Rev. 7/2004
Florida Gulf Coast University
Housing Policies and Regulations Handbook
ALCOHOL POLICY......................................................................................................................................1
APARTMENT OR ROOM CHANGES..........................................................................................................3
APPEALS PROCESS (THIS NEEDS UPDATED)....................................................................................... 3
APPLIANCES ...............................................................................................................................................3
ASSAULT .....................................................................................................................................................3
BATHROOMS............................................................................................................................................... 3
BICYCLES .................................................................................................................................................... 4
BOMB THREATS .........................................................................................................................................4
BUILDING MEETINGS.................................................................................................................................4
CABLE TELEVISION ................................................................................................................................... 4
CAR REPAIR................................................................................................................................................4
CHECK IN PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................................... 4
CHECK OUT PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................5
COMPLAINTS ..............................................................................................................................................5
CONFIDENTIAL RECORDS ........................................................................................................................5
DARTS/DARTBOARDS ............................................................................................................................... 6
DELIVERY OF PACKAGES.........................................................................................................................6
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................................6
DISCRIMINATORY ACTS............................................................................................................................6
DIVERSITY POLICY..................................................................................................................................... 7
DRUG POLICY .............................................................................................................................................7
ELEVATORS ................................................................................................................................................ 9
EMERGENCY EVACUATIONS AND DRILLS............................................................................................. 9
EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE .........................................................................................................................10
EXPLOSIVES .............................................................................................................................................10
EXTENSION CORDS .................................................................................................................................10
FALSE IDENTIFICATION/FALSE INFORMATION ................................................................................... 10
FEES FOR SERVICES NOT COVERED BY ROOM AND BOARD..........................................................10
FIGHTING ...................................................................................................................................................12
FIRE EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS ..........................................................................................................12
FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURES.........................................................................................................12
FIRE PREVENTION POLICIES..................................................................................................................13
FLAMMABLE FLUIDS/FLAMMABLE CHEMICALS................................................................................. 13
FURNITURE ...............................................................................................................................................13
GRILLS ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
HALOGEN LAMPS.....................................................................................................................................13
HAZING ......................................................................................................................................................14
HOLIDAY DECORATIONS ........................................................................................................................14
HOUSING CONTRACT .............................................................................................................................. 14
HOUSING CONTRACT CANCELLATION ................................................................................................16
HURRICANE WATCH ................................................................................................................................17
HURRICANE EVACUATION PROCEDURES/POLICY ............................................................................17
IDENTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................................18
INCIDENT REPORTS.................................................................................................................................18
LAUNDRY FACILITIES.............................................................................................................................. 18
LOST AND FOUND....................................................................................................................................18
MICROWAVE OVENS................................................................................................................................19
NON-COMPLIANCE................................................................................................................................... 19
OPEN FLAME BURNING...........................................................................................................................19
PAINTING STUDENT ROOMS ..................................................................................................................19
PANIC ALARMS (EMERGENCY PULL CORDS) .....................................................................................19
PAYMENT SCHEDULE.............................................................................................................................. 19
PERSONAL PROPERTY ...........................................................................................................................19
PETS ...........................................................................................................................................................20
PHONES .....................................................................................................................................................20
POOL ..........................................................................................................................................................20
PROFANITY/OBSCENITY .........................................................................................................................20
PROGRAMMING ........................................................................................................................................20
QUIET HOURS ...........................................................................................................................................20
RAPE ..........................................................................................................................................................21
RECYCLING ...............................................................................................................................................21
RESIDENCE HOUSING ASSOCIATION ...................................................................................................21
THE OFFICE OF HOUSING AND RESIDENT LIFE STAFF ..................................................................... 21
DIRECTOR ........................................................................................................................22
DIRECTOR: RD....................................................................................................................22
ASSISTANT: GA................................................................................................................. 22
RESIDENT ASSISTANT: RA...................................................................................................................22
DESK STAFF...........................................................................................................................................22
RESTRICTED ACCESS/RESTRICTED AREAS .......................................................................................23
ROOM ALTERATIONS ..............................................................................................................................23
ROOM ASSIGNMENTS..............................................................................................................................23
ROOM ENTRY AND SEARCH................................................................................................................... 23
HOUSING STAFF ENTRY/SEARCH .............................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
ROOM USE.................................................................................................................................................25
ROOMMATE CONFLICTS .........................................................................................................................25
RUNNING/ROUGHHOUSING ....................................................................................................................25
SAFETY IN HOUSING................................................................................................................................25
SMOKING POLICY.....................................................................................................................................25
STORAGE ..................................................................................................................................................25
TELEVISION (CABLE)...............................................................................................................................25
TORNADO EVACUATION PROCEDURES/POLICY................................................................................ 25
TORNADO WARNING ............................................................................................................................... 25
TORNADO WATCH ...................................................................................................................................26
TRIPLE OCCUPANCY ...............................................................................................................................26
UNLISTED PHONE NUMBERS .................................................................................................................26
VACATION/INTERSESSION PERIODS .................................................................................................... 26
VACUUM CLEANERS ...............................................................................................................................26
VENDING MACHINES................................................................................................................................26
VERBAL ABUSE......................................................................................................................................................26
VISITATION POLICY..................................................................................................................................27
WALL HANGINGS .....................................................................................................................................28
WATERBEDS .............................................................................................................................................28
WEATHER CONDITIONS AND REPORTS...............................................................................................28
WINDOWS ..................................................................................................................................................28
OTHER UNIVERSITY SERVICES..............................................................................................................28
WELLNESS CENTER ................................................................................................................................29
PREVENTION & WELLNESS SERVICES.................................................................................................29
OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENT AFFAIRS.....................................................................................29
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICE ..............................................................................................................29
HEALTH SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................29
UNIVERSITY POLICE DEPARTMENT......................................................................................................30
CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER.........................................................................................................30
COUNSELING CENTER ............................................................................................................................30
The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages in the apartments is a privilege extended to
those residents of legal drinking age under the following restrictions which are designed to ensure
residents’ rights to privacy, sleep, and study within their room. Loud or disruptive behavior, interference
with cleanliness of the residence halls, serving minors or making alcohol available to them, or drinking
habits which are detrimental to the health or education of an individual or those around him/her are
reasons for appropriate disciplinary or remedial action by the university.
A. Residence staff and occupants are required to comply with state and local statutes concerning
possession, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
B. Alcoholic beverages may be possessed or consumed, but not sold, in the privacy of student
rooms/apartments by those residents and their invited guests who are of legal drinking age. IN
1. In student apartments where all residents are 21 or over, alcohol is permitted. Alcohol
consumption must cease and no open alcohol containers may be present in the apartment
when anyone under the age of 21 enters the apartment.
2. In student apartments with at least one resident 21 or older and the other residents are
under 21, the resident who is of legal age may consume/possess alcohol in the presence of
the underage roommate. However, if there are guests
under the age of 21 in the apartment,
no drinking and/or open containers are allowed by anyone in the apartment. If guests over
the age of 21 enter the apartment, and residents of the apartment who are under 21 are
present, no consumption of alcohol can occur and/or no open alcohol containers may be
present in the apartment.
3. In student apartments where all residents are under the age of 21, no alcohol is
permitted under any circumstance. No guests of any age may possess/consume alcohol in
the apartment while visiting.
Students who are of legal age who possess/consume alcohol in their rooms/apartments are always
responsible for upholding the law by not permitting minors to possess/consume alcohol. Failure to do so
will result in the revoking of their alcohol privileges in addition to possible expulsion from the residential
facilities and programs.
C. Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in hallways, lounges,
stairways, courtyards, community bathrooms, pool area, parking lots, or any public areas on campus.
D. Private gatherings held in student rooms/apartments must be confined to the specific apartment and
the door must be closed. (Also note that these gatherings must adhere to the quiet hour and
visitation restrictions as well.)
E. Students may not possess excessive amounts of alcohol. The definition of “excessive” is at the
discretion of the residence staff. Kegs, trash cans or other large vessels that contain alcoholic
beverages are prohibited in the apartment complex.
F. Residents are responsible for the action(s) of their guests at all times. Alcohol use/misuse does not
excuse disruptive, excessively noisy, or indecent behavior.
G. Progressive drinking parties are not allowed due to the potential for noise violations, alcohol use in
public areas, and/or illegal consumption.
H. Possession or use of false identification will result in disciplinary and criminal action.
I. Appropriate disciplinary and/or criminal action will be taken in cases where persons of legal age are
found to be providing alcohol to persons under twenty-one years of age.
J. Any type of alcoholic beverage containers are prohibited in the apartments if any residents are under
21 years of age. Alcoholic beverage signs are not allowed as window displays, per university
K. Alcohol will not be served at apartment complex functions. Possession or use of alcohol at apartment
complex functions will result in appropriate disciplinary and/or criminal action.
L. If attendees of apartment complex functions are underage and under the influence of alcohol or are of
age and are inebriated, the student will be requested to leave the function and disciplinary action will
M. Possession or use of alcohol in violation of the above policies will result in disposal of the alcohol, as
well as appropriate disciplinary and/or criminal action.
N. Situations in which the illegal or excessive consumption of alcohol takes place off campus, and the
resident then returns to the apartments (i.e., underage residents return under the influence of alcohol
or an of-age resident returns inebriated) will also result in disciplinary and/or criminal action if brought
to the attention of the staff.
This table describes the possible consequences of alcohol related behavior problems. If
a student is non compliant at the incident or during the hearing process or incurs
additional violations, then further disciplinary actions may be taken on behalf of Florida
Gulf Coast University.
incident 2
incident 3
Possession and/or
Written warning,
Alcohol Edu ($30),
parental notification if
under 21
4 month probation,
Counseling (BASICS
Program - $40) /
substance use
evaluation, Alcohol
Awareness program
or bulletin board,
Community service,
parental notification if
under 21
Removal from
Housing, parental
notification if under 21
4 month probation,
UPD conference,
Alcohol Edu ($30)
8 month probation,
Counseling (BASICS
Program - $40) /
substance use
evaluation, Alcohol
Awareness program
or bulletin board,
Community service
Removal from
Alcohol Impairment
Alcohol Edu ($30),
Parental notification if
under 21
Counseling (BASICS -
Program $40)/
substance use
Community service.
