Study on the taxation of the air transport
Final Report
Report for European Commission (DG TAXUD)
Report for DG TAXUD - Service Request N°2020/06
under framework contract CLIMA.A4/FRA/2019/0011
ED 14102 | Issue number 2.1 | 2 July 2021
Ricardo Confidential
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
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Rui Neiva, Aleix Pons, Gareth Horton
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Approved by:
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2 July 2021
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
This study on the taxation of the aviation sector in the European Union supports the impact
assessment of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) to address the problem of insufficient
internalisation of climate-related externalities in this sector and to preserve the capacity to generate
revenues for the budgets of the Member States. The study assessed the potential impacts of
introducing a fuel tax, a ticket tax and a combined tax (fuel tax on intra-EEA flights and ticket tax on
extra-EEA flights). The options were assessed against two baseline scenarios, reflecting the
uncertainty around the recovery of aviation activity following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The policy options for a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights would amend the current tax exemption of aircraft
fuel. Possible tax rates were based on the tax levels for kerosene as defined in the current version of
the ETD.
The ticket tax options included a ‘flat rate’, a ‘stepped rate’ (with higher tax rates for longer distances,
reflecting higher environmental impacts) and an ‘inverse stepped rate’ (with higher tax rates for
shorter flights, as an incentive to use alternative transport options where available).
The analysis assessed both impacts on the aviation sector (travel demand, environmental emissions,
sector revenues), and wider socio-economic impacts (employment, GDP) providing a comparison
across policy tools to guide decision-making. A case study was also performed on the potential
impacts on selected island regions (the Canary Islands, Crete, Ireland and Malta) in the European
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
Executive summary
Purpose and scope of the study
The aviation sector contributes to global CO
emissions from fossil fuel combustion , and its
contribution is expected to grow significantly in the future. The aviation sector will be required to
contribute to the 90% reduction in emissions from transport targeted for 2050 under the European
Green Deal (European Commission, 2019a).
This study on the taxation of the air transport sector in the European Union supports the impact
assessment to be performed by the European Commission as part of the review of Directive
2003/96/EC (the ‘Energy Taxation Directive’, ETD). The study considers the possibility of modifying
the current tax regime applicable to the commercial aviation sector to address the problem of
insufficient internalisation of climate-related externalities in this sector, and assesses the
environmental and socio-economic impacts of different policy options that would strengthen the
sector’s contribution to the EU’s climate goals.
The study covers the whole of the European Economic Area (EEA), namely the EU27 plus Norway,
and Iceland. It assumes that potential policy options would enter into force in 2023, with the impacts
being assessed for the period up to 2050.
Approach and methodology
The analysis assesses the impacts of the proposed policy options against two baseline scenarios.
The use of two baselines was motivated by the severe impacts on the aviation sector, and society
more widely, from the global COVID-19 pandemic. The health and economic crises generated by the
pandemic have affected and will continue to impact demand for travel, potentially inducing long-term
changes to businesses and people’s habits, making any forecast of aviation demand very uncertain.
Therefore, a main baseline scenario reflecting developments under current trends and adopted
policies is used. It builds on the baseline scenario underpinning the impact assessment
accompanying the 2030 Climate Target Plan and the staff working document accompanying the
Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, but it additionally considers the impacts of the COVID-19
pandemic and the National Energy and Climate Plans. In this scenario, air passenger traffic recovers
by 2025, with a return to growth rates akin to historic rates in subsequent years. A sensitivity baseline
with lower future growth is also used, based on EUROCONTROL’s scenarios for the post-COVID
recovery for the aviation sector.
The following tools are used to assess the impacts:
A model, AERO-MS, focussed on the aviation sector, with detailed data at an airport pair
level. This model is used to quantify impacts on the aviation sector of the various policy
Results from the AERO-MS are transferred to a macro-economic model, GINFORS-E. This
model, which includes bilateral world trade data, is used to quantify wider economic impacts
on other transport modes and other economic sectors for the different policy options.
The use of both models provides a comprehensive overview of impacts in comparison with
each of the baselines included in the study, with results produced for short-term (2025), mid-
term (2030) and long-term (2050) impacts.
The study also includes a thorough legal analysis of the EU and international legal framework
currently in place, in order not only to ensure the effectiveness of the different policy options
under current legislation, but also to assess the potential legal consequences of the
A focused field research programme is also part of the study, with conversations held with
experts in the competent ministries of Austria, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. All of
these are Member States with experience in levying national air ticket taxes.
A case study on peripheral and island regions is also conducted, to investigate and quantify
possible negative socio-economic impacts that could take place on those regions, given their
reliance on aviation for their economic activities, if taxation on the aviation sector is
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
implemented in the EU. The regions and Member States under analysis were the Canary
Islands (Spain), Crete (Greece), Ireland and Malta.
Assessment of policy options
Fuel tax
Overview of policy options
The policy options implementing a fuel tax for intra-EEA aviation activity would amend the current
exemption from excise duty of aircraft fuel in Article 14(1) of the ETD. This responds to the need for a
harmonised approach, since the capacity to waive current exemptions for domestic flights or intra-
community flights via bilateral agreements between Member States under Article 14(2) has not been
used so far. The current minimum excise duty rate for kerosene, according to the Energy Taxation
Directive, is € 330/1,000 L (or 33 cents/L). The sub-options consider variations around (above and
below) the minimum kerosene tax rate that would be applicable to commercial aviation, as well as a
number of exemptions. This is summarised in the table below.
Summary of policy options for the implementation of a fuel tax
Policy package
Tax rate
Other considerations
Harmonised fuel tax
for intra-EEA
aviation under the
revised ETD
€0.17, €0.33 and €0.50/litre
(equivalent to approximately €4.82, €9.35
and €14.17 per GJ, respectively)
Tax applies to passenger flights but not to
cargo-only flights
Tax is either implemented at once or over
a ten-year period (increments of 10% of
the full value in each year)
Sustainable aviation fuels are exempt from
fuel tax
Exemptions for flights operated under
public service obligations
Exemptions for flights to and from EU
outermost regions
No earmarking of revenues
The tax rates shown in the table above can also be related to the CO
emissions produced from the
combustion of the fuel. The three rates shown are equivalent to approximately €67, €131 and €198
per tonne CO
, respectively.
A tax on the fuel loaded for a flight can help towards internalising the external costs of greenhouse
gases and air pollutants emissions, related to the quantity of fuel consumed. The airline is expected to
pass through the cost to consumers by raising ticket prices, leading to a reduction in passenger
demand and hence fuel consumption. To a more limited extent, airlines are also incentivised to
choose more efficient aircraft for their operations to reduce the fuel consumed. The effectiveness of
the fuel tax in achieving those goals could be reduced if the airlines use the practice of tankering to
reduce their tax burden (i.e. filling up the aircraft in destinations where there is no fuel tax and then
using the same aircraft to fly intra-EEA flights where fuel would be taxed) or if they shift some of their
intra-EEA flights to destinations in third countries.
From an efficiency perspective, the collection of a fuel tax is not expected to be problematic. Member
States already have experience in collecting fuel taxes in other modes, namely on road transport. It is
expected that an aviation fuel tax would be collected in a similar manner, with the fuel suppliers
Prices are modelled, and presented in this report, in constant 2019 Euros. The central tax rate used in this
study was selected prior to the finalisation of the value used in the Commission’s impact assessment, so
there is a small difference between the values in the two studies.
Due to modelling limitations, the impact results presented include the application of the fuel tax to cargo-
only flights. The contribution of such flights to the overall emissions is small, so the effects of including the tax
on them is also considered to be small.
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
collecting the tax when they supply kerosene at airports, then transferring those funds to the relevant
tax authorities. The analysis indicates administrative costs of €45 million across the EEA by 2050.
From a legal perspective, no issues are identified for the implementation of a tax on fuel loaded for
intra-EU flights by EEA carriers. Furthermore, many air services agreements (horizontal agreements,
HAs, and comprehensive air transport agreements, CATAs) between the EU and third countries also
allow the taxation of fuel used by their carriers on intra-EU flights. Updates to these agreements might
be needed to allow the taxation of fuel used by their carriers on flights between the EU and the other
EEA countries.
Assessment of impacts
Overall, the options implementing a tax on fuel loaded for intra-EEA flights all have noticeable impacts
on CO
emissions in the long-term, with reductions of between 6% and 15% for intra-EEA flights,
relative to the baseline, for tax rates from €0.17 to €0.50 per litre (the short-term impacts depend on
whether a transition period is included). This result corresponds closely to the level of the reduction in
passenger demand while the fuel tax leads to a small improvement in aircraft fuel efficiency, the
large majority of the reduction in emissions is due to a reduction in demand due to increased ticket
prices. These results are only marginally affected when considering them against a lower baseline
demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic).
The impacts of the fuel tax and the consequent changes in demand reduce total GDP in the EU27 by
approximately €9 billion (about 0.05%) by 2050, under the assumption that revenues collected are
used for deficit reduction purposes. Should the revenues be recycled, for example to fund reduction in
other taxes, the negative impact on GDP would be smaller. In terms of tax revenue, the existing
national ticket taxes contribute €2.6 billion of revenue from intra-EEA flights in 2025 and 3.8 billion in
2050; under the €0.33 per litre option, the tax on fuel raises about 7.0 billion per annum in 2050.
However, the reduction in demand also reduces the revenue from the existing ticket taxes, so the total
increase in tax revenue from aviation is about €6.7 billion per annum in 2050. The wider impacts on
the economy from the reduction in aviation demand then reduce the rise in total tax revenue over the
baseline to €5.4 billion per annum.
Regarding the impact on connectivity, the lower demand resulting from the introduction of a fuel tax
would be expected to reduce flight frequencies across all routes. In principle, this could potentially
lead to the loss of air transport on some routes, should these cease to be financially viable for air
carriers to operate. However, this negative effect may be limited. This is because the expected
number of intra EEA flights in the baseline for 2025 is 21% higher compared to base year 2016. By
2025, the introduction of a fuel tax of €0.33/litre (with no transition period) would lead to a reduction of
10% in the number of flights when compared to the baseline. Given this, it is expected that, overall,
the flight frequency on most routes would be still higher than it was in 2016, although some variations
are expected and specific regions could indeed see their connectivity reduced.
In terms of competitiveness of EEA carriers in relation to third country carriers (and between different
EEA carriers) there could negative impacts on the former. This is because non-EEA carriers might be
subject to a more lenient tax regime in their home market, allowing them to be more profitable overall
and be in a better position to compete with the EEA carriers on the routes on which the two sets of
carriers compete.
The implementation of a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights could give rise to concerns regarding ‘hub
switching’, as carriers change the connection airport on an indirect flight (between an EEA departure
and a non-EEA destination) from an EEA airport to a non-EEA airport, to take advantage of the lack of
fuel tax on the initial leg. This is more likely to impact traditional network carriers than low-cost
carriers, as the latter tend to fly mainly direct flights. However, the extent to which hub switching may
occur depends on a number of factors, including slot availability at airports and passenger
preferences, so it is not possible to quantify the likely impact at this stage.
Sensitivity analyses
The impacts of the fuel tax (as percentage changes in demand and emissions) are not significantly
affected when considering them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery
following the COVID-19 pandemic).
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
A scenario in which there is a significantly higher uptake of sustainable aviation fuels (through a
blending mandate, as investigated by the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative) increases the reduction in
demand on intra-EEA flights in 2030 under the €0.33 per litre fuel tax from 9.2% (under the case with
the baseline use of sustainable aviation fuel) to 9.9%. By 2050, the reduction in demand on intra-EEA
flights is 9.7% (with the baseline sustainable aviation fuel use) and 15.4% (under the blending
mandate). The reduction in CO
emissions (relative to the baseline) in 2050 rises from 10.3% (for just
the fuel tax) to 66.5% (for the blending mandate and fuel tax combined), under the assumption that
sustainable fuels cause zero net emissions on a life cycle basis and are rated at 50% of the full tax
rate under the fuel tax (i.e. 0.165 per litre). The revenue from the fuel tax is reduced by 34% under
such a scenario, compared to the case without the blending mandate.
The primary analysis assumes that the additional costs due to the fuel tax are passed through to
passengers, as increased ticket prices, in full. Under a scenario in which only 50% of the costs are
passed through (with the remainder being absorbed by the airlines), the impacts on demand and
emissions are approximately half those under the full cost pass-through case. Due to the smaller
impact on demand, the tax revenue from the fuel tax is about 5% higher than under the full cost pass-
through assumption.
Under a scenario in which existing national ticket taxes are withdrawn when the fuel tax is
implemented (rather than being retained as in the primary analysis), demand for intra-EEA flights is
reduced by 5.6% (relative to the baseline) compared to 9.7% in the primary analysis. The reduction in
emissions (in 2050) is similarly lower. Although the demand is higher than under the primary analysis,
the withdrawal of the national ticket taxes results in a reduction in the total tax revenue.
A scenario in which the fuel tax is applied to fuel supplied for flights from the EEA to Morocco and the
UK (as allowed for by the aviation agreements with those countries), but assuming that those two
countries do not impose the same fuel tax on flights to the EEA, raises the reduction in demand by
13% more than in the case that the fuel tax is applied only to intra-EEA flights (noting that this
additional reduction in demand occurs on extra-EEA flights). The large majority of this extra reduction
occurs on low-cost carrier flights, reflecting the close proximity of these two countries to the EEA. The
increased reduction in demand leads to a similar increased reduction in emissions and an
approximately 11% increase in tax revenue.
A scenario in which EU ETS allowances are fully auctioned (i.e. removal of free allowances) under the
assumption of the baseline carbon price projections (i.e. not taking into account the impacts on
carbon prices of the revisions of the ETD and the ETS, and the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative), shows a
slightly greater reduction in demand, fuel consumption and emissions, but a slightly lower increase in
tax revenues, compared to a scenario where a fuel tax is implemented but a proportion of EU ETS
allowances continues to be granted for free to airlines.
Ticket tax
Overview of policy options
The policy options implementing a fuel tax define a minimum, EU-wide ticket tax applicable to
passenger services and, potentially, to air freight services. A number of EU Member States and their
neighbours (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden, together with
Norway and the UK) already implement a ticket tax in some jurisdictions better defined as a levy or
charge on all departing air passengers. While the applicable rates of existing national ticket taxes
vary significantly, most of them share some common features: exemptions for transit and transfer
passengers; differentiation between short haul and long haul flights, based on different criteria; and no
earmarking of revenues to a dedicated fund. Air freight services are typically not affected by national
taxes on the ground of international competitiveness. Many of these features also characterise the
ticket tax policy option, as summarised in the table below.
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
Summary of policy options for the implementation of a ticket tax
Policy package
Tax rate
Other considerations
Harmonised ticket
tax across the EU
Different types of passenger taxes considered:
Flat tax
o 10.43 for all passengers
Tax increasing with the distance flown
o 10.12 for intra-EEA flights
o 25.30 for extra-EEA flights of
up to 6,000km
o 45.54 for extra-EEA flights
over 6,000km
Tax decreasing with the distance flown
o 25.30 for flights of up to
o 10.12 for flights over 350km
Tax could be the same for all passengers in a
flight, or be differentiated depending on the class
of travel (non-premium/premium tickets).
Exemptions for flights operated
under public service obligations
Exemptions for flights to and from
EU outermost regions
No earmarking of revenues
In terms of efficiency, conversations with Member States government officials indicate that the
administrative burden of implementing and managing a ticket tax is relatively low both for public
administrations and airlines. Overall administrative costs are expected to be lower than equivalent
costs for implementing a fuel tax. Analysis indicates administrative costs of €465 thousand to €1
million per Member State per year (€12.6 million to €27.6 million across the EU).
From an effectiveness perspective, unlike a fuel tax, ticket taxes can at most have an indirect
relationship with fuel consumption (e.g. if they increase with distance). They do not provide direct
incentives for increased fuel efficiency (passengers on two different aircraft with different fuel
efficiencies would pay the same ticket tax) but are essentially a demand management measure, as
they essentially increase the price of air tickets. This gives a small disadvantage of ticket taxes
compared to fuel taxes. An advantage of a ticket tax is that it can be more easily applied (from a legal
perspective) to an increased scope (intra-EEA, extra-EEA flights or both), which increases the
potential demand effects of such a measure and reduces the need for renegotiating some
international air transport agreements.
Assessment of impacts
The impacts of the different types of ticket tax considered were as follows:
For the flat ticket tax, where a single tax rate applies to all flights, the reduction in demand is
9% on intra-EEA flights and 1.5% on extra-EEA flights. The total tax revenue is about €6.7
billion in 2025, rising to €9.9 billion in 2050, representing increases of €4.1 billion to €6.2
billion above the baseline values.
The stepped rate option, with a higher tax rate applying to longer flights (over 6,000 km), has
a slightly lower impact on intra-EEA demand, but a significantly greater impact on extra-EEA
demand (about 4.5% reduction in demand), compared to the flat rate option. The tax revenue
from this option in 2050 is €6 billion over the baseline.
The inverse stepped rate, with a higher rate applying to short flights (below 350 km), has a
slightly higher impact on intra-EEA demand, and a very similar impact on extra-EEA demand,
compared to the flat rate option. The tax revenue from this option in 2050 is €7 billion over the
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
In terms of CO
emissions, the different ticket tax options lead to reductions of between 8% and 10%
on intra-EEA flights and between 3% and 5.5% on extra-EEA flights.
Regarding other potential sub-options, the application of tax multipliers of 3.0 and 7.5 for premium
seats has only a small effect on the demand impacts of the tax options as they target passengers with
more inelastic demand. Multipliers have a more significant effect on the tax revenue, increasing
revenue to about €13 billion in 2050 under the flat rate tax with a 7.5 premium multiplier. The relative
impacts of the ticket tax (as percentage changes) do not change when considering them against a
lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic).
With respect to the impact on connectivity, and not unlike the options introducing a fuel tax, the lower
demand resulting from the ticket tax would be expected to reduce flight frequencies across all routes.
However, under the different policy options that introduce a ticket tax, by 2025 demand is expected to
be above 2016 levels e.g., under a stepped ticket tax with no reduction in national ticket taxes, by
2025 number of flights by legacy carriers is expected to be 12% higher than in 2016, and for low-cost
carriers 9% higher. That is, the introduction of a ticket tax, while reducing the expected growth in
demand, is not expected to reduce demand when compared to 2016 levels and thus the impacts on
connectivity are expected to be limited.
The implementation of a ticket tax, covering both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights, might also raise
concerns on the potential for hub switching. The ticket tax options considered in this study all exempt
passengers travelling from a non-EEA origin to a non-EEA destination, connecting via an EEA airport;
this exemption is expected to reduce the risk of airlines deciding to move their hubs away from EEA
airports. The risk of passengers electing to travel from the EEA to a non-EEA destination, with a
connection at a non-EEA airport (rather than connecting at an EEA airport) will depend on the exact
design of the tax (e.g. whether the tax is calculated on the ‘ticket’ for the full journey or individual
legs). Overall, the impact of hub switching on the competitiveness of EEA carriers and airports is
expected to be limited.
Sensitivity analyses
The impacts of the ticket taxes (expressed as percentage changes) do not vary when considering
them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-19
Under a scenario in which existing national ticket taxes that are already higher than the harmonised
minimum value are set to this value, the impacts on demand, emissions and tax revenues change
only very slightly compared to the case in which existing national ticket taxes that are higher than the
harmonised minimum are retained at their existing values.
Combined tax options
Overview of policy options
Different combinations of the two types of taxes were developed to identify whether there are
advantages in having such combinations. Sub-options include the case where the ticket tax is applied
to all flights (intra-EEA and extra-EEA), to intra-EEA flights only and to extra-EEA flights only.
Otherwise, the combined tax options have the same considerations in terms of efficiency,
effectiveness and legal issues as the fuel and ticket taxes considered individually.
Assessment of impacts
All the combined tax options considered in this study include a tax on the fuel supplied for intra-EEA
flights and a ticket tax on extra-EEA flights. The cases considered have combined a €0.33 per litre
fuel tax on intra-EEA flights and a ticket tax (flat, stepped or inverse stepped) on extra-EEA flights.
All tax options analysed have significant impacts on CO
emissions in the long-term, with reductions
of about 10% on intra-EEA flights and up to almost 5% on extra-EEA flights. The option with the
stepped ticket tax on extra-EEA flights has a greater impact than the other two combined tax options
considered. The impacts on demand are very similar to those on emissions, with slightly lower
magnitudes of change (up to 9.7% on intra-EEA flights and 4.0% on extra-EEA flights).
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
The additional tax revenue from aviation under the combined tax options ranges from €14 billion to
€16 billion per annum by 2050. The impacts on the economy from the reduction in aviation demand
reduce the rise in total tax revenue from the transport sector to about €12 billion per annum. A similar
reduction in GDP is also expected by 2050 in the EU27 Member States.
Sensitivity analyses
The relative impacts of the combined tax (as percentage changes) are unaffected when considering
them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-19
In a scenario under the combined tax option in which flights from the EEA to Morocco and to the UK
are subject to the fuel tax element instead of the ticket tax element (otherwise applied to all ‘extra-
EEA’ flights) the impact on demand, fuel consumption or revenue is negligible compared to the case
in which these flights are subject to the ticket tax element of the combined tax.
Comparison of options
The table below presents a quantitative comparison of the impacts of the main indicators for the
main sub-option of each policy option the heading of the table provides the details of the sub-
option under consideration. All impacts are presented for the year 2030. To simplify the table, all
increases in parameters (demand, tax revenue, etc.) are marked as ‘+’, while all reductions are
marked as ‘-‘.
Comparison of main policy options
Policy option 1:
€330 per 1,000 litres fuel
tax on fuel loaded for
intra-EEA flights
Policy option 2:
Stepped rate ticket tax
(€10.12 per ticket on intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
up to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
over 6,000km)
Policy option 3:
€330 per 1,000 litres fuel
tax on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
up to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
over 6,000km
Economic impacts
Total flights
-9.1% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-8.1% intra-EEA;
-8.9% extra-EEA
-9.1% intra-EEA;
-5.9% extra-EEA
Total aviation passenger
demand (p-km)
-9.2% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-8.3% intra-EEA;
-4.6% extra-EEA
-9.2% intra-EEA;
-2.7% extra-EEA
Total rail + aviation
passenger demand (p-km)
(1,078.8 billion p-km)
(1,097.0 billion p-km)
(1,090.3 billion p-km)
Revenues in aviation sector
-0.5% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA;
-3.2% total net revenue
-0.7% intra-EEA;
+0.8% extra-EEA;
-8.5% total net revenue
-0.5% intra-EEA;
+0.5% extra-EEA;
-6.5% net revenue
Revenues from taxation
(aviation), including existing
ticket taxes
€7.44 billion intra-EEA;
€10.36 billion total
€7.44 billion intra-EEA;
€19.14 billion total
€7.43 billion intra-EEA;
€15.87 billion total
Environmental impacts
emissions (aviation
-9.9% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA;
-3.7% total
-7.8% intra-EEA;
-5.2% extra-EEA;
-6.2% total
-9.9% intra-EEA;
-3.6% extra-EEA;
-6.0% total
As allowed for by the air transport agreements between the EU and those countries
Although the ticket tax rates on extra-EEA flights are the same under policy options 1 and 2, the impacts of
policy option 3 are lower in 2030 as the tax (including both fuel tax and ticket tax elements) is implemented
with a 10-year transition period starting in 2024, whereas under policy option 2 the tax is implemented in full
from 2024.
The aviation sector revenues are the incomes to the airlines from passenger tickets and freight charges.
The gross impacts (presented for intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights) include additional incomes from passing
through the ticket taxes to passengers (and cargo taxes to freight companies), while the impact on net
revenues includes the payment of the ticket and cargo taxes collected, and fuel taxes, to the tax authorities.
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
Policy option 1:
€330 per 1,000 litres fuel
tax on fuel loaded for
intra-EEA flights
Policy option 2:
Stepped rate ticket tax
(€10.12 per ticket on intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
up to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
over 6,000km)
Policy option 3:
€330 per 1,000 litres fuel
tax on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
up to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
over 6,000km
Social impacts number of persons employed
Air transport services
Total transport services
All three policy options are found to have similar impacts on intra-EEA flights: introducing a tax (either
fuel tax or ticket tax) on commercial aviation increases ticket prices and reduces demand. Options 2
and 3 add in the extra impacts of including extra-EEA flights in their scope and, therefore, give greater
total reductions in emissions and total tax revenues. Although options 2 and 3 include the same ticket
tax rates on extra-EEA flights, the impacts are slightly greater in the table for option 2 as the taxes are
assumed to be implemented immediately (in 2024) under that option, while option 3 assumes a 10-
year transition period (in line with that used for the fuel tax on intra-EEA flights).
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
Objectif et portée de l'étude
Le secteur de l'aviation est l'un des principaux responsables des émissions de CO
mondiales dues à
la combustion de combustibles fossiles, la plus grande source d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre
(GES) provenant dactivités humaines. Bien que l'aviation soit l'un des émetteurs de GES les plus
importants, et que sa contribution doive augmenter considérablement à l'avenir, elle reste largement
non taxée. Dans le cadre du "contrat vert" européen, le secteur de l'aviation devra contribuer à
l’objectif de 90% de réduction des émissions du secteur des transports prévue pour 2050 (European
Commission, 2019a).
Cette étude sur la taxation du secteur du transport aérien dans l'Union européenne assiste l'analyse
d'impact que la Commission européenne doit réaliser dans le cadre de la révision de la directive
2003/96/CE (la "directive sur la taxation de l'énergie", DTE). L'étude examine la possibilité de modifier
le régime fiscal qui s’applique actuellement au secteur de l'aviation commerciale, afin de résoudre le
problème de l'internalisation insuffisante des externalités liées au climat dans ce secteur, et évalue
les impacts environnementaux et socio-économiques de différentes options politiques qui
renforceraient la contribution du secteur aux objectifs climatiques de l'UE.
L'étude couvre l'ensemble de l'Espace économique européen (EEE), à savoir l'UE-27 plus la Norvège
et l'Islande. Elle part de l'hypothèse que les options politiques potentielles entreraient en vigueur en
2023, les impacts étant évalués pour la période allant jusqu'à 2050.
Approche et méthodologie
L'analyse évalue l'impact des options stratégiques proposées par rapport à deux scénarios de
référence. L'utilisation de deux scénarios de référence a été justifiée par les graves répercussions de
la pandémie mondiale du COVID-19 sur le secteur de l'aviation, et plus largement sur la société. Les
crises sanitaires et économiques engendrées par la pandémie ont eu et continueront d'avoir un
impact sur la demande de voyages, pouvant induire des changements à long terme dans les
entreprises et les habitudes des personnes, rendant toute prévision de la demande d'aviation très
incertaine. Par conséquent, l’analyse utilise un scénario de référence principal reflétant les
développements dans le cadre des tendances actuelles et des politiques adoptées. Il s'appuie sur le
même scénario de référence utilisé pour l'analyse d'impact accompagnant le Plan climat 2030 et le
document de travail des services de la Commission accompagnant la stratégie de mobilité durable et
intelligente, mais il prend également en compte les effets de la pandémie COVID-19 et des plans
nationaux pour l'énergie et le climat. Dans ce scénario, le trafic aérien de passagers est rétablit d'ici à
2025, et les taux de croissance redeviennent proches des taux historiques les années suivantes. Une
autre base de référence est également utilisée, avec une croissance future plus faible, basée sur les
scénarios d'EUROCONTROL pour la reprise du secteur de l'aviation après le COVID.
Les outils suivants sont utilisés pour évaluer les impacts:
Un modèle, AERO-MS, axé sur le secteur de l'aviation, avec des données détaillées au
niveau de paire d'aéroports. Ce modèle est utilisé pour quantifier les impacts des différentes
options politiques sur le secteur de l'aviation.
Les résultats de l'AERO-MS sont transférés à un modèle macro-économique, GINFORS-E.
Ce modèle, qui comprend des données sur le commerce mondial bilatéral, est utilisé pour
quantifier les impacts économiques plus larges sur les autres modes de transport et les
autres secteurs économiques pour les différentes options politiques.
L'utilisation des deux modèles permet d'obtenir une vue d'ensemble des impacts par rapport
à chaque scénario de référence inclus dans l'étude, avec des résultats produits pour les
impacts à court terme (2025), à moyen terme (2030) et à long terme (2050).
L'étude comprend également une analyse approfondie du cadre juridique européen et
international actuellement en place, afin non seulement de garantir l'efficacité des différentes
options politiques dans le cadre de la législation actuelle, mais aussi d'évaluer les
conséquences juridiques potentielles des interventions.
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
L'étude comprend également un programme de recherche sur le terrain, y compris des
entretiens avec des experts provenant des ministères compétents d'Autriche, d'Allemagne, de
Suède et des Pays-Bas. Tous ces pays sont des États membres qui ont de l'expérience dans
le prélèvement de taxes nationales sur les billets d'avion.
Une étude de cas sur les régions périphériques et insulaires est également menée, afin
d'examiner et de quantifier d’éventuels impacts socio-économiques qui pourraient nuire à ces
régions si la taxation du secteur de l'aviation est mise place dans l'UE, étant donné leur
dépendance à l'égard de l'aviation pour leurs activités économiques. Les régions et les États
membres analysés sont les îles Canaries (Espagne), la Crète (Grèce), l'Irlande et Malte.
Évaluation des options politiques
Taxe sur les carburants
Aperçu des options politiques
Les options politiques pour mettre en œuvre une taxe sur le carburant pour l'activité aérienne intra-
EEE modifieraient l'actuelle exonération de droits d'accise sur le carburant d'aviation prévue à l'article
14, paragraphe 1, de la directive sur le transport aérien. Cela répond à la nécessité d'une approche
harmonisée, puisque la possibilité de renoncer aux exonérations actuelles sur les vols intérieurs ou
intracommunautaires par le biais d'accords bilatéraux entre les États membres en vertu de l'article 14,
paragraphe 2 n'a pas été utilisée jusqu'à présent. Le taux d'accise minimal actuel pour le kérosène,
conformément à la directive sur la taxation de l'énergie, est de 330 €/1 000 L (ou 33 cents/L). Les
sous-options envisagent des variations autour (au-dessus et en dessous) du taux minimal de taxation
du kérosène qui serait applicable à l'aviation commerciale, sauf un certain nombre d'exemptions. Ceci
est résumé dans le tableau ci-dessous.
Résumé des options politiques pour la mise en œuvre d'une taxe sur les carburants
Policy package
Tax rate
Other considerations
Taxe harmonisée
sur le carburant
pour l'aviation intra-
EEE dans le cadre
de la DTE révisée
€0.17, €0.33 et €0.50/litre
(équivalant respectivement à environ
€4.82, €9.35 et €14.17 par GJ)
La taxe s'applique aux vols de passagers,
mais pas aux vols de fret
La taxe est mise en œuvre soit en une fois,
soit sur une période de dix ans (par
tranches de 10 % de la valeur totale
chaque année)
Les carburants d'aviation durables sont
exonérés de la taxe sur les carburants
Exemptions pour les vols effectués dans
le cadre d'obligations du service public
Exemptions pour les vols à destination et
en provenance des régions
ultrapériphériques de l'UE
Pas d'affectation des recettes
Les taux d'imposition indiqués dans le tableau ci-dessus peuvent également être liés aux émissions
de CO
produites par la combustion du carburant. Les trois taux indiqués équivalent à environ €67,
€131 et €198 par tonne de CO
, respectivement.
Une taxe sur le carburant chargé sur un vol peut contribuer à internaliser les coûts externes des
émissions de gaz à effet de serre et de polluants atmosphériques, liés à la quantité de carburant
consommée. Il est attendu que la compagnie aérienne répercute ce coût sur les consommateurs en
Les prix sont modélisés, et présentés dans ce rapport, en euros constants de 2019.
En raison des limites de la modélisation, les résultats de l'impact présentés incluent l'application de la taxe
sur le carburant aux vols de fret uniquement. La contribution de ces vols aux émissions globales étant faible,
les effets de l'inclusion de la taxe sur ces vols sont également considérés comme faibles.
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
augmentant le prix des billets, entrainant une réduction de la demande des passagers et donc de la
consommation de carburant. Dans une mesure plus limitée, les compagnies aériennes sont
également incitées à choisir des avions plus efficaces pour leurs opérations afin de réduire la
consommation de carburant. L'efficacité de la taxe sur le carburant pour atteindre ces objectifs
pourrait être réduite si les compagnies aériennes recourent à la pratique du "ravitaillement en
carburant" pour réduire leur charge fiscale (c'est-à-dire en faisant le plein de carburant dans des
destinations où il n'y a pas de taxe sur le carburant et en utilisant ensuite le même avion pour
effectuer des vols intra-EEE où le carburant serait taxé) ou si elles déplacent certains de leurs vols
intra-EEE vers des destinations dans des pays tiers.
Du point de vue de l'efficacité, la récolte d'une taxe sur les carburants ne devrait pas poser de
problème. Les États membres ont déjà l'expérience de récolter des taxes sur le carburant sur d'autres
modes de transport, notamment le transport routier. On s'attend à ce qu'une taxe sur le carburant
d'aviation soit perçue de manière similaire, les fournisseurs de carburant percevant la taxe lorsqu'ils
fournissent du kérosène aux aéroports, puis transférant ces fonds aux autorités fiscales compétentes.
L'analyse indique des coûts administratifs de 45 millions d'euros dans l'EEE d'ici 2050.
D'un point de vue juridique, aucun problème n'est identifié lié à la mise en place d'une taxe sur le
carburant chargé pour les vols intra-UE par les transporteurs de l'EEE. En outre, la plupart des
accords de services aériens (accords horizontaux, AP, et accords globaux de transport aérien, ACTA)
entre l'UE et les pays tiers autorisent également la taxation du carburant utilisé par leurs transporteurs
sur les vols intra-UE. Des mises à jour de ces accords pourraient être nécessaires pour permettre la
taxation du carburant utilisé par leurs transporteurs sur les vols entre l'UE et les autres pays de l'EEE.
Évaluation des impacts
Globalement, les options politiques mettant en œuvre une taxe sur le carburant chargé pour les vols
intra-EEE ont toutes un impact notable sur les émissions de CO
à long terme, avec des réductions
comprises entre 6 % et 15 % pour les vols intra-EEE, par rapport au scénario de référence, pour des
taux de taxation allant de 0,17 € à 0,50 € par litre (les impacts à court terme dépendent de l'inclusion
ou non d'une période de transition). Ce résultat correspond étroitement au niveau de la réduction de
la demande des passagers - si la taxe sur le carburant entraîne une légère amélioration du
rendement énergétique des avions, la grande majorité de la réduction des émissions est due à une
réduction de la demande en raison de l'augmentation du prix des billets. Ces résultats ne changent
que marginalement si l’on considère une demande de base plus faible (représentant une reprise plus
lente après la pandémie de COVID-19).
L'impact économique de la taxe sur les carburants et les modifications de la demande qui en
découlent réduisent le PIB total de l'UE27 d'environ 9 milliards d'euros (environ 0,05 %) d'ici 2050,
dans l'hypothèse où les recettes collectées sont utilisées à des fins de réduction du déficit. Si les
recettes étaient recyclées, par exemple pour financer la réduction d'autres taxes, l'impact négatif sur
le PIB serait moindre. En termes de recettes fiscales, les taxes nationales existantes sur les billets
d'avion représentent 2,6 milliards d'euros de recettes provenant des vols intra-EEE en 2025 et 3,8
milliards d'euros en 2050; dans le cadre de l'option 0,33 € par litre, la taxe sur le carburant rapporte
environ 7 milliards d'euros par an en 2050. Toutefois, la réduction de la demande entraîne également
une diminution des recettes provenant des taxes existantes sur les billets, de sorte que
l'augmentation totale des recettes fiscales provenant de l'aviation est d'environ 6,7 milliards d'euros
par an en 2050. Les effets globaux de la réduction de la demande d'aviation sur l'économie réduisent
alors l'augmentation des recettes fiscales totales par rapport au scénario de référence à 5,4 milliards
d'euros par an.
En ce qui concerne l'impact sur la connectivité, la baisse de la demande suite à l'introduction d'une
taxe sur le carburant devrait réduire la fréquence des vols sur toutes les liaisons. En principe, cela
pourrait conduire à la perte de certaines liaisons pour le transport aérien, si celles-ci ne sont plus
financièrement viables pour les transporteurs aériens. Toutefois, cet effet négatif pourrait être limité.
En effet, le nombre prévu de vols intra-EEE dans le scénario de référence pour 2025 est supérieur de
21 % à celui de l'année de référence 2016. En 2025, l'introduction d'une taxe sur le carburant de 0,33
€/litre (sans période de transition) entraînerait une réduction de 10 % du nombre de vols par rapport à
l'année de référence. Dans ces conditions, on s'attend à ce que, globalement, la fréquence des vols
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
sur la plupart des liaisons reste supérieure à ce qu'elle était en 2016, bien que certaines variations
soient attendues et que des régions spécifiques puissent effectivement voir leur connectivité réduite.
Concernant la compétitivité des transporteurs de l'EEE par rapport aux transporteurs de pays tiers (et
entre différents transporteurs de l'EEE), il pourrait y avoir des impacts négatifs sur ces premiers. En
effet, les transporteurs de pays tiers à l'EEE pourraient être soumis à un régime fiscal plus clément
sur leur marché "national", ce qui leur permettrait d'être globalement plus rentables et d'être mieux
placés pour concurrencer les transporteurs de l'EEE sur les liaisons sur lesquelles les deux groupes
de transporteurs sont en concurrence.
La mise en place d'une taxe sur le carburant pour les vols intra-EEE pourrait susciter des inquiétudes
quant au "changement de hub". Les transporteurs pourraient changer l'aéroport de correspondance
habituel sur un vol indirect (entre un départ de l'EEE et une destination hors EEE), afin de profiter de
l'absence de taxe sur le carburant sur le segment initial. Ce phénomène est plus susceptible d'affecter
les transporteurs de réseau traditionnels que les transporteurs à bas prix, car ces derniers ont
tendance à effectuer principalement des vols directs. Toutefois, l'ampleur du changement de plate-
forme dépend d'un certain nombre de facteurs, notamment la disponibilité des créneaux horaires
dans les aéroports et les préférences des passagers. Ainsi, il n'est pas possible de quantifier l'impact
probable à ce stade.
Analyses de sensibilité
Les impacts de la taxe sur les carburants (variations en pourcentage de la demande et des
émissions) ne sont pas significatifs par rapport au scénario ou la demande de base est plus faible
(représentant une reprise plus lente après la pandémie de COVID-19).
Dans un scénario ou l'adoption de carburants d'aviation durables est sensiblement plus élevée (grâce
à un mandat de mélange, comme l'étudie l'initiative ReFuelEU Aviation), la réduction de la demande
sur les vols intra-EEE en 2030 dans le cadre de la taxe sur le carburant de 0,33 € par litre passe de
9,2 % (dans le cas du scénario de référence pour le carburant d'aviation durable) à 9,9 % (dans le
cas du mandat de mélange). En 2050, la réduction de la demande sur les vols intra-EEE serait de 9,7
% (dans le cas de l'utilisation durable de carburant d'aviation de référence) et de 15,4 % (dans le cas
du mandat de mélange). La réduction des émissions de CO
(par rapport au scénario de référence)
en 2050 passe de 10,3 % (pour la seule taxe sur les carburants) à 66,5 % (pour le mandat de
mélange et la taxe sur les carburants combinés), dans l'hypothèse où les carburants durables
n'entraînent aucune émission nette sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie et sont taxés à 50 % du taux plein
de la taxe sur les carburants (c'est-à-dire 0,165 € par litre). Les recettes de la taxe sur les carburants
sont réduites de 34 % dans un tel scénario, par rapport au cas sans mandat de mélange.
L'analyse de base suppose que les coûts supplémentaires dus à la taxe sur le carburant sont
intégralement répercutés sur les passagers, sous la forme d'une augmentation du prix des billets.
Dans un scénario où seulement 50 % des coûts sont répercutés (le reste étant absorbé par les
compagnies aériennes), les effets sur la demande et les émissions sont environ deux fois moins
importants que dans le cas d'une répercussion totale des coûts. En raison de l'impact plus faible sur
la demande, les recettes fiscales provenant de la taxe sur le carburant sont environ 5 % plus élevées
que dans l'hypothèse d'une répercussion intégrale des coûts.
Dans un scénario où les taxes nationales existantes sur les billets sont supprimées lors de la mise en
œuvre de la taxe sur le carburant (au lieu d'être maintenues comme dans l'analyse de base), la
demande de vols intra-EEE est réduite de 5,6 % (par rapport au scénario de base), contre 9,7 % dans
l'analyse de base. La réduction des émissions (en 2050) est également plus faible. Bien que la
demande soit plus élevée que dans l'analyse de base, la suppression des taxes nationales sur les
billets entraîne une réduction des recettes fiscales totales.
Un scénario dans lequel la taxe sur le carburant est appliquée au carburant fourni pour les vols de
l'EEE vers le Maroc et le Royaume-Uni (comme le permettent les accords aériens avec ces pays),
mais en supposant que ces deux pays n'imposent pas la même taxe sur le carburant pour les vols à
destination de l'EEE, augmente la réduction de la demande de 13 % de plus que dans le cas où la
taxe sur le carburant est appliquée uniquement aux vols intra-EEE (à noter que cette réduction
supplémentaire de la demande se produit sur les vols extra-EEE). La grande majorité de cette
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
réduction supplémentaire se produit sur les vols des transporteurs à bas prix, dû à la proximité
géographique de ces deux pays avec l'EEE. La réduction accrue de la demande entraîne une
réduction similaire des émissions et une augmentation d'environ 11 % des recettes fiscales.
Un scénario dans lequel les quotas du système d'échange de quotas d'émission (SCEQE) sont
entièrement mis aux enchères (c'est-à-dire la suppression des quotas gratuits) montre une réduction
légèrement supérieure de la consommation de carburant (et des émissions) et une augmentation
légèrement inférieure des recettes fiscales, par rapport à un scénario dans lequel une taxe sur le
carburant est mise en œuvre mais une partie des quotas du SCEQE continue d'être accordée
gratuitement aux compagnies aériennes.
Taxe sur les billets
Aperçu des options politiques
Les options politiques mettant en œuvre une taxe sur le carburant définissent une taxe minimale sur
les billets à l'échelle de l'UE, applicable aux services de transport de passagers et, éventuellement,
aux services de fret aérien. Un certain nombre d'États membres de l'UE et leurs voisins (l'Autriche, la
France, l'Allemagne, l'Italie, les Pays-Bas, le Portugal et la Suède, ainsi que la Norvège et le
Royaume-Uni) appliquent déjà une taxe sur les billets - définie dans certaines juridictions comme un
prélèvement ou une redevance - à tous les passagers aériens en partance. Si les taux applicables
des taxes nationales existantes sur les billets varient considérablement, la plupart d'entre elles
présentent des caractéristiques communes : exemptions pour les passagers en transit et en transfert
; différenciation entre les vols courts et les long-courriers, sur la base de différents critères ; et aucune
affectation des recettes à un fond particulier. Les services de fret aérien ne sont généralement pas
affectés par les taxes nationales pour des raisons de compétitivité internationale. Nombre de ces
caractéristiques s’appliquent également à l'option de politique de taxation des billets, comme le
résume le tableau ci-dessous.
Résumé des options politiques pour la mise en œuvre d'une taxe sur les billets d'avion
Option politique
Taux de taxation
Autres considérations
Une taxe sur les
billets harmonisée
dans toute l'UE
Différents types de taxes sur les passagers
Taxe forfaitaire
o 10.43 pour tous les
Taxe augmentant avec la distance
o €10.12 pour les vols intra-EEE
o €25.30 pour les vols extra-
EEE jusqu'à 6.000km
o €45.54 pour les vols extra-
EEE de plus de 6 000 km
Taxe décroissante en fonction de la
distance parcourue
o €25.30 pour les vols jusqu'à
350 km
o €10.12 pour les vols de plus
de 350 km
La taxe peut être la même pour tous les
passagers d'un vol, ou être différenciée en
Exemptions pour les vols effectués
dans le cadre d'obligations de
service public
Exemptions pour les vols à
destination et en provenance des
régions ultrapériphériques de l'UE
Pas d'affectation des recettes
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
Ricardo Confidential
Option politique
Taux de taxation
Autres considérations
fonction de la classe de voyage (billets non
En termes d'efficacité, les conversations avec les responsables gouvernementaux des États
membres indiquent que la charge administrative liée à la mise en œuvre et à la gestion d'une taxe sur
les billets est relativement faible, tant pour les administrations publiques que pour les compagnies
aériennes. Les coûts administratifs globaux devraient être inférieurs aux coûts équivalents pour la
mise en œuvre d'une taxe sur le carburant. L'analyse indique des coûts administratifs de 465 000 à 1
million d'euros par État membre et par an (12,6 à 27,6 millions d'euros pour l'ensemble de l'UE).
Du point de vue de l'efficacité, contrairement à une taxe sur le carburant, les taxes sur les billets
peuvent tout au plus avoir une relation indirecte avec la consommation de carburant (par exemple, si
elles augmentent avec la distance). Elles ne fournissent pas d'incitations directes à l'amélioration de
l'efficacité énergétique (les passagers de deux avions différents ayant des efficacités énergétiques
différentes paieraient la même taxe sur les billets), mais constituent essentiellement une mesure de
gestion de la demande, car elles augmentent le prix des billets d'avion. Cela donne un léger
désavantage aux taxes sur les billets par rapport aux taxes sur le carburant. Un avantage de la taxe
sur les billets est qu'elle peut être plus facilement appliquée (d'un point de vue juridique) à un champ
d'application plus large (vols intra-EEE, extra-EEE ou les deux), ce qui augmente les effets potentiels
d'une telle mesure sur la demande et réduit la nécessité de renégocier certains accords
internationaux sur le transport aérien.
Évaluation des impacts
Les impacts des différents types de taxe sur les billets envisagés sont les suivants:
Pour la taxe forfaitaire sur les billets, où un taux de taxation unique s'applique à tous les vols,
la réduction de la demande est de 9 % sur les vols intra-EEE et de 1,5 % sur les vols extra-
EEE. Les recettes fiscales totales sont d'environ 6,7 milliards d'euros en 2025 et atteignent
9,9 milliards d'euros en 2050, soit une augmentation de 4,1 à 6,2 milliards d'euros par rapport
aux valeurs de référence.
L'option de taux progressifs, avec un taux de taxation plus élevé s'appliquant aux vols plus
longs (plus de 6 000 km), a un impact légèrement plus faible sur la demande intra-EEE, mais
un impact nettement plus important sur la demande extra-EEE (environ 4,5 % de réduction de
la demande), par rapport à l'option de taux fixe. Les recettes fiscales de cette option en 2050
sont de 6 milliards d'euros par rapport au scénario de base.
Le taux progressif inverse, avec un taux plus élevé appliqué aux vols courts (inférieurs à 350
km), a un impact légèrement plus élevé sur la demande intra-EEE, et un impact très similaire
sur la demande extra-EEE, par rapport à l'option du taux fixe. Les recettes fiscales de cette
option en 2050 sont supérieures de 7 milliards d'euros à celles du scénario de base.
En termes d'émissions de CO
, les différentes options de taxation des billets entraînent des
réductions comprises entre 8 et 10 % sur les vols intra-EEE et entre 3 et 5,5 % sur les vols extra-
En ce qui concerne les autres sous-options potentielles, l'application de multiplicateurs de taxe de 3.0
et 7.5 pour les sièges premium n'a qu'un faible effet sur l'impact des options politiques sur la
demande, car elle vise les passagers dont la demande est plus inélastique. Les multiplicateurs ont un
effet plus important sur les recettes fiscales, les faisant passer à environ 13 milliards d'euros en 2050
dans le cadre de la taxe forfaitaire avec un multiplicateur de 7,5 pour les sièges premium. Les
impacts relatifs de la taxe sur les billets (en pourcentage) ne changent pas lorsqu'on les considère par
rapport à une demande de base plus faible (représentant une reprise plus lente après la pandémie de
En ce qui concerne l'impact sur la connectivité, et à l'instar des options introduisant une taxe sur le
carburant, la baisse de la demande résultant de la taxe sur le billet devrait réduire la fréquence des
vols sur toutes les liaisons. Toutefois, dans le cadre des différentes options stratégiques introduisant
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
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une taxe sur les billets, la demande devrait être supérieure aux niveaux de 2016 d'ici 2025 - par
exemple, dans le cadre d'une taxe progressive sur les billets sans réduction des taxes nationales sur
les billets, le nombre de vols effectués par les transporteurs traditionnels devrait être supérieur à celui
de 2016 de 12 %, et celui des transporteurs à bas coûts de 9 %. En d'autres termes, l'introduction
d'une taxe sur les billets, tout en réduisant la croissance attendue de la demande, ne devrait pas
réduire la demande par rapport aux niveaux de 2016, et les répercussions sur la connectivité
devraient donc être limitées.
La mise en œuvre d'une taxe sur les billets, couvrant à la fois les vols intra-EEE et extra-EEE,
pourrait également susciter des inquiétudes quant au potentiel changement de plate-forme. Les
options de taxation des billets envisagées dans cette étude exonèrent tous les passagers voyageant
d'une origine hors EEE vers une destination hors EEE, avec une correspondance via un aéroport de
l'EEE ; cette exonération devrait réduire le risque que les compagnies aériennes décident de déplacer
leurs plates-formes de correspondance hors des aéroports de l'EEE. Le risque que les passagers
choisissent de voyager de l'EEE vers une destination hors EEE, avec une correspondance dans un
aéroport hors EEE (plutôt qu'une correspondance dans un aéroport de l'EEE) dépendra de la
conception exacte de la taxe (par exemple, si la taxe est calculée sur le "billet" pour le voyage
complet ou pour des étapes individuelles). Globalement, l'impact du changement de plate-forme sur
la compétitivité des transporteurs et des aéroports de l'EEE devrait être limité.
Analyses de sensibilité
L'impact des taxes sur les billets (en pourcentage) n'est pas affecté lorsqu'on les considère par
rapport à une demande de base plus faible (représentant une reprise plus lente après la pandémie de
Dans un scénario où toutes les taxes nationales existantes sur les billets qui sont supérieures au
minimum harmonisé sont baissées au minimum harmonisé, les incidences sur la demande, les
émissions et les recettes fiscales ne sont que très légèrement modifiées par rapport au cas où les
taxes nationales existantes sur les billets qui sont supérieures au minimum harmonisé sont
maintenues à leur valeur actuelle.
Options fiscales combinées
Aperçu des options politiques
Différentes combinaisons des deux types de taxes ont été élaborées afin de déterminer si ces
combinaisons présentent des avantages. Les sous-options comprennent le cas où la taxe sur les
billets est appliquée à tous les vols (intra-EEE et extra-EEE), aux vols intra-EEE uniquement et aux
vols extra-EEE uniquement. Autrement, les options de taxes combinées ont les mêmes
considérations en termes d'efficience, d'efficacité et de questions juridiques que les taxes sur le
carburant et les billets considérées individuellement.
Évaluation des impacts
Toutes les options fiscales combinées envisagées dans cette étude comprennent une taxe sur le
carburant fourni pour les vols intra-EEE et une taxe sur les billets pour les vols extra-EEE. Les cas
envisagés combinent une taxe sur le carburant de 0,33 € par litre pour les vols intra-EEE et une taxe
sur les billets (forfaitaire, progressive ou progressive inverse) pour les vols extra-EEE.
Toutes les options fiscales analysées ont un impact significatif sur les émissions de CO
à long terme,
avec des réductions d'environ 10% sur les vols intra-EEE et jusqu'à près de 5% sur les vols extra-
EEE. L'option prévoyant une taxe progressive sur les billets pour les vols extra-EEE a un impact plus
important que les deux autres options fiscales combinées envisagées. L'impact sur la demande est
très similaire à celui sur les émissions, avec des changements légèrement moins importants (jusqu'à
9,7% sur les vols intra-EEE et 4,0% sur les vols extra-EEE).
Les recettes fiscales supplémentaires provenant de l'aviation dans le cadre des options fiscales
combinées se situent entre 14 et 16 milliards d'euros par an d'ici à 2050. Les effets sur l'économie de
la réduction de la demande de transport aérien ramènent l'augmentation des recettes fiscales totales
du secteur des transports à environ 12 milliards d'euros par an. Une réduction similaire du PIB est
également attendue d'ici 2050 dans les États membres de l'UE27.
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Analyses de sensibilité
Les impacts relatifs de la taxe combinée (en pourcentage) ne sont pas affectés lorsqu'on les
considère par rapport à une demande de base plus faible (représentant une reprise plus lente après
la pandémie de COVID-19).
Dans le cadre de l'option de la taxe combinée, un scénario dans lequel les vols de l'EEE vers le
Maroc et vers le Royaume-Uni sont soumis à la taxe sur le carburant (comme le prévoient les accords
aériens avec ces pays) au lieu de la taxe sur les billets (autrement appliquée à tous les vols "extra-
EEE") a un impact presque négligeable sur la demande, la consommation de carburant ou les
recettes par rapport au cas où ils sont soumis à la taxe sur les billets prévue dans la taxe combinée.
Comparaison des options
Le tableau ci-dessous présente une comparaison quantitative des impacts des principaux indicateurs
pour la sous-option "principale" de chaque option politique - le titre de chaque colonne fournit les
détails de la sous-option considérée. Tous les impacts sont présentés pour l'année 2030. Pour
simplifier le tableau, toutes les augmentations des paramètres (demande, recettes fiscales, etc.) sont
marquées d'un "+", tandis que toutes les réductions sont marquées d'un "-".
Comparaison des principales options politiques
Option politique 1:
€330 par 1 000 litres de
carburant sur le carburant
chargé pour les vols intra-
Option politique 2:
Taxe sur les billets à taux
progressif (€10.12 par billet
sur les vols intra-EEE,
€25.30 par billet sur les vols
extra-EEE jusqu'à 6.000km,
€45.54 par billet sur les vols
extra-EEE de plus de 6 000
Option politique 3:
€330 par 1 000 litres de
carburant sur le carburant
chargé pour les vols intra-
EEE, €25.30 par billet sur
les vols extra-EEE jusqu'à
6.000km, €45.54 par billet
sur les vols extra-EEE de
plus de 6 000 km
Impacts économiques
Total des vols
-9,1% intra-EEE;
0,0% extra-EEE
-8,1% intra-EEE;
-8,9% extra-EEE
-9,1% intra-EEE;
-5,9% extra-EEE
Demande totale de
passagers de l'aviation (p-
-9,2% intra-EEE;
0,0% extra-EEE
-8,3% intra-EEE;
-4,6% extra-EEE
-9,2% intra-EEE;
-2,7% extra-EEE
Demande totale de
passagers par rail + aviation
(1 078,8 milliards p-km)
(1 097,0 milliards p-km)
(1 090,3 milliards p-km)
Revenus dans le secteur de
-0,5% intra-EEE;
0,0% extra-EEE;
-3,2% total des revenus
-0,7% intra-EEE;
+0,8% extra-EEE;
-8,5% total des revenus
-0,5% intra-EEE;
+0,5% extra-EEE;
-6,5% total des revenus
Revenus de la fiscalité
(aviation), y compris les taxes
existantes sur les billets
€7,44 milliards intra-EEE;
€10,36 billion total
€7,44 milliards intra-EEE;
€19,14 milliards total
€7,43 milliards intra-EEE;
€15,87 milliards total
Impacts sur l'environnement
Bien que les taux de la taxe sur les billets d'avion pour les vols extra-EEE soient les mêmes dans le cadre
des options 1 et 2, l'impact de l'option 3 est plus faible en 2030 car la taxe (y compris la taxe sur le carburant
et la taxe sur les billets d'avion) est mise en œuvre avec une période de transition de 10 ans à partir de
2024, alors que dans le cadre de l'option 2, la taxe est mise en œuvre intégralement à partir de 2024.
Les recettes du secteur de l'aviation sont les revenus des compagnies aériennes provenant des billets des
passagers et des frais de fret. L'impact brut (présenté pour les vols intra-EEE et extra-EEE) comprend les
revenus supplémentaires provenant de la répercussion des taxes sur les billets aux passagers (et des taxes
sur le fret aux compagnies de fret), tandis que l'impact sur les recettes nettes comprend le paiement des
taxes perçues sur les billets et le fret, ainsi que des taxes sur le carburant, aux autorités fiscales.
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Option politique 1:
€330 par 1 000 litres de
carburant sur le carburant
chargé pour les vols intra-
Option politique 2:
Taxe sur les billets à taux
progressif (€10.12 par billet
sur les vols intra-EEE,
€25.30 par billet sur les vols
extra-EEE jusqu'à 6.000km,
€45.54 par billet sur les vols
extra-EEE de plus de 6 000
Option politique 3:
€330 par 1 000 litres de
carburant sur le carburant
chargé pour les vols intra-
EEE, €25.30 par billet sur
les vols extra-EEE jusqu'à
6.000km, €45.54 par billet
sur les vols extra-EEE de
plus de 6 000 km
émissions (l’aviation)
-9,9% intra-EEE;
0,0% extra-EEE;
-3,7% total
-7,8% intra-EEE;
-5,2% extra-EEE;
-6,2% total
-9,9% intra-EEE;
-3,6% extra-EEE;
-6,0% total
Impacts sociaux nombre de personnes employées
Services de transport aérien
Total des services de
Les trois options stratégiques ont un impact similaire sur les vols intra-EEE, la taxe (taxe sur le
carburant ou sur les billets) augmentant le prix des billets et réduisant la demande. Les options 2 et 3
tiennent compte de l'impact supplémentaire de l'inclusion des vols extra-EEE dans leur champ
d'application et, par conséquent, donnent lieu à des réductions totales plus importantes des
émissions et des recettes fiscales totales. Bien que les options 2 et 3 prévoient les mêmes taux de
taxe sur les billets pour les vols extra-EEE, les impacts sont légèrement plus importants dans le
tableau de l'option 2, car les taxes sont supposées être mises en œuvre immédiatement (en 2024)
dans le cadre de cette option, tandis que l'option 3 prévoit une période de transition de 10 ans
(conformément à celle utilisée pour la taxe sur le carburant pour les vols intra-EEE).
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Table of Contents
Abstract .................................................................................................................... iii
Executive summary ................................................................................................. iv
Résumé ................................................................................................................... xii
Table of Contents .................................................................................................. xxi
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
2 Policy objectives ................................................................................................ 1
2.1 Problem definition ................................................................................................................... 1
2.1.1 Policy background ............................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Drivers of the problem ......................................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Nature and scale of the problem ....................................................................................... 13
2.1.4 Evolution of the problem ................................................................................................... 17
2.1.5 Consequences of the problem .......................................................................................... 19
2.1.6 Need for action at EU level ............................................................................................... 19
2.2 Policy objectives .................................................................................................................... 20
3 Methodology .................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Development of policy options .............................................................................................. 21
3.1.1 Step 1: Development of a long list of policy measures ..................................................... 21
3.1.2 Step 2: Screening of policy measures .............................................................................. 22
3.1.3 Step 3: Short list of policy options ..................................................................................... 22
3.2 Assessment of impacts ......................................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 AERO-MS .......................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.2 GINFORS-E ...................................................................................................................... 24
3.3 Legal and qualitative analysis ............................................................................................... 26
3.3.1 Approach and key sources ................................................................................................ 26
3.3.2 Summary of legal considerations ...................................................................................... 27
3.4 Peripheral and island regions case study ............................................................................. 31
4 Policy options .................................................................................................. 32
4.1 Overview of the different policy packages ............................................................................ 32
4.1.1 Policy package 1: Introduction of a harmonised fuel tax for aviation under the revised
Energy Taxation Directive .............................................................................................................. 32
4.1.2 Policy package 2: Introduction of harmonised ticket tax across the EU ........................... 37
4.1.3 Policy package 3: Combination of a harmonised fuel tax and a harmonised ticket tax .... 39
4.1.4 Mechanisms to mitigate the risk of fuel tankering when applying a fuel tax ..................... 39
4.1.5 Mechanisms to reduce the risk of air traffic diversion ....................................................... 39
4.2 Policy measures .................................................................................................................... 40
4.2.1 Measures for policy package 1 ......................................................................................... 41
4.2.2 Measures for policy package 2 ......................................................................................... 45
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4.2.3 Policy packages analysed quantitatively ........................................................................... 49
4.3 Legal review of policy measures ........................................................................................... 50
5 Baseline scenarios .......................................................................................... 53
5.1 Quantitative assessment of the aviation sector .................................................................... 53
5.2 Wider impact areas and qualitative assessment ................................................................... 58
6 Analysis of impacts ......................................................................................... 60
6.1 Assessment of impacts overview ....................................................................................... 60
6.2 Impact assessment results fuel tax .................................................................................... 60
6.2.1 Impacts on ticket prices ..................................................................................................... 61
6.2.2 Impacts on demand ........................................................................................................... 62
6.2.3 Impacts on fuel burn and CO
emissions .......................................................................... 65
6.2.4 Impacts on connectivity and competitiveness ................................................................... 66
6.2.5 Impacts on revenues ......................................................................................................... 68
6.2.6 Macroeconomic and other transport mode impacts .......................................................... 71
6.2.7 Sensitivity cases ................................................................................................................ 79
6.2.8 Summary of analysis of fuel tax options ......................................................................... 107
6.3 Impact assessment results ticket tax ............................................................................... 108
6.3.1 Impacts on ticket prices ................................................................................................... 109
6.3.2 Impacts on demand ......................................................................................................... 111
6.3.3 Impacts on fuel burn and CO
emissions ........................................................................ 117
6.3.4 Impacts on connectivity and competitiveness ................................................................. 120
6.3.5 Impacts on revenues ....................................................................................................... 121
6.3.6 Macroeconomic and other transport mode impacts ........................................................ 124
6.3.7 Sensitivity cases .............................................................................................................. 133
6.3.8 Summary of analysis of ticket tax options ....................................................................... 138
6.4 Impact assessment results combined tax options ........................................................... 138
6.4.1 Impacts on ticket prices ................................................................................................... 139
6.4.2 Impacts on demand ......................................................................................................... 141
6.4.3 Impacts on fuel burn and CO
emissions ........................................................................ 143
6.4.4 Impacts on connectivity and competitiveness ................................................................. 144
6.4.5 Impacts on revenues ....................................................................................................... 145
6.4.6 Macroeconomic and other transport mode impacts ........................................................ 147
6.4.7 Sensitivity cases .............................................................................................................. 153
6.4.8 Summary of analysis of combined tax options ................................................................ 159
6.5 Additional impacts and corresponding measures ............................................................... 160
6.5.1 Minimisation of tax burden .............................................................................................. 160
6.5.2 Other measures ............................................................................................................... 167
7 Comparison of options ................................................................................. 168
8 Peripheral and island regions case study ................................................... 178
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8.1 Rationale for selecting areas for the case study ................................................................. 179
8.2 Approach to case study ....................................................................................................... 180
8.3 Summary of case study analysis......................................................................................... 181
8.4 Canary Islands .................................................................................................................... 184
8.4.1 Profile .............................................................................................................................. 184
8.4.2 Analysis of impacts.......................................................................................................... 188
8.5 Crete .................................................................................................................................... 194
8.5.1 Profile .............................................................................................................................. 194
8.5.2 Analysis of impacts.......................................................................................................... 198
8.6 Malta .................................................................................................................................... 204
8.6.1 Profile .............................................................................................................................. 204
8.6.2 Analysis of impacts.......................................................................................................... 207
8.7 Ireland ................................................................................................................................. 213
8.7.1 Profile .............................................................................................................................. 213
8.7.2 Analysis of impacts.......................................................................................................... 217
9 External review .............................................................................................. 223
10 References ..................................................................................................... 223
Annexes ................................................................................................................ 229
A1 Legal Analysis ................................................................................................ 230
A1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 230
A1.2 European Union legal framework and legal basis for adopting harmonised taxes on the
aviation sector ................................................................................................................................. 230
A1.2.1 Legal basis for tax harmonization ................................................................................... 231
A1.2.2 Proportionality and subsidiarity principles (Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union
(TEU)) 231
A1.2.3 EU primary law ................................................................................................................ 232
A1.2.4 Energy taxation directive (2003/96/EC) and the general arrangements for excise duty
directive (2008/118/EC) ............................................................................................................... 232
A1.2.5 EU ETS Directive (2003/87/EC) ...................................................................................... 232
A1.2.6 VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) .......................................................................................... 233
A1.2.7 Air Services Regulation (1008/2008), Airport Charges Directive (2009/12/EC) and
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/317 (laying down a performance and charging
scheme in the single European sky) ............................................................................................ 233
A1.3 Potential legal obstacles to introducing harmonised indirect taxes on the aviation sector . 234
A1.3.1 Chicago Convention (the Convention on International Civil Aviation) ............................ 234
A1.3.2 ICAO resolutions ............................................................................................................. 235
A1.3.3 Aviation agreements: bilateral, horizontal and comprehensive ...................................... 236
A1.3.4 Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft ............................................................................... 244
A1.3.5 Customary international law ............................................................................................ 244
A1.4 Reflections based on the experience of Member States in implementing ticket taxes ....... 244
A2 Stakeholder consultation .............................................................................. 245
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A3 Model descriptions ........................................................................................ 246
A3.1 AERO-MS ............................................................................................................................ 246
A3.2 Macroeconomic model: GINFORS-E .................................................................................. 249
A4 Discarded policy measures .......................................................................... 255
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Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
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1 1
1 Introduction
Ricardo, together with our partners GWS, Ipsos NV, André van Velzen (TAKS/Vital Link) and Alice
Pirlot, have been commissioned to deliver a study on the taxation of the air transport sector in Europe,
in support of an impact assessment to be performed by DG TAXUD as part of the review of Directive
(the ‘Energy Taxation Directive’). This report forms the Final Report on the study. It
presents the results of all the analyses performed under the study and the conclusions derived from
2 Policy objectives
2.1 Problem definition
The initial step in defining the objectives of the new, or updated, policy is to consider the problem that
is leading to the need to take action.
The approach to this task follows the Better Regulation Guidelines (Tool #14) and answers the
following questions:
1. What is the nature of the problem(s)?
2. What is the scale of the problem(s)?
3. Who is affected by the problem(s)?
4. What are the drivers and root causes of the problem(s)?
5. How has the problem developed over time and how is it likely to develop without action?
6. Why does the problem need action at EU level?
The problem identified is:
The current tax regime applicable to commercial aviation prevents a sufficient internalisation
of climate-related externalities and restricts the contribution of the aviation sector to the EU’s
climate goals while leading to inequitable treatment compared to other transport modes
A detailed description of this problem, and their drivers, is further discussed in the sections below. We
have also developed a problem tree, which is shown in Figure 2-1.
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
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2 2
Figure 2-1: Problem tree
2.1.1 Policy background
Paris Agreement and European Green Deal
The Paris Agreement’s central aim is to keep a global temperature rise this century to well below 2
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase
even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius. With this aim, the European Green Deal (European Commission,
2019a) foresee the achievement of an economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050, which has been
already included in the European Commission’s legislative proposal for a European climate law.
Recently, the Commission has presented an EU-wide, economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions
reduction target by 2030 compared to 1990 of at least 55% including emissions and removals, as part
of a balanced, realistic, and prudent pathway to climate neutrality by 2050 (European Commission,
As recognised in the European Green Deal, ‘current policies will only reduce GHG emissions by 60%
by 2050’ and, hence, there is a need to transform all sectors of the economy. In particular, the
European Green Deal states that ‘to achieve climate neutrality, a 90% reduction in transport
emissions is needed by 2050’ (compared to 1990 levels). This objective goes well beyond the
previous target set in the 2011 Transport White Paper (European Commission, 2011) of a 60%
reduction by 2050. This increased ambition means that all transport modes (i.e. road, rail, aviation
and waterborne transport) will have to contribute to this reduction, although not necessarily at the
same rate. In particular, given that it represents 13.4% of all transport CO
emissions in the EU,
aviation needs to pursue a basket of measures to reduce its GHG emissions and contribute to the
overall 90% GHG reduction target for transport. The Mobility Strategy (European Commission, 2020e)
The European Parliament the 6/10/2020 voted to increase the EU’s climate ambitions for 2030 to a 60%
reduction in GHG emissions compared to 1990 levels. The text still needs to be approved by the EU Council of
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
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3 3
foresees that the contribution of aviation is expected to be lower than that of road transport, where
more technological options are available.
Market-based measures (EU ETS and CORSIA)
The EU took the lead in introducing market-based measure for aviation, with the inclusion of aviation
in its Emission Trading System (EU ETS) in 2008, with the scheme taking effect in 2012.
However, the integration of aviation into the EU ETS faced significant international opposition from
airlines and other States as regards its application to routes between an EU airport and a non-EU
airport. Following positive steps made at the ICAO meeting in November 2012, the EU adopted a
‘Stop the Clock’ derogation, which deferred enforcement of the obligations on incoming and outgoing
flights to the EU. Eventually, the ICAO Assembly in September 2016 adopted Resolution A39-3,
agreeing to implement the ‘Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation’
(CORSIA), with the aim of keeping net emissions from aviation at 2019/2020
levels in future years.
Under the EU ETS Directive (Article 28a) the current situation is that only requirements for flights
within the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries apply. However, in case no
amendment to the EU ETS Directive is adopted by the European Parliament and Council by
December 2023, the EU ETS for aviation would automatically revert back to its initial scope i.e. be
effectively extended to routes between an EU airport and a non-EU airport.
The requirements for operators are different under CORSIA and the EU ETS. Under the EU ETS,
operators are required to surrender allowances for all their emissions on intra-EEA flights (domestic
and international); EU aviation allowances (EUAAs) and EU allowances (EUAs) are acceptable, as
are a limited percentage of international credits until 2020. Under CORSIA, air carriers (operating in
all states that participate it is voluntary for states to opt in from 2021 to 2026, thereafter it is
mandatory unless the state has been exempted) will need to purchase (and cancel) offsets in
proportion to the emissions above 2019
levels on international flights between participating states.
