temporary/Visitor Permits
Temporary Permits are available to faculty, staff, students and others who require parking at a
MGA campus on a short term basis. Temporary permits issued will not exceed (14) days.
Temporary Permits may be obtained by entering the vehicle information online at
mga.aimsparking.com by selecting “Temporary Replacement” or visiting the MGA Police
Department and are free of charge. Temporary permits holders are permitted to park in parking
spaces designated for their status as faculty/staff, student, visitor or community member.
When driving a replacement or temporary vehicles, individuals MUST register that vehicle online
or with the MGA Police Department. A virtual temporary permit must be on file when a
replacement vehicle is parked on campus to avoid citation.
Middle Georgia State University welcomes visitors who have business on campus. All visitors
should report to the MGA Police Department for a Visitor’s Parking Permit unless they have made
prior arrangements with the University to register their vehicle. This entitles the visitor to park in
an allocated visitor parking space. If visitor spaces are not available, visitors may be directed to
park in another area by representatives or officials of the University.
Parking registration for conferences or continuing education courses will be administered
through the MGA Robert F. Hatcher, Sr. Conference Center. Attendees will be provided with a
link by email allowing them to register their vehicle online prior to or on the day of a conference.
Attendees will be issued a virtual permit, valid for the specified dates of the registered
conference that will allow for parking in designated areas. Hard copy permits may sometimes
utilized when necessary.
If a valid visitor of the University is issued a citation, all fines may be waived upon notification to
the MGA Police Department. Notification can be made in person, by mail, e-mail or via telephone.
3. Designated Parking Areas
The following curb/surface color scheme, in addition to appropriate signs shall designated parking
for the campuses of Middle Georgia State University. In the event of a conflict between a sign and
a curb color, the sign shall always take precedence.
Yellow No Parking Zone or Visitor as indicated
Red No Parking – Emergency/Fire Zones (No parking anytime 24 hours daily)
Green Faculty and Staff Member Parking Only
White Commuter Student Parking or Visitor as indicated
Blue Handicap/ADA Parking
Orange Resident & Georgia Academy Parking
3.1 Student Zoned Parking Designations
Commuter Permits (C): Restricted to white lined spaces assigned to commuter students.
(All campuses)
Resident Macon Permits (RM): Restricted to white lined spaces assigned to students and
University Pointe Apartments parking on the Macon campus.
Resident Cochran Permits (RC): Restricted to Residential lots indicated by signage and/or
orange outlined spaces on the Cochran campus.
Resident Eastman Permits (RE): Restricted to white lined spaces assigned to students and
the Aviation Hall Residential lot on the Eastman campus.
Georgia Academy Permits (G): Restricted to Residential parking lot for Georgia Academy
Students only as indicated by signage and/or orange outlined spaces on the Cochran
3.2 Exceptional Circumstances Access to Restricted Parking Spaces
The University reserves the right to allocate a parking permit to individuals in exceptional
circumstances that will provide access to specific restricted access parking spaces. Requests must
be submitted in writing to [email protected]du outlining the circumstances for which the permit is
requested. Exceptional circumstances permit holders will be exempt from parking charges.
Issuance of a permit does not guarantee a parking space.
Overnight or extended parking of campers, vans, buses, etc., utilized as living and sleeping quarters
within the defined limited of property owned, leased, rented, or controlled in anyway by the
University is not permitted unless approved by the Chief of Police or his/her designee.
4. Enforcement
The Middle Georgia State University Parking Policy applies throughout the calendar year and is
enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. To enforce the rules and regulations, the
MGA Police are authorized to issue citations, immobilize vehicles, and pursue collections action
against violators.
Equipment utilized in parking and traffic enforcement is University property. Vandalizing or
destroying call boxes, vehicle immobilization devices, signs and markings, and/or citations is
strictly prohibited.
Citations are issued to vehicle permits, not vehicle operators. Citations issued to vehicles remain
a valid and binding fine, regardless of the vehicle operator. The registered owner of a vehicle is
considered fully responsible for all citations issued to his/her vehicle, regardless of the vehicle
operator at the time of citation issuance.
