Houghton, MI 49931
United Auto Workers - Local 5000
July 1
2023 – June 30
, 2026
Table of Contents
AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................. 1
PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................... 1
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 1
RECOGNITION AND SCOPE OF AGREEMENT .......................................................... 1
CONFORMITY TO LAW ................................................................................................ 5
COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................ 7
REPRESENTATION AND RELEASE TIME .................................................................. 9
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 11
DISCIPLINARY ACTION .............................................................................................. 13
PERSONNEL FILES .................................................................................................... 14
SENIORITY .................................................................................................................. 14
EMPLOYMENT PERIOD .............................................................................................. 16
JOB SECURITY ........................................................................................................... 17
HOURS OF WORK ...................................................................................................... 19
POSTING AND FILLING VACANCIES ........................................................................ 22
FRINGE BENEFITS ..................................................................................................... 25
LEAVES ....................................................................................................................... 31
PROGRAMS AND UNIVERSITY SERVICES .............................................................. 34
POSITION AUDIT PROCESS ...................................................................................... 36
TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................................... 37
LONGEVITY AND WAGES .......................................................................................... 38
NON-SOLICITATION ................................................................................................... 38
STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS ........................................................................................ 39
COMPLETE AGREEMENT .......................................................................................... 39
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ............................................................................................. 39
TERMINATION OR MODIFICATION ........................................................................... 40
APPENDIX I ................................................................................................................. 41
Special Official Application for Membership
APPENDIX II ................................................................................................................ 42
Pay Grade Titles and Pay Rates
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1. This Agreement is made and entered into this 19th day of June 2023, effective on July 1, 2023
between Michigan Technological University, hereinafter referred to as the University, and the
International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers and its
Office Professional Local 5000, hereinafter referred to as the Union. The designation of
"they/them/their" through the Contract shall be deemed to include all genders.
2. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth terms and conditions of employment, such as
wages, hours, and working conditions; to establish the machinery for collective bargaining; and to
promote orderly and peaceful labor relations between the University and its employees. To the
above end, it is the intent of the parties to abide by the terms of this Agreement at all times.
3. All appendices designated by this Agreement shall be deemed a part of the Agreement and shall
be fully enforceable under the enforcement procedures thereof.
4. Recognition. Pursuant to and in accordance with all applicable provisions of Act 336 of the
Public Acts of 1947, as amended by Public Act 379 of 1965, the University does hereby recognize
the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours, and working conditions
of the Bargaining Unit described below.
5. Bargaining Unit Work.
A. The Bargaining Unit shall have sole collective bargaining jurisdiction over all work within
each of the positions covered by this Agreement and members of the Bargaining Unit shall
have the right to perform the duties and responsibilities for each position covered by this
Agreement as set forth in paragraph 6. It is recognized that certain office professional work
which is the same or similar to that which is performed by employees in the bargaining unit
has and may continue to be performed by employees who are excluded from the bargaining
B. Additionally, non-bargaining personnel may perform work in any of these positions
temporarily, in emergencies or for the purpose of training, but not on any regular or
scheduled basis and such work should not eliminate a position covered by this Agreement.
It is understood that supervisory, administrative, and student employees will not be used to
replace a bargaining unit employee on a permanent basis.
6. Employees Covered. This Agreement applies to the following employees: All regular full-time
and regular part-time Office Professional employees (formerly clerical) employed by Michigan
Technological University at all its locations. Excluded are administrative/professional employees
reporting to the following positions: president, a direct report of the president, and the Chief
Human Resources Officer. Also excluded are public safety officers, supervisors, faculty, technical
employees, and all other employees as certified by MERC case number R89 I-240 dated
December 4, 1989.
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7. Full and Part-Time Employees.
A. For the purpose of this Agreement, a full-time employee is an employee who is scheduled to
work forty (40) hours a week. A part-time employee is an employee who is normally
scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours a week. A normal work day for all regular full-
time employees shall be eight (8) hours unless regularly scheduled otherwise.
B. Nine-month employees must be off payroll for one period of eight (8) consecutive weeks.
Ten-month employees must be off payroll for one period of four (4) consecutive weeks. The
University will notify the Union if there is an exception to the off-payroll time period.
8. Performance Evaluations. Bargaining unit employees or supervisors may request a
performance evaluation. Both parties must agree and complete the request form which can be
obtained from the Human Resources Department. This evaluation will become part of the
employee's personnel file. If the employee chooses not to have an evaluation, it will not
adversely affect the employee's status in their present or future positions.
9. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended or supplemented only by further written
agreement between the parties. A party desiring amendment or supplementation of this
Agreement will notify the other party in writing, stating the substance of the amendment or
supplement desired, but the other party will not be obligated to agree to any proposed
amendment or supplement.
10. Agreement. This Agreement is subject in all respects to the laws of the State of Michigan and the
United States with regard to the powers, rights, duties, and obligations of the University, the
Union, and employees in the Bargaining Unit.
A. In those instances where any state or federal law is contested, the provisions of that law
shall be binding upon the parties until such time as a court of competent appellate
jurisdiction declares it to be unconstitutional and of no legal effect.
B. In the event that any provisions of this Agreement shall at any time be held to be contrary to
law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has
been taken within the time provided for doing so, such provision shall be void and
inoperative. The parties shall meet for the purpose of rewriting directly affected provisions
of this contract, and those provisions only. However, all other provisions of this Agreement
shall continue in effect and such court determination shall not affect any other portion of this
C. The Union and the University agree that the terms of this collective bargaining agreement
shall be applied without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, height, weight, genetic information, or marital status, disabled
veteran status, veteran status, or disability.
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11. The parties to this contract share a commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action.
Toward that end, the parties agree to cooperate in affirmative action efforts to hire and promote
minorities and women where they are under-utilized in particular job groups. Should it become
evident that particular provisions of the contract are preventing the successful implementation of
the University's Affirmative Action Plan as it relates to the filling of vacancies in positions covered
by this contract, the parties to this contract will meet to discuss and attempt to resolve these
12. Union Membership. An employee who is a member of the UAW at the time this Agreement
becomes effective shall continue to be eligible for membership in the UAW for the duration of this
Agreement. An employee covered under the bargaining unit who is not a member of the UAW at
the time this Agreement becomes effective may become a member of the UAW at any time after
employment commences and may remain a member of the UAW. Each Bargaining Unit
employee who continues to be or becomes a member of the UAW on or before the 30th day after
the effective date of this Agreement on or before the 30th day after employment in the Bargaining
Unit, whichever is later, and monthly thereafter, shall tender to the Union either periodic and
uniformly required union dues. Union membership is not a condition of employment for any
current or new employees.
Should Janus v. AFSCME (2018) be overruled regarding whether union membership may be a
condition of employment for public sector employees, the union and the university agree to
bargain in good faith on the subject.
13. Checkoff. The University, at the time of hire, rehire, reinstatement, or transfer of an employee
into the Bargaining Unit, shall apprise the prospective employee of this contract.
14. The Union shall be given the opportunity within the first fourteen (14) calendar days of a new hire
covered by this agreement, to meet with the new employee. The Union designee shall conduct
this meeting. The meeting shall not take more than thirty (30) minutes in length. Release time
totaling thirty (30) minutes for each employee will be granted, and is to include travel time to and
from the meeting, if the meeting is conducted during scheduled work hours. The Union must
notify the University Labor designee of the meeting date, time, and designee attending so release
time can be provided. Notification must be at least 48 hours in advance.
15. During the life of this Agreement, the University agrees to deduct the initiation fee and
membership dues in accordance with the authorization for checkoff of dues, and forward same to
the Union's financial officer. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the University by the
Union within fifteen (15) days after the execution of this Agreement. The University shall make the
deductions in the amounts set forth until further notice from the employee and the Union.
16. The initial deduction for any employee shall not begin unless the withholding authorization and the
certification of the Union's financial officer as to the amount of the deductions has been delivered
to the University's Payroll Office. The University shall have no obligation to deduct or remit the
dues of any employee whose withholding authorization reaches the Payroll Office after the payroll
deadline, or who does not have sufficient compensation due on the last payroll date of any month
to pay the dues with the Union.
17. All sums deducted by the University shall be remitted to the Union's financial officer on a timely
basis once each month together with a list of current employees showing the amount of union
dues deducted for each employee.
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18. In cases where a deduction is made which duplicates a payment already made to the Union by an
employee, or where a deduction is not in conformity with the Constitution of the International
Union, refunds to the employee shall be made by the Union.
19. The University shall not be liable to the Union by reason of this section for the remittance or
payment of any sum other than that constituting actual deductions made from the pay earned by
the employee.
20. The Union shall indemnify and hold harmless the University, its trustees, officers, and employees
for any costs (including defense costs) resulting from claims, demands, suits, and other forms of
liability by reasons of any action taken or not taken by the Union or by the University for the
purpose of complying with Sections 12 through 18 of this Agreement.
21. Exchange of Information. The University shall make available to the Union, upon its request
and within ten (10) business days thereafter, such statistical and financial information related to
the Bargaining Unit and in the possession of the University as is necessary for the implementation
of this Agreement and for the negotiations of a successor agreement. Under unusual
circumstances, the University may issue a notice extending for not more than ten (10) business
days the period during which it shall respond to such a request.
A. The University and the Union may, upon written mutual consent, extend the stated period. It
is understood that nothing in this provision shall be construed to require the University to
compile information and statistics in the form requested if not already available in that form,
unless mutually agreed.
B. The University shall provide to the Union an electronic email membership list to be
maintained by the Union Recording Secretary and supervised by the Union Officers. This
list will be used solely for official University/Union business. The University will be held
harmless by the Union for any emailed communication not received by the members of the
22. Periodic Reports. The University shall provide to the Union the following:
A. A quarterly seniority list by classification.
B. A list of new salaries subsequent to annual and/or semi-annual negotiated increases.
C. A monthly list of all bargaining unit status changes, except biographical information.
D. All reports shall be provided to the President, Vice President, and the Financial Secretary of
the Local Union. All seniority dates will be considered uncontested if not changed within
thirty (30) days of the initial inclusion on the list.
23. University Notification of Actions Affecting Bargaining Unit Positions. Prior to posting a new
bargaining unit position or at the time such new position is posted, the University will provide
written notification to the Union of the establishment of the position.
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24. The University shall also notify the Union of any University proposal to remove a position from the
bargaining unit solely through reclassification. No position shall be removed from the bargaining
unit without prior consultation with the Union provided, however, nothing in this paragraph should
be construed to require the University to staff positions in the bargaining unit or in any way
abrogate management rights as detailed in the Management Rights section or to abrogate the
Union's right to grieve under the Grievance Procedures section of this agreement.
25. When a vacancy occurs, the University shall notify the Union in writing as soon as practicable but
not to exceed twenty-one (21) business days if the position is not to be filled. Included in said
notification will be the plan to phase out, redistribute or reassign the position's work.
26. Reorganization or Phase-Out. In the event that the University makes changes in its
organizational structure, including the phase-out of departments or divisions or other sub-units
which eliminates any bargaining unit position, the University shall inform the Union twenty-one
(21) business days prior to implementation. Employees affected by such changes shall be laid off
in accordance with provisions of the Agreement.
27. Twenty (20) days after the effective date of this Agreement, the Union shall provide the University
with a list which shows the negotiated jurisdictional districts and names of authorized
representatives of the International Union, the Local Union Officers, and all persons involved in
grievance representation. The Union shall notify the University of any subsequent changes.
28. The University shall provide each employee with a copy of their classification description. The
Union shall be provided with a copy of the bargaining unit classification descriptions which have
been established by the University. Classification descriptions are not job descriptions and are
therefore not all-inclusive descriptions of the duties and responsibilities of any specific position.