Parental notification if
under 21
Counseling (BASIC
Program $40)/
substance use
Community service,
Parental notification if
under 21
8 month probation,
University counseling
(BASICS - Program
$40), Alcohol Edu
($30), Parental
notification if under 21
Removal from
Housing, Parental
notification if under 21
Residents wishing to make apartment or room changes should complete the proper request forms at The
Commons. Changing rooms, apartments or buildings without written authorization from the
Resident Director constitutes improper check-out and will subject those involved to disciplinary
action as well as being charged the $150 improper check-out fee, and relocation back to the
original room. At the beginning of each semester, there is a ten-day freeze during which no room
changes are permitted. After the freeze, residents may request room and apartment changes at no
charge for a specified period of time.
NOTE: If it is not possible to make the room/apartment change that is requested, the student who makes
the request will remain in his/her current room. If it is possible to make the requested room/apartment
change, the student will be required to complete the room/apartment change by the date established by
the Assistant Director of Housing in order to avoid being charged the $150 improper check-out fee.
Backing out of a requested room/apartment change arranged by the Housing staff causes other room
changes to be affected; therefore once a room/apartment change is accepted the new assignment cannot
be reversed, without a charge.
A student may appeal a hearing outcome or disciplinary sanction in writing to the Office of Housing and
Residence Life within five (5) class days of the date of the sanction letter. An appeal must be based on
one or more of the following grounds:
1. Due process errors involving violations of the charged student’s rights that substantially
affected the outcome of the hearing.
2. The sanction(s) is (are) extraordinarily disproportionate to the offense committed.
3. New information that was not available at the time of the original hearing.
Use of electrical appliances is permitted in the apartments within certain guidelines. Generally,
appliances should require no more than a thousand (1000) watts. Use of adapters that allow more than
one item to be plugged into a single socket is prohibited, unless such adapters have an in-line fuse or
circuit breaker. Residents who repeatedly cause power interruptions will be subject to disciplinary
sanctions if they do not attempt to correct their power usage. Appliances used in the apartments must
be safe in design and structure (such as UL-approved appliances) and be properly maintained.
Residents should avoid the use of appliances that disturb others.
Extreme care should be taken of appliances with exposed heating elements. Some examples include
hair dryers, curling irons, and irons. If residents have questions about specific appliances not listed here,
they should ask their RA or Resident Director. Monthly safety checks will be conducted by the Housing
staff to insure the above guidelines are being followed.
Any physical altercation and/or verbal threats should be reported to the University Police (590-1911) as
well as to the Commons Area front desk, RA, and Resident Director. SUCH INCIDENTS ARE
student safety are considered serious, involvement in such altercations will result in immediate referrals
to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.
(Also see Thefts and Assault)
Residents are responsible for the regular cleaning of bathrooms and any bathroom supplies in their
apartments. Because of the special procedures necessary, residents should not paint bathrooms. Upon
the termination of contract for any of the occupants of an apartment, the bathroom should be cleaned to
the level under the original inventory. All residents of the apartment shall be held accountable for the
cleanliness of the bathroom. It is not the responsibility of the OHRL staff to determine which bathroom
was used by individual residents.
Residents are responsible for the regular cleaning and upkeep of their bathrooms and other areas in the
apartment. Residents in the apartment may be assessed cleaning charges during and/or at the end of
the semesters if regular cleaning is not performed.
Bicycle racks are located outside each building. Bicycles are prohibited from being kept in the hallways
of the buildings. The OHRL staff is not responsible for stolen bicycles. Students may store their bicycles
in their rooms, provided their roommates agree and bicycles are clean before being brought into the
apartment. The University Police Department provides a free bicycle registration program. All bicycles
stored at bicycle racks must be registered with the University police. At the end of the Spring and
Summer semesters all bicycles must be removed from racks. Unclaimed bicycles will become the
property of Florida Gulf Coast University.
If a bomb threat is received on a student telephone, the resident should:
1. Note the exact time of the call.
2. Write down as accurately as possible all statements made by the caller.
3. Listen to the voice to determine the caller’s sex, age, accent, and distinguishing features of
the voice.
4. Listen for background noises.
5. Note alleged location of the device.
6. Immediately notify the University Police at 590-1911 and the Commons Building front desk.
In the event of a bomb threat requiring evacuation of the building, students will be alerted through the fire
alarm system. Residents are asked to follow the evacuation procedures outlined for fire
emergencies/drills (See Fire Evacuation Procedures).
A bomb threat, even one made as a prank, is a violation of both federal and local laws. The resident’s
status as a student at FGCU could be severely threatened if he or she is found connected to such an
incident, and FGCU Police will be involved as well.
Each semester during the first week of classes and again before the semester ends, the RA calls a
meeting of the residents of each building. Attendance at these meetings is mandatory because
information concerning safety and security as well as other important information is distributed.
Residents are responsible for the information disseminated at all such meetings. Residents who
have conflicts with scheduled building meetings should inform their RA as soon as they are aware of the
conflicts. Residents should not wait until shortly before the scheduled meeting to inform their RA of a
conflict, but should make other arrangements with their RA well in advance. RAs may also call building
meetings on a more regular basis. This is for the purpose of informing residents and for social
All living rooms and bedrooms in the student apartments receive the basic cable stations offered in Fort
Myers by Comcast as a regular part of their room contract. This service is provided by FGCU as part of
the cost of the room. Students are responsible for all hook-up to the cable jack.
Car repairs, such as but not limited to, oil and other fluid changes, engine repair and autobody work are
prohibited in and around residential facilities and parking areas. All vehicles parked at Housing must
have a valid FGCU parking sticker designated for Student Housing parking.
When CHECKING IN, students verify a ROOM/APARTMENT INVENTORY SHEET which they must
complete and return immediately with all listed damages, missing furnishings, and other peculiarities
for which they might otherwise be charged later. Students should submit the verified forms to either their
RA, or an employee working at the Commons desk, on the same day they check into their rooms.
Residents who live by themselves in multiple-occupancy rooms are expected to keep their rooms in such
a manner that roommates who may be assigned to the rooms may move in at any time. This matter is
especially important at the winter break between semesters when new residents assigned to a room
frequently arrive before returning residents. Residents whose rooms require special attention before new
roommates can move in may be charged for extra cleaning (up to $150) and for rearrangement of
When CHECKING OUT of a room for the final time, residents must arrange either 24 hours in
advance, or as otherwise instructed, to check out with the RAs, to complete a walkthrough, return
their keys, and sign the appropriate blank on the Room Inventory Sheet in the process. Students who fail
to follow these procedures will be assessed a $150 improper checkout fee in addition to the other
damages they may be assessed.
Residents are responsible for the condition of their rooms/apartments. When damages occur, the fees
for these damages will be charged to the responsible party. If the person causing the damage cannot be
identified, the residents of the room/apartment must bear the charges for the damage. Rooms and
apartments should be kept reasonably clean for reasons of health and safety. Students must leave their
rooms in a clean condition when they check out, and failure to do so will result in an extra cleaning
Note: At the end of a contract, students must vacate the apartment within twenty-four hours of their last
final exam unless this exam is on the last day of scheduled exams, in which case students must vacate
their apartment by the close of that semester (7pm). Residents withdrawing from the University prior to
the end of the academic year must vacate their rooms within twenty-four (24) hours after such withdrawal.
All rooms will be inspected as prescribed by checkout policy for damages and cleanliness. Failure to
abide by proper checkout procedures will result in forfeiture of room deposit plus any additional charges.
Most problems that arise in Student Housing can be solved fairly quickly. Residents who have
problems should take those problems to their RA. The RA may decide that the Resident Director
needs to be consulted. In situations where residents feel uncomfortable approaching their RA, they
may take their concerns directly to the Resident Director. The resident should make an appointment with
the Resident Director through the desk staff at the Commons Area front desk. Residents who are still
dissatisfied with the Resident Director’s response may then make an appointment with the Associate
Director of Housing and Residence Life.
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, student records,
which generally include information concerning the student personally and the student’s individual
relationship to the educational institution, are kept confidential but are available on request to FGCU
personnel with legitimate education interest; to the student; to the student’s parent or legal guardian if a
statement of dependency as defined by the IRS is completed; with the student’s written consent; or as
allowed by law. (The dependency form is available in the registrar’s office.)
Requests for Housing records should be made to the Director of University Housing. The request should
be in writing from the student or guardian. An appointment will be made with the appropriate University
personnel, and identification must be supplied at the time of meeting.
Residents will be held accountable for any damages they cause in common areas, resident rooms and
apartments, as well as damages to the exterior of a resident's building or other Housing areas. The
financial responsibility of any overall building damage will be evenly distributed amongst the
residents of that building. If an individual or individuals can be identified as having caused the
damage, they solely will be held responsible. It is not the practice of the Housing Office to penalize
residents with damage charges but rather to recoup the actual cost of eventual repair or replacement of
the damaged item. This policy helps to manage the overall cost of housing for the majority of residents
who manage to avoid damaging their rooms and furnishings. Students will have only ten (10) days from
notification of the damage and charge to appeal any charges for room or hall damages. For more
specific information, residents should see their RAs or the Resident Director.
Because of their potential danger to both persons and property, darts and dartboards are prohibited in the
apartments. Velcro dartboards are an acceptable alternative.
Pictures, posters, and other items used to decorate a student’s room can make residents feel more at
home. Decorations are encouraged as long as they do not create health or fire hazards or damage the
room. Please do not block vents or peepholes. All university furniture must stay in the assigned
room/apartment (unless special permission is obtained from the Resident Director in writing). Remember
all decorations are subject to the approval of roommates. Residents are responsible for any damage
caused by such decorations. Note that double-sided tape and other adhesives often take paint off
the walls. Wallpaper and painting the walls are prohibited. Decorating the front door of the apartment
must also comply with the information above and be “non-offensive”.
(Also see: Holiday Decorations)
Residents who receive packages will receive package notification slips in their mailboxes. Residents will
have approximately 21 days to retrieve package. After this time period, packages will be returned to
NOTE: Housing does not receive United States mail on weekends. However, deliveries from vendors
such as florists and private deliveries will be received throughout the week.
