Privacy Impact Assessment for
Federal Long Term Care Insurance
Program (FLTCIP) System
January 14, 2022
OPM Form 5003
Contact Point
Edward M. DeHarde
Deputy Associate Director
Federal Employees Insurance Operations
Healthcare & Insurance
Reviewing Official
Kellie Cosgrove Riley
Chief Privacy Officer
Privacy Impact Assessment
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The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) System is hosted
by an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Contractor. FLTCIP provides
long-term care insurance to eligible Federal employees, annuitants, active
and retired members of the uniformed services, and their qualified relatives
on an enrollee-pay-all basis. This Privacy Impact Assessment is being
conducted because the FLTCIP System collects, uses, disseminates, and
maintains information about Federal employees, annuitants, certain
members of and retirees from the uniformed services, and their qualified
family members.
The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Healthcare and Insurance office
(HI) administers the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP),
along with other insurance and benefits programs. FLTCIP provides long-
term care insurance to eligible Federal employees, annuitants, active and
retired members of the uniformed services, and their qualified relatives on
an enrollee-pay-all basis. All enrollees must apply for FLTCIP coverage
The FLTCIP System, including enrollment and claims administration
functions, is operated by an OPM Contractor. The Contractor operates a
website ( where individuals can access educational
information about FLTCIP. The website includes an enrollee portal, which
allows users to apply online and manage their existing accounts.
The FLTCIP System is used for administering enrollment, underwriting,
customer service and claims for the FLTCIP. It also interacts with the online
enrollee portal and collects and maintains enrollee information,
payroll/annuity provider information, eligibility status, and health
information received during the application and claims processes. The
FLTCIP backend database is hosted on a computer platform and stores
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records specifically related to the users’ online accounts and collects the
information from online applications.
The Contractor maintains controls on the system in accordance with industry
standards and practices. These controls comply with all applicable laws and
guidance. All Contractor employees receive annual Security and Privacy
Awareness Training. This Contractor-provided training addresses the
requirements of the Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules, allowable
uses and disclosures of information, and reasonable safeguards.
Section 1.0. Authorities and Other Requirements
1.1. What specific legal authorities and/or agreements permit and
define the collection of information by the project in question?
OPM, and the FLTCIP Contractor pursuant to the contract with OPM, are
authorized to collect the information in the FLTCIP System based upon the
authority provided under 89 U.S.C. Chapter 90, Long-Term Care Insurance,
and 5 CFR Part 875, Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program.
1.2. What Privacy Act System of Records Notice(s) (SORN(s)) apply
to the information?
The SORN that applies to the information in this system is OPM CENTRAL-1,
Civil Service Retirement and Insurance Records. HI is in the process of
regrouping the records currently contained in OPM CENTRAL-1 and
publishing corresponding systems of record notices. When a new system of
records notice is published for the information contained in this system, this
PIA will be amended.
1.3. Has a system security plan been completed for the information
system(s) supporting the project?
Yes. A system security plan was completed in connection with the Authority
to Operate.
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1.4. Does a records retention schedule approved by the National
Archives and Records Administration (NARA) exist?
No. HI is currently working with the Agency Records Officer to develop and
obtain approval for a records retention schedule for the records in the
FLTCIP System.
1.5. If the information is covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA), provide the OMB Control number and the agency number for
the collection. If there are multiple forms, include a list in an
The information in the system is not currently subject to the PRA process.
The Office of Privacy and Information Management will review relevant
forms with HI to determine whether PRA applies.
Section 2.0. Characterization of the Information
2.1. Identify the information the project collects, uses, disseminates,
or maintains.
During either the on-line or paper application process, applicants provide
their name, gender, address, phone number, email address, Social Security
number, date of birth, agency, employment status, billing information, and
Social Security number of the employee if applicant is a qualified relative. If
the applicant selects automatic bank debit for premium payments, they will
provide a bank account number and bank routing number.