Fines accrued by violated the parking policy constitute a last financial obligation to the University
by the violator until such time as the citations are paid.
Citations may be paid online by visiting mga.aimsparking.com. Cash payments may be made in
the Bursar’s Office on any of the MGA campuses.
5. Regulations
5.1 Vehicles are only to be parked on MGA property when the driver has legitimate business
at the university.
5.2 Any vehicle parked on University property must comply with the Middle Georgia State
University Parking Policy.
5.3 Any vehicle parked on MGA property must be properly registered. Vehicles may be
registered online by visiting, mga.aimsparking.com or through the MGA Police
5.4 All parking facility users have a responsibility to act in a civil manner. Failure to do so will
result in disciplinary action being taken.
5.5 Parking is available on campus for visitors with legitimate business. All visitors are to
report to the MGA Police Department to register a vehicle.
5.6 Any parking for the purpose of making deliveries shall be limited to 15 minutes or such
other period authorized by MGA Police. Any vehicle exceeding the approved time may be
cited. Special parking permissions can be granted for short durations of time for loading
and unloading when approved by the police department.
5.7 Posted speed limits will be observed at all times.
5.8 All persons are expected to follow lawful driving practices while on campus. Any action
which would be considered an offense in a court of law will be considered an offense on
5.9 Persons parking vehicles on University property do so at their own risk. No responsibility
or liability is accepted by the University, its employees or its agents for damage to or loss
of any vehicle, or its contents while parked on University property.
5.10 Vehicles without a current state registration or which are not insured must not be parked
anywhere on MGA premises. The University may also take legal action against persons
breaching the rules and reserves the right to initiate any other appropriate legal procedures
5.11 All accidents and/or injuries in any MGA parking area must be immediately reported to
the MGA Police.
5.12 Access to all University premises, including parking lots, is by permission of Middle
Georgia State University. The University retains the right to refuse entry to parking lots
and to require users to leave parking areas and to remove their vehicle, any time at its own
5.13 The University may authorize parking lots to be temporarily closed and dedicated for
specific and temporary operational purposes.
5.14 Vehicles must be properly parked within a designated parking space with the front of the
vehicle at the top of the parking space. Pull through a space into another for parking
purposes is prohibited, as is backing into parking spaces. In addition, parking against the
flow of traffic on streets is prohibited.
5.15 Major repair work, servicing or valet services of vehicles is strictly prohibited within the
parking areas of MGA unless authorized to do so by MGA Police. When a vehicle is
stranded due to a mechanical failure, temporary access will be permitted for tow-vehicles
for the purpose of completing minor repair work and/or recovery.
5.16 Parking is prohibited specifically in the following areas, locations or circumstances:
a. On yellow lines, areas hatched with lines or areas denoted as prohibited
b. In a location which blocks entry or exit for emergency or delivery vehicles
c. On grass areas, sidewalks or turn around areas
d. In areas temporarily closed off and dedicated by the University for specific and
temporary operational purposes
e. In an area marked as temporarily or permanently allocated for use by visitors or for
maintenance or construction work
f. In areas for which the assigned virtual permit does not apply.
5.17 Pedestrians are afforded right-of-way on all University streets and parking facilities.
5.18 Speed on campus shall not exceed 15 miles per hour at any time unless allowed by law.
5.19 Visitor parking spaces are for use by campus visitors only. Faculty, staff and students are
not considered visitors and will be ticketed or towed for violations.
5.20 Police, emergency and/or service vehicles may stop, stand, or park irrespective of the
parking regulations while performing necessary official business. Services vehicles may
not however, be left unattended blocking a fire hydrant.
5.21 Parking at or near baseball fields, athletic complexes, and/or recreation facilities owned,
leased or controlled by the University is at the vehicle operator’s own risk.
5.22 Posted stop signs will be observed at all times.
5.23 No person shall install any material upon the windshields or windows of any motor vehicle,
the installation of which would result in a reduction of light transmission or an increase in
light reflection in violation of state law.