Policies for the residence halls have been developed in an attempt to establish an environment in which a
large number of residents may live together with maximum freedom while recognizing the rights of other
residents. Ideally, all residents accept the responsibility involved in living in a community situation and
make an effort to be aware of how their actions affect their neighbors and suitemates. When a resident
violates this basic standard of community living by endangering the safety of other residents or violating
any of the policies outlined by the university or this guide, this behavior must be confronted.
Essentially, discipline in the Housing Program involves effecting voluntary compliance with the policies
and regulations that govern conduct and activities in the residence halls. These policies are made
available to all apartment complex students in The Housing Policies and Regulations Handbook, the
Housing contract, the Code of Student Conduct, the Student Guidebook, and the University Catalog. The
student is viewed, in principle, as a civil person who may occasionally be involved in a situation that may
result in a violation of policy. Department procedure, generally, is to counsel students, usually at the
apartment complex level, about their first violation of policy and how to avoid further violations. Whatever
the reason for violation, discipline is almost always administered initially for educational purposes.
“Behavioral Contracts” may be employed between the student and the department to remind students of
their responsibility to community living in the apartment complex, and to discourage repeated violations.
Usually, it is only after students have demonstrated lack of responsibility and willful misconduct through
repeated policy violations, lack of cooperation, or through involvement in situations that constitute a threat
to the safety or security of other residents that measures beyond counseling or the “Behavioral Contract”
are administered. These measures may include a change of room assignment or expulsion from the
Housing system, along with possible sanctions imposed by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.
FGCU affirms diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of a person’s race, color, gender, religion,
creed, national origin, disability, marital status, disabled veteran status, or age. Questions or concerns
should be directed to the Equal Opportunity Office or the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.
If anyone feels discriminated against in the residence hall, please contact the Director or the Office of the
Dean of Student Affairs for assistance.
Diversity is a source of renewal and vitality. Florida Gulf Coast University is committed to developing
capacities for living together in a democracy whose hallmark is individual, social, cultural, and intellectual
diversity. It fosters a climate and models a condition of openness in which students, faculty, and staff
engage multiplicity and difference with tolerance and equity.
Harassment based on individual differences is inconsistent with FGCU's mission and educational goals.
Every member of the FGCU community enjoys certain human and constitutional rights. At the same time,
individuals who work, study, live, and teach within this community are expected to refrain from behavior
that threatens the freedom, safety and respect deserved by every community member in good standing.
Every member of the Florida Gulf Coast University community must comply with federal and state equal
opportunity laws and regulations. Such compliance will be not only a given standard, but is in fact, a
baseline from which our community works to ensure fairness and equity to all who pursue their
educational and professional goals here.
(Also see: Harassment)
To use or possess illegal drugs, to misuse any legal drug or other legal substance, or to possess drug
paraphernalia is prohibited on the FGCU campus and in all of its buildings. A student who violates this
regulation or whose behavior is affected by the use of illegal drugs, misuse of legal drugs or other legal
substances, will be subject to disciplinary action. Below is the University policy as included in the Code of
Student Conduct:
Use, possession, sale, manufacture or distribution of narcotics or dangerous drugs.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance or the
unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong, harmful, and prohibited in and on FGCU owned and
controlled property or as part of any of its activities. Any FGCU employee or student determined to have
violated this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action for misconduct, which action may include
termination/expulsion and referral for prosecution. No employee/student is to report to work/class or any
university activity while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol. Violation of these policies by an
employee/student will be reason for evaluation/treatment for drug/alcohol use disorder and/or for
disciplinary action up to and including termination/expulsion, and/or referral for prosecution consistent
with local, state, and federal law.
The University has established a policy for room searches by University staff. Specific procedures in
determining whether a room/apartment should be searched for illegal drugs and paraphernalia are
provided herein.
Ordinarily, the Resident Director is made aware of information regarding the illegal use, possession or
sale of drugs and drug paraphernalia in a room as follows:
Actually observing the contraband or smelling the odor of what he/she believes is a drug.
(Note: The use of incense or clove cigarettes is also a violation of Housing policy. Housing
staff assume, for purpose of these procedures, that incense or clove cigarettes are being
used to conceal the use of drugs and may enter a room under the same procedures as set
out herein.)
A roommate informs a member of the Housing staff that he or she has observed or knows of
the use, possession, or sale of illegal drugs or paraphernalia or misuse of any legal drug or
other legal substance, and invites the Housing staff members to search the room. In such
case, the roommate shall be thoroughly questioned and a judgment shall be made regarding
his/her credibility. If the roommate appears to be credible and invites the Housing staff
members to enter his/her room/apartment for purposes of a search, the search shall take
place. The roommate shall be warned that knowingly providing false information is a
violation of the FGCU Code of Student Conduct.
An individual (student or otherwise) communicates to a Housing staff member that a specific
resident or residents are using, in possession of, or selling drugs or paraphernalia. In such
case, the individual shall be thoroughly questioned and a judgment shall be made regarding
his/her credibility; if possible, other sources should be used to confirm the information. If
other sources are not available, the individual’s reputation for veracity and credibility as a
witness shall be considered in making the decision as to whether or not to search. The
individual shall be warned that knowingly providing false information is a violation of the
FGCU Code of Student Conduct. If the individual is not a student, he/she may be trespassed
from the University for knowingly providing false information.
Any behavior that tends to create reasonable suspicion that drug activity is occurring.
All reports and information received must be fully documented. Informants should be
requested (but not required) to give a written statement. Roommate informants should be
requested (but not required) to sign a release to search the room.
In any case of the above circumstances which would justify a search, the following procedures will be
used in searching a room:
1. Every search shall be based on timely information and conducted as soon as possible after
the information or report is received.
2. There will always be at least two staff members, one of whom will be either the Resident
Director, the Director of the Office of Housing and Residence Life, the Associate Dean for
Student Affairs, or the Dean of Student Affairs.
3. The University Police shall be notified and will normally become involved in the event of
concern for safety, to receive contraband, when weapons or a large quantity of drugs are
4. Housing staff members shall go to the room with a master key, a room entry form, a staff
incident report, and a clipboard to record only the information discovered in reference to the
search issue. Housing staff members shall knock once on the door, identify themselves, and
open the door. Before any search is begun, room occupants will be notified of the reason for
the search and will be afforded an opportunity to voluntarily produce the items or materials
sought. The room shall be searched in an orderly manner and all information shall be
recorded. The finding of paraphernalia may justify further exploration of the room and its
contents. (At no time is a person’s body to be searched.) *The student may be present
during the search provided he/she does not attempt to inhibit the search. If the student is not
present, a determination will be made as to whether there is an immediate need to search the
room. In the event of an emergency search where the student is not present, a
room/apartment entry slip outlining the reason and time of inspection shall be left in the room.
The room shall be left in the same condition as it was when entered. * During the search
process, failure to comply with any reasonable request by a University Official could result in
suspension. Reasonable request shall include emptying of pockets, clothing, purses, etc.
5. All information shall be turned over the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs for appropriate
action. The student will be provided an opportunity for the due process in accordance with
the Student Code of Conduct.
6. Any resident staff member who violates these procedures is subject to sanctions including
termination of employment.
7. Residents shall not be required to take a drug test. However, a resident may voluntarily
submit to a drug test should he/she so desire at his/her cost.
8. All confiscated contraband shall be turned over to the University Police. An independent
decision shall be made by the Dean of Student Affairs on a case by case basis as to whether
to provide the University Police with the name of the resident accused of possessing, using
or selling contraband, or misusing any legal drug or other legal substance, and as to whether
the Dean of Student Affairs will request the University Police to criminally prosecute the
resident. The purpose of the drug search is to maintain an academic environment for FGCU
students. Its purpose is not to serve as an intermediary for police action.
9. These procedures do not preclude the University Police from investigating or searching
students and residence halls where authorized by law.
10. FGCU students can also report suspected drug activity directly to the University Police.
Passenger elevators located with the apartment buildings are provided for use by residents, their guests,
and Housing staff. In order to keep elevators in safe working condition, the following actions are
prohibited and may result in disciplinary action:
Smoking in the elevators,
Intentional damage and/or vandalism to the elevators, such as prying elevator doors open,
jumping, etc.,
Overloading elevators
Use of emergency alarms and emergency stops in non-emergency situations,
Evacuating people from the elevator without trained personnel.
If a person is trapped in an elevator, sound the alarm and wait for help to arrive before attempting
evacuation. Evacuation from the elevator will be handled in accordance with FGCU policy on elevator
evacuation. The person trapped in the elevator should remain calm and comply with university and
emergency personnel.
1. In the event of an emergency - call 590-1911.
2. When making an emergency call, give a clear description of the problem, your location
(including apartment number and room) and your name.
3. Immediately following this call, please contact the Commons Area front desk so that on site
assistance can be initiated by the OHRL staff.
The apartment complex has a Resident Assistant (RA) on call Monday through Thursday 5pm – 8am
daily, Friday 5pm through Monday 8am and all day (8am to 8am) Holidays. A Resident Director, or
another Housing staff professional, is on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Please note: Residents who violate the security guidelines or jeopardize the security of any residents will
be subject to severe disciplinary action.
(Also see: Fire, Tornado, and Hurricane)
In the event of an actual emergency (i.e. Fire, Tornado, etc.) or a periodic Emergency Drill IMMEDIATE
All drills are timed and must be repeated if completion time does not meet safety standards. It is of the
utmost importance that anyone in an apartment responds promptly in emergency situation for the safety
of that individual and for the safety of all! This same compliance is expected of guests!
The Commons Area provides a variety of games, vacuums, recreational equipment, and other items,
which may be checked-out through the front desk with one’s student ID. Check with the front desk to see
what is available. If checked out equipment becomes damaged, and is not claimed by one person,
the last person to return the equipment will be charged. Cleaning supplies, tools and other
apartment supplies should be furnished by the individual students as they are not available from Housing.
Firecrackers, fireworks, explosives, flammable chemicals/materials, or pyrotechnics of any nature are not
permitted within or around the apartments for reasons of safety and noise.
Any extension cord not approved by the OHRL is prohibited. Acceptable cords include those that contain
an in-line fuse or circuit breaker. Questions pertaining to approved types of extension cords should be
directed to RAs and/or the Resident Directors. Multiple adapters (gang plugs) are prohibited unless such
adapters have an in-line fuse or circuit breaker.