During the application process, certain applicants will provide medical
information by answering questions needed to determine applicant eligibility.
During the claims process, enrollees provide information about their care
needs, doctors, and care providers, medical insurance information, other
long term care insurance, and durable power of attorney/authorized contact
information. Once approved, the FLTCIP enrollee is assigned an FLTCIP
unique ID number.
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2.2. What are the sources of the information and how is the
information collected for the project?
Eligible Federal and United States Postal Service (USPS) employees and
annuitants, active and retired uniformed service members, and certain
qualified relatives provide the information that is contained in the FLTCIP
System via a paper or online application process or by providing the
information over the telephone to an FLTCIP customer service representative
who then enters the information into the system. Information from a paper
application is entered into the FLTCIP System by the New Business team
Information in the system may also be obtained from an individual’s health
care providers if the appropriate authorization is obtained from the
applicant. FLTCIP underwriting applications have a Medical Release section
that an applicant must sign in order to have the application processed. The
release authorizes the FLTCIP Contractor and its subcontractors to receive
health information in order to provide contracted services, including
underwriting, claims, and customer service.
Premium and employment status is received from payroll providers. The
FLTCIP Contractor works with the Enterprise Human Resources Integration
(EHRI) system to obtain information such as hire date, agency code and
payroll office indicator which assists with eligibility research and verification.
2.3. Does the project use information from commercial sources or
publicly available data? If so, explain why and how this information
is used.
FLTCIP receives United States Postal Service (USPS) address updates from a
vendor certified by the USPS, which verifies residential addresses of
enrollees. Decedent information is obtained from the Social Security Death
Master File (SSDMF).
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The Contractor verifies certain demographic information such as provider tax
identification numbers and also verifies date of death to assist with eligibility
and claims operations.
During the FLTCIP underwriting process, an applicant's medical records are
retrieved by a subcontractor and provided to the Contractor to determine if
the applicant medically qualifies to have coverage under the program. The
applicant signs a medical release form during the application process.
During a FLTCIP new claim benefit eligibility request and ongoing
recertification process throughout the life of the claim for an FLTCIP enrollee,
an enrollee’s medical records may be retrieved by a subcontractor and
provided to the FLTCIP Contractor to determine eligibility. The enrollee signs
a medical release form during the benefit eligibility process.
A separate subcontractor conducts benefit eligibility on-site assessments,
which are provided to the Contractor to determine eligibility.
2.4. Discuss how accuracy of the data is ensured.
The majority of medical records are obtained through a subcontractor
retrieval vendor who obtains records directly from the provider or the
provider’s designated record keeper. The Contractor provides the
subcontractor with SSN, Name, and DOB along with the standard FLTCIP
authorization to obtain medical records. Prior to a request being sent by the
subcontractor to a provider, the subcontractor will verify by phone that the
provider matches the provider information provided by the applicant and
that the provider has records for the applicant/claimant as well as being a
licensed legitimate provider that operates under HIPAA. The vendor requests
medical records from the provider’s office or record keeper using the
identifying information along with the authorization to obtain medical
Providers may also require a specific authorization to release records. In
these cases, the vendor would obtain the authorization from the
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applicant/claimant directly on the provider’s form. When the records are
received by the vendor, they validate the SSN, Name, and DOB to ensure
they match an outstanding request. In addition, medical records sent by the
vendor or the applicant directly are validated by the Contractor's
Underwriter/Care Coordinator by comparing key identifying information that
is normally a combination of SSN, Name, and DOB.
The Contractor incorporates Quality Control (QC) checks throughout its
business processes to ensure the accuracy of the information received.
Applicants are provided an opportunity to review information and certify it is
accurate prior to submission.
The Contractor validates each name and address against the United States
Postal Service (USPS) database to make sure the Contractor has the latest
name and address. The Contractor validates enrollee information including
claim number to verify that the enrollee is an annuitant receiving payment.
The Contractor uses the payroll providers to verify Social Security number,
eligibility, and employment status.