Under the EU ETS, airlines also receive a share of free allowances as a proportion of the cap set for
aviation, which varies from one operator to the other based on an efficiency benchmark.
The EU ETS Directive concerning aviation is currently under review. This will serve to implement
CORSIA in the EU in a way that is consistent with the EU’s 2030 climate objectives. The initiative will
also propose to increase the number of allowances being auctioned under the system as far as
aircraft operators are concerned (European Commission, 2020b) to increase the contribution of
aircraft operators to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This may result in the internalisation of a
significant share of external CO
costs for operators that to date receive a large share of their
allowances for free.
2.1.2 Drivers of the problem
GHG emissions from aviation increase steadily boosted by activity growth
According to the data reported by Member States to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), the GHG emissions (in CO
e) of all flights departing from EU27, EFTA
and the UK in 2018 was 192.5 million tonnes, of which 99% are CO
. This represents an
increase of 119% on 1990 levels and of 23% on 2005 levels (see Figure 2-2).
In 2018, GHG emissions of all flights departing from EU27, EFTA and the UK represented 4.3% of
total GHG emissions from these countries. This share has increased from a value of 1.5% in 1990 as
other sectors of the economy reduce their GHG emissions or have a slower growth compared to
aviation (see Figure 2-2).
Even though the initial base emissions were set at an average of 2019 and 2020 levels, the ICAO Council
decided on 30 June 2020, for the purpose of calculating obligations during the 2021-2023 pilot phase, to
disregard data from 2020 when calculating the baseline emissions for CORSIA, in light of the coronavirus
pandemic. Instead, for the pilot phase, the baseline will be calculated using only 2019 emissions data
See previous footnote.
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There are significant scientific uncertainties remaining in quantifying aviation’s non-CO
impacts on
climate. The non-CO
impacts arise from emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx), soot particles,
oxidised sulphur species, and water vapour. These emissions result in changes in the chemical
composition of the global atmosphere and cloudiness, perturbing the earth-atmosphere radiation
budget. The net impact of aviation non-CO
emissions is a positive radiative forcing (warming),
although there are a number of individual positive (warming) and negative (cooling) forcing arising
from respective aviation non-CO
emissions, for which large uncertainties remain. A stream of EU-
funded projects (e.g. FP7-REACT4C) as well as the German-funded project WeCare have shown that
although there are still significant uncertainties in non-CO
emissions, more than 50% of the climate
impact from aviation is due to non-CO
effects and that climate-sensitive areas could substantially
reduce the climate impact of aviation at low cost increase.
Figure 2-2: Evolution of CO
emissions from aviation
Source: European Environmental Agency greenhouse gas - data viewer
Due to recent improvements in aircraft energy efficiency, the average fuel burn per passenger
kilometre flown for passenger aircraft, excluding business aviation, has decreased by 2.8% per
annum between 2014 and 2017 (EASA, EEA, EUROCONTROL, 2019). This reduction is more
significant than the historic average of 1% to 1.5% per annum.
However, this efficiency gain was not
sufficient to counterbalance the increase in CO2 emitted due to the growth in air traffic activity.
According to a long-term traffic forecast from EUROCONTROL in 2017 (EUROCONTROL, 2017) for
Europe as a whole
, the most likely scenario has an 1.9% average annual growth per year over the
2017-2040 period in the number of flights, leading to a 53% accumulated growth by 2040 on 2017
levels. Most recently, the November 2020 version of the Five-Year Forecast (EUROCONTROL, 2020)
lowered growth expectations by taking into account the effects of COVID-19 on air traffic and
The Commission has published a report on non-CO
emissions based on the mandate in Article 30 of the EU
ETS [COM(2020)] 747 final]
_climate_impacts_aviation.pdf. In addition, in the proposed Horizon Europe aviation programme, research
topics aim to reduce uncertainties around non-CO
As well as the EU Member States, members of EUROCONTROL include the UK, Turkey, Switzerland,
Norway, Monaco, North Macedonia, Moldova, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Serbia, Armenia,
Montenegro and Georgia.
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economic growth for different recovery scenarios. The most optimistic scenario (vaccine available by
2021) considers a full recovery of 2019 daily flights (in IFR movements) by 2024, while the most
pessimistic scenario (vaccine not effective) forecasts that that 2024 traffic levels will still be 75% of
that in 2019, with full recovery of 2019 flights by 2029.
The effects of the pandemic generate high uncertainty in traffic growth prospects but are not expected
to prevent long-term growth in air transport. This means that the steady increase in GHG emissions
boosted by increased air travel activity is expected to hold in the long-term.
According to baseline scenario presented in section 5.1, after the drop in 2020 and successive years,
emissions will continue to increase by 24% by 2030 and by 27% by 2050 on 2005 levels.
Decarbonisation supply measures for aviation are limited and very costly compared to other
At its 37
Session in 2010, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Assembly adopted the
two global aspirational goals for the international aviation sector of 2% annual fuel efficiency
improvement through to 2050 and carbon neutral growth from 2020 onwards. ICAO expects to
achieve this with aircraft technology improvements, operational improvements, sustainable aviation
fuels, and market-based measures. The two goals were reiterated by the ICAO Assembly in 2019
(ICAO, 2019), which also initiated the investigation of possible long-term global aspirational goals for
the aviation sector. The progress of this work is be presented to the 41st Session of the ICAO
Assembly in 2022.
Reductions in carbon intensity have been driven historically by demands to make aircraft more fuel-
efficient, since fuel costs are a major fraction of airlines’ operating costs. CO
standards were adopted
by ICAO in 2017, which provide an additional requirement into the design process that increases the
priority of fuel efficiency in the overall aeroplane design, although there have been suggestions that
the impacts of the standards will be small
. These are supported by EASA and apply to new type
designs from 2020, new derivatives of in-production types from 2023 and to all newly manufactured
aircraft from 2028. Recently, the entry into service in recent years of several new types and improved
derivatives (e.g. Airbus A350, Airbus A320neo family, Bombardier C-Series (now Airbus A220)) has
increased the energy efficiency improvement rate to over 2%. However, significant improvements are
becoming harder to achieve, as aircraft and engine technology approach the limits of what is
achievable with ‘conventional’ configurations and the introduction of ‘unconventional’ configurations
(such as blended wing-bodies or open rotor engines) remains some way off (although the overall fleet
fuel efficiency will continue to improve over several years as the recent new types achieve a greater
fleet penetration).
Given the low energy density per unit volume of hydrogen and battery storage compared to kerosene,
the adoption of alternative power options for civil aviation purposes is extremely challenging. Even
though a number of ongoing projects
are exploring electric or hybrid-electric aircraft technology or
liquid hydrogen propulsion, and the recent European strategic research and innovation agenda on
clean aviation also identifies hydrogen as a potential key future fuel
, new clean aircraft technologies
such as electric or hydrogen-powered aircraft are not expected to be mature enough to play a
significant role in commercial aviation in the next decades (European Commission, 2020a).
Another abatement measure available for aircraft operators are operational measures or Air Traffic
Management (ATM) improvement strategies such as the Single European Sky SESAR project
(Europe), NextGen (US) and CARATS (Japan). These programs are aligned at the ICAO level under
the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) framework. It has been estimated that improvements in
ATM could potentially reduce aircraft emissions between 6% to 10% (ICAO, 2019). Reductions in CO2
emissions of 1.5% to 2.9% in 2025 relative to 2015 can be attributed to Block 0/1 implementation of
the ASBU (ICAO, 2019). These improvements require large investments, which are essential to
Although there have been suggestions that the impacts of the standards will be small (e.g.
See for example recent European projects from the FCH (link) and Airbus (link)
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improve performance and safety of air transport. The European Green Deal (European Commission,
2019a) states that the Commission’s renewed proposal on a truly Single European Sky will need to
restart, as this will help achieve significant reductions in aviation emissions’. The Commission has
recently proposed upgrades to the Single European Sky regulatory framework to contribute to this
There is the potential for producing drop-in power-to-liquids (or e-fuels) as well as advanced
sustainable biofuels for aviation known as sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), which are technologically
compatible with existing aircraft engines and can deliver significant GHG reductions. However, the
use of sustainable aviation fuel is currently minimal and is likely to remain limited in the short term
without additional EU level policies (EASA, EEA, EUROCONTROL, 2019). Production costs of
advanced biofuels and e-fuels in the short and medium term will remain high as their production
requires the use of feedstock, raw materials and resources (e.g. hydrogen, renewable energy), for
which supply chains are not organised, and also comes with high capital expenditure costs to develop
new production infrastructure. On the demand side, while airlines are increasingly asking for SAF to
be available in large quantities in order to decarbonise their operations, actual demand is low under
the current conditions of the SAF market, since current prices are significantly higher compared to
conventional fossil fuels.
While a typical price for fossil-based aviation fuel would be around €600/tonne, the price of
biokerosene produced from used cooking oil with a Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA)
production route can be in the range of €950-€1,015/tonne (EASA, EEA, EUROCONTROL, 2019)
While the cost of HEFA biokerosene is expected to remain approximately stable, the price difference
with fossil kerosene may be reduced as the price for fossil kerosene increases in the next decades.
Other production routes for advanced biofuels such as the Alcohol to Jet (ATJ) route have a higher
production costs, currently estimated at around €1,900/tonne to €3,900/tonne. Synthetic kerosene
produced from green hydrogen is estimated to be approximately 40% more expensive than the ATJ
biokerosene price in 2030, but the price is expected to converge to that of biokerosene towards 2050
(European Commission, 2021).
Feedstock that comply with sustainability requirements to be considered as SAF are in demand by the
other sectors, like road transport. Despite these challenges, ICAO expects that a significant proportion
of the carbon neutral growth roadmap will come from the use of SAF (ICAO, 2019). According to the
International Energy Agency (IEA), 10% of the aviation fuel demand would need to be met by SAF in
2030 but only 5% might be realistically achieved according to Lufthansa (European Commission,
2020c). The European Commission has recently launched the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative, which
aims to boost the supply and demand for sustainable aviation fuels in the EU (European Commission,
2020a). This initiative is expected to result in a legislative proposal in the course of 2021.
Considering these production costs for SAF, the cost-effectiveness of using HEFA biokerosene is
currently around €148/tonne of CO
, while other SAF production routes with higher scalability and
decarbonisation potential needed to meet the overall demand would be less cost-effective. For
example, the cost-effectiveness of an ATJ biokerosene is estimated at around €475/tonne of CO
while synthetic kerosene would represent a cost of 740/tonne of CO
. However, the cost-
effectiveness of all SAF production routes is expected to improve significantly over time as SAF
production costs decrease as a result of the ReFuelEU initiative.
These abatement costs compare to
the economy-wide carbon avoidance value of €100/tonne of CO
by 2030 and 269/tonne of CO
2060 (CE Delft et al, 2019b).
Market-based instruments (EU ETS and CORSIA) only partially internalise climate externalities
Under the EU ETS regulation for aviation, 82% of aviation allowances based on a historical
grandfathering cap are granted for free to aircraft operators, 15% are auctioned and 3% are in a
special reserve for distribution to fast-growing aircraft operators and new entrants. The share of
aviation allowances over the total verified emissions for the aviation sector decreases as CO
HEFA pathway is currently the only mature one that can be used for aviation, however it competes
with the use in road and has high feedstock limitations
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emissions keep growing (see Table 2-1). From 2021 onwards, the same linear reduction factor that
applies to stationary installations, 2.2% annually, will start applying to these allocations to aircraft
operators. This means that air carriers increasingly need to purchase allowances from other sectors.
In 2019, around 5.5 million aviation allowances were auctioned and 30.2 million aviation allowances
were allocated for free to air carriers. These 35.7 million allowances represent 52% of the 68.2 million
verified emissions from the aviation sector. The remaining units had to be acquired from other
sectors. This means that from the total verified emissions in 2019, 44% were allocated for free to air
carriers and 56% were covered by allowances acquired from auctions or other sectors.
Table 2-1: Allocation of allowances for aviation within the ETS in the EEA (EU-2, UK, IS, NO)
Total allocated allowances
Freely allocated allowances (both existing
entities and new entrants reserve)
Allowances auctioned
Verified emissions
Allocated allowances over total verified emissions
Freely allocated allowances over total verified
Source: EEA, ETS_Database_v38 (link)
In 2019, the EU ETS allowance price varied from €20 to €30
. Considering an average allowance
price of €23, the aviation sector paid in 2019 around €874 million in EU ETS allowances.
The allocation of free allowances within the EU ETS generally aims to mitigate carbon leakage, but it
is often subject to debate.
Theoretically, regulated entities within an ETS consider the opportunity
cost of free allowances, equal to the revenue that would be earned if the corresponding emissions
were avoided and the allowances were sold.
However, in practice, a higher auctioning share may
better reflect the carbon price in the final price perceived by consumers and it effectively contributes
to internalise climate externalities. This issue is especially relevant when comparing different levels of
internalisation across transport modes. In addition, auctioning revenues could be used to fund
decarbonisation policies. Overall across ETS sectors, around 80% of auctioning revenues in 2013-
2018 were used for climate- and energy-related purposes (Europen Commission, 2019f).
Against this background, the recent Communication on a European Green Deal states that ‘the
Commission will propose to reduce the EU Emissions Trading System allowances allocated for free to
airlines’. This matter is currently being reviewed by the Commission (European Commission, 2020b).
This Impact Assessment on aviation EU ETS will look at several options to increase the level of
auctioned allowances, including full auctioning already in 2023 or a linear increase to 55-100%
auctioning by 2030. This Impact Assessment study also aims to study different ways to implement
CORSIA in Union law through a revision of the EU ETS Directive, including the potential future
interaction between the two measures, in a way that is consistent with the EU’s 2030 climate
Considering an increase in the share of EU ETS being auctioned to 100% in 2030, a price of an EU
ETS allowance ranging from 20 to 43 €
and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the demand
for allowances, the cost of allowances (EUAA and EUA) in 2030 for intra-EEA flights would be
between €1,627 and €3,292 million (TAKS, 2019) (TAKS, 2020).
This would be equivalent to a fuel tax of €0.05-0.08 per litre of kerosene
For example, a recent report by the European Court of Auditors makes recommendations aimed at better
targeting the allocation of free allowances (European Court of Auditors, 2020)
This is the basic assumption of the independence property (Hahn, 2011), which ensures that overall
emission target is achieved at minimum cost irrespective of how the allowances are initially distributed.
The carbon price considered in the Climate Target Plan Impact Assessment {SWD/2020/176 final} for the
baseline scenario in 2030 is 32 €/tonne of CO
, which would fall within this range
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Costs associated to CORSIA in 2030 are estimated to range between €151 million and €236 million,
with an offsetting price in 2030 ranging from €9-13/tCO
in 2030
and depending on whether the
scheme applies to extra-EEA flights only or to both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights (TAKS, 2019)
(TAKS, 2020).
In summary, for intra-EEA flights, climate change impacts are currently not fully internalised through
the EU ETS as a significant proportion (44% in 2019) of total verified emissions are allocated for free
to aircraft operators. The situation would change if, as a result of the ongoing EU ETS revision, the
level of auctioned allowances increases significantly, leading to an increased level of internalisation of
climate externalities in line with the overall carbon price for EU ETS sectors. It is worth noting,
however, that the price for EU ETS allowances is expected to be significantly lower than marginal
abatement costs in the aviation sector in any case. This means that the effect of EU ETS on emission
reductions within the aviation sector itself may still be limited, since reduction would take place where
it is cheaper. As for extra-EEA flights, the price signal, if any, provided by CORSIA would clearly fall
below the EU ETS carbon price and would only very partially reflect the climate external costs
generated by extra-EEA flights.
Provisions contained in bilateral air service agreements and mandatory exemptions in the
Energy Taxation Directive prevent the introduction of fuel taxes on international flights
Aviation fuel has traditionally had a privileged tax regime compared to other modes of transport. This
tradition dates back to the 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation, generally known as the
Chicago Convention
. While it bans the taxing of fuel on board an aircraft when it arrives in the
country, the Chicago Convention does not include any restrictions on taxing the fuel loaded onto the
aircraft in that country.
It should be noted, however, that ICAO explicitly supports the non-charging of fuel levies on
international transport, resolving in its non-binding resolution on ‘Policies on User Charges &
Taxation’ that ‘when an aircraft registered in one Contracting State, or leased or chartered by an
operator of that State, is engaged in international air transport to, from or through a customs territory
of another Contracting State its fuel […] shall be exempt from customs or other duties on a reciprocal
basis […], when:
i. the fuel etc. is contained in the tanks or other receptacles on the aircraft on its arrival in the
territory of the other State […];
ii. the fuel etc. is taken on board for consumption during the flight when the aircraft departs from
an international airport of that other State either for another customs territory of that State or
for the territory of any other State […]; or
iii. the fuel etc. is taken on board the aircraft at an international airport in one customs territory of
another State and the aircraft makes successive stops at two or more international airports in
that customs territory on its way to another customs territory of that State or to the territory of
any other State;(ICAO, 2000).
Following this common practice, most bilateral Air Service Agreements that are in place between EU
Member States and third countries include provisions explicitly prohibiting taxation of aviation fuel for
international flights. However, the EU has been attempting to remove such language in the horizontal
and comprehensive agreements (which respectively amend and replace the bilateral agreements
mentioned above) with third countries it has signed since 2002. There are now examples of
agreements that do not prevent the EU taxing even extra-EU flights (the agreements with Morocco
and the UK).
In the EU, the Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC only allows Member States to tax fuel used in
domestic aviation or, if a bilateral agreement is in place between two Member States, to tax fuel for
flights between those two Member States (article 14(2)). However, no such bilateral agreements are
in place, and the Netherlands is the only EU Member State with a tax on kerosene for commercial
Based on (TAKS, 2019) and exchange rate of 1€=1.136$. It should be noted that the offsetting price does not
consider the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
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domestic flights this tax is not applicable at the present, as currently there are no scheduled
domestic flights in the Netherlands. In the EEA, Norway does apply a fuel tax on its domestic flights.
Outside the EEA, there are also excise duties levied on fuel used for domestic commercial aviation in
countries like the USA or Japan
(see Box 2-1).
Box 2-1: Duties charges on domestic commercial aviation in the USA and Japan
The USA and Japan are two examples of countries with a large domestic commercial aviation
industry (the USA being the largest domestic aviation market in terms of seats flown in 2019, and
Japan being the fifth biggest (CAPA, 2020)) where excise duties are levied on kerosene used in
domestic flights. Besides excise duties on kerosene in both countries there are also duties levied
on passengers. This box explores the duties levied in both countries.
In the USA, there are a multitude of levies charged to operators and passengers on domestic flights
that are used to fund the aviation system (via the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, AATF). These
include (Congressional Research Service, 2021):
Passenger ticket tax: 7.5% of the value of the ticket.
Flight segment tax: $4.30 (€3.55), paid on all flight segments (so a connecting flight via a
hub would pay twice this amount).
Excise duty on commercial jet fuel (kerosene): $0.043/US gallon (€0.01/litre).
Passengers on international flights pay an international arrival and departure tax of $19.10
(€15.80), as of 2021. These passengers do not pay the 7.5% tax on the value of the ticket
(Congressional Research Service, 2021).
In fiscal year 2019, the revenues derived from the excise duty on fuel totalled $428 million (€354
million). The revenues for the levies on passengers are much higher: for domestic passengers
these totalled $10.4 billion (€8.6 billion), and for international passengers $4.3 billion (€3.6 billion)
(Federal Aviation Administration, 2020).
The AATF is used to fund capital and operational expenditures of the air traffic control system
(taking 75% of the $19.2 billion (€15.9 billion) of the AATF’s budget for 2021), capital investments
in airports (18%), with the remaining being investment in research and development in aviation
technologies. While the tax and levies mentioned above provide the majority of funding for the
AATF, funding is also provided by the federal government overall budget (Congressional Research
Service, 2021). (For a like-for-like comparison with European taxation and charging systems on
aviation, the differences in how ATM systems are funded should be accounted for. In Europe,
unlike in the US, there is a performance and charging scheme for Air Navigation service providers
which is laid by the European Commission).
(Besides these taxes that fund the AATF, domestic and international passengers in the USA also
pay a September 11
fee of $5.60 (€4.60) that is used to fund airport security and arriving
international passengers pay a total of $12.99 (€10.75) in customs and immigration fees.)
In Japan, there is an excise duty of JPY18 per litre of kerosene (around €0.14/litre). In fiscal year
2014, revenues from this duty totalled JPY66 billion (around €500 million). This duty is earmarked
for the maintenance of aviation facilities in the country, with two-ninths of revenue being allocated
to cities and states (Naito & Motoki, 2015). Besides this excise duty on fuel, there is also an 10%
consumption tax charged to passengers (CE Delft, 2019).
Taken together, while these provisions make it possible to apply taxes to the fuel supplied to EU-air
carriers for intra-EU flights (if Member States sign between them appropriate bilateral agreements),
there are legal limits, under international agreements, to the possibility to tax fuel supplied to non-EU
carriers when they operate intra-EU flights. This issue is further discussed in Section 4.2 and in Annex
A1 (Legal analysis).
No harmonised conditions at EU level on VAT or ticket taxes
Other countries with excise duties on jet fuel used for commercial aviation and the respective rates (€/litre) are:
Armenia (€0.05/l), Australia (€0.02/l), Canada (€0.08/l), Hong Kong (€0.70/l), Philippines (€0.07/l), Saudi Arabia
(€0.02/l), Thailand (€0.10/l) and Vietnam (€0.11/l) (CE Delft, 2019).
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As for the taxation of aviation services, namely ticket taxes, the VAT Directive (2006/112/EC) allows
Member States, under certain conditions, to exempt passenger transport from value added tax (VAT),
apply reduced rates or a zero VAT rate
. All Member States apply a zero rate to international air
transport, while 17 Member States charge VAT on domestic air tickets, either at a reduced rate or at
the standard rate of VAT. Six Member States levy specific departures taxes on international flights, in
the form of ticket taxes for passengers departing from an airport in that Member State. On average, a
passenger departing an EU airport pays around €11 per ticket in taxes (CE Delft, 2019); these include
ticket taxes and VAT
Table 2-2 below shows the high variability of ticket taxes and VAT schemes applied in the EEA.
Table 2-2: Airport taxes, ticket taxes and VAT applied in the EEA, Switzerland and the United
Kingdom (as of December 2020)
Tax name
Domestic flights
International flights
VAT on
Austria air
transport levy
€30 for very short flights
(less than 350 km
measures in great-circle
distance (GCD) terms)
€12 for all other flights
VAT may be payable on
domestic flights; in which
case it can be subtracted
from the levy (giving
26.10 and € 10.44)
Before 01 September
€3.50 for short-haul
€7.50 for medium-haul
From 01 September
€30 for very short
flights (less than 350
km GCD)
€12 for all other flights
Before 01 September
€3.50 for short-haul
€7.50 for medium-haul
€17.50 for long-haul
Short-haul and
Medium-haul defined
by lists of countries (all
EU in short-haul)
France civil
aviation tax
€4.63 for flights to EEA
airports (including France
€4.63 for flights to EEA
€8.32 for flights to other
Air passenger
solidarity tax
€2.63 for economy
passengers on flights to
EEA airports (including
France domestic) and
€20.27 for premium
passengers on flights to
EEA airports (including
France domestic) and
€2.63 for economy
passengers on flights to
EEA airports and
€20.27 for premium
passengers on flights to
EEA airports and
€7.51 for economy
passengers on flights to
other destinations
€63.07 for premium
passengers on flights to
other destinations
Fiscal tax
€4.57 (single)
€9.15 (return)
As included in Annex III and X of COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common
system of value added tax
The study focuses on taxes and charges that are used for general public purposes. Revenues from
environmental charges (emissions, noise) accrue to the airport and, hence, are excluded from the study.
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Tax name
Domestic flights
International flights
VAT on
Airport tax
€10.80 for Class 1
airports (Paris Charles de
Gaulle, Paris Orly, Paris
Le Bourget)
Between € 3.50 and
9.50 for Class 2 airports
(Lyon, Marseille, Nice,
Toulouse, etc.)
Up to €14.00 for other
German air
transport tax
12.90 for domestic
and Europe and other
short haul flights
32.67 up to a distance
of 6,000 kilometres
58.82 for long-haul
Italy city council
€ 7.07
Italy luxury tax
€10 (distance < 100 km)
€100 (distance < 1,500
km) for passengers
travelling on executive air
charter flights
€10 (distance < 100
€ 100 (distance < 1,500
km) for passengers
travelling on executive
air charter flights
Dutch aviation
Carbon tax
€2 per passenger
(expected to start in July
Exemptions: children
under 2-years old; PSO
flights; residents of
Azores and Madeira in
flights between those
archipelagos and the
mainland and between
any islands in those
€2 per passenger
(expected to start in
July 2021)
Exemptions: children
under 2-years old; PSO
6% (flights
mainland airports
Spanish government is
considering implementing
a ticket tax aiming to
internalise the
environmental costs of air
transport; no further
details (rates,
implementation date,
etc.) are available at this
Same as domestic
10% (except
flights to/from
Canary Islands,
Ceuta and
Air travel tax
62 SEK
62 SEK for Appendix 1
destinations (includes
all EU MS)
260 SEK for other
30-120 CHF for
commercial flights
500 CHF for private
Same as domestic
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Tax name
Domestic flights
International flights
VAT on
(expected to start in
January 2022)
Levy for commercial
flights will vary with
distance and class of
travel (details to be
Exemptions: transit
passenger, children
under 2-years old;
passengers in aircraft
with zero CO
Air passenger
£13 for economy class (if
seat pitch is less than
£26 for premium class (or
if seat pitch is greater
than 1016mm)
£13 for economy class
(if seat pitch is less
than 1016mm) flights
less than 3,219 km
£26 for premium class
(or if seat pitch is
greater than 1016mm)
flights less than 3,219
£80 for economy class
(if seat pitch is less
than 1016mm) flights
over 3,219 km
£176 for premium class
(or if seat pitch is
greater 1016mm) flights
over 3,219 km
Air passenger
76.50 NOK for flights to
European airports
76.50 NOK for flights to
European airports
204.00 NOK for flights
to destinations beyond
Source: Based on (CE Delft, 2019) with updates to December 2020. All taxes listed here are already
applied or will be applied in the future; the exception are the Spanish taxes, which are still under
Energy for road and rail transport is significantly taxed in the majority of Member States
A 2019 study commissioned by DG MOVE (CE Delft, 2019) analysed in detail the taxes and charges
imposed on the different modes of transport. For road transport, the fuel levies varied between €0.36
and €0.78 per litre of petrol and €0.33
and €0.70 per litre of diesel, with all Member States also
levying VAT on fuel in addition to those excise duties; likewise, taxes and VAT are levied on electricity
used as a fuel across all EU27 countries. Additionally, road transport is also subjected to a number of
other taxes and charges, such as purchase and registration taxes or road tolls and vignettes, with the
total revenue collected across the EU in 2016 varying between €30 and €105
per 1,000km for
passenger cars. For rail, the picture is more varied, with some countries exempting the sector from
any fuel duties (be it on diesel or electricity). For diesel, three Member States (Belgium, Hungary,
Sweden) and Norway exempt the sector from fuel duty, with the maximum value of €0.83 per litre
being levied in Romania. For electricity, 11 Member States and Norway either do not levy any taxes at
0.36 and 0.33 per litre are in fact the minimum levels set in Directive 2003/96/EC for petrol and diesel,
Values adjusted for purchasing power parity.
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all or have regimes of exemption for the sector. Rail tickets are also usually subject to VAT across the
EU, either on standard or reduced rates (CE Delft, 2019).
The maritime sector has not been subjected to fuel taxes, with Article 14 c) of the Energy Taxation
Directive explicitly exempting from taxation fuel used for navigation within Community waters.
As already mentioned above, Article 14 of the current Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) has a
mandatory tax exemption for the fuel used in air navigation other than private pleasure transport. The
Directive allows EU Member States to tax kerosene used for aviation in domestic flights, or intra-EU
flights provided there is a bilateral agreement between the departing and the arriving countries.
Aviation is subject though to some other taxes such as ticket taxes, VAT (for domestic flights only),
environmental taxes and charges for air cargo with varied practice and rate across MS apart from
charges for infrastructure use (airport, air navigation).
In addition, market-based measures (EU ETS and CORSIA) apply to the aviation sector and the
maritime sector is likely to be included in the EU ETS soon, whereas emissions from fossil fuel
consumption in road and rail transport are not integrated into the EU ETS. However, the generation of
electricity used for railways and road electric vehicles is part of the EU ETS. This is currently much
more significant for railways with 60% of main lines within the European rail network being electrified
and 80% of traffic running on these lines. Especially in cities, rail almost exclusively runs on electricity
already today (European Commission, 2017a). For road, while currently battery electric vehicles are
less than 1% of the passenger cars fleet
, the new targets in the Climate target plan for 2030,
together with suggestions for banning the sales of internal combustion engines vehicles completely,
will demand a significant uptake of electric vehicles.
2.1.3 Nature and scale of the problem
Problem: The current tax regime applicable to commercial aviation prevents a sufficient
internalisation of climate-related externalities and restricts the contribution of the aviation
sector to EU’s climate goals while leading to inequitable treatment compared to other
transport modes
The current tax regime is a problem insofar as it results in only a limited capacity of the EU aviation
sector to deliver its climate goals, notably due to an insufficient internalisation of carbon externalities
that could incentivise decarbonisation.
The continued rise of aviation GHG emissions (pre-COVID-19 levels) represents an increasing
challenge in terms of reaching the EU’s economy-wide climate neutrality target and commitments
under the Paris Agreement and European Green Deal. GHG emissions (in CO
e) of all flights
departing from EU27, EFTA and the UK increased by 119% over the period 1990-2018 and by 23%
between 2005 and 2018. The baseline scenario (which does not take into account ReFuelEU Aviation
initiative and revision of EU ETS) presented in section 5.1 estimates that CO
emissions will increase
by 24% by 2030 and by 27% by 2050 on 2005 levels.
In line with the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (European Commission, 2020e), there is no
single measure to decarbonise aviation and it will need to rely on a basket of measures. The potential
for emissions reduction from new disruptive technologies and operational practices is limited in the
mid-term and costly in the aviation sector (European Commission, 2017b). Operational improvements
are supported by the EU through Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and its successor Clean Aviation Joint
Undertaking, and Single European Sky. Scaling up the supply and uptake of sustainable aviation fuels
will provide an important contribution to the decarbonisation of the aviation and will be promoted by
the EU through the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative. In this sense, a significant reduction of emissions
within the aviation sector itself is needed through a basket of measures to contribute to the overall
90% reduction of transport emissions by 2050.
ICAO has identified that market-based measures, as part of the basket of measures, are necessary
for air transport to contribute to emission reductions as they allow the sector to offset its strong
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emission growth from increased activity through acquiring emission units from other sectors at lower
abatement costs. A strong price signal may provide incentives to the aviation industry to invest in
decarbonisation measures and to increase demand in favour of more sustainable modes, for the trips
where those are available.
According to T&E (Transport & Environment, 2018), a carbon price equivalent to €150/tCO
moderate fuel demand growth from the sector through incentivising a combination of design and
operational efficiency improvements and modal shift. The use of SAF, which is the most promising
decarbonisation option for aviation, would imply a cost of around €150 per tonne of avoided CO
the cheaper production routes. This is significantly higher than the expected EU ETS price of around
in 2030 for intra-EEA flights and the CORSIA offsetting price of around €9-13/tCO
for extra-EEA flights, which means that these price signals will be insufficient to incentivise
significant abatement actions within the aviation sector, at least in the mid-term. It should be noted,
however, that there is a significant difference in the level of internalisation between intra-EEA flights
(higher degree of internalisation) and extra-EEA flights (lower). A potential increase in the level of
auctioning for aviation EU ETS allowances
would deliver a higher level of internalisation for intra-
EEA flights reflecting the carbon price across EU ETS sectors. In contrast, the carbon price
introduced through CORSIA (assuming that the expected prices identified above are realised) would
only partially reflect the climate external costs generated by extra-EEA flights (and the requirements
for offsets applies only to emissions growth above 2019 levels, not the full emissions).
A recent, pre-COVID pandemic study for Sweden estimated that direct emissions from aviation will
continue to increase under the EU ETS and CORSIA, assuming that the current allocation of free
allowances for aviation in EU ETS is maintained. When indirect emission reductions (as a result of the
aviation sector’s purchases of emission allowances or offsets from other sectors) are included, net
carbon reductions are expected to be rather modest, around 0.8% per year (Larsson, Elofsson,
Sterner, & Akerman, 2019).
In this sense, given the expected limited incentives from the EU ETS and CORSIA for the reduction of
GHG emissions within the aviation sector itself, the adoption of economic instruments such as fuel tax
or ticket taxes can create compatible mechanisms with current market-based instruments and
increase the contribution of aviation to climate goals (Larsson, Elofsson, Sterner, & Akerman, 2019)
(Fukui & Miyoshi, 2017). This aligns with the Green Deal goal ‘to ensure effective carbon pricing
throughout the economy’ where ‘different pricing instruments must complement each other and jointly
provide a coherent policy framework’. On this point, the evaluation of the Energy Tax Directive
points out that ‘some of the preferential tax treatments [to aviation] may restrict the potential
contribution of the transport sector to the EU’s climate policies’.
Recently, taxation of aviation services and/or aviation fuel (kerosene) has been under public scrutiny,
with Ministers of Finance of nine EU Member States calling on the Commission
to start debating the
issue and a citizen’s initiative asking for an aviation fuel tax to be introduced for intra-EU flights
receiving more than 70,000 signatures
. The European Commission also indicated in the European
Green Deal that it has a goal of ending subsidies for fossil fuels and ensuring that any loopholes that
allow the price of transport not to fully take into account its environmental externalities should be
This analysis suggests that aviation externalities, and climate-related external costs in particular, are
not sufficiently internalised through the current tax regime and market-based measures applied to air
This is the price for the MIX scenario in the Climate Targets Plan Impact Assessment, which could be fully
internalised if 100% of allowances are auctioned in 2030. The price in the most ambitious scenarios could raise
up to €60/tCO
. The carbon price in the period 2030-2040 is estimated to increase substantially to more than
in all the scenarios considered, which may be closer to the current marginal abatement costs in the
aviation sector
Based on (TAKS, 2019) and exchange rate of 1€=1.136$
This matter is currently being considered by the Commission (European Commission, 2020b)
SWD(2019) 332 final, page 64
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transport in the EU, at least with the carbon prices expected for 2030. Since strong price signals are
required to revert the current trend in carbon emissions generated by air transport, this insufficient
level of internalisation may represent an obstacle for the aviation sector to contribute to the 90%
reduction goal by 2050 set for the transport sector.
The current tax regime offers more privileged tax treatment than for other means of transport that
commercial aviation competes with. On routes where alternatives to flying are available to passengers
and freight shippers, uneven levels of taxation for what concerns environmental externalities can
result in marginal cost differences which may, in turn, affect consumer choices by directing them
towards options with higher emissions. This problem was identified in the evaluation of the Energy
Taxation Directive
. The evaluation study noted that mandatory tax exemptions for international
commercial aviation
and maritime transport as well as optional exemptions and reductions for
other modes of transport may distort equal treatment in the transport sector. While the evaluation
presented information for tankering in case of road transport between the MS, further analysis is
needed to demonstrate the impacts of the mandatory exemptions for aviation and maritime on
competition with other transport modes.
For the competition between air transport, rail transport and road transport to be affected by uneven
taxation levels, three conditions need to be met:
1. There needs to be a viable alternative to air travel, typically by road or rail.
2. On those routes subject to competition, the difference in tax regimes (net of fiscal benefits such
as operational subsidies) affects the relative cost of different modes of transport, namely giving
a cost advantage to the sector that is not subject to taxes on their environmental externalities
especially when those would represent a high proportion of total variable costs.
3. Higher taxes in the sectors for which environmental fiscal regimes are in place (after taking
account of fiscal benefits such as operational subsidies) translate into higher prices for
consumers (assuming non-zero levels of cost pass-through), potentially favouring the options
with favourable tax regimes.
For passenger transport, the first condition on the availability of transport alternatives will typically be
met for a limited range of distances and travel times, for which road and rail can compete with air
transport. High-speed rail is widely acknowledged as a (partial) substitute to air transport on short-
haul routes, this is, distances up to 800 km (European Commission, 2006) and total journey time
under around 200 minutes (Behrens & Pels, 2012). A number of studies have found significant supply
effects as a result of this competition, with lower frequency and/or seats offered by air services when
a high-speed line is introduced (Albalate, Bel, & Fageda, 2015) (Dobruszkes, 2011). For routes where
a competitive high-speed alternative is available, the market share for the high-speed rail can grow to
capture more than half of all passengers on the route
. Similarly, road transport or conventional rail
alternatives will only be able to compete with air transport on routes with even shorter distances, as
travel speeds are lower compared to high-speed rail.
For freight transport, air travel is preferred to alternative modes in market segments which are either
characterised by high-value or time-sensitive shipments. It is unlikely that other modes can compete
in those segments.
SWD(2019) 332 final, page 73
While acknowledging that aviation is part of the EU ETS
For example, the high speed rail share on the London-Paris market is 70% (D'Alfonso, Jiang, & Bracaglia,
2016) and 50% on the Barcelona-Madrid route (Albalate, Bel, & Fageda, 2015). Some of this demand is
abstracted from air routes, while the rest is generated by attracting new travellers.
Night trains could also be an alternative to short-haul and medium-haul flights. Although the European night
train network shrank steadily from 2010 to 2017 (European Parliament, 2017), there has been a renaissance in
the last years with new planned services operated by Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) and other rail
operators. Recent research in the Netherlands finds an increased willingness to travel by night trains as an
alternative to flying for leisure trips (Kantelaar, 2019).
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As for the second condition, when competing transport modes have different environmental impacts,
and taxes are levied unevenly across modes (net of fiscal benefits such as operational subsidies),
cost advantages can materialise in favour of the modes subject to lower taxation.
The nature and level of taxes and charges applied along with their coverage of existing external costs
varies significantly across transport modes (CE Delft et al, 2019c).
Table 2-3 presents the results of the comparison of average variable external and average variable
infrastructure costs vis-à-vis average variable taxes and charges
. External costs of climate change
are significantly higher for aviation (2.1 €-ct/pkm) compared to other modes (1.2 €-ct/pkm for road and
no tailpipe emissions from electric railways). In contrast, road vehicles and railways have an average
tax and charge levels of 3.2-3.9 €-ct/pkm
compared to 1.52 -ct/pkm for commercial aviation. This
leads to differences in the extent to which variable external costs are covered by sector-specific taxes
and charges. The cost coverage of the aviation sector is 41% compared to 48% within the road sector
and 258% for high speed trains.
The study on internalisation did not include the price of EU ETS allowances. However, our own
calculations based on a carbon price around €44/tCO
suggest that the price per passenger-km
related to EU ETS would be lower than 0.4 -ct/pkm even with full auctioning. Therefore, this would
not affect significantly results presented in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3: Average variable external and average variable infrastructure costs vs. average variable
taxes and charges (€-ct/pkm) across passenger transport modes
High speed
Average variable cost categories
Air pollution
Climate change
Average variable taxes and charges
Cost coverage ratio
Taxes over
Source: (CE Delft et al, 2019c)
This excludes significant fixed taxes and external costs for road and rail transport. The Overall cost
coverage excluding fixed infrastructure costs indicator including fixed taxes and external costs could be used
as an alternative indicator.
Including fixed taxes, the level of road taxes and charges would increase to 5.5 €-ct/pkm.
When considering fixed taxes and external costs, the cost coverage of road transport would increase to
63%, while the coverage ratio of high-speed rail would decrease to 181%.
The high coverage ratio of high-speed rail is explained by infrastructure access charges applied to high
speed rail are generally set to at least partially recover the high fixed infrastructure costs, which are excluded
from this analysis based on variable costs.
It should be noted that the analysis of the internalisation study (CE Delft et al, 2019c) did not include
subsidies as these are generally very location specific and difficult to generalise across the EU. As for high
speed rail, infrastructure capital costs are largely funded by national or European grants. However, subsidies
are seldom applied to high speed operating costs and, therefore, from a variable cost perspective, subsidies
have a limited effect on the cost coverage ratio presented for high speed rail.
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Finally, meeting the third condition (i.e. the cost disadvantage of competing modes on certain routes
affecting passenger choices in favour of flying) depends on the extent to which costs are passed
through to transport users and the pricing strategy of operators.
For passenger cars and heavy-duty vehicles, fuel taxes (as well as other taxes and charges) are
directly reflected into the price that users perceive when making choices about travelling on the road.
The impact of fuel taxes on the final ticket price of passenger rail and coach transport is more
uncertain and depends on revenue optimisation and cost minimisation strategies, besides the degree
of intermodal competition. Taxes may also affect service provision by influencing frequency and
vehicle sizes (Adler, Pels, & Nash, 2010). Economic theory as well as recent empirical studies
(Koopmans & Rogier, 2016) maintain that pass-through is higher in markets where competition is
more intense. This would indicate that on contestable routes (such as those routes described above
on which either high-speed rail and aviation compete, or conventional rail, coaches and aviation
compete), taxes can result in relatively higher pass-through and be perceived by passengers when
making their choices
. With respect to freight services, it is common for air cargo and rail cargo
operators to apply a fuel surcharge or adjust their shipping contracts in response to increases in the
price of fuel (European Parliament, 2009). Despite limited intermodal competition in freight margins, it
is reasonable to assume a slight competitive advantage for air cargo in the absence of fuel taxes
applying to the aviation sector.
All in all, price differentials between aviation and other modes on competing routes can therefore
affect consumer choices at the margin on some routes, directing them towards travel options with
higher emissions. This may exacerbate the problem of the lack of internalisation of external costs for
the aviation sector by resulting in higher demand for flying than would be the case under a more
harmonised tax regime. However, specific analysis per corridor or route would be needed to
demonstrate the final effects on modal share from the different pricing and taxation levels between
transport modes.
2.1.4 Evolution of the problem
Under the baseline (no policy change) scenario we expect the drivers of the problem to evolve as
Expected evolution under baseline/assumptions
GHG emissions from aviation increase
steadily boosted by activity growth
Even though the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on
economic activity and personal mobility are resulting in a
significant drop in passenger demand in the short term, air
transport activity is expected to continue to grow in the long
Uptake of decarbonisation measures on
the supply-side in the aviation sector are
currently limited due to low technological
and commercial maturity
Radical technological innovations like all-electric aircraft or
hydrogen-fuelled aircraft are likely to roll-out only gradually
due to low TRL levels and the high costs of implementation
and therefore can only lead to limited emissions reductions in
the coming decades
SAF offers promising avenues to decarbonise aviation, but
currently has a low level of uptake (around 0.05%). The
ReFuelEU Aviation initiative is expected to result in a
mandate for the use of SAF, which will lead to a ramp up of
production and uptake of SAF on the EU market, which will
bring important emissions reductions.
Market-based instruments (EU ETS and
CORSIA) only partially internalise climate
The share of free ETS allowances for aviation is likely to be
reduced in future phases and this policy option will be
analysed in the ongoing revision of the EU ETS, which would
increase EU ETS effectiveness. Carbon price is expected to
increase toward 2030 and 2050.
However, evidence from the London-Paris route suggests that the level of competition between air transport
and high-speed rail may decrease once the high-speed route consolidates a high market share, providing a
dominant role to the high speed rail operator (Behrens & Pels, 2012).
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At present 88 ICAO Member States have indicated an
intention to join the CORSIA voluntary stages from the start
in 2021. From 2027 onwards CORSIA will be mandatory for
States that have a share in international aviation above 0.5%
of total Revenue Tonne Kilometres (RTKs), which implies
that Brazil, China, India, Russia and Vietnam will also join
(TAKS, 2020)
The ambition level of CORSIA may evolve over time
The interaction between the ETS and CORSIA is still
uncertain. One option is a clean cut under which the EU
ETS would continue to apply to the current intra-EU/EFTA
scope and CORSIA would be introduced for extra-EU/EFTA
flights. Another option would be a mixed approach under
which ETS would apply up to each operator’s emissions and
CORSIA would apply to the growth above CORSIA baseline
While it is expected that all aviation’s emissions will be
covered by one measure or the other, the current uncertainty
in the future scope of the EU ETS and CORSIA, means that
it is not clear which aviation emissions will be covered by
which measure. This uncertainty is expected to be clarified in
the forthcoming revision of the EU ETS Directive. However, it
seems clear that all emissions will be covered.
Provisions contained in some of the
applicable air services agreements
between EU Member States and third
countries, or between the EU and third
countries or group of countries, limit the
ability to introduce taxes on the fuel
supplied to carriers operating intra-EU
Air services agreements are agreements establishing the
conditions for providing air services between the agreeing
Some of the existing agreements between Member States
and third countries (i.e. bilateral air services agreements) as
well as some of those between the EU and third countries or
group of countries (i.e. comprehensive air transport
agreements) pose legal obstacles to the adoption of indirect
taxes on the aviation sector, especially in relation to taxes on
fuel supplied to EU and non-EU carriers operating extra- and
intra-EU flights.
The trend in more recently concluded and negotiated
agreements is towards the inclusion of provisions allowing
the taxation of fuel, though mainly on intra-EU flights only.
The process of amending existing agreements might be
lengthy and difficult as some partner countries might not be
in favour of renegotiating existing terms. Where amendments
can be adopted, the outcome is not the introduction of
indirect taxes on aviation fuel, but it will set the prerequisites
for their introduction.
No harmonised conditions at EU level on
fuel taxes, VAT or ticket taxes for aviation
MS are unilaterally introducing taxes and charged for aviation
(taxes in 17 MS).
Without EU policy action and given the international and
mobile nature of air transport, it is unlikely that unilateral
measures by Member States would be effective at
harmonising indirect taxes at the European level
Without EU harmonisation, it is unlikely that Member States
will unilaterally adopt similar ticket taxes given the different
economic incentives to do so across Member States.
To give Member States more leeway for levying a minimum
tax on fuel supplied to aircraft operating intra-EU flights, the
Energy Taxation Directive (article 14 in particular) would
need to be modified.
Energy is significantly taxed for road and
rail transport
Fuel tax revenues are expected to decrease for road
transport as a result of the uptake of alternative fuelled
vehicles (e.g. battery electric vehicles or hydrogen-powered
During the pilot phase, 2019 emissions will be used for determining the CORSIA baseline.
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However, alternative taxation schemes may be introduced to
compensate for foregone revenues (e.g. mileage-based
taxes or road use charges)
A similar behaviour is expected for railways but changes will
be less significant as most rail services are already powered
by electricity
2.1.5 Consequences of the problem
The current level of taxation in the aviation sector and market-based measures currently applied to air
transport may provide insufficient price signals for the sector to adopt decarbonisation measures and
for consumers to fully consider the carbon impacts of their travel decisions. This leads to an
insufficient contribution of the aviation sector towards European and international climate mitigation
goals, such as those specified under the European Green Deal. It should be noted, however, that the
final contribution of the aviation sector towards climate goals will result from the combination of the
basket of measures applied. This may include stronger price signals but also the SAF mandate to be
proposed by the Commission (under the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative), which is expected to lead to a
gradual uptake of SAF.
In addition, the current level of taxation in aviation provides for a preferential tax treatment of air
transport, which does not reflect the decarbonisation agenda.
2.1.6 Need for action at EU level
There are different levels of aviation taxation among EU Member States with various levels of ticket
taxes and VAT (on domestic flights only). In EU Member States, VAT or other taxes on domestic
aviation are the most prevalent and exist in 17 Member States. Six Member States levy taxes on
international aviation, invariably in the form of ticket taxes for passengers departing from airports in
the Member State. In Europe, the highest average tax rates are in the UK followed by Italy, Norway,
Germany and France. (see 2019 DG MOVE study on taxation in aviation)
Without EU harmonisation on taxes on aviation, Member States have followed the traditional ICAO
stance of exempting kerosene from any taxation (except for some non-scheduled/not-for-
remuneration flights, see section on drivers of the problem, above). This choice has also been
outlined in their bilateral air services agreements, which traditionally have exempted kerosene from
The cross-border nature of the externalities linked to the aviation sector and its impact on climate
change justifies the need and the relevance of action at the EU level. One of the measures can be the
proposal to introduce a harmonised minimum tax on aviation fuels. A minimum degree of coordination
is justified in the light of the practical obstacles that prevent Member States from unilaterally adopting
energy taxes on the supply of aviation fuel, including the practice of fuel tankering by air carriers and
risks related to the distorted competition between EU airports and the carriers operating there.
A proposal for a harmonised ticket tax would also, most likely, comply with the proportionality and
subsidiarity principles but, potentially, on slightly different grounds. Clear added value would derive
from EU action in comparison to action at the Member State level, as domestic action may lead to
very different levels of air ticket taxes (e.g. by ticket class, in relation to transit and transfer journeys
etc.). Harmonisation at the EU level would contribute to achieving a minimum degree of coordination
in line with overall EU decarbonisation goals and to minimise the risks of hub switching and
destination switching (see section 6.5.1) associated with very different taxation levels across the EU.
Transit and transfer passengers (or journeys) are those in which the passenger flies from their
original destination to their ultimate destination with a stopover (of a limited time) at an intermediate
airport. A transit journey is one on which both legs are flown on the same aircraft, while a transfer
journey is one on which the two legs are flown on different aircraft.
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2.2 Policy objectives
In this Task, the problem defined in Task 1 is used to develop, systematise and validate the general
and specific objectives of the regulatory measures that may be the outcome from the impact
assessment. The general and specific policy objectives are useful for setting the level of policy
ambition and allowing the comparison of policy options.
The table below presents these objectives and their linkage to the problem definition (see problem
tree in Figure 2-1: Problem tree).
Table 2-4: Policy objectives
Problem definition
The current tax regime applicable to
commercial aviation prevents a
sufficient internalisation of climate-
related externalities and restricts
the contribution of the aviation
sector to EU’s climate goals while
leading to inequitable treatment
compared to other transport modes
General objectives
Establish a policy framework in the area of taxation of aviation fuel and
aviation services that:
a) Contributes to the EU’s decarbonisation objectives, by
mitigating the environmental impact of air transport.
b) Contributes to the internationalisation of the external costs of
aviation, by application of the ‘polluter-pays’ principle.
c) Removes taxation preferential treatment for aviation vis-à-vis
more environmentally friendly modes of transport when
Specific objective 1
Establish an EU-wide minimum level of taxation of aviation fuel and/or
aviation services (e.g. departure taxes) that, in coherence and
complementarity with other price mechanisms like the EU ETS and
CORSIA, ensures climate-related externalities are adequately reflected
in the price for air services and provides incentives for a reduction in
GHG emissions in line with the EU’s climate goals.
Specific objective 2
Any taxation measures resulting from this exercise are to be coherent
with the sustainable growth objectives and GHG reduction targets of
European Green Deal, including the related projections for transport in
the Climate Target Plan 2030 and Mobility Strategy, ensuring that
different policy instruments complement each other and jointly provide
a coherent policy framework
Specific objective 3
Establish an EU-wide minimum level of taxation of aviation fuel and/or
aviation services (e.g. departure taxes) that increase prices for aviation
to encourage a shift to more environmental forms of transport when
those are available.
Specific objective 4
The aviation tax regime should safeguard the connectivity, cohesion
and regional development within the EU, particularly of remote and
outermost regions.
During the inception period of the study we have reviewed the set of objectives and presented them to
the Commission during the kick-off meeting. This revision aimed to ensure that:
The proposed specific objectives reflect the understanding of the problem and its
underlying causes:
o The specific objectives reflect the definition of the problem and the underlying
causes so that there is a clear logical link between the two.
The specific objectives link to the Commission's broader objectives
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o The objectives were mapped vis-à-vis the relevant objectives set out in the recently
adopted European Green Deal to ensure that they reflect its objectives.
Check that the objectives are consistent with other EU policies including:
o connectivity, cohesion and regional development
o Competitiveness of industry and innovation policy.
o Functioning of the single market.
o Relations with third countries.
Given this, two new specific objectives (numbered 2 and 4 in the table above), not initially presented
in the proposal, were added during the inception stage of the project.
The proposal submitted by Ricardo included the intention to review the objectives with stakeholders
during the field research elements of the study. As explained in Section A4, the Commission indicated
that extreme care should be exercised when approaching stakeholders and the interviews should be
restricted. Therefore, these objectives were not reviewed with stakeholders during interviews.
3 Methodology
This section provides a summary of the different work streams that form the basis of the study. More
details about each component are presented in the relevant subsequent sections.
3.1 Development of policy options
In the task, the different policy scenarios to be analysed were developed, analysed and short-listed.
The characterisation and modelling of the ‘no policy’ scenario’ (baseline scenario) was explored in a
separate task (section 5).
The identification of policy options involved three main steps, in line with the Better Regulation Tool
#17 on the identification of policy options:
Step 1: Development of a full list of all possible measures, on the basis of desk research.
Step 2: Initial screening of the long-list of measures by the project team and the Commission.
Step 3: Short list of policy options.
3.1.1 Step 1: Development of a long list of policy measures
This sub-task was focussed on the development of a long list of potential sub-options building on the
three main policy packages described in the ToR:
Policy package 1: Introduction of a harmonised minimum rate of tax on the supply of fuel for
aviation under the revised Energy Taxation Directive.
Policy package 2: Introduction of harmonised minimum ticket tax across the EU.
Policy package 3: Combination of a harmonised minimum tax on the supply of fuel and a
harmonised minimum ticket tax.
The development and assessment of alternatives for each of the three main policy packages above
was undertaken at two levels:
Measures level: Independent variations around particular aspects (tax rate, level of
differentiation, etc.), include measures aimed at minimising the risk of fuel tankering and traffic
Sub-option level: Combinations of variations of measures across all aspects to conform fully
defined taxation alternatives
The main characteristics for the three main policy packages along with the individual measures that
are included in each package are analysed in further detail in section 4.1 and 4.2, respectively.
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3.1.2 Step 2: Screening of policy measures
Given the large number of measures under consideration, with some having multiple variations
around particular aspects (e.g. the tax rate level), the number of potential sub-options was very large
(more than 200). Given this, different measures were first analysed separately to assess their and
then combined in a set of sub-options that were to be analysed further (see Step 3).
This initial screening was performed based on the criteria outlined in Table 3-1. The objective was to
narrow down the long list of policy options in a sensible manner so that less preferable measures are
discarded. These criteria were adapted following the kick-off meeting with the Commission and the
inception report. The assessment at this stage was qualitative (detailed quantitative assessment was
performed for the short-listed policy options only, and is presented in section 1) based on the findings
from the literature, judgement from the experts in our team and feedback from the Commission.
Options that were considered infeasible were discarded.
Table 3-1: Criteria for screening of measures
Legal feasibility
Extent that options respect the principles of conferral, subsidiarity and
proportionality and whether they may conflict with other EU legislation
and international aviation legislation
Contribution of the measure to addressing the specific problem and/or
meeting the targeted objectives, including how effective the measure in
on incentivising decarbonisation (incentivising lower CO
per passenger
Qualitative cost burden or savings that could be achieved
Technical feasibility
The presence of any technical barriers to the adoption and enforcement
of a measure. This is particularly important for measures that require the
new types of information for which standardised metrics do not yet exist
and would require the development of legislation in other areas.
Subsidiarity and
To ensure that the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality are
Risk of tax avoidance
(and carbon leakage if
ENV measure)
Assess to what extent the definition of the policy option reduces the risk
of tankering and traffic diversion
In section 4.2 a list of all the measures considered is included, including a full analysis of the
measures that were taken forward; measures that were discarded are presented in Annex A7.
3.1.3 Step 3: Short list of policy options
The final step was the packaging of the measures that were to be considered further into a set of
suitable policy options. This packaging took into account the fact that only a sub-set of measures
could be modelled quantitatively in the AERO-MS aviation model. These measures formed the basis
of the sub-options. All other sub-measures were analysed qualitatively.
The final list of policy options that were considered is discussed in Section 4.2.3.
3.2 Assessment of impacts
In keeping with the need for proportionate and credible analysis, the study is focussing on providing
quantitative analyses of the most significant impact categories. Environmental, economic and social
impacts from increased taxation as per the different policy options and sub-options are quantified
based on outputs from AERO-MS for the aviation sector and from GINFORS-E for wider impacts. The
modelling framework used can capture the effects of different uses of taxation revenues, both on the
aviation sector and on the whole economy.
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The AERO-MS and GINFORS-E models, as applied in the impact analysis, are highly
complementary. The AERO-MS models the global aviation industry with detailed data at an
airport-pair level, whereby European flight data for the base year are based on EUROCONTROL
data. GINFORS-E is a macro-economic model with bilateral world trade data from OECD. For the
assessment of the various policy options, the AERO-MS model is run to quantify impacts on the
aviation sector. Results of the AERO-MS are transferred to the classifications of the GINFORS-E
macro model, which is then run to quantify wider economic impacts on other transport modes and
other economic sectors for the different scenarios.
During the inception phase of the study, the required linkages between the two models were
established. A procedure was developed whereby for each calculation, the AERO-MS produces an
output report with a fixed format. This output report contains AERO-MS computational results by
Member State regarding airline revenues, taxation revenues, passenger demand, cargo demand and
energy demand. The AERO-MS outputs are then input to the GINFORS-E model. An overview of the
modelling framework applied in this study is provided in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1: Modelling framework used in this study
The use of both models provides a comprehensive overview of impacts in comparison with each of
the baselines included in the study, with results being produced for short-term (2025), mid-term
(2030) and long-term (2050) impacts. The analysis includes calculations using AERO-MS for each of
the policy options applied to each of the two baselines; the GINFORS-E model analyses the policy
options against a single baseline (the primary baseline). The modelling uses the carbon price and fuel
price assumptions provided as part of the primary baseline definition. Additional tax revenues (from
either fuel taxes or ticket taxes) are assumed to flow into the general budget. No revenue recycling is
assumed in the policy option analyses. GINFORS-E results include second round effects.
3.2.1 AERO-MS
The AERO-MS takes into account various responses to air transport taxation including:
A demand side response whereby policy-induced cost increases are passed on to higher ticket
prices, which results in a reduction in passenger and cargo demand.
A supply side response whereby airlines shift towards the use of more fuel-efficient aircraft.
In relation to the first response the default assumption in the AERO-MS is that all policy-induced cost
increases are passed on into higher ticket prices. The impact on demand which follows from these
higher ticket prices is related to the price elasticities of demand in the model. The price elasticities of
Direct impacts on aviation:
Air transport activity
Passenger demand
Cargo demand
Revenue Tonne Km
Airline revenues
Taxation revenues
Ticket prices
Fuel use
Fuel efficiency
emissions and non-CO
climate impacts (NO
at altitude)
Indirect or wider impacts:
Air transport:
Demand (including non-EU)
Other transport modes and other
economic sectors, total economy:
Energy balance and CO
Tax revenue
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demand values in the AERO-MS are based on an IATA study
. The elasticities used for intra-EEA
flights by different carrier types are shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2: Average price elasticities used for intra-EEA flights
Airline type
Price elasticity
Traditional scheduled carriers
Low-cost carriers
Cargo demand
In relation to the supply side response, the AERO-MS takes into account that responses will be different
for a fuel or ticket tax. In case of a fuel tax, there is a price incentive for the use of more fuel-efficient
aircraft, whereas this is not the case for a ticket tax. This is a key difference between the two taxation
alternatives and is captured in the quantification of impacts. The AERO-MS takes into account the
following supply side responses:
New aircraft technology shift: change in purchase behaviour of airlines towards (available)
environmentally more efficient new aircraft and accelerated development of new aircraft
Accelerated fleet renewal: replacing the older part of the fleet earlier than in the situation without
a fuel taxation, based on financial considerations of airlines.
New aircraft capacity shift: adjustment of mission capabilities to allow for more efficient aircraft
operation in view of anticipated fuel taxation impacts on transport flows.
In relation to the outputs from AERO-MS, the following remarks apply:
Separate outputs are presented for all 29 EEA Member States (EU27, NO, IS
) plus Switzerland
(as a member of the EFTA), including aggregated outputs for EEA29.
The outputs per Member State (MS) are allocated based on country of departure of a flight
A separate output table is provided for each MS for intra EEA traffic (including both domestic traffic
and international intra EEA traffic) and extra EEA traffic (i.e., destination outside EEA).
For a number of indicators there is distinction between impacts for traditional scheduled carriers
and low-cost carriers. This show if different airline categories are affected differently by the taxation
For calculations of the impacts of tax options, the results are presented as percentage changes
relative to the baseline (Note: taxation revenues are presented in absolute terms).
GINFORS-E, as a global model, with inter-industry and bilateral trade relations endogenously
modelled, can inform about indirect and total macroeconomic impacts. This includes indirect, induced
and total effects on GDP and employment, and effects on industries with close links to aviation.
Impacts on other modes of traffic (i.e. land and water transport) are also accounted for.
GINFORS-E takes input from AERO-MS in terms of air transport prices, air transport demand and
energy demand under each scenario and quantifies various reactions to these inputs in the macro
model. The following AERO-MS outputs are used as an input to the GINFORS-E model, whereby
outputs of the AERO-MS have been provided in terms of differences relative to the baseline:
Differences in airline revenues (passengers, cargo).
Differences in demand (passenger km, cargo-km).
Liechtenstein is also part of the EEA but has not been taken into account because it has no aviation sector
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Differences in air transport taxation revenues.
Differences in air transport energy demand and CO
As part of the initial setting up for this study, the GINFORS-E model has been recalibrated to ensure
that it is consistent with the AERO-MS results for the aviation sector.
Results from AERO-MS for air ticket prices and air transport demand are the starting point for
quantification of the tax scenarios in GINFORS-E (Figure 3-1). They are inputs for the GINFORS-E
A full description of the GINFORS-E model, including the different indicators used in the outputs, is
given in Annex A3.2. Demand for land and water transport (indicators 1-3) depend on the total
consumption expenditures by households at constant prices and on relative prices between the
different transport modes. Thus, under a tax applied to aviation increasing the price of air transport,
other modes (land, rail, water) become relatively cheaper and demand increases. The reaction
depends on land or water transport being complements or substitutes for air transport. Econometric
analysis helps at this point. Land transport (including private car, bus, etc.) demand depends on the
ratio between the price of land transport services and the average transport service price. Respective
econometric panel data analyses for price-deflated demand of the years 1990 to 2017 show in this
regard an average price elasticity of -1.1 for demand by households and of -0.9 for land transport
services as intermediate inputs of production. An increase in aviation prices will increase demand for
land transport of persons and of freight. For water transport services, only the demand by households
is significantly related to air transport services. Freight transport by water takes place domestically
mainly with goods of low value density for which flights are too expensive. Econometric analyses
show a direct positive correlation between price-deflated air transport consumption expenditures and
price-deflated water transport consumption expenditures (elasticity of 0.5). The reason behind this
finding (and modelling) might be that air transport is the usual mode of arrival for cruise holidays, the
two travel modes in this case being complementary goods. One could also imagine some substitution
between air and water transport, especially for short distances between the mainland and offshore
islands. But the competition with flights is even in these cases limited, given the different transport
times and the delay in ship boarding.
Changes in demand for different transport modes translate into adjustments of production, value
added, labour demand, energy demand and emissions, and taxes. Employment effects on air
transport (indicator 4) and total transport activities (indicator 5) mainly depend on changes in transport
activities. But also different wage levels (relatively high in air transport, lower in land transport) have to
be taken into account, when looking at employment effects in persons engaged.
As the decline in demand for air and water services for most countries exceeds the increase in
demand for land transport services, there is a negative effect on the overall demand of private
Regarding price increases due to taxes full cost pass-through is assumed. During the current study,
this assumption has been discussed and other sources consulted to check the validity of the
assumption. A report for the European Commission (ICF Consulting, To be published) indicates that,
for most cases, expected pass-through rates for additional airline costs are expected to be close to
100%. Therefore, it is considered that the assumption of full cost pass-through used here is valid.
The modelling of taxes without specific recycling of revenues leads to an increase in the overall price
level with a slightly negative macroeconomic effect. Based on these initial changes, the model leads
to further adjustments in other industries, on the labour market, and finally on GDP (indicator 11) and
overall price level as GDP deflator (indicator 12). Employment as number of persons engaged is
modelled on the sector level as a function of output and real wages. An increase in production leads
to a less than proportional increase in employment. An increase in wages, measured in prices of the
output good, reduces employment demand. Wage formation results at the macroeconomic level in a
Phillips curve approach. Wages increase with labour productivity, price level and the (the lack of)
availability of labour.
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Among others, effects on tax revenues from income taxes and from taxes on products and on
production and on energy use and CO
emissions are reported (beyond those already identified by
AERO-MS for aviation).
Tax revenues from air transport stem from AERO-MS (indicator 6) and are just reported for
completeness. Indicator 7 reports the sum of all taxes less subsidies on intermediate and final
products except those on land, air and water transport. The taxes less subsidies on intermediate
products are explained by the sum of all intermediate inputs at current prices plus the contribution of
the respective sector to the revenues from ETS auctioning. The taxes less subsidies on final products
that inter alia comprise VAT and energy taxes are modelled as constant relations to the respective
final demand category. Current taxes on income, wealth etc. are reported as indicator 8. The
revenues from this tax base are modelled as constant relation to the economy-wide gross value
added at current prices. As revenues from these taxes are orders of magnitude higher than the
revenues from the transport sector, even small percentage changes can have a significant impact on
total tax revenue, for which taxes on transport and direct plus indirect taxes are added. (indicator 9).
Governments can use additional revenues differently. The recycling mechanism plays an important
role for the macroeconomic effects. In this assessment it is assumed that additional revenues will
accrue to general government budgets and will be used for debt reduction and not for consumptive or
productive purposes, which is one of the reasons why the results tend to show negative growth
impacts. Alternative revenue recycling via support programmes for airlines or airplane manufacturing,
a reduction in labour costs or income taxes is expected to have more positive macroeconomic effects.
GINFORS-E calculates global energy related CO
emissions based on IEA energy balances for 64
countries plus rest of world, on an annual basis (2016-2050). This allows to calculate net CO
on the whole economy from taxation policies in the aviation sector. Energy use in transport (indicator
14) and related CO
emissions (indicator 16) cover all transport activity (in mobile engines) regardless
of the economic sector to which it is contributing [ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 49 to 51]. Total energy use
(indicator 15) equals total energy supply. Indicator 17 represents all energy-related CO
according to the IEA methodology. Indicators (14) to (17) do not include international aviation and
marine bunkers. The IEA reports international aviation (indicator 18) and marine bunkers as memo,
as they are not part of the national emission inventory.
More details on the assessment of impacts are presented in Section 6.1. A full description of the
AERO-MS and GINFORS-E models is presented in Annex A6.
3.3 Legal and qualitative analysis
3.3.1 Approach and key sources
A thorough impact assessment needs to include an analysis of: the legal framework currently in place
and how it contributes to: the problem analysis (section 2.1); the feasibility of the proposed policy
options, sub-options and measures to ensure their effectiveness under current legislation
(section 4)
and an assessment of the potential legal consequences of the interventions (section 6).
In summary, for the purpose of this report, we have analysed the following provisions, texts and legal
frameworks to inform the analysis supporting this report:
Convention on International Civil Aviation (‘Chicago Convention’).
Relevant ICAO resolutions and policies.
Relevant air services and air transport agreements between EU Member States and third
countries (Bilateral agreements) and between the European Union and third countries
(Horizontal agreements and Comprehensive agreements).
EU legislation applicable to the aviation sector, legislative frameworks in the area of energy
taxation, VAT and competition rules and the ongoing ReFuelEU Initiative (initiative to boost
sustainable aviation fuels in the EU).
When relevant, the legal analysis also draws attention to the provisions that would need to be modified in order
to avoid inconsistencies or legal challenges.
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Regulations for carbon pricing or offsetting schemes (e.g. EU ETS, CORSIA).
Some of the legislation at Member State level in the field of existing ticket and/or fuel taxes.
The detailed analysis is presented in Annex A1.
As part of this work, the study team has also engaged in conversations with experts at the European
Commission and national tax administrations. Bilateral meetings with DG MOVE have shed light on
the current and future coverage of third country agreements and their impact on the possibility of
introducing taxes on intra-EU flights operated by third-country carriers. Conversations were also held
with experts in the finance ministries of Austria, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. More details
about field research for this study are shown in Annex A4.
3.3.2 Summary of legal considerations
The legal analysis has led to a number of considerations, summarised here. As noted, the detailed
analysis is presented in Annex A1.
With respect to air ticket taxes, the legal analysis and the review of the experience of EU Member
States shows that designing and implementing taxes on air passenger tickets does not pose
fundamental legal issues. Legal objections have been raised in the past, in particular with regard to
their compatibility with article 15 of the Chicago Convention. However, case-law in some Member
States suggests that that ticket taxes do not violate this provision.
In theory, ticket taxes if they can
be assimilated to ‘de facto’ fuel taxes - could also be problematic under article 24 of the Chicago
Convention and air services agreements (see the analysis below on the legal regime for fuel taxes).
With regard to EU law, the legality of ticket taxes has been questioned under EU State aid law, which
highlights the need for Member States to design their taxes in compliance with article 107 of the
Overall, the answer to the question of whether ticket taxes will or not be problematic under
international and EU law largely depends on the design of the ticket tax regime. As long as it does not
amount to a fuel tax and does not constitute state aid, the legal regime of ticket taxes should be
relatively simple. Ticket taxes, which need to be included to the final price of air services available to
the general public and specified along the final price of air services
, are already a practical reality in
various Member States. Also, article 23 of Regulation 1008/2008 (the Air Services Regulation)
compels carriers to specify, in addition to the indication of the final price, at least a number of
component parts of the final price. Taxes are one of the items to be specified, i.e. in the event they
have been added to the air fare or air rate. This is more relevant for ticket taxes (as these are charged
directly to the passenger); for the fuel taxes discussed in this report, the levies are charged to the
airline, not the passenger (although a full cost pass through to passengers is expected as discussed
With respect to fuel taxes and aviation, the picture is more complex.