29. The University shall publish this Agreement on the Michigan Tech web site within sixty (60)
business days after its ratification by both parties. The University shall supply the Union with
twenty-six (26) copies of the Agreement for the Union's own use.
30. Employees shall be responsible to notify the Human Resource Office and the Union within ten
(10) business days of changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status, and number
of dependents. In the event that an employee fails to notify the University, the University shall
use the most recent information on file. The University is not responsible to effectuate any
increase or modification of any right, benefit or entitlement provided in this contract until such
notice of change is received from the employee.
31. Upon request, the University shall provide the Union with the following information (60) business
days preceding the termination of this Agreement:
A. A list of all employees in the Bargaining Unit, indicating the date of hire, bargaining unit
seniority date, classification title, pay grade level, current salary, birth date, and
participation, if any, in the retirement program for each employee.
B. A list of all employees in the Bargaining Unit participating in the health insurance plans
showing the number of single subscribers, two-party contracts, or full-family contracts.
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32. If, at any time during the life of this contract, a reorganization of the University that would affect or
modify the provisions of this labor agreement is effectuated, the University will provide to the
Union information reflecting the reorganization. The University will provide to the Union a copy of
organization charts and any revisions.
33. Grievance Handling. The grievant shall have the right to be represented by an official of the
Union at any stage of the proceedings, as follows:
A. Step 1. Grievant's Steward
Step 2. District Representative
Step 3. President and District Representative
B. The grievant may participate personally in grievance steps 1, 2 and 3. Witnesses who can
contribute to the resolution of the grievance may be present. The International
Representative is welcome at all steps of the grievance procedure.
34. Bargaining Committee. The University will recognize a Bargaining Committee of five (5)
members, including the President and Vice President, who shall be non-probationary employees.
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35. Stewards. The University shall recognize four (4) non-probationary bargaining unit members as
Stewards. The number of stewards may be altered by agreement of the parties.
District 1
Administration and Student Services
Academic Offices
Alumni House
Harold Meese Center
Ford Forestry Center
Huntington Bank
District 2
Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts
Memorial Union
Walker Arts & Humanities
Douglas Houghton Hall (DHH)
Wadsworth Hall (WADS)
F.W. McNair Hall
Daniell Heights Housing
Great Lakes Research Center
Advanced Power Systems Research Center (APSRC)
Keweenaw Research Center (KRC)
District 3
Chemical Science & Engineering
Dillman Hall
DOW Environmental Sciences & Engineering
Electrical Engineering Resources Center (EERC)
Minerals & Materials Engineering (M & M)
R.L. Smith (ME-EM)
Rekhi Hall
Fisher Hall
District 4
Advanced Technology Development Complex (ATDC)
A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum
Student Development Complex (SDC)
Hamar House
U.J. Noblet Forestry Wood Products
Widmaier House (Public Safety and Police Services)
J.R. Van Pelt Library
Lakeshore Center
Each of the four (4) districts will be represented by one district representative.
36. International Representative. The University shall recognize the authorized representative of
the International Union, which is party to this Agreement, for the purpose of participating in
negotiations, attending meetings, and the handling of other Union matters under this Agreement.
The University will provide an annual parking permit.
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37. Release Time. Representatives of the Union, upon request to and approval by the University
Labor designee, shall be granted reasonable release time to process grievances and handle
other matters pertaining to this Agreement as specified below without loss of earnings. The office
of the University Labor designee will notify supervisors when release time is needed for
A. Steward investigate grievances, participate in first step grievance procedures, and handle
other matters pertaining to this Agreement.
B. District Representative - participate in second and third step grievance procedures within
the district.
C. The President, or designee - participate in third step grievance procedures.
38. Special Conferences. Mutually agreed to Special Conferences for the discussion of important
matters may be arranged between the Union and the University at the request of either party.
Conferences shall be held within ten (10) business days after the request for a meeting unless
otherwise agreed to by both parties. Matters to be taken up at the conference shall be confined
to those included in the agenda unless otherwise agreed to by both parties.
39. A grievance is a complaint by the Union on behalf of one (1) or more unit members (who shall be
specifically identified in the grievance) or on its own behalf (as specified in Paragraph 45.)
concerning an alleged violation of a specific provision(s) of this agreement initiated by a unit
member(s). The University reserves the right to grieve violations of the no strike provisions.
Such grievances are to be reduced to writing and submitted at step three of the grievance
40. In the event the Union wishes to submit a grievance on behalf of its entire membership, it shall
indicate that the grievance is being brought on behalf of all Unit members, and it shall reduce the
grievance to writing and submit it at Step Three of the grievance procedure.
41. Step One: The employee will arrange with their immediate supervisor or designee to have an
informal meeting on the alleged contract violation and attempt to reach a resolution of it. This
meeting shall be held within ten (10) business days after the Union or the Unit member(s) should
reasonably have become aware of the alleged contract violation. The employee may request that
their Steward be present at this meeting.
42. If the alleged contract violation is not resolved by the informal meeting, the employee and the
Steward will prepare the grievance in writing within five (5) business days concisely stating the
facts, the provisions of the Agreement alleged to have been violated, and the resolution sought.
The written grievance will be dated and signed by the grievant and the steward and submitted to
the employee's immediate supervisor.
43. The immediate supervisor or designee will give their written answer to the grievant, with a copy to
the Union, within five (5) business days from the day the written grievance is presented to them.
44. Step Two: If the grievance is not resolved at step one, the Union will submit the grievance to the
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Chair of the Department, Director or designee from which it originated within three (3) business
days after receiving the completed written answer from the supervisor. The Department Chair,
Director or designee will, within five (5) business days after receipt of the grievance, arrange to
hold a meeting with the employee and the grievant's district representative to discuss the
grievance and attempt to resolve it. The department will provide its written answer to the grievant
within five (5) business days following the day of the meeting and send a copy to the University
Labor designee.
45. Step Three - University Labor designee. University Labor designee. If the grievance is not
resolved by step two, the Union will submit the grievance to the University Labor designee within
three (3) business days after receiving the written answer from the Department Chair, Director or
designee. The University Labor designee will within five (5) business days after receipt of the
grievance, arrange to hold a meeting with the Grievance Committee (comprised of the Union
President, the affected district representative and/or steward, the International Representative
and the grievant) and attempt to resolve the grievance. The University Labor designee will
provide written answer within ten (10) business days from the day of the meeting.
46. Arbitration. If the answer to the grievance at step three is not satisfactory, the Union may
submit the grievance to arbitration by official written notice to the University Labor designee within
ten (10) business days of the date of the written answer to the grievance at step three. Upon
receipt of said notice, the parties shall communicate and attempt to agree on an arbitrator. If no
such agreement is reached within ten (10) business days, the Union shall institute the procedures
of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services (FMCS) for the selection of an arbitrator.
47. The arbitrator will be requested to render a decision in writing within thirty (30) days (or such
additional time as the parties may in writing agree) after the arbitration hearing. Such decision will
be final and binding on the parties and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.
The parties shall share equally the arbitrator's expenses.
48. The arbitrator will have no authority to: (a) add to, subtract from, or in any way modify this
Agreement; (b) substitute their discretion or judgment for the University's discretion or judgment
with respect to any matter this Agreement consigns to the University's discretion; (c) interpret any
policy, practice, or rule, except as necessary in interpreting or applying this Agreement; (d)
formulate or add any new policy or rule; or (e) establish or change the salary structure. Problems
within the meaning of this procedure and of this arbitration clause shall consist only of disputes
about the interpretation or application of the clauses of this Agreement, and about alleged
violations of this Agreement.
49. The arbitrator shall not have jurisdiction to consider any claim of which both parties have not had
reasonable notice prior to the arbitration hearing. Arbitration awards will not be made retroactive
beyond the date of the occurrence or nonoccurrence of the event upon which the grievance is
based. In no event shall monetary adjustments of a grievance cover a period prior to sixty (60)
days before the filing of the written grievance.
50. Accelerated Arbitration. The accelerated arbitration procedure is an expeditious method
available to the University and the Union for arbitration of grievances which do not require
contract interpretation. Initiation of accelerated arbitration shall require mutual agreement of the
parties. The procedure, including selection of the arbitrator, shall be in accordance with mutually
agreed upon guidelines. Expenses and fees to be borne by the parties shall be as described in
paragraph 46.
51. General Provisions. All formal grievances shall be submitted on the grievance form provided by
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the University.
52. When hearings and conferences are held during working hours, all employees whose presence is
required shall be excused for that purpose without loss of pay.
53. Grievances shall be processed as rapidly as possible. The number of business days (day one
shall be the day following) indicated at each level shall be considered as maximum and every
effort shall be made to expedite the grievance process. For purposes of this Agreement, a
"business day" shall be defined as any weekday, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays and
any other days on which the University is officially closed.
54. Failure to appeal a decision within the specified time limits shall be deemed a withdrawal of the
grievance and shall bar further action or appeal. Failure to provide a written answer on the
grievance within the specified time limits shall permit automatic advancement to the next step of
this procedure within the time allotted had the decision been given. Time limits may be extended
by mutual written agreement of both parties.
55. A grievance may be initiated at any step of the grievance procedure by mutual written agreement
of both parties. The Union or the University may withdraw its grievance without prejudice and
without establishing a precedent at any step of the procedure. No grievance withdrawn in this
manner shall be reinstated.
56. All discussions with respect to the grievance shall be kept confidential by the parties involved
during the procedural steps of the grievance, provided that either party may release pertinent
information to any or all personnel related to the grievance.
57. No decision on a grievance or an adjustment thereof shall be contrary to any provision of this
Agreement, with the exception that the University and the Union may mutually agree to waive
applicability of specific contractual provisions - on a non-precedent setting basis - in order to
reach a fair resolution. No terms shall be added to or subtracted from this Agreement nor any
provision changed by the grievance procedure.
58. No restraining, coercive, discriminatory, or retaliatory action of any kind shall be taken by the
University against any employee, any union representative or any official participant in the
grievance procedure by reason of such participation. All parties shall conduct themselves in a
reasonable and professional manner at all times.
59. Probationary Employees. The University may discharge probationary employees for such
cause and in such manner as it, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems appropriate and in the
best interest of the University. Such discharge shall not be subject to the grievance procedures of
this Agreement.
60. Non-Probationary Employees. The University may discipline or discharge a non-probationary
employee only for reasonable cause.
61. Representation and Notice of Discipline. Should the employee desire a union representative to
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be present at the time of discipline, suspension, or discharge, they shall have that right. The
University will provide the employee a form to check off and sign whether or not they choose to
have a Union Representative present. The University shall give written notice of any written
discipline, suspension, or discharge action, stating the specific reasons for such action, to the
employee and to the Steward, with a copy to the President of the Union, by certified or registered
mail or by hand delivery within five (5) business days.
62. Special Conferences: A Special Conference may be held as specified in paragraph 37 for the
purpose of communicating a performance plan for an employee. The University has full and
exclusive rights as specified in paragraph 248.
63. Grievance on Suspension or Discharge. A grievance on a suspension or discharge may be
initiated at step three of the grievance procedure no later than five (5) business days after receipt
by the Union of the written notification of suspension or discharge.
64. Use of Past Record. The University will not take into consideration, in applying the corrective
discipline procedures set forth in this section, any previous disciplinary action of record in an
employee's personnel file which occurred more than twenty-four (24) months prior to any
disciplinary action that is taken on a current charge. Upon written request by the employee any
record that cannot be considered in effectuating the provisions of corrective discipline shall be
removed from the personnel file of the employee.
65. An official personnel file for each employee is maintained by the University. An employee may
inspect the contents of their personnel file during the University's normal business hours by
completing a request form in the Human Resources Department. Requests shall be honored
within five (5) business days. The employee may designate in writing that they desire a
representative of the Union to examine documents from their file and the representative of the
Union shall be permitted to do so.