The FLTCIP System has QC checks built in to automatically check accuracy of
information or search for anomalies. For outgoing mail containing personally
identifiable information, the Contractor conducts manual QC checks that
include address verification.
2.5. Privacy Impact Analysis: Related to Characterization of the
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that information that is not necessary for a
business purpose will be collected and maintained in the FLTCIP System.
Mitigation: This risk is mitigated because the system is designed to collect
only the information that is necessary to accomplish enrollment and claims
and premium views in the benefit information offered by OPM through the
portal. In addition, effective procedures have been established to avoid the
unnecessary collection of information about individuals.
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Privacy Risk: There is a risk that the information in the FLTCIP System may
not be accurate, leading to erroneous decisions that could adversely affect
an individual.
Mitigation: This risk is mitigated by the Quality Control procedures
incorporated in the FLTCIP System, as discussed above in Section 2.4. In
addition, enrollees in the program have opportunities to view and correct
inaccurate information, as discussed below in Section 7.
Section 3.0. Uses of the Information
3.1. Describe how and why the project uses the information.
All information that is gathered during the application and enrollment
process in FLTCIP, or in the course of customer service interactions, is used
for managing enrollment and claims administration.
Social Security numbers (SSN) are collected from enrollees. Enrollees who
wish to have their premiums deducted from their government payroll or
pension must provide an SSN in order to identify enrollees in agency payroll
and retirement systems. Additionally, all enrollees who file and are approved
for claims must provide an SSN for tax purposes. All enrollees also have an
FLTCIP unique ID assigned which is used to identify the accounts in place of
an SSN, such as on direct bills and explanation of benefits statements.
3.2. Does the project use technology to conduct electronic searches,
queries, or analyses in an electronic database to discover or locate a
predictive pattern or an anomaly? If so, state how OPM plans to use
such results.
The Contractor uses several electronic searches, queries, and analyses,
including scheduled control and ad hoc queries, analyses, batch modules
that do reconciliations of enrollments and premiums, history search tools,
marketing segmentation queries, system reports, and system data scans.
The Contractor also uses aggregate information to improve the enrollee
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website experience. These are not used, however, to discover predictive
patterns or anomalies.
3.3. Are there other programs or offices with assigned roles and
responsibilities within the system?
Besides HI and the FLTCIP Contractor, there are no other OPM programs or
offices with assigned roles and responsibilities within the FLTCIP System.
The FLTCIP Contractor provides summary reports to OPM program
management in HI on a regular basis and upon request. They also provide
demographic data to the OPM Office of the Actuaries within HI. OPM
actuaries receive a quarterly report from the FLTCIP Contractor with general
demographic information about current claims, such as a breakdown of
claims by age and gender.
3.4. Privacy Impact Analysis: Related to the Uses of Information
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that the information in the FLTCIP System will
be accessed by an authorized user for an unauthorized purpose and used in
a manner that is inconsistent with the purpose for which it is being collected
and maintained in the FLTCIP System. For example, authorized FLTCIP
Contractor employees could utilize their access for unapproved or
inappropriate purposes, such as performing searches on themselves, friends,
relatives, or neighbors.
Mitigation: This risk is mitigated through the use of Role Based Access
Controls (RBAC) by the FLTCIP Contractor, comprised of employee
provisioning, permissions management, and access controls. Access to the
FLTCIP System by Contractor employees is limited to only the information
needed to perform their assigned duties. In addition, FLTCIP Contractor
employees are trained about appropriate uses of the data.
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that the PII in the FLTCIP System will be
inappropriately exposed in the system, leading to unauthorized use.
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Mitigation: The FLTCIP Contractor has undergone a review of its systems
by OPM to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability within the
system. The FLTCIP Contractor conducts quarterly reviews of employee
access to ensure all employee access to the FLTCIP System is in alignment
with NIST controls.
Section 4.0. Notice
4.1. How does the project provide individuals notice prior to the
collection of information? If notice is not provided, explain why not.