At the international level, the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation (1944) established
the core principles permitting international transport by air. Article 24 prevents signatories of the
Chicago Convention from taxing fuel onboard an aircraft on arrival and retained onboard - but does
not prevent them from taxing fuel loaded into aircraft on their territory. This is an important clarification
as article 24 may give rise to controversy if incorrectly interpreted as barring any form of fuel taxation.
See CE Delft, A study on aviation ticket taxes, November 2018. For a more detailed discussion of the legal
arguments, see Uwe Erling, ‘The German Air Transport Tax: A Treaty Override of International Law’ (2015)
10(2) FIU Law Review 467-92; Brian F. Havel & Niels van Antwerpen, Dutch Ticket Tax and Article 15 of the
Chicago Convention (2009) 34(2) Air and Space Law, pp. 141-146; Brian F. Havel & Niels van Antwerpen, Dutch
Ticket Tax and Article 15 of the Chicago Convention (Continued) (2009) 34(6) Air and Space Law, pp. 447-451;
Robert Lawson, UK Air Passenger Duty held to be Consistent with the Chicago Convention (2008) XXXIII(1) Air &
Space Law, pp. 3-9.
See CJEU, European Commission v. Aer Lingus, 21 December 2016, joined cases C-164/15 P and C-
165/15 P; General Court, Aer Lingus v. Commission, 5 February 2015, T-473/12.
See Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24
September 2008 on common rules for the operation of air services in the Community, OJ L 298, 31 October
2008, pp. 3-20.
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At the European level, the ETD - Energy taxation directive (2003/96/EC) and the general
arrangements for excise duty directive (2008/118/EC)
provide the regulatory framework for the
adoption of excise duties on energy products and electricity. Directive 2003/96/EC specifically
concerns the taxation of energy products and electricity. According to article 14, para. 1(b) of the
ETD, ‘energy products supplied for use as fuel for the purpose of air navigation other than in private
pleasure-flying’ shall be exempted from taxation by Member States. However, Article 14 para.1(b)
also states that ‘Member States may limit the scope of this exemption to supplies of jet fuel (CN code
2710 19 21)’. Moreover, Article 14, para. 2 indicates that ‘Member States may limit the scope of the
exemptions (….) to international and intra-Community transport. In addition, where a Member State
has entered into a bilateral agreement with another Member State, it may also waive the exemptions
(…). In such cases, Member States may apply a level of taxation below the minimum level set out in
this Directive’.
Taken together, these provisions do not impede the application of taxes to the fuel supplied to EU-air
carriers for intra-EU flights.
However, additional legal limits might apply to the taxation of fuel supplied to non-EU carriers when
they operate intra-EU flights. Whether fuel supplied in the EU to non-EU carriers for intra-EU flights
might be taxed or not will depend on the legal provisions to be found in (a) bilateral air services
agreements concluded by Member States with third countries (and amended or not by horizontal
agreements) or (b) comprehensive agreements.
A bilateral air services agreement concluded between a Member State and a third country might
contain a provision requiring that fuel supplied for international air transport which includes intra-EU
flights - be exempt from taxation. Historically, such provisions have been very common. However,
over the past years, the situation has evolved.
Since the early 2000s, the EU has negotiated, on behalf of the Union and of the Member States,
horizontal air services agreements (HAs) and comprehensive air transport agreements
(CATAs) with third countries. These negotiations have been justified by the need to align Member
States’ bilateral air services agreements with EU primary law, in particular the provision on the
freedom of establishment.
However, many HAs and CATAs go beyond this initial objective and
regulate other issues, including issues related to the taxation of aviation fuel.
The HAs allow the EU to amend a number of provisions in Member States’ bilateral agreements.
Increasingly, HAs include a provision allowing for the taxation of fuel supplied in Member States’
territory for use in an aircraft that operates intra-EU flights.
The CATAs supersede the bilateral agreements that have been concluded by individual Member
States with third countries. In many cases, CATAs include a provision allowing for the taxation of fuel
supplied to an aircraft for intra-EU flights
. Moreover, the CATAs under negotiation and expected to
be signed soon will usually include a provision allowing for the taxation of fuel supplied to an aircraft
for intra-EU flights.
Council Directive 2008/118/EC of 16 December 2008 concerning the general arrangements for excise duty
and repealing Directive 92/12/EEC
See Commission of the European Communities, Communication from the Commission on the consequences
of the Court judgements of 5 November 2002 for European air transport policy, 19 November 2002, COM(2002)
649 final; Regulation (EC) No 847/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the
negotiation and implementation of air service agreements between Member States and third countries, OJ L 157,
30 April 2004, pp. 7-17. See also Frank Hoffmeister, Bilateral Air Transport Agreements between Several EU
Member States and the United States (Open Skies) - Right to Establishment under European Law - External
Competence of the European Community (2004) 98 AM. J. INT'l L. 567-572.
Note that the CATA concluded with the US does not include such a clause. Rather, article 11.6 of the EU-US
Air Transport Agreement (OJ L 134, 25 May 2007, as amended) states as follows: Article 11.6. In the event that
two or more Member States envisage applying to the fuel supplied to aircraft of US airlines in the territories of
such Member States for flights between such Member States any waiver of the exemption contained in Article
14(b) of Council Directive 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003, the Joint Committee shall consider that issue, in
accordance with paragraph 4(e) of Article 18.
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What do these provisions mean in practice? The practical consequence of these agreements can be
illustrated by means of two concrete examples:
(1) Situation 1:
In case a tax is introduced within the EU on fuel supplied on intra-EU flights, the fuel supplied in
Member State ‘A’ to a non-EU carrier from third country ‘X’ operating intra-EU flights between Member
State ‘A’ and Member State ‘B’ must benefit from an exemption if all the following conditions are met:
- There is no HA or CATA between the EU and country ‘X’ including a clause allowing for the
taxation of the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights.
- The bilateral air services agreements between Member State ‘A’ and third country ‘X’
prevents the taxation of the supply of fuel for international air transport, including intra-EU
flights. This can be explained by two main reasons: (a) there is no HA between the EU and
country ‘X’ amending the bilateral agreement to allow for the taxation of the supply of fuel for
intra-EU flights or (b) Member State ‘A’ has not negotiated, on an individual basis, a clause to
allow for the taxation of the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights.
(2) Situation 2:
Conversely, the fuel supplied in Member State ‘A’ to a non-EU air carrier from third country ‘X’
operating intra-EU flights between Member State ‘A’ and Member State ‘B’ could be subject to
taxation in the same way as the fuel supplied to EU air carriers for intra-EU flights if one of the
following conditions is met:
- There is an HA or CATA between the EU and country ‘X’ including a clause allowing for the
taxation of the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights.
- The bilateral air services agreements between Member State ‘A’ and third country ‘X’ allows
for the taxation of the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights, either because it has been amended
by a HA negotiated between the EU and country ‘X’ or because Member State ‘A’ has,
individually, negotiated the insertion of such a clause in its bilateral air services agreement
with country ‘X’.
For the purpose of our analysis, we have mapped HAs concluded and all the CATAs concluded (or
being finalised) between the EU and third countries. Following this mapping, we have analysed the
extent to which those agreements allow the taxation of the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights (and, for
the UK and Morocco, the taxation of fuel for flights from the EU to the UK and from the EU to
Morocco). The full mapping is presented in Annex A1.
Due to the very large number of bilateral agreements existing between EU Member States and third
countries, it is not possible to carry out an analysis of all the existing bilateral agreements that have
not been modified by an HA. Nonetheless, our estimates show that the CATAs and HAs analysed
cover most of all intra-EU passenger traffic by third-country carriers.
What does this tell us about the possibility that non-EU carriers who operate intra-EU flights may be
able to operate without being subject to fuel taxes? The analysis below is useful to answer this
Data on the share of fuel burnt by third-party carriers operating intra-EU flights can be obtained from
the EU ETS Transaction Log following a similar methodology to CE Delft (2019). This allows us to
identify all the non-EEA aircraft operators that have submitted verified emissions under the EU ETS.
Excluding non-commercial aircraft, we can focus on the commercial airlines that operate either
(predominantly) passenger or cargo flights. Their fuel consumption is depicted in the figure below. It
shows that the total fuel burnt by non-EEA carriers is relatively stable between 2013 and 2019 and
that it is almost equally split between passenger and cargo operations.
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Figure 3-2: Evolution of fuel consumption by non-EEA airlines for intra-EEA flights, by passenger and
cargo flights
Source: Ricardo analysis of EU ETS Transaction Log
Besides looking at trends, we can estimate the share of total fuel burnt as a percentage of total fuel
consumption, once again extracted from the EU ETS database. This reveals that the fuel consumed
by non-EEA carriers for intra-EU flights is equivalent to 1.7% of the total fuel burnt. We can exclude
cargo flights from this total as they would be out of scope from a potential fuel tax. This leaves us with
a share of 0.9% attributable to intra-EU passenger flights by third country carriers.
Although the proportion is very small and stable over time, it is worth considering the countries of
origin for those carriers and assess whether these countries have signed CATAs or HAs with the EU.
Overall, the carriers with the highest fuel burn come from the USA and Switzerland. However, the
American carriers are entirely cargo airlines.
Looking at passenger carriers, Switzerland, UAE, Korea, Ethiopia, Qatar and Chile come next. Except
for Ethiopia, the EU has been able to conclude either CATAs or HAs with all of these countries.
The agreement with Switzerland includes an explicit reference to article 14(1)(b) and Article 14(2) of
Council Directive 2003/96/EC, which implies that the taxation of fuel supplied to Swiss air carriers for
intra-EU flights should not be a problem.
Moreover, in the specific case of Switzerland, it is worth
noting that the EU aviation acquis is regularly incorporated in the Swiss legal order by Decisions of
the Joint Committee established under the EU-Swiss Air Transport Agreement. With rare exceptions
and adaptations, aviation-related acquis is generally accepted by Switzerland and it would be safe to
assume that harmonisation might take place should some form of taxation on fuel be introduced.
See Annex, point 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on AIr
Transport (OJ L 114, 30 April 2002, as later amended).
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Fuel consumption (tonnes)
Total fuel consumption by non-EEA airlines
Passenger Cargo
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For UAE and Chile, a specific clause in the HA negotiated by the EU allows for the taxation of fuel
supplied for intra-EU flights.
In the case of Korea and Qatar, agreements under negotiation are also
expected to contain provisions addressing the potential for fuel to be taxed.
This would leave only Ethiopian carriers free from flying intra-EU flights without being subject to a
potential fuel tax. The extent to which this is the case depends on the specific bilateral agreements
between Ethiopia and each of the Member States (see Situation (1)).
Figure 3-3: Fuel consumed by non-EEA airlines for intra-EU flights, by country of origin
Source: Ricardo analysis of EU ETS Transaction Log
One important caveat of our conclusions is that today’s analysis may not accurately describe
tomorrow’s situation, subject to some uncertainty. For example, assuming that EU air-carriers are
subject to a new tax on the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights, some third-party carriers currently
enjoying fifth-freedom rights but not actively pursuing intra-EU passenger routes may be incentivised
to do so in the future - in case they benefit from a tax exemption due to the reasons explained above
(see situation (1))
3.4 Peripheral and island regions case study
The purpose of the case study is to investigate and quantify possible negative socio-economic
impacts that could take place in peripheral- and island regions if a taxation on the aviation sector is
implemented in the EU. These areas are expected to be more affected than others by an aviation
taxation, given their reliance on this mode of transport for their economic activities (e.g. tourism) and
for the supply of consumable goods.
The case study is also focussed on the specific situation of outermost regions for the Canary Islands
(ES), the situation of Crete (EL) and of Ireland and Malta selected following a review of the relevant
island and peripheral regions’ connectivity and economic parameters, and discussions with
See Article 4(2) of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Chile on certain
aspects of air services (OJ L 3000, 31 October 2006); article 4(2) of the Agreement between the European
Community and the United Arab Emirates on certain aspects of ari services (OJ L 28, 1 February 2008).
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Fuel consumption (tonnes)
Total fuel consumption by non-EEA airlines
Chile China Ethiopia Iran Israel Japan Korea Kuwait Qatar Russia Singapore Switzerland UAE USA
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Commission directorates (DG TAXUD, DG GROW and DG MOVE). Preliminary analysis on the case
study, including the rationale for selecting the above specific situations as the focus of the case study,
are presented in Section 8.
4 Policy options
This section presents an overview of the different policy options under consideration (section 4.1) and
the measures that were taken forward for full analysis (section 4.2; measures that were discarded are
presented in Annex A7), the policy options that were selected to be modelled (section 4.2.3). Finally,
a legal analysis of the measures taken forward is presented in section 4.3.
4.1 Overview of the different policy packages
The main characteristics for the three main policy packages along with mechanisms to minimise the
risks of tankering are described in this section. In the next section, the individual
characteristics/measures that can go in each measure are analysed in further detail.
4.1.1 Policy package 1: Introduction of a harmonised fuel tax for aviation under the
revised Energy Taxation Directive
Options under policy package 1 would amend the current exemption from excise duty of aircraft fuel
in Article 14(1) of the Energy Tax Directive 2003/96/EC. This responds to the need for a harmonised
approach, since the capacity to waive current exemptions for domestic flights or intra-community
flights via bilateral agreements between Member States under Article 14(2) has not been used so
The current minimum excise duty rate for kerosene, according to the Energy Taxation Directive,
is € 330/1,000 L (or 33 cents/L).
The sub-options considered variations around (above and below) the minimum kerosene tax rate that
would be applicable to commercial aviation:
€0.33/litre, the current minimum excise duty rate for kerosene in the ETD
€0.17/litre, around 0.5 times the current minimum (approximately 4.90/GJ).
€0.50/litre, 1.5 times the current minimum (approximately 14.41/GJ).
The definition of these different tax rates allows for sensitivity analysis of the impacts of a relatively
wide range of tax rates. These tax rates can either be implemented to its full extent in one go, or they
could be implemented over a period of time (e.g. over a ten-year period, with increments of 10% of
the full value in each year; this possibility is further discussed in section 4.2.1).
From an administrative and implementation perspective, the collection of a fuel tax is not expected to
be problematic. Member States already have experience in collecting fuel taxes in other modes,
namely on road transport. It is expected that an aviation fuel tax would be collected in a similar
manner, with the fuel suppliers collecting the tax when they supply kerosene at airports, then
transferring those funds to the relevant tax authorities some Member States could decide, however,
to collect the tax from the flight operators instead (see Box 4-1 below for a discussion on the
collection of current fuel taxes across the EU and in third countries).
In terms of efficiency, the costs of collecting the current motor fuel taxes can be used as a proxy for
how much it would cost to collect an aviation fuel tax. A 2012 study for DG MOVE found that
administrative costs for public authorities represented between 0.65% and 0.85% of the revenue of
The Netherlands have domestic aviation fuel taxes but domestic flights in the Netherlands have been
phased out.
The central tax rate used in this study was selected prior to the finalisation of the value used in the
Commission’s impact assessment, so there is a small difference between the values in the two studies
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fuel tax (CE Delft et al., 2012)
. It is estimated that the collection of a kerosene fuel tax would be
somewhat simpler, as the supply of kerosene is concentrated at airports, of which there are only a few
in each Member State (compared with hundreds or thousands of petrol stations in each Member
State). Given this, the lowest figure of 0.65% of revenue is considered as representing the upper
bound for the administrative costs of collecting a fuel tax. Being defined as a percentage of revenue,
this cost would vary depending on the tax rate considered, which is likely an unrealistic assumption
it is expected that would cost as much to collect the tax if the rate was €0.10/litre or €1.00/litre. As
such, it was assumed that the administrative costs would represent 0.65% of the revenue associated
with the base tax rate of €0.33/litre, and the total administrative costs remain flat across all other
variations of the fuel tax. By 2050, this would represent a cost of around €45 million (in 2019 euros)
across EEA 29
for tax authorities.
For the airlines, the collection of the tax would also bring some costs, but no estimates were possible.
The burden to pay the tax would depend on how the tax is collected. For example, if the tax was
collected by the fuel supplier as part of the refuelling transaction, this is expected not to represent a
great burden. If, on the other hand, the airline had to collect information on the fuel used on each
intra-EEA flight and the pay the duty to the tax authority (a system similar to that in the United States;
see Box 4-1), a greater burden would be likely. In any case, it should be noted that airlines already
keep track of the fuel burn on their intra-EEA flights as part of the reporting requirement of the EU
. As such, keeping track of such requirement is not a foreign concept for airlines. Additionally, in
some Member States (e.g. Portugal, see Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (2019)), on each
refuelling event airlines already have to state to the refueller that the fuel is exempt from any duties
so wider adoption of such procedures would allow for the collection of such a tax without significant
burden for the airlines (or the tax authorities).
In general, the manner on how this fuel tax would be collected would depend on the Member State.
Currently, Member States already collect fuel taxes on private pleasure flights (as per Article 14 of
the ETD), and these offer potential examples on how an eventual kerosene tax would be collected
across the EU. Countries that collect fuel taxes on their commercial domestic flights could also
provide examples for Member States to follow. These examples are explored in Box 4-1:
Box 4-1: Examples of how countries collect fuel taxes in aviation
As noted, Member States already collect fuel taxes on private pleasure flights. A few examples on
how those taxes are collected follow:
In Portugal, the tax is collected by the fuel supplier, who then transfer the monies to the tax
authorities. If not wishing to pay the tax, the operator of the flight has to explicitly inform the
fuel supplier that the flight will not be a private pleasure flight (Autoridade Tributária e
Aduaneira, 2019).
In Ireland, the fuel supplier also collects the tax. If an operator believes tax is not due on
their flight (e.g. if they flight was for training purposes), it has to ask for a reimbursement
(Irish Tax and Customs, 2021).
In Malta, the fuel supplier, as an authorized warehouse keeper also collects the tax
(Legislation Malta, 1995). The fuel supplier is also responsible for collecting such taxes in
Spain (Dirección General de Gobernanza Pública, 2020).
In the UK, which was under the jurisdiction of the ETD until leaving the EU, the tax is paid
directly by the operator of the flight, not the fuel supplier; payment must be made in the 30
days following the flight. Still, the fuel supplier is tasked to inform the operator that tax
These values are in line with what was found in the USA, with a study indicating that the collection of motor
fuel taxes had administrative costs totalling 0.92% of revenue in the 2003-2007 periods (National Academies of
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2011). The USA collects a kerosene tax for domestic flights, but it was
not possible to identify any studies assessing the costs of collecting that tax.
Policy option with a fuel tax of €0.33/litre in all intra-EEA flights and considering that existing ticket taxes are
Airlines with fewer flights can choose to use Eurocontrol’s ’small emitters tool which provides fuel burn
estimates, instead of keeping track of their fuel usage.
A similar system applies in the USA for international flights.
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might be due, and has to keep in its records whether the operator stated that the fuel was
to be used for private pleasure flying or not (HM Revenue & Customs, 2008).
These private pleasure flights represent, however, a very small number of flights compared to the
number of flights that would be covered by an eventual fuel tax on all intra-EEA commercial flights.
To assess how such a fuel could be collected, the experience of the USA (which, as noted in
section 2.1, has the biggest domestic aviation market in the world) in collecting its excise duties for
domestic flights (international flights are exempt) offer a potential example.
The system used in the USA is similar to the one used in the UK for private pleasure flying, with the
operator being responsible to pay directly the amount due to the tax authorities. The operators are
also responsible for keeping track of the amount of fuel being used for domestic flights (which is
taxed) and the fuel used for foreign trade (i.e., international flights), which is not taxed; excise duty
is paid twice a month. On each fuelling, a form is attached to the documents shared between the
fuel supplier and the operator noting whether the kerosene is taxable or not; copies of these forms
are kept by the fuel supplier for auditing purposes (Internal Revenue Service, 2020).
As a large majority of CATAs and HAs between the EU and third countries allow for fuel to be taxed
for use on intra-EU flights (potentially intra-EEA), but not for flights between the EU and the third
country (see Annex A1 on the legal analysis as well as section 4.3), it is considered that it would be
significantly more difficult to implement a fuel tax on extra-EEA flights. In principle, the current
agreements would allow a fuel tax to be implemented on flights from the EU to third countries, but
only for EU carriers. This would introduce significant distortions to competition (between EU carriers
and non-EU carriers flying the same route) and, therefore, has not been considered in this study. It is
noted that the agreements between the EU and Morocco and between the EU and the UK do not
disallow the taxation of fuel supplied in the EU for flights to those countries
. Therefore, the focus of
the assessment of a harmonised minimum fuel tax is on potential fuel taxes for intra-EEA flights only.
A sensitivity case (section below) analyses the impact of a fuel tax for flights to the UK and to
Morocco departing in the EEA, as the agreements between the EU and these two countries allow for
the taxation of fuel supplied for flights to the third country. As intra-EEA flights only represent 37% of
emissions in the 2016-2050 period (Figure 4-1), this necessarily means that the impact of a fuel
tax in reducing CO
emissions would be limited in nature. To address that concern, policy package 2
(presented in this sub-section) considers a ticket tax that would apply to all flights departing from EEA
airports, regardless of their destination.
As noted in those sections on the legal analysis, it is clear that a fuel tax on intra-EU flights only does not
seem to raise specific legal issues as long as it is limited to intra-EU flights and EEA carriers. However, if the
scope is extended, the EU would need to ensure that the agreements with third countries (BAs/HAs/CATAs)
allow such extension. Of particular importance could be agreements between Norway and Iceland (the two
EEA countries under consideration) and third countries that might allow flights between those EEA countries
and the EU (i.e. intra-EEA flights). However, for the purposes of analysis of impacts in this study, it is assumed
that taxation of fuel for all intra-EEA flights would be possible (after making sure all agreements were in place),
and the analysis of impacts thus considers such a scenario with a fuel tax on all intra-EEA flights, but not extra-
EEA flights.
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Figure 4-1: CO
emissions on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights (2016-2050) from the baseline scenario
Another key element to consider for this policy option is the level of differentiation that the harmonised
fuel tax for aviation should meet as a minimum standard. A zero tax rate for Sustainable Aviation
Fuels (SAF) is to be considered for all policy options.
Other sub-options for policy package 1 relate to potential lower rates or full exemptions applicable to
certain categories of flights. These include flights to and from Outermost Regions
and their specific
connectivity and socioeconomic issues. Potential exemptions for air services under Public Service
Obligations (PSO)
were analysed, as these are generally applied to air links with thin demand and
conspicuous public financial support; the same exemptions were analysed for flights to and from
smaller airports (this latter measure was eventually discarded).
For cargo flights, it was decided that the fuel tax would not apply. As noted in section 3.3, some
comprehensive agreements (notably the EU-USA comprehensive agreement) and Member States’
bilateral agreements allow the operation of intra-EU flights by extra-EEA carriers (USA carriers in the
case of the EU-USA agreement and, especially, MS’s old bilateral air services agreements with the
), while at the same time exempting those extra-EU carriers from any eventual fuel taxes
imposed by EU Member States. As a result, there is a bigger share of non-EEA carriers that operate
Outermost regions are nine regions from France Portugal and Spain that are part of the EU but are very are
distant from the European mainland. These regions are French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte,
Reunion Island and Saint-Martin (France), Azores and Madeira (Portugal) and the Canary Islands (Spain). In
total they have less than 5 million inhabitants (European Commission, 2017).
In order to maintain appropriate scheduled air services on air routes which are vital for the economic
development of the region they serve, Member States may impose public service obligations (PSO) on some
routes. In such routes, Member States can subsidise the operation of passenger and cargo flights, subjected to
the rules imposed by the Air Services Regulation (1008/2008). As of as of 18 September 2019, there were 176
such routes. Full list is available at:
In 2018, FedEx and UPS, two cargo-only USA carriers, operated more than 250 intra-EEA flights per week
(Transport & Environment, 2020).
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intra-EEA cargo-only flights (compared to intra-EEA passenger flights
) under air services
agreements that include a clause preventing the taxation of the supply of fuel for international flights.
Thus, EU cargo carriers could be at a competitive disadvantage compared to these non-EU carriers if
they were required to pay a tax on fuel (and the non-EU carriers were not). To mitigate this risk, it was
decided to exempt such flights from fuel taxes as long as these agreements are not renegotiated
The possibility of earmarking revenues arising from aviation taxes was also considered but
subsequently discarded on the basis of both economic and legal considerations, in line with the
feedback received at the kick-off meeting with the Commission. The literature on environmental taxes
including fuel taxes (e.g. (Carattini, Baranzini, Thalmann, Varone, & Vöhringer, 2017), (Beuermann &
Santarius, 2006)) indicates that the public acceptability of those taxes may be enhanced once
assurance is provided to taxpayers that at least some of the revenue collected is ringfenced and
dedicated to a specific policy or investment area, as opposed to being allocated to the general
budget. Examples of earmarking include both cases in which the government allocates revenue to
address externalities or compensate losers in the same market where the tax is raised (e.g. providing
subsidies for green fuels using the receipts of a petrol tax) or to channel extra funds into another
sector of the economy which requires additional income (e.g. directing revenues from a tax on
tobacco to funds for building new hospitals). Despite the greater public acceptability that may result
from earmarking, a number of negative consequences can arise. First, the revenue raised from a
specific tax may vary year-on-year thus resulting in budget instability and uncertainty. Second, the
decision to allocate funding to a specific sector may tie the hands of legislators for years to come,
reducing the room for re-evaluation and modifications of fiscal policy. Third, ensuring that the general
public perceives the allocation of ringfenced funds as fair is a difficult exercise and, if ‘leakage’ then
occurs due to changing circumstances, this may ultimately reduce public confidence.
In addition, legal provisions may render earmarking of tax revenues unlawful. In some Member
States, constitutional and/or budget principles might forbid ringfencing and hypothecation and
promote the principle of universality of all tax revenues instead.
Table 4-1 presents a summary of policy package 1.
Table 4-1: Summary of policy package 1
Policy package
Tax rate
Other considerations
Harmonised fuel tax
for intra-EEA
aviation under the
revised ETD
€0.17, €0.33 and €0.50/litre
Tax applies to passenger flights but not to
cargo-only flights
Exemptions for PSO flights and flights to
and from EU outermost regions
No earmarking of revenues
In 2016, using information from AERO-MS and the EU ETS Transaction Log, it was estimated that around
28% of fuel used in intra-EEA cargo flights was used by non-EEA carriers. For passenger flights, the
comparable figure was 1.2%.
While this exemption would improve the competitiveness of intra-EEA cargo-only operators vis-à-vis non-
EEA cargo-only operators, it could impact the level playing field amongst intra-EEA carriers that carry both
passengers and freight. This is because while cargo-only flights would be exempt from the fuel tax, passenger
flights carrying cargo in the airplane cargo hold would not be exempt. Thus, cargo carried on a cargo-only flight
would fly tax free, while the same cargo carried in a passenger flight would in practice be taxed. If the price
differential is large, this could create an incentive for more cargo to travel in dedicated freight aircraft instead of
using existing passenger flights. In our aviation model, it is assumed that around 20% of intra-EEA air cargo
(measured in tonne-km) is transported on passenger flights - globally, around 40 to 50% of air cargo capacity is
on passenger aircraft (FlightGlobal, 2020). For extra-EEA flights our model assumes around 55% of air cargo
is transported on passenger flights. Given this, the impacts on how the industry operates could be significant.
This could impact not only the competitiveness of passenger airlines but could also have negative impacts on
emissions, as passenger aircraft would fly more empty (with unused cargo space) and more cargo aircraft
would be needed to fly the same amount of cargo. This exemption would also impact the effectiveness of a fuel
tax, as it diminishes the instances where such a tax applies. This reduced application of the tax would also
have a negative impact in the level of emissions of the EEA aviation sector it should be noted, however, the
cargo-only flights represented a relatively small share of the total number of intra-EEA flights and, in 2016, fuel
consumed by cargo-only flights represented only 3.4% of the total fuel consumed in intra-EEA flights.
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Policy package
Tax rate
Other considerations
Tax is either implemented at once or over
a ten-year period (increments of 10% of
the full value in each year)
SAF are exempt from fuel tax
Administrative costs of €45 million in
2050 (combined figure for EEA29)
4.1.2 Policy package 2: Introduction of harmonised ticket tax across the EU
Options under policy package 2 define a minimum, EU-wide ticket tax applicable to passenger
services and, potentially, to air freight services.
A number of EU Member States (Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden, together with Norway
and the UK) are already implementing a ticket tax in some jurisdictions better defined as a levy or
charge on all departing air passengers (see Table 2-3). Others, like Portugal, are implementing
such a tax starting in 2021. These ticket taxes vary significantly in terms of the tax rate
, the type of
exemptions, the level of differentiation (though it is common to differentiate short haul from long haul
flights) and the use of revenues (though revenues are generally not earmarked
). In most cases,
transit and transfer passengers are exempt, provided that their original departure point and ultimate
destination are both outside the Member State. In the EU, a civil aviation tax is also levied on air
freight in France (CE Delft, 2019). In some of these Member States there are also differentiate tax
levels depending on the class of travel (with premium tickets paying higher taxes for the same trip);
this possibility was also explored in this study.
In terms of efficiency, indication from conversations with Member States representatives indicate that
the administrative burden of implementing and managing a ticket tax is relatively low both for public
administrations and airlines. For public administrations, figures provided by two Member States to the
study team ranged from 5 to 11 full time equivalents (FTE) dealing with the collection of existing ticket
taxes. The lower figure was provided by a Member State with around six times less passenger traffic
that the other Member State. Considering an average annual cost of €55,000 in wages per FTE in
public administrations (Ricardo, 2020), collecting a ticket tax could incur expenditures between
€275,000 and €605,000. Considering an overhead of 41% of an FTE in public administrations
(Geurtsen & van Helden, 2014), this would represent an annual expenditure of €93,000 per FTE and
the cost per Member State would be in the range of €465,000 to €1,023,000. Table 4-2 summarises
these results, including the costs for the EU27 and EEA29. At the highest value of the range for the
EEA29 (€29.7 million), these administrative costs would represent 0.22% of revenue in 2025 and
0.14% in 2050
, comparing the ticket tax favourably with the estimated administrative costs of 0.65%
of a fuel tax.
Table 4-2: Costs for public administrations of a passenger ticket tax
Annual costs (including overhead)
Member State
€465k – €1M
€12.6M – €27.6M
€13.5M – €29.7M
Ticket taxes across the EU vary from as low as €2 per departure (as will be implemented in Portugal) to
more than €60 for some premium tickets (as is the case in France). For more details see Table 2-3.
An exception is the new Portuguese ticket tax, whose revenues will be earmarked for that Member State’s
Environmental Fund, which support environmental policies related to climate change mitigation, water and
waste management, and biodiversity.
In the base scenario with a flat ticket tax of €10.43 for all passengers (regardless of class of travel) and
cargo tax of €0.10 per, both applied to all departures from EEA airports.
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Note: these calculations assume that collecting a ticket tax would require between 5 and 11 FTE, at
an annual cost of €93,000 (in current euros) each.
To allow the sub-options under this policy option to reflect similar levels of ambition to the fuel tax
rates considered in policy package 1, an approach to defining an ‘equivalent’ ticket tax rate was
investigated. For this, investigations of previous AERO-MS results for intra-EU flights in 2020 (based
on a pre-COVID-19 traffic forecast) found an average fuel consumption of 0.0253 kg per passenger-
km. Using a fuel density of 0.8 kg/litre converts this to 0.0316 litre/passenger-km. Applying a fuel tax
of €0.33 per litre gives €0.0104 per passenger-km as the basis of a ticket tax with an equivalent
This rate per passenger-km (or, indeed, rates calculated using either of the other fuel tax rates
considered in policy package 1) could be used as is (applied to an individual flight based on the flight
distance), or, more likely, multiplied by an overall average flight distance to give a single ticket tax
value to apply to all flights. Alternatively, the full range of flight distances can be divided into bands,
and the rate per passenger-km applied to average flight distances within each band. Both these latter
two approaches have been included in the derivation of the tax rates included in this study; further
details are given in Section 4.2.2). In addition, a tax was also considered for cargo transported on
either cargo-only flights or on the cargo hold of passenger aircraft. This used the assumption
(included in the AERO-MS model) of an average mass for a passenger (plus luggage) of 100 kg,
leading to a cargo tax of €0.10 per tonne-km.
Unlike a fuel tax, ticket taxes can at most, and depending on how they are formulated, have an
indirect relationship with fuel consumption (e.g. if they increase with distance). They do not provide
direct incentives for increased fuel efficiency (passengers on two different aircraft with different fuel
efficiencies would pay the same ticket tax) but are essentially a demand management measure, as
they essentially increase the price of flights. This is a clear disadvantage of ticket taxes. An advantage
of a ticket tax is that it can be more easily applied (from a legal perspective) to an increased scope
(intra-EEA, extra-EEA flights or both), which increases the potential demand effects of such a
measure. Additionally, tax rates could be differentiated according to the travelled distance to better
match the air fare and environmental footprint of the flights at the same time, longer flights,
particularly transoceanic ones, do not have any realistic alternatives, while (some) shorter flights can
be replaced by travel by land. As noted above, this can be introduced via distance zones. Given this,
a set of measures were defined considering increased levels of differentiation, from a simple flat tax
for all distances travelled to a stepped tax with the ticket tax increasing based on different distance
bands (flights of up to 6,000 km, and flights over 6,000 km; these bands were based on the current
ticket taxes applied in Germany). A passenger ticket tax where the shortest flights (those up to 350
km) pay a higher tax rate was also included as the greatest impacts would be expected on flights for
which alternative (and, potentially, lower emitting) modes, such as rail, may be available (the 350km
threshold was based on a similar ticket tax now in place in Austria). It should be noted that all of these
distances are the great-circle distances between airports, not actual distance flown on each flight.
A potential exemption or a differentiated (lower) tax rate applied to transit/transfer passengers whose
origin and destination are both outside the EEA was also assessed to lower the risk of hub switching
and competitiveness loss for EU airports. Existing national ticket taxes that exempt transit/transfer
passengers do so for passengers whose origin and destination are outside the Member State; for an
EU (or EEA) regulation for a harmonised minimum ticket tax rate, it is sensible to place the
geographical limits for exemption at the EEA rather than the Member State. As with the fuel tax,
exemptions for outermost regions, PSO flights and smaller airports were also considered (the latter
being eventually discarded). Additionally, exemptions to flights to developing countries were also
analysed (also discarded).
Table 4-3 presents a summary of policy package 2.
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Table 4-3: Summary of policy package 2
Policy package
Tax rate
Other considerations
Harmonised ticket
tax across the EU
Different types of passenger taxes considered:
Flat tax
Tax increasing with the distance flown
Tax decreasing with the distance flown
Tax could be the same for all passengers in a
flight, or be differentiated depending on the class
of travel (non-premium/premium tickets)
Cargo would also pay a tax, based on tonne-km
Exemptions for PSO flights and
flights to and from EU outermost
No earmarking of revenues
Administrative costs of €465k –
€1M per MS/year (€12.6M –
€27.6M for the EU27/year)
4.1.3 Policy package 3: Combination of a harmonised fuel tax and a harmonised
ticket tax
Different combinations of the two types of taxes were developed to identify whether there are
advantages in having such combinations. Sub-options include the case where the ticket tax is applied
to all flights (intra-EEA and extra-EEA), to intra-EEA flights only and to extra-EEA flights only. This
last option aims to mitigate the issue of destination switching, an issue discussed below. Consistent
with the approach in Policy package 1, the fuel tax is restricted to intra-EEA flights in all cases. A
sensitivity case however presents the impacts of Policy package 3 in case flights from the EEA to
Morocco and to the UK are subject to fuel tax (section
4.1.4 Mechanisms to mitigate the risk of fuel tankering when applying a fuel tax
Fuel tankering is defined as the situation where more fuel is taken on board the aircraft than actually
required for the execution of a flight, in order to use the extra fuel taken for the next flight. In the
present situation, with no fuel taxation, tankering takes place because of differences in the (untaxed)
fuel price between airports and countries, or because airlines want to reduce turn-around times.
Our analysis (see section indicates that tankering resulting from the application of a fuel tax in
all intra-EEA passenger flights can represent up to around 8% of total fuel consumption in intra-EEA
passenger flights, leading to increased fuel consumption (and, consequently, GHG emissions) in
incoming extra-EEA passenger flights of around 0.5%.
We did consider various options to discourage tankering including:
Requirement for a maximum fuel reserve
Financial incentives to disincentive tankering.
A minimum tax burden, equivalent to a minimum fuel take-up requirement, for intra-EEA flights.
Gradual implementation of the fuel tax over a 10-year period.
These potential mechanisms are discussed in detail in the next section.
4.1.5 Mechanisms to reduce the risk of air traffic diversion
Another significant unintended effect to be considered is traffic diversion, which can be caused by:
Destination switching.
Hub switching.
For safety reasons, there is a minimum fuel reserve which requires an aircraft to fly to an alternate airport and
then be able to fly for 30 minutes at 450 metres (1,500 feet).
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Destination switching may happen in case of a fuel tax for intra-EEA traffic only, in which destinations
outside the EEA could become relatively more attractive as these destinations would not be subject to
a policy-induced cost increase (with the degree to which they become more attractive depending on
the tax rate and the customer’s willingness to pay extra). This can be especially relevant for tourist
destinations just outside the EEA (e.g. North Africa or the UK) which compete with tourist destinations
(e.g. those in southern EU Member States that compete with North Africa). Not only would this lead to
competitive distortion, but also the environmental benefits and taxation revenues would be reduced.
The incentive for destination switching is addressed by the inclusion of policy options combining fuel
tax with a ticket tax for extra-EEA flights (policy package 3).
Hub switching may happen in the case of a ticket tax and/or fuel tax for connecting flights departing
from the EEA.
In the case of the ticket tax, transit and transfer passengers (with both the origin and destination of
their travel outside the EEA) might choose to use a hub outside the EEA where in the current situation
they use an EEA airport as the hub.
In the case of the fuel tax on intra-EEA flights, transit and transfer passengers (with either the origin or
the destination outside the EEA) might choose to use a hub outside the EEA where in the current
situation they use an EEA airport as the hub. This may lead to a loss of competitiveness of EEA hub
airports and potentially EEA network carriers and a loss of air connectivity. In theory, hub switching
might also occur in relation to intra-EEA indirect flights. For example, a passenger traveling on the
route Lyon to Berlin via Paris could choose to travel on a journey Lyon-Berlin via Istanbul in order to
avoid the ticket tax on the Istanbul-Berlin segment.
To minimise the risk of hub switching, a measure with an exemption of the ticket or fuel tax for transit
and transfer passengers was considered.
With respect to ticket tax on flights, the mitigation measure would consist in exempting transit and
transfer passengers whose origin and destination are both outside the EEA from paying a ticket tax
on the segment starting in the EEA. For example, a passenger flying on the route New-York to
Moscow via Paris would be subject, in theory, under policy package 2, to a ticket tax on the segment
departing from the EEA, i.e. the Paris-Moscow segment. The mitigation measure would consist in
exempting from ticket tax the segment Paris-Moscow, to avoid the passenger choosing to travel via
(for example) Istanbul instead of Paris.
With respect to fuel tax on intra-EEA flights, the mitigation measure would consist in exempting
transit/transfer passengers with origin or destination outside the EEA from ‘paying’ a fuel tax on the
segment within the EEA. For example, a passenger flying on the route New-York to Lyon via Paris
would be ‘subject’, in theory, under policy package 1, to a fuel tax on the intra-EEA flight (i.e. the
Paris-Lyon segment). The mitigation measure would consist in exempting from fuel tax the segment
Paris-Lyon, to avoid the passenger choosing to travel via (for example) Istanbul instead of Paris.
Exempting transit/transfer passengers with both origin and destination in the EEA from ‘paying’ a fuel
tax might lead to a distortion of competition between airlines operating direct services on a given route
and airlines operating indirect services, as the latter would be exempt from fuel tax on this given
route. However, as further explained in annexe A4 ‘Discarded Options’, the likelihood of hub switching
in the case of indirect flights within the EEA is limited by the lack of attractiveness of non-EEA hubs
for these intra-EEA journeys.
4.2 Policy measures
As noted in the methodology section (section 3.1), given the large number of measures and their
combinations, the number of potential sub-options is very large. Given this, different measures were
first screened. Table 4-4 summarises which measures have been discarded and which ones were
included in the short list of policy options. The final column also indicates on whether the measure in
question was included in the AERO-MS aviation model or not. For the latter, a qualitative analysis
was performed.
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Table 4-4: Screening of measures
Included in
AERO-MS model?
Tax on fuel supplied
Considered further
Exemptions for outermost
regions/PSO flights
Considered further
Exemptions to transit/transfer
Exemptions for smaller airports
Tankering mitigation: financial
Tankering mitigation: maximum
fuel reserve requirement
Tankering mitigation: minimum
tax burden
Considered further
Tankering mitigation: gradual
implementation of the tax
Considered further
Flat passenger ticket tax
Considered further
Stepped passenger ticket tax
Considered further
Passenger ticket tax inversely
proportional to distance
Considered further
Tonne-km based cargo tax
Considered further
MTOW-based cargo tax
Increased tax for premium
Considered further
Exemptions for outermost
regions/PSO flights
Considered further
Exemptions to transit/transfer
Considered further
Exemptions for smaller airports
Exemptions for developing
The measures that were considered further are discussed in the next section. The measures that
were discarded are discussed in more detail in Annex A7.
4.2.1 Measures for policy package 1
Tax on fuel supplied
This measure is the base measure for this policy package: a tax imposed on each litre of kerosene
sold at EEA airports for intra-EEA flights.
As noted, several tax rates are under consideration:
A base tax rate of €0.33/litre, a value based on the rate for kerosene in the current ETD (€330
per 1,000 litres), equivalent to €9.35 per GJ for aviation kerosene.
A tax rate of €0.17/litre (equivalent to €4.82 per GJ), around half of the base tax rate, in order
to assess the impacts that a lower tax rate would have on the level of demand and on the
level of emissions.
A higher tax rate of €0.50/litre (equivalent to €14.17 per GJ), around 1.5 times the base tax
rate, to assess the impacts that a higher tax rate would have on the level of demand and on
the level of emissions.
This tax is expected to be implemented at one specific point in time, i.e., on one day there would be
no fuel tax, on the next day the fuel tax would be implemented across the EEA. The potential for a
gradual implementation of the tax is discussed under the measures to mitigate tankering.
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Although there are some concerns related to the competitiveness of EEA carriers vis-à-vis non-EEA
carriers operating intra-EEA flights, a fuel tax imposed only on intra-EEA flights operated by EEA air
carriers is not expected to present any legal issues (see Box 4-1 for a review of evidence of how
airlines are expected to react when in the presence of structural changes in the cost base). Not
imposing a fuel tax on extra-EEA flights or intra-EEA flights operated by non-EEA carriers might avoid
having to re-negotiate agreements with third countries. More details on the legal aspects are
discussed in the legal analysis in section 4.3). As noted in that section, it was concluded that it would
be legal to implement a harmonised (minimum) fuel tax for intra-EEA flights. Given this, this policy
option does impose a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights operated by EEA-registered air carriers.
Box 4-2: Case study: Airlines’ adaptation to changes in their cost base
An important question arising from the implementation of a fuel tax for intra-EEA flights relates to
how airlines would be expected to deal with such a permanent change in their cost structure
globally, fuel represents around 20% of an airline’s operating costs (IATA, 2020). For that, this box
presents an analysis of a few studies that have looked at the airlines’ reaction (based on empirical
evidence) to the large increase of the price of kerosene between 2004 and 2008 between July
2004 and July 2008, the price of kerosene in dollar terms increased 224% (US Government
Accountability Office, 2014).
In general, airlines focussed on cost cutting and efficiency improvement across their entire
operations. These included, improvements in flight (e.g., flying slower) and ground operations (e.g.,
less use of engine power to taxi aircraft), improve aerodynamics (e.g. installation of winglets to
reduce drag) and reduce onboard weight (e.g., slimmer seats). Airlines also reduced the number of
staff employed (either by making some positions redundant or shifting to subcontractors), and
reduce expenditures on sales and promotional events (Cranfield University, 2009), (European
Parliament, 2009), (US Government Accountability Office, 2014). In the EU, these cost-cutting
exercises led to airlines reporting per-seat reduction of costs of 6-13% in the years around 2008.
However, given the limited scope to reduce those costs, eventually airlines resorted to price
increases (including with a greater use of ancillary revenues, e.g., baggage and seat selection
fees) and reductions of capacity (European Parliament, 2009). Given that most of these efficiencies
are likely to already been achieved, the scope for further reduction of costs in the face of a fuel tax
is likely to be limited. As such, these additional costs are likely to be passed to consumers via
increased ticket prices.
A final thought relates to fleet renewal decisions of airlines as they face increasing cost pressures.
Empirical evidence from the 2004-2008 period suggests that one of the ways that airlines coped in
that period with increasing fuel prices was by delaying programmed fleet renewal initiatives,
particularly for short and medium haul aircraft (for long haul aircraft, fuel costs represent a greater
percentage of total lifecycle costs, and thus there is a greater incentive to quickly replace them)
(Hansman, Hansen, Everett Peterson, & Trani, 2014). At the same time, rapid increases in the
price of fuel in the 2004-2008 led to significant depreciation of less fuel efficient aircraft, while more
fuel efficient aircraft increased in value (Cranfield University, 2009). While in the longer term, a
large increase of fuel prices would still create an incentive for fleet renewal, short-term decisions on
capital investments could lead to a situation where the introduction of climate policies (like a fuel
tax on kerosene) could reduce investment in new aircraft (Hansman, Hansen, Everett Peterson, &
Trani, 2014).
In terms of effectiveness on reducing emissions, this would depend on the level of tax. The impact on
emissions could be the result of two distinct and parallel transmission mechanisms:
Reduced demand due to higher ticket costs.
Use of more efficient aircraft by the airlines.
In terms of efficiency, as indicated in the previous section, no significant costs are expected to
implement the measure. No problems are also expected in terms of technical feasibility Member
States have experience in imposing fuel taxes for other modes.
The existence of a fuel tax creates risks of tankering and hub switching, which may lead to carbon
leakage and reduced tax income, and hence the policy not delivering its objectives. Measures to
mitigate these risks are explored in other measures.
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Regarding subsidiarity and proportionality, a modification to the ETD requiring Member States to
impose a minimum tax on fuel supplied to aircraft operating domestic and intra-EU flights would
comply both with the subsidiarity and proportionality principles. The cross-border nature of the
externalities linked to the aviation sector and its impact on climate change justifies the need and the
relevance of action at the EU level, whereby taxation is one of the possible policy levers as part of the
policy mix. A minimum degree of coordination is justified in the light of the practical obstacles that
prevent Member States from unilaterally adopting energy taxes on the supply of aviation fuel for trans-
national flights, including the practice of fuel tankering by air carriers and risks related to the distortion
of competition between EU airports and the carriers operating there.
As noted in the previous section, this fuel tax would only apply to passenger flights with cargo-only
flights being excluded because competitiveness issues of EEA carriers vis-à-vis non-EEA carriers
with rights to operate intra-EEA cargo-only flights might arise under the current agreements.
Exemptions to flights to and from outermost regions and PSO flights
As noted in section 4.1, Member States may impose PSOs on some routes and subsidise these
flights. Further attention is paid to the nine EU outermost regions which are very distant from the
European mainland and where air connectivity is of great importance; some routes to and from these
outermost regions are in facts subjected to PSOs.
For both the outermost regions and regions served by PSO flights, air connectivity can be an
important factor in ensuring integration with the wider EU and the regions’ economic development: as
reported in the evaluation of the Air Services Regulation 1008/2008, a 10% increase of connectivity
for remote EU regions and islands stimulates the GDP (per capita) by an additional 0.5%, the GDP
growth rate by 1% and leads to an overall increase of labour productivity (European Commission,
2019). Considering the above, this measure exempts all PSO flights and flights to and from outermost
regions from the fuel tax.
While such an exemption would reduce the effectiveness of a fuel tax, as fewer flights would be
taxed, it is not expected that these flights would represent a large portion of intra-EEA flights or fuel
consumed in intra-EEA flights. As such, the impact in overall emissions is likely to be relatively
minimal and would be counter-balanced by the benefits for these regions in terms of minimising the
costs of insularity (or, at least, not adding to those costs).
In legal terms, no issues are expected. The definition of the PSO routes and the outermost regions is
defined at the EU level and is well established. Exempting such flights from existing taxes is also an
established practice across the EU (albeit for ticket taxes, not fuel taxes): for example, PSO flights to
the North Sea islands of Germany are exempted from the ticket tax as established by the 2011
Budgetary Law
. Similarly, the planned ticket tax to be introduced in Portugal in 2021 will exempt
passengers of all PSO flights as well as residents of Madeira and Azores in flights to and from the
archipelagos (both of which are EU outermost regions) and between their islands (PAN Grupo
Parlamentar, 2020). Further analysis of legal aspects is presented in section 4.3.
In terms of efficiency, no problems are expected from the implementation of this measure.
From the technical side there is the risk that Member States would lobby for more of the routes
serving their airports to be considered PSO routes in order to have such an exemption and for the
route to be more competitive vis-à-vis similar routes across the EEA (e.g. routes serving tourism
Tankering mitigation: minimum tax burden
The aim of this measure is to disincentivise tankering by ensuring that the airline pays a
representative tax related to the fuel used on the flight, whether they loaded the fuel for the flight at
the departure airport or elsewhere. For each origin-destination pair, there would be a need to define
On this measure, see State cases SA.32020 (2011/N) and SA.58188 (2020/N). The Commission decided
not to raise objections to the aid in the form of reduction of air transport tax (European Commission, State aid
SA.32020 (2011/N) Germany, Tax reduction for flights to and from certain North Sea Islands, Brussels, 19
December 2012, C(2012) 9451 final; see also SA 58188).
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the minimum fuel needed to fly that route (e.g. 1,000 litres). When operating that route, the airlines
would then pay the tax based on the amount of fuel they put onboard (say, tax on 1,200 litres) or the
tax based on that minimum fuel needed for that route (the tax on 1,000 litres, in this example).
Airlines would pay whichever value is higher (tax on actual fuel put onboard, in this case).
Depending on how it is implemented, the measure could be burdensome from an administrative
perspective. Caution would also be needed to establish a minimum tax that would not be a
disincentive to use more efficient aircraft (to avoid that, there might be a need to define the minimum
fuel needed for each route as a fraction of the most efficient aircraft for that distance).
In order to implement this measure, there would be a need to ensure that it is not interpreted as a tax
on the fuel on board the aircraft when it landed in the first EU Member State, as that would be seen to
violate Article 24 of the Chicago Convention (see Annex A1, section A1.3.1).
While acknowledging that this measure could ultimately be impractical to implement, the measure
was not discarded in the initial screening as it is considered that it could help mitigate the issue of
tankering (and does not have the problems of the financial incentives or the maximum fuel reserve
requirement, two other measures to mitigate tankering that were eventually discarded see Annex
A7). If it was decided to implement such a measure, it is likely that careful consideration of the
practical issues surrounding its implementation would be required, both in terms of the efficiency and
practicality of the implementation, and in terms of potential legal issues.
Tankering mitigation: gradual implementation of the fuel tax over a 7 or 10-year period
A final potential way to mitigate tankering would be to implement the tax over a period of time. In this
case, it was considered two transition periods of 7 or 10 years. This would be in contrast with the
option of implementing the tax all at once, i.e., the base option for this policy package. Under this
option, and in the case of the 10-year transition period, 10% of the tax would be charged on year 1
(e.g. €0.033/litre under the base tax rate of €0.33/litre), 20% on year 2 (€0.066/litre), etc., until 100%
was reached on year 10 (€0.33/litre).
The potential impacts in terms of effectiveness of such a gradual implementation would be:
Could mitigate the risk of tankering, especially in the short term when the tax would not
introduce a great price differential to non-EEA airports. After the tax gradually introduces a
relatively large price differential when compared to non-EEA airports (assuming they do not
impose an equivalent level of taxation) the mitigation would be smaller, potentially non-
Reduce the upward pressure on air carriers’ costs in the short term, thus diminishing the
negative impacts on the level of demand. This would have a negative impact on the level of
emissions, as they would not decrease as much as under a tax implemented all at once.
A gradual implementation of a fuel tax would also allow more time for the air carriers to adapt
to an increased level of taxation, giving them the possibility to prepare ahead for that higher
level of taxation. Air carriers could then, for example, use that transition period to increase
their use of more fuel-efficient aircraft and/or increase their use of SAF (assuming they would
be subjected to a zero or lower tax rate than fossil kerosene) see Box 4-1 above for a
discussion of how airlines have reacted before to consistently higher fuel prices.
From an efficiency perspective, the same conclusions can be reached as with an implementation in
one go and no significant costs are expected. No legal issues are expected.
From a political point of view, such a gradual implementation might make the introduction of a fuel tax
more palatable to industry, consumers and Member States, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-
19 crisis which has severely affected air passenger transport. Still, as noted, this would be at expense
of higher level of emissions during the transition period of implementation.
It should be noted that a recent paper by Eurocontrol experts concluded that airlines can decided to tanker
fuel when the price differential leads to savings as low as €15 per flight (Tabernier, Calvo Fernández, Tautz,
Deransy, & Martin, 2021), leading to the conclusion that perhaps the effectiveness in terms of tankering
mitigation would not be high.
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4.2.2 Measures for policy package 2
Flat passenger ticket tax (same tax for all distances)
Under this measure, a flat ticket tax will apply for all flights departing EEA airports (but not arrivals),
regardless of the distance and destination (intra- or extra-EEA) of the flight.
As detailed in the previous section, the values for the ticket tax rate were based on an equivalent fuel
tax rate for an average intra-EEA 1,000 km flight. These were calculated for the base fuel tax of
€0.33/litre. This led to a ticket tax of €10.43 per passenger.
The effectiveness of this tax in incentivising cleaner modes of transport or the use of more efficient
aircraft would depend on the tax rate: if this is too low, perhaps no impact would ensue. Given that the
tax rate would be the same regardless of the flight in question, the impact would be lower for the most
expensive flights and no differentiated impact would be expected for the routes in which air carriers
compete with road and rail operators (as noted in section 2.1.3, land transport can be a substitute for
trips of up to 800 km or under 200 minutes of total journey time).
In terms of efficiency and legal aspects, no specific problems are expected from the implementation of
this measure
. It is possible that ticket taxes might be controversial under Articles 11 (discrimination
against states) and 15 (implementation of taxes solely for the right to enter into or exit from a state) of
the Chicago Convention (see Legal Annex under A1.3.1). However, ticket taxes have been
implemented by several EEA Member States, so there is precedent for their use and air carriers are
already used to collecting them following the administrative processes set up in different Member
States. As noted, conversations with Member States representatives indicate that the administrative
burden of implementing and managing a ticket tax is relatively low both for public administrations as
well. Hub switching could be an issue, and a measure to address that is discussed in this section.
Regarding subsidiarity and proportionality, a proposal for a harmonised ticket tax would also, most
likely, comply with the proportionality and subsidiarity principles but on different grounds. Added value
would derive from EU action in comparison to action at the Member State level as national policies
could lead to a fragmentation of the internal market. Harmonisation at the EU level would instead
contribute to achieving a minimum degree of coordination. Still, it should be noted, that 17 Member
States already impose some sort of tax on aviation, and while there is no coordination between all of
these taxes it is not been proven that any negative impacts on the internal market have ensued.
Stepped passenger ticket tax (tax increases with distance)
In this measure the ticket tax paid by passengers would increase with the flight distance to take into
account the fact that longer flights emit more GHG per passenger.
In order to set the values for this tax, two different distance zones/bands were considered: flights
travelling 0-6,000 km (defined as the great circle distance between the two airports, i.e., the shortest
distance between them) and flights of 6,001 km or more. These bands were based on the bands used
in Germany.
There was further disaggregation for the shorter band between intra-EEA flights and extra-EEA
flights, to take into account that the latter are, on average, longer than the former. Table 4-5 shows
the tax rates considered for this measure.
Table 4-5: Tax rates for stepped passenger ticket taxes
Flight distance
0-6,000 km
0-6,000 km
> 6,000 km
Tax rate
See, however, the legal criticisms expressed against the German ticket tax (Legal Annex, A.1.3.1).
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Like with the flat passenger tax rate (and all other taxes, in fact), the effectiveness of this tax in
incentivising other modes of transport (when these exist), or the use of more efficient aircraft, would
depend on the existence of alternatives in the first place (the higher the distance the less available),
the level of the tax being imposed, the extent of pass-through by operators to consumers, and the
elasticity of demand in response to those changes in prices. As the tax impacts decisions by
passengers on whether to fly, or how far to fly, higher taxes for longer distances would be expected to
result in fewer long-distance journeys being undertaken. Disincentivising these journeys would lead to
a relatively greater reduction in GHG than if shorter flights were discouraged. However, the lack of
viable land-based transport alternatives for long-distance routes might render demand inelastic for
this passenger segment.
In terms of efficiency and legal aspects, no specific problems are expected from the implementation of
this measure ticket taxes have been implemented by several EEA Member States (including
stepped ticket taxes, see Table 2-3), so there is precedent for their use that said, to be in
compliance with EU State aid law careful design of the tax might be required; these issues are
explored in Annex A1, section A.1.2.3. Hub switching could be an issue.
Passenger ticket tax inversely proportional to distance (tax decreases with distance)
In contrast to the stepped ticket tax, under this passenger ticket tax would decrease with distance.
The rationale for this tax is to provide for a high internalisation of aviation’s external costs on routes
for which there is a likely alternative to flying, either by road or rail. Provided that intermodal
competition is higher on these shorter-distance routes, it is reasonable to assume both a higher rate
of pass-through and a higher elasticity of demand. The former would result in ticket prices signalling
the higher cost of flying once external costs are internalised; the latter would mean that some
passengers switch to land-based alternatives as a result.
To determine the values for this tax, the same equivalent tax rate calculated before for the flat ticket
tax was used. This would apply for the longer flights of 351 km or more. For shorter flights (up to 350
km) a higher tax would apply. The bands and value for this higher tax was based on the multiplier
applied in Austria, the only EEA country with such a tax that is inversely proportional to distance since
September 2020: in Austria, shorter flights (up to 350 km) pay a ticket tax that is 2.5 times higher than
longer flights. The same multiplier was used here. Table 4-6 shows these rates, for all distances and
both multipliers.
Table 4-6: Tax rates for the passenger ticket taxes inversely proportional to distance
Flight distance
> 350km
Tax rates
In terms of efficiency and legal aspects, no specific problems are expected from the implementation of
this measure ticket taxes have been implemented by several EEA Member States (including a
passenger ticket tax inversely proportional to distance, in Austria), so there is precedent for their use
as with the case of the stepped passenger tax, to be in compliance with EU State aid law careful
design of the tax might be required; these issues are explored in Annex A1, section A.1.2.3.. Hub
switching could be an issue.
Tax for cargo: based on tonne-km
This tax would apply to cargo carried both in passenger flights (in the aircraft’s cargo hold or belly)
and on cargo-only flights. Like with the passenger ticket tax, this tax would apply to all flights
departing an EEA airport. The value of tax to be paid would be based on the weight of the cargo (a
variable known for the airlines) and the distance travelled by the flight (defined as the great circle
distance between the two airports).
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Like with the passenger ticket taxes above, the definition of the taxes was initially based on the
equivalent fuel tax on a per-km basis, but this time applied to cargo
. This led to a tax rate of €0.10
per tonne-km, which is to be applied to all policy options with a ticket tax.
Like with other taxes, the effectiveness of this tax in incentivising other modes of transport or the use
of more efficient aircraft would depend on the tax rate: if this is too low, perhaps no impact would
In terms of efficiency no problems are expected from the implementation of this measure. From the
legal perspective, Section 3, there is some controversy on whether distance-based taxes can be
considered de facto fuel taxes (with all the legal constraints that these entail) see section 4.3. These
potential legal constraints might require careful design of such a provision. Furthermore, we note that
air freight transport serves relatively niche markets (e.g. high value, temperature-dependent) for which
very few equivalent service alternatives exist.
Increased tax for premium passengers
Given the increased space that premium seats take onboard an aircraft and the resulting higher level
of emissions resulting from a passenger travelling in those seats, this measure proposes to increase
the ticket taxes paid by premium passengers. This increase level of taxation would be based on a
premium multiplier applied to the ticket taxes being considered under each policy option.
Two different multipliers for premium passengers were considered: 3.0 and 7.5. This leads to
considering, in the example of the flat ticket tax, two additional sub-options (Table 4-7).
Table 4-7: Tax rates for flax ticket taxes, including multiplier for premium passengers
Premium multiplier
Tax rate
The values of the multipliers were based on the existing ticket taxes that have such a premium
multiplier: in France the air passenger solidarity tax has a multiplier of 7.5-8.4 times for business and
first class passengers (it was decided to use a value of 7.5), and in the UK the air passenger duty has
a multiplier of around 2 times for premium passengers (it was decided to use a value of 3 times to
make it closer to highest multiplier).
One area where a clear definition would be needed is on what constitutes a premium passenger. For
this, the current taxes in the EEA and beyond offer some insights. In France, premium passengers
are simply defined as travelling in business or first class (Ministère de la Transition Écologique, 2020).
That is, premium economy or economy plus tickets seem to not be covered by the higher ticket
taxes. In the UK, premium tickets are defined as being seats other than those the lowest class of
travel available or having seat pitch (the distance between the back of two consecutive seats) greater
than 1016mm. Class of travel is in itself defined as having different standards of comfort, service,
privacy or amenities (HM Revenue & Customs, 2020).
In terms of efficiency and legal aspects, no specific problems are expected from the implementation of
this measure. By further increasing the price of some tickets this measure could further incentivise
hub switching; measures to mitigate this unintended consequence are discussed below. Additionally,
like with all ticket taxes, if transit/transfer passengers are exempt, this could provide an incentive for a
passenger to fly connecting itineraries instead of direct flights (such as exemption is discussed
below). Still, given than premium passengers are likely to be more time-sensitive than non-premium
passengers, the existence of this multiplier for premium passengers could not further exacerbate the
incentive to take a connecting flight.
With the assumption that a passenger plus its luggage weighs an average of 100kg.
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Exemptions to flights to and from outermost regions and PSO flights
Under this measure, and not unlike the similar measure for the fuel tax, flights on PSO routes and to
and from the EU’s outermost regions would be exempted from the ticket tax. This would support the
goal of supporting the air connectivity of those regions.
As noted above, such exemptions in ticket taxes have already been implemented by EU Member
States, so they are not expected to cause any specific legal or efficiency issues.
Exemptions to transit and transfer passengers
Transit and transfer passengers are passengers that, on a trip from A to C, stop at B airport. Transit
passengers are passengers that travel on the same aircraft from A to B and them from B to C (for
example, if the aircraft stops in B for refuelling). Transfer passengers are passengers that travel from
A to B in one aircraft, leave the aircraft in B and board a different aircraft for the flight from B to C; this
usually happens in a hub airport, with the passenger connecting to a different flight to reach its final
destination. This measure excludes both these types of passengers from a ticket tax.
There are two rationales for this exclusion. One relates to the issue of hub switching, and the
measure will mitigate that problem for routes with origin and destination outside the EEA via an EEA
hub. This is because on travels between two third-countries via an EEA hub, the ticket tax with the
exemption to transit and transfer passengers will not function as an incentive to travel via a non-EEA
hub to the passengers’ final destination. However, the exemption should not apply to passengers with
origin and/or destination in the EEA, because such an exemption could lead to competitive distortions.
Such an exemption could function as an incentive for passengers to travel via a non-EEA hub. For
example, a non-time sensitive passenger on the route Rome to New York City might decide to travel
via an EEA hub such as Frankfurt (thus making the trip potentially longer and more polluting) instead
of traveling on a direct flight. This passenger connecting via Frankfurt would not be subject to the
ticket tax for the segment Frankfurt to New York City and potentially also for the segment Rome to
Frankfurt (depending on how the exemption is applied). This exemption of transit and transfer
passengers (with origin and/or destination in the EEA) could thus be seen as discriminatory by airlines
that mostly/only fly point-to-point (notably low-cost carriers) in comparison to their competitors that
have a hub-and-spoke system. On a given intra-EEA route, an airline operating an indirect service
would have a competitive advantage compared to an airline operating direct services. To avoid
competitive distortions in the internal market, these exemptions should apply only to transit and
transfer passengers with both origin and destination outside the EEA.
The other rationale relates to practical aspects relating to tax collection. In the case where the
exemption only applies to transit and transfer passengers with both origin and destination outside the
EEA, the Member State collecting the ticket tax revenue would be as follows:
In the case of a direct flight, it is clear who is the recipient of a ticket tax revenue: the Member
State in which the travel initiates. For example, in a direct journey from Rome to New York,
Italy would collect the ticket tax.
If an indirect journey from Rome to New York via London, Italy would collect the ticket tax for
the segment Rome to London.
If a flight goes through a hub in a second Member State, this is less clear. For example, a
passenger can fly from Rome to New York via Frankfurt. In this case both Italy and Germany
have a flight departing in their Member State, so both could potentially tax the passenger.
This could be further complicated if a stepped ticket tax is implemented: Italy could implement
the tax in such a way that it considers that the passenger should be taxed based on their final
destination. In this case, being a long-haul transatlantic flight, this would incur a higher ticket
tax based on the longer distance between Rome and New York. But Germany could also
decide that, since the passenger departs on a flight from one of its airports, it would also
charge a ticket tax based for the long-haul flight. Such a scenario could lead to double
taxation and this rationale has been used by, for example, Ireland, to exclude transfer
passengers in their (now defunct) ticket tax (European Commission, 2018).
Naturally, instead of exempting any transit or transfer passengers, the alternative could be that the
ticket tax is designed is such a way that it applies to each segment/flight of a trip. In this example, Italy
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would charge a ticket tax for the Rome to Frankfurt flight based solely on the distance travelled on
that flight and Germany would charge a ticket tax for the Frankfurt to New York flight
Still, in case the exemption also applies to transit and transfer passengers with origin and/or
destination in the EEA via an EEA hub, this taxation by each segment flown would not address the
issue of hub switching discussed in the previous paragraph. Dealing with transit passenger and flights
would also constitute a greater administrative burden for air carriers, leading to potential errors and
inaccuracies that would require more frequent inspection and appeals by public authorities.
From a legal perspective, it is worth noting that the potential incompatibility of an exemption regime
for transit and transfer passengers with EU State aid law has been analysed by the Commission in
the specific case of the Irish Air Travel Tax. The Commission concluded that the non-application to
transit and transfer passengers of the Air Travel Tax did not constitute State aid
Overall, this exemption would also have an impact in the tax revenue, depending on how many
passengers connect in EEA airports. For that effect, we have analysed data for the year 2013, based
on a paper by authors in the German Aerospace Centre, DLR (Maertens & Grimme, 2015). For 2013,
the number of transfer passengers
in the EU27 airports was in the range of 10-15%
. As noted
above, an exemption might increase the financial incentives for non-time sensitive/non-premium
passengers to take connecting flights instead of direct ones. As such, for the analysis we consider
that the share of transit and transfer passengers would be at the top end of the scale (15%), with an
equivalent reduction of tax revenue.
In terms of efficiency and legal aspects, no specific problems are expected from the implementation of
this measure. Such exemptions are already implemented in several Member States with existing
ticket taxes, such as Germany and Austria, as well as the UK.
4.2.3 Policy packages analysed quantitatively
After detailing the measures that were to be further analysed, and in order to reduce the number of
options to be modelled, we discussed with DG TAXUD a list of priority policy options that were
analysed quantitatively. In total, 20 policy options were selected for analyses:
Policy package 1: seven sub-options to be considered.
Policy package 2: seven sub-options.
Policy package 3: six sub-options.
To structure the detailed design of the sub-options in a robust and consistent way, each policy option
was defined based on a standardised fiche template. Below, a fiche template is presented for the
three base options under each policy package.
Table 4-8: Fiches for the base option under each policy package
Policy package 1
Policy package 2
Policy package 3
Fuel tax
Tax rate
Not applicable (n/a)
Intra-EEA flights only
Intra-EEA flights only
Gradual introduction?
This is what happens in the USA with its segment tax that applies to all individuals flights (being a flat rate
for domestic flights and another flat rate for international flights). So, if a trip is made of several flights the tax is
paid for each of these flights.
Commission Decision (EU) 2018/117 of 14 July 2017 on State aid case SA.29064 (2011/C) (ex 2011/NNN),
OJ L 28, 31 January 2018, pp. 1-24. See also State aid SA.29064 (11/C) (ex 11/NN), Air Transport -
Exemptions from air passenger tax, Invitation to submit comments pursuant to Article 108(2) of the TFEU, OJ
C 306, 18 October 2011, pp. 10-16.
It is not expected that the number of transit passengers is substantial.
For EU28, which includes the major hub of London Heathrow, the figures are in the same range.
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PSO flights, flights to
and from outermost
PSO flights, flights to
and from outermost
Measures to mitigate
Minimum tax burden
Minimum tax burden
Measures to mitigate
hub switching
Ticket tax
Type of tax rate
Flat across all
Flat across all
All EEA departures
All EEA departures
Passenger tax rate
€10.43 per ticket
€10.43 per ticket
Multiplier for premium
Multiplier for
passenger ticket tax
inversely proportional
to distance
Cargo tax rate
€0.10 per tonne-km
€0.10 per tonne-km
PSO flights and flights
to and from outermost
PSO flights and flights
to and from outermost
Measures to mitigate
hub switching
Exemptions to
passengers with origin
and destination
outside the EEA
Exemptions to
passengers with origin
and destination
outside the EEA
A further 14 runs of the model were also performed, including different levels of sensitivity:
Seven runs with the lower demand sensitivity baseline (two runs for policy package 1, two for
policy package 2, three for policy package 3).