66. An employee may request a copy of documents in their personnel file for the current established
fee. The employee has a right to submit a response to any document placed in their file. Such a
response shall be attached to and filed with the document placed in their file. Each employee
shall have the right to place in their personnel file materials which attest to their proficiency and
67. Bargaining Unit. An employee's bargaining unit seniority shall be the length of service with the
University from the most recent date the employee was employed in the bargaining unit. All
bargaining unit employees will be on one bargaining unit seniority list.
68. Military Service. Employees on approved military leaves with a statutory right of reinstatement
shall accrue seniority.
69. Employee Leaves Unit. A bargaining unit employee who leaves the Bargaining Unit, but
remains employed by the University, and later returns to the Bargaining Unit, shall not accrue
bargaining unit seniority for the period the employee was out of the Unit. The employee will,
however, retain any previously accrued bargaining unit seniority.
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70. Layoff. A Bargaining Unit employee who has been laid off shall continue to accrue seniority
provided seniority has not been lost pursuant to paragraph 69.
71. Leaves of Absence. A bargaining unit employee on a leave of absence shall continue to accrue
unit seniority.
72. Loss of Seniority. An employee's employment and/or seniority shall terminate for any one of the
following reasons:
A. If an employee voluntarily resigns.
B. If an employee retires.
C. If an employee is discharged and not reinstated.
D. If an employee fails to report from layoff when recalled in accordance with the Job Security
E. If an employee is laid off for a continuous period equal to the seniority the employee had
acquired at the time of such layoff period, or three (3) years, whichever is shorter.
F. If an employee is absent for three (3) consecutive working days without notifying their
immediate supervisor. However, said employee's employment and seniority shall be
reinstated if their failure to notify their immediate supervisor was due to factors beyond their
G. If an employee fails to report for work upon the termination of a leave of absence unless
said employee's immediate supervisor has been notified in writing and has granted approval
or unless the failure to notify the supervisor or return from the leave of absence was due to
factors beyond the employee's control.
H. If an employee fails to successfully secure a bargaining unit position upon the expiration of
the approved leave of absence.
73. Top Seniority. Members of the Bargaining Committee, while actively engaged in contract
negotiations, shall have top seniority unit-wide for layoff and recall purposes only, provided they
have the ability to perform satisfactorily the work available. Union Stewards and District
Representatives shall have top seniority in the jurisdictional districts they represent, provided they
have the ability to perform satisfactorily the work available. The Union President and Vice-
President shall have top seniority unit-wide, provided they have the ability to perform satisfactorily
the work available. Upon the expiration of their union terms of office, the above union officials
shall revert to a position on the seniority list on the basis of their bargaining unit seniority.
74. Probationary Employment Period. Employees newly hired into the bargaining unit shall be
considered as probationary employees for the first ninety (90) calendar days of continuous
employment. The University may extend the probationary period up to one hundred eighty (180)
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calendar days for part-time employees. The probationary period shall not include any unpaid
leave as described in the Leaves section. If a probationary period is interrupted by an excused
absence in excess of one week, the probationary period shall be extended by the length of the
excused absence. An employee who successfully completes the probationary period shall be
entitled to full bargaining unit seniority retroactive to the date of hire in the Bargaining Unit
exclusive of such unpaid absence.
75. Current University employees newly-hired into the bargaining unit who have successfully
completed a probationary period, of at least ninety (90) calendar days, or one hundred eighty
(180) calendar days, as the case may be, shall not be required to serve another probationary
period as provided in this Section but shall be granted seniority status at the first day of work in
the bargaining unit.
77. The Union shall represent probationary employees for the purpose of collective bargaining in
respect to wages, hours, and working conditions, except discharged or disciplined probationary
employees for other than Union activities.
78. Temporary Employment Period. A “temporary employee” shall mean an individual whose
employment is limited in duration to not more than six (6) months pursuant to 77C. A temporary
position is established for:
A. A specific project or,
B. The purpose of relieving employees who are absent due to sickness or injury, leave of
absence, or vacation or,
C. Augmenting the regular work force of employees to meet the requirements of the University,
that may be occasioned by increased workloads or other conditions that may create short-
term staffing shortages.
79. A temporary position will not exceed six (6) months accumulated time (accumulated time is from
date of hire in the position) unless it is to replace a bargaining unit employee who is on an
approved leave of absence or temporarily assigned to a non-UAW position. This period may be
extended by mutual agreement.
80. Filling Temporary Positions. The University will rehire a laid off employee to fill a temporary
office professional job if the employee is qualified to perform the duties of the position. This
employee shall, for the duration of the assignment, be paid at the rate of the position filled. In the
event the employee accepts or rejects the temporary position their recall rights shall not be
abrogated or otherwise affected. If the employee is recalled, and the University assigns said
employee to continue in the temporary position for its duration, the employee shall receive the
rate of the job or their regular rate, whichever is greater, and their position shall be held for them.
81. Layoff. The University may lay off and recall its employees. All layoff and recall shall be
instituted as set forth in this section. A laid off employee is one who no longer has regular active
employment with the University or who is removed from their position.
82. When an employee is assigned to a different position through the application of the procedures of
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this section, the employee will receive the normal orientation for that position.
83. For the purpose of this section normal orientation means the usual or ordinary period of time to
become acquainted with those aspects of the position that the employee could not or would not
otherwise known as distinguished from training or learning the basic or special skills needed for
the position. This usual or ordinary period of time shall not be less than twenty-four (24) hours of
on the job orientation.
84. Order of Layoff. When there is a decrease in the work force, an affected employee will be
removed from their position and assigned or laid off or terminated in the following order subject to
the remaining employees' current ability to satisfactorily perform the work available.
85. Employees will be scheduled for removal or layoff in the inverse order of their bargaining unit
86. Subject to their current ability to satisfactorily perform the work available, an employee scheduled
for removal or layoff will exercise their bargaining unit seniority as follows:
A. They will first fill any vacancy within their current classification. If there is no vacancy,
they will exercise their bargaining unit seniority as outlined in one (1) through six (6) below.
1. Fill any vacancy in the same pay level or one level higher provided they are qualified for
the position.
2. Replace the least senior employee in the same classification.
3. Replace the least senior employee in the same pay level.
4. Fill any vacancy in the next lower pay level.
5. Replace the least senior employee in the next lower pay level.
6. Repeat the two prior steps in consecutively lower pay levels.
B. If assignment based upon the appropriate option would result in a reduction from any term
appointment (e.g. twelve (12), ten (10), nine (9)) month to a shorter term appointment or
from a full-time to a part-time position, the employee may waive that option and either fill
any vacancy at the next step or replace the next least senior employee at the next step so
as to maintain the current appointment term or hours of work. If the employee chooses to
accept the reduced hours, they will maintain their current level of benefits including health
care for a period equal to the seniority the employee had acquired at the time of
reappointment or two (2) years whichever is shorter.
C. An employee may waive their seniority rights as outlined above and accept a lay-off
provided it is mutually agreeable to the University.
D. Unless the University and the Union mutually agree to another arrangement the following
will apply: Any employee who is about to be laid off, except for one who has waived
seniority rights, will replace a temporary office professional employee, at any level, provided
the employee has the current ability to satisfactorily perform the work of the temporary
E. Employees scheduled for layoff shall respond to the designated option(s) within five (5)
business days of notification of such option(s), with the understanding that they will not be
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precluded from accepting a more appropriate option in accordance with steps one (1)
through six (6) above, if a more appropriate option becomes available prior to
implementation of the earlier declared option.
F. Employees who choose not to follow the above procedure will be considered to have
voluntarily terminated their employment.
87. Employees replaced in accordance with the above may exercise their bargaining unit seniority to
replace another employee in the same fashion.
88. An employee designated to be taken out of a position, as set forth in paragraph 84, shall be given
twenty-one (21) business days notice prior to assignment or layoff. The Union shall receive a
copy of the notice on the same day the notice is given to the employee.
89. Work Opportunities for Laid Off Employees. The University will, prior to employing new
people in any department, give work opportunity to employees with seniority who are laid off at
the time, subject to the laid off employees' current ability to satisfactorily perform the work
90. Recall. When the work force is increased after a layoff, employees shall be recalled in the
inverse order of their layoff, subject to the ability of the recalled employees to satisfactorily
perform the work available. Recall rights shall continue for a period equal to the seniority the
employee had acquired at the time of the layoff or three (3) years, whichever is shorter.
91. If an employee's former position becomes available within a period of three (3) years or the length
of the employee's seniority, whichever is shorter, from the time of assignment to another position,
the employee will be given one opportunity to return to that position. If the employee wishes to
return, written notice must be given to the University Labor designee within two (2) business days
of notice of the opportunity.
92. If an employee is returned to the former position or to a vacancy at the same pay grade level
following a reduction of the work force, the employee will receive the former rate of pay plus any
scheduled increase.
93. Employees recalled from layoff shall have their accrued bargaining unit seniority as of the
effective date of recall and such accrued seniority shall include the period the employee was laid
94. A notice to report for work shall be sent to an employee by registered or certified mail to the last
address the employee filed with the Human Resources Department. In the event an employee
fails to report for work within ten (10) business days from the date such notice is sent, the
employee shall be considered to have quit unless they have a reasonable and valid excuse for
their failure to report for work within the above ten (10) business days. Nothing in the Posting and
Filling Vacancies section is applicable when possible placement is pending through the
application of this section.
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95. Increased Work Schedule. In the event that an employee's specific work months and/or hours
are increased by the University, the affected employee shall be notified in writing not less than
twenty (20) business days of such change. Notice of such increase shall concurrently be sent to
the Union President, University Labor designee, and to the affected employee. The affected
employee shall, in writing to the University Labor designee, either accept or decline the specified
change within five (5) business days after receipt of the notice. Should the affected employee
choose to decline the specified change, they are eligible to apply for vacant bargaining unit
positions posted.
96. Reduced Work Week Schedule. In the event the University reduces the number of hours in the
work week for a bargaining unit position, the affected employee shall have ten (10) working days
notice of the reduction. Notice of such reduction shall concurrently be sent to the Union and to
the affected employee. The employee shall, by a written statement to the University Labor
designee, either accept the reduced work week or elect to exercise their seniority rights in
accordance with the layoff procedures, within two (2) business days after receipt of the notice.
After receipt of the notice, the Union may, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement,
request a special conference for the purpose of discussing the reduced work week. A grievance
on the impact of the reduction of the work week schedule on any employee may be initiated at the
third step of the grievance procedure.
97. In the event any employee has their hours reduced in accordance with this section, the following
shall apply:
A. Notice of the reduction of hours shall include the number of hours to be reduced and the
duration of time such a reduction shall exist.
B. The workload requirements of the affected employee will be commensurate with the number
of hours the employee is scheduled to work.
C. No other office professional part-time position shall be created in the affected employee's
department provided the affected employee has the current ability to satisfactorily perform
the work available.
D. No non-bargaining unit employee shall perform the work formerly assigned to the affected
E. No student assistants shall perform work formerly assigned to the affected employee.
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F. The University will, prior to employing any new people in any department, give work
opportunity to employees whose work week has been reduced, subject to the affected
employees' current ability to satisfactorily perform the work available. In the event that there
are employees on layoff status and employees with their work week reduced at the same
time when vacancies occur, the employee with the most seniority shall have first claim on
the job vacancy.
G. In the event the employee requests a reduction of work hours, and the University agrees,
the above provisions shall not apply. The University or its designee will meet with the Union
to discuss future conditions of the job.
98. Employees shall be scheduled to work regular work weeks. A full-time employee’s normal work
week shall have specific starting and quitting times for each week. However, certain University
departments maintain varied days and hours of operation to accommodate students and the
public, and to meet business demands. The University may institute “summer hours.”