Acts of furnishing a University Official with a false form of identification, using someone else’s
identification as your own, or using outdated identification as your own will result in immediate referrals to
the Director of OHRL and/or the Dean of Student Affairs Office.
Providing false information or false testimony to University officials will also result in similar referrals.
(Also see: Identification)
Extra Cleaning per hour* (1/2 hr. min.) ............................. $ 50.00
Guest, after two nights, per night...................................... $ 50.00
Improper Checkout ...........................................................$150.00
Late Payment .................................................................... $100.00
Contract Cancellation…………………………………….....$350.00
Re-key 2 bedroom apt. ....................................................$80.00
Re-key 4 bedroom apt. ....................................................$100.00
Re-key Phase 3 Room …………………………………… .. $25.00
One-hour key labor (1 hr. min.)......................................... $36.75
ID Card Replacements...................................................... $10.00
Room change.................................................................... $30.00
Panic Alarm…………………………………………………..$25.00, $75.00, $250.00
*Cleaning fees determined by OHRL staff, based on severity of
room, apartment, or community areas.
Additional Maintenance Charges
Job Charge to Student
Remove nails, patch holes (small area)............................ $27.50
Small patch and paint .......................................................$45.00
Medium patch and paint.................................................... $65.00
Large patch and paint………………………………………..$85.00
Paint front door (exterior) ..................................................$47.50
Paint front door (interior) ...................................................$30.00
Paint bedroom door ..........................................................$30.00
Paint door frame................................................................ $20.00
Paint closet interior............................................................ $30.00
Ceiling touch-up paint (light) .............................................$23.50
Ceiling touch-up paint (medium).......................................$50.00
Replace carpet in hallway ................................................. $265.00
Replace living room carpet ...............................................$353.00
Replace bedroom carpet (single bedroom) ...................... $320.00
Replace bedroom carpet (double bedroom).....................$345.00
Clean sofa ......................................................................... $75.00
Clean mattress .................................................................. $75.00
Clean stuffed chair (armchair)...........................................$75.00
Clean carpet in living room ...............................................$75.00
Clean carpet in hallway..................................................... $75.00
Clean carpet in bedroom...................................................$75.00
Damaged Chair……………………………………………….$25, $50, $100
Replace bed pegs (4)........................................................ $75.00
Move furniture (within apartment) .....................................$30.00
Replace desk/dresser top .................................................$160.00
Replace legs on sofa/stuffed chairs (each)....................... $10.00
Replace broken thermostat............................................... $40.00
Replace receptacle plate/outlet plate................................ $3.00
Re-hang smoke detector................................................... $25.00
Replace door stop............................................................. $12.50
Resecure round wall/ceiling lights ....................................$7.50
Replace round wall/ceiling light.........................................$17.50
Paint air conditioner vent cover.........................................$30.00
Replace air handler access door ...................................... $110.00
Remove valances/curtains................................................ $8.75
Replace set of mini-blinds.................................................$25.00
Replace window screen .................................................... $10.00
Replace blind wand........................................................... $10.00
Replace broken window (lower sash) ............................... $175.00
Replace broken window (upper sash)………………………$275.00
Replace broken shower curtain rod ..................................$30.00
Replace towel rack……………………………………………$30.00
Replace broken closet door (sliding) ................................$245.00
Replace Exit Sign…………………………………………….$150.00
Replace Fire Extinguisher………………………………….. $50.00
Replace microwave dish ................................................... $50.00
Replace vegetable drawer in refrigerator..........................$56.00
Replace dairy compartment cover in refrigerator .............$35.00
Replace missing/burned-out light bulb vanity or appliance $3.00 each
Replace missing/burned-out light bulb standard ..............$2.00 each
Replacement key (only under special circumstances
with Director’s approval) ...................................................$10.00
Trash in Hallways or Around Buildings……………………. $25.00
Additional maintenance charges (1 hr. min.)
Maintenance...................................................................... $36.75/hr.
Cleaning charges will be billed at $50 per hour (minimum of one-half hour) depending on the severity
of the work required.
Removal of trash and hauling of other items will be billed based on administrative and labor charges
and starting at $25.
Smoking in a non-smoking unit will result in the resident(s) being billed for cleaning of all furniture,
carpet and other items in the unit, all applicable cleaning charges and for professional air treatment
for smoke/odor.
Damages caused by residents that require the use of a sub-contractor will result in charges to the
resident equal to the vendor’s total invoice and cost of escorting the vendor to the unit.
All other charges to replace other missing or damaged items will be the cost of the item plus labor
and administrative charges.
**Charges are subject to change due to increases in materials or administrative costs**
Physical abuse or conduct, which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any resident, WILL
(Also see: Assault)
Because it is imperative that fire and safety equipment function properly when it is needed, the following
acts are prohibited:
tampering or playing with fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, sprinkler heads, exit
lights, emergency lights or other emergency equipment.
tampering with or pulling a fire alarm under false pretenses.
rendering a smoke detector inoperative.
obstructing stairwells with furniture, debris and other materials.
All residents are required to follow the fire and safety regulations listed below.
A. Periodic fire drills may be required to insure that residents know what to do in the event of a fire.
Residents should be familiar with the fire instructions. All residents and visitors are required to
evacuate the building when the apartment complex fire alarm is sounded. Those refusing to
cooperate with staff or evacuate the building are subject to disciplinary action.
B. In the event the fire alarm sounds:
1. Everyone is required to leave the building at once using the nearest stairway exit. Depart the
room/apartment immediately, but dress in preparation for exiting weather (shoes, coat, etc.).
2. Never use an elevator during a drill or actual fire.
3. If you are away from your room when the fire alarm sounds, do not return to your room.
4. Do not return to the building until given the all-clear signal by an OHRL staff member.
C. In the event of a fire:
1. Activate the fire alarm by pulling an alarm pull-station.
2. Contain the fire, if possible, by closing the door.
2. Notify the Commons or your RA immediately.
3. Leave the building via the stairwell. Do not use an elevator. Close the room and apartment
doors behind you. Remain calm at all times.
4. No matter how small the fire, and even it is already extinguished, report it to the front desk or
your RA immediately.
(Also see: Emergency Evacuation and Drills)
The following are prohibited because of their serious potential fire hazards:
Open flames such as candles and incense.
Use or possession of fireworks or firecrackers.
“Live” Christmas tree and other materials of flammable nature.
Any extension cord not approved by the Housing Department.
Use or storage of flammable fluids and/or flammable chemicals is prohibited.
In Common areas and Pool/Outdoors areas, the furnishings are for the use of all the residents of
apartment complex. Therefore, students who misappropriate lounge or lobby furniture by taking it to their
rooms or other locations are depriving other residents of facilities for which they have paid. Furniture
must remain in the space for which it is designated.
Bunk beds are available. The university assumes no liability should a student injure himself/herself from
a fall from a bunk bed.
(Also see: Storage)
The apartment complex has grills available for residents’ use. Residents wishing to use the grills should
ask for instructions and procedures at the front desk in the Commons Building. Use of personal grills is
(Also see: Visitation)
Residents may have overnight guests on OHRL stated visitation nights provided they secure the consent
of their roommates by completing a visitation contract, and returning it to the OHRL. When a guest stays
in a room for more than two non-visitation nights (School Nights) in a ten-day period, a charge of $50 per
night will be assessed. Guests who stay for more than four nights, during visitation allowed nights, in one
semester are subject to the Resident Director approval. A maximum of two guests are allowed in an
apartment on a given night (on visitation allowed nights). Residents allowing guests on non-visitation
nights will be subject to disciplinary action.
Each roommate in the apartment must consent to all guests at any time.
Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and will be held liable for any damages their
guests may cause. Residents will also be billed for their guests if they exceed the complimentary limit
defined in this handbook.
The use of halogen lamps is greatly discouraged due to the high heat produced. Keep all flammable
items away from the halogen bulb at all times.
Harassment would include physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, coercion and/or other
conduct, which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person. Speech protected by the First
Amendment is not a violation of this provision. Fighting words and statements which reasonably
endanger the health and safety of any person are not protected speech and will result in university action.
Each allegation of a violation under this provision shall be reviewed with these factors in mind. If a
person believes that he or she has been a victim of this type of abuse, please report it to the Resident
Director or OHRL staff member.
Telephone harassment includes annoying, abusive, or obscene phone calls designed to irritate, anger, or
threaten a listener. Such harassment is in violation of University and OHRL policy. Students found
responsible for or associated with the harassment of a resident in such a manner are subject to university
and OHRL disciplinary action.
If a resident should receive a threatening call or continued harassing calls, he/she should notify an RA or
other housing staff member immediately. The student is advised to keep a log of the calls and will be
encouraged to file a report with the FGCU Police Department.
Hazing is specifically prohibited. Fraternities, sororities, clubs, and other organizations may not bring
their activities and functions, whether formal or informal, into University Housing without expressed
consent from the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.
If students decorate their rooms/apartments or doors for the holidays, these guidelines must be followed:
1. All materials used (i.e., paper, foil) must be flame resistant.
2. Trees and other greenery must be artificial and must have proof of flame resistance.
3. Lights must be UL-approved and of low wattage.
4. Fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguisher cabinets, emergency pull cords, smoke detectors,
sprinkler heads and exit signs must not be covered and exits must not be blocked.
5. All decorations are to be removed within two days following the holiday or prior to leaving the
apartment for the holiday. (any exceptions must be approved by the appropriate Resident
6. No candles, or any open flame devices, may be used in any apartment decorations.
Terms and conditions of the Housing Contract
University agrees to provide housing accommodations and board for student subject to the following:
A. Student agrees to comply with and abide by all terms and conditions which appear in this
contract, the University Catalog, the printed and Internet version of the University Housing
Regulations, the Student Code of Conduct and all other University rules and regulations
governing the conduct of students which are now in effect and that may be adopted and
published at a later date. The student acknowledges the Housing Regulations and he/she
agrees to abide by them.
B. Residing in University-owned Housing is considered a fundamental part of the student's
education. Therefore such residency is only a license to occupy and use the residence space
assigned to the student for limited purposes and is not a lease of University property.