One run taking into account the minimum SAF blend mandate outlined in the ReFuelEU
Aviation’ study.
Two runs with a lower cost pass-through of 50%, instead of the 100% used in all other runs
(one run for policy package 1, one for policy package 2).
One run considering withdrawing existing national ticket taxes rather than retaining them in
the case of a fuel tax.
One run setting existing national ticket taxes to harmonised minimum level rather than
existing level in case of ticket tax
Two runs considering fuel taxes also implemented in flights to select third countries (namely,
UK and Morocco) (one run for policy package 1, one for policy package 3).
The Excel file attached to this report describes in detail the policy options that were prioritised, as well
as the sensitivity cases that were modelled.
4.3 Legal review of policy measures
Table 4-9 gives an overview of the main legal questions raised by each of the policy options analysed
in this report. A more detailed overview of the legal issues that might arise in relation to the adoption of
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policy measures on the aviation sector can be found in the description of each policy measure and in
Annex A1.
Table 4-9: Overview of legal assessment of policy measures
Legal analysis
Policy package 1: Harmonised minimum rate of a tax on the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights
under the revised Energy Taxation Directive.
Tax on the supply of fuel
- Requires a modification of the Energy Taxation
Directive (See Legal Annex A1.2.4)
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issues as
long as it is limited to intra-EU flights and EEA
carriers. If the scope is extended, the EU
would need to ensure that the agreements with
third countries (BAs/HAs/CATAs) allow such
extension (See Legal Annex A.1.3.3.)
Exemptions for outermost
regions/PSO flights
- Is in line with the EU’s approach towards
outermost regions. See, among others, articles
349 TFEU and 355 TFEU.
Similar measures
have already been adopted by MS. See, for
example, the German measure assessed by
the Commission in SA.32020 under EU State
aid rules (compatible aid under article
107(3)(c) TFEU); see also section 3.7 of the
Commission’s guidelines on State aid for
environmental protection and energy 2014-
- For PSO flights, see articles 16 and 17 of
Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008
Tankering mitigation: minimum
tax burden
- Could be inconsistent with Article 24 of the
Chicago Convention if it is assimilated to a tax
on fuel onboard an aircraft (See Legal Annex
Gradual implementation of the
fuel tax
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issues.
Policy package 2: Introduction of harmonised minimum ticket tax across the EU
Flat passenger ticket tax
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issues,
although such taxes might be controversial
under Articles 11 and 15 of the Chicago
Convention (see Legal Annex under A.1.3.1).
Stepped passenger ticket tax
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issues,
although such taxes might be controversial
under Articles 11 and 15 of the Chicago
Convention (see Legal Annex under A.1.3.1).
- Requires to be designed in compliance with
EU State aid rules (See Legal Annex A.1.2.3)
Passenger ticket tax inversely
proportional to distance
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issues,
although such taxes might be controversial
under Articles 11 and 15 of the Chicago
Convention (see Legal Annex under A.1.3.1).
- Requires to be designed in compliance with
EU State aid rules (See Legal Annex A.1.2.3)
See also article 51 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories
of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty, OJ L 187, 26 June
2014, pp. 1-78 (as amended). This provision concerns social aid for transport for residents of remote regions.
Regulation (EC) No 1008/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 September 208 on
common rules for the operation of air services in the Community, OJ L 293, 31 October 2008, pp. 3-20 (as
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Legal analysis
Tonne-km based cargo tax
- Might raise legal issues if the tonne-km basis is
seen as making the tax comparable to a tax on
fuel onboard an aircraft, which would be
inconsistent with Article 24 of the Chicago
Increased tax for premium
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issues
Exemptions for outermost
regions/PSO flights
- Is in line with the EU’s approach towards
outermost regions and PSO flights (see above)
Exemptions to transit/transfer
passengers with origin and
destination outside the EEA
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issue.
- Similar measures have been adopted by MS
(see, for example, the Irish Air Travel Tax
discussed in Commission Decision (EU)
2018/117 on SA.29064 (2011/C) (ex
Policy package 3: Combination of a harmonised minimum tax on the supply of fuel and a
harmonised minimum ticket tax
Tax on the supply of fuel
(intra-EEA) + ticket tax (all
- Does not seem to raise specific legal issues,
although such taxes might be controversial
under Articles 11 and 15 of the Chicago
Convention (See Legal Annex under A.1.3.1.).
Tax on the supply of fuel
(intra-EEA) + ticket tax (extra-
- Might raise legal issues under Article 11 of the
Chicago Convention if such measure is
considered discriminatory (as only extra-EEA
flights pay the ticket tax). The ticket tax on
extra-EEA flights could also be assimilated to
a measure aimed at replicating the fuel tax at
the domestic level: in that case it could be
found contrary to Article 24 of the Chicago
Convention and some BAs/HAs/CATAs (See
Legal Annex A.1.3.1. and A.1.3.3.)
Overall, the legal review of these policy measures identified:
There should be no legal problems associated with the introduction of a tax on fuel
supplied for intra-EU flights. Agreements with some third countries may need to be
renegotiated if the tax is to be applied to their carriers (to achieve maximum effectiveness
of the tax);
The exemptions identified are consistent with existing EU policy.
The measure identified to mitigate potential carbon leakage through tankering may be
seen as inconsistent with articles of the Chicago Convention;
The concept of a ticket tax is not seen as raising specific legal issues; however, options in
which the tax increases approximately in line with the fuel consumed could raise issues as
being similar to a tax on that fuel, particularly when implemented as part of the
combination of taxes;
Increased taxes for premium passengers and exemptions for transit/transfer passengers
should not raise issues.
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5 Baseline scenarios
The baseline scenario forms a key component of an impact assessment. For this study, it is intended
to provide a full description of the situation in the short-term (2025), mid-term (2030) and long-term
(2050), in the absence of any changes to aviation taxation frameworks.
To be able to provide a thorough assessment of the policy options, it is important that the baseline
includes the full range of factors that might influence any of the relevant parameters (economic,
environmental and social indicators). The baseline needs to include a range of indicators consistent
with those to be considered in the assessment of impacts (section 6.1).
This study has been performed against a backdrop of severe impacts on the aviation sector, and
society more widely, from the global COVID-19 pandemic. The health and economic crises generated
by the pandemic will continue to impact demand for travel, potentially inducing long-term changes to
businesses and people’s habits. This introduces significant uncertainty into any forecast of the
development of aviation demand. Therefore, it was decided that the study should include multiple
baseline scenarios to be able to capture the uncertainty in the impacts of the policy options.
The main baseline scenario reflects developments under current trends and adopted policies. It builds
on the baseline scenario underpinning the impact assessment accompanying the 2030 Climate
Target Plan and the staff working document accompanying the Sustainable and Smart Mobility
Strategy, but it additionally considers the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the National Energy
and Climate Plans
Analysis of the demand for the aviation sector (in revenue passenger-km, or RPK) defined by this
primary baseline (using the data provided by DG CLIMA) identified that it included a recovery to
similar levels of demand to that in the (pre-COVID-19) 2016 Reference Scenario by 2025. It was
considered that it would be inappropriate to analyse the policy options against a baseline with a
stronger recovery than this (i.e. showing a future demand greater than that expected prior to the
COVID-19 pandemic); therefore, a single ‘sensitivity baseline’ was defined, with a slower recovery
and a reduced growth rate beyond, This approach to the definition of the sensitivity baseline was
agreed with DG TAXUD prior to its implementation in the aviation sector modelling.
5.1 Quantitative assessment of the aviation sector
The development of demand for aviation in the EU27, as defined by the primary baseline scenario, is
shown in Figure 5-1 for intra-EU, extra-EU and total flights. For comparison with this baseline, Figure
5-1 also shows the overall demand values from the previous, 2016, Reference Scenario.
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Figure 5-1: Evolution of aviation demand in EU27 under the primary baseline scenario
The definition of the primary baseline provides the demand for aviation, separately for intra-EU and
extra-EU, as well as total, at five-yearly intervals from 2015 to 2050. In this context, intra-EU flights are
those between two airports in the EU, whether in the same Member State (i.e. a domestic flight) or in
different ones (an international flight). Extra-EU flights are international flights from EU Member States
to third countries.
As can be seen in Figure 5-1, the primary scenario shows a large reduction in overall demand between
2015 and 2020 (mainly due to the dramatic reduction between 2019 and 2020, against continued growth
between 2015 and 2019). It then shows a recovery by 2025, with a return to growth rates akin to historic
rates in subsequent years. From 2025 to 2050, the average overall growth rate is 1.57% per annum
(1.51% per annum intra-EEA, 1.60% per annum extra-EEA). Also included in Figure 5-1 is the
projections from the 2016 EU Reference Scenario. As published, this scenario includes the UK as an
EU Member State; therefore, to allow comparisons between the 2016 scenario and the new one, the
total demand for just the EU27 Member States has been calculated. This is feasible for the total demand
(as it includes all flights departing from EU27 airports); however, the data do not separate flights to the
UK from flights to other Member States, so it is not possible to derive results for valid comparisons with
the intra-EU and extra-EU demand curves in the new scenario. Nonetheless, it is clear that the overall
demand in the new scenario from 2025 to 2040 is a close match to that from the 2016 Reference
Scenario (the new scenario extends the projection out to 2050, beyond that given in the 2016 Reference
As noted above, given the recovery to the pre-COVID-19 forecast level of demand by 2025 in the
primary baseline, it was not considered appropriate to model a sensitivity scenario that delivered a
higher level of demand (a more rapid recovery would be feasible, but as the scenario definition, and the
modelling, only includes every fifth year, the results would be indistinguishable from those shown in
Figure 5-1). Therefore, a sensitivity baseline scenario with a slower recovery and a subsequent slower
growth rate was considered.
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
RPK (Billions)
Aviation demand
2016 Reference Overall
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In November 2020, EUROCONTROL published an updated five-year forecast
. This forecast included
three traffic scenarios, reflecting different levels of optimism for the recovery of aviation traffic from the
impacts of COVID-19:
Scenario 1 Vaccine Summer 2021
o Vaccine widely made available for travellers (or end of pandemic) by Summer 2021,
with traffic only returning to 2019 levels by 2024.
Scenario 2 Vaccine Summer 2022
o Vaccine widely made available for travellers (or end of pandemic) by Summer 2022,
with traffic only returning to 2019 levels by 2026.
Scenario 3 Vaccine not effective
o Lingering infection and low passenger confidence, with traffic only returning to 2019
levels by 2029.
In May 2021, EUROCONTROL published a further update, with a slightly more optimistic ‘most likely’
scenario, giving recovery to 2019 levels of traffic by 2025
. However, the analyses presented here
were performed using the November 2020 forecast. For these analyses, it was felt appropriate to use
the EUROCONTROL scenario 2 assumptions to define the initial recovery from COVID-19, with the
subsequent growth rate set at 80% of the annual growth rate represented by the primary baseline
scenario, giving an average annual growth rate of 1.09% per annum post-2030, for the sensitivity
baseline scenario. Figure 5-2 shows the resulting demand profiles for the sensitivity baseline in
comparison with the primary baseline.
Figure 5-2: Comparisons of demand under sensitivity baseline scenario with primary baseline
In addition to the aviation demand profiles, the primary baseline scenario definition also includes
projections for the population of the EU27 and the total gross domestic product (GDP), both of which
are used as inputs to the macroeconomic modelling using the GINFORS-E model. These projections
show the EU27 population remaining stable at between 444 million and 450 million, with GDP growing
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
RPK (Billions)
Revenue passenger kilometre against time
New COVID-19 baseline and low-growth sensitivity scenario
Baseline - Intra-EU
Baseline - Extra-EU
Baseline - Overall
Low Sensitivity - Intra-EU
Low Sensitivity - Extra-EU
Low Sensitivity - Overall
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from €12,653 billion in 2020 to €19,762 billion by 2050 (in the scenario, GDP shows annual average
growth of 2.7% from 2020 to 2025, growth then slows to 1.1% per annum, before recovering to 1.4%
per annum by 2050).
Other significant inputs to the modelling of the aviation sector, defined as part of the primary baseline
scenario, include assumptions for fuel prices, carbon prices and the share of sustainable aviation fuel.
These assumptions are presented in Table 5-1: Other assumptions in primary baseline scenario
Table 5-1: Other assumptions in primary baseline scenario definition
Jet fuel price (EU27)
Carbon price ETS
sectors (€/ tCO
SAF (EU27)
The other assumptions defining the baseline calculations by the two models (such as aircraft fuel
efficiency, elasticities between prices and demand) are the standard values incorporated in the two
models. Of particular note for this study is that the baseline calculations by the AERO model
incorporated the existing ticket taxes implemented in Austria, Germany, France and Sweden, as
described in Section 4.
Except for the projected level of aviation demand, these assumptions were not changed for the
sensitivity baseline scenario.
Figure 5-3 shows the passenger demand (as passenger-km) output from AERO-MS for the years 2016
(the base year for the model), 2025, 2030 and 2050 under the primary baseline.
Figure 5-3: Passenger transport demand output from AERO-MS
2016 2025 2030 2050
Passenger demand (billion passenger
Primary baseline analysis - passenger demand
Intra-EEA Network carriers
Intra-EEA LCC/Charter
Extra-EEA Network carriers
Extra-EEA LCC/Charter
Total Network carriers
Total LCC/Charter carriers
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The levels of passenger demand output from AERO-MS are an accurate representation of the input
demand data (as defined in the scenario supplied by the Commission), interpolated to the analysis
years and presented for intra-EEA29 and extra-EEA29. The results are presented separately for
traditional network carriers and LCC/charter carriers; it is notable that on intra-EEA routes the
LCC/charter carriers have a slightly greater share of the market in 2016 than the network carriers (with
the difference increasing over time), while they have a much smaller share of the market on extra-EEA
routes. Between 2016 and 2025, the average annual growth rate for network carriers is 2.0%, between
2025 and 2030 the growth rate is 2.1%, while between 2030 and 2050 it reduces to 1.0%. The
equivalent average annual growth rates for LCC/Charter carriers are rather higher at 3.2%, 2.8% and
1.7% for the three periods.
Some differences can be seen between the demand values shown in Figure 5-3 and those for the
equivalent years in Figure 5-1. Partly, the differences relate to the presentation of results for EU27
Member States only in Figure 5-1 and the EEA29 in Figure 5-3; this particularly affects the intra-EEA
(compared to intra-EU) results. Detailed investigations have shown that the differences in the total
demand levels relate to the different allocation of demand on routes from EU countries to certain third
countries between the two models. If levels of demand are derived from the AERO-MS results assuming
similar allocation to that used in developing the scenario definition, a very close match is achieved
between the two sets of results.
Figure 5-4 shows the fuel consumption and CO
emissions for the same primary baseline calculation.
Figure 5-4: Fuel consumption and CO
emissions for primary baseline
Note that, in Figure 5-4, the results for 2016 and 2025 are not connected by lines, as results have not
been calculated for 2020 and the impacts of COVID-19 in that year would make any line joining the two
years unrealistic. As expected, the fuel use and CO
emissions have very similar profiles. Between
2016 and 2025, they grow at the same rate, as the CO
emissions are calculated by applying a constant
emissions index to the fuel consumption. However, after 2025, the CO
emissions grow at a slightly
lower rate than the fuel consumption, reflecting the increased use of sustainable alternative fuel and
the zero (net) emissions assumed for such fuels. Between 2016 and 2050, the total fuel consumption
increases by 25.3%, while the total CO
emissions increase by 21.6%.
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
emissions (million tonnes)
Fuel consumption (million tonnes)
Primary baseline analysis - fuel consumption and CO
Intra-EEA fuel consumption
Extra-EEA fuel consumption
Total fuel consumption
Intra-EEA CO2 emissions
Extra-EEA CO2 emissions
Total CO2 emissions
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5.2 Wider impact areas and qualitative assessment
The modelling of the baseline for other modes of transport and wider economic sectors uses the
GINFORS-E model, with the inputs for the aviation sector being taken from the outputs of AERO-MS
(as shown above) and other inputs (such as gross domestic product) being taken from the scenario
definition provided by the Commission. These inputs captured the policy measures already
implemented or planned at the point that the analyses were performed. As such, they do not include
any new measures included in the Commission’s ‘Fit for 55’ initiative
The values for key socio-economic indicators for the reference baseline are listed below. Land and
water transport services (GINFORS-E indicators 1-3, see Annex A3.2) increase significantly in
constant prices until 2050. Employment in air transport (indicator 4) remains largely constant because
labour productivity continues to rise significantly. In the transport sector as a whole, employment falls
across the EU (indicator 5). Due to the declining working-age population, total employment (indicator
12) and also employment in the manufacturing sector (indicator 13) will decrease by 2050 compared
to 2016. In contrast, GDP at constant prices (based on year 2015 euros; indicator 10) will increase
significantly with 1.2% on average until 2050. The macroeconomic price level (indicator 11) also
increases by 1,7% p.a. on average. Tax revenues in current prices (indicators 7-9) grow even more
strongly as they are closely related to GDP in current prices. The taxes on aviation (i.e. the existing
national ticket taxes) are calculated in the AERO-MS model and, therefore, are not shown here for the
baseline. Energy consumption and the corresponding CO
emissions (indicators 14-18) decrease until
2050, whereby the decline in transport is less pronounced than in other sectors.
Table 5-2: Main socio-economic indicators for the EU27 in the primary baseline scenario
Demand effects on other
modes of transport
1. Land
transport and
transport via
pipelines, output
at constant
Billion €
2. Rail
Billion pkm
3. Water
transport, output
at constant
Billion €
Effects on employment in the
aviation and transport sector
4. Air transport,
number of
5. Transport,
total, number of
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Tax revenue effects
6. Air transport,
revenue from
new taxes
Billion €
7. Net indirect
Billion €
8. Direct taxes.
Billion €
9. Tax
revenues, total
(incl. new
aviation taxes)
Billion €
Other knock-on or spillover
10. GDP at
constant prices
Billion €
11. GDP
total, number of
13. Employment
, manufacturing,
number of
Energy use and CO
14. Transport,
total, energy use
15. Total energy
16. Transport,
total, CO
17. Total CO
This indicator covers the taxes raised by the policy options under consideration in this study. It does
not include the existing national ticket taxes. As a result, the baseline value in this table is zero.
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6 Analysis of impacts
6.1 Assessment of impacts overview
This section provides detailed analyses of the economic, environmental and social impacts of the
short-listed policy options both at the micro and macro-economic level. The analysis highlights both
the advantages and disadvantages of different options and offers a robust, quantitative assessment of
the essential trade-off at stake.
The fuel tax options that have been analysed are based on fuel tax rates of €0.17, €0.33 and €0.50
per litre, applied to intra-EEA passenger flights as noted in Section 4, cargo-only flights were
excluded from the fuel tax for competitiveness reasons. All three of the fuel tax options were analysed
with the assumption that existing national ticket taxes would remain in force when a harmonised
minimum fuel tax was implemented. In addition, a sensitivity calculation was performed with the
assumption that existing national ticket taxes would be withdrawn, in conjunction with the €0.33 per
litre fuel tax.
The passenger ticket tax options that have been analysed include:
flat rate of 10.43 per ticket on all flights;
rates of €10.12 in intra-EEA flights, €25.30 on extra-EEA flights up to 6,000 km and €45.54 on
extra-EEA flights over 6,000km;
rates of €25.30 on flights of up to 350 km and €10.12 on all flights over 350 km.
These options also include a cargo tax of €0.10 per tonne-km, applied to both intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights.
The third policy option is that of a tax on fuel supplied for intra-EEA flights and a ticket tax on extra-
EEA flights. This option has been analysed using the central fuel tax rate of €0.33 per litre and the
extra-EEA elements of the ticket taxes described above.
In principle, a fuel tax increases the price for jet fuel which is a key component of the cost function of
airlines. As such, it acts on the supply side of the aviation market and provides incentives for reducing
jet fuel consumption (through energy efficiency measures). In addition, it may incentivise the use of
sustainable fuels, depending on the level of the tax, whether it is applied to sustainable fuels
(potentially at a lower rate than for conventional fuels) and the price difference between conventional
and sustainable fuels. In addition, depending on the level of cost pass-through, higher fuel costs (due
to a fuel tax) may lead to increased ticket prices and, in turn, reduced air transport demand for intra-
EU flights and shift to other available transport modes (rail, car, bus).
A ticket tax can be expected to affect the demand side by increasing the final ticket price for
passengers, again depending on the level of pass-through. Given its applicability to extra-EU flights
too, a ticket tax has a wider impact on travel demand than a fuel tax.
The modelling framework used in this study models not only demand for air transport but also supply
responses whereby airlines shift towards the use of more fuel-efficient aircraft. Currently, the
modelling framework does not model any increased use of sustainable fuels as a result of taxes, as
the percentage uptake of alternative fuels is an exogenous input. This aspect is analysed through a
sensitivity analysis.
For the analyses performed, results are presented showing the impacts on ticket prices, demand
(passenger-km and cargo tonne-km), fuel consumption and tax revenue. As well as results for the
complete EEA-29, the distribution of tax revenue by Member State is also presented.
6.2 Impact assessment results fuel tax
Policy option calculations have been performed for fuel taxes at three different tax rates, €0.17 per
litre, €0.33 per litre, €0.50 per litre (as presented in Section 4.2.1), against the primary baseline. As
noted previously, these fuel taxes are applied only to passenger aircraft and not to dedicated freighter
aircraft and only to intra-EEA flights.
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The default analysis includes the application of these fuel taxes with a ten-year transitional phase,
with 10% of the final tax rate being applied in 2024, ramping up linearly until the full rate is applied in
2033. This approach to introducing a new tax is considered to reduce the overall impacts arising from
the initial shock of a sudden implementation, giving a more gradual increase in costs (for airlines and
consumers). Analyses have also been performed to investigate the sensitivity of the results to this
approach, using both a full implementation from 2024 onwards and a seven year transition phase
(also starting in 2024, with the full rate implemented in 2030).
For the analyses reported here, all costs are calculated in constant year euros
(and the inputs, such
as fuel prices and carbon prices, are also specified as constant year values). Therefore, although the
Commission foresees the tax rates being indexed against inflation, they are implemented in the
modelling as fixed values. The combination of constant year prices and fixed tax rates provides the
same impacts as actual year prices (including inflation) and indexed tax rates. For completeness, and
comparisons against other analyses, Table 6-1 shows how the fuel tax rates would vary over time if
indexed against inflation (a constant inflation rate of 1.406% has been assumed for these
Table 6-1: Effective tax rates in future years if indexed against inflation
Fuel tax €0.17 per litre
Fuel tax €0.33 per litre
Fuel tax €0.50 per litre
€ 0.185
€ 0.359
€ 0.544
€ 0.198
€ 0.385
€ 0.583
€ 0.262
€ 0.771
6.2.1 Impacts on ticket prices
The AERO-MS model assumes that all tax costs incurred by the airlines are passed through to their
customers (i.e. 100% cost pass-through). This reflects the situation in the industry in which airlines’
profit margins are low and so they have little ability to absorb additional costs. As a result, the
implementation of a fuel tax leads to an increase in ticket prices. The impacts of the three different
fuel tax rates on ticket prices compared to the baseline values, under the assumption that existing
national ticket taxes are retained, are presented, separately for traditional scheduled carriers and low-
cost and charter carriers, in Table 6-2.
Table 6-2: Impacts of different fuel tax rates on ticket prices for intra-EEA flights relative to the
baseline, separated between traditional scheduled carriers and low-cost and charter carriers, using a
ten-year transition period
Fuel tax
Ticket price
changes by
year and
carrier type
Low-cost carriers
and charter
carriers and
carriers and
Because of model differences, the aviation sector modelling (including the impact of taxes on demand) used
2019 euros, while the socioeconomic modelling is based on 2015 euros. Inflation effects between the two years
were applied when transferring values between models.
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Under the central tax rate shown here of €0.33 per litre, ticket prices in 2025 increase by slightly
under 2% for flights with traditional scheduled carriers, while those for low-cost carriers (LCCs)
increase by approximately 3.5%, reflecting the higher proportion of operation costs related to fuel for
such carriers. By 2030, ticket prices have risen to over 5% and almost 11%, respectively, as a greater
proportion of the final tax rate (70%) is implemented. By 2050, the increase in ticket prices (as a
percentage of the baseline) is now approximately 6% and 11% for the two carrier types. The impacts
of the full application of the taxes from 2033 onwards is partially offset by an increase in ticket price in
the baseline over time, and also by an increase in the fuel efficiency of aircraft, leading to reduced fuel
consumption (and hence tax burden) per passenger-km. Under the reduced fuel tax rate of €0.17 per
litre, the increase in ticket prices is considerably less, while under the higher tax rate, the increase is
significantly greater, with a 5% increase in ticket prices for LCCs in 2025, rising further to about 17%
increase over the baseline by 2050.
The implications for these changes on ticket prices paid is shown in Table 6-3. This shows calculated
ticket prices for traditional scheduled carriers and LCC and LCC and charter carriers for an average
intra-EEA flight distance of 1,000 km
Table 6-3: Ticket prices for an average intra-EEA flight distance of 1,000 km for baseline and different
fuel tax options
€0.17 per litre
€0.33 per litre
€0.50 per litre
€ 154
€ 57
€ 58
€ 157
€ 59
€ 158
€ 60
€ 159
€ 60
€ 163
€ 64
€ 167
€ 67
€ 172
€ 70
€ 165
€ 64
€ 170
€ 68
€ 175
€ 72
€ 180
€ 75
Additional analyses have also been performed to investigate the sensitivity of the results to the cost
pass-through assumption. The results of these analyses are described in Section
6.2.2 Impacts on demand
The increases in ticket prices in Table 6-3 lead to a reduction in demand (based on the values for
price elasticity of demand implemented in the AERO-MS model
). Figure 6-1 shows the demand for
intra-EEA passenger travel (in billions of passenger-km) under the baseline and policy option cases.
Analyses of data in the AERO-MS model indicates an average flight distance for intra-EEA flights in 2016 of
970 km. this has been rounded up for a representative average distance of 1,000 km for the purpose of this
The elasticities in the AERO-MS model are based on a report by the International Air Transport Association
(IATA) (see For intra-
EEA flights, both a geographical and a short-haul multiplier are applied; the overall elasticity for intra-EEA
flights is -0.924.
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Figure 6-1: Impact on passenger demand for intra-EEA flights of the increased ticket prices following
the implementation of a fuel tax
As shown in Figure 6-1, the demand in the baseline grows considerably (by about 74% for network
carriers and about 94% for LCC/charter carriers) between 2016 and 2050. The increases in ticket
prices under the fuel tax options then lead to reductions in demand relative to the baseline. The
percentage reductions in demand, compared to the baseline scenario, are shown in Figure 6-2.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options - 10-year transition
Baseline - Network carriers
Baseline - LCC/Charter carriers
€0.17 per litre - Network carriers
€0.17 per litre - LCC/Charter carriers
€0.33 per litre - Network carriers
€0.33 per litre - LCC/Charter carriers
€0.50 per litre - Network carriers
€0.50 per litre - LCC/Charter carriers
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Figure 6-2: Percentage change in passenger demand for intra-EEA flights following the
implementation of a fuel tax
Table 6-4: Percentage change in passenger demand for intra-EEA flights following the
implementation of a fuel tax
Fuel tax rate
change in
carriers and
carriers and
carriers and
Under the €0.33 per litre fuel tax option, total demand for intra-EEA air travel is reduced by about 3%
in 2025, with the impact increasing to about a 10% reduction (relative to the baseline) by 2050. Under
the lower tax rate, the reduction in demand is significantly less, varying between 1.5% in 2025 and 5%
in 2050. Under the higher tax rate, on the other hand, the reduction in demand is significantly higher,
between 5% in 2025 and 14% in 2050. In each case, the impact on demand for flights by low-cost
carriers is significantly greater than for traditional scheduled carriers, as fuel costs form a greater
percentage of their total costs and so the fuel tax leads to a proportionally greater increase in ticket
price. In 2030, under the €0.33 per litre fuel tax option, the percentage reduction in demand for LCC
flights is over 2.5 times that for traditional scheduled carriers.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options 10-year transition
€0.17 per litre - Network carriers
€0.17 per litre - LCC/Charter carriers
€0.33 per litre - Network carriers
€0.33 per litre - LCC/Charter carriers
€0.50 per litre - Network carriers
€0.50 per litre - LCC/Charter carriers
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6.2.3 Impacts on fuel burn and CO
As expected, the reduction in demand due to the different fuel tax options leads to a reduction in the
fuel burn (and hence CO
). The variation in fuel consumption under the baseline and fuel
tax policy cases is shown in Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3: Fuel consumption on intra-EEA flights under different fuel tax options
The percentage reductions in fuel consumption corresponding to the total values shown in Figure 6-3
are shown in Table 6-5.
Table 6-5: Percentage reductions in fuel consumption on intra-EEA flights under different fuel tax
Fuel tax rate
In general, the changes in fuel consumption follow similar trends to those in demand. However, these
changes are also affected by the increased fuel efficiency of the fleet (which occurs in the baseline
but then accelerates further in response to the tax options), leading to greater percentage reductions
in fuel consumption. There is a greater impact on demand and on incentives to airlines to improve the
efficiency particularly in the early years (i.e. 2025), when the fuel efficiency in the baseline is not as
good as in later years. For example, in 2025, although there is a 20% increase in demand relative to
For conventional kerosene fuel, the CO
emissions are directly proportional to the fuel consumption (with a
constant of proportionality of approximately 3.16, giving 2.53kg CO
emissions per litre of kerosene), The
increased use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) over time in the baseline changes that relationship slightly.
However, the proportion of SAF is assumed not to change in response to the fuel taxes; therefore, the changes
in CO
emissions in response to the taxes follow an identical trend to that for fuel consumption.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel consumption (million tonnes)
Intra-EEA fuel consumption under fuel tax policy options - 10-year transition
€0.17 per litre
€0.33 per litre
€0.50 per litre
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2016 under the €0.50 per litre tax option, the fuel consumption increases by only 6.5%. The impacts
of the fuel taxes on fuel efficiency are shown in Table 6-6.
Table 6-6: Percentage change in fuel efficiency on intra-EEA flights relative to the baseline for
different fuel tax options
Fuel tax rate
6.2.4 Impacts on connectivity and competitiveness
With respect to the impact on connectivity, the lower demand resulting from the fuel tax would be
expected to reduce flight frequencies across all routes. In principle, this could potentially lead to the
loss of air transport on some routes, should these become not financially viable for air carriers to
operate. However, this effect may be limited due to the following reasons:
The expected number of intra EEA flights in the baseline for 2025 is 21% higher compared to
the base year (2016), with the growth being larger for LCCs (24%) than for legacy carriers
(19%). By 2025, the introduction of a fuel tax of €0.33/litre (with no transition period) would
lead to a reduction of 9% in the number of flights by legacy carriers and of 19% by LCCs,
when compared to the baseline (the greatest reduction in the number of flights by LCCs being
a reflection on the fact that the taxes would represent a larger share of the ticket price in
those carriers, when compared to legacy carriers). Given this, it is expected that, overall, the
flight frequency on most routes would be still higher than it was in 2016. It should be noted,
however, than under the €0.50/litre fuel tax with no transition period, by 2025 the number of
flights operated by LCCs would be smaller than in 2016 (for legacy carriers it would be
higher); by 2030 it would be higher for both types of carriers.
For routes/peripheral regions where connectivity is a real issue, there is generally a PSO in
place which ensures a minimum level of connectivity. The considered fuel tax foresees an
exemption for routes covered by PSOs as well as for flights to and from outermost regions, as
they are considered to be dependent on good levels of transport connectivity.
For routes to smaller airports where no PSO is in place, there are risks that these would be
the first to be cut: the experience in the US during the 2004-2008 period of high growth in fuel
prices shows that smaller airports are more likely to lose service than bigger ones (Hansman,
Hansen, Everett Peterson, & Trani, 2014). Particularly, many of those routes to smaller
airports are served by LCCs, which the model predicts would be the most affected in terms of
reductions in the number of flights (as compared to the baseline) Still, as noted in the first
bullet point, in the central scenario with a fuel tax of €0.33/litre, it is expected that the number
of flights will never fall below 2016 levels. As such, this risk of loss of connectivity on smaller
airports for routes with no PSO is mitigated, and while the high levels of growth predicated
under the baseline would not be achieved, overall no major loses in connectivity would be
For routes with high frequencies, a reduction in the number of flights may not be a major
issue from a connectivity point of view, as a potential reduction of flights by 10% would have a
marginal effect only on travellers’ choice.
The taxes on the supply of fuel, as defined in this study, in principle apply to all carriers operating
intra-EEA routes. As described in Section 3, the agreements (whether comprehensive air transport
agreements or bilateral agreements) with some third countries include exemptions for their carriers
from fuel taxes on intra-EU flights (and nearly all of them include exemptions for flights between the
Fuel efficiency is expressed as fuel consumption per revenue tonne-km, with a passenger and luggage
considered to have an average mass of 100kg, to enable passenger and freight transport to be combined
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EU and EFTA/EEA States, considered as extra-EU under the agreements). The number of intra-EEA
flights flown by such carriers (with the exception of cargo-only flights, which are excluded from the fuel
tax) is very small as noted in section 4.1.1, in 2016 around 1.2% of fuel used in intra-EEA
passenger flights was used by non-EEA carriers. The main reasons for this situation are:
1. In fewer cases do international agreements grant intra-EU traffic rights for cargo than
2. typically, different aircraft are used for long haul and short haul operations, making it less
economically beneficial for an airline to (for example) follow a transatlantic flight with an intra-
EU connection under the 5
freedom rights granted to US carriers under the EU-US
Nevertheless, the situation may evolve if the introduction of taxes increases the difference in the cost
base for EU and foreign (in this case US) operators; such an evolution could also be made easier by
the market deployment of the new generation of single aisle aircraft (e.g. Airbus A321 XLR) capable
of operating transatlantic flights. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that a tax on fuel supplied for intra-
EEA flights would have a significant direct impact on competition between airlines, although this
impact will probably be smaller than in the case of cargo, and would be limited to certain high-volume
intra-EU routes and routes between the EU and EEA/EFTA States.
Overall, there may be some potential impacts on the competitiveness of EEA carriers with respect to
(i) non-EEA carriers and (ii) other EEA carriers depending on the network of routes they serve. On a
given route between the EEA and a third country, EEA carriers could be at a disadvantage vis-à-vis
non-EEA carriers. Indeed, non-EEA carriers would also serve their ‘home’ market, on which they may
bear a lower tax burden than EEA carriers would in their home market (intra-EEA flights). That might
improve the overall profitability of non-EEA carriers, allowing them to offer lower fares on this route on
which they competes with EEA carriers. This impact could be offset slightly by the EEA carriers
adopting more fuel efficient aircraft (in the event that they fly the same types of aircraft on their intra-
EEA routes and those on which they compete with the third country carriers), reducing their fuel
consumption and, hence, their operating costs. On the other hand, EEA carriers are likely to have an
advantage compared to non-EEA carriers in their EEA home market, notably thanks to their brand
recognition, loyalty programs and intra-EEA connectivity. On a given intra-EEA route, EEA carriers
that serve both intra-EEA and extra-EEA routes compared to those that serve only intra-EEA routes
might have a better overall profitability than EEA carriers that serve only intra-EEA routes, assuming
that the lack of tax on the extra-EEA routes would give an overall advantage in profitability to carriers
that operate on both sets of routes.
Finally, in relation to fuel taxation of intra-EEA flights, there could be competitiveness concerns
related to the issue of hub switching
, with (i) passengers travelling with origin in the EEA and
destination outside the EEA with a connection in the EEA or (ii) passengers travelling with origin
outside the EEA and destination in the EEA with a connection in the EEA. These passengers may
choose to travel via non-EEA hubs to avoid the more expensive intra-EEA segment resulting from the
fuel tax under discussion in this section. These would mostly affect indirect journeys between the EEA
and a third-country, as for intra-EEA indirect travels, there are not many convenient non-EEA hubs
that could compete effectively with EEA hubs on intra-EEA indirect travels London Heathrow (and
other London airports) being an exception where such intra-EEA travel via an non-EEA hub might be
as convenient as using an EEA hub for many intra-EEA trips
. This could mean that, on a given
route between an airport in the EEA and an airport outside the EEA, air carriers offering flights with a
connection in the EEA (and therefore subjected to a fuel tax on the intra-EEA section of the journey)
would be at a competitive disadvantage compared to air carriers offering flights via a non-EEA hub
that are not subjected to a fuel tax. On indirect journeys between the EEA and a third country, the risk
of hub switching would be likely to affect legacy air carriers more than LCCs, as legacy air carriers
operate indirect flights via their EEA hub. By contrast, LCCs do not operate under the hub-and-spoke
Hub switching is also a concern in relation to ticket taxes. This is further discussed in sections 6.3.4 and
For example, a trip from Stockholm to Lisbon would be shorter via Heathrow (3,030km) than via Frankfurt
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model with indirect flights via an EEA hub, but operate direct flights between an EEA airport and a
non-EEA airport. Policy package 1 does not foresee the taxation of extra-EEA flights (except for
flights between the EEA and Morocco and between the EEA and the UK in the sensitivity case in
section Therefore, LCCs operating direct extra-EEA flights would not be subjected to fuel
taxation. As a result, on a given route between an EEA airport and an extra-EEA airport, LCCs would
not be at a competitive disadvantage compared to air carriers offering flights via a non-EEA hub.
It is not possible, however, to estimate the overall impacts and other factors such as capacity at extra-
EEA hubs or passenger preferences would also play a role. For example, London airports have
limited capacity available and airlines operating there might not have the possibility to expand their
use as hubs to pull passengers away from EEA hubs. For long-haul travel, there is already a trend of
traffic shift to non-EEA hubs (e.g. those in the Middle East
), and a fuel tax could be just another
factor supporting that trend.
Clearly, there are many other commercial aspects that influence a carrier’s profitability and
competitiveness on a given route (related to the details of the routes it serves, home airports, etc.)
and the overall impacts on competitiveness would be determined by the conjugation of those factors.
6.2.5 Impacts on revenues
Figure 6-4 shows the total revenues from the fuel and ticket taxes
collected by the Member States
on intra-EEA flights for the different fuel tax policy options. As was noted above, these results have
been calculated with the assumption that any ticket taxes existing at the national level and included in
the baseline continue to apply upon the implementation of a fuel tax. However, the rate of the existing
ticket taxes is held constant in future years, and Member States with no implemented ticket taxes as
of 2020 are assumed not to introduce a national ticket tax in the future. Therefore, the tax revenues
shown for the baseline are all from national ticket taxes, while the revenues from the fuel tax options
are the combination of the national ticket taxes and the fuel taxes. It should be noted that the existing
ticket taxes may apply to both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights (with different rates based on flight
distance, for example); the ticket tax revenues used to develop Figure 6-4 include only those from
intra-EEA flights.
For example, it has been estimated that between 2010 and 2015 20% of the passengers travelling between
the EU and India started to use carriers from the Middle Eastern in detriment of EU carriers (de Vergnes,
Note that there are other taxes and charges placed on aviation, such as airport charges, that are not
included in the tax revenues shown here
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Figure 6-4: Total tax revenues (ticket tax and fuel tax) under different fuel tax options for intra-EEA
flights, with the national ticket taxes retained when the fuel tax is implemented
By 2050, the €0.17 per litre tax option approximately doubles the tax revenue compared to the
baseline, while under the other two tax rates, the revenue collected increases to 10.4 billion and
€13.4 billion for the €0.33 and €0.50 per litre tax rates, respectively.
The total tax revenue collected from the fuel tax under the three tax rates is presented, for individual
years and the cumulative total to 2050 (derived by simple linear interpolation applied to the results for
the three analysis years) in Table 6-7.
Table 6-7: Fuel tax revenues in 2025, 2030 and 2050, plus cumulative tax revenue raised to 2050 (€
€0.17 per litre fuel tax
€0.33 per litre fuel tax
€0.50 per litre fuel tax
€ 1.4
€ 2.1
€ 4.8
€ 6.9
€ 7.0
€ 10.1
Cumulative to 2050
€ 74.5
€ 137.8
€ 199.0
The breakdown of the increase in tax revenue by Member State (i.e. the difference between the tax
revenue under the policy case and the baseline case), plus Norway and Iceland (as the EEA
countries with aviation activity) for 2030 and 2050 under the €0.33 per litre fuel tax option is shown in
Table 6-8. It should be noted that as this shows the increase in tax revenue relative to the baseline,
the total differs from that shown in Table 6-7 as it is affected by the reduction in ticket tax revenues
due to the reduction in demand. Also shown in Table 6-8 are the percentages of the total increase in
tax revenue by Member State; for example, in 2050, Spain collects an additional €1,302.6 in tax
revenues, which is 19.5% of the total increase in tax revenues across the EEA.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue (billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under fuel tax policy options - 10-year transition
€0.17 per litre
€0.33 per litre
€0.50 per litre
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Table 6-8: Changes in tax revenue from the baseline for the €0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA
flights in 2050 (values show the increase in revenue for each MS relative to the baseline in millions of
Change in tax revenue relative to baseline (€ millions)
Percentage of total change in tax
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In both years shown, the Member States with the greatest increases in tax revenues (relative to the
baseline) are Spain, Germany and Italy. These same Member States also have the highest share of
the fuel tax raised, (at 20%, 14% and 12%, respectively), as they have the highest share of the intra-
EEA air traffic. Overall, combining both the fuel tax and the existing ticket taxes, Germany has the
highest total revenue in 2050 at €5.5 billion, approximately 40% of all taxes raised.
6.2.6 Macroeconomic and other transport mode impacts
Because of the additional complexity associated with the macroeconomic modelling, the GINFORS-E
model was applied to a smaller number of policy options and sub-options than the aviation sector
AERO-MS model. For the fuel tax policy option, only the €0.33 per litre fuel tax option was analysed.
The following results show the impacts on the EU-27 for this fuel tax option with a 10-year transition
(Table 6-9) and with immediate implementation (Table 6-10). More details on the different indicators
from the GINFORS-E model are given in Annex A3.2. Following the reduction in air transport demand
due to the fuel tax, there are some increases in road and rail transport, while shipping transport also
decreases slightly. With the lower air transport performance, employment in the sector also
decreases. The fuel tax leads to an EU-wide revenue of € 5.5 billion in 2025, which increases to € 6.5
billion by 2050. However, due to the slightly lower economic output (GDP), the revenue from other
taxes also decreases slightly in the long term. This is mainly due to the assumption of the use of tax
revenues for debt reduction. The price level as expressed by the GDP deflator is slightly higher due to
the fuel taxes. Energy consumption and CO
emissions decline somewhat due to the fuel tax and the
change in transport volume. As the share of petroleum products in the total energy consumption
decreases very slightly (as demand shifts to rail and land transport with, at least for rail, some level of
electrification), CO
emissions react minimally stronger than energy consumption. The reduction in
emissions from international flights (international aviation bunkers) is much higher. This percentage
impact slightly reduces over time.
Table 6-9: Overview of macroeconomic results for EU27 for €0.33 fuel tax with 10-year transition
0.33 per litre fuel tax, 10-year transition
Demand effects on other modes of transport
Land transport and transport via
pipelines, output at constant prices
% change
Rail passengers transported (% change
in pkm)
% change
Water transport, output at constant
% change
Effects on employment in the aviation and transport
Air transport, number of persons
% change
Transport, total, number of persons
% change
Tax revenue effects
Air transport, revenue from fuel tax
Billion €
Net indirect taxes
% change
Direct taxes
% change
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Tax revenues, total (incl. new aviation
% change
Second-order macroeconomic effects
GDP at constant prices
% change
GDP deflator
% change
Employment, total, number of persons
% change
Employment , manufacturing, number of
persons engaged
% change
Energy use and CO
Transport (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Aviation energy use
% change
Transport (inc. aviation) energy use
% change
Transport (non-aviation) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
Aviation CO
Change (Mt)
% change
Total (all sectors) energy use
Change (PJ)
% change
Total (all sectors) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
Table 6-10: Overview of macroeconomic results for EU27 for €0.33 fuel tax with immediate
€0.33 per litre fuel tax, immediate
Demand effects on other modes of transport
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
output at constant prices
% change
Rail passengers transported (% change in
% change
Water transport, output at constant prices
% change
Effects on employment in the aviation and transport sector
Air transport, number of persons engaged
% change
The GDP deflator, or GDP price deflator, measures the changes in prices for all goods and services in an
economy, relative to a reference year (2010 for this modelling).
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Transport, total, number of persons engaged
% change
Tax revenue effects
Air transport, revenue from new taxes
Billion €
Other taxes, less subsidies on intermediate
and final products
% change
Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
% change
Tax revenues, total (incl. new aviation taxes)
% change
Second-order macroeconomic effects
GDP at constant prices
% change
GDP deflator
% change
Employment, total, number of persons
% change
Employment , manufacturing, number of
persons engaged
% change
Energy use and CO
Transport (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Transport (non-aviation) CO
% change
Aviation CO
% change
In addition to the transport-specific results, Table 6-9 includes the impacts on energy use and CO
emissions for all sectors. While the results for the transport modes (aviation and non-aviation) show
very similar percentage changes in energy use and CO
emissions, the total for all sectors (while
smaller as percentage changes) shows percentage changes in emissions approximately twice those
for energy use (for example, in Table 6-9, for 2030, the total (all sectors) energy use reduces by
0.10%, while the CO
emissions reduce by 0.19%). This illustrates an effect whereby, as a result of
the reduction in demand in the aviation sector, some demand switches to other modes (such as road
and rail) in which there is a greater use of electricity and biofuels. This changes the relationship
between emissions and energy demand, leading to the greater reduction in emissions.
The following figures show the impacts of the two fuel tax scenarios in greater detail. Demand for land
transport will increase due to the fuel tax on intra-EEA aviation. This effect is apparent for rail
transport. The results show only very minor differences in the impacts on road and rail transport.
However, there are very significant differences between land transport (including rail), aviation and
water transport. The activity in land transport is much higher than in air transport, so that percentage
change is lower. The small decrease in water transport can be attributed to ship cruises that rely on
feeder services through (in the tax cases more expensive) air transportation. Water transport output in
the EU corresponds to around 20% of land transport output, with around 80% of water transport being
freight transport, which is largely unaffected by the changes in demand for air transport. Although the
impact on the number of passengers flying to the point of embarkation may be small, the value of the
cruise (and hence the reduction in the output value of the sector) is slightly more significant.
Conversely, it might be considered that the reduction in air transport in the EU could reduce the
capacity for transporting freight on passenger flights and hence lead to an increase in demand for
waterborne freight transport. There are two reasons why this effect may, in fact, be small. Firstly, the
types of aircraft used for the majority of intra-EEA passenger services (regional jets and single-aisle
airliners) have only a limited capacity for belly-hold freight. Secondly, the types of freight carried by air
tend to be different (higher value, possibly perishable) than those carried by waterborne vessels, so
the scope for transfer from one mode to the other is likely to be limited.
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Figure 6-5: Fuel tax scenarios - demand effects on other modes of transport in the EU27
The effects on tax revenues are shown in Figure 6-6. Fuel tax revenues are taken directly from the
AERO-MS results. The other variables are calculated in GINFORS-E. Indirect taxes, which include
taxes on aviation, increase as a result of aviation taxation. In contrast, direct taxes (on income and
wealth) decrease slightly because the economic output (GDP) decreases due to the assumption that
the revenue from the fuel tax is used to reduce the national debt.
Over time, fuel tax revenues remain largely constant in the option with immediate implementation
(FT01). Since ad valorem taxes, such as VAT, increase faster than the revenue from volume taxes
such as the fuel tax, the percentage total effect becomes significantly smaller over time. Again, in the
case of the 10-year transition option (FT05), the trend starts lower but increases over time.
2025 2030 2050
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
change in output at constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
FT01 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights)
FT05 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; 10-year transition period)
2025 2030 2050
Water transport, change in output at
constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Rail, change in passenger demand (p-km)
change from baseline (%)
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Figure 6-6: Fuel tax scenarios - effects on tax revenues in the EU27
The changes in tax revenue (from the baseline) in 2025 are a very close match to the similar tax
revenue changes calculated by AERO-MS (Figure 6-4); in the subsequent years, the changes in
revenue from the macroeconomic analysis become slightly lower than those in the aviation sector, as
the changes in demand affect other industries, reducing the taxes collected from them.
At the macroeconomic level (Figure 6-7), the fuel tax on air transport leads to a slight increase in the
price level (GDP deflator). It is assumed that 100% of the cost increases are added to the prices (full
cost pass-through). As the additional tax revenues are not recycled to reduce prices through other tax
cuts or subsidies, but remain in the budget for debt reduction, prices do not fall elsewhere in the
economy. This assumed use of the tax revenues is also the main reason for the slight negative effect
on GDP.
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from net indirect taxes
(incl. new taxes on air transport)
Percentage change from baseline (%)
FT01 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights)
FT05 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; 10-year transition period)
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from direct taxes
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from direct taxes
Change from baseline in billion €
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from net indirect taxes
(incl. new taxes on air transport)
Change from baseline in billion €
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Figure 6-7: Fuel tax scenarios macro-economic effects in EU27
The impact on employment in the air transport sector (Figure 6-8) is smaller compared to the impact
on transported passengers and freight due to wage adjustments and labour demand elasticities of
output smaller than 1. In the FT01 simulation (immediate implementation) for example, for the EU27 a
decline of employment by 1.5% is projected for this sector in 2025, while the AERO-MS results for
departing passenger kilometres show an impact of -5.3%.
Under the immediate implementation option for the €0.33 per litre fuel tax, and the consequent
reduced demand, employment in the air transport sector is in the order of 3 to 4.5 thousand, or 1%
and 1.5%, lower than in the reference. Under the 10-year transition option (FT05), the effect is
significantly smaller only in 2025, when the fuel tax is still low. The reductions in employment in the
aviation sector are offset by increases in other transport sectors, leading to a small overall increase,
at least in the early years, in total employment in the transport sector. When interpreting the effect on
total employment, it should be borne in mind that wages in land transport and waterborne transport
are lower than in air transport. The shift to road and rail transport is more likely to create additional
jobs, which are, however, less well paid. This is offset slightly by the reduction in employment in
waterborne transport resulting in the reduction in demand there. The effects on the overall total
employment are greater than just in aviation; however, they remain very low in overall percentage
terms. They are determined on the one hand by these substitution effects and on the other hand by
the lower GDP.
2025 2030 2050
GDP at constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
FT01 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights)
FT05 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; 10-year transition period)
2025 2030 2050
GDP deflator
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
GDP at constant prices
Change from baseline in billion €
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Figure 6-8: Fuel tax scenarios employment effects in EU27
The increased demand for road and rail transport, resulting from the reduction in demand for aviation,
leads to increases in the energy consumption and emissions from those other modes (Figure 6-9).
Under an immediate implementation of the full tax rate, the increase in emissions from land-based
transport in 2025 is approximately 2.3 million tonnes; this can be compared to the reduction in
emissions from aviation of 8.0 million tonnes (derived by multiplying the difference in fuel consumption
shown in Figure 6-3 by 3.16), giving an overall reduction in emissions of approximately 5.7 million
tonnes CO
. By 2050, the increase in emissions from other modes has reduced to approximately 1.0
million tonnes, while the reduction in emissions from aviation has reduced to 6.3 million tonnes, giving
an overall saving of 5.3 million tonnes CO
. Under the 10 year transition period for the fuel tax, the
2025 2030 2050
Air transport, number of persons engaged
Percentage change from baseline (%)
FT01 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights)
FT05 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; 10-year transition period)
2025 2030 2050
Transport, total, number of persons
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Air transport, number of persons engaged
Change from baseline in 1000
2025 2030 2050
Employment, total, number of persons
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport, total, number of persons
Change from baseline in 1000
2025 2030 2050
Employment, total, number of persons
Change from baseline in 1000
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changes in emissions in 2025 are significantly smaller (giving an overall reduction in emissions of 0.1
million tonnes); by 2050, the results of the two options are the same.
Figure 6-9: Fuel tax scenarios impacts on energy consumption and emissions in EU27
The individual EU member states are mostly slightly negatively affected. However, there are visible
differences in the effects on GDP, which are shown in Figure 6-10 for the year 2030. In particular,
some countries in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean region and Scandinavia show above-average
effects on GDP. Ultimately, the importance of air transport for the countries varies. Lower tax rates in
the 10-year transition option (FT05) also lead to lower effects. The results for the UK are included in
Figure 6-10; however, as the UK is outside the EEA, the implementation of a fuel tax for intra-EEA
flights has a small positive impact on the UK GDP. It should be emphasised once again at this point
that a fuel tax does not per se have to lead to negative macroeconomic effects.
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, energy use
Change from baseline in PJ
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, energy use
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport without avitation, CO
Change from baseline in megatons
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, CO
Percentage change from baseline (%)
FT01 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights)
FT05 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; 10-year transition period)
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Figure 6-10: Fuel tax scenarios change in national GDP from baseline in constant prices
6.2.7 Sensitivity cases
As noted above, the previous results are all for the primary policy option, that of a fuel tax
implemented for intra-EEA flights, with different tax rates. They also assume a 10-year transitional
implementation, starting in 2024, and that existing national ticket taxes are retained when the fuel tax
is implemented).
For this study, a number of different sensitivity studies have been performed, to investigate the effects
of different assumptions (e.g. baseline scenario) or different tax options (alternative transition periods,
national ticket taxes withdrawn when the fuel tax is implemented) on the impacts following the
implementation of the fuel tax. This section describes the results of those sensitivity studies. Low demand baseline
As noted in Section 5.1, there is considerable uncertainty regarding the future development of
demand for air transport. Forecasts published in November 2020 by EUROCONTROL
(EUROCONTROL, 2020) were used to develop an alternative baseline demand scenario with a
delayed recovery to 2019 levels of demand (with that recovery being achieved by 2026) and a slower
-0.35% -0.30% -0.25% -0.20% -0.15% -0.10% -0.05% 0.00% 0.05%
Slovak Republic
Czech Republic
Impacts on GDP at constant prices in 2030
FT01 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights)
FT05 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; 10-year transition period)
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growth thereafter (as shown in Figure 5-2). This section presents the impacts of a fuel tax under this
low demand sensitivity baseline and compares them to those under the primary baseline.
All results presented in this section are for a fuel tax of €0.33 per litre applied to fuel used on intra-
EEA flights; results are presented for both an immediate implementation of the full tax rate in 2024
and for a transitional implementation over a 10-year period (starting in 2024)
Figure 6-11 shows the calculated passenger demand for intra-EEA flights under the fuel tax option
(using both implementation approaches) under both the primary and sensitivity baselines, while
Figure 6-12 shows the percentage change in demand (from the relevant baseline) due to the fuel tax
Figure 6-11: Passenger demand on intra-EEA flights under primary and sensitivity baselines, with
€0.33 per litre fuel tax option
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options - primary and sensitivity baselines
Primary baseline Primary baseline, immediate implementation
Primary baseline, 10-year transition Sensitivity baseline
Sensitivity baseline, immediate implementation Sensitivity baseline, 10-year transition
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Figure 6-12: Change in passenger demand on intra-EEA flights (from baseline) under primary and
sensitivity baselines, with €0.33 per litre fuel tax option
Under the sensitivity baseline, demand in 2050 is approximately 9% lower than under the primary
baseline. The implementation of the fuel tax reduces demand under both baselines by very similar
percentages, with the maximum percentage reduction being nearly 14% in 2025 when the full tax rate
is implemented immediately. The impact of the tax is significantly less (in 2025) when it is
implemented over a 10-year transition period, at about a 3% demand reduction. By 2050, the
reduction in demand is approximately 10% relative to both baselines under each transition period.
The effects of the fuel tax on fuel consumption and tax revenue, under each baseline, are shown in
Figure 6-13 and Figure 6-14.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in demand (%)
Change in intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options -
primary and sensitivity baselines
Primary baseline, immediate implementation Primary baseline, 10-year transition
Sensitivity baseline, immediate implementation Sensitivity baseline, 10-year transition
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Figure 6-13: Fuel consumption on intra-EEA flights under primary and sensitivity baselines, with €0.33
per litre fuel tax option
Figure 6-14: Total tax revenue under primary and sensitivity baselines, with €0.33 per litre fuel tax
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel consumption (million tonnes)
Fuel consumption under fuel tax policy options - primary and sensitivity baselines
Primary baseline Primary baseline, immediate implementation
Primary baseline, 10-year transition Sensitivity baseline
Sensitivity baseline, immediate implementation Sensitivity baseline, 10-year transition
2016 2025 2030 2050
Tax revenues (billion Euros)
Tax revenue under fuel tax policy options - primary and sensitivity baselines
Primary baseline Primary baseline, immediate implementation
Primary baseline, 10-year transition Sensitivity baseline
Sensitivity baseline, immediate implementation Sensitivity baseline, 10-year transition
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By 2050, the impact of the reduced demand under the sensitivity baseline on the fuel consumption is
almost as great as the impact of the €0.33 per litre fuel tax. The fuel tax itself leads to very similar
percentage reductions in fuel consumption relative to the respective baselines.
Under the sensitivity baseline, the tax revenues are about 5% lower in 2030 and about 9% lower in
2050 than they would be under the primary baseline. Impact of blending obligation from ReFuelEU Aviation study alongside a fuel tax
In a parallel study, the European Commission has been considering policy options to encourage an
increased production and consumption of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) in the EU, known as the
ReFuelEU Aviation study (European Commission, To be published). A sensitivity analysis has been
performed to investigate the impact of a €0.33 per litre fuel tax alongside a blending mandate for SAF.
The blending mandate definition was taken from one of the scenarios analysed by the ReFuelEU
Aviation study, and was implemented in AERO-MS as an effective tax representing the price increase
from the combination of the higher price for SAF and the fuel tax. Two options have been considered
for the treatment of SAF under the fuel tax:
SAF is zero-rated under the fuel tax;
A fuel tax of 50% of that applied to conventional kerosene (giving a tax rate of €0.165 per
litre) is applied to SAF.
The full fuel tax rate of €0.33 per litre is then applied to the conventional fuel portion of the blended
The assumed SAF uptake under the blending mandate, together with the effective prices, is shown in
Table 6-11.
Table 6-11: Percentage SAF uptake under baseline and blending mandate and effective price
increase over baseline fuel price
Percentage SAF under baseline
Percentage SAF under blending
Baseline fuel price (€/litre)
€ 0.67
€ 0.82
€ 0.92
Blend fuel price (€/litre)
€ 0.69
€ 0.85
€ 1.12
€ 1.32
Effective price increase over
baseline (including fuel tax) -
biofuels zero-rated (€/litre)
€ 0.08
€ 0.25
€ 0.43
€ 0.45
Effective price increase over
baseline (including fuel tax) -
biofuels rated at 50% of
conventional fuel (€/litre)
€ 0.08
€ 0.25
€ 0.48
€ 0.55
The price uplifts shown in Table 6-10 were applied to the calculation as effective tax rates, and the
impacts on demand and fuel consumption calculated. Although the price of the SAF (biofuel or
synthetic fuel) element of the blend is significantly higher than the price of conventional fuel, the
reduced share of fossil fuel in the fuel mix (i.e. the taxed portion) results in a final price uplift of €0.45
To ensure consistency, the baseline fuel price and the ReFuelEU Aviation policy option fuel price (i.e. that
for the blended fuel) were both taken from the ReFuelEU Aviation study. Therefore, the baseline fuel price
shown in the table may not exactly match that applied for the current study. The price uplift, representing the
combined effects of the blending mandate and the fuel tax, was then added to the baseline fuel price for the
current study as an effective tax rate.
This represents the price of the blend of conventional kerosene and SAF, excluding taxes
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per litre by 2050 when biofuels are zero-rated under the fuel tax (compared to the €0.33 uplift due to
the fuel tax alone in the main analysis). When the biofuels are rated at 50% of the conventional
kerosene rate, the uplift in 2050 becomes €0.55.
For the presentation of the results, it is assumed that the SAF would be zero-rated for tax (as
explained above) and that it would contribute no CO
emissions on combustion (i.e. the net emissions
from the SAF blend would be those related to the fossil fuel portion only).
Table 6-12 shows the impact of the combined SAF mandate and the €0.33 fuel tax on ticket prices,
while Figure 6-15 shows the impact of the combined SAF mandate and the €0.33 fuel tax on demand
for passenger travel, with the percentage changes from the baseline shown in Figure 6-16.
Table 6-12: Effect of combined SAF blend mandate and €0.33 per litre fuel tax on ticket prices
Fuel tax
€0.33/litre, default SAF
€0.33/litre with blending
mandate (RefuelEU)
€0.33/litre (kerosene),
€0.165/litre (SAF), with
blending mandate (RefuelEU)
Ticket price
changes by
year and
carrier type
carriers and
carriers and
carriers and
Figure 6-15: Effect of combined SAF blend mandate and €0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA
passenger demand
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre, default SAF
€0.33 per litre, RefuelEU SAF
€0.33 per litre, €0.165 biofuel, RefuelEU SAF
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Figure 6-16: Percentage change in intra-EEA passenger demand due to combined SAF blend
mandate and €0.33 per litre fuel tax
As the percentage of SAF in the fuel mix increases relatively slowly up to 2030, the results to that
point are only slightly affected by the introduction of the blending mandate alongside the fuel tax. By
2050, however, there is a greater impact evident although, as noted above, the effect is limited by the
zero-rating of the SAF portion under the fuel tax. Overall, the combination results in an increase in
ticket prices in 2050 of 10% (for network carriers) and 19% for LCC/Charter carriers (compared to 6%
and 11% under the fuel tax-only option) and a consequent reduction in demand (relative to the
baseline) of about 13%, compared to nearly 10% under the fuel tax alone.
The combined blending mandate and fuel tax has a small impact on fuel consumption, as would be
expected from the demand impacts shown in Figure 6-15. However, the impacts on CO
are much greater, due to the assumption that SAF would be considered to have no emissions on a life
cycle basis. Figure 6-17 shows the CO
emissions from intra-EEA flights under the baseline, fuel tax
only and combined blending mandate and fuel tax cases.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre, default SAF
€0.33 per litre, RefuelEU SAF
€0.33 per litre, €0.165 biofuel, RefuelEU SAF
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Figure 6-17: Intra-EEA CO
emissions including impacts of combined blending mandate and fuel tax
Up to 2030, there is a small additional reduction in emissions resulting from the implementation of the
blending mandate alongside the fuel tax due to the low share of SAF in fuel mix. However, by 2050,
the reduction in emissions (relative to the baseline) has increased to 66% compared to 10% under the
fuel tax-only option.
The results presented here relate to the implementation of the blending mandate in combination with
a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights. In practice, the implementation of a SAF blending mandate would also
have significant impacts on emissions on extra-EEA flights (even without a fuel tax on those flights);
however, that was not analysed as it is outside the scope of this study.
In addition to the significant increase in the CO
abatement, the combination of the blending mandate
and fuel tax results is significantly lower tax revenue being collected than under the fuel tax-only
option. Figure 6-18 compares both options to the baseline.
2016 2025 2030 2050
emissions (million tonnes)
Intra-EEA CO
emissions under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre, default SAF
€0.33 per litre, RefuelEU SAF
€0.33 per litre, €0.165 biofuel, RefuelEU SAF
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Figure 6-18: Tax revenues under cases with fuel tax alone and combined with blending mandate
The implementation of the blending mandate reduces the tax revenue by 43% compared to the option
of the fuel tax alone when SAF are zero-rated, or by 25% if SAF are taxed at 50% of the full kerosene
rate. Immediate implementation and 7-year transition period vs. default 10-year transition
The main analysis of the fuel tax policy option has assumed a 10-year transition period, with 10% of
the final tax rate being implemented in 2024, increasing steadily to the full tax rate being implemented
from 2033 onwards. This is consistent with the Commission’s approach for the impact assessment of
revisions to the energy taxation directive. This sensitivity analysis considers the effects of that
approach compared to either implementing the full tax rate from 2024 or a slightly more rapid ramp-up
(7 years) to the full tax rate being implemented from 2030.
In considering the results of this analysis, it should be noted that the AERO-MS model does not
consider the public (or business) perceptions of the rate of change of costs. Therefore, the impact of a
tax in a given year is the same, whether the tax was just implemented in that year or had been in
force for several years. Therefore, the model is not expected to show any differences between the
three policy cases after the end of the longest transition phase (10 years). In practice, there would be
small differences in the aircraft fleet transition as the higher tax rate in the immediate implementation
case would drive the uptake of more fuel efficient aircraft slightly faster than in the 10-year transition
case. This is not capture in the model as it assumes that the situation in the modelled year is
sufficiently stable for the industry response to have caught up with the regulatory drivers.
Figure 6-19 compares the impacts on passenger demand between the three implementation periods
(zero, 7 years and 10 years) and the baseline.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue (billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre, default SAF
€0.33 per litre, RefuelEU SAF
€0.33 per litre, €0.165 biofuel, RefuelEU SAF
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Figure 6-19: Passenger demand on intra-EEA flights under baseline and €0.33 per litre fuel tax, with
three implementation periods
As expected, the immediate implementation of the fuel tax leads to a greater impact than the other
two options in 2025, with the differences between the three policy cases reducing over time until there
is no difference between them by 2050.
The impacts of the three policy cases on fuel consumption from intra-EEA flights is consistent with the
impacts on demand, as can be seen in Figure 6-20.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options - different implementation periods
€0.33 per litre, immediate implementation
€0.33 per litre, 7-year transition
€0.33 per litre, 10-year transition
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Figure 6-20: Intra-EEA fuel consumption under baseline and €0.33 per litre fuel tax, with three
implementation periods
Although the analysis has considered only a limited number of years in detail, an estimate of total
emissions savings can be obtained by using simple linear interpolation between the years analysed.
Table 6-13 shows the total CO
saved to 2030 and to 2050 under each of the three cases.
Table 6-13: Cumulative savings in CO
emissions on intra-EEA flights to 2030 and 2050 under the
three transition periods (million tonnes of CO
7-year transition
10-year transition
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel concumption (million tonnes)
Intra-EEA fuel consumption under fuel tax policy options - different implementation periods
€0.33 per litre, immediate implementation
€0.33 per litre, 7-year transition
€0.33 per litre, 10-year transition
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Figure 6-21: Tax revenue under baseline and €0.33 per litre fuel tax, with three implementation
periods Cost pass-through
The default assumption in the AERO-MS model is that the full increase in costs arising from the
implementation of a tax (including a fuel tax) is passed through to the passengers in higher fares. This
assumption is consistent with an industry that is operating with low margins (so has no ability to
absorb additional costs without impacting profitability). To understand the impacts of this assumption
on the results of the analyses of the fuel tax options, an additional calculation has been performed for
an assumption of 50% cost pass-through, i.e. the carrier absorbs 50% of the tax costs and passes
50% through to the consumer. This would be expected to reduce the increase in ticket prices and
hence the impact on demand.
Figure 6-22 compares ticket prices under the €0.33 per litre fuel tax option with a 10 year transition
period, for both 100% and 50% cost pass-through assumptions, together with the baseline. Ticket
prices are shown per passenger-km and are shown separately for traditional network carriers, and
LCC and charter carriers.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel concumption (million tonnes)
Tax revenue under fuel tax policy options - different implementation periods
€0.33 per litre, immediate implementation
€0.33 per litre, 7-year transition
€0.33 per litre, 10-year transition
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Figure 6-22: Ticket prices for intra-EEA flights for different cost pass-through assumptions
As expected, the increase in ticket price under a 50% cost pass-through assumption is approximately
half that for the 100% pass-through assumption. Figure 6-23 shows how this changes the impact on
passenger demand for intra-EEA flights.
Figure 6-23: Percentage change in intra-EEA passenger demand for different cost pass-through
2016 2025 2030 2050
-EEA ticket price (€ per passenger
Intra-EEA ticket prices under fuel tax policy options
Baseline - Network carriers Baseline - LCC/Charter carriers
100% cost pass-through - Network carriers 100% cost pass-through - LCC/Charter carriers
50% cost pass-through - Network carriers 50% cost pass-through - LCC/Charter carriers
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options,
alternative cost pass-through (CPT)
100% CPT, intra-EEA, network carriers
50% CPT, intra-EEA, network carriers
100% CPT, intra-EEA, LCC
50% CPT, intra-EEA, LCC
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Again, the reduction in demand due to the fuel tax under the 50% pass-through assumption is about
half of that for the 100% assumption. The impact of the fuel tax on demand for intra-EEA flights by
low-cost carriers (LCC) is significantly greater than for network carriers, for both the 100% cost pass-
through (e.g. 12.3% in 2030, compared to 4.7%) and the 50% cost pass-through (6.6% in 2030,
compared to 2.4%) assumptions.
The different changes in demand under the two cost pass-through assumptions lead to different
impacts on fuel consumption (Figure 6-24). As expected, the reduction in fuel consumption with the
50% pass-through assumption is less than that with the full pass-through assumption. However, as
the carriers are absorbing a greater portion of the additional costs under the lower pass-through
assumption, their incentives to improve fuel efficiency increase and the reduction in fuel consumption
is over half of that under full pass-through; in fact, the reduction in fuel consumption is 58% of that
with full pass-through.
Figure 6-24: Fuel consumption on intra-EEA flights for different cost pass-through assumptions
By absorbing 50% of the additional costs due to the tax on fuel, the carriers reduce the impact of the
tax on demand. The full tax is still payable to the fiscal authorities, however, so, because of the higher
demand, the total tax revenue is slightly higher under the 50% pass-through assumption than under
100% pass-through, as shown in Figure 6-25.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel consumption (million tonnes)
Intra-EEA fuel consumption under fuel tax policy options
100% cost pass-through
50% cost pass-through
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Figure 6-25: Tax revenue under different cost pass-through assumptions
In absorbing part of the additional costs due to the fuel tax, the airline net revenues are reduced,
although this is largely offset by the increase in demand as a result of the lower ticket prices. Figure
6-26 compares the impact of the different cost pass-through assumptions on airline net revenues
(gross revenue minus fuel tax).