99. Alternative Work Scheduling Arrangement (Flextime). Alternative work scheduling
arrangements (flextime) are variations from a customary schedule which are mutually agreeable
to the employee and their supervisor. The University will consider alternatives to the customary
schedule where productivity is either unaffected or is enhanced, necessary coverage is provided,
and no precedent is set for other areas. A joint University/Union waiver of conflicting contractual
provisions shall be necessary prior to implementation of such arrangements (except for reference
to paragraph 100). Management is free to return to the customary work schedule when it deems
that to be more appropriate. Alternate work scheduling arrangement (flextime) may be utilized to
attend UAW and University functions, when the University does not grant release time, held on
University property. A waiver will not be necessary for this type of arrangement. This shall be
coordinated at the convenience of the department, office, or division in which the employee
100. Changed Work Schedule. In the event that an employee's specific starting and quitting times or
specified work days are changed, the affected employee shall be notified in writing not less than
ten (10) business days of such change. The ten (10) day notice can be changed by mutual
agreement. The employee must respond within five (5) business days of notice requesting their
shift preference. If not agreeable, the bargaining unit employees within the department, as
determined by the University, will have a one (1) time right to shift preference according to
seniority. If no bargaining unit member exercises their right to shift preference, then the
University may schedule the shifts on a rotating basis starting with the least senior employee.
101. Rest Periods. Employees shall be authorized by their immediate supervisors for a fifteen (15)
minute rest period during each half shift of four (4) hours of work whether regular or overtime. If
an employee's regular schedule on a given day is in excess of eight (8) hours, they will receive a
rest period in the first half of that shift and another rest period in the second half of that shift.
Such rest periods may not be accumulated by the employee nor used to leave work early or come
in late. The supervisor shall schedule the rest periods.
102. Lunch Period. Each employee working a daily work schedule in excess of six (6) hours shall be
granted a scheduled lunch period of thirty (30) minutes or sixty (60) minutes on each such day.
The employee shall receive no compensation for this scheduled lunch period. The time of the
lunch period may be changed at the employee's request and with the approval of their immediate
103. Overtime. All overtime must be approved by immediate supervisor in advance of being worked.
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A. Employees wishing to be excused from overtime assignments may be accommodated
provided sufficient other qualified employees capable of doing the work are available in the
department and no additional costs for training will be incurred. If sufficient other employees
capable of doing the work are not available, an employee scheduled to work will do so
unless excused by the University. The University will give advance notice of overtime
assignments when practicable under the circumstances.
B. If an employee reports for scheduled overtime work and no work is available, they will
receive three (3) hours of pay at their overtime rate.
C. Overtime premium shall not be pyramided, compounded or paid twice for the same time
104. Time and one-half the regular straight time rate will be paid for all time worked in excess of
employeesregularly scheduled eight (8) to twelve (12) hour shifts and/or for all time worked in
excess of forty (40) hours per week.
105. An employee who is on vacation shall be paid time and one-half of the regular straight time rate
when reporting for duty at the University's request. The employee's vacation balance will not be
reduced for this time worked.
106. Time and one-half will be paid for all time worked on a designated holiday. If the employee is not
given an additional day off within the pay period to replace the holiday, the employee will receive
holiday pay in addition to the time and one-half for the time worked. Those employees who are
required to work the legal holiday will be paid the holiday pay rate. If the designated holiday is
also worked, those employees will be paid at straight time.
107. For the purpose of computing overtime pay for over forty (40) hours in the employee's work week,
a holiday, vacation day or sick leave day for which the employee received pay will be counted as
a day worked.
108. Student Employees. Student employees shall not be allowed to perform work that would
normally be performed by bargaining unit employees on an overtime basis. Such overtime work
will first be offered to bargaining unit employees in the department before it is offered to student
employees. This provision shall not operate to prevent student employees from doing work
normally performed by student employees who are normally scheduled to work beyond the
normal work day.
109. Compensation for approved overtime work will be computed to the nearest minute. Overtime pay
shall be paid at the hourly rate for the period in which the overtime was earned.
110. Compensatory or Equivalent Time. Employees may be granted time off with pay rather than
receiving overtime pay. All hours granted as time off with pay for hours worked in excess of forty
(40) hours per week or eight (8) hours per day are to be considered as compensatory time and
scheduled as one and one half (1½) hours for each overtime hour worked.
111. However, at the request or concurrence of an employee, equivalent time off can be scheduled as
straight time (hour for hour) for hours worked within a scheduled forty-hour work week.
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112. Shift Preference. An employee within a department will be granted shift preference within their
classification on the basis of seniority as vacancies occur. Should a department either initiate or
return to designated shift assignments, employees will be given shift selection by seniority.
113. Work Shifts. There will be three (3) work shifts in a twenty-four (24) hour period. A regular day
shift would start no earlier than 5:00 a.m. A regular afternoon shift would start no earlier than
12:00 noon. A regular night shift would start no earlier than 8:00 p.m.
114. Shift Differential Pay. Employees who commence work during the second or third shift as
designated in paragraph 112, shall receive, in addition to their regular pay, forty cents (40¢) per
hour and fifty cents (50¢) per hour, respectively, additional compensation. Such differential is to
be added to total wages without increasing the hourly rate and will be paid for all hours worked on
a shift.
115. Inclement Weather. If an employee gives notification of absence, or determines a need to leave
early from their scheduled shift due to inclement weather, and subsequently the University closes,
the employee will not have to utilize leave or go without pay for those hours that the University is
For those employees who have preapproved planned absences, they will be required to use their
appropriate approved leave hours.
116. Notice of Vacancy. Bargaining Unit position vacancies that occur and new positions established
in the Bargaining Unit shall be posted within twenty-one (21) business days unless the University
notifies the Union that an extension is necessary. The vacancy notice to be posted shall include
the following:
A. Date of the posting.
B. Date the posting period expires.
C. Department where vacancy exists.
D. Classification.
E. Pay grade and range.
F. Essential duties and responsibilities.
G. Required qualifications.
117. Vacancy Specifications. The required qualifications for the position shall relate to the essential
duties and responsibilities of the position. The vacancy notice may contain desired qualifications
which will not be used in considering internal bargaining unit applicants.
118. Posting Period and Procedure. A notice of any vacancy in the Bargaining Unit shall be listed on
the campus-wide communication system, for a minimum period of five (5) business days.
119. Vacancies in all pay grades will be “internal only” during the initial posting period. Bargaining unit
employees must apply during the initial posting period to be considered a seniority applicant.
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120. Bargaining unit members will be entered on the bid list in order of seniority. The opportunity to fill
the vacancy will first be given to qualified seniority employees. If no such applicant is awarded the
position, the University will review the applicant pool one final time to see if any internal UAW
employees have applied. If additional internal UAW employees apply, they will be released in
seniority order for consideration. If no additional internal UAW employees have applied, or they
apply after the external pool has been released, the employer may fill the vacancy at its
discretion. Probationary UAW employees may be considered at this time.
121. Application for Vacancies. A bargaining unit employee may bid for the posted position by
submitting a letter of application and résumé to the Human Resources Department. The
University Labor designee will notify all bargaining unit bidders within a reasonable time frame not
to exceed twenty-five (25) business days why they are not qualified or if a more senior candidate
is selected for the position. Employees cannot successfully bid in to a higher pay grade more than
twice in any twelve (12) month period unless approved by the University. Employees cannot
successfully bid in to the same or lower pay grade more than once in any twelve (12) month
period unless approved by the University. A successful bid is an offer that has been extended by
the University and accepted by the bargaining unit employee. Offers that have been extended by
the University, but declined by the bargaining unit employee are not considered successful bids.
A bid for a position shall not adversely affect an employee's status in their present position.
122. Each candidate is responsible for ensuring their application for a position vacancy accurately sets
forth those job skills, experiences, training, and other qualifications they desire the University to
consider in evaluating their candidacy.
123. An employee who is promoted or transferred will be given a reasonable period of time from ten
(10) to twenty-five (25) actual days worked in the new position to demonstrate competent
performance. During this period of time, the employee will receive a normal orientation. (Normal
orientation means the usual or ordinary exposure to those aspects of the position that the
employee could not or would not otherwise know, as distinguished from training or learning the
basic or special skills needed for a position.) If competent performance is not demonstrated, or
the employee wishes to return to their former position the employee will notify the University
Labor designee in writing, with a copy to the Steward. In the case of competent performance not
being demonstrated, the employee and the Union will be notified in writing by the University Labor
designee as to the reason for removal. The employee will return to their former position if vacant.
If the employee’s former position is not vacant, the employee will be placed in a vacancy at the
same or lower level. In the event there are no vacancies the employee will be put in a temporary
position until a position becomes available. If there are no temporary positions available,
paragraph 86 will apply. In any case they will receive their former wage plus any scheduled
124. Vacancy Interviews. The University will begin the interview process with the senior qualified
candidate. Before the department continues the interview process with the next qualified senior
candidate, the University Labor designee must approve the disqualification of the senior
candidate. A senior employee can be selected without less senior employees being interviewed.
The University will fill posted job vacancies with qualified employees within a reasonable time
frame not to exceed twenty-five (25) business days after the posting period. If the position has
not been filled within the twenty-five (25) business days, a Special Conference will automatically
be scheduled within five (5) business days. This Special Conference will be attended by the
Union Bargaining Team, the University Labor designee, the Hiring Supervisor and the appropriate
Chair/Dean/Director. This Special Conference may be waived upon joint approval of the Union
President and the University Labor designee.
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125. Seniority Application. In the event two (2) or more bargaining unit employees apply for a
position, the employee with the most bargaining unit seniority must be deemed not qualified
before the next application is screened. Possession of the minimum posted qualifications is no
assurance of hire. The University may consider the following in determining qualifications:
A. Job related interpersonal skills.
B. Past records (no disciplinary record in excess of two (2) years) and references.
C. Outside employment history.
D. Any skills or education the employee desires the University to consider.
126. Position Offer. The successful applicant will be notified by the University Labor designee of the
position offer and must accept or reject the offer within twenty-four (24) hours. All bargaining unit
employees who were interviewed and not selected to fill the vacancy will be notified by the
University Labor designee within five (5) business days following the acceptance of the offer.
127. Upon request to the University Labor designee, unsuccessful applicants will be told, in general
terms, why they weren't selected and will be assisted on how they might improve their opportunity
for advancement.
128. A. When an employee is the successful bidder to a classification in a higher pay grade, the
employee shall receive an increase of one dollar ($1.00) per hour per grade, or the minimum of
the new pay grade, whichever amount is greater. When an employee who is employed as of June
30, 2023, is the successful bidder to a classification in the employee’s current pay grade, the
employee will receive an increase of fifty cents (50¢) per hour. Employees hired July 1, 2023, or
later who successfully bid into a classification in their current pay grade will maintain their current
rate of pay. When an employee is the successful bidder to a classification in a lower pay grade,
the employee shall receive the minimum of the new pay grade, or at the discretion of the hiring
department, may receive up to the employee’s current rate of pay. They will receive their new
wage rate on business day eleven (11),unless an extension at their current wage rate is
requested by the employee.
Employees cannot successfully bid into a higher pay grade more than twice in any twelve (12)
month period unless approved by the University. Employees cannot successfully bid in to the
same or lower pay grade more than once in any twelve (12) month period unless approved by the
University. A successful bid is an offer that has been extended by the University and accepted by
the bargaining unit employee. Offers that have been extended by the University, but declined by
the bargaining unit employee are not considered successful bids. A bid for a position shall not
adversely affect an employee's status in their present position.
No employee will be eligible for promotion or transfer who has not yet completed the required
probationary period or who has received written discipline or disciplinary suspension in the prior
six (6) months.
B. In the event that an employee’s application was submitted as an external candidate, and is the
successful bidder, the employee will be offered, at least the minimum of the new pay grade, or, at
the discretion of the hiring department, may receive up to the employee’s current rate of pay or an
appropriate increase as outlined in 128A, if applicable. The employee will receive any new wage
rate on business day eleven (11) unless an extension at their current wage rate is requested by
the employee.
