Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
Florida Gulf Coast University
Department of Physical Therapy and Human Performance
Physical Therapy Clinical Education Policies
Clinical education is an important part of the physical therapy curriculum.
It is the time for students to apply and expand the knowledge and skills they have
learned in class. In order to assure the optimum experience for students and
therapeutic and safe examinations and interventions for patients, students must
demonstrate competency in all appropriate practical skill checks and practical
exams prior to beginning each clinical experience. Students are in clinic at the
invitation of the clinic and are expected to follow policies of the facility during any
clinical experience.
During clinical experiences, all FGCU, College of Health Professions, and
Department of Physical Therapy and Human Performance Policies are
applicable. Refer to the FGCU and the Department of Physical Therapy Student
This document contains policies, procedures, and information relevant to
the FGCU Department of Physical Therapy clinical education program. It is
utilized by students, core faculty, and clinical faculty and serves as a reference
and guide in matters related to clinic. It is updated yearly and as needed.
Prior to the first clinical experience students must sign that they have
reviewed the clinical policies and agree to follow them.
Securing New Clinic Sites
Any party (faculty, clinician, or student) may identify potential clinic sites.
The Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) has the following
contact the Director of Physical Therapy or Center Coordinator of Clinical
Education (CCCE) of the site,
visit the site if local, phone interview clinic owner/CCCE of sites (further than
2-3 hours drive from FGCU)
determine suitability of the site based on the criteria and needs of the
initiate the procurement of the Affiliation Agreements, the Clinical Center
Information Form (CSIF), and other pertinent material.
In normal circumstances a site visit is made prior to establishing a clinical
agreement and assigning students. When a student is assigned to a clinic prior
to a site visit, the ACCE or designee will visit during the first student’s clinic
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
Minimum criteria for clinical site selection*
Clinical affiliates meet the following minimum criteria prior to being utilized as a
clinical site:
The affiliate practices ethically and legally.
The affiliate supports physical therapy clinical education.
The affiliate employs an adequate number of clinical instructors (licensed
physical therapists) to provide appropriate supervision, including on-site
supervision at all times when student is providing patient/client care. In single
physical therapist practices, plans for on-site supervision by licensed physical
therapists are in place for those instances where the clinical instructor is
The affiliate has a variety of learning experiences available to the student.
The affiliate is willing to follow FGCU policies which will be made available in
the Clinical Education Handbook, posted on the FGCU Department of
Physical Therapy Website.
A clinical agreement has been fully executed between the affiliate and FGCU.
The agreement will be annually reviewed.
A Center Coordinator of Clinical Education (CCCE) has been appointed and
is responsible for coordinating the assignments and activities of students at
the clinical site.
The affiliate expresses a commitment to clinical faculty development.
The facility has adequate support personnel to meet the needs of the affiliate.
*These criteria are the minimum. Affiliates are encouraged to further develop
their clinical education programs.
Minimum criteria for clinical faculty selection**
Clinical faculty (Center Coordinator of Clinical Education and/or Clinical
Instructor) meet the following minimum criteria:
Clinical faculty practice legally and ethically
Clinical faculty are motivated and willing to serve.
Clinical instructors have one year clinical experience as a licensed physical
therapist. CCCE’s have two years clinical experience (as a physical therapist
or other appropriate experience).
Clinical faculty have an understanding of the clinical education/clinical
supervision process.
Clinical faculty are willing to make a commitment to continuing development
of clinical teaching skills.
Clinical faculty have a commitment to timely and effective communication with
students and Department of Physical Therapy and Human Performance
Clinical faculty are willing to follow FGCU policies as set forth in the clinical
agreement and Physical Therapy Clinical Education Plan.
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
These areas include but are not limited to, nondiscrimination, safety,
confidentiality, student orientation to affiliate, and communication.
** These criteria are the minimum. Clinical Instructors are encouraged to further
develop their knowledge and skills in the area of clinical education.
Clinical Affiliation Agreements
The affiliation agreement process is coordinated through the office of the
Dean in the College of Health Professions. A signed affiliation agreement must
be on file prior to the beginning of any student clinical experience. Students are
responsible for understanding and following the terms of the agreement.
Clinic Schedule
The physical therapy DPT curriculum includes five Full Time clinical
experiences, and one part Time Introduction to Clinical Education course.