Notice is provided to individuals prior to the collection of information. FLTCIP
provides statements about the collection of information via a Privacy Notice,
and a HIPAA Privacy Notice found on the FLTCIP website. In addition, notices
about the collection and use of information prior to application and
enrollment in FLTCIP are provided on the FLTCIP website; through this PIA;
and, more generally, via the SORN identified in Section 1.2.
4.2. What opportunities are available for individuals to consent to
uses, decline to provide information, or opt out of the project?
The FLTCIP registration process is voluntary. Individuals can refuse to
provide requested information by electing not to enroll in the program.
However, individuals are informed that if they do not provide the requested
information, their application for coverage or request for benefits cannot be
During the FLTCIP registration process, individuals are provided with the
opportunity to opt out of receiving marketing material and the Contractor
stores this indicator so individuals will not be sent marketing material.
4.3. Privacy Impact Analysis: Related to Notice
Privacy Risk: There is risk that individuals will not receive appropriate
notice concerning what information will be collected about them and how
that information will be used.
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Mitigation: This risk is mitigated by the Privacy Notices found on the
FLTCIP website. In addition, notices prior to application/enrollment in FLTCIP
are provided on the FLTCIP website; through publication of this PIA; and the
SORN referenced in Section 1.2. Additionally, individuals are notified by their
agencies, which are responsible for counseling employees regarding their
rights and benefits. This risk should be further mitigated by the inclusion of
an appropriate Privacy Act statement at the point of information collection
and HI will work with the Contractor to put that in place.
Section 5.0. Data Retention by the Project
5.1. Explain how long and for what reason the information is
HI is working to develop and obtain approval for a records retention
schedule with NARA for the records contained in this system. This schedule
will incorporate the records retention requirements of the contract between
OPM and the FLTCIP Contractor. Until this record schedule is finalized,
records will be treated as permanent. Once the schedule is established, the
methods for disposing of records that are no longer eligible for retention will
be established.
Individual application and enrollment information will be retained in the
FLTCIP System for as long as the enrollee is eligible for coverage in order to
collect and administer premiums, process claims, and adjust coverage as
needed upon request from the enrollee or upon automatic adjustments to
accommodate inflation.
Pursuant to the contract between OPM and the FLTCIP Contractor, the
Contractor is required to retain and make available all records throughout
the life of the contract and to continue to retain all records that support the
annual statement of operations for a period of 5 years after the end of the
year to which the records relate. Individual enrollee claims records will be
maintained for 10 years after the end of the year to which the claim records
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relate. The threshold described above does not apply to records related to
open audits being conducted by OPM’s Office of the Inspector General,
provided the Contractor was notified of the audit within the records retention
timeframes. Specific records identified in the scope of these open audits are
maintained until the audits are resolved by OPM.
5.2. Privacy Impact Analysis: Related to Retention
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that the information in the system will be
retained for longer than is necessary to meet the business needs and Federal
requirements for which it was originally collected, or that it will not be
retained for a sufficient period of time to meet the requirements of the
Federal Records Act.
Mitigation: This risk is not currently mitigated but HI is working with the
Agency Records Officer to establish a NARA-approved records schedule. Until
a records schedule has been established, the Contractor will not delete any
of the records in the system. Once the schedule is in place, HI will work with
the contractor to implement the schedule.
Section 6.0. Information Sharing
6.1. Is information shared outside of OPM as part of the normal
agency operations? If so, identify the organization(s) and how the
information is accessed and how it is to be used.
The FLTCIP Contractor shares individual enrollee data with various
subcontractors where necessary to fulfill the underlying FLTCIP contract
requirements. As an example, the FLTCIP Contractor shares information with
a subcontractor that conducts on-site assessments for new and existing
claims to determine eligibility. The agreements with subcontractors limit the
use of the information and require compliance with Federal law and policy to
safeguard enrollee information. In addition, the Contractor uses commercial
print vendors for enrollee mailings to provide bulk mailing capacity; uses an
external vendor to perform address scrubs (i.e., obtaining an address
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preferred by the U.S Postal Service); and uses subcontractors to obtain
medical records used by the Contractor for underwriting and to conduct
benefit eligibility on-site assessments (as described in Section 2.3).