129. In the event a new hire leaves the department within the first ninety (90) calendar days, the
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position will be reposted internal only for five (5) business days. In the event there are no internal
applicants, the department may choose an external applicant from the original posting without
reposting externally.
130. Accelerated Grievance ProcedurePosting and Filling of Vacancies. The parties agree to
accelerate the normal grievance procedure for grievances that arise under this section as follows:
Step I. When a potential grievance arises concerning the qualifications of an employee for a
position or the selection of the successful applicant for a position, the Union representative will
inform the University Labor designee of the potential grievance within three (3) business days of
that notification. The University will, within two (2) business days, schedule a meeting which will
include the University Labor designee, the appropriate University supervisor, if applicable, the
employee, and the Union's District Representative under whose jurisdiction the potential
grievance falls, to discuss the potential grievance and attempt to reach a resolution.
Step II. If the potential grievance is not resolved at the Step I meeting, the Union will reduce such
grievance to a formal written grievance within two (2) business days and submit it to the
University Labor designee. The written grievance will be a subject of discussion per paragraph 44
meeting in accordance with the grievance procedures as outlined in the Grievance Procedures
131. All provisions of the Grievance Procedures section following paragraphs 39-58 remain in effect
under this accelerated procedure.
132. Sick Leave. Eligible employees will receive one hundred four (104) hours of sick leave on
January 1. Part-time employees will be given sick leave on a prorated basis. Nine/Ten (9/10)
month employees will receive seventy-two (72) hours of sick leave. Eligible employees can earn
up to four hundred eighty (480) hours of sick leave.
133. New Hires. Eligible employees who are hired between January 1
and June 30
will receive one
hundred four (104) hours of sick leave effective on their first day of employment. Part-time
employees will have sick leave prorated and nine/ten (9/10) month employees will receive
seventy-two (72) hours of sick leave. Eligible employees who are hired between July 1st and
December 31
will receive fifty-two (52) hours of sick leave effective on their first day of
employment. Part-time employees will have sick leave prorated and nine/ten (9/10) month
employees will receive thirty-six (36) hours of sick leave. Part-time employees and nine/ten (9/10)
month employees who become full-time without a break in service will retain their sick leave
134. Availability of Sick Leave. Sick leave is available for the following purposes and covers
employees and members of the employee's immediate family, who, in this instance, shall include
the following: Spouse, Children, Parents, Foster Parents, Parents-in-law, Brothers, Sisters,
Grandparents, Grandchildren, Legal Guardianship, Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney
or other direct dependents. An addition to this list shall include an individual with whom an
employee has a continuing personal living arrangement which has existed over an extended
period of time.
A. Personal illness, injury, quarantine, disability or mental illness.
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B. Medical appointments and dental appointments.
C. Medical or psychological care or counseling for physical or psychological injury disability
due to domestic or sexual assault.
D. Obtain services from a victim services organization, relocation, obtain legal services or
participate in any civil or criminal proceedings related to or resulting from domestic violence
or sexual assault.
E. Closure of primary workplace by order of a public official due to a public health emergency,
care for an eligible dependent whose school or place of care has been closed by order of a
public official due to a public health emergency, or if health authorities have determined the
employee or eligible dependent jeopardizes the health of others by exposure.
F. Time given to serve as pallbearer or to attend a funeral.
G. To compensate an employee for the difference between payments received under the
Worker's Disability Act and the employee's regular wages.
H. Employees that are eligible for full benefits may compensate for the difference between
payments received under the Short-term Disability policy and the employee's regular wages
up to a maximum of 24 hours per pay period (represents 30% effort)
135. Sick Leave Credit for Veterans. Employees who leave to enter the Armed Forces of the United
States under the provisions of the Selective Service Act, who are members of the Armed Forces
and are called to active duty, or who enlist in the Armed Forces, upon re-employment by the
University, shall be credited with any unused sick leave previously earned. Such re-employment
must take place within ninety (90) calendar days after discharge or release from active duty.
136. Sick leave is available for the employee to serve as a pallbearer or to attend a funeral.
137. Bereavement Leave. When an employee's Spouse, Children, Parents, Siblings, Grandparents,
Grandchildren, Great-grandparents, Great-Grandchildren, Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew, (as well
as “steps” and “in-laws” of the same categories,) Legal Guardian, if you hold Power of Attorney,
Medical Power of Attorney, Foster children and parents, or significant other (an individual with
whom the employee has had a continuing personal living arrangement which existed over an
extended period of time) dies, the employee will be allowed three (3) days bereavement leave
without loss of pay. If additional time off is needed, the employee may request the use of sick
time, accrued vacation, compensatory time, or leave of absence without pay
138. Documentation. A statement from the University designated physician and/or the employee's
physician’s office may be required to sustain a claim of absence because of illness, injury, or
disability. The University reserves the right to have the University's designated physician make
the final decision.
139. Medical Examination. At the conclusion of an employee's sick leave, the University, at its
option and without cost to the employee, may require that a physician or physicians of its
choosing examine the employee to determine fitness to return to work.
140. Notification. All employees are required to notify their immediate supervisor or designated
representative when they will be absent from work for any reason and to state the reason for
their absence. If employees find that they will be absent from work longer than first anticipated,
they must notify their supervisor at least once a day, unless other arrangements have been
made with the supervisor.
141. If unable to contact a supervisor, advise the University Labor designee at (906) 487-2280 of
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your name, department, name of immediate supervisor and the reason for the absence.
142. If sick leave is being requested in advance of the absence (doctor’s appointment, etc.), the
employee must follow department guidelines.
143. Payment. All payments for sick leave shall be made at the employee's current rate of pay.
144. Advance Sick Leave. Sick leave shall not be allowed in advance of being earned.
145. Personal Time Off. On January 1, of each year, or after successfully completing probation,
employees will be granted personal time off based on an employee’s seniority date and after
successfully completing probation. Personal time off may be used in one (1) hour increments
and shall be taken at the convenience of the department, office or division in which the
employee works. The University ensures the employee the opportunity to use personal time off
hours. Unused personal time off cannot be carried over into the following year or paid out upon
termination of employment from the University. Part-time and nine/ten (9/10) month employees
will be granted personal time off in proportion to the straight time hours employed.
146. Employees will be granted personal time off based on their seniority date as of January 1, as
Time Worked
Hours Granted
After completion of probation
12 hours
Year 1 through Year 10
12 hours
Year 11 and subsequent years
16 hours
147. Additional Time-Off with Pay. Should the University institute additional time-off with pay for
non-represented employees, all eligible bargaining unit members will be included. Eligible part-
time employees will receive the pay in proportion to their full-time equivalency status at the time
that the additional time-off falls.
148. Vacation. Vacation shall be taken at the convenience of the department, office, or division in
which the employee works. The University ensures the employee the opportunity to use
vacation hours accrued.
149. Vacation is not allowed in advance of being earned. When earned vacation time is exhausted,
the employee must return to work or request a leave of absence.
150. Pay in lieu of vacation is not allowed except as terminal pay when leaving University
employment or when transferring to a nine/ten (9/10) month position.
151. Illness during an employee's vacation may be charged to sick leave subject to the approval of
the supervisor. A physician's office statement may be required to substantiate the type and
duration of the illness.
152. Required attendance at military reserve or National Guard camp may, if an employee so
chooses be charged against vacation. However, such attendance is covered by the policies
governing leaves of absence for military duty.
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153. An employee, while on sick leave, who exceeds the limit of accrued vacation, shall have
vacation charged in lieu of sick leave until the vacation credit no longer exceeds the limit.
Should an employee eligible for vacation be discharged, resign, or retire from employment at
the University, vacation will be paid out at a maximum of one hundred sixty (160) hours paid to
the employee at their regular rate of pay. In case of the death of an eligible employee, payment
of unused vacation is made to the designated beneficiary at their regular rate of pay.
154. Vacation time does not become available until the completion of probation.
155. A. Employees employed prior to January 1, 2017, will be eligible to select between the vacation
schedule referenced in paragraph 155(B) or the vacation schedule referenced in paragraph
155(c) (effective January 1, 2017). Employees beginning employment in the bargaining unit on
or after January 1, 2017, will follow the schedule referenced in paragraph 154C. Any employee
who selected the vacation schedule in 155(B) may make a one-time change to the vacation
schedule in 155(C). Such selection must be made in writing and will not be reversible.
B. Schedule prior to January 1, 2017: After the completion of probation, new employees will be
entitled to five (5) days of paid time off in lieu of accruing vacation during their first year.
Employees in their second, third and fourth year will be awarded five (5) days of paid time off in
January of each calendar year and will accrue vacation time biweekly at the rate of five (5)
annual days. For employees in their second, third and fourth year, any unused paid time off will
be converted to vacation after December 31
of each year. If the employee terminates from the
University any unused paid time off will not be paid out.
Employees will accrue vacation time biweekly at the following annual rates:
Second year through Fourth year................................................. Five days
Fifth year through Seventh year............................................... Fifteen days
Eighth year through Twelfth year ……………….................... Eighteen days
Thirteenth year through Seventeenth year....................... Twenty-one days
Eighteenth year and subsequent years............................ Twenty-four days
C. Schedule beginning January 1, 2017. Each calendar year in January, employees will be
awarded five (5) days of paid time off. Unused paid time off will not be paid out or carried over to
the next calendar year. Paid time off shall be taken at the convenience of the department, office,
or division in which the employee works. Part-time employees will be granted paid time off in
proportion to the straight time hours employed. If the employee terminates from the University
any unused paid time off will not be paid out. New hires with a start date between January 1st
and June 30th shall receive 5 days (prorated for part-time) effective on their first day of
employment. Those hired with a start date between July 1st and December 31st shall receive
2.5 days (pro-rated for part-time).
Employees will accrue vacation time biweekly at the following annual rates:
First year through Fourth year................................................. Five days
Fifth year through Seventh year............................................... Ten days
Eighth year through Twelfth year …………….................... Thirteen days
Thirteenth year and up................................................. Twenty-one days
156. In no event shall unused vacation time be accumulated beyond thirty (30) days. Part-time
employees accrue vacation in proportion to the straight time hours employed in each pay period
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and are subject to all other provisions as stated in this vacation benefit.
157. Nine (9) month employees will receive five (5) days of annual leave per appointment period and
ten (10) month employees will receive six (6) days of annual leave per appointment period. Nine
(9) and Ten (10) month employees will be permitted to carry forward annual leave. In no event
shall unused annual leave be accumulated beyond ten (10) days. Unused annual leave will be
converted to vacation time upon transferring to a new twelve (12) month, full-time or part-time
position. Upon termination of employment, unused annual leave will not be paid out. Nine/Ten
(9/10) month part-time employees will receive annual leave prorated based on the full-time
equivalent (FTE) of the position.
158. Full-time employees must have forty (40) hours of paid employment each pay period to accrue
any vacation time.
159. All payment for vacation time shall be made at the employee's current rate of pay.
160. Holidays. The University recognizes certain days of historic importance as holidays and pays
employees for time off on these days in accordance with special eligibility rules. If the University
institutes a paid time-off during the Christmas season or for Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday,
bargaining unit employees will be included.
161. An employee will be paid for each holiday provided that the employee has one day of
compensation in the week of the holiday, except for those employees in units that are non-
operational between Christmas and New Year's. For nine (9) and ten (10) month employees,
holiday pay is only available during their appointment period.