Class of 2012
Clinical Education IV Spring 1 Jan 2- Feb 17, 2012
Spring 2 Feb 20-April13, 2012
Class of 2013
Clinical Education I Fall Oct 31- Dec 16, 2011
Clinical Education II Summer 1 April 30-June 8, 2012
Clinical Education III Summer 2 June 11-July 20, 2012
Class of 2014
Introductory Clinical Education Jan 30-April 13, 2012
& May 7-July13, 2012
These dates are subject to change. Every effort will be made to keep
students informed of changes in a timely manner. The clinic dates are
sometimes scheduled outside the normal semester calendar. Students are
required to attend the clinics as scheduled.
Procedure for Securing and Assigning Clinic Sites
During March of each year, the ACCE sends a letter of inquiry to each
active facility, requesting a commitment of positions for Florida Gulf Coast
University students during the following academic year are requested. These
offered positions are reviewed for variety of experience. If there is not sufficient
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
variety, additional positions with current or new sites are solicited well in advance
of the clinical experiences.
Clinic Site Assignment
Students are assigned to a variety of facilities in order to assure
experiences with patients having a variety of diagnoses/disabilities, ages, and
practice parameters. Each student must experience patients with orthopedic,
neurological, and medical diagnoses, in the following format:
DPT Clinical Education curriculum
Clin Ed I: Second year Fall (7 wks)
Clin Ed II: Second year Summer (6 wks)
Clin Ed III: Second year Summer (6 wks)
(II and III may be combined in one 12 week clinic, if experience provides
sufficient variety or complexity level)
Clin Ed IV: Third year Spring 1 (7 wks)
& Spring 2 (8 wks)
Type of clinical experiences and schedule
Clin Ed I or II- OP Ortho
Clin Ed I, II, or III- acute care
Clin Ed III, or IV- SNF/IP Rehab/ HHPT
Clin Ed III, and/or IV- Specialty choice and/or other OP
Each student must see patients through a wide range of ages and experience the
implementation of management concepts. Students have the opportunity to
examine information about specific clinics prior to submitting a list of top choices.
Students will not be assigned more than once to a facility unless the learning
experiences are significantly different.
Student assignments are made three to nine months prior to the beginning
of the assignment. After assignments are made, the ACCE notifies the clinics,
including those not receiving assignments. The assignments not used are
released in order to allow the clinic to offer the positions to other Physical
Therapy Programs. The ACCE has the final responsibility for making clinic
assignments. Students are not guaranteed placement in their top choices
and may be assigned to clinics outside the geographical areas in which
they live.
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
All expenses including, but not limited to, travel, housing, and meals are
the responsibility of the student.
The ACCE is the liaison between Florida Gulf Coast University, the clinical
sites, and the students. Communication is maintained by mail, e-mail, telephone,
group meetings and individual meetings. Students and clinical faculty are
encouraged to initiate communication with the ACCE during clinical internships
when any student is having significant difficulty with performance or behavior.
Students should communicate with the ACCE if there are issues that have not
been resolved after the student has spoken with the Clinical Instructor (CI) and
CCCE. Academic faculty have access and are encouraged to participate in the
on-line ANGEL discussion, in which clinic related topics are discussed led by the
The ACCE, with assistance of core faculty, is responsible for
communicating levels of performance and material covered with the CCCE of the
facility. This is done through verbal and written means, prior to the beginning of
each clinical experience. It includes the student’s sharing of the Psychomotor
Skills Log with the CI.
Students must communicate with the clinic several weeks prior to the
beginning of the internship. In addition, each student must submit a completed
Student Data Form, prior to the beginning of the affiliation.