C. Consideration of Contract. This contract is made in consideration of the fact that the student
will be accepted for admission to the University and will have student status at the time of
D. Period of Contract. This contract is for the length the student has designated on the Housing
Contract/Application. The contract period may be Fall semester, Spring semester, Summer
sessions or a combination of such. A student must contract for at least one entire semester or
session. If the student contracts after the semester or session has started, the student will
contract for the duration of the particular semester or session.
E. Refund Provision. Room rate charges do not cover periods when the University is not in
session. Adjustments in room charges will be made for only the late move-ins occurring after the
first week of classes in both the Fall and Spring semesters. Room refunds will not be made for
any reasons for the two weeks immediately preceding the end of a semester. Proper checkout
procedure will expedite refunds. Such refunds will usually be mailed within 45 days of your
departure. Under no conditions can on-the-spot refunds be given.
F. Late Payment Provision. A late payment fee of $100.00 will be assessed if a student has not
made their fourth installment payment on or before November 1
. If the account remains unpaid
five (5) additional calendar days, administrative action will be initiated against the student.
G. General Rules of Operation. (1) This contract is for space in Florida Gulf Coast University
Residence system. While every effort will be made to comply with student preferences, the
University has full authority to make assignments of space including assignment to temporary
space. (2) Changes in room assignment may be made only with the approval of the Office of
Housing and Residence Life. (3) Any student whose actions are found to be detrimental to the
welfare of the student living group may be required to move into another space or withdraw from
the Housing system and may also be subject to University action. (4) The student agrees not to
sell sub-lease or assign this contract to anyone. (5) Private rooms in apartments are available
only with space permitting. (6) If one or more vacancies occur in multiple occupancy rooms, the
remaining student(s) agrees to accept other roommates, as assigned, or move into another room
or building if requested. (7) The University reserves the right to consolidate vacancies by closing
apartment units. (8) It is the policy of the University to assign roommates without regard to race,
creed, or nationality.
H. Priority of Assignment. Apartment assignments are made by priority according to the date
each person's housing application and deposit are received in the Office of Housing and
Residence Life. If everything is equal, priority is given as per a lottery system.
I. Date of Occupancy. A room reservation will not be held beyond midnight on the first day of
classes unless the student notifies the Office of Housing and Residence Life of the student's
intention to occupy the space at a later date. No credit will be given for the period the space is
held unoccupied. The deposit will be forfeited. The student may be held liable for the duration of
the contract.
J. Conditions of Occupancy. Completion of any portion of the check-in procedures - acceptance
of a room key, or placement of personal belongings in the room - constitutes occupancy and
obligates the student to the contract.
K. Care of the Room, Equipment, and Inspection. Students shall be responsible for maintaining
their room in a neat and orderly fashion at all times and for correcting any abuse called to their
attention by University representatives. Authorized representatives of the University shall have
the right to enter any space at any time for the purpose of maintenance or close down, if a
perceived emergency exists or if a University policy is believed to be violated. Students shall be
responsible for all damage and cleaning to University property in a room during their term of
L. Loss of Property. Students shall be responsible for the security of their own property. The
University shall accept no responsibility and is not liable for theft, damage, or other loss of
money, valuables or personal effects of the student regardless of the cause of the loss. Student
agrees that any personal effects, valuables or other property of the student left in the halls after
expiration of current semester rental period and not reclaimed within 90 days after the end of
such semester shall be abandoned property and may be retained by the University as its property
or may be disposed through sales, donation, or in such other manner as the University in its sole
discretion may determine. Student articles and belongings cannot be stored during the summer
months of May, June, July and August. Students are urged to purchase their own insurance for
valuable items or possessions.
M. Use of Facilities. Student rooms and the furnishings proved therein are to be used in the
manner for which they are designated. No University property, including room, apartment,
Commons, outdoor or pool area furnishings, may be moved within the building or taken from the
apartment or designated area without the written authorization of the building staff.
N. Deposits are non-refundable if the student fails to move into the apartment and does not
provide at least 90 days of notice prior to the beginning of the contractual period of intent of not
occupying an apartment. The notice of cancellation must be made in writing. The deposit is also
non-refundable if the resident abandons the property or fails to check out of the property with
housing staff. An additional improper check out fee of $150 may be assessed to students who
fail to check out with the Housing staff or abandons the property.
O. Vacating. Students must vacate the apartments within 24 hours of their last final exam of the
semester in which their contract ends. If the exam is on the last day of scheduled exams, the
student must vacate by 7 p.m. of that day. Students with no final exams or academic work
required for the completion of the current semester must vacate their apartment within 24 hours
of the first day of the official final exam schedule. Students with no final exams but have
academic work required for the completion of the current semester must vacate their apartment
within 24 hours of the completion of said work or by 7 p.m. of the final day of their contract,
whichever is sooner. Residents withdrawing from the University prior to the end of the academic
year or canceling their contract must vacate their rooms within twenty-four (24) hours after such
withdrawal. Students graduating must be out by 7pm the day of graduation. All rooms will be
inspected as prescribed by checkout policy for damages and cleanliness. Failure to abide by
proper checkout procedures will result in forfeiture of room deposit plus any additional charges
P. Cancellation Provisions. (1) This contract is binding and the Student and/or Guarantor shall be
responsible for the full amount of charges for the contract period except as follows: A student
may cancel this contract and recover the previously paid deposit and any prepayment if written
notice of cancellation is received in the Housing office by the deadlines listed: Fall semester, May
15; Spring Semester, November 15 (December 1 for new Spring semester residents); Summer A
& C, May 1; Summer B, June 1. (2) No Show. A student will be considered a "no show" if he/she
does not claim his/her room by midnight of the first day of class. Loss of deposit and any
prepayment will result. The student may be held liable for charges associated with the full length
of the contract. This contract may be terminated without charge other than payment of room for
the student's length of stay in the apartment and pay late or damage charges if the student
notifies the Housing Office by the dates listed in “P (1)” or: (a) graduates after the Fall semester,
(b) marries at the end of the semester and will reside with spouse, (c) is scholastically ineligible to
enroll for the following semester, or (d) does not enroll for the Spring Semester. The
room/damage deposit will not be refunded if the student leaves the residence hall before the end
of the contract period unless covered in item “P” (2).
Q. Housing will be closed to residents during the time period following the final Summer check-out
and Fall move-in.
R. FGCU affirms diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of a person’s race, color, gender,
religion, creed, national origin, disability, marital status, disabled veteran status or age.
NOTE: Residents released from their contract will be assessed a $350.00 break contract fee, will lose
their $150.00 housing deposit and will pay for housing through the date of departure. They may also be
held accountable for any remaining months until the end of their original contractual period.
TO BREAK A CONTRACT: To break the housing contract, the student must take the following
1. The student must complete and turn in to the Office of Housing and Residence Life a Housing
Cancellation Request form. The form is located at
2. A decision by a Housing administrator will be made and the student will be notified of the
decision by letter.
3. If the decision by Housing administrator is to approve the exemption, the Office of Housing and
Residence Life will prepare the student’s final bill or refund. The student’s account must be
settled before leaving the housing system.
4. If the decision by the Housing administrator is to DENY the exemption, the student must fulfill
the terms and conditions of the housing contract.
a. The student may write a letter of appeal to the Housing Appeals Committee; however,
the student is responsible for fulfilling the terms and a condition of the housing contract
until the Committee has made a final decision.
5. If the student can provide additional written documentation of hardship, he/she may call the
Office of the Dean of Student Affairs and request an appointment with the Dean of Student Affairs
or his/her designee who may then review the request.
A hurricane warning is issued when a hurricane is projected by the National Weather Service to hit this
regional area. The President of FGCU will determine if the university is to be closed. When a warning is
issued, residents will be instructed to evacuate the Housing premises. Residents must comply with all
reasonable requests made by university officials or emergency personnel.
Please do NOT tie up the phone lines to the Police with inquiries.
(Also see: Emergency Evacuation and Drills)
A hurricane watch signifies that there is a probability that a hurricane may approach the southwest Florida
area. The National Weather Service will issue a hurricane watch for a specific time period and
geographic area. Residents should monitor television and radio weather bulletins for details and changes
in weather conditions. Residents are encouraged to make necessary preparations and plans in the event
that they are asked to evacuate.
Residents must evacuate if they are requested to do so. Residents must follow the instructions indicated
by university officials and emergency personnel.
Once a determination is made by the President of Florida Gulf Coast University along with emergency
management officials for the surrounding area to prepare for a hurricane or other severe weather and
evacuate, the following will happen:
Residents who’s permanent address (parents, family, etc.) are within a stated radius, (i.e. 2 hours
and closer) as determined by the Office of the Dean and University Police, of the University will
evacuate to their permanent address and will be in the care of their parents and/or family for
further evacuation and shelter.
Residents who’s permanent address (parents, family, etc.) are outside of the stated radius (as
determined by the Office of the Dean and University Police) of the University will evacuate to
Alico Arena as the designated hurricane shelter for the student residents of Florida Gulf Coast
University. Alico Arena of Florida Gulf Coast University is an approved hurricane shelter.
The resident students remaining at Florida Gulf Coast University will be instructed with the
To pack a small bag with pillow, blanket, sleeping bag, medication, necessary toiletries and a few
personal items along with identification to be ready to bring to the shelter;
Assist other resident students and work with the Resident Assistants along with other University
officials in preparing for the evacuation;
Remain in apartments until the word is given to evacuate to the shelter.
The Resident Directors, remaining Resident Assistants, University Police Officers and other
University officials will evacuate resident students to the shelter and prepare the shelter for the
hurricane and/or severe weather. This preparation will be the closing of doors, the closing of
storm shutters over the glass windows and doors and creating an area for residents students and
designated staff to remain during the hurricane and/or severe weather. Physical Plant will be
contacted to remove and store loose items around North Lake Village, (i.e. trash cans, cigarette
cans, and pool furniture). Items such as non-perishable food, bottled water, batteries, flashlights
and other necessary items will be purchased for the shelter for use during the evacuation.
The Resident Directors, once given the information from University Police, will require all
remaining resident students to evacuate to the shelter. The staff and resident students will
remain in the shelter until University Police notify the staff it is safe for resident students to return
to their apartments.