162. Holidays during vacation or sick leave are not counted as part of vacation or sick leave time.
163. The paid Holiday schedule for 2023-2024 is as follows:
Fourth of July ..................................................................................... Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Labor Day ................................................................................ Monday, September 4, 2023
Thanksgiving ................................. Thursday, November 23, & Friday, November 24, 2023
Christmas ..................................... Monday, December 25, & Tuesday, December 26, 2023
New Year's .............................................. Monday, January 1, & Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Memorial Day .................................................................................. Monday, May 27, 2024
Floating Holidays ........................................................................................... Two (2) Days*
* Part-time and nine/ten (9/10) month employees will be granted the floating holiday in
proportion to the straight time hours employed.
164. Time and one-half will be paid for all time worked on a designated holiday. If the employee is
not given an additional day off within the pay period to replace the holiday, the employee will
receive holiday pay in addition to the time and one-half for the time worked.
165. Those employees who are required to work the legal holiday will be paid the holiday pay rate. If
the designated holiday is also worked, those employees will be paid at straight time.
166. Part-Time Employees. Eligible part-time employees receive holiday pay in proportion to their
full-time equivalency status at the time that the holiday falls.
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167. Employees shall have nine (9) hours off between scheduled shifts. Should an employee be
scheduled to work with less than nine (9) hours between the scheduled end of one shift and the
scheduled start of the ensuing shift, the employee shall be compensated at one and one-half
(1½) times their normal rate for the second shift.
168. Short-Term Disability. The University will provide Short-Term Disability insurance for all
eligible full-time and part-time employees (thirty (30) hours or more per week with a nine (9)
month appointment or greater). The Short-Term Disability insurance is seventy percent (70%) of
the employee’s annual salary. The insurance company will provide the benefit in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the University’s master benefit, after an elimination period of
fourteen (14) calendar days. Employees can use their own sick leave/vacation to compensate
for the difference between payments received under the Short-Term Disability benefit and the
employee's regular wages up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) hours per pay period
(represents thirty percent (30%) effort).
169. Long-Term Disability Insurance. The University provides, at no cost to the employee, group
long-term disability insurance for all full-time and part-time employees (thirty (30) hours per
week with a nine (9) month appointment or greater). This insurance provides protection and
security to an employee in the event of serious accident or lengthy illness.
The insurance company will provide the benefit in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the University’s master benefit.
177. Group Health Insurance. The University has agreed to continue to provide to all eligible
employees and their eligible dependents, group health and dental insurance benefits equivalent
to or greater than those provided in the comprehensive group medical insurance plan currently
available to the University as a whole.
172. All regular employees who are normally scheduled to work at least thirty (30) hours per week
are eligible for Group Health Insurance.
173. Employees terminating their employment at the University have the opportunity to continue their
health insurance coverage under the C.O.B.R.A. plan. The monthly premium must be fully paid
by the employee.
174. Life Insurance. The University will provide to all eligible employees, life insurance benefits and
basic death and dismemberment insurance as provided in the University Group Life Insurance
Plan. Additional insurance coverage may be purchased through the University.
175. Retirement. The University will continue to participate in the retirement plan as required by
State law.
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176. Employees first employed on or after January 1, 1996, are eligible for participation in a defined
contribution retirement program as made available through the University and selected by the
employee. The program will begin effective date of hire. Eligible employees include those hired
into position with an annualized full-time equivalent (FTE) of .5 or greater.
177. Employees in the bargaining unit will be offered the same enhanced early retirement option
being offered to employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
178. Employees in the bargaining unit have the option of participating in the Retirement
Supplemental Voluntary Program (RSVP), subject to the current provisions of the program.
179. Leaves Without Pay. Leaves of Absence are available to non-probationary employees.
180. Any request for a leave of absence shall be submitted in writing to the supervisor, with a copy to
the Steward. The request shall state the reason the leave is being requested and the length of
time off the employee desires. A request for an extension to a leave requires the same written
procedure as the initial request.
181. Written communication will be received by the employee from the Human Resources
Department confirming the approved leave and dates or rejecting the request for leave of
absence. If the leave is approved, confirmation will also be given to the employee stating which
determination will be followed in the return from leave (See paragraph 182).
182. At the time of the initial request and any request for extension of a leave of absence without
pay, the University Labor designee, in conjunction with the employee's supervisor if applicable,
shall make one of the following determinations:
A. The employee's position will be held open for them.
B. The employee's position cannot be held open, but a comparable position will be available
in the department.
C. The employee's position is not held. (In the event the leave without pay is not subject to
the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, FMLA.)
183. Failure to return from a leave of absence as scheduled, failure to request an extension of the
leave of absence, or failure to successfully secure a bargaining unit position prior to the
expiration of the leave of absence will result in termination of employment.
184. Bargaining Unit seniority will accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence.
185. Leaves of Absence without pay may be granted and extended up to one (1) year or to the extent
of the employee's unit seniority, or a combination of unit seniority and university employment in
a regular position, whichever is shortest unless specified in sections below.
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186. Accrued Sick and Vacation Time. An employee granted a leave of absence without pay
under this section shall retain all accumulated sick leave and vacation leave accrued as of the
date of the leave while on such leave.
187. An employee does not accumulate sick or vacation leave while on a leave of absence without
188. Personal Leave of Absence. The following, by way of illustration and not limitation, are
examples of reasons that an employee may be granted a personal leave of absence: Family or
personal responsibilities, educational opportunities, etc.
189. See paragraphs 178-184. A leave of absence will not be granted for the purpose of obtaining
employment elsewhere.
190. Medical Leave of Absence for Illness or Disability. An employee may be granted a medical
leave of absence without pay due to illness or disability for such period of time as their physician
shall state that they are unable to work, up to a maximum of one (1) year as described in
paragraphs 179-185. A statement from the physician is required to return to work. All
procedures for medical leaves comply with the FMLA.
191. The University may, at its option and without cost to the employee, require that a physician or
physicians of its choosing examine the employee prior to, during, or following a medical leave
for illness or disability.
192. Military Leave. An employee will be granted a military leave of absence without pay for a
normal tour of duty. This applies to employees who are inducted through the Selective Service,
voluntarily enlist or are called through membership in the National Guard or a reserve
component into the Armed Forces of the United States.
193. An employee returning to work from a military leave of absence shall be given their former job or
a job of like status and pay, unless the University’s circumstances have so changed as to make
it unreasonable to do so. Application for reinstatement from military leave must be made within
ninety (90) calendar days after their release; otherwise, they shall not be eligible to return to
work. Except as otherwise herein provided, the re-employment rights of such employees
returning from military leave shall be limited by applicable laws and regulations.
194. Union Business Leave. Members of the Union appointed to local Union positions or selected
by the Union to do work which takes them from their employment with the University may, at the
written request of the Union, be granted leaves of absence without pay as described in
paragraphs 179-184, or the term of such position. This section applies only to those employees
who leave the University’s employment to accept a position with the Union.
195. Political Leave. A bargaining unit member, when elected or appointed to an office of public
service which requires the employee to serve full-time in order to fulfill the obligations of the
office, shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the period of the employee’s service
in office. A leave of absence for a period of one (1) year or more for political leave may be
renewed annually in response to a written request received prior to the expiration of the leave.
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196. Parental Leave. The University will offer to eligible bargaining unit employees paid parental
leave in accordance with the Michigan Tech Paid Parental Leave program.
197. Return from Leave. If the approved leave of absence was made pursuant to paragraph 182(A).
or 182(B), the employee shall return to work on the date specified in the confirmation letter.
198. If the approved leave of absence is made pursuant to section 182(C) (position not held open)
the employee will follow these procedures. At least ten (10) business days prior to the
expiration of a leave or extension the employee will notify the Human Resources Department, in
writing, of their desire to return to work. At that time, they will follow procedures as outlined in
the Posting and Filling Vacancies section of this contract. The bargaining unit member’s
opportunity to apply for vacancies shall continue for the lesser of, one (1) year or length of
seniority or until the bargaining unit member has turned down two (2) interview opportunities or
one (1) job offer.
199. The employee’s seniority accrual will cease upon the expiration of the approved leave of
absence and will resume upon successfully securing a bargaining unit position.
200. Return from Union Business or Political Leave. An employee who is returning from Union
Business or Political leave shall notify the University in writing of their intent to return at least
fifteen (15) business days in advance of the date of their intended return. The employee will be
placed, as outlined in paragraph 194, in the first vacant position for which the employee is
qualified and which most closely approximates the pay grade of the employee prior to the leave
of absence and provided the employee would otherwise have maintained seniority recall rights.
201. Pay Upon Return From a Leave. An employee who returns from a leave of absence without
pay to a position within the same pay grade shall be returned to the same pay rate that they
were in before going on leave. When a general pay increase occurs while the employee is on
leave, their pay upon reinstatement will be increased by such general increase. An employee
who returns from a leave and is reinstated in a pay grade different from the grade they held
before going on leave shall have a pay rate established at the time of their reinstatement.
202. Benefits While on Leave of Absence Without Pay. The University will bear the cost of
continuation of current health benefits for bargaining unit employees who take approved family
or medical leaves without pay for up to twelve (12) weeks, consistent with and in compliance
with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA).
203. Employees who take leaves of absence without pay not covered by the FMLA may choose to
continue medical benefits at their own cost. Such an employee shall contact the Benefits Office
prior to the beginning of the leave to arrange for applicable continuation of coverage. Such
continuation is subject to the provisions and limitations of the group benefits policies. In no
event shall benefits continuation exceed one (1) year from the commencement of the initial
leave of absence, except where mandated by applicable federal and/or state law. Upon return
from the leave of absence, the employee shall contact the Benefits Office to re-enroll for
benefits coverage. Benefits coverage’s are not automatically reinstated upon return from leave.
204. Jury Duty and Witness Service. An employee who loses time from work during their normal
schedule of work because of jury duty or to testify pursuant to a subpoena shall be paid for such
time lost at their hourly rate. Jury duty and witness fees shall be offset against such pay.
Employee expenses for mileage, meals, and lodging will not be offset against such pay.
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205. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, such jury duty and witness service shall be
considered time worked. The employee shall furnish the Human Resources Department a
written statement from the court showing the days and time of jury duty or witness service and
the amount of jury duty or witness fees they were eligible to receive for each day.
206. An employee temporarily excused from attendance at court shall report for work during the
excused period.
207. Blood Donation. Release time of two (2) hours will be granted to employees to donate blood.
208. Volunteer Emergency Response Personnel. The Employer agrees to allow volunteer
emergency response personnel to leave their scheduled straight time work to respond to
emergency response alarms sounded by their respective emergency response departments
without suffering any loss in time or pay, subject to emergency exceptions or cases where
undue operational difficulties may result from the employee's absence from work. Such
employees will be expected to return to work following the completion of their duties. In order
that the Employer may properly administer this program, it will be necessary for employees
wishing to be covered by this program to have their respective Emergency Response
Supervisor verify their position as volunteer emergency response personnel on forms provided
by the Employer. Such forms may be obtained at the Human Resources Department. The
Employer will not apply this program to employees unless they have completed forms on file in
the Human Resources Department prior to leaving work for the aforementioned purpose.
Employees understand that abuse of this program will lead to disciplinary action. Four (4) hours
of time-off with pay at the beginning of a shift will be granted to volunteer emergency response
personnel when volunteer duties are completed within six (6) hours prior to the start of that shift.
209. Community Service Hours. Each bargaining unit employee will be entitled to four (4) hours of
paid community service time. The time must be approved by the immediate supervisor and
proof of volunteer work must be provided five (5) business days in advance of the leave and
must be part of a local non-profit organization or fund-raising event.
210. UAW Training. Release time will be provided for two University approved trainings per
contract year designated specifically for UAW employees. The schedule of trainings must be
pre-approved by the University Labor Designee.
211. Employee Education Program. The University will offer to eligible bargaining unit employees
the Employee Education Program in accordance with the established provisions at the time of
application. Employees may take nine (9) credits per semester, non-transferable, under the
same terms as current program.
212. Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP). The University will offer to eligible bargaining
unit employees the Tuition Reduction Incentive Program in accordance with the established
provisions at the time of application.