5.24 Any vehicle displaying a valid handicap permit may park in any handicapped, faculty/staff
or student parking space at the University. Vehicles must display a valid handicap permit
at all times when parked in a handicap parking space.
5.25 Motorcycle, moped, and scooter operators must register their vehicles online at
mga.aimsparking.com. Motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters may park in motorcycle parking
or motor vehicle spaces on campus corresponding with the appropriate assigned virtual
5.26 Motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters are not allowed to bypass any closed faculty/staff lot
gated entrances or exits and are prohibited from riding through the gated restricted areas.
5.27 Bicycles on campus must comply with the following regulations:
When driven on streets or in areas intended for use by motor vehicles, bicycle riders
will observe all applicable traffic rules and regulations applicable to motor vehicles.
When parked, bicycles must be in bicycle racks or other spaces/areas designated for
their use.
Bicycles must be parked clear of sidewalks, ramps, building entrances and
MGA reserves the right to remove abandoned bicycles at its discretion.
5.28 The tailgating (or Gate-Running) Policy is to deter unauthorized vehicles from entering or
exiting a parking area by driving directly behind a valid vehicle entering/exiting the area
on the same gate cycle. Violators endanger themselves and the vehicle they are tailgating
behind and risk possible damage to the parking equipment. Violations will result in a
$100.00 fine multiplied by the number of total tailgating violations a person has received.
For example; first offense = $100.00, second offense = $200.00, third offense = $300.00.
A Student Affairs referral may be issued for students who commit this violation. University
employees may be reported to their supervisors, department chairs, or VP for violation of
employee conduct rules. Persons may also be charged criminally for criminal trespass
and/or criminal damage to property depending on the severity of the violation.
In instances where a resident allows his/her gate access card to be used by an individual
for which the card is not registered, the registered card holder will be fined the same as a
gate-running violator. Residents shall not use access cards except as intended and will not
allow use of their cards by others. In addition, non-student violators entering by way of an
unauthorized card swipe will be criminally trespassed from residential facilities by
University Police.
6. Citations
A citation must be settled within fourteen (14) calendar days by payment or appeal. Citations can
be paid online by visiting mga.aimsparking.com. Cash payments may be made in the MGA
Bursar’s Office on any campus during regular business hours. Failure to settle fines within the
specified time will result in an additional late fee of $20.00 per violation, loss of appeal rights and
possible disciplinary action. Holds will be placed on all student records until the citation fine is
resolved by payment or appeal.
The citation fine structure is as follows:
$75.00 Unauthorized Parking in Handicapped Spaces/Areas
$25.00 Unregistered Vehicle
$25.00 Improper Parking, Double Parking, or Parking in Driveways
$25.00 Obstructing Traffic or Driving in Undesignated Areas
$25.00 Parking in Unauthorized Areas or Those Not Designated for Parking
$25.00 Parking in Areas Designated for Faculty, Staff, and Visitors
$25.00 Parking in Areas Designated for Police, Fire, or Plant Operations
$25.00 Parking on Crosswalk, Access Walk, Loading Zone, or Near Buildings
$25.00 Parking on Yellow or Red Curb (Bus Stop/Emergency Vehicles Only)
$25.00 Parking on Sidewalk or Grass/Lawn Areas
$25.00 Overtime Parking
$25.00 Parking in Reserved Parking or Area Not Permitted For
$30.00 Entering Through an Exit or Exiting Through An Entrance
$10.00 Backing In/Pulling Through a Parking Space
$25.00 Expired Guest Parking (Resident Students)
$25.00 Library Only Parking (WRC)
$25.00 Stop Sign Violation
$25.00 Window Tint Violation
$100.00 Tailgating (Gate-Running) – Fine will be multiplied by number of offenses
$20.00 Late Payment Fee
$20.00 Boot Removal
6.1 Citation Appeals
If a person believes a citation has been issued unfairly, the citation may be appealed. Appeals for
Middle Georgia State University parking tickets must be made within (14) calendar days from the
date the ticket is issued. Paid or closed citations cannot be appealed.