The identification card is distributed to a student after all fees have been paid, and is the official University
identification. Identification may be required of any person on University property, and the ID card must
be presented to any FGCU official upon request. If the ID card (or other suitable ID such as a driver’s
license) is not presented to a FGCU official upon request, the individual(s) may be asked to leave,
escorted to the Commons Area front desk, or the University Police may be summoned to assist and the
act of non-compliance would also be referred to the Office of Dean of Student Affairs. Acts of furnishing a
University official with a false form of identification or using someone else’s identification as your own will
also result in an immediate referral to the Dean of Students Office.
Incidents requiring the attention or intervention of staff members of the OHRL are regularly reported to
the housing office. Violations of University policies, medical and emergency situations, and instances of
property loss or damage are documented on Incident Report forms and forwarded to the Director for
appropriate follow-up and/or referral. Incidents that are not high priority but require the attention of the
Housing Office, may be reported on an Information Report.
Residents are issued keys to their rooms at the beginning of each semester. Upon losing a key,
residents should report the loss immediately to the OHRL. Residents who lose keys will be charged
the full amount of materials and labor for a lock change.
Students may not have university keys duplicated or locks altered.
A key to a given room/apartment will be issued only to the resident of the room and may not be
issued to any friend or relative. Misuse of this service can result in assessed charges or loss of key
checkout privileges.
Once a lock change has been completed, the charge cannot be reversed.
Note: Residents should carry their keys with them at all times to avoid lockouts. Housing staff log each
time a resident is locked out. On the third (3
) lockout, residents will be charged $25.00 for the
lockout and for every lockout after for the remainder of the academic year.
Laundry rooms are provided at North Lake Village and may be subject to quiet hours and visitation hours.
(Also see: Vending Machines)
The University Police operate a lost and found service on campus. All found items are to be reported and
turned over to the University Police within twenty-four hours of being found.
Mail is delivered to the student’s mailbox located on the East Side of the Commons Building. The
University is not responsible for any stolen or misplaced mail.
(Also see: Delivery of Packages)
For any repairs needed in a resident’s room, the resident must complete a maintenance request at the
housing website (
For emergency repairs (such as a broken water pipe) contact the Commons immediately.
Residents will be charged for damages for which they are responsible or for charges incurred when
maintenance responds to requests of a personal nature, such as retrieving a contact lens from a sink
Maintenance personnel work between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays and may not always be able to
arrive at hours most convenient to students. Residents should cooperate with these persons however, so
that repairs may be made as quickly as possible. Typically, maintenance personnel will enter students’
rooms/apartments after 10 a.m. On the occasion that a maintenance employee must enter an
apartment when no one is home, an apartment entry notice will be left listing the type of work
completed, when it was completed, and who completed the work.
Students are responsible for keeping their rooms clean and for replacing their own LIGHT BULBS at the
student’s cost. When checking out, students must make sure all non-working or missing light
bulbs are replaced, or each non-working or missing light bulb will result in a $3.00 charge.
Students who discover INSECT PROBLEMS should report them to the front desk the Commons Building
so that their rooms may be sprayed. Students should keep in mind that food attracts insects and that
open, screenless windows, and open doors, allow them in the rooms.
Microwave ovens are provided in each apartment. Students are responsible for their care and
Failure to comply with reasonable directions, and requests of, or failure to heed an official summons of
University officials acting in the performance of their duties will result in immediate disciplinary referrals to
the Director, and/or the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. Failure to appear for disciplinary
appointments is viewed as non-compliance and may result in similar action as noted above.
Odor-producing paraphernalia which require the use of open flames (such as candles and incense) are
fire safety hazards and are prohibited. Heated elements which could be left unattended for long periods
of time (such as simmering potpourris or scented light bulb rings) and which require heat to release scent
are also prohibited.
(Also see: Fire Prevention Policies)
Because all rooms throughout the Housing system are being systematically painted, individual painting of
rooms in not allowed. Students will be assessed a fine for painting any part or all of the room.
PANIC ALARMS (Emergency Pull Cords)
Panic alarms are located in all rooms throughout the apartment. These are to be used in emergency
situations only. Inappropriate use of the alarm systems, which include false alarms, is subject to Florida
statutes and is a criminal offense. Violations of usage will be handled in accordance with the law and
violators will be prosecuted.
Parking permits are required for all students that wish to bring a vehicle on-campus (including Housing)
and may be obtained from the FGCU Parking Office. Permits may be displayed only on those vehicles
for which they were purchased, and are valid from the date obtained till the beginning of the following Fall
Semester. Parking complaints or concerns should be addressed to the FGCU Police Department.
Parking for Housing: all cars must display an FGCU parking permit or visitors pass. A visitor's pass may
be obtained at the Commons and is only valid for the times marked on the pass and only during visitation
Students may elect to pay Housing payments through taking out a Housing loan. The details regarding
the payment plan and Housing loan are available in the OHRL. Any late payments will be assessed a
$10 late fee.
The University is not responsible for any personal belongings. Theft or damage to the residents' property
is not the liability of the University. Residents are encouraged to purchase renters insurance. Residents
are also encouraged to participate with Operation ID. This program is designed to aid in the recovery of
lost or stolen merchandise. The University Police loan etching tools to Housing residents whereby
residents can mark their personal items (i.e.: TV, stereo, computers, etc.) with their driver’s license
number or some other number unique to them. (It is recommended that students do not use their social
security number for this purpose.)
Fish are the only pets permitted in the residence halls. For health reasons, other animals such as
mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, arachnids, crustaceans, and amphibians are prohibited. If other pets
are found in an apartment, a fine will be assessed to the owner of the pet for cleaning cost.
Immediate removal of the pet and possible disciplinary action may occur. Pets other than fish are
not allowed because it is important to keep all apartments free of elements that may cause health
problems (allergies) for a resident.
Each apartment is equipped with a phone line that provides local service at no additional charge. Fort
Myers directories are available at the front desk. Apartment phone lines receive long-distance calls
(exclusive of collect calls and third party billed) without special arrangements. Residents will need to
make their own arrangements for outgoing long distance service through a calling card. Residents may
choose to have a phone in their individual rooms at their own expense. Each room comes wired (but
not currently active) for individual installation of telephone services. Housing provides only the living
room phone line with basic local service, but not the phone itself, at no cost to the student.
The housing complex pool is available for use by all FGCU Housing residents and their guests. All
Housing policies and regulations and posted pool rules must be followed when using the pool. Students
and guests must show respect for Housing staff and other students. No glass containers are permitted
at the pool. (Also see the alcohol policy.) Any violations can result in being asked to leave the pool and
can result into further disciplinary actions.
The use of rude, vulgar, indecent, or obscene verbal or written expressions, while protected by the First
Amendment, are considered detrimental to the community-housing environment and are certainly not
condoned. The posting of materials in public areas must be approved by the OHRL staff who reserves
the right to refuse such postings that contain rude, vulgar, indecent, or obscene expressions. All areas
outside the apartment (including the exterior portion of the apartment door) are also considered public
areas, as well as areas inside the apartment that can be seen form the outside, and are subject to
the same restrictions as other public postings.
OHRL provides numerous academic, cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs each
semester. These programs are conveniently located in the apartment complex and are free to the
students. Programs provide great ways to build community. Residents have opportunities to meet and
interact with peers and learn new skills while having fun. Residents are encouraged to contribute
ideas for programs and activities that they would like to have in housing.
Many of the programs are sponsored by the Residence Housing Association (RHA). Each apartment
building has an individual who represents the building and assists with providing programming as well as
affecting policy change within Housing. These individuals collectively join to form the RHA. RHA is the
coordinating body for the “voice of the residents”.
NOTE: Residents requiring special assistance to attend RHA or other Housing function should contact
the Housing staff sponsoring the event.
Quiet Hours are maintained to help provide an atmosphere that is conducive to good scholarship and to
promote an environment where individuals can learn from the experience of group living.
Minimum quiet hour restrictions apply throughout the Housing system include the following time frames:
Sunday through Thursday (and Holidays) 10 p.m. - 10 a.m.
Friday and Saturday Midnight - Noon
NOTE: There will be 24 hour Quiet Hours during finals week each semester. Special interest hall (i.e.
Wellness and Honors) may have more restrictive quiet hours.
This includes conversations in stairwells and slamming doors. This standard will be upheld whether or
not the neighbors are present in an effort to provide consistent enforcement of the policy.
Courtesy hours are in effect throughout the apartment complex twenty-four hours a day. This
means that although quiet hours may not be in effect, residents are expected to maintain reasonable
volume levels at all times, including conversations in stairwells, slamming doors, and stereo volume.
HOURS BELONGS TO THE RESIDENTS. If conflicts arise that residents themselves cannot reconcile
or if the offending noise is coming from another building or apartment, residents may then call on the
building staff to remedy the problem. Students are expected to comply when a reasonable request is
First a verbal warning will be issued, if violation persists, incident will be dealt with as a discipline matter
due to breach of housing contract. Continual violations may result in removal from housing.
Acts or allegations of physical violence are considered extremely serious and will be dealt with
immediately. Investigations of this type of offense will include the Office of HRL, the Office of the Dean
of Student Services, and the Police Department. Report any knowledge of such offenses immediately.
The Department of Housing and Residence Life is committed to helping the environment by recycling.
Centers for recycling are located throughout the complex. Cardboard to be recycled should be placed in
the designated area. Recycling bins are not for use as trash receptacles.
Students are given many opportunities to participate in their own buildings. Each building has its own
individual representative that provides assistance with a variety of programs as well as serving as the
student’s voice to the housing staff.
The Residence Housing Association (RHA) unifies each of the individuals into one larger group.
Students are encouraged to participate with RHA. RHA represents the students’ opinions about
residence life issues to the housing administration and campus community as well.
Student delegates are given the opportunity to attend leadership workshops at conferences.
RHA is comprised of students who are enthusiastic, energetic, and creative. We invite all residents who
are interested in having fun, developing leadership skills, while meeting other student leaders to get
involved in RHA. For more information, ask any housing staff member.
OHRL has a full complement of personnel to help make the building comfortable, and the experience of
living there a positive one. Staff members are here to help students; they are to be treated with courtesy
and respect.
The Director of the Office of Housing and Residence Life is responsible for the management and
supervision of the Housing office, Student Housing and all Housing staff.