213. Laid off employees will be eligible for the Tuition Reduction Incentive Program for a period equal
to the seniority the employee had acquired at the time of the layoff or three (3) years, whichever
is shorter.
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214. Safety Committee. Given the existence of the Staff Safety Committee, the Union will designate
a member or members (not more than two (2)) to serve.
215. Staff Recognition Programs. Employees in the bargaining unit are eligible to participate in the
following staff programs and any other program or programs deemed by the University as a
Staff Recognition Program.
A. Staff Recognition Awards
B. Employee Excellence Awards
C. Wellness Program
D. GM Incentive Program
E. Ford Incentive Program
F. Professional Development Program
G. Michigan Tech Promotional Support Program
H. Michigan Tech Little Huskies Development Center
216. Bonus Program. The UAW employees will be eligible for the bonus program. The program will
include performance and retention. The criteria of Bonus Program: 1. Not to exceed $3,000 net
per occurrence, 2. No limit on the number of occurrences per fiscal year.
217. Discount Program at the University Bookstore and University Images. All UAW Local
5000 members will be eligible for a special “UAW Discount” at the University Bookstore and
University Images of an additional five percent (5%) during the twenty percent (20%)
Appreciation Days.
218. In addition, one (1) coupon per member that would entitle bearer to 25% off any one (1) item
throughout the academic year that can be used only for non-discount days.
219. In addition, the University will sponsor a UAW Appreciation Week in which members would be
offered a twenty percent (20%) discount during a designated week selected by the University.
220. The University has the right to exclude such items as: Textbooks and electronics.
221. A calendar will be produced by the University for the UAW membership identifying the dates of
major discount days.
222. Event Discounts. Should the University institute a ticketing discount program for University
sponsored events for non-represented or represented employees, all eligible bargaining unit
members will be included.
223. Bulletin Boards. The University will provide the Union with four (4) bulletin boards located at
mutually agreed upon sites. The four (4) sites are as follows:
A. Administration Building
B. Memorial Union Building
C. Student Development Complex
D. Walker Arts and Humanities Center
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224. In the event the University intends to change an agreed upon location, the parties will meet to
determine another mutually agreeable site. The size of these boards shall be sufficient to post
four (4) 8.5 by 11 inch Union notices. Such notices must be signed by the Union President.
225. The notices, although not limited to the following, shall be of the following type:
A. Union Meetings
B. Union elections and appointments
C. Results of Union elections
D. Recreational, social and education programs of the Union
226. In the event that a dispute arises concerning the appropriateness of material posted, the
President of the Union will be advised by the University Labor designee of the nature of the
dispute and notices will be removed from bulletin boards until the dispute is resolved.
227. Union Use of Facilities and Services. The University will continue to provide the Union with
office space. It is currently located in the Administration Building. If changed, it will remain on
the central campus. The University will continue to make facilities and services available to the
Union under the same terms as it currently does to any non-University affiliated group.
228. Reclassification Audit Language. An employee whose position has not been audited for at
least six (6) calendar months, and whose work has been substantially changed in character,
other than volume only, may initiate an Employee Driven Audit or Supervisor Driven Audit in
order to determine whether they are misclassified.
229. The supervisor and UAW employee will submit an updated job description to initiate the
Supervisor Driven Audit process.
230. The Union and the University agree to form a four (4) person review committee comprised of
the UAW President, UAW Vice President, and two (2) University designated representatives to
complete all submitted audits together. The Union may designate alternates for the UAW
President and/or UAW Vice President if the audit submitted presents a conflict of interest.
231. A Position Audit Request form is required for an Employee Driven Audit. The forms are
available through Michigan Tech Human Resources and must be submitted to Human
Resources to be stamped with the date on which it was received. The University will have
twenty (20) business days to provide a written explanation of the determination to the employee,
their supervisor, and the President of the UAW.
232. For employee driven audits, the employee has the right to appeal the decision, in writing, to the
University Labor designee within ten (10) business days of notification. The determination of a
supervisor driven audit cannot be appealed.
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233. If the employee appeals the determination, the Position Evaluation Committee will perform an
audit. The results will be communicated in writing to the employee, their immediate Supervisor
and the President of the UAW within thirty (30) business days after written notification has been
submitted to the University Labor designee. The determination of the Position Evaluation
Committee shall be accepted by all parties as conclusive in determining the employee's
appropriate Appendix II classification.
234. The Position Evaluation Committee has been established to preside over the appeal process.
The Committee will be comprised of two (2) employees appointed by the University and two (2)
bargaining unit employees appointed by the Union. The University's designee shall serve as an
ex-officio member of the Position Evaluation Committee.
235. Should the audit process reveal that the employee is misclassified, the University may either
discontinue assigning the employee those duties and responsibilities found not to be inherent in
their current classification, or reclassify them to the particular position determined by the audit
process to be proper. If reclassified to a position in a higher pay grade the employee's annual
salary shall be increased by one dollar ($1.00) per hour per pay grade or to the minimum of the
pay grade for the new classification, whichever is greater. All rate changes will be effective from
the first date stamp by Human Resources on which the Position Audit Request was originally
received. If the audit causes an employee to be reduced in classification to a lower pay grade,
the employee's current hourly rate shall be maintained.
236. Any of the time limits specified above may be extended by mutual agreement to permit the
University additional time reasonably necessary for the orderly conduct of its audit
responsibilities hereunder.
237. Temporary Assignment PayHigher Pay Grade. An employee assigned on a temporary
basis to perform those duties and responsibilities characteristic of the duties and responsibilities
of a classification in a higher pay grade will receive an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour or
the minimum rate for the classification, whichever is greater, during the assignment. Prior to any
temporary assignment being offered, the supervisor must provide Human Resources with a list
of additional duties. Human Resources will determine the appropriate pay grade and notify the
supervisor. Such temporary assignment must be for at least one (1) full week and must be
made in writing to the employee.
238. If an employee believes that such a written assignment should be, or should have been made,
and was not, a written request for review may be directed to the Human Resources Department
with a copy to the employee's supervisor. The Union President will be notified by the Human
Resources Department prior to any temporary assignments to a higher pay grade.
239. Temporary Assignment to Non-UAW Position. When a temporary non-UAW position
becomes available, a department may offer it to a bargaining unit employee within that
department. The salary will be determined by the Human Resources Department. The duration
of the position will be up to six (6) months but may be extended by mutual agreement. Seniority
will accrue during this time (paragraph 64 does not apply). Employee will not be entitled to any
longevity payment nor will longevity accrue during the temporary assignment. At the
termination of the temporary assignment the employee will return to their previously held UAW
position and receive the former rate of pay plus any scheduled increase.
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240. Temporary Program. The University will utilize current UAW employees who are not full-time
(40 hours and/or 12 months,) prior to hiring temporary employees to fill temporary or open UAW
office professional positions. The University will adhere to the UAW Temp Program procedure
for selection. The UAW employee will adhere to the UAW Temp Program procedure for
application to the program. Eligible UAW employees may contact Human Resources.
241.The UAW employee will maintain their regular rate of pay at a minimum or up to what the position
minimum would pay, but will not accrue additional benefits. Holiday pay will be awarded based
on hours worked during the pay period containing the holiday. The employee will not be
permitted to work more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a regular work week unless
arranged with both supervisors per paragraph 99 of the UAW contract. No overtime will be
granted unless there is prior approval from both supervisors.
242. Longevity - Non-Exempt Only. All bargaining unit employees who are in the active service of,
or on approved leave of absence from, the University shall be eligible to receive longevity pay
according to the following rules and schedule of payment:
A. Longevity pay shall be based on an employee's length of continuous non-exempt status
with the University.
B. Eligible employees completing the year of service indicated on the schedule below, shall
receive the additional amount added to their wage rate. The University will use the
employee’s longevity date and will add the additional hourly rate to the employee’s wage
C. Longevity Pay Schedule.
Effective no later than July 1, 2022
Continuous Non-Exempt Service
Additional Hourly Rate
Upon completion of the 5
Upon completion of the 10
Upon completion of the 15
Upon completion of the 20
Upon completion of the 25
Upon completion of the 30
Upon completion of the 35
Upon completion of the 40th year
243. Wages.
Effective July 1, 2023, each employee will receive a four percent (4%) per hour
increase or the increase to the level minimum, whichever is higher.
Effective July 1, 2024, each employee will receive a three percent (3%) per hour
increase or the increase to the level minimum, whichever is higher.
Effective July 1, 2025, each employee will receive a three percent (3%) per hour
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increase or the increase to the level minimum, whichever is higher.
For the duration of the agreement, in the event that the University issues an across the
board wage adjustment, the union will receive either the across the board wage
adjustment or its negotiated wage increase, whichever is greater for the current fiscal
244. It is agreed that neither the Union, its officials, its employees, its affiliates, nor its members shall
discriminate against, intimidate, coerce, or interfere with any employee of the University,
whether represented by the Union or not, with respect to their work or with respect to Union
activities or membership or the right to refrain from engaging in any Union activities or
membership. There shall be no solicitation of non-bargaining unit employees for Union
membership on University time.
245. The International Union United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers and
Local 5000 UAW, their officers, agents, and members agree that for the duration of this
Agreement there shall be no strikes, sit-downs, slow-downs, stoppages of work, picketing, or
any acts of any similar nature which would interfere with the orderly operation of the University,
that it will not otherwise permit, countenance, or suffer the existence or continuance of any of
these acts, and that it will take affirmative action to prevent or stop such acts.
246. The University agrees it will conduct no lockout during the term of this Agreement.
247. This contract represents the complete Agreement between parties and supersedes any and all
prior agreements, understandings, customs, and practices. This Agreement incorporates the
entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were or could have been the subject of
negotiation. During the term of this Agreement, neither party will be required to negotiate with
respect to any such matters, whether or not covered by this Agreement and whether or not
within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated
or signed this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended, modified, or supplemented only
by a written document signed by authorized representatives of both parties. This specific
language will not result in the denial of any current economic benefit enjoyed uniformly by
bargaining unit employees without negotiations of the parties.
248. All management rights and functions, except those which are clearly and expressly abridged by
this Agreement, shall remain vested exclusively in the University. It is expressly recognized,
merely by way of illustration and not by way of limitation, that such rights and functions include
but are not limited to (1) full and exclusive control of the management of the University, the
supervision of all operations, the methods, processes, means, and personnel by which any and
all work will be performed, the control of the property and the composition, assignment,
direction, and determination of the size and type of its working forces; (2) the right to change or
introduce new and improved operations, methods, processes, means, or facilities, and the right
to determine whether and to what extent work shall be performed by employees; (3) the right to
UAW Local 5000 2022 - 2023 Page 38 of 45
determine the work to be done and the standards to be met by employees covered by this
Agreement; (4) the right to have affected employees tested when mandated by federal or state
regulations; (5) the right to hire, establish and change work schedules, set hours of work,
establish classifications, promote, demote, transfer, release, and lay off employees; and (6) the
right to determine the qualifications of employees, and to suspend, discipline, and discharge
employees for cause, and otherwise to maintain an orderly, effective, and efficient operation.
249. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until June 30, 2026.
250. If either party desires to terminate this Agreement, it shall, sixty (60) calendar days prior to the
termination date, give written notice of termination. If neither party shall give notice of
termination of this Agreement as provided in this paragraph or notice of amendment, as
hereinafter provided, or if each party giving a notice of termination withdraws the same prior to
termination date, this Agreement shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter subject to
notice of termination by either party on sixty (60) calendar days written notice prior to the current
year's termination date.