Progression to Clinic
Students must be in good standing in the Physical Therapy Program
including following the Professional Behaviors Plan, and have completed the
appropriate prerequisite courses prior to participating in clinic assignments.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled clinical experiences. The
clinical instructor determines specific schedules, with the student expected to
follow a schedule that is similar to physical therapists in the clinic. This might
include some evenings, weekends, or holidays. Clinical courses are designed to
include at least a 35 hour workweek, using a schedule equivalent to staff
therapists. Some clinics may have varied hours. Students are expected to adapt
to the clinic schedule. Students who miss clinic are required to make up the time
in a manner that is acceptable to the clinical instructor. It is the student’s
responsibility to initiate a plan for making up clinic time. Students who are
absent or late for clinic should inform the clinical instructor at the earliest
practical time. Students are expected to follow the policies of the clinic
regarding time cards or other means of documenting clinic time. The student
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
should inform the ACCE, by phone or email, if absent for more than one
day during the affiliation. Students who are habitually absent or late will be
asked to sign and follow a learning contract that addresses the problem. Failure
to meet the terms of the contract will result in an Unsatisfactory (U) grade in the
Each affiliate must provide an orientation to the facility at the beginning of
the clinical experience. The orientation must include safety/emergency
Patient Care Responsibilities
The ultimate responsibility for patient care remains with the assigned
physical therapist. Students are expected to discuss with their clinical instructor
the mechanism by which patients agree to treatment by the student. Students
must always inform the patient of their student status and never lead anyone to
believe otherwise. If students are asked to perform examinations or interventions
for which the students have inadequate knowledge, students must inform their
clinical instructors and request a change of assignment or appropriate instruction
and supervision during the activity. Students must not be used in lieu of
professional or non-professional staff.
Ethical/Legal Responsibility
Students are required to follow the APTA Code of Ethics for Physical
Therapists, the Physical Therapy Professional Behaviors Plan , and the FGCU
Clinical Affiliation Agreement.
Each clinical facility has a Center Coordinator of Clinical Education
(CCCE) who is responsible for organizing the clinical experience and assigning
clinical instructors. The clinical instructor (CI), who may also be the CCCE, has
the primary supervision/education responsibility for the student. The clinical
instructor must be a physical therapist. The clinical instructor or another
designated physical therapist must be on site at all times when a student is
treating patients. The clinical experience may include student observation of
other professionals, however, the direct care responsibility for treatment remains
with the other professional. The clinical instructor’s supervision of the student is
close during the initial clinical experience. Supervision decreases as the student
becomes more adept in management of patient care. Supervision decisions are
always made on an individual basis considering the patient situation, the
student’s level of knowledge and performance ability, environmental factors, and
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
legal and reimbursement considerations. The clinical instructor maintains the
final responsibility for patient care. The FGCU ACCE or other Physical
Therapy Department faculty members are available for telephone and/or on-site
consultation regarding levels of supervision and other situations that might arise.
All patient information, patient records, and affiliate information are
confidential. Students must make every effort to respect the confidential nature
of this information. Students in doubt whether or not an item of information is
confidential should consult with their clinical instructors. Students must comply
with all HIPAA policies and procedures, as implemented by the affiliate.
Students will be evaluated using the APTA Physical Therapy Clinical
Performance Instrument (PT CPI Web). Clinical grades are on a
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis. A Satisfactory grade is required for
successful completion of the experience. The clinical instructor has the primary
responsibility for conducting the evaluation, based on the course objectives and
the evaluation instrument. The ACCE has the final responsibility for
assigning the course grade, utilizing information provided by the CPI, in
accordance with each course syllabus. On a case by case basis, a student may
be given the option of extending the time of any clinical experience in order to
reach the appropriate level of clinical performance.
Accommodation for Disability
All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate students with special
needs, following FGCU policy. Students must notify the ACCE of the need at the
time site choices are made. The ACCE will work with the CCCE to ensure that
the accommodation is appropriate.
Personal Health
Students retain responsibility for their personal health and well being.
Students must follow universal precaution guidelines and policies of their
facilities. Should students be exposed to any health risk or injury at their clinical
facilities, they must complete an incident report following affiliate guidelines and
report the incident to the ACCE within one day.
Health Insurance
It is strongly recommended that all students entering the program maintain
personal health insurance while enrolled at Florida Gulf Coast University.
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
Students should be aware that some affiliated clinical sites may require such
Immunization Requirements
Students are required to maintain up-to-date immunizations. An official
record of these immunizations must be provided to the Department of Physical
Therapy and Human Performance before October 1
each year of the
curriculum. All immunizations must be current for a student to participate in any
PT Practice courses and Clinical Experience/Internship courses.