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue (billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under fuel tax policy options
100% cost pass-through
50% cost pass-through
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Figure 6-26: Change in airline net revenues on intra-EEA flights from baseline under different cost
pass-through assumptions
Although the impact of the fuel tax on airline net revenues is significant (over 7% reduction by 2050),
the additional reduction due to the 50% cost pass-through assumption is small. It should be noted,
however, that the airline costs (fuel, staff, maintenance, etc.) would also be higher due to the higher
demand under this option, so the change in the impact on airline profits would be expected to be
rather greater under the lower cost pass-through assumption. Existing national ticket taxes withdrawn when fuel tax implemented
The main results presented above for the different fuel tax rates all assume that the existing national
ticket taxes continue in force alongside the fuel tax. This sensitivity analysis considers the case when
the existing national ticket taxes are withdrawn when the fuel taxes are implemented. The sensitivity
has been calculated for a fuel tax rate of €0.33 per litre.
The main results for the €0.33 per litre fuel tax option assume a 10-year transition phase, with 10% of
the final fuel tax being implemented in 2024, ramping up steadily to the full tax rate being
implemented in 2033. However, the baseline analysis shows that the existing national ticket taxes
contribute €2.6 billion of revenue from intra-EEA flights in 2025; under the €0.33 per litre fuel tax, with
a 10-year transition, the fuel tax contributes only €1.4 billion in 2025. Therefore, it is clear that, if the
national ticket taxes were withdrawn in 2024, when the fuel tax starts to be implemented, the overall
cost of travel would reduce and demand (and emissions) would increase. Therefore, for this analysis,
it has been assumed that the national ticket taxes would not be withdrawn until the fuel tax had
reached a level at least equal to the national ticket taxes. In practice, the timing for this would be
determined separately for each of the Member States that have existing ticket taxes; however, in most
cases it is likely that this would occur some time between the two analysis years of 2025 and 2030
(i.e. with the in-year fuel tax being between 20% and 70% of its final value), so this sensitivity analysis
Although detailed analyses of exactly when this timing would occur for each Member State were nor
performed, assessments of the calculations showed that the fuel tax revenue would be substantially lower than
the ticket tax revenue in 2025, but substantially greater in 2030.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in airline net revenue (%)
Change in airline net revenues on intra-EEA flights under fuel tax policy options
100% cost pass-through
50% cost pass-through
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has been performed with the national ticket taxes retained for 2025 and withdrawn in 2030 (and
Figure 6-27 compares the passenger demand under the baseline and the two policy options based on
a €0.33 per litre fuel tax with a 10 year transition period, while Figure 6-28 compares the percentage
changes from the baseline for the two policy cases.
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Figure 6-27: Passenger demand for intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel tax rate, with and
without the withdrawal of the national ticket taxes
Figure 6-28: Percentage change in passenger demand for intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel
tax rate, with and without the withdrawal of the national ticket taxes
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre - national taxes retained
€0.33 per litre - national taxes withdrawn
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre - national taxes retained
€0.33 per litre - national taxes withdrawn
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Table 6-14: Passenger demand and percentage change for intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel
tax rate, with and without the withdrawal of the national ticket taxes
National taxes retained
National taxes withdrawn
(billion pkm)
change from
(billion pkm)
change from
As expected, the withdrawal of the national ticket taxes after the implementation of the fuel tax leads
to a lower total tax burden on the passengers (leading to reduced increases in ticket prices) and,
hence, a lower reduction in demand. In the short-term, the difference between the two cases is
negligible, but by 2050, the reduction in demand in the case with the existing national ticket taxes
withdrawn is 5.6%, while under the case with the existing taxes retained, the reduction is 9.7%.
The impact of these reductions in demand on fuel consumption is shown in Figure 6-29, with the
values provided in Table 6-15. The withdrawal of the national ticket taxes reduces the reduction in fuel
consumption in 2050 from 10.3% (with national ticket taxes retained) to 6.4%.
Figure 6-29: Fuel consumption on intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel tax rate, with and without
the retention of the national ticket taxes
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel consumption (million tonnes)
Intra-EEA fuel consumption under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre - national taxes retained
€0.33 per litre - national taxes withdrawn
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Table 6-15: Fuel consumption, and percentage change from baseline, on intra-EEA flights under the
€0.33 per litre fuel tax rate, with and without the retention of the national ticket taxes
National taxes retained
National taxes withdrawn
Total fuel
fuel saved
Total fuel
fuel saved
By 2050, the cumulative fuel saving (relative to the baseline) with the national taxes retained is 45.8
million tonnes, corresponding to 8.8% of the baseline fuel consumption (from 2023 to 2050); for the
case with national taxes withdrawn, the cumulative fuel saving is 28.3 million tonnes, or 5.5% of the
baseline cumulative fuel consumption.
The total tax revenues under the three scenarios are shown in Figure 6-30. Although the fuel tax
collected is lower in the case with the national ticket taxes retained than when they are withdrawn, in
line with the additional reduction in fuel consumption, the retention of those national ticket taxes leads
to a higher total tax revenue in 2050, €10.4 billion, compared to €7.3 billion if they are withdrawn.
Figure 6-30: Tax revenue collected under €0.33 per litre fuel tax rate, with and without the retention of
the national ticket taxes Fuel tax on flights to third countries (UK, Morocco)
As described in Section 3.3 and Annex A1, the majority of agreements between the EU (or its
Member States) and third countries do not allow the taxation of fuel supplied for flights between the
EU and the third country. However, two agreements, with Morocco and the UK, do allow for the
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under fuel tax policy options
€0.33 per litre - national taxes retained
€0.33 per litre - national taxes withdrawn
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taxation of fuel supplied for flights to the third country. This sensitivity analysis has considered the
potential additional impacts of implementing a fuel tax for flights from the EU to these two third
Although the agreements allow the third countries to also implement a tax on fuel supplied for flights
to the EU, this has not been assumed for this analysis, which considers only the impacts of a fuel tax
on flights from the EU (or, rather, the EEA, as all analyses described in this report have assumed that
the EEA countries would also implement the same tax requirements as the EU). To ensure a
complete effectiveness of the policy option, and to reduce the risk of fuel tankering, it would be
necessary for the two third countries to incorporate similar tax rates in their tax regimes. The existing
agreements with the EU allow them to introduce such a tax; therefore, if this option was adopted, it
would be important for the EU to enter into negotiation with the two countries with the aim of ensuring
a coordinated action on fuel tax.
Figure 6-31 shows the additional impact on passenger demand from implementing a €0.33 per litre
fuel tax with a 10 year transition period on flights from the EEA to these two third countries, assuming
that these third countries do not implement a fuel tax on flights to the EEA. As the two countries are
outside the EEA, the impacts on demand for intra-EEA flights are the same as in the case where the
tax is only applied to intra-EEA flights. Therefore, Figure 6-31 shows the change in extra-EEA
passenger demand as well as that on intra-EEA demand compared to a scenario with a base fuel tax
of 0.33 per litre fuel on intra-EEA flights only; to improve the comparison between the two routes, the
changes are shown in billions of passenger-km, rather than percentages of the total.
Figure 6-31: Change in passenger demand (intra-EEA and extra-EEA), including fuel tax applied to
flights to UK and Morocco
The impact of a tax of €0.33 per litre on passenger demand for extra-EEA flights (i.e. to Morocco and
the UK) is significantly smaller than the impact of a fuel tax of €0.33 per litre on intra-EEA demand
(the decrease in passenger demand for extra-EEA flights in billion passenger-km represents
approximately 13% of the decrease in passenger demand for intra-EEA flights). However, it should be
noted that the large majority of flight bookings are for two-way (outbound and return) and that only
one of the flights will be taxed, while both flights are taxed under this measure for intra-EEA routes.
The application of the fuel tax only on the flight from the EEA to the third country significantly reduces
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in demand (billion passenger
Change in intra-EEA and extra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options
(fuel tax applied on flights to selected third countries)
Base fuel tax - intra-EEA
Base fuel tax - extra-EEA
Additional 3rd countries - intra-EEA
Additional 3rd countries - extra-EEA
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the impact that it has on demand for extra-EEA flights compared to what would be expected if the
third country also taxed the return flight (depending on the tax rate implemented by the third country).
The results for demand on extra-EEA flights under the option including the fuel tax on flights to the
additional third countries, shown in Figure 6-31, can be broken down further by separating network
carriers and LCCs. The results are shown in Figure 6-32.
Figure 6-32: Change in passenger demand (for extra-EEA flights), including fuel tax applied to flights
to UK and Morocco, separating impacts on network carriers and low-cost carriers
About 90% of the total reduction in extra-EEA flight demand falls on LCCs, with only about 10% falling
on the network carriers. This reflects the close location of the two additional countries (UK and
Morocco) to the EEA, with air traffic being largely delivered by the LCCs, which operate direct flights
(and several LCCs using the UK as a base, such as easyJet).
Figure 6-33 and Figure 6-34 show that the impacts on fuel consumption and CO
emissions (on intra-
EEA and extra-EEA flights) follow a similar pattern to that on demand for intra-EEA and extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in demand (billion passenger
Change in extra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy option
(fuel tax applied on flights to selected third countries)
Add 3rd countries, network carriers, extra-EEA
Add 3rd countries, LCC, extra-EEA
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Figure 6-33: Change in fuel consumption (intra-EEA and extra-EEA), including fuel tax applied to
flights to UK and Morocco
Figure 6-34: Change in CO
emissions (intra-EEA and extra-EEA), including fuel tax applied to flights
to UK and Morocco
Overall, the inclusion of a tax on fuel supplied for flights from the EEA to the two third countries leads
to a 11% increase in total tax revenue (compared to the case without them), as shown in Figure 6-35.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in fuel consumption from baseline (million tonnes)
Change in intra-EEA and extra-EEA fuel consumption under fuel tax policy options
(fuel tax applied on flights to selected third countries)
Base fuel tax - intra-EEA
Base fuel tax - extra-EEA
Additional 3rd countries - intra-EEA
Additional 3rd countries - extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in CO
emissions from baseline (million tonnes)
Change in CO
emissions on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights under fuel tax policy options
(fuel tax applied on flights to selected third countries)
Base fuel tax - intra-EEA
Base fuel tax - extra-EEA
Additional 3rd countries - intra-EEA
Additional 3rd countries - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-35: Tax revenues, including fuel tax applied to flights to UK and Morocco
By 2050, the additional tax revenue (relative to the baseline) from implementing the fuel tax increases
from €6.7 billion to €8.3 billion due to the inclusion of flights to the two third countries.
It is important to note that the impacts of this policy option (i.e. fuel tax only on the journey originating
from the EEA and arriving in Morocco or in the UK), as modelled, are subject to considerable
uncertainty because of the significant risk of increased levels of tankering. Whilst, for the main policy
option of a fuel tax applied to intra-EEA flights only, the risk of tankering concerns indirect tankering
(loading of an increased quantity of fuel for a flight from outside the EEA to an EEA airport, to then
use that additional fuel for a subsequent intra-EEA flight by the same aircraft, see Section, in
the case of a tax being applied to fuel loaded for a flight from the EEA to (for example) the UK, but not
for the return flight, there is a significant risk of direct tankering (additional fuel being loaded in the
non-EEA country to be used on the return flight from the EEA). This could significantly reduce the
impacts of this option on demand, fuel consumption (and emissions) and tax revenue if the tax is
sufficiently high to have an impact on the differential between the EU and outside the EU. As the
additional countries are located close to the EEA, in extremis, this option could lead to an increase in
total emissions as nearly all aircraft would be able to tanker sufficient fuel for the return flight and the
aircraft would be heavier on the inbound flights to the EEA. Measures to significantly reduce the risk
of tankering should, therefore, be implemented; if the third country implemented a fuel tax on flights to
the EEA, the risk of tankering would be very much reduced. Changes to EU ETS allocation of free allowances
The primary calculations described in this report have assumed that the existing structure of the EU
ETS would continue in their current form. In particular, the number of emissions allowances made
available to airlines for free would continue as they are. However, the future of the ETS is currently
being reviewed and there is interest in understanding how the fuel tax would operate if free
allowances under the EU ETS were withdrawn and all allowances were purchased through auction.
This sensitivity analysis has considered the results of implementing the €0.33 per litre fuel tax in
conjunction with full auctioning of EU ETS allowances.
It should be noted that there are other elements of the EU ETS that are also being considered for
update, such as the emissions cap. The changes to the cap and the free allocation of allowances may
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue
- intra
-EEA and extra
-EEA flights combined
(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under fuel tax policy options
(fuel tax applied on flights to selected third countries)
Base fuel tax
Additional 3rd countries
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be expected to lead to changes in the future carbon prices (i.e. allowance prices) under the EU ETS.
These carbon prices may also be expected to increase as a result of other initiatives being pursued
by the Commission under the Fit for 55 package, such as the updates to the ETD and the ReFuelEU
Aviation initiative. The baseline for the analyses for this study, as described in Section 5.1, is based
on information provided by the Commission in relation to the development of a new reference
scenario; this includes future carbon prices. The carbon prices assumed for this analysis are shown in
Table 6-16.
Table 6-16: EU ETS carbon prices assumed for analysis
(2015) per
tonne CO
These assumptions were not changed for this sensitivity analysis; therefore, the results shown below
may underestimate the total impacts of combining the fuel tax with the changes in the EU ETS
Table 6-17 shows the impact on ticket prices of the full auctioning of EU ETS allowances in
combination with the 0.33 per litre fuel tax, while Figure 6-36 shows the resulting passenger demand
on intra-EEA flights under this sensitivity analysis.
Table 6-17: Impacts on ticket prices for intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel tax rate, including
full auctioning of EU ETS allowances
Fuel tax
€0.33/litre with full auctioning
Ticket price changes by
year and carrier type
scheduled carriers
Low-cost carriers
and charter flights
scheduled carriers
Low-cost carriers
and charter flights
The specified carbon price values, which were given in €(2015) were inflated to €(2019) for consistency with
other price assumptions before application in the model
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Figure 6-36: Passenger demand for intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel tax rate, including full
auctioning of EU ETS allowances (using EU ETS carbon prices of 26.5 (2025), 30 (2030) and 88
(2050) (in 2015 euros))
Under full auctioning of EU ETS allowances and the fuel tax, the demand for intra-EEA flights is
slightly lower than with the existing free allowances. As shown in Figure 6-37, by 2050, the effect of
the combination of full auctioning and the fuel tax is a reduction in demand of 11.5%, compared to
9.7% for the fuel tax in isolation.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Intra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options
(sensitivity case including full auctioning under EU ETS)
€0.33 per litre
€0.33 per litre - full EU ETS auctioning
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Figure 6-37: Percentage change in passenger demand for intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel
tax rate, including full auctioning of EU ETS allowances (using EU ETS carbon prices of 26.5 (2025),
30 (2030) and 88 (2050) (in 2015 euros))
The effects of these reductions in demand on the fuel consumption on intra-EEA flights is shown in
Figure 6-38.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in demand (billion passenger
Change in intra-EEA and extra-EEA passenger demand under fuel tax policy options
(sensitivity case including full auctioning under EU ETS)
€0.33 per litre
€0.33 per litre - full EU ETS auctioning
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Figure 6-38: Fuel consumption on intra-EEA flights under €0.33 per litre fuel tax rate, including full
auctioning of EU ETS allowances (using EU ETS carbon prices of 26.5 (2025), 30 (2030) and 88
(2050) (in 2015 euros))
The fuel consumption follows a very similar trend to passenger demand, with a slightly greater
reduction in fuel consumption (and emissions) than under the case with just the fuel tax implemented.
The reduction in fuel consumption relative to the baseline increases from 10.3% (under the fuel tax-
only case) to 12.2% (under the case with full auctioning).
In this case, however, the greater reduction in fuel consumption is not due to an increased tax, but an
impact of another mechanism leading to an increase in the effective fuel price. As a result, the
revenue from the fuel tax in 2050 is reduced slightly from €10.4 billion to €10.2 billion by the effects of
the change in the EU ETS allowance allocation, as shown in Figure 6-39.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel consumption (million tonnes)
Intra-EEA fuel consumption under fuel tax policy options
(sensitivity case including full auctioning under EU ETS)
€0.33 per litre
€0.33 per litre - full EU ETS auctioning
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Figure 6-39: Total tax revenue (fuel tax and ticket taxes combined) on intra-EEA flights under €0.33
per litre fuel tax rate, including full auctioning of EU ETS allowances (using EU ETS carbon prices of
26.5 (2025), 30 (2030) and 88 (2050) (in 2015 euros))
6.2.8 Summary of analysis of fuel tax options
The fuel taxes analysed in this study have all been restricted to fuel supplied for intra-EEA
flights, due to potential challenges under the Chicago Convention and air transport
agreements with third countries if a tax was applied to fuel supplied for extra-EEA flights.
However, the agreements with Morocco and the UK do allow for the taxation of fuel on flights
between the EEA and these two countries. The impacts of fuel taxation on flights from the
EEA to Morocco and the UK have been examined in a sensitivity case.
The tax options analysed all have noticeable impacts on CO
emissions in the long-term, with
reductions of between 6% and 15% for tax rates from €0.17 to €0.50 per litre for intra-EEA
flights, which closely correspond to the level in the demand reduction,.
Although the analysis shows that the fuel tax leads to a small improvement in aircraft fuel
efficiency, the large majority of the reduction in emissions is due to a reduction in demand due
to increased ticket prices. The €0.33 per litre tax option results in a 10% reduction in demand
corresponding to 10% in CO
reduction, by 2050, with a spread from 5% to 14% for the lower
to higher tax rates.
The existing national ticket taxes contribute €2.6 billion of revenue from intra-EEA flights in
2025; under the €0.33 per litre fuel tax, with a 10-year transition, the fuel tax contributes only
€1.4 billion in 2025. The additional tax revenue from aviation under the €0.33 per litre rate is
about 6.7 billion per annum in 2050. The impacts on the economy from the reduction in
aviation demand reduce the rise in total tax from the transport sector to €5.4 billion per
The impacts of the fuel tax and the consequent changes in demand reduce total GDP in the
EU27 by approximately €9 billion (about 0.05%) by 2050, with strong variations between
Member States as a function of the importance of aviation for their economy. This is however
under the assumption that revenue is used for deficit reduction; if the revenue is recycled, the
negative impact on GDP would be even smaller.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue (billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under fuel tax policy options
(sensitivity case including full auctioning under EU ETS)
€0.33 per litre
€0.33 per litre - full EU ETS auctioning
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The implementation of a fuel tax may have some impacts on connectivity. In general, the
forecast growth in air transport more than offsets the reductions in demand (against the
baseline) due to the fuel taxes. However, the reductions in profitability may make some
marginal routes less commercially viable, but overall the effects are expected to be minor.
Similarly, there may be some impacts on routes between the EEA and a third country on the
competitiveness of EEA carriers as they compete with non-EEA carriers that are not impacted
in the same way on the totality of their route network.
The impacts of the fuel tax (as percentage changes) are not significantly affected when
considering them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following
the COVID-19 pandemic).
The primary analysis assumes that the existing national ticket taxes will be retained when the
new fuel tax is implemented. A scenario in which these national ticket taxes are withdrawn
when the fuel tax is implemented shows lower levels of impact, as the total tax burden is
reduced. The impact on demand is reduced from 9.7% to 5.6, while the reduction in fuel
consumption and CO
emissions is 6.4% instead of 10.3% (all calculations were based on the
€0.33 per litre tax option).
A scenario in which there is a significantly higher uptake of sustainable aviation fuels (through
a blending mandate, as investigated by the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative) shows a small
additional reduction in demand under a €0.33 fuel tax (compared to the same fuel tax with the
baseline uptake of sustainable fuel). The reduction in CO
emissions (relative to the baseline)
in 2050 rises from 10% (for just the fuel tax) to 66% (for the blending mandate and fuel tax
combined), under the assumption that sustainable fuels cause zero net emissions on life
cycle basis. The revenue from the fuel tax is reduced by 63% under such a scenario.
A scenario in which EU ETS allowances are fully auctioned (i.e. removal of free allowances)
shows a slightly greater reduction in fuel consumption (and emissions) and a slightly lower
increase in tax revenues, compared to a scenario where a fuel tax is implemented but a
proportion of EU ETS allowances continues to be granted for free to airlines.
6.3 Impact assessment results ticket tax
This section describes the impacts of the different ticket tax options that have been investigated, with
the taxes applying to both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights in each case (though with, in some cases,
different tax rates).
The three main ticket tax options that have been considered are a flat rate (the same tax value
applied to all tickets sold), a stepped rate (with a higher tax for longer flights, reflecting the increased
environmental impacts of such flights) and an inverse stepped tax rate (with a higher tax rate for short
flights, reflecting the potential availability of alternative modes for such journeys). The tax rates
included in these three cases are shown in Table 6-18. Each is for a one-way flight leg (i.e. the
additional cost on a return ticket would be double the value shown). The rates shown were calculated
based on average flight distances within each distance band, the average fuel consumption per
passenger-km on such flights and an equivalence to the 0.33 per litre fuel tax. Additional details are
given in Section 4.2.2.
Table 6-18: Harmonised minimum tax rates included in ticket tax options
Flat rate tax
Stepped rate tax
Inverse stepped rate tax
€10.43 per ticket on all flights
Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km
€10.12 per ticket for all intra-
EEA flights
€25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA
flights less than 6,000km
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA
flights over 6,000km
Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km
€25.30 per ticket for flights less
than 350km (intra-EEA and
€10.12 per ticket for flights
over 350km (intra-EEA and
Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km
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As described in Section 4.2, the ticket tax options include exemptions for transit/transfer passengers
with origin and destination outside the EEA. Such passengers may represent up to 15% of all
passengers on aircraft departing from EU airports, so the impacts of the policy measure are reduced
because of the exemptions.
In addition to the tax applied to passenger tickets, the policy options also each include a tax rate of
€0.10 per tonne-km applied to all cargo transported on intra-EEA and outbound extra-EEA flights.
This tax is applied to the cargo, whether it is transported on dedicated freight aircraft or in the belly
hold of passenger aircraft.
In addition to the analyses of the three primary ticket tax options described in Table 6-12 above,
sensitivity analyses have also been performed on cases with alternative assumptions or tax rates,
Low demand baseline
Existing national ticket taxes set to the harmonised minimum
The results from these sensitivity analyses are described in Section 6.3.1.
6.3.1 Impacts on ticket prices
In modelling the impacts of the ticket tax option on ticket prices, the default assumption has been that,
as the regulatory change being considered is a ‘harmonised minimum’ ticket tax, a Member State that
has already implemented a ticket tax with a higher rate that the proposed minimum would maintain its
existing tax rates, rather than reducing its rates to the harmonised minimum. A Member State that
already has a ticket tax in place, but with rates lower than the harmonised minimum, is assumed to
increase its rates to match the minimum values.
The impact of the introduction of the flat rate ticket tax on ticket prices is shown in Figure 6-40. In
addition to the case in which the same tax rate is applied to all tickets, the figure also shows the
effects of applying multipliers of 3 and 7.5 to the tax applied to premium seats (ticket prices are
presented as an average per passenger-km across all seats).
Figure 6-40: Impact of flat rate ticket tax on ticket prices
€ 0.00
€ 0.02
€ 0.04
€ 0.06
€ 0.08
€ 0.10
€ 0.12
€ 0.14
€ 0.16
€ 0.18
€ 0.20
2016 2025 2030 2050
Ticket prices (€/passenger
Passenger ticket prices under ticket tax policy options (flat rate ticket tax)
Baseline - Network carriers Baseline - LCC and charter carriers
No premium multiplier - Network carriers No premium multiplier - LCC and charter carriers
3x premium multiplier - Network carriers 3x premium multiplier - LCC and charter carriers
7.5x premium multiplier - Network carriers 7.5x premium multiplier - LCC and charter carriers
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The implementation of the tax leads to an increase of approximately 0.008 per passenger-km on
traditional network carriers and 0.006 per passenger-km on LCC and charter carriers, representing
increases of approximately 5.4% and 9.8%, respectively, in 2025. By 2050, due to the expected
increase in ticket prices in the baseline, the percentage increases have reduced to 5.1% and 8.7% for
the two carrier categories. The differences in the price increase for the different carrier types relate
primarily to the different distributions of flight distances flown (network carriers are likely to have a
greater proportion of longer flight distances in their route network).
The two premium multipliers raise the increase in average ticket prices in 2050 (relative to the
baseline) to 6.0% (for a 3x multiplier) and 8.2% (for a 7.5x multiplier) for traditional scheduled carriers.
As the number of premium seats on LCC and charter carriers is very low (or zero), the premium
multiplier has no impact on the ticket prices on those carriers.
Figure 6-41 and Figure 6-42 show the equivalent increases in ticket prices for the stepped rate and
inverse stepped rate ticket tax options (for the cases without a premium multiplier and with the 3x
premium multiplier).
Figure 6-41: Impact of stepped rate ticket tax on ticket prices
€ 0.00
€ 0.02
€ 0.04
€ 0.06
€ 0.08
€ 0.10
€ 0.12
€ 0.14
€ 0.16
€ 0.18
€ 0.20
2016 2025 2030 2050
Ticket prices (€/passenger
Passenger ticket prices under ticket tax policy options (stepped ticket tax)
Baseline - Network carriers Baseline - LCC and charter carriers
No premium multiplier - Network carriers No premium multiplier - LCC and charter carriers
3x premium multiplier - Network carriers 3x premium multiplier - LCC and charter carriers
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Figure 6-42: Impact of inverse stepped rate ticket tax on ticket prices
6.3.2 Impacts on demand
Figure 6-43 to Figure 6-46 show the impacts of the increased ticket prices on demand for each of the
three ticket tax options, with results for intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights shown separately.
The flat rate ticket tax option leads to reductions in demand of about 9% on intra-EEA flights and
about 1.5% on extra-EEA flights; in each case, the percentage reductions reduce over time as the
baseline ticket price increases (and the price increase due to the ticket tax becomes relatively
smaller). The greater percentage reduction in intra-EEA flights than extra-EEA reflects both the lower
baseline prices (as there is a much higher proportion of flights flown by LCC and charter carriers on
intra-EEA flights than extra-EEA) and the higher elasticity of demand on intra-EEA routes (which,
itself, is partly influenced by the high number of flights by LCC), which also reflects that lack of
realistic alternatives to aviation for long-haul extra-EEA flights.
The reduction in demand on intra-EEA flights in 2025 of 9% can be compared to the reduction in
demand found for the €0.33 per litre fuel tax option of about 3% with a 10 year transition period and
about 14% with no transition period (see Section 6.2.2).
For the stepped rate ticket tax, the reduction in demand on intra-EEA flights is slightly smaller than for
the flat rate tax, but the reduction in demand on extra-EEA flights is significantly larger, at
approximately 4.5%. This reflects the impact of the significantly higher tax on extra-EEA flights (both
up to and over 6,000km distance) under this option.
For the inverse stepped rate ticket tax, the impact on demand for intra-EEA flights is greater, at
slightly over 9%, while the impact on extra-EEA demand is very similar to that for the flat rate ticket
tax. This latter result reflects the very limited number of extra-EEA flights of less than 350km, so the
higher tax rate for such flight distances has very little impact on extra-EEA demand. Similarly,
although the impact on intra-EEA flights is greater than under the flat rate ticket tax option, it is only by
a small margin, as the majority of intra-EEA flights are over 350km.
€ 0.00
€ 0.02
€ 0.04
€ 0.06
€ 0.08
€ 0.10
€ 0.12
€ 0.14
€ 0.16
€ 0.18
€ 0.20
2016 2025 2030 2050
Ticket prices (
Passenger ticket prices under ticket tax policy options (inverse stepped ticket tax)
Baseline - Network carriers Baseline - LCC and charter carriers
No premium multiplier - Network carriers No premium multiplier - LCC and charter carriers
3x premium multiplier - Network carriers 3x premium multiplier - LCC and charter carriers
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Figure 6-43: Passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights under baseline and flat rate ticket
tax policy option
Figure 6-44: Change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from flat rate ticket tax
policy option
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Passenger demand under ticket tax policy options (flat rate ticket tax)
Baseline - intra-EEA Baseline - extra-EEA No premium multiplier - intra-EEA
No premium multiplier - extra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
7.5x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 7.5x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under ticket tax policy options (flat rate ticket tax)
No premium multiplier - intra-EEA No premium multiplier - extra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA
3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA 7.5x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 7.5x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-45: Change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from stepped rate
ticket tax policy option
Figure 6-46: Change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from inverse stepped
rate ticket tax policy option
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under ticket tax policy options (stepped rate ticket tax)
No premium multiplier - intra-EEA No premium multiplier - extra-EEA
3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under ticket tax policy options (inverse stepped rate ticket tax)
No premium multiplier - intra-EEA No premium multiplier - extra-EEA
3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
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The percentage changes in passenger demand are presented in additional detail in Table 6-19,
separating the impacts on network carriers and LCC/charter carriers, as well as intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights.
The 7.5x premium multiplier was only analysed in conjunction with the flat rate ticket tax; therefore,
the results for the stepped rate and inverse stepped rate ticket taxes include just the ‘no premium
multiplier’ and ‘3x premium multiplier’ options.
Table 6-19: Percentage changes in demand for different ticket tax policy options
Flat rate ticket tax
No premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
3x premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
7.5x premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
Stepped rate ticket tax
No premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
3x premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
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Inverse stepped rate ticket tax
No premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
3x premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
In general, the LCC/charter carrier category shows significantly higher impacts than the network
carrier category (approximately double the percentage reduction in demand on intra-EEA flights). On
extra-EEA flights, the different between the levels of impact is even greater, with the percentage
changes for LCC/charter carriers being about six times those for network carriers for the flat rate and
inverse stepped rate tax options and about four times for the stepped rate tax, although the overall
demand level on extra-EEA flights is significantly higher for the network carrier category
(approximately 860 billion pkm compared to 350 billion pkm for the LCC/charter carrier category in the
), so the reductions in pkm are much closer between the two airline categories. The LCC/charter
carrier category dos not, in general, include premium seats in their aircraft, so the premium multipliers
do not have any impact on their demand; the multipliers do have an impact on the changes in demand
for network carriers, but only a very small impact.
All three ticket tax options include the same option for a tax on cargo, at €0.10 per tonne-km. Figure
6-47 and Figure 6-48 show the impacts of the tax on cargo demand. The baseline demand is much
higher for extra-EEA transport than intra-EEA, reflecting the reduced options for alternatives (the
difference in speed between air and maritime transport is significantly greater than between air and
road or rail transport) and the greater distances involved. The implementation of the cargo tax then
leads to reductions in demand of about 8% and 11.5% for intra-EEA and extra-EEA transport in 2025.
In a similar manner to the impacts on passenger transport, the reductions get smaller over time as the
baseline freight charges increase and the tax becomes a smaller proportion of the total cost.
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Figure 6-47: Cargo demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights under baseline and ticket tax policy
Figure 6-48: Effect on cargo demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights of ticket tax policy option
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion tonne
Cargo demand under ticket tax policy options
Baseline - intra-EEA Baseline - extra-EEA
€0.10 per tonne-km - intra-EEA €0.10 per tonne-km - extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in cargo demand from baseline (%)
Change in cargo demand under ticket tax policy options
€0.10 per tonne-km - intra-EEA €0.10 per tonne-km - extra-EEA
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6.3.3 Impacts on fuel burn and CO
As expected, the reductions in demand arising from the different ticket tax options lead to reductions
in fuel consumption. As the ticket taxes apply to both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights, the reduction in
fuel consumption are also seen on both sets of flights. The fuel consumption under the baseline and
flat rate ticket tax options (including the 3x and 7.5x premium multipliers) is shown in Figure 6-49, with
the equivalent CO
emissions shown in Figure 6-50. The percentage changes in CO
emissions for
the three ticket tax options are shown in Figure 6-51 to Figure 6-53.
Under the flat rate ticket tax option, fuel consumption is reduced (relative to the baseline) by 8.5% on
intra-EEA flights and 2.8% on extra-EEA flights. The 3x and 7.5x multipliers on premium seats then
provide small further reductions in fuel consumption as a result of their additional impact on overall
demand. Between 2025 and 2050, the percentage impact on demand reduces (due to the increase in
ticket prices in the baseline), so the percentage impact on fuel consumption also reduces slightly.
The results for the stepped rate ticket are also in line with the impacts on demand for this option, with
the fuel consumption in 2025 being reduced by 8.3% and 5.5% on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights,
respectively. Similarly, the results for the inverse stepped ticket tax show results in line with demand,
with reductions in fuel consumption of 9.6% and 2.8%.
As the emissions index for CO
is a fixed value, the reductions in CO
emissions are exactly in line
with the reductions in fuel consumption described above.
Figure 6-49: Impact of flat rate ticket tax option on fuel consumption on intra-EEA and extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Fuel consumption (million tonnes)
Fuel consumption under ticket tax policy options (flat rate ticket tax)
Baseline - intra-EEA Baseline - extra-EEA No premium multiplier - intra-EEA
No premium multiplier - extra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
7.5x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 7.5x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-50: Impact of flat rate ticket tax option on CO
emissions on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights
Figure 6-51: Change in CO
emissions from flat rate ticket tax on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights
2016 2025 2030 2050
emissions (million tonnes)
emissions under ticket tax policy options (flat rate ticket tax)
Baseline - intra-EEA Baseline - extra-EEA No premium multiplier - intra-EEA
No premium multiplier - extra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
7.5x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 7.5x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in CO
emissions (%)
Changes in CO
emissions under ticket tax policy options (flat rate ticket tax)
No premium multiplier - intra-EEA No premium multiplier - extra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA
3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA 7.5x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 7.5x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-52: Change in CO
emissions from stepped rate ticket tax on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights
Figure 6-53: Change in CO
emissions from inverse stepped rate ticket tax on intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights
2016 2025 2030 2050
Chanmge in CO
emissions (%)
Changes in CO
emissions under ticket tax policy options (stepped ticket tax)
No premium multiplier - intra-EEA No premium multiplier - extra-EEA
3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in CO
emissions (%)
Changes in CO
emissions under ticket tax policy options (inverse stepped ticket tax)
No premium multiplier - intra-EEA No premium multiplier - extra-EEA
3x premium multiplier - intra-EEA 3x premium multiplier - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-54 compares the changes in CO
emissions for the three different ticket tax options (without
premium multipliers).
Figure 6-54: Changes in CO
emissions for the three ticket tax options on intra-EEA and extra-EEA
flights (no premium multipliers)
The inverse stepped rate ticket tax gives the greatest reductions in emissions on intra-EEA flights, as
expected (as it has a high tax rate on short flights). The other two ticket tax options have similar
reductions (with the flat rate option having marginally greater reductions than the stepped rate option).
On extra-EEA flights, the reductions in emissions for the flat rate and inverse stepped rate options are
almost identical (and vary only little over time), while the stepped rate option gives significantly greater
reductions in emissions (almost double the reductions from the other two options).
6.3.4 Impacts on connectivity and competitiveness
The impacts on connectivity and competitiveness derived from the implementation of a ticket tax are
in line with the impacts discussed under the policy options were a fuel tax is introduced in intra-EEA
flights see section 6.2.4. This section presents a summary of the impacts that are expected to be
similar, as well as a discussion of the more specific impacts of a ticket tax.
In general, for connectivity, the lower demand resulting from the ticket tax would be expected to
reduce flight frequencies across all routes. As with the fuel tax, this could potentially lead to the loss of
air transport on some routes, should these become not financially viable for air carriers to operate.
However, as noted in section 6.2.4, the expected number of intra EEA flights in the baseline for 2025
are 21% higher compared to base year 2016, with the growth being larger for LCCs (24%) than for
legacy carriers (19%). Under the different policy options that introduce a ticket tax, by 2025 demand is
expected to still be above 2016 levels e.g., under a stepped ticket tax with no reduction in national
ticket taxes, by 2025 number of flights by legacy carriers is expected to be 12% higher than in 2016,
and for LCCs 9% higher. That is, the introduction of a ticket tax, while reducing the expected growth in
demand, is not expected to reduce demand when compared to 2016 levels. As such, in overall terms
across the EU, the loss of connectivity is likely to be limited.
In terms of competitiveness, the major difference between implementing a fuel tax and a ticket tax is
that a ticket tax applies to both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights (unlike the fuel tax, which only applies
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in CO
emissions (%)
Changes in CO
emissions under ticket tax policy options
(three types of ticket tax; no premium multiplier)
Flat rate TT - intra-EEA Flat rate TT - extra-EEA Stepped rate TT - intra-EEA
Stepped rate TT - extra-EEA Inverse stepped TT - intra-EEA Inverse stepped TT - extra-EEA
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to intra-EEA flights, except where international agreements would allow a fuel tax on extra-EEA
flights). This distinction means that, e.g., even if the air services agreements allow non-EEA carriers
to operate intra-EEA flights, they would have no intrinsic advantage over EEA carriers from a tax
perspective. Still, the non-EEA carriers would have the potential advantage of not being subjected to
this tax in their home markets, which might improve its overall profitability making it better suited to
compete with EEA carriers. On the other hand, EEA carriers are likely to have an advantage
compared to non-EEA carriers in their EEA home market, notably thanks to their brand recognition,
loyalty programmes and intra-EEA connectivity. For more details see section 6.2.4.
Finally, the problem of hub switching, with passengers whose origin and destination are both outside
the EEA choosing to travel via a non-EEA hub, instead of an EEA hub can also potentially impact the
competitiveness of EEA carriers vis-à-vis carriers with hubs outside the EEA. However, the ticket tax
policy options assessed in this study all include an exemption for connecting passengers, in line with
existing ticket taxes in the EEA, which mostly exempt transit/transfer passengers. Given this, the risk
of hub switching and its impact on the competitiveness of EEA carriers are expected to be limited.
The issue of hub switching in general is discussed in more detail on section
6.3.5 Impacts on revenues
The impacts of the three ticket tax options (including premium multipliers) on tax revenues are shown
in Figure 6-55 to Figure 6-57. As noted in Section 6.3, these results are based on the assumption that
any existing ticket taxes with rates that are above the harmonised minimum remain at their current
level, while those below are brought up to the minimum level.
Figure 6-55: Impact of flat rate ticket tax option on tax revenue
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under ticket tax policy options (flat rate ticket tax)
Baseline No premium multiplier 3x premium multiplier 7.5x premium multiplier
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Figure 6-56: Impact of stepped rate ticket tax option on tax revenue
Figure 6-57: Impact of inverse stepped rate ticket tax option on tax revenue
Under the flat rate ticket tax (with no multiplier for premium seats), the total tax revenue is about €13.8
billion in 2025, rising to €21.2 billion in 2050, representing increases of €8.6 billion to €13.6 billion
above the baseline values. Under the stepped and inverse stepped tax options, the increase over the
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under ticket tax policy options (stepped ticket tax)
Baseline No premium multiplier 3x premium multiplier
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under ticket tax policy options (inverse stepped ticket tax)
Baseline No premium multiplier 3x premium multiplier
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baseline in 2050 increases to €18.2 billion and €14.4 billion, respectively. In each case, the premium
multipliers have a greater impact on tax revenue (relative to the case with no premium multiplier) than
they do on demand
. This is related to the relatively low elasticity for premium demand.
The total tax revenues raised under the three ticket tax options (for no premium multiplier) are shown
in Figure 6-58.
Figure 6-58: Total tax revenues raised under three ticket tax options (no premium multiplier)
All three ticket tax options provide substantial increases in tax revenue relative to the baseline. The
stepped rate option provides the greatest revenue; there is little variation between the other two
options, with the flat rate option being slightly the smaller.
The distributions of tax revenue amongst the Member States in 2050 under the three ticket tax
options (no premium multipliers) are shown in Table 6-20, together with the percentage of the total
EU27 increase represented by each Member State’s individual contribution.
Table 6-20: Changes in tax revenue from the baseline for ticket taxes in 2050 (values show the
increase in revenue for each MS relative to the baseline in millions of Euros)
Flat rate ticket tax
Stepped ticket tax
Inverse stepped ticket tax
Change in
tax revenue
relative to
baseline (€
of total
change in
tax revenue
Change in
tax revenue
relative to
baseline (€
of total
change in
tax revenue
Change in
tax revenue
relative to
baseline (€
of total
change in
tax revenue
For example, the change in total demand for the 3x premium multiplier under the flat rate tax
option in 2025 is 1.02 times that without a premium multiplier, while the total tax revenue with the
same premium multiplier is 1.10 times that without.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenues (billions of Euros)
Total tax revenues under ticket tax policy options (three types of ticket tax; no premium
Baseline Flat rate TT Stepped rate TT Inverse stepped TT
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Overall, there are only minor variations in the percentages of the total tax revenue collected by
Member States between the three ticket tax options.
6.3.6 Macroeconomic and other transport mode impacts
As for the fuel tax option, the results from the aviation sector-specific analyses of the ticket tax options
using the AERO-MS model have been used as inputs to the GINFORS-E model to investigate the
macroeconomic impacts and those on other transport modes.
The tax options that were analysed using GINFORS-E were the three options described above with
no premium multiplier.
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Overviews of the results of the modelling for the three ticket tax options are given in Table 6-21 to
Table 6-23.
Table 6-21: Overview of macroeconomic results in EU27 for flat rate ticket tax option
Flat rate ticket tax of €10.43 per ticket on all
Demand effects on other modes of transport
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
output at constant prices
% change
Rail passengers transported (% change in
% change
Water transport, output at constant prices
% change
Effects on employment in the aviation and transport sector
Air transport, number of persons engaged
% change
Transport, total, number of persons engaged
% change
Tax revenue effects
Air transport, revenue from ticket taxes
Billion €
Net indirect taxes
% change
Direct taxes
% change
Tax revenues, total (incl. new aviation taxes)
% change
Second-order macroeconomic effects
GDP at constant prices
% change
GDP deflator
% change
Employment, total, number of persons
% change
Employment , manufacturing, number of
persons engaged
% change
Energy use and CO
Transport (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Total (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Transport (non-aviation) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
Aviation CO
emissions (intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights)
Change (Mt)
% change
Total (all sectors) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
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Table 6-22: Overview of macroeconomic results in EU27 for stepped rate ticket tax option
Stepped rate ticket tax of €10.12 per ticket on
intra-EEA flights, €25.30 per ticket for extra-
EEA flights less than 6,000km, €45.54 per ticket
for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km
Demand effects on other modes of transport
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
output at constant prices
% change
Rail passengers transported (% change in
% change
Water transport, output at constant prices
% change
Effects on employment in the aviation and transport sector
Air transport, number of persons engaged
% change
Transport, total, number of persons
% change
Tax revenue effects
Air transport, revenue from ticket taxes
Billion €
Net indirect taxes
% change
Direct taxes
% change
Tax revenues, total (incl. new aviation
% change
Second-order macroeconomic effects
GDP at constant prices
% change
GDP deflator
% change
Employment, total, number of persons
% change
Employment , manufacturing, number of
persons engaged
% change
Energy use and CO
Transport (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Total (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Transport (non-aviation) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
Aviation CO
emissions (intra-EEA and
extra-EEA flights)
Change (Mt)
% change
Total (all sectors) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
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Table 6-23: Overview of macroeconomic results in EU27 for inverse stepped rate ticket tax option
Inverse stepped rate ticket tax of €25.30 per
ticket for flights less than 350km, €10.12 per
ticket for flights over 350km
Demand effects on other modes of transport
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
output at constant prices
% change
Rail passengers transported (% change in
% change
Water transport, output at constant prices
% change
Effects on employment in the aviation and transport sector
Air transport, number of persons engaged
% change
Transport, total, number of persons
% change
Tax revenue effects
Air transport, revenue from ticket taxes
Billion €
Net indirect taxes
% change
Direct taxes
% change
Tax revenues, total (incl. new aviation
% change
Second-order macroeconomic effects
GDP at constant prices
% change
GDP deflator
% change
Employment, total, number of persons
% change
Employment , manufacturing, number of
persons engaged
% change
Energy use and CO
Transport (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Total (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Transport (non-aviation) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
Aviation CO
emissions (intra-EEA and
extra-EEA flights)
Change (Mt)
% change
Total (all sectors) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
The stepped ticket tax rate leads to a significantly higher tax revenue than the flat ticket tax rate. The
socio-economic effects are correspondingly higher. In contrast, the inverse stepped ticket tax rate
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differs only to a very limited extent from the flat ticket tax rate, so the socio-economic effects are also
similar. The results are described in greater detail below.
Demand for land transport will increase due to ticket taxes, because it becomes relatively cheaper
and there are substitution effects. The results show only very minor differences in the impacts on road
and rail transport. Note the very different magnitudes in transport performance across the three
modes. The activity in land transport is much higher than in air transport, so that the percentage
change is lower. Water transport also shows a small decrease in demand; as noted in Section 6.2.6,
this is most likely related to a reduction in demand for cruises as a result of the increase in the
aviation prices.
Figure 6-59: Ticket tax scenarios - demand effects on other modes of transport in EU27
The effects on tax revenue are shown in the following figure. The ticket tax revenue is taken directly
from AERO-MS. The other variables are calculated in GINFORS-E. Indirect taxes, which include
taxes on air travel, increase due to ticket taxation. In contrast, direct taxes (on income and wealth)
decrease slightly because economic output (GDP) decreases slightly due to the assumption that fuel
tax revenues are used to reduce government debt. Over time, ticket tax revenues increase in all three
scenarios, as the number of passengers and freight volumes increase.
2025 2030 2050
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
change in output at constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Water transport, change in output at
constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Rail, change in passenger demand (p-km)
change from baseline (%)
TT01 (€10.43 per ticket)
TT48 (€10.12 per ticket for all intra-EEA flights; €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 6,000km;
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
TT50 (€25.30 per ticket for flights less than 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA);
€10.12 per ticket for flights over 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA); Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
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Figure 6-60: Ticket tax scenarios - effects on tax revenues
At the macroeconomic level, the ticket taxes in air transport lead to a slight increase in the
macroeconomic price level (GDP deflator). It is assumed that 100% of the cost increases are added
to the prices (full cost passthrough). Due to the lack of recycling of the additional tax revenues, which
are left in the budget for debt reduction, prices do not fall elsewhere in the economy. This is also the
main reason for the slight negative effect on GDP, which increases over time.
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from net indirect taxes
(incl. new taxes on air transport)
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from direct taxes
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from direct taxes
Change from baseline in billion €
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from net indirect taxes
(incl. new taxes on air transport)
Change from baseline in billion €
TT01 (€10.43 per ticket)
TT48 (€10.12 per ticket for all intra-EEA flights; €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 6,000km;
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
TT50 (€25.30 per ticket for flights less than 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA);
€10.12 per ticket for flights over 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA); Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
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Figure 6-61: Ticket tax scenarios macro-economic effects in EU27
The impact on employment in the air transport sector is smaller than the impact on passengers and
freight carried due to wage adjustments and labour demand elasticities of output that are lower than
1. The negative employment effects are somewhat more pronounced in air transport. Due to the ticket
tax and the lower air transport performance, employment is lower than in the reference in the order of
around four to five thousand, largely stable over time. Employment in total transport and in the
economy as a whole is initially slightly higher in 2025 than in the reference because land transport is
more employment-intensive (with lower wages) than air transport. Over time, employment declines
slightly with the slight decline in economic output compared to the reference. However, the impact on
total employment remains small and is largely due to the way revenue is (not) recycled.
2025 2030 2050
GDP deflator
Percentage change from baseline (%)
TT01 (€10.43 per ticket)
TT48 (€10.12 per ticket for all intra-EEA flights; €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 6,000km;
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
TT50 (€25.30 per ticket for flights less than 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA);
€10.12 per ticket for flights over 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA); Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
2025 2030 2050
GDP at constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
GDP at constant prices
Change from baseline in billion €
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Figure 6-62: Ticket tax scenarios employment effects in EU27
The effects on energy consumption are determined by the higher prices in air traffic and the partial
shift of traffic to road and rail. Overall, energy consumption in the non-aviation transport sector
increases slightly due to the shift in demand from aviation. The effects are very similar for transport-
related CO
emissions if only domestic flights are considered in the usual classification of territorial
emissions. Under the flat rate ticket tax (TT01 in Figure 6-53), the reduction in CO
(converting the fuel consumption results in Figure 6-42) from intra-EEA aviation is 4.65 million tonnes
in 2025, reducing to 4.53 million tonnes in 2050. The equivalent increases in emissions from other
2025 2030 2050
Air transport, number of persons engaged
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport, total, number of persons
Percentage change from baselin
e (%)
2025 2030 2050
Air transport, number of persons engaged
Change from baseline in 1000
2025 2030 2050
Employment, total, number of persons
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport, total, number of persons
Change from baseline in 1000
2025 2030 2050
Employment, total, number of persons
Change from baseline in 1000
TT01 (€10.43 per ticket)
TT48 (€10.12 per ticket for all intra-EEA flights; €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 6,000km;
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
TT50 (€25.30 per ticket for flights less than 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA);
€10.12 per ticket for flights over 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA); Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
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modes are 1.86 million tonnes in 2025, reducing to 1.00 million tonnes by 2050. Thus, the overall
reduction in emissions from the fuel tax is about 2.8 million tonnes in 2025, increasing to about 3.5
million tonnes in 2050.
Figure 6-63: Ticket tax scenarios effects on non-aviation transport energy use and CO
emissions in
All individual EU member states are slightly negatively affected by the ticket taxes. However, there
are visible differences in the impact on GDP, which are shown in the figure for the year 2030. In
particular, some countries in Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean region and Scandinavia show
above-average impacts on GDP. Some countries such as Germany, France and Austria, which
already levy a national ticket tax today, are relatively less burdened, which makes a difference in
relative cost increases due to the EU-wide ticket taxation, especially for low-cost carriers.
Macroeconomic effects are small for these countries.
Some countries are disproportionately affected by extra-EEA flights being taxed more heavily in
scenarios with the stepped and inverse stepped tax options. The majority of these Member States are
towards the southern or eastern ends of Europe (such as Cyprus and Bulgaria) and the increased
impact is consistent with such countries having a high dependence on tourists from outside the EEA,
who have easy access to other destinations as the costs of travelling to the EEA increase due to the
implementation of taxes. A higher ticket tax for flights over 6,000km in the stepped ticket tax option
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, energy use
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, energy use
Change from baseline in PJ
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, CO
Change from baseline in megatons
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, CO
Percentage change from baseline (%)
TT01 (€10.43 per ticket)
TT48 (€10.12 per ticket for all intra-EEA flights; €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 6,000km;
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
TT50 (€25.30 per ticket for flights less than 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA);
€10.12 per ticket for flights over 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA); Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-
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have some impact on countries with many long-distance flights. Also for Norway and the UK, the
design of the ticket tax can make a significant difference.
The importance of air transport varies between Member States. In addition, low-cost carriers (whose
operations are more sensitive to additional costs) have greater penetration in the aviation sector in
some Member States than others. It should be emphasised again at this point that ticket taxes do not
per se lead to negative macroeconomic effects. Other uses could lead to somewhat more positive
effects in the macro econometric model if recycling increases demand elsewhere or reduces costs
elsewhere in the EU-27 economy.
Figure 6-64: Ticket tax scenarios effects on national GDP in constant prices
6.3.7 Sensitivity cases Low demand baseline
The ticket tax options (with no premium multipliers) have also been assessed against the low demand
baseline, described in Section The percentage changes in passenger demand that result are
shown in Figure 6-65.
-0.50% -0.40% -0.30% -0.20% -0.10% 0.00%
Slovak Republic
Czech Republic
Impacts on GDP at constant prices in 2030
TT01 (€10.43 per ticket)
TT48 (€10.12 per ticket for all intra-EEA flights; €25.30 per ticket for extra-
EEA flights less than 6,000km;
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km)
TT50 (€25.30 per ticket for flights less than 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA);
€10.12 per ticket for flights over 350km (intra-EEA and extra-EEA); Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-
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Figure 6-65: Percentage change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from ticket
tax options under low demand sensitivity baseline
The impact of the three ticket tax options, in terms of percentage reductions in demand, are very
similar to those under the main baseline shown in Figure 6-44 to Figure 6-46. The impacts of these
changes in demand on fuel consumption, again presented as percentage reductions relative to the
baseline, are shown in Figure 6-66. Again, the percentage reductions in fuel consumption against the
low demand baseline are essentially unchanged from those against the primary baseline.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under ticket tax policy options
(low demand sensitivity baseline)
Flat rate tax - intra-EEA Flat rate tax - extra-EEA Stepped rate tax - intra-EEA
Stepped rate tax - extra-EEA Inverse stepped rate tax - intra-EEA Inverse stepped rate tax - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-66: Percentage change in fuel consumption on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from ticket
tax options under low demand sensitivity baseline
Under the low demand baseline, the tax revenues are reduced by the lower demand (Figure 6-67). In
2025, the total tax revenue under the low demand baseline is approximately 94% of that under the
primary baseline (for all three ticket tax options), while for 2050, the revenue is about 91% of that
under the primary baseline.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in fuel consumption (%)
Changes in fuel consumption under ticket tax policy options
(low demand sensitivity baseline)
Flat rate tax - intra-EEA Flat rate tax - extra-EEA Stepped rate tax - intra-EEA
Stepped rate tax - extra-EEA Inverse stepped rate tax - intra-EEA Inverse stepped rate tax - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-67: Impact of ticket tax options on tax revenue under low demand sensitivity baseline Existing national ticket taxes set to harmonised minimum level
As noted above, the main calculations for the ticket taxes have assumed that the existing national
ticket taxes that are higher than the harmonised minimum are maintained at their current levels, while
those that are lower are increased to the minimum. This analysis considers the sensitivity of the
results to that assumption, by analysing the case in which all existing national ticket taxes are set to
the harmonised minimum after implementation applied to the stepped rate ticket tax option.
Figure 6-68 shows that the different assumptions have only a very small impact on the ticket prices for
both network carriers and LCC and charter carriers. This leads to a small change in the impact of the
ticket tax option on passenger demand, as shown in Figure 6-69. The primary reason for this limited
effect of the alternative assumption is that there are only a few Member States with existing ticket
taxes and the most significant (Germany) has a set of taxes that are similar in value to those defined
for this ticket tax option. Therefore, changing the assumptions on how Member States would deal with
existing ticket taxes has only a very small impact on the taxes being modelled and hence their impact.
Much more significant differences are seen between the three ticket tax options.
As the effects of changing this assumption on demand are so small, the effects on fuel consumption,
emissions and tax revenues are also very small (not shown).
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under ticket tax policy options (low demand sensitivity baseline)
Baseline Flat rate tax Stepped rate tax Inverse stepped rate tax
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Figure 6-68: Impact of ticket tax on ticket prices, including different assumptions for the treatment of
existing national ticket taxes
Figure 6-69: Percentage change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights, including
different assumptions for treatment of existing national ticket taxes
€ 0.00
€ 0.02
€ 0.04
€ 0.06
€ 0.08
€ 0.10
€ 0.12
€ 0.14
€ 0.16
€ 0.18
€ 0.20
2016 2025 2030 2050
Ticket prices (€/passenger
Passenger ticket prices under ticket tax policy options (existing ticket taxes sensitivity)
Baseline - Network carriers Baseline - LCC and charter carriers
Retain taxes - Network carriers Retain taxes - LCC and charter carriers
Harmonise taxes - Network carriers Harmonise taxes - LCC and charter carriers
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under ticket tax policy options
(existing ticket taxes sensitivity)
Retain taxes - intra-EEA Retain taxes - extra-EEA Harmonise taxes - intra-EEA Harmonise taxes - extra-EEA
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6.3.8 Summary of analysis of ticket tax options
Three types of ticket tax option have been analysed in this study:
o a flat rate option, with a single tax rate applied to all flights
o a stepped rate option, with a higher tax rates applied to longer flights (over 6,000 km)
o an inverse stepped rate, with a higher rate applied to short flights (below 350 km)
The taxes are assumed to apply both to intra-EEA and outbound extra-EEA flights
The flat rate ticket tax option leads to reductions in demand of about 9% on intra-EEA flights
and about 1.5% on extra-EEA flights.
The stepped rate tax option has a slightly lower impact on intra-EEA demand, but a
significantly greater impact on extra-EEA demand (about 4.5% reduction in demand),
compared to the flat rate option
The inverse stepped rate tax option has a slightly higher impact on intra-EEA demand, and a
very similar impact on extra-EEA demand, compared to the flat rate option. This increased
impact on intra-EEA flights (particularly for those flown by LCCs) reflects the higher tax rate
on shorter flights (less than 350km). This high impact on short flights is likely to lead to a shift
to other modes (particularly rail and road) for such journeys, as the journey time is not
increased significantly over flying (note that the modelling approach for non-aviation modes
does not capture this focussed effect, so the rail demand does not increase more than under
the other tax options in the results).
The ticket tax options lead to reductions in CO
emissions of between 8% and 10% on intra-
EEA flights and between 3% and 5.5% on extra-EEA flights
Under the flat rate ticket tax (with no multiplier for premium seats), the total tax revenue is
about €6.7 billion in 2025, rising to €9.9 billion in 2050, representing increases of €4.1 billion
to €6.2 billion above the baseline values
Under the stepped and inverse stepped tax options, the increase over the baseline in 2050
reduces to €6.0 billion and increases to €7.0 billion, respectively
The impacts of the ticket tax and the consequent changes in demand reduce total GDP in the
EU27 by approximately €7 billion (about 0.04%) by 2050, with strong variations between
Member States as a function of the importance of aviation for their economy. This is however
under the assumption that revenue is used for deficit reduction; if the revenue is recycled, the
impact would be even smaller.
The implementation of a ticket tax may have some impacts on connectivity. In general, the
forecast growth in air transport more than offsets the reductions in demand (against the
baseline) due to the taxes. However, the reductions in profitability may make some marginal
routes less commercially viable, but overall the effects are expected to be minor. Similarly,
there may be some impacts on the competitiveness of EEA carriers as they compete with
non-EEA carriers that are not impacted in the same way on the totality of their route network;
unlike the fuel tax, the ticket tax options apply to extra-EEA flights as well as intra-EEA flights,
but again apply to all carriers on those routes..
The application of tax multipliers of 3.0 and 7.5 for premium seats has only a small effect on
the demand impacts of the tax options. They have a more significant effect on the tax
revenue, increasing revenue to about €13 billion in 2050 under the flat rate tax with a 7.5
premium multiplier.
The impacts of the ticket taxes (as percentage changes) are not affected when considering
them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-
19 pandemic).
6.4 Impact assessment results combined tax options
This section describes the results of the analyses on the combined tax options, including a fuel tax on
intra-EEA flights and a ticket tax on extra-EEA flights.
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In each case, the fuel tax has been applied at a rate of €0.33 per litre
. The ticket tax options that
have been considered are the extra-EEA elements of those considered in Section 6.3. The set of tax
options considered is summarised in Table 6-24.
Table 6-24: Harmonised minimum tax rates under the combined tax options
Fuel tax on intra-EEA flights,
flat rate ticket tax on extra-EEA
Fuel tax on intra-EEA flights,
stepped rate ticket tax on
extra-EEA flights
Fuel tax on intra-EEA flights,
inverse stepped rate ticket tax
on extra-EEA flights
€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-
EEA flights
€10.43 per ticket on all extra-
EEA flights
Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km
on extra-EEA flights
€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-
EEA flights
€25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA
flights less than 6,000km
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA
flights over 6,000km
Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km
on extra-EEA flights
€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-
EEA flights
€25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA
flights less than 350km
€10.12 per ticket for extra-EEA
flights over 350km
Cargo tax €0.10 per tonne-km
on extra-EEA flights
In each case, these tax rate options have been analysed assuming a 10-year transition phase starting
in 2024 (as applied to the fuel tax options). When considering the tax, it was assumed that Member
States with existing ticket taxes would not reduce their taxes to the harmonised minimum, as this
would lead to a reduction in total tax burden in the initial part of the transition period, resulting in
increased demand and emissions.
In addition to the main calculations described above, additional sensitivity analyses have been
performed on:
Low demand baseline;
Fuel tax on flights to selected third countries.
The results from these sensitivity calculations are described in Section 6.4.1
6.4.1 Impacts on ticket prices
The implementation of the combined tax options follows the same approach as described for the fuel
tax options (Section 6.2.1) and the ticket tax options (Section 6.3.1), with the former implemented on
intra-EEA flights and the latter on extra-EEA flights. Figure 6-70 shows the impacts of the combined
tax options on ticket prices for the different carrier types, covering intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights
combined, presented as prices per passenger-km. As all three combined tax options shown include a
tax on fuel supplied for intra-EEA flights of €0.33 per litre, the identification of the different options in
the chart legend refers only to the differences in ticket taxes applied to extra-EEA flights.
As for the fuel tax policy options and the ticket tax options, the use of constant tax rates with constant year
prices replicates the impacts of tax rates being indexed with inflation when implemented.
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Figure 6-70: Impacts of combined tax options on ticket prices
The changes in ticket prices shown in Figure 6-70 range from 2.4% (for network carriers) to 10% for
LCCs) in 2050, with additional variations for the different policy options. Figure 6-71 shows more
details of the percentage increases in ticket prices for the different carrier types.
Figure 6-71: Percentage change in ticket prices from combined tax options
€ 0.00
€ 0.02
€ 0.04
€ 0.06
€ 0.08
€ 0.10
€ 0.12
2016 2025 2030 2050
Ticket prices (
Passenger ticket prices under combined tax policy options (10-year transition)
Baseline - Network carriers Baseline - LCC and charter carriers
Flat ticket tax - Network carriers Flat ticket tax - LCC and charter carriers
Stepped ticket tax - Network carriers Stepped ticket tax - LCC and charter carriers
Inverse stepped ticket tax - Network carriers Inverse stepped ticket tax - LCC and charter carriers
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in ticket prices (%)
Change in passenger ticket prices under combined tax policy options (10-year transition)
Flat ticket tax - Network carriers Flat ticket tax - LCC and charter carriers
Stepped ticket tax - Network carriers Stepped ticket tax - LCC and charter carriers
Inverse stepped ticket tax - Network carriers Inverse stepped ticket tax - LCC and charter carriers
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Similarly to the ticket tax options, the combined tax options with a flat ticket tax on extra-EEA flights
and the inverse stepped ticket tax on extra-EEA flights have almost identical impacts on the ticket
prices, with increases in 2050 of approximately 2.4% for traditional network carriers and 8% for LCC
and charter carriers. The stepped ticket tax option has a greater impact on ticket prices, with an
approximately 3.4% (for network carriers) and 10% (for LCC and charter carriers) increase over the
baseline by 2050, due to the higher levels of ticket tax rate (particularly for flights over 6,000km.
6.4.2 Impacts on demand
The impacts of the ticket price increases under the combined tax options, shown in Figure 6-71, on
passenger demand are shown in Figure 6-72 and Figure 6-73. As expected, the impacts on intra-EEA
demand (about 9.7% reduction by 2050) are very similar to that for the fuel tax of €0.33 per litre, while
the impacts for extra-EEA demand are very similar to those for the equivalent ticket taxes
(approximately 1.5% reduction in 2050 for the flat rate and inverse stepped rate ticket taxes, and
approximately 4% for the stepped rate ticket tax).
Figure 6-72: Impact of combined tax options on passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Demand (billion passenger
Passenger demand under combined tax policy options (10-year transition)
Baseline - intra-EEA Baseline - extra-EEA Flat ticket tax - intra-EEA
Flat ticket tax - extra-EEA Stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA Stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA
Inverse stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA Inverse stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-73: Percentage change in passenger demand from combined tax options on intra-EEA and
extra-EEA flights
The percentage changes in passenger demand are presented in additional detail in Table 6-25,
separating the impacts on network carriers and LCC/charter carriers, as well as intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights. For the combined tax policy option, the three ticket taxes on extra-EEA flights were each
analysed with the same fuel tax (0.33 per litre) applied to intra-EEA flights, so the results are the
same for intra-EEA flights between the three cases. No premium multipliers were assessed in
conjunction with the combined tax option, so the table only includes results excluding premium
Table 6-25: Percentage changes in demand for different combined tax policy options
Fuel tax in intra-EEA flights plus flat rate ticket tax on extra-EEA flights
No premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
Fuel tax in intra-EEA flights plus stepped rate ticket tax on extra-EEA flights
No premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under combined tax policy options (10-year transition)
Flat ticket tax - intra-EEA Flat ticket tax - extra-EEA Stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA
Stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA Inverse stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA Inverse stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA
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LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
Fuel tax in intra-EEA flights plus inverse stepped rate ticket tax on extra-EEA flights
No premium multiplier
Network carriers, intra-EEA
Network carriers, extra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, intra-EEA
LCC/charter carriers, extra-EEA
6.4.3 Impacts on fuel burn and CO
The impacts of the reductions in demand from the different combined tax options on fuel consumption
and CO
emissions on both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights are shown in Figure 6-74 and Figure
Figure 6-74: Percentage change in fuel consumption from combined tax options on intra-EEA and
extra-EEA flights
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in fuel consumption (%)
Changes in fuel consumption under combined tax policy options (10-year transition)
Flat ticket tax - intra-EEA Flat ticket tax - extra-EEA Stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA
Stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA Inverse stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA Inverse stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-75: Percentage change in CO
emissions from combined tax options on intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights
As expected, the reduction in demand on intra-EEA flights, following the implementation of a fuel tax
on them, leads to significant reductions in fuel consumption (and, hence, CO
emissions). In 2050, the
9.7% reduction in demand leads to a slightly greater reduction in fuel consumption and emissions of
10.3%, as the increase in effective fuel prices provides incentives for greater efficiency improvements
on such routes. On extra-EEA flights, the reductions in demand also generate slightly greater
reductions in fuel consumption, of about 2.7% and 4.7% for the flat rate/inverse stepped rate and
stepped rate tax options, respectively.
6.4.4 Impacts on connectivity and competitiveness
The impacts on connectivity and competitiveness derived from the implementation of a combination of
fuel and ticket taxes are in line with the impacts discussed under the policy options where such taxes
are implemented separately. See sections 6.2.4 and 6.3.4 for, respectively, the analysis for fuel and
ticket taxes.
As described in Section 6.2.4, the implementation of the fuel tax element of the combined tax in intra-
EEA routes would be expected to lead to reductions in flight frequencies on all routes and could
impact the financial viability of routes that already have low levels of demand. However, this is against
a background of significant increases in demand on all routes since 2016 (the base year for the
analysis) and the reductions calculated due to the tax are lower than the growth. If a route is
considered important to maintain a minimum level of connectivity for a peripheral region, a PSO flight
could be instigated (such a route would be expected to be exempt for the fuel tax).
Also as noted in Section 6.2.4, the agreements between the EU and some third countries do exempt
their carriers from fuel taxes when flying intra-EU routes. At present, the number of intra-EU flights by
such carriers is small; however, changes in their practices (including the use of smaller, but efficient,
aircraft on the long-haul flights to the EU, with the potential for subsequent use on intra-EU or intra-
EEA flights) may increase this number. As such, impacts on the competitiveness of EEA carriers on
intra-EEA routes cannot be excluded.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in CO
emissions (%)
Changes in CO
emissions under combined tax policy options (10-year transition)
Flat ticket tax - intra-EEA Flat ticket tax - extra-EEA Stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA
Stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA Inverse stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA Inverse stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA
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The risks associated with hub switching would be expected to be less than under the fuel tax option,
as an indirect flight from the EEA to a third country would be subject to a tax, whether the connection
takes place at an EEA airport or a non-EEA airport.
For extra-EEA flights, the combined tax options implement the same ticket taxes as discussed in
Section 6.3.4, with similar impacts on competitiveness. In principle, all airlines flying the same (extra-
EEA) routes will be subject to the same ticket taxes, so there would be no direct impacts on
competitiveness between airlines. There might be some impacts as the non-EEA airlines would not be
subject to the same tax regime in their home markets, so improving their overall profitability and
allowing them a competitive advantage on routes on which they compete with EEA carriers. On the
other hand, EEA carriers are likely to have an advantage compared to non-EEA carriers in the EEA
market, notably thanks to their brand recognition, loyalty programmes and intra-EEA connectivity.
Overall, the impact of the combined tax on connectivity and on the competitiveness of EEA carriers
vis-à-vis non-EEA carriers are expected to be limited.
6.4.5 Impacts on revenues
The combined effects of the tax on fuel supplied for intra-EEA flights and the ticket taxes on extra-
EEA flights on tax revenues are shown in Figure 6-76. All three options provide significant increases
in tax revenue relative to the baseline, with the flat rate ticket tax and the inverse stepped rate ticket
tax (on extra-EEA flights), combined with the fuel tax at €0.33 per litre on intra-EEA flights, leading to
an increase in annual tax revenue of approximately €14 billion, while the stepped ticket tax, combined
with the same fuel tax rate, leads to an increase in tax revenues of approximately €16 in the same
Figure 6-76: Impact of combined tax options on tax revenue
The distributions of tax revenue amongst the Member States in 2050 under these combined tax
options are shown in Table 6-26.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under combined tax policy options (10-year transition)
Baseline Flat ticket tax Stepped ticket tax Inverse stepped ticket tax
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Table 6-26: Changes in tax revenue from the baseline for combined taxes in 2050 (values show the
increase in revenue for each MS relative to the baseline in millions of Euros)
Fuel tax on intra-EEA
flights plus flat rate ticket
Fuel tax on intra-EEA
flights plus stepped rate
ticket tax
Fuel tax on intra-EEA
flights plus inverse stepped
rate ticket tax
Change in
tax revenue
relative to
baseline (€
of total
change in
tax revenue
Change in
tax revenue
relative to
baseline (€
of total
change in
tax revenue
Change in
tax revenue
relative to
baseline (€
of total
change in
tax revenue
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6.4.6 Macroeconomic and other transport mode impacts
As for the fuel tax and ticket tax policy options, the results from the aviation sector analyses have
been used as inputs to the macroeconomic modelling. A single option has been analysed in this way,
that of the €0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights and a flat rate of €10.43 per ticket on all extra-
EEA flights.