The Associate Director supervises the other staff members, coordinates apartment complex
functions, develops and implements staff training, provides counseling and discipline when
necessary, and performs administrative functions. This person also acts as an emergency on
call staff member.
The Assistant Director supervises the front desk staff, coordinates room assignments, mail
distribution, oversees the maintenance operations, and assists with other housing administrative
duties as needed.
The Resident Director is a full-time, live-in professional staff member responsible for the smooth
operation of the hall. Under the Associate Director, this person supervises student staff
members, coordinates apartment complex functions, advises the RHA government, provides
counseling and discipline when necessary, and performs administrative functions. This person
also acts as an emergency on call staff member. Students who have special problems or who
have ideas for OHRL programs should see the Resident Director.
The Coordinator for Summer Conferences and Marketing is responsible for coordinating all
reservations for summer conferences. The coordinator works directly with sponsors to identify the
accommodations needs and other housing services required by these guests. The coordinator is
also accountable for directing all marketing and public relations efforts for the OHRL and provides
leadership for the assessment and evaluation of OHRL programs and services.
The Graduate Assistant is a graduate student who is a member of the Housing staff and reports
to the Director. The GA works in conjunction with the RAs and Housing staff to aid students, plan
programs, assist with the RHA, work on special projects and to perform administrative functions.
This person also acts as an emergency on call staff member.
Each building is staffed by a student who reports to the Resident Director. These Resident
Assistants aid students in solving problems of virtually every kind. They also help in planning
programs for the floor and for the building. They work with the representative to RHA to create
and maintain an environment conducive to personal, academic and social growth. Their duties
also include many administrative functions. RAs, as university officials, are responsible for
seeing that policies are followed for aiding residents in enforcing the policies they establish (such
as quiet hours). The primary contact between the OHRL and the residents is the RA. Residents
should not hesitate to take their problems or ideas to their RA. They work on call hours for
emergency situations.
The main desk is staffed seven days a week. A full time staff member, the Program Assistant,
works Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm. Student Workers assist the work of the OHRL seven
days a week from 8am – 12am. Workers at these desks are responsible for assisting visitors to
the building; performing administrative functions; issuing equipment, games, and other materials
which are available to residents for check-out; forwarding emergency maintenance request; and
other administrative tasks that may arise. They are also an excellent resource for Housing and
University information.
The Maintenance Mechanics are responsible for the daily maintenance and operations of all
phases of University Housing. The provide support for other university buildings and grounds,
while working collaboratively with the Physical Plant. They also perform building maintenance
functions including plumbing repairs, painting, carpentry, electronic key locks, and other minor
construction repairs.
Unauthorized entry to restricted areas such as building mechanical rooms and custodial closets is
prohibited, as is venturing onto roofs or breezeways.
Entering the building through windows or other surreptitious entry is prohibited.
Emergency exits are for emergency use only.
Residents are liable for any room alterations and for any damages. No cork, mirrors, or wallpaper may
be affixed to any surface. Lofts cannot be attached to the wall and must be disassembled before the
residents check out. Because OHRL has no storage available, students must arrange their own storage.
Plastic milk cases are not to be used to create lofts. Lofts are also subject to safety check by staff at any
time. In all cases, students are responsible for returning their rooms to original condition, regardless of
whether they plan to return to the same room/apartment the following year. Charges will be assessed if
the room has been damaged, or unnecessarily altered. Satellite dishes may not be mounted on or
outside buildings.
Every attempt is made to accommodate student preferences for housing assignments. Priorities for
assignment are based on the date contracts and deposits are received.
To make the consolidation process for rooms designated as double occupancy as smooth and
convenient as possible, residents who are affected by consolidation will be contacted so that they may
attempt to make arrangements with residents in similar circumstances.
Each spring a Room Lottery will be held to assist residents who have contracted for the upcoming
semester. Details regarding the Room Lottery will be distributed to residents prior to the event.
The university appreciates the resident’s desire for privacy, particularly in the context of university
community-style living, and will do all it can to protect this privacy. It is, however, occasionally necessary
for the university to exercise its contractual right to room entry; the established procedures are designed
to ensure reasonable, restrained use of the right of entry. In essence, the policy states that a university
staff member will enter a room on the following conditions:
at the invitation of the resident
to provide maintenance (which includes preventive maintenance).
If there is cause to believe that a violation of university regulations exists (which includes failure to
evacuate during drills)
If an emergency exists or is believed to exist,
for monthly safety checks.
on reasonable suspicion of a violation of the drug & alcohol policy.
No student's room/apartment should be entered without knocking. Entry following the knock shall be
preceded by a time of sufficient duration to provide the occupant(s) ample opportunity to open the door.
Rooms may be entered in the absence of the occupant(s)
The student(s) will be informed in writing of any entry, and the reason for it.
When university personnel enter a student room/apartment in the absence of the occupants, the privacy
of the occupants with respect to other students will be maintained.
Resident Assistants must obtain permission from the Director or designee to enter student rooms unless
an emergency exists or there is evidence that an emergency exists. This evidence may not necessarily
be revealed to the students. In all cases, the Director or designee will be informed in writing of all entries
During the 1
through the 5
of each month, RAs will enter rooms to conduct a visual scan of each room
for unsafe conditions (e.g., use of candles, use of improper extension cords, etc.)
Non-university Personnel entry/search
All entries and searches by non-university staff will be coordinated with the University Police. The Director
or designee will usually accompany such outside personnel as an observer. Unless one of the situations
listed below exists, or an emergency exists or is believed to exist, university staff will not participate in
entry and search.
A legal search warrant entitles the name holder to search the area designated for specific item.
Entry and search is incidental to arrest or probable cause for arrest. If an arrest for certain unlawfully
possessed items is the result of a warrant or "hot pursuit", an incidental search may be made of the
immediate vicinity of the arrest (including the body of the person being arrested).
Note: Certain maintenance functions are contracted to outside companies. Individuals who provide
services to the university for such contractual services are considered the same as university personnel.
(See maintenance and service personnel entry/search.)
Maintenance and service personnel entry/search
Maintenance and service personnel may require entry to a room for maintenance or repair. They will
follow the established procedure for room entry: (1) notify front desk personnel who will call resident's
room; (2) knock on door. When a resident is not present, a notification that the room has been entered to
provide maintenace will be left.
Maintenance personnel are not authorized to search student rooms, but if during the performance of their
properly assigned duties they encounter or observe evidence of activities or articles in violation of
university rules and regulations and/or laws of the state of Florida, they will report such evidence to the
Resident Director or Housing Director.
Housing staff entry/search
The university is opposed to general room searches (search of a number of rooms in a given area in the
absence of "cause" to search a certain room). General room searches will be permitted only in the case
of extreme situations as determined by the Dean of Student Affairs and/or Director of Housing.
All room searches by OHRL staff will be cleared with the Housing Director or designee, unless an
emergency precludes such a delay. The room will usually be searched by a Housing administrator, and
observed by another Housing administrator. Following all searches, a written report should be prepared
by the administrator as to the details of the search. The report will be submitted to the Office of the Dean
of Student Affairs and the Director of Housing.
Rooms will be searched only with "cause" and the occupants will be notified of the reason for any room
search. There are two general situations that might precipitate a room search:
A clear indication that the established conduct, standard of health, or safety regulations are being
violated. This involves a judgment call and the OHRL recognizes that fruitless room searches can
quickly destroy staff- student relationship.
Emergency situations occasionally occur that make it necessary for a staff member to search a room
for a particular item.
Before any search is begun, present room occupants will be notified of the reason for the search (if they
are present) and will be afforded an opportunity to produce voluntarily the items or materials sought.
Only items that are specifically prohibited or that pose immediate danger to the health and safety of the
residents will be removed from the student's room without prior consultation with the owner. If this must
be done according to the terms of the above conditions, the student(s) will be promptly notified of the
removal and a receipt will be left for the item removed. If the item removed may be legally possessed by
the student, it may be claimed by the student but not retained in Housing.
(Also review Drug Policy and related search procedures p. 10-12)
Students are not permitted to sublet or assign their rooms or to use their rooms/apartments for
commercial purposes. Residents are not permitted to remove equipment or furnishings from any room in
University Housing. Room alterations may be made only in adherence to departmental guidelines.
(Also see Room Alterations)
See Complaints
Running, speed walking, jogging, rollerblading, skateboarding, skating, roughhousing, scuffling, use of
water guns and similar items, and the throwing, bouncing, or kicking of objects in the stairwells and other
common areas is prohibited.
Safety within Housing begins with the resident. The OHRL encourages residents to keep their door and
windows locked at all times, when you are in your apartment and when you leave it…even for short
periods of time. Also, door viewers are for your own safety. Please look out before opening your door to
Report suspicious behavior to the University Police (590-1911) then contact the Commons. Residents
should never confront a suspicious individual. Housing encourages students to get to know the residents
in the complex and in the student’s building, and to get a feel for people who normally would pass through
the complex.
When on campus during evening or early morning hours Housing encourages residents to walk with a
friend or use the University escort service.
The function of the Student Housing smoking policy is to ensure that students have the opportunity to be
in a smoke free environment if they so choose. Designated smoking areas are the outside smoking
areas indicated by signs. Any staff member or student can politely request that any other staff or student
adhere to the smoking policy and the designated smoking areas. If smoking occurs in an area not
designated for smoking the student may be charged with a policy violation and sanctions may include a
charge for cleaning. Once three notices within an academic semester have been received, more formal
disciplinary action will be taken.
The office of housing and residence life does not provide storage for residents in or around the buildings
without the approval of the Housing Staff. This includes but is not limited to:
Jet Skis, and
Lawn Furniture.
All living rooms and bedrooms in the student apartments receive the basic cable stations offered in Fort
Myers as a regular part of their room contract. This service is provided by FGCU as part of the cost of
the room. Students are responsible for the hook-up to the cable jack. The use of satellite television
receivers and dishes are prohibited within the Housing Complex.
The National Weather Service issues two types of tornado alerts: tornado watch and tornado warning.
Residents should be familiar with this distinction because it dictates which course of action to follow.
Residents should evacuate if they are requested to do so. Residents must follow the instructions
indicated by university officials and emergency personnel.
A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been sighted in the immediate area.