Individuals may appeal parking citations by completing an appeal form online by visiting
mga.aimsparking.com. All individuals are responsible for checking their appeal status online for
any pending responses. Initial appeals will be reviewed by the Chief of Police or designee. If an
appeal is denied a respondent may further appeal within 3 days of the initial appeal response by
visiting mga.aimsparking.com. Second appeals will be reviewed by the Assistant Vice President
of Student Affairs. Middle Georgia State University reserves the right to allow substitutions when
necessary. The decision of the Assistant VP of Student Affairs is final and binding. When an appeal
is denied, the petitioner will have (3) calendar days from the decision date to resolve the fine. After
(3) business days citations not paid will be subject to the standard $20.00 per violation late fee.
6.2 Vehicle Immobilization (Towing/Booting)
If a vehicle is impeding the free flow of traffic, has over (3) outstanding parking violations, or
fines in excess of $100.00 it can be towed or immobilized with a boot. Citations are a method of
warning the vehicle owner. When citations fail to correct violations, it may become necessary to
tow or boot a vehicle. Illegally parked vehicles may also be towed from lots when parked in
emergency lanes, handicap spaces, restricted/reserved spaces, blocking other vehicles, roadways,
entrances, loading areas, curbs, dumpsters, or a lot complaint is received and/or a lot is full with
multiple illegally parked vehicles.
6.3 Boot Removal and Vehicle Recovery
An immobilization notice containing instructions on how to have the boot removed will be
attached to the vehicle (driver’s side window and windshield).
If arrangements have not been made by the registered driver of the vehicle to remove the
boot within 5 days of the boot being placed on the vehicle, the vehicle is subject to towing.
Once a vehicle has been booted and subsequently towed, the registered driver/owned will
be responsible for all fees incurred (including citations incurred, boot removal fee, and
towing/storage fees).
If a vehicle is towed or immobilized, the registered driver/owner responsible must report
to the MGA Police to make arrangements to recover the vehicle.
Customers must pay a $20.00 boot removal fee and any unpaid citations associated with
the vehicle prior to removal.
Middle Georgia State University assumes no liability during the application or removal of a
parking boot. Any vehicles on University property meeting the above criteria are subject to towing
and/or booting. Once a vehicle is immobilized the boot will only be removed after all open citations
have been paid. Payments may be made online at mga.aimsparking.com. Cash payments can be
made in the Bursar’s Office on any MGA campus. If a vehicle remains booted in excess of 30
calendar days without the vehicle owner contacting the MGA Police Department, the vehicle is
considered abandoned and subject to being towed and impounded.
The University assumes no liability for towing or impounded vehicles. At the time of
impoundment, the vehicle owner is responsible for payment of all impoundment, storage, and
disposal fees assessed by the private towing company. Once impounded by a private contractor,
the vehicle owner has 30 days to pay the contractor before the vehicle is disposed of by the
6.4 Inoperable Vehicles
If a vehicle becomes inoperable, the operator and/or owner should notify MGA Police as soon as
possible and provide the approximate length of time before the vehicle will be moved. The time
limit for an inoperable vehicle in an authorized area on campus is 48 hours. After 48, the vehicle
will be removed from campus at the owner’s expense. In instances where the vehicle is in an
unauthorized area or is blocking traffic, the police department reserves the right to have the vehicle
moved immediately at the owner’s expense. Vehicle operators are responsible for any parking
citations received on their vehicles before notification to the police department that the vehicle is
7. Collections
Citations open in excess of 30 calendar days are subject to collection action up to and including
referral to a collection agency. In addition, an administrative hold will be placed on all MGA
records and information for non-payments of debts.
8. On-Campus Traffic Rules
MGA Police officers are state mandated law enforcement officials with the powers of arrest. As
such, they are charged with the enforcement of state laws, rules, and regulations as well as rules
and policies of the University. Traditional traffic charges for violations made on public roadways
contained in or around the University are cited under state law and are referred to the Bibb,
Bleckley, Dodge, or Laurens County State Courts for prosecution. Violations of the MGA Parking
Policy shall be cited in accordance with this policy and are protected by the same due process as
parking violations.