An overview of the macroeconomic effects of the combined tax option is shown in Table 6-27.
Table 6-27: Overview of macroeconomic results for EU27 for combined tax option
Fuel tax of €0.30 per litre on intra-EEA flights;
flat rate ticket tax of €10.43 per ticket on extra-
EEA flights
Demand effects on other modes of transport
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
output at constant prices
% change
Rail passengers transported (% change in
% change
Water transport, output at constant prices
% change
Effects on employment in the aviation and transport sector
Air transport, number of persons engaged
% change
Transport, total, number of persons
% change
Tax revenue effects
Air transport, revenue from combined and
fuel taxes
Billion €
Net indirect taxes
% change
Direct taxes
% change
Tax revenues, total (incl. new aviation
% change
Second-order macroeconomic effects
GDP at constant prices
% change
GDP deflator
% change
Employment, total, number of persons
% change
Employment , manufacturing, number of
persons engaged
% change
Energy use and CO
Transport (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Total (non-aviation) energy use
% change
Transport (non-aviation) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
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Aviation CO
emissions (intra-EEA and
extra-EEA flights)
Change (Mt)
% change
Total (all sectors) CO
Change (Mt)
% change
Figure 6-77: Demand effects on other modes of transport in EU27 from combined tax option
Figure 6-77 shows that the reduction in demand for air transport in the EU resulting (primarily) from
the implementation of a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights under the combined tax option leads to an
increase in demand for both road and rail transport. In a similar manner to the case for the
implementation of a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights alone (Section 6.2.6), with the 10-year transition
period, the percentage increase in demand rises from 2025 to 2030, then decreases slightly to 2050.
The impact on waterborne transport in the EU is also similar to that under the fuel tax option; again
this can be attributed to the impacts on demand for cruises due to the increased cost of flying to the
start point.
2025 2030 2050
Land transport and transport via pipelines,
change in output at constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
CC25 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; ticket tax on extra-EEA flights; 10 year transition
2025 2030 2050
Water transport, change in output at
constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Rail, change in passenger demand (p-km)
change from baseline (%)
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Figure 6-78: Impacts on tax revenue from combined tax option
Figure 6-78 shows the impacts on total tax revenues from the combined tax option. The increase in
revenue in 2050 of approximately €12 billion can be compared to the equivalent values of €5.4 billion
and €11.5 billion for the fuel tax and ticket tax (using the flat rate tax option on both intra-EEA and
extra-EEA flights).
At the macroeconomic level (Figure 6-79), the combined tax on air transport leads to a slight increase
in the price level (GDP deflator). Two key assumptions determine this result: 100% cost pass-through
and the lack of revenue recycling for the funds collected by the tax.
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from net indirect taxes
(incl. new taxes on air transport)
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from direct taxes
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from direct taxes
Change from baseline in billion €
2025 2030 2050
Revenues from net indirect taxes
(incl. new taxes on air transport)
Change from baseline in billion €
CC25 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; ticket tax on extra-EEA flights; 10 year transition
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Figure 6-79: Macro-economic effects in EU27 from combined tax option
For the EU27, a decline of employment by 1.4% is projected for the aviation sector in 2050 (Figure
6-80), while the AERO-MS results for departing passenger kilometres show an impact of -9.7% for
intra-EEA flights and 1.5% for extra-EEA flights (for the same combined tax option).
In the short term, the reductions in employment in the aviation sector are offset by increases in other
transport sectors, leading to a small overall increase. In the longer term, the total employment also
reduces, although the value is very small in overall terms at approximately 0.01%.
2025 2030 2050
GDP at constant prices
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
GDP deflator
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
GDP at constant prices
Change from baseline in billion €
CC25 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; ticket tax on extra-EEA flights; 10 year transition
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Figure 6-80: Employment impacts in EU27 from combined tax option
The increased demand for road and rail transport, resulting from the reduction in demand for aviation,
leads to increases in the energy consumption and emissions from those other modes (Figure 6-81).
By 2050, the increase in emissions from other modes is about 1.2 million tonnes, while the reduction
in emissions from intra-EEA aviation is about 6.1 million tonnes, giving an overall saving of 4.9 million
tonnes CO
2025 2030 2050
Air transport, number of persons engaged
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport, total, number of persons
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Air transport, number of persons engaged
Change from baseline in 1000
2025 2030 2050
Employment, total, number of persons
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport, total, number of persons
Change from baseline in 1000
2025 2030 2050
Employment, total, number of persons
Change from baseline in 1000
CC25 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; ticket tax on extra-EEA flights; 10 year transition
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Figure 6-81: Impacts on non-aviation transport energy use and CO
emissions in EU27 from
combined tax option
In 2025, tax revenues are still low in this tax scenario. In the long term, the combined tax variant
achieves a similar level of revenue as the ticket tax scenarios. The socio-economic effects are similar
to those in these scenarios. There is a substitution effect towards land transport. GDP and related tax
revenues decrease slightly due to the use of revenues for debt reduction. Energy consumption and
emissions decrease slightly both in transport and overall. The effect is more pronounced in
international air transport.
At the national level, the combined tax option leads to particularly higher negative effects in Cyprus
and Sweden in 2030. The effects are also above average in Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Bulgaria
and Norway. In contrast, the effects are particularly low in Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia,
Slovenia and Romania.
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, energy use
Change from baseline in PJ
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, energy use
Percentage change from baseline (%)
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, CO
Change from baseline in megatons
2025 2030 2050
Transport without aviation, CO
Percentage change from baseline (%)
CC25 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; ticket tax on extra-EEA flights; 10 year transition
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Figure 6-82: Combined tax effects on national GDP in constant prices
6.4.7 Sensitivity cases Low demand baseline
The combined tax option based on the 0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights and stepped rate
ticket tax on extra-EEA flights has also been assessed against the low demand baseline, described in
Section The percentage changes in passenger demand that result are shown in Figure 6-83.
-0.25% -0.20% -0.15% -0.10% -0.05% 0.00% 0.05%
Slovak Republic
Czech Republic
Impacts on GDP at constant prices in 2030
CC25 (€0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; ticket tax on extra-EEA flights; 10 year transition
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Figure 6-83: Percentage change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from
combined tax option under low demand baseline
By 2050, the percentage reductions in demand (relative to the low demand baseline) are 9.8% on
intra-EEA flights and 4.6% on extra-EEA flights. The equivalent values for the analysis of the same
tax option against the primary baseline were 9.7% and 4.0%, showing that the percentage impact of
the combined tax option is only marginally affected by the choice of baseline scenario, with a slightly
greater difference on extra-EEA flights than on intra-EEA flights apparent.
The percentage reductions in fuel consumption arising from the combined tax option, and its effect on
demand, are shown in Figure 6-84. As for the other tax options, the percentage impacts on fuel
consumption are slightly greater than those on demand, reaching 10.5% (for intra-EEA flights) and
5.2% (on intra-EEA flights) in 2050, compared to 10.3% and 4.7% for the same geographic scopes
under the primary baseline.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under combined tax policy options (Low demand baseline)
Stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA Stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-84: Percentage change in fuel consumption on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from
combined tax option under low demand baseline
The total tax revenue collected under the combined tax option under the low demand baseline is
shown in Figure 6-85. The increase in tax revenue compared to the baseline is very similar to that for
the same tax option under the primary baseline; in 2050, it is slightly greater at €19 billion under the
low demand baseline, compared to €18 billion under the primary baseline.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in fuel consumption (%)
Changes in fuel consumption under combined tax policy options (Low demand baseline)
Stepped ticket tax - intra-EEA Stepped ticket tax - extra-EEA
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Figure 6-85: Impact of combined tax option on tax revenue under low demand baseline Immediate implementation compared to 10-year transition
The main options for the combined tax described in section 6.4 are based on a 10 year transition
period for both the fuel tax (on intra-EEA flights) and the ticket tax (on extra-EEA flights). This
sensitivity analysis considers the effects of the alternative option, with a full implementation of the tax
from 2024.
Figure 6-86 presents the percentage change in passenger demand under both the 10 year transition
and the immediate implementation. As seen for the fuel tax option, the 10 year transition results in a
low impact on demand in 2025 with a greater impact in 2030 and a further increase by 2050. Under
the immediate implementation, the greatest impact is seen in 2025, with a reduction in demand
relative to the baseline of over 13%. This impact reduces over time as the baseline fuel and ticket
costs increase, reducing the effect of the taxes. By 2050, both implementation periods produce the
same results, as expected. A similar set of impacts for the two implementation periods is also seen in
the impacts on fuel consumption (Figure 6-87).
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under combined tax policy options (Low demand baseline)
Baseline Stepped ticket tax
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Figure 6-86: Percentage change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from
combined tax option, including immediate implementation and 10-year transition
Figure 6-87: Percentage change in fuel consumption on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from
combined tax option, including immediate implementation and 10-year transition
Figure 6-88 shows the impact of the two implementation periods on the tax revenue raised. In 2025,
the tax revenue from the combined tax with full implementation is €8.3 billion, an increase of €5.8
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under combined tax policy options
10-year transition - intra-EEA 10-year transition - extra-EEA Immediate transition - intra-EEA Immediate transition - extra-EEA
2016 2025 2030 2050
Change in fuel consumption (%)
Changes in fuel consumption under combined tax policy options
10-year transition - intra-EEA 10-year transition - extra-EEA Immediate transition - intra-EEA Immediate transition - extra-EEA
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billion over the baseline. Under the 10 year transition period, with only 20% of the full tax rates
implemented in 2025, the total revenue reduces to €3.9 billion, €1.3 above the baseline.
Figure 6-88: Impact of combined tax option on tax revenue, including immediate implementation and
10-year transition Fuel tax on flights to selected third countries
Similarly to the sensitivity analysis presented for the fuel tax in Section, this analysis considers
the option under which flights from the EEA to third countries with whom the aviation agreements
allow for fuel supplied (for use on those flights) to be taxed (specifically Morocco and the UK), would
be subject to the fuel tax and not the ticket tax. The impacts of this option on demand (as the
percentage change from the baseline) are shown in Figure 6-89. In this figure (and others in this
section), the results marked as ‘Base tax’ are those for the €0.33 per litre fuel tax applied to intra-EEA
flights and the stepped rate ticket tax applied to extra-EEA flights.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Total tax revenue(billion Euros)
Total tax revenues under combined tax policy options
Baseline 10-year transition Immediate transition
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Figure 6-89: Percentage change in passenger demand on intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights from
combined tax option, including tax on fuel for flights to UK and Morocco
When considering the similar sensitivity against the fuel tax option (Section, the addition of
Morocco and the UK as destination to which flights are subject to the fuel tax had no impact on intra-
EEA flights (as both destinations are outside the EEA) and a small reduction in demand on extra-EEA
flights. In the case of the combined tax, there is again no additional impact on the intra-EEA flights (as
expected), but the impact on demand on extra-EEA flights (relative to the baseline) is slightly less
than that with the ticket tax applied on flights to those destinations. This indicates that the fuel tax at
€0.33 per litre is slightly less burdensome on ticket prices on flights of the average distance to those
countries from EEA airports than the ticket tax at €25.30 per ticket (which would apply as the
destinations are extra-EEA and within 6,000km of all EEA countries).
The impact of applying the fuel tax on flights to Morocco and the UK is again almost identical to those
from the ticket tax element of the combined tax (as in the base combined tax option) on fuel
consumption and tax revenue.
It should be noted that the conclusion that the inclusion of Morocco and the UK as destinations to
which the fuel tax is applied under the combined tax gives almost identical results to the case in which
the ticket tax is applied on those routes is very dependent on the ticket tax option considered for the
extra-EEA flights. Under the case with the flat rate ticket tax (at €10.43 per ticket) applied, the fuel tax
of €0.33 per litre would be expected to have a greater impact than the ticket tax, for example.
6.4.8 Summary of analysis of combined tax options
The combined tax options considered in this study have all included a tax on the fuel supplied
for intra-EEA flights and a ticket tax on extra-EEA flights. The cases considered have
combined a €0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights and a ticket tax on extra EEA flights of
o a flat rate of €10.43 per ticket on all flights; or
o a stepped rate of €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 6,000km and
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; or
o an inverse stepped rate of €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 350km and
€10.12 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 350km.
2016 2025 2030 2050
Percentage change in demand from baseline (%)
Change in passenger demand under combined tax policy options
Base tax - intra-EEA Base tax - extra-EEA Extra 3rd countries - intra-EEA Extra 3rd countries - extra-EEA
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The tax options analysed all have significant impacts on CO
emissions in the long-term, with
reductions of about 10% on intra-EEA flights and up to almost 5% on extra-EEA flights. The
option with the stepped ticket tax on extra-EEA flights has a greater impact than the other two
combined tax options considered.
The impacts on demand are very similar to those on emissions, with slightly lower magnitudes
of change (up to 9.7% on intra-EEA flights and 4.0% on extra-EEA flights).
The additional tax revenue from aviation under the combined tax options is from 14 billion to
16 billion per annum by 2050. The impacts on the economy from the reduction in aviation
demand reduce the rise in total tax from the transport sector to about 12 billion per annum.
The impacts of the combined tax and the consequent changes in demand reduce total GDP in
the EU27 by approximately €12 billion by 2050.
The impacts on connectivity and competitiveness derived from the implementation of a
combination of fuel and ticket taxes are similar to those discussed under the policy options
where such taxes are implemented separately.
The impacts of the combined tax (as percentage changes) are unaffected when considering
them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-
19 pandemic).
A scenario in which the fuel tax is applied to fuel supplied for flights from the EEA to Morocco
and the UK instead of a ticket tax (as allowed for by the aviation agreements with those
countries) has an almost negligible impact on demand, fuel consumption or revenue
compared to the case in which they are subject to the ticket tax element of the combined tax.
6.5 Additional impacts and corresponding measures
6.5.1 Minimisation of tax burden
This section presents our methodology for the analysis of potential tax minimisation mechanisms
typically employed by airlines, including tankering and traffic diversion through destination switching
and hub switching. The recourse to these mechanisms may be further incentivised by the introduction
of new aviation taxes. Tankering
In case of an application of a fuel tax on a selected number of flights, price differences between
airports might increase which may trigger additional fuel tankering strategies. Such behaviour reduces
the effectiveness of a fuel tax, as discussed in this section
By being able to avoid the price increase through tankering, airlines may be able to maintain traffic
volumes, while incentives to use more fuel-efficient aircraft would be reduced, as would be the
revenues generated from the taxation measure. Moreover, additional adverse environmental impacts
would be introduced by increasing take-off weights of aircraft carrying extra fuel. With a fuel tax being
applied to intra-EEA flights only, the additional fuel would be taken on board at a non-EU airport;
hence, such fuel tankering may be viewed as a form of carbon leakage.
A recent study by Eurocontrol (Tabernier, Calvo Fernández, Tautz, Deransy, & Martin, 2021) shows
that tankering is already a widespread practice in the EEA. The study focuses on tankering for return
flights to take advantage of existing fuel price differences between airports. This shows that full
tankering is technically feasible for flights of 600 nautical miles
(nm) (approximately average
distance in intra-EEA flights) and financially viable when the fuel price difference between airports is
larger than 10%. The results of their simulation indicate that 21% of flights up to 2500 nm
within the
For a discussion of the policy measures under consideration to mitigate the air carriers’ willingness to
tanker fuel into the EEA (namely the policy measure on the creation of a minimum tax burden for each flight
and the measure on the gradual implementation of the fuel tax over a 10-year period) see Section 4.2.1.
1,111 km.
4,630 km.
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in 2018 would perform fuel tankering beneficially. As a result, 286,000 tonnes of additional
fuel would be burnt (equivalent to 0.54% of ECAC jet fuel used), equivalent to 901,000 tonnes of CO
per year.
In principle, two types of tankering can be distinguished as a response to fuel taxation:
Direct tankering, which
applies to the situation where flights are taxed only in one direction (e.g.
fuel loaded for a flight from the EEA to a third country is taxed, while fuel loaded in the third
country is not taxed). In this case, the airline may choose to load more fuel in the third country
than is needed for the flight to the EEA airport, so that it does not need to refuel in the EEA
before the return flight to the third country. This is the tankering mechanism studied in the
Eurocontrol study (Tabernier, Calvo Fernández, Tautz, Deransy, & Martin, 2021).
Indirect tankering, which
applies to the situation where aircraft are scheduled in such a way that
a taxed flight of an aircraft is preceded by a non-taxed flight. For example, an airline that flies
both from the EU to a third country and on intra-EEA flights might load sufficient fuel on the
aircraft in the third country to fly to the EEA airport and then on to another EEA airport (an intra-
EEA flight).
As noted above, the focus of the fuel tax aspects of this study is on intra-EEA flights. Therefore, direct
tankering is not relevant (as the fuel loaded for the flight from the EEA to the third country will not be
subject to fuel tax), so only indirect tankering needs to be considered.
Based on this, a quantified estimation of the impacts of indirect tankering was made taking into account:
Operational feasibility considering to what extent the same aircraft is (or can be) used for an
intra-EU flights right after an extra-EU flight.
Technical feasibility of tankering considering flight distances and technical characteristics of
aircraft (e.g. fuel tank capacity and maximum range with a representative payload)
Financial incentives for tankering which depend on the differences in fuel prices between
different countries; in the context of this study, the key differentiator is the level of the fuel tax.
Data on the fuel tank capacity of aircrafts operating both intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights, along with
their range and fuel consumption for typical payloads has been extracted from publicly available
information provided by manufacturers, where available, and data gaps have been filled with the
aviation emissions calculator attached to the EMEP/EEA emission inventory guidebook 2019
. The
additional fuel consumption due to the extra weight of tankered fuel has been assessed with data
from Piano-X, an aircraft performance and emissions database
For the assessment of the operational feasibility, flight data per type of aircraft and distance range has
been extracted from the AERO-MS model for 2016. Table 6-28 presents the flight groups that have
been considered in our analysis. These encompass routes where the use of tankering may be
increased to minimise the tax burden associated to an intra-EEA fuel tax. Our analysis focuses only
on passenger flights and excludes cargo-only flights, for which such detailed flight data was not
Table 6-28: Split of flight groups for the tankering analysis
Type of
Intra EEA flights where tankered fuel could
be used
Rest of the
world EEA
Scheduled -
Intra EEA flights with scheduled network
carriers from EEA
Rest of the
world EEA
Intra EEA flights with LCC from EEA
44 member states that signed the European Civil Aviation Conference
For further information see
Passenger flights represent 97% of fuel consumption in intra-EEA flights, so only a marginal proportion of
tankering would be attributed to cargo-only flights, according to the AERO-MS baseline results
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Type of
Intra EEA flights where tankered fuel could
be used
Rest of the
world EEA
Rest of
Scheduled -
Intra EEA flights with scheduled network
carriers from third countries
Rest of the
world EEA
Rest of
Intra EEA flights with LCC from third countries
Scheduled -
Intra EEA flights with scheduled network
carriers from EEA
Intra EEA flights with LCC from EEA
Scheduled -
Intra EEA flights with scheduled network
carriers from UK
8 (*)
Intra EEA flights with LCC from UK
Note (*): This reflects the situation in 2016 where UK carriers are part of EU internal aviation market
and able to operate all intra EEA flights. This is no longer the case after the Brexit transition period,
and hence also not in the Baseline scenario
The indirect tankering effect has been quantified based on the following assumptions:
Operational feasibility (aircraft eligibility): For each group of flights, aircrafts eligible for
tankering have a ratio of number of annual intra-EEA flights over number of annual extra-EEA
flights higher than 5 (i.e. aircrafts are used in 5 intra-EEA flights for every extra-EEA flight
within each flight group). This ratio measures the feasibility of organising routes in such a way
that the same aircraft can be used for an incoming extra-EEA flight and a consecutive intra-
EEA flight, which is the configuration needed for indirect tankering. A higher ratio (more intra-
EEA flights for each extra-EEA flight for a given aircraft) indicates that air carriers have higher
flexibility to adopt such a route pattern as there is a wider range of intra-EEA routes to
allocate an aircraft to following an incoming extra-EEA flight. However, this parameter cannot
be defined with precision in the aggregate as it will depend on the flexibility to adopt this route
pattern by each individual carrier and specific scheduling restrictions of particular routes. A
ratio of 5 has been assumed for this calculation by considering this could provide sufficient
flexibility for an aircraft to undertake indirect tankering. A sensitivity analysis on this parameter
confirmed that results are very robust for a range of this ratio between 1 and 8.
Technical feasibility (tankering potential): The tankered fuel carried in incoming extra-EEA
flights is assumed to be used for a single intra-EEA flight and will be limited by the remaining
fuel within the tank upon arrival at an EEA airport. Hence, the potentially tankered fuel per
eligible aircraft is the minimum among the following values:
o Amount of fuel required for 1 intra-EEA flights with an average distance of 920 km
(average flight distance in intra-EU passenger flights in 2016).
o Unused fuel tank capacity in the incoming extra-EEA flight available for tankering,
considering the additional fuel consumption due to extra weight.
Financial incentive: There is a financial case for tankering when tax savings due to tankering
are higher than the cost of additional fuel consumed due to tankering.
Under the assumptions above, the potential for tankering based on 2016 flight data is estimated at
1.15 megatonnes of fuel, which would represent around 7.8% of the total fuel consumption for intra-
EEA passenger flights (see Table 6-29). Similarly, foregone tax revenue would be 7.8% of the
revenues estimated to arise from fuel taxes and shown in Figure 6-4. Assuming a tax rate of €0.33
per litre of fuel charged on intra-EEA flights consistent with the default policy option presented in
section 6.2, tankering would represent a loss of around 0.5 bn.
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The additional fuel consumed due to tankering in incoming extra-EEA flights would lead to an
increase in fuel consumption and CO
emissions by 0.4% in extra-EEA flights.
Table 6-29 presents the split of tankering effects by flight group. This shows that 42% of tankering
would come from EEA carriers operating flights from the rest of the world (excluding the UK) to the
EEA, while the remaining 58% would come from flights from the UK to the EEA operated by EEA
By distance range (see Table 6-31), our tankering calculations suggests that a large majority of
tankering (81%) would be associated to flights below 2,000 km. The higher tankering effect in short
and medium-haul flights is explained by the following reasons. First, tankering has a higher
operational feasibility as it is more likely for an aircraft to be operated in extra-EEA and intra-EEA
flights consecutively. Second, in terms of the technical feasibility, short and medium-haul flights have
an increased capacity to tanker fuel as the fuel consumed upon arrival at EEA airports is likely to be
well below the available fuel tank capacity. Third, the shorter flight distance is also associated with
less additional fuel consumption when considering the extra weight of tankered fuel, which improves
the financial case for tankering.
Table 6-29: Tankering summary results
Total tankering for intra-EEA flights
Tankering out of total fuel consumption in intra-EEA passenger flights
Foregone (annual) tax revenue
€ bn
Total additional fuel consumption in incoming extra-EEA flights
Total additional CO
emissions in incoming extra-EEA flights
Additional fuel consumption out of total fuel consumption in incoming
extra-EEA passenger flights
Table 6-30: Tankering potential per flight group
Outbound flights
Type of carriers
Rest of the world
Scheduled - network
Rest of the world
Rest of the world
Rest of
the world
Scheduled - network
Rest of the world
Rest of
the world
Scheduled - network
Scheduled - network
Please note that this considers flight data for 2016 but the market structure of operations between the UK and
the EEA may change as the UK leaves the EU, with high uncertainties at the time of drafting this report.
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Table 6-31: Tankering potential per distance range
Distance range for incoming extra-EEA flights (km)
Tankering (ktonnes)
Tankering (%)
Measures to mitigate tankering
As noted in section 4.2.1, we have considered two potential ways to mitigate tankering:
Gradual introduction of the fuel tax over a 7- or 10-year period.
Introduction of a minimum tax burden on each flight.
The rationale for the gradual introduction of a fuel tax is greater political support while giving airlines
more time to adapt to higher tax levels (e.g., by investing in a cleaner fleet or transitioning to SAF).
This was modelled in AERO-MS and the results are shown in section However, as shown in a
recent study by Eurocontrol experts, in terms of mitigating tankering, the introduction of a transition
period for the full implementation of a fuel tax would not be effective: in that study, it was found that
some airlines decide to tanker fuel if the savings are as low as €15 per flight, and they use software to
make those tankering decisions on a daily basis (Tabernier, Calvo Fernández, Tautz, Deransy, &
Martin, 2021). Therefore, it is not expected that such a transition period would be enough to have a
meaningful effect to reduce tankering in the long term, although some small effect on disincentivising
tankering might be expected in the early transition period.
The second measure considered, the introduction of a minimum tax burden, is more likely to be
effective in reducing tankering. As discussed in section 4.1.1 this measure would work by ensuring
that the airline pays a representative tax related to the fuel used on the flight, whether they loaded the
fuel for the flight at the departure airport or elsewhere. For each origin-destination pair, there would be
a need to define the minimum fuel needed to fly that route (e.g. 1,000 litres). When operating that
route, the airlines would then pay the tax based on the amount of fuel they put onboard (say, tax on
1,200 litres) or the tax based on that minimum fuel needed for that route (the tax on 1,000 litres, in
this example). Airlines would pay whichever value is higher (tax on actual fuel put onboard, in the
case of this example).
There are however two important aspects to consider for this measure:
How to set the level of the minimum tax on each origin-destination pair: if the minimum tax
burden is set at a very high level, the airline might end up incurring in the minimum tax
burden even if it did not tanker
. To solve this, the minimum tax burden would have to be
set conservatively. That is, the minimum tax burden (likely to be set on a fuel burn per
kilometre travelled) would have to assume is using a small aircraft that is not very fuel
efficient, and not include any additional fuel taken onboard (e.g. due to adverse
meteorological conditions)
. However, setting the minimum tax burden this way, would
mean that some airlines would be able to tanker nonetheless without being subjected to the
minimum tax burden, reducing the effectiveness of the measure.
This could happen if, for example, the minimum tax burden was estimated using a larger aircraft than the
one the airline used in that flight or if the minimum tax burden was estimated using an aircraft less efficient than
the one the airline used in that flight.
For example, for shorter flights (up to 1,000km) the minimum fuel need to fly that route would be based on a
70-seater regional jet (for example an Embraer E170), and for longer distance based on 150-seater mainline
aircraft (for example an Airbus A319). So, if the airline used a larger aircraft and/or a more fuel-efficient aircraft,
they would not fall under the minimum tax burden unless they tankered fuel.
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How to make this measure operational reducing administrative burden. For the measure to
be implemented and the minimum tax burden enforced, airlines would need to keep track of
the quantity of fuel taken at the airport before each intra-EEA flight and report it to the
relevant tax authorities. These tax authorities would then need to check whether that quantity
of fuel was above the minimum quantity for that specific route and, if not, require the airline to
pay the difference in taxes. This will likely increase the administrative burden of a fuel tax
significantly, with unproven benefits in terms of effectiveness
In summary, this measure on a minimum tax burden on each flight was considered to be the one
likely to be somewhat effective in reducing the incentives for tankering if a fuel tax is imposed in intra-
EEA flights. However, the administrative burden such a measure would impose both on airlines and
tax authorities is expected to be significant compared to a situation where a fuel tax was imposed
without such a measure. Additionally, in order to reduce the risks of such a minimum tax incentivising
the use of less efficient aircraft, this minimum tax would need to be imposed on such a way that it
would not allow for it to be fully effective in reducing tankering. Given this, it is likely that such a
measure would not be practical to implement. Destination switching
Destination switching may happen in case of a fuel tax on intra-EU flights, where flight destinations
outside the EU become relatively more attractive as these would not be subject to a policy-induced
price increase. This would lead to a shift in demand from intra-EEA flights to extra-EEA flights, which
would be associated with carbon leakage and a loss of revenues from fuel taxes for EU Member
The impacts on demand from the fuel tax have been assessed for intra-EEA flights with the AERO-
MS model (see section 6.2). Elasticities used in AERO-MS based on IATA estimates (IATA, 2007)
encompass all demand effects, including reduced air travel but also route substitution (i.e. destination
switching). As such, a proportion of the reduced demand for intra-EEA flights as per the AERO-MS
results in section 6.2 already takes into account a shift from EEA destinations to non-EEA
The set of price elasticities used in AERO-MS depend on the scope of the price impact, such that
differences in route substitutability are captured. An average price elasticity of -0.8 was found for a
uniform price increase at national level while the average price elasticity at pan-national level was
estimated at -0.6. This difference is due to the lower route substitution effect for the pan-national
scope, where more alternative routes are equally affected by the price increase and the demand
effect is more closely related to the own price elasticity. This difference in relative price elasticities
indicates that 25% of the demand effect at national level would be associated with the substitution
effect (i.e. shifted from domestic to non-domestic flights). This substitution effect represents an upper
bound of the destination switching effect that may be expected from EEA destinations to non-EEA
destinations should the tax be imposed on intra-EEA flights. Based on this, an upper bound of the
destination switching effect for the fuel tax options considered is presented in Table 6-32 below. This
indicates that up to 2.4% of demand in pax-km in the baseline may be shifted from EEA destinations
to non-EEA destinations as a result of a €0.33/litre fuel tax by 2050.
Table 6-32: Potential demand shifted from intra-EEA flights to extra-EEA flights as a result of
destination switching caused by the fuel tax (share over intra-EEA pax-km in the baseline)
To reduce this burden, such reporting requirements could be included in the existing reporting requirements
under the EU ETS for aviation, where airlines already have to report an extensive set of operational data
although not on a flight by flight basis.
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Existing literature on price elasticity of air travel indicates that the price sensitivity of leisure travel is
significantly higher than that of business travel (IATA, 2007) (Brons, 2002). This means that
destination switching would be particularly prominent in leisure trips, especially for tourist destinations
in neighbouring countries (e.g. North Africa) which compete with tourist destinations in the EU (e.g.
Southern Member States). In addition, in a post-Brexit context, touristic destinations in the UK may
also become more attractive compared to competing destinations in the EEA.
To illustrate this effect, we look at a flight distance threshold at which some extra-EEA destinations
may become cheaper to reach than closer EEA destinations as a result of the fuel tax. For simplicity
we assume that flight distance is positively correlated to prices.
Since prices per pax-km for intra-
EEA flights increase as a consequence of the fuel tax, the distance at which a non-EEA flight may cut
even in terms of total price compared to an intra-EEA flight increases at the same rate as the price
per pax-km. According to Table 6-1, a fuel tax of 0.33 €/l would increase prices per pax-km of LCC by
10.9%. Hence, it can be considered that extra-EEA LCC flights within a flight distance up to 11%
higher than competing intra-EEA flights are likely to become relatively cheaper and attract more
demand. As a way of illustration, Table 6-33 shows differences in flight distances from Munich, as an
example of a central European airport to some EEA and non-EEA destinations.
Table 6-33: Illustrative comparison of flight distances for some EEA and non-EEA destinations from
EEA destination
Difference in flight
Risk of
It should be noted, however, that the destination switching effect may be partially offset if affected
Member States respond by lowering tourism taxes to mitigate the effects of fuel taxation (Álvarez-
Albelo, Hernández-Martín, & Padrón-Fumero, 2007).
Another potential effect would be a switch to a non-EEA airport to travel from/to a final
origin/destination in the EEA via a land connection. Previous studies have found this effect as a result
of the application of ticket taxes in Germany and the Netherlands, where airports right across the
border have increased their activity levels (Borberly, 2019). In the case of an application of a fuel tax
at EEA level, this effect would be limited to cases where non-EEA airports are close enough to EEA
airports and have a good transport connection to EEA travel generation nodes across the border,
which includes a very limited set of options.
A ticket tax for departure flights (both intra-EEA and extra-EEA) could also result in destination
switching should the applied tax rate significantly modify the relative price of different destinations. For
example, a flat tax would raise the price of flights to closer destinations relatively more than the price
of flights to further destinations. Insights from the literature suggest that this could shift demand to
further destinations and lead to increased CO
emissions under the assumption that the number of
trips would not change significantly (Mayor & Tol, 2007). On the contrary, a stepped ticket tax would
lead to a lower destination switching potential, as the relative price difference between intra-EEA and
extra-EEA destinations would be lower. Similarly, a combined tax is likely to lead to a lower
destination switching effect. Table 6-34 illustrates the potential for destination switching for the main
This assumption may not be true for specific routes as many other factors, such as air carriers’ commercial
strategies, play a role, but this simplification aims to illustrate potential effects in the aggregate
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ticket tax and combined tax options. The destination switching potential in 2050 would be between -
1.8% and -0.8% of pax-km, which is lower than the 2.4% found for the equivalent fuel tax option (0.33
cents per litre).
Table 6-34: Potential demand shifted from intra-EEA flights to extra-EEA flights as a result of
destination switching caused by the ticket tax and combined tax options (share over intra-EEA pax-km
in the baseline)
Flat rate ticket tax
Stepped rate ticket tax
Combined option with
stepped rate ticket tax
-1.4% Hub switching and exemptions to transit and transfer passengers
In the case of a ticket tax for flights departing from the EEA, transfer passengers with both the origin
and destination of their travel outside the EEA might choose to use a hub outside the EEA, where in
the current situation they use an EEA airport as the hub. However, the ticket tax policy options
assessed in this study all include an exemption for connecting passengers with origin and destination
both outside the EEA, in line with existing ticket taxes in the EEA, which mostly
exempt transit and
transfer passengers with origin and destination outside the relevant Member State.
As noted in section 4.1.2, this exemption exists for two reasons. The first is the risk of hub switching
discussed on the previous paragraph-. The second reason is one of practical nature, as taxing
multiples segments of a trip could lead to risks to double taxation and could also constitute a greater
administrative burden for air carriers, leading to potential errors and inaccuracies that would require
more frequent inspection and appeals by public authorities.
Should the exemption be waived, we can estimate the potential impact of hub switching, by looking at
data on transit/transfer passengers. The most recent estimate is for the year 2013, based on a paper
by the German Aerospace Centre, DLR (Maertens & Grimme, 2015). For 2013, the number of
transfer passengers
in the EU27 airports was in the range of 10-15%
. As noted in section 4.2.2,
for our analysis we consider that the share of transit/transfer passengers would be at the top end of
the scale (15%). It was not possible to disaggregate the percentage of those passengers that could
potentially switch to a non-EEA hub to avoid higher levels of taxation, but this is expected to be a
small sub-set of the 15% total (as for many of those passengers it would not be convenient to switch
to a non-EEA hub).
6.5.2 Other measures Exemptions for flights to and from outermost regions and PSO flights
For both ticket taxes and fuel taxes, it is considered that flights to and from outermost regions as well
as flights operating under a PSO should be exempt from such taxes due to the negative effects on the
connectivity of these regions.
Such an exemption would reduce the effectiveness of a fuel or ticket tax in reducing the
environmental impact of aviation. Although there are no precise recent numbers available, a study
looking at PSO routes in 11 EU Member States in 2010 found that a little over 1% of seats flown from
Portugal being one exception, where the new €2 ticket tax to be introduced in 2021 will apply to connecting
It is not expected that the number of transit passengers is substantial.
For EU28, which includes the major hub of London Heathrow, the figures are in the same range.
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those MS’ airports were on PSO flights (Wittman, Allroggen, & Malina, 2016)
. Since 2010, the
number of PSO routes has been declining, so the figure in terms of seats could be smaller now
(European Commission, 2019). Given this, it is not expected that these flights would represent a large
portion of intra-EEA flights or fuel consumed in intra-EEA flights, and as such the reduction in
effectiveness is likely to be minimal and the exemption would mean that no extra burden were
imposed on the connectivity of these regions.
7 Comparison of options
This section provides comparisons of the different policy options, and key sub-options, analysed in
this study. For ease of comparison, these are presented in the form of tables, with consistent
information on the results of the analysis against a number of parameters.
Overall, three primary policy options (fuel tax, ticket tax and combined tax), with, in each case, three
different sets of tax rates under each. To simplify the presentation, comparisons are first provided for
three fuel tax rates (Table 7-1), three ticket tax rates (Table 7-2) and three combined tax rates (Table
7-3). Following those three tables, a comparison is provided of the central sub-option under each of
the three main policy options (Table 7-4).
In each case, the taxes have been analysed as being introduced first in 2023, but (in the case of the
fuel tax and the combined taxes) implemented over a 10-year transition period, reaching full
implementation in 2033. The years analysed are 2025, 2030 and 2035. For the comparisons in the
following tables, the results in 2030 are used, unless stated otherwise.
The results used for the comparisons of tax revenue are based on cases in which the existing national
ticket taxes are retained when the harmonised minimum fuel taxes are implemented (and/or the
existing ticket tax rates are retained if they are higher than the harmonised minimum). Therefore, the
percentage increases shown represent the sum of the fuel and ticket tax revenues in the policy case
referenced to just the existing ticket tax revenues in the baseline case. Such a percentage calculation
would be meaningless at a Member State level for Member States that do not have existing ticket
The socioeconomic analyses are all based on the assumption that taxes raised accrue to general
Government budgets and are not recycled into the aviation sector. This assumption can have
significant impacts on the results of the analyses and alternative assumptions could lead to different
results (for the impacts on GDP, for example).
For the fuel tax comparisons (Table 7-1), the policy option impacts only intra-EEA flights; therefore,
for the environmental impacts, results are provided at intra-EEA and total levels. For the ticket tax and
combined tax comparisons (Table 7-2 and Table 7-3), total environmental impacts are provided. In
the comparison of the three main policy options (Table 7-4), environmental impacts are also
presented at the total level (including for the fuel tax policy option).
All three tables include the impacts on cargo flights. As noted in Section 4.1.1, it has been concluded
that a fuel tax would not be applied to cargo-only flights under the fuel tax policy option (and also
under the combined tax policy option, which implements a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights). However, the
modelling performed did include such a tax (as the model is not set up to differentiate between the tax
applied to passenger and cargo flights), so the results are included here for information on what might
occur if the fuel tax was applied to intra-EEA cargo flights. In the event that a fuel tax was applied to
intra-EEA cargo-only flights, carriers from some countries (most notably the US) would be exempt,
which would offer them a competitive advantage over EEA carriers. This could lead to a shift in
demand from EEA carriers to US carriers, reducing the emissions reductions and tax revenues.
These potential additional effects are not included in the results presented here.
Given that PSO flights generally operate with smaller aircraft, those 1% of seats correspondend to around
2.5% of commercial movements for those Member States. It should also be noted that more than 90% of PSO
routes relate to intra-MS flights, with very few PSO routes between MS (Ricardo, 2018).
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To simplify the following tables, all increases in parameters (demand, tax revenue, etc.) are marked
as ‘+’, while all reductions are marked as ‘-.
Table 7-1: Comparison of sub-options for the fuel tax policy option
0.17 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights
0.33 per litre fuel tax on
fuel loaded for intra-EEA
0.50 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights
Economic impacts
Traditional scheduled
carrier passenger flights
-3.4% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-6.2% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-8.9% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
Low-cost carriers and
charter passenger flights
-7.3% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-13.0% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-18.3% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
Cargo flights
-4.1% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-7.3% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-10.3% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
Total flights
-5.0% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-9.1% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-12.8% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
Total aviation passenger
demand (p-km)
0.0% extra-EEA
-9.2% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-13.2% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
Total rail passenger
demand (p-km)
(428.2 billion p-km)
Total rail + aviation
passenger demand (p-km)
(1,078.8 billion p-km)
Revenues in aviation
-0.3% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA;
-1.7% total net revenue
-0.5% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA;
-3.2% total net revenue
-0.8% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA;
-4.6% total net revenue
Revenues from taxation
€5.34 billion intra-EEA;
€8.27 billion total
€7.44 billion intra-EEA;
€10.36 billion total
€9.46 billion intra-EEA;
€12.39 billion total
Direct taxes
Total tax revenues
Environmental impacts
Fuel use per RTK
-0.6% intra-EEA
-0.3% total
-1.0% intra-EEA
-0.5% total
-1.4% intra-EEA
-0.7% total
emissions (aviation)
-5.4% intra-EEA
0.0% extra-EEA
-2.1% total
-9.9% intra-EEA
0.0% extra-EEA
-3.7% total
-14.1% intra-EEA
0.0% extra-EEA
-5.3% total
NOx emissions (aviation)
-5.3% intra-EEA
-1.8% total
-9.7% intra-EEA
-3.3% total
-13.9% intra-EEA
-4.7% total
Energy use (transport
-0.50% intra-EEA;
-0.45% total
emissions (transport
-0.63% intra-EEA;
-0.55% total
Social impacts number of persons employed
Air transport services
Total transport services
Additional impacts
Fuel tankering
Potential risk of indirect fuel tankering, with up to 7.8% fuel on intra-EEA
flights being tankered from extra-EEA airports
Traffic diversion
Risk of up to 1.3% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
Risk of up to 2.3% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
Risk of up to 3.3% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
Tax revenue figures are total values, including both fuel taxes (as the result of this policy measure) and the
existing ticket taxes (assumed to continue in force).
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0.17 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights
0.33 per litre fuel tax on
fuel loaded for intra-EEA
0.50 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights
Connectivity and
Overall, limited impact expected on connectivity, given the increase in
demand in baseline scenarios. However, reductions in profitability may
make some marginal routes less commercially viable. Some possible
impacts on the competitiveness of EEA carriers as they compete with non-
EEA carriers that are not impacted in the same way on the totality of their
route network. Impacts are likely to be greater for the higher fuel tax
Legal aspects
No legal issues identified for the implementation of a tax on fuel loaded for
intra-EU flights by EEA carriers. Majority of agreements (HAs and CATAs)
with third countries also allow their carriers to be taxed on intra-EU flights,
though not all (the US being the most notable exception). Will need
updated agreements with third countries to allow the tax to be applied to
fuel loaded for flights by their carriers between the EU and (non-EU) EEA
countries (and there may be challenges to do so with many countries).
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Table 7-2: Comparison of sub-options for the ticket tax policy option
Flat rate ticket tax at
€10.43 per ticket on
intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights
Stepped rate ticket tax
(€10.12 per ticket on intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
up to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
over 6,000km)
Inverse stepped rate
ticket tax (€25.30 per
ticket on flights less
than 350km, €10.12
per ticket on flights
over 350km)
Economic impacts
Traditional scheduled
carrier passenger flights
-5.9% intra-EEA;
-1.7% extra-EEA
-5.7% intra-EEA;
-5.1% extra-EEA
-2.2% extra-EEA
Low-cost carriers and
charter passenger flights
-12.0% intra-EEA;
-5.2% extra-EEA
-11.6% intra-EEA;
-13.8% extra-EEA
-14.7% intra-EEA;
-5.8% extra-EEA
Cargo flights
-6.6% intra-EEA;
-8.4% extra-EEA
-6.6% intra-EEA;
-8.4% extra-EEA
-6.6% intra-EEA;
-8.4% extra-EEA
Total flights
-8.4% intra-EEA;
-3.6% extra-EEA
-8.1% intra-EEA;
-8.9% extra-EEA
-11.7% intra-EEA;
-4.1% extra-EEA
Total aviation passenger
demand (p-km)
-8.6% intra-EEA;
-1.5% extra-EEA
-8.3% intra-EEA;
-4.6% extra-EEA
-9.0% intra-EEA;
-1.5% extra-EEA
Total rail passenger
demand (p-km)
(428.3 billion p-km)
(428.9 billion p-km)
(428.3 billion p-km)
Total rail + aviation
passenger demand (p-km)
(1,083.2 billion p-km)
(1,085.8 billion p-km)
(1,085.2 billion p-km)
Revenues in aviation
-0.7% intra-EEA;
+0.7% extra-EEA;
-6.3% total net revenue
-0.7% intra-EEA;
+0.8% extra-EEA;
-8.5% total net revenue
-0.9% intra-EEA;
+0.7% extra-EEA;
-6.8% total net
Revenues from taxation
€7.58 billion intra-EEA;
€15.58 billion total
€7.44 billion intra-EEA;
€19.14 billion total
€8.20 billion intra-
€16.22 billion total
Direct taxes
Total tax revenues
Environmental impacts
Fuel use per RTK
+0.6% intra-EEA;
+1.1% total
+0.6% intra-EEA;
+0.9% total
-0.1% intra-EEA;
+0.9% total
emissions (aviation)
-8.0% intra-EEA;
-2.7% extra-EEA;
-4.7% total
-7.8% intra-EEA;
-5.2% extra-EEA;
-6.2% total
-9.1% intra-EEA;
-2.7% extra-EEA;
-5.1% total
NOx emissions (aviation)
-8.2% intra-EEA;
-4.7% total
-7.9% intra-EEA;
-6.2% total
-9.2% intra-EEA;
-5.0% total
Energy use (transport
-0.23% intra-EEA;
-0.48% total
-0.21% intra-EEA;
-0.73% total
-0.40% intra-EEA;
-0.64% total
emissions (transport
-0.44% intra-EEA;
-0.71% total
-0.31% intra-EEA;
-0.90% total
-0.52% intra-EEA;
-0.78% total
Social impacts number of persons employed
Employment, air transport
Employment, transport
Additional impacts
Fuel tankering
Ticket tax does not introduce risk of tankering
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Flat rate ticket tax at
€10.43 per ticket on
intra-EEA and extra-
EEA flights
Stepped rate ticket tax
(€10.12 per ticket on intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
up to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA flights
over 6,000km)
Inverse stepped rate
ticket tax (€25.30 per
ticket on flights less
than 350km, €10.12
per ticket on flights
over 350km)
Traffic diversion
Risk of up to 1.8% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
Risk of up to 0.9% of intra-
EEA demand switching to
extra-EEA destination by
Connectivity and
Overall, limited impact expected on connectivity, given the increase in
demand in baseline scenarios. However, reductions in profitability may
make some marginal routes less commercially viable. Some possible
impacts on the competitiveness of EEA carriers as they compete with non-
EEA carriers that are not impacted in the same way on the totality of their
route network.
Potential risk of significant levels of hub switching, if the ticket tax was
applied to all transit and transfer passengers. Therefore, ticket tax options
considered all exempt transit and transfer passengers where their origin
and destination are both outside the EEA. If the origin (or ultimate
destination) are within the EEA, the risk of hub switching could be reduced
by the design of the ticket tax (e.g. applying to the full ticketed journey, not
individual legs).
Legal aspects
Precedents exist for
this design of ticket tax.
No legal issues
Precedents exist for this
design of ticket tax. Final
design may need
refinement of tax rates and
distance boundaries to
ensure compliance with all
existing jurisprudence.
Precedents exist for
this design of ticket
tax. No legal issues
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Table 7-3: Comparison of sub-options for the combined tax policy option
0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, flat rate
ticket tax at €10.43 per
ticket on extra-EEA
0.33 per litre fuel tax on
fuel loaded for intra-EEA
flights, €25.30 per ticket
on extra-EEA flights up
to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA
flights over 6,000km
0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, €10.12 per
ticket on extra-EEA
flights over 350km
Economic impacts
Traditional scheduled
carrier passenger flights
-6.2% intra-EEA;
-1.2% extra-EEA
-6.2% intra-EEA;
-3.3% extra-EEA
-6.2% intra-EEA;
-1.5% extra-EEA
Low-cost carriers and
charter passenger flights
-13.0% intra-EEA;
-3.7% extra-EEA
-13.0% intra-EEA;
-9.4% extra-EEA
-13.0% intra-EEA;
-4.1% extra-EEA
Cargo flights
-7.3% intra-EEA;
-6.1% extra-EEA
-7.3% intra-EEA;
-6.1% extra-EEA
-7.3% intra-EEA;
-6.1% extra-EEA
Total flights
-9.1% intra-EEA;
-2.5% extra-EEA
-9.1% intra-EEA;
-6.0% extra-EEA
-9.1% intra-EEA;
-2.9% extra-EEA
Total aviation passenger
demand (p-km)
-9.2% intra-EEA;
-1.1% extra-EEA
-9.2% intra-EEA;
-3.1% extra-EEA
-9.2% intra-EEA;
-1.0% extra-EEA
Total rail passenger
demand (p-km)
(439.8 billion p-km)
Total rail + aviation
passenger demand (p-km)
(1078.9 billion p-km)
Revenues in aviation
-0.5% intra-EEA;
+0.5% extra-EEA;
-5.3% net revenue
-0.5% intra-EEA;
+0.6% extra-EEA;
-6.8% net revenue
-0.5% intra-EEA;
+0.5% extra-EEA;
-5.3% net revenue
Revenues from taxation
€7.43 billion intra-EEA;
€13.99 billion total
€7.43 billion intra-EEA;
€16.40 billion total
€7.43 billion intra-EEA;
€14.01 billion total
Direct taxes
Total tax revenues
Environmental impacts
Fuel use per RTK
-1.0% intra-EEA;
+0.3% total
-1.0% intra-EEA;
+0.1% total
-1.0% intra-EEA;
+0.2% total
emissions (aviation)
-9.9% intra-EEA;
-1.9% extra-EEA;
-4.9% total
-9.9% intra-EEA;
-3.6% extra-EEA;
-6.0% total
-9.9% intra-EEA;
-1.9% extra-EEA;
-4.9% total
NOx emissions (aviation)
-9.7% intra-EEA;
-4.7% total
-9.7% intra-EEA;
-5.7% total
-9.7% intra-EEA;
-4.7% total
Energy use (transport
-0.46% intra-EEA;
-0.79% total
emissions (transport
-0.59% intra-EEA;
-0.96% total
Social impacts number of persons employed
Air transport services
Total transport services
Additional impacts
Fuel tankering
Potential risk of indirect fuel tankering, with up to 7.8% fuel on intra-EEA
flights being tankered from extra-EEA airports
Traffic diversion
Risk of up to 1.6% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
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0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, flat rate
ticket tax at €10.43 per
ticket on extra-EEA
0.33 per litre fuel tax on
fuel loaded for intra-EEA
flights, €25.30 per ticket
on extra-EEA flights up
to 6,000km, €45.54 per
ticket on extra-EEA
flights over 6,000km
0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, €10.12 per
ticket on extra-EEA
flights over 350km
Connectivity and
Overall, limited impact expected on connectivity, given the increase in
demand in baseline scenarios. However, reductions in profitability may
make some marginal routes less commercially viable. Some possible
impacts on the competitiveness of EEA carriers as they compete with non-
EEA carriers that are not impacted in the same way on the totality of their
route network.
Potential risk of significant levels of hub switching, if the extra-EEA ticket
tax was applied to all transit and transfer passengers. Therefore, ticket tax
options considered all exempt transit and transfer passengers where their
origin and destination are both outside the EEA. If the origin (or ultimate
destination) are within the EEA, the risk of hub switching could be reduced
by the design of the ticket tax (e.g. applying to the full ticketed journey, not
individual legs).
Legal aspects
No legal issues identified for the implementation of a tax on fuel uploaded
for intra-EEA flights, though nearly all agreements with third countries will
need to be renegotiated to allow the tax to be applied to their carriers on
flights between the EU and the (non-EU) EEA countries (and there may be
challenges to do so with many countries).
Precedents exist for these designs of ticket tax on extra-EEA flights. Final
design may need refinement of tax rates and distance boundaries to
ensure compliance with all existing jurisprudence.
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Table 7-4: Comparison of main policy options
Policy option 1:
0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights
Policy option 2:
Stepped rate ticket tax
(€10.12 per ticket on
intra-EEA flights, €25.30
per ticket on extra-EEA
flights up to 6,000km,
€45.54 per ticket on
extra-EEA flights over
Policy option 3:
0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA
flights up to 6,000km,
€45.54 per ticket on
extra-EEA flights over
Economic impacts
Traditional scheduled
carrier passenger flights
-6.2% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-5.7% intra-EEA;
-5.1% extra-EEA
-6.2% intra-EEA;
-3.3% extra-EEA
Low-cost carriers and
charter passenger flights
-13.0% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-11.6% intra-EEA;
-13.8% extra-EEA
-13.0% intra-EEA;
-9.4% extra-EEA
Cargo flights
-7.3% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-6.6% intra-EEA;
-8.4% extra-EEA
-7.3% intra-EEA;
-6.1% extra-EEA
Total flights
-9.1% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-8.1% intra-EEA;
-8.9% extra-EEA
-9.1% intra-EEA;
-6.0% extra-EEA
Total aviation passenger
demand (p-km)
-9.2% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA
-8.3% intra-EEA;
-4.6% extra-EEA
-9.2% intra-EEA;
-3.1% extra-EEA
Total rail passenger
demand (p-km)
(428.2 billion p-km)
(428.9 billion p-km)
(439.8 billion p-km)
Total rail + aviation
passenger demand (p-km)
(1,078.8 billion p-km)
(1,085.8 billion p-km)
(1,078.9 billion p-km)
Revenues in aviation
-0.5% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA;
-3.2% total net revenue
-0.7% intra-EEA;
+0.8% extra-EEA;
-8.5% total net revenue
-0.5% intra-EEA;
+0.6% extra-EEA;
-6.8% net revenue
Revenues from taxation
€7.44 billion intra-EEA;
€10.36 billion total
€7.44 billion intra-EEA;
€19.14 billion total
€7.43 billion intra-EEA;
€16.40 billion total
Direct taxes
Total tax revenues
Environmental impacts
Fuel use per RTK
-1.0% intra-EEA
-0.5% total
+0.6% intra-EEA;
+0.9% total
-1.0% intra-EEA;
+0.1% total
emissions (aviation)
-9.9% intra-EEA;
0.0% extra-EEA;
-3.7% total
-7.8% intra-EEA;
-5.2% extra-EEA;
-6.2% total
-9.9% intra-EEA;
-3.6% extra-EEA;
-6.0% total
NOx emissions (aviation)
-9.7% intra-EEA
-3.3% total
-7.9% intra-EEA;
-6.2% total
-9.7% intra-EEA;
-5.7% total
Energy use (transport
-0.5% intra-EEA;
-0.45% total
-0.21% intra-EEA;
-0.73% total
-0.46% intra-EEA;
-0.79% total
emissions (transport
-0.63% intra-EEA;
-0.55% total
-0.31% intra-EEA;
-0.90% total
-0.59% intra-EEA;
-0.96% total
Social impacts number of persons employed
Air transport services
Total transport services
Additional impacts
Fuel tankering
Potential risk of indirect
tankering, with up to
7.8% fuel on intra-EEA
flights being tankered
from extra-EEA airports
Ticket tax does not
introduce risk of
Potential risk of indirect
tankering, with up to
7.8% fuel on intra-EEA
flights being tankered
from extra-EEA airports
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Policy option 1:
0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights
Policy option 2:
Stepped rate ticket tax
(€10.12 per ticket on
intra-EEA flights, €25.30
per ticket on extra-EEA
flights up to 6,000km,
€45.54 per ticket on
extra-EEA flights over
Policy option 3:
0.33 per litre fuel tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EEA flights, €25.30 per
ticket on extra-EEA
flights up to 6,000km,
€45.54 per ticket on
extra-EEA flights over
Traffic diversion
Risk of up to 2.3% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
Risk of up to 0.9% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
Risk of up to 1.6% of
intra-EEA demand
switching to extra-EEA
destination by 2050
Connectivity and
Overall, limited impact expected on connectivity, given the increase in
demand in baseline scenarios. However, reductions in profitability may
make some marginal routes less commercially viable. Some possible
impacts on the competitiveness of EEA passenger carriers as they
compete with non-EEA carriers that are not impacted in the same way on
the totality of their route network.
Impacts on passenger carriers are likely to be similar for all three policy
Potential impacts on competitiveness of EEA cargo carriers if all-cargo
flights are not exempt from fuel tax on intra-EEA flights (under policy
options 1 and 3), due to exemption of some countries from a fuel tax and
significant number of all-cargo intra-EEA flights performed by non-EEA
Legal aspects
No legal issues
identified for the
implementation of a tax
on fuel loaded for intra-
EU flights by EEA
carriers. Majority of
agreements (HAs and
CATAs) with third
countries also allow
their carriers to be
taxed on intra-EU
flights. Will need
updated agreements
with all but two third
countries to allow the
tax to be applied to fuel
loaded for flights by
their carriers between
the EU and (non-EU)
EEA countries.
Precedents exist for this
design of ticket tax. Final
design may need
refinement of tax rates
and distance boundaries
to ensure compliance
with all existing
No legal issues
identified for the
implementation of a tax
on fuel uploaded for
intra-EEA flights,
though all but two
agreements with third
countries may need to
be renegotiated to allow
the tax to be applied to
their carriers on flights
between the EU and
the (non-EU) EEA
countries (and there
may be challenges in
doing so with many
Precedents exist for this
design of ticket tax on
extra-EEA routes.
Final design may need
refinement of tax rates
and distance
boundaries to ensure
compliance with all
existing jurisprudence.
For the fuel tax options, the results can be summarised as:
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The fuel taxes analysed in this study have all been restricted to fuel supplied for intra-EEA
flights, due to potential challenges under the air transport agreements with third countries if a
tax was applied to fuel supplied for extra-EEA flights.
The tax options analysed all have impacts on CO
emissions in the long-term, with reductions
of between 6% and 15% for tax rates from €0.17 to €0.50 per litre.
Although the analysis shows that the fuel tax leads to a small improvement in aircraft fuel
efficiency, the large majority of the reduction in emissions is due to a reduction in demand due
to increased ticket prices. The €0.33 per litre tax option results in a 10% reduction in demand
by 2050, with a spread from 5% to 14% for the lower to higher tax rates.
The additional tax revenue from aviation under the €0.33 per litre rate is about €6.7 billion per
annum in 2050. The impacts on the economy from the reduction in aviation demand reduce
the rise in total tax from the transport sector to €5.4 billion per annum.
The impacts of the fuel tax and the consequent changes in demand reduce total GDP in the
EU27 by approximately €9 billion (about 0.05%) by 2050.
Fuel tankering is likely to increase under a fuel tax on intra-EEA flights; about 8% of intra-EEA
flights would be likely to exploit indirect tankering by loading more fuel than required on an
inbound flight from outside the EEA. Direct tankering would also be expected to increase
under a scenario in which a tax is applied to fuel loaded for flights from the EEA to the UK (or
Morocco), without a reciprocal tax on the return flight.
The impacts of the fuel tax (as percentage changes) are not significantly affected when
considering them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following
the COVID-19 pandemic).
A scenario in which there is a significantly higher uptake of sustainable aviation fuels (through
a blending mandate, as investigated by the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative) shows a small
additional reduction in demand under a €0.33 fuel tax (compared to the same fuel tax with the
baseline uptake of sustainable fuel). The reduction in CO
emissions (relative to the baseline)
in 2050 rises from 10% (for just the fuel tax) to 66% (for the blending mandate and fuel tax
combined), under the assumption that sustainable fuels cause zero net emissions. The
revenue from the fuel tax is reduced by 63% under such a scenario.
For the ticket tax options, the results can be summarised as:
Three types of ticket tax option have been analysed in this study:
o a flat rate option, with a single tax rate applied to all flights
o a stepped rate option, with a higher tax rates applied to longer flights (over 6,000 km)
o an inverse stepped rate, with a higher rate applied to short flights (below 350 km)
The taxes are assumed to apply both to intra-EEA and extra-EEA flights
The flat rate ticket tax option leads to reductions in demand of about 9% on intra-EEA flights
and about 1.5% on extra-EEA flights.
The stepped rate tax option has a slightly lower impact on intra-EEA demand, but a
significantly greater impact on extra-EEA demand (about 4.5% reduction in demand),
compared to the flat rate option
The inverse stepped rate tax option has a slightly higher impact on intra-EEA demand, and a
very similar impact on extra-EEA demand, compared to the flat rate option
The ticket tax options lead to reductions in CO
emissions of between 8% and 10% on intra-
EEA flights and between 3% and 5.5% on extra-EEA flights
Under the flat rate ticket tax (with no multiplier for premium seats), the total tax revenue is
about €6.7 billion in 2025, rising to €9.9 billion in 2050, representing increases of €4.1 billion
to €6.2 billion above the baseline values
Under the stepped and inverse stepped tax options, the increase over the baseline in 2050
reduces to €6.0 billion and increases to €7.0 billion, respectively.
Additional tankering is unlikely under the ticket tax options.
Significant levels of hub switching might occur if the ticket tax was applied to all transit and
transfer passengers. Therefore, the ticket tax options considered all exempt transit and
transfer passengers where their origin and destination are both outside the EEA.
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The application of tax multipliers of 3.0 and 7.5 for premium seats has only a small effect on
the demand impacts of the tax options. They have a more significant effect on the tax
revenue, increasing revenue to about €13 billion in 2050 under the flat rate tax with a 7.5
premium multiplier.
The impacts of the fuel tax (as percentage changes) are not affected when considering them
against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-19
For the combined tax options, the results can be summarised as:
The combined tax options considered in this study have all included a tax on the fuel supplied
for intra-EEA flights and a ticket tax on extra-EEA flights. The cases considered have
combined a €0.33 per litre fuel tax on intra0-EEA flights and a ticket tax on extra EEA flights
of either:
o a flat rate of €10.43 per ticket on all flights; or
o a stepped rate of €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 6,000km and
€45.54 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 6,000km; or
o an inverse stepped rate of €25.30 per ticket for extra-EEA flights less than 350km and
€10.12 per ticket for extra-EEA flights over 350km.
The tax options analysed all have significant impacts on CO
emissions in the long-term, with
reductions of about 10% on intra-EEA flights and up to almost 5% on extra-EEA flights. The
option with the stepped ticket tax on extra-EEA flights has a greater impact than the other two
combined tax options considered.
The impacts on demand are very similar to those on emissions, with slightly lower magnitudes
of change (up to 9.7% on intra-EEA flights and 4.0% on extra-EEA flights).
The additional tax revenue from aviation under the combined tax options is from €14 billion to
€16 billion per annum by 2050. The impacts on the economy from the reduction in aviation
demand reduce the rise in total tax from the transport sector to about €12 billion per annum.
The impacts of the combined tax and the consequent changes in demand reduce total GDP in
the EU27 by approximately €12 billion by 2050.
Fuel tankering is likely to increase under the fuel tax on intra-EEA flights element of the
combined tax; about 8% of intra-EEA flights would be likely to exploit indirect tankering by
loading more fuel than required on an inbound flight from outside the EEA.
Significant levels of hub switching might occur if the ticket tax element of the combines tax
was applied to all transit and transfer passengers. Therefore, the ticket tax options considered
all exempt transit and transfer passengers where their origin and destination are both outside
the EEA.
The impacts of the combined tax (as percentage changes) are unaffected when considering
them against a lower baseline demand (representing a slower recovery following the COVID-
19 pandemic).
A scenario in which the fuel tax is applied to fuel supplied for flights from the EEA to Morocco
and the UK (as allowed for by the aviation agreements with those countries) has an almost
negligible impact on demand, fuel consumption or revenue compared to the case in which
they are subject to the ticket tax element of the combined tax. Direct fuel tankering is likely to
increase under this scenario, unless a reciprocal tax is also applied to the fuel loaded for the
return flight.
8 Peripheral and island regions case study
To complement the main analysis under this study, a case study has been performed on the potential
impacts of peripheral and island regions. Due to their lower connectivity to mainland Europe through
other modes, and (often) their higher dependence on tourism for their income, the economies of such
regions are usually more dependent on aviation and, hence, they may be subject to greater impacts
of measures that increase costs for flying.
The case study analysis has focused on the areas of the analysis where negative impacts were
expected to be felt the most, namely: impacts on GDP, tourism activity, connectivity and cargo cost.
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8.1 Rationale for selecting areas for the case study
The main unit of analysis of the case study is the selected peripheral- and island regions, for which
the evaluation team assessed how aviation taxation could impact the employment in sectors such as
aviation, transport and tourism, and related socio-economic aspects for example a decrease in
average income driven by a displacement of regular tourist volume to other regions where air
transport tax is not applicable.
The study team have sought to select regions that are expected to be the most impacted by an
aviation sector taxation, while also ensuring a good coverage of possible impacts, through the
selection of a diverse sample from a geographical, connectivity and economic point of view. To that
end, four typologies of regions were devised as depicted in Table 8-1. This table also provides the
rationale for selecting the specific regions within each of these typologies.
Table 8-1: Selected case study areas
Region Typology
Rationale for selection
A. An outermost region
with high tourism
dependency which would be highly
impacted by loss of tourism coming from the
Across all outermost regions, the Canary Islands
are the one whose economy is arguably the most
dependent on tourism
and, given its proximity to
the EU mainland, it is likely to be the most
vulnerable to a decline in tourism levels.
Other regions that might benefit from the
learnings of the Canary Islands case study
include: Azores (PT), Madeira (PT) and, to a lesser
, French Guyana (France), Guadeloupe
(France), Martinique (France), Mayotte (France),
Reunion Island (France) and Saint-Martin (France)
B. An island region within a mainland
Member State, which does not have special
status in EU treaties, and which therefore
could be more impacted if outermost
regions became exempt from a tax, but not
them; on the other hand, these regions
might see an increase in domestic tourism if
higher taxes discourage citizens from flying
Crete has been selected as it is a lower-income
region among other islands as part of a mainland
Member State and it is highly dependent on
tourism. It is also covered within the SOCLIMPACT
model enabling quantitative analyses of impacts.
Other regions that might benefit from the
learnings of this case include: Corsica (France),
Ionian Islands (Greece), Sicily, Sardinia (Italy),
Balearic Islands (Spain).
C. An island Member State with high
tourism dependency and which does not
have special status in EU treaties (hence it
could be more impacted if outermost
regions became exempt from a flight tax,
but not them).
Malta has been selected given its high dependency
on tourism (15% of the country's GDP is dependent
on tourism)
and given its geographical set up,
being further away from Europe mainland and
consequently less accessible by means other than
Cyprus will potentially benefit from the learnings
from this case study.
Outermost regions have a structural social and economic situation which is compounded by their
remoteness, insularity, small size, difficult topography and climate, economic dependence on a few products.
These regions have special status in EU treaties (e.g. they are not part of the EU Emission Trading Scheme).
The Canary Islands has the highest number of accommodation nights among the outermost regions
(approximately 10 million in 2018). See:
Given these regions are at a higher distance from EU mainland, they are presumably less dependent on
EU tourism and hence, the Canary Islands case-study might only represent an extreme case of the possible
effects in these regions.
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Region Typology
Rationale for selection
D. An island Member State with lower
tourism dependency, but which might be
impacted by lower connectivity
Although its tourism dependency is low, Ireland will
likely be amongst the most impacted across
Europe’s northern Member States, given its insular
conditions. Ireland is also an interesting case to
study, given its unique condition of having close
economic relations and bordering a third country
(Northern Ireland, UK), which creates a potential for
leakage. For example, while the flight tax might
affect the cost of consumable goods in this Member
State, this effect could be counterweighted by the
Member State’s ability to import goods from the UK
which will not have been subject to a flight tax.
Other regions which might benefit from the
learnings from this case study include insular
regions within the Nordic Member States
(Denmark, Finland and Sweden).
8.2 Approach to case study
The direct negative impacts of an aviation tax on those regions mainly relate to reduction in tourism
activities and increased isolation. Indirectly, it may also include reduced levels of economic activity
leading to negative impacts on employment, wages and investments. The case study used quantitative
and qualitative research to:
- Map these and other possible negative impacts.
- Map key stakeholder groups affected.
- Assess the level of impacts.
- Assess options for mitigating such impacts.
An initial rapid evidence review was conducted to determine the key areas of possible impacts and key
stakeholders affected, and to collect secondary quantitative and qualitative data on the level or intensity
of impacts expected in each area.
The quantitative assessment of impacts followed, based on demand (e.g. passengers or passenger-
km) and supply (e.g. direct connections) indicators from the AERO-MS model for airports in those
regions. These indicators were used to inform potential wider economic impacts (e.g. losses in the
touristic sector) in these regions resulting from a reduction in air travel demand and supply.
The quantification of wider economic impacts on those regions was completed by applying the
macroeconomic model (GINFORS-E) for regions covered by the SOCLIMPACT project
. This
provides insights into the air taxation impacts over production, value added, final demand, prices, and
employment as well as the cost structure of each industry (input-output relations). Results are provided
at sector level
Table 8-2 provides an outline of how the case study investigated the socioeconomic impacts on
peripheral- and island-regions.
Includes Azores, Canary Islands, Madeira (outermost regions), but also other island regions: Baleares,
Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Crete, and Cyprus.
Sectors are broken down into: Agriculture, Fishery and Aquaculture, Manufacturing, Energy utilities, Water
utilities, Water transport, Construction, Other transport, Accommodation and Food services, Travel Agencies
and Tour operators, Recreational services, Other market services and Non-market services.
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Table 8-2: Questions to be analysed in case study
Research question
What are the possible
negative socio-
economic impacts of
an aviation tax over
the target regions?
Direct: reduction in demand in
hospitality, transport, recreational and
consumable goods sectors
Indirect: reduction in demand in
sectors servicing the hospitality sector:
agriculture, fishery, manufacturing,
Reduced opportunities for local
population (increased sense of
Qualitative assessment
based on rapid evidence
Modelling of demand
and supply changes on
regional airport from
modelling at regional
level from GINFORS-E
Who are the
stakeholders impacted
by an aviation tax in
the target case study
Small and large hotel chains
Travel agencies and tour operators
Bed-and-breakfast owners
Restaurants, bars and cafes
Non-aviation transport businesses and
autonomous workers
Population living close to the airport
Airport and airport shop workers
Qualitative assessment
based on rapid evidence
What are the options
for mitigating negative
Tax revenue recycling towards
affected regions
Exemptions for regions
Qualitative assessment
based on rapid evidence
8.3 Summary of case study analysis
The impact assessment at regional level, applying a case-study approach, has shown that a flight
carbon tax could potentially have a significant impact in local economies of peripheral regions.
Total number of tourists across the regions is estimated to fall by up to 15% by 2050 in the most
affected region (Crete), generating losses from 600m to 5.2 billion across the economies analysed.