FLTCIP premium information is stored in the FLTCIP System however FLTCIP
premium functions are administered as part of the BENEFEDS contract and
covered under the respective BENEFEDS Privacy Impact Assessment.
6.2. Describe how the external sharing noted in 6.1 is compatible
with the SORN noted in 1.2.
Consistent with the purpose articulated in the OPM Central-1 SORN, the
Contractor discloses the records in this system in order to obtain information
and verification on which to base eligibility for application, complete
enrollment, determine benefit eligibility, and perform claims administration
and premium deduction. The disclosure is made in accordance with an
appropriate routine use in the applicable SORN, including routine use (k).
6.3. Does the project place limitations on re-dissemination?
Yes. Use and disclosure of FLTCIP information is subject to the terms in
signed contracts which limit re-dissemination for a purpose other than
meeting the requirements of the contract. For example, the Contractor and
subcontractors are specifically not permitted to use or collect enrollee data
for marketing purposes.
6.4. Describe how the project maintains a record of any disclosures
outside of OPM.
The project tracks all disclosures of PII and PHI through the Contractor’s
compliance department. The tracking mechanism includes the following
information: enrollee’s name; enrollee’s FLTCIP unique ID; date request
received; date information was sent; name of individual/entity to whom the
information was disclosed; if disclosed to a third party, the authority
allowing the disclosure; and the address to which the information was sent
or securely emailed. A copy of the information disclosed is saved to the
enrollee’s file for reference.
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6.5. Privacy Impact Analysis: Related to Information Sharing
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that information from the FLTCIP System may
be inappropriately disclosed outside of the Contractor’s facility.
Mitigation: This risk is mitigated by the fact that information maintained in
the FLTCIP System is only shared in a manner consistent with the routine
uses prescribed in the SORN identified in Section 1.2, and consistent with
OPM’s contract requirements or required by law. This risk is further
mitigated through role-based access controls used by the FLTCIP Contractor
to limit access of information to approved staff and training provided to
Contractor staff.
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that information, once shared appropriately,
will be further shared or used in a manner that is inconsistent with the
original purpose for which it was collected.
Mitigation: This risk is mitigated through the use of written contracts and
agreements that define the purposes for which the information is shared,
prohibits additional uses, and defines limits for any further sharing with third
parties or legal entities.
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that information will be lost or misused in
transit or by the receiving entities with which the FLTCIP System shares
Mitigation: This risk is mitigated by transmitting information via secure
connections pursuant to NIST standards. In addition, the FLTCIP Contractor
has activated security safeguards to monitor the movement of PHI and PII
within the company network as well as movement outside of the company
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Section 7.0. Redress
7.1. What are the procedures that allow individuals to access their
Individuals may access their own records on the FLTCIP website by following
a two-step identification and authorization process using a personal or
system user identifier and a password or other personal information. More
generally, individuals may request access to their Privacy Act covered
information by following the procedures set out in the OPM CENTRAL-1
SORN. Individuals must furnish certain information for their records to be
located and identified, including name, date of birth, and Social Security
number or FLTCIP unique ID. In addition, individuals requesting access must
also follow OPM's Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity and
access to records (5 CFR part 297).
7.2. What procedures are in place to allow the subject individual to
correct inaccurate or erroneous information?
FLTCIP applicants are provided an opportunity to review information and
certify it is accurate prior to submission and receive a full copy of their
application for coverage. Enrollees can review and correct their information
throughout the year. Since medical records are received from health care
providers, the applicant or enrollee must contact the respective provider to
access and correct medical information.