Students must provide documentation of the following immunizations and
screening tests:
Positive Rubella (German Measles) Titer Test or Immunization
Positive Rubeola (Measles) Titer Test or Immunization
Positive Varicella (Chicken Pox, Herpes Zoster) Titer Test or Immunization
Current Tetanus booster (within 10 years)
Mantoux TB screening test within 1 year of application and yearly thereafter
A positive Mantoux test result must be followed up with a chest x-ray and
verification of inactive status
Hepatitis B (HB) Vaccine series (series of 3 immunizations at 0, 1, and 6 months)
and positive titer results (A student signed waiver for the Hepatitis B Vaccine
series is also accepted by the Department of Physical Therapy but may exclude
you from working at certain Clinical Sites due to requirements of individual
Some affiliates may have additional health requirements. These
requirements are indicated in material provided prior to the site selection
process. A student choosing a facility is also agreeing to the health stipulations.
The student is responsible for the cost of emergency and other health care
during clinical experiences. Affiliates are responsible for assisting students to
procure treatment as needed. Some clinical facilities may require proof of health
care insurance. The clinical affiliate has the right to require injured or ill students
to leave the clinic if they place themselves or others at risk.
Provider AED, CPR and First Aid
Students are required to complete AED, CPR and First Aid courses for
adult and child (American Heart Association BSL Healthcare Provider Course, or
equivalent) prior to participation in any practice courses, clinical practice or
experiential learning experiences. Copies of signed proof of instruction in AED,
CPR and First Aid must be provided to the department prior to October 1
year of the curriculum. Certifications must stay current in all areas while students
are enrolled in the Physical Therapy Program. Failure to comply with these
guidelines may result in dismissal from the Physical Therapy program.
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
Criminal Background Checks
Students in the Physical Therapy Program are required to undergo a
criminal background check. This is at the students’ expense.
Timing: Students are required to undergo the background review by
October 1 of the first fall semester. Failure to undergo the initial criminal
background check by October 1
may result in administrative withdrawal of all
courses in the program of study. Withdrawal from the program courses could
seriously jeopardize the student’s ability to complete the program requirements
and graduate on schedule.
Rationale: Health professional students and health professionals often
treat vulnerable patients at risk. In order to protect these vulnerable patients,
criminal background checks are being required by the university as well as many
healthcare institutions. It is important for students to realize that they may be
prohibited from sitting for the licensure exam if they have certain misdemeanors
and felonies on their records. In addition, if it is likely that a student may pose a
threat to the welfare of program faculty, staff, students, or patients, the student
may be denied continuance in the program. Students who refuse to submit to a
background check or do not pass the background check review may be
dismissed from the program. Additionally, clinical sites may require additional
specific background reviews and/or drug screen prior to the student commencing
a clinical education experience.
Level 2 (National- FBI) criminal background check through Live Scan
Digital Finger printing is to be completed by the FGCU University Police
Department. All students pay at the cashier office and bring the receipt to UPD to
have the fingerprinting done.
FGCU has an agreement with Certifiedbackground
(www.certifiedbackground.com) to perform all other students’ criminal
background checks. This company’s background check will consist of the
following components:
Florida Statewide Criminal Records (FDLE)
Social Security Verification
Residency History
Nationwide Sexual Offender & Predator Registry
Unlimited Out of State County Criminal Records
Nationwide Healthcare fraud and Abuse Scan
o Medicare & Medicaid Sanctioned, Excluded individuals
o Office of Research Integrity (ORI)
o Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
o State Exclusion List
o FDA debarment Check
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
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Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
o Office of Inspector General (OIG)-List of Excluded
o General services Administration (GSA) Excluded Parties List
U.S. Patriot Act
o Terrorism Sanction Regulations
o Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC)
o List of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN)
o U.S. Treasury
o Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties
Once the background check is completed, additional background checks
will only be performed when the student self reports a violation or when the
clinical affiliated site requires a more recent or more extensive background
check. Further background checks are also at the expense of the student. Each
student must report within seven calendar days to the program director,
ACCE, and the Department Chair, any arrests and/or criminal charges or
convictions filed subsequent to the completion to the most recent criminal
background review.
For further information regarding criminal background check processes
and procedures, please refer to the FGCU Department of Physical Therapy
Student Guidebook p. 49-52.
Personal appearance
Attire is determined by the community facility policy and clinical
instructor/community supervisor. Student attire must be consistent with the
physical therapists at the clinical facility. Students are responsible for requesting
the dress code policy from a clinical site prior to the first day of clinic.