251. If either party desires to modify or change this Agreement, it shall, sixty (60) calendar days prior
to the termination date or any subsequent termination date, give written notice of amendment, in
which event the notice of amendment shall set forth the nature of the amendment or
amendments desired. If notice of amendment of this Agreement has been given in accordance
with this paragraph, this Agreement may be terminated by either party on fourteen (14) calendar
day’s written notice of termination but not before the effective termination date of this
252. Notice of Termination Modification. Notice shall be in writing and shall be sufficient if sent by
certified mail and addressed, if to the Union, to the Recording Secretary of Local 5000 with a
copy to the Director of Region 1D, UAW, and if to the University, addressed to the Chief Human
Resources Officer, Michigan Tech University, or to any such address as the Union or the
University may make available to each other.
UAW Local 5000 2022 - 2023 Page 39 of 45
DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48214 Date___________________
Name L. U. No._____________________________
Address City State Zip _______________
Dept. Social Security No.________________________________________
I hereby designate, select and empower the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), its agents or
representatives, to act for me as my exclusive representative for the purposes of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages, hours of employment or other
conditions of employment, and to enter into contracts with my employer covering all such matters, including contracts requiring the continuance of my membership in said
Union as a condition of my employment or continued employment, and contracts requiring the employer to deduct, collect, or assist in collecting from my wages or a regular
supplemental unemployment benefit payable under its supplemental unemployment benefit plan any dues and fees payable to said Union; and I hereby revoke every
selection or designation which in any manner may heretofore have been made by me, of any other representative for any of such purposes.
I further irrevocably designate, authorize and empower the said Union exclusively too appear and act for me and in my behalf before any board, court, committee or
other tribunal in any matter affecting my status as an employee, or as a member of said Union, and exclusively to act as my agent to represent and bind me in the
presentation, prosecution, adjustment and settlement of all grievances, complaints or disputes of any kind or character arising out of the employer-employee relationship as
fully and to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present.
I pledge my honor to faithfully observe the Constitution and laws of this Union and the Constitution of the United Sates (or the Dominion of Canada as the case may be);
to comply with all the rules and regulations for the government thereof; not to divulge or make known any private proceedings of the Union; to faithfully perform all the duties
assigned to me to the best of my ability and skill; to so conduct myself at all times as not to bring reproach upon my Union, and at all times to bear true and faithful allegiance
to the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW).
(Applicant’s Signature)_______________________________________________________________________________________
TO THE COMPANY Date________________________
I hereby assign to Local Union No. , International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), from any
wages earned or to be earned by me or a regular supplemental unemployment benefit payable under its supplemental unemployment benefit plan as your employee (in my
present to in any future employment by you), such sums as the Financial Officer of said Local Union No. may certify as due and owing from me as membership dues,
including an initiation or reinstatement fee and monthly dues in such sum as may be established from time to time as union dues in accordance with the Constitution of the
International Union, UAW. I authorize and direct you to deduct such amounts from my pay and to remit same to the Union at such times and in such manner as may be
agreed upon between you and the Union at any time while this authorization is in effect.
This assignment, authorization and direction shall be irrevocable for the period of one (1) year from the date of delivery hereof to you, or until the termination of the
collective agreement between the Company and the Union which is in force at the time of delivery of this authorization, whichever occurs sooner; and I agree and direct that
this assignment, authorization and direction shall be automatically renewed, and shall be irrevocable for successive periods of one (1) year each or for the period of each
succeeding applicable collective agreement between the Company and the Union, whichever shall be shorter, unless written notice is given by me to the Company and the
Union, not more than twenty (20) days and not less than ten (10) days prior to the expiration of each period of one (1) year, or of each applicable collective agreement
between the Company and the Union whichever occurs sooner.
This authorization is made pursuant to the provisions of Section 302(c) of the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947 and otherwise.
(Signature of Employee here) (Address of Employee)
(Type or print name of Employee here) (City) (State) (Zip)
(Date of Signature) (Employee Clock Number) (Social Security Number) (Date of Delivery to Employer)
UAW Local 5000 2022 - 2023 Page 40 of 45
(Effective July 1, 2023)
Pay Grade Titles and Minimum Hourly Rates
Effective July 1, 2023 Effective July 1, 2024 Effective July 1, 2025
Pay Grade Classification Minimum Rate Minimum Rate Minimum Rate
Pay Grade Level 6
Office Assistant
$15.45 $15.91 $16.39
Pay Grade Level 7
Senior Office Assistant
$16.25 $16.74 $17.24
Pay Grade Level 8
Administrative Aide
$17.00 $17.51 $18.04
Pay Grade Level 9
Sr. Administrative Aide
Sr. Dispatcher
$18.00 $18.54
UAW Local 5000 2022 - 2023 Page 41 of 45
Accelerated Grievance ProcedurePosting and Filling of Vacancies ...................................... 24
Accelerated Arbitration ............................................................................................................. 12
Accrued Sick and Vacation Time .............................................................................................. 31
Additional Time-off With Pay .................................................................................................... 27
Advance Sick Leave ................................................................................................................ 26
Agreement ................................................................................................................................. 4
Agreement (Conformity to Law) .................................................................................................. 5
Alternative Work Scheduling Arrangement (Flextime) .............................................................. 20
Amendment ................................................................................................................................ 5
Appendices ................................................................................................................................. 4
Appendix I Special Official Application for Membership .......................................................... 41
Appendix II – Pay Grade Titles and Pay Rates.......................................................................... 42
Application for Vacancies ......................................................................................................... 23
Arbitration ................................................................................................................................. 12
Availability of Sick Leave .......................................................................................................... 25
Bargaining Committee ................................................................................................................. 9
Bargaining Unit ......................................................................................................................... 14
Bargaining Unit Work .................................................................................................................. 4
Benefits While on Leave of Absence Without Pay .................................................................... 33
Bereavement Leave ................................................................................................................. 26
Blood Donation ........................................................................................................................ 34
Bonus Program ......................................................................................................................... 35
Bulletin Boards ......................................................................................................................... 35
Changed Work Schedule ......................................................................................................... 20
Check-off .................................................................................................................................... 6
Communication ........................................................................................................................... 7
Community Service Hours ........................................................................................................ 34
Compensatory or Equivalent Time ........................................................................................... 21
Complete Agreement ............................................................................................................... 39
Conformity to Law ...................................................................................................................... 5
Disciplinary Action .................................................................................................................... 13
Discount Program at the University Bookstore and University Images ..................................... 35
Documentation .......................................................................................................................... 26
Employees Covered .................................................................................................................... 4
Employee Education Program .................................................................................................. 34
Employee Leaves Unit ............................................................................................................. 15
Employment Period .................................................................................................................. 16
Event Discounts ....................................................................................................................... 35
Exchange of Information ............................................................................................................ 7
Filling Temporary Positions ...................................................................................................... 16
Fringe Benefits .......................................................................................................................... 25
Full and Part-Time Employees .................................................................................................... 5
General Provisions ................................................................................................................... 13
Grievance on Suspension or Discharge ................................................................................... 14
Grievance Handling ................................................................................................................... 9
Grievance Procedures ............................................................................................................. 11
Group Health Insurance ........................................................................................................... 30
Holidays ................................................................................................................................... 29
Hours of Work .......................................................................................................................... 19
Inclement Weather .................................................................................................................... 22
International Representative .................................................................................................... 10
UAW Local 5000 2022 - 2023 Page 42 of 45
Job Security ............................................................................................................................. 17
Jury Duty and Witness Service ................................................................................................ 33
Layoff (Job Security) ................................................................................................................ 17
Layoff (Seniority) ..................................................................................................................... 15
Leaves ...................................................................................................................................... 31
Leaves of Absence .................................................................................................................. 15
Leaves Without Pay .................................................................................................................. 31
Life Insurance ........................................................................................................................... 30
Longevity and Wages................................................................................................................ 38
Longevity - Non-Exempt Only .................................................................................................. 38
Long-Term Disability Insurance ................................................................................................ 30
Loss of Seniority ...................................................................................................................... 15
Lunch Period ............................................................................................................................ 20
Management Rights ................................................................................................................. 39
Medical Leave of Absence for Illness or Disability .................................................................... 32
Medical Examination ................................................................................................................ 26
Military Leave ........................................................................................................................... 32
Military Service ......................................................................................................................... 14
New Hires ................................................................................................................................. 25
Non-Probationary Employees .................................................................................................. 13
Non-Solicitation ........................................................................................................................ 38
Notice of Termination Modification ............................................................................................ 40
Notice of Vacancy .................................................................................................................... 22
Notification ............................................................................................................................... 26
Order of Layoff ......................................................................................................................... 17
Overtime .................................................................................................................................. 20
Parental Leave .......................................................................................................................... 32
Part-Time Employees ............................................................................................................... 29
Pay Upon Return from a Leave ................................................................................................ 33
Payment (Sick Leave) ............................................................................................................... 26
Performance Evaluations ............................................................................................................ 5
Periodic Reports ................................
......................................................................................... 7
Personal Leave of Absence ..................................................................................................... 32
Personal Time Off ..................................................................................................................... 27
Personnel Files ........................................................................................................................ 14
Political Leave .......................................................................................................................... 32
Position Audit Process .............................................................................................................. 36
Position Offer ........................................................................................................................... 24
Posting Period and Procedure ................................................................................................. 22
Posting and Filling Vacancies .................................................................................................. 22
Probationary Employees .......................................................................................................... 13
Probationary Employment Period ............................................................................................. 16
Programs and University Services ............................................................................................ 34
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Recall ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Reclassification Audit Language .............................................................................................. 36
Recognition ................................................................................................................................. 4
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Recognition and Scope of Agreement ........................................................................................ 4
Reduced Work Week Schedule ............................................................................................... 19
Release Time ........................................................................................................................... .11
Reorganization or Phase-Out ..................................................................................................... 8
Representation and Release Time ............................................................................................. 9
Representation and Notice of Discipline ................................................................................... 14
Rest Periods ............................................................................................................................ 20
Retirement ............................................................................................................................... 30
Return from Leave .................................................................................................................... 31
Return from Union Business or Political Leave ......................................................................... 33
Safety Committee .................................................................................................................... 34
Seniority ................................................................................................................................... 14
Seniority Application ................................................................................................................ 23
Shift Differential Pay ................................................................................................................ 22
Shift Preference ....................................................................................................................... 21
Short-term Disability ................................................................................................................. 30
Sick Leave Credit for Veterans ................................................................................................. 26
Sick Leave ................................................................................................................................ 25
Special Conferences ................................................................................................................ 11
Special Conferences (Disciplinary Action) ................................................................................. 14
Staff Recognition Programs ..................................................................................................... 35
Step One (Grievance Procedures) ............................................................................................ 11
Step Two (Grievance Procedures) ............................................................................................ 12
Step Three University Labor designee (Grievance Procedures) ............................................. 12
Stewards .................................................................................................................................. 10
Strikes and Lockouts ................................................................................................................ 39
Student Employees .................................................................................................................. 21
Temporary Employment Period ................................................................................................ 16
Temporary Assignments ........................................................................................................... 37
Temporary Assignment PayHigher Pay Grade ..................................................................... 37
Temporary Assignment to Non-UAW Position .......................................................................... 37
Temporary Program .................................................................................................................. 37
Termination or Modification ...................................................................................................... 40
Top Seniority ............................................................................................................................ 15
Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP) ............................................................................ 34
UAW Training ........................................................................................................................... 34
Union Use of Facilities and Services ........................................................................................ 36
Union Business Leave ............................................................................................................. 32
Union Membership ..................................................................................................................... 6
University Notification of Actions Affecting Bargaining Unit Positions ......................................... 7
Use of Past Record .................................................................................................................. 14
Vacancy Interviews .................................................................................................................. 23
Vacancy Specifications ............................................................................................................ 22
Vacation ................................................................................................................................... 27
Volunteer Emergency Response Personnel ............................................................................. 34
Wages ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Work Shifts .............................................................................................................................. 21
Work Opportunities for Laid Off Employees ............................................................................. 18
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