As a reference, this corresponds to about 10% of the regions’ GDP as of 2018 (though their GDP is
modelled to have grown by 2050). Using GINFORS’ GDP projections for Malta and Ireland’s GDP,
and the estimated projections for the Canaries and Crete,
the decrease in tourism expenditure
would lead to a decrease of up to 9% in the GDPs of Canaries and Crete, and of up to 2.6% in Malta
and 0.14% in Ireland. Such decrease would be partially countered by the increased tax revenues from
the carbon tax. However, these regions would still see an impact in their overall GDP.
As shown in the case studies for the Canaries, Malta and Crete, regions whose economies are highly
dependent on tourism could see a decrease in their annual GDP of between 0.02% and 0.22% by
2050, owing to the introduction of a flight carbon tax. In absolute terms, this would be driven directly
by the reduced activity in air transport and in tourism activity and indirectly through effects in other
sectors dependent on tourism.
The scenarios with the highest negative impacts in terms of economic activity (GDP and tourism
activity) are the ticket-tax scenarios. The negative impact of the inverse stepped ticket tax option,
which charges more on shorter-haul flights, leads to higher impacts in the Canaries and Crete, while
The GDP impacts in this report were modelled at the national, rather than at the regional level. To estimate
the GDP impact at the regional level for Canaries and Crete, it was assumed that these regions’ contributions
to their national GDPs would remain constant at historical levels throughout the periods of analysis. Using
Eurostat data, this was estimated that Canaries would account 3.8% of the national Spanish GDP, while Crete
would account for 4.9% of the Greek GDP.
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the stepped ticket tax option (where the higher rates are charged on extra-EEA flights - typically
longer-haul), is most critical to Ireland and Malta - which may be linked to the relatively high
dependency of these regions on UK visitors.
While the negative impacts of fuel tax scenarios are lower than those of the ticket tax scenarios, the
short-term impact of the fuel tax scenario without a transition period could be noticeable in the tourism
sector, as it is projected to lead to a fall of up to 10.6% tourist numbers by 2025 in the Canaries, 8.7%
in Crete, 7.2% in Malta and 6.9% in Ireland.
It should, however, be noted that the impacts on tourism activity as estimated through the modelling in
this report does not account for effects that may contribute to a more nuanced impact on GDP, as
these were considered outside the remit of this report. The decrease in tourism expenditure is based
on the modelled decrease in tourist visitors and on the average tourism expenditure -hence assuming
a linear change in expenditure. However, it can be expected that the introduction of a carbon tax is
most likely to affect (that is, lead to the cancellation of) short-stay tourism visits, which tend to have a
smaller contribution to overall tourism expenditure
. Secondly the flight taxes are most likely to affect
price-sensitive visitors, which similarly, tend to have a lower overall contribution to overall tourism
Table 8-3: Summary of flight tax impact on GDP (lowest and highest impact across six scenarios
% GDP decrease by 2050
Total GDP decrease by 2050 (€
0.02% [0.33/litre
fuel tax]
0.04% [stepped
rate ticket tax]
1.15 [0.33/litre
fuel tax]
2.30 [stepped rate
ticket tax]
0.08% [0.33/litre
fuel tax]
0.22% [stepped
rate ticket tax]
0.82 [flat rate
ticket tax]
2.25 [stepped rate
ticket tax]
0.10% [0.33/litre
fuel tax ]
0.20% [stepped
rate ticket tax]
2.28 [0.33/litre
fuel tax]
4.56 [stepped rate
ticket tax]
0.03% [0.33/litre
fuel tax ]
0.06% [stepped
rate ticket tax]
17.52 [0.33/litre
fuel tax]
35.04 [stepped
rate ticket tax]
Table 8-4: Summary of flight tax impact on tourism expenditure (lowest and highest impact across six
scenarios assessed)
% Decrease in number of tourists
decrease by 2050
Total decrease in tourism
expenditure by 2050 (€ million)
[0.33/litre fuel
13.97% [inverse
stepped rate
ticket tax]
[0.33/litre fuel
tax ]
5,202.66 [inverse
stepped rate
ticket tax]
Note, however, that short-stay visitors may spend more per day than long-stay visitors (see García
Sánchez, 2013,, and hence, depending on the overall share of
tourism composed by short-stay visits, this category could potentially have a significant contribution.
Scenarios analysed encompassed two fuel-tax options (with and without a 10-year transition), three ticket-
tax options (flat rate, stepped rate and inverse stepped rate) and one combined fuel and ticket tax scenario
(based on the €0.33/litre fuel tax on intra-EEA flights and the flat rate ticket tax on extra-EEA flights)
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% Decrease in number of tourists
decrease by 2050
Total decrease in tourism
expenditure by 2050 (€ million)
[0.33/litre fuel
15.30% [inverse
stepped rate
ticket tax]
[0.33/litre fuel
tax ]
891.08 [inverse
stepped rate
ticket tax]
[0.33/litre fuel
10.00% [stepped
rate ticket tax]
[0.33/litre fuel
tax ]
598.33 [stepped
rate ticket tax]
5.0% [0.33/litre
fuel tax]
13.3% [stepped
rate ticket tax]
299 [0.33/litre
fuel tax ]
790 [stepped
rate ticket tax]
A carbon flight tax is also expected to affect the peripheral regions through increased cost of goods
imported by air, pending the extent to which the tax is passed on to the end-consumer. Here again the
ticket tax options are the ones that affect costs the most, with the increase in the cost of cargo per
tonne ranging from 11%-16% by 2050.
Table 8-5: Summary of impact on cargo cost (lowest and highest impact across six scenarios
% increase in cargo cost by 2050
Lower-bound [corresponding
Upper-bound [corresponding
2.32% [0.33/litre fuel tax ]
15.87% [ticket taxes]
0.8% [0.33/litre fuel tax ]
14.9% [ticket taxes]
3.30% [0.33/litre fuel tax ]
11.06% [ticket taxes]
2.4% [0.33/litre fuel tax ]
14.0% [ticket taxes]
Finally, the case studies also explored impacts of different scenarios over connectivity with main land,
using ticket price to estimate the impacts on the population mobility towards outside the peripheral
region. While the impact seems the lowest across the parameter analysed in the case studies
(varying from 2%-6% increase in the price per pax-km) the flight price increase is more than double
than the average increase across EEA29, where the price increase is expected to vary between 0.5%
and 3.2%.
Table 8-6: Summary of impact on connectivity (lowest and highest impact across six scenarios
% increase in ticket cost by 2050 (price per pax-km for
traditional carriers)
Lower-bound [corresponding
Upper-bound [corresponding
5.54% [stepped rate ticket tax]
6.18% [0.33/litre fuel tax]
1.82% [0.33/litre fuel tax]
5.80% [inverse stepped rate
ticket tax]
Results for increased cargo price are the same across the three ticket tax scenarios because the cargo tax
assumed is exactly the same across the three ticket tax scenarios (€0.10 per tonne-km).
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% increase in ticket cost by 2050 (price per pax-km for
traditional carriers)
Lower-bound [corresponding
Upper-bound [corresponding
4.40% [stepped rate ticket tax]
5.92% [0.33/litre fuel tax ,
combined tax]
4.92% [stepped rate ticket tax]
5.96% [0.33/litre fuel tax]
8.4 Canary Islands
8.4.1 Profile
The Canary Islands are composed by seven islands located nearby the south coast of Morocco. The
territory has an extension of 7,447 km2 and is inhabited by 2,154,978 people (2017), accounting for
4.7% of the total population in Spain
. Besides already being one of the regions with the highest
density of population, it is also among those that have been experiencing demographic growth over
the past few years.
Important factors such as its insularity, the distance from the European continent and the lack of raw
materials constitute important disadvantages for the development of the Canary Islands’ economy. In
order to compensate for these drawbacks, the Canary Islands enjoy a special economic and fiscal
regime, which contains particular regulations about the VAT or its free zone characteristics, among
other specific normative. One of these compensations is a discount on the price of air tickets to
residents in the Canary Islands on flights between islands and with the peninsula. This compensation
is explained in section
In 2018, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the Canary Islands was 45,720 million, making it the
ninth Spanish economy. The GDP in purchasing power standard (PPS) per inhabitant was 22,800 in
2018, staying below the national and EU average, 28,100 and 31,000, respectively. The economy of
Canary Islands relies in the service sector (responsible for 86% of the regional GVA), especially in
those activities related to tourism
In 2019, the unemployment rate in Canary Islands was 20.5%, which is above the national and EU
averages of 14.1% and 6.3%, respectively
. The Canary business network consists largely of
freelancers and SMEs.
This section presents quantitative data extracted from Eurostat, and complements that data with
national statistics on tourism and international cargo dependency on air transport.
Table 8-7: Canary Islands and Spain profiles: demographics, economy and environment
% change
(10 y. avg)
GDP - total
million Euros,
current prices
Employment - total
Employment - tourism
Employment - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Source: Eurostat 2020.
All figures in the paragraph are based on Eurostat 2020 data.
All figures in the paragraph are based on Eurostat 2020 data.
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% change
(10 y. avg)
Wages (compensation of
employees) - total
million Euros,
current prices
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
million Euros,
current prices
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Active businesses - total
Active businesses - tourism
Active businesses - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Environment (all values are at national level)
Final energy consumption - total
Final energy consumption -
International maritime bunkers
Final energy consumption -
International aviation
Final consumption - transport
sector - road - energy use
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic aviation - energy
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic navigation -
energy use
GHG emissions - total
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - road transport
ktonnes CO2e
GHG emissions - maritime
transport (domestic)
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport (intl,
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - maritime transport (intl, memo)
Source: Eurostat, multiple datasets Economic projections in the baseline scenario
The economy in the Canary Islands has been severely affected by COVID-19. Its GDP has decreased
by 20.1% in 2020, much higher than the national average (-11%)
. Funcas (2020) foresees that
GDP in the region will grow by 9.9% in 2021
. At the national level, the IMF expects a gradual
recovery of the GDP and unemployment in Spain from 2021 onwards, with the rate of unemployment
reaching the levels of 2019 in 2025.
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Figure 8-1: GDP and unemployment projection in Spain
Source: IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2020
Our baseline scenario (GINFORS-E) forecasts that GDP in Spain will be 1,350 billion in 2030, and
1,512 billion in 2050 (in constant prices, base 2015). Connectivity
Each of the seven Canary Islands has an airport, with the largest being located on Gran Canaria,
Lanzarote, and Tenerife (which has two airports). The largest single airport is Gran Canaria, coming
first in the Canary Islands in terms of passengers, operations, and cargo transported. However, when
combined, the two Tenerife airports have higher passenger numbers. The four airports serve
international, national (into and out of mainland Spain) and inter-island destinations, enabling access
to smaller islands for travellers and cargo.
Table 8-8. Number of departure flights from the Canary Islands, 2016
Number of
El Hierro Airport
Valverde, El Hierro
Fuerteventura Airport
El Matorral,
Gran Canaria Airport
Telde, Gran Canaria
La Gomera Airport
Playa Santiago, La
La Palma Airport
Breña Baja and Villa de
Mazo, La Palma
Lanzarote Airport
Las Palmas, Lanzarote
Tenerife North Airport
San Cristóbal de La
Laguna, Tenerife
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Number of
Tenerife South Airport
Grandilla de Abona,
Source: AERO-MS
The Canary Islands are also connected to Spain and parts of Portugal (primarily Madeira) by ferry.
Cadiz, southern Spain’s main port on the Atlantic, has routes to Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Tenerife,
and La Palma islands. Huelva Ferry Port also operates routes to Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and
Lanzarote. However, crossing take place only once weekly, and the travel times ranges from 25 to 64
hours. From these main islands, smaller ferry-hopping routes are available for remaining islands,
which can take anywhere from 25 minutes to 2 hours.
Table 8-9. Maritime connections with the Canary Islands
Route Name
No. of crossings per week
Average time per crossing
Cadiz - Gran Canaria
35 hours
Cadiz - Lanzarote
27 hours
Cadiz - Tenerife
42 hours
Cadiz - La Palma
54 hours
Huelva - Tenerife
38 hours
Huelva - Gran Canaria
33 hours
Huelva - Lanzarote
28 hours
Source: (accessed on 25 June 2021 for maritime connections operating in July 2021) Projection of flights in the baseline scenario
Flights departing from Canarias represent 19% of all flights departing from Spanish airports (as per
AERO-MS). In the baseline, the number of flights departing from Canarias will increase up to 294,000
flights per year in 2050, most of them (80%) being intra-EEA flights.
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Figure 8-2. Projection of number of flights departing from Canarias in the baseline scenario
Source: AERO-MS
8.4.2 Analysis of impacts Mapping of impacts
The introduction of a carbon flight tax could impact the economy in the Canaries by increasing the
cost of travel and the movement of cargo. The region is highly dependent on tourism, and therefore
small variations in number of tourists visiting the Canary Islands may have a strong negative impact in
its economy. Given their insularity and remoteness, nearly all tourists visiting the Canary Islands
arrive by plane.
A higher ticket tax may also decrease its population’s capacity to travel to mainland Spain or other
parts of Europe, hence increasing their isolation. In Spain, there are different forms of support for the
connectivity of extra-peninsular territories. One of the most important is the partial discount on the
prices paid by residents in the Canary and Baleares islands for travel between the islands and with
the Peninsula. Residents only have to pay part of the ticket, and the rest is subsidised by the
Government. The subsidy was traditionally 50%, but it increased to 75% for routes between islands in
July 2017, and for links with the rest of the national territory in July 2018. It is unclear how the aviation
tax would be applied in the Canary Islands. If the government subsidises the tax, then the effective
tax paid by residents in the Canary Islands would be 25%, hence reducing potential impacts on
insularity, but reducing also tax revenues. If, on the other hand, residents in the islands assume 100%
of the cost, then the tax would effectively represent a higher percentage of the price that they
currently pay (four times higher). Effect of an aviation tax on GDP
According to IATA, air transport supports 1.7 million jobs and contributes 102.4 billion EUR to the
Spanish economy, equivalent to 9.2% of its GDP
. Air transport generates direct impacts on
employment and activity within the air transport industry including airline and airport operations,
aircraft maintenance, air traffic control and regulation, and activities directly serving air passengers,
such as check-in, baggage-handling, on-site retail and catering facilities. They also include activities
Source: IATA. Spain Air Transport Regulatory Competitiveness Indicators, available at:
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of the aerospace manufacturers selling aircraft and components to airlines and related businesses.
The latter, although relevant for mainland Spain, is less relevant for Canarias.
The spill over effects of the air transport in the economy are multiple, but the most relevant for
Canarias is its effect on tourism (explained in section
Through GINFORS-E model, the study team has calculated the effects on GDP at the national and
EEA level for the main policy options. Table 8-10 shows the impacts for Spain’s GDP of each policy
option. The effects are compared to changes in revenue tonne km (RTK), which is the product of total
tonnes of cargo and passengers transported in a year and the total kms of flight travel that served for
this transport.
Table 8-10. Impact of policy options on GDP in Canaries
Taxation option
Baseline (billion tonne-
km / billion EUR)
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per
litre for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per
litre for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12; Extra
EEA: €25.30/€45.54 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30; >=350
km: €10.12 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43 +
Cargo €0.10
Overall, the impact on GDP in Spain (at the national level) is lower than the average in EU across all
the scenarios. A decrease in the demand for flights is normally compensated with an increase of
demand for other means of transport, which in turn compensates the decrease in GDP from the
aviation sector. However, given the Canary Islands’ insularity and remoteness (travelling by ferry from
the peninsula takes at least 3 days), it is likely that the impact on GDP in the islands will be more
acute than in the peninsula.
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The policy option that would most negatively affect GDP in Spain is the stepped rate ticket tax, and
the one with the least negative impact is the 0.33/litre fuel tax with a 10 year transition period. Effect of aviation taxation on tourism industry
On average, the expenditure per person visiting Canarias was 1,272 in 2020
. The flights departing
from the Canary Islands represent 19% of flights departing from Spanish airports. Assuming a similar
proportion for number of passengers, it can be estimated that, in the baseline, there will be 31 million
passengers departing from the Canary Islands in 2025, 35 million in 2030, and 44 million in 2050.
Some passengers will be residents in Canarias travelling out, and some passengers will be visitors. In
2016, the number of tourists visiting Canarias was 14.98 million, which represents 67% of total
passengers. With all these figures, it is possible to estimate the number of visitors to the Canary
Islands per scenario.
In Table 8-11, we have assumed that each tourist spends 1,272 during their stay in the Canaries.
Expenditure is calculated in constant prices (base year: 2020).
Table 8-11. Impact of policy options on tourism
Number of
Number of
Number of
Baseline (million
pax / million EUR)
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre for
Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre for
Intra EEA
Ticket tax for EEA
€10.43 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 /
Cargo: €0.10 per
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12
/ Cargo: €0.10 per
Intra EEA: FT
€0.33 / Extra EEA:
TT €10.43 +
Cargo €0.10
Source: Number of visitors is estimated using AERO-MS.
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadistica (
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An aviation tax would severely affect the tourism sector in Canarias, with a direct impact in the
reduction of the number of visitors to the islands of between 2.56% (combined tax with stepped ticket
tax on extra-EEA flights) and 14.92% (inverse stepped ticket tax) in the short term (in 2025), and
between 7.10% (0.33/litre fuel tax) and 13.97% (inverse stepped ticket tax) in 2050. The decrease in
tourism would be reflected in foregone revenue from tourism of between 2.6 billion and 5.2 billion
per year in the long term (2050).
In addition to the direct effects on existing routes, the aviation tax might also impact negatively on the
emergence of new transport routes. Since 2013, Spain has put in an aid scheme for the Canary
Islands to open up new routes between airports in the Canary Islands and other airports located both
within the EU and in third countries. This is known as the Flight Development Program in the Territory
of the Outermost Region of the Canary Islands, registered as State aid cases SA.37121 and
. The scheme targets new tourism markets outside the EU with the aim of achieving
greater geographical diversification of the sector, create employment, and improve its connectivity.
The scheme provides periodic calls for proposals from airlines interested in opening new routes.
Airlines whose proposals are selected receive a subsidy, which is intended to pay up to 50% of the
cost of the airport fees incurred to operate the new route for up to three years. The scheme, which
falls within the State aid rules, is authorised to operate until 2021. Effect of an aviation tax on the goods traded with aviation as means of transport
The volume of freight moved out, in, or within the Canary Islands by maritime transport was around 40
million tonnes between 2017 and 2019, with a slight decrease in 2020 to 37 million tonnes, probably
due to the effects of the pandemic
Freight moved by aircraft was low, compared to maritime traffic: around 43 million kg per year
between 2016 and 2019
. Freight transport in Canarias represents, approximately, 5% of total
freight moved by air transport in Spain
. Table 8-12 presents the price per freight tonne km in Spain
under each policy option.
Table 8-12. Price per freight tonne km in Spain (constant prices, base 2019)
Taxation option
Baseline (EUR)
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per litre
for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per litre
for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for EEA departures:
€10.43 / Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
The decision from the Commission can be accessed here:
The scheme SA. 37121 had a duration of four years (2013 to 2017) and it was extended to December 2021 in
Source: Instituto Canario de Estadística (ISTAC), Tráfico marítimo de mercancías de Puertos del Estado
por puertos de Canarias y periodos.
Source: Instituto Canario de Estadística (ISTAC), Tráfico aéreo comercial de mercancías según clases de
tráfico y servicios por aeropuertos por islas de Canarias y periodos.
Source: Observatorio del Transporte y la Logística en España
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Taxation option
Intra EEA: €10.12; Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 / Cargo: €0.10
per t-km
<350km: €25.30; >=350 km:
€10.12 / Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 / Extra
EEA: TT €10.43 + Cargo €0.10
Source: AERO-MS
Overall, the impact on cost of freight transport is higher in Spain than in the average EU27 across all
scenarios. The policy options that include a tax on cargo increase prices considerably more than the
fuel tax options. Effects on connectivity
A proxy to assess the effects of isolation can be the variations in ticket price expected with the
different policy options. Most flights departing from the Canary Islands have a destination in the EEA,
therefore this will be the metric that we will use.
Table 8-13 presents the variations in price, on average, of an outbound ticket from Tenerife to Madrid,
in constant prices of 2019.
Table 8-13: Impacts of tax options on ticket price for a flight from Tenerife to Madrid
Taxation option
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Baseline (million
pax / million
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre
for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre
for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for
€10.43 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
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Taxation option
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Intra EEA:
€10.12; Extra
€25.30/€45.54 /
Cargo: €0.10
per t-km
€25.30; >=350
km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10
per t-km
Intra EEA: FT
€0.33 / Extra
EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10
The policy option with the highest impact on ticket prices is the €0.33 per litre fuel tax without
transition period, whereas the same fuel tax, but with a 10-year transition period, and the combined
tax based on the flat rate ticket tax are the options with the lowest increase in ticket prices in the short
term. In the long term, the stepped rate ticket tax appears to have the least impact on ticket prices.
The real effect on insularity depends on whether the tax is subsidised by the government or not. If
residents in the Canary Islands had to pay for the tax entirely (the most likely scenario), then the
effective increase in their cost to their flight tickets would be four times higher. For example, in FT01,
the ticket price would increase by 36% in 2025, 33% in 2030, and 24% in 2050.
According to CNMC (2020), circa 40% of the passengers flying between Canarias and mainland
Spain in 2018 were residents in Canarias, and this percentage increases to almost 90% in flights
between islands. Therefore, it can be concluded that the aviation tax would have a very significant
negative effect on insularity for residents in Canarias. Conclusion
In the Canary Islands, the fuel taxation options, and in particular that with the 10-year transition
period, appear to be the ones with the least negative effects on GDP, tourism, and the cost of
transport. Overall, considering the socioeconomic impacts described in this case study, the 0.33/litre
fuel tax with the 10-year transition period is the preferred option, followed by the option that combines
a fuel tax and a flat rate ticket tax. The fuel tax displays the best results in the short term across all
impacts due to the 10-year transition period applied in this option.
Out of the four impacts analysed, tourism and isolation are the most important impacts for Canarias.
All the options, including the fuel tax, would have a considerable negative impact in isolation. The tax
may also be controversial, given that a subsidy currently exists. An exemption may need to be
considered for residents in the islands to avoid isolation, of for routes connecting islands to assure
Impacts on tourism are also very significant and would affect the region’s GDP (a limitation of our
analysis is that GDP impacts are only available at the national level). The ticket tax options are the
most detrimental for tourism in Canarias.
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The ticket tax options are also the most detrimental for freight transport, since they also incorporate a
cargo tax. However, most cargo arrives and leaves the Canary Islands by maritime transport.
8.5 Crete
8.5.1 Profile
The region of Crete is formed by Crete and a number of islands and islets that surround it. With a total
area of 8,336 km
and a population of 634,930 inhabitants (2019) (Eurostat, 2020), it is an important
tourism and services hub and, despite being an island, is one of the most important agricultural
regions in Greece.
It has a GDP of 9 billion, representing 4% of Greece GDP (Trading Economics, 2018). In past years,
the region has experienced a period of economic turbulence, with its GDP having steadily decreased
from 2008 until 2013, then becoming stable until 2016, when it started to grow again (2017 saw a
4.1% increase in GDP, and ranking as the region with the 6
highest GDP in Greece in 2020)
In 2019, the region employed 6.5% (252.9 thousand) of the country's workforce: 70.6% in the tertiary
sector, 12.9% in the secondary sector and 16% in the primary sector. According to Eurostat (2020),
the services sector dominates the regional economy and accounts for 79.3% of the regional Gross
value added (GVA), which totalled €8,170 in 2018, while the secondary sector share was 13.5% and
the primary sector 7.3%.
Tourism is a significant part of Crete’s economy, accounting for 22% of GVA
and estimated to
generate 40% of the employment and a similar proportion of total wages paid in the region
. It has
been the most dynamic sector in recent years, with an increase in arrivals driving investment in hotels
and other infrastructure.
Tourism activity in Crete is estimated to be significantly driven by
European tourists. Official data shows that, in 2018, 90% of arrivals at tourism accommodations in
Crete were from foreign nationals
, while the SOCLIMPACT study recently estimated that one-third
tourists visiting Crete in were either from Germany (28.7%) or France (11.8%). One in 10 were from
the UK
. These estimates are in line with modelled data on flight departures (which provide a proxy
for arrivals), which indicate that, in 2016, 50% of flights departed from Crete airports were to airports
in the EEA region
Dependency on air transport is low-to-average in Greece compared to other EU countries
. 69% of
all travel traffic to Greece in 2019 took place by air, mostly through charter flights
. In 2017, 11% of
its transport energy demand was from international aviation fuel, 24% was international maritime and
56% was road transport, while in the rest of the EU these values were 13.6%, 10% and 72%
. However, given that this data pertains to Greece as a whole, which has land borders
with other EU member states, it is likely that Crete’s reliance on air and sea transport for freight is
significantly higher than it is on a national level.
Greece also experienced significant levels of emigration in recent years. The country saw a sharp
increase in emigration in 2011 and 2012, following the crisis, before falling back slightly in 2014 and
SOCLIMPACT, 2020. Blue Economy Sectors. Available at:
AERO-MS data-
Tourism statistics - intra-EU tourism flows - Statistics Explained ( data from 2018. Shows 88%
of journeys to Greece by EU-27 residents were by air; most other countries are significantly lower aside from
Cyprus and Malta.
Source: Deloitte Bringing the latest insights on the Greek Tourism & Hospitality sector. Scenarios on the
impact of COVID-19, available at:
Final energy consumption by transport mode European Environment Agency (
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remaining at a stable level since then
. A 2014 OECD study found that 6.6% of native born Greeks
lived abroad, giving it the 7
highest population living abroad in the EU
. Although regional
emigration figures are not available for Crete, it could be expected that a similar proportion of the
island population may be living abroad, possibly in the EU, and would be directly impacted by the
introduction of a carbon flight tax.
This section presents quantitative data extracted from Eurostat, and complements that data with
national statistics on tourism and international cargo dependency on air transport.
Table 8-14: Crete and Greece profiles: demographics, economy and environment
% change
(10 y. avg)
GDP - total
million, current
Employment - total
Employment - tourism
Employment - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Wages (compensation of
employees) - total
million, current
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
million, current
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Environment (all values are at national level
Final energy consumption - total
Final energy consumption -
International maritime bunkers
Final energy consumption -
International aviation
Final consumption - transport
sector - road - energy use
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic aviation - energy
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic navigation -
energy use
GHG emissions - total
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - road transport
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - maritime
transport (domestic)
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport (intl,
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - maritime transport (intl, memo)
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Source: Eurostat, multiple datasets Economic projections in the baseline scenario
With a contraction in its GDP of 9.5%, Greece has been severely affected by COVID-19 in 2020.
Nevertheless, the IMF projects a steady recovery for Greece, with its GDP growing by 18% between
2020 and 2025 and a reduction in the unemployment rate of 7pp within the same period.
Figure 8-3: GDP and unemployment projection in Greece
Source: IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2020
In the long-term, the GINFORS-E model projects that GDP at constant prices in Greece will be 267
billion in 2050 (base year: 2015). Connectivity
The island of Crete has three commercial airports: one in Heraklion, one in Chania, and a smaller one
in Sitia. The first two serve international routes, acting as the main gateways to the island for
travellers. Sitia is covered by a Public Service Obligations (PSO) in the connection with
Alexandroupoli and Aktio, in Greece mainland.
Table 8-15: Total number of departure flights per airport, 2016
Number of
departure flights
Heraklion International Airport
Chania International Airport
Sitia Public Airport
Kasteli Airport
Maleme Airport
Tympaki Airport
Source: AERO-MS
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Over a quarter (27%) of the flights departing from Crete correspond to domestic flights and just over
two thirds (61%) are intra-EEA flights, including UK (2016, AERO-MS modelled data).
Assuming an average of 145 passengers per flight, it can be estimated that around 4.7 million
passengers departed from an airport in Crete. In comparison to this, in 2016 a total of 1 million
passengers embarked from Crete’s main ports
The island is also served by ferries, mostly from Athens. A trip by ferry from Athens to Heraklion takes
approximately nine hours.
In terms of cargo transport, most of it is transported through the Heraklion and the Sitia ports, and
through Souda Bay.
Table 8-16. Total number of passengers embarked and goods loaded at ports in Crete, 2016
Port Name
Total Passengers Embarked
in 2016
Total Goods Loaded in 2016
(national and from abroad)
Souda Bay
Source: Hellenic Statistical Authority, 2020. Available at:
/publication/SMA06/- Accessed 11 March 2021 Projection of flights in the baseline scenario
The baseline scenario shown in Figure 8-4, projects that total flights from Crete would nearly double
by 2050 (from c.32,000 to over 60,000 per year), with intra-EU flights expected to account for around
78% of the total flights out of the island as the total flight volume increases.
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Figure 8-4. Projection of number of flights departing from Crete in the baseline scenario
Source: AERO-MS
8.5.2 Analysis of impacts Mapping of impacts
The introduction of a carbon flight tax could impact Crete’s economy by increasing the cost of travel
and the movement of cargo. If travel becomes more expensive, there could be a decline in the
number of EEA and Extra-EEA visitors to the country, which would negatively impact the tourism
sector and its supply chain. This may also cause isolation effects in the population and lead to
negative impacts to the local economy, by increasing the costs of goods imports. Effect of an aviation tax on GDP
Air transport plays a pivotal role in Greece’s economy. In 2019, the sector contributed 10% of
Greece’s total GDP and supported roughly 500,000 jobs
. As per the AERO-MS model, in 2016,
Greece saw approximately 219,000 flights, approximately 15% of which flew out of Crete totalling
approximately 32,500 flights.
Air transport generates employment and economic activity both directly and indirectly, through
industries related to and supported by aviation, such as airline and airport operations, maintenance
and manufacturing, on-site retail and catering, tourism and hospitality.
Taxes on air tickets or aviation fuel will likely impact the air industry’s activities, its contribution to
GDP, and, in turn, other industries such as tourism.
In the table below, two models have been used to calculate the impact of taxes on aviation fuel or air
tickets on activities in Greece’s economy in terms of revenue tonnes kilometres (RTK), that is, the
total cargo and passengers transported each year and the total kilometres of flight travel, and in terms
of GDP impacts. The GINFORS-E model has been used to calculate the impacts on the economy,
including GDP and employment, of the policy options using AERO-MS inputs. AERO-MS estimates
RTK will be at 5.24 billion tonnes in 2025, rising to 7.99 billion in 2050.
IATA: What Greece Needs for its Aviation Sector to Recover.
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Table 8-17. Impact of taxation on revenue tonne km and GDP 2025-2050
Taxation option
Baseline (billion tonne-km /
billion EUR)
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per
litre for Intra EEA (No
transition period)
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per
litre for Intra EEA (2024 start;
10-year transition period)
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
Ticket tax
Intra EEA: €10.12; Extra
EEA: €25.30/€45.54 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
Ticket tax
<350km: €25.30; >=350 km:
€10.12 / Cargo: €0.10 per t-
Intra EEA: fuel tax €0.33 /
Extra EEA: ticket tax €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10 (2024 start;
10-year transition period)
Across all scenarios, the ticket tax that foresees higher charges for extra-EEA flights is the one with
the highest negative impact. The Intra EEA: €10.12; Extra EEA: €25.30/€45.54 / Cargo: €0.10 per t-
km is projected to result in nearly 10% decrease in RTK (9.14%) in 2025, ending in 2050 with an
8.51% RTK decrease, and a 0.22% decrease in GDP against the baseline. Alongside the fuel taxation
scenario that does not incorporate a transition period, Ticket tax for EEA departures: €10.43 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km was the steadiest across the 2025-2050 period, although remained higher than both
fuel tax options.
Overall, the fuel taxation options are projected to have the least impact on GDP and RTK. Of the two,
the fuel tax scenario which incorporates a 10-year transition period sees the lowest initial decrease in
RTK and GDP in comparison with the baseline. The combined tax option, which also includes a 10-
year transition period, also has a smaller impact on the baseline in 2025. However, both then see
steep increases upon completing the transition period, with RTK decreasing by around 4% each, and
GDP going from -0.2% for each, to -0.7% for fuel taxation and -0.11% for combined tax.
On the other hand, the fuel tax scenario which does not include the transition period and which initially
began with -4.82% RTK decrease and -0.07% for GDP, finishes in 2050 with the lowest overall
decreases for both measures (tied with the other fuel tax option at -0.1% for GDP).
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200 200 Effect of aviation taxation on tourism industry
As discussed in Section 1.1.1., tourism is a significant part of the Cretan economy. In 2016, Crete
welcomed 4.3 million tourists
. The industry accounts for 22% of GVA
and is estimated to
generate 40% of the employment and a similar proportion of total wages paid in the region
. The
majority of tourists arrive in Crete by air, rather than by ferry; as a result, taxes on aviation stand to
significantly impact the tourism industry by making flying more expensive, less accessible, and less
Table 8-18 indicates how much revenue from tourism Crete may lose in each of the policy options
that have been suggested, mapping the number of tourists and euros of expenditure in millions.
Projections have been based on the estimated impacts on total number of passengers travelling to
Greece as a whole by air and downscaled to Crete tourism based on: total number of tourists arriving
by flight in Crete in 2016
, average expenditure per visitor (€663), according to INSETE in 2016
Table 8-18: Impact of taxation on tourist numbers and expenditure 2025-2050
Vourdoubas, J., 2020. The Tourism Industry in the Island of Crete, Greece: Is It
Carbon-Intensive? In: Sustainability in Environment. Available at:
_Crete_Greece_Is_It_Carbon-Intensive Accessed: 11 March 2021
Vourdoubas, J., 2020. The Tourism Industry in the Island of Crete, Greece: Is It
Carbon-Intensive? In: Sustainability in Environment. Available at:
_Crete_Greece_Is_It_Carbon-Intensive Accessed: 11 March 2021
Vourdoubas, J., 2020. The Tourism Industry in the Island of Crete, Greece: Is It
Carbon-Intensive? In: Sustainability in Environment. Available at:
_Crete_Greece_Is_It_Carbon-Intensive Accessed: 11 March 2021
Expenses per visitor in Crete, in Euros, according to the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises Institute
of tourists
of tourists
of tourists
Baseline (million pax
; million EUR)
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre for
Intra EEA (no
transition period)
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre for
Intra EEA (10-year
transition period).
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-
Ticket tax
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 /
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Similarly to the previous section, the fuel tax policy options have the least negative impact.
Due to its 10-year transition period, fuel taxation of €0.33 per litre for Intra EEA (10-year transition
period) had the lowest initial decrease in tourist numbers and expenditure, and ended with the lowest
decrease in the base in 2050. This policy option had the lowest impact throughout, beginning with a
1.94% decrease in tourist numbers and a €75 million decrease in tourists expenditure earned, and
ending with -6.03% and -€351million in tourists and tourist expenditure, respectively. The other fuel
tax option, which does not have the transition period, begins with significantly higher impacts, but
levels out by the end of the period.
The combined tax scenario had a middling impact, projected to have the second smallest initial
impact in 2025, and ending with the third lowest decreases in terms of both number of tourists and
expenditure by 2050.
The ticket tax scenarios again had the most negative impact, with the tax based on distance (not that
based on intra- or extra-EEA origin) seeing the most negative results; tourist numbers and
expenditure are projected to decline precipitously in the first year, by 16% and over €616m
It should be noted, however, that despite having the largest decreases on the baseline, the ticket tax
scenarios remain relatively steady across the period 2025-2050, whereas there is more significant
fluctuation for fuel tax and combined tax scenarios. Effect of an aviation tax on the good traded with aviation as means of transport
On a national basis, roughly 100,000 tonnes of air freight flying to, from and within Greece
. In
comparison, in 2018 Greece transported just under 200,000 tonnes of seaborne freight
. Air
transport is crucial for distributing high value to weight products according to Oxford Economics,
despite accounting for less than 1% of the tonnage of EU worldwide trade, in value terms this makes
up 22% of the total. By being integrated into the global air transport network, Crete and the country as
a whole benefit enormously from being able to, for example, access and trade within foreign markets
and lowering long-distance transport costs
It should be noted these are statistics based on a national level; Greece as a whole has the benefit of
both land and sea transportation for exports. It is likely that Crete, considering its island condition, is
significantly more dependent on air cargo than the rest of Greece.
File:Air freight and mail by type of transport, 2018 (thousand tonnes).png - Statistics Explained (
120326_Economic Benefits from Air Transport in Greece.pdf (
Cargo: €0.10 per t-
Ticket tax
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT
€10.43 + Cargo
€0.10 (10-year
transition period).
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In Table 8-19 (below), the weight freight in Crete is calculated in relation to total freight in Greece,
based on statistics from 2016 establishing air traffic by airport
. The table indicates the difference in
the price in euros per freight tonne-kilometre.
Table 8-19. Impact of taxation on price per freight tonne of cargo 2025-2050
A similar pattern emerges in these projects as with GDP and tourism.
Combined tax option remains middling, with the negative impact starting off low and ending at its
highest in 2050, while the fuel tax policy options remain the scenarios impacting the price of cargo the
least. The scenario fuel taxation of €0.33 per litre for Intra EEA is projected to have the lowest impact
in comparison with the baseline, ending in 2050 with a 0.8% increase in the price of cargo,
significantly lower than all other measures.
The ticket tax policy options are projected to cause a significantly higher impact on both parameters
throughout the period. Unlike in previous sections, all ticket tax options are consistent; starting high in
2025 at a 17% increase in cost of cargo and ending on a 15% increase in cost in 2050 against the
baseline. This is 2% more than the combined approach, and 12% higher than the largest increase in
costs projected for the fuel tax options.
Weight freight in Crete in relation to total freight in Greece, in 2016, based on '02. Domestic and international
air traffic, by airport' table in
tonne km
Price per
tonne km
tonne km
Price per
tonne km
tonne km
Price per
tonne km
Baseline (million
tonne-km ; Euro-2019)
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
(10-year transition
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10 (10-
year transition period)
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Table 8-20 shows how ticket prices per group and per customer is projected to change in each tax
scenario over the period 2025-2050, with the baseline showing only slight increases in prices over the
25 years. These results are based on impacts on ticket prices per person-kilometre for Greece as a
whole, and adapted to Crete, based on the distance between Crete’s main airport (Heraklion) and
Greece’s capital, Athens.
Table 8-20. Impact of taxation on price per variations for intra-EEA flights 2025-2050
Price per
pax-km -
Price per
pax-km -
Price per
pax-km -
Baseline (EUR-2019)
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
(10-year transition)
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10 (10-
year transition)
As with previous measures, both fuel taxation scenarios result in the least increases in price per
person-kilometre and ticket prices for Crete-Athens.
The fuel tax and combined tax scenarios which include a 10-year transition period have, the lowest
changes one year into the scheme, , at around 1% increase in price per person-kilometre between
2025 and 2030, with ticket prices increasing by €0.50 and €0.60. However, these prices are projected
to rise more precipitously as the transition period ends, and, in 2050, the option that is projected to
have had the least impact on prices is the fuel tax option that began without the 10-year transition
period. This is also the option that fluctuated the least, with price per pax km remaining increases
remaining between 2.4% (2025) and 1.8% (2050, and ticket prices increasing on the baseline by 1%.
Once again, the scenarios based on ticket taxation have the highest impacts. The scenario in which
tickets are taxed €10.43 for all EEA departures, while still higher than fuel and combined tax
scenarios, saw the lowest impact of the ticket taxation options, seeing an increase in price per pax-km
of nearly 5% initially, dropping by 2050 to 4.66%. The other two ticket tax scenarios were markedly
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similar and consistent throughout the period, with very little fluctuation, while nonetheless remaining
the two scenarios with the highest impact. Conclusion
Overall, a fuel tax of €0.33 per litre for Intra EEA flights with no transition period appears to present
the best overall outcome. It had the least detrimental impact on Crete’s GDP, freight transport, and
isolation, while having a moderate impact on tourism. Although the differences were slight, the fuel
taxation method which incorporated a 10-year transition period consistently began in 2025 with lesser
impact, but, other than in the tourism sector, went on throughout the period to impact the different
sectors more.
8.6 Malta
8.6.1 Profile
Malta is the smallest member of the European Union in terms of area, population and GDP. Malta
produces less than a quarter of its food needs, has limited fresh water supplies, and has few domestic
energy sources. It is highly dependent on international trade and tourism
Malta has experienced a period of economic growth, with its GDP increasing steadily year on year
over the past decade. Between 2008 to 2017, GDP grew by 7%
. Malta’s services sector continued
to flourish, with sustained growth in the financial services and online gaming sectors.
Tourism is a significant part of Malta’s economy, accounting for 18% of GVA
and estimated to be
responsible for 26% of the jobs and 21% of total wages in the country
. In 2019, 90% of arrivals at
tourism accommodation in Malta were foreign nationals
. The number of nights spent in tourist
accommodation by foreign nationals has seen an upward trend over the past decade, increasing by
3% between 2010-2019. Tourism activity in Malta is significantly driven by European visitors.
According to the Malta Tourism Authority three in ten tourists visiting Malta in 2019 were either from
Italy (14%), France (9%) or Germany (8%) and almost one in four (24%) from the UK
. These
estimates are in line with modelled data on flight departures (which provide a proxy for arrivals), which
indicate that, in 2016, 63% of flights departed from Malta were to airports in the EEA region and 24%
to the UK (see section
Malta has also experienced significant levels of emigration in recent years. There has been an
upward trend since 2014 and in 2018, 2% of the population emigrated
This section presents quantitative data extracted from Eurostat, and complements that data with
national statistics on tourism and international cargo dependency on air transport.
Table 8-21: Malta profile: demographics, economy and environment
% change
(10 y. avg)
Source: Moody’s Analytics, available at:,has%20few%20domestic%20ener
Source: Eurostat
Source: Eurostat (
Source: Eurostat
Source: Eurostat (
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% change
(10 y. avg)
GDP - total
million, current
Employment - total
Employment - tourism
Employment - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Wages (compensation of
employees) - total
million, current
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
million, current
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Environment (all values are at national level
Final energy consumption - total
Final energy consumption -
International maritime bunkers
Final energy consumption -
International aviation
Final consumption - transport
sector - road - energy use
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic aviation - energy
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic navigation -
energy use
GHG emissions - total
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - road transport
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - maritime
transport (domestic)
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport (intl,
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - maritime
transport (intl, memo)
ktonnes CO
Source: Eurostat, multiple datasets Economic projections in the baseline scenario
Figure 8-5 shows Malta’s GDP and unemployment rate from 2018, and projections up to 2025 which
indicate an expectation that GDP will steadily rise and unemployment rates fall over the next five
years. The fall in 2020 GDP may reflect the impact of COVID-19. Malta’s tourism industry was heavily
impacted by the pandemic, with the second wave of infections across Europe disrupting Malta’s peak
tourism season in summer 2020
. The Times of Malta reported a 77% drop in tourist numbers in
July to September 2020, and an 81% drop in tourist expenditure
. Malta’s vaccination programme is
Source: Malta Tourism Authority (2020) Tourism in Malta. Facts and figures 2019, available at:
Source: Article published in Times of Malta (
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progressing relatively quickly, with 19% of the population having received one vaccination dose by 3
March 2021, the third highest rate in Europe after the UK and Serbia
Figure 8-5. GDP and unemployment projection in Malta
Source: IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2020
The GINFORS-E model predicts that the GDP in Malta will reach 17 billion EUR in 2030 and 23 billion
EUR in 2050, at constant prices (base 2015). Connectivity
Malta is home to one airport, situated in Gudja, a town southwest of Valletta, the Maltese capital. It is
used for civilian flights, cargo, and is home to the Maltese army’s Air Wing. Its busiest routes fly to
London, Italy and Germany. There has recently been a growth in passenger numbers, prior to
COVID-19, reaching 7.3 million in 2019, up by 7.4% over 2018’s numbers
. This is in part due to a
growth in routes served by low-cost airlines.
Table 8-22. Number of flights departing from Malta, per destination, in 2016
EEA (excluding UK)
Other international
EEA (excluding UK)
Source: AERO-MS
Source: Statista (
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Malta is also connected by ferry to mainland Italy, via the port in Salerno on the Amalfi coast, and
Sicily. Typically, there is only 1 sailing a week from Salerno, lasting approximately 27 hours 30
minutes. The Sicilian ports of Catania and Pozzallo offer more frequent and much quicker crossings.
While timings and frequency vary week-by-week depending on the season, generally there is a total
of 14 sailings a week between the two ports.
Table 8-23. Routes by ferry connecting Malta with mainland Europe
Route Name
No. of crossings per week
Average time per crossing
Catania Valletta
4 hours 15
Pozzallo Valletta
1 hour 45 Projection of flights in the baseline scenario
The baseline scenario shown in Figure 8-6 projects that total flights from Malta would more than
double by 2050 (from c.19,000 to over 52,000 per year), with intra-EU flights expected to account for
around 63% of the total flights out of the country as the total flight volume increases.
Figure 8-6. Projection of number of flights departing from Malta in the baseline scenario
Source: AERO-MS
8.6.2 Analysis of impacts Mapping of impacts
The introduction of a carbon flight tax could impact Malta’s economy by increasing the cost of travel
and the movement of cargo. If travel becomes more expensive, there could be a decline in the
number of EU visitors to the country, which would negatively impact the tourism sector and its supply
chain. This may also impede growth in the burgeoning services sector and cause isolation effects in
the population.
Malta is highly dependent on international trade of goods, and therefore an increase in the cost of
freight air transport may have a significant effect in retail prices. Effect of an aviation tax on GDP
There are different ways of measuring air transport’s impact on an economy. An Oxford Economics
study quoted by the IATA quantifies this in terms of direct and indirect equivalent jobs created and
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GVA to GDP. In 2018, the aviation industry directly supported 4,000 jobs in Malta, and indirectly
supported 45,000 jobs; the latter figure includes 41,000 jobs in the tourism industry that rely on
aviation. The aviation industry and associated foreign tourism supports 24% of the country’s GDP,
and adds €2.3billion GVA to the GDP
Table 8-24 Quantified effects of Malta's aviation sector
Type of Impact
Monetary impact
(Millions of USD)
Jobs created
Supply chain
Employee spending
Source: IATA
In the table above, direct impact includes the direct value added by the services offered by various
airlines and airport operators for movement of passengers and cargo. This also includes airport on-
site enterprises (such as restaurants and retail), aircraft manufacturers and air navigation service
providers. Supply chain includes the value created by the suppliers of the airlines and airports.
Employee spending includes the spending of the employees of both suppliers and airport operators
on consumer goods and services. Tourism includes the business created by the movement of tourists
in the form of hotel reservations, travel reservations and other expenditure.
Taxes on fuel or air tickets is expected to affect the activities in the air sector, which in turn affects its
contribution to GDP. The indicator Revenue tonne kms is used as a proxy to study the effect of
aviation taxes on Malta’s GDP. Revenue tonne km (RTK) is the product of total tonnes of cargo and
passengers transported in a year and the total kms of flight travel that served for this transport. The
AERO-MS model used for this study considers an input of 0.38 billion tonne km as a starting value
and forecasts that the value will be 0.62 and 0.87 billion tonne kms in 2025 and 2030 respectively
under BAU scenario. The GINFORS-E model calculates the impacts on the economy, including GDP
and employment, of the policy options using AERO-MS inputs. Table 8-25 shows the results of both
models in terms of RTK and GDP per policy option.
Table 8-25: Impact of taxation on revenue tonne km and GDP 2025-2050
Taxation option
Baseline (billion tonne-
km / billion EUR)
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
IATA (unknown date) The importance of air transport to Malta, available at:
Originally reported in dollars. Values are converted to euros using conversion rate of 0.8475
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Taxation option
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10
Overall, the 0.33/litre fuel tax presents the best outcome of all scenarios in terms of reduction of
GDP, causing this to be only 0.03% lower than the baseline by 2025 and 0.1% lower from 2030
onward. This is as a result of the 10-year transition period allowing for the economy to adjust to this
new form of taxation. It also has the smallest impact of all scenarios on RTK, leading to a reduction of
1.66% in 2025 compared to the baseline. However, this rises to a reduction of 4.82% halfway through
the transition period in 2030, and leads to RTK 5.15% lower than the baseline in 2050. The impact of
the fuel tax with the 10-year transition period is less severe than the initial impact of the fuel tax
without a transition period which would introduce the fuel tax in full in 2024, although the impact on
RTK and GDP will come into line with the scenario with the transition period by 2050.
The ticket tax scenarios with the flat rate and inverse stepped rate taxes will have similar impacts to
each other on RTK and GDP. Of all the tax scenarios analysed, the stepped rate ticket tax will have
the largest negative impact on RTK and GDP. For the latter, this scenario results in a decrease of
0.17% in GDP versus the baseline within a year of introduction, resulting in a decrease of 0.25% by
2030 and 0.20% in 2050. It also has the greatest negative impact on RTK, with levels almost 10%
lower than the baseline being projected in 2025, falling to 8.61% lower in 2050. Analysis of the impact
of the combined tax scenario shows that the 10-year transition period means that it would begin by
having one of the smallest negative impacts on RTK. However, by 2030 this impact would be in line
with most other forms of taxation examined and by 2050 it would have the second largest impact of all
scenarios, leading to a reduction of around 7% in RTK versus the baseline. Effect of aviation taxation on tourism industry
The number of tourists visiting Malta in 2017 was 2.27 million (excluding overnight cruise
, which approximates to the number of passengers embarking in Malta in 2016, as per
AERO-MS data (2.31 million). Therefore, our estimations assume that the number of tourists arriving
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by air equals the number of passengers embarking in flights. In 2019
, tourists spent €2.2 billion in
Malta, which was an increase of 5.7% on the previous year and equivalent to €807 per tourist, per
visit. Tourist arrivals in 2018/19 were up by 3.8% on the previous years, with growth fuelled by an
increase in tourists from the middle East (+7.6% on 2017/18).
Table 8-26 reflects the volume of income from tourism that Malta would stop receiving under each of
the policy options. As in the previous section, the fuel tax scenario with the 10-year transition period
has the smallest impact in terms of reducing tourist numbers and expenditure relative to the baseline.
Tourist numbers would be around 2% lower within the first year of the scheme being introduced, rising
to a reduction of 5.5% halfway through the transition period and resulting in a reduction of almost 6%
by 2050. Tourist expenditure would be around €62m lower than the baseline in 2025 and almost
€354m lower by 2050. Again, despite the transition period described, the impact of this is the same as
the tax without a transition period by 2050.
The stepped rate ticket tax scenario has the worst outcomes for tourist numbers and expenditures of
all possible scenarios across the period 2025-2050. Tourist numbers would remain around 10-11%
lower than the baseline across this period. Tourist expenditure would also be €£351m lower than
baseline in 2025 equivalent to the impact of the fuel tax scenarios in 2050 and would be over half
a billion Euros lower than baseline in 2050. However, it should be noted that for all ticket tax
scenarios, the impact on tourist numbers remains largely stable throughout the period 2025-2050,
while for the fuel tax and the combined tax based on the flat rate ticket tax, the impact becomes
greater over time. The fuel tax without a transition period is the only scenario to see its impact
decrease over the same period. Concerning tourist numbers and expenditure, the combined tax
(based on the flat rate ticket tax) has a middling impact compared to all tax scenarios.
Table 8-26: Impact of taxation on tourist numbers and expenditure 2025-2050
of tourists
of tourists
of tourists
Baseline (million pax /
million EUR)
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
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of tourists
of tourists
of tourists
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10
-442.40 Effect of an aviation tax on the goods traded with aviation as means of transport
In 2017, 6% of Malta’s transport energy demand was from international aviation fuel, 86% was
international maritime and 8% was road transport. Malta is heavily dependent on air for exports, with
half (51%) being via air compared to 31% for the EU as a whole. For imports, Malta’s figure of 27%
via air is slightly higher than the EU average of 23%. Malta’s dependency on air for cargo has
fluctuated. The proportion of exports via air has generally been consistent at around 50% but reached
highs of 59% in 2014 and 68% in 2016 (the lowest figure was 47% in 2018). There is more fluctuation
in import figures with a high of 45% being via air in 2011 and a low of 20% in 2014. When the
proportion of exports and imports via air decreases, the proportion via sea tends to increase.
According to AERO-MS data, the price per freight tonne km in Malta is high, compared to the average
price in the EEA29 (0.65 and 0.33, respectively). Given that Malta is highly dependent on imports of
goods, an increase in the price of freight transport may have a significant effect on Malta’s economy
and the population’s acquisition power.
Table 8-27 shows the difference in price in relation to the baseline of the different policy options.
Table 8-27: Impact of taxation on price per freight tonne of cargo 2025-2050
Taxation option
Baseline (EUR / tonne-km)
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per litre for Intra
Fuel taxation of €0.33 per litre for Intra
Ticket tax for EEA departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12; Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 / Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30; >=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 / Extra EEA: TT
€10.43 + Cargo €0.10
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Whilst all the options would increase prices of freight transport, those that include a cargo tax of 0.10
per tonne-km are the ones which would generate a higher increase in transport cost. The only
exception is the combined tax, since the cargo tax in this case is only applied to flights with
destinations outside the EEA. Effects on connectivity
Table 8-28 details the variation in prices for intra-EEA flights under each proposed scenario. The price
of an outbound ticket for a Malta-Paris flight (1,743 km) is used as an example, as this is one of the
main destinations for Maltese tourists. In the baseline, the approximate price per person per kilometre
does not vary across the period 2025-2050.
Table 8-28: Impact of taxation on price variations for intra-EEA flights 2025-2050
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Price per
pax-km -
Price ticket
Baseline (million
pax / million
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre
for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of
€0.33 per litre
for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for
EEA departures:
€10.43 / Cargo:
€0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA:
€10.12; Extra
€25.30/€45.54 /
Cargo: €0.10
per t-km
€25.30; >=350
km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10
per t-km
Intra EEA: FT
€0.33 / Extra
EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10
The fuel tax scenario and combined tax scenario (based on a flat rate ticket tax) would have the same
impact on price per pax/km and the price of a Malta-Paris air ticket. Initially, this would have the
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smallest impact on these price metrics in 2025 as these are the tax scenarios that include transition
periods beginning in 2024. These two tax options would increase price per pax-km by 1.73% and the
price of an air ticket on this route by €3.77 above the baseline. However, by 2050 both scenarios
would have the largest impact out of all scenarios analysed, increasing price per pax-km by almost
6% and the price of a Malta-Paris air ticket by nearly €14. While the fuel tax without a transition period
has the greatest impact on price rises in 2025 and 2030, this comes into line with the fuel tax with a
10-year transition and the combined tax (based on the flat rate ticket tax) in 2050 as by this point their
transition periods would have ended.
Ticket tax scenarios would have a similar and more stable impact on prices across the period 2025-
2050, with the stepped rate ticket tax faring marginally better. Across the period, this would increase
price per pax-km by around 4.5% above the baseline and add just over €10 to the baseline price of a
Malta-Paris air ticket. Conclusions
The fuel taxation scenario with a 10-year transition appears to present the best overall outcome
across the four metrics analysed. It has the least detrimental impact on the country’s crucial tourism
sector, and on GDP and freight transport costs, and a moderate impact on isolation. The similar fuel
tax without a transition period scenario has similar impacts by 2050, but slightly more detrimental
immediate impacts as well as the most detrimental impacts of all the options on isolation.
8.7 Ireland
8.7.1 Profile
After exiting the EU-IMF bailout programme in 2013, Ireland positioned itself as the fastest growing
European economy, with an average real GDP growth of 7.7% over the period 2017-2019 compared
to 2.2% for the EU-27 on average. In addition, Ireland is the only economy in the EU that has grown in
2020, despite the effects of the coronavirus pandemic
. The national economy has been supported
by strong domestic demand and by significant growth in the export sector, dominated by foreign
multinationals. Ireland’s low corporation tax of 12.5% and a loose tax residency requirement made
Ireland a common destination for international firms. The GDP per capita in purchasing power
standard (PPS) was 191 in 2019 (Index EU-27 = 100)
, hence significantly higher than the EU-27
As an island nation, except for the land border with the UK in Northern Ireland, the Irish economy
heavily relies on air transport connectivity. Economic activity related to trade, transport, hotels and
restaurants (NACE codes G-I), which has strong links with air transport, represents 11% of the gross
added value of Ireland (Figure 8-7). In addition, tourism represents 29% of the employment in Ireland
(Table 8-29).
Eurostat: Real GDP growth rate volume (TEC00115)
Eurostat: GDP per capita in PPS (TEC00114)
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Figure 8-7: Gross value added in Ireland per economic sector in 2019
Source: Eurostat: Gross value added and income by A*10 industry breakdowns (NAMA_10_A10)
Table 8-29: Ireland profile: demographics, economy and environment
% change
(10 y. avg)
GDP - total
million, current
Employment - total
Employment - tourism
Employment - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Wages (compensation of
employees) - total
million, current
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
million, current
Wages (compensation of
employees) - tourism
as a % of total
regional economy
Environment (all values are at national level
Final energy consumption - total
Final energy consumption -
International maritime bunkers
Final energy consumption -
International aviation
Final consumption - transport
sector - road - energy use
Agriculture, forestry and fishing Industry (excluding construction)
Construction Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants
Information and communication Financial and insurance activities
Real estate activities Professional, admin and support services
Public administration, education and health Arts, entertainment and other services
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% change
(10 y. avg)
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic aviation - energy
Final consumption - transport
sector - domestic navigation -
energy use
GHG emissions - total
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - road transport
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - maritime
transport (domestic)
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - air transport (intl,
ktonnes CO
GHG emissions - maritime transport (intl, memo)
Source: Eurostat, multiple datasets Economic projections in the baseline scenario
The Irish economy has been negatively affected by the Covid-19 pandemic but Ireland has still grown
in 2020 by 3.4%
. In October 2020, the IMF forecasted for Ireland a slight reduction of the GDP in
2020 but a steady growth over the period 2020-2025. Unemployment levels however are expected to
increase to around 6% in 2021 and progressively decrease over the period 2021-2025 (see Figure
Figure 8-8: GDP and unemployment projection in Ireland
Source: IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2020
Eurostat: Real GDP growth rate volume (TEC00115)
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Billion EUR
Gross domestic product, constant prices Unemployment rate
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Our baseline scenario (GINFORS-E) forecasts that GDP in Ireland will be 412 billion in 2030, and
854 billion in 2050 (in constant prices, base 2015). Connectivity
The main airport in Ireland is in Dublin with around 81% of total flight departures in 2016 (see Table
8-30), followed by Cork and Shannon with 8% and 6% of departure flights respectively. Irish airports
connected to 133 destinations in the EEA with around 50 thousand flights in 2016, which represents
40% of all departing flights. The connectivity with Great Britain is even higher with 58 thousand flights
in 2016, which represent 46% of total departing flights (see Table 8-31 and Table 8-32).
Table 8-30: Number of flights departing from airports in Ireland (2016)
ICAO code
Number of
Source: AERO-MS
Table 8-31: Number of destinations (i.e. different airports) of flights departing from airports in Ireland
< 1 flight per week
< 1 flight per day
and >= 1 flight
per week
>= 1 flight per day
Source: AERO-MS
Table 8-32: Number of flights departing from airports in Ireland (2016)
< 1 flight per week
< 1 flight per day
and >= 1 flight
per week
>= 1 flight per day
Source: AERO-MS
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There are numerous ferry routes to and from Ireland, with connections to Northern Ireland and Great
Britain mainly and to a lesser extent to France and Spain. The connection from Dublin to Holyhead in
Wales takes approximately 3 hours while the trip from Dublin to Liverpool takes around 8 hours
. Projection of flights in the baseline scenario
The number of flights is estimated to grow by around 1.4% annually between 2025 and 2030, and by
1.6% from 2030 to 2050. Based on these projections, the number of departing flights in 2030 is
expected to be around 160 thousand and 220 thousand by 2050 (Figure 8-9). The share of intra-EEA
flights is expected to remain stable in the baseline at around 44% of total flights, compared to an
average share of around 75% for the EEA on average. This difference is explained by the large
connectivity with Great Britain.
Figure 8-9. Projection of number of flights departing from Ireland in the baseline scenario
Source: AERO-MS
8.7.2 Analysis of impacts Mapping of impacts
A tax levy on fuel or ticket can have negative effects on international aviation and in turn can affect
the sectors that are dependent on aviation either for tourist flows or transportation of goods. This case
study analyses various the effects that fuel or ticket taxation for aviation can have on different
economic aspects of Ireland. It is important to note that, unlike other European countries, the share of
intra-EEA flights is much smaller as around 46% of flights connect with destinations in Great Britain.
This means that Ireland would be less affected by a fuel tax applied to intra-EEA flights compared to
other EEA countries. Effect of an aviation tax on GDP
Air transport connectivity tends to have spill over effects on the economy. These spill over effects
include increased corporate business due to improved connectivity, business created by the incoming
tourists and other similar effects. The report Aviation Benefits Beyond Borders (IATA, 2019) contains
2016 2025 2030 2050
Departing flights (million)
Intra-EEA Extra-EEA
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the monetized effects of aviation sector in Ireland along with the equivalent jobs created by the sector.
These are shown in Table 8-33 below.
Direct impact includes the direct value added by the services offered by various airlines and airport
operators for the movement of passengers and cargo. Indirect impacts to the supply chain include the
value created by the suppliers of the airlines and airports, while employee spending accounts for the
spending of the employees of both suppliers and airport operators as a multiplier effect on the
economy. Finally, tourism includes business generated by air transport for the hospitality sector and
other expenditure by the incoming tourists.
While the direct economic effect of aviation represented € 4.63 billion in 2018 (1.4% of the GDP for
), the total economic impact, including indirect effects, is estimated at € 17.42 billion (5.4% of
the total GDP) and associated with 144,000 jobs (6.5% of total employment for 2018).
Table 8-33: Direct and indirect economic impacts of Ireland's aviation sector
Type of Impact
Monetary impact (Billions)
Jobs created
Supply chain
Employee spending
Source: (IATA, 2019)
The indicator Revenue tonne kms from the AERO-MS is used as a proxy to study the direct effect of
aviation taxes on the aviation section in Ireland. Revenue tonne km (RTK) is the product of total
tonnes of cargo and passengers transported in a year and the total kms of flight. These are compared
with GDP effects resulting from the GINFORS-E model. Table 8-34 shows the impacts for Ireland’s
GDP of each policy option.
Table 8-34: Impact of policy options on GDP in Ireland
Taxation option
Baseline (billion
tonne-km, billions
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA,
10 years transition
Office, C. S. (2021, 2 2). Quarterly National Accounts. Retrieved from Central Statistics Office:
Originally reported in dollars. Values are converted to euros using conversion rate of 0.8475.
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Taxation option
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10
Overall, the impact on GDP in Ireland is lower than the average in EU across all the scenarios. A
decrease in the demand for flights is normally compensated with an increase of demand for other
means of transport, which in turn compensates the decrease in GDP from the aviation sector. Effect of an aviation tax on the tourism industry
Out of all the visitors to Ireland in 2019, 36% were from Great Britain followed by 34% that are from
European countries excluding Great Britain. International visitors other than European countries
comprise 27% of tourists visiting Ireland.
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Figure 8-10: Share of tourists in Ireland in 2019 by country of origin
Source: Central Statistics Office
Because of its insular nature, Ireland depends heavily on air transport for passenger travel to other
countries. The only exception being UK, whose Northern Ireland shares a border with Ireland. This
heavy reliance on air travel makes the tourism and hospitality industry vulnerable to the changes in
the air fares of the flights from and to Ireland. The first step in analysing the effect of air fuel tax or
ticket tax is to study the existing data corresponding to the tourism industry. This data is then linked to
the results of AERO MS model to calculate the effects of policy options in terms of reduced tourists
and expenditure. Table 8-35 summarizes relevant tourism and travel industry related information
available from the Central Statistics Office.
Table 8-35 Tourism and travel related data for the year 2019
Tourists to Ireland
Tourists trips as a %
of total trips
Expenditure by
visitors (million)
Average Expenditure
per incoming trip ()
Source: Statistics Central Office, Tourism and Travel
Table 8-36 shows the results of calculations performed using results of AERO MS model and 2019
tourism and travel related data under the following assumptions:
1) The proportion of tourists visiting Ireland out of total passengers handled by the airports
remains the same throughout the period of study
2) The response level to the policy change is same for all categories of the people visiting
Office, C. S. (2021, 02 02). Tourism and Travel. Retrieved from Central Statistics Office:
Great Britain France Germany Italy Other Europe USA & Canada All other residences
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Table 8-36 Effects of taxation options on tourism (prices 2018)
Taxation option
of tourists
Number of
Number of
Baseline (million pax /
million EUR)
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10
-542 Effect of an aviation tax on the good traded with aviation as means of transport
Because of its insular nature, road freight transport is limited to Northern Ireland. Out of the 280
million tonnes of freight had been moved in 2019, around 55% of the freight movements took place
withing the national boundary whereas 9.5% was between UK and Ireland. In addition, 16% of freight
transport was between EU (excluding the UK) and Ireland, and 20% was with other international
countries. Table 8-37 illustrates the total freight movements (in tonnes) in 2019 by mode of transport.
Table 8-37: Total freight movement for the year 2019 in tonnes
EU28 (Excl. Ireland)
United Kingdom
Out of the entire international freight transport volume in Ireland, air transport represents is a small
0.2% with most of the freight volume (86%) handled by ports around Ireland. Though the cargo
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handled by aviation sector is only 0.2% by mass, this constitutes 35%
of total exports/imports of
Ireland in terms of value of goods handled. The total value of imports for the year 2019 is 226
and the total value of exports is 489 billion
, with total value of externally traded
merchandise equalling 715 billion.
Goods transported by air transport are essentially chemicals (64% in value) and machinery equipment
(25% in value) (Brass & Mudaliar, 2020). Chemicals comprise mainly pharmaceutical products like
test samples and other short living product that are sensitive to the time in transit and require fast
means of transport. Machinery equipment involve high end products that are required on time for the
Most of Ireland’s international air-cargo is carried in the hold of passenger aircraft. However, not all
carriers provide a cargo service, which means that there is less choice in terms of frequency and
range of locations served for cargo services than is the case for passenger services (Department for
Transport, Tourism and Sport, 2015). Table 8-38 indicates the effect on freight transport costs. Since
only high value commodities tend to be transported by air, the ad valorem transport costs of these
commodities is expected to be very small. This means that even if transport costs increase
significantly, the final impact on the commodity price would be marginal.
Table 8-38: Price per freight tonne km in Ireland (constant prices, base 2019)
Taxation option
Baseline (EUR)
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Fuel taxation of €0.33
per litre for Intra EEA
Ticket tax for EEA
departures: €10.43 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Intra EEA: €10.12;
Extra EEA:
€25.30/€45.54 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
<350km: €25.30;
>=350 km: €10.12 /
Cargo: €0.10 per t-km
Department of Transport, T. a. (2015). A National Aviation Policy for Ireland.
Office, C. S. (2019). TSA07 - Value of Merchandise Imports by Main Use. Retrieved from
Office, C. S. (2021, March 2). TSM08 - Value of Merchandise Exports. Retrieved from
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Taxation option
Intra EEA: FT €0.33 /
Extra EEA: TT €10.43
+ Cargo €0.10
12.8% Conclusion
Overall, the analysis above indicates that the fuel tax of €0.33 per litre for Intra EEA with a 10 year
transition period is the option with the least negative impacts on the Irish economy.
Compared to other case studies, the economy of Ireland is more diversified and relies less on
tourism. At the same time, the level of air travel with Great Britain is equivalent to that with EEA
Member States, which means that Ireland would be less impacted by a fuel tax for intra-EEA flights
compared to other EEA countries.
9 External review
The proposal for this study included a proposal for two main external reviewers, plus one backup.
Unfortunately, one of the main reviewers (Anna-Alexandra Marhold, Assistant Professor at the Leiden
Law School) has indicated that she is no longer available, given other work commitments through the
rest of 2020.
Given this, we have established contacts with the other main reviewer and the backup reviewer.
These reviewers are:
Kenneth J. Button, Professor of Public Policy at the George Mason Schar School of Policy
and Government. Professor Button will be the main external reviewer in the field of aviation
Andreas Hardeman, an independent consultant. Mr. Hardeman will bring expertise in both
policy and regulatory issues.
The external reviewers provided comments and a critical review of the approach and methodology
and the scale and scope of the activities planned in the inception report. This was shared with the
Commission. The external reviewers then provided a critical review of the validity, relevance and
adequacy of the findings, conclusions and recommendations in the draft final report. The results of
that review have been taken into consideration in the development of this final report.
10 References
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Albalate, D., Bel, G., & Fageda, X. (2015). Competition and cooperation between high-speed rail and
air transportation services in Europe. Journal of Transport Geography, 166-175.
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A1. Legal Analysis
A2. Desk research
A3. Initial gap analysis
A4. Stakeholder consultation plan
A5. Updated work plan
A6. Model descriptions
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A1 Legal Analysis
A1.1 Introduction
The legal analysis covered the legal framework currently in place and contributed to the following parts
of the report: the problem analysis (Section 2.1); the feasibility of the proposed policy options, sub-
options and measures to ensure their effectiveness under current legislation (Section 3); an assessment
of the potential legal consequences of the interventions (Section 6).
The list of relevant legislation and related documents has been identified for review as part of this task
(see Table 10-1 below).
The objective of this section is to draw attention to the provisions in international and European law
that could serve as the legal basis for the adoption of taxes on the air transport sector in the European
Union, as well as the provisions that could form a legal obstacle to the taxation of the air transport
sector. Moreover, this section draws the attention to the provisions in Member States’ legislation and
EU law that could interact with proposals for new taxes on the aviation sector.