In all clinical facilities:
1. Long, dangling earrings or large loop earrings are not permitted.
2. Hair should be pulled back if it will potentially dangle when leaning over.
3. A well groomed personal appearance should be maintained at all times.
4. Artificial fingernails are not permitted.
5. No body piercings except for the ear (limited to two per ear).
6. Visible tattoos must be covered.
7. Watch with a second hand.
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
8. FGCU student name tag (or name tag provided by facility).
Name Badges
Students are required to purchase name badges through the FGCU
Bookstore. The name badges are worn at all times when the student is in the
clinical setting. The name badges clearly indicate student status. Some facilities
require an additional identification badge supplied by the facility.
Universal Precautions/OSHA Requirements
Students must meet facility requirements regarding Universal Precautions
and OSHA regulations. Students must complete a 4 hour HIV course prior to the
first clinical experience.
Computer Usage in the physical therapy Clinic
The computers located in the physical therapy clinic are to be used for
professional matters only. Under no circumstances are students permitted to
check E-mail, “surf” the Internet for social purposes, or play games at any time.
Students may utilize the Internet for educational/physical therapy research
purposes only under authorization from a clinical instructor. It is strictly prohibited
for students to use the computer for any personal purpose during the clinical
Social Networking and Communication Resources
Posting of personal information or material of a sensitive or potentially
damaging nature on any social networking site (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter,
YouTube, etc.) is strongly discouraged. In addition, any misrepresentation of the
Physical Therapy Program, the Department of Physical Therapy and Human
Performance or Florida Gulf Coast University in text, photo or video format is
strictly prohibited. Failure to meet the terms of these guidelines will result in a
Failing Grade (F) in the course.
Personal Cell Phones
Students should not make or receive personal calls or texts while on work
time in clinic. The cell phone should only be used in case of emergency or to
communicate with other physical therapy staff members when permitted by clinic.
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
Sexual Misconduct
Students must follow FGCU and clinical facility guidelines regarding
sexual misconduct.
Liability Insurance
All students must purchase professional liability insurance, in the minimum
amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 per aggregate, prior to
October 1of the year students enter the program. Proof of policy renewal is required
annually and professional liability insurance must be maintained until graduation.
Students must provide proof of liability insurance to the Department Secretary.
Failure to comply with the liability insurance requirement may lead to dismissal
from the Physical Therapy program.
Problem Resolution
If a student has a problem in clinic, he/she should first seek resolution with
the clinical instructor. If the issue remains unresolved, the student should
discuss the situation with the CCCE. If still unresolved, the Academic
Coordinator of Clinical Education (ACCE) is available to assist with finding a
solution. In rare instances, students may contact the ACCE first. The ACCE
may be instrumental in helping the student find ways of appropriately
communicating with the clinical instructor. The clinical instructor or CCCE should
notify the ACCE by phone if a student is having persistent difficulty and/or is at
risk to fail the clinical experience. The ACCE will assist with seeking a solution
including counseling with the student and/or clinical instructor or making a site
visit. A student who places patients, staff, or self in an unsafe situation can be
immediately withdrawn from the clinic by the clinical instructor/CCCE and the
ACCE will be notified. See Affiliation Agreement. The ACCE will initiate further
discussion/action regarding the situation, in compliance with Department,
College, and University policy.
Substance abuse policy
The student is responsible for reviewing and complying with the individual
drug/alcohol and/or substance abuse policies of the affiliated clinical site to which
he/she is assigned. The Affiliate has the right to immediately remove a student
from the clinic if the student is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol
or illegal drugs. The clinical faculty notifies the ACCE who seeks resolution on
an individual basis, utilizing Physical Therapy program, College of Health
Professions and Florida Gulf Coast University Student Code of Conduct found in
the FGCU Student Guidebook for University Policies as a guide. A student who
attends clinic under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs can be expelled from
Endorsed by PT Clinical Affairs 3/11/99
Endorsed by PT Faculty Council 4/2/99
Reviewed by CHP Clinical Affairs Committee 4/12/99
Revised 9/16/11 -JVD
the program and the University. See FGCU Department of Physical Therapy
Student Guidebook for further details.
Florida Gulf Coast University
Department of Physical Therapy and Human Performance
Signature Page
I acknowledge receipt of the following and understand that it is my responsibility
to review the document and follow the guidelines.
Physical Therapy Clinical Policies
I understand that if I have any questions related to information contained in this
document, it is my responsibility to seek clarification from the ACCE.
________________________ ___________________________
Student Name (printed) Student Signature