In the event of a tornado warning:
1. Open room window several inches.
2. Close room and apartment doors behind you.
4. Do not remain in any area that has glass windows.
5. Cooperate fully with all Housing staff members.
Please do NOT tie up the phone lines to the Police with inquiries.
(Also see: Emergency Evacuation and Drills)
A tornado watch signifies that atmospheric conditions are such that a tornado may develop. The National
Weather Service will issue a tornado watch for a specific time period and geographic area. Residents
should monitor television and radio weather bulletins to listen for details and changes in weather
Please note that in emergency situations and other situations (such as housing overflow, fires, flooding,
etc.), the Housing Department reserves the right to add additional roommate assignments to any room or
apartment for a limited period of time.
The Housing staff will not give out a resident’s apartment number. If residents also do not want their
phone numbers given out, they must inform the Commons and Registrar’s Office.
Students are allowed to remain in their apartments during the various university holidays on condition of
their contract terms and length. Housing will be closed to residents during the time period following the
final Summer check-out and Fall move-in.
Vacuum cleaners may be checked out for one hour from the front desk with the resident’s FGCU ID. Due
to the limited number of vacuums available, students are asked to return the vacuum cleaners in a timely
manner. Vacuum cleaners are provided as a service to residents and should not be removed from the
apartment complex. (Also see equipment available)
Residents who remove, destroy, or deface any property or area related to the university or Housing
Department (including vandalism committed against the elevators, ceilings, and grounds surrounding the
buildings) are subject to disciplinary action and will be required to pay for any damages and fines.
Affected areas may be temporarily shut down from use because of vandalism.
Persons who lose money in vending and laundry machines should report the loss to the Commons front
desk staff. Persons who lose money in a washer or dryer should contact the Commons front desk staff to
report problems and request refund. Refund will be left at the front desk at time of repair.
Abuse of vending or laundry machines only aggravates whatever problem exists with the machine and is
Frequently staff members must confront residents and their guests in order to remind them of various
policies. Unfortunately, residents sometimes persist in being argumentative, respond by shouting, or
make rude, vulgar, indecent or obscene comments and gestures to the staff member. Anytime this is
done within earshot of the staff member; it is considered verbal abuse. The incident will be automatically
referred to the Director or designee regardless of how minor the initial policy violation. Major violations
will also be referred automatically to the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.
Policy on Public Viewing of Copyrighted Videos for Entertainment
Due to restrictions outlined in copyright law, the showing of copyright videos for entertainment (i.e. motion
picture or other audiovisual work) is not permitted in the Housing Commons building or other public area
within North Lake Village. Even in those instances in which only on-campus residents are permitted to
participate, viewing of copyrighted videos for entertainment is prohibited. Exceptions to this policy are
those instances in which a license is obtained (i.e. purchased) from an appropriate vendor (i.e. Swank
Motion Pictures, Inc.).
Residents are permitted to view copyright videos in apartments presuming that the viewing is not open to
the general public and the number of individuals in the unit at any given time does not exceed safety
Permission to use copyright videos for educational programming may be obtained from the owner of the
copyright; written evidence of this approval must be made available to the Associate Director of Housing
& Residence Life prior to posting of advertisement for the event.
Visitation refers to the privilege of having guests within a student’s room. Because Housing is part of an
academic environment, a visitation policy has been established to promote an appropriate environment
conducive to studying or sleeping. Further, a visitation policy has been established for the protection and
comfort of all residents. Below are the boundaries of the visitation policy.
General Visitation Rules:
Visitors are allowed in apartments or rooms from
Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 1 a.m. each day
Friday 10 a.m. – Monday 1 a.m. (on condition of the apartments visitation
If a resident wants to have a guest visit after 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday, the resident’s
responsibilities are:
The resident must have a roommate contract on file from the entire apartment stating the
agreed upon visitation hours. (Please visit with the RA if roommates are having difficulty
agreeing on an appropriate time). The resident needs to turn in the contract even if all
roommates agree to no restrictions.
If one roommate is not compliant with the contract, it is the responsibility of the roommate
who is unhappy with the situation to inform the RA to get the problem resolved.
The resident is responsible for his/her guests’ behavior.
Noise must conform to standards established (See quiet hours).
All students in an apartment are personally responsible for upholding visitation hours (even if
the guest is that of an apartment roommate.)
No apartment may be used for visitation unless all
roommates agree. (Also see guests)
Visitation is considered a privilege within the Housing system. Because the rights of all residents
must be considered in regard to any guests in the room or apartment, even within regular
visitation hours a resident’s request for any guest to leave (regardless of the guest’s gender)
must be honored. The Housing Department believes that the residents residing in the apartment be
able to comfortably study, nap, or enjoy their privacy at all times; the safety and security of this
environment could be compromised if unwanted guests are present too often, or if guests refuse to leave
because they are visiting within posted visitation hours.
Students are encouraged to decorate their rooms; however, they should be cautious about creating
excessive damage to the apartment. Any damages resulting from nails, screws, double stick tape, or
tacks shall be repaired by University Maintenance. Costs to repair excessive damage to the apartment
shall be charged to the resident. The student should not attempt to repair various damages, as such will
be done by Maintenance.
Postings visible through the window or blocking windows are prohibited. (Also see room alterations and
Waterbeds are prohibited.
In the State of Florida it is a felony to be in possession or use a weapon on State University properties.
Use or possession of any weapon including but not limited to rifles, shotguns, handguns, BB guns, air
rifles and pistols, bows and arrows, knives, daggers, swords, spears, brass knuckles, or ammunition is
Similar to the justifications for an administrative search as noted in the drug policy section of this
handbook, a student’s room could also be searched for illegal weapons by the Housing Department or
Police Department (depending on with whom an official report was filed). THE PURPOSE OF ROOM
During serve weather watches and warnings, residents should be prepared to take proper precautions.
Windows should be closed during thunderstorms and battery operated lights should be kept close at
hand in case of a power failure. Residents must be prepared to evacuate to the safe areas of their
buildings when tornadoes are likely.
On rare occasions, the University will close during hurricanes or severe storms. Housing will remain open
unless an official evacuation is recommended. Students may learn of the open/close status by phoning
590-1900. Students may also consult radio or television stations to determine if the university will close
due to inclement weather.
Due to the sensitive nature of our heating and air conditioning systems as well as safety and security
issues, residents are encouraged to keep apartment windows closed and locked. Residents who have
their windows open while running their air conditioners may be accessed an additional charge. Blocking
access to windows is also prohibited.
Be sure to check the University Catalog and Student Guidebook or with the Office of Dean of Student
Affairs for a complete listing of all services.
The wellness center, located on the main campus, offers students various fitness, aerobic, and weight
equipment for students to stay in shape. Additionally, hundreds of students are involved in recreation at
FGCU; whether it’s a weekend scuba trip, spending afternoons in the Wellness Center, playing intramural
sports, or out canoeing, students are getting active. Physical activity can help relieve stress, loosen up
tense muscles, clear the brain-fog caused by extensive studying, and offer great opportunities for meeting
people, making friends, and having fun. The Office of Recreation and Leisure Services provides
recreational opportunities for students, faculty, and staff in intramural/extramural sports, health & fitness
programs, club sports, and outdoor adventures. These services are available free to students residing in
Housing. All students using these facilities must have a valid I.D. card. For information concerning hours
of operation, call the Wellness Center At (941) 590-7935.
P&W is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of FGCU students. The range of concerns of
this office includes sexual health, alcohol and drug abuse prevention, sexual assault prevention, smoking
cessation, stress management, nutrition and exercise information, and emotional health. The Drop-in
Center is located in the Residence Commons (first floor). During Fall and Spring semesters, P&W is
open late several nights per week to help accommodate the busy lives of students. Peers CARE
operates this service, where students can come to talk with a Peer about health concerns, pick up
educational information, or use an online or CD-ROM education program.
Students interested in developing leadership skills in wellness, education, and outreach programs should
contact the office about Peers CARE (Counseling, Advocacy, and real-world Education). Please come by
the center or call 590-7733 for more information.
The Office of the Dean of Student affairs is committed to the improvement of the quality of life for students
and to the enhancement of their competencies as productive citizens. The office advocates responsible
behavior, supports learning and promotes the attainment of personal and cultural goals through varied
activities. The office also initiates various retention activities.
Staff members are available for general counseling or information and assistance with any phase of
campus life. In emergency situations special assistance can be provided for notification of professors,
medical withdrawal, etc. The office provides policy interpretations upon request, handles disciplinary and
social adjustment problems, and provides honors recognition activities.
The purpose of the Equal Opportunity Office is to provide students, faculty and staff an educational and
work environment free of discrimination, sexual harassment and intimidation. FGCU seeks to preserve
an atmosphere of openness and tolerance. This university is committed to maintaining and accepting
atmosphere welcoming to anyone who will strive to achieve his or her personal best. FGCU possesses
and values an interesting diversity among the individuals who make up its community.
Equal Opportunity Policy
FGCU affirms diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of a person’s race, color, gender, religion,
creed, national origin, disability, marital status, disabled veteran status, or age.
Complaint Procedures
Any FGCU student, faculty, staff member who has a complaint, or needs more information, regarding
discrimination or sexual harassment should notify the Equal Opportunity Office.
The University maintains health services to provide preventive medicine, special health programs and
advice, and immediate triage for some on-campus injuries. All students must show a validated FGCU ID
and a picture ID when checking into the Center for care. Health Services is staffed only during certain
hours of the day. For all emergency situations dial 590-1911.
Students having a medical and/or physical condition which could necessitate specialized medical care
may be required to furnish records from their private physician to the Health Services Director.
The primary concerns of the University Police Department are the safety of all members of the university
community and the protection of the state and personal property.
University police officers are certified by the state of Florida and they are empowered with the same
authority as municipal police officers. The FGCU Police Department is responsible for the enforcement of
state and local laws, as well as university rules and regulations. It also offers such services as parking
and visitor information. The University Police can be reached at 590-1900. The EMERGENCY number
for the University Police is 590-1911.
The University provides a centralized employment service for students who desire part-time jobs to assist
them with meeting their educational expenses. As a service of the Office of Student Development, the
Student Employment Service assists students in securing jobs both on and off campus.
The University provides counseling for students through the office of Counseling and Student Health
Services. To schedule an appointment for personal, career, academic, or other purposes, please contact