In addition, individuals wishing to request amendment of their records
covered by the Privacy Act may follow the procedures set out in the OPM
CENTRAL-1 SORN. Individuals must furnish certain information for their
records to be located and identified, including name, date of birth, and Social
Security number. In addition, individuals requesting access must also follow
OPM's Privacy Act regulations on verification of identity and access to
records (5 CFR part 297).
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7.3. How does the project notify individuals about the procedures for
correcting their information?
The FLTCIP website contains a Privacy Notice that describes how individuals
can access and correct information in the system. Additionally, individuals
are notified by their agencies, which are responsible for counseling
employees regarding their rights and benefits, and through publication of
this PIA and the OPM CENTRAL-1 SORN.
7.4. Privacy Impact Analysis: Related to Redress
Privacy Risk: There is a risk that individuals may not be able to access
information about themselves that is contained in the FLTCIP System or be
afforded adequate opportunity to correct that information.
Mitigation: This risk is mitigated as FLTCIP applicants are provided an
opportunity to review information and certify it is accurate prior to
submission and receive a full copy of their application for coverage. Enrollees
can review and correct their information throughout the year by accessing
the system. The Contractor offers several options for accessing and
correcting account information, including access to customer service
representatives by telephone, or by mail. Specific telephone numbers and
email and postal addresses are listed on the FLTCIP website.
Section 8.0. Auditing and Accountability
8.1. How does the project ensure that the information is used in
accordance with stated practices in the PIA?
The FLTCIP Contractor performs quarterly self-assessments of compliance
with the NIST security control framework. Triennially, the Contractor has a
third-party security firm conduct a FISMA (Federal Information Security
Modernization Act) Assessment and prepare all forms needed for the OPM
Authority to Operate (ATO).
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A formal development process exists for the systems that support FLTCIP.
The FLTCIP System is constantly reviewed for risk and during any changes,
the Contractor's change control board considers risks to the system and to
individual’s data.
8.2. Describe what privacy training is provided to users either
generally or specifically relevant to the project.
Annual training is provided to all existing FLTCIP Contractor employees as a
condition of employment. All Contractor employees receive annual Security
and Privacy Awareness Training. This training addresses the requirements of
the Privacy Act and HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, allowable uses and
disclosures of information, and reasonable safeguards. Security training
examines appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards. The
Contractor’s human resources department coordinates the on-line training
and maintains documentation of completion for each employee. This training
is also administered at time of hire.
8.3. What procedures are in place to determine which users may
access the information and how does the project determine who has
The FLTCIP Contractor has separate business units handling system
management, programming, and quality assurance. Users with access to the
Contractor’s transactional systems all have unique IDs. The Contractor
ensures separation of duties of individuals as necessary to prevent collusion
for malicious purposes, documents the separation of duties, and implements
this separation through assigned system access authorization and controls
for this separation via automated control programs. The Contractor requires
documentable evidence of its separation of duties, and information system-
specific permissions separate how users have access to the system.
The Contractor requires its management to review access authorization to
applications and systems. These access requests must be documented and
approved, and access is reviewed on a regular basis for appropriateness.
Additionally, the Contractor’s administration accounts are closely monitored.
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8.4. How does the project review and approve information sharing
agreements, MOUs, new uses of the information, new access to the
system by organizations within OPM and outside?
Any information sharing agreements are drafted with input from various
Contractor subject matter experts. The documents go through a review and
approval process across multiple layers of personnel to ensure completeness
and accuracy.
The OPM staff also reviews any information sharing agreements every three
years for renewal or as necessary updates are required. Any new access to
the system will be evaluated by the appropriate personnel. New uses of the
information are business decisions determined by the FLTCIP Contractor’s
Executive Management Office, in coordination with OPM.
Responsible Officials
Edward M. DeHarde
Deputy Associate Director
Federal Employees Insurance Operations
Healthcare and Insurance
Approval Signature
Kellie Cosgrove Riley
Chief Privacy Officer