Table 10-1: Literature for legal analysis
Relevant legislation
Relevant EU legislation in
the field of taxes and civil
EU Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96
General Arrangements for Excise Duty Directive 2008/118
VAT Directive, 2006/112/EC
Air services Regulation 1008/2008
Airport charges Directive 2009/12
Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/317 (performance and charging
EU competition law and State aid rules
Freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services under the
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU)
Regulations for carbon
pricing or offsetting
EU ETS Directive, 2003/87/EC
Directive 2008/101/EC on EU ETS for aviation
Regulation (EU) 2017/2392 on EU ETS for aviation
ICAO’s Resolutions A38-18 and A40-19 on CORSIA; CORSIA SARPs
(‘standards and recommended practices’) and implementation
International aviation law
Convention on International Civil Aviation (‘Chicago Convention’)
Relevant ICAO resolutions and policies
Bilateral, horizontal and comprehensive air services agreements
A1.2 European Union legal framework and legal basis for
adopting harmonised taxes on the aviation sector
Proposals for new harmonised taxes on the aviation sector would require an appropriate legal basis
(A1.2.1). In order for the EU to be able to adopt these proposals, action at the EU level would need to
comply with the proportionality and subsidiarity principles (A1.2.2). Moreover, the proposals would
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need to be in line with EU primary law (A1.2.3). Finally, the interactions between such proposals and
the existing legal frameworks that apply to taxation and the aviation sector would need to be clarified
(A1.2.4 to A1.2.7).
A1.2.1 Legal basis for tax harmonization
Two main provisions in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) provide for the
legal basis for the harmonisation of tax provisions. Article 113 of the TFEU is the legal basis for the
harmonization of ‘legislation concerning turnover taxes, excise duties and other forms of indirect
taxation’. Regarding other taxes, Article 115 of the TFEU serves as the legal basis for adopting EU
Article 192(2) of the TFEU could also serve as the legal basis for the harmonisation of environmental
tax measures
A1.2.2 Proportionality and subsidiarity principles (Article 5 of the Treaty on
European Union (TEU))
If the Union exercises its competences in the field of tax, it should do so in accordance with the
subsidiarity and proportionality principles (article 5, para. 3 and 4 of the TEU)
. The principle of
subsidiarity requires the Union to ‘act only if and in so far as the objectives of the proposed action
cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States, either at central level or at regional and local
level, but can rather, by reason of the scale or effects of the proposed action, be better achieved at
Union level’ (article 5, §3 TEU).
The principle of proportionality requires the content and form of Union action not to ‘exceed what is
necessary to achieve the objectives of the Treaties’ (article 5, para § 4 TEU).
Whether proposals in favour of new harmonised taxes on the aviation sector will comply or not with
the subsidiarity and proportionality principles will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Indeed, compliance with the subsidiarity and proportionality principles will depend on the specific
design features and objectives of the proposed policy measures.
For example, a modification to the Energy Taxation Directive requiring Member States to impose a
minimum tax on fuel supplied to aircraft operating domestic and intra-EU flights would likely comply
with both the subsidiarity and proportionality principles. The cross-border nature of the externalities
linked to the aviation sector and its impact on climate change justifies the need and the relevance of
action at the EU level. A minimum degree of coordination is justified in the light of the practical
obstacles that prevent Member States from unilaterally adopting energy taxes on the supply of
aviation fuel, including the practice of fuel tankering by air carriers and risks related to the
international competitiveness of airports, the carriers operating there and the territories they serve.
A proposal for a harmonised ticket tax would also, most likely, comply with the proportionality and
subsidiarity principles but, potentially, on different grounds. Clear added value would derive from EU
action in comparison to action at the Member State level as national policies could lead to a
fragmentation of the internal market. Harmonisation at the EU level would instead contribute to
achieving a minimum degree of coordination to avoid the risks that domestic action leads to very
different levels of air ticket taxes (e.g. by ticket class, in relation to transit/transfer journeys, etc.)
across the EU.
On this, see ‘Better Regulation Toolbox 5’, available at
See Commission in European Commission, Communication from the Commission to the European
Parliament, the European Council and the Council, Towards a more efficient and democratic decision making in
EU tax policy, 15 January 2019, COM(2019) 8 final; European Commission, Communication from the
Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council, A more efficient and democratic
decision making in EU energy and climate policy, 9 April 2019, COM(2019) 177 final. See also article 48(7) of
the TFEU.
See also the Protocol (No 2) on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.
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A1.2.3 EU primary law
Secondary EU law should comply with EU primary law. Therefore, proposals for a harmonised
minimum fuel tax or ticket tax should be designed in line with EU primary law, including EU State aid
law and the EU free movement provisions
. With regard to the taxation of the aviation sector, it is
worth noting the case-law of the Court of Justice on the Irish air travel tax
. This case-law highlights
that differentiated tax rates applicable to flight destinations within a certain distance from a given
airport can, under certain circumstances, constitute State aid.
A1.2.4 Energy taxation directive (2003/96/EC) and the general arrangements for
excise duty directive (2008/118/EC)
These directives provide the regulatory framework for the adoption of excise duties on energy
products and electricity. Directive 2003/96/EC specifically concerns the taxation of energy products
and electricity. Directive 2008/118/EC, as its name indicates, provides for the general rules that apply
to excise duty legislation within the EU.
According to article 14, para. 1(b) of the energy taxation directive, energy products supplied for use
as fuel for the purpose of air navigation other than in private pleasure-flying’ shall be exempted from
taxation by Member States. However, Article 14, para.1(b) also states that ‘Member States may limit
the scope of this exemption to supplies of jet fuel (CN code 2710 19 21)’. Moreover, article 14 para. 2
indicates that ‘Member States may limit the scope of the exemptions (….) to international and intra-
Community transport. In addition, where a Member State has entered into a bilateral agreement with
another Member State, it may also waive the exemptions (…). In such cases, Member States may
apply a level of taxation below the minimum level set out in this Directive’.
In case a new harmonised minimum tax was proposed on fuel supplied for the purpose of air navigation
for domestic and intra-EU flights, Article 14 of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) would need to be
A1.2.5 EU ETS Directive (2003/87/EC)
Although the EU ETS does not qualify as a tax
, it is a carbon pricing policy used to internalise the
greenhouse gas emissions of different sectors, including the aviation sector. Therefore, interactions
could arise between the EU ETS and new environmental tax measures on the air transport sector,
unless these two policy measures are applied concurrently
The Commission is currently assessing potential revisions to the EU ETS Directive, in particular as it
applies to aviation. At the moment, the scope of the EU ETS is restricted to intra-EEA flights
(domestic and international), through the ‘stop the clock’ derogation that was introduced in 2013 in
response to the progress being made in ICAO on the development of a global market-based measure
On the impact of EU primary law on EU secondary law and Member States’ law in the context of energy
and environmental taxation, see Alice Pirlot, ‘Exploring the Impact of EU Law on Energy and Environmental
Taxation’, in: C. HJI Panayi, W. Haslehner, E. Traversa (Eds.), Research Handbook in European Union
Taxation Law (2020) Cheltenham, UK, in particular section 3, available on SSRN:
See See CJEU, European Commission v. Aer Lingus, 21 December 2016, joined cases C-
164/15 P and C-165/15 P; General Court, Aer Lingus v. Commission, 5 February 2015, T-473/12.
See the Opinion of Advocate General Kokott delivered on 6 October 2011 (in particular at para. 215) in the
following case: CJEU, Air Transport Association of America and Others, 21 December 2011, C-366/10.
On the interactions between the EU ETS and the energy taxation directive, see Alice Pirlot, ‘Exploring the
Impact of EU Law on Energy and Environmental Taxation’, in: C. HJI Panayi, W. Haslehner, E. Traversa (Eds.),
Research Handbook in European Union Taxation Law (2020) Cheltenham, UK, in particular section 3, available
on SSRN:, section 2.3.
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. In 2017, this derogation was extended to 2023 in recognition of the agreement at the 2016
ICAO Assembly on the implementation of a global market-based measure from 2021 to offset
international aviation emissions above 2020 levels
. In the absence of any further amendment, the
EU ETS will revert to its initial geographical scope (applying to all flights departing from, or arriving at,
EEA airports) from 2024. The Commission’s assessment includes a range of options on ways to
implement CORSIA through the EU ETS directive.
A1.2.6 VAT Directive (2006/112/EC)
The VAT Directive contains several provisions that can have an impact on the taxation of the air
transport sector by the Member States.
First, Article 148 of the Directive provides that ‘Member States shall exempt the following
transactions: (…) (e) the supply of goods for the fueling and provisioning of aircraft used by airlines
operating for reward chiefly on international routes; (f) the supply, modification, repair, maintenance,
chartering and hiring of the aircraft referred to in point (e), and the supply, hiring, repair and
maintenance of equipment incorporated or used therein; (g) the supply of services, other than those
referred to in point (f), to meet the direct needs of the aircraft referred to in point (e) or of their
. There is some case-law as to the definition of ‘airlines operating for reward chiefly on
international routes
Second, the VAT Directive provides that the ‘transport of passengers and their accompanying
luggage’ might benefit from reduced rates or from standstill exemptions
. It is worth noting that the
Commission has proposed to amend the VAT directive as regards the provisions that apply to VAT
. These amendments, if they are adopted, would give Member States more leeway in how
they apply reduced rates and the exemption with deductibility of the VAT paid at the preceding stage.
These provisions would not affect the adoption of a new harmonised minimum tax on fuel supplied.
However, they might interact with proposals in favour of new harmonised ticket taxes. In addition to
the adoption of a new, ad hoc, ticket tax, the EU could consider reviewing the VAT provisions on the
taxation of the transport of passengers.
A1.2.7 Air Services Regulation (1008/2008), Airport Charges Directive (2009/12/EC)
and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/317 (laying down a
performance and charging scheme in the single European sky)
Some specific regulations and directives related to the aviation sector might also interact with new
taxes that would be adopted on the air transport sector. For example, according to article 23 of
Regulation 1008/2008 (the Air Services Regulation), ‘(…) The final price to be paid shall at all times
See Decision No 377/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 April 2013 derogating
temporarily from Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading
within the Community, OJ L 113, 25 April 2013, pp. 1-4; Regulation (EU) No 421/2014 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 amending Directive 2003/87/EC establishing a scheme for
greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in view of the implementation by 2020 of an
international agreement applying a single global market-based measure to international aviation emissions, OJ
L 129, 30 April 2014, pp. 1-4.
Regulation (EU) 2017/2392 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2017 amending
Directive 2003/87/EC to continue current limitations of scope for aviation activities and to prepare to implement
a global market-based measure from 2021, OJ L 350, 29 December 2017, pp. 7-14.
See also Article 169(b) of Directive 2006/112, which ensures the right for deduction.
CJEU, Cimber Air A/S v. Skattenministeriet, 16 September 2004, C-383/02; CJEU, A Oy, 19 July 2012, C-
33/11. See also James D. Walker, Harmonization of the EU ‘Zero Rate for Airlines’ (2013) International VAT
Monitor pp. 287-293.
See, for the provisions on reduced rates, Article 98 of the VAT Directive as well as Annex III, point (5) and,
for the provisions on the standstill exemption, Article 371 of the VAT Directive as well as Annex X, Part B, point
Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards rates of value added tax, 18
January 2018, COM(2018) 20 final.
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be indicated and shall include the applicable air fare or air rate as well as all applicable taxes, and
charges, surcharges and fees which are unavoidable and foreseeable at the time of publication’.
Article 23 compels carriers to specify, in addition to the indication of the final price, at least a number
of component parts of the final price. Taxes are one of the items to be specified, i.e. in the event they
have been added to the air fare or air rate.
The Airport Charges Directive 2009/12/EC is unlikely to be relevant to taxes on the air transport
sector. Indeed, taxes do not qualify as ‘airport charges’, which are defined as levies ‘collected for the
benefit of the airport managing body and paid by the airport users for the use of facilities and services,
which are exclusively provided by the airport managing body and which are related to landing, take-
off, lighting and parking of aircraft, and processing of passengers and freight’ (Article 2(4) of the
airport charges directive). Similarly, the provisions of the Commission Implementing Regulation on
performance and charging scheme are not directly relevant given that air navigation charges do not
qualify as taxes
A1.3 Potential legal obstacles to introducing harmonised
indirect taxes on the aviation sector
A number of legal provisions put limits on the introduction of taxes on the air transport sector. They
are listed below
A1.3.1 Chicago Convention (the Convention on International Civil Aviation)
The Chicago Convention contains two provisions that deal with tax matters, namely articles 15 and
24. Article 15 prevents members from adopting ‘fees, dues or other charges (. . .) in respect solely of
the right of transit over or entry into or exit from its territory of any aircraft of a contracting State or
persons of property thereon
. According to some authors, this provision could prevent the adoption
of air transport taxes and ticket taxes if they are considered to be paid solely to obtain the right to exit
from the territory of the taxing state
. However, case-law in some Member States suggests that that
ticket taxes do not violate this provision
Article 24 prevents signatories from imposing taxes on ‘fuel, lubricating oils, spare parts, regular
equipment and aircraft stores on board an aircraft of a contracting State, on arrival in the territory of
another contracting State and retained on board on leaving the territory of that State
- Article 24
does not prevent signatories of the Chicago Convention from taxing fuel that is loaded into aircraft on
their territory.
As such, neither article 15 nor article 24 of the Chicago Convention prevent the adoption of a
harmonised minimum tax on the supply of fuel. Similarly, these two provisions do not, in principle,
See, for example, article 32 on the modulation of air navigation charges of Commission Implementing
Regulation (EU) 2019/317 of 11 February 2019 laying down a performance and charging scheme in the single
European sky and repealing Implementing Regulations (EU) No 390/2013 and (EU) No 391/2013, OJ L 56, 25
February 2019, pp. 1-67.
In addition to the provisions listed below, other agreements could also have an impact on the taxation of the
air transport sector, such as WTO agreements and the Energy Charter Treaty. They are not analysed in detail
here, but they should still be considered. Both WTO agreements as well as the energy charter includes non-
discrimination provisions, which could have an impact on the design of new tax measures on the aviation sector.
Article 15, last paragraph of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention), signed on
7 December 1944, Doc. 7300/9, Ninth edition, 2006. The French and Spanish versions contain a clear reference
to ‘taxes’ and ‘impuestos’ in the last paragraph of article 15 of the Convention. The English version solely refers
to ‘fees, dues or other charges’.
For a more detailed discussion of the legal arguments, see Uwe Erling, ‘The German Air Transport Tax: A
Treaty Override of International Law’ (2015) 10(2) FIU Law Review 467-92; Brian F. Havel & Niels van
Antwerpen, Dutch Ticket Tax and Article 15 of the Chicago Convention (2009) 34(2) Air and Space Law, pp.
141-146; Brian F. Havel & Niels van Antwerpen, Dutch Ticket Tax and Article 15 of the Chicago Convention
(Continued) (2009) 34(6) Air and Space Law, pp. 447-451; Robert Lawson, UK Air Passenger Duty held to be
Consistent with the Chicago Convention (2008) XXXIII(1) Air & Space Law, pp. 3-9.
See CE Delft, A study on aviation ticket taxes, November 2018.
Article 24(a) of the Chicago Convention.
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prevent the adoption of a non-discriminatory harmonised ticket tax. However, one should be aware
that ticket taxes might be controversial under article 15 of the Chicago Convention (for the reasons
mentioned above). Moreover, they might be controversial under article 24 of the Chicago Convention
if they are designed in such a way that they can be assimilated to a tax on the fuel on board an
A1.3.2 ICAO resolutions
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) encourages its members to follow
recommendations on the taxation of the aviation sector.
First, with respect to the taxation of fuel, lubricants and other consumable technical supplies, the
ICAO Council resolution on taxation of international air transport encourages states to exempt fuel,
lubricants and other consumable technical supplies such as hydraulic and cooling fluids from
. This goes beyond Article 24 of the Chicago Convention: fuel, lubricants and other
consumable technical supplies on board upon arrival should be exempt, ‘so long as they are not
offloaded’ and they ‘can be consumed without any obligation that they or their equivalent be retained
on board on leaving the territory of the State granting the exemption
. Moreover, the Council
resolution also ‘provides for exemption or refund for the fuel, lubricants and other consumable
technical supplies taken on board at the final international airport of call in a customs territory of a
State, whether or not such airport is located at the border of the customs territory’
Second, with respect to taxes related to the sale or use of international air transport, the ICAO Council
resolution on taxation of international air transport encourages states to eliminate ‘all forms of taxation
on the sale or use of international transport by air, including taxes on gross receipts of operators and
taxes levied directly on passengers or shippers
Third, the ICAO Council issued a specific resolution on environmental charges and taxes in 1996,
which supports the adoption of ‘environmental charges’ over ‘environmental taxes’
. In contrast to
charges (supposed to be reallocated to the aviation sector), taxes generate ‘general national and local
governmental revenues that are applied for non-aviation purposes
The more recent statements of the ICAO Assembly remain in line with the past approach of the ICAO
Council. The Assembly plans to address the climate impact of the sector by means of a global
market-based mechanism (GMBM), not through taxation
. Established in 2016, this ‘Carbon
See ICAO’s Policies on Taxation in the Field of International Air Transport, Approved by the Council on 24
February 1999, 3rd edtn (2000), Doc. 8632, Council Resolution on Taxation of International Air Transport
(hereafter: ICAO Council Resolution on Taxation of International Air Transport), available at See in particular clause 1, a) i).
ICAO Council Resolution on Taxation of International Air Transport, Commentary on Council Resolution,
Taxes on fuel, lubricants or other consumable technical supplies, para. 2, available at
ICAO Council Resolution on Taxation of International Air Transport, clause 1, a) ii) Note that clause 1a) iii)
extends that exemption when an aircraft engaged in international air transport ‘takes successive stops at two or
more international airports in a single customs territory’.
ICAO Council Resolution on Taxation of International Air Transport, see in particular clause 3.
Council Resolution on Environmental Charges and Taxes adopted by the Council on 9 December 1996 at the
16th Meeting of its 149th Session, available at
ICAO Council Resolution on Taxation of International Air Transport, see preamble.
See ICAO, Assembly Resolutions in Force (as of 4 October 2013), Resolution A18-18 ICAO, Consolidated
Statement of Continuing ICAO Policies and Practices Related to Environmental ProtectionClimate Change,
para. 18, available at See also
Consolidated Statement of Continuing ICAO Policies and Practices Related to Environmental Protection
Climate Change, A37-19, available at sustainability/Documents/A37-Env-Resos-9958.pdf.
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Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)’ will enter into a pilot phase as
of 2021. EU Member States will take part to this voluntary phase, subject to the differences filed
The interactions between the EU ETS and CORSIA will be clarified in the revision of the EU ETS
. Similarly, the potential interactions between the mechanism of CORSIA and other
market-based instruments adopted by ICAO contracting states remain unclear.
Although the ICAO has been recognized an important role in the mitigation of the climate impact of
international civil aviation
, countries remain free to adopt instruments to pursue that objective at the
domestic and regional levels. Against this background, several ICAO contracting states, including
Austria, France, Iceland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland, have notified
the ICAO that they have adopted or are considering adopting economic instruments, including taxes,
so as to internalize the environmental impact of the aviation sector
In summary, ICAO recommendations do not form a strict obstacle to the adoption of new harmonised
minimum tax on fuel or ticket tax at the EU level. In some cases, however, they might be integrated
into air services agreements, which will give them binding legal effect (see next section, A1.3.3).
A1.3.3 Aviation agreements: bilateral, horizontal and comprehensive
A1.3.3.1 Types of air services agreements
Air services agreements are agreements establishing the conditions covering air services between
the agreeing states. Over the years, EU Member States have concluded a large number of bilateral
air services agreement (BA) with third countries.
A horizontal agreement (HA) is an international agreement negotiated by the European
Commission on behalf of EU Member States, in order to bring all existing bilateral air services
agreements between EU Member States and a given third country in line with EU law
. The
European Commission has started negotiating HAs in 2003 following a judgement by the Court of
Justice of the European Union (CJEU) which concluded that limitations on the designation of airlines
to airlines owned and controlled by nationals was discriminatory and contrary to EU law
. Moreover,
See Council decision (EU) 2018/2027 of 29 November 2018 on the position to be taken on behalf of the
European Union within the International Civil Aviation Organization in respect of the First Edition of the
International Standards and Recommended Practices on Environmental Protection Carbon Offsetting and
Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), OJEU, L 325, 20 December 2018, pp. 25-28; Council
Decision (EU) 2020/954 of 25 June 2020 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within
the International Civil Aviation Organization as regards the notification of voluntary participation in the Carbon
Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) from 1 January 2021 and the option
selected for calculating aeroplane operators’ offsetting requirements during the 2021-2023 period, OJ L 212, 3
July 2002, pp. 14-17
See article 28(b) inserted in Directive 2003/87/EC by Regulation (EU) 2017/2392 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 13 December 2017, OJ L 350, 29 December 2017, pp. 7-14. See also European
Commission, Inception Impact Assessment, Revision of the EU Emission Trading System Directive 2003/87/EC
concerning aviation, Ref. Ares(2020)3515933, 3 July 2020,
your-say/initiatives/12494-Revision-of-the-EU-Emission-Trading-System-Directive-concerning-aviation-. On this
topic, see Sven Maertens, Wolfgang Grimme, Janina Scheelhaase & Martin Jung, ‘Options to Continue the EU
ETS for Aviation in a CORSIA-World’ (2019) 11(20) Sustainability, p. 5703.
See Article 2(2) of the Kyoto Protocol, which states as follows: ‘the Parties (…) shall pursue limitation or
reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol from aviation and marine
bunker fuels, working through the International Civil Aviation Organization and the International Maritime
Organization, respectively’. Under EU law, the effect of this provision seems limited given its lack of direct effect
(CJEU, Air Transport Association of America and Others, 21 December 2011, C-366/10, paras. 73-78).
ICAO’s Policies on Taxation in the Field of International Air Transport, 3rd edtn, 2000, Supplement (January
2013) to Doc 8632, available at 8632_cons_sup_en.pdf.
European Commission, Mobility and Transport, External Aviation Policy Horizontal Agreements, available
See CJEU, Commission v. United Kingdom, C-466/98, 5 November 2002; CJEU, Commission v. Kingdom
of Denmark, C-467/98, 5 November 2002; CJEU, Commission v. Kingdom of Sweden, C-468/98, 5 November
2002; CJEU, Commission v. Republic of Finland, C-469/98, 5 November 2002; CJEU, Commission v. Belgium,
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the Court also found that the EU had exclusive competences to conclude agreements in certain
areas, such as the allocation of slots at Community airports and computerised reservation systems
In the case of HAs, the Commission acts on a mandate from EU Member States and the concluded
HAs amend relevant provisions of all existing BAs in the context of a single negotiation with a third
. Member States can also choose to start bilateral negotiations with third countries in order
to amend each BA that would otherwise not comply with EU law.
The Council may grant the European Commission an authorisation for negotiating a comprehensive
air transport agreement (CATA). When it enters into force, a CATA replaces all the BAs concluded
by EU Member States with a specific third country or group of countries,
although any rights in the
BA that exceed those provided for in the CATA may be grandfathered.
The following sections provide an overview by type of air services agreements with a view of
identifying potential legal obstacles to the adoption of harmonised indirect taxes on the aviation
sector, especially in relation to taxes on fuel supplied to EU and no-EU carriers operating intra-EU
A1.3.3.2 Horizontal and comprehensive agreements
The EU has concluded horizontal and comprehensive agreements with a large number of third
and reports that horizontal agreements have been concluded with 41 countries and one
regional organisation with eight Member States, representing an additional 670 bilateral
In many cases, HAs guarantee Member States’ ability to introduce taxes on fuel supplied for in their
territory for use in an aircraft operating intra-EU flights. This is the case when HAs include a provision
in line with the one contained in the EU model agreement (Article 4 on the taxation of aviation fuel).
This provision states as follows:
‘1. The provisions in paragraph 2 of this Article shall complement the corresponding
provisions in the articles listed in Annex 2(d).
2. Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, nothing in each of the agreements
listed in Annex 2(d) shall prevent a Member State from imposing, on a non-discriminatory
C-471/98, 5 November 2002; CJEU, Commission v. Luxembourg, C-472/98, 5 November 2002; CJEU,
Commission v. Austria, C-475/98, 5 November 2002; CJEU, Commission v. Federal Republic of German, C-
476/98, 5 November 2002. See also Commission of the European Communities, Communication from the
Commission on the consequences of the Court judgements of 5 November 2002 for European air transport
policy, 19 November 2002, COM(2002) 649 final; Regulation (EC) No 847/2004 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the negotiation and implementation of air service agreements between
Member States and third countries, OJ L 157, 30 April 2004, pp. 7-17. See also Frank Hoffmeister, Bilateral Air
Transport Agreements between Several EU Member States and the United States (Open Skies) - Right to
Establishment under European Law - External Competence of the European Community (2004) 98 AM. J.
INT'l L. 567-572.
See the cases mentioned above.
European Commission, Mobility and Transport, External Aviation Policy Horizontal Agreements, available
European Commission, Mobility and Transport, International Aviation,
This question had already been discussed in 2005 by the Commission. See Communication from the
Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social committee and the
Committee of the Regions - Reducing the Climate Change Impact of Aviation {SEC(2005) 1184}.
See the list on this website: European Commission, Mobility and Transport, Status of aviation relations by
country, available at
European Commission, Mobility and Transport, External Aviation Policy Horizontal Agreements, available
Among others, see Article 4(2) of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of
Azerbaijan on certain aspects of air services (see Council Decision of 8 November 2005, OJ EU, L 265/24, 9
October 2009). See also Article 4(2) of the Agreement between the European Community and New Zealand on
certain aspects of air services, OJ L 184, 6 July 2006, pp. 26-33. For the complete list of agreements including
a similar clause, see Table A.1.2.
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basis, taxes, levies, duties, fees or charges on fuel supplied in its territory for use in an aircraft
of a designated air carrier of [name of the third country] that operates between a point in the
territory of that Member State and another point in the territory of that Member State or in the
territory of another Member State.’
Conversely, where horizontal agreements do not contain any provision similar to the one quoted
above from the EU model agreement, the applicable regime for fuel taxes is the one established in
the existing BAs between Member States and the specific third country
. This may include instances
in which the supply of aviation fuel is explicitly exempted from taxes, as is the case in the Spain-
Ethiopia agreement mentioned in A.
Table A.1.1 provides an overview of the HAs concluded between the EU and third countries and their
implications for the taxation of fuel supplied to non-EU air carriers operating intra-EU flights.
Table A.1.1 Horizontal agreements between the EU and third countries
Presence of a clause in the agreement allowing for the
taxation of fuel supplied for intra-EU flights
Cape Verde
New Zealand
See, for example, the HA with Australia, India, Mexico, Mongolia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Vietnam
(Agreement between the European Community and the Government of Australia on certain aspects of air
services, OJ L 149, 7 June 2008, pp. 65-73; Agreement between the European Community and the
Government of the Republic of India on certain aspects of air services, OJ L 273, 15 October 2008, pp. 9-17;
Agreement on certain aspects of air services between the European Union and the United Mexican States, OJ
L 38, 12 February 2011, pp. 34-39; Agreement between the European Community and the Government of
Mongolia on certain aspects of air services, OJ L 336, 18 December 2009, pp. 5-11; Agreement between the
European Community and the Government of the Republic of Singapore on certain aspects of air services, OJ
L 243, 6 September 2006, pp. 23-31; Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka on certain aspects of air services, OJ L 49, 22 February 2013, pp.
2-9; Agreement between the European Union and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on
certain aspects of air services, OJ L 288, 5 November 2010, pp. 2-9)
This list does not include HAs concluded with countries with which the EU has now concluded a CATA
which has entered into force (see, among others, Morocco and the Western Balkans).
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Presence of a clause in the agreement allowing for the
taxation of fuel supplied for intra-EU flights
Sri Lanka
Source: Ricardo analysis of publicly available HAs concluded between the European Union and third countries or
group of countries
In contrast to HAs, CATAs supersede the bilateral agreements that have been concluded by
individual Member States with third countries
. These agreements include explicit rules on the
taxation of aviation fuels. With regard to the taxation of fuel supplied to non-EU air carrier operating
intra-EU flights, some CATAs include a specific provision clarifying that they shall not prevent a Party
from imposing such taxes. For example, it is worth noting that the agreement with Morocco contains
such a provision, stating as follows:
‘this Agreement does not exempt fuel supplied by a Contracting Party to air carriers within its
territory from taxes, levies, duties, fees, and charges similar to those referred to in paragraph
Another example is to be found in the agreement with Israel. Article 9, paragraph 3 states as follows:
‘3. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Contracting Party from imposing taxes, levies,
duties, fees, or charges on fuel supplied in its territory, on a non-discriminatory basis, for use
in an aircraft of an air carrier that operates between two points in its territory‘
The CATAs with Georgia, Jordan and Moldova also contain similar provisions
CATAs between the EU and Switzerland, as well as the ECAA, include a reference to the ETD, which
implies that Member States remain free to tax fuel supplied for use by airlines from those countries on
domestic flights. Member States also have the possibility to negotiate bilateral agreements with those
Referring to the West African Economic and Monetary Union
Note, however, that some CATAs provide that existing traffic rights security arrangements which originate
from the Member States’ bilateral agreements or other arrangements, which are not covered under the
comprehensive Agreement, or which are more favourable, can continue to be exercised. See, for example,
article 26.1 of the Agreement with Israel. See also Article 26.1 of the Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement
with Morocco, which states as follows: The provisions of this Agreement supersede the relevant provisions of
existing bilateral agreements between Morocco and the Member States. However, existing traffic rights which
originate from these bilateral agreements and which are not covered under this Agreement can continue to be
exercised, provided that there is no discrimination between the Member States and their nationals. See also
article 25.1 of the 9(3) of EU-Jordan aviation agreement.
See article 10, (3) of the Euro-Mediterranean aviation agreement between the European Community and its
Member States, of the one part, and the Kingdom of Morocco, of the other part OJ L 386, 29 December 2006,
pp. 57-88
Article 9, (3) of the aviation agreement between the European Union and the government of the State of
Israel, OJ L 208, 2 August 2013, pp. 3-67. See also article 9(3) of EU-Jordan aviation agreement.
Article 10, (3) of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member
States, of the one part, and Georgia, of the other part, OJ L 321, 20 November 2012, pp. 3-32; Article 9, (3) of
the Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one
part, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, of the other part, OJ L 334, 6 December 2012, pp. 3-30; Article
10, (3) of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between the European Union and its Member States and the
Republic of Moldova, OJ L 293, 20 October 2012, pp. 3-37.
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States (Switzerland and Western Balkan States) to tax fuel on flights between them (e.g. to tax fuel on
a flight between France and Serbia based on a bilateral agreement between France and Serbia.
For example, the agreement with Switzerland includes an explicit reference to article 14(1)(b) and
Article 14(2) of Council Directive 2003/96/EC
. Moreover, in the case of Switzerland, it is worth
noting that the EU aviation acquis is regularly incorporated in the Swiss legal order by Decisions of
the Joint Committee established under the EU-Swiss Air Transport Agreement. With rare exceptions
and adaptations, aviation-related acquis is generally accepted by Switzerland and it would be safe to
assume that harmonisation might take place should some form of taxation on fuel be introduced and
this study has proceeded under that assumption.
Similarly, the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) agreement between the EU and partners in
South-Eastern Europe refers in its Annex to applicable legislation which includes article 14(1)(b) and
(2) of the Council Directive 2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003 restructuring the Community framework
for the taxation of energy products and electricity (ETD, see A.1.2.4).
Finally, some CATAs do not automatically authorise the taxation of fuel supplied for intra-EU flights.
For example, article 11 of the air transport agreement between the European Community and its
Member States and the USA contains an article on ‘customs duties and charges’ that significantly
limits the power of national authorities and the European Community to impose certain types of taxes
on the aviation sector
. The first paragraph of this article concerns the exemption of fuel and
equipment that remain onboard the aircraft. The second paragraph of this provision on customs duties
and charges provides for the exemption of ‘fuel, lubricants, and consumable technical supplies
introduced into or supplied in the territory of a Party for use in an aircraft of an airline of the other
Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these supplies are to be used on a part
of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board
. Article 11,
paragraph 2 of this air transport agreement states as follows (see point (c)):
‘2. There shall also be exempt, on the basis of reciprocity, from the taxes, levies, duties, fees
and charges referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, with the exception of charges based on
the cost of the service provided:
(a) aircraft stores introduced into or supplied in the territory of a Party and taken on
board, within reasonable limits, for use on outbound aircraft of an airline of the other Party
engaged in international air transportation, even when these stores are to be used on a part
of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board;
(b) ground equipment and spare parts (including engines) introduced into the territory of
a Party for the servicing, maintenance, or repair of aircraft of an airline of the other Party used
in international air transportation;
(c) fuel, lubricants and consumable technical supplies introduced into or supplied in the
territory of a Party for use in an aircraft of an airline of the other Party engaged in international
air transportation, even when these supplies are to be used on a part of the journey
performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board;
(d) printed matter, as provided for by the customs legislation of each Party, introduced
into or supplied in the territory of one Party and taken on board for use on outbound aircraft of
an airline of the other Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these
stores are to be used on a part of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in
which they are taken on board.’
See Annex, point 8 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on
Air Transport (OJ L 114, 30 April 2002, as later amended).
Air transport agreement between the United States of America and the European Community and its
Member States (EU-US air transport agreement), OJ L 134, 25 May 2007, pp. 4 et sequ., as amended.
Article 11(2)(c) of the Air transport agreement between the United States of America and the European
Community and its Member States (EU-US air transport agreement), OJ L 134, 25 May 2007, pp. 4 et sequ., as
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The agreement concluded with Canada contains similar provisions
The extent to which these provisions will have an impact on the taxation of the air transport sector
with regard to domestic or intra-Community flights will depend on each of these agreements. For the
air transport agreement with the United States, article 11, (6) states as follows:
‘In the event that two or more Member States envisage applying to the fuel supplied to aircraft
of US airlines in the territories of such Member States for flights between such Member States
any waiver of the exemption contained in Article 14(b) of Council Directive 2003/96/EC of 27
October 2003, the Joint Committee shall consider that issue, in accordance with paragraph
4(e) of Article 18’.
Moreover, in addition to the provisions that directly relate to fuel taxation, article 11(5) of the EU-US
air transport agreement states as follows:
‘Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent either Party from imposing taxes, levies, duties, fees
or charges on goods sold other than for consumption on board to passengers during a sector
of an air service between two points within its territory at which embarkation or
disembarkation is permitted’
Regarding the EU-Canada Air Transport Agreement, a declaration by the European Community and
its Member States indicates that the Agreement ‘does not provide for the exemption from value added
tax (VAT), with the exception of turnover tax on imports, and does not preclude Member States from
taxing aviation fuel for domestic or intra-Community flights in line with Council Directive
At the time of writing, the latest EU agreement reached with a third country is the one concluded with
the United Kingdom in December 2020. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
TCA) is applicable since January 2021 and sets out preferential arrangements in several areas including
air transport. The agreement limits air traffic rights to 3
and 4
freedom rights, with possibility of
extension, under certain conditions and at the Member State and UK level, to 5
freedom rights for all-
cargo air transport services
. This effectively limits the ability of UK carriers to operate domestic (i.e.
within an EU Member State) and intra-Community flights. With respect to the taxation of fuel supplied
for use on international air transport, Article 14(2) (in particular, paragraph (c )) is relevant, stating as
2. The following goods shall also be exempt, on the basis of reciprocity, from the taxes, levies,
duties, fees and charges referred to in paragraph 1:
(c) lubricants and consumable technical supplies other than fuel introduced into or
supplied in the territory of a Party for use in an aircraft of an air carrier of the other Party
used in international air transport, even when those supplies are to be used on a part
of the journey performed over the said territory.
This wording indicates that Article 14(2)(c) does not disallow the taxation of fuel supplied. Of note, the
clause does not disallow the taxation of fuel supplied in the EU for flights from the EU to the UK. The
See Article 8, (2)(c) of the Agreement on Air Transport between Canada and the European Community and
its Member States, OJ L 207, 6 August 2010, p. 32. Please note that Article 8(1) is formulated slightly differently.
[Article 8(1) concerns fuels on the board the aircraft, whereas Article 8(2)(c) is about fuel delivered to aircraft.]
Article 11(5) of the EU-US air transport agreement. See also article 9(6) of the Euro-Mediterranean aviation
agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Hashemite Kingdom
of Jordan, of the other part (EU-Jordan aviation agreement), OJ L 334/3, 6 December 2012, p. 3.
Declaration by the European Community and its Member States on the EU-Canada Air Transport Agreement
to be made at signature.
Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy
Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part,
OJ L 444, 31 December 2020, pp. 14-1462.
See Article AIRTRN.3, in particular paragraphs 2, 3, and 4. Please note also that Article AIRTRN.3,
paragraph 9 allows, under certain conditions, the authorisation of non-schedule air transport services beyond
the rights provided elsewhere in Article AIRTRN.3.
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agreement reached with Morocco also does not disallow the taxation of fuel supplied in the EU for flights
to Morocco,
Table A.1.2 gives an overview of the CATAs concluded or being negotiated
with third countries and
highlights their implications for the taxation of the supply of fuel in the case of intra-EU flights operated
by carriers from the third country with which the agreement is concluded. The table below does not
include agreements currently negotiated for which the negotiation text has not yet been made available
Table A.1.2 Comprehensive agreements between the EU and third countries for which an
agreement has been concluded or negotiated and it is publicly available
Presence of a clause allowing for the
taxation of fuel supplied for intra-EU flights
Reference to article 14(1)(b) and
(2) of the ETD
(but, see, EU declaration mentioned above)
Source: Ricardo analysis of publicly available CATAs concluded or negotiated between the European Union and
third countries or group of countries
A1.3.3.3 Bilateral aviation agreements between Member States and third countries
The number of BAs between EU Member States and third countries is significant, with the vast
majority having relevance to issues related to the taxation of fuel in the aviation sector. Therefore,
each of these agreements should ideally be analysed in order to determine to what extent they limit
Member States’ possibility to introduce taxes on the aviation sector. Historically, provisions limiting the
possibility to introduce taxes on fuel have been commonly found in BAs. However, as indicated by DG
MOVE staff in conversation with the consultants, over the past years, the situation has evolved and
newly (re)negotiated BAs might not include this provision. Based on information available on the
Commission’s website, to date bilateral (re)negotiations have led to changes with 73 partner States,
The table includes only those agreements of which the text is publicly available.
The EU has initiated negotiations with the following countries: Armenia, ASEA, Azerbaijan, Oman, Qatar,
Multilateral Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, the Republic of Albania,
on the Establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) between the European Union, its Member
States and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), the Republic of Iceland, the Republic of Montenegro, the Kingdom
of Norway, Romania, the Republic of Serbia and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
on the Establishment of a European Common Aviation Area (ECAA).
For the purpose of this analysis, the aviation agreement contained in the Trade and Cooperation
Agreement between the EU and the UK is treated as a CATA.
There is no specific clause to this effect, but note that Article AIRTRN.14, para. 2(b) (c) of the EU - UK TCA
does not require the exemption of taxes on fuel supplied in the territory of a Party for use in an aircraft of an air
carrier of the other Party used in international air transport.
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representing 340 bilateral agreements
. Moreover, as explained above, many BAs have been
amended by HAs.
Given the short timeframe and the scope of this study, it is not possible to provide an exhaustive
review of all the agreements concluded, as well as renegotiated, by Member States with third
countries. Some BAs contain provisions that explicitly allow the taxation of aviation fuel supplied to
EU and non-EU air carriers operating intra-EU flights. Agreements including such a clause protect the
taxing power of EU Member States with regard to the taxation of fuel supplied for domestic and intra-
EU flights.
However, other BAs do not contain such a clause and rather forbid the taxation of fuel supplied. In
this case, the implementation of taxes on fuel supplied to air carriers from the third country (with which
such BA has been concluded) will not be possible even if they operate intra-EU flights, unless the BA
is amended accordingly. Consequently, these operators may be able to operate without being subject
to fuel taxes, taking into account on the provisions of the air services agreement that grant them the
right to operate intra-EU flights.
The analysis of fuel burnt using the EU ETS Transaction Log has enabled the identification of the
passenger carriers (and their country of establishment) that operated most intra-EU flights in recent
years. The third countries where the major carriers come from are Switzerland, UAE, Korea, Ethiopia,
Qatar and Chile. Except for Ethiopia, the EU has been able to conclude or initiate negotiations for
either CATAs or HAs with the countries above. For example, for UAE and Chile, a specific clause in
the HA negotiated by the EU allows for the taxation of fuel supplied for intra-EU flights (see 3.3.2)
In the case of Ethiopia, two BAs have been identified with EU Member States; Ethiopian Airlines has
operated flights between Madrid (Spain) and Dublin (Ireland) as part of its operation between these
Member States and Ethiopia (a so called fifth freedom flight, where an air carrier has the right to fly
between two foreign countries on a flight originating or ending in one’s own country):
The air services agreement between Spain and Ethiopia (2015)
: in this agreement, the
supply of aviation fuel is explicitly exempted from indirect taxation (see art.5(2)(c)).
The air services agreement between Ireland and Ethiopia (2017)
: in this agreement, the
supply of aviation fuel for domestic flights (and, in the case of Ireland, intra-EU flights) may be
taxed on a reciprocal basis (see art.12.7).
Assuming that a tax on fuel supplied to air carriers operating intra-EU flights was introduced, the
agreement between Spain and Ethiopia would prevent Spain from taxing fuel supplied to Ethiopian
Airlines. From an economic perspective, this implies that Ethiopian Airlines would enjoy a competitive
advantage over EU carriers and carriers from countries for which air services agreements allow for the
taxation of fuel supplied for intra-EU flights. Nonetheless, we note that the fuel burnt by Ethiopian
Airlines represents a very small proportion of all fuel consumed for intra-EU passenger flights by non-
EU carriers, which in turn represents only 0.9% of all fuel burnt by civil aviation under the EU ETS
Transaction Log (see Interim Report, section 4.2 for more details). Therefore, the potential impact of
the tax exemption would be limited.
One important caveat, though, should be added to this conclusion: today’s analysis may not accurately
describe tomorrow’s situation. An important unknown factor is that, assuming that EU air-carriers are
subject to a new tax on the supply of fuel for intra-EU flights, some third-party carriers currently enjoying
European Commission, Mobility and Transport, External Aviation Policy Horizontal Agreements, available
See Article 4(2) of the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Chile on certain
aspects of air services (OJ L 3000, 31 October 2006); article 4(2) of the Agreement between the European
Community and the United Arab Emirates on certain aspects of air services (OJ L 28, 1 February 2008).
Acuerdo sobre transporte aéreo entre el Reino de España y la República Federal Democrática de Etiopía,
hecho en Addis Abeba el 19 de febrero de 2013, available at
Air Transport Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 3 November 2014, available at
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fifth-freedom rights but not actively pursuing intra-EU passenger routes may be incentivised to do so in
the future in case they benefit from a tax exemption due to the reasons explained above.
A1.3.4 Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
This agreement requires its signatories (including the EU and most Member States) to eliminate all
customs duties and other charges on the importation of civil aircraft, as well as other related products
(civil aircraft engines, aircraft components, etc.)
As such, this agreement would not prevent the adoption of a harmonised minimum fuel tax or a ticket
A1.3.5 Customary international law
Some principles of customary international law, such as the principle of exclusive sovereignty of the
airspace, might limit the adoption of taxes on the air transport sector, if they include elements of
Neither a harmonised minimum fuel tax nor a ticket tax would qualify as an extraterritorial tax.
Consequently, the principle of exclusive sovereignty of the airspace should not prevent their adoption.
A1.4 Reflections based on the experience of Member States in
implementing ticket taxes
The adoption of a directive to harmonise the taxation of the air transport sector at the EU level might
affect existing domestic taxes on the sector. Consequently, it might be worth anticipating the potential
interactions that could arise between the directive and Member States’ existing tax measures on the
air transport sector as well as any legal issues that may emerge from a review of national experiences
in enacting ticket taxes. To this end, the study team has engaged in conversations with experts at the
European Commission (DG MOVE) and national tax administrations (Austria and Germany’s Finance
Ministries interviews undertake; Netherlands and Sweden interviews planned in January 2021;
UK, France and Switzerland awaiting confirmation).
See Article 2 of the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft.
Note, however, that similar arguments were rejected by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case
Air Transport Association of America and Others (21 December 2011, C-366/10).
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A2 Stakeholder consultation
We note that the initial discussion with DG TAXUD indicated that stakeholder consultation should only
be done in coordination with the Commission, unless to clarify specific technical issues. Therefore,
the plan to have a coordinated set of interviews in the manner envisaged in the proposal was
Additionally, the proposal included a survey of EU Member States to obtain their views on the
effectiveness of different measures and on the administrative costs they would incur. This survey was
instead replaced with a set of targeted interviews aimed at discussing technical issues with tax
authorities in Member States that already impose a ticket tax. Conversation have been held with
experts in the finance ministries of Austria, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands. Further contacts
were established with experts in the finance ministries of France, Switzerland and the UK, but no
interviews were held with them.
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A3 Model descriptions
An overview of the AERO-MS modules, and the interactions between the modules, is provided by the
figure below. In the subsequent text box a description of the AERO-MS, including the various
modules, is provided.
Overview of AERO-MS main modules
Overview of AERO-MS
The key of the AERO-MS is to compute the impacts of alternative options to reduce GHG
emissions from aviation. The model has global coverage.
In 2009 EASA inherited the property rights of AERO-MS. Since then, as part of various
assignments for EASA, AERO-MS has been updated and enhanced. Hereby use is made of
EUROCONTROL WISDOM Operations Database as a basis for the AERO-MS Unified Database
which contains a detailed record of global aviation movements in the Base Year. The Unified
Database records 123,025 airport-pairs, covering a full network of all key airports. Airline cost and
fare data were updated using IATA and ICAO data. The update of aircraft type input data was
based on fleet inventory properties from the EUROCONTROL PRISME Fleet 2, OAG Fleet
Databases, ICAO emissions databank as well as the FESG retirement curves. For the specification
of aircraft operational characteristics use was made of the EUROCONTROL BADA data. Hence, all
AERO-MS data are based on data sources from internationally well-reputed organisations.
AERO-MS has a global coverage, including data for both Intra European routes and routes to and
from Europe. The AERO-MS computes a wide range of impacts of alternative policy options for the
reduction of aviation GHG emissions, including the impact on:
Total number of flights and flight km;
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Aviation demand in terms of passengers, passenger km, freight km;
Airline revenues;
Taxation revenues;
Ticket prices;
Fuel use and fuel efficiency;
and NO
The AERO-MS has formed a key part of about 40 international studies where the model results
have provided a quantified basis for policy judgement. Recently AERO-MS was applied for the
European Aviation Environmental Report
. Also the AERO-MS has been applied in various impact
assessment studies for the European Commissions, Further studies, in which the AERO-MS was
applied, were executed for a range of other clients like EASA, IATA, ICAO, Airbus, and national
governments (Germany, UK, the Netherlands).
The Unified Database and the five modules of the AERO-MS model are briefly described below.
Unified Database: The starting point for the modelling of air transport demand and aircraft flights is
provided by the Unified Database of the AERO-MS, which is a computerised description of the
volume and pattern of global air transport activity in the base year.
Aircraft technology model (ATEC): The ATEC model is used to calculate the technical
characteristics by aircraft type and technology level based on a modelling of fleet development over
time. Aircraft technology are particularly relevant to the fuel use and emission characteristics of
different aircraft types. The technology characteristics are expressed as a function of aircraft
‘technology age’ which is defined by the year in which the aircraft (type) is certified. The technology
age distribution is determined by the fleet build-up which depends on the development in time of
aircraft sales (following air transport demand) and aircraft retirement.
Air transport demand model (ADEM): The ADEM model matches the demand and supply side of
air transport, i.e. air transport demand in terms of passengers and freight as well as the frequency
and capacity of air transport services offered. Volumes of passengers and cargo transported,
passenger fares and freight rates are determined in the process of balancing supply and demand.
Aircraft flights are determined by origin-destination (airport pairs) and expressed in terms of aircraft
types and technology levels, in accordance with available fleets.
Aviation cost model (ACOS): The ACOS model computes the relevant variable aircraft operating
cost components and total operating costs. Variable operating costs are associated with flights by
aircraft type and technology level and include: fuel costs; route and landing (airport) charges; flight
and cabin crew costs; maintenance costs; capital costs (depreciation) and finance costs. In
addition, total operating costs include a number of other, volume-related, costs such as the costs of
ground-handling, sales, ground facilities (buildings) and general and administration costs. Based on
the total operating costs, ACOS determines the unit costs (per passenger and kg of cargo
transported) of air transport by aircraft type, technology level and IATA region-pair. In particular, the
model ACOS converts the costs of possible measures in the air transport sector to changes in unit
operating costs.
Flights and emissions model (FLEM): The FLEM model provides a detailed description of the
actual flight profiles of individual aircraft flights. Fuel-burn and emissions for each flight are computed
in three-dimensional space, taking into account the geographical flight specification and the
technical characteristics by aircraft type and technology level. There is a direct connection between
ATEC and FLEM allowing FLEM to take into account developments in aircraft technical and
environmental performance as projected from a baseline scenario and policies. Finally, FLEM
provides information on fuel-burn as a basis for the cost computations in ACOS.
Direct economic impacts model (DECI): The DECI model is essentially a post-processing model.
One of its main functions is to provide a comprehensive overview of the results of the other
modules in the AERO-MS, in particular the information related to air transport volumes; air
transport demand, airline revenues and ticket prices.
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In relation to the outputs from AERO-MS, the following remarks apply:
Separate outputs are presented for all 29 EEA Member States (EU27, NO, IS
) plus Switzerland
(as a member of the EFTA), including aggregated outputs for EEA29.
The outputs per Member State (MS) are allocated based on country of departure of a flight
A separate output table is provided for each MS for intra EEA traffic (including both domestic traffic
and international intra EEA traffic) and extra EEA traffic (i.e., destination outside EEA).
For a number of indicators there is distinction between impacts for traditional scheduled carriers
and low-cost carriers. This show if different airline categories are affected differently by the taxation
For calculations of the impacts of tax options, the results are presented as percentage changes
relative to the baseline (Note: taxation revenues are presented in absolute terms).
Table 11-2 provides an overview of the results output from AERO-MS for the different policy options.
Table 10-2: Overview of AERO-MS outputs per taxation option
1. Traditional scheduled carrier passenger flights
million flight
2. Low-cost carriers and charter passenger flights
million flight
3. Cargo flights
million flight
4. Total flights
million flight
Aircraft km
5. Total Aircraft km
billion ac-km
Nr. of passengers
6. Traditional scheduled carriers
million pax
7. Low-cost carriers and charter flights
million pax
8. Total passengers
million pax
Passenger Km
9. Traditional scheduled carriers
billion pax-km
10. Low-cost carriers and charter flights
billion pax-km
11. Total passenger km
billion pax-km
Cargo demand
12. Cargo demand tonne km
billion tonne-km
Revenue Tonne-Km (RTK)
13. RTK (passenger km plus cargo tonne km)
billion tonne-km
Air carrier revenues
14. Traditional scheduled carriers passengers
billion €
15. LCC and charter flights passengers
billion €
16. Cargo revenues
billion €
17. Total air carrier revenues
billion €
Taxation revenues
Liechtenstein is also part of the EEA but has not been taken into account because it has no aviation sector.
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18. Revenues from taxation
billion €
Ticket prices
19. Revenues per passenger km
Fuel use and emissions
20. Fuel use
21. CO
22. NO
Fuel efficiency
23. Fuel use per RTK
* For all indicators, separate outputs were generated by EEA29 Member States with a distinction between intra
and extra EEA traffic.
A3.2 Macroeconomic model: GINFORS-E
GINFORS-E as a global model, with inter-industry and bilateral trade relations endogenously
modelled, can inform about indirect and total macroeconomic impacts. This includes indirect, induced
and total effects on GDP and employment, and effects in industries with close links to aviation.
Impacts on other modes of traffic, i.e. land and water transport, will also be accounted for.
An overview of the key functionalities of GINFORS-E is given in Figure 10-1 and Box 11-1. Industry
classification granularity is described in Table 11-3.
Figure 10-1: Country model of GINFORS_E
Box 10-1: Description of the GINFORS-E model
The GINFORS-E (global inter-industry forecasting system energy) model is a bilateral world trade
model based on OECD data, which consistently and coherently models exports and imports of 25
goods groups for 64 countries and one ‘rest of the world' region (Figure 10-1). It incorporates a
macro-model, consisting of exports and imports, other core components of final demand (private
and public sector consumption and investment), markets for goods and the labour market, for each
country. The models are also divided into 36 goods categories in accordance with the latest OECD
(2019) internationally harmonised input-output (IO) tables. For every country OECD bilateral trade
Price effect
W Wage effect
User costs
= Demand
Exports of other countries
Economic activity
+ intermediate inputs
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data on industry level is linked to the IO tables. In Lutz et al. (2010) the model is clearly described
in detail, although some of the relations have changed (e.g. OECD has adjusted the sector
classification several times). Transport is further distinguished in land, water, air plus warehousing
and support activities based on the WIOD World Input-Output Database (Timmer et al. 2015).
Thus, the model reports for 40 industries. An IEA (2014) overview describes different
macroeconomic models to calculate energy efficiency impacts. The GINFORS-E model is classified
as econometric such as the E3ME model. For a comparison of the two models see Barker et al
GINFORS-E can be used to analyse the macroeconomic effects of a variety of price changes and
policies in individual countries. It flexibly models trade structures, labour markets, energy intensities
and energy source structures, taking into account price dependencies and the situation in specific
countries. The use of intermediate inputs, domestic and imported, labour demand and foreign trade
are modelled price dependent. Changes in prices due to tax adjustments will be accounted for. The
parameters used in the model equations are econometrically estimated (OLS) on the basis of time-
series data.
Production prices of industries are driven by unit costs. If prices of electricity in the steel industry
increase, producer prices will increase according to their electricity price share. Higher producer
prices will influence global competitiveness of the respective industry and other downstream
production (e.g. in the automotive industry).
All behavioural parameters of the model are estimated econometrically, and different specifications
of the functions are tested against each other, which gives the model an empirical validation. An
additional confirmation of the model structure as a whole is given by the convergence property of
the solution which has to be fulfilled on a yearly basis. The econometric estimations build on times
series from OECD, UN, IMF and IEA from 1990 to 2015/2017.
Major data source of GINFORS_E are OECD data, which are used for the Trade in Value Added
(TiVA) initiative for OECD and WTO for G20. The data set includes input-output tables, which are
consistently linked by bilateral trade flows in Inter-Country IO tables and annual OECD National
Each national model is linked to an energy model, which determines energy conversion, energy
generation and final demand for energy for 19 energy sources disaggregated by economic sector.
The model takes into account technological trends and price dependencies.
In recent years, the way the model deals with the energy sector has been further refined to take
account of global developments in renewable energy technologies. The model has also started to
be used to examine future changes in consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions, which is
why the name has been extended to GINFORS-E. Recent simulations of macroeconomic impacts
of different electricity price scenarios have been calculated for the German Ministry of Economic
Affairs and Energy (Grave et al. 2015, Lutz et al. 2015, Wünsch et al. 2015). Earlier work includes
economic impacts of international different climate regimes (Lutz, Meyer 2009a, Lutz, Wiebe 2012),
high oil and gas prices (Lutz, Meyer 2009b) and peak oil (Lutz et al. 2012), explicit modelling of
learning curves for renewable energy technologies (Rogge et al. 2015; Wiebe, Lutz 2016). For DG
CLIMA the model has been used to project consumption-based emissions and evaluate specific
technology scenarios taking global supply chains into account (Wiebe et al. 2016). It also shows
how electric cars can be captured in an input-output framework. For DG GROW (2017) the model
has been used to explore macroeconomic impacts of different scenarios for powertrains and the
competitiveness of the European automobile industry.
Another strand of research has focused on resource use and developed a model version
GINFORS3 based on WIOD data (Meyer 2011). It has been further developed and extensively
applied in various EU FP 7 research projects (Aaheim et al. 2015, Ahlert et al. 2018, Distelkamp,
Meyer 2017). Experiences made will be useful to separately model the air transport sector, which is
distinguished in the WIOD data.
Currently, the model is applied in a project for the German Federal Environment Agency on Models
to analyse international interrelations of the EU ETS, Bioeconomy in Europe and SDGs:
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Development, Contribution, Trade-off for the German Ministry of Education and Research, Climate
impacts and sustainable options for action for a German industry association
Aaheim, A., Ahlert, G., Meyer, M., Meyer, B., Orlov, A. & Heyndrickx, C. (2015): Integration of top-
down and bottom-up analyses of adaptation to climate change in Europe - the cases of
energy, transport and health. European Community's 7th Framework Programme under
Grant Agreement No. 308620 (Project ToPDAd), Deliverable D3.4, Oslo.
Ahlert, G., Meyer, M. & Distelkamp, M. (2018): Foresight and scenarios: modelling practices and
resource nexus assessment. In: Bleischwitz, R., Hoff, H., Spataru, C., Van der Voet, E. &
Van Deveer, S.D. (eds.): Routledge Handbook of the Resource Nexus, pp. 207-219.
Barker, T., Lutz, C., Meyer, B. & Pollitt, H. (2011): Models for Projecting the Impacts of ETR. In:
Ekins, P. & Speck, S. [ed.]: Environmental Tax Reform (ETR) - A Policy for Green Growth,
Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 175-203.
Distelkamp, M. & Meyer, M. (2017): Pathways to a Resource-Efficient and Low-Carbon Europe.
Ecological Economics, DOI:
Grave, K., Breitschopf, B., Lutz, C., Hazrat, M., Boeve, S., von Blücher, F., Bourgault, C., Bader,
N., Friedrichsen, N., Arens, M., Aydemir, A., Pudlik, M., Duscha, M., Ordonez, J.,
Gromann, A. & Flaute, M. (2015): Electricity Costs of Energy Intensive Industries - An
International Comparison. Study commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and
Energy, Berlin, Karlsruhe, Osnabrück.
IEA (2014): Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency. Paris.
Lutz, C., Grave, K., Breitschopf, B., Gromann, A., Flaute, M., von Blücher, F., Hazrat, M.,
Friedrichsen, N., Arens, M. & Aydemir, A. (2015): Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Energiekosten
der Industrie im internationalen Vergleich. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für
Wirtschaft und Energie, Berlin.
Lutz, C., Lehr, U. & Wiebe, K. S. (2012): Economic effects of peak oil. Energy Policy 48, 829-834.
DOI 10.1016/j.enpol.2012.05.017.
Lutz, C. & Meyer, B. (2009a): Economic impacts of higher oil and gas prices. The role of
international trade for Germany. Energy Economics, 31, 882-887.
Lutz, C. & Meyer, B. (2009b): Environmental and Economic Effects of Post-Kyoto Carbon Regimes.
Results of Simulations with the Global Model GINFORS. Energy Policy, 37, 1758-1766.
Lutz, C., Meyer, B. & Wolter, M. I. (2010): The Global Multisector/Multicountry 3-E Model
GINFORS. A Description of the Model and a Baseline Forecast for Global Energy Demand
and CO2 Emissions. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 10, 25-45. (See
Lutz, C. & Wiebe, K. S. (2012): Economic impacts of different Post-Kyoto regimes. International
Journal of Energy Science 2(4), 163-168.
Mercure, J. F., Knobloch, F., Pollitt, H., Lewney, R., Rademakers, K., Eichler, L., van der Laan, J. &
Paroussos, L. (2016): Policy-induced energy technological innovation and finance for low
carbon economic growth. European Commission, Brussels.
Meyer, B. (2011): Macroeconomic Modelling of Sustainable Development and the Links between
the Economy and the Environment. ENV.F.1/ETU/2010/0033. Final Report to the EU
Commission, GWS Research Report 2012/1, Osnabrück.
Meyer, B., Meyer, M. & Distelkamp, M. (2014): Macroeconomic routes to 2050. CECILIA2050 WP3
Deliverable 3.3, Osnabrück.
OECD (2019): Input-Output Tables (IOTs). 2018 edition
Rogge, K. S., Breitschopf, B., Mattes, K., Cantner, U., Graf, H., Herrmann, J., Kalthaus, M., Lutz, C.
& Wiebe, K. S. (2015): Green change: renewable energies, policy mix and innovation -
Results of the GRETCHEN project concerning the influence of the policy mix on
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technological and structural change in renewable power generation technologies in
Germany. Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI.
Timmer, M. P., Dietzenbacher, E., Los, B., Stehrer, R. and de Vries, G. J. (2015): An Illustrated
User Guide to the World InputOutput Database: the Case of Global Automotive
Production, Review of International Economics., 23: 575605
Wiebe, K. S. & Lutz, C. (2016): Endogenous technological change and the policy mix in renewable
power generation. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 739-751. DOI:
Wiebe, K. S., Gandy, S. & Lutz, C. (2016): Policies and Consumption-Based Carbon Emissions
from a Top-Down and a Bottom-Up Perspective In: Low Carbon Economy 7, 21-35.
Wünsch, M., Klotz, E., Lutz, C., Gromann, A. & Lehr, U. (2015): Auswirkungen der erneuerbaren
Energien auf die Strompreise und gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte unter Berücksichtigung
unterschiedlicher Regeln zur Lastenteilung. GWS Research Report 2015/1, Osnabrück.
Table 10-3: Industry classification of OECD Input-Output Tables (GINFORS_E)
Industries 1-24
Industries 25-48
1 Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing
19 Other transport equipment
2 Mining and quarrying
20 Manufacturing nec.; recycling
3 Food products, beverages and tobacco
21 Electricity, gas and water supply
4 Textiles, textile products, leather and footwear
22 Construction
5 Food products, beverages and tobacco
23 Wholesale & retail trade; repairs
6 Textiles, textile products, leather and footwear
24 Hotels & restaurants
7 Wood and products of wood and cork
25 Transport & storage
8 Pulp, paper, paper prod., printing and publishing
26 Post & telecommunications
9 Coke, refined petro. products and nuclear fuel
27 Financial intermediation
10 Chemicals and chemical products
28 Real estate activities
11 Rubber & plastics products
29 Renting of machinery & equipment
12 Other non-metallic mineral products
30 Computer & related activities
13 Basic metals
31 Computer & related activities
14 Fabricated metal products
32 R & D and other business activities
15 Machinery & equipment, nec
33 Public admin. & defence; compulsory social
16 Computer, Electronic and optical equipment
34 Education
17 Electrical machinery & apparatus, nec
35 Health & social work
18 Motor vehicles, trailers & semi-trailers
36 Other community, social & personal services
37 Land transport
39 Air transport
38 Water transport
40 Warehousing and support activities
Source: OECD 2019, WIOD:
Table 11-4 provides an overview of GINFORS-E computational results that may be presented for
each of the taxation options. GINFORS-E results are reported for all EU-27 member states, the UK
and Norway.
Table 10-4: Overview of GINFORS-E outputs per taxation option
Topic / Indicator*
Demand effects on
other modes of
1. Land transport
services, output
billion €
Eurostat: National accounts aggregates by industry (up to NACE
A*64) [nama_10_a64]
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Topic / Indicator*
2, Rail passengers
billion pkm
European Commission - DG MOVE: EU transport in figures -
Statistical pocketbook 2020
3. Water transport
services, output
billion €
Eurostat: National accounts aggregates by industry (up to NACE
A*64) [nama_10_a64]
Effects on
employment in the
aviation and
transport sector /
Number of persons
4. Air transport
Eurostat: National accounts employment data by industry (up to
NACE A*64) [nama_10_a64_e]
5. Transport
services, total
Eurostat: National accounts employment data by industry (up to
NACE A*64) [nama_10_a64_e]
Net tax revenue
effects / Tax
revenues from
6. Air transport
services (from
billion €
Vital-link policy analysis: AERO-MS data
7. Other taxes less
subsidies on
intermediate and
final products
OECD: Input-output tables, ISIC Rev.4
8. Taxes on income
and wealth
Eurostat: Non-financial transactions [nasa_10_nf_tr]
9. Total tax
Sum of (6) to (8)
Other knock-on or
spill-over effects /
GDP, prices and
total employment
10. GDP
billion €
Eurostat: GDP and main components (output, expenditure and
income) [nama_10_gdp]
11. GDP deflator
Eurostat: GDP and main components (output, expenditure and
income) [nama_10_gdp]
12. Total number of
persons employed
Eurostat: Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1
000) [lfsa_pganws]
13. Number of
persons employed,
OECD: Numbers of persons engaged;
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Topic / Indicator*
Effects on energy
use and CO
14. Energy use,
transport total
IEA energy balances [Consumption in transport covers all transport
activity (in mobile engines) regardless of the economic sector to
which it is contributing [ISIC Rev. 4 Divisions 49 to 51].
15. Energy use, total
IEA energy balances [Total energy supply]
16. CO
transport total
emissions from fuel combustion
17. CO
emissions from fuel combustion
18. Memo: CO
International aviation
emissions from fuel combustion
* For all indicators, separate outputs are generated by country. (15) (18) National energy use / emissions
without international aviation and navigation bunkers
The items ‘Changes in employment in other economic sectors at regional level, in particular for
islands’ and ‘Impacts on low-income consumers’ are addressed in case studies. Reporting detail
depends on data availability based on GINFORS-E results. Therefore, they are not included in Table
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A4 Discarded policy measures
Measures for policy package 1
Exemptions to transit and transfer passengers
In order to mitigate the risk of hub switching on routes between the EEA and a third-country via an
EEA hub and on routes within the EEA, this measure would exempt transit and transfer passengers
from paying a fuel tax on the segment(s) within the EEA. As passengers do not pay directly the fuel
tax rather, they pay via increased ticket prices the operationalisation of such a measure would be
difficult and potential burdensome to implement from and administrative perspective
. Furthermore,
in relation to indirect flights within the EEA via an EEA hub, the scope for hub switching is not as
significant, as flights between two EEA destinations via an extra-EEA hub are likely to not be very
attractive for most passengers when compared to direct flights or flights via an intra-EEA hub
London Heathrow (and other London airports) being an exception where such intra-EEA travel via an
non-EEA hub might be as convenient as using an intra-EEA hub for many intra-EEA trips
However, it must be noted a fuel tax on flights between the EEA and the UK is legally possible. Such
a tax on EEA-UK flights would limit the attractiveness of switching from an EEA hub to a UK hub.
Besides, the switch from EEA hubs to UK hubs might be restrained by airport capacity issues, in
particular in London airports.
Given these considerations, this measure has been discarded.
Exemptions to flights departing from smaller airports
This measure would align the regulatory regime of fuel taxes with the Airport Charges Directive
(2009/12/EC). This Directive exempts from its applicability all airports whose annual traffic is over five
million passenger movement, unless they are the biggest airport (in terms of passenger movements)
in a given Member State.
Such an exemption would greatly reduce the effectiveness of the fuel tax, as many flights would be
exempted. It would also create an incentive for tankering, as air carriers could fill up their aircraft in
flights departing these smaller airports and then use the same aircraft for flights subjected to the fuel
tax. While some of these smaller airports serve regions that are under-developed economically, many
of these regions are served by PSO routes, which are covered by a separate exemption.
Given all of these factors, the measure is not justifiable and has been discarded.
Tankering mitigation: financial incentives
To mitigate the possibility of tankering, this measure would create financial incentives to reduce the
practice. From a practical perspective, there would be a need to define how such an incentive scheme
might work. Depending on this, the measure could have a negative impact on the level playing among
operators and the functioning of the internal market Overall, such a measure would reduce the
effectiveness of the fuel tax in reducing emissions as it would, in practice, give a rebate to air carriers
have the possibility of tankering.
Because of these negative aspects, this measure has been discarded.
Tankering mitigation: maximum fuel reserve requirement
With this measure, for each flight there would be not only a minimum fuel reserve requirement as per
current EASA and international policy, but also a maximum fuel reserve requirement. With this
requirement, aircraft would not be able to have fuel onboard above a certain amount (to be defined
later) when they start a given flight. This would reduce the incentive for tankering.
One potential way to implement such an exemption would be for airlines to request a rebate of the fuel
taxes they paid taking into account the number of transfer passengers that were onboard that flight.
For example, a trip from Stockholm to Lisbon would be shorter via Heathrow (3,030km) than via Frankfurt
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
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However, this measure is problematic from a safety perspective: fuel policy, including the obligation
for air carriers to follow minimum fuel requirements procedures, are set out in EU law in Regulation
965/2012. This Regulation also gives authority to the commander of the flight to request any extra fuel
she or he deems necessary. Given that this measure would preclude the commander from being able
to exert that authority, the measure has been discarded.
Measures for policy package 2
Tax for cargo: based on maximum take-off weight of the aircraft
This tax would be charged based on the maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of the aircraft. This would
apply to both passenger flights (with cargo in the cargo hold of the aircraft) and cargo-only flights. For
the former, this tax would in practice translate into double taxation for passengers: passengers would
pay the ticket tax and they would also pay a higher ticket price since the airline has to pay a tax
because they take cargo on the belly of the aircraft. Ultimately, if the tax is very high, this could be an
incentive for airlines to stop using the cargo hold of aircraft to take cargo in passenger flights (and
avoid paying the cargo tax), and shift all cargo to cargo-only flights. This would have negative
environmental impacts, as more flights would be needed.
Exemptions to flights departing from smaller airports
Like with the similar exemption for the fuel tax, this measure would align the applicability of the ticket
tax with the Airport Charges Directive (2009/12/EC). Such an exemption would reduce the instances
where a ticket tax would apply, diminishing the effectiveness of creating such a tax. Additionally, such
an exemption would be hard to justify and could be perceived as unfair flights to and from outermost
regions and PSO flights would be exempted anyhow under other exemptions, so there is no need to
exempt all flights in an airport because of equity and connectivity concerns.
Exemptions to flights to developing countries
This measure would support air connectivity between the EEA and developing countries. While that
might be a worthwhile goal, the practical application of such an exemption would be difficult. Namely,
it would be difficult to determine of what constitutes a developing country, and it could become a
politically sensitive issue. Constant revisions would need to be required as countries’ economies
expand or contract over time.
Study on the taxation of the air transport sector
Ref: ED 14102 | Final Report | Issue number 2 | 25 June